HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 57279�� ;�� �r=: ;'f?��'l.', �Y ; � (���`1 i 4:,i�i� � 1��[l. -� r�_ d� Fo�T Wo��rH coNTRacT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF HORNE ST WATER AND SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION �trl�� ���'' �. ) �� �'?. �'� :�' � � C1� �� 4rP� F i; `; , C' �+ � ". Matkie Parker Mayor City Project Na. 103123 David Cooke City Manager Chris Hardei-, P.E. Director, Wate�• Depa�•tmen# William lohnson Director, Transportatian and Public Works Depat�tment Prepai�ed for The Ci�y of Fo�•t Worth Water De�artment November 2U21 SHIELD Shiel� Et�gineering Group, PLLC 1G00 W. 7��' Street Suite 400 Fort Worth, TX 761fl2 817.810.4696 a S�P:.:.......: �Tqs°o � -0 : ' � �'-: ��O 0 . ;' .............................$ BRINJ M. AVIi2ETF 0 ........ .. ...............� ..o"•. 82574 ;;L � +`������ `.;�FV���4�. ��C�f�d� ���il SEK��t�ii�RY FY, '1lVQRTH, T3( '� �� : �` � ; ; � Cit of Fort�IVorth Y Standard Construction Specification Documents Adopted Seplembee 20I1 00 00 oa STAIV�ARI7 CfiNS'3'FtUC"I'i0N SPECIF6CA"i'iON DOCUMENi'S Page 1 of S s�cr�oN do on o0 TABLE OF CONTEN'I'8 Di�isioi� 00 - General Canditions Last Re�isec� 00 45 10 Ma or at�d Co�tncil Con�m��t�icafion 07/01120I1 00 6S I S Adde�zda � a'7101/20I I 00 11 1� Invitatipn to Bidde��s Q711912021 00 21 13 Tnst��uctions to Bidders 08/13I2021 00 35 13 Conflict of Interest Statemei�t 02/2�t/2�20 00 �i 00 BidForm �9/30/2�21 00 42 �3 P�•o osal Porni U��it Price (� 112�/2El 12 00 43 13 Bid Bo�id E}9/11/2017 QO 43 37 Venda�� Cann tiance ta Stata Law Noi��esident Bidder 06/27/2011 00 45 11 Bidde��s P�e uala�cations 0$/1312p 11 00 45 12 P�•e ualifcatiot� Stafement 09/30/2021 004513 Pre ❑alificatiot�A lication 08/13/2021 00 �45 2G Co�rtractor Com liance wi#1� Workers' Cam efisatioi� Law 07/0112fl 11 0� �45 40 Busi�iess E uit Goal 07/14/2Q21 DO 52 43 A 3�eement 09/01/2021 �0 61 13 PeR-foa-n�at�ce Bond 07/Q1/2b11 00 G1 14 Pa jne��tBond 07/01l201I 00 61 19 Maintenance $ond 07/01/20I I OD 61 25 Cet�#if cate of Insurance 07/01l20 i I 00 72 00 General Candifions 08/23/2020 40 73 Od Su lementa� Conclitions Oa/09/2020 Divisioi� Ol - General Re uireazaeaats Lasi Rer�ised 011100 Summat oFWoz�k 12/20120i2 QI 2S 00 Substitutiot� Procedures 07/01/2011 O1 31 19 Preconst�•uctio�i Meetin 08/17/2012 0131 20 P�•a'ectMeeti�i s 07/01/2�11 OI 32 16 Construction Schedule d8/1312� i l O1 32 33 Preeonstruction Video �7/01/2� L 1 Ol 33 00 Subxa�iEtals 1 212 012 0 1 2 O1 3S 13 S eciaf �'t�o'�ct �'raced��res 12/20/2012 01 45 23 Testii� and Ir�s ection Seivices 03/09/2020 01 50 00 Tem orat �`acilities and Controls 07/01/20i i 01 55 26 5treet Use Permit and Modificatio�is #o Traffie Coi�trol 0 3 /2 212 0 2i O 1 57 13 Storm Water Pollution P�•e�entian Plan 07/01/20 i 1 015813 Tem ora� P�•o'ectSi ��a e 07/01120i1 O1 60 Q6 Product Re �i��en�ents 03/Q9/202Q O1. 66 (30 Product Stara e a�id Handliil Re uirements 07/Oi/20l i O1 '70 00 Mobil�zaEian anc3 Ren3obilization 11/22/2016 O1 71 23 Consh•uction 3takin and �urve 02/1 �12018 �1 74 23 Cleanin 07/01/2011 Ol 77 19 Closeout Rec ui��enaents 03/22/2021 O1 78 23 O ea�atioz� and Maintez�a��ce Data 12/20/2012 Ol 78 39 P�•a'ect Recard Documei�ts 07/01/2011 C1TY OF �'ORT WORTH Hon�e St 1V�ter ai�d Sauitary Sewer Reltab'sSi(ation STANllARD COi 1STRiTCTION SPECIFICATION T}DCUMEIZTS CPN 103123 Reviszd September 3D, 2021 00 00 00 STAT�DARD CONS"fRiJCT[ON SPECiFIC�I'CiOiV UflCUM1iN"]'S Page 2 af & Techziic�l S�ecifications wliicli I�a�ve bee�i �noc�ified by the Er3giz�eea• specific�lly fo�• tiiis Pt•oject, I�aa•d capies ae•e i�icluc�ecl i�� tlie Pi-aject's Cor�traet Doeu�ne�ats 33 49 10 - Cast-I�i-Place Storm Drain Ma�ilioles. aa�d Ju��ctia�i 13oxcs Teclinical Speci�ea#in��s iisted below az•e includec� for this Project by a•e�'e�•e�ice �s�d ca�� be vietiver�lda�vr�lna�icd frot�i t�te City's website a#: httn:/l�'o��hva�'tlitexas.�avlir�wlca��t�°actai•sl or l�tt s:lla s.foz•hvoa�tl�kexas. jc�v{P��o'ec[Resoti�•cesl Divisian 02 - �xisti�� Conc3itions 02 41 I3 Selecti�e Sate De�nolition Q2 41 14 Ufiti Rernoval/Abandanment Q2 41 15 Pa�in� R�moval llivi.rinn (13 - C'nncrete 1)ivisim� 26 - �lectrical Division 32 � Exte�•'ro�• I��� 32 01 17 Pe��rnar�etrt 32 O l 18 Tem o�•a� eti#s Pa 32 O1 29 Concrete Pavin� Repaar 32 11 23 Fiexihle �ase Courses 32 1 I 29 Lime Treatcd Sase Courses 32 1 I 33 Cernent Treated Base Courses �9z--1--t--3JY 32 12 16 Asphalt 1'avi�i� C17'Y Or FORT WQRTIi STANDARD CON51'RiICTION SPECI['iCA'I'fON DDCUMENTS Revis�d Septeinber 3fl, 2021 Last Revised 12/2E�/2412 12I2012012 02l0212016 i 2/2Q/2UJ 2 12/20/2012 12/20/2012 12/20/2012 12/20/2012 12/20/2012 n o Mo i�� 12�2��2�12 Honte St Water and Sas�itary Sawer Reha�ilitation CPAf 103123 nivicint� 3l - Eartinvot•1� OD 00 00 S'1'AN�ARU CONSTRLJCTION SP�C11�1CA'f10N llOCCJME.N'[�5 Page 3 of 8 32 12 73 As halt Pavin Crack Sealants I2/2p/2012 32 13 13 Ca�icrete Pa�in 63/19/2021 32 13 20 Concre#e Sidewalks, Drivewa s and Bar��ie�• F��ee Ram s 04/z9/20z1 32 13 73 Conerete Pavin Jaini Sealants I2/2a/2012 ��-1-�--�� -i�91�9-�-� 32 16 l3 Canca-ete Cu�-b and Guttet�s and Valie Gutters 10/0512016 32 17 23 Pavement Markin s 11/22/2013 32 17 25 Curb Address Paintin 1 I/04/2013 32 31 13 Cl�ain �'ences and Gates 12/20/2012 �'ry� �z-rrii-czizi685--�F��--�5 , n r��I�rncnrnVri 32 31 29 Wood F'e�ices and Gates 12/20/2012 '-f� 8� rncrnny o �a 32 91 14 `i'o soil �lacet�ient a��d T�inishin nf Parkwa s 12/2p12U12 32 92 13 Sodclin 05/13/2021 32 92 14 Non-Nafi�e Seedin a5/13/2021 32 93 43 Trees and Sh��ubs i212�/2�12 Divisiaz� 33 - Utilities 33 O1 3Q Sewei• and Manhole Tesiin 9/0'7/2018 33 0 L 31 Ciosed Circuit Tele�ision CCTV Ins �ction ��1/29/2021 �3--9�-�9 , � ��. _-�-n-^'�� �-$4-�-9 , � r�� �--94—�-�- E6�i=9�f9„ r.,.,+...,1 T.,,.� cc„�:,,,,.. t� r����,� �-3--9�--� � �£-�i�6%E�t y � r-,�z��n7 � 33 0� 30 Te�r► ara► Water 5ervices 07/fl1/201I 33 04 �40 Cleanin a�id Acce tance Testkn af Wafe�� Mains 02/fl6/2013 33 04 50 Cleanin o�Sewer Mains 12/2a/2012 33 OS 10 UFili Trench Excavatio�i, Embedment, and Backfill 04/02/2021 33 OS 12 WateY• Li�ie Lowe�•i�z 12/20/2012 33 b5 13 Frame, Cove;• and Grade Ri�� s 07/02/2021 33 65 14 Adjusting Matihoies, Inlets, Valve Boxes, at�d Oihe�� St���rctures to 09/20/2017 G3�acie 33 05 16 Concrete Water Vaul#s 12/20/2012 33 OS 17 Concrete Collars 12/20/2012 �9 ��� „� �� T,,.,,,ol T ; .• Ui�to 777'f�nl��, �� !'1 !'3�z �,rf'2 7 '1 /'f� G� �'� b1"J.7Y1'f�ii}�� �t7t�'7�'��'�3 33 OS 26 Utili Markers/Loca#ors 12/20/2012 33 OS 30 Location of Existin Utilities 12/20/2012 33 11 OS Bolts, Nuks, and Gas�ets 12/20/2012 33 11 10 Ductale Iron Pi e i2/z0/zOlz 33 I 1 11 Ductile Trnn I'ittin s 0 912 012 0 1 7 33 11 I2 Pol vin 1 Chloride PVC P��essu�•e Pi e 1II1b/20i8 2 �� , , -�-�-f-�:9/-�A-� 2 33 I 1 I4 B�n�ied Steel Pi e ai�d Fiffin s 12/20120]2 33 12 IO Water Services 1-ir►ch to 2-inci� fl2/14/2.017 CiT}' OP �pILT WpRTH Home St Water a�td Sanit�ry Sewer RehaUilitatinn S'I'ANDARD CONSTRiICTION SP�CIrICATIOAI ➢OCiJM�NTS CPN 1(}3123 Revised Septerober 3(�, 2fl2 [ ao a� oa STANDARD CONSTRUC'I'IOTd SY�CII�CCA"I�IOI�i bQCUM�,N'i'S Page 4 of 8 33 I2 11 I.aa� e Wate�-Metea�s 12l20f2012 33 I2 2Q Resilient Seated Gate Val�e 0 510 612 0 1 5 �_.��-� .n��,xr�xr,—rr n•�t��3� ' 841�-3J-�.-9-1-9 33 f 2 25 Co�ijiectinr� to Existin Watez• Mains 02106/2053 33 12 30 Combinakion Air Valve Assemblies foz- Potable Water S stems 12/20l20i 2 33 l Z 40 Fire H d►�a�tts O1l03/2014 33 i2 50 Water Sam le Statiojis I2120/2012 ��9 �ai�i-�31 R� �,�� ��.2 t � r�.x�� ��, ' .+ 1`.,•• !� . f �7 M�� OYl7rrtl 33 31 IS Hi h Densi �'ol eth lene HDPE Pi e for Sariitai Sewer 04/23/20i9 33 31 20 �al vin I Chioride {PVC Gra�i Sanitai Sewer Pi e �G/19/2013 �-�-i� ti.,i.........r rt,�..��D�Zr1 r'����o,� ti.•„�To r:r,,.,,r.� c�.,,r�,-�r eo,.�o,• �81-� �3�-..2� -12/i���e�-� 33 31 23 Sanita� SewerPi e Enla�• ement 32/2�12U72 33 31 50 Sanita� Sewer Se3�vice Cazatzections and S���vice L'a��e 04/2&12013 � 1%M[il z']!li'1 33 39 30 Cast-in-Place ConcreteManholes 12/2�12012 33 39 20 Precast Concrete Manholes i2I2a12U12 �� � � � r�.n-.. n�� �-��-49 ZxT.,�ro�..��o.• n,. � rt,., „t, , � ���� a3 39 6Q Liners �ar San�taz Sewe�� Siz�uetlires �4/2912021 �4-k-�9 �e�e' B��B�-f�ek-i- ,��, 1 � t���r�rn � �-3-�4-1--1� ��9 ' ' e t t �t ���� n � r 2�� n�n�� �r-4V'VtY �Tttti ' y 7 M-rr,,zv�oiz �, n� �n�� �� 'r.•�.,..rrc�aci;riii�uc:i� f17�n��r 33 49 1� Cast-it�-�'lace Ma��l�oles aaad Jua�ctiot� Boxes 12I2Q/z012 �� , �,��,r��r, � �3-44-49 8�9����-1- C1TY OF PORT WOItTH Homc St Water and SaniSary Sewer Itehabilitation STANDARD CpIVSTR[ICTIOTI SPECIFICATION DOClJME1�TS CPIV ]p3123 Revised Sepseinber 36, 202J 00 00 �fl 5'I'AT�DA[2i7 CONS'C12UC7'IOT�I SP%CiFiCA'Ci0i�1 DqCL3MGN'f5 Paga 5 of 8 e7�ici.���.�reersir.��nr�� w`� • • Appe�zdix �� ;� n,�.,.i.,�,:�.,,, „�T aa� GC-4.02 S€t�su►�face ai�d Physical Conditians . • ��'���m� FC�:9���z��F��=9==e . �=e�►�a�-£����ie�e GG6A6.D Mi�sority and Wa�nen Owned Business Enferprise Cn�pliance GC-6.07 Wage R�tes �� � n(1 Fl�....,:�� .,.,.7 7Tr:l�r��� GC-G.24 No��disct'i�ninatin�i GR-01 60 00 Product Rec�uireznents END Or SECT�ON �� r�rz, �a,�zo � a 03/221202I GiTY OF FORT WORTH l�ome St V4'ater and Sauitary Se�vcr itc]�abiiitaliou STAN�Al2D CONSTRi1CTiDN SPECIFICATJOPI DOCUMiNTS CPN 103123 ltevised Seplein6er30, 2021 City of For� Wor�h, Texas Mayor and Counci� �ommun�cation DA7�: iuesday, March 8, 2Q22 REF�RENCE [VO.: **M&C 22-0184 1.4G NAM�; 60WSS1�Of2N�R�MAB-CIRCLEC SUBJ�CT: {CD 3) Authorize Execution af a Coniract with Wilfiam J. Schulfz, Inc. dba Circle C Construction Cornpany, in the Amo€�nt of $4,424,916.2� for the Wat�r and Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation on Horne Sfrest Pro�ect, and Adapt Aitached Appropriafion Ordinance io �ffect a Portion of Water's Cor�tribution to fhe Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capifal Improverr�ent Program RECOMMEN DATION: li is recommended that the Ciiy Cvuncil: 'i. Autharize execution of a confract wit� William J. 5chultz, Inc. dba Circle C Construcfion Campar�y, in tl�e amount of $4,424,� 1G.2Q for the Water and Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation on Harne Street project; and 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing �stimat�d r�ceipts and appropriations in the Wafer and Sewer Capital Prajects Fund in fhe amount of $5,070,046.00, transferred fram availab[e funds within ihe Water and Sewer Fund, for the �urpose of funding the Water and 5anitary Sewer Fteplacemer�t on Horr�e Sfreet prnject (City Project No, 'f �3'l23) to effect a portion af Waier's Contribufion ia fhe Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program. pISCUSSION: 7his Mayar and Council Communication (M&C) is to autharize a construciion contract for ihe replaceme�t of deteriorated wafer and/or saniiary sewer mains on the following streets, alleys and easements: Street �rorr� To 5co�e of Work Horne Street Carnp Bowie W. Vickery WaterlSewer Boulevar� Boule�ard Diaz Avenue Horrte Sireef gourine Waterl5ewer Street Manhaftan Dri�e Horne Street ��mington W�ter Drive Carver Drive Horr�e 5tree# ��r0� Sewer Street 150 feet South of �'aron Sfreet the Faron Stree�l 330 feet 5ewer H�imick Avenue South Intersection A11ey between Hailoran Donneliy Avenue and Horne Street S�r��� 5ewer Geddes Avenue A[ley between Hurr�bert Horne Street ���0� Sewer A�enue artd 5treet Farnsworth Avenue http://apps.cfwnet.orglecouncii/pa�intmc.asp`?ici=2973b&print=true&DocType=Print 3/14/2022 Alley befween Carver Drive and F�rnander Home Street Drive Alley between Carver � Driv� and Helmick �aror� Street F'aran Street ���� ��Sewer . The praject was adveriised for bids on Noverr�ber 4, 2�29 and Novembec 11, 2021, in the Fort Worfh Sfar- Telegram. On January 13, 2022, the following bids were received: Amount Taia1 '# (Base '�Total 2 {Base Bid Standard g�� & Bidder Concrete Polymer Time of Compl�tion Manhole) Goncrete Amaunt Mat�hole) Amouni Wil[iam .i. 5cf�uliz, lnc., Dba Circle C Constructian $4,370,3�6.20 $�4,�12�4,11fi.20 550 Calendar days Com an R&D Burn Brothers, (nc. $4,925,800.00 No Bid ��W�� Woody Contractors, Inc. $5,�63,507.43 No Bid Reyes Group, Ltd. $5,708,451.50 No Bid �Staff recommends fhe approva! of th� low bid recei�ed for 7ofal 2 due ta the langer life span and reduced maintenance cosks af palymer concrete rnanho[es. ln addifion fo the contracf amount, $42�},723.80 (Water: $279,582,75; Sewer: $145,141.45) is raquired for project rr�anage�nent, material testing and inspectian, and $22�,206.00 (Wafer: $145,255.00; Sewer: $75,959 ,�O) is pro�ided for project contingencies. ihe sanitary sewer component of this project is parf of the Water Department's Sanitary Sewer Overfiow Initiafive Prograrrr. Appraximatefy 8,t345 linear feet of cast Ir'on wafer pipe wlll be remaved anc� replaced as part of this project. This �roject wilf ha�e no im�act on the Wafer Qepartm�nk's op�rating budgefs when completed. It is #he practice of the Wafer �epariment fo appropriate its CIP plan throughouf the fiscal year, instead af wi#hin the annual budget ordinance, as �rojects commence, additional funding needs are idenfified, and to comply wifh bond co��nanis. The actions in the M&C will appropriate funds in suppnrt of ihe Water`s portion of the Cify of Forf Worth's Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capitai lmpro�ement Program, as foflows: Capital Budget �� Revised http://apps.cfwnet.a�•g/ecouncillp��int�nc,asp7id=29736&�i•int=t�•ue&DocType—Pa•it�t 3/1�/2022 Funding is budgetad in #he Transfer to WaterlSewer account of fhe Water and Sewer operaiing budg�fs for the purpose af funding fhe W&5S F2e�Eacement on Horne St. project witi�in ihe Wat�r & Sewer Capital Projects �und. A�propriatians for Water Sanitary Sewer R�habilifation on Horr�e 5treef project are as depicted below: *Numbers rounded for presentaiion purposes. Business Equity - William J. Schuftz, Inc, dba Circle C Consfrucfion Company, is in compliance w'tfh the City's Business Equiiy Ordinance by cornmitting ta 21 parcent Business Equity participafion on this project, 7he City's Business Equity goal an this projecf is 'f7 percent. 7he project is located in COUNCIL �ISTRICT 3. FISCAL INFORMATIDN 1 C�R7i�ICATION: The Director of Finance c�rtifies that funds are avallabfe in the Wafer & Sew�r Fund, and upon appro�al of the above recommendations and adapiion of the aftached ap�ropriatian ordinance, funds will be a�ailable in fh� W&S Capital Projects �und for the W&SS Replacement an Horne St. project to su�porf ihe approval of the above recammendations and executian of fhe con#ract. Prior fo any expendlture being incurred, the Water bepartment has the responsibility of verifying the a�aila6ility of funds. C�RTI�'ICA7IONS: S�abmitted for City Manac�er's Office bv. 4riuinating Department Head: Additionai Informaiian Contact: bana Burghdoff {8018) Chris Harder (5020) Suby Varughese (7803) �ttp://apps.cfwnet.org/ecauncii/prinfmc.asp?id�2973G&pa•int=true&DacType=Print 3/1�/2022 FiJND E!]�NTI�I�RS iFIDs�: A�'�"ACHM��175 1, 60HORN�WSSREHAB-CIRC�.�C Map.pdf (Pubfic) 2. 60WSSHORN�REHAB-CIRCLEC '�285.pdf (CFW lnternai) 3. 60WSSHORNE.R��iAB-CIRCLEC Complia__nce Memo.�df {C�W Internal) �4. 60WS5HORNEREHRS-CiRCLEC FfQ Table (WCF 02.15 22),xisx (CFW Internal) 5. 60WSSNORNEREHAB-CIRCLEC PBS CPN 103123.pdf (Public) 6. 60WSSHORN�R�HAB-CI�2C��C SAM.pdf (CFW Internal) 7. 60WSSHORiV�REHAB-CIRCLEC.docx (G�W Internal) 8. 60WSSHORNEREHAB-CIRCLEC_56002 A022(r2},docx (Public) hitp;l/apps.c�wnet.argleco�inciilprintmc,asp?id=29736&print=true&DocType=Print 3/I412022 O`� G � � x 0 � � � n � � r M t� � t7 H c, � n CITY dF FOfi'F WOR7H WA�ER t}EPARTM�NT HORNE STRE�T WAT�R & SANfTARY SEW�R R�HABILITATION UNIT 1-1NAT�R, UN�T 2— SANlTARY S�W�R City �roject No. �.0�1Z3 ADDENptiM NO. i tJnit 1-- Water LJnit 2 — 5anitary 5ewer Addendurra �fo 1 issued: November 24, 2425 BID REC�IPT DATE CHANG�Q PER TF{35 ADDENDUM NEW B!D Rf�CEfPT' bA7E: Recernl�er 9, 20Z1 This Add�ndum forms part of the Specificatinns and Confract boouments at�d modifies t�te original Specifications and Can#ract Docurrients. Bidders shal! acKnowledge receipt of this Addendurn in kE�e space provided be[aw and acknowledge receipt on the oufer enveiope in your bi�, Failure io acl<nowledge receipt of t�is ad�endum could subjeck t#�e bidder to disqualificaiion, The Specifications and Contract Documents and Canstrucfion Plans for City Praject No. 1D3123 are hereby revised by thfs Addendum No. 1 as fo!lows, ` 1. Spec9Fica�ions Seation 00 �42 43 �- Proposal Form �- attaci�ed herein and to he REPL.ACED 'sn iks entirety. 2. Consfruction PIan Set sheet 25 afkached herein to re�ise CLSM backfiil, and to be R�PLACED in its enfire#y. 3. Canstruction Plan Set sheef 29 attached herein Eo correct existing pipe material, and to 3�e R�PLACED in its entirety. 4. Gonstruction F'ian Sei sheet 45 attach�d herein to re�ise Mours �f operation, and to i�e R�PL.ACED in its sniireiy. This Acldendum No. 1 forms part af lhe Spe�9fications and Contract C?ocu�ents far the aba�e referenc�d prajeet and modifiss the original Project Manual & Contracf dnc�ments of sart�e. Ac{tnowledge your ��ecelpt of Addendurr� No. 1 by completing ihe requested information at the foklowing locations: (1) in the s�ace provided in Sectiart OQ 4� q�, Bid Farm, F'age 3 of 3, and {2) indicate in upper case lefters ot� the outside of yo€�r sealed bid envelop� `RECElVED AND AGKNOWL�DG�L} ADDENDUM NO. 1" I�clude a signed capy of A�dendum I�o. � in the seafed bid envelope at th� fime of bid submittal. Fa9lure to acknowledge receipt of Addendum lVo.1 belnw could cause the subject bidder ta be considered "N�NR�5PON5IV�°, resulting in disqual9fication. , p_� Ac{dendum Nn. 1 Horne 5treet Water & Sanitary Sewer Rehabiliia�ion CPN 103123 Addetldt�m f�o, 1 R�C�1PT ACKNOWL.�DG�q: ���� �__J By: k c: Gomp�hy: rr ��_�_,.f.�/.._L ��D ,r'i �{P.fl�bl�lt��l0l1 A-1 C17rista�heE� Harder, P.�. birecfor, Water Dapartm n �y., �� �� �� � a �, !";� Tc�ny Sholaia, P.�, Assistant Director, UVater Departmant Ad�endurn No. 1 Harne Street Water & SaR�itary Sewer CPN �03123 CIiY 0� �ORT WOii7H WATER DEPARTM�NT HORNE STREET WATER & SANiTARY S�V1fER R�HABILITATION UNIT 1-- WAT�R, UNIT 2— SANITARY SEiNER City Praject No. 103123 ADQENDUM ND. 2 lJnit 1-- Water Unit � — 5anitary 5ewer Addendum No 2 issued: December 3, 2Uz1 B1D RECEIPi �AT� CHANG�EI �E�t 7HIS AaDEN�EiM N�W BID REC�IPT aATE; pecember 16, 2421 This Addend�am farrns part of the S�eeifications and ContracE Dacurn�nts and modiiies ih� original Specifications and Contract Documents. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided below and acknowi�dge receipf on #ha auter envelope in your bid. Failur� to acknowledge �eceip# of this addendum could subjeet the bicfder ta disqualifEcation. The Speci#ications, Contract �flcum�nfs and Constructivn Plans for City �rojeai Na. 1 q312� are i�ereby revised by this Addendum t�o. 2 as follov�s: 9. Specificatians Sectian 00 �42 �43 — Proposal Form �- attached herein and to be R�pLACED in its entirety. 2, Construction Plan Sef sheefs 6,7,8,9,1U,91,'�2,13,14,15,16,17,'18,19,22,25,2G,27,28,29,30,39,32,3�#,39,�4U attached herein, and to he R�PLAC�D in their entirety. This Addenc�um No. 2 forms part of the Spe�ifications and Corttract Dncuments for #F�e abave referenced proje�t and mad9fies ihe original ProjecE Manual & Contraet doeuments of sarr�e. Acknnwledge your rec�ipt o� Addend�m No, 2 by campleting t�e requested infarmation ai the fallnwing locations: (1) In the space provided in Section 0� 41 Q4, �id Form, Page 3 af 3, and (2) indicate in upper case leiters on #he ou#side nf your seal�d bid enveiope "RECEIVED AlVD ACKNOWL�DGED ADDENDUM NO. 2" Include a signed copy of Addendum �lo. 2 in the sealed bid enve�ope at the time of bid submiftaE, Failur� tn acEcnowl�dge receipf of Addendum No.2 below cou9d cause the subjeef bidder to be considered "NONR�SP�NSIV�", res€aiting in clisqual9�ication. A-2 Addendurr� No, 2 Harne Street Water & Sanitary Sewer Rehabiiitation CPN 103�.23 Addendum No. 2 R�C�IPT ACf<� L�b��p; E3y; ���,a cv ��� Company: �rr� �� � �� s �.a'r.� �:�0 r� f{�Eiabilita�ion A-2 Chrisfo�ine�� I-[arder, f'.�.. Direclar•, Water l�e�a me�7t �y' �� � c, — Tpny Shn ola, P.E, Assistant Direeio�•, Water• Deparfinent Acic�enclUrn Nn. 2 linrne Street WaYeE� & Sa��itary 5ewer CPN �03�23 CITY QF FaRT WOF2TH WAl'ECt DEPARTM�NT MORNF STREET WAT�R & SANITARY S�WER R�HAB1�lTATi(3N UNIT �. — WAT�R, UN1T 2�- 5AN(TARY 5�11V�R Ci�y Proje�� No. �.0��.2� RUdENplllVl NO. 3 Unit �. � Water Unit 2 — Sanikary S�snrer I�ddendut�'r iVa � issued; 17ecember �.a, 2E12�, �ib RECCIpi DATE GHR�iG�� E'�[2 Tt�15 ADE]�NDUM N�W Bla 12�CEIP,T UATE:.fanu�ary 7.3; 202,2 ilti�s Ad�endun� farms pa��t of the S��cifiaations and Conit�act. D.acumenfs and madifies the ariginal S�eci€icat€or�s and Contract Clocuments, Bittders shail ac[�r�owledge recelpt af t�ls Addend��rri in the space pravided below.and aclmowledge receipt on the out�r envela�e in your bid. F'�ailure fo �c�mowledge receipt of this addendui� could subj�ct the bidde.r fo disqualificatiot�: TI7e Speni€ications and Conlract I�ocuments and Constr�ctlan I'la�s for Cify Projeci No, 1031 �3 �re h�r�by revised by fhis Addendum No. 3 as follows: 1. Chanc�e of hid receipt da�e from p�cember'f6, 2021 ta January 13, 2022 This Adc[endum No. 3 forms �art at tha Specificaiinns and Cantraai Documents for lhe above referenced proj�ct and modifies th� nriginal Praj�oi Manual.& Cantract docutnents of same. Ac�cnowledge yau�• recei�t of A�dendum €�o. 3 by comple#ing kl�� r�quested inforir�afion af th� �(1��OWIt1� �DC�flO�ls: (9 }(n the space pravided in Seo#ion 00 49 n0, �id �'orm, Page 3 of 3, and {2) €n�icate in upp�r cas� lett�rs on the outside of your sealed bid er�velope "R,�C�'l�I�D AND ACKNOWLEaG�'D ADD�NDUM N�1. 3" Include a signeci co�y of A�d�ndum t�o. 3 in fhe sealec� bid enve[ope at the tir�e af bid s���niittal. Fai]ure �o ac�nowledge. receipk of Adciend�am iVa. 3 below could c�ttse f�e subject bicld�r fa �e consider�d "NOi�i�ESPO�SIV�", resultir�g in disqualificafion: Addertdum �o, 3 R�G�If�T ACK k.�nG�n. �y: ,� R c..���` Campai�y: G r�`c�jP � L. �1���� � � Rehabllitatia�i A�3 Cht�€sfopher Harder, p.�. birector,lNater dep rt en �Y; c��t� � � r� � "fon}i Sholala, P,E. Ass9stanf �irector, Waier pepartirtent Adcienclu�n No. 3 iic�r��e SEreet Wak�r & San(iary Sewer CP�l103123 , Y OV �� �� tNV1TA'1'[ON TO $3D➢F.RS Paga 1 ot3 s�cT�oN oa x � �� 1NVTTA�'ION TO BIDllERS R�CEIPT OF B�DS Sealed �ids fo�• the consfruction of I-Iqrr�e St Watet• a��d Sanitary Sewe�• Rehabilitatiox�, CPN 103123 {"P��oject") will be �•eceivect by #he City afFoz•i Worth Pu��chasing Office untiI { 1:3b P,M. CST, Thuesday, Decean6er 2, 2021 as fui•t�ier described below: City af I�o��t 1�Vorth Purcl�asing Divisiot� 2Q0 Texas 5t►•eet Fort Wo��th, Texas 76102 Bids �vi11 he accepted by: US Maii, Courie►•, Fed�x o�• hand deliveiy at #he adci��ess above; Bids will be opened publicly and read atoud at 2:00 PM CST in the City Council Chanlbe��s. In lieu of deliv�z�i»g completed Business �quity (M/WBE) forins foj� #he project to the Pua•chasing Office, l�idde�•s sha[I e���ail the completed Busi�iess Equity fo�•�ns to the City P�•oject Manager no late�• thazi 2;D0 p.tn. on t1�e t�iird City business ciay a#�e�• the bid opening date, exdusi�e of the bid openiiig date. GENERAL D�SCRIPTiON OF WORK Tl�e major wa�•k will consist of the (approximate) foilawing; Water: 8,598 L�' 8" DIP Water by Qpen Cut 1,478 L�` 8" PVC DR 14 Water by Open Cut b1 EA 8" Gate Valr�e 8 EA Fi�•e Hydrat�t 5artita�y Se�ver: 8�16 LF 8" DiP S�wer Pipe wi#h Pratecto 40] Coating 1,640 LF 8" 160 �SI Pressu�•e Rated PVC (ASTM-22�1) 5ewer Pipe 1,889 LF 8" �'VC SDR-2fi Sewet• Pipe 2Q EA 4' STD DIA MH 389 �.� 6" to 8" Pipe Enlargerr�ent �REQIIALIF�CA,TION Certain improveanents inclt�ded in tliis praject m�st be pez-foi•med vy a conkrac#or o�• designaked subcoi�tractoi- wl�o is pre-qualified by t�ie City at the time of bid opening, The procedu►�es for quali�cation and pi•e-c�ualification a��e outlined in tl�e Sectian 3 of 00 21 13 —�NSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. DOCUM�NT �XAM�NATION AND PROCUREM�NTS Cl'TY OF �'ORT WORTH T�on�e St Watcr and Sanitary Sewer Re3tabifitation STANDAAI7 CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT CPN 103i23 Revised 7/19/2021 001113 TTQ V I1�A'l�i0i1 'i'(} I3E13llERS Pagc 2 0(3 The Bidding a��d Cont►�act Docuu3e�rts may be exai��ined o�� abtai��ed oii-li��e %y �isiting tl�e Gity of Foi�t Woi�kl�'s Purcl�asing Di�ision website at lttt€�:/14v�vu=,fn€�t���ortl�tex�s. ���ttrcl�asi�l�f and ckicking o�i tl�c li��k to the advertised }�roject folders o�� tlie City's electroitic docu►ne�ft manage�nent and collabo��afian syste�n sice. Tl�e Co��tE•act Documents niay be dow►�loaded, �ie�ved, and printed E�}� i��terested contractors audlor sup�lie��s. Bid docuci�ent falder: E�ftps:Ildocs.b360.autodesk.cojnlsharesf95886a68-e5�49-4c�93-ad3e- c6ea69ae4f55 Addendum folde�•: I�ttps:/ldocs.3�360.autodesk.co�nlshares/e#7b65d6-8972-4504-a�$3- b449d681 �iead Copies of tkie Bidding a��d Conteack Dacunaents �nay be ptircE�ased fi•om Sliield E��gi�ie���ing Groi�p, FLLC office w1�ic1� is located aE: 1500 W. 7��, St�•eet Suite 400 Fo��t Worth, TX 7b4i2 Tlfe east of Biddi�fg a�zd Contract Docun�ec�ts is: Set of Bidding a�ad Contract Documei�ts �vith fi►1] size dz�av��ii�gs: $7D.00 Set of Biddi►ig and CanEract Docun�e��ts �vith half size (ii available} drawi��gs: $4�.00 EXPRESSTON OFINT�RSEST To ensii�•e pateT�tial bidders a�•e kept up to date of aiay �iew iiiformafian pei�tiiie�rt to this p��oject, all interested parties are requested to en3ail Expressions of I�iterest in this pi•ocurenient to the City Pi•oject Manage�• ancf tl�e Desi�n ��tigi��eer. Tl�e e»�ail sl�ould inelude t1�e con��any's name, co�itact person and thak indi�idtial's e3nail address and �ho��e nu►nUer. All Addenda will be distributed di�•ectly to tkiose ��ho ha�e ex�ressecf aE� i��te►�est in tlse pt•ocurea��ent anci will also be posted 'an the City of Fort Woi�tl�'s pu��cl�asizag website at l�ftp,llt��•t�voi•ti�teYas.go�rlpurcl�asi���/ 1'REBID CONk'CRENCE A pre[�id confe��ence may be ileld as discussed ii� Section 00 21 13 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS at th� foflowing date, and time via a web co��fe�•encing applicatian: DATE: A�[oElday, Nc�v 22, 2021 TIME: 9:00 AM PREBID CONFERENCE -� Web Co�iferc��ce A p��ebid co�sfei•ence will be Izeld as discussed i►i Section 00 21 13 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS at the following date, and tia�ze via a►veb canfe��encing ap�lication: DATE: Moa�c�a5r, Nov 22, 2021 TIME: 9:U0 A�I Ii3vitatians witl� iinks to the �veb ca�ifereiseing applicafioi� ��ill �e distri�iuted di�•ectly to t9�ose who ha�e submitted an Expressioa� of Inte��est. CITY O�' �'dRT VVQRTiI Home St Water ancf Sanitan� Se�ver Re1�nk�iiitatiou 5TAlVUARD COh1S'I'RUCTION SPECIFFCA'I�tON I7pCE1MENT CPN 103123 Revised 7l19l202[ O(3?€ 13 Ii�1Vi"I'A'I'IOTd'1'Q FSII3DERS Page 3 oC3 IF a preUid ca�ifere��ce is held, t�ie pi•esentatic�n and atty qi�estio��s a��d a��swe��s pro�ided af klle prebid co�3ference will Ue issued as an Addend��m to tl�e cail for 6ids. If a prebid canference is not being lield, pros�ective bidders ca�f e-mail c�uestious or co�n��ients i�� accordance witEi Section 6 of th� IElst�•uctiaiis to Bidders ��efere��ced abave to tlz� ���ojeci a��ana�er(s} at Elie e-mail addresses listed below. E���ailed quesfions �vill suffice as "queskians in writing." If necessary, Addend� will l�e iss�led pursuaizt to the Ta�sti•uctio�is to Bidders. CiTY'S RiGNT TO ACCEPT QR R�JFCT Bi�5 City reserves tl�e right to ��aive i��a�egufarities and to accept a�• c•eject ai�y ar all bids. AWARD City wil! award a contract to tlle �idde�• prese�iti��g the lowest price, qualifcatia��s a►ic[ competencies considered. INQUIRTES All inqi�i�•ies relative to this procureme��t skiouid be add�•essed ta tl�e foliowicag: Attn: Suby Varu�;hese, PE, City of Fort Wc���th Water De�art�z�e�at Capital Delivety Emai1: suE�y.varughese c�fortwortl�texas.gov Pfione: (817) 392-7803 AND/OR Attn: Brian A��rett, PE, Sl�ield �ngine�ring Gi'oup, FLLC Ei�zail: bria�i.a�ii•ett@sliield-engineez�ing.co�i� Pl�one: 817.810.0G9G ADVERTISEMENT DAT�S �ave���ber 4, 2(}21 Navett�ther 1 1, ?42I END OF S�CTYON C[TY OF �'ORT WORTI� Harsie S€ Water ai3d Sani(�iy Se�ver Rel�a6ilitaiiau STA3�IDARD CQNSTRUCTIOI+I SP�CIFICATION �C)CUMi;AIT CPh! 103123 Ravised 7/19I2�21 ao2a t3 iNSTRUC'I�IONS "f� T31DD�RS E'age 1 of ]0 S�CTION 00 21 13 INSTRUC'I'1QNS TO BTDD�RS 1. Deti��ed Ter�ns I. i. Capitalized terEias used in these INSTAUCTIONS TO BIDDERS aa�e defined in �ection 00 72 00 - GENERAL C�NDITIONS. 1,2. Certain additinnal terms t�sed in these 1NSTi2UGTIONS TO BIDD�RS ha�e the niea��i��gs iudicated belo�v wl�icl� are applicaUie to batl� the singula�• and plural the►•eof. 1.2.1. Bidder: Any pe��son, firin, partnership, campany, assaciation, o�� carporation acting directly ti1�•augh a duly authoz�ized ��epresentative, sub�nitting a bid for perfo���nang the work contemplated u�ide�� tl�e Coniract Documenfs. 1.2.2. Noni•esidei�t Bidde►•: Any person, firn�, partne�•slfip, co���paray, associatio33, or co�•poratian acting ciirectly th�•oi�gh a d��ly aufhorized representative, subn�itting a �id for pei•forinii�g the wo��k can#e�nplated u��cier t1f� Cont�•ac# Documents whose pri��cipal place af business is not in tl�e Stete of Texas. 1.2.3. Successful Bidder•: 'i'h� lawest responsible aaad a�esponsive Bidde�• to ��vhoin City (on the basis of City`s e�aliEation as liereinaftei• pro�ided) �nak�s an award. 2. Capies of Bidding Docun�erafs 2.1. Na3tl�eR� City nor Engineer shall asst�me any respo��sibility for errors o�• �nisi�fterpretatio��s resuiting fi�o�n tlae Bidders use of incompiete sets af Biddin� Dacunients. 2.2. City a�id Enginee�• in making copies of Bicfc#ing Doc�zEi�e►�ts availabie do so only for the pu�•pose of obtaining Bids for the Wo►�!c and do not autharize or confer a license or grant foR' any ati�e�• use. 3. Prequ�lificatioza of Bidders (Pri���e Co��tractors ���cl Subcozat�•actors) 3.1. Bidders or their designated subcont��actors are reyuired to be �requalified for t[ie work types requi��ing prequalificatio�i as per Sections 00 �5 11 BIDD�RS PRBQUALIFiCATIONS and 00 45 12 PREQUAI,IFICATION STATEMENT. Firins seeking pre-c�uali�cation, must submit the documentation ic3e��ii�ed i�� Section 00 45 11 on Section 00 4S 13 PREQUALIFICATION APFLICATIDN at least seve�� (7) cale��dai• days priar to Bid ope��i�ag fo�� review a�1d, if quali�ed, acceptance. The subcantracto�•s Irsted by a Bidder on 00 45 12 inust be p�•equalifed for tl�e �ppropriate work types. 5�il�cb�zt�•acto�•s znust foilow the sa��ae timelii3es as Bidders for ol�taining prec�uali�cation re�iew. Bic�ders or Si�bcont�•actors �vlio are not prec�ualified at the ti�ne bids are ope��ec� and reviewed inay cause the bid to he rejecked. Prec�i�alification s•equi�•e�i3ei�t ti��oa�k iypes and c3ocuinenEation are available by accessin�; al1 requi�'ed files thi'ouglt tlte City's �vebsite at: fittps:/la��t�s.fo►�t�vorthtexas.govlProjectReso����ces/ CI'['X Oi� [�OEZT 1VORTI-1 I{orne St Wafer �nd Sanitary SelverRel�abilitalion STANI3ARD COhlS'TRL1CTIdN SPECII� ICATION DOCiJMEN1' CPN 103123 Revisedlilpdated Noven3E�er 2, 2421 OQ21 13 ]1�35'1'RUCTIOt+7S TO i3]DDLRS 3. l.1. P�ving — Itequiz•eme�its docume»t loc�ted at: Pagc 2 of 10 l�ttps:lla��s.fortwortltiexas. ro� vIP�•ojectltesourceslResourcesP/02%20- %20Const��uciio�l%20Doct�»ientslCant�•actor%2bPreq��ali fic�ti���/`�E'W%20P�ving %20Contractar%2�Prec���siificatic���%20Pro�i/PREOLlALI�'ICATION%20RF'Q iJ 1 RE11�iENTS°/u20}� OR%20PA V ING%20C0 NTfZACTORS . pcl f 3.1.2. Roadway and Pedestrian I.ightin�; — Rec�ui�•e3nents docu�nent located at: ]ttt�s://a}��s�fortworthtexas.gov/Peo jectReso�tt'ces/ResourcesP/Q2°/a2Q- %20Co��shuction%24Documents/Contractor%2QPrec�ua I ificationiTPW%24Roadwa y%20ai�d%2�Peclest��i�i�%20Li I�ttin�%20Prec�alifieatioil%20Ai•o ra�STRF..ET% 20L1GHT%__2_OPI2EQUAL%20REQMN"CS.�ac1f 3.13. Water a��d Sanitary Sawer — Requi��en�ents docun�ent locaTed at: I�ttt�s:/1aUps,fori�vo3�tllteaas. �a�/ProjectResoui•ces/Resou►�cesP/,0, 2%2�- %20Camt� uctioci%20Docume�3ts/Co��tracto�•%20i'reqt�alifi.c�tio��/Watee%2Q�nci%2 O�anitary%20Se�ver%20Co�3tractor%20Prec�rialificatiora%20Programl WSS%20��re qual%20rec���i�•e�nents.��clf 3.2. Eael� Biclde�•, unless currei�tly prec�uali�ed, n�ust suhniit to City at least seven (7j c�lend�r c�ays ��rioi� ta Bid a�e��i�ag� i�12 CIOCL]ElleEltRt1011 1CI�13tlfle� 111 S2CYfOri OO �S I I, BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS. 3.2. i.5u6inission of and/or qaestions related to prequalifieation sl�ould be addressed to tile City contacF as pr•ovided ii� Paragrapli G.I. 3.3. T13e City f•ese�•ves the t•ight to �•equir� aiiy p��e-c�t�alified cont�•actor wl�o is the appa►��nt low l�ic�c�ei• fo�• a p�•oject to subi�fit suc�� additional infor��iatio�� as the City, in its sole discretian �l�ay rec�l�ir�, i��clud'ang but not limited to n�a��power and equip�nent reco��ds, infarmation about key persoranel to he assigned to tl�e prnject, and constructio�� schedule ta assist tlie City in e�aluating �nd assessing the ability of tl�� a�paa�ea�t low bidde►• to delivar a quafity product ai�d successfully coinplete projects fa�• tkie amoiuft bid within the sti�ulated ti�ne ft•atne. Based upon the City's assess�nent of the siib�nitted infor��iatio��, a r�com��tendatio�i regardi�i�; the a�vaed af � cotitract will be ntada to t13e Giky Cauncil. Fnilu�•e io subtnit tl�e additional info��tnation, if requested, ri��y be grounds for rejecting tlle appa��ent low bidde�• as nona�espo�fsive. Affected contrackors will be nofified in �v�•iting of a��eca�n�a�ezldaEio�i to tEie City Cot�ncil. 3.�}. in addition to p��eqi�alific�tion, additional rec�i�irements for quali�cation may I�e required witl�i�� variaus sections of the Cnnt��act Dac�t�nenks. 4. E�amii�ation of Biddi�ig a��d Ca�atr�ct Doci�ments, Otl�e�• Reia#eci Data, aa�d Site �1. I.I3efore sub�nittin� � Bid, each Biddet': CiTY pF S�ORT �VORTH ]Iome St Water aikd Sanitary Sc�3�er]tehlbilitatio�i S'I'ANDARD CONSTRiJC'I'ION SPECIFICATION DOCUI�fENT CPN 103123 [2evised/U�dnted NoveEn6er 2, 2021 D6 21 13 ]NST'RUC'['EOAiS 'f0 SIDD�RS f'age 3 of l0 �1. I.1. Shall examine and carefi�lly study the Contc•act Documents and other related data identified in the Bidding Docume�its {includi��g "tecE�nical data" referreci to in Pat'a�t'a��k� 4.2. belo�v). No infor�tiakian given E�y City or a�ry represe��tative of the Cit�r otiae�- t1�an tl�at contai��ect iz� El�e Co�itracE Doc�n�ents and officially pron�ulgated addenda tl�ereto, shall be binding ��poa� ttae City. 4.1.2. Sl�ould visit t�e site ta becon�e familrar witli and satisfy Bidder as to the general, local and sife conditio�is that may affect cost, progress, performa»ce oi- fi�ri�ishing of the WoR�k. 4.1.3. Shall consider federal, sta#e and local La�vs aizd Regulations tl�at ��aay affect cost, prag►•ess, perfo�•�i�ance ar furnishing of the Work. 4.1.4. Sha11 stuciy atl: (i) z�epo��ts of explo�-ataans and tescs of subsurface conditio��s at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of plrysicai conditions a�elatin� ta existing surface or subsurface structi�res at tlze Site (except U3fderground Facilities} that have heen identi6ed in the Cantract Documents as containing reliable "technical data" and (ii) reparts and dra�vings of Hazardot�s Environmet�tai Conditions, if any, at khe Site that hav� been identified in the Contract Doc�m�e��ts as coi�taining reliaUle "technical data." 4.I.5. Ts ad�ised N�at the Conh•act Doc�inents on file with the City shall constit�i#e all of the information which the City will furnisli. All additional ii�fo�•ination and data which the City �vill supply after promulgation of the forniaE Contract Docuilients shall he issued in the farm of w�•itten addenda and shall became part af t�1e Contract Documents just as though such addenda were actually w��itken into ti�e o��i�;ina[ Conti•act Documents. No inforination given by the City other than that cantained in the CantE•act Docun�ents a�id officiaiEy pi•omulgated addenda tiie��eto, sl�all �e binding upon the City. �.l.b. Sl�o�Eld perfo�•in independent �•eseaz•ch, investigations, tests, I�o��ings, aaad sucl� athe�� n�ea�is as inay be necessary to gain a completa knowledge af fl�e co�id'ations ��l�icla ���ill be eneauntered diia�i��g the const�•uction of the p�•oject. Po�• prajects �vitl� restricted access, upon request, City may p�•ovide each BiddeE• access to the site to conciuct such exaz��inafians, investigations, exploraEioi3s, tests and sh�dies as each Bidder deems necessaiy iar sub�nission of a Bid. Bidde�- z7�ust �ll all holes and clean up and resto�•e kl�e site to its for�ner conditions upon caa��pfetion af such explorations, in�estigations, #ests and studies. 4.1.7. Shaii detea'�nine the difitculties of the Wo�'k and all attending circumstances affec#in� the cost of doin� fkae Wo��k, tirr�e z�es�ui��ed for its co�npletion, and aUtain ail information req�ii�•ed to �nake a proposal. Bidders sl�all reiy exclt�sivaly and sotely itpon their own esti��ia#es, in�eskigation, research, tests, expiorations, and otl�er data �vhich are necessaiy for full and com}�lete inforcnation upo�l which th� p�•oposal is to be based. It �s und�rstood Eliat the submissio�� af a pi•opasal or bid is pri�i3a-facie e�idenee tl�at fhe Bictcter l�as made the investigations, exanlinatiai�s and tests he►•ei�� ��eqi�i�•ed.. C[TY OE FORT WORTH Harne St Water and Smiitary Sewer Re€iabititalio3i STANDAf2D CONSTRUCTIOTd SPECIFICATION DOC[lME1VT CP]V ]03123 Revised/Updated Noveutber 2, 2021 0021 t3 INS7'l2UL'TIONS TO BII3D�RS Page 4 of l0 4.1.8. Sli�ll �E•on�ptly notify City of ali co�3�licts, errors, arnbiguities or discrepanci�s i» or betwee�i the Conh�act Docu�i�ents a�zd such ntl�er related documents, Tk�e Co�it��actor• shall not take ad�at�tage of a�ry gross error or omissian in the Contract Docutnents, ��id the City shall be permitted to make sucii correcfiot�s oz• i�lte��pretations as �nay be dee��ied necessary for fulfil6n�ent of the ii�te�ft ai tfie Cofitract DacuEnents. 4.2. Refe��ence is a��ade to Section DD 73 00 — Siipplenfe►itary Conditions for identification of; �.2.1. tlfose reports of explorations and tests of si►bsurface coi�ditions at or ca�atiguous ta the site �vliich have been utiiized by City i�� preparation of tlfe Coa�t��act Docume�its. Tl�e logs of Soil Borings, if any, o�� tl�e plans are for ge»ei•al info��►t�atio�� only. Neitller tlie City �lar tlie Enginee�• guarantee that tl�e data shown is representative af conditions w�iicif actualfy exist. 4.2.2, those di�a�vi�i�s of physical conditioi�s i�i or i•elating to existing surface and si►bsurface str�ictui•es {except Unde�•graund Facilities} wltiich are at or contiguaus to tl�e site t1�at El�ve been ��tilized by City in prepa��akian af t�ie Cont���ct Documents. �4.2.3. copies of sucl� re�o��ts a�id dr�wings will be ���ade a�aiiable by City to any Bidcler on reqi�est. Those �•e�orts and dE�awings n�ay not be part of the Contract DOC11t7iEliiS, bt�t tl�e "teclinical data" contai�ied tlie�•ein u�on whieh Bidder is entitled to rely as provided iit Pai•agraph 4.02. of tl�e General Conditions has been identified and establisl�ed in Paragraph SC 4.02 of the S��p�[en�enta►y Co��ditions. Bidder is ��espansible for a�iy ititet•pretaiion o�• conclusion cirawn fi�om atiy "technical data" o�� any other data, inter�►•etations, npinions or infor�nation. �.2.9.Stai�dard it3sitranee rec�i�ireEnei�ts, cavera�es and li�nits. 43. The submission of � Bid will constit��te an inconkravertiUle representation by Bidder: {i) that Bidder t�as co���plied with every require�neni of this Pa�•ag�•aph 4, (ii} that without e�ception tlie Bid is �re►nised ��pon perfot•miifg a��d furnishing tfie Work requi►-ed by tl�e Confeact Dacu�3fe�Its and applying the specific �7�eans, methods, techniq�ies, sec�uezlces or procedures of constr�iction (if any} ti�at may be sho�v�� o�- indicated or expz-essly ��eq�►i��ecf by the Contract Documents, (iii} that Bidder Isas given City �v►-itten �totice of all conflicts, errors, an�biguities a��d discrepa�Icies i�a tk�e Contract Docume�ifs a�id the written resolutians thereof �y City are acceptable to Bicider, and when said conflicts, etc.,lia�e ��ot been resol�ed thi•ougfi tl�e inteipretatioEis by City as described in Paragi•aph b., aa�d (av) that the Contract Doci�inents are generally suffcient to ii�dicate and co��vey s���derstanding of all terms and conditio��s fo�• pe3•forming a�ic� furnisl�ing kl�e Wor1c. 4.4. "I'lie provisinns of tl�is Pa�•agrapi� 4, inctiisive, do ziot a}�ply to Asbestos, Polychlo�•inated bipi�e�iyls (PCBs), Petroleum, Hazaz•clot�s Waste or Radioacti�e Material eo�erec� by Pa�•agrapli 4A6, of tl�e Genc►'al Cotaditions, t►nless specifcally icle�ftified ir� the Co�stract I]oct�ments. 5. Av�il�bility af L���c�s for Worlc, Etc. CITY OF PQRT �YE)R'f'H Hnri�e St 4Vater �nd Snnitary Sewer Rehabilitatiat� S7'AAiDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DpCUM�NT CPN i 03123 Re�ise<ilU�d�ted Nonein6er 2, 202 i p0 2l 13 1NS'CRUCT[ONS 7'O 43iJDEE2S P:�ge 5 af IO 5. l. The lands upon ��i-►icl� tl�e Wor�C is to be perforia�ed, rights-of-r�vay a�id easen�ents fot� access the�•eto and other lands designaEed for use hy Contractor in pe�•fori��ir►g the Work are idezati�ed i�i tEle Contract Docunlents. Aff addifional lar�ds and access tlaereto required fo�� iempo►-ary constrt�ctioa� facilities, constil�ctio�� equipn�a�lt o�• storage of �nateriais and equipn�e�it to be incarpo��ated in the Wai•k a�•e to be obtaiEled and paid for by Contractor. Easen�ents fo�- }�ermanent structi�res or perE��anent changes in existi���; facilities are to be obtained and paid for by City unless otlferwise pravided in t��e C011�l'c�C� DOCElE11�E1T5. 5.2.Outstanding ri�hi-of-way, easen�ents, atadlor pe►•inits to be acq�i�•ed by the City a��e listed in Paragraph SC 4A1 of the Supplen�enta�-y Conditions. In tlie e�enk the 3iecessary rigl�t- of-�vay, easements, andloa� permits a�•e not o�tai��ed, the City i•eser�es the right to cancei tl�e a�vard of cont►•act at any time before tl�e Bidde�• be�ins any const�•uction �vo��k o�� the project. , 5.3. The Bidder shafl be pre�a�•ed to co�nmence const►vetion witlio�t alf executed right-of= way, easen�ents, ai�d/ar pe��Ei�its, and shall submit a schedule to the City of how co»struction �viil proceed in tl�e othe�• a�•eas of the p►�oject that do not require pea�mits and/ar easaments. 6. Inte��p�•etatiaus an[I Ac�ae��da 6.1. Ail questions about the �nea»ing ar inte��t of the Bidding Dacuments are to be directed to Gity in writing o�i or befo�-e 2 p.i�i., the Monday p��io�-ta the Bid opening. Questioijs z•eceived after this day i�1ay ��ot be responded ko. interpretations or c9a►•ifications considered necessa►y [�y City in response to suc�► questio3fs will be issued by Adcienda detivered to alt pa��ties reeorded hy City as l�aving receiv�d the Bidding Documents. Only questio�3s answered by fonilal w►•itten Addeaada �yill be bi�}di��g. Oral aa�d othet• i�iterpretations or clariitcatians �vill be witiiout le�al effect. Add►•ess qu�stions to: City of Fort Wo�-th 200 Texas Street Foa�t Worth, TX 76102 Attn: Suby Va►�ughese, P.E., City of Fo��t Woi•tl� Water Depa��h��ent Capital Delivery �inail: suby.�arugltese r�foi�twortlitexas.gov Pl3one: $i7.392.7803 6.2. Addenda �nay alsa be issued to i�iodify the Bidding Docui�ients as deemed ad�isable by City. 6.3. Addenda or clarifications may be posEed via tl�e Ciiy's electro��ic docu��aent inanageEi�ent and collaboratia�i syskem at l�ttt�s�llclocs.b3b4.autodesk.com/sllares/e4b2a3e5-1255- 4373-8795-29d272D�5804 � Cli'Y OF POR'i' LVORTf� fEor�Ee 51 1�'atar �nd Sanitaq� Se�ver Rel�abikitation STANDARD CONSTR[7CTION SPECJFICATIOi1 DOC(7MENT CPN ]03123 Revisedlll]�ctated Nove�ciber 2, 2021 Ofl21 ]3 1NS"CItUC'CIOIIS TO B1DD�RS Pa};e 6 of 10 G.4. A prebicl cc�nference fnay 6e held at khe time and place inciicated i�� the Advertise�nent or lNV1TATION TO BIDDERS. Represe�zkatives of City will be prese�it ta discuss tl�e Pi•oject. Bidde��s az•e ei�coi�raged to attend and p�rticipate in the confea�e��ce. City will t��aiisinit to all pz�ospective Bidders of record sucll Addeuda as City cansiders necessaiy in response ko questions arising at the confere�ice. Oral statea��e»ts ��iay �iot Ue ��elied upo�i a�id will not be bii�ding o�• legaily effective. 7. Bid Security 7.1. Each Bid i�sust k�e accom�anied by a Bid Bond r��ade paya€�ie to City in an a���oiint af fi�e (5) percent of Bic�de3�'s a��axir3fum Bid price, on the fo�•n� attacl�ed or equivalent, issued by a surety meeting the requt�•e�zlents af Paragraph SAI of the Ge�ie►•al Conditions. 7.2. Tlie Bid Bands pro�ided by a Bidder will be ��etained until the conditians of the Notice of Awa�•d I�ave been satisfied. If the S��cc�ssfiil Bidder fails to execute ancf �•etu�•i� the Cont►•act Documents withi�� i4 days after the Notice of Awa��d conveyi�ig sa��le, City tr�ay conside�� Bidde�• to be in default, rescind tl�e Notice of �ward and act on the Bid Bond. S��ch actio�� sl�ali be City's exclusive re�tiedy i�i tlie e�ent Bicldez• is dee3ned to have c�efaulted. $. Coattract Ti�nes `I'lae numbe�• of days within which, or tlte dakes by which, Milesto��es are to be achie�ed in accordai�ce �vitl� the General Rec�uireme��ts and tlie Work is to be completed and ��eady fa�� Final Acce�tance is set forth in the Agreeanent or i��corpo�•aked therein by refere�ice to the attacl�ed Bid Forin. 9. Lihuic�ated D��a�;�ges Provisions fo�• liquidateci daEnages ai•e set farth in the Agree�yasnt. 10. Sui�stiticte ��zd "Or-�qi�al" Ytcans The Con#►•act, if aw�rded, will be on tl�e b�sis of ��iateri�ls and equipi�lent desc��i�ed in the Bidding Doctunents withaut consicie��ation of possible substitute or "or-equal" it�n�s. VVlfenever it is ii�dicated or specified in tl�e Bidding Doct�n�e�lts that a"s��i�stitute" oz� 'bi•- equal" iteln of matez�ial oz� ec�uip��ient fi��y be furnished or t�sed by Cantractor if accept�ble ta City, application for such acceptance �vill tlot be covside�-ed l�y City until afie�• the Effcctive Date oftize Agreemen#. Tlie praceciure for subn�issio�i of aiiy s��ch application l�y Co��tractor azld considei•ation hy City is set fa��th i�i Para���aphs 6.�SA., 6.OSB, and C.05C. of tiie Gene3�a1 Conditions and is supplei�iented ii� Sectio�i O1 25 00 of tl�e General Requiret��ents. 11. Subco��tracto��s, Stippiiers a�id Otl►ea•s 1 i. l. I3i accoz�da�sce �viti� the City's Busi��ess Equity Oi�dina��ce No.25165-10-2021 !he City has �aals foi• tl�e participatio» of ��iinority business and/ai• wome�i busi���ss entei•prises ii� City conh•acts $100,000 or g���ater. See Section 00 45 �0 for the M/WBE Project Gaals a�id ac�ditional rec�uireinents. PailiEre to co►�iply siiall x-ender t��e Bidder as non-res�onsive. Business �c�uify Ordinance No.25 i G5- ] 0-2021, as an�endecl {��eplacing O�•di�iance No. 24534-E l-2Q20}, codifed at: IiFtE�s:I/codelil»�arv.an�le �a� l.com/codesif��vortl�/latest/ftworth ix/O-0-E?-22593 C[7�Y OF FOfZT WORTH ilorne St Water and SnniEary SewerRef�abilitation STANDARD CQNS7'R1JC"!'[QN SPECIFICATEON DOCUME�IT CPN E 03123 Revised/Updnred Novei3iber 2, 202 k ao2t t3 1I�iSTRUC."1�10NS T�O BIDDERS Page 7 of 10 11.2. No Contractor slzalf ba required to employ any SuUcontractor, Supplier, ather �ez�son o�• organizatio�� against wllom Cflntracto�� or City has t•easoi�able objection. l2. Bid Fa�•cn 12.1. The I3ict Form is included 4vith ihe Biddi37g Docwnents; additional copies inay t�e ahtained fi�ai�� tt�e City. i2,2. All blanks o�f the Bid Fari�t must be coz�fpletec� and the Bid �'o►•m signed in ink. Erasezres or• alteratio»s shall be i�iitialed iEi i�tk by tl�e persa�i signing #lte Bid Form. A Bid price shall be indicateci for each Bid item, alternative, and ui�it price iteEn iisted therein. In the case of optional alteri�atives, the �vords "No Bid," "No Change," or "Not Applicahie" may Ue ei�t�red. Bidder sl�all state tlfe prices for which the Bidde�� p�•opases to do the work conteanpfated ox� furnish n�ate�•ials requi�•ed. All eiitries sliafl be legible. 12.3. Bids by corporations sliall be executed in ti�e corpa�•ate name by the p�-ssident o►- a vice-president o3• othe�- corporate officer acco►npanied by e�idence oi autk�ority to sign. Tl�e co►•porate seal shall be af�xed. The co�porate address and state of incorporatio�f shall Ue shawn below kltie sigi�ature. 12.4. Bids by �artnerships silall be executed in the pa�•tners�aip ��aine and signed by a partner, whose title anust appear under the signature accompanied by evadence of ai�thority tv sign. '�'1�e afficial address of the partne�sl�ip shall be shawn below tl�e signature. 12.5. Bids by liinited liability companies shal6 be executed 'an the name of the firin by a men�ber and accompanied by e�idence of autifority to sign. The sFate of formation of tl�e firm and the of�cial address of the firm shall be sho�vn. 12.b. Bids by individuals sl�all sl�o�� the Bidcle��'s name and officiai addi�ess. 12.7. Bids by joi�zt venti�res shall be executed by each joint venture in t�►e n�anner indicated on tlie Bid Form. Tkie official address of the joint �enture shall be shown. 12.8 12.9 All nart��es sl�all be #yped or p�•inted in ink U�law the sig��atu�•e. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgeinent of receapt of all Addenda, ti�e nuE��beis of whicl� shaEl be filled i3i o�1 the Bid �'arn�. 12.10. Postal and e-n�ai! addresses a�zd telephone nu�nber for com���unications �•egarding the Bid sl�all l�e sl�own. 12.11. E�ide��ce of autlioriEy to cnnduct busi►�ess as a Nonreside��t Bidder in the state of Texas shall be pro�ided i�f acco��dance with Section 00 �3 37 — Vendar Coa��pliaa�ce to State Lary Non Resident Bidde3•. C1TY f)F FpRT �'VORTH Harnc S[ Water 1nd Sactitary 5etver Itehaliilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTCON SP�CIFiCAT[nN DOCUMENT CPN E 03123 ftevised/[3pclaled Noventber 2, 2021 00 21 l3 1N57'RUC7'IONS 7'O BiDDERS r��e s oe ra 13. S��bn�issio�� of Bids Bids s[�all Ue si�bmitted oi� t11e pz•esca'ibed Bid Fo�'tt�►, ��ro�ided N�ith ti�e Bidding Docui�lents, at the tin�e and place indicated ii� the Ad�et•tiseii�e3�t or INVITATION TO BIDll�RS, addrassed to Purchasi��� Managef• of tlie City, and shall be enclos�c� in an o}�aque sealed envelope, nja��kec{ �ith tlfe City Project Nu�n�er, Project title, tl�e na��ie and address of Bidder, and accoEi����3iec� by tl�e Bic� security and otfler �•equired doci��nents. If tiie Bid as sent t�irotigll tl�e mail ar ather delivery syste►v, the sealed envslope s1ia11 be c�iclased ia� a separate envelope with tlie natation "BID ENCLOSED" on kfle face of it. 1�1. Wiil�clrawal of Bids 14.1. Bids addressed to the P«�•cliasi�ig M���ager a�fd fied with the P�ircl�asifig Office �nay be withd►•�w�� prior to the #ime set for bid opening. A rec�i�est for withdrawal must 6e �n�de in �vi•iti�lg and delivered to the Pw•chasing Offica to ��eceive a kime stainp priar to the ope��ing of Bids. A timely withdraw�� bid will be retti��ned to tlie Bidc�e�• or, if tfie reqt�est is witl�in one liour of bid o�ening, will z�ot be read alo�id and will tliereafter be ►-etEi��ned unopened. 14.2. Ira khe eve��t aiiy Bid for wl�icl� � witiid►•a�va[ t•equest has been ti��le[y filed l�as bee�� iz�adve��te�itly ope�ied, said Bid sifd any record #h�reof wiil subsec�uently l�e Enai-ked "Witl�d�•aw�f" and wil! be given no further cp�isideratio�i for tlie award of contract. 15. Ope��i��g af Bic�s Bids will be opened �ud read aloud puhliely. An abstract of tl�e aia�our�ts of the base Bids and major alte��nates (if ai�y) �vi11 be �i�ade a�ailab(e to Bidders aftef• the o�eni��g af Bids. 1G. Bids ta Re���:ii�a Su�jcct to Accept�uce Af[ Bids will rec�fai�i subject to acceptance for a minimum of 90 days or the ti�n� �eriad specified for Notice of Award and exec�ition and c3elivery of a cornplete Ag��ee�nent k�y Successfii! Bidde►•. City t��ay, at City's sole discretio��, releas� any Bid and ni►llify tl�e F3id secu�•ity prior to EE�at date. 17. ��alaation of Bids and Aw�rc� af Conf�•:�ct 17.1. City reser�ves tk�e ri�;ht to reject any or all Bids, including witklottk titt�iEatio�� the rigiits to ��eject any or ali ��o�sconfo�•ii�ing, nonres}�o»si�e, i»�balanced o�• co��ditio��al Bids and to reject t13e Bid af a��y Bidder if City believes tl�at it would not be in the bes# i�fterest ofi t13e P�•oject to �vake an awa��d to tEiat Bidde�-. City a�esez��es tk�e �•i�l�t to �vai�e i»Formalities not involving price, co��tract time o►- changes i►� tlae Wai•k a�ul award a contract to such Bidder. Discrepancies betwee�� tkie multipticatio�i af units of Work a��d unit p►•ices will be resolved in favoz• of tlse unit prices. Disc�•epancies between the i��dicated sum of any coluin�� of figu�•es and the cor�•ect st�n� thei•eof will be ��esolveci i�t fa�or af the carrect si�rn. Disc►•epanctes between wo�•ds and figures will Ue resolved in favo�• of the words. C1TY OF' I'ORT WORTfi Harne St Water aitd Saiiit�q� Sewer Reliabititation S'fA3�Jt7A[2p CONS'1'RIICTiOIe� SPECIPICATION DOCUME%1T GPN 103123 Revised/Updated Noven3her 2, 202i aazi �s INSTRUC'i'iONS'CO BJl]DF(ZS F'age 9 of ]0 17.1. i. Any ar all bids �vill be rejected if City has reaso►� to E�elieve tllat collusion exists a�nong the Bidders, Bicider is an i�Ite�•ested pa�-ty to any litigation against City, Gi#y ar Bidder i�iay ha�e a clai�ta a�;ai�ast the othe�� or be e�3gaged in litigatian, Biddea� is in a►���eaR�s on any existin� co►�tR�act oa� has defauited on a previous cont�•act, Bidder �ias pe�•faf•med a prior contract in an u��satisfacto��y ma»aaez•, or Bicicler has unco3npleted work �vhich in #he judgment of the City will prevent ar i�indei• the �►•o�Y�pt co��lpletion af acEditianal �vork if arva�•ded. 17.2. In addition ta Bidde��'s ��elevan# pz�equali�catian rec�uir�i�ieijts, City may cansicIa�• tlfe qualificatious at�d experiettce of Subcont�•actoi�s, Si►ppliers, ai�d other �ea•sons and o��ganizations pro�ased foi• those portions af the Work whei•e the identity of st►ch S€�bcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations ii��ist b� submitted as provided in the ConEract DocuEnents or upon the rec�uest of tlie City. City also r��ay conside�� tlfe ope��ating costs, x�aainteraance z�ec�uire�nents, performance data and guarantees of aa�ajoa� iteans of anate��ials and equip�ne��# proposed far i�lcvrparation i» the Work when such data is rec�ui�•ed to be submitted pria�� to the Notice of Awa��d. 173. City may co�iduct such investigations as City deei��s necessaiy to assist in tl�e evaluation of a�ry Bid and to establish t}ie responsibility, quaiiiications, and financial ability of Bidders, p�-oposed Subco��fractors, Suppliers and ather persons and orgai3izations to pe�forin and furnish the Work in accordance «�ith the Cont►•act DocuEi�ents to City's satisfaction within the prescribed #ime. I7.4. ContracEor shall �erforn� with l�is o�vn arganization, wort•k of a �alue not tess than 35% of t�ie �aiue enib��acad on the Contract, unless atherwise approved by the City. i'1.5. If tl�e Cantract is to be awaeded, it will be a�varded to lowest �•esponsible and �•espo��sive Brdder wl�ose e�aluatian by CiEy i»dicates that tiie awa�•d will be in the hest interests of the City. 17.6. Pursuant to Texas Govea�na��eaat Code Chaptea� 2252.00i, the City �vill not a�vard contract to � Nonresident Bidder unless the Nom�esident Bidde�•'s bid is lowa�• tl�an tlie lowest bid subinitted i�y a respansihle Texas Bidde�• by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder �voulci be required to underbid a Nonresident Bicicler to obtai» a comparable contract in the state i�i �vhich the rionresidej�t's prijicipal place of b�siness is locaked. 