HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20544-12-2012ORDINANCE NO. 20544-12-2012 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND EXTINGUISHING A TWELVE FOOT ALLEY RIGHTS -OF -WAY LOCATED BETWEEN OLEANDER STREET AND ROSEDALE STREET, SITUATED IN BLOCK A WRAY'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 18 OF FIELDS -WELCH ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AS FILED IN VOLUME 63, PAGE 93 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 5,173 SQUARE FEET OR 0.1188 ACRE OF LAND; PROVIDING FOR REVERSION OF FEE IN SAID LAND; THE RETAINMENT OF EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENTS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That a twelve (12) foot wide alley right -of -way, situated in and being a portion of Block A, Wray's Subdivision of Block 18, Fields -Welch Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas as recorded in Volume 63, Page 93 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; containing approximately 5,173 square feet or 0.1188 acres of land more or less, and as more specifically described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference be and the same is vacated and extinguished. SECTION 2. That the fee to the lands in the above - described vacated alleys and easements are hereby released and shall revert to the adjacent owner as provided by law. SECTION 3. That all existing utility easements shall be retained by the City until such time all utilities located in the easements are relocated at the owner's expense. SECTION 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Assistant City Attorney Adopted: December 18, 2012 Effective: December 18, 2012 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land located in the City of Fort Worth/ Tarrant County. Texas, part of the William Welch Survey, Abstract No. 1644/ being all of the remainder of a 12 font alley (called) as shown on the record plat of Block A. Wrey'o Subdivision of Block 18/ Fields-Welch Addition/ an addition to the City of Fort Worth no recorded in Volume 63, Page 93, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8^ iron rod with plastic cap stamped "R'P'L.S. 5199^ set for the southeast corner of Lot 16 of said Block A, said Wray'm Subdivision, being the intersection of the west right-of-way line of said 12 foot alley and the north right-of-way line of Oleander Street (variable width R.O.W.); THENCE, along the west right-of-way of said 12 foot alley and along the east line of Lots 2-18, Block A, said Wruy'a Subdivision, North' a distance of 373.59 feet to a 5/8^ iron rod with plastic cap stamped ^R.P.L.S' 5198^ met, being in the south right-of-way line of Rosedale Street (variable width R.O.W.); T0ENCE, along the mouth right -of -way of Rosedale Street, South 79 degrees 33 minutes 24 seconds East, o distance of 14.08 feet to a 5/8^ iron rod with plastic cap stamped ^R,P.L.S. 5190^ set, being in the east right-of -way line of said 12 allay and the west lino of Lot 31, Block A. said Wrey'o Subdivision; THENCE, along the ouat right-of-way of said 12 foot alley and the west lino of Lots 17'31, Block A, said Wrm 's Subdivision, South, a