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(0266) Cowan Place Map.pdf
Cowan Place Senior Development va- P Legend .., - FREEWAYS O LAKES . 1 OCENTRAL CITY _ O CITY LIMIT y r 377 Z 287 mI WINDOWMERE J ` 77 1 1 287 Z €.� . 4+ X J �P LU 'O F -y _ ROSEDALE < r y •" �, ,_ �TT+"{fi�^{4rr+. //Ip .� J/ Y f� MACq - - KUTMAN r , gI a �a CALUMET _ Y,w f N WAINWRIGH'T I z .. w a .� n a r N 0 0.1 0.2 FORT WORTH., A Miles © Copyright 2017 City of Fort Worth. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable Iaws.This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on -the -ground survey and represents only approximate relative location of property boundaries. The City of Fort Worth assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of said data.