HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44799-A2 (2)!.9
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`•' Cily ot Fort Worlh -105
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TCEQ Contract#, 582-94-40080�rnendment#2
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�- ��- The Texas Cornmissron oxz Env�ironmental Quality (TCEQ} and the Ci�y n� Fort Woz�
(Ciiy) agxee to amend Coni:z�ac� Number 582�x4-q.oado to _exte�,d tk�e term oi the
contract by exexczsing the sing�e �lwn year rerzewaJ, aptzon xenewing the contract �l�xough
A�ug�ist 3x, zo��, to revi,se �he Scope of Woarl�, to include the Federa� Gz•az�t Number for
this cax�tract, fio i�clude the revised FederaI Conditions and Foxms, and. to increase the
t�tal coznpensation passible under the contract fio include funding for fiscal years (FYs)
2ox6 an.d 2ox�.. The Cx�ty will continue to opexate and main�ain five car�tznuous air
mo�itoring statioxzs (CAMS), one non�continuous air xz�or�xtoxing station. (NCAMS), and
the assaciated sites xn Fort Wolth, Texas.
TCEQ and the City ag�ree thafi i:he total compe�satzaz� possib�e undex this co�tract
is incz�eased as follows:
Oxigina� ContzacfiAinaunt (FYx4 &�`Y'�� — TCEQ Share)$ 2of,ggq..00
At�endmen.t No. � (FY7q.} �$ 9,7SY.66
Amendment No. 2(FY16 & FYx� -- TCEQ Share� $ 2o6,c�3q. o0
3'otal. Contract Amo�t � 4�4�0$�•34
T�EQ has revised th,e Scope of Wox•k and inco��pora-ted it in its entirety as
Attachment A oi this A�enc�ment,
$. TCEQ ha,s reuiewed and appxoved t�.e budget subzzaifited by the City, The Co�t
�uc�get sheet is hex eby �z�ciuded in its ent�rety as .Attachment S aithis
TCEQ has zx�c�u�.ed tha TCE� TDC Documex�tafiion Torm as Attachmez��k C
ofthis Arnendment.
7Co-taX Cont�.�ac�Arnount {Maximum TCEQ Obliga�ion); $40�.,086.84.
�'�Ze Federal Gxant Number fox this Coniract is 9005$2.
TCEQ has zncluded the revised k`ederal �ox�ditions ax�.d Fo�rxn� as
�1't�achment D o�F tk�is Amendrnent.
The term a��hc Can�xact is extended ta August 3x, 2017.
.All otlae� concli-�ions and reqcx�reme�ts of Con�tract Number �82--xq.-q.oa5o rem.ain
Page 1 of 3a
�T. WAR�'H, TX
Gity of Fort Worth - 9 05
Texas ComrnissYo�. on
�nvironrnental Quali��ly
� _� _ � �
Ramyro Garcia. Jr.
Prin.ted Naxne
De�uiv Directaz, Of,fice of Complzance
TCEQ Contract �. 582-74-4006Q Amendmenf �2
Ci.� o�Ii'ort Wor�h
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Fernando Costa
Prin.ted. Name
Assistant Ci.tv Mana�ex
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Cify of Fort �IVotih -105
TC�Q Contracf #: 682-14-40660 At11et1dtYtent#2
1_'_ �_ � t-�_�
T�e Pex%rming Party w.�.l ope�ra�e and rn�aantain fzUe con�tinuous air monitozing
s�ations (C.AMS), oz�e �an�contxnuous air monitori�g statzon (NCAMS}, az�d the
associated srtes zn Fort Worth, Texas in accoxdanee wz-t� the e�Fec�ive per�ormzng
Paz�.y quali.�y' managem�;nt pXan (QNIP), equzpmerlt s�andazd operating
pracedures (SOPs), the .Preventr:ve Mazrttenance rnsiruclians (.P.N.I.Z� .Manual, anc�
�exas Co�nr�assion on �nvz:ronmental Quality {TCEQ) quali�.y assurance �xo�ect
p�ans (QAPPs) per�ain�g tn the Sta�e and Local.A� Monitoxx�g Stafiions
(SL,t�.N�S) a�.d Paxticulaie,lV.fa�tt�r o� �2.5 Microme�ers or Less (FM2,�} progra:�as.
Docu.menta��az� is ava�abX� upon rec�uest,
�ite Name
x. .tcettea
a. Ax1in�
g, Eagle
q, i�arlre
�. ,Tohn,
6. �age
I+'A�. Site ofEAlta Vista Road,
Fort Worth
��o�. South Collins Strest,
A,x�lin on �
2qoo Har�isoxa.�,venue, �1
3�33 New�uthon Road,
2q.2o T.uisa L,ane, Alvarac�o
890o West�'reeway, White
CAMS — confinuous air monitoz�ing statiqn
NCAMS -non-continuous a9r rnonitoring station
�'he Pexfoxmi�ag Par�ty will operate any additional ax r�located a:tz�bxe�.t ai�r
n�a��tox�xxg eq�.ipxnen�, subject �o agreemezafi on appraprzat� compensatzon, at the
curren�ly �stabiished Qr ne� monitorz�g s�a�iazas as neec�ed or as a�reed upon by
bot� pax�tzes. In fi�ae evez�t o£ site xelacatzon, tia.e Peifoxmix�g Paz~�y wi,iX �otifq the
TCEQ imrnedia�ely, xeceive appxo�val pxzQr to �e�oeafiing the siie, and will operai:e
the si#:e ai� i;�e newloca�;zon.
Equipman� at Kellex includes one ozone (03} rnon�tor, o:�� solar radia�ion�{S1Z.}
na.onzior, and one mei:e�rological tower with sensnrs �o znoxzi�or ternperatuare,
wi�d speed, a�zd wi.nd directzon (m�t},
�t�ui�ment at Arling�on Mtinic,ipal.A�po�^t i�cl�des one oxides of nitrogex� (�iOx}
monitor, one 03 xx�.onitar, ox�e ��2,5 tapered oscz�Ia�i:i� microbal.ance (x�O1V�}
n�az�ito�c, one S�. �x�,ox�xto�, and one mel;eorolog,�ical �owex wit�� sensox�s to monztox
m�t. , .
Eq�i�;m.en� ati Eagle �a�ntaYn Lake fncludes ozae p� moni�o�r, one SR �rr��ni�or,
and one meteorr�Iogicat towe� wi-th sensors ta monil:or met,
Equipmen� a� Parkex Cou�.�y xneludes.o�;e Q3 manitor, one SR manitor, az�d ane
meteorological fiawer wifh�senso�.•s -ko maniiar met.
Pase a ot 3a
Clty of Fort Worfh - �05
TC�Q Contracf �: 582-14-4QQ80 Amendmenf #2
Equipment ai Jo�;nso� Co�.nty Luisa i�ncludes oi�.e canister volat�le organic
campound� (VQC) mo�ito� and one me-�eoralogical tower wi�h sensoxs ta
rrzoni�ar met.
Equxpment at Stage Coach incltzdes one frederal rQference methnd particulafie
xnatter af �o microme�ers or l ess (FRM PMzo) monitox .
I -;_-1 l� Ill � ' � Il. �� 1 y 4 M� � f t
A. Gran#s .
This contract is contingen� c�xz contzz�ued �edexa� fiznding �hrough gran�s
awarded under Section xo� o� the Federar CleanAirAct.
B. �e-Budget Approval
As z�eeded, ihe Ferforming Party� shall submi� ta the TC�Q Con.trae�
Admiz�ist��a�ox a�req�es� £ar re Uuc�get appxaval usin� a revissd cosfi budg�
sheet. Wii:hin 3o days of fihe rec�uest, the T�EQ will p�ov�ide co��rxxents, deny,
or approve the request. Re _budgei app�rova� shall be required far:
» cumulative trarisfers azriong direct cas� categ4x�es, o�, i�app�icable,-among
separately budge'ted prograrris of prajecEs �hat e�ceec� or axa expected ta
exceed the total cosis %r the current year's budg�t by �en p�xcex�� (Xo%};
• trans;�ers of functs allotted for training;
• key �exsannel c�.�nges ixa. cases whexe speciFied in ari a�plication o�t grant
award; .
• subcantrac�ing activifiies tha�C are cen�rar �:o �he purposes o�`�the award; and
s, when :ext�_a fitnds are avai�able fra�n.other local progra�as. to be used by �.h�
" _ perfo�rning �arty:: .
C. :Purc�ase �f Iterr�s �vex $xaoo.ao/Un�� :
Prior.to.purchase, the Pei�aimitag Par� zniist submit a xeguest and
--- just�ficatiori to-t�ie TC�Q Con�ract �ldmizai.s�trator �or a�p�9val ta puzr.�a.ase
items.with a uni� acquisiizori cost of $x,000.oQ or more�
D. Fiscal year (FY) zo�6.begins Sep�e�bex x; zox�; and ends August 3�., zorb.
, �'.:2t��.�beg.ins �eptez�n.b��r�x,2Qz6; and endsAugus�: g�, 2ox�;
E, CaTeiidai quari:ers are de�iiied as: � . , .
• �� c�iz�rte�r: Jauuary ��Nl�rch . . '
; � . 2�� �uai�ter: :A.przt'� �iirie - . . . . . . . _ . . .
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�neasiiremenfi dat� a�re e�p�cted �o �be`.coorcl�i�ated w�th t�ie FerF6imiri� Party's .
` _ - - _ - ---- - _-__ - -- __ - - _-_ -- - __=-_- -_--- - -_- = -- -_ _ �
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City of Fort Warth -145 TC�Q Contract #: 582-14-4oD60 Amendmanf #2
.A.. S'�avide t�e Perfoxma�g �'a�riy sta��w�it� x�zdi.vid�al vi:rtual p�ivate n�twarlc
(�P�73 access accounis to checX� t�e sxte status xezxa,otely d�trin� the term af
fihe coniract using the TCEQ's internal sfiatus repoxt webpage,
S'xovide �rain7�.g for eq�xpment operatzo:ns and other activztzes
designed �a increase technical capabisiiies required �o suppoxt thxs
ag��ee�ent upoz� xequest by the Per.Eorming Pariy.
�'rav�ide �zmified technical suppo� xelated ta equ�p�zxen� at the site by
phona ax emai�.
�, Conduct an�.ua� aix mo�xtori�g statzon fi.eld assessments.
E. D�signa�e s�af�to pxavide confiract oversigh�.
s Txav�is'I`i�zm {�x2)2g9-�.�0� zs the Contract Administrator
of contact faz �hzs con�aract,
s N1ax Heznar�dez (5x2)23g-oq.�i� is the Cont�act Mana�e�.
and. poiz�t�
• Heather Sfiewart {��2)239�52�x is the Air Qt�ality System (AQS} Data
a Melisa Peiers Kelly (,�2)2�g-q.g2� �is �he Lead Qua�i�Assvra�,ce (QA)
F. Provicie all rnonitori�g equipmant, parts, supplies, and consumables needed
for operation, repair, and maintenance oi I�eller, .Eir]ington Muni.c�.pa�
Aixport, Ea,gle Moun�ain Lak�, and J'ohnson Coun� Loni.�a ,
i�c��.ding rep�acem�:�t ofurisezv��eab�e equxpm�exzt.
�V. I'ex•formi�g Party RESPUN�ISILTTIL�S
A. Pxovide one primary npera�nr (with a xxa.inimurn ofisix mozlt;hs expe�ience •
with ambzent �ir x�:onitaxing equipment) and one bac�up szte o�eratox
(with sirnilar a�erience� %z• each site. 'These site �perai:ars musfi be
elecfiiicalJmechanieal grade �echniczans profici�nt in the use and
mnxn�enance o�mefieoralagical ha�dwaxe, xaonztazxng equipment, d�gital
voli meters, and pexsanal ec�xn.puters, All operators shall opezate i:he
equiprnent accoxcling to appXicabXa S0�'s, PMZs, Q.APPs, QMPs, and any
gttidance d�cum�en�s supplied by �he TCEQ Contrae� Administrator, �`or
any operations �er�ormed under this coniraci: i�. whzch the Pexfax�ning
Pa�ty xs not �sing TC�Q SOPs, �l•he Per.foxrning Pax�.y must deveZap i.ts own
SC1Ps and rn�st Xecexve'X'CF,Q appxovai p�rior �o xmpleme�zta�ion. It is t�e
responsibility o£ the Performing Party tc� ensure its staff is ac�eq�ately
trazned and g,ualified to perfo�m c�esignated �asks. .
B. At l�ast ane assess�rzent pez year should be expected. Moxe �xaquent
assessments may occur if significant ar persisient data qualiiy issues
occur. Tf �he data q�xa�it� objectxv�s axe not nnei, the Pex�o�rning.Party
must �roduce in wxit�g, with�n ,�a c�.ays o� notifica�ion:
o an assagrzable root catYse :for not 7neeting �his s�eciflcation;
� �the�Xng�ramznaticix�pac�;
� speci�ic cnrY�ective actiox�s take:� ax pXanned ta address fihe
nonco�formance and �xe�en� recuxrence;
e a ti�mel.i�.e fa:r carnp�:etzn.g eacli aci�on;
o the �neax�s by ru�hi.ch corxective actzar� cornplei:ion will b� documenl:ed and
veri�ied; and
m the znclividr�als xespansible fox zrnpleznen.tafiioi�,
Page 5 of 38
CEfy of �ort Wo�ih -105
TCEQ Contract �: 582•14-40060 Amendmenf �2
C. Possess and uiilize the raquisite i�ox�atio�, praetica� lrnowledge, techniques,
and skiIls to conc�ply wi� all federal and s�ate air monitoxiz�g ruXes, ixzcluding
thase Tisted in the effec�ivs Co�e of �`ederal Regula�o:�s.
D. Rec�u�st TCEQ approval for alI traveX xelated ta this contract, Once approved,
x�aake txavel arra�gernezais and cover associated expe�ses, s�b�ec� to
reYmbursernent by TCEQ as specified herezn,
E. Designate a�roject �2.epxesen�atrve who xeceives directions irom the TCEQ,
manages the pe��o�med wo�rk, and ac�s on behal:E of fihe Pez�orming Party as
an authorized rep��es�nfiati�ve.
F. Ensnre fihat the moni�oring si.t�s are opea�ated in compliance with aII
app�icabXe state and fed�xal aregulatians.
G. Mai�tazz�, trou�leshoo�, and/ar re�air any equipznenfi a� all sites, ax�d
p�rnvitde all �rrxox�ifioxing eq�ipment, part�, supp�ies, anc�. ��
cansumables n+��ded for operation, repair, and x�xFu�tex�.anee v�
Stage_ Caacri, i.neluding replac�men-� of uriserv�iceable
H. RespQnd to equipment iailures or malfitnctzn;ns by,visifixzg the siie(s} on �he
same day zffeasible, but �zo Xatex �han �h.e next business day.
I. Doeument all site ac€iv'ities in the electronic opexator I.og before Ieaving a�ite
whear� access �cs electronic Iog is availab�e and within two business days where
site access t� electro�ic logs is not avaiIable. '
J. �d�ntif�, ab�ai.n, anc� doeu�men� ariy necess�ry safeiy traiziing a�z�ua��y. Upox�
TCEQ request, provi�de proof of completed �aining. .
�, Enstxxe al� �xaixazng zs docurrientecl and racards are mamtained in accorda�zce
�,vi�rl�i fihe T'CEQ ���eri�ici�a xate o�at least ��earss az�d_that�they a�e ie�d'zIy
-. .
. _. . _ .
accesszb�e. ..:.. .. ....:: :. :: : ..:. ..__,-:- _: .- . - .: . : - -� : ----
- - . . ... ,
_ L. F�pspo�d,•w�`tt�xizi two �business days �o_inqu�,ries.arir�/o� actia�s xeqt�.ested�y
- --
iT�e: TCEQ: Pxovide ��pedited iriquf�ies by s�� clea�iliz�e,�. _-_.._:._. _._.
M. Ensure at leasfi ox�e op�xa�ar �s p�es�n-� daring al�_on-site audits and �
. assessxxie�.ts. -
�..: .
N: Ii.es�ox�d �wi�tl�z� two busxriess tlays �o si�e.a�.d ctinfiracfival uifoiznation '
xeques�s from the �CL�4 �antxact:A.dminisirator.
,_._ O. Ensur�:coi��ract d�li.v�xa�ile� aie_pe�rformec� ai�d deliv�red'on.ti�ne as
descrxbed xz� xabXe �.A - � . � _ . ; .. , . �
. ..
. ,. _ .. . ..
P. Usc: ihe �naneiat Status �e�art (F`SR�.�'orm; pxg�det� as Far�n x itiAp�en.di�
: . .. ..,...:,._ .. ._ , __.
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Q...'7.'Iie:;Peicfa�ii�zing:Paz•Ly:mUs�_match,hT�E�_e�pgndi.�ur�s_.b� cox���r��iutu�g 33 0 of .
__ �-: -. :__�.� -,�� :- :- :_._. _. __..:_._.. _ .
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� _ .:de�ri:c�i�sts;�iirig-��'a���ie_�erfoini7ng:pa- �':�s;cozi�ixbuix�n�.�kii�:�r�c�u�ired�iza�ck '
. � .�� . . _ -�_,� : � _ _ __
- ..-'—=_� :--.: :. ...... _ . .. _
,... . .. ... ....
_ .. ... .. . . _ .
- . _ __.--: P :..- _ :�' :.-. --.. . - _.--.._ ,_ - �. - ::�
: . fa� t e_ _ei'iocl s:ecXfied cin tli� invazc�: ..- :_ :_..
...............:...-_:_:__,:--_':_:__-__._:---_:_:-_:.__:..._;�--:_;_:___.___.�__-:_: .� -.:.:_ ..__;_::__..:._ ._;....:_:
. _......._ ....:....... ....._........ . ._ ,.
. V. D��GRIPTIUN';_t}F_;�,EI;T�E�L�Sy:.:�::-.:.:�-�:^-::.:.�._:;.-w_: _.:__ _. ;=-::=:_
'The Pe�rfo��n�t�� Pax�y:xnus�;.o�exa�le and-i:zzaiii.iain the'air nian�torin� sfa�ions and
si�es accordirig to tlie`eurrei�t �e�vrkaxing Party QMg,-T��Q�.QAPPs;_applicable
-.. : .. . . _....:_....... --- - - _ - - . .. . _ _ .
... .._-.. ..
_ . .. - -
_. . _.._.-._.. . ._ ._::. :.: .
