HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 21081 E � UA, (7i 0 d O /\ ys � Qp X00 cc fa NtJ 0 0.00000000 rt Ow AdML 0 0 0 0 uw 0 0.1000000 t3 ,l � .ter Ilk Ina. MOM ror-f'Y S;N-CRETAR "'CONTRACT INO VARNUM, RIDDERING, 64 HOWLe ETT. LL P A TTOP' 114 FY -`�, T LAW 2 9 x,F,1DGF-VVA`,,^ER PLACE VOS T OFFICE BOX�52 - C3 RAN 1)R A Pi I)S,NUCH 102AN V50 f. �Z, TREPHONL- 61(,/'06-000 FAX 616/I'v-70010 I A 1V,cs 4,Deno ot.3 1-k ThOMAS I.13AXNES KOBEIO'L CARIPJX1�11kHC,UzE PA V)F. W*Kvi N1A1R('0ANE,1,0N W L'U A A.1 K,VA l+T Hi Or TOBFIRT D,n,)LLGKEN HR[CE 0,1"3L1nSC?N V-1LOAM J.LA V,10 I'N(1--III IV-Tkl~yw r11-,1"NW4,1W KPT-14 AI3RAHAM RYNLLR,hKD1 �MARY AX'NIROW 11 il-ARY F SINIF-U PUONARV A-KAY BRLX.—r C�-KTDMAN GREGORY)A-PAL.MliP 1:1 17-A B ETI-I I%'-)'i F0,�-q r�t TH(WA.ZI nm'R IkRMSTRUNG -mm JOSEPH)VOGAN SUSAN M WYNG/APUFN JEWEL I..I;AIA MKtiA0,,y 1,41DALLCK, ROSEPIT J.EL-rvaf) &%kXIE A,SAIkN HART Ut I-C, SCi i N.,F I MV I I I 1'::+sl'I.1N S.IL NPS THOMA5,0,1Z)'-R0,S, KEN)T!.VANA FREDR!C&SY73MA TERF-SA.5,rk-CKER S*TEPWI N P AFrKDQ LJLIF 1;;,-:0TTAL.HUt7ENGA ALP EP 1r..SCHUMEGUL,IR WILUA.M'1iAJLL1VAYJR CARL E.VER BUK JACK D,SAGGE JaMEY P1.Hwki�lq A0 BERTA.HEN DRICK�'�, RICHARD) P10AETA I TY11P, E"`-Er NF AWVA y. jo-,�F.Lkwr,-T JITPtEY LSC14-AD -RICHARD W BUTU-P.JR DAVID E.KHOREY MIC.HAE,F'KELLY 'A A R'Y C,iK)hi`:E N 11h R,%4CE r,bAi,'(,)• JOHN C.CARLYLE TdOMAS6, LAWhENCE,P.BURNS MICHAEL.11 WC0-IN, KAI-H1,FFiq-P R '-TMAN' iONM,W-�P-A PrrEP,WC151TI.W1,114 N D03NALD L j09N-50N JOHN W FES-11C, MATT FEW V.ZIM44MM.A TN.-',)T1.tYJ TORNL(3A IET-FRI-N J,FRASER JOSEPH R UNA'N H.RAYV.0P4U-ANkAkEWS L:.,,%NIELC-MOLFM FLOBMT P,Ct)OPER WILUIA l F-ROHN K-RRIN RYNDE' Fnw.kRnj McNEFIA i(AREN SMMA KIN-BAUM X ENCI GARY P.MN14ER FRANK G.L,,AJNTEN rCINPATRIC. W14rT- MAKK S ALLARI) RIGRIq(t)R,SYIIACPN-:� IUONAS T.HUFF NY AL D.1)M-A S CRkw..5 N1 De;I T1;V,0T1i'1'E.EAaF JEFFERY S CF�AMFTON #V141110NN k. )AMFS R.VIVENrl 1-'W0T1WY I-CUR'FlIN RICA IIARD A.1 ACN--),"�A PAIAL M KNRA DAVID A.RHEM MAUREO-1 PEVERLI 1101--U'AY 1-4.ET�IVARD PAUL W KRAWR ii�E La'5M,"TH Lk)NALD 11 LA'AILESS VX.X1 5 YOUINC3, ERIC':e::WTHAI��l (yCoum'd JOHN t WCARAY :`.ET ER A-SMIT R.LAWRWCE SMITfl M1CqAF1SA&1-LWE�. RK A.R,1 RANOALL I CARi-V411YS,, J044 L-'W1ERFNCA:),A DIRK 14 COF F U'S MAW C.HANL". THCWAS C.CLINTON DAVE) AN41IF11"XI KCAN ROMRT C.RLFrQERS,I R F.WILUA"14-70 1 NZ30i i J.T-ZRRV JVfORA.4 MARVIX'4 A.LANKFER MAFLK L.OOLLINS )A CQUELINE 11 YjJT-1 PAS?7 1 UK A 41,1 FS,J P, VANPERI-AAN R.�3A"&T HOMUS -THOMAS J.MUIM TI-A'ONIAS L.LOCKHART JONAMAN11 kNDEERSON, N.51-FVENSON JEN",",�'6TTE i1i k;RIC QJURLONIB P007ER ilvlay 24, 1995 Communities Served b� Saramens Enterp.,-is es R-Ef: Gaels Television F r a n c h*1 s e Tr ns,A.r Dear C01PIMUE.-ty: inis enanuement letter with thtn.