HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 54483-R1CSC No. ___________ Contract Renewal Page 1 of 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH CONTRACT RENEWAL NOTICE September 7, 2021 C. Green Scaping, LP Attn: Curtis J. Green 2401 Handley Ederville Rd Fort Worth, TX 76118 Re:Contract Renewal Notice – 1st Renewal Installation of Erosion Control Contract No. CSC No. 54483 Renewal Amount: $102,800.00 The above referenced contract with the City of Fort Worth, as renewed and amended, expires with the expenditure of funds. The funds for the contract have been expended or programmed. This letter is to inform you that the City is exercising its right to renew the contract for an amount up to $102,800.00 which will be effective immediately upon execution by the designated Assistant City Manager. All other terms and conditions of the contract, as amended, remain unchanged.Please sign and return the second page of this letter, along with a copy of your current insurance certificate, to the undersigned. Please log onto PeopleSoft Purchasing at http://fortworthtexas.gov/purchasing to ensure that your company information is correct and up-to-date. If you have any questions concerning this Contract Renewal Notice, please contact me at the telephone number listed below. Sincerely, Traci Akin Sr. Administrative Assistant _______________________ (817) 392-5193 54483-R1 ACCEPTED AND AGREED: CITY OF FORT WORTH By: Name: Dana Burghdoff Title: Assistant City Manager Date: 09/27 /21 APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: . /,J�,l By: WJ (Sap2},20 11:26CDT) Name: William M. Johnson Title: Director, Transportation & Public Works Department ATTEST: By: Name: Ron Gonzales Title: Acting City Secretary Date: Contract Renewal CSC No. ----- CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGER: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. By: T;ae/ If it;, Name: Traci Akin Title: Sr Administrative Assistant APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: PB!qc;f By: DBlack (Sep 24, 202110:22 CDT) Name: Douglas. W. Black Title: Sr. Assistant City Attorney AUTHORIZATION: M&C: 20-0615 Date Approved: 09/01/2020 Form 1295 Certification No.: ---- Page 2 of2 CSC No. 54483 CONTRACTOR SERVICES AGREEMENT �.s , �. . .: 1 � 's<::➢���,: .��4 .� _ ,_ t � ��'si� �E ���t �No �i,-(G� --.� Titis CO]dITRACTOR �ERVICES A(GREEMENT ("�greeaient"j is made and entered inta b}� a�d between the CITY OF FORT WORTH ("Ciry"}, a Texas hame rule mu�iicipal corporatic�n, aciing by and thro�igh its duly autl�otized Assistant Cit�� Ma��ager, and C. Green Scapin�. LP ("Contraccor''}, an entity authorized to perform work in Texas, acting by� and throug}i its dufy a�rthorized Vice PresideElt. This A�reemen! shall be effective as of fhe Effective ��te establislied he:�ein. AGREEMENT llOCUMENTS: The additionai documents coinprising this Contractor Services Agreemeni shall inclt�de the Fi�liowing: 1. Attachment A— Standard Terms aEid Cc�nditions, Pa�-ts I ai�d ll; 2. Attachment B- The City's Invitation to Bid ("ITB''), esclt�ding Part V, Attachmenls E a��d F thereto �nd removing dupiicate pages returned in AttZchrl�ent C; 3. Attacizment C— Cnntractoe's Response tn 1T8_ specificali}� €�a�-t I-A Bid Soiicitation Form; 4. Attachment D— Insurance and Bonds: �. Atfachment E- Veriiicaiion of Signature Authoi-tt� Form. AEtachments A- C, are incorporated herein and made a part ai tl�is Agreenjent for akl purposes. In the event ot� a��y c�nflict between ihe terms and coi�r�itior�s of Attachmerits A- C ar�d the tenras and cc�nditions ser forth in the bociy ot this Agreement, the terms and eonditic�ns nf this Agreement shali conf��ol. 1. SCOPE OF SER'V�C�S Co�tt��actoa� l��raby� agr�es to provide In�.t�,ll:��i��n ��i ?�.rE;;ir,,�, t�,��tr��l Se����ices {�or th� City of Fo��t Wairth i 3e3n,�}�,r�;�ii��n ;�+�ci 1'ul��li� 1� ���I�� Departrc�ent as per Attaehments S a�id C which more specifically describe the services to be pro�ided hereunde��. 4��1y Ime itei��s l-5 are a��rarded h�reiii. TERM This A�ree�nent is effecfi��e as of ihe date subscribed Uelow bv the City's designated Assistant City Manager ("ECfecli�e Date") and shall expire or� the immecjiately fc�llo��ing SepTen�Uer 3U'h ("]nitial Tern�"). Upon the expiration of the lnitia] Term; the A�reement sha[I rene��f aE�tomaticaliy under the same te��ms aitd co�iditio»s for up to four (4} orse-year renewal peE�iods (Ociober 1 to September 30} and for a �ifth renewal period which shall expire on the mor�tl� and day of the Effective Date creating a five year toFal duration. City ma� elect ar Contracto�� ma�� req��est a non-E-ene���al by pro�,idin� the other party witl� no#ic:e of same at least GO da<<s before the expiratEan of the initial 7'errt� or any renewal period. 3. COMPENSATION City shall pay Co�jtractor i�� accardaflce �rith t��e prc�visicros of th�s A�reement ai�d Attachment B. Total payment made iinder il�is 1lgreeczient per term shall be the amount of �102,800.00 ("Contract AmouElt"'}. C.0[l[1'�Ci�C SIl�1�� [lOt ��!'�pi'fil a17y &CjCIItIO11c�I 5�1'VlC�S Oi' �71II fi(3!" EXF7e115fS IllClll"I'L(j �Ol' CILy' EIOt specified by this Agreement unless City req�iesis and approves in wa•iting The additional �osts for st�ch services. Cihr shall not be liable for any adcEitional expenses of Contractor nc�t specified by this Agreen�ent ui�less Cit}� tirst a}�proves sucl� expenses i� writin�. Il � 2U-rJ15C; Instal4atsun of Lros:or_ Con'€o! 5ervicas Page 1 of 21 Contractor Services Agreement 4. TERMINATION/CANCELLATION Terntination: `Che CiLy reser�°es i:he right to terminate this agreement, or any paE� hereof, with or ��ithaut cause, for its sole convenience. Ihe City shaE� deliver to Contracto�• a written "Notice of "Termination" specifjring the �xtent ta v�l�ich perforinance of` work c,r tfle goc�ds to be pu�•chased under the order �s terminated and che date u�on which such tei-inination becorr�es e{fectivE. In tl�e eve��t of such tLrmination, the C'ontractor shall imn�ediatel_y stop all �vc�rk hereu�ider and shal! imrr�cdiately cause any and all of its suppliers and subeontractors to cease �vork. The Cantractar shall be paic� a percen#a�e of the a�ree�neitt price reflecting the percenta�e of the �vork perforn�ed prior fo the notice of termi��ation, pli�s reasanable charges the Cacltraetor• ca�i derr3anst�-ate to the reasonable satisf�etion of� the City, incurred as a E•esi�Et of the terniination. [n �io ever�t shal] the total of all antauEits paid ta the Contractor under t.l�is section exceed the price stated 1!1 the ,4greemertt. The Contractor sllall nat be reimbursec� for any profit which may have been anticipaled, but wl�icl� have not been earned Eip to the date of termination. Cancellatic�n: City shall ��ave the sole right tca cancel this contract prior to t��e con�mencement of work shasild tl3ere be a chinge in the need for the product ar sen�ices as determi��ed by° the Department Heaci or l�islher Assistar�t City Manager. No��-A ro riatioz� of Funds: In tl�e event no funds or insufticieni funds are a�apropa�iated a��d budgeted in at�y �scal period for payme��ts due under this contract. then City �vill itmmediateiy ❑ot�fy Contractor of such oecurre�tce and this co�2tract shall b� ter�ninatec� oti the ]ast ciay o#�the fiscal period for which funds ha��e been ap��r�c�pt•iated without penalry or expense to City of any kind whatsaever, except Tc� the p�rtio�is of aEir�ual pay�nents he3•ein agreed upon for ��-l�ich fuiZds shall 1�ave been a��p��opriated and biEd�eted or are otl�erwise available. 5. DISCLO,�URE OF CONFLICTS AND CONFIllENTIAL INFORMATION Disclosure of Conflicts. Contractor hereti�, warrants #o Citv that Contractor has n�ade fuii disclosure in writing of any e:�isting or potential canf�icts ot� i»terest related to Contractor's services w�der t�lis Agreem�nt. In the event thaf any conflicts of interest arise after the Ef'fecti��e Date of this Agreement, Contractor f�ereE�y agrees imniediately to make full disclosiire to City� in writin�. Con�dentiaf f��formatioi�. Cc�ntractor; for itself a�id its ofticers, agents and ert�ployees, agrees that it shall treat aJl inforrnation provicied to it by Cit�y ("Ci#}� Inforrtiation"') as confidentiaJ and shall not disclnse any such infarnlatic�n to a thia�d party withi�ut the prior w�,itten approval af C;itv. Unauthorized Access. Coniractor shall store and maintain Citv Information in a secure manner �nd shall i�ot allow u�iautharized users to access, r�lodify, clelete ae ��tk�e��wise corru�t City Informatio�� iE� any way. C'o�itractur shall notify City immediately if the securitv c�r inte�rity c�f any City Ir►fonnation has been cors}promised or is believed to have beez� can3pron�ised, sn which event, C����tractor shall, in gnod faith, use all coirsmercially reaso��ai�le effo�-ts to cuo�erate svith City in identif'yin� ��rE�at icilorrna#ion has heen accessed by unat�thorized �nea«s and shall fiill}' coaperafe with City to protect such C�ty Inforniation #i�an� tiac-ther u��auihorized disclusure. G. INDEPENDENT CONTR4CTOR It is expressly iEnderstood and agreed that Cont�•actor shal] operate as an independent Contractor as to all i-igl�ts and privileges and ���ork performed under t17is Agreement, and not as a�l a�er�t, represc:ntativ� or employee of City. Subject to and in accordance with ihe conditions and provisions of fB "t0-�:,'��� �:�stcfl�i_�cr� oi E��_�s�,.. Canirul Se>.,,ic�-� Page 2 of 21 Contractor Services Agreement this Agreerr�ent, Coj�tracit�r shall have tl�e exc�usive right to control the dztails of its operations and activities a»d shall he sulely respansible for the acts and omissions af its c�if�cers, agents, scnra��ts, employees, cansuitants a�td subcantractors. Cn3titracta►- acknowlec�ges that the doctr3ne of responr�er�t srrperior sha91 not appiy as Uetr��een City. its officers, agenis, sen�ants and empioyees, and Coniractor, its officers, agents, emplayees, set•va»ts, Contractc�rs and su�co��tt�actors. Contractor fi�rthe�� agrees ti�at nothin� herein shaEl be cc�nstrued as t3�e creation of a partnership or joint ente�-prise between e��y and Coi�tractar. It is further �tnderstoad il�ai City shall in no way �e considered a co-emplo��er or a,joint emp�oyer of Contractar o�� any officers, agents, servants, en�plc�yees or subco�ltractor of Cantractor. Neither Contractor, ncx� any ofticers, agc:nts, se�vants, enlployees or subcafltractor of Caitractor shal] i�e entitEed to a�y employment ben�fits from City. Contractor shall be responsible an� liable for any and a91 �ayment and reporiing of iaxes on behalf of itself, and a�y of its officers, age.n#s, sea��anis; emplayees or s«bconlractor. LIABILITY AND IND��VINIFICATION LIABII.ITI' - CONTRACTOR SHALL BE LIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE F�R ANY AND ALL PRQFERTY LOSS, PRDPERTY DAMAGE AND/�R PERSONA.� 1NJUXY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PE`R5'ONS, OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER, WHE7"HER REAL OR ASSERTED, TD TH�' E�'TENT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT AC7'(S} OR OMISSIUN(S), MALFEASANCE OR INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT �F CONTRACTOR, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SER � ANTS OR EMPLOYEES INDEMNIFICATION - CONTRACTOR HEREEY CQVEN.ANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFi', HOLD HAllMLESS AND DEFE'ND CITY, ITS DFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAfNST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR LAWSUITS OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OI{ ASSERTED, FOI� EITHER PROPERTYDAMAGE 4R LOSS (INCLUDING` ALLEGED DAMAGE OR LOSS T� CONTI�ACT�R'S BUSINESS AND ANY RESULTING LOST PROFITS) .AND/OR PERSONAL IN.I�.1RY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO A11'YAND ALL PERSONS, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTIOIV WI�H THIS AGREEMENT, TO THE EXTENT C,4 USED BY THE NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OR MALFEASANeE OF CONTRACTOR', ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS OR E1VfPLOYEES. S. ASSIGNMENT Cont.ractor shail not assign any of iis duties, obligations or ri�hts under #l�is �lgreement without the prio�- written consent. of City. If City g��ants consent to an assig�i�izeiic. the assi�nee shall execute a written a�ree►nent t��ith City a��c� Contracto�' u�7der �vl�icl� tfie assi�nec agrees ro be bound liy the duties and abli��tions of Contraetor under this Ageeetnent. Ca�ltractc�e anci asss�nee sl�all be ,jointly liable foe al[ ok�li�atio�ls of Lontracto�' under this Agree�nent prioe lo the effective cfate o1� tlle assignmettt. 9. iNSURANC� AND BONDIN(U Conh�actor shall p�•ovide City with certiticate(s} 01' insurance dacumenting poiicies of the types and minimum covera�e li�r�its and performance andlor �ayment bottds (if requii�ed) each Ic� ize in etfect prior to commence�ne��t ot any 4vork �urst�ant to this Agreeme�it as provided for in Attachments D and D- 1, a�tached I�ereta aiid incorporated iterei��. Y I �� ., :,� � : I�� _: "t i_���� Cr., �,:�I 5r:v _-,: Page 3 of 21 Contractvr Services Agreement 14. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, ORDINANCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS ContE•actor agrees that in the performance ot� its ol�ligations hereunder, it shal] comply with aIl ap�iical�le f�deral, state and lc�c�l laws, ordinances, r�iles and regiilatians and that any ���ork it produces in connection «�iih this Agree�r�ent � i11 also con�ply � ith all a�aplicable federal, state and loca] laws, ordinances, rules and regulatic�ns as set forth in Attachmeizt A, Part iI, Section 14. If Cit�� notifies Contractar of� any vEalation of such l�ws, ordina»ces, rules or• regu�ations, Contractar shall immediately desist fi•om and correct the violatiu�z. 11. NON-DISCRIMINATION CO�rENANT Contracfc�r, for itself, i#s persona[ representati��es, assig�is, subcontractors and successors in inlerest, as part of the considerat�on herein, a�rees tllat in the �erfor�xzance of Contractor's d��ties and obligaiions f�ereunder, it shall t�«t diseriininate ia� the treatment ��r employment of a�fy individual c�r �;roup of individuals an any basis prohibited b�� [a���, inclucfin� Chapter 17, Article [IL Di��ision 3 0#` the Fort Worth Code. IF ANY CLAIM ARISES FROVI AN ALL�G�D VIOLATI4N OF THIS NON- DTSCRIMINATT�N COVENANT BY CONTRACTOR, ITS PER�QNAL REPRF,SENTATYVES, ASSIGN5, SUBCONTRACTORS OR SUCCESSORS IN INTERES'I', C�NTRACTOR AGREES TO ASSUME SUCH LIABILITY AND TO �NDEMNIFY AND DEFEND C[TY ANll HOLD CITY HARMLESS F'ROM SUCH CLAIM. 12. NOTICES Notices reqi�ired pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be conclusively detern�ined to have becn delivered «-�►en (1) hlnd-deliveeed to the oil3er ��arty; its agcnts, employees, servar�ts or representatives, (2) d�livered by electronic means with elech�onic canfirmatio�i af the t►-ansmission, or (3) received by the otlZer parh• by United States �1ail, registered, return recei�t requested, addressed as follows: To CfTY: City c�f Fort Worth Attn: ! �t�nn.i �I lix�,nl�..