HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993/04/06-Minutes-City Council 38 CITY Counan MINITING:. APRIL 6, 1-993 Council Met on the 6th day of April , A.9. , 1993, the City Council° of the City of Fort Borth, `Tezas, -oat in regular session, at 7:00 p.m. , with the fo 4 towtaw members and officers present: Members Present ,:Mayor Ray Firanyer; Mayor -Pro tempare ifirgiaia Well Webber; Council Members Carlos Pow w, Chuck Skiff, Morris Not-am, Eugene MaCray, Jewel floods,° Si'l1-Meadows,-and : Savtd Cheweil ; dity lager Bob Terrell ; City Attorney Bade AdItins; City Seorwt • M*4ee Church With more than a quorum present, the fallowing business was transacted: Invocation The immmveti-en was 9*vsw:by: 'fire Reveread bearjamefim Stewart- I1-1 , of Hemphill ,Fresbyteri m Chi. Pledge of Allegiance The°Pledger of Atlegiamoe was recited,. An satian of 'Commi't..:; _•6Nnber -Mao", seoonded by Council -Member Minutes of March 30, 1993 approved mccr'aT: theminates •ef tba=r*ar,,: mg.of- Murcir 30, 1993, were ;- lmeved-anmanimausiy. Students from Trier Mrs: linen- Heins-, >•Chair of. . the- Tort Worth Sister Cities Trier Germany Oomnitter, Antredacsd students from Heuer dermany, and Council Member Katsos presented- tbem--with City of Port Worth pins. Certificate of 0ertifieate -°of ihmajaitiam mem, - presented to The Reverend halter Recognition Muff; forums- Board -and aw ■ember� , MAC C-13772 was wit hdrawn Mayor Granger requested that Mayor and Council Communisation No. C- wit 13772 be withdrawn from the consent agenda. Consent Agenda on motion of Council ->+ Gember Chappell , seconded by Council Member approved Silcoz, the consent agenda,, an asends6, was approved unanimously. Appointed Ms. Linda CounciV Member--..,Meadows -wade a motion, seconded by Council Member Hudson to the Fort Chappell , that Ms. Lin" °Hudson be appointed to Place No. 7 on the Fort Worth Commission on th ..north Gomeission--mn ths- status of =Namisn, with a term of office expiring Status of Women October 1. 19"-e ?be Ustiom cerrie& 17:. Resolution No. 1903 There was presented desolation No. 1.903 in support of local , state, Donald Thomas Hate and fbderst-inquiview,in tbe•: Possible air 1, rights violations in the Crime Murder Case Donald 'Tbamms spate Cris dirrrder Ca". on motion of Counci-i *ember secom"d brVonseibs -Miembea Moersr, the resolution was adopted= ammnisouwkT. City Secretary Church City Secretary Church advised Council that the ordinance providing Re General Purpose ,� he issuance-of eeneral ; z~Vose Refunding Bonds, Series 199311, the Refunding Bonds, Series 1993A City of Fort- Borth, Texas, bearing° interest at the rotes hereinafter set forth and providing for the levy,; assessments and collection of a tax efficiency pay the interest of said, bonds and to create a sinkinq. fund for the redemption thereof at maturity would be deleted from the agenda. Resolution No. 1904 Thera was presented Resolution Ho. 1904 from the City Manager Texas Water commission requesting that the Texas °Water Commission continue the April- 13, 1993, Public Hearing Public- Bearing on Proposed,Permit Mss MW 21 45 for Laiftav- Baste Systems:.. (Fort Worth) i for 120 days :from said date. eaunail Member Matson made a motion*,- seconded by Council Member Meadows; that the resolution be adopted and -ldtat the -reseimtion be fozerarded to the hearing examiner with an official motion from the Council that the hearing be continued as described °in the revised resolution that was presented in the Pre-Council 1° meeting. Ther motion carried unanimously. Mayor Granger re Mayor *ranger, advised the citizens in the Council Chamber that were FAR Part 150 Noise present regarding the FAR Part 150 Noise Study for Meacham and Spinks Study for Meacham and Airport, that it- would be approved, should anyone want to leave. Spinks Airport Mayor Granger re Mayor Granger announced that the City of Fart Borth has been chosen-_ City of Fort Worth as a finalist for the All American City Award and stated that the oral chosen as finalist for presentation wowldt be held in Tampa, Florida, on May 20 through 22, 1993, the All American City and the selecti:om would be made In Jame. Award 39 Tuesday, April 6, 1993 C OCS-510 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-510 from Claims the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council refer notices of claims regarding alleged damages and/or injuries to the Risk Management Department. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. enefit Hearing On the 11th day of March, 1993, the City Council continued the edgwoo d Drive from benefit hearing for the assessment paving of Wedgwood Drive from Wedgmont edgwoo edgmont Circle North Circle North to Wedgmont Circle South from day to day and from time to o Nedgmont Circle time and ospecdally -to the City Council meeting of April 6, 1993, to give outh every interested person or citizen an opportunity to be heard. Mayor Granger asked if *bore was anyone present desiring to be heard. Mrs. Martha Lunday re Mrs. MEL he Lunday, representing the Department of Transportation H-0113 and Public Works, appeared before the City Council and advised the City Council that the independent appraisal performed by Mr. Robert Martin previously had