HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 43087-A1 CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO,,, AMNDNENT No. TO CITY SEA T Y CONTRACT CT WHEREAS the City of Fort Worts y Assoc fates, L.P.,. E LI ER de and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 3 0 8 '. the CONTRACT) which was authorized by M C 25528 can the 27th day of' March, 2012 in the amount of' $192 , 000 . 00; and WHEREAS, the CONTRACT nvoly s ngineer�.n servIc s for the following pro 3 ec t. :Mate Highway 114 Water Relocation, Fart 2 and WHE S, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 1 to the CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised, fee. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through the r duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement, which amends the CONT CT 1 Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional engineering servlces specified in a proposal dated October 1 , 2 l copy of which is attached here to and incorporated herein. The cost, to City for the additional design services to be performed by Engineer totals s $ 2 . Article II of the CONTRACT l s amended to provide for an increase in the fee to be laid to Engineer for all work and services performed under the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all work and services shall be an can of $274,329.00 . 3 . All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly ended herein, shell remain In full force and effect. OFCIAL RECORD �� "N"aw" CITY SECRETARY , a IALI Page - Re WORITH,ITMX Mali"M p EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date last written by a signatory, below. APPROVED: City of Fort Worth ENGINEER Dunaway Associates, L.P. w Fernando Costa Brian Darby, P.E. Assistant City Manager Associate DATE DAB : '' APP.'7, bAHENDED: RECD J.2 t S. Frank Crumb, P.E. Director, Water Department APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY. M&C C-25987 Date . December 4, 2 012 Douglas W., Black. Assistant City Attorney 00000 11�14 0 qfto' 0 0 0A 0 i4r­y J. K lei 0 0 0 0/'1101 0 � c 0 ity Seer 0 X00' S OFFICIAL RECORD CI'W SECRETARY Page -2- Ft,WORTHl,TX �b ,4FLPUNAWAY DA . B000155.002 October 10, 2012 Mr. Robert Saceda Project Manager City of Fort Worth 'mater Department Fort w"""orth, Texas 76102 Reference.- Amendment No. 1 State Highway 114 Water Lire Relocation Part 2 City Project No. 01515 D.O.E. ro e t o. 6759 Dear Mr. SaUceda: Dunaway Associates, L.P. is pleased to resent this Amendment No. 1 for the following additional services that are beyond our original scope of services. Dunaway will,provide field topographic survey, easerr en,t preparation,, and constr udion plans for d�esi n of two water rrnains as outlined' in the attached Exhibits and Level of Effort ,spreadsheet, These efforts will provided for a total lump suer fee of$9311329. 0. credit of $11,0001 is being applied plied for scope of work not completed from the original engineering agreement. summalry of the total project s as follows: Original Contract 91000 Cost of additiona,,l word 93,329 Credit from original contract W 1 loom Amendment#1 82t329 Total project $274)1329 Please review the enclosed information arid! do not hesitate to call me if you have any UeStions or require additional informaltion regarding this proposal. Sincerely, NARY ASSOCIATES,, L.P. m bar'by,rian P.E,m Associate 13155.2 mend m i#1 .fir-bsd 12-1010-doex ,rr WYaw,W,Vrri,:remmmmma;m'iuuiMmmmmwrr1W,NIArr,1,rlewam0>IVr1,aVrvpiriYl7rumiu,C?J,r�ra%wmmmlwnu%nrrY'Mwv I1➢A r. vi. ,., ,.,,..r;.i, ;rti rr trRbwou rFr'.... du. 6 ...rrtr r f"IM/.