���. ! I'';� tiu���:��3ut��r�ti�u� �!�t�_� '�",t_!,�� E�:IE�I 20Q Texas �trcet Fc�rt V4�orth, TX 7[i102-63 [4 Email: l � <�nE��i tl;�;iFi�,srE� �; :�:3�;, . .,��.<<.��:;� ;���� Phone: t;1-�-z���_, i,� � To C'.ON`�RACTOR: Contracto�- business nan�e C. Green Sca in L.P 2-'401 Handlev Ederville Rd. Ft. Wortl�, TX 76t 18 Pl�one: 817-577-9?99 Facsimile: 8 ] 7-577-9331 Email: e,�reen,c�gE�ee��scapi���.coin Fac.si3ni�e: (817) 392-86�4 With cop�� to Fart Worfh City Attnrney's Office at sa�ne acldress 13. SOLICITAT�QN OF EMPLOYFES Neith�r City no�• Coniractor sllall, dua�in� tl�e t�i�n of this Agreement and additic�nally for a pet�ioct of one year �fter its fer-tnination, solicit fc�r emplc�yment or einplc3�t�, ���hether as employee ❑r independent Contractor, a��y persoii who is oi• l�as been ei���loyed by the otlier during the term of this Agreen�ent, ��ithoEit tl�e p��ior w��itte�i consent of the persun's err�ployer. Nc�t�vithstanding the foregoing, this prc�vision shall not apply to an e»ipinyee of eitlier party who i��dependentiy respi��tds to a�eneral solicitatio�� of adverfiseinei�t of err�ployiuent U}� either parh�. I�i�L 2G�U��S�'.� I: s'-_'i�,i���� o- E�cs��or� C:,���ii;�l Se�v��,:F��: Page A of 2i Contractor Services Agreement 14. GOVERNMENTAL POWERS It is understood and agreed that by execution of this Agree�nent, Citv daes not waive or surrender any of rts go��ernmental parr�e�s or immunities. 15. NO WAIVER The failure �t� C:ity c�r Contractar to insist upon the performance of any #erm or provision of this l�preement or ta exercise any rig�li granted herein sl�all not constituTe a waiver ofi City's or Contractc�r's respective �-ipht to insist �ipon appropri�te �erfoi�ance or to assert an� s�ich ri�ht on aray fiiture occasion. 16. GOVERNiNG LAW / V�NU� T'his Agreei�ent shall be co3istrued in accnrd�tnee ��ith the laws af the State of TeYas. 11� any action, whetkler- real oi- asserted, at law ar i�i equity, is b�°ought purs��ai�t to this Agt•eement, ven�ie far such actio�i shali lie iri state cnt�rts located i3i Tar�•ant Counry, Tex�s c�r the iJnited States District Court for the Nartliern District of Texas, Fort ��arth Divisic�n. 17. SEVERABILITY I1� any provision of this Ag�-eement is lield to be invalid, illega� or uaienforcea€�le, the validity, legality and �nforceability of the reinaini��g provisions shall not in ant �vay be affected or impaired. I8. FORCE MAJEURE City and Contractor shall exercise their best efforts to meet their respective duties and obii�alions as set farth in this Abreement, but shall not be heid liable for any delay oi- orr�ission in pertc�rmaR�ce d��e to farce majeure or atl�er causes beyond thei�- reascmable cc�nt��ol, i��cluding; but not liinited So, acts af the public en�my, fires, strikes, lockauts. natural disasters, wars, riots, material or labor restri�tions b}' any governme�ltal �uthc�rity and/or a�ly other siaiilar causes. 19. AMENDMENTS/ MODIFICATIONS/ EXTENSIONS No anze��dmef�t, modification, or- extensian of this Agreen�ent shall be �iiid'sng ���o» a party heE�eio ui�less set fortli in a written instrument, whicli is executed b�� an authorized representative oFeac�i part�. 20. ENTI1tETi' OF AGREEMENT Tf1is A�reeincnt, incluciing its attach€nents �nd exhibits, contains the entire ttnderstanding and agreement bet�veen City and Cc�ntractor, ttteir respective assigns and successc�i-s-i��-i»�erest, as to the matters ec�ntained herein. Any prrc>r ar cc�ntem�c�raneous �raE or written agreement is hereby cieclared null aiid r-oid to the extent in cc�nf7ict �� iti� any� p��ovision of lhis Agreeme�it. 21. V4'ARRA1rTTY Contractor ��varranes tliat its services wi]I be of a�rofessional c�uality a�d conf�rm to gcnerally prevailing incEustry standards. Contractor was•rants that ii wi[[ perform �ll services under tliis contz'act in a safe; ef�cieni and l�s�vtiil manner usin� industE•y acce�ted practices, and in fiill co�npliance with all applicable state and fedei-al laws governing its activities and is unde�� no restrai��t oe order which �vould prohibit perforn�ance of ser-vices uncler this c��ntract. Additional specitic warranty provision are Coiinc� in I L 2U��Ct��__ i-:s[�Il�,�n:�,�U �rr:s�^.���,:������oE5e����c__� Page5of21 Contrector,Services Agreement �ttaclicnent A, Part I, Sections 9-1;. A1i wan-anty pf�ovisioals shall suivEve t�e expiratian of this Agreeme��t. City sllall give writien notice afi a breach of any warranty w°ithin thirty (30) days from t]�e date that the cause fc�r same is disca��ered. 22. PR4HIBITION ON CONTRACI'iNG WITH COMPANIES THAT BOYCOTT ISRAEL Contractor, unless a sole pj�oprietor, ac�:nowledges that in accordance wiih Chapter ?270 of the Texas Government Cc�de, if Contractoa' has 10 oE• more full ti�ne-emplc�yees ai�d the contract vali�e is $]U0,000 or rt�ore, the City is prohibited from enteriEia into a coi�tract �vith a co�npany for goods ot- services unless the contract coi�fains a written veriticatic�n from the compar�y that it: (1 � daes not Goycott Isr�ael; and (2) will not boycatt Israel during the terrt� af the conti-act The terms "`boycott Israel" and "company" s11a11 have tl�e n�eaiiin�s asct�ibec� to those terms 3n Sectic�n 808.00 l af the Texas Government C:ude. By signinb this contract, Co�2tractor eertifies tl�at Contracto�-'s sigr�ature provedes �vritten verificatio�j to the City that if Chapter 2270, Texas Gaverument Code applies, Contractor: (1) does not boycott ls�•ael; ai�d {2) �i�ill no# boycott Israe� during tl�e term c�f t�e contract� 23. iLICENSES ANll YERMiTS Contracior certilies that on the day work is to con�mence under #liis cc�ntract, and duri��g the dueation of the contract, it shalf have aE�c€ mairltaiEl curr�e��t valid a��d appropeiate fEderal and sfate licenses and pe�•mits necessary far the provision of services under this contract. ['ontractar �Iso ce�rtif�es that if it i�ses any si�bcontracior in the perfi��-mance of this agreement, that suc11 subconteactor shall have and maintain current �ralid and a�propriate federal and state Iicenses and per��its necessary i��r the provision of services tu�der this contract. 24. HEADINGS N�T CONTRQLLI?VG Heldings ai�d titles used in this Agree�nent are for refe��ence pur•}�oses on[y, shall not be cieemed a part of this Agreement, and ar� nat intended to detine ar limit tiie scope of any provisian of this Agreement. 25. REV[EW OF COUN��L The pa�-�i�s acknowledge that each pae�� and its counse[ ha�-e hac� an opportunity to revievv and E•evise this Agreement atid that tl�e Esoi•mal rules of constrtEction to the etfect tl�at any ambiguities are to l�e resol��ed against the drafting party shall not be e3�ployed in the inter�re�atio�� of tl�is Ag�-eement at� its attach�nents. 26. COUNTERPARTS 'I'f�is Agreer�ent may be executec� in one or more counterpa�-ts and �ach co�Enterpart shaiL for alE pur�oses, i�e deemed an originaI, �ut aII such catu�terparts shall together constitute ane and the same insirument. 27. SIGNATURE AUTHORITY The person signing th�s �g��eement he��eby ua�•�•�tnts that helshe has the le�al authoi•it�� to execute this A�reeRlent o�t behalF of the res�ective pa�rty, �nd th�t suclt bindin� authezrity �ias been granted by [li'�-���-[��.I�slr'uE�l� .._�_ �:'i';�.,i.�:ISc�ivi,:e_ Pa�E60f21 Contractor 5erviees Agreemeni �roper order; resoluti�n, ordinance or ot3�er authorization of t3�e entity. This ngree�nent and anv amendment l�e��eta, inay be executed hy any at�thorized representative of Cond�actor whnsc name, title and signature is af�xed or� the Verification of Sig��ature Authorit�f Farm, �vl7ich is attached hereto as Att�ch���ent E. Each party is fully entitled to rely on these ���arranties and representations in enteri�3g intc� this Agreenlent o�� any �«�endment he��eto. ACCORDINGLY, tfie parties hei-eco have �fu{y executed this Agreemeni and establislled the Effective Date as beiElg tlie date sul�scribed by tkae City's designated Assistant City Mana�er. CITY OF FORT WORTH: CONTRACTOR: T� 3�«LG - �'/ � Dana Buiglidoff',Sep 15, �0� � 15:J1 CDT� � V� Name: Dana Burghdoff ��e: Curtis J. Green Title: Assistant City Mana;cr Title: Vice President C)ate: `j � ��t I 2...C�'� Date: Sep 15, 2020 �"" - - — APPROVAL RECnMMENUEll: $,r: �� '� `� Name: William Johnson 'l itle: Uepartment Di��ector ATTEST: By: `����� Name: 1��Iary J. Kay�ser �'it{e: C�ty Sec�•ciary APPR�vED AS TO FC3RM AND LEGALITY: CiNTRACT C4Ml'LIANCE MANAGER: B�r sigiiing I aclulav��ledge that 1 a��a tl�e person �Mli OMs010 $y; oer�k,sepii,zozoie:aocoTl I'05�7017S1b�et0�'ti12 T110111tOPt11�-T a11L� vame: Douglas W Black administration of this cont��act. includin� Title: Sr-. Assistant City Attorney ensuring all perfoni�ance and reporting � CONTItACT AUTHORIZATION: r�quirements. M&C: 20-0615 Dat�: 09/1 /2020 1295 # 2020-628695 ��. �,�� , ✓����� Name: r T't�e: Project Manager— iF?u��, =�[�Ir=;�'�k�.�'_�r ,,:t,��:v��i'C;G��I'�oISE�rviceS PagE7of21 Contractor Services Agreement ATTACHMENT A PART-I SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.0 CHAIVC=� �N COMPANY NAME OR OWNERSHIP Tk�e Contractar shall notify the City's Purchasing Manager, in ���riting, of a campany name, ownersi�ip, ar address change for the pt�rpose of maintaining updated City recaE-ds. The president of tl�e cc�m�a»y or authorized official must sign tl�e letter. A letter i�adicakin� changes in a com�any nacne or c�wnership must be accompanied �rirh su�portin� legal documentation such as an upd�ted �'�-9, docume��ts filed with tEle state indicating suc3� ch�nge, copy of the board of director"s resol�Etion approvii�� t�ie action, or a�� executed n�erger oi• acquisition �greemeE�t. Failure to do sa may adve��seh� i�npact futu��e i��voice �ayments. 2.0 INVOICING RE UIR�M�NTS — Q ,,,_ 2.1 All invoices should be submitted directky tc� tlie cantracting Department. It is the res�onsibility of thc Coni�'actor to obtain the name and contact information of the Depa�ment's �roject ivanager to whom i�lvoices sl�all be submitted. 2.2 .A properiy prepared in��oice shal] be typewriften or coniputer printed ajid shall include the Contractor's name, phone number/emaiE address, federal tax identification ni�inber. �TB/RFQt number, invoice »ucnber, address, date, service c�r item descrt•iption, u��it price, e�:t�nd�d cnst, aE�d C'ity iss«ed purchase order numbet'. [�tcotti�iete ar inaccurat� invoices �jlay ►-esi�lt i�� delayed E�a��ments, as they sliall be returned to the Contracto�- for correction and re-submittal. 2.3 Under ilo cit-cuinsta��ces will tlte City be re,pu�3sib�e for goods or services pt•ovicEed withou[ an Agreernent si�ned l�y �n aut}�orizecl city repr�esentative. 3.0 UNIT PRICF AD.IUSTMENT 3.1 Tl�e unit prices may be adjusted far increases or decreases in Contractar's cast during a renewal period but not before the e�feciive date of a renewa] and at�ly up�»� wrikterj �-equest Cram the Co��tractor. 3.2 The Cantractor inust suhmit its priee ad,justment request. in writin�, at ieast 60 days vetore the rene��-al effectave pe��iod. The Cc�ntractor shall pro��ide written proof of cost increases with prEce adjustrrien[ E�ec�uest. 3.3 If the City daes not accept the proposed rate inerease; the City reserves the right to adjust the rate req�Eest, or �-eject the rate reyuest in its entirety and allow the contract ta expire at the encf ot thc contract ter�n_ _.� Prices bid ar adjusted with a renewal, s�iall remain firn� ior each correlati�re term of the A�ree�ient. 3.5 Upan exE�iration of the Agreeine�it tenn, th� successft�l bidder, agrees to hcald cn�er u�tder the terms and conditions of this Agrsement fo�• a reasnnaE�le period of ti�t�e tcz allo�v the city to re- �id an agreeme��e, noi to exceed ❑irtety (40) days. Confractor �vill be reimbursed foi- this service at the pt•io�• agreen7ent ratefs}. C�ntractor shall remain obli�ated to the C iry under all cE�uses of this Agreerneiit that expressly c�i- by lt�eir nature extends �eyo»d and survives tlle expiratioi� or ic:rmination ofthis A�reenienf. ' i u _ _,� �)' __; i:=�.;a13�'�,��,� ,: o� '��.-. �_ . : [;cn[io! SE�vi._,:�_ Page 6 of 29 Cantractor 5ervicas Agreement 3.6 Goods and/or s�rvices shall not be suspended E�y the Contractor without a 30 day prior writte�� notice to t(le City. 4.0 iJANTITIES Tl�e qua«tities listed on the Part I-A Bid Solicit�t�on F�arm are esiin�ates and do nat indicate ir�tent to purcliase a c�z�tain amo�mt or any anzou�li. The City of F�3rt VJorth is obligat�d to pay for oiily those mat�rials and se��vices actually ordered by �n authaz-izad Gity enlPloyee and i}ien received as reqt�ired and accepted by the City. 5.0 iNSURANCE AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS �nsurance requireinents are found iza the A�reerr�ent, Attachmen# D. A valid ce��tificate of i�lsirrance shall be �rovided ���ith the signed Agreemcnt. Failw�e to provide sucl� ir3for��zation withi�3 fve (5) caltndar days thereof may b� �roimds for te�-�i�inatinn of the A�reen�e�3t. Pnficies shall have i�o excl�tsio�3s by endorse�r�ents which nuElify the requii•ed lines oF coverage, nor decrease the Gmits of said coverage t�nless siich endorsen�ents ar�e appro�ed by the City. In tlie cvcnt a cotitract �as been bid ar executed and thc cxclusions are detez•mined to he unacceptable ar the Citi� desires additional insurance coverage, and the City desires the Contracto�� ta obtain such cavera�e, the contract price shall be adjusted b�� thc. cast of the premium for such additional coverag� plus 10%. Bonding �•equirements are descriUed in the C'all, P�rt 11, Section 92. If said boncis arc: rec�tiired; the forms will he atiacl�ed to t�le Ag��ee�nent as Attacfi►ne�it D-1. 6.Q COMPLAIN'TS Complaints processed throug3� the City Purchasing Division are ta be corrected within fourteen (14) days of forma] notice of complaint. Written respa�ise to the Piu�chasin� Division is required. Failure to properly resnlve complaints within the fi�urteen (14) calencfar day time period may resu�t in t�le cancell�tinn of lhe applica6le line item(s} in the price ag�•eement. 7.0 SUBCQNTRACTING Subcontracting af t�e wori� uiide�- this Agreeme��t will be allo���ed pro�ided Contractor �zotifies the Pi�oject Manager at leasi 24 hout•s in a�tiance. If Cc�niractoe intends to e��gage � subconEractor(s) to �erfarRn any of its obligatians here'sn, subcontractor{s} shall a�t'ee to be bound by' the duties a�fd ob�igatior�s of Ca�jtracto�� under the Cc�ntract as such duties and obligatior�s may apply. Contr�actor shall, upon req�iest, provide City with a fully executed copy uF anv agre�meEit maki�zg such subcontract. 8.0 D�LiVERI' 8.1 Delivery shal! be F.O.B. Destination and all other deli�er}� charges shall be includeci in the unit price. The person placir�g ll�e ordei- will ���ovide delivery and billin� infurmation. No additional charges for expenses, freight, mileage, tinze. or similar iterns will 6e acce��ted or- paid by the Ciry. 8,2 TheE�e »�ay be instances ��l�en the Cantractor may be asked to �ccelerate delivery of an order or ser��ices due to extenuatin� or emer�ency circumstances. When this occw�s, #l�e Co3�tractoE- ��ill Ue expected to prc�vide this service at no additional cost. -___ __, ;i��si�: ai:�_,� c t=�;��;���� Gs�E�[��I �t-��,,�,-.