HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993/06/15-Minutes-City Council 142
Tuesday, June 8, 1993
Met in closed or It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Council meet
executive session in closed or executive session at 11:45` a.m. , to seek the advice of its
attorneys concerning the following pending or contemplated litigation or
other matters which are exempt from public disclosure under Article X,
Section 9 of the Texas State Bar Rules:
1) City of Fort Worth v. Tarrant County, Texas et al . , Cause No.
2) Nena Miller et al v. City of Fort Worth, Cause No. 236-125903
as authorized by Section 2(e) , Article 6252-17, V.A.C.S.
Reconvened into
regular session The City Council reconvened into regular session at 12:10 p.m. , with
eight members present, and Council Member Jim Lane absent.
Adjourned There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12 : 10
JUNE 15, 1993
Council Met On the 15th day of June, A.D. , 1993, the City Council of the City of
.Fort Worth, Texas, not in regular session, at 10:15 a.m. , with the
following members and- officers present:
Members Present -Mayor Ray Granger; -Mayor Pro tempore Virginia Nell Webber; Council
Members Jim Lane,° Chuck Silcox, Becky Raskin, Eugene McCray, Jewel Woods,
Bill Meadows, and Xonneth _Barr; City Manager Bob Terrell ; City Attorney
Wade Adkins; City Secretary Alice Church. With more than a quorum-
present, the following business was transacted:
Invocation The invocatiorr was given by The Reverend Sherman Allen of Shiloh .
Institutional Church of God in Christ.
Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge-of Allegiance was recited.
Minutes of June 8, on motion of --Caunoil, ihmber =Woods, seconded by Council Member
1993 approved Raskin, the minutes al -the reguler meeting of June 8, 1993, were approved
eoarks from retiring
ity Council Member The Council and; audience heard remarks from retiring City Council
Euguene McCray .Member Rugeae McCray.
dministered Oath of City Secretary Church administered Oath of Office to Council.Members
ffice - Elect Chuck Silcox and McKinley Jackson.
emarks of the newly The Council' and audience heard remarks of the newly elected City
lected City Council Council Members.
r. Brent Dickey re Mr. Brent Dickey, 3320 McLean, appeared before the City Council
lection of Mayor Pro regarding the election of the Mayor Pro tempore Webber. He said that any
ore Webber Council Member in arrears to the City should - correct the matter before.:.,
being elected to the office of Mayor- Pro tempore,-and he suggested that
the name of Virginia Hell Webber he withdrawn until the matter was
Mr. Pat Taylor re Mr. Pat Taylor, 1010 South Lake,. apartment #19, appeared before the
otation of Mayor Pro
tempore City Council and suggested that the Ci;ty .Council support the -rotation of
each City Council Member in the position of Mayor Pro tempore every three
Elected Mayor Pro Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
tempore - Virginia Nel Jackson, that Virginia Nell Webber 'be elected Mayor Pro tempore. The
Webber motion carried by the following vote:
Tuesday, June 15, 1993
AYES: Mayor Granger; Council Members Lane, Raskin,
Jackson, Woods, Meadows, Webber, and Barr
MOSS: Council Member Silcox
Proclamation - Colonel Council Member Silcox read a proclamation for Colonel Richard
Richard Szafranski Day Sxafranski Day and presented it to Lt. Colonel Derrick Curtis, 'in the
absence of Sxafranski.
ayor Pro tempore Webbe Mayor Pro tempore Webber excused herself from the Council table at
xcused herself from th this time.
ouncil table
C - Lt. Colonel Derric Council Member Meadows presented a Honorary Citizenship Certificate
urtis to Lt. Colonel Derrick Curtis of Carswell Air Force Base.
ithdrew MSC No 6-1020 Council Member Meadows requested that Mayor and Council
Communication No. 0-10207 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
onsent agenda approved on motion of Council Member Woods, seconded by Council Member
Meadows, the consent agenda, as amended, was approved unanimously.
esignation of Mr. Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods,
Larry B. Stevens that the resignation of Mr. Larry B. Stevens from the Electrical Board be
accepted with regrets. The motion carried unanimously.
ppointed Mr. Marshall Council Member Lane made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods,
obbs to the Community that Mr. Marshall Hobbs be appointed to Place 1 on the Community
evelopment Council ; Development Council ; that Becky Raskin be appointed to the Area
eck Haskin to the Area Metropolitan Ambulance Authority; and that Council Member Silcox and
tropolitan Ambulance Mayor Pro tempore Webber be appointed to the North Central Texas Council
uthority;Council Membe
ilcox to the NCTCGRTC of Government Regional Transportation Council . The motion carried
ppointed Dr. Paula Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member
astine to the Fort Silcox, that Dr. Paula Vastine be appointed to Place 6 on the Fort Worth
orth Comsission on the
tatus of Women Commission on the Status of Women.
ouncil Member Haskin r Council Member Haskin requested permission of the City Council to
bstain from voting abstain from voting on the appointment of Dr. Paula Vastine to the Fort
n the appointment Worth Commission on the Status of Women.
