HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 46451-A5 CSC No.46451-A5
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and Bridgefarmer and
Associates, Inc. , (ENGINEER) made and entered into City Secretary
Contract No. 46451, (the CONTRACT) which was authorized by M&C C-27147 on
the 6th day of January, 2015 in the amount of $ 1, 010, 105. 00; and
WHEREAS, the CONTRACT was subsequently revised by: Amendment Number 1
in the amount of $340, 040 . 00 which was authorized by M&C C-28138 on
March 7, 2017, and Amendment Number 2 in the amount of $556, 250 . 00 which
was authorized by M&C C-28622 on March 20, 2018, and Amendment Number 3
in the amount of $180, 870 . 00 which was authorized by M&C 20-0502 on
August 4, 2020, and Amendment Number 4 in the amount of $98, 770 . 00 which
was administratively authorized on November 9, 2021; and
WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the
following project:
City Project No. CO2505 Design of McCart Avenue from Risinger Road
to Twinleaf Drive and McPherson Boulevard from West Cleburne Road to
McCart Avenue; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 5 to the
CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee.
NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through their
duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement,
which amends the CONTRACT:
1 .
Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional
engineering services specified in proposal attached hereto and
incorporated herein. The cost to City for the additional design services
to be performed by Engineer totals $207, 240 . 00 . (See Attached Funding
Breakdown Sheet, Page -4-)
2 .
Article II of the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in
the fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under
the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all
work and services shall be an amount of $2, 393, 275 . 00 .
City of Fort Worth, Texas McCart A
Prof Services Agreement Amendment Template CITY SECRETARY
Revision Date: November 23, 2021
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3 .
All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly
amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect.
EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date subscribed by the City' s
designated Assistant City Manager.
City of Fort Worth ENGINEER
Bridgegarmer and
b L5=L) A" sociates, Inc.
Dana Burghdoff( 1,202 9:35 CST) 1�/��V
Dana Burghdoff, AICP M. Mansoor Ahsan, .E.
Assistant City Manager Chief Executive Officer
DATE: Feb 1, 2022 DATE: 01/19/2022
. Q
WJ(Jan 31,20 09:23 CST)
William Johnson
Director, Transportation and Public Works Department Department
Contract Compliance Manager:
By signing, I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the
monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all
performance and reporting requirements .
Leon Wilson, Jr. , P.E.
Senior Professional Engineer
City of Fort Worth, Texas McCart I
Prof Services Agreement Amendment Template
Revision Date: November 23, 2021
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�]/� Date : 01-11-22
DBlack(Feb 1,2022 07:31 CST)
Douglas W. Black
Senior Assistant City Attorney
J ette S.Goodall(Feb 1,2022 12: ST) �O` 000
Jannette Goodall ��o o�•p�d
City Secretary �vo odd
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City of Fort Worth, Texas McCart Avenue/McPherson Boulevard
Prof Services Agreement Amendment Template CPN CO2505
Revision Date: November 23, 2021
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City Secretary No. 46451
Amendment No. 5
Department Fund-Account-Center Amount
TPW 34014-0200431-5330500-0O2505-0O2330-2016-14010199 $120, 150 . 00
Water 56002-0600430-5330500-0O2505-001730-9999 $87, 090 . 00
Total : $207, 240 . 00
City of Fort Worth, Texas McCart Avenue/McPherson Boulevard
Prof Services Agreement Amendment Template CPN CO2505
Revision Date: November 23, 2021
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Scope for Engineering Design Related Services for Street Improvements
The scope set forth herein defines the work to be performed by the ENGINEER in
completing Final Design (100%) for the project. Both the CITY and ENGINEER have
attempted to clearly define the work to be performed and address the needs of the Project.
The additional work included as part of this amendment includes plan revisions to
accommodate adjacent developments, the addition of water line design, the preparation of
Preliminary and Final Plats for the added street rights-of-way, and the preparation of
Preliminary and Final Plats for Parcel 9. The water line design will include approximately
3700 LF of 12"line in McCart Avenue from Twinleaf to McPherson Boulevard, 1900 LF of
16"line in McCart Avenue from McPherson Boulevard to Crowley Cleburne Road, and 700
LF of 16"line in McPherson Boulevard. The 16"water line in McPherson Boulevard will
connect to a 16"water line under design by another consultant, approximately 700'west of
the intersection with McCart Avenue.
