HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993/03/30-Minutes-City Council 22
MARCH 30 , 1993
Council Met On the 30th day of March, A.D. , 1993 , the City Council of the City
of Fort Worth, Texas, met in regular session, with the following members
and officers present :
Mayor Ray Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Virginia Nell Webber; Council
Members Present Members Carlos Puente, Chuck Silcox, Morris Matson, Eugene McCray, Jewel
Woods, Bill Meadows, and David Chappell ; City Manager Bob Terrell ; City
Attorney Wade Adkins; City Secretary Alice Church. With more than a
quorum present , the following business was transacted:
Invocation The invocation was given by Ms . Debra Crumpton, Grace United
Methodist Church.
Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Minutes of March 23, On motion of Council Member McCray, seconded by Council Member
1993 approved Silcox, the minutes of the regular meeting of March 23, 1993 , were
approved unanimously.
Proclamation - "Toys A proclamation for "Toys for Tots" Program was presented to the 2nd
for Tots" Program Battalion, 14th Marine Regiment, Fourth Marine Division of the United
States Marine Corp, Staff Sergeant Richard Fadoir and Gunnery Sergeant
Lee Jeter.
Proclamation - MS A proclamation for MS Awareness/Super Cities Walk Day was presented
Cities Walk Day to Mr. George Farris and Mr. David Minor.
Withdrew MAC C-13756 Council Member Meadows requested that Mayor and Council
Communication No. C-13756 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Withdrew M3C Nos. Council Member Matson reguested that Mayor and Council Communication
L-11244, L-11245, Nos . L-11244, L-11245 , L-11246, L-11247 , and L-11248 be withdrawn from
L-11246. L-11247 and the consent agenda.
Withdrew MdC P-6341 City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and Council Communication
from the consent No. P-6341 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Withdrew MiC No. City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and Council Communication
P-6341 fron the agenda No. P-6341 be withdrawn from the agenda.
Consent agenda On motion of Council Member Woods, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore
approved Webber, the consent agenda, as amended, was approved unanimously.
Council Proposal CP-17 There was presented Council Proposal CP-178, dated March 11 , 1993 ,
adopt Ordinance No. as proposed by Council Members Chappell , Matson, and Silcox recommending
11285 ' amending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 11285 amending Chapter 29. 5,
Chapter 29.5 "Smoking" "Smoking" , of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986) , as amended, by
amending Section 29.5-1 to add definitions of "City Buildings" and
"Dwelling"; by amending Section 29.5-2 to prohibit smoking in all City
buildings; by amending Section 29.5-3 to prohibit smoking in all food
establishments and City buildings; by amending Section 29.5-4 to prohibit
smoking in all workplaces and City buildings; by amending Section 29.5-6
to provide that certain violations are punishable by a fine of not more
than $500.00.
Mr. Elbert Penson re Mr. Elbert Penson, 5410 Atlantis Terrace a
CP-178 ppeared before the City
Council and expressed opposition to the proposed amendment of Chapter
29. 5 "Smoking" , of the Code of the City of Fort Worth and reguested that
the City Council give further consideration to the individual rights of
City Attorney Adkins City Attorney Adkins advised Council that the revised ordinance,
revised ordinance passed out in Pre-Council earlier, was the ordinance that the City
Council was considering at this time.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that the recommendation be adopted, as amended. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Tuesday, March 30, 1993
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber;
Council Members Puente, Silcox, Matson, Woods,
Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: Council Member McCray
Council Proposal CP-17 There was presented Council Proposal CP-179 as proposed by Council
adopt Ordinance No. Member Jewel Woods recommending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No.
11286 - moratorium on 11286 amending Ordinance No. 11032, Ordinance No. 11156, and Ordinance
the demolition or re- 11212 to extend a moratorium on the demolition or removal of certain
moval of certain
historically signifi- historically significant buildings and structures in the City of Fort
cant buildings and Worth on the issuance of permits for such demolition or removal , which
structures in the City moratorium should remain in effect until midnight on April 30, 1993,
of Fort North unless sooner repealed by the City Council , the purpose of such
moratorium being to preserve the status quo pending consideration by the
City Council of possible revisions to the ordinances pertaining to
historic buildings and structures. On motion of Council Member Woods,
seconded by Council Member Silcox, the recommendation was adopted
City Council Municipal There was presented City Council Municipal Court Advisory Committee
Court Advisory Policy Memorandum No. 30 from the City Manager recommending that the City
Committee Policy Council appoint Yolanda Bernal , Annjenet Chennault, Michael Newman, James
Memorandum No. 30 re Price, Ingrid Stromberg, Mark Sullivan, and Edward Valverde as Municipal
Yolanda Bernal, Annjenct Judges Pro tem for a one-year term beginning on April 1, 1993. On motion
Chennault, Michael New-
man, James Price, Ingri of Council Member Chappell , seconded by Council Member McCray, the
Stromberg, Mark Sulli- recommendation was adopted unanimously.
van, and Edward Valver-
de as Municipal Judges There was presented Municipal Court Advisory Committee Policy
Pro tem Memorandum No. 31 from the City Manager recommending that the City
Municipal Court Advisor ( Council authorize the salary adjustments for Municipal Judges shown
Committee Policy below, effective the first full
Memorandum No. 31 Pap period of April , 1993.
salary adjustments Annual Salary
Name Current New
Bonnie Sudderth, Chief Judge $50 ,307 $56,099
Jerry Moore, Deputy Judge 47 ,638 53,425
Steve Williamson, Judge 43,992 48,594
Paula Conley, Judge 40,717 44, 976
Mamie Bush Johnson, Judge 40,717 44,976
Assistant City Manager Assistant City Manager Libbey Watson appeared before the City
Libbey Watson re Council and advised Council that the salary adjustment for the Municipal
MCACP No. 31 Judges was a gradual increase that the previous City Council had agreed
upon in order to bring the Judges' salaries up to the 70 percent
percentile rating across the state thus making the salaries more
compatible with the salary structures of other cities.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member
McCray, that Municipal Court Advisory Committee Policy Memorandum No. 31
be adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber;
Council Members Puente, Matson, McCray, Woods,
Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: Council Member Silcox
MSC OCS-509 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-509 from
Claims the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council refer
notices of claims regarding alleged damages and/or injuries to the Risk
Management Department. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
Tuesday, March 30, 1993
MSC G-10107 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10107 from
adopt Resolution No. the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Resolution No.
