HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 56568 CSC No.56568
Fund for Veterans Assistance
rcXA3VfTE"Ah1. ;�(rffin�t/ l cle�rrr�i,l(n�lr/(ct7;
Notice of Grant Award
Grant ID: Grantee Organization: Award Issue Date:
GT-FVA21-052 City of Fort Worth 7/1/2021
Grantor Organization:
Texas Veterans Commision
Grant Period Start Date: Grant Period End Date:
7/1/2021 6/30/2022
Total Awarded Amount:
Terms And Conditions
The approved signature below serves as a formal acceptance by the Texas Veterans Commission(TVC)of the Grantee's
Application, and addenda(if any)and the approval of this Notice of Grant Award creates a legally binding agreement between the
Grantee and TVC.The Program requirements(e.g.,objectives,scope, budget, methodology)as stated in(1)the applicable
federal and/or state statute and regulations, (2)the original Request for Applications(RFA)including any addenda issued, (3)the
addenda to Grantee's Application (if applicable),and(4)Grantee's Application are incorporated into and made a part of this Notice
of Grant Award for all purposes,supersede any prior or contemporaneous understandings between the parties pertaining to the
subject matter herein whether oral or written,and collectively constitute the entire agreement between the parties. In the event of a
conflict in the language contained in the incorporated documents,conflicts shall be resolved by reference to the language
contained in the documents in the order listed above.Any changes to the approved Grant must follow TVC's amendment process.
Authorized Representative Name: Authorized Representative Title: b Irtec -PIL.
Victor Turner Signature Authority t.
°`,t Ij TA
m Page 1 of 1
el ' UFund for Veterans' Assistance
%TIM"Iren 1, c 1n Ve(r M n T Surf-pare
Application- City of Fort Worth
;u yanization -)LaLus cation Deadline
AP-FVA-21-107 City of Fort Worth Converted To Award 11/05/2020 5:00 PM
Cloned Application ?
�,ii iuu,iuu,,.ant I D ;rantor Organizatior HpplicationDeadline
AN-FVA-21-001 Texas Veterans Commision 11/05/2020 5:00 PM
Award Ceiling Award Floor Program Area (Do not change)
$500,000 $5,000 General Assistance (GA)
Application Overview
.lpplication Title Proposed Project Service Service-Sub Category
City of Fort Worth Category Mortgage, Rent & Utility
Financial Assistance Payments
Is this proposed project a new Financial uuc;u111e11L6 , 'J.-sted Amount
FVA-funded project, an 300000
expansion of current FVA-funded
services, or continuation of an
existing FVA-funded project?
Proposed Project Start Date Proposed Project End Date Project Coordinator
07/01/2021 06/30/2022
Submitted On
11/05/2020 4:42 PM
Applicant Organization
Jrganization Name: *EIN: DUNS:
City of Fort Worth 756000528 073170458
Address: applicant Type Governing Body
City/Municipal government
* *I Page 1 of 6
- Fund for Veterans' Assistance
Tex,s��aks 'r'�e�1n� eler�axvr�l'farfr7��re
200 Texas Street,Fort Worth City Council/Mayor/City
Texas 76102,United States Manager
What is the organization's overall *What year was the organization *What types of programs/services
mission? established? Provide a brief does the organization currently
The City of Fort Worth's history of your organization provide to the community in the
mission is "Working together The City of Fort Worth was aroposed service area?
to build a strong community" established in the spring of •The City of Fort Worth
1849. The Neighborhood provides essential services to
Services Department was its citizens, such as safety and
formed in 2015. The sanitation, rec-reational
Department was re-organized services, creation of affordable
through a combination of the housing, home repairs,
Community Resources assistance for MWBE and SBE
Division, from Parks and businesses and many others
Recreation Department and the as required by Fort Worth
Housing Division from the citizens.
Housing and Econom-ic • Community Action Partners
Development Department. The (CAP) provides an array of
Department was formed in social and community services
order to consolidate for low in-come residents and
administration of the City's neighborhoods, such as
major grant sources for serving emergency rent assistance,
low toand moderate income utility assistance (gas, water,
residents, which include all of electric and propane), case
the fol-lowing: the Community management to transition
Services Block Grant(CSBG), families out of poverty,
the Community Development Christmas toy pro-gram, youth
Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME out of school time programs,
Investment Partnerships social, educational and
Program (HOME) the recreational activities for older
Emergency Solutions Grant adults at Neighborhood
(ESG), the Housing Centers. CAP also provides
Opportunities for Persons With income tax filling assistance
AIDS grant (HOPWA), the Low through Volunteer Income Tax
Income Heating and Energy Assistance (VITA) and other
Assistance Program (LIHEAP), programs. Additionally, CAP
the Comprehensive Energy received an FVA General
Assistance Program (CEAP), Assistance Grant for the
the Weatherization Assistance 2017-2018 grant period and is
Program (WAP), and the Lead currently offering services to
Hazard Reduction veterans and their families in
Demonstration Grant (LHRD). Tarrant County. The programs
The Neighborhood Ser-vices administered by Community
* * Page 2 of 6
}�1yb,11H&d y�rr
Find for trap ' Assistance
reY+{rtRw 7 ed}�l17 8feryarvr�1'farfr EFe
Department is therefore able to Action Partners are based on
provide comprehensive and need and income, and are
integrated social services and essential for maintain both the
affordable housing programs. City's and CAP's mission.
*Are all listed services currently *On average, how many veterans *What percentage of total clients
provided to veterans within the does the organization serve served by the organization are
service area? If not, please annually? veterans?
specify which services are not 175 1.00%
available to
•The City of Fort Worth serves
all residents including
• CAP is currently providing
exclusive services to veterans
through a General Assistance
grant and a Housing for Texas
Heroes Grant awarded by FVA
for the 2018-2019 grant period.
Full Name User Role Email Business Phone
Sonia Singleton Project Manager/ sonia.singleton@fortworthtexas.gov (817)392-5774
Victor Turner Signature Authority victor.turner@fortworthtexas.gov (817)392-8187
Benedict George Finance Officer/ benedict.george@fortworthtexas.gov (817)392-7339
Marie Francis Finance Officer/ marie.francis@fortworthtexas.gov (817)392-5798
Past Awards
ID ID Award Title Grantor Award Amount
Forward Home Texas Veterans
AD-FVA19--17 PG-FVA-19-0001 Veteran Assistance Commision $0.00
Forward Home Texas Veterans
AD-FVA20--51 PG-FVA-19-0001 Veteran Assistance Commision $0.00
AD-HTX19--01 PG-HTX 19-0001 Healthy Homes for Texas Veterans $0.00
— Heroes Program Commision
Page 3of6
!I& Fundfor trap ' Assistance
reY+{rtRw Mi 3 c 117 8feryarvr�1'farfr EFe
AD-HTX20--09 PG-HTX 20-0001 Healthy Homes for Texas Veterans $300,000.00
Heroes Program Commision
System Information
Created By Created Date Last Modified By Last Modified Date
Benedict George 11/04/2020 7:35 PM Ervey Leos 06/30/2021 8:39 AM
� Budget
The budget is broken up into Direct and Indirect Costs. Within Direct Costs there are six allowable
sections. Indirect Costs is one section. Each section represents a Budget Category that will make up
your Total Grant Amount Request. The total grant amount request must equal the Amount Requested
checked in Part I—Proposed Project.
Complete each Table as applicable to your Proposed Project. Costs must be broken out in Tables to a
degree that is sufficient to determine if costs are reasonable, allowable, and necessary for the
successful performance of the grant project. Costs will be reviewed for compliance with UGMS and
federal grant guidance found in 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles,
and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.
Costs claimed as direct costs that appear indirect in nature or budgets claiming no indirect costs will
scrutinized for accuracy. Any costs claimed as direct need to be fully explained, supported, be
reasonable and treated in a consistent manner across your organization. FVA will ask the applicant to
reclassify costs as indirect if the support provided does not meet the above criterion.
If you enter any value for a budget category line item, then you must also answer the supporting
question(s) in the Other Information section shown below the budget table. Not entering this supporting
information will prevent you from submitting the application to the grantor.
Budget Category Grantor Share
Salaries and Wages $28,119.00
Fringe Benefits $0.00
Travel $0.00
Supplies $119.00
Client Services $244,500.00
Other Direct Costs $0.00
Total Direct Costs : $272,738
Indirect Costs $27,262.00
Grand Total (Direct+ Indirect Cost): $300,000
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Find for trap ' Assistance
reY+{rt nx«a ed}�l17 8feryarvf�1'f�arfr EFe
Negotiation Requests
ID Description Status Due Date Applicant
CR-698 See email sent Submitted 05/31/2021 Request changes
separately on 5/21. have been made.
Forms and Attachments
Please click the "Edit" icon (pencil) in the "Appendix I -Project Narrative"section below in order to fill out the required
form for the application. Once the form is filled out, and before the application is submitted,click the "Validate" button in
that section to ensure all required fields are completed.
Additionally,click the "Add" button in the "Attachments"section to upload all required supplementary documents for the
An Application Package may have up to five attachments. Failure to provide all required attachments will negatively
impact the application and may result in ineligibility.When submitting Application Package name each attachment
according to numbers below. Note that attachments 1-3 are required for all applications.
Do not upload the all the documents as one file.
The Application Package includes the following items be attached:
1. R6sum6s of the Principal Participants in the organization
2. List and terms of current governing body members (Board of Directors, Commissioners Court, City Council
3.A copy of current professional liability insurance and/or malpractice insurance policy
4. Financial Documentation if not a Unit of Local Government
5. IRS Tax determination letter regarding non-profit status, if not a unit of local government Do not submit
paperwork from the Texas Secretary of State or the State Comptroller of Public Accounts regarding non-profit
status. Only the IRS Tax determination letter indicating your organization is recognized as a tax-exempt non-profit is
Attachment Name Type Description Last Owner
Governing Body.pdf Board of Governing Body Member: 11/4/2020 Benedict
Directors Mayor and City Council 9:13 PM George
2021 Self insurance Professional Liability Self-Insured 11/4/2020 Benedict
letter a.pdf liability Statement 9:13 PM George
Page 5of6
!I& Fundfor trap ' Assistance
reY+{rtRw Mi 3 c 117 8feryarvr�1'farfr EFe
Resumes.11.5.20.pdf Resumes Resumes for principal 11/5/2020 Benedict
participants 4:09 PM George
Acknowledge here
Acknowledged By (Name)
Sonia Singleton
Acknowledged By (Title)
Assistant Director
Page 6of6
!I& Fundfor trap ' Assistance
rly&t. t w Xa c 1n elerarvr k'{ �
Application- City of Fort Worth
Application ;anL veyanization �Latus Application Deadline
AP-FVA-21-107 City of Fort Worth Converted To Award 11/05/2020 5:00 PM
Cloned Application ?
�,ii iuu,iuu,,.ant I D ;rantor Organizatior HpplicationDeadline
AN-FVA-21-001 Texas Veterans Commision 11/05/2020 5:00 PM
Award Ceiling Award Floor Program Area (Do not change)
$500,000 $5,000 General Assistance (GA)
Application Overview
.lpplication Title Proposed Project Service Service-Sub Category
City of Fort Worth Category Mortgage, Rent & Utility
Financial Assistance Payments
Is this proposed project a new Financial uuc;u111e11L6 , —l—sted Amount
FVA-funded project, an 300000
expansion of current FVA-funded
services, or continuation of an
existing FVA-funded project?