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that Council Member Haskin be permitted to abstain from voting on
the appointment of Dr. Paula Vastine to the Fort Worth Commission on the
Status of Women. The motion carried unanimously.
When the motion, that Dr. Paula Vastine be appointed to Place 6 on
the Fort Worth Commission on the Status of Women was put to a vote by the
Mayor, it prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Council Members Lane, Silcox,
Jackson, Woods, Meadows, and Barr
MOSS: None
ABSENT: Mayor Pro tempore Webber
NOT VOTING: Council Member Raskin
ouncil Member Barr re Council Member Barr expressed his appreciation to the family of the
xpressed appreciation late Kenneth McKinney for his service on the Historic and Cultural
o the family of the Landmark Commission and made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods,
ate Kenneth McKinney that Mr. Kenneth Scott Mitchell be appointed to Place 9 on the Historic
nd appointed Mr. Kennel and Cultural Landmark Commission, with a term of office expiring October
cott Mitchell to the 1 , 1993. The motion carried unanimously.
istoric S Cultural
andmark Commission
ppointed Mr. Charles Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member
ler to the ,Park and Woods, that Mr. Charles Dowler be appointed to Place 4 on the Park and
ecreation Advisory Recreation Advisory Board and thin Ms. Reed Bils be appointed to Place 4
oard;appointed Ms. Ree
ilz to the Fort Worth
ssion on the S1
f Wynn
Tuesday, June 15, 1993
on the Fort Worth Commission on the Status of Women, with terms of office
expiring October. 1, 1994. The nation carried unanimously.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-530 from
N&C OCS-530 re the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council
Liability Bonds authorize the acceptance of liability bonds. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
NiC OCS-531 re ?here was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-531 from
Claims the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council refer
notices of claims regarding alleged damages and/or injuries to the Risk
Management Department. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recoamendation.be adopted.
MiC G-10156 was Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
denied ,B,err, that <Mayor amtd tloumoiL,dommunication No. 0-10156, Proposed Retail
.Wastewater Rate Inorease, -bo denied. The motion carried unanimously.
H&C G-10156 Revised There was presented 46e}or ami Council Communication No. 0-10156
re Ordinance No. 1133i Revised, from the City,: Manager: recommending that,; Ordinance No. 11336
amending Sections 35-56(c) 35-56(d) , and 35-56(h) of Chapter 35 of the
Code of the City of rort� Worth :(1986) , as amended by revising certain
rates and charges be adopted. , ,
Mayor Pro tempore Mayor Pro tempors Wsbber ,assumed,;her chair at the Council table at
Webber assumed her
chair this time. ,
Mr. Lon Burnam re Mr. Lon Burnam, 2103 6th Avenue, appeared before the City Council
delay proposed retail and requested that the City >CeMacil -ielay the proposed retail wastewater
wastewater rate in- rate increase and suggested thwt staff 'take a leak at what kind of impact
crease this increase world batty on the City budget.
Ms. Ann Johnson re Ms. Mane Johnson, 3213 Forest Pam, Boulevard, appeared before the
proposed retail waste City Council and expressed opposition to the proposed retail wastewater
water rate increase rate increase and advised Council of the two months
period of time that
it took a crew to repair the sewage line behind her home as compared to
the two to three days that it took for the repairs on McCart Street.
Mr. Pedro Herrerra re Mr. Pedro Nerrerra, 3324 ;North Pecan Street, appeared before the
proposed retail waste City Council and expressed opposition to the proposed retail wastewater
water rate increase rate increase and voiced concern .regarding his present garbage service.
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Woods, that the Mayor and Council Communication be approved, as amended,
by maintaining thewserviee. .charge at SA.90 and amending the volume charge
to 11 08 ,per -180 eubie: fset ,aand stated that this rate not take effect
until after the +study of the =Water Department had been approved. The
motion carrked,unanimously.
Mayor Granger re Mayor Granger advised Council that the consent agenda needed to be
consent agenda to be reconsidered in order to remove Maper and Council Communication No. C-
reconsidered 13872 from the consent agenda.
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
MSC C-13872 removed Silcox, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13872 be removed from
from consent agenda the consent agenda. The motion carried unanimously.
Consent agenda approvel On motion of Council Member Meadows, seconded by Council Member
as amended Barr, the consent agenda, as amended, was approved.
Mr. Pat Taylor re Mr. Pat Taylor, 10110 South Lake, #19, appeared before the City
expansion on the Fort Council and expressed concern regarding the expansion on the Fort Worth
Worth Central Library Central Library and questioned the capability of Growald Architects in
the design and completion of this expansion project.
Mr. Tom Oliver re Mr. Tom Oliver, 4013 8th Avenue, appeared before the City Council
treat teenagers as and requested that the City Council treat teenagers, aged 13 through 16,
adults as adults whenever they were involved in a crime
Rev.. 4ose Stewart re Rev. Jose Stewart', 905 Bob White, #1305, appeared before the City
youth n r Council and requested that the :City Comacil: constiruc0 a youth center in
the �as�tarea . athe Eastwood area of tort: north.
