HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 39645-A2 AMENDMENT No.2 iTY SECRETARY
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and Dunaway Associates, L. P. ,
(ENGINEER) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 39645, (the
CONTRACT) which was authorized by M&C C-23975 on the 15-1-h day of
December, 2009 in the amount of $ 691, 460 . 00,; and
WHEREAS, the CONTRACT was subsequently revised by: Amendment Number
1 in the amount of $79, 781 . 00 which was authorized by M&C #C-24851 on
April 12, 2011, and
WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the
following project :
AVONDALE-HASLET ROAD, Project No. 01414; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No . 2 to the
CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee.
NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through their
duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement,
which amends the CONTRACT:
1 .
Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional
engineering services specified in a proposal dated June 14, 2012, a copy
of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to City
for the additional design services to be performed by Engineer totals
$386,543. 00. (See Attached Funding Breakdown Sheet, Page -3-)
2 .
Article II of the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in
the fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under
the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all
work and services shall be an amount of $1,157, 784. 00.
3 .
All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly
amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect .
11 11141,
City of Fort Worth ',
Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template � JA'
I I PMO Official Release 8/1/2012
Page 1 of 3 , 15
EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date last written by a signatory,
City of Fort Worth ENGINEER
Dunaway Associates, L. P.
Fernando costa Stephen. Janes, P.E.
Assistant City Manager Sr. Principal
DATE: / DATE: �•
Dougla W. Wiersig, P. E
Director, Transporta Lion & Public Works Department
Date . 2 , 2
Douglas W. Black
Assistant City Attorney
ATTEST: 147 00000000 �
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City Sec e ary ,
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City of Fort Worth (CITY SECRETARY
Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template
PMO Official Release 8/1/2012 FT WORTHj TX
Page 2 of 3
City Secretary No. 39645
Amendment No. 2
Department Fund-Account-Center Amount
TPW C204 531200 207230141430 $73f944 . 00
TPW 0204 531200 207240141451 $14, 700 . 00
TPW C291 531200 207240141430 $250. 154 . 00
TPW 0291 531200 207240141451 $35, 860 . 00
TPW C291 531200 207240141480 $11, 875 . 00
Total : $386F 54 3 . 00
City of Fort Worth
Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template
PMO Official Release 8/1/2012
Page 3 of 3
DA No. 2009175
June 14, 2012
Mr. Patrick Buckley, P.E.
Transportation and Public Works Department
City of Fort Worth
1000 Th rockmorton Street, 2nd Floor
Fort Worth, TX 75102
Reference: Amendment No. 2
City Project No. 01414
City Secretary Contract No. 39545
Dear Mr. Buckley,
Dunaway Associates, L.P. (CONSULTANT) respectfully submits this Contract Amendment No.
2 for professional civil engineering and land surveying services requested by the City of Fort
Worth (CITY) that are beyond our current scope of services.
Avondale Hasler Rd(West & East
West Phase - From US 287 to CFW Water Tank Completed Effort to Date
1. Additional coordination meetings with TxDOT were required in permit acquisition.
2. Multiple design review iterations were required to provide additional information
requested by TxDCT not typically required in CITY plan format. This task also included
additional traffic analysis and TIA updates.
3. CITY requested the revision of the traffic study to include the impacts of the Hunter
development. This task included the following:
a. Adjusted existing AM and PM peak hours traffic models for Year 2017 (five years
after opening of veal-mart) to include site traffic from the planned Hunter
Development located on both sides of US 287.
b. Incrementally increased site traffic (due to Hunter Development) to determine what
percentage of development the proposed improvements can handle.
c. Identified additional improvements along Avondale Haslet to handle the anticipated
traffic volumes.
d. Prepared Technical Memorandum detailing methodology and study findings.
11 Page
4. CITY requested multiple revisions to the ROW line at the Mark of Excellence tract
(Parcel 3), this resulted in the need for revisions to adjacent (6) ROW and (8) Easement
5. CITY requested attendance in meetings with property owners to discuss impacts of
construction to their respective property and mitigation measures.