Proposed Project Start Date Proposed Project End Date Project Coordinator
07/01/2021 06/30/2022
Submitted On
11/05/2020 4:42 PM
Applicant Organization
Jrganization Name: *EIN: DUNS:
City of Fort Worth 756000528 073170458
Address: applicant Type Governing Body
City/Municipal government
Page 1of6
- Fund for Veterans' Assistance
Tex,s��aks 'r'�e�1n� eler�axvr�l'farfr7��re
200 Texas Street,Fort Worth City Council/Mayor/City
Texas 76102,United States Manager
What is the organization's overall *What year was the organization *What types of programs/services
mission? established? Provide a brief does the organization currently
The City of Fort Worth's history of your organization provide to the community in the
mission is "Working together The City of Fort Worth was aroposed service area?
to build a strong community" established in the spring of •The City of Fort Worth
1849. The Neighborhood provides essential services to
Services Department was its citizens, such as safety and
formed in 2015. The sanitation, rec-reational
Department was re-organized services, creation of affordable
through a combination of the housing, home repairs,
Community Resources assistance for MWBE and SBE
Division, from Parks and businesses and many others
Recreation Department and the as required by Fort Worth
Housing Division from the citizens.
Housing and Econom-ic • Community Action Partners
Development Department. The (CAP) provides an array of
Department was formed in social and community services
order to consolidate for low in-come residents and
administration of the City's neighborhoods, such as
major grant sources for serving emergency rent assistance,
low toand moderate income utility assistance (gas, water,
residents, which include all of electric and propane), case
the fol-lowing: the Community management to transition
Services Block Grant(CSBG), families out of poverty,
the Community Development Christmas toy pro-gram, youth
Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME out of school time programs,
Investment Partnerships social, educational and
Program (HOME) the recreational activities for older
Emergency Solutions Grant adults at Neighborhood
(ESG), the Housing Centers. CAP also provides
Opportunities for Persons With income tax filling assistance
AIDS grant (HOPWA), the Low through Volunteer Income Tax
Income Heating and Energy Assistance (VITA) and other
Assistance Program (LIHEAP), programs. Additionally, CAP
the Comprehensive Energy received an FVA General
Assistance Program (CEAP), Assistance Grant for the
the Weatherization Assistance 2017-2018 grant period and is
Program (WAP), and the Lead currently offering services to
Hazard Reduction veterans and their families in
Demonstration Grant (LHRD). Tarrant County. The programs
The Neighborhood Ser-vices administered by Community
* * Page 2 of 6
}�1yb,11H&d y�rr
Find for trap ' Assistance
reY+{rtRw 7 ed}�l17 8feryarvr�1'farfr EFe
Department is therefore able to Action Partners are based on
provide comprehensive and need and income, and are
integrated social services and essential for maintain both the
affordable housing programs. City's and CAP's mission.
*Are all listed services currently *On average, how many veterans *What percentage of total clients
provided to veterans within the does the organization serve served by the organization are
service area? If not, please annually? veterans?
specify which services are not 175 1.00%
available to
•The City of Fort Worth serves
all residents including
• CAP is currently providing
exclusive services to veterans
through a General Assistance
grant and a Housing for Texas
Heroes Grant awarded by FVA
for the 2018-2019 grant period.
Full Name User Role Email Business Phone
Sonia Singleton Project Manager/ sonia.singleton@fortworthtexas.gov (817)392-5774
Victor Turner Signature Authority victor.turner@fortworthtexas.gov (817)392-8187
Benedict George Finance Officer/ benedict.george@fortworthtexas.gov (817)392-7339
Marie Francis Finance Officer/ marie.francis@fortworthtexas.gov (817)392-5798
Past Awards
ID ID Award Title Grantor Award Amount
Forward Home Texas Veterans
AD-FVA19--17 PG-FVA-19-0001 Veteran Assistance Commision $0.00
Forward Home Texas Veterans
AD-FVA20--51 PG-FVA-19-0001 Veteran Assistance Commision $0.00
AD-HTX19--01 PG-HTX 19-0001 Healthy Homes for Texas Veterans $0.00
— Heroes Program Commision
Page 3of6
!I& Fundfor trap ' Assistance
reY+{rtRw Mi 3 c 117 8feryarvr�1'farfr EFe
AD-HTX20--09 PG-HTX 20-0001 Healthy Homes for Texas Veterans $300,000.00
Heroes Program Commision
System Information
Created By Created Date Last Modified By Last Modified Date
Benedict George 11/04/2020 7:35 PM Ervey Leos 06/30/2021 8:39 AM
� Budget
The budget is broken up into Direct and Indirect Costs. Within Direct Costs there are six allowable
sections. Indirect Costs is one section. Each section represents a Budget Category that will make up
your Total Grant Amount Request. The total grant amount request must equal the Amount Requested
checked in Part I—Proposed Project.
Complete each Table as applicable to your Proposed Project. Costs must be broken out in Tables to a
degree that is sufficient to determine if costs are reasonable, allowable, and necessary for the
successful performance of the grant project. Costs will be reviewed for compliance with UGMS and
federal grant guidance found in 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles,
and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.
Costs claimed as direct costs that appear indirect in nature or budgets claiming no indirect costs will
scrutinized for accuracy. Any costs claimed as direct need to be fully explained, supported, be
reasonable and treated in a consistent manner across your organization. FVA will ask the applicant to
reclassify costs as indirect if the support provided does not meet the above criterion.
If you enter any value for a budget category line item, then you must also answer the supporting
question(s) in the Other Information section shown below the budget table. Not entering this supporting
information will prevent you from submitting the application to the grantor.
Budget Category Grantor Share
Salaries and Wages $28,119.00
Fringe Benefits $0.00
Travel $0.00
Supplies $119.00
Client Services $244,500.00
Other Direct Costs $0.00
Total Direct Costs : $272,738
Indirect Costs $27,262.00
Grand Total (Direct+ Indirect Cost): $300,000
Page 4of6
Find for trap ' Assistance
reY+{rt nx«a ed}�l17 8feryarvf�1'f�arfr EFe
Negotiation Requests
ID Description Status Due Date Applicant
CR-698 See email sent Submitted 05/31/2021 Request changes
separately on 5/21. have been made.
Forms and Attachments
Please click the "Edit" icon (pencil) in the"Appendix I -Project Narrative"section below in order to fill out the required
form for the application. Once the form is filled out, and before the application is submitted,click the "Validate" button in
that section to ensure all required fields are completed.
Additionally,click the "Add" button in the "Attachments"section to upload all required supplementary documents for the
An Application Package may have up to five attachments. Failure to provide all required attachments will negatively
impact the application and may result in ineligibility.When submitting Application Package name each attachment
according to numbers below. Note that attachments 1-3 are required for all applications.
Do not upload the all the documents as one file.
The Application Package includes the following items be attached:
1. R6sum6s of the Principal Participants in the organization
2. List and terms of current governing body members (Board of Directors, Commissioners Court, City Council
3.A copy of current professional liability insurance and/or malpractice insurance policy
4. Financial Documentation if not a Unit of Local Government
5. IRS Tax determination letter regarding non-profit status, if not a unit of local government Do not submit
paperwork from the Texas Secretary of State or the State Comptroller of Public Accounts regarding non-profit
status. Only the IRS Tax determination letter indicating your organization is recognized as a tax-exempt non-profit is
Attachment Name Type Description Last Owner
Governing Body.pdf Board of Governing Body Member: 11/4/2020 Benedict
Directors Mayor and City Council 9:13 PM George
2021 Self insurance Professional Liability Self-Insured 11/4/2020 Benedict
letter a.pdf liability Statement 9:13 PM George
Page 5of6
!I& Fundfor trap ' Assistance
reY+{rtRw Mi 3 c 117 8feryarvr�1'farfr EFe
Resumes.11.5.20.pdf Resumes Resumes for principal 11/5/2020 Benedict
participants 4:09 PM George
Acknowledge here
Acknowledged By (Name)
Sonia Singleton
Acknowledged By (Title)
Assistant Director
Page 6of6
Fund for trap ' Assistance
reY+{rt nx«a c 117 8feryarvr�1'farfr EFe
Award View - City of Fort Worth
Grantee Irganization
AD-FVA21--52 City of Fort Worth GT-FVA21-052 Activated
Project Period
7/1/2021 To 6/30/2022
Overview mom
Award Information
Award Title Grantor/Cognizant Agency Project Type
City of Fort Worth Texas Veterans Commision Continuation
Issue Datr State Prograr, Application
07/01/2021 PG-FVA-21-0001 AP-FVA-21-107
CirpntPP C)rnPni7atl()n Amendment Number
City of Fort Worth 0
Scope/Award Description
Payment Financials
Award Amniint Reimbursements Paid Advance Paid Remaininq Award
$300,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $300,000.00
Proposed Uses Of Total Funds
Budget Category AIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Grantor Share
1 Salaries and Wages $28,119.00
2 Fringe Benefits $0.00
3 Travel $0.00
4 Supplies $119.00
5 Client Services $244,500.00
6 Other Direct Costs $0.00
* * Page 1 of 3
!I& Fund rVeterans' Assistance
reY+{rtRw Mi 7 ed}�l17 8feryarvr�1'f�arfr EFe
7 Total Direct Costs : $272,738
8 Total Allowable Indirect Cost (Total Direct Costs * 10%) : $27,262
9 Indirect Costs $27,262.00
10 Grand Total (Direct+ Indirect Cost): $300,000
Past Amendment Requests
Change Request# Grant Name Award Status Created Month
AR-0301 GT-HTX20-022 AD-HTX20--22 Approved March2021
Expected KPI Driven Outcomes
Peformance Measure Percent Complete
Veterans 140.00 0 0.00%
Dependents 10.00 0 0.00%
Surviving Spouses 5.00 0 0.00%
Home Modifications 0.00 0 100.00%
Terms & Conditions
Terms And Conditions
ID Title Source Type Effective From Effective Till
TC-2621 Government Code Term 01/01/2018
Section 434.017
Reporting Requirements
ID Report Name Frequency Reporting Start Date Reporting End Date
TC-2623 Monthly Progress Monthly 07/01/2021 06/30/2022
Payment Request Schedule
ID Report Name Frequency Reporting Start Date Reporting End Date
TC-2622 Monthly Monthly 07/01/2021 06/30/2022
r1 5
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Fund forVeterans' Assistance
reY+{ c a, ed}�l17 8feryarvf�1'f�arfr EFe
Amendment Requests
ID Type Purpose Status
Payment Requests
ID Type Net Amount This Invoice Period Start Status
Action - Finish
PR-FVA21-09 Reimbursement $0.00 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021 Posted Payment
PR-FVA21-103 Reimbursement $0.00 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021 Posted Payment
PR-FVA21-147 Reimbursement $0.00 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021 Posted Payment
Progress Reports
ID Title Award Report Period Start- Status
PR-FVA21-229 Monthly Progress AD-FVA21--52 7/1/2021--7/31/2021 Approved
PR-FVA21-297 Monthly Progress AD-FVA21--52 8/1/2021--8/31/2021 Approved
PR-FVA21-374 Monthly Progress AD-FVA21--52 9/1/2021--9/30/2021 Created
Attachment Name Type Description Last Modified Owner
Title Description Created Date Created By
I* 41a * Page 3of3
V11�1H&d y rr
M 4
Texas Veterans Commission
Fund for Veterans' Assistance
Request for Applications
2021-2022 FVA Grants:
General Assistance
Housing for Texas Heroes
Veterans Mental Health
Veterans Treatment Court
Veteran County Service Offices
Application Portal Opens: September 5, 2020
Application Deadline: November 5, 2020, 5:00 PM
Fund for Veterans' Assistance website:
The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) is firmly committed to the principal of fair and equal
employment opportunities and the provision of services without regard to race, color, sex, religion,
national origin, age,physical disability, or genetic information.