Pa e 8 0€ 38 � .
: . � �... _..._ -:....:. _ . _. .
Clty oF Forf Worth - �i06
TG�Q Contracf #: 582-14-4006U Amendment #2
SOPs, a�z�. the PMI �nnanua�. TCEQ documents can i�e aceessed i;hrough tha TCEQ
RHaN'� pag� and are also availabl� upon rec�uest.
The Per.Eoxmi.ng Party must provide i;he foIlowing c�etivexables io ihe TCEQ in
accordar�ce with i:he schec3ule i� Table �S,A. �
Tab1.e VI.,�. Cvntra.ct Deiiverables
Delivearable Equi,pxz�exat l.Z.espaa�sibilii3es, Taslrs, andTimeframes Subxuitta:
Quaii�ty NOX> Qa, • AS part afthe SI.AMS/�oxder/N�ore ne�twoxk, Contraet
.Assuranee � 1VI,o FRM, participate in the annual review af ihe A�nistrafor
PxojeeiPlan i'M2,5TSONl, ,����Border/NCoreQAPP.Submil;
(Q_t�P�') �,�ew V�C, met, SR �e�sed/upc�ated appenclices detaiIing any
exceptioxzs ox dif£orer�ces in the �er.foxr�.ing
Party's implernentation of �hhe TCEQ QAI'P, or a
certii"xcatiozz that s�o ehanges were made, wxthiz�
3o days o�the xequest from the TCEQ's Confiract
, • By mutual agreernent, tiz� �'e�,fax:txuing �'az�.y an�
the TCEQ az�zay anaez�d fihe Q.AF'�' as necessaxyto
refiec� changes in. woxX�Yohe�ez�orm�d undex
Ybis coni�act.
Qu ality � . �- I�iOX, �s, •� minimum of 12o cTays prior to the biennial Coz�traet
Management P1Vlzo F`RM, e�ixation af the rnosi et�rrent TC�Q-approved Ad�inistratox
Plarz (QMP) PM2.b TEUM, Performing Part�' QM�', subxnit a draf� rev.iseci •
l�eviaw VOC, xi�et, SR Q�p a� a cez�Eificafi�on tkzat no ehanges we� e
madc to the exlstingplan fo the TCEQ Contract
p Ensuz•e the QMP adhoxes to EP,A.Requirements
far QicalityAssurance,FrojeetPtcros (QA/Ra)
and is a�pro�ved b� the xCEQ pra.or to fihe
• Byx�utual. agreernent, the I'erformzng Party and
the �CEQ may amez�dthe QMP asn.ecessaxyto .
reflece cnange,� in worlcta be pez�oz•xned under
this contract.
Prevontive NOX, 03i Cozzz�J.etethe �'MIs listed below; Leac3ing
Maintenanee PMjoFRM, • �.-o��,AnalyzerSampie.FnlefPccrtieutate.T'ilter �nviranmenfial
Instruciion (PMT) �'11��,s �EO�� .RBPIf1CGJ77tG'12�' �O3i N�X)> a zxuz�imum of every two ,Analysis axad Ais��ay
Campleti.on VOC, �ot, SR wealcs Systezr� (LEA,DS) via
o g�-ogo,Anc�ersen/TischPM'10 Ha�h TToXume �N
SatrtpterM'otorBrush Change,l'nietGteaning,
and GusketZnspectian, a minimum of every 9a .
dAys and at motoz replacement
s 8-o3a.B�IMroaoAir ConditionerFilter
Ctean�ng, a.miniz�num af ever.ygo days
• 8-18o BAM'zo2oAir ConditEoner Cteanittg, a
znininn.uxn o� evexy six months
a 26-x8o,ClimatranicsFr�6oTem�erature�oom
Ctecrninc�, aminiintun of everysuc �zax�ths
� 26�g6o,ItepTacerrzen�ofWir�dDireotionand
WindSpeecl8ensorsforClimatrottiesF46o, a -
minimurrz af once pex year and at failure
i�age 7 af 3f3
City af Fort Worlh -106
� F�
7CEQ Contraci�: 582-14-40080 Amendmenf #2
p 3-oga,ReptacementofAirCondiiioning Unit
ReixcrnAir Fitfer, a rninimur�.of every go d�ys
0 4-36o,AmbientSamp�eLineReptacemeni,a
minimum o� on.ce pex �ear �
• 5-g6o,�xhaustS`crubberCharcoalReplaoemeni�,
a z�uniznum of ance per year
n g-�8o, Zero.Air.Modure CharaoaT Scrubber
Reptacement, a rainimum of onee everg s�
mon�Ehs .
0 10-gdo, CalibrafarAir:inle�Fitter Chunge, a
minimum� of once pex year
a 3o-ogo, Sotarltad Cleaning, a minimum of
evexy go days
* 4:�-o3p, �'IsOMAir Conclition .�"iiter, a minixnuxn
of e�ery 3o days
� • q.�-o�oa, 3'EOMPM2.5SCCAdapterCieaning, a
minimum of evezy 3 o days
� q.x�o3qb,T.EO.M�ampte,£nletCteaning,a
minimum of every 3o days
• 4x�i8o,TEOMInLineAuxiliary�i�terChange,a
minimuzzx of every s� manihs
+ 4xR�.8oa, T.EC3MAir Condit-ioner G7eanir:g, a
. zizinimum of every s�t monfhs .
* Az�q�uture Q�zs deyeloped �£o�i�s eqiii�zaaez�-1
. witFi TCE ii6ti�icaiibiri - =
- . :. . :::...:......: : : : ...:....._ :_, . .
e AfEer PMI coinp�ei�on. . .
o Dacument PiVSZs Xr� �he site elecixonic
.. .
. , - ��erato�lag wlien compJ.etedwifihin twn (z)
- -- ., . _ .
.. _.
_ biisiries� 8ap�"v�h�;re�site aceess�o eleerranic
' � logs zs ziot ayailable. �
o Use-CheP.MlTrackirtgSprectdsheefprovidec�
' : by t1�a Contraet,f�dzninis�ratox fia 1ng PMI
� cozupletion bafore leaving a sii� where access
to thePMl �acktng SpreacXsheetis avai�ab�e
andwithiz�t�rro business days whe�re si.te
aecessto.;tbieP.Ml�raelcirigSprectc�slzeetis �
� not adail ble Submit the 1}MI Tr ck'n
a a _t g
- -: _ . •
. - . ..: _;S�irea�7s�ieetwit.�i'e�ch.quarterlyinyoice . . _ -
,. , .... ..
: . : . .. : . . . ... : : -. . . . witlun ozie �caleiida� �rzontt� aft�x: clo�e. of the .: ..: : .
__, ....._ - - - --- -
: .. _
. ::. ..
.. _ . fis�alc�uarter..::;;-.. . .
� . .. :: _ . ._..._...__. .- _. _- -- - - - - - --
: . .. .......... t.-.....---
_ .
- ..... ..... .:....... .
_ . _...--. :�:>.-: _ _ _ :-._.:-_.
, ... .. _ :
_ - .... Zz�ztial ...... . . . NOx,�Qa�>="_-=_ =e::-,.
- .. .... ...--- ------ �-
-: Deznoz�six�aiiorio�._..-P�V.[so:��V1r_:�_::� _=._
- . ... ...�:�. .. . .
_ _. .: --_.... .. _. _
:n�o�coj�n�ei�ei�eyiri-�11:: .. �
�- -
G'apab�xty (Ib�) : . T�IVY2.5` �E011+�;: .. _ . :_ qizalify a�swrance d�cum:�ixts: �: �.:
. .{e.g: Q1t�I�; �t)Ps) ::... _°; . : -
- - , VOC; me�; SZ2, : . . . .. ..... ..: . . .._, .. � : - .
, . . ..
. . . � . Wiilain`go days aftez�:-`rhe �i'fective �da�e of �his
. . ..,.... �
° -:;:.;= con'tr�c�r subs�ii� cdiii�Ie�ed x13� formg and.. .
- � , .. : . - : � : �sii�oxtiz�� �dc�t�iez�tatin;� ta �1ze'TC.�q Coz�tract.
. .Fkcimiuistcatoi�for aIl.ec�iiipxizetit a�ici a�� cuxxent :
�. _ - -.- -.-:.:T..: , _ . .
� � � q e a�ors: �iisure a11 site o eiators.iiemanstrate
' � : - - - - - - � - -- -"= -- - -
.::::,':. :. _
� � - : :::. :<`' � passzmg��Cs::.l;°:-°;- �:::.; :.� ;..=.._p;�=:: -..
. - • ...: :� . _ - • - . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. _.. _
,. . . ,.. . . . . . .-- .._.::::::�:-......:__. ..,. . .
, � ._ .-.-: , . :: �_uan.:ope�a�€�ris.�uceel=a£ierfJae_e£�eetivedateof
. . , ._.._
- -
'. _. � ^ : _ . : :�. _ �iis� _ tr�i�;:siihziriitc�i�a.� le��� fD.�%rmwiihin
. : �� : _ tOT'.. -
'.. -' _ -- -
__._....._....-.�--.. .._.. ::.::::.:--: - - = _ -- - - -- - --- -=
:.-:,<; ::. e �ape�a �.s: �e da �
, :: .
: . .....
o da s
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_....:._._ .: .... .:..: .... . . ---- - — _- - -- _
-.._..... . _
` � = ope�ratdr �er�io�s�a�es`a- assin 7
; .. . .._....._._� . ---= g
.. .. : - -
... . .
. . ... .. .. _ .:.. .
. - .. :. ._. . �:' .:_�QlI7.p�Q�C' &�I.TDCS USiil�Fol'I)11:..',
I . ._ .
,.. . - : . . . ,..,. _ . , _. - - -- - - _ .
- . .. . : : : :. .:
_„ . . . .. ....
, . :::.
.. • Pa9� 8 of38_:_. . . �
Cantract .
A�dministirator. - - .. - -- - _ .
-. �.,. .. ..
�e:::.-:_:I-=_:'_:__ _:_ .:..: ...::: :..:...._� =.. �i� -;:': _ ,.
i .. : .: .
city or Fort wortr, - �a�
TC�Q Contract #: 582-14-q0084 Amendment�2
D�livax°a�le Ec�t�prn.eanrt R.esponsxbil�iaes, Tasks, �d Tsm�fraxnes Su�bxni,tto;
Documeniation Form, �rovided in Attachme�t C,
andmake fi�e coxxzp�eted�orms and any
supporting docuax�en�tation available upon
ro aest.
Invoiaes, NOX, ��, o Subzx�it c�uaxterly in.�voices within one calezxdar Contxaot
c��artorly �'lV.txo FRM, mont�Z a£tar e�ose of �xscal quarters r-- 3 and Adrzlizustrator
Financial Status PMZ„TEOM, �,yx�in trvo caiendax months afterfiscaI and Conixaet Managar
Reports {T�SRs), VOC, met, SR quarter �. .
and ILelease af o��,sare in�voices include a datailed breakdown af
Claims aIl e�entl%tures. ,A.ny i�nappropz�ate expendiiure,
Subznissi.ox�s ineluc�ing items not related to theproject, wil�
result inthe invoiee being rejected.
� Subznit an �SR with every iz�voice, and a�inal
�S�2for-hhe las� invoica of thefiscalyear {FY}.
o Subanit a co�xzp�etedHisioricar�y Ua2c�erutilized
Business (�IUB) Progress,F�ssessnientReport
wi�. eveiy invaice,
e Subznit a complete� Retease of Qlaims form witth
final contract iz�voice ox rv�fihin two ca�endax
znonths af tez�mixzation of the confiract.
Final �'SRs NOx, �s, � By Octnber go af each l� i', snbmit a final �Sk �ontract Manager and
PMIo FRM, for this canfracC, Cor�i��act:
PM2,5 TEOM, . W��h t�.e �i:�al �SkZ, submii a list of praperty Adminis�hator
VOC, me�, SR purchased wholly ar partially with fitnds :fram, �
�izis aontract and having a unit acc�uisi#ion cos� of
$�,aay.oa ornnare.
e Ensure the 1�'SR saiis�'ies ih.e State £inanciaX
xe�ortang xequiremen�s for �.is coz�txact,
Data Collection NnX, 03, e Opexate contix�uous amUiex�� air data manifiors �.epoxt eontinuous
�'Man r�, aceording to a��licable QmPs, QAPPs, �OPs, and d ata �hrough I,EAbS
PM�,s T.�OM, �Mzs. ' via VPN or �rough the
VOC, met, Sk�, + Uperatenoz��eoz�tin�uous saznplers accordingto �n-site c�ataingger.
applicable QMPs, QAI'Ps, SOPs, PMIs, andthe
currentE�.A.S�lation,a��onitoringSchedulefound �bz�i�:non�
athtt�c/iwww.epa.�av�namtiif calendar,ht�nt. canfiinuaussamplesto
TC.�Q nr contract
o Once daily, zxtonitax continuaus da�a,in I��ADS to ��boratoxy,
ensure monito;r �it�tci�o�. Doeurnen� this xevie�+r
.in. the site electrozuc operatoz log and wzthin �iwo
business days w�aere siie aecess to e7ectroniclogs
is not avazlab�e.
� Moniior each non-continuous sax�ple colleciiazx �
to ensure seqnez�ti�l vaIid sazr�ples are collecleci.
Document this review �n the site eleciz'onie
opexatorlog a�ld within iwo business days whexe
site aecess �:o elsctronfc ings is not available,
• Infox m both fihe TC�Q AQS Da�Ca Caordinaior and
Coniract Administrator in writi�g w�tthin one
business day if azzy conti�iuous monii:or:fails i:o
coileet data for more than �8 continuaus hours or
wh.en two consecative nazz-cz�ni-inuans sam�l�s �
are misse�, orinvalit�.Additi�nally, submit a
� quareexZy data �ass sunamary report rvith each
:�:•� :�
Dafa NOx, Oa, o Txacl� and subznit data caznpleteness x eports with �ontraat
Completez�ess PMx� �'RIV�, the quarterly invoices within one oatendar mon�h Admiinistratoz
' ��2,s T���a aftex close of fiscal qua�rter. Within the �ata
V�C, met, SR �a�pleteness reports, include a deseri�tion of
.. . .. __ . . ._
: - . ;: . . . - . - .
_ -::..:_
: .. . .
_. _ . _ _ _.. _ . : . . . . Page 1 of: :..- _
C1ty af �orE Worlh -10b TCEQ Contracf �: 582-14-A0060 Amendment a�2
Deliverab�e Equuipmenfi Responsfbi�xiies, Tasics, andTi�mefrarne� �5ubxxa'rtta:
kzow da�a completeness was determined.
• Ensure data comp7eteness is a zninimum of 8g%
erznonzfor er month.
Data I �oss NOx, �3, Trac�c an.d subrnit data loss Repoz�ts wii}z �hie Coxztrae�
Re�s4rts PM,o FR�, c�uarter�,y invoices within one ealenda�rxn.on�h af�er Administ��ator
PM2,5 TE�M, closa of fiscal quarter,
VOC, met, SR
. '
Noai-eontinuons PM�o F121Vl, � Ship collec�ed nan-oonianuous 1'M�o sam�les Submit eolleeted
Sample Shipping VOC within two business days af collection ta �he samples to the �'C�Q
TCLQ or contractlaboratoryfor analysis, Ai�rl,aboxatory ox
contractedlabaxato .
I�ventozy �TaX,.Os, . NotifytheContractAdrninistrator3o dayspriox �ti��ract
Managemant and PMYo FRM, to, and a roznind�x within two business days o£, .tl�dxninistratar
Tteports .�'Mz.s T�C}M, eq�xipmentxeplacexnents. Docament all �
�OC, met, SR equipinenfreplacements in the eleet�t�n�zc
operatar lagbefoze leaving a sitewhere access to
electronic log is available and wiihin�two busixzess
days wher.e site a�cess i:a electronic Xags is na�
� �'rraclrazadsubz�itinve�ztoxyz�epoxts��htho
c�uaz�ezly invaices within ane calendar month
after clos� o��ascal quaxter,
�quipment NOx, O�, e Repo�rt equipxnenfifailuxes or malfiinetions in ���x��
Failuxe az�d 1'M,.o �'RNl, r�iting ihe same day as discovcred. Tnelude .�.dmi�aisfiratar, TC�Q
Sample Loss ���,6 TEOM, Sy�p�oms or ro�� cause, and esfimated Implementation
Repoz�ts VOC, met, SR #�r�.Efxaan.eto xestoxe daia col�ection. Teain, and�.TADS via
* Re�ort in wza.ting within one business day if any ��
continuaus monitor iails to collect data fo� more
� than 48 consecuti�ve hours or wk�en -lwro �
coazsecutive noit-coiitinuous sa�ples az e nr�iSsed
or invalid.
Monthly PMzo�`�M, e pe�rfornzvexxficatianswi.thinthefirstfive �?�����a.texas.�ov
Veri�icafiions and VOC business c�ays of each month.
�-��°x�� • Per%rm veri�Zcations after every calibraizon.
• Subxni� the veri�i catioax xeports wxthin. �ro �
business days afveziiicatiox� aompletion.
d Submit all failir�g verification reports,
6'.Che euxrent monthlyvez�fieafiioz� �oz� can ba
focrnd at httn: / /rhone,� /c�i-
bin�wortcsheet docs.pl.
SeasanaJ. �'MxoF�, s performqitarfierlyatiditswiihin�rst�xrrebusiness ?��i�fieec,�,tex�.�.�ov
Quai�rerlyAu�xts VOC days ofthe seasozxal quaz�er,
and �,epoz�ks � Sttbini�the audit reportwii�hiii two btts�ness days
i'age 1Q of 98
c��y af �o�wonn - �06
Caz�tcol Ck
(LCC) and
iCEQ Contract #: 582-14-46060 Amendmeni#2
.,� ....,..r�..,..,.� .,� .,.,..,<. K....,.,. �
• Sub�.axt audits pez�ormect due to izzstra�e�i
xe�air, z�odification, or replacernents within ii.ve
�business days of coxnpletinn of passing
• Snbmit all failing audits ta fihe TCEQ.
s Tlae cuxren� quaz�eziyaudit xepoxtfor� can be
%und at http: rhorte �e�i-
• Pez�oxxn aigbt I.CCs pex yeax, two pexseasozzal
quaz�er, approxinnafielY 4b days apaxl.
• Submit LCC repoxts witk���.two busiz�ess days of
t.�.e �CC conapletian.
