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(0307) ZC-21-058
Case Number ZC-21-058 FORTWORTH ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council Meeting Date: June 22, 2021 Zoning Commission Recommendation: Approval by a vote of 9-0 Opposition: 1 speaker, 7 letters, North Lake Worth NA Support: 3 letters, petition with 24 signatures Council District 7 Continued Yes _ No _X_ Case Manager Arty Wheaton -Rodriquez Surplus Yes No X Council Initiated Yes No X Owner/Applicant: Shaun Riddle Site Location: 4025 Marina Drive Acreage: 1.17 Proposed Use: Boat/Auto Repair, Single Family Home, Marina Request: From: "A-5" One -Family, NASJRB Overlay To: Amend "PD136" (S/U for a marina) increasing the size of the PD and adding single family residence (existing) and auto/boat repair, NASJRB Overlay Land Use Compatibility. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Staff Recommendation Requested change is compatible. Requested change is consistent. Approval Background: The property is located along the shoreline of Lake Worth with frontage on Marina Drive. The property today has a marina for boat storage and two existing structures on land. The larger structure at the western edge of the property, nearest to the lake, had been used as a boat repair facility. In the past the marina was much larger in this location and buildings spanned from the existing PD136 boundary through this proposed site. The structure closest to Marina Drive has been used as a single family home by the applicant. PD136 is an existing Planned Development for Specific Use of a marina and restaurant with alcohol sales. In the early 2000s most of the marina facilities at this location were torn down with the three described structures remaining. Although these structures have been on the site and part of the marina since the 1950s this specific property was not a part of the area zoned for the specific use of a marina. Site Information: Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: North "PD5136" / vacant, previous use marina East Outside of City Limits / City of Lake Worth residential South "A-5" One -Family / marina Lake Worth Boat & Ski Club Page 1 of 2 West "A-5" One -Family/ Lake Worth Recent Relevant Zoning History: Zoning History: ZC-92-049, creation of PD136; ZC-14-102, creation of NASJRB Overlay Public Notification: 300 foot Legal Notifications were mailed on April 23, 2021. The followina oraanizations were notified: (emailed April 19. 2021) Organizations Notified North Lake Worth NA Scenic Shores NA Streams And Valleys Inc Trinity Habitat for Humanity NAS Fort Worth JRB RCC Fort Worth ISD Azle ISD Lake Worth ISD Not located within a registered neighborhood organization. Development Impact Analysis: 1. Land Use Compatibility The applicant is proposing to amend PD136 to increase the size of the PD. The applicant is also requesting to add the uses of boat and auto repair. Within the minutes of the October 13, 1992 City Council (attached) it was discussed accessory uses to the marina can include boat repair. The applicant in this case wishes to expand that use to also allow auto repair, which is similar in nature. (At the time of the creation of this PD it was discussed in the minutes that a marina includes ship and dock rental, repair of boats and motors, operation of machine shop to repair boats and a dry dock and storage.) A single family home exists on the property within an older marina related structure. Surrounding land uses consist of the lake itself, another marina, vacant land, and residential development in the City of Lake Worth. At this time, there is no proposed new construction. As a result, the proposed zoning amendment is compatible at this location. 2. Comprehensive Plan Consistency -Far West The 2021 Comprehensive Plan designates the subject site Open Space (private). The Comprehensive Plan describes this designation as public or private recreation, or passive land. The below Comprehensive Plan has adopted the Lake Worth Vision Plan by reference. The Lake Worth Vision Plan promotes the use of City property used by the Lake Worth Boat and Ski Club (adjacent and south of the proposed zoning change) as it promotes boating recreation and allows Forth Worthy residents to participate in water recreation activities at Lake Worth. The plan also supports consideration of existing clubs or other suitable locations on the lake (pg 49). Based on conformance with the strategies stated above, the proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Attachments: • Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. Notification Area • Site Plan • Area Map • Future Land Use Map • Aerial Photograph • ZC-92-052 minutes Page 2 of 2 FORT WORTH. Zc-21-058 Area Zoning Map Applicant: Shaun Riddle Address: 4025 Marina Drive Zoning From: A-5 with NASJRB Overlay Zoning To: PD 136 and adding single family residence, auto/boat repair with NASJRB Overlay Acres: 1.17982457 Mapsco: 45V Sector/District: Far West N Commission Date: 5/12/2021 Contact: null A -5 Subject Area ® 300 Foot Notification �,. V 0 Ji 4i40 s1J0 A113 a021 ? 