I. Purpose ......................................................................................................4
II Grant Programs and Goals ..........................................................................4
A. General Assistance Grants and Service Categories ................................................. 5
EmploymentSupport ....................................................................................... 5
FinancialAssistance.......................................................................................... 5
Homeless Veteran Support .............................................................................. 6
Pro Bono Legal Services.................................................................................... 6
ReferralServices............................................................................................... 7
Supportive Services .......................................................................................... 7
Transportation Programs & Services................................................................ 8
B. Housing for Texas Heroes Grants............................................................................ 9
C. Veterans Mental Health Grants and Service Categories ......................................... 9
ClinicalCounseling............................................................................................ 9
Peer Support Services .................................................................................... 10
D. Veteran Treatment Court Grants.......................................................................... 11
E. Veteran County Service Office Grants................................................................... 12
F. FVA Overall Program Goals.................................................................................... 12
III. FVA Grant Program Guidelines................................................................13
A. Grant Management Standards.............................................................................. 13
B. Texas Administrative Code, Part 15, Chapter 460................................................. 13
C. Competitive Grant................................................................................................. 13
D. Reimbursement Grant .......................................................................................... 13
E. Awarded Grant Documents................................................................................... 13
F. Eligibility of Beneficiaries....................................................................................... 13
G. Eligibility Documents ............................................................................................ 14
H. Document Retention............................................................................................. 14
I. Grant Funding Period ............................................................................................. 14
J. Additional Funding................................................................................................. 14
K. Grant Renewal Eligibility ....................................................................................... 14
L. Grant Reporting Requirements.............................................................................. 14
M. Grant Amendments ............................................................................................. 15
N. Texas Veterans Commission Recognition ............................................................. 15
Request for Applications:2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 2
0. Prohibited Uses of FVA Grant Funds..................................................................... 15
P. Prohibited Costs for FVA Grant Funds................................................................... 16
IV. 2021-2022 Funding Opportunity and Application Guidelines ..................17
A. Total Funding Available and Number of Awards................................................... 17
B. Funding Priorities for 2021-2022 FVA Grants........................................................ 17
C. Term of 2021-2022 Grant...................................................................................... 17
D. Number of FVA Grants per Organization .............................................................. 18
E. Application Period ................................................................................................. 18
F. Eligible Applicants.................................................................................................. 18
G. Not Eligible to Apply ............................................................................................. 18
H. Online Grant Applications..................................................................................... 18
I. Funding Amounts per Grant Programs................................................................... 19
J. Matching Funds...................................................................................................... 19
K. Required Financial Documentation with Applications .......................................... 19
L. Application Certification ........................................................................................ 20
M. Application Eligibility............................................................................................ 20
N. Application Eligibility — Unallowable Expenses..................................................... 21
0. Ineligible Applications........................................................................................... 21
P. Application Webinar and Questions...................................................................... 21
Q. Application Package.............................................................................................. 22
V. Application Review and Award Processes................................................22
A. Application Eligibility Assessment & Review......................................................... 22
B. Application Awarding Process............................................................................... 23
C. Key Dates for Grant Application and Award Processes......................................... 25
D. FVA Grantee Training ........................................................................................... 25
VI. Definitions of Key Terms.........................................................................26
APPENDIX I—FVA Grant Program Requirements and Terms & Conditions (August 2020)
Request for Applications:2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 3
Request for Applications
Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assistance
2021-22 Grant Period
The Fund for Veterans' Assistance (FVA or"Fund")was created in the 79th Legislature, and codified in the
Texas Government Code § 434.017, Fund for Veterans' Assistance and the Texas Administrative Code §
460,Fund for Veterans'Assistance Program.The Fund is composed of money deposited under Government
Code §§ 466.027 and 466.408 for proceeds from a Texas Lottery Commission Veterans' Assistance game,
Texas Transportation Code §502.1746 for donations from vehicle registration and drivers' license renewals,
Government Code § 411.1741 for donations from License to Carry renewals, Parks and Wildlife Code
§12.07 for donations from hunting and fishing license renewals, gifts and grants contributed to the Fund,
and the earnings of the Fund. The Texas Veterans Commission oversees all policies and rules governing
the awarding of grants from the FVA.
The Texas Veterans Commission is authorized to use funds appropriated to the FVA to administer the Fund
and make reimbursement grants to address the needs of veterans and their families, as determined through
veteran needs assessment studies. The veteran needs assessment is required in Texas Government Code §
434.017 and the results are published on the Texas Veteran Commission website. All grant awards will be
made through a competitive grant selection process.
I. Purpose
The purpose of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to:
A. Provide an overview of FVA Grant Programs including detailed descriptions of service
categories, service areas,program goals and guidelines.
B. Solicit grant applications from eligible applicants for the 2021-2022 grant period.
C. Provide application instructions and specific information on grant eligibility.
D. Provide information about the FVA grant application and awarding processes.
II. Grant Programs and Goals
This RFA announces funding opportunities for five different grants including General Assistance Grants,
Housing for Texas Heroes Grants, Veterans Mental Health Grants, Veteran Treatment Courts Grants, and
Veteran County Service Office Grants. Each of the grant programs include service categories that are
defined and explained below.Many of the service category descriptions include notes to potential applicants
to help understand the purpose, scope and constraints that are related to the service category.
The grant programs and opportunities announced in this RFA are reimbursement grants, and grant recipients
are awarded based on a competitive application and awarding process.For grant programs that have multiple
service categories, applicants select the service category that their grant project fits in and develop their
project narratives and budgets to illustrate how they will provide those services for their selected grant
program. The information and descriptions for each grant and service category below is provided to enable
applicants to be clear, concise, and deliberate in how they develop and present their project proposals and
budgets in their applications.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 4
A. General Assistance Grants and Service Categories. General Assistance (GA) grants include seven
service categories that collectively provide employment support, financial assistance, homeless veteran
support, pro bono legal services, referral services, supportive services, and transportation programs and
services to veterans, dependents, and surviving spouses who live in Texas.
1. Employment Support: Resources that support veterans to prepare for, secure, and maintain
employment. Specific project and service areas included in this service category:
a) Job skills & training programs not longer than 6 months in duration per beneficiary per
grant period;
b) Tools and uniforms;
c) Job search services;
d) Other employment-related services; and
e) Transition Assistance for service members and families entering civilian workforce.
Employment Support Notes:
a) Applicants are to review current programs offered by TUC to ensure proposed projects
described in their applications do not duplicate services currently provided by TIVC.
b) Excludes tuition, books, or fees for veteran students taking classes with institutions of
higher learning.
c) Gift cards, pre paid service cards, such as gas, groceries, and department store-related
cards, cash or cash equivalents are not allowable.
2. Financial Assistance: Financial assistance that is short-term and temporary in nature, and is
intended to provide financial relief to beneficiaries who can demonstrate financial need,
a) Mortgage, rent, food pantry service, and utility payments including electric, water, gas,
garbage,internet, and cell phone service, not to exceed a 6-month period per beneficiary household;
b) Transportation assistance including bus passes, ride-share & cab fare, vehicle fuel &
repair, insurance, and vehicle loan payments not to exceed a 3-month period;
c) Drop-in Child/Adult care services;
d)Funeral costs(excluding receptions and celebrations of life)up to$6,000 to ensure veteran
burial with dignity in honor of the veteran's service;
e) Assistive technologies to promote independent living for qualified clients including
wheelchairs & batteries, walkers, crutches, hospital beds, lift chairs, portable ramps, hearing aids,
orthotic inserts & shoes, and eyeglasses; and
f) Restorative dental-care up to $2500 per beneficiary, per grant period
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 5
Financial Assistance Notes:
a)Financial assistance payments are not to be made to the Beneficiary, but to the vendor.
b)Medical expenses are not allowed. Medical expenses include physician bills,prescription
medications, medical insurance premiums or copays, audiology, vision care, emergency/after-hours
clinic costs, lab work, imagery, and prescribed prosthetics.
c) Child support, alimony and other court-ordered settlement payments are not allowed.
d)Beneficiary must be the named person on mortgage, rent, utility, loan, or other bill/invoice
presented for financial support.
e) Gift cards, pre paid service cards, such as gas, groceries, and department store-related
cards, cash or cash equivalents are not allowable.
f} Hearing aids and eyeglasses are available only to dependents and surviving spouses
g)Mortgage and rent payments not to exceed$6,000 per veteran household per grant period.
h) Vehicle insurance, and loan payments not to exceed $3,000 per veteran household per
grant period.
i) Vehicle repairs not to exceed$4,000 or 25% of vehicle value (whichever is highest)per
veteran household per grant period.
3.Homeless Veteran Support: Supportive Services to address acute and chronic conditions
underlying the veteran's homeless status. Services include: shelter programs, transitional housing
(HUDNASH), temporary housing, rapid re-housing programs, longer-term financial support for
rent, utility payments (electric, water, gas, garbage, internet, and cell phone service) & essential
needs, social programs, meal services and food pantry, assistive technology, and other qualifying
resources identified through case management, such as counseling, peer-supportive services, or
mental health treatment.
Homeless Veteran Support Notes:
a)Financial assistance payments are not to be made to the Beneficiary, but to the vendor.
b) Medical expenses are not allowed. Medical expenses include physician bills,prescription
medications, medical insurance premiums or copays, audiology, vision care, emergency/after-hours
clinic costs, lab work, imagery, and prescribed prosthetics.
c) Child support, alimony, and other court-ordered settlement payments are not allowed.
d)Beneficiary must be the named person on mortgage, rent, utility, loan, or other bill/invoice
presented for financial support.
e) Gift cards,pre paid service cards, such as gas, groceries, and department store-related
cards, cash or cash equivalents are not allowable.
f) Intervention counseling, mental health treatment, or peer support services provided to
homeless veterans and families must be essential to supporting the veteran and/or family, and
provided by or under the licensure of a licensed mental health professional (LMPH), or a
trained/certified peer services provider, applying evidence-based practice(s) (EBP) who has
received training in the applied EBP.
4. Pro Bono Legal Services: This includes legal aid, legal clinics and other legal services
provided at no cost to veterans, active duty members of the United States Armed Forces, and
members of the state military forces. This service category does not include criminal defense or
Veterans Courts as defined in the Texas Government Code, Chapter 124.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 6
5. Referral Services: This category includes those programs that provide information and referral
6. Supportive Services: This service category is for grant-funded services, projects and activities
that provide longer-term support for veterans and their families to enable stability and promote
veteran family integration with the community. Service areas include:
a) Assistive Technology Services: Products and equipment that increase, maintain or
improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities. Consists of wheelchairs &batteries,
walkers, crutches, hospital beds, lift chairs, portable ramps, hearing aids, orthotic inserts & shoes,
and eyeglasses.
b)Meal Services: Delivers the nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks that enable
Texas veterans and their families to live nourished lives with independence and dignity.
c) Elder Care Services: supports veterans' ability to age in place with dignity, and includes:
assistive technology, restorative dental care, meal services, transportation assistance, transitional
housing (HUD/VASH), and other qualified resources identified through case management, such as
counseling, peer support services, or mental health treatment.
d) Family Support Services: supports veteran families in stabilizing relationships, reducing
family stress, and promoting integration with their communities, and includes programs for:
1) Families with a deployed service member for whom the service member is a
primary provider;
2) Post-deployment family reintegration programs;
3)Temporary housing assistance and other resources identified to support families of
veterans undergoing long-term treatment at a medical facility in Texas;
4) Workshop programs that provide family financial planning, family (parent-child)
communications, anger management and aggression in children, family safety,
family values, adolescent& teenage parenting;
5) Dependent activities such as after-school programs, child / adult care, summer
camps, pre-school for qualifying dependents based on family income, and programs
for qualifying dependents with special needs; and
6) Other qualified resources identified through case management such as family
counseling or peer-delivered support.
