HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 17430„ ' { `t SPLc,IFICATIONS AND GONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEM�NT TO SERVE P�CAN VALI��Y GOLF COURS� �'.,�.�'��' . ' 1 ♦ -•:t+ i�k..�;i�i, t p��� :.+�.f�? i.f V1Er.iT �'�.L� 1`� -- -._ - ,. , _ .._ �_:_�� ` �,: ' ( ; � � ... _.,.. .. �..; ::.C:'_;..,� _`.) la( ���' �'� S , IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS & CITY OF B�NBROOK, TEXAS � WAT�R PROJECT N0. i33-015027-00 (Fort Wor.th) S�W�R PROJF.C'T N0. 56-013025-00 (Fort Worth) 19II9 CITY OF FORT WORTIi PARK AND RECRI�ATION DEPARTM�NT ,. ;,.. DEVrLOPER ., P'U12'1' WORT}1 WAT�R DLrPAR'�MT�NT T�T�:N131t001: WA'.l'iCli t1N1) HP;WIi�R .AU'I'1�n�t7'CY C�7'I'Y Oi! �3iaN�Tt(�n1C 0��1CUt R�CaitD DIINAWAY ASSOCIA7.'�S, INC. �NGINI.FRS—PLANN�RS C�TY SEC�E�ARY ��. PART G - CONTRACT THE ST�►TE OF TEXA5 X COUNTY AF iARRANT X THlS CONTRACT� made snd entered Into �(� �,3 Q 19�� � . by •nd between t c ity o��ort 'orT ome-ru e murucrpa torporation ocated in Tarrnnt Go►,nty� Texas� acting through its City Manager thereunto duly authoriud to to do, p�rty o! the ��rst , Part� he�ein�iter termtd "OWNER"� and ' _ STEED, INC. • Ol ThC Gty Ol I'ort Worth ��OUllty O Tarrant /lND State oi Te S , Party a t e econ art� errin- after tenned" . �IITNESSETH: Thtt tor and 1n tonslder�tion of the �aymrnts �nd aareements hereJnaiter ment3oned� to be m�de and �eriormed by the Party oi the First Part (Owner), sa3d Party o! the Srcond part (Contractor) hereby •grees rvlth tht said Puty ci the Fir�t Put (Owner) to commence and eomplrtr certain Improv�ments described u lollovs Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve Pecan Valley Golf Course snd a11 extra �vork conneeted therewtth� tmder the term: as •trted In the Contract bc�uments� and at his (thelr) own proprr cost and experoe to turnish all the mnterJsls, tupplies� machinery� equ3pment� toals� auperintendente, labor� b�onds� lnsurance, and other accasorJe: and servJces nece:sery to eomplete the said eer�truction� In accordance with all the tequirements oi �the � Cantract D�cuments� which lnclude �1 maps� plats, blueprints •nd other driwtngs and printed or written explanato�y matter thereoi� �nd the specificati�ns thereoi� �s prepared by thc Engineers employed by the Owner� eech oi which h�s bdeen lckntiiied by the endorsement ui the Contr�ctor and the �nginerrs thereon� toaether �vlth the Contractor'i Written Proposa.l and thr other parts o! the Contract Documtnts hereto attached, Jncluding the �ort �orth 1V�rte� bepart- ment Genera! Contract Documents and General Speaiicatlons� all d! which ere m�de a part hereot and eellectively tvidence and constitute the entirr contrect. Tht Contractor hereby abrees to commence Work wlthln ten (10) d�ys alter the dite writt�n notice to do so shall have been alven to him, and to subatantially tomplete ume within the time stated in the Propo:al. The Owner a6�ees to pay the Centractor ln currrnt lunds ior the periorm�ncc oi iht �ontratt ln accord�ncr wlth the Propo:al �ubmttttd thcr�far� 8ubject to additions �nd d�ductlons� as provided In the Contrsct bocumrnts and al1 approved modiications thereol� and to make piyment on �ccount thereof as ptovided therein. �-l•7t G•1 I�� WITNESS WHEREOF. the P�rties to these pnsents h�ve �xecuted this Contrect in quacf�uplicate in the year and day first �bove written. . ATTEST: � � u (SEAL) ar�, G� �y secretary �iITNE55ES : A�proved �� t �fia f Fort Worth City Water Department: � iC,�{il.�f' �/'� /�'�r "' . a�ey � � rectc �«��c�eC as to Form anC legali ty: �aCe �0kins; � ��--� � ty Attorney ___C_'--Il�t�v �:�:��t � t ui;hor z tiori 1��� 7- � Uate Ricfiard i�l G•2 ity of Fort Worth� Texas (Owrter) arty 0 t! � rtt �rt STEID , INC . .�) . �, ;��V � ������ 1n' " �"'� �a�� �f ' IF��� �U��th, ��.��� �; � ; � 1�, �; �-ti r :�-� �1 f ��� `�°"� I .�� �� ��,�1 cC��c�,�c�ll c���,�,��,��c�� °�'�; � DATE 10-17-89 REFERENCE NUMBER **C-1194G RECOMMENDATION: sus�ECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT - WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to: PAGE 1 of Z 1. Execute a contract with Steed Inc. in the amount of $175,485.10, for the construction and installation of water and sanitary sewer improvements to serve Pecan Valley Golf Course, to include only Unit A, Water Service in Fort Worth, and Unit B, Sanitary Sewer Service; and 2. Execute an Interlocal (BWSA) in the amount of and administration of Course, to include only Project Nos.: DISCUSSION: Agreement with Benbrook Water and Sewer Authority $16,178.40, for the construction, installation water improvements to serve Pecan Valley Golf Unit�C, Water Service in Benbrook. 56-013-025-00 and 83-015-027-00 The Pecan Valley Golf Course is currently served by two water wells and a septic system. The Texas Department of Health has notified the City of Fort Worth that it that the City and tested on water samples. water to this is not meeting the public health standards, and has required bring the facility into compliance. Water samples are taken a regular schedule and coliform bacteria is present in the There are two alternatives to the problem of supplying clean facility. One alternative is to have a treatment facility for the well water. This choice was rejected due to the operating expenses and the liability involved. The second alternative is to connect to a municipal water system. Due to the location of the available utilities, tying into the BWSA water system was the best alternative. The existing septic expanded or abandoned. month depending on use to a municipal sanitary the BWSA system was able system is inadequate and needs to be repaired and The system is currently pumped out at least once a and rainfall. It has been determined that connecting sewer system would be the best alternative. Again, to provide the most cost-effective solution. Part of this project lies within the corporate limits of the City of Benbrook, therefore falling under the jurisdiction of the BWSA. The contractor, Steed Inc., will contract with BWSA at the bid amount of $15,120.00. The City of Fort Worth will also reimburse BWSA 7-1/29'0, or $1,058.40, for inspection and administration of the contract. Total payment to BWSA will be $16,178.40. The City of Fort Worth and BWSA have agreed to enter into an Interlocal Agreement providing that the City will make its payment to BWSA prior to work being commenced. �i�y of 1Fo�� ���-th, ��.��� .����� ��� �����c�ll c���,�,��,�������, DATE REFERENCE NUMBER 3-27-90 **FP-2668 RECOMMENDATION: sue�ECT: F I NAL PAYMENT - WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE PECAN VALLEY GOLF COURSE It is recommended that the City Council: PAGE 1 of __2_ _ 1. Accept as complete the contract for water and sanitary sewer improvements to serve Pecan Valley Golf Course; and 2. Authorize final payment in the amount of $23,631.37 to Steed, Inc. Final Council action is requested on the project described below: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Texas Department of Health notified the City of Fort Worth that the Pecan Valley Golf Course was not meeting public health standards and required that the City bring the facility into compliance. Water system improvements included connecting to the buildings' water lines, installing a new 8-inch water line, two fire hydrants, connecting to existing fresh water and connecting to the Benbrook water system. Sanitary sewer system improvements included reconstructing the buildings' waste lines, installing a 2-inch forced main sewer pipe, one lift station, and connecting to the Benbrook sanitary sewer system. Also included in the work was the replacement of turf and repair of utilities on the golf course. PROJECT NO.: BID DESCRIPTION: Contract No. � Contractor: Date Contract Awarded: � Date of Work Order: Work Order Effective: Date Work Started: Date of Final Delivery and Approval: Work Time Bid: Work Time Required: PROJECT COST AND FINANCING: Original Contract Price: Change Order No. 1: Revised Contract Price: Final Cost: Partial Payments Previously Made: Final Payment Due: 83-015027-00 56-013025-00 17430 Steed, Inc. �fict obe r 17 , 1989 November 6, 1989 November 20, 1989 December 18, 1989 February 15, 1990 40 Working Days 39 Working Days $175,485.10 2,242.50 177,727.60 165,319.08 141,687.71 23,631.37 (M&C C-11940) TABLE OF CONTENTS , .._ . I 1 � I 'i "l. Part A- Notice to Bidders 2. Bid Summar.y Sheet for A11. Three Sections FORT WORTH SECTION 3. MI3�/WRr Instructions 4. Special Instructions Lo Bidders 5. Part B- Proposal - Fort Worth Sectian A- Water. Sectian - Fort Wor.th Section B- Sani.tar.y Sewer Secti.on - Fort Wor.th 6. MBE/WBE Bid Specifications 7. Part C- General. Conditions 8. Part D- Special Conditi.ons 9. Part E- Materi.al Specj.fications 10. Part F- Certificate of Insurance & Bonds Certificate of Insuran�e Perfor.mance Bond Payment �3ond Maintenance Bond 11. Part G- Contract Agreement 1 1-'_ �I II� 1 TABLE OF CON7'ENTS (Cont'd) I3ENBROOK WATER AND S�WER AUTHOItITY SECTION 12. Part H- Special. Instructions to Bidders 13. Part I- Proposal - BWSA Section C- Water Section - Benbroolc Water and Se�aer Authority 14. Part J- Special Provisions 15. Part K- Certificate of Insurance & Bonds Certificate of Insurance Performance Iiond Payment Bond Maint�n�nce �innd 1.6. Part L- Cont-rcict Agreemenr. y ii. �j PART A- NOTICE TO BI])nrRS Sealed proposals for the f.urnishing of a].l '..abor, materia:ls and equipment necessary for the 8" Water line, 2" force maj.n and liFt statl.on. Designated as: Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements to serve Pecan Va].l.e Gol.f Course (Fort Wortli Wuter Department Project No(s). 83-01502?--00 and 56-013025-00) cai].l be r.eceived until 1:30 PM at the office of I'ur.chasing Di.vision located on the eAsts:ide of the lower .level of the Municipa]. Bu:i.]ding, 1000 'Phrocicmorton, ForC Worth, Texas. The bids wi11 be publ.icl.y opened i�i the C:Lty Councl.l Cliambers at: 2:00 PM, Thursday, August ?4, 19f39: and �hen read aloud. Special Contract Documents, �.ncluding pl.ans and speci.fica�ions, have been prepared for tliis project and office of Dunaway Associates, Inc.: 4100 Interiiational. 636, Fort Worth, Texas 76109. Prequa].lficatj.on by Departmeut and the I�enbrook �dater and Sewer Authorit Contract llocumenCs and Genera:l SpeclL:LcaC:lons for I'or� projecCa, duted JanuAr.y 1, 197F�, Al.s� compr.:l.ae a par.t c�!` for thie project and may be obtained by pAy:l-nb $50.OQ �ngineering Office of tlie rort Wor.th �JAter. Department. The Ctty of I'ort Worth and Benbroolt Water and to re;ject any or all bida and waive any or withdrawn until the expiration of forty-fLve opened. supplemental. deta:L].ed ma� Ue obtalned at the P1.aza, Tower I:I, Suite the Fort� Worth Water y 1.s required; General Worth jd�iter. I)epa�:tm�nt t:lie (:c>riLi�i�cL Ilc�c�unei�Cr� fOY E:�1C�1 E3C:f:� 8C L'�lE' Sewei- Autlior:Lt:y reserve tlie ri�;lit a1:1 irregul.ariL'ies. No bid inay Ue (45) days f:Lom tlie date Uids are Special Note: I� will be requ:Lred that the siiccessFul. ba.dder uii t:I�:Ls pr.o,�ecC enter into a separ�te contract with Aenbrook Water ancl Sewer Author.�.t:y (13SWA) for the water line tliat fa11s under their �ur1..� i.�.ction (see p.l.ans and Sectl.o�l C of this Proposal). This portion of. the water line will be constructed under I3WSA specifications anci inspected and approved by t:liat agency. The comb:i.necl summary sheet ae well as Fort Worth proposal �nd I3enbroolc Wat-er and Sewer Authority pr.opos�.l ahall. be cotnp].eted �tnd s:L�ned by bi<ider. TL :i.5 �he intenC foi' tli:l.s projec�. to awnrd tlle work �o ttie ai._ ng1.e 1_ow b.Lcl<ler. f.or. tl�e coroU.i.ne�l Gotz�]. 1,1.�1 for al1 three sections (A, 13, and C) of the project. T1�u�.l.aa H�a'man C:I.ty rlan��;er Rut-ii Ho�oard C ity Secretary Publication: Auguat 3, August 10, 19ii9 L�s� A-1 BID SUMMARY SHE�T (Fort Worth and Benbrook Water & Sewer. Authority) A. Water Section (Fort Worth) B. Sanitary Sewer Section (Fort Worth) C. Water Section (BWSA) TOTAL AMOUNT BID rOR ALL THREE SECTIONS � � 89.272.10 86.213.00 15,120.00 190,605.10 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: CTAFTI Tur. _ P.O. Box 6254, Fort Worth, TX 76115 ress �, A-2 President Tit]_e MBE/WBE INSTRUCTIONS MBE/WBE: The Ci.ty of Fort Worth has goals for the partic�.pation of minorj.ty and women owned business enterprises in City contracts. In order for a bi.d to be considered responsive, the comp].iance statement in Attachement "lA" and Attachments "1B", and "1C", contained in the proposal must be completed and returned as required pursuant to paragraph 2, subsect3.on 2. M�E AND I�IBF� GOALS of Section I, inc7_uded on page 1 of the City of Fort Worth Minority and Women Business Enterpri.ses Bid Specifications. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL RESULT IN THE PROPOSAL IiEING NON-RESPONSIVE. � A-3 SPECIAT, INSTRUCTIONS TO �TDDERS (I'012`I' WOR`I'H) 1. PRLQUAI,IrICA7'ION RrQUIRFMFNTS: A ctirrent financi.a�L statement, an acceptaUl_e experience record, and an acceptahl.e equipment schedule must be fi_].ed with the Director of the Water Department or. �vi_th the Uirector of ehe Public Worlcs Department at least one �veek prior to the hour for openin� b�.ds. The financia]. statement requir.ed shal]. have Ueen prepared� hy an independent certified puhlic accountant or an independent pub]ic accountanC ho]di.ng a va'lid permi.t :issued by an appropri.ate state 1.i.censing a�ency, and stia7_1 have Ueen so prepared as to ref.lect the current tl-lea clo71d.s 7n rhe case starement must be current and not more than one (1) y that a b�.dd3.ng date fa11.s within the t3me a ueof statement is being prepared, the previous statement slia]]_ be ul�dated Uy proper veri.Li.cation. Proposals si�Umi_tted by a prospectjve b:idder wt�o lias iioL Fi�:l f. i.] ].ed the �bove requireiuents shall. he returned unopened. Prospect.ive t�j_dders whose qualif.ications are not deemed tc� be appropriate to the nature and/or magnitude of the project on wti3.ch b:ids ar.e to be received wi].1. be notifi.ed �efore the date of the Uid oPening, and any proposals subm3_tred by them sha11_ he returned uno[�eneci. T_:iqui.d assets i.n thc: amount of ten (]0%) percent of. the esiimatied projeci cost �ail"I be req�ii.red, For an experience record to be considered to be acceptab:le for a g:lven project, iL must ref]ect the experience of the firm seelcing qtia].�.f:icaLion in work of: botli the s�me natur.e and magnitiide as tl�aL c�L Llie pro_jecC for which bids ar.e to be received, and sucheai Pe»ij�i ��o" rhe d1ate on whi�ch projecCs completed not mor.e than fjve (5) y 1 bids are to Ue received. The Director of the Water Departmer�t shall be the so]e judge as to Che acceptabi].ity of experi.ence for qtialification L-o b3_d on any Fort [Jorth Water Department project. The prospective bidder sha].l schedu7.e the equipment he has ava:i7abl.e for [he projecC and state that he wi1:l rent sucl� additiona"1 eyriipment as may Ue required to comp].ete the project on whi.cl� Le suUin{.ts a bid. 2, FiID SrCiTRITY: A cashier's checic, or an acceptable M dder's bond, payaUl.e to the Developer, j.n an amount of not less Y.l�an f3ve (5%) percent of the largest possible total of the bid suUmitted must accompany ttie bid, and is suUject to forfeit in the event the successful bidder fai.l.s to execute the Contract Documents within ten (10) days afier. the contr.act has been awarded. For the bi.d hond to Ue acceptab7e, the name of Ctie surety company issuj.n� said bond sha11 be licensed to do bu�7.ness jn the State oF `I'exas and sl�a:ll. be inc]uded on r.he curreiiC U.S. 7'reasi�ry 7ist of: ac�ePtable sureties, and the amount of the hoi�c] wri.tten by an.y one acceptaUte coml�any sha].1 not exceed the amount shown on the Treasury 1.i.st for that co�upany. 3, BONDS: A perf.ormance bond, a payment bond, and a maintenance bond, each for one litindred (l00%) percent of the contr.act price w:i 11. l�e reqtii.red, Ref. C 3-3.7. 4, WAGE 12AT�S: Not less than ihe preva3.7.ing wage rates established by the City of I'�ort• [Jorth, Texas, and as set forLh in the Contract Documents, must he pai.d on this project. A—�i SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (Continued) 5. AMBIGUITY: In the case of ambiguity or lacic of. clearness i.n stating pri_ces in the Proposal, the City reserves the right to adopt the most advaiitageoiis constr.uction thereof to the City or to reject the Proposa7. 6. BIDDER LICENSE: Bidder must be a li.censed contractor. -In the State of Texas. 7, NONRESIDENT BIDDF.RS: Pursuant to Article 601g, Tex. Rev. C3.v. Stat., the City of Fort Worth will. not award this contract to a nonresident bidder unless the nonresident's hid is lower L-han the lowest bid submi.tted by a respons3ble Texas resident bidder hy the same atnount that a Texas resi.dent bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in whictl the nonresident's principal place of business is located. "Nonresident bidder" means is not in thi.s state, but company or majority owner state. "Texas resi.dent business is in parent company in this state. a b3.dder whose principal place of business excltides a contractor whose ulti.mate parent has :i.ts pri.ncipa]_ place of business in this bi.dder" means a bi.dder whose pri.ncipal. pl.ace of. this statie, and 3.ncl.udes a cont:ractor �vhose ul.timate �r majority owner has its prj.ncipa]. p]ace of bus�iness This provj.sion does not apply j.f this conCract invo7�res Lederra7 funds. The appropriate blanks nonresident bidders in failure of a nonresi.dent that bidder.. of the Proposal must be filled out by a1.1 order for your bi_d to meet specifications. The contractor to do sa will automatical_l.y disqualify 8. PAYMENT: If bid amoi�nt is less than $25,000.00 the contract amoiint shal] be paid in one (1) lump sum upon completion and acceptance Uy the City of }�ort Worth Water Department. 9, ADDENPA: Bidders desiring further information or interpretation of. the Plans or Specifications must make a request for sucti 3.nformation in writing to the �ngineer prior to 48 hours before the bid open3.ng. Ans�oers to a7_1. such requests wi11 be given in writing to all Ui_dders, in Addendum form, and all Addenda wi11 be bound with and made a part of the Contract Documents. No other explanation or interpretation wil:L be cotisi.dered offici.al or binding. Should a Uidder find di.screpancies i.n or omissi.on from the Pl.ans, Specifications, or other. Contract Documents, or should he be in douUt as to their meani.ng, he should notif.y the Engineer at once i.n order that a wri.tten Addendum may be sent ta all bidders. Any addenda issued prior to 2�� hours of the open3ng of the bids wi.11 be mailed c.�r deli.ver.ed to each Contractor contemplal3.ng the submi_ssion of. a proposa] on th�.s worlc. The proposal. as subm�.tted by the Contractor will be so constriicted as to include any addenda if such are issued hy the 1?ngi.neer. pr3.or to ?_4 hours of the opening of the bids. A-5 FORT WORTH SECTION Part B through Part G �� PART B - PROPOSAL (FORT WORTH) (This proposal must not be removed fr.om this boolc of Contract nocuments.) T0: Douglas Harman City Manager Fort Worth, Texas PROPOSAL FOR: The furnishing of al.l materials, except material.s specified to be ui ment and labor f.or the installation of 8" water, 2" f.urnished by the City, eq p sewer force main and li.ft station and all necessary appurtenances and incicienta7. work to provide a compl.ete and serviceable project designated as: PECAN VALL�Y GOI,F COURSE Water Project No.83-0I5�27--0� Sewer Pro j ect No. 56-� 1"3(125--O0 Pursuant to tY�e foregoing "Notice to Bidders," the undersigned bidder, havi.ng thoroughly examined tre Cantract Documents, i.ncludi.ng plans, specia] contract documents, and the General Contr.act Documents and Gener�l. SpecificaLionS for Water Department Projects, the site of the project and understandj.ng ttie amount of woric to be done, and the prevailing conditions, liereby proposes to do a].1 the worlc, furni.sh a17. labor, equipment and materia.l excepC as specified to be furnished by the City, which is necessary to fu7.].y compl.ete the worlc as provided j.n the Pl.ans and Contract Documents and subject to the inspecti.on and approval. of the Director of the Water Department of the Ci.ty of Fort Worth, Texas; and binds himself: upon acceptance of this Proposal to execute a contract and furnish an approved Performance Bond, Payment Bond, Maintenance Bond, and such other l�onds, if any, as may be required by the Contract Documents for the perform�.ng and compl.etin� of. the said worlc. Contractor proposes to do ttie wor.lc within the time stated and for the foll.owing sums: B-1 A. WATER SECTION (FORTH WORTH ITEM APPROX. N0. UA(� NTITY l. 2769 LF DESCRIPTION OF ITFMS BID PRICE WRITTEN IN WO1tDS 8" Water L3.ne Pipe* Sixteen Dollars & Forty Cents per LF 2. 74 LF 8" Restrained Ductile Iron Joint River Crossing Pipe (Class 51) £3" Gate Valve with Box and Cover, Complete in Place Fifty-two Dollars & Na Cents per LF $ 3. 1 �A Four Hundred Fifty Dollars & No Cents per EA $ 4. 2 EA Standard Fire Hydrant Installed to 3' - 6" Depth IINIT PRICF E� Eight Hundred Fifty Dollars & No Cents per EA 0 * Contractor shall indicate below the pipe material useci in bi.d [X] PVC pipe, DR14 (Class 200) [ ] Ductile Iron Pi.pe (Class 51) Wrapped in Polyethylene 16.40 52.20 450.00 850.00 TOTAL 13ID 0 � � � 45,411.60 3,848.00 450.00 1.700.00 B-2 A. WATER SECTION (FORT WORTH) IT�M APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEr4S nID N0. UAQ NTITY PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS 5, 2 gA 6" Gate Valve with Box and Cover, Complete i.n P1ace (for Fire Hydrant) 6. 7. 2 VF Three Hundred UNIT PRICE Sixty Dollars & No Cents per EA $ Extra Depth of Fire Hydrant Below 3' - 6" One Hundred Fifty Dollars & No Cents per VF $ 3 EA 2" Water Service, Complete in Place (from Connection at 8 inch Water Main to Proposed MeCer I3ox) . , Seven Hundred � 12 CY Dollars & No Cents per EA $ Class 'E' (1500�1) Concrete for Miscel�.aneous Placement and Encasement, Furnished and Installed, Complete in Place Fifty Dollars & No Cents per CY $ B-3 360.00 1.50.00 700.00 50.00 7'OTAI, BID � � � � 720.00 300.00 2,100.00 600.00 r_ n A. WATER SECTION (FORT WORTH) ITEM APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS BID N0. UAQ NTITY PKICE WRITTEN IN WORDS 9. 10 CY Class 'B' (2500��) Concrete for Miscellaneous Placement and Encasement, Furnished and Installed, Complete in Place 10. 11. 12. 3 EA UNIT PR10E Sixty-nine Dollars & No Cents per CY $_ Class 'B' rieter Box (f.or 2" meter) One Hundred Dollars & No Cents per CY $ 5 CY Crushed Limestone as Directed by Engineer, Complete iri Place (Ref D-14) 5 CY Ten Dollars & No Cents per CY Ballast Stone as Directed by Engineer Complete in P1ace (Ref D -27) � Ten Doll.ars & No Cents per CY $ B-4 65.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 TOTAL BID u $ � � 650.00 300.00 50.00 50.00 A. WATER SECTION (FORT WORTH) ITEM APPROX. DESCRiPTION OF ITEMS BID N0. UAg NTITY PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS 13. 775 CY Type 'B' Bacicfill, Complete in Place (Ref. D -13) Dollars & 14. 15. 617 LF 0.90 TN Cents per CY Asphalt Pavement Repair (Ref. D-19) UNIT PRICE u Twenty Dollars & No Cents per LP' $ Cast Iron Fittings Two Thousand Five Hundred � Dollars & Cents per TN $ 16. 600 SF Gabion mattresses including 12" Galvanized Baskets, Gabion Stone, Permeable - Barrier Filter Fabric, Fine Grading, and Installation Complete in Place. Ten No Dollars & Cents per SF $ B-5 7.10 20.00 2,500.00 10.00 TOTAL BID � � 5.502.50 12,3�EO.QO $ 2,250.00 _ $ 6,000.00 A. WATER SECTION (FORT WORTH) ITEM APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS BID N0. UAQ NTITY PRICE WRITTEN IN WO1tDS 17. UNIT PRICE TOTAL BID Lump Sum Connections to Existing Yumphouae Water System and Replumbing Clubhouse Water, All Complete in Place in Accordance with Special Conditions Item D-31 Seven Thousand Dollars & No Cents per LS $ 7,000.00 $ TOTAL AMOUNT BID 'A' $ 7,000.00 89,272.I.0 : : B. SANITARY SEWER SECTION (FORT WORTH) ITEM APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS BID N0. QUANTITY PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. 3744 Lr 2" Force Main Pipe* 2. 3. 4. 165 Lr Lump Sum 840 CY UNIT PRICE Eight Dollars & Fifty Cents per LF $ 6" Ductile Iron Casing Pipe at Foot Bridge including Hangers One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars & No Cents per LF $ Lift Stat3.on Complete in Place (see D-36) Thirteen Thousand Dollars & No Cents per LS Type 'B' Backfill (See D-13) Seven Ten Dollars & Cents per CY * Force Main Pipe to be per ASTM/D2241, 160 PSI PVC SDR 26 B-7 � � 8.50 125.00 13.00Q.00 7.10 TOTAL BIll � � � � 31,824.00 20,625.00 13.000.00 5,964.00 B. SANITARY SEWER (FORT WORTH) ITEM APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS BID N0. UAQ NTITY PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS 5. 510 LF Asphalt Pavement ltepair (Ref. D-19) 6. 7. UNIT PRICE Twenty Dollars & No Cents per LF $ 5 CY Class 'E' (1500��) Concrete for Mi.scellaneous Placement and Encasement, Furnished and Installed, Complete in Place (Ref. D-25) 5 CY Cents per CY $ Fif ty Dollars & No Cents per CY $ Class 'B' (2500��) Concrete for Miscellaneous Placement and Encasement, Furnished and Installed, Complete in Place (Ref. D-26) Sixty Dollars & � � 5 CY Cruehed Limestone as I)irecxed by Engineer, Complete in Place (Ref. D-14) Five No Dollars & Cents per CY $ : : 20.00 50.00 60.00 5.00 TOTAL BID 0 � � 0 10,200.00 250.00 300.00 25.00 B. SANITARY SEWER (FORT WORTH) ITEM APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS BID N0. UAQ NTITY PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS 9. 5 CY Ballast Stone as Directed by Engineer, Complete in Place (Ref. D-27) 10. Lump Sum Five _ Dollars & UNIT PRICE No Cents per CY $ Replumbing Clubhouse Sanitary Sewer, All Complete in Ylace iii Accordance with Special Conditions Item D-35 Four Thousand �--- No Dol.lara & Cents per LS � 5.00 4,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT BID 'B' B-9 TOTAL BID � � 4 ,000.00 $ 86,213.00 25.00 SUI��fARY SHEET (Fort Worth) A. Water Section (Fort Worth) B. Sanitary Sewer Section (Fort Wortti) AMOUNT BID FOR SECTION 'A� & �B� � � 0 ii9 , 272 . 10 £36,213.00 175,485.10 RESP�CTFULLY SUBMITTED Yresident �. Title ~ P.O. Box 6254, Fort Worth, TY. 76115 Addr.ess B-10 PART B - PROPOSAL (CONT.) (FORT WORTH) Within ten (10) days after acceptance of this Proposal, the undersigned wj.l.l execute � the f.ormal contract and will del.iver an appr.oved Siireiy Bond and such other bonds as required by the Contract Documents, for the faithftil performance of the Contract. The attached bid security in the amount of 5% is to become the property of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in the event the contract and bond or bonds are not executed and delivered withi.n the time above set forth, as liqu:i_dated damages f.or the delay and additional. work caused thereby. The undersigned bidder certifi.ed that he has been furnished at least one set of the General Contract Documents and General. Specif.ications f.or Water nepartment Project dated January 1, 1978, and that he has 'rend and thorough].y understands a1.1. the requirements and conditions of those General Documents and the specif3.c Contract Documents and appurtenant plans. The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization, subcontractors, or employment agency in e3.tlier furnishing or referring employee applicants to the undersigned are not di.scri.minated against as prohibited by terms of City Ordinance No. 7278 as amended by City Ordinance No. 7400, The Bidder agrees to begin construction within 10 calendar days after issue of the work order, and to complete the contract within 40 working days after beginn3.ng construction as set forth in the taritten worlc order. to be furnistied Uy ttie Owner. B-11 � / PART B - PROPOSAL (Cont.) (FORT WORTH) (Complete A or B below, as applicable:) � � � A. The principal place of business of our company is in the State of Nonresident bidders in the State of � our principal place of" business, are required to be percent lower than resident bidders by state law. A copy of the stature is attached. Nonresident bidders in the State of , our principal place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders. I3. The princi.pal place of business of oi�r company or our parent company or majority owner ie in the State of Texas. Receipt is acknowledged of the following addenda: Addendum No. 1 Addendum No. 2 Addendum No. 3 (SEAI.) Tf. bidder is Corporation Respectful.ly submitted, ST�sID , INC . __ BY: President Titl.e P. O. Box 6254 Address B-12 Fort Worth, Texas 76115 ClTY OF FORT WORTH MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE BID SP�CIFICATIONS SECTION 1: 1. POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to involve Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Wnmen Business Enterprises (WBEs) in all phases of its procurement practices and to provide them equal opportunities to complete for contracts for construction, professional services, purchases of equipment and supplies, and provision of other services require� by the City. The City will provide assistance, when requested, to MBEs by providing information on bid specifications, compliance with procurement p�licy, fulfillment of general bid requirements, jnb pei•fnrmance requirements, procurement opportunities and prerequisites for bidding City contract�. The City encourages joint ventures among MBEs and W6Es and betwaen majority and roinority firms bidding for City contracts. 2. MBE AND �QE GOALS The City's goals are 12X of the dollar value of contracts for MBEs and for uflEs. On City contracts of 525,000 or more bidders are required Ameet the establishe� minimum goals, or upon failure to meet either the `and/or WBE goals, provide �oc�mentation nf their "Good Faitl� Efforts". the contract amount is less than �25,000, the bidder is not required submit the MBE and WBE infor�uation packet. 3% to MBE If ta The MBE and WBE campliance documentation must be 9ubmitted to the 9id Contracting Officer/Buyer no latvr than 5:00 o'clacl< p.m „ three (3) business days after the bid opening date. FAILURE TO SUBMIT MBE AND W9E DOCUMENTATION AS REQU(RED WILL RESULT IN TFIE BiD BEING CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE r0 SPECIFICATIONS. Unless otherwise specified in Writing, only the first tier or subcontractors/suppliers paid directly by the prime will be aounted toward meeting the City's MBE and WBE goals. 3. DEFINITIQN OF MBE AND WBE A minority business enterprise (MBE) means a business concern which is (a) at least fifty-one percent oaned by one or more minority ir�dividual(s) and (b) whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of the minority individual(s) who own it. Ninority individuals means those individuals who are citizens nf the U.S. or legal residents and are members of one of the following groups: Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, American lndians, Asian-Pacific Americans, and Asian-lndian Americans. Wo�en business enterprise (WBE) means a business concern whicl� follous the same guidelines as a"minority business", but is aoman oWned. 1 ' SECTIQN II: 1. �COMALIANCE WiTH THE C1TY'5 MBE AND WBE PROGRAM The City will consider the bidders performance regarding its MBE and WBE participation in evaluation of bids. Failure to comply aith the City's MBE and W13E requirements or to demonstrate and document a"Gnod Faith Effnrt", will result in a bid being considered n�n-responsive to specifications. The lowest responsive bidder e�eeting the M8E and lJBE requirements and bid specifications wiil be awarded the bid. Bidders can comply uith the program in one of three ways. Find the one that applies and follow its instructions. l. FNTIRE CQNTRACT SUPPLIED BY MBE OR WBE If you are certified by the City of Fort Worth, a MBE (WBE) must meet the City's WBE (MBE) goal or provide "Good �'aith Effort" documentation if WBE (MBE) participation is less than the stated goal. You must then complete the Compliance Statement (Attachment IA), Attachment 18 and/or Attachment IC, if appropriate and return them a6 reguir�d p��r�uant ta aP ragraph 2 of Section i hereof_ If you are not certified by the City of Fort Worth, please contact the City's MBE/WBE Office at (817) 870-6104 ta obtain a Certificatfon Form (Schedule A). 2. CQNTRACT 1S SUPPLIED WITN MBE AND WBE PART1CiPATION If you will joint venture with a P1BE and/or WBE, complete a Joint Venture Form (Schedule B) and Attachment 1B, sign the Compliance Statement, Attachment SA, and return them as required pursuant to aaraQraph 2 of Section 1 hereof, !f your MBE and uIIE participation is in an amount that equals to or surpasses the Gity's goals of 127� for 11BEs, and 3X or WBEs, complete Attachment IA, and Attachment IB and return them as required pursuant to paraara�ph 2 of Section I hereof. If either the MIIE or WBE participation percentage is less than the City's stated goals, you must complete Attachaent IC to show the "Good Faith and Honest �ffnrts" you uade to meet the City's goals. You should completc� Attachment IB to show the MBE and WBE participation you uill have, sign the Compliance Statement (Attachment lA) and return thvm as required pursuant to paraaraph 2 of Section I hereof. Note: All MBEs and uBE6 must be certified or in the �rocess of bein , certified bv the City of Fort WortF� at the time of bid openfng,. A MBE and WBE not already certified may contact ti�e City's MBE/WBE Office at (817) 870-6104 to obtain a Certification Form (Schedule A). Rev. 04/04/89 2. �. CONTRACT SUPPLIED WITHOUT MBE AND uBE PARTICIPATION A bidder that has failed to include any MBE or WBE participation may be awarded the contract upon the City's determination that the efforts the bidder made to meet the goals uere "Good Faith and Honest Efforts". The City �ust determine that the bidder's efforts uere those that, given all relevant circumstances, a bidder actively seeking to meet the goals would make. Sign the Compliance 5tatement (Attachment_lA)_, com lete Attachment !C and provide_anv additional documentation that w_ill substantiate vour "Good Faith Efforts". Return all forms and information as required pursuant to paraAraph 2_of Section 1 hereof. SEC'f l ON 1 1 I: MBC AND WBE ASSiSTANCE QRGANIZATIONS A list of MBE and WBE businesses that have been certified Fort Worth will be provided upon request. Additionally, if questions regarding the interpretation of the City's MBE please contact the City's MBE and WBE Office at: by the there and WBE City of are any Policy, City of Fort Worth MBE AND WBE Office 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Phone: (817) 870-6104 The fo)lowing agency may also be able tn provide assistance in identifying additional MBE and WBE firms to meet your goals: Minority Procurement Program 2315 North Main Street, Suite 300 Fort Worth, Texas 7610fi Phone: (817) 625-4331 Rev. OA/04/B9 3 Attachment lA MaE/WBE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The undersigned bidder hereby certifies that they will comply with the MBE and WBE p�licy in the foilowing manner. (checl< 1, 2, or 3) PL�ASE READ INSTRUCTIONS;MBE AND WBE GOAL, Section 1, ParaRraph 2�_ Pa�e 1 �. ENTIRE CONTRACT 5UPPLIED BY MBE OR W9E (checl< certification status) Certified by the City of Fort Worth In the process of being certified by the City of Fort Worth NOTE: A MBE supplYing the entire contract MUST be WBE eoal and a WBE MUST be res�onsive to completing Attachment 1B and/or Attachment IC. FAILURE TO SUBMIT TH1S INFORMATION WILL RE: CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE TO SPECIFICATIOt�S 2. responsive to the the MBE goal by UL : CONTRACT SUPPLIED u1TH M8E AND/OR WBE PARTICIPATION If MBE and WBE participation meet or exceed the City's goals, in both groups, compiete Attachment IB. If MBE or WBE participation is less than the City's goals, in either group� you must complete Attachment SB and Attachment 1C 3. CONTRACT 5UPPI.IED WITHOUT MBE OR WBE PARTlCIPATION Complete the "Good Faith Effort" Documentation F�rm, Attachment SC NOTE: GOOD FAITH EFFORT DOCUMENT HA5 BEEN REVISED Authorized Signature Title Name of Company Date The bidder further agrees to prov�ide� directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actua! work performeci by the tiBE or WBE on the contract, the payment therefor and any proposed changes to the original MBE or WBE arrangements suhmitted with tt�i6 bid/praposal. '1'he bidder also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination oP any books, records, and files held by their company that aill substantiate the actual work performed by the MBE or WBE on this contract� by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any material misrepresentation Will be grounds for terminating the contract and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning faise statements. (ALL HBEs/WBEs MUS'f BE CERTIFIED BY TFIE CITY �EF()RE CONTRACT AUARD) Rev. 04/04/89 4 � a� C N � � U f0 � y d � O H H � N H H H a H O � 3 w H W � � � 1 h. W w � O G4 p+ b F� H W U r7 � A W x � � A W H � � R�+ W U � E+ O C.