HomeMy WebLinkAbout(0090) ZC-20-019.pdfCase Number ZC-20-019 FORTWORTH ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council Meeting Date: June 23, 2020 Zoning Commission Recommendation: Approval by a vote of 9-0 Opposition: None submitted Support: United Communities NA Council District 8 Continued Case Manager Surplus Council Initiated Owner/Applicant: Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County Site Location: 1105 - 1215 (odds) E. Lancaster Avenue Proposed Use: Multifamily Request: From: "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed -Use Yes X No Laura Evans Yes No X Yes No X Acreage: 0.979 To: "PD/MU-2' Planned Development for all uses in "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed -Use with waivers to required primary street frontage, office parking ratio, parking lot screening height, Individual street -oriented entries for street level residential units, and primary residential entrance spacing; site plan included Land Use Compatibility: Requested change is compatible. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Requested change is consistent. UDC Recommendation: Approval Staff Recommendation: Approval Background: The applicant is requesting a zoning change to "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed Use for a permanent supportive housing apartment project at 1111 East Lancaster Avenue. The property was designated as the Near East Side Urban Village and Near Southeast Urban Growth Center. High density mixed uses are encouraged within these areas in order to take advantage of proximity to employment areas, proximity to public amenities, and proximity to public transit. Much of the area was rezoned to MU-2 in 2002. The property is located at the northeast corner of East Lancaster Avenue and Kentucky Avenue. The applicant is proposing a zoning change from "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed -Use to "PD/MU-2" Planned Development for "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed -Use with waivers to required primary street frontage, office parking ratio, parking lot screening height, individual street -oriented entries for street level residential units, and primary residential entrance spacing. A site plan has been included At its January 16, 2020 meeting, the Urban Design Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval to the Zoning Commission for "PD/MU-2" with stipulated waivers to 1) required primary street Page 1 of 3 frontage, 2) residential parking, 3) parking lot screening height, 4) individual street -oriented entries for street level residential units, and 5) primary residential entrance spacing. The case was continued from the April 7 City Council meeting to allow more time for the applicant to reach out to the Historic Southside NA. Site Information: Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: North ZONING / USE East ZONING / USE South ZONING / USE West ZONING / USE Zoning History: None Site Plan Comments: The site plan as submitted is not in general compliance with the Zoning Ordinance regulations. 1. Required primary street frontage is 70%. Site plan indicates 51 %. (Waiver required) 2. Residential parking ratio is *.75 to 1 off-street spaces required per bedroom located behind the front building line; Plus, 1 space per 250 square feet of common areas, offices, and recreation (less hallways, laundry rooms, and storage). Site plan indicates required residential parking plus 1 space per 250 sf of office. (Waiver required) 3. Parking lot screening height is maximum 4'. Site plan indicates 8. (Waiver required) 4. Individual street -oriented entries for street level residential units are required. Site plan does not indicate any. (Waiver required) 5. Primary residential entrance spacing is maximum 125. Site plan indicates 145'. (Waiver required) (Comments made by Platting (Subdivision Ordinance), Transportation/Public Works, Fire, Park & Recreation, and Water Department staff cannot be waived through the Zoning Commission and City Council. Approval of the zoning site plan does not constitute the acceptance of conditions.) Public Notification: 300 foot Legal Notifications were mailed on January 24, 2020. The following organizations were notified: (emailed January 22, 2020) Organizations Notified Fort Worth Downtown Neighborhood Alliance United Communities Association of South Fort Worth Glenwood Triangle NA Near East Side NA Historic Southside NA Tarrant Regional Water District East Fort Worth, Inc. Streams And Valleys Inc Trinity Habitat for Humanity NUP-Neighborhood Unification Project Southeast Fort Worth Inc East Fort Worth Business Association Fort Worth South Inc Fort Worth ISD *Located within this Neighborhood Association Development Impact Analysis: 1. Land Use Compatibility The applicant is proposing a zoning change to "MU-2" for a multifamily development. Multifamily uses are allowed in the MU-2 zoning district. Surrounding land uses consist of a parking lot to the south and east and IH 30 to the north, and IH 35 to the west. There are scattered vacant lots throughout the area. As a