e) Veteran Homelessness Prevention: provides longer-term financial support for rent and
utilities (electric, water, gas, garbage, internet, and cell phone service) for veterans who have
transitioned out of a homeless status and includes transitional housing (HUD/VASH), social
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 7
programs, meal services and food pantry, assistive technology, and other qualifying resources
identified through case management , such as counseling, peer support services, or mental health
Supportive Services Notes:
a)Financial assistance payments are not to be made to the Beneficiary, but to the vendor.
b)Medical expenses are not allowed. Medical expenses include physician bills,prescription
medications, medical insurance premiums or copays, audiology, vision care, emergency/after-hours
clinic costs, lab work, imagery, and prescribed prosthetics.
c) Child support, alimony and other court-ordered settlement payments are not allowed.
d)Beneficiary must be the named person on mortgage, rent, utility, loan, or other bill/invoice
presented for financial support.
e) Gift cards,pre paid service cards, such as gas, groceries, and department store-related
cards, cash or cash equivalents are not allowable.
f)Hearing aids and eyeglasses are available only to dependents and surviving spouses
g) Mortgage and rent payments not to exceed $12,000 per veteran household per grant
h) Vehicle insurance, and loan payments not to exceed $6,000 per veteran household per
grant period.
i) Vehicle repairs not to exceed$4,000 or 25% of vehicle value (whichever is highest)per
veteran per grant period.
j) Intervention counseling, mental health treatment, or peer support services provided to
veterans and their families must be essential to supporting the veteran and/or family, and provided
by or under the licensure of a licensed mental health professional (LMPH), or a trained/certified
peer services provider, applying evidence-based practice(s) (EBP) who has received training in the
applied EBP.
k) Applicants applying for elder care services, family support services, and veteran
homelessness prevention are encouraged to include at least 75%of the total project budget in client
services, to allow budgeting flexibility to cover "qualified resources identified through case
Z) Financial need for Supportive Service beneficiaries: Eligible beneficiaries should not
exceed 20% above the annual median household income for the county in which they reside,per
the County Information Program (CIP) published by the Texas Association of Counties, or the
Housing and Urban Development's user guide for median family income (MFI) at
7. Transportation Programs & Services: This service category is for assisting organizations that
provide a transportation service to the veteran beneficiaries in their local area, county or region.
Transportation service programs funded by this grant should provide transportation to/from medical,
dental,mental health appointments; and transportation in support of basic needs (grocery stores,24-
hour care, community meetings, voting, court appearance, and tax offices). Gift cards, pre-paid
service cards, such as gas, groceries, and department store-related cards, cash or cash equivalents
are not allowable. Transportation to/from social visits, gatherings or events, political campaigns or
public demonstrations are not allowed.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 8
B. Housing for Texas Heroes Grant Program. The Housing for Texas Heroes (H4TXH) Grant Program
provides home modifications and home repair for veterans and their families, including:
1. Home modification projects to home to improve accessibility and quality of life for independent
living (walkways, ramps, sliding doors,handrails,kitchen and bathroom modifications)
2. Home repair(plumbing, electrical, interior walls,flooring, lighting)
3. Home weatherization (doors,windows, siding, roofing)
Housing for Texas Heroes Notes:
a) Maximum amount H4TX11 funding for home modification assistance per Veteran
household is $1 S,000.
b) Veteran and/or family member beneficiaries receiving home modification, home repair,
or weatherization assistance are listed as owners of the current property records on file with the
County Tax Office and be current on any existing mortgage loans or home equity loans prior to
receiving assistance.
c)Projects and services proposed in the application that are not explicitly listed in this RFA
will be considered based on the project justification, description, and benefit to clients.
d) Gift cards, pre paid service cards, such as gas, groceries, and department store-related
cards, cash or cash equivalents are not allowable.
e)Eligible Beneficiaries must:
1) Be considered a Low or Very Low-Income Household (as defined in this RFA),
and be listed on file with the county as the current owner(s) of the property, and be current
on existing mortgage loans or home equity loans prior to receiving assistance; OR
2)Be a Disabled Veteran as determined by the Veterans Administration and be listed
on file with the county as the current owner(s) of the property and be current on existing
mortgage loans or home equity loans prior to receiving assistance.
3) Very Low & Low-Income beneficiaries are considered the highest priority for
services and wait lists.
C.Veterans Mental Health Program and Service Categories.The Veterans Mental Health(VMH)Grant
Program is comprised of two service categories that collectively provide counseling and treatment to
veterans and their families in addressing diagnosed conditions in order to improve their quality of life,
relationships, outlook, and successful integration with their communities.
1. Clinical Counseling Services. Services and treatment that include evidence-based practices
(EBP) for diagnosed conditions or co-occurring conditions including but not limited to:
a)trauma and stress related disorders;
b) anxiety disorders;
c)mood disorders;
d) suicide ideation and behaviors;
e) substance use disorders;
f) Concerns related to identity;
g) adjustment disorders; and
h)marriage/family/relationship concerns.
Request for Applications:2021-22 NC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 9
Integrative therapies, non-clinical services and other activities that complement or support EBP
modalities can be included in TVC funded mental health programs & services if they are supervised under
the licensure of a licensed mental health professional (LMHP).
Clinical Counseling Notes:
a) Prescribed EBPs plans must be relevant to treating the veteran's (dependents; and/or
surviving spouse's) diagnosed condition or co-occurring conditions.
b) Some acceptable individual, manualized trauma focused (or trauma-informed) EBP
modalities include: Prolonged Exposure (PE); Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
(EAIDR); Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT); Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy (BEP); Narrative
Exposure Therapy (NET); Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT); Behavioral
therapy/behavioral activation (BT/BA); Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT); Interpersonal
Therapy (IPT); Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT); Problem-solving therapy (PST);
Crisis Response Planning; Safety Planning; motivational interviewing; and other EBP relevant to
veterans, dependents, and surviving spouses.
c) Treatment (including best practices and integrative therapies) must be provided by or
under the licensure of a licensed mental health professional(LMHP), who has received training in
the EBP.
d) In the grant application, organizations will include the EBP modalities used by their
licensed/trained staffinembers and indicate the diagnosed condition(s) included in the grant project.
e) Client diagnosis, and initial treatment plan development must be performed under the
licensure of an LMHP (preferably in person).
f) Medical expenses are not allowed. Medical expenses include physician bills,prescription
medications, medical insurance premiums or copays, audiology, vision care, emergency/after-hours
clinic costs, lab work, imagery, and prescribed prosthetics.
2. Peer-Support Services. Services based upon the premise that an individual with a"lived experience,"in
this case military service, is uniquely able to contribute to the rehabilitation and recovery of those needing
services. Services that are provided to veterans and their families in a non-clinical environment from
trained/certified individuals and include but not limited to: operation of Peer Networking centers, support
groups,information and referral services,advocacy,technical assistance,life skills training, and other direct
Peer-support services must be supervised by certified peer specialists, social workers, and/or pastoral
counselors. Non-trained/certified mentors and volunteer sponsors with shared experiences can provide
services under the supervision of a trained/certified peer services provider.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 10
D.Veterans Treatment Court Program. The Veterans Treatment Court(VTC)Grant Program supports eligible
units of local government in providing services through Veterans Treatment Court(VTC)programs established under
Texas Government Code §124.001-.006. Grant funding is intended to support rehabilitation for justice
involved veterans to best prepare them for reintegration with their communities. Grant funding for Veteran
Treatment Courts can be applied to reimburse the following VTC program expenses:
1) Substance abuse detection including,but not limited to: SCRAM,Breathalyzer,Urine/Blood tests,
skin patches, ankle detection devices;
2) Probation Officers;
3) Bailiff(when providing services for the VTC);
4) Program/Court Coordinator;
5) Licensed Mental Health providers and/or counselors applying evidenced-based practices;
6) Life Skills and Community Integration training programs;
7) Financial Assistance for mortgage, rent, and utilities (electric, water, gas, garbage, internet, and
cell phone service) for veterans while participating in the program (graduates of VTC programs
serving extended probation periods not eligible);
8) Transportation assistance (bus passes,ride-share & cab fare)while participating in the program;
9) Substance Abuse Treatment(inpatient and outpatient);
10) BIP/DV/Anger Management programs; and
11) other expenses that provide or support client services
Notes for Veteran Treatment Court:
a) The grant will fund up to 4 court program members to attend the annual NADCP
conference for staff training on best practices, and 4 court program members to attend the annual
TASC conference.
b) VTC applicants must outline how they apply the best practices for VTC programs,
especially the non-adversarial approach in their applications.
c) In districts where the VTC and County Supervision and Corrections Department(CSCD)
work together to support the VTC program(s),funding to support the CSCD's contributions to the
VTC program can be included in the VTC grant application and indicated as such. Only one grant
shall be awarded to support veterans in a single VTC program.
d)Because mental health services are essential to the success of Veteran Treatment Courts,
and allowable as services provided to clients in the programs, VTCs are not allowed to request
concurrent VTC and VMH grants that would serve to support the same clients.
e) VTC Judges and/or VTC coordinators must maintain oversight of program expenditures
that are reimbursed by the TVC grant.
f) Marketing and outreach costs for the VTC program, or for any individual associated with
administration of the grant project are not allowable.
g)Supplanting ofsalaries or compensation for part-time or full-time county employees is not
h) Medical expenses are not allowed. Medical expenses include physician bills,prescription
medications, medical insurance premiums or copays, audiology, vision care, emergency/after-hours
clinic costs, lab work, imagery, and prescribed prosthetics.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 11
E. Veteran County Service Office Grants. Veteran County Service Office Grants include all the service
categories listed in the General Assistance Grant Program, Housing for Texas Heroes Grant Program, and
Veterans Mental Health Grant Program. Veteran County Service Officers are eligible to submit one
application for any of the service categories and must serve as the project coordinator for the services if
awarded a grant. The VCSO applicants shall consider the notes listed for each grant categ-ory while
developing their grant application.
Notes for Veteran County Service O ice:
a) Supplanting of salaries or compensation for part-time or full-time county employees is not
b) FVA grant funding cannot be used to support disability claims processing, filing, appeals
processing, or any other activity associated with claims such as 2nd opinions. Claims services and
support are provided by a separate TVC Department.
c) Medical expenses are not allowed. Medical expenses include physician bills, prescription
medications, medical insurance premiums or copays, audiology, vision care, emergency/after-hours
clinic costs, lab work, imagery, and prescribed prosthetics.
F. FVA Overall Program Goals
1. Provide support, services, and resources to veterans, their families, and surviving spouses where
they live to improve their quality of life and strengthen their connections and integration with their
2. Responsively serve TVC grant eligible beneficiaries to meet acute and chronic needs.
3. Provide grant-funded services and resources that have measurable, positive outcomes.
4. Ensure grant-funded projects are available to veterans, dependents, and surviving spouses across
the state.
5. Ensure a diversity of grant-funded services are available within geographic regions.
6. Fully fund grant projects that support the Fund's overall and specific program goals approved by
the Commission.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 12
IIL FVA Grant Program Guidelines
A. Grant Management Standards. All grants awarded by the Texas Veterans Commission must
follow the applicable Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS) which can be found at
https://comptroller.texas.gov/purchasing/docs/ugms.pdf and the applicable federal grant guidelines
published by the Office of Management and Budget(OMB). The OMB federal guidelines, 2 CFR Part 200,
Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, can
be found at: https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?tp1=/ecfrbrowse/Title02/2cfr200_main_02.tpl.
Grant applicants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the 2 CFR 200 while completing their
applications. In the event of a conflict between UGMS and applicable federal law,the provisions of federal
law apply.