� v a w 0 0 z a� �b m �+ A F� � • � PG O H U d � H x 0 � F� 3 O � O O fS+ a �' �i O P+ U � O W � � d z�'� �. o O U W w � N � Z � a � w o ��o W A 6 � � W x H � � � i� ►+ O O � r� H � O 1-i 4-� O �� N H W O O t� U P, �� {d �rl 1� U G o a� Ux � �x � N O +� `.� $ ` P+ �� a.� U � � N N O 4� G 67 M O 7: U .r.; td 4� •-1 W � O a� � G O QI ri � N � � C1 U W � GD pC c0 N ►-1 p ctl O � a H � O �-+ 'U �, cd G O o r1 J-� 1� p Yi TI � A 1+ O a� u � G al a� � � ri 'tl rl Q! YI ,C, 3 � m b a1 m R �r�1 co .0 �� m {�/ .(�i 01 g-1 ro a �o � m ,� a� �, H r1 w a H a� H .. W x a H � '� C.7 H � ai � a A � � e n N r i' 41 � Project Name Froject Number Attachment 1C Page 1 of 4 "GOOA FAITH EFFORT" DOCUMENTATION FQRM If you have failed to secure HBE and WBE firms or if your HBE and WBE participation is less than the City's goals, oy u�t�et oomplete this form. �AILURE TO COMPLETE THE REQUIRED MBE and WBE PART(CIPATION FORMS IS GROUNDS FOR REJECTION OF THE �ID. "ALL 4UESTIONS ON THIS FORM MUST 8E ANSWERED OR THE DID �1LL BE CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE TO SPECIFICATIONS" I. Did you obtain a list of MBE and WBE firms from the City's MBE Office? Yes No 2. Did you contact any of the organizations that are available to assist MBEs and WBEs, to obtain a list of potential subcontractors/suppliers? If yes list the agencies below. Yes 3. No Please list each and every subcontracting/supplier op�ortt�nity which will be used in the campletion of this project. If none, please explain in detail. 4. Did you send written notice to MBE and WBE firms soliciting tf�eir bids on this project7 � No If yes, attach copy(s). Rev. 4�►/04/89 5 Att�chment 1C Page 2 of 4 5. Did you solicit bids from MBE and WBE firms by telephone? Yes No If yes, list firms and the results of these efforts on page 3 of 1C. 6. If MBE and WBE firms were rejected on the basis of quotation being too high or qualifications, attach documentation to support quotation being too high and/or reasons for rejection based upon qualifications; i.e. letters, memos of telephone calls, meeting, etc. 7. Did you solicit bids from MBE and WBE firms by Advertisement in the Newspaper? Yes No lf yes, attach copy(s) of advertisement. 8. lf you propose to perform the entire contract aithout subcontractors or suppliers, please provide a detailed explanation below that proves, based on the size and scope of the project, this is your normal business practice. 9. Please provide any additional information you feel aill further explain your good faith efforts to salicit bids from MBE§ and WDEs on this l�ro7ect. The composition of your work force is not a consideration. Rev. 04/04/89 C V r� � N Fw c� o � F� U 00 CI ♦� OC H � 6 a m co � p. OD � rl 'S7 N N U a H a a► � u q 0 �. w � C: tl �-1 t� � N 7 cs' 00 � � �+ a� 3 m G � F v .0 � .'�7 u m � � .o 0 u � � � w 0 w m ti-1 F H � z H H Z H U O Q 6 �z� ¢�F+ woz xwo U � a � w�w a� a� �:d3 'V�. c� A O W � � a �. o ow a ww w w � H '� O v� A a W W H p. U d F�+ H oz 0 W U � d � w x 0 w '�' wa �W ¢a �w H � za �z a¢ � o cn U � W a A A d � o� N N � � � N � Attachment 1C Page 4 of �a The undersigned certifies that the information provided and the NBE(s) and WBE(s) listed was/were cont�cted in good faith. !t is understood that the MBE(s) and WBE(s) on the attached list will be contacted and the reasons for not using them wiil be verified by the City's MBE/�BE Office. The misrepresentation of facts is grounds for consideration of disqualification and nay result in a bidder being classified as an irresponsible bidder and being barred from City of Fort Worth aork for a period of not less than six ■onths. Authorized Signature Titie Gompany Name Date ftev. 04/04/89 7 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT BID LANGUAGE Any entity submitting a bid for consideration by the City of Fort Worth which exceeds 525,000.00 is required to respond to the City's HBE/WBE Policy and requirements. Failure to comply with the City's MBG/uBE goals goals or to demonstrate a Good Faith Effnrt will result in a bid being non-responsive to specifications and therefore disqualified. The MBE and WBE compliance documents must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. three (3> business days after bid opening date. The lowest responsive bidder �eeting bid specifications and the MBE/WBE requirements will be awarded the bid. If the City's MBE/WBE Policy form has not been attached to this invitation to bid and bid quotation form, it is the bidder's sole responsibility to obtain a copy of such Policy from the City of Fort Worth's Purchasing Department and submit it as required. Compliance with the MBE/WBE Policy is not required for bids which do not exceed 525,000.00. Z� �; PAR� � � G�NERAL C��D����NS TAB�E �� �QNTE��S NDV��BE�, 1t I987 T�BLE �F ��NT�NT� c�-1 �].-1.1 ��-1.2 C���.3 Ci-1.� �1-1.5 �1-3.. 6 C�.-1.7 ��-1.9 �1-1.9 Ci-�.10 C1-3. . �.� �1-1.1� c�-�..1� �x-�.�a �1-�.IS C1-�.16 �l-Y.�� Cl-1.i8 C��I.19 Ci-1.20 �1-�.�1 C1-1.�2 Cl-�1.23 �l�-1.�9 C1�1.�� ��-�.�b C�-I.27 �I-�.29 C1-1.2� Ci�1.30 C��1. 31 �1-1.3� �����z����s De�a��itior� o� Term� Cont�ract ���um�n�s t�otice tv BiBc�ers proposa� Bidder G�ne�`a� cond��.ions 5pe���l ���t�i�ions �pecif ica�.ior�s �o�a Cantra�t 1�1ans Ci��► �it� �aun��1 May�r Ci�� Ma��c�er �ity �t�torr���+ C1�1 �i-1 C1-1. C1-� ���1 cY-1 �1-�. �].-�. ���i �1--1 ��-� C�-Z cx-1. �x-� C�-1 ��-�. C1-�. ��.-� ��-1 ci-� C1-�. ��.-1 Cl-� C�-1 �1-1 C1-� �1-� CX-� �i�� �1-1 �I�1 C1-� (�} {11 (21 �2} �Z1 (�? i�} (21 t�� I 3� } �3) {3} E31 c�� �3� (3) (4) ��} �4} �a� i4� �4} ��} (4) I4} {5} {b ) i6} ��� t5 � �6} (6) ��-2 C2-�.1 �2--2.2 �2-�,3 ��-�.4 �2�2.5 C2-�.� D1��G`��� �� �L1�11G' WO��CS Ui.���tort �ity ��ter Dap�r#.r��n� Enc�ine�� Cvr�tractor Sur�ti�s Th� ��rk or �roj�ct V�oricinc� l��y C��endar Day Ler��� Hol�day A1�l��evi�tions C�ange �rde� �a�e� �tr��ts a�d �lll��� [�npaved S��eets and Al�.�ys �i,�y Stre��s Roadway ��a���. Stre��. �NTE�P�ETA'�'��[� A�1D PF���I�'�RA'�!`FON DF PF�4��5AY� i �r��o�a� Fprm In���'pr�tation o€ Quantft��� Exarnir�aki�� of �an�ra�� i}o��rnet��s and �it� �ubmit��ing of Fr�posa� Re���tion of �ropos�xs Bi.d ���urit� ���-� f11 C�-2 (1} ��-� (�} C��2 (31 ��-2 (3} ��-2 �3} (�} C�-�.7 ��li��r� of �ropos�� ��-2.8 �i�hdraw�ng ��o�o�als C�-�.9 ��I�g�a�hi� ���ifi�atio� o� Proposa�s ��-�.1Q �ub�ic Ope�i�g of �r�p�s�� ����.1]. �rr�c�ular �raposa�s C�-2.1� Disqua�ificat�on of �id�ex'� �3-3 �3-3.1 �3-3.� �3-3.3 �3-3,4 C3-3.5 �3-3. 6 C3�-� . 7 �3-3,8 �3-3.9 �3-3.10 c3-�3.x1 ���-3.�2 �a--� , �� �3-3.24 ��-3.�� �4-4 �4�4�.� C4�4.� C�-9.3 C4-4.4 C4-4.5 C��9.6 C4-�4.7 CS-S cs-s.i �5-5. � C�-5.3 CS-5. � C5-S.S �5-5.6 ��-�.7 C���.8 �5-5.9 ��-���o C�-S.11 �5-�. �.� C5�5.13 �5-5,14 C�-5.15 C���.1� �5-5 . i7 i: � - 5 . l �3 AWAF�� ANEi �XECU'�'ZON 0�` �}��UM�NTS �ons�de�ati�rs �f F�'ap�sa�2� �znar��y �usin�ss �r�terpi�� Womer�-Own�d Business Ent�rp���e com�X�ance �qua1 Em�Zay,�e�t P�ovisi�ns ��thdr�wal of Proposal� Award p� Con�r$ct R���rn �f �rop�sal S�ct��`�.ties �orrc�s �x�cutivn of �on��a�t� Fa�lure �.� Execu�s �o�t�ract B�gir�ninq �Jork �nsurar�c� �ontrac�orrs Oblig�,t�,ons wee]€�,�r Pa�ro��. �ontracto�'� ��nt�ract Ad�inis�ra�i��t Venu� 9CQP� OF wORK Ir,t�r�t of �on�r��� �]ocument� 5����al �rov�s���s Z�,�r�as�� �r k�ecreased Q�ant�.ties Alter���ion of ��ntra�� Documents �sc t r a VJo �' }c S�hec��l� of �perat,���s Prog��ss S�h�dul�s �o�c Wat�r and Sewer PXan� �'aci�i�ies CONTftO�, 0�' WORF� AI�p MF�,TEF�YA�,� A�thari�p of �ng�n��� �on��r�nit� wi�h Plans Coordi���ior� of Contract Docurn�n�s �ooperat�or� v� �on�x�acto� Emerc�ency andf�r ��cti�ica�tion Work �'ielc� Df�i,ce �anstructx�n Stakes Au�hority �r�d fluties o� Ir,spect�r� Tr,sp�ction R�m�v$1 0� Defe�tiv� and [�nau�hori�ed ��b��i�ute r�a��ri�].s or �quiprnent� Samp��s ar�d Tests of Niateri�,�s S�ar�g� of Ma.terials Fxistin� �tr��tur�� ar�d C]tilit�,�s �n�err.�p��or� of ��rvice �ut��l Resgon�.ibili�� of �antra���rs Cl����p C�,na� I�spection ��-� ��} ��-� �A) ��-� �4) C�-2 ( 4 1 C2-2 (41 ��-� (51 �3-3 ��} ��-3 �3-3 �3-3 C3�3 C3-3 ��-3 C3�3 C3-� �3-3 C3-3 �3-3 �3-3 C3-3 �3-3 {11 {11 �2� �2� �21 (2? {d? {�? (4? �4} i7� {�? (7} (8) �4-4 €li C4-+6 (1 } C4--0 ��} C4--4 ( 21 C�-4 (�} C4-4 {3} �+�-4 CS-5 ��-� ��-5 C5-5 C5-� �5-5 ��-5 C�-5 C5-5 4�or�C ���� �C5-� C5-�S CS�S C5-5 C5�5 �5-5 C5-�5 �5-5 f�} {11 {1) i�) €�1 (3� {31 {3} (Ay (51 {5? ��} �6} �6l (�1 (71 �8) �8} i9) (2) CG-� C5-�.� �f►-f . 2 C6-�� . 3 Cb�6.4 C6-6.5 ��O-�.G �6-6. "� Cb-�.B C6-b,9 ��-�,�Q �6-6.11 �f�-6.1� C5�6.13 �6-b.�9 C�-�6.�5 C6-6.16 C�r-�6 .17 CG-6.18 �6-b.�9 C�-6.20 �6-6.21 C7�7 �7-7.X �i-7.� �7-7.3 �"7-7.4 C7-7.5 5r i � � Y � C7-7.7 �7-7.8 �7-7.9 �7R7.10 �7-�7.�1 �7-7.�� C7-7.13 C7-7.14 C7�7.�5 �7-7.3.� C7-7.17 LE�AL R�LATIDN� A�� �US��C R��P�N�IE�L�TX �aws �o �e �bse�v�d Perm�ts and Lic�r�s�� Pa�e���� D�vices, �2�t�rials and Pzoc�ss�s �ani��ry Provisions ����ic �af��}► �nd �a€rvenier��e �rivi.Ieges o� Cor�tra�t�r ir� �tr�ets� A�l��rs t anc� R�g�t�of-�Wa� Rai�,way C�ros�ir�ga �arrica��s, �a�hin�}s and F�atc�men Use o� ��cp��si�res, l�rop W�igh�, etc. �d��C �lt�lltl EBS�iR�ri�B �nd�pen�ien� ����racto� �or�tracto�`s i�espons�bi�ity �or Damage �l.�irns �ont�a�tor's �la�rn for �a��ges Adj�s�ment of Reloca�ion �f Publ�� Uti].�ti�s, �tc. �empa�ar�+ Se�r�r �rair� �onnections Ar�angement and �harge� o� Wa��� Furn�shed b�r �i�y Use �f a�e�tion of p�r�ior� o� th� i�o�k �ontr�c�ar's Res��r�sibil�t� f�r Wo�r}c k�� Waiv�r �� L�gal Ri.ghts l��r�ana]. �ia�ilxt� �f Put���i� ��fici.a�� �tate �a��s Tax� �ROS�CL�TIOC� A13� �FtQGRE6� Sub��ttir�g A�sfgnm�r�t �f �ont�a�t Frosecu��,or� of th� 4��rk Limita�ior�s o� Op�ration� �hara�k�r af V�o�l�m�n and Equi�ment V��rk ��he�ul� Ti�e af �o�en�emen� ar�d Co��l��ion E�c��nsior� of �i�e �f �ompletiprr [�elays Ti�� �€ �or�pletian Srssp���ion b�r C��rt 0�'d�r Tez�p�r�ry S��pensior� ��rmina��.on o€ �o�tract du� to t�a�i�na� Br�ergen��r Susp�nsiofl of Al�az�c�or�ment o� th� Wor�C ar�d P►nnt�lm�nt of �ontra�t Ft�l��l�.me�t o€ Cont�r��t '�e�rnis���ion far Con�e�ti��xce o� �he Onw�� Safety Metl��ds ar�d Prac#.x��s C9-S MEA�IJR�ME�3T AC�� FAY�IEt�Ti` C6-�.� Meas�t�em�n� of Quant;ties �B-8.� EJnit Pric�s C6-6 (1� C�-G {11 �f-�G � 11 ��i-fi ( � ) �6-G {2? CG-6 �3� �6-6 �4} �b�� �4 } �G-b €�1 C6-6 ib� ����] { � } C�-� �B1 C��b ��UI C6-£� { � 0 ) Cfi-� (1� 1 Cfr-6 � 1�. } C6-6 {�l) �6�� (111 C�-b (12} �6-6 (1�1 �6-6 ���} C7�7 �7-7 ��-� �7-7 �7-7 C'�-7 4f�� �7-7 �7-7 C7-7 C7-� C7�-7 ill �1} cx� €�1 {�} {3� k � ! (4) i41 �51 i6) �b? �7-7 i71 �7-�7 (7� �7-7 �9} �7-7 �1�} �7-7 I13} ce-� �x� �8-� �1} i�J �8-�.3 C8-8.4 CB-8.5 C��8.6 C8-B.7 C8-8.8 C8�8.9 CB-8.�0 ce-e.1� C8-� .1� C8-8,13 i�tamp Sum Sco�e of �ayr�ent Par�ial Est�imat�s and Ret�i,�ag� FTi�hhoX��r�g g�ym�nt� Fir��x Acc�ptance �`inal ��,yment Adq�acy of �esiqn G�neral ��arant�+ Subsi�iiary F�o�rk [�iace�lan�ous ��,ac�m�nt Reco�Cd D��um�nts o� Mate�ial C8-8 �9-8 C8-8 �B-8 �B-B �� -� C8-�8 �8-8 �8-8 ��-B �B-� {11 {1� ��} i3} �31 (�1 {q,} �Q} �5} (51 (51 (4� PAR� � � �E�ERA� ��NDITIO�� ���� D��I�x��ONS ���TIp� �I-� DEFI�YTI��� �1-�.Y DEFY��TIO�� 0� T��M�: W������r in t��se �o�t��ct �ocum��ts �he €ollo� �g ��rrns or g�onou�s i� pYa�� of ���rn are usedi t�� intent an� m�aning shall b� und�rs�ood a�d interpr��ed as �oll���: ��-1.� �ONTRA�T �O�UME�T�: �he �o��r��t �ocurn�nts ar� ��X o� �he �ritt�n a�d dra�� �p�umen��, such as �peci����tio�s� bo�ds, adde�da, plan�, etc., which go�ern the �erms a�� per�o�mance a� the co�t�a�t. Thes� are co��ai��� �� the ��fl���X Contra�t Documen�s �nd t�� �pe�ial �v�tra�t Docu�ents. a. GENERAL �DN��ACT �O��ME�T�: �he ��n���X �ont�a�t �ocum�n�� gover� a�� �ater Departme�� Projects �nd includ� th� f�liowing ft�rns: �A�T A - ��TI�E TO ��D�ERS (Sa��le} PA�T B - ��OPD�A� {S�m�le1 P�RT C - �ENE�AL �O�DI�ID�� LCITY) (D��elo�er) �AR� � - SPE��A� C��DITYQ�S �AR�' E -- �P����'��ATIO�JS ���rs��s/��s �t�E�a�s PAi��' F - B�IVbS �^�ain���� �7�RT � - ��A]TRAC�' �Sarr�p�e} �h�te � ��i�� Ca���y Ye�low �r�wn �r�en E1-Whi.�e ��-�olden Rod ��A-��1�t� S�ue V�hx�� Wh �. t e b. S��C�AL C��ITRAC�` DO�UMET�T� : The 9peCial Cant�ea�� Dvcurt�nts a�re prepax��� �or eac� s�ecif ic gro�e�t aa a su�p3.eme�t� to t�� ��neral Contr��t 17ocu�n�n�s an� incl�xde the fo�lowir�g ite�ns: FAE�T A- NDTT�� TO EYb��I�� (,�,dv�rt�s�mentl ���� as above PAR'� $ � PROPOSAL (��d) PAFt'�' C R G���I�AT+ C�[�tlITIONS PA�"�' D - �SPECIAL CON�ITIQNS P?�►ftT E - �aP��iF�I�ATIQNB � ��r���cs/��►s�rs�taT� ���� � — �or��s ���� � - �or����►��r P�il�'�.` H � �LFI�±� (�JSU2���y bound separat�e�y) C�.-1 � �. } C�-�.3 NO���� �p B��DE��: AX� of the Z�gax pu�lica��ons �ith�� �ctu�Ily pub�ishe� in �u�lic adv�rtisxng mediums ar ��rn�sh�d direct �o i�terest�d �arti�s p�r�afning to the work �on�em�iated �nder ��� Contr��t Do�ume�ts �an�t�tut�s the noti�� to b�dders, �X-1.4 �R�P�SAL: T�� comp�ete� wri���� a�� signed offer or ��nd�r �� a b�d3er to p�s�o�m t�� wo�� w�ich the Qwner desxres to have done, t�g eth�� wi�h t�� bid se�u�ity, co�sti�utes �he Pro�osa�, which be�o�es bi���ng u�o� th� Bid��r when xt is �ff�cial�� r�c�i�e� b� t�� Ownert �a� ��en publi�l� ope��d ��d ��ad and �o� re�ected by �he O���r. ��-1.5 BIDDER: Any p�rso�, person�, fi�m, gar��e�s���, �o�pa��, as��ciati�n, ���poratinn, act�ng di����ly ar th�o��h a du�� a�t���i�e� repr���n�aki��, �uhmit��ng a p�o�osa� far per��r�in� �he wor� �o�t�mg�at�d un�er the �ontr��t �ocu�en�s, const�t���s a ���der, ��-1.� G����AL �ONDzfiZO�S: �h� Ge�era� �ondit�ons are the �s�al c��stru��zon and contract ����i��m�n�s whi�h �o���n ��e ���fo���ric� �f the ���k so th�� it wi�� b� carr��d on in acc��dance wi�h the cust�mar� pr��edu��, �h� �ocal statut�s, a�d r�quir��ents of th� �i�� of �or� Worthrs c�arter a�d pro��lqated vrdin��ces. W�ere�er the�� may be � c�nf�i�t �e�ween the ����raX �onditio�� �nd ��e�ial �ondi����s, th� x�t�er shall �ak� p�eced���e ��� shal� gvv�rn. �1-1.7 �P���A� ��NDI�TONS: ��ec�a� con�ition� ar� th� sp��x�ic ��quir�ments w��ch ��e n�c�ssary £or ��e �ar�icular proj�c� c�v��ed �� the �ontra�� �a�u��n�s a�d not �pec�fica�ly �overed xn the �e�e�al �onditians. W��n �onsider�d wit� the �a�er�1 Con�i�ians an� o�h�� ��ernen�� af th� �o���act Doc�menks th�� �ro�#de the i��or�ation which �he Co������or and Ow�er sho��� ��v� i� order to �a�� a t�orou�� kno���dg� of the pr���ct. �l-�.8 SAE���IC�TIO��: The 5pecffi��tions i� t�at s�c�io� o� pa�t of the �v��r�c� Do�urn�nts whic� sets fort� �n ���a�� the requ�re��n�s w�ic� must be �e� by ��1 rn�terials, ������uctxon, wor�ma�sh�p, ���fpm��t a�d s��vi�es �n order to rend�� a com��et�d and useful pro��ct. Whe�ev�� r���ren�e is �ade to standar� sp���ficat�onst regulations, ��qui�e��nts, s�atute�, etc., su�� ref��r�d �o docurn�n�s sh�Il beco�� a g�rt o� ��e Co�tr��t D�c���n�s j�st as ��augh t��� w�re ����died ��er��n. �1-1.9 BO��: ��� ��nd ar �ond� are th� writt�� guara��ee �r s���rit� furnish�d �� �he Con�ractor fo� �he pro�p� an� ���1 {2] faithfu� per�ormance of �h� �o��r��t and in���de the follow��g: a. ��rf�r�anc� �. �aym��� Bond c. Maint�nance �. �roposa� �� to Bidders, Bond �s�e �a�agra�� C�-3.71 isee paragra�h �3-3.71 So�d #s�� ga�a�rap� ��-3.7) Bi� ���uri�y ($e� Sp��i�� I�str�ctions Pa�� A ��d ��-�.61 C1�1.14 �D�TR�C�: Th� Con�rac� is the forrna� �igne� agre�m�nt b�twe�n �he Q��er a�d �h� �ontrac�ar coveri�� t�e mu�u�� ���ex��a�din� of th� two �on�r��ting par���s abo�t th� �ro�ect t� �� �o�pLet�� ����� �he �o�tract Do�uments. �1R1.�1 �LA��: �h� pla�s ��� �h� ��awzngs or re�roduct�o�s the�ef��� ��d� �� �he �w�er's represe��a�i�e show�ng in d�tail t�e locat�onf dim�nsio� and p�sitio� o� �he �ario�s e��m���s of �he pr�jec�, including �u�� profiles, �y�i�ai ���ss�sections, 1a�out �xagrams� working d�a�in��� gre�i�i�a�y drawings a�d s��h sup�����ntal ��awings as t�e Own�r ma� iss�� to cZa��f� ot��� ��awin�s or �o� the pur�ose of sh���ng chang�s i� th� wo�� ��reinaft�� mut�orize� by �h� ��ner. The pians �r� usually bound separat�Zy fr�m othe� pa��s of �he �o��r��t Docume��s, but t��y a�� a part o� t�e �ontra�� ����m��t� ��s� as tho�gh �h�� wer� ��u�� ther��n. C1-1.1� ��TY: Th� �r�y o� �o�t W�r��, T�xas, a mu�i�ipal cor�or�*ion, autho�i�ed a�d c�ar��red u�der �he �exas State ��atut�sr act�n� �� and through �ts �o�erning bad� �r its ��ty M���er� each of �hich is �e�u�red by char�e� to �e�forrn spe�i€�c du���s. Resp�nsibilit� �or Ein�l enfarc�rn�nt �f �an�racts �nvolvinq �h� ���y of �o�t �orth is b� C�a�t�� �est�d in ��� �ity �an��e�. The �e�m� ��ty and �w��r are s��onym���. ��-�.X3 ��TY CO�N���: Th� du�y elected ��d qualifi�d gov�rnin� �ody a� �h� ���� of Fart �o��h, Texa�. G��1.14 MA�O�: Th� of£iciall� eY�ct�B Mayor, or �n his �bs�nc�, th� M�yor Pro �ern af th� City of Fort �orth, Texa�. �1-1.1� ��TY MA���ER: Th� o��ic�all� ag������d and aut�orized Clty Ma�age� o€ the ���y of �art �or��, Texa�, o� �is �ul� au�harized r�p�esentat�v�. �1-1.1� CI�Y ATTOR���� The of��ci���� �pp�inted �i�y �ttorn�y of the City �� Fort �orth, ��xa�, �� his dul� �u���ri��d ��p�esentativ�. �1-1 (31 ��-i.17 �I�E�TOR �F �UE�I� WO���: Th� dul� a��oin��� off�cia� o t�e �it� o�o�� �ort�, �e �rr�d ta in the �h�r�er as �he �ity E�gine�r, or h�s dul� au�hori�ed ���res�ntat�ve. C1-�.1� pTR��TO� ��T� WATE� DE�A��ME�T: Th� du�� ap�ointed ��re��or o� �he C�t� Water De�art�en� o� ��� ��ty of F�r� Wnrthf T��as, o� his dul� a�tharized repre�entat��e, �ssistant, o� ag���s. CY-1.�9 E��I�E�R: T�e Dir�cto� o� �ubYi� ����a� the �ir��tor of t�� F�r� ��r�� ��ty �ater ��p�rtment, or �he�� ��1� aut���ized ass�s�an�sR agent�, ��gineer�� i�specto�s{ or s�perint��de�ts, a�tin� w�thi� t�� scope af ��� p��ti���ar duti�s �n�r����d to thern. ��-�.�0 �O�T�ACTOR: Th� ��rs��, per�ons, gar�ner�hipr �om��n�i li�r ��so��ation, or c�rpor�tio�� ente�ing in�� � ��ntr��t �xth the O�n�r �or �he �x�cut�an o� the ��rkx acti�g �i��ctl� �� through � du1� �uthori�e� �epr���ntati��. A s�b-ca���a��or �s a pe�sonr fi�m, �o�pora��on, or oth�rs u�der �ontr�ct with the pr�n��pa� ��n�r��tor, su�����n� 1�bor an� ma�er�a�s or oni� Ya�vr, �or wor� at t�e sit� o� the pro��ct. �1-1.21 SURETI�S: �he �or�or�te bodi�s which are bo�nd by suc bo�ds ar� �equ�red wfth �nd for th� �o�tr�cto�. ��e sur��i�s engaqed ar� �o �e f�ll� resp�n�ihxe fvr �he entir� ��3 satisEa�tory fu��x�lme�t oE th� �ontract �n3 far �ny and a�1 re�u���m�nta as set �or�h in ��� �o��ract Doc�ments an� ap�roved �ha�q�s therein, ��-1.�� T�� �OR� OR PRp���T: T�� comp�e�ed wor� �o��ero�lat�d in an8 co�er�d by th� �o�t��ct pocu��ntsr i�Cx�dlqg but not �i�it�� �v th� Eur����i�g of ��� ��bork ma�eria��, toolsK �qui�m�n�, and i�cidentaYs n��ess�ry to �roduce � �omp��ted �n� s�r�i��abY� p�o���t. ��-1.�3 �OR���� �AY: � wor�z�g aay is �ef�n�d �s � caZ�nd�r �a�, no� �nc����ng Sat��day�, �und��s, and i�ga� holi�a�s, �n wh�ch th� w�at��� �r oth�r cond�tion� not und�r the c�nt�o� af the �ontracto� �e�mit th� per�orma�ce of the princ�pal unit of w�rk f�� a�erivd of flo� ���s ��a� se��n {7) hours betw�en 7:�0 �.rn. an3 6:0� g.m., ��t� �x�eptian� a� perm�t��d i� paragragh C7-7,�+ CX-�.�4 CALENDA� DAYS: A ca���dar da� .is afly da� af th� w�e� or �o��h, no d�ys ����g excegt�d. ��-�.�5 LE��L HQ�xD�Y�: Le�a� �olfdays �haxl b� obs���ed �� gres�r��e� �� th� �itp ��un�i1 of t�� �x�� of F�rt Worth �ar �bs���an�e �� �it� employ��s �s iol�ow�: C��� (4} 1. �. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. �ew ���r's Day M. L. �in�. �r. Hir����� Mema���l Day ���ependence Day Labar Day Thanks�i���q D�� �hanksgxv�n� Frid�y �h�is�mas D�y �anuar� 1 �hir8 M��day in �anuary Last �onda� in ��y Jul� 4 First Mo�day i� �egt�m�er Four�h T�urs�a� in �ov�mber Fourth Frx�a� in No���ber ��c�mber 2� Such ot�er 8�ys in lieu o� ho���a�s as t�e �ity ��unci� ma� d��ermin� ���n o�e �f the abav� nam�d �olid�ys or a sp�ci�l ho�i�ay is ������ed by th� �ity Co��cil, falls o� �a��rday, th� �olida� sh�l1 �e abse�v�d on t�e p�ec����g ���d�y or if i� fal�s on Sunday� i� �h�kX be observ�� o� �h� f���owing �ond� �, by �hose employe�s w�rk�ng o� wo����g d�y opera��on�. �rnploy�e� wo����� �a����ar da� �p�r�tions will �onsxd�r the cal��dar holi�a� �s ��e �olid�y. �l�l.�� A�BfiE����I��S: �h�rever the a��r�v���ion� 8efined her�in app�ar �n �on�ract D�cum�n�s� th� intent a�� m�anin� shal� be �s fo��ows: AA��iT� - ASCE F �fi�W - �1�'�`M - A�1WA - AS �k �3 � 0 A�ph. Ave. ���rd . Ci C� G� Lin. lb. �� �Sax . A��r��a� Asso���tion of ��� S��te �iighway Tranaportat�a� �f�icxal� Am�raican �ocie�� o� �ivil Enc�i.n��rs I� A�Cardance with Ame�i�ar� Socie�y o� T�stf ng �S�t�rials A�+e�ican Wat�r S�o�1cS ��s�cza�.ion Amer�,��n �ta�da�r�s J4ssaciation �iydraul�c Institut� �- A�phalt - �lvenu� � B��lsvar� �- �ast z�eon - �en��r Lir�� �- �a�vani�ed ��on - �,inear o�` L�neai - ��un� - I�anhol� -� Max��k�rn - �i��io� �allons Pe� �ay �FS - Cubi.c Foo� per S�c�nd M�ri. - Mona,� � - R - I .1] . - Ele�r. - F - C - �n. � Ft. _ � � . ,» �Y - i' d . - �Y - L. F. � �.z. � [�inimum �Sono�i�hi� P�Xcerltttrn R.�diu� It��ic�� D��m�t�r o.�. - �utsid� Dia,neter �leva�za� F2►i�r�nh��� ��n�ic�rade �nch Foot �tre�� Cub�� Y�,rd ��, r d Squar� Yard �in�ar �'o�t Ductile �rar� ci.-�. �� � C1-1.�7 CHAN�� ORDER: A*��a�ge Order" ia � wri�t�n su�piem�nt�� agre�m��� �e����� th� �wn�r a�d th� �ontractor co�ering s��� added o� ded�cted �tem or fe����e w�xch �a� 6e �ound n�ces�ar� a�� ���ch ��s �ot spe�i��ca�ly ��c�uded in the s�o�e of th� pr�j�c� o� w�i�h bids were �ubmftt�d. I�crease in u�it quanti�ies �tate8 �� th� propo�a� ar� �at �h� su��ec� ��tt�� o� ���an�e Order ����s� th� ��cre��� �r d�c��as� is mor� than ��� of �he amnunt of t�� particul�rt it�m o� i��ms in �he oriqi�a� p��pa�al. ��� „C�an�� Ord���'� ��a�l be pr�pa��� b� the Ci�� f�om info�rnat�on �s n�c�s�a�y f��nish�� by th� �antr�cto�. �Z-1.�8 �AV�D ���EE�S A�� A�L£Y3: A pav�� stree� or ��l�y sh��Y b� de �n�d as a s��eet o� al��� ha�i�g one of t�� folXo�i�g ����s of wearing surfmces app��ed ���� the n�tural u�im�rvv�d surface: �. A�y t��� of �s�halttc ao��re�e �ith or ��th��t segarat� ��s� �at��ial. �. �ny �yp� o� asp��lt s���ace �re��rn��tf not �n��ud�ng a� oi1e� �ur€�c�, �xth or wftho�t aepar��e b�se rn��e�ia�. 3. ���ckt wi�h or ��t�ou� s�p�rate ��s� mat�r�al. 4. ��n�r�te, with or without ��parat� bas� ��teri�Y. 5. Any c�mbin���on of the above. �1-i.�� U�PAV�� �TREET� OR A�L�Y�: A� unpa��� stre��, a�l��, �oa w�y or ath�� su� a�� is ��y a�e� �xc��t t�ose def��ed a��ve £or "Paved S��e��s a�� A11���.�� �1-1.3� ��TY ��RE�T�: A city s��e�t is defrn�d as �hat ar�� b�t�een �h� right-of-wa� l�n�s �s ��� s�r��t is dedi���ed. C1�1.3� ROA��A�: �he �oadway is d�f�n�d as ��e area b��we�n p�r� �1 l��es t�o (�'1 f��� ba�k �f the cu�� 2�ne� �r fou� I4�1 f��� ba�� o£ t�e �v�rage edge of gavem�nt wh��e �o �urb ex�s�s. ����.3� ��A�EL B�REET: A gr�v�l street is an� un�av�d �tree� to whxch �s ��n a ed one o� rnor� �pglic���ona o� �ravel or si��lar �a���iaX other than the n�tural �ate�ia� �ound o� th� s�reet �ur�ace ��for� a�� i�gro�ern�nt w�s ��d�. �1�1 �6} ����IQN � - �ENE�AL �D��I��ON� C2-� �NTERPR���TIO� A�� �REPARA���� DF P��P�SAL �E��IQN ���� I�TERPRE�AT��� A�� P�E�ARATI�� OF P��P�SAL C���.1 �RO�OSAL �ORM; Th� Owne� w�1X fur��sh �idde�s �ith progosal forrnt �h�c� w�l� contaifl an iternix�� l�s� of the ite �s of �or� �o be �on� or �at��ials �o be �urn�sh�d a�d upon whi�h b�d prices ar� requested. The Propasa� faxm �il� ���te �he Bidde�`� gene��� �nd�rstanding o� th� project ta be �ompl�ted, provi�� a spa�e for �ur�ish�ng kh� arnount a� �f� s�curit�� an� state ��e bas�� f�r �nter�ng in�o a fo�m�l con�rac�. Th� �wn�r �ill furni�M form� �or the �idd�r�s "Experienc� �ecar�,� „�qu�prn�nt S�he��le,� a�d �Fi��n��al Sta��me��t�� all of w�ic� m�st �� pr�pe��y �x�cut�d and fi1�� wit� ��e Dir�cto� of t�e �ity �a��r D�g���rn��t �ne we�� ria� to the houx for o�n�n �f bids. Th� financial ��atem��t ���uired shal� hav� �e�� �repar�d �y an ifl���e�de�� cert��ied p���ic �c�oun�ant ar �n in��p�nd�nt p��l�� acc�unta�� h�lding a v�lfd per��t issue� by an appro�ria�e sta�� �ic�nsing a��n�y, �nd sh��� ha�� be�n �o prep�red �e to ��f�ec� the ��rre�t financ��� sta�us. This � s�a��me�t rnust b� cu�xe�t and not mor� t�an �ne ��1 y�a� o��. In t�� cas� thak a b�d�ing ��te faYXs within the tirn� � n�w s��te�en� is be�n� prepar�d, ��e �re�xvu� s�at����t sh�ll b� ��8ated by prop�r u�ri�i��tion. Liqu�d asse�� in t�e �mou�t of t�n (1��} p����nt �� the �stfma��d p�a���t ca�t wi�� b� re�ui��d. For �n ex���i��c� re��rd to b� co��id�red �o be a�cep�abL� for a giv�� proj��t� i� m��t ref.le�� th� e��erienc� of th� fi�rn ��e�i�g qualifica�io� �n wor� of b�th the ��me natur� and �agn�tud� as tha� o� the p�o�e�t �or which bids �r� to �� r�c�ive�, an� such expe�i�nc� �ust h�ve ��en on proj�cts ca��l�t�d not �ore �h�n fi�e {5} ��ars prior �o th� �a�� on �h��h a�e �� b� ��c��ve�. The ���ector of ��e W�ter d�pa��ment s�all �� so�e �u��e as to t�e ��cep�ab�Y�ty o� e�perx�n�e �or qu�lifi�ation to bid on an� Fort �orth �a�er Depar�m�nt p�oj���. T�e prospec���e bidd�� �ha�x sch��uXe t�� eq�ipm��t �e has a�ailab�e ��r th� pr�j�ct �nd �t�t� ths� �e wi11 rent s�ch a�dit�ona� eguipm�n� �s m�y be z�quired �o �ornp��te �h� project on �hi�h he au��its a�id. ��-�,� ��TERPR�TA�ION �� 4�A�TIT�ES: �he q�an�iti�s of wark and materials to e�uXnishe �a rna� e]is��d in th� pro��s�1 ��-���} forms o� oth�r gart� o£ th� ��ntr�ct Do������s wi�l b� �o�si��r�� �s a,�A��ximate arily ��d w�l� be u��d ��r ��� p�r�o�e of compa�inq�bids on a un�for� bas�s. Payme�t �ill be made to the Cori��actor �or on�y t�e actu�l quan�it�es v� ��rk gerform�d or mat��ials furnfs�e� in �tr�ct a�corda�ce ��th the ��n�ract D��urn�nts an� �Zans. �he ��antities o€ ��rk to �� �erf�rme8 a�d mat�ria�s to �e furnishe� m�� be i��r�ase� or d�creased �s h�rein��t�r pr�vid�d, ��thou� �n ��� wa� �nvalidating t�e uni� prf��s �id or a�y other r�quireme��s of �h� C�ntract Docum��ts, ����.3 EX���NATxO� �� CO�T�ACT D�C�M��T� A�D �I�E �F PRp���T: �idder� ar� advis�d tha� t�e ����ra�� �oc�ments o� fi�� with t�� �wn�r sha�l co��t€tu�e ��1 of the ��f�rmat�o� w�ich the �w�er ��1] f�rnish. A�1 ad��tio�a� i�form���on a�d data whxch ��e �wn�r w�ll �u�pl� aft�r ��om�iqat�o� o� the fo�rna� �ontract docurnent� sh�11 be iss��d in th� for� of writt�n addenda and sh�X� be�om� part of th� Con��act �ocum�nts ��st as t�ou�� suc� �d�end� wer� actu�liy wri��en i�ta the arf�in�l �a�tr��t Do�um��ts. �i�d�rs ar� requir�d, prxor tv t�e filing of proposa�, to r�ad ��d becom� familiar wi�� the Contract �oc�m�nts, to vis�t th� sx�� �f t�e praje�t and �xam��� �arefu�l� all lo�al con�iti�n�, �o x��orm therns�lv�s b� th�ir own in���endent res��rch and inv�sti�a�io�s, �est�, �oring, a�� �� ��ch �ther ��ans as �ay �e ne�essar� to ���� � com�let� �nowledge of th� conditions wh��� ��11 b� �n�ounte��d dur��g �h� co���ru�t��n �� �h� p�oj��t. The� ��st j�dge f�r �hems�l��s ��e dif�fcu���es o� �h� wor� and all at����i�� c�r���s��nc�s ��f�ctin� t�e cost o� do��g th� work or th� �irne �equ�re� �or its �ornp���ion, ��� ob�ain a�l infor���ion �equire� to �a�� an in�ell�ge�t �raposa�. Na iniozma��on given �y th� Dw�er or �n� repr�s�nt��iv� o� the �wne� �th�r t�an �hat �o�ta�ri�d i� t�e �ontra�� Do�ume��� and �ffi�iall� pro�ulg�t�d adden�� thereto, s�a�� �� bind�nq ��on the �w�er. ��dd��s a�all rel� �xclusi��ly and �ale�� �po� thei� o�n est��ates, �nvest�gatio�, res�archr tests� ��ploratiansr and ot�e� d��a whi�h �re ne��ssary #or ful� ��� �omp���e �n�ormat�on �pon whi�h t�� pro�o��� is �o b� bas��. �t is mutu��iy ��r��d that the subrniss�o� of a propo�al i� pr��a-£�c�� evi����e that �h� bid��r has �a�e t�e inves�igat�on�, ex��fnakions a�d tes�� h�r�.x� r�q�ired. �laims �a� additional co�pensa��o� du� t� �ariat��n� b��w�en con��tion� a��ua�l� e�co����re� in �o�struction and �s �ndi�ated i� �h� Co�t��c� Do�urn�nts ��1� nat �� al�ow�d. Th� 1�gs of Soi1 B�rings, �f �n�� ��awing o� �he plans ��� f�r ��nera}, i��orm��ioh o��� an� rna� not be corr�ct. �ei���r �h� C2��I21 Ow�er nor �h� �ngin�er g�a�antee �nat �he d��� shown is r�pres���at�v� o� �a�di�ions whi�� ac��ally exis�. ����.4 ��HMIT�T�� 0� PR�P�S�L: T�� �idder �hal� sub�it h�s F�oposa� o� �h� ��m fur�ished b� the Own�r. ��1 ��a�� �pac�s app�zca��� to t�� p�o��c� c�ntai�ed in the �or� shai� be cor�e�tl� filY�d in �nd �h� 8����r �h�l� state t�e pric�s. wr�t�en i� �nk �� bot� words �nd �urnera�s{ f�r �h��h �� gr�pases to dv t�� wor� �ont��p�ate� o� fu�nish� the mat��ials r�qui���. ��1 su�h p�i�es sh��l b� wri��en le�i�ly. �n cas� o� disc��panc� ��tw��n the price writ��n i� word� �nd t�e p�i�� writt�n �n �um����s, the price most ��van���eo�� t� t�e City s�a�� go�er�. if a�ropa�al �s sub�itted �y a� �nd�v�dual, his o� �e� n�m� must �� �ign�d b� hi� Iher� or �is fh�r) �u�� a�ihoriz�� agent. If a praposal is s��m�t�ed b� a���m, a��oci�tfon� o� �ar�n��ship, the n��e �n� addr�ss of ��ch mem�e� rous� b� �iv�n� and t�e p�oposa� m�st �� s��n�� by a m�m�er �f t�e E�r�, associ�txo�* o� pa��nership, or b� � pe��on �uX� auth.o�ix�d. �� a p�o����� i� sub�ftt�d �y a�om�a�� or corporationR ��e ca�pa�� o� �orp�rat� n��� �nd businesa ad�r�s� �ust �e g���n� a�d th� gr��osal signed b� an officiaX or �uL� ��thvrized ag���. �he �orparat� s�al .must be �ffi�ed. ��w�� o�� ��torne� au�horizing a�ents or others t� sx�n �roQosa� mu�t be p�og�rly ��r�i�i�d and must be in ��itinq ��d su�mit�e� w�t� t�� p�oposa�. C�-�.5 �EJ'�CT�Q� U�` FROP�SA��: Praposals may �e r������d if t��r s�ow ar�� al#.era�ion of wo�ds o� f�gu��s, add.ition� r�o� cai��d tort c��tditi.or�al or un�alled �ar a�ternate bids� xncom��et� bids, �rasures, or i�rr�c�ula�itie� of ar�� kinc�, or ��r�t�in urrba�ance val�e o� any f���ns . �raposal tender�d or deliver�d ��ter �Y�e afficial ti.me d�sic�nated fo� r�c���t �f pro�osal sha11 b� ret�rne� �� t�i� B�dd�� un��en��. ��-2.6 ��D ����RITY: No �ropos�l w�I�. �e cvt�sid��r�d unless i� �s accnmpa��e� y a"Proposai �ecu�ity�� pf th� ch�rac��� ar�d in th� am�ur�� Ys�d�.�atec� i�t �h� "Notfc� to �iclders" and the "Pro�osa� ." i'he Bid Secur� ty i.s r�quired by th� ��rn��r a� e�rid�nc� of qood €ai�h on �h� part o� th� ��dder� at�d b� way �� �, ��xarant� th�►t i� a�ra�rded the �o�trac�, th� Bidde� wi�l withir� �.he r�quir�� t�im� �xecu�e a��rmal �ontract and f�rniah �h� re��ired perfor��nc� and oth�� bonds. The bid secu�i�y a� t�x� thre� i�wes� �idd�rs wf �1 b� r�t�in�d �r�til the �ontr��t is a�aard�d o� othe� disposita.o� �s rn��� �h�reo�. Th� bid s�curi.�� of al�. o�h�� �idd�rs rna� �e r�tu�n�rl prornptly a���r �he canvass af bkds. C�-�i3} C�-�.7 ��LIVERY OF ���P��A�: N� ��oposa� ��1� �� c��s��ered un��ss it is de�i���e�, acco��anied by i�s �roper Bi� S�cu�it�, �o t�� Ci�y ���age� �r �is r��res�nt��xve in ��e o�fici�� �lace o� �usine�s as set forth in ��� "No�i�e to Bi�ders,'� I� ts t�e �i�d�r's �ol� responsrb�lit� to d�liver the p�oposal �t the �raper tim� to ��� �rap�� pX�ce, The ��re �a�� tha� a p�oposal �as d�s�atch�� w�ll not be consideted. Th� Bidd4� ��st ha�e th� pro�osal a��ua�l� �eiiver�d. Each pro�os�l sha11 �e in a se�le� e��elo�e ��ai��y mark�d ��th ��e word "�A����A�x" an� the n��� o� d�s�rip�i�n �f t�� proje�t as ��signat�d xn the '��otice to 8idders.K T�e enve���� ��all be ad��essed to th� �it� M�na�e�, �ity ��11, Fort �orth, T�xa�, C2��.B WITHDRAWi�� P�OPOSAL�: Prapos�ls a��ualZ� f�le� w�t� th� Cit� Manag�r canno� be �i�h8rawn prior �o ��e t��e set �o� o��n�nq proposa�s. A r�quest �or �an-�on��derat��n af a p�oposa� ��s� be rnade in wri�in�, address�d t� ��e C�t� Mana��r, an� �i�ed w�th hi� p�ior ta the ��rne set far �he o��ning af prop�sa�s. �fter �11 pr�p�sa�s nat requ�sted for no�;�o�side�ation a�� o�ene� and �u���c�y re�d a�o�d, t�e �ropasa�� fo� wh�c� n�n-�onsi�er��io� re�u���s have b��� proper�� ��1�� ��;r� �t th� op��on �� �h� ��ner+ b� retu��ed �nope��d� ��-�,� TEL£GRAP��� MpDI�ICATIQ� Q� �RO�O�AL$: A�y �idd�z ma� �od� y h�� p��posaX y�e1�g�aph�c ��rnrnun�ca�ion �� �n� t�m� pri�r t� �he �i�e s�t �or opening proposals, �rovided such tei�graph�� co�muni�atiofl is �e�ei��d b� t�e �it� ��nag�r ��ior �o th� s�z� �r�pos�x ����xn� time, and pr�vi��� furth�r, that th� �ity M�nag�r i� sat�sfied that � wri�t�n and d�l� aut�e��ic�t�� �anfirma�ion o� su�� t���g�a�hi� com�unic�tion o�er th� sig���ure af the bidder was mailed ��ior to th� propos�l ope�in� �im�. If s��� ��n�ir���io� is not ���ezve� wzth�n €�r�y-��qht {48� h.aurs �ft�r th� pr�posa� op��ing tim�� no fur�her cons�deration w�Zl b� �iven t� �h� pr�p�sa�. C2-2.�0 �UBLI� ��E�i�� OF PRD�D�A�: Proposals ��ich ha�� be�n pro�er�� fL�e� an far which n� "Non-c�nsi8�ra��on �equ�st" h�� b�er� rec�it��d wiXl �e �ub��cl� opene� ��d �read a�o�c3 �y ��� ��ty Mar�age� or h�,� �utharixed repr�sen�ative st th� tir�� and ��ace Sndi�at�d in the "i�o�.ice t� Bidd�rs,,� A1.� p�op�sals +ah�cl� hav� t�een oger��d � r�d rea� w�, l� ��rn� �h �n f�t le r�� t� � h� ��vn�r �n�i� the ��ntract h�,� h�e� �ward��. �idders o� t�eir authoriz�t� repr�sen�atirr�� ar� irrv��ec3 ta be ���s�nt for �h� a�aer��ng o� bids. ��-2 . �1 IRFtE��]LArR �R��O�AL�: ��oposals �hal� be �orts�,��r�� as being '�Irregu�a�$° � th�� s�iaw an�r omissions, �lt�rat�ons o� �orm, addi,tions, �� cond�,tions n�t ��11ed �or, �na�tho�ri��d 2��t��nate bids, or �rr�g�l�ri�i�� o� any kin�. �owever, �h� ��-�i4) { � 1 Z-�� `pau�do �au pu� ����� ��s �q Z���� �u�a��� pa�'��s s�u�urea�nb�x ��� ��p�t� �a�3���nbszp s�r `�a���6u� ��1� �o �r�2u�fapr�C ��� ttz 'oyr� x�p�iq � �o ��s�do�� ��fl ��3�. •����o�c� a�� u�o asn �to� ��qe��re,x� s�z�{ �appz� ��� �u��r��nba a�{� Fu�r��t�� ���pat��s �uau��xnba �tl� '� '���P�� ��� �q E����Zc��a� �SZZn�ss���ns u�sq anr�� �{���{r� '+�o����apr�uo� �apt�n a�so ��� o� ��T��t� a�n��u e�o s��aCoard �y� ��te���dsa but�o�� p�r���� a�u����dxa �uaa�n� +� '� '�Uo�[��n��fiu� �e�aadg - ,�1d+� ���� U� pe��T�ads s� �app�q �t�� �o tsor��puo� �����eur� �u� �utr�oys ��au�a���� �et�u��ri,� 'Z : �iuZr���Z�� a�� sZ�sodoa�c� �v �u����o a�� �o �noz� at�� �o a�uenpe �z �aar� �uo '�aur�p a�� t���r� �iiT'[T� �ou �appzq �t�,L '+� 'pap�e�e �x ��o�n �eu���'�PP� �� �o��a��3wo� ��uu��c� ��� x�puz� �o �uana��] Z�-�,� '��t�rs� ��� �o �uau�bp�C ��� ux '���r�r� �a�or� �a�a�dwo�u�j '6 •a�Ew o� ��� ��� �eu� ��ur�p ay� s�e s��ar�nbui ��t�s pue �a�np���s ��a�u�dznb� 'p1��a� a�uat��dx� ��ua�ua��e�s �ei�u�et��� a�� �� A��e��a�r s� ��u���du�o� �o ���� '� •��uuew �������sz�t�s�r� u� ui �����uo� zot�r3 e pau��o��ad 6��n�� ��ppiq �ul�, •a •�����uo� sna����d � �o pa�Zn��ap 6�a�nt�� �� ���,��uo� ��t�stxa �+�� uo sx�a��r� ur fi�za� ��ppzc� �t��, 'P '������ ��� �s�rtr�6� r�oz��e6i�x� t�� pabx�6�a �� �o �s���6e w���� � ���zy feua ��ut�p ��� a�ra�{�n �o ��un�� ��� �sza�e5� uo����z�x� f�u� �� p��s��a�u� E�uza� �ap��t{ ��� '� -p��eT��ua�ua� �ior� zo� ��sodold �ua ux�t�� asouz v�c pa�aa.�a�t�i s� ��p�xq �ue �+ey� f�utnax��� �o� sguno�6 aZqeuas�e� 'q 's���P?