been presented to the City Council; that Mr. Robert Martin was available for questioning; and called attention of the City Council to Mlayer and Council Comumication Ifo.' DR-0113, which contained a revised roll, recommending that the City Council adopt an ordinance that: 1. Closed the benefit hearing, and 2. Levied the assessments as proposed, and 3. Acknowledged that in each case the abutting property was specially benefitted in enhanced value in excess of the amount assessed for the improvement of Wedgwood Drive from Wedgmont Circle North to Nedgmont Circle South: There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the assessment paving of Wedgwood Drive from Wedgmont Circle North to Wedymont Circle south, Council alember Matson mode a motion, seconded by Council Member Meadows that the recommendations, as contained in Mayor and Council Communication Mo. 98-0113, he, approved and that rdinance No. 11,290 Ordinance No. 11290 be adopted closing the benefit hearing and levying the assessments in accordance with City Policy;-as :revised for part of the cost of improving a portion of Wedgwood Drive from Wedgmont Circle North to <Wedyaront Circle South, and portions of -sundry other streets, avenues, and public places in tbw- City of- Fort-Worth, Texas; fixing charges xand liens against :abattiay property `::thmreon; end against the owners thereof; providtaq few the osdlamblim 46M:r,assessments and the tssuamee'af assigsails vertl motes-, asser-wfte to -,the City Council the right to &I-low arsdd4o tvidulrimp, , the amounts of- this assessments to the extent of any or it granted; dissbk4my4tis #it1 Secretary to file this ordinance in the ordinance records of the City and providing an effective data. , .91ma a m b4. mWevimm&Ml !rM4"+Vway we401 ,"F. ° . - .,,, MYTHS: Mkyor,;Y t Oa6ftVm1r't =YrMagog*::NPro tempore Webber, Obtmmbt4 Shwhsltr i 1mmaha,*Airtieox, *Matson, McCray, Meadows, and Chappell !long: council Kow ar=0bods ABSnNT: None On the 11th day of March; 1993; the Oity Council continued the H-0117 Hearing benefit hearing on the assessment paving of Mississippi Avenue from East H-0117 ississippi Avenue from Berry Street to Ellen Garden Dries froads1 **Aay and from time to time ast Berry Street to and especially to the City Council meeting of April 6, 1993, to give len Garden Drive every interested person or citizen an opportunity to be heard. Mayor Granger asked it there was anyone -present desiring to be heard. rs. Martha Lunday re Mrs. Martha Lunday, representing the Department of Transportation H-0117 and Public Works, appeared before the City Council and advised the City Council that the independent appraisal performed by Mr. Robert Martin previously had been presented to the City Council ; that Mr. Robert Martin was available for questioning; and called attention of the City Council to Mayor and Council Communication Me. W-0117 , which recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance that-: - t_ 40 Tuemday, April 6, 1993 1-. Closad; the- bene'f;it,heeding, and BH-0117 Cont. , 2. 6owkeC& thm asaesswents as progosedt, and.. , S. 'Acknowledged that In -each ,came the abutting property was speci tly benefitted in enhanced value in excess of the amount ,aftwesswe for• the .tiamprevament vt *iamissippi Avenue from S. Deen,p*& aftw-Gamden Dcdvm. 1R Council Member Chappe 1 C*Vndjjfj*&tM ighm"sitrequosted meson of the City Council to re BH-0117 abstuts, fsa m, :votiwgax +oa: Maw and Council Communication No. BB-0117 abstain from voting because esf 'a konwhip. eo=cj+ Memlts•Naaamus me" a motion, seconded by Council Member *oo",- 'that +meume"-416100r h-Atwell be *ermit°tsd to abstain from voting on pknoor - eudvrtiamm " Yar mrmiaatiom►< *a. BN-0117 The motion carried r. Albert Davis re Mr. Alb&rt- -r- n­ N1 ipr V* t! 4-orated at 2216 hest Magnolia- H-0117 .bvonaa, SAWPbra+ot +W, spseRtY2ADlt elisemiw9ok" Torvace No. 1 Addition, appeared'- before the City Coano#1- and expressed- opposition to the assessment (last Berry Street to Glen Garden Drive. Mr. Tom Wilder re Mr. Tom Nitdor; representing the property, owner of 2216 hest BH-0117 noiM -4kwmud r. ,*iiO AM"ps►v jmiliased bef^ora time City Council and adrisadr­CbUW*9mtbo* 20w.t s1 '=:aa"e6f'er for the last nine to ten -4m+-4mw this'V*mme rOOmrti,,*asiaaiobsed Council that #fie Paving of Mississippt Avenue+lranhamot ,^8ttee4 to Glen Garden Drive does not enhance this property. r. Brett Kelly re Mt. Brett , Nalh}, % represastiaw tbe- ownermi of the Glen Garden BH-0117 Apartments;-Ee00 =°Boom itaton -soafevavd, +Jlrattmmmt ihSB, appeared before the Citr-Council and ez pressed=:;: oppoOtton to- the assexament paving for Mississippi �Avemus-frar $Bast • Berry -Str-eet to at-an Garden Drive and requested-that the City- Council waive the- assessment against this , .property. .�. . .. There being--ne one* staa°Pa n *si is ,Jet heard in connection •i►itk the benefit bear ng-'�hff`*he afssesswent paving of Mississippi Avenue ftamc Sant- lerr'y',,itrsebt tv°saaw: Geeies Dv&ww., , Marx Pro tempore, Webber made .a-as!