1'7.7. A cont�•act is not awarded until %rmai City Council autho�•iza#ion. If the Coi�tract is to be a�varded, City rvill award the Contract �yiiiiin 90 days after tlie day of the Bid openi��g unless extended in �vriting. No othei• act of City o�• otlfers �vill canstiti►te acceptance of a Bid. Upon the cont��act award, a Notice of Award �vill be issued by tlie City. 17.7.1. Tlie co��tractor is requi�•ed to fili aut and sigu tl�e Certificate of L�terested P�rties For��i 1295 a��d the fo►•m anust �e st�b�ttitteci fo tlte Pz•ojeci Ma��aget• be�ot•e tl�e coa►t�•act will �e pa•ese��ted ta tl►e City Caw�cil. The forjn c�n be obtai��ed at I�tfps:i/►v`��`i�.ethics.state.t�.t�sld�t�Iforms112951129S.n�r I'7.8. Failure or refiisal to co�nply �vi#1� the require�nents n�ay result in rejection of Bid. i$. Signi��g ai'Agree�ue�yt Cl'CY �F FORT 1VORTH Horne St Water and Sa�Eitap� Se�ve€ E2eiiabiiitatioi3 STANDAR� CONS'['Ri1C7'idN SF'ECIFICATION DOCUMENT CPN 103123 i2evisedlU�dated Novei3iber 2, 202 [ OD 2l 13 [NSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 10 of ]0 18. l. W�ie�� City issues a Notic� af Award ia tif� Successful Bidder, it will be accoa��panied by !he requi��ed x�ut��bez� af �i��si�;ned counteE�pa►-ts of the P�•oject Manual. Within i4 clays tliea-ea�e��, Contractor si��lf si�;�� ai�d delive�• the z•equired �z�a�ibet• of couiiterparts of the Project MaE�ual to City �vith tl}e requi►•ed Bands, Certificates of Insur�nce, and all otl�er required doeumenfaEian. 18.2. City shall thereafter deliver one fi�lly sigEiad counterpai•t to Canti•actar, �ND OF S�CTION CITY OP FORT WORTEf Horne St Wafer �nd Sanitary Setiver RehaUililatioEi STANIJARD CONS`CItl1CT]ON SP�CiFICATION BOCLSMENT CPN 103123 Ctevised/Upciated Noveint>er 2, 2021 , 00 35 13 CQIVFLICT Cl� INT�REST STRTEMENT Page 13 of 13 SECTION UO 35 13 CONF'L[CT OF iNTEREST STATEMENT Each bidder, afferar or responde�t to a City of Fnrt Worth procurement is required to comp�ete a Conflict of Interest Q€�estiannaire or certify that one is curren� and an file with the City Secretary`s Office pursuant to s#aie [aw. If a member of the �ort Worth City Council, any ane or more of the City Manager or Assistant City Managers, ar an agent nf the City whn exercis� discretion in the pianning, reeommending, selecting or contracting with a bidder, offeror ar respondent is afFiliated wifh your company, then a�.ocal Government �fficer Conflicfs Disclosure Statement (C!S) rnay be required. You are urged to consu[t v�+iih counsel regarding the applicabi{ity of fhese forrns and Local Government Code Chapter 176 to your campany. The refarenced forms may be downlaad�d from the links provided below. htfn:llwww.ethics.state.tx.uslformslCEQ.�df htip:llwww.ethics.stafe.tx.uslformslClS.pdf � n ❑ ❑ � � BI�DER: C!Q Form does nat apply CIQ Farm is on file with City 5ecretary CIQ Form is being pro�ided to #he City Secretary CIS Form does not appiy C1S Form is on File with City Secretary CIS Form is being �ro�ided to the City Secretary W[Iliam J Schultz Inc dba Circle C Canstruction Comp PO Bnx �40328 Fort Worth, Texas 76'f 40 E[�[3 O� SECTION By: Teresa S Skelly Signature: �--��a '--� �� Title; �it1e: Presidar�t �'resident CITY OF FORT WORTI-I STANDARD CON5TRl1CTION SP�CIFICATION �OCL1it3EN7S Revised Februaryr 2q, 202fl CPN-103123 Horne Slreet Water and SS Rehabilitalion Addendum 2- Wnrkbook.xlsx 0641 OD E316 �ORM Page 1 nf i3 S�C710N �0 47 00 BI€7 FORM �'O: The Purchasing Manager clo: The Purchasing �ivisian 20� Texas 5ireet Clty of Fart Wori�, Texas 76102 �OR: Horne 5l Water and 5anitary Sewer Rehabilitation (Between Camp Bowie Slvd & W Vickery �31vd and Haliaran 5t and Bourine SL) Cify Prajeot No.: '[D3123 UnItslSectlons: Ur�it 1: Water lmprovements Unit 2: 5ewer Improv�ments 7. Enier I�to Agreemenf The undersigned Biddar �roposes and agrees, if this Sid is accepted, to enter into an Agreement wiih C[ty In ih� form included i� the �idding C3ocurr►ents to perform and furnish ali Work as spee9f�ed or indicated in fha Cantract bacuments for the Sid price and wilhin fhe Contract Time indicafed in ihis Bid and in accordance with ihe oiher terms and conditians of Ihe Contrant Dacu►nettts, 2, Bl[7D�R Acknowladgemants and Certlf[cation 2.1. In submltting ih€s Bid, Bidder accepts a1[ af lhe terms and condliions af ths INVITA'f'ION 70 glbD��tS and WSTRUCTIONS TO BI�DERS, inclucfing without fimita#ion those deaiing with t�e disposifion oi BEd Bond, 2.2. Bidder is awar� of all costs fa provide the raq�ired insurance, wiii da so p�nding confract award, and wiEl pravide a valid insurance cer�ificafe meeling all requlremer�ls within 'i4 days of natiflcat9on o( award. 2.3. Bldder certifies that t�is Bid is genuine and roof made in the €nterest of or on behalf of any undisclased individual or enlity and is ita! subtnitled irt confarmity with any co(lusi�e agreement or rules of ar�y group, associalion, argan{zation, or corporat(or�. 2.4. Bidder has s�ot d'srectly or indireelfy induced nr sollclted any other Bidder to submi! a false or sham Bid. 2.5. Bidder l�as nat soliclted or induced any lndividuaE ar entiiy #o refrafn #ram bldding. 2.6. Bidder has nat engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing for the Coniract. For fhe purposes of this Paragraph: a. "corrupt praclice" means the offering, giving, rece9vir�g, or soliciEing of any thing of value likeEy to inf�uence ihe actian ofi a pubiic official in Ihe bidding pracess. 6. °irauduienk praclice" means an intentlonaf misrepresentation of facts r�ade (a) Eo infl�re�ce the bidding process Eo the defriment af City {b) to establish Bid prices at arti#i�ial nan-competitive fevels, or (cj to depri�e CEty of !he benetils oF iree and open campeEitian. c. "colfusive praclice" means a scheme ar arrangement betvreen two or more BEdders, w{th ar wilhouf ti�e knowledge of Cify, a purpose of which is fo establish 8id prices af ariificial, non- competitive leve[s. ClTY pF FOftT WORTH STANpARD CaNSTRUCTION SPECSFICATION I]OCUM�N7S Revised 4113012Q21 CpN-103123 Morne Street Wafer and SS ftettabifi1a11on Addendun� 2- VJorkbpok.xlsx ao a� ao eso �oRM f'age 2 n( 43 d, "coercive practice" means harming or threatzning tn �arm, directly or indireclly, persons ar their property to intluence iheir participalEon in Ihe bic#ding process or sffect ihe exacution of ihe Caniraci, 3. Prequalification �'he Bidc4er acknawlEdges thai ihe Eollnwing work iypes must be performed anly by nrequalified contractors and sul�canfractors: a. Water Disir3buEion, UrbanlRenewal, 92-inch diameter and stnafler b. Sewer Colleciion System, UrbanlRenewai, S-inahes and srnalfar c. Sewer Pipe �nlargement $-inches and smalEer d. MH epnxy liner (Warren or Chesterton} e. 9� h. g. Time of Complelfon 4.1. The Work wii) be comp�ete for Final Accepianca within 550 cai. days aft�r the date when the fhe Cnniracf Time commences to run as provided in Paragra�h 2.�3 af ihe General Condifians, q,2, Bidder accepts the provisfons of ihe Agreeme�t as to IEquidated damages in !he event af #ailure to com�lete the Work tandlor achievement of Milesfones} withEn ths times speci(ied in the Flgreemenl. 5. Attached tv fhis �id 7he fol�ouving documents are atlact�ed ta anci made a pari of this Bid: a. This B3d Form, Section 04 41 00 b, Required Bid Bond, Seciion E30 43 73 issued by a sur�ty maeting the requirements �f Paragraph S.0'f of the Genera) Conditlons. c, Praposal Form, Section Otf 42 43 d. Vendor Compliance ta Siate Law Non Residenl B9dder, Section �a 93 37 e. MWBE Forms {optional at tiEne of b[d) f. Prequallfcation Stalement, SeciEon DO A5 12 g. Canflict of Inlere5t AifidavBi, 5ection 06 35 13 "If necessary, ClQ or C!S forms are lo be provided direciiy to Cily Secreiary h. Any additlonal documenls Ehat may be requlred by Section 12 of the lnslructions io Bidders c7Tv o� �oar waR�r� STANDARp CO[35iftUCiiON SYECIFICATION DOCU�v4ENT5 Revised +�13412U21 CC'M-103123 Horne Streel Waier end SS Rehahifitatinn Addendum 2- Work6aok.xlsK .� ' 0o ai o0 BI� FdRM Page 3 of i3 5. '��tal B9d Amou�it 6.�. Bidder will campieie ttie Worlc in ancordance with the Confract Doct�rr�enls for ihe following k�€d amaunL �n tfte s�ace prouided below, please e�tE�r fhe iofal bid amouni for thfs praject. Only ihis fic�ure WIIE be read publicly by i1�e City.al the f�id oper�ing. 6.2. It is understoad and agreed by the Bidder in signing il�is proposa� that 4he int�i bid an�ount entered belaw ls subJ�ct fo verificafion ni�dfor �nodi�calian by mulfipfyhzg the un[t bid prices #or each pay itei� by (he respective esiimaled quantities shown in fhfs prbpnsai and ihen lotalEng al{ of ilae exiendeci amounts. 6.�. �valuatio� of Alfornate t3id Iten�s <use tteis if ap�llcabl�, ntttsrwlse del�te} Total f3as� f�ici <use ihis if �pplla�ble, ntherwise defeie $O.QO Alternaf� �itl <use this iF applic�ble, ntherw[se del�#e� $0.00 cfeleie� c�elef�> ToEai Bid 7. Bid 5ubmi1tal This Bid Is suf�mitted on January 13, 2022 Respectfully sub iitad, By: ,..�v�� (Sic�natur Teresa S 5keflv (Frinted iVame) $fl.00 $O.OQ $O.DO by tha entiiy named helaw. Tltle: president Company: William J Schullz �rsc dba Circle C Consiruetior� Com�� Address: PO Bax 40328 Fori Worfh, Texas 7fi1Q0 State of incarporaiior�: Texas Email: E.skefty@cf�ciecconstruotion.co€n Phane: $'17-253-1863 �ND D� S�C'�1DN CvrPorafe SeaL' CIiYOF ��Ri WaR'fH STAi�[]Aft[} CpNSTRIfCTION SPECiFICATION DOCl1hd�N3S Revlsed 413D12D21 CPN-403123 Hvma S1ree4Walar end SS Ra€�abilitallon 1lddendum 2• Work6oak.xl"sx . �r� ��b�, Sc��� � � ���� . ��'{� S-�� ���1 C�Y1 5�C710�! 90 42 43 PROPOSi�L FOflA1 UNIT PRtCE �iiD Peojal Ilcm [e�farmeiian �ivc,� .� C. �� �� Bidder's Application 6iddets Yroposal �idGsi llan � . Spocificalion Ural oC Did UniS PAre UiE Vaf�e Na Q��nplian Sa[WnNo. M1lcuvrc Qvntily _. 1 3311.0451 12' [lIP Waler 33 11 i� LF _ --.. . . . . _ ... �-- •- • - --' ' --- • ---- - ._.� �:� � 2 3311.0254 8' UIP Waler 331t 10 LF 9538 , 87 $7h8,026A0 3 3314.0262 B'PVC[1R-0dNle[erPipe .� _ -- 331t�2 LF ..'i478 _ 84 _ 812-0.'152,00 4 335i.01546'OIPWaIar--.�.�� . - - 'w'1S1U LF , 140 -- 76 --$50,640.00 .. -- � ---•-- ---_. .___ . __. -_ ... ._ ._. . _.. .._.__._. . ._ .. . -- �- g 3311.016i 6" PVC Nlata� Pipe .. . . _ , - - -. _ 33 i1 i2 iF ..- . '�0 .- --. - 70 . $70D:60 _ ---�, . .... W_ S 3372.306� $' Ga1e Valvc ,. . 3312 24 EA . . _ 9 _ ,,, „ _ ?500 _ 313,60Q.00 7 3312.3Cs03 8' Galo Velve 3312 20 [A 61 22W1 5134.2i10A0 6 3312.36U5 52`GafeVaSva 33422U EA 2 3�60 yQ,p00,00 � -- - --�---..... .. _ �_.--•-- - - -._. - . . _ 9 3312.2D03 1` WalerSeMce 33 5210 � SD 1560 $�4,000.00 10 3312.206f t' Watar Service, �1�eler Reconnacllon 3312 i0 � . 6G 500 $30,OOU_00 . ti 3312.25031312"WalerService . ��---..._- �1210 -�A -��3 �2000 58,006.06 42 3312.210t i 112" Waler SOrvica, ideter Reconnetllon � 33 t21D T� F11 b , ��o _ S�A�O.� --- .____.--- -----------_, _._. �---._.. .__. ------ - �--_. _ . _ .._._ . ._. _.T 33 33f2.2203 2' WalerServlce 33 i214 F�rV 7 30�0 521,06 • jq � 33i2.2201 2'1+y'aterServIce, Meter Recohnecllon � 3312 t0 � � FA 7 . 70fl , 34,9QD.00 15 3312.2{7Q41°PrivaleWaletServite.�V--�-�---� - 331210 .'..._tF 33 .,.._..306 5�,506.Ofl 16 9999.0001 Cteconnetl To Exlsting 6` VJa1cr �deier Vaull � 2 ZS06 $5,000.00 ii s __. .. --� --. _ ...-- .._ . - • -- - - - . . . . _._. __ ... __ . . ..... - � -- . .�._-- 17 D244.1512 Salvaga 1' Wz1er MeRer 02 Ai 14 . Fl� __„_�p _,_, b6a $26,000.00 18 4241,1513 Ssivage 1 412' Ws1er Meier 02 ht t4 FA 3 600 $1,500.60 .�...��- ---' -... .. �- ' -----'- - • -----'- '- "--. - _-- 19 0241A514 Salvage2'WatetM.eler _ 9241 ih FA 6 540 _.53,600.00 ._ -.�.. ._,_......__.__ ��.......�._.. .. _.._..�... 20 3312Aa01 Fire Fiydranf 3312 AO �A 8 420� $33,696.06 �?� 0244.1510 SalvageFlreHydranl 6244�4 �F1� 5 1060 g6,0�0.0Q - --• •-- ---__.._._�m. _.._-----, . . . . _. . _.__ ...._ ... ._ . �. . ._ ��P2 024i.12i8 4"-12'WaSerAbendanmentPlug 02A114 �A B 25D0 $35�Oa0.00 ..» _� .- -- _._�. .._. _. _ .. --_.. � . _ . _ .. . _ . . � 02A1.tA02 Satvage 6" WalerValve 02 41 t4 EA ,,, S6 500 57,6�,00 24 D241,1A03 5alvage8'VJalerVsive U241 i4 EA 32 590 $16,60U.00 25 0241.1404 5elvaga 12° WaSer Valve 02 �1t 14 FA 1 _, 500 5500.0{s ---2G' 33D5.00fl3B'WalerllneLpwering.._. . 330512 EA . 35 ..._ 4S(l4 _5157,5D6,0(3 � 2y 331i.0007�uc1llalronWaler�illingswlReslralnt 39i1ii T6N . 9 .„ 8000 $72,000.00 28 3365.01D3 �rplweloryExcavallonofExislingUlllllles 330530 �A 50 _ 1000 $50,OOO.aO 29 3312Ati7 CannectianioExlsqng4°-12"WaterMfain 331225 ... FA . 'di 2000 3£12,60U,00 _. �.. ...._-- ---._....._r_ �_. -____ .. ..�.. _.. .....-• --.� .- - 30 �12•0509 Connectipn lo F�cislinB 30" Waler P,tain 3312 25 �A 2 4600D $30,OOD.60 �� 320t.6014 6'WidaAsphallPavementRepafr,� 33051(1 �� �€314 8� 8735,150,00 Raside�lal w! 2_27 Canc �ase -- 32 3201.0&}A Conc Wmi Ropalr, Residenlfal 32 Ot 29 SY 180 'E25 $22,bOD_00, 33 3201.020f Asphall Pvmt Repalr 0eyond Delined Widih, 32 Ot 37 SY I lieside�lal _ 943 35 533,(f05.00��, 34 02k1;1506 2°Surlace Mdllin�� ,. , . . .. _. 0241 _i5.. . . SY 3i67 . .. . A.25 . ,$13,459.76! 35 3212.,0302 2'AsuhallPvratTypep_ .. . 32�k21i1 SY.. .. 316T 14.5 $q5�92t.5U .. 36 02A4_1600 Bull�lall�, , 02 d; 15 EF . .. 112 -- $3.820:00 37 3365.0207 imported Ero6edmenllEizokfill, Selacl Fil! 33 651U CY 1��W . 25 __$25 O(Y�.00 38 33Q5.0262ImporledEmGadmeoVBackfill,CSS 3305'!0 CY _ 2"� _ 1� _ 52,5�DOD 34 33US.D2D3 Imporled EmbedmanU&ackfill, CI.S1�A 3305 10 OY 25 250 $$_259.Q0 40 3216A�Gi 6' Conc Corb end Guller 321613 LF . 36 35 .512,775.00 �� q� 3213.4401 6° Concrele priveway 32 432U SF A42 22 59 _.._.-.._ _...----_....�...... � ----'-- '--- '-- .� �q2 3243.03D1 4"ConcSldewalk 32i320 SF 48D 2z $10 k3 3236,0301 9°ConcVelle�GuSter,F�esidential 321843 SY , 77 'i25 59 kA 02A1.0300 RemoveA�ARamp .�.. _� D241 f3 � 2 10� 52 ._....--- -•-�"----.._ ..._--.. _._ .._ . .._ 45 3213,0501 BarrierFrgeRamp,TypeR-1 32132D �A 1, 3500 33 46 3213.4568 DarrierF'reeFtam�,7ypeP-1 321320 �A i 3590 S3 47 3291.Oi0a'fopsa! � 329519 CY 6 � , A8 3292.Q740 i�ock Sod Placameni 32 32 13 SY 65 12 • qg 3292.Od06 Seeding, kiydromvlch 32 92 t3 SY � 14 _ � 3365.0108 7rench S2fe1y 33 05 40 LF 10237 i 59� �f 02q1,tU0f WeSerLlnaGsou�ng 024114 CY 5 25U 57 g2 3217,b001 Curb Address PaiMing 32 17 25 EA 5 � � 53 33U4.0f01 2'TamporaryWaterServicas 330430 LS 1 360U6 S3f 54 3304.0101 6'Tamporary Wefer Services (Flre-Lir�a} 330430 LS 7 69D0 �E 65 3125.0101 SWPPP z 1 a«e 37 25�0 ES � �� g° 56 0173.o1U3 Conslruciion Slsking Ot 77 23 LS 3 1a600 S1t 57 Of759t02 As•DuilSSuNey 0171 23 LS 1 6Pfl � 5B 3345.OS68 MIScelfaneousAdjus[ments,sprinkersystem 330519 LS 1 54,000.00 $� 59 3A71A�01 TeafficConlrol 347413 }f0 10 54,50D.00 �y4; gp ggg9,Op02 tValOfCnnslructlonNlawanca GS 1 SiSa.aaD.OD ��� 5i1[3TOTAL UNIi 1: WA7ER __ 52.90; asaau om eAososht, P.a�6cf17 t5.00 ' JO_UO ]0_OD 76.0� p0.�0 AO.Oa 50,00 31A0 59,60 50.60 OQ.00 0o ao 00.00 og,00 oo.00 ccrrofroRr��uxrn STAf7pA,¢4coY57RUCilO,45P[CIFlCh'RO:��C+CIASENTS CP73-SD31}lllnc<59t4N'�:tt�J55PcLks'd�t[aMis� m1.W�Ah�ctiillt Antid 9ri"r1�21 <-04] Ql PVIPR6H15A1. P�dc7sr#3 UNIT PRIC� �ID Oldiisl I i�o. S�CTItiN 00 42 43 PRDPPSAL fOR�4 Pra;allEcm infwmalion Drs<rip�lan Bidd�r's Application BiddKs P�cpasa€ Spalfiwlian UrvloC ��� u�� Price ➢id Valve Su�ixNo. i�Swurc Qa:nliry crcvorwRr xvxni 57NI�D.1Af1 CQNSTR71C77045FECIf'.CA734V ooCUf�N[S Rrrsnl4!>7r071 CPIi-10I�7i H�ssc Stis145t!n �-355 R\:F__li:a Mhx`c-�+2� 554+iknk�.l�s SECTEON 00 42 43 Pft6P�SAC FORAi 11NiT PR�C� BI� No. PEa;al hcm In(anwilan Assaip�iaa� C5411] AW PROPOSN. C.aelofl1 Bidder's Application Hidda s Pscpasal 5palfiuticn [fnitoF Aid unilYoioc LIdValuc ScciionNa hiwuu QaoNiry � 9999,9004 B' 1S6 PSk YlB55ufB li9lea rv� os� er � ��ti �� . .. Pi�[�STAl�22M11E .. . - . - - - _ 9840 $0 �147,� 3331.M}6 B' PVC SOR-26 Sexet F'ipe 33 i1 10, 2 3331 i2, �� 1782 85 Si�{7, 3331.Ai19B"plP5ewerPipovrilhProleclo�#9Swating331t�0 �� 3 846 432 $119, q 333t.9142 S l0 8` Pipe En4a[geroent 33 31 23 LF 3B9 9D 835, 5 333t.0402 fi' Sa��rer Pipa, PWnf Repair a3 31 22, �F 33 31 23 2a 150 53, - � � - ' - - - �. .._. . . 1 � i 2600 512, 6 9B99AtiD2 4'SanilarySs4var.lunclion Box , 33�i914 EA . ._. _ 7 9999.60D3ManhoiaA�uslmenl,tJEabrtvlCone,Rsng, 330514 E� Frame,BCaver 6 4806 527 �g 3305At07 hSanho!aAdNstmenl.ldinar 330514 Els �g 13fla g� 33U1A70i 3,SanholeVauuvm7esting 33Df 3Q �A 27 26� - -- --•�--- ....._- ---.._._..._ ._..._ . __...._.. .. __ .-•- �p 3305.0103 ��plo�alory F.�cavallan ot Exisling UIi11Ues 33053D �A. � ,, .� 11 3301,0001 f're-ECNlaspeclton '--- •� ^" 33U13i. ..LF. . .1207 . ^_. 5 . tp 3303.OD02 Posk-CCN Inspection 33 Ot 31 LF A606 5 i3 3305.0109 TrenthSafaty 330510 LF 4217 , 1 14 3365.0112 Concrole Collar 3305 47 EA 2B 450 15 fl2412201 Rernova M1' Sawer Manhole 02 41 14 EJ� 18 1606 4fi 024i.20q1 Sant4ary Line Grouling . 02 M11 14 CY B 250 �7 02412i026"S�v�orAbandonrtenlPfuc� U2411A EA 8 1500 18 02A7,2103 8'SewerAbandonmentPiug 02Ai ta EA 1 15GU _._ .---.._..._....._._--• - --.. . .._ _ .._ __ . . . ...- 19 3334.3101 A'SeWBrSetvicewf2-WayCleanoul 333160 E!1 77 ._ ��, za 333i.1201 Serviae RelnstslemenS, Pipe EnlargemaM 3331 23 � 1A 1�p wr $wayctganovt, ., � - 326Lu173 6' Wlde Asphall Pavmnl Rapa�r, FtesldanGal 33 �5 1D �� 2� »(2_27ConeBase, 2961 65 22 3201.0614 ConcAvmlRepair.Residenqal 320129 SY 277 . . i25 � 3203.0201 Asphail Pvml Repair �eyard �eRned Ntidlh, 32 01 17 SY 23 Re5ldenlial 248 35 24 024Lt506 2`SudacoMilling_... .. . 024i 16 SY _ 3167 4,35 25 32f2:0302 2'AS�iha1(PvmtTypeq 32i21fi SY .3i61 1k.5 2B OYAt.1660 Bult A±slling 02 41 35 LF 142 ., 3B 27 3217.054t 2h' S3.0 Pvmt hlaiking HAE (W} 32 97 23 LF T2 16 2g 8305.0207 ImpoRsd Ernt�edmenUeackfiil, Seleat Fiki 3305 10 CY 1�040 75 � 2g 3305.0202 €mported EmbedmsnUBackfill, C9S 33 0510 CY 25 450 30 3305.0203 ImpQrfed EmbedmenVBackfEll, CI.Sh1 330510 CY 160 250 3S 3216.0101 S' Canc Cw6 and Gulter 3216 33 LF 126 35 ap � 3213.�401 6" Conuale �rivaway 3213 20 S� 739 25 33 3213.0301 A'Conc5ldawaik 321320 5f 2A0 2z 34 35i4.010312'-i8"TreeRemoval 314000 �A 2 iR00 3g 32�31.P1U� Tops�t[ �- - � 32 St 19 CY 90 - 35 36 3292.Ot60 B;ock Sod Flacemenl 32 92 33 SY t07 46 37 3282.04D0 Seeding. Hydromulch 32 9213 SY 9fi6 5 3g a2i7.560t CurbAddressPalntlng 321i25 EA 5 60 39 342$.0103 SWPP!' z i acra 31 26 p0 LS 1 5(%6� qp 0371.0107 Consi�ucllon Slaklnc� 01 71 23 LS 1 5000 q� 017t.Ota2 As-BulllSurvey Ot 77 23 i5 i A060 ryZ 3A7i.OD0) Traifia ConlroS 34 71 13 N,Q 4 450� q3 6999.0604 Reslore Ihe failed trench vriEh ClSM LF 35 2�0 b�ckfillishee1291 j y106,0U0.00 qq 9999.6005 Sanllary Sewer ConslmcUon ktlrrr�ance LS ci Fnrnin[. lkNlT 2 SANkTARY 5�Nl�it ...._. .3q,217.60 �1,bf10.( 92,400.! $3,75PA0 Si e,000,aa $23,750.00 n cmroeroR7neam $;/�NOA➢,Fl C0:151FUGT:O�1 SCEC�1Cfl710N P0��:1�SE1715 C4N�I67S2) I�aec 5•ra15Y�tae: d SS Att t�`:+�aA/,Szdca L}y�hDocku� Rn4edS!]MOlI ��ua) 8l�YAOf95AL RF<9oFil UNI'f PRIC� BID cm' nr rorsrnveni STA`7ll,lRD CUY51)lF1G�10fE SPEtlI7CTT101100C1:?�'�715 Rn'no19�3".11pti S�C716t€ 00 42 43 PR�PpShLFORLS Projttl 11nn Fnformalion Dauip4ion Bidd�r's ApplicatEon � — pidds�sP�eposal Spttlfsc�lim VritoC �i� [}nil�eice � RSdVaFuc SalionNo. Mcasurc Qwnsiiy CrN.lo1��31te�c5ewtlt��ai�lssa�Eu_� '�ca�AdSe�1-11'e���*taS SECTION 00 A2 A5 PROPQSAL FORFA 2 [9+113 OIf1PA0FO5AL p�ye 70 �f 43 SUB TQiAL linll i WATER $2,905,iO4.25 - The City reser�es the right to seiect the respansib[e low bidder af either iOTAL A or 7Qi'AL B. CnYOFkOR7\IbR371 STM1N11A4D COHS7AUCIlONSTE[R1CATlON POC11.fSE�h[FS xnu�ssi3a�o�� • CRE-SO713311ttneS1�Y4Ydu15dS5Ryb et'raAk' �1.Uq�lb.»i�'s� t1NIT PRiC� B1D �idder's Application 45R �39.3001 4' Precasl R0lnforced �a�ymer wnuece aa aa �v. gq i9 g�0,500.�0 g7fl9,50D.06 ASa�hole 333920 ._ _ 46� 3339.1t1Q2 4' Plecasf ReiniorcecS Palymer Co4crele 333910, �q 2 �12,fi00.6D 625,004.00 pronMan�L?. . . . . .. . 333�20_ ... . - a�A 3339.1003 4' Precasl Relnforced PoSymerConcreSe 333910, v� 4i g350.00 $14,350.00 Fxtra ne th t.Sanhole ��� 26 SLlE TOTAl. A�i�RNATE 2 323F3,950.00 'Coniractor shail bld eilher Allernate 1, ASlernale 2 or 6olh Alfernate 1 and Ailernale 2 � �.ERCHA�T5 U' C� N D I.I'� G C{71v� PA N Y,,, lvtEE�Cli�1N1"S .IIO�II7I.I�G C:OME'ANY (MCi�CUAL) ['.O. BC3X 14��8; DL•5 ivif][Nf:S, loWn 50306-3498 Pt-�pNE: (8€�Ui f37$-817i Fnx: (S15) 2�{3-3854 BIC3 BOND PUBLIC WORK Bona No. N/A {<NQW Ak.l. PERSO�lS BY THESE E�RESENTS: it�at Wifliatn J. Schuitz Cnc, dba Circle C ConstructioE� Cam an 1'. O. $ox 40328 �o�•t Wortli TX 76140 (hereinafl��' called the Principal) as Princlpa�, a11C( the �viarc[�ajits Iiondi�ib C.osnpany (A�Iutus�l) �hereinafter ealled SUreiy), as Surely, are held attd firm�y bout�d to Cify ofPort Wor�l�, I OOq ThE'ackirorton St�•eet, Fart Worth .Texas 7G102 {herelnafter called the Obligee} i€1 fhe full and jusi sum a# ( 5% of Greatest Airiouri[ Bid j Five �er Cent nf Grea#est A�nou�rt �id noElars gaod and.[awful Inoney �f the E}nited 5tates nf America, to tEie paym�E�il ofVai�ich suEn of ��inney Well anr� truly to k�e rnade, ihe Princi�al and Surety bind themse(ves, their heirs, executnrs, adtr�inisiralc,rs, successors and assigns, jnint[y and severally; tiri3ily by these presents. Signed ar�d ciated this 2nd day of De�erii�ier , 2021 �H� CONDITION OF T�#IS QBLIGA�IOi� 6S SUGH, that, i€ fhe Ubligee s��a#I rrialce any award io tite Principal for Const��uction af Horne St. Wate�' and Sa��itat'y �ewef•Reha�ilitati�n, C�'N 1.�3123 according ta the terrrss of ti�e proposal or did.made by the Prirtcipal fherefore, and the Principal sha[I duly maEca and �nter in#o a coniraet with the OE�ligee in accardanca with ihe terms of said pra�osaf or bid a��d awa��d, and shall give band f�r ti�e �aitlifu) performancs thereof wiih lhe Nfc�•ch���ts [3ancl��i Cam 7an IV�IE[i1tlE , as Surety, or with bther Surety or Sureties approve.cE by the Qbligee; or if the I'rittc[pal shall, in case of fail�rre to do sn, pay lo tl�e Obiigee th� damages which the Obligee may suf(er f�y reasnn of such failure, not axceeding the penalty of this Uond, ihen #his o�ligalion shaE! be null and �oid; othe�'v,rise it shalf be and remain in full fofce and e.ffact. fN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the t'rinci�al and S€�rety have causeci these presents ta.1�a duly sigr�ed and sealeci. Witness: ay �;,..,.����.� Witr�ess � �-� Su�'ety: �tE1gs� . � ' ' �° ���y� �: a ��.� -� X �y .loE��� A, Vliliea• � CON 0333. (2l15:} Wiilian� J. 5cl�u}tz, l�ic. dba Circle G Cor�struction Com aEi . �E�R� H�� I'���I`S BONDING COMPANY,;, PowER o� A-r-roRNEY I<now All Pe€safis By Tlsese Presents, ihat M�RGHAhl3S 80NbING COMi'ANY (Ml1TUALj and M�RCHANTS NATIONAL BOt�DIi�G, IiVG hoih baing corparaiians af ll�e Slale of lot�la (herein colleclively callad Iha "Companies'� do faereby make, constilule and ap�oint, i�7divi8ually, Jofvi A Miller; John R Stockton; Sliesyl A ICiulls Iheir Irue and lawful Atlomey(s)-ii3-rAc4, ta si�n Its naine as surely(fes) and !o execuie, seal and acklzotvleJge any and all bor3ds, undeifaklcig5, conlracts and othar wrilten instrut��enls in Ihe nalure IE�ereaf, on hehalf of lhe Cote�pat�iss in fhelr business of c�uaranleeing the fidelily of �ersons, c�uaranteeing the per€orma�tce oi caitracls a�id exect�ling or guarantaeirzg bonds and undattakings required or permiued in any aclior3s or proceediiigs ailavred by lav�. This Powe►-aFA€lorney is granled and is signed and sealad by facsimile under and by aulhorily oi 1he foliowing By-Laws ado�led by 1he Board of [3ireclors ni Merchanls Bonding Cort�pa�iy (Mutualf on April 23, 2071 ac�d aniended Augusl 14, 2015 and adopted Uy the Bnard o( Oirecfors of MerchanisNalianal Bonding, Enc„ on l3claber 1B, 2015. "The President, Secratary, 7reasurar, or any Ass'sslant Treasurer or any Assistant Secretary ar any Vice Presidenl st�alf have �ower 3nd authority Ea appo'snl Altorneys-in-Facl, and io a�thoriza lham la execula an 6ehali af the Campany, and altach ihe seal nf lhe Campany fhereto, bonds and undertakings, recagnizances, rArtiracts of indemnity and aiiier ilritings nUligato�y (n ihe nalure lhereof." "iha sic�nalure of any aulhorized officer and ihe seai aE li�e Company r�iay be aHixed 6y facsimile ar efectronic lransmission lo any Povrer o[ Atlorney or Cartificaliqtt lhereof avlE7osizing Ihe execution and delive�y of any bpnd, underiaking, recognizance, or oihar surelyship obllgaUans of Ihe Company, and sucla signalure ar�d saal vthen so used shall have lhe same force and eflect as iftough manualiy fixed" Iri can=ieclio« wilh abligalions 13o favor of the Fiorida �epartn�eril nf Transporlal�fln anly, it is agreed El�al il�e povler and aul hority hareUy given lo ihe At(orney-in-Facl includes any and alE consents for the relsase nf retained percerilages andlar final eslimales on anflineering anc� conslr�ction conlracls raqvired by lhe 81ate of Fforida �apa�iment af Transparfation. 1t is fuliy undersfoad thal consanfing fo ihe Staie af Florida Depariment of Tlansporialion makir3g payme�3l o! the �nal estimala to the Canlraclor andlor ils Assignee, shali nat relieve ihis surely company rsf any of its oUllgations �nder i1s hond. In connection wiih obligatians in favor o! iha Kenlucky �epartment af High�vays onEy, il is agreed that Ihe povrer ar�d authority hereby given lo the Akiarney-in-Fac1 cannai 6e modified or ravoked unless prior tivriitan personak notice of such inlent has baen c�iven to lhe Cammissioner- ❑epartment af Nighways of ihe Comnzorn��eallh of Ke€tlucky at deas3lhiRy (30] days prior to Ihe �iadificaiion ar reuocalion. fn Witness Wiiereof,ll�e Com�ar�ies 3iave caused this inslrument to �ie signed and seated this 11th day of February , 2p2p . �41f1���� �i� A' ���f� 1 � � � � � � 1 � eY �,' p,'��,...,q< '., ..���t��,Cp,���,� r.ya.aRpoR9.Q�,r ��Q,��p�g.,,A � i1�lERCHANTSBON�ENGCOMPANY{EVIUTUAL) ,1. : C� �' •. y�� • , �, 9�,,.��; MERCHAi3i NA7i0NAl. BON➢iNG, ENC, ��;�' -o� c7i�: :N;�' -o- �; : .xc3��� 2UO3 r�yj .; y�� 1933 r C: pY �� ��;cf��., ,.a��;9, . �d •�ti. � � �a .• '. ��?/�'";� "��J .• •�•r'!y• "�s �' �'� • Presldent STAT�OF30WA +��"'r��u���ti`,` '��•��•' • COUNTY OF DALLAS ss, On ihis 11t1� day af Februa�y 2U20 , before me appeared larry Taylor, to me persol�atly know», tvho.6eing 6y me €iuly swprn did say thal he is Presidant o( MERCHANTS BON�ING COMi'ANY (MUTUAL) and MERGHAtJTS NA710NAZ BqNbING, �NC,; and Ihal lhe seafs alfcxed la lhe farec�ofng instrumenE are lhe Gorparate Seats o( She Cornpanies; and �hat the said Instru�erei was signed and seaEed in beiiaf! of the Companies by a�lhorily of their respeolive 8aards of Direckors. ,�PRjA� s Po��.Y �asoN . o � Cor�missio�i Number 750576 � �/V��,�p-�... � ° ° ° ° My Cammission �xpires �� +�ow� � January 07, 2423 No�ary Public (Expiralion ot nolary's comrnission does not invalidale this instrunienlj 3, William War��er, Jr„ Secrelary of MERCHANTS BpNDiNG COMPANY (NUTUAL} and NiEF2CHAiilTS NA7lQNAi. BQNpING, INC., do hereby certify lhaE tlie ahove and foregoing 'ss a€rue and correal capy af the POWER-O(-AT7ORNEY executed hy said Companies,which is still in full €orce and eftecl and has nol been amended or revoked. in Witness Wheraaf, I have I�erew�to set my hand and POA 0018 (�120} ��.�+�� j 0 Nq �''� « . � • ' ••. �'�. : hy ��y9�F'0�'P�fi?-•� „.��� ��1�3 �:`rn,: , ��y��, : ���, �; � ,, '',{�„r..�,,,,, aftixed the seal af ihe Campat�ies pn lhis 2nd day of ❑ecember, 2021_ .• - •. , • ��l��, CO,�'• �����0�'��R pq�'. : ' �' �''`'�-t' �f��C% + � � � _ p_ �; �; ����"� Gf�,�a1'Y-t�'!� � y� 5933 � c; Secretary a (7 a�~i . y. . . •:'E ' ��"''t�,. •....... �ERCHA.NTS�+� �ONDI.NG COM�'ANY,u %11:i:C:l{ANTS 1tipNnINCi (:()Ml'ANYIME3TUAl.1 � MEP.CFIANTS f�iATlOt�lAl. [iON1�iNC,, li�1C:. PA, [3oX i4�98 • LiCS 1JOIN[:S, fOWA S030G-3�198 •(8�D) 678-317{ •(5151 2�13-3854 f�1X Please sencl �11 notices of claim on tl�is vand to; Merchants Bonding Com�xj�y (Mut�ial)1 Merc{��ii�ts Nation��! 8o��di���;, i��c. P.O. �a� 14�9s Des Moi��es, Ia�v�t 5030G-3�98 (S I 5} 243-8 I 71 �soa}6�s-si�� Physical Add�•ess: 6700 Westown Par!<way, West Des Mai�3es, iou�a 502Gb SUP 0�73 TX {21i5j no as s7 vENnor� co�n���n�ac� �ro srn�� u�w Page 4i of t3 S�Cl`ipN UO 43 37 VE�4DOR C�M�'LIANCE Td SiAT� LAW NOfV R�SIp�N�i� BfDDER Texas Governrnenf Code Chapfer 2252 was a�lapted ior Ehe award of caniraots tc� nonreside�zt bidders. This law provldes thai, In arder to k�E awarded a contracf as low bidder, nonresldent bldders (out-of-siate contracEors whose eor�arafe offices nr principal piace of business are outside tl�p State nf Texas} b'sd �ro�eots for construction, im�rovements, sup�lies or services in Texas at an an�ouni lower than the lowest Texas �'esidant b{dder by li�e same arr�ou�f that a Texas. resfdent bidder would i�e rec�uired to underbid a nnnresldant bidder In order to nbtain a comparabEe co�tract ir� the Stafe which the nanres'sdent's principal �lace of 6usfness is located: The ap�ropriate blar�ks in Section A rnust b� fill�d out by all nnnresidenf bidders iri arder for your bid to �neeE specifications. ihe failure of non[�sEdent bidders ta da so wili auiomatioally disqualify that bidder. Resiiten# bidders m�sf cheak the box in Sectian B. A: No��resldent bidders lit ihe State of Texas , o�r princi.pal place of busi "ness, are required tn. tie ;°io �arc�� ,�ercentEower lhai� res9dent hidders by State Law. A copy of the statute is aflached. Nonr�:sideni t�idders in the Stafe of Texas , oEtr principal plaae o� �iusiness, are nat requi�etl to underbid r�sident bidders. B. The principal place of business of o�r cnmpany or aur parent campany or majarlEy owner is in �he Siate oE Texas, d �[DO�Ft: W911iam ,f 5�hultz €nc dba Circle C Gonstrt�etlon Com�ar�y pp Box 40328 F'ort V1+nrlh, Texas 76940 �y: Teresa S Skeily �� �.�f (Slgnature) Title: President Date: 13-Jan-22, �NI7 fll� ST�:CTIffN CiTY OF FORT N10ftTH STAhfDARi7 CONS7RUCT[bN 5pECiF[CATION DOGUMENTS Ravlsed s13412U2� CPN-103123 Horne Stteet V1+ater and SS Reha6liilaiior� Addendum 2- Worki�ook:xisx Pagc 1 of 3 s�cTiorr oa as it BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS � 1. S��nmary. Alf cai�t�•ac#o►s a�•e �•ec�uired to be prec�ualified by the City prio3• to su[�mifting 5 bids. To be eligibie to bid the contractor inust subai�at Sectia» RD 45 12, Prec�ualification 6 Stateanezit for ti�e �uark type(s} listed wifh thei�• Bid. Any cont��acEo�� or si�Uco�itractor �vl�o is 7 not prec�ualified fof• tEie wot•k type(s) listed must submit Section 00 45 13, Bidder 8 Preqtialificatio» Application in accordance with the requi�•e�ne�its �elo�v. 9 lf} The preqiEalification prncess will establish a bid litnit based on a teci�nical evaluation ancl 1 f fixaaz�cial analysis of the contracto�•. Tlfe inforn�ation n�ust be submitted seveit ('1} days prio�• 12 to the date ofthe openin�; ofbicls. Far example, a contrac#or wisl�ing to subi�aif bids on 13 p►•ojects to ve opened on the 7th of April must �le the information by the 3 ist cfay of March 1� in order to bid on these projects. In ai•de�� to expedite and facilitate fhe approvat of a Bidde��'s 15 Prequalificatio�� Appiication, the foliowin� �ntist accompany the s��bmission. IG a, A camplete set of audited or revie�ved fi��ancial statements. 17 (1) Classified Balance Sheet 18 (2) lnco�ne Statem�nt i9 (3) Statement of Cash Flows 20 (4) Statement of Retairaed Earnings 21 (5) Notes to the Financial Statements, if any 22 b. A ce��ti�ed copy of tlie firm's organizational docu�nants (Co��porate Charter, A�•ticles 23 of Incoiporation, Articles of Organization, Certifieate of Formation, LLC 24 Regulations, Ce��ti�caEe af Li�nited Pa��fnei•sl�ip Agreement). 25 c. A confpleted Bidder P�•equali�eatioi� Application. 26 {1} The firin's Texas Taxpayer ldenEification Nun�bei• as issued by t11e Texas 27 Goinptroller af Public Accounts. To obtair� a Texas Taxpaye�• Identification 28 n�mber visit the Texas Compti•oller of Pub]ac Accoi�nts o�iline at the 29 follow3�ag web add�•ess ���v�v.�vincEo�v.state.t:c.us/tax��ea�a�aitl and fiil out tlie 30 application to apply for youE� Texas tax ID. 31 (2) 'T1�e firin's e-inail add�ess and fax nuEilber. 32 (3) The frn�'s DLJNS nun�be�• as issued by Dun & Bradstreet. This number 33 is used by che CiEy for required cepo�•tin� on Federal �1id prajects. The DUNS 3�1 nun�be�� ���ay be obtained at ��rv��r.dnb.co�n. 35 d. Resunies reflecting the construction experience of the principles of tl�e �r�3� for firii�s 3G sub�nitting tl�ei�� i�fitial prequalification. These resumes shoulcl include the size at�d 37 scope of the wo�•k pet•forined. 38 e. Othe►- i��forinatioi� as requested by tl�e City. 39 4Q 2. P�•equalification Requia•enie��ts 41 a. I'r�zajzcial Stateyrte�rts. Financial stateRiaenE ssibmission n�ust be �ro�ided iEi 42 accordance with tiie following: �33 (i) The City ►•equi�•es tl�at tiie original Financial Stateinent o�• a certified copy 44 be s�sbnlitted fo�• eonsideration. CITY OF FORT �V012Tf I Home Sl �Vater and SaEiitary Se�eer Reltabililacian STANDARD CONSTRUCf10N SPECII'ICATIdN []OCUM�NTS CPN iE13123 RevisedJuEy 1, 20i t -3 Page 3 af 3 I c. The City will issue a letter as to the status of the prequalificatiora appz�o�al. 2 d. I� a contractor has a vaiid prequali�cation ist�e��, the contractor will be eligible to bid 3 the p��equa{i�ed work ty��es untii the expiration date stated in the Iett�r. �ND OF S�C'�'�ON C1TY OF FORT WO1tTH Home St Water and Sanifary Sewer Rehabiiitafion STANDATtD CODIS"I'RiTCTION Si'ECII'ICATION DaCUM�3�iTS CPN 103 t23 Revised Ju[y 1, 201 E '. s t 00 45 i2 PK�QE3ALtFlCA710N SiAiEMENT Page 12 of 13 S�CTIQN 00 A5 92 PR�QUAI.I�ICATION STATEM�NT - �ach Bidder for a Ciiy procurem�nt €s required lo complete the informafian belnw by ident€fying lt�e �requali�eci contractors anc�lor subcontractors whom they Intend #o utilize for the rriajor �ork type(s} fisk�d. The undersigned hereby certlfl�s that the. cn�tracfors andlcrr s�bcontractors described in llte table above are currently prequali�ied fo� the work lypes fisfed. , 8[DDER: Will3am J Schulfz Ine dba Gircle C Construciinn By: Te a S Slteily ' Company � rs � t...1�� PQ Box 40328 (5ignature) Fort Worlfi, Texas Z6940 7itle: Pres€denE aate: �,/p,+a�*�r r /� Zt� � � ENa DF 5�G.iIpN GI7Y OF ��AT WOf27H S7ANDARD CON5TRIJCTION SPEGI�ICATl�N €}OGUM�NTS Revised 09f30l262S CPH-103i73 Hor�e SlraellNat_er aqd SS Rehahlfi3alion itddendum 4 S�CTION 00 �i5 26 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMP�NSATIQN LAW Pursuant to Texas Labor Code Section 406.096(a}, as ameitidecl, Cantractol- ce�ti�es that it px-ovides �vorker's compensation insura��ce coverage for all of its employees employed on City Froject No. 10147G. Coniractor fi�rthe�- certifies tl�at, pursuant to Texas Labor Code, Section 406.fl96(l�), as amended, it �vill provide to City its su[�contractor's certificates of compliance ��ith �vorker's compensation covei•age. C� �� OCi+n �cJ Ghle /7 r 1/�C AOGi. C//'o /< C CO/7ST/'uC//D �7 L D�qjl�ty; _ �1�P.SC� J�-�*/�!� Company � (Please ' rt) /" CJ �D Q�Z� Sigaature: _.�ct.aa cfc � Address �/��0/Th / T/� ���I � TiHe: / �' �,S/ �o�ia � CitylState/Zip (1'lease Print} ���e ,:S�+�Y�pua% MICH�LE S L�11V`Kl'OEti);; THE STATE OF TEXAS ,•''i ���i7,; �`__ Notary Public ;'� '*� �*` STATEOFTE:7i.AS �� _ `T'K�, � � COUNTY Ok' '�ARRANT '�,"9,F -��,�r';� Notary �p # 1 i�sga��r � •�F,n..•`° (,�y C4mm. Eup. OcSah�r r. ?U23 ' i ���sv; �at'�r;:.; BEFORE ME, the undersigned autlzority, on this ciay perso�ially appeared t*�-�t,�.. � i�,� � � 1 , known to me to be the person «liose name is subscribed to the foregoin� instrun�ent, and acl io�c�ci to me tltat lie/slfe execuked thc same as tlie act and deed of �r �,5 i�!�t� - for tlze purposes and coi�sideratio�� therei�� expressed and in the capacity tlaez�ein stated. GIVEN UND�R MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFF1C� tliis o1� day of ��Qs^C.�l , 20.,2;vZ. .�i Natary Pu61ic in and for the State of T s �ND O�' S�CTION CITY OF FOlt7' 15'ORTfI Home St 1Valer nnd Sanilary Se�ver l�elia6'slitation $Tr1NDARD CONS�'RUCTIOT+1 SI'EC[►�1CATIqN DOCUIYEENTS CPN ]03123 Re��isedhily 1,20ll ooasao-i F3usii�css Equity Gnal Page 1 of2 � SECTION DO �15 40 z Business Equity Goal 3 APPLiCATION OF POLICY �3 If ti�e total dolla�• �aiue of the coi3tract is $100,aaa o�� ��o��e, theza a Business �quity goal is ap�licable. 5 A B��siness Eq«ity Fi�•��� ��efers ta certi�cd Mi�iaeity�, a��dlor Women-, t�w�jeci Business Euterp�•ises G (MIWB�s). 10 11 12 i3 14 15 1G 17 18 POLICY STATEM�NT It is tkie policy of ti�e City af Foi�t Wo�•th to e�3sttre tlie full and equitable paE-ticipatio�� of Business Eq�lity �'iri�ls whe�� applicab�e, i�l ti�e p�-acurer3�ent of all goods aE1d services. All i•equi�•e���ents and regufations stated in tlle City's Busi��ess Ec�uity Ordi��anee No.251 bS-10-2021, (3�e}�laci��g Ordinance No. 24534-1 i- 2020 (cadi%ed at: litt s:(/codelik�raa� �,��nle=al.con�/eadeslHsvart1�11atestlft��ort1� txl(3-0-0-2259:�} apply kn tl�is l�ic�. BUSINES� EpUITY �ROJ�CT GOAL Tlie City's B�isiness Equity aoal an this }��•oject is 17% pf the totaf hid �alue of ihe enntract (Base bid applies In Par-ks crfld Catru�t��rrity Set•t�ices). j9 METHODS TO COMPLY WITH THE G�AL 20 O�� City co��fracts where a Busi��►ess �quity Goal is applied, offe�'nrs at•e �•eqt�i��ed t� conlply �viil� the City's 21 Business Equity Ordi��ance by meecing o�• exceedir�g the al�ove stated goal or othe��wise com�ly witli the 22 ordinance tilt•ough one of ttie fallo�ving metlfods: 1. Coa�a�ne�-cially useful services �erfornied l�y a 23 Busincss �q�►ity printic eo�ztj•actor, 2. Busir�ess Equity subcont�•acting participation, 3. Coaii�ination 24 of Busi��ess �c�uity p►'i�ne set•�ices and Bi�si�iess Equity subcont�•actir►g pa�'ticipatio��, �4. Busi�ess 25 Eqr�ity ,Toi��t Vent}���elMento�•-Protege particip�tion, 5. Goad �aith Ef�at•t doct�n�entation, or 6. 26 Pri�nc cnntractor Waivca� clacu���e��fatimi. 27 28 SUBMITTAL O1+ R� UIRED D�CUMENTATION 29 A}�plicabie dacUtne��ts (listed l�elow} must be received by the Purchasing Division, OR tiie offeraa- sltall 30 EMAIL t9�e B�isiness �qEiity docu��te��tatio;� to tl�e assigned City of Fo��t Worth P�•oject Matiager o3� 3I Dep�rtn�eElt Desig�zee. Dacuu�ents are to F�e receivecl ifa late�� tl�:��► 2:fl0 p.n�., on ti�e tlii3•d City 32 business ciay after tlie bid o�ae��iiig c�ate, exciusive ot'tl►e b'rd a�eni��g date. 33 34 Tlfe Offeroa� z»ust st�bsnit one or n�ore afthe follo��ing documents: 35 1. Ufilization Foa•an a��c3 Letter(s) of I�itent, ifti�e gaal is met or exceed�d; 36 2. Good Faitl� Effort �'or��� and Utiiiz�tian Fo�•n�, includii�� supparting documentatia�i, if 37 participatio�� is fess kl�an stated goal, or ��o Business �quity participation is accomplisl�ed; 38 3. P��i���e Canh•aetoe• Waivez• F�rn�, incl�tding s��pportit3g docume�ztation, if tl�e Of%ror w=iil �e�•for►» 39 aii subcontracting/s►�pplie�• o�poi�tunities; ar �10 4. Joint Ve�it�n•elMento�•-P�•otege Foj•i��, if �;oal is jnet or exceeded wit13 a Joifit Venture or Meiilor- �3] Protege pa��tici�atio��. 42 43 4�t �45 46 �7 �$ �9 Tlaese farms can be fo�nid at: Business EqElity Utilizatian Pornz a�id Lette�� of Intent hti�s•(/a�s fc�rt«�orthtexas.�ov1l'rojectReso����ces/itesot�rcesl'/60°/a2U- °/u20\�IWBL?"NF�V°/U20Busii�ess%20Eq��i tv%200rdi��a��relL'��si uess%20T'q��i3V°�Q20Util_i zatia��%20Porc��. � _ Let[er of I�itent CI"CY OF �'ORT WOFiT1I iiorne St \Vater and Sa��iiar5� Se�c�er Eieiiabilita[ion STAN�ARD CONSTEtUCTION SYECIFICATION DQCUMEI+IT5 CPN 163123 Re�ised Qctaber 27, 2021 ooa�ao-z i3utinesc Equity G�al Page 2 of 2 E kitt�s•'����s farti��ortl�tex�s.�ov!f'►•�iectItesa€�reeslResou�•ccsl'/b0 - A�IZ��T��/NE�V Br�siness Eq��� Z OE•dina��cefl��ttea� �# ��tte��t-2021.}�s�f 3 4 Busi�iess Equity Good Faitl� Effort �'or►i� 5 l�ti �s:/fa 3 �s.fi�i•t�vc�3�thtexas.��avfl'ro'ectReszx►��ces�R�sot�rcesP/6(3%2(3- 6 `:�2UNi��BE1NEI�V%20F�usiness%20E t�it r%2UOrc�ii����eeJBusi►iess°/u20E i�ii��°�a20Good%2��'aitl�%2�Ef 7 fort%,2�Fo����i.t�clf 9 B��siness Equity PE�i�ne Cantractor Waive�• Foein ] D htt �s:lfz� > >�.t��j•t���in�tl�texas. =o�/Prn'eciReso�irceslResourcesPibQ°io2{1- 1 I °i�20M�VB�fN�Z�°/a�OBUSil]�SS°�n�OEC l{IL �%200rdi�t��lceiB�Esii�ess%2Ui� uitv°�b20P��in�e%20Ca�itE��ctor 12 °r�20l�lai�e��.�.�df 13 1� 15 i6 i7 is 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 z�r 2a 29 30 31 32 �usi��ess Ec�uity Joink Vent��'e Fnrm l�tt �s:1/a »s.fiortL�ro�•thtex��s.�=nvrPro'ectRcsc>urceslRescxik•cesl'/CO"/o2Q- %2()MWB�/1�E1�4"%20B€isiness%20E uii �%20D��ciinance.Busi�iess°/a2QEc �ait fO�nZQJc�int°/a20Ve��tu��e. �df TATLCJR� 7'O ACHI�V� THE GOAL, OR OTHER«'TS� COi1�IPLY' WITH THE ORIDI�IINACE WTLL 12ESULT IN THE BIDDERIOT��ROR BEING DCCT,AItE� IVON-R�SONBIVE AND THE I31A R�,I�CTEA. �'A,II,CiR� TO 5UR�171'I` THE REQUIRCD BlJSINF,SS �O[]TY DOCU141�iVTATI0l�1 OR_O'I'HERWISE C011�1PLY V4'ITH THE URDINANC� �TVILL R�SUI,'I' IN THE BIT� BEIIVG DECLAR�D NON- RESPONSN� THE BID R�,iECT�D ANA MAY SiJBJECT TEIE BIDA�RI�Fr�ROR TO SANCTIONS AS DESCRI�3EI3 IN S�C. 2d-3'13 OF THE OIiAINANCE. F'a�• Qucstions, Plcase Contact Tl�e $usiness Equity Divisio�� oi tl�e Depaj•tu�ent a� Diversity and Incl�ision at ($1 � 392-2C�74. END O�' SECTION CITY O�' FOA'1' �'JRRT�I Hor�ie St �Vater and Smiiiary� Setver RehabiliEatio�t STANDAR37 CQNSTRUC7�[QN SPEC{FECA"E�[ON DOCUIv[EA!'iS CPi1 103123 Rcvisec� October 27, 2D21 60 52 �a3 - I A�iCClll�it� Page 1 oFG SECTI(.)N tl(1 52 43 AGR�EMENT' 'I'�iIS AGRE�IYILN'1`, auti�orized o�� 03/08/2022, is Enade 6y a��d between ti�� City oi Fort �Vorth, a 7'e�as lic�cne ru[e inu��ici�}a[ity, �cti��g 1>y ai�d ii�a�ougii iis duly <��itl�o��ized City Ma��a�er, (<`C,i[y") asid Will's���z i Sch«[tz, T��c. dba,�CiE�cle C' Cc�nst�uction Com4�an��, a�itiiarizec� tca do busi��ess i�� "I'ex�s, acliia� by ai�c{ tlu•ough 'sts cizEly autf�c�rizeci �•e��3-esen€�tive, ("Contraetoa"). Cit�r a�zcl Coxatr��ctor ��ia}r,joir�tiy be referred to as 1'a��ties. City anci Co��tractor, ir� considerakiaR� af tile m�ttiral ca�e��ae�ts hci•eiEtafter set fa�'tl�, ag►�ee as fal lows: �iriicle �. ��I�Rii. Co3iti'�Ctflt' S�IaI� coc��}�lete all Virork as �peeified o�• ind�cated ii� the Coi�t��aci L7oc«�3�ei;ts for the Projeet. ide.nti�eci �erein. A�•ticic� 2. �'R��TECT The project For wi�icE� t�ic «1or�C u��cier the Co��tt•�et Doc�n�e�tts zna}r l�e tl�e �vl�ole or o��fy a;�a��t is generally descril}ec� as folla��s: Horne St. WateE• aEzd Sar�itar Se��ver Rel�a6ilitation Ci�N _103,1 A�'�14�1' �. CONTRACT P tR�CE Ciiy a�;z'ees to pay Co€�tr�ctc��� faz' perPorma�ee af tlae Work in acco�'d�►lce tivith [E�e Cantr�cf Doca�n�eflts ru� ama�mt, ii� cur►'et�t fiinc�s, of Fau�• Miliic�n Tai�r k��Euclred t�vei�t��-fczur thoi�sand o►�e l��istdred sixteeFi a�ic� iwcni:�' cei�ts D�liaz•s (�4,�24,IIG.2Q). Cc�ntE��ct pE�ice �t�ay ve �djusied I7jJ C�1f1il�C C)TC��t3 C�IfI�� autl�orir.ed t�y ttie Pa��ties. Article �#. CONTTtACT TINT� 4. ] Final Acce�ta�ice. "I'i�e Work shatl be complete fo►• Fir�at Aceeptauae �vithin 550 calencia�• d�ys a{tca� tt�e clate ��he�� the Co►�tract Time cominences to �•«n, as ��'ovidecl ii� PaeagE`aph 2_02 c�f the Ge��eral Co��ditions, p[us atly exte�isior� tltereof` a�lowad ici 2ecai-da�lce ��ith Articie 12 oI' tlie �'iEliCl'�i� COIIC�i�lt7I15. �.2 Lic�i►idated Damages CoE�tractor reco�uizes Ei��t tirne rs of 11re esseface �ar com��letio❑ oFMilesron�s, if any, and co adiie�� Pi�aat Acceptance o�the Wo��k and City and t1�e public will s��flcr fro�n loss af use iP flae �ork is not comp6eted within tlae time(s) s�eci�ed ir� Pa�•agi�a��l� 4.1 aboire, Tl�e Conti-actoz' �iso reca�izes ti�e delays, ex�3ens� a�id c�iffic��lties inval�ed in ���'ovi��� ii� a legal p��oceed's�ig, tkie actual l�ss s��ffc;red by #he City if 1��e Wo.rk is E�ot cc�:z�Elletcd oi� time. Acco�'dingly, izastead af rec�iiiri�ig any s�icli pr«of, C°oz�te�ctor a�rees thal as liquic�atcd da���a�es fa€• delay {b��t Rzat as � pe��alry}, Co��tracto�' sliall p�iy City Six lil�ndred thi�•ty Dc�lla��s (g630A0) �o�- each day that ex�ires after lE�e time specifieci u� P�ragz'a�h �}.1 for Fi�lal Aece�tauce unfil tlie City issires il�e Fi►1al L.etter of Acceptan�e. Ci�4�Y Or rOCtT 1�'OR7'II }fomc 51 �1'ater sjncl Sani[a�}r 5cwcr Relilbilitatioi� STrti�ID�I[tf] CC�1V5TttU(:7�lO�i SPEcfFICA7'101�� r.)OCUIvtI3N s'S C�PT� 1031?3 [�cvised 9!(11r2t�21 0� 52 43 - 2 rlgreau�ent Page 2 of 6 11�•ticIc 5. CONTRr1CT llOCllMI�NTS 5.1 CQNT�NTS; A. "I�lte Cont��acf Doc�►n�ents urf�icl� C0111�71'E58 the e��tire a�;ree�nent l�et�veen City a�lc� Cotitractor co��ce��ciia��; itie 1��o��k cai�sist of the fallotivi►�g: l . TI3is Agreement. �ttacl�tr►etits to il�is Ag��eeme��t: a. Bid F`orm I } P�•oposal Fa��na 2) Vendo�� Com��ti�nce to Staie Law Non-Itesicienl Iiidcle�� 3) Prequaii�catian State���e��t 4) State a»d Pedcral dacu�z�ea�ts (��rnjeet specific) b. Ciirrerzt Prevaili»n Wage Rate '1'able c. Itis�ira��c� ACORD �'orzn(s) d. Payment Bond e. �'erformance Bond f. M�tiz�ien�nce �3t�nd g. Pc�rrrer c�f Attorney for ti�e Bc���ds !�. Wn�•ke�'s Cac��pe��satio�y AiTiclavii i. MB� azacl/o�' SBF t7tiEization Fo���n 3. Ge��eral Cn►�c�itior�s. 4. Sup�ale»�enta►y Condifions. S. S��ecilicatic�ns s�eci�cally i�lade a�art of tl�e Cantraet Uocun�ents by attacl�E��e��t or, if i�ot attacheci, as iz�coi-�arated b�T refereizce and ciescE•il�ed i» ti�e Table of Conte�iis ofthe Project's Cont;•act Documents. &. Drar�rings. 7. A�idenda. Doc��n�e��tatioji su�mitted by Contracfor ��riar to Notice of A�vard. `l�he foilowia�g �vfiicli inay t�e dsli�Tc�'ed nt• issued �ftef� t}ie Effective Date of tlte A�rce�ne��t and, if issE�ed, L�ecomE an i�icorparateci pa��t of tfie Cniitract Dc�c�ia�let�ts: �. Notice to Proceec�. b. l�ield Orders. c, Chatige Orc�ers. d. Letter of Fii�at Accepta��ee. A�•ticle 6. IiVIIEMN�'�CATInN G.1 Cur�tr�cfia�r eove�n�iuts anc� agc•ees t� i��de�na�ify, �olci I�aa��uless and def.e�acl, at its njv�� exi��nse, tl�e cit�', its c�ffice��s, sei-��;�►�ts aus� �m��loyees, f�-o►n ai�d agai��st any ��nc� .ill L'IRIItiS Rl'15Ill�+, Uili C��', �a� aile�eci fo ni•ise a��t ot', �IIL' FVIII'It Ali(� 5Cl'VECCS f0 I)e peM•for•���ed ��y tiie co�xtractn�•, ifs ot'ticea•s, agents, em��Io}°e�s, s�►�co��tracto�•s, iice��scs oi• i��vitccs ��a�de�• ti�is cnnts•�ct. Ti�is incie�tiniticatio�� �rovisio�i is s�ecii"ccall � intenc�ec3 to o�e�'atc a��t] be effective even il' it is .�lle �cd u�• ��•oven tl�at �il ai� so»>e of tl�e cla�n� es ��;i�i snu Elit �vcre cai�sed i�i �E�I�c�le flr in 3arf t� � na�r� act c����issiora u�• i�e �ii xelice of tl�e c�f��. 'i'�is iu[lerrs�it�' X��'ovisioT� is i��te��ded to i�icl��cie, �vitt�o�it linaitatinn, iiic�e��t�iiiy for costs, expe�ises ;►n�i iegRi fees iztc�u•��ed t��= tl�e ciiy ii� defenc�i�ig agaii��t sricl� cl:�in�s s�ncl ca��ses of �ictio�is. Clil'OI� I�UR'1' WUIZ"4'fl STAI��UAILD C(�NS'1'IZUC'I'IL?N Si'F.(;iP[CATCON DOC:IIyIENTS Rcvised 9/Otl2iiZl JIome St 1Vater and Saniiary Sc�ti•er Rehubilitution CPI�' i43123 pE151�13-3 Agreemei:t Page 3 of 6 f.� COLIfI'FlCtO!' l:OYCAR1iiS RIIL� �l�l'I;CS t0 II1f��1tllil� �Ili� �10�(� �lal'i11��S5y R� 1tS O�V73 BJC�)4i1SCy tl�e city, ifs r�f�'ieers, serva��ts anci e�uplo���cs, f�•fln� a��d nb.�inst a�xy �nct a!I 1ns�, cia���age c�r� desty��ictic�n of pt•o��cr�y� of t}►c ci�y, arisin�; �i�t �►1', ;�z� allc�ecl #o a�•ise out of, ti�e �vurlc a�c� se�•vices to �e ��ec•1'o�•n�eci b�� tl�e contractoi•, its o�'licers, a�ents, ecnpla��eefi, sul�co�►tr•:�etnrs, licc�isees c�i- i�ivitces unt[e►• tt�is cor►ta•act. `�'liis i�zde�i�rii�icatio�� �rcz�isian is s�c�:iC�call � in(encIecl fo o��r:�tc a�td �ie ef'1'ective eve�� it� it is alle c�ci or �►�oven t}yat aII ��� soir►e of the �3a��ia res bein = soi� �ljt we�•e ca►�seEl iu `vl�ole o�• i�� ►a�•t I�a� a��z� aet, oj�iissiou ni� ne�Ii�e�ce oT the cif�, Article 7. IYIISCI,LI,ANr'.O[TS 7.1 "1"e►•ms. "l�erms �ised i�� tliis Ag�•eei��ent �R�hicl� ���e cic�r�ec3 in flrticle 1 c�f the Ge��e3•al Co�3ditia��s will haue tl�e: meaiiings inciicated i�� tlie Ge�����a[ Co»ditia►�s. 7.2 .tlssianment c�f' Conl�•act. `T'liis A��reeir�cnt, ir�clucling ail of ttie Co��E��act Doc�t��leE�ts inay not be assi�ted tiiy tlie ContracCo�• Gvilhout tl�e acl�anced ex}3ress 4v��iite�� cn��sent of the Cily. 7.3 Succe�sors and Assig��s. Cily ancl Contractc�i• eac}i t�i»ds itself, its part��ers, st�ccessors, assig��s a�id ieg�l re����ese��tatives to the otheE� ��arty �lereto, irl l'es�3ect to al l covenants, a� �eeme�its a€�d obtigaiio��s contained iri ttie Cont�•act Doc�i�neElts. 7.� Seve��a�iiityMon-Waiver of Clai���s. �L«}r ��ratirisiori or �3ai�t of #}�e Cont�•act Dc�c€ime��ts I�e1d lo be ui�coristitutinnal, ��oid oi• �irie��fr,rce�l�le by a cou�i of eo�xi}}�te�it juris�ietiory sl�all 1�� dee��lecl st��ic[cen, and all remainici� F�rovisioras sl�ali cbntinue to I�e valic� �►i�d bizading upon Cit}= �nd Contractor. T��e fai(�i�•e nf City or Co��tractoi• to insist E�pon the �.ierlonn�nce of ar�y te��tn or provisioi� c�f this Ag��eei��ei�t or to e:cereise artiy right ��anted i�ereii� sha31 E�ot co��stil��te �� waivec of Ci1y's c�t� Co��t3�:�ctor's resF�eetive right to insist upon ��pp�rap�'iate pcj't�?rtna��ce ar ta assec-� a��y such right o�� a€�y firturc; accasio��. 7.5 Governi��g La�v a��d Venue. `T'his A�reenient, including all of tlae Co��tract Doc��me»ts is perfo�•�naE�le in tlle State of 'I'exas. Vei�u� sl�all be Tarran� Cnucity, TeY�zs, o�� ti�e U��ited St��tes Dist�•icf Gou�•€ for tl�e No�-�I�er�l District of '1'eYas, Fart Wortla Division. 7.6 ft��tliarily lc� Si�z�. Co��traclor sl�all attac�l e��ide��ce of' autl�ority to si��� Agt•eement if sl��ed by sai�ieone otl�er tt�a�x the duly autl�orized sig��atoiy of lhe Cc�nl�•�ctor. 7.7 Noz�-apE3ro��riatio�� of Funds. In tE�e eve�it ��a f«ricis o� i��siifficient fi��ads are a���t'op�riated by CiE�� i�t at�)r fiscal �e��iod for ar�y �Za}l���ei�ts due flereu�fder, City i��ilf notify Venclar o� sucl� occt�rrence a��c1 tl�is A��eemeni skiall tcr�iiinatc at� the last day of tl�e �sc�l ��e��iod %r ���I�icl� ap�rt�priatic�zas E�+rere �-ecei�ved ti�vithaut }�e��alt�� or expeslse [o City €�f �i�y kit�c{ s��l�atsoevv��, exc.ept as to the p�>rtio»s of tlie ���yme��ts Itereir� aa�•eed upon ia�� �vl�icl� %�►lds {�ave been �i��p�roprialed. C1TY Or POR7' WaIt1'kl �3orne St 1Vatcr acid Sa�titai}� 5ea�cr Itcl}z�bslit.�ti�m S'I'1�t�DAI2I.�(;ONS"1RL3Cf10�15PFC:[FICA'fi(3NDDC,tJNiIiI`I'S CP1�d 103123 12evised 9!Otl1.021 0o sz �� - a Elgreemcnt Yage 4 Uf G 7.� PE•nhil�ition On Cantracts Witii Con�pa��ies }3o}rcaitin� Israef. Contracior, �r��iess a sc�le prc��»•ietor, ack�t€�wledges tl�at i�� accc�rdance ���itE� ChaEjter 2271 csf ti�e "1'exas Gc�veriunent Cocle, i€� Coiitractor ftas �0 0�• �1�are ft�ll ti�3�e-e►nployees ��act the caE�lract ��alue is $10�,0�0 or rnare, the City is ��rol�il�iied froin e��tering i��to a e�ntracY �viih a co��i��a��_y fi��• gands aE- se►•vices tinless the eontract cazttai»s 1 r�E'itteti verificatio�a f►�c�n� tkie c������7any th�t if: (l) does ��ot boycUtt Israel; ai�d {2} will not �oycUtt Is�•ael duri�t� tlac tercn af the cQ�tt:t'act. The te►•ms "boycott is►�ael" ancl "co���paiiy" shall ha�e the n�ea«inps aseribecl tn tl�c�se tei7��s i�� Seetia�i 808.00I of tl�e Te�as Gove�'��u�ent Cc�de. By signiug tl�is c.�a�tr�et, Cout►���ctoa• ce►�iii�es ihat Conh•actn��'s signature }�rovi[ies �v�•itten vex•i�catioaz to the Cit,y tl�at if C��.�}rte�• 2271, 'I'eaas Gc��eru�necii C�icle a�i��lies, COnti'actol�: (1� dpCS �at bQyColt IS1'itE�I; aud (2) �vill �zot laoycotf Israel du��ing the term O� ��ll'. CUIIf#'�1Ct. "7.9 Pro[�ibiti��i on Bvycottirib E�iet'�,y Cotnparties. Coi7tracto�• �cknowtedges tt�at in accarc�a��ce with Ci�a�te�- 227�1 ai' the Texas Gover����ient Codo-(as added t�y Ac#s 2021, 87th Le�., R.S., S.B. 13, � 2), the Cit}r is prohibited fi�om eciterij�g i3zto �e contract far gaods ar se���ices that has a �alue of $100,000 or �nare, �vhich tivill l�e �,aid ���l7nf ly oi• p�r�tiy f��ott� p�iblic �uz�c�s of the Ci ,ty, wiih a co�����a�7y {�vitE� ] 0 or »u��•e f��il-tii»e e�nplQyees) �ir�less the coEi�ract caittai�ts a �vritten ve��ification fron7 the com�acly that it: (1) d�es ��ot baycatt e��e3'�}' compa��ies; aEic� (2) �yill ��c�i bovc�tt ei�ec'gY C01i1�7RItk8S C�ltl'lll� ��le tern� of tlae contraet. The ter���s "�a}�catt ene�•gY compa�t��" a►�d "cc�rr�p��ny" have tlie mea€tin� ascriE�ecf tn tliase teri�is by C�ia��tea• 227� of tl�e Texas Governr�te»t Cocla (as added by Ac�s 2Q21, 87tf� Leg., R.S., 5.�. 13, § 2). rI'o tl�e ea:te��t tiiat Ciia�rte�• Z27�4 oi the Go�e��uraaez►t Cc�[le is a��plicalfle �v t�;is Agrecnient, by si�r�ing this Ag��eerneiit, C�ttkt'aetor certif�es tl�ai Confi�act�z's signs�fr�ye �n•o��ic�es writte�► ve�•ilic�tioi� tc� tl�e City ih;et Cor�trncta�•: (1) does nc�t b€�ycott e��ei•�y con���anies; anci (2} �vill ��ot bo,ycott enc�'�3' comp<�i�ies duz•in� #he terin of this A���ee�t�e��f. 7.I D P��oliiUition oiz Uiscrimiiiafio�� Agaii�st Fitearm a«c3 Anitnu�tition Industries. Co��t��actor acla�atile�Jbes i}��i eacept as otliei�vise provided E��� Gl�a��te�� ?27�3 of tl�e 'I'ex�is Go��erEi�nent Cocie (as actded l�y Ficts 2021, 87t1� Le�., R.S., S.B. 19, § 1), tk�c Cit�� is proEiibited fro�n e�lterii�� ii�tc� a cantr��c[ ioe goods or services t[�at l�as a valEie o�$100,00C1 o�� ma��e whicl� will be paid �vl�olly or pa��ly fi•oil� p�ib9ic iur►ds of tl�e City, «�ilh a ca�npai�y (tvitl� 10 or mc>�•e fitl[-tii»e employees} t��iless the cantract co�tt�ai��s � written ��e��ificatioi� fi•om t4�e coznpaz�y t.h�t it: (I) cioes not have a p�•actice, policy, �uicia��ce, o�� di��eetive titat disc��imi�tates against a fire�rt�� e�i#ity az' �rearir� trade assnciatir���; a�zd (2) ��ill not discj•in�i��at� durii�g t)ae t�.��� al' tlae contract agai��st a fireai-i�� e�itity o�• Crea���� trade asst�caati��c�. Ti�e tG'['li]S `�C�iSGI'lElll[late�" `�fre�r�n ell�li]�'� A[1(� "�lI'�aI'ETI tf3�e 8550C1�iC101i" �1'riV� 1�1C Elle$171Ii�T ilSC%1'IUCC♦ CO Y�lOS(� i�l'it15 ��)' i,t1��7t�1' Z2��: Elf [�le 7�8�i�5 �TE]Vel'1i1T1�llt LOCjC (as �4cided �y Acts 2(121, 87th l.eg., i�.S., 5.8. 19, § 1). To tt�e t�.xte��i tl�at Chapter 2274 of i�ie Govern�z�e��t Cocic is n���Iicftblc to tliis A�reetttet�t, i�,y sig�ti�tg tFiis �S,d�'ecz3iet�t, Coa�tr•actor• certifies thnt Cai�t�•actol�'s signat�re p�•ovides ��ritten verific;�tiou tv fi�e City ti��t CQ�itractor. {1) closs azot h;�ve a�i•actit�c:, policy, g2�icla�ice, or dia•cctive tlfat discriminntes a�a'r►�st � fii•e�t�•��� entit�' n�� I"it•eat�m tracic associatian; a��d (2} will r�ot discri�nin;iie a�ai��st � fireart�� c��tity os• firea�•�n trade assoeiatio�i c����i��g tl�e tea•rn of Yliis A�re.e.�ncni. CI7'Y OP f C)Et'i' WOR'1"H Hornc Si �iraler and S�uiitttry Sen�er Rehabilitalion STANDAR{3 t�03�I5TRl)Ci�ON SPECIPICATION I}OCU#vSLN7'S CPi�i 103 i23 Revised 9/(31YZ02] c�v sz a� - s Aprccment Pagc S nf C 7.1 1 I�n€��i�ratio�� Nationality Act. Co€�tracto�� sl�ail �eAify tlie iclenfiry and cmplo��mc��t eli�;sbility uf ils erxi�layccs wlio ��e�-fonn ��rork r�nc�er tliis Ag�•een�e�jt, ii�c{uding completi�ig tiie T�npiny�nent Eligibility Ve��ificatia�l }�c3r•m (I-9}. U��on ��eq�Eest by �it,y, Co��tractor shall provide Cit�� with co�ies af �ll I�9 �arii�s �ind st�pporting eli�ibility dacu���entatiosi for each em��[oyee «�l�o �erto►•ms ���ork �icic3er tliis Agr�ei��e;�t. Coi�trlctor sl�all aclliere to a!1 l{ederai a��d State la�vs as ��el1 as est�blisl� a��rapr�ate procedu�'es aEiil co��trols sc� th�t �za se�vices «i!1 be perfar�l�c;d by �ny Contracla�- e��l��ioyee wl�a is not legally eligible to ��ei�roa���� sucfl serviees. C(?N'I'RACT£1R �I�IALL iNi)�MN1FY CX'1'Y AND I�OLD CITY HARMLTSS I'ROI�'I. ANY I"ENALTI�S, Llr�.l31��XT��, OR LOSSES UUE 't'O VIOLATION,S 4I+ 'TH1,S PAJZAGRAPH 13Y C()NTRACT0�2, CONTILACTOR'� ENIl'LOY�ES, SU13CC)NT�2ACTORS, AGENTS, OR LIC�NS�rS. Cit��, ��pora wrilten i�otice to Cz�iitracto�•, shall fzave ll�e eiglyt to im���ediately terniuiate tlus Agreeme��f fo�• ��io[ations of tl�is pro�visia�� by Ca�rtractc���. 7.12 1�o Tl�ird-Pa�•l� k3efieiiciaeies_ This Agree�nent �;ives Eio t�ighis t»• benefiis ta �n�7or�e other t�aat� tlxe City and the Contractor a�ld tl�e�•e ��re ��n cliu�d-pa�•t,y beneiiciaries. 