HomeMy WebLinkAbout(0112) ZC-21-063Case Number ZC-21-063 FORTWORTH ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council Meeting Date: June 22, 2021 Zoning Commission Recommendation: Approval by a vote of 9-0 Opposition: None submitted Support: None submitted Council District 6 Continued Yes No X Case Manager Arty Wheaton -Rodriquez Surplus Yes _ No X Council Initiated Yes No X Owner/Applicant: Hussein Mahrouq/ Pape -Dawson Engineers Site Location: 10300 Forest Hill Everman Road Acreage: 20.58 Proposed Use: Detached Multifamily Request: From: "CR" Low Density Multifamily To: Planned Development for all uses in "C" Medium Density Residential adding detached multifamily with development regulation standards to open space requirement and MFD submittal; site plan included Land Use Compatibility: Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Staff Recommendation: Background: Requested change is compatible. Requested change is consistent (Technical Inconsistency). Approval The requested zoning change is just south of McPherson Road on Forest Hill Everman The property is currently zoned "CR" Low Density Multifamily. The applicant is proposing a zoning change to "PD/C" with development standards in order to create a detached multifamily development. The applicant is proposing a zoning change to create a detached multifamily development. These types of developments are entire communities and neighborhoods that look and feel like a traditional single family neighborhood. Although most are rental, some may be rent -to -own or condominium. Like other multifamily developments, they are professionally managed and include amenities. According to the National Association of Home Builders, 37,000 of these units were built in 2017 and 43,000 in 2018 nationwide. Although the national trend has slowed recently, an increase has been seen in Fort Worth. Units in these developments have similar square footage to cottage court and cluster home developments with an average unit size of just over 1,000 square feet. As such, the name "Cottage Development" has been used to describe this product even though they do not resemble the overall form, layout, ownership model, and size of cottage court and cluster developments. Page 1 of 4 As none of the city's districts can accommodate this form by right, a Planned Development (PD) with new development regulations is necessary to allow this form. In this case, the developer has provided a list of development regulations that will be part of this Planned Development. The developer has provided specific site amenities in order to meet their enhanced landscaping requirements, found in section IV.c of the development standards. The development is requesting waivers to setback standards. Below is a chart that illustrates the differences between the base "CR", the current zoning regulations and the proposed PD with a base of "C". Requirement CR Standards Proposed PD/C (Provided per site plan) Maximum 16 units per acre C Less than 16 units per acre Density maximum of 24 (complies: site plan currently shows 8.67 units per acre Maximum height 36' Height Maximum height 36' (complies: maximum height provided 13.33' Front Yard: 20' minimum Front Yard: 20' minimum Rear Yard: 5' minimum; 30' where Rear Yard: 5' minimum adjacent to single family or duplex Required Yards Interior Side Yard: 5' minimum residential zones or uses Corner lot side yard: 20' minimum Side Yard: 5' minimum; 30' where adjacent to side street adjacent to single family or duplex Setback Adiacent to Two -Family residential zones or uses District: two feet for every one foot in Corner Yard: 20' minimum overall structure height Setback Adiacent to Two -Family District: minimum 30', 2:1 total height max height 13.33 Fences shall not be located in the area between building facades and the property line; Exterior security fences Fences and gates that are located along public complies streets, along a public access easement, or along publicly accessible open space shall not extend beyond building facades. 