Services to be provided for this project Amendment are as described below.
Task 2. Conceptual Design
Task 4. Final Design
Task 5. Bid Phase Services
Task 7. ROW/Easement Services
2.3 Conceptual Design
ENGINEER will add proposed water line design, and proposed water lines plan and profile
sheets to the plan set for Phase 2 of the project. This will include approximately 3700 LF of
12" line in McCart Avenue from Twinleaf to McPherson Boulevard, 1900 LF of 16" line in
McCart Avenue from McPherson Boulevard to Crowley Cleburne Road, and 700 LF of 16"
line in McPherson Boulevard. The 16" water line in McPherson Boulevard will connect to a
16" water line under design by another consultant, approximately 700' west of the
intersection with McCart Avenue. Conceptual level plans will include conceptual horizontal
alignments and will not include profiles.
ENGINEER will revise construction plans in coordination with the design of the proposed
Cohix Subdivision and to accommodate their designs, and will revise plans per requests of
Texas Electric to accommodate their adjacent property. Revisions will include changes to
the following plan sheets
• Typical Sections
• Demolition Plan
• Roadway Plan-Profile Sheets
• Jointing Plans
City of Fort Worth,Texas
Attachment PMO Release Date:07.23.2012 McCartAvenue/McPherson Boulevard
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• Contour Plans
• Drainage Area Maps
• Storm Sewer Computations
• Storm Drain Plan & Profile
• Erosion Control Sheets
• Signing & Striping Plan Sheets
ENGINEER will prepare 90% PS&E for the additional water line design described in
section 2.0. The 90% plans will be progressed based on comments received from the
City for the Conceptual Design, and with interim coordination with the City. To expedite
production, a preliminary design (60% level) will not be performed. ENGINEER will
submit 90% PS&E to the City for final review prior to submitting final signed documents.
A. Final iSWM Checklist
B. 100% construction plans and specifications.
C. Detailed estimates of probable construction costs including summaries of bid items and
quantities using the CITY's standard bid items and format.
D. Original cover mylar for the signatures of authorized CITY officials.
ENGINEER will support the bid phase of both McCart Phase 1 and McCart Phase 2 of the
project as follows.
5.1. Bid Support
• The ENGINEER shall upload all plans and contract documents onto Buzzsaw for
access to potential bidders.
• Contract documents shall be uploaded in a .xIs file.
• Plan Sets are to be uploaded to Buzzsaw in two formats, .pdf and .dwf files.
The .pdf will consist of one file of the entire plan set. The .dwf will consist of
individual files, one for each plan sheet, and will be numbered and named in
a manner similar to that of the plan set index.
• The ENGINEER shall sell contract documents and maintain a plan holders list on
Buzzsaw from documents sold and from Contractor's uploaded Plan Holder
Registrations in Buzzsaw.
• The ENGINEER will develop and implement procedures for receiving and
answering bidders' questions and requests for additional information. The
procedures shall include a log of all significant bidders questions and requests
and the response thereto. The log shall be housed and maintained in the
City of Fort Worth,Texas
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project's Buzzsaw folder titled Request for Information. The ENGINEER will
provide technical interpretation of the contract bid documents and will prepare
proposed responses to all bidders questions and requests, in the form of
addenda. The ENGINEER shall upload all approved addenda onto Buzzsaw and
mail addenda to all plan holders.
• Attend the prebid conference in support of the CITY.
• Assist the CITY in determining the qualifications and acceptability of prospective
contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers.
• When substitution prior to award of contracts is allowed in the contract
documents, the ENGINEER will advise the CITY as to the acceptability of
alternate materials and equipment proposed by bidders.
• Attend the bid opening in support of the CITY.
• Tabulate and review all bids received for the construction project, assist the CITY
in evaluating bids, and recommend award of the contract. A copy of the Bid
Tabulation and the CFW Data Spreadsheet created utilizing CFW Bidtools only
are to be uploaded into the project's Bid Results folder on Buzzsaw.
• Incorporate all addenda into the contract documents and issue conformed sets.