1901 re State's 4901 which declared that the State's right-of-way was no longer needed by
right-of-way the public for a road and was not suitable for conservation, park, public
transportation, recreation or similar purposes and declared that the City
had no objection to the State offering the right-of-way for sale to the
adjacent property owner. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the recommendation be adopted.
MSC G-10108 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10108 from
eitepitewofbtio#hdriza the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
ti0d NltiaAaR.Sepvrt-
SecWtoi itlnkpo Y+ate®;; Manager to execute the work authorization, in accordance with A.R. 3-3,
maie:.andcoaiitary sewe Section 6.4, "Unspecified Projects Constructed by City Forces", for the
ii;;Nteo-{Str4eto tice replacement of water main and sanitary sewer main L-5852 in Wren Street.
;'i y It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
MSC G-10109 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10109 from
adopt Resolution No. the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Resolution No.
1902 re Texas Depart- 1902 requesting that the Texas Department of Transportation (TEXDOT)
meet of Transportation release to the City certain rights-of-way at Eagle Parkway and State
release certain
right-of-way to the Highway 170; and that the City assume responsibility for the maintenance
City and operation of the released rights-of-way. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MSC G-10110 re There was presented• Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10110 from
Public Hearing the City Manager recommending that the City Council set Tuesday, April
boundary of the South 20, 1993, at 10:00 a.m. , as tke date and time for a public hearing before
Enterprise Zone, the City Council concerning (a) the advdsabili.ty of amending the boundary
proposed boundary of of the South Enterprise Zone, and (b) the proposed boundary of the zone,
the zone and direct City Secretary to give notice of the public hearing in
accordance with state law. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the recommendation be adopted.
MSC G-10111 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10111 from
approve a credit the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve a credit in
lease payments owed by
the City by Casa the amount of $8,575.61 against prior lease payments owed the City by
Manna Musicals, Casa Mafiana Musicals, Inc. , in accordance with City Secretary Contract
Inc. No. 19139.
Mr. Pat Taylor re Mr. Pat Taylor, 1010 South Lake Street, Apartment #19, appeared
MSC G-10111 before the City Council and expressed gratitude to Council for casting a
discerning eye on Casa Mafiana's claim of over $200,000.00 owed to the
City of Fort Worth. He stated that he was filing an open-records request
for information, advising Council that there were penalties if the
information 3s not provided within a certain amount of days.
Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Meadows, that the recommendation, as contained in Mayor and Council
Communication No. 0-10111, be approved. The motion carried unanimously.
MSC P-6324 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6324,
purchase with Forest dated March 23, 1993, from the City Manager recommending that the City
Hills Lawn Service, Council authorize non-exclusive purchase agreements for the Water
and ABBA Landscape Department with Forest Hills Lawn Service and ABBA Landscape Management
Management Company Company to provide grounds maintenance service on low unit price bid,
meeting City specifications, with term of agreements to begin April 1,
1993, and end March 31, 1994, with the option to renew for one additional
Council Member McCray Council Member McCray requested that the list of DBE Contractors
re MSC P-6324 contacted by the vendor be shown on the Mayor and Council Communication.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that the recommendation be adopted.
MSC P-6336 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6336 from
purchase from Miracle the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
Auto Painting and purchase of paint and body repair for the City Services Department from
Body Repair
Miracle Auto Painting and Body Repair on low bid meeting City
specifications of $5, 994.00 net, f .o.b. Fort Worth. It was the consensus
of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Tuesday, March 30, 1993
MSC P-6337 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6337 from
purchase from G.S. the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
Service purchase of deep tine aerification of golf course greens for the Park and
Recreation Department from O.S. Service on low bid meeting City
specifications of $5,883. 25 net f .o.b. Fort Worth. It was the consensus
of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
P-6338 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6338 from
purchase from Oak Tree
Construction the City Manager recommending that the City Council amend Mayor and
Council Communication No. P-6264 to add $2,670.00 to the purchase of
weatherization services for the Housing and Human Service Department from
Oak Tree Construction. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C P-6339 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6339 from
purchase from Oak Tree the City Manager recommending that the City Council amend Mayor and
Construction Council Communication No. P-6307 to add $2,080 .00 to the purchase of
weatherization services for the Housing and Human Services Department
from Oak Tree Construction. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6340 from
C P-6340 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
purchase from Oak purchase of regular weatherization services from Oak Tree Construction
Tree Construction
for a block of houses not to exceed $8,182 .00 and the purchase of
enhanced weatherization services from Oak Tree Construction for a block
of houses not to exceed $545.00, with term of agreement to begin March
30, 1993, and end March 31, 1993. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C P-6341 re It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor and Council
as withdrawn Communication No. P-6341, Purchase Agreement for filters from the Motor
Mart, Inc. , for the City Services Department, be withdrawn from the
C P-6342 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6342 from
purchase from Classic the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
heveoittt purchase of a Suburban for the City Services Department from Classic
Chevrolet on its low bid meeting specifications of $22,072.00 net f .o.b. ,
Fort Worth, Texas. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
UC P-6343 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6343 from
purchase from Russell the City Manager recommending that the City Council reject all bids for
hatley Motor Company
item one, and authorize the purchase of item two, Jeep Police vehicle,
for the City Services Department, from Russell Whatley Motor Company on
its low bid meeting specifications of $17 ,941.00 net f. o.b. , Fort Worth,
Texas. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation
be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6344 from
UC P-6344 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
purchase with Dick to renew the purchase agreement for the City Services Department with
Smith, Inc. Dick Smith, Inc. , to furnish automotive and light truck brake parts on
its low bid and discounts of Jobber less 26 percent discount for brake
shoes and brake pads and Jobber less 28 percent discount for drums and
rotors, master cylinders and unspecified brake parts, with term of
agreement to begin April 10, 1993, and end April 9, 1994, with option to
renew for one additional year. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
UC P-6345 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6345 from