Tuesday, June 15, 1993
Council Member Woods
re CDBG funds to build Council Member Woods requested that staff check to see if the City
a community center could use CDBG funds to build a community center in this area.
MAC G-10205 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10205 from
partial tax exemption
eligibility at 1829 the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
Sixth Avenue application for partial tax exemption eligibility of the property at 1829
Sixth Avenue (Fairmount Southside Historic District) . It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC G-10206 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10206 from
approve a grant from the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
the Ronald McDonald Manager to apply for, and accept if approved, a grant in the amount of
Children's Charities $23,366.00 from the Ronald McDonald Children's Charities to underwrite
the cost of developing and designing a bilingual coloring book for young
children; authorize the expenditure of these funds to pay the expenses of
the project as listed; and apply the current indirect cost rate for this
department (38.64 percent) in accordance with Administrative Regulation
AR 3-15. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C G-10207 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10207 from
adopt Resolution No. the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Resolution No.
1918 1918 requesting the Texas Department of Commerce remove its designation
of PTCC, Inc. , as an enterprise project.
Council Member Meadows Council Member Meadows advised Council that he would file a conflict
re MAC G-10207 of interest affidavit on Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10207
conflict of interest
affidavit involving Tandy Corporation.
Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10207 be approved.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber;
Council Members Lane, Silcox, Haskin, Jackson,
Woods, and Barr
NOT VOTING: Council Member Meadows
6-10208 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10208 from
acquisition of fee the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
simple title acquisition of fee simple title to a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Don
McLeland Industrial Addition, and authorize the acceptance and recording
of the appropriate deed to the property after review and approval by the
City Attorney. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C G-10209 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10209 from
onation from Mrs. the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
aird's Bakeries Manager to apply for, and accept, if offered, a donation in the amount of
dopt Appropriations
rdinance No. 11337 $1,900.00 from Mrs. Baird's Bakeries to underwrite the cost of restoring
the Sweetie Ladd Historical Art Collection which was recently acquired
permanently for the Fort Worth Public Library; adopt Appropriations
Ordinance No. 11337 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriation
in the Special Trust Fund in the amount of $1,900.00 for the purpose of
accepting a donation from Mrs. Baird's :Bakeries to underwrite the cost of
restoring the Sweetie Ladd Historical Art Collection; and authorize the
expenditure of $1,900.00 to pay the expenses of the project as listed
under Special Trust Fund (FE72) . It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
G-10210 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10210 from
pprove the DFW RAILTRA the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the DFW
System RAILTRAN System operating budget for FY 1993-94, per the May 20, 1993,
recommendation of the RAILTRAN Policy Committee. On motion of Council
Member Barr, seconded by Council Member Woods, the recommendation was
adopted unanimously.
Tuesday, -June 15, 1993
C G-10211 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10211 from
ccept donation from the City Manager recommending that the City Council :
reese and Nichols, Inc ,,
ed Burleson and
ssociates, Union 1. Accept the donation of $500.00 from Freese and Nichols , Inc. ,
acific Resources Comp Ay for the City's household hazardous waste collection program,
any, Menasco Aero- and
ystems. Lockheed,
rom participants duri
ousehold hazardous wa 2. Accept the donation of $500.00 from Ned Burleson and Associates
ollection, adopt for the City's household hazardous waste collection program,
ppropriations Ordinan and
o. 11338
3. Accept the donation of $500joO , from: Union Pacific Resources
Company for the City's-household hazardous waste collection
program, and
4. Accept the donation of $100.00 from Menasco Aerosystems for the
City's household hazardous waste collection program, and
5. Accept the donation of $500.00 from Lockheed for the City's
household hazardous waste. collection program, and
6. Accept donations totaling $177.75 received from participants
during the household hazardous waste collection event , and
7 . Adopt the Appropriations Ordinance No. 11338 increasing
estimated receipts and appropriations by $2 ,277 .75 in the
Environmental Management Fund -from increased revenue, and
S. Authorize the expeaditnre —of $2,277.75 from the Environmental
Management Fund for non-disposal cost related to the household
hazardous waste collection program.
C G-10211 adopted On motion of Council Member Barr, seconded by Council Member Raskin, the
recommendations were adopted unanimously.
C G-10212 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10212 from
ontinue employment of the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
elly, hart and Hall- Manager to continue employment of Kelly, Hart and Hallman, Attorneys at
n, Attorneys at Law
Law, as an outside counsel to provide special expertise and assistance in
the Arlington Rate Case and litigation, in an amount not to exceed
ouncil Member Meadows Council Member Meadows advised Council that he would file a conflict
e MAC G-10212 file a of interest affidavit on Mayor and Council Communication No. 0-10212
onflice of interest involving the law firm of Kelly, Hart and Hallman.
