HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021/11/09-Attachments-ZC-21-106Date: November 9, 2021 Case Number: ZC-21-106 Council District: 7 Zoning Map Amendment Case Manager: Stephen Murray Owner /Applicant: Joe Lindsey, JC Lindsey Family LTD Parternship Site Location: 1700 block Avondale haslet Rd Acreage: 3.042 acres Request Proposed Use: Commercial Request: From: "A-5" One -Family To: "PD/E" Planned Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial excluding the following uses: assisted living facility, nursing home, golf course, indoor amusement, event center or rental hall, drive-in restaurant or business, lodge or civic club, commercial swimming pool, drive-in theatre, movie theatre or auditorium, bed and breakfast inn, business college or commercial school, convenience store, grocery store meat market, large retail store, liquor or package store, mortuary or funeral home, recording studio, taxidermist shop, gasoline sales, recycling collection facility, urban agriculture, storage or display outside with development standards located within Exhibit A, site plan required. Land Use Compatibility: Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Staff Recommendation: Recommendation Requested change is compatible Requested change is not consistent (Minor Boundary Adjustment) Approval Zoning Commission Recommendation: Approval by a vote of 8-0 i . Table of Contents 1. Project Description and Backcroun b. Comprehensive Plan Consistency 2. Surroundin Zoning oninc and Land Uses c. Lake Worth Vision Plan 2011 3. Recent ZoningHry 6. Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. Notification Area 4. Public Notification 7. Area Map 5. Development Impact Analysis 8. Future Land Use Map a. Land Use Compatibility 9. Aerial Photograph Project Description and Background The proposed site is located on the corner of Avondale Haslet Road and Willow Springs Road. The applicant is proposing to amend the zoning from "A-5" One -Family to "PD/E" Planned Development for "E" Neighborhood Commercial excluding certain uses with development standards, site plan required. Currently, there are no proposed uses for the site and the applicant intends to sell the property. Surrounding uses are primarily residential with commercial zoned land directly east, along the blockface. The proposed rezoning is located along an arterial and would complete the block, which is already commercially zoned. This case was continued from last month's Zoning Commission meeting. The applicant changed the application to the proposed PD at the behest of the surrounding neighborhood organization. The meeting was continued to allow for notices to be send out reflecting the changes. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses North "A-5" One -Family; City of Haslet / single-family East "PD 1220" PD/E minus certain uses with development standards / office, single-family, commercial South "A-43" One -Family / large lot single-family West "City of Haslet / large lot single-family Recent Zoning History • ZC-12-120-Annexation from unzoned to "A-43" One -Family; "E" Neighborhood Commercial; and "PD/E" for vet clinic • ZC-18-147-from "A-5" One -Family to "PD/E" minus certain uses with development standards (directly east of the site) Public Notification 300-foot Legal Notifications were mailed on September 24, 2021. The following organizations were notified: (emailed September 24, 2021) Or anizations Notified North Fort Worth Alliance* Spring Ranch HOA Highlands at Willow Springs HOA Sendera Ranch HOA Streams And Valleys Inc Trinity Habitat for Humanity Northwest ISD * This Neighborhood Association is located closest to the subject property Development Impact Analysis Land Use Compatibility The applicant is proposing a zoning change to "PD/E" Planned Development for "E" Neighborhood Commercial excluding certain uses with development standards, site plan required. Surrounding land uses vary with residential to the north, south, and west with commercial to the east. The entire remaining blockface to the east is commercially zoned. In addition, the site is located along a hard corner and arterial (Avondale Haslet). The proposed commercial will provide a buffer to the nearby residential uses. Setbacks, fencing and landscaping will also minimize impacts to surrounding properties. As a result, the proposed zoning request is compatible at this location. Comprehensive Plan Consistency — Far North The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as single-family. The proposed zoning is not consistent (Minor Boundary Adjustment) with the Comprehensive Plan. However, the requested