HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993/10/12-Minutes-City Council 302
Tuesday, October 5, 1993
OCS-566 Annexation
of Overton South There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the
Addition Cont. public hearing for the annexation of Overton South Addition, Block 21, Lot 1, 2, and 3,
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member Barr, that the hearing
be closed. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Sean Rafferty re Mr. Sean Rafferty, 2433 Dancy Drive North, appeared before the City Council and
expressed appreciation expressed appreciation to the City Council over the lights that the Northbrook Area had
of lights at the North- received thus far, but advised Council that the area along Navasota was really dark and
brook Area
that the residents in that area were concerned with regard to safety, and requested
that lights be placed in the cul de sacs.
Mr. Will Ingram,,°Sabe Mr. Will Ingram, III, 3908 Clotell Dr. ; Sabe Braheem, 3911 East Berry; Diane
Braheem, Diane Mood,
Rodney Williams, Stella Wood, 2308 Aster Avenue; Rodney Williams, 2201 East Berry; Stella Houston, 3233 Sandy
Houston, DeLane Spencer Lane Drive; DeLane Spencer, LaChester McGown, and Cheryl Dickson, 2901 Hunting Drive,
LaChester McGown, and appeared before the City Council and expressed concern regarding the death of Eric
Cherly Dickson re Spencer, and expressed concern about alleged wrongdoing of Police Department personnel .
death of Eric Spencer
and wrongdoing of the
Police Department Mr. Ross Stevens, 4701 Three River Court, appeared before the City Council and
Mr. Ross Stevens re presented a World Class Greenway Petition to the City Council in support of the Trinity
presented a World River Trails.
Class Greenway Petition
Ms. Holly Laverne Page Ms. Holly Laverne Page, appeared before the City Council regarding a raid that
re raid at her aunt's was lead on her aunts house while looking for an individual that did not live at this
house and police address and advised Council that the police personnel would not allow her aunt to speak
personnel with Internal Affairs.
Mayor Granger re Mayor Granger advised Ms. Page to speak with Assistant City Manager Libby Watson
Ms. Page to ACM Libby regarding this matter.
djourned There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
— =G J
OCTOBER 12, 1993
Council Met On the 12th day of October, A.D. , 1993, the City Council of the City of Fort
Worth, Texas, met in regular session, at 10:38 a.m. , with the following members and
officers present:
Members Present Mayor Ray Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Virginia Nell Webber; Council Members Jim
Lane, Chuck Silcox, Becky Haskin, Jewel Woods, Bill Meadows, and Kenneth Barr; City
Manager Bob Terrell; Deputy City Attorney Bill Wood; City Secretary Alice Church.
Council Member McKinley Jackson was absent. With more than a quorum present, the
following business was transacted:
Invocation The invocation was given by The Reverend Paul Omozusi, New Mount Carmel Baptist
Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Minutes of October 5, On motion of Council Member Woods, seconded by Council Member Barr, the minutes
1993 approved of the regular meeting of October 5, 1993, were approved unanimously.
Proclamation - Health
Care Securities/Safety A proclamation for Health Care Securities/Safety Officer Week/Day was presented.
Officer Week/Day
Proclamation - Cowtown A proclamation for Cowtown Brush-Up was presented to Ms. Sandra Gonzels and Ms.
Brusch-Up Pam Pace.
Introduced delegation Ms. Ann Heinz, Trier Committee Chair for Fort Worth Sister Cities, introduced the
from Trier. Germany delegation from Trier, Germany.
Proclamation -_Senior
Alliance--- A proclamation for Senior Alliance was presented to Mr. Doyle Fine.
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
Presentation to the
Mayor from Carl A Council Member Lane made a special presentation to Mayor Granger from Carl and
Patsy Teha Patsy Teha, representatives of the Comanche Powwow Committee.
Council Member Haskin Council Member Baskin announced that she would be holding Capital Improvement
re Capital Improvemenl Program meetings at 5:00 p.m. at the Riverside Multi-Purpose Center and at 7:00 p.m. at
Program meeting Nolan High School on this date.
Appreciation expressed Council Member Lane, Mayor Granger, and Council Member Silcox expressed
to volunteers for the appreciation to the volunteers that put on the Airshow and encouraged the local media
Airshow to give more attention to the Airshow.
Withdrew MAC C-14035 Mayor Pro tempore Webber requested that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-
14035 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Consent agenda on motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council Member Woods, the consent
approved agenda, as amended, was approved unanimously.
Proposed Ordinance There was presented Proposed Ordinance No. 11416 passed concurrently by the City
No. 11416 Councils, Respectively, of the Cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, authorizing the
issuance of Dallas-Fort Worth Regional < Airport Joint Revenue Bonds, Series 1993A, in
the Aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed $85,000,000, bearing interest at the rates
specified, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of constructing, equipping, and
otherwise improving the,- jointlN .owned Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport of the
Cities; providing for the form of said bonds; appointing a paying agent/registrar and
providing for the. transfer:.and exchange of. such bonds; awarding the sale of such bonds
to the purchasers thereof; - authorizing the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
Board to deliver said bonds herein directed; providing that such bonds are on a parity
with the outstanding. Dallas-Port Worth Regional Airport Joint Revenue Bonds heretofore
or hereafter issued; adopting pertinent provisions of and supplementing the 1968
Regional Airport concurrent bond ordinance and Supplemental Regional Airport Concurrent
Bond Ordinances which authorize the issuance of outstanding bonds; providing for the
deposit of the proceeds of the Series 1993A bonds into certain funds of the Joint
Airport Fund; directing that due observance of the covenants herein contained be made
by the Board; providing for severability; ordaining other matters incident and relating
to the subject and purpose hereof; and declaring an emergency. On motion of Council
Member Barr, seconded by Council Member Silcox, the ordinance was adopted unanimously.
MAC OCS-567 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-567 from the City
Claims Secretary recommending that notices of claims regarding alleged damages and/or injuries
be referred to the Risk Management Department. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Benefit Hearing It appeared to the City Council that a benefit hearing was scheduled for today
BH-0120 regarding the proposed property assessment for Fiscal Year 1993-94 for Fort Worth
Adopt Ordinance No. Improvement District No. 1, and that notice of the hearing was given by publication in
11417 the Fort Worth Commercial Recorder, the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth,
Adopt Ordinance No.
11418 on October 1, 1993. Mayor Granger asked if there was anyone present desiring to be
Mr. Nat O'Day, representing the Fiscal Services Department, appeared before the
Mr. Nat O'Day
BH-0120 City Council and advised Council that the purpose of today's public hearing was to
receive comments from citizens with regard to the proposed property assessment for Fort
Worth Improvement District No. 1 for Fiscal Year 1993-94, and called to the attention
of the City Council Mayor and Council Communication No. BH-0120, as follows:
1. Hold a benefit hearing regarding the proposed property assessments for
Fiscal Year 1993-94 on October 12, 1993, and
2. Close the benefit hearing, and
3. Adopt Ordinance No. 11417 which levied the proposed assessments and
4. Adopt Appropriations Ordinance No. 11418 increasing estimated receipts and
appropriations by $476,382.00 in the special assessments fund.
