HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993/11/08-Minutes-City Council-Special Called 341
Tuesday, November 2 , 1993
Ms. Delilah Johnson re Ms . Delilah Johnson, 4036 Reed Street, appeared before the City
support for the Council and expressed support for the Police Department and advised
Police Department Council that the community would like to see more police officers, not
Mr. Taaliba Sahib re Mr. Taaliba Sahib, representing Citizens on Patrol , 2828 Avenue K,
support for the appeared before the City Council and expressed support for the Police
Police Department Department , Citizens on Patrol , and suggested that more citizens should
take on the responsibility of helping to rid the community of the
criminal elements.
Rev. N. G. Daniels re Rev. W. G. Daniels, 4800 South Riverside Drive, appeared before the
support for the Need 8 City Council , and expressed support for the Weed & Seed Program, and
Seed Program and zero expressed support tollerance ex P for Zero Tolerance; and advised Council that the
ministers were going to make a difference in the communities and that
they were going to make an effort to reclaim the youth in the City of
Fort Worth.
Mr. Sabe Braheem re Mr. Sabe Braheem, 3911 East Berry, appeared before the City Council
issue of the death and advised Council that the only issue that he had brought to thei City
of Eric Spencer Council was the death of Eric Spencer.
Elder Roscoe Sanders Elder Roscoe Sanders, 3724 Raphael Drive, appeared before the City
re gangs Council and expressed concern regarding gangs within the City of Fort
Worth and advised Council that he had handed out over 2,000 flyers
requesting the gang members to allow them to minister to them.
Mr. Vaughn Durham re Mr. Vaughn Durham, 5520 Boca Raton Boulevard, appeared before the
opposition to a City Council and expressed opposition to a review board in the City of
review board in the Fort Worth.
City of Fort North
Mr. Steve Nahsington Mr. Steve Washington, 2625 Sherry Street, representing the African
re community affairs, Research Association, appeared before the City Council regarding
and the children of community affairs and expressed concern relative to the children of Fort
Fort Worth Worth.
Mr. Will Ingram re Mr. Will Ingram, 3908 Clotell Drive, appeared before the City
Citizens Review Board Council and advised Council that a Citizens Review Board was necessary
within the City of Fort Worth in order to weed out the bad and corrupt
police officers and to stop the police harassment .
djourned There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10
NOVEMBER 8, 1993
Date and Time
On the 8th day of November, A.D. , 1993, the City Council of the City
of Fort Worth, Texas, met in special session, at 8 :55 a.m. with the
following members and officers present:
ttendance Mayor Kay Granger; Council Members Chuck Silcox, Becky Raskin,
McKinley Jackson, Jewel Woods, Bill Meadows, and Kenneth Barr; City
Manager Bob Terrell ; City Attorney Wade Adkins; City Secretary Alice
Church. Mayor Pro tempore Webber and Council Member Jim Lane were
absent . With more than a quorum present , the following business was
rdinance No. 11441 Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by Council Member
and Election Silcox, that Ordinance No. 11441 be adopted canvassing the returns and
declaring the results of a bond election held on November 2 , 1993, as
Proposition No. 1 - Street and Storm Sewer Improvement
FOR 15,585
Monday, November 8, 1993
The motion carried unanimously.
Adjourned There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8: 56
NOVEMBER 9, 1993
Date and Time On the 9th day of November, A.D. , 1993, the City Council of the City of Fort
Worth, Texas, met in regular session, at 10:05 a.m. , with the following members and
officers present:
Mayor Ray Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Virginia Nell Webber; Council Members Jim
Lane, Chuck Silcox, Becky Baskin, McKinley Jackson, Jewel Woods, Bill Meadows, and
Kenneth Barr; City Manager Bob Terrell; City Attorney Wade Adkins; City Secretary Alice
Church. With more than a quorum present, the following business was transacted:
Invocation The invocation was given by The Reverend Alfred Sanford, St. Andrews United
Methodist Church.
Pledge The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Minutes of November On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council Member Barr, the minutes
2, 1993 of the regular meeting of November 2, 1993, were approved unanimously.
Presentation Police Chief Thomas Windham made a presentation of the Webber Seavey Award for Quality
in Law Enforcement to the Fort Worth Police Department, Co-sponsored by the
International Association of Chiefs of Police and the Motorola Corporation.
Sister Cities Mr. Harold Hammett, representing Sister Cities, introduced the Nursing Delegation
Budapest from Budapest, Hungary.
6-10415 City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10415
Withdrawn be withdrawn from the agenda.
Consent Agenda On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council Member Barr, the consent
Adopted agenda, as amended, was adopted unanimously.
Appointments: Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member Meadows, that Mr.
Allen Taylor Allen Taylor be appointed to Place 6 on the City Zoning Commission and the Fort Worth
Zoning Commission Alliance Airport Zoning Commission, with terms of office expiring October 1, 1994. The
motion carried unanimously.
Appointments: Council Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Council Member Lane, that Ms.
Mildred Butler
Landmark Corny. Mildred Butler be reappointed to Place 5 on Historic and Cultural Landmark Commission,
Lemarian Wallace that Mr. Lemarian Wallace, Jr. be appointed to Place 5 on the City Zoning Commission
Zoning comet. and the Fort Worth Alliance Airport Zoning Commission. The motion carried unanimously.
Granger Mayor Granger advised Council that she would be travelling to Miami on November
Ceremonial Travel 11, 1993, for the National Association of Realtors Meeting and advised Council that
they are paying for her travel arrangements.
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that
Mayor Granger's ceremonial travel to Miami be approved. The motion carried
Council Member Lane reminded individuals present in the Council Chamber and
Mexico Trade individuals that were watching on Cable television interested in doing business with
Delegation Mexico that the trade delegation would be in the City of Fort Worth on November 13
through 18th and urged the businesses to contact their respective Chamber of Commerce
or the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
OCS-576 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-576 from the Office
Liability Bonds of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council authorize the acceptance of
liability bonds issued to Centex Real Estate Corporation dba Center Homes and GASCO,
Inc. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recomaendation be adopted.