� Submit all faaIi�g LCCs �o �.e TCEQ,
s The curxent LCC faxan. canbe found
SiteMaintenance shelter, s Mair�taineaehsitefreaoivegetationhi,gher�han L
f�aaco, ga�es, szx inches and trash or debz�s.
znettower ,������.��� site rernains lockeci and secure when
sia%F are z�ot az�-site. .
• Maintaintheznettowers,inGIudingre.placing
pulleys, slides, and cab�es as neec�.ed anc% greasing
. � exank handle where pz esent.
• l�ecoi:d all sxfis zn�aintenai�c� iz� fihe eleetro�nzc �
... _. _. . .
- :. operatorIogb@foreieaving a site wk��xa acoess �o .`
electronic l�g is av�iialile and wii�hiz� tc�io �business
days w}�exe si�e aE�es� to electroni� logs is n;ot
availa�ile. _
. .. . .. _ .
_, .... _, _.
.i 13y t)ei:o�ier g�: bf eac� IzX; assess caxaipliance with -
siting crlteria in 4o Code df �edera] Regulaiions,
Part �8, Appen.dix L; for al� sifes arid repoz�
°:' findings ta theTC�t� Loi�tract tldministratar.
�� �n-szte Quality NU:�, Os: • On `site eva�uatians of thepiragram wi]I occur � �f
ElssuranceA.�xtl�ts PM,o �'RNF, : only �vheii :c�eemed xzecessaxybq t�e TCEQ attd :.
. • I'M2,gTEOM; .. vi�iIl b� gbriductediz� aecorc�anGe�vit.h TCEQ OPF. ',
, VOG xnet SR : . .
. � ' . x8.o9.oi aiac�TGEQ OPl'zS.o;9.oa.'
, .. : . . -_._ .:-_ -_:._-...:- � - ... ::.
` - s_�N'xthin 3o d�ys af recekpi o� ar�:audit repo'rt,' ,
. - ..._.
-' _ := ` : :`�-; su�imit_�:ciii7ech�i�actitiriplanasdescribedin
. . �: - -_.:-=-:.-- :..::.. ...:..- =--:-=--.=-- -----
- - �.
.: ._ . . -: -Sectzozz°�t�;-.:-.`� ::_._ ;- :-.-•:.-.�. :.:. :_:;. :
- - - -- - -- - -- - - -- -- - -- --- - -- -- --- --
_ ..�:.:__:.-. .;:.- - -- - --- — -- - - - --
.... .: -:.: ...._ .......
�.: . .. .... . :. .. .. .. . . .. .. .,..... .; .. .
. _ �_Wx'f.�i�:,4c� i�ays.a�iear r8cei,pt Q���,�TCE� �eport
. ........ . . .....:....... . ..
. _... ,
_ _..... .. : --._ .
�_. .: ..-
-., -:: axas -- x�..--� : -.�'.�- �� :;:;z QF�co�_rec :an�_=.-:._:_ - .: :-. : -. - .
. -
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:._�_.:_;.: .._.__......:.:_.:_.:_,.= .,--:--:�.--..----=---=_-_--_� ._�--�.�ciefieie�icie�iio'�ec�-ii�:fl�eaudit. �...o -an�.-�e oi�-..�_�.�,.::::....._ _
� .. .__.__... � -:�:-�_----. ..... ,.:_ :: .
-. - ,.._:.-.: --:_:.�:.:._>:-::-::� _-:�-� :: �:- ,: -::.._.: �:-,:..-�-:::_-_-:_.:--:.-_-.-._ .::_:-:_-._-----__-?�-�- - -- __ - _ - - - . . ._ .. _
::.. : � - • - :. .: ..:: .: : :::ivi�ieTG�Q:�ny_defiexezzezes:tk�a�Lcazzrioi'^-h�e� .-_=-.�- .
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. . . .. .. : . �or."�ee�ec�:�wi�klxi�f�;e alloca�ei� �ime �'rame. -: -. - -. .
_._...� ... ...... ... . . . ..:... -
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� FY�2o16 ap d : . . NOx O$ i=-.:.::. ;:, _ . �- �:.: :
�.ead QASpecial�si : . _ �
: .. - . F3�2oi� Erid_ of- : �M�o FTtl�I; _ =:::._ :; =:: __ .Speexalis� wi�hiri
: Yea�. p1V.[z:s�OlVf;-:. .�::.:� .. .._::.:_, ::...:.:. �. ,
The�I:ead �i: E
Qiiestionxiaires � VOG;�met; SS�.:- ..;::`::; . . . Q ��
, ;- Questioniiai�efo
,.. ��OYqs): ::- .- . - .:,.:.,_. :::�:.�:_�. �-. -::'�_;•=. .
_ �. .: , ._: : ;:. : : : : - :.�nn�ri gik;��s;�
. � - coi�rzi�ntsii�;ust;,
of iniitiial°irec�izesi:: � ` arid Contract ..
�1�-ieviewthe : Adminisfrator .
� _._., .
: y �t�;� coxn�ileteriess.. : :
;�ea�. QA:�specialxsi::. .� : ; ::: .� . .
ss�ii a�i�/or:a ievised ' .
.. .. -
�---. s----
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.:.:.:_... ..... ...... .. : .----. ..-..._� - =- -- - . .._:.:.�1�. sia.a�inair�z�iits�t��e:subiriittet�_kotlieLeat�Q�.�:. .�- . .'�
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,. _._.. _.:. ._ ._:........ . :::::_-:.___:..:: ::=:_- .;-.�,.;=_Qi�es�ioii�zaire�:�lie�I:�eac1Q�4S .ecialist=�villissu.e::::;;:::_;-: :: ;r :::. :.:.:.::.;;...._ ..
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_ .- _ ..
...... .._ .,.
. . _ . . . _ _ ..: : . _ . . _ _ _ �'aqo-11 of-38_:= :.-
1'C�Q Contract �k, 582-14-4Q060 Amendment#2
beliverable Equip�r�.ant Respoxxszb�li�ties,Tasks,axxd�'im.efraxr�es Subini��o:
an EOYQ Itepoxi: which will inciuc�e qua7ity
assurance findings and comments regarding any
' quality assurance related'zss�.tes. A copy nf the '
�OYQ Re�Zort will be �xovided to the Performing
Paxiybyfil�e �ontxactAdm.iziisiratar.
• Witlun 3a days o�recczpt of the x�epox�fi, subzxut a
cozxectzve action p�an ta i;k�e Coz�txact
Ac�minisirator as desez��bed in Sec�ion N.B.
� V�ithin gn days afterxeaeipt oftheEOYQ Report
or as dixecked by �he TCEQ, correct aray
c�eficiencies noiedin the EOYQ Repoz� azzd .
in£ormth�TC�Q of any de�iciancies that cannot �
becorrected within the allocatedtime-frarne.
Perfarmance NOx, 03, e On an annual basis, �he TCEQ shall pex£okzr� PEs �GL�Q Calibration
Evaivations (PEs) PMxo ��M, for aceuracy a�� the mon.itors operated by the Worlc Group
PM2,s T�OTVS, p��orming Parly under this contract.
VOC, met, SR d���hinten days of xeceivzngnoi:ice.of a scheduled
aud'zt, cample�te and sabznit the required pre-
audz� questionnaire,
e Aftex the sc�eduled audit, if �lie data qua�ily
objcetives are no� met, �he Performing Parky '
must produce 9n writing, withiz� go days of
no�'�f`iaatian, a coxxective actzdn plan as desez�ibed
in 5ecfiion TV'.B,
5pecia3.PtYz�osa NOx,03, • Atleas�Eqodaysbeforexr�az�ztoz�ngbegins,submit Contract
Monitaring PMlo �ItM, a writfien req�.est to ihe TCEQ Contract ���xz�zstrator
�'M2.� T���: Administratvr fox appxoval of any speeial purpose
VOC, inet, SIt monitoring to be pex�azrrxec� undez the terms of
this contract. Tnclude a surz�zx�azy repoxt
c�escribing the special parpase monitoring to be
� Zf�xzoniiaz��gzs anticapafiedto continuefoz a
p�riod gr�aterthan. go days, p�r�orm quarterl�
accuxacy'aud�ts andbx-w�el�.yprecisianchecics,
ir� rhe case o� continuous moni�orin�.
� With quarCerJ.y data, su�mit dafia to t�e'I'C�Q in
AQS forznai: for special �urpase monitorang
eonducCed under the �exms of this contract.
o �ubznit a suxxunaryxepoxC o�zz�.oni.torix�gresults �
�vi.thin 4� days aftex coxnpletion of znonito�i;ng.
,l�,zanual I`t�X, Os, e CanductanAMNRuszn.g ez�tezaa in 4o Code af Contract
Manita�,7ng PM,.o�RM, �`ederalRsgulations,Parl�B.�.o. � ,A.dmiz�istrl-Eo�
Netwoz�k Reviaw PM2.� TEUM, e��r��tiate the adequacy oi �he ea�zs�ing networJ.c to
{:A1V.tNR} �7'OC, rnefi,. SR ���� Cuxxes�t state and federal :r� onitoz�ing
$ EnsnrethaAMNR�ncludes infoxmatinn onthe
networlc sueh as operatox names �nd con.taet
znformatian, equipment mndels and ages, '
ma�od coc�es, ec�uipment maintenance and
x�eplacement plan.s, local im�ortance of e�ch
sztejpaxa�neter, desxgnvaluet�re�c7s, andpragram
• Subr�z�L• tlae .A.It��iR by Jaz�uTzy 30 of eaeh rY,
A�c�ress any propased re�visinns to the .I�MNR
wifi�un g o days after receipt.
Page 12 of 38
Cityofi Fort Worih - �t05
TCEQ Contraci i�: 682-14-��064 �unendment �2
Del�tv�xab�e �g,uxpxtxexzi: �espc�x�sitbxliia�es, Tasks, anci'ik�aefirames Submit #a:
Changes to tb.e NOX, 03s 4 Aa�nuiiraum of 90 days �z7orta a proposed Cnntract
�o�itorx��g PNZza�`�, moclifi.eationtathePez�forxning�'az-�y's Adminisiratoz�
���x� �'�2•s ����, monitaringnetwoxk, submit a writtenpropasal
VOC,met,SR detailingihexnod�ifiication,reasonfoxthe
• mo�i�xcatiozz, and �rajected �meIineforfhe
�xzodz�xcatiaxz to t�e �GEQ Contx�aet
.�,dmixiist�ator. The TCEQ Coz�-txact •
Administratorwillreview and approv'e, or
disapprovo, th�proposedmodificatioz�wi�hin
that 90 �ay time period. �o not proceed wi.th fi�Ze
mod`zfzcation until receivingwritten appraval
�irozxa t�eTCEQ Co�fizact.�.dz�ninis�rafiar,
Oa — oaone. .
Slt —solar radiation
VOC-- volatite organic compotmds
�IOX — oxides o£nitxogen; inciudes �.itrie oxide CNO) and ni#rogen dimdde (D7flz)
PM�o TRM — Federal Reference method pai�iieulato maifer of io mirsometers oi less in diameter
met � meteorologicai equipme�rt for fnonitoring tempeaeatvre, wind speed, and wind cTirection
AQs — rlir qualitY Syatem.
Q.1� — qnal i�y assuxauca
itPTJ — Vii�tuaI �sivate Alet�voxlC
7.'CEQ — Texas Commission on BnvirQnmen#al Qaality
The Perfprming Pariy fs reqizi�ed �o provide'TCEQ with at Ieast an 8, percent (%)
q�ax�exXy data refiurn �rom all zx�on�:bx� and �amplers, If t�ie 8�% dat� return is
. _. .
no�� achieved; �ssx�abXe cause iri�ust be zde�.tified.within a_�eelr. after each mantl� _
end, .AssignabTe causes may include acts. of riatu�a (tornaci.oe:s� �u�rxzca�es, �ail,
e�c.), varida7ism,�or circunis�a�:ces b�yorid �he c�rii�rol a� the Perfdrining Party�,
... _
Neglect af �the site z�'zzat_an_assighable_c�iise; 7.'li�`Perfaxini�g Party �nt�s� aiso
�trz��� each cleliverable stat�d. in �his coritract.. Failure to m.eet �Che contract
c�eli.vexable�, and/or iIie 8�� data com�Ie�eness threshald, will r�quire coxxe�ive
ac�ioxY: Non.-co�xip�xance issues will,also arec�uize eprrectzve actzon and includa ."
� deviaiion �ro�n the doc�tmeri�ed procec�ttres outli�n�d i�i t�e cu�cxe�-� �ex�'oibnin.g
Par�y QMF, TCEQ Q.A,P�'s, applicab�e SOPs,°the PM� manual, andthz� contract,
:. _ . .-. _ :.:... ....:.... :, . . : .. . ...- _ ._ .. ... _ _
- - _ _ .. .. ..
_. :... -
_.. _ ....: . .. .... .... ._. - .. -- - _ _.
. �'aqe,13 of 36:_ . .
City oP Fort Wo�{h -1QG
TCEQ Contract�l: 582-1a•40DBQ Amendment #2
A�achmen� B
Co�t Budget � Match�ing Fiu���
Coope�.�ative R.ezxx�.bur��rnent Contxac�:
fox� SiateAg�nc�.e� and Loca.� Governm.enfis
x, Sudgefi. .A.uthorized budgeted expe�ditures for wox�t perfo�mad are as follows:
�udget Cat�g4zy� Totax P�rojs�t Cos�s
Sala�y / Wa$es � 54�747.aa
Fxinge B�ne�ts $ 20,0�4.00
Tra�el $ $oa.00
Supp�ies $ �.�.q�.00
Ec�aipznent $ o.00
Contrac-hlal . $ o.00
Coz�s�ruction $ o.00
4th.er $ ���355.00
Total Di�ect Cos� $ 87,q.00.oq
Tndirect Cos�s $ �.b,o67.00
C}ther ln--lcix�d �ontributions $ 5a,96�..00
Total. Corit�ract Cost $ ��;q,,4�8.00
Cost Share (g�%) � �0,96�..00
TCEQ ll�eirn►�ur�eane�nt.Amoun�: (6�%) :� xo3,467,00
a. M��ching Ftua.ds. Thxs Cont�ract r�qufres matching �tuxd�.
Pex�ozxn.ing Pax�iy �us� xaxatch TC�Q e�pe�aaitures by con�ri.bui:iz�g 3� pezcent (%}
af �he tota� pxoject cos�s as s�o�wxx above. Each in�va%ce must dex�aanstrate tl�at the
Pe�ormi�ag Pariy is coni�ributing the re�uii�ed rnatch for the period. spe�z�ied on
the i�voice.
g. Indixect Co�t Rexm.bursab�e Xiate. r�`he rezmbursab�e rate %a� this Conttac� xs
zr.�.8% of (+ehecic one):
� saXaxry� and fringe bene�'x%�
Cj modi�£i.ed �otal du•�ct c.��t�
❑ otTa:e�r d�rect co�t� ]ba��
l[f oih��r dix��c� co��l' �ias�, iden-tify:
Page 4� of 38
C(fy of Fort Wofth - 905
TCEQ Confract �: 582-94-G0080 Amendment#2
'�'hY� rate xs l�s� than ox equ�a�, to (�h�ek one) �
� predeterxrxinad ]�2a�e—axz audi.ted xate.that is no� subjec� to adj�us�ment.
� Negotrated Pre�.etermined Rafie---an experienced-based predefiexmined rate
agreed ta by k'e�orming Party and T�EQ. Tk�Xs rate is na� subject io adjustment,
❑ Default �ai:e--a s-landard;rat� of ten pe�cent of sala�.y/wages maybe used in lieu
of determin.ing t�e actua� indirec� cosfis o£ the sexv�ce,
O�ihex. If Budget Ca�tegory "�thex" is greater �$an $z�,000 ox mo�e than �o% of
budget total, zden.�i�'y the maix� constitusn�s: . .
�. � TSra�ve�. Tn oraer �o.be reim�bursable, �arav�l costs xnus� be specxfical�y authorized
in advance oi the txavel, Tra�el costs witll be reirnbursed only in the azx�vunt oi
aetual costs, up to the ma�imurn allowed by �aw £ar employees o� fihe Sta�e af
'�`exas at the �ime i:he eosi is incurred.
6. Budge�: �aiegorites. The Budget Categoxxes abave have th� defilutions,
req�irez��n�s and 1`zmitations sta�ed rn Te�as Uniform Granfi ManageYnent
Standards (i7GMS). Cans�ruction cos�s axe �o� reimbuxsa�aie withaufi prio�r,
specific wxit�ten az�.�horization frona TC�Q. ...
_ .. .: : .. ,., . .
�. L'_txc�.ge� Ccixa,trol. � .
'. .-
a. Cum�latxve t�a7n.s�e�r� �c�ua� fio or �ess �than �.o% of t�.e Tofia�.Su�et.
�'ei�oxxriing Par�y rnay� transfex amounis be�tween �he: appro�ed �ixe�� ccist budge�
cate�oxie� so �ang as cumulative transfeis £ror�i drreci:� eost-budge� cat�gciries
�.uring'�he Contract Periocl do not.e�ceed ten �ie�cer�t (�ci%). of ihe To�ta� Budget
ama�rxt; Pei£orming Party mus� iim�ly sub�i.t a�udget Ravision, R�c�uest (BRI�)
: Foiiri reflectixzg fihe revise�. bitdget. Upon. approval by TCEQ, �he BI.Z.R.�vi1l be �
xz�coxp�xated inio -ihis Conii�aci: as �though.it xs a�.ocu�nent xevised unc�er Ge�eral
�Ter�rx and _Coxzd�ifi�on. Sectxon x.2. The io% Iimii daes � afi rese� with the a�pz aval
`o�each BRR:: �t resets tivhen-an azrieni�znez��E zs si�;net1 �y' i:he pa�i��es �ef�ecting
cIianges i:o the bud�et. ...: : : .:...... : : .
__ .. ,- - - �- ---- ---.�._._-.-..�_...:... .._.._ . , . - - -
. . .... . . _...... - -- -- -
. . _ _. _.. ,..._ .._ ... _. ._-.-;:: -.-- ..: .-_- .-_.. - __ .., - - � - -- - -
. ::.:
_.. _ .. . .._ . .. .._
.rY_____'__y�.cS___�s'"_�_,.:1�__�� �'__�_.._�xT�_�_i_.��nt __i•i . . .. . . . .. ...
h�']C`oia� Suc�g�t._ TCEQ
. . _ "_._._. �t:..�...__1. . ....:.. _ .. � . �_ .-
o :O�:i71�
, . ..::- --. :.. ..:...... . : _.