7.13 Nc� Cause o�Actio�l Against Engi�leai•. CcsE�tractor, its sul�ca�ih�acta�'s anci equi��ment a��d materials su���li��'s nn t17e PROJEC�i or Lheir suz�eties, shall mai��iain r�c� cli�•ect action agai��st ttie En�ia�eer, its officers, ec��ploye�s, and su�cnntj'actors, fo�• any claim arising ouC of�, in c�nciectic��i «ith, 03• 3�esultui� �i�oazx t11e �ra�iE�e�z�i��� services performec�_ O�jly tl�e City ��rill be tlle be�iefiei��y of �rry u��de��takin� by tl�e �»gi��eei•. Tkte presence c�r duties of ti�e Engi��eer`s pe�soni�el at a constreictio�l site, wliether tis on-site �•epresentatives aR� �tlaeclvise, do ��ot i�lalce the �ngi�teer c�r ils persoiu�el ii� any way respor�sibla �o�� tilc�se dEities ihai beio��g to tl�G City audlc�E• tli� Ci#y's constrt€ctian contractors or otlier enlities, az�ci do z�ot relieve tl�e eonst►��ctio�� co�itr�tcfors or a«}� otl�ei� cntity nf thei�• o6Eigatio��s, dc�t'ses, �i�3d res�onsibili�ies, i��cludittg, but nat lin�ited to, all co��strut,tion met�ods, �ncans, technic�i�es, seque��ces, ajjd procecjures nec��ssary Ioz' coordinati�ig anc� completi��g �il �ia�tic���s of tf�e constr��ction �vork in accorda��ce ��itE� the Coi�t��act llocti»�ei��s ai�d at�y Iie�Elth or safeiy }>recautions �'eq�iired b,y s��cE� ca�ast�-uction �vork. `I'lre E��gi�teer and its I3ersonn�l liave aia autlio�•ity to exercise any cont�•ol ovc�' ai�y co��st►�fictio�t cc���tractor a►- other enfiCy or theu� erz�pio.vees in co»Eiectiaii ��vitll fl�eir wc�rk c�r any hea{tk� or safety p�'ecaut'so��s. C1'f'Y OF FqR"1- LVC)it"1'H Hcsrne Sl ��nter �nd S��dtarq Sc�wer Rehabilit�tion S'1'�1T�li.]A1tD C_'O�TSTRUCTI()N SP�CIPICATI�N I)OCU�l4ENT5 CP�! 1�3123 Revised 9101l2021 00 S2 43 - 6 Agreement Pagc6 oIb Ii�I WI'TNESS WF�REOF, City and Confrac#or ha�e eac13 executed this Agreement to Gc eft�ec�live as U�' ihe dake sut�sariaed �hy the City's desibmatc:cl Assisiant Ci�y Manage�• ("EfPecti�(e Date"), Williain !, Schultz, Inc. dba Coritractor: Circic C Constr�iction Comp�ny Ci�y of k'o�t Wc�rLEi By: I By: � ��„L�f�p LJ C.�G! o.�.�,�t�.,i�,.o �rf�cor _ ..._ ._.,._ _ . _ .... .........— --� ._:....--- ......_ r . ..._�..,-.T:;'�,�c�,-,:::;:,�,_a.__ :_'=.--�; �,a �i'.._. __—=:—..w-:�,--�_:_ ' "�-. _ . _ .._. ._.:...... Si�nahire � � � �ana Burg�doff . Assistant City Manager ; ..�'. �r_e.s_�-S S�Ce��'Y-,-�,�-��� � :�:�w:�--�---• �,_.,.t,,..,,�;, Mar 17 2022 {Prinfed Name) � � _ _ ' _ _ _ ^D ate Presid$nt y__._�r„__„ °� - - .- ._.— :—�-K.-�_ . .__..-.._ r.�. -. . _. � ,.. . Title � � ,.-� �BSS1�_- -- .. .._ _ . _.-.- ... �. . _.__.:�-�r� A##est; (Seal) M&c: ...2 Z__' _ 4.l �'.�}'::.�. I7ate: , _C7 _.,Z.0 Z � l�arm 1295 0.: 2022-$41247 ��� � � � ��� f li�:,,` 1 ( �? �� �` � S� �.d �: �a.�� �°i P� f � `�,r�, vs. �1� . � ��i�<<5 °.,•••,�`C-mi�,i�• ..;af.., -a i:,,.�,_ _ ,..,t��' ��^.,..... ,�,�.?��.�.;�7�140,._ _ �: ., - . _..- -. - . .. .,._.:: •, _- -•. _�. .... _ .r � C:zry/,�#Ate/�,�p � Date -... .- - . . . .- - .- - -- - - - Confract Compliance Managet: By si�ning, I acknowslcdge that I am tlze person, rosponsiUfe for tha moni#oring and adntinis#ration oftliis contract, includutg et►stirt�� all perfn'rmance and reporEing rec�uire�ne Suhy Varugl�ese, -. . .__ - - _ -....- : --_ �'roject Manage�•, Water Depftrtment Approved as to �'orm and J,egality: 6E�i �,r.�N :,�.:.:;U ��t,,, -.�...-� � -----�tT-,T - ... . �-�--».;.;.�.�:, Douglas W. Black S�'. Assistant City Attorncy APk�ROVAi. Itl?COMMSNDED: ' {'l�fne�rat- FI.�rJe�• cn->• '.,� i+c�i� �er,� P.E., Di�rectot -- . �' �T � �� ��^���-: Water Daparlment _ ----- + ! , , i ;� :., CETY OT rORT WORTl3 Honie S1 Water and Sdnitety 5e�ycC RchnUlli[eliai STANDARd CONSTltU{:'f10N SPf:C11�'ICA7'[UN ]]C7L'UM1?NfS CPN 1U3123 Rnviscd 9101i2421 ,,. .., ..,..,....._..� ...................:. :�._....,,... .,...,,..,,..._....,.._.._..._..._..___.�.,,..__.� -•--�--..,.,,..�,.,..,., ._._�...._......,.....,.�,,..�,._...�............_ OOfI 13•1 Page ] oF2 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 1(3 11 12 13 14 IS 1C TH� STAT�; O� �T7iAS COi�NTY O�' TARRAN`1' [30ND NO. TXC613329 S�CTION UQ 61 I3 I'�RFORA7ANC� �30ND � � KNU��' AL� Iil' THrSE PRFSENTS; § `1'hat r.vc, Willian� 7. Sci�ultz, Inc. dba Circle C Constructian Compac�y _-, knawii as "P�-'si�cii�ai" fterein anri Merciiants Bondin� Con�nany (_Mutual) ,�t corE�orate st�rety(sureties, iin�ore t�3an one) duly authorizetE to tEo busitiess ii� the State ofTexes, kno�v�� �s "Surety" 11e►'ei�� {�vltefhe�• o�ie or more), are held and �rfi3ly bouald iinto the City of Fort Wordi, a �7au►iicipal co�'poa'ation ere�tec! pursuant to the laws af Texas, lu�o�yi� �s "Cit}�" 1�erein, in tf�e �enal Pour Mi{lion, Fo�ar Hundred T�ve�3ty-Faur Tiiausar�d, sun� of, One htu�idred Sixteen nd `i'�enty Cents**���*�** Dollars {$T �4�#2�3_,116.20� ), I�w�ful r�zoizey of the llniteci States, Eo he paici u� Fort Z�rortll, Tarrant Coui�cy, Tesas far tEie paymeizt of which sun� �vell and tn�ly to be t�tiade, wa bind oFirselves, otrr izeirs, e�ecuEors, adt�iinistrators, sEiceessors a�id assigns, jo�ntly and seuerally, iinnly by these pr�s�nts. 17 W1iI,LtEAS, tlie Pri�icip�i l�as e�ltered into a certaii� �vritten eoutract widi tlie City 1!t awarcled tl�c 8tli d�y o� March , 20 22 , ei�liicki Cont�'1ct is hereby referrecl to and 13 n�ade a part heecof for all purposes �s if fully .r•et forth liereiu, to fi�z��uslt ail n1a#erials, ec���ipment 20 labor aa�d ott3er accessories deiinec3 by law, i�i tlie prosecutian of t�ie Wo��k, inclucii��g a�iy Cl�a�ige 21 Orders, as pro�ided for in said Horite St. Water and Sanitary 5ewer Rehabilitation, CPN i D3123. 22 23 24 ?$ 26 27 2� 29 N(}W,'I'XZER�I+UI�i:, tt�� conclitioa� of tl�is o�iigaiian is such tlia! if tile said Prit�ci�3al stialf faitlift►lly per#'ot�n it c�hli�;alions under tt�e Co�itract a��d sl�al! i�� all respects c3uly ai�d faillzfiilly pef'far�n tl�e �VaR�k, includin� Change Orders, uiider tlie Contract, accorcli�ig ta the pl�ns, s��ecifications, nt�d ca�itr�et c�ocuments tilerein referrec3 to, atid as weli dua�in�; any periad of �xtensio�i of the Go�ilraat tEiat �nay Ue �;ranted on ik�e part of the City, tlie�l tliis obligaiion sl�al! be a�id I�econ�e nuil ancl void, ott�erwise to renzain i�� fulf farce and effect. 1'R�VI➢ED I� Uiti'H�R, tEiat if any leg�l action be filed on itus Boi�d, �ret�i�e shali lie in Ta��rant Caunty, ��eras or the United States DisiricC CoEit-t for tl�e Norther�� Dist�'ict of Texas, Fart 30 Wo�tl� Divisio«. GL'fY OF Fi]ILT WORTH Hoiue St W�ter and Sanitary Se+:er Rrhabilitatini� S'fANDAl�D CONSTRUC7'Ifl?�] SPL'C€i� [CATION bOCCFtvlEi�rTS Cl'N ! 03123 kcvised,Euly 3, 2i311 OUGI 13-2 Yage 2 oP2 l "I'liis bai3d is n�ade and exeetsted 'ui compliatice �trith El�e �xovisions of Ch�pter 2253 of the 2 'I'e�+as CoveiZ�meilt C:ode, as an�cnded, at�d �s111iabilitEes o►a ihis band shail be detem�i��ed in 3 accordance �vitii tl�e provisions vf said staiue. 4 lN Wl'1'NESS ��'H�RLOI�, the Princi�sal �ind the Surety 1�ave SiG�fED ai�d S��1LED 5 tl�is insirunie��l Uy dtily ludiorized age��ts and afficers o�i tliis tlie 8t1� d�}' of G ._. _March , 20 22 , 7 8 9 ]0 I1 12 l3 14 15 �6 1'! 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 ?� 27 2$ h �� 9 �� 31 32 �i 3 34 3g 36 37 34 39 �i U 41 42 43 44 �� �i G A`L"I'EST: 13y: �'J- �P17[kGl�<il) Sccretary Michele S. I�an rd \'Vitness as to 1'rincipal PIZINC[PAC.: William J, Schultz, Inc, dba Circle C Construc 'e�i Co�i3 ai7v BI': ._ � e � �� Signatiu�e Teresa S. Skell I�resider�t �'a3ne and Tiiie Address: �'. O. Box 40328 50Q W. Tra�nmell Fort Worth, TX 76140 _. SURE'I'Y: Merchant idin Campan _(Mutua� _. BY: ignature � Sheryl A. Klutts, tlttorne�in-F�et � 3�1ame and Titic a�' ` , ,_. .:. ) Address: 6740 Weskow�i Parkw� West Des Moines, IA 50266-775�1 X �-�� � ������� - � • _.- --- _ -- - - �Vitness as io 5uret}� John A. Miller Telephn«e t�umber. (80D) G7$-8171 *Note: If signed by �tt of�icer of tl�e St�rety Company, fhere znt�st Ue an Cile a certiFied eatract fi'ot�i tlie by-la1�s sl�owi�ig t31at tliis person has auihority #o sigi� sucfi obkig�tio�z. If Surety's� pErysical �tdciress is difFe��ent frnm its mailing address, i�otl� �nust be pR�uvided. Thc date of tl�e bo�fd shail not ba prior to the date tlye Cor3tract is a�varded, CITY OF FOR`C WQR7�H Hmnc St 1Vatcr and Sanilary Sewcr Reha�ilitatioit STAt�IDARi� CONSTRUC�'I[)N SPECTFICA'l'IQN DOClJA�1ENTS CPN ]03323 Fte<<isedluly 1,2p11 9061 la. I 3'a;c I uF2 t ?_ 3 q S G 7 8 R 14 il 12 13 14 1� 16 t7 is 14 2U 2l 'LZ 'THE S'�ATL<' OF TE�iAS C{)UN`CY OI' TARItAN`T' I30ND NO. TXC613329 S�CTI�N 00 (1 1�1 PAYNI�NI' BON17 § § T�NQW ALL [3Y T�I�ST' 1'R�S� N'I�S: § Tliat we, William J. Scl�ultz liic. dba Circle C Ca��struction Cn►n.�y__�_� �lt�tiv�i as "F'�•incipal" he��eit�, and Mercha��ts BondiEl Com _any Mi►tua! __.._____ _.__�r 7 cor�o��ate sureEy (sureties}, duly authn�-izeci €o do busi►�ess i�l tl�e State o�-Texas, kno�v�� as "S�ret}j" he��ein (�vl�etlier ane o�• n�a�'e), are t�eld �ud iir�ttEy Uound ��nto Ehe City ot Fo��. Wo�th, .i uaunici��ak coiporatioii crea�e� pursua��t ta the laws of the 5tate of`I'�xas, k�3own as "Ciry " i�erein, in the pet�al Fo�r Mill�on, Four Hu��dreci Twe�ily-�'our Thousand, One i-lu�tdred Sixteen anci stttyt oi� Twe�tty Cents���"�***�**'�**'��`�*'���s*�'��***���**'�**���`**�����*�'�**�� Do11�rs (�� �q,q24,� ((�,2p'� ), iawfui znn3�ey of the U�iited States, to be f3aici in l�a�rt Wortl�, Tarra��t County, 'I'eaas, iar the payi�ieE�t nf wl�icb su�i� �vell a�id t��t�ly Ue n;ac�e, we bind ourse[��es, ot�r heirs, executars, administratc�rs, snccessors and assigns, joini4y a3�c� severally, fianily by these presents: WHEREAS, 1'rincipal lias elitered into a certaiti writte�� Contract �vith Ciry, a�;rarded i}�e 8t�� ��y a� Marcii� , 2p22 , jvi�ich Conlract is tserel�y ��efer��ed to �nd mac�e a�art hereof for a�l purposes as if fi�lly set £o��tl� lie�'eiyl, to f��rnish ail n7ateria�s, equiptt►a��t, labor anc� other accessories as defit�ed by la�a�, in tl�e ��rosect�tion af the l�lTork as pravided fo�' in s�id Contract a�ad clesig��ated as kiorne St."4Vater aud Sanitary Seufe�• Reiiabilitatio��, CPN ]03123. IVO'�V, THEI{�T�'Cilti:, THE CnNDd'1'ION OF THIS �I3LIGA'1'I{7N is saci� ti�at if 23 Princi�?ak shail p�y all �nonies o�vatig to atry (and all) paymenl t�onc� Ue�teftcia�y (�s defined in 2�i Cilapter 2253 of t��e `i'exas Goverivnet3i Code, as aEi�ended) in the prosecution of tfie 1�Vork under 25 the Gantract, tlien tl�is obligation shall be and becozne null a�xd void; aihsxzvise to �-eE�rain in fi�ll ?G foc-cc an�l ef£ect. 27 �g 29 3U Tliis Uakd is ��3ade a��d executed in con��lianec �vith f}ae provisicztts of CIilpEsr 2253 of tltie Texas Goven�tne��t Coc1e, as �r�ie��ded, anci all liabi3'sties o�� tl�is hoiid shall be cleterinined i�i accaF•dance with tl�e pravisions oisaid statuta. CS7'Y OF FORT 1V(3R"1'H Horsie Si IVater and Sanitnry Sewer ELeli7biliiation STANllARD CaNS"i1tLICT1UN SPECiFTCATIUN UUCL31t•1L:�'TS CI'N iO3[23 Kcviscd.luly i, 201 I 00 GI 14- 2 Page: 2 oC2 IN �'VITN�SS R'HER�Or, Etie Pa'iatcipal and Surety hava eaclk SIGNLD and S�ALED 2 t�115 iustn�me��t b}� duly authorized agents aud officers on this tlae 8lh d�y of 3 4 March , 24 22 ATTEST: BY � � (Principal) Secretary Michele S. kfo�'d Witness as lo Pruicipa! 5 G 7 R 9 1(1 �l ATTEST: PR]1VC11'AL: William J. Scliultz, I�ic. dba Cu•cle C Co�jstruction Com �an E3Y; �c.��,u cJ� Signari�re Teresa S. Skelly President Naine and Title Ac�dress: P. O. Box 40328 _ 500 W. Trai��n�ell Fort W arkh TX 7G l40 SCIFiF_i'Y: Merchant B idin Com an Mutual)_ BY � Sigii�hire � (Sur )•S�cr��ai}? - ����:��` r.-�� �s�',} ���� � �%�: : ��- �. ",E,- - X _,.` . �Vitness as to.Surety Jo1iE� A. Miller Sher l A. Klutts Attorney-i�i-�'act Name and "I'itle rlddress: G700 Westown Parkway West Des Moines_ IA 5026G-775�i Telephone Number: S00 678-8171 I�Tole: If sig�ied by a�� offtcer ofthe Surety, ihere must be on ftle a certiiied extrlct fi'on� tlle byla�vs showiiig tk�ak kliis ��erso�� ��as autharity fo sign siich obligation. If Surety's �hysieal ac#d��ess is c�ifferent fi'o�tx its mailurg address, i�otii must be provided. The date of tl�e bond shall �iot be �rior to tlie date kkie Cantract is awarded. 1;�D OF S�C]'IO� C17�Y OF I�OEL'C �VOli7'l] Home St 1Vater and Sanitnry Sewer Rehnbifil,��iuR S7ANpARD CONSTRUC'C�UN SI'EC�rICAI'I4N llOC111�9ENT5 CPN 103123 Re��ised 3uiy 1, 20k 1 U� 61 19- I Yage i ot 3 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 1 f? li l2 13 14 15 lE t7 18 t9 20 21 �� 23 24 25 26 BQND NO. TXC613329 S�CTION 4Q 61 I9 MAINT�.NANCE BC)Nn TII� STA7'� ()�' T��AS § § I{IlOW ALL RY THE5E PR�S�NTS; COUN1'Y �I� 'I�.I2RANT § �'I�at�ve William J. Scl�ultz, IEic. dba Circle C Canstruction Cotnpany____,_, kR�o�v�i as "i'rincipal'� lzerei�� a€ld . Merchants F3onding Company (Mutual , a corpoE•ate sl�c�cty (suretiss, if tnoie tixan one) duly atitl�orized to do t�usiness ii� tl�e State of Texas, kno�ti�n as "�ttrety" lierein {�vt�etlier �►ae or inore), 1re hakd and itrn�ly vo�i��d uuto thc Cily nf 1'orE Wortlt, a rnu�iicipal c:c�rpnratiar� created pursuastt io [he [aws of tlie Statc of Texas, kalown as "City" heE�ein, Fotir M�11'ra►�, Four Hundrecl T�veiity-�'o�Er Tf�ousa�id, 4��e Hu�idred Sixteen i�t the sui�t of and twer€ty ce�3ts�*�`**'�*�**�'�**'��**'�*�*'�**�****�`s*�'��`**"**�'`�*��` Dollars {$ _��# 424,11G20� }, 3a�vfu� mvuey af'the Ufiited States, to be paid i�a Forl Woril}, I'arrai�t Cotuity, Tiexas, fo�• payme��t of �vliich seirn rvel[ a�id tn�1y 6e n�ade unto tt�� Cit}= and its suceessors, we binc{ ourselves, our heirs, execi�tors, admitiistc-ato�•s, suceessoa s:�nd assi�;i�s, joiF�tly �siid severally, �nnly by Ef�ese pr��ents. WH�REAS, the. S'x-ii�ci��al [ias eialerecl iiz#a a cartain written co�rtract �vitl� tl�e City awardcd t�ie 8tli day of March , 2022 ,�v}iich Cot�tract is liereb}, re�en�ed to a�id � n�ada pait liet�eof for all purposes �s if tiilly sct forti� #�erein; to fi�mish all �i�aterills, ec�i�ip�nenk labor �nd other accessorias as defiised t>y ia�v, i�� tl�e yrosecutic�n of tt�e 1�Iork, includi�ig any Woek resulli�ig fron� a duly autlaorized Chauge Order (colleclively l�erein, tlte "Work"} as ps-ovided for iat saicl co��iract and ciesignatecl as Hort3e St. Water ancl Sanitary 5ewer Re}3abil'ttaEic��i, CPN 103123; a�� WHETt�AS, P�'incipal Uiatds itself to t�se sttcl� materials and to so canstruct ihe Work v3 27 �ccorda►�ca witl� tha plaitis, S�EC1t1Cc1t1011S �lElt� CQIIYir�CE D()CtlF71�Tli5 I}i�i iI10 �VOTiC lS �IlC� �V1II 28 xen�ain fi�ee E'rorn deCects i�i �tiaterials or worEuna�isltip foz' a�id during the period of tiva {2} yea��s 29 after tl7e date o�Fi��al Acce}afa�ice vf ttie Woa•k (�y #he City ("Vlainte�t�tice Pe��iod"); and 3{) 31 a2 33 34 �VIII;I3�AS, Prancipal Uinds itself Sa repair or reeor�stnict Ek�e 1�ork €t� ���IiUI� QX ill �1Ct upon receivuzg notice is'c�tn €lte Cit�+ of tlie fteed tl�erefor at at3}r time �vithia� the MaiEitenatice Peri�d. CITY Or FORT 4VORTH F[onic St �Vaics n�id Sani[ary Sewer RchnL'slitation ST'r1I�lDARD Ct)�ISI'Kl1CTION SPEG11�1CA'!'1(?N llOCU�96NT5 CPIJ 103 f23 Kevised Juiy 1,?01 ] 0061 19-2 Pa�e 2 0( 3 t N0�71' TIIEREI+�R�, th� conditia�� of this nbligatio�� is s�3c1� tl�at it�i'rinci�3a1 shali 2 remecly �i�y deFeclive Work, for wl�iclX lit��ely notice tvas provicled l�y City, fa � con�pletia» ; satisfactaiy to tlie City, then this ohli�ation s�ali beco�ne ne�[l and voici; otlie���+ise tc� rentait� it� 4 full fbrce aiid effect. 5 G 7 8 c� lU tf 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 1'RE)iJ1llEll, HOW���R, if Princi�al shall fail so ta re�air nr ��eco��struct �Euy ti�iaely noticed defective Work, it is �greed tliat the City n�ay csuse any <���d all sucl► detective Work ta Fsc repaireci andlor recansEructed with ail associated eosts tlaereof 6eiEig boizie by ttie I'riitcipaE �tac3 ti�e Siirety iEi�der tlus Maii�tana►ice �o�id; nncl }'ROViD�➢ F'URTI�ER, tha# if atiy legal action be filed o�i tius Bo�id, vc��ue sli�Il lie i�� ��an�az�l County, Texas or lhe Ux�'stec� 5tales District Cou�t far tl�e Northerit District of Texas, I'c�rt t�o��t13 I�i�isinr�; and PR�VID�D I�URTH�R, t1Sat tliis oi�ligatio�� shall Ue corttinuous in t�ature and successi��e recoveries �n�y be liad Ilereon for successi�re bresclies. C1TY OF FOR't� 1VOIt'�'EI 1[umc S[ R'ater and Sa�aitary Scwer ilel�al�ilitation STi��C)ARD CONSTRUCTf03�7 SPrCIi ICATION DOCUt�4E1�'1�5 [;YN 3U3123 Rcvised Juty i, 20l I Ub Gl 19- 3 Yage 3 of3 1 TN WIT�ESS WH�R�O��, the �'rincipnl and tEie Suretv fiave eaci� SIGNED anci SF.ALED this 2 i�tstruntent by duiy autl�orizcd age�iEs ar�d officers on tliis tlia ___8th dsy of 3 Marcfi , 2622 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l� IS 1G 17 l3 l9 20 21 2? 23 24 25 2C, 27 2'� 29 30 3� 32 33 3 �} 35 3G 37 3$ 39 4t3 4] A"i'T� ST: �--, - � `�+�_ (['rincipal) Secretlry 1Uitness i!5 I{1 i�l'IE3Cl�)AE A"�'T�ST: PRIhC1YAL: William J. Scltultz, [nc. dba � Circle C Constr 'on. Com�any , a�: a S� ._.T Signalare "feresa S. Skellv, President _ Name and Titie Address: P. O. Box 44328 _ 500 W. Trainntell __� _�'ort 4Vorth,_T.X 7614Q 5ll R�.TY: Merchan ndin Com a M I _ � BY: Signature � Sheryl A. Klutts, Aftorney-i�i-Fac! Name aud Tii1e ,� _� ...-_ �� Actclress: G7�0 Westo�vn Parkway__ . ( ureiy Secre �y =`�F4 �, �� .. �Vest Des_Nloines, lA 502GG-7754 ,� � �, ' r.� 5 � '�. ��9 =.�--�� . _ , -- _.. X _� � `�' 11�itness as to Si�rcty .1ohn A. iller 1'elephone NumUer: i800)_678-8171 _. *Note: If signed by an afficer of tlic Si►rety Compaitiy, tk�ere inust k�e on fiie a ce€-tified extract Croni tk�e by-�aws st�o�vi�g tl,at tf�is ��erson has autl�ority to sign such obligat'son. it Surety's pl�ysical address is different fi•on� its rnailing �t�dress, hc�[l� siat�st �ie ���ovic�ed. `1'l�c c�ate of #he bat3d shai2 ��ot be prior to #lte date ihe Coutract is a�vardecl. Cl'fY OF FOK'I' �1'ORTH 3tomc St IVatcr and Sonitary Se�scr Rehabilitasia� 5'CaNDARD CONSTRIJCTlO?�; SPL•CIPICATIOtJ DOCl3A9L'AiTS CPN 103i23 Re.viscd July I, 201 1 ER� TS BONDING C�MPANYrs, POWER 4F ATTORNEY Knovr All Persons By These Prese�its, 1ha1 MERC�SANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAI.) and MERCHANT5 NA760NAL BONDlNG, {NC., both 6eing corporations oi €he State of lotva (harein coliectively calle8 lhe "Companies") da hereby inake, constilute aF�d appoint, individuaEly, Joh€i A Miller; Johr� R 5tockton; St�eryl A Klulls lheir lrue a��d lawful Attorney(sj-in-�act, to sigti its name as surety(ies) and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and ail boncis, u��dertakings, contracis and other written inslruments in the �iature thereof, on behaif nf the CQmpanies irj €heir husiness of guaranteeirag the fidelity of persons, guaranlaei;�g the perforn�ance of coniracts and execuling or guaranteeing honds ar�d u��derlakings required or permitted in any acsio:�s ar proceedings allowed by law. Tikis �'nwer-of-Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under aEid by authority of 1he faliotiving 8y-Lativs adopted by itie 8oard oi Direcrors of Arferchants Boaiding Company (Mulual) on Aprik 23, 2011 a�id a�nended August 1A, 2015 antl adopted by the E3oard of Directars of MerchanisNational Bosiding, Inc., on Octaber l6, 2015. "The President, 5ecretary, Treasurer, ar any Assistani Treasurer or any Assistant 5ecralary or any Vice Presidenl shall have pawer and authority to appoint Attarr3eys-in-Fact, and to aulhorize them ia exec�le on hehalf oi the Company, and attach the seal of the Company thereto, boEids and urzdertakings, recognizances, contracls ot iRidemnity and other wrilings obligatory in the naiure thereof." "Tlie signature of any au€horized nffic.�r and the seal af the Company inay 6e affixed by facsimile or eiectron€c lransmission io any Power af Attarney or Cerlificalian lherenf authorizing the executio�� ai�d delivery of any borad, undertaking, recognizance, or othar suretyship obtigatio€is of lhe Corr�pany, and such signature and seal when so used shall have itie sanie force and effeci as ihough manually fixed." In cni�naction with obligations in tavor of ihe Flarida (3epartmeilt af 7ransportation only, it is agreed ihat the power and aut horiiy hereby given to the Attorney-in-Fact includes any and aH consenis for ihe release of retained pereentages andlor final estirttates nn engineering anct construction contracts required by tlte Siate of Fforida Department of Traitsparla€ion. Et is fuily understood that co3ise�iiing 10 the State of Fiorida �eparl��tent of 7ransparlation maki�ig payrtoent of tha �aial estin�ate lo t1�e Contractar andlar its assignee, sha11 not relieve €his surety company of any of its oi�Eigations under its hnnd. In conneetion wilh obiigations in favor of tha Kentucky DeParlment oE Highways oioly, 'st is agresd ihal ihe powes and autharity fiereby given to lhe Attorney-in-Fact ca��E�o! be modified or revolsed unless prios written persona€ notice of such "sr�teni has been given to tl�e Comn�issioner- �eparfn�ent of Higl�ways of the Con�naone�realih of Kentucky at least thirty {36} days prior fo ihe modificatian or revacation. {n Wifness Whereof, the Conipanies t�ave caused this inslruntent to be signed and sealed fhis 111h day of February . 2020 . `,��„�.�.n.... ,•,'1---•.� j�A � ( � i • � �'\ r,�' �•� � �a��i �•• O,�~ , ��• � ' r� '�oR Rq '�� �� : mo?oR� oRq A9y � E1f�ERGHANTS NATIONAL ONDING,i NC7UALj "�:Z �F'2� :c.�'C� .+'..d� `x -O- G.�' R1-�.� -O- �r`' . : �.'� 2aD3 ,:��,� : y�.� 1933 �c: BY �� . � "•.d'�'• .•'��,;' . �, . . � .'�/�� `t1�. � PresideRt •��/ ��'���•��. •�•Y, y�.1 �s STRTEOFI�WA ••f�+��:•:�a�i'+4 •�����+• COUN"�Y OF DAI��AS ss. On this 11th day oi February 2020 , befare me appeared Larry Tayfor, to me persor�ally known, vrho being by me duly sworn did say lhat he is President of MERCHANiS BQNDiNG COAAPAt�Y {MUTUAL} anci MERCHANTS NA71aNAL BO�![31NG, [NC.; aitd fi�at the seals affixed to t�ne foregaing inslrunaent are the Corporate Seals of 1he Campanies; and that the said insirumeni tivas signed and sealetl in betaalf af 1he Canpanies by authority of i�eir respecfive Boards of �ireciors. ,�P��A� s POLLY {�AS4N � o D Commission Number 750576 � �'1^R,,�o�-� � ° ° ° ° '' My Commission Expires �' � �a,Np. � J�IIUary 07, 2023 �votary Pubtic (Expiration of notary's commission does noi invalidate ihis instrument) I, Williani Warner, Jr., Secrefary of A+f�RGHANTS 80N1]iNG COMPANY (MUTUAL) arxi MERCHANTS NA7lONAL BONDING, I€�C., dn hereby cartify that lhe atro�e and foregoing is a irue and corred copy oi the POWER-O�-A770RNEY executed by saici Campanies, which is still in full force and eifect and Eias not bee� ame�ided or revoked. In Witness Wliereof, I have hereunta set my liand and affixed the seal of the Companies on tliis 8th day of March, 2022. �,,.,�.�..,, ..•"'••. ,,•'��ONq�'••. .�p�NG, CO,h'• i � �� • q�', q • / / �% � ' � ' A �s �h� G��iPORq�e�., ' ���c>���� 9�,y.�.: �' � �-�i� =��'Z _o_ p•;�- 'v�;�� s,,. . s-v �r�J . .Q: , ,t—.� -o- �;�+ �,..- � � � ' a'� � 3 • + Secretary : �''. 2oas .��� = . y' 93 .'�. cy' . . �'� .� . �d. .�c. ' v�' ••• . .. •'� . .��,•••;. �•'t� .• ''�. �r ' ''•'J ,.' •. , , • ''•., � ,.,�` ' � ... .. . �oA oo�s ��izo� ..,".�. �ERCHAI�TS�+� BOND[NG COM['ANY,,, A�II:R('FIAN-[.S I�C�N[71��C; C:OMI'ANY (Mll"1tlAL1 • n41�.I:C:FiAN-[�S Nr1TiE�N�\L 13()N[)INC;. IN(:. P.O. l�ox ]�i498 � L��:S ht01��[S, 101NA 503�3G-3�+98 � c�0o) G78-�f7i �{515i ��13-:38y�3 FAa Pl�a�e sentl all notices ot' claim on this boncl to: Merchants Qai�cling Compaily (Mute���l) / 11�1eE'cl���E�ts Nation�jl 13c�nclit�g, li�c. P.O. Qo� 14�98 Des Moines, io«la 50306-3�498 (5i5}243-8[71 {S00}678-817] Pl�ysical Adc{ress: 6700 V��esto��E� Pa►�k����►��, �Vest Des Moines, lo�va 502GC� SUP 0073 iX (2/15) Po16Cy #CPP1Q0051064 COMM�RClA� G�N��L 084 �10 � 3) 7H15 EN�ORSEMENT CHANGES 7�1� POLICY. PLEASE REA[3 !T CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL fNSURED �- OWNERS, LESSEES OR C�NTRACTORS - AUT�MATIC STATUS WHEN REQUIRED IN CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITH YDU r ONGOING OPERATIONS AND PR�DUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIUNS �his endorsemani modifies ins€arance pro�ided under the following: COMM�RCIAL GENERAL LEABILITY COV�F2AGE FORM SCH�DUL� OPl'IONAL � Name of Additional Insured Persons or Or anizations (As r�quired by wrilten contract or agreement per Paragraph A. below.) L.ocations of Covered O erations {As per the written contraci or agreem�nt, provided the lacaiion is within the "caverage territor�'.) -- ... {Infarmaiion required to cornplete this 8chedule, if nof shown above, will be shawn in the �eclarations.) A. Sectian If — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured: 1. Any person or organization for whom you are perFarming operations wh�n yau and such person or organization have agreed in writing in a contracl or agreert�en! in effect during the term of this poHcy that such person or organizatian be added as an additianal insur�d on your policy; and 2. Any other person or organization you are required to add as an addikional insured under the contract or agre�ment described in Paragraph 1. abo�e; and 3. The particular person ar organization, if any, scheduled abov�. Such person(s) or organiza#ion(s) is an additional insured nnly wikh respect ta liability for "bodily injury", "prnperty ciamage" or "personal and advertising injury" occ�rring after th� ex�cu#ion of the cantract or agreement described in Paragraph 1. above and caus�d, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your acfs or omiss9ons, or 2. The acts or amissions of thnse acking an your behalf in the performance of your ongoing operations for th�; additiona! insured; or 3. Yaur work" performed for khe addifional insured and includ�d in lhe "products-completed operations hazard" if such coverage is specifieally required in Ehe written contract or agreement. CGL 084 (10 13) Includes copyrighted rr�ateriaf af the Insurance Ser�ices Offices, lnc. with its permission. Page 1 of 3 Capyright 2013 F'CCI lnsurance Group. COMMEF2ClAL GENERA�. LfABILITY CGL 084 {10 13) Howe�er, ihe insurance afforded to such additional insured(s) described abo�e: 1. Only applies to the �xlen# permitted by law; 2. Will not be broader than lhat which you are req€aired by the contract ar agraement to provide for such additional insured; 3. Will not be broader fhan that which is afforded ta yau under this policy; and �€. Rlothing herein shalf extand the term of this policy. B. The insurance pro�ided to #he additianal insured c�oes not apply to "badily injury", "properiy damage" ar "personal and ad�ertising injury" arising ouk of the rendering of, or ihe #ailure to render, any professional architectural, engir�eering or surveying services, including: 3. 7he preparing, appro�ing, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reporis, surveys, #ield orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or 2. Supervisary, inspection, architeclural ar engineering aclivities. C. This insurance is excess o�er any other valid and collectible insurance a�ailable to the addilional insured whekher on a primary, excess, contingent or any other basis; unless the written contract or agreement requires that this insurance be primary and non-contribukory, in which case this insurance wi11 be primary and non-cantributory relative to insurance on which lhe additional insured is a Narr�ed lnsured. D. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section Ili � Limits of Insurance: The rr�ost we wifi pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: 1. Requireci by the co�tract ar agreement described in Paragrapf� A.1.; ar 2. Available under the appficable Lirniis of Ins�rance shown ir� fhe Declarations; which��er is less. This endorsemeni shall not increase the applicable �.imits of Insurance shawn in the Declarations. E. Section IV — Cornmerciaf General L.iabiiity Conditions is arnended as follnws: 7he Duties In ih�: Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suil condilion is amended to add the foliowing additional conditions applicable ta the additional insured: An additional insured und�r ihis endorsement must as soan as practicable: 1. Give us written notice of an 'bccurrence" or an affense which may result in a claim or "suif" under this insurance, end of any claim or "suiY` that does resu[t; 2. Send us copies nf all legal papers received in connection with the claim or "suiC', coaperate wiih us in the investigatian or setElemenE of Ehe claim or defense against the "suit", and otherwise comply wi#h all palicy cond{tions; and 3. Tender the defense and ir�demnity of any claim or "suii" to any provider of other insurance which would cover the additional insured for a loss we cover under ihis endorsemeni and agree to make available ail such oti�er insurance. However, this condition does not affect Paragrapl� C. above. CG� �84 (10 13) Includes capyrighted materiai ot the Insurance Services Offices, lnc. wilh ils permission. Page 2 of 3 Copyright 2013 FCCI Insurarsce Group. COMMERCIAI. GEN�F2AL LtAB1LITY CGL Q84 (10 i3) We ha�e no duty to defend or indemnify an additianal insured under this endorsement unlil we recei�e from the additional insured written notice of a cEaim or "suit". �'. This endorsement does nat apply to any addilional insured or project lhat is specificaEfy identi#ied in any other ac�ditional insured endorsement attaehed to the Commercial General Liability Coverage Form. CGL 084 (14 13) Includes copyrighted rriaterial of the insurance Services O�css, Inc. with its permissian. Page 3 of 3 Capyrighi 2013 FCCI Insuranc� Group. Policy #CPP� 00051064 FIRST CHUICE CONTRACTORS LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT TABL� O� CONTENTS [lESCREPTION Additional Insured Co�erage ............................................................. BailBonds ........................................................................................... Blanket Wai�er of Subrogatian .......................................................... Bodily Injury and Property Damage .................................................. Care, Custady or Canirol ................................................................... Contractors Errars and Omissians .................................................... Conkractual Liability (Personal & Ad�ertising Injury) ......................... Elecfronic Data Liability ..................................................................... Genera9 Lisbility Canditions ............................................................... Incidental Malpraciice ........................................................................ Insured............................................................................................... Limited Product Withdrawa[ Expense ............................................... Limits of lnsurance ............................................................................ Loss of �arnings ................................................................................ LostKey Co�erage ............................................................................ Newiy F'ormed or Acquired Organizations ........................................ Non-Owned Watercraft ...................................................................... Praperty Damage Liability — Borrowed �quipment ........................... Tenant's Property and Premises Rented To Yau ............................. V I t P t � PAGE , ...................................................................... 9 ,.. .................................................................... 9 ..................................................................... 14 ....................................................................... 1 ....................................................................... 3 ....................................................................... 8 ....................................................................... 2 ....................................................................... 1 ..................................................................... 13 ....................................................................... 9 ....................................................................... 9 ....................................................................... 3 ..................................................................... 11 ....................................................................... 9 ....................................................................... 8 ..................................................................... 'f 1 ....................................................................... 1 ....................................................................... 1 ....................................................................... 8 � oun ary roper y amage .......................................................................... Policy #CPP'f00051�64 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CGL 088 (01 15) THIS ENC]ORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAR�FULLY. FIRST CH4ICE CONTRACTORS LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT 7his enc{orsement madifies insuranee provided ur�der the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL �.IABILI�'Y COVERAG� FOFtM N07E: i"he following are additions, repiacements and amendments to the Commercial Ger�eral Liability Cnverage Form, and will apply unfess excluded by separate endors�;m�:nt{s} to ihe Commercial General Liability Coverage Form. The COMMERCIAL. GE{V�RAL LIABILi7Y COVERAGE �ORM is amended as follows: S�CTION l- COVERAGES, COVERAGE A. BODILY INJURY ANb PROP�RTY DAMAGE is amended as folEaws: 1. Extencled "�roperty Damage" Excl�asian 2.a., Expected or Intended Ir�jury, is replaced with the fol[owing: a. "Bodily injury° ar "property damage" expected nr int�nded fram the standpoint of the insured. This exclusian does r�ot apply ta "bodily injury" or "property darr�age" resulting from the use of reasanable force to protect persons or property. 2. Non-ownad Watercraft Exclusion 2.g. {2) {a) is replaced with khe foilowing: (a} Less than 51 feet long; and 3. Property Damage Liability — Barrowed �quipment The following is added ta Exclusion 2.j. (4}: Paragrapi� (4) nf this exclusion daes not apply to "property damage" to borrowed equipment while at a jobsite anci not being used to perForm operations. The most we will pay for "property dar�age" to any nne borrowed equipment item under ihis coverage is $25,000 per "occurrence". The insurance afforded under this provision is excess over any other �alid and cai[ectible praperty insurance (including deductible) a�ailable to fhe ins�red, whether primary, excess, confingenk or on any other basis. 4. Limited Eleetronic Data Liability Excl�sion 2.p. is replaced with fhe fo[[owing: p. Electronic Data Damages arising out of the loss of, loss af use of, damage to, corruption of, inability ta access, or inabiiity ta manipulate "electronic data" that does not result fram phys9cal injury to tangible property. ihe most we wilf pay under Caverage A for "property damage" because of all foss of "electronic data" arising out of any one "occurrence" is $10,000. We have no duty to in�esEigate or defend claims or "suifs" covered by this Limited �lecironic Daia Liabiliiy coverage. The following definition is added to SECTtOIV V— DEFINf71DNS of the Coverage Form: "El�ctronic data° means information, facts or programs sfored as or on> creafed or used or�, or transmitted to or fram computer softwar�: {ine[uding syster►�s and applicalions software}, hard or floppy disks, CQ- R�MS, tapes, drives, cells, dafa pracessing d�vices or any ot�er media which are used with eleetranically controlled equipmenk. CGL 088 (01 15) lncludes copyrighfed maleria4 of the Insurance Services �ffice, Inc., with its permission. Page 1 of 'f4 Copyright 2015 FCC! Insurance Group COMMERCIAL GENERAI. L.IABII.ITY CG� 0&B (01 15) For purposes of this L.imited �tectronic Data Liability coverage, the definition of "Properly Damage" in 8�C710N V— DEFINITI�NS of the Coverage Form is replaceci by the following: 17. "Property damage" means: a. Physicaf injury to tangible properfy, including all resulting loss of use of ihat property. All such loss of use sfi�all be deemed to occur at ihe time of [he physical injury that caused it; b. Loss of use of tangible prop�:rly khat is nok physically injured. AIE such Eoss of use shall be de�:med ko occur at the time of the "occurrence" that caused it, c. Loss of, loss nf use nf, damage to, corruption af, inability #o access, or inability to praperly manipulate "electranic data", resulting from physical ir�jury to tangible praperty. All suc� loss of "elec#ronic data" shall be deemed to occ�r at the time of fhe "occurr�;nce" fhai caused it. For purposes of this insuranc�, "eiectronic data" is not tangibEe property. SECTION I— GOVERAGES, COVERAGE B. PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING 1NJIJRY I,lAB1L1TY is amended as fallaws: Paragraph 2.e. Exclusions — the Contractual Liability Exclusion is defeted. SECi'iON I— COV�RAG�S, the fal[owing co�erages are added. C4VERAG� D, VOLUNTARY PROPERTY DAMAGE 1. Insuring Agreement We will pay, at yaur requast, for "praperly damage" caused by an `bccurrence", to praperty of others caused by you, or whife in yaur possession, arising out of your business operafions. The amount we will pay for damages is described in S�CTION III LIMIi'S OF INSURANCE. 2. Exclusions This insurance does not apply to: "Praperty I]amage" to: a. Property at premises awned, rented, leased ar occupied by you; b. Property while in transit; c. Property owned by, rented #o, leased io, loaned ko, borrowed by, ar used by you; d. Prernises you s�ll, give away, or abandon, if the "property damage" arises aut of any part of those premises; e. Property caused by or arising ouk of the "producfs-completed operations hazard"; f. Motor vehicles; g. "Your product" arising out of it or any part of if; or h. "Your work" arising out of it ar any part of it. 3. Deductible We wiif not pay for loss in any one `bccurrence" �nlif the amount of loss exceeds $250. We wi[I ihen pay the amount of loss in excess of $250 up to the applicabfe limit of insurance. 4, Cost �actor In the event of a co�er�d loss, yau shall, if requested by us, replace #he damaged property or furnish lhe labor and materials necessary for repairs thereto at your acfual cost, exciuding profit or overhead charg�:s. CGL 488 (Q1 �5) Includes copyrighted maferiaf of t�e Insurance Ser�ices Of[ice, Inc., with its permission. Page 2 of 1�4 Copyright 2015 FCCI Insurance Group COENMERCIAL GENERAL LIABIL.I7Y CGL 088 (�1 15) The insurance afforded under COVERAGE D is excess over any okher �alid and coliectible property or inland marine insurance (including ihe deductible applicable to ihe praperiy or inland marine coverage} available to yau whether primary, excess, contingent ar any other basis. Co�erage D covers uninteniianai damage or destruction, but does not cover disappearance, theft, or loss of use. The insurance under COVERAG� D does nat appiy if a loss is paid under COV�RAGE E, COVERAGE E. CARE, CIiSTODY OR CONTROL 1. Insuring Agreement We will pay those sums lhat khe insured becomes legally obligated ta pay as damages because of "property damage" caused by an "nccurrence", ta praperty of others while in your care, custody, or contral or property of others as fo which you are exercising p�ysical controE if the "property damage" arises out of your business operations. The amount we will pay for damages is described in SECTlON III LIMITS O� INSURANC�. 2. Exclusions This insurance does not apply to: "Property Damage" to: a. Properiy at pr�:mises owned, ret�ted, leased or occupied by yau; b. Properly while in trans9t; c. Premis�:s you sell, give away, or abandon, if the "property damage" arises out of any part of those premises; d. Pr4p�riy caused by or arising aut of the "products-complet�d operations hazard"; e. Motor vehicles; f. "Your produck" arising out of it or any part of it; or g. "Your work" arising aut of it ar any part of it. 3. Deductible We wiEi not pay for loss in any ane `bcc�rrence" until t�e amount nf loss exceeds $250. We will then pay the amount of loss in excess of $25E} up to ihe applicable limit of insurance. 4. Cost Factor In the evenf of a cavered loss, you shall, if requested by us, rep[ace tE�e damag�d property or furnish the labor and maierials necessary for re�airs thereto at your actual cosf, excluding profit or Qverhead charges. The insurance afforded under COVERAGE E is excess aver any other �alid and collectible property nr infand marin� insurance (including the deductible applicable io the property ar inland marine coverage) available to you whether primary, excess, contingenf or any other basis. The insurance under COVERAGE E does nnt apply iF a lass is paid under COVERAG� �. COVERAGE F, LIMiT�p PRO�UC7 WITH�RAWAL EXPE�VS� 1. Insuring Agreement a. if you are a"selle�', we will reimburse you for "product withdrawal expenses" assoc€ated with "your product" ir�curred because of a"prad�cf withdrawal" ta which khis insurance applies. 7he amaunt of such reimbursement is limited as describerf in SECiION III - LIMITS �F 1NSl1F2ANC�. No other obligation or lia�ility to {�ay sums ar perForm acEs or services is cavered. CGL. 088 (01 15) Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Services O(fice, Inc., with its permission. Page 3 of 1� Copyright 2015 �'GCI lnsurance Graup COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CGL Q86 {01 15) a. This insurance applies to a"product withdrawal" only iF the "procfuck withdrawal" is initiated in the "coverage ferritory" during the policy period because: (1) You determine that the "product withdrawal" is necessary; or (2) An authorized government entity has ordered yo�a to conduct a"produet withdrawal". c. We will reimburse only thase "product withdrawal expenses" which are incurred and reported to us wiihin one year of the daie the "product withdrawal" was initiated. d. The initiation o# a"product withdrawal" will be deemed to have been made only at the earliesi of the foilowing times: (1) Whe� you have annaunced, in any manner, ta the general pubfic, ynur vendors or to yaur employses {other than those employess directly in�ol�ed in making the determination) your decisian to conduct a"prod�ct withdrawal" This applies regardless of whelher the determination to conduct a"produci withdrawai" is made by you or is requested by a third Parly; (2) When you received, either orally or in wriling, notificaliar� of an order fram an authorized gnvernment entiEy fo canduct a"product withdrawaf; or {3) When a third party has initiated a"product withdrawal" and you communicate agreement wilh the "product withdrawal", or you announce tv th�: generaf public, your vendors ar fo your emplayees (other than thnse employees directly invol�ed in making the determir�ation} yaur decision fa participate in the "product withdrawal", whichever comes first, e. "Prnduct withdrawal expenses" inc�rred to withdraw "your producis" which contain: (1) The same "defect" will be deerr�ed to ha�e arisen out of the sarne "product withcirawal'; nr (2) A different "defect" will be deemed ko ha�e aris�r� out of a separaie "product withdrawal" if newly determined or ordered in accardance with paragraph 1.b of this coverage. 2, Exclusians This insurance does not apply to "prottuct wifhdrawal" expenses" arising aut af: a. Any "prot#uct withdrawal" iniiiated c�ue ta: { 1) The failure of "your products" to accomplish fheir iniended purpose, including any breach of warranty of fitness, whether wriEte� or implied. 7his exclusion does not appfy if such failure has caused or is reasonab[y expecked io cause "badily injury" or physical damage to tangible property. {2) Copyrigh#, patent, trade secret or trademark infringements; {3) Transformation of a chemical nature, deterioration or decompositian nf "your producE", except if it is caused by: (a) An error in manufacturing, design, processing or transporiation af "your prod�ct' ; or (b} "Praduct tampering". (4) Expiration of the designated sh�lf life of "your product". b. A"product withdrawal", iniiiated because of a"def�ci" in "your producC' known to exist by the iVarr►ed Insured or the Named Insured's "executi�e afficers", prior to the inception dat� of this Coverage Part or prior to the iime "your product" i�av�s your control or possession. c. Recall of any specific products for which "bodily injury° or "praperty damage" is excluded ur�der Coverage A- Bodi[y Injury Ar�d Property Damage Liabi{i#y by endorsement. d. Recail of "your products" which have been I�anned from fhe market by an authorized governmeni entity prior to khe policy period. e, ihe defense of a claim or "suii" against you for "praduct withdrawal expenses". CGL. 088 (01 15) Includes copyrighted rnateria[ of lhe Insurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission, Page 4 of 14 Copyright 2015 �CCI Insurar�ce Group COMMERCiAL GENERAL L{ABII.ITY CG�. 088 (0� 15) 3. For the pt�rposes af fhe insurance afforded und�r COVERAGE F, the following is added io 2. Duiies In 7he Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suii Contiition under SECTION IV — COMM�RCIAL G�iVERAL LiABILITY CON�1TlONS: e. Duties In Th� Even# �f A"Defect" Or A"Product Wifhdrawal" (1) You rnust see to it that we are notified as soon as practicable of any aetual, sus�ected or threatened "defect" in "your products", or any governmenkal invesfiga#ion, that may resuft in a "product withdrawal". To the exte�i passihle, notice should include: (a} How, when and where the "defect" was discavered; {b} The names and addresses of any injured persons and witnesses; and {c) 7he nature, location and circumstances of any injury or damage arising out nf use or consur�tpfion of "your praduct". (2) If a"product withdrawal" is initiated, you rrtust: (a) Immediakely record the specifics of the "praduct withc�rawal" and the dafe it was initiated; {b} Send us written notice of the "product withdrawal" as soon as prackicable; and (c) Nat reiease, consign, ship or distribute by any aiher �ethod, any product, or lik� or similar products, with an ackual, suspected or threatened defect. (3} You and any other involved insured must: {a) Immediately sen8 us copies of pertinent correspondence recei�ed in connection with the "�roduet withdrawal"; (b) Authorize us ta obtain records and afher informalian; and (c) Cooperafe with us ir� aur in�esfigation of the "praduci withdrawal". 4. For fhe purposes of this Coverage F, khe fallowing definitions are added to the Definitions Sec#ion: a. "Defect" means a defect, deficiency or inadequacy that creates a dangerous condition. b. "Praduct tampering" is an act of inte�iional alleration of "your product" which may cause or has caused "bodily injury° or phys9cal injury to tangible properly. When "product fampering" is known, suspected or threater�ed, a"prnduct withdrawal" wilE not be fimited to those batches of "your prnduct" which are known or suspected to have b�en tampered with. c. "Product withdrawa!" means the recall or withdrawal of "your products", ar products whic� contain "yaur products", from the market or from use, by any other person vr organizakion, because of a known or suspected "defecC' in "your product", or a known or suspected "prod�ct tampering", which has caused or is reasnnably expeeted ta cause "bodily injury" or physical injury to kangibls properly. d. "Product withdrawal expenses" means those reasonable and necessary extra expenses, listed below paid and directly related fo a"product withdrawal": (1 } Costs of notification; {2) Cdsts of stationery, envelopes, production of announcements and postage or facsimiles; (3) Casts of vvertime paid ko your regular non-salaried ernpioyees and costs incurred by your employees, including costs of kransporkation and accommodations; {4} Casts of computer time; {5) Costs of hirir�g independent confractars and other temporary empldyees; {6) Costs of transportation, shipping or pacicaging; {7) Costs of warehouse or storage space; or CGL OSa (01 15) Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Services �ffice, Inc., with its permission. Page 5 of 14 Copyright 2015 FCC! Insurance Group COMM�RCiAL G�NERAL LiA64LlTY CGL OB$ (�1 15) (8) Costs of proper disposal nf "your products", ar products that contain "your products", that cannot be reused, noi exceeding your purchase price or your cost ta produce the products; but "product withdrawal ex�enses" does not include cos#s of the replacement, repair or redesign of "your produet", ar the casts of regaining yaur market share, goodwill, re�enue or profit. e. "Seller" means a person or organization ihat manufactures, sells or c�islributes goods or products. "Seller" does not include a"contractnr" as defined elsewhere in this e�dorsement. ihe insurance under COVERAGE � does not apply if a loss is paic� under C�VERAGE G. COVERAG� G. CONTRACTORS �RRORS AND OMISSIONS 1. Insuring Agreement If you are a"contractor", we will pay those sums that you beeome Eegally obligated to pay as damages because af "property damage" to "your prnduct", "your wark" or "impaired prop�riy", due to faulty workmanship, materiaf or design, ar producis including cons�quential iass, fo which this insurance applies. The damages rnust ha�� resulted from your negligent act, error or omission while acling in your business capacity as a contractar or subcontractor or from a defect in material or a product sold or installed by you whife acting in this capacity. 7he amount we will pay for damages is described in SECTION III LIMITS OF INSURANCE. We have no d�aty in investigate ar defend claims or "suits" coverec{ by fhis Coniractors Errors or Omissians coverage. This caverage applies only if the "properiy damag�" occurs in the "coverage territory" d�aring the policy period. This coverage daes not appiy ta addifional insureds, if any. Supplemeniary Payments -- Coverage A and B do not appEy to Coverage G. Contractors Errars and Omissions. 2. Exclusions This insurance does not apply ta: a, "Bodily injury" or "persona! and advertising injury". b. �iab€lity or penalties arising from a delay or failure to cornplete a contract or project, or io complete a car�tract or project on time. c. Liability because of an error or omission: (1) In 1he preparation of �stimates or }ob costs; (2} Wher� cost estimates are exceeded; (3} in the preparation of estimates of profit ar return on capital; (4} In advising or failure to advise on financing of the work ar project; or (5) In advising ar failing to acfvise on any legal work, title checks, form of insurance or suretyship. d, Any liability which arises out of any actual or alleged infringement af copyrighi or trademark ar trarle dress ar pat�nt, unfair competition or piracy, or theft or wrongful faking of concepts or intellectual properry. e. Any liability for darnages: (1) Fram the intentional dishonest, fraudulent, malicious or criminal acts nf lhe Named inst�red, or by any partner, meur�ber of a fimited liability cornpany, or executive afficer, or at the direction of any o# them; or {2) Which is in fact expected or intended by the insured, even if the injury or damage is of a different degree or type than actually expected or intended. CGL 088 (01 15) Includes copyrighled material of the lnsurance Services Office, Inc., wifh ils parmission. Page 6 oi i4 CoPyright 24�5 FCCI Msurance Group COMM�RCIAL GENERAL LiABIL1TY CGL 088 (01 'E 5) f. Any liabifity arising out of manufacturer's warranties or guarantees whether express or implied. g. Any liahility arising from "property damage" to properky owned by, rented or leased to the insureti. h. Any liability incurred or "property damage" which occurs, in whole or in part, before you have eornpfeted "your work." "Your work" will be deemed completed at the earliest of th� follawing times: (1} When a11 af th� wnrk cailed for in yaur contract or wark order has been campleted; {2) When a11 the work ta be done at the job site has been completed if your cantract calls for wark at more than nne job site; ar (3) When ihat pari of the work dnne at a job site has been put to its i�tended use by any �erson or organixation other than another eontractor or subconkracfor working on the sam� project. Work that rnay need s�rvice or mainkenance, correetion, repair nr replacement, but which is otherwise cornpiete, will be treaied as complete. i. Any iiability arising from "property darnage" to products ihat are still in your physical possession. j. Any liability arising out of tE�e rendering of or faiiure to render any profess9onal services by yo►� or on your behalf, but only with respect to either or both of the following operaiions: (1) Providing engineering, architectural or surveying services to nthers; and (2) Pro�iding or hiring independent professionals to provide engineering, architectural or surveying services in conneclion wilh construetion work you perfor�. Professionai services include khe preparing, approving or failing tv prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opir�ions, repo�ts, surveys, fieEd orders, change orders, or drawings and sp�cifications. Prafessional services alsa include supervisary or inspection activitfes performed as part of any related architeckura[ or engineering activities. But, professional servia�s do noi include ser�ices within construction means, methods, techniques, s�quences and procedures employed by you in connection with constructian work you perfarm. k. Your loss of profit or expected profit and any liability arising therefram. l. "Property damage" to property other than "yaur product," "your work" or "impaired praperty." m. Any liability arising from claims or "suiis" wher� the right of action against #he insur�d has been eelinquished or waived. n. Any liability for "properiy damage" to "ynur work" if the damaged work or th� work aut of which the damage arises was performed on your behalf by a subconfrackor. o. Any liabiliry arising from the substit�tion oF a material or praduct far one specified on blueprints, work orders, contracts or engineering specifications ur►less there has been written authorizaiian, or unless the blueprints, work orders, contracts or engineering specificatians were written by you, and you ha�� authorized the changes. p. Liability of oth�:rs assur►�ed by the insured und�:r any contract or agreement, whether oraf or in writing. This exclus9an does not apply ko liability for damages that the insured would have in the absence af the contract or agreemen�. 3. �or the purposes af Coverage G, the foliowing definition is added to the Definitions section: a. "Confracfar" means a person or organizatian engaged in activities o# building, clearing, filing, excavating or impro�ement in the size, use or appearance of any structure or land. "Contractor" does not include a"seller" as defined elsewhere in this �ndorsemeni. 4. Deductible We will r�at pay far lass in any one 'bccurrence" cantil the amount of loss exceeds $250. Th� limits of insurance will not be reduced by the application of the deductible amount. CGL Q88 (01 15) Encludes copyrighted material of the ir�surance Services Offfce, Inc., with its permission. Page 7 of 14 Gopyright 2015 �CCI Ensurance Group COMMEF2GAL GENERAL LIABILITY CGL Q8$ (01 15} We rr►ay pay any part or alf of ihe deductible amount to effect settlement of any claim or "suii", and upon notification of the action taken, you st�all promptly reimburse us for such part of the deductible amaunt as has been paid by us. 5. Cost Factar In the ever�t of a covered loss, you shail, if requested by us, replace the damaged property or furnish the labor and materials necessary for repairs therefo at your actual cast, excluding profit ar o�erhead charges. The insurance under COVERAGE G does not apply if a loss is paid under COVERAG� �. COVERAG� N. LOST KEY COVERAGE '1. Insuring Agreement We will pay #hose sums, subject to the li�nits of liability d�scribed in SECTI�N III LIMITS O� INSURANCE in this endorsement and th� d�ductible shown befow, that yau become legaliy obligated to pay as damages caused by an "occurrence" and due to the loss or mysterious disappearance of keys entrusted to or in the care, custody or control af you or your "employees" or anyone acting nn yaur beha[f. The damages covered by this endors�rt�eni are limited to the: a. Actual cos# of ihe keys; b. Cosf to adjusf lacks io accept new keys; or c. Cost of new locks, if required, including the cost of insfallation. 2. Exclusians This insurance does not apply to: a. Keys owned by any insured, employees of any insured, or anyone acting or� �ehalf of any insured; b. Any res�lling loss of �se; or c. Any of the follawing acts by any insured, employees of any ins�red, or anyone acting an behalf of any insurerl: 1 } Misappropriation; 2) Concealment; 3) Con�ersion; 4) Fraud; or 5} Dishonesty. 