urchase with Masters the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
International Incor- to renew the purchase agreement for IHC/Navistar OEM parts for the City
Services Department with Masters International Incorporated based on unit
prices at national fleet prices less 5.3 percent discount , f .o.b. Fort
Worth, freight no charge, with term of agreement to begin May 16, 1993,
and end May 15, 1994. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
Tuesday, March 30, 1993
MSC P-6346 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6346 from
purchase with Robert- the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
son Fleet Service to renew the urchase agreement for brake
p g parts for the City Services
Department with Robertson Fleet Service based on quoted discounts and
unit prices, f.o.b. delivered, freight no charge, with term of agreement
to begin April 24, 1993, and end April 23, 1994, with one option to renew
for one year. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6347 from
MAC P-6347 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
purchase from Lyon purchase of Interior Lockers for the *Water Department from Lyon Metal
Metal Products Products for the low bid meeting specifications of $5, 477 .00 net 30 days,
f.o.b. installed Fort Worth. it was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC P-6348 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6348 from
purchase with Cooper the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
Industries, Cooper to renew the purchase agreement for the Water Department with Cooper
Energy Services Industries, Cooper Energy Services, to provide technical assistance and
component repair per prices quoted on bid #91-2312, with term of
agreement to begin April 10, 1993, and end April 9, 1994. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6349 from
MAC P-6349 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a purchase
purchase with Diversey agreement for the maintenance of the water loop systems (boiler systems)
Mater Technologies,
Inc. for the Water Department with Diversey Water Technologies, Inc. , on sole
bid for parts and labor, with term of agreement to begin April 1, 1993,
and end March 31, 1994, with a renewal option for two additional one-year
periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
MAC P-6350 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6350 from
purchase from Dealer's the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
Electrical Supply, purchase of 7 amp fuses and type b connectors for the Transportation and
and purchase from Public Works Department from Dealer's Electrical Supply on low bid of
Advance Lapp Technolo-
gies, Inc. unit prices for an amount not to exceed $8,005.00, less 2 percent 30
days, f . o.b. Fort Worth, freight allowed, and authorize the purchase of
30 amp fuses and fuseholders for the Transportation and Public Works
Department from Advance Lamp 'Technologies, Inc. , on low bid of unit
prices for an amount not to exceed $6,565.00, less 2 percent , 30 days ,
f.o.b. destination, freight prepaid. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendat om be adopted.
C P-6351 re There was presented� IbWer and 'Council Communication No. P-6351 from
purchase from Pan-tech the City Manager reeomwenilLn9 th&t the City Council authorize the single
Controls Company source purchase of ZaWler iZltrasonic Flow Meters for the Water
Department from Pan-tech Controls Company based on the bid of $13,380.00 ,
f.o.b. Houston, T%, freight prepaid and added. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the -recommendation be adopted.
C P-6352 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6352 from
purchase with Applied the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
Specialties, Inc. to renew the purchase agreement for the Water Department with Applied
Specialties, Inc. , to furnish polymer on low bid of $0.093 lb. for AS-238
and $0 .069 lb. for AS-228, Amannic Polymer, with term of agreement to
begin March 16, 1993, and end March 15, 1994, with options to renew for
two additional years. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C P-6353 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6353 from
purchase from Hatfield the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
purchase of Foxboro Meter housing and tubing for the Water Department
from Hatfield Company based on bid of $5,769.00, f .o.b. Foxboro, MA,
freight prepaid and added. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the recommendation be adopted.
C P-6354 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6354 from
purchase with Degussa the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
orporation to renew the purchase agreements for the Water Department with Degussa
Corporation at 50 percent Hydrogen Peroxide for an amount of $483.00 per
Tuesday, March 30 , 1993
MAC P-6354 Cont. and ton and FMC Corporation at 35 percent Hydrogen Peroxide for an amount of
adopted $600.00 per ton, with terms of agreement to begin May 29, 1993, and end
May 28, 1994. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
MAC P-6355 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6355 from
purchase from Vallen the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
Safety Supply Company purchase of protective firefighting
and Casco Industries g 4 gear for the Fire Department on low
bids meeting specifications from Vallen Safety Supply Company and Casco
Industries, f. o.b. destination, net 30. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC $-6356 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6356 from
purchase with West the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
Sanitation Services to renew a purchase agreement for restroom odor control for the City of
Fort Worth with West Sanitation Services, on their low bid of $2 .40 per
month per dispenser, with term of agreement to begin April 1, 1993, and
end March 31, 1994, with two additional options remaining. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC p-6357 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6357 from
purchase with Advance the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
Petroleum Distributing to renew the purchase agreement for the City of Fort Worth with Advance
Company, Inc. Petroleum Distributing Company, Inc. , to provide kerosene on low bid of
$1 . 65 per gallon and naphtha at $1 .75 per gallon, with term of agreement
to begin April 17 , 1993, and end April 16, 1994. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC P-6358 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6358 from
purchase with Gold the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
thwaite's of Texas, Inc to renew the purchase agreement for the City Services Department with
Goldthwaite's of Texas, Inc. , to provide genuine replacement parts and
engines on low bid of unit prices at manufacturer's suggested list price
for Olathe, Dahaitsu, Rurb-Dresser and Continental parts and engines at
manufacturer's list price less 12 percent; Toro and McClane engines and
parts at manufacturer's suggested list price less zero percent discount,
with term of agreement to begin June 11, 1993, and end June 10, 1994. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC P-6359 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6359 from
purchase with Smith the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a purchase
Protective Services agreement for armed security guard service for the Health Department with
Smith Protective Services on low bid of $7 .71 per hour, net 30, with term
of agreement to begin on May 1, 1993, and end April 30, 1994, with one
option to renew for an additional year. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC L-11243 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11243 from
acquisition of an the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
aerial easement acquisition of an aerial easement over the east five feet of 316 W.