B. Texas Administrative Code. All applicants should review and be familiar with the TVC
administrative rules governing the Fund for Veterans' Assistance Program. These rules are published in 40
Texas Administrative Code, Part 15, Chapter 460, found at:
http://texreg.sos.state.tx.us/public/readtac$ext.ViewTAC?tac view=4&ti=40&pt=15&ch=460
C. Competitive Grant. FVA grants are awarded through a competitive selection process that
includes eligibility screening,risk assessment,evaluation and review, and receiving a recommendation from
the FVA Advisory Committee. The Commission makes the final determination for awarding grants and
considers all attributes of the applications,specifically how they will serve veteran needs,prior to awarding.
Grant funding should not be requested with the anticipation or expectation of additional or subsequent
awards of FVA funding. See Texas Administrative Code, Part 15, Chapter 460 for more information.
D.Reimbursement Grant. FVA grants are awarded on a cost reimbursement basis. Under the cost
reimbursement method of funding, a Grantee is required to finance its operations with its own working
capital with grant payments made to reimburse the Grantee for actual cash disbursements supported by
adequate documentation as prescribed by the FVA. Detailed reporting to include adequate expenditure
support documentation is required for all cost reimbursement requests. If awarded, grantees are encouraged
to have cash or cash equivalents on hand equaling two-months of grant project operating expenses at the
beginning of the grant period. For new recipients of FVA grants, an initial payment of up to 10% of the total
amount of the grant can be made for start-up costs. The subsequent expenses will be charged against the
initial payment until a zero balance is reached to be followed by expenses that will be reimbursed up to the
total amount of the grant.
E. Awarded Grant Documents. Upon Commission approval of the grant awards, the parties will
be bound by the following: 1)the terms and requirements within this RFA document;2)FVA Grant Program
Requirements and Terms & Conditions; 3) the approved Grant Application and all items submitted by the
grant applicant to the Commission in response to this RFA; and 4)the Notice of Grant Award(NOGA).
F. Eligibility of Beneficiaries. The Grantee must ensure that clients served using FVA grant funds
are eligible to receive services prior to requesting reimbursement for services provided to these clients.
Eligibility documentation must be maintained by the Grantee in the clients' records.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 13
G.Eligibility Documents.The grantee will use the following documents to determine that beneficiaries are
eligible to receive services.Veterans must provide one of the following;DD-214,NGB-22,NA Form 13038,
Certification of Military Service, Uniform Services Identification Card, Department of Veterans Affairs
Summary Letter with Character of Service listed, State of Texas Issued Driver License with Veteran
designation, or Department of Veterans Affairs eBenefits Summary Letter with Character of Service listed,
Certificate verifying Active Duty Status from Department of Defense Manpower Data Center. Dependents
must provide one of the following; Uniform Services Identification Card, Marriage Certificate, Birth
Certificate,or Adoption Certificate.Surviving Spouses must provide one of the following;Uniform Services
Identification Card, Marriage Certificate, Death Certificate and or one of the forms listed for above for
Veterans eligibility.
H. Document Retention. The grantee must retain all records pertaining to the grant per UGMS guidance
(3 years) or by the origination's policy requirements, whichever is longer. All records will always be kept
in a secure location , either in a locked file cabinet or secure electronic means.
L Grant Funding Period.All funding awarded under this grant must be expended within the grant funding
period of July 1st to June 301h. No pre-award spending will be allowed. All costs associated with the
preparation and submission of an Application for this RFA is the responsibility of Applicant. These costs
shall not be chargeable to TVC by any awarded or non-awarded Applicant.
J. Additional Funding. There should be no expectation of additional or continued grant funding on
the part of the Grantee. Any additional funding or future funding will require an accepted TVC offer of
grant renewal, or submission of a Grant Application during a subsequent Request for Applications. An
amendment extending the Grant Period may be considered by the FVA.
K. Grant Renewal Eligibility. The Commission may, in its sole discretion, exercise the option to renew
the grant for one (1) additional one (1) year period. To be eligible for such consideration, grantees must
meet both performance and expenditure benchmarks and have no outstanding compliance issues on the 3rd
Quarter Performance and Expenditure Report. In addition, grantees must demonstrate in their quarterly
grant outcome reports, that the TVC grant-funded services are meeting their project goals, FVA
Program Goals, and as applicable,providing measurable benefits to their clients.
FVA will notify the Commission during the 3rd Quarter Regular Commission meeting of all grantees who
have met the criteria outlined for renewal. Pending the Commission's approval to exercise the renewal
option, FVA will provide notice and instructions to the grantee on the renewal process, including a signed
NOGA from the TVC Executive Director. Grants awarded for the 2020-21 grant period and renewed for the
2021-22 grant period, must be able to modify their grant projects to fit within the program and service
categories outlined in this 2021-22 RFA.
L. Grant Reporting Requirements
1. Monthly Report. Grantee shall provide to FVA a monthly expenditure report in a format
prescribed by the FVA and must contain an authorized signature.
2. Quarterly Report. Grantee shall provide to FVA a quarterly performance report and project
narrative in a format prescribed by the FVA.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 14
3. Quarterly Outcome Report. Grantee shall provide to FVA a quarterly grant outcome report
demonstrating their grant project(s) are meeting project goals, FVA program goals, and providing
measurable benefits to veteran clients. Each service category within the grant programs outlined in Part II
of this RFA have specific reporting requirements relative to the service category's purpose and service areas.
4. Closeout Report. The closeout report shall be submitted to FVA if required, in the format
designated by FVA and is due no later than sixty (60) days after the end of the grant period. This report is
in addition to the final monthly expenditure and final quarterly performance report.
M.Grant Amendments.Any changes, additions, or deletions to the NOGA or Approved Application must
be executed through a grant amendment. A Grantee may request an amendment as outlined in the FVA
Amendment Policy. Amendments may modify the approved budget, grant period, or scope of the Grant
Project as described in the Approved Application. Each amendment request will be considered on a case-
by-case basis. A Grantee may have no more than three (3) amendments during a grant period. Certain
conditions apply. Refer to FVA Program Requirements and Terms and Conditions for more information.
N.Texas Veterans Commission Recognition.Awarded Applicant must include the following information
on the Awarded Applicant website and on all Grant-Funded project-related materials,brochures,flyers,and
1. Texas Veterans Commission website URL;
2. Fund for Veterans'Assistance logo;
3. The following statement:
"This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for
Veterans'Assistance. The Fundfor Veterans'Assistance provides grants to organizations
serving veterans and their families. For more information, visit www.TVC.Texas.gov"
Note: Awardees/Grantees must mention TVC in all TV and radio announcements and interviews dealing
with FVA grant projects.
O. Prohibited Uses of FVA Grant Funds
1. Supplanting of Funds. A grant made to an organization or unit of local government is intended
to provide services and/or assist Veterans and their families through the existing structure of the
organization. It is not the intent of this grant to supplant existing funds,but to supplement existing funding.
2.Duplication of Services.Grant funds are not to be used to conduct activities or to provide services
that are the same as those currently provided by the Texas Veterans Commission. However, grant funds
may be used to conduct activities or provide services that complement those provided by the Texas
Veterans Commission. Services provided by the Texas Veterans Commission include Claims
Representation and Counseling, Education, Employment, Women Veterans, Veterans Mental Health,
Healthcare Advocacy, and Veteran Entrepreneur Programs. More information about the programs can be
found on the website,hllp://www.tvc.texas.gov.
3.Duplication of Contracted Services.Applicant organizations with contracts or agreements with
the Texas Veterans Commission may be ineligible for Fund for Veterans' Assistance grant funding
requested for Proposed Projects involving the same or similar services as those funded under the contract.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 15
Applicants are responsible for ensuring their submitted application discloses any such contract. The
Proposed Project must be clearly and sufficiently differentiated in the application from any contracted
4. Sub-Grants. Sub-Granting is an award made by a Grantee to another organization or agency
using FVA grant funds. This is prohibited under Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 15, Section
5.Equipment.FVA grant funds may not be used to purchase equipment.Equipment means tangible
property (including information technology systems) having a useful life of more than one year and a per-
unit acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization threshold established by the
grantee for financial statement purposes or$2,000.
6. Capital Expenditures. Except for projects approved in the Housing for Texas Heroes grant
program, FVA grant funds may not be used for capital expenses. Capital expenditures means expenditures
to acquire capital assets or expenditures to make additions, improvements, modifications, replacements,
rearrangements, reinstallations, renovations, or alterations to capital assets that materially increase their
value or useful life.
7. Vehicle purchase and capital leases are prohibited. "Use" leases or "operational" leases are
allowable only with prior approval.
P. Prohibited Costs for FVA Grant Funds:
1. Expenses that are not listed in the project budget, implied through the project budget narrative,
and do not support approved grant project objectives, are prohibited without prior approval.
2. Client services for employees (or contractors), when the employees' salaries (or contracted fees)
are paid in full or in part by the same TVC grantee organization providing the services, are prohibited
without prior approval.
3. Cash or Cash Equivalents—per Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 15, Section 460.10(3)
distribution of cash or a cash equivalent to veterans and/or their families is prohibited. Cash equivalents
include gift cards and gas cards.
4. Scholarships—per Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 15, Section 460.10(5) scholarships
for education are prohibited.
5. Preparation of Grant Application costs—costs associated with preparing and/or submission of an
Application are the responsibility of the Applicant.
6. "Honoraria"—this is not an allowable cost. The term "fee" should be used in lieu of honorarium
in accounting records and consulting agreements.
7. Food—FVA reserves the right to restrict a Grantee from expending any funds on food costs or to
disallow food costs.FVA will determine if food costs have both a programmatic purpose and are reasonable
and necessary for the successful performance of the Proposed Project.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 16
8. Construction—per Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 15, Section 460.10(4) acquisition or
construction of facilities, except for grant funds awarded under the H4TXH program,is prohibited.
9. Child support and alimony are not considered emergency financial assistance and are not
permitted under this grant.
10. Court-ordered or settlement-mandated payments are not permitted.
11. Tax costs in the form of special assessments for capital improvements and/or federal income
taxes are not permitted under this grant.
12. Medical expenses are not allowed. Medical treatment expenses including physician bills,
prescription medications,medical insurance premiums or copays, audiology,vision care, emergency/after-
hours clinic costs, lab work, imagery, and prescribed prosthetics.
IV. 2021-2022 Funding Opportunity and Application Guidelines
A. Total Funding Available and Number of Awards. The anticipated amount available for
awarding in 2021-22 for all four FVA grant programs including VCSO Funding and possible grant renewals
is $30,000,000. The number of awards will be dependent upon the FVA grant amounts awarded to Eligible
Applicants. Requested grant amounts must be one of the specific grant amounts listed. This amount is
subject to change due to availability of funds.
B. Funding Priorities for 2021-22 FVA Grants. The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC)
established the following priorities to provide guidance to the FVA Advisory Committee in developing
funding recommendations and for the Commission in making grant awards. The FVA Advisory Committee
shall provide funding recommendations for grant applications that:
1. Meet the overall FVA program goals. See Section H, Paragraph F.
2. Provide services and resources available through FVA grant programs to veterans and
their families based upon their expressed needs for their county and/or region. (Does not apply to
VTC grants)
3. Place a high priority on budgeting for client services.
4. Fund organizations with a demonstrated history of meeting grant performance
C. Term of 2021-2022 Grant. Grants awarded under this RFA will be for one (1) year beginning on July
1, 2021 and ending on June 30, 2022. Reimbursement will only be made for those allowable expenses that
occur within the term of this grant.No pre-award spending will be allowed.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 17
D.Number of FVA Grants per Organization.Applicants can submit one application per grant program,
for a total of two grant applications for all grant programs announced in Part II of this RFA. Applicants
may only be awarded a maximum of one grant per grant program, and a maximum of two grants for the
term of this grant. Organizations may not have overlapping or concurrent grants in the same grant program
during one grant period.