1 space per bedroom; 1 space per 250 Spaces provided for 334 bedrooms; Minimum Parking square feet of office/amenity area landscaping tree planting mitigation Requirements may be required Spaces required: 334 (Complies: Spaces provided: 364) 39.45% minimum Open Space C Requires 45% (requires Development Regulation Standard) Developer will meet enhanced Must meet 20 points of enhanced landscaping requirements, per note on Landscaping landscaping site plan. Asking developer to provide min square footages since they are deficient in open space Page 2 of 4 Multifamily MFD/URD Submittal not required Design Submit MFD plan to meet standards (requires Development Regulation Standards Standard) Site Information: Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: North "EP" Planned Commercial and "E" Neighborhood Commercial / vacant East City of Rendon South "R2" Townhouse Cluster / vacant West "B" Two -Family / single-family, cluster Zoning History: ZC-18-067 from "EP", "E", "A-5", "CR" and "R2" to "MH" Manufactured Housing, denied by City Council June, 2018 Site Plan Comments: The site plan as submitted is in general compliance with the Zoning Ordinance regulations. Open space is only counted if no less than 25' in either dimension. Patios adjacent to dwelling units, unless enclosed, may be included as part of the open space. • Analysis: Detached multifamily operates differently than traditional "C" medium density residential developments. Due to the separation of individual, detached units, the public open space is often smaller than the 25 x25' minimum dimension. For the purpose of this site plan, the enclosed side yards for each dwelling unit will be acceptable as open space. The yards, while private, are spaces the residents can use, as they do not have a building built there. Meets overall intent of the ordinance. (Comments made by Platting (Subdivision Ordinance), Transportation/Public Works, Fire, Park & Recreation, and Water Department staff cannot be waived through the Zoning Commission and City Council. Approval of the zoning site plan does not constitute the acceptance of conditions.) Public Notification: 300 foot Legal Notifications were mailed on April 23, 2021. The following organizations were notified: (emailed April 19, 2021) Organizations Notified Kin spoint HA District 6 Alliance Trinity Habitat for Humanity Streams and Valleys, Inc. Everman ISD Burleson ISD Not located within a Neighborhood Association. Development Impact Analysis: 1. Land Use Compatibility The applicant is proposing a zoning change from "CR" Low Density Multifamily to PD/C with development standards for a multifamily development. Surrounding land uses consist of single- family to the west, vacant land and a gas well pad site to the east, and vacant land to the south planned for an R2 development. The proposed zoning is compatible at this site. Comprehensive Plan Consistency — Far South The 2021 Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Single -Family Residential. The requested zoning change is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan policies and strategies: Page 3 of 4 • Encourage new development adjacent and connected to previously developed or platted areas in order to utilize existing utility and road infrastructure and services, thereby optimizing public and private investments