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FORTWORTH City Council Meeting Date: August 4, 2020 Case Number ZC-20-081 ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT Council District 6 Zoning Commission Recommendation: Continued Approval by a vote of 9-0 Case Manager Surplus Council Initiated Opposition: none submitted Support: Candle Ridge HA Owner/Applicant: Shell Coast, Inc. Site Location: 5500 Altamesa Boulevard Acreage: 2.22 Proposed Use: Carwash Request: From: "F" General Commercial Yes No X Laura Evans Yes No X Yes No X To: Add Conditional Use Permit to allow a carwash facility, with development regulations to allow a 65-foot tall flag pole; site plan included Land Use Compatibility: Requested change is compatible. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Requested change is consistent. Staff Recommendation: Approval Background: The proposed site is located at the northwest corner of Altamesa Road and Granbury Road. The applicant is requesting to add a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a carwash facility; site plan included. The applicant is also requesting a waiver to the maximum allowed height of 45 feet in order to place a 65 foot tall flag pole on the property. Carwashes are only permitted within commercial zoning districts through the CUP process. The applicant has applied for the CUP to allow this use within the "F" district. The applicant has indicated the drive-thru carwash facility is limited to approximately 7,010 sq. ft. building. Conditional uses are those uses which are generally compatible with the permitted land uses in a given zoning district, but which require individual review of their proposed location, design and configuration, and the imposition of conditions in order to ensure the appropriateness of the use at a particular location. While a carwash is not permitted in the "F" zoning district by right, allowing it by CUP with a site plan may help mitigate any neighborhood concerns, as well as give options for the CUP to be revoked in the event of code violation convictions. Through Ordinance 23609 effective March 29, 2019, the Conditional Use Permit allows for an unlimited time period for the operation of a use unless otherwise approved by the City Council. If a time limit is established for a Conditional Use Permit, the renewal of the CUP shall be considered through the public Page 1 of 3 hearing process and approved by the City Council. A CUP shall expire if no permitting action is taken within six months of approval or cease of the use for six months. A CUP may be revoked through the public hearing process if necessary after convictions of one or more code violations. Per Section 4.407 (a), the following general rules apply to all conditional uses: a) Conditional use permits in residential districts shall be limited to those uses designated "CUP" in the Residential District Use Table in Chapter 4, Article 6, Section 4.603. b) Approval of a conditional use permit shall authorize only the particular use or category of related uses for which the conditional use permit is issued. c) A conditional use shall not be enlarged, extended or otherwise modified unless approved by the City Council or approved administratively as applicable. d) The use of property for the purposes described in a conditional use permit shall not commence until a certificate of occupancy has been issued. A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued until all or approvals which may be required by the Codes and Ordinances of the City, including, but not limited to, a Building Permit, a Certificate Of Occupancy and