6. CITY requested revised grading and drainage improvements to accommodate access
from the Mark of Excellence tract onto Avondale Haslet Rd.
7. CITY requested attendance at meetings with franchise utility companies to discuss
impacts of construction to their respective facilities and possible relocation solutions.
8. CITY requested the proposed ROW to be staked for franchise utility relocates. (twice)
9. Additional project coordination meetings with CITY staff on CFA preparation.
10. CITY requested project specific pavement jointing plans to be prepared in lieu of using
the CITY standards.
11. CITY requested use of TxDOT standard pavement markings (thermoplastic) in lieu of
using the CITY standards (buttons).
12. CITY requested ROW impact credit calculations for all property owners affected by
13. Additional reproduction, mileage and miscellaneous non labor expenses.
East Phase- From Water Tank to 500'East of the BNSF RR- Completed Effort to
14. CITY requested design revisions to the alignment of the drainage ditch in the BNSF RR
ROW and Hunter's property to minimize the impacts to an existing CrossTex gas line
and easement. This also resulted in the need for revisions to (1) Easement document on
Parcel 6.
15. CITY requested project specific pavement jointing plans to be prepared in lieu of using
the CITY standards.
16. CITY requested use of TxDOT standard pavement markings (thermoplastic) in lieu of
using the CITY standards (buttons).
17. CITY requested revisions to the roadway design to accommodate a future signal and left
turn lane at the Avondale Farms/future Hunter Crossroads intersection.
18. CITY requested revisions to the roadway design to accommodate a cantilever retaining
wall at the northeast side of the BNSF RR tracks.
2 1 P a g e
19. CITY requested roadway design revisions along the Hunter Crossroads tract(Parcel 8),
this resulted in the need for revisions to (1) ROW and (2) Easement document.
Avondale HasletlFM 718 TxDOT Phase (West of AHR Bridge - (Completed Effort
to Date
CITY requested the design of turn lane improvements and a traffic signal along Avondale-Hasset
Road. The proposed limits for this scope of work are from an existing culvert along FM
718/Avondale Haslet Rd to just west of the US 287 Southbound Frontage Road to the west side
of the Avondale-Haslet Road Bridge over US 287. The following items were needed for this
scope of work:
1. Coordination with TxDOT to discuss proposed improvements, including meeting
2. Coordination meetings with CITY and COUNTY on proposed improvements.
3. TxDOT requested a traffic operations assessment using TxDOT future traffic volumes
(2017). This task included the following:
a. Incorporated TxDOT Transportation Planning and Programming JPP) Division
planning volumes into the operational analyses and re-evaluate the proposed
4. Developed concept layouts (based on criteria established in TxDOT`s Roadway Design
Manual) along Avondale-Haslet Road at the US 287 Business intersection to
accommodate the recommended traffic signal at the intersection of Avondale-Haslet
Road and US 287 Business.
a. The concept layouts included the following:
i. Existing Conditions
ii. Proposed Limits of Removals
iii. Interim Roadway& Signal Improvements
iv. Proposed New Pavement Limits
v. Proposed Pavement Markings
Upon CITY, COUNTY and TxDOT review, multiple iterations had to be prepared to
accommodate all review comments. Opinions of probable construction oast were also
prepared for the final conceptual plan.
b. Responded to TxDOT review comments on proposed layouts.