Mr. Larry Taylor re Mr. Larry Taylor, 1301 Calhoun Street, appeared before the City Council and
BR-0120 advised Council that his property was located along the southern boundary of the
Improvement District; advised Council that he did not receive 100 percent of the
benefits; and requested a reduction of his assessment by at least 50 percent.
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
Deputy City Attorney Deputy City Attorney Bill Wbod advised Council that the matter with regard to
Bill Mood re BH-0120 tiered assessments being charged in the Fort Worth Improvement District would have to
be researched to determine whether or not it would be permissible under state laws.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the
benefit hearing for Fort Worth Improvement District No. 1, Council Member Barr made a
motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that the hearing be closed and the
recommendations adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members
Lane, Silcox, Raskin, Meadows, and Barr
NOES: Council Member Woods
ABSENT: Council Member Jackson
C G-10366 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10366, dated October 5,
adopt Ordinance No. 1993, from the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No.
1419 11419 amending Chapter 22 (Motor Vehicles in Traffic) of the Code of the City of Fort
Worth (1986), as amended: by amending Subsection (e) of Section 22-86 of Article III
thereof by changing location, extent and/or speed limits of certain speed zones; by
amending Subsection (f) of Section 22-86 of Article III thereof by changing certain
school zones; by amending Subsection (g) of Section 22-86 of Article III thereof by
changing location, extent and/or speed limits of certain speed zones.
Council Member Baskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Barr, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. G-10366 be approved, as amended, by changing the speed
limit on Trinity Boulevard, East Loop 820 North to 300 feet west of Greenbelt Road from
50 miles per hour to 40 miles per hour and changing the speed limit of 30 miles per
hour to 50 miles per hour on Precinct Line Road from Randol Mill Road to Hurst City
limits. The motion carried unanimously.
C G-10369 re There was
ppointments to the Presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10369 from the City
wilding Standards Manager recommending that the City Council ratify the appointment of Mr. Marion T.
omission - Marion T. Jones to Place 1; Mr. Sam Garcia to Place 2; Mr. Johnny L. Lewis to Place 4; and Ms.
ones, Same Garcia, Sue C. White to Place 9, and ratify the reappointment of Mr. John Molyneaux to Place 3;
Johnny L. Lewis and Ms. Mr. Roger Jones to Place 5; Mr. Darrell McPeek to Place 6, Mr. Robert Starr to Place 7;
ue C. White, reappoint and Mr. John J. Hernandez to Place 8.
John Molyneaux, Roger
Jones, Darrell McPeek,
obert Starr and John Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods, that
1. Hernandez Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10369 be approved.
Council Member Baskin made a substitute motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10369 be approved, excluding Place
No. 1. The substitute motion failed by the following vote:
AYES: Council Members Lane, Silcox, Baskin, and Barr
NOES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Member Woods
and Meadows
ABSENT: Council Member Jackson
The motion to approve Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10369 prevailed by
the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members
Lane, Woodsj- and Meadows
NOES: Council Members Silcox, Baskin, and Barr
ABSENT: Council Member Jackson
C G-10370 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10370 from the City
pprove the revision to Manager recommending that the City Council approve a revision to the current Public
e current Public Health Clinic fee schedule to include distinctions between new and established client
ealth Clinic fee fees and create separate fees for varying levels of service within the clinic visit fee
category. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C G-10371 re. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10371 from the City
pprove the 1993 Tax Manager recommending that the City Council approve the 1993 Tax Roll . It was the
oil consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
MSC G-10372 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10372 from the City
adopt Ordinance No.
114 20 Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 11420 amending the 1991-
92 Assessment Roll and Assessment Ordinance for Fort Worth Improvement District No. 1;
reducing the assessment against two parcels of property owned by Aetna Life Insurance
Company; and authorizing a refund of overpaid assessments; authorize the Finance
Department to refund to Aetna Life Insurance Company $1,954.67 in overpaid assessments
on Account 00005649 and $4,296.04 in overpaid assessments on Account 00005711. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MSC G-10373 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10373 from the City
approve the acquisitio Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of property
of property in the c
John C. Read Survey onsisting of 25.448 acres in the John C. Read Survey, Abstract No. 1183, City of
Irving, Dallas, County, Texas from James Sowell Construction Company, Inc. , for a
total consideration of $500,000.00, required for commuter rail equipment maintenance
facility site which will serve all phases of the commuter rail service between Fort
Worth and Dallas. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
MSC G-10374 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10374 from the City
appointments to the Manager recommending that the City Council give its consent to the City Manager to make
Mechanical Board the following appointments to the Mechanical Board:
Susan Wilcox,
Richard A. romine,.
Patrick H. Wyatt, Place 1 Citizen, Susan Wilcox, to a third term to expire October 1, 1995.
Thomas Clinton Mullins
Place 3 Retired Mechanical Engineer, Richard A. Romine, to a second term to
expire October 1, 1995.
Place 7 Citizen in the AC Industry, Patrick B. Wyatt, to a second term to
expire October 1, 1995.
Place 9 Citizen, Thomas Clinton Mullins, to a second term to expire October
1, 1995.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MSC G-10375 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. 0-10375 from the City
adopt Ordinance No. Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 11421 amending the 1992-
11421 93 assessment roll and assessment ordinance for the Fort Worth Improvement District No.
1; reducing the assessment against two parcels of property owned by Aetna Life
Insurance Company; and authorizing a refund of overpaid assessments; and authorize the
Finance Department to refund to Aetna Life Insurance Company $1,991.84 in overpaid
assessments on Account 00005649 and $4,224.55 in overpaid assessments on Account
00005711. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MSC G-10377 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10377 from the City
adopt Ordinance No. Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 11422 extending a
11422 moratorium on the demolition or removal of certain historically significant buildings
and structures in the City of Fort Worth on the issuance of permits for such demolition
or removal, which moratorium shall remain in effect until midnight on February 15,
1994, unless sooner repealed by the City Council , the purpose of such moratorium being
to be preserve the status quo pending the formal listing of certain buildings and
structures in a historic resources survey pursuant to Chapter 7 (buildings) of the Fort
Worth City Code. Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Barr, that the recommendation be adopted, as amended by reducing the extension to 30
days. The motion carried unanimously.
MAC G-10378 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10378 from the City
adopt Appropriations Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to approve the
Ordinance No. 11423 establishment of Special Trust Account for employee development for the Park and
Recreation Department, adopt Appropriations Ordinance No. 11423 increasing the
estimated receipts and appropriations in the Special Trust Fund in the amount of
$5,821.71 for the purpose of establishing a Park and Recreation Department Employee
Development Fund; and authorize the expenditure of $5,821.71 from the Special Trust
Fund for the payment of Speaker fees and travel to local training seminars. On motion
of Council Member Woods, seconded by Council Member Raskin, the recommendations were
adopted unanimously.