3. Detluctibfe We will not pay for lass in any one "accurrence" until the amount of loss exce�:ds $1,000. The limits oF insu�ance will not be reduced by the applicaiian of the deductible amount. W� may pay any park or all of the deductible amount to eff�:ci seillemeni of ar�y claim or "suit" and, upon nolificatian of the action faken, you shalf prompfly reimb�rse us for such part of the deductible amount as has been paid by us. EXPANDEd COV�RAG� �OR TENANT'S PROPERTY AND PREMISES R�fVT�D TO YQi1 The Firsf paragraph after subparagraph {6) in �xclusion j., Damage to i'roperty is amended to reati as fallows: Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this exclusion do not apply to "property damage" (other #han damage by fire) to premises, including the contenis of such premises, rented to you. A separate limit af insurance applies io Damage To Premises Renied To You as described in Section Ill — Limits Of insuranc�. CGL Q88 (01 15) Incfudes copyrighted maierial of the Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 8 of 14 Copyright 2015 FCCk Insurance Group COMMERCIAL GENERA�. i.IABILITY CGL a88 (01 15) SEC7iON I- COVERAGES, SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMEN�"S -- COVERAGE A and B is amended as follows: All references ko SUPPL�MEN7ARY PAYMENTS — COVERAGES A and B are amended to SUPPLEMENT'ARY PAYMEN"i5 — COVERAGES A, B, f], E, G, and I�. 1. Cost of Bail Bonds Paragraph �.b. is re�laced wikh the following: b. Up to $2,540 for cost af bail bonds required because of accidenfs or lraffic [aw violafions arising out of the use of any vehicle to w�ich ihe Bodily Injury �iability Co�erage applies. We do not have to furnish these bonds. 2. Loss of Earnings Paragrapi� 1.d. is replaced with the following: d. A!1 reasonable exp�nses inc[arred by the insured at our request io assist us in th� in�estigation or defense of the claim or "suit", including acfua! loss of �:arnings up to $500 a day because af fime off from woric. SECTION 11 — WHO IS A�1 INSUR�b is amended as fallows: 1. Incidental Malpractice Paragraph 2.a.(1)(d) is replaced with the following: {d) Arising out af his or F�er praviding or failing to pro�ide professional health care services. However, Ehis exc(usion daes not apply to a nurse, emergency medical technician or paramedic employed by you to pro�ide m�dical services, unless: (i) You are engaged in the occupafion or business af providing or offering medical, surgical, dental, x-ray or nursing services, treatment, advice or instruction; nr (ii) 7he "employee" has another insurance that would alsa co�er claims arising under this provision, whether khe other insurance is primary, excess, conting�r�t or an any other basis. 2, Broadened Who Is An Insured The foflowing are acided to Paragraph 2.: Subsidiaries e. Your subsidiaries if: (1) They are legally incorporated eniities; and (2} You own €nore than 50% af the voiing stock in such subsidiaries as of the effective date oF this policy. If such subsit#iaries are not shown in the Declarations, you must report ihem to us wfEhin 'f80 days of the inceplion o# your origir�al �alicy. Additional lnsurecls f. Any person or organizalian described in paragraphs g. through k. below wham you are required to add as an additional insured on this policy under a writie� contract or agreement in effect during the term of this policy, providec� the written contract or agreement was executed prior #o the "bodily inj€�ry", "properfy damag�" or "persnnal and advertising injury" for which fhe additional insurecf seeks coverage. Wowever, the insurance afforded to such additional insured(s): (1) Oniy ap�lies ta the extent permitted by law; {2) Will nat b� broader than that which you are required by tF�e contracl or agreert�ent to provide for such addifional insured; {3) Will nat be broader than thst which is afforded to you under this policy; {4) Is subject to the condi#io�ns described in paragraphs g. through k. below; and {5) Nothing herein shalf extend fh�: term of lhis policy. CGL 088 (Oi 15} Inc[udes copyrighled rnateria! o! the Insurar�ce Services O#fice, Inc., with iEs permission. Page 9 of i4 Copyright 2015 FCCI Insurance Group COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CGL 0$$ {01 15) g. Owner, Lessor or Manager af Premises If the additianal insured is an owner, lessor or manager of premises, such person ar organization shalf be covered only with respect to liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of that part of any pr�:mises leased to yot� and subject to the following additional exel�sions: (1 } Any `bccurrence" that takes place after you cease to occupy those premises, or {2) 5fructural alEerations, new construction or demolition operations p�rFormecf by or on behalf of such person or organization. h. State ar Ga�ernmental Agency or Subdivision or Political S�bdivisian — Permits or Authorizations If the additiona! insured is fhe state or any palitical subdivision, t�e state or political subdivision shaEl be covered only with respect to op�rations perForr►�ed by you or on yo�r bei�alf for which the sfate or pofitica! subdi�ision has issusd a permil or authorization. This insurance does not apply io: (1) "Bodily injury", "property clarnage", or "personal anc� advertising €njury" arising out of vperations pe�fortr�ed for the federal government, staie or municipaliiy; or (2} "Bodily injury" or "property damage" included within the "products-compleied operations hazard". i. Lessar of Leased Equipment lf the addiiional insured is a lessor of leased equipment, such Iessor shall be covered only with respect #o liability for "bodily injury", "prnperty damage" or "persanai and ad�ertising injury" caused, in whole ar in part, by your ►naintenance, operation or use of equiprnent leased to you by such person{s) or organization(s). WiEh respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, this insurance does not apply to any "occurrence" which takes pface after #he equipment lease expires. j. Marlgagee, Assignee, or Recei�er If the additional Insured is a morfgagee, assignee, ar receiver af premises, such mortgagee, assignee or receiver of premises is an addilional insured anly with respect ta their liability as �artgagee, assignee, or receiver and arising out of the ow�ership, mainfenance, or use of ihe premises by you. This insurance doss nat apply to structural ai#erations, new construction and demolition operations performed by or for that persnn or organizakian. k. Vencfor lf the addifional insured is a vendor, such vendor is an additional insured only with respect Eo "bodily injury" ar "property damage" caused by "your prociucts" which are dis#ributed or sold in the regular course of the vendar`s business, subject to the fo6lowing additional exclusions: (1 } The insurance afforded to the �endor does not apply to: (a} "Badily inj�ry" or "property darr�age" for which the vendor is obligated to pay damages by reason of the assumpkian of liability in a conlract or agreement. This exc(usion does nok apply to [iability for damages that lhe vendor would ha�e in absence of the cantract or agreem��t. (b} Any express warranty unauthorized by you; (c) Any physicaf or chemicai change in "your product" mad�; intentionally by ihe �endor; (d} Repackaging, unless unpacked solely for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing, nr the substikution of parts under instructions fram the manuFacfurer, and then repackaged in the original container; (e} Any fail�re to make such inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agr�ed to make or normally undertakes to make in ihe usual course af business, in connection with the distribution nr sale of the products; (f) Demonslration, installation, servicing or repair operations, excepi such operations performed at the vendar's premises in cannection with Eh� sale of the product; CGL 088 (01 15) incfudes copyrighled material of the Insurance Services Olfice, Inc., wilh its permission. Page 10 of 14 Copyright 2015 FCCI Insurance Graup COMMEF2CIAL GEt�fERAL LIABlL1TY CGL D88 (01 15) (g) ProBucts which, after distribution or sa[e by you, have been labeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or ingredient of any other thing or substance by or far the �endor; or {h) "Bodily injury" or "prnperty damage" arising out of ihe so[e negligence of the �endor for its own ac#s or omissions or those of its own acis or omiss9ons or thase of its empioyees or anyane else acting on its behalf. However, this exclusion doss not apply to: 7he exceptions contained in Subparagraphs d. or f.; or II. SUC�1 If1Sp8C�10115, adjusEments, tests ar servicing as the vendor has agreed to maka or normally und�rtakes to make in the usual course of business, in conneciian witl� the disiribution or sale of the products. (2) 7his insurance does not apply to any insured persan or organization, frorr� whom you ha�e acquir�d such products, or any ingredient, part or container, e�tering into, accompanying or cantaining such praduc#s. 3. Newiy Formed nr Acquired Orgarrizations Paragraph 3. is amended as folfaws: a. Co�erag� under this pro�ision is afforded until the end of the poficy period. d. Co�erage A does not a�pEy to praduct recall expense arising out of any withdrawal or recall #haf accurred before you acquired or formed the organization. SECTION III — LIMI'�S OF INSURANCE is amended as foflows: 1, Paragraph 2. is replaced with the following: 2. The General Aggregate Limit is fhe mast we wil[ pay for the sum of: a. Medical expenses under Caverag� C; b. �amages under Coverage A, except damages because of "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in #he "products-compfeted operaiions hazard"; c. Damages u€nder Caverage 8; d. Voluntary "prop�:rty damage" payments under Co�erage D; e. Care, Custady or Control damages under Cov�rage E.; and f. Lost Key Cnverage under Coverage H. 2. Paragraph 5. is replaced with the following; 5. Subjecl to Paragraph 2. or 3. above, whichever applies, the Each Occurrence L.imit is the most we will pay for the sum of: a. Damages €�nder Coverage A; b. MedicaE exp�nses under Coverage C; c. Voluntary "prope�iy damage" payments under Cove�age D; d. Care, Custody or Cantro! damages �nder Caverage E; e. Limited Praduct Withdrawal Expanse under Coverage F; f. Confractflrs �rrors and Omissions under Coverage G.; and, g. Lasi Key Coverage under Cave�age H. because of all "bodily injury" and "property damage" arising out of any one "occurrence". 3. Paragraph 6. is replaced with the following: 6. Subject to Paragraph 5. above the Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is th�: most we will pay under Coverage A for damages because of "properEy damage" to any one premises, whife rented to you, CGL 088 (0� 15} ]ncludes copyrighfed material of the lnsurance Services Of(ice, Inc., with its permission. Page � 1 oi 94 Copyright 2015 F'CCI insurance Croup COMMERCIAL GEN�RAL L.lABII.ITY CGL 088 (0'i 'i 5) or in the case of damage by fire or explosion, while rented ko you or tempararily acc�pied by you with permission of the owner. The �amage to Premises Rented to You Limit is ihe higher of fhe Each Occurrence Limit shown in the Declaratians or the amount shawn in fhe Declarakions as I]amage To Prerr�ises Rented To You Lim9t. 4. Paragraph 7. is replaced with the following: 7. Subject to Paragraph 5, above, the higher of $10,000 or the Medical Expense LimiE shown in the D�clarations is the mos# we wil[ pay under Co�erage C for alk medicai expenses because of "badily injur}i' sustaineci by any nne person. 5. Paragraph 8. is added as follows: 8. Subject to Paragraph 5. abo�e, fhe most we will pay under Coverage D. Voluntary Property Damage for lass arising out of ar�y one "occurrence" is $3,500. The most we will pay in any one-policy period, regardless of the number of c[aims made or suits brnught, is $3,a00. 6. Paragraph 9. is added as follows: 9, Subject to Paragraph 5. above, the most we will pay under Coverage E. Care, Custody or Confrol for "property damag�" arising out of any one "occurrence" is $1,�00. The mast we will pay in any one-poliey period, regardless of the number of claims rnade or suits brought, is $5,000. 7. Paragraph 10. is adcled as follows: 10. 8ut�ject to Paragraph 5. above, fhe most we wilf pay under Co�erage F. Lirt�ited Product Withdrawal Expense far "produci withdrawal expenses" in any ane-policy period, regardless oF the number of insureds, "product withdrawals" ini#iated or nu€nb�r of "your producls" withdrawn is $10,000. 8. Paragraph 19. is added as fnilows: 11. Subject ffl Paragraph 5. abo�e, the rriost we will pay under Coverage G. Contractors Errors and Omissions for damage in any nne-policy periad, regardless of the number of insurecis, c[airns or "suits" brought, or persons ar organizations makin� claim or bringing "suits" is $10,000. For errors in contract nr job specifieations or in recommendations of products or materials to be used, this policy wili not pay for additior�al costs of products and materials to be used that would nat have been incurred had the cortecl recammendations or specifications been made. 9. Paragraph 12. is added as follows: 12. Subject to Paragraph 5. abave, the mast we wi{I pay under Co�erage H., Lost FCey Coverage for damages arising out af any one occ�rrence is $50,000. 10. Paragraph 13. is added as follows: 13. 7he General Aggr�:gate Limik applies separately io: a. Each of yaur prajects away frnm premises owned by or rent�d to yau; or b. Each "focation" owned by or rented to ynu. "Lacation" as used in this paragraph means premises in�alving the same or connecting lots, vr pr�;mises whnse connecfion is interrupfed only by a skreek, roadway, wvaterway or righf-of-way of a railroad. 11. paragraph 14. is added as follows: 14. With respect to the insurance afforded to any additional insured provided ca�erage under this endorsem�nt: lf coverage provided to the additional insured is r�quired by a contract or agreemenf, the most we will pay on beha6f of the additianal insured is the arnount of insurance:: a. Required by the contract ar agreement; or CGL 088 (01 95) Includes copyrighfed materiai of ihe Insurance Services OEfice, Inc., with its permission. Page �2 0(14 Copyright 2015 FGCI Insurance Group COMMERCIAL G�i�l�RAL LIABILITY CCL QSB {01 15) b. A�ailabfe under the applicabl� Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichevar is less. This endorsement shaff r�ot incr�ase the ap�licable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. SECTI�N IV — COMM�RCIAl. GENERAL LIABIL4TY CON[31TIC3NS is amended as follows: 1, 5ut�paragraph 2.a. of Duties In Th� E�ent Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim, or Suit is replaced with the fiollowirrg: a. You must see to it that we are notifisd as soon as practicable af an "occurrence" or an offense which may result in a claim. This requirement appl'tes only when the "occurrence" or offense is knnwn to the following: (1} An individual who is the sofe owner; (2} A pa�tner, if yau are a par[nership or joint �entur�; {3) An "executi�e offic�r" or insurance manager, if yau are a corporaiion; {4) A manager, if you sre a limited fiability company; (5) A person ar organization ha�ing proper temporary custody of your properly if you die; (6) The legal representative of you if yota die; or (7) A person (other than an "emplayee") or an organization while acting as your real estate manag�r. To the extent possible, r�otice shouid include: (1 } How, when and where the "occurrence" or offense took place; (2} The names and addresses of any injured persans and wiinesses; and {3) The nature and location af any injury or damage arising out of the "occurrence" or offense. 2. The followir�g is added to Subparagraph 2.�. of Duties !n The �vent Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim, or Suit: The requiremenk in 2.b.applies only when the "vccurrence" or offense is known to the following: {1) An individual wi�o is the sole owner; {2) A parkrter ar insurance rnanager, if you are a parinership or joint venture; (3j An "executi�e of#icer" or insurance manager, if you are a carporation; (4) A manager or insurance manager, if you are a firnited lisl�ilify company; (5) Your officials, trustees, baard �nembers or insurance manager, if you are a not-for-profit organization; (6) A person or organization having proper ternporary custody of your property if you die; (7) The legaf representative of you if yau die; or (8) A person (other than an "employee") or an organization while acting as your real estate manager. 3. The foliowing is added tv paragraph 2. af [�utfes in the Event of Occurrence, Offenss, Claim or Suit: e. If you repart an "accurrence" to your workers campensakion earrier that develops into a liabiiity claim for which coverage is provided by the Caverage �orm, failure to report such an "occurrence" ta us at lhe ti�e of the 'bccurrence" shall not be deem�d a vinlation af paragraphs a., b., and c. abo�e. Nnwever, you shail give writfen notice of fhis 'bccurrence" to us as soon as you become aware that this `bccurrence" may be a liability claim ra#her than a workers compensaiion cfaim. 4. Paragraph 6. is replacecf with t�e following: 6. Representations CGL OSB (01 15) Ineludes copyrigh#ed material of t�e Insura€�ce Services Office, Inc., with ifs permission. Page 13 of 14 Copyright 2015 �CCI Insurance Group C(}MMERClAL GENERAL LtABILITY CGL 088 (01 15) By accepting this palicy, you agree: a. The statements in ihe Declarations ar� accurate and complete; b. Those siaternents are based upon re�resentations you made to us; and c. We have issued this poiicy in reliance upon your representations. Any error or omission in the description af, or failure ta cornplekely describe ar discEose any pr�mises, operations or products intended to be coveret� by the Coverage Form will not invalidate or affect coverage for thase premises, operations ar products, provided such error or omission or failure to compleieiy describe ar disdose premises, aperations or products was not intenkiona{. You must report such error or omission to us as soon as pracficable after ifs disca�ery. Howe�er, this provision does not affect our righE to co[lect additional prert�ium charges or exercise our right of cancellatian or nonrenewal. 5. The following is added ta paragraph 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Oihers To lts: However, we waive any right of recovery we may have because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of yaur ongoing operaEians or "your work" included in the "products-compfeted aperations hazard" under the following conditions: a) Only w�en you have agreed in writing to waive such rights of reco�ery in a contract or agreement; b) Oniy as Eo fhe personlentify as to whom you are required by fhe confracf to waive rights of reco�ary; and c) Only if the cor�tract or agreement is in �ff�ct durir�g ihe term of fhis policy, and was executed by you prior to the loss. 6. Paragraph 90. is added as fallows; 10. Liberalization If we revise this Co�erage �'orm in provide more co�erage without addiiional premium charge, yo€�r palicy will autnmatieally pro�ide the additional coverage as af the day the revision is effective in the appEieable state(s}. CGL 088 (01 15} Includes copyrighted material o( ft�e Ins€�rance Services Offtce, Inc., with its permission. Page i4 of 14 Copyright 2015 FCCI Insurance Group Policy #CAA1000510G5 COIvIMERCIAL AiJTO cAu a�s �o� � s� -1'HIS �NDORSEMElVT CHANGES TH� POLICY. PLEASE R�A� IT CAREFULLY. AViU FIRST GHOlCE COVERAGE ENDORSEMENT' This endors�ment mndities insurance pro�ided under the following: BU5IN�SS AUTO COV�RAGE FORM �lOTE: The following are additians, replacements and amendments to the Business Auto Coverage Forrn, and wilf appfy unless excluded by separate endarsement(s) ta the Business Auio Coverage Form, With respect to caverages provided by this endorsement, the provisions of lhe Business Auto Coveraga Farm apply unless modified by fhis endorsemer�t. The Business Auto Coverage Form fs amended as fallows: SECTION tl -- GOVERE� Al1iOS LIABII�ITY COV�RAG� 'ts amended as follaws: A. Paragraph '[. Who ls An Insured in section A. Coverag� is amended by the additian of the foflowing: d. Any legally Encorparated subs'tdiary of yours in which you own more than 50°/a of the voiing stock an Ehe eff�elive daie af this co�erage form. However, "insured" cloes no! include any subsidiary thal is an "insured" urtder any other liability policy or wauid be an "insured" under such a policy but for its terrr�inatian or the exhaustion of its limits af insurance. In order for such subsidiaries ta be considered insured under t�is palicy, you rnusf notify us of suctt subsidiaries within 60 days af policy efifecti�e date. e. Any orgar�ization you newly acquire or fnr�� during t�e policy period, other than a partnership ar joint venlure, ar�d a�er wl�ich yau mainEain sol� awnership or a majority interesi. However, coverage under this pro�ision: (1) poes not appEy if the organization you acquire or form is an "insured" under another liability policy or would be ar� "insured° under such a policy but for its Eermination or the exhaustion a# its IimiEs of 'tr�surance; (2} Do�s nat apply to "bodily €njury" or "property darnage° that occurred before you acquired or forined the organization; and (3} Is affarded anly for tl�e firsi 90 days after you acquire or form the organizatiort or unlil the end of ih� policy period, wttichever comes #irst. f. Any person or organiza#ion who is required under a writt�n cantract or agreement between ya� and that persan or organization, t�al is signed and executed by you befare the "bodily injury° or "properfy damage" occurs and that is irt effecl during the policy p�riod, ta be narned as an additiona[ insured is an "insured" for Liabilify Coverage, bul onEy for damages to which ihis insurar�ce applies and only to the extent tha€ person or arganization qualifies as an "insured" under the Who Is An Insured provision cantained in Section II. g. Any "eE�ployee" of yaurs using: (1) a cavered "auta" you do not awn, hire or borrow, or a co�ered "auld' not owned by an "employee" nr a member of his or her household, while performing dufies related to the conduct of yaur business or your persona[ affairs; or (2) an "auto° hired or rented under a contract c�r agreement in tf�at "employee's" name, wilh your Permission, while performir�g dulies relafed to lf�e conduct of your busine5s. Howe�er, your "employee" daes nof qualify as an ins��recf under this paragraph (2) while usir�g a cavered "aufd' reE�ted from you or from any member of the "ernployee's" househofd GAIJ 058 (05 19) [ncludes copyrighted rr�aierial of the Insurance Services Offce, Inc., wiih its permission. Page 1 of 4 Copyright 2fi18 FCCI Insurance Group. COMMERC[A� AUTO GAU 058 (05 13) h. Yaur tnembers, if you are a limited liability com�ar�y, while using a co�ered "auto" you do not own, hire ar barrow, while perfor��ing duties rela#ed fa the canduct of your business or your personal affairs. B. Paragraphs (2) and (aj under sectian 2. Coverage Extensions, a. Supplementary Payments are deleted and replaced by the io[lowing: (2} Up to $3,000 for cost of bail bonds (including bonds for related traf€ic violations) requir�d because af an "accident" we ca�er. We do nof have Eo furnish ti�ese bands. (4j All reasonable expenses incu��red by the "insured" solely at our ��equesf, inc[uding actual loss of earnings up to �5Q0 a day because of time aif from work. C. Paragraph 5. under section B. �xc[usions is deleted and replaced by the fol[owing: 5. Fellow �mpkoyee "Bodily inj€�ry" Ea: a. Any fellaw "employee" of the "insured" arising out of and in lhe course of a fefEow "ernployee's" employment or while performing duties related lo the conducf of your busir�ess. Howe�er, this exclusian does not apply to yo�r "emplayees" that are officers or managers if tf�e "bodily injury" results from iFte use of a covered "auto" you own, hire or barrow. Caverage is excess over any other collectible insurance; or b. The spouse, child, parent, brather ar sisier of that ieflow "employee" as a cansequence af I'aragraph a. abo�e. SEGTION Ili — PFiYStCAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended as fallaws: A. Paragraph 4. Coverage �xtensions under section A. Co�erage is delefed and replaced by the following: 4. Coverage Exk�nsions a. Transpar#ation Expenses We wi11 pay up to $5Q per day ta a tofai maximurrE of $1,500 for Eemporary lranspartatian expense incurred by you due to co�ered loss to any covered auto. We will pay only for those covered "at�tos" for which yau carry either Comprehensi�e or 5peci�ed Causes Of Lass Co��rage. We will pay for temporary transportation expenses incurred during !he period l�eginning 24 hours aiter a loss and ertding, regard[ess of the poficy's expiratian, when the co�ered "auto" is returned to use or we pay for its "loss". h. l.oss of Use Expenses For Fiired Auto Physical aamage, we will pay expenses far wtticlt an "insured" becornes [egally responsible to pay for loss af use of a �ehicle rented or hired w'tthout a dri�er under a wriEten rental cnntract or agreement. We will pay for loss of use expenses if caused f�y: (1) Oiher than collision only if fhe Declarations indicaie that Comprehensive Coverage is provided far hired °autas"; (2) Specified Causes of �.oss nnly if the Declaraiions indicate fhat Speci(ied Causes of Loss Coverage [s prpvided for hired "autos' ; ar (3) Coliision only if the Declarations ir�dicate that Coliision Co�erage is provided for hir�d "aufos". Howsver, !he most we will pay for any expenses for loss of use to any one vehicle is �75 per day, to a fotal maximum af $1,50fl. �. The fallowing is added ta paragraph 4. Coverage Extensions under sectitin A. Co�erage: c. Fire Department Ser�ice Charge When a fire department is called to save or profect a cov�red "auto", its eq�iprttent, its contents, or nccu�ants frorr� a covered ca�ise oi loss, we will pay up to $1,Q0� for your liabiliiy for (ire departrttenl service charges assu��ed iay cor�tractor ar agr�ement prior ta loss. No deductible applies fo fhis additional ca�erage. CAU 058 {�5 19) Includes copyrighted material of the [nsurance Services Office, Inc., witli its permission. Page 2 0( 4 Capyrigl�t 2018 FCCI Insurar�ce Grot[p. COMM�RCIAL Af1T0 CAU 058 (05 19) d. Auto LoanlLease Gap Co�erage The fallowing pravisions apply: ('f) If a long term leased "auto", under an original lease agreement, is a covered "auto" €�nder this co�erage form and the lessor of tf�� ca�ered "auko" is named as an additional insured under this policy, in the event af a tnial lass to the leased cov�red "auta", we will pay any unpaid amouni due on the lease, [ess the amount paid uncfer the Physical Damage Co�e;rage Section af the policy; and less any: (a) Overdue lease or loan paymenls inel�ading penalfies, interest, or ather charges resulting from o�erdue paymenfs at the time of the "fass"; (b) Financial penalties ir�-3posed under a lease for excessive use, abnorrnal wear and tear or high mileage; (c) Security c[eposiis not refunded by the iessor; (d) Costs for extended warranties, Credit Life fnsurance, Health Accident or Disabilily Insurance purchased with the loan or lease; and {e) Garry-a�er balances from previaus laans or ]eases. (2f If an owned "auto" is a covered "auta" under this caverage tarm and ihe lass payee of the covered "aufo" is named a foss payee under ihis policy, in the e�ent of a fotal loss to tl�e covered "auto", we wiEl pay any unpaid amounf due on the loan, less the amount paid under the Physical Damage Coverage Section af the policy; and less any; (a) Overdue loan paytr�ents at !he time of the 'Yass"; (b) Casts far exiended warrant'tes, Credit Life Ensurance, Health Accident or �isability fnsurance purchased with the loan; and (c) Carry-ov�r balances from pre�ious loans. C, Paragraph 3. under section B. �xclusions is deleted and replaced by ihe following: 3. We wil! not pay for "loss" due and confined to: a. Wear and tear, freezing, mechanicaf or electrical breakdown b. Blowouts, punctur�s or other raad darnage to tires This exclusion does not apply lo such "lass" resulling from the tofal fhef! of a covered "auta". How�ver, lhis exclusion does not inclt�de the discharge ai an airbag in a co�ered "aulo" you own that inffates due to a ca�se oitter fhan a cause of "loss" set forih in Paragraphs A.1.b ar�d A.1.c.but only: a. If tf�af "auta° is a covered "auto" for Camprehensive Ca�erage under this policy; b. Tl�e airbags are not covered under any warranty; ar�d c. The airbags were not infentiar�ally mflated We will pay up io a maximurn of $1,400 for any one "loss". R. Section D. �eductible is deleted and replaced by the following: D. Reductible �or each co�ered "auta", o►�r obligation to pay for, repair, return ar replace damaged or stofen praperty wi[[ be reduced by the applicable d�ducfible shawn in the Declarations subjecf ko Elte fallowing: Ar�y Comprehensi�e Coverage deductil�le sf�awn in tl�e Declaralipns does not appky to: (1} "Lass° caused by fire ar Iightning; and (2) "i.nss" arising out of thett of your vehicle if your vehicle is equipped with an aetive GP5 fracking system. CAU 058 (05 19) Includes copyrighted material of the Inst�rance Services affice, Inc., wikie its permission. Page 3 of 4 Copyright 20'i8 FCCI Insurance Group. COMMERCIAL AUTO CAU 058 (05 19) (3) Glass damage if repaired rather than replaced. SECTION fV — BUSINESS AUiO CONDIT{ONS is amended as follows: A. The following is added lo paragraph a. under section A. Loss Condifions, 2. Ruties in the �vent of Accident, G[aim, S�it or Loss: This duly applies when the "accident", claim, "suii" or "foss" is first known to: (a) You, if you are an individual, (b) A pa�tn�r, if you ar� a partnership; (c} An executive officer or insurance rt�anager, if you are a corporation; or (dj A mert�tber or manager, if yau are a limifed kiability company. B. Condition 5. 7ransfer af Rights of Reco�ery against Others to 11s under section A. �oss Conditions is deleled and replaced by the folfowing: 5. 7ransfer of Rights of Reco�ery against Others to Us I# a person ar organization to or far whom we make payment under this coverage form has rights to recover damages from another, those rights are transferred t4 us. That person or organization m�ast do everything necessary to secure aur rights and must da nathing after "accident" or "loss" io impair them. hEowever, if the insured has waived righls fo recover thrnugh a writEen contract, or if your wark was cammenced under a ietter of intent or work order, stabject ta a subsequert# reduction in wrifing of such a waiver wifh customers whose customary contracts require a waiver, we waive any right nf recovery we may have under this c�verage farrn. C. The fallowing is added Eo Candition 2. Gonceal�nent, Misrepresentation or Fraud under section B. General Conditions: However, if yau unintenlionally fai[ fo disclose any hazards at the inceplion of your poficy, we will nat deny caverage €�nder this coverage form b�cause of such failure. This provision does not affect our right to collect additional pre�niutt� or exercise aur right of cancellalion or nnn-renewal. D. Paragraph b. of Candition 5. Other Insurance under section B. General Condik[ons is deleted and replaced by lhe fo1lowing: h. For Hired A�to Phys€cal Qamage Co�erage, !he fo1lawing are deemed to be covered "aufos" you aw�; (1) Any co�ered "auto" yau I�ase, htre, renf or borrow; and (2j Any covered "auta" hired or renled by yaur "employee" under a cnnFracl in that indivic[ual "empfoyee's° narne, with your permissiar�, while performing duties relat�d fa the conduct of your business. However, any "autd' tha# is leasec�, ttired, rented or barrowed with a dri�er is nof a ca�ered "aufo°, nor is any "auto" you hire from any of your "employees", parfners (if you are a partnership), members (if you are a limited liab's�ity company), or members of their hat�seholds. CAU 058 (05 99) Includes capyrighted rnaierial of the Insurance Ser�ices Office, Inc., w�kh its permission. fi'age 4 of 9 Gapyright 2a18 �CCE Insurance Graup. PoIIC #CAA'f0005'i0fi5 COMMERCIALAU7QMOBILE y CAU 082 (01 15) THIS ENDORSEM�N7 CHANGES THE P�L[CY. P�.EAS� Ft�AD IT CAREFIILLY. AUTOMATIC INSURED - BUSINESS AUTU POL[CY PRIMARYINON-CONTRIBUTfNG WHEN REQUIRED BY C�NTRACT This endorsement madifies insurance provided �nder the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM 7his endorsement is subjeet to the terms, conditions, exclusions and any other provisions of the Bl1S(N�SS AUTO COV�RAG� FORM or any endarsemer�# attached thereta unless changes or additions are indicated below. For th� purpose af khis andorsement, Section II.A.1. Who ls An Insured is amended by adding khe following: 1. Any person or organization when you and such person ha�e agreed in writing in a contract signed and exeeuted by yo€� prior to the loss for which coverage is saught, that such persan or organization be sdded as an "insured" on yaur auto policy. Such person or organixation sha11 be an "insured" to the extent your negligent actions or omissions impase liabilily an such "fnsured" withoui fault on its part. 2. This insurance is primary and non-contributory to other IiabiEiiy coverages af the person or arganization being added to this policy as an "insured" when so required in a written contract ar agreernent fhat is executed prior to t�e loss for wnich coverage is sought. CAU 082 (01 15) Inc�udes copyrighted material of the Insurance Ser�+ices Office, Inc., with its permiss€on. Page 1 of 1 Copyright 2015 �CC1 Insurance Group. � X �.tua WORK�RS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE WORKERS' COMPElVSATION AN� WC 42 03 U4 B EMPLOYERS LiABItlTY POLICY Insured copy TEXAS WAIVER OF OUR RiGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT This endorsement applies only to the insurance pro�ided by th� palicy because Texas is shown in it�m 3.A. of #he infarmaiion F'age. We have khe right to recover our payments fram anyone liable for an injury covered by this poiicy. We will nat enforce our righi againsk the person or organization named in the Schedule, but this waiver applies oniy with respect tn boc[ily injury arising out of the operaiions described in the schedule where you are r�quired by a writEen contracf to obtain this waiver from us. 7his endorsement shall not operate directly or indirectEy ta benefit anyone not named in the Schedule. 7he premium for this e�dorsement is shown in th� Schedule. Schedule 1. ( ) Specific Waiver IUame of person or organization (X)Blanket Waiver Any person or nrganizafion for wham the Named Insured has agreed by writ#en cnnlrack to furnish this waiver. 2. Operations: A!I 'Texas operations 3. Premium: The prernium charge for this �ndorsement shall be 2.fl0 percent of ihe premium developeci on payroll in connection wiih work perFormed for the abo�e person(s) or organization(s} arising out of the operations described. 4. Advance Premi�m: Included, see Infarmatian Page This endorsement changes the poliey fo which it is attached ef(ecEive on the ince�lion date o( the policy unless a different date is indicated befow. (The fo{lowing "attaching clause" need be camp€eted oniy when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation o! fhe policy.) This endorssment, efteclive on $112121 at 12:0'! a.m. standard lime, forms a part of: Pokicy no. 0002�b1 p85 of Texas Mutual Insurance Company effective on 8112l21 IssuecE !o: WiLLIAM J SCHl1LT� INC DBA: CIF:CLE C CO�VSiRUCTtO�! CbMPA�IY This is not a bill NCCI Carrier Cade: 29939 �/� Authorized representative 811D121 PO Box 12058, Auslin, TX 78711-205$ 1 of 1 lexasmutuaf.eom �(8��) 859-5996 ��ax (800) 359-0650 WC 42 03 04 B oac�zs-i cEa�E��tr.n�'E ar �r�suant�e.a Page ] af l I 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 la ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 f8 1) 24 21 22 23 S�CTION 04 6125 CERTIFICA"�'E OF INSURANCE �ND OF SECTYON C1TY OP PQRT 1VORTII STANDARD CONSTftUCT[pN SPECIFICATidN I)OCUMENTS Revised 3uly 1, 20l I Home St �Vater aud Sanit��y Se�c�er Relsal}ilitation CP3J 103123 STANDARD G�NERAL COND�TIONS OF TH� CONSTRUCTI4N CONTRACT C[TY OF �ORT 1VORTH STANi]ARDC6tiSTRUCTION 3P�CIFICATtON DOCt1MENTS Revision: 82i2D31 STANDARD GENERAL COND7T�ONS OF THE CONSTRUCTTON CONTRACT TABL� OF CONTENTS Page Article 1—De���itians and TerminoEogy .......................................................................................................... 1 1.01 Defined Terms ............................................................................................................................... l 1.02 Tei•mino�ogy ..................................................................................................................................G Art�ele 2—Prelimii�a�y Matt��•s .........................................................................................................................7 2.01 Copies of Doc�iia�et�fs ....................................................................................................................7 2.02 Co�iunencement of Co�lti•act Time; Notice ta Proceed ................................................................ 7 2.03 Stactiug tl�e Work ............................................................................................................... ........... 8 2.04 Befo�•e Startin� Co»structio�� ........................................................................................................ $ 2.05 PreconstrE�ction Confer���ce .......................................................................................................... 8 2.0G Public Meeti�ig ..............................................................................................................................8 2.07 Initial Accepkaiice of Sehedules .................................................................................................... & A�•ticle 3— Cant��act Dacui��e�its: Intent, Amenc�ing, Reuse ............................................................................8 3.01 I��tent .............................................................................................................................................. S 3.02 Referei�ce Sta�tdards ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.03 ReportiE}g and Resolvi��g Discrepancies .......................................................................................9 3.04 Ameiidiifg atld Sup��ei�ientiu�; Co�itract Doc��ments .................................................................10 3,Q5 Reuse nfDocu�nents ...................................................................................................................10 3.06 Electronic Data ............................................................................................................................ 11 Ai�ticle 4— Availability of Lands; Sulasut'face and Physical Canc�itiotls; Hazardous Envi�•or�it�ea7tal Conditions; Referet�ce Points ........................................................................................................... I 1 4.01 Availability of Laiids ..................................................................................................................11 4.02 SubsE��-iace aizd Pl�ysical Cot�ditians ..........................................................................................12 4.03 Differin� Subsu�•face or PhysicaI Coi�ditions ............................................................................. J2 4.04 Unc3ergrotitad Faciiities ...............................................................................................................13 �4.05 Reference Paints ......................................................................................................................... �4 4.�6 Hazat•daus Ex�viro��mental Condition at S�te .............................................................................. �4 Article5 —Bonds ancI Insurance .....................................................................................................................1G 5.01 Licensed Su�•etias and Insurers ...................................................................................................1G 5.02 Perfa�•anatice, I'ayment, and Mai«te��ance Bands ....................................................................... 1G 5.03 Certificates ofInst�ra�ace .............................................................................................................1G 5.04 Contractoz''s Insurance ................................................................................................................18 S.OS Acceptance of Bands and Insttra�tee; Option to Re}�Iace ...........................................................19 Article 6 — Cantractot's Responsibiiities ........................................................................................................19 6.a1 Sup�rvision and Su�eri��tet�dence ...............................................................................................19 Cl7' Y dP FO[tT WORT'i 1 STAN�ARDCONSTRUCT]ON SPECtFICATIO� DOC;ETMLNTS Revision: 8?3202i �.oz 6.03 6. �4 G.05 G.05 G.07 6.08 6.p9 6.10 G.l l 6.12 &.13 6. I4 b.15 6.1G 6.17 6.18 G.19 �.Za G.21 5.22 6.23 6.24 Labar; Working Hours ................................................................................................................20 5ervices, Mate�•ials, a��d Ec�ui��n�ent ...........................................................................................20 Pro�{ect Scl�ed�ile ..........................................................................................................................21 SU�75t[�LI��S �IIEI "Or-�c���als" .............................................................. ..2� ............. .......................... Co�ice�•fiing Sul�cont�•actors, S��p�liers, and Otl�e�•s .....................................•..............................24 WageRates .................................................................................................................................. 25 Patent Fees and RoyaIties ...........................................................................................................26 Permitsa��c� iJtilities ....................................................................................................................27 Lawsand Regttlations .................................................................................................................2"1 Taxes...........................................................................................................................................28 Use of Site and Oti�er Areas .......................................................................................................28 RecordDocun�ents ......................................................................................................................29 Safetyaiid Pratectio�i .................................................................................................................. 29 S�fety Rep��esentati�e ..................................................................................................................30 Haza�•c� Co�n��nui�icatia�a Pz•ogra���s .............................................................................................3� En�e�'gencies and/or Rectificatian ...............................................................................................30 Submittais...............•---................................................................................................................. 31 Continuingtl�e Work ...................................................................................................................32 Contractor's General Warranty and Gi�arantee ..........................................................................32 Indemni�catioi� .........................................................................................................................33 Delegation of Prafessional Desig3i Services ..............................................................................34 Rigi�t to Audit ..............................................................................................................................3� Noizdiscriminatian........... . . . ...... . .. . .. .......... . ............. .......... ... . ........ .. .. . ........ .. .............. .. ... .. . .......... 3 5 A�•ticle 7- �the�• Wo�•k at tiae Si�e 7.01 Ralated Work at Site 7.02 Caordinatio�f ............. ............................................................................................... .............35 .............35 ............. 36 Ai•ticie 8 - City's Respo��sibilities ...................................................................................................................3b 8.01 Ca�n�iittnications ta Cantractoi' ...................................................................................................36 8.02 �'u��n�sh Data ................................................................................................................................36 8,03 PayWl��nD��e ............................................................................................................................36 8A4 Lancls ai�dEase�nents; Repo�•ts a�id Tests ...................................................................................36 8.05 Cl3ange Orders .............................................................................................................................36 8.06 I�fspections, Tests, and A�pcovals ..............................................................................................36 8.47 Li�ni�ations OIl C3Cjr's Res�o��si�ilities .......................................................................................37 $.08 Undisclosed Hazardous E��viro��mental Cojfdit�on .................................................................... 37 8.09 Campliance witl� Safety Progi•�1n ...............................................................................................37 Article 9�- City's Obseivation Status During Construction ........................................................................... 37 9.01 City's Projeet Manager ............................................................................................................37 9.02 Visits to Site ................................................................................................................ ., 37 9.03 Authorized Va��iations in Woric ..................................................................................................38 9.04 Rejecti►ig Defecti�e Work ..........................................................................................................38 9.05 Dete�•mi�lations for Wo�•k Pea•fo�•�ned ..........................................................................................38 9.OG Decisions oii Requirements of Cont�-actDocun�ents a��c3 Acceptability of Work .....................38 c�rYor• r•oa�r woxT� STA?�IDARDCO�STRUCT[ON SPECIFICAi]ON DOCUA4�NTS Revisio3i: £�'2021 Article 10 -- Cl�ai�ges in tl�e Work; Claims; EYt��a Work ................................................................................3& 10.01 A��tharized Chavges in the Work ...............................................................................................38 10.Q2 U��autl�a�•ized Cl�a►sges in tf18 Work ...........................................................................................39 1a.03 Exect�tion of Cl�auge Orders ...............................................................•---....................................39 10.04 ExtE•� Woi•k ..................................................................................................................................39 10.05 Notification to Surety ..................................................................................................................39 10.06 Contc•act C3aims P�•ocess .............................................................................................................40 Article 11 - Cost of tl�e Wo�•k; Allawances; Uni� Pric� Work; Plans Quantity Measiirement ......................41 11.01 Cost af the Wo��k ......................................................................................................................... 41 11.42 Ailo��vances ..................................................................................................................................43 11.03 U�3it Price Wack ..........................................................................................................................44 11.04 Plans Quantity Meas���•ement ......................................................................................................45 Article 12 - Cliat�ge of Ca��tract Pric�; Cl�ange of Coniract Tin�e ................................................................. 4G 12.01 Change of Conti�act Price ............................................................................................................46 12.02 Chan�;e of Cont�•act Ti���e ............................................................................................................47 12.03 D�lays ..........................................................................................................................................47 Artic�e 13 -Tests ar�d Inspectiot�s; Co�•z�ectinn, Removal or Acceptance aFDefective Wo�•k ......................48 13.01 Notice of D�fects ........................................................................................................................4& 13.02 Access to Work ...........................................................................................................................48 13.03 Tests a�id I��specti��as ..................................................................................................................48 13.Q4 Uticoveriu� Work ........................................................................................................................49 13.05 City May Stop tl�e Wark .............................................................................................................49 13.06 Correctio�a o�• Re�a�oval nf Defective Wo�•k ................................................................................50 13.07 Correctioiz Pei•iod ........................................................................................................................ 50 13.08 Accepta�ice afDefective Work ................................................................................................... 5I 13.D9 CityMayCa�•rectDefectiveWork .............................................................................................51 ArticIe 14 - Payi��ents to Co��tractor a��d Completion .................................................................................... 52 14.01 Sched���e ofValues ......................................................................................................................52 14.D2 Pt'ogress Pay�nents ......................................................................................................................52 14.Q3 Coi�tractar's Warr���tyofTitle ...................................................................................................54 14.04 Partial Uti3ization ........................................................................................................................ SS 14.OS Final I��s�ection ........................................................................................................................... SS 14.06 Fiiiai Accepta��ce ......................................................................................................................... 55 14.07 Final Payme��t ............................................................................................................................. 56 14.0$ Finai Coinpletion Delayed ai�d Partial Retainage Release ........................................................56 14,09 Waiver of Claiins ........................................................................................................................ 57 Article 15 - Sus�ension of Work and T�r�ni��atio�� ........................................................................................57 15.01 City May Sitspez�d Woi°k .............................................................................................................57 15.02 City May Ter�nii�ate foi• Ca�zse ...................................................................................................58 15.03 City May Tertninate Fo�• Co��venie��ce ....................................................................................... 60 Act[cle 16 � Dispute Resol«tion ...................................................................................................................... G1 IG.O1 Methods and Procet[[ti•es .............................................................................................................61 CITYOF PORT IVORTH Si'ANDARDCO?ESTRUCTtON SpEC[FICAT[0� DOCUM�NTS Itevision: 8�Zi2Q21 A��tic�e 17 — Miscellatteatis ........................................................................................................... ........ b2 17.01 Gi�ing Notice ..................................................................... ........ b2 ................................................. I7.02 Comptitatio�z of TiE��es ................................................................................................................ 62 17.03 Cu�nulative Remedies ................................................................................................................. G2 1'1.04 S�i�-vival of Obligations ............................................................................................................... 63 17.05 Headi��gs ......................................................................................................................................G3 CITYOI' FOR'i' �WdR'i'H 5'I'ANDARDCONSTRUCTI�N SPEC[FICATION DOCUMENTS Revisian: R�02I 00 �z oo - i GENEi�P:L CqM�ITfON S Page ] of 63 ARTICL� I— DCTINITIONS AND T�RMINOLOGY 1.01 Defl�aed Terrars A. Whereverused in tElese General Conditians or in otlfer Ca��tract Dacun�ents, kl�e te�-ms listecl below have tl�e mea�ii«gs i��dicated rvlSielt are appiicable to boTli the singular and �I►�ra1 thereaf, and wnz•ds denotin� �ender s1�a11 iucl�tde the ��lasc��lina, fen�inine and netttea•. Said ternls are gene�•ally capitalized or wrifte�� in italics, biit not always. WheM� used tn a conteat consistent with the defi��itio�� of a listed-defined te��p�, tlae term shall l�ave a���eaning as de���ed below wl�ethet• capitalized or italic�zed o�• oti�ei•wise. In addition to tet•ms s�eci�calty c3efined� �EI'll]S WI�II lillil�l capital Iettei�s in the Cor�t►•act Docu��ie�its i��ctude ref�retices to ideniified artictes and paragra�hs, and tl�e titles of at�ler dac���n�i�ts or farms. 1. Addenda—Written ar graphic inst�•ut�lajtits isstzed prioi• to ti�e opening of Bids which clacify, correct, or cha��ge the Biddin� Rec�uu�e�nents or ti�e proposed Co��tract Docun�ents. 2. Agreejllel�t—The written i��stru���eitt wl�icl� is evidence of t[ie agF�ee�ne�lt between City and Cantractar coveriE�g the Work, 3. Appllcatron for Pp��3�rertJ—The fo�'an acceptable ta City which is to be used by Contractor duriE�g tlae course of th� Work i�� �-equesting progress o�• final �ayine��ts ai�d w�liclt is to be accoinpa�iied by s�►ch supporting dact�i��et�tatior� as is t•eq�iired by the ConiE•act Doc���»ents. 4. Asbe,rtos�A��y mat��•ial that eoi�tai�3s more than one perce��t asbestos and is fi'iable o►' is �•eleasi��g asbestos fibe��s iifto the aiE• above ci�rrent action levels established by tlie United States Occi�pa#io�ial Safety a��d Heaitl� Adia�iz3istration, S. A�vcrrcl—Autl�orization by tl�e City Couiicil for tha City to e�tter i��to an Agreement. G. Brcl Tl�e offer or p�•oposal of a Biddet• submitted on the prescribed far�n settitt�; forth it�� �rices foi• t�le Woi�k to be pe��formed, 7. I3idclel�-----Tl�e individual or e��tiry who submifs a Bid dii•ectly to City. 8. I3iddir�g Doctrtrte�rts� Ti�e Bidditag Requu'ements and tlle pi•o�3osed Co�itract DocuEne�its (ii�cludii��; all Acld�iida). 