HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 16478 ' 4
• DEED- 0,� u► it COMM-
� .
iS executed this el day of M-8y, 19880 by
ALLTANCE AIRPORT, LTD-op a Te-las limited partnera' hip -
"�' .�
and 'rHE CITY OF FORT WORT Ho, TE A S ( " �, }
On or about May 24 , 1988, Grantor did grant unto Gr ar4teeo
pursuant to are Option Agreement (thy "��'..�:��-�.�7�"� a=n opti-on,
to acquire a certain parcel of property located in Tarrant
County. Texas, as more fully described an �* attached
hereto an . mare mart hereof for all pu-rp-oses (the
Fr-o.-ei.t " (such option being herein referred to as th -
Grantor and Grantee now desire to give record of the
existence of the Opt i c-a and have entered into this emora.n-d',,.
for such pu.rposees ,
NOW HF11 FF rPF a for good and valuable cons ideratio ,
Grantor ar," ha:-e agreed and do hereby agree as follows:
Grantor hereby acknowledges and agrees that
C ,{ y the ou.ic..'r and ho'.der of the Option to purcha=se
the (_, t�c q Property, on the terms, acrid subject to the
condi _:, set forth 'in the Agreement . The Option 'a
for a ",-erm expitin'? on the earlier of (a) ten (:10) year'
of toz the date of t ve Agreement, or (b) the date that the
property des�r ibed in the attached IT (the-
"Airport ,.opei t ") reverts to Grantor, its successors or
assigns, pursuant to the of the deed recorded its
the Dead F.,c o r l s of Tarrant County, Texas on even date..herev i th. under Tarrant County Clerk'a Certificate Uo.
y 5..__
3,1 The Option i' s riot assignable e-%c�p't to a
successor owner of the Airport Pzoperty who continues to
operate a public airport on the Airport Property,
(2) Grantee a-cknowledges that the Option provides
that Grantor may lease, zone, rezone, plat, replot t
subdivide or resuhdivide the Option Property an3 may
grant easements for and construct improvements, streets,
roads, alleyways, driveways, utilities, sanitary and
storm sewers. and other sitail.ar ;ctivitl*es upon the Option
Property without the joinder of Grantee prior to exercise
of the Option, on terms set forth 'in the Agreement .,
(3) This Memorandum is entered into for recording
purposes only and shall not he deemed to at-Pend, modify,
supplement, c r a lte the Agreement or the Option in a,ny
IN WITNESS WREREOF, r a*.:tor and Grantee executed
have exec t ed.
his Memorandum on the +.A a y and date first set forth above.
'� A�H A I R`T. . ,
Texas limited partrursbip
By. Hi llwood Ho ldinq Corporation,
General partner -
Bob Bc), 'n, Mayor
• r .r x
Dou l a s i Or
�* ` • ,yi ,{f het a ry
.� r •r r 1 Yr Y
' t T�?A� +�k ATE OF T XA S
,R { x ,
This instrument was acknowledged bef ore me on the
of May 1988 by H R. Perot Jr. , President of Ri 1 Iwo-old.
Rc lding Corporation, General Partner of Alliance Airport.
Ltd o , a TeAas limited partners�hip, on behalf of said l imi'tod
Nota-rlw Public, State of Tee as
My Commission dpi res : Notary's Pr iritea/Typed blame
This instrument wa s acknowledged before me on the
of May,. 1988 by Bob Bolpn, Mayor of The City of Fort Worth,
Texas, and Douglas Harman, City Manager of the City of Fort
Worth, Texas, on bahalf of The City of Fort Worth, Texas .
Not art P i io. State of Texas
my commission ExTires: Notary' s .rimed/Typed Name
41V lit!'r1;'c
The City of Fort Worth, The City of Fart "forth,
Tex-as Texas
1000 Throckmortan 1000 Throckmortan
Fart Worth, Taxas 76102 Fort Worth, Texas
Attn: 'fade Adkins Attu#& City Manager
t rrct r: 1 And out of t h# JV-6%4t ft, a, gurvayw AUtroct- ft - &i••�i4g .i.