and discouraging sprawl development. • Preserve the character of rural and suburban residential neighborhoods. • Promote fiscally sustainable growth on the periphery of the city by encouraging development adjacent to existing adequate infrastructure and discouraging leapfrog development. • Support diverse housing options, including duplexes, fourplexes, townhomes, and small courtyard apartments to promote walkable communities, access to neighborhood services, and multimodal transportation options, while ensuring compatibility with the form, sale, and design of existing neighborhoods. While the Comprehensive Plan calls for single family, the current zoning of "CR" Low Density Residential permits a traditional multifamily development by right; the detached multifamily design of the proposed "PD/C" with development regulation standards creates a multifamily development with a form similar to a single-family residential development. Its design is a hybrid of the multifamily and single family styles of development. While the proposed zoning change has a lack of conformance with the future land use designation, it is in conformance with the policies stated above; the proposed zoning is consistent (Technical Inconsistency) with the Comprehensive Plan. Attachments: • Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. Notification Area • Site Plan • Area Map • Future Land Use Map • Aerial Photograph Page 4 of 4 FORT WORTH. Area Zoning Map Applicant: Hussein Mahrouq Address: 10300 Forest Hill Everman Road Zoning From: CR Zoning To: PD for multifamily uses Acres: 20.58878879 Mapsco: 106WX Sector/District: Far South Commission Date: 5/12/2021 Contact: null 4, g try FN - _ G' 1214J.1 {fl.♦Q6 t 1-75 yll 1525 � 2J a I � IiL'1 1 41 ZC-21-063 Avll I -Jmir€y - Subject Area ® 300 Foot Notification.' 'f''' '"II' "'?' 1.�1 �'�'���° ���° aim 0 245 490 980 Feet Created: 4/16/2021 9:47:26 AM BLOCK 13 LOT I B x HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC x BLOCK 13 LOT 2A HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC X I BLOCK 13 LOT 2B x HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC x BLOCK 13 LOT 3A HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC x BLOCK 13 LOT 38 HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC x x BLOCK 13 LOT 4A HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC x BLOCK 13 LOT 4B HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC x I BLOCK 13 LOT 5A HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC 30' BUILDING SETBACI A —UN, 1U J GLE AMIL BLOCK 13 LOT 5B HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC I I x BLOCK 13 LOT 6A ■ HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC R25' FENCE 20.8 EAST OF PROPERTY LINE BLOCK 13 LOT 6B HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC x I BLOCK 13 LOT 7A xI HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION It' x I Z Q BLOCK 13 LOT 7B 217 o HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC Ll Lu � o If I j� Z O BLOCK 13 LOT 8A Q HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLB 1- u_ O= ti N I O BLOCK 13 LOT 8b Ln MILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LL r xI 11 BLOCK 13 LOT 9A HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC R 5' x BLOCK 13 LOT 9B HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC ' BLOCK 13 LOT 1OA HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LL 3 z BLOCK 13 LOT 10B ¢ HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC > 6' SCREEN FENCE i Q' BLOCK 13 LOT 11A HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC D Y) BLOCK 13 LOT 11 B I HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC z ¢ J i W BLOCK 13 LOT 12A HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC / E 0 V I BLOCK 13 LOT 12B n HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC o/i BLOCK 13 LOT 13A HILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC 79 �J y ABS. NO. A-930 / HIRAM LITTLE J / ABS. NO. A-930 HIRAM LITTLE U) a> j ABS. NO. A-930 HIRAM LITTLE ABS. NO. A-930 / HIRAM LITTLE U U N 0 a ABS. NO. A-930 HIRAM LITTLE ui ZONED: "EP" DISTRICT APPROXIMATE ZONING LINIF W Z J 0 Z_ Z O N W F_ X O rr a. d MEI INVESTMENTS LP CALLED 12.22 ACRES INST. NO. D218243662 0.P.R.T.C.T. ZONED: "E" DISTRICT APPROXIMATE ZONING LINE x— x— x— x x x x 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 1 3-BEDROOM ' g ■ 1 17 2 11 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 2-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 6 2 • 16 3 10 3-BEDROOM 2-BEDROOM 2-BEDROOM 2-BEDROOM Eiiq 2-BE ROOM 3-BEDROOM 2-BEDROOM ■ ■ 5 1 �-BEDROOM 0 ■ 15 4 • 9 m Lm 10 10 10 �TTam t m [T Lm x 96- x x 26' FIRELANE x x x x x-- x x — x x x - x x x x - x R25' �LOG�K LENG�FH x 964x — x x x x x v ' L FM �Lx 10 1 HC ' 0=�9H 10 10 10 HCW 10 10 10 1010 31 N 6J m cp N30 m N 60 m m mp m w w w m C. o w 0 3 m m mW w ■ xw • p I O m m m 07 p 03 7 0 p O0 m m m p m m p p O Om 0 p m m p m ° o 0 0 m O � m m O O O p DOG m m O 0 p 0 O o O m 0 O O m O O O PARKO O Ki O O O O O O O ° 29' 0 0 ZZ 3 K K 0 �■ 14' 0 0 0 in 76' 64' ZONED: "CR" DISTRICT 116' -14' o O O O O ° 0 0 Om O O O O O o 0 O 0 0 O O O O O ° ° O ° ° ° O O o cc: 0 O O ° ° O ° ° m ° m cr O OO O 0 0 o O 0 ° w w m O 0 0 m m Lu Lu Lu 0 Lu m m Lu w Lu Lu m 3 � Lu Lu w w �■ m m m m cc: 0 0 p 0 m 0 0 Om m � m m • co co m Ch m cc7 Lu w 0• ON • ■ co ce) cccmm m M m M � m19 m c M 14 N cli .i fA f�29 \ 7 LENGTH = 984' LENGTH = 2.44 _ 26' _ 26' FIRELANE 10 17 18 19 L 21 N L L G G N N-. - iv w co W w aw w w w m2 ca w w �^' m m co w m m w w m w m w w ■ m m m m m m W m 0 0 m w w w W CO w 0 W w CJ W w W m ■p w m m w m mm w ■� ■� m m p m m m W p p m m p W 0 0 0 0 O O ■ ■ m •� o •o m m ■p m p m m m ° ■m �m m m m o o m O p �° m p m m p O O O O p m m m p p O m m ■ m m ° m m p p m p p p p O 0 0 p O O O O O O O m K 3 ° ° „ 33 ° „ ° x m ° � 0 0 O 0 " " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 —►1 11' 44' I L— — — — — ' 1 Ll Ll x— — — — — — — — — — — — — — 29 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — x x i X x I x x EXISTING FENCE x I x X x x x x x I x 15' BUILDING SETBACK, 6' SCREEN FENCE J ADJACENT TO SINGLE-FAMILY APPROXIMATE ZONING LINE ZONED: "R2" DISTRICT x ui O o HORIZ. Z ¢ ¢O MULTI -FA < O p OC J_ W W ¢ PINE LANE SINGLE FAMILY -_Jj SITE _ H W W cc O LL LOCATION MAP LEGEND UNIT PLAN # 1900 2-BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS 19'-4" X 41'-4" 741 SQ. FT. 3-BEDROOM UNIT PLAN # 1910 3 BEDROOM 19'-4" X 55-8" 1018 SQ. FT. UNIT PLAN # 1920 3-BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 19'-4" X 67-4" 1244 SQ. FT. 10 SURFACE PARKING SPACES PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT OPEN AREA PRIVATE OPEN AREA GAS X — x r— x - 0 NORTH SCALE: 1 "= 60' 0' 60' 120' 180' PLAN #1900 1 8 13.33 23 19% 2 46 PLAN #1910 1 8 13.33 49 41% 3 147 PLAN #1920 1 8 13.33 47 39% 3 141 COMMON AREA TOTAL 119 100% 334 SUFACE PARKING 366 100% MEI INVESTMENTS LP CALLED 22.27 ACRES TOTAL 366 100% INST. NO. D218243662 0.P.R.T.C.T. x — x — DEVELOPER TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS 119 UNITS GROSS ACREAGE 14.51 ACRE NET ACREAGE 14.51 ACRE DENSITY 8.20 DU/ACRE OPEN SPACE (W/O PRIVATE AREAS) 6.53 ACRE OPEN SPACE (W/ PRIVATE AREAS) 7.92 ACRE PERCENTAGE OPEN SPACE (W/O PRIVATE OPEN AREAS) 45.02% PERCENTAGE OPEN SPACE (W/ PRIVATE OPEN AREAS) 54.56% NOTES: 1. PROPOSED PD LAND USES: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS AS WELL AS USES ALLOWED UNDER THE "C" MEDIUM DENSITY MULTIFAMILY DISTRICT. 