ENGINEER will support the construction phase of the project as follows:
6.2 Record Drawings
• The ENGINEER shall prepare Record Drawings from information provided by the
CITY depicting any changes made to the Final Drawings during construction. The
following information shall be provided by the CITY:
o As-Built Survey
o Red-Line Markups from Contractor
o Red-Line Markups from City Inspector
o Copies of Approved Change Orders
o Approved Substitutions
• The ENGINEER shall modify the Final Drawings electronically and shall place a
stamp on the plans indicating that they represent Record Drawings of the project as
constructed. The stamp shall be signed and dated by the ENGINEER and shall be
placed on each plan sheet, whether there are any revisions on the sheet or not.
Each sheet shall clearly indicate all changes which apply to that sheet by clouding
and numbering, or other suitable means.
• The following disclaimer shall be included with the Record Drawings stamp:
City of Fort Worth,Texas
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o These Record Drawings were prepared using information provided by others
and represent the as-constructed conditions to the extent that documented
changes were provided for recording. The ENGINEER assumes no liability
for undocumented changes and certifies only that the documented changes
are accurately depicted on these drawings.
• The ENGINEER shall submit a set of sealed Final Drawings, modified and stamped
as Record Drawings, on mylar for record storage. The ENGINEER may keep copies
of information provided by the CITY for their files, but all original, red-lined drawings
shall be returned to the CITY with the mylars.
• Record Drawings shall also be submitted in both Adobe Acrobat PDF format (version
6.0 or higher) and DWF format. There shall be one (1) PDF file and one (1) DWF file
for the TPW plan set and a separate PDF and DWF file for the Water plan set. Each
PDF and DWF file shall contain all associated sheets of the particular plan set.
Singular PDF and DWF files for each sheet of a plan set will not be accepted.
PDF and DWF files shall conform to naming conventions as follows:
I. TPW file name example — "W-1956_rec47.pdf" where "W-1956" is
the assigned file number obtained from the CITY, "_rec" designating
the file is of a record set, "47" shall be the total number of sheets in
this file.
Example: W-0053_rec3.pdf and K-0320_org5.pdf
II. Water and Sewer file name example — "X-35667_rec36.pdf" where
"X-35667" is the assigned file number obtained from the CITY,
"_rec" designating the file is of a record drawing plan set, "36" shall
be the total number of sheets in this file.
Example: X-12755_rec18.pdf
Both PDF and DWF files shall be uploaded to the project's Record Drawing folder in BIM
• One copy of full size (22"x34") mylars will be delivered to the CITY.
B. Response to Contractor's Request for Information
C. Review of Shop Drawings
E. Record Drawings on Mylar
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ENGINEER will support and perform activities related to ROW and land as outlined below,
per scoping direction and guidance from the CITY's Project Manager.
7.2. Right-of-Way/Easement Preparation and Submittal.
• The ENGINEER shall prepare Preliminary & Final Plats, as described below, for the
property identified as Parcel 9 in the Easement and Right-of-Way Parcels
• The ENGINEER shall prepare Preliminary & Final Plats, as described below, for
street Right-of-Way acquired as part of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of this project.
o Preliminary Plat - Engineer will prepare a preliminary plat in accordance with City
of Fort Worth requirements. Engineer will prepare the application forms and
submit them to the City. Engineer will coordinate with the City's Development
Services Department to obtain and address all comments until the plat is deemed
acceptable by the City. Engineer will represent the Client at the City Plan
Commission and DRC meetings, if required, where the preliminary plat will be
considered for approval. Scope includes all necessary fees.
o Final Plat - Engineer will prepare a Final Plat in accordance with City of Fort
Worth requirements. This plat will be based upon existing Boundary Survey
completed by Engineer, will be signed and sealed by a Registered Professional
Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Texas and will be submitted for approval
by the City of Fort Worth and subsequently to the County Clerk's office for
recording. Engineer will set final lot pins in accordance with controlling authority's
City of Fort Worth and Tarrant criteria. Engineer will coordinate with the City's
Development Services Department to obtain and address all comments until the
plat is deemed acceptable and approved by the City for recording at the County
Clerk's office. Scope includes all necessary fees.
A. Preliminary and Final Plat for Parcel 9; Preliminary and Final Plats for the street
Right-of-Way acquired as part of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of this project.
City of Fort Worth,Texas
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(Supplement to Attachment B)
Design Services for
McCart Avenue from Risinger Road to Twin Leaf Drive and McPherson Boulevard from
West Cleburne Road to McCart Avenue
City Project No. CO2505
I. Compensation
A. The ENGINEER shall be compensated for personnel time, non-labor expenses,
and subcontract expenses in performing services enumerated in Attachment A
for an amount not to exceed $207,240.00, as follows:
i. Personnel Time. Personnel time shall be compensated based upon hours
worked directly in performing the PROJECT multiplied by the appropriate Labor
Category Rate for the ENGINEER's team member performing the work.