��1 fatao�u� s�s�xa rao�sn;�o� �e�� bu�na���q �o� �uos�a� '� :uos��� but�to��o� ��� ��� pa��u��X ��u �nc� ��o ��a� �o� p���pz�t�o� �ot� st�s�d�xd �Ta�� ��e pa���ten�s��+ �q �C�ew s�r�'p��S �S�I���I� �0 L�OI�L�f�Y3I'I�dC1D��� �I��-�� •�anterr �� �o�u�� ��t�t� ������€t6a��� �xe s� a�n�+� f�is��� �t�� x���� Zesodo�r[� �e f�z�ixapua� '��x� �+�� �� �sa�a�u� ����! ��#� �� �����ua� ay� �� P���� ��� a�ew o� pu� s����3�e��tfaa��i ��� p�ae �ue a����+ o� ����� ��� san�asaa �aur�p ,� :� ,., r� m I . I �' I+ I IJI `f I+ I 0 0 i� I II - I _ I I _ r � - _ II � � :_ I� � � PA�T � - ����R�L �QNDITI��� �3-� A�I�RA AND E�E�Ui�O� �F DO�EJ!"iENTi � S�CT��N C3�3 A�ARD AND E�EC�]'�7�DN OF DO�iiM��]'�'S: C�-3.1 �Q�S�DE� �TIOi� 0�' PRO�DSALS: A���r pro�osaXs hav� be�n op�n� a� rea �lou � the propv�als wi11 b� tabu�at�d or� the basis o� th� q+�oted px'��es� the qe�ar��iti�� sh�vtn ir� the �ro��sal, and the app�i�atfor� of �uc� fo�rmulas or otk�er ��thoc�s of brirtging items to ��ommon �asi� as ro�y �e establistted in tha �on��ra�t �oct�m�r�ts. �`ne tt�tal ob#.�in�c� 1�y t�k�nc� t�e s�m o€ �he �roduc�s of u3ti� price� c�tx�ted �nd �he esti�a�ed qu�ntf���s ��us ar�� lum� su� it��ns ar�rl �x�ch ott�er qu�t�d �rn�un�� as m�y ���.�r into th� ��st o� �h� ca��a�et�d �raj��t �ti�� �� con�idea��d as th� arnount o€ th� bid. Untzl the awar� �f the �ar��r�ct is m�►de by the O�ane�, �he right wi,ll b� res�rve�i to rej�c�. an� or al� p�o�osa].s ar�d wa�v'e technical��ies, to x��advertis� for n��► p��posals, or t�o p�oceed wit� th� wo�lc in an� �n�,nr��� as m2�yb� cor�sic��r�d for th� b�.st �r�te��st of t�� �wne�r. ��-3.2 M�N��Ii� BUSxNESS Et�'1'�R�FtI�E�W��i��]�OWi�Ej3 BU���E�� EI�'�E�PRI�E �OMPI��A�]C�: Con�ractor agre�s �o provYde t�o Dwr�er� u�or� r�quest, com�let� and accur�t� �n€or��tior� regard�ng actua�. work perfar��d by ��lx�orfi�� Busit��ss Errte�rpris� {MBE} �nd �r a a 1+�loman--owned S�siness �nterpxise {W8E1 on the contract az�� tine paym�n� th�r���r, Contra�tor f�arther ��rees, ugon rey��st by 4�rn�r{ to al�ow a�d au�]it an��ox an e�camxnation of an�r b�o]c�, r�co�ds, or �i.1ea i.n tY�e �oss��sion of Cor��ra�tor tha� will subst�r�t�at�� the �ctua� wo�k �er�vrro�d by tl�� MBE �� 4�8�. Any materi,aX mi.srep�e�er�ts�ion o� an�+ �ature wi],1 h� grou�ds fo� terrn�natian of k�e c�r�t�r�ct �r�d fo� i�i�iatir�g any ��ti.on under �p�r��riate fed�ral, state or �o�al 1aw� ar�d o�dir�ances relating t� false stat�ementst ft�rtt�er� any �uch mrsrep��sen���ian may b� c�rounds fo� disquaYi���a�ior� o� �o�xtr�c�o�r at D�+rr�e�°s �isc���io� �or bid�ir�c� on �utur� �on�ra�ts wi�l� th� �wne� for a perioc� o� t�im� o� not l�ss tk�an six {5 ) mon�l�s. C�-3.3 � UAL EM�I,OI�MEt3T P�t�VI�T�i�B: The ��r�t�aCt�r sha�l ���n�l� wi�th Curr�nt ��t�r �r�inanc� prohi�it�nc� �is�ri��na�ion in employment prac�i��s. ��-3 �11 �he �o���actor s��Il pos� the re�ui��� �oti�� �o that �f��c� on �h� graj�ct si��, �nd� at h�s r�ques�t �i�� b� pxovid�d a�sis�an�� �y ihe �ity �f go�� �ort�'s Equa� Emp���me�t ���icer who �ill r�fer �ny q�a�if�ed �ppl��a�t h� ma� have �n fi�� i� his off�ce ta th� �ontra��or. Apgropriat� no�i��s �ay be �c��i��d fro� the �q�a� �mpX�y�ent Offi��r. C3�3.� WI��DRA��L OF �RQ�O�AL�: ��ter a�r�posa� has been te� by t e Owne� it cannot b� with�rawn by the Bi��er w��hi� ��r�y�f�ve (�51 d�ys a�ter t�� date o� w��ch ��e proposals w�re ope�ed. �3-3.5 A��RD �F GO�T�A�T: �h� Own�� rese��es �he right to wi���o�dfinal �ctron on the �rapasa2s f or a r�asonable �i��, not ta exc�ed �ort�-five (451 da�� aft�r th� �ate �� o��ni�g pro�osa�s, and i� �o ev�nt will an ��ar� b� rn�d� un�il afte� �nv�stigat�ons �av� b�en ma�� as ta th� ��s�onsibii�t� o� the pr�pos�d awa��ee. The ��ard o� the cant�act, �� an award is ro�d�, wi�� �� �� �h� lowest a�d be�t r�� onsz��e bidder. Th� a�a�� of t�e ��n�ract sha�� not ��come �ff��tive ��ti� the Own�r has notified th� �on��actor fn �r�ti�q o� su�h a�ard. C3�3.6 RETUR� QF PRQ�05AL S�CU�zT�E�: A� �oa� as �ro�as�d �r�ce tqtals hav� $�en d�te�m���d f�� com�a�iso� of bids, the Ow�e� �ay. a� its dis�r�tiont re��r� ��e p�o�osaX s���rity which a��o�pan�ed th� p�op����s �hzch, in i�s jud� men�, w4�ld not b� �o�sid���d �o� t�� aw�rd. A�1 other pro�osa� s�currtx�s, �s���l� thos� of th� th�e� �owes� b��ders� wi11 �e retaine� b� the ��ner un�il th� r�quir�d con��act has ��e� e��cut�d a�d bond furnish�d o� the O��e� has othe�wis� dx��os�d of the bid�, af��� w�ic� t�e� w�11 b� r��urned �y th� �ity ���retary. ���3.7 BO��S: W��� th� �x�cUt�on an� de��ver� o� th� Cant�act Dacume��s, ��e �ontra�tor s�all furnish �o, and fil� ��th �h� �wner �n t�� ��o�nts her�i� requir�d, th� fo��awinq bonds: a. F�R�ORMA��� BO�D: A�ood ��d suf€icie�� perf�r�a�ce b�nd in an ��au�t not ��ss than 1�� per��n� of th� �rn�un� of t�e contr��tf as �videnc�� �� the pr�pos�� tahulat�on ox �therwis�r g�arante��ng t�� ���� ��d fai��fuX e����txon of t�� work and perfo�man�� of �h� �antra��+ and £�� th� prot�ction of the Own�� and a�l vther �ersona a��ins� �amag� b� re�so� �� neglig�nc� of �h� �o�tra�tor, or impro��� e�e�utian af ��e �o�k o� �h� us� of in��ri�� mat�rial�. Th�s �e��ormanc� ���3 �21 �ond sha�l gu�r�ntee t�� p�y�ent �o� a�l labor, �aterxa�s� equ��m�nt, su�glies, �n� s�rvices �s�� in t�e constructi�n �� th� wo�k, �nd �hal� r�ma�� in full force and �f��et un�ix �xovisf ons as �bove st�gu�a��� �r� a�com�lish�� and fi�al �ayment is r��d� on tF�� p��ject Y�y the �f ty. b. MA�i�TEI��I�V�E �OND: ]� g�od a�td suff�cien� rna�.nt�r�ance ��nd� i.n th� amount of r�o� le�� tt�art �QE} p�rc�nt nf �h� �rnour�t +�f the �on�r��ir as ev�dencec� ��r ��� �raposal t�b�t�at��o� ox otherwisex guaran�eeing t�h� p�ompt, f�t]��, �,nd fa�thful p�rf�r�,�r�c� of �Y,� gene�al guaranty w�ti��t fs �et �ortk� i.e� paragrap� ��-�.].0. c. P�YMEi�T $Qt�D: A gaod and suffi�fent pa�rn�nt �or�d, n an amount no� ��ss t�ian l�� p�rc�nt o� th� amount o� tY�� �or��ra�t, as evid�n�ed by �h� prapos�l ta�ulat�on o� ot�er�is�� gua�ante�ing t1�e promp�, fu�..� and �aith�ul gayrnen� pf a�l ��a�mants as defirt�� i� Article 5���, �evis�c� �iv�i� �ta���es of T�xas, 1�25, as amer,�e� b�' Ho�se Bi11 3�l+! 7��ts 56t�, L�gislattx��� R�s�u�ar S�essior�, 1J59, effe�ti+�� A���1 �7, 1959, andfor the ��,��st versioa� th�reof, su�p�yiric� ��S�or 2�n� rnate��als in the p�ose�ut�on of th� �or� providec� €�� in th� contr��t 3���r�g constru�t�d r�r�c3e� �hese s��ci f ic��ior�s . Pa���nt Bond sC�al] rernain in force until aI� paym�nts a� a�ov� �tipula��d are rnad�. �. OTH�R BOND�: �uch othe� bon�s r�s may be rea�uired by thes� �vr����ct �ocu�e��s s�al� �� f�rr��sh�d �y th� C�n�r���.o� . �i� sur�ti�s will be ac��pt�d by th� Owrne� wi�i.c�t ar� a� tt�e tirn� in d�f�u1� �r de��n���nt or� any bonds or t�h�ch a�� �n��r�st�t3 in �n� l�t�ig�t��.an against the owr���. A�i bonds sha11 be m�,d� on th� forms furn��he� b}� t�te Owner �nd �halY �� e�c�ecut�d �y an apgroved surety c�mp�rr�► d,o��g bus�.ness in the Cit� of �'o�t� Wo��k�� Te�ast and w�ich ie ac����able to th� o�rne� . �rr order to b� ac�e����le, the nam� of �h� su�re�� shall k�e in��uded on the ��rr��t U.�. Tr�as��y� list o� acceprai�l� s����ies, and the �mour�t o� bond �rx�it�en hy �n�► �r�e acc�gtabl� c��panp shall na� �xc��d t�e z�moun#. a}�own �� t�� Treas�ry list fo� ��at �ompany. Each �os�d �ha�i �e properly ��cec�st��d by botl� �#�� �ontra�to� ar�� 5uret�r ��m�az��. �hauld a�� sur�#��► �n th� ��nt�ac� b� c�etermir��d e�nsa�i��ac�oi�Y at a�� time ��► �h� Ow��r, noti�e wil� b� ��v�n the �ontrac�pr t� �ha� ��f�ct a�td ��xe �or�tra�to� si�all irnmed�a��l�r �r�vid� a C��3 (3) n�w sur��y s��isfa��or� ta ��e �ner. N� pa�m�n� wili 6� m�d� und�� th� con�ract unti� the n�w s�r�t� or ���eti�s, �s requ���d, �ave quali���d ��d h�v� been ��cepte� by t�� Own�r. The �on�ract shal� nat �� oper�ti�� nor wil� an� pa�me�ts be ��� �r pai� �nt�i app��va� o� the �onds �y the Own��. ��µ3.8 �X�CU��O� �F �Q���A��: W��hin ten I��) d��s a���r th� �w�e� has y����a�r�ate r�sal���on, �� otherwise, aw�r�e� th� �on�ract, the Cvntra��o� s�all exe�ute �nd file wi�h t�� bw��r ��� �ont�act an� such bonds as may b� r�quired �n t�� �o�tra�t �ocum��ts. �a cant�a�t shall be bi�di�g up�� ��� �w��r ��txl i� �as ���n a�te�t�d �� the ���� ��cr��ar�, aPprov�d as to form a�d ��gali�y �y t�� Cit� Attorn�y� a�d �xecuted for the pwn�r b� eithe� the �ayor or C�t� Manaqes. �3-�.� �A���RE TO ��ECV�E �ONTR���: �he fa�lure o� the �)+aarde� to ex�cut� the ��qu€red bond or b�r�ds or to ��.gn t�� requir�� con�ract �it�hirt ten {�0) d�ys a���z �he contract is �w�,�de� sh2��� �e consic���red k��r the Owner as �n ai�andon�t�nt of h�s �rap�sal� �,r�c� t�xe �wr�er �y annul the Award. E�� re�so�r o� �he �sr,c���ain��r of ��� mari��t p�r�.ces �f ma��r��� and la�or, a�c� it� i��ing imprac�i��,b�� and �if�icu�.� to acct��at�1y d�termir�� ti�e amo�nt� of dar�ages oc�u�ing t�o �he Owri�r b}� reason �f s�i� aw�r�e�'s €a.ilure to ��cecut� said bonds and con�ract �r�tY�in ten ��0} t3a�s, the p�op��al securxt�r a��o�n�arr���g the pr�posal ��all b� t�� ar�re�d ama�n� of d��ages w}�ic� Ow�rer �r�ll suf��r ��r �reason of such �ail�r� o� �h� p�r� of th� A�tardee and shall �hereupor� i�nrn�dxatel�r b� fo�fe���t� to ��e Owr���. Th� �i�ing of � proposal wi�� be co�stdere� as ar� a�ce�tanc� �f �h.is prvvision �y ti�e Hi�c�er. �3-3.1� BE�INN��� W���C: The Cnr�t�acto� s�a�.l no� co�m�r�ce work �nti1 authorized in writ�ng �� do �o by �he Dw���. �hor�ld th� Car�tra�t��r fai�. �� cam��n�� work at t�� �ite �� t�te ��roj�ct within t�e ti�e stipula��d ir� th� writt�n �,uthor�xation usr��7.1� terrned t�� "Wark Qrdex�" or "�ro���c3 Ord�r"�t i.t is �gr��c� th�t the Sur��y Compan}� wi�l, ��thin t�� i 10 ) c3ays a�ter the comm�r�c�r��z�t d�te set £orth i� such v�x��tte� auth��r�i�atiorrr ��rttmen�e th� ghysica� e�tectxti�r� �� t�� c�ntrac�. C3-3.11 ZN�UR�4NC�: �'he Cor�t�actor sh��,i no� comm�nc� wox�C ur�der this �ont�rac� ur�ti�l he t�as ob�ain�� al� tk�� in��ran�� rec�uired �tnc��r. ti�� �o�tra�t� Do�ument�, and such ir�s�aran�� }��s beerr approv�c� by �h� O:rner. �i�� prim� �. �n�racto� si�a�.l h� zespor�sible ��r de�,iv�rinc� tc� th� Owner the �ub-c�r�t�r�ctors" C3-3 {�1 c����fi�ate of insur�nce €or �ppr�v�X. Th� prirne �oritrac�or sh��� indicate on the certifi�a�e af inaura�c� incl���d in th� �vcum�n�s for EX@C��IOn w��t�er o� ao� his inauranc� covers ��b�con�ractars. i� �� ��e �n��nt��n o� th� ��ne� �h�� �h� ins�ran�e �a��rage �equi��d ���e�� sha�� �n��ude ��� �o��rage o� a�l sub-contra�to�s. �. �OMPENSATI�N I�SURAN�E: Th� C�nt�acto� ����1 rnaintain, duri�g t�� �ife a� thts ����ra�tr Work�rs' Carnp��s�tion ��su�an�� �� all of his �rnployees to be engaqed �n wo�� o� �he �roje�t �n�e� t��� �ontr�c�, an� for ��X su���ontractors. I� �as� �n� class af ���l���es engag�d �� h�za�� ous w�rk on t�e pro�e�� under this cont�act �s �o� �rote�ted u��er th� Wor���s' ���p�n�a�fa� ���t�t�f t�e �antractor s�all p�ovi�e adequa�� �mp����r�� ��n�ral l;abi��t� i�s�����e fo� the p���e��i�n af such of his e�g�o���s n�� �o pr�tecte�. b. ��M�RE�E����� �����AL ��ABILITY I��URANC�: T�e �o�t���t�r shal� pr�cur� and �ha m��nt��n �uri�g the ��fe of t�is c��t�act �ontr��t��ts C�mprehensiv� �en�ra� L�ab�Y��� ��s��an�� iP�b�ic �iabi�it� a�� P�og��t� Dam�ge I�surance} in an amount not l�ss �h�n �500rOb� �overing �acM occurre�ce on ���o�n� af bodily inj�ry� inc��ding d�at�, a�d xn �n amount not les� than �50D.00� cov����g ea�� occ�rr�nce on acco�nt of �ro��rty damag� with $�,000,0�0 u�b��l�a �olrcy coverage. c, �DDZTZO��L LIAB�L��Y: ��e �on�r���or s�all furnish i�sura�c� �s ����r��e p����ies or by addi�ional ���o���ment to one o€ t�e ��OV�-����1Q��� �O�1C1�9F an8 i� t�e arnount as s�t For�h fo� gub�i� �ia�ility a�d groperty da�ag�� the f�1low�ng i�sur����; X. �onti�g�n� Liabi�it� (covers G�n��al �o�tract�r's L�ab�1��� for a�t� af sub�c��t�ac�o�s�. �. Blasting, ���o� t� �ny b�astr�g being d�n�. 3. �allapse of ��iYdings o� a��uctures ad�aceflt to e�����tion ��f ��c�va��o�s �re �o be gerformed a��a�ent to ����). 4. ���age �o undergr��nd u��l��ie� fo� ���A,00�. C3-3 f5� 5. Builder�s ris� {where �bov�- roun� ��r�ct��es ar� ��vo�vedl. 6. �on�xactual Lia�f�kty {�avers a�l indem�ifi�a���n requir�ments of ��n��act}. �. AUTO�Q$i�E I���RA��E - BQ�T�Y ���U�� AND PR �AMA��: The �on�ractor �h��� ��acure �nd �aintain, du�x�g t�� life of �hxs Con�ra��, �ompr���nsiv� Autarnobil� Lfa�ili�y i�surance in an amou�� �ot less than $�5���Ob fo� �n��ri�� i�clu�ing �cc�dent�l �eath to a�� one p�rson a�d $��jeck to the sam� 1��it for each perso� an a�oun� ��t 1�ss t�an $5�Q��Q� on acco��t o� ane �ccxd�nt� a�d a��omobi�e prop�r�� �arnage f�su�ance in an ��ount n�t l�ss than �1�0t0��. e. ���PE pF ���URAN�E A�� SP�CIRL �A�AR�: The �risur��ce reg�ire� und�r th� abov� �aragra�hs s�a1� pro�id� adeq��t� p�o��ction fo� th� �on�r���o� and hzs s�b-�ontractors, res��c�iv�Iy� �ga��st d�ma�� �lazms which m�� arise ��om o�e�a�ions u�der t��s c�ntra��, w��th�r such ope�ations be �� th� �n�u��d or b� an�an� di�e�tly o� i�dir���ly emplo�ed b� him, an� ��so agai�st an� o� the fo�Ia�ing s��c�al ha�ards wh�ch ma� �� e�c�unter�d �n the perfo�ma�ce af th� Cvntract. f. PRO�F OF ����I��� OF I��U�A��E: T�� ���tr�Cto� sha�l �u�nxs� the Ow�er w�� s����factor� ��oo� �f �o�era�e by in�uran�� ��quir�d �n t��s� �o�tract Doc���nts in ama�nts ��� �� ��rri�rs sa�isfac�ory ta t�e Ow�er. ��am��e attache�,� A�X insu�an�� �equiseme��� �ad� �pon th� Con�rac�ar �halS �PpI� to khe sub�����ractor, shou�d th� Pri�e �on�r�cto�`s ins�ra�ce not �over �he su���on�r�c��r's wa�k �perations. g. LD�A� ��E�� FOR iN���AN�� A�D_50����G: �he insura�ce �nd bon�in�g�carn�a���s wi�h w�orn the ��ntractor's in�u�a�c� and �����rman��� pa�men�t �aint�nance and all su�h o�her h�nds are w��t�en s�a�� b� repre��nt�� b� �� ag��t or ag��ts ���ing �n ���ic� �ocate� �it��n the ��ty lirnits o� �he C3�3 ��1 �it� �� Fort Worth, Tarran� �ount�, ���as_ �ac� su�h �gen� sh�ll be a�uly quali�i�d, �ne up�n whom service �f proces� ma� b� had, and �ust �a�e �u�hority �n� powex �o act a� b��alf �f �h� xn��ranc� snd�or bondi�� �a��an� �� ��qotiat� and sett�� �x�h th.e ��t� of Fo�� Worthr or a�y other ��a��ant, any clai�s that t�e �ity a� F�rt Wo��h �r other �lai�ant o� an� prop�rty ow�er who ��� been darn�ge�, rna� have ag��nst ��e �ontr�cto�f insuranc�x �nd�or bonding c�m��ny. �f the �oc�i insu�an�� r��r�s�nt�ti�e is �v� so ��po����d b� t�e insu��n�e or bonding com�anies� then such a��hvrity m�st b� veste� in a locaX agen� �r c�a��s �ffic�r resid�n� in the Metr��lex, ��e Fort ��r��-����as ar�a. �he �a�e of th� ��en� o� age��s s�all �e set forth on a11 0� �u�h bo�ds and �ertif�ca��s o� �nsuran��. �3-3.�� �������T�R'� �HL��ATZO��: �nd�r t��� ��ntrac�, the �on�rac�o� shall p�� £or a�1 mater�a�s, �abar and s��vi�e� when du�. ����.13 �E���Y PAYR�L�: A c�r�i�i�� �apy o� ��c� pa����� �overx�g paym�nt o� �age� to al� p�rso� ��qa��d in wor� o� th� �����et at t�� �i�e o� �he groj��� shall �e €ur�ished �o th� Own�r's ��presenta�ive within se��� t�} days afte� t�e close of �ach �a��o�1 perxod. A�opy o� �o�i�s of the a��l�cabl� m�nitnum wag� ra��s ae s�t ��rth zn t�e ��n�r��t D�c��en�s s�a�l b� �ept po�ted ifl a conspicuo�s p�ac� a�. th� �i�e of the �ro���� �� all times dur�ng th� �o��se �f �h� �o�trac�. �opies �f th� �a�e rates �r1L be fu��zsh�� the ����r�ct��� �y �h� Own�r; how�ver, pos���g ��d �ro���ti�n of th� wag� �ates s��ll �� th� z�spo�s�bi�ity of the �ontract�r. ����,1� ��4v�������+� ���1���� ADM�Ni��RATI��: ���� ����r�����+ whe�h�� a p�z�on, p���o�s, gar�n��sh��, com�any, ��r�, associa�i�n, corp�ra��on �� o���r who is a��ro�ed �o do �us����s with �nd ��t�rs i�t� a�ont�act with �he �ity for �onst�u��ion of wa��r and�or aanitar� sewe� Ea�i�i�ies, wxl� ��v� ar shal� esta�l�sh a f�lly op�rational busin�ss o��ic� wit�in the Fo�t Wo�th�Dall�s ��t�opo�x�an �r�a. T�� �on�rac�o� shall �ha�g�, del�g�te, or assig� thx� offic� (�� �� �ay de�egate h�s Proje�� �uperintend�n�) �i�h fu�l ���h�ri�� to transa�t al� busin�ss �c�io�� r�quir�d �n �he �er�oxrnan�e o� the Co�trac�. Thi� ��cal �u�hority s�a11 be ma�� res�onsib�e to act for th� �o�trac�or in al� ma���rs ����81��h� �o t�� �ork go�ern�� �y �h� �o��r�ct whet�er x� �� ��minx�t�a�iv� ar o��erwis� a�d aa su�� shal� be �mp�wered, �h�s �elegated and dir���ed, to �ettl� �11 ma�er�al, labor �r oth�r @�����1�U��3r ��1 clai�s ��a�n�t t�e wark ox an� othes ��^� �'� � ma�ter asso��a�ed su�h as ���nt��nin� ade�uate �n� ap�r�p�iate �ns���nc� or s�cu�xt� co��rage for t�e pr�j�c�. 5uch Ioc�� �u�harity fpr �drni�is��ati�ri �f �he �o�k �nd�r �h� �on�ract sha�� be ��intain�� ��ti� �1L bu�in�ss �ransac��ons ex���te� as p�rt of ��� �onkxa�t a�e �omp��te. �ho�Id t�e �ont��c�or�s ���n�i�a� b�s� of oper��i��s b� ot�er than i� th� Fort Wo�th�Dall�� met���olit�n ar�a, no�xfi�a�fon of �h� Cont�act�r's assfgnme�t �� lo��� authori�� s�a�� b� mad� in �riti�g to �he Engi�e�� in ad vanc� of a�y work on ��e prv��et, �11 �p�ro�r�atei� si�ne� and s�aled, a� appli���2�, �y �ri� �on��ac�or'� r�spon�xble o�fi��rs w��h t�e u�ders��nd�ng th�� t��s writte� �ssiqnrn�nt of author�ty �o a ��c�� r�pz�senia�iv� shalX b�co�e part af the �ro��ct �o��ract as thouq� bou�d �ire�tlp i�ta the proj��� ��cu���ts. T�� int��t �� th�s� ��qu�remen�� is that �1� rna�t�rs �sso�iated with th� ��ntracto�"s �dministta�xon, whet�er �t be o�ie�ted �h �urthe�i�g the �ork, or ot�e�, be g o��rne� d�z�c� b� �ocal au�har�ty. This sarne requir����t is i���sed on insura�ce and su�et� cov�rage. 5h�uld th� Cont�a�tor's �o�al r�p��sent�ti�� �a�L to ��rf�rrn �o the sat�s�acti�n o� ��gine��, th� En�ineer, at �is so�e dis����io�, m�� d��and �ha� s��h �oc�l �ep���e�tative �e ��pl�ced and t�� �ngineer may, at �is so�e dxscret�on, sto� �11 work ��ti� a ne� loc�Y au�harity �a�xsfac�ory �o th� ��gi��er �s ass�gne�. �o c�edit of wor��n� ti�� wi�I �� f�� per�o�s i� whi�h ��r� stop��gea a�e in �f��c� fa� thi� reaso�. �3-3.�5 �EN�E: Venue of any �ction heseinunder s�a�� b� �xc�usi��Ly in Ta�rant �oun��, T�x�s. C�-3 � 8 � FA�� C — �EN�RA� �O��ITxO�� C9-4 S��P� 0� ��RK 5������ ��-4 SCO�� OF WO�� �4-4.� X�TE�� �F �O�T�A�T DO���E�TS: �t is �he de�inite f�ten�ion of �h�s� �o�trac� D�cum��ts t� provfd� for � �o��Ze��+ us�ful pro�ect wh��h the ��ntractor u�dertak�� to �o�str��� �r furni�h� ��1 i� �uli c�mp�xan�e w��h th� r��.uirements an� int��t of th� �ont�act D�curn�n�s. xi is d���niteiy un3�xst�ad ���t th� �a��rac�or shali d� a�l �ork a� g���id�d f�� in t�e Contrac� Do�u���es, shall do a�� extra ar specia� wo�� as �a� b� consi��red �� t�� Owner as nec�ssa�� t� ��rnpl��e �he p�oje�t i� � satisf��to�y a�� acc�p�abl� rnanner. The �ont�a�tor sha��, u�Xes� otherwise �p��i�ic���y st�t �d in thes� �on�ract �ocum�n�s, €urn�s� a�l l�b�r, too�s, mat.�rialsr ma�hi�ery, ��uipment, sp�c��l se��ices, an� f����ental� n�c�ssar� �o the ��o�ecutx�n �nd compZ���o� of the �roj���. �4-4.2 SP�C�#L PR�VISI��S: �ho�l� any wo�� �r �on�itio�s whic� ar� not thor�ug��y and satisfa�tor�l� st�pu��te� �z c�v�r�d b� ��ner�l o� �p�c�a� �a��xtions of the�� �o�t�act U�cuments be anti�ipa���, oz shouZd th�r� �e an� �ddit�on�� propo��d ��rk whic� i� flat �overed by th�s� Contract Do�u�ents� t�en "�pecial �rovisions" ��v�r��g al� su�� w�rk will b� �repar�d �� th� �wner p���ious to the t�m� of r��ei�i�g bids or �rap�sals f�� such work and fu�n�s��d to the ��dder in the f��m of Adde�d�, A�1 s�ch "���cial F�ovi��onst' sh�il b� �on��dere� to �� � pa�� of th� ��ntra�� �ocu�ents ��st a� thou�h t�ey wer� origin�l�y writ��n t��rein. �4�9.3 I����ASED 0� DE�R�A�ED UANTITI��: The Own�r ��s�r��s �h� r�g�t to al��r th� quant �i�s o th� wo�� �o �� perform�d or t� ext�nd o� ���rten t�e i�prov�ments at a�� ti�� when a�d as �ound �o be �ec�ssa��x a�d t�e �o�tractar s�all perfarm �h� wor� as a�ter�dt in�r�as�d �r �e�reas�d �t the �nit pri��s. ���h i���ease� or decreas�d quan�k�y s�a�� not b� mo�e than 2� �erce�� of th� con�emp�ated g��nt�ty o� s�ch ite� o� �t�m�. Whe� �uc� c��nges xnc��ase v� decrea�� th� o�igina� �u��tity of a�y itern or �t�ms of wo�� to be ��ne �� materials to be �ur��shed b� t�� �5 pez��nt o� mo�e, the� �ither par�� to �he cvntract s�al� up�n wr��ten ��q�est to the ���er �art� be �ntit�ed to a r��is�d �an�idera�ion u�on thak �ortion �f th� work abo�e v� ���ow th� �5 percent o� th� original qu��e�t� �tat�� in t�e praposai; such ��vise� �o��idera�ian �o b� de�erm�n�� b� s�ecx�� a�re��ent or �s h��eina�t�� �ro��ded �or "E��ra Work." �a a��owa��e will �e mad� fo� �n� cha�ges i.: antic��a�e� �ra�f�� nor sha�l �uc� chan�e� be consz��r�d as C4-4 (11 wai�ing or �nv�lid���qg an� ���dit��ns or provis�ons of. the Contract Do���e�ts. Vari�tio�s �n quantities of sanit��� s�wer pi��s �n �ep�h categor�e�t s�a�� be iater�r�ted h�r��n as �p�l�xng t� the overall qu��t�txes or �anitar� sewer pipe xn each pip� �i��, b�t not to t�e ���io�s ��p�h �ateqo�i�a. �4�4.� �L��RATIDN 4� �ONTRAC� DO�U���T�: �y Ch��g� O��e�, th� Dwn�� �es�r��� the r�ht �o mak� s�ch c�anq�s �n th� �on�r��� Dvc�me�ts and in th� �hara�t�r or quan�i�ies �� t�e wo�� �s may �� ��ce�sary �r desira�le to �nsur� c�mp�etio� i� th� �ost �atisfa�to�� man��r, ��vv�ded s�ch c��nq�� d� not mat�ria��� a�t�r t�� ori�ina� �ontract Doc�m�n�s or ��ange ��e �ener�l �at��� o� �he �rvject �s � whol�. �uch chang�s s�a1� not �e consider�� as w�iv�ng �r invalidating a�y co�d�tio� o� provision o� t�e Con��ac� D�curnents. ��-4_5 E�TRA ��R�: Add�tio�a� wor� mad� necess�r� by cria�ges and al�eratx�ns of t�� �o�tr��t �ocu��nts o� �� quantiti�s �r �o� oth�� r�asons far which n� g�ic�s ar� �rov���� i� the �ontra�t D�cum��ts, ��all be d�f��e� as "Extr� Wor�"' and sha�l �� perfor��� �y t�e �on��actor i� accord�n�e w�t� t�ese �o�tract Uo�u��n�� or a���aved addi�io�s ther�ta; �rovid��, h�w�v��, th�t �e�ore an� ����a work is b��u� a"��a�g� Drd�r,� sha11 be exe�uted �� w�itten ord�r issue� by th� Owner to �o th� w�r� �or paymen�s �� credits �� �ha11 be �e��rrn�ned �y one o� mar� combination vf th� �ollowi�g �et�a�s: a. � Unit btd pri�e �revious�y �pp�vve�. A� �gr��d lu�p sum. �. Th� actual ��aso�a��e �o�t o� (1} �a��r, {�� re���� o� ��ui���nt �s�d o� the ex�r� wor� for th� tim� so �se� a� Associated G���ral �ontra��o�s af �merxca curre�t e�uipm�n� r��tal €ates; {31 �ateri�ls ��tering p�r�a���tl� in�o ��� proje��� a�d {41 ��t�al cost of i�suranc�, bo�ds� a�d so�;�� se�ur�t� a� d�termin�� by th� �wn��x �l�s ���xed fe� �� b� �g�eed upon bu� �ot �o e��eed 1Q� vf the actu�� �ost� of such �x�ra wori�. '�t�e �ix�d f�� is not t� in�l�de �n�► a�di�ior�al prafi� to tt�� �o�r t�actor f o� rent��l o� ���sipr��nt� owr�ed }�y �ir� an3 use� far t�e ex�ra work. T�� fee sh�ll b� f��,� and comp�et� cam��n�ati�n �o cover th� cos� t�� superin�er�den�e, overhe�d, oth�r �r��xt� ger�er2�Z anc3 all ot�i�r e�c��n�� r�ot inc].�3d�d ir� (�), ���, [�1� an� �41 above. Th� �ontr���o� sl�all keep a�cc�ra�� cost re�ords on th� for�n ar�� ie� th� rn�t��d �4-4 (�1 � sugg�sted �y �4�e C}vrr�e� �nd �hall g�ve �he �wn�r ���ess to a�l a��ount�, bil��f �r�u�hers, and recorc�s relat�ng �� the Ext�a ��rk. I�o "Cha�g� Order" shall b��ome �€fectiv� u�ti� it has ���n app���r�d ar�� signe� �� eactr af �.h� �antract��ng parti�s. t�o ��a�.sn for ��ctr� W�rk of any #c�.n� wi�l be allov��d un���s o�der�8 in �rrit�ng by the Own�r. �n ca�� ar�� o�ders o�r .instr�c�io�s, eith�r o�a7. or �rritter�, ap��ar to t�� �or�tr�ctor �� irrvo�v� �x�r� Work for wh�,ch he shouLd r���ive �orn��t�sation, he sh�,�.�. �nake writt�r� x�g+��s� to th� Enc�ineer f�r wri.t��n o�rd�x's �utl�orizi�sg �u�h Ext�a �ox�, pr�or to beginn��g suckl +�ork. Shoui.c� a d�.ffer�n�� ari.s� �s to what� do�s or do�s not consti�ut� ��tra Work{ or as �o �h� pay'ment th�reof, anc� the Engin�er ins�sts �pon its p��farmanc�, th� �or�tra�to� shaXl pr�c�ed wit� �t�e �aark aft�� ma�ing writt��r ��queat for wr�tt��n orc3e�� and ���11 k�ep an accura�e accoun� o� �he actua�. ��asonabl� ��st thexeof as provided under rn�tt�od �I�.em �?. C3.airos �vr extra �rorlc wi�l not b� p�id unle�� �he �onti�ac�o� shaYl fi�e l�is �Y�im with tk�� Owne� wi.t�in fi�re (51 c�ays b�f�r� �h� t�m� for making th� first ���fm�,t� aft�r such �rork �s t�one and un�ess t�xe ��aim is sup�orted by sat��f��tory �►ouch�r� �z�d �ertrfi.�d �ayr��ls �ov�ering all ��bo� and ma��rials �xp�n�ed ugon �he sazal E�ctr� Wark. 'the Con�racto�r s�a1i ft�rnist� the �wn�� su�h inatail�t��r� r�cord� �f ali d�t�iations �ro�n the o�igir�al �ontract i}ocur�er��s a� may �� r�ec�ssar� �o enab�e �he ��rrrer i� ���pa�� �o�e �e��tar��r�� z��ord a corr��ted se� �f plae�s s�owi.r�g th� actual i�s�a�l���an. The c�m�er�sation �gre�d upon for "�x��r� +aork' wh�tk�e� or no� ini�tiated by a"chang� or���c" sha11 be � fu��� comglet� and f�nai �ayme�� for ail ��s�� ��nt�ractor inc�az� a� a r�su�t �r r��ating �a tY�e cha�ge or ��t�r� w��k, wh�th�r sa�rl �osts a�� knawn ��nk�xo�rn R fo��seen or ur�forese�n at t�ia� t�xme� includinc� without l�mitati.at�t an]� �osts for �e].�y, extended �����e�c3, ri.�p�,e or k�pact �ost� o� �ny oth�� ��fe�� �n chang�r] �r unchang�c� work a� � r��ult ar the chanc�e or extra wo�k. �4-Q.fi ��k3��3ULE OF O�ERAT�10t��: Hefore comme���r�c� any wo�Jc und�r this c�r��rac#�, ths �ontra�tor sha��� sub�it to th� �vrner anc� �r�c�iv� t��e Owtter"s app�o��l t�te�reof� a"�ch�du�e �f �p�rati�r�s," sh�wir�g by a�trai�t�t line r��thod the date of comrr�encir�g anc� finish�ng each o� t�h� �ajar e�����ts of t�re �ontiract. T%e�� sY�all �e a�so st�owr� �he eat��at�c� �or�tY�1�r �ost �f w�rk ��r wh�ch �s�.imat�s �r� �o b� ��cp�ct�d. The�r� �4-�4 i � } sha�� b� pres�nted also a�o�posi�� qra�h s�owxng �he anticipa��� prog��ss of ���structia� �ith �he tim� being �lo�ted �o�xzanta��� and the gerce�t�g� of ���p��tio� pl�t��� verti���l�. Th� p�agress charts s�alZ be p�egared �� 8-1f�TM x 11� �heets and �t Z�as� �xv� b�ack or b�ue Iine pr�n�s sha�l be f�rnished to the Ow��r. �4-4.7 P�O�RE�� �CHED�L�S FOR ��T�R A�D 9EWER ����� �ACILIT���: �xthin �e� �i�) da�� priv� to s��rnission of fx�st mo��h�� �rogr��s pa�men�r th� �ont�actor �hall ���ga�� and submit t� �h� Qwn�� £or approv�� s�x �o�i�s of �he s�he�u1� in w�i�h the �ont�actor pr�p���s to ����� on �h� work, the date of which he wf�l sta�� t�� se�era� �a�o� �Ct��l�l�� (including pracurement �f m��e�ials, p�a�s, and �qu��ment) an� ��� ��ntemplat�d dates far cornple�ing th� sam�. T�e sch�du�� ah��l �� in t�� �arm of � ti�� s�he�ule ��r��c�l �a�h M�thod (CPM1 netw��k diagra�. As t�e work prog�ess�s, t�e �antr���o� shall ����r on t�� d�ag�am �h� a�tual pr����ss at kh� end �f �ac� partial payme�t ��riod or at su�� int�r�als as �ir�c�ed �y �h� Engine��. T�e �o�tract�r sha11 als� revise the sche���� �a r�fl��t any ad�ustments �� contra�� tirn� �pproved by �h� Engi���r. Thr�� ��p��s of �he up3at�� s���du�e ���11 �� d�li�ered at s�ch in�e�vals �s �x�#cted �� �h� Owner. As a rni�����, the �o�stru�tio� scheduX� sha�l in�or���ate alI work ��e�e�ts and acti��ti�s indicated in ��� proposal a�d xn the tec����al spe�if�cations. Fri�� �� the fina� ��aftin� o� t�� detailed c�ns�ruction s�h��ulet th� �afltrac��� shal� r�vi�w the dra�� sc�ed�l� �xth th� Enq��e�r to ��sur� th� ��n��actar's u�d�rs���ding of �h� �ontr�c� ���uir�ment�. Th� fallo�ing g�ide��n�s �haX� b� ad�ered �o �n prep�rx�g the constr�c�#on schedux�: a. Mi��s�o�e dat�s a�� final ���ject ����1�tian dates �h�1� be dev�Loped to con��rm to tim� conatr�i��s, seq�en��ng r�quirerne��s a�d co�ple�ion ti��. b. ��e co�struction �zoc�ss s��xx �� di�xd�d int� a�ti�it��s wit� ti�e �urations o� approximate�y €o�r�ee� ��4� 8a�s a�� co�stru���on va���s �a� to ��ceed ���x00�. Fa���ca�ionf deli�er� a�d su���t�a� actxv�tiea a�� ex�e��ions to �hxs qu�de�ine. C4�4 i4) �. Duration� sn�11 be i� �al���ar days a�d �ormal hoYiBa�s ��� w�a�h�r �ond�tio�� �ve� t�e du�at�on o� th� cont�act sh�l� b� acca�nted for wit�in �he du��tion vf ea�� ��ti�it�. d. �ne c�i��cal path sha�� be �hown o� th� �ons�ru�tio� ��hed��e. e. �laat t��� is d�fi��d as t�e amoufi� of t�me ��tw���x �he earlies�. s�a�r� dat� and the latest star� d��e of a cha�n of a��.�v�ti�� o� th� ��M c��s�ruction �c���uLe, �loat tirne is not for ��� exc�usiv� us� or �ene��� o� eitl�er the �o�tra�to� �or th� Owner. €. "�� i r�� �1a�s� s hal l�� us�� for submf tt� ], rev��w un��ss o�3��rwis� s�ec��ied. Tl�e construction sche3u�e s�all �s � snin�rnum be divided �.nto g�n�ral ��t�qori�s as indicated in th� �zo�osa� and ��chni.ca� �p����xca�i.or�s and �ac� g�r�e�al. �at�c�ory ����.� �� t�r��C�n �i4�n �n�o ���i�ri�#,es i� e�oug�t d�taiX to ��hi�v� ���.1V1�1�'S �f �pproxim���iy f�urte�r� �14i days d�ratior�. F�r each g�r��ral ca�.e�ory, ��e ��ns��u�ti�r� �ch���1e sha�� idert�ify a11 trad�s or subcontracts �h#�� wori€ is r�pr�sent�d i�y �ct�vitiea th�t f���.�w t�� g�ai.delin�s of this ��ctian. �'o� each af th� tra��s o� �t�bco�k�ac�s, ��,e cor�s�r�x��ion s�hedule shall �.z�dicate �h� €oll.owing pro�u�emez�ts� c�nstrue�iarr and preacc�ptar�c� act�viti�s a�d e��nt� in their loq�ca� �equ�nce �or �quipm�nt and rnata�ials. ].. �re�aa�ra�.�on and tra�sm�t�al of subrn�ttals. �, Submit�al r��riew periods. 3. �hop �a�� i�� � io�n �t�d del i tr�r� . 4. ��e��.�.on or installa�io�. 5. Tr��s�it�al of �2�r�u�a�#.u��r"s a��r�tion and I�4&�]x��li�ilC@ ].i�S��l]G'�10175, 5. Installed �quip�nent and r�at�ria�.s ��s�xnq. 7. �wner's op�rato� inst�ru�ki.v� �x� applicable�. B. �'inal �nsgec�.�on. C4�-4 � � � 9. �per���onal test�ng. ]�. Final in�p�ction, ��� i� t�� o�i�ion �f the pw�err �or� aa�orn�l�sh�d fa�ls ��h�nd that sch�dux�d, the �ontr���o� sha�� �a�� such action as ne��ssary �o �mpro�� h�� pr��re�s. T� addi��on� �he Ow��r may ��quire ��e Contra��or to s�bm�t a re�is�d schedule d�mo�s��atin� ��s pro�r�m and pr��osed plan to m��� up lag �n s�h�d�Ie� prog�ess and �o ��sur� �om�letion of ��� �o�� wit�in ��e �ontr��� ��rne. If t�� Owner �inds ��e gr��osed p��� no� acc�pta���, �� may req�ire the C�n�ractar to incr�as� the wo�k �orce, t�� constru�tf�� p��nt �nd e�uip��ntf �h� nu���r a� work �hxfts or �he ���r�ime o��ra�xons wit�out addi�ion�l cost to ��� Ow�er. Fai�ur� of ��� �o��rac�or �o co�pZ� wit� th�s� requzr�me�t� s�a�l be ���sidered �r�unds fa� d�t�r�ination by th� Qw��r ��a� th� �ont�a�ta� is �aii��g to pr��e�ute �he wo�� wit� suc� �iiigen�� ss �fl� ins��e �ts compX����� w�thin �h� �i�e sp�cifie�. �4-A ��1 ���� � - c������ �o�oz��o�� �s�� co���o� o� �a�� �� MATEKYAL� �ECTTO� ��-� ��NTRp� p� �ORK AN� MATE�IALS C5-�.� �UTH�RITY O� ������ER: The �or� s�all be p�r�of��d ta the sat�s�ac�x�� �f �h� E�gL�e�r �nd in strict �o�pl�a�c� with �he �on�r��t Do�u�ents. He shall dec�d� all ques�ions �hich aris� �s to the �ualx�y and a��ept�bi���y of materials ��r��sh�d, w��� p�rf�rm�df r�t� of progr�as af t�e wo�kr overa�I sequen�e of t�e canstrnc�ionr �nte���e���ion of t�e ��ntract �a�urnents, a��eptabl� ��l�zl�m�n� of the ���tr�ctf comp��s��io�, rnutual r�gh�s be�we�n Con�r��t�r and Ow��r under thes� �ont�act Doc�m�n��t super�ision of th� work, resu��t�o� of o�erations, and ��� oth�r que�tions or d�sgut�� wh�ch ma� �ris�. �ngin�er �i11 not be respa�si�le for Contr����r's means, m�thods, tech���u�st se��en�e� or proc�dur�s oF �o���r��tio�� or th� �a���� �re��u�io� and programs fnc�de�t t�er�to� a�� he wi�1 no� be res�ansib�e �or ��n��acto�'s �ai��re to perfo�rn �he work in a��ordan�e with t�e cankr��� �ocu��nts. �e sha�1 de�errnifl� the a�v��t ��d q���i�y af the wo�k co��let�d an� mat��iaxs �urnis�ed, and �is d�cisions a�d �s��mates shall b� �ina�. His �s�imate� i� suc� ev��� �ha�� be a�o�dition to t�� ri�ht oF th� �ontractar �o re�ei�e money �u� him under the ��n�ract. Th� Own�� shall h�ve ��e�uti�e au��o�ity to ���or�� �nd �ak� effe��ive ���h �e�essary decisio�� �nd or�e�s as th� ��nt�ac�o� f�i�� to �arry out ��am�tly. �� �he e��nt o� any dispute �etwee� the E�g�n��r �nd C��tractor o�e� t�e decision o� �he Engin��r ori �ny au�� matter�r the En�ineer �ust� ���hin � r�a�onable tim�, upon wr��t�n r��u�st of t�e �on�ra�t�r, render an� dei iv�� �o �oth the Own�r and �antra�tor, a writter� deci��or� on t�� rn��t�r in con�rvv�rsy. �5-5.2 COri�FORMITY i�ITH ��Ai�S: The fir�ish�d p�oj�ct in a11 cases sha1J. ��n�o�rm �ith �xn�s, grad��� cro��-s�c�i.oa��, ��ni�h, �nd �im�n�i�ns �hown oz� th� p�2�e�s o�e �ny ather ��q�iremen�� ot��rwise ��sc�x�ed ir� �.l�� Cor�tr��t I�o�urne�ts . A�ny d��riat�ian fram �h� ap�rov�d Con�ra�t €�ocurn�n�s required b� the Er�gine�r d�ring car�s��uctior� �i�.� �n a],1 cas�s b� �etermir�ed by th� Es��irreer and authori�ed b�r �h� �wr��r by Char�ge ��'d�r. C5�5 {1� C�-5.3 �Qp��I�A�IO� �� CO���A�T �OCUME�T�; Th� Contra�t Do�u�en�s are rn��� �p �f s�v�ral s�ct�ons, whi��, ta��n t������z, are in�e��ed �� d�scribe �n� g�ovi�� far a���pi��a and �s�f�I �r�j��t, an� a�� ��q����m���s a��ear�ng �� one vf the a�cti��s i� as �ind�ng as �haugh i� occurra� �n al� �ect��n�. Yn case vf d�screpanci��, fiqur�� d�rne�sio� �hall gov��n over �cal�d dim��sio�s, pla�s �ha21 gov��� �ver s�e����c�tions, �p�c�a� ��nd�tioris ��all �o�e�n over g��eral �andi�ions and s�andard ����ifica�ions� a�d ����tities s�ow� on the �1ans shall govern o��� those shvw� Yn the pro��sal. The �on��acto� sha�� n�t take adva�tage of an� appar�n� �rror or �m�ssian i� the Con�r��� �ocumen�s� and th� Owner �h��l �e ����x�ted ta m�ke ��c� ����ections o� xnter�re�a�x�ns �s �a� be d�emed necessary £or th� fulfil�m��t of th� i�tent o� �he Contract �o�um�nts. �� ��� e�e�� th� Contr�ctor dis�ov��s a� ��pa�e�t errar o� dzscrepan��t h� sha�X im�edi�t�ly ��11 this c o�ditio� to th� atte�tion of th� �ngxnee�. �n t�e �ven� of � �o�flic� i� �he drawi�gs, s�ecifi�a�ians� o� oth�� gor�io�s of the �o�tra�t Do�urne��s ����h wer� no� r�por�ed pri�r �� �he a�ard o� �on�ra�t, �he �on�r�ctor shaXY b� de�me� to �av� ��oted t�e mos� e�g�nsive r�s��utio� of �he confl�ct. C�r�,4 ��OPE�ATIQ� D� �O�TRACTO�: �he Contra��or wi11 �e �u�n�sh�� with ti3r�� s�ts �� t�� �arit�act Do�u�ents a�� shalz ha�� a����� bl� �n ��e �i�� of ��e p�oject at al� tim�s ��� ��t of such ��nt�act �acuments. . T�e ����ract sha�X giv� to ��e wozk t�� c�nsta�� at�e��f�n n�cessary to �aci�i���� �h� pro��e�s �h�r�of a�� sh�l� coope��te w�th the �ng��e�r, h�� insg�c���t and oth�� �an�ractors fn �ver� �oss���e way. Th� �o�trac�or sh��i a� a�Y times have comp�te�t pe�san�el avai�a�le to t�� pr�je�t si�� €or proper p�rforrnance o� �he work, Th� �a�tra�tor s�all pro�i8� a�d mainta�n at a11 �x��s a� th� sit� o� the pro���� a comp���nt, Engl�sh�spea�ing su�����tende�t an� an assist�n� wh� �ra ���ly a�t�orixed �o act as th� �on�ractor"s �g�nt on �he wor�. 8��� s�perint�ndent and �is �ss��tan� s�all be ��psble of ��adi�g ��d u�de�stand��g th� �a�tra�� q�c�rn��ts and s�ax� rec���e a�d �ul��ll instruc��ons from �h� �wner, �he Eng�n�er, or hzs �u�horize� �e�r2sentativ�s. �urs�ant to thxs r�sponsibi�ity of the Cont���tor# ��� �antrac�o� sha�� de��g�at� �� writinq �o the pr�je�� sug8rintend�nt� to ac� as th� �ontr�c�or's �gent o� the wo��. 5�ch �ssistant pr�j�ct au���inten�en� sh�l� �� � r��i���� of �arrant Cou�ty, Texas an� shall be sub��ct to cali� �s is �he �r�je�t �up�rf�ten3entf at an� ��rne o� ��� day or nig�t �� an� �ay �f �he wee� o� w��ch t�� Engi���� det�rmin�s ihat circu�stan�es r�quire ��e p�e���ce o� ti�� �roj��t sz�� �� a r��res�ntatf �re of �h� Co�s��actor to CS--5 ( � } adequa��l� pr�vzde �ar ��e saf��� ar con�enfe��� of t�e traveling ���lic ar �h� o��ers o� �r�pert� across �hi�h ��� pro��ct ��tends �r ��e sa�et� af prop��t� c���i�uous �o �he p��j�ct routx�q. mh� �o�tracto� s���l prov�d� a11 fa�i�itie� ta enab�� �h� �ng�neer and h�s in���c��r t� e�a��n� and inspe�t �he w�r��an��ip a�d m���rial� entering i�to �he work. C5-5,5 �MER� E��� A�DfOR ���T�F��AT��N �ORK: W��nx i� th.