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Contract 45120-B35
.i .. , b, '� t i � ,'.� a i . �./' , � � -- — �������tsd( '��'-''^�� I� �cc�rd�n�� wiih tf �� �'raf�s�ion�! ��rv�c��, ���r�� r�z�nt �igr��d bvtw�en Sent�ri T��f�nologies, Inc. ("Contract�r") �nd �h� �ity of ��rt VVar�n ("Ciien�" or "Cifiy") ef�e�five as of November 6, 2013 �nd apnroved by f�I�C �-26551 on November 5, �013 (the "Agreement"), this App�r�dix �-3� i� ir����ar�z,��tv� ir�'�c� �th� A�r��r���r�t and hereby reads as fo6lows: 1. The te��m oi iti��i� wor�C �;d�r sf-��i! ia� ex��ficl�c� iv ��a �vvnen ail se�vices h�ve b�en compl���d und�r this wor�t �r��r �� con��r;�l�,t�� ��erein, �ui not later fhan the er�d �afe ��� i�r�h b�l�v✓. 2. This Work C�r��r inc�i��ra�er b�i r�f�r�r�c.� �!I �� t�� f�rms �nd condition� of the Profes�i�n�l ��rvie:�s /�gr�Emant, v���vi3icaliy f'r�� services io b� provided under S�ctian 1 or s�id a�r�eri��a���. 3. Tf�� ��rvic�� tc� !a� p�r�om�o�� ��r�c��� f��sw �!'ti'«r� :��c��r �h�ll �� �s �ollows: i�" ��f�i0� �������f€e1���f����`��� I��rfor�n a vari�ty �f duti�� in the on�r�ti�r c�� �ssi�n�� r_�mp�;t�r �c�ui�mvnt; desigr and write accur�te and �ffiGier.t �ompui�r pr�gr�m�; �n�iyz� a�� solv� rrroder�te to highly com�l�x comput�r �rcbl�rn� ar� �i��iU,al���� r��iat�� t� �ssic�n�d division; r�sQ�rch, analyz� and �vali�at� n�w i��orrr�a�i��r t�ch�c�ic��:� ;�n��hods and techniques; ta perf�rrn r�lated c�utie� �5 assic�r��c�. �ur�ctions: 1. Overse� and coardin�te spec;�!i��d com���at�r �y�t�ms �nd coordinate ne�worlc, miaranc��, m�infr�m�, �r�d ,r��r�c�r�al ��a�n��ifier ini�ri�cing; pl�n th� di�tribution �nd in��racti�n �f h�r��t✓�r� �r�c1 �c��v��re comporQnts; wrii� n�cess�ry pro�r�m� �s ��si�n���. 2. Recommend �nd ���isf in i��� im�f�i��ni�ii��� �,� �o�l� �nd objectiv�s; esfablish sch�e�ul�s �na m�thoc�� for �r�vid�r?g iniormatian �ystems and services; impiem�r�: ;��iICP�S �Cld �JfOG�c�Llr�S. 3. Analyz� ir�far��,�tic��; pr�y��sinc� r�c;!�ir�r�g�its rec�uirem�n�� d�i�n�d c��rir�� sy�i�ms an�iy�s� ir��ta �ractiral �y�t�m ���i�n alicri��tiv��; p�;�i�i��t� YT10f�liiC�fl0f1 U� Clliii"�llf vy�f�rn�. -n�.+ �ysi�m�; �ranslat� logical, economical, and ir� ih� maintenanc� and 4. L���ign prograrn Iagic to r,omply� witn ��o�r�m �p�cific��iQns; wrife programs af compl�xity r�n�inc� fr�m mc�d�r�t� fa c�mplex �rimarily for cli�nt use; test dat� �r�d �rac�r�r��� �or �c:: �.ir��y. 5 Prep�r� t�chni�al re��rrs �n� #o�;�;d r�l�t4d 'cc� ��si�rnec� inform�fiion systems �r�d servic�s divi�idn; writ� sy�i�rr� �ic�cu��r���3fi�n sdr sfaif and cli�nts as Appendix B-35 SENTARI TECHNOLOGIES, !NC. Page 1 of 2 �� :i ; ��� � �� , �• � � � � ; ! i r;� C. �ontinuously monitor �� rd evalu��� �he �uality, r��pon�iv�n�s�, �fficiency and effectiveness of �s�igned ir�formaii�n �ysiem� programs, m�fihods and proc�dur�s; wark wifih �m�iQye�� on the continuous improvement of information systems and servic�s. 7. /�s a�signed, handl� networh, m�infram�; r�nid��r7g� and pers�nal computer infer�Faces, incl��d��g c���ign �r�� I�y��af, �� ��r��1u�� ��i���ive systems; prep�re d�tailed s��cifi���i�n� o� h�rd�iv���� ��d s�#iw�r� �om���r�eni�. � necessary; c�ocumeni �nd mair�t�in r�cord� �� prac�rµms de�ign�d anc�/or modified. Troubl�shoot �nci d�f�rmiri� �y�fi�m�.��ic �rid c���r��i�nal �roblems. P�rform r�l�ted duti�a �nd r��pon�ibilifii��, �s ,��c�uir�d. Personnel a�sic�i��d f� �r�vid� gervi��s ���d�r :i,�� VV�rk C�rd�r: Name: Venu Y�I�u�rthy Star� Date: November 13, 201� End Date: Augusfi 7, 20�1� Payment Term�: P�yment f;ate: $115.0�.00 ��r I��ur AGREED AND ACC�P! �D: a - . '� ��NTAhi i�Ch-IIVOLOGI�S INC. CITY OF FO�T WORTH �i����i��r� A��RtJVED AS TQ FC7�M AN� L��ALIiY: vam� Maleshia F�rmer Senior Assistant �ity Atforney K�r Y-�, — � c.+L; , � �VJI/��-�� (J���-1 �Y-%/Y�.,�..�C`.�-- ; i'[i�; i l -I Jat� Appendix 6-35 �' �� � � I SENTARITECHNOLOGIES,INC.�;p��,raCt PaU�ht�Y,iB��lO� Page 2 of 2 �.z I 1��- � I 3 fla�e - _� G� r t �(\,t,� V i fr •� `� ;�, �� � ' , ''' ` .'1 A�sistant �it� Manacj�r �afie: �