Labor Category Rate as presented in the rate schedule table below is the rate
for each labor category performing the work and includes all direct salaries,
overhead, and profit.
Labor Category 2021/2022 Rate $/hour
Project Manager $225
Project Engineer $180
Design Engineer $140
EIT $120
CADD $90
Administrative $60
ii. Non-Labor Expenses. Non-labor expenses shall be reimbursed as
Direct Expenses at invoice or internal office cost.
Direct Expenses (non-labor) include, but are not limited to mileage, travel and
lodging expenses, mail, supplies, printing and reproduction services, other
direct expenses associated with delivery of the work; plus applicable sales, use,
value added, business transfer, gross receipts, or other similar taxes.
iii. Subcontract Expenses. Subcontract expenses and outside services
shall be reimbursed at cost to ENGINEER plus a markup of ten percent (10%).
iv. Budgets. ENGINEER will make reasonable efforts to complete the work
within the budget and will keep the City informed of progress toward that end so
that the budget or work effort can be adjusted if found necessary.
ENGINEER is not obligated to incur costs beyond the indicated budgets, as may
be adjusted, nor is the city obligated to pay the ENGINEER beyond these limits.
McCart Avenue/McPherson Boulevard
CPN CO2505
(Supplement to Attachment B)
If ENGINEER projects, in the course of providing the necessary services that the
PROJECT cost presented in Article 2 of this Agreement will be exceeded,
whether by change in scope of the project, increased costs or other conditions,
the ENGINEER shall immediately report such fact to the City and, if so instructed
by the City, shall suspend all work hereunder.
When any budget has been increased, ENGINEER's excess costs expended
prior to such increase will be allowable to the same extent as if such costs had
been incurred after the approved increase.
B. The ENGINEER shall be paid monthly payments as described in Section II -
Method of Payment.
II. Method of Payment
A. Partial payment shall be made to the ENGINEER monthly upon City's approval of
an invoice prepared and submitted by the ENGINEER in the format and including
content as presented in Exhibit B-1, Progress Reports as required in item III of
this Attachment B, and Schedule as required in Attachment D to this Agreement.
B. Each invoice shall be verified as to its accuracy and compliance with the terms of
this Agreement by an officer of the ENGINEER.
C. The cumulative sum of such monthly partial fee payments shall not exceed the
total current project budget including all approved Amendments.
D. Payment of invoices will be subject to certification by the City that such work has
been performed.
III. Progress Reports
A. The ENGINEER shall prepare and submit to the designated representative of the
Transportation and Public Works Department monthly progress reports and
schedules in the format required by the City.
McCart Avenue/McPherson Boulevard
CPN CO2505
(Supplement to Attachment B)
IV. Summary of Total Project Fees
Firm Primary Responsibility Fee Amount %
Prime Consultant
Bridgefarmer & Roadway/Storm Drainage $186,440.00 89.96%
Associates, Inc. Design & Project Management
Proposed MBE/SBE Sub-Consultants
ARS Engineers, Inc. Survey & Right-of-Way $20,800.00 10.04%
Non-MBE/SBE Consultants
TOTAL $207,240.00 100%
Project Number& Name Total Fee MBE/SBE Fee MBE/SBE
Amendment No. 5 $207,240.00 $20,240.00 10%
City MBE/SBE Goal = 9 % Consultant Committed Goal = 10 %
McCart Avenue/McPherson Boulevard
CPN CO2505
M&C Review
Create New From This M&C
NO.: 0026 AMEND NO. 5
SUBJECT: (CD 6) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 5 to the Engineering Services
Agreement with Bridgefarmer and Associates, Inc. in an Amount of$207,240.00, for
the McCart Avenue and McPherson Boulevard Project, and Adopt Attached
Appropriation Ordinance
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Authorize execution of Amendment No. 5 to City Secretary Contract Number 46451, an Engineering
Services Agreement with Bridgefarmer and Associates, Inc. in an amount of $207,240.00, for additional
engineering services associated with the McCart Avenue and McPherson Boulevard project, increasing the
project design costs to $2,393,275.00 (City Project No. CO2505).