result, the proposed zoning for the sites is compatible at this location. Page 2 of 3 2. Comprehensive Plan Consistency — Southside The 2020 Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Near Southeast Mixed -Use Growth Center. The proposed rezoning meets the below policies within the following Comprehensive Plan: • Encourage mixed use projects in mixed use growth centers, transient oriented developments, and urban villages. • Encourage appropriate development and redevelopment within central city commercial districts and neighborhoods. • Identify and designate on future land use maps mixed -use neighborhood centers and/or new mixed -use growth centers in rapidly developing areas, based on proximity to future rail transit and key transportation intersections. Based on conformance with the policies stated above, the proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Attachments: • Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. Notification Area • Site Plan • Location Map • Future Land Use Map • Aerial Photograph • UDC Staff Report Page 3 of 3 FORT WORTH. Area Zoning Map Applicant: Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County Address: 1105 - 1215 (odds) E. Lancaster Avenue Zoning From: MU-2 Zoning To: PD for MU-2 uses with multifamily and parking Acres: 0.97941422 Mapsco: 77B Sector/District: Southside Commission Date: 2/12/2020 Contact: 817-392-8043 L %'I - Subject Area ® 300 Foot Notification ZC-20-019 L�ry 1100 z 12], PDDD505 1800 V) Z W 1200 i251 „fK `' CL 1100 E �y�30 V S5 �4y�,��� 361M1! 1H 30 Vw� 2± J] 2 a20 1140 1100 ,�}] 100 Vla Ivi.3.0 S 1}7 S PD 1327 K' 32? 7=]1 772? IU- 'r' "11s,1356 rn � 2r, �� 2313 Qaaa a2! 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Flores 3-Brian Byrd 4 -Cary Moon 5 -Gyna Bivens 6 - J ungus Jordan 7 - Dennis Shingleton 8 -Kelly Allen Gray 9 -Ann Zadeh Overlay Districts ® Airport Overlay District 1-35W TU PERIPHERAL DESIGN DISTRICT CONSERVATION DISTRICT Noise Contours DECIBEL — 65 70 75 80 85 FORT WORTH Area Map 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet ZC-20-019 L-J L- Created: 1/24/2020 5:10:21 PM z 0 0 z 0 z LLJ TZ CL W FORT WORTH. "M Future Land Use ZC-20-019 TD mV13 15 j� 3Q �13 �3oV3 s-C ' 1r& P PL C,omfrter CEA Mixed Use S-trRwt-Eb- 0 LLGAR] LLJ Z CL t - A -Activity Street ' Institutional tttttttttttttttttt- CMCO - Commercial Connector Neighborhood Commercial tttttttttttttttttt- CMU - Commercial Mixed Use Street General Commercial tttttttttttttttttt- NC - Neighborhood Connector Light Industrial SL -System Link ! Heavy Industrial Vacant, Undeveloped, Agricultural Mixed -Use Rural Residential Industrial Growth Center Suburban Residential Infrastructure Single Family Residential 100 Year Flood Plan Manufactured Housing Public Park, Recreation, Open Space Low Density Residential Private Park, Recreation, Open Space Medium Density Residential Lakes and Ponds - High Density Residential 240 120 0 240 Feet Li] PRE IDI0 N A Comprehensive Plan shal not constitute zoning regulations or as tab is hzoning district bow dad as. (Texas Local Government Code, Section 213.005.) Land use designationswere approved by City Council on March 5, 2019. Created: 1/24/2020 5:11:51 PM FO111R4TWORTHG ZC-20-019 Aerial Photo Map ► f - * _. OIL—' r _ 1 DTH IVA f dL PS _ k 3 �- 7. z y W, LU O I r PREIDIO -- ' z L7 0 155 310 620 Feet i STAFF REPORT URBAN DESIGN COMMISSION CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS DATE: January 7, 2020 GENERAL INFORMATION COUNCIL DISTRICT: 8 CASE NUMBER UDC-2020-001 REQUEST Recommendation to Zoning Commission for "PD/MU-2" rezoning request with waivers. APPLICANT/AGENT Union Gospel Mission (Crossroads Apartments, LP) / Joe Bloodworth with Schwarz -Hanson Architects LOCATION 1111 East Lancaster Avenue ZONING/EXISTING USE(S) MU-2/Vacant land, Union Gospel Mission Donation Drop -Off Center PROPOSED WORK The applicant is proposing the construction of permanent supportive housing apartments with 68 one -bedroom units and has requested an Urban Design Commission recommendation to the Zoning Commission for "PD/MU-2" with waivers to 1) required primary street frontage, 2) residential parking, 3) parking lot screening height, 4) individual street -oriented entries for street level residential units, and 5) primary residential entrance spacing. ANALYSIS The subject property is located at the properties between 1105 and 1215 East Lancaster Avenue. The property is vacant on its western end, and contains a warehouse building that is currently used as a donation drop-off center by Union Gospel Mission. The property includes a parking lot for the warehouse. The site is zoned High Intensity Mixed -Use (MU-2).This property is bounded by Interstate-30 to the north and the northbound Interstate-35 on ramp to Interstate-30 on the west. The lots to the south of the project site are zoned MU-2 and house a few businesses and other social services offices. The parking lots to the east are part of the Union Gospel Mission main campus and are zoned MU-2. Requested Waivers for PD/MU-2 Waiver Topic Current MU-2 Standard Proposed Standard Required primary street frontage 70% 51/ ° Section 4.1302(d)(2)a. Residential parking Section 4.1302(e)(2) Parking lot screening height (max) Section 4.1302(f)(3)a. Individual street -oriented entries for street level residential units Section 4.1302(g)(6)d.1. Primary residential entrance spacing (max) Section 4.1302(g)(6)d.2. *.75 to 1 off-street spaces required per bedroom located behind the front building line; Plus, 1 space per 250 square feet of common areas, offices, and recreation (less hallways, laundry rooms, and storage). 