� opi�ion �f the �wn�r or �n�ineer, a�onditxo� of em�r�ency exists ���at�d �� s�y �a�� of the wor�, th� �o��ractor, or the �ont�ac�or thr��gh his designated repre��ntat�ve, s�a�� �espan� with di��a�ch to a�erbal r�quest ma�e b� ��e Owner o� En���e�r �� a1l�via�e �h� e�ergency ��h$L�10�. �u�h a se�p��se s�all ���ur day o� nigh�, wheth�x the p�oj��t is sch�dul�d on a cai�nd�r�da� a� on a working�day basi�. �hou�� �he �an��a�to� �a�� to �espo�d to � r���es� �ro� t�e E��i���r to ���tify a�y di��re�anc��s� �m���ions, �r ca�r��tions nec�ssa�� to conforrn w�t� �he re�ui�ern���s �� th� pro�ec� s��cific��xons ar p��risR t�� En�ineer shall give t�e Co�tracto� written n�tice �hat such work or �h�ng�s are �o �e ��rt�rmed. The w��t�e� �o�ice shall direct �t��nt��n to th� discr�p�nt con��tio� �nd request th� �ont�a��or to �ak� ��me�ia� ���ion to �o�r��t th� co�dz�iori. In �he eve�� the Co���ac�o� do�s ��t ta�� �osi�iv� s��ps �o fulfill this wri���n re���st, o� �o�s �ot show �ust ca�s� f�r �ot tak�ng t�� �ro�er action, withi� �4 h�urs, the Ci�y rna� �ake s��� reme�ial actio� �ith �xt� fa�c�s a� b� �ontrac�. Th� Czt� �h�ll th�n ��d��� �n am�u�t equ�l t� �h� ent�r� c�sts £�r such r�medial a��i�n, glus ���, f�vrn an� £�n�s du� t�� �o���acto� �� ��� pr�����. ��-5.� �I��D ��FIC�: ��� Can�ractor ����1 p�o�ide� at no extra comp��sa�ion, an ad��uaie �ield o€fi�� €�r �s� of t�� �ng���er� �� spec����all� ��ll�d for. The fi�1� offi�� s�al� b� r�v� �es� t�h�n 10 b� 14 f�et i.� f�oor ax'e�, subs�an�ia�l� eons�ruc��d, w�Il h�a��d� a3.�` condx#.�oned, lic�ht�d+ and wea�h��-pr�of, so tha� docu�n�nt� wil� n�� be dam�c��d b� ��� �l��n�nts . C5-5.'7 ���ST�C��TIOI� �TAFCES: The �ity, �F�rough its Engineez, wil� �urnish th� �ontrackor with all lir��s, grad�s, ��c� m�asurer�ent� nec��sary �o the prop�r pros�cutio� and c�nt�aJ. �f �.i�� wor� �ont�a�ted for u�td�r �k�ese ��n�ract pa�uments � at�d li��s, grad�s and mea��srern�r�t� will be estab�i�had �y m�ar�s of s�a�es �r othe� ����om���► method of rnari�inc� as �►a}► h� faund corrs�st�nt witi� good �ra�t�i.ce. �5-� i'�) Thes� �t���s or mar��nga sh$�l �e s�t su#fi�ie�t�y in advan�� oE const�uctian op�ra���ns t� �vo�d ���a�. Such stak�s or mar��n�� �� ma� b� est�����h�d €or the Contracto�'s use or g�rdanc� s�all �e �res�rv�d �� th� �ontract�� until h� is ��thor�z�� h� th� ��gxne�� to rem�ve ��em. �he���er, in th� ���nr�n of th� E�gine�r� any sta��s ar ��rkings �au� b�en �����ess�y or wi�l£u11� d�stroyed, d�sturb�d� or re�a��d b� �he �o�tr$ctar or a�� of hi� e�ploye�s, th� fuXl cost of �ep�.��tt�g such st�lt�s or r�arks gxr�� 25� wil� b� ch��ged a���,�st �.h� �ontracto�, aad the fu�.� amount vr�ll b� �edu�t�d f r�r� p�yrn�n t du� the Coo �ra��o e. �5�5. � ]�lU"�'HOF�ITY A�D �UTI�S �1�` C�'�'Y �I�1�PE�TOR�: C�ty In�pect�rs wiZl b� a��hari��� to insp�ct a11 ��rk c��n� astd t�o be �one and �11 �na�te�i.als fur�i�h��. �uch �r�spection rnay ��ctertd to �11 or any part o� the w�rk, �nd ��ie pr�par�tion ar mar�u���t�ri�g af the mate�#al� to b� used or equ�pr�en� to b� ins�a���d. A��ty Znspector znay i�e statio��d ort th� wo�rk t� rep��t t� th� Engin��r as �o �he groc���x�s of t�e w��k arid th� r��r�ner ir� wh�ch �t i� b�ing per�orm�c�, to re�vrt any �vic��z�c� tha� t�e rn��eria�s b�ir�g �ur�ishsd or the war� be;ng pe��orroed by ��� �o�tr��tor £ai�s to �ulffY� t�� requ���rnents �� tY�� �C�ntra�� Do�urner�tst ar�d �o ca�I �I�� attentior� �f t�he �ontr�cto� �a ar�}► su�h failur� or �th�r inf��ng�m�n��. ��ch x�sp�ctior� or la�k of #�spection wi�l not r�lfetre the Cor�tractor fro�n any ����gatian to p�rfor� the wo�rk �,n a�cordan�e wx�h �h� r�quir���nts of th� �or�t�act Docurne�ts. xn �ase �� �rr}� dispute ��xsing be�w�en �he G�ntrac�oz ar�d tl�� �xty I�t����t�r as �� �k�e rna�eria�s or equip���t fu�rnish�d o� the mar�ner �� per�arrning th� wor�, �he �ity Ir�sp�ctor wi1� Ma�e a��hor��y �� re���t rnat�ri�ls o�r �qui,pme�t �o sus��nd warlc until �h� q��s�ian at �ssue can �� �e�err�d �o an�i b� de��,dec� �y �he Engin���. The ��ty Insp�ctor �ril� n��� however, $e authoriz�d t� ��v�ke, �lt�r, enl.arg�, or �e��aa� any r�quir�merit� of ��es� �ontr�c� �o�umen�s, not' t� �pprov� or acc�gt an� po�t�or� or se�tfon �£ �h� wvrk, rtor to isatt� a�,y �.��s�r�ctions ��r�trar� to the r�quir���r��s of the �on��act �oc�m�rr�s. Ne �ri 11 in r�o �as� act �� su�er i,nt�r�der�t� or for��ast �z p���orr� any o���r dnti�s for tF�e Contr��tor, a� in�er��re with �h� ma�age�nent o�' operat�on a� �h�� �rv�k. He will �ot �c�ep� £rom t�� �or�tra�tar any �ompens���on iz� an� f�z-m f�� ger�ormir�g any c3uties. The C�ntracto� �hall regard ar�c� ob�y tl�e dire��ions �r�t� �n�tr����or�s of �he �xty Inspec�or o� Er�q�ne�r wY��� the �ame a�e �onsist�rt� with the abliqatio�ts o� �h� ��ntract Do�x�m�nt�r ����ill�E�F �awever, �hould t�e �o�tr����r o�j��t to �h� o�e�ers or ir�structior�s o� th� �it� Insp��t�r, th� �ontrac�or r�a� �rithir� six da�rs m�k� wr�,tten �p��a� to �he Eng����r for h�� decisian on th� rn�,tter in c�r�tro�e�sy, �5-5 I41 �5-5.� ��S�ECTI��: T�� ���tractor �ha�l f�rnish �h� Engi�eer with e�e�� r�asanabl� fac��it� �or �scertai�ing w��ther o� �ot th� wor� a� �e��ar�ed is �� �cco��anc� �ith �he ��quir�m�n�s �f the �ontract D��u�en�s. If �he �ngineer so r�qu�sts, th� �onkr��tor shall, a� any ti�e b�for� a��epta��� �£ the ����, re�o�� or �nc�v�� s�ch pa�t�on o� th� �inish�d wor� as �ay be d3r�ct��. A���r exam�na�ion, the �o�tr���or sha11 res�or� s�id ��rtio�s �f ��� wo�k to t�e st�nda�d re�uired b� the �antract Docum�n�s. 6hou�d the w��� �xpo�ed ar �xam��ed prov� acceptab�e, the un�a�e�ing or ���avin� and r�p�acx�g �f th� co�eri�� a� m��i�g � aod o� �he parts �e����d s�al1 be paid �o� �s �x�r� wo��� b�t �ho�ld b� wo�k sa �xpo�ed or e�a�ine� �ro�� t� be u�accep�a���, ��� uncove�ing o� �em�v�n� a�d the rep�a�ing of ali adjace�� d�f�eti�� or �arnag�� �arts s�all b� at th? �ontractor's expens�. �o work sha�� be don� o� �at�rials u�ed wi���ut su�ta��� ���er�is�vn or ins����ion. �5-5.10 ��MOVAL 4F DE���TIVE A�Q ��A��H�AIZED �O�K: A�� wor�, ��te�i��st �r equs�rnent which has b��� ��j�cted sha�l �� r����i�d or r�mov�d and ��plac�� in a� a��eptabl� manne� �y t�� �ontr�ctor. a� �is ow� ex���se. Wor� �o�� b��o�d t�� Xines and grade� �iv�n �r as shown on the plans, exc�p� as ��r�i� spe��fi�ally pro�id��, or an� Ex�ra �ork �one withou� w�itt�n a�t�ori��t wi1� �� cohsid��e� as una��horize� a�d do�� at th� exp�nse a� t�� �ont�ac�or a�d will not b� ��id tor �y �he O�ner. �or� �o �one ma� �� ord�r�d �emave� at t�� �ontra�to�'s ex��ns�. �pon th� ��ilur� �� the part o� �h� �o�t������ �o comply wit� a�� or��r o� th� Engineer �ade u�d�r t�� p�ov��ions o� t�is par�graph, i�� �n�inee� wi�l hav� th� au�hority �o caus� d��ec�i�e work to be rem��xed o� ���ove� and �eg�ac�d a�d una�tl7�ria�� wark �o b� r��ave�, and �h� �ost th�reaf rna� be d�d�cted frorn �n� �an�� du� �� to b�c�m� �u� �v t�e �o��ractor. �ail��e �o ��quire �he rem�v�� �f a�y d�£�cti�� ar �nau�horize� work s���l no� �o�st�tut� ac�e�tanc� aF �u�h wo��s. �5-5.11 �UBS��TUT� MATER�ALS �� E �Y��E��: �f the �peci icat�ons� law, a�din�nc�, �odes o� ��gulati��s o���i� �ontra�tar to fur�ish o� use a s��stit�t� that is eq�al �� any rnate��a� �� �g�}���n� �p�cif�ed, and �f �on�ractor wis��s to f�rn�sh or us� � pro�oaed s�bstftut�, h� s�al�, prxor to th� pr�co�struc��o� c�nfe�en�e, make wri�ten apglxc��ion �o E��I�EE� for a�pro�al of su��� subs�itu�� ce�ti�ying �� wrxting �ha� th� p�a��se� suhsti�u�� w�lX per�o�m ad�quate�y �he �unc�ions cal��d �vr by �he gen�ra� d�s�gn, b� s�m�lar and oE ���a� �u�stance to that sp�c���e� �nd b� s��t�d t� �he sam� �s� an� c��ab�� o� p�rf�rrning �he sam� fu��t�v� as �h�� s�eci����; and i��n�ifyz�g a�l v�ria�io�s o� t�� �ro�os�� ��-5 €51 sub�tftut� ��om tha� sp�c�fied a�� ��di�a�in� �vailable rnaint��an�� s�rv�ce. �o su�stxtute shall be ordered or ��stalXed wY�hout th� wri�te� approva� o� Eng�neer who ��11 be th� judg� of ��� �qua�it� and may reguire �o�t�ac�or �o �u�ni�h �uc� ����r d��a a�ou� th� p�oppse� substitute �s �e c�nsid��s p�r�inent. �o su�s�It�t� sh�ll �� ord�r�d or x�stall�� without �uc� per��r�anc� g�ara�te� and boads as �wn�r ma� ���uire w�ic� sha�� �� furnis�ed at �on�r�ct�r's �xpens�. �o�t�a�tor s�al� ��dern�ify and ��1� ha�rnless Ow��r apd Engi���r ��d anyone d�rect�y ar indi������ ��pl�y�d �y either o� th�rn f�om and aqai�st �h� cZa�rns, da�a���, losses an� �xpen�es finclud��g a��o�ney� fe�sl ari���g ou� �f �h� use of s�bstitu�ed mat�ria�� or �guipm�nt. �5-5.1� �AM���� A�D TE3T� OR �lA�ER�A�S: ���r�, in th� opinion of the En�i�e�r, �r as �al�ed for �� th� Can��act �o�urn�nts, t�sts o� �at�rials or e��ipm�nt a�e n���s�ar�, �uc� ���ta w�li be ma�� at �h� ex�e�se o� and paid �ar dir��� to �h� t�st�ng agen�� by �h� �wn�r �nl�ss a��erwis� sp��ifi�ally p�avided. Th� �ai���e �f th� Ow�er to mak� an� ���ts �f �a���ials s��11 b� in no way r��ie�� the Co�tractar �f his r�spo�sibil�ty of furn�shin� �aterials �nd eq���ment �u��� ca���rmi�g to t�e r�qufre��nts of th� C�ntrac� �ocu���ts. �ests a�d sa���i�g of �ateria�s, unless oth�rwise �pe��f���, wil� �� mad� in ��cordance wi�h th� lates� m�thods pr���rib�d �� th� 1�meri��� �a�iety fo� ��s��n� �at�r�a�s or �pecific requ�rern�nt� v� the Dw���. T�� ��n�ra��o� sh��X provzd� s�ch fa�i�i��es �� �he �ngine�r may re�uxr� f�r coll��tfng a�d forwa�8inq s���les an� sha�l not, wi�ho�t sp�cific w�ztt�� permission of �he E�gi�e��r �s� t�� ��teria�� r�pr�sen��d �y �he sa�p��s ��t�.l t�s�s h�ve been made afld �he mat��ial� agp��v�d fo� �se. The �on��actor will fux�nisi� adequa,�� s�roples w�thou� cY�a�ge t� th� Qwr,�r. �� case o� �oncrete, the agc���gat�es, desigr� �ir�i�um, and t�r� mi�c��g anc� tran��orting �qui��n�nt �h�ll b� a��roved b�t the Engir���r ��£a�e $n� cor������ .is p�.�ced, �nd th� Cor�tactor shat� be r�spv�si��� £�r r�placir�g any con�r��� w��,ch d�es no� m��� t��e r�e�uirem��ts �f the �or�tract Do�um�nts. T�sts sha�X b� m�de a#. l�a�� � da�r� prior to the p�acing ai cc�r�crete, usirig sar��l�� f�ar� tF�� �am� ��gr�gat�, �ementx and rn�rt�r w�l�ich ��� �o be used lat�r ir� tt�e �oncret�. ��o�id the ��us�� o� sup��y char�qer r�ecv t�ests �t�al� �e rna3� prior to th� u�� o€ ti�e ne�t m�teri��s . C�--5.33 ST�1�A�E �F MATE�tIP�L�: �ili m�,��ri�,l� wh�.ch ar� to 1�e u�ed in �h� �ons��ucti�r� oper�tio� �hal� be �tor�d so as �o in�ur� the pr�servation o� the qualit� and f�tne�s of �h� work. v�h�n dir�c�ed b}� the Er�gine��, th��r shalX b# �Yaced ar� w�oden pl�tfa�ms or ot�i�r �,�,��� clean dur�k��� sute�aces and r�o� on tk�� CS-5 [6i groun�, and sha�l be p�aced under cav�r when directed. S���ed �ateria�s �hall be ��ac�d a�d located so a� to �acz������ �rompt xnspec�ion. �5-5.14 ����TI�� ST�U�T�RE� A�D UTIL�TZ��: T�e �o�a�ion �nd d�m��sio�s shawn �n th� Plans r�lativ� �� exi��i�g �til��i�s �r� �ased on th� best f��or�ation avax�abl�. �mission ��am, or th� xnclusxon o� ��i��t� �v��tio�s vn �he Plans is not �o b� consi����d as the �onexiste�c� o�, �r a d�f�nft� lo�ation of, �xisti�q ���erq�ound uti�itfes. T�e �o�a��o� af �any �a� �ains, �ater rn�i��, c�n�u�t�, sewer li��� a�d serv�c� �i�e� fo� ��� ����1�I�Si etc., is unkno�n �o the �wn�r� and the 4�n�r �ssume� no res�on���iYity �or failure �o sh�w any or ali suc]� struckur�s a�d u�i�f��es o� �h� plans or �o show th�� �n kh�ir exa�� locatf�n. I� i� mu��ally agreed that su�h ��i���e will r�o� he cons�dered �u�fici�n� t�asis �or ��axma �or additi�r��l co�gens�tion fo� Extra �c�r�C �r for incr�a�fr�g �h� P�� 4��ntxt�.es in an�r manner whz�t�oe��r� unless an obst�uct�on �ncourrtered i.� su�h as t� n��es�����e chan�e� in �h� lin�s ar�� �rad�s of ca�sic��ra�I� rt�agni�u�� or r�c�r�ir�s the building �� s�eciaL w�rks, prv�ision �or �hich �� not ma�e in th� �c�n�.rac� D�ct�r�er��s, in wh��h cas� th� ��ov�sfon ir� th�se �on�ra�� �o�+�rt��r�ts �or ��tt�a W��rk �hai� agpl�r. it shaXl be �he �on�rac�ar� ��s��nsib�l��� ta �erif�t l��ati�ns of adja�en� �n�fvr ��n�l�c��ng ut�litie� suffi�i�r�tl�+ �� ad�ance �i can�tru�tion �r� or��r �Y�at h� may n�go�x�t� suc}� �o�a� at�a�s���nt�s �s n�ees�ary ir� ��e cons��uc�ion �race�� ta �rovid� ad�qua�e c��a�rar��es. �'t�� ���+t�a�tar s�na�1 tai�� a11 nece���ry preca�tians in o�der to g�����t a13 �xist�ng ,��i��ties, �s�r��tu�es �nd s��v�c� �in�s, V�r�.f�c�tion of �xa.�ting ��iiities� s�ru��ur�s ar�d s�rvi.c� l.in�s sha�� in�luc�� t�o�i�ication of �11 ����.i�y compan�es a� �eas� fo�r�}� �iqk�t �48} l��urs i� advan�e of const�uction ir�c�.uc�in� �x���rator�r excavat�io� �� r�ec�ssary. A11 �reri�i.cati'�n o� �]C1S�lf�� uti.lf�f�s and th�i� r�c�jr���m�nt shall he considered �� subsidia�y wor�€. C5-�.15 Tt���FtRiJP�IOt� �F S��VIC�: �. 1�orr�a� P�asecut�ors: In 'kh� normal �ros�ctt�i.�r� of work wh�re tt�e ir,t�rrup�ion af service is nece���ry, ��� Car�tractort at l�as� 2Q ��ur� in ad�a�cet shall be r�qui�eed to: 1, �loti��r ti�� ����r �epar�m�r�t's �lis�ribu�i�r� Di�ision as �o locatior� f ti�n�, �nc� �che�ul� o� servi�� ��s��rr�ption, CS-5 �'� l �. N�t��y �ach �ustomer pe�sa�ally ��ro�gh r�s��ns��l� ��rsonn�l �s to t��� ��d s�hed�le o� �he in��rruptio� of their ���vic�� or 3. Ip the ev�nt that p��so�al notification �� a cus�o��r �ann�� be ����, a p��p�r�d �ag �or� �ha�l b� attached �o th� c�s�orn�r's e�t�a��� doo� kno�. The tag shall �e durable in com�osi���n, �n� i� �arge �o1d ty�e shal� say: R Ll�� 1 � � If �u� �� �]�iXi��r Tmpr�ve�ent �,rt �our n�igi�bo�hovd, yo�r {wat��} { s�wer ) servi.c� wi �1 he ir���r� rr��ted on t��tween th� t�o�rs o� ar�d Th�s ir�c�nveni�n�e will be as sh�r� as �oss�b��. Thank y�u, Cot����ctar 1�,ddr�ss p�o�� b. ���r ��xc : in �he event th�t an ur�fo���e�n s�r�ice i�����upt�.on occt�rs, r�otic� s3��11 be as above,b�t zr�m�di��� . C5--S.�.6 MUTUAL� RESPpt��IBI�I'�"�' OF �Ot�'T'�tACTOFt�: Z�t t�tr�x�gC� ac�ts �r neqlect on th� �art �s� khe ��n�r�ct�+r, an� otF�er Contra,ctor or �r�y sut�-contr����� sY�aXl s�s�fe� �os� o� dama�e on ��� w�rl�t the �Contra�tor agre�s to se���e wai�h stx�h at�i�r �or��rac�o� or s�b-cantra�tor by ac�re�rnent �r ar�it�ration. �f such othsr �ontrac�or v� su�--��r�t�actor shai� �ss�r� any �laf �t agair�st ��e C�wr��r on �ccount �� any a�amage ���ec��d to h�ve �e�n s�stained, the Ov�n�r will notify �f�e �on�ra��otr, w�o shall ��d�rnnify �nd save ha�m�ess t}�� D+�r,�� a€�axn�t an� sucE� clair�. �5#�.17 �LEP,N-UF: ��ear�-ug of �urglus �,r�c�for v��ste ma�eria�s a�cumulatec� on tY�� �ob site d��ing t�e pros�cu�ion a� the w�r�C �nd�r �.hes� �on���ct Doc�mer��s shal� �e ac�o���is#�e�3 in k�e�i�tg wi�h a daily rot�ti�xe �s�a�lished to t�ie the satrs�action o� the Engxneer. 'I`w�n�y-�ours fo�r� a��e� wri���n n���c� is q�ver� to �Y�� �ontr�ctor �i�ak �he cl�ar�-up on th� jo�a sit� is pr�c�edi�rg in a r�ann�r urtsatis�ac�or}� to t�h� Engine�r, i� tl�e �or�tra�tv� fail� �o co�rect �l�e C5�-5 �8} u�satisfa�tor� �roc��ur�t t�� City may �ake such direct actio� �s �he ���ln��i d���s approp�ia�� to cor��c� th� cl�an-up deffcien��es cite� to t�� �ontr�cto� �� �h� writ��� n��ice, an� �he cost� of s�ch dzrec� acti�n, plus 25� o� such �o��s, shal� �e ��duct�d fr�rn m�ni�s due o� to b�com� due �a t�e Coritr���or. Upon t�� cornp��t�on o� t�e proje�� as a w�ole as ��vered b� these Co�tr��t D���rn��tst a�� before €i�al ac��pta�c� a�d �ina� pa��ent will �� m�det the �ont�a�to� sha�Y �X�an �nd remo�e fro� t�� site o� ��e proje�� a1X surg��s �nd discar�e� rt�t�rialst tempo�ary �tructures, an� debris �£ �v�ry �ind. �� sha�l X���e t�� sz�� o� all work i� a�eat and v�de�iy con���i�� �qua� to tha� ���ch �rig�na��� �xist�d. Surp�u� and wa�te rna�eria�s r�mo�ed fro� t�� sit� �f the ��rk shall be dis�osed �f at locat��ns s��is€a�tor� to t�� �ngin�e�. Th� �oritract�r shall tharvughl� cl�an all eq�x��enk and �a����als xnst�lled by hi�n and shall deliv�r ��e� suc� ma�erial� a�d ����i���nt in a br����+ clean, �olishe� �nd naw a���ari�� con�itio�. �o extra ca��ensation w��l b� ma�e to khe ���t�act�r fo� ��y ��ea���p reg�ired a� the project. �5�5,�8 �T�A� T��P�CT�O�: ���n�ve� the wo�k ��ovkd�� for in an �on�e�pk�te� �nder the ���tract Documents has �een s�tis����ori�y cornplete� an� final c�eanup per�ormed, t�e Engi�e�r wi�� noti�y t�e proger af�icia�s of th� �wner and �eq�est �ha� the Final in���ct�o� b� made. �uc� ��spe��kan wili be made �fthi� 10 da�s a��er �uc� not���cation. A�ter s��h fina� ins�e�kion, �� �h� w��� �n� ��t�.ri��� an� �quip�ent ar� ��und s�ti�f���oryt the �ontract�r �ill be �otifi�d in w�it�ng af the ���eptance of the �a�� aft�� th� prv�er r���l,�tian h�s be�n �assed �y the ��t� �ouncil. �� t�m� �harge wi�l b� made a�ainst the �o��ractor b�tw�e� sa�d �a�� of riatifxcat�on o� th� Enqin�e� �nd th� �at� �� f�n�Z in��ectio� o� t�� wor�. �5-5 I�) �ART C � GE�E��� CONDITIONS C6-� LEGAL �E�ATIONS A�D P�SL�� R��PO����I��TX �ECTIQ� Cb-� LE��� �ELATIp�� A�D P�BL�� R�SPONSIHiL�TY ����«1 ��WS TO BE OBSER�ED: Th� �ontractot �ha11 a� alY �im�� observ� a�� ca���y �ith a31 ��d�ra3 an� �t�te L��s and ��ty �r�inan��s and �egula�ions �hi�� in �n� way affect the con��ct o� th� wo�� �� hi� o�erat�on�, and sha�� observe and �omp�� with a�� �r�ers� l�ws, ordin�nc�s an� �e����ti��s w�i�h �xis� a� whic� �ay b� �nact�d �a�e� b� bodi�s ���i�g jurisdfction o� a���orzt� �or su�h ena��m�nt. �o pl�a af rn�s�n�e�s���di�� or i��oranc� �h���o� �il� be con�id�r�3. �h� �ont�ac�or �nd ��� 5�re�x�s s��X� ind�mnif� a�� �ave harrnY��s �he �ity a�� al� of ��� of�icers, a��nt�� a�d e�g�o���s a�ains� any and all �la�ms o� lia�ilit� arising from or �ase� on t�e violat�vn of any ���h law, ardzna�ce, r�g�Yatio�, or ord�r� wh�ther it �e b� himse�f or his �mpl�y��s. ����.� P�RMI�� AN� �I�EN�E�: The �ont�a��or s���X pro�ure al� p�rm�ts and �ic�n��s, pa� �Y1 ��arges, �osts an� ��es{ an� �i�e all noticea n�ce�s��� �n� in��de�t to t�e due an� law�ul p�osecutfo� of th� work. C6-6.3 PATENTED �����ESt ��TER�AL� A�� P�����SES: �f th� �antractor is ��q�ire� �r d�s�r�s to u�� �ny ��sign, de�ice, �aterial, o� p�o�ess c�vered �� ��tt�r, pa��nt, �r �opyright, �� sha�� �ro�ide for su�h u�� �� suitable ��gal ag����en� w��h ��� �a�e�t�e or owner of ���h pa�ent� lette�� o� capy�xgh��� �e�xgn. It is rnutu�lY� agreed and und�r�tood th�� ��tho�t e�ce�tfo� th� cont���t pric�s s�a�l in�lud� �Xl ro�alties or cost �risiflg f��m p�tents, tra�e-m�r�s, �nd ��p� right� in a�� way involved �n �he work. Th� �ontr�ctor an� h�s sure�xe� sha11 ind��nify and sav� h�r��ess th� Owner �rom an� �n� �11 �lairns f�r in�ri�gern�nt by reason o� the us� o� an� �u�� pa�e��e� des�gn, �evi�e, mat�rial vx p�o�ess, or �riy �r���-m�rk ar copy ri�h� in c�nnec�io� �ith the work agre�d �o be per��rme� u�der these �on�rac� Do��ments, and s�a11 i�demniEy the Qwner fo� ��� �o�t, �xpense, �r damage ��ich it ma� �e o�l���d to pa� by r�ason o� such ������g�men� �� �ny t�rn� ���i�g the ��o����tio� o� �h� wo�� or after co�����io� oF �h� w�rk, provxd�d, however, t�at th� Q��er wil� assum� the ��s��nsi�rl�t� �� d�fend �n� a�d �1� �ui�s broug�� for th� inf�ing����t of any p�t��t ����rned t� �e infr�n�ed �po� b� t�e de�ign, t��� of ��nstruc�ion o� ��teri�� or �qui�m��� $pe�ified i� th� �ontrac� 4a�umen�s f ur�is�ed t�� �on�ra��or by the Own��, and to �old the �ontrac�o� �������s on �c�ount o� s�ch su��s. �b-� {i} C�-6.� SA�ITARY �ROVI�IO�S: The �on��actor sha�l �st�b�ish a�� enforce among �is emp�o�e�s su�h r���l�tions �n r�ga�d �o ���a��ine�� and dx�pos�� of ���bage a�d was�e a� w�Il ten� to pre���t the inception and spread v� infectious or co��agious dis����s and to eff�ctiv�Z� gze���� th� �r�ati�� o� � nu�saflce ab�u� k�� work o� any grop�r�� e����r pu61�c �r p�ivat�t and such reg�lation� as ��e r��uired �y Law s�all be ��t i�to imm�d�at� force and �ffe�� �y �h� C�n��actor. Th� nec�ssa�� sanitar� co�v�nze���s fo� us� o� laho�ers on the �v��, �ra�er�y �ec�ud�d from p�#li� obs�rva�ionf shall b� constr���ed and �aint��n�d b� the �o��ra���� an� th�ir �s� sha�l be ��rictZ� enforced b� the �an��a��or. All suc� Eac��aties sha11 �� kept �n ����a� a�� san�t��y cond�tion, ���� fr�m ob�e��io�a��� odors �� as no� t� �$us� a�uisan��. A�1 sanit��� Zaws a�d r�gulation� of �h� 5tai� �� Te��� and �he �ity sh�ll �e �trictx� compli�� with. Cfi-6.5 PUBL�C S��ETY A�D �ONVEN����E: ���eria�s o� eq��p��n� st�re8 abaut ��� wor� shal� be so placed and us��, and �he work shall �� a�l ����s b� so �on�uct�d, as to caus� no great�r o�struc���n ar i�co�veni�n�e �o th� pu��ic �han is co��idere� to be ���o�ut��� ne��ssary b� the �ngine��. The �o�tractor �� x�quir�d to ��i��ain �� aIl t�m�s a�� ph as�� of �i� wosk in such � m�nner a� not t� irnp�i� the �afety o� c��ve�i��ce of �h� pub�ic, in��ud��g, �ut �o� Xi�it�d ��, s�f� an� corivenient ingresa ��� e�r�ss ta prop�rt� �o�trgu��s to �h� war� a��a. fi�� Co����c�o� aha�� mak� ���� ua�� �r��isio�s �o xen�er r�asona��� �n�r�ss a�d �gress fo� �orm�l ve�i��lar tr�ffict ex��p� duri�� ac�ua� tr�nchinq or �ip� ins�allation ���T�t1��Si �� al� �rive�ay �ro�sings. Such �ra�i�ions rn�� �ncl�de bri��ing. gla�e���t of �r�sh�d �tv�e �r g�avel or su�h other m��ns of ��ovidi�� �ro�er i�yress a�d egr��s for th� pro�e�ty s��ved by ��e dri���ay as �h� �ngi���r ma� �ppro�� aa a��ropriate. �uch a�h�r rn�ans rnay inc��de �he di��rsia� o� driv�wa� ���ff�c, wrth specifi� appro�a� b� �h� �n�inee�. If �z��rs#o� of ��a�fic i� approv�d by t�e En�i���� �� an� �ocation, t�e �o�tra�tor �ha�� �ake �r�ange���ts s��isfa�tor� �o th� �ngineer �t �ny �o���ion, ��� �ontractor �ha�l mak� arran��m�n�s �a�is�actor� �o th� En�ineer �o� t�� di�er���n o� �ra�fi�, an� �ha�l, a� his �wn exp��s�� Qrov�de ��1 �at�r�als �nd ger�o�� all wo�� n�c�ss��� for �h� �vnstru�tion and m�i�ten�n�� �f roadw��s a�d brxdg�s for su�h di���sian o� traf��c. �id��aiks �ust �o� b� o�s�ruct�� ex��p� �� s��ci�l p�rm�ssi4n o� t�e �ngine��. T�e makeria�s ��cavated and t�e ����t�uct�o� mat�rials su�h as p��e used �� th� �o�struc�ia� �f �he �ork sha�� be p�a�e� so �s no� to endang�r �h� wo�k or p��ve�t free a���ss to ax� fire hydrants, ��r� alarrn bo���, goli�e call box�sf �ater v�lves, C6�5 (�l �as �alve�f or manholes in �he vicin�t�. T�� �wner r�s��v�s ��e right ta �em�dy any ��ql��� on t�� part o� the Cont�a��or as ��gard� �o pu�l�c �onv�nie�ce �n� �a��t� �hich �ay �ome t� its atte��io�� att�r �wenty-fou� hours no�i�e xn �r�tin� �o the ���tra��or, sa�e i� ca�e� o� e���g�n�y whe� it s�al� h��e th� rxght to r�m��y a�y ��gXe�t wx��o�� no���e, a�d i� eithe� �ase, th� co�t o� s�ch wor� done or �at��i��s fur�ished �� �he �w��r or �y th� �i�y sh�ll be �educted �rom moni�s due �� t� be�orne d�e to �h� �ontra���r. Th� �o�t���t��� sf�er app�aval o� th� Engin�er, s�all ���if� the Fire D�p�r�ment �e��quart��s� �raf��c �ngine�r, �nd P ol��� ��partm�nt, wh�� a�� �tre�t o� �1�ey �s r��ues�ed �o be c�osed oz ���tru��ed a� �ny firs �yd�ant �s �o b� mad� inaccessible, and, ���n so dir��ted b� �he E�qi�e�r, s�all ke�� an� �tr��t, s�reets, �� hi�hwa�s i� co�dition �or u�obst���t�d use �y fir� apparakus. �h� �ontra��ar s�aX� pr��pt�y not�fy tri� �i�� �e�a��ment H�����a���rs �he� a�l suc� obat�u���d stre�tsr a���ys� or h�dran�� are again p�ac�d b�ck x� ���vi�e. �h�re the �o�t�acto� is �equired to �onstruct �em���a�� bridge� or ma�� oth�� arra�ge��nt� fo� �rossing ove� dit�h�s or �tr�a��, his r�s�o�sibxlity far ��ci3e�ts in connec�ion with su�ty �ross.i�gs s�al� ��cl�de �he rvadway a����aches as w�l� as th� s���ctures of such c�o�singa. Th� �ont��cto� sh�ll �t all tirn�s con���t �i� o��ra�io� an� �h� use of con��ruction machinery so �s nat to damage or destro� tr��s a�� shr�bs l��at�� in c�ose pr�xi�it� �o os on th� site of �h� w�rk, Wh�rev�� any such ��mag� m�y b� dan�, th� �ontzacto� s�all i�mediat�ly s��is�� all �1ai�� of prop�rty vwn�rst �nd no ��y���t will be mad� b� t�� �wner in s�t���m��t of such clazms. Th� �on�ra��or sh�11 fi�e wi�� t�� ��gi��e� � wr�t��n sta��ment s�o�ing a�� s�c� c�aims adjuste�. �b-6.6 P�Z�I����� OF ���fi�ACT�� �� �T�E�TSr ALLEYS, A�� R��HT�OF-���� �or th� pe���r�ance of th� co���a�t, the �on����t�� will b� p�r�i�te� �o use a�d o���py �u�� portio�s of the pub��c stree�s �nd a���ysR o� �th�r �ublic p�aces or �th�r rfg��s-of�w�� �s ����ided �or in t�� �r�irianc�s of th� �i�yt as sltow� iri the �o�t���� Dac��ents, or a� m�y b� sp�c�ficall� a���orized �� ��iti�� b� the Engin�er. A r�aso����e �rnou�� o� too�s� mat�ria�s, and eq�i�rn�n� f�r co�s�ruc�ion pu�pos�s ma� be star�d �� su�h ��a��t ��t n� rtore t��n is ����ssary �o avof� d�l�y in t�� �ons�ruc�i�n oper�tions. ���avate� an� �aste m�t�r�als sh��k b� piled or sta�k�� in s�ch a way aa �o� to interfer� wzt� t�� use of spac�s t�a� ��y be designated to be ���t £ree a�d unobstruct�d and so �s no� to �n�onve���nce o����ants �f adja�ent �roperty. I� �h� str��� x� occupi�� by railway �r�cks� th� work s�ail b� ��-6 (3} carrie� on in suc� mann�� as �ot �o interfer� with the operation of �ra�nsF �oa�ing o� un�oadin� o� c�rs, et�. Ot�er �o���a�to�� of �h� Owner �ayx �ar ��� purp�s�s r�q��red �y t�� �on��ac�� enter upon �he ��r� and pr���s�s used b� �he Con�r���or a nd s�al� b� prov�d�d a�] �easonab�e faci�it��s and a�sis�ance ��� th� �ornp��tion o� �d�oining work. Any a��itio�al gr�unds desire� b� th� Contractor for his u�e �hail be pra�id�d �� hi� at hi� own �oat �nd �xp��se. ��-6.7 �A�L��� �Rp��I���; �he� t�e wo�k �n�ro�ches �pon an� r�ght-of-way of �n� rarlwayf ��e C�t� �i�l s��u�e th� ��c�ssar� �asem��t fo� �he wor�. W�e�e the ��iiw�� tracks ar� �� b� cr��s��, the �o�tra�tor s��l� o��er�e all ��� r��ula�io�s ��d t�s�ructi�ns of th� ra����y com��n� as to the rn���ods o� �er���min� the work �nd �ak� ��� pre�autions �or. sa�et� �f prop�rt� and �h� public. ��go�ia�ions w�th t�� ra��way ��m�ani�� f�r �errnits shal� �� d�n� by a�d k�r�uqh th� �x�y. T�� �on�ra��or sha�l gi�� the �it� noti�� no� X�s� t��n tiv� �a�s pr�ax ta th� t�me �f hi� int�nti��� to b�q�n w��� o� th�t �ortion a� the proj��� whac� is re��t�� to �h� r�iXwa� ��opert�es. The Con�ra�tor w�ll no� be giv�� �xtr� o� ad���xona� comp�nsation fo� such ��i�w�y c�os��n�s �nl�ss s���ifical�� se� f��t� in the Contr��t �ocu��n�s, �5-�.9 BARRz�ADE� W���I��� A�D WATCHM�N: Wh�r� ��� wor� is ca�ri�d on zn ar a aac�nt to an� st����, �l�ey, or �ubli� p�a��, th� �o��ra��o� sh��l a� his �wn ex��ns� furn�sh, ���c�, and ��1��31� suc� b�rrica��s, fen��$, �{qht� �nd da�g�r sign�Xst �h��� pro�i�e such ���chme�t an� �hall tak� all suc� ��her pr�cau��o�ary m�asures f�� the ��o�e�tion of g�rso�� or pro��r�� an� of the war� as ar� ��ce�sa�y. Barri��des �nd fences s���l �e paint�d in a colar that w�l� b� visi�le at night. E'�r�� s�r�set to sr�nris� �he ��nt�actar �liaL3. fu��xish and �azntairt at 1eas� or�� �as�iy vis��Y� }�urning �ig}�t at �ac� ��rricad�. A suffic���t r�r�mb�� o� �arricad�s shall b� ere��ed and tna#ntair�ec� to )c�ep �edestri.ans �way frar�� and v�hi��es �ror� bext�g driv��x an t�� ��to, any wor� �arrder constr�c��on o�r being mainta�n�d. Th� �on�r��tor sha�L f�trnish watci�rn�n and ke�� t�em a� th��� reap�c��ve aa��gr�rt�ents in su�fi���n� num�ers to p�ot�ct ��e w�rk an8 ��ev�nt� ac�ider�t or dar�ag�. All irt�tall�t�ons and pro��t�ur�s shall be co���st�nt wz�h th� provisi�ns set Fo��h in ��e R�984 Texas Manua�, or� FJnif�rm Traf�ic �or��rol De+ri�es �a� �tr��t� �nd i�igh�a��s� is��ed t�nd�r th� authority �f �h� "St�ate �f �'�xas �1r�iform Act 1�egulatir�g Tr�f�ic on i�ighways'", �adifi�rl as #r�ic�e G70�c� Ver��'s Ci��l �ta����s, p����.nent se��i�n� bein+� ��c�ion Nos. �7, �9 f 30 a�s� 31. �G-5 (9) Th� �o�t�a��a� w�l� ��t remove any r�gu�at�r� sig�, �nstruct�o�a� sign, st�ee� na�� ����, �r oth�� �ign w���h has b�en �r�cted b� �he �it�. �f i� is det�rrnined t�a� a sx�� �ust �e ��mo�ed to p�rmit r�q��red con�tru�tio�, �he �o��racto� shalL cont�ct th� T�ansportat��n and �ub��c ��rks ��p�r�m�nt, �igns an� Ma��ings Divi��on ip�o�� �um�e� 879�-��7�)� to ��m��� the si�n. In �he ��se of �egu].at��� sign�, the �on�r��tar mus� r���a�e ��e perman�nt sign w��h s temp�ra�y si�n �ee�in� the ��qu�r���n�s o� th� above re��re�ce� manua� a�d su�h tempo��ry sig� �ust be i�stall�� p�ior to ��e remova� of the p�rm��e�t �i�n. If th� t�mpora�� sign xs ��t in�ta�l�d co������y o� �� it d�e� not mee� the requ�red s�ec�fi�ation�, th� p���anent ��gn sha�l �� X�ft in ��a�� until �h� te��o�ary �ig� ����ir�m���� ar� m�t. ���� �onstruction wo�� i� com����ed to �h� ex�ent that the perrn����� sign ca� �� re-in��a��ed, th� �o�t�ac�or sha�i ag�in co�t��t the Si�n� and Mar�ings Divisia� t� ��-ina�all the p�rrnanent sig� a�8 sh�11 ��a�e ��s �empora�� sign �n plac� �nk�l s�ch re-in��alY��io� fs �om�let�d. Th� �antract�r wi�l �e h�l� ��s�onsfb�� �or a�l damag� to the w�rk or �he p�blic ��e to fail�r� a� barri�adesrt �igns, ��n�es, light�M o� wa�c���� �o prot��t the�. ���nev�r evidenc� is four�d �f ��ch d��age to ttte work the Engine�r may orde� �.he darn�►c�ed po�tion irnm�diat�l� ��mo�re� a�� r�pla��d b�r tk�e ��n�rac�or a� the �on�ra�tor's o�rr� �x��n��. Th� �ontrac�o�'s ��$�C]]'3S1�Jl�l�j� �o� �he r�ak�tenance o� ���ricad�s, �.�gn.s, fenc�s an� li,gt�t�� ar�c� far pr�vidir�g v�a���smen sY�al]. r��t c�as� unti.i th� ��o�ect �halY have k�een c�m��eted ar�d a��ept�c� by �h� Owr�er. No �omp�nsa��an, ��t�ept �,s sp�c�����lly p�ovided i� �hese �on�ract Docum�nts, w��l i�� p2�i� to Y.he �or�tra��a� �ot' �Y�� wor�C an� rtat�rials involv�d in the ��nst�`r�c�ing, pt`vviding, and mair�tair�in� o� �ar���ades� s�qr�s, ���c�s, anc� �igk��s o� ��r sala�ri�s o� w'atchmett� f�or the s�s�se�uent �r�m���l and dispa�a� of au�h �a��icad�sx signs, or fo� ar�� o�i��� incide�stal� r�e�essar�+ for ttt� pro�ez protec�ion, safetyt and conv��sience o� tl�e public tiuring the �ontract ��riad, as ��is �ao�k is cor�si�er�d t� be su�sid��r�r to th� ����r�Y itercts fo�r whicY� t�nit o� �.�mp �urn pri�es are r�q��stec� in t�e P�roposa�. CG--6.9 USE OF �7�PL���VE�� �R�P i���GH'�f ��'C.: St�ould �he �ont�ract�r �lec� to u�e exp�.osi�es� drop ��igh�, etc. t in �he �ro�e��tior� o� tl�� wo�ckk �he utrnost car� shal.l b� �xe��ised at al], times so as �tot �o �nc�anr�er i�.f� or property. The �on�r�c�o� �l�a�l noti#� ��i� p��per r��r�sertta��v� of any pu�lic s��vice �o�gorat�on, any ��mpany� irt�ivi.duaY, or utili��r, and ��xe 4wner, not less �han �w�nty-four hours in C�a-6 (�1 adv���e of �h� us� of ��� ��t�vit� whi�� miqht da�a�� or en���g�� their or �is grop��ty ���ng or a�ja�en� �� �he ��rk. ����e th� us� �f �xp�os�v�s is to be �ermit��d �n t�e ��oj�ct� a� sp��x�ied in th� �p�ci�l �on�ract D��urnen�sr or the ��e of explosives is r����s��d, t�� Con�ractor shali �ubmit �otice �o ��� Engin��r in wri�xng �wenty-�our hours p�ior �o commeflci�g and s�al� furnish �vid�n�e ��at �e �as i��uran�� cov�ra�e to �ro��c� a�ainst an� darn�g�s an�for i��usie� arising �ut o� s�ch use vf explos��es. All claim� aris�ng o�t af t�e use of �xp����v�s shall be i�v�s�i��t�d arid a wr�tte� ��por� �ade �� ��e �o�tra�t�r�s x�surers to th� �ngi��er with�n t�n (i0) d��s af��� r�cei�t �f wr�tten no�ice of the ��axm �o �h� Con��a�tor �rom e�th�r ��� �ity o� t�� c�a�mant. T�� �ity sha�l proc�ed �o g�ve �o�ic� to th� Contrac��� of �qy s��� cLaim. Th� u�e �f expl���v�� may �e s�spende� by ��� �n�ifl��r �f ��� comp�a�nt i� rec�iv�� a�d su�h �s� s�a�l not b� res��e3 un�il ��� ca�se af �h� complaint has b��� add��ss��. W��n�ver expl�sives �r� st���� or ��pt, the� �ha�i �e s�or�d i� a�afe and �e���� m��n�r a�d a�l st�rage ��ace� sh��� be plainly m���e� '"DA�GERO�S E�PL�SI�ES" a�d shal� be under �h� c�r� of a comp�tent watc�rna� at ��1 ti�e�. ��� �ehi�l�s i� wh�ch exp�oszv�s �r� bei�� ��ans�����d shal� be �lai��y �ark�� as men����e� abov� a�� shallx insafa� as possib�e, �o� use hea�� traf�ic �out�s. C6-6.�0 �DR� WIT�I� EA�E���T�: ���re t�e work pass�� o�er, �hroug�, ar knt� �rxvate �r���rty, �he �wri�� wx�l ��o�i�e ���h right-of��a� o� �����en� �riviX�ges as �h� �i�� may �e�� nec�s��r� ��r the pro���uti�n o� �he work. Any ad�i�ianal �ights-of-way or work �r�a co�sider�d nece�sary b� the C���rac��� sha�X �e �ro�i�ed by �im a� hi� own �x�ense. S��h a����ion�1 right�-of-�ay pr wor� ar�a s�al� be �cquir�� for tn� benef�� af �he City. ��� �i�� sh�ll b� notified in wri�in� as �� ��� r�g�t� so acqu��ed befor� w�r� begins i� t�� �ff�cte� ���a, The Co�tra��or sh�ll na� �nter u�on �ri�at� pr�p�rt� �or any �u��ose ��th��� having �r�vio�s�y ���ain�� p��mission from �he owner o� su�h p�aper��» T�e ��n�ractor w�ll not �e al�owed to s�or� �q�ip�ent �r rnaterial on �riva�� prop��t� unXe�� a�d ���xl �h� spe���ied apgrova� �� �h� �rop��ty owne� has ���� s�cur�� in �riti�g b� th� �antr���or ��d a�o�� furn����d t� th� E��in��r. Unl�ss spe���xca��� provid�� ath��wis�, �he �on�ra�tor �ha�l cl�ar alx rxg�l�s-��-wa� o� eas�ments of o���ru�tio�s �h�c� must b� r�moved �o mak� p�ssibl� pro�er ��osecution o� t�e wor� �s a par� o£ the �roj�ct con�tructior o�er�t�on�. The �o.nt��ctor sha�I �e r�spans�b�e fpr k�� pr�s�rv��ion of a�d shal� us� �6-� f�1 �v��� pr�c�utio� t� p�ev�n� �ama�� tn a�l tre�s+ �hru�b���► p1a���, �awns, f�n��s, cuiv�rts, c�rbi�g, and a]1 oth�r types �f s�r�et�r�s o� zmpro�ernents� �� ��� w�t�r, �ewer, �n� �a� Iin�s, to a.11 ca�d�i�s, o�er�ead pole Y�nes, or a�p�rtenanc�s th����f, including �he �v�st�uc��on �f t��po�ary ����es, a�d �o ��1 ot��r �ublie or pri���� �roper�� alonq �d�acent to t�e wa��. The �on���ctor s��ll n�ti�y the pr�per repr���ntat�ves �f ��ners o� occ��a�ts of puhlic or pri�a�� ��nds o� inter�st in La�ds w��ch rnig�t b� a£��ct�d by �he work, Buch �ot��e shaii be �ad� a� l�a�� 48 hou�s in a�v�nc� o� ��� b�gf��f�g o� th� work. �oti�es s�a11 b� a�p�i��ble to �o�h pu�li� �n� pri�at� utili�y co�pa�ies ar any corpora�ion{ com�an�, in�ividual� or o�herr �1���� as aw��rs o� occ��a�ts� whose land v� �n���e�t �n land might a���cted hy t�e wor�. �he �ontra�to� shall be resp����b�e for a�� d�rna�� o� in��r� �o ��o��r�y �f an� ch��a��er resulting frorn any a�t, omissiont n�g�e�t, or rtisconduc� i� t�e mann�� or rn�thod or �xecution of t�� work, �r �� any tim� d�� to �e�ec�xve �o��, m��e��al, a� e�u�pme��. �h�� and wh��� an� d���c� or *��i���� o� ��j�r� �� �o�e to gu�lic �r �ri��t� property o� acca�nt of �ny ���t ��issi�n, n�gle�k, ar m�s�onduct in the ex�cution of the work, or in cons�q�en�e of �h� �On-�K@C��iO� th��eaf o� t�i� gart of the �ontractor, h� shall �es��re or �au� ����o�ed �t his o�n �os� �nd �xpen�e such ��op�rty �o � c��d�t��� �t �eas� eq�a� �o �hat e�isti�g bef��e su�h �a�ag� or injury was ����, �y r�paitingt �ebux��in�, or other�i�e r�p��cin� $nd re�to�ing �s rna� �� di����ed by t�� �w��r� or h� shall rnak� goo� such d�rn�g�� �� in�ur� i� a ma��e� acc�ptabie to �h� own�� o� �he pr�per�y an� th� ��ginee�. A�� fenc�s �ncou��e�e� ��d r�m�v�� duri�g c�nstructio� of this proj�ct �hal� �� rest�red to t�e original or � bet��r tha� origirial ����i�f�n �pon co�pletion �f this project. Wh�n w�r� �e���n�, �i�her wir� �esh or bar��� wir� is ta b� eros��d� t�� �o�trac�or shal� s�t �xas� b�ac�d post� o� ��th�r �i�� o€ permanent ea��ment be�o�e tM� �ence is cut. �hauld addi�i�n�l fence �u�s �e neces�a��, �h� �ont�act�� sha�� �ra�id� crass �r���d po�ts a� �oin� of th� p�opo��d �ut i� addi�ion �o t�e cro�s braced pos�� provided at the p�r�anen� e�semen�s �imits� be�ore the fe�c� i� cut. �emporary ����fn� aha�� b� er��ted zn place of th� f��c�n� rem�v�d wh�ne�er th� ��rk is no� in pro�r�ss �nd ��e� �he si�e is vacated ove�ni�ht, �ndJor a� al� t��es �� pze��nt �i��stock from e���r�ng t�� constr�ction ar�a. The cost for fence rem�valt ���porary clo�ures and �e�lac�men� s��al�. b� �ubs�dia�� �p t�e �ar��u� itema b�� �n ��e proj�ct C6�-G (7) pxo�asal. There��r�, no �e��ra�e �ayment shall be allawed �o� any s�r�i�� assa�iat�d w�th t��� wozk. i� �as� v� fa�lure on th� �s�t o� �he �ontra��or to restore �uc� p�oper�� to rnak� go�d su�� �a�age �� xnjur�, �h� Owner ma�� upon 48 hou� writ��� �oti�e und�r ardin��� cir�urns�ances, and w�t�o�t no�ic� wh�� a�u��an�e o� hazardo�s conditiqn res�lts, �ro�eed to ��pafrf r�b��l�, or �th��wise rest�re su�h groperty as rn�� b� d�terrnine� b� th� �wner to b� n��essaryr ��� ��e cos� t��r��y �il� b� dedu�t�� frorn �n� moni�s due or t� b�carne ��� t� �h� �ontr���or u�der �hxs �on�ra��. ����.1� I���PE�D��T �O��RA�T��: �t is �nde�stood an� agre�� � th� pa��i�s h�reto th�� �antra��vr sha�l per�orm a�� �o�k �nd ��rvic�s �er�u�der as �� inde�ende�� con�racta�, and ��t a� an officer, ag��t, s�r�an� or empx���� of th� Qwne�. �on�ra��or ���1� ha�e exclusi�� �o�tro� of a�� t�e ex���sive r�g�k �v can�ro� �h� �etafl� of a�X th� wo�k a�d s�r�ic�s p�rfor��d he��und�r, ��d a�X persons performing s�m�f and shal� �� �o�e�� r�spon����� for the acts �nd �misaio�s o� �ts o£�i�er�, ag�n�s, ���v�nts, em�loy��s, contr��tor�t su�contractor�r 1��ensees and invi���s. The doctrine of r�spondea� �u��rior s�al� n�t �p��y as ���we�n ��ne� and Co�tract�r, it� offi�e�s, agents, em��oy��s, �o�tra�ta�s �nd su�co��ra�t�r�, �nd no�h��g herein �ha�l �e �o�strued as �r����n� a partn�rsh�g or �o�n� ent�rpris� b�t��en Own�� a�d �ontrac��r. �6��.1� ����RA���R'� ���PO��IBI�I�Y ��� AAMAGE ��A���: �on�ra�tor cave�ants an� ag�e�s to* �nd does �ereby indemnify. �o�d ��rm��ss a�� defend Owner, i�s o�£ice�s, agents, ��zva��s, a�� emp�p��es froro ��d ag�inst a�� an �11 claims �� suz�s far pro�er�� dama�e or �oss a�dJor ��rson�i ��jurY, i��l�dinq d�ath, to ari� a�d al� p�rso�s, �f �hatsoever �f�d or ��aract�r, �he�her real or �ss�r�ed, arising out of or �n �onnect�on w��h, �irectly o� �ndir��tl�x th� �or� and s�r��c�s to �� per�ormed her��nde� b� �ont��ctorr its o�fi�ers, �g�n�s, em�Xoy�e�, co�trac�ors� su���n�ra��o��r lice�sees or invit�es, wh��h�x �r not caus�df �n ��ole o� in par�, by a1��ged itieglig��ce �� t�� part �� o��i�ers, aqents, ser�a�t�, �m�la����, con��a�tors, s�b�on��actors, li�e�s��s �nd 1�V1�2�S of ��e Qwn�r; and ���� �ontra��o� do�s �e�eby cov�nan� an� a���� to a�sum� �11 lia�iYit� and r�s�o�aib����� o€ Qwn�rt xts officers �ge�tsr s�rv�nks an� �mplo�e�s f�r prope�ty �a��g� �r loss, ��d�or pers��al 1��U���Si i�c����ng dea��� to any �n� aZl perso�s of w�a�soev�� ki�d or charac���, whethe� �ea� �� ass�r���, arzaing out of or �� �onne�ti�� wi�h, d�r�ct�y o� �ndir�ct�yt th� wo�k an� s�r�i�es tv be perfo�m�d her�un�e� b� �p�t�actor, i�a off��e��r ag�nt� �m��oy�es, contract4r�, subcon�racta��, l�c�ns��� an� invit�es, wh�th�r or ��t caus ed, �6-6 {8) in w�ol� or x� par�, b� a�leged ��g�igenc� of o��zc��s, ag��ts, s�rva���x employ���, contsac��r�� su�co��rac���s, �x�ens��s or in�ite�s �� th� �wner. �ontracto� li�ewis� �ov�nan�s an� a���es ��� a�� 8�es hereb�, fnd�rnni�y an� hold ha��less Owne� frpm �nd a�ains� a�y �nd all inju�i�s�l�ss ar �a�a��s t� ���per�� of the Own�r du��ng �he p�r�orma��e of any o� �he t�rm� �nd condi�ions of �his C�ntract, ���the� ar�s��g ou� of or �n con�ect��n �i�� �r resu�ting ��v�, in whoLe o� i� �art, �ny and al� a��eged act� o� ��i�sions of of�icers, a�en�s, a�rvants* emp�oy��s, co�txa�tors� �ubco�tracto�s, ��ce�sest or inv���e� of th� Ow���. In the ��ent a w�i�ten c�aim for �amages agains� th� contra�t�� �r �ts subcontract�rs r��ains unsettle� a� �h� time al� work on the gr���c� ha� �een co�pl�ted �� the sa��s£acti�� of th� ���e�t�r of the ��t�r D�par�rnent, �s evi���c�d b� a f�n�l ins���tia�� �inal p�yment to th� �ontr�cto� sha�� not be re��mmended b� t�e �i����or of th� ��te� D�pa�tm�n� �or a period a� 3� days ��ter �he da�� o€ s�ch �i�al YriS����10�, uri���� ��e �ontra���r shall s��rnit w�kt�en ��ide�ce s�tx�fa�tor� to �h� Dir�cto� that th� �Iaim has ��e� s2�tXe� a�d a releas� has been obta���d from t_he c��im�n� involv�d. I� the ��a�m co���rned r��axns unsett��d as of the ���x�a�i�n a� �h� above 3�-d�y perio�, �he �on��actvr rnay b� de� ��d �� b� �n�itie� �o � s�mi-����� �ay���t �or �ork co�pl�ted� suc� s�mi-fi�al pa�me�t to be i� an �maunt e�ual �o �he �o�al ���1�� �m�unt th�n �u� less ��e �ailar value of any �ritte� cla��s pendi�g ag��nst the �on��actor a�isin� out o� �h� �er�or�ance o� su�h �ork, a�d such se�i-��n�� pa�m�nt ma� t��n �e r���snmend�d b� th� �ir�ct�r. Th� Dir�c�or shall not recammend final �ay�e�� �o ��ontractor ��ai�st w��ro s�c� a�1�i� �o� dam�g�s is out�����ing �o� a p�ri�� o� �i� mo���� followx�g the �at� o� �h� accepta��e �f �h� wor� p�rforme� un�ess �h� �ontracko� s��rnits evxdenc� in wri��ng sa�isf�cto�� to the Directo� �h�t: �. �h� c��im ha� �e�� s�tt��d and a r�1e�s� ha� �een obt�ined ��o� th� claim�nt �nvolv�d, or �. Good ��ith e��orts hav� ��en �ade ta s��t1� such outs��ndz�g �laims, and su�h good fa�th �ff�rts �av� �ail��. �� con�ition (�? abov� is m�t a� �ny time withx� th� six ��ntri pe��o�, t�e Dzr�c�or s�alX r�commen� that the �x�a1 pa���nt to �he �ont�a�t�r be �ad�. Tf �a�d�tton (�} �bov� �s m�t �� a�y tim� wit�in th� six �o�th �erio�, th� Dire�tar �a� �e�omm�.3 �ha� th� f�nal payrnen� to t�� Co���ac�or �e made. A� t�e C6-G ( � } ��pir�tiv� oi the six mon�� �eri�d th� Dir���or rnay recomm�nd �hat fi��l pay�en� �� made L� a�� oth�r work has h��n ��rfor�e� ��d all ��h�� o�lig���ons o� �he Con�ra�t�r ��v� ��en m�� to the �a�isfaction of the D�r�c�ar. Th� �i��ctor m�y, i� he de��s �t a�prop��ate, ref�s� �v acc�p� b�ds o� ot��r �a��r D�p�r��ent �o���act work frprn a Cont�actor �qa�nst whom ��l��m f�r da�ag�s is ��t�t�nding as ���sult o� wa�� �er�or��d ��de� a �it� co�tract. ����.