HomeMy WebLinkAbout(0089) ZC-19-195.pdfFORTWORTH Case Number ZC-19-195 ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council Meeting Date: Council District 2 February 18, 2020 Zoning Commission Recommendation: Continued Yes X No, Approval by a vote of 8-0 Case Manager Lynn Jordan Surplus Yes No X Council Initiated Yes No X Opposition: Three persons spoke, one letter submitted Support: One person spoke Owner/Applicant: Jerry Mitchell Site Location: 4001 Ohio Gardens Drive Acreage: 7.11 Proposed use: Temporary Vehicle Storage Request: To: Amend PD 69 to remove the hours of operation for loading and unloading for the temporary vehicle storage facility; site plan included Land use Compatibility: Requested change is compatible. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Requested change is not consistent. (Significant Deviation) Staff Recommendation: Approval Background: The subject property is located south of Ohio Garden and just west of Jacksboro Highway. The applicant is requesting to remove a development standard on the hours of operation for loading and unloading from PD 69 for the temporary vehicle storage facility; site plan included. The original PD request is from 1988 where the applicant requested a PD/SU for temporary storage of motor vehicles. City Council approved the zoning case with the following development standards: • The yard be limited to loading and unloading of automobiles between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm with no semi -trailer transporters permitted. • Site development shall restrict the flow of water so as not to create any drainage onto the adjacent property. • Provide an 8 ft. solid metal fence along the east property line, to be maintained in good repair and finish. • Lighting will be designed in a manner which is not obtrusive to the adjacent mobile home park; waiver to the site plan. The site is entirely located within the 100 year flood plain. According to recent aerials the property appeared to be used as a storage facility for vehicles, trailers, equipment, etc., up until 2012. The applicant has submitted a site plan which indicates a new office trailer and a 6 ft. corrugated metal panel screening fence along the street frontage. Page 1 of 4 At the January 14t" Council meeting the case was continued to allow more time for the applicant to reach out to the adjoining property owner. Additional opposition has been received since the Council meeting the opposition is now at 38% requiring a super majority vote from Council. The applicant has meet with one of the persons in opposition in the adjacent mobile home park and are trying to address some of the concerns. At the time of this report no additional information has been received. Site Information: Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: North PD 519 Planned Development / recreational vehicle park East "B" Two -Family / mobile home park South "B" Two -Family / vacant West "I" Light Industrial / Anderson Campbell Park Zoning History: None Site Plan Comments: The site plan as submitted is not in general compliance with the Zoning Ordinance regulations. 1. Indicate on the site plan if there is a 5 ft. buffer yard on the eastern property line. (Waiver recommended) 2. The proposed 6 ft. metal fence would not be permitted along the street frontage. (Waiver recommended) The site plan comments noted above shall be addressed on the site plan or waivers are required (Comments made by Platting (Subdivision Ordinance), Transportation/Public Works, Fire, Parks and Water Department staff cannot be waived through the Zoning Commission and City Council. Approval of the zoning site plan does not constitute the acceptance of conditions.) Public Notification: 300 foot Legal Notifications were mailed on (November 25, 2019) The following organizations were notified: (emailed November 19, 2019) Organizations Notified Inter -District 2 Alliance Westside Alliance Far Greater Northside Historical Crestwood NA Northside NA Tarrant Regional Water District Streams and Valleys Inc. Trinity Habitat for Humanity Fort Worth ISD Lake Worth ISD Castleberry ISD Not located within a registered Neighborhood Organization Recent Relevant Zoning and Platting History: Zoning History: PD 69 Planned Development for temporary vehicle storage with loading and unloading limited from 8 am to 5 pm; site plan waived, subject property; PD 519 Planned Development for "I" Light Industrial plus RV park; site plan approved, subject area to the north; PD 731 Planned Development/Specific use for auto repair; site plan waived, subject area just to the east Development Impact Analysis: 1. Land Use Compatibility The applicant is requesting to amend PD 69 to remove a development standard related to hours of operation for loading and unloading for a temporary storage facility. Surrounding land uses consist of a mobile home park to the east, an RV park to the north, vacant land to the south and a City park to the west. Page 2 of 4 Due to the location and approved use for the PD, the proposed zoning request is compatible at this location. 