&a""rr r i„,°..,,. uwwmlm uuir,Jmuuuuuowmsmmmuwmwmanm�ua�awuuv,rurwwr, +rwvunasrcrrrnwwinv7! ,nNUi,b riUI4!ti1tramivairn mgr+�awmrwarrrrm»mrrnicrrr,ur a rauau?auw au�amv<�wr+oonrad uurrurAUurosasww 550 Bcfl y Avenue,Su'lle 400 r rl Texas 7610 .; Tel:8 17033 ,1 1 `1 Fax:817. 35.7137 duoav, o soc les,c rn C Review Page 1 of 2 Official site of the City of For:Worth,Texas, CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FowrWORTH Afk;VINYl,..1vr,9tfiIIIN. Y yN 1D11//AdY,N01Nl.r./N;/iNJAll.1JYlY'J////ttI JNYN!uWlid4(Pl IJ (,.. IYA✓G/,nor,.Yl.,)�d!W,. �VVV'OIIOiIJ',Nl„N'ANIWiNiN�nW�W'J,M'IIIOI M➢YIWNIVV10117/.AYwN 4 @Y/rl✓/11W!dNA!'ll/r7,NA .111,(11,1.1 V/''r 1 /i 1.,OiiN1 I ➢ 1.,., J ! i. J I I �- 1 ,� v"1W A70 J N hN 'J,YN NOIJNJNFYVYA f(^`NPdW,'N r;WW N N➢N'NNN NiMll r , IN J1UP HPGl/r,1 rnl ✓v 91. , / rr / r � �" n.L �4 dIV ,a,4'61!N!Wir';U89,.rNi NY19W1piNhffeN'6i44Y'V�1UMM"Gi 1hW1tl/.�NHIaVI'Y',NUIJ?N97N?4NI�'M'0. 0Y N)nu4/A/ IIfN',9 //.,mPir/d.,.,;.Pr J//,I N',Wf l I 1,. r N mi�fY tififNYIM4/i JN nWWr roi t/�/Jlh4Sf?fi7L(n�VINfiNY+J/mnoN7 INOYA!Ntt aJN(f@ VINNNOIP9N��rN�a�GJU10N'Nd6Ye6NPfC2NyrdIWl V�tllWfilYM:dlTalWl 9NIWUylC+7f/mw�fnrAM#roi!�uvuiCJdulw�if/M�pNIViWUI"M�WNWIPWN1rNI.l W�PkYIrGNtWuiW@ uN�VNWWVMrYnNYrNrNNitli(AMN >eN1�mIAUNNSYi%NM1VgVN!NNN(P6/AllIW'uUNN9YIN�WOIPeMOUINDIM4NJ lGN @WWNPP� C01UNCIL ACTION: Approved on 2/4/2012 I 05110111� ,r., r r r rr.1 I�. ,.P r. I rcu I J„rr rw r, � ..n r r r , r, , r i a' n.a ,li � r I �l�,i J io r r ,/ ;W...0 )i J 4.111.1➢JJ„ YM?.Alf...N.Pff7 I I @i,ru. 1J..!.,�l .19 i/a.1101bY..i.,/.iNN D,tlN V I Unvr.1I1W(ASYiI�N01/�A�'N9fIl'7�//D1 Nh"N( 6/. � YI,NY„a..f.GOJJ 10�9WIa7dC d IJ/I OY./rNviYA.Pfi///ry PI//r.,I/I/r lri 1 FYP✓../1,.. ,..i /, l 1 nW V r b fi.fH kYA//.k JN I.RJ(I I.! J y..;NV A ,A!4✓ N+Y >P. ,!Nkr,1YA IN !4'K%1 l 1 Y!�CNnN aAfrN I INCI. ti IYNIJ,e c!/r d Jrn4 r../1I.)bP, .ff i / ,//„h„ 5vi 1 r F.liiatl'.,N'P INIf PN Y,iM �f(yl�pf,.JiA 7fi'.,.,,�J�'f l 6fi'.�'NP /lti'J..UP4 M'4i7 WN%.I ,. fd NiV&'INY7°YYOW Jndl ,. N�f Np./HKV N7d rirO.IJb1.A.uNraNN'tiGi..,,JJri///dL�l/..,/f,l IILYOIaPIJ/l! � .l,J!VI�Ye[ ,..P%'d. kJ �1 N ay,///iQ fN'NU/J/�A4�'i wDM!VC�M'WruG�A;M�!°Je�A^N�W�mIYANru?/rm19AgNtlAM'hd4A,GeorAll,✓n�eM7lUI;6'fll���/e.Cult”Ap(6U.�iaP'JId,ffi'4LN!rirrAfNfY,N%N''ifAir�auri!/ANNNMM9,INN7/0/,NW�i4NNNI,WI,�N�'J� 'l UmlUppN,'�'V>,W'�kWN�BYN�IMf4!ll84tlPm'M"JbVI t N'uNI�i7N„'(�NfNw19yNA 1�NNNIDNile25�1WIiWN6ai fV�'N7Nb' DATE . **C-258 LOG NA�I - 0SI-111 - 12/4/2012 R E ENCE o IAvA ` CODE: 1C TYPE CONSENT PUBLIC NO HEARING: SUBJECT': Authorize Execution of Amendment loo. 1 with Dunaway Associates, L.P'., in the Amount of $82,329.00 for Additional Design of a Sixteen Inch Water Mein as Pert of the Relocation of e Tw renrty-Four Inch, Water Main Along Blue Mound Road from Petty Place to Martin Ranch Road and the Future Double Eagle Boulevard from Piple Ridge Drive to Blue Mound Road, Thereby Increasing the Total Contract Amount to $2, "4,329.00 CotJ'N+t�"IL DISTRICT 2I I lur I r,u I ml �sA II IIII Irv�wNm r r��llivra,l� 1Nd alnl � /a/aNNlmulw,rv»fiw�IlN,r,urtirr wn�itluufrnr?