�3 ����RA�TOR'S �LAIM �Q� OAMA�E�: Sh�uld �he �ontractor �laim comp�ns�t�on for an� all�g�d �a�ag� by r��son of the acts �r amissivns of th� Dw��r, h� s�a11 wit�in �h��� days after th� act��� �ustaininq o� s�ch al�ege� �amage, m��e � written stat��en� �o the Enginee�t s�tti�� o�t �� 3eta�� ��e �a�ure a� �h� alleged damag�, and on o� b�E��e th� �5t� �ay o� the month �uc��ed�ng �h�t �� which �ny su�� �a�ag� i� cla��ed to ��ve b�en s�s�a�n��, t�e �ontractor s�al� �i�e �i�� �he �nqin�e� a� it�rni�e� statern��� v� t�� det��l� a�d am�u�t �f such alleq�d da��ge �ndt upo� re�ues�t sha�l give �h� Engine�� acc��s �o a�l books �f a�count, recei��s, vaucherst b�ll� of �a���g, and �th�� �o�k$ or �a�er� contai��ng a�y e�id�nc� as t�o the amoun� of suci� all���d �iamag�. Un].es� s�ch st�tem�nts �ha�� b� f�1�� as h��ceinabov� requi�edr the �on��actr��'s ���i� for ��m�ensa�ian sh�l]. be wa��ed, �r�d !�� shall no� b� �ntitled �o payment �n acco�nt of such damages. �6-6.14 ADJiJ�'�'�E�!'�` �R 1�EI,Q�A'�`ZOi� OF �UB�,�� �3TILITIES �'�'�.: In ��s� xt s r���essa.�}r to c�ange, move, or a1t�r in any rnanr�er t�� p�r��e��� �f a pub�ic u�.�lit�r or ���,er�, t�� �aic� p�o��rty shalY r�ot be m�v�� o� rnterf�red with un�i.l ord�r� there�p�n i�av� b�en issu�d by the Engir�eer. �'Y�� righ� is r�s��rv�c� tc� th� owr��r� oC ���li.c utilit��� to en��r the �e�gra�h�cal 1imi�s a� the Contr��� �or th� pur�os� �f making such chang�s or ��pairs to �heir pro�ex't�r that rn�y be n�c�ssary b�r �Y�e �e�£ormanc� of th�.� ca�tra��. �C-6.15 TEt�PQ�iARY �EWER AI�D D#��Z�? ��t�t�E�TIE}N�: Wt�en ��tiSt�.n� s�w�r l�.n�s t�a�re to i�� t�a �n �p or r�mo+�ed, t�� �ontra��ar shaZl, �x� �xs own ex��ns� and cost, prvvide and maintain t��n�orary o�tl��s and conr��ctio�s �or a11 p��va�� or ge�blic ciraa.�rs and s�w�rs. �`h� �onkxactor sY�all also t�k� �are of �11 s�waqe and draina,g� �thfch wzil b� re���ved frc��t these drai,�rs an8 sew�r�, and �or �his purpose h� shall pravic�e and m�intain, at h�s ow� co�� �n� exp�nsw, �deq�ate �ump��c� �aczYities z�nd t��m�orar� outlet�� o� diversions. Tl�e �ar�tra�torf at his owr� cos� �nd �xpens�� sh$11 conatru�t� such �x�t�g�s f pipes, or oth�� struc�ur�s ��c�ssar�►t and l�� p�egar�d a� a�l �imes �o c�is��se of drain�ge and sewage ��-6 �14} ��ceiv�d fro� t�ese temporary con��ctions un�il su�h tim�s as �he per�anent connections ar� buxlk a�d ar� �n servic�. Th� e�i�ti�� s�w��s and connect�o�s sha�l b� ��gt �n s�xvx�� �nd �a�n�ain�d u�d�r the �ontrac�� �xcep� w�en ���c��i�d o� �rd���d t� b� a��n��ned �y the E�g�n�er. A1� waker, sewa��, ��d o�her waste shall �� dis�ose� �� �n a sa����actor� m�nner �o �hat na nu�s�nc� �s c�ea��d and �o �ha� �he ���k und�r ��n���uct�o� �ill �e ���q�a�el� pr�te�t��. C�-�.16 A��A�GEMEN� A�D C����E� FO� WATE� FURNTSHED HY THE CYTY: �h�n th� Con�ra�tor desxr�s to �s� C�ty w��ar �� ��n�ectian w��h sn� cons�ru�tion wark, he sha�� �ake ��mp�ete and satfs�actor� ��ran���e��s �ith the Fort w�rth cit� wat�� D�par�����t for so �o;n�. �x�� w�ter furn��h�� to ��� �antr�cto� aha�� b� ��liv�r�� t� th� �on�r�ctor from a�annection �n a� �xxst�ng ��t� ma��. A11 pi�in� re��ire� beyond the �o�nt o� ��l�ve�� �ha�� b� iris�a�l�d b� the �on��acto� at his own ��p�n��. The �vn�ra�t�r's respons�bili�� fn the use of ai� e�is��ng £�re ���ran� �n��or v�X��s �� de�ailed in �ect�on �2-1.� �S� 0� FT�E ��D��NTS A�� VALVE� i� t�e�� �e�era� ��n�r��t DvC�ments. �hen me�ers are us�d �o ��asure the �a��rr the c�arg�s, i� any, for wat�� wiX� be a� t�a r�gu��r �stab�i�h�d rate�. Wh�� met�rs a�� �o� us�d, t�� ��arq��, if an�, �i�l �e as presc��b�d by the �ity ��d�nan��, or wh�re no ordinance �ppli�s, ���m�nt �hall �e rtade a� es�imate� and rat�s es�ab�i�h�d �y the Diree��� o� the �ort Worth W�ter ��partrn��t. ��-�.�7 U�E Q� A S��TIpN pR F�R�IO� QF TH� �OR�; ����eve�, �� �h� opinion o� �he E�g�neer, any �e�t�on or po�t�o� of �h� wo�� or a�� str�ctu�� is in suitab�e co������n, i� ma� b� p�t in�� u�e u�ox� �h� w�itten �rde� o� ��� �ngin��r, and ��ch ���ge s�a�1 no� �e held ta be �n �ny �a� �n acceptan�e of sai� w�r� �� �trtuc�ur� or any par� �h�r��� or as a wai��r af any of �h� prov���on� a€ th�se �o��ra�t Doc�rn�nts. All nec�ssa�� r��airs �nd re�aval� of any sect�o� o� �he work so �u� �nt� use, d�e �o de���ti�e �at�rxals �� w�rk��nshi�, ��uipm�nt, 4r tv d�€ic�ent op�ra�i�ns on �h� p�rt of th� �ontra��ar, sh��� be per�ormed �y th� C�n�ra��or �� his ow� �xpense. �6-�.18 �O��RA�T�fi"� R���O��ZBI�I�Y FOR TH� ����: Until wr�tten a��ep�anc� by th� �wner a� provi�ed �or in ����e C�nt�a�t Docum�nt�r the work shal� 6e ��d�r �h� ��a��e �n� ��r� �f th� �o��r��tor, a�d he sh��1 t�ke e�ery ����saa�y pre�autxon �o �r��e�t in�u�y o� da�ag� t� the work or any gart C6-6 {��} there�f b� actio� �f t�� e��rn�n�s �r from any c�use wha�s�e�er, w�,eti�er a�is�nq from �he exe�u��on or nvn�xec�ti�r� of �he �r�r1c. �'he Cantra�t�o�r aha�.l ��bui�ci, repair f�estore, �t�cl �na�C� goo� at hfs �w� exper�s� all in�t��z�s or da�►a�e t� ar�y po��a.on o� the w��k occaeion�d by �r�}� of ti�e herei�ah�v� causes. C6-� . 19 ND �AIVER p�' �,��Ai� �tIGk�T�: �r�s��C��.or� by t�ie �ngin�er ar any orci�r �}► the Qw.n�� by�. �ayrner�� of mone� or �n� ga�rmen� for or a��e��ance af �n�r work, �� ar�y e�ctensian o€ ��,m�, ax any �oss��sion �aker, b� t�he �xty si�a�1 not op��ate as a w�iver o� ar�� ��ovis�ot� of the ��rst��act Dacum�nt�. Any waiv�r of �n� i�r�ach� o� C�ntra�t shalZ not �e held �o b� a wainer o� a�ty �t�er t�� s�bs�quer�� i�r�ach. Th� Dwn�r r�s�r�res the rir�h� �o corr��� ar�y er�o� that ma� b� dis��uersd in at�y es��,�nate �hat may hav� �eer� paid a�xd ta a��u�� �h� sam� �o m��t the �equirem�nts o� t�� �antrac� Docurt�en�s . �6-6. �0 PERS�t��L LxA�3ILITY OF P�JBLI� DF�'z�7A�S: �r� caxryirtg �u� k�he p.�avisi�n� of' tit��e C�ntz�ct Dacumer��s t�� in �x��rc�s�ng ar�y p��te� o� authorit� granted the���rrder, the�� sk���� 4�e n,o lia�il�ty ��on th� aut�to�f z�d repr��entati�r�s of th� �3c�ner, �i�her persona�X�r or other�+ise as �he� ar� ag�n�s anc3 r��r�s�r�t�a�ives o€ the �i��r. C�a-5. �� STATE SAL�S TA�C: Or� ��on�ract �w��c�ed by t�� �i.tp of Fo�t �ro�cth, an orc��r�xzation whi�i� qualifi�s �or ��c�rn�tion pu�s�2tr�� the pravisions o� Arti�l� �0.04 (H) �f the Tex�as �i�i�ed ���e�, �xcis�f ar�d Use Tax A�t, t�te �on��actor may pu�chase, ren� or leas� �Xl ma���ials� �u�aplies and �quipment us�d or c���um�d �.n the p�rf��manc� �f ��is c�rytrac� b}r �.�su�.ng to h�.s ��ppli�� an exernpt�ion certificat� ir� l.ie� o� th� tax, sair� �xemption certif i�a�� �o camp],� wi�h S�.at� ��r��trv��er's Ru�ing .��7. A�� such e�cemp�ion �e�tiE'ic��� is�u�d by ii�� �ont�actor in �.��u o� th� ta�c �ha�� b� �u�je�t to an� sl�a1]. �o��ly with the pro���ions �f ��at� �o�rptroller's k�ul�r�g .O�i, anc� �r��► ot�er applx�able S�a�e Comptr�IYer ru�i.r�gs pertai�in� to the T��ta� �i�ri�ed �a��s, �:�t�,�se, ancl Use '��x A�t. �fl a con�r��t a�a�rd�d b� a d�v�]ope� fo� the cor�st�ruction ��' a pu�].icly�ownec3 irnp�av��n�z�t xn a��r��t rigi��--of-wa� ar o��i�� �ase��e�t whi�� h�s been [�edica�ed ta th� �uk�xi� and the �ity o� F�rt ��rt�h� a� organ�xation wi�ic�x gua�ifies �or ��c�mp�ior� �u�su�nt to the pro�risior�� of Ar����e �0.0�1 ��i1 0� t�� Te�x�s lim���3 5al�s� E}[�1$�'f �n� T�se �'ax P��t, #.he �ont�act�r �a� �robab�}� be �xempted in �h� s��� �ann�r s�at�d ��o�►e. ���G (1�} Li�f�ed 9�1�, E��i�� a�� Us� Ta� per���� �nd in�ormati�n �an h� o��ain�� fr�rt: Cv�pt�����r of �u�lic A�co�nts 5�1� Tax Division Capi�ol St�tio� Au�tin� T� �fi-6 (13 ) F�RT C - �$���AL �D���TI4�� �7-7 PRO�ECUTIp� ��� PR4GR��� �ECTIO� �7-7 �ROSE�UTI�� A�D �RO�����: C7�7.1 S�BL�iTING; �he Co�t�ac�o� sha�� perform w�t� his own ��ga���atxon� an �x�h t�� assistanae o� �����an unde� �is �mm��iate sup�r�n�en�a���, �ork of a va��� of not l�ss t��� �ift� (�O�l per��n� �f t�� �alue �m��aced in the �o�t�act. Tf the �ont�ac��� sub��ts any pa�� of �he wor� to be d��e und�r ��ese Co�tr�ct Docu���ts, h� ���� not und�r an� �i�cu�atan��s b� reli���� o� the �e�pon�i�i�ity an� obl�gation �ssume� under t���e ��ntract ���u��n�s. A�I t�a�s���i�ns of �he En�i���r wx�� �e with �he �o�tr��tor. �ub��n�ract��� w�l� be ���s��er�d onl� �n the capa���� �f �rnp�ay��s o� �o�km�n of t�� �ontracto� a�d s�all b� su�ject �o the sam� req�f��m�nts as t� chara���r and com��t�nc�. The �w��� �i�X not rec�gnfxe an� subcontrac tor a� �he �o�k. The �ont�actox sh�X� at all times, when t�e wark is i� operation� �e �e�����nt�d eith�r �� persori �� �� � sup�����enden� or ot��� desigri�t�d re�res���a�iv�s. �7�7.2 ASS�GNMEN� 0� CDNT��CT: �h� Con�ractn� aha�� not a��ign, tra�sf��, s�bXet, �o�v�y, o� otherwise d�spos� of t�e contract �r hi� rig�ts, tit��, or i�terest i� or �o �h� same or an� part t�e�eo� wi�hout the �re�ious co�se�t of th� ��ner �xpr�ssed b� ��soXution �� ��e City �o�ncfl �n8 �o�curr�d i� �� th� Su��t���. �� ��� �ontractar d�es, withou� s��h p�evious co�s�ntt ��sign, t�a��fer, subl�t, co��e�, or o���rwis� dis�o�e o� �h� �o�tr�ct o� hi� rig �tr tx��e, �r i��erest �hereifi or any ��rt �h�r�of� to any per��� or p�rsonst ��r�nersh�pt comp���, firm, ar c�rparation, o� daes �� b��kr�����, �oluhta�� o� in�o��ntary� ar b� assignme�� un�er t�� i��o�����y laws of an� �����, attemp� �o dispose �f the co�����t �ay, at t�� optxon of ��� Ow��� b� re�o��d an� a�nulled, unless the �u�e�i�� shal� ���c�ssfu�iy cornp��te s�i� ��ntr���, a�� in �he even� of a�y s�ch r�v�catio� �r annu]m���, �ny moni�s du� or �� ���om� d�� u���r or by v��tue o� s�i� con��act �ha�l b� r�tain�d by the Owne� as l���i�at�d �ama��s �or t�� reason that it would b� impracti����� and extre��1� di�fi�ult to ffx th� �c�u�� dama��s. �7-7.3 PROSE�U�IO� 0� �HE W�R�: ���o� �D b���nning any �o�s�ru�tion op�ration, ��e ���tracto� s��Xl su�mit to the Engin�e� �n fi�� or �or� cop�e�� if requ�ste� by the �ngi��er, a���qr�ss sch�duXe pref��abl� in c�art o� dia�r�m forrn, or � b��ef o�tli��ng i� dat�i� and step �� step t�� mann�r of �7-7 ��) pro�ecu�ing th� woxk a�d ord�r�n� m�teri�l� �nd �g�ip���t whi�h h� �xp�cts to �oi�ow in ord�r to �o��let� th� �ro��c� ifl t�� sch�du��d tirn�. There sha�� also b� s���xtte� a table �f �s�imate� ���unt� t� b� ��rned b� ��e �o��raetor �uring ���� rno�t��y �st�mat� �eriad. The �on�ractor s�a�� commen�e the w�rk to �e �erfarm�d u�der ��is con�r��� wit��� t�� ti�e 1i�i� ��ate8 i� t���� �ontrac� �o����nts and sha31 con�uc� th� w�r� in ��on�i�u�us �a���� and w�th s�ufficien� �quipm���, materi�l�{ �fld Iabor as is necess��� t� in�ure f�� completi�n �i�hi� �h� �i�� ��rn��. T�e s�qu��ce �equ�sted of a�l �onstru��ion ope�ati�ns shall be at all tim�s as sp�����ed in th� Specia� Contract D��umen�s. Any deviation �r�� ���� ��que�cing s�a�� be s���ztted tv the �ngineer for hi� a��ro���. �antract�r shal� �ot proce�d wi�h an� d�vi�t�on u���� h e has re�eive� wr�tten ��pro�a� f�om t�e E�g�ne�r. �uch s�e�iF�c���on qr appr�val �y the Enginee� shali n�t r�li�ve t�e �ontr�c�or frvm �he fuLl resp�nsibrlxt� af t�e co�p�e�� ��r�o��a�ce of th� �on�rac�. �'Y�e �ontr�ct tim� may �� ��anq�� ojily �s set €ortt� in ��ction �7-7.� "Ext�r���an of '�xrrt� of �or�ple����n"' o� t�ii� Agre�m�nt, anr3 a p�rogr�ss schedu�� ��,a�� r►ot �onstit�t�e ��h�nge in t�he c�n��act tirne. �7-7.4 LIM�TATIOt�� �F ���RAT�Q�1�: T�e worlt�.ng op��ation� si�all at �11 tim�s �� �on�3uc��d i�� �he Contr�ct�or so as �o �r�at� a mi�x�urn �mount a� i,ncon�r�e��,�nce to the �ubli�. At �r�� �i.m� w��r�, in �h� �uc3gmen� o� th� �ngin��r, th� �ontr2��tor k�as o�s�r�cte� or clo�e� or i� carr�r�ng o� operat�,ans in a p�r�ior� of a s��e�t or p�blic way gr�e��er than is r��c�s�ar� far �h� pro�er e�c�cuti�n �� tl�e w�ric, �i�� Engir�eer m�}� �r�qui�e th� �ontr��tor to ti�ish tk�� sec�i�n on wl�zch ope�rations ar� in pro�r�ss b��a�c� �he �ro�k �s c�rn�t��r�ced o� an� ��3diti��na1 se�t�on or �t��eet. �7-7.5 �HARACTER �F WOR�(ME�1 AN� �QUIPM�NT: LoC�I labo� sh�7�1 �e uaed by the Con��actor i� a�ai]�a�l�. Ti�e �ofltra�tor m�,� bring in from autsi�e the �i�y o� F�r� Worth h�s �t�� men and t�is su�rerint�ndent. 1��.� otlyer �rorkrnent �n��t�din� e��ip�er�t apera�orsr may �� import�d only 2��t�r �he �o�al su��Iy i� �xhae�sted. Th� �an�rac��r sha11 ern��o�r onl� au�h �uperir�t�r��3�ntsf �or�men� �r�d �orkmen w}�� ar� care�ul� ca����et�t, �rtd �ully qua�i�i,�d to perforrn the duti�� or tasks assigr�ed to �h�m, ar�� the �ngin�e�` may d�mat�c� and s�cu�re �t�� summ��}� d�smissal af any peeson o� p�rs4ns e���oyec3 b}� the ��nkra��o�r in or �,k�out �r on th� �tpr�C wha, in th� opini�n of the Owner� sha�l mis�a�duc� hi.ms�].f or b� �our�� to b� �ncor���ter��, di.sr�s�ect�t�l, int��z�p�r��e, d�t�i�one��, o� C7-7 f�} othe��ise abj�ct�on��le o� neg�ec�fu� in th� �r�per ��rfor��nc� of his or th�ir dut�es� or who n���ects or r�f�a�s to compl� wi�� o� �arr� out �he di�e��ions of �he Qw�er, and �u�h ��rson o� �ersafl� sh��l nat b� e�pio�ed �gain ther�o� w��hou� writ��n cansent of th� En�ineer. Al1 �or���n sh��l have s�ffic��nt skil�, a�zl���� a�d e�perien�e t� ���per�y ��rform the work as�i�n�d �o ��em a�d o��rat� ��y �q�ipme�t nece�s�r� to pr�perl� car�y ��� t�e p�rf�rrn���e a� �he a�s�g�ed d�tke�. �h� �ont�ac�or s��XX furni�h and �ai�tain on the wor� al� �u�� �quiprn��t as is cona�d��ed ta b� n�cessar� f�r g�o�ec����� ot the wo�� in a� ���eptabl� rnaRn�� and a� � sa�is�a�tory rate o� proqr�ss. All equiprnentt toois, �nd �a��ine�y used for han��i�q �at��i��s an� ��ecuting �n� pa�t o� t�� wor� sha�� be s�bj�c� to th� approval o� ��e �ngine�� an� s�a�l b� �ai�tain�d �n a sat�sEac�o��� saf� and �ffi�ien� �orkin� �ondx�ion. ��uigrn��t on any poL��on of the work shali b� s�ch that n� inj�r� �o �h� work, workrne� ar ad�a���� p�o�e��y wi11 �eault from ��s u��. �7-7.� ���K ���EDULE: ��aps�� workkng �ays s����� be corn�u��d s�arting wi�lti t�� first day o� work complete� �s d�f��ed in ��-1.23 '"�JOR�[i�� �A5[" ar �h�* 3ate �tipu�ate� ir� the `"i�ORK �R��:R" �or begir�ning work, whichevet cam�s fi���. i���}�inc� i� �.hese Con�.ra�� Doc�r�en�� sh��.l be co�atr��d �s pr�hibitznc� ��e ��n�rac�or Sr�o� �rorking v� �atur�ia�� Sur�da}� vr L�gaX Ha�.idays, pravid�r�g �h�t� t�� f�llawie�g requir�rn�nts ar� r���: a. A requ��� �o wor�C on a�pecifi.� L��al H�liday r��s� �� �tac�e to the thar� the proc�edi�tg Thtxr�day. �aturda}�, ��r�c3a}� or En�i�xee�r na la�er k�. Any worlc to be d�ne on �he proj��� o� su�h a S�@�1�1C �a�ur�a�+, �un�a� �r Legal Fio�.iday r�u�� b�, ifl the o�ainio� o� �k�e �ngin�er, e�ser�t�i�1 to the �imel� com�l.et�or� of th� pro�ec�. Th� �r�gine��`s de�ision shail be finaX in respor►se to su�h a ��qt�es� �vr ap��oval to work an a��eci�ic Sa�urday, Sunrlay or �e�al I��J.�day, ar�d no e�t�ra aompet�aation sha�] be ��low�� to �he C�n��acko� ��r an�r work g�rformed o� �uc� � speci��� ��tu�da�+, Suz��i�� o� Lec}�1 Holida�. �al�ndar t]a�s s��Xl b� de��r�ec� in �l-�.24 a�tt� �he �ont�a�tor rnay work as �e sa cleaf ��s. C7-7 �3} C7-7.7 TIME �P CO��E����E�T A�D CO�PLETIO�; ��� Co�trac��r sha11 �omm�nc� t�� worki�g op�rat�ons wi���n �he �irne s���i�i�� i� t�� �o�t�act Documen�s an� set �ofth in t�e Wo�k ����r. Failure �o da �o s��ll be co�si8�red �� �he �wnex as ahandonm��� o� the �ontr��t b� ��e Cantractor and the pw��r �ay �ro�eed a� he s��s fit. �he �on�xactor �hall ma�nt��� a r�te a� p�ogr�ss s��� as �i1� i�sur� �h�t ��� whol� �o�� �ill be p�rform�� an� the p��mis�s cl�an�d up fn accor�an�e �i�� th� Co���a�t boc����ts and ����in t�� �ime �sta��ishe� in su�h �o�um�nts and such ex�e�sion o£ �i�e as ��y b� properl� aut�o�ixe� by ��� ����r. �7-7.8 ���ENSI�� OF TIME C��PLETIO�; T�� �ontractor's reques� €vr �n ����ns�on o� t m� of co�p�e���n $h��l �e �ons�der�d o�l� whe� �he r�qu�s� �or su�h �x��n��on �s submit��d i� w�i���g �o ��� ��gin��� wit�i� s��e� �ays fr�m �n� �£t�r th� t�me a��eged caus� �f d���� s�all have o�e��r��, �ho��d a� ext�ns�on o� th� ti�� �£ co�p�e�i�� �� ��q�e�t�� such r�qu�s� wi1� �� �o�warde� to th� �ity �o�ncil for ��pr�va� . In adju�t�ng ��� contract t�me for comp��tio� �f work, cansid�ra�i�n wi�� �� g���n to u��v��e�a�le caus�s �e�on� the con��ol of an� withou� the ��u�t vr �eglig��ce of ��e Contr�c�or, i�cluding b�t 1i�fte3 to a�ts �f ��� gublic �n�m�� acts o� the Ow�e�+ fir�, �iood, tornadoes, �pi�e�ics, ���ra��i�� ��st����i�n�x str�kes, �reig�t �mbarqoes, or ���a�s of su�R�ont��cto�s du� �o suc� �auses. �he� t�e �at� of ��rnp�etion is �ased on ����enda� �a� bid, a ���ues� �o� ���enskon o� time b�cause of incX�m�nt w���hsr wf1l �o� be consi�er�d. A�equ�st for ex�e�sion of �ime d�� �� i�a�iXit� to obtai� sup�lies �nd �at�rial.s wil� �e �ons�d���� on�� �h�n � �evi�w of �he �o�t�actor's �urchas� ord�r da�es a�d oth�r perti�en� da�a �s r��ue��ed by the E�g��ee� i�d�c�t�s that th� Cont��ct�r has mad� a�o��f��� attem�t �o �ecu�� ��1�u�r� �n sc���ul�. �hi� s�al� i�c�ude -�f��r�s to obt��n the �����i�s �nd �ate�xals �ro� a��er�a�� so.u�ces �� ca�e th� f���� sour�� �anno� m��� d�lfver�. If s�tisfa��or� e�ecu�ion and cornp�etian of �he �o��ract �houl� r�quire work and �at��i��s in gr�a�er amourits �r �ua�t��i�s �han thos� se� �o�t� �n th� app�o��d Con�r��� ��c�ments{ th�n the cont�a�t ��zm� rna� be i�c��a�ed by �hang� O��er. C7-7.� DELAYS: T�e �a�tra�tor s�all receive no �o�pe�sation �or d�lays or hx�d�ances �o �h� w���, �xce�t wh�� direct �nd u��vo�da��� ��tr� ��s� ta �he ��ntr��tor is �aus�� b� the fai�ur� of the Ci�� to provid� information a� mater�a�, iP C�-7 �4) anyr w�k�h is �o b� �uxni�h�� b� the �ity. w��n su�� extra cornp�n�a�io� xs claimed � written stateme�t ���r�of shall b� pr�sented by ��� ��ntra�tor �� th� F���ne�r ��d i� by �i� �ound car��c� sha�X �e approved a�d ���e�red �� h�rn �o t�e �ounc.il �or fina� app�ovai o� df��gpro�al; and �h� action �h�r�on b� the �o�nc�l sha11 b� fin�l �nd bi��xng. If d��a� is cau��d b� spec���� ord�r� gi�en by the Engineers to s�op w��k, or by the perfor���c� af ext�a wo�k, or by th� f�ilur� a� �he ��t� to �zovi�� rn�t�rial or n���ssary in���uctiona for �arryf�g on t�e workr t��n su�h �elay w�11 �ntitle �h� � ontra��ar to an �q�i�alent ����nsion of t��e� �is agp��ca�ion Eor w4�ich sha�l, hawev�r, b� s+��ject to �he �ppr�val �f tl�� �it}� �ouncil; �r�d no such �xt�r�sion o� ��r�e shall re�e��� t�e �o�t�ractor �r the �ur��� �r� hi� p�����r��r�ce �onc� �rot� all �i.s a��igatior�� h�reunder wY��ct� �k�a�.� remain a.n �u1� force �n��l the r��schar�� of the co�t��c�. �7-7. 1� �I[�� O�' �Q�i�€��T�Q�: Th� ��rn� of co�t�le�ion is an �ss��st��� e��rn�r�t o� �h� ��ntract. ���k� b�dder sY�a�.J, in�icat� in the apg�opr�z�#.e place on the ��s� pag� o� �h� �ropos�l �he nz�m}�e� af wo�`krng c�ays or �al�nt��r days k�h2��. he +�ill re����e to full�€ comp���e thi� �on�r��t or the t�im� of �osr�pYe��o� will �e �ge��Fi�d b� �h� �ity in t�� Pro���al �e��ion o� tha_ con�x`a�t d�curn�nt�. Th� r�um��� o� c��ys ir�c�ica�ed s�iall be a���l..istic �stxms�t� oE t���� t�m� r�qu�.r�d k.o corn�ie�� �he work cover�r� b� th� s�ec�,fi� �o�trac� b�ing bid u�on. The aroo�nt of tir�� so ��a�e� �� tl�� su����sful bidder or th� Ci�y w�ll be��m� th� tim� �� com�letion sp��i�i.er] in the �a�►�r��t Docu�ents. F`��r ���h ca�e�dar da}► tha� �ny work sha1� ��mair� unc�mp��t�d �f�er the �ime s�eci�i�d in �he ���t�ac� �ocume�i��, o� ��e in�r�as�d tir�e gran�ed by th� Ownert �� as �u�om��i�a�ly ir�c��as�d b� a��i�for��l wo�rk ar m�teriaLs ord�red af��r th� �ontract i.s sic�ned� ��e surr� p�r +��y given i.r� �l�� €ol].awin� sc��c�u�e� ur�less ��herw�se spe�ifi�d zn other p�,rts o� t�e �o���a�� �ocume�ts, will h� de8uct�e� fram mo�i�s c�ue �1�� C�ntra��or, r�o� as a pe��lty� but 2�� Ziqt�ida�ec3 t�am�g�s s�uf f erec� b�r t�xe �wne� . • AM�UNT OF CONTRAICT Less t��xn $ �, U�� $ 5��3�1 to � ��,��0 � X����1 to $ 25,�00 � �5,��1 to $ 5�,0�� � 50,001 to � ].Q0,0{�� $ 14�,0��. to $ �Q8,4�� �7�7 (51 in�l�sive � inclusive $ inc�u��ve $ i.nc�.u�iv� $ �nc�.usive � incl��ive $ ��.Q� 45.Ot� 63,�� lU�.�� 15�.�� 2�O,Q0 $ �00,�01 to �1,OOO�QO� in�lusive $ 3i�.OQ �1,�O��OU1 t� ��*��0��0� i�����x�e $ 4��.0� $�,�0�,��i a�d ov�� $ �30.�U Th� ��rt�es h�re�o u�der�tan� �n� agr�� t�at any �arm to th� City �aus�d b� th� �o�tra�to�'s �e�a� in �o�ple���g the wo�� he����d�r �n ��� tim� specifi�d �� t�e �on�ract Do�ume�ts ��u�d �� in��pabi� or �e�� diEf�cu�� o� ac��rak� est�rn�tio�, and �ha� ��e "�rn���t oF L�qui���ed Da���es Per �ay*, as s�t �ut above� is a�easonab�� �o��ca�� of j�st �arnpen�at�o� d�� t�e �i�y for harm caused by ��� d��a�. �7-i.Z3 3USPE��I�� HY ���RT ��D�R: ��e �ontractor ����1 s�spend �p�rations an such par� or par�s o� t�e w�r� ordere� �� any �ou��r an� w��� �o� �e �n�i�led �o additional co�p�n�ation �� vzrt�� of s�ch ���r� order. N�i�h�r will h� be �iab�e �o t�� �ity irr �k�e e�r�nt the w�rk �s sr���en�e� k�y a Court Orc��r. �l�,�ther uri11 the �wr�er �� i,f.abX� to t�� �or�trac�or b}� vir�u� a� ar�� �ou�t Or�ie� or actxon far wh��}y �he Owner i� r�ot solel�r z�s�on��b1�. C7�7.�� TEMPOR�R� ��]�P��1�z0�3: Th� �wner sh�ll �,att� �.he right ta sus��r�� �h� wox'?� ope�at�on who�2}► or in part f�� such ��riod o� �eriod� �� time as h� m��r d�em €���essary due to ur,stai.�a�le w�athe� �onc�itions ar ar�y �ther un�avar�b�e COf3C���101'18 w��,�h in t�e opin�on o� the �wn�� or Engi�e�r ��use €urth�� �rose�ut�xon of #�S�e warl� �� b� unsatisfac�ary ar c���rim�n�a� to th� irster�st� of tl�� �x�ojec�. �3t�r�nc� �emp�r�r�r s�sp�ns�.on of wo�k coverec� b�r this �on�rac�t �ar an�t �eeaso�, tY�e �wn�x w.il� m�l�� n� �x��a payrn�n� �or ���n�-by ti.m� of coess�ruc�ion equipm�r�t and�or �on�tru��ion crews. If it st�ould ���om� r��cess�r}r to su���nd wv�k for �n �nd�f�tnite perioc3, th� ��n�racto� sha�.� ator� �lY rn��erial� it� s��h �ar�ner th�� �E��y will �rot ��astruct or �r��cde �h� �ub��� �nn��e�sa�i.ly �ror b�com� dar��ge� in �t�� way, and l�e ah�ll tak� etr��y �r�cau�fon to prev�nt darnage or ���eriar�ti,ort of t��e wo.�?� p�r��rm��i; he sh�],1 �rovfd� ���,t���e drair�ag� a�ou� th� �r�ric, and ere�t� ��mpo�a�y �truct�re� wh�re r��cessary, �hot�lc� ��,e �ort�r��to� r�o� b� �t��.� t� cornp���� a�o��ion of t�re pr��ect d�� �o ca+�ses b�yond t�ie ��r�tro� o� ae�d �i�}��u� the fau�t or n�gligenc� of �he ��rt�ract�r �� se� �ort� in P3r�gx�agh C7-7.� �}{T�NSI�N 0�` T�i� "�'�M� OF C�h1PLET�O[V, and shat�lc3 it be rl��er�i.ned b� mutual �ons�nt of �h� �nn�ra�to� and �th� �ngineer �ha� a so�uti�n to al�ow �onst�uc�ior� to �rvc�ed �.� not avaix�l�le within a reas�r�a��� per.i�d af trm�, t��n �he �or��rac�o� �ay �� r�x�burs�d �or the �os� of movin� h.is �q�ip�ent o�f the �ob and re�urning the n��e�sary �q�ip�e�� �o t�e job when �1� is de�e�'mi.ne� by �he �ngf.nee� �7-7 �6J t ha� �ons����tion rna� he resu��d. Such r���b�r�em��t sh�ll �� bas�� on ac�u�� ��st to �he ��nt�a��or �f m�vxn� �he �quipmen� a�� no p�vfi� wil� �� a��owe�. �o reimburs�m�nt sha�� b� a�l�w�d x� �he �quipm�n� is mo��d to ��oth�r cons��uction �ro�eat �o� �he ��ty o� For� �a���, ��� �on�ractor sh��1 n�t sus�end wo�� wi�hout written �o�i�e frorn ��e E�g����r an� �ha�� pr�ce�� w�th t�e �o�k apera��on� gro��t�y w�en noti���d by th� E�gin�er to so resum� �perat�o�s. �7-7.I3 TE�MIN���D� 0� CQN�R#CT D�E TO ��TIQNA� E��R�E�C�: �hen�ve�, b�ca�s� �f Natio�a� Ernergency, �o �ecls��d by �h� Pr�si��nt af �he U����d 5ta��s �r ot�e� �awf�� �uthor�tyf i� b�cornes i��ossi�le �o� �he ��ntra�tor to oh�ai� �X� o� t�� necessary labor, �a��rials, �nd equipm�n� far th� pros�cu�ion of t�� work w�th reasonable co�tz��i�y ��� � p�r��d of twa ��nths, the Ca��r��tor ��all w�th�n s��en �a�s notz�� th� �x�� �n w�itxn�r 9iv�ng a 3�tai�ed s�a�ement of the e��o��� which ��v� beeri �ad� and �istinq a�X nec�ssary i���s o� l���r� mate���ls, a�d �qu��m��t no� obta���ble. �f, a���r i�v�stfgatfon�, the �w��r �i�ds that �u�h �an�x�ions �x���ing and �hat ��� i�abz��t� o� th� �o�tr��to� tv proceed �s no� attrib�tab�e i� ��o�e or in part to �he fau�� �r n�gl��� o� th� �on��a��, then if the �wner ca�n�� af�er r��s�na bl� �fiort assist �he �o��r���or in �r�curing and rna�in� avaiXabl� the ���es�a�� labor, ma�er�a�s and equipment �i��in t�ir�� da�s, th� �o�tra�to� �ay �equ�s� �he Ow��r �o te�mzn�t� t�� cvntract and th� Ownar may �omp�y witl� the req�est, an� th� te��i���ion sha�� �� condit�o�ed �n� ��s�d ��on a �i�al settlem�n� �u�uaXly accep�a�l� �o �oth t�� Owner and th� �ont�a�tor a�d f��al paym�n� shal� be �a�e i� ���ordanc� with �he terms �f �h� ag���� settl��ent� �hi�� s�alX inclu�e, but flot be lim���d �o, ��e pa�m�nt fo� a�i wor� ex��u�ed �u� no a����ipa�ed �rofit� on �o�� whic� has ��t b��� ��rf�r�e�. �7-7.14 SU���NS��� 0� AHAND��ME�T OF T�E WOR� A�D A��U��E�� b� �Q�TRA�T: T�e work ���ra��ons �� �� o� an� port�on or s��tko� ot �he wa�k un��r �ont�a�� sha�� he s��p�nd�� imrned�a��l� on writt�� o�d�r af the ���inee� or t�� �o�tr�c� ma� be 3eclar�d ��ncelled b� th� City �ou���l �or ��y �oo� �nd �ufficien� c�use. Th� �oliawxn�, by �ay of �xa�ple, ��� n�� o� �lI[11���1DiYr m�y k�� �or�si.d�red gro�nds �o� sus��z����n o� C�riC�������[1 : a. �'�i�ure of th� �ont�a�ctor to cor�m�r�ce wor�C o��rati.ons �+�thin th� time �pe�ffied a'.r� �he v�or�t Q�d�� issu�t� by th� D+�r�e�, C7�7 i7} b. �u�sta�t�aY �vide��e that progress o� �he w�rk op�ratinns by �a�tra�tor �s i�suffi�ien� �� cam���t� �he wor� ��thin the sp��ifx�d tx�e. c. �a��ure of the �a�tractor t� �rvv�d� and �azn�ai� suff��i��� labar �n� ����pm�nt to �rope�l� ��ecute ��e wor�i�g ��erations. �. �uhstanti�l e�ide�ce th�G �he Cont�actor has �bandone� ��� work. �. �u�s��n��ai �vi�en�e that �he ��nt�ac�or has bec��e insol�en� o� ban�r�pt, or o�h�rwi�� ���anc�ally u�a�l� to ca��y on �h� wo�� satisfact�ri��. f. ��i��re o� ��e gart o� the �o��rac�or to obaer�e any r�quir�merit� of the Contract Dac�m���� or to comp�� with any �rd�r� give� by �h� �n��n��r or Dwn�r �ro�ide� �or i� t�ese �ontr�ct �oc�m�nts. g. �ail��r� of th� �o���a��or ��ompt�y to mak� good a�y ���ec� xn �ateria�s or �orkrna��hip, ar an� d�fe��s of �n� na�ure ��e corr��tion of �h��h has �ee� dir��t�d �� ���t�n� by t�e Engin�er or �he Own�r. h. Su�s�a��ia1 o€ il���a�l� fraud o� ��e �on�ra��. �vi�e��� of co�lu��on tor the p��p�s� ��ocur�ng a co�tr��t o� g���e�ra�i�� ���� �n the cons�r�c�io� of wo�k und�� i. A subs�an�ial �ndi�ation th�t ��� �ontrac�or has made a� uri�u�h�ri�ed assiqnmen� o€ the c���ract o� an� f��ds �ue ��e���ro� �or the b�n�fi� of ��� creditor or fvr �ny o�he� pur�oa�. J- k. �f �he Cv����c�o� �hall �or any ca��� wha�s��ve� n�t carry on ��e w��king o�eration �� an acc�pta ble m�n�e�. If e�� ����r���or co�rt�nc�s l��ai action �g�i��t �h� Own��. A co�� o£ th� suspe�sian order or �c�io� o� t�� �i�y �ounci� shal� �e s�rved a� th� Contractor's Sureties. �he� work is s�s���ded �or a�y �au�� �� ca����, o� wh�n �he cvn�ra�t �s �anc����d, �he Con��ac��r ��al� ��scv�t�nu� th� w�rk or �uch �a�t ther��f a� th� �w�er �h�ll ��s�gna�e, whereu�on t�e Sur�t�es may, at th�ir o�tion, assum� �he ���t�act �� �hat por�ion ��er�oF w�ich �he �w��r has ordered t�e Ca��r�ct�r �o disconti�ue, end m�� p���ar� t�� s��� �� ma�, w��h the w�itte� C7-� (9? c�ns�nt o� �h� ��ner, sub��� ��e wo�� vr �h�� portipn o� ��e work as taken ov�r, p����d�d ho���et, �ha� t�� Sur��x�s sha�� exe��ise ��eir ogtio�r x� �� a11t �ithin two we�ks a��er t�e w�it��n �o�ice to �I�CO��lri�� the ���k has been se�v�d u�on t�e Contracto� �n� upon the 6ur�ties o� �rieir autrioriz�d a��nt�. T�e ��r�ti�s� �� �u�h e�ent shal� assum� �he �on��a�tor�s pl�c� in all zespect�, a�� shal� b� �aid b� the Owner fo� a�� work per�vr�ed by t�em in acco���nc� w��� th� ��rms o� the Contra�� �ocurnents. �XX mon��s r��ain�ng d�� �h� �o��ra�t�r at �he t��� of this defau�t shall ther���o� b�com� d�e a�d �ayable to the �ure��es as th� work grogre�ses, ���j�ct �o all o� �h� �erms o� ��e Ca�tra�t Docum��ts. I� ca�e the �ur�ties do �ot, �ithin the her�inabov� �peci�x�� �i��, �x���is� �h�irt ri�ht and op�ia� to a�s�m� �he co�trac� ��sponsx�iXi�i�sx �r that �o��ion the�eof ��ic� ��e Own�r ha� �rdered by �he G�n����t�r to d�s�ontz�u?, t�e� �h� �wn�r sh�l� h��� th� pawer to �omplete, �y con�ra�t o� other�i�e, �s it �ay d��ertnin�, tiYe woric h�r�in d�scrii�ed �� �u�i� part� ����reof as it ;�a� c��em nec����ry, ar�d �he �or�t�r���or here�o �g��es �h�t ��i� �wn�r shall h��+e t�i� right to ta�C� possessiar� oE a�c� u�e an}► m�t�rials, �1ar���, toals, ��uiprr�eflt, s�tp��i�s, arid prop��t}� �f an�+ lcind provxded �� �h� Contr���or ��,� �hw pur��se of carryir�g or� �h� wor�C and tv pr���re o�her �oo].st �qui�r�e�t, ��t��ials, l�bor an� ��op�rt�r fo�e the completion o� th� work, and �o �ha�rg� to �he �,�cour��. of th� �ontracto� �� �aid ��ntrac� �xpense for �abo�# mat�r�als, too��t �a��f�men�, an� �x�.l �x��nses i�+cidet�tal ther�to. Tt�e �x��ns� so chargec� s��►�l b� �3�c�u�t�d �}� tltie Owr�e� fr�m suc� r�onies �s ma� b� r],�� or €�a}r b��ome du� �t arty time tl��r�after to the �ontr��to� ur�c��r and �y vir��� o� kh� �ont�act �r a�y p�r� th����f . �`h� D�rne� �h�lX r�o� b� re�uz��d t� o�tair� t�� X�west �.'td for th� ,�oxk cam�le�ir�g �i�+� con�.rax�t F bu� the �x��ns� to �S� r��duc��d sha�1 b� �h� a�t�a� co�� of t�� owr�er of �uch wo��C. In caa� s�ach �x�er�ses shal.l ��c�eed �h� �mour�t wY�ich would h��e be�� paya��� unc��� tl�e Con�.r�c� i� t�h� sarn� had be�n �om�l�ted k�y the ��ntrac�o� t the€� the �o�tractox ar�d his �nr��ies s�a1X pa� �h� arnoun� of suc� e�scess ta the Cit� o�t r�ot�.�� irom t�� Owne� o� the �xce�s d�te. Wh��t �ny pa��i�u�ar pa�'� a�' t�e work is �einc� aarr��c3 on b�► th� Qwne� b�r �ontract� or oth��wis� ur�d�r the ��o�'isions of this s��t�on, th� �on�.�eac�o� �#�a�l con�inu� t�� r�maind�r t�f tl�� work in cor�fprrn�ty wi#.h ��e t��rrns o,E t��e �ar��r��t Docu�n�nt� 2�r�� in su�h a mar�ne� �� to �at l�inde�c or �nterf�r� wa.th pe��o�m�rice o� ��e work b�r �.he Ow�r��. �7-7.15 FUL�'I�LI�+i��]'�' �F �QNTRACT: T�� �Orltr�ct vf�l]. �e car�sid�red as h�vang �een fuXfY����t sav� �s pr��i�e8 �n any ��nd or �ond� oz t��+ Iawk r�i��rt al.