A von dale HasletlFM 718 TxD o T Phase 2-(West of A HR Bridge) (Future Effort
3 1 P a g e
5. TxDOT requested a traffic operations assessment using TxDOT future traffic volumes
(2018). This task included the following:
a. Incorporated TxDOT JPP) Division planning volumes into the operational analyses
and re-evaluate the proposed improvements.
b. Develop final concept layouts illustrating limits of proposed improvements with
probable construction costs. The concept layouts will include the following:
i. Existing conditions
ii. Proposed Limits of Removals
iii. Interim Roadway Improvements
iv. Proposed New Pavement Limits
v. Proposed Pavement Markings
c. Concept layouts will be developed based on criteria established in TxDOT's
Roadway Design Manual. As of result of the existing constraints it is anticipated that
up to (5) design waivers maybe required and approved by TxDOT.
d. Prepare Technical Memorandum documenting study procedures and findings.
e. Meet with TxDOT, CITY and COUNTY to discuss proposed improvements.
f. Address review comments, if needed.
6. CONSULTANT will address the items discussed at the 30% conceptual review meeting
and incorporate changes agreed upon by TxDOT, CITY and COUNTY into construction
drawings per CITY format. These improvements will include removal plans, SUE plans,
paving plan and profiles, signing and pavement markings plans, traffic control plans,
traffic signal plans (strain pole configuration), storm drain and ditch re-grading plans and
erosion control plans. "these drawings will be incorporated into the 60%, 90%, and 100%
submittal sets, respectively, as outlined in the original contract scope of services. It is
assumed that these improvements will be submitted for TxDOT review for permitting as
opposed to TxDOT letting. Opinion of Probable Construction Cost will also be prepared
for each design submittal.
7. Upon approval of the conceptual plan additional topographic survey will be required at
the following locations:
a. Along Avondale-Haslet Road from the western end of the bridge over U5 287 to the
existing culvert crossing west of the US 287 Business intersection (approximately
1,100 ft.). Along US 287 Business from first driveway south of Avondale-Haslet Road
to a point approximately 600 ft. north (both legs of the US 287 ramp connections) of
Avondale-Haslet Road. The total distance along US 287 Business is approximately
1,000 ft.
41 Page
b. One time construction staking of the proposed improvements.
c. Two (2) right of way acquisition documents will be needed on each side of the
Avondale-Haslet Road for proposed pavement widening of the existing roadway.
d. Quality level "B" SUE along the same limits mentioned above for the topographic
survey will be included in this scope.
8. Attendance at design review meetings with CITY and COUNTY on proposed
9. Attendance at design review meetings with TxDOT to discuss proposed improvements.
10. Prepare specification documents per new CFW standards for bidding.
11. Bid Phase Services
a. Pre-bid meeting (1)
b. Bid Assistance (addenda preparation (3), RFI from Contractors (6), prepare bid
c. Management of plan distribution (Hard copies & Buzzsaw).
d. Attend bid opening.
12. Construction Phase Services
a. Pre-construction meeting (1)
b. Site visits (4)
c. Final observation (1)
13. Reproduction (including bidding document), mileage and miscellaneous non-labor
CITY and ENGINEER agree that the following services are beyond the Scope of Services described
in the tasks above. However, ENGINEER can provide these services, if needed, upon the CITY's
written request. Any additional amounts paid to the ENGINEER as a result of any material change to
the Scope of the Project shall be agreed upon in writing by both parties before the services are
performed. These additional services include the following:
• Environmental Services.
• Construction materials testing.
• It is assumed that the proposed improvements will be permitted for construction by
TxDOT. If it is determined that these improvements require TxDOT letting, all additional
effort required for this task will be added via contract amendment.
5 1Page
• it is assumed that the conceptual plan submitted and reviewed by TxDOT per comment
letter dated April 4th 2012 will be the bases for the proposed improvements. This scope
does not include alternative alignment studies.
A summary of the proposed budget for this contract amendment is as follows (See Exhibit "A-1
for a detailed man-hour estimate of these tasks):
Basic Fee Fee
11Additional AHR west&East Design Services $ 88 644.06
21.Additional AHRIFM 718 Desi n Services $ 297 899.00
A summary of the total project is as follows:
Contract Description Fee
Original Contract Avondale Haslet Roadway Design $691 460.00
Amendment No. 1 Additional Avondale Haslet Roadwa &Storm Design $79 781.0D
Amendment No.2 Additional Avondale Haslet Roadway&Storm Des[ n $386,543.00
TOTAL PROJECT $1,157,784.00
MIWB E Participation
Gorrondona &Associates will provide topographic survey services and ANA consultants will provide
SWPPP services as a part of this amendment.