�mw tiwrwlwn�muw�w,milN,m �rlwwrmm�Nl I,N�wl I r,I Y nP tl,J � rl .l'�'NaPo'197i'Y<AN6 I�i41�4�PN ,N41UN4!�UN'NVd/. �N1N'M I dN.N�6�WDNi!�'!A'N8Y A'NN I'iiN!afduNNN�Y"4�J C N4%n1 f,DN 49'N ,. MN,!NIJYXa!"NWO)P�MAWh1 vWl,OPd9.;9�iJWOpNWWB001M1?�NW�&C'VI'N�dw'�1/41KM"A'!�pi9YSW�IWI 1M'M9`' 16 �!VC1 �i i�Wllud (N6MD1V'GJr.I;S�;IhpJ I ,� �NIW!"WWIWNV'NPWQNININV�IIN 1VI�dN'VIi➢W19UY9iViNIfVW",'P. ��� Ilq RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Counc i'l authorize the execution of Amendment loo. 1 with Dunaway Associates, L.P., in the amount of$82,329.00 additional design of a sixteen inch water main as part of the relocation of a twenty-four inch water main along Blue Mound Road from Petty Place,to Martin Ranch Road and the future Double Eagle Boulevard from, Pipe Ridge Drive to Blue Mound Road, dl, thereby increasing the,total contract amount to $274,329.00. DISCUSSION: On March 27, 20121 M&C, C-,255�28) the City Council authorized an engineering Agreement in the amount of$1912,000.00 with Dunaway Associates, L.P., for water main relocation ,along Blue Mound Road F.M, 156 from Pelf Place to Martin Ranch Road and the future Double Eagle Boulevard from Pipe Ridge Drive to Blue Mound Road F.M. 156 The project will a�llow for the relocation of an existing 24 inch water main that its in conflict,with the proposed widening of Motel Highway 114 by the Texas Department of Transportation. The original project scope provided for the relocation of the water r main without,interruption of water service to customers in the immediate vicinity. The Texas Department of Transportation has expanded its project limi�ta. Amendment No. 1 will provide design for the installation of a 16 inch water maim to provide water services to new nearby customers during the relocation of the 24 inch water main. Dunaway Associates, L.P., is in compliance with the City's M EE Ordinance by committing to an additional 32 percent M' BE participation on this Amendment/Change Order lumber 1. The City's goall on this amendment, change order or extra work is 32 percent. Dunaway Associates, L.P.,P. proposes to provide the necessary engineering services for a lump sum fee of$82,329.00. Staff considers thila fee to be fair and reasonable for the scope of services proposed. The project is located in COUNCIL DIS,rR,ICT 2. ,FISCAL I'NFOR ATIOIIIXERTIFICATIO The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are av llilable in the current capital budget, as appropriatedf of the Water Capital' Projects Fund. w ttv,//ap s.c,wnet.orv,/oc a nciI oaokot/ o rev ow.aso`? —1 7572 o no I a z;--l 14/20 I 1'1' 01 &C Review Page 2 oft TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers 265 53 2 601211701515312 988.7 , P265 531200 60217015115,51 $261 00.00 265 531200 602170151533 $35.640.30 Submitterd for Cily M la n is Of is Fernando Costa (6122) O,riginatilng Department rtment Head S. Frank Crumb 207' Additional Information Contact: Roberto C. Sauc a (2387) ATTACHMENTS 60S 60SH1 1 '2A D U NAW Y MAC . h 1t):/!a t)s.cf e .ors �ounci � cke� c r ew.a,snl?ITS=- 757 ,&�o jn�11 '7/ O l" �