, . .. .:.. . _ . . . . . . . . - -
. . . .... . . .. .... __ . . . . , . . :. . : -
: -- -:...r.._..:_.:. - - -
�. : .. .. -
-- =_-' - _... . . .. . _.__:_ .':i .: . - -
t eseEas�s:.-_ :.=-..-: --._......:..,_: _,:.. ._. . . _ :_._..�... ,::=-� _ .. _ .. -
_ :.. . ._......
_.:::�-.:. :.,.
;: ._.:. _ _ .:: . ...
:.-..:. .. .
:...:.... ... ....:.....,--:..a.::..�
� , c. Pei:�'ormxiig_k�x_ty_�i.ay riot �ra�sfer_.amou�ts ta. budgct�c��egv���s:co�ifia�ning.zero .
� dollars t�vithout TCEQ pxe�-apprc�va7 iri �nrrztzx�g,: � �_ �
. ..........:....�...:_:..: .:: . - . .. :
.. . . -._ _ ._ -- - . _ : _ - . .. . .
_::: : _ ,.
.. .
: S, inv_._oic�Sixb�iii�tal:: TT�1F,ss o��erwis�,stip�ila�edin:�lie-�o�x�tra��� frivaice�.rnust -
� . be s�bmitted �a �ke �ric�i.yidiiai rianaeci iri TC�Q Proj�c� R:�prese�akatxves a�a.c� .-- ._
. ... . .
_. _
; :_ :�tecords:Locatncin`at: qt�arterly inie�v�ls. Fi�al irivo�c�,s �shali.b� sul�mit�ed v,i�thin
. - . .... _ _ -.. ._ _ - __
_.. .._ ..::.
_ ...:.
. .
- - :: s .. Pa elaofi36- _. ,
� . � . . ._.:.._.; ... - - -�
;.; .
[ :: . . :_..... _,._._,::... ; :... , .. .: :- .< :: . .... _. .. _ . - : .. - . -- -. . _.. - - - - -
Cliy of Farf Worih - �105
TC�Q ContraCf #: 582-1A-90060 AmenBment �f2
two (a� cale�,dar mnr�t�as a�tez compieting the Scope of Worl� ac�i�vi.tzss. TCEQ
rnay uniXaterany extend this deadline by e-m.ail.
a. All invaices must be subzn��ted in a foxmat tha� clearly shows how �.a.e budge�
control requiremen� is bexz�g; m�et. .
g. 5up�o��ting Recox�d�. Pez�forming Party sha11 subzx�xt recoxds a�d �
doc�.mentation to the TCEQ as ap�a�copr�a�e for ihe review and approval o�
�eimbursx�.g costs. Th� TCEQ may reject in�oice� without apprapxiate
supporting documeri�ation. The TCEQ has �he right to xequest addifiiona�
documentation such as expenses fox ihe in�roice period, yearwto�date expenses,
px�ojected tatals far the year {or applicable coniract period), p�rcent of budge�
s�en.t to date, and peresntage of buciget projected ta ba speni. Per�ozming Party
shall maintain �r�cox ds subjec� to the terrns of fhis Coz�iracfi,
�o. Indir�ct �osts. Pei�ox���g �axiy's indirect cr�sts Ynril.l be reimbursed at the
reimbursabXe rate entered above. Tf no reimbuzsable raie i,s shown abave,
�ndixeci costs ar� nofi x eimbursable uncZex �:his Contrac�. The xeinabursable aate
must be less than or equal to the rate au�horized uncier UGMS. Ta the extent �hai
the reimbursable zats �s �awex than PerEorming Pax-ty's actual indixect costs,
performi�g Partyis contr.ibufiing i�s unreim.bw.s�d indirec� costs to �Iie suecessful
perforzna�ce o� this Co�trac�, and vvaives an� righi: i1: m�y have �o reimbursement
of those cosi:s (if this Contxact �:aqt�x�es z�.atching fi��zds, Pe�rForming Party xn.ay
claim ifis unrezmbursed �ndi�xect casts as part or al� of i�s match�. Ferfo.rxxiing
Party r.nust fund all unreimbursed indirect cos�s from ofilaex �.:�ds. Zt is fihe
Pe�.-fo�ming Paxty's xe; pax�sibility to ensure that u�axe%m.bur�ed indirect costs are
nat cha�ged -lo o�her projects which do no �ben�fit frox�z �ezz�, and tha� i� uses
fi�nding sources fihat may �e prnperly used �o fund its u�reinaUursad costs.
Page 1 B of 38
City of Fort Worth -1Q5
TQCQ Contract#; 582-�t4-40060 Amendment #2
Attachment C: �.t.�quired Form�
Foxm at: TCEQ IAC Dac�nentation Fc��rm
', S�; .t�unI�sxsl�xaceditz�e De�ztausEx�qfec� #� Expeslencecl A��lvst �tu� ba€�:
IIz, Ania�ysislPr.�acec2nxe �'er�nrme� by Tx s9�ee Ans�yst �nct 3U��e,
��EQ IDC D�cumentafion Fo�rm
li'': Re��ifs df Aiir�lys�s�''it�n
ticex�€x•n��� �eqitirecl by St7I';
.. . .
�p= . .. ..... ........._ __. . .. . . ... - --------- ----- -...- -. .
Fx �cisaou Tr.ec�t�iuert ��• SdP:
'4t, T��x+ul�uee .�xcR1 st: Sz ah�x�� aT
Pziut �'auze« ���ini� iV;�me;
Sl�uaf�ti�e: S�Tg�ztctu��e:
.. ; � Ein�Io�*ee D�: _ �
_ _ _.. _
V�� Su`�ez�visoii `N�nie: - - - -
� :.... ..:...:::..:... . ::..... . _ . _.
: :: . - .- :-...
. _. ... .
...-. _ -- -
7{'mory ttian oiae IDG was pertprmed, a#ach. all ID�s attampied iriclitding se}>a+nfe "'PCEQ 3i3C Documentatioi�
-- : _ .
- Forms'�foreachIDC:�;;. .
.. . .. . . �
_ : . . _..,...._, ;.; . . Pag�tT.of36 _
city or r-od worth - �os
TC�Q Contract �: 582-44-4006d Amendment #2
Page 18 of 38
City of Fort Worih -105
TC�G2 Contract #: 582-�14-A006d Amend�nent�2
, � � .. � f � f . � � " , �
This Agreezx�ent zs fizndec� in �rrhole or in part with federal grant mozzey. AiJ. applicable requirements o£
TGEQ's federal grants; z Code of Federal Regulations (C��i.) l�axt �oo, a�d any additianal fede� alfuriding
canditians �at ax�se duz�ng theAgreeman� pexxod, arg incor�paxated herein by reference. (TCEQ will
�provide copies of a��lfcable £ec�exaX gxanrts ar regulat�az�s t��on rec�uest). 'I'xze term "Performing Paxty" as
used �za. fihese Federat Conditions z�neans ei�her Performing Party, Gxa�tee, ar Contx�actor, as applicable.
A xoyalty free, nonexclusive, ax�d irxevocable ]icense to use, cop�, pub�xsk�, and modify any intellecCual
pxapErtyto which �ights ax e granted or assigned ta �'CEQ xzz tlaits .A.greeanent are also grantedto, assigneci
ta, or reserved by the �'ederal. Govez�ninent. �
The Pea�orix�.ing Party shali acicno�wledga -tixa fiz�a�zc�ai s�,p�ort of t�e TCEQ and i:he U.S. EkA whanever
workfitnded, in who�s or part, by t�Zzs Agreennent is pablicized or xeparted in news �zetiia or pubIi�at�oxas.
,A11 ra�ores and other documeiits coznp]eteti as a part o£�his ,A,�reement,. other than documents �reparei3.
.exclusively for infiexnal use wi�hin the TCEQ, shall cazxy t�Ze �o�lawing notatian on the front caver or title
This projeci has �been fiinded wholly or •in. part by �e U�x�hed.States Environmental Protaciion Agency
under assist�nce a�reezx�ent {n.umber) to'z`e�as Coz��nission or� Environmental. Qualit�. The contents o�
fihis cl.octizxient do not rzecessaxil� reflecfi tli.e views anc�. �olieies of �.e �x�vixonza�enial Pz'otection Agency,
nor does �he EP,�. endorse txade z�ames or r. ecox�z�encl the us� of eommerciRl products zxxeni�onecl in this
documant. .
I�'the ;�ndi�g sauxee i�s a U.S: agezzoy oi:}zex than U',S, EPA, the name of the a�propriate-£edexal agency
sk�ouldbesubstattrted. , -
AdZT3'C,�E 4. ,RECYCL;�'D MA'X'�'fi�"AL� .
�., W1xen Per.€ormi�g Partyprocures $xa,000 or more.af a designated ztezt�. xn. a fiseal yearfar l•his
�oiitiack or did so int�e pxecetlingfiseaI.yeax, �?ex�oxxx►xngPark�w'i11 seleettheitem coni:ainingthe
hig2iestpeirce�ii•.ags_t��z'ecyc�cdir�at��als�x�clicableasrequirec��i�42.U:S.C,6g62anc1.2Ck�k�. �
. _
.�oa:$22, This_requuemeui: dqes �.cit ap,ply �a i�z�[iisnta� p�rek�ases that ar� nat.a direet result of
� this Coniract Desigjnat�c�x�erns`axa�istecibytheEP�iinih�znostrecez�� Canso7zc�al:edRecovered �. .
,,:_. :.. .. . _ . . _._ . _
Ma�er�aIsAdtzisoiyNo�ice;-Z£t�aztezinwitl�tl��higfies��iercen�ag�a�xeepoledmaierialsd:oesz�o� �
:..... —. . _.- _
. _ �.:�iee�: ez�az�a�ice:sta�;c�a�rds or as=�i�=�;va�a�i�e ui a reasoi��b�:tiziie o� a�..a.rea_soai.��ile pxzee;.or-.: ;:: _ : .::- . :. : -:
- --� ._. __ __ .....:......:._._,. .._...._ .__. -.._-:. ..-:.,__ ._ _,.._............ .. .... . ..
thepurchase o�the�tem_would n.o� allow:a reasozzableIeve�.o�coingetitioirifPez��oz �ai�g Party may
seJ.ect x dif£eirezit �reixii._ INiE�i itts.�nvozee; l.'ezfoz�raing k�a�.�,y v�zl1 xeport an�puxciaases to �s+vhich this
. sect'tori_a�plies�:o,TC��and.ii�die�tet�r.epereentageafreeqclectmaterialsint,�:ezie�zspu�e�ased.
Z:f�'srfoiming�'artydoesziotse�ect�k�eiter7i.containingfi�e_Iiighesi�ercer�.tage.ofiecpcled .:. .
. mate�ials; i� will also s�at��a. reason: �.. . .
. _
2, ' p� e.rfnr R oi�is taEPA; �+Jl�.an direoCed�o irovic�e a er docixmerits; fihe Fe�ormin Par
.�. ._...;.. :� ... :...:...... ... .. . p. . . _ . P P . .. _ � �Y .
... ..._.
agrees:�o usc� iecyclec� pa,per_aii� ilouble sided:p��ixiiiaig for:al� i�epqrts �v�ch a�e prepa�ec� as a garL .
of tlus agreement az�d c�eXivere� fo �PA. .�Tiis xequtxex�xent d.oes not applp fici �epox�Cs �iepared an
� . .. _.. .... .. _. . � ..
. foxizas su�plzed by��.�.. -. .. - : .. . � � .
._ _ ._ _ -
__.. . . . .:. ... �_ �. _ _
. .. . . . : . . .. . ...... . . . . , .
� ,. .
. Paga:99 of _38 :,'.. . :
Gliy of �o1f Worth � 105
TG�Q Contract#: G82-44-A0064 Amendment #2
7. I'er%rming ParCy shaTJ. have an accounting systex�n �,vhie� aecouz�ts fifi'or costs ix� accozdance wiih
generally acceptec� ac�ounting s�andards ox pzinezple,s and compli�s wifih a CFR § 2oo.q.g. This
system shaJl pro,v�ide for tha zdentification, acciun:ulation, and segregation o£ altowable and
u�allowable project costs arn.ongpxnjects.
2. Perform�ing Pa�•ty shall cazn�Iy wi.th'thepraperLymanagemant xec�uirements of z C�R §§ 200.3�0
tl2rouglz aao.ga.6,
z. The l+ederal Gowernment and its agencies �will hav� the sazne rlghts of access to xecoa.�ds as axe
granted to, assigzzed fo, ar rese.rved bythe TCEQ under this.Agreex�aent. Tkle Pe�armiz�g �az�ty
shall maintain fiscal rec�rds a.nd su��or�-ing docurn,enta�ion for all expezzditures of funcls
�ursuant to z CFRPart aoo, Subpai�ts D and F, as apprapxiate,
2. St� aceordanca with 2 CFR 200. ,oi(a), the Performing Party shall obtain a single audit if it
expends $�50,000 or xnoz�e a pear in federal awards.
Pez�'arming Party sha�l ful�y coxnply wii•h Subpaxt C o� a C�'�t �axt x8o, en�itled "Res�nnsibilxtiss of
�'axiacipanfis �2.egax�ding Txaz�sactions Doing �usaness With Other Persons," as im�lernented and
supplezn.exated by 2 Ck`�t. kaxt :1,32. �ez�fo�na��zg Party is respotzsible faz ensuxing that any lower tier
covered transaetion, as t�escil�be�. in Subpart B of ,2 CFR ParC X8o, enti�led "Covere�.'�kaxzsaciaans,"
includes a fiexm or condi�ian requi�ing comp2ian.ce �wi.�.h Subpazt C. Perforzxaing Party is xesponsible for
ftxrlher requiring i:he inclusion of a s�milar term or condition in az�y subsequent lower tier covered
transacl�ons. Perinrzning Parky acl�iowledges ihatfailing to dxsc�nse the iuformation z equixed under 2
C�R§ x80.3g� may result in the delay or negation of thzs agreexr�enfi or pursuance of ]egal xemedies.
1'srforrning Party may access the System for Award Management
at: https;//wkvw.sam,�ov(portal jSAM f #1.
t. The Perfarming Parry agrees ta corn�ly wifih Tifle �(.o G�'R �'fu�h 34, New Resi;ritet�oz�s o� I.abbyxng.
Tk�e 1'erforming parly agrees fihat none oi the fiinds paid under ihis Cantract will �be used #o
en��ge in thg lobbyu,g of ihe �ederal G�vez�:nnent an cannection with obtaining any federa�
contxact, �rant, ar ot�.er award, or in Iifiigation against tha Uni�er� S�ates unless autho�zzed under
e�tisting law.
2. Tlae Perfarxning Parly s�all submii io fihe �'CEQ the EP.t� Cexii.�teatxoz� Rega:rd�ng r,o'bl�ying form
and if a��Jicable, the Disclosure of I.c�1��ying,lictivi�t�es fnzm.. The Pezfoxzning Paz�y 7cnt�sl: �ile a
- discXosure form at the �nd of each calandar quartcr zr� whic�a thexe occurs an� e�ren� that requires
disclnsure or that rrzatexially affects the accuracy a£the inforination contained in. any disclosuze
�'orm previously:C�.ec�.
3. In accordance wi.fih ihe �3yrd Anfii-Lobbyizzg Arn.ezxdzner�i, any reci�ien,t who matces a pro�aibzted
expenditure t�nder Title �.o CFRPart gq. or fails to fila ihe rec�uired eeriif'ication ox lobbyx�g foxzns
s�all be su�bjectto a civil penaiiy af not less than $xo,000 an.d nat rnore than $2oo,aoa for each
such expendi�re.
In carrying out �his agreement,lhe �:eclpieni: musC comply wit�c
a. Tztla'VI of ilze G5iv�3. �gtats ,�,e1: of xg6�, �,vhich prolazbxts d'ascrzxnination based on Lace,
color, antl natianal origin, �un eludix�,g linaited ��.gl�sh pxoficiency (L�P�, �y eaatities
receivii�gFedexalfinaneial asszs�anes.
U� ����Q� 504 of the Reliabili�ation Aot of xg�g, which prohzbits cbiscrimiixa�ion agaizast
personswi�th c�zsab�tii:ies b�r ez�tities receiving �`edaral fuianeia7 assis�ance; and
c, The Age �iscrirrzination Act nf a.g7,, v�rhich p��ohi�bits age disei�zninatioz� by en�ities
recei�vingl<'edaraifinancia� assistance.
Page 20 of 38
City of F'art Worth -105 TC�Q Contract #: 582�14-4006D Amendmenf #2
2. If tha recipient is condueting an. educaiion progxar�t untdex this agresznenf, it tnvst also comply
a. Title IX af Phe BcTueation A�zez�dzxients of xg7a, which �rohibits discrimination on the
basis of sex in education programs and activities o�ei�at�d by entities receiving �ederal
fin:aucialassistance, �
3. If tJ�zs agre�lnent is funded wifih iinancial assistance under the Clea�. Wai;ex Aet (CW,A.), the
recipzentz�ust also compIywith:
a. Seetion x� of t�e �edexaX Water Pollution ContrnJ.ActAnnendmenfis oix97z, wk�xch
prnhibits discrirnina�ion on the basis of sex in CWA-funded pxogra�s or activities.