subdivision approval have been satisfied. Section (d) provides the following Conditional Use Permit factors in consideration of appropriateness of a request: a) The proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; b) The proposed use is compatible with the existing and adjacent uses. c) The proposed use meets all supplemental use standards specifically applicable to the use as set forth in Chapter 5; d) The proposed use is compatible with and preserves the character and integrity of adjacent development and neighborhoods; e) The proposed use is not materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare, or results in material damage or prejudice to other property in the vicinity. Site Information: Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: North "F" General Commercial / undeveloped East "F" General Commercial / undeveloped South PD 655 PD/F / undeveloped West "F" General Commercial / undeveloped Zoning History: None Site Plan Comments: The site plan as submitted is not in general compliance with the Zoning Ordinance regulations. 1. The applicant is requesting a waiver to the maximum height of 45 feet in order to place a 65' flag pole. (waiver required) (Comments made by Platting (Subdivision Ordinance), Transportation/Public Works, Fire, Park & Recreation, and Water Department staff cannot be waived through the Zoning Commission and City Council. Approval of the zoning site plan does not constitute the acceptance of conditions) Public Notification: 300 foot Legal Notifications were mailed on June 19, 2020. The following organizations were notified: (emailed June 16, 2020) Organizations Notified Quail Ridge Estates Phase II HOA Wedgwood NA* Hulen Bend Estates HA Park Palisades HA CandleRidge HA District 6 Alliance Streams And Valleys Inc Trinity Habitat for Humanity Fort Worth ISD Crowley ISD Page 2 of 3 *Closest registered Neighborhood Association Development Impact Analysis: 1. Land Use Compatibility The applicant is proposing a zoning change to add a CUP to allow a carwash facility in the "F" zoning district. Surrounding land uses consist of primarily undeveloped commercial zoning with a mini -warehouse to the northwest The proposed zoning request is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. Comprehensive Plan Consistency — Wedgwood The 2019 Comprehensive Plan designates the site as being Neighborhood Commercial. The proposed zoning is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan policies: Separate incompatible land uses with buffers or transitional uses. Some land uses have attributes such as height, proportion, scale, operational characteristics, traffic generated, or appearance that may not be compatible with the attributes of other uses. Promote appropriate infill development of vacant lots, old commercial centers (greyfields), and contaminated sites (brownfields) within developed areas, particularly in the central city. Encourage new development adjacent and connected to previously developed or platted areas in order to utilize existing utility and road infrastructure and services, thereby optimizing public and private investments and discouraging sprawl development. Based on conformance with the future land use map and policies as stated above, the proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Attachments: • Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. Notification Area • Site Plan • Area Map • Future Land Use Map • Aerial Photograph Page 3 of 3 FORT WORTH. Area Zoning Map Applicant: Shell Coast, Inc. Address: 5500 Altamesa Boulevard Zoning From: F Zoning To: Add Conditional Use Permit for car wash Acres: 2.2188352 Mapsco: 102D Sector/District: Wedgwood Commission Date: 7/8/2020 Contact: 817-392-8043 ZC-20-081 PD951 ID i 7 53�: 535$ PD95 „}1 '°'' ] i 5555 4552 . 