#aa, -tb r-oo mei-1 *ilember *oamy, -that the benefit hearimWfor tfYe`assissssab" v*V*2W ed Missiaa'illit: Avenue from East Berry *treat, th`+rhen �Mrdm&c ebesent-ianed for one month. The motion earriat u C G-10112 re Tbirt+e-waeNy nle .Me7w and CWrasoii. Communication No. 0-10112 from temporarily close the City Manager, voccmmending that the City Council approve the request of streets for the of DowntawmFrbrt 1Mrt6ry Inc.,, to temporarily, close the following streets Main Streets Arts for°*he, -1VMf 1mft 41 1Rtbs°reativai : Festival 79MDAT, AP1F2•b 13 1993 BSGINN•ING AT 10.00 P.k: 9th Strowt` be twesa-41oustroa and Commerce Streets *f+RA W, AMU 13 199& SWINKING A'lk -t-W- P.M Main Street between Weatherford and 9th Street (AtI crossvtreets Neethec4Eord through> Bth wil=l remain open,) 14,. ,*M -iIBG>'N iz AT 6.00 V.-M. Ai=l croaW streets (lot . tbroughti Sth) between. Houston Street and Commoroa°;Iftweet. ,woutd-start closing an needed (Oth Street will open and close throughout the weekend depending on the need of the 4ote1)•.; 'i'StlRSBIt! AMS 15 t99g Beg+nning-.at 5100 at.a, - #h, Street (2 lanes) , 5th, 6th, and 7th <Btteet• reed,, SeginniW sit 9.00 a.m. - 4t* Street- (2 lanes), and 5th Street close Beginning at 4:00 p.m. - 5th Street reopen Beginni-ng at 6:00 p.m. - 5th, 6th, and 7th Street close Tuesday. April 6, 1993 C G-10112 Cont. FRIDAY. APRIL .16.- 1983 Beginning at 6:00 a.m. - 4th Street (2 lanes) , 5th, 6th and 7th Street reopen Beginning at 9:00 a.#►. -, 4th Street: (2- lanes), 5th Street close Beginning at 4:00 p.m. Sth. Street, reopen Beginning at 6:00 p.m. - 5th, 6th, and 7th Street close M01H)AY. APRIL 19,: 1993 AT 5;00 A.M. i All streets reopen. C G-10112 adopted It was the consensus of- the City Council that the recommendations be adopted. C G-10113 re There was presented :Mayor .and Council Communication No. 0-10113 from submit a grant the City Manager vecomwsading that tbe, City Council authorise the City pplication for Defense Manager to submit• a grant application ° to the Office of Economic nd Economic Adjustment Adjustwant in the •amount of $,10ArW,,00 for ,ldaaming efforts regarding the cammun°ity atbustwent to :defame dmmis*sAng and a proposed Center for Defense and Economic Adjustment. On motion of Council Member Chappell , seconded by Council :Member Puente, the recommendation was adopted -unanimously. %C G-10114 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10114 from pprove a fund transfer the . City Manager recommundiag that the City, Council approve a fund taff Expense project transfer of $75,000.00 from the Special Assessments Unspecified project to the Staff Espouse pro.jaet in the Assessment paving Revolving Fund for paving assessment appraisal oasts. Ir. Gary Santerre re Mr. Gary Aant4rre,. -Director of tbr 'tfiansportation and Public Works C G-10114 'Department, appeared before the City Council and advised Council that the money was : iei,ag kvmneferved - for the use of hiring additional appraisers when necessary om.-the paving assessment project and advised Council that the ,city Caumtoi-1 ;lmmd Am amanal, gantraot with fore.Robert Martin. Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore Webber that the secomMendation, as contained its °Mayor and Council Commmmieatioa no. G-1&114 be adapted. Council Member Meadows made a substitute motion, seconded by Council Member Woeds, that consideration of Mayor and Council Communication No. tM-10114 be continued for one week. -The motion carried unanimously. C G-10115 re ublic Hearing e Ther was presented Mayor and Council Comwunivation No. 0-10115 from ort North Tax Abatemeni the City Manager recommending that the City Council set Tuesday, April einvestment Zone No: 1 20, 1993, at 10:00 a.m. , as the date and time for a public hearing before tka 4%&-Xy Cgtimai;l, eamas"Jmg Um -tol awing mattars: (a) the advisability of kntWVSr41►,.r Abatipoomt, stmtmt Zone° No. 15 for otwm.Mljs11,:,*aq; t+pgt, Asks of the cone, avA� d3 Rgat ;.,%h*tCttx' *"W~-Am i 4 vw 49tt" 9f tbE Public hearings in . m*%,h V"%*,hawa ®ov K4& *gWAe _*Kt*om ,made -a motion, seconded by'! e a w*1 t1*mbq*mM~, Mat:Abe +neacmmmmllmrti,ggs be adopted. The motion carried u naniaausly• t,.t.:nh:. -,'i , G-10116° re There was psMlMRt faMld?t t Gqv* nication No. G-10116 from AR Part 150 Noise she elty Mm"er>;'m o "Iaftwei t ; ,A#1t vggqncil ,approve the adoption tudy for 11e4cbam of the .FAR Part ,#50 .IFa# ,, s-,f�f= ,Alp III n .Spipks Airports and its nd Spinks Airports recommendations, , A"a I&PVX4 %, ' M1he .gaMblii:Rak : of the FAR Part 150 Noise Study which consist „p# !taps and Noise Compatibility Program to .FAA €cis fimal appva%al• •, s. Emily Nilson re Ms. Emily Wilson, 3219 Prompact;.Ma, Eerm*ve-Johnson, 3211 Prospect, C G-10116 Mr. J. B. Lea, 3222 Prospect; Ailliagm. Carter, 3821,.Lawndale, Mr. Phynies Crawford'., Mr. Wil lde ...ltudapeth, and Mr. N R. Sims, appeared before the City ,ee moil =:regarding..the , :ReAeral Aviation .Segulation Part 150 Noise Study for Meacham Airport. : ssistant City Manager Assistant City Manager Ramon Guajardo appeared before the City ammn Guajardo re Council and described the process - of the FAR Part 150 Study, advising 6-10116 citimens .tbat the study_.was. ..beinQ.recommended for submission to FAA for their - final coasideretion; =and:,deagvib", tke alternatives that the City 42 ' Tuesday, April 6, 1993 ACM Ramon Gujardo's Council would have once approval had lssen giwem by FAA for either a