HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 57233 CSC No. 57233
The purpose of the Compreht-nsrvr-tr&rgy Assistance f rafn.irn ("CEAP") funded from the Low-income
Home Energy A}yi�.tance Program ("UHEAP")grant i%to rn.-jrntain an energy supply to heat and cool thr
re-,Klmces of eligible kow-aicome clwnts-
The Energy Service-, pruvxfrr {"Vt-ndor""}, agrees to honor the purpose of the CEAP grant and to accept
ph•dges of payment from CEAP aprncir: only for certirved customers to whom Vendor cantinLres to
provide enerf:y !: rvicps.The Energy Assistance Provider('Agency ), .+grew to make payments only for
eligible low-income clients.
This vendor aymcmrnt rti try and between:
City of Fort Worth and
Lnr•rgy Assistance Provider(Agency)
AP[i3S&Electric(T)(),LLC dbd APG&E/Affordable
Yen Of
Vendor and Agency agri4 to assist Customers in the•following counties: Tarrant County
This aF ern,-nt%hAl Ix•of fictive tram the riay of :era for a period nor to Pxu'ed two years
from the effective date IFitht•,party mayterminate this Wrrrr,rt-rst by written notice. Such writtan notice
of term imarinn-z'aIt not affetit-my obligation by either party incurred prior to the receipt of arch notice_
Notice shall be sent via cortif ir-d mail with return receipt requt.tarf
AP Gars&LkK.tnc(7X),LLC dba APG&E/Alford;ihlr
(Vendor Name)
6161 Savoy Dr.Spite 500o IIouston,TX 7' 36
(Vendor Mailiinp Addretis)
Cary of Fort worth; 46ghborhood Service-Department
(A,en y Name)
2DD Texas Strut 1 ort Worth,TX 76102
(Agency Mailing Add rty;}
1 Rev1W. lanuary 2021
Ihf+ Al;ency named jMve represents and warrant% to Vendor that it K a sub ecipient of the Tuxwi
Department of Housinr and Cornmunity Affairs("TnHCA') and as such is authowed and has received
tuncling ftorn the TDHCA to provide.hill payment ass-.tance service for elifffile low-iricorne ho use hold•._
The Vendor named above represcf,ts and w.urants that it will-,,pply any payments rrrx•ived frnm AgenCy
to thr afr.ount of the customer that the AF e ney ha--,determ:ned to be eligible un&r the U A P guiduIIrnes
-ind wch is a"Certified Customer"
vendor will,with refs-re nce to a Certified Customer.
• Exi Lnd the CI AP applies:nt's energy servirf• for up to fire bus-iness days while the Agency
determines whether the CEAP applicant is eligible pursuant to Lht,CEAPguidc4ines.
• Upon azcepting pk_dge from Agency for Certifies!Customer,continue or restutf-energy•.FrviCe
to Cerafird Customer with no in,Tea:frs in chef gt s,servirr charges or other charges affnrting the
total cost of the bill,except as allowed by the stated tariff co-a registered with the Public Utility
Commission"RUC"and/or I exas R-likuad Commission.
in the event the full past dur"ancc i••not paid by the Agency,the Certified Customer inuSt pay
the remaining balance on nr before the disconnect date stated in the customers Disconnect
Notice required by f>L!C ref rn order ,a avoid disconnection or he eligible for
rLconnecuon. Nothing in this aUverne-nt requires the Vendor to rfL.unnect tide customer upon
ret:i•ipt of a ph-dge that does not cover the tuli past due-lia[antt Or if the customer has already
been di•.connerted by the'ime the pledEP is received by the vendor.
• lnvuice the Certified Cu%torner in accofdance with Vendor's not malbilIing Nractirr
r Upon verbal ❑r wfittrn request from Aganrlr. providp at no cost to the Agency the Celtified
Customer's piling and usage history Jut previous twelve months, or available hi::tory plus
monthly Psttmates if less than twelve months of billing history and usage it:rvaila6lQ. Vendor will
transrTiit cosh billing history via vl�ronir-mail or farrrmile as vncin as possible,but nu laser than
Iorty-eight hours following the request_
• work with Agency and Certified Cu-to mer in Pxplore the teastbditY 01 otfenng lfexible payment
arrangements, that may include, without limitation, waiving •xcurity rirposrts, reconnect fecYs,
appbcation fry•,,and ail other ices whc-newer povable-
Not discriminate against Certified Customer in price or s+srvrLrs, including the avaiiability of
tir•ferred payrrvmT plans,level of average payment plans,discount,budrt,:wdvanee payment or
other credit plans.
■ Not refuse to pi uvide end ri y service or otherwist discriminate it'the marketing and provision of
energy service to any CC(TI5M CuSiomel because of race,creed,coke,national origin,AncFli".
sex,marital status,lawtisl source ui income,level a>f income,cl mability,financsaI statu%, k>catlon
1 Revi,cd January 2021
of customer in iin economicaIlydi%irmsed geographic:-rs,ur qua lrficatin"for low-incorrW or
e-rter gy-efficiency serv*K.
• Alkjw Agency forty-fiw days from the date of the plydee to forward ❑-wrnrnt to the Vendor.
Vendor agrees not to consider the port inn of the Certified c tistomer's acij)unt to he paid by the
Agt-ncy delinquent if Said payment is rere-ivr-d within the at).ove mentioned forty-five day period,
and Vendor i%provided with a verb-il or signed pledge from the ANrncy within tort five days of
identifying a Lertifled Cu;itx tier.