2. Comprehensive Plan Consistency -Northside Sector The 2019 Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Open Space. Since the area is identified as Open Space, the requested zoning district is not consistent (Significant Deviation) with the following Comprehensive Plan policies. • Separate incompatible land uses with buffers or transitional uses. Some land uses have attributes such as height, proportion, scale, operational characteristics, traffic generated, or appearance that may not be compatible with the attributes of other uses. • Encourage appropriate development and redevelopment within central city commercial districts and neighborhoods. Although this is labeled as a significant deviation, the request is for a consideration of removal of hours or operation and a continuance of the existing approved use of the site and does not require significant change to the site as it exists today. Attachments: • Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. Notification Area • Site Plan • Area Map • Future Land Use Map • Aerial Photograph • Minutes from the Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 4 a w J In EXISTING TREES ZONED 'G' �>c ZONED ZONED � ZONED ZONED PD-519 PD-519 'E' 'B' OHIO GARDEN RD. EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE ALONG OHIO GARDEN SOUTH R.O.W. LINE TO BE REMOVED ZONED 'I' ANDERSON CAMPBELL PARK CITY OF FORT WORTH EXISTING EXISTING S88037'04"W DRIVEWAY 474.94' DRIVEWAY 5 a I a 24' u a4 ° � 4 ° 36' �— PROPOSED a ° OFFICE TRAILER ° 2,196 SF 0 PROPOSED DECORATIVE IRON- ° ELECTRIC GATE EXISTING 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE �N89°34' " t 162.07' I I ZONED ZONED 'MH' 'MH' PROPOSED 6' CORRUGATED -METAL PANELED SCREENING FENCE ALONG 20' BUILDING SETBACK IV kn N W � ZONED tBt NICK R PAPPAJOHN � � I JACKS& 0� 1 0Ro Hu,� OHIO GARDEN IRD,. J 1 SITE OfIIO GARDEN R ROCKWOOD GOLF COURSE LL J4 r \ VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE TREE LINE PD-69 ZONED i 3801 OHIO GARDEN RD. NOTES ZC-19-195 1. WAVER REQUESTED FOR 5' BUFFER YARD ALONG EAST PROPERTY I 7.116 AC. B EXISTING DUE TO EXISTING 6' CORRUGATED METAL SCREENING FENCE AND IV O B I L E HOME PARK. EXISTING MATURE TREE LINE. EXISTING � � /� 2. THIS SITE PLAN WILL COMPLY WITH LANDSCAPING REGULATIONS, CONCRETE PAVING 6.301. FL/OC�DVIAY/ / / / �' 3. THIS SITE PLAN WILL COMPLY WITH URBAN FORESTRY, 6.302. -) 4. THIS SITE PLAN WILL COMPLY WITH SIGNAGE REGULATIONS, 6.409. EXISTING 6'CORRUGATED o� METAL PANELED 5. ALL PROVIDED LIGHTING WILL CONFORM TO THE LIGHTING CODE. SCREENING FENCE / / / / / / / / / / / / EXISTING LIGHTING IS DIRECTED AWAY FROM THE "B" ZONED I Z AREAS. N 6. ALL AREAS PAVED. of 7. PD-69 (ZC-88/076) RESTRICTED THE HOURS OF OPERATION FOR THE USE AND DID NOT PROVIDE SCREENING ALONG OHIO GARDEN, EXISTING ZONED PARKING LOT � WITH THIS REVISED PD ZONING AND SITE PLAN THE APPLICANT IS RE UESTING REMOVAL OF THE RESTRICTION ON THE HOURS OF I / ' ' I LIGHTS TYP. OPERATION AND ALSO PROVIDING SCREENING ALONG THE OHIO ( ) A / GARDEN FRONTAGE. ANDERSON WAVER REQUESTED'FOR 5' BUFFER CAMPBELL PARK YARD ALONG EAST PROPERTY DUE TO/ EXISTING 6' CORRUGATED METAL G SCREENING FENCE AND EXISTING OWNER: OPERATION: MATURE TREE LINE � Jerry Mitchell LS TRE, LLC 1402 S. Cage Blvd., Troy Porras Unit 258 13202 E. Adam Aircraft Circle Pharr, TX 78577 Englewood, CO 80112 SITE DATA EXISTING ZONING PD-SU REQUIRED PARKING SPACES (4 SPACES PER 1,000 SQ.FT. FOR OFFICE 3 SPACES RETAIL ONLY) NEW PARKING SPACES PROPOSED 5 SPACES ACCESSIBLE PARKING 1 /1 (REQ./PROVIDED) 11 1/////%///////////ZONED//////// (303)953-6777 44°T4 3►E�'//// �//////////////////�'A-51 / 90.00' �5��� / / / / / / % / / / / / / / / / / / ROCKWOOD GOLF COURSES 62°Dl; CITY OF FORT WORTH 00 REFERENCE ZONING CASE #: ZC 88 - 076 DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DATE NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE 0 60 120 finch =60' PD SITE PLAN 7.116 ACRES WYATTS TOWING IMPOUNDMENT FACILITY November 11, 2019 Revised November 26, 2019 DUNAWA y 550 Bailey Avenue • Suite 400 • Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Tel: 817.335.1121 (TX REG. F-1114) DA B005977.001 11 1/////%///////////ZONED//////// (303)953-6777 44°T4 3►E�'//// �//////////////////�'A-51 / 90.00' �5��� / / / / / / % / / / / / / / / / / / ROCKWOOD GOLF COURSES 62°Dl; CITY OF FORT WORTH 00 REFERENCE ZONING CASE #: ZC 88 - 076 DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DATE NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE 0 60 120 finch =60' PD SITE PLAN 7.116 ACRES WYATTS TOWING IMPOUNDMENT FACILITY November 11, 2019 Revised November 26, 2019 DUNAWA y 550 Bailey Avenue • Suite 400 • Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Tel: 817.335.1121 (TX REG. F-1114) DA B005977.001 ansorn Park Im Council Districts 2 -Carlos E. Flores 3 - Brian Byrd 4 -Cary Moon 5 -Gyna Bivens 6- Jungus Jordan 7 - Dennis Shingleton 8 -Kelly Allen Gray 9 -Ann Zadeh Overlay Districts ® Airport Overlay District 1-35W TU PERIPHERAL DESIGN DISTRICT CONSERVATION DISTRICT Noise Contours DECIBEL 65 70 C 75 W 80 JPW 85 FORT WORTH Area Map 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet ZC-19-195 Created: 11/19/2019 5:07:26 PM FORT WORTH. "M Future Land Use -44 A -Activity Street i- Institutional CMCO - Commercial Connector Neighborhood Commercial CMU - Commercial Mixed Use Street General Commercial NC - Neighborhood Connector Light Industrial SL -System Link ! Heavy Industrial Vacant, Undeveloped, Agricultural Mixed -Use Rural Residential Industrial Growth Center Suburban Residential Infrastructure Single Family Residential 100 Year Flood Plan Manufactured Housing Public Park, Recreation, Open Space Low Density Residential Private Park, Recreation, Open Space Medium Density Residential Lakes and Ponds - High Density Residential F ZC-19-195 N A Comprehensive Plan shal not constitute zoning regulations or 490 245 0 490 Feet as S tab is h zoning district boundaries. (Texas Local Government Code, Section 213.005.) Land use designationswere approved by City Council on March 5, 2019. Created: 11/19/2019 5:10:33 PM F011IR4T WORTH.: Aerial Photo Map r- � \ . �aaORO � Pft _ J2�A9nEn 4kr 101 . . \2' � ��. 01 \ . OW p" ,M 0 305 610 1,20hw zc-19-19 5 . � � .f6 Felipe Castillo, 4514 Cole Ave The following correspondence was submitted in opposition of ZC-19-192: Tehama Ridge HOA (continuance request) North Fort Worth Alliance (continuance request) Motion: Commissioner Aughinbaugh made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Gober, that ZC-19-192 be continued for 60 days. Motion passed 8-0. 18. ZC-19-193 Cidema Three Limited Partnership (CD 8) — 5150 Campus Dr. (5.38 ac.) Request: Add Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow construction equipment sales & service; site plan included Dennis Hopkins, 2131 N Collins St Arlington, TX, appeared before the Commission in support of ZC-19-193. Motion: Commissioner Conlin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Aughinbaugh, that ZC-19-193 be Approved for 15 years. Motion passed 8-0. 19. ZC-19-195 Jerry Mitchell (CD 2) — 4001 Ohio Gardens Dr. (7.11 ac.) Request: Amend PD 69 to remove hours of operation for loading and unloading for the temporary vehicle storage facility; site plan included Barry Hudson, 3012 Gunnison Trail, appeared before the Commission in support of ZC- 19-195. The following individuals appeared in support of ZC-19-195: Troy Porras, 5606 Sawdust Loop The following individuals appeared in opposition of ZC-19-195: Scott Weatherford, 3909 Ohio Garden Rd Nick Pappajohn, 3801 Ohio Garden Rd Heather Marinello, 3909 Ohio Garden Rd The following correspondence was submitted in opposition of ZC-19-195: 1 letter Motion: Commissioner Trevino made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Aughinbaugh, that ZC-19-195 be Approved. Motion passed 8-0. 20. SP-19-018 Speed Racer, LLC (CD 9) — 3111 Race St., 3020 Murphy St. (2.88 ac.) Request: Approval of site plan for PD 1250 Alice Cruz, 1925 Forth Worth Hwy Weatherford, TX, appeared before the Commission in support of SP-19-018. Motion: Commissioner Miller made a motion, seconded by Commissioner McDonnell, that SP-19-018 be Approved... Motion passed 8-0. Draft ZC minutes December 11, 2019