buy- statement Cont. out, sound proofing or purchase of a navigation easement-. Council Member Meadows made a awtion, saeonded by Council Member S'ilccw that- Mayor an& ,Counei-1 abbotiniciftiva !la" O-loll& be adopted. The motion varrted`^unanlvmnmly. M3C G-10117 re There was presented Mayor and Council. Comminiication No: 0-10117 from pay Linbeck Construc- the City Manager reaomr*md * that +W 0ift t4unciI authorize the City tion Company and Manager to pay Linbeck Construction Cowpany an " amount not to exceed Morris Security $6,000.00 and Morris Security not to exceed $6,000.00 Systems for the installation of cloaed" circuit television cameras on motion of Council 'Member Chappell; *6eb~j '* `eouncii Member hoods, the recommendation waa adopted unanimoimrly,. Mr. Sean Rafferty re Mr. Bonn``keffbrty,-�24'"l 6"' rope 4kwt ', ' appeared before the City U91:8ilStidn of Council and request+ett ttw t Eiidll a! ist. etIights" along Old Denton streetlights along -Highway and 'Present4d'—Ww e!f rMith t patftf6h of 31:5 signatures Old presented Highway regueating the inetirl!t�to� 1dt"Mw 1*4httrr,..: wkich would deter the and presented a petition of 315 it tegal duMP#ng !Md -Or*d6 Denton highway. signatures ., . , , icnom,- 4 >,,, Mr. Emiel Brown re Kr.• 30drl Broww, 32*VgfttgfiYMiM>•, sppeaead•before the City Council. d6fiditii6hibf the regarding the condition of the streets arft 1h*n• ttir"entire neighborhood streets within the entire neighborhood surrounding, Todd- Ae and advised Council that the material that was surrounding Todd Ave. . 'Ptlaoed""aN1 ` '1` ` 11"'4hilft4W,'latlil 4NlYt'41e' iaad -been advised that the i►1lbblea Lio6we'lWaflp-wet xiMo&Wq + iaonChra. .0 t mt, i t 00. 000 , .'V'? t" Mr. Gary.Santerre re 4ft-.` * t mr-VAttdk** r A4h4e%Wr W 6tt'edt1d6hditions orbatfon and Public Works Todd Street from Department, a�et� �"�'`'��` `� �`jaed Council of the Yvette to Shaw street conditions is this "srea-and stated that Todd Street from Yvette to Shaw waa'taolnttW In *Wi* fro* ids°prdWQw:. "^ Mr. Tom Davis re Mr' 'To* Bavis•, repr+eserit Ug °ewe 3!a sr ABlibeiation, 4500 Willing !►eaeuwt 'appeared°before tote PJit}i 1�eata i" ° '+ appreciation to Part 150 Noise � z Study at Meacham and all 'of the a3tiseae''that ^tae +A� `iselt�glt! 'tw speak ` df r the part 150 Noise Airport Study at Meacham Airport and " advised Council that the Taxpayer's 1lssociation would -be workiU7 -with:E:if:L A.C: and WWA to come up with solutions regarding .the aoi'se pdT Hui lain;. Anil adr Wild Council that they are now in the -prooess `of--setting ap- A O artet '`-for the -non-profit organization. Mr. Pat Taylor re Mr. Fat Taylor, 102* South Lake, #I*, appeared before the City expenditures for the 0ounciF tegaredinq the *xpeaditeres for the City of Fort Worth Library and City of Fort Worth requested that the City Council keep their ears- open to other experts Library 4's lie _toaiiftlp tfti7t * bate Ofty Council' in meetings to come that souid`'aai'e 'tt[w`'l' tli'ttiie�nli►r� MBC, P-6360 rat Thy 1ra<ss 'pcdar nE+ahM !litpe*'_`*nd Council Comwuntcation No. P-6360 from purchase, agreement kite Cityii a r*oodmWe0MVV 1t &0t- 01* 'deamwi t''authorize a purchase with Labor Force kgreematnt'For t'op6r*r'r 6*"Por''Worth with Labor Force On low bid vt 'h.'90- #4r*ft* Sri FMith"Wermi 'of 49reement to -begin April S, It", anti=*hd" Apckl-T, 1"4, tintb -'options to renew for two one-year peri"eds. "!t was tote --eensellsus '- etrf th*.J,t'lity Council that the recommendation be adopted. f H&C- P-6361 re There was,-presented Wvr- and Council Comm ication No: P-6361 from Business Products„ 'City t the` 4efty ftineil authorize the Business Prom ctsI Beeph n as k Acre craw for > •the Mfdruntion Systems and OEI Business Produc ess 4PtddslClY;'" 621 Business Products, and Vanier Graphics. Corporation and Vanier-'brsphias- 'Corporation Based- on 1'ai 'unf^t 'pricea: It was the consensus of"the C tyleounci-1 that the iecosmi tMation be adopted. M3C P-6362 re ThdrO 'was"presented Mayor and Council Commirication No. P-6362 from• purchase from The .the City `Manaager t*co=avnding that the City Council authorize the Reynolds Company purchase of-at security, aysteer for the new Public 'Safatg -Dispatch Building... f. 'ithe %eyidet4s : eempany 7basad on "to .quotation meeting specifications for an amount not to exceed x336;262.00: It was the consensus of the City Council that the-recommendation be -adopted. I H&C P-6363 re There was presented Mayor and Council Cosmuntcation- No, P-6369 frota- purchase agreements the IIi4r-!laxaager - r+eeaw nndtng that the City Cedacil authorize purchase with Acti carb and asrtemeitts fbi!° 'Cfie'NiFCar 8epatt t; .with i Act*e9t a and" Ca i gon Carbon. Calgon Carbon Corpora- tion 7� Tuesday, April 6, 1993 MAC P-6363 Cont. Corporation to '-favaish pemdesed activated carbon on low bid of unit prices par Yine, nlfi t.ovb Vmrt *orth1 with term of agreements to begin 44arah 16, 1993; and = md- *arch hSy -i994, with options to renew for one additional year. : It Vas ' the, cousensus� of the City Council that the recommendation be *adopted. MAC P-6364 re There- was presented Mayor ' and.Council -Communication No. P-6364 from purchase from the City- +Uammqea w000mmending -that. >the-City Council authorize the Summers Electric purchase of 50 luminaries with`bablasts-for-, ther�3aansportation and Public Works Department from steers Rlectric on low bid of $11,587.00, less two percemrt 30 days`°dbseou", for- an ad°jestod bidf of $11,355.26 net, f.o.b. destination,,tifrelght ao!:ehasge. It -man.