Hammond Street, legally known as Lot 18, Block 23, Southside Addition;
find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Jerry
Hefler, required for a streetlight; and authorize the acceptance and
recording of the easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11244 from
MAC L-11244 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
acquisition of acquisition of residential property described as Lot 19, Block "A",
residential property
Greenview Hills Addition to the City of Irving, Texas, (4205 North
Greenview Drive) ; find that $75,000 .00 is just compensation for property
acquired from Jesse R. Bartlett and Mary Ellen Bartlett required for D/FW
Airport Mitigation Program; and authorize the acceptance and recording of
the appropriate deed.
Council Member Matson Council Member Matson declared that he had revenue bonds from D/FW
re MAC L-11244 International Airport and advised Council that he was not disqualified
from voting on the next five Mayor and Council Communications involving
D/FW International Airport.
Tuesday, March 30, 1993
Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11244 be adopted. The
motion carried unanimously.
MSC L-11245 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11245 from
acquisition of the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
residential property acquisition of residential property described as Lot 9, Block "A", Green
Hills Annex Addition to the City of Irving, Texas (5105 Justin Drive) ;
find that $60,000 .00 is just compensation for property acquired from Gary
Lee Rhoades and Junith G. Rhoades, required for D/FW International
Airport Mitigation Program; and authorize the acceptance and recording of
the appropriate deed. On motion of Council Member Matson, seconded by
Council Member Silcox, the recommendation was adopted unanimously.
MAC L-11246 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11246 from
acquisition of the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
residential property acquisition of residential property described as Lot 10, Block "A",
Harrington Heights Addition, to the City of Irving, Texas (4301 Dorris
Road) ; find that $180,000.00 is just compensation for property acquired
from James M. Drinkwater and Beth M. Drinkwater, required for D/FW
International Airport Mitigation Program; and authorize the acceptance
and recording of the appropriate deed. On motion of Council Member
Matson, seconded by Council Member Silcox, the-recommendation was adopted
MAC L-11247 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11247 from
acquisition of the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
residential property acquisition of residential property described as Lot 12 , Block "E",
Section One, Highlands Addition to the City of Irving, Texas (4305 Aspen
Drive) ; find that $140,000.00 is just compensation for property acquired
from Kenneth C. Lynch and Jean E. Lynch, required for D/FW International
Airport Mitigation Program; and authorize the acceptance and recording of
the appropriate deed. On motion of Council Member Matson, seconded by
Council Member Silcox, the recommendation was adopted unanimously.
MAC L-11248 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11248 from
acquisition of the City Manager recommending that the .City Council authorize the
residential property acquisition of residential property described as Lot 8, Block "C",
Greenview Hills Addition to the City of Irving, Texas, (4016 South
Creenview Drive) ; find that $100,000.00 is just compensation for property
acquired from Elizabeth Arlene Segota, required for D/FW International
Airport Mitigation Program; and authorize the acceptance and recording of
the appropriate deed. On motion of Council Member Matson, seconded by
Council Member Silcox, the recommendation was adopted unanimously.
MAC L-11249 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11249 from
acquisition of tem- the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
porary construction acquisition of temporary construction easements described as Lot 14,
easements Block 1, Billings Subdivision (2017 Chestnut Avenue) from Victor M.
Espino; Lots 12 and 13, B1ock. 1, Billings Subdivision (2021 Chestnut
Avenue) from Dena Mae Ham; Lot 17 , Block 1, Billings Subdivision (2011
Chestnut Avenue) from Tony F. Rodriguez; and Lot 7, Block 117, North Fort
Worth Addition (1713 Denver Avenue) from Luis B. Montalvo, find that
$1 .00 is just compensation for each easement required for Chestnut Avenue
Sanitary Sewer Replacement; and authorize the acceptance and recording of
the easements. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
MAC L-11250 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11250 from
acquisition of tem- the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
porary construction acquisition of temporary construction easements described as Lot 10 ,
easements Block 117, North Fort Worth (1719 Denver Avenue) from Juan Silva; Lot 20 ,
Block 122, North Fort Worth (1804 Lagonda Avenue) from Angelina Ramirez;
Lot 9, Prairie View (1815 Robin Avenue) to Martin D. Gausin; and Lot 11,
Prairie View (1809 Robin Avenue) from Roberto Garza; find that $1.00 is
just compensation for each easement, required for Chestnut Avenue
Sanitary Sewer Replacement; and authorize the acceptance and recording of
the easements. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
Tuesday, March 30 , 1993
MAC L-11251 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11251 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
easement portion of Lot 13 , Block 2 , Hi Mount Addition (1518 Clover Lane) ; find
that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Antonio and
Rosa Lopez, required for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and
authorize the acceptance and recording of the easement . It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC L-11252 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11252 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
permanent ingress and acquisition of a permanent ingress and egress to rehabilitate the
egress existing sanitary sewer line for future maintenance in Lot 20, Block 122,
North Fort Worth (1804 Lagonda Avenue) ; find that $373.00 is just
compensation for permanent easement acquired from Angelina Ramirez,
required for Chestnut Avenue Sanitary Sewer Replacement; and authorize
the acceptance and recording of the easement . It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC L-11253 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11253 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
permanent easement acquisition of a permanent easement described as being Lot 26, Block 222,
North Fort Worth (1311 Francis Street) ; find that $175.00 is just
compensation for property acquired from Guadalupe Guajardo, required for
miscellaneous Sanitary Sewer L-2033 extensions at various locations; and
authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC L-11254 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11254 from
acquisition of two the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
permanent easements acquisition of two permanent easements described as being the west
portion of Lot 26, Block 22, North Fort Worth Addition, Parcels 2 and 3,
(1351 Francis Street) ; find that $445.00 is just compensation acquired
from Margarito Ortega, required for miscellaneous Sanitary Sewer L-2033
Improvements; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the
appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
MAC C-13738 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13738,
agreement with Paul R. dated March 16, 1993, from the City Manager recommending that the City
Ray A Company, Inc. Manager be authorized to execute an agreement with Paul R. Ray & Company,
Inc. , to conduct the screening of applications and recommend a short list
of candidates for an executive director for the Carswell Redevelopment
Authority for a total cost not to exceed $5,000 .00 . -
Mayor Pro tempore Mayor Pro tempore Webber disclosed that her husband worked for the
Webber re MAC C-12728 Department of Defense.