E.Application Period.The application period for this grant opens September 5,2020 and closes November
5, 2020. Applications must be submitted by 5pm on the closing date through the TVC GovGrants portal.
Only applications submitted via the portal will be considered for funding.
F. Eligible Applicants:
1. Organizations that are currently providing services under a renewed grant during the 2020-21
grant period are not eligible for a second renewal and must apply under this RFA for the 2021-22 grant
2. Units of local government;
3. IRS Code § 501(c)(19) Posts or organizations of past or present members of the Armed Forces;
4. IRS Code § 501(c)(3)private nonprofit organizations authorized to do business in Texas;
5. Texas chapters of IRS Code § 501(c)(4) Veterans service organizations; or
6. Non-profit organizations authorized to do business in Texas with experience providing services
to Veterans.
G.Not Eligible to Apply:
1. Individuals;
2. For-profit entities;
3. Units of federal or state government, including state agencies, colleges, and universities;
4. Organizations that have not fulfilled and maintained all legal requirements to operate in the state
of Texas;
5. Organizations that do not have current operations in Texas or a Texas-based chapter; and
6. Organizations that are currently providing services under a non-renewed grant during the 2020-
21 grant period,have an opportunity to meet renewal criteria for a 2021-22 grant,and therefore are ineligible
to submit applications for the same grant programs announced in this RFA.
Please note: Applicant organizations with contracts or agreements with the Texas Veterans Commission
may be ineligible for Fund for Veterans'Assistance grant funding requested for Proposed Projects involving
the same or similar services as those funded under the contract. Applicants are responsible for ensuring
their submitted application discloses any such contract. The Proposed Project must be clearly and
sufficiently differentiated in the application from any contracted services.
H. Online Grant Application. Applicants are required to complete and submit the application on the TVC
GovGrants portal (http://tvcportal.force.com/). Paper applications are no longer available, required, or
accepted. Each Organization is required to register for one account in the GovGrants portal. This one
account is used for all applications submitted by that Organization. Each section description provides an
explanation of the information required to complete the application.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 18
L Funding Amounts per Grant Programs. Eligible Applicants can request the specific funding amounts
for their grant-funded projects from the options below.
Funding General Housing for Veteran Veteran Veteran County
Amount Assistance Texas Heroes Mental Treatment Service Office
Requested Services Services Health Court Services Services
$30,000 Local, County-level
$50,000 County, and Local, Local, County-level Services in GA
$75,000 Regional County, County, & Regional (or) H4TXH
$100,000 Applications Regional, & Regional, & Veteran (or) VMH
$150,000 Statewide Statewide Treatment
$200,000 Applications Applications Courts
Statewide VMH&
$500,000 only H4TXH
Services only
J. Matching Funds. While there is no mandated matching requirement, the FVA does expect Grantees to
share in the operational cost of funded projects. Applicants are required to identify the anticipated funds
they will use on the Proposed Project. Organization revenue, excluding FVA grants,will be reviewed with
respect to the amount requested in the application.
K. Required Financial Documentation with Applications. An Eligible Applicant must provide the
minimum required financial documentation for the range in which their requested grant amount falls. Units
of Local Government are not required to submit financial documentation. The amount of funding requested
by an Eligible Applicant will determine the financial documents the Eligible Applicant must provide. An
Eligible Applicant may supply financial documentation that is greater than what is required for an FVA
Grant Amount (per the table below) but may not supply less than the Minimum Required Financial
Documentation. See Part VI. Key Terms & Definitions
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 19
Minimum Required Financial Documentation
FVA Grant Amount
$300,000 Independent Audited Financial Statements
$100,000 IRS Tax Form 990 showing Part X Balance Sheets
$20,000 Compilation of Financial Statements
Organizations submitting multiple applications for FVA grants with a total requesting over $750,000 will
be expected to provide an A-133 single audit as required by UGMS and 2 CFR 200. Organizations
submitting a single (or multiple) applications with a total over $200,000 will be required to provide an
independent audited financial statement. For single or multiple applications totaling over 50,000,
organizations are required to provide an IRS Tax 990 return.
Applicants are expected to read and be familiar with the FVA Grant Program Requirements and Terms and
Conditions,unallowable expenses published in the TAC § 460.3, in this RFA, and in the 2 CFR 200.
L. Application Certification. Applicants will attest to a True and Correct Statement as part of the online
application submission confirming compliance with all program requirements, terms and conditions, and
provisions and assurances.
M. Application Eligibility. A Grant Application received by the Agency must meet the following
requirements to be considered eligible for the competitive selection process for grant funding:
1. Be completed according to the grant application instructions;
2. Satisfy all requirements as listed in Section V. Application Review and Award Process; and
3. Submitted via the TVC GovGrants portal by the deadline established in this RFA.
If a Grant Application received by the Agency does not meet all requirements listed above, it may not be
considered for funding. FVA may make a clarification or additional documentation request of applicants
after initial review of their submission. Any information requested by the FVA must be submitted within
five (5) business days of FVA's request. If clarification information is not received or is incomplete, the
application may not be considered for funding.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 20
N. Application Eligibility— Unallowable Expenses. The requested grant amount will be reduced by the
TVC Executive Director during application eligibility screening if the application includes unallowable
budgeted expense(s) equaling 20%-40% of the total grant amount requested. Example: if $20,000 of
unallowable costs are listed in the budget of an application seeking $100,000 of grant funding, the
unallowable items will be removed by FVA, and the application amount will be reduced to $80,000. The
TVC Executive Director shall determine if the resulting, reduced application will move forward in the
competitive selection process for awarding.
O. Ineligible Applications. Grant Applications received will be reviewed for eligibility and deemed
ineligible if one or more of the following applies:
1. The application is not complete.
2. Minimum Financial Documentation is not provided.
3. The Application Package is missing required attachments or signatures.
4. If an audit completed in the past 2 years has significant deficiencies or material weaknesses.
5. If the organization has an exclusion record listed on the General Services Administration (GSA)
System for Award Management(SAM).
6. The Application Package is not submitted through the TVC GovGrants portal by the deadline.
7. The application is ineligible if more that 40% of the budgeted expenses in the application are
determined unallowable.
Please note: Applicant organizations with contracts or agreements with the Texas Veterans Commission
may be ineligible for Fund for Veterans' Assistance grant funding requested for Proposed Projects
involving the same or similar services as those funded under the contract. Applicants are responsible for
ensuring their submitted application discloses any such contract. The Proposed Project must be clearly and
sufficiently differentiated in the application from any contracted services.
P. Application Webinar and Questions. Potential applicants will have the opportunity to participate in
information webinar sessions regarding the 2021-22 FVA grant applications. The webinars are tentatively
scheduled as listed in Section V, Paragraph C below (page 25). The presentation will be the same for all
information webinars and FVA staff will take questions at the end. Information regarding the meeting and
webinar will be available on the FVA website. Please check the FVA website for updated information.
1. The information webinar sessions will address any questions regarding the application or
application process but will not address a specific project or an organization's application.
2. All questions pertaining to this RFA must be submitted to rfaquestions e,tvc.texas.gov with
"2021-22 [Grant Program inserted here] Question" in the subject line of the email. Responses will be
posted on the TVC GovGrants portal FAQs tab.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 21
Q. Application Package. A complete Application Package includes submission completed online
application and attached items listed below via the TVC GovGrants portal. An Application Package may
have up to five attachments. Failure to provide required attachments or to agree with the True and Correct
Statement will result in ineligibility. The Application Package includes the items listed below. When
submitting the application package,name each attachment according to numbers below.
1. Resumes of the Principal Participants in the organization
2. List and terms of current governing body members (Board of Directors, Commissioners Court,
City Council Members)
3. Financial Documentation if not a Unit of Local Government per Part IV, Section K.
4. IRS Tax determination letter regarding non-profit status,if applicable. Do not submit paperwork
from the State Secretary of State or the State Comptroller of Public Accounts regarding non-profit
status. Only IRS Tax determination letter indicating your organization is recognized as a tax-exempt non-
profit is acceptable.
5. A copy of current professional liability insurance and/or malpractice insurance policy
V. Application Review and Award Processes
A. Application Eligibility Assessment & Review
1. The FVA staff follows a specific eligibility screening checklist to ensure consistent, transparent
assessment and review of all applications before the applications enter the competitive selection process.
The eligibility assessment is designed to be a proactive measure to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse and to
alert the Commission to potential risks before an award is made.
2. Applicant Risk Determination. Organizations and their applications will be assessed for risk
including review of additional information available about the organization such as public information
discovered through open source research, Federal Audit Clearing House (Harvester), IRS Select Check,
SAM, GuideStar and FVA risk assessment. Organizations determined to be High Risk will be highlighted
for the Advisory Committee and Commissioners' awareness during their evaluation and awarding
consideration. If selected, High Risk organizations are subject to additional conditions as defined in 2 CFR
3. Applicant financial stability will be assessed based on submitted financial documentation and
additional information available. The organization's reported previous year annual revenue not including
any FVA grants will be compared to the amount requested in the application. All information should
demonstrate that the applicant, if selected, will have the required working capital available to execute the
project and then request reimbursements supported by adequate documentation. Competitive organizations
typically can show a cash and/or cash equivalent balance covering at least 2 months of projected expenses
for the grant project included in the application.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 22
4. Application Review. Following eligibility screening, risk determination, and financial stability
assessment,the eligible applications are reviewed by the FVA staff using a grant program rubric. The rubric
assesses the application's fit and alignment with FVA's grant program, as described in the RFA and the
FVA Program Guidelines and Terms and Conditions. Each application receives independent reviews from
three separate FVA grant officers. The results from the reviews are weighted based on the percentages in
the table below.
Areas for Review Weighted
Proposed Project
Is the Proposed Project reasonable, feasible, and able to be implemented?
Does the proposed project support TVC program goals, as described in the 40%
Organizational Management
Does the organization have the capacity and experience to successfully accomplish
the Proposed Project?
What is the performance history of this organization with TVC grant funding?
Is the budget reasonable, allowable, and necessary to accomplish the Proposed
Proj ect?
Does the proposed budget include unallowable expenses specified in the RFA and 35%
application instructions?
Does the proposed budget indicate a priority to fund client services?
B.Application Awarding Process.All eligible applications will be given to the FVA Advisory Committee
for their evaluation and preparation of award recommendations to the Commission. The FVA Advisory
Committee uses the application, its attachments, the applicant risk determination, FVA staff review based
on the rubric, the FVA Program Goals, and the Commissions' priorities to formulate the recommendation
list for awarding.
1. The FVA Advisory Committee will convene in January 2021 for a public presentation of the
Proposed Projects by Applicants. Following that public presentation, the FVA Advisory Committee will
convene in March 2021 to make the award recommendations. Additional information on these meetings
(specific location and dates) will be available and shared when confirmed. The dates of these meetings are
subject to change. Please check the FVA website for updated information. Applicants are not required to
participate in the presentation meeting, as their recommendation for awarding is not based on the
presentation. The presentation meeting serves as an opportunity for applicants to present their projects and
interact in-person or virtually with the FVA Advisory Committee while describing their projects' objectives.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 23
2. The funding recommendations made by the FVA Advisory Committee will be presented to the
Commission in May 2021 for the Commission's award decision. Additional information on this meeting
will be made available when details are confirmed. The exact date of this meeting has not been set. Please
check the FVA website for updated information.
3. If any part of the submitted application needs to be revised(for example,if the Grantee is awarded
an amount other than that requested or the application mischaracterizes or contains unallowable costs), the
Awarded Applicant must submit a revised application during post-award negotiations, following the 3ra
Quarter Commission Meeting. The Agency will provide instructions and guidelines for the submission of
the revised application.