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
MAC P-6683 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6683 from the City
purchase from Carrier- Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
Brock Company g g Y purchase of a 12 1/2 ton and a
25 ton A/C system for the Transportation and Public Works Department from Carrier-Bock
Company on the sole quotation of $21,307.00 net, f.o.b. shipping point, freight no
charge. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC P-6684 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6684 from the City
purchase with TCOM/ Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the fifth and final renewal option
Human Fitness/The YMCA of the purchase agreement providing for physical assessments for the Police Department
with TCOM/Human Fitness/The YMCA in an amount not to exceed $48,000.00, with term of
renewal to begin October 1, 1993, and end September 30, 1994. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC P-6685 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6685 from the City
authorize an agreement Manager recommending that the City Council authorize an agreement for professional rape
with Tarrant County examination services for the Police Department with Tarrant County Hospital District at
Hospital District at John Peter Smith Hospital for an amount not to exceed $30,000.00, with term of
agreement to begin November 9, 1993, and end November 8, 1994. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC P-6686 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6686 from the City
purchase agreement Manager recommending hat the City Council authorize a
with Industrial Inter-
national , The Roham Department with Industrial International , the Rohan Company, and Ferguson Universal to
Company, the Ferguson provide brass fittings on low bid of unit prices meeting specifications, with terms of
Universal agreement to begin October 4, 1993, and end September 30, 1994, with options to renew
for two additional years. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
MAC P-6687 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6687 from the City
purchase agreement Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a purchase agreement for paperback
with Ingram Distribu- books for the Fort Worth Public Library with Ingram Distribution Group Inc. , on low bid
tion Group Inc. meeting specifications for Mass market paperbacks and Trade paperbacks at retail price
less 43.5 percent discount, terms of payment net 30 days, f.o.b. destination, with term
of agreement to begin October 1, 1993, and end September 30, 1994, with options to
renew for three additional years. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
MAC P-6688 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6688 from the City
purchase agreement Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option to renew the purchase
with Brodart Video agreement for the Library Department with Brodart Video Services to provide
Services continuation service on low bid of retail price9 less 14 percent discount, with term of
agreement to begin November 1, 1993, and end October 31, 1994, with options to renew
for two additional years. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
MAC P-6689 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6689 from the City
purchase agreement Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option to renew the purchase
with Ingram Library
Services, Inc. agreement for the Library Department with Ingram Library Services, Inc. , to furnish
adult books with cataloging and processing on overall low bid of unit prices and
discounts at 43.3 percent discount for general trade books, 16.0 percent discount for
technical books; and $2.84 per item for cataloging and processing, with term of
agreement to begin October 1, 1993, and end September 30, 1994, with options to renew
for one additional year. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
MAC L-11340 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11340 from the City
approve the acquisitior Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of right-of-way, a
of right-of-way, a
drainage easement, and drainage easement, and a temporary construction easement within a portion of Tract 1,
a temporary construc- J. Hudson Survey, Abstract 739, Parcels 1, 1-DE, 1-TCE; find that $10.00 is just
tion easement compensation for the right-of-way and the easements acquired from Amon G. Carter
Foundation, required for Alta Mesa Boulevard (PASS) , from 1400 feet east of I-35W to
Campus Drive; and authorize the City Manager to accept the appropriate instruments. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC L-11341 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11341 from the City
approve the sale of Manager recommending that the City Council approve the sale of surplus City-owned
surplus City-owned property described as being 1911 Avenue C, Block 61, W 25 feet of Lots 10 and 11,
property Highland Addition for a corrected amount of $410.00, instead of $365.00, as stated on
Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11317; and authorize the City Manager to execute
the appropriate deed conveying the property to the highest bidder. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
M8C L-11342 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11342 from the City
approve the acquisi- Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of an aerial
easeof an aerial easement over the west 5 feet of 217 Bellvue Drive, legally known as Lot 5, Block 7,
easement k
Hallmark Addition; find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from H.
J. and Sharon Andrews, required for a streetlight: and authorize the acceptance and
recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the recommendation be adopted.
H&C L-11343 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11343 from the City
approve the acquisi- Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of two temporary
tion of two temporary construction easements and one permanent easement described as being a portion of Tract
construction easements 9 of the Lewis Moore Survey, Abstract No. 1093 (1180 Mansfield Avenue); find that $1.00
and one permanent ease
meet is just compensation for property acquired from Fort Worth/Tarrant County Minority
Leaders and Citizens Council, required for replacement of water and sanitary sewer
mains in the area; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate
easements. On motion of Council Member Meadows, seconded by Council Member Barr, the
recommendation was adopted unanimously.
C C 14033 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14033 from the City
execute contract amend Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute
ments with Willow Park contract amendments with Willow Park Educational Services under Title IIC of the Job
Educational Services Training Partnership Act for the contract period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994, as
1. Execute a contract amendment for $33,634.00 for additional funding of the
Bridge Program, which contract will total $132,440.00, and
2. Execute a contract amendment for $35,475.00 for additional funding of the
Connect Program, which contract will now total $134,901.00.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C C-14034 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14034 from the City
execute a contract Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a
ith Tri-Tech Con- construction contract with Tri-Tech Construction, Inc. , for Water Main Extensions to
struction, Inc. South Seminary Addition for a total contract amount of $163,668.00, which includes
other project costs of $8,183.00 for possible change orders, $6,547.00 for inspection
and $4,910.00 for surveys. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-14035 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14035 from the City
ontracts with Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to:
eighborhood Housing
rvices, Inc.,
Liberation Community, 1. Approve the use of $501,399.00 of the $2,507.000.00 allocated in Fiscal
Inc., Renaissance of Year '92 HOME funds to contract with agencies qualified as Community
Inner City Housing, Housing Development Or
Int. 9 anizations (CHDOs) under O.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HOD) standards, for acquisition, rehab and either sale of
rental to low income families, and
2. Execute contracts with the following organizations to administer their
respective programs under the HOME Investment Partnerships Program in the
amounts of:
A. $116,881.00 to Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. for the
acquisition, rehabilitation and resale of seven single family houses
to low income first time homebuyers,
B. $183,781.00 to Liberation Community, Inc. for the acquisition,
rehabilitation and resale of nine houses to low income first time
homebuyers, and acquisition, rehabilitation, and rental of two houses
to low income families,
C. $200,737.00 to Renaissance of Inner City Housing, Inc. for the
acquisition, rehabilitation and resale of fifteen houses to low
income first time homebuyers, and
3. Authorize the contract period on all three contracts to begin October 20,
1993 and end April 20, 1997, and
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
MSC C=14035 Cont. 4. Authorize the Department of Housing and Human Services to submit periodic
requests for reimbursement from HOD for wire transfer to Bank of America
Local Home Investment Trust Fund Account.
Mayor Pro tempore Mayor Pro tempore Webber disclosed that she had a credit card with the Bank of
Webber re M3C C-14035 America but stated that she was not disqualified from voting on Mayor and Council
disqualified from
voting Communication No. C-14035.
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. C-14035 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously.