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that the recommendation be approved, as amended, by authorizing
the agreement with the Carswell Reuse Authority for a cost to the City
not to exceed $5,000.00 . The motion carried unanimously.
MAC C-13755 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13755 from
agreement with Mira the City Manager recommending that the City -Council authorize the City
Vista Investors, L.P. Manager to execute a Community Facilities Agreement with the developer,
a Texas Limited Partner Mira Vista Investors, L.P. a Texas Limited Partnership, for the
ship installation of community facilities for Mira Vista Addition, Phase 2B.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
C-13756 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13756 from
approve a bond fund the . City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
transfer, execute an Manager to approve a $6,000.00 bond fund transfer from the Park Glen
amendment to CS No.
18896 Phase II , Section 1 to the Park Glen Addition Phase VII in the New
Development Bond Fund; authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment
to the Community Facilities Agreement No. 18896 to provide for additional
engineering of Prewett Road; and make joint payments to the developer and
his engineer for the City's share of the design cost .
Tuesday, March 30, 1993
Council Member Meadows Council Member Meadows requested permission of the City Council to
e M&C C-13756 abstain from voting on Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13756
abstain from voting because of a professional relationship with Carter & Burgess, Inc.
Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member
McCray, that Council Member Meadows be permitted to abstain from voting
on Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13756. The motion carried
Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13756 be adopted. The
motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber;
Council Members Puente, Silcox, Matson, McCray,
Woods, and Chappell
NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Council Member Meadows
C C-13757 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13757 from
contract with Daniel the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
De Wilde Manager to enter into a personal services contract with Daniel De Wilde
in the amount of $18,000.00 to research, write and produce an
instructional video on the City's storm drain biotoxicity testing
program, and authorize a contingency amount of $2,000.00 for any video
enhancements which staff may identify during production. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C C-13758 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13758 from
execute Amendment al the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the Cit
to y
the Architectural Y
Services Agreement Manager to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Architectural 'Services
with Vaughn Architects Agreement for Fire Station No. 35, Alliance Airport, with Vaughn
Plus Architects Plus for additional services to increase the architectural fee
by $2,000 .00 to $158 , 400 .00 related to the design of a slide gate. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13759 from
C-13759 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
contract with Norton
ree Services Manager to execute a one-year requirements contract for tree removal and
stump routing with Horton Tree Services, P.O. Box 15792, Fort Worth,
Texas, 76119, in an amount not to exceed $55,000.00. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13760 from
UC C-13760 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
consent agreement Manager to enter into a consent agreement for landscape improvements with
ith Hillwood Develop- Hillwood Development Corporation. It was the consensus of the City
nt Corporation Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C C-13761 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13761 from
dopt Ordinance No. the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Supplemental
1287; agreement with Appropriations Ordinance No. 112?` increasing the estimated receipts and
nstitute of Managemeni appropriations in the Special Trust Fund in the amount of $32,000 .00 for
esources the purpose of funding an agreement with Institute of Management
Resources to perform an evaluation of the D.E.C.O.R. computer system;
approve the use of $32,000.00 from the Special Trust Fund, Awarded
Assets, for payment to the Institute of Management Resources for their
services necessary to complete the evaluation of the D.E.C.O.R. computer
system; and approve the contract with Institute of Management Resources
to provide project staff and management for the completion of the
evaluation of the D.E.C.O.R. computer system. On motion of Council
Member Chappell , seconded by Council Member Silcox, the recommendation
was adopted unanimously.
C-13762 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13762 from
ontract with Heard, the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
gan, Blair & Willi Manager to execute a contract with Heard, Goggan, Blair & Williams to
Tuesday, March 30, 1993
C C-13762 coot. and
assist in the collection of all delinquent paving, weed and demolition
adopted accounts . Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Puente, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13762 be approved, as
amended, changing the contract period from one year to six months. The
motion carried unanimously.
C C-13763 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13763 from
amend M3C C-13505 the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
TPA Classroom Training Manager to amend Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13505, Classroom
Contracts for Title Training Contracts for Title II-A and III of the Job Training Partnership
II-A and III
Act to add new vendors and to amend the anticipated invoice amounts .
ouncil Member Chappell Council Member Chappell requested permission of the City Council to
e MIX C-13763 abstain from voting on Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13763.
abstain from voting
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that Council Member Chappell be permitted to abstain from voting
on Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13763. The motion carried
Council Member Puente Council Member Puente filed a conflict of interest affidavit on
e MiC C-13763 Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13763 involving Fort Worth
filed a conflict of
interest affidavit Independent School District .
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Matson, that the recommendation, as contained in Mayor and Council
Communication No. C-13763, be adopted. The motion carried by the
following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council
Members Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods, and
NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Council Members Chappell and Puente
C C-13764 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13764 from
ontracts for demolitio the City Manager recommending that the City Council :
f structures -
ction Excavating Corp 1. Confirm that each structure listed herein is substandard and a
nc., Calvin Sims dba nuisance, and
lvins Sims Excavating
nd Wrecking, Howard
arby dba Dyn-O-Mite 2 . Authorise the contracts for demolition of structures for the
lition, EdD. Briggs City Services Department on the low bid per unit as follows:
ba Briggs and Son
recking, Sam Shugart Action Excavating Corp Inc. $17 ,996.00
ba REB Concrete Units 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,11,13,14,
Calvin Sims DBA $10,080 .00
Calvin Sims Excavating and Wrecking
Units, 6,10 ,12,20,23, 27
Howard Darby DBA $ 5, 996.00
Dyn-O-Mite Demolition
Units 5,17,30
E.D. Briggs DBA $ 1,718 .00
Briggs and Son Wrecking
Unit 26
Sam Shugart DBA $ 749.00
REB Concrete Unit 22
Total amount not to exceed $36,539.00 f . o.b, Fort Worth, Texas, and
3 . Authorize a lien to be filed against each property to cover the
cost of demolition and administration.