�, th� wor1� �r�d all sectior�s vr �a�ts of the �r�j��t c�v�r�t� by �.t�� �or��ract �ocu�n�n�s have �7-7 { +� } be�n finis�ed and �om�1��e�, �he �inaX i�sg�ction rn�d� �� th� �ng�ne�r, and �he ��n�� a�c��t�n�e and �i�al payme�t m��� b� the p�n�r. �7�7.1� TE�SZ�ATI�� FOR CQ����IE��E pF ��� OWN��: �. NOTI�E OF TERMIN��Iq�: T�e �er�o�rnance o� th� work un��r �hxs contra�t rnay be ter�inated b� �he pwn�� in who��� or fro� tirn� �o �irne in ���t, iri s�cvrdan�e wxth ���� s�etion, wh��ever �h� D���r s�all de��r��ne �h�� $uch ��rmi��tion is in �h� b�s� �nterest o� �he �wn�r. Any su�� t�rm�na�io� �h��� b� e����ted b� rn��l��g a�o��c� oF termin�t�o� to ��� �ontractor sp�ci�y�ng �h� ��t�n� to w�ich p�r�or�ancw �� w�rk under �I�� �o�tract is ter�xnated� a�� the ���� u�on w�i�� such termina�io� be�o��s �ffecti��. R�ceip� of th� no�ic� ��all be d�eme� canclusi��ly �r��u�ed a�d este�lish�� w�e� the let�e� is pla��d i� th� ���t#d �tat�s �ai1 by th� Dw���. Furth�rt �� s�a�� be d�em�d co��lusively pr�s�rn�� an� est��X�sh�d th�� �u�h te��i�at�o� �s mad� wi�h j�st cause �s th�rein s�at��; and no proo� in a�y ���im, d�rnand ar suit shal� be �e��fr�� �� th� �wne� re�ar�in� �u�h dfs�re��ona�y action. H. �ON�RACT�� �CT�O�: Af��r re�eipt of ���tic� of ��rminat�on, and ��cep� as ���erwi�e dire��ed by �he Engi���r, t�e C�nt���t�� shall: 1. Stop wo�k �nder t�e �ontra�� on th� dat� and �o the ex��n� sp�c��i�d �n th� �o��ce of t��mf�at�on; �. p�a�� no �urther �r��r� or sub�on��acts for �at��i���, se�vic�a or �aczliti�s exc��t as �fla� be n�c�s�ary �or com�����on of ���� �or�iv� o� the work �nd�r the ��n��act as �s not t�rmi�a��d; 3. terrnina�� �11 order� $n� ��bc�n�ra��s �� th� �xtent th�t t�ey �el�te to t�e �er��rman�� o� �ork �e�m�nated �y �he nati�e o� te�m�na�ion; A. tr�n�f�r t�t�� to th� ��ner and �e��v�r �n �he rnann��, at th� tim�s, and to th� ex�en�, �� a��, dir��ted b� the �ngine�r: C7�7 I1�) a. 5. �. � the fa�ri�at�d �� unfabr�cate� p�rts, w�r� in proc�ss, �ompl�ted �ork, ��pp�i�s an� at��r rnat�rial �rod�c�d �s a part o#� �r a�qui�e� xn �on����ia� w�t� the per�v���nce �f+ �h� wor� �erminat�� by the not�ce of te���natio�; ��d the �om��eted, or ��r�ia11� c�rtplete� �la�s, drawi�gs� infor�a�i�n a�� other property w��c�t i� th� co�t�ac� ha� b��n co���et��, would have bee� r��u���� �o b� �urnish�d to the Own�r. comp��te perf�rma�c� o� sucM ��rt o� the w�rk as s�a�� �a� have been �ermina�e� �� t�e no�i�� of ter�inati�n; an� ��ke �uch a��i�n as m�y �e n�cess�ry, oz �s �he E�g�n��r may d����t, fo� th� prot������ a�� p�eser�ation of the �ro��r�y r�l�te� to i�s �on�ract �h��h is �� the possessi�n o� the Cot�tract�� ��d �� wh��h tl�e Ow��r �es or ma�t �cquire �h� r�st. At a�ime �not �.ater than 30 �a�►� �f t�� th� �err�inatiar� date speci.f ie� in th� no�i.c� �� t��r�tinatior�, the �or�tracto�c m�,y s�bm�t� to the Eric��neer � list� ce�etifie� a� to �uant�t� �nc� gu�l�ty, o� an}+ or ali itercts o� �err�inat�.�n inventor� r�ot ����io�xsl�► c�i.sposed o�t ��ccl�s�ve �f i�.ems �.h� dfsposi�ion o� whi�h has been c1ir����d �r suth�ri�ed ��r �Itie Engir��2r. C�ot �2���r th�n J.5 c3a�rs �h�r�after{ ih� �wner �it���, ac�ep� title t�o su�h it��ns prov�ded� tha� th� list submitt�d �i�a�l 1�� ��bject� to ve�r�fi�ation �� th� Engine�r u�o� rernova� of th� iter�s ort �f th� xt��r�s �re �tores3, �tithin �5 da�s from the d�te o� ��absnission of �k�e l�strt and ar��r r�ec�ssa�y� ad�ustmer+ts �o co����t th� ].ist �,� s���ni��ed, �haXJ� be mad� prio� �o �ina� s�ttlern�nt. �. T��tMI�ATZ�}N �LAZM: With�rt� G� d�ys 2�f�er notx�e of termi.na�ion, ti�e Co�t�a��or sha1� sub�i� hi� t�r�n�.nat�i�n clair� to th� Engirie�� i� th� fo�m �nd +�it� th� ce�tif icati�n p����r ibed b� tl�� �r�g � r���r , Un���� on� or mor� ex�enaian� in w�it�ing a�� a�ra�tt�d by �.h� Owr��r �tpo� requ��� o� �h� �or�trac�.o�', made in writ�ng Wi�Yllri such bU-�a�r p����� or �utk�o��,z�d ext�nsion �i��r��f, any ar�d ail ��c�t cl�ims sha1�. �e cor��J.usi�rel� de�m�d waiv��. �7--7 �1�� �. �MOU�TS; Subj�c� to th� pro���ians n� �tem �7-�.l�i�), t�e �o�kra��or and ����r ma� ag�ee upo� t�e who�e or any �art o� the a���n� ar am�unts to be paid to �h� �o���ac�or �� ��ason o� th� total o� partial t�rm�na�zon o� wor� pursuant he�eto; p�ovid��k tha� such ��r�ed �mo�n� or amo�n�s ��all n�v�r exceed �h� to�a� contrac� ��i�e as r��uc�d b� the a��unt a� ���rnents o���rwi�e �ad� a�d as �ur�h�r ��du�e� �� the ��ntra�t �ri�e of w��k �ot t�rrnina��d. ��e con�ract shall be am����d accor�ingly, and th� �ontract�� sha�� be paid th� agreed �m�unt. N� a�oun� s��lx �e ��e for lost or an�ici�ated profits. �othing in �7-7.�6{E} her�a�ter, prescr��i�g th� ��oun� ta �e paid �o the Contractoz in t�e �v��� o� f�i���e o� t�� �ontra��a� �y r��so� �f the t��mina��an o� w�rk p�r����� to �hzs sec�ion, �hall �� dee�ed t� l��it, ��s��ict o� o�h�rw�s� det�rmin� or affe�t �he ��aun� or amo�nts whi�� may b� a�reed u�o� to be �aid �o �h� �o��r�ctor p��suant to this pa��gra�h. E, FAxLURE Tp A�R�E: �n th� even� o� the �ai���e of t�� ���tra�to� ��� th� ���er to agre� as p�o�id�d in C7-7.1� (�) u�an t�� w�oxe amoun� to �� paid to th� �on��act�r by r�aso� �£ th� te�min���on o� wor� pur�u�nt to this sectf�� �h� 0���� �haiY de�er���e, on t�� ha�is of ���or�ation available to ��, t�� a���nt� �f �n�, d�e to the ��ntra�tor by r�asan o� �he terminati�n and s�all �ay to ��e Contract�� th� a���nts det��mined. Na ��oun� shal� be due �or l�s� or anti�i��ted ��ofits. F. �EbU�TIO�S: �� arr�vi�g at t�e a�o�n� du� the �ontr�c�or u�der �his �ec��o�f t�ere shall be de���t�� ��� ail unliqu�dat�d a��a�c� �r other gay�eri�� on ��coun� th���t�fo�� m��� to ��� C��t�a�to�, app�xcab�e to th� �ermi�at�d �ortion o� tliis contr��ti {�) any �laim w�ich �h� Qwn�r m�y ha�� aqai�st ��y� ��n�xacto� in ���nect�o� wi�h this con�ra��� and (c1 th� a�r��� pr��� �or, or the pr�ceeds o£ ��le o�, an� �aterials� s�pp�ies or o�h�� �hing� kep� b� the �o�tr�ctor or so�d, pur��an� to th� provisivns o� ��fs �la�se� �nd not o����w�s� ��cov�r�d hy ar �r�dited to ��� Qw�e�. G. A����TME�T: If the term�nativ� here�nder b� ��r��al, �ria� t� the ���t��menk �f �h� �er�ni�at�d po��io� of �h�s con�za�t, �he ��ntrac�or may �zl� with the E�gineer a�equest in wri�i�g ��� an ��-7 i 1� 1 equitable ad�ustrn�nt of the pric� or pri��s �pe�i���d in �h� ��nt�act r���txn� �o �h� co��inu�� port��� o� th� con�r�ct I�he p�r�ia� �ot t��mx���ed by the no�ic� o� te��inat��n1. �uch e��itabl� adjustrnen� as rt�y be agre�d up�n s�al� b� �ade in s�c� ��i�e or price�: �o��i�� �o�ta�ne� ��rei�, h����e�, shalX �imi� th� �igh� of th� Own�r an� th� ��nt���tor �o a�r�� upon the amou�t or ��ounts �� b� gaid ta �he ��ntrac�or fo� t�� �o��l�tia� o� the con�inued �o��ion of t�e con�rac� �h�n said cori�ract 8oes not can�a�n �n ���ab�ish�d �ontrack p��ce �o� auch �ontinue� �o��io�. �, �O L��ITA�iO� OF RIGH��: No��ing �ont�in�d �n t�is se��ion s�all l��lt vr a���r th� �i���s which �h� �w�e� �a� hav� f�r termina�i�n of thi� co�t�act under �7-7.�� �er�o� �n�it��d "'Sus������� of A�andonmerit of the wo�k and ]4rn�����nt of ��n��ac�" �r a€��+ ath�r right whic�t Owr��r r�a� hac�� For d��au�.t or l��ea�h oE c�r�tra�� �y �or�tractor. C7-7. �7 �AFETY �SETK�DS I�ND ��AC'���E�: The Cor��raCta� 9�a11 be res�or�sible �or. ir�it�2�tingt rnain�air�a.r�c�, a�xd sug�rvi�ing �,�1 s�fet� �re�autx�ns ar�� prvgra�� in c�nn�cti�n wkth th� wo��C a� all tim�s an� sh�ll �issur�e al.l r�sponsxbi�.it�es for th�ir en�or�emen�. �he i�r��tz� a��or �h�ll �o���r1y �i.�h fed�rai� s�a�e, anc� l��al 1�►ws� �rdinan�es, ar�d r��ula�i�n� 5o as �o pXote�� ���sor� and �ro���t}► �rom ir�j�ry, �.r��Iu��n� c���tht or ���oag� in c�nnection with �h� worl�. C7-7 I131 �A�� C � GE�E�AL C4N�I����S C8�8 �EASU��ME�T AN� PA��E�T SE�T�O� C$�8 MEASUREMENT AND �AY�E�T �B-8.� ME��UR�MENT �F QU��T�TI�S: Th� d�t��mination of �uantiti�s a� wor� perforrned � the �ont�acta� sn� a�t�o�i�ed b� th� Co�t�ac� �ocu��nts a�ce����l� �o�pl�ted und�r th� terms o� �h� �a���a�t �oc�ments s�aXl be made by the Engxnee�, b�sed on m�as�re��nts �a�� �� ��e En�ine��. T�ese m�asuzements will b� ma�e accordx�q �� t�e ��ited S��t�s �tanda�� Measu�em�nt� used i� �ornmon ��BC �1C�i mnd �il� be th� ac���� �ength, ar��, s�1id c��t�n�s, ��mb�r�, and weig�t� of the rnat�ri��s and iterns installed. �8-8.� UNIT FR��E5: Wh�n �n �he P�opas�X a��nit P�f��'" is s�i forth, t�he said "Uni.t pri�e"' shall �n��ude the �urni�hing by th� �c�ntractor o� �Y1. �abo�, tools, rn�terial�t ��chinery� �qua.g��n�, appl�an��s an� apgu�rten�nces n�c��s�ry far the co�struction of and th� comple�ion in a mar�ner ��ce�tab�� �� tl�e Engir���� of a�l wa�� t� be do�� �r�rier ti�e�e �ontract D4�ume�ts. '�he '"i]nit P�ic�* s�al� inc�ude �11 p�rmaz��nt �nd t��porar�► pr��.ection a� �v�rh�ad� su�ef��e� a�,d u�d�rc�rounc� struct�res, cJ.e��up, ��.nist�ec7, overhe�d expe�s�, ��t�d, insu�ance, paten� fees, �o}►�l.��es, risl� due to the �l�ments and o�her ca��es, del�ys, profits, fr�j�ries, c�amag�s ��aims� ta�t�s, and all oth�r �t��ts not �p�cifi�ally mention�d t�tai. may be re�uiz�d �o f�11� ��n�tr�c� �ach it�m o� �h� �ork com����e in place �nr� in a satis���tor�r cosac�i.ti.or� for op��ation. CB-8.3 LUMF �UM: 1�1hen ir� the Proposal z� "L�mp �um'" i� se� forth, th� said '"�u�np Sum" sh�1� �e�r�sent th� ta��X ��st for �.he �ontt'a���r t� �urnish ali �ai�or, tools, m�terials, maci�ine�r�r, eq�iprn�n�� apptx���n�,nc�s� an� �,�1 subai�ar}� war� nec�ssar�r f�r the �ons�ruction �nd c���le�.ion of a�l �h� w�rlc t� pr�vide a cam�X�te a€rd �unctior�al ���m as d�ta�l�d in �h� �}�ecia]. �ontra�t Docur�nks andJor Plar�s. �B-�, 4��OP� OF PA'�I���1T: The �or��r�ctor �ha].l r��ei�re and ac���� t�i�� c�m��r�s��iar�, as her��n gxo�ide�, i� full �2��r�nent �or furnisl�i�g ali labor, tool�, rn�t�r����, and �.n�fd�nta�s �or p�r�orr��ttg ��1 wo�k ��ntemplat�ec3 �nc� embrace� und�r t�ese �onY.�'a�t ��cument�, fo� axX 1as� �nd dam�ge ariaing ou� of �h� n���re o� the work �� frorn the a��ion o� �he ��ement�, f��' any uri�are��en de���t�� or obstru��ions whi�4� ma� arise or be �r�c�unt�red du�`in� ��� pros���tian �f the w�rk at �n�► t irne ��-� �x� �efor� it$ �i��� ac���ta��e �y th� �w��x, i�xc�pt as pr�vid�d �n paragr�ph CS-�.141 Eo� ai1 �is�s �f wha��v�� d�scrxption conne�ted �i�h �h� prvs�c��ion of t�e �ork, for a�� �xge�se incurr�d by or in �4ns�qu��ce oF su�pen���n or disc�nti�ua��� �£ such p�os�cu�ian o� ��e wo�king op��atio�s �� herei� s��cxfi�d, �� an� and axi f��ringe���ts o� patents, �r����a�k�� co���i��ts, or �t�er le�al ��s��va�i4ns, a�d f�r com��e�e�ng �h� w�rk xn an acce�ta��� �an��r accard�n� �� t�� ��r�s �f ��� �a�tra�t Do�ume���. T�e pa�m�nt of an� cur�en� or �art�a� �sti���s prxor to ����� acc�pta��e a� th� �ork b� the Owner shall �n �� way �anst�t�te an ��know�edg�ent of th� �c�ep�ance o� th� wor�, rna��ria�s, o� e�u�����tf ��r in any �ay p��jud�c� or a�fe�t �h� ����gations �f the �ont�actor �o repair� c�r�ect� �e�ew, �r re�iac� �t his pw� an8 �rop�r ���ense a�y �eEects or ���er��cti�ns in th� c��str�c��on o� in �he st�eri�th o� qua�f�y of th� �at��ial used or e��i�ment o� �ar.hinery f�rn�s�ed in or a�out �h� �ans��ucti�n oi the �ork un�er contra�t and �ts app�rt��a���s, or an� da��g� due or att��but�d to such d�f�cts� whi�h d���c�s, i�g�x�ec��v�, �r �at�ag� s�all ha�e b��n di�co�ered �n ar be�ar� t�e �ina� �ns��c�i�� and a��e�tan�� of wa�� o� �uri�g the one ��ar guaran�y p��iad ��ter �fn�� acc�pta��e. ��e �w��r s�all �� the sol� j���e of su�h d��ects, �rnpertecti�ns* or �a�age, �nd the �ont�ac��� s���� be Izab�� t� th� Qw��r For f��l�re to ��rr�ct �h� sarn� as �r�vided ��e�� i n . �S-�. ��ARTIAL ESTY�'lAT�S A�JD RETAx�IA�E: B�tWe�n #.h� �S� ar�8 �th �ay �€ �acli r�anth th� �arrtra�to� shal� sub�nxt t�� th� ��gin��� a statenn�n� s�owing ar� �st�im��e o� �he v��.ue o� the wo�k c�vr�e durinc� the ���vi�us m�,nth, ar estimat� pariod und�.� the i��tr�c� �ocurnente. �]ot later than ti�� Z�t#� day o€ the r�on�f� ti�e �n�ir���r shall. �eri�� s��h est�mat�x anri �.� �� is �o�r�d t� be a�ce�t���� an�3 th� va��e of wo�k p��forrn�c� since t�� �,as� par�iaX �a�rm�t�t w�� mad� �x�e�ds one �unc��ed doll�rs ($��0 .�� � i� amour�t, 90� o� st�ch �stirn���d s�m wil], b� pa�d �o th� C�n�ra���r if �}�� to�a� �o�kr�c� amount fs �es� �han �400,000, or 95� o� such �sti�ated �u� wi1L �� paid �o ti�� �ontra��o� �f �he tvt�1 carttrac� amourrt �s $900,OU� or greate� wit�ir� t�e�xt�r��iv� {�5� days after �h� ��c��,Zar estim�te pe�'iod. xh� City w�Zl h�,ve tY�e option o� pr�paring ��ti.�at�� on �orrn� f�,rni�}�eri b� tl�� �ity. 'Fhe par��al e�tim��e ma�r in�l�de ac���t��I� nonp�riahaC�le �a���iaxs d�l�vered �o t�i� woric whi,ch are ta be ir�corp�raked into the w�xk as a�e�maz��r�t pa�t ther�of, but wh�ch �t th� th� �ime of th� �stim��� h�+r� n�t b��n ins��Zled. {sucY� �ayr��nt wi11 b� aZlo�a��3 on a 1���#,s of 85� oF �i�� rt�t invt��c� �r�lu� �h�rev�. � The �antrac�.or s}tal� f��nish th� Er�gin��� such infor�na�ion as h� r�ay ra�u�s� �o �ir� ��-9 f Z } �i� as a guid� in th� ve��fi�ati�n or �he p�e�aratfon of ��rt��I �stirnate�. It is �nderstood that t�� �ar��a� est����e ��om �onth to mon�h wi�l b� a��ro�i���e ��lyr an� ��L ga�tial m�nthl� es�i�a��s �n� pay�ent �i�l be sub���� �� carrect�on in ��e �st�ma�� r����r�d �ollowi�g �h� dx�co��ry �� an �rror in an� previ��s �s�ixna�e�an� s�ch �s�x�a�� shall nat� in any r�spect, b� ta�en �s an admi�sion o� �h� O�n�r of �he a�ount of w�r� do�� or o� �ts qua�ity of suf��ciencyt �r a� a� a��e�ta�ce vf �he w�rk da�e ox �he r�lease of t�e Contrac�o� of a�� aE �is �esponsi�il�ties ��der th� ��nt�a�t Documents. �n� C�ty rese�v�s th� rig�t �o w��hhold the paymant o� ��y �o��hl� �sti�a�e i� the contractvr fail� �o p�rfa�m the wor� stric��� in �������nce with k�e sp�c�fica�ions or p�o�isi��s of ���s co���a�t. ��-�.� �T���OLDT�� �A�MEN�: Pa���nt on �ny estima�� �r estima�es �a� �e held i� ����an�e i� ��e �e�forman�e o� th� c�r�st��ct�on ���r�txons i� no� in ac��rda�c� w�th the re�uir�m�nts a� the �ont�a�� �o�um��t�. C��B_7 FINAL A��EPTA�C�: ��ene�ar �he i�p�o��men�s prov���d �or by t�e �o��ract Docu�en�s shali hav� �een co�ple��� an� ��1 r��uir��e�ts of t�� Co�tr�c� Docu����s shaX� hav� b�?n �u1f�11e� on ��e pa�t o� �he Con�ractor, th� Con����ta� sha�l n��i�y the �ngi���r in writing that th� ���ravem�n�s a�� r�a�� fo� the fina� insp�ction. �h� Engi���� sh�ll noti�� th� a�propriate o�fxcial� of �he Qw��r� �ill w�ehin a reasanable time mak� s�ch fin�l ins�e�tion� and �f t�� wo�1c is ��tisf�ctary� in a� acc�ptabX� co��it�anf and has �e�� co���e��d �n accardanc� with �he te�ms o� ��� �ontr��t ���um�nts an� a11 ap�roved ���l�l�d�l0�� ��e��o�� the E�g��e�r �il� in��iate the �ro��s�x�� a� ��e ��n�I �s�i�ate an� rec�rn��nd €i�al a��e�t�n�� �f t�e pro�e�t an� ��naY �ay��n� there��r �s out�i��� in �8-8.8 �eLow. �8-8.8 �I�AL �A��E�T: W�ene��r a�l �he i�grov�men�� pro�z�e� or b� th� �ont���� D�cu�en�s �nd all ��p�ove� mo�xficati��� the��a� ��all hav� be�� ca��let�� �nd ��� re��i��rn�n�s af the Con�rac� Do�umen�� have ���n �u�fill�� on the p�rt �f �h� �ontrac�or, a ��na� �st�rn�t� �hawinq th� ���ue �f t�e ��r� �ill �� pr���r�d by �h� �ngineer as so�n a� t�� �e��ssa�y ��d3�����n�$r cam��t��ionst and �hecks ca� b� m�de. A�� �rior subject �o ��yrn�n�. est�mat�s upon wh��h p��m�n� ��a b��n mad� ar� n�c�ss�ry c�rrectio�� or ��visio�� ir �he f�n�l ��-8 �3) The am�u�t of th� fina� �sti�a�e, �ess pr�vious �a�rnefl�s and an� su� that h�v� b�en deduct�d or �eta���d �nde� the �r�vfsxons �� t}�� �ontract bocume�ks, will be paid to t�� ��fl��actor withzn 6� day� aft�r final a�ceptance �y t�� �wn�r o� a�ro��r r�solut�o� of �h� ��ty Coun�i�, �rvvided t�� ��ntractor has iur��shed to t�e Ow��� satis�acto�� e�id�nce a� paym�n� as fo��o�s; Prior t� su�mission a� t�� final �sti�ate for �aym��t, �he �on�ra�tor sha�I �x��ut� an affida�it, as ��rn�shed �� t�� Cit�r �e�tif��ng �ha� ��1 person�, firms, asso�i�t��n�t corporat�ons, or ���er organi��ti�n� fur�ish�ng 1a�or �n�f�r mater�a�s hsve be�n �ai� �� fu11, ��at the wa�e ��a�e �st�b�is��d �� th� Cit� �ounc�� in �h� �it� of �or� �or�� �as b�e� paid, and tha� �h�re ar� �� �lairns pe���ng �o� p�r���a� injur� ���dl�r prapert� �a�ag�s. �he ��c�ptan�� by �h� �ontra�tor o� the las� �� final pa�ment as af�r�sai� ah�ii op��ate a� an� sha�� r�Zea�e the O�n�r fr�m ��1 c�aim� or li���li�f�s un�er th� �orit�a�t �or a��tfiing don� or �u�ni�h�� or i$X��ln� �o t�e wor� und�r Co�tract �ocumen�s �r a�y ��t or negl��t o� said �it� ��la�ing to or �ann�c�ed with th� �o�tract. �h� �aking of th� fin�� pa��ent b� the O���r �haZ� not ��liev� t�� ���tract�� of ��� gu�ran�ees or �t�er ��q������nts �f th� �on�r��� Do��m�nts which ���ci���aYiy conti�u� t�ereaf��r. C8=9.9 AD� UACY �F DES��N: I� zS un�erst0�� t�at �h� Own�r b�liev�� it �xas ���Ioyed cornp�t�nt ��gi���rs �nd ���i� n��� t� ��epa�e t�� �o���act Docu�en�s and all rnodiffca�io�s �f tly� aoprov�d Co�t�ac� �oc����ts. Yt i�, t�er��aret ag�ee� th�� ��� �wne� s�all be �es��nsi��� �or �h� adequa�� o� �ts own d�s�gn f�ature�, s�f€iciency of �h� C�nkr��t D��um�n��, t�� sa��ty of th� st�uct��e, �nd t�e pra�k#�ability of �he �psr�tions o� th� compl�ted �raj���, provx��� t�e �on�racto.r has �omp�i�� wit� th� requ����e��s �f the sai� �on�ra�� D��u�ents, a�� appro��d mo��fi�a��ons �her���, a�d �ddi�ions an� alterations ther��� ap�rove� �� wri�xng b� th� Own�r. Th� b�rd�� �� �roof o� ���h �o�g�ianc� s�a�� �e u��n �he �ontractor to s�o� ���t he �as �ompX.f�d wi�� �h� sai� re���r�m��ts �f �f�� �on��a�t Documents, a��rove� �p�1�1���i�ri5 �h�reo�, an� all appr�v�� �d��tio�s and �Yter�t�ons there�o. �6-8.I0 GE����L �UAR��T�: ��ith�� the �in�Z �ert�fi�at� of pa����t ��r a�y provzsio� in the �ontra�t �o������s n�� pa�ti�l or ���ir� ��cu�an�� or us� of the �r�,�is�s �y th� Owner �h��l consti�ut� an a�cepta�c� o� wor� �ot �o�� in ac�ordance �it� th� Cont�a�t D��urn�n�s �r r�1i��� titie �o�tr�ctor o� 1ia��l�ty �n re��ect �� an� �xpre�s ��r�a�ti�;; �� ���po�s�b�li�y for f��lty roata_ri�l.� �r workmanshi�. Th� C�nt�act�r sh�1� r����y �ny �e��c�� o� d�ma��s it� t�e work �n� �8-8 i4� p�y �o� any d�mage �� �th�r wo�k r�sulting t�erefro� w�i�h s�a�l app�ar �ithin a�eriod o� one ���r �ram th� d��� o� Ei�a� acce��a��e �f t�e wo�� unX�s� � lon�er peri�d �s speci�x�� �ndshall £urnzsh � goo� and su��i�ient �ai�t���n�e bond in the amount of 100 p�rcent o€ th� amoun� o� ��� co�t�act w�ich sh�ll assure �h� p�rf�rmanc� of ��e gen�rai gu���nt� as ���ve out�i��. The Qwner w�ll gf�e notic� o� ob�erved de���ts �ith re��anab�� �rornptness. ��-8.X1 S�HSxD��RY WOR�: A�� and ��l wor� s��cifical�y �ov��n�d b� do�u�efltary re�ui�ert�n�s for the �r4ject� su�h as coriditians i�pos�d b�► t�� Pl�r�s� the G�r�eral Cont�act ��curnents or tl�es� �p�c�ial �ontract 'Do�ur��r�ts{ in �rhi�h na s�ec��i� ite�r fo� b��l �as b�er� pro�ided fo� xn �he Propos��f �hal� b� �onsidered as a su�sidi�r�r ite� o€ ��r�€� the �o�t �f urhi�h s�ra�l �e inclu�ed �a� �.�i� price ��d �n th� �rop��a�.� �or �a�k� �i� i�er�. S�r�ac� restarat��n, r�ck �xcav�t��r� and ��.�anup ��� ge�eral i.te�s af work wY�i�h fal�. in th� �atega.�� �,E �ubsidza��+ w�rk. �9-8.�.� �YSCE�2�A���L�� PY�A�EMEi�T ��' l�SAT�I�TAL: Mat��ia� may b� allacat�d �nd�r �x�rious bid it��ns ifl t�e �roposal ta e��ahlish an�t �rx�es �or ��sc�l.�.����us p�a���ent c�f �na��rial. '�h�s� t�,�.�ri.als shall be u��d o�1� w��ri d�r�ct�d by �i�e �nc�ine��, ciepanding on �i.��.d cor�ditions. �aymer�t ��r r�iace�ian�pus �1a�er��r�� �f mat�rial +�iXl b� tnac�� fo�r onl� �ha� amo�nt of �a.teria� used, m�z���red to �h� ne�rest o�x�-ter�t� unxt. Pay�er�� �ar mis�#llaneous pl�c�r��nt o� rnatp��a� shall b� i� �ccordan�e +�i�h �he �en��al ��ntract Do�ur�ents r�gard�.�ss �f �he �ctx��l. ar�o�nt usec3 €or �he �r�je�t. �8-8.13 RE���D DQCU�EN'��: �ontra�t�or sha11 k��p c�n recor� a co�y o a�l s��c�fxc��ians, ��an�, adde�da, �oc�.i€icati.�rts, shop drav�i�gs anci �ampl�s �ti ��� site, in good a�d�r and anno�a�eci �o show �►].Z cl�ang�s mad� c3�szi.z�g �he cor��t�u��it�n p���es�. �'hese shall b� deliv�r�d �o Er�c�in�e� u�on ��mp�eti.or� of �he work. ��-S {5} �� � �� ��� � � ■ � , 1 . _ � � � , _ . � � � �. �. I ., I D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-9 D-10 D-11 D-12 D-13 D-14 D-15 D-16 D-17 D-18 D-19 D-20 D-21 D-22 D-23 D-24 D-25 D-26 D-27 D-28 D-29 D-30 D-31 D-32 D-33 D-3G D-35 D-36 D-37 D-38 D-39 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS General D-1 Project Designation D-1 Equal Employment Proviaions D-1 Wage Rates D-1 Location and Description D-Z City Furnished Materials D-z Existing Utilities D-z Miscellaneous Placement of Material D-2 Subsidiary Work n'2 Trench Backfill n-3 Type 'C' Backfill D-3 Fences D-3 Pre-Bid Type 'B' Backfill D-4 Crushed Limestone Backfill D-4 Tie-ins D-4 Polyethylene Wrapping D-4 Non-Metallic Water and Sanitary D-5 Sewer Pipe Detection Sewer Pipe D-5 Pavement Repair D-5 Lump Sum Bid Items D-6 Final Clean-up 1�'�' Protection of Power Poles n-6 Award of Contract D-6 Sterilization and Testing of Mains D-7 Clasa 'E' Concrete D'� Class 'B' Concrete D'� Ballast Stone D-� Conatruction Staking n-� Norizontal Alignment D-� Golf Course Construction Requirements D-S Connections to Existing Pumphouse Water D-8 Systems & Replumbing Clubhouse Water Parallel Force Main D-9 Tee Box Note D-9 Sod Operatione n-9 Replumbing Clubhouse Sanitary Sewer D-9 Duplex Grinder Pump Station D-10 Interpretation and Preparation of Proposal D-11 Ductile Iron and Gray Iron D-12 Trench Safety System D-13 I .'� , PART D - SPECIAL COND7TIONS i. D-1 - GENERAL: Subject to modificatlons as herein contained, the Port Worth Water Department's General Contract Documents and General Specificat�ons, with revisions through January 1., 1978, are made a part of the Contract Documents for this project. The Plans, these Special Contract Documents, and the rules, regulations, requirements, instructlons, drawings or details referred Yo by manufacturer's name, number or identification included therein as specifying, referring or implying product control, performance, quality, or other shall be binding upon the contractor. The speclfications and drawings shal.l. be considered cooperative; therefore, work or material called f.or Uy one and not shown or mentioned in the other shall be accomplished or furnished in a faithful. manner as though by all. The order or precedence in case of conflicts or discrepancies between various parts of the Contract Documents subject to the rul.ing of the Engineer shall generally, but not necessarily, follow the g�idelines listed below: 1. Plans 2. Special Contract Documents 3. General Contract Documents and General Specifications The following Special Conditions shall be applicable to thia project and ahall govern over any eonfliets w4t11 Nlie General Contrac;C Dacumentn tmdr.x Chc provisions stated above. D-2 - PROJECT DESIGNATION: Construction under these Specia] Documents shall Ue performed under the rort Worth Water Department Project Designation: Water Project Number 83-015027-00 Sewer Project Number 56-013025-00 , and/or Other N/A_ D-3 - EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall comply with City Ordinance Number 7278 as amended by City Ordinance Number 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Sections 13-A-21 through 13-A-29) prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. The Contractor shall poat the required notice to that effect on the project site, and, at hie request, will Ue provided assistance by the City of Port Worth's Equal Employment Officer who will refer any qualif�.ed applicant he may have on file in his office to the Contractor. Appropriate notices may be acq�ired from the Equal Employment Officer. D-4 - WAGE RATES: The labor cl.assifications and minimum wage rates set forth herein have been predetermined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in accordance with statutory requirements, as being the prevailing classifications and rates that shall govern on all work performed by the Contractor or any sub-contractor on the site of the project covered by these Contract Documents. In no event shall less than the foi-lowing rates of wages be paid. (Attached) * Revised 3/20/81 ** Revised 4/20/81 D-1 � CYTY Ol+ 1rOCtT UbliT'll, �'�?X.r�;; Prevniiing [la�re IiaCeu fu� utreete� pruinn,�e und Iltility t:ouatruction Octuber 16, 1)U7 Air Tool Operator Asphult Ralcer Aephnit Shoveler Batching plan[ {Ieigher Garpenter Rou�h Carpenter pelper� Rough Concrete Finieher (pa�) Concrete Pinisher llelper (Pav) Concrete t%inieher (5tre) Concrete Pi.nieher ]i�lper (Str�) Conerete t?ubber Blcctricidn Form Duilder (Stro) F'ox'm Builder gtilper (Stre) �orm Liner (Pavin� 6 Curb) Form Se[ter (paving b Curb) �orm Se[[er i]elper (pbC) Porm uetter (gtre) Porm Set[er He1P�r �SCre) Laborer, Common Lsborer, U[iliT.y Hechanic Oiler Servicer Pipclayer Pipelayer Elelper PO4lER E(�IJIPMENT OPERATORS: Aephnit Dietributor A.uphelt Paving Machine Droom or 5c�aeper Operntor Yiulldozer, 150 iIP or lcun IIulldozer, pver 150 ilp Concrete Paving Curing !(ach. Concrete 1'aving Fin, Maci�, f,oncrete Pavinb uuw Cuncrete paving Spreoder 6lipform Ffachtne OWerutor Crane, Clnmahell� Bacichoe Derricic� Dragline, Shovel iLeos t}ian 1-1/2 �y) $ 6.B0 u.05 7.Q0 7.50 (1.61 G,89 9.04 7o3q a.3� 6.�l4 0.50 11.20 O�SD 7.00 9.55 0,76 7.32 %.l33 b.62 5,7g 6,63 10.[i0 0.06 7.5'1 7.61 G,53 7.�)3 9.12 7,09 0.07 g.96 ao25 8.1G 4.'1{i 7.13 7.i5 �J.60 na neiEir_atinn rrc ----��_,n.,,, �.._ ���°�.� Crene, Clemshell, Buckhoe $ g p2 berricic� Dra�;line, Shovel (1-•1/1�CY 6 Over) Pound�rion Drill Operutor 10.60 1'rucic tluunl•ed Y�oundntion Drill Op�rdtor y p� flelper ITronl: $nd Londcr l'L--1/:t CY a.46 6 l.�uu) f�a•ont Lnd Y.onder (6ver 2-1/2 Cy) 9'�r Fiiaei• (Concrete 1'uvin�) 0.00 Clc,t;or (;i•�der ppY, �I�inc Crede ), 77 flutoe• Greder Opeeator Yt�ll.er, 5tee1 l:R�n,:Y 9.b9 (T'l.ent Mi�t Yuver�enC) D•�0 Roller, Steel Uheel i0f.her rla�twheel-Tam in U•44 12oller� Fc�eun�ritic P g> (Se14 propelle�9) �'�� 6crnpers (17 CP & I.eos) 7,25 Scx•npera (pvcr 17 (;y) '1'rac tor 7. 70 (Crn�oler Type) 8.55 t150 IIP S I.en�) Tructor (Crnwler fYp�) {dver 150 AP) 9•38 Tractor (pneumotic) it�0 !Ip & Le3s) 9•00 Y'ravelina l�ixer Tr�ncLing [facMiine, ileuv 1�•00 Reinfoecing 5tee1 Setter �•S� (i�mving) 7.21 Reinforcin� Steel uetter g�pg (Structuree) �teiniorci�yg SCeel SetL•er 7,30 tE1e]per) Steel porker, utructue�t�1 g�50 irirender box bperutor 7.50 CITY OP FORT WO&TII, TEXAS Prevuiling Wage Ra[ce for Streete, Druinage and Utility Conetruction October 16, 1987 Prevailing Prevailing Cleeeification Rete Claseificetion Rate TRUCK DRIVERS: Single Axle, Light Single pxle, Heavy Tandem Axle or Semitrailer Lovboy Float MISCELi.AHEOUS: Traneit Mix tiinch Welder Welder Helper Inr[rument Perron $ 7.21 7.57 7.34 7.58 7.23 9.20 9.57 7.82 0.50 Prevailing Rate Determined es provided for in Davis-Bacon Regulatione, Sec. 1.2 Definition The "prevailing vage" nhall be the vaQe paid to the mmjority (more Chan 50 percent) of the laborers or mechenice in the claseification on similar projecte in the area during [he period in question, If Uie �ame wage ie not paid to a majority of thoae employed in the claesification, the "pzevailing wage" ehall be the averege of the wagea paid, weighted by [he total employed in the claeaification. D-5 - LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: The construction to be accomplished under this contract is designated as: Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve Pecan Valley Golf Course is located in southwest Fort Worth, Texas D-6 - CITY rURNISHED MATERIALS: For water projects, the City will furnish "polly pigs", chlorine gas or chlorinated lime (NTH) and all water for initial cleaning and sterilization of. water lines. All other materials for construction of the project, including water for compaction shall be furnished by the Contractor. D-7 - EXISTING UTILITIES: The location and dimensions shown on the plans relative to existing utilities are based on the best information availabl.e. It shall Ue the Contractor's responsibility to verify locations of adjacent and/or conflicting utilities sufficiently in advance of constructlon in order that he may negotiate such local adjustments as necessary in the construction process to provide adequate clearances. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions in order to protect all services encountered. Any damage to utilities resvl.ting from the Contractor's operations, shall be restored at his expense. D-8 - MISCELLANF.OUS PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: Material has been allocated under various bid items in the Proposal to establ.ish unit prices for miscellaneous placement of material.. These materials shall be used only when directed by the Engineer or Park Department Inspector, depending on field conditions. Payment for miscellaneous placement of materi.al wi.11 be made for only thaC amount of material. used, measured to the nearest one-tenth unit. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material shall be in accordance with the General Contract Documents regardless of the actua] amount used for the project. D-9 - SUBSIDIARY WORK: Any and all work specifical_ly governed by documentary requi.rements for the project, such as conditions imposed by the Plans, the General Contract Documents or these Spec�al Contract llocuments, i.n which no specific item for bid hae been provided for in the Proposal., sha]] Ue considered as a aubsidiary item of work, the cost of which sha]1 be i.ncl.uded in the price bid in the Proposal, for each bid item. Surface restoration and cleanvp are general items of work which fall in the category of subsidiary work. D-2 D-10 - TRENCA BACKI'II.L: (Ref. F.2-2.9). The Contractor shall obtain the services of an independent testing laboratory to perform soil density tests on all water and sanitary sewer trench backfill*�� under existing or proposed pavement or gravel surfacing and curUs and gutters, in the Street R.O.W., Parldng Lots, Driveways and Emergency Accesses. Tests shall. be performed at two (2) feet verti.cal intervals beginning at a level 2 f.eet aUove the top of all. installed pipes and continuing to the top of the completed bacicfill, at intervals along L'he trench of not to exceed 300 linear feet, to assure a minimum density of 95%* Proctor. Test reports shall he furnished to the rort ldorth Water Uepartment Engineer upon completion of testing, as part of the qualification for acceptance of the installed pipe. The City expects to perform unannounced spot checks of the compaction tests f.or verification and control purposes. The cost for the testing described herein shall be considered as subsidi.ary to the pipeline instal].ati-on and no other compensatio❑ wil7 be allocoed. Any compaction tests performed Uy the City as described aUove wil.l be performed Uy CiCy personnel at City expense and wi.11 not be charged to the Contractor. However, the cost of providing access to the level of trench Uackfill to be tested caill Ue a cosC �o the Contractor, and this cost must be included in ttie price bid for the pipe installed in tl�e trench, and no extra compensation �oi]7 he allowed for exposing the backfill layer to be tested by the City. P-]1 - TYPE "C" BACKFILL: Excavated material used for 7'ype "C" bacicfil] must Ue mechanically compacted unless the Contractor can furnish the Engineer �vi.tti satisfactory evidence that the P.I. of the excavated material. is ]ess than 8*. Such ev3.dence shall. be a test report from an 9ndependent testing ]aboratory and must include representative samples of solls in all involved areas, with a map showing the locaYion and depth of the various test Loles. If excavated material. is oUvious].y granul.ar in naCure, containing little or no plastic material., the Engineer may waive the test report requirement. See E1-2.4, Type "C" Bacicfill, and E2-2.11 Trench Backf111.*�'< D-12 - FENCES: A1l fences encountered and removed during construction of this project shall be restored to the original or a better than original condition upon completion of this project. Where wire fencing, either wire mesh or barUed wire is to Ue crossed, the Contractor sha11 set cross braced posts on either side af construction before the fence is cut. Should additional fence cuts he necessary, the Contractor shall provide cross braced posts at point of the proposed cut in addition to the cross braced po�ts provided at the construction li.mits, before the fence is cut. Temporary fencing, shall be erected in place of. the fencing removed wlienever the worlc is not in prop,reas ond when the e��.te ie vacated overnight, and/or at all times to prevent ]ivesl-ocic from enter:Lng the construction area. The cost for fence remova7., Cemporary c'I.osures and replacement shall be subsidiary to the various items bid in the project proposal. Therefore, no separate payment shall be allowed for any service associated with this work. (Ref. C6-6.10). D-3 D-13 - PRE-BID TYPE "B" BACKFILL: Quantities of Type "B" ]3ackfill have Ueen estimated and allocated on the basis of the backfill material to be replaced under this Contract. If it is found that trench excavation material in fact meets the Water Department`s criterion for Type "C" or 7'ype "ll" bacicfill as applicable, no Type "II" backfill will be used. With this in mind, the Type "R" backfill has been pre-bid at the best current trench price available to the Water Department. Payment shall be made at the unit price pre-bid in the Proposal for only that quantity of material actually required in the project proposed under the appropriate bid items. D-14 - CRUSHF.D LIMESTONE BACKFILL: Where specl.fied on the plans or directed by the Engineer, Crushed Limestone shall be used for trench backfill on this project. The material shall conform to Public Worlcs Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction Division 2 Item 208.2 Materials and Dlvision 2 Item 208.3 Materials Sources. Trench backfill and compaction shall meet the reqiiirements of E2-2 Excav2tion and Backfill, Construction Specifications, General Contract Documents. Payment for crushed limestone backfill in place shall be made at the unit price bid in the Proposal multiplied by the quantity of. material- used measured in accordance with E2-2.16 Measurement of Backfill Materials, Construction Specifications, General Contract Documents. D-IS - TIE-INS: The cost for maki.ng tie-ins to existing li.nes and sewer lines shall be included in the price bid for the respective lines. Cost of tie-ins also will include removal of blocking. P-16 - POLYETHYLENE WRAPPTNG: In accordance with Section E2-13 of the General Contract Documents and Specifications, all. valves, ductile iron pipe, for all water and sewer lines, cast iron fittings, and specials, shall be polyethylene WzflPPe�• Payment for the po]yethyl.ene wrapping for these components shal7 be suUsidiary to the various items bid for the furnishing and installl.ng pipe complete in place. Polyethylene wrap shall precede hlocking. In the event the P.V.C. pipe is installed, polyethylene wrapping will not be required. n-4 D-17 - NON-M�TALLIC WATER AND SANITARY SE6dER PTPE DETECTION: Detectahle under.grotmd utility warning tapes whicli can Ue located from the surface Uy a pipe detector sha7.] he instal]ed direcCly aUove non-meta]]lc pipe. 7'he detectah]-e tape shall Ue "Petect Tape" manufacti�red by Allen Systems, Inc, or approved equal, and shall consi_st of a minimum thickness 0.35 mils solid aluminum foil encased in a protective inert plastl.c jacket that i.s impervious to all known alkalis, acids, chemical reagents and solvents found in the soil. The minimum overall thickness of the tape shall. be 5.5 mils. and the width shall not Ue less than 2 inches with a medi.an unit weighl' of 2-1/2 pounds/1" x 1000'. 