HomeMy WebLinkAbout(0124) ZC-21-088 (2)Case Number ZC-21-088 FORTWORTH ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council Meeting Date: Council District: 3 August 24, 2021 Zoning Commission Recommendation: Approval by a vote of 9-0 Opposition: None Support: 2 speakers Continued Case Manager Council Initiated Yes _ No X Monica Lafitte Yes _ No X Owner/Applicant: LH Meeker Land, LLC / Ray Oujesky Site Location: 5800 — 5900 block Calmont & Malvey Avenues Acreage: 10.96 acres Proposed use: Multifamily and Townhomes Request. From: Planned Development PD19 and "B" Two -Family To: "UR" Urban Residential Land use Compatibility: Requested change is compatible. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Requested change is not consistent. Staff Recommendation: Denial Background: The site consists of several blocks located adjacent to the south side of IH 30, along Calmont Street. It is bordered on the west by Bryant Irvin and the east by Halloran Street. The site also includes the portion of the block to the south that fronts Malvey Avenue. Camp Bowie Boulevard is located a few blocks south of the site. The area is currently zoned majority "B" Two -Family Zoning with a portion of the northwest zoned Planned Development "PD19" for PD/E with restrictions to fencing, height, setbacks, and uses. The applicant is proposing to rezone the area to "UR" Urban Residential with the intent to build a multifamily and townhouse development. Analysis of Conceptual Site Plan: As part of the analysis of this zoning case, staff is taking into consideration the conceptual site plan submitted by the applicant. While the rezoning of this case is not bound to a site plan because it is not a Planned Development "PD" or Conditional Use Permit "CUP" case with required site plan, the nature of being a rezoning to the form -based Urban Residential "UR" district means that the entire proposal should be considered. From the "UR" Zoning Ordinance 4.713, "It is the purpose of the Urban Residential ("UR") District to provide a residential density transition zone between low density single-family neighborhoods and higher density commercial areas. An additional purpose of the UR Districts is to encourage a range of housing choices within walking distance of rail transit stations and mixed -use urban villages. The goal is to ensure compatibility between one -and -two family districts and more intense mixed -use districts and related uses. Page 1 of 5 UR neighborhoods are characterized by higher density residential structures in a highly walkable urban environment. A mixture of housing types is present to provide architectural diversity, while shallow setbacks frame the pedestrian environment with engaging building fagades, improve visibility and safety of building entrances, and increase neighborhood vitality." The intent of the "UR" development principles include promoting pedestrian -oriented urban form, buildings that front public spaces and enhance the public realm, having good creative design, promoting walkability, and maximizing connectivity and access." The site plan does not appear to achieve many of the items contained within the "UR" purpose and intent. The proximity to the Camp Bowie Corridor and Growth Center allow for nearby commercial uses within a walkable distance of the site. The proximity to Camp Bowie and the commercial uses support the higher density associated with "UR" zoning. The image below shows the Camp Bowie Form -Based District "CB" in hot pink. The site of the rezoning is in orange with thick black outline. � - _ --- •" vu NRVA,yr IkVIN RAMF• - , -� MAWLv AVLNIIL bid I M Kv, T- N i c B-Tr CURT.QN AVFNUF I W W ll R LOVELL AVl MYL ho l ee R H""t Bi REED vl i PQ �c1 970 C3 TF 0. ❑QNNFL I The proposed site plan fails to address several intents of "UR" zoning. Based on the proposed site plan, replatting would be required. It appears that the developer plans to vacate Malvey Avenue, thus doing away with the traditional grid -pattern that is inherent to creating a pedestrian oriented form. In addition, the site design will make Little Page Street and Malvey Avenue read and feel like private, internal roads rather than the public streets. The proposed vacation and redesigning of Malvey Avenue and Little Page Street decreases through traffic, placing more pressure on Bryant Irvin Road and Halloran Street. The vacation and character change do not increase the vitality of the public realm or promote maximal connectivity and access, all of which are intents of "UR" zoning. The Commissioners have previously expressed concerns about Stormwater and potential flooding when a site will become more densely developed. The site is approximately 11 acres, and will require a Stormwater study. The form -based nature of the "UR" product means the ordinance is tied with different subdivision regulations and development/design standards that are intertwined with the land use and zoning. The form -based district functions in a way that infrastructure drives the streetscape, which drives the width of the road, which impacts the building setbacks and height, and therefore the design and use of the site. The principles of urban design are based on the spatial characteristics of the built environment working Page 2 of 5 with each other; block lengths, street connections, and interaction with the surrounding and existing land uses are all important aspects to consider in a "UR" rezoning request. The proposed site plan fails to meet the intent of the Urban Residential zoning; therefore, staff is not supportive of the current rezoning request. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: North "B" Two -Family (across IH-30) / one and two-family residential dwellings East "E" Neighborhood Commercial / fitness center, medical office, retail South "B" Two -Family and "C" Medium Density Multifamily / one and two-family dwellings West PD 19 / gas station; PD 1278 / office and one residential unit; "B" Two -Family / single-family dwellings, church Recent Relevant Zoning History: • ZC-16-074 from "B" Two -Family to "E" Neighborhood Commercial, effective May 26, 2016; Located northwest -adjacent to subject site • ZC-19-139R from "B" Two -Family to "PD/E" Planned Development limited to office plus one residential unit; effective March 19, 2020; Located west -adjacent to subject site Public Notification: 300-foot Legal Notifications were mailed on June 25, 2021. The followina oraanizations were notified: (emailed June 24. 2021) Organizations Notified Rid lea Area Neighborhood Alliance West Byers NA Westside Alliance Streams and Valleys Inc Rid mar NA Trinity Habitat for Humanity Rid lea North NA* Camp Bowie District, Inc Como NAC Fort Worth ISD *Located closest to this registered Neighborhood Association Development Impact Analysis: 1. Land Use Compatibility The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject properties from a combination of Planned Development PD 19 and "B" Two -Family District to "UR" Urban Residential. While the proposed "UR" development provides a greater scale and density as opposed to the surrounding existing land uses, these factors allow the "UR" zoning to possibly serve as a transition between the Interstate and existing neighborhood, as well as between the commercial uses and existing neighborhood. The proposed zoning is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. Comprehensive Plan Consistency — Arlington Heights The 2021 Comprehensive Plan currently designates the majority of the subject property as Single -Family Residential with a small section at the northwest corner of the property being designated as Neighborhood Commercial. Below is an excerpt of the Land Use and Zoning Classifications table from Chapter 4 of the Comprehensive Plan; it shows the zoning designations that are appropriate in each Future Land Use. Page 3 of 5 LAND USE AND ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS LAND USE DEFINITION ZONING r Rural Residential 1+acre single-family A-2.5A,A-43 Suburban Residential ill+acre single-family A-21 Single-Fami ly Residential 3,500+ sq. ft. lot single-family A-10. A-1-5, A-5, AR Manufactured Housing Manufactured home parks and sulydiwisions MH Low Density Residential 2• F sq- ft. lot single-family, two-family, patio homes, tawnhouses, B. R1- R2 rluster housing Medium Density Residential Up to 36 unitsfacre multifamily CR-C, D HighDensityResidential >36unitseacremultifamily,mixed-use multifamily Ingrowth centers UR, MU-1rMU-2-Form- L#ase Codes Institutional Schools, churches, government, hu man services, utilities, comma nits Schools and Churrhes: ALL centers, day cares Others=CF Urban Residential Higher density, residential only, pedestrian -oriented development for UR use between higher and lower inten9ityusCS • Neighborhood Commercial Retail.services. offices and mi xed u ses servi ng dai I y needs for a local Iulultifam1lyRes identiAER, market area E. MU-1 General Commercial Mixed-Usel Mixed -Use Growth Center Retail,services, offices and mixed uses servingoccasional needs for a Multifamily Residential, ER, larger market area E. MU-1, MU-2 Retail, services, offices, entertainment, mixed uses, and multifamily AR, B, R1, RZ CR, C, D, UR, residential; Community Growth Centers are less intensive, and Regional all Commercial, IVIU-1, MU-2, Growth Centers are more intensive Form -Based Codes The proposed zoning is not consistent with the Single -Family land use designation for this area. However, it could be considered consistent with the portion of site that is designated Neighborhood Commercial, as it qualifies as multifamily residential, which is listed as an allowed zoning within this land use category; "UR" allows for multifamily development and the conceptual site plan proposes multifamily and townhomes. The proposed rezoning aligns with the following policies and strategies of the Comprehensive Plan, many of which apply due to the site's proximity to the Camp Bowie Corridor and Growth Center: Accommodate higher density residential and mixed uses in transit -oriented developments, urban villages, and designated mixed -use growth centers. • Locate multifamily units within walking distance of public transportation, employment, recreation, and/or shopping to increase accessibility and decrease vehicular traffic. • Encourage Urban Residential and Low Density Residential as transitional uses between Single -Family Residential and high density uses. • Encourage urban residential development in