HomeMy WebLinkAbout(0052) ZC-21-037FORTWORT14 Case Number ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council Meeting Date: Council District: 7 May 11, 2021 Zoning Commission Recommendation: Approval by a vote of 9-0 Opposition: None submitted Support: None submitted ZC-21-037 Continued Yes _ No X Case Manager Sarah Bergman Council Initiated Yes No X OwnerlApplicant: GBTM Sendera, LLC / LJA Engineering, Inc. Site Location: Northwest of proposed County Line Road and Rancho Canyon Way, 14300 block of John Day Road Acreage: 6.94 acres (3.47 acres per tract) Proposed Use: Community Facilities (Tract 1)/Single Family Residential (Tract 2) Request: From: "AG" Agricultural, "A-5" One -Family District, "CF" Community Facilities To: "CF" Community Facilities, "A-5" One -Family Land Use Compatibility: Requested change is compatible. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Requested change is consistent (minor boundary adjustment). Staff Recommendation: Approval Background: The subject property includes two separate tracts of land located near the northern boundary of the Fort Worth City Limits, generally west of the intersection of Rancho Canyon Way and Equine Trail. Tract 1 is 3.47 acres and is currently zoned "AG" Agricultural, with a small portion at the northern end being zoned "A-5" One -Family. Tract 2 is also 3.47 acres and is currently zoned "CF" Community Facilities. The applicant intends to develop the area surrounding these properties as a new single-family residential subdivision, adjacent to the existing Sendero Ranch Subdivision. The majority of surrounding property is already zoned "A-5" One -Family. Tract 1 is located adjacent to a City of Fort Worth water tower and pump station, which is already zoned "CF" Community Facilities. The applicant is requesting to rezone Tract 1 from "AG" Agricultural and "A-5" One -Family to "CF" Community Facilities in order to create contiguous CF zoning in this location. Tract 2 is proposed to be rezoned from "CF" Community Facilities to "A-5" One -Family, to match the zoning of the surrounding area and provide additional land for single-family residential development. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: Tract 1: Tract 2: North "A-5" One -Family / vacant North "A-5" One -Family / vacant East "CF" Community Facilities / vacant East "A-5" One -Family / vacant Page 1 of 2 South "AG" Agricultural / vacant and gas well site South Unzoned (ETJ) / vacant West "CF" Community Facilities / CFW water tower West "CF" Community Facilities / vacant Public Notification: 300-foot Legal Notifications were mailed on March 25, 2021. The followina oraanizations were notified: (emailed March 15. 2021) Organizations Notified North Fort Worth Alliance Sendera Ranch HOA* Streams and Valleys Inc. Trinity Habitat for Humanity Northwest ISD *Located within this registered Neighborhood Association Development Impact Analysis: 1. Land Use Compatibility The applicant is proposing to rezone Tract 1 from "AG" Agricultural and "A-5" One -Family to "CF" Community Facilities and to rezone Tract 2 from "CF" Community Facilities to "A-5" One Family. For Tract 1, all surrounding properties are currently vacant with the exception of the City of Fort Worth water tower and pump station located to the west. Properties to both the east and west are zoned "CF" Community Facilities. Property to the south is vacant and zoned "AG" Agricultural, and property to the north is zoned "A-5" One -Family and intended for single-family development. All property surrounding Tract 2 is currently vacant. Land to the north and east is zoned "A-5" One -Family, to the west is zoned "CF" Community Facilities, and to the south is located outside of the Fort Worth City Limits and therefore not zoned. If approved, this zoning change will allow Tract 2 to be added to the surrounding "A-5" area providing