= page 9 of 21 Contractor Services Agreemeni 8.3 [n th� event the Contractar is una€�le to meet the origiE�al delivery date(sj, tile City must be contacFed immediately, but prior to tl�e due date, and seek ai� e�tension of delivery ti�ne. Failure to comply �y�ith tlle deliv�ry terrns may be grouuds for cancelin� order(s) ar seiwices, or the entire Agt-eeinent. 8.4 Deli�ery tickets must include the City's Blankei Order Number and the orderina department's Release Number. fi.5 Delivered items that a��e c3etermiaied to be defeckis�e or not meeting bid s�ecifications sEiall be picked up and replaced by the C'ontractor, or Ehe Contractor's desi�nee, at no cast to tl-�e Cit_y. [f the itern (s} are not �icked up within one (1) ���eek after notitication, the item shall becc�me a �onation to thE Ciiy Far dispasitiori. 8.6 Material Safety Data Sheets (if applicai�le} 8.fi.1 A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) f-or each toxic or hazardous substance or- mixiure ca�it�ining sucEt substa��ce, p��rsuant to Revised Statutes Annotated (RSA) C1�apter 277-A (277-A}, sha![ accompany eacl� delivery. Deli�rery of toxic or liazardous si�bstance o�� mixtures containin� such substa�lce without MSDS sheets shail not be accepted. Delii-eeed containers shall be pi-o�erl�� labeled pursuant to RSA ?77-A. 8.6.2 Failure to sub�ttit the required MSDS sl�eets and/or labe] each container in accordance with RSA 277-�, shall ��lace the Cor�tracta3� ii� non-compliacice aiid st�a11 result in civil or cri�ninal penalties. Th� Co�itractor furnisl�ing substances or mixtt�res suhject to RSA ?77-A, is responsible for adhe�-i�zg to and being ir7 compliance with this law. Failure to comply with RSA 277-A, shall �-esult in the cancellatian of an order. 9.0 �'ARRANTILS 9.l The Contractor s1�all pro�ide a warrantv to include at a minimum, but r�nt limited to the follo�wing: 9.1.1 In addition [o any other waR�-anties in this confract, the Contractar �va��rants that all work and pt-odt�cts supplied under ihis agreement confar�r�s to the a�reement rec�uirements and is lree from any defect ii1 workmanship, equipment, n3aterial, or design fi�rnished by the Coalh-actor or aity supplier at any tier. 9.1.2 Contractor ag��ees to repair or replace �romptky, on a one-for-�ne basis without additional cost to the City of Fort Worth, any and all defective worE: and products. The City defines "�rampt" t-ej�air or replacement ta be within twenry- four (2�) hixu�s aftee notification bv authorized City personilel. 9.1.3 Tliis �arraraty sliaif cantif�ue #oi� a}�eriad oi 90 days feom date of acceptance of prodt�cts and ���or�C 6y fihe Cii��. 9.1.� Tk1e Coniractar shall remed}� ai the Contracta�'s expense any nou-conforming or deFecti�e products ar w�rk. ln addition, the Cunt��acto�� shalk remec�v a! Conirac#or's expense any dama�;e to real o�- �ersonal ��rop�riy owned by the City of F�et Warih, when that dan3aee is tl�e i-esu[t of a defect af products furnisl3ed. 9.1.5 The Contractar's ivar-rant�� «�ith res�ect Fo products repaired or reE3laced wifl run far 90 days trom c��te «f installatio�i and accepiai�ce of sucl� U�° the Ciry. I I=3 2U 0'� G,�� In_.,, Il,a;���� o; �' __ � Ceritrol Servacas P3ge 16 of 29 Contractor Services Agreement 9.1.6 The City of Fort Wo�-tli shali notity the Contractor, �vithin a reasanab]e tirrte after the discovery of any failure, defect, or damage. 9.1.7 If t�e Contractor fails to rert�edy any failure, defect, or dama�e v�rithiii a reasonable tirne after receipt of notice, tl�e Cit,v of Fort Wo�Kh shall have the right to replace, repair, or oiherwise ren7edy the failure, defe�;t, or damage at the Co��tr�ctor's expe3�se. 9.1.8 Thas waa-ranty shall not include fai[ures attributable to accident, fi�-e, oE- �a��l�gence on the p���t afCity personnel. 9.2 With respect to all warranties, expressed or implied, fi•anz �nanufactuz•ers, or suppliers for work perforr�ted and materials furnished ��nder this contract, the Co3ztracto�� shall: 9.2.1 C?btain all warranties ilfat wnuld Ue obtained in normal com�nercial �ractice; 9.2.2 Enfarce all ��arranties for the benefit af tl�e City af Fart Warth. � i, � ` � a � 10.1 The price to be paid by Ciry s�iall be itiat cantainec� in Coiitractor's p��oposals ���hich Contractor warrants to be no higher i13an Contractor's current prices on ordet�s by athers for products and ser�ices «f the kind and speci�cation covered by tliis ag�•eement for siniilar quantities ur�der like cc�nditiorts and methads of �urcliase. In the event Contractor breaches tl�is ��arr-a�►ty, the priees of the itcros sha[[ be redt�ced ta tiie priccs contained iti Contractor's proposals, or in the alternative u��on Contrac#or"s o}�tion, Contraci��r shall have the righi to cancel this contract ��ithout any lia�ility to Cont�-actor for breacli or fior C'aa�iractoi's actu�l expei3se. 5uch remedies are in addition to and not in lie�� of any other remedies which C'ontractor may k�ave i� law or eq��ity. 10.2 Contractor warraii#s that no persoi� or sefEing agency l�as Ueen era�ployed o�� retained ta solicit or secure this contract upon a�� agreeme►tt or ur�dersta»din� for comn�issic�n, pc,r•ceiitage, brakerage or contingent fee, excepting emplo}'ees of an established canlrnercial or selling agency that is maintained by Coittr-actor fof• the purpase af securing busii�ess. Cur breach o�- violaEion of this warranty, City shall have the ��igl�t, in addition to any c�the�� �•ig1�t or i�i�;hts aris�ns� p�Ersuant to saicf purcl�ase(s), tr� cancel this contract withE�ut ]iability an� to deduct from the contract price such corr�missio�l percentaee. brokerage ar contia��ent fee, or otherwise to reco<<er the full amount thereot'. 1 i .0 PRODUCT WAR_R.ANTY Contractor sti�ll not [ii7�it or exclude any exp�•ess or implied warranties and ai�y atten�pt to do so shall render this contt-act ��oidable at the optic�n of Ct»ltractor. C:ontraetor ���arrants tha[ tfle �oods iurnisl�ed will conform t� Cih�'s s�ecifications, dra.�°ings and descriptions list�d i�� the proposa] invitatioEi, ancl the sample{s} turnislled by C'otltractor, ii anv. f» the eveiit ot� a conflict Uetween City's speci�"ications, drawin�s, and desez�iptions. City's specificatians sliall govern. � . ► � : \ Cnntract«r �var��ants that the prodiEct sold or se�-��ices p��ovided to City shall confi�mi to the stanclards prorr�ulgated by the LI.S. De�a�trnent of Labnr u��der the Occu��aEion�l Safety and F�ealth .A.ct (OSHA) nt� 1470, as amended. ln the e�ent tile prodtict or services do no! conforni to C?SHA standards, Ciry may return the product far correction or replacement at Contractoi's 1T�s 2�I-�250 hrs�aliai�on ci �,r.s�or�. Co;,�:vl Se:v�ce: Page 11 of21 ContrdcYor Services Agreement expense or CiEy may ter�ninate t.he cont��act. ln the event Coni�•actor faiis to make appropriate cu�•��ection within a reasonahle time, ai�y correction made by City ���ill be at Cniitrsctnr's expense. W1Se�-e no correction is o�• can be made, Coniractor shall reftmd all monies recei�-ed far such go«ds or services within th�rty (30) days after request �s made by City in �vriti��g and received by Contractor. Notice is cansiciered to ha��e been received upo� han.d delivery, or otherwise in �ccordance with the Notice provisinns of this contract. Failure to make s��ch refiund shall constitute breach and cause this cantract to terniinate immediacely. : : s \ \_ ► : ► U ► � ' : � " : 13.I ��' applicable tc� the services being pro�vided, tl�e CO[�TTRACTOR �varrants that all Deliverab�es, or any part thereof, fua•nished here��nder, including but ��ot litnited to: progE•ams, doc►�mentation, soiitivare, analyses, applications, methods, ways, and �rocesses (in this 5ectiot� each i�dividually referred to as a"Deliverabie" and collectively as the "Deliverahles,") cio not infringe upon or violate any �atent, copyri;hts, trademarl��, service marlcs, trade seerets, c�r any intellect�ai prope�-ty rights or other third party ��roprietar�- rights, in tl�e performance of services undet� th'ts Agreernent. 13.2 Ff a�plicable to the services being ��ravided, CONTRACTOR shall be liable and res�onsible for a�sy and all claims made against tlie City %r infringement of any patent, copye�ight, tradeniark, service niark, t�•ac3e secret, or otlier intetlectual property right.s by the iise of or supE�l}°ing af any De[iverahle(s) in tl�e cotirse of perfa�•mance or com��letion of, or ia aa�y w�a_y connected �vith �rov�rli��g the ser�ices, ar the City's continued use of the Deliver�tble(s) E�ereua�der. 13.3 If applicable to the services being prot-ided, CONTRACTOR agrees ta iridemnify, defeud, settle, or �ay, at its own cost and expense, inciudst�g the paymeut of attorney's fees, an}' clai�n nr action against the City foj• infringe�nenf of any patent, copyright, tradentark, service mark, trade secret, o�• oiher intellectual pro�erty right arisn�g from Cih's use of tlze DeliveraUle(s), or a�y part thereof, in accordance with this Ag��eem€nt, it being undel•sioorl thaf tfiis agreement to indemnify, defend, settle o►� pay st�all not a�fpIy if the City njadifies or mis�ses the Deli�erable(s). 50 long as CONTRACTOR bears the cost and expense oi �ayuient far claims or actions against the CiiF� pursuant fo this sectioia 8, CONTRACTOR shall have the right to canduct the defense ai a�y suet� claim ar action and a11 negotiatio��s for its settle��e�it or comproutise anr3 to settle or eompromise any such claijn; haweve�-, City siiall have the �-igl�t to full,y pai•tici�ate in any� anc� all such settlement, negotiations, or la��suit as �ecessary ta pt-otect the City's i�iterest, and CitV ag�-ees to cooperate �sith CONTRACTOR in doi�zg so. �n the eve��t City, for «�hatever i-eason, assumes ilie res�ansibilii�� for payment of costs anc� expenses for x��y clainz rrr action brought agaiust tlie City fur inft•ingen�ent as•isiE�g undea• this Ag��eeme��t, the City shall ha�e the soIe right ta conc�uct the defer�se of a�iy such clairn or action and a�l negatiativns for its settler�ent or compromise and to se#tle or cornprnmise any such claim; ho�r�ever, CONTRACTOE2 shall fi�lly ��articipate and caoperate vs-itF� the Cih� in defense of such ctai�f� or acfion. City agrees to give C�NTRACTUR timely v��ritten notice of any such claim o�- action, witt� copies of al[ �a�ers City ma,y receive relati��g #liereto. Notwithstanding the faregoi���, tl�e City's assumption c�f �ayine�t c�f ecests or expenses shall no� eliminate CONTRACTOR's duty t4 indemnif�' the Cify ander this Agreennent. If the Delivei-able(s), or any part therecsf, is held tca infri�ige and the use tlze�-eof is enjoi�ied o�- restrained or, if as a result of a sett�enieni or compromise, srich use is materiall�� adversely r•estricted, CONTRACTOR sl�all, at its owi� expense anci ac City's sole ren;edy, eit��er: {a) E�rocure for City the right to cai�tin��e to use the Detiverable{s); or (b} niodrfy t��e Deliverable(s) ta roake tl�e�i/it i�on-ini'ringing, pravided that such modification daes not i L"!C� ': _�! i+':S;chiF�iii r„� L-�[ 5',0�� C�iiir0l SEivicrs PB�E i2 Of 21 Conkractor Services Agreement niateri:�liy adversely ai%ct City's authorized use of the Deliverable(s); or (c) replacc tAe Deliverable(�) witl� equally suitable, compatible, and fu�actianally equivalent non-infringing Deliverable(s) at no additional charge to City; ar (d) if none of the foregoing alternafives is reaso�iably a��ailable to Ct)iVTRACTOI�, terRiinate this Agreemez�t, and refund �Il arnou�its paid to CONTRACTOR by the City, subsc:quent tn which termination C�ty may seek any and al! reme�ies available to City under faw. 14.Q SAFETY Tl�e Cot�tractor sl�all be respo�fsible for ci•eating and n�ai��tainin� its owu safety plan meeting all fedet-al, state, county or city_ laws, ardinances a�3d regulations. ( S.0 HAZARDOCtS CQNDJTIUNS Tl�e Contracto�� is rec�uired to notify° the CitS� immediately of Coniractor's disco��eY•y af af�y lZazardous conditions duri�ig peE-fu��i�lance of the services. City enay suspend contractar's ��ork for such reasonable time as is necessac�y to eva�uate Ihe possible hazardous conditions and to develc�p a plan #o.r Et�ana�ing s�me. Gontractor and Clty may negcftiate a chanQe order, if necessar�r, for Contractor to continue its wark if the origi�lal conditions liave materially changed due to the discove�y of'hazardous conditions. I i F:� _. _. .::.,_. � F,,..,�o�� Cc 7 �ol 5��,,� �.�= Page 13 af 21 Contractar Services Agreem�nt PART-II GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5, C► b.0 ► � T'he City o# Fort Worth, iCs oi'ficers, agents, serr-ants, authorized emple�yees; contractors a»d subcontracco��s �vho �ct on behakf afi various City departments, bc�dies or abencies. ILEFTN1TICEN OF CONTRACTOR The consi�itai�t, service providei-(s), su�plier, nr othe oti�icers, a�ents, servanfis, err►ploy�ees, co��tractors and entity which is enga�ed in a contract with the City. r prc�vider of goods andlnr services, its st�bcontracEc�rs who act on hehalt� of the ' i. _\_ i_ U: � An`� infonliatiai� submitted tu tl�e Cify of Fart Worth may be ret�uested by a nzember of the public ui�der the 'I'exas Public Ij�formation Act. If the City recei�es a rec�uest for a Contractor's proprietary informatic�n, t��e Coz�tractar ]isted in the request. will be notiEied and gi�en an oppai�t�►nity to rnahe arguments to the Texas Attorney Generaf's Office (the "AG") regarding reasons the Contractor belier�es that it; information may not la�fiirlly be released. If Contractor does nat rnake argur�ents or the h1G rejects tiie argumeiits Cor�traetar mal.es, C'o��t��actor's infor�nation w�ill be released �viThoul ��enal�y� to the City. N :/. : �►. ► ' : f � > I► �► C: No officer or ei�iployee of City sl�all have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in a�7�- �oniract ���ith City or be financially interested, directl�� or indirectly, iu tlie sale to City of any land, maierials, supplies or services, except on behalf c�f City as an officer or enaployee. Any wil[fu[ violation of this section shall constitute nlalfe�sance in c3ffice, and aiay oflice�- or eniployee fou��d guilty thereof sliall there�y foz-feit llis nffice nr pasition. �1ny ��iolatio�l �f this sectio�� ���ith the knowledge, �xpressed or i��plied, of tl�e person c�r �orp��ration conb�actis�g �uith the Cit�v Counci] shall rendee the conti�act im�alid by the e�ty Manager or the City Gouncil. (Chapier XXVII, Sectio�� 16, Cityo uf �orE Worth Charter) f7:71 : 5.1 No employees of the City ar its otfice3-s, a�,ents, seztiants, contraetot�s or subcontracfars who act an bchalf of �aeious Citv departir►ents, bodies �r agencies are authorized to place orders fo�� goods ar�d/or services withc�ut p��ovidin� approved contract numbers, pt���chase oi•der numbe�•s, o�� release numbej-s issued byr tl�e City. The only �xce�tions are Purchasing Card orders and ernergencies �ursuant to Tea�s Local Go��ee•nment Code 5ection 252.Q2�(a}(]), (�), or {3}, In the case af eir�e�-ge��cies, the City's P�i�•cliasitig Division will place sucl� orders. 