City MNVBE Goal—15%
MANBE Goal Provided:
Original Contract— 16/0
Amendment No. I --We will maintain the initial MwBE commitment of 16%.
Amendment No. 2—We will maintain the initial MWBE commitment of 16%.
Please review the enclosed information and do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions
or require additional information regarding this amendment.
a Texas Ii ited partnership
Mervin Campbell, P.E.
Project Manager-- Public Sector Services
6 Page
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it of Fort Worth, Texas
Mayor and Counci or m unica ion
COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 11/1212012
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DATE: Monday, November 12, 2012 REFERENCE NO.: **C-25963
Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 39645 an Engineering Services
Agreement with Dunaway Associates, LP, in the Amount of $386,543.00 for Additional Engineering
Services for Avondale Haslet Road from U.S. Highway 287 to Willow Creek Drive, Resulting in a Revised
Total Contract in the Amount of$1,157,784.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7)
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of Amendment No. 2 to City Secretary
Contract No. 39645 with Dunaway Associates, LP, increasing the scope of work, for a net change in the
amount of$386,543.00, thereby revising the original contract amount to $1,157,784.00.
This amendment provides for changes to the existing design plans necessitated by comments received
from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDGT). Also, traffic and drainage design revisions were
determined to be necessary after further input from adjacent property owners regarding neighborhood
traffic and flooding issues that were not previously identified. Through a Value Engineering review, a
retaining wall design was determined to better address slope issues where Avondale Haslet Road crosses
the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) rail line.
In response to new development in the area, new design services are also programmed for intersection
improvements on the west side of U.S. Highway 287 at the intersection of Business 287 and Avondale
Haslet Road. These services include surveying, engineering design and construction administration for
this intersection. These services were not anticipated in the original Agreement.
This contract reflects the following actions:
I. Initial Contract in the amount of$691,460.00, approved by M&C C-23975, December 15, 2009;
2. Amendment No. 1 in the amount of$79,781.00, approved by M&C C-24851, April 12, 2011;
3. Amendment No. 2 in the amount of $386,543.00, proposed with this Mayor and Council
Communication, for a revised total engineering service fee in the amount of$1,157,784.00.
Dunaway Associates, LP, agrees to maintain its initial MIWBE commitment of 16 percent that it made on
the original Agreement and extend and maintain that same M/WBE commitment of 16 percent to all prior
amendments up to and inclusive of this Amendment No. 2. Therefore, Dunaway Associates, LP, remains
in compliance with the City's MNVBE Ordinance and attests to its commitment by its signature on the
Acceptance of Previous M/WBE Commitment form executed by an authorized representative of its
This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 7, Mapsco 4U, 4V and 5S.
The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital
budget, as appropriated, of the Specially Funded Capital Projects Fund and the Street Improvements
2008 Fund.
TO F u nd/Accou nVC enters FROM Fund/Account/Centers
0204 531200 207230141430 $71944.00
0204 531200 207230141451 $14.700.40
0291 531240 207240141430 $250,164.00
C291 531290 2072401 41451 $35,860-00
C291 531240 207240141480 $11,875.00
Submitted for City Mana er's office b Fernando Costa (0122)
Originatina Department Head: Douglas W. Wiersig (7801)
Additional Information Contact: Patrick Buckley (2443)
1. 01414 Amend#2 Dunaway MWBE APCF.pdf (CFW Internal)
2. 01414 Avondale Haslet Dunawav Amend 2. df (CFW Internal)
3. C204 &C291 available funds. df (CFW Internal)
4. FAR016 Amend 2 Dunawa df (CFW Internal)
5. Location Map Avondale Haslet 01414..pdf (Public)