additional land for single-family development. The proposed zoning is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. Comprehensive Plan Consistency — Far North Sector The 2021 Comprehensive Plan currently designates Tract 1 as Open Space and Tract 2 as Institutional. However, for both Tracts 1 and 2, the Future Land Use designation and current zoning of the properties immediately adjacent to each tract matches the zoning being requested. For Tract 1, the Comprehensive Plan recommends Institutional use on property immediately to the east and west, which aligns with the proposed "CF" Community Facilities zoning. For Tract 2, the Comprehensive Plan recommends Single -Family Residential immediately north and east of the subject property, which aligns with the proposed "A-5" One -Family zoning. In addition, the proposed zoning aligns with the following policies of the Comprehensive Plan: • Promote fiscally sustainable growth on the periphery of the city by encouraging development adjacent to existing adequate infrastructure and discouraging leapfrog development. • Encourage large lot residential or agricultural uses in the far northern portion of the Far Northwest sector, especially in areas with large numbers of gas wells. Based on conformance with the policies stated above, the proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan (minor boundary adjustment). Attachments: • Zoning Exhibit Depicting Tracts 1 and 2 (provided by applicant) • Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. Notification Area Area Map Future Land Use Map Aerial Photograph Page 2 of 2 . --' 0 100 200 FEET I I I I I I I I I 1 J1 i • RANCHO CANYON WAY 11 ZONING: "A-7.5" EXISTING WATER TOWER & PUMP STATION ZONING: "CF" MADERO ZONING: "A-5" ZONING: "CF" MADERO ZONING: "AG" TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY CITY OF FORT WORTH ETJ PROPOSED RE -ZONING TRACT 1 "AG" TO "CF" 3.471 AC ZONING EXHBT: TRACT 1 MADERO LJA En ro����1Inc. I}�1��1�1FAr. o3iia, re,a, cszae cane-Fi�ae ZONING: "CF" MARY JAN E B E N N ETT, TRUSTEE CITY OF FORT WORTH ETJ MADERO PROPOSED RE -ZONING TRACT 2 "CF" TO "A-5" 3.471 AC MARY ANN L. WATKINS CITY OF FORT WORTH ETJ FORT WORTH. ZC-21-037 Area Zoning Map Applicant: GBTM Sendera LLC Address: Northwest of proposed County Line Road and Rancho Canyon, 14300 block John Day RoE Zoning From: AG, A-5, CF Zoning To: A-5, CF Acres: 6.9426558 Mapsco: 5CG Sector/District- Far North N Commission Date: 4/14/2021 Contact: 817-392-8026 0 1,050 2,100 4,200 Feet I I I I I I I I I Created: 3/15/2021 4:24:03 PM RNome Council Districts 2 - Salvador Espino 3-Brian Byrd 4 -Cary Moon 5 -Gyna Bivens 6- Jungus Jordan 7 - Dennis Shingleton 8 - Kelly Allen Gray 9 -Ann Zadeh Overlay Districts ® Airport Overlay District 1-35W TU PERIPHERAL DESIGN DISTRICT CONSERVATION DISTRICT Noise Contours DECIBEL 65 70 75 80 85 FORTWORTH. Area Map A.. 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet ZC-21-037 7 Created: 3/15/2021 4:23:20 PM FORT WORTH zc-21-037 Future Land Use Neighborhood Connector 0 U C O o Tract 2 U O U s -a o O o °A o v z z Tract 1 r, o� c ro0 r.Q0 SKYTOP DR SALIDA RD KACHINA LN Vacant, Undeveloped, Agricultural General Commercial Rural Residential Light Industrial PONCHO LN Suburban Residential Heavy Industrial Single Family Residential Mixed -Use ...�``/ Manufactured Housing Industrial Growth Center �PCINkAN' Low Density Residential Infrastructure �nONQ Medium Density Residential 100 Year Flood Plain Q�Q►M - High Density Residential Public Park, Recreation, Open Space Urban Residential Private Park, Recreation, Open Space Institutional Lakes and Ponds Neighborhood Commercial N 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet A Comprehensive Plan shall not constitute zoning regulations or establish zoning district boundaries. (Texas Local Government Code, Section 213.005.) -- O 0 rF r D LEO-TZ-DZ