5 3z: i�J•J PD 1 64 PD655 C F - Subject Area ffr__ 300 Foot Notification si 0 115 230 460 Feet Created:6/18/2020 2:34:21 PM 05 aN N S U a <b` M Cc, M �^oio CL cc F W O W 14 F nn9g NOTES: 1. "F" GENERAL COMMERCIAL: ALL USES PERMITTED IN "FR", PLUS AMUSEMENT E.G. NIGHTCLUBS, BARS, SKATING RINKS, ETC. ALCOHOL SALES AND ON -PREMISE CONSUMPTION PERMITTED IN "F" THRU "K" DISTRICTS. MAXIMUM 45 FT. BUILDING HEIGHT. 2. LANDSCAPING SHALL COMPLY WITH THE SECTION 6.301 LANDSCAPING *AREAS WHICH ARE NOT PAVED OR A SIDEWALK ARE TO BE LANDSCAPED. 3. THE PROJECT WILL COMPLY WITH SECTION 6.302, URBAN FORESTRY AS REQUIRED 4. PAVEMENT TO BE CONCRETE 5. SITE PLAN SIGNAGE SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION 6.400. 6. ANY PARKING LOT LIGHTING OR BUILDING LIGHTING WILL CONFORM TO THE LIGHTING CODE AND SHALL BE DIRECTED AWAY AND DOWNWARD FROM THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. 7. ALL SIGNAGE WILL CONFORM TO ARTICLE 4, SIGNS. 8. PROPOSED DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE TO BE 6'-0" IN HEIGHT. ENCLOSURE EXTERIOR TO BE WOOD. 9. BUILDING EXTERIOR TO BE PAINTED BRICK. 10. WAIVER REQUESTED TO ALLOW FLAG POLE HEIGHT OF 65'-0" GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 1 inch = 30 ft. EX. ZONING: PD 951 / 1 STORY BRICK LOT 2R2-3 / A=15'13'31" BUILDING BLOCK 3 R=147.50' FF=794.16 GRANBURY STATION ADDITION L-39.20' PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT CABINET A, SLIDE 11499=S83°25'28"E DOC NO. D20630779 & DOC NO. D206307797 P.R.T.C.T. © C=39.08' P.R.T.C.T. EX. ZONING: F ® LOT 2R2-4R BLOCK 3 DRAR2S• � \ NAGE EASEMENT GRANBURY STATION ADDITIO CITY OF FORT WORTH \ \ \ \ S74°51'07"E @ 25' DRAINAGE EASEMENT DOC. No. D217250543 VOL. 6996, PG. 474 P.R.T.C.T. N14°46'51"E CAB. A, SLIDE 11499, O.P.R.T.C.T. 12.57' 30 2-3' P.R.T.C.T. I p 1/2 "IRF ' — /1/2"IR S�5°09'42„E--------- k —T---------------- — —1—i —D ------ �4g.26, CIRS 1/2 "IRFCo I N89°43'51"E 199.23' I I "IRF l LA NOSC 1/2 "IRF O I I /l APFgR�A LANDSCAPE AREA I I M o 15' SANITARY EASEMENT / / I o p \ \ CITY OF FORT WORTH PROPOSED 6' WOOD U, to DOC. NO. D219266183 DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE \ P.R.T.C.T. IIV I I TIBIA SQUARE ITH -F O I „ ZCUT SET I I /2 I Z=794.58 / I VAC. 'o / / I EQ. I 0 1 ��% / 16 I / Q I 7 I EX. ZONING: F �� 0/ 61.03' � / a 1 LOT 2R3-1 R " EX. ZONING: F 16' BLOCK 3 �, Oj I Lu I y LOT 2R2-2R / I I ° / I< I W BLOCK 3 / raj W l —I GRANBURY STATION ADDITION / I Lu I I GRANBURY STATION ADDITION N ILu I / DOC. No. D219030347 / I a DETENTION AREA EASEMENT J I O.P.R.T.C.T. 0 0 DOC. No. D217250543 / DOC. NO. D219030347 I W / O.P.R.T.C.T. W / O.P.R.T.C.T. I EATH SURVEY, / O 90�, I Q i - 1 p I �- I I JOHA gTRACT N0.641 co PROPOSED DETENTION AREA I 2o, I / / Q I I W CO cu h / I I / O/ o��G Lu l I °' Q Di oJ�� C) I N II � o V QN / I J O2 N I r I — / P o IW / D TENTION AREA ACCESS I / / '��� v�P� � P�� 3 9 W W coU z MM tot / EASEMENT / 0/ Qb _ IW I O DOC. NO. D219030347 / OCGP * 3 I I Z > O.P.R.T.C.T. _ \ 9,Q, 7) I I IW w — — — I 7.5' SWB EASEMENT 77 , ��- I DOC. NO. D21750543 \ / 65' / \ FLAG POLE �N _\ S\q\EgRFq \ \� Fz26 1/2 "IRF . A —4- L O TBM SQUARE WITH "X" CUT SET Z=787.57 \ \ E\ggCK N �° � 285 38' � \ 10'X10' P.O.S.E. DOC. NO. D21750543 O.P.R.T.C.T. 20' vv4 AL T VOt. 6860 V. pGMFNT AMESA Bl OR.TCT CONCRETE D 120 R. p W OwAY /2 "1 20' DOC.8U/LDlNG p p RD2j7505 3 \ — — A=90°36'45" R=93.42' L=147.74' " CIRF CB=S51°51'03"W "O'NE A " C=132.82' SITE DATA TABLE LOT