distance of 373.61 feet to e 5/8" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "R,P'L.S. 5199" set for the, southwest corner of Lot 17, Block A. said Wrmy'o Subdiviaion, being in the north right-of-way line of Oleander Street; THENCE/ along the north line of said Oleander Street, North 78 degrees 29 minutes OO seconds West, m distance of 14.08 feat to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 5,173 square feet or 0.1188 acre of land, more or lens. RELEASED 4/23/2012 FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY, THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE. Douglas S. Loomis Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5199 ALLLY AtiANIJUMMLNDLAnUtJ1U 811 171 Plano ftlkway BLOCK m°WRmYS Sm13Dmvxm,mN OF BLOCK Im OF FoELDm'vwELCHwmDv1mON Plano, ,cxas'5074 VOLUME 63, PAGE 93,om.R.lcC.T. -Y/^ �0����N�0�00 (*72�424-7002 v"^" U U WILLIAM WELCH SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. om" u (nz) ^3/'/,oz,� �rw' 04/23/2012 Scale: /�-an Prm�xt m/21^e1o7U E1,11 BASIS OF BEARINGS EAST LINE OF LOTS 2-10, BLOCK A HELD AS "NORTH" (C.C.F. No. _ D.R.T.C.T.) 0 30' 60' SCALE: 1m=6a ROSEDALE STREET IVARIARLS-WIDTH R.O.W.) 12' ALLEY (CALLED). TO BE ABANDONED 5,173 SQUARE FEET 0.1188 ACRES 0 oig m z 2 5/8' I.R � (C.M.) A 0 EXHIBrr-w, S 79'33'24" E 14.08' 8' _1R.S1_ — j- 31 3 1 OWNEL. � QUIXTRIP, 30 CORPORATION 5_ 4 CD.R.T.C.T. 29 OWNIUL� Qu(TRIp CORPOuRATION 26 C.C.F. NO. QUUCrRIP pOv9pkuON D.R.T.C.T. C.C.F. NO. T.C.T —p- 27 7 z E W, uJ 0 N 26 w QUM-rRV 0 COV_0RAn0N C.C.F. NO. 25 cii ca m U g D-_ D.R.T.C.T. 2 QUVATW .4 IL 944­ C RPQ.PAIMN Q� = .1 C.C.F. NO. al 10 D- ;Z3 W U) D.R.T.C.T. OWNRX- _Owxz;� 22 q QUIXTRIP CORPORATION_ COR ORAnON D- C.C.F. NO. Dd ZI unn1w ' D.R.T.C.T. D_ f:R- K I I T.C.T. 21 13 2D OW NER: : I I 14 DONATZA TRam DONATM.0 TROTT11 to — A" RUSBAND AND 9USBA." nua" "7 GXYLES--r. "AND =Ocz 4ROC11— 15 CX r. NO. C.C.P. NO. 18 D-2100933Z7 D-20093327 D&D.R.TX.T. T.C.T. T 16 _p 1, R, S. R 5/8- I.R.S. N 79*29'06" OLEANDER STREET 14.08 (VARIA13LE-WIDTH R.O.W.) oil cc uj 0- M-1 ze Ln art 'Wo iZt ALLOY ALSAINIIJUNIVIr-N I tArI101 1 Piano Paikway BLOCK A, WRATS SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK iS Sum! 117 OF FIELDS-WELCH ADDITION Plano, Tcxas 73074 VOLUME 63, PAGE 93, M.R.T.C.T. C (912)4z4 -7002 V.,ce MILLIAM WELCH SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 16" (972) 633. 1702 Fax Oats: 04/23/2012 Scale: 1"-60 Project No. 121491071 Www Stwvcyconsulumsfna.com 41:_I LEGEND 5/8" I.R.S. 5/8' IRON ROD SET WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'A.P.L.S. 5199- Cm) CONTROLLING MONUMENT O.R.T.C.T. GEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TX P.R.T.C.T. PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT, COUNTY, TX PG. PAGE P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING R.O.W. RIGHT -OF -WAY VOL. VOLUME S 79'33'24" E 14.08' 8' _1R.S1_ — j- 31 3 1 OWNEL. � QUIXTRIP, 30 CORPORATION 5_ 4 CD.R.T.C.T. 29 OWNIUL� Qu(TRIp CORPOuRATION 26 C.C.F. NO. QUUCrRIP pOv9pkuON D.R.T.C.T. C.C.F. NO. T.C.T —p- 27 7 z E W, uJ 0 N 26 w QUM-rRV 0 COV_0RAn0N C.C.F. NO. 25 cii ca m U g D-_ D.R.T.C.T. 2 QUVATW .4 IL 944­ C