- City of I -.kl=th ffwnicipa�lty" or "vou') sets forth CY111*4:P de our mutual undelt"standing of the 1.egal sen7ice,s to be -,)rovideu ycu r municipalitu jointly with other e municipalities in the Fort North area on the Proposed tr..ansfer of your cabl televisio n francbise 'n's letter also d,scrbes how thi's a m rn o,n s with Saniws l Es nterprises or its affiiates Ito representation relates to the group effort in which we will jointly be representing several municipalities and the basis on Which we will be paid. We will provide services for vour municipality as foil s: As Zi, part of the g!'OL-1t) Of communitiC."S servt.d by eSammons involved in this %:,.).ffOT't, V?Cwill represent you or t the prop osed tramsfeir/transfer of control of your cable television franchist from Sammons to Marcus Cable or its affiliates ("Marcus"'). This includes examining your chaner, current cable franchise and Form 394 meeting wil-b you, obtaining information Evora Marcus (and Sammons) and a ,, in you about W the responses. It also includes riegotiations, with Marcus (and Sanimons) to try to arrive at an agreement on tflfie terms upon which the t-ninsfer "Fill be approved, and Such otbe-r Matters as are appAropriatt. 'n--ze scope of these seiwices M,,--iv be changed 'Arrom tulle 'ZO ti me bv mutual agreemcm, Our engage-xient Velth you may be terminated by you or us at any i subject to the provision below -k about being billed through the .,.I nd of th.,e czilendar nionth in termination occurs for ease of billing purposes. You understand that we ivi'll -also be representing othff rru ni cipali ties in, the Fort Worth PrIoposed transfer of their cable frand", e froyll S4a--m-n-ons- to Marctis. These ffff UhFCRqAx,y TH I � I zRAN i I 1'�'A N I Flo CPU% iR 'T I A I T 0 May 24, 1995 Paga, 2 inunici Pali"ties have similaTinterests,believe theNy can achie-ve, e ff- ectivenesss,fctast red uctil[Or, and mutual beneflLs through 'oinl.. re-presentation ari.d for nee are referred to collectively a '�, e Sammons Commi.mitles oy "the Grcup". ,:. s t John P estle and Peter Axnistrong%,fll overse,c this maitter on behalf of the law firm and will use the services of other atterneys in the firm or non-attorney legal assistance as the firm seers `11 N-11 for %Aiork for the -vr nionthly as follows: Wt,, appropy a`le. We will bill your inunicipali Group as a while using our s..andard rates for such woir1k:,.1. Tbose fav2ts currently range. from $55 to $2055- per hour. Mr. Pestle's rate js ,$920 Per hour and Mr. I't-rrnstrona's is $225 per hour. This bill will also include any out of pocket expenses incurred oa the Group's behalf plus Internal charges at our standard rates "OT same for such items as copying, long distance tails, woT<A messenger services, faxes, and the like. You will be billed for vour processing, staff OV!%ovni ME e13 percentage share o-i" the bill based on the riumber of Samrnons subscribers III YOUR Commun-it 7y compared to the j vmbveper of subscribers for all the communities in the group during Mar 1995 prow'.dam hovever, that your liability, under this agreexxien:t sball D ,- exceed $45,o66 without prior appeoval of t1e Ford Worth if Comcile Altheugh you iruay torminate our sear-ices a-Z my time, due tco the difficulty in segregating costs Partway thr ough ",- month,yu-u agree to pay for of�-. share of the costs through the end of the inomh 'in which you torminateb The terms of our bills are net 30 days. If you have, any questions on them, please contact us immediately. We will start our representat-i'l3n of you Upon your signing this letter and n,-!Aurning 'it. A fully signed cop Nvi-I y I be returned to you We appreciate the opporrtunity to assirit yotj and hook forward to working wilith you. Date of Forit; Worth (Munio,pality) By ............. I is.' Lf A-0 Date: ARNUNI, RiDDERING, SCHMIDT & HOWLETT 10"In W, Pestle Its: Partner ATTESTED BY U-7 Coatraot Authoriza- '45 grF,",_ Det.Fj e P1 M, ayor and Cjourt C' ';I C. ' DATE xrS.