4. Regu]�tc�zyRequirements
a. The reci�ient agrees to comply wi,th aIl appTicable EPA cival �iglats regulatio.�s, including:
i. For�Yfile IXoblzgations, �.o CFRPa�:t �; az�c�
ii. Tar'z7i.�leVi,.SeEtion.�oq.,AgeDiscriminatzonAct,and8ection�,gobligations,4o
CFR �art �. . �
ii.z. As m.oted on fil�e EPA �'orm g�o 0-4 si$ned by the �eci�iant's authoxzzed
repxesen�a�ive, thesereg�zlationsestablishspeci�xcrec�uazements9ncluding
maintaizung coxnpiiance infox�ation., establishin�g gxxevanceprooedu� es,
de�ignating a Civil Riglats Coor�afior and pxo�.diz�g �ai�ces oinon-
disexixnina-�on. �
5. TITIE VI — LEP, �'ub�ic �'a�Lic�pation az�d.A�f'irmative Com�iliance Ohligatian
a. As a xeczpienfi of EPA�inaneial assistar�ce, you axe reqaired by Tiile VI of the Civil Rights
Aet to provi de zneaning£ttl access to �EP indivzduals. In zmplemen�ing that requirement,
the recipient agrees to use as a guide �he Office af Czvzl Rights (OCR) docuznenfi enti�led
"Guidazzce to Ez�vzranrr�ental �'�ot�c�ionAgency FinancialAssistance Reci�xants
Regaxding.TitIe VI Frohibition.Again�s� Nai�oz�al Origin Discrirninatinn Affeating i,imited
�zzgli�sh Proficieni: Persons." The guic�anc� can be faund -
at .- htt�/r��.��a.�av/civilrig�Zts/lei3acce,�s:lit,�� . : _ - - . - � �
b. I� tk�e xeeipient zs acl�mixaistexir�g pe�nitting prograxns t�nc�er �ii�[s agre�zrieri'�, the recipienfi agrees
to use as a gnide O�R's'�'itle VI Publia Tnvolvemenf Guiciance%r �PAAssistance �ecipzents
Ac�ziainisterzng Environmenial Permitting Pr�grams: The Guidance�can be founii
. : -.. :.,
at ]ifil -: ediicket.aceess:- o:�ov 200& --c�f o6�262-df __ ,--
. :_. . . . . , . . - - -- . - - -
�/ � � � /� �� / P
�, . Tn accep�ing this assistance agreernent, the reei�ieiafi� acl�nowledges it has an a�r�zative abligation
to impleiiieri� effecti�ve Tit7e Vi corn�liance programs anci ensure that i�s aefizons do �ot ixi.volve
..... _
discrianina�ozy�reafiznent. and do,�zn� liave discrimiriato�y ef%crs: e^�en when facially neutxal, The
recipie� inust be prepaTeci to de�inzistrate ta EP.� �F;hai: srieh cb�zpXzarxce prograzzxs ex�ist az�d are
bein� im.plenr�e�ated or fio o�zez�se deznoz�sixate �aw �t is meeting its'�`i�le V,I obligations.
,. :... . . ,.. •. .. .,: : .. '• -
, ,.. ..
:: ....... .. .. :. . . .
- - � •
.- ,
AlxT.t'GL�' �U. DrSA�VA�NT.4GED. BUS.�N,ESS,�IV�;���P,i��a,ES (l?13,�s) -
x.. fihe Pei�ormirig Partysball �not disez�iminafe on �ic basis of race; eolor;.ri�tional origin ox sex in the
pe�Lrni�zxxa�ice o£ihis eozitxac�:�:'I'�iePer�oti�iirig �'ai.•ty s�i�Il ca�ty ot�� app7z�a3ile �eqiri�errmenfs bf q a
CFR �'ax� �3 ix� �ie a�ard ax�i�, a�irniriis�afiiox� o�coi�trac�s attirard�clurider.EPAfinai�cial assistanee
.. . .. - . . . . _ : --- . .
�: a�eezz�@nts:::Fai��ige ��th�.�'��.�ar3niiig P�u�.yto car.ty ou�:fitacserequiieza�ezits i� a = :: °=' - _. ; ° �'
�.. :-mat�risX�ireae�. of �3us eontraetV�hich,�iayresultinth� terminattan cif�s cozz.krac��o�qfiher
- � - -• - — � - -
_.. ..... _. _.,.. ...�� . -- - - - - ----- - --- ==--= -
:_.:�_:Xe �.t -��azl�blez��met�ie�:�:;-_��=.---=._�:-�`.;:__:;::._--_::_:=:,;:�; _:. :-.;..,.. _-- _- -------_- _-- -- -
._ - _ .... .. _,
_:_:�_:=Y:-:=_,:___,—_—_-:: =:.,-L==.=,-,_:-._..-.-r-.--:_-_-__.�-_.-�;�.�:_____.__ ::__:-°:-'-`-:_--:_=---;�-:�=-:=-_--;;= __:;_.:__... .. ..
2. Perfo�xning Paxty agirees �afi �ualifie�. D��s s�:ail �ia"ve �kze ziaaisaxnuzn pra`cficaiile`o�poi.�.u�.ity%:
- :.-- -•� - --. . ........::...... .... : .: -. ._. . _ . .....__ .
- -
partzcip�teiii.tliepez�oYinanct;ofhli.eiNoiliiequir�dandeifhis�Conl�aCt�hhroughpassible _
subcontraetsEo�oatxyoutgor�ioti.so£fi'�e'Wdrlcor'any:gaddso�tservicesproeiir�di'ii:�lixectl�.�_ . ,..
.. _ .._.. - - - - � - -. _ .
... . .. . ...... .. .
sup�orC- e. or�:.:,_ _ ._.. . ,_... ..__ ..... :::..:... ..-._ :: -.:._. °...;`:..`.:_:°: :=:..:: _ __ _
: . . , ...
-� ...... ...:. .._:....... _:_:-.:-_::_:.. ....__. . ...,: ... .
The Perfa"rming_Par_�:is xec�uire�t to_iria�tea good faifh�:_��oz� �o iii:e�.ude .�iisfiarically Ux�daxiitilized.
-.: ..
Busin�s�es_(�IY7�s� o� T�BEs on any�rocuremeritfor s�bcontracio.rsox su�plzears%Vendors for
Worl,zuiadPi�_thisCantrac�; :-_`-. - -:_`__ ::..'.--:..�.---::_::_:::_�`=::::::::__;:�:_r_':_��::: �=_;_::;_::;,..:,.
��'IiePerforzri3tigpartym.ust s�limi.fi �PA�l+flirm.;�iio�52Ef�oz�.or�efore nefo��r�.� oi eac�ysa� o�
� . . �. . -: . � : - : . -. .. _ _.
-tlie�oniraet.At=in��7inilm; th2sfoinri sha�Lizzeluc#�thenaine i��ihe Hi7B oi-:DBE; a c3.esct'tgtion of
�lie,r�vo�lc; sert���s, �sr�na�ei��ls �i�ovzdec�>�h� azi7:oiu�.tpaici�d�t�e �1iJB ox AT3�; ai��.thennrns and .
_,..._ : . •-- . ._..
- --. .. _ , .
: ��7epl�Q�z�_�uia�iT�'�z�;o�_�=c�S�itAc�=peir-soii::�o� tYte HC711i:=oz`I3�i�r=`� :__.;_:;�- ==- J=::<� T.;''::_._,:;:`:'::- ::.=_ ::. :: , ` :. .:.
- - -- -- - - - -
. .. _ . P2. .� _: ..
. . .. _ .... :--_-..._: .
__ '. .. . '.. � Z'f.4f�$ -- .
CIly of Fort Worth -105
TCEQ Coniract #: 682-14-44Q80 Ame3�dmont #2
�, �e kez�oxn�ng Party must �xovide �.e DSE Subeontrac#or Parkicipatioz� Foz�m (EPA Rozxa� 6xoo�
z) to all its UBE subeoz�iraetaxs.
b. The Per%rming �'arty��all retain allrecords c�ocumenting compliancs witil� good �ai,t�. e�£o�rCs
whe�zex �erfarmix�g under �e �PA D�� pragram.
�, Be%re terxrlinating a DBE fo� convenience, tlie Performing Party musi xzofiify �'C�Q xn wx:�i�g."
8, Tf a DB� subconiractor �'ails to com.pleie work for an.y reason, anc� t�e Perform�ng Party plans to
procure a replacament subcontractar, the Pez•farming Farty must deznanstrate the same good
fazth effoxtta pxoeure tha replacement subeon•tractor.
g. The Performing �'arty �ust pay its subeontxaefiors for satisfaetory �erformanee no xnoxe than xo
c�ays from fihe Perfoxming Pa�•ty's xecexpt o�payment fram TCEQ,
.ART.tC�.iE ,�.�. A,�`MUNSTR.iti�'01V 0�' CQMP,ETENCY
In aecoxclanee �wi.� EPAc�irective FEM zox2-oa �ev, x, "PoIieyfio,Assure the �ompetency of Organizafiions
GeneratingEnvironixiental Measurexzxent Dafia UzzcierAgency-Funded.P;ssistance A.greeznenfis," i£the Work
pel�forrned by the Per%xming Party or any of xts subcoxztractoxs underthis Confiracfi includes
gerxexatin�g or uszzag env�:rox�crn.ental d�tat�rough sarnple collection, �#eldnaeasurements andJorlaboratory
analysis, then ifi znust document ar►d m.aintain cerlification demanst�ratiz�g fihe competer�cy n;Eindividua�s
using o� gez�erAt�z�g environmental data �u�.der this Contract. Certi�ication may inelude training recoxds,
certiflcates, or educational credex�fiials,
AlRT�'C�.,1� x2, T�dtAFF.tG/C�"1VG.TN PEKSONS
i. Pxohibitioz� Stafiexnent -- Performing Party may not engage in sevexafoxms of traffieking in
persans during �hepe:�od of i:znnethai: ihe award is in effect; procure a camnnereza� sea� aet during
the�erio�. nf tixne oii:he award; ox use farced�.abar in the pexformanco of the award ox su'bAwrazd
underthe arvard,
a. - TC�qznayunilaterally�erminatethisaward,wi�houtpenaliy,ifaPet�£ormingPartythat
is a�rivate entiLy: (x) is �letezmined to have via�a�ed a�: applicable prohibiiian inthe
�'rahibititozx 5`�atement above; ar (z) ]xas ata etirzplayea vvho is detertnined by the ageazey
o£fiaial authorized to ierminate i:he award ta have violated an a��licable pz�ohibitioza xz�
the Prohibiiion Statexnen� i:hrough conduct khat is either (a) associated rnrath pex�ox�atice
i�nder t}us award; or (b) iznputed to il�e PerEorming Pariy c�sing the standards a�d due
process for iznputing �e conduct of an zndivzdual to an organization that are providad in.
2 CFRPar� x8o, "OMB Guidelines to A.gencies on Govez�rr�entwide Debarment and
Suspension {Nonpracurement)", as impletnente�i at 2 C�R Pari 1532. The Performang
Party must inforix�. TCEQ i�mmec�iately of any informatian �ot� recei.ve froxn� �n�y souxea
alleging a vxolation of a grohibii:ion iza t�he Prohibition Statemeni abovo. '
U. TCEQ's rigl�tta termixaate unilateraIly: (1� implements seetion �.o6�g) o�the'�a�ielang
Vic�ims Pz�otectioz� Act of 2ooa (TVPA), as amended {22 U,S,C. q�oh�g)), and {2) is in
add'ztion to alI other �.•emed'zes fo�r �zoz�eomp�xax�ee that ai�e available ta TCEQ undar fihzs
�. Dx�ug-rree Worlfplace, The Pez�orming Par�y inE�st ma�e an ougoing, good fai�l� affoz�to znaintain
a clrug-;free wo;rlc��ace pursuant to the specific xequzz ern:ants set forth in Titie 2 CFR Paxt Y536.
Additzonauy, an aecardance wi� thesa regulations, the �'exforzx�ing Parl.yznusl: identi�y all Xcnown
woxk,places under its federal awards and lceep this information on fi�e duxitagik�e �ex�oxzxxance of
i:he av�rar� ,
2. IIote.l and Motel �ira.4afe-LyAc�. Pursaan� ta q.o C�R�o.�.8, if ap�I�cable, and r5 USC 2zzga, the
Pez:for�ai��g �'az�ty agrees to ez�sure fihat all s�ace for �anfe�en,ces, �neei:ings, canventions, or
traini.ng seininars fttnded i� wk�ole or in part wi#h federal funds complies with �t�ie �rotectio� and
con�ioX guideIiues of�:he Hotel and MoteI �ire Sa£ety.Aet (PL Yo�.�gg1, as amended). Performing
ParLy may seax•c� i�xe Hotel-Motel Naiional Master List
at httn•1/www usf�t.dhs.�/ap�licationsJhotelJ io see if a�ropertyzs in compliance, orto �nd
otherinfor�nai;ion. abaut theAct, �
['age 22 qf 38
Cify of �ort Worih - 905
TCBQ Confract #: 582,94-40060 Amendmenf #2
.(�t=�'ATA) ,R�PnR�`�'NG
x, In accordance with z C�'R �'art a�, en�ities that receive subawards frozx� TC�Q t�at are �un.decl
wholly or partially wi#h federal �xz�ds must (i) ba reg�siered in the Central Cantxaator �2egistratian
(CCR) pz7orto subxnittizxg an a��l�cation or plan or �r�fiering infio an agreement; (2) maintain an
aetive CCR registratioz� wiFh curren� information at ali tirnes while the appliea#io� or plan is
ux�.der considerafion by TCEQ or du�ring �he term of the agreoxx�e�t;; and (g) provide i�s Da#a
Universal Nurzzbez.fr�g,Syst�an {DUNS} num�bar in each applxcation or plan it subzxi.its to TCEQ,
unles,s an exemptiol�. applies. ,
�. No fiznds may be xeceived or awvarded nnt� Perforsning �'az�ty has coax�plzed wi.th ti�ese
requireznez�ts an.d �rovided a valid D1(TNS number.
g. Additionally, in aceordance �with 2 CFR �'art 1�0, if ce.rtain elennenfis are met, Per%x�nizx�; �'axty
must report the total compensat�on fax eaeh of ztsfive mosthighly aompez�sa�hed executives for the
pxecedingco�pletedfiscalyear: � � � -.
q.. These elszr�ants are fau�� on th� attachec�, �o�pleted �EQ Pass Through Funding Informatzoxz
and k'ederal. �'undingAecountability an�d �`�t'aris,parency�iet R�porting Farm. .. .
x. The salary rrato (exeluding ovarizead) paid to individual consultants retained by ihe Perforining
Party is liinited to the naa�cimum daily rafie for a�evel I V of tl�a Execu�ive Sohedule, available
a�:httt�s•//www onm �ov no�iov-data-oversig�nav-leavefsalar�ies�wa�e j,an.dadjusted
2. This Iimit applies to co�isulta#iori sexvices oi designated �.dividuals w�it� speciaiized sldlls who are
paic� at a daily or houxIyxate. This sal�,ary limii: applies unless tlie coaxsuli:ant was setected tliraugh a
p�aeitxem�nt proeess that conforms to Subpark D of 2 CFR 2oa. � � .
3. Unc�e� EPA's policy xeg�rding�iaymentis �o cox►sulfiazzfs u�idex gacants, consulfants ar� typicalIy
iri�livic�ua7s wlia air�e�e�hsvi�zi:T�te.��ellezi� qitalifi.catioris and a�e usu�llprega:rded as autlzorifies
=-oxp�au�itionersoiunusua�cor�peten:neaz�dsIcill.byotherindividt�alseizgagedinthesame. �
professiozi.: : . -
----:----:- .::_:� ..:..::....:::_-._...>:_:�--.-._ '._:,-...-_-.-.-,=,-: ___-::.._._._ _. _.
-- _.._.
_. . .
The P�e;rfoxming.l'ar.iy mizsL �ompIy wifih 2 CF�2. §2�0 o.g23. � The �'erforming ParLy 1�ay requcst a fortx�
, . . - ;.: . . . , , . . .
-: � -.....
fromTCEQfo.use�u .on,perforrrung.:acostor,piice�naysxs.:- + _.-:.-.-:: - - , .._-- , • .
. _ - - - � -. --- - � .
.._ .:_ ..-= - - - _ -- -- -----
. ..- -:,----=-- --- - --- -- - - - - = - -
;�,-: : ,�:.
.. .
. ._:. _ -
. . ..... . _ ... - - -
_.... _:_:..
. -. ,,.: - _ - -
�_, :-.. :
_.�,..... .... . �. ..,� .-._: - --
:: __ ...:,;.-: -- -
. . ...
. _
.: _ : �: _ _
:. : : .
�. - :-:: - . .. i'age;2�ofi_38._�. ,.. _.
Cf[y of Fott Worth -106
TCEQ Contract #: 582-19-�i0060 Amendment #2
�. '� �f;' i� �, -.
, -
.r'' ;�, `'' •:� �' " ,r; i
�. Certiflcai�on Ragard�i7ng Lo�byixxg (EP,A.Foxm 6600-ob)- Co�;x��lete az�d ret�urnwith signed
contract, Cantains certifications aboutthe usa o£FedexaI approp�atec3.fiinds a� connectian -
�vSth �obbying. If at a�y tiz�.e dux�ng the course of the confiract you have any federal lobbying ta
re,porl, yau naust �xo�vi.� e a llisclosurs Regarding Lobbyi�.g Foxm {8T-LLL) fio the TCEQ
�xojec� Represezztative, with quarterly npdates. N�ofie, this form zs not attached, but may be found
2. MB�/WBE Utilizafan�a.U�derFeciez�al. Gxaz�ts ax�d Coope�rai-�veAg7reexxxexifs (EPA
P'ornn gqoo-��A}-- submit�ed annually on orbe£ore OGfiober x�. Detailedinstzhxcfixons are on
the EPA�'orm.
g. DSE 5ubcoYxfiractor P�rticigaiion �ox�m� —.EP.E� Form dxoo-a �-- the Performing Paxx ty mus�
gir�e these foz:aas tn his/her sub coniracfiors to �31 out and iurn into E].'E�. DBE Coordinatox for
Region 6,
�.. TCEQ Pass»Throtxgh Funcling �n�orma�tion anc� Federal Ftmc�ing AccountabXlity �d
'1.`x axxspare�zcy Acfi RepartingFox�n- Com,pletedpzxoz• to eoz�tract execution and aitaehed
b�low, '
Pago 24 of 38
CHy nf For# Worth -1 Q5
!i '�..
TC�Q Contraat #: 582•94-44060 Amendment #�
United Sta#es
Washingfon, }�C 20A60
OMB Goritrol No, 20 -
Approval expires 6/ /
EPA Prvject Cantrol Number
w ,y . . .� '� a � � � w
-- �- - �
�.��4�I� �4,N� �C7UPER�4T1V� A�F2E�NIENTS
'i'he undersigned cerfifiss, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: .
(9) Na F'ederal appropriated #unds have been paid orwill be paid, by or an behalf of fhe
unc�ersigned, tn any person for influencing ar attempfiing fn inf�uence an oifIaer or
employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an ofific�r or employee of Cangress, ar
� an empioyee of a Member of Congress in connec#ion with the awarding of any Federai
contract,.the making of any �edera[ grant, #he. maKing of any Federa! Ioan, th� entering
int� of any cooperative agresment; �and the e�ensian, continuation, renewal,
amendment, or modification af any �ederai�contract, gran#, loan, or cooperative
: -. - ..:
-::.- - :
. , _.,
'(2j"!f any funds otfiQr fhan��edetaC app�opr�ate� funds have �een paid o� w9il be �paid to
any person far lntluenc�ng-or �fiemp#ing ta inf(ue�ce an:otFicer oi�erriployee of an�r ��.
agency, a Memper of Congress in cdnnecfion �niith thts Federal cvntraot, grant, loan, or
coap�rative agreement, ihe unciersign�d shalf complete and su�mit Standard Form-LLL,
"pisclosure Fo�m to Report i.obbying," in accordance wiih its instructions.