M3C C-14036 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14036 from the City
authorize a fund Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a fund transfer in the amount of
transfer and an $20,338.00, which includes $782.00 and $80.00 for plan review by the Department of
engineering agreement Engineering, from Water and Sewer Operating Fund to Water Capital Projects Fund, Water
with J.B Davies, Inc. Replacement, Winifred Drive, and authorize a fund transfer in the amount of $2,080.00
from Water and Sewer Operating Fund to Sewer Projects Improvement Fund, Sewer
Replacement, Winifred Drive, and authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to
the Engineering Agreement with J. B. Davies, Inc. , for separating the sewer project
into two construction projects, and for providing design work for the replacement of a
16" water line within the Winifred Drive project limits, which will increase the
original contract by $21,556.00 to a total amount of $67,096.00. It was the consensus
of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
K&C C-14037 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14037 from the City
contract with United Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to apply for,
States Equal Employ-
ment Opportunity accept if offered, and execute a contract with United States Equal Employment
Commission REDO Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in an approximate amount of $108,000.00, with the amount
subject to change based on the grant funding formula. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MSC C-14038 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14038 from the City
authorize a fund Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a fund transfer in the amount of
transfer of fund and $180,894.90 from Water and Sewer Operating Fund to Sewer Capital Projects Fund, Sewer
exec a contract Rehabilitation of M-49 and L-1832; authorize the City Manager to execute a contract
wi H. Jackson, with Larry H. Jackson, Construction, Inc. , in the amount of $160,744.90 for the
C Inc. rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer M-99 and L-1832. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14039 from the City
er recommending that the City Council authorize a fund transfer in the amount of
0, which includes $2,550.00 for plan review by the Department of Engineering,
r Capital Projects Fund, Unspecified to Sewer Capital Projects Fund, Sewer
ation, Contract 21A, and authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering
t with McDonald and Associates, Inc. , for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation,
ct 21A, for a total fee not to exceed $63,434.00. It was the consensus of the
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14040 from the City
Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a fund transfer in the amount of
588,830.00, which includes $3,420.00 for plan review by the Department of Engineering,
a from Sewer Capital Projects Fund, Unspecified, to Sewer Capital Projects Fund, Sewer
Inc. Rehabilitation, Contract 21C, and authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering
agreement with Everage Consultants, Inc. , for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, Contract
21C for a total fee not to exceed $85,410.00. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
C C-14041 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14041 from the City
ransfer of funds, Manager recommending that the City Council :
dopt Supplemental
ppropriations 1. Transfer $109,079.56 from the Specially Funded Capital Projects Fund to 21
rdinance No. 11424 and Tanks project in the Environmental Management Fund, and
ontract with Eagle
onstruction b Environ-
mental Services, Inc. 2. Adopt Supplemental Appropriations Ordinance No. 11424 increasing estimated
receipts and expenditures by $109,079.56 in the Environmental Management
Fund from increased revenues, and
3. Transfer $147,334.97 from the Undesignated Construction project to the 21
Tanks project in the Environmental Management Fund, and
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
MAC C=14035 Cont. 4. Authorize the Department of Housing and Human Services to submit periodic
requests for reimbursement from HUD for wire transfer to Bank of America
r Local Home Investment Trust Fund Account.
Mayor Pro tempore Mayor Pro tempore Webber disclosed that she had a credit card with the Bank of
Webber re MAC C-14035 America but stated that she was not disqualified from voting on Mayor and Council
disqualified from
voting Communication No. C-14035.
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. C-14035 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously.
MAC C-14036 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14036 from the City
authorize a fund Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a fund transfer in the amount of
transfer and an $20,338.00, which includes $782.00 and $80.00 for plan review by the Department of
engineering agreement Engineering, from Water and Sewer Operating Fund to Water Capital Projects Fund, Water
with J.B Davies, Inc. Replacement, Winifred Drive, and authorize a fund transfer in the amount of $2,080.00
from Water and Sewer Operating Fund to Sewer Projects Improvement Fund, Sewer
Replacement, Winifred Drive, and authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to
the Engineering Agreement with J. B. Davies, Inc. , for separating the sewer project
into two construction projects, and for providing design work for the replacement of a
16" water line within the Winifred Drive project limits, which will increase the
original contract by $21,556.00 to a total amount of $67,096.00. It was the consensus
of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC C-14037 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14037 from the City
contract with United Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to apply for,
States Equal Employ-
ment Opportunity accept if offered, and execute a contract with United States Equal Employment
Commission REDO Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in an approximate amount of $108,000.00, with the amount
subject to change based on the grant funding formula. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
MAC C-14038 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14038 from the City
authorize a fund Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a fund transfer in the amount of
transfer of fund and $180,894.90 from Water and Sewer Operating Fund to Sewer Capital Projects Fund, Sewer
execute a contract Rehabilitation of M-49 and L-1832; authorize the City Manager to execute a contract
with Larry H. Jackson, with Larry H. Jackson, Construction, Inc. , in the amount of $160,744.90 for the
Construction, Inc. rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer M-99 and L-1832. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14039 from the City
MAC C-14039 re Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a fund transfer in the amount of
authorize a fund $65,984.00, which includes $2,550.00 for plan review by the Department of Engineering,
transfer and execute
an engineering with from Sewer Capital Projects Fund, Unspecified to Sewer Capital Projects Fund, Sewer
McDonald and Associates Rehabilitation, Contract 21A, and authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering
Inc. agreement with McDonald and Associates, Inc. , for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation,
Contract 21A, for a total fee not to exceed $63,434.00. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C C-14040 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14040 from the City
authorize a fund Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a fund transfer in the amount of
transfer and execute $88,830.00, which includes $3,420.00 for plan review by the Department of Engineering,
a contract with from Sewer Capital Projects Fund, Unspecified, to Sewer Capital Projects Fund, Sewer
Everage Consultants,
Inc. Rehabilitation, Contract 21C, and authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering
agreement with Everage Consultants, Inc. , for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, Contract
21C for a total fee not to exceed $85,410.00. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
C C-14041 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14041 from the City
ransfer of funds, Manager recommending that the City Council:
dopt Supplemental
ppropriations 1. Transfer $109,079.56 from the Specially Funded Capital Projects Fund to 21
rdinance No. 11424 and Tanks project in the Environmental Management Fund, and
ontract with Eagle
onstruction A Environ-
ntal Services, Inc. 2. Adopt Supplemental Appropriations Ordinance No. 11424 increasing estimated
receipts and expenditures by $109,079.56 in the Environmental Management
Fund from increased revenues, .and
3. Transfer $147,334.97 from the Undesignated Construction project to the 21
Tanks project in the Environmental Management Fund, and
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
C C-14035 Cont. 4. Transfer $140,600.50 from the Gndesignated Disposal project to the 21 Tanks
project in the Environmental Management Fund, and
5. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Eagle Construction
and Environmental Services, Inc. in the amount of $378,109.56 for the
removal of 21 underground storage tanks and the installation of 14 above
ground vaults at various City facilities, and
6. Authorise establishment of a 5 percent project contingency totalling
$18,905.47 to cover any unanticipated costs.
On motion of Council Member Barr, seconded by Council Member Silcox, the
recommendations were adopted unanimously.
MAC C-14042 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14042 from the City
acute a Contract
with Oscar Rends Con-
Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a
acting, Inc. contract with Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. , for the Interim Sludge Dewatering and
Disposal at the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant on low bid of $2,810,000.00.
Mr. Richard Salley re Mr. Richard Sawey, Director of the Water Department, appeared before the City
C-14042 Council and advised Council that included in the bids of the long-term contract was a
creative alternative, and advised Council that he hoped to bring forward the bid
information to Council within one to two weeks.
