HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 35500-A3 CffySECXARY_)tE 7�) 0 CONT M . TO CITY . 35500 WHEREAS,, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and HDR Engineering, Inc. (ENGINEER) and entered into City ecr t r Contract No. 35500, e which was authorize --22162 on the 5day of June, 7 in the 37, 157' . 00; and WHEREAS,, the CONTRACT was, subsequently rev:Lsed, by: Amendment N'umber 1 the un $24, 7'80 . 00 c was adminisL-ratively authorized on September 04, 20107,, Amendment Number n the amount $84, 714 . 00 i s was authorized by M&C # C 25012 on July 19, 20111 - an Ai 4 services the following oje Tony' Cr el t:ention RehabilitaLion Project; and WHEREAS. it has, ecome necessary -to execute Amendment No. 3 to CONTRACT to 'include an increased scope of work and revised fee. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, their du o representatives,, enter 'into the following agreement, which amends CONTRACT. 1 . Art I of the CONTRACT is amended to clu the additional in r servi p ci 1 r ls l date er 17, 2012, copy of which attached hereto and incorporated h e!in. The cost, to City or the additional sign services to pe,rformed by Engineer totals $22,243. 00., See Attached Funding Breakdown Sheet, 3 20 Article f the CONTRACT is amended to :" for an increase in the fee t,o be paid the Contract, as m e , s,o that the dotal fee paid by the, City for all work and services shall be an amou f $164, 047. 00. All other r v i .,�.,o n of the Contract, h c' a I� uu!u'wuumruirmaoxa',7tnmsm ram iummrmna,m+uurvnunuHa!rnwnemixnria rmx immaimnauwmmim G:!ws v�duroaumw:,^.pi amended herein shall remain in full fo c and effect . OFFICIAL RECORD City of Fort Worth CIT Y Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template 111,lax PMO Official Release 8/1/2012 f Pagel of � N `� 2 i ir7 anumurrodnrirrauimmnoimru:vaummmmmawaumvrsuvmxiauawaruamguxuwnrvnsmmnunumnmuuwimu�mnwmuxunxu�xnnnitinuraumauiuvier EXECUTED, and EFFECTIVE as of the date last wr itten by a signatory, below. APPROVED.- City of Fort, Worth, ENGINEER HDR En eerl In,c., 7 .......... Fernando CosI ta, Ramon�Niguez, 91N.E. Assistant City Manager Vice President DATE, DATE,,, APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: 'I. '1101 Dough W. Wiersig, VE D ' rect,or t 1 , Transportat on/Public Works Department APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY-. M&C, Date . Dou4las W. Black Assistant City Attorney ATTEST. tj "0001<// 00 Miry /J. fa-ys"' ` 'I , C), 0 0 City Secreta 01 0 0 #60 0 0 ISM 0 0 0* C 110 1114�000()()00 OFFICIAL RECORD City of Fort Worth Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template MITI( SECRETAXI PM0 Official Release 8/1/201.2 ' W).RTFfp `�'rX Page 2 of 3 FUNDINGBRE,AKDOWN SHEET City Secretary No. 35500 Amendment Department Fund-Account-Center Amount T'PW P227 531:12 . 010 II Total *- $221243 . 00 City of Fort Worth Professional Services Agreement Aniendilient Template PMO Oifficial Release 8/1/20112 Page 3 of 3 ,I A.NY Ma ny Sio lu ti o n s 11.. IMF 0 0 Aft �M 0. vwrl�w Oft all .k, � �. • Is low Ift 46 AN Amb Ak Ab I f OINE COMPAN, � Soto n `*, low • 0 oil o, it ,Ila a A, " la ; i IN "" dmk a lift +w + r l III r' 400 � .,,H. II' � r I I o CL i 44' I c I� LL Li...... , 1 0 soma 19 �" "� .►� (i � 4 � ► ' CL C 0 � ' I� ry u mo auma�a� wow w�auww,,w�: fUM.. w � L cr , ; (n •�-rI cc 0 CL w ° ": o CL I I x LU I ._ .� U. 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