-the wemsensus of the City Council that the resenmamdstiom be adopted; Them-was :preaentsd'"!fairer and Comweil : Communteation No. P-6365 from MAC P-6365 re the City Manager recommending that the Cit7-Cemacil• exercise the option purchase of to renew the purchase agreement for the City of Fort north Gaffey, Inc. , the City of Fort Worth Gaffey, Inc. for reTac#r I ot-ov*rboad oceans on low bid- of 98 per hour for, labor and parts' it ltet puss, with !Ftenm of agreamlant=, to begin April 26, 1993, and end hyri1, 25; L494ti with options to renew for ere-mdditional year. It was therconsenaue of the Citrgouneil that the recommendation be adopted. MAC P-6366 re There was lresamctsd Mayor:- and Council Commanibation No. P-6366 from purchase agreement the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option with Controller Ser- to renew the purchase agreement-, for the- City of Fort worth with vices, Inc. Controller rServices, Imc.. ,- fro 'provide pouts and repair of irrigation systeds-on sole' quotatioa of $40.40 per hour, overtime rate at $40.00 per hoar and-parts at list price loss ton percent discount, with term of agreement to begin. May 13,- 1995, and end May 14, 1994. It was the consensus of bhe City Council, that #be r k be adopted. MAC P-6367 re There was-p►reeented Mapow and Cork, Communication No. P-6367 from purchase agreement with Heron Industries the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option Incorporated to renew tha purchase agaoemaat• toC msbsl• imbmrication for the City of Fort worth with letemraAndam6rimm; 41moorgv**L1sd 4"Wed on • unit prices, U.o.b. 11 freight no der", .with, be ref agreement to begin May 19, b90�r 4 immid n" Obw 9ih, . 3tAl4.+ ,;fC slns + the consensus of the City Ylounoi 11 Oftio ills' redoamYdutdrow bm MAC P-6368 re ! APhelwr rwaw amid Councit- tlmmumaication No. P-6368 from purchass ;fra0 BWI- •'tbe eityr,<1knaager mircemmam3lttg > that the C+Jtty ttaout►eiY authorize the Dallas/Fort Worth withdrawal of the bid submt6tod,by -Elmer fltswc *: Ranch, Inc. , for 17 ,000 lbs. of grass seed for the Municipal Golf Fund; and authorise the ' •purehame of 17,1000 lba. "" yraes seed for t4ie Municipal Golf Fund from ellh-9a"aa/91ort More bm '. its mod; meeting City specifications, of unit 9 liar -s , bsa -1 1 :met to ,*wooed *21,110..00 net, f.o.b. Fort wom*tb. it was the consensus of the city Counatl—that the recommendation be adopted. .. MAC P-6369 re - There was prMantei Mayor- and Council Communication No. P-6369 from purchase agreement the Gftr KamageIrrvocommendfiag that the City awmai-1 authorise a purchase with Harpool Fertilize agreemmot for amt eat'iimatied .l0. t,00s. ob -balk fer+td•li-zer for the Park and Company, wiabhA Naryeal ra tilieer dsmpany on the total ovsrmll loon bid tobi0nit votives,- mee Ing -CitrareaMmLicati ons, with term of mgserimmmh­ts o$ifn ?drib 14, 3993, and -and +itpri1 13, 1994. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. MAC P-6370 re purchase from : her*-Was +Pesembed'I r - and ecuseiI Camimuaiaication No. 0-6370 from multiple vendors the'-City- : recommanding that the City Council authorize the pwmahasewof bagged fiortilrizer :for Abe-vark tend Iteaseation Department from iaai-tiple -vendors on+ a low bid per item bast&-* fosra total amount not to ezooed $17,308.44 net, f.o.h. fert,Morthk It men the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. •TherrWas presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6371 from MAC P-6371 re the City Manager +recommondimg, *that the City Council authorize the purchase from various purchase of ammunition -and -components for the. Poiiee Department on line vendors item ,l+ow ' bids,fram various +vendors. It was-:the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. _ 1 ` q Tuesday, April 6, 1993 MAC P-6372 re ,Tb*r,&swms tgs+ase6tad'*ayoV -and +Couacit' Commamtication No. P-6372 from purchase agreement wit tike t>aitt+llnagif�catcdassend#ng th*g:=the -City�•6o»etl-authorize a purchase Big Sandy Sand 'Compan' 4gromment�, tobot"pirl ,atop-drassiw sand for = the, mPark and Recreation +lNpaefAmbb withnSk r-sandy Sand Oempany,<en lew!,bid,ot unit prices meeting specifications, of $20.25 -pae >ten fer haular,te^+pecan Valley Golf Course, Neadowbrook Golf Course, and Sycamore Golf Course; with term of agreement � ,�ii>•zehirtS,tri893x<,amd ltarcb 22v 3ilil44j owith the option to renew for ,ms* add4 ttidaal.Iraar.Pit Iti-amm,4be censemmus-of• the+City Council that the _.•eeeelrmomdatien-}ha�si�idrt,= ,.,, , MAC P-6373 ire The Communication Mo. P-6373 from purchase from Vallen tbq"�ejty +leeeawwMinfp` *hats -the - City ,Owuncil authorize the Safety Supply purchase of face fecAha�Hre Department from Company Vailen Safety supply Company an ow bid of $5,144.30, f.o.b. destination, met-30W" ' It= wamrr'thbpa 9itp Ceum**1 that the recommendation be ad vted: ' .