53 ?y}tl 1J�?e 4W1 �17 9919 9905 'I JJ 750q J7{p 3728 3729 373 9?28 2728 3728 x3 3725 3729 37118 J72a 3728 3728 W28 d 5Ti 0 110 220 440 Feet Created: 4/16/2021 9:47:29 AM Council Districts 2 - Salvador Espino 3 - Brian Byrd 4 -Cary Moon 5 -Gyna Bivens 6- Jungus Jordan 7 - Dennis Shingleton 8 -Kelly Allen Gray 9 -Ann Zadeh Overlay Districts ® Airport Overlay District 1-35W 0 TU PERIPHERAL DESIGN DISTRICT 0 CONSERVATION DISTRICT Noise Contours DECIBEL 65 70 - 75 - 80 85 FORT WORTH. Area Map 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet ZC-21-058 w .�..� �. ... ... �rrr„rnrn,lr ('199i } A Z.E O Lake _r Created:4/16/2021 9:46:21 AM FORT WORTH. "M Future Land Use TOLLWAY/ FREEWAY ' Institutional PRINCIPALARTERIAL Neighborhood Commercial MAJORARTERIAL General Commercial MINORARTERIAL Light Industrial tiacant, Undeveloped, Agricultural Heavy Industrial Rural Residential Mixed -Use Suburban Residential Industrial Growth Center Single Family Residential Infrastructure Manufactured Housing ® 100 Year Flood Plain - Low Density Residential Public Park, Recreation, Open Space - Medium Density Residential Private Park, Recreation, Open Space - High Density Residential Lakes and Ponds 150 75 0 150 Feet ZC-21-058 N A Comprehensive Plan shall not constitute zoning regulations or as tab is hzoning district bow dad as. (Texas Local Government Code, Section 213.005.) Land use designationswers approved by City Council on March 6, 2018. Created: 4/16/2021 9:48:10 AM FORT WORTH. Aerial Photo Map r�. 0 95 190 380 Feet ZC-21-058 30 Tuesday, October 13, 1992 M&C FP-3006 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP-3006 from final payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete McClendon Construction Company, Inc. the assessment paving of Truman Drive, from Loop 820 to Ramey, and Truman Court, from Truman Drive to Cul-de-Sac; approve the final assessment roll; authorize the issuance of certificates as evidence of the special assessments levied against the abutting property owners of Truman Drive, from Loop 820 to Ramey and Truman Court from Truman Drive to Cul-de-Sac; and authorize final payment of $10,831.29 to McClendon Construction Company, Inc. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted. Resolution No. 1851 It appeared to the City Council that Resolution No. 1851 was adopted Zoning Hearing on September 22, 1992, setting today as the day for a hearing in connection with the recommended changes and amendments to Zoning ordinance 3011, and that notice of the hearing had been given by publication in the Fort Worth Commercial Recorder, the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on September 25, 1992. Z-92-016 It appeared to the City Council that on August 11, 1992, they cont. until November continued the zoning application of Williams Investment Company, Inc., 10, 1992 for a proposed change in signing of property located at 1201 Granger Street and 1200-1208 South Jennings Avenue, Zoning Docket Z-92-016, from day to day and from time and time and especially to the City Council meeting of October 13, 1992. Mayor Mayor Pro tempore Webber asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCray, that Zoning Docket No. Z-92-016, Williams Investment Company, Inc., for a proposed zoning change for property located at 191201 Granger Street and 1200-1208 South Jennings Avenue, from a change of zoning from "D" multi -family to "F-R" restricted commercial be continued until November 10, 1992. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bob Martin re Z-92-053 Mr. Bob Martin, 1819 South Adams, appeared before the City Council and requested that the City Council 4 y give favorable consideration for the recommended change in zoning for property located at 2517 Ryan Place Drive from "A" One -Family to "A/HC" One -Family Historical and Cultural Subdistrict, Zoning Docket No. Z-92-053. Z-92-057 re Cont. until November Council Member Silcox made a motion, seconded by Council Member 10, 1992 McCray, that the zoning application of John P. Ryan for a change in zoning of property located at 4325-4401 Bryant Irvin Road from "C" Multi - Family and "E" Commercial to "G" Commercial, Zoning Docket No. Z-92-057, be continued until the regular City Council Zoning Hearing on November 10, 1992. The motion carried unanimously. There being no one present desiring to be heard in connection with the recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 3011, Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member Puente, that the hearing be closed and that the following zoning applications be approved; and the zoning ordinances adopted: Z-92-049 Z-92-049 City of Fort