5.2 Accepta�jce of an c�rder and deii��e�y on t17e ��art ot` the Co�ltr�ctc�r witlaouE a�� approved contract nu��Uer, put�chase order numbee, or release number issued L�y the City may result in rejection of c�eli��ery, retu�•n oiaoods at th� Coniractor's cost aticE/orno�l-paymenl. � ► : = � . / ' � . a i If applicable to the scope of �vork, Contractor ��ill pacl:a�e goods in accoE•da�ice ���ith �aoct comnlercial practice. Eacti sllippiiig container, shal] be clearly and pe��mai�enily �r�arked as follows: (a} C�c�nU�actar's nair:e and address: {b) Consivnee's ��ame. address �nd purchase order or purc�tase cl�an�e order nun�be�; {c} Cotiiainer number and Total ��un�ber of cc�ntainers, e.�., box 1 of � baxes; and (d) Nun�ber c�f the co��tainer i�earing the �acf:in� slip. Cai�keactor shall bear tlie � i'�. �� �� ,t 6��<:ail�hc�, �_� _�s��or; Coniiol Se�vFcN�� Page'i4 pi21 Contractar Services Agreement cost of �ackaginb unless otherwise provided. Goods shall be s�iitably paciced to secure lo��est trai�sportatior� costs and to conforu� To requirements of commcm carriers and any applieable specifications. City's count or ��eight shall be f1na1 and conclusive oi� shipments ❑ot accompanied by packin� lists. I . ' U � ►1 . , C . �7.fi;Zf7:1I:ir�r�l� Contractor is not authorEzecf tc� ship the goods under res��-r�ation, and no tender of a�i11 of l�ding wil I opea'ate as a iender of goods. ti : ►.11 . . � / � . . If applicabfe to tlie scope af work, the title and risk of loss of the �onds shaEl not pass to City until Gity actuaEi_y receives and takes passession of the goods at the poir�t nr points �f delivery after inspection and acceptance of t�c �oc�ds. 9.0 PI.ACE OF DELI\rERY I#� a}�pl':cable to tl�e scope of� war[�, the �lace of deli�ery shall lie set fa��ih in the "Ship to" l�tack of t�e purc3�ase order, purchase chaii�e order, or release orde��. 1 : . ► ` � If applicable to the scope �zf work, City shall have the right ta inspect Ehe goods upon delivery before acce�tin� theRl. Contractor shall be responsi�le foi- all chartres frn• the return ta Contractoa- of any �oods rejected as bein� nanconformin� u�ider the s��ecitications. • �,_: ► • ► ►. •: If this purchase is fn�� the license c�f' software products and/or ser�ices, and unless otherwise ag�-eed, Cont�-actar hereb�� grants to City. a per�ctual, in•evocable, non-exclL�si�e, nontransfe�,able, rova[ty ii�ee license to use the software. This software is ' propY-ietary' to Contractor, aa�d �s licei�sed a�lc1 provided to tiZe City �ar its sole use for purposes under this A�s-eeme��t aE�d any attachec� wark urders or invoices. `l�l�e Cit�- inay not use ot• shat•e this soitware witl�aut pei-mi�siun o!� the Contracta�; however City inay make capies of the software eYpress4y for backup purposes. f.► : s ' i �:. ':�1 If appiicaE�le to the scope of wark, Contractor agrees that City shall he tl�e sole a�3d exclidsi��e ov,'ner of all reparts, r�nr�: papers, pracedt�res, guides, and documentation, created, }�ublished, displ�yed, and/or �roduced in coi�junction ���ith the ser��ices provided under this Agreement (collectively, 'Wark �'roduct"}. Fu��he�', C3ty shall be Ehe sole and exclusive owner af all copyri�ht, pat.ent, tradematk, trade secrei and utl�e�� �roF�rietai-v rights i❑ and to the Wnrk Pt•oduct. O«���ership of the Wo�-k Product shall inure tn the hene�t nf City irom tl�e date of conce�tioi�, c��eaiioa� or �x�tion of the 1�'c>rk Product in a tan�,ib[e r�iedit3m of expression (i��l�ichever occurs tirst). Cach copyrigl�table as��ect of tlle Work Product sl�all be considered a"���ork-made-f'or-hire" within the i��ea��ing af the Capyright .4ct oF �97b, as amended. If and to the extent such Work Product, or a�3y p�rt tl�ereot, is not considered a"���ork-made-for-hire" within the meanii�g of the Capyright Act of 197b, as a�nended, Co��tracior i�eeeb_y expressl�� assi�ns lo City all e�clusive rigfit, title and ��ttet'esl in and to 1�1e Work Froduct, a�id �il copies thereot�, and in and to the: copyeight, patent. trademark, trade secret, a��d all nther pro�rieta�y rigfits therei��, that C-ity inay have or �z6tai�a, ���itl�out fuether cunsideratio�i, fi-ee frc�m a►iy claii�i, lien for ba[ance due, o�• rigl�ts of eetention thereto on the pa�t of City. Contractor for �tself a31d on l�ei�aff of its cantracta��s he�•eby waives any propet•ty inteeest in such Wc�rk Product. I i �;'D C��.��0 ias!�H��i:���, ��� E�i�.� o�� �.� ��ci 5�,�+�cY�. Page 15 of 21 Contractor Services Agreement ► a•�, The City o«ms and ope�-ates a computing environment ancf network (co[lectively the "Network"). It� Cantractor requires access, whether o��site or t�mote, to the Gity's network to provide services hereu��der; and the Cout��actor is rc;c�uired to utilize dle luternet, Intranet, email, City data��ase, or okher network applieatian, Cont��actor shall sepa►•ately execute the City's NeYwork Access A�reea��eiit p�-iur to �ruvidin�, such services. A copy af tlie C'ii��'s �lane�a��d Network Access A�ree�ne�it can be pro�ided upc�n reqtiesT. 14.0 LAV�rS. REGULATIONS, AND QRDINANCES The Contr�actor shall be responsible for r�feeting all Federal: Eaws, ordina�iees and re�ulatic�ns; �tate: la��s, o��dina��ce and ee�ulations; Cuunty: laws, o��dina��ces a��d regulations; and City; laws, o��dinances, a�d regulatio��s for safety of peo��le, e��viro��ment, and prope3-ty. This i��cludes, but is nat limited tc�. akl Federal, State, Cau��ty, and City Agencies, ndminist��ations and C'omi�issions such as the Environmcntal Protect�on Age»cy (EPA), Occupatin��al Safeh� and Health Adrttinistration (OSHA), and the Te�as Commissio�a on Environrnental Quality (TCEQ}. [n the event any la�v, re�ulation or ordinance becomes effecti�re after the st�r-t of this Agr�ement, t�ie CotZtractor is required to campl�� �� ith i�e�v po[icy. A��y n�andates requiring t.he City to compiy with new gutdelines will also require the Ci�ntractoe to eornply, 11 U :: \ \: ►= - Contractc�r shall verify the identity and em�toyrr►ent eligibility of iis em�loyees who perfo�•m v��ork unde�• this Agreez�ze��t, i�}cluding completing the �m�layment Eligihiiity Verificatio�� Form (I-9), Upon request U_y C`ity, C'c�nlracfor shaii pro��ide City with copies of ail I-4 forms azid su�pnrting eligibility daci�me�ftation fo�� each employee �a�ho performs w�ork t�nder this A�ree�ne�tt. Car►tract�3r sha.11 adhere to all Fede��aE a»d Stafe laws as well as es�ablish ap�ropriaEe procedures and conteols so t13at no services «'iii be pertormed by� any Cont��actor ernployee who is r�oi le�ally eligible tc� perform such services. CONTItACTOR SHALL IllrDE]V�N1FY CITY AND HOLD CITY H�RMLESS FROM ANY P�NALTIES, I.IAB�LITIES, OR LOSSES DUE TO VIOLATIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH BY CONTRACTnR, C�NTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES, 5IIBCONTRACTORS, AGENTS, OR LICENSEES. City. upon writte3� nUtice to C"n�itr�cTor, sl�all have k��e right to immediately terminate t1�is Agrecme��t for violatians of this provision l�y Contractor. �. . . al ► � • ► ► . ! 1. �, See-�-ices, products, materials, and supplies �ro��ided by the Contractor must meet or exceed all appEicable health, safety, and the enviroi3�nenfal laws; �-ec�uirer�ients, acld standards. ��� additio�z, Co�itE�actor ag��ees to obt�in and pay, at its own eY�ense, foE- al] licenses, peri7�its, cerlificates, and inspections necessary to provide tE�e products or to pet•ft�rm tl�e services hereunder. Cont�•actar shai] indemnify City frorn any penalties o�� liabilities due to vic�lations of this pro��ision. City silal] �a��e tE�e right to immediately tern�i�iate this Agreen3ent for vic�fations of [his provision byContracior. : e 1 Contraciar agrees t�lat the City, �a� Gitv's autl�orizecE representatii-e, shall, u��ti] the ex�airatio�z of theee (3) years after final �ayn�ient under ihis coniraci, and at �ic� adaitio��al cost to City, ha�s�e access to and the righi fa e�amine and cop�� any directly Eaertinent hooks. cnmputer disks, digit�l files, documents. papees and records of the Contractor invoh-ing transactions relating to this cont�-act. Co�itractor agrees that the City s11a11 ha��e access, during no���nal «�c�rkij�g f1nu�•s, ta al] necessar�� Coi3tractor facilities, and shall be pruvided adequate and appropriate -� ., _ ��G I�is�_-I��.,r�r� p: F-' -='c� Co�iirof Ser�ice:: Page 16 of 21 Cqntractar Services Agresment workspace, in order to condtEct audits in compliance ���itl� the provisions of this section. Ciry sl�al[ pay Cantractoe far �•eastmable costs of any copying in accordance with thc sta��daeds set forth in the Texas Administ.rati��e Code. The City shall give Contractar reasc�nable ad�ance written notice of intended audits, but �lo less than teti (10) business days. 1$.0 DI�ABiLITY I�3 accordance with the prc�visions of the Aenericans With Disabilities Act �sf 199fl (ADA), Contractoe wa�•rants that it and any a�id all of its suk�co��tractoE�s will not ur�lawfi�l ly discri�ninate on the basis of disabilit� iu tlie provisian of sei-��ices to general pu6lic, nor in the availability, terrns anci/or conditic�ns of en��loy�ner�t for applicants far eanploy«�ent with, or einployees of Contractc3t' or any �}f its suhcontractors. Cc�s�tractot- warrants ii wi][ fu11v comply witl� AVA's pro<<isicans and any other applicable tederal, state and local laws concei-ning disabslit}� and will defend, indemnify and hold Ciiy llarmless againsl any cl�i�ns or allegations asserted by tl7ird pai•ties or su�co�itractors against Citv arising out of Contractc�r's andlor i#s subcanlractur's allegec� failure to co�l�ply wiil� the above-refeY�er�ced laws amcerning disability discrirniriation in the pe�-far-mance of this agreerrient. 14.0 TIME TO CURE/D�SFUTE RESOLUTION 19.1 If either Ciry or Contt�actor has a claim, dispute, or o#her matter in question for breaci� nf duty, obligations. se�•vices rendef•ed or any ��-areanty thaE arises under this A�reement, #he parties shall �rst prt�vide a i•e�sonable time to cure ��id then attempt to resolve tkle inatter througl� tl�is dispiite resalution E�rocess. The disputing pa�-fy shal! notify the otl�er party in ���ritin� as soon as peacticab�e afteY� diseove��ing the claizn, dispute, or breach. The not�ce shall state the �iature of the dispute and list the party's specific reasons for such dispute. Within ten {lOj Uusiness days of receipt of the notice, bo#]a parties shall Enake a�;ood faith effort, either through email, ma�l, phone conference, in person meetings, or c�ther reasonal�le n�eans to cure, resolve any claim, dis�ute, breacl� or c�ther mattcr- in question th�t may r�rise out of, 03• in connection ��iih this Agreen3ent. If tl�e parties faiE to cu�-e or resoiv� the dispUte ��-ithir� siYty (bQ} days of the date of receipt of tlie ►►o[ice ofi the dispute, then tl�e parties 3nay su�mit the matter to non-bindi��g mediation upan written coi3sent of aut[iorized representatives of botli p�rties in �ccordance witl� the Industry Arbit��ation Ruies of the Americaci Arbitration Association or other applicable r�tles governing mediation then in eftecc. lf tl�e parties cannot resolve tlie dispute through mediatioii, then either pa��ty sE�all have the eight to exercise a��y and all remedies availa[�le uncier law re�arding the dis�ute. 19.� A w�•itten notice to ena•e rnay be pre�a�'ed giving the Ccjnt.ractor i4 ca]endaE' days to ciire any de�ciency. 19.3 [n tlie event tl�e Contractor continues �vith unsatisfactnry peeformance, the de�artment will prom�tly notit}� the a}�propriate Department Head who may take appropriate actian to cure the �e;�formance prohlem(s). 19.� All costs rc� c�ire inc��rred by tkle City shall be paid by Cor�tractor ��ithi�� 30 days of Conn�acto��'s receipt of notice af same. 19.5 The Co►itractai- will be }�aid o311y tl�ose sun�s dae and owi�tg under the a�reement fo�� seevices satisfactorilv rendereel, suhject to offset for daE�ia�.es and atl�er amo��nts which are_ or wi}ich n�ay become, due and owing to the City. I i � <<. ; i.C� I:_,rL'�'i�C;:� Ci �inS�Gi� (;vr�l �l 7�i�nG�a Page 17 of 21 Contractor 5ervices Agreement ATTACHMENT B CALL FOR BIDS/PROPOSALS PARTS I- ll (Inserted behind this �abe) I�ii.__ J1`��il-_.��II�._ .�t.�._i: L�(;�',i��ES`ri'd��.-�.i-,: PBJ�'iHO�Z'� Contrectar Services Agreement FORT WORTH� �,`'��� CiTY 4F F(]RT WORTH BID �FFER �� _� _ Pagel �� Event Round Version i i Event Name ITB Installation of Erosipn Control SeYvices_ , StarE 7ime Finish Tme � _OS/20/2020 D8:00:00 CDT _ 66/0412020_13 _30_:_00_CDT . _ Invited: Integra#ed Landscape Services 7Q1 plaza dr fort worth TX 76140 United States Suhmit To: City of Fort Worth PURCHASING �lVISlON LOWER LEVEL CITY HALL 2Q0 TEXAS ST. Fort Warth TX 76102 United States Emaif: FMSPurchasingResponses@fortworfh#exas.gov Event Description The City of Fort Worth issues this call seeking bids for furnishing fnstallation of erosion contral services andlor equipment as sei forth in this fnvitaiion to Bid ( ITB andlor Call ) for the Fort Worth Transportation and Publi� Wnrks DepartmenE. The ferm of the agreement shal! be a multi-year agreement with the first terrrE pro-rated to coincide witF� the fiscal year, which ends on September 36th, with options to renew up to four (4) additiar�aE one-year terms and a fifth renewa� if necessary to complete the pro-rated year af the ciiy's discretion. Terms & Conditians Bids will be accepted as usua! by mail. To hand deli�er bids: will be accepled #rom $:3Dam to 1;30pm on Thursdays af the Soulh End fobby of City Hall. If the bidder wants to hand deliver any other time, bidder will need to call Purchasing at 84i-3S2-2462 to make an appointment. Bid opening will be occurring through iive stream and can be viewed a! fortworthtexas.govlfwtvl No Pre-Bid Conference FORT WORTH�. �����`� � CIiY �F FORT WORTH BID OFFER E�entlD - -- � Page� �CFWO1-20-0150 __ _ _2 �I E�ent Round Version 1 —1— - -- ---- - � Event Name , I_ITB Installation o€ E,rosion Control Seryi.ces � Start Time Finish Time os;zo[zn2o oa_:no:oo cnr_ n6/o4�2o2a_�3_3n:oo cnT In�itecl: Integrated Landscape Services 701 pEaza dr fort worth TX 76140 United States Submit To: City of Fort Worth PURCHASING ��VISION LOWER LEVEL CITY HALL 20fl TEXAS ST. Fort Worth TX 76102 United 5tates EmaiL• FMSPurchasingR2sponses@fortwarthtexas.go� Line Det�ils Lirte: 1 Destription: qty Unit L1nitPrice 7ota1 Instellation of Curlex II-Double Nei Siraw 4000.Od SY 8lanket - -- -- -- � Line: 2 Descr�tion: _ Qty Unit UniSPrice __ Total ._ Insialfation of SC25fl-7Q130 StrawlCoconut 1000.00 SY Blanket - — - � � Line: 3 bescription: Qt� Unit InsiaiEation of C125-i0Q% Coconut Blanket 1000,00 8Y _Unit�rice _. _ I _ Total _ Line: 4 Desc�tion: Qy U_nit _ Insta[lation of C35D Tu�-F Mat High Velocity 4000.00 SY ProtectioniCorriposite Turf Reinforcemeni Mai UnitPrice __ i _ Total � � Line: 5 Descr�tion: Qty Unik . UnitPrice __iotal Ynstallation of P550 Turf Mai Extreme 344D.D4 SY Velocity Protectipn �- - -- -- Line: 6 t]escriptian: T_ _ _ _ _ Qty��_ Unit ._ _ ___ UnitPrice _ _ Total _ Installation pf Sili Fence 12 Gauge or 50b0.DQ LF Similar � I � Line: 7 Descri�tian� __ ,_Qty_ Unit _ � _ _ _. UnitPriee___ _ _ Installation vf Silt Fence 1a Gauge ar 50�Q.Op LF Similar I I� -----� TotaE Bid Amount __.Total.. � � FORT �VORTH� --�����;-�- � �� ... CITY OF FOR7 WOR7H 1 PURCHASING DIVISION iNVITATIQN TO 8117 FOR A PUBLIG W�RKS SERVICE ITB N0. 