-.,i f f F't t rn r.hn4N1mo.) MAC P-6374 're Mo. P-6374 from purchase from G.T. eho +City,m4samagmr t :466ti the: O t3% t©ouncil authorize the Distributors. Inc. per, ott-,aine+ umt%w 4Eidac*d4W• 3Aghtt ; bar - systems for the City 49orriee01 fie$--I I em low bid meeting City specifications of $12,768.84 not f.o.h. Fort North. It was the consensus of, fte-Vitr' iOomtmteidm*hwbi* M Jwadopted. . ..,.. .. .: . •; wt1:1 1e.r4i c,nlbrilttgRics��,7 �ApKrtEM v + r ' ,...� ' fberstiramD 1preMmI o ' jamyo aidom1 r41oun6El em s an iraation me. P-6375 from M3C P-6375 re :-abfmrrCit llmael*sayeamommm imlp thmLDlhm►tlitjpebmmh"L esercise the option purchase agreement with Spartan Motors raj vurcM+ow10 AimmitM&CMW dMt2ftwo Department as sole Inc tsatarbm`'rwlrth-egtrbmd iMStbadr i3mtL fto gto",dotto.1bow Spartan Fire Truck plktsr=-+tYt»iea s. dd4tt P&tb 1Aetrtt*w AA , Michigan, with term raftayrmmmimm to�btgimi*- , tLiMRf tirdt,asirdlpmttin� 6;'1:1994, with option to renew for one additional year.. It was the consensus- of the City cesme"l Ablat•:bhe, tsooswaadrt'i*W 6WWAOpibai.�A r art r MSC P-6376 re There was presented-Mapor and+ Comnoii. Gom matircation No. P-6376 from purchase agreement *be ,,etty,,Unna"r ,wecowmom tnq,,that the City Oeunc k,. authorize a purchase with Harlow Filter yet` *or thm City` Servisaes. Sagtwtsmath w#tim Harlow Filter Supply, Supply, Inc. Inc. , to Alurnish oil', fuwl im d Lair -l61too gmlrts en,4ow bid of unit prices meeting speailtuatiabs, at jobben 'ts' - WtVist-Kati fleas+-18 percent discount, net 30 f.o.b. destination, freight no-charge, with term of agreement to beginAlarck, 38,, 199&, and,eAl1 aweis429f. 19r94y°-with options- to renew for ,two adtlitteadl !►ears. 3,4mew,lhe aoasrmisus of that City Council that the rmeommondittoa^be •aldapt+el3.�;:5 ' , , ' 'IIn/rsr eeseased Mmsaz::: a".Cduneirlr Gsamemrication No. P-6377 from MSC P-6377 re taisr. ) +aEaeimkllmamliiuyrrtYmb=Wsr aftplaamscklvmuthorize the sale of sale.of the Fire i(tib* ., 4wa&koavM imsbi,Jkwhmmv i4*o the Mis+e -empectment to White Creek Station 35 mobile le home to White C 4101taifds•=fas{)-10AW&AW t„ ftn ma I l -mahsemsum of the City Council that the Estates recommendation be mdoptad. t, !harts wmar riwntatAlMyie:7<,hm&�otiaodl+ 41mmmnnication no. P-6378 from MAC P-6378 re the Tufty , ,Nmaai$erA#rawli hsMn h4hs&r6hmm a tf amcil amend Mayor and amend M3C P-6X17 and edunei-1 Cemonsaieatd+sn tite°tt^athnfir]P> q to add Ohfto 1~,., to the purchase of purchase from South= western E1e4ctric 'Mire `sariow : "mi-sei deppmru witdsw fov" b6s<r and Public Works and Cable Department from ` southmesiberm r.ttlaott+drd 1"* f hall% Cable. It was the oonsemeua,+of the Ct`t'7 ,Cstamci41 =bllat(AAmidt q I t 1 an be adopted. MAC P-6379 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6379 from purchase from multiple the City -4 ty Council authorize the vendors I purchase of 'a"icukt vest io#,demf-,afori rbhe-• Park and Recreation aepartweat -40cm-loutt3pka wendets emra.} Sew-*d•-,per item basis, meeting City apeeif>acmbitsns;�,,with the casting ,ot, ,lots to tdebermine the vendor for tie bids sulfloibtted-tor ftems 10-11 cad 47. City Secretary Church City Secretary Church advised Council that the casting of lots would re MAC P-6379 be -esaduetedAyr mom Dastsv ,vepseaenti tq 4*ana,+,*-Farm 6 Ranch, Inc. , and by casting of lots,. Charles Boi"elki-arepresambdmq> ,Terrm,.Imternat onar; Inc. , for item 14 awarded to Mann Farm 3 through -11 -kht ter ,_ the casting •et kobsr the award r,of purchase for items Ranch. Inc. and Van Mathis 31ogers ZO 'Mloaaanto'Roundrlfp4lsrhs4cide" and item.. :llv •Mlamsanto Round-Up Packaged,- was ,Imo. , and that- the casting of lots for item 17 would be conducted by Tam Davis, representing Van Waters 8 Rogers, and by Charles Boswell , .representing Terra International , emtd following the .mating of, lots, the award of purchase far Item 17, .45 Tuesday, April 6, 1993 MAC P-6379 Monsatao Rodeo Herbicide Packaged in was awarded to.Van haters 6 Rogers. casting of lots coot. On motion of Council Member Matson, seconded by Council Member McCray, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. There was presented- Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13751, MAC C-13751 re dated March 23, 1993, from the City !tanager recommending that the City permit to Sandpiper Airport Inn, Inc. Council authorize the City Manager to grant Sandpiper Airport Inn, Inc. , a Fixed Base Operator permit at Meacham Airport. City Manager Terrell City Manager Terrell advised• City. Council of an amendment to be made re MAC C-13751 on Mayor and Council Communication No. C-137-51, under the Recommendation, correction by adding at the end of the Recommendation ". . .for a period of seven months beginning -March 1, 1993" and, under Discussion, in the third paragraph, third dine, delete ". . .the current grouted lease expires on May 31, 2016," end add "September 30, 1993", provided. . . . Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that Mayor -and Council Cemmmmiieation, No. C-13751 be approved, as amended. The motion carried unanimously. MAC C-13771 re There was presented Mayor and Council ttommunieation No. C-13771 from approve a fund transfei the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve a $12,291.90 Streets Assessments fund transfer from the .Streets Assessments Project to the Luxton Street, Project;approve a fund Vickery Boulevard to Stella Street, Project in the Grants Fund; approve a transfer Special , Assessments Fund; $14',982.66 -fund transfer for the property owners share from the Special approve a bond fund Assessments Fund to the Street Improvements Fund, approve a- $17,795.74 transfer Inner Cities bond fund transfer from the Inner Cities Unspecified Project to the Unspecified Project; Luxton Street, Viekery ,Boulevard to Stella Street, Project in the Street contract with Improvements Fund; and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract Conatser Construction, Inc. with Conateer Construction•, Inc. , in the amount of $40,973.00 with 67 calendar days for street Paving #sprovmeats to #.axton Street from Vickery Boulevard to Stella Street. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted. MAC C-13772 re There was presented Mayor and Council Commnmmication No. C-13772 from contract with the the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Fort Worth Housing Manager•- to execute • contract is the amount> of $50,000.00 with the Fort Authority Wort* Mousiag *ptbority ,tar the eenstaewtion of a club house at the J.A. Caviila 8eaaioW Camplas to be need by the . a.A. Cavil le Kids Sports Program, with berm of agreement to begin Apri1 :15, 1993, and end October 31, 1993. Mayor Granger re Mayor Granger advised eitt ilommotl that she served on the Board of MAC C-13772 the Boys ,and 4ftria irse on of the City Council to abstain from voting abstain frs-votlovi, osr, a -.,Weuneir3, Qam�maiastion Me. C-13772 and relinquished the chair to Mayor Pro tempore relinyaisiird"biz + "Aarem- " bw o v iAebbar. •- Webber Council -Matmbem ;Matson,., ,mmW ts, msstisrn° awaomated- by Council Member McCray, that !Ma€ew 41aamyev .in Vemm&tbed:to Abstain,4L voting on Mayor and Counoik !ha Jmatioa.,<7arried unanimously. Oonncil Member : Matson:-made a motign, .seomded by Council Member Woods, - that Mayor and Council Communication No: C-13772 be adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Pro temyore Webber; Council Members Puente, Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods, Meadows, and Chappell NOES: None ASSENT: None NOT VOTING: Mayor Granger MAC C-13773 re There was presented•.Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13773 from amendment No. 1 with the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Yandell and Hiller, Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to the engineering agreement with Inc. Yandell and Hiller, Inc. , City Secretary Contract No. 18435, for the redesign of a portion of the improvements to .Main 210, increasing the total contract coat by $11,700.00 from $181,537 .00 to $193,237.00. On 46 Tuesday, April 6, 1993 - cont. sot-ion wt Council Member Meadows, seconded by Council Member Woods, the recoamiendertion-was adopted voahimousi-y. C C-13774 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13774 from rdinance No. 11291; tbe'-City Manager r&c- P ling that the City Council adopt Supplemental greement between the -Arprepriatiens , ordinance No. 1,1291 laoraasiag appropriations by City of Fort Worth and $32,,ddo;00' in the general, Pund, Bon�Dapartmehtal•v and decreasing the e Carswell Redevelop nt Authority unreserved, vndeaignated fund, balonce of tb6 +®eneral Fund by the same amount, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement between the City of Fort 3lorth•end tfie Vars6*4+41006wiapment Authority advancing the- Carawei°l' Redevol•opmentl Ansb6dri"y*821,066.00"tmar professional services related to the preparat m aad,megsttatlow-at the Caretaker Agreement between the Carswell, ' Red*ve&eVmVW r�§, hVkb.#tp *ft*Y the Department of Defense Air Force 'name" 9kvVmma -4 n +.i QM;+-ostiva of Council Member Chappell , seconded bye Coumbtl, -ilemUses-liaaddwar,athe 'recommendations were adopted unanimously. C-13775 re There was presented`Mayocland Comoit40b municution Mo. C-13775 from authorize transfer of the City Manager-°V*cumA8zAkuq<that,xMw � tit7 OvauLw +h authorise the City funds from the Manager to transfer $33,006.00 from the Unprogrammed Project to the Unprogrammed Project -Housing-bldsintstsrat$en" PesOjlicti; lw, 41Y[mOdImunity development Block Grant (CDBGO3 ' ft bft its t1ho ftlrmobw •`lum*,k sme* lakdcutw a contract with the Ahterpri-se `Voumdmttib", lamp`,4 vi barb's-not ** -ond'eed $33,000.00 in Year XYI l3' CDB6 'fumdr to. pertlat- vo &m 1&Aumtesbamut� of� housing programs in Abe 7 SovVioes,- V*th the term of agreement to beg3h 1Ep!"2Y `$2, l29l33,z`emdt emt3 tai tweive .weeies Mr. Al Knox re Mr., l41' ` 11bx',1 3909 ' O , appeared before the City Council and contract to the r*q `th*t `tho City-' lg6ve'favorabFle, consideration to the award_ Enterprise Foundation ` ef'ooetTaet to the tatxprt id -dam° °an, aunt of current and prospeettve hoasing ,progranw.- Council Member Woods made--a. motion, seconded by Council Member McCray, that the recommendations, as contained in -Mayor and Council Communication Mo. C-14J773, be-adopted.