(3) 7he undersigned shalf require tliat the lan�uage af this certificatian be included in th� .
award docuiiients far aI( sub-awards at all fiers (ittcluding sub-corifracfs, sab-grants, antl
cantracts under grants, lo�ns, and cooperative agreemenfs) and fhat ail sub-recipienfs
shall cetfify and disciose accardittgiy.
This certification is a materia! representation of fact upon whioh refiance was placed when this .
transaetian was made or enfered inta: Submissiati of this certification is a prerequisita #or making
or ertte�ing into:�his #i`�nsaction imposed k�y s�ction 1352, fitl� 31� U,S. Cocie: Rny persbn who fails .
� fo. file the required c�.rtifiaatiorr shalk b� subjecf #o a civi[ josnaify of not lsss than $9t?,OqO and not -.
_ -:. ... . - - -----_. .: ..::- - ------ .: : - -__. .._ . ... . . . . . .. . .._._ - -= - - - - _
.. .....,.
more than 10Q,000 for_ eaclt;sucFi failur�: .` :. :: . - - _ . .
. .... . ._..._....----._.._... -_. - -� - - - -
, ...
_ . _..-�-- - ----_._._.._......._,..,—.... _.,_.......----- - - -._ . :_.. . ........::... .
� : �'�riza.ztd.a;: �os ea°� :-As�;�s L•-ai�.�= _Giiy =�+Iaiia�e�—�:-.::: ::-_:.:: �::= _.:_ -.:::.:_;-: �:-. .:.:.:.: .... . .: -
Typed Narr�e &::Tiffe.ofAuthorized R�preset�#ative .: - - . - - _ _
`_ ,.. :�°!'R�►I3I7 h,5 TO nORM A1VW L$GALITYi
.r-�--�--• . - . . . .
_. /�.. � �
. .. ,..
. �.. . - l�.:--...__-� �.l�f��/�" .
.. �� �,.�
: - . ... ._.... _ � . .. ���'�-.�.,..� --
Signature and. Date of authorized Representative f� �`"`���
- Assistant.CityA oc�
.. .. .. .....:::..... . _.. .. _ .. .
. _.. : .:....,. ,. ,..
.. .. ..... . . ...-
. _. .
The pubiic reporting and recordkeeping, burden for this co{Ieatlon of Informatton is e'sflmated to avera�e �{ 5_minukes per response.
Sentl commenls oCt tlie A�ency's ne�d �or lhis infaim�tion, the aeou�acy of the prov�ded b�urden estimafes; ancl �hy suggested methods for
.. minfmizing resporident burtten, ln�ttfding ihrougti, th� use of auioEnatect�cofleeti�ri te�hn[qties.fa theDireotor,_ColleCtia�� Sirat2gl�s. UJvTsion,,_.. ._
_ ,. .. .;. . _
. ..:., .
. .. ." ._' ' .-i i c CKi�ImiirvidMfol. Ljrn}DnFinn ilneKn�i f'iA�1rJ'Ft� -'TifStl PAnnCViltatf�"st`11VA -i�jAi �IY%31CYtTttn}f111"'T�1 (; � �J(iAREi' Iltf!i[1!'IP� f�P CII[iIR'Rf'111�t71I tli17T1E1?Y • ' . .. ..
. ' _'. . ._'__.-..""__"'_.:�_._."_ " ""'" �:z._::_.-•:�.� _""-..v'�"' ___-_. _ �.-..-�...._ . ' ' _.. '__ .. ..._. . ' _ _ " "" "
. . _ .. _ . . . . . ... : . :
in at3y _co�tesponderi "ce,: Do not serid fhe comptefed fomt to_fhf§�_aifdr�ss.' .:: .: . �
_.. .... ._ _. _::. .: -�--_:.--._::::_::..�::_:._.. ___::...-.-. -- -.---_.:-----:-. --,.:._._.... ----- -- --
,... .. ; _.. . .
. . :.: : :. - -
_ . .. . ._. . ... . .. ... _ ._ ._ . ... ... .. ... . . . . • --. . . _. _ _
; : E#�/��Fqrm_ 660Q-t�� {Rev. 0612Q1!�) PreVious odifions:are obsof�fo:;: =:: --. ': . ..:: = _ ; -�. -
- � :�::.- �. - - .
. , . ....: - -
. . _ .: .._ .
� - Pa9e�$.of38:�-: -
Clly of fiort Warth -10G
TC�Q Contract #: 582-94-AOd60 Amendmeni #2
�154[.OSiJR� C!� L4}3�YIIU� ACTIVfi1�S Aparoved byOMB
Complete thistarm to d�soloae lobbying activltfea purs�Fant to 31 U,S,C. �352 oaqe•ooas
sa� rev�rse Par ubfic burden dlsclosure,
� 9. Typa of �aderai Aetlon; 2. 5tatus oF Fecleral Action: 3, Report Typa;
U a. oontract j ja, bldlpffaVappllcatlon j ��, inflial filing
b, grant �•—�b. Initlal award �---•� b, rr�aterigl ohenga
a. coop�tadve agreement a, post•award For Mat�rlaf Cltang� Only:
d.loan year quafter
s. loan guarantee date otlasf repod �„_,,,,�
t,loan lnsurance
4. Hame and Address af Ftepart�►tg �nttty; 6. If Repotting Fntity 1n No. 4}s a Subawardee, �nier Name
❑ Prime ❑ subawardoa and Address of PClt�:
Tier, . tfknown:
Con tessianal Rfstrl�t 'ifknawn; d� Con, ressional dlstricE lPknown:
8. Federal p�gatttnenUAqency: 7. Federui Prograrn NameJ�escriptlon:
CFDA Number, !t appllcable;
8, Pederal Aatinn Number, lfknown: e, Award Amount, rflrnoWn:
$ �
10. a. N�rns and Address of I.obbytng Reglstrant brindfviduafs peMorming Serviaes (Includingaddresslf
{ if IndNldual, last netma, flrst narn� M1j: dllfere�t f�om Na 70a)
(lastname, lJrst name,. MI);
�.� U�ftttne6on t+,7vnNd U�rctryh 4ilt fR+n �S Nll»Ai�d ty GPp SI Ufl.0 SedUn 5i nature:
IJ�i] Ilvs dGUaSUn ol ktLy�M ���z i, a mM�dot [otfaiiMntron o! kU �
uF�rihkhn�'Wt4WdsD�LtdEyIMEHdb✓1awnMl4slrMasGNnwasmMlo printtJame'
a rnle�cA Wo. Ri� dsda�un tz tMurN p�rSwnl Po 81 UG C I�f1 Ytra
Nrbrmelqtl nllboarShSdsbrt+atclM{.otlla� lwJpJrcMxMlaHWhNil+C �
�eaKaJ ssdosw sn�tewsuqecitoa aelnsnyryofn.epst r�n fto,ttden4 �f[fle:
netmar� u�� S�oo,U�o tn esu� :u�n ufure.
• Telep}rotie No.: Dete: ,,,,,_,��
Fed�r�E Use only. Au�haizedla Lxal ReprnduGlon
StentleroFamLLt Rev.7-87
Page 2fi of 38
Gity oP t=ort Wotih -108
Thts disotosurs tam shall6n oompletadby lhe repwitng enllly, whalharsubawardeeor pirne Federalreciptenk, at Ihe tnlllalfon nr reeatptot � cwered �ederul
¢eflon, a s meieclelohenas to s prav(ws �Nnq, pur3ua�# to Ittie 39 U.S.G� sadfan t352, 7Jte fiUng of a fam Is reci�irodta ondi paymet� a apreementto meka
payrrtenl io any ta@bytng enUty ta ln�uenaing � attemptlag to lnituence en oflleer Qrempioyee of any egenay, o Mamber ot ConBress, en offtcer ar empio}reeot
Ccntiress, ornn empioyeeo[ a Meroberoi Condressta cahnectiqtwll� a covared Fedcra[asfion. CcrnpleteNl ftems lhat appiyfa bdht8e tnillat filing end mate�ie!
change tepaA. Reie�to thaimplemepting guldance publistsedbyihe oiliao olManapemenf and 6udget toraddiRlone! informailai,
i. Idontlly the lypu u� crn+ered Fadernl actlort 1W Whish lobbying acSivny fg and/or has baen scourad lo hRuenGa Ihe ouicana of a eWe�ed Fedarai 8dtan,
2. IdenYfylha stalusofihe coveredFodnml acliop.
3. �denlly�heappropdatocJeesiAcaqonaf�hFefepod. IfthlslsQtctiw,uprepqtuausedbyameterlelehengetotheintormaUoapreviousiyC¢R�ed�enter
lh8 yeal utu! qUe[tet In whict� Ihe ahoqde accarreU. E2iter Ihe dato of ihe last pteHausysubrnitted report by thts seporlfnq enlfly �or Ihis aovered Fadaral
e Cticn.
4. �nlerlhalu0 name, addrass, aity, Stale and ztpcocle otihs repodin� enlRy. Inc�ude Ca�gressionel0islrick itNnown, Cfieck ihe epproprlatecteselllcation
ofthe r�po�itng�nHlylhai dssigflatesN flis, afexpsctsle he, n primaa su6nwerdrec.plent.ldenlifyihe liaraftho subawardee,e,g., ihe first subawardee
of tha pdme Is Ehe 1 st tier. Suhawafds include bui eranot Umtled to suhcontcac[s, anb�rents artd contraet awards undergrenls.
5, If lha organizailon�iiMp ihr tEpatln fSem 4 cfieaRs'5ubAwatdee �ihon enter iho NIt nam0. address, sily, $tate 8nd zlp eoda ot the pr3rt�a Fddeta)
reciplant. II1CJ1[!i9 CIXfaf96E(Offp) I7IStfICR� I(Kh1Y�44ii.
B, EnEorlh�neMaofUteFederatsgencymgk�ngiheawardorfaencarmn�menf.fectudoellesstaneorgeniza(imeli�velbetavegepcynema,ifknowo.fw
example, pepartment of Ttanspo�taltan, United 5tales Coast Ouard.
7. Enterthe �sdaral praqremnamn ot desctlptEat far titn covaredFedual �cticn �Item i). If knarm, antar theiull Catalag a� Faderai Domesl(e Asststanee
(CFDAj number fa grants, coaparelive agreements, Ioaus, gndlaen nonmtitmonls.
a�nter IBa most epotopdaie FederolidsnithAng numb'sr availa6leta Sha �ederal uotkn IdenGQad (n 9am i{e.g., Haquest'ia Prcpvsaf iRrP) num6er,
InNtalian tar Bid pF6} number, �rant ennarncement numher;_ ti�e cvntraol, prenk, or tvan avterd number, iha uppllae{(oNpropesal eaikat number
assignndby the �e8erel epeneyJ� lonlade ptefixes;a.�:, "RPA-o�e0�bD1; -
8� Fcr a covared Fadere[$vltar wh0re thern hae Lean ab eward vr lo2n aorruit(Imentby tha �ederaf xgeney, entet tl�a Faderal ernwnF of ihe atvardAoan
commllm.vnl for tha pdma onllly idenilfled !n I[am 4 a 6, .. , _
. , ...... ... _. _. .. . ..__ ...-- -- . . ... . _ ..-- -- -- - - �
- - '- ..;_:. _ :... _ .., . : _- -_ . . _
--.- ._. .
1a(a}�nferihetvllnama,addrese,clly,5iateandzfpCodeoftit8iobbyln�rCyt91�8itiunderihaGobUyingdisctosurepcto118g�engagBdbyiharepaiing •
ontfly ldeaiinedin item A to Inlluence thacavered Podcrel acttan. ' .
ib) Entet ttf9 Nll nemes oS Ihe indMdual(s� periamdnp aeruScea, end Inciude fu11 addrese ff dit(orent Ran 1V t�?. �n�er i.a9i Nama, Flf6t Natlt@, ditd
- --
Mfddla Inttlat (Mi). - - • - - . . , , _. . : .. , _. . :. . .. . . .
71. 7he ccjQtyTng'dirclul shel[sfgn and dete the fwm, pdnt hls/liernem�, tnle, and te[cpiione Rumber, '
rd(ng to tria PapervrakReducuonAet: as amanded,aopenons nrcrequfredtaraspatdto a caYacHon ot Inramaitasuntessie aisp�0ys� �alid oMe Cenlrol .
9er. Tfle v01ftl OM6 Captfq[. rlumbEr for ibl� Infaml4liati �w112et1m is 4MB N0. U34$-QOd6. Publto �epottlqg twM@n tqP (hI9-Cdle�114n ot fn(omlAtlpt (a
�ated to eyara9aip mfnutess per resuonea, (ncluding tfm0 tor raNeWfi9TnstrUc4rns, seatcil�9 exis(tng dals aovtces, 9�lhettng and malntAlninglhe da(e
ad, und coinpieiingand_reNevdngiho eo6eettai oflnlametlon, 8end canmentsrayardfnB ihe kuicten estfnia[g w nny olhetnspecf a( this cdledim oi
ifAtfoir,fncludfnQsuQpasflonsfo[reducingthlaburdep,tothatlf�cavfManagomunt�nd[iudaef,PapenVarkRedupllonF{ajac4(OS4&0046),WnshStglon, . .
_ . .. _ .
. , .. _
TCEC1 Confrsct #: 582-14-4D060 Amendmeni#2
. _ , :.. .. ...
. ... . .
.. . .
_ .. —
. ..
Page 27�of38:
Clty of �ort Worih -105
TCER Contracf #: 682-14-Q0060 Amendment #2
OMBGU�tTROLNO, 2034�D020
APAROV�U OBl30/2014
APPROVAL BXPtRE5: 0613p/2017
� i ��. ..j ,
FART 1. Re orts are re uired ewen �� nn pracurements arc mad� during '�he repor�ir�g period.)
9A. �'�D�RAL �15CAL YEAR 1�, REPORTlNO pEFilOq (CheekRl.E. approprJate boxes}
(QCf. 9-Sep 3D} 0 9°t (Oct�Dec) ❑ 2�a (Jan-Mar} 0 3�a {Apr-Jun} e 4�" (Jul-Sep)
n Semi-Annual (Oct Mar) Q Seml-Annual (Apr-Sep)
20_ o Annuat
o Check ifthis is fhe lasf report forlhe project {Projeat oompteted}.
or N YeaC: _
Name: Namo:
E�mafl: �ax; E-maD; Fax:
(Si2� Sfate Reciplents, referto Instructions tor Completion of blocks NUMBER:
4A, 5A and �C.)
5A. T�TALASSi$TANCE AGRE�M�NTAMOtJN�' 5B, if NO pro�prerl�ent and N4 accornplishments were matle this reporfing periad (by lhe
(3RF8ta[e Reclplenis, referto insincotlonsiorCampletton of blocEcs pectpfents, sub-reeiplehfs, (oan reciplents, and pr(me cbntracfors), CH�CK and SKIP to Block
4A, 5A and sC.) No. 7. {Procurements are all expenditures ihro�gh eontract, order, purchase,lease or barter of
EpAShare: $ supplies, equipment, construc#lon, or services nee�ed to complete Federal assis#ance
prograrns. Aecomnllshments, In fiEs context, are procurements mada with M��s andlor WSEs.
Rec(pient Sharet $_ °
5c. Totai procuremenEs This Reporting E'�riod
(Oniy lnclude amount nof reported fn any prlor reporting per(od)
Totai Procurement Amount $ (Inelud� total dollar va�ues awarded t�y recipieni, sub-reciplettEs and SRF Inen recipients,
tncluding M8EIV118E expenditures.)
Were sub-awards fssued Under{hIs asslsfance agreement? Yes No Were contr�cts Issued under#h[s assistanca agreert3eni ? Yes No
s�, . [1![BENVBE Accomplishmen#s This Repnrting Period
Actuai MBE/WBE Procuremont Accomplished:
(Include fofa! doIlarvalues awarded Gy recfnlenk, sub-reoiplents, SRF loan rocfplents and Pdme Coniractors.}
Canstrucfion E ui men Services Sc� lies Totat
$IYIB�: �
$WBE: „ .
B, COMMENiS; (If no MBEIWSC procurements wore accomplished during the repoCUng perfad, ploase expfain what steps you are iaking to achleve the
MBCM/BC Pragram requiroments specifred in fho ferms and condlflons a#fhe Asslstance f�qreemer►t.)
�PA P�RM 5�oo-s2a availab(e elec{ronica9y at htY �p,(/www.epa:c�avtosbp/pdfslb700 52a.adf
v��Yv�rV1lYYVll11^ It/U
`:. : :.: ::.-: _:.._ . �-- �� �
__ .
- . ... . --..: --.... . _ •
�P�i.�pftNtsioo-s2qava}labfe efecfronicaliy at h#o:Ilu+�uw:eaa.govlosbb/odtsJ570(! 52a,pdf • - ;_-
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C3ty of Fort Worth -145
TCEGt Gonfrack #: 582-14-40060 Amendment#2
recipients ur�der �PA's DBE Prograrn, an entity must be
properly certifled as required by 40 CFR Part 33, Subpa�t
g. '
A. General lnstructions:
MB�IWB� utilization is based an 40 GFR Par� 33. EPA
Form 570Q-52A must be complet�d by recipienfs of
fiedaral grants, conperative agreemenfs, ar other Federal
finanaial assistance which involve pracurement nf
suppfies, equ(pmenf, construetian or servfces to
accomp(ish �ederai a�sistance programs.