'Phe tape shall be color coded and imprinted with the message as follows: Type of Utility Water Sewer Color Code SafeCy Precauti.on Blue Safety Green Legends Cauti.on Buried Water Line Relow Caution Iiuried Sewer Line Below Instal.lation of detectabl.e tapes shall be per manufacturer's recommendation� and shall be as close to the grade as is practical for optimum protection and detectability. Allow a minimum of 1£i inches Uetween the tape and the line. Payment for detectable tapes shal.l be included in the linear foot price hid for applicable pipe(s). D-18 - SEWF.R PIPE: Sewer pipe as shown on the plans or as force main speclfi.ed otherwise may Ue constructed using polyvinyl chloride (pvc) as per General Specification E1-25 and E1-27 or using vitrified clay pipe as per Genera] Specification F1-9, i3ach bidder sha11 check the appropriate h7.ocic space provjded in the proposal. that identifies the material. on which liis bid is hased. Bidder shall bid sewer pipe on the basis of onl.y one type of materia7; this is either p.v.c. or vitrified clay. Puctil.e ison pi.pe shall Ue. used where crossing storm drains. The cost of this ti.me is subsidlary to the cost of construction of sewer line. D-19 - PAVEMENT REPAIR (�2-19) : The unit price bid under the appropriate bid item of the proposal shall cover all cost for providi.ng pavement repair equal to or superior in composition, thiclrness, etc., to existi.ng pavement as detailed in the Pub7.ic Works Pepartment typical sections for Pavement and Trench Repair for Util.ity cuts, Figures 1 through 5. All required paving cuts shal.l be made with a concrete sao� in a true and straight line on both sides of the trench, a minimmn of twelve (12) inches outside the trench wa]ls. The trench shall he bacicfilled and the cop nine (9) i.nches shall. be filled with required materials as ehown on paving details, compacted and level. wiY.h the finis}ied street surface. Tl�is finished grade shall be maintained in a serviceabl.e condition until the paving has been repl.aced. All resident's driveways shall Ue accessihle at night and over weelcends. n-5 I It has been determi.ned by the Transportation and PuUli.c Works Pepartment that the strip of existing HMAC pavement Uetween the exi.sting gutter and the edge of the trench pavement repair will not hold up if such stri.p of existing pavement is two (2) feet or less in width. Therefore, at the l.ocations in the project where the trench wall is three (3) feet or less from the lip of the existing gutter, the Contractor shall be required to remove the existing paving to such gutter. The pavement repair shall then be made from a minimum distance of twelve (12) inches outside tlie trench wall nearest the center of the street to the gutter line. The pavement shall be replaced within a maximum of five (51 working days, providi.ng job placement conditions wi7.l. permit repavi.ng. If paving conditions are not suitable for repaving, in the opinion of the City, the repaving shall be done at the earl.iest possible date. D-20 - LUMP SUM: "Lump sum" bid items shall represent a total price for all required material, labor, and all appurtenant work, or a particular bid item, that is necessary to provide a complete and functional item as detailed in the Special Conditions and/or Plans. The bidder should have a thorough understanding of the project site and prevailing conditions and perform hi.s own quantlty take-off for each "lump sum" bid item in order to determine the materials, labor, and equipment requirements. 7n the event further informotl.on ie required to pravide a lump sum U1d for tiieee 2cems tl�e Uid�er yliel.] Pollaw che "addendn" instructions found in Paragraph 9 of the Special Instructions to Bidders. D-21 - I'INAL CLEAN-UP: The Developer's Engineer shall be advised in writi.ng at ].east 48 hours in advance of the time set for final inspections of water and sanitary sewer facilities installed Uy contract in developments so that he may have a representative present during such final. inspection to point out any unfinished work or unsatiafactory clean-up not in lceeping wi-th the project speci.fication requirements. The Developer's Engineer shall confirm the findings of such discrepancies i-n writing to the rngineer wil-hin two working days after the final i.nspection date and the Engineer will give f.iil1 consideration to such findings of the Developer's Engineer before certif.ying that final payment on the project is due. However, the Engineer's decision shall be final as to the acceptability of the project for final payment. D-22 - PROTECTION Oh' POWER POLES: The Contractor wi_11 be required to perform work in cl.ose proximity to existing power poles. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to protect these poles during constriiction and, i_f necessary, coordinate with TESCO to provide additional support to these pol.es. D-23 - AWARD OF CONTRACT: This project will be awarded to the lowest responsibl.e bidder for the total project for administrative purposes. There will Ue one final contract prepared for the portions designated as Ctty of Fort Ldorth and a separate contract prepared for the water line designated as City of. Benbroolc. D-6 D-24 - STERILIZATION AND TESTING OF MA7NS: The water mains shall be swept clean of foreign matter by passi.ng a"Po]]y Pig" through the pipe from points of inser.tion to exit points as indiceted on the plans. 7'his worlc in conjunction with chlorination and testing shall conform to the requirements of. Section �2-24 of the General Specifications. The Contractor shal] be required to provide all necessary labor and equipment to assisC i.n decontamination of the mains and shall perform all test work required on the project. D-25 - CLASS 'E� (15001i) CONCRETE: Class 'E' Concrete for miscellaneous placement has been allocated under its respective Bid Item in the Proposal for blocking, backfill and miscellaneous placement as directed by [he Engineer. The cosC of this material shall be determined on the basis of the amount used at the unit cost bi.d in the Proposal, measured to the nearest one-tenth cubic yard. D-26 - CLASS 'B' (25001i) CONCRETE: Class 'B' Concrete for mi.scellaneous placement has been allocated under its respective Bi-d Item in the Proposal f.or encasement or miscellaneous placement as directed by the Cngineer. The cost of this material shall be determined on the basis of the amount used at the unit cost bid in the Proposal measured to the nearest one-tenth cubic yard, Class 'B' Concrete shall contain steel. reinforcement as appropriate. D-27 - RALLAST STONE: Tiallast stone for miscellaneous placement as directed hy the Engineer has been allocated under 1C respective TSid Item in the Proposal. The cost of this material shall be determined on the basis of the amount used at the unit cost bid in the Proposal, measured to the nearest cuUic yerd. D-28 - CONSTRUCTION STAKING A. Sanitary Sewer: The Parlc and Recreation Department wil.7. provide line and grade stakes on a 10 foot offset from the center line of the sewer, at 50 foot inte.rvals, wieh the cut from the top of the huU to the flow line of the sewer, marlced on the guard stake. B, Water Facilities: Stalces will be provided Uy the Parlc and Recreation Department f.or the water mains on a 10 foot offset from the center li.ne of the water line at 100 foot intervals. Location and grade stakes for fire hydrants and service lateral locations shall also be set Uy the Park and Recreation Department. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to protect al.l construction stakes and control points. The placement of any stakes which have heen displaced, damaged, or destroyed during construction operations will be done by the Park and Recreation Department at the Contractor's expense. Payment will be deducted from the approved Contractor's statement. In case of a dispute over the accuracy of construction stakes, a7.1 stakes which have been destroyed duri.ng construction will be assumed to have been correct. D-29 - HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT: The horizontal al.ignment, as shown on the plans shall be held as primary alignment. However, it may he necessary to sllghtl.y adjust alignment in certain areas to avoid damage to existing trees, ehrubs or other plants. Any adjustment shall be approved by the Water Department Inspector on site before construction in the area in question. n-� D-30 - GOLP COURSF. CONSTRUCTION REQUIRFMF.NTS: It shall be required that a Parlc Pepartment employee and Water Department 7nspector Ue on site during construction operations in and around the golf course. Th1s requirement is for ' the benefit of the contractor so that damage to existing utilities, i-rrigation lines, and plants can be held to a minimum. D-31 - CONNFCTIONS TO EXISTING PUMPHOOSE WATER SYSTF.MS AND 12P:PL[iMIITNG CLURHOlIS13 WATER; The items of conatruction described by this paragraph (D-32) shal] Ue performed by a licensed plumUer and will Ue inspected by the PlumUing Inspection --- Section of the City of Fort Worth Inspecti.on Division. Furnish the materials, labor and equipment necessary to complete the following work. A. Install and connect approximately 250 LP of 2" schedul.e 40 P.V.C. water service line from the meter Uox at W,L. Sta. 29+60 to the existing "yard" system at tlie pumphouse ]ocated aUout 300 LP east of the C1uUhouse and adjacent to the asphalt maintenance service road. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Park and Recreation Department or [he F.ngineer prior to installing this line for the exact location of the trench wi[hin the asphalt maintenance road. Some asphalC pavement repair will he required for this e�tension. The connection into the "yard" piping system at the pumphouse shall. include disconnecting the existing feed ].ine from the pumphouse. B, Install and connect (in Clubhouse basement) a new 1" Type 'L' copper water service line with wrought copper fittings (95/5 solder) from the proposed 2" service line ae a point five feet (5') outside of the bacic of the building into the existi.ng water system on the south wall of the basement. The water line plumbi.ng shal.l be accomplished in accordance with the construction plan details (Sheet 5 of 5). Contractor shall hang and insulate the proposed 1" water line Co match the existing water system. The existing inflo�o line coming f.rom the meter. located at the front of the building shall be capped. Contractor shall install proposed water service line in such a way as to minimi.ze the actual "connection time" to the existing system. C. Install. and connect approxlmately 125 T.F of 7" schedule 40 P.V.C. and 2" schedule 40 gal.vanized iron pipe water service line from the meter box at W.L. Sta. 34+90 on the east side of the existing bridge, across the bridge and into the existing "yard" system at a point about 25 LF on the west side of the bridge. This water line plumUing slial]. be accompliahed in accordance with the Construction Plan DeCails (Sheet 4 of 5 and Sheet 5 of. 5). Included in the scope of work for this item is the installation complete in place of the plywood/sheet meta7. protective box attached to the bridge, f.iberglass insulation within the protective box, 3/4 inch burled P.V.C. conduit and two - 110 V line to power heat tape (one is for future sani.tary sewer main), "outdoor" electrical junction Uox attached to outside of bridge, heat tape for 2" galvanized I.P. inside of protective box and the connection into the "yard" piping system including cutting and capping the pumphouse "feed" line at the pumphouse on tlie west si.de of the Trinity River. P-8 NOTE: It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to familiarize himself with the actual layout, the quantiti.es, and maCerials required to complete thj.s worlc item for a lump sum price. D-32 - PARALLEL FORCE MAIN: A parallel l�ne of. the same I.D. for future i�se at the maintenance area shall Ue laid in the same trench taith north force main. This line shall extend northward approxjmately 175 feet from the ]ift station, then turn easterly with a 45° bend and extend to a point approximately 35 feet so that it is out from under existing, pavement. At this point it shall Ue pl.vgged. D-33 - TE� BOX NOTE: Contractor shall be required to use a sod cutti.ng machine approved by City of Port Worth Park and Recreation Department in order to cut existing sod Co be used over backfilled trench after installation of water and force main lines. If contractor prefers not to cut sod, he shal.l Ue required to use new sod, of a type to be approved Uy the Park and Recreation Department over trench. 'Prench may Ue Uackfilled with Type 'B' backfill to a level within 12 inches of finished grade. The final 12" must be of a sandy loam mixture with no rock and compacted in 6" layers with the existing or new sod ].aid in p]ace. D-34 - SOD OPERATIONS: Contractor shall be required to use a sod cutting machine approved by Cil-y of Fort idorth Park and Recreation Department in order to cut existing sod to be placed after instal].ation of water and force mai.n ]ines. Sod cut for reuse may be stored in designated locations for no more than five (5) days. If contractor prefers not to cut sod, he shal.l. Ue required to use ne�a sod very trenches. The cost for svch sodding operations shall be subsi.di.ary to the overal.l bid. No extra payment for sod will be allowed. Soddin�; opereH on shal.l. be required from Water Line Sta. 13i-00± to Sta. 28-I-501, and Sanitary Sewer Sta. 13+50± to Sta. 29+OOt. - REPLUMBING CL �is naraeranh (I Inspection Division SANITARY SEWER: T ill be performed ' Insnection Sect tems of construction descri.bed 1t�ancoA nlnmfier and wi.11 he 0 0 Furnish tlie materia]_, labor, and equipment necessary to reroute the existing - cluUhouse sewer pl.umbing (Clubhouse basement) to tt�e back of the building to connect to a new 4 inch service connection from the proposed lift station at a point 5 feet outside of the buildjng. The replumhinq shall be accomplished in accordance with the Construction Plan Details (Sheet 5 of 5). Pipe and fittings shall be SV "no hub" cast iron. New pipe shall. be supported by hangers at a maximum 8' spacing and attached to the side of the concrete floor Ueams. Contractors shall plug existing sewer outfall pipe at the wal.l on south wall of basement. I'inal flowline elevation at connection to 4 lnch outsi.de service line shal.l be coordinated wiYli the outside utility contractor prior to final installation. NOTE: It shall be the Contractor's the actual layout, the quantities, item for a lump sum price. responsibility to familiarize hi.mself. with and materi.als required to complete this work n-9 D-36 - DUPLEX GRINDER PUMP STATION WITN FREE STANDING PUMP ADAPTORS AND FIB�RGI,ASS BASIN: GENERAL: Furnish and install a complete pumping system as manufactured by Southwest Fluid Products, Inc. of Weatherford, Texas, or approved equal. The system i.s to include two (2) sewage grinder pumps with free standing adaptors, all internal piping and flexible discharge hose complete with ball check valve and gate valve for. each pump, float switch controls with supports, all mounted in a fiberglass basin as shown on the drawing with steel cover and a hinged access hatch. A NEMA 3R, Duplex control panel shall be supplied for mounting on rear wall of existing clubhouse. The structure and dimensions shall Ue shown on the drawing for thi.s station. PUMPS: The grinder pumps shall be Toran Model. 125G, or approved equal, specially designed and manuf.actured to operate completely submerged in the sewage being pumped. The electrica7. power cords are Co be sealed by use of a cord grip, with individual conductors sealed into the cord grip assembly, thus eliminating liquid enter�.ng the moeor by following the conductors inside the i.nsulation. The grinder pumps shall be designed with a two stage grinder unit i.n conjuncti.on - with a pumping impel].er. The grinder unit consists of a first stage chopper that reduces the solids to match stick. size and a second stage shearing cutter further reduces the solids to a unif.orm, fine slurry. Al.l grinder parts shall be hardened stainless steel. The pvmping impeller shall Ue non-overloading over its ,• entire range to permit operation at any poipt on the pumping curve. Use impel.l.er No. 1012, or approved equal.. MOTORS: Submersible motors shall be constructed with open windings and sha]1 operate in clean dielectric oil for cooling the windings and lubricate bearings. Motor shaft and housing shall be sealed with two (2) mechanical seals with an oi-1 chamber between the seals. Intergral motor and pump shaft shall. Ue stainless steel supported by an upper radial ball bearing and a lower ball r.adial and thrust bearing. The use of bushings in place of ball bearings wi11 not be accepted. Motors shall Ue 2 HP, 3450 RMP 3/60/230 Volt. MATERIALS OF CONSTRi1CTI0N: Pump and motor housings shal.l. be a high quality cast iron. Impel.lers shall be ductile iron. All fasteners shall. be 304 stai.nless steel. Cutter parts shall be 17-4 PH stainless steel, hardened and designed for corrosion resistance. FREF. STANDING ADAPTORS: �ach grinder pump shall be furnished with a free standi.ng adaptor to allow the pump to be install.ed on the bottom of the fiberglass bas�.n, The free standing adaptor shall have three (3) legs and shal]. be securel.y fastened to the pump. il, n-�o � LF.VEL CONTROL: Three (3) liquid level sensors shall be supplied Pump On," and "Lag Pump On" levels. A fourth supplied in the basin to actuate an alarm light. mercury switch encapsulated in a polyurethane suspended from the control panel down through vent. CONTROL PANEL: and shal.l control "Off," "I,ead liquid level sensor shall. Ue The sensors shall. consist of a float. The sensors shall be comMnation contro] pedestal The control. panel shall have a NEMA 3R enclosure constructed of steel. and suita6le for outside mounting. Magnetic starter with overload relays and HOA swi.tch shall be provided for each pump. Controls to be 115V control voltage with automatic alternators, and run lights. The control panel sha7.l be moimted on rear wall of existing clubhouse and sl�all be eqiiipped wl.th ].iquid tight fittings to isolt�te the control system. THe conCrol panel shall. be equipped wiYh a removeable front panel Co permit easy access for service. ALARM: A high water alarm shall he provided whlch will have a f.l.ashin� red light in alarm conditi.on. The light shall be mounted on the top of the control panel. INSTALLATION: The equipment installing contractors shall install the station i.n accordance with the drawings and the manufacturer's instruc H.ons. UNDERGROUND CONDUIT: All electrical power, control, and alarm wiring shall Ue laid insi.de 2" rigid metal conduit from lift station to control box. Ri.gid metal conduit shall be laid in a trench at a minimum of thlrly-six (36) inches Uelow pavement eurface. The cost for conduit and wiring shall Ue subsidiar.y to lump sum bid for 1ifY station. D-38 - INTERPRETATION AND PREP C2-Z. /, C'L-Y. TION OF PROPOSAL: Part C- General CondiLions, RRPARATION OI' PROPOSAL, Page C2-2 (4) exchange Z.9 with the following: C2-2.7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be consider unless it is delivered, accompanied by it proper Bid Securi.ty, to the Purciiasing Manager or his representative at the offlcial location and stated time set forth in the "Notice to Bidder." It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to del.iver the proposal at the proper time to the proper pl.ace. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will. not be considered. The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivered. Each proposal shall Ue in a sealed envelope pl.ainly marked with the work "PROPOSAL," and L'he name or description of the project as designated in the "Notice to Ridders. The envelope shall be addressed to the Yurchasing Manager, CiCy of Fort Worth Purchasing Pivision, P.O. Aox 17027, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. D-11 C2-2.8 WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposal actual]y filed with the Purchasing Manager cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for opening proposals. A request for non-consideration of a proposal. must be made in writing, addressed to the City Manager, and filed �oith him prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. After all proposals not requested for non-consideration are opened and publ.icly read aloud, Cl�e proposals for which non-consideration requests have been properly filed may, at the option of the Owner, be returned unopened. C-2.9 TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATTON OF PROPOSALS: Any Ui.dder may modify his proposal by telegraphic communi.cation at any time prior to the time set for. opening proposals, provided such tel.egraphi.c communication �.s received by the Purchasing Manager prior to the said proposal opening time, and provided further, that the City Manager is satisfied thaL- a �oritten and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic coimnunication over the signatur.e of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposa] opening time. If such confirmation is not received within forty-eight (48) hours after the proposal. opening time, no further consideration will be gi.ven to the proposal. D-38 - DUCTIL�-IRON Specificati.on, Secti Paragraph E2-7.11 Ca replace with the foL �<!�E t Iro owin�: GRAY-IRON FI'CTINGS: Reference Part E2-Construction 7 Insta11.1ng Cast Iron Pipe, EiCcings and Specials, n Fittin�s. Delete this paragraph in its entirety and "E2-7.1.1. DUCTILE-IRON AND GRAY-IRON FITTINCS: A7.1 ductil.e-iron and gray-iron f.ittings shall Ue fi�rnished with cement mortAr li.ning as stated in Section E1-7. The price bid per ton of fittings shall be payment in full for al.l. fittings, joint accessories, polyethylene wrapping and concrete blocking necessary for construction as designed. All bidding Contractors shall submit with cheir bid: a. A complete list of fittings and weight upon which the per ton price bid is based. The �oe3ght of each fitting shal.l include the weight of glands, bolts and gaskets for each joint, as applicable. b. Should the installed fittings vary from the itemlzed listings submitted with the bid, the per ton bid price shall be adjusted by the increase or decrease in weight of fittings as installed multipli.ed by the cost per ton of fittings as bid. c. All ductile-iron and gray-iron fittings, valves and apecials shal]. be wrapped with Polyethylene wrapping conforming to Material Specification E1-13 and Construction Specification E2-13. Wrapping shall precede concrete blocking. Payment for the Polyethylene wrapping will be included i.n Uid items f.or val.ves and flttings aud no other payment will be allowed." n-iz CITY OF FORT WORTH SPECIt1f,ATION for 1.. DESCRIPTION: This item Contractor must comply workers in a trench. TRENCH SAtFTY SYSTEM will consist of the basic requirements which tlie with in order to assure the safety and health of 2. GENERAL: The trench safety system shall be used for all trench excavations deeper than five (5) feet. The Excavating and Trenching Operation Manual of the Occupational Manual of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of I.aUor.; Subpart P sliall Ue the minimum governi.ng requirement of this item and is hereby made a part of this speci.fication. 3. METHODS: There are three acceptable methods Contractor will. have the option to use the provided that more than one method is specification. A. Angle of Repose Method -(Figure X) � of trench safety system. The method he deems appropri.ate included in the pl.ans and If the wal.l or face of the excavation is sl.oped to preclude col.l.apse, s].ope shall. noC Ue ateeper. than ]-f.00t vertical to 2-Peet hor.izonta7. Any deviation from this angle of, repose (26° 34') resul.Cing in a steeper slope� must be designed by a registered Professional Engineer and furnished to the City for approval. The angle of repose method of trench safety system will not be permitted in the f.ollowing situations. (1) within the right-of-way of an existing paved street; (2) adjacent to/or crossing existing structures, utlli.ties, Crees, others; (3) when any portion of the excavation exceeds the limits of the permanent utility easement. Trench Shield Method Where trench Uoxes or shields are used, they shall be designed and certified by a Registered Professional Engineer and certification form furnished to the City. They shall be constructed and maintained in a manner which will provide protection equal to or greater than the sheeti.ng or shoring required for the trench. 7n all cases if the top of the trench box is below the existing grade, that porti.on above the trench box shall be sloped Uack to the an�le of. repose of 1-foot vertical to 2-feet horizontal unless as specif.ied in Part (A) above. D-13 C. Trench Shoring, Sheeting, and Bracing Method -(Figure Z) d t ater than 5-feet all members shall be sized and spaced I'or ept �s gre ' in accordance wi.th the 15 to 20 feet deep all kinds or earth category in Table P-2 of OSHA Excavating Operations Manual. Any deviation sha17 Ue designed h ' Professional Engineer and furnished to Che City for materials shall Ue of strucCural or constructi.on grade. condi-tions of and Trenchi.ng y a registered approva7.. Al.l. 4. MEASUREM�NT: All methods such as angle of repose, trench shield or Lrench shoring, sheeting and bracing for use as a trench safety system, defined in the plans and contract documents, will be measured by the ].inear foot. The linear foot quantity allocated for this project is based on vertl.cal. increments of five (5) feet for installations greater than trench depth ot five (5) feet and shall include mains, service lines, others. 5. PAYMENT: Payment for trench safety system shal.l be full compensation for safety system design, labor, tools, material, eyuipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work including removal of the system and backfill. n-14 (,��'o9ZI !•z puns asoo� papunof/ //a�y (,/'baE�) l � z// pung d.iuyS Pa��ndcuo� (o Ct,) l./ s/ros abo.ian y .�o,/ ado/5 pap�acuuio�ar/ (,JZoE�) l.z� s�ann✓g./Cl�>7f7U� �`3J�lJCIII/0,7 (oos� s/ann.i�puapubg pa,Jua�ua,�✓o a/nys '�/avr/ p.�/°S a .0 d L ��� h �'G tlb J � J C � Q] � ��� � � o � h�'� ��� m � � � � y ''� 'D m � ,E o � �I� � .d V1 U � ��L n � � I � i .0 J b � � n ,� .a. O �<i�� :: �:� Q�:�; �r ' � �ti � �'��...0 .L� v3��� � N �C c,� �� �� R, y o i n c� �,� h.`•" < `+� lL ' L. ol N � c. m m �1 a, ` i �J �. 1'' .0 rntiV�`„ � , a� �' a, r" a r � l] `L t� -Q �i.l jnc?/ / t'OYI �c/id yj�/aU y.�uai[ � `�J O 1 �. S' �v �� O ��114 � � � � Q Q li � � �� C. � O � c�`r�j Q � �l. h ti � n, a � _ __:_. 9�9/�001�'�i ''!:' i . ■� M��liMUM _F��'4ui��'M�Nrs, /. Side Walls sha!lhe SleelPlate wif��Q m�n� imum nvernll �hrckness of 0.70 inches. 2, Minimum numher of S(eel /�ipe l3races (Spreadei�s) Shall be 4. 3, L3i�aces shallhe pine ivif�iamii�. ir�side din me f er (I /J. ) oj4 inche s, with o min. wn ll thickness of 0.74 inches. R-?4-A7 4. Mii�rmuoi /3otton'l eclge einGediitent sha!l l�e t3inche5 to nreVent t-vQier fi�c�n� enterinq tl�e t`r�ncf�. 5. Mu� f 6e �esi�ned nnd Cert;t,�d t��•nQ�'lrculor depfhs andsoilCnndit�bnsbya /'ro%ssion4/ f.�ngineer. 6. I3an/r above /opoi ��enc/�f3oX jo/�e/aidbar.k lo An�/e ol�Re�ose, as pei•iiq. "X'. T�'�NCh� /:�o>� n� r/1i1.. FIGU!'1: ' Y' i����i"(;; ;;�e5 r , �1a�!: �r�o5' : C� i i�c�, a� ,5po�� �� ,i2pllf ClcalS �---�, _ � ���i , � ( si���������� —�, r` � , r � ��a�/ , , 5P°`'in9'°�5' / �e�����in9��� � � , / '< / 1° ` � �r .a k � � / i / N07"C: An,�i02viatian in siziitgnndspacing � nf /n�'inbers Fi�nm lho,se l!s%ed he/a�o musl be designed ai�dsuhmil(ed by a Reyis/areJ � y / Pr�ftssional lnqine�ar. � DeO�ha� K�nao�cond�i�onoleart� Ire�icti Feel ___ 5l0 20 All kinds or Condiliun5 ..... I � �. \ � � �__ SheeC Pi7in�,s (UprighCs) lir�ices _ :;�«� a„�i s.,�-:���� �� „������,_:� --�------ - __.._._---... -- — ---------------- _ �priglils �li�ri�•��,, Crc�s l,rlc�•s' _'_ _ _" _._ -_ .. .. _ _" __ 1/.J���n���15�aCin(� _'_"____.__ ________— __ _ _' _'_' \'l�:Itl� �I lie�i� li Minimum Mavimum titin�ni�iin 1Aa.�ii��n�i —___"_"'_""_'_'_____' '__".---- tlunension spacing dniiin.iui� spe.••�� � llylo3 3In6 Giu9 9�,�12 I:tu!5 Vcitical Iloni�ntai I�:il lutl Iccf I�:ul I�il InehuS feel Inche`_Fuil _ I�icl�� Incl�es^i��cl�es In<lius_Incl�e__Fecl_VA�Feel y C.lose q 5 3 w 6 stieeling 4 R 12 4 A. 12 fi. 6 !3 r 0 tl � 10 10 . 10 SI-�ORING,sa��rrorar, ,�r�n l'31�ihCING fI�IJRL"- '.`!. 9 - 4-87 .,\� SECTION E1 - MATERIALS SPECIPICATIONS SrCTION E1 - MATF.RIAL SP�CIPTCATIONS MATERIAL STANDARD E1-7 ,TANUARY 1, 1978 (RF,VISrD 1/20/8II) E1-7 DUCTILE-IRON AND GRAY-IRON FITTINGS E1-7.1 GENERAL: This Material Standard covers the furnishing of ductj.le-iron compact fittings, 3 inches through 12 inct�es, and ductile-iron and gray-iron and gray-iron (cast-iron) fittings, 3 inches through 48 inches for use in water projects. Unless specified otherwise, installatlon sha11 be governed by Construction Standard �2-7 of these General Contract Documents. Except as specified herein, the fi.ttings shall be fabricated i.n accordance with the following specifications: a. ANSI/AWGIA C 110/A21.10 "Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings, 3 inch through 4II inch for Water and Other Liquids" b. ANSI/AWWA C 153/A21.53 "Ductile-Iron Compact Pi[tings, 3 inch through 12 inch for Water and Other. Liquids" c. ANSI/AWWA C 111/A21.11. "RubUer-Gasket Joints for Diictile-Iron and Gray-Iron Pressure Pipe and Pittings" � " d. ANSI 131.6.1 "Cast Iron Pipe Planges and Flanged P�.ttings" e. ANSI B1.6.42 "Ductil.e Iron Pipe F].anges and Planged P'iet:i.ngs" f. ANSI/AWWA C 104/A21.4 "Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water' r R1-7.2 DESIGN R�QUIREM�NTS: a. SOINTS: Fittings shal.7. have flanged, mechanica7., push-on joints or any combination of these. Joints must be manufactured in accordance with the above referenced standards. Unless specified otherwise on the plans or in the project specifications, f.ittings will Ue provi.ded for installation as follows: SIZE JOINT TYPF. � b. PR�SSllRE RATING: Unless specifted otherwlse, the rated taorldng pressures for fittings are as follows: Ductile-Iron Compact Pitti.ngs (AWWA C153) NOMINAI. SOINT TYPE PItESSLiRE RATING s r-i Ductile-Iron Fittings (AWWA C110) NOMINAL SIZE (IN) JOINT TYPE PRF.SSURE R�SONG 3 - 24 Flanges 3 - 24 Mechanical. 350 3 - 24 Push-On 350 30 48 All Types _ ]50 Gray-Iron rittinge (AWWA C110) NOMINAL SIZE (IN) JOINT TYPE PI2ESSURE RAT7NG a_ t� All Types 250 c. DIMENSION AND THICKNESS: Fittings and joints sl�all conform to the thickness and dimensions shown in the various standards referenced under Section �1-7.1 of this spec�.fication. d. FLANGE: Unl.ess specified otherwise, the bolt circl.e and the bolt hol.es shal.l match those of ANSI B16.1 Class 125. All. screwed ecrewed-on f7.anges shall maech those of ANSI 516.1 Cl.ass 125. A17 screwed-on flanges sha11 Ue diictile iron. e. GT.AND: Ducti].e-iron glnnda muet he used with ducti7e-lron mechanica7. joint ^ f.ittings. Gray-i.ron �lands sha11 Ue t�sed wi.th gray-ison M.1 f:ittings. f:. BOLT ANll NUT: IIolte and nuts Lor mechanical joints or flanRed ends shall Ue ' of a high strength corrosion resistant.low alloy steel conforming to the ASTM A 325, Type 3(Cor-Ten or equivalent). g, ACCESSORIES: Unless otherw3se specifi.ed, gaskets, gl.ands, bol.l-s and nuts shall be furnished with mechanical joi.nts, and gaskets and luhricant shall be furnished with push-on joints; all in sufficient quanti.ty for assembly of each joint. h. OUTSIDE COATING: The outside coating shall be petrol.eum aspha].tic coating approximately 1 mil thick. The coating shall be applied to the ovtside of all fittings, unless otherwise specified. i. INSIDE LININGS: All ductile-ison and gray-iron fittings are to be furnished with cement-mortar linings. A seal coat of asphaltic material must be glven for curing moist cement-mortar lining. j, MARKING: Pittings shall have distinctly cast on them the following information: • "C-153" (AWWA C 153 ductile i-ron compact firtings only) Pressure rating Nominal diameter of openings • Manufacturer's identificaYion Country where cast "DT" or "Ductile" (Tf made of- ductile-i.ron) Number of degrees or fraction of the circ]e on a1.1 Uends E-2 Glands shall have cast or stamped on them the foll.owing information: Manufacturer's identifi.cation Nominal size "DI" or "Ductile" (If made of ductile-iron) E1-7.3 1TSTS AND REPORTS: The Contractor will. furnish manufacturer's certified test reports stating that al.l fittings furnished meet the requirements of applicable Standards and Specifications. Test reports must be provided to the Engineer not later than two (2) weeks after construction begins for flttinga furnished by a previously approved manufacturer. Test reports must be provided the Engineer before constrnction commences wl�en fittings are being supplied by a manufacturer whose material. has not previously been approved by tlie City. Test Reports shall have the Engineer's approval before final payment will be made. E-3 SECTION N1 - MATERIAL SPrCIPICATI0N5 MATERIAi, STANllARD E1-26 .TANOARY 1, 1978 (RF.VISED 3/6/89) E1-26 RESILENT-SEATEP GATE VALVES: E1-26.1 GEN�RAL: This Material Specification gate val.ves with nonrising stems (NRS), size pipe size) meeting all requi.rementa of. the modified by this apecif.ication, and may be val.ves of similar size for lnstallation in system. covers iron-body resil.ient-seated 3 tlirough 12 inchea NPS (nominal latest ANST/AWWA C509 Scandard ae used in lieu of doubl.e di.sc gate the Port Worth water distribution E1-26.2 DESIGN: Requirements in addit�.on to ANSI/AWWA C509 Standard for resilient-seated gate valves: e� b. c. d. POSITION: All valves will be installed 3.n vertical. position only when utilized in normal pipeli.ne instal.lation. OPF.RATING METHOD: Val.ves for buried service are to be supplied with operating nuts. Operating nuts shall be made of gray iron or ductile iron. The operating nuCs shall be 1-15/16 inch square at khe top, 2 t.nch aquare at the base, and 1-3/4 inch high. An arrow chowing the direction of opening wiCh the �oor.d "OPEN", eha].1 be cast on operati.ng nut f7.anged Uase, as appropriate. Operating nuts sha17. be painted red. OPENING DIRECTION: In opening, the operati.ng nut shal.l be turned to the RIGAT (CLOCKWISE). END CONNECTIONS: Valves sha11 have f.langed, mechanical.-joint, push-on ends, or any combination of these as specified on the plans or ln the project specifications. The vari.ous types of valve ends sha]7. conform to the applicable requir.ements of. E1-7 of these �eneral Contract Documents and Specifications. e. nominalY diameterhofwther valvehaAn unobstructedtwaterway shall Ue provlded with the valve in open position. f. STEM: All. valves shall be of the non-rising stem type (NRS). g, STF:M SEALS: The valve stem shall be sealed by 0-rings above and below the stem collar. It shall incorporate a mini.mum of two such seals. The 0-ring seal above the stem collar shal.]- be repl.acec�hl.e coith the valve under pressure in full open position. F,-4 h. VALVE SEATS: The gates for all va]ve eizes shal] Ue of one piece, fully encapsulated with a permanently bonding syntheti.c material (STiR, Buna N, or Urethene RuUber) covering where exposed to ]ine waCer in rlosed pos3tion. The Uonding process shal.l. meet Clie requirements of current AS'1'M D429. Mechanical.ly attachi.ng tlie resilient seat to the gate wJth AS7'M A-276, Type 304 stainless steel screws is acceptaUle. The valve construction shall contain means to properly position the gate assemUly throughout the entire open/close travel. i. IiONNET AOLTS AND NUTS: A71 bonnet bol.ts and nuts on gate valves shal'1 he made of ASTM A-276, Type 304 stain].ess steel. Rolts shall have hexagona7. heads conforming to ANSI Ii18.2.1. Nuts shal-1 Ue hexagona] nuts conforming to ANSI 518.2.2. J k. 1. BRONZF. OR RRASS PARTS: Valve components of. bronze or brass shal.l be made to ASTM recognized a].l.oy specifications. COATING: All valve interior and exterior sarfaces of ferrous parts shall be epoxy coated, minimum 3 to 5 mils, meeti.ng the current AWWA C550 requirements. ACCESSORIES: A17. gate valves shall have the fol.lowing accescories provided as part of the gate valve insta]-lation. � 1. A lceyed solid extension stem of sufficient ].engtl� to hring the operating nut up to �vithin one foot ('1) oF the surface of the ground when the operating nut on the gate valve is tliree Peet (3') or more � beneath the surface of the ground. On Ci.ty of rort Worth ,tocic order extension stems will not be required. � 3. (a) �xtension stems shal.l not be bolted or attached to the valve operating nut during shipment. (U) Extension stems shal] Ue of: cold ro7]. stee]. with a cross-sectional area of one square inch, fitting loosely enough to al.low deflection. Joint components such as gask.ets, glands, ].uUricant, bolts and nuts, shall be furnished all in svff.ici.ent quantity for assemUl.y of each joinY. I'or buried service gate val.ves, cast iron valve boxes and covers shall Ue provided. (a) rach val.ve box shal]. Ue two-pi.ece, 5-]/4 inch shafts, screw type, consistln� of a top ser_Yion and a Uottom section. Val.ve l�oxes shall. equal. to McKinley Iron Worlcs 'I'ype VUS, Tyler Pipe 6850 Series, Clow P'igure F-2454, or equal. (h) Val.ve box covers shal]. be so designed that they can Ue easily removed to provide access to valve operating nut. They must Ue designed to stay in positi.on and resist damage under heavy traffi.c loads. Each cover shall be casted �,�1Yh the word "SdA193R" in raised leYters on the upper siirflce. r-s (c) Cast iron castings f.or val.ve boxes and covers shall conform Co ASTM A-48, Class 40. D1-26.3 TF.STING: All test requirements or testing procedure speci_fied under current ANSI AWWA C509, except for changes as detailed in this specificati.on, shall Ue met by the valve manuLacturer. The manufacturer shall. f.urnish the City two (2) certified copies of tests on each valve and certification that the va]ve components are made in conFormance with applicahl.e ANSI, AS'TM, AWWA or other standards. E1.