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Contract 45120-B23
� � ��� �%,� j � ° 1 e 1� _� � �-- -- :"������i��� �-%�<j In ac�ordan�� with th� �r�t��sion�! ��rvic�s �?c�i���m�;�t :�igned �ehNeen Sentari iechnologies, Inc. ("Contrac¢Gr"} �nd fhe �ify of �or� Wc�r�h ("Cli�nt" ar "Cify") effe�tive as of N�vember 6, 20 ���nd ap�r�v�d by I�&C C�26551 on NovQmber 5, 2013 (the "Agreem�nfi"), this A�per�aix �-2 � is incc�r��r�aled ii�tc; i��� Pr�f�ssional Servic�s Agreement and here�y r��d� �s rc�llov�i�: � �h� term �i ihis wc�rk crd�r �n�l! b� �;<<�rid�c� �� �re� when all s�r��ices have b��n cornpl�4�� �:nc�:,r ihi� w�rk �ra�r �s ��r�f�:�n�l�:�� herei?i, b��t not later fhan the end d�t� ��t �or��i b�it�vdr. ?. �fhi� Work C3r���� i���c��c���aies by ;��d:��n .�d �.;E c�i t��� ¢�, rn� �nd condifions c�f the �rAf�ssiar;�! ��y���!ic�� A�re�m�.r��, �pe�iiic���y :f�� servi��s fia b� provided undei Se�ti�r� � c� s�,id �c�re�r�7�ne. �. The s�rvi��s ta k�� ��r`�,°;r,���{ �z�ir�r £�;� ; '�!'v�:�� �-: ��;�;;�r s��ail ��:; �; f�il�w�: � �..r: •t. :r,s �' � � E •: � •. Provide gen�ral oversight o�� the overail �2� �'ra;���i. i���c�io, �t, ���iill inc;iud�: � �evelpping and m�aii�i�ininc� prdject pi�r�� � GoordEn��ic�n �r�� �i�tec!r���i�n of �ctivi��ie� �r,�i�r�� ti�� di�������i �rojs�fi m�nagers an� �ih�ir �u�praj�cts � t��v�lopir?y and rn�ii��aini���c,� pro;��� au�ur��ent�iicri i;�c?��ir�r� but �a� limited to Gantt charts, F'�R�i ch�r ��, ridk�, is�LF��, ��m�����ic�ti�� ��, e¢c. � �evelopirig �aniii�g�ncy �I�n� � Careful m�nagemc�nt �f �roj��fi Yauc���t � ideni;fi�ation o� r��our�� r�c���i��rr�:;� i�s�/c�i �sfir�int� ai7� �c�te��tial e�ecfis an project sch��uli�� � �oorc�in�tion vvi���i ���g'iarn�rs �i�ci �i�k�hc�ld�r�s � Ghairin� v��e�kiy upd�t� m��i���s �✓ii�� �� �j��t ��.�rr�s ��on�uczir�g w�eF:iy c�r������n�� ��Il� i'�r ���i�:� w:ti�� ,ar:;j�c� ���nsor� or praject �te�ring cAmmitt�� a Con�ucting p�fi�doc ��d�i� �nv�tin�� w�i� stak�h�lders � VUriti�g r��orts and aravic�in� �i Enly��� �,E`,�! �r�:����t� iions ;�Al�tin� to b�ic�a�t, sc�edule�, risks, i: su�s, ,�ic. Appendir. B-23 Sentari TechnologiEs, Inc. f'age 1 of 2 �_� 7: , �' ` F - ;� r - ' s� i ) Per�onn�l assigned td pr�vid� s�rvic�e u��der this Work �rd�r: Name: Start �ate End Date: Payment Ter��ns: Paym�nY Rate: $82.Q0 p�r hour AG���D AND AC��PT�D: CfTY OF �ORT W��TH John �ikeris November 13, 20 i � Augu�i 7, 2014 S sa Alanis Assistan� Ci�y Man�ger ��t�: l 1� APPROVED AS TO FORM A�D LEGALITY: _ r��� �� �I�'►���'"'�',,� - �� :.� C- 5�5 I _ Cor�t�act Auth4xi�s�io� ���5�►3 - ���� Appendix fi-23 Sentari Technalogies, Inc. Page 2 of 2 S��v�,�,�=.1 =i �� ImINOLOCaIES INC. �E �1ca�L;E� ���r,r, ������ L�.,�, �_ �U�--�,n�t.�S �i�19 � II � I ��ie �� � __ �►��- : :�, . � • � . .,� l;;ti �� , •.,ritt��• IJ��.�IUDrn�n� ,� , r � � �,rlc� � Maleshia Farmer Senior Assisiani Gity Attorn�y l