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Resolution 4137-09-2012
A Resolution NO. 4137-09-2012 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LOCAL PRO.JECT ADVANCE FUNDING AGREEMENT WITH THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $17,940,200.00 FOR ENGINEERING, RIGHT-OF-WAY AND CONSTRUCTION OF EAST ROSEDALE STREET FROM WEST OF MILLER AVENUE TO STALCUP ROAD AS FOUR LANES DIVIDED WITH RAISED MEDIANS, SIDEWALKS, INTERSECTION AND SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AND PEDESTRIAN AMENITIES WHEREAS, A Master Funding Agreement between the City of Fort Worth and the Texas Department of Transportation ("State") has been adopted and states the general terms and conditions for transportation projects developed through a Local Project Advanced Funding Agreement (LPAFA); and WHEREAS, the Texas Transportation Commission passed Minute Order 113074, dated April 26, 2012 that provides for the development of, and funding for, the project described herein; and WHEREAS, on June 26, 2012 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was executed between the Texas Department of Transportation, North Central Texas Council of Governments, Tarrant County and the City of Fort Worth to outline an agreement regarding the funding, implementation strategy, roles and responsibilities and project timing for East Rosedale Street reconstruction from U.S. 287 to Stalcup Road; and WHEREAS, the MOU divided the project into three segments: East Rosedale Street from U.S. 287 to west of Miller Avenue, East Rosedale Street from west of Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road, and East Rosedale Street Sustainable Development from Nashville Avenue to Collard Street in the Polytech-n-ic/TWU area; and WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth desires to enter into a Local Project Advance Funding Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for engineering, right-of-way and construction of East Rosedale Street from west of Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road as four lanes divided with a raised median, sidewalks, intersection and safety improvements and pedestrian amenities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: Authorizes the City Manager to execute a Local Transportation Project Advance Funding Agreement (LPAFA) with the Texas Department of Transportation in the amount of $17,940,200.00 for engineering, right-of-way and construction of East Rosedale Street from west of Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road as four lanes divided with a raised median, sidewalks, intersection and safety improvements and ped5s�ij,4p enities. Adopted this 25 1h day of September, 2012. 0 00oco. 0 Ay qi a oiba ATTEST: By: - O 0 -1� CO Mary Kayser, Ci Secretary 4 ftuypo -T MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING C»vvEC~VAO East Rosedale from US 287 to Sto|oup CONTRACT NO. City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Regional Transportation Council, and Texas Department of Transportation This memorandum of understanding (K8{}U)imintended to outline the agreement regarding the funding and implementation strategy for East Rosedale from U.S. 287 to Stalcup. BACKGROUND In 1099. the Regional Transportation Council (HTC) funded the East Rosedale project from U.S 287VoSta/nup The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) provided additional Strategic Priority funds (of $3 million) in 2001. Since that time, both the City of Fort Worth and Tarrant County have contributed additional funds for this project, The scope of work has been discussed and debated for many years culminating in a decision in January 2011 to reconstruct 4 lanes to 4 lanes with intersection and safety improvements, and to add urban design amenities, such au wide sidewalks, street furniture, landscaping, lighting, etc. The design process will require several intensive community meetings throughout the design process in order to identify the final product that meets the unique history and needs of the community, With such a long history, the funding agencies find it necessary bzcodify the scope, funding, and responsibilities of each entity in order to provide assurances to the local community that the project will bm delivered ina timely manner. Through this document, the impacted parties hereby state the terms of agreement and concur with the resulting commitments made as a part of this funding and implementation strategy. 