HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44799-A1 (2);� • ..:,.5'. . •, ",` ,�� �1 : ;.. ��.``a�n�j ���t Contx�act No, y$a-xq.-400Gn Amendment #x AMEIVDM.EI�TT NiTME�R �- -- -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - — - - - - The Te�cas Carnmission on Environmental Qaality (TCEQ) and the Ci�r pf Fort Worth {City) agree to a�x�.en�. Cantract No, ,$2-x�}-¢o06o ta revi,se �he Cosi Budget and decxease ihe total compensation possible under t�.e co��traei, The City will continue to operate and maz;�tain five continuous a�xzbiez�t znoni�oring stations (CAMS), one non- continuous ambient monifiozing sCation (NCAMS), and fihe assnciated sites in Fort VVorth, Texas. T�EQ and the City agree that the •total compensation �ossible u�.c�e:r tliis C011'�Yact is decreased as follot�vs: Conlract Axnount � TCEQ Share {FY�q & FYx5) 1�v1111C11;L L1A11G11LL111G3.1L lV V. 1"'" 1 l�t��J 1]ll[(L�C l.0 I.. To•ral Contx�act Amauzzt — TCEQ Share {P'Y74 � The Gity o� Fo� t Worth �� �y: �,1 _� �luthorized Sxgnature i. TCEQ has approved tk�� Cast Budget sheet an.d z�.c�uded it in its entizeiy as At#achme�t A o� this Arnendt�rzent. 2, The Maxixnuzx� Axnount of the Contract (TC�Q Share) for FYxq. azzd FY�S is decreased to $x.97�15�•34 AIl o�her conditions and requirernents oF Co�ntxact Number �82-i4-4006o remain unchanged. By: Aut�aorized Signature Patx•icia De La Cz�uz Printed Name Managex, A.zx�biei�t Monitorin�Section Title ��5 Date �- ac� �a3 Contr�ci. `� � �uthori�atio� �o- aol3 � 1 oi 5 �FFICIAL R���R�'� CITY SECRETAR�n FT. VIIORTH, TX Printed Name A��i: Ct�-u l'•?,�.ha9r� � Title $ aa6,93q..aa — s y, frsl.on $197,r52�34 7 z7/ r5 Dat� ' ri. � �� J. � AS TO Np�M AND LTsGAL]'l`Y� A� R rtsu �' .��.�_ ..� � , City � � �� t Te�as Connmissioxi oxi Envix•onmentaX Qu�ality CozatraciNo. s$2-r4-4op6o .Amerndxnenfi #'i .�.T'1:'.,A�C�MENT A Cost Sudg�t Sheei: (FYx4) �. Sudg�ei, Au�hoxxzed budgeted exgenclittt�es far �ork perforzx�ed in FY�q. are as %llows. Butlget Categox�y '�`ota� pxQje�t Costs {An�txutally) Salaxy / Wages $�3,299,z8 Fringe Bsnefits $xg,$�9.�� Trave1 • $263.2� Supp�xes $o.oa �c�uipmerit $o.ao Confiactual $o.00 Coxz�i�r�.ctian $O.ob O�er � $4,577�r7 �`ot�I Di�rect Cnst $77,979•27 Indi��ect Cost $:��,�06.0� 4fiher In-lcincl. Contributzon.s $o.o.o T�tal Cn�tract Co�t $139,��$•g7 Cost Share (��%) �4d,�43•53 TCEQ Reim�ux�se�ez�.t �q���(S�•g4 Arno�nt �G % - �, Matching �xnds. This Contract requires xnatckzx�g �t7�xds. Peiforming Party rnu�t ma�eh TCEQ expenditares by contribut�ng 3�% o;f the tntal projecfi casts as shown abave, Each in�vQice must demonsfxate that the �'exforming Party is contributing the rsquzzed match for the periad specx�ied. o�x the in�ozce. 3. indirect Cost ReimbuY�sable Raie. The xeimbursable rate fo�r'��s Contraet xs 2�..q.8% of (check one}: � salaxy- and wages [� modified total direct costs (� o�iher direct costs �ase If other direct cost �iase, idenfiiiy: This xate is less than or equal to (ck�ec�� one): zof� Cozrtrac��To. �Sz-�4-4ao&o Arnendrnent #� � approved predete�rxx�ined rate [] e�pex•.ienced-based p�redeterrni�ed �ra�e ❑ defauili x•ate 4. Other. Xf 8udget Category "Other" is g�eater than $a�,000 or more than �:o% of bu.dget total, identify the main constituents: 5. Eudgefi Ca�tego�r�es. The Budget Categorics aba�re ha�re the de�initxons, xeqwirerne�ts and linaitatioz�� stated �n UG�S. Constructzan cosfs are not reirnb�rsable without prior, specific w�rxtte� authoxizat�on frazxi TCEQ. 6. Budget Control a�d Trans��rs. �Totwitl�standing any contrary �xo�vi�szo;� o£ any Cast Budgei, the following pxovisions apply to every Cost Budget incozporated i��to or ap�roved under this Contract: b.