zoning change is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan policies: Separate incompatible land uses with buffers or transitional uses. Some land uses have attributes such as height, proportion, scale, operational characteristics, traffic generated, or appearance that may not be compatible with the attributes of other uses. Promote appropriate infill development of vacant lots within developed areas, which will efficiently utilize existing infrastructure FORTWORTH® Area Zoning Map Applicant: Joe Lindsey, JC Lindsey Family LTD artnership Address: 1700 block Avondale Haslet Road Zoning From: A-5 Zoning To: PD for limited Euses with development standards Acres: 3.0421903 Mapsco: 5T Sector/District: Far North Commission Date: 10/13/2021 Contact: 817-392-8047 ZC-21-106 1325 1e',13 1W1 Z 13393 O C3 SIS ry W PD 1219 ia33 lss-r} W URN 11 r] 1M=1 \ 1.; ::1 1 132]a ,3 1 320] 1312= 1a125 1312� A- 1177i Subject Area ® 300 Foot Notification 131]a A -5 DOW HAWK 131-39 131D � 131J1 A- 4J „+� 111'-1 111--3 111}] J J_ 131,33 WILLOW TREE 1531 1553 13125 1:5d5 1 337 0 125 250 500 Feet Created: 9/24/2021 11:37:5 0 A M Exhibit A "PD/E" Planned Development for all uses in ` E" Neighborhood Commercial excluding the following uses: assisted living facility, nursing home, golf course, indoor amusement, event center or rental hall, drive-in restaurant or business, lodge or civic club, commercial swimming pool, drive-in theatre, movie theatre or auditorium, bed and breakfast inn, business college or commercial school, convenience store, grocery store meat market, large retail store, liquor or package store, mortuary or funeral home, recording studio, taxidermist shop, gasoline sales, recycling collection facility, urban agriculture, storage or display outside with additional parking requirements, consideration shall be given to minimize noise and light pollution from parking areas. 1. Outdoor lighting shall not create ambient lighting which trespasses onto residential property. 2. As a means to minimize light and noise pollution on the residents south of Avondale Haslet Rd, parking stalls should be minimized between the building front and Avondale Haslet Road. 3. If parking is planned between the building front and Avondale Haslet Road then there should be a landscaped berm of an average height of 3 ft. to 4 ft. tall between the parking stalls and Avondale Haslet Road, site plan required. FORTWORTH® ZC-21-106 Area M a p LLIiL[ uuwhurIF P �- Jam' Llhulw 111- - LYYt ..........=_ NIINI�Iuw a 11 - LGL wuuu == uuw IIIIII = ''ram' L -_ 111111111IIIIIIIIII IL =� IILI " IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -_ Illlr II I 11111 11111111111 ~ �- � I Ihll LIy. � ■ILLLTi -III � = � � _� IIIYII+III it IInI7N �� -� _ uuuuuu IIIIHn LEI 111 IIII _ _-- lil -' uuuuuuuuwa+n LY,S I N II IIIIIHIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII ; II =� " _' -� IIIlill 11 IIII NL+� u IIIYIIIY11111111 Inlllllllll III =_ -p - �_ __ - _ , � IIIIIII IIIIIII �- IIIII IliiIM. °- ` III IIIIIII QL lel _ p 11111111161L u - iuu II11111�la I. : Iui IIIiI[ � ■LLLLL Ililllli HIM !— YLILLLL e 1■11111 IIII IRe �uaa WLCEIL��ir 1 llili W TEL L L i1f1111i1111111! 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Beck IEEIt:1C lieellllll itlllilliri IIIIII � Overlay Districts �1 @tlIIIIIIIlr 111 ��I����� yf1111111 loll Airport Overlay District + iCifo �fili ■■ 111111111 4mill :I ® IIN IIII IIII TU PERIPHERAL a® %7/Xi6DESIGN DISTRICT•F ��®� CONSERVATION DISTRICT Noise• • DECIBEL65 1 _ �Ir 75 _ IIIIIII __ IIIIIII 11111 r IIIII :1 85 ,A1 LI Erg : .all'" --- —�11 N 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet Created: 9/24/2021 11:37:5 5 A M FORTWORTH® ZC-21-106 Future Land Use OTT z O w w z 0 a BRAEBURN w z SHADOW HAWK AVONDALE HASLET TOLLWAY/FREEWAY Institutional PRINCIPALARTERIAL Neighborhood CommjSpace MAJORARTERIAL General Commercial MINOR ARTERIAL Light Industrial J tiacant, Undeveloped, Agricultural Heavy IndustrialJ_ Rural Residential Mixed -Use TREE Suburban Residential Industrial Growth CenWILLOW Single Family Residential Infrastructure Manufactured Housing ( i a 100 Year Flood Plain - Low Density Residential a Public Park, RecreatiMedium Density Residential Private Park, Recrea - High Density Residential Lakes and Ponds 225 112.5 0 225 Feet N A Comprehensve Plan shall not constitute zoning regulators or ashxa lablis-ning district boundaries. (Tens Local Government Code, Section 213.005.) Land use designations were approved by Coy Council on March 6, 2018. Created: 924/2021 11:37:47 AM FORTWORTH® ZC-21-106 Aerial Photo Map " —AL.E H1l_ Q VVItLOW TREE 0 140 280 560 Feet