HomeMy WebLinkAbout(0297) ZC-21-021Case Number ZC-21-021 FORTWORT11 ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council Meeting Date: June 22, 2021 Zoning Commission Recommendation: Approval by a vote of 7-0 Opposition: 1 letter Support: None Owner/Applicant: Valentin Torres Council District: 4 Continued Yes _ No X Case Manager Sarah Bergman Council Initiated Yes No X Site Location: 440 - 460 Haltom Road (evens) Acreage: 20.99 acres Proposed Use: Truck and Trailer Parking Request: From: "AG" Agricultural To: "I" Light Industrial Land Use Compatibility: Requested change is compatible. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Staff Recommendation Requested change is consistent. Approval Background: The subject property is located along the east side of Haltom Road, north of its intersection with East 1st Street and south of State Highway 121. The site is currently zoned "AG" Agricultural District but has recently been used for outdoor storage of large commercial vehicles and trailers, resulting in a Code Compliance violation. In order to remedy this situation, the applicant is requesting to rezone the property to "I" Light Industrial District. The Zoning Ordinance specifies that a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required when "Outdoor sales and storage including yards, contractors, lumber or storage, automobiles, storage yards, building materials" occurs without a primary use on the property. Therefore, if this zoning change is approved, the applicant will also need to seek approval of a CUP from the Zoning Commission at a future meeting. The majority of surrounding land uses along Haltom Road are industrial. This site is bordered to the east by the West Fork Trinity River, and a large portion of land at the rear of the property is located within the FEMA 100-year floodplain, as are several of the surrounding properties to the east, south, and north. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: North "K" Heavy Industrial / industrial use East "G" Intensive Commercial / vacant, floodplain South "AG" Agricultural / single-family dwelling, vacant/floodplain West "K" Heavy Industrial / industrial use Page 1 of 3 Recent Relevant Zoning History: • ZC-16-211: Rezoned adjacent property located to the southwest from "B" Two -Family and "I" Light Industrial to "K" Heavy Industrial. Public Notification: 300-foot Legal Notifications were mailed on April 22, 2021. The following organizations were notified: (emailed April 19, 2021) Organizations Notified Riverside Alliance Neighborhoods of East Fort Worth Garden of Eden NA East Fort Worth, Inc. Streams And Valleys Inc Trinity Habitat for Humanity United Riverside Rebuilding Corporation, Inc. East Fort Worth Business Association Birdville ISD Fort Worth ISD Subject property is not located within a registered Neighborhood Association Development Impact Analysis: 1. Land Use Compatibility The applicant is proposing to change the zoning of this property from "AG" Agricultural to "I" Light Industrial. Surrounding land uses are largely industrial. Properties to the north and west of this site are zoned "K" Heavy Industrial District, as are most other properties continuing along Haltom Road towards State Highway 121. The properties immediately north and west of the subject site are developed with similar industrial storage -type uses, and there is a BMX racing course to the northwest. Property to the south and east is primarily vacant, as much of it is located within the FEMA floodplain. The proposed zoning is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. Comprehensive Plan Consistency — Eastside The 2021 Comprehensive Plan currently designates the majority of the subject property as "Light Industrial." A small portion at the rear of the property, and located entirely within the floodplain, is designated as "Open Space." The proposed zoning is consistent with the land use designations for this area and aligns with the following policies of the Comprehensive Plan: Identify and designate on future land use maps new industrial growth centers in rapidly developing areas, based on proximity to existing infrastructure and key transportation intersections. Locate large industrial uses along freight rail lines, highways, or airports within industrial growth centers and other appropriate locations (This site is directly accessible from State Highway 121, which is located approximately 0.3 miles to the north, and there is also an existing railway line located to the north). Promote industrial development within the Riverbend and Centreport Industrial Growth Centers. Based on conformance with the policies stated above, the proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Economic Development Plan The 2018 Economic Development Strategic Plan identified a vision, goals, and strategies to facilitate the success and growth of the City of Fort Worth. The following are listed as initiatives for Business Retention & Expansion: • 1.3.3. Protect industrial areas from encroachment. Through zoning, work with CFW Planning Department to ensure major current and future employment nodes and districts are protected from incompatible development and land uses. • Ensure protection for other significant industrial districts with concentrations of manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing businesses that generate heavy truck traffic. Attachments: • Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. Notification Area Page 2 of 3 • Area Map • Future Land Use Map • Aerial Photograph Page 3 of 3 FORT WORTH. Area Zoning Map Applicant: Valentin Torres Address: 4440 - 460 (evens) Haltom Road Zoning From: AG Zoning To: I Acres: 20.99961761 Mapsco: 64PQU Sector/District- Eastside Commission Date: 5/12/2021 Contact: null ZC-21-021 Inns 't 4k Wd I Z, I - NINE NEI 110 ilff t go- I= Subject Area M1 300 Foot Notification E A-5 D-HR1 0 362.5 725 1,450 Feet i i i i i i i I Created: 4/16/2021 11:54:19AM FORT WORTH. Area Map J - -now Halton City F: "E ARE. EE,-` MINN , Council Districts 2 - Salvador Espino �3-Brian Byrd — 4 -Cary Moon — 5 -Gyna Bivens 6- Jungus Jordan 7 - Dennis Shingleton 8 - Kelly Allen Gray , 9 -Ann Zadeh Overlay Districts ® Airport Overlay District"t ; ll 1-35W 0 TU PERIPHERAL DESIGN DISTRICT 0 CONSERVATION DISTRICT Noise Contours DECIBEL 65 70 75 80 85 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet ZC-21-021 Created: 4/16/2021 11:53:38 AM /00. ?I ss• � ��s I i __NEL