■ Not irsterrupt server•it Certified Customer iz ekigible under PUC regulat~ or other Stab`
agen[y re nations and enters into an agteenient with the Vendor concerning
hc7w the Certified Custnrnt-r will pay the balance owed Vendor and thr Cr•rtifie�d Customer M
meeting tfw ohligation under surh agrPe men t.
+ If the Al enty has paid ter in initial de pit)sk❑r similar refundaLie instrurrren%upon the
ti-rrritnation of service:to the Cer'tdir•d Customer,the Wrufof shall return Iunds tncludinl;
isiterest(aft r-r any balance owed)to the Agency in:xiordance with PL►C regulations oc 10 Texas
Adrninisi r atrve code§,G;12(f)(as applica hf r)
The Agency will:
• Obtaan written permission for Agency to request arm have access to ilrstomer information,
rnduding confidential or persori,rl atxotjiit information, Credit and payment history, frorn
customers seeking Agmcy's assistanu-. Social Security numbers are not required for the CEAP
program and may not be disclosed to Agency.
• Provide to Vendor, at Ve-ndor's request, customer's written permission fray Agencl(s acoms,to
LuNtunier information an.tiLsted above.
+ Nnf prrrvide pledges on hfihatt of a Certified Cuctomef to Vendt}r without having adet;uate funds
to pay 3ut.h pledge.
• f'ay plL dge-s within forty-five-drys of makinp.pledge-to Vendor.
■ ❑etermine if a cust(rnr•r is a Certitied Custnmer within fitve days of contsrting Vendor.
+ Provide Vendor a list of r ernes, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of Agency st-.elf
oe5ignytr i to rnake pledge% nn hrhaif of the Aer-ncy and Certifie-d ClientL, if requeKtod from
The tr-rm•.of any confidential Ir-arss,i[tion under thin agreement or any other information exchanged by
Me Agency and Vendor relating to.,ny transaction.hall no tar dixlo-o to any person not r-mployed or
retaincil by the Agency or Vendor,their affiliates,of brokers,except to the extent dWol. re is 1)required
by IAw, I)necessary to disclase to the other party in connection with a di%pr,ty hrt wee n the partic 31
utIierwise permitted by written onrnrnt of Lhe other party; 4)required by guarantors to be diWO%r•d,5)
ReviWd January 7021
inlormateoit which must be di,.r IiKed to a third party tea transmit encrpy;6) to meet reIiahiIify rxUune.il,
reguiatary,adrninistrative,judicial,governmental,or regulated commodity exchange requirements wh"P
necessary; or 7)informathon which was or is hereafter in the puhler domain (except by breach of tire•
Agrrenie nt).
If vendor tray fewer than i0 em ploy ces or the Agreement r.for less than 51UtlOU00,this section does not
apply. Vrndm ncknowtedgcs that in iccordance with Chapter 2270 of the-Texas Govemmi•rft Cade,City
is prohibited fioni entering into u contract with a Wrnpany for goods:ind services unlrt[the Contract
mrstains a writ-,en vc-nfkatinn from the romliiny that it: (1) does not boycott 15raP1; and (2) will not
boycott Israel durer%lhte term of the contract..The term,'"boyLort tsracr and'company'shall have the
meanings ascribed to thnsP terms in section 8f)fi.D01 of the texas Government Code. By signing this
Vendor Agreement,Vritdor certifies that Vendoes signature. provides written verification to Gly that
Vendor(1)does not boycott Israel;and(2)will not boycott Israel dur;r%the term of the Agreement_
Vendor .rMre es that City shall, until the expiration of three (3) year-. after finai payment under t1't
AF,ree rnent,have access too and tt:e right to Examine any directly pertinent books,documents,papers dnd
ire reeds of Vendor invnheing transactions relating to the:AprPcfnrnt_ Vendor apmr-'%that City sha11 have
access during normal working,tx>ur5 to all necessary Vendor taaliticz and shall be provided adequate and
appropriate worksparr in order to conduct :iudii in complianrr•w7th the pray isiona of this section, City
%haII give Vendrir re-zeonable advance not,ice of intended audits.
[Signature page Wllows]
4 Revised January 10)1
Auth 'red Vendor Signatwo Date
Stephanie.A'Rau VP of Customer Egwritmce,AlN.;&F
Typed name of Authorized Simature rive
615 45D-7163(Stephanie Rau), Pledge laquirtes 1-877-544.4857.Fax 1-989 456-2085
Vendor(Area Cade)Telephone Number
smupapge.coun(Stephan Rau),Pledgr Inquiries jAcl-c entid-c ufzuirnertu spy cnm
Vender Email Address
Mar 8,2022
Authorized Agency Signature tie
Victor Turner Director,Neighborhood Services
I yped Name of Authorized 5igmture Tile
Agency(Area trade)Telephone Number
Mar 9, 2022
Fernando Casty
Assistant City Manager
(Mar 8,20221fi:43 CST)Son
a lt
rani3 Singleton
Assistant Neit;hhorhood 5ervikrr,.flirectur
Taylor Vans
Assistant City Attorney 1
5 Revised January 2021
9a�.r�e�te S � r7�CG �" *F OR r��d
By: Jannette S.Goodall(Mar 10,2022 16:25 CST) ��o° °o°0
Jannette Goodall J6.
City Secretary �Coo
g 0
d °
°° o *,c/
°O00000° d
Contract Authorization: a�ZI?*x TEXpSoaQ
M&C: N/A
Date Approved: N/A No M&C required. Ordinance No. 24161-04-2020
By signing below, I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of
this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements.
S,,i mglet (M a,8,202216:43 CST)
Sonia Singleton
Assistant Neighborhood Services Director
6 Revised January 2021