4. When the application window is opened, and prior to the TVC Commission making the grant
awards, the FVA staff and the FVA Advisory Committee members will not be able to discuss application
status with any organization.
5. Applicants shall be notified in writing of the Commission's decision regarding a grant award.
VETERAN1S—FVA identifies prioeity needs
Needs •y is our base document
Meeting4 th Quarter Commission
— Approve RFA for Next Grant Cycle
for Applications i
Grant Application# # 1 40 days
August • October)
Application Eligibility ♦ Evaluatiori
rFVA Advisory Committee: , Legend:
(late January) Texas Veterans
1 Advisory Committee: Recommendation
F Quarter Commission ' Award
(mid May) Committee
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 24
C. Key Dates for Grant Application and Award Processes. The dates listed in this RFA are subject to
change. Please check the FVA website for updated information.
September 2, 2020 — 10:00am: 2021-2022 Request for Application (RFA) informational
webinar. Additional information will be posted on website. These dates are subject to change. Please check
the FVA website.
September 5,2020—8:00am: Application Window opens for 2021-2022 FVA Grants. RFA will
be posted for public viewing at https://www.tvc.texas.gov/ rg ants/ and the TVC GovGrants portal will be
opened(http://tvcportal.force.com/)for applications.
Sep 9,Sep 17,2020 and Oct 8,2020—10:00am: FVA Grant Application informational webinars.
Additional information will be posted on website. These dates are subject to change. Please check the FVA
October 28, 2020 — 5:00pm: Last day to submit RFA questions to TVC
(rfaquestions e,tvc.texas.gov) regarding this RFA.
November 5, 2020 — 5:00pm: All applications must be submitted. Application portal will close
automatically at 5:00 p.m., Central Standard Time on this date.
January 2021: All eligible organizations may present their application to the FVA Advisory
Committee. Additional information will be posted on the website later. This date is subject to change.
Please check the FVA website for city, venue, date/time, and registration information.
March 2021: Funding Recommendation meeting. FVA Advisory Committee meets to confirm
funding recommendations. Additional information will be posted on the website later. This date is subject
to change. Please check the FVA website for city,venue, and date/time information.
May 2021: TVC Commission meeting.Austin,Texas.Additional information will be available later.
This date is subject to change. Please check the FVA website.
June 2021: Notice of Grant Awards to be sent to funded organizations.
July 1,2021: Grant Funding Period begins.
July 2021: Mandatory grantee training. Additional information will be available later.
June 30,2022: Grant Funding Period ends.
D. FVA Grantee Training. Awarded Applicants will be required to participate in training. This training
will be conducted remotely either via webinar or conference call, or in some instances FVA staff may
conduct an onsite training visit at the Awarded Applicant's facility. Training costs related to FVA Grant
training do not need to be included in the budget for the Proposed Project.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 25
VI. Definitions of Key Terms
Key Terms Definition
Advisory Committee The committee formed under Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part
15, Section 452.2(c), relating to Fund for Veterans' Assistance Advisory
Committee. Consists of 9 volunteer members appointed by the
Commission, who are tasked with providing recommendations for the
FVA program to the Commission.
Agency The Texas Veterans Commission.
Allocable The process of assigning a cost in reasonable proportion to the benefit
provided or other equitable relationship. A cost is allocable to an award if
the goods or services involved are chargeable or assignable to that award
in accordance with relative benefits received.
Allowable Cost that is allocable,necessary and reasonable for the performance of the
award and conforms to any limitation set forth in the RFA and is consistent
with policies and procedures that apply uniformly to grant awards and
other activities of the grantee.
AMI Area Median Income calculated by the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) to determine the income eligibility
Applicant Shall have the same meaning as Eligible Applicant as defined in the Texas
Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 15, Section 460.3(a). The following
are eligible to apply for grant funds: 1)Units of local government; 2) IRS
Code § 501(c)(19) Posts or organizations of past or present members of
the Armed Forces;3)IRS Code § 501(c)(3)private nonprofit organizations
authorized to do business in Texas; 4) Texas chapters of IRS Code §
501(c)(4) Veterans service organizations. 5) Non-profit organizations
authorized to do business in Texas with experience providing services to
Approved Budget The budget included in a grant application that corresponds with the
amount awarded by the Commission and finalized through negotiations.
Assistive Technologies Products and equipment that increase, maintain or improve the functional
capabilities of persons with disabilities. Consists of wheelchairs &
batteries, walkers, crutches, hospital beds, lift chairs, portable ramps,
hearing aids, orthotic inserts & shoes, and eyeglasses.
Audited Financial A consulting service provided by a third-party Certified Public Accountant
Statements (CPA) that reviews the accounting processes and procedures. The CPA
will review the financial statements using standards promulgated by the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 26
Award Consists of grants, contracts, and other agreements between a TVC and a
Awarded Applicant Shall have the same meaning as Grantee. An organization that receives a
grant from the Fund for Veterans' Assistance.
Beneficiary A member of the target population served by the Grantee's organization.
For purposes of this grant, the Beneficiary, is a Texas veteran, Texas
surviving spouse, or a Texas veteran's dependent.
Cancellation Cessation of payment of grant funds and withdrawal of the Grantee's right
to receive additional grant funds.
Capital Asset Capital assets means tangible or intangible assets used in operations
having a useful life of more than one year which are capitalized in
accordance with GAAP. Capital assets include: (a) Land, buildings
(facilities), equipment that exceeds the capitalization threshold, and
intellectual property (including software) whether acquired by purchase,
construction, manufacture, lease-purchase, exchange, or through capital
leases; and (b) Additions, improvements, modifications, replacements,
rearrangements, reinstallations,renovations or alterations to capital assets
that materially increase their value or useful life (not ordinary repairs and
Capital Expenditure Capital expenditures means expenditures to acquire capital assets or
expenditures to make additions, improvements, modifications,
replacements, rearrangements, reinstallations, renovations, or alterations
to capital assets that materially increase their value or useful life.
Capitalization The minimum cost at which an asset must be reflected in accounting
Threshold records and financial statements.
Child/Adult Care Provides a safe group environment that includes supervision and care of
Services all activities of daily living.
Clinical Counseling Clinical therapy provided by licensed mental health professionals within
Services the scope of their training and professional standards aimed at addressing
mental health concerns.
Commission The members of the Texas Veterans Commission. Consists of five
members appointed by the Governor of Texas.
Community Integration Participation in society through community networking, employment,
independent living and social activity.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 27
Compilation of Refers to the process whereby an accountant presents, in the form of
Financial Statements financial statements,information that is the representation of management
(owners),without undertaking to express any assurance on the statements.
This may or may not be done by a third-party CPA.
Contractors An independent entity that agrees to furnish certain services that meet or
exceed stated requirements or specifications, at a mutually agreed upon
price and within a specified timeframe to a grantee.
Court Ordered The payment of money or other property by a party to the court for later
Payment distribution in accordance with the suit's settlement or the courts
De-obligation Downward adjustment of the obligations recorded in a contract document.
Dependents Spouse, minor son, or daughter, including stepchild or adopted child of a
Texas veteran residing with the veteran or under age 23 if a full-time
student. Includes a child who is incapable of self-support because of a
mental or physical incapacity that existed before age 21 or occurred before
the age of 23 while a full-time student.
Disabled Veteran As defined in Title 5,United States Code Annotated, Section 2108(2),"An
individual who has served on active duty in the armed forces, (except as
provided under section 2108a) has been separated therefrom under
honorable conditions, and has established the present existence of a
service-connected disability or is receiving compensation, disability
retirement benefits, or pension because of a public statute administered by
the Department of Veterans Affairs or a military department."
Disallowed Cost A questioned cost that the Agency has determined violates the conditions
of the Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) or other law, regulation, or other
document governing the expenditures of funds.
Eligible Applicants As defined in the Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 15, Section
460.3(a). The following are eligible to apply for grant funds: 1) Units of
local government; 2)IRS Code § 501(c)(19)Posts or organizations of past
or present members of the Armed Forces; 3)IRS Code § 501(c)(3)private
nonprofit organizations authorized to do business in Texas; 4) Texas
chapters of IRS Code § 501(c)(4) Veterans service organizations; or 5)
Non-profit organizations authorized to do business in Texas with
experience providing services to Veterans.
Equipment Equipment means tangible property (including information technology
systems) having a useful life of more than one year and a per-
unit acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the
capitalization threshold established by the grantee for financial statement
purposes or$2,000.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 28
Essential Needs Basic human needs for sustenance including shelter, food, and clothing
necessary for long-term physical and mental well-being.
Evidence Based A problem-solving approach to the delivery of mental health care that
Practice integrates the best available research from studies and client care data with
clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture and
Evidence Based Certification and/or training commensurate with providing a professional
Practice Training with the ability to effectively implement a specific evidence-based practice
within its intended scope to maximize positive impact for patient/client.
Evidence-based Clinical therapeutic services that are specifically delivered by trained
Treatment licensed mental health professionals within the established scope and
parameters of the research supporting the treatment and clinical expertise.
Expenditure The percent of the total grant award that must be expended and reported
Benchmark by designated timeframes within the Grant Funding Period. Expenditure
data is compiled in the quarterly report.
Family Counseling Counseling that can help family members improve communication and
resolve conflicts and teach skills to deepen family connections and be
better prepared for stressful life events.
Family Stabilization Helping families to develop coping skills they need to maintain a safe and
health family unit, while improving the family's community integration.
Food Pantry A site that distributes bags or boxes of nutritious food to hungry families
and individuals.
FVA Fund for Veterans' Assistance.
Governing Body A group who formulates the policy and directs the affairs of an
organization in collaboration with managing staff.
Grant A sum of money given by an organization or a unit of government for a
particular purpose. Grants do not include donations or in-kind
contributions. An award of financial assistance in the form of money to
carry out a program in accordance with rules, regulations and guidance
provided by the grantor agency.
Grant Application Documents submitted by an organization or unit of local government in
response to the Request for Applications (RFA). Also referred to as
"Application Package" in this RFA.
Grant Funding Period The time period specified in the RFA and NOGA during which all work
must be completed, and expenses must be paid.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 29
Grant Project The work and activities in the approved application for which grant
funding has been awarded and finalized through negotiations. During the
open application process and before the Texas Veterans Commission
makes final grant awards, indicated by a fully executed NOGA,the Grant
Project will be known as the Proposed Project.
Grantee An organization that receives a grant from the Fund for Veterans'
Assistance which is responsible for the administration of the award.
Home Modification The modification of a home to allow accessibility and improve the health
and safety of the disabled or aging resident(s).
Home Repair Repair to a home to alleviate substandard living conditions that are
considered critical to improve the health, safety of the residents.
Home Weatherization The repair or modification of a home to improve the energy efficiency and
the health and safety of the residents.
Homeless Veteran Individuals who have lost their primary nighttime residence or are living
in a place not meant for human habitation, in emergency shelter, in
transitional housing, or are exiting an institution where they temporarily
Homelessness Resources and activities to support individuals who have transitioned out
Prevention of a homeless status or are at risk of losing their primary nighttime
residence within 14 days. Resources and activities include housing
relocation, family and financial stabilization services, and housing
assistance as necessary to prevent the individual or family from moving to
an emergency shelter,transitional housing or a place not meant for human
HUD Housing and Urban Development
HUDNASH Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) - A collaborative program
between HUD and VA that combines HUD housing vouchers with VA
supportive services to help homeless veterans and their families find and
sustain permanent housing
Ineligible Any application submitted by an organization that does not meet the
requirements of this RFA will be disqualified from further review and
deemed Ineligible.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 30
IRS Tax Form 990 Refers to form used by tax-exempt organizations, non-exempt charitable
showing Part X trusts, and section 527 political organizations to provide the IRS with the
Balance Sheets information required by Internal Revenue Code,26 U.S.C. §6033 (relating
to returns by exempt organizations). To be accepted as a Minimum
Required Financial Documentation, the Form 990 submitted must be a
complete, legible copy of the signed form filed with the IRS and include
Part X. Balance Sheets.