City Manager Terrell City Manager Terrell , in response to a question by Mayor Pro tempore Webber,
e M&C C-14042 advised Council that $800,000.00 out of $2.8 million dollars would go to DBE
Council Member Baskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that
Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14042 be adopted. The motion carried
C-14043 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-14043 from the City
acute a CFA with Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a
e Developer Hunt community facilities agreement with the Developer Bunt Resources, Inc. , for the
Resources, Inc. installation of community facilities for Stoneglen at Fossil Creek Addition, Block 31A
and 31B (dependent upon this finalisation of the appropriate security pledge
arrangements for the CFA under negotiations at the time of this correspondence). It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
FP-3112 re There was presented Mayor , and Council Communication No. FP-3112 from the City
final payment to Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete, Slurry Seal 92-1 and
Young Brothers, Inc. Slurry Seal 91-1 at various locations, and authorise final payment to Young Brothers,
Inc. , Contractors in the amount of $15,955.30. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
FP-3113 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP-3113 from the City
inal payment to J.D. Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete the contract with J. D.
ickers Vickers, Inc. , for Water and Sewer Line Replacement on Martin Avenue from Wichita to
Shackleford Street, and authorize final payment to J. D. Vickers in the amount of
$26,220.15, bringing the final project cost to $220,455.51 under City Secretary
Contract No. 19761. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation
be adopted.
ort North Improvement It appeared to the City Council that a public hearing was set for today for Fort
istrict No. 3 Worth Improvement District No. 3 regarding the annual plan of service, budget, and
UC 6-10376 setting a benefit hearing for Fiscal Year 1993-1994. Mayor Granger asked if there was
anyone present desiring to be heard.
r. Nat O'Day re Mr. Nat O'Day, representing Fiscal Services Department, appeared before the City
6-10376 Council and advised Council that the purpose of today's hearing is to receive comments
from citizens regarding the annual plan of service, budget and setting of benefit
hearing date for Fort Worth Improvement District No. 3, and called to the attention of
the City Council, Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10376, as follows:
1. Hold a 'public hearing concerning the plan of services and budget for FY
1993-94, and
2. Adjourn the public hearing, and
I� '
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
3. Approve the service plan and budget for FY 1993-94 as recommended by Senca
MAC G-10376 cont. Fort Worth Inc. , and
4. Authorize the City Manager to contract with Senca Fort Worth, Inc. to
provide improvements and services in the District during FY 1993-94 for the
sum of $105,543.00, and
5. Adopt the proposed 1993 assessment roll which is on file with the City
Secretary and set Tuesday, October 26, 1993, at 10:00 a.m. in the City
Council Chambers as the time and place for the benefit hearing, and
6. Direct the City Secretary to give notice of the October 26, 1993 hearing in
accordance with state law, and
7. Approve adding the 1993-94 budget, as contingency, any unencumbered
revenues from the District's assessments from prior years and approve
paying to Senca Fort Worth, Inc. any assessments collected within two years
after termination of the District.
Mr. Ross Meekins re Mr. Ross Meekins, 1725 Martel , appeared before the City Council and expressed
C G-10376 opposition to the proposed assessment against his property for Fort Worth Improvement
District No. 3, advising Council that he had received no improvements.
Mr. Lloyd Terry re Mr. Lloyd Terry, representing Larry's Shoes, 117 Valeract, appeared before the
C G-10376 City Council and advised Council that they had not received any benefits from Fort
Worth Improvement District No. 3 and requested that they both be removed from PID No.
Council Member Barr advised Mr. Meekins and Mr. Terry that he would meet with
them regarding PID No. 3.
Deputy City Attorney Deputy City Attorney Bill Wood advised Council that Council could take action on
Bill Mood re today's Mayor and Council Communication, and determine the benefit to the two pieces of
C G-10376 property at the benefit hearing that would be held in two weeks.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the
public hearing for Fort Worth Improvement District No. 3, and action concerning the
annual plan of service, budget and setting of benefit hearing for Fiscal Year 1993-94,
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that the hearing
be closed and the recommendations adopted. The motion carried unanimously.
ity Secretary Church City Secretary Church advised Council that the two public hearings for approval
re two public hearings of plan development site plans would be continued until after the zoning hearing.
cont. until after
zoning hearing It appeared to the City Council that Zoning Docket No. Z-93-050 was continued by
-93-050 the City Council on September 14, 1993, and that the zoning application for Dr. H.
William Ranelle, for a change in zoning of property located at 3816 E. Belknap Street
from "E" Commercial to "F" Commercial was before the City Council at this time.
ity Secretary Church r City Secretary Church advised Council that she had received a letter from Mr. H.
received Hopkins letter from'
r. H. Dennis D Dennis Hopkins requesting a one-month delay on this application.
-93-050 Cont. Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member Baskin, that the
ntil November 9, 1993 application of H. William Ranelle be continued until November 9, 1993. The motion
carried unanimously.
Zoning Hearing It appeared to the City Council that Resolution No. 1951 was adopted on September
21, 1993, setting today as the day for the hearing in connection with the recommended
changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 3011, and that notice of the hearing had
been given by publication in the Fort Worth Commercial Recorder, the official newspaper
of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on September 24, 1993. Mayor Granger asked if there
was anyone present desiring to be heard.
r. Bill Dahlstrom re Mr. Bill Dahlstrom, 1700 Pacific Avenue, Suite 4100, Dallas, Texas, representing
Special Exception pro- Albertsons, appeared before the City Council and advised Council of some problems that
visions of the ordinanc they have with the Special Exception provisions of the ordinance which is only good for
and allow outside
display of products a two-year period and stated that additional monetary cost and administration would be
at grocery stores involved; and expressed a desire to allow outside display of products at grocery
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
Council Members Council Member Meadows expressed appreciation to the citizen group that worked so
Meadows re diligently on this issue and advised Council that, if the ordinance clearly defined
expressed appreciation what might be stored outside and how it was to be kept, the Special Exception clause
to citizen group that
worked on this issue would not be needed in the ordinance, and requested its removal.
Mr. Joe Bilardi re Mr. Joe Bilardi, Director of Development Department, appeared before the City
Special Exception Council and advised Council that as the situation now stood, there was no criteria for
provisiions outside storage and display of merchandise, and advised Council that the ordinance, if
Z-92-0368 approved by Council, would take effect immediately following the completion of
Ms. Anne Smith re Ms. Anne Smith, Vice Chairman of the Fort Worth League of Neighborhoods
Special Exception Association, 6116 Ridgeway, appeared before the City Council and requested that the
Z--92-092-0366 ordinance be adopted as written by the committee and presented correspondence from the
Fort Worth League of Neighborhoods Association regarding the text amendment change.
Council Member Silcox made a motion, seconded by Council Member Barr, that the
Zoning Ordinance text amendment, Zoning Docket No. Z-92-036B, be approved, as amended,
by removing the Special Exception portion from the ordinance. The motion carried
Mr. Earl Burleson re Mr. Earl Burleson, representing the applicant, Burleson Doherty, for a change in
Z-93-063 zoning of property located at 5155 Mansfield Highway from "C" Multi-Family and "E"
Commercial to "1" Light Industrial, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-063, appeared before the
City Council and requested that the City Council give favorable consideration.
On motion of Council Member Barr, seconded by Council Member Meadows, the
application of Burleson Doherty for a change in zoning of property located at 5151
Mansfield Highway, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-063, was approved unanimously.