Reaipienis are required fo report 3p days afterfhe end of
sach federal iiscal quarEer, semiannually, or annualty, per
th� terms and conditions ofthe finanoial assistance
Quarterly Se�rtiannuaE A.t�nux�
Reporting Reporting hteporiing
DueDate DueDsta DueDafe
Agreements J'anua1y30,
awarded Ap�i130, N/A Octobar
prior to May JuFy 30, 30
27, 2{lU8 �ctaber 30
a�varded an . N!A A�ril 30, Qctober
or after May Octobar 30 30
27, 2408
MBEflhISEpragr�m requiremenfis; Inc�udirig�reporting, are
rrtater'ta1 terms and canditions ofthe fir�ancia[ assisfartce
B, Uefinitians: �
procr�re entis_the acquisitian_fhrough c�nfract, order,
purahase, lease ar liarter of suppfi,es, equi�merit,
cons#ruction or secvices rieeded to�acbomplish �ederal
assisfance programs, �
U.S, citizenship is required. Recipients shall presume
thai minority individuals include Black Americans,
Nispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian Pacific
Americans, or o#her groups �+vhose members are fouttd tv
be disadvantaged by the Smai! gusiness Act or by ihe
5ear�i�ry of Commerce uncfer section 5 of Executive
order 11625, The reparting contact at EPA can peovide
additlonal information. .
r4 s+vaman business enterprlse tWBB) is a business
concem ihat is, (1) at f�ast 54 percent ovune� by one or
more women, or, in the case of a pubficly owned
busirtess, a# Ieast 51 percenf of the stook is owned by one
or more women and (2} wh�se dai(y business operations
are rr,anaged and directed by orie ar mote of the wamen
owners, In nrderto qualify and pariicipate as a WBE
primearsuboontracEorfar�PA �ecipients under EPA's
C3BE Frdgram, an enfitymust be propeYly cerfified as
required by 40 CFR P�rt 33, Subpart 8.
Business firms which arE �1 percent awned by minorities
or women, but are in fact managed and operafed by non-
minorify individua[s do nnt.qu�lifyfnr mee#ing MB�IW��
procurernent goals. U.S. Ci#izenship is required.
�iiiiel Fa{t� �fforts
, A recipient is require� to rnake the foliowing good. faith
,.effo.rY�i+vheneverprocu.ring cor�s�ruction; equipment, : .. . ..
services, and st�ppties under an EPA financial assistartce
agreement. These good faith efforts for uti[izing MB�s -
and WBEs must'�o documented. Such doaumentation is
subject't6 EPR 'review upcin requesf: �
2. Include af MBGs/WBfis on solicitationlisis.
�t contractis �.`tvrltten agresrri�nf befweeri ar�_E�'A �� - Z, Assure thai MBEs/VtIBCs..are salicited once they
recipient:�Yit�_�riother pariy�{afso corisfdered'`{�rime. � are �9dentified. ° �
_ _ . �. ...
confrac�s"-} _and.:any foVi!er tier agreement,{atso �ansidered. _. . � � -
"subennti'acts''j for equipinent; _seriiices su _ (ies�.or : . ` �, : - � . - �- ,
: �� � � .. 3. [?ivi�e_#otat requi.reriienfs into smalfer tasks to. ::..:; . .
construc#[on_ne.c�ssaryto_eomptetett���project_ Thts ' �
. . ; .. . ,-
.; _ er max mum�MBE(W�E tion, where:-_......
definttiarrexcludaswr+tfenagr�eYnentsw�fhanpth�rpublic._. _ : �.: � � � .' ea�i�f�; -. ��...:_:- _= .:.. ==:�: �� - " .
-.�... .... :.� elic :-;7=3�i�;d�finition-m�fudes:.�ersonai:ai�ti=:=_-,.:-==; -----_---_.--:==_-:.-....:::.T.�::=:__--:.--=--=—:--_--�:-:-:_�:_:.: --.:_- _-:-._,:-�-:--:_:_-__:__�:..,._°=.. .
5.:. :.Y::-�--:.._....-- _�- :::_::_ _:..:-�.p=- .-,..__--:_: --: _ �._ _.-...... ...---� --- -- :.. .....: : : ...:.:..:-.-__.._...-........:- ---- • - . _
ptaiessioi'��l.seiyices, agreements.wifh .c�irisultants,.and: - E 4;: . :�st��lish d�tEvery s��ec�ules.which wili er�caurage
_.2 . ,. ._: .. . . . --: .
purchas�_ard�rs:�. � : .::. .. .:.....:. ..:..: :: .: . � .. -.NI�ElWB�participation;wherefeasibie.
- ..,.........._.-_.:�,,-:-::--:--:�._-�-:, ..::.. .....:.. .--. __.,,.. - - -- -
: � . .:.:....::: .-: -- -- - - - --- - -- - -
_._ .. . ..,. . _
_.. ..- . - _;:.- .---_ .. �, . -: .. ...,-:... _ - . ,
,.._.. - --
Atniciorf,�YBtrsrrress_et te� r�� B 1_�s=a.EitisiJ�ess._ _:. : - - -
_, , .
..:._ .. . _�:_. `Encourage'use gf#f�e services oftiie ti,�, :
coricerr4_fhaf is �'I) af.l�asf.5'I: per�en# owned_ �y_flne or :. :` ': D$par�nient of Comri�erce`s Miriority Business _. _- .
.�ore ininorliy indkv��uara* ar; in �h� case of a pubticly � - � �.:`p�v�lopment Agena `(Iti �DA) and the ll:�: Srrtali -
. ... _.._.
nwned:b_i�[s�ness; afJeast ��1: pergen€_oF Ehe_sfock:is :bwned: . . � _ .. `: �gusiness Adrriiriistr�#ion;t� identify MBEsIWB�s,. -. : : =`-
.: � -
�y���e or more m�nc�rif iridividua{s,_and 2 whose:daii � _
>. . . ...(2._ ..y _.:... �..
_ __ .
:-. - . -
_. ,:
busfnes�=operafioris �re mana�ed.<arid,direcf�� by.one ar � : -=
._ . . : .
: r�are;af;tf��rrtina'r[iy_ow�iers.;_!n order_�g_qualffy_a��d;::.:;. . -. - -
. _. ..::- :- .. .- p�riicipake as an NtB�: pritne ar sub�o�tC����t' fae.EPA> _=;=. _: _-:.�=.':_-::r ---:__ ---:-�:. �:. � °-:::.�� ... . �.: �-:.. -_ — �- - - . - - _
.,._.. ._. . ; > _ . .. .
_ _ - -_._: __<.: --- --::: . :. .... :... .:_.._.. .: . . _..:_. . - - - __ . .. . - - - - - -
. . .:.. ... .:. ......:.. : . .. � _:: . , _ . - -
_. ..- _ .: ;-- :=_:-:_:-- : ::.-:
:-.... --
•......--:-:-_....-:.:-_:,_;-.:__.:_.._ _�. F'age30of38._.,_: ..:..; ....._:._. - _ ---__... _
C(ty oi Forf Worth -108
Require that each party ta a subgrant,
subagreemen#, ar contract award take the good
faith effarts outlined here.
1ns#ructions for ParE t:
1a. Specify Federal fiscal year thls repart covsrs. The
�ederal ilscal year runs from October 1St through
Sepfember 3D�h (e.g. Navember 29, 2010 fa[Is
within �ederat �iscal year 20�11j
� b. ChecSc applicable reporiing box, quarterly,
semiannualfy, or annual3y. Also indicate ii this is
the last repart forthe prolect.
�c, Irrdicate itthis is a revision to a previous year,
haif year, or quarter, and provide a brief
description of the revision ynu are mak3ng,
2a-c, Please refer to your financial assistance
agr�ement fibr the mailing address of the EPA
financial assistance o�fice for your agreement,
The "EPA dB� Reporting Contact° is the DBE
Coordinator for the �PA Region from which your
financia) assistanae agreemenk was originated,
�or a list of DB� Coardinat�rs please refer to the
�PA OSBP website ati wwv,�,epa,gav/asbp. Click
on "Region�l Contacts" fartho nameaf your
caordinator. .
3a-a. Idetttify #he agency, state authority, universi4y ar
oiher arganization which is the recipient of the
Feder�l financiaf assistance and the person to
confact concerning fhis report.
�4a. Pravide the Assistance Agreer�ent number
assigned by EPA, A separate report must be
submitfed for eao}i Assistance Agreement.
�`For 5RF recipients: In box 4a list numbers for
ALL OE'EN Assis#ance Agreements being
reported on this form. Alsase note that �1#hough
fi�e New DSE €�ule (which took effect May 27,
2008} revised #h� rep4rting frequency
reat�irements from quarterlyfo sem�annually, that
chang� only applies ta agreements awarded
AFTER the New DB� Ru1e took ef%ct.
Therefore, SRF recipients may eifher continu� to
repor� acfivEty for aIt A�reements on orie forrz� on
a quarierly laasis until the (ast award fhak was
made prior to tha New t?BE Ruie has been close�
out; OR, the recipienf may split the submfssion of
SRF reports into quarEerly reporis €or Agreem�nts
awarded prfor the iVew DB� I�ule, and
semiannuallyforfhe awards mac[�: after#he New
DSC I�u��,
TC�Q Contract #; 662-�14-A0060 Amendment #2
Ftefer back toAssistance Agresment document
forth[s irtformatlon.
5a. Provide the tofa! amount of fhe Assistance
Agreement which includes Federal funds plas
recipient matching funds and fands from other
sources. .
*E=orSRF recipisn�s only: SRF recipients will not
enter an a►�►ount In 5a, Please leave 5a blank.
5b. Self�explanatary.
5c. Provide the tota! �oflar arnount of A�.l,
procuremenfs awarded this reparting perfad by
the recipient, sub-recipients, and SRF loan
reciplents, including MBE/WB� expendifures.
Far examp(e: Aa#ual do[fars for procuremenf from
the procuring affice; actual confracts le# from the
conkracts office; actua! goods, servfc�s, supplies,
etc., fram other sources inciuding fhe central
purchasing/ procurement.centers},
*NOTE: To prevent double counting on line 5G, if
any amaunt on �E is for a subcantract and the
prime contract has already been included on l.ine
�C in a prior reporting p�ri4d, then report the
amaunt going to MBE or WB� subcontractor on
fine 5E, bui exclude the amount from Line 5C. Tc
inciu�e ihe amncant or� 5C again wauld resul# In
double counting because the prime contract,
which includes fhe subc�ntract, would have
already been repa�ted,
5d. 8tate whefher or nat sub-awards andlor
subcontracts have been issued under #he
assistance agreement b� indicating "yes" ar "no",
5e. UVhere requesfed, alsa provide fihe Eota1 dolfar
amaunf of n1i MBE/W�� procurement awarded
during �h9s reporiing periad by the recipient, sub-
reclpients, SRF loan rec4ptenis, and prime
contractors in the aaiegories of consfruction,
equipment, services and supplies. These
amounfs include Federal funds plus recipient
matahing funds and funds from o#her sources,
*For SRF recipients only; ln 5c please enterthe
iotaf procurementamount#arthe quar#er, or
semiannual pertod, under ail of yaur SR�
Assisfance Agreements. 'The figure repqrted in
this section is noi directly tied io an individuai
Assisfance Agresment idontification nurr�ber.
(Sa� state recipients repori state
procureme�3ts in thfs section}
lfi there were no MBEMlBE accompiishmenfs this
reporting period, please brlefly explain what
P�qe 34 of 38
QiEyof Fot# Warth -105
speoific steps you are taking ta achieve the
MBCNVB� reqtairemenis sp�cffi�d in the terms
and canditions af the AssistanceAgreement.
�Jame and title of officia[ adrninistrator or
designafed reparting officiai.
Signature, rnanEh, day, and year reporE su�mifted
p. InstruaYsons for Part [I:
For each MB�IWBE procuremenfi made under ihis
ass€stance agreement during the reporEir�g period, provide
the following in€armatian:
Cheakwhetherthis procurementwas made by
the roGipient, sub-rec3pi�nf7SRF loan recipient, or
the prime contractar.
Ghe�lF �itherthe MBE or WBE column, if a firm
is bofh an MBE ar�cl WB�, fhe recipient may
choose io aa�nfi ihe entire procu�ement towards
EIiHER ifs MBE.ar WBE accomplishmertts. Tha
recipient may also divid� thetotal amounf of the
procurement {using any rafio if so chooses} and
count thase diuided amounts toward its Mg� arid •
WBE accomplishments. I�€the recipien# chooses
t� diaide the proeurement amaunf and count
poriion�, towerc! its MBE. arid WB�
aceom�lishments; �f�:ase sta{e fhe appropriate
amounts ianderttie MBE'an� UtIBE colurnns on
thefortn: ihe�comi�ined MBE and_WB�
atziounts far:thai M��IWBE contra�tarmust
nAt exceed the "Value�of fhe P�acuremertt"
repor#ed it� column #3
Dallar;va{us_ofpr�curemen�. �
Date of-procurement, shown as mant�, day, year.
Dateof procu�ement is tfefined as the data the
can4ract or pr.ocuremettt �vas �avuarded; not Ehe
' d t d #h
TC�Q Contract #: 882-14•40060 Amendment #2
and 33); OMS Circulars; or added by �PA to ensure
sound and effectiv� assistanae rnanagement. Accurate,
complete daia ara required to obtain funding, while no
pledge of confidentiai�ty is provid�d.
The public r�portkng and recarding burden for this
coilentian of information is esi�mated iQ average f hour per
response annua►ly, Burden means the tofai time, efFart,
or financial re&ources expended by persons to generate,
maintain, retain, or disclasure or provide information fo or
far a Federal ager�cy. This includes the time needed to
revtew instrucfions, develop, acquire, install, and utilize
iechnologyattd systems forthe purposes of collectit�g,
validatin�, and verifying in�ormation, processing and
maintaining fnFormation, ant{ disefosing and providing
infarmation; adjusf the existing wa�s fa comply v�rith any
�reviousfy applicable Instructions and requirements; train
personnel to be able fo respond to a col(ec�ion of
informatlon; search dafa sources; complete and review
the coflaction of infortnation; and transmit or otherwise
disciose the infarmation, An agency may not cnnduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required ta respond to, a
collec#ion. ai information unless lt displays a currently valid
OMC� conirof number. �
Sertd comments on fhe Agency's need for ihis
informafiori; the aacuraay af the provided burden
estimates; and any suggested met}ioda for minimizing
respondeni burclen, 9ncluding through.the use of
auiomate.d collect'iori techniques to the birector, QPPE
fZeg�latoryinformatiori Diiiision;.U.S. Er�vironmenfa}
Protect�on Agertcy {213�), 720Q:Perinsytvania Rvenue,
NW,VVashin�foti; p.C,-ZQ46Q. inctudethe OM� Confrol
number in any correspondence: L�o not send the
complefed form to this address.
: date ihe confractar�ece�v�. paymen. ..un er e . ....
. _
, ...
a�vard�d cQnfracE r��pro'curemerif,-unless.; . -�
.... :: . - .
_ ... .
payrnertt:oGcurred zsri_t€�e:d�f�of �ward::,: Where . :
- - _ ....,.:,...._ :.. _. _
. .----�----., ......_ .:-.r :..:
.: .
tfirecf �urchasing:is the:pro�tirerrrettf_irieti�ad, _
_ ..
. _ . ._: . �... _...:-..-.��_ -- . -
. --- �-
.: th:e daE��of_�ractir�in�nt is the=date.ff�e . '- -. ---- - - - _
___.._..-,_:_---:___. „__.,:,-..::::---. - -- ----... . _ - - - -- -
. _ - -- - - - ... ... . .- -- - . _ _ _. _
... .
�.__ urc}i��e:was.�nade °<-:__:;_ - - --- - - -
. �_. : . __. - - --- -----._% =- - _ - _- - - _ . .. .. _ ,
.:_._.:-_:__-.:_:-__:__ :-��__:-:-:.:-:.--::_-�.-_----T::�:._ : : _ _---- -_--_ --_- -_ _----- - = --- -_- _
... . :::.: .:..: ..:: . .. .
... - -_- - , - _
5: - :;. _ g _.d�s af the:l�offom:o�.the.fort�r;i�entif - . .. �._ ., _
Usin co . - - - -
. : . . ... .
- ---:.. _ _. _ ..:..........-. __.�._.._. Y - , .. , . _ .
. . ...... . ...... :_-: := :: : :;.
type of proditct or service_acquir.ed:ihrough tE�is . _:,. .:. _. . .... ...:. ...: .... _ -: . . .
_..._. .
procurement (e:g:; e��er='I if,ev��fruCtio�,`2 i� .
. .. . -- - -
�- ..
. . _.•:SU�pIiBS, etG}.::� ::_-. ;�.. : _;:;_: :�;--:._:_'; °:: �: `r.;_: :-' s::-. : -:_ _ _. , . ,. . . . _ . . ._ . _
. . ._ _ : .. .: ...: .. .. .. . ._....: .
-- ..: ....:. . .:...- .. --.. -
.. :.. : .. .,.
_ : .:. .
6. �. �lamet address,.a�d t�(epiione, riumkier of .,_
.. _ .. ..:. ... . .. ... . � . . . --
,. _ . .
. ._ :
MB�ItlVB�.firm�. : ::--: _::�=r:::-_._-:-:.:_._ ::,_:,,. `._:.__.::.:._ . :. . ,. . . ... _
•°?hfs data is r�quesfed fo-corriply wi{h provisions -
, _. .... -- ---. _�:-- : - --- - -�-- --.... _.. .. .. .
_. ._ triari�ate:c(:by:-�t�iia�e_or;r��iaiatidns {��:�Fki`Par�_30,.31,
, ....... ..:. .... __. ._......._
_. . .
Page:82 of3�: -
Gify of �ort Worlh -145
'ir j:
.,. ;
TC�Q Contract �€: 582-�4-40064 Amendment#2
OMB Cantrol No; 2090-fl030
Approval Expires: 8J31/2015
Disadvantaged BtYs�ness Bnierprise (DB�) P� ogram
DBS SubcontracCox ParCicx�at'ra�a Rorn�
An EPA �ix�ancial Assistance Agreext�ent Recipient must require its prime confractors to provide this fortn to i�s
DBE subcon�Cractors. This form giv�s a DBEz subcan�ractor2 the opportuni�yta describe work received and/or
report anp cancerns regarding the EPA-funded project (e.g,, in areas such as Eerminaiioi� by prime contrac�:or, late
payments, etc.j. The DBE subcontractor canras an option, cornplete and submit �is form fio the EPA DBE
Coordinator at any Cime during Che prajecC perZad ofperforznance.