� Cumulative Annual'iiax�sfers Up Ta xo�a af the Cost Budget Total. The Pei�orming Party rnay t��a�s�ex up to ten pez�cent of the annua� Cost �udget Total arnong direct cost catego�zes �y submitting a Re�vised Cost Budget. Hawever, tk�e ten percenfi limit is cumula�ive, an� the Pexfarming Party may not txai�s�er iz�to dia�ee� evst eategaries �ontax�ing zero doIlars �cvithout TCEQ. pre-approval. 6.z Curr�ulatzve Annual �ans�ers Greater Than �.o% of �he Cost Budget Total. TCEQ m�ust ap��•ov� alI budget revisions fihat transfer more than tex� pexGent of the annual Cost Bu�.ge�r'�'otal axnong direct cost categories before the P�rforming Paz�ty zncuxs the increasec� costs. Zf the Cos� �udget is izacarporated in-ro ihe Coni:rac�, TGEQ approval xr�ust be in the �orm o� a Contz act Azx�endz�r�en�:. 6.� �alaulation of Cuznulativ� Ann.uat Transisr, The curnulative annuai t:ransfer zs equa� to the surn of ths amoc�nts of incxease a£�ach ditect cost categary frorn fiha ir�corpo�ated or appraved Cost Budget. The amo�t by wk�ich a�y direct cost category has decreased is not included in this calculation, 6.4 All i�avcrices �usf cleaXJ.y show how this budget control requixerrzent k�as beezz xxzet. d:� A� a xninimum, invoices xnust shaw expe�ases foz tk�e invoice perxod including fihe axt�'s match to fihe xequested azxzount, year-to-date expenses, projected totals foz th� year (vr ap�plicabl.e cox�firact periad), percent of budgei spent to date, and percentage a£budget proj:ected to be spent. �. Invoice Submitta�. Unless othex�wise stipulated in tl�e Can�ract, invoxces �must be subnaitted to fi�.e TGEQ individual narned in Project Repz�esentatives and Recorc�s Lvcation at monthly interva�s. k�ual in.�voices shall be s�xbrn�ited w�ifihin twa {2) ° cale�.dax months aftex coznpleting the Seape of W�rk activitfes. TCEQ anay extend tk�is deadline by u�xxlate�ra� co�tract agreement. S, Grant Charge�aclr Im�voices. �n the case of arz inuoice for grant ac€�vities bex�.g paid during tlae second fiscal. year �or which the funds were appropriated, AT.L INVOICES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN' SUFFICIENT TIME FOR TCEQ REVZEW, 3 0� 5 Contx•act No. �8a-x�.�qao6o Arnex�r��x�ent #x NECESSARY CORRECTIONS, TCEQ AYPRO'�%9,L, AND �SUBSEQUENT PRESENTAT�O�I TO TH� COMPTROi.LETt BEFORE T�IE END OF THE FISCAL YEA.R. _ g. Travel. In ox�dex io be reimbnrsable, �tzavel costs musi be s�ecifically authnrized irz advance of tlie travel. Tra�rel enses, including pex diezn, wili be reimbursed only in �lae amount of actual costs, up to the rnaximum allowed by law fc�r �m�loyees of ihe State o� Te�as a� the tirne �Iie cosfi is incur�ed. 1a Su.pporting Records. Per�orrning i'arty sha1l submxt records ancl. documentation to TCEQ as appxo�zzafie fo�� tk�� rev�iew and appr•oval of reimbuxsing costs. TCEQ . may zeject invoices without appropriate suppori:ing docuzxientatioz�, TCEQ has the right ta request addi�io�al documentation. pez•foz•xning Pariy sha]I maintain records subject to the lerms oithis Contract. �.�.. �nd�rect Cos�. Pe��forming �ari�s indirect cosl:s will be reimbux•s�d at t�e zeiznbursable xate shown above (if no reimbuxsable rate is shown above, incliract costs axe �aat reimbuzsable under this Con�txact), The rezzx�bursable rate znust be less i:han �r equal ta tk�e xaie authorized under UGMS, To the ex�ez�t �at the reimbutsab�e iate is lower than Perforrning Party's actaal indirect cnsts, Perfoxmixzg .Parfiy is contributing i�s �xnreirnbursed indireet easts to the s�ecessfi�l pexforrnar�ce of this Contraci�, and waives any right it naay �ave to reimbursement a�£ t�ase costs (if this Con�ract i�equires matching fi1�.c�s, Per�orrning Farty xnay claim� xts unreimbuzsed indirec� costs as part or all. af its match), ��. Ixtdireet ita�es �lutharized under UGMS. The follawing rates are authorized under UGMS; x2.X Approved P�.