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10212 be approved. The motion
carried by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber;
Council Members Lane, Silcox, Haskin, Jackson,
Woods, and Barr
NOES: None
NOT vOTING: Council Member Meadows
C P-6501 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6501 from
urchase agreement the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a purchase
th Clark Electrical agreement to provide electrical service repairs for the City of Fort
onstruction, Inc.
Worth with Clark Electrical Construction, Inc. , on sole quotation of unit
prices, with term of agreement to begin June 15, 1993, and end June 14,
1994, with all terms net; f.o.b. destination, freight no charge. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
P-6502 re There was presented Mayor and Council -Communication No. P-6502 from
purchase agreement the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
th Bearing, Inc., Kii for renewal of the purchase agreement to provide bearing and seals for
, Pearing Division the City of Fort Worth with Bearing, Inc. , King Bearing Division, on its
Tuesday, June 15, 1993
P-6502 Cont. low overall bid of unit prices and percent discount off dealer's list
and adopted price, with term of agreement to begin July 7 , 1993, and end July 6,
1994. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation
be adopted.
C P-6503 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6503 from
purchase agreement the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorise a purchase
from American Automatic agreement for fire sprinkler system test and repair for the City of Fort
Sprinkler Incorporated Worth from American Automatic Sprinkler Incorporated based on low bid of
unit prices, f .o.b. destination, freight no charge, with term of
agreement to begin June 15, 1993, and end June 14, 1994, with two options
to renew for one year each. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
P-6504 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6504 from
purchase agreement filth the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
SNtWelJ9kg6i`iOeattun, to renew the purchase agreement for OEM Briggs & Stratton, Kohler, Onan,
19oboany Cnpan. Visconsin Wisconsin and Honda parts and engines for the City Services Department
with Cantwell Equipment Company based on quoted discounts, f.o.b.
destination, freight no charge, with term of agreement to begin July 4,
1993, and end July 3, 1994. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
C P-6505 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6505 from
urchase agreement the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
atson Distributing to renew the purchase agreement for various OEM parts for the-city
ompany Services Department with Watson Distributing Company based on quoted
discounts, f.o.b. destination, freight no charge, with term of agreement
to begin June 13, 1993, and end June 12, 1994. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6506 from
C P-6506 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
purchase agreement
with American LaFrance to renew the purchase agreement for American LaFrance parts for the City
International Services Department with American LaFrance International as the sole
source based on manufacturer's list prices, f.o.b. destination, freight
no charge, with term of agreement to begin June 20, 1993, and end June
19, 1994. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6507 from
C P-6507 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
purchase agreement to renew the purchase agreement for sweeper parts for the City Services
ith Old Dominion Department with Old Dominion Brush Company based on unit prices and
rush Company
quoted discounts, f.o.b. Fort Worth, Texas, freight no charge, with term
of agreement to begin June 26, 1993., and end June 25, 1994. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6508 from
C P-6508 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
purchase agreement to renew the purchase agreement for OEM Champion, Galion, JCB, and
ith AIS Continental Gradall parts and engines for the City Services Department with AIS
Continental based on low bid of quoted discounts, f .o.b. destination,
freight no charge, with term of agreement to begin July 6, 1993, and end
July 5, 1994. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6509 from
MC P-6509 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
urchase agreement to renew the purchase agreement for OEM Myers Machine Parts for the City
ith Davis Truck S Services Department. with Davis Truck & Equipment Company Incorporated
quipment Company based on unit prices, f.o.b. destination, freight no charge, with term of
Incorporated agreement to begin June 23, 1993, and end June 24, 1994, with one option
to renew. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6510 from
C P-6510 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the first
purchase agreement option to renew a purchase agreement for janitorial service for the
Sam Ogie Janitorial Library Department with Sam Ogie Janitorial on bid of $3,527 .50 per
month, net f.o.b. Fort Worth, with term of agreement to begin June 1,
Tuesday, June 15, 1993
C P-6510 Cont. and 1993, and end May 30, 1994, with one option to renew. It was the
dopted consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6511 from
C P-6511 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
urchase agreement to renew the purchase agreement for OEM Sreco Flexible Parts for the City
with Sreco Flexible Services Department with Sreco Flexible Incorporated as sole source based
Incorporated on manufacturer's list price, f .o.b. destination, freight no charge, with
term of agreement to begin June 26,1993, and end June 25, 1994 . It was
the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6512 from
UC P-6512 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
urchase agreement to renew the purchase agreement for welding repair and supplies for the
ith National Melding
upply Company City of Fort Worth with National Welding Supply Company based on unit
prices, f.o.b. destination, freight no charge, with term of agreement to
begin June 9, 1993, and end June 8, 1994. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C P-6513 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6513 from
urchase agreement the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
with Midco Sling E to renew the purchase agreement for hydraulic and pneumatic tool repair