Low Income Defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) as 80 percent of the median family income for the
area, subject to adjustments for areas with unusually high or low incomes
or housing costs.
Meal Service Delivers the nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks that enable
Texas veterans and their families to live nourished lives with independence
and dignity.
Mortgage Obligation, including a mortgage, mortgage deed, bond, note, deed of
trust, or another instrument that is a lien. Grantees are required to confirm
that the owner of a home is current on any existing mortgage loans or home
equity loans prior to providing home modification, repair, or
weatherization assistance.
MVPN Military Veteran Peer Network.
Notice of Grant Award The Notice of Grant Award(NOGA) is the official grant award document
notifying the grantee that an award has been made. The NOGA contains
all terms and conditions of the grant award. The executed Notice of Grant
Award (NOGA) and all addenda represent a legally binding contract
("Agreement") between the parties. Upon Commission approval of the
grant award, the parties will be bound by the following: 1) the terms and
requirements within this RFA document, 2) FVA Grant Program
Requirements and Terms & Conditions, 3) the Grant Application and all
items submitted by the grant applicant to the Commission in response to
this RFA, and 4) the Notice of Grant Award (NOGA). In the event of
conflicts or inconsistencies between any of these documents, the
provisions set forth in the NOGA will prevail.
Peer Veteran's and veteran's family members with shared life experiences.
Peer Networking Location which includes staffing by Veterans, for Veterans and their
Centers families where they are comfortable interacting with their Peers to learn
about accessing resources and services for their benefit.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 31
Peer Support Training provided to assist veterans serve as counselors, mentors, life
Certification and coaches, emotional support sponsors, suicide prevention specialists, or
Training other role in the community to serve their fellow veterans and veteran
families. Awareness training regarding trauma-informed conditions such
as PTSD, substance abuse, and military sexual assault qualify.
Peer Support Services Non-clinical services based upon the premise that an individual with a
"military lived shared experience,"in this case military service,is uniquely
able to contribute to the rehabilitation and recovery of those needing
services. Offers emotional support, shared knowledge, teaches skills,
provide practical assistance and connect veterans with resources.
Peer-to-Peer Interactions between trained Peers who are successfully adapting to life
Counseling and Peers who want to do the same. The trained Peer has completed
training, is knowledgeable about resources, and can make efficacious
referrals when appropriate; the interactions are also typically mutually
Performance The percent of each minimum required performance measure that must be
Benchmark met and reported by designated timeframes within the grant period.
Performance data is compiled in the quarterly report.
Principal Participant Project Coordinator and Financial Coordinator, and Executive Director or
any other key stakeholders in the Proposed Project. An organization's top
management that provides leadership, oversight, grant project
management to employees and staff working on the grant. Principal
Participants must ensure the grant staff is operating the project as written
in the approved award, following all organizational policies, and grant
related rules and regulations.
Program Income Gross income received by the grantee directly generated by a grant
supported activity or earned only as a result of the grant agreement during
the grant period.
Project Coordinator Provides general leadership and direct oversight of the grant project
activities including implementation, monitoring, reporting, and
compliance to ensure the grant goals and metrics are met as outlined in the
Project Manager Responsible for leading the grant award through planning, initiation,
execution,control and completion.Must ensure the grant staff is operating
the project as written in the approved award.
Proposed Project The work and activities for which funding is sought and as written in the
approved application. Upon approval by the Texas Veterans Commission
approve the application, the Proposed Project will then become known as
the Grant Project.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 32
Questioned Cost A cost that has been identified to be an alleged violation of a provision of
the NOGA,law,regulation, or other agreement or document governing the
expenditure of funds or a cost that is not supported by adequate
Rapid Rehousing Connects families and individuals experiencing homelessness to
Program permanent housing through a tailored package of assistance that may
include the use of time-limited financial assistance and targeted supportive
services. Rapid rehousing programs help families and individuals living
on the streets or in emergency shelters solve the practical and immediate
challenges to obtaining permanent housing while reducing the amount of
time they experience homelessness, avoiding a near-term return to
homelessness, and linking to community resources that enable them to
achieve housing stability in the long-term.
Reasonable A cost is reasonable if, in its nature and amount, it does not exceed that
which would be paid by a prudent person under the circumstances
prevailing at the time the decision was made to incur the cost.
Regional Refers to a Proposed Project whose service area includes two or more
counties within the state and whose services are offered and available to
beneficiaries living within those identified counties.
Reimbursement Payment is provided after the grantee has paid for services provided to
beneficiaries. TVC payments/reimbursements are on a monthly basis after
the grantee has submitted the required accurate supporting documentation
for expenses claimed during the reporting month.
Reimbursement Grant The grantee is required to provide its own working capital to finance
operations. Grant payments will be made to reimburse the grantee for
actual expenditures made and supported by adequate documentation.
Rescind Awarded grant applicant revokes, cancels or repeals award prior to
Restorative Dentistry Management and procedures that dentist performs to keep patients'mouth
healthy and functional. Emergency procedures to include dental implants,
dentures, fillings, and crowns, not to exceed $2,500 per beneficiary, the
grantee's maximum allowable cost per client, or the lesser of the two.
Resume A document that contains a summary of relevant job experience and
Rural Area Per the US Census Bureau, all population, housing, and territory not
included within an urban area which is classified as an area of 50,000 or
more people. Generally,it is a geographic area that is located outside cities
and towns.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 33
Statewide Refers to a Proposed Project whose service area includes every county
within the state and whose services are offered and readily available to
beneficiaries living within every county within the state.
Stipend A predetermined amount of money paid to trainees, interns, and students
to help offset expenses. Often provided to those who are ineligible to
receive a regular salary in exchange for the duties they perform.
Sub-Grant An award made by a Grantee to another organization or agency using grant
funds. Sub-granting FVA grants is prohibited under Texas Administrative
Code, Title 40, Part 15, Section 460.10(2).
Supplanting The replacement of agency funds for any activity of an existing project
specifically because TVC grant funds were awarded
Surviving Spouse A person who was the spouse of the veteran at the time of the veteran's
death and (a) who lived with the veteran continuously from the date of
marriage to the date of the veteran's death, and(b)has not remarried or has
not since the death of the veteran and after September 19, 1962, lived with
another person and held himself or herself out openly to the public to be
the spouse of such other person.
Time and Effort A document that captures the actual time worked and charged for
allowable grant activities.Must be in writing and include actual time spent,
period covered, and must be signed by employee and supervisor.
Transition Assistance Provide information,resources, and tools to active duty,veterans and their
families to help prepare for the move from military to civilian life.
Transitional Housing Provides homeless individuals and families with the short-term interim
stability and support to successfully move to and maintain permanent
housing and independent living.
TVC Texas Veterans Commission.
Unallowable Cost A cost that is 1) not necessary or reasonable for proper and efficient
performance and administration of the project, 2) not allocable to the
project, 3) not authorized or prohibited under State or local laws or
regulations, and 4) does not conform to limitations or exclusions set forth
in 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost
Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Federal laws,
terms and conditions of the award, or other governing regulations as to
types or amounts of cost items.
Unduplicated For purposes of this grant,unduplicated shall be defined as not previously
counted during the grant award period.
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 34
Units of Local A county, municipality, special district, school district, junior college
Government district, a local workforce development board created under the Texas
Government Code § 2308.253, or other legally constituted political
subdivision of the state.
VCSO Funding SB 1679 (85th Legislature) created a 5% set-aside for VCSO applications
for FVA grants. This funding is available for General Assistance,Housing
for Texas Heroes, and Veterans Mental Health grant applications with the
Veteran County Service officer listed as the Project Coordinator.
Very Low Income Household with less than 50% of the Area median income as defined by
Veterans Treatment To provide support and resources for veterans involved with the criminal
Court justice system,rather than punishment. These courts emphasize treatment
rather than incarceration.
Workshop Program Groups with shared knowledge or experience involved in learning or
discussions working with interactive activities and exercises, with
opportunities to practice applying the concepts that are presented to the
Request for Applications: 2021-22 TVC Fund for Veterans'Assistance Page 35
Fernando Costa(Oct 28,202116:54 CDT) Contract Compliance Manager:
Name: Fernando Costa By signing below, I acknowledge
Title: Assistant City Manager that I am the person responsible for
Date: Oct 28,2021 the monitoring and administration
of this contract, including ensuring
all performance and reporting
(Aim Sonia M.SingngiT
on(Oct 28,2021 09:51 CDT)
Sonia Singleton
Name: Victor Turner Assistant Director
Title: Director Neighborhood Services
Taylor Paris
Assistant City Attorney
ATTEST: doonn'a
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Ronald Gonzales �� �0
City Secretary ��� °
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M&C 21-0815
Dated: October 19, 2021
M&C Review Page 1 of 2
Official site of the City of Fort Worth,Texas
GRANTS 2021-2022
SUBJECT: (ALL) Ratify Application for, and Acceptance of, a General Assistance Grant from the
Texas Veterans Commission in the Total Amount of$300,000.00 for Assistance to
Veterans with Security Deposits, Rent, Mortgage, and Utilities; Approve Execution of
Applicable Grant Contracts; Adopt Attached Appropriation Ordinance; and Authorize
Waiver of Indirect Costs
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Ratify the application to the Texas Veterans Commission for a General Veterans Assistance
Grant in the amount of $300,000.00;
2. Authorize the execution of all applicable contracts;
3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations
in the Grants Operating State Fund, subject to receipt of the grant, in the amount of
$300,000.00, for the purpose of funding the General Assistance Grant from the Texas
Veterans Commission; and
4. Authorize a waiver of the Neighborhood Services Department indirect cost rate of 18.73\%,
estimated total of $5,267.00.
A grant application to the Texas Veterans Commission was submitted for activities that will benefit
veterans in the City Fort Worth (City) and Tarrant County.
The Forward Home Veteran Assistance Program (Forward Home) funded by the General Assistance
Grant will provide emergency financial assistance such as security deposits, rental/mortgage and
utility payments that are short-term and temporary in nature. The grant will be administered by the
Community Action Partners (CAP) section of the Neighborhood Services Department. This
continued funding will enable CAP to provide additional needed services to area veterans.
During the current grant period up to June 30, 2021, the Forward Home grant served 180 veterans or
veteran family members with an average of$1,376.01 per person. These funds were used to stabilize
veteran households, preventing homelessness. The new grant will begin July 1, 2021 and end on
June 30, 2022.
In the City's most recent Cost Allocation Plan, the indirect cost rate is 18.73\% for the Neighborhood
Services Department. A waiver by the City of indirect costs of approximately $5,267.00 will maximize
program benefits to veterans and surviving spouses.
The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of
the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current operating budget, as
appropriated, in the Grants Operating State Fund. The Neighborhood Services Department (and
Financial Management Services) will be responsible for the collection and deposit of funds due to the
City. Prior to an expenditure being incurred, the Neighborhood Services Department has the
responsibility to validate the availability of funds. This is a reimbursement grant.
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=293 63&councildate=l0/19/2021 10/26/2021
M&C Review Page 2 of 2
Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount
ID ID Year (ChartField 2)
Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount
ID ID Year (ChartField 2)
Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Fernando Costa (6122)
Originating Department Head: Victor Turner(8187)
Additional Information Contact: Sonia Singleton (5774)
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=293 63&councildate=l0/19/2021 10/26/2021