Mr. H. Dennis Hopkins Mr. H. Dennis Hopkins, 6850 Manhattan Boulevard, Suite 401, representing the
re Z-93-064 applicant, Like New Auto Parts, appeared before the City Council and requested a one-
month delay.
Mayor Pro tempore Webber made a motion, seconded by Council Member Meadows, that
Z-93-064 delayed the application of Like New Auto Parts for a change in zoning of property located at
for one month
1720 Riverside Drive from "J" Light Industrial to "R" Heavy Industrial, Zoning Docket
No. Z-93-064, be continued for one month. The motion carried unanimously.
Z-93-066 Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that the
application of Frank Darden, Trustee, for a change in zoning of property located at 611
9th Street from "D" Multi-Family to "R-H" Restricted Commercial, Zoning Docket No. Z-
93-066, be adopted.
Correction on Council Member Meadows advised Council that the address should reflect 611 9th
Z-93-066 "Avenue" rather than "Street'.
The motion to approve Zoning Docket No. Z-93-066, as amended, by correcting
Street to Avenue, was approved unanimously.
Mayor Pro tempore
Webber excused her- Mayor Pro tempore Webber excused herself from the Council table at this time.
self from the Council
table Mr. Jim Schell , 901 Fort Worth Club Building, representing the applicant, Texas
Mr. Jim Schell re Commerce Bank, for a change in zoning of property located at 4801 Camp Bowie Boulevard
and 4800 Collinwood Avenue from "F" Commercial and "C" Multi-Family to "PD-E" for a
bank with a drive-through facility, with extra parking for Mama's Pizza and overflow
parking for the bank, Zoning Docket Ito. Z-93-067, appeared before the City Council and
requested that the City Council give favorable consideration for the recommended change
in zoninc.
s. Elaine Agather re Ms. Elaine Agather, representing Texas Commerce Bank, appeared before the City
-93-067 Council and advised Council that the purpose of the requested zoning change was for a
bank to serve the community and requested favorable consideration of the City Council.
Alan Mabee re Mr. Alan Mabee, Architect, appeared before the City Council and presented a
-93-067 proposed site plan for the bank, and advised Council that the bank would reflect the
historical nature of the area and would extend the park like features onto the banking
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
Mr. Walt Leonard re Mr. Walt Leonard, One Summit Avenue, Suite 1010, attorney for Gail Patton and
Z-93-067 Hugh Blair Dow, II, appeared before the City Council and advised Council that they had
no opposition to the bank location, but expressed concern regarding the additional
traffic that would be brought in by the branch location, and presented an alternate
site plan proposal changing the entrance and exit from the bank.
Ms. Sylvia Smith re Ms. Sylvia Smith, 4628 E1 Campo, appeared before the City Council and requested
Z-93-067 that the City Council give favorable consideration to the application of Texas Commerce
Bank for a change of zoning located at 4801 Camp Bowie and 4800 Collinwood Avenue.
Mr. Marshall Amis, Jr. Mr. Marshall Antis, Jr. , President of the Collinwood Townhomes and Condominiums
re Z-93-067 Association, 4200 South Hulen, Suite 60, appeared before the City Council and requested
favorable consideration for the proposed request, and expressed concern with regard to
the front driveway and suggested that the project have only one exit onto Sanquinet.
Ms. Denise Duncan re Ms. Denise Duncan, President of the Arlington Heights Neighborhood Association,
Z-93-067 2116 Carleton, appeared before the City Council and requested that the City Council
give favorable consideration to the subject's request and further requested Council
that only one entrance or exit off Collinwood should be permitted.
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods, that the
application of Texas Commerce Bank for a change in zoning of property located at 4801
Camp Bowie Boulevard and 4800 Collinwood Avenue from "F" Commercial and "C" Multi-
Family" to "PD-E" for a bank with a drive-through facility, with extra parking for
Mama's pizza and overflow parking for the bank, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-067, be adopted.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Council Members Lane, Silcox,
Raskin, Woods, Meadows, and Barr
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mayor Pro tempore Webber and Council Member Jackson
Council Member Meadows Council Member Meadows excused himself from the Council table at this time.
excused himself from
the Council table
Mr. Bill Krabacher, representing the applicant, Christian Care Centers, Inc. , for
Mr. Bill Krabacher re a change in zoning of property located at 5100 Randol Mill Road from "A" one-Family and
Z-93-068 "C-F" Community Facilities to "C-F" Community Facilities, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-068,
appeared before the City Council and requested that the City Council give favorable
consideration for the change in zoning.
Council Member Raskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that the
application of Christian Care Centers, Inc. , for a change in zoning of property located
at 5100 Randol Mill Road, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-068, be approved. The motion carried
by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Council Members Lane, Silcox,
Raskin, Woods, and Barr
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Meadows and
Mayor Pro tempore Mayor Pro tempore Webber and Council Member Meadows assumed their chair at this
Webber and Council time.
Member Meadows assumed
their chair Mayor Granger excused herself from the Council table and Mayor Pro tempore Webber
Mayor Granger excused assumed the chair.
herself from the Counci
Mr. Ron Richards, representing the applicant, Hunt Resources, Inc. , for a change
Mr. Ron Richards re in zoning of property located at 3500 Western Center Boulevard from "D" Multi-Family
Z-93-069 and "G" Commercial to "R-2" Residential, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-069, appeared before
the City Council and requested that the City Council give favorable consideration and
advised Council that the purpose of the request was to provide future subdivisions in
this area and that approximately 40 acres were within the Fossil Creek Flood Plain, and
that there was no intention on their part to change the golf course.
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
Mr. Joe Bilardi re Mr. Joe Bilardi, Director of the Development Department, appeared before the City
Z-93-068 Council, and advised Council that he had not seen a site plan on this location.
Mayor Granger assumed At this time, Mayor Granger assumed the chair and Mayor Pro tempore Webber
the chair excused herself from the Council chamber.
Z-93-069 Council Member Baskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods, that the
application of Bunt Resources, Inc. , for a change in zoning of property located at 3500
Western Center Boulevard from "D" Multi-Family and "G" Commercial to "R-2" Residential ,
Zoning Docket No. Z-93-069, be adopted. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Barry Hudson re Mr. Barry Hudson, 2630 West Freeway, Suite 100, representing the applicant,
Z-93-072 Beach, Prewitt 20 Partnership, for a change in zoning of property located at 7750 North
Beach Street from "E-R" Restricted Commercial and "C-R" Multi-Family to "A" One-Family,
Zoning Docket No. Z-93-072, appeared before the City Council and requested that the
City Council give favorable consideration and advised Council that the road will be
repaved as a part of this development.
Council Member Baskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Meadows, that the
application of Beach Prewitt 20 Partnership, for a change in zoning of property located
at 7750 North Beach Street, from "E-R" Restricted Commercial and "C-R" Multi-Family to
"A" One-Family, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-072, be adopted. The motion carried
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with
recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 3011, Council Member Meadows
made a motion, seconded by Council Member Baskin, that the ordinances be adopted as
Ordinance No. 11425
Ordinance No. 11426
Council Member Meadows Council Member Meadows requested that the public hearings regarding the site
re public hearings plans be heard at this time.
regardin the sit plans
at this time
Pa_1720 It appeared to the City Council that a public hearing was scheduled for today for
PZ-1729 approval of the planned development site plan proposed for property located on Lots 14-
21, Buck Addition, 400-500 Seaman Street (PDSP-93-009), Mayor Granger asked if there
was anyone present desiring to be heard.