4 feet Required 125' *.75 to 1 off-street spaces required per bedroom located behind the front building line; Plus, 1 space per 250 square feet of office. 8 feet Not Required 145' Required Primary Street Frontage MU-2 zoning requires building facades to be located within the area between the property line and the maximum setback for a minimum of 70 percent (%) of the primary street frontage. The applicant has requested to decrease the minimum primary street frontage from 70% to 51%, primarily to accommodate the associated surface parking lot on the side of the proposed apartment building. The intent of requiring building street frontage is to encourage a more prominent and continuous street wall that promotes a multimodal, pedestrian friendly environment while reducing the visual dominance of large surface parking lots. Staff supports the primary street frontage waiver request to allow the building fagade along the primary street frontage to be located within the area between the property line and the maximum setback for a minimum of 51 percent (%) pf the primary street frontage. Residential Parking MU-2 zoning requires apartments and condominiums to provide additional parking for common areas, offices, and recreation spaces in a residential complex at the ratio of 1 space per 250 square feet of each of the uses listed. The applicant has requested to only provide additional parking for office space in the building. The proposed ratio is 1 space per 250 square feet of office space, instead of also providing parking spaces for common areas and recreation spaces. The intent of the additional parking spaces for each of the uses is to ensure parking spaces are provided for guests and future tenants who may visit the leasing office. Due to the proposed building's use as a permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless residents, saff supports the residential parking ratio waiver request to allow 0.75 spaces per bedroom, plus 1 space per 250 square feet of office space. Parking Lot Screening MU-2 zoning requires parking lots and driveways that are located adjacent and parallel to a public street to be screened from the public right-of-way with landscaping, berms, fencing, or walls at a minimum of 3 feet in height and a maximum of 4 feet in height. In an effort to provide a secure parking lot area, the applicant has requested to build a wrought iron fence up to 8-feet in height with landscaping approximately 3 feet in height along the parking lot frontage on East Lancaster Avenue. It is the intent of the parking lot screening requirement to visually screen the parking lot from the public right-of-way. Staff supports the parking lot screening waiver request to allow screening at a maximum of 8 feet in height to provide enhanced security. Residential Entries - Individual Street -Oriented Entries for Street Level Residential Units MU-2 zoning requires all apartments, condominiums, and manor houses to provide individual street - oriented entries. The applicant is requesting not to provide the individual street -oriented entries for the five (5) ground -level, street facing units. The intent of requiring these entries is to provide eyes on the street and encourage pedestrian activity. Staff supports the waiver request to not provide individual street -oriented entries for street level residential units. Residential Entries - Primary Residential Entrance Spacing MU-2 zoning requires apartments and condominiums provide primary entrances at intervals that do not exceed 125' along street -oriented building frontages. The applicant is requesting to increase the maximum primary entrance spacing from 125 feet to 145 feet. The intent of the primary entrance spacing maximum is to design for architectural variety and alternatives while providing a variety of pedestrian access points for residents of the building. The primary entrance spacing also discourages long blank walls along expected high pedestrian travel areas. Staff supports the waiver request to increase the maximum primary entrance spacing to 145 feet along street -oriented building frontages. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS See additional pages attached. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the following motion: 1. Recommend Approval to the Zoning Commission for "PD/MU-2" with stipulated waivers to 1) required primary street frontage, 2) residential parking, 3) parking lot screening height, 4) individual street -oriented entries for street level residential units, and 5) primary residential entrance spacing.