RPQ.PAIMN Q� = .1 C.C.F. NO. al 10 D- ;Z3 W U) D.R.T.C.T. OWNRX- _Owxz;� 22 q QUIXTRIP CORPORATION_ COR ORAnON D- C.C.F. NO. Dd ZI unn1w ' D.R.T.C.T. D_ f:R- K I I T.C.T. 21 13 2D OW NER: : I I 14 DONATZA TRam DONATM.0 TROTT11 to — A" RUSBAND AND 9USBA." nua" "7 GXYLES--r. "AND =Ocz 4ROC11— 15 CX r. NO. C.C.P. NO. 18 D-2100933Z7 D-20093327 D&D.R.TX.T. T.C.T. T 16 _p 1, R, S. R 5/8- I.R.S. N 79*29'06" OLEANDER STREET 14.08 (VARIA13LE-WIDTH R.O.W.) oil cc uj 0- M-1 ze Ln art 'Wo iZt ALLOY ALSAINIIJUNIVIr-N I tArI101 1 Piano Paikway BLOCK A, WRATS SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK iS Sum! 117 OF FIELDS-WELCH ADDITION Plano, Tcxas 73074 VOLUME 63, PAGE 93, M.R.T.C.T. C (912)4z4 -7002 V.,ce MILLIAM WELCH SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 16" (972) 633. 1702 Fax Oats: 04/23/2012 Scale: 1"-60 Project No. 121491071 Www Stwvcyconsulumsfna.com 41:_I �� ��� v � City Worth., Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION, Approved on 12/1 DATE: Tuesday, December 1R.2O12 LOG NAME: 000065030 VA-012'014 REFERENCE NC}.: °°PZ-3004 SUBJECT: Adopt Ordinance Vacating an Alley Between Rosedale Street and Oleander Street (COUNCIL DISTRICT RECOMMENDATION: |tim recommended that the City Council: 1. Adopt the attached ordinance vacating an alley between Rosedale Street and Oleander Street; and 2. Waive any and all purchase fee value of the vacated land in accordance with City Policy (M&C G- Survey Consultants, Inc., On behalf of{)u\Cktrip COrporaUOn, has requested the vacation of this alley to r8p|ot it with the adjoining property fora new gas station and convenience store. The {|ib/ Plan Commission recommended approval of this request at its meeting on June 27, 2012. An acceptable rep|at (F8-012-O57) has been received. The City Of Fort Worth (Cih/) originally obtained the above mentioned hght-Of+way through the platting process. Fhe City does not own land under or adjacent to the above referenced alley. Since no City funds have been expended to purchase property or easement rights, collection of the fair market value or any portion thereof is recommended by Staff to be waived. CERTIFICATION: This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 9. FISCAL INFORMATION / The Financial Management Services Director certifies that this action will have no nleh*h8| effect on City funds. CERTIFICATIONS: FUND CENTERS: TO Fu nd/Accou nt/C enters Q6ginat1n_q-Qepartment Head: Additional Information Contact: FROM Fund/Account/,Centers Fernando Costa (6122) Randle Harwood (6101) Alexander Parks (2038) Logname: 060065030 VA-012-014 Page 1 of I zq 0. 0 O 133 pl I T-7 E 3 Ul 10 4 t E2, Ij N js zq 0. 0 O 133 pl T-7 FORTWORTH A3R 32 m 22R 33R 33R AB 21 36 Ag 20 37 A10 19 Alt 18 Al2 17 40R1 45 16 40R2 14R 15 ROSEDALEST I R MP RE�� PEE 3 2 3R 7 VA-01 2-014 Vicinity Map 0 R2 FRI H 3 K 5 Np01\oA z ti A2 ADPOCK I, 1 31 3 1A 4 2E) IAR 5 28 6 27 I 7 26 25 2 �'ub'Je...... B 24 24 to 23 c t ..... .... . . IR f I]A Z2 12 21 2 13 5 14 15 ------------------ 4 Alm-- OLEANDER ST �R 3 I 3z I R 2R L LlA 31 IR 2R 30 4R 3R Area to be re-platted with vacated right-of-way MAGNOLIA AVE T3 2 V) 31 F2 z 30 3 N 1 inch = 200 feet W F.