2U-015(1 INSTALLATI�N OF ER0510N CONTROL SERVICES BID CLOSING ❑ATE: June 4, 2020 For further information confact: Ashley Kadva, Buyer FAX (817) 392-844Q; email: EM�e�archasutai3�sa�nss�ivfortworthtexas.gov The City of F�rt Vliorth issues this call seeking bids fior furnishing installation o# erosion contro[ services andlor equipmeni as set forth in this In�itation to gid ("iTB"). BIbS M�JST BE RECEIVED BY THE PURCHASING C)FFICE AND TIME STAMPEd ON OR 6EF�RE 1:3U PM (local time) ON THE BID CL051�VG DATE IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDEf2Eb. Bids shail be mailed ar hand deli�ered to fhe following address: City of Fort Worth, Purchasir�g Division, Lower Le�el, City Hall, 200 Texas Street, Fort Wprth, Texas 76102 Bids wif! be publicly apened and read alaud via live stream at 2:00 P.M. on ihe Bid Closing Date Bids delivered by special courier (i.e. Federal Express, Special Deli�ery etc.) are to be markeci on the outside of the cflurier's shipping en�elape "Bib iJo. 20-015Q, INSTALLATION OF EROSION GDNTROL SEf�ViC�S" AND MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE PURCHASi�iG DFFIGE AND TIME STAMPEb PRIOR TO THE 1.30 DEADLINE IN ORDER TO BE C4NSIDERED. The City is not Responsible for retrieving a submitted bid from i t s mail processing center. Contracts wil! be awarded to #he lowest responsi�e and responsible bidder(s) complying wi#h all of the provisians pf the iTB, provided the bid price is reasonable, and it is in the b�st interest of #he City ta accept it, or, in the case of a best value bid, to the entify providing a stabmittal afFering the best value to the City based on the evaluation criteria. 5hould oihEr Go�Ernmental entities decide io participate in this contract, would you, the Contractor, agree that all terms, condi#ions, specifiications, and pricing shall apply (see Part II, Section 13)? Yes No By signing below, ! certify that I have read the attached Parts I-IV and all attachments thereto and agree to a11 of the terms, conditions and requirements contained herein. Failure to comnlete the ,�QJ���g,�,jnfor�pa#ior below will result in reiection of vo�r bid_ Company Name and Address: Federal ID Number {T1N): Company's Authorized Agent Name and Title Signature: Date: Teiephone Number: Email address: �ax Nurnber: ITS 20-(}15D Installa�ion of Erosion Control Services ATTACHMENT C CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE TO CALL FOR BIDS/PROPOSALS (Isiserted behind this page) i i I .�i� li i ji:�: [ �� �� 'i0'� C�? .�I ti2ry :-�5 Page 19 0121 Contractor Ser�iGes Agreement FOIiT �Oi�TH�.: --�. - -�- =� - CIl'Y OF �Uf�S WORTH ! P�lRCi-lA51NG IlIViSiQ�1 INVITATtON i0 BID FOF2 A PUBLfC WOl�f{5 SERViC� ITB NO. 20-015Q INSTALLATIOf�i OF ER051QN CON7ROL SERVICES f3lp CL05iNG ��4TE: June 4, 202D For furiher infarmation contact: AsE�l�y Kadva, Suyer FAX ($17) 392-8440; emaii� ���purchasinaRe�� Tl�e G'sty of For! Warth issues this call seeking bid� for iumishing tnstallation of erosion control ser�ices and/or equipment as set fo�th in this Invitation to Bid ("ITB"j. i31D5 MIJST 8E RECEEVED BY 7'HE PUF2CHASlAlG OFFICE AND Tlfh�� STAMPED ON OR BEF4RE 1:3Q PM �loca! time) ON THE BID CL05ltVG DAT� i!V QRQER TO BE CONSII]ER��. 8ids shall be mailed or hand delivered io th� foliawin� address: Ciiy of FQrt Worth, purchasing Division, Lower l.evel, City Hall, 2fl0 Texas Street, Fort Worth, �exas 781U2 Bids will be publicly operted and read aloud via live stream at 2:00 P.M. en rhe Bid Cl�sing l3afe 8ids delivered by special caurier (i.e. Federal Express, Special De€ivery etc.} are to be rnarked on the outside a{ tkie courier's shipping envelope "BIQ �lo. 20-D15D, !RlSTALLAiIUN OF EROSIOM1! CONTRf)L S�RVICES" Af�D MUST 8E REC�fVED BY THE PURCh1RSth1G OFFfCE AND TiME �1"AMpEd PRIOft TO THE 't:30 AEAQLiNE I�1 ORDER iU BE COPfSfUERED The Gity ts not Responslb[e for retrieving a sui�mitted bid from i i s mail prncessing center Contracts will be aw�rded to the lowest responsive and resportsibie bidder(s) complying with all of the provisions a4 tf�e iT6, provided the bici pric� is reasanable, and it is in ihe t�est intet-ast af the City to accepi it, or, in 1he case of a besl value bid, to 1he ent�iy provi�ing a subrriittal offering the be�t value fo the City based on the evaluatian cri#eria 5i�ould oiher Govemmental entities decide to participaie in this contract, wnuld you, ihe Contractor, agree that all cerms, conditior�s: specifications, and pricing shall apply (s�e Pan I!. Section 13)? 1'es—x- No By signing belaw, I certify that ! ha�e read the aitach�cl Parts [-IV and all attachments thereto and agree to all of ti�e terrr�s, conditions and rec�uiremants coritained herein. �,�ilure ta comoEete the �pil��tes���Larrr��3i�_�1�� �uif� result iRrej@ction af your bid. � Company Narr�e and Address: C. Green 5caping, �F' 2401 Handley Ederviile Rd, Fl lNorth. TX i6� 18 F�deral ID Number {TfN}; ,5_23�2g;3 Gompany's Authorized Ac�eni Name and Title �urtis J. Gre2n - Vice Presicf�nt Date: �1412�20 Telepf?one Nur�,ber: 817-577-9299 _�_`p� _ c reen�greenscapii�c�.corn _ _ _ _ �a>:_Number_ 8�7-5'77_9331 ITB 2D-U 150 Ins4211aSion af Erosfon Cnnlrol 8ervices Foar WU��r�� C�TV �F �ORT VI��RiH �li� �FFER ; Eveni Ia � f Page ` I�i�i{ed: Integrated Landsca�e Services ; c=u,a! -io-ozsQ ----� . I 70i plaza dr i Event Rnund Version � fort worEh TX 76140 � i- - --- -- � _ _.__. United 5taies E €vent lVame -� - ; iTe lnstaliation o;[ �;rc5io_s_ Cc�:f_xcl Suxv3ce= Submlt To; City Of �Drl'�IVorth �___.._ _..—._...-------._ _. ------ -- j start iime F�nish Time Pi1F2CHAS#NG pIVISIOIV �c�;;znr_zo�u �,s:oo:ut� C.i u=:oyiao�c ,_��=o:��o cui LOlNERL�VELCiTYNAL� - ---- - - 200 TEXAS ST. Fon Warih 7x 7610z Uniied 5tates Emaii: FfJISFurchasingResponses@fortworthlexas gov Event pescription The City of Fort Worth issues this cal! seeking bids for furnishing instailation pf erosion conirol services andlor aquipment as set fonh in this InvifaiiQn ko Bid ( ITB 2ntflor Gall ) for the Fort Worth Transportation and Pu6Eic Works Departmeni 3he i�rm of ihe 2greement snali be a multi-year agreemer�t w�th the first ierm pro-rated to caincide w#th the fiscal year, which ends on September 301h, with options fo renev� up to four (4) addilional one-ye�r tem�s and a fiifth renewal if necess�ry to compleie lhe pro-raied year at ihe city`s discretion. Terms � Condiiic�ns Bids will be accepted ss usual k�y mail. 7o hand deli�er bids: will be accepted irom 8.30am to 1;36pm on Thurscfays at the SoUth End iot�by of City Hall li ihe t�idder wants ko hand deliver any oilzer time, bidder svil! need to cal! Purchasinc� at 817-3@?-2G62 to ma�� �n appoinlment. Bid opening will be �ccurring through live siream and can be viewetf at fur�worthtexas.aovlfwtv! Na Pre-�id Conference Fc�u�r WoRT��t �IT�C QF ��I�T ��F�T� �I� (3FFEF� EverttlD page' c:i;n,_zo-ozsa �; ,__..._�__�..__.___ - - -----. ' E�ent Round Version ,� . , Event Neme -' - - ---� -- �_i`tB I::stallatioaF of Erosiqn Cor.'rc,l Serviccs I 5tart Time F'inish Time � o�,!<v;!_ 6tG_D6_;au:ru _CL'r-- -- -.c��_Oy/2ozG 13:30:[,o CU'i� fnvited: In�sgrated Landscape Services 701 piaza cfr farl worth TX 76140 United States Submft To: City af Fori S�Jorth, F�RCHASING DIVISIpN �owE� �.�v�� cirY +�,a�� 200 TEXAS ST. Fort Worth TX 761 D2 United Stat�s Erriail: fNISPurchasingRespqnses@'Foriworthlexas.gov Line Details Line: 1 Descri�tfon: _ QEy_____ __ Llnit UnitPrice Total Instaliation ot Curiex t# T]ouble NEt Straw 40QD 06 SY � {------- .� B�an�et ' $ 2.90 �I �$ 11,600.00: Line_ 2 Descriptiors:_ _ Qty,_,._. Unit _ ._ ._ ------ - . ---- - _. Installati�n oi SC250-7013U StrawlCoconui 1d6� OC3 SY Slankel Line: 3 Descri,plion_.- -- .. ...--- - - -_ , — �__ Unit [�t Insiall�tion of C125-100?c Cocanu; Blanke! 1000 00 5Y Line: il De�cription: _. _ _ frsiaElatinn pf C350 Turf hlat High Velce�?y �'ro,eCtiori+Composite Turi Reinforcement Ma1 Line: 5 �eseription: _ _ Ynstailation o1 P5507urf Ma1 Extreme Ve'ncily Protedion iine: S Description: Insl�Elation cf Sili Fence 12 Gauge or ���„��d� Line: 7 Aescriptiarr: _._ Irtslail�tio� of 5ilt Fence �4 Gauge or Simil�r __ UnitPrice � $ 2.90 - __UnitPrice � 2.sa � QIy_.__.,. Unit UnitPrice , 4Q0� 00 5Y _ i � 4.40 _ G]t�_ Unit__ __ _____ UnitPrice_._ 3DQ0 00 5Y i � 12.70 Qty-- - llnit_ 50�O.C#� t � G2ty Unii SODO.U3 LF _UnitPri�e _ __ S 3.60 _ �— . . - - -- - _ _lJniiPrice _ -._... _... .. '� s.�a Tqt�l Bid Amount: Total �$ 2,900.D0 I Tatal $ 2,900.40 T _ _ Fotai I $ � 7,600.OQ . Total _ __ _� 3$,10(}.OQ _Tntal__ _ ' $ 18:OQO.QO , - Tota! , - --- - _ $ 18,4�0,00 �$ 109,�00.00 . i�_ri�� SCOPE �F SERVlCESISPECiFIC BID INFORMATIONIQUESTlONS 1.0 �COPE 1.1 The City of Fort Worth (City) issues this in�itation ta bids to award one or more non- exclusive contracts fnr installation of erosion products for the Transportatian and Public Works (TP1N) Department. 1.2 TPWIStarmwater OperaEions shall purchase installation af erosion blank�ts and silt fences. �esign and materials shaH be pro�ided by TPWI Stormwater to help prevent surface erasion fram run-off and maximize the potential for establishingvegetation. 1.3 AEI �aroducis and materials shall be pro�ided to the job site by TPW! Storrriwater Operaiions Division. Contractor is to pro�ide alE necessary fapls and labor ne�ded fior the instalkafian. Material included but not fiinited #o inc�ucie al! items on the bid solicitation including anchor, staples and pins. 1.4 Contra�ior is to provide labor far instaflation and any personal pratective equiPment for Contractor's empioyee. 9.5 Curlex II 1.5.1 Double Net Straw blanlcet — 9 year pratection 1.5.2 Top Net: fight weig�t pF+otodegradable poiypropylene Matrix: 10�% 1.5.3 agricultural straw 1.5.�4 Thread: �egradable 'f.5.5 Permissible Shear Stress: 2.25 Per 5quare Foot {PS�} 1.6 SC250 70/30 Straw/ Coconut bl�nk�i — 18 mvnth profection 1.6.2 Tap Net: medium w�ight iJltrauiolet (UV) — stabilizec� polypropylene 1.6.3 M�ddle Net: Neavy weight UV — stabilized poiypropyiene i.6.4 Boitom tVet: medium weight LiV — stabifzed polyprapyfene 1.6.5 Matrix: 70% Agricuftural straw/ 30% Coconut �ber 1.6.6 Permissible Shear Stress. 2.749 PSF un-�egeiatedl 1D.0 PSF vegetat�d. '#.7 C125 100% Coeonui bEanket-2 year protection 1.7.1 Top Net: medium tiveig�t UV — sEabiEized polypropyle�e 1,7.2 Middle Net� Hea�y weighi 11V — stabiEized poiypropyEene ITB 2�-0150 Instal4ation of Erosien Conirol Sennc�es 3 1.7.3 Bottom Net: medium weight UV — stabilized polypropylene �.7.4 Matrix: 100% Cocon�t fiber 1.7.5 Thread: Slack lJV — stabilized 1.�.6 i'ermissibte Shear Stress: 3.70 PSF un-vegetated/ i2.0 �S� �eg2tated. 1.8 SC350 TurF r�at — high �eloeity proteciionl Composite �'urf reiniorcement mat 1.8.1 Top Net: Palypropylene 8.0 Ibsl 1,000 ft�(3.91 kg11QOmz) 1.8.2 Middke �et: Polypropylene, corrugated 24.0lbs11,Q�Of# ftx(1 �.7 kg11 �Om�)approximant 1.8.3 Cacanut fiber: 0.50 IbsJydZ {0.27 kglm�) 1.8.4 8ottom f�et: Palyprapylene, 8.0 lasl� ,OOa fi2 (3.91 icg110flm2}approximant '�.$.5 Matrix: 100°1a cocpnut mairix 'I.S.fi 7hread: Permanent 1.9 P550 Turf mat — extreme velocity protection 1,9.1 Top Net: Palyprapylene 24.0 Ibsl 1,004 �i �(1 �.7 kg/100m�) 1.9.2 Middle Net: Polypro�ylene, corrugated 24.0 Ibs11,000 ftftz (11,7 kg1100m�)approximant 1.9.3 Boftom Net: Polyprnpyiene, 24.0 Ibs11,00fl ftz (2,44kgI100m�)approximant 1.9.4 Matrix: 400°!o polyprapylene fiber mix 1.9.5 Thread� Permanent 1.1p Silt Fence. f�roduct materials sha11 be provided by FieEd Operations 1.10.1 'I2 Gauge or other similar structures 1.10.2 14 Gauge or other similar structures ITB 20-fl150 instatlation of Erosion Contro! Sarvices 4 1.11 Installation Specificaiions 1.11.1 Erosion producis shail be inskalled as r�quir�d by standard produc# specifications, unless alieratior�s are made by the Ci#y. Any alterations anc� specificatians shall be disc and agreed upon at the pre-jobmeeting held before installation of each jabiproject 1.11.2 A pre-job meeting shall be held for all installations at the job/praject site prior to the Contractor beginning an installatian, All prep-work including gradfng and ground stabilization shall �e completed priar ta the �re-job meeting. The City shalf complete all ground prep w o r k. 1.11,3 A final inspection of each installatian jablproject shai! be conducteci by the Contract Administrator at job/�roject eompletio�t. Paym�n# shall not be issUed without a�r�al inspection. 1.11.4 The Contractor is res�onsible for making necessary repairsto pass final inspection at na additional cost to the City. 9.11.5 All �rasion products and materials shall be provided to the job site bythe City. The City shail pro�ide materia! such as but not iirrtiieci to anchors: staples and pins. Contractor shall provide all necessary equipr�ent/too]s and labor needed for the instaElation. 1.11.6 Contraclor shall pro�ide a!I necessary equipmenUtaols anci laborneeded for the installation. '',���1�i:��',� The City intends for this ia be a multi-year agreement wilh the first isrm pro-rated to coincide with City's 6isca{ year, which ends on September 34"', with options to renEw tsp to four (4) additianal one-year terms and a fifth renewal, jf necessary, to corr�plete the prorated year. Renewals shall be at the Gity's sole option wifh Contractors concurrence. 3.0 OMIT • � . � _; � t � � � . : : e.. :. �r _, 5ubmittals shall be responsive to this Part I, Pari I-A snd otherwise in accordance with Part II, Instructiar�s to Bidd�rs. 4.1 Any submitial thaf cioes noi include a response for ALL of the request�d services on the E3ici Solicitation Form may be rejected. Award may be made withoui discussian with Bidders after bids are received. Bids should be subr�-�itted on 4he mast favorable terrns. 