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
Attention of the City Council was called to Mayor and Council Communication
No. PZ-1719.
There being no one present desiring to be heard in connection with the public
hearing for the approval of planned development site plan for Buck Addition, Lots 14-
21, 400-500 Seaman Street, Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council
Member Silcox, that the hearing be closed and the recommendation adopted. The motion
carried unanimously.
PZ-1720 It appeared to the City Council that a public hearing was scheduled for today for
the approval of planned development site plan for property located on Lots 4-9, and 31-
40, Block 43, Chamberlain Arlington Heights Addition, 1st Filing, 4801 Camp Bowie
Boulevard and 4800 Collinwood Avenue (PDSP-93-010), Mayor Granger asked if there was
anyone present desiring to be heard.
Mr. Marshall Amis, Jr. Mr. Marshall Amis, Jr. , 4308 Hulen Street, Suite 60, appeared before the City
PZ-1720 Council and advised Council that there should only be one driveway on Sanquinet and two
on Collinwood and suggested that the proposed site plan be modified to reflect these
Mayor Pro tempore At this time, Mayor Pro tempore Webber assumed her chair at the Council table.
Webber assumed her
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that the
public hearing be closed and Mayor and Council Communication No. PZ-1720 be adopted, as
amended, by eliminating the eastern ingress/egress on Collinwood; construction of an
entrance only signage and direction arrows at the western access point on Collinwood;
construction of an access point with a gate to Sanquinet near the corner; and
construction of a 4-foot high screening fence along Collinwood to block automobile
headlights from intruding into the residence and planting of additional shrubbery along
such fence. The motion carried unanimously.
ACM Mike Groomer re Assistant City Manager Mike Groomer appeared before the City Council and advised
Z-93-074A, Z-93-0748, Council that the proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-
and Z-93-074C, Z-93-07AD 074A, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-074B, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-074C, and Zoning Docket No.
Z-93-074D, were not in final form for action by the City Council today, and advised
Council that the purpose of today's hearing was to open the hearing in order to receive
any comments by citizens and requested that the four Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments
be continued until the regularly scheduled City Council Zoning Hearing of November 9,
City Secretary Church City Secretary Church advised Council that appeal letters have been received for
re received appeal Zoning Docket Nos. Z-93-037 and Z-93-062.
letters for Z-93-037
and Z-93-062
Mr. Jim Miller re Mr. Jim Miller, 3025 Ryan Avenue, appeared before the City Council and expressed
Z-93-037 support for the zoning application of Gustavo E. Caicedo for a change in zoning of
property located at 3031 Ryan Avenue from "E" Commercial to "PD/SU" for all uses in "E"
and overnight parking of a dump truck, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-037. If
Z-93-037 adopted Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by Council Member Meadows, that the
application of Gustavo E. Caicedo for a change in zoning of property located at 3031
Ryan Avenue from "E" Commercial to "PD/SU" for all used in "E" and overnight parking of
a dump truck, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-037, be set for a special hearing before the City
Council at its next regularly scheduled zoning hearing date of November 9, 1993. The
motion carried unanimously.
Z-93-052 Council Member Silcox made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore Webber, that
the recommendation by the City Zoning Commission for the denial of the application of
Keaton M. Masters for a change in zoning of property located at 3209 North Freeway from
"E" Commercial to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for all uses in the "E"
Commercial plus a hotel, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-052, be upheld. The motion carried
Council Member Baskin made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore Webber, that
Z-93-053 adopted the application of Tom Bonjour for a change in zoning of property located at 4082 East
Lancaster Avenue from "E" Commercial to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for
all uses and "E" Commercial plus daytime display of new furniture, with waiver of site
plan requested, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-053, which application was recommended for
denial by the City Zoning Commission, be denied. The motion carried unanimously.
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
Mr. H. Dennis Hopkins Mr. H. Dennis Hopkins, 6850 Manhattan Boulevard, Suite 406, appeared before the
re Z-93-062 City Council and requested that the City Council refer Zoning Docket No. Z-93-062 back
to the City Zoning Commission for further consideration and advised the Council that
the application had been amended to delete the "I" Light Industrial Zoning.
Council Member Lane made a motion, seconded by Council Member Barr, that the
application of Jesus R. Cantu for a change of zoning of property located at 1207-1213
Clinton Avenue from "C" Multi-Family to "I" Light Industrial, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-
062 be referred back to the City Zoning Commission for rehearing. The motion carried
City Secretary Church City Secretary Church advised Council that Zoning Docket No. Z-93-065 had also
re Z-93-065 been appealed by the applicant.
had been appealed by
the applicant Mr. William Garrison, 309 West 7th Street, representing Robert J. Foster,
Mr. William Garrison
re Z-93-065 applicant for a change in zoning of property located at 4020 West Vickery Boulevard,
from "E" Commercial to "I" Light Industrial, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-065, appeared
before the City Council and advised Council that the application was modified during
the public hearing before the City Zoning Commission; stated that the applicant wishes
to continue the "E" Commercial Zoning and add a PD/SU Planned Development/Specific Use
provision, and requested that the City Council set Zoning Docket No. Z-93-065 for a
special hearing.
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that the
application of Robert J. Foster for a change in zoning of property located at 4020 West
Vickery Boulevard from "E" Commercial to "I" Light -industrial, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-
065, be set for a special hearing before the City Council on November 9, 1993. The
motion carried unanimously.
Z-93-073 Council Member Raskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods, that the
application of Melody Hills Homeowners Association, for a change in zoning of property
located at 4800-4900 block of Mona Lisa Street, Melody Lane, and Mobil Street from "B"
Two-Family to "MH" Mobile Home Park, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-073, which application was
recommended for denial by the City Zoning Commission, be denied. The motion carried
Z-93-056 Mayor Granger advised Council that the application for a change in zoning of
Mayor Granger re property located at 1717 East Loop 820 was across the street from her insurance
abstain from voting company's location and requested permission of the City Council to abstain from voting
on Zoning Docket No. Z-93-056.
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that Mayor
Granger be permitted to abstain from voting on Zoning Docket No. Z-93-056. The motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Pro o
Webber assumed umed the At this time, Mayor Pro tempore Webber assumed the chair.
Mr. Mitchell S. Terry, 11311 North Central Expressway, Suite 100, Dallas, Texas,
Mr. Mitchell s. Terry representing the applicant A. Robert Beer, Trustee, for a change in zoning of property
re Z-93-056 located at 1717 East Loop 820 from "E" Commercial to "PD/SU" Planned
Development/Specific Use for all uses in "E" Commercial uses plus automotive repair and
tire installation, with waiver of site plan requested, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-056,
appeared before the City Council and requested that the application be approved, as
amended, with the request for "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for all uses
and "E" Commercial uses plus detailing, advising Council that the proposed tenant would
conduct cellular phone installation and care detailing services.