able Company
for the City of Fort Worth with Midco Sling & Cable Company based on unit
prices , f .o.b. destination, freight no charge, with term of agreement to
begin June 30, 1993, and end June 29, 1994. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C P-6514 re
urchase agreement witl There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6514 from
alcon Office and the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
ngineering Supply on a purchase agreement to furnish engineering and drafting supplies to
the City of Fort Worth with Falcon Office and Engineering Supply on low
bid of unit prices per bid 92-3003, net f.o.b. Fort Worth, with term of
agreement to begin on June 30, 1993, and end June 29, 1994. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
IUC P-6515 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6515 from
urchase agreement witt the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the first of
exmaster Express
two options to renew the purchase agreement to provide courier service
for the Health Department with Texmaster Express on low bid of $572.00
per month, for a total amount not to exceed $6,864 .00 , with renewal
option on this agreement to begin April 7 , 1993, and end April 6, 1994,
with one renewal option remaining. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C P-6516 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6516 from
urchase from M.M. the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
rainger, Inc. purchase of globe and reflector assemblies for the Transportation and
Public Works Department from W. W. Grainger, Inc. , on low bid of
$5,665.00, net 30, f .o.b. destination, freight no charge. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C P-6517 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6517 from
urchase agreement the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a purchase
ith Cantwell' Equipmen , agreement to provide parts and service for the Water Department with
Inc. Cantwell Equipment, Inc. , on low overall bid of unit prices, with term of
agreement to begin June 15, 1993, and end June 14, 1994. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C P-6518 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6518 from
onfirm emergency the City Manager recommending that the City Council confirm emergency
epairs from Cooper repairs to engine number seven for the Water Department from Cooper
nergy Services Energy Services for an amount not to exceed $112 ,845.00. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C P-6519 re
onfirm the purchase There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6519 from
f emergency repairs the City Manager recommending that the City Council confirm the purchase
rom Gifford Hill of emergency repairs for the Water Department from Gifford Hill American
rican Incorporated Incorporated for an amount not to exceed $13,343.00 f .o.b. Grand Prairie
Plant, freight no charge. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the recommendation be adopted.
Tuesday, June 15, 1993
C L-11284 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11284 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as a portion
easement of Lot A, Block 1 , Goodwill Industries Addition, Parcel 7 (1701 East
Lancaster Avenue) ; find that $1 .00 is just compensation for the temporary
construction easement acquired from Goodwill Industries of Fort Worth,
required for sanitary sewer relocation IH-30 reconstruction
project/Contract IA; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the
appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C L-11285 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11285 from
pprove the acquisition the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
f a permanent easement
nd temporary construe- acquisition of a permanent easement and temporary construction easement
ion easement described as being a portion of Block C, Chambers Addition, Parcel 3
(Highway 287, North of I-30) ; find that $1.00 is just compensation for
each easement acquired from Fort Worth ISO, required for sanitary sewer
relocation of IH-30 reconstruction project, Contract IA; and authorize
the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easements. . It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
EC PZ-1699 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. PZ-1699 from
adopt Ordinance No. the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No.
1339 11339 vacating, abandoning and closing and extinguishing a sanitary sewer
easement located Lot 1, Block 1-R, Great Western Foods Addition to the
City of Fort Worth, Texas. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the recommendation be adopted.
C C-13867 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13867 from
nd MAC C-13763 the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
Manager to amend Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13763 Classroom
Training Contracts for Title II-A and III of the Job Training Partnership
Act to amend the anticipated invoice amounts. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
[ervices C-13868 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13868 from
tract with the the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
versity of North Manager to:
as;Midwestern State
versity;Prairie View
University;Henkles 1 . Execute contracts with the following universities for
McCoy, Inc.;FMISD; implementation of the Youth Opportunities Unlimited Program for
ndment with Willow the contract period June 1, 1993, to August 26, 1993, and
k Educational
a. Execute a contract with the University of North Texas in
the amount of $174,600.00.
b. Execute a contract with Midwestern State University in the
amount of $87 ,300.00.
C. Execute a contract with Prairie View A&M University in the
amount of $192,060.00.
2. Execute a contract with Henkles and McCoy, Inc. , in the amount
of $54,698.00 to implement the Build Me - Keep Me Program for
the contract period June 1 , 1993 , to August 26, 1993, and
3. Execute an amendment to the contract with Fort Worth
Independent School District for the Discovery Program
increasing the amount of the contract by $52,286.00 to a new
total contract amount of $148, 686.00 , and
4. Execute an amendment to the contract with Willow Park
Educational Services for the Connect Program increasing the
amount of the contract by $78,899.00 to a new total contract
amount of $140 ,979.00 .