SIZE LOT SIZE BLDG AREA BLDG. HGT. LOT EMPLOYEE VACUUM TOTAL PARKING ZONING (ACRES) (SQ. FT.) (SQ. FT.) (FT.) COVERAGE PARKING SERVICE PROVIDED PARKING 1 S (CAR WASH) 2.22 96,772 7,010 33' - 4" 7.24% (SADA; 28 SPACES 38 SPACES 15' WATERLINE EASEMENT DOC. NO. D21750543 O.P.R.T.C.T. 0 �O �J P� SITE ALTAMESA BLVD Z Z O r 'O VICINITY MAP N.T.S. LEGEND LIGHT DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT MEDIUM DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREA (GRASS) PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER ® PARKING COUNT FL PROPOSED FIRE LANE STRIPING DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DATE PRISTINE CAR WASH FORT WORTH, TX ZC-20-081 OWNER: GARLAND ALL STORAGE ASSOCIATES 82 W ARMSTRONG DRIVE MUSTANG, OK 73064 ENGINEER: CLAYMOORE ENGINEERING, INC. 1903 CENTRAL DRIVE, SUITE #406 BEDFORD, TX 76092 PH: 817.281.0572 CONTACT: CLAY CRISTY, P.E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ZONING: GRANBURY STATION ADDITION BLOCK 3, LOT 2R3-1R F - GENERAL COMMERCIAL TEXAS REGISTRATION #14199 �0 ELo0 �z N Lu LU W III_ � o Wo Z o} a� Lj L!J z tz s N J x z F z z� Wo L OJU m P R E L I M I N A R Y FOR REVIEW ONLY Not for construction purposes. CLAYMOORE ENGINEERING ENGINEERING AND PLANNING CONSULTANTS Engineer DREW DONOSKY P.E. No.125651 Dare 6/29/2020 DESIGN: DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: File No: SP-1 Council Districts 2 - Carlos E. Flores 3 - Brian Byrd 4 -Cary Moon 5 -Gyna Bivens 6 - J ungus Jordan 7 - Dennis Shingleton 8 - Kelly Allen Gray 9 -Ann Zadeh Overlay Districts i1% Airport Overlay District I-35W TU PERIPHERAL DESIGN DISTRICT CONSERVATION DISTRICT Noise Contours DECIBEL 65 70 75 80 85 FORT WORTH® Area Map PIIIIPIIIII!,111111111 70111111 figh111: IIr111IIIIIIIIIIIrr{.. ZC-20-081 iilkic ;.;:;:j.-- a„PP,,...- 4. 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T +�_yy+hl�uIIIIII IIIIII 'ry {yl"�"{I re Ea! ■ it1a1111IIIIIIINI Z /ar. .+i1■!ll■ rrrrre 4 yjF 9_ 1y111 �111111111111 maw _*y._�,�4 j�leirdra � � ��� �11 n1111111 11 I IIIIIINIIII�P�r$j3 * t ■■�= fiy� 31 u1 Ck+Iullll 4ti SG ryf1 ..FFbtltt33ii - 1111111w uu 111/1/1111 - �^ t—: Imo ri11■ ' rllnrl■I_ 11111111111111■ • r y � � 111111111111111 Illlllllll� ■ILII IILII IILIII■111F Ill 11 111 11 llf lf� —' a IN1111111 � 1111111111 r� _ • S C y itlunp. EtiiF� 11111111111uu101a 11111111111111111111 ruuuuuuuumunulnuu=F1r1111lIlId 1 I I 11111111 irltAirrargrrHirigni 1 rRn■rni 111111111111111111111 1x111■11■11111111111 IIIILIIIIIIIL Jgllunlll 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet Created: 6/18/2020 2:33:28 PM FORTWORTH. ZC-20-081 Future Land Use t - A -Activity Street ' Institutional tttttttttttttttttt- CMCO - Commercial Connector Neighborhood Commercial tttttttttttttttttt- CMU - Commercial Mixed Use Street General Commercial tttttttttttttttttt- NC - Neighborhood Connector Light Industrial SL -System Link ! Heavy Industrial Vacant, Undeveloped, Agricultural Mixed -Use Rural Residential Industrial Growth Center Suburban Residential Infrastructure Single Family Residential 100 Year Flood Plan Manufactured Housing Public Park, Recreation, Open Space Low Density Residential Private Park, Recreation, Open Space Medium Density Residential Lakes and Ponds - High Density Residential 180 90 0 180 Feet W I J. I ur N A Comprehensive Plan shal not constitute zoning regulations or as tab is h zoning district boundaries. (Texas Local Government Code, Section 213.005.) Land use designationswere approved by City Council on March 5, 2019. Created: 6/18/2020 2:35:02 PM f FORTWORTHG ZC-20-081 Aerial Photo Map DPI.� w m LLY V in J N 0 115 230 460 Feet