HomeMy WebLinkAbout(0052) ZC-20-178Case Number ZC-20-178 FORTWORTH ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council Meeting Date: February 2, 2021 Zoning Commission Recommendation: Approval by a vote of 9-0 Opposition: None submitted Support: None submitted Owner/Applicant: Jason & Amy Everett Site Location: 3911 Race Street Proposed Use: Commercial Council District 8 Continued Case Manager Surplus Council Initiated Acreage: 0.169 Request: From: "B" Two -Family To: "FR" General Commercial Restricted Land Use Compatibility: Requested change is compatible. Yes _ No X Laura Evans Yes _ No X Yes _ No X Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Requested change is consistent Inconsistency). Staff Recommendation: Approval (Technical Background: The applicant is proposing a zone change to "FR" General Commercial Restricted for a commercial development. The site is located at the northwest corner of Race Street and Harper Street and is currently zoned "B" Two Family. The current "B" zoning is not appropriate at this location due to its proximity to SH 121. Site Information: Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: North "FR" General Commercial Restricted / SH 121 East "F" General Commercial / commercial South "I" Light Industrial / industrial West "FR" General Commercial Restricted / commercial Zoning History: None Public Notification: 300 foot Legal Notifications were mailed on December 22, 2020. The following organizations were notified: (emailed December 21, 2020) Organizations Notified Riverside Alliance Neighborhoods of East Fort Worth Carter Riverside NA East Fort Worth, Inc. Page 1 of 2 Streams And Valleys Inc Trinity Habitat for Humanity Oakhurst Alliance of Neighbors United Riverside Rebuilding Corporation, Inc. East Fort Worth Business Association Fort Worth ISD *Located within this Neighborhood Association Development Impact Analysis: 1. Land Use Compatibility The applicant is proposing a zoning change to "FR" General Commercial Restricted for a commercial development. Surrounding land uses are primary commercial and industrial with SH 121 to the north. The proposed zoning is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. Comprehensive Plan Consistency - Northeast The 2020 Comprehensive Plan designates the property as Neighborhood Commercial. While the property is zoned "B" Two Family, there is not any residential uses or zoning in the immediate proximity. The proposed "FR" zoning is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan policies. • Encourage development type and intensity appropriate to existing or planned street infrastructure. • Promote appropriate infill development of vacant lots within developed areas, which will efficiently utilize existing infrastructure Based on the conformance with the future land use map and policies stated above, the proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Attachments: • Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. • Area Map • Future Land Use Map • Aerial Photograph Page 2 of 2 FORT WORTH. Area Zoning Map Applicant: Jason & Amy Everett Address: 3911 Race Street Zoning From: B Zoning To: FR Acres: 0.16977712 Mapsco: 64N Sector/District: Northeast Commission Date: 1/13/2021 Contact: 817-392-8043 3851 3851 3851 3K 1 P, ER 3851 3851 PD48 - Subject Area ® 300 Foot Notification 39-31 3931 �Z: -0-05 FR E ZC-20-178 rD C 4 " 721 721 7$d 770 l 780 n IOI 605 512 1341 941 �01 0 85 170 340 Feet Created: 12/21/2020 11:10:51 AM FORT WORTH ,-11,11,1110 Area Map 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet ZC-20-178 Created: 12/21/2020 11:09:56 AM FORTWORTH. ZC-20-178 Future Land Use is A -Activity Street ' Institutional CMCO - Commercial Connector Neighborhood Commercial is CMU - Commercial Mixed Use Street General Commercial is NC - Neighborhood Connector Light Industrial SL -System Link ! Heavy Industrial Vacant, Undeveloped, Agricultural Mixed -Use Rural Residential Industrial Growth Center Suburban Residential Infrastructure Single Family Residential 100 Year Flood Plan Manufactured Housing Public Park, Recreation, Open Space Low Density Residential Private Park, Recreation, Open Space Medium Density Residential Lakes and Ponds - High Density Residential 50 25 0 50 Feet N A Comprehensive Plan shal not constitute zoning regulations or as tab is hzoning district bow dad as. (Texas Local Government Code, Section 213.005.) Land use designationswere approved by City Council on March 6, 2018. Created: 12J2112020 11:11:42 AM F011IR4T WORTH.: Aerial Photo Map ■ ZC-20-178 . }Z�� � � K . � ! � AN LU CL � > . � .... . . , . - _ �� . � w� ■ � w �- LU VL Lj % LO = 2 ' ` f x 0 35 70 140 QG