4.2 Schedule af Events: Reiease Date May 20, 2020 Dead{ine for Questions May 27, 2020 at 5:00 PM (Local 7'ime) A�swers Fosted May 29, 2020 Responses due June 4, 2020 by 1:30 PM (Local Time) Responses opened and read a4oud .lune 4, 2020 at 2:�� PM (Lncal Time) Anticipat�d Award of Contract bate TBD ITB 20-615Q Instaliatinn oi �rosion Controi SErvices t , , . �. � , , , , emergency declaration, as an�ended, i5 rescinded. sealed bids wiil be recei�ed by t��e Gity oi Fort Worth Purchasing Qffice as further describ�d belaw �i.3 City nf Fort Worth Purcl�asir7g Qi�isiar� 200 Texas Street Fort Worfh, 'Cexas 761a2 Bids wiil E�E accepied by. � US Mai� at the address above, 2 8y courier, FecfEx or ftand d�livery from 8:3Q-1:3Q on Thursdays anly at ihe 5outh End Lobby of City Hall located aE 200 Texas 5treet, Fort Worih, Texas 76107. A P�Erehasiny nepartment sta#f persan wiFl be available to accept Ehe bid and provide a time slanip�d r�ceipt; or 3 If lhe bidder desires to subnjii tlie bid on a �lay or time ather tha�t t#te desigriated Thursday, tlie bidder must cor�tacl the Purcl�asir�g De�artment during narmal vvorkir�g haurs at 817-392-2467 ko make an appointm��it to meei a Purc��asing Depar#ment en�ployee at the South End Lobby of City H�II �acated at 2Q0 Texas Street, Fort Wor#h, Texas 761 p2, where Ehe bid(s) wiH be received and timeldate stamped as above. Bids will be crpen�d pubiicly antE read aloud at 2:OQ PM CST on El�e san�� day in tt�e City CotEn�ii Cham�ers and broadcast through liv� strearn and CFVtiI public television whicFi can be accessed at f;!t�_?'ru�-t_�rartfstex�s govlfwtv,i Tlie qeneral p�3�Iir. �aill nol '�F �flrs�n�P�� in the �it�� Co�Fn�il �� ; r� - Bidciers shall submit the following items wiih their submiitaE: Vr4.3.1 �/ 4.3.2 J4.3.3 �/�1.3.4 f4.3.5 �4.3.6 4.3.7 ,f 4.3.8 ,� 4.3.9 4.4 The subrnissi�n of a bid t�y the Sidder shall be considered evidence o# compfiance witt� these requirements. FailGre to submit the items listed herein may be grou�c�s for rejection of a bicf as non-respansive. A compieted and signed original Gover Sheet; A completecf and sigr�ed origir�al Bid Solicitatian Form (Part I-A}; A completed and signed original Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (Parf lII, Attachment A}, A completed 8idder's Cantact lnformation Farrr� (Part Ill, Attachment B}; A comQleted Consideration of Location of Bicfder's Principal Place of Business (Part ill, AttachmentC); A completed Referance Sheet {Part lll, AttachmenE D); A bid bond, if required, in the arr�ount specified in Part ll, Sec. 4.7. Required: Yes iJo � Ail iterns listed in Part li, S�Cf1011 3.0, and Bidcier'sQualifications; A copy of all submitted docurr�enis saved on a flash dri�e. ITB 20-D15D InsEailaiion of Erosion CoMral Services � 1! ■�1 � � � ��� Contract{s) wi�i be awarcEed the lowest responsi�e and responsible bidder complying wi#h all of the provisions of the Caif, provided the price is reasonable and if is in the best inierest of the City to accept it. '��:T� : _ + ► ln order #or fhe City to receive adequate coverage on its service's needs, the City expre�ssly reserves the following rights: fi.1 ioa make multipie contrac# awards; �.2 to accept or reject in whole or in part any or all bids received anc! ta make an award on the basis of individual item, combination of items, or o�erall bid, as it is deerr►ed in the best interest of the City; 8.3 to consider and accept alternate bids, if specified in the Call, when most advaniageous to ti�e City; 6.4 to wai�e as an informality, minor de�iations frQm specifications provided th�y do not affect competifion or result in €unctionally uRacce�fable goads or services; fi.5 to waive any minar informaiity in any response (a minor i�formality is ane thai does nol affect the competitiveness of fhe Bidder); 6.6 to add acfditianal terms or rnadify existing terrns in the Cal1 by adder�dum prior ta the bid apening date; fi.7 to reject fhe bid of a bidder who has previously failed ta perforrr� or timeiy complete contracts of a similar nature; 6.8 to evaluate bids in relation to the perforrr�ance record o# Bidder with the City, another municipal corporafion or pri�ate corparatipns during the past two-year periad. Such precautions are deemed to be in the public interest inasmuch as Bidder's faiEure or inabifity to furnish ifems within the prescribed time can create emergency situations and irx�pose unnecessary hardship on boEh the City and the public at large; G.9 to reject a bid because af unbalanced unit prices; 6.9U to specify appraximate quantities; fi.11 to �xtend fhe submittal apening date and time: 6.12 to reissue a Call; and/or 6.13 to �rocure any item �y other means. ITB 20-� i 50 Instalfation of Eros�on Gontrol Senrices 7 ����lil�-'�i[+7►�'� Questions, exp{anations or clarifications desired by a Bidder regsrding any pari of fhe �+id must be reguested es detailed in Part �l, Section �.0. Email quesilc]�S to: FMSP�ircl�asingResponsesrc�fortworthtexas_.qov Bidders must incfude the IiB number, name of the bid and !he narr�e of the buyer in ihe subjeci lin�. �lease nate, if an e-mail confirming receipt af your e-mail is not received withi� 1 bsasiness day, please contact City of �ort Warth PUrchasing at 817-392-2462. If by facsimike: (817) 392-8440, Attention: Ashley Kad�a anc� I'T� No,20-0150. 1TB 20-fl150 Ir�stallation of Erosion Gontral Ser�ices PART I-A BID SOLIC[TATION FORM ITB 20-0150 installation of Erosfon Coniral Ser�ices PART - li INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS t :. j s �� u► Bidc€ers are expected to examine all documents that make up this Invitation to bids or proposals. Bidciers shall promptly notifiy the City of any omissjor�, ambiguity, inconsistency or errar that they may discover upon examinatian of the documents. The City assumes no res{�onsibility for any errors or rrEisrepresentations that res�lt from the use af incorr�plete docusr�enfs. ���r.��.�T�nai�r�•r�r•�►�-� 2.1 Any expkanation, clarification, ar ir�terpretation desired by a Bidder regarding any pari af this Cali must be requesied in writing frarn the Purchasing Division or the Project Manager and m�st be recei�ed as per t�e schedule established herein. Interpretations, corrections, or changes fa the bidding documents shall be comrnunicated by acfdendum to all known pros�ecti�e Bidders. Communications made in any other manner are not bindin� u�on fhe City and Bidders shall not rely upon such communications, including ora! expfanations or insfructions provided at any pre- bid conference. Any oral cflrnmunications sfaied by any departrrient are considered unafFicial and non- binciing. 2.2 Req�ests for explanations or clarifications may be emailed to the Project Manager or faxed to the City's P�rchasing Division as provided herein, The cammunication mus4 clearly identify the Contractor's name and the Call nurrEber. 2.3 Unauthorized Communicatior�s: 6idders' contact regarding this Call with empioyees ar o�cials af the City other than the Purchasing Manager, the Office of Business Diversiiy ("OBD"), the Project Manager or as otherwise indicatecf in tf�e Call is prohibiied and may resuEt in disqualifcatian #rom this procurerr►ent process. Na afFicer, emplayee, agent or regresen#ative of the Bidder shall have any contact or discussian, verbai ar wri�ten, with any members of the City Council, City staff or City's consultants, nr ciirectly nr indire�tly through others seek ta infiluence any City Councl merrtber, City staff, or Gity's consultanis regarding any ma�ters pertaining to this Call, except as herein provided. Any violation af this prohibition may resulE in #he Bidder being c�isqua�Efied from ihe pracurement process. �c�l�iT�;�L�lirl�l�C*T��E�7►�.� 3.1 Th� foGlowing infnrmation musi be submitiad as part oi the response package and shall �e suppEied in the #ollowi�g arder: 3.�.1 Bidder's backgraund, se+viees provided and number of years in business. 3.12 Evidence that Bidder is duly licensed, qualified arsd capable to fulfill anti abide by the requirements listed herein with the bic�, The bidder shal� demonstrate its ability to secure and periorm the services vvithin the delivery requiremenis specified herein. 3.i .3 1n arder ta receive co�tract award co�sideration, the bidder si�all maintain s�fficier�t resources to fulfill normal Ciry of Fort Worth requirerr�ents. 3.1.4 8icfders shall pro�ide a reference �isi af a min�mum oi three {3) currenf customers for wY�om the bidder has recenily supplied sub;ect item(sj or perforrrted same or similar work o�er a recent twelue (12� month period. ITB 20-0150 Installation of Erosion Control Services t0 1 � _:_ •� • � 'i� Each Bidder must furnish aEl information required by the Call on the documents provicEed. Bids submitted on other than the forms included in the Call may be co�tsidered non-responsive. Any atfempt to alter the wording in the Call is improper and will result in rejection o# the Bid. 4.1 i'axes: Purcha5es of Gpods or Services fqr City use are usually exemp€ from City, Sfaie, anci mnst Federal Taxes. Bids rnay nat include exempted taxes. The success#u[ Bidder st�oUld request a Tax Exesnptian Certificate from the Purchasing pivision. Under no circumstances sha!! Ehe City be liable to pay taxes for which t#�e City has an exemptian under any Cantract. 4.2 Brand Name or Eq�al: ff #he Call in�4icates brand narne or "equa!" products are acceptable, the Bidder may oFfer an "�;qual" produci and musf be prepared to demonstrate those features that render if equal. Final determination of a product as "equal" remains with the City. 4.3 Defi�ery Time: Delivery time, if stated as a r�urr�ber of days, will #�e based on caiendar days. Time is of the essence in any Gity purchase. If the indicated date ca�not be rnei or the date is not indicated, the Bidder shail state its best delivery time. 4.4 �ree on Board (FOB) Point: Freight Terrr3s sha�I be F06 DestiRation, Freighi Prepaid and Allowed. The Bidder should quole its iawest and be5t Price, wiih the gooc4s de3ivered to fhe place specified, at the 8idder's expense and risk, anci there tender cielivery to the City. Bids offering any other delivery terms are not acceptable and may be cause fior rejection. 4.5 Prices: 4.5.1 Bids shall be firm priced offers unless otherwise spscified. 4.5.2 Pricing shall be entered an the Bid Sheet in ink. �4.5.3 Totals shall be entered in fhe "Total Price" column of the Bid Sheet. 4.5,4 In the event af a discr�pancy between u�it price and extendsd price, the �nit price shali govern. 4.5.5 Prices shall be offered 'sn the Dollars of the United States af America (or decimal fractians thereof). 4.8 Signature: The Bidder must sign each dacument in the Call requiring a signature. Any change rnade ta ti�e submitta4 must be initialed by the Bidder. 4.7 Bid Security: �f a bid security is required for ihis p��rchase, the requirement will be �eflected in ParE I of the bid package. 4.7.1 �fhe bid security shafl be in an arnour�t af 5% of the amouni bici. Casl�ier's check or an acceptable surety bond in t�e amount iRdicated in the Notice ia B'sdders must be submitied at the time #he bid is submitted, and is subjeck to forFeiture in the event the successfiul bidder tails #o execute the contract dacuments within 10 calendar days after the cantract has been awarc�ed. 4.7.2 To be an acceptable surety an {he bond: The name of the surefy shall be inclucied on the curreni Department nf the Treasury's �isting of Approved Suretses (Department Circular 570); or �}.7.2.2 Th� surety mus! have capita� and surp€us equal 10 times fhe amount of the bond. ITB 20-0150 Insiallation of Erosion Cantrol Services 12 7he surety musf be licensed ta do busin�ss in the state af Texas. 4.8 Alternate Bids: Bidders may offer an "eq�al" product as an alternate bid. Fina[ "appraved equal" deterrninafion remains with khe City. �i.9 Propr#etary In#ormatian: 4.9.1 All materiai submitted fo lhe City becomes p�btic property and is subject ta the Texas O�en Records Act upon recEipt. (5ee Parl IV, Se�. 3_0} 4.9.2 If a�idder does not desire praprietary informa#ian in the bid to be disciosed, each page must be identified and marked proprietary at time of submittal. The City will, to the extent allpwed by law, endeavor ta proteei st�ch information from diseiosure. The final decision as to informatian that musf be disclosed lies with fhe 7exas Attorney General. 4.9.3 Failure to identi#y praprieEary ir�formation wi�f resu�t in all unmarked seclions being deemed non-propriefary and availa�le upon pubiic requesl. 4.1(� 8id Preparation Costs; All costs associated with preparing a submitta! in respanse to the Call sha11 be borne by the Bidder. 4.19 Paymertts: All payment terrns shall be "Net 34 �ays" unless otherwise specified in the bid c4ocumeni. �.11.1 S�ccessful bidders are encouraged to register for direct deposit payrnents prior to providing goods andlor services using the forms posted on #he City's we�site at htlp:liwww.fortworthqov.orqlpurcYiasinql, click on "Automated Clearing Hous� Setup" 1 : �� • � • : � �id dacument: Uniess otherwise spectfied, Bidders are required to submit a signed executed arigir�al and one scanned copy confained on a flash drive. Rssponses must 6e submitted in an opaque sealed envelo�e with ihe Call number writter� on ihe outsic�e ofi the enveiape. 5.1 poct�ments required with the Submittal: The followir�g addiiionai dacuments must be submitteci: 5.1.1 7he completed and signed frst page of this Cali; 5 1.2 The Pr�ce Offer on the Bid Solicitation Form (Part E-A); and 5.1.3 Any other documer�t included in Ehe Call rer�uiring completi4n or ex�cut�on by the Bidder. �.2 Addencia: Receipt of any Addenda mus€ be acknowledged by signing and refu�'nir�g tne Add�r�dum with the �id 5.3 Receipt of Submittals: Subrnittals must be received in the Purchasing Division prior to fhe Due Date and TirrEe sEt forth in Part !, Section 4. The submittal must be recsived by ti�e F'urchasing Division and time-starriped befare deadlin�: to be considered. Atl submittals received after ihe Due Date and Time are conssdered late, vvill not be opened or cons+dered and will be returned ta the Bidder. The trme stamp clack on the receptionisYs desk in the Purchasrng Division is the time of record. It is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to er�sure tirr�eiy tielivery of the subrnit#sl tca ihe Purchasing Division. The City wifl not be responsibEe for failure of service on the part af ihe U.S. Postal Office, courier companies or arsy other form of delivery service chose� by t�e Bidder ar City's rnail room. Sui�mitials deis�ered ta a Gity locafior� other {han the F'urchasing Dsvision will not be considered. 17B 20-0150 lnstallation of Erosion Control Services �3 . 1 E�•� �l �: i ■�i= l t 6.1 Madificatian of 8ids: Bidders may modify ih�ir submittal if it is withdrawn and resubmiEied prior to the Due I]ale. 6.2 Wiihdrawa! of Bids: Submittals may be withdrawn by submitting a written request to the Purchasing Manager at any lime prior to the Due Date, Electronic subrsiission of a notice to withdraw a submittal is acceptable so lang as the request is signed by the Bidder's duly authorized representati�e. Proaf of same may be required by the Purchasing Manager prior to a withdrawal being permiited. A receipt of the withdrawal must be signed by the Bidder. 6.3 No submittals may be withdrawn after the Due Date without a showing of good cause or unless fhere is a rnat�rial error in the bid or proppsal. 