Tuesday, March 30 , 1993
MAC C-13764 Cont. Ms . Gail Baxter, representing the Code Enforcement Office, appeared
and adopted before the City Council and described the existing conditions of the
property located at 3104 Lincoln Avenue, advising Council that the owner
had begun repairs on the property and advised Council that the Code
Enforcement Office was willing to work with the owner, within an
acceptable time frame to allow for completion of the repairs.
Ms. Jennifer Adams re Ms . Jennifer Adams, appeared before the City Council and requested a
MAC C-13764 60-day extension on the demolition of property located at 3104 Lincoln
Unite 22 Avenue, Unit 22 .
Ms. Gail Baxter, representing the Code Enforcement Office, appeared
Ms. Gail Baxter re before the City Council and described the existing conditions of the
MAC C-13764 property located at 2420 Roosevelt Avenue and rear and stated that,
should an extension be granted, demolition should proceed if nothing is
done to the property to bring it up to code during the 90 days.
Dr. Steven Cole re Dr. Steven Cole appeared before the City Council and requested a 90-
MAC C-13764
Unit 22 day extension on the demolition of property located at 2420 Roosevelt
Avenue and rear and advised Council that he was having to deal with FDIC,
which was taking a longer period of time in order to collect on his
insurance from the fire, but stated that his preference would be to
repair the property.
Ms. Gail Baxter re Ms. Gail Baxter appeared before the City Council and advised Council
MAC C-13764 that the property located at 5352-54 Wonder Drive (Unit 30) should be
removed from the demolition list.
Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Puente, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13764 be approved, as
amended, granting a 60-day extension to Unit 22; 90-day extension to Unit
23; and removing Unit No. 30 from the list of substandard structures for
demolition. The motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Gean Gros re Ms . Gean Gros, 2010 Hurley, appeared before the City Council and
proposed ordinance expressed opposition to the proposed ordinance on historic preservation,
on historic preserva- stating that the ordinances violate her private property rights .
Mr. Bobby Martin re Mr. Bobby Martin, 1819 South Adams, appeared before the City Council
salary of the voluntee and advised Council that he had not yet received the information
Ann Smith, public regarding the salary of the volunteer, Ann Smith; advised Council that
hearing to the Histori - the public hearing relative to the Historical Preservation amendments
cal Preservation should be held on April 27th, rather than April 13th; and advised Council
amendments that his lawsuit that was filed against the City of Fort Worth to allow
his removal from the "H/C" Historic and Cultural Subdistrict Zoning
Classification is scheduled for April 16, 1993.
Mr. Joe Guerrero re Mr. Joe Guerrero, President of the League of United Latin American
FAA Noise Study Citizens, 115 West 2nd, appeared before the City Council and expressed
gratitude to the City Council for the vote that would be taken relative
to the FAA Noise Study regarding Meacham and Spinks Airports and advised
Council that the City Council approved Alliance Airport at the previous
meeting, stating that the Council could not proceed with Alliance Airport
without proceeding with Meacham and Spinks Airport; advised Council that
there were only 12 homeowners involved in the litigation suit against
Alliance Airport whereas Meacham involved approximately 200 to 300
households; and stated that the process would take approximately 10 to 12
City Secretary Church City Secretary Church advised City Council that consideration of
re MAC Nos. C-13765 Mayor and Council Communication Nos. C-13765 and C-13766 would be heard
and C-13766 will be after the public hearings designating the Fort Worth Tax Abatement
heard at the public Reinvestment Zone Nos. 13 and 14.
C-13767 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13767 from
crept grant with the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
exas Department of Manager to:
ommerce, contracts
ith Fort North ISD,
illow Park Educationa
Tuesday, March 30, 1993
MAC C-13767 Cont. 1 . Submit a grant application, accept the grant, if offered, and
TCJC, Texas Christian negotiate a contract in the amount of $4,235, 308.00 with Texas
Univeristy, University Department of Commerce for implementation of the Job Training
of Arlington, , St.
Edwards University, Partnership Act Title IIB Summer Youth Employment and Training
Bee and Bell Educational Program Plan for 1993 for the contract period beginning October
Center, and Summer 11 1992 , and ending September 30, 1993, and
School at Fort Worth,
Arlington, Euless, 2. Authorize the Fiscal Services Department to establish the
Haltom City and White ,
Settlement ISD specified project accounts in the City of Fort Worth's
financial accounting system upon receipt of the letter of
obligational authority from Texas Department of Commerce, and
3. Apply indirect cost in accordance with the City's
Administration Regulation 3-15 (apply the 1992 rate of 15. 97
which represents the most recently approved rate of 15 . 97 which
represents the most recently approved rate for the Employment
and Training Department) , and
4. Contingent upon approval of the contract with Texas Department
of Commerce, execute contracts with service providers as listed
below for implementation of the 1993 Title IIB Summer Youth
Employment and Training Plan:
A. Execute a contract in the amount of $96, 430 .00 with Fort
Worth Independent School District for implementation of
the Discovery Program for the contract period beginning
March 1, 1993, and ending August 26, 1993.
B. Execute a contract in the amount of $247 , 488.00 with Fort
Worth Independent School District to provide Summer Youth
Work Experience for the contract period March 1, 1993 to
August 26, 1993 .
C. Execute a contract in the amount of $62,080 .00 with Willow
Park Educational Services to implement CONNECT, the Year-
Round Program for 14 and 15 year old youth, for the
contract period of May 1, 1993 to August 25, 1993 .
D. Execute a contract in the amount of $60, 952 .00 with Willow
Park Educational Services to implement Project Bridge, the
Year-Round Program for 16 to 21 year old youth, for the
contract period May 1, 1993 to August 26, 1993.
E. Execute a contract in the amount of $112,988.00 with
Tarrant County Junior College to provide College/Career
Preparation for the contract period May 1, 1993 to August
26, 1993.
F. Execute a contract in the amount of $80 ,850 .00 with Texas
Christian University to provide the Career Counseling and
the World of Work Program for the contract period
beginning June 1, 1993 and ending August 26, 1993.