9. Blddnag Rec�zrire�lreiats—The aclvez'tisett�ettt or I�tvitation to Bid, Insti�uctions to Bidde�•s, Bid sec���•ity of acc�ptable for�n, iiany, and the Bid Form with any supplext7e��ts. 10. Busi3lessD�ry— A busit�ess day is defi���d as a day t��at ihe City coiidz�cts ��ormal busiE�ess, gauerally Manday tl�t•o��gli �'i•iday, except fai• fede�•al oc state I�alidays observ�d E�y tl�e City. I 1. Crrle�adcrrDay —A c3ay consistitSg of 24 fiotirs ��ieasured fi•oz�� mzdnigl�t to ti�e ��ea;t t»ic�ni�ht. CI'C Y OF FORT �VDRTH STANDAi2DC0�S'iRUC7'[ON SPEC[FICAT[ON DOCUMEIVTS Revision: &�.i�D21 ao�zoo-s GENERAL GONpITiON 5 P1ge 2 of G3 12. Clzarrge Order—A document, wl�ici� is pre�ared and ap�roved by the City, rvhich is sigtied by ContE�acto�• ai�d City a��d autltarizes an addition, deletion, or i•evision iii tlie Wo�•k a�• a�� acijust��ient i�i the Co�itraet P�'ice or the Co�itract Ti�ne, iss��ed ot� or after il�e Effective Date of the Agreeme�lt. ]3. City Tlze City of Fort Wortl�, Texas, a ltome-i�ule inunici��al cot•�oration, atttEforizec� attd cl�a�•tered tmdei• tl�e Texas State Stattrtes, acting [�y its gaverni»g body thro��gl� its City Manager, l�is designee, or agea�ts authorized u�ider l�is be�l�lf, each of whiclf is �•eq��ired by Clfarter to perfarm specific duti�s with respoi�sibility for �nal enfna•eerne�at of tl�e co��h-acts iilvolvin� tl�e City of Fart Wortli is by Cl�arter vested in the City Ma��ager a��d is t�te entity ��vitiz wl�om Contractor lias �ntea•ed into tlfe Agree�ne�it anc� foi• ruhom tlie Wo�•k is to be per•formed. 14. Crty Altol�iley — Tl�e off�cially appoi�ited City Attorney of the City o#' Foi� Wat�tl�, Texas, or his duly authorized represe��tative. 15. Crry Coul7crl - The d«ly elected and qualiiied ga�erni��g body oi tile City of Fo�•t Woj•th, Texas. ib. Cil�� Ma��c�ge�• — The officially appointed and a��tharized City Mana�er of the City af Fort Warth, TeYas, or l�is duly autho�•ized representative. 17. Co1rt��act Clailrr--A de�nand ar asset�tion by City or Co��tractar seeking a�� adjustme��t of Contract Price or Cont�•act Ti�ne, ar both, ar other relief wit}i respect to the tei•ms of the Cont�•act. A dexnaizd for n�aney or se�vices by a ti�ird pa��ty is a�at a Coi�h•act Claim. 18. Cotatt�crc! Tlze entire a�fd integrated written document betwee�i ti�e City a��d Co��tractot• conce�•��i��g the Wo�•k. Tlie Coaifiact contains the Agree�nent a�1ti all Cont�-act Documeu#s and su�ersedes prioi• negotEatio��s, rep�•esentatiojis, or agre��nents, whetl�er written o�• aral. i�. C011f1'C1CtDOCtl1172i7Is Tl�ose ite�ns so designated in tlie Agreeir�ent. Ali ite�ns listed in tlfe Ag�'eement �re Contract Docu�nei�ts. Approved S�ibmiitals, otl�ei• Ca��tractoi• strbinittals, a��d tl�e repa�•ts a�zd d�•awi�igs of s��bsurface at�d pl�ysical co�tditions a�•e not Contract Dac�i�nents. 20. Cor�tt�aet Pt•rce—The mot�eys payabie by City to Contracto�• far completion oi tEte Woi•k Ili accarda�ice ��vitii tl�e Contract Dacuments as stated in Ylie Agreetnent (sub3ect ta tlfe pravisions of Paragra�l� 11.03 in tlie case of Uttit Pi'ice Work}. 21. Col7tract �'inre—The z��mber of days o�� the dates stated i�� tl�e Agreement to: (i) acl�ieve Milestones, if a�ry and (ii) eamplete H�e Wo�•k sa t13at it is ready fo�• �'inal Acceptance. 22. Cn�7t1•acto��--Tlie i��dividttal oi• entity with wliozn City 13as er�te�•ec3 into tlie Agreetneait. 23. Cost of tlae i�ork—See Pa�•agrapla 11.01 of tliese General Conclit�ons for de�nitia��. Ci7�X OF FOftT W012TH STANDARDCO�r'STRUCTIOi� SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: &'l3�'ZQZl [i07200-I G�NEF2AL CON� ITION S �'age 3 pf G3 24. Darucrge Clcti»ts — A demand for money or set�vices at•isit��; fro��i tfie Project ot• Site fi•o��� a tl�ird party, Ciry o�• Contr•acto�• exclusi�e of a Contr�ct Clai�i�. 25. Dcry o�• day—A c�ay, un�ess otl�ei•wise definecf, slaa3l mean a Caleztdai• Day. 26. Drf•ector of Avicrtiol� -- The ofticially appoiE�teci Director of tl�e Aviatioi� Departmei�t of the City of I'o�•t Wo��th, Texas, or IZis duly a�poi��ted �'epresentative, assistant, or a�eiits. 27. Di1�eclor of Pa�lrs• and Corfrrltan�ily Se��►�rces — Tlic officially appoint�d Director of tl�e Parks a��d Cot��u�unity Ser�ices De�artmer�t of tl�e City af Fort Wortl�, Texas, Oi' IIiS dt�ly appoi�ated representative, assista��t, a�• age��ts. 28. Directar• af Pla��flij�g a1tcT Development — Tlie offtciaily ap�ointed Dit�ector of tl�e Plat��ti�t� and Develop��ie��t Depart��aea�t of the City of Fort Wortl�, Texas, or l�is dt�ly appointec3 ceprese��tative, assistant, or agents. 29. Dij•ectnt� of Ti��r�tspo��Ic�tio�� Parblic Warks — The officially appointed Dii•ectoc af the Tcanspa�•tatiort Public Works Depart�ne�it af the City of Fort Wo��th, Texas, or l�is dttly appoiESted representative, assistant, or agetlYs. 30. Director af Wpler• Depaj•trlre��t -- The afficially appoi��ted Directoi• af tl�e Water Depai�t���el�t of tlfe City oi �'ort Worth, Texas, or ��is duly appointec� rept•eser�tati�e, assistai�t, oz• agei�ts. 31. D1�a�virags—Tl�at �ait of the Contract Documents prepa�•ed o�• approved by E�fgi��eer whickt gt'apl�ically shows tl�e scope, extent, a�id cl�ai•acter of the Work to be perfo�•n�ed by Co��tractor. Subinittais a��e not Di•�wings as so de�ited. 32. �ffective D�rte of !he Agr�eel�te�a1—Tlie date indica#ed it� tlie Agreeinent on whiclt it beco�a�es effective, but if no st�ch date is itidicatec�, it means tl�e date on wl�ici� tl�e Ag�'ee�nent is signed and delivered by th� iast aFthe �vva pat•ties to sign and c�eliver. 33. Engi�7ee�� TI�e lice��sed pt•ofessiotSal engii�eer or engiueering fi►•n� z�egistet�ed i�i tlle State of Texas �erfornzing ���•ofessional services fot• tlle City. 34. Extf•rr Wnrk — Ac�ditional wa�•k aaaac�e �iecessaiy by changes or alte�•ations of the Co»tract Documents o�' of c�ua��tities a►• for ather reasons foi• wlticlt no prices are provided iit the Co��tt'act Dacuiiients. Extra work sl�al� de part of tl�e Wa�•k. 35. Field nl�def�--A wrrtten order iss��ec{ by City wl�icf� M�eqi�ires cl�anges ic� tl�e Work but wl�ich do�s ��ot involve a chang� in tl�e CoR�t�•act Price, Car�tract Time, or the inte��t of t11e Engii�eei•. Field Orciers a�•e paid fi•a�n Field OrderAlEowai�ces ic�corpot•ated it�ta tl�� Cant►•act by f►�itded work type at the ti���e of award. 36. F'iraal Acce�ia�tce — Th� written natice given 6y the City to tl�e Co�itractor tl�at tl�e Wark speci�ed iE� ti�e Contract Documents l��s bee�� coRnpleted to the satisfactio�� of tha City. CITYOF FORT FVOR7'H STA1�iDARDC0�ISTRUCTI�N SPNCIfECATION BQCUMET�l7'S [tevisioir 8�232p21 00 �z oo - i GEN�RAL CflN�1TlON S Page 4 of G3 37. Fri�al 1`iaa��ectrn�t — Tnspection carried out by tl�e City to verify that tlte Cont�•aetor has cortipleted tl�e Work, and eacl� and ev�ry part or a����Ertenance tize�-eof, fully, entirely, a33d in con%rmance with ihe Conk��aet Docs��7ients. 38. Ge�rej•c�1 Reqtrir•e11re��ts•-----Sectiatls of Division 1 of tlie Cantract Doeuinents. 39. Hazardozls Ertvrrof�rare��tcrl Co�aditro�� The p��ese»ce at #1�e Srte of Ashestos, PCBs, Petra]ewn, Haz.��•dnus Waste, Radioaetive Material, or otlier mate�•ials in such qi��ntities or circ��i��stances tliat may prese��t a substantial da��ge�� to persons o�• p�•opex•ty expased #l�et•eto. 40. Hazardous Waste—Haza�-dot�s waste is defi►�ed as at�y solid waste Gsted as l�a7ardous ar possesses o�fe ar more l�azardous cl�a�•acteristics as defi�fed i►� the %deral ��vaste regulations, as aiiiended fi•om tin�e to ti�ne. 41. La�t�s cr��d Regtrlatios�s--Ar�y atld all applicable laws, rules, regulatiojis, ordinances, codes, and ordars af any and all govermnental bodies, agencies, ai�thorrties, and coui�ts havi��g jurisdiction. 42. Lie�as�l�arges, security i�fterests, oi• enctzmbrances upon Project fi�iads, a�eal p�•operty, or �erso�aai p�•o�e�•ty. 43. Majar Itef�7— An Ite�n of wark included in the Conh-act Documents tl�at iias a total cost equa� to ar greater than S% of tlae oz�iginal Contcact Price or $25,000 whiciiever is less. 44. Mrlestar�e—A p�•incipal event specified in tl�e Cont�•act Docuinents relating ta an inte�•�nediate ContractTime prior to Fiz�ai Accepta��ce ofthe Wark. 45. Notice of A�i�ar�d—Tlie written notice by C�ty ta the Siiccessful Bidder stati��g #hat ��pon timely compliance by tl�e Successfiil Biddcr wiill tha coj�ditioz�s ptecedet�t listed tl�erei��, City will sigz� a��d dalivaz• ti�e Ag►•�eme�it. 46. Notice to P�•oceed A wi•itten �iotice givez� by City t� Coiltractor fixing the date oz� wl�icl� t��e Coiitract Ti�ne ��iii ca����z�ence to ri��i and on whicl� Contractor sl�all start to perfoi•m the Work specif�ed in Contract Docu�7ients. 47. PCBs—Polychlorinated bi��hei�y�s. 48. Peiroleirrr�-----Pet�'oleum, 3[1C�EiC�lll� crude oil or a��y fi�action thereof which is iiquid at standard co��ditions of teinperah�re a��d p�-ess����e {60 degrees Fahi•eral�eit and 14.7 pauifds per square inch absol�te), sucl� as oil, petroEe�iin, fiiel oi1, oil sludge, oil refuse, gasoliEie, keroseii�, ancl oii mAed witli other izor�-Hazaz•do�is Waste a��d crude oils. 49. Plaf�s— See definition o�D�•awings. CiTY OF FORT LVQRTH S'I'ANBARDCONSTRllCT14N SPEC1fICAT[ON DOCUMEAITS Revision: 8'L�2�2€ ao �z oo - i GENEftAL CAND ITIO�f 5 F'age 5 of G3 50. Pr�oject Sclaec�tile A scheclule, �►•epared a�fd mai�ftained by Canti'actor, iu accorda�ice witl� t(ie Ge�ieral Reqt3iret��ents, cfescri�iug the sequence and ciu�•atia�t af tlze activit�es catt�pt'isi�ag tlte Cot1h•acto�''s plan to accompGsl� tl�e Work wiflzii-� the Conh•act Ti«�e, 51. Projecl Tl�e Waz•k to be perforii7�d ��nder the Cont��act Docuulents. 52. P1•oject Mafragef=Tl�e autl�orized �•eprese�itative of the City wl�o will be assigned to th� Site. 53. Parblic Meeti�7g — Ai� ani�ounced meeting coi�c�ucted by the City to iacilitate p«blie p�rticipatia�� at�d to assist ihe pi�blic i�� gaini►�g an ii�formed view of the Project. 54. Radioacti��e Matef�ral—Sot�rce, speciai nuclea�•, or bypt'oduct tnaterial as defined by tl�e Atomic Ea�e�•gy Act of 1954 {42 USC Section 2011 et sec�.} as amended fi•ozn ti�aae to ti�ii�. 55. Regarluf� Workrtag Hot�r�s — Hau�•s begirnaing �� �:aa a.m, and ending at G:00 p.ut., Mo»day tl�ru F�•iday {excludii�g legal hoLidays). 56. Srn�rples—Pfrysical exau-��fes of �tlatet•ials, ec�uipment, or wot�kn�a��sl�ip that at•e re�resentative af soia�e po�•tion of the Work and which establish the stancEards by whicl� siich pa��tiou of the Work wi11 be ludged. 57. Sclac�dtrle of SuUnrittals—A scfiedule, prepared and tnaintained by Coi�tracto�•, af rec�i�ired sul�mittais ���d tl�e fime i•eq�Ei�•ernents to support scl�eduled pet•fo�•�nal�ce of related canstructio�i activities, 58. Schedade of Vahres A sclied�ile, pre}�arec� a��d �naii�tai►�ed by Caaitt�actoz•, allocating portions of the Co��tract Price ta variQus po�•tions of tlxe Work attd used as tl�e basis for reviewiu�; Coaatracto�•'s Ap�lications for Pay���e��t. 59. Site—Lat�ds or areas i��dicated i« tlae Cotitract Documents as bei»g fi�rnislied by City upo�� wlaicl� fi�e Woz•k is to be pe�'formed, ii�cludiug rights-of-way, per���its, and ease�a�ents far access tl��reto, and suclf other lands furnislsed by City which at'e cEesi�uated for tlie use of Co��tractor. 60. S��ecifrcc�trot�s Tltiat �art of tl�e Conh•act Docu�r�e��ts consisting of wr•itte�� �•equirements for �7�ateria�s, ec��iiptnent, systems, staiid�t•ds and wo�•kma��slaip �s a�plied to tlie Work, and ce��tain adminish•ative req«i�•eme�ats a��d pa•acedu�•al matteis applicable tl�e��eto. 5pecificatians ���ay he s�ec3�cally made a}�art of the Co�3teact Docuiz�e��ts by attacl�n�ent ar, if a�nt at�ac9�ed, ix�ay be incorporateci by refere��ce as i►�dicated ii� the Table of Cotrtents {Div�sion 00 00 00) of each Project, G�. S2l�)COi1f1•c�cto�� A�t ii�divictual o►� entity ltavi�lg c1 C�ll'eCY C�II�CTCt lVICII C011tl'aCf01' Ol' W1tIl 811j� other St�bcantracto�' fat' tlze performance of a part of tile Wot•k at the Site. cl�rvoe r�o��r• wonrx STAI�DARDCQ�STRUCTI�N SPECIF[CA7'I�N DOCUMENTS Fie�ision: R?32i)2E oo�zoa-� G�NERAL CONDIiION S Pagc 6 of G3 62. Szrbf�rittals� All di•awi��gs, diagra�7�s, illust�•atio�ss, sched��les, a��d othei• data ot• infor�natiaif whiclt ai-e specificaliy pre}�ared o�• asse��ibled by o�- for Cojftractor a��d sul����ittec3 by Co��h-acto�� to i11�Est�•ate son�e k�o�•tion of tl�e Wai•k. G3. Sasbstat7tiaT Conrpletiofa — The st�ge i�� the progress of tiie Project when tl�e Work �s suf�ciently co�nplete i�� accordance �vitl� tl�e Coi�traet Documents for Fi��al Inspection. 6�. Sa�ccessfrl Bidder=The Biddei� sub���itti�fg tl�e �owest and most respo�isi�e Bid to tivhom City ���akes a�� Awax•d. 65. Szrperi�71e�7delat —1'he re�resentative of the Conti•actoi• who is available at aii tiEnes and ab�e to ��eceive ia�stk�uctions fi•a�� tlfe City a�ad to act foz• tl�e Coaitractor. 66. Szrppleylret�tcny Co�zdrtroyrs Tlaat pa�•t of #he Coaat�•act Doeuinents wlficl� amei�ds or supple�ne�its tliese General Co�ic�itio��s. 67. St�ppliel•----A �nanufach�rer, fabricatar, supplier, distributor, mate��ial�nan, or vei�dor having a direct contract witli Contcactor or with a2�y Subcont��actor to fi�r•��ish ���aterials or equi�mevt to be incorporated in the Work by Contractor o�• Subcontt•actor. 68. Ufadergrozn�� Facrlities All t�nde�•gro�md pipeliE�es, covduits, ducts, cables, wi�•es, �nan��oles, vaults, tanks, tun�aels, o�• otl�e�• sucl� facilities o�� attachcnents, and any ei�case��ent� coi�tainu�g suclf facilities, i»cluding but not limited to, those th�t convey electricity, gases, steam, liquid pet�•a�eutn praducts, telepljone or other camlrnmicatians, cab�e ielevisioz�, water, wastewater, stor�n water, �tt�er liquids or chemicais, or traffic or ather conirol systems. b9 Utait P1•rce Wor•k----See Pa�•agcapla 11.03 of tlaese Ge��e�•al Coa�ditions for defi��ition. 70. Weeke��d Y�o1'IClI?g Hp1p�s — Hours begi��ni��g at 9:00 a.m. ai�d ending at 5:00 p.m., Saturday, Sunday or legal l�oliday, as approved in adva��ce by the City. 71. T�ork—The entire coi�st�•uetion ar the various sepa�•ateiy id�nti�abte pa�-�s thereof req�iired to be provided u��der fiha Con�ract Documents. Work incl��des a�id is tl�e i�esuli of �erfoj•�ning or providing a11 labar, se�vices, a��d documentatio�i necessaiy ta praduce SUCIl C0115�1'L1Ct1011 including airy Change Order or Field Ord�r, and fi,rnisl}ing, iEistall'mg, and incorpo��ating alt inaterials and ec�uipme�it iirto such co�istruc#ion, all as ��ec�uired by tlie Co��tract Documents. 72. Worki�7g Day — A wo��ki��g day is de�nec� as a day, not inc l��ding Sat��rdays, Sundays, or lega 1 holidays autliorized by the Ciiy for eo�rt�'act pt�rposes, i►i �vl�ich �veather o�• ail�ez' cottdiYiot�s not ��i�der the coi�trol of tl�e Cai�t�•actor will permit the pe�•formance of t(�e principal ilIli� of work underway for a co�ftii�uo�s periad of not less tl�an 7 Ifaui•s �eh�vee�i 7 aan. a�id G p.�n. 1.02 Ter�yaia7ology A. The wo�'ds a�id tern�s diseussed i�� Paragt'apls 1,02.B tl�rau�l� E are ��►ot defined but, when tised ii� t��e Bicidi��g Requi�•eme�its o�� Cor�tract Dacu�nents, l�ave the indicated meaniE�g. B. I�7tent nf Certaur Tet�nrs orAcljectives: CiT Y OF FQRT WORTF3 STA2�IDARDCd�ISTRUCT[ON SPECIF4CATIUlV DOCUMENf'S Revision: A?32021 oo�zaa-� GENERAL CANDITI4N 5 Pabe 7 of G3 Tlfe Co��t�•act Doctunents it�cl�ide ti�e Yerms "as allowed," "as �p}�rovecl," "as ardet�ed," "as cii�•ectecP' or terms oi like effect or i��ipoi•t to atrtEio�•ize an e�ercise af judgttte�tt by City. Itt c�C�C�Ef1011� the BC���CtIV�S "1'ec�Sp]la�l�0," "SLl1fa�?���" "aece�table," "])1'O�7EL'," "satisfactoiy," OC adjeetives of li[ce effect or import are used to describe an action ar determination of City as to the Wo►-k. It is intended tl�at such exe�•cise of pi•ofessional j�idg�nent, ackiai�, o�• dete�'i��i��atiot� wili be solely to e�al��ate, i�� gene�•ai, tl�e Wn�•k fo�• con�pliance with the informatiois i�� the CantracE Dac�►►nents and with the design cance�t af ftle Projeet as a fimctioning wlfole as shawn or indicated in ti�e Cont�•act Docume�its (u��less there is a s�ecific state���eait ii�dicatit�g otliei��ise). C. Defectire: Tlfe ��ord "cfefecti�e," when modifytng tl�e wo�•d "Work," refers to Wo�•k tl�at is i�nsatisfactai•y, faulty, or de�cie�it ic� ti�at it; a. does t�ot conform to the Contract Doc��ments; oi• b. does not ���eet the z•ec�uire���e��ts of any applicable it�spection, refere�ice standa�•c�, test, oi• approval �•eferred to ic� the Contract Doc«n�ents; or c. has b�e�f damaged pr•iaR• to City's written acc�ptaj�c�. D. Farf•nish, b�stalT, Pelfo�an, P�•avlde: l. The word "Fu�•nisfl" ar tEie wort� "Install" o►• tlZe word "Perform" or the word "Pi•avide" a�• tt�e word "St�pply," oi• aizy cott�bi��ation oi• si�nifar clireetive o�• usage t�tereof, si�all tnea�� fiirnislfing and inco�•poratin� in tl�e Work including all necessa�ylabor, materials, ec�uipment, az�c� eveiyil�iitg necessary to perFai•m the Wo�•k i��dieated, ttnless s�ecifically lic��ited in tlfe context used. �. U�atess stated otherwise it; tEie Cont►•acfi Dacumet�ts, woi�ds oi• �hrases that have a welE-knaw�f technical or co��structio�� indf�shy ar t��ade �a�eaziing az�e used iu the Cont►•act Doci�n-�ents in accor•dance with st�ch t•ecaguized �neatain�;. ARTICLE 2 — PR�LINIINARY MAT'I�RS 2.01 Cn�ies of Docam1ef71s City sl�all fin���islf to Co�atractoa' oi�e (1) origi��al eaecutecl copy anci o��e (i) electro��ic co�y of the Contract Docum�nts, and %i�r (4) additional co�ies of Hie D�•�wi���;s, Additia��al copies will be fuE•nished t�pot� req��est at the cost of reproduckio�i. 2.02 Conrt�re�acente�7t of Co�7tt�acl Tinte; Notrce to Proceed The Co��tract Tin�►e will camtnence to �•u�a oEz tl�� day indicat�d ic� ti�e NoEice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may 6e g�ven no eai•lier tl�an 14 days after ti�e Effective Date of tl�e Agree��aetit, u��fess ag�•eed to by botii �arties in writi��g, c�T� or ro�z�E� wo�i•rx STANDARDC�NSTRUCTION SPkC1FICATiON 170CUk1�NT5 Revisio�i: ?,�3,',�}21 oa�zoo-� GENERALCANDITIONS Page 8 of 63 2.03 Stat•tr�ag tlze ►�ork Contractor shall sta��t to pe��for��i tlie Woa'k oEt tl�e date when the Contract Time camme��ces ta run. No Work sl�all l�e clo�iE at tlie Site prio�• to the date o�� whici� t1�e Cotltract Time co�n���e��ces to ru�3. 2.04 I3efore Startir�gCo�rstr•i�ctio�� B�rselirae Scl�edirles: Subn�it i�� accortiance with the Coz�tract Dacuments, �nd p�•io�' to starti�ig the Work. 2.05 Pi'CCO11StP1lCI107? CD3 f�YG'71C2 Before any Work a# tl�e Site is sta�•ted, tl�e Co3�tractor sl�all attend a Preconstructior� Confet�et�ce as speci%ed i�� tite Coa�tz'act Documents. 2.06 P:rhlic �Ieetirag Coiitracto�� may not 3nobiliza any ec�uipanez�t, �naterials or resources to tlje Site prior to Ca��i�•actor attei�ding #lie Pi�blic MeetiElg as scheduled by the City. 2.07 Ii�ilialAcceptalace ofScl7edtrles Na progress payment sl�all be made to Coait�•acto�• �niil acceptab�e schedules are sub�nitt�d to City it� acco�•c3ance tivith the Scl�edule Sp�cification as provided i�� the Contract Docu�nents. ARTICL� 3— CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE 3.01 Ii�terrt A. Tl�e Cont�•act Documents are comple�ne�itaty; wl�at is �•equi�•ed by ane is as bi►idi��g as if requi�•eci by ail. B. It is the i��tent oi tl�e Contract Docuu�ents to describe a fi�nctionally co�nplete project (ar part thereofl to be constructed i�� accorda��ce wiih the Contcact Docu���ents. Any labor, docut��entation, se�vices, ��nate�•iais, or �qui�n�ei�t tl�at reaso��ably may he i►sfe��t•ed fi•o�� tt�� Coj�t��act Docume��ts or fi•om �revailin� custoin ar trade usage as bein� required to p�•aduce the iiidicated z•esult will b� providec� �vljetl�er or not specifically cal�ed for, at no adc3itional cost to City. C. Clarifications and iE�te��pa�etatio��s of the Coijtract Docwnents si�al[ he issi�ed by City. D. Ti�e Specifications may vary rn fa�•�n, fot•tnat and styte. Some Specification sactions ���ay be w�•itte�� in �arying deg��ees of st�•ean�lined or declarative style and some sectiat�s may be relatively narrative by compariso��. Omission of suclt ��vot•ds a��d plu•ases as "the Contractar shall," "it� COrif017lllijT �Vlt�l," "aS S�IOWI]," Oi' "�S S�3eCl�10C�" �1'B ll1i812i1011al 1[1 streaanlined sectio��s. O�nitted tvni•ds a��d pl�rases shall be supplied by inference. Sita�ilaz• types of �3rovisions n�ay appear i�f vai•ious pai�ts flf a section or a��ticles witl�ii� a pai�t dependi»g on tiie fai•mat of the c�TYor Fa��r �voa7'� STANDAR�CO�STRUCTION SPF.CIFICA'f141� DOCUMENTS Revision: 82�'1021 oa 72 00 - i G�N�RAL. CaMfliTION S P�ge 9 oF G3 sectio�f. Z'he Ca�itractor si}all »ot take adva�ttage of at�y variatio�� of fa�•m, for���at or style ii� maki��g Coj�tract Claiins. E. TI}e cross �•efe�•et�ci��g of spec��cation s�ctioi�s i�nde�� the siibparagraph i�eac�iug "Related Sections inclE�de b��t are iiot necessarily lii�}ited to:" atld eisewl�ere witlfin eaclt 5p�ci�catio�i sectio�z is �n•ovided as a�� aid and cot�ve�3ience ta t��e Cotltractot•. Tlae Co�at�•aeto�' shall not r�ly an t1�e cross �•efe�•e��ci��� pravided a��d sl�all be r�sponsihl� to cooi•ctinate ii�e entire Work i�i�dei• tl�e Cont�-act Dociunents a�jd provic3e a co�33plete P�•oject wl�etl�et• oi• iiot the c��ass refere�fcing is provided in each sectio�� or wlfetl�er or ��ot Elie c�'oss �'efe�'ettcitag is co��t��lete. 3.02 Reference Slattcl�a�c�s A. Staz�dat'ds, S��C3�ECc��lOf1S, Cocles, Laws, anc� Regttlatians 1. Refece��ce to sta�iclacds, speci�catio►as, �iaa��uals, o�• codes of at�y t�clit�icaI society, arga��ization, ar assaeiatiaaa, o►• to Laws or Regi�lations, wi�ether such refet'ence be specifiic ar by in�plication, shall ��ean tl�e standa�•d, specif�catio��, ma�ival, code, or Laws ar Reguiatio�}s iia effect at ti�e time of opening of Bids {oa• a�� tl�e Effective Date of the Agr��me��t if there were na Bids), exce�t as may be otl�erwise specifically statec� i�s tl�e Contract Dac►�ments. 2. No pro�ision of any such staa�dhz•d, s�zecificatio��, macx�a), or cod�, ai• any inst�•uctio�� of a Sup�lier, shal[ be effective to cl�ange the dnties or responsibilities of City, Co��tractor, o�• any of thei�• sttl�cont��actors, coi�siiltants, a�ents, or ett�ployees, fi�o��� tlfase set faz•th ii� the Co�at�•act Doc��mel�ts. No stich pi•ovisiotf or insta�uctiot� s��all be effectiv� to assi�t� to City, or a��y of its off�cers, ciirectai's, i��e��ibe�'s, partners, en�ployees, agetlts, COIISUI�aIliS� 01' SLI�COIlii'3Ci01'S� any duty o�• aut[�ority to si��ervise or direct tf�e perforjnailce of tl�e VVork o�' any dEtty or a�iHiority to undez•take ��esponsibility iE�consist���t with tiie provisiai�s aF tE�e Conti•act Docunjents. 3.03 Reporting crlyd Resvh�ijagDiscf�epr��actes• A. Repo�•ti��g Discrepajtcies: Co�atrcrclor• s Rc�t�ic�tit� afCa��1�'C1CI DOCIll11C'71JS .I�G'f01'G'Sf171'Jl71g WD1IL: Befo�•E undertaking eac�� part of the Work, Cont�•actor shal! carefiiliy sh�dy a�3d compare ti�e Co��t�•act Docume��ts and cljeck and verify �erti��ent figt�res tl�erei�i against all applicable �e1d �neasuremetits and coziditians. Co��tracto�• shall promptiy report i�i writii�g to City any conflict, erc•or, a���bigtiity, or discrepai�cy whicli Contractor discovers, ar has actcE�l knowledge of, and slfalE obtai�� a written interpretation or clarificatio�� fi•om City 6efare ��•oceedii�� r�+itl� a�ry Work affected t1�ex•eby. 2, Cotzl��crctor's Re��ie�v r�f Cr�7rlt�crct Docrnue�tts Darri�7gPerfoj•irtcr�tce af Wark: If, during the pet•fot•���at�ce of the Work, Cor�ti�actor ciiscovers any co��flict, error, ainbi�€tity, or discrepa��cy within the Coiftract Doc���nents, or between t(�e Co��tcact Documezjts and (a) any aE}}�Eica6le Law ar Regulatiott ,(b) a��y sta�ada�•d, speci�cation, iz����ual, or code, or (c} a��y i��struction of atty Suppli�r, tlien Contractor shal[ promptly repoi•t it ta City ii� writing. Co�ih•actor shall ��ot proceed wit�� tl�e Work affected ci�ereby (exeept in an e�7je�•gea�cy as �•equired by Paragrapli cETY ar rox�r wor�Tx STANDARDCONSTRUCTIDN SP�.CIF[CAT14N IX}CUMENTS Revisio3�: ArL3�2621 uo�2oo-t ��r���a� coNotrFON s rage faorG3 6.17.A} ���itil a�� amendn�et�t oa• si�p��leme��t to tlle Coiit►•act Dacu�nents has bee�i issued b}� one of tlze methods i��c3�cated in Paragrapl� 3.04. 3. Cantractor sl�all ��oY he liable to City foE• failui•� to r�po�•t any co��flict, error, ainUi���ity, or discre�ancy i�� tl�e Co�itract Dac��u�e��ts ui�less Ca��tracto�- l�ad act►�al k��awledge tliei•eof. B. Resoh�i�7gDis�crepaltcles: l. Except as may be oti�erwise specificaliy stated i�� ti�e Co��k��act Docut��etats, tlfe provisions of the Cont��act Docimzents si}all take �receclence in r�solving any conflicfi, e��ro�•, an��iguity, or discrepa3�cy �et�veer► tlie prnvisions of tlze Co��tract Documents and the prav�siar�s of a�iy standard, specificatio��, man��al, or tlie i��structia�� of at�y Supplier (rvt�ether or uot specifically inco►•pocated by reference in tl�e Caa�tract Dace�me»ts}. 2. In case of disc�•epa��cies, figured dimensio��s s�all goveri� over scaled c3imei�sions, Plans slfall �;ovarn over Specifications, Supplementary Conditions sliall govern over Genez•al Conditians and Specificatio��s, and c�ua�itities showis on tl�e P�ans sl�all govern over ti�ose shown in tl�e �ro�osat. 3.04 f�111271C�117g L!i?LJ S1l�J�)IG'1�?L'11I111g CO17Ii'C1Cf DOCZINIG'I7�S A. Tl�e Cot�t�•act Docutne��ts ���ay be amei�ded to pi•ovide for additzans, deletions, and revisions in the Work o�• to �nadify tl�e terc��s a��d cazzditiotas tl�areof by a Cl�aiige Order. B. The require�ne��ts of tl�e Co��tract Documents �nay be suppleme�it�d, a��d ininar varfatior►s and deviations in the Work not Ii1VO�Vi[l�, a ckaange in Cot�tract P�•ice or Co��tract Tune, may be autl�oa•izeci, by ai�e ar more of tl�e follovving ways: l. A Field 0�•dez•; 2. City's review ofa Sttbmittal (st�bject to the pi•o�isio��s oiParagraph 6.IS.C); or 3. City's w�•itte�� inte�•pretation or clarificatiot�. 3.05 Rearse of Documelats A. Coa�tractor ai�d a�ry SuE�conh-acto�- or SuppIier s1�a11 iiot: 1, ha�e or acqui�•e arry title to or ownership rigi�ts in a��y of tl�e Drawi�igs, Speci�cations, or otl�ei� dact�ments (or copies af any tl�e�•eof} prepa�•ed by or b�aring the seal of Engineer, iticl�tdi»g electronic media �ditions; or 2. reuse a�iy such Drawings, Specifications, othet• docu�iaents, or copies thereof on extensio�is of tlie Projec# ar a�ry atlfe�• projec# witl�out r�vi'itt�n ca��sent of City atid specific w�•itten verifieatio�t ar adaptation by �ngi»eer. c[�Yae r•aRT woR�rx STANDARDCO�VSTRllCT10N SPECIFICAi[ON I70CUMENTS ]tevisian: 8?i2021 4�720D-1 GE3J�RAL CANd ITIOH S Page 1 I of G3 B. The �roi�ibitions of ti�is Pa�•agrapi� 3.05 will s�trvive fi��al payment, c�r ter�nit��tion of the Cot�t�'act. Nothi»g Iiereiu slial[ precl��de Co��ti•actor fi•o�n retai��ing capies af tlte Cot�tract Docutnents for �•ecord p��r�oses. 3.06 �lectr�ojrrc Dcrta A. U��Iess otltez•tvise statad i�i the Supple�nentary Conciitions, ti�e data fi�r•��isl�ed by City or Engineez• tQ CO2]YI'aCiOf', o�� by Contractor ta City or E��gi�ieer, #hat may E�e relied upoti a�•e li�nited to Hie printect copies incletded in tiie Co�it�•act Docu���et�ts (alsa kttown as hard copies) a��d oti�e�� S�eci�catiozas �•eferei�ced and located on the City's an-line electro3tic docu�net�t management a�fd collaboration system site. Files in electco��ic r�iedia fo��mat of te�t, c3ata, g�•apfiics, or otl�er ty�es at•e fi�rnisl;ed o��fy far the co��ve��ie��ce of the rec�i�in� pa�-ty. A��y conclusion o1� ii�formation obtainecl or derived from such electronic files t�vill be atthe user's sole risk, tfti�e�'e is a dise�•e��ancy betweel� the electranic fi[es and the l�ard copies, t��e I�a��d copies �ove1•n. B. Wl�e�t transfer�•i��g documents ii� e�ecteot�ic media format, tl�e t�•ansfet•j•i��g party tt�akes tio representations as ta long ter�n co�l�patibility, usability, or readability of documents resulti��g fi�o��� the iise of softwat'e application packages, ope�-atiE�g systems, or cotn�ute�• hacdwa�•e diffe�•i��g fi•o��� diase i�sed by the data's creator. ARTICL� 4— AVAILAI3ILTT'Y OF LANDS; SUBSURFAC� AND PHY�ICAL CONDITIONS; HAZARDOiJS �NVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS; R�FER�NC� P�INTS 4.OI Arailabill�y ofL�rjrds A. City shail f�irnish ti�e Site. City sliall notify Coutractar of a�ry encumbrai�ces or �•estrictions ��ot of general applicatiotl b�it speci�cally related to use of the Site witi� which Conh•actor mi�st com�ly iu pe�'formi��g the Work. City wi61 obtaii� in a timely mam�ec and pay fo�' ease�nents for permauent st►•uct�res o�• pei•inaize��t cliai�ges iu eaisting facilities. I. The City l�as a6tai��ed or aniicipates acc�t�isition of a�id/or access to �•iglit-of-�vay, a�td/or ease�nents. Any oiitstandin� ri�;ht-of-way a��d/ar ease�i�er�ts are anticipated to be acquired in �ccorda��ce witi� the sclsedule set fo��tli in the Supplementary Conditio��s. The Project Schedu�e s�i6mittecf by the Cantractor in accordance witlj the Canit•act Docu�a�ezits must co»sider any outstancliE�g right-of-way, and/ot• easen�er�ts. 2. The City has ai• ai�tic��3ates re��io�iif� ancllor re�flcating utilities, aa3d obsti•uctio��s to tlie Site. Any o��tstandi��g t•emoval or r�lacatio�� of ttti(ities o�' obst�'uctious is anticipated in accordatice witl� kl�e schedule setforth iEs tl�e S�tpplementa��y Conc�itio��s. Tlie Project Sclzedule subaaaifted by tl�e Coi�h•actof• iE� aceordai�ce witlf tl�e Contract Docttn�exats �nust consic3�r a��y oi�tsta��di��g utili�ies or• obst�•nctio�as to be ��emoved, adjustec�, a��d/or reloca�ed by otlzet•s. B. Upon reasonaUle wriiten request, City sl�all fut•��isla Co�at�•actot• wit�i a current si�tement o� record Iegal title a��d legat desc�•iption of tlie la��ds upon whic�i che Work is to be �e�•iarmed. CITY�F FOR"1' WOR'I'Ii STAIVDARDCO�STRUC1'ION 5PCiCIF]CATION DOCUMENTS Revisioir: WL3J�21 oo�zoo-� GENERALCON6ITIOMS Page [2 of G3 C. Cai�tract��• sl�afl �ravide for all additional la�fds and access tllereto that may be rec�iiir�d for construciio�i Faciliiies or stora�e of �naterfals a��d eq«ip�t�e�jt. 4.02 Sarbst�tface ar�dPl�yslcal Ca�2�litiol2s• A. Rc�a1•ls attd Dt�rni�ings; Tl�e S��p�lementary Conditio��s iCI0liilfy: 1. tl-►asa re�orts known to City of exp�oi•ations and tests of st�bsiirface conditioi3s at o�• cantiguo��s to the Site; and 2. tl�ose dk'awi��gs k►�awn to City of physical COIl{i1f10115 relating to BYiStlfl� surface or subsurface structures at tl�e Site {except Ui�derg,rouncl Facilities}. B. Lil�rited Relia32ce by Cntrtructof� 0�1 Tec1��1ica1 Datrr Airtho3•ized: Cont�-actar n�ay �'ely u�on the accuracy of tl�e "iecl�nical data" cor�taiiled i�1 such �•epo�•ts az�d drawiEigs, t�ut sucli reparts a�id d�'awit�gs ��'e not Contract Dacun�ents. Sucl� "techtlical data" is identified in the Suppiem�ntaiy Co»d�ioi�s. Cantractor may not rnake airy Contract Clai�n against Ciry, or any of their officars, direetors, �nenibe�•s, pa�rtne��s, e�nployees, agents, consultants, o►- si�l�contractot�s with respect to: i. the complete�iass of suclS reports and drawiiags fot' Co��iractar's pi�rposes, ii�cIuding, but �zot limi�ed to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniqi�es, sec�uences, and pracedures of C011Sii'UCflOfl to b� employed by Cont�•acia�•, and safety pi•ecautions and progr•ams incide�it thereto; or 2. otl�e�� data, inte�•pretations, o�inions, and informatior� co��tai�aed ii� such reports or shaw�� or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Contracto�� interpretatiot� af or co�iclusion drawt� fi•o��� azry "tecl�i�ical data" ar a�ry such otiier data, i��te��pz•etations, opiniovs, o�• information. 4.03 Diffel•i�rgStd3str��'ace oj' PIt�1S1CQ'� C017C�1t1077S A. NoJice: If Contracto�• bei�eves #iiat any subs��rface aj' pliysical co�tdition tl�at is u��co�e�•ed o�• z•eveated eithe�•: 1. is of suclf a��ahire as to establish that any "tecimical data" on whic�� Contractor is entitled to �•ely as p�•ovided ii� Pa�•agra�h 4.02 is mate�•ialiy i��accurate; or 2. is of s�zcl� a nafure as to rec�ui�•e a cl�ange in tlie Coift�-act Doci��f�ents; or 3. differs �naterially fi•om tl�at shown or iEidicated in ti�e Contract Doc�Emeiifs; or �. is of an ��nusual ��at��re, and differs �naterially %•om co��ciitions o�•di�iarily encouEz#ered and gene�•a1[y recognized as i��herent iii work of the character provided foi• in the Co��ti•act Docuinents; Cl'i'YOF PORT \VORTH $TAI�SDAE2DCO�v'STRI)C?lON SPF.C[fiCATION DdClJlv[ENTS Etevisiun: S�i�21 4072OD-1 G�NERALCONDITIONS Page 13 of 63 then Contractoi• sh�ll, pronl�tty afte�• beco���i��g awai•e tlie�'eof a�td befot'e f«►-t��er dist��rbiug t��e SIIE�Sl11'�$C2 pl' �lI1�SIGc�1 COt1CI1HO115 0�' performiug any Work i�� cc�nnection therewith {eacept i�� an ei�le�•g�ney as required by Paragra�i� G.17.A}, notify City in writi►�g about such condition. B. Possrl�le 1'r�icc� cr�td Tifrre Adjarstrlrejrts Cot�h�acto�� sl�ali not be �ntitled to any adjusftne�tt it� tlte Contcact Price or Coi�traet Tii��e if: 1. Contractat• knew of tlie exEstence of such conditions at the ti��ae Contractor ���ade a final comti�itnient ta City witl� respect to Cotttt•act Price a�td Cantract Ticne by the su�n�ission of a Bid or becotnii�g bou��d ut�de�• a negotEated cantract; or 2, the existe��ce of suclf condition coiild reasat�ably I�dve bee�� discovered or revealed as a i•esiilt af tl�e exan�i��aYion of the Co��tract Dac�ic�ients o�• the Site, or 3. Contractor failed �a gi�e tl�e r�vx•itten ��otice as reqiii�•ed by Paragrap�� 4.03.A. 4.04 �l?L�21'grar.nad Facilities A. ,S1�n�t>>t oj• Ijadicated� The iiifori��atian �z�d data shown o�• indicated iii the Contract Doct�a�aettts with respectto existii�g U��dergeoui�d Facilities at a�• car�tigtiaus ta t�ie Site is based an iuformation and t�ata fin�i}ished to City o�• Enginee�• by tl�e owners of s�ich Llnde��groi�nd Faci[ities, inclt�ditt� City, or by otEiers. Uz�less it is otherwise expressly provided in tha Si�pple���e��tary Co�idi�io��s: I. City arad Engineer sliall nat 6e �-esponsibte fo�• the aecueacy or completeness af a��y st�cli inforinatioi� or c�ata p��ovicied by otl�ers; and 2. the cast of aii af' tl�e following will be i�icluded ii� the Co��tract Price, and Cont�•actar shall I�avE fi�ll respansibility for: a. �•e�iewi��g az�d cl�ecki��g ail sucli i�ifoj•mation and data; b. locating all Ui�der�;roiu�d Facilities si�owaa or i��dicated in tl�e Contract Dacun�ents; c. coordination and adjustment of the Vi�ark �vith the ow��e�•s of such U��cEergrowid Faciliti�s, ii�cluding CiCy, du�'itt� constri�ctior�; and cl. tl�e safety a�3d protectio�� of all such U��dergrot���d Faciiiti�s and repairi��g a�ly damage t��ereta i•esiiltic�� fi•aa�� tl�e Work. B. Not Shotivn ar� hrclicatec�• 1. If aa� Ui�derground Facility wl�ich conf[icts with tlfe Work is iu�cavered o�• �•evealed at or contiguot�s to tl�e 5rte whicl� was �iot shown or it�dicated, or t�at show;i ar i��dicated witll reasonable aecuracy in tlie Co��tz•act Docume��ts, Contractor sh�ll, pro��tptly �fte�• b�co�ning aware thereaf and befo��e furtl�er distuching conditia��s affected tl�ei•eby oi• performi��g any c�T�roa� �a��• wox�rx STANDARDCO`7STRUCT]ON SPECiFICATibM DOCUMEN{'S Kevisian: t3�2�1021 ao�2oa-i GENEftAL CAN� ITION S Page I �1 of G3 Work in con��ection t13ez•e��vith (exce�t in an emergency as rec�ui�•ec3 by Paragrapl� b.17.A), ide�atify tl�� o���ner oF sucl� Ut�der�;rou��d Facility a�3cj give notice to that ow�ier a»d to City. City wiii revietiv ti�e discove��ed Ur�derg�•ound Facility and determine the extent, rf at�y, ta whiclf a clia��ge ���ay he reqtiired iti the Contract Docu�nents to �•eflect and document the conseq��ences af ti�e e�ister�ce or iacatio» of tlae U�iderg�•o��nd Faciliry. Cant�•actor sllall be responsible for the safety and protectioi� of such clisco�ered Undergrounc� Facility. 2. If City concludes ttiat a cllat�ge it� tl�e Contr�ct Docu��ients is r�ec�tiired, a Change Orde�' t��ay Ue isst�ed ta ��etlect a��d document si�ch conseqE�ences. 3. Verificatio�f of existii�g utilities, strf�ctures, aifd service tines slfall incl�ide noti�catio�� of all utility co�npax�ies a mini►ni�m af 4$ liours in ad�ance of canstructiaz� ]iICIUC�IEl�T exploratoi•y excavatioi� if necessaiy. 4.05 Refere�ace Pab�ts A. City s}�all provide engi►�eeriug surveys to establisl� reference poirats fot• construction, whicl� i�t City's jucigment are necessaiyta etfable Cot�tt•actor to p�-oceed with tl�e Work. City will provide coi�sti•tictia�� stakes o�• other custoroa�y method af rnarki�ig to astablish li�fe and g��ades foj• roadway ataci utility COI1Sf1'L1C�lOI}�, C011�eI'I![1B5 81iC� t3eIlClllllal'�CS �OI' �1'iC�ge'4V01'IC. COilil'aC�01' SI]SII �1'OYBCi al7tl preseive tlze establislied refez•et�ce points and pi•operty monu�nents, and slfall make no cl3anges ar relocatians. Coz�tractor sl�all report to City �vl�enever any refere�fce paint o�• prop�rty �nonument is iost o;- desti�oyed o�• rec�ui►•es relocatian because of necessaiy changes i►i g��ades or locations. The City shall Ue z•espo3�sible for t�ie replacement or relocation of z•efe�•enee points o�- �roperry �nanu�nents ��ofi careIessly o�• willfully destroyed by the Contractor. The Contractor shali natify City i�� adva�ice aud with suffieie�t titne to avoid delays. B. Wlfe�iever, i�� the opinio�� of the City, any a�efe�•ence point or inonume��t has been care�essiy o�• ��illfiilly dest�•oyed, disturbed, or rejnoved by the Contrac#or or a�iy of 1�is e�»ploye�s, the fu11 casc f01' 1'E�lIelCiElg Sl1CI1 j70111t5 �IIUS ZS% will lae cha�•ged against the Cant�-actor, a��d t��e fi�ll a�nount �vill be deducted fi•om �ay�nez�t due tha Coiitractoj•. 4.06 Haza1'C�DTfS Ei1Vl1'071711E)11C7I CD)?C�1�1011 C1i Slr� A. Repo1'�S Qi1C�D1'Q'1tJ111gS: TI1B SLE�]�IeIri21lka1'y CO11dT�101]S identify those reparts a�id drawin�;s k��awn to City relatiEig to Hazardous Envi�•oz�a�ae�stal Conditiai�s that ljave bee�� ide��tiiied at tl�e Site. B. L11117f2CI RG'ITp71CB I1J1 CO]1t3`ClCf01� 03� Tecla�tical DatcrAtrt17o1•ized: Coj�tractor may rely t�po�f tlae accuracy of the "techi�ical data" contained in such reports and drawit�gs, but sa�ch i�eports anc� drawings are not ContE�act Dac��n�ents. S�tch "tecl�taical data" is ide��tifiec3 it� tlie Supp�emeiftat'y Conditio��s. Co��tractot• tnay a�ot mak� any Cantract Claim against City, ar any of tl�ei�' officers, dit�ectot•s, m�mbers, pai•t��ers, en�ployees, age��ts, co�zsultants, o�• sirbcotltractors �vith �•es�ect to: tl�e camplete��ess of s��c11 re�orts anc� dE•awi��gs for Cantraetor's �i�rposes, i�ieludi��g, but not li�nited to, a�ry aspects of tlie ineans, »�ethods, tecl�t�iqsres, seqi�e��ces anc3 ���flcedures of CITY OI� FQRT NORTf [ STANI7ARDCO�STRUCTION SPECIF[CAT10� DOCUMEAITS fZevision: R2�2021 6fl 72 40 - I �EN�Ra,� cor�oiTioN s Page ls of 63 construction to be e�nployed �y Contractor a�zd saf�ty }�recautions a�jd ���'o��'ai��s iucid�i�t thereta;ar 2. othet• data, ii�terpretations, p13E[11pilS anct i�ffa�'matioat COIlfa111ed li1 Sl1CIl 1'�]JOi'tS Oi' SIIOWfI Oi' indicated ic� sucl� ci►�awings; ar 3. at�y Contracto�• interpretation of or co��cliisiokl drawz� fx�o��� any "techi�ical data" or any s��ch athe�• data, iitte�•pi'etatiotls, apinio��s ar ic�formatio��. C. Contractor shall not be respansible far any Haza�•do��s Ezi�vi�•onmental Candrtion uncovet�ec� or revealed at tlae Site whicli was not sl�ow�� or ii�dicated i�i Drawi��gs or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be witkiin the scope of tl�e Wo�•k. Contracto�• siaall be �•esponsible fo�• a Haza�•dous E��viro��mentai Cazic�itioai c►�eated ��viti� any materiais brought to the �ite by Co��t�•actoi•, Subconh•acto�•s, Si�p}�liers, or anyone else for whom Co�rtractor is respo��sible. D. If Cantractor e��counters a I-�azaz•do��s Eaavi�•oa�ailental Cotiditio�a o�- if Cont��actor or anyone for wlion� Conk��aetor is responsible ci•eates a Hazacdous E�i�ii•onm�iital Co�idition, Cot�tR�actoz• s��all immediately: {i) secut�e ar otElecwise isolate such condition; (ii) stop all Wo��k i�� caniiectian with sueli eo��dition and in any area affected tl�ek�eby (e;ccept in ai1 e��i�rgency as �•eqt�irec3 by Parag�•a�1i 6.17.A}; and {iii} notify Ciiy (aa�d promptiy tl�e�•eafte�• con�►•in suclf notice in writi��g). City i��ay consider the necessity ta i•etain a c�E�ali�ed expei•t to evalttate suc�� cat�c�ikio�� o�• take cori•ective actian, if any. E. Cantractor shal[ not be required to resu���e Work in canneetian vviti� sucl� conditian or in any affected area u��til afte�•City 1�as obtaii�ed atay �•eqtti�•ed pert��its related thereto ai�d de3ivered written t10tICE ta Cont��actor: (i} specifyii}g that sucf� conc3ition ai�d any affected area is o�• has been ��e��dered s�titable for tlie reswn�tio�f of Wark; at• {ii) specifyi�tg at�y special cotiditions u��der which s�ich Work may be resumed. F. If after receipt af such writte�� natice Coiztractor does not agree to ��est�i��e sitch Work based oti a ceasonahle belief it is tit�safe, or does ��ot agree to ��es��me si�ch Work ��nder such specisl conditions, ti�en City may order tt�e poj�tion of the Wo�•k that is in t�ie area affected by s�icl� co�tditiot� to b� deleted fi•oni the Wo►•k. City may l�ave suclf c�eleted poz•ti�a� of the Work perforined by City's ow�� forces or others. G, To i17e ftrlle,st ea:te��t pej�ntilleci by Lati>>s �rnd Regulctliorts, Coa2tr•acloj• shctll r�rdenr�r fy rntcll7old r?C17'17l%L'S.i Cl�, f•nur arrd crgcrirast crll clair�rs, COS/S, JOSSG'S, C711CI CICl1)1L7gL'S �I17CI1lC�111� r12lI )?OI JI1311�C'C� to all fees cr�td clzcrfges af elagi��ee�s, af•claitects, altor�aeys, ci�td o1I�e1� prr�fe�srol�crls cr��d all coarrt or al�liitrf1f1011 Oi' OII721' CrTS�}2!%G' 1•esoltrlio�� cosis) �e��is•r�tg attt of of� relalijrg to rr Huzar�lotr.s E1tvi1'OI711tG'77IL7I COl7CJ7PlDit Cl'SC1�2CI �� C03711 CIGIOYnr liy afayo�tefof•�vI70171 CO7T il�aclor is res�o�ts rl�Te NO�I7111g I71 1I?Ib• Paf�agr�apla �.OG.G shcrll obligate Co�7h•crefoY i0 13?C�G'71H1 � C771y 111CIll�lL�tlLiT 03� errtily f!'03Ti ClITC� C1gC11)1S% II?L' Cp%ZSG'!I2lG'3?CG'S Of TI7ClI lI1L�lltTG�1/QT b' OP 21J1T1}��S 01V17 71�g�1�B71CC. H. The provisians oi Paragraphs 4.02, 4.03, anc� �.0� do not a��ly ta a Haza�•dous E�iviroi�m�iltal Conditiori imcoveced or re�ealed at tt�e Site. cz��•va� �or�•r wan-r� S"iAN[3ARDC4�iSTitUC1'ION SPF,CIF]CATION DOCUME2�3TS 3ievision: 8232F121 �07200•l GENERAL CONO ITION S F'age lG of 63 ARTICL� S—�3 ONDS AND INSURANCE 5.41 Lice��sed Si�refies ar�d L�san•e��s• All bo�3ds a�id ins��ra��ce �•aquired by the Ca��tract Doc��m�nts ta be nt�rchased and �nai�ftai►ied by Cont��actoz• shall be flbtai�ied fi•om s�u•ety o�• ins�rra�ic� co���panies #hat are duly ]icea�sed or authorized i�i the State of Texas to issu� 6o��cls or insu��ance �}fllicies for tl�e lit�lits and coverages so required. Suclf surety ancl iusurance compai�ies shall also rneet sucl� additianal req��irements and c�ualificatiotas as tt�ay be provided in the Su}�pleme��#a�'y Co�tditio»s. 5.02 Petfoi�nrajfce, Pa}nrrertt, aladMai�r�e�rat�ce �3o�rds A. Contractor slaall fiit'nisli perforina��ce and payment bo��ds, iu accorcla��ce with Texas Govern�net�t Code Cl�apter 2253 or st�ccessot• stahite, eacii in an amoiuit ec�ual to tl�e Cont►-act Price as securiry fo�• ttxe faithful performance and pay3nent of all of Co��tractor's obligations undet• tlae Coa�tract Docui�ients. B. Coi�tractor sliall fut•nish mainie�lance bonds in an aii�au��t equal to the Contract Price as secu�•ily to p��otect the City agai��st any defects in any portion of tl�e Wark descz•ibeci in the Co��tract Docu�nents. Mait�ter�ance hands shali remaiii in effect fa�• two (2) years after the date of Fiifal Acceptanc� by the City. C. Ali f�ands sl�all be in the forjn prescribed by the Contz•act DacuEnents except as provided atlae�•��vise by Laws o�• Regulatioi3s, and shall be ex�cuted by sucli sureties as are na�ned in the list of "Co�npa�iies Holditlg Ce��tificates af Aiitl�ority as Acceptabie Su�•eti�s on Pederal Bonds and as Fl.cceptabte Reinsueing Co�npanies" as publisl�ed in Cii•culai• 570 (a�ne►�ded} by tl�e Fii�ancial Manage�nent Se�•�rce, Sut•ety Bond Branci�, U.S. Departi��ent of tlte Tt•easuiy. All bonds sig��ed by an agent or atio�•ney-in-faet �nust be acco3npaz�ied by a seated and c3ated potiver of a�toz�x�ey which si�all siiow that it is effective on the date tiie age2�t ar attor��ey-in-fact signed each boild. D. If tl�e su�•ety on any bo»c3 fu�•nislled by Cantractoa• is d�cla�-ed bank��upt or becoines i��solvent or its right to da busi��ess is tez•��7inated iu ti�e State of Texas or it ceases ta t��e�t t�ie requirements of Paragc•ap1�5.02.C, Conh�actor sl�all pron��tty z�aiify City aud shall, wi�l�in 30 days afte�•t��e event giving �•ise to s��el� notificatia��, p�•ovide a��otl�er bo��d a��d su�•ety, botli of which sl�all co�nply 1�ith the reyuuements of Pa►•agrap�is 5.01 and 5.02.C. 5.03 Certfficates of I��suj•crrrce Coilfractor shall delNer to City, tivith ca�ies to �acli additional ins�red and loss payee fde��tified iu the Sup�le�ne�ftaiy Co�ac3itio�ts, cei�i�cates of insurance (othe�• evidence of itisura��ce reqt�ested by City or ai�y other additionai iEisu�•ed} i�� at least tl�e mii�im��m an�ount as specifieci iq the Suppie�nenta�y Conditions wl�icli Co�itractoz• is rec�uired to piirchase a��d ���ai»tain, The cei�i�cate of i��surance shall tiocsm�ent the City, and sll identified entities named i�� tlie Supple���e�itaiy Cott�3itiotts as "Additio��al Iusured" on all lia6ility policies. CITY OF Fdi2T 1VORTH STANDAItDCO\STRUCT101� SPGCIF[CA710N DOCUMENTS [tevision: 8232021 007206-1 GENERAL CANf31ilON S Pagc [7of63 2. The Co�zkt'actot•'s �e�te�'al liability it�sin•ance shall iiicl��de �, "�ei• praject" oi• "per location" ei�darsen�ent, ��vliicli sliall be iclentified iit the cei•tificate of ii�st���ance pi•ovided tn tite City. 3. The certi�cate shall be signec) by an agent auti�ai•ized to bi��d co�ei•a�;e on bel�alf ofthe iifs��red, be complete in its entirety, and show co����l�te ins��ra��ce car�•ier na���es as listed in th� c�i�•ret�t A.M. Best Pro�e�•ty & Casualty Guide 4. The ii�surers for all �olicies n��ist be licens�d and/or ap��•a�ec3 to do b��sii�ess iii the State of Texas. Exce�t for workers' compe��satian, ail iE�su�•ez•s ���ust l�av� a mi«imum rati�ig aF A-: VII it� tlle current A. M. Best Key Raii��g Guide or have �•easo»ably equiva�i�t f���ai�cial strengt�� a�id sol�e�icy to the satisfactian of Risk Managen�e��t. If tlte ratiug is below that requieed, w�•ittei� appz�o�val af City is required. 5. All applicabfe policies shall iE�clude a Waive�• of Siib�'agatioa� (Riglats of Recove��y} i►� favor of the City. It� additiot�, ti�a Caf�tractor ag►'ees to wai�e all rights of s��bragatio�i against the Engiueer (iF applicable}, and eac�� additio��ai ii�surecl identified in the S��pplet��e��tat•y Conditions 6. Faila�•e oi ti�e City ta c3emand st�ch certificates or otlyer evide�ice of fi�ll eomplia��ce wiil� tl�e ins��rance �•eq��u�eme��ts o�• failure of t��e City to identify a deficiency fi•om evidence tE�at is pz�a�ided sltatl tiot be constri�ed as a waiv�i' of Cont�-actoi's oblEgatio►} to mai�itaif� such li�ies of i��sur��iae co�erage. 7. If ins��rance �olicies ai•e ��ot written for specified coverage ]i�»its, an Un�brella or Excess Liability inst�rance %r any differences is ��ecJuired. Excess Liability sl�all folfow fo�•an of tlae pr�E��a�y cove��age. 8. U��less otherwise stated, all cec�t�ireci insEirance sl�all he w�•itten on tl�e "occu►��•ence basis". If covecage is unc3e��vritten or� a clain-�s-made basis, tl�e ��at�•aactive date sl�all be coi►icideni with oi• p�•ior to tl�e date of the effect�v� date of the ag�•een�ent and the ce�•tificate of it�stzrance slfall state tl�at tl}e co�erage is clailns-��iade and the ceti•oactive date. The insurattce coverage sliali b� ma�«tained fo�• t1�e d►��•atioz� of tt�e Conh•act a��d for thr�� {3} years followi�jg Fi��al Acceptai�ce provided ��nder the Co»tract Docuinents o�� for ti�e wae��anty period, whichever is longer, An an�zual certificate of iusE�rance sub���itted to the City shall evidet�ce such ii�sui•ance cavera�e. 9. Pc�licies shall have no exclusions by endo�•se�i�ents, wl�icl�, tieitltet' ztttllify oi' anieitci, tf�e required Ii►ies of cove�•a�;e, t�oa• decrease the li�nits of said coverage unless sue�� endo�•sen�e��ts at•e app�•oved i« writing by the City. rn the event a Conteact l�as bee�t bid oc executec� a»d tlte excl�tsions are c�eter�nii�ed to be unacceptaE�le o�• tt�e City d�sires additianal insurance coverage, and t��e City desires tlie contractorleisgi��eer to oE�tain sucls coverage, the eonti�act �rice sl�all 6e adjusted by the cost of tlie pre�nium fai• suc1� additioval coverage plt�s 10%. l4. Aary self insrrt•ed �'ete��tioii (SIR), in e�cass of $25,000.00, affecting rec�uii�ed ins�trance cove��age shali be appeoved by ti�e City in ��egards to asset v�It3e �nd stackhatdea•s' eqttity. It� c�rYor eoRT �uo�� STANDAA[7C0\STRUCTION SPEC1FlCAiION DOCUMENTS Revisiw�: R7�10Z1 Ofl7200-t GENERAL CQNDITI6N S Pagc l8 of 63 lieu of t��aditional iEtsu�•aalce, alternative coverage n�aintained ti�raugh i��surance pools or risk ��eteiitioz} groups, mtist also be app�'oved by City. l i. Any deduetible i�� excess nf $5,000.00, fo►• any policy t}�at does not �}�'o��ide coverage an a itcst-clolla�• basis, must be acce�tah�e to a1�d a�pz•oved by tlie Ciry. 12. City, at i�s sole discretion, �-es��•�es ttie ��ight to �•evieti� the i��s��rance reqtyi�•e�nents and to make reaso3table adjustnients to insurance coverage's atic� thei�• limits �vl�en dee�ned �iecessaty ai�d pi•udent by the City basec3 u�on changes i�� statutory larv, cou►-� decision ar the clai�7is lsistory of khe rnd��stry as well as of t�ie contracting �arty to the City. Tlfe City shall l�e z�eqi�ired to pi•ovic3e p�•ioj- notica of 90 days, a��d #he iiisurance adjushnex�ts sliall b� incorpo�•ated i►zto the Wark by Cl�auge Orde�•. 13. City sl�all be e��titled, u�on written �•equest and without expe��s�, Yo �•eceive capies of }�olicies and et�do��sements tEiereto and may make atry �•easonable reqi�ests for deletion or re�visia�f or �ziodifieatiaj�s of pai�ticula�• �olicy te�•ms, conditions, limitatio��s, or eac���sio�is necessai-y to canfarrn the policy and e��c�orsenletlts to the requirements ofthe Co�stract. Deletio��s, �•evisions, or ���adificatioi�s shali ��ot be required where policy provisions are established by law or reguEatiovs bi►�di�ig upon eitlier pa�•ty ax• the i�ndeitivriter on any s��ch poiicies. 14. Cifiy shall not be �•espa�fsible for ti�e direct payi��e��t of iusurance p��e�nium costs for Canh•actor's insurance. 5.04 Ca��tractor's Insura�7ce A. Workels Co�3rpet�satiorz and E�rrployefs' Licrbility. Cantt•actor sl�all �tn�chase and maintain suc1� insurance covecage witlz liiniis cons�stent witl� stat�itary be��efi�s outlined ii� tl�e Texas Wo��kers' Compensation Act (Texas Labor Code, Ch. 40b, as a�t�ended), a�id minun�i►n limits for Employ�rs' Liability as is appropriate fox• ti�e Work bei�ig per%r�i�ed a��d as «ill pz•ovide p�'otection fi•o�n claims set fo�•t�� below whicl� may ai-ise out of o�• �•esult fro�ii Contracto�•'s pej-fo�inance of tl�e Wark and Contractoi•'s other obligatiot�s unde�• ti�e Confract Doc�une�tts, wl�ett�er it is to be perFormed by Co��t�•aeto�•, any Subco��tractor ar Supplie�•, oz• by airyo��e directly oi• i►�d'u•ectly e�nployed by any of tlfe3n to parform any o�the Work, or by anyo��e far ��vl�ose acts any of tliem may be Gable; 1, claitns t�nder worlcers' compe��satioj�, disaUility 6enefits, a�3d otl�er similar e�nployee bene�t acts, 2, clai�ns for c�a�nages because of bodily i��jury, occupational sick��ess or disease, or deatlt af Cantractor's e3nployees. B. Co�rv�rercial Gefaeral Lravilrty. Caverage shall inch�c3e but i�ot be li►��ited to cove�•ii�g IiaUility (bodily i��jury or p�•operty damage) arisitfg #'i•o3n: premises/operations, indepet�det�t contractors, p��oc�ucts/coinp�eted opecatio��s, pei•son�l i»jt�iy, a��d IiaUiliiy ttnder at� insti�•ecl cont��act. Insu�•ance shall be provided on an accu�•a•erace basis, anc� as comprehensiv� as tl�e current I��ssu•ance Se��vices Office (ISO) palicy. Tl�is i��surance shall apply as pri�naiy i»sui•aEice with respect to a��y otl�ea• cl�Y n� Faa� woaT� STAi�#DAADCO�STItUCT10N SPECtFICATION DOCUNsGNTS Revisiou: R'Li2i21 067200-I G�NERALCONDITIONS P�ge 19 of fi3 instirance o�• self-inst3i•a��ce �zro�;►•�ms affardecl to the Ciiy. Ti�e Comme�•ci�t Ge�fe�•al Liability ��nlicy, shall l�ave no eYclusiQ��s by enclors����ents that would altez• of ��uilify premises/operations, products/com}�leted operations, coa�tractual, �e�•sonal i���n-y, ar a<ivertising inju►•y, which ai� �iot•�nally co�7taic�ed rvith Yl�e policy, i�nless t13e City ap�roves s��cli excl�isions in w�•iting. Foi• constructio�i projects tl�at pi•ese��t a substaiytial completed aperatio» expasui•e, t��e City may �•eqtti�•e the coa�tt'actot' to ���aifttain co�n�leted operatiot�s co�era�e for a���i«in�u��a of no iess tha�� ti��•ee (3) yea��s follawiE�g t9ie co�npletion af the pz•oject {if idet�ti6ed in d�e Suppleme�itary Coz�ditioi�s). C. Aarlontohile LiaGilit}�. A co�i��nercial busit�ess auto policy shall provide covet•age o�t "any �uto", defit�ed as a��tos ownec3, hired aa�d iton-o«+ned and provide indemnity for claims fa�• damages because bac�ily iujury or death oF any pej•so�t atld or pj•o�erty daii�age a�•isin�; o�it of tii� work, n�aintenance or use of a�ry mota�• �el�icte by the Co�itracto�•, any S�iheo��h•actor or St�ppliet•, oi• by anyo�ie directty o�• it�directly e��z��oyed hy any of the�n to perform airy of tl�e Wo�•k, o�• by anyoi�� fo�• wllos� acts a�ay oi tl�em E��ay be liable. D. Raih�oad Pj•oJecliy�e Lt�il�ility. If any of the work or any wa��i•anty worlc is witlfi�� the li�x�iks of ��ail�•oaci righi-of-way, t��e Cont��aetor sl�a3( comply witlz tl�e t•eqtrice�nents identified iE� tl�e S��pple�nentary Co��dhio��s. E. Notificatron of POITCy CC111CG'I�QPTOi7: COiltl'flCi01• shall i���mediately �totify City upon cat�cellation or other loss of ii�surar�c� co�erage. Co�atractoc s17a11 sto� wo��k u��til re�3lacement i��sut�ance has bee�i p�•ocut•ed. Tlt�ce sl�all be �lo titne credit for days not warked pursuant to tli�s section. 