1 •• ► � • =u ■:, The Purchasing Division representative responsible for opersing bids ar proposafs shall personally and pu6ficly apen all subrr�ittals tim�ly recei�ed, reading eacF� aloud including the name of the bidder and the pric� provided. � t •' �; • � _► � _ � _; � 8.7 �valuation: Bidders may #urnish pricing for all or any portion of ti�e Call (unless otherwise specified). F�owever, the City may evaluale and sward a contract far any item or group of items shown or� th�: Call, ar any combinatian dee�'ned most advantageous to the City. Respanses that specify an "all ar nane" award may be considered if a single award is advan#ageous. 8.2 Correciion of Errars: Prices pra�ided shall be used for analys'ss and wiil be the basis �or confract award. fn cases of errors in extensions or totals, the unit prices of�ered will govern. Ma#h errors in bids may b� corrected by the City and the Bi�der will be informed of said corrections. 8.5 R�sponsibfe/Responsi►re Bidder: 8.5.1 A responsive bidder is defined ta be one who submiis a complete submittal packe# within the stated tirnE deadliRe and in accordance wi4h these specificat�ons. 8.5.2 A responsible bidder is defined to be one wfi�o dernonstrates via responses to #he sefectian criteria hislher ability to successfully tfeliver fh� supplies, equipment, pr services being procured. 8.6 Award. A contract, hereinafter called the "Agreement", shakl be awarded to the bidder{s) with the lawest price bid and whor� are otherwise qualifiec# ar�d competent, ar to the bidder{s) offering the best value to t1�e City, unless the City exercises its rights to reject all bidders and not award a cantract. '�=j�� : � ! � . 1�1 _. A : � � � 9.� Certificates of Insurance: The succ�ssfu! bicicier must provide Ce�.ificates of Insurance in the amoun#s and far the couerages required as stated in Attachment D to fhe Agreement. See Also, Attachment A to the Agreement, Par# I, Paragrap� 5.0. 9.2 Payment andlor Pertprmance Bonds: When Payrnent ancl/or Perfiormance Bonds ara reguired as per Texas Govern€n�ni Code Cha�ter 2253, et seq., as amended, the successful bidder must provsde the bonds, in the amounfs and an the condiiions required, within 14 calendar days aftes notification of award, or as niherwise required by the Call. A Paymer�i $ond is required 1�'B 26-015R Installation of �rosion Control 5ervic�s 14 for a contract greater than $50,OOQ arrd a Performance Bond is required for a cantract greater than $'# OO,fl00. 9.3 Minarity Business Enterprise (MBE) Documents: if an MB� goal has heen established for the bid, the applicable documents must be subrriitted by all bidders wjshing to con#inue in the �id evaluatinn process within two (2j City bus+ness days af#er the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening deie, to ihe City iocaiion specified in lhe t�id. Bidders shall abtain a receipt fram the appropriate d�partmen# as e�idence that the City received the documentation. 9.4 Certificate of interesteci Parties ForrYs 1295: if the Purchase Agreerrtent m�si be approved �y Ehe City Co�ncil before exeeution, the succe5siul bidcier i5 required to cornplete the Ce�tificate of Int�r�sted Parlies Farm i295 and submii the form to ti�e Purchasing contact beTore the purchaselcontract will be preser�#ed to the City Council. The form may be campleted at htip5:/lwww.ethics-stais Uc uslwhatsnewl�If info fo�n��295.him. � i �;_� •; • � ; 'iQ.1 Bidd�rs who respond to a Call have the right to proiesi the procurernent process or the c�ntract awarc! if they believe that there has been ar�y impropriety or unfair eriteria in the prpcess. 10.2 The bidder must submit any protest in writing lo the Purchasing Manager within 14 days after the bidder knaws, or should have known, af the facts giving rise to a prqtest. 1U.3 The Purchasing Manager, or designee, is authorized to take action to attempf to resolve a protest cancerning a purchasir�g action through informa! discussions or correspandence including by mail, er�ail or in-per�on rneetings with the profesti�g party�, 10.4 After said discussions or meetings, the C'urchasing Manager or designee will is5ue a decision in writing, state the reasans �or ihe actian taken and inform the protesting bidder of the righE to revi�:w by a panel made up of ciEy staff. 10.5 A protest review panel wili consist of an Assistant City Attorney, a repres�ntati�e o€ the operating department and arsy other appropriaie personnel or ernplayess of #he opsrating department, and the Purchasing Manager. 10.6 If the panel is unable to resoEve tF�s protest, or if the panel rnakes a decision with wi�ich tf�e bidder does not agree, the protesting bidder will be informed o# its right, as a member of the general public, tp atEend any meeting of the City Council and make known hi5/her concerns. � 0.6. i Confractars wishing to speak befare Ehe Ciiy Council shoufd re�iew the ruies for regisiering to appear before Ciiy Council lacated at: htlR:ilfortworihtexas.aovlcitvsecrel�rylfr�folciefauitras�x?id-2914 on the City's tivebsite. � ■ � �f ► The Agreement shall consist of the Cail and its attachments, bidder's response to the Call and such other pa�ts and aclditional atiachments as are specified in the Call and Agreement. Tfi�e Agreement is intended by the parfies as a iinal sxpression qf and is intended as a complEte ar�d exclusive slatement o# the terms of their understanding as to the scope of work, compensation and terms and condilions. No course af prio� dealings between fhe parties and no usage of trade shall be relevant to supp�eme�t or explaiR any terrrt used in tt�e Agreernent. Acc�ptance af or acc�uiescence in the eourse af p�rforman�� undEr the Agreem�nt s�all not �e relevanf io deterrnine the mear�ing of the Agreemeni even t#�ough the accepting ar acquisscing party has knowledge of the performance and opportunity for objecfion. See Part [V for t1�e Agreement. ITB 20-�i50 InsEallation oi Erosion Contrai Services 15 1 �A :« :�1! ► ►: �►- Contract administration will be perFormed by the City p�partment on whose behal� the Call tirvas issued. 1n the e�ent t�e bidder fails to perform according to the terms of the agreement, the Depar#ment head or his/her designee will not9fy the bidder, in writing, of its failures. A meeting rnay be arranged to tiiscuss the deficiencies. The process to cure or reso3ve disputes faund in the Agreemeni, AEtachmenf A, Part II, Paragraph 19 shali gavern. 1���'I�Z+ : : . ► 13.'i Should other go�ernrnental entities decide to participate in this contract, bidder, shall indicate in their propo5af5 whether they agree that all terms, canditions, specification, and pricing wo�fd apply. 13.2 4f the successfui tiidder agrees to extend the resu�ting contract Ea other gov�rnmental er�tities, the foElpwing shall appfy: Gavern►rienial entitie5 ut�fizing Contracts with the City o€ �'ori Worih shall be eligible, hut not obligated, to purchass materiaElservices ur�der #his co�tract(s) awarded as a result of this Call. All purchases by goverr�menia! entitties other than #he City of Fort Worth shall be billed direcfly ta that governmenial entity and paid by that governmental entity. The C�ty of Fort Wort� shall not be responsible for another governrr3ental enti#y's debts. Each governmenfal e�tity shall order it� own materiaf/ser�ices as nesded ITB 2Q-0150 lnstallation of Erosion Gontrol 5ervices �5 PART - I!1 ATTACHMENTS A-F (Behind this cover sheet are Attachments A-F) 4TB 20-015D Installatio� of Erosion Control Services 17 ATTACHMENT - A CONFLlCT QF iNTEREST �ISGl.OSURE REQUIREMENT Purs�anf tfl Chapter 176 of the Lacal Go�ernmeni Code, any p�rson or agent of a person who contracts or seeks to cpnkract for the saE� or purchase of prope�ty, goods, or services with a(ocal gpvernmentaf entity (i.e. The City of Fort Worth} must diselose in ihe Questionnaire Forrr� C1Q ("Questionnaire") tF�e person's a�liation or b�s'sness relationship t�at might cause a conflict of interest with the loca� governmental enfity. By law, the Questionnaire must be filed with the Fort Worth City 5ecretary no later than seven days after th� date the person begins contract di�cu�sions or negotiations with ihe City, or submits an appiication or response to a request for proposals or bids, correspandence, or another wriiing reiated to a potenti�l Agreemertt with the City. Updated Questionnaires mus# be filed in conformance witt� Chapter 176. A copy of the Quesiionnaire Forrrt CIQ is enclosed with the submittal documents. The form is alsa a�ailable at http:/Iwww.�tM�cs.sfa[e.bc.uslformslClQ.pdf. If you have any questians about campliance: please consult your flwn lega[ counsel. Compiiance is the individual responsibiliry of each person or agent of a person who is sub��ct to the filing requirement. An offense under Chapter 176 is a Class C misdemeanor I�UTE: If you are not a►+vare of a Conflict of Enterest in any business relationsf�ip that yau mighi ha�� with the City, state Contractor name in the # 1, t�se NIA in eac#� af tf�e areas on the form. Howe�er, a signa#ure €s requireci in the #� box in all cases. (Form fnllaws} FORM 1295 - lJnder t�e Texas Gayernment Cade, Ch. 2252.9t18, a contractor doing business with the City of Fort Worth wfth an ir�itial cantra�t dalue which requires city caunciE approval wiil, unless otherwise exempfed, be requirec� to submit a Form 1295. See Part II, Sec. 9.4. IT8 26-045� Instaliation of Erosion Gontrol Services i8 GONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTI�NNAiRE FORM CIQ For vendor daing business with local go�ernmental entiiy This questfannalre reflents changes mede ta the law by H.B. 23, 94th Leg., fiegufar 5ession. OFFICEUSEONLY ����s q�esilonnaire i5 heing I�led in acc�raart: e w��h Cnapler � 70. Lec2� Gci•errmem Ga9e. hy s verodor wkio �3,F R�c�;vrn has a bus3ness reia;ionship as delined 6y Sec��on �76.06��i�af wiSh n I�S govAmmenial Ent�ty flntl the venrlor meets requ�rernen�s unoer Secuon t 7E.G06{a) By lavr Ihis Guss[ionr,a�re inusa Ua Ided wfth the reccids a�m:N5lraSor ol ihe lo :al governmerila� enkity not later n,ar �he 7ih business day ai;er thc tlaie the vendor becoraes awaie ol facis Ihat require ihe stz4ement to be hiecl SeeSec,ion i�6OO6Ea ij. Local Govemmern Cade. F centlor comrrifts an oltense il trie ven�or knomn�ly v�ciates Seciro�i ! 76.U[�5, Lccai Govermr��ertt Code. An oHense un�er Sh35 seclipn i5 a mi5demearor_ � Neme ai vendor who has a business relation5hip vaiih local govemmental eNity. }�'G 2 � CheCk this Aox Ii ypu ereliling an updafe to a prevlously filed queslionnaire. j7he lav+requrres 1ha1 pou tile an updaled �;; J�'!+mple[ad quesbonnaire wi;h the app�opriate fiiing ai�thority nol lafer Ihan 1he 7[h business day aher the date on which you became aware ihal the arig�nal[y iiled questionna4re was incamp�ete or inaccur�te 1 3 Name ul local gavernment ofFfcar about wham �he information is be9ng disclosed. N � � ame of Qfiicer a Describe each empEoymeni ar other busin25s relaliortship with the IDcal goverrtment otEicer, or a family mernbcr of the aflicer, as descrihed by Section i 76.003(a)(2J(A}, Also descrlbe any family re3alionship wlih Ifie loca4 governmene oflicer. Complete subpatts p anA B for each employment ar qusiness relationship descrtbed. Atlach additianal pages to ihis Form CIQ a8 n2cBS5ary- A l, tne local gavernmeni nf�icer or a lam�ly mer.'�ber o1 the ottkcel rece virg a; l ke4y [o rcce�ve iaxable �ncome, ❑ther ihan envestmem income, Srom Ihe �endar? � Yes � No B. I5 !he vendnr recefwng oi likelg lo �ecefaE [azable fr�:ume_ other lharz inveslment irtrame, irom of ai ihe Oirect�on 01 the lacal yoti�ernment olficer or a larnily memt�er af the ol�icer AIVD the I�at�le incprne ks itot received ifom the local governmertal entiiy? � Ye; I v I Na �_,ry $ pescribe each emp4oyment or Gusiness relationship lhat the vendnr named in Seztion 1 ma'sntains wish a corporalion vr ather business enlity �vi1h respec! to whith lhe local govemmenl offiser 5erves as an afficer or direcfot, or holds an ownership interest af ana perces�t or more. N/Ps_ 6 �j� �G'•c�R ;'is oo�. il tha t•endo� Ytas gfven the Iccs go;e�nmer�t a!f:cer ai a famity rnempe� ol tP�e p11i�e! ane o� m�re gffls itias d25cnbnn n; Sectior 176t103;e1f.21(Bj. eacluding gihs descrlbetl in Seclion 175.003ia 1p 7 � lY J � — L1J LLJ 5� . pdpr daing Ou5;ne55 vr'�Ih 4he pOv2mnsent�il piet'ly uZ1E Form pr.^y�c��e��� E!ric: Co�^n�'.<_.��ar: +vant'.a,hiCS-4lrlp !h us Revise� 17'30.'2015 �rrACHn�En�r - B B�DDER'S COhtTACT fNFf�RI11IATlOt� Bidder's NaFr�e: �- Gr�en Scaping, LP Bidder's Lacal Address� 2401 Handlev �der�i�le Rd, Ft. Worth, TX 76118 , �_ Phone: 817-577-9299 Fax: 811-577-9331 Emai�; c reen reensca in .com Name of person assigned specdfically for this Agreement: NamelTit{e Marty Bauer - Prolect Sup�rintentEent PhOne: $17-577-9299 Fax: S 17-577-3331 Email: _ mbau�r[a�qreenscaping,com Na�ne oi �ersons far renewak information andlor kai�fing questians: NamelTitle Stacy Geigenmiller - Projec# Manager Phone: $17-577-9299 Ema;l� s�igenmiilerCa)qreenscapir�q.cam �lamelTtle Dana Laucks - Gom tralier Phone: 817-577-92�9 Far,; 81 I-577-9331 �mail: dioucfcs ree�sea in ,com � Fax:817-577-9331 Curiis J. Green n�ied Narr�e —_ � 6/4/2020 Date E�5 2U U i 5�.� InsFniiat�on ai Fc;�suzn i,ar�ircl Servie�s 2C] ATTACHfV�E�lT — C CO�ISIDERATION QF L4CA71�P� �� BLDDER'S PRiNCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS Ghapter 2; Rrticle �, Sectian 2-14 af the Fori Wo�th Cor�e af Ordinances authorizes the City Co�ncil, when considering compeiiti�e sealed bids, ta enter into a contract fer certain purchases with a faidder whose prir�cipal place o4 business is in the corporate limits of the CEty of ForE Worth and whose bid is virithin 3 or 5 perceni ofthe lawest bid, depending on the �alue of the request and goecls or s�rvices requested, if the lawest bid is from a business outside the tnun9cipality and contracting with the local bidcier would pro�ide the best combinatior� of price and other econornic benefiks to t�e �nunicipality. Requests to be cnnsidered a local business musi be submitted ar� this fo�m with bid �ackages to be considered by t��e City of Fort Worth. Questions shnuld be addressed to the Purchasing staff listed in the bid or request �ackage The Fari Worih City Counci! req�ires the following informatian For cans�deration o# locatian a# a�idder's principal place oT �usiness. Add adciitianal sheets if needed to provide this infarrr,atio�. 1. Lccational El�gibiiity: PriRcipal Place oi Business fn Fort Warth, 7exas. a. C3a you ha�e a Forl Worth office? If yes, ider�tify address 2401 Handley EdErviEle Rd, F#. Worih, TX 78118 b. What pereentage oi estimated gross company sales (worldwide) are sales originaiing fn Fort Wc�rih? "Or�ig±naiing in Fori Worth` shal� mean paya�le at the Fort V�fo�th office. �must exce�d SO%] ��._.� °�o 2. Economic Developm�rst oppariunities resulling from co�tract. hlumber af Fari lNorth resident-en�ployees? L� Ainount of City af Fort VVcrth ad t�akorem taxes (real and �usiness personal property} paid by company (for prior ta�year — Fart Wort� ofiice or former Incation, if Fort INarth office is newly- estabiisl7e�)? I �++1 �3 , C�p �� __ Gertification pf informat3on; The unc�ersigned does hereby affirm that fhe infiarmatian su�plied is true and correct as of the clate her�of, under penalty oi perjury. C. G_reen 5ca_pinq, LP __�_ ��6 � __. _ _ (Company RFame� � �.