11. CONSTRUCTION PHASING The project is described as the reconstruction and rehabilitation of East Rosedale from US. 287 to Stalcup with intersection and safety improvements and urban design amenities. The City of Fort Worth will coordinate with local community groups to determine which urban design amenities are most appropriate for this corridor. Construction will be split into two phases with the fimtphase being implemented from U.S 387ho West ofMiller as four lanes undivided and with the second phase being implemented from West of Miller to Stalcup as four lanes divided with a raised median. It is noted that a separate, but related project was funded through the 2009- 2O1O Sustainable Development Program, This project, called the Po|yheohnio7TVVUGtreetsuapeEnhancements project, will add pedestrian amenities and improve traffic signalization on East Rosedale between Nashville and Collard Streets, and will be combined into Phase I of the East Rosedale corridor project. Phase I - from U.S, 287 to West of Miller Engineering and Environmental- Right-of-Way: Franchise Utility Adjustments: Construction', Amenities', Contingencies/Inflation Factor (21%) Inspection and Testing: $1.379`380~ $25O.00O (at intersections) $100,000 $8.302.500^ $3.480'331— $1.304.398 _$588,720 *Includes survey and geotechnical, and engineering expenses from the Po|ytechnicfTWU Streetscape Enhancements project: and assumes TxDOT releases existing engineering plans at no additional cost to the City of Fort Worth for completion —Includes cost of the Polytechnic[TWU Streetscape Enhancements project (capped at $1.875000 [$1 500,000 Regional Toll Revenue funds and $375,000 local fundsl for pedestrian amenities and signalization), Also Page I of 3 aosumesthat$1.50lOOUinfund|n0fnomMhePolyUaohnic/TVVUStreotsoapeEnhmnoementsproyao is Regional Toll Revenue funds, resulting in the limits ending West ofMiller instead of at Miller as originally discussed. The City of Fort Worth will bid the Polytechnic/TWU Streetscape Enhancements project elements as Unit 2 of the Phase | roadway project tu verify that the ohgina|$1.875'0O0 funding commitment inmet. Phase 11 – from West of Miller to Stalcup Engineering and Environmental: Environmental Mitigation Right-of-Way: Franchise Utility Adjustments Construction: Amenities: Contingencies/Inflation Factor (18%): TxDOT Engineering and Inspection (13%) $1.O5O.00D (includes survey and geoh»ohnica) $105,000 $600,000 $O $10.500.008°°° $1,334,820 %1.8QO.0OO _$630,00 � —Includes increase in costs bo adjust limits ho West of Miller instead ofetMiller. |V. FUNDING Phase I – from U.S. 287 to West of Miller City of Fort Worth (2004 Bond Pmgram): $3,417.301 City of Fort Worth (20O0 Bond Progmm): $2.240.000 Tarrant County (2OO6 Bond Pmgram): $7.094.000 Regional Toll Revenue funds $1.500.000 Tarrant County (2O8O Bond ProQrom): __$3I5,000 $15.526.301 Tarrant County Bond funds are fixed; therefore, the City of Fort Worth will pay for any cost overruns or change order expenses on Phase | (the City may recoup any cost overruns for the Polytechnic/ Wesleyan Sustainable Development project from the private developer amopppopnahe), This memorandum cf understanding does not encumber Tarrant County funds, bond or otherwise; as funds are encumbered via an interiocal agreement between Tarrant County and the City of Fort Worth. County Bond funds are limited bo street construction, sidewalks, basic landscaping, and basic illumination� therefore, City funds will be used for enhancements (such as |andscaping. lighting, etc.). Note that the federal swap for RTR funds was formally approved on October 13. Phase 11 – from West of Miller to Stalcup TxOOTPEFunds $1.050,000 BTF-N1K8 Federal RTC Funds: $9`077.121 TxDOT Strategic Phohh/� $2.400.000 City uf Fort Worth (2OO4 Bond Pnogram): Y3L582,599 $10.109`820 if Phase !or Phase U incur cost undanunn. the funding will ba retained until both phases are fully completed, Savings as a result of cost underruns will be redistributed equally based off each entity's' initial contribution. Cost overruns on Phase || will be shared by the RTC and the City of Fort Worth, unless the overrun can be covered by Phase !underrunn Page 2of3 V. IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND TIMING Federal and local sources of funding are available for this project, but it is recommended that the first phase be implemented with local funds to avoid further delays. The second phase will be delivered using the federal funds with a local match of 20 percent. Phase I — from U.S. 287 to West of Miller Phase Start Date Completion Date Responsible Agency Urban Design/Architectural Treatments 01/2012 04/2012 City of Fort Worth Engineering and Environmental 01/2012 11/2012 City of Fort Worth Right-of-Way 04/2012 12/2012 City of Fort Worth Franchise Utility Adjustments 02/2012 02/2013 City of Fort Worth Construction 03/2013 11/2014 City of Fort Worth Phase II — from West of Miller to Stalcup Phase Start Date Completion Date Responsible Agency Urban Design/Architectural Treatments 01/2012 06/2012 City of Fort Worth Engineering and Environmental 06/2012 03/2014 TxDOT -Fort Worth Right-of-Way 0912012* 09/2013 City of Fort Worth Franchise Utility Adjustments 09/2012* 09/2013 City of Fort Worth Construction" 09/2014 ** 09/2015 TxDOT -Fort Worth *If ROW /Utility Adjustments are required and federal reimbursement is sought, the anticipated start date will be delayed until after environmental clearance is completed. ** This is an RTC high - priority project. If cash flow is made available in 2013 or 2014, the construction phase will be advanced appropriately. Currently, funding for construction is not available until FY 2015. VI. SIGNATURE OF AGREEMENT This agreement is contingent upon approval of the terms outlined herein by the policy body of each impacted parry. 