G. Execute a contract in the amount of $38,880 .00 with the
University of Arlingtpn to provide and Upward Bound
Program for the period beginning June 1, 1993 and ending
August 26, 1993.
H. Execute a contract in the amount of $32,637 .00 with Fort
Worth Independent School District to implement Project
Bridge for the contract period beginning March 1, 1993 to
August 26, 1993.
I . Execute a contract in the amount of $93 , 417 .00 with Fort
Worth Independent School District to provide . Career
Exploration for Handicapped Youth for the contract period
beginning May 1, 1993 to August 26, 1993.
J. Execute a contract in the amount of $31, 220 .00 with St.
Edwards University to implement the Summer Program for
Migrant Students for the contract period June 1, 1993 to
August 26, 1993.
Tuesday, March 30, 1993
MSC C-13767 cont.
K. Authorize a buy-in agreement to provide tuition cost on a
per participant basis for youth to participate in basic
skills enhancement/homework assistance activities at the
Bee and Bell Educational Center. It is expected that up
to 25 participants will be served at a cost of $10 .00 per
hour of participant training. Total amount is not to
exceed $45,000.00.
L. Authorize buy-in agreements to provide tuition cost on a
per participant basis for youth to attend Summer School at
Fort Worth, Arlington, Euless, Haltom City and White
Settlement Independent School Districts at an average cost
of $154.00 per participant . Total amount is not to exceed
$61, 600.00
Council Member Chappel
re MSC C-13767 Council Member Chappell requested permission of the City Council to
abstain from voting abstain from voting on Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13767 .
Council Member Silcox made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Meadows, that Council Member Chappell be permitted to abstain from voting
on Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13767 . The motion carried
Council Member Puente Council Member Puente advised Council that he would be file a
re MSC C-13767
file a conflict of conflict of interest affidavit on Mayor and Council Communication No. C-
interest affidavit 13767 involving Fort Worth Independent School District .
Council Member Silcox made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Woods, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13767 be adopted. The
motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber;
Council Members Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods,
and Meadows
NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Council Members Chappell and Puente
MSC C-13768 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13768 from
leasing to All Seasons the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the leasing
yachts, Inc. at Marina of the area on Lake Worth known as Marina Park for $1 .00 per year to All
Park Seasons, Yachts, Inc. , to operate and maintain Marina Park for five
years. On motion of Council Member Meadows, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, the recommendation was adopted unanimously.
MSC C-13769 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13769 from
lease with Linville
and Smith Enterprises the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
Manager to execute a modified lease agreement with Linville and Smith
Enterprises for the operation of Putt-Putt Golf and Games in Z. Boaz
Park, and authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to City
Secretary Contract No. 17867 with American Golf , Inc. , reducing their
lease area by approximately 17 ,771 square feet . On motion of Council
Member Meadows, seconded by Council Member McCray, the recommendation was
adopted unanimously.
C C-13770 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13770 from
contract with Ken Moor the City Manager recommending that the City Council execute a five-year
Enterprise Company contract with five one-year options, for renewal , extension and amendment
of Contract No. 14255 - Concessions Contract for Will Rogers Memorial
Center with Ken Moore Enterprises Company, subject to the changes
identified on Mayor and Council Communication. On motion of Council
Member Matson, seconded by Council Member Woods, the recommendation was
adopted unanimously.
UC FP-3055 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP-3055 from
final payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council :
Harrod Paving
Tuesday, March 30 , 1993
C FP-3055 Cont. 1. Accept as complete, S. Jennings Avenue from Hawthorne Avenue to
Shaw Street and Mulkey Street from Hemphill to 115 ft . east of
May St. , and
2 . Release the one-year maintenance bond, and
3. Accept a negotiated settlement regarding liquidated damages
that would access 33 days and waive 48 days, and
4. Approve the attached final assessment rolls for South Jennings
Avenue from Shaw Street to Hawthorne Avenue and Mulkey Street
from Hemphill Street to 115 feet east of May Street, and
5. Authorize the issuance of certificates as evidence of the
special assessments levied against the abutting property owners
of South Jennings Avenue from Shaw Street to Hawthorne Avenue
and Mulkey Street from Hemphill Street to 115 feet east of May
Street, and
6. Authorize the final payment of $30 ,018.31 to Harrod Paving,
which is net after deducting the $10,395.00 for liquidated
damages and $2,390 .76 for damage to water and sewer service
lines .
7 . Authorize the transfer of $2,390 .76 from the Street
Improvements Fund to the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to
cover the cost of repairs to water and sewer service lines.
FP-3055 adopted It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be
ouncil Members Puente Council Members Puente and Meadows excused themselves from the
nd Meadows excused Council Chambers at this time.
themselves for the
ouncil Chambers
On the 23rd day of March, 1993, the City Council continued the
C 6-10103 Public public hearing and ordinance designating the Fort Worth Tax Abatement
Baring Fort Worth Reinvestment Zone No. 13 from day to day and from time to time and
ax Abatement Reinvest- especially o the City Council meeting of March 30, 1993, to
nt Zone No. 13 y y g give every
interested person or citizen an opportunity to be heard. Mayor Granger
asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard.
r. Paul Cain re Mr. Paul Cain, representing the City Manager's Office, appeared
C 6-10103 before the City Council and advised Council that the purpose of this
public hearing was to receive comments from citizens regarding the
designation of the Fort Worth Tax Reinvestment Zone No. 13 and requested
that, after citizen presentations, the City Council close the public
hearing and adopt Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10103.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection
with the designation of the Fort Worth Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone
No. 13, Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member
McCray, that the hearing be closed and that the recommendation, as
contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10103, be approved,
1288 d Ordinance No. adopting Ordinance No. 11288 amending the Code of the City of Fort Worth,
Texas (1986) , as amended, by designating a 4.834 acre parcel of land out
of the U. Wutherick Survey, Abstract No. 1693, Tarrant County, Texas, as
the Fort Worth Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 13. The motion
carried unanimously, with Council Members Meadows and Puente absent from
C C-13765 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13765 from
ax Abatement Agreement the City Manager recommending that the City Council take the following
ith Conti Industries, actions regarding a proposed project at the Conti Industries facilities
nc. at 3200 South Cravens Road:
1. Find that the improvements sought are feasible and practical ,
and would be a benefit to the land and to the City after the
expiration of the tax abatement agreement, and
Tuesday, March 30, 1993
MSC C-13765 cont.