� f �.�'_`"'_�_____'"'"�-_`�� _ _._ --- __ ____.�..61412020 (Date) Curiis J. Green - Vf�e Presideni (Printed �ame and Title� lTEi 24-Oi54 Installaiion o` [rCsipn Cor��rpl ServiCes 2 t Ai7ACHMEN7 - D REFERENCE SHEET Please c�mpleie and returri this form with your bid. l�h� bidder shall #umish references for a1 ieast ihree (3) receni customers to whom products andlor senrices have been pr�vided ihal are similar to those requir�d by this 1TB. The City will be ihe soie judge of referer�ces. Please use additior�a! sheets. 1. Company's Name Narne of Gontact ii#le oi Gantacl Present Address L'ity. State, Zip Code Telephone Nurriber Email 2. Compar�y's IVame Narne of Contact Title of Contact Preseni Address City, State, Zip Co�ie Telephone Number �mail 3 Company's Name Name of Contact Tiile of Ct�ntact Pres�nt Addre�s Ci[y, Siate, Zfp Gode Teiephone Number Email Tarrant County Robert Berndt, Fi�M Envirar�mental Specialist 'EOQ E Weatherfard St., Foom �01 Fi. Worth, �X 76196 � 617 7 884-2$34 Fax Number ( 817 )$$4-1'178 RABerndt(r�ia rra ntcau n tv. com Gity of Hursi �ric Starnes Parks Project Man 1505 Precinct 1 i�ie j�s�_ __ Hursi, TX 76054 ( g�7 )7�g_r�q7 Faxi�umt�er( ) estamesC�a hursttx.aov Frisco Construction Services Curtis E]avee f��aneger 5550 Jc+hn W Elliott, 5te. 1Q6 Frssca TK 75033 (214 i 975-08�8 �ax Number ( 2'f4 ) 975-0811 cdavee@fri�coc� cam ITE3 20-�i50 IiistaEla!�pn ol Erosian Cc}nlrol Serzices Zp Gity af Fort Worth �'���T ���T��R� --�-��..: � ��� �,�._ry- ADDENDLIII� iQ TH� INVI�ATI�f� TO BID If�STA��A�10�1 OF EROSlON CDNTR�L SERVlCES GfTY OF FOR� WORTN PURCHASI�lG QIViSIQN ADE?EfdDUM �i0. �f pATE ISSi1�D: flfiAY 28, 2�20 INVETATION i0 BiD (I7B) NUMBER: 2a-0'f 50 ETB SUBMfSSl��1 DATE; .lune 4, 202R (Unchangeci) Addendum No. 1, c�ated May 28, 2t720 is hereby am�nd�d to incorporate in fiull texi the follawing provisions: 1. Questions and Answers receit�ed by smail are her�by incorporated, in fill text, page 1. Ali c�t�er terms and conditians remain the same. Bidders ars required to acknawledge this addendum i�y signature and submit w:th original �ropasals. All other terms and concfitions remain the same. .�a:� �G�� Ashfey Kad�a Administrative bssistant 0@ i C C 0 Y 0 Q 0 H o a � e n p p p F l i O d Y Y O 9 O 0 f Q� O Y o o n 9 O O Y tl 4@ It b� e�� o n p p A 8 G A P 6 e p@ p A A 6�� d Sy the signature affixed helow, Addendum No. 1 is hereby incorparated into and fnade pari of ���e above referenced �n�itation ta 8id. COMPANI' NAME: C. Green Sc�ing, I_P �IGC�ATUR�: r � I If� I i- ,,I"iii�;l`i',r Il�li`is 'r,lifl .`sl��l'i8il�{� I�i�� !-'_i ,� iilf �::f�iir. i�, ��fi i�1F. i�_f,�3����� rr,�Uf��"�rl��i`- Q'i. Is the City providing the erosian canfrai malerial5 #ar this proj�ct? A1 `r�es Q2. How do ! get access to #he bid packet? r�',� I'}�E�SE Cl0 �C7 �llc ��ItV Oi �Of'L ti���C�F'I�I'S l�d!;�!ai�.� cl https:(1fo�Eworihter.as.qovlpurefiasinq/ !`ou will ��r� �i� lesoi; fo�� bid r�ur��ber ?0-0'� �0 c.ncl click tl�� link Q3. Is ther� a plan holders lisi for ti�e "Installation of Ernsion Contral 5ervices" project? i�,:�. E�?o Q4. Is ther� an �siimated casE range? �1 �i . �!o �iiestions arid Ansvvers (Q&A} far Gity o'f Fart 1llrarth IfvSTALL�,ilO�] O� EF20S10#� CD��TRpL. S�Fil�iCES ITB 20-U15D Page Z c�f 2 GREEN S�APING ��,:.� Grass Establishrnent • Erosian Control • Wetland bevelqpment • Mitigation • Bintechnical Emt�ankment D/MNJBE �-lFC601952Y0918 and 5mall 8ussness Enterprise BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFlCATIONS Firm Name: G. �reen Scaping, LP Qate Organizetf: 1984 � PARTIVERSHiP ❑ CORPORATIt3N Address: 24�1 Handle� Eder�ille Rd. city: �or� wort� Telephone Number: 8�7-577-9299 State: TX Zip: 7611$ Fax Number: 817-577-9331 �lumber of years in business under present name � Former narrEe(sy of arganization: Green 5caping, Co, Green Scaping, Inc. CLASSI�ICATIO�V: � General � Building � Electrical � Plum6ing � HVAC � Utilitie5 � Earthwork � Pa�ing � Other 1. L15T NANfES OF iCEY PEFtSONNEL Ai�D ROLE OF EACN lNDIViDUAL FOR TWIS PR�JECT: Stacy Geigenmiller — Project Manager Jahnson — Praiect Estimator Martv Bauer — Prviect Suoerintendent 2. DESCRIBE �liSTORY AND ORGANIZATlDN OF �HE COMPRlVY. LIST HIST�RY OF F�f�ANCIAL t�ARDSHIPS AND RE-ORGANIZATI�NAL HISTQRY: Green ScaPing was established i� May af 1984. At that time, Green Sca�ir�g spe�ialized i� maintenance, irrigation and iandscaping. fn Ju�e af 1992, t#te campany adcfet� fo�us to inciude large erosion cor�trol projects. �ur practices include athletic fields, parkcs, stadiums, mine reclamatian, drainage control, cammercial sites, Eandscaping, landfiGls, and i+vetland mitigation projects. Green Scaping has brar�ched out to include brick pavers, gabions, utilities and concre�e construction to our lis# of services. We currently own in excess of $5 million of erosion control and eonstruction equipment. We are capable of following techniques of turf establishfnent, 61ock or rolled sod, spat or plug sodding, hydro-sprigging, hydro-5eedir�g, hydro-muichir�g, sprigging, straw and hay mulching, broadcast and 2�t) i Hancile�� �de�-��ilEe Rd. - I=ort 1�Io3-th — Texas — 761 1� Te.l: �17.577.9?c�c} _ Fax: b17.577.�);31 We�: ����v�.grees�scaping.com �REEN SCAPING ��� Grass Estahlishmenl • Erasion Controi • Wetland Deveiopment • Mitigation • Biotechnicaf Embankmer�t 0/M/WBE HFUB01952Y0918 ancf 5mall Business Enterprise drill seeding, pipe irrigation and trutk waterir�g, as well as ir�stallation of brick pa�ers, madular walls, gabion re#aining embankments, and concrete construction. Gree� Scaping has a thorough and knowledgeable �ackground in turf estal�lishment, lanclscaping, concrete tonstruction and ir�igation. Green Sca�ing speciafizes in large scale lancfs�aping, such a5 parks, cornmunity develaprnents, raadway and highway improvement proj�cts, etc. 3. f.IST COMPLETED COMPANY PROl�CTS THAT SC�F� WA5 SIMILAR TO TFiIS PROJECT. Covenant Christia� Academy — New Baseball Fiefd Complex with Weight Roam Building N�w construc#ion af baseball fieEd inciudir�g grading, concrete, fence work, dugfluts, retaining walls, playground, iandscape, irrigation, c�nstructior� of cantessian and weight room buildings, masonry, storm sewer, and eiectrical CCA �iep — Ste�e Turn�r 817-2$�-4333, ext. 117 $ 4.5 rniikion +/- CarrolE !S� (Perform as �Veedecf) Work consisted of re�airing playing fields and practice fiefds for Carrolf's Intermediate, Middle, and High School. Correcting drainage, irrigatian, and grass establis�mer�t CarrolE ISD 5oftba1l Caach — Timothy St�aewe 817-949-5947 Bedfard Boy's Ranch Phase I Cancrete pavi�g, �reek ledge stflne, bridges, pavilions, rnasonry, electrical, playgraund, �ite amenities, pond exca�ation, fountains City of Bedford — D4n Henderson 817-952-2308 $ 3,100, 40Q +/- Legends Basehall Field, t�e Parks at Texas Star Phase S Concrete flatwork, masonry, cusiam shade unit over bleacher area, custom �abricated dugauts, playing fiefd surface, fencing, siie amenities, landscape and 3rrigation City of Euless — Ray McDona�d 817-685-1669 $ x,6�0,000 +/- Lantiscape & Screening at Indepentier�ce Parkway Pracfice Site Concrete Pa�ing, Pedestrian Sridge, Irrigation, Landscape, 5ite Amenities, Waterline, Masonry, Sod City of Frisco -- Wes Hic�C� 9iZ-�92-f 51G $6Z2,OQ0 f/- Bear Creeir Park 8� h�ighl�nds Recreation Are� Concrete flatwork, pavifions, playgraund, site amenities, lanciscape snt� irrigation Dunkin 5irrzs Stoffels Inc, —�e�nis Sims 2]4-553-5778 $ 1,�88,000 +/- 2401 kiandie�� Eclerville Rd. —�"ort �4'ori�� — Te�as - 76l J� Tel: $17.577.�}2�)4 - l�ax: 817.�77.9> ; I- V4�el�: �vw«�.�ree��scapin�.�c�m GREEN S�APING �:=:_y���. Grass Establishment •�rosioi, Contra� • Wetland Development � Mitigation • Biotechnital Embankment D/M/WBE HFD601952Y4918 anc� Srnali Business Enterprise 4. LIST Of PROJECTS CURRENTLY UNDER COi�S7'RUCTIQt� OR Ul�DER CON�RACT: Arlington Land�ll �inal Cover 2 Design ar�d instakl permanent irrigation system with pump FC5 Canstruction — Curtis Davee Z14-975-Q8�8 $ 443,OOQ +/- 95% Cornplete 6J2020 Hwy 10 f.andscape Enhancements — Rhase 4�TXD07 F�nded) Median landscape, irrigation, concrete rr�aw strips, bares, maintenance City of Hurst — Eric Starnes 817-788-7218 $ 405,000 +/- 0% Complete 10/2020 Viridian — Lake Siope Rar�C Narth and Storm Park Construction of concrete hilce and bike trails, RCP storm sewer, masonry, water foun#ain features, bridges, and site furt�ishings lahnson �e�elopment Carp. —�loward Parteus 8�7-200-6543 $ 2.4 miElion +/- 75%a Compl�te 8f2fl20 5. ADDITIONAL R�F�RENCES WE MAVE WORKED FOR OR UNDER A5 SUB-CONTRACTOR: 1. Pat Pabich — YTL, Inc., 817-999-5839; pat(�Viiinc.com 2. Eric Starnes �- City of Hurst, 817-788-7218; estarnes@hursttx.�o� 3. Ron Stinsnn —JL� Contracting, 817-261-2991; ror7ald.stinson fiexasBit.com 4. Mike Brackney — LD Kemp Excavation, 817-281-4470; pmikebrack@swbel{.net 5. Curtis Da�ee — FCS Cans#ructior�, LP, 214-975-08n8; cdavee@fris�o�s.com 6. LIST HISTORY WETH CLAlMS AGAINST 7HE CQMPANY FOR FAULTY OR INCOMFLETE WORK. !Vo claims ha�e been made agains� Green 5caping, we complete every project awarded #o us. 7. �{5T FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Name of financial statement auditor. Broder Pi�eider & Fard, LLP, 400 Nort� Carrall A�renue, 5outhlake, TX 76D92 Name of �ank reference: Frost Banic, Mark 5�ariggs, 34U Grape�ine Hwy, Hurst, TX 75054, 8Z7-4�a- 5654 I�ame of �onding company: Liberty Surety First �larne and address of agent: Aiisha Weis, 12750 Ment Drie�e #71�, Dalias, TX 75251 8, DESCRIB� COI�TRACTORS APPR�ACH �i0 MEET 5kJB5TANTlAL COMP�ETION SCHED�JLE: Our proj�ct management team focuses salely on t�te traditionaf triple constraints of time, 5cope and cas#, We can farmulate a work breakdown structure and employ the CritiCa{ Path Method to make ��0 � Hai�dlel' Eder��ille Rci. -� Fort W��t'th —�3 ex�s — 7(i 1 I�i �-el� � 17.577.92�)9 F�ss: 817.577.9; � 1-`�Veb: ����;r���.gree��sca��in�..ct�i� �REEN S�APING � _.�� Grass Estabiishment � Erosion Co�itros • Wetland �evelapmeni • ivlitigatiori • Biatechnital Eml�ankment D/M/WBE �lcQ801452Y09S8 and 5mall Business Enterprise sure ev�ryane on o�r team is on the same page to get eac#� portion af the project done. W� folfow stringent internal scheduling �o keep our s�perintendents ar�d foremen focused on the tasks in front of them. Because Green Scaping se�f performs almost e�ery tasks of each praject, �mployees a Earge skilled work force and owns enormnus amount of equipment it has the resources ather companies in our industry do not. If a praject doe5 get off schedule, aur superior schec�uling techniques, human resn�arces and mar�agement team ean allorry us to �reaic crews c�own ta essential personnel anc! reinforce other crews with manpower to put that portion of the project back on schedule. 9. D�SCRIB� FIRMS EQUIPMENT A�VD MAN POWER TO MANAGE THE PROJECT: Green Scaping �s a unique company in that we self-perfrsrm almost every task of each project. We employee a large skilled work force and own enormaus amount of equipment and have the resourees other companies in our i�dustry do not, The reduttion of outside subtontractors wor�Cing at tf�e same time in smal! areas creates a much more efficient en�ironment for the awr�er, architects a�d Green Sca�ing to work together to compl�t� th� project. 10. WARRAI�TY P�tOGRAM C. Green 5caping will warrant all labor perforrr�ed and material installed at the Praject, in accordance with the contract, drawings, specificat'rons, alterations and additions thereto, for a peric�d as stated in th� Project Contract. Under this warranty, GEeer� Scaping will be �ravided the oppartur�ity to have one of its representatives assess any damage identified to be caused by Green Scaping employees and/or material installed by Green 5caping. If said damage is judged to be the fault af Green Scaping workmanship and/or material, Green 5caping wilE at no cost to the Owner repaEr or replace defective material. ?4C) ] kiandle}� �.deri ille Rd. Fc1ri Wai�#f� - Texas - 7� 1 l� Tel: 817.577.�}299 -- Fax: fi17.577.93;! -- [��eE�: ww«�.�eeensca��in�;.�c�m ATTACHMENT D INSLTRANCE AND ATTACHMENT D-1 SONll�NG (ii necessar,y) (Bellind this �age at•e the City's standard i��surance requirements a�:d, if necessar}�, payment a�d perforniance bonci farms) i�i �: ��-i1��5(� ir�st_.I'raLcn r�; �.o's-or, ,,:,���n71 SFivic:. , Page 2U Of 21 Contractar Services Agreement ATTACHMENT E VERIFICATION OF SIGNATURE AUTHORITY Contractor: C. Green Scaping, LP Address: 2401 Handley Ederville Rd City, state, zip: Ft. Worth, TX 76118 Execution of this Signature Verifieation Form ("Form") hereby certifies that the follo�ving individuals and/or positions have the authority to legally bind Contractor and to execute any agreeinent, amendment or change order on behalf of Contractor. Such binding authority has been granted by proper order, resolution, ordinance or other authorization of Contractor. City is fully entitled to rely on the warranty and representation set forth in this Form in entering into any agreement or an7endment with Contractor. Contractor will subn�it an updated Form within ten (10) business days if there are any changes to the signatory authority. City is entitled to rely on any current executed Form until it receives a revised Form that has been properly executed by Contractor. Name: Cfi��Gj O�� ��,'`� POSIt1017: �(,� ��j°//O� Name: Position: Signatw-e Name: Position: Signature Name; _� _r /`�—._ � � Signature of President / CF,O Other Title: �� Date: � a,.0 i-i L 10-0150 �.�ista ia'�. o.�� o� Erc �,c,. �; ,�: .e��: Page 21 of 21 Contractor Services Agreement Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Traci Akin � Tac��.�a Name of Employee/Signature Sr. Administrative Assistant Title � This form is N/A as No City Funds are associated with this Contract / Printed Name Signature ATTEST: Mary J. Kayser, City Secretary � �a��tio��� M&C Review renewal if necessary to complete the pro-rated year, each renewal at the city's discretion. Page 2 of 2 FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are available in the current operating budget, as previously appropriated, in the Stormwater Utility Fund to support the approval of the above recommendation and award of the contracts. Prior to any expenditure being incurred, the Transportation & Public Works Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds. BQN\\ Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # ID ID Year IChartfield 2 Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # ID ID Year IChartfield 7 Submitted for Citv Manaqer's Office bv: Oriqinatinq Department Head: Additional Information Contact: ATTACHMENTS Jay Chapa (5804) Dana Burgdoff (4554) Reginald Zeno (8517) Cynthia Garcia (8525) Ashley Kadva (2047) Amount Amount http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acket/mc review.asp?ID=28184&councildate=9/1/2020 9/2/2020