5.05 Acceplance ofl3a�idsandl��strj�artce; Oplrrnt ta Re�lace If City lias a�fy objectio�l to tl�e coverage afforded by o�� other prov�siaj�s af tile bonds or i��sura��ce reqt�ired to be purcf�ased and mainfaii�ed by tlte Coi�t�'actor in accarc3a��ce witi� Artic�e 5 on tl�e basis of ��on-canforma»ce witl� the Coi1t►•act Docu►nents, the City shall sa notify the Contracto�• i�� wi•itiElg witlai�a 10 Bt�siizess Days after receipt of t1�e ca��tificates (ot• othet• evidet�ce requested). Cont��acto�� shalt pro�ide to the City such additianal info�•��aation in c�spect of i��surance provided as tl�� City may reasonably requesT. If Co��tz•actnr do�s i�ot purchase or maintain all of the 6onc3s and insut�at�ce required by tlte Contract Docu�ne��ts, �Ile Cily S�1c��I IlOiliy the Contractoi• ii� w���tiag of sucl� fai�ui•e prio►• to tl�e start of tl�e Wot•k, or of sl�ch faiture to ia�aitltai�f prior to any chai�ge in tile requi��ed coverage. ART�CL� 6 — CONTitACTOR'S R�SPONSIBILITIES 6.01 Sarpel�vis�io�� a�rd St�pej�irrte�ldejzce A. Co�itractor shall supe�•vise, inspect, aud dicect #he Wark co»���etent�y a��d efficiently, devotiRag si�c1� atte��tint� thereto and applying stich skiils and ea�ertise as may be z�ecessaty ta perform the Work in aeco►•dance ��vith the Contract DocuEne��ts. Cantractar shall be solety responsible for the meays, methods, kecl�niques, seqi�ences, and proced�ires of co»structioi�. CITYOF' FORT VJORTH S7'ANDARDC6\STRUCT[ON SPeCIF]CATI�N l7�CCf]v[ENTS Revisims: 8r13�:L�1 oo�zoa-i G�NEf�l1L COND 1710N S Pa�e 20 of G3 B. At all times d�u�iug tl�e pragress of the Work, Cot�tractoi' sl�all assigu a com�ete��t, E��gl�sh- speaki���, Superi»tendeiat who sl�all �iot i�e replaced withoE�t written ��atice to City. The S����eri��te�ident �vill Ue Contractoi's r��resentative at tl�e Site ai�d sUal1 have authoi•ity to act an bel�aif of Coa�tz•acta�•. All ca�nu�����icatio�� give�� ta or received fi•o�3� the Si�pei•intendea�t siaall be blllC�illg 011 C4rit1'�C�Ol'. C. Contractor sl�all notiiy tlae City 24 hat�rs prior to mo�i��� areas during ti�e seque��ce of const��uction. G.Q2 L�rhaj•; Wo1�kil�gHours A. Co�it�•actor shall p�•o�ide cojnpetent, sui�aUly qualified personnel to pe�•fot'��� canstcuatio�f as req�tired by tlie Contt�act Docutne��ts. Co��tractor shall at a11 times maintain good discipli►�e and order at tlie Site. B. Except as othe�lvise req�iired for the safety o�� p�•otectian of pe�•so��s or the Wark or p��operty at the Site or ad�acent thereto, and exeept as otherwise stated i�� the Conteact Docii�nents, all Wo�•k at ti�e Site sltall be pea•fa�•t�aed during Regular Working How•s. Contractoi� will not perinit the pe��forma��ce of Work beyo�ld Regular Working Ho���•s o�• fo�• Weeke�id Warking Hours wrthout City's w��ilte�� consent (whicl� will ��ot be uv�•easanably witl�held). Writte�i rec�uest (by IefYe�• ot• electronic co�nmunication} to pei'foa•an Wox'k: 1. %r beyand Regular Wo�•�Cia�g Haurs �•equest inust be made by noon at least h�vo {2) Busi��ess Days p��ior 2, far Weekend Workit�g Houi•s �•eqt�est rnust 6e jf�ade by noon of tl�e pi•eceding Thursday 3. for legal holidays a•entiest �nust be »�ade by ��oa�� rivo Business Days prior to the �egal l�olic3ay. 6.03 Sej�vices, Malerials, atrd Equipitter7t A. U�iless othe��v�se speci�ed in tl�e Coz�t►•act Dacu�nents, Conteactor shall pravide a��d assume fiill responsibility fo�• all seivices, inaterials, ec�uiptnet�t, laUar, transportatia��, constructian eq��ipine��t a��d �a�achinecy, tools, appiia��ces, fuel, power, light, lieat, telephone, wate�•, sanita�•y facilities, temparai•y facilities, anci all otl�e�• faci(ities aiid incidentals necessary fo�• the performa�ice, Co��tractor required testing, stact-up, and completion of tlle Woa•k. B. Ali �nate��ials ar�d eq��ipment ii�corpaj•at�d into tl�e Wo�•k shall I�e as specif�ed or, if not specified, shall be of gaad quality a�}d uew, eacept as otheitivise p��avided in the Contract Dac�imexais. All special ��var��anties and guat•antees �•equi��ed by tlie Speeifications sha11 expressly run to the be��efit of City. If rec�uired by City, Contractor sliall fi�i•��is11 satisfactoi•y evic3ence (i��cEudiE�g re�orts of required tests) as to the soii��ce, ki�id, a��d q��ality of mate��ials and ec�uipment. CITYOF I'ORT WOfZTH STAt�iDARE]CO�STRUCT]ON SPHCif]CATION DOCUMENTS Revision: 8rL311(321 00 �z oa - i GEN�RAL GONDITION S 1'age 2l of fi3 6. Q4 C. All mate�•ials a�id eq��ipment to be incoeporated inta tEie Wor•k sl�all be stored, ap�lied, installed, connectec�, erected, p�•otect�d, used, cleat�ecl, anci conditio��ed in accordance with I[lS�fl3Ct10E13 af ti�e ap}�licahle Su�3�liea•, exce�3t as atherwise may be pro�ided in tlfe Contract Documents. D. All ite�ns of standard eqt�ip��zent ta be ittcorpai'ated iiito Ehe Work shall be the Iatest madel at tlae time of bid, t�nIess otlieiwvis� sp�cified. Pt•oject �`claedtrle A. Contt�acio�' sl�all ad[iere to tl�e Project Schedule establislied iu accoz•dance witii Pa��ag��aph 2.07 a��d t�1e GeneraI Requireme��ts as it ���ay be adjusted fi�om time to ti�ne as p�•o�id�c� below, 1, Co�ttz•actot• shall submit to City for acceptance (to the extetit i�fdicated in Paragrapl� 2.07 and ti�e General Require���ents} ��x'aposed adj��sk�nents in tl�e Project Scl�edule that wi11 �tat result iEi cl�at��i��g the Contract TFi�ie. Such adj�istt��e��ts will co�nply wiNt any p�•ovisions of the General Rec�uu-e�nents applicable d�ereto. 2. Cont►•actor shall subtttit to City a mo�zthIy Pt•oject Sched��le wit[� a mo��tlfly pt'ogress payment for tkie duraiioif af the Contt�act in acca�•dance witii tl�e sched���e specificatian O1 32 1G. P�•oposed adj«stm�nts i�i the Project Scl�ed�tle that will st�bmitted in accoi•da��ce ��vith the t•eqt�iremants of Article may only be ti�ade by a Cl�at��e Oi•der. 6,Q5 Subs•titartes a�1d "Or-Eff2rals" change tl�e Conh�act Ti�ne shall be 12, Adjust�neiits in Co��h�act Ti�7ie A. Whe��evet' ai� itez�� of ntate�'ia1 or ec�uipment is s�ecified or desc�•ibed in tlie Contract Docucne»ts by usiiag t�ie name of a�ro�rietary item or tlfe na�ne of � paz'tict�la�' SLtpplie�•, the s�3ecificatio�� or descript�on is i�itended to estab�isl� the type, function, appearance, and quality �•eqtiirec�. Un�ess tli� speci�catiat� o�' description co��tai��s or is followed by �voccls readiaag tE�at i10 lilce, ec�uivalet�t, or "o�'-equal" item OI' I70 SUb5tltUiEOiI is pei•n�itted, Otllel' IY@1115 of matej•ial or equi�me�rt of otizei• S��ppliecs tnay be submitted to City for review i�ndar the circutnstatices described below. l. "O1�-E{jurrl"I/Gi1LS: If lil Clty's sole discretiotf aai item ofnzaterial ar ec�uipmet�t p�•apflsed by Contractar is fii��ctial�at(y equal to ti�at named and sufficiently similar sa tt�at na chan�e i« relateci Woz•k wili he rec�uire<I, ifi m�y be considet•�cf by City as a�� "or-equaP' item, in whieh case review az�d appl•oval of tEie proposed itetn �a�ay, iu City's soEe disci•etion, be accomplisl�ed withol�t cainpliai�ce witi� some or all of die �•equire���e��ts far ap�►•oval of pcoposed su6stitt�te ite���s. Fo�• the purposes oi'this Pa�•agE���lt G.OS,A.1, a proposed itet» of material or ec�uip�nent will be considet•ed finictio��ally er�ual to a�t itain so nan-�ed iF a. tlie City detern�ines that: 1) it is at ieast equal in materials of constructioi�, quality, dtn'ability, appearance, strength, and c�esign cl�aracteristics; ci�rvor ro�zT� �voRTx STANDAi2DCp�3STRUC'i]ON SPECIFICATION Df]C[JM�Ai7'S Re�ision: 8�1�'1.021 ao�zoo-t GENERAL CAND 1714N S Page 22 of G3 2) it will reliably perforii� at least equally well ttie functio�s and acl�ieve the results im�osed by tile design concept ofthe compteted Project as a fiinctiotfing whole; and 3} it l�as a provei� record of �erfarmai�ce and availabiliry of �•espa��si�e service; and b. Coj�tracto�• ce�•ti�ies ti�at, if app�•ovec� a�fd incor��orated iitto tl�e Worlc: Ij t1�e�•e will be no i»c�•ease in cast to the City or ii�c��ease in Contract Tin�e; a�fd 2} it wifl confo�•�n substanti�lly to the d�tailed �•equiE•ements of the itez�s �iained in ifze Cantract Documents. 2. Substrtirte Ifelj�s: a. If in City's sole discz•etion an item of mat��•ial oa• eyui�ment p�'oposed by Contractor does not qualify as an "or-ec�ual" ite�n u��cler Paragraph 6.aS.A.I, it may be subtnitted as a �roposed substit�►te itetn. b. Contractoz' sl�all subtnit sufficient itZfo�'ma#io�i as pro�ided belaw to allow City to determi�ie if tize item of �3�aterial oa• equipment prapos�d is esse�rtially eg�iival�nt ta tliat naj�ied a��d a�� acceptab�e substit�rte tl�e��efor. Requests for review af pro�}ased subst:�ute items of material ar ec�uip�z�e�it wil( not 6� accepted by City fi-om anyoaae oti�er th�n Cai�t�•actoz•. c. Coiztractox• shall �nake writtet� application to City for re�iew af a proposed subst��te item of material or eq��ip�nent ti�at Contracto�• seeks to furnish or use. Tl�� application shall aomply witlz Section 01 25 00 atxd: 1) sliall cet�tify tlfat the p�'oposed substii�rte item ��vill: a} pe�•Form adeqt�ately ti�e fiinctions ar�d aclfieve tl�e i�esults callec3 for by the ge��eral clesigY�; b) be simifar it� substa��ce to tlfat speci�ed; c) be suited to tlae san�e use as that speci�ed; and 2) will state: a) the extent, if any, to vvl�icli the ��se oi tl�e proposed substitute item will pa�e�zdice Contractoa's acl�ie�eme��t of ��ial co��lpletion on time; U) whetitet• use of the proposed st�bstitute ite��i in the Work �vili require a cl�ange in any of the Co�itract Documents (or in the pro�isions of any otl�er di�•ect cont��act rviEh City foc otlte�• wo�•k on the Project) to adapt tl�e desig�i to tlie px•oposed st�bstihite iteii�; CITY OF FOR7' 1�VORTEE STAI�3DAR13C04STR[iCT[ON SPGCIFlCA310N �OCUMEN'['S Revisian: 873'X�2k 00 72 06 - ] G�NERAL CONDITION S Page 23 nf G3 C� Wi10t�101' il1C0i'�lQl'Rt1011 oz' use of tlie pro�osec� S[1�3SiIfEt�O [t01i1 111 C017170C�1011 W[til the Wark is s��bject Eo }�ayme��t of any Iice��se fee ar roydlty; and 3) will identify: a} afi va�•iatior�s of the p�•opased substih�t� rt��zz fron� tl�at specifiec�, b} available engi��eering, sales, maintenance, re�air, ai�d �•e�lacei�zei�t services; anci 4) sl�all cat�tai�t at� itenaized estiulate of all costs oi• credEts tl�at wilf res��lt c�i►•ectly ar indirectiy fi•o�n E�se af sueh substitute item, incl�id[t�g costs of redesi�i a��d Damage Claims of other cont�•actors affecteci by any result[ug change. B. Substrt�rte Cn�asl�'1lC1T()71 MG'PI?OL�S O]• Procedtn•es: If a specific means, t�letitad, tecl�iliqi�e, seq�le�ice, oi• }�racedu�•e of constructio�� is exp�•essly z•ec�iiirecl by the Contract Documents, CoE�tractor may fi�z•i�isl� a�• ��tilize a se�bstitute ��teans, �netl�orI, techniq��e, sec�uene�, oi• procec�u��e nf cn��structio�i ap�roved by City. Cont�•actor shall s��b�nit s��ff�cient ii�fak•E��atin�� to allow City, ic� City's so�e discretior�, to determine tl�at tl�e substitute p��opased is eq��ivalent to th�t ex�ressly called for by tl�e Cot�h•act Dacuments. Co��tractoi• sl�all niske wi•itten applicatian to City fo�• R•eview i�� the sa���e mamier as those pro�ided iu Para�;raplf 6.OS.A.2. C. City's �vcrhratro�r: City will 6e allawed a reasonable tit��e witlzi�t ��Ifich fo e�valttate eacl� p�•oposal or submittal n�ade pursuant to Pai•agrapi�s 6.OS.A aa�d 6.OS.B. City may t�ec�ui��e Coift��actoj• to fiir��ish add�tianal data aUout ii�e pa•oposed substitute. City �vill be tlte sole judge of acceptability. Na "o�•-eqe�al" or s��hstit��t� will 6e orde��ed, installed or utilized ut�til City's ��eview is complete, which will be e�idenced by a Chan�e Order in tl�e case of a sul�stitute and a�� accepted Su3�mifta 1 for a�j "or-equal." City will advise Cailtractor in writing of its c�eterminatioi�. D. Speciul Gararalltee: City tnay rec�uire Contractor #o fur�aish at Contracto�'s expense a s�ecial ne�•formance guarantee, war�'az�ty, o�• atlier sur�ty with ��es}�ect to any st�bstitute. Cotatr�aclor s1u�T1 ir�cfc�rtfi�ify alrcl l�old h�r►►�rless Cily atrd a�7yn�re c�ii�eetly os• i�aclh�eelly e���pipyed hy tlaeltt f1'07)1 L7)7L� �tgai�tst a�ay rntcl all elai�ars, danrages, losses ���td exl�ert.res (i�rchrcling crttor•�7eys fee.$) ar'1S171g 011l Of llre arse qf str6.stittrted �utrlel�•icrls o1° eqzripr�1ef71. �. City's CoslRetni�it�rsenre�al: City will reca►•d City's costs in ��al��ating a snbstitute pco�osed or sa�b�7�i�ted by Contracto�• �ursuant to Paragraphs 6.OS.A.2 ancf 6.OS.B. Wl�ether o�• ziot City a��t•oves a se�bskihiie so proposed or subtnitteci by Cont►•actoi•, Cont►•actar Rn�y be ret�uired to reimbu►•se Ci[y for eval��atin�; �ach si�clf proposed s�ibstit«te. Contractor i��ay also be requiE�ed to reii�aburse City for th� ci�arges fo�� maki��g cl�anges iE� tiie Cont��act Docu�nents {ar i�� fk�e }��•ovisions of aiiy ather di�•ect co��t�•act witli City} resulti��g fi•om t1�e accepta��ce of �ach pro}�osecl substitute. F. Car�t�•actoj�'s E��ense: Contractar sl�all provicfe all data iu s��ppor•t af a�ry pz•oposed substihrte or "o�•-equaP' at Contractor's expense. ci�rYor �ott��� woa•��x STA1�iDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFiCATI�N DC7CUNsENTS [2evisiou: 8+�i'�p21 oo�zoo-i c�n��Ra� eor€o���oN s Pagc 29 of G3 G. Cit}� Sarbstrtirte Reiiarb irr•sej�renl: Costs (savi»gs o�• ci�a��ges) attrib��table to acceptance of a su6stittite shall be i��cor�orated to tlie Cantract by Change Orde�'. H. Titare Et:telasio�as: No additional time will be gra��ted for s��bstih�tioijs. 6.0G Co��ce171131g S2l11C01?I1•aclols, Supplie�s, a�ad OtlTer•s A. Co��ti•actor shail perfar3n with his ow�� organization, work of a �ah�e not less than 35% of the vatue embracec3 o�i tlie Conti•aet, unIess otiierwise a}��roved by tlie City. B. Conh-actor sl�all nat employ any 51�bcontractor, Supplier, oi• otl�ei• indi�idual or entity, whethe�• i��itfally o�• as a replacement, a�;ainst whom City inay Ifave reasonable objection. Co��tE•actor sl�all �aot be a•equired to e��aploy a��y Subcontractor, Suppiier, or otl�er individual or e��tity to fu�•nisl� or �er•fo�•m any of the Wo��k agaii�st who�n Coi�h�actor has reasonable objection (exchidin�; those accept�ble to Ci�€y as ii�dacated i�� Paragraph 6.O6.C). C. The City �nay fi•om tune to time reqttire tlie use oi certai►z Subcontractors, Supplie�•s, a�• athex' indivicivals or entities on tl�e project, and will provide si�cl� �-eqiiirem�nts in the Suppletnentary COElC�t�l0li5. D. 111i�anrity Btrsi�tess Efrtelpl�ise Cou�lirn7ce: Tt is CI� �]O�iCy i0 eI1511C8 t�le �ti�� ariCl equitable pai�ticipation by Mit�ority Business Enterprises (MBE) iii the p�•acure���eiit of goods a�id se�vices on a contractual basis. If the Cont�•act Doc�rments pravide for a MBE gaal, Conti•actor is requn•ed to com�ly with the inteirt of the City's MBE Ordinance (as a�nended} by the following: 1. Conkrac#o�• shall, upo�i request by City, provide co�r�plete and accu�•ate information re�ardii�g actual work performed by a MBE on #l�e Co�it►•act aiid pay�nent tltei•efo�•. 2. Ca��t�•actoi• will nat make ac3ditiai�s, deletions, oj• s�ibstitutions of accepted MBE witlfout writte►� consent af the City. Atry iiifjustified cl�a��ge o�• cieletion sl�all be a znate�•ial bx•eacl� of Cont�•act a�ld �nay result in d�barn�ent in accordance with the procedt�res outli�ied in the Ordi�fanee. 3. Cont�•actar �l�all, upon i•equestby City, aiEow a�� a��dit andlo�• exan}i��atio�� of any books, t�eco�•ds, o�• �[es in tl�e possession of #l�e Co�tit�•actar t(�at vvili s�ibsta�itiate tife act�iai wo��k pe�•foa•���ed by a�� MBE. Mate�•ial �nis�•e�resentatio�i of any nah�re will he groi�nds fo�� terini��ation of the Coni�•act in accordance�vitl� Paragrapl� 15.02.A. Any s�ich �ii�sreprese��tation rnay �e graunds for disquali�catian af Conh•acto�• to bid on firture contracts witl� tiie City for a�et•iod of ��ot Iess tl�a�� th��ee yea�s. E. Contractor sl�all be fuliy respansible to City for all acts ai-�d o�nissions of the Subcanfracto►•s, Suppliers, ai3d othar iudivid��als or e�itities perfori�zing or• fiirr►isl�ii�� any of th� Wa��k ji�st as Contractor is i•espoi�sible far Contractor's own acts and omissioj�s. Natlfi��g in the Co��ti�act Documents: CITYOFFORT WdRTH STAIVDAR17CatiSTRUCTiON SPF.CIF[CAT1dN I)OCUIviEI�TS Revision: &rL3��D2[ oo�zoo-� GENERALC�NDITIOMS Yage 25 of (,3 sl�all create for tk�e henefit of aity suclt Subcoxtt�•acto�', St�pplier, o�' other i��di�idi�al ar e��tity any contractual relationship betwee�� City �tnd any sucl� Subcontractor, Sup�lier or other iudividi�al or entity; nor• 6.07 2. sl�al( create any obligatian oii tlle �3art of City to �ay or to see to tha payment of a��y rnaneys due any such Subcontractor, Sttpplier, or atl�e�• i��di�vidua ] aa• eittity except as may otherwise he ��ec�t�irec3 by Laws and Reg��latia��s. �'. Cont��actoE• shali be solely res�oi�sible for schedt�ling aiid coorclivati�fg tha Wo�'k of Sttbcont�'aetors, Sz�ppEie��s, aa�d oti�e�• i��dividuals or entities performi��g or fi�rnishing any of the Wark u��der a direct or i�idirect contract witi� Coi�tractor. G. �111 5ubco��tt•acto�•s, Supplisrs, and sucl� otlser individuais or entities ��eefo�•iniifg ar fii�•��isl�in� a�ry ofthe Work s�lall coinm�micate witlz City tl�rough Couh•actoj�. H. All Wax'k performed fot` Cont�•acto�- by a Subcantractoi• or Su���liei• will b ap�ropria�e agreement between Cont��ac#or and tlte St�bcontractot• or Supplier biuds the Si�bco�it�•actar ar Suppliet' to tl�e a�plicable terins atid conditio�� Doc�ia�iei�ts for the benefit of City, Wrrge Rates e �ursuant to an wl�ic3� specif�cally s of t(ie Coi�tract A. Dar1y to p�e}� P1•evailr�ag Wcrge IZc�tes. The Co�ih•acto�• shall comply witli a31 �•eqi�i�•ea��ents of Cl�apter 2258, Teaas Govervment Cade (as ainet�deci}, i��cEudi��g th� paytx�e�it of not less thaEi t�ie �•ates detet•���ined by the City Cot3ncil of tl�e City oi Fort Worth to be the ��•evailing wa�e rates in accordance with Chaptei• 2258. Sucli pt•evailing wa�;e ratas are i��cli�ded in Haese Cotitract Dacu�nents. B. Pe�aaltyfvr Violatiolr. A Cont�•actoi• or aiiy Subcontractor wf�o daes ��at pay the p�•evailing wage shali, ��po�� d�mand �nade by tlfe City, pay to tlte City $GO for eaci� worker employed for eacif cale�ada�� day or part of ttie day tl�at the worker is paid less tl�ai� the peevailic�g wage rates stiptilated ii3 these contract docut�le�fts. Tifis pei�alty shall be retai��ed by the City ta a£fset ifs ad���i�aisti•ative casts, put•sua��t to Texas Gr�ve�•am�ent Cod� 2258.023. G Cnnl�Taints of Violatio�as afad Crty Detet'111111ClIlOi1 Df Good C�ruse. O�� z�eceipt of informatiot�, incIut�i►zg a complaiitt hy a vvorker, C011C�I'tllll�T an alleged violatiot� oi 2258.023, Texas GoverE�ntetlt Code, by a Cont�•acto�• or Stibcont�•actor, the City s1�a11 inake an ii�itial detet�minatioE�, before tlie 3lst day after the date tlie City receives tl�e iiffaz•xnation, as to whetl�ei• goad ca��se exists to believe that kii� violatian occurrecf. Tlje City shall ��otify in writiE�g tl�e Co��tractor or Subcont��acto►• aj�d any affected wo��kar of its i��itial dete�•���ii�ation, Upo�a tt�e City's deterini�}atio�� that tl�ere is goad ca��se to believe ti�e Contt•actor or Sui�co�itractor has violated Cl�apte�• 2258, tl�e City shall t•etaiu tl�e fi�ll amounts clauned by the clsi�»a��t o�• cl�imants as tl�e ciiffei•ence bet��eenwages�3aid andwagesdue ��nder ti�e prevailing �vage �•ates,sucl� ara�out�ts bei��g si�bti•acted fi•a��� successive p�•agress pay�nents pe�idi��g a fi��ai deterinivation of the viaEation. CiTY dF FOF2T WORT'H STANDARDC0�ISTRUCTION SPEC[FICAT[D?J DOCUM�NT'S Revision: 8'1�1.021 OD72OD-I GENERAL CO�p ITiON S Page 2G of G3 D. Arhitr�atio�� Rer�rrired if Violatro�a NatResoh�ed. An issu� relati�fg ta a�t alleged �iolatiofi of Sectio�� 2255.023, Texas Go�ernnzeaat Code, incl�Edi��g a penafty o��ved to tl�e City o�• an affected r�vot'ke�•, shali be subrnitted to 6i��diug ar�it��atio�� it� acco�•dance �vitlf the Texas Ge3�era1 Ar6itratio�l Act (Article 224 et sec�., Revised StaE�ites} if tlae Caz�t��actar oi• Subcontracto�• aiid any affected wo�•ker does �iot �•esolve il�e isstte by a�ree���ent before the 15t1� day afte�•the date tlfe City �t�akes its ii�itia l c3etet•t��ination pursua��t to Parag�•aph C above. If the pe�•saaas �•eq��irecf to arbitrate t�nder tl�is secfioi� do not agr�e o�f at� a�'bat�'atar befor� tl�e l lth day after the date that arbitratia�i is requiR•eci, a district catn-t sl�al[ a�point an arbitrator on tlie petitioi� of any af ti�e persons. Tl�e City is i�oT a party i�� the a�•6itratio��. The decision ai�d award of t91e arUitratar is finai and binc�ing on a31 pa�•ties and may l�e enfo�•ced i�� any cou�-t oi competent j�2risdiction. E. Recards to Ge Mcrrnt�riated. Tl�e Co��tractor and each S��heontractor sl�all, for a pe�•iod af th�•ee (3) years fallot�vit�g tl�e date of acceptance of tlfe ��ork, maintai►� recards that shaw (i} ti-►e name and occupatio�f af each �vorker e�nployed by tl�e Caniracto�- iii the canstruction of the Wa�•k �rovicied for in this Cot�tt�act; and {ii) tiie aci�ial per die�n wages paid to each waz•ket•. The records shall be open at all ��easo��ab�e hours for• ii�spection by ti�e Ciry. The p�•ovisioi�s of Pai�ag►�aplf 6.23, Ri�irt to Audrt, shalf pej•tai�� to this tnspection. F. P1�og�•ess Paylrre�7ts. Witlf eacl� �t•ogress pay�net�t or payj-oll pei�iac3, �vlficlieve�• is Iess, tlte Conti•actor sl�all st�b►��it at� af�davit stating ti�at ti�e Contractor l�as coinplied witla t�le rec�uirements of Cl�apter 2258, Texas Go�ernment Code. G. Posti�ag of Wage Rates. The Confi•actoi• shall post prevailing wage rates in a coilspici�ous place at all tiines. H. Strbconn•actaj• Coj�iplia�ace. The Contractor shall incEuc�e iti its subcozstracts and/or sl�all otl�e�lv�se reqi�ire a11 af its Subeo��tractors ta co�nply with Paragra�hs A throu�h G al�ave. 6.0$ Pate�7tFees a�7d Royallies A. Conkractor shall pay all licei�se fees a��d royalties and assu�ne all costs iilcident ta the �2se iii the performance of the V4�ark a�• tl�e i��carporation i�� the Work of any invention, design, ��•aeess, pz'oduct, oz' devic� �vhich is tl�e sub}ect af pate�rt i•ights oj� co�y�•iglfts held by oihet•s. Ifa pa�-ticular i�iventio», desig��, process, �roduct, or device is specified ii� ihe Coniract Dac�me»ts for use in the perfof•mance of tl�e Wo��k a�1d if, to the ach�al k��o��2edge of City, its usa �s stibject to �atent ri�hts or copy�-�ghts calling for the p�yment of any license fee o�• �•oyaity to �Yhers, the eaistence of sueli i•ights sl�all E�e disclosed by City iti tl�e Cantract Documents. �ail�i�•e of the City to diselose such info�•mation cEaes not ��elieve tl�e Cont�•aetor• ft•om its obligations to pay �'az• tl�a t�s� of saicl fees o�� royalties to oil�ers. B. Ta )he firllest e}�te3�tl�e1•jr�itted by Lu���s crtad Regarlations, Co�rtractor shall indenva�� a��d hold 1�arltrless Crty, fi'oj11 r�1td �rgaittst c�ll claiit�s, costs, lo.sses, a��d dcrrrtrrges (ir7clirdi�ag buI j7ot lirflited to al] fees rr�td clzafge.r n f ejagi�7eef•s, archrtects, crttat�t7eyt, a�tcl otl�ef� professro�tals a��d al] cozrjt nf� al•hif�•crtio�a o�� otlaer disp�rte 1•esoltrlio7l cost�s) a�•ising otrt of or relalrltg 10 cr�ay i17fi�inge�jre�tJ of pate�tll•igl�ts• o�� co�y�•rghts incidej�t to the rrse ija the petfor•nraface oftl�e YYot�k ��r� �•estrltr�rgfl'Oi)1 Cl�'YOF FORT WORTE[ STANDAR�COA'STRUCT[dM SPGCIF[Cr1T1�1� DC3CUMFsN'T'S Revisiou: 823n0'_>1 oo�zoa-� ��n���a�.calloi�io� s P�6� z� ar �s t17e r3rcor�orrrtior� ir1177e War�l� c�fcrn}� ira��errtir�rr, clesigr7, pr�ocess, p��odtrct or� de>>ice j�otspecrfrecl 111 1I12 C011ITClCI DOCifl11L'7115. 6.09 Per�nrrts cr��cl Utilitres A. Colati�actor obtpi�aed per�t�tits ����d licea�ses. Cont�•actor sl�ali obtain a�ld pay fa�' all cortst�'uctio�t perjnits a�id licenses exce�t those p�•ovided fo�• ii� tl�e Su��ple���ea�tary Co��ditions oi• Co�ltract Docutnet�ts. City shal[ assist Cont��actor, ti�her� necessa�y, in obtai��ing si�ch �ermits aud licenses. Co��tracto�� sl�all payall governrnentai charges a��d iuspectiati fees �tecessa�'yfo�'tk�e ��•oseci�tiox� of tl�e Woz'k wh[cl� are applicab�e at the ti��ie of op�niijg of Bids, or, if tl�ere are no Bids, an the EfFect�e Date of the Agreeane��E, e.cee��t faz� pe�����its pro�ided by the City as s�ecified iEz G.09.B. City shall pay ali clfarges af utility owne�•s for coni�ectiai�s fat• p�•avic�ic�g pez•��aaaez�t se�•vice to the Wo�•k. B. City oGttri�tedpe���nits ar7d licerrses. City will abtain and pay for all E�ez•�xlits a��d licenses as pi•ovided fot' in the Suppl�me�rtaiy COl7CIlii0I15 Ol' C01it1'c3Cf DOCUIll£I1tS. T� wili be the Cot�h•actot•'s respansihility ta carry out tl�e pro�isio��s of tlie pei•mit. If the Co��h•acto�• iiii�iates changes to the Co�ztract and the City approves tl�e changes, ti�e Ca�itracto�• is respoz�sible fox• obtaic�i��g clea��ances at�d coordinating with tl�e appropriate regt�latory agency. The City will no� rei�7�be�rse tlie Co�}tractor far aify cost assaciated wiHi these �•equire�nents of any City acq��ir�d �et•i��it. The following a�•e pet�Rnits tl�e City vvill obtain if x•equiz•ed: 1. Texas Department af Ti�a��spo�•tation Permits 2. U.S. Ar�nyCoi'ps of En�it�eers Permits 3, Texas Ca��imissio�� an Enviro��mental Qi�ality Pe�•xnits 4. Rail�•aac� Con�p�ify Pei•�nits C. OarTsta�7�ing pej•nrits aj�d Iicef7s�es. Ti�e City a�iticipates acquisition of and/oi• aceess to �ermits and licenses. Airy outstaudiiig ��e��mits and licefises are anticipated ta be acqt�ired iE� accordance with the scl�edi�fe set forth in tl�e Supple��lentai•y Caai�liYio��s. Tl�e P�•oject Schedu�e subinitted by tl�e Cot�tracto�' iu accardance with tl�e Coiftract Docume��ts mi�st considet• aiiy oi�tstai�ding �er�f�its and lice»ses. U. l0 .Lc��vs alid Regzdatiajrs A. Coz�tractat� sl�all give all notices r�q��ired by a��d shalt co�nply with all Lativs a�id Regulations applicable to tl�e perinrinaizce of tl�e Work. Except wlzere oti�erwise eYpressly required by applicable L�ws and Re�;ulations, tl�e City shall not b� r�spoi�sible for n�o��itaring Co�at�•acto�•'s campliance with a�ry Larvs o�• Regulations. B. If Co��traetor �erforins any Work knowing o�• i�a�ic�g reasai� to knory tl�at it is co�it�•a�•y to Laws or Regulatioi�s, Coniractor shall �ear a11 claims, cosis, losses, and damages (incl�iding b��t not Iin�itec� to all fees and charges of engineei•s, architects, atEorneys, ai�d othe�• professionals and all c�1�YOF ra��� woa�rx STANDARDC�'JSTR[ICTION SPECIFICAT[ON I]pCUIv1k;N7'3 Itevisia��: �21 ao�zao-� G�NERAL CANDIF[ON S Page 2R of G3 coi�rt or �►'bit�•atiotZ or other disput� ►•esolutioft casts} at•ising ot�t of o�' z'elati��g to suc�i Woi•k. Howe�er, it shall not �e Contractor's respo�lsibility to make certain tlfat the Specifications at�d Di•a��i�zgs are i�� accordai�ce r�vitl� Laws and Regulatio��s, b�it this sl�all x�ot relie�e Co��t�•actor oi Coi�tractai•'s ol�ligations inicier Parag��ap�i 3.02. C. Changes in La��rs or Regulatio��s nat knawn at tl�e ti�ne of ope��ing af Bic3s having an effecton tt�e cost or time of �ae�'formance of tlie Woi•k �nay be tlse subject af an adjust�nent in Contt•act P�•ice o�• Canti•act Ti�ne. b.11 Taxe.r A. On a contract a«a�•ded by tlze City, at� ox�ganizatian whic}� qualifies for exemption purs��ant to Texas Tax Code, Subchaptet• H, Sections 15I.301-335 (as aE��e�ided}, tl�e Contractor �nay pu�•cliase, rent or lease all tnaterials, supplies axxd equipn�enE used ot• consumed in ti�e pez•forma��ce of this ca►�tract by issuiug ta l�is supplier a�z eYe��aptian cet•tificate ii� lieu of the tax, said exemption ce�ti�cate to comply �vitli State Comptrolfei's Ruling .007. Any such e�e�nption ce�•ti%cate issued ta tl�e Cant��acto�• iE� lieu of tiie taxshall be subject to anci sl�ali comply w�th ttie p�•o�ision of State Camptrollez•'s Ruli��g .011, a��d any otl�ei• appl�cable �•uli��gs pe��taining to the Texas Tax Code, Subc�iapter H. B. Texas Tax perinits and i��forinatio�t �nay be obtaiiZed fi•om: 1. Coi�ipt�•oller of Public Accounts Safes Tax Di�ision Capitol Statiotl f�USt111, Tx ig�l�; Oi' 2. htt�J/�vw�v.�vi��do�v.state.tY.��sltaxinfo/ta�fot'���sI93-for�ns.l�t��zl 6.12 Use of Site ar�d Otlaef• A1°eas A. Lrnritatiol7 c�ar Use of Site rmc� Ofher Areas: Coift�-actor sl�all confine co��st�•uctio�� eyui}�inent, ti�e stara�;e of materials and ec�uipment, a��d tl�e operatio��s of wo��keis to tlie Site atad other a��eas permitted by Laws and Regt3lations, and slfall nat t�ni•easonabty encu�nber the S�te ai�d other a�•easwitl� co��st�•�ict�on eqtiip�nent o�• otl�e�• �naterials ar equij����ej�t. Contractar sl�ail assume full responsibility for any da�nage to any such lanci o�• ai•ea, oj• to tl�e o��v��er or occupa�zt thez•eof, or of a��y �djacent la��d or areas resulfing fi•orn the pei'fo�'n�a��ce of tlie Wo�'k. 2. At any time wi�en, in the judgment of the C�ty, the Contractor i�as obst�•��etec� or closed o�• is carjyi��g on ope�•ations ic� a�artiott of a street, ri�l�i-of-way, o�• easemet�t greater tl�an is neeessa�y foc proper execution of the Wo�•k, the City �nay requice tl�e Contractor to finisl� the section a�� �vhich operations are i�f progress befo�•e work is con��n�nceci on any additional a►•ea of tl�e Si�e. ci�rYn� r•oR�r woRrx s�nr��Aanca�srxueT�arr srr;e�FicnTto� nocu�Er��rs Revi sian: WL3^�021 oa �z oo � i GEt�Ei2AL fANDfT10N 5 P �6e 29 ot G3 3. Sl3ould a��y Dai��ag� Claii» be n��de by a�iy stich owner or occt��a��t becatise o�tE�e per%�•���anc� of the Work, Contractor sl�all pran�ptly attei���t to resoive t1�e Damage Claim. 4. Pirrsuatrt ln Pcn�agraph t.21, Cafatractor sl�rrll ilac�em�trfy catd I�nlc! I�crrmles•s City, fi�onr a�tcl agai�7st all clatnrs, cosls, los•se,�, a�td dcnrtages ar�isil�g o ar! of or �'L'TQIl31g i0 Cfil}� CJCIl!]1 Ol' C1CI70)7, Iegal at� equitable, b��ouglat by a1�y strcl7 n�t�j7er or occupertrt agcrrt�s! Ciry. B. Relraava! of Debris Dtn•i�tg Pelfot�uttrrtce of tl�e Woj�k: Duriug the pt•ogress of t��e Work Contractor slaall kee� tl�� Sit� and other areas free fi•oc�� accuE��u}atio��s ofwaste n�ate�•iais, ��uhbislti, and other clebr�s. Removal a��ci dis�osal of such �vaste mate��ials, �'ubbisl�, atid other deb��is sl�all conform to applicable Laws a��d Regulations. C. Site Mcri�7fe�7crj�ce Cleatring: 24 hot�rs after written ��atice is gi�ezi to the Coniractai• tl�at the cEean-tip on ti�e job site is proceeding in a n�aa�tte�• ua3satisfactory to the City, if tl�e Contractor fails ta caa'�•eci the unsatisfacto�y procednre, the City may take s��ch dfrect actioz� as tt�e City de�ms appropriate to cot•rect the clean-up deficie�icies crtet� to Yl�e Contractar in tlie written notice (by leltei• or e�eet►•onic cott��n�u�icatio�t), ai�d the casts oi such direct action, �lus 25 % of st�ch casts, sl�all he deducted fi•om the monies due or to becon�e due to ti�e Co��t�•actor. D. Final Site Clec��tit�g: P�•ior ta Fi��al Acceptance of t1�e Work Co��tractoe shall clea�i the Site and the Wa►•k and �i�ake it ready for utiliz�tifln by City or adj�ce��t pro�erty aw��e�•. At tlte co�a�pletiati of the Work Conti�actor shall re�nove fra�u the �ite all tools, appliai�ces, construction ec�uipment ai�d machinet•y, and surplus zx�ate�•ials ai�d sl�all r�stor� to origi»al COIIC�ItEOIl or bette�• al( property disturb�d by the Work. E. Locrrli�ag St��uet�n•es: Cont�•aetot• shall not �oacl nor per�nit any pa��t of any striieh�re to be loaded in any ��am;et• ihat will endanget• tl�e steEichn•e, nor shal[ Cont�•actor s��bject at�y �3a�•t of tf�e Work or adjacent property to stresses or presse�r�s tl�at will endatige�• it. 6. l3 Recor�d Docan�tents A. Coiitractor sl�ail n�ai�ftain i�i a safe place at#he Site o�- i�� a place clesignated by tlie Coiitt�actor a�id ap��rov�d by the City, o�ie (1) i•ecord copy of all Dj•ati�ings, S�ecificatio��s, Addettda, Cl�a��ge Oi•ders, Field Oi•ders, and written iijtezpretatioits a��d clarifications ic� �ood ordea• and a�3notated to show chsnges made du►•ing coz�st�'uctio��. These record docume�its together with all app�•oved Sat���les and a eo��nterpai•t of all acce}�teci S�ib���ittals will be available to City fo�` refeeence. Upa� co�n��etion of tEle Work, ti�ese z'eca�'d docua��et�ts, atry, O�}EI'c�t1011 and mau�tenance tna�iu�ls, anc� Sub�nittals will be deIiv�red to City prior to �'inat Inspectio��. Conteactor sf�all incl�2de accu�•ate Iocatio»s for buried a��c� im6edded items. G.14 Safelya�r�lP�•nteclio�i A. Contractar sl�all be solely �•es�ansible fot• ia�itiafi��g, tnait�taiE�iE�g and supervisi��g alE safety �a�•ecautions and programs in cojuiection wiNi the Work. S��ch respansibility does tiot r�lieve Sui�coi�t��actoE�s of theii• responsibility for tlie safety of pe�•so�is or property in the performance of tE�eir wo�•k, nor far coi���iiaa�ee with applicable safety Laws and Regulations. Co��h•actor s1�a11 CITY OF POfZT WORTH STANDARDCO�iSTRUC7i0N SPECiFICAT[ON I]OC[]MENTS [te�isio:i: 82�OZ1 aa �2 00 - i GENERALCONDITIOMS Page 3D of G3 take all ���cessa�'y p�'ecautions for tl�e safety of, a�sd s1�a11 pravide t��e �iecessaiy pt'otectio�l to preve�ft damage, i��jury or loss to: 1. alE ��ersons o�i the Srte o�• wha �nay be affected by tlie Work; 2. all tlie Work ai�d tnate�•ials and ec�uipment to be i��cor��o�•atecl thereiiz, whetl�e�- in storage oz� or off tlie Site; a�zd otl�e�� property at the Site ar adjacent thereto, including tt•ees, shrubs, lawi�s, walks, �ave�nents, roadways, stciict�r�s, ritilities, and Undergi•ou��d �acilit�s itot desi�iated for re�nova;, relocatiot�, o�� rep�acemeni in t9�e course of coa�st�•t�ctioz�. B. Conta�actor shall comply with alf applieable Laws and Regulations relating to tl�e safety of persons or property, or to tlae p�'atection of pet•sans or property fi•oan da��}age, inj��E�y, ar loss; and si3all erect and maiiztain aii necessa►y safegua�•ds for sucii safety and protectio��. Co�itractor shall �toiify ow��ers af adjaeent property and of Ut�de��gt•ou��c3 �aeilities anci otl�er utility ow��ez•s wk�en pras�cution of tl�e Work �nay affect them, and shall cooperate with tlzetn in the p�•otection, re�naval, ��elocatia��, aiid replacement of th�i�• prope��ty. C. Coi�tractor sllall com��ly with tl;e appi�cable �•equi►•��nents of Ciry's safety prag�•aaa�s, if a»y. D. CQnti•actor• sl�all ii�form City af tl�e specific requi�•e�nents of Contractoz•'s safety progra�n, if a��y, witli wlaich City's em�loyees and �-epres�ntat[ves �nust co3np�y �vhile at the Sit�. E. All damaga, injury, or loss to any propet•ty refer�•ed Eo i�� Pa�-agrapl� 6. I4.A.2 ot• 6.14.A.3 caused, d'u•ectly o�• indi�•ectly, in whole or in part, by Caz�tz•acto�•, any S�ibco��tractor, Su�pli�r, o�• a��y otlier indiv�dual or entiry d'u•ectly or ixxdirectly employed by any of tl�e�n to �erforin a��y of the Work, or anyo��e fo�• whose acts any of tiiem may he liable, sl�all be re�nediec� by Co��tracto�•. F. Cot�tractor's duties and responsibil�t�es fo�• safety and for protection of ti�e Wot•k shalf co�rtinue until s�ich tit��e as a1l t1�a Work is co�nplet�d ai�d City }las accepted tl�e Work. b.15 Safety Rept�esel�tatire Cont�•actor shall i�iform City i�i wi•iting of Co�itractor's desig��ated sa%ty represe»tati�e at the Site. 6.16 HClZC77'CiC0111I1t11311CQi1071P1•ogt�anys Co�it�•actor shall be �•espa��sible for coordi��ating any excl�a�3ge of material safety da#a sheets or oti�e�• haza�•d co�t�municatio�� i�fformation r�qui�•ec3 to be made availab3e to or exchanged between oi• a�nong employers in accordat�ce with Laws or Regulations. b.17 Ej�ie�ge�rcie.s altd/o�• Rectrficatlost A. I�� etnerge�icies affectin� tlze safety o�• pratectio�� of pe��so��s or the Woi•k o�• pa�operty at the Site o�• adjacent t��e�•eto, Co��traetor is obligated to act to p�•event tl�reate��ed damage, i��j�r�•y, o�• loss. Contraetor sl�all give City �ro�n�t written natic� if Co��tractar l�elieves that a»y si��ificant C3T Y QP P QFtT WORTEi STANDARDCO,'JSTRUCT[�N SPECIF[C�ITiON DOCEJMENTS Revision: 82i2D21 oo�zao-� GENERAL CONDITION S Page 3 E of 63 cl�a��ges in tE�e Wo�'k or variations fi�om the Cantract Docim�ents l�ave been caused tl�ei•eby oa' a�'e rec�uireci as � resu3t thereof. If City determi►ies tlaat a claange iu tl�e Co��t�'act Dact�E��e��ts is t�ec���ired beca��se of t[le aetio�f fake�t by Co��h'actor i�� respo��se to si�eh an emerge��ey, a Cfi�n�e Orcfer ��iay be iss��ed. II. Slfoulc� tl�e Contracto�' fail to res�oi�d to a request ii•o�n tl�e City to cectify any discrepa��cies, o�a�issions, or carrectio» necessary to canform wit�� the ���yuire���e��ts of tl�e Coz�tt'act Doc�iE��ents, tlte City shall gNe tlie Co��tractat• written tiotice tt�at suclz work o�• chai�ges are to 6e pe��foriy�ed. Tl�e written ��aiice sltail di�•ect atte��tion to the discrepai�t conditio�� a�td request th� Contractor to take t'emediai actio�s to correct the co�3ditio�Z. In tiie e�e2st ti�e Caxit►'acto�' does not take positive steps to fulflt tllis written raqt�est, ar does ��at show just ca��se for nQt taki�sg the p��o��ei• action, witlirn 24 hot��•s, tl�e City tnay take such retned�al action witit City forces or by contract. The City sh�ll deduct an amoi�nt equal to the entire costs for sucl� remedial action, pIt�s 25%, fi'or�� any fi�i�ds due or t�ecame d�ie t��e Cantractai• on ih� Pro�ect. 6.18 Sarbnrrticrls� A. Cai�t�'actor sl�all subit�it required �ubn�ittals to City for i•eview and accepta��ce iE� accardat�ce witl� the acce�ted SehecfuIe of S��bmittals (as reqt�ii•ed by Pacagra�li 2.07). Each submitkal will be identifiect as City �nay rcq��ire. l. Si�bt��it n��mt�er of copies speci%ed in tlie Geuei•al Require�nat�ts. 2. Datasi�own o�a tlae S�ib�»itials will beco���plete with respectto q«a��tities, di�ii�ns�ans, specified pe�-formance and cfesign criterEa, materials, and si���ila�' c�ata to sl�aw City t[ie seivices, �naterials, a�id ec�uip�iieaat Contractor pt•oposes to pravide and ta enabte City to revie�v t��e infoz•tt�atioi� fo�� the ]i�nited pnrposes required by Paragra�l� 6,18.C. 3. StiUmitta�s stib���it�ec� as he��ein �ll'OV1C��iI by Conit•actoi• and t�e��etived by City for co�ifor�i�a��ee with tl�e design cancept shall be executed iil cotiforj��ity witi� the Coa�tt'act Dactt�ne�3ts unless ot(}erwise reyt�ired by City. 4. Wlte�� Stt6�nittals are submi�fieci far the }�u��pose of sl�owing tl�e iustallatiat� itt greater d�tail, thei�� revie�� sliall not excuse Coiitractar fi•o��� z•eq►�i�•eme��ts shown o�� tl�e Drawings and Speci�catio��s, 5. For-I»fori��ation-Oniy submittals upon wlfich tl�e City is not expected ta condEict review or take responsi�e action ���ay be so idea�ti�ed ii1 ti�e Co��tract Documents. G. Su6mit r•ec�uired E�u�nbet• af Samples s�ecified i�� t13e Speci�cations. 7. Clea�•Iy identify each SampEe as to �nateria�, Supplier, �ertine��t data sucl� as catalog �iumbers, t�ie use for whiclf ii�tenc�ed and okl�er data as City may req��ire to e�aable City to review the s�tbi�iittal fo�• tiie li�nited purposes reqi�ired by Paragrapl� 6.18.C. CI"['YOF FORT LVORTH STAIdDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIF]CATIO� DOCUMEbi7'S Revision: WL�D2k flo �z aa - s GENERAL CANDITION 8 Pnge 32 of 63 B. W1�er� a S��bmittal is ►-equired by the Contt•act Dacu►t�e�fts oi• the Scliecii�le of S��bmittals, a��y re�ateci Work perfot•ined p�'io�' to City's re�ie�v a»c� acceptance of tl�e �}e�•tiiie�it submittal �vill �e at the sole eapense az�d respo�}sibiiity of Co�ltractor. G Ci�y's Revre���: City will �ro�ide ti�3�eiy �•eview of req��it•ed Su6mitta�s in accai•dance �vitli tl�e Sci►ed�tle of Sut��t�ittals acceptabt� ta City. City's revie�� and accepta��ce will be o��ly to determii�e if khe items covered by ti�e s�Ebmittals wifl, after installatioa� o�• i►�corporatioE� in ti�e Work, eonfo��m to the i��fo�•ia�atioia give�� i�i tlie ContractDocu»jents a3�d be compatible with ti}e desig�� cot�ce}�t of the completeci Project as a functEoniE�g ��hale as ij�dicated by tlae Co��tract Dac���nents. City's revie�v and acceptance will not extend to �neaiis, ��ietlfads, tecl�niques, seq��e�lces, or pi•ocedu�•es of constructio�t (except wl�ere a pa��ticu�ar means, method, techniq�e, seqi�eitce, oi• proceclu�•e of construction is specifically and expf•essly called for by tf�e Co��t��act Docu►z�e��ts) or ta safely ��recautions o�• programs i�acic3et�t tite�•eto. Tf�e review ai�d accepta�xe of a separate iten� as such will ilot ind�cate approval of the assembly i�� wl�ich the item fiuictions. City's �•eview atad acceptance sl�all not relieve Cantractor fi•om respoijsibility for a�fy var�ation fi-om tl�e requirements of the Co�itract Docui��ents ��r�less Co��t�•actor has complied wrth tl�e require�nents of Seetio�� Ol 33 00 and City has gi�en w��itten accepta�ice of each such variation by specific writte�� notatiQ» thereof incorporatad in or accoznpa��yi►�g the Sub�nittal. City's rev�aw and acceptance sl�all not relieve Contractoj- from responsibility fo�• co�»�lyiii� with the requirements af the Coniract Docume�iEs. b.19 C011t111t1111�1I?C' WOI�k Except as otherwise pravided, Co��tracto�• shall ca�•iy oz� tl�e Wa�•k a�zd adhere to the Project Schedu�e de�ri��g all disp�ites ot• disag�•eeinents with City. No Work shall be delayed oi• postpo�z�d pe��dii�g resolut[an of aiiy dis}�utes o�• disagi•eeme��ts, eacept as City ax�d Cont�•actor may ati�erwise agree i�� writiffg. 6.20 Contf�actor's Gelaejcrl Wurj�rnrly rr��d Gt�aj�arrtee A. Co��t��actor warrarrts and guarantees to City that all Woz�k will be ii� accardance with tl�e Contract Doc��ments a��d will ttot be defective. City and its officers, directors, members, pat���ers, empIoyees, ag�nts, consultants, and subcontE�actars si�all be entitled to rely an cepresetatatiatl of Conti�actor's �va�•i•anty and guara�atee. B. Co►itractor's «a►•ranty a�id �uarantee hareti��dej• excludes defects or damage caused by: abuse, maciificafiio��, or i��iprope�• �nai��tenaifce or operatioi� by pea�sons otl�e�• t��an Co��h•actor, St�bcontractors, Sup�lie��s, ar a�ry otl�e�• it�divxlua 1 or entity for whom Cantractoi• is respo��sible; o�• C l'i Y OF FORT WOR'CH STArIDARDCp\S`CRIJCT]ON SPECIFiCAT10�' DOCUMENTS Re�ision: R'Z.i'X121 oo�zoo-� GENERALCONDITIOtJ S Page 33 of G3 2. na��mal ��ear and tear u��der normat t�sage. C. Cont��acta�•'s obligatio�� to �e�•fo�•�aa and co���plete tl�e Work in accordat�ce witls tt�� Ca��tract Docun�e��ts si�aI{ be absoiute. Noi�e of tt�e fol�owic��; wili co��strtute a�� acceptanca of Work that is �iot in accorc�ance 4�itl� the Co��tract Doc�tme»ts ar a release of Co�itt'actar's obli�;atio�t ta pea�faz•��� tiae Wark in accordance with tfie Contract Dacu���ents: 1. o6se�•vatio��s by City; 2. reco�umendation oi• �ayment by CiEy af any �rog�•ess o�• final payment; tl�e issuance of a cei�ti�cate af Pinal Acce�tance by City or any payi��e��t related tl�ereto by City; 4. t�se o�' occupancy of the Work or any part tkiereof by City; 5. auy i•e�i�w and acceptance of a Stibif�ittal by City; 6. any i��spection, test, or appi•oval by otkiers; oi• 7. az�y correction of c3efectiv� Work by City. D. Tl�e Cont�•acto�� shall ►•emedy az�y defects ar c3amages ii� tlfe Waz•k a��d pay fo�• a�fy dac��age to aHter woi•ic or p�•operty �•esulting tlierefroin wl�ich shall appeai• witl�in a period of two (2) yeai•s fi�o�n the date oi Pinal Aeceptauce of the V1roi•k ��niess a lo��ger pe��iod is specified a�id sl�all fuc��ish a good ai�d s��fficient mai��ten���ca �onc�, co��3plyi��g wiilf tl�e �'equire3aaents of A�'ticle 5.02.8. 'I'lae City will give notic� of observ�d d�fects wi�(� reaso��able p�•oinptness. 6.21 IEicle�nnificatio�i A. Conte�aetor efl�enants ancl agrees to inde�nnify, l�alcl l�ai•mtess anr� clefenc�, at its o�Hf ex�ense,the City, its officeis, servants a�id eml}loyees, �i•o�n a�tc� �gai�ast a��y a�t[l all elaiaa�s a��isiug o�rt of, ar aCCegecl to ae�se out oi', tlie �voriz and setviees to lie ��erfo�•�t�ecl by tl►e Co��tt�actoi•, iis office�s, agenfs, enj��loyees, subeo��tractois, licenses or i�ivitees r�nc3e�• tl�i� Co��tr�act. { < � < + � �PTR AT� A,lYR �� ��'�'�CTTVC EVGN TF IT TS ALLE(YTD OR PROVFN THAT ALL ClR SnMF, nF THF, i)AMA(iF,fi RF.7N[T �(}�T{THT WT:RT C:ATT�F.T)� IN WHnT,F, nR iN + + ; s . Tliis i�ulemnity p��ovisio�i is iutenc�ecl to inclu[!e, witl�ouf li���itatio�i, inde��nity for costs,ex��enses a��d legal fees inciu•red by tlie City in cieFendii�g agai��st sucl► clai�ns aricl ca��ses af actia��s. B. Conti�cforcove�Eants and agrees tn ieiden�nifyaud ho[c� harniless, atifs o�v�i ex��ensc, tl�e Cify, its officc �s, setvants a�icl eEn��loyees, fi•om asicl agaieist auy a��c� all �oss, clan�age o�� destz•uctio�► of ��x�opea•ty of ti�e City, aersii�g onf of, or allegecl in ai�se o��t of, tl�e ��ork aeid sezvices ta E�e pei�farrned Uy fEie Co�►ti�actoi•, its o�cets, age��ts, employees, s��bcontracto�s, licetisees a�• i�fvitees ���zcie�• tl�is Ca��t��ct. + CiT Y OF P ORT �VORTH STANDARDCO�LS7RUCT[ON SPEC[FICATIO� DOCiJMENTS Revisia�4: 82�2021 OD7200-1 GEt�ERAL CON� ITION S P�ge 34 of 63 ' \ \ i � / �� i S l\ i i A ,� \ 1 �: t f / \ .: . � i �1A � . :11: � 1 � !'1■ ./ C i �, ■/• � t ► ': ► i :\ !1 /► � � \ ► � � 6.22 Delegalio�t nf P�•ofession�l Desiglt Ser'V1C�s A. Contractor will ��at be �•equired to provide p��ofessional design services unless such se�-vices a�� speci�cat[y t'ec�tri�•ed by the Contract Docii�ne�its for a�ortio�� of tlie Wo�•k o�' i�nless such services at•e requi��ed to ca��ryout Ca�itractor's responsibilities for constructio» �neat�s, met(�ods, tech��iques, seqi�e�ices az�d proced«r�s. B. If professional desigt� se��vices or carti%cations by a ciesign professioz�al related to systems, materials or ec�uip�7ient a��e s�eci�cally �•equi►•ed of CorttR'actoz• by the Conteact Docutnents, City will specify all pei•for�nance atad desig�� cr�te�•ia tl�at si�cl� seivices must satisfy. Contractor shall ca�se sucli scrvices or certificatio�is to be �rovided by a p�•operly Iiceixsed pz�ofessional, whose sigi�atu�-e and seal shall appea�• on all drawings, calct�latio»s, specifications, cei�ifications, and Subinittals p�•epared by stich �j�ofessio��al. Sut�mittais related to t��e Work designed o�• ce�•ti�ed by s��cl} pro%ssio��al, if ��repared by otEiers, s�1a11 beaz• sucl� p�•ofessionaPs w�•itten app�•ovaI wlien s�binitted to City. C. City shall be entit�ed to rely upaii tEie adeqt�acy, acctt�•acy and complete�iess of tl�e services, certificatioi�s or approvals �et•for�ned by sucl� design professionals, pro�ided City has specifieci to Co��tractor perfarmance and desigu criteria tl�at suc�� se�vices tniist saiisfy. D. Pu�'sua��tto this Paragrapl� 6.22, City's review atZd accepta�ice of desigt� catculations ai�d desigi� dra�vings will be ovly for the lvnited purpose of cl�eckit�g fo�• conformance with perfor•tnance and desi�i critai•ia gi�en a��d tiie desigt� concept expressed i�s tlfe Contract Docuinents, City's re�iew and acceptance of Sub�nittals (except design calcu�ations aud design d�•awi��gs} will he only fo�• tlie purpose stated i» Paragraph 6.18.C. 6.23 Riglat to Ar�dit A. The Conti�actot• ag�-ees that tl�e C�ty sifall, uutil tl�e expiratiot� of three (3) years after final p�yine�it under tE�is Cotit►'ac#,1�a�ve access to a��d tiie rigl�t to exainii�e and a�hotocopy aiiy cli�•ectly pertic�e��t boaks, documants, papers, a�id j-ecords of the Cont��actor ii3volving h•ansactiozas relat�n� to this Conh•act. Contractor agrees that tl�e CiEy sl�al[ have access durii�g Regular Working Hours ta al1 ��ecessa�•yCoa�tractoi• facilities a��d si�ali �e pro�ided adequate and approp��iate ��voa•k space lIi OI'd�2' CO COI1dliCi c1UCIi�S in co�nplia��ce wi�h ti�e p�•ovisiot�s of tlyis Para���apli. The Ciry sl�all �IVO C011�!'aGtiOl' t'eaS011�i��e aC�V1i1C� 110t1Ce O� II1t011ded allC�liS. B. Cont��actor• ffirtEfer agrees to includ� i�� ali its s��bcoz�t�•acts her��inder a provisio�f to ti�e effect tiiat the siibcozxi�•actoa• ag�•ees tl�at the City s�iall, �mtil the expi��ation of three {3) years after• �i�al pay�ne��t unde�- tifis Cont��act, ha�e access to and the riglft ta exatni��e at�d pllotocopy any dii•ectly perti��ent baoks, dacu���ents, papers, and reco�•ds of sE�cii S��bcoi�traetor, i�rvolving h�ansactions to the subcantract, and it�rtlier, t13at City shall have access during Regular Working Hours to all C!T Y 0�' FORT WORTH S?ANUARDCO�STRUCTIO,�' SPECE£ICAT[ON DOGUMENT$ RevisiaEr B732021 407200-I c�����co�voir�orrs �'age 35 nf G3 Si►bcontractor facilities, and sl�all be p�•ovided adequate anc� appi•opriate �voek space i�� oi•der to conduct TlICIktS i►� COIt1�J�fa11C0 witi� the pro�isions of tl�is Parag�'aplt. TIIe City sl�all give St�bcont�•actor reasonable ad�ance notice of i��teiaded ai�dits. C. Cont�•actor �nd Subcoiiti�actor ag�•ee to �hotocopy such documeifks as ���ay be �•equest�d E�y tlie City. Tlie City agrees to reimburse Co3�tractot' fot• tlte cost of tl�e copies as falEows at tl�e rate p�iblisl�ed iE� tlfe Texas AdmiE►istrative Code in effect as o� the time capying is performed. G.24 �C311C�ISCi'1111117fltTOi7 A. The Ciry is ��espflnsihle for operatiug Public Transpo�•tation P�•ogra�t�s a��d i�npiemeiitiE�g transit- related prajects, wlfich a�•e ft�nded ia part witl� F�d�ral fi��ancial assistattce awarded by the U.S. De}aa�•ti��ent of T�•ansportation and tlie Feclei•al T�•ansit Adt��inisti•atian (FT�-1}, witl�ottt discri�ninating against a��y pet•son in the United States aia the basis nf �•ace,coIor, or national origi�f. B. Title VI, CI1�II R7gI?JSACt Of I965� CIS L1i172i?L�BCT' COritC1Cf01' S�la�� COt11�ty W1fi1 til� 1'OC�L]ICBIT1011t3 Q� the Act and the Reg��lations as fii�•the�• def�ned i�� tl�e Su�plezt�e�tta�'y Conditions for a�ry �roject recei�ing �ederal assistai�ce. ARTTCL� 7-- OTH�R WORK AT TH� SIT� 7.01 Rc�Ictted Work at Site A. City ���ay pet•fa�•m otlte�• wo�'k �'el�ted to tlte Project at the Site with City's employees, ar ot(�er City contractors, oc i}�raugh other• direct coiztracts t�ierefor, or l�ave otliet• work pe�'for���ed by ittility owners. Ii such otlier woi•k is 3�ot noted in tl�e Co2�t�•act Docume�fts, tt�ett written tiotice tl�ereof wifi be giveii to Cai�tracto�• p�•io�• to startit�g any si�cl� otlier wark; ai�d B. ContE•actor shall affoj�d eac�� otlier co��h•acto�• wlio is a party to sttcl� a dii•�ct co��tract, eacl� i�tifity owiier, and City, if City is pe�•fo�•xnii�g other work with City's employees or otEier City cantracto�•s, p�•opet• and safe accesstothe Site, p��ovide � reasoc��ble o��o�•tui�ity for the i�itroductiaR� a��d storage of i7�aterials and ec�ui�ment at3d the execution af sucla atf�e�• wox�k, ancf p�•opej-ly CODI'C�it18C� tl�e Woi•k with theirs. Cattt�•actot• sl�all do all ciitting, %Etiiig, ��id �atching of the Woi•k tl�at inay be �'eqt�iretE to properly connect ar otlzet�wise make its several parts cam� togethe�• and p�•n�erly integrate witlt sucli other work, Contracto►• shall not eaadan�;e�' ai�y work of otl�ei•s by ctttting, excavatiitg, Ol' Ofll�l'WISE c�ItEl'3i3� SIiCIl WOI'IC; pravided, ]�oweve�•, t���t Contracto�• may cut ar alke�' oNfers' work with the written consent of Ciry a��d the others whose wark wiEl be affected. C. Iftlfe pi•ape�• execittiozi o�• �•esults af any part af Contracto��'s Ww�k depends upon work performed by otliers u�zder tE�is Article 7, Co�it��actor s��all inspect s�ich otl�ei• work a�td ��x'o����tly report to City i�� writii�g any delays, defec#s, oi' de�cieticies in such other work that re��der it ut�a�ai�abie or €Ensuitable far tkie proper exect�tian and i•esults of Co��t�•actor's Wark. Cant�'acto�''s failtt�'e to so re�ort �vil1 constitute atl acce�ta�ice of suclz otlfer work as �t az�d }��•oper for i��tegratio�� witf� Co�itractor's Woz'k except fo�' latei�t defects iEi tlze wo��k p��avided by others. CI"f Y OF i�OR9' 4VOR7'H STANDARDCQ�iSTR�JCTIDN SPFC]FICATIO,! D(3CUMENTS Revision: WL�i7A21 fl07200-3 GENERAL CONQIT16tJ S Page 36 of G3 %.OZ C007'CIAlCl1T011 A. If City i�itettds to cont��act �vith athers for tiie pe�•for�nance af otl�e�' woa•k on tlze Project at the Site, the followi»g ��vill be set fo�•il� in SuppEementaiy Co»ditions: ]. the indiviclua I or entity wito will l�ave a��tl�o�•ity ai�d responsibility for coordi��atior► of the acii�ities ainong tlfe �variaus contractois will be icfeiitified; 2. the specific matte�•s to be cave��ec� by sucll as�ti�ority anci responsibility wili be item�zet�; aa�d 3. tlte eatent oi such authority and respansibilities will be providec�. B. Unless otherwise provided in the 5c�ppleme��ta�y Caj�ditio2�s, City s��all l�a�e authority for stzch coordinatio�f. ARTICL� 8 -- CITY'S RESPONSIBILITI�S g.�l COI)11171l1T1CplTOI?S IO C077i!"LICt01' Except as othe�l�vise pravided in tlte Supple�nenta�y Conditio�3s, City shall issue all cor��z��ul�ications ta Conkcactoz�. 8.02 Firrlaisl� Data City shall timely fu�•nish t(ie data a•equia�ed ttnder the Co��h-act Dacuineifts. $.03 Pc�y W17e1� Dtre C�ty shall znake payments to Conh�actor in �cco�•eiance with Article 14. 8.04 L�r�tds� artd Easeltter�ts; Re�o��ts a�ad Tests City's duties with respect to p�•ovidi��g latids a��d easen�ents anc3 p�•oviding engineari�fg surveys to establEsh �•efe�•ence poiiits are set fortl� iu Paragra}�I�s �.01 and 4.05. Pa�•agc�aph 4.02 refe��s to Ciry's identifying a��d making availabfe to Contt�actor copies of repo��ts of explo��atio��s and tests of subsurfae� co�iditiaz�s a��d d�•arvi�fgs of physicai conditions relati��g to existi�fg surface a�• subs��rface st��uct��res at Ol' CO11fEgllflUS to the Site that have bee�� utilized by City ii� preparu�g the Co�itract Documents. 8.OS C1�aitge 4r•der�s City sl�all execute C}�a�ige Oz•ders i�1 accordance �vith Paragi•apl� 10.03. $.4G ha,spectiot�s, Tests, a�7d Approti�al.s City's responsibi(ity witl� i•espect to certain iuspectiaxas, tests, ancl approvaEs is set fortli in Pa�•ag�'apla I3.03. CITYOF �'ORT �VORTH STANDARDCO�STRUCTION SPECIFICATIOiJ DOCElM�t3T5 Revision: 8+�i'Z621 00 72 DD -1 GENERALCON�ITIONS Page 37 af f3 $.�� L11711IQ/1011.5 Olt C!/)� S RCSj)Oi1,57�JITlIlCS A. Tlae City sltall ��ot siEpe�•vise, direct, or l�ave cont��al or at�tho��ity over, nor be responsible far, Co�lt�•actoi•'s meays, n-�ethods, tecl���ic�ues, seque��ces, ar ��•ocedltres of co��stt'ttctio�i, ot• the s�fety p�•eca�►tians and ���•n��•aia�s i��cident H�e�•eto, oi• for any fail��r� of Contractor to comply with Laws a��d Regulations a�plicable to tlie ��ei•formance of tlie Wark. City will ��ot be respo»sibl� for ContE�actor's failt�re to perfo�•m th� Wark in accorda�;ce witl� the Co�itt'act Docu��eztts. B. City ��vill tiotify the Contractoi• oi applicable safery pla��s ptu-suant ta Paragra�h C.14. 8.08 Ur�clrsclosc�cl Haz�rrdotrs E�ti>rra�Tjarer�tal Cor�ditio�i City's i•esponsibility with respect to a❑ undisclosed Hazardo�is En�iroi�mer�tal Conditia�� is set �ortlt in Pa��a�;�•apl� 4.06. 8.09 Cotn,�lraf�ce �E�it1a Safely Prog�cnjr Wl�ile at the Site, City's employees a��d representatives sl�all comply witl} tlie specific applicable rec���i��eme3�ts of Co��tr�ctor's safety pro�rams of which City I�as been info�•��ied pua�suant ta Parag��ap[� 6. J4. ARTICL� 9— CITY'S OI35ERVATION STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.01 Crty'sPs•ojectMal�ager City will �rovide ane oz• c��a�•e Pz•olect Manager(s} during tise construction �eriod. The ciuties ai�d responsibilities and tE�e limitations of atttl�o��ity of City's Project Ma»ager dui•ii�g coE}structio�t are set forth in the Coi�tract Docu►ne��ts. The City's P�'aject Ma�tage�' fo�' tl�is Caniract is identified in tf�e Su�3ple�aaeatary Conditions. 9.02 Visits to Site A. City's P�•oject Manager will m�ke visits to tl}e Site at iutelvals ap�roprfate to the vai•iot�s stages of co��stri�ction as City d�ems necessary in order to abset've tl�e ���'agress tl�at has been tnade and tl�e quaiity of ti�e various aspects of Coish'acto�''s executed Work. Based on information obiai��ed rEurii�g s�ich visits a��d obser�atians, Cily's Pi�o�{ect Manager wi[[ deter�nine, i�� �enei•al, if the Work is praceedi��g in accot•dance witl� tha Contract Docutt�ettts. City's Praject Mana�er �v ill not be ret�uii•ed to make exlzat�stive or co��ti«��o��s ins�ectians on tl�e Site to cheek tlie c�uality o�• quantity of d�e Work. City's Project Managej•'s efforts will be directed tow�rd pt'oviclin� City a �reatea• deg�•ee of co�a�dei�ce tl�at the complet�d Wo�•k wi11 cflnfarm generatly to ti�e Coi�tract DOC11171ET1�S. B. City's Praject Maf�age�•'s �visiks a��d obsea�vatio��s are subject to all t1�e limitations on autl�ority and ��esponsibility iii the Cant►-act Documents including those set forth in �'ara�ra}�h 8.07. CITYO�' FORT �'JORTH S"fANDARDCOVSTRUCTION SPF.CIFfCATI(}N bOCUMENTS Revisian: $2�202E oo�zao-t GENERALCANpITIONS Page 38 of G3 9.03 Airtlan�'!ZG'C� TrCll'lC1I1077S 111 T�Yof�k City's Project Manager may authorize minor �ariatio��s i►� tl�e Wo�•k fi•o�n tlxe �•equi�•e�nents of the Contract Docti�ne��ts wi�icl� do �iot invol�e �11 aCl�l]SY111Erit lll tl�e Co��tract Pt�ice o�� the Contract Tim� a�aci are com�3atible wiih the design concept of the com�leted Projeet as a iiutctio��ittg wl�oEe as i��dicated by the Contract Daci�i�le�3ts. Tliese anay be acco�n}�lished by a Fielc� Ordei- anc� will be bindi��g an City and also 03� Co��t��actor, wlio sl3all perfo�•m tl�e Work iiivolved prom�tly. 9.Q4 Rejecti��gDefeclrve Wo�Ic City will have autlio�•ity to reject Wo�'k wl�icl� City's P�•oject Ma�zager beli�ves to be de%cti�e, or will not �roduce a completad Project that con%rms to the Co��ti•act Doc��mer�ts or tl�at will prej►�dice tlle i��tegrit�r of tl�e design co�ice�t of ti�e co���pleted P�•oject as a fi�t�ctiaz�ing whals as indicated by tl�e Co��tract Documents. City will Ifave autl�o�•ity to co�aduct special it�s�eciion or testiifg of the Wo��k as p�•ovided in Article 13, whetiier o�• not the Work is fabricated, instalfed, or co�npleted. 9.05 Deter�tatlt7atia�rs for I�ork Pe� fornaed Contractor tivill clete�•���i�ie tl�e act�ral qiratitities and classifications of Work perfarined. City's Project Managea• will review with Cont��actor the preli�nina�•y determinations on s��cl� n-►attei•s befo�•a t�e��de�•ii�g a written recom�nendatioi�. City's w�•itten decision will be �i�al (ea;cept as inodif�d to refleet changed factual conditio��s oz' �no�'e accurate data). 