appropriate locations to create more walkable, pedestrian -oriented neighborhoods. • Support zoning changes that accommodate multifamily residential development within urban villages, transit -oriented developments (TOD) and designated growth centers. • Separate incompatible land uses with buffers or transitional uses. Some land uses have attributes such as height, proportion, scale, operational characteristics, traffic generated, or appearance that may not be compatible with the attributes of other uses. Page 4 of 5 Stimulate the redevelopment of the Camp Bowie Boulevard, West 7th Street, White Settlement Road, and Vickery Boulevard/Lovell Avenue commercial, mixed -use, and urban residential districts. Encourage urban residential development in appropriate locations to create more walkable, pedestrian -oriented neighborhoods. The proposed rezoning does not align with the following policies and strategies of the Comprehensive Plan: Encourage small -lot single-family zoning districts (i.e. AR and A-5) on the periphery of mixed -use growth centers, where the City seeks to concentrate employment and public services. • Provide interconnectivity of streets and trails, especially within residential subdivisions, to reduce vehicle trips on arterial streets, increase efficiency, reduce air pollution, distribute traffic, improve access to public places, improve efficiency in providing services and deliveries, and ensure access for emergency services. Encourage new development in character with the existing neighborhood scale, architecture, and platting pattern, while working to improve pedestrian, bicycle, and transit access between adjacent neighborhoods and nearby destinations. Encourage infill development of compatible, single-family homes in existing neighborhoods to preserve and protect residential neighborhoods. Due to the proximity to the Camp Bowie Corridor, there are a few more comprehensive plan policies and strategies that the proposed rezoning complies with rather than does not comply with. However, based on the combination of the above policy/strategy alignment and the designation of the Future Land Use, the proposed zoning overall is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Attachments: • Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. Notification Area • Conceptual Site Plan • Area Map • Future Land Use Map • Aerial Photograph Page 5 of 5 FORTWORTH. Area Zoning Map Applicant: LH Meeker Land LLC Address: 5800 - 5900 blocks Calmont & Malvey Avenues Zoning From: B, PD 19 Zoning To: UR Acres: 10.96355923 Mapsco: 074M Sector/District: Arlington Heights Commission Date: 7/14/2021 Contact: 817-392-2806 ZC-21-088 T 6012 fflea BOo W113154 0121 60, I I %24 I 5820 1404E I 56M I L756J5726I R I o I� I� L CAMPO A_5 ul y] 2g4j 7D ' 's , W W ap y, a C-3 Ia 2#a4 24M m 25W � 2d08 age E K t E`i Di n 2aft4 2409 2504 2501 250 2501 2906 W 2901 2W PEF PIC 2505 2504 2505 25N 0 2595 25M 2501 2500 J uti 2909 2509 2609 26U � 2500 2508 2505 2504 310J 9140 9400 2513 2512 2613 2512 yj 2513 2512 J 2509 0% 2517 2519 2617 2519 2517 25113 2513 2512 2512 �33 URM r 1179 2521 2520 2521 2520 2521 2$20 2520 N II43-0WS $FiY VV fi WIJ P E 9115 $ 6020 til T y Q {4 1 9039 0 16 LU � m ns ENWMA LU ' � a r' aY y N � r 200 3i 3913 1 � ag19 5840 , Tj � � 5811 CURZON tfi'fl CE - Subject Area WOO 5821 5841 300 Foot Notification w,s Ln R 5 sR iR 111 10 BImil g RCHIN i I t 0 IrY 30 Es 2740 15-00C Win $ sv LOCKS a 5N1 ELL *;-74�Ug_ - ra a 507 1 5800 Miffiffi ° tl0 1,010k;kK � - iffih i 83 0 200 400 800 Feet Created: 6/16/2021 12:20:52 PM MI POCKET PARKS RASH 18 Council Districts 2 -Carlos E. Flores 3 - Michael D. Crain 4 -Cary Moon 5 -Gyna Bivens 6 - Jared Williams 7 - Leonard Firestone 8-Chris Nettles 9 - Elizabeth M. Beck Overlay Districts ® Airport Overlay District 1-35W TU PERIPHERAL 0 DESIGN DISTRICT CONSERVATION DISTRICT Noise Contours DECIBEL 65 70 C 75 80 85 FORT WORTH. Area Map 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet ZC-21-088 Created: 7/6/2021 6:08:26 PM FORTWORTH. ZC-21-088 i Future Land Use MEN MM ��IME M■ M� M■ - Y l !N 30 Ea HO RME TOLLWAY/ FREEWAY g Institutional PRINCIPALARTERIAL Neighborhood Commercial MAJORARTERIAL General Commercial MINORARTERIAL Light Industrial tiacant, Undeveloped, Agricultural Heavy Industrial Rural Residential Mixed -Use Suburban Residential Industrial Growth Center Single Family Residential Infrastructure Manufactured Housing ® 100 Year Flood Plain - Low Density Residential Public Park, Recreation, Open Space - Medium Density Residential Private Park, Recreation, Open Space - High Density Residential Lakes and Ponds 510 �IIIIIN , N A Comprehensive Plan shall not constitute zoning regulations or 255 0 510 Feet as tab is hzoning district bow dad as. (Texas Local Government Code, Section 213.005.) Land use designationswers approved by City Council on March 6, 2018. Created: 6/16/2021 12:21 :17 PM FORTWORTH® Aerial Photo Map �T Yn y — M AL A i ZC-21-088 �1vv�=� �_� 11llill� 111111111 i 1 �� q��- II�1111 111111111111 ■ i r F ES i 1�7 111 � I 1 11 11 4��i i ��- iLL&Y.R I& - ■■ �i� Illlnn■ 11111111� ■■■ 111111111 lillON ! 111111 ■nnllll 111111■11 11111 !! .1111011 Ellin 1111111 llllllll Ill!■11 11111 !! 111111 I Illllnl■1 1111111 0 320 640 1,280 Feet