4 [�rf. Fernando Costa, Assistant City Manager City of Fort Worth 7VSL ki& Judge B. Glen Whitley, County Jud Tarrant County Roy C. Brooks County Commissioner Tarrant Co linty, Precinct 1 I �/� Ma I ha ez, E , Fort Worth District Engineer Texas Department of Transportation Chair Juhgus 41dan RegionawransVbrtation ouncil Date J Date( U ' Date' / / �= Aa Date I .h- Agl L`�_ 20 /z e `� Date Page 3 of J. Kayser, City �d�s MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MAP 20 EAST ROSEDALE STREET WEST OF MILLER AVE TO STALCUP RD ,,�p ,,g rl , . " , ny ., ton wn nn. n .—d reprn a.". , is . violation of applica bia laws rh,,p,od,a a lo—tomahon,J p,fpose& and ll.y n., I.- been p1nap.lad f— lb. -d.bla f., ad al ang—al q, pd,w— il Wa I man d.4�h.-g . d'd survey n d CITY PROJECT# 01895 d d. prop 'y h, of F.11 worth .,,.—a no a spdd.tnfty (d, the ..U,." .1 .,a date DOE# 6850 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication uvmmwum�ioumwmuuuumimummioioumouuumww�iw�iw�wiw�imuw�wwuwumx iw�w�moomw. w. ummumwwwW. uwwwwwwwioimuumomouuM. nuomm�imuwoireommmarvioioumoioiouwiwiomirmr�urw�wAmw�. wmwwmww�mmmuuwa��mma�ro�wmm�amwrvw�ami�ni00000�m¢ sn�wn�nArexmoanaumi�muouquoua�nwunuoimmioiduwumu�m mmimmim�mmmmmmmmwmiw�w�r ouummmi�oouuuuuuuuuuuuumioioiououumoiomiouuuuuuuumumuomauwiwwmmwiomumw POU L R ;AGTIOW4,1 Approved: ©n'91251204 c6 , ResolutlQn � 41 749 *2 �a iomoumoioiNUl�uu�muiiiiruminmonmuumomwww�u mu�miwm�uiwnw�wrom�i�uimw��w�u�a�i�am�uv�u�i�m000�a�mom000muuwm uuwmu�w�,m mmimuowmiwwwnm i�uuwuwiawiuuummmu «rrrr�m�mniii «rouomonrirr mouuuuo n ii oouummm mu i ow�m�mm ooii�wuuouuuuwu DATE: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 REFERENCE NO.: C -25880 LOG NAME: 20EAST ROSEDALE RECONSTRUCTION FROM MILLER AVE TO STALCUP RD SUBJECT: Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Funding Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation in the Amount of $17,940,200.00 for Participation in the Reconstruction of East Rosedale Street from West of Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) 1a*0161 JA 16 14 11, LOYA-Hel T1 F It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Adopt the attached resolution authorizing the execution of a funding agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation in the amount of $17,940,200.00 for engineering, right -of -way, and construction of East Rosedale Street from west of Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road; and 2. Authorize pre - payment to the Texas Department of Transportation in the amount of $22,200.00 for the City's local match for engineering and right -of -way in accordance of the funding Agreement. DISCUSSION: Execution of this funding Agreement in the amount of $17,940,200.00 allows for Federal, State and local funding participation to reconstruct East Rosedale Street from west of Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road from four lanes undivided to four lanes divided with raised medians, continuous sidewalks, intersection and safety improvements, and pedestrian amenities. With this authorization, the City will pay $22,200.00 to TxDOT as part of the City's $3.5M local match for TxDOT to commence design of the project. The 2004 Capital Improvement Program included funds for East Rosedale Street from Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road for engineering, right -of -way, and construction and will be used to fund the City's match. On June 26, 2012 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was executed between the Texas Department of Transportation, North Central Texas Council of Governments, Tarrant County, and the City of Fort Worth to outline an agreement regarding the funding, implementation strategy, roles and responsibilities, and project timing for East Rosedale Street reconstruction from U.S. 287 to Stalcup Road. The project is divided into three segments, East Rosedale Street from U.S. 287 to west of Miller Avenue, East Rosedale Street from west of Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road, and East Rosedale Street Sustainable Development from Nashville Avenue to Collard Street in the Polytechnic/TWU area. This action allows the East Rosedale Street from U.S. 287 to Miller Avenue and Sustainable Development segments to move forward using solely local funds. The City of Fort Worth will manage the implementation of these two segments. The Texas Department of Transportation will manage the implementation of the East Rosedale Street segment from west of Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 5, Mapsco 78M, 79J, 79K and 79L Logname: 20EAST ROSEDALE RECONSTRUCTION FROM MILLER AVE TO STALCUP RD Page 1 of 2 FISCAL INFORMATION / CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Street Improvements Fund. FUND CENTERS: TO Fu nd/Accou nt/C enters CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: FROM Fund /Account/Centers 2) C200 539120 205230189530 Fernando Costa (6122) Douglas W. Wiersig (7801) Jim Walker (8009) David Jodray (8702) $22,200.00 Logname: 20EAST ROSEDALE RECONSTRUCTION FROM MILLER AVE TO STALCUP RD Page 2 of 2