Mr. james johnson re Mr. James Johnson, owner of the Shine Shop, 4210 South Westmoreland, appeared
selling of wine and before the City Council and requested that the City Council give favorable
beer at this location consideration, and advised Council that it was not his intention to sell wine and beer
4210 South Westmore-
land at this location.
Ms. Gena Ferreira re Ms. Gena Ferreira, representing adjacent commercial businesses as secretary of
zoning application of the Meadowbrook/East Sector Zoning Committee, West Meadowbrook • Neighborhood
A. Robert Beer Association, and Eastside Area Planning, 4567 Meadowbrook Drive, appeared before the
City Council and expressed opposition to the zoning application of A. Robert Beer, and
presented a list of 15 restrictions.
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
Mr. Joe Bilardi re Mr. Joe Bilardi, Director of Development Department, appeared before the City
soning application of Council agd .advised Council that the owner was requesting the addition of auto
A. Robert Beer
detailing and phone installation and advised Council that he had already the ability to
sell beer and wine under his current zoning, and advised Council that some of the
restrictions that were requested on the list would be very hard to enforce.
Mr. Alfred L. Dahl re Mr. Alfred L. Dahl , 2312 Nottingham, appeared before the City Council and
opposition of the expressed opposition to the application of A. Robert Beer, for a change in zoning of
application of A. property located at 1717 East Loop 820 and read correspondence from Dr. Jeffrey I.
Robert Beer Rubenett, expressing opposition of the proposed zoning change.
Council Member Raskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods, that the
application of A. Robert Beer, Trustee, for a change in zoning of property located at
1717 East Loop 820, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-056, be denied without prejudice.
Council Member Silcox Council Member Silcox filed a conflict of interest affidavit on Zoning Docket No.
filed a conflict of Z-93-056.
interest affidavit
When the motion to deny without prejudice, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-056, was put
to a vote by Mayor Pro tempore Webber, the motion failed by the following vote:
AYES: Council Members Raskin, Woods, and Barr
NOES: Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Lane and
ABSENT: Council Member Jackson
NOT VOTING: Mayor Granger and Council Member Silcox
-03-056 Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods, that the
application of A. Robert Beer, Trustee, for a change in zoning of property located at
1717 East Loop 820, Zoning Docket No. Z-93-056, be approved. The motion carried by the
following vote:
AYES: Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Lane,
Woods, Meadows, and Barr
NOES: Council Member Raskin
ABSENT: Council Member Jackson
NOT VOTING: Mayor Granger and Council Member Silcox
Council Member Haskin At this time, Council Member Raskin excused herself from the Council table.
excused herself from
e Council table
Mr. Will H. Ingram, 3908 Clotell Drive; Stella Houston, 333 Shady Lane Drive;
r. Will H. Ingram, Sabe Braheem, 3911 East Berry Street; Vandra Jones, 1331 East Ramsey; Yolanda Howard,
tella Houston, 333 Shady Lane Drive; Shalonder Cooper, 343 Shady Lane; Austin McKee, 4237 Avenue M;
abe Braheem, Vandra Mannix Watson, 3805 Lauretta Drive; Darron Davis, 1721 Morningside Drive; Donnell
ones, Yolanda Howard,
halonder Cooper. Ballard, 3232 Las Vegas Trail; LaChesta McGowan, 343 Shady Lane Drive; Michael Johnson,
ustin McKee, Mannix Richard Hallman, Kevin Spencer, 1717 Judd; Lashon Elms, 3855 Castleman; Terry Appleman;
atson, Darron Davis, and Derrick Williams, 3218 Harley, appeared before the City Council concerning police
nnell Ballard, La- issues.
hesta McGowan, Michael
o , Ke vin Spencer,Richard Hall
n, City Manager Terrell advised Council and citizens that Internal Affairs Division
n, Ke
ashon Elms, Terry was still investigating the allegations, and that he was anticipating holding a meeting
ppleman b Derrick with the southeast community upon completion of the investigation.
illiams re concerning
olive issues Ms. Barbara Dike, 6708 Cumberland Road, appeared before the City Council and
ity Manager Terrell re
AD was still investi-
advised Council that her group, which was a non-profit organization, had located
ating this issue property in Ridglea for teens, but it required a zoning change and requested that the
Barbara Dike re City Council waive the $750.00 fee.
roperty in Ridglea for
ns and requested a Council Member Silcox requested staff to bring forward a Mayor and Council
oning change
Communication for next week's consideration waiving the $750.00 fee.
Marla Jesmore re Ms. Marla Jesmore, representing the Fort Worth Librarian's Association, 6413
etirement system South Hulen Street, appeared before the City Council and read correspondence regarding
the retirement system and the 25 and out plan.
Tuesday, October 12, 1993
Mr. Mike Flewelling re Mr. Mike Flewelling, Shady Trail, Dallas, Texas, appeared before the City Council
6permit m work after and advised Council that his company was working on a job on western Center Boulevard,
P but had been told that they couldn't work past 6:00
p.m. , and inquired where he might
obtain a permit to work after 6:00 p.m.
Mr. Joe Bilardi re Mr. Joe Bilardi, Director of the Development Department, appeared before the City
this was a provision Council and advised Council that this was a provision in the City Code and was designed
in the City Code to keep the noise out of residential areas after a certain time.
City Manager Terrell City Manager Terrell directed Mr. Flewelling to Assistant City Manager Mike
re Mr. Mike Flewelling Groomer, and advised him of possible Council action to be taken at next week's City
to ACM Mike Groomer Council meetino.
Met in closed or It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Council meet in closed
executivessessson session at 3:20 p.m. to seek the advice of its attorneys concerning the following
pending litigation:
a. John Woods v. City of Fort Worth, Cause No. CA 4:91-CV-645-E;
b. Rachel Gonzales v. Diana Mesa and the City of Fort Worth, Cause No. 96-
121196-89; and,
C. IBD Corporation dba Jamie's Food Stores and James Lemons v. City of Fort
Worth, Cause No. 348-140031-92
as authorized by Section 551-071 of the Texas Government Code.
Reconvened into The City Council reconvened into regular session at 3:25 p.m.
regular session
Adjourned There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m.
OCTOBER 19, 1993
Council Met On the 19th day of October A.D. , 1993, the City Council of the City
of Fort Worth, Texas, met in regular session at 10 :07 a.m. , with the
following members and officers present:
Members Present Mayor Kay Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber Virginia Nell Webber;
Council Members Jim Lane, Chuck Silcox, Becky Haskin, Jewel Woods,
McKinley Jackson, Bill Meadows, and Kenneth Barr; City Manager Bob
Terrell ; City Attorney Wade Adkins, City Secretary Alice Church. With
more than a quorum present, the following business was transacted:
Invocation The invocation was given by The Reverend Vernon James, Christ Holy
Sanctified Church.
Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Minutes of Octover 12, On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore
1993 approved Webber, the minutes of the regular meeting of October 12 , 1993, were
approved unanimously.
Proclamation - A proclamation for Disability Employment Awareness Month was
Disability Employment presented to Mr. Michael Langford.
Awareness Month
Proclamation - World Mayor Granger read a proclamation for World Food Day and recognized
Food Day various organizations that were providing food to the hungry.
Withdrew M&C C-14092 Council Member Lane requested that Mayor and Council Communication
No. C-14052 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.