2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water
and Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $92,090.00, transferred from available funds within the
Water and Sewer Fund, for the McCart Avenue and McPherson Boulevard project (City Project No. CO2505)
The purpose of this Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) is to authorize the execution of Amendment No.
5 to the engineering services agreement with Bridgefarmer and Associates, Inc. in an amount of$207,240.00,
for additional engineering services associated with the McCart Avenue and McPherson Boulevard project. This
amendment revises the project scope to include plan revisions resulting from coordination with adjacent
development, the additional design for 12-inch and 16-inch water line, and platting for street right of way.
The following table summarizes previous contract actions and amendments:
Number M&C Amount I Justification Date
Initial C- $1 ,010,105.00 Design of McCart Avenue and McPherson Boulevard 01/06/2015
Contract 27147
Amendment G- Bridge and retaining wall design, floodplain modeling,
No. 1 28138 $340,040.00 404 Nationwide Permit, additional geotechnical services, 03/07/2017
survey, and subsurface utility exploration
Design revisions due roadway re-alignment to reduce the
Amendment C- impact to wetland areas and reduce the cost of mitigation
No. 2 28622 $556,250.00 credits necessary. The included additional roadway & 03/20/2018
storm drainage design, geotechnical services, survey,
and subsurface utility exploration 11
Amendment 20- $180,870.00 Final design plans, construction and bid phase services 08/04/2020
No. 3 0502
Amendment N/A $98 770.00 Plan revisions to accommodate proposed police station 11/09/2021
No. 4 and library. Easement document revision
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc review.asp?ID=29578&councildate=l/11/2022[1/18/2022 1:00:47 PM]
M&C Review
Amendment This $207,240.00 See Above
No. 5 M&C
Contract $2,393,275.00
Water Department's portion of this amendment is $87,090.00. In addition to this amount, $5,000.00 is required
for Water Department staff project management.
Appropriations for McCart Avenue and McPherson Boulevard project, are as depicted below:
Fund Existing Additional Project Total*
Appropriations Appropriations
2014 Bond Program — Fund 34014 $20,765,270.00 $0.00 $20,765,270.00
Transportation Impact Fee Cap — Fund $4,000,000.00 $0.00 $4,000,000.00
2007 Critical Capital Projects — Fund $1 ,162,197.00 $0.00 $1 ,162,197.00
2004 Bond Program Residuals — Fund $2,135,490.00 $0.00 $2,135,490.00
W&S Capital Projects - Fund 56002 $0.00 $92,090.00 $92,090.00
Project Total I $28,062,957.00 $92,090.00 $28,155,047.00
*Numbers rounded for presentation purposes.
Bridgefarmer & Associates, Inc. is in compliance with the City's Business Equity Ordinance by committing to
10\% Business Equity participation on this project. The City's Business Equity goal on this project is 9\%.
This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 6.
The Director of Finance certifies that funds are currently available in the McCart Ave. & McPherson Blvd
project within the 2014 Bond Program and the Water & Sewer Fund, and upon approval of the above
recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the W&S
Capital Projects Fund for the McCart Ave. & McPherson Blvd project to support the approval of the above
recommendations and execution of the amendment. Prior to any expenditure being incurred, the Transportation
& Public Works and Water Departments have the responsibility to validate the availability of funds.
Fund Departs Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount
ID ID Year (Chartfield 2)
Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount
ID ID Year (Chartfield 2)
Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Dana Burghdoff (8018)
Originating Department Head: William Johnson (7801)
Additional Information Contact: Monty Hall (8662)
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc review.asp?ID=29578&councildate=l/11/2022[1/18/2022 1:00:47 PM]
M&C Review
1295.pdf (CFW Internal)
20MCCART BRIDGEFARMER AMEND NO. 5 funds availability_pdf (CFW Internal)
20MCCART BRIDGEFARMER AMEND NO. 5 FID Table (WCF 12.15.21).xlsx (CFW Internal)
20MCCART_BRIDGEFARMER AMEND NO. 5 56002 AO22(r2,r.docx (Public)
CO2505 Amend 5 Design McCart Ave Compliance Memo 12102021 NW.pdf (CFW Internal)
PROJECT MAP.pdf (Public)
SAM._ocovv_Search.pdf (CFW Internal)
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc review.asp?ID=29578&councildate=l/11/2022[1/18/2022 1:00:47 PM]