9.06 DeeisroJas o�a Rec�iriref�re3rts of Co��ts�act Doct�»�errls a��d Acceptabiliry of Wo1k A. City tivill 6e the initial intei��retei• of the rec��aireme�its of the Coijtract Dacutnents a�ad jtidge of ti�e acceptability of tl�e Woz•k tl�ereunder. B. Ciry «�ili render a wcitten decisiozi oz� a��y issue ceFerred. C. City's written decision o�i tl�e �ssue referred wi1( ba ���al and bit�ding oi� the Coiltractor, subject ta tl�e p�•ovisiazis of Parag�•apl� 10.Q6. ARTICL� 10 — CHANG�S iN TH� WQRIC; CLAIMS; �XTRA WORK i0.01 Attthorized Chcnages i�a t1�e YI'ark A. Witi�o��t invalidating tite Contract and witl�out notice to a��y sc�rety, City roay, at any tiine o�• fi•otn time to time, oi•der Extra Work. Upo�i ��otice o£ such Extk•a Wa�•k, Cont�•actor sl�af[ p�•o�nptiy pi•ocaed �vith the Wo�-k in�olveci ��l�ieh will be perfor•�ned uuder tl�e applicab�e co�fditiat�s of tlae Contract Docu�ne��ts (eYce�t as otElerwise specifically p�•ovicied}. Eatra Wa�•k sl�alf he ���emo�•ialized hy a Cltaaa�e �rder �vl�ich may or may nat p�-ecede an ot�der of E�tt•a work. B. �'oi• ininoi• changes of Woi•k z�ot req��iring cha��ges to Canti•act Ti�aae or Conti•act �'��ice, a F�e�d Ot•der may be issued by tl�e City. CITYOP FORT �VpR17� STANDARt]CONSTRUCTiO3� SPECIFJCAT[ON DOCU[JENTS Revision: 82.32021 OD 72 (?6 - 1 GENERAE CONDITIONS Page 39 of 63 10.02 Ufaautl�of�izecl Cla�r��ges rt� f1�e Wo�k Caiitractoi• shall �3ot 6e entitled to an increase ii� tlie Co��tr�ct Pt•ice or ar� extensio�i af tl�e Cont�'act Ti�ne witl� respect to any wo�'k perfat'ttled tlaat is not required by the Contrsct Dact�ments as amendec[, z��odified, oi• su�3pletnented as provided iu ParagE�apl� 3.04, exce��t i�i the case of an emergez�cy as �rovided in Paragra�h G.17. 10.03 E��c�ca�tio�r afCh�rj7ge O��ler•s A. City and Contraetor sl�ali eaecute apprapriate Ctta�ige Oa•dez•s coveri�lg: 1, cha��ges in the Work w}�icl� are: (i) orderecl by City p��rs��ant to Paragraph lO.OI.A, (ii) t•ec�uired �ecause of acce�tance af defecti�ve Wo�'k tt�ac3et' Pa�'agraph 13.08 or City's co�'�'eciio�� oi defective Work u��der Paragraph t3.09, or (iii) ageeed to by tl�e pa�•ties; 2. cl�anges i�t the Cont�'act P�•ice or Cotltract Ti���e wl�icii are a��eed to by the parties, incl�iding any unclisputed su�n o►• a�nau�lt of time for Work achially performed. �a.o4 Ea�r,�« wo,•k A. Si�ouici a c3ifference arise as to what does or cEoes not eo��stitt�te Exti•a Wo�•k, oz� as to ti�e �ay�nent tiiereof, and tE�e City iE�sists itpon its �ea'foz'tt�a�tce, flze Conh•actar shal( proceed witii the work after inaki��� wi•itten �•equest %i• written o��c�ers atld sl�all keep accurate account of tlie actua) �'easonable cost t�iereof. Coiitract Claims re�arding Extra Wark sha11 be nfade p����suant ta Pacagraph lO.QG. B. Tlte Co��tractor shali fii���3ish tl�e City such installatio�� t•ecords of al[ de�iatio��s fi•oiii ti�e origiE�al Cant�-act Dociiments as �3�ay be ��ecessaiyto enable the City to prepare for pe�•��aa�e��t �•eco�•d a corrected set of }�laz�s si�or�in� the actual installation. C. Tl�e compe�isatio�� ag��eed upoi► for Extra Woj�k wl�ett�et• or not i«itiated by a Claa��ge Orde�• shall be a ftill, coln}�lete at�d �a�ai ��ay�»ent for ali costs Contraato�• inc��rs as a resi3lt or relati��g to tl�e cltat��e or Extra Work, wheti�er saici costs are kuow��, Ei��ki�own, foresee�� ar ti��faresee�� at ti�at ti�ne, including without limitatio��, any costs for d�lay, extanded overl�eat�, �•i}7ple o�' it�tpact cost, or any athe�• effect o�l cl�aaa�;ed or uncha�3ged work as a resu[t of t��e change or Exh�a Wo�•k. I0.05 Notificalio�� to S�r�ety If tlae provisians of ai�y bond ��equire izotice to �e given to a sui•ety of any cl�an�;e affecti��g the general scope of tl�e Wo�•k or the provisioi�s af tl�e Contract Docuc�ae��ts (includiug, but not licnited to, Caz�t�•act Pz•ice o�• Co�at�•act Ti�iie), tlf� gi�i��g of a��y sticl� notiee will be Co��tractoi's res}�onsibility, Tlte amount of each applicable �oi�cl will be adjusted by the Coiitractor to reflect the effect of az�y sticl� chan�e. CITYOF FORT WOR7"f{ S'I'ANDARDCQvSTRllCTI�N SPECIF[CATION i�OCt1MENTS Revisiou: 8rL32021 oo�zao-� G�NERAL C4NDITION 5 Pa�e 40 of 63 1�.0G Co��tJ'C7C/ CILIl11lS P!'OCG'Ss A. City's Decrsio�� Req2�r�•eci: All Co�it►•act Clai�ns, except tl�ose wai�ed ���zesi�ant to Pa��agE�aph i4.49, sl�ali be referred to tlfe City for cl�cisic�n. A dec�sion by City shall be i•eqt�ired as a candition prec�de��t to any �tercis� by Contractor of any rights or remedies lfe �nay oti�erwise ilave uncler t91e Contract Dae��me��ts ar by Laws a►id Regu�atia��s i►� �•especY of sucl� Ca�it�•act Clain}s. B. Nolice: l. W�•itten �totice statii�g tl�e ge��eral nahi��e of eaclz Coiiteact Claim sl�all be delivared by the Cantracto�� to City ��o later ti3an 15 days afte�• the stax•t of tl�e eve��t givia�g x•ise tl�ereto. Tiie responsibility to substantiate a Contract Claim shail rest �vitl� the party inakiizg the Coi�tract CEai���. 2. Notice of the amotn-►t or exteiit of tl�e Cont�•act Claim, witl� supporti��g data sl�alf be delivered to t��e City o�� o�• befoz•e 4S days from the stai•t af tlie eve��t gi�uig cise thereto (unless fhe City allows additionai ti►ne for Contractor to suh�nit additional or more accurate data in suppoj-t of sucla Coz�t�•act Claiin}. 3. A Cont�•act Clai�n for au ad�ustment iii Co3�tract Price shail be prepa�•ed in accordance witl� tha �ravisions of Parag�•apl� 12.OI. 4. A Co�itz•act C1ai�n far a�f adjustn�ent in Coi�h•act TiEne sl�all be prepared i►z acco��da�ice with the provisions of Paragraplt 12.02. S. Eacl� Co��tract Claim sl�all be acco�t�paiiied by Contractor's written stateme�rt that the ac�justment claimed is tize entire adjust�i�ent to wl�ich tlie Cantractor believes it is entiiEed as a z•esult of said event. 6. The City shall submit any response to the Cont��actor ��vitlfin 30 days after recei�i oi the claimant's last sub�a�ittal (uc�less Cont�•act allaws ac�ditianal ti�ne). C. Cit}�'s Actiott: Ciry ��ill revie��v eaclt Co��tract Claim and, tivitlfi�i 34 days after receipt of the last submittal of ii�e Co��tracto�-, if a��y, take �ne of tl�e follnwing actions ii1 writing: 1. deny the Co�ftz•act Clai��� i�� �ylfo�e az• i►� �art; 2, app�•ove t(�e Contract Claim; or 3. ��atify tl�e Contractor tl�at tl�e City is u��able to i•esolve the Contract C�aini if, i�� the City's sole discretioa�, it rvot�ld be i��app��apz�iate for t��e City ta do so. For purposes of fu�•ther �•esolution of t�ie Co»ti•act Claim, suclz notica sl�all be deemeci a dei�ial. CITY OF FOR'I' WOR"i'H S3'ANDARDCO�SiRUCTiON S��CIFICA7'[ON DOCUiv1E1�iTS Revision: A7..��Q2[ na �z oo - i GEN�RAL CON(71710N 5 P��;e 41 of G3 D. City's writt�it action under Paragrapl� 10.06.0 will be fival and bi��di��g, unless City or Contrac#or involce the dispute resolution proceclure set fof•tl� iu Article i( tvitf�i�t 30 c�ays of sucl� actio�� o�• de��ia}. E. No Co3itract Claim foc an adjustme��t in Contract Price ar Cont��act Ti�f�e ��vilf he valicl if not s�ibznftted ik� acca�•daE�ce wit�� this Paragraph 10.a6. ARTICLE 1 I— COST OF THE WORK; ALLOWANC�S; UNIT PRIC� WORK; PLANS QUANTITYM�ASUR�M�NT 11.01 Cos1 of the Work A. Costs Ii7clarded: The term Cost of the Wark means the sui�j af �ll casts, exce�t tl�ose exctuded iu Paragraph 1 I.O1,B, ��ecessarily iucu�•t•ed a��d }aaid by Co��t�•acta�• ii� tl�e �ropet• pe�•formajle� of tl�� Work. Wi3en the valEle af airy Work cavered by a Cl�a��ge Order, the costs to be reiinb�irsed to Co��iractorwill i�e o��ly tl�ose additional or incremeE�tal costs req«i�•ed becat�se oftlte chaizge i►� the Woi•k. Such casts sflall ��at ii�cfuc3e any nf tlfe casts ite���ized i�a Paz•agraph I1.O1.B, and sl�all i�tclud� but �1ot b� lunited to tl�e %1lawing items: 1. Payroll eosts foi• emptayees i�� the clirect eanploy of Caz�tc•acto�• in the �erfo�•ii�ance of ti�e Work i�nder sct�edules of job classifications ag��eed upan by City and Contractor. Such employees shall incl��cie, �vitl�out li�nitation, su�eriute�ideiits, forernen, aixt othe�• persannel employed fu11 tic�ie o�� the Wo�•k. Pay��a11 costs fo�• e�aaployees ��ot en�ployed fi�i[ titne on tI1� Work shall he appottioi�ed o�t the bas�s of ti�eir ti�ne spe��t on ti�e Work. Payrall costs s}�all i�icl►�c�e; a. sataries with a 55% markup, or b, salaries and wages plEis tlie cost af fi•inge be��e�ts, wl�ici� slaall lI1CIlIdE soc�a( security co�itributions, ��nemplayn�e��t, excise, ar►d payroll taxes, workers' coin��ensation, 1iea1N� and i•etii•eme�it benefiis, bonuses, sick leave, vacation a�id lioliday pay applicable the�•eta. The expenses of performing Wo�•k o�itside of Re�trla�• Wof�kiiig Ha���•s, Weeke�ld Working Houi•s, or �egat i�olidays, shall be included in the al�ove to tl�e extent auti�o�•ized by City. 2. Cost of all n�ate�•ials and eq«ip�nent fi�r��ished and ii�cor�o��ated i�� tlie Work, i��ctudiug costs of tE•ansk�af•Eatio�� anc� stoi•age tl�ereof, and Si��pliecs' field se�vices required in coti��ectio�� therewitl�. 3. Rentals of all consti�i�ctian ec�uipment aiid ����chi��ery, and th� parts tliereof wEietlae�• �•e�ited fcom Contractor ai' atl�et•s in accai'dance with �•ental agreements appt-oved by City, ai�d tlie costs of transportatioii, loadi«g, tinloadi��g, assembly, dismantiiE��, and re�no�al thereof, All s�ich costs siiall be it� accoi•da��ce witE� the tet•ms of said rantal agree�neatks. Tk�e �'eaatal of a�1y sucl� eqt�i�nieizt, i��acl�ineiy, or narts sl�all ceas� wliet� the ��se iE�ereof is no longer necessary for t�le Work. CITYOP FpRT lVQRTH STANDAR�CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: 8r13202i OD72OD-1 c�N�w{�cc�Nnir�oNs Page 42 of 63 4. Fay�3�ents ��lade by Co��t��actor to Subconh�actars for Wo�•k performed by S��bcontractors. If rec���ired by City, Contractor shalE oUtai�i co���petiti�e bicis fi�o��i st�bcontractors acceptable to City and Contractoi• and sha11 delive�• such bids ta City, �vljo �vill tife�� determine, �vlfich E�ids, if any, will Ue acceptabie. If a►�y subco►�tract provides tliat th� S�i6co»tractor is ta be paid on ti�e basis of Cost oi the Wo�•k plus a fee, the SubcontE�actor's Cost of the Work a�td fee shail 6e determi�ted in the same �na��ner as Contracto�•'s Cosk af the Wark and fee as pi•ovided in tlfEs Paragrapll 11.D1. S. COSiS of special co�is��lta��ts (iracludiaag but not ]imit�d ta engineers, architects, testing laboratories, sutveyors, atfiorneys, az�d acco�i��tants) emp�oyed for services specifically ��elated to the Work. 6. Sup�le���ental costs i��eluding the following: a. The proportion of ��ecessai-y transportafion, travel, and subsistence expejises of Cont�•actar's employees incurr�d i» discharge af dL�ties con��ected ��itlf the Work. h. Cost, inciuding transportation and �naii�tenai�ce, of all materials, s�i}��lies, equipinent, machiiiez•y, appiEances, affice, and te���po�•a�•y facilities at tlae Site, a�id ha3ad taols not owned by tl�e workers, whicl� are consu�ned in tl�e pe�•formance of tl�e Work, a��e3 cost, less marke# �alue, of SElCil items used b�it not co3�sumed wl�ich remain tE�e praperty of Cont�•actar. c. Sales, co�isi2�ne��, �kse, c3I1CI Ot�101' Sltlllial' Contractor is liable not cove�•ed under ReguEatia�Is. taxes �•elated ta ti�e Wo�•k, a��d fo�• which Paragrapl� 6.11, as i�nposed by Laws and d. Depasits lost far causes otlfer than �iegligence of Contractor, a�ry Subcontractot•, ar a�fyone diE•ectly oi• i��directly e�n�layed by a�fy af the��� ar fc�i• wilose acts a�ay of tl�e�n znay be liable, and �•oyalty payinents and fees for pe;-mits and lice��ses. e. Losses and damages (arid a•elated e:�penses) cattsed by damage ta the Work, not compensated by i��surance o�• othe�tivise, sustained by Co��ti•acto�• in con��ection witEi tife pea•foz•maizce af tl�e Wo�•k, �rovided such losses a��d c�amages hav� i•esulted fi•o�� causes otlier tha�� tl�e ne�ligence of Contractor, any Subco��tractor, or a��yone ciirectly or i»diE•ectly employed by any of #l�ein or for ��hose acts any of tlfem may be liable. Such losses sl�all include settleme�its �nade with the wri�ien coijsent a»d a�p►-oval oF City. No such Eosses, damages, and ex�ei�ses shall be included in the Cost of tl�e Work far the purpose of detar•miE�ii�g Contractor's fee. f. Tl�e cost af utilities, fuel, and sa��itat•y facilities at the Site. g. Minor expenses such as telegt•a�ns, lo��g distance tele��lio��e calis, teEep��a��e a�id co����nuxaicatioaa se�•vices at tl�e Site, e�pz•ess a��c3 ca�i�•ie�• se�•vices, anci si�zzilar �tty casl� ite�ns in connection �vitii tlie Work. CITYOF FC3RT WORTH STANDARE3CO�STRUCTION SPEC[F[CATION �OCUMENTS Revision: R?32�21 007200-1 G�IVERAL CONDI710N S Page 43 oC 63 h. The costs of premi�ims fo�• all bands and ins��rance Co�ltractoe is t�ec�uirec� by tl�e Co��t��act Doci��nents to purchase anct maintai��. B, Cosls L'xcTt�clecl: Tl�e tern� Cost ofthe Woj•k shali r►ot include a�zy of tlfe followii�g ite�»s: Payroll costs a��d othei• eon�pensation of Conti•actor's of%cei•s, exec�►tives, principais (of pactnerships and sale pi•o�rietarshi�s), general manag��•s, safety mai�ag��•s, e��gi���ers, a�•claitects, esti�a�ata��s, attoz•��eys, audita�•s, accouc�ta�ats, pu��cliasing and ca��ti•acting age��ts, expediters, timekee�ers, cle��ks, and atl-�er personnel employed by Cojztractor, whetEier at the Site or in Contcactar's principal or branch office for general adu�inistrat�on of ti;e Wo�•k and i�ot specifically inclf�cEed iu the ag►•eed upo�i sched�►E� of job classificatiotis �•efe��red to in Paragraph 11.01.A.I or specifically covet•ed by Paragrapl� 11.O1.A.4, afl of wl�ich are to be co��sic�ered acEif�i»istrative casts cavered by tlfe Contracto�•'s fee. 2. Expe��ses of Conteactor's pf�ii�cipal ai�d b��anch offices other ti�an Cont�•acto�•'s of�ce at the Site. 3. Any pa�� of Contt•actoi's ca}�ital expenses, including i�1teE�est oi� Co�iti�actor's ca�ita] eE�iployed fax• tl�e Wo��k a��d cl�a�•ges against Contr•actar for delinq��ent pay�ne�its. 4. Costs dt�e to the »eglige��ce of Conti•actar, �i�y Subco��tractor, or a��yoi�e directly or iE�di�•ecily em�loyed by any of tl�em o�• for vvl�nse acts any of t}�eia� ���ay be liahie, IE1C�ilC�Ill�; �Llt 110� limited to, tl�e cot'�'ection of defecti�e Work, dis�osal of materials ae equip����nt wroiigly sup�lied, aE�d �»aking good ai�y damage to property. 5. Other overhead or gene�•al expense costs of auyki►�c�. G Car�tr�actr�y�'.s Fec: Wheti all t�ie Work is pet•foi•med a�f the basis of cost-�fus, Ca��ti•actoc's fee st�all 6e detenni�ied as set fortf� i�i the Agr�eif�ent Wl�eii the vaiEie of a��y Work covered by a Cl�ange Qrder for an ac3j�istme��t in Cont�•act Price is determined o�� tfie basis of Cost of the Woi•k, Con#�•actor's fee shall be deter��7ii�ed as set foz•ti� i�� PaM•ag�•a�l� 12.O1.C. D. Docanue�alalron: Wlienever tlie Cost of the Work for ai�y ��urpose is to be determi��ed pu�•s�ia��t to Paz•ag�•a�ltis I1.�l.A and 11.d1.B, Ca��t►'actot' wil[ establist� and maintain records thereaf in accordance with �enerally acce�ted accaunking p�'actices a��d subinrt i�� a foi•m acceptable to City an itemized cost breakdown togetilec witlz s��pporti��g data. 11.02 Allo�t�a�7ces A. SpecifiedAllo���a��ce: It is uc�derstnod tl�at Co��tracta�• has ii�cluded ic� tl7e Co��t�•act P�•ice all allowa��ces so t�amed i�z tl�e Co�it��act Documents and shall cause the Wo�•k so caverecl ta he perfor�ned for seich sums a��d by such pej�so►�s or e�itities as n�ay be acceptable to City. B. Pre-bic�t111a�varrce,r: 1. Cont�•actor agrees t��at: c�TYor FaR�e �vox�rx STANDAR�COYSTRIICT[ON SPEC[F]EhT10N DOCUME1+71'S Itevisian: 823'�21 ao�zoo-� G�N�RALCAND1710tJS Page 44 of 63 a. the �re-bid allo��ances i��cl�ide the cost to Contractor of materials anc� eq«ip�nent rec�uii•ed by tEie allow�i�ces to I�e delive�-ed at tlte Site, at�d all a��licabfe taxes; and b. ContE�acto�'s costs for ��i�laading at�d l�andli��g on tl�e Site, labor, ii�stallation, ove�'laead, }��•ofit, and ather expevses canteiizplated for the p��e-bic3 aliawances l�ave been iiicl�idec� in ilie aliowanees, aaad ��o c3ema�zd far additional payme�zt o» acco��nt of any of the foi•e�;oi��g ��vill be valid. C. Cotitinge�tcyAllo���al7ce: Coa�t�'acto�' ag�'ees tl�at a coi�tiiigency allowa��ee, if atty, is foi• tiie sole use af City. D. Priar to fii�al payn�e��t, a�� appro�riate CI�aiSge Or•de�• will be issued to reflect �ct��al amou��ts due Contracto�� an �ccaunt af Work covered by allo�vances, and fi�e Cant►•act Price sl�all he corres�o�fdingly adjusted. l 1.03 Uttit 1'rice Woj•k A. Wlie�•e tl�e Co»ti�act Documents pro�ide that all ar part af tl�e Work is to be Unit Pi•ice Work, initially tl�e Contract Price will be dee�a�ed ta i��chide for all Unit P��ice Work a1� amo��i�t equal to tl�e sutn of tize unit price for eachseparateiy identifi�d ite��a of Unit Price Work tiir�es ti�e esti�nated quantiry of each item as indicated in the A�ree�ne�it. B. The estitnated c�uantities of ite�ns of Unit 1'rice Work at•e not guaranteed and ace solely fo�• the pi�rpose of co�npariso�t nf Bids at�d detex•mi►}i��g an iEsitial Cont��act Price. Dater�a�itaatioi�s af tlte acti�al qua�ftities a�id c�assifications of U��it Price Woa'k pet'farined by Ca»tracto�• wi11 be n�ade hy Ciry sixbject to tiie pi•or�isao��s oi Paragraph 9.05. C. Each unit p�•ice ��ill be deemed to inclucte ai� ainou�it co��sidez•ed by Cont►•actor to be adec�iiate to caver Conti•actor's o�erhead a��d �x�o�t for each separ•ately identi�ed item. Wark descz�ibed in tEie Coi�tract Docuta�ents, or �•easonably infe���•ed as requirad fo�• a functia�jally complete instai�atio��, but not identi�ed ii1 the l�sting of unit price ite�ns shall be considet•ed ir�cide�atal ta uni� price work listed and the eost of incidental wot'k included as pa�•t of the uE�rt price. D. City inay E�iake at� adj��stmeni ii� t�e Cotitract Price in accot•c�a�fce with Paragraph 12.01 if: I. the quantity of any itet�� af Unit Price Work per%r�ned by Cantracto�' differs �nat�rially aizd sigiiificantly fi�o��} tl�e estimated quantity of sucli ite�n indicated in the Agreemeni; attd 2. tlier•e is no cor•respondiE�g adjEist�net�t wiEh respectto any othe;• itein of Work. E. L�cf•erxsed or Dec��eased Qu����lities.• Tlie City reserves tl�� 1'l��l� id oz'de�' Extra Work in accarda��ce �vith P�ragraph 10.0I. If the cl�anges i�� quaittities o�• the alte�•ations c3o not significa��tly chai��e tl�e cl�aracter of wo�•k under ti►e Co��tract Docume��ts, dte alte�•ed work �vifl be paid foe at the Con�•act unit pi•ice. crr Y or r•oaT woR�rx S'I'ANDARDCO;ISTRUCTION SPEC]FICAi[0� DOCUMENTS Revissmt: f32i2D21 oo�zao-i c�N����cor�o�TioN s E���� as �r �a 2. If the cl�at�ges ii� qua��tities or alke�•atio��s siguificantly chauge the cl�aracte�• of ��vark, tfie Cantract will be ame��ded by a Clfan�e Order. 3. If �to uiait p�•ices eaist, this �vill l�e considerec3 Eatra Work and tlie Contract will be a���emied by a Change Oi•der ii� accordanca witli ArEicle 12. 4. A sig��i�cant chai�ge in the cl�aracter af work occE�rs when: a. th� ci�aractez•ofwo�•[c fo�' any Ftem as altered differs r��atei•ially iil ki�tc3 or t�ah�i•e fi•o��� that tn the Cont�'act o�� b. a Ma1or Itam ofwoi•k varies by ��to�•e it�an 25% fi•om tl�e arigi��al Conti•act yuantity. 5. Wl�en the q�tantity of wo��k to be done uuder any Ma�a�• �tez�� of the Contraet is mo�•e tha�z 125% of tlie origi��al qua��tity stated in tEie Coiltract, the�i either pat�y to the Contr�et may req��est ati adjf�stment to ihe unit pi•ice on tl�e poi•tioif of tkie wot•k tl�at is above 125%. 6. Wl�en the qt�at�tity of work io b� done imder any Major Itetn of the Cont�•act is iess than 7S% of tl�e ori�ii�al c�uantity stated in tl�e Co��tract, tlteii eitlter �arty ta tlte Co�ttract ntay request a�� adjustez�ent to tl�e �iiit priee. 11,04 P1ans Qtrar�tity Measarrenre�it A. Flans cJ�tantities ���ay a�• may nat z•e��•ese�attize e�act qf2a�ltity of work performed or matecial movec�, l�ai�diec�, oi' �laced during ti�e executio�� of the Cont��act. The estiif�atec� bzd q�a��titias a�•e designated as fi��al payme��t qt�antikies, unfess re�ised by tl�e gover��in� Sectio�� or tt�is Ai•ticle. B. If t17e qtrantity measured as ot�tlii�ed ti��der "P�•ice ai�d Payment Procedu�'es" va�'[es by nlore that� 25% (or as stip��Eated under "Pt•ice atui P�yment Procedstres" fo�• specific Items) from the tofial estimated quautity for a�� indivicival Ite��� o�'igit�ally sl�own i�� the Contt•act Doct����e�lts, a�� adjusttnent inay he �nade to ti�e qu�ntity of autl�orized work doiie for pay���e►at pti�•poses. The party to the Conti�act rec�i�estin�; ti�e ad��st��iei�t wili p�'ovide field meas�i►-e���ents and calculations sl�owing tl�e final qi�a��tity fo�• whicla pay���e�tt wii( be m�de. Payme»t iar revised quantity will be zz�ade at the ttnit price bic� %r tl�at Item, except as �rovided fo�• in Article 10. C. Whei� quautities are �•er�ised by a chari�� i�� design approved 6y tlie City, by Clia��ge Ot•der, o�• ta ca�'rectan ej'ror, or to correctaiterror on tl�e plans, tl�e pla��s qua�stity will be ii�creas�d or decreased by tl�e amount invol�ed i�� the change, a��d tlje 2S% variat�ce ��ill apply to tlte »ew �lans qiEa��tity. D. If tl�� total Cantract nt}aittity inttltip�ied (�y the �t�fit pi•ice bid for at� iifdi�id�taI Itetn is less t1�an $250 a3�d tl�e Itei�► is not origin�lly a plans qua��tity �te�a�, the�� tlle Item may be paid as a pians qua��tity Ite��� if the City and Conti�actor agree iu writit�g to fix the final c�uantity as a pla��s quaittity. CITYQP PORT WOI2TH STATIDARDCO�STRUC7i�N SPFC]FICA'f]ON DOCUMENTS Revisia�4: ?'132021 ao �z oa - � GENERAL COND1T16N S Pagc 46 af 63 E. Fa�• calla��t �t�ork ar non-site specific Coitk�•acts, tl�e pEans q��antity 3neasiu•eaaae��t requirernents ar�e not �pplicable. ARTICL� 12 — CHANG� OF CONTRACT PRICE; CHANG� OF CONTRACT TIM� 12.01 CIzaJ7ge of Cos�trac! Pi�rce A. The Co��ti'act Price may only be changect by a Change Orcle��. B. Tl�e value af a��y Wo�'k covered by a Cl�a�ige Oz'de�' will be deter�ni�ied as fol�ows: 1. where tiie Work iEi�alved is co�ered by unit prices contained ia� the Cantract Documents, by applicatian of such u�jit pc•ices to t(ie c�uaratities ofthe ite;ns invoived (subject to tl�e provisions af ParagrapEs 11.03); or 2. wl�e�•e tlie Wark invoIved is not cavea•ed by uuit prices contained in the Cant�•act Dacuinents, by a mutuaily agr�ed lut��p s��ii� ar ��nit �rice {which may incla�de a�S al�owance for overlfead and p�•o�t not �i�cessarily i►i aceo�•da��ce witl� Paragraph 12.O1.C.2}, and shall inelude the cost af any secondary i►npacts tl�at are foreseeable at the ti�ne of p��icitig tl�e eost of Extra Work; ar 3. where the Wark involved is t�ot eovered by unit prices cantainec� in the Co�itract Documents a��d agreeanent to a luinp sum or u��it price is not r�ached u��dei• Pa�•agraph 12.O1.B.2, on the basis oi the Cast of the Wark {dete�•mined as provided iu Paragrapl� ] 1.0I} pIus a Cont��actar's fee for ovechead and profit (deiermi��ed as provided i�� Paragraph 12.01.C). C. Co��tractof•'s Fee: Tl�e Contractoz•'s addrtionai %e for overhead and p�•afit shall be detei•mi�ed as fol3ows: l, a���utually aeceptab�e f�aed fee; ar 2. if a fixed fee is not agreed upan, ti�en a fee based o�} the follo��ing pez•centages of tiie vario��s po�•tio��s of tl�e Cost oi tl�e Wo1•k: a. for costs it�ctu•red iu�der Parag��aphs 11.a1.A.1, I1.O1.A.2, anc� 11.O1.A.3, tl�e Contractor's additional fee shall be 15 pe��ce��t except for: 1) rental fees for Contractor's own equipine��t trsii�� sta��da��d rental rates; 2) boi�ds and i��suk�a�ace; b. for costs i��curred u��de�• Para�rapl� 11.01.A.4 and 11.O1.A.5, tl�e Contractoi•'s fee sljall be fNe pe�'ce��t (5%); I} where on� or mo�•e tiea•s of subcontracts are on the basis of Cost of the Wot•k plus a fee aiid no fi�ed fee is agreed upon, tl�e intent of Pai�ag��a��l�s 12.Q1.C.2.a and 12.O1.C.2,b is that the SuUcont�'actor wl�o act��aily �erfot'�ns tl�e Wark, at �vl�atever CITY OF FdRT I�VORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCTI(}N SPECIFICr�'i]ON DOCUMENTS I�evisimE: 8232D2] aa 7a oa - t G�N�RAL CONQ ITION S F':�ge 47 of G3 tier, rvi[I be }aaid a fee of 1 S pe►•ceaat of ti�e costs incurred by s�ich Subcantractor unde�- Pai�agraphs 11.01.A.1 and Il.O1.A.2 and tltat any l�i�;he�• tie�• Siii�coi�tractor aiid CoEstracto�• wi[I eacl3 be paid a fee of five �ez�ceiit (S°/fl} of tl�e a��aoir��t paid to the n�xt �o«fer tiet' Subco��t�•aetor, however iu na case shall the cu�nuiati�e total oi fees paid be in excess of 25%; c. no fee shall be payable on tlie basis of costs itemized unde�� Ps��ag��apl�s 11.01.A.6, aiid l 1.01.B; d. tl�� a���o�i��t of c�•edi� to be alloti�ed 6y Co��tracto�� to City fo�� a��y cl�at�ge wi�ich i•est�lts in a net dec�•ease in cost will be tl�e aEnot�nt ofthe act���i net decrease i�i cost pi��s a deductia�� tn Ca��t�•actok•'s fee by az� a���ouklt eqtjal to �ve pe�•ce��t (S%) of sitch iiet d�crease. 12.02 Claafrge ofCo�rtract Tirjre A. Tlse Co��tract Tie�ie may only be changed by a Change Order. B. Na extensia�� af tl�e Co��t�•act Ti���e vvill be allawed fo�• Ext►•a Work or far clai�n�d delay ii���ess kl�e Extra Work co��te�»plated or claimed delay is shown to be aii tlfe ei•iticat path of ti�e P�•o�ect Schedule or Cantcactor can siiow by Critical Path Metl�od az�alysis liow the Extra Wot�k a�• clai�iied delay adversely affects tlie c�•itical patl�. 12.03 Delays A. Where Contracto�� is �-easor�ably delayed i►� tl�e per�arinance or co�npletio�� of any pai�t of the Woi•k wi#I�iu tile Contract Titne dtie to del�y beyond tl�e cont�•oi of Contt•actoi•, tl�e Co�zt�•act Tii��e »�ay be e�ter�cted ir� az� a��ar�ui�t eqEEal to tl�e tii��e lost d��e to s�ich delay if a Coniract Clai�n is ���ade ti�erefor. Delays heyond the corrt�-ol af Coj�tractor shall i��c�ude, but not be limitect to, acts or ��eglect by City, acts or neglect of i�ti[ity ow��et•s or other conh•actors �erforiiiing athe�• wo�'k as car�te���plated by A�•ticle 7, fires, flands, e��ide�aaics, ab�1o�•���al weather co�iditions, or acts of God. Such an adjt�stment sl�a�l be ConEractor's sa�e anc� exci�isive remedy fo�� the delays descr•i6ed in tljis Pacag�•aph. B, If Contractor is ctelayed, City shall not �e liable to Co��tractor fo�• any claims, costs, losses, o�• c��mages {ii�cludit�g but �iot limitec3 to all fees and charges of enginea►•s, arcl�ikects, attox't�eys, aitd otlter professianals at�d al[ cot�rt or arbit�•ation or othe�- dispi�te resoli�tion costs} sustained 6y Contracto�- on ot• in cont�ection with any othet• projeet ar antici��ated pE•oject. C. Coa�tracto�• sl�all �aot be entitled to an adjust��lent iu Coiltract Price oj- ContE'act Tinze for delays withiu ti�e cantrol of Coi�tractor. De3ays attribi�tdbie to a»d �vithi�i i�18 COliil'OI Of c� Sl1Y3COtl�1'c�CiOi' aa• Supplie�• sl�all be ciee�ned to be delays wit��in ti�e coi�h�oi nf Co��ti•actor. D. Tl�e Contractor shalk receive no compensatior� for delays or i�i��drances ta the Work, e�ce�t �vl�ett direct art�d u�3avnidable exti•a cost to tl�e Cn�rttractoi• is caused by H�e fai[ure of ki�e City to provide informatio�� or tnaterial, if any, wl�ief� is to be fu�•nEshed by tE�e City. CITY OF FORT WORTH S'I'ANbARDCO�iSTRUCT[ON SPECIFtCATIQ3V DQCUMHNI'S Rewi si a�i: 8732DZI on�zoa-i G�NERAL COf3nl714N 5 Page 48 of 63 ARTICL� I3 — TESTS AND �NSPECTIONS; CORRECTYON, R�MOVAL OR ACCEPTANC� OF DEFECTIVE WORK 13.01 Notrce of Defecls Notice of al! defective Wo�•k of wlaicl� City l�as act��al kf�owlecige will be �iven to Contractai•. Defective Wnrk n►ay he rejected, cor��eeted, or acce�ted as provtdecf i�� ti�is ArticIe 13. 13.02 ,4ccess to Wa�•k City, ii�dependent testing laboz�atories, and gavern�nental age��cies �vitli j�E�•isdictional iijterests will l�ave access to tl�e Site and tiie W�rk at reaso��able ti►nes fo�• tl�eir abservatian, i��s�ectio��, a��d testing. Co��iractar sl�all provide them prope�• and safe canditions for such access and advise them of Co��h�actac's safety p�•ocedui•es atid progra�ns so that tlfe}r may comply th�rewitl� as appIicable. 13.03 Tests a�rc�h�spectrotrs A. Conh�actor shall give City ti�nely natice o� z•e�dit�ess of the Work fo�� all i�equirec3 i�ispections, tests, or app�•ovals �nd shall caoperate with inspection and testing person��ei to facititate ��equirad inspectiaa�s or tests. B. If Co��tract Docu�nents, Laws or Regulations of any public body 13aviifg jurisdiction requi�•e a�3y af t[ie Work (oj• pai�t ti�ereofl to be iiispected, tested, ot• approv�d, Cojitractar s3�all assuine fuli respo��sibiiity foi• a�•�•anging and obtainin� sucl� indapeiident inspeciians, tests, retests or app�'ovals, pay all casts in connection therewitl�, and furnish City tl-►e requi�'ed ce�'tificates of i�ispectio�f oi• approval; exceptin�, l�owever, those fees s�ecifically idetfti�ed ii1 the S�ipple�nent�ry Conditio�is or azry Texas Depai�tment of Licensi��-e and Regulation (TDLR) iuspectio�Is, wl�ic�� shall be paid as described in the Suppleme��tary Condrtioi�s. G Conh'actor shall be respo��sible fo�• arrangii�g and obtai��ing and shall pay all costs in connectioii with a��y inspectio»s, tests, re-tesks, az• app�•ovals req��i►•ed for City's acceptance of n�aterials ar ec�uipz��e��t to be incor�orated in tiie Work; or acceptance ofmateria�s, �n� desigtas, o�• ec�uip�nent submitted fo�• appraval pr�or to Coi�tracto�•'s purchase tl�e�•eof for incorporation iif tl�e Wo�•k. S�icli i►�spectio��s, tests, �'e-tests, o�' appi'o�als shall be perfarined by oi•ga��izations acceptable to City. D. City traay ai•ra��ge for the seivices oi an i��c3ependent testing laboratoiy ("Testitig Lab"} to perform any inspections or tests {"Testirag") fo�• at�y part af the Work, as determined sa�ely by City. l. City ��vill coordi��ate suclf Testing to tlae extent possib�e, with Contractot; 2. Si�ould any Testing unde�• this Sectiaii 13.03 D�•esult ita a"fail", "did not pass" or other similar �iegative �'esult, tlte Co�Zh'actor sl�all be responsil�le foi� payiug for auy and all �•etests. Cantt�actoi's cancellation withoiEt ca�ise of City initiated Testi��g sl�all E�e deen�ed a i�egative �•esult and t�ec�uire a i•etest. c�TYoe r•ox� woR� s�rnr��n�Dco�s�xucr�ax srEe�F�cn�€o� ooc���r��rs Revision: 82i'dLLt ao�2oo-i GEt�Ei2At CDN�iTION 5 P�ge 49 of G3 3. Any amou►�ts owed fo�• ar�y �•etest t�nde�• thFs Section i3.03 D sl�all be pard directly to the '1'estii�g LaE� by Co�7tr�ctor. City will forward all i�ivoices for retests to Co��h•actoi•. 4. If Ca��ti•acYo�• fails Ya E�ay Yi�e TestiE�g Lab, City ��vilf ��ot issi�e Fi��al Payn�ent EEnktl tt�e Testi��g La[� is paic[. E. If airy Wark (o►• kl7e rvo��k of otl�e��s) tl�at is to be ii�spected, tested, ox• app�•o�vec� Es coverecf by Co�itt'actor whllout writte« co�Scuri•�t�ce of City, Conh•acto�• shall, if req��ested by City, uncover such Wor�C far observatio��. F. Uncove��i��g Work as ��-ovided in Parag�-apf� 13.03.E sl�al! be at Cantractor's eapense. G, Cont►•actoi• siiall have tlie i•ighE ta znake a Canh•act Clai��� �•ega�•ding axry �•etest a�� i«vozce iss�ied u��de�• Sectio►S 13.03 D. 13A4 U�tcoverirrg Wo�k A. If any Wo�•k is co��r�d co�ft�•ary to the Contract DacFtments or specific instructiaz�s Uy ti�e City, it �nust, if �•equested by City, be tn�envered for City's nbs�rvatiot� and replaced at Contt'acto�''s �X�J�I15�. B. If City consiclei•s it ��ecessax•y a�� advisable tl�at cove�•ed Wa►�k be obse�•ved �y City aa• i��spected or tested by others, Contractor, at City's req��est, shall ii�ico�er, espose, oi• otherwise make available foc observatia��, ins�ection, or testiii�; as City i��ay requu'e, ti�at po�-tion of the Work ii� qt�estia�i, fi��•�aisi�ii�� ali i�ecessa�•y labo��, jzsatex•ial, and eqt�iptnent. If it is fot���d tl�at tE�e t�ncovered Work is defective, Coiih•actar shall pay all claims, casts, losses, and dainages (iifcludii�g but ��at li�nited ta all fees aaad cha��ges of ea��ii�ee�•s, a�•chitects, attori�eys, a��d athe�• professionals and all coui•� or othe�• d�s�}ute cesolution eosts) arisi�ig o��t of or relatin�; to s�tc13 i�ncaverin�, exposu�•e, o6servatioi�, inspectiar�, a��d testi��g, a�1d af satisfacto►y �•epfacei��e�at or �•ecac�st�•uctio�� (incl�iding but ��ot ]imited to all costs of repair ar replaceme�lt of wo�•k of ot��ers); or City si�all be entitled ta aecept clefective Wo�•k in accord�ixe witl� Pai•ag►•a}�i� 13.08 i�� whici� case Coi�tracto�• shalE still be res}�o��sible fa�' all casts assoeiated vvitl� ex�osii��, abservi�ag, a��d testi��g the defective Work. If the uiicovered Wot•k is not fo��nd to be defective, Conkracto�• slfall be allawed an i��crease ii� the Conteact Priee oi• an extension af the ContractTime, oc bot��, directiy attribi�table to s�tch ��ncoveriug, exposure, obsef•vation, i��s}�ectio��, testi��g, replacemei�t, and reconstruction, 13.05 Crty May Sto� tlre Work If the Wot•k is defective, oi• Ca��ti•actac fails to st�}��ly s��f�ciez�t skil[ed woz•ke�•s n�• suitable zliatei•ials or eq«ipm��rt, ar iails to perfor�n tlie Work i�� such a way tl�at tl�e completed Work will conform to tlfe Co�itf•act Docunleifts, City may order Contractor to stop tlie Wo�•k, or a�ty portio�� th�reof, until tE�e catrse foi• s�Ech o�•de�• lias bee�f elianiE�ated; hor�ver�er, this rig(at of City to stop the Work sl�all nat give ��ise to any d��ty on the part af City to exe�•cise tl�is right fo�• the bei�ei'�fi of Contractoa�, any CIT'YOFFOft7' WORTH STANDAitD�O�iSTRUCTiON SPEC[F]CATION DOCLtNfENTS Etevision: WZ�021 oo�2flo-i G�NERAL COFlD IT10N S 1'age SO af G3 Subcontractar, any S��pplie�', any ott�ei• i��c�ividual or e�ftity, ar a�3y su►�ety for, o�• eia�ployee ar agent of any of tlfem. 13.06 C077'G'CI1Q77 01'RG'!)lOVClT Of Defecti��e i�'c�11c A. Pramptly after receipt of ��vritten natice, Contractor shall correct all defective Wo�•k puM�s��ant to a�� accepta�ile scli�clu[e, wl�eti�e�• or not fabrieated, installed, ar completec�, or, iF the Wark has been rejected by City, remn�e it fi•om t�ie Pz•oject a��d �•epEace it �vitl� Work tl�at is �iat defective. Contractor shall pay all clain�s, eosts, additio��al testi��g, losses, and damages {iEicl��ding but nat li�a�ited to all fees aa�d c��a�•ges of engineers, arcl��tects, attorneys, an� otlier pt•ofessio�ials and all cotirt or arbiEeation ar other dispute j-esolutio�� costs} arisiE�g o��t oi or r�latitlg to st�ch corl'ectio�l or rez��oval {i�icl�ding but not litnited to all costs of repair or i•eplace�r�ent of woi•k of otllers). Failu��e ta req��ire the renzoval of any defectrve Wo��k shall nat canstrtuke acceptance ofst�ch Wark. B. When co��a•ectic�g defect'rve Woz•k u�fc�er the terms of this Paragra�l� 13.Ob or Par��►•aph 13.07, Co��t�-actor sl�all take no action tl�at �vauld vaid or othe�wvise impai►• City's special vva�•�•anty a��d gt�ai�antee, if any, on said Work. 13.07 Coj•rectlo» Pel�iod A, if �vithin iwo (2) years after th� date of Fii�al Ace�ptanee (or suci� lo��ge�• period of tiine as �nay be prescribed by tl�e ter���s af any applicable special �uarantee required by tlle Coi�tract Doc��ments), auy Work is found to he defective, o�• if the �•epair af a��y damages ta tl�e land or areas �nade available for Conti•acto��'s use by City or permitted by Laws a�id Regulations as conte�nplat�d i�i Paragra�h 6. iO.A is fou»d to i�e defecti�e, Co�itractor sljall promptly, witl�out cost to City and in accarda�lce vvith City's wt•itte�s i��structio��s: 1. �-epai►- s��ch d�fective la��d or areas; or 2. correct such defective Wo��k; o�• 3. if the defeeti�e Work has been r•ejectec3 by Ciry, remove it from t�le Praject and replace it �vith Work that is not defective, ax�c� 4. satisfacta�•ily carrect ar repai�• or re�nove a��d �•eplace any damage to otlfer Work, to tl�e work oi others ar otl�er tand or ar�as res�iltii�g there%•otn. B. If Contractor does not pro�nptly eotnply r�vitki t13e te�•ms of City's written �nstructions, a�• in an e�nergency wliere deiay wo�ld cause se�•ious risk oi loss or dauiage, City may have the defective Wark carrected or repai�•ed o�• znay �lave tl�e �•e�ected Wark j•e�naved and re�laced. All clai�ns, costs, losses, and da»�ages (i��cludi�ig btrt ��oY li►nited to all f�es and chai'�es of Ell�iElEEI'S� arcl�itects, attorneys, and ot�ier professionals and all co�irt or other disp��te �-esoiutio�f costs) arising oi�t of oj- relatin� to such coj•rection or r�pai►• or strcl� �•exno�val and z•eplaceaa�ex�t (i��cludic�g but ��ot liir�ited to all costs of repair or ��eplaceinent of work of others} will be paid �iy Cantractor. CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTkUCT[DN SPGCIF[CATIaN AOCi1k1ENTS Revision: 8rLi2C321 oo�zao-i GENERAL CbN61Ti0N S P�ge 5f of 63 C. In s�ecial circ��msta��ces wl�er� a�artici�lar ite�n af eqt�ip���ent is placed ii� coilYint�aus service before FiE�al Acceptat�ce af ail tEi� Work, the correction periocl far that item may start to i•��i� fi�oln an eariier date if so k�rovidec3 iu tlie Cont►•act Docu�nez�ts. D. Wltei'e defective Wo�'k (ai�d dai��age to otlier Woi•k resulii�ig there�i�oni} 1�as been coi���ected or re���aved a��d i�eplaced imder t��is Pa�•agrapl� 13.07, tE�e correctiar� pe�•iod hereti�nder wit[� res�ect to sueh Work may be rec�ui�•ed ta be exte��c�ed fa�• a�� additio►�aI period of one year after the end of the initial correctian period. City sl�ail provide 30 days rv�•itten notice to Contractor should such &C�CIiiE0I111 waE�ra��ty coverage be rec�uired. Ca�}tractor njay dispute this require3�ie�it by filing a Conti•act C1aiE��, pui•s��ant to P�R•ag�•a�sk� lO.Ob. E. Co��ri•actor's obligatio��s undet• this Paragraph i3.07 are in 'additia» ta ariy othe�• obligatia�� o�• wa�•�•az�ty. The provisians of tl�is Paragraph 13.0� sf�all not be const��t�ed as a substitute for, ot• a waiver of, the provisio��s af any ap}�licable statfrte of liinitatio�� oi• z•epose. 13.08 Accepta�7ce afDefecti�>e Wor�k If, i��stead of requi►•iog cor�•ectian or removal and rapfacement of clefeckive Work, City px'efet's to accept it, City �uay do so. Co��t��actoM• sliali pay ail clai�ns, casts, losses, anci damages (including hut nnt timited to al[ fees and cha��ges oiengiueers, arcf�iTeets, attoi•neys, anc� othel• professioi�als and all cou�•t or otlier ciispute resole�tio�� costs} attributab�e to City's eval��ation of ai�d detea�naic�atiaaa to accepC st�cli defective �or�C a�td fi��' tlie ditttinislted vatue of tlle Woi'k to #he extent not othejtivise paid by Coiitracta�•. If any s��ch accepta��ce occu��s prior to Pinal Acceptai�ce, a Change O�•det• will be issued iticoi•porating tlie necessaty ��evisions in the Contract Docun�e��Ys ��vitli �•espect to d�e Work, and Csty s��alE be e��titled to au app�•o�riate decreas� in tlie Contr'act Price, reflecting the dimit�ished valtie of Work sa accepted. 13,09 CflyMrryCnr�t�ectDefc�ctrve Wr�f�k A. If Contracto�• faiis within a reaso��a61e time after �v�•itten �iatice fi•otn City to co�•x�ect defective Wa►�k, o�• to remot�e ���d replac� rej�ct�c3 Work as rcc�ui►-ed by City in accarda�lce witlf Para��a�h 13.06.A, or if Contractor fails ta perfor3n tl�e Work in accorda��ce witE� the Canti•act Dacuments, o►• if Contractor fails to coj��ply with any atlfer pt•avisiot� of tl�e Contract Docfzments, City �x�ay, after sevezi (7) days w�•itte�� ��otice to Co��tk•actoi•, correct, or re�xi�c3y any st�eh deficiency. B. In exercisi��g tE�e riglits a��d rei��edies LIiICICI' filiS Pa��ageapl� 13.a9, City sl�all p�•oceec� expeditiar�sly. In cani�ectiai� witli s��eh corrective or remedial actian, City may eYcIude Co��ti•actor fi�oni all oE• part of ti�e Site, take ��ossessio�� of a11 or part of the Wot•k ai�d st�s�e��d Co��tractaa's seivices related thereto, and i��cax�po��ate ii� El�e Wo��k all n�aterials and equip�nent inco�-parated i�� the Wot•k, sto�•ed at the Site or for which City has paid Contractor but whicli ar�e stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow City, City's representat�es, age�fts, co�fsultat�ts, ea�tployees, and City's otiier cantractors, access to klte Site ta ea���}e City to exercise tlt� rights a��d ren�edies u�u3et• this Paragraph. C. Al[ claims, costs, losses, az�d daz��ages (iucluding but i�ot limited to all fees and c�iarges of e��gineers, at•cl�iYects, attorneys, a�u3 otilet• professionals and all cou��t or otlfer dispiite z•esolutio�� c�TY or roaT wo��� STAtdQARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUiv1ENTS Revision- SlL3�Z021 flQ72OQ-1 G�NERALCANDITIOtJS E'age 52 of G3 COSi33 pICUPi'C(� Oi' SllStailleE� 17Y Clty 1E} eXel'Ci51C1� t�le 1'i�,I1�5 al]Ci 1'�111EC�[�S llllC�el' f�llS �aI'a�l'3�1�1 13.09 will be ci�a��ged against Co»tractot•, and a Ci�ange Order �vill be isstted iuco�•porating the i�ecessa�yrevisio��s i�� the Contract DociE�nents witl� respact to tl�e Work; and City shali be entrtled to a�� appz•opt'iate decrease in tl}e Cont►•act Price. D. Contractar si�all ��at pe�•foa��nance of tl�e Pacagrapli 13.04. be alEowed a�i exte»sion of t3�e Co��t�•act Time becat�se af any delay iii fhe Worlc atti•ibutable to the eaercise of City's rights a��d remedies ut�der this ARTICL� 1� — PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPL�T��N i�.OI ScheduTe of T�alr�es Ti�e Schedti�e of Val�tes for luinp su�n co�ztracts astablislted as p�•ovided i�� Paragcaph 2.07 will serve as the 6asis for pi•ogress payineaits a��c3 will be incorporated iuto a forn} of Applicatia�z fo�- 1'ayment aceeptable to Ciry. Prog��ess �ayments an accaunt of Unit Price Wo�•k wi11 be based on tl�e numbe�• of u��rts compl�t�d. 14.02 P1•ogress P��mtet�ts A. Applicatio�as faf� Payl�tef�ts: 1. Contractor is responsible fo�• pz'ovidin� all information as requi�•ed to become a vendor of tlze City. 2. At least 20 days before th� date establislied in the Geziez�al Requu•en�ents foj• each progress �ay���ex�t, Co��tractor shall submit to City foj� �•e�iew aa� Application for Payment filied aut a��d sig�ied by Co��tractor covering tl�e Work com�leted as of tl�e date of ti�e Application a�td accoinpa��ied by such supporting docutne�ltatio�� as is �•equired by the Co��tract Docu�zzents. 3. If �ayin���t is �•equesteci or� tite basis of materials a�id ec�uipt��ent not incoi•porated in the Work but delivered anc� suitably stored at the Site aa• at auother iocation agi•eed to i�� wz•iti��g, the Applicatioi} fo�• Payment shall a]so be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice, o�� other cEoct��a�et�tation warra�iting that City l�as received the ���aterials and equipment free and c1ea�• of all Liens and e�ide�ice tl�at the �7�atea•ials and eq��ip�nent a��e eovared by app��opriate insurance o�• othei• ai•�•a�age�nez�ts to �ratect City's interest tl�er�in, all of which tn�st be satisfactory to City. 4. Begica��aE�g tivith the second Ap�lication forPaylne�It, eachApplicatio�f sl�all ii�clude an af�c�avit ai Coniractor stati�i� that previot�s p�•ogt•ess payments receiveci on accaut�t oF tli� Work have been applied oaa account to c3iscl�acge Cont��actor•'s legitimate obligations associated with prior A�3plications for Payme��t. 5. Ti�e amau�ft of �'etainag� �vit(i respect to progi•ess pay�a�et�fs will be as described i�f suhsectioi� C. ����less other�vise sti�i�lated i�� tl�e Co�tfract Docu�7ients. CfTY OF FQRT �VORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCT]ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: R23�Ct2E oo�zoo-i GENERAL COND€T10N S P�be 53 of fi3 B. Re�tietiv afA��j�liccrtiar�s: l. City will, �i�er ��eceipt of each Ap��lication foE• Payment, eithe►• i�u3icate in writiug a recominendation of payn�ent ar return the Applicatio�� to Contt'acior it3d�cating r�asons for refusing ��ayn�e�it. In the latter case, Contractor may z��ake the necessa�y cori•ections ai�d 3•esubmit tlie Applicatlo». 2. City's processing of any pay�uent rec�uestec� i�� a�� Applicatior� for Paymei�t wiil ba based o�� City's observations of the executet�Work, a��d on City's review ofthe Applic�tion for Payment aitd the accon�patrying data and sclteduEes, tliat to the best of City's kuowledge: a. the Wo��k I�as p�•og�•essec3 to the �aiut indicated; b. the c�uaiity of tl�e Work is ge�ieraily ii� accordance with the Coi�tract Documents (subject to ai� eval�iatio�} af ti�e Waz•k as a functio��ing whole priar to ar upon Final Acceptaz�ce, t1�e �•esults of a�ry s�ihseqe�e��t tests calEed fo�• i�� tl�e Caz�t�•act Docu���ents, a fiE�al deter�3�inatia�i of c�uar�tities and classifications for Work pet•foi•med u��der Paragraph 9.05, a��d any other quali�catia�ts stated i�� ti�a reco�i�mendation}. 3. Processing s�zy suclz payment wiil ��ot tl�ereby be dee�»ed to have represented that: a. i►�spectios�s 37iade to check the q�iality or tlie q��antity of the Work as it has been perfo���ned have bee�� exi�austive, extended ta every aspect of tl�e Work i�� progress, or in�olved detailed inspectioa�s af tl�e Wark beyo�id t1�e responsibilities specificaity assigned io City i�� the Co�fk�'act Docttu�e�rts; or b. tha�•e zliay nat be other matte��s or issues betwee�� the �aarties that �a�ight entitEe Co��tk•acto�• to be paid additianally by City or entitle City to w�tl�izofd payine��t to Contractor; o�` c. Ca�atracto�• has caa��plied with Laws and Regulatians ap�licable to Canti•actoi's �e�•foa•at�ar�ce af tiie Wo��k, 4. City �aiay ��efiise ta �ai•ocess the wlfa�e o�• a��y part of any pay�»eni becattse of subseque��tly diseavered evide��ce or tl�e resiilts of stibsec�ue��t i��spectioiis or tests, and revise or revoke a��y such �ayme��t previously made, to siEclf exte��t as i��ay be necessary to pratect City fi•oiii ]ass becat�se: a. the Work is defecti�e oc con�pleted Work has been da�naged by the COIliI'TCi01' �l' subco��t�•acto�•s z•ec�ui�•in�; co��a•ectiai� aa• z•eplacezi7e��t; 6. c�isc�•epancies it� q�iantiEies cont�ined in previous applicatians for payment; c. the Cai�tract Pi•ice 1�as been reduced by Cha��ge Orders; cf. City i�as been required to cort�ect ciefective Wa�•k or ca�n�lete Work i�x accn�•da��ce wiYl� Parag�•apl� 13.09; o�• CITYOF FORT LVOR�H STANDA�tIJCONSTRUCTION SPECIFiCATION DOCCJM�Ai7'S Revision: R2�c'021 DO72DO-] GENERAL CON[31TIatJ S 1'age 54 of G3 e. City Itas actital kno��ledge of tl�e accurrence of a�3y of ti�e eve�sts enumerated iia Aarag��apl� 15.02.A. C. RL'tC1117CIg2: l. Foi• con#�•acts less tl�a�� $40Q,p00 at tl�� time of exec��tion, retai��age sI1a1[ be ten perce�it ( ] 0%). 2, Fot• co��t�•acts g�•eater tl�a�� $400,000 at ti�e time of e�ecE�tion, retai:�age slial[ be five �ae�•cent �J��B�. D. Liqtridated Da�ttages. For eacl� calendar day that any work sl�all rernain unca»�pleted afte�• the time specifiec3 in ti�e Cor�tract Documa��ts, the su��� pe�• day s�7eci�ed in the Agreement will be assessed agaic�st the �nanies d�ie the Co�itractoi•, not as a penalty, btit as damages suffet�ed by tlte City. E. Pa}nrre��t.• Contracto�� �vill be paid pursuant to the ceyuirerne��ts of t9�is F1�'ticle 14 atld payn�e��t will become d«e in accflrdance �vitl� the Co�ata•act Dacu�nents. �. Reductio�� it� PayJlre�at: 1, City �nay z•efuse to �nake paymeirt of t�ie a�notn�t rec�uested because: a. Liens liave been fited i�� coa�x�ection �vith the Work, except �vhe��e Contractor l�as cielivered a speci�c bond satisfactory to City to secuee tlfe satisfaction and discharge of st�cl� Liens; b. ti�ex•e at�e otl�e�• ita�ns antiiling City to a set-offagainst tlie amou»t recom��iendec�; or e. City l�as actual knawledge of tl�e occui•�•enc� of any of tlie events enu�nerated iE� Paragrapl�s 14.02.B.4.a th�-ougl� 14.02.B.4.e ot• Paragrapl� 15.02.A. 2. If City refiis�s to make payinent of the a�nount �•equested, City wif[ give Cantracto�• r�+x�itten notice stating tlfe reasons fflr such actioi� and pay Co��ti•actai• at�y at��otrt�t ren�aii�ing after deductioi� of the ainaunt so witi�laeld. Ci�y sl�ali pay Cor�t�-actor the amoti�}t sa witl�lieid, or any adjustuze��t thereto ag►•eed to by City ai�d Contractor, wl�e�� Cont�•actat• remedies tl�e reasa�� for s�icl-r actio��. 1�.�3 C'D1111'QC107' :S Wpl'1'Q'i11y of Title Contractor ��ai•rants and guai•antees that title to all Work, rnaterials, and equipza�ent cov�i•ed by any Application for• Pay�ne�it, whether iuco�•po�•ated in tlfe P�•oject o�• r�ot, will pass to City ��o later tlian the time of payaa�ent fi•ee afld clear of all Liens. CITY OP PORT WORTI3 STAN�ARDCO\'STRUCTION SPECtFiCATfO� DOCUIv1�NTS Revisiocr 873�Q2[ oo7zoo-� GE�lERAE.CONpITION 5 n:,�� ss �r�s 14.04 PaJ•trrrl Ulrlraatra�a A. P��ior to Fi��al Acceptance af all ti�� Work, City may crse oz• occ�ipy a��y part of ti�e Wark whicE� l�as specifically been id��itified iu the Contract DacuE��ents, ot� tivhich City detei•E��ines co��stitutes a separately fi�nctio��ing a��d usabie �a�•t of fl7e WoR•k that ca�f be used for its i►itended pui•pose witlfoi�t significaut i�3te�•fereiice with Co��tracto;'s performance of the remainder of tl�e Wot•k. City at a�ry tin�e ���ay ��otify Contractor in writin�; to permit City to use oi• oceupy any such }�art of the Wo�•k wl�ici� City d�tert��i�ies to be ready �Fa�• its intea�c�ed use, subject to the fallowing co�id�io��s: l. Coi�t�•actar at any time may ��otify City i�i writiE�g t1�at Cantractor coE}sie3ers any such part oF the Work ready for iks iute�zded use. 2. Withi�� a reasoi�able tune after r►otification as eizu�nerated in Pa�•ag��ap3� 14.OS.A.1, C�ty a��c� Contractor shall ���ak� a�� ii�s�ectioti af tl�a� part af tlte Wo�'k to deter�nine its stahis of co�i�pletioi�. If City c3oes not consider that pa�•t of the Wo��k to be s��bstanti�lEy cojn�l�te, City r�vill �tatify Contracta�• i�� writing giving the �•easons thej�efoi•. 3. PartialUtiG�ation will not constrtute Pit�al Acceptance byCity. 14.05 FTi?C1II11S1JBCIlOi? A. Upon written �iotice fi•o�n Contracto�� that tl�e e��tii�e Wo�-k �s Substantially Co�npl�t� in accoi•dai�ce wrth tlae Co��t�•act Dac��i��e��ts: I. Witi�i�� 10 d�ys, City wiil sci�edE�le a Pi��al Tns�ection wi�h Cont�•actor. 2. City will notify Cont��actor in writiug nf all pa��ticulax�s in wt�ich this i»speckian reveais that the Woi•k is i��coinplete or defective {"Punch List Items"). Contractor sl�all i�umec�iateiy take such �neasiE�•es as a�•e �aecessaz•y ta co���plete sucl� Work ar �•en�edy si�cl� defic�encies. B. No time charg� wilE 6e �nade against the Contracto�• between said date of ��otificatioi� to tEie City of S�tbska��tial Ca�3��letion a��d the date of Fival Inspectio�f. l. Sl�ot�ld tl�e City deterf��ine that tl�e Work is E�ot ��eady for Final Inspectio��, City will notify the Contracto�' in writi��g of the reasoiis and CoiStract TiEne will t�esume. 2. Shoi�ld the City concur tl�at Substantial Completian l�as been ac(iieved with the exception af atry Puticf� List Itetns, Cont�•act Time will �•es«me for tlfe duration it takes for Contractor to acf�ieve Final Acce}�tance. 14.(}� Ti�7al Acceptance Upo�� co��lpl�tioi� by Contractor to City's satisfactiatl, of any additianal Work ide��tifed iis the �'i�»1 Inspection, City wilf iss�te to Cont�•actar a letfe�• of �ii�at Acce�tarace. Cl'fY01' FORT IVOR"iH STANDARDC��STRUCTION SPECIF[CAi'[4� I?OCUMENCS Revisian: 8r13�1Q11 00 �z ao. � GENERAL CQNDITION S P�ge 56 of 63 14.07 T'111QT PC7j�111811I A. Applicat1n17 far Paynaejat; 1. U}�on Finaf Accepta��ce, a��d i�� tlfe opiniot� of City, Contractor n�ay i7�ake a3� a��plicatio�i fo�• fitiai pay�ner�t following the proceduc•e for pt•ogress pay3nents i�� accordance �vit13 the Contract Docu��ients. 2. The �nal A��plicatian for Paytnent shall be accompa�fied (exce��t as �i'evio«sIy deliverec3) by: a. all dacu�ne��tation called for i�� tlie Cont�•act Docume��ts, includi��g b�►t �iot li�nited to the evidence of ins��ra��ce required hy Paragraph 5.03; b. car�se�at of the surety, if any, to final payment; c. a list of al! pending o�• i'eleased Damage Clai���s agaiE�st City tlfat Ca��t��actot• believes ai� u�asettlec3; and d. affida�its of payinents and com�iete and legally effective releases o�• tivai�eis (satisfactoiy to City} of al! Liet� �•igtlts arisiilg out of or Lie��s filed in connectio�� witl� t�le Work. B. Paymelat Becofnes Due: l. After City's acceptance of tl�e Application for �aytnent and acco���pa;ryiE�g docu�nentation, rec���ested by Contractar, less �revious payments made a�zd ar�y Sl]Ill City is entitled, I[l0]LlC�lilg bIEY 110t I11771iE(I t0 IIC�UEC�BfeC� CIfl1T13�85, will beconie dsie and payable. 2. After alf Dan�age Claiaaas have bee�� resa�ved: a. di�•ectly by the Contracto�' a�•; b. Cor�tractor p��o�ides evidei�ce ti�at tl�e Damage Clai�n has been reported to Contracto�'s insu�•az�ce p�•ovider far i•esolutio��. 3. The n�akin�; of the final payanent by the City shall not i•elieve tlze Contracto�• af a�1y gua�•a��tees or otller rec�ui►•e�nents of d�e Co�iti•aet Docu�nex�ts wl�iclz specificaliy conti��ue the��eafter. 14.Q8 Fr�tal Co�1iJ�letion Delayed a1tc1 Pa�tiaT 12etrti�7ageRelease A. If fi��al ca�npletion of the Work is sig��iticantly delayed, and if City so con�ri��s, City may, upo�i receipt of Co�itractor's final Applicatio�� fot• Payment, and rvitho�it terminati�ig tlie Co��tract, mak� payn�e��t of tlfe bala��ce df�e for ti�at portio�i o� tl�e Wo�•k fiilly completed a��d acce�ted. If the �'e���ai»ing balance to be held by City for Work not fiilly cotnpleted ar corrected is less tl�an the ��etaiE�age sti��ulated in Paragi•a�h 14.02.C, anci if bo��ds l�ave bee�� fuenished as rec�ui�•ec3 in Pa�•ag�'aplt 5.02, tlie w�-itten consent of the s��i•aty to tl�e payinea�t of tl�e balance dtte fo�• #l�at c��rYae r•oR�r �von•r��r STANDARDCONSTRtJCT]ON SPECIFICATIQN DDCUMEt�TS Re�ision: W232021 00 �z ac� - � GENERALCONpITIdNS }'�ge 57 of C,3 portion of tl�e Work fully campleted and accepted sElati be sub���itted by Co►zt�-actor to City witl� the Applicatio�i fa�• sueli payn�e�st. Suci� }�ayi��e��t sl�all be macEe ��nder tl�e te�•ms a��d co��clitions goveriiin� final payi��e�3t, eacept tl�at it shail �iot canstitute a ��aiwe�' of Co��h-act Clai�ns. B. Par�trcrl RetarrtageRelecr.re. Fo�• a Cai�tract tk�at provides fa�• a se�arate vegetative establisl3ine��t and mait�tenance, and test and �erforn�ance periods followi��g the com�letia�� of all other co��struction iu the Cont�•aet Docu��ients foi• all Wark locations, the Ciry may celease a�o��tian of tha ai��ot�izt �•etai►led p�•o�vic�ec� that all otl�er �vo�•k is eo���pleted as dete�•�ni��ed by ti�e CiEy. Befo�•e the retease, all su6initta�s and fi«al quant�ties �nust be co���pleted and �ccepted for al[ otE�ei� work. An amount s��fficient to ensure Co3ltract complia��ce �vill be ��etaine�. 