�edetexm►ined Rate. A� appx•ov�d predetexmined rate is an indu ect cost rata agreed �o �within the precedzng �4 months in a signed indi�ect rate negotiatian agreernent with �he applicable fede�at cagniza�t agez�cy, staio szngle auclit coordinatang agency, majoz state fitnding agency, or ana�her state agency designated �by the Governox ,.An approved predeterminad ra�e shall b� e�p�ressed.as a percentage of the direct cost base specified in the signed indirect a�ate negot�ataox� agz�eement. x2,2 ��zpexi.e7n.ce-Sased P�edeterrn��t�.ed Ra.�te. An expexienced-based predetermined rate is az� i�.diz�ect cost ra�e agr�ed io betwee�'�C�� azxd �'exfox�zn.ing ParCy, where there is no approved preclete��rnined rate and there is su�Ficient cost experience and othe:r pex�irient faets to enable the parties to reacl� an informed judgment (a) as io the probable level of indirect costs in the P�rfo�miilg Party's programs during the te;rxn af the Contzact, covered by the negotiated �tate, and (b) �hat the amount allowabl� ur�d�x that rate would not e�ceed actuaJ. izxdix•ect costs, ,A� experi��c�-based prede��r�nined x�te s�all �e expxessed as a percentage of either (a} salary and wages, oz {�) madified fiotal direct costs. Modified total d'u•ect cos�s axe total c�reci costs less "ext��aoxdinaiy oi c�istarting expenditures," usually ca�ital expenditures, sub- awalds, contracts, asszstantce pa�rrn�n�s (e.g., ta beneficiaries), a�d px�ovidex payme��.ts, The diz•ec� cost Uase selected s1}ould x esult in tha fair disiribution 4 4� 5 ,,, ., Conti�actNo. �82-7q.-qoo6o Axrtendment #� of iz�cbixect costs among all state and federal grants anc� co�tz�acts a�ffected, as well as other Perfox•�a�i�g Pa�rty actx�tzss that share in ihe indirect costs. t _ � z2.g Default Rate. A de�aul� arate is an �ndirecfi of fi�n pez�cent (iq%} of direct � salary and wages, to be used where (a) tk�eze is nn appz•oved or e�perienced- ° based predatexnained x�ate, a�d (b) the Perfoz•ming Part� represents tl2ai its } actual indi�ect costs equal or exceed ten percen� (�o°/o) of sala�y and �ringe. : Y3. Adjustment of I�zdxrect Rates. A reimbuxsai�re rate is intended to be iinal. Pez�orming Party aclznovvledges fihai TCEQ's budget �s lzzxxxted and funds may not be available to reiznburse any inereas� in indirect costs. Performing Party wa�ves azay : right it may have to upwax•d adjustment of its indiree� zate, and agr�es to contribute � any snch inerease to the succe�sfu� per£ormance of this Cnntract (if rnatehing fnnds are required, Performing Party may claim such costs as all or part o� ifis xaaatch}. TCEQ waives an.� xigh�k i.t nzay k�ave to a dn�waxd adjustmen� o� Perforrning Pariy's , i�direct rate, unless the reimbursable rate is greater than fihe Performing Pariy's actual indirect cosfis, Tf the lattex ease, x;� x easoxzably feasible, a compensating adjustrnent shall be carried farward to t�is Coniract or a future �ontract. If n�� � feasible, where perrnitted by Iaw TCEQ and Performing Party rnay identify additxozaal sezvices to be performed by Performizag Pat�ty as a co�npensa�ing adjustznent, or ' Performix�g Party shall xeinabuxsa TCEQ i:he excess ind�rec� costs paid. � af �