&are t-rac t of fond, cww-ay* -ta- V00:7 XWO=411= •p
recar.dod iin Volioo 8899, Pose �'�'��� �� th'a ri6�*d *tom of- Tarrant Cots �r s��l w�ot the 2121. p �� we.orda + u ,-
-:ntyd, tet-g
= � av
ODM czw at a I/woza h. tot x found i*' thr rmisti'ag te-rxtovilt w o I
Road Mourn ty �' 04d' NO, 4042) at tie point sikid cento �l i �� �'"`Utor*Votw R;Lgbw&Y,,ofovivey 4'wine .-^!A* being tht
corner v! weld 1426.28.1 &ere tract
rt h 89 degroas 51 but es 45 s eav ands West* along, %� o. rAV -tw
Han1vt Road, a d Lance of 632,657 foot t�i a .o t for c,ortitr*
North 9 do.gr"s 53 sloutot 1.3 a�goo ofv&rtins.ds * t. t :* coati=t:l �.
a _
lK l4 r%- salet Road.. slang the p-ropos*d boundery Una of tho Vortb P*rt Worth A:rpo#%w-
diet- net 01 S594.80 foot to z point fora comer*
T" C1 Worth 80 d*jgraes 06 aLoutes 47 second* "to it- t-inuin 4ong so.14 prooaed•r r
bourAairy lino. distanco of $98.00 foet to tho POINT 07 ZGUMNG;
T ENT art b 9 do grocers 53 m taut e s 13 soronds vast. cotminuims aloftg &*it pow~
4 ed:
airp*rt bour4ary line., a dittanice, of 640#00 foot to & paint for a C0%M4r0
THENCE Worth 00 degrees 06 %mutes 47 xaco nds 'E at, dvparrtL-ig. a-aid prop*sed at*.6rt
bound.-a ry I d ne, a dis t meje of 400.00 feet to & pai. t for torten
THENCE South 9 dosreot 53 minutes 13 x-e-comda. UsT.. distanc* of 640.00 f a:t to a
point for a corn fir, >:
Tg' CR South 80 dogmas 06 sinutot 47 setands West* a distanao of 4001000 gtt.
thr POINT OF BEGIMING AND 1NTA:fN�KQ 256,000 aquar a fwat or 3.67TO arc-r*# of I' d,
more or less,.
.y .
BE INC; le-nd In the b• a a v ziT' S L!►v * Abut no..* ��V� �S■�f'--�1 7f� .
rao-n Vurvoyrg Abatratt No,, 7374, the M.'s.to arid, p.IP-.R 6 ic.a. ..rVOY,- Aha'tr-se.t. K0 4
�.1�'S, ohs• �•��e#�be r r� �+sxt�a �01�"��e�� ���•t r oft �� g7 � 'tea �"r+��ta#�e•r� e;:t`�e,=.1
Suiry hba��c r� . 11 and the A-C e, Va.rre6 Sum �s tra t Wb•• _
�► : `�►-•�: � ,� ��r ; ,s<�d� tt�-.�:-iii:�;
in tba: City of Tart 1wort'ha Tarrant And !)Oil-t= Cew4pt'iaa.,, T
1426..281 ante trat.t of land cotmayad to R1 q 1M� PARTMIts. t1p. as, re04ir'
in Vo Uaa 8999, ?ago 174.8 of the teead ltea*rds of Tarrant Coubty id V *-'t-1
F&ISO 312 of the Dead Recbrda of Der&:ov County, °Vt*xv aced twinS. post 2 -
ocre tract *f 1WW c arwa7ed to P EIROT rMSTMLNT PAR-TOMS. T6,7b. as racorAa;j- to ' olYtsdr .•.:.
231 12s Pose 307 of the Doad Rata rda of Dent a n County, T* as e-ad., 1)s'i.og-- not le-
paxti arly das cribed at follows
COMMM at a 1/2-inch i ma rod f qund ift the c4taterl i ao of Xal ltrr mad
(Cout:,* Rosd no, 4042),w #aid i A rod being the southerly sv%rthsaaat comer, of"''P�attt-
1 of the aaLd 1426.281 *or* tract of 1"d recorded ito Vblumw $899.* Pa$s. 174$ 011 the- .