-FTRARITC3 �14_WARTIRI 06106/9,5, C 14 86,4 5" 1 ARNUN4 1 of 2 1 UBJECT MCFESSUDNAL SE.R.WC.P..S WITH VARNUNI. tJD EKINF9,.+nw H t i DT & HOWEI L FOR SEA VIC�.:""' REGARDN'S TRANSF R OFF: SAAf"tKAONS COMIAIJNIC, C7A_BLr'T"ri/ FRANCHISE TO MARCUS wmmmww�__*.�.l RE.C.OMMENDATION: It is reo-ornmended thac 0 , .1ty Cauncil.. t Adopt the attiached appropriations ordiniv).ce, increasing estirnated dreceipts and appropriations by $45,000 in the especial Trust Futid; and 2. Authorize t"!�e CoitV Manager to sign an engagernent letter with Varnum, Riddering, Schmiet & Howetl for professionai services in connection with the transfey� of the Sammons Comrnunic�tions Cable Tx.11 Franchise to Marcus Cable, in an amount riot to exceed $45,000, and 3, Authorize -the City Manger -,Ln participate in a con.-sorttium of cities that are served by Sammons Communications which w1il share the cost of the. sef-vices to beprovided by the Varnum, Riddering fi rryi. DISCUSSION.-., (-r�j re,ee'VeCj Oft May 5, 19,19 0', theC.0ity of Foa Wo I from Same ninoilnrz; Communications an FCC Form', 394 which requests,- the Cijty".s, approval for Sammons Comn-lunications, Inc.. to assign its cable TV franchise 'to Marir.-.,us Cale, LLP. Samr-1-ions has seznt similar requests to all other cities i-n the metroplex that amrnons serves. Under federal iaw each city 'I-ias 120 &3ys to approve or deny the transfer request. Representr-Atives of several cities that are served by Sammons have met and believe that I.hey should form au cornsartium ar d employ a cons ultant to advise theM during the transfer process. The consultam s fees would be. prorated among the cMies in the consortium based on the num,ber of Sammons SUbscribers inr each city. At this tirne, it ;s e stun ated that the GO of Fort Wo,rth"s share should not exceed $45,,000. om V Representatives of the cities that met have agreed to recommend that the firms of arn=, A Kidd ring, Schmidt & Howell of Grand RapidG, Micl-iigan, be selected as-the con-suftant. The fi!,-rrt. 0 has handled numerous cable TV and te 1,e c om rn u n teat ion s f rv!nc h i se rn a"te r s for cures tf'srouqhout the nation. Mr. John. Pestle and Mr. Peter Armstrong �rvill oversee the Matter and other attorneys in the firm wil! also provide services. By exal'.. M, 71kation V 0 q or attd v iff'!Ca 06/016/191,.5 1 2VAR 1�M U M 2 of 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVII C.,AES AGREE-AIIE.NT 'Afl'TH VARN'TA RIDDERING, El H�A I D T & ' HOWELL FOR SERVICE-7 REGARDING TR ANUER OF At S. ONIONS COMMUNICATiONS SLE !l� TV FRAWFUSE TO NiAR"""Us CA FISCAL 4"RFORMATiON&I'B"'!IR CA T iO ': The Dir-e-k..'Per of Fiscal Certifies Thal upor� 3- drxptiorl (3f attached appr Jpri.atiur-S ordmam.,le tf te.fiUnds required f or th&;._kS AI:I.XpoenkrAtur P., vvill be awFWable. in c,%I�t­rent opera.ting budget of the Spada! Trust Fund, rill w ijh, ■ 01 ISOMMed-for Ci4 I�Uumsff Is FUND ACCO;JNT OMM by: FE1172 88 32 WZY-5KM K d-00 6414 =9 APPROVED 54' om ............. UL Wadie Adkins 7W; Pat Svacim No. "5;�ft'or