C C-13868 adopted It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be
Tuesday, June 15, 1993
Min C-13869
Ken Moore Enterprises. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13869 from
Inc. sole concession- the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize Ken Moore
aire in catering Enterprises, Inc. , as the sole concessionaire in catering for winners and
awards receptions sponsored by the City of Fort Worth per the following
• National Cutting Horse Association, C-11372 , dated 12-20-88,
effective through 1994
• Appaloosa World Championship Show, C-18090, dated 8-24-90 ,
effective through 1997
• American Paint Horse World Championship Show, C-18902 , dated 1-
28-92 , effective through 1996
• American Jr. Quarter Horse World Championship Show, C-19138,
dated 6-11-92 , effective through 1994
• International Arabian Horse Assn. Region IX Championship Horse
Show, to be effective through 1995.
MAC C-13869 adopted It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
MSC C-13870 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13870 from
approve a bond fund the City Manager recommending- that the City Council approve a $2 ,525.00
transfer;authorize bond fund transfer from Inner City Streets Unspecified to E. Stella
Change Order No. 7 Street from E. Vickery Street to S. Riverside Drive, and authorize Change
with Malt Williams Con Order No. 7 in the amount of $2,525.00 one additional working day to City
struction Company Secretary Contract No. '19223 with Walt -Williams Construction Company for
the assessment paving of E. Stella Street -from East Vickery Boulevard to
South Riverside Drive, revising the total contract cost to $569,800.65.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
MSC C-13871 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13871 from
approve a bund trans- the City Manager recommending that the City Council :
fer Water Capital Pro
jects;approve a fund 1. Approve a $180,402.00 fund transfer from the Water and Sewer
transfer Sewer Capital Operating Fund, Water Capital Projects Fund, Water Replacement
Project;approve a fun in Martin Avenue from Trentman Street to Tahoe Street, and
transfer Streets
Assessments Project;
approve a fund trans- 2 . Approve a $140,732.50 fund transfer from the Water and Sewer
fer Speical Assess- Operating Fund, Sewer Capital Project to the Sewer Capital
ments Fund;approve Projects Fund, Sewer Replacement in Martin Avenue from Trentman
a bond fund transfer Street to Tahoe Street, and
Inner City Streets
Unspecified Project;
contract with McClendci 3. Approve a $75,000 .00 fund transfer from the Streets Assessments
Construction Co., Inc. Project to the Martin, Trentman to Tahoe, Project in the Grants
Circle "C" Constructici, Fund, and
4. Approve a $35,002.51 fund transfer for the property owners'
share from the Special Assessments Fund to the Street
Improvements Fund, and
S. Approve a $351 ,515.54 bond fund transfer from the Inner City
Streets Unspecified Project to the Martin, Trentman to Tahoe,
Project in the Street Improvements Bond Fund, and
6. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with McClendon
Construction Co. , Inc. , in the amount of $439,541.00 with 110
calendar days for street paving improvements to Martin from
Trentman to Tahoe, and
7 . Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Circle
"C" Construction, Inc. , in the amount of $285,452 . 50 for water
and sewer replacements in Martin Avenue from Trentman Street to
Tahoe Street .
MAC C-13871 adopted It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be
Tuesday, June 15, 1993
MAC C-13872 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13872 from
amendment No. 4 to the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
the Architectural Manager to execute Amendment No. 4 to the Architectural Services
Services Agreement wit
Growald Architects Agreement with Growald Architects (City Secretary Contract No. 18950) for
the design of the Central Library Expansion and Cable T. V. Studio to
increase the Special Services fee by $5,500.00 to $60,359.06 and increase
the estimated total architectural fee to $489, 249.00 .
Mr. Pat Taylor re Mr. Pat Taylor, 1010 South Lake, #19, appeared before the City
MAC C-13872 Council and urged the City Council to reject Mayor and Council
Communication C-13872 and hire a professional engineer that would answer
directly to the City Council and the taxpayers.
ACM Ramon Guajardo re Assistant City Manager Ramon Guajardo appeared before the City
MAC C-13872 Council and advised Council that this Mayor and Council Communication was
not for the redesign of the street, but to accommodate the City's desire
to refine the grading design. He stated that Growald Architects was the
original contractor for the design and expansion of the Central Library
and should be the ones to oversee any amendment to the original contract .
Council Member Barr re Council Member Barr requested that the Mayor and Council
MAC C-13872
Communication reflect the purpose of the amendment to the architectural
services agreement with Growald Architects for the design of Central
Library Expansion Cable T.V. Studio.
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Meadows, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13872 be approved, as
amended, and to state under the "Discussion" section, that it was clearly
architecturally related. When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor,
it prevailed unanimously.