2. ALL PROVIDED LIGHTING SHALL CONFORM TO LIGHTING CODE. 3. ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO ARTICLE 4—SIGNS. 4. THIS PROJECT WILL COMPLY WITH SECTION 6.302 URBAN FORESTRY. 5. PLANTED TREE SPACING WILL FOLLOW GUIDELINES SIMILAR TO THOSE ESTABLISHED FOR SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENTS. 6. THIS PROJECT WILL COMPLY WITH SECTION 6.204 BICYCLE PARKING. 7. THIS PROJECT WILL COMPLY WITH FORT WORTH SIGN CODE. 8. DUMPSTERS WILL BE SCREENED ON ALL THREE SIDES AND CONTAIN A GATE. 9.AMENITIES FOR ENHANCED LANDSCAPE PLAN SHALL INCLUDE: STREET TREES (10PTS) PRIVATE PARK/DOG PARK (5PTS), AND SUSTAINABLE LANDSCAPE (5PTS). 10. MINIMUM AREA FOR PRIVATE PARK/DOG PARK AND SUSTAINABLE LANDSCAPE WILL BE 1,000 SQUARE FEET EACH. THE LOCATIONS OF DESIGNATED AREAS SHOWN ON SITE PLAN ARE SHOWN FOR PLANNING PURPOSES. THE EXACT LOCATION WILL BE DETERMINED DURING PLATTING. 11. MFD IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT AS "WAIVER REQUIRED." 12. THIS REQUEST FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "C" DISTRICT STANDARDS, WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: • ADDITIONAL AMENITIES MAY INCLUDE: PEDESTRIAN SCALED LIGHTING, COURTYARD AREAS, AND COMMUNITY GARDEN. • RESIDENTIAL UNITS MINIMUM TEN FOOT (10') SEPARATION WALL TO WALL. • 30' BUILDING SETBACK FOR WEST PROPERTY LINE AND 15' BUILDING SETBACK FOR SOUTH PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT TO SINGLE FAMILY. • FRONT YARD SETBACK IS TEN FEET (10'). • MAXIMUM DENSITY PER ACRE SHALL BE 12 UNITS PER GROSS ACRE. • FACADE REQUIREMENTS DO NOT APPLY TO THS DEVELOPMENT. • MINIMUM 30% OPEN SPACE REQUIRED. DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DATE SOUTH OAK GROVE ADDITION OWNER CHRIS TYSDAL APPLICANT/ENGINEER: HUSSEIN MAHROUG LENNAR HOMES OF TEXAS LAND AND ASHLEY WILLIAMS, P.E. 1161 CORPORATE DRIVE WEST, SUITE 300 CONSTRUCTION, LTD. PAPE-DAWSON ENGINEERS ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76006 1707 MARKET PLACE BLVD., SUITE 100 5810 TENNYSON PARKWAY, SUITE 425 817-301-6986 IRVING, TEXAS 75063 PLANO, TEXAS 75024 469-587-5383 214-420-8494 ZONING SITE PLAN ZC-21-063 FORT WORTH, TEXAS APRIL 2021 FORTWORTH. Area Map r Everman I ZC-21-063 / s Council Districts ® 2 -Salvador Espino r * s 3-Brian Byrd I 4 -Cary Moon r 5 -Gyna Bivens {� n__ 6- Jungus Jordan 7 - Dennis ShingletonA. "loll'_j t=- H L\ ;y 8 - Kelly Allen Gray I 9 -Ann Zadeh -*■•, } °i Overlay Districts , ® Airport Overlay District T 1-35W f?C3{l0 0 TU PERIPHERAL DESIGN DISTRICT ® f y 0 CONSERVATION DISTRICT Noise Contours DECIBEL J - f • N ? 70 ak 7580 r - 85 -�• N 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet + i Created:4/16/2021 9:46:31 AM NPirahE3nrIr6-;d TOLLWAY/ FREEWAY PRINCIPALARTERIAL MAJO R A RTER IAL MINOR ARTERIAL tiacant, Undeveloped, Agricultural Rural Residential Suburban Residential Single Family Residential Manufactured Housing - Low Density Residential - Medium Density Residential - High Density Residential FORT WORTH. "M Future Land Use t. t{.t,. Institutional Neighborhood Commercial General Commercial Light Industrial Heavy Industrial Mixed -Use Industrial Growth Center Infrastructure ® 100 Year Flood Plain Public Park, Recreation, Open Space Private Park, Recreation, Open Space *� ( I Lakes and Ponds 720 360 0 720 Feet ZC-21-063 N ri gliborlibod,Conne N A Comprehensive Plan shal not constitute zoning regulations or as tab is hzoning district bow dad as. (Texas Local Government Code, Section 213.005.) Land use designationswere approved by City Council on March 6, 2018. Created: 4/16/2021 9:48:16 AM mo �%j "ao