• The mot don carried unanimously. K C FP-3056 re There was prvwented,*wyox and Council Communication No. FP-3056 from final payment to the the City Manager, revomm4ea ding-,,thatt *—tb&, lty CoVkfoi1111 accept as complete Demons Company the renovation *E 41i11• It egers BedW+.or#ame,..ausad lautd>dt4ae final payment of $29,074:17' to tte, DaMera = Qemplayu` 'I! Gas the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M3C FP-3057 re 'lgterual*was= :Fl+eblwltad,tll• emlaelai Gemasll Communication no. FP-3057 from final payment to Walt Williams Con- the. l1e+Alublag�"�"4ibaf 1 drie 14*ty ANOunctf accept as 'comp l ate struction. Inc. t *'"! ' "W�` Ae!wmM4feaaue* ZouKt miter Avenue to 92 feet so{It�tlgit4+11ire�+B/alrida 1140ADva"ofA* mwe,yftem Summmit Avenue to 40 feet east of Blecir, 4 Lot 7, West Property Line; approve the final hsiamemlunt a l aiti�E�lRSe+t N^dssnlmMls of - �eertificates as evidence of the ,a$aetaO YaisddaNd"w --PeV**&t ayaknsV th* • abattiing property owners on smmsli't 1ftwande f -tae ,42 feet aout'h of Rio Grande Avenue and Rio Grande Avenue from Summit Avenue to 40 feet east of Block 4, Lot 7, lteat-pretea!ty Itno-1--ondaubborise final payment of $7,533.29 to Walt Williams Cbnatruotltsea>: Baal. Council Member Meadows Council Member Meadows advised Council that he would file a, conflict re FP-3057 of interest-1**f*ldav#t one Mayor and Council Communication No. FP-3057 . conflict of interest affidavit Council - Mew Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCray, that Mayor and Council Communication No. PP-3057 be adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Major GraWer; -,Mayor -Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Puente; Silcox, Matson ;McOray, floods, x**ado*x and Chappell ,along: -None AB81t1NTr Boles. Vot`Vat9m: t4ouAeil„Member Meadows ,il ., qq Tuesday, April 6, 1993 Mr. Roy Haney, President of Kirby Imports and Exports, Inc. , LTD, Mr. Roy Haney re grounds service appeared before the City Council regarding the grounds maintenance maintenance bid service bid, No. 93-0141 and the demolition of structures, Bid No. 93- 0161, and requested that the City Council study the bid proposals in order to see the shortcomings of some of the minority bid contractors, and requested leniency from the City Council in order to have their companies insured to perform the work. Mr. Millie Hudspeth re Mr. Willie Hudspeth, 316 North Bonnie Brae, Denton, Texas, appeared cleanup property before the City Council and expressed his appreciation to the City at 1219 Northwest 35th Council with regard to the cleanup of the property located next to his St. property where the dumping had occurred and expressed appreciation to Mr. Tom Davis and staff ' for cleaning up the . property located at 1219 Northwest 35th Street, after bringing it to Council 's attention on March 2, 1993. Mayor Gradget accepted his expression of appreciation on behalf of the staff that was responsible for the cleanup. Mr. Bobby Martin re Mr. Bobby Martin, 1819 South Adams Street, appeared before the City state laws to the Council and advised Council that City Attorney Adkins should look at some Historical Preservatio of the state laws in regard to the Historical Preservation ordinances, ordinances advising Council that the City ordinances were in violation of the Civil Property rights; and advised Council that any of the people that would be affected by the approval of these Historic and Preservation ordinances should be notified. Met in closed or It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Council meet executive session in closed or executive session at 8:35 p.m. , to seek the advice of its attorneys concerning pending litigation, Star Telegram, Inc. , vs. City of Fort Worth, et al , Cause No. 17-129405-90 as authorized by Section 2(e) , Article 6252-17 , V.A.C.S. Reconvened into The City Council reconvened into regular session at 8:40 p.m. regular session There being no one else present desiring to he heard, the meeting Adjourned was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. CITY SECRETARY MAYOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 13, 1993 On the 13th day of April , A.D. , 1993, the City Council of the City Council met of Fort Worth, Texas, met in regular session, with the following members and officers present: Members Present Mayor Ray Granger; Council Members Carlos Puente, Chuck Silcox, Morris Matson, Eugene McCray, Jewel Woods, Bill Meadows, and David Chappell ; City Manager Bob Terrell ; City Attorney Wade Adkins; City Secretary Alice Church. Mayor Pro tempore Virginia Nell Webber was temporarily absent; With more than a quorum present, the following business was transacted: Invocation The invocation was given by The Reverend Ellen Mack, Temple Beth El . Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minustes of April 6, Council Member Mccray made a motion that the minutes of the meeting 1993 approved of April 6, 1993 be adopted. The motion was seconded by Council Member Woods and carried unanimously. Proclamation - A proclamation for Clerical Recognition Day was presented to Ms. Clerical Recognition Bobbie Franklin, Executive Director, Clerical Information Network. Day Proclamation - "Race A proclamation for "Race for the Cure", Susan G. Romen Foundation, for the Cure" was presented to Joan Katz and Roseanne Rosenthal . Proclamation - Buildin A proclamation for Building Safety Week was presented to Jolene Safety Week Loftus and Richard Lewis.