MAC C-13873 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13873 from
approve a fund transfer the City Manager recommending that the City Council :
Water Capital Projects,
approve a fund transfer 1 . Approve a $177 ,364.40 fund transfer from the Water & Sewer
Sewer Capital Project, Operating Fund, Water Capital Projects to the Water Capital
approve a fund transfer
Streets Assessments Projects Fund, Water Replacement in Martin Avenue from Wichita
Project, approve a Street to Shackleford Street, and
fund transfer Special
Assissments Fund, 2. Approve a $103,064.50 fund transfer from the Water & Sewer
approve a bond fund Operating Fund, Sewer Capital Project to the Sewer Capital
transfer Inner City
Streets Unspecified Projects Fund, Sewer Replacement in Martin Avenue from Wichita
Project, contract with Street to Shackleford Street, and
Walt Williams Construc-
tion, Inc., J.D. Vicker 3. Approve a $55,000.00 fund transfer from the Streets Assessments
Inc. Project to the Martin, Wichita to Shackleford, Project in the
Grants Fund, and
4. Approve a $16, 679. 90 fund transfer for the property owners'
share from the Special Assessments Fund to the Street
Improvements Bond Fund, and
5. Approve a $568,668.23 bond fund transfer from the Inner City
Streets Unspecified Project to the Martin, Wichita to
Shackleford, Project in the Street Improvements Bond Fund, and
6. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Walt
Williams Construction, Inc. , in the amount of $615,348 .13 with
125 calendar days for street paving improvements to Martin from
Wichita to Shackleford, and
7 . Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with J.D.
Vickers, Inc. , in the amount of $247 , 949. 90 for water and sewer
replacements in Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to
Shackleford Street .
C-13878 adopted It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be
C C-13874 ire There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13874 from
rescind allocation the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
to the society of Mary'tar Manager to rescind allocation to the Society of Mary's Stars, Inc. , (Star
s, Inc. (Star House ,
nd contract with
ridge Emergency
lter Grant, amend col-
Tuesday, June 15, 1993
MAC C-13874 Cont. and House) approved by Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13708, which
adopted allocated $6,000.00 in 1993 Emergency Shelter Grant (ESGP) funding; amend
the contract with Bridge Association from $5,000.00 to $7 ,000 .00 and
amend the contract with the Women's Haven from $11,000.00 to $15,000.00 ,
and authorize the transfer of $6,000.00 from Grant Fund 76 , Society of
Mary's Stars, Inc. , to Grant Fund 76, Bridge Association ($2,000 .00) and
Grant Fund 76, Women's Haven ($4,000.00) . It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC C-13875 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13875 from
interim management and the City Manager recommending that the City Council :
operation of the FBO
Services;approve 1 . Ratify the action taken by the City Manager to assume interim
Ordinance management and operation of the FBO services at Fort Worth
monthly lease agree men agree
from Triton Fuel Group Spinke Airport, and
2. Approve Ordinance No. 11340 increasing the estimated receipts
and appropriations in the Airport Fund in the amount of
$75,000.00 from= increased revenue from the FBO operation at
Fort Worth Spinks Airport, and
3. Approve the purchase of aviation fuels, supplies, an aircraft
tow-bar an& tug for+ $48,145.00 (estimated through September 30,
1993) , and
4. Approve the Uomthly lease agreement for two fuel dispensing
trucks fray Triton Fuel Group, .Inc. , for $4,140 .00 (estimated
through September 30, 19930, and
5. Approve the addition of four 80-1 personnel to provide the FBO
MSC C-13875 adopted On motion of Council Member Meadows, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore
Webber, the recommendations were adopted unanimously.
MAC FP-3085 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP-3085 from
final payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete
J.D. Vickers, Inc. the contract with J.D. Vickers, Inc. , for Water and Sewer Replacements to
Hale Avenue and Malone Street , and authorize final payment in the amount
of $11,659.02 to J.D. Vickers, Inc. , bringing the final project cost to
$49,919.07 under City Secretary Contract No. 19583. It was the consensus
of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C FP-3086 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP-3086 from
final payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete
W.F. Carter Construc- the alterations and additions to Fire Station No. 2, and authorize final
tion Company, Inc. payment of $12,692.75 to W. F. Carter Construction Company, Inc. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Zoning Hearing It appeared to the City Council that Resolution No. 1913 was adopted
on May 18, 1993, setting today as the date for the hearing in connection
with the recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 3011 ,
and notice of the hearing had been given by publication in the Fort Worth
Commercial_ Recorder, the .official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth,
Texas, on May 21, 1993. Mayor Granger asked if there was anyone present
desiring to be heard.
Gena Ferreira re Ms. Gene Ferreira, 4567 Meadowbrook Drive, appeared before the City
-92-87 Council and inquired as to why one of the items on the zoning docket were
just now being presented to the City Council for its approval .
r. Joe Bilardi re Mr. Joe Bilardi , Director of the Development Department, appeared
-92-87 before the City Council and advised Council that Zoning Docket Z-92-87
required the metes and bounds description before it could be presented to
City Council and stated that the applicant had been ill causing a delay
in receipt of the metes and bounds description.
Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member
-92-087 Cont. until Woods, that the application of Tarrant Aggregates Corporation for a
une 29, 1993 change in zoning of property located in the 7000 block of Jack Newell
Boulevard South from "G" Commercial to "J" Light „Industrial , Zoning
Tuesday, June 15, 1993
Z-92-087 cost. Docket No. Z-92-087 be continued until June 29, 1993. The motion carried
Mr. H. Dennis Hopkins Mr. H. Dennis Hopkins, 6850 Manhatten Road, Suite 406, appeared
re Z-93-025 before the City Council and advised Council that the applicant , Autozone,
Inc. , would not be using that facility as a service facility.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection
with the zoning application of Autozone, Inc. , for a change in zoning of
property located in the 6600 block of McCart Avenue from "E" Commercial
to "F-R" Restricted Commercial , Zoning Docket No. Z-93-025, Council
Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that the
Zoning Application be approved. The motion carried unanimously.
Council Member Silcox made a motion, seconded by Council Member
-93-032 Woods that the application of Hawthorn Park Joint Venture for a change in
zoning of property located in the 7600-7700 block of Bellaire Drive South
from "E" Commercial , "G" Commercial , and "A" One-Family, to "A" One-
Family, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-032 , be adopted. The motion carried
Mr. Larry Chapman re Mr. Larry Chapman, representing the Meadowbrook Homeowners
-93-033 Association, 1752 Yolanda, appeared before the City Council in support of
the proposed change in zoning of property located at 4800 and 4804
Brentwood Stair Road from "E-R" Restricted Commercial to "B" Two-Family,
Zoning Docket No. Z-93-033.
Mr. Charles Barnett, applicant for a change in zoning of property
Mr. Charles Barnett re located at 4800 and 4804 Brentwood Stair Road from "E-R" Restricted
-93-033 Commercial to "B" Two-Family, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-033, appeared before
the City Council and requested that the City Council give favorable
consideration for the change in zoning.
Council Member Baskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Woods, that the application of Charles D. and Frances Barnett for a
change in zoning of property located at 4800 and 4804 Brentwood Stair
Road from "E-R" Restricted Commercial to "B" Two-Family, Zoning Docket
No. Z-93-033 , be adopted. The motion carried unanimously.
rdinance No. 10341 ORDINANCE NO. 10341
s. Marla Jesmore re Ms. Marla Jesmore, 6413 South Hulen Street, appeared before the City
ew spokesperson for Council and introduced herself as the new spokesperson for the Librarians
he Librarians Association.
r. Joe Blair re Mr. Joe Blair, 2517 Wills Point, appeared before the City Council
un buy-back program; regarding the support of the City for a gun buy-back program one week and
then co-hosting a gun show the next week, and requested that the City
Council support a five-day waiting period for the purchase of handguns.
yor Granger re Mayor Granger advised Mr. Blair that the City Attorney would
r. Blair the City research this issue.
ttorney would research
is issue
Tuesday, June 15, 1993
Mayor Pro tempore Mayor Pro tempore Webber excused herself from the Council table at
Webber excused her- this time.
self from the Council
Mr. Pat Taylor re Mr. Pat Taylor, 1010 South Lake, #19, appeared before the City
travel expenses by Council and stated that he believed in equal opportunity and
Mayor Pro tempore accountability for all people, and he questioned the failure to account
Webber for over $2 ,000 in travel expenses by Mayor Pro tempore Webber.
Mayor Pro tempore Mayor Pro tempore Webber assumed her chair at the Council table at
Webber assumed her this time.
Adjourned There being no further business, the City Council meeting adjourned
at 11: 55 a.m.
JUNE 22, 1993
Council Met On the 22nd day of June, A.D. , 1993, the City Council of the City of
Fort Worth, Texas, met in regular session, at 10: 28 a.m. , with the
following members and officers present:
Members Present Mayor Kay Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Virginia Nell Webber; Council
Members Jim Lane, Chuck Silcox, Becky Haskin, McKinley Jackson, Bill
Meadows, and Kenneth Barr; City Manager Bob Terrell ; City Attorney Wade
Adkins; City Secretary Alice Church. Council Member Jewel Woods was
absent. With more than a quorum present, the following business was
Invocation The invocation was given by the Reverend Gu Juin, Associate
Minister, First Christian Church.
Plee of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Minutes of June 15, On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council Member
1993 approved Baskin, the minutes of the regular meeting of June 15, 1993, were
approved unanimously.
Withdrew MAC C-13878 Mayor Granger requested that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-
13878 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Withdrew MAC G-10216 Council Member Silcox requested that Mayor and Council Communication
No. G-10216 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Consent agenda On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council Member Barr,
approved the consent agenda, as amended, was approved unanimously.
Appointed Council Mayor Pro tempore Webber made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Members Kenneth Barr Meadows, that Council Members Kenneth Barr and Jim Lane be appointed to
and Jim Lane to the the Housing Programs Committee. The motion carried unanimously.
Housing Programs
Committee There was presented Resolution No. 1919 congratulating the Texas
Resolution No. 1919 Municipal League on a successful legislative session and extending
Texas Municipal League appreciation to the TML Staff. On motion of Council Member Meadows,
seconded by Council Member Silcox, the resolution was adopted
OCS-532 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-532 from
Liability Bonds the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council
authorize the acceptance of liability bonds. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.