2 . Find that written notice of the City's intent to enter the
attached Tax Abatement Agreement and copies of the Agreement
were mailed by certified mail to all affected taxing units in
accordance with state law, and
3. Find that the terms and conditions of the Agreement and the
property subject to the agreement meet the City's Policy
Statement for Tax Abatement to Qualified Commercial/Industrial
Projects as established in Mayor and Council Communication
No. G-9945, and
4. Authorize the City Manager to enter into the Tax Abatement
Agreement with Conti Industries, Inc. , in accordance with the
Policy Statement on Tax Abatement to Qualified
Commercial/Industrial Projects (Guidelines and Criteria) which
was adopted by the City Council on December 3, 1992 (M&C G-
9945) .
Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member
McCray, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13765 be approved, as
amended, changing Inc. , to "A Partnership". The motion carried
unanimously, with Council Members Meadows and Puente absent from the
MSC G-10104 re On the 23rd day of March, 1993, the City Council continued the
Fort Worth Tax Abate- public hearing and ordinance designating the Fort Worth Tax Abatement
ment Reinvestment Zone Reinvestment Zone No. 14 from day to day and from time to time and
No. 14 especially to the City Council meeting of March 30, 1993, to give every
interested person or citizen an opportunity to be heard. Mayor Granger
asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard.
Council Member Meadows Council Member Meadows assumed his chair at the Council table at
assumed his chair this time.
Mr. Paul Cain re Mr. Paul Cain, representing the City Manager's Office, appeared
MSC G-10104 before the City Council , and advised Council that the purpose of this
public hearing was to receive comments from citizens regarding the
designation of the Fort Worth Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 14, and
requested that, after citizen presentations, the City Council close the
hearing and adopt Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10104.
There. being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection
with the designation of the Fort Worth Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone
No. 14, Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Woods, that the recommendation, as contained in Mayor and Council
Adopt Ordinance No. Communication No. 0-10104, be adopted, and that Ordinance No. 11289 be
11289 adopted amending the Code of the City of Fort Worth, Texas (1986) , as
amended, by designating parts of the O. Odum Survey, Abstract No. 1884;
the Allen Beard Survey, Abstract No. 137; and the Mary Johnson Survey,
Abstract No. 858, all in Tarrant County, Texas, as the Fort Worth Tax
Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 14. The motion carried unanimously, with
Council Member Puente absent.
Council Member Puente assumed his chair at the Council table at this
MSC C-13766 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13766 from
Tax Abatement Agreeoen
with American Manufac-t. a;t a City Manager recommending that the City Council take the following
facturing Company of actions regarding a proposed development -project on acreage owned by
Texas (AMCOT Partners) American Manufacturing Company of Texas (AMCOT Partners) :
1. Find that the improvements sought are feasible and practical ,
and would be a benefit to the land and to the City, after the
expiration of the tax abatement agreement, and
2 . Find that written notices of the City's intent to enter the
attached Tax Abatement Agreement and copies of the Agreement
were mailed by certified mail to all affected taxing units in
accordance with state law, and
Tuesday, March 30 , 1993
MAC C-13766 cont. 3. Find that the terms and conditions of the Agreement and the
property 'subject to the agreement meet the City's Policy
Statement for Tax Abatement to Qualified Commercial/Industrial
Projects as established in M&C G-9945, and
4. Authorize the City ' Manager to enter into the Tax Abatement
Agreement with American Manufacturing Company of Texas (AMCOT
Partners) in accordance with the Policy Statement for Tax
Abatement to Qualified Commercial/Industrial Projects
(Guidelines aild Criteria) which was adopted by the City Council
oh ' December 3', 1992 (Mayor and Council Communication No. G-
- 9945) .
Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Meadows, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13766 be adopted.
The motion carried unanimously.
On the 11th day of March, 1993, the City Council set today as the
Historical Preservaticl date for a public hearing for the purpose of considering proposed changes
and amendments to Ordinance No. 3011, as amended, which is the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of said City, for the purpose of
considering two other ordinances amendments concerning historical
preservation, and providing that said hearing may continue from day to
day until every interested. person and citizen has had a full opportunity
to be heard. Mayor Granger asked if there was anyone present desiring to
be heard.
City Attorney Adkins City Attorney Adkins advised Council that the public hearings and
re Historic Preserva- actions concerning the adoption of ordinance amendments relating to the
tion ordinance Historic Preservation should be declared open and advised Council that
amendments the hearings should be continued until April 13, 1993.
There being no one present desiring to be heard in connection with
the public - hearings and -action , concerning adoption of ordinance
amendments relating to the Historic Preservation, Council Member Chappell
made a motion, seconded by Council Member Meadows, that the hearings be
continued until April 13, 1993. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Chip Diano re Mr. Chip Diana, 6007 Westridge Lane, #102, appeared before the City
Mental Health council requesting cooperation of the City Council for the Mental Health
Vigil Vigil to be held on May 18 and 19, 1993.
Met in closed or It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Council meet
executive session in closed or executive session at 11:20 a.m. to seek the advice of its
attorneys following pending litigation or other matters which are exempt
from public disclosure under Article X, Section 9 of the Texas State Bar
1) City of Fort Worth et al . v. SDC Land Partners, Ltd. et al . ,
Cause No. 4-92-CV-501A:
2) Star Telegram, Inc. v. City of Fort Worth et al . , Cause No. 17-
` 129405=90
as authorized by Section 2(e) , Article 6252-17, V.A.C.S.
Reconvened into The ' Cify'Couacil reconvened into regular session at 12 : 10 p.m. with
regular aessign., all members present.
Adjourned There 'being `no-further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:11