Deed TL-,,-Ards of Tarrant County, mma e o
THENCZ Nvv.,h gp dagress 51 ininut ai; 43 saconft Vvis t.* a di at•ara.to of 1444 o 1p as
along the centorl int of said W1er "alet Bard to a 1/2--inch iron rod act tor that•
TRINCE North 89 dagrees 31 minutea 45 seconds Want £ontiau . $ a g a i
c terlina, is distimeo of 708.53 faat to a set 1/2--inch iroa rod for a uo-M. #r�
TUNC•Z North 9 degrees 53 xibutes 13 r&ecanda hest, dogartinS 3w14 c4tataxU14* �
d"tance of 714.90 fear. to a found 1-4-inch irm r1 d with C. A Rr cap for a corner;
°THME South gC de greta 06 minutts 47 seconds Wett, a diet co- -of 6?6.45 .fe-ar to lk
set 1/2-inch ir6n rod for a corner;
THE N North 46 degrees 11 minutes 43 sacande liezt* a d1.stazcs of 187.69 feet -�O. a.
set 1/2--inch iron rod for a corner;
THZNCZ North 43 dagre-es 38 minutes 15 seecinds east.. a diovance of P.60.00 f ,� td,- :a
sort 112-inch iron rod for a corner;
`THENCE South 45• degrees 21 minutes, 45 rwocon4s `ast,, a distance of a5Q.0C, f t t� 6
set 1/2--inch iren rod for a comer:
THEN-cf: North 80 degre-3s 06 minuet 47 seconds East, a d-it-tarapm, of 247.39 ft.:at r.o.
set 11'2-inch iron prod for a corner,
THENCE North 9 do,grees 53 alnutes 13 seeo U We.'t;; a distw4a of 6376.14 fact to
seat lt'2-in-ch iron rod for a comer;
THENCE forth 8E, degrees o6 minutes 47 vacs-As Est. a dixtamce of 63.50 ��et A:0 t -
�uuod l-i"h ;.run rod with C. & 11, cap for a corner; -
ENCZ North 9 degrees 53 mivnvtes 13 stecorAs West. a distance of 7-GO0.00 feet to a r:
found �/O--inch iron Tod with Ce b * cap for 6 cornar;
_ a
TRIHCE Nortb %$ da'gr-eea 30 x4n: tss 50 twa-PrAx finest# a U-stame of 424.31 fast t.a
1-ib ch Iron rod for a awry reel l
Y T'dtpCt Patth dar-greas OF ajautow 47 seeords Itax t, a distanew Q# 210.71 fV44 t a
oat 112-winch ira-4 tod for a toraert
ENC. North 1g dugzwew 21 mirrutex 04 s xu:s 14 amt. a distauc+e of 734.29 �oe� to a
got III#-inch iraxaa rod for as carrerg said corner being on the *oath right--of-aw4y 1 e
o� t1ha tchi cn. *�ape3�cs, a�r�d a �e Fa Anilr*sd (100-fepet widg);
r: T&.14q, forth 14- degrees 16 *ijn;r*e s 15 s e c P;.nds asst, alorig a s id south r ai l n e•d r i gh t
of--w j j!ns,.- is dirt anca of 14415..07 feet tv a ast 112--inch iron tr d far a cv,nu r-v
Mmm g*�.r.,h 9 deg rears 53 minute■ 13 aecondar Xast o depa rtiag said &auto rs 11 ro
aright--os--wad►g s distiflc* of 137.34 fcet to a set 112.4 ek irza rv# fora Zoru�tj~,
said e0r wr b4w*ng oa. ra circular ctorva to the aright having a rodive of 430.00 foot
and: oset Eck tsn�gear Be.rs '4o�rth 69 r�tigroos $4 a:n�tes d second t 3
THZKt Eaatarly ,, along sa-.d curve thrcau5h a canrr%1, sngfia rf 5,5 ddgaraaa 35 minu��s
43 ; a 'and a, as arc die t wme of 4"7*.24 f osr to a sit V'Z-inch. iron ro4 fo±r the p.Qxrlt ,
r? y. •r:•I .:1i•.: }'i-.w.. »r•• •ir'i.�-';'rti:,� i [=-yF•-,..,,� rr r.wgq,,rr#',,%%.r•'•nr,.r 4, +n�,f•:,;`7T}W,,.I, *,,r 1*` �#r '_'.4^'•:S=i�.
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