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Contract 42220-CO2
d- FoRTWORTH., City of Fort Worth SECRETARY Change Order Request CONTRACT NO., L Project Narnel 2007 CIP Council District 5 Contract 5B City Sec# F 42220 Client Project#{s} #00947 water, Sewer,TP1w,DOE#5877 Project Description Pavement&Drainage,Water,Sewer,Avenue M, Edgewood Terrace,and Valley Vista Contractorl McClendon Construction Change order# F2 Date 91712012 City Project Mgr. Khal Jaafari City Inspector Carlos Vasquez Dept, TPw Water Sewer Contrast Time Totals CD Original Contract Amount $608,062.30 $2081919.95 $99,197.50 916,179.75 336 Extras to Date $400.00 $9,679.00 $13,760.00 $23,839.00 7 Credits to Date Pending Change Orders(in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Date $608s462.30 $218,598.95 $112,957.50 $940,018-75 343 Amount of Proposed Change Order '14,200. ,40 $0.00 $149200-00 21 Revised Contract Amount 622,662.34 218,598,95 $112#957.50 $954,218.75 364 Original Funds Available for Change Orders $25,000.00 $1x,446.00 $6,000.00 $41,446.00 Remaining Funds Available for this CO $24,600.00 $767.00 $0.00 $25367.40 Additional Funding(if necessary) L: CHANGE ORDERS to DATE(INCLUDING THIS ONE)AS%OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT 4.15° MAX ALLOWABLE CONTRACTAMOUNT(ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST+25%) $1,145,224.69 IN V i F .1'. r• • _ {Jti'Y.' •.V✓,_:J.r'r.1 a..".•4h.:L.i.^71': A4•tiF "V'sg. .(. -V I� .1 YI �4 • •Axi• .7k'Ty#k• ^}•.Y�rJ e.0 MR On Edgewood Terrace ground water was encountered in the utility trench causing subgrade to be unstable and unsuitable for stabilization. Exploratory D-Holes found ground water infiltrating the trench line.A sub-drain was installed from low point and tied into a nearby storm drain pipe.The addition of SD RCP extensions,concrete and collars were not included in pay items.Sidewalk with attached curb was needed in areas where sloping the yards was not feasible.Sidewalk with attached curb was not included in the original pay items.An additional 21 AX- 1144 calendar days are needed for the added work. , 6'0'�� . � F9j 000 4 �[ At t-0-1 t-1 d b5no OFFICIAL RECORD � a a CITY SECRETARY o `t � � FTv WORTH,Tx Mmy f. , city 000aoo4 JV ACI It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represerft payment in full(both time and money)for all costs arising out of,or incidental to,the above Change Order. "McClendon Construction L SPr.'r r, ;:,�.'u _ ,'(5,..r;s•:.7K i'!•,;.. - .i•.,--7S""? .r _ .y, "S'.3• tA •x+,r.F.;:pr '.nrk .s^-ii'..r:..,x.. jf.r., ¢, •P;G'• n -0!'., •n• 'd✓:+�5'Ln• ,, as a►�� —ZZ-1 ru IN do ' e.7{,-'3 yr` .'3��8{'S'.:'i't'ei•.`tip�.gL(f�r{� F�.r�..�. .1_n.6 .+ ice:: .,, js•'t.y• .. _ . , t ".' - .$}`' L-!• S,S;. y.r'M?fy,,tti1.;:% k"a +"ay",• qq:''e�.7• i ` y"�-0��'Y`.i:iy✓f.�;.• •=?.s.•,� yes r. M&C Number M&C Date Approved v v v C14 cm N Q o 01) 9i c c _ a ID ~ D N C N N � V] v - cc CD co r° a c v U = m _ a 0 t Z ..� v L Q 4.0 W tko Z�0 N m sew Ln ¢ C? `O �= m 0 o c°� 8 o? a� Ln Ll. co c a -2 4 a ° C a� v � � . 8 � E (D © $ °s n� Ell C Z ra a c cv p � o. ' a Z 2 •� c cb C.1) Q C) C) N cq r C) CCV 0 cr.) c 0 c 0 c3 °' N C � 3 CO) N j 0 cts (D to Z7 t � o 00 w t1] e ,v a� D v 3: 0 0 W ow � ij Q)LPL 0) -� 4w 0 w DO ..n r C in U3 < C. ) -u L a� o a to U cu 0 .0 .� N 0 C3 ca a�S a c ' -- t-- CD a E # o Q c +� � va _ CL ca Z 0 C � U 'o F- a as a 9 v c� CL I I lj� I MIWBE Breakdown for this Change Order MWBE Sub Type of Services Amount for this CO Total $0600 Previous Change Orders Co# DATE AMOUNT Total $4.00 C) v a a a � ti + C) a> LO Lf) CD 0) M N C%i Wl CF) r 6} 44 LO a u7 LO C7 C) Q7 a CY) a7 C3 C) C6 cr) ' 00 CQ CQ N L r- � a7 Q] qqt CD 0] CD co LO LC! I■-- c6 00 0 04 00 a N N N t� Q M ve) 0 c1r) C3 C] CND C) W O co C) Q C7 "Cr I%t N cD C7 CD G] CL 06 00 V' csl LO d- C? Q C7 r N N N tD to CD G] uJ 4a t4 � � V)4 tF)- o W .� C: v ti °v ti °ate °v °o ■ w 1 ■ w w r ■ 1 C E D J 1� C7 o & r CO 0 N N d ,. �- r� v vr� d o > �Z rn � � 0.0 40 40 40 40 F- d c: a� cu z � �Lo C4 CO 0 L) 00 CO w t/� 0 0 co co 0 4 � m a v , �: N N � r C � ti o� r r � � � N � t � a(j)I CM Qlv 0 0 CD cl) IL)waavt� L: � C a. v •` o . . z Q c cu O C co c 0 � 6 o a ca 0 o > -� C CD D °C > a . . fa- cu c o o CQ io a� W w 0 C:-0 �'-• ~- � � o � °QM o aZ T D � c: z Z a a U- LL Z 0 Q 0 C: � cv � z a j o wW v v o � E � *a -0 c C:.� 0 CL a_ 00 ca Q 0 t3 Q C3 Q