-26.4 VALVE DRAWINGS: Valve drawings in triplicate shal] be Purni-shed to City for approva7.. The manufacturer shal.l. Uave the option of submitting drawings Co the City for approval of each particu].ar type of va].ve that he wishes to bid on and upon approval of these Uy the City, the manufac:turer may then bid on any type of valve covered by these approved drawings by simply referring to the approved drawing number in Cheir Uid proposal. These dr.awings, if submi.tted with this understanding, will be kept on file Uy the City until specificati-on change or oUsolescence or other reasons required submittal. of new drawings. Drawings when submitted for City approva7. shall include detai.l. pri.nts as are necessary to show all sub—assemUly reqairements for valves proposed to Ue furnisheci. The drawings sha71 identify all component parC material. completel.y, that i.s material shall. not only he idenCified by the contro] speciftcation Uut by type, c].ass, or other deslgnations ].isted under the standard �s wel.l.. Tf a manufacturer proposes a substi.tute materi-ril of his o�an Ionmi]ntion, acceptance • thereof by the CiYy shal.l. not Ue considered wtthout a complete and detail.ed descripti.on of tl�e material. which shal.l include cl�emi.ca7 composi.tion and physical requirements as part of the report. E1-26.5 RECORD OF MANUFACTURE: Valves wil7. not Ue acceptable to the City unl.ess the manufacturer has been engaged regularly and conti.nuousl.y in the production of gate va:l.ves which have Ueen in satisFactory use i.n municipal water systems comparable to the Fort Worth, Texas system, or tlie manuFacfurer can provi.de adequate design and pr.oduction capaMlity wliich meets all appli.caU]_e standards and whose product i.s acceptaUle to the Fort Worth Ldater Department. E1-26.6 EXAMINATION OI' VALVES: After delivery Uy the suppli.er on a direct purchase order, the City may disassemble one valve of each size of each pressure. After delivery by the Contractor on a construct:ton contract, the Contr�ctor shall, if requested, in the presence of a represenCative of the City, disassemUle one valve of each size of each pressure. Should it Ue determined that a parti.cul.ar valve does not meet all. these specifi.cations, then all. of the valves of that order sha7-7. Ue returned and a]-1 costs for disassembly and shipping shall be paid Uy the supplier or by the Contractor. n�_2F,7 INS7'AI.T.ATTON: Tlnless speca.f3.ed �therwise, inst:a7.lati.on shalJ be . governed by Construction Standard �2-10 of tl�ese General Contract llocumente. r-h SECTION �l. - MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL STANDARD E1-12 JANUARY l, 19'7n (RLVISED 10/10/87) E1-12 DRY-BARREL FIRE HYDRANTS E1-12.1 GENERAL: This Standard cover 5 1/4" post-type, dry-barrel fire hydrants with compression shut-off for use in Port Worth water distribution system. E3[cept as specified here, the fire hydrants shall be f.abricated in accordance with ANS/AWiv� C502 "Standard for Dry-Barrel Fire i�ydrants" in its latest revision. E1-12.2 ADDITIONAL REQUSREMENTS: a. Shut Off• 1 The hydrants shall be of the compression type, with the main valve opening againat the pressure and closing with the pressure. The valve action shall provide positive shut-off at minimum closing torque. 2. Wedge action closing gates shall not be used. 3. 4. All hydrants operating-stem clearly visible shall be cast i.n to indicate the sha7.1 open by turning the nut to the RIGHT (CLOCKWISE). A CURVGD ARROW and the word "OPF.N" relief on the top of the hydrant direction of opening. 5. The fire hydrant operating niit sha17. be square in shape. The square nut shall measure 1" at the base, and 7/8" at the top wi.th all faces tapered uniformly. The nut sha].1 be so designed as L-o protect the worki.ng mechanism from the moistur.e and dirt. b. Nozzle Requiremente: .l. The hydrant nozzle arrangement shall be Three-Way, consisting of tcvo 2 1/2" hose nozzles and one A" �umper nozzle. 'Phe twn hose nozzles are 180 degrees apart with the pumper nozzle in between and on the same horizont-a1 plane. Cen�erli.ne of outlet nozzle shall be a minimum of 18" aUove the ground/hydrant bury line. 2, Threads on hose and pumper nozzles shall. meet the requirements of NationaZ I'i.re 1'rotecLion Assoaiation, NFPA ].963, "Standard for Screw G-7 Threads and Gaskets for Fire Hose Couplings" as follows: Nominal Size of Coupling Waterway NumUer of Threads per Inch Thread Designation (NH=Fire Hose) Approximate Outside Diameter of 1�xternal Thread Lenqth of Nipple Length of Pilot to Start of Second Thread Depth of Coupling Diameter of Gasket Seat in Coupling Length of Coupling Interna7. Thread Prom Face of Coupli.ng to Start of 5econd Thread IIOSE NO'LZLE 2 1/2" 7 l/2 2,5-7.5 Nli 3 L/16" 1" 1/9" 15/1.6" 3 3/16" 11/16" 3/16" PUMPER NOZ7.LE 4 �� 4 4-4 NH 5" 1 1/4" 7/16" 3/16" 5 1/8" 7�6�� 3/8" 3, Outlet nozzles shal.l be fastened into the nozzle section by threads oz� mechan.ical mear�s and secured in p.lace by a pin, a set s�crew or other acceptab].e method L-o prevenC the nozrl.e from turning or. backiny out. Connecting the nozzl.e to hydrant bY leading is not acceptable. 4. Nozzle cap harnessing shall be f.urnished but yaskets wi7.1 i�ot be required. c. IIury Length: The standard £i.re hydrant bury l.engt-h frnm ground to bottom of the connecti.ng pipe shall be 3'-6". The hydrant shall be of a design that will permit extensions without disturbing the battom section of the hydrant. d. Hub TVAe� 7nlet c;onnecti.on �l�all be mechanical joint unless otherwi�e specifi.ed, and sha11 be for 6" ductile iran pipe. The nominal. diameter o£ the fi.re hydrant main valve opening is to be 5]./4". e. Hydxant Body: The body of t.he hydrant bei-ween the elbow and the top cap must be made i.n two parts connected by a swivel fl.anqe, or brcakable flange whi.ch will permit facing of the nozzle:s in any de�ired direction in ineremento of 95° or. 10�3. 'Phe complete hydrant shall be of auch r3esign that when t�he hydrant barrel is brolcen throiigh tr.aff.ic col.li.sion or other- wise, it may be replaced without clisturbing the bottom section of the hydrant. Lxtensi.on sections, where r,-s required, shall include barrel extension section, extension rod with connectors, provided for lengthening the complete unit. These units shall be available in increments of eix (6) inches in length. f. Construction Requirements: The fire hydrant proposed to be furnished under this Material Standard shall incorporate the following features: 1. Hydrants shall be provided with an automatic and positively operating non-corrodible drain valve so as to drain the hydrant completely when the main valve is shut. A drain valve operating by springs is not acceptable and tapping of drain opening to receive threaded pipe will not be allowed. 2, Exclusive of the main valve opening, the net area of the waterway of the barrel and foot piece of the smallest part shall be not less than 150 percent of the net opening of the mai.n valve. 3. The operating threads of the hydrant shall be designed to avoid the working of any iron or steel parta against either iron or steel. The � operating-stem nuts,shall be made of qrade A, B, C, D, or E bronze. Grades of bronze shaLl be as defined in Table 1 df AWWA C502. 4. Hydrants having a verticallv operating valve for which the operating threads are located in the hydrant top shall be equipped with a stuffing box located in such a manner as to seal the operating threads from the water while hy8rant is in use. 5. Hydrant stem packin boxrBoovesrandeseealeda]with provided with O-r ng g O-ringa. 6. Hydrants closinq with the �ressure must have a bxonze cap nut to aeal the bottom end of stem threads againat contact with the water. 7, Hydrants which must have the seat ring removed before the valve can be taken out shall have the seat ring acrewed into a bronze bushing and not , into iron threads. F.-9 g, �drant Patnt Requirements: After shop priming, the outside of the hydrant above the finished ground line ahall be thoroughly cleaned and thereafter painted in the shop with two coats of aluminum paint. The aluminum paint shall ce II�Paste� C1assE2a with Specifications TT-P-320c, Typ a mixing varnish vehicle. E1-12.3 HYDRANT DRAWING: Proposals ahall be accompanied by catalogue cuts, photographs, or drawings in duplicate showing complete detailed dimensiona of the hyc7rant when requested by the Engineer. EL-12.4 REPORT OF TESTS: Manufacturera may be required to furnish the C ty two certified copies of physical tests of all metals used in the manufacture of the fire hydrants and hydrostatic tests made on each hydrant. Tests on bronze stems (ASTM 8-584) sha11 be performed on a coupon cut from the finished stem stock (not as outlined in ASTM B-208) and shall in all cases meet the reguirements for "Operating Stem and Mechanism" set forth in AWWA Specification C502 except as specified in paragraph E1-12.2 above. When required, a certificate of composition shall be furnished by the manufacturer. Sample stems may also be required for testing in an independent laboratory. E1-12.5 RECORD OF MANUFACTURE: Fire hydrants will not be acceptable to the City unleas they are produced by a manufacturer who has been reqularly producing fire hydrants that have been in satisfactory operation in municipal water systems; and comparable to the Fort Worth, Texas system; and/or one who can demonstrate a design and operation in full compliance with this specification. Technical manufacturing drawinga or test certification records for contract installation must be supplied by the Contractor on request not later than two weeks after beginning construction when previously approved hydranta are to be used or prior to inatallation for hydrants not previously approved by the City. Technical manufacturing drawings or test certification records must be supplied for all hydranta purchased by the City when requested by the Engineer. Technical drawings or certification records shall have the Engineer's approval before final payment will be made. F.-10 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE T0: CITY OF FORT_WORTH, TEXAS NAME OF PROJECT: TO SERVE THE PECAN VALLEY PROJECT NIIMBER: Water No. 83-105027-00, Sewer No. 56-013025-00 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT STEED, INC., P. 0. Box 6254, Fort Worth, Texas 76115 (Name and Address of Insured) is, at the date of this certificate, insured by thle Company with respect to [he business operations hereinafter described, for the type of insutance and in accord- ance with the provieiona of the etandard policies uaed by this Company, and further hereinafter described. Exceptions to standard policy noted on reverse side hereof. ;.Comprehensive Gener Liability Inaurance (Public Liability) Collapse of Buildinge or structures adjacent Damage [o lltilities Comprehensive Automobile Liability TYPE OF INSURANCE Polic No. Effective E ires Limlta of Liabilit 180333089 9 4/12/89 4/12/90 $500,000./500,000./500,000. Bodily Injury: 3CG 11233 4/12/89 4/12/90 Ea. Occurrence: $1,000,OOO.CSL 7808 00 Property Damage: r_cUFu AT. A(' .RF.(;ATF.-- ' S 2.000, 000. 3CG112337 1TB 10923 6985 00 Con[ractural Liability 3CG 11233 7808 00 Date 9/11/89 4/12/89 �4/12/90 �Ea. Occurrence: $1,000,000. m 4/12/89 �4/12/90 L/12/89 �4/12/90 1,000,000. Bodily Injury: Ea. Pereon $ 1,000,000. Ea. Occurrence $ Combined Proper[y Damage: Single Ea. Occurrence: $ Limit Sodily Injury: ,._ Ea. Occurrence $1,000,000. Property Damage: CSL Locations covered: Texas Descriptlon of operations covered: See above project The above policies either in the body thereof or by appropria[e endorsement provide that they may not be changed or cancelled by the insurer in lese ihan five (5) days after the insured has received written notice of such change/or cancellation. Where applicable local laws or regulatione require more than five (5) days actual notice of change or cancellation to be assured, the above policles contain such special requirements, either in the body thereof or by appropriate endorsement thereto attached. *Hartfotd Ins. Co. (Cas Market Specialists) p�oency The Sweeney Company United Stat Fidelity Gu anty Fort Worth Agent P. 0. Box 8700 B "������� l� Address Fort Worth, Texas 76124-0700 Title Authorized Representative This certificate of insurance neither affirmatively nor negatively amends, extends or alters the coverage afforded by the pollcies listed herein. PERFORMANCE EOND Yf1E STATE OF TEICAS s COUNTY OF TARRANT S LNOW ALL NEN BY TNESE PRESENTS: That we (l) STEED; INC. � � �(Z) Corporation of Fort Worth, Texas . 6ereiaafter called Yrineipal. and (3) FEDERAL INSURANCE CONtPANY = . � corpozation organized and existing under the lays of the St�te and fully �uthorised to transact butinesa in the State of Texas, +� SureLy, �re held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth. a municipal corporation organiaed and �ai�iing under the lave of the State of Texaa. hereinefter called Ovner. in the pen�l sum of: --One Hundred Seventy Five Thousand, Four Hundred Eight Five Dollars and 10/100's �s 175,485.10) Dollars in lavful muney of the United Siates. to be paid in Fort Worth. Tarrsnt County, Texac, for the payment of whieh �um vell and truly be sade, ve hereby bind ourtelvec, our heir�, executors, admini�ir�tors and �ueces�oro, jointly and severally, firmly by these presente. � TNE CONDITION OF TNIS OBLIGATION is •uch thai Whereai, the Yrincipal entered iato a certai� contraet vith the City of Fort Worth. the Owner. dated • "�� A.D. 19 R�k .;� copy of whieh is hereto ihe �� Q day of � ��_. _ a attaehed �nd made a part hereof, for the eonstruction of: �.,arar and sanitary sewer improvements to serve the Pecan Vallev Golf Course in the City of Fort Worth, Texas and the Cit of Ben r Water No. 8�_ 1502�_88 � � copy of vhich de�ignated as Project No.(s)Sewer No. 5 81302 eontraet i• hereby attached, referred to. •nd made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if eopied ai length herein, •ueh projeet �nd eonetruction being hereinafter referred to as the "vork". and faithfully perform NOW THEREFORE, if the Principal iinel ��ecifi atione, and contzact doeumen:s the vork in aeeordance vith the p � P during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereofandlif heashall sranted by the Owner, vith or vithout notice to the Surety. sati�fy all claims �nd demands ineurred under •ueh contract, •nd shall fully indemnifq and save harmless the Owner from all co�ts and damage� vhich it may �uffer by reason of failure to do so, and �hall reimbur�e and rep�y tl+e Ovner all outlay and expense vhieh the Ownez may ineur in meking aood any defaul:, then this obligation •hall be void; othervi�e to remain in full foree and effeet. F-1 YROVIDED FURTAER, tfiat if any legal aetion be filed upon thi� bond, venue ahall lie in Tarrant County, State of Texas. AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that the •aid Surety, for lteration or addition •tipulatee and agrees thet �o ehange, e:tension of time, to the terms of the cuntract oc to the vork to be performed thereunder'or the apeoific�tione accompanying LAe same shall in any vise afEeet it� oblijation on this bond. and it doe• hereby waive eotiee of any sueh ehange. extension of time� alteration or addition to the terms of the eontract or to the vork or to the �pecificationc. •: IN WITNESS WHEREOF� thi� instrument i• exeeuted in 9 euu�t�farts eacti oae of vhieh ahall be deemed an original� thi� the 4.� day of A.D.. l9�• STEED, •INC. � IN PAL 4) SY• /Y,. �7 �i Richard D. Steed, President Post Office Box 6254 Fort Worth Texas 611 Address By: Witness as to Principal FED�RAI INSURANCE COMPANY � /\ Suresy �— q � � - , �i���'� �vbY : �� n' ^ ll^�� A 1% C � .�✓1✓ � -- 9lttorney-io-fact 5) Tammie Stephens Post Office Box 8700 Fort Worth, Texas 76124-0700 Addrecs qOTE: D�te of Dond oust not be prior to date of Contract Fort Worth Texas Addrecs ATTEST: Surety Seeret�ry (SEAL) By: ��"w�vV � � - � /bL Witness ae to Sure �y Fort Worth, Texas Addre�e (DC-S/21/70) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) • Corrcct name of Contractor A Corporation, a Yartner�hip or an Individual, a• e+�e m�Y be Correc[ name of Surety If Contraetor i� Partner�hip all Fartners ahould exeeute Aond A true eopy of Pwer of A[torney shall be attached to Eond by Attorney-in-Faet. F-2 r�wtn vr w� �vnntr Know �II M�n Dy tMw MMrM�. Tlwt tlr iEDERAL MSURANCE C01fPAM'l.1S IAounWn Yww Road. Wu��n. N�w J�rs�y. � �Mw J�n�y Corpor�- �bn, na. co�.��wua a�a .ppo�niw. �na eon n.I.M eawauw u+a.ppdM D. W. Sveeney, Charles D. Sveeney. EobDy L. Mayo, Dione R. Young and Tammie Stephenc of Fort WortL, Texas---------------------------------------- pcn its true �n0 I�wlul Anorney�'wrFat b a�eut� wid�r tutA dn�G^�tio^ in 4^�^» � b dfi■ Ms corporaq pd b ard d�iv�r br �rd on N� DM+M a wnty tnereon or oth�rwis�. DoMi M ury p tlr lolbw�np da�w+. bnrit: 1. Bonas �nC Unden�kinp� RN01n �ny wtl. m�tln a pron�OUp In YryCa� a Wd whh �rry SMriM a M�pistral�, la iM doinp or nol Ooirp ot �nyMlnp .p.cl�Na in .�cn eond a unanakinp. - 2. Sw�ty bon0� to IM Uniud SLLIa d Am�rka a�rrypw.Y IMnof, krckdMp tl�oM nVuk�d or D�^�b �r � u� a��� �tlrp b Cu�tomr p Inbrml R�wnw; Llprw �n0 PMmli Ead� Or otMr NO�m^kY bor'd� u�d�' ��S, adirunai a�p ul�tbru d �ny 6W�.�1�y Twm, VWp�, Boara a oth�r potfy a orp�nWtion. Oublic a prMtr, 4ad� lo Tr�roporbtio^ ia, Lwt Nvtrurtrnt bor+C�, tuw Dond�� Wafiin' Comp�n�a- tbn Dontl�. Miu�llanww SuMy EoM� ud Dond� on b1w110� Notarfr Pub�C��. �Y �riMs uW Nmllar publk oKiciak. 9. Bontla on W ��H of eontncbn N aonn�ction rltl� bW�� papaab a oontr�cb. w wmn�.. wn...er� w..re AttMI Muuwu odrwn r, w�/� r��H�+�ra M.. pw+ b r YPN M r �nr.� v�s►wYOr� .�a M.rr+ Me+rr �M ■ {MpDt�Y MY b C� �M�b Mu�O N� lit i'�'� January • 86 � ti�ti Oi MEw J[�oEv 1 M. ('iOUllir 01 $ORNffQt � ��• ♦ _ O�M 16� rYM January » db.w...�..dw�••wawo.oc+..wr�..ro.�.�ey..w.�rrrr..+�...ur.�r•woau�w NIII�MR COY�UI�.Ir� eo.po.ron /rwbOM rW �IY� �r O�E Mr�i hwr /�bAY. �tl b�01rrl��D.O'Conv rYiN ��h �en. �0 /yd� W�1 � Ir Y II�YrV �R.nYrl' � rr rett� rsuiuua oow�wr.�e ww w�.�w+� r r�w� rr w. or w.e r rr r.�v ►..w r �e�.r r ue�..00+� w.�e � wwwe rr M w+�ti r r R+�+ M w caro.ro..�a.w n w�+a.ra ►w ��renrr. wr.+Morrrreo.�sryb r.��:.�r irr.ea.k+�ewn ow �mr�.�r... �r. r b w wMr� vr.wwrw r.e caro��r.•�a wn �r Ypr'un ��tl �r YLLY� ��s�b0 r�M h�� � Ma�Y Y M N/�r IrOrtY`9 M�IO OeP Y�GIiW �d w M� M�s��O M M�wb � rY y.t,.. w .� «eo�.N'. r...w. � . . • �r.�ri w `4E L E ON 7 � NO�Mri �p I.1l�1C J �w yEN�'t, � �T�7E M rtw� JUaLr 1 Y. s camh a som.�b, f o� ' _� � tanr'�na ��tY NlLIC OF MEW IERSCY W Gnuniu�en EaMm Jwie 2�. 196! 1. h uW,nO"b. Au�YM Mvw'1' M M RM�K MMYK! OOI�AMf. r IwA �I /r M YdYi \� M erV Mn M Na� /M Ytl Oeip�q / W#a q Y ir/ MM�w� �n W Rn tl. ��5] ri0 ue�1 �eAf� I�Md�O WN 11� N�7 N MI �Y �Pr � Y Y Yn� wl �d. 'MI1Gi 1Y7. � fw1c� t Al� Ea�G�. urM�IIYInP, iM�b MEl�� Y�II�Mw1r M �w O �EeN M 114 � Y�� / h�O�W^Y �1rA �� YTvI[�O N' Iw � r Nvlw C We�l. �// � �n0�n���Ee��KutWmIN�YnrMETCMJXMlU�.MpI'ry�M�OYMMTW�QYMVb[]Wnrnd/�AwdMP�V4�T6�t.iMW�11r5�vt1�7b�nArM��1 S�crei�ry un i� r�M M�C'W P�. ��N �W �r'Y � n �Y� MFtw� I�m�yM� �9'�� M Yp �Md�lion M 11� bl0 0� DRK�P� O�r Eyer1M CT�nRIN. w m�ny pp.�d �nry ..�nn.o � w�a a h i..sm f Y.n.. w�r �ucw rrl rsn b�a. wM.�O a am., ppl ��tm � Vo+� n�uN nnWon s pwr �/ �Ywr�y. s.�,of. �.� oo... e r��r tr.c o+ua+Mur.te�c�r �+r•�err e..�a.e �� �.,.�+.�e o�er+�ar. ce�wM..m.� wm. u..�w. a w. vactiw+�.w..�.,s,� a. v�.v�..wM>.� �.M ve+��e.�.h�.r,e. w.rrs>.��.oxiovr. r�e.rr.+�.t.+,. rvrm�.. n. wwu. s.�a�ais. �rr r.v�+e. r`ra a wr,op,Wra .. � IIVNr•mih�rria�9FED[R4N{VRRpC[COYMM�'YO✓lbwrOtlYrrr.lWry�d�wNb/�'�ti�dM�1�M�dw�Ui�EAurdMrcaDYbwMCdAlY.MblYv.w0�c/�a�IN ao.��c.. a c.�w..�m m..,�.p�� a n.o te.re re: w � row+ra••aee.oasd�.�.wya��. �.r.n+w. s..r.�ra w ww�b M�.•. 1. M uM�'W�M Ysni�nl S�cntnr el �m[RILLtlY1MMClOOID�MY.�Dhw4)s�M7ti N knpoYV►'�'rMA�wMYYi IJ bm' YE��cI ..ud IIy��D Y�� �nll.lOC1y�M 2MIGEHEMI 4�MYM M�Mry YAYM_ E� �TT�OND � TEiE STATF. OF TEXAS S xNpW ALL !�N EY Tk1ESE PRESENTS: That ve (1) STEED, INC. ��(2� Corporation of Fort Worth, Texas � hereinafter called Principal� and (3) FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY _ � a eorporation organiaed and exi�ti�g under the lays of the State and fully authorised to transaet business in the State of Ttxae� a� Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worih, a manieipal corporation organised and eai�ting undcr the iaM6 of the Siate of Texao, hereinafier ealled Owner, and unto all person� firme, �od coporations vho aty furnish naterials, for or perform labor upon the building or improvements hereinafter referred to in :he > penal •um of: , --One Hundred Seventy Five Thousand, Four Hundred Ei ht Five Dollar �s 175,485.1Oj-Dollare in laWful muney of the Uaited States. to tie paid in Fort Morth� Tarrant County. Texas, for the payment of vhich �um well and truly be made, ve hereDy bind ourselves, our heirs. exeeutorc, administratora and suecessore, jointly and severally, firmly by thece presenic. CpUN'IY OF TARRANT f THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGAYION is such that Wherea�. the Principal eniered into a certain eontraet with the City of Fort Aorth, the Owner. dated the ;�'Q dey of o �I A.D., 19j�c , a oopy of vhieh ic hereto attaehed and made a perL hereof, for the construetion of: water and sanitary sewer improvements to serve the Pecan Valle Golf Course ' the City of Fort Worth, Texas and the Cit of�Benbroo Water No. 8�-gl�$2�_88 � � �ppy of Which designated •s Yrojeet No.(s)Sewer No. 5- 1 2 eontraet i� hereto attaehed, referred to and made a part hereof •s fully aad tu the same extent ae if copied at length herein, sueh project and conc:ruction being hereinafter referred to as Lhe "work". 110W THEREFORE, the nond;t�ent�to all elainantsnao`definedhin�Article Prineipal �hall pzomptly make p Y �u 1 in labor and eaterials in the 5160� Revised Civil Statutes of Texa�, PP Y B proseeution of the vork provided for in •aid Contr�et, then this obligation shall be null and void, othen+i�e it �hall remain in full foree and effect. F-3 THIS �OND.IS MADE AND ENTERED into �olely for the proiection of all etaimant• •upplying labor and oaterial in the proseeution of the rork provided rovided in Eor in �aid Contract, as nlaioa�ts are defined ia said Artiete 5160, and al �uch elaima�Ce �hall have a direct right of action under the Eond •s p Artiele 5160 of the Revi�ed Civil Statutes. PROVIDED FUATHER, tfiat if any legal aetion be filed upon thi� bfor� value shall lie in Tarr�nt County. State of TeYas, that the •aide�ten�ion uf time, received. hereby stipulate� and •gYee• that no ohange, alteration or addition to the ecifieatione a companying the same hall in any perforeed thereunder or the sp wi�e •ffect it• o�ligation on this :i= T�tiaontoro addition totthe terms of ahe •uch ehange� extenaion of time. eoetraet or to the work or to the �pecifications. PR�VIDED FURTHER, that no final tettlement betveen the Owner and the Contraetor �hall aDridge the right of any beneficiary hereuader vhose elaim maY be unsati�fied. , 9 counierpartc eaeh IN WITNESS WHEREOF� this instln��tthi�etheuted� � d�y of Q�'� � one of whieh shall be deeroed •n orig . A.D.� 19�• STEED, INC. 4 By: Witnesa as to Prineipal Fort Worth, Texas Addrese A1TESi: Sureiy Secretary (S E A L) By: u; ,(.fJC�J tiitness a� to ure y Fort Worth, Texas Addre�s (DC-5/Z1/10) p IN � BY: Richard D. Steed, President Post Office Box 6254 Fort Worth, Texas 7611 Addrers FED RAL INSURANCE COMPL�IIY s�t�cy �-� 1 �� �\ I —(,' ��a (',q�/ � ,,� � �� � L � �.,� ._ � l �.l, ,i ; � \BY :_ Attotney-in-fact) i5)T�mmie Stephens Post Office Box 8700 Fort Worth, Texas 76115 Address) z�or tu NOTE: Date of Bond must not be p da:e of Contract (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) F-4 Correct name of Contraetor A Corporation, a Partnership or an Individual, a� ea�e may be Correet name of Surety If Contr�ctor i� Yartner�hip all 4artners �h�ofdp�eL°of Atiorney A true copy shall be aitac�ed to Eond by Attorney-in-Fact. lsn na.� �Vry�n vr �� IVI'tl`ILi Know �11 M�n by 1Mw MMM�. TMt iM FEDEML NSURANCE COYPAMC. 1S MounW n Yrw Rwd. W�n�n. Nw+.hrs�y. �►�Mw ,Nrwy Corpw�. tan, Ms consUWi�O aM appointW. �rW dws MhbY cautiluM uW �DG� D. Y. Sveeney, Charles D. Sveeney. Eobby t. Mayu, Dione R. Young and Tammie Stephens of Fort WortL� Texac---------------------------------------- �aen ils true an0 I�wlut Anomey-YtiF�tt b�x�cul� unMr wM dnipnatbn Y� ri wn� �nd b�Mia il� wrporat� wd w�rd dNiwr br �nd on Ns MMM d sunly tM�eon or otMrwis�. Dond� W�rry d tM btbwinp tl++wt, lo-w4: �. BonCs �nC Unden�kirq� fiNd In �ny wN. m�tur or praNdirp In �nNCou� a WO wqA any SMrIM w M�pistr���. la tM tloinp a nol 0olnp o1 �ny�hkp �p�cil�a in �ucn Bond a IJM�rlakinp. . 2. Sw�ty bon0� to tM Uni1�0 Sutn d Amaka p rryp��cy tlrnd. Y'rckd�q 1ho� n0�'b a D�^^�b'�r � u"'� °f ��� �tlnp b Cwta�r a Im�rnal R�wnw: LJanw �nd hrmltla+d� a ctMrYd�m^nN �� ���, o'Oinu� anp uytiom d�ny SW�,�1ry . Tam. VY4p�. gpard a oth�r poOy a Orp�nisation, pubiic a prMtb; Ead� b TnntporhtbnCm�p� In. Lo�t Mutrurtwnt 6ond�; Ws� bwd�. Worfc�n' ComWns� tbn bontls. MiicNlanww SurMy EoM� ud Ead� o� ONuM d Not�riw F�blit, Slrrifls� D�pulY SMrifl� �n0 YmWr public oKiciW. 7. Bontls on W ndl oi Con�ncbn fn ODnMCtion rllh NM� pOpouh ot Oonlnc4. Y11YIInw WM�wf. IM �r0 I�DOIK M1114MC[ 001DMIt 11�. N��M r� �1'�� ��! �r'�r b M YV� M Y N�YYt VkF►�Mr� IW 11�wlY� Me�W� /�/ r .rae�w ..� o w na.w .n�.« w. 1� t �'�' • Jaouary » 86 " � tt�t[ a wtw xtis[r 1 M. County ol Som�rset f ��. � - - o�.. lst �rM January • 46.M��r�wn+yw111��D.dONve�rYs*r�eM�t�w^rYM�M���+wr1�MN1�OMl�F w�.�ci wrrun. w mmo.�o� �e.a ti.�a.�..�ra w. r.�.pw.. r��r.•�a �..ia �er+o. oco.d wv �rT• �r.•�, r ro�•• w•r w. �. � �.+r.. k.w • w. r[ttwu MswrKa oowun w rrw w..�wr nr r..r. r w..r wr r�. r.�� ti.w r��.r r ne� �+� w.a � wwwe +r M wr� � r�ra+� M reCwpM. r�a w ir Mpre rk►w MMsr+Pr 11�1u+rnMrylwtl Ow/�/�br �1:�wr �� �+�•�nO.wP Yetwn w/ Yw I� r w ti M�r� vM+w�� � re c.�w�r..�e e.� w. .q.�.,.. r.�e w�r r:ar.� �ra.e.e r re rw. w �e�+r r r�r p.++�.r.�+ra w.ia a.or r cirr� re.. �wno r.s�.� p r++b r.r w.uw re w woe�.n'. r•••�c.. - . . . � IarWt�.\`� LEON 7 :NOfMY Q •11l.1C a �^w � E PS� �7�R W M[w� 1[�ser l M. County d Son»rset j � ceRffraTw NOTARY �IIlLIC OF MEW JERS[Y kY fYnTiuien E+pim Ame t1� 1966 1. M uwnprG. Au�uM iK+wrY M II� �OIAL NUYMCl001ILlf.r IwlY �M/r M�"`i �� N oN M� M N� M M r10 Gip7 � MAre b r�� M DYrw� � 1YrcJ� it. ��5] �ne ua1 nw�11' I�dW YrC� 11. Ntl w/ MI M k{�' Y\ Y Yr� /i/ iLL �AIIII0.L M. Fncn t/Ji eada. urMr�MMq. RM�ib Y�0 �M• M�M�/r �✓ /w ��Ow� b Y�0 �n YhR M M Ce�PM' �lid� � Y WbinO W Iw � r tlWYr b NNII. �P �n0 �n�i� p� ���c��w m Xr wer MO an bMWI M!r Crnpvry MOri ti' M CNmW a M Mc�Gwma� o� �w �a^t o- � VOR�Wnt. pintl� �!N N S�aWry> n A�IR�M S.c�eu� u� �� �nc�+�. �Pr+w.. aup wY Yry �r � isn s�vn r rb�I�+�� �^9^+b n ury �rdNon a n. b.ro a� n..eron> �r Ercn�w ��w. a m•n� ou-� a.nw�n n�cwa a� vo+� b b i�nai f W. �r) �ucw w/ ren be. ranY�a w a�v� aOMjnv� r nab� n ren sauim w/�+r M �1v�'. Lnv,I �noaw�d�'v'�ytrYdT6Mu1�aINCe'P�7^r/n0�1r/Yao�nti�r��EmOMMaII�Cmp'M.M�'WC�!?rn�r.sMM�bW�utih�be� O �VOPrnbMYY� �i1N VOA�del�M/ �►��YOI�N�Y� i�H��.M10�11� w�c�� O�q�w�. TM WrLA MYGIOA��My v w��'�A. �YrO O M�W'�pMC .. 1 bnN• dnM �ui a�E fFD[RLL MUR4MCl COY�AMVYOJ! YewYa bMt1 kMY� �V 4Y� FMd� dM YYr d M 1h�04u� d4rr�� DYbW M CMEr. Mb IbO.ItlYrl� d IN �m.��r.�. a cmw•.�m m...wpicn y rrw Ee.ra Yre.weY �reM'rowraoem�+sY wq'm �ms. ✓6�'W�P.wc..r��w s npw�OMr.. I. M uMvW�M N+wi�M S�tnu'y W �mOUL MWMC! OOY�AMM.bOw�4Y�I�M bnpoY�►wI���YiY�IJ lora Yi0M4Lt w�l�•+Gaiu(w. li��GENEMI wypio Y� •..ru�e an.rr MAINTENANCE EOND THE STATE OF TERAS f COUNTY OF TARRANT s [t7011 ALL lIEN DY THESE YBESENTS: Tha[ (1) STEED, INC. Ric ard D. Steed . i[c �� prineipal, �etin� herein by and through Z �nd 3 FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY duly authorised President Texas , as a eoporation organited under the lavc of the State of •urety. do �ereby ackaowledge chemoelvei to be 6eld ��d bound to pay unto the �itq of For[ ilorth, a Munieipal Corpora[ion, chartered by virtue of Con�[itution and_�av �� dred�Ssvent �Fi�e�Thousand�rF �otllars� (S r175c485u10-� rexa;., lavful y n ii�,- � iAi�R�?-- of h,nnra' Fi hr F• �t of vhieh sum vell and eruly be made aoney of the nited Sta[es, cor ���� v� unto�aid City of Fort :lorth aad its �ucce��ors, •aid Cootraetor and �urety o AereDy bind themselves, their heiza, executora, administr�tors, ascigns and �uecea�orc, jointly aad sevezally. Thi� obliga[ion i� conditioned, however; chat, tiHEREAS, the Principal has entered into � eerf�ai°then perfocmanehe ofcythe Yort Worth, da[ed '" ` folloving de�cribed pub ►e rork •n the eonstruetion of the following deaeribed publie improvements: water and sanitary sewer improvements to serve the Pecan Val�P� ���f Co,rGP in i the CIt oY rorc wor�u •11 of same being referredWa�eheN�ein83°015027,00 Sewerallo.a56-01302�5 0� and being decignaCed ae Yrojeet Ho. and •aid eontracc, includiag all of the apecific�tionc. eonditionc and vritten in�trume�iefere ce forcallhpurpo ee andtmede aopartnhereofp�t e esamen�srpifaset . bereia by out verDatim herein; •nd. NHEREAS, in said ContraeC. ConttactoraDA inicoodfrep�ir andh cndition •nd Co so eonstruct the work �h�� of ne (1)Fy�ear � after the dace of the for and during the peziod final aeceptance of the work by the Cicy; and titHEREAS, said Contrae[or bi�nde �t� y aY o maintain �aid vo:kand�Bood repair and conditioo for said term of UiHEREAS, said Con[rsctor binds itrelf to repoir ot recooa[ruc[ Che vork in vhole or in part at any time within said period, if in th� opinion of the Director of Sia[er Department of [he Ci[y of For[ Worth, i[ be nece�eary; and, i1NEREAS, �aid Contraetor bind� it�elf, upon ceceivin� notiee of the need therefor to repair or recon�truct �aid work ae herein provided. liOW TNEREFORE, if said Contraetor ahall keep •nd perform its taid •greement to �aintain, repair or reconetrue[ said � eaen[s ah�ll bennull and voidtn�nd heve •nd eonditiona of aaid Contr�et, these p F-5 � ao force or effect. Othervise, thi� Bond �hall be and remein in full force and • effect� and �aid City ��emises ao preccrDied Dyrsaid hConCrac�Contr�ctor and its surety damegea ia the p Thi� obilig�tion �hall be eontinuing one •nd succe�sive rceoverie� may be had hereon foc •uceeacive Dreaehes until the full amount hereof is ezhau�ted._ io WHEREAS, all pariies coven�nt snd •gree that if any le�al •etion be filed upon this Dond� venue ahall lie in Tatrant County, Tezaa; and, _. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Chi� inatrument i� exeeuted in 9 coon[erparts, eac6 one of vhieh shall be deemed an ori�inal� dated J STEED, INC. EY: /,�,�I.��.� Richard D. Steed, President Post Office Box 6254 Fort Worth, Texas 76115 Address B : Wi[necs ae to Principal Fort Worth, Texas (Addrece) UITEST: Surety SecreC�rY (SEAE.) B � t��Z.�� •1litaeac a� to Sure FED RAL INSURANCE COMPANY j Sure[y � � n �, ��,� ��i l���l/ ,i � �. Bx: \ '��1M^n � C � - YA[torney�in-faet S T mmie Stephens Post Office Box 8700 Fort Worth, Texas 76124-0700 (Addrerr) t�pr to NOTE�. Date of 6ond oust eo[ be p date of Contzact (1) (2) Fort Worth, Texas Addreoa (3) (4) (5) F-6 Correct a�me of Contcaetor A Corporation, a Yartnerohip or an Individual, •s eaee mey be Correct aeme of Surety If ConGrector ia Yartnerchip all Partnere should exeeu[e Bond A true copy of Pover of Attorney �hall be atuched to Dond by Attorney-in-Fact. rvrvtn vr w� ivnnti Know �II M�n by tMw MMM�. TMt tlN FEDERAL NSURAMCE OOYFANY.15 MwnWn Yrw Road. Wunn. Nwr,Nrwy. � IMw ,Nrs�y Cppp��, tan, n�s con�rwue ana appamW. �nd dwi Mnby oorotNur �nd �ppokM D. li. Sveeney, Charles D. Sveeney. EobDy Z, �yo� Dione R. Young and Tammie Stephenc of Fort Wort6. Texac---------------------------------------- �ac� i1s true anA I�wlui Ananey-M�F�[t b�x�eut� unNr wM d�aipn�tion Y� b �um� �nd b Ulia it� caporat� wd W�nd Mtivn 1or �rW on M� E�IuM q wnty tMreon a otMrwis�. pondi W uyW tlr btbwinp Waws. I�wq: t. Bontls �ntl Undenakirqs NM In �ny wlt, m�tbr a procwdirp M Yry Cour� a fl W Wqh nry SMriM a M�pi�1rN�, la tM tloirp or nM tlolnp M�nylhMq sp�Cili�tl in �ucn Bpnd a IJrW��Ykirp. 2. Sur�ry bond� lo tM UrM�d Snta ol Am�rfu a rry �p�n.y Mrnof. MdNp 1lwM npik�d a p�rmkbd wdu IM 4wt a �pul�tbro rWtlrp b CuqareN a IM�rn�l R�wnw; Uqrw ufE MrmM 6ord� Or OIMr Ab�mnlly bordr unMr fM Yw�, or0irynaf arp u4tiora ol �ny buu, Tam, VWap�, Boartl a otn�r pody a orp�niralion� pblit a prMU, Dord� b TrNsport�tbn r�n Nf, Lns� Mutrurn�nl bonds; ls�� DoM�, W M' CompMY- Ibn DonC�. Misc�llanwa SuMy Oond� �rd Donds on WhaM W Nolarlw P�Eic�. Wwilh. D�pNy SMrifls �nd Mmltu public ofRciW. �. BonOs on Mh�fl of eontncbn N OonnKiion �M bl0t, prOpa�k Ot oontrnb. M MMn�r MnwM� IM rk HDOIK M{�tWC� 001RYR 11�. Nr� r r�Ya/R ��tl /r I�� b r�iIC M� M�M�� Yb�� Id �WIM io�Yry 111 r .rpa.r r� o e. M.w .nn.e w. 1 at �'+' � Januaiy •!6 � ���• • ♦ _ _ n�n a �w x�scr � M. Counry a Som.rset o�.. lst �.r• January r 66.M6nrFaryw111d+VD.Opnwb�rYs.n�+0yw��s.nrY11�W��s�ryMN1�011LL�F aMu+tt ewrun. n eemo.ro� �e.a h.�e.�+a� �.n�ra w. a.p��y w.. r�v�+r..�a �r.�e �e.vn. oca.a �+v h,. �y..om. �e rw.. wrr w� �. r �.rw �.ewr� rr.rarwrsw�oowun.rr.ww..n.+�r�..s.wrw..rwrrwr.�v�•wr� rr..e.morrra..w.werwMwrArrM++n •..e c.ro.ro..�e.w r..q�.e ra ti.. r�a�ryr �w.' M.r.rr.+ec�wsbr w.�: rrwrr r.o..ra.., o�,P �c+r.�.r r... �. r r w. rrr. w.++.w 1I rE Ca�i��I. �a �r� w..q�.ru. �.+e � r�nr.� r.ne.a r ra r..w r �rsr r r M r.++ re.nw .�.a aaw �oorn �ne .. nw.�o.r.w k�4 r rr w.u...�a � r,a.a•. r...�a.. � . wuwt+u � IFON J�' 7 � ��� � rUlJC a ?�w �EPSE �i�n w r[w tintr � «. j' County a Son»rset � �T�� NDT�ItY N6LIC OF NEW )EIl3[N W Wnw�u�ea Eipm Irne t�. 1%A � aw.uMn.Q..e..w.�.MMnwwww.rm[WUMuuwaoorlun.�Iw�rA+r�rw.WYOr�w.erqYs�wyuwr�r..�eawip.q.MwoAr�MOr�r.. .� Wrt� 11. ��57 rW nst newwh wr6011�d� 11. Nt7 N�rl M�1� Y Y Y Yn� N Msl. 'MR7i IM. hnon 7 �I� En�Es, uM��NFq. OK�cb Y�0l�• Y�une� �� h� ��Ee�� d Id �n M�� I M ienM�� �I�itl� 1 Y YTcrittl A' Yir s r tJWMr i ��Wr. �►/ ' �no�n�npr��cutwmllr�rMEonIWUPMNCMipvryMer�Mr+�N"^r^shVbOr�mrndlMrrw�e�mn�Vo-hwtl�ni,pntry�en11r5�vwryah�Yl�M S�crei�� un rvr�r r�rw C�wprrtor�. /�aP �W �rry A p wen dFon ��1or�i�Yc� b�V'� ti MI'tielNen M Iti �n�C N Ona1m > M Esvnw 4�nMM�. P m�ny Da�d �nn^h IiKYYO � P�4 4/i iRM�! 41�. �Yy �YCW �n/ Mdi WE. MdwWiV w Rlv� pply�tv� Y O'a'� n YeJ� �04�on v I � M iw��- Lnv�.) Mw+so��nu'rYbYVenbh/td�rCpr{r9^'ryiEtlrto��orannr��wOa�OMMafIlrLorw'n.wrtr�4jv�Gr+rnaMVkrCJrYr+r��ti��br� w� vo>�no-M a�n �.�w vsr+enthM'•�n ti i.ww1 sr��v� �awr�. rien�.r n�pc�wa�qim�.n..qri�n dud�o�.E� nr� w rpw�c. �wre p MMpr�G .. 1 MN• qMY nui a�a :EDCIILL MU14MQ COIO W1' Y AN Is�tlbArrn NRl �N �rK/!W�„wC�d N�u1r MM U'�YO Au� d Mss4 DYbe1 MCdnOa Mb IICD. w0� M N 4w�nu� MC�nw� nm �M uuo�cn M h�o FDirE Wd: riOY �Yo N�bwrOOMms IoY wwYan�vii.uYwW^P. t..0��+�w rqin�E h'Iw. �. m. yro.�w�.e �..»u�i s.o��.ry a rrnciuuwuuwa carwn,er..err+Mh+�• er.por�r...r�a�.ti r a�s.rowwa w�l�.tOAtlt�q�. 7�+IGENEIML �0 Y ArYIYK ��