Worth - Real Property Management by Jane Goodspeed 4000-4100 Marina Drive From "A" One -Family to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for a marina and restaurant with alcohol sales (as found in Section 9.A.50 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance). Waiver of Site Plan recommended. Z-92-050 Z-92-050 errant County Hospital District by Troy M Fuller 3209 Stalcup Road From'"B" Two -Family to "ER" Restricted Commercial Z-92-052 Z-92-052 May Street Joint Venture by Joan Kline 656 & 664 St. Louis Street 306, 308, 6 310 W. Cannon Street From "ER" Restricted Commercial to "ER/HC" Restricted Commercial/Historic and Cultural Subdistrict Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 367 ! i - ZONING COMMISSION _ 8/12/92 PAGE a -�32-04S_. 'CITY OF -"FORT WORTH - .RL-A.L rRoPEK NAK' abEmENt% tlj_:J.s»e 5 'Goodsp�oa- 4000'-4 Y00 Mar ina Drive - From "A' One -Family to "PD/SU" Planned Development .y; ,. Specafic. Use for a marina Mi's. wietta HdcknFy r Pregenting the City o Fala Worth; Real Properly K1 naya(,Cnt ?_..Skit, stated that the City is sell.tnR the subj60t property and needs a 'P.D/5U planned Developnan�,'SFecific , Use for the. continued operation of a es waiver, of .tile situ Plan. Mrs. Hackney e:.<olained;i_hat the I' r _ property has been in use a.s-a mw,i+na `or appr 0xim5tolY fifity - - £. years and zihe surrounding development is 'compatible r:tvi" the It, 1 SUb,J edtP.1'O{ eY tr Y, ChB :off 1-ed ton LIeT queSt ion-; In response to a question from Mt, Ai",lson; relative to the mar hn6 already be ng onsLruated; Mrs.. Hackney stated th=t the marina. is f } constructed _nd roady r'or us ! as j fff I Mr. Joe P.i"lardi, Development Director, commented that the re,quett, i 'i shquId read restaurant and r_afe to sell alcohol haver e -on . prams es. e Mrs.'t'ace Sounder,-;..pe king in favor of this pa_a:, deooriUed'the; a .; subjectproperty no rig thatshe i:s the owner and'oper=tor of the existing cafe. on"the ma sire Shc stated Ehat the- •efiniY.ion 'For: rtarina" is; not clear in the o dinance and needs > he defined and entered info the record for futul ;of a renee its. Sv�nder # then red i;'n o the.:lecord thF varied ctiviieis in✓ol✓ac.in the o oration of a mat includane sH3p and:dacr rental r pill of ana motors opet atinn of ms^hine shop to 1 ePd i,r boat:,,, a - t� + dry doci. `-and stor-ac.Ui s 1 't I n're po nSe to, a queeC._On fromMr. L1i l.:on_, lative o the e }t ta 'c} t the c. , ty. . buying and':. s ellinproperty, P91 Na at knev'_, in the,procass or selling the land to the owner and r.a,C,l o'I- _,� thE" mdrin�T�.--ifil t(dt0 OI., TICl57. MrDircctol' of DeVciopment, explained that the. City -puts oLtt a hid and the ow'ner responds i.q the bi<!. -' - In :response to a question. from Rev. McCormick, relative tc :the - i-n th of tim remErana n�i on th leaped grope iy, Fir K'lt"e - pounder states: that. sie has Ye Ta eal.iln� or: the L.aso, Rod plans to prtr have are improve. the land ,.n the future. 11,s+. Barber. Wooten speakilig in f-- 5f this .as , 4tat-ed that �-r •� slie is a re iderit at. Lako:Worth and -otal.ly suppoi+tc the - apt+l+_cant Is rnc7u?s i3. in response tc- aquestion-,from' p P7r . �kett Chaa.rrc:3n 1 al ative to �- - whethor or:'hot the_n ighbor. opposed the r�qu r©rnu�nc that -':the t - Site plan be Waived Mr^• Wooten st,.ted that the; ne,ghbors u nderStand:-the Waiver, and th6 £41FpOrt the request_ e _ (LOM7NG .COMitL55SON. 8/1�/92 PAGE--7 -"L=92-044: Thereawas no opposition. Fo11owi-n5 a brief dfscuS'siorn, the CoMnission,`on zrmot on Ly Mr. "era nson, seconded by Mr-'>-Wilkoh, on a vote- of 9.-0', iinati ;toussy _ VOTED:- T. recommend that the City. .Council 'APPROVE, Z-9 -0h'4A a ragiesc of t', Ciiv.of F8r'1, tbla '- �za-k - Propeij.ty Ptan$06re nt 'by 33ne Goodspeed; to ro'zc,ne Loi; {" £lotk e'_of the P� oposed r.L ke. idoY,th ! @a5¢i located . at 4Q00-4100 Marina D'riv , from P" One F3ni;ly to - - PD/SW planned Dave 1'bpmeRt SpecA �c-Use for `a r•-arina With c ost.�urlint having alcohol s._l:es- Waiver of rite ' plar, t-ecommc idad. 4y i r {i } {II: 1" 1 S7_ r F PEE?(ifli Fort iNor;It=Pl�nrilncU ®ej�ar4meit - OKA: 8-?2;92;12C)_ SECTOR: LAKE WORTH - � - 9 7&W MCI - �'- 3 L3�NE5fiAt INFQRfl+tak170N t — tiE0U1:5'i' " ' YCili � $I"t�iC i'atb(Iiy to "PeJ v 3 )sho , - -®@VClnpn'lOisY:$p4'CIYiC; 17GC`{Oi it�i3lna APW�ICr Ni Cny of rowwtirth t r�pa Fla "snament EliRe COC;A710N AND S}ZE A4Q0 47UG Minna{2 hn awiss All I EISTTN�fYRQPf15Ep U81S1 RAann�/ ama `' r _�g� a i� i ITIS" OWN Att,OyVACit E 11SCIS1 : Comm¢rc�al and mdn�tr�al;_ asps v�th'_r¢S[ris#19n�- m de`rolCHrinent carrirels %r - t1 its f - }mot,ez o,7 of adjacent proyattaas e�+}rAr SU spe �f c d r ar_a omtn, rpiaF or { # ': s m(lustttai ofiiriq distr'9as s9Titxes daterm ne perinrtta'J ' - � d.,Cs srce ptan $RPruval rapn¢st :. 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