Subcontxaci:or Naxn.� ProjectNazne
Bid/ Pxoposal Na. Assistance Agreement ID No. (if known� Pozz�t of ContacC
Telephone No. ��r.ail Addr�ss
Prime Conl:ractor N'ame Issuir�g/Funding Entity:
lA Da� ls a bisadvantaged, iVlinorlty, or Woman Businsss Enterprise that has been certifled by an entlty from whlch EPA accepts certifications as
described In 40 CFR 33.20q-33.205 or certifled by �PA. EPA accepts ca�tificatlans from errtlfiies that meet or excssd EPA certificatlon standards as
desct9bed In 90 CFft 83.202,
z Subcontractar is defined as a company, firm, jainiventure, or individualwho enYers into an agreenientwith a contractor to provld�
services pursuant to an L•'P.A, award offinancial assistance. �
LPA �OR[►� 6�.00-2 {ABE Subco�z�ractorParticipat9on �oi�m)
Page 33 of 38
City nf Fort Wprth -� 05
� .► � �
OMH Conirol No: 2090�Q034
,Approval S�lres: 8/31/2015
Disadvan�aged Busin�ess E�.tex�x�se (ABB} �xogram
D8� Subco�trac�ox �'a�rtic��ation� For�rz
Please use the space below io repoxt any concerns regarding the abov� �PA-funded project:
TCEQ Contract #: 582-14-�d084 Amendment �2
._. .
. . liace � -
L_�_._ . . .. . . ... :. . ...� . . •:. : .,. . _.. .. - . : . . _.::. .: : -:::. _ �-
_.. - ---... . _ _- � - . _ _ - _ _ . _ .
__ . .
Tfie pubii�.re�orting and reco�dkeeping Gurden. for_;this...c�tlectEbn o� inform�tion is est ma�ed to average t ree 3 ours
, . _, _ .... .. .... . ....: .:.. :.. •.. : - :_ . . :._..: . , ,.:_.. _ _ .: . ... . ..
per res�onse.-Ser�d:corrim�nis bn.the=Ag�ncy's need fgrthis:infor�iation; the aceuracy� of-th�-�r�vid�d.burden �stiri�ates�.
, . . ., . .
.._. . ;.
and_any_suggestec� metihac(s far min�r»izirig respo�d_eht burt�en; inclu�tng through the use of au�omated caliectlon . _
:... : _�...: .,.._:�:. .....
. .. .
techriiques�o.fi4�e �Erector`,_Collectrbr� Stiategles DiVisi�n, U S �rivironrY[er►�al:Pra�e�tiorrAgeri�y {�8�2:"['j, -12t?(1": . . � ':.
. _ . .. ..,... . - - - _ -- - -
_...�_ .-:_<-� .._�.._ .r.. .... .:.,,,.
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� ....
:. .. ,�._,.,._� .: .. ..::........ . _::...;..,_ �--::. �:-..:._ �:
... . . . ..... ..:.
Pehnsyivania=Aye:, NWr Washi�igton;�p.C: �2Q46b:�tncluc{e the CTM� can�ro) numkier 9n�a�iy �orxespor�dence< po riot sen� ., >�:
... _. .
_. .::._....... .. .. ,....._ . . _ . _ .....
� . . . _ ._
. :: .: .. ::.:.:.
the:cornplet�d faPrri to tiiis address: :: .: -
- --
_. _ .. : � . .. . : : .::. : :: - - - - - - �
_ .. __ .. __._.. , ,_
. .. .. _: .
. . ..
_::-�::;-�PATQRCVl6100-2. A��Si1��on�racto�T?anc�inationk�oi�inj:,��_��:.`;_-:<�;'.�_--__::=:;:.:,:�-:::::__:.-:�:==::-:_-°':_�::_;-.-::_-.__.-:_.:�..�:;_<.�_:_.:_=.;>_..: :
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_. .,.,..: .__.. ,.. ..- - - �- -...--_- :......... ...... --__:_-�.:.. :._ - - - -- --
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.......: ........ .
_ :. _ ._ Page,84of3$�=-" .. :. � �
, :.-�
Texas Cc�m�ni�sran on Environmenfia� Quality
Pa�s � Throu►gh Funding lnformation and F�deraN �u�cNing Accot�ntability and
Transparer�cy �Acfi �eporrting Form (Continued)
(See atta�hed insYructions and retum compteted form wlth sEgned capies of contract)
9) Recipient's Number
10) Form Preparer's Narne
Amount �
Amount �����1
Amount -
Amount �
582-1440060 �� 12} preparer's phone (�umber 817-392-8736 �
Michael Kazda 13) I�ate Farm Completed 12I04I20�5 �
11} Frep�r�r'sTitfe jEn�ironmenta! Supervisor
TC�Q `�u �omplete -� fil� in al1 bc���s ��r i�d➢ra�e N/A or TBD
Informa#ion marked TBD wll( be subsequently provided by TCEQ,
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.lnfornnafiion : � l,�
16) Contract Ef�ective Qate �
� 17} /�mendment or Work Order or Notice to Proceed Effective Date ��. �- ��
18) Federal Award Identification No. 19) Federal Granfi Start Date
z eF� zoo.���
� Inf�rma�ion
20} CFD�4 Program Number �� 21} CFl7A Program Title �
22j federal Awarding Agency �� 23) Amaunt Obligafied (this action)
24) 7otal Amount Obl3gated from �ederal Award
25) Project Description
26} TCEQ Preparer's tVame
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TC�;Q-20589- Updated May 2475 Page 2 oF4
`texa� �ommis§ion an En�ironmenta� Qu�li�y `�•.::PrintForm'�����
Pass � T�rough �unding Informatie�n and ��deral Funding �lccountabilEty and
TransparencyAct Repor�ing �orm
(See a�tached Inskructians and return cnmpleted form with signed cnpies ofcontractj •
Ths purpase of the form is fio identify this confiract as a subaward using fecleral funds �nd ta report fihe ok�ligation of fsderal
1) ReciplentName
2} DBA Name
3) tiUNS Number
5} /�ddress
6) Parent DUNS hiumber
7) Primary slte where the
work wilE be performed
City oF Fort Worfih
ComplEance Depar�menfi, Environmental Management Divfsion
073170458 � 4) pUNS Numbar+�
��� . . . --
Fort Worth ��� Sta�e Texas Z(p Code 76102
�---- i
1000 Th rocl<morton Street
�ort Workh 5tate Tc�acas �� ,Zip Code 761 Q2
�__ I
8} aj In yaur business or organization's previaus fiscal y�ar, dfd your business or organization (including parent
organization, alI brar�ches, and a!1 afFiliates world wide) receive 80 percent ar more in annual gross revenues frorrt
U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, sub-grants, andlor cooperative agr�aments?
)f No, skip to {2uestton No. 9 and comp[ete remaining questions.
b} In your business or organizatlnn's previous fiscai year, dit# your businsss ar organization (irscluding parent
organlzation, all branches, and atl affiliates warEd wfde} receive $25,000,000 or more in annua! gross revenues
from U,S, federal contracts, subcontracfs, Ioans, grants, sub-grants, and/or coap�rative agreements?
if No, s!<fp fo Question Na. 9 and complete remaining questions.
c) IfYes, cotrtplete (ink fio 5�C: http://www.s�c,gov/
d) if not, then prnv3cte the fof lawEng: Nam�s and campensation of#ap 5 highly campensated officers, If applicabie.
{This wiil be the same compensation tnformatlon which appears in recipient's CCR profile.}
(Yj Yes
a �d
❑ Yes
■ •
7C�Q-20S89-UpdatedMay2015 pagel of�4
Cify of Fort WorEh -105
7CEQ Confraci#: 582-14-40050 Amendmenf#z
Te�r�� ��mrx��,�sion an ��vironm�t�tal Qt�ali�y
P�ss �'f�r+��g� Funding �nfor�rraati�r� ��d F�dera� ��ndir�g 1��cou�fi�bR1��� ��nd
1) The n�me oFthe raclpient urgan[zation that correspands tvith the recipient's Data Unlversa! Numbering System {pUNS) which
appears in the Central Contractor Registrafiion (CCR} proflle, '
2j The °doing-busEness-as" name oF the reciptent's organization which corres�onds witt► the reci�i�nt's DUNS which a}apears ln the
Central Gon�ractar R�glstrafiion {G��j prafile:
3) The r�clpi�nY's organ(zatlon's 9-c11glt DUNS number. .
g) The +4 extension to the DUNS numb�r Greated by registran�s In CCR when ti�ers is a need for mor� than an� bank /�lecfiron ic
�'unds Transfe3� �EFTj accqunt for a(ocation. �
5j Address where th� recipi�nt's organ(zation 1s incaeed which cvrresponds wikh a CCR profile.
�} 7he reciplent's perent arganizatio�'s 9-dic�ft i7UNS nur►t�aer whlch corresponds wlth the parent CCR prQfile,
7) Primary s(te wh�rethe work will be perfarm�d,
8) a) fn your busin�ss aror�anizatl�n's prevlous fisc�l ye�t; c]id youi° buslness pr �ryaNzation (inciuding parent nrgahixatlon, a1(
branches, �nd a!I atflliates world wide) receive sa per�ent or more in annual gross revenues from U,S.federal co��teacts,
subcantracts, )aans, grants, sqbgrants, and/or coQperative agreements7 ChecfcYes or Na. if N0, skip to �o ques#lan N9 and
complete remafnirtg questlons.
b) In your business or arganlzatEon's previaus fscal year, dic! your buslness or orc�an'rzation {inc{udin� parer,t organ(xation, ail
branch�s, and a1{ affiliates world widQ� rec�ive $z5,pop,000 or more In ann�ia) c�ross Pevenues fro�� tJ,S, federal contraccs,
subcantracts, laans, �rants, sub�rants, ancl/Ar caoperative agreements7 �heckYes or No. If NC�,sklp to to questl�n �9 and
compfete remalninq nuestlons.
c) if Y�S tn both {a) and (b) above,then dpes the pufalic have access to thelnformatian abqut #h� rompensatton ofthe senidr
exaeutives in your business or organi�atlon (includlnc� pareni or��nlzatlon, alI branches, ancf a1i af�ltatas worldwide) fihroagh
periocl'sc repor�s flled uncler s�ction (1 �(a) or 7 5td) csfithe Securltles �xchange Act of � 93�1(�5 U,S,C. 78rr�(aj, 780{d) Qr s�ctian 6104
of the Internal Revenue Ct�de af � 986? Complete Che (inkta SeCurlties �and �xchange Cnmmission {SECj,
d) {f not, then provide �h� foltowfngc Names �nd compensation of top� hi�hly�amp�nsated oFflcers; if applicable (Thts wlll be th�
same com{�ensat[on Informatlon wh[c� appears !n recEplant's CCR profile.}
9) IdentEtying conkract num ber assigned by tf7e rec[plent far trackinc�.
10) ide�}tffytheforrr� preparer's name,
11� tdeiztlfytheform preparer's title.
1z} Jdentlt'y the form prepare�'s phon� number.
i 3} qate forrn 3s compisted,
iCER�2o589-Updated M�ty 2015
Pac�e 3 af4
Page 37 of 38
�'`: '� ,.. _ � •�.� . • �
City of Fort Worth -106 TCEG2 Contract#: 582-�4-40060 Amendmenf �2
_ � :� �`exas �om�n�ssion c�n �nu�ronm�r���l Qua��ty .
Pass - Through �undir�� Infvr��t�on and ��d�ra! ��nd�ng Accoucn�abiiit�r a�nd
�,��� Tr�n�par�ncy Ae� Rep�rtinc� �c�r� i�s�ruc��ons (Co�a���u��d� 1 .
?��t� �o Coimpie��
1�) fdenti3fyTCEQ'scontractnumber
1 S) ldentify TGEQ's Amendment number ar Work tlyd�r namber (Ifapplicabte},
15j The date the contract is e{fective, ..
17) The date the Amendmen#, Work brder, or Nnti�e tv Proceed is effecfi�ve,
18} Federal Award IdenfiiFicatlon Number (�AIN).
19) ldentify star� date �f fed�ra! grant,
20) 7he program number assoclated vulth the publlshed ciestriptian nf federal assistance }arogr�m in the Catalog o# Federal Damesti�
Asslstance (CFDA). •
21) The CF[3A �rogram rtatne,
22j �lama of �etferal Awarding Agancy,
23} i7o11ar amoune of�ederai funds ohligated by this actEon, .
24} TQta1 dallaramaunt nf Federal funds obligated underthis contract , _
2�j �rojeet D�scrEptlon (The des�tiption shoiald captiire the oyeCaJ1 purpo5� pfthe �ontracE atid/tir,lf this is an umbrella contract
clescrlk�e the Work b.rd�r activiry,) �
z8} IdentifyTC�Q's form preparer's narrie. _ � -
-:- _: - - - -- - - - _ - - �
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City of Fort Worth, Texas
Mayor and Council Communication
DATE: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 REFERENCE NO.: **C-27543
Authorize Execution of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Federally Funded Grant
Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $308,856.00 for Air Pollution Control Services, Apply Indirect
Costs at Approved Percentage Rate and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Authorize the execution of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Federally Funded Grant
Agreement for air pollution control services with a maximum amount of $308,856.00 for a two-year term
starting September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2017;
2. Authorize the use of existing personnel services for the City's in-kind match with an anticipated value of
$101,922.00 for the two-year term of September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2017;
3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the
Grants Fund in the amount of $206,934.00 for grant years 2015-2016 through 2016-2017, subject to
receipt of an executed Contract; and
4. Apply indirect costs at the most recently approved rate of 21.48 percent for the Code Compliance
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the pass-through agency for all
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Section 105 Grant Funds. EPA Section 105 Grant Funds have
been received annually by the City for its Air Pollution Control Program in cooperation with TCEQ to
maintain and operate various ambient air monitoring stations. This includes daily monitoring of ozone and
particulate levels.
This grant covers the operation and maintenance of the Particulate Matter (PM 10) Luisa VOC Canister,
and Ozone monitoring networks for the TCEQ and requires a local in-kind match of $50,961.00 per
year. The City must provide matching funds such that the combined Federal and State share of the total
funding for the Section 105 Grant does not exceed 67 percent. The matching funds must be allocated per
maintenance of effort requirements for federal air pollution grants. The Code Compliance Department's
Fiscal Year 2016 General Fund Budget includes funds required for the in-kind match.
No City funds will be expended before the contract is approved. Upon approval and acceptance of the
grant and execution of the contract, City funds will be expended before receipt of grant funds.
Logname: 23STATE GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PM10 OPERATION 2015 TO 2017 Page 1 of 2
The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations,
and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current operating
budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Fund. The Code Compliance Department will be responsible for
the collection and deposit of funds due to the City. Prior to expenditure being made, the Code
Compliance Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds.
Submitted for Citv Manager's Office by:
Originatinq Department Head:
Additional Information Contact:
Fernando Costa (6122)
Brandon Bennett (6345)
Cody Whittenburg (5455)
1. 20STATEPM10update.pdf (Public)
Logname: 23STATE GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PM10 OPERATION 2015 TO 2017 Page 2 of 2
s. '�• � I
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' The Texas Cornmission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ"} hereby amencls Contract #5$2-14-
400bo tiv�th the City of Fort Worth ("PERF�RMING PARTY") tv extend the expiration date of
� the Contract by 90 days. General Terms and Conditions, paragraph l.g gives TCEQ the right to
: issue thi�.s unilateral extez�sioz�.
1. The Term of the Contract is extended to November 29, 2015.
All other conditions and requirements of Contract Number �82-r4-4006o xexnazn. unehanged.
Texas Commission on Envuonmen�kal Quality
�V.[anager, Arnbient Mo�.ito��i�z� Scctio�x
��,�fu� � S�
(Dat� Signed)
. �
� •'
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r '1 '/ �i :�' i � �
razricia Le La �ruz
(Printed Name)
�M&C Review
Page 1 of 2
O�aal site of rhe City of Fort Worth, Texas
COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 9/10/2013 - Ordinance No. 20894-09-2013
DATE: 9/10/2013 N� ; C-26423 LOG NAME: AGREEMENT FOR PM10
SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of a Texas Commission on Environmentai Quality Federally Funded
Grant Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $308,856.00 for Air Poilution Cont�ol
Services, Apply (ndirect Costs at Approved Percentage Rate and Adopt Appropriation
-_ � � ���- _ � . �� , � �
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Authorize the execution of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Federally Funded
Grant Agreement for air pollution control services with a maximum amount of $308,856.00 for a two-
year term starting September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015;
2. Authorize the use of existing personnel services for the City's in-kind match with an anticipated
value of $101,922.00 for the two-year term of September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015;
3. Adopt appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants
Fund in the amount of $206,934.00 for grant years 2013-2014 through 2014-2015, subject to receipt
of an executed Contract; and
4. Apply indirect costs at the most recently approved rate of 21.48 percent for the Transportation and
Public Works Depa�tment.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the pass-through agency for all
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Section 105 Grant Funds. EPA Section 105 Grant Funds
have been received annually by the City for its Air Pollution Control Program in cooperation with
TCEQ to maintain and operate various ambient air monitoring stations. This includes daily monitoring
of ozone and particulate levels.
This grant covers the operation and maintenance of the Particulate Matter (PM) 10, Luisa VOC
Canister, and Ozone monitoring networks for the TCEQ and requires a local in-kind match of
$50,961.00 per year. The City must provide matching funds such that the combined Federal and
State share of the total funding for the Section 105 Grant does not exceed 67 percent. The matching
funds must be allocated per maintenance of effort requirements for federal air poliution grants. The
Transportation and Public Works Department's proposed Fiscal Year 2014 General Fund budget
includes funds required for the in-kind match.
No City funds will be expended before the contract is approved. Upon approval and acceptance of
the grant and execution of the contract, City funds will be expended before receipt of grant funds.
Work performed under this grant Agreement will service COUNCIL DiSTRICT 4.
http://apps.efwnet.org/council�acket/mc review.asp?ID=18770&councildate=9/10/2013 9/12/2013
�M&C Review
Page 2 of 2
The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon approval of the above
recommendations, and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in
the curreni operating budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Fund.
TO Fund/AccountlCenters
3) GR76 5
(VARIOUS� 020412669010
GR76 517040 020412669020
GR76 488279 020412669000
GR76 451543 020412669000
�, �. • • ��
Submitted for City Manaqer's Office bv:
Oriqinatinct Department Head:
Additional Information Contact:
FROM Fund/AccounUCenters
Fernando Costa (6122)
Douglas W. Wiersig (7801)
Michaei Gange (6569)
20STATEPM 10 �date.pdf
20TCEQ COMPLIANCE GRANT FY14 A013 revised 9-4-13crr2.doc
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acket/me_review.asp?ID=18770&councildate=9/10/2013 9/12/2013