1�.09 Waivel� of Clai»rs T��e acceptaa�ce of fiiaal paya�ae��t will constit€�te a i•elease of t��e City fi�o�n all claims ar ]iabilities u►idei• the Contract %i• anything doi�e a�� fi�rnished or relati��g ta the woi•k under the Contract Dacumevts ar any act o�• »e�lect of City �•elated to o�• connected with tEie Co��tract. ARTYCLE 15 -- SUSPENSYON OI' WORK AND T�RMINATION 15.01 Ciry Mcry Strspe�ad Wo1•k A. At ai�y titne and witliout cause, City ���ay suspend tl�e Work or any portion tl�ereof by written notice to Co��t�•acto�• a�ad �vl�icla zl�ay fix tlae date o�a wi�icl� Woc•k wilf be �•esumad. Co��tractor shall resame the Work on tl�� date so iixed. D«rii�g teinporary suspension of th� Work covered by thEse Co�it�•act Doc��mevts, for any re�son, tfie City will make no extra paytnetit for stand-by tii�ie of co��st�•uetio�� equipc��e��t a�ld/a�• co�istz�uctia�� cc�ews. B. Should the Conteactor not be able to com}�lete a portion of the Pro�ect due to causes beyond the eoz�t�•oI of a��d watitout tl�e fat�lt o�• aaegli�;e��ee oi #l�e Coa�t�•actnR•, a�3d slzot�ld it be d�te�•t�ined by nnih�al consent oitl�e Contractor and City that a solutio�� t0 S��OW COI1Sti'LiC�1011 �O j�1'0000C� 1S I10� a�ailable withiu a reasonab�e pej•iod of tin�e, Cantractor may req��est an extension iu Canteact Ti���e, di�•ectly att��ibutable to aa�y sucll s�isJ�ex�sioa3. C. If it should beco�ne i�ecess�ry to s�is�end tl�e Work for an indefi��ite period, the Ca�ih•actoi� shall sto�•e all ���ate�•ials iia sr�cl� a �a�azat�e�• that they vvil[ ��ot obst�•�jct or impede tt�e public imiiecessarily �ia�� becoi��e da�naged iu any way, a��d he shall take eveiy �recaution to pi•event dai��age o�• detecioratio�� of tl�e work pecformed; he shall provid� si��tabie drainage about the wa�'k, and erect tei�apo�•aty strirettires where necessary. D. Co�itractor may be j�eimbursecl for tl�e cost of n�oving his equipment aff tlfe jab anci rehii•�iiiig t13e necessary equipment to tl�e ,job when it is cfetermi«ed by t[�e City tl�at conste�tcti�n ���ay be restnned. Such �•eiinbui•se�neiit shalf be based on ach�al cost to the Coiiti•actai• of �noving the equipinent and �io p�•ofit wil[ �e allawed. ReiE��bt�rseme�7t ��3ay uat be allowed if tl�e equi����e��t is maved to a��othei• constructian project for #he City. cirvo� xon•r �von� S7'ANDAltDCd1�S€RUCT[OTJ SPECIFiCAT14� D[}CUMENT'S Re�isinn: R2i2J21 oo�zoa-i G�NERAL CANtl1TI0h� S Pa�e 5 S af G3 I 5.02 Cit�> �%Icry Terrrrilrcrte for Ccstrse A. The occurrence ofar�y oaie o�• ���o►•e c�f tl�e folfowi►ig evez�ts by r�ay of exainple, but i�ot of Iic�litatio��, ma}r justif�� l01'1171EZflilOil f01' CflLE50: Contractor's persiste3�t failure to perfar�n the Work ii� accordance witl� the Cantract Docti�nents �illC�ElCllll�„ but �lot li�nited to, fail►�re to su�ply sufficient skilled workers oj• suitable ��IateriaLs o�• eq��i�ment, faih���e to ac�l�ere to tl�e �roject Scl�edule establisl�ed uz�de�• Pai•agraph 2.07 as adj��sted fi•om ti�ne to time pursua»t to Pa��agraph 6.04, or failure to adhere to the City's Busi►iess Diversity Ente��pr�ise 0�•dinance #20024-12-201lestabiished unde�• Paragrapl� 6.06.D); 2. Co��t�•actoi•'s disregai•d af Laws o�• Reguiations af any pirblic body l�a�ing ju�•isdiction; 3. Contractor's r•e�eated dis��egard af tlae auti�ariry of Crry; o�• �4. Contractor's vio�atio�i in any s��hstanti�l ��ay of any provisions of tlie Cantract Documents; or 5. Co�itractor's failure to promptly make �oad any defect in mate�•ials o�• ��ot•kmanship, or defects nf any natur�, the correction of wl�ich has been directed in wj•iting by the City; or 6. Subskantial i��dication tlaat tlae Cont�•actaz• l�as znade az� u��autl�oa•ized assigninent of the Co�itract or any fu��ds due ti�e��efi�om for tlie �enefit of any creditor or far a��y other purpose; or 7. Substantial evide��ce tl�at the Coi�tractor has beco��ze insolvent or hankt•upt, ar otherwise �►�ancially u��able to ca�•iy o�i tlie Work satisfactorily; oi• S. Contractor comi7�ences legal actio�i in a cauE•t of competent jurisdictio�i agaii�st tlie City, B. Iiane or more of the eve��ts identifiied i�-► Paragraph 15.02A, occu�•, Cily WkII �3I'OV](�e WI'iL�ell IlOiICB ta Co��tracto�• and Surety to arrange a co�ife�•e�ice witl� Cont��acto�• a��d Su�•ety to address Cont��actor's faih�re to pe;-fo�-�n tlie Wo��k. Co�iference sl�all be held nat latet• than 15 days, afte�• receipt of ��otice. If the City, the Co��tractar, and the 5���-ety do ��ofi agree to allow t}ie Contractor to proceed to perfa�•��i the covstr�ictioii Co�itract, tEie City may, to the extent pec�i�itted by Laws ax�d Ragutations, deelare a Co��tractor defauft and iarmally terminate the Contractor's i•igi�t to eonipfete tl�� Cantract. Co��tracto�• defaiilt shall ��ot be declaced ea�•lie�� than 20 days afte�' tl�e Conh•acto�• a��d Su�•ety iaave �•eceir�ed ��otice af cozifea•e��ce to adcI�•ess Cont��acto�•'s failf�re to �erfo�•��3 the Work. 2, if Co��tractor's setvices are te�'minated, Surety sl�all be obligated to take aver and perfo��m the Work. If S�E�•ety does not co�nrnenee performa��ce theraof witt�i�i 15 coi3secutive calendar c�ays after date of a�� additiazaal writte�� ��otice denaandiiag Sc��•et�'s perfoi•maitce of its CI'1' Y OF F�R"[' IYOR'CH STAl1DA[2DCONSTRUC710N SPEGFICATI�N DOCU[vSENTS Re��ision: $r2��(i2l 00 7z aa - � G�NERALCONDIFIONS I'age 59 of 63 obligations, then City, witho��t �>racess ar action at }a��v, ttlay take over �3ry portion of the Work and complete it as clesc��ibed helow. a. If City cotnpletes the Work, City may eactude Conteactor and St�rety fi•a��� tl�e site a�td take passessia�� of tf�e Woc�k, a��d all a�aate�•ials aiad eq��ipment ii�corporated inro the Work stored at thc Site o�- far wl�icl� City l�as paid Contractor or S«rety l�ut which are stored elsewliere, and fnish tl�e Wor�C as City ���ay deem e��edient. 3. Wl�ether City or S��raiy completes tlie Work, Cor�tracto�� sl�all not be entitled to recei�e any fut•ther paymet�t until the Work is finislfed. If tlfe ut�paid balance af ti�e Contcact P�'ice exceeds alE claii��s, eosts, losses aaad cia�a�ages sustaii�ed by City arising oiit of or resulti��g fi•o�n C0311pi£Y111g t1iE WOl'k, SIICII EXCESS �VIII be �7�1CI CO COII�I'aC�Oi'. IFSIiCII C�&IETiS� costs, losses atid da�nages exceeds�ach u��paid bala��ce, Contractor sl�al[ pay tE�e c3ifference �o City. St�c�� clai�ns, cnsts, losses a��d damages incurred by City will be ii�cai•porated in a ChaE�ge Ordei•, provided tlfat when exercisi��g a��y cighis or ��emedies �►i�der tl�is Faragrapl�, City shall ��at be requi�•ed ta obtaui tlfe �owest pi•ice for tl�e Wo��k �e�•fa�•���ed. 4. Neitl�er City, ��oi� any of its respective consultants, agents, ofiicers, directors or e�i�ployees s1�a11 �e in any way �iable oa• accou��table to Coa�t��acto�• a�• Suk•ety for tl�e �iletliod by whicl� tl�e co����letioia of tl�e sa�d Wo�•k, or airy �ortiaii tliereaf, ���ay be accom�lished or for ii�e pt�ice paid tlte��e%i•. 5. City, aaatwik3�stazldii�g tlle ���ethot� used iu completi«� the Cont�-act, shalk not forfeit the right to recaver da�nages fi•om Contractor or Surety fo�• Coi�tractor's iaiEue� to timety co�nplete tl�e entii•e Contract. Contcacto�� shall ►�ot be e��titled ka a��y claim o�� account of tlte methoc� used 6y City iiZ completing the CantracE. 6. M�i�ftena��ce of the Wortc si�all ca��t�n��e ta be Ca��tracta�•'s ai�c� St�k�ety`s �•espo��sibiliti�s as p��c>�vided fo�• in tl�e bond req��ire��leilts of the Co��tract Dacuinents or any special guarantees pE�ovided for t�nder ti�e Co��t�•act Documents or auy otl�e�• obii�;ations otlfei�vise prescz•ibed by law, C. NOibVIfl15ia11(�1[lg P�il'&f�Tl'a�lI3S iS.O�.B, Contt•actor's se�vices ��vill not b� ter���i»ateci if Caa�tt'actoa• begins witiiiu seven days of rec�i�t of �iotice af intet�t to teri��ii�ate to coz'rect its failt�t•e to perform auci proceeds cfiligei�tly to cure such failu��e witl�in nn mo�•e ti�an 30 days af recei�t of said notice. D. Wiiere Contracto�•'s se��vaces l�ave been so te�•ia�iiaated by City, tlie termination will not af%ct any rigiits o�- rem�dies of City against Co��E��actoi• tl�eii existing or �vhich ���ay tl�e�•eafter accr��e. Any retention or �aymea�t of n�oneys due Co�it�•actor by City will not i•elease Cai�tracta�' fi'o��t� liability. E. If and to the eYtent tE�at Contractar has provided a pet�formance boi�d u�ide�� the provisions of Paragrapl� 5.02, the terminatioi� praeecEiEees of il�at E�o�fc� si�all nat st��e�'sede tl�e �t'ovisio��s of tlSis ,���ticle. Cfl'Y OF i'OE�7' 1VORTH STANDARDC0�3S7RUCCfOH SPF.CIFICATIUN DQCUMENrS Revision: R2i2(121 oa�zoo-i c�r€���cor�nirinr�s Page Gd of 63 15.03 City M�ry Terrrtifrate For Co�ai�e�rie�tce A. City anay, without caiEse and �vithoi�t �re��dice ta axay other rigE�t or remec�y af City, te�•miE�a#e the Co»tract. A�fy te�•t�ai�tatio�� shall ba effectec3 by n�ailing a notic� oftl�e te�•�ni�ta#ioa� to tl�e Co��t�•acto�- s}�ecifying t9�e eatent ta whicl� pe�•formance of `1Vork ut�der the co��tract is terminatec�, and ti�e date ��pan wiiicl� such terminatia�� beco�nes effective. Receipt of the i�otice sl�all be c�eeaned conclttsively presuined and establEshed when tl�e �etter is placec� it� ti�e U»ited States Postal Ser�ice Mail by the City. Fin•ther, i� shall be deerned conclusively presuined a��cl establi�hed that such terminatio�t is �IZade with just cai�se as tl�erein stated; and �io proaf in a��y clai���, demai�d or suit slaall be r�q�iired of tlfe City rega�•ding such ciiscretiai�a�'y actia�t. „ B. After ��eceipt of a notice of te��mination, and except as athe�•wise directed by the Ciry, tl�e Contracto�• sha11: 1. Stap workl���der the Conti•acto�� the date and to tl�e extent specified in tlie ��atice oftermio�ation; 2. �laca no further ortfers or subcontracts fo�• mateY�ials, seivices o�• facilities except as may be necessa�y foi• co�npletion of sucii portian of tl�e Work iri�der tlze Contract as is not termiifated; 3. te�•t�lit�ate all o�-ders anci suUcontracts #o tiie extent ti�at tl�ey �•elate to the perfo�•�na��ce of the Work terminated by notice af termiE�atioz�; 4. transfer title ta the City and deli�ar in the ���at�ne�•, at the ti��es, and to the extent, if any, directed by the City: a. tlie fabricated or unfabricated �a��ts, Work it� progress, co�i�pleted Work, supplies anci othe�• material produced as a pa��t of, or acqui►•ed in cot�tfectian �vith the pe�•formance of, the Work tei•n�inated by the notice of tl�e tex•tnination; a�id b. tl�e cojnpleted, or pai-tEaliy co�npleted �lans, drawi��gs, it�fo�•mation and oii�er property which, if tlfe ContE•act liad beej� co���pteted, tvaufd I�ave bee�� requieed to be fur���shed to tlfe City. 5. co�nplete �erfa�•mance of sucl� Work as shali not have been ter�ninated by tt�e �tiotice af ter�nii�atian; and b. take such actioj� as may be necessary, o�� as tl�e City inay di�•eck, for tize pratection and preservation of the property related ta its cot�tt�aci t�+l�iel� is iif tlie possession af flie Co��tractor and in ��lucl� tl�e orvtier has o�• may acquire the rest. C. At a time noT later than 30 days after the ter�ni�aatioa� date speci�ed in the notice of ter���ination, the ContE•acto�• t��ay subinit to tlie City a list, certified as #a c�ua��tity and qi�ality, of a��y or all items of termi►iatio�i invento�y not p�•eviously d�sposed of, exclusive of items ti�e disposrtia�i of wi3ich has been di�•ected or autlfarizet� by City. CI'[' Y OF FOR7' 1VQRTH S7�A1�3I7ARDC0�'STRUCTIOI�i SPECIFICATION DOCI)MIENT�S FLevision: $'2�i��(F2l oa�zon-i GENERAL fAN�ITION S Pnge 61 of fi3 D. Not taier t13an 15 days thereafte��, the City sl�al( accept title to s��ch ite���s provicied, ti�at the list si�bn�itiecl sl�all be subject to verificatian by the City ���an rema�al of the ite3��s o�•, if tl�e ite»�s are stored, witl�in 45 days fi'om the date of submission of the list, a��d any i�ecessa�y adjustmenis to correct the list as submitted, sl�all be niacle ��•io�• to fnal settle»�e��t. E. Not late�' than GO days after tha notice of terrni��ation, the Cai;tracto�• sl�all st��mit his #e��inivatia�i claim to tl�e City ii� the form aiid witi� tl�e certification pi•esccibed by the City. Un�ess �i� exte�zsia�i is ���ade in writi�fg ��ithi�t sucl} 60 day �ez•iad by tl�e Contractot•, a�fd g�•ar�keci by tl�e City, any ai�d all sucl� clai�ns sl�all be coiicii�sively deei�ied waived. F. Iiz suc�� case, Contraetar shall be paid fo�• (witlaont ciuplicatio�i of any ite�ns}: 1. con�pleted a��d acceptab�e Work eYecuted in accocdance with the Cont�•act Documents �rior to tl�e effective c�ate of te�•i��inatio�a, ic�cluding fair azld ��easoaaable sii��as fo�• ovez�i�ead and pa•o�i� oi� st�cli Work; 2. expe��ses sustaii�eci pa�io�• to tl�e effectn�e date of te�•�ni�aatio�� ii� pe�•fn�•��aiiag sea•vices a��d fii��n�shing la6o��, materials, o�• eyuip��ie�;t as required by the Co��tract Doct�ments in co��nectia�� with u��co�i��leted Wo1•k, plus fait• and reaso��able s�ims fo�• overhead and pi•ofit on s��cl� ex�e��ses; at�d 3. reasonabie expenses directly attribfitable to terminatioi�. G. I�� the event of tlie fail►�re oi tl�e Co�itractor and City to agree ���on the wiiole a�nottnt to be paid to the Cantracto�• by reason of the terminatioji of tlie Work, the City sl�all dete�•mine, o�f the basis of info�•ia�atia�� available ta it, ti�e a���ou��t, if a��y, d�te ta tk�e Coz�t�•actoz• by �•easo�� of tt�e te�•�aait�atioaa and s1�all pay to tl�e Contractor the amounts dete�•�ni�ied. Contractor s1�all �iat be paic� on accot�i3t of Ioss of anticipated pinf�ts ac �•e�enue or otl�et• econot��ic lass a�'isi��g ot�t of ar res��lti»g fi•o»i siEcl� te�•a�aiE�atio��. ARTICLE 1G — DISPUT� RESOLUTION 16.Oi Meilaocls' Cll?LI P3�ocedt�r�es• A. Eitl�e�• City oz� Ca�it�•acto�• �nay ►•equest �f�ediatio�� of a��y Coa�t�•act Claiz�� sub�i�itted for a decisioi� uEider Paragrapl� lOAG be%re s�icli decisian becomes ���al and binding. Tfie �-eqttest fof• t�lediatioi� s1�alE be si�bmitted to the other pa�•ty to the Co��ti•act, Timely SL1�7I111S510I1 of the request sl�all stay the �ffect of P��•agraph lO.OG.E. B. City ar►d Co��tractoi• sl�al[ pa�-ticipate in the ���ediation proc�ss in �;ood faitl�. The process sl�all be commenced wiklun GO d�ys of filing of tlie ��ec�uest. C, if the Coiitract Claim is not reso��ed by mediatian, City's actia�� ��i�de�• Pa�•ag�•apli 10.0�.0 or a cie��ial purs��ant to Parag�'aphs 10A6.C.3 or 10.06.D sl�all hecome fii�al aud binding 30 days after terii�inatian of tiie mediation uizless, witl�iu ti�at time period, City or Co��tractor: crr v or �orcr wnR� S'CANDA{tDCONSiRt1C'CiDN SPEC]FICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: fS�232f121 O(3 72 Ofl - I GENERAL COMoiT10N S I'age 62 oC fi3 elects 111 ��'1'l�lil� i� iEzvoke �Il� O��lEI' (�IS�7Elt0 1'eSO�lk�lOil j)1'OC�55 pro�idec� fOi' Ell (�]e Sup�fe�nenta�y Canc�itio�is; or 2. agrees �viff� tlte o#l�e�• pa��ty ta subtt�it #I�e Co��tract Claim to a��otl�er dispute resol►�tion process;ar 3, gives writtei� i�otice to the ather pai•ty of ti�e i►ztent ta suU►��it #lae Contract Claim to a cou��t af COillpBtellt Jili'1SC�ECttOIl. ARTICLE l.7 -- MLSC�LLAN�Oi15 17.01 Grvi��gNatice A. Wl�e��ever a��y provision of tlae Conh•act Documents requires tl�e gNiE�g of tivritten notice, it will be dee�a�ed to l�a�e been �ralidly give» if: 1. delivered a�f pe�•son to t11� individual or to a niember of ti�e firm o�• to an of�'icer of the co�-pora�ion for tvhom it is intended; o�' 2. delivered at or sent by registered ar certi�ed tnail, postage p�•epaid, to the last busi��ess adc3ress ki�ow�� to tlie giver of tlfe notice. B. BusiEiess acic�ress changes tnust be pro�nptly �nade i�i w�•iti�ag to tl�e ather pa�-ty. C. Wheneve�• tl�e Contract Docu�nents specifies gi�ing notice by elect�•onic t��ea�ls sueh eleetro�fic ��otice shall he deei�ied suf�cient upon cotl�r���ation of t•ecei�t �y tl;e receiving party. 17.02 COl1T�lIiC7IlO710fT111185 Wize�� any pe�•iod of tiEne is referred to i�� the Contract Documez�ts by clays, it will be co���puted to exclude the ���st and i►icliEcte the last day of sucl� �ez�iod. If tiie East ciay of any such pei•iod fal�s on a Satu�•day or su��day ar o�� a day �nade a legal t�oliday tl�e next Worki��g Day shal[ becaane Yi�e }ast c�ay of tl�e period. 17.03 Cir3rttrlative Rej�tedies The d�rties a��d ohligat�otas i�npased by these Ge�seral Conditions and tl�e riglits a��d ren�edies available laet•eut�d�r to t[ie parties Iiereto at•e in addition to, and ai•e ��ot ta be canstrued i►i any wayas a li�nitatio�� of, any rights a��d ren�edies available to atry or all of then� which a�•e otheitivise i�3��osed or avai�able by La��s nr ReguEations, by special wa�•�•an#y or guarantee, oa• by otliei• provisio��s oi the Cont►�act Docu�nents. TE�e provisions of tE�is Pai•agrapl� �vill be as effective as if repeated specific�lly in the Coj3tract Dacttn�ents it� conttectio�3 with eaci� partic��lai• duty, ohligatio��, right, a��d �•e�a�edy ta whic�i they apply. CITY OF FORT NORTI � S"t'ANI7AFLDC6��STRUCT]ON SPECIFiCAT]ON DOCUM�Nl'S Revision: &2i2Dll oonoa-s GE�lERAL CONDITION S Pabe 63 of 63 1%.�� S2l1'V11�C1rOf�rJrlgClI1037S All rep�•esent�tions, inciemE�ificatioi�s, wa����aifties, anc3 guarai�tees made �u, reguired by, or giv�n iri accordaitce witi� tlte Contract Docu�»ents, as well as �tll coritiif��iiig obligatio�js indicated ii� the Co��tract Doctime��ts, will survive �i»al pay���ei�t, com�l�tion, a�id acce�tance of tlie Wo�'ic o►• terminstion o�• cam�letion of tlie Cont��act oj• termi��atian of the services of Co��tracto�•. 17.05 Headings Article aiid �a�'agrapi� headings a�•� insei•t�d for convenience or�ly atid do not consti�fite �a�•ts of these General Conclitions. c��rYa� ro�z�r woR�r� STANdARDCONSTtiIlCT]ON SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: Ar23�1A21 oa o0 00 STANDARi3 CONSTRiJCt'[ON SPECt€'�CA"ft0�l 130CC]A4ENTS P:sge 1 oC8 SECTION pU DO pfl TABLE OF CONTENTS 17ivisian 00 - Genct•aI Cn��ditio�tis Last Re��iset� 00 OS 10 Ma ar and Council Co�nmu�iication ' 07/Q 1/2011 00 OS 15 Addenda 07/01/2011 00 I 1 13 In�itation to Bidders 07/19/2021 00 21 13 Inst��uctio��s ta Bidclers �8/13/202I Ob 35 13 Coi��lict ofit�terest Skateinent Q2/24/2020 00 �41 00 Bict Farj�l 09/30/2021 Oa 42 43 Pro osal Fori�i Unit Price Q1/20/2012 00 43 I3 Bic� Boi�d 09/11/201'1 0� 43 37 Ve��dor Gon� liance to State Law Nont•esident Bidde►� OG/27/2aI 1 00 45 11 Biddea�s P��e t�alificatio�is 08/13/2011 00 �5 12 P�•e E►alificatio�i Stateinetit 09/3p/2021 00 �5 13 P��e Eialificatia�i A IicaEion 08/I3/2021 00 45 26 Contractor Com liance witi� Workers' Com e��satian Law 07/0ll2011 00 45 40 Bt�siness E tii Gaal 071i 912021 00 52 43 A ree�nent 09/01/2021 00 61 13 Pe�•fof��nance Band 07/Q1/201 I 00 G 1 14 P� ment Bond • 07l01/20 I 1 60 61 14 Maintei�ance Bond 0 7/0 1 12 0 1 I QO 61 25 Ce►�tificate of I�isura�3ce Q7/0 1120 1 1 00 72 0� General Conditions 08/23/2020 00 73 00 Su lei�l�nta� Gonditions 03/09/2020 Division Ol - General Re uire�nents Last Reviseci DI 11 QO Summai of Work 1 212 012 0 1 2 bI 25 00 Substitutio�� Procedures 0']/01/20[ i Oi 31 19 Peeconstructio�� Meeti�t 08/17/2012 OI 31 20 Pi�a'ect Meetin s 07/01/201 3 OI 32 iG Construction Scliedule �$/13120 L i Oi 32 33 P��ecoa�struetioa� Vacleo a7/0i/2011 bI 33 00 Sub��littals 12/2012012 OI3513 S eciafPra'ectPrncedures 12/20/20i2 OI 45 23 Testin ai�d Ii�s ectio�i Setvices 03/09/2020 OI 50 0� Tem oi•ai• Facilities anc3 Controis 0'7/O1/20l i QI 55 26 St��eet Use Permit and Modi�cations to T��affic Control 0 3 /2 212 0 2i O1 5? 13 Sto��aaf Watez� Pall��tion P►�evention Pla�� 07/Oi/2011 af S8 i3 Tem orar P►•a'ecl Si na e 07/0112011 61 60 OQ Product Re uirements 03/09/2020 41 66 00 Product Sto3•a e and H��zdlin Re uireme►its 07/01/201 i O1 70 00 Mobilizatian and Remal�ilization 11/22/2016 O1 71 23 Co�3stc�uctian Stakin and Suave � 02/1�12018 01 74 23 C1eaElin 07/Q1/201 L O 1 77 19 Clnsenut Re �iiren�e�fts Q3/22/2�2 i O1 78 23 O eratio�� aEtd Mai►�Eenance Data 12/20/2012 O1 78 39 Pi•o'ect Record Documents 0'�/�1/241 I Cl'1'Y OF FDR'C W�R7'H i lorne St 1Vater:�€id Sanitary Setiver RehaUilitatio�� STAt3I7A[ii7 CO�ISTRLTCTION SPECIFICATIDN DQCUhd�NTS CPid 143123 RevisecE September 3U, 2�21 00 00 0o- s'r,at�n,�ti� cor�s-riiuc���ro�v srFcsr�cf��rEorr t.�ocun-r�;�v�rs Page 2 of R Tecl«�ic�l Specificatio��s wl�icli t�a�e l�ee�� �nadifieci by #I�e �ugineei• specificaiIy fnr tl�is I'�•o,ject; I�a�-cl capies arc iz�clucieci iiti flie Project's Co�it�•act Docuciients 33 49 10 - Cast-In-Place Stoe�n� Drain Ma�ilioles and Ju��cfion Boxes Tccl�nic�l Specific�tia��s listcd bclow :��•c i�icludcci for this P�•o,jcct k�y rcferencc :���cl c�n be vie�vedldawt�loaded feotn tlie Cify's website at: l�ttp://1'o2•�ivoz•ti�texas.�ov/tuwlco��h�actorsl or l� tt ns :II r� i�us. Fo z•i�r-o ��t li te�a s. �cj� I(' ►•�� i ect Res nsE rc es! Division 02 - �xiski�� Condifions 02 41 13 Seleetive Site Den�olikio�� 02 4i 14 Utili Remo�val/Abando�ime��t 02 �F! l5 Pa�ine Remaval Last Revised 12/20/20 t 2 12/24/20I2 oz�az�zo � � Divisio�� 03 - Concrete 03 3� 00 Cast-Iii-Place Ca�ic�•ete 12/2o/2Ut2 03 34 13 CO]ltl"pllECj T.6W Ski'BIl tl� Mate�'ial CLSM 12120/20i 2 03 34 16 Co��cc•ete Base Material for Trench Re �ir 12/20/2012 03 SO 00 Modifications to Existit� CoEic3•eke Strtzctures 12120/20I2 Divisio�� 26 - �lecti•ical Divisiaai 3l - E�a•tl�wo�•1� 31 QO 00 Site Clearin 03122/2021 Z'� ��t., ..:+�,,,� �',. ,.,+;,,,, n„��,.�'�—'s �-1-�3-�� � n i 1��� ��18 �}��h�#�ES n � n� r�,�� 31 2S 00 Erosion and Sedin�ent Cont�'ol 04129/2D21 3-�-3Fr-BB �� , �,�zxrz���z ='� � �,�.. .-�-�-,-�-"'�� Divisio�� 32 - Exterior Itn �rave���ents 32 4I 17 Pe►�manei�t Asphalt Favi���_I�e 32 0[ 1 S Tem o►•a► As lialt Pavin Ae 32 Qf 29 Co��crete PaVin Re ai�' 32 11 23 Fiexible Base Cou�•ses 32 11 29 Liine Treated Base Cou�•ses 32 11 33 Ceme��t Tre�ked Base Cou�ses �� 32 12 1G AsUhalt Pavii�� c��v or r-c�R�• worcTx STEINDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECfFICATION DDCUMEIVTS Revised Sep[en�bcr 3Q, 2421 12/20/2012 I 2/20/2012 I 212 012 0 1 2 1212�12fl 12 �Zizo�zoiz 12/20/2fl 12 881�-1�9-1.5 12/20/2012 Hon�e St 1VaSer and Saniiary Se�ver Rehabilitation CP3d ] 03l 23 ao 00 oa S'I'AIVi]r1itD CONS'i'E2UC'1'1()IV SYi3CI1�1CA"i'[ON i)OC[JhfET�tTS Page 3 0( 8 32 12 73 As l�alt Pavii� Crack Seaiaiats 12/2�12012 32 f 3 13 Co��crete Pavin 03/19/2021 32 I 3 20 Co��crete Side�vallcs, Drivewa s a�id Barrie�� FE•ee Ram s 04/29/202 ] 32 13 73 Conci•ete Pa�i�f JoiE�t 5ealants 1 2 /2012 0 1 2 'I n 1 A Y!_ F�] I'1_s L,r���V2 �-c-r-t--rty 32 16 13 Co��c��ete Cu►�b and Gutte►•s and Vaile Guttej•s [O/OS/201G 32 17 23 Pavement Markii� s I 1l22I2013 32 17 25 CuE•b Address Pai»tiii i 1/04/2013 32 31 13 Chain Fences and Gates 1 2120/26 1 2 �� �xl:..� L'�.�,.�.. ,,.a r.,�a.. 1�r^1rcr,�vrL[nriz 32 31 Z9 Wood Fences and GaEes 1212�/2012 �'� ��8 32 91 19 To soil Piacen�et�t a�id �'ir►ishin of Parkwa �s 1 212 0/2 0 1 2 32 92 13 Snddin 05/i3/202] 32 92 l�t Non-Native Seedin 05/13/2021 32 93 43 Trees and Shrubs 12/20/2012 Divisio�� 33 � Utilities 33 O1 30 Sewer a►id Manlzole T�stit� 9/a7/2018 33 O 1 3 I Closed Circuit Tele�vision CCTV Tns ectiotj 0�/2912021 �,�,��� t � »�z�� n � � ,�8 s�1�nt�sn�� �3-94-N- r�„ , r,..,...,.� 're�. e+.,.:,,,.� � � t�-.��z�r`'�� ,�� � � r1n,-svnvii 33 04 30 Tem ora► Wate�� Se►�vices �7/01/2411 33 04 4� Clea��i�� and Acce tance Testi�� af Water Mains 02/06/2013 33 fl4 50 Cleanin of Sewer Mains 12/20/2012 33 OS 10 Utili T�•ench Excavatioji, Embedment, a�id �ack�lE o4 /0 212 02 1 33 OS 12 Wate�• Line Loti�eri�i 12/20/2012 33 OS 13 Pran�e, Cove�• and Ga�ade Riu s 07I42/202 i 33 OS 14 Adjusti��g Mai�3�oles, Tnlets, Valve Baxes, and OtEler Skruch���es to ���������� Gj�ade 33 OS 16 Conca�ete Water Va�tlts ]2120/2a12 33 OS 17 Gojicrete Callars 1 212012 0 1 2 �8 i� r��o��» n z � �i '1`,. �I i : .. Ai.,to i�r7_rr,r�vfinvrt �� ' 8 t 7 r7-rs,r,��,nrrsnvrs 7 7 A G'1'} 1�I !'l�� 77'YYt�7 �4 nr.ri� n�� 33 OS 26 Utili Ma►•kerslLocators 12/20/20I2 33 OS 30 T.ocatio�l of Existin Utilities 12/20/201 Z 33 l 1 QS Boits, N�its, and Gaskets [ 2/20l2012 33 l 1 10 Dttctile I�•an Pi e f2120/20i2 33 1 i 11 Dt�ct�le I��o�� Fitti�i s �9/z0Iz017 33 l 1 12 Pol viEi 1 Cl�laride PVC Presst�re Pi e i 1/16/2018 �,� s � i���nn i � S > 33 l I 14 Bi�i•ied Steel Pi e ai�d Fitti�� s 12/20/2012 33 12 10 Water Se��vices 1-incl� to 2-inch 02/14/2017 CI`fY dF FOFiT WORTH Home St R'ater 1nd Sanitary Sziver Reiiabilitatioi3 STANI7ARD CONSTRllCT[ON 59'ECIF[CATION I30CL1MENTS Ci'N 103123 Reaised September 3U, 202 ] 00 00 i70 S`1�ANl�r1R]) CO�ISTRIIC"f�IO?d SPf�,CIi�1CA"I�[OlV []OC[)�4ENTS Paga 4 of R 33 I 2 I I La►� e W at��� Meters 12/20/20 i 2 33 12 20 Resilieut 5eated Gate ValVe OS/Ofi120i5 � z��-�r 9,i r��,,,��tn,;_`�' 33 12 25 Co�ii�ectio�� to Existi�z Water Mains 02/€}C>/2013 33 12 30 Combi�i�tion Air `Ial�e Asse���bli�s for Patable Wate�� S steT��s 12/20/20 l2 33 12 40 Fi�•e H drat�ts OI/031201�1 33 12 50 Water Sam le Stations 12/20/2012 �� n � r ��� �-�--�� i � ����h n i � �3-3-I--E3 �8�9.�-� 33 31 LS Hi 1f De��si Pol eth Iene HDP� Pi e for Sanitar Sewer 0�1123/2019 33 31 2Q Pol vi�i i Chloride PVC Gravit Sa��ita� Sewer P� e OG/t9/2013 n„�.,.,�.,.,f rt,i,,..c,�o !D[I!'`\ !'`i,.�e,t n..,.fto r��,.,.�;r.� c.,,,�*.,..., ca.,,o,• �r3i-z � , � h-rzr, n�vizvi� �.�...'�`� 7 7 l7�i 33 31 23 SailiEai• Sewer Pi e Enlar e�ve��t 12/20/2012 33 3l SO Sailitni Sewer 5ervice Connectio�ts ��id 5etvice T.ine o�3/2G/2o13 �-L�g , � ��...-�.,.r^,',�F 33 39 10 Cast-in-Place Co��crete Maciholes 12/20/2012 33 39 2Q Precast Concrete Manhales 12/20/2012 �� �3 ' i�t�n���ni�r �8 i � n�i 33 39 60 Line��s fo�� Sanitar Setiver Structures 04I2912021 � .e�.�... � g n� m�,,,T� ����n �i ��, � �t�nt�ns � �-�-�--E-� � t ti� �, ��� zo ��t� n E c �� ,t �n��T �� 1 `1 N�!`1�_1 ��.�, n'71l1 i�,�ozT'1!1 t t �'ttl-tl� T,�� •-�-�-cr�c�i�nrrs n7rnv-rrvi�ii�n,ri_i 33 49 ID Cast-in-Place Ma��l�oles a��d Ju��ctio�i Boxes 12/2012UI2 � 1 ') N� I L'1 �g fl'71l1 I�,ir�r'1(11 1 CiTY OF FORT WORTH Home St 1V�ter and Sanitary Sewer Reiiabilitation S7'ANpARD CpNSTRUC'fI�T�I SP�C1FfCA'['[ON DUC[JMENTS CPN ]03123 Re�3ised Se�te���her 3a, 2021 00 00 oa STANi3f1TtU Cq1VS'I'RIIC'I'fOT�I Si'ECiFfCA"I'1�T� C)OCII�4l�.i`1`['S i'age 5 of 8 2A� 34 71 13 �'raffic Cantrol A�penciix �E14:9�—�^�'�'-^Ra:�;��.��,� a��a:;« GC-4.02 Subs�rface and Plrysical Go��ditioi�s ��n nn rr.,ao,•.,.•,,,,.,,3 r..,,.;a�r;o.. --�r�^�^-•�c��iicic�r�-rv�crrnra-crcrr:rrca .,.1'r',.., ..r C�'s„ . r�ai-rivmrc-criic GG6.OG.D Mino�•ity and Wome�� Owned T3usii�ess Ea�terprise Cnmpliance GC-6.07 Wage Rates E3C �.n—v-v�—�ek�H�i-�9 3..'� rrno--vi�iiiic� GC-6.24 NondiscriR�inafion GR-01 60 0� Pa�oduct Re�tii�•eme��ts END OF SECTION (1'1 /7�� 03/22/2021 C[TY OF FORT WORTf i Home St 14'ater ai3d Sanitary Scwer Relia6ilitalimi S"CANDARD CONSTRiJCT[dN S1'EC[�[CATIOA] DOCUM�;%ITS CPN 1U3123 Revised Septem6er 30, 2021 Aa�a�rNn�x GC-4.01 Availa�ility of Laitc{s: No��e GC-4.02 5t�bsiirface a►Id Plzysical Conditioi3s: Street Co►•e Repart GC-4.04 Unde�•ground FaciliEies: Nv��e GC-�.OG Hazardous Eilviror�mecitai Condition at Site: None GC-6.OG.D Minority and Womei� O�v►ied Business EE�te����t•ise Cam�iia�ice: MBE 5pecial Tnstructio��s Pot•»� MBE StiUcontractor-SupplEer Utilization Foriti MBE P��ic��e Co►�l��acto►� Waiver Form MBE Goad Faith Effo��t Fo��n� MBE Joint Ventt�re Farin GC-6.07 Wage Rates: W a�e rate 'I'able GC-6.09 Permits and Utilities: No�ie GC-6.24 Nonc�iscri�ninatio��: None GR-0 i 60 0� P�•oduct Require�ne�zts: Standa►'d P�'oducts List - Incl��ded by Instn�ment CITY Qr FQRT �VqKTH �lorne St \Vater and Sanitaay Se��•er Rahabililatian S'1'ANdAR1J COAIS'IRUCTEON SFEC[FICATION �dCi]ML-'.I+iTS CPN 103123 Revised Juiy 1, 20f 1 GC-4.D1 Availability of Lands '�`HIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK C1TY O� POR'C 1VORT1� Horue St 1Vater and Sanitary Se���er Rcliahilitation STANDARD CDNSTRiIC"I'IDN 3PECIP[CATION DOCUMGNTS CPN t 03123 Revised 7uly 1, 2ot l GC-4,02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CI"CY OI� 1�OR'C"1VORTH Horne StlVater and Sa��ita�y Seu�er Reliab€litatio�� STEIAIDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATIOIJ BOCUMENTS CPN 103123 Rc�ised Iuly i, 2011 f .:,. , :., �C��E � E h3 G l h! E E t2 I tJ G Client: CiEy of Forf WorthITPW 5oil Lab 8851 Camp Bowie Boule�ard Farl Wprth, TX 76116 Prnject: Cores for W&S Replace an Horne Street CPi�: 103123 PO-OOOO�Q5496 FID:56002- 060043 D-533050 Q-1 d3123-00 i 784-9999 S�r�ices: 3204 NE Loop 82D, S. 18�, Fort Worth, TX 76937 89D8 Amhassador Row, C3allas, iX 752k7 Texas EngFneering Firm Registration, iVo. F-1572 Corporate Phnne: (214} 630-9795 Report of On-Site Activities Repnrt No.: 'f4358228 Project No.: 2125� 17 Date of 5ervice: 04101I2021 Repork Rate: 04/151202'f of Acti�i#ies On this date, a Rone Engineering Services, Lfd. representative(s} arrived on s'tte as scheduled tp perform coring and depth checks pn Harne Streat. 5ee afiached repart. Techrzician: Mateu Hunler Report DEstribuiton: 1-ec Rone Englneering PraJect Managers AUn: Mr. 53eve Campbell Rone �ngineering � �r� �� %��� � EJ ,� Sieve Camppe(I, CET Projeci Manager LIMtTAT10NS: The Rest resuHs presented herein were prepared based upon the specific samples provided ior tesling. We assume no vesponsibilily for varialion in qualiEy (composition, appearance, e1a) or any olher feature o€ s'smilar subjec3 malier provided by persons oF conditions over wBich we ha�e na control. Ourletlers and reporis are Por the axdusive vse of the dienls ta whnm they are addressed and shall not ba reproduced except in ful[ vrithout the writ3en approval oT Rone Enginaering Sen+ices, Ltd. (sC�sC) Page 1 oE 10 Rone �ngineering Ser�ices, Ltd. Project: Cores for W&S Replace on Harne Street CPN: 103123 PO-0000005496 Fl�:56002-0600430-5330500-103123-00�784-9599 Date of Service: 04/01/2021 Depth Checks — Coring On this date a represenfative of Rone �ngineering Sertices, Lkd. arri�ed onsite, as sc�eduled, to perfarm Core Depth Checks. Piease See Befow for Lacatinns and Resulfs: Overall Location: Horne Street Results: Mole #�1 Location: 100' south of Shiloh �rive 5.00" HMAC, (2.75" type C and 2,25 type A) 6.00" Flexbase 7.fl0" Nati�e; A#terburg �imits: LL=50, PL=95, PI =35 Total Depth 18" Hale #2 Location: 50' north of SFtikoh Drive 7.00" HMAC type C 6.5Q" �'lexbase 4.50"Nati�e i'ota[ Depih 18" Hole #3 Localion: Hnrne and Chariot Drive 5.�0=� HMAc, {3.sy° iype C and 2�� type B} 11.00" Flexbase 2.50" Nati�e; LL=50, PL�15, P1-35 7'aial bepth 19° Hole #4 Location: Horne and Como qrive 5.25" HMAC, (3.25" type C and 2" fype A) � 2.QQ" Flexbase 2.50" Select Fill Total Depth 19.75" Hole #5 Location: Horne and Fernander Dri�e 3.25° HMAC type C 11,75" Flexbase; LL-24, PL=20, P1=� 3.Da" Native; LL=30, PL�15, P1=15 Tota( �epth 18" Hofe #6 Location: 1 DO' north of Carver Drive 5.25" NMAC type C $.00" Concrete; 2,780psi 5.25" Select Fill Tata1 Depth 18" Wale #7 Location: 100' north of Heimick Avenue 4.00° HMAC type C 9.QQ" Flexbase 5.00" nati�e; LL=48, PL=13, P1=35 Total Depkh 18" Hale #8 E.ocatinn: Horne and Farnswarth Avenue 4.00" HMAC type C 12A0" Flexbase 2.00° Nafive Total Depth 18" Hols #9 Location: Horne and Fiumbert A�enue 4.00" HMAC iype C 8.00" Flexi�ase 8.00" Select Fill; LL=23, PL=12, P1=11 Total Depth 20" Hole #� 0 Location: Horne and Blackmore Avenue 3.75° HMAC typ� C 8,qp" Concrete; 1,440psi 6.25" 5elect Fill 7otal �epth 18" Hole #11 Lacation: Horne anci Libbey Avenue 4.5a" HMAC Eype C 5.50" Flexbase 8.[}0" Selact Fiil; LL=31, P�.=14, PI�17 Tofal Depth 18" Hale #12 Location: Horne anc{ Goodman Avenue 3.50" HMAC iype C 8.fl0° Conc�et�; 2,570psi 6,50" Select Fill Total Depth 18" F�o1e #13 Location: Horne and KiEpadnuck Avenue 3.0�" HMAC type C 6.Q6" F[exbase 9.QE}" Nati�e, LL.=19, PL�12, P1-7 i'otaf Depth 'f 8" Hole #'f 4 Location: Horne and Bonnel[ Avenue 3.00" HMAC, {2.75" type C and 2.25 type A} 8.00" Concrete; 1,�450psi 7.00" Select �ill Total Depth 18„ Hole #15 Location: Horne and Fletcher Avenue 7A0" HMAC iype C 11.00" Concrete; 3,680psi Total Depth 18" Hole #16 L.ocatian: 200' north of Flefcher Aven�ae 4.00" HMAC type C 8A0" �'lexbase 6.Oq" Nafive Total �epth 18" Wo9e #� 7 Location: 200' north of Welfesley Avenue 3.00° HMAC fype C 8.00" FEexbase 7Aa SeEect Fill; LL=30, PL=16, P1=14 Totai Depfh 18" Hole #18 Location: Horne and Houghton Avenue 3.75" HMAC type C 8AD" Flexbase 6.25" Na#ive Total Depth 18" Hole #19 Location: 2q(]' north of Draz A�enue �.00° HMAC type C � 3.Dd Fiexbase; LL=31, PL=2'[ , P1=10 Total Depth 18" 7�.7�.�3��] Lacation: Horne and Geddes Avenue 5.Q4" HMAC type C 8.00" Flexbase 6.00" Native u i"okal Depth 'f 9" Hole #21 L.ocatian: Horne and Donneliy A�enue 3.5a° HMAC fype C ��4.50" Flexbase; LL=21, �'L=13, P1-8 Tatal Dapth 18" Hole #22 Location: Horne and Curzon Avenue 4.50" HMAC ty�e C 6.06" �lexbase 7.50" Select Base Tatal Depth 18" Hoie #23 Locatian: Horne and Lov�il A�enue 3.75" HMAC typ� C 8.00" Flexbase 6.25° Select Fill; LL=25, PL=17, P1=8 Tata! Depth 18° Hole #24 Loeation: Manhattan Drive, 3a�' west of Horne Street 8A0" HMAC, (1.5" type C, 3.5" type B, and 3" iype A) 4.00" Select �ill; LL=35, PL�12, PI=22 6.�0" Native; I�R=42, PL=21, P1-21 Totai Depth 18" Hole #25 Location: Carver Drive, 2�0' east of Horne 5treet 5.00" HMAC lype C 8.D0" Concreie 1,16t3psi 5.Q€}" Sefect Fill; LL=24, PL-14, PI=1 q Total �epth 18" Hofe #26 Lacafion: Diaz A�er�ue, 200' east of Horn� Street 8.00" HMAC, i2-50�� tYpe C and 5.5" tYpe B} 4.00" �[exb�se; LL=27, PL=12, P1�15 6.Op" Flexbase; LL�21, PL=13, P1=3 Total De�th 18" Hole #27 Location: Diaz Avenue, 450' east of Horne 5treet 8.00" HMAC, (1" type C and 7° type B) 10.Q0" Flexbase �'otal Depih 18° Hale #28 Location: Diaz Avenue, 800' east of Harne Street 2.�" HMAC type C 8.00" Concrete; 1,5€30psi 4,50" Flexbase; L.L.=17, PL��4, f'1=3 3,00" Native; LL=38, PL-15, PI�23 Total I�epth '� 8" Hole #29 Location: biaz A�enue, 1 fl25' east of Horne Street 2.50" HMAC type C 6.40" Concrete; 2,430psi 9.50" Flexbase Total Depth 18" Map attached io shpw locations tested an this date. • � * �: ,, ;� � .. �- `. � `. ", � : � ' " � � �i �"' "'::_ �,. � - .... -� .� , � _ GC-4.04 iTnderground Facilities THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITI' O�' �'ORT \VORTH Horne St�Vater and Sanitan� Se��er ftetiabililatio�i STANqARD CONSTRLiCT[Oh! SPECIFIGATI03�T DOCCIIviE3�f'IS CPN 103123 Re��ised Iuly 1, 2Q1 I GC-4.06 Hazardous Environmental Condit�on at Site THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANI� CI'i'Y OF FORT �VORTfi i3urnc SI �Va(er anci Sanitary Sewer Rehak�ilitation STANBAi2D CONSTILi3CTION SPECirICA�[ON DOCiTMENTS CPN 1 FS3123 Revised Juiy i, ZOi1 GC�6.06.D �Vl�nori�y and Women 4wned Business Enterprise Compliance THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONAI..�LY BLANK CfT1' OF FOEtT �VORTH i3orne St 1Vater and Sanitary Se��'er Rzhabilitacion STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOAI SPECIFICATION DOCUMEN?S �Pid 103I23 Revised iuly l, 20[ i ��'����'�x��� REQUEST FOR BUSINESS EQUITY G4AL DEPARTMEiVT �F �1VER51TY AND INCLU510N-gUSI�lESS EQUITY CiIVI51DN �VIN-BE Check type of contract: Construction Q CMAR� DesignlBuild� ITB ClSIP� Professional (A&E)[� Prnfessionaf (RFQ/RFP)❑ G�'A❑ Dept.IDi�. �tame: WA��R Firsf Aciverfise Date: ���fl41�a�� Bid �ate ; 1 210 212 0 2 9 15 THIS CC3NTRACT ASSOCfATED WiTH TRV? Yes❑ No0 Date Sen# to DVIN-BE: ����$����� DoIIaE• val��e ol "i'TtV contr�►ct �o�•Eio�i $ IS Tii1S A FEDERALLY FUNDE� CONTRACT? Yes [�No ,/ �� ��{�� q��p CO{�TRACT? Yes❑No❑� IS THIS A 80N� FUI�DE� CONTRACT? Yes ❑No [�]✓ lf yes, what year Construction: IS THIS A LUMP SfJM GON'FRAC7? Yes �✓ Na[] Professional: IS iHiS A FIXED �'�E NOT-TO-EXCEED CONTRACT? Yes BNo� IS THIS A HOURLY NOT-TO-EXCEE� CONTRACT? Yes No IS �HIS A COMBINED PROJECT? Yes[� No � is this a Jobl7ask Order Contract? Yes❑ No ✓� IS i"HIS A R�VI510N? Yes❑ No0 �� Yes, enfer fhe revision number � 15 THES A CHAI�GE ORDER? Yes ❑ No ❑✓ Enter #� Contractor: IS THIS AN AMENDMENT? Yes� Nn0 Enter #� pesign Firm: SHIEL� ENGINEERING GROUP, PLLC f# this is root tEae ii3itial chanc�e orderlamenclrnent, suhrnit copies af a11 previous ehange orderlamencfinents regardless af whettier a !VE&C was required for Eundin�. RI[71PRDJ�C"i {VAM� {Descriptivn IncEuding street Names}: 103123, Water and 5anitary 8ewer Rehabilitakion on Norne Street From Camp Bowie Boukevard lo Vickery Boulevard. Check applicable boxes: ❑ Concrete Paving ❑ Asphalt Paving ❑ �rainage ❑� Water ✓ Sewer ❑Other A[t�rnates CapitallBld Project# �03123 Oiher Project# TOTA�. CONTRACT �STIMAT�: $ 6,438,�91 (Please ATTACH indiviclual sub-totals for contracts with multiple unitslsactions including contingency. if the dacumentatien is nnt clear and cencise, it will be refurned fo the departmen#.) SUBY VARUGH�S� Bt�yerlProject Manager (PRlNTED) BuyerlProjec# Manager (SIGNATURE) �X�. 78D3 pAT�: 912812�21 Point of Contact of Other lhan BuyerlPM: �prm8 SBUCeda �x-�, 6055 Ch�ck here to acknowiedge that ii pay item qaantities are added to the proposaf section after an ❑Business �quity goal has heen provided 6y DVfN - Business Equity �iv€slon, revlsed proposal musf he submitted � la DV[N - Business EquiEy Divis9on tor review. A compliance re�iew wil[ not be perforrted if additivnal pay items or quantities, which wil[ potentialty Impact the Business Equity goal, are added to the proposal section after the Issuance af the goal. THIS PORTION TO BE COMPL�T�D BY BU51N�S5 EQUITY DIVISi01� Bl1SINESS EQUITY ^��$� �°a� ��� ��a� �B� 4r SSE Goal GO�►L: �n�o ai�;'a,c¢jrevious� 17% % % Comments: Goal Set DVIN-BE Sfaff: Business Equity �ivision �mai[: DVIh1 BEOffice fortworthtexas. ov EXT: DAT�: Etfective a1-U1-2021 �'o�T a�Tx..� City of For� Worth Business Equity Di�ision Specifications SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR OFFER�RS APPLICATION OF POLICY Ef ff�e total dollar vaiue of the City funded contrac# is $'fdO,�Db ar more, then a Busir�ess �quity contracting goal ', is applicable. 1� �3�a.ai€�css �:c�Geiky F°is•�r�s i•efc�r;� ta r;�,riified �iii�nritya, �i���lc�i• VVatticn �, <a�ancc[ t3�;;in�ss �n�es•��rise� ', (iv�1WC3C}. P�I.ICY SiA7�M�N7 It is the palicy of ihe City of Fo�t Worth io ensure the full and equitable participatian of Business Equify Firrns when applicable, in the procuremenE of aH goods and services. All requirem�:nts a�d regulafions stated in the City's current Business Equiiy Ordinance No.��la3�i-11-202[1 apply to Ihis bid. �l.)�1N��� �t�LJll'Y GOAL The City's Mf�f4JE�� goal on this projecf is �� % of th� 6ase bid �alue of the contract. (Ef €eder�Ily i�tndezl) Tt�e Cify`s �1i�� goa! o�i ihis project is ' % of ilje I>ase 1�id value of ihe coa�tt�aei. A Susiness Equity Prime Confractor can couni ii's se[t-perFormance services towards meeting the Business �quity Goal for the assigned NAICS commodity codes on their MBE or WBE certification. If the Business Equity Prime Cor�tractor cannoi self-perform a!f of the work, if witl be accouE�table for subcontracting with certifed Business Equity firms io meet the overall goat. COMPLlANCE TO B!D SPECIFICATIONS On City funded contracls $100,000 or more where a Busir�ess Equity Goal is applied, nfferors are required to comply with the intent af the City's 8usiness Equity Ordinance by meeting or exceeding the above stated gaal through one of the tollowing methods: 1. Business Equify subcontracting participation, or; 2. Commercial c�seful iunction services performed by fhe Busfness Equify Prime to count towards the goal, or; 3. Combination of Business Equiiy Prlme services and Business Equity suhcontracting participation, or; 4. Business Equity Joint Venture participativn, or; 5. Cood Faith Effort documentation, or; 8. Prime Waiver documentat9on. SUBMITTAL OF REQ�IIRED DOCUMEfVTATI�N The Utilization Plan shaH be due at the time specified in the solicitation. The applicable documents must be received by the Purchasing Divisian, wifhin the time alEoca#ed, in order for the sntire b9d ta be considered responsive to the specifications. The offarer shal[ deliver the Business Equity documentation in person {or email if designatecf within project specificatians) io the appropriafe ernployee oi the P�€rchasing lJivision and obta'sn a datelfime receipt. Such receipt shall be evidence fhat the City received the documentation in the time allocated. Documents are to be received no later ihan 2:00 p.m., on the second City business day after fhe bid opening date, exclusive oi the bid opening date. Faxed copies wil! nof be accepted. �xception: CPA, iCA, and CDBG projects, documents will be submifted tn the City ProJect Mar�ager if publicly bid or to the �er►efoper if privately bid. • The �fferor must submit one of the following documentafion: . 9. Utilization �arm, if the goa[ is met or exceeded, and signed l.�ctt�r(s) af Irate��� irom both tf�e Offeror and Sub-conlractor(s}, 2. �aoti 1=aittz �fi��-� f=or�nt <�r�d lE4iiiz�ti�i� �=arr��, including supporting documenfatian, if participation is less than siated goal, or na Business �quity participation is accomplished,and signed [..etter(sj �i [��t�rrt for any participaiion achieved, 3. f��•i�ti� Ccsn�r�ac�a� ��ive�• F�n�°tn, includ9ng supparting documentaiion,if the Offeror will per#orm all subcontractinglsupplier opportunities, 4. Jc�in� Ve�iYc�r� E=a�-���, if goal is met or exceeded with a Joint Venture. These forms can he found on-line at: https:!lapps.fartvt+orthtexas.govlPro'ectF2esourcesl �A[LUR� Ta COMPLY WiTH TH� CITY`S BUSIIV�SS EQUfTY OR131NANG�, Wll�l. R�SfJ�.T II� TN� BID BEtNG CON51dERED NON-RESPO�[SNE TO SPEC[FICATf01�[S, FAILURE TO StJBMIT THE R�QU[RED BUSINESS EQUlTY �OCUfV�ENTATION WILL RESULT IN THE BID B�ING CbNStD�RED NON-R�SPONSIV�. A SECOND FAILURE WiLL R�SUL7 [N i'H� OF�'EROR BEING C1ISQUALIFIED FOR A PERtOD OF' ONE Y�AR. AN OFPER�R'S THREE FAIL.itR�S TO G�MPL.Y, WITHIN A FIVE-YEAR P�RIOI7, l'O TFfE CITY'S BUSINESS EQUITY ORDII�ANCE WIL� RESULT IN THE OFFEREFt BEfNG CON5IDERED N�N- RESPONSIVE AND 1VIAY DiSQUALIFY 7H� O��'ERER UP TO 5 Y�AR5 �ROM BiDDINCC ON C17Y BIDS. Any qttestEons, please contact the Business Equity Division at {897j 392-2874, Department o# Diversity and Inclusian Business Equiiy Di�ision Ernail: DVIN BEOtfice@fortwort�fexas.gov Phone: (817) 392-2674 Effecti��e Ol/d1/2021 a� F o L1J � � N U � � ¢ S � � O LL 0 � U 'a a � c 3 ll.. F�. N '� � LL,. � 0 � � +�+ � w � � � � .N � m H � � � �, � � � ,` o � Q- (� � � � � � � � N � ❑ N � � R. 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CQi4iPANY NAME: dfferor's Certification �tISIR85S i�Oti-�iE151fiB55 PROJECT NAME: �q«iiy fimi E���ity iirnt BID I�ATE Horne St Water and Sanitary Sewer Rehabi][fation ,2�Q2�2, City's Business Equity Goal: OHeror's 9uslness Equity ProJect Comm€tmenL• PROJECT NUMBER 17 o�a o�o CPN 103123 If bofh answers to this form are YES, do not complete ATTACHMENT 1 C(Good Faith EfFort Form). All queskions on this form rrsus# be completed and provide a detailed explanafion. !f the answer to either questior� is NO, t�en you must complete AiTACHMENT 1 C. This form is only applicable if both answers are yes. Fai[ure to eomplete this forrr� in its entirety and be recei�ed hy the Purchasi�g Uivision no [ater fhan 2:00 p.rn., on the second City business day after bid opening, exclus�ve af the bid apening date, wiii result in the bit� being cansidered non-respansiva to bid specifiaations. Exception: CFA, ICA, and Cf��G projects, dacuments will be suhmitted to the City Project Manager if pubEicly bid ar to the Developer if pri�ately bid. Will you perForm this entire contract without subcontractors? � Y�g If yes, please provide a cletailed explanation lhat proves based on lhe siz� and scope of this � NO project, this is your normal business practice and provide an aperafianal profile of your business. Will you �erform this entire contract without suppliers? � YE5 If yes, please pro�ide a detailed explanation that proves based on the size and scape af this project, f�is is your normal b�siness practice and pro�ide an inventory pt'ofile of your �usir�ess. � I�O The Prim�lOfferor further agrees io pro�ide, d€rectly ta lhe City upon r�quest, complete and accurate information regarding actual work pe�Forrned by ail subcontractors, including Business Equity firms on this con►ract, Ehe payment thereof and any pro�osed changes to !he origi�al Business Equity firm arrangements sut�mitted with this bid. The PrimelOfferor also agrees io aflow an audit andlor examination of any hoolcs, records and �les held by their company thaf wilf substanfiate €he actual wark perfarmed by the Susiness Equity firms on this contract, by an authorized ofiicer or em�foyse of the City. Any infentional andlor knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for ferminating the contract or debarment from Ciry work for a p�riod of not fess than three (3) y�ars and for initiating acfion under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false staiements. Any failure to comply wifh Ehis ordinance creates a material breach of contract and may result in a deEerminalion of an irresponsible Primel OfFeror and barred from �articipating in City work for a period of time not less #han one (1 } year. Aulhorized 5ignature iitle PrinEed Contact Name (ii different) Company Name Phone Number Address Email Adcir�ss C'siyl5iatelZip Oate Business Equity division �ffeclive 01I09l2Q21 Email: DVIN BEOffice@farhvnrthtexas.gn� Phone: (817) 392-2&7A ��RT O�THc=, C1�]� O� FOI� WOt�il A`CTACHME�iT 9G Business Equity Division Page'I of4 Good Faith Effort Form PRIMEIOFFEROR Check applicabie 6ox to descri6e COMPANY NAM�: PrimelOf4eror`s CeHiiitation B��siness ��uity Non [iusitiess PFtOJEGT NAME: Firrn ❑ �q€aity �inn Horne St Wa�er and Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitafion ,21021�� sIPQATE B�siness Equity Goai: Offeror's Bus9�iess �quity Goal Commitment: f'R�JECT NfIMBER � 7 0�6 0�o C PN 103123 If the dfferor did not meet or exceed the Business Equity Goal for this projeci, the PrimelOfferar must complete this form. if the PrimelOfferor`s method of compliance with the Business Equify Goal is based upon demonstratior� of a"Good Faith Effort", the PrimelOfferor wili ha�e the burden of correctly and accurateiy preparing and submitting the documentatian required by the City. Compliartce with each item, 1 thru 10 below, shall satisfy the Good Faith Ef#ort requirement absent praof af fraud, intentional andlor knowing misrepresentat�an of the facts or intentional discriminaiion by ihe PrimelOfferor. �ai[ure to comp[ete this farEn, in its entirety with supporting docutnentation, and received by the Purchasing Division no later than 2:00 p.m. on the secvnd City husiness day atter hid opening, exclusive of bid opening date, will resuit in the bici being considered non-responsive ta hid specificatians. Exceptian: CFA, [CA, and CDBG projects, documents will he s�bmitfed to the City Project Manager if pubiicly bid or to the De�eloper if private[y bicf. '}.) Please list each and every subconiracting andlor supp�ier opporiunity for t}�e completian o� this project, regarctless of whether it is to be pro�ided by a Business Equity firrn or non-Business Equity frm. �DO NOT LIST NAM�S_OF FiRMS , On ail prajects, the Primel�fferor must list each subcontracting and ar su�aplier oppo�#unity regardless of tier. (Use addifional sheets, if necessary) List of Subcantracting Opportuniiias �ist of SuppEisr Oppnrtunities Eftective 01101�2021 ATTACHMEi+1i 1C Page 2 of 4 2.) �htain a current {not rnore than two (2) months nld fram the bid open date) list of Business �quiiy subcontractors andlnr supp[iers from the City's Business Ec�uity pivision, � Yes � No Date of �isting 3.) �id you solicif bids from Business Equify firms, within fhe subcontracting andlar supplier areas pre�iously iisted, at least ten calendar ctays prior to hid apening hy telephone, exclusi�e of the day the bids are opened? � Yes [if yes, attach list to Include name of Buslness �qulty firrn, ep rson contacted, phone number and dake and t€me of cankact.) � No 4.) pid you solicit hids from Business Equity firms, within the subcoritracting andlor supplier areas previously fisted, at feast ten catendar days prior to bid opening by fax, exclusiv� of the day the bids are opened? � Y�5 (Ef yes, attach ffst to include name of Business Equity firm, fax number and date and ttme of contact, in addition, if the fax ts returned as undeliverebEe, then thal "undeliverabte confirmation" received must be printec[ directly from the facsimile 4or proper documentaklon. Failure to submit canfirmation aaidlor "undeliverabte cor}Flrmat[on" docu�nentatfoh inay render Ehe � j�jp GF� non-respotisive,) 5.) pid you solicit bids from Business Equity firms, within the subcontraciing ar�dlar suppEier areas pre�iously lisied, at least ten ca[endar cfays priar to bid opening by email, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? � Yes ��� Yes, attaoh emall contirmaEion to include name of Buslatess Equlty firm, date and tlme. In addilion, if an ema€4 [s returned as undeliverable, then tha# "undeilverable message" receipk must be prinled direcEly from �he � NO emali system for proper tfocumentation. Failure to submit confirmatlon andlor °undel[verable message" documeniation may render Ehe GFE non•responsive,} �tOi�: The three methods identified aho�e are accepfable for soliaifing bids, and each selected method rr�ust be ap�lied to the applicahle contract, Th� PrimelOfferor must document that either at least two atfempts were made using two of the khree methods or fhai at least one successful confact was made using one of khe threE methods in order to deemed respansive ifl the Gnad Faith Effort reyuiremeni. � NOT�; ihe PrimelOfferor must contact the entire Business Equity list specific to each suhcontracting and suppEier opportunity to be in compliance with questlons 3 thru 5, 6.) Did you provide plans and specifications to potential Business �quity iirms? QYes � No 7.) Did you pro�ide the inforrnation regarding the lacaiion of plans and specificatinns in order to assist the Business Eqt�ity firms? � Yes � i�Q Eiiecti�e 01/01/2021 ATTAG�M�NT 1C �'age 3 af 4 8,) �ici you prepare a quotation for the Business Equity firms io bid on goadslservicss specific to fheir s[cill set? � i�BS (if yes, aitach all copies of quotations.} � Na 9.) Was the contaet infarmation on any of the I�stings not valid? � Y�S ([f yes, atiach ihe informatian that was noi valid in order for ihe Business Equity Division to address the corcections needed.} 0 iV0 '[0,) Submii docurr�entatinn if Susiness Equity firrns quotes were rejected, The documentation submitted shauld he in the frms forms of an affidavit, include a detailed ex�lanatior� of ►nrhy the Business Equity firms was re�ected and any supporting documentation the Prirr�elOfferor wishes to be considered by the City. [n the e�ent of a bona fide dispute concerning quotes, the PrimelOtferar will pravide for confidential in-camera access to an inspection of any rele�ant documentation by City personnel. Wlease use addrtronal sheefs, if necessa and atfach. Compan Name Telephone Contact Persnn Scope of Wark Reason for Rejaction ADDITIONAL INF�RMA"CION: PIease provicie additionaf information yau fee[ will further explain your good and honest effarfs to obtain E3usiness Equity firm pariicipation on this project. The Pr[melOfferor further agrees to pra�ide, directly '#a �he City upon req�est, camplete and accuraie informafion regarding actual work performed on this cantract, the �ayment thereof and any proposed changes to the original arrangements submitted with this bid. The PrimelOfferor a�sn agrees Eo al�ow an audit andlor examination of any books, records and files held by their campany that will substan#ia#e the actuaN work perforrned on this contract, �y an authorized officer or employee of the City. A PrimelOfferor who intentionalCy andlor knowingfy misrepr�sents material facts shall be Debarred fnr a periad of time of not less than three (3) years. Effective 01I01I2029 ATTACHMENT1C Page 4 of 4 The unders�gned certifies that the inforrr�atian provided and the Business Equity firms listed wasfwer� contacted in good fait�. It is und�rstood ihat any Business Equity firms listed in At�ac4�ment 1C wili he contacted and �he reasons for not using them will be verified by the City's Business Equity Division. Authorized Signature iitle Company Name Address CitylStatelZip Printed Slgnature Contact Name and Title (if different) Phone Number Emai! Address L�ate Business Equi#y Di�ision Email: �VIN BEOffice@foriworthtexas.go� Phone: (817} 382-2674 �ffccti�e 01!(I112021 x y ,�r- .� �� ' ,, � , ..��, ,� � Naz�ie oi Cit,y �c•oject: CITY OI' I+ORT WORTH Joint Ventu��e EIi�ibility Farm A!1 questiais �ti trs� Ge atrs�i�er•ed; r�se "t�%A" if r�ol applicrrhle. A joint venture fann n�ust I�e completed o�� each project RFPBid/P�•aject Number: Joint Venfure Pags 1 of 3 1. Joi�tt ve�►tin•e i��for���atioat: 3oir�t Ven#ure Namc: Joi��t Venture Address: (If npplicable) Tele�haue: �-mail: Fax: Idei�tify the firms tt�at comprise tiie joint venture: Please attach axfra sheets if addilionaT space is required to provide detailed explanat�ons of work to be performed by eacl� firm comprising !he 'oinf venfure I3�isinrss Equit�� Nott-Business Birm Na�aic: C uii ' Fll'13l ��i13riC: �k15113C55 �1113] �i15[11055 Fllltl Co�jtacf Name: Contact Naane: Business Business Address; Address: Telephone: Fnx: Teteplioi3e: I'a�: i-mai{: Eanait: Ce�•tification St:�tus: Name of Certifying Ageuc��: 2. Sco e of �vork ea•formed b the Joi�it Vei�t�rre: bescribe tlic sco e of wark of tlie Business � ui �z•n►: Describe the sco c of Fvoi•k af tl�e non-BiisiT�ess E t�it firm: Effecti�e 01I01I20Z1 Joint venture Page2of3 3. Wl�at is tlie perceuf�ge of �3��siness �r�uity firin parficipatio�� a�i tl�is joint vea�t�u•e coi�a�ting to�varcls tl�e projectgoal? 4. Attncll a cop,y o�'tlae jaixit vea�ture agree��xea�t. 5, List corupone�its af oti���iea•sliip of jai�it ve�ihu�e: {Do rrot conapleie rftltis infor•uratrorr is rlescribed iu joint veirlrrr•e regreemel�t) Profit and loss sha�-i��g: Capital cnnt�•ihi�tions, includin� ec}uipmeE�t: Other appiicahle o�vne�-ship inteeests: 6. Icle��tify by s�a�a�e, a•aee, sex a�acl fi�•na tl�ase i��di�idisals (with titkes) fvlio aa•e resJ�oa�sible fc��� tl�e d;�y-to-ci�y ��a�s��ge���eakt aaac� deciszoaz ���aleiz�� of tl�e jfli��t vez�tu�•e: Financia] decisio»s (to ii3chide Accoaurt PayaUle aisti Receivablc): Manag�snent decisions: a. Esti�nati�ag ________________________________________________--------- U. MarEcc;ting and Sakes ----------------------------------------------------------- c. Hiri�ig aE�d Firiiig oF�i�ac�ageEne�it personnel ____ � ___ Pu�•chasing nf cnajo�• ec�uip��ie��t ---- ��xl/ar supplies Su}�ervision of fieid operations The City's Business �quiky Division will review your joint vanture submission and wil! have iina! appro�al of the Business Equiky percen#age applied toward the goal for t�e project listed on khis forrr�. NOT�: ��a� and aft�r Eh� dat� of pro�ect award, if any of the participants, the individ�alEy defined scopes of work ar #he ciollar amaun#slpercentages change irom the originally approved in3ormation, ther� fhe participants must inform the Ci#y's Business Equity bi�ision immediat�Ey for approval. Any unjustifi�d chang� ar deletion shall be a material breach of canfract and may resu;f in de6arment in accord with the proced�res out[ined in the City's B�siness Equiiy Ordinance. Effective D11�112�21 Joint Veniur� Pa e3of3 Arrin�v�T The undersigned affir�7fs tl�at tlie foregvi��g stateme�zts are t�ue ai�d co����ect a►�d incI��de all n�aEeria� i�yfoj•maEion ��ecessary ta iclentify and explai�� tl�e ter�ns and ope��ation of the jaint venture. Fl�rthermore, the undersig�ied shall agre� to provide to tl�e joinf vencure the stated sco�e oF �vark, decision-�ziakiug responsibilities a�id pay�nents ]�erei�f. Tlfe City also reserves the rigltt to request any additioi�af inforn�atio�i cieemed necessary to deiermii3e if the joai�t venhire is eligible. Failure to coaperate aitd/or provide requested infoni�ation �vitl�i�� tlie time specified is grou�x3s for ternSination of the eligibifity pracess. Tlie ut�dersi�z�ed agree to permit audits, intervie�vs �vitl� o�vners and examinatio�t of the 600ks, records and filas of the jai��t ve��tu��e by a�iy authorized �•epreseiitatives of tlie City of Fo;•t Worth. Failure ta coniply wi#li this pro�isio�s shal[ result iia ti�e tenni�jation af ai�y contract, whicli �i�ay be a�varded u��der tiie provisions of tliis joint ventti►•e's eligibility and may initiate actio�i under Federal, State and/or Lacai I�ws/ordina�aces conceining faise staten�ents or wiliful misrepresentatio�f af facts. .......�........_.-------•----�------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------._..____...--------------------------------------------------------------------- �iame of Business Eqsiity Fir3n; Na�ne oFNou-Business Equity Firm: Nacne ofOw��er: Nanse ofOwner: SignaEure of Otivner S€�;nature of Owner Frintrd Namc o1' Owner PriMed Nacue nf O�vner Signature of Os��ner SignattEre of Owner 'I'ide Tilte Dale Dafe Not�rizatio�� State of On tt�is Cout�ty of day of , 20 , before me appeared and to �ne persoi3ally known and �vl�o, being di�1y s�vorn, did execute tlfe foregoing affidavit and did state t}aat tltey were p�•operly auEliorized to exeeute tlsis affidavit a�id did so as ti�eir free act a��d deed. Nota�ry Public Pri�ri Name Notaiy Public s;gnalt,re Coii�niissio�s �xpires _ Btisiness �quity Divisio�i Email: DVIN BEOffce cr fat•trvortl�texas.gdv Pl�one: (817) 392-2G74 (senl} Effeclive 01/0112p29 GC-6.07 VVage Rates 'THIS PAG� LEFT INTENTIONALLY BL�ANK CI'1'1' 03� I��RT 1VORi'H f 3orne St Na1zr and Sani[ary Sewcr Rehabilitation STAAiDARD CQNSTRiJC'i[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUIviSh1TS CPI�€ t03l23 Reviscd luEy 1, 2DI 1 2013 PREVAiL1�3G WAG� RA7E5 (Commerciaf Canstructian Projectsj C1.A551FICATION DE5CRIPTION AC Mechanic AC Mechanic He[per Acoustical Ceiling Installer Acoustical Ceiling Installer Helper Bricklayer/Stor�e Mason Bricklayer/Stone Mason Trainee Sricklayer/Stone Mason Helper CarpenYer Carpenter He[per Concrete Cutter/Sawer Conerete Cutter/Sawer Helper Conerete Fin€sher Concrete Finisher Helper Concrete Farm Builder Concrete Form Builder Heiper Drywalf Mechanic [3rywali Helper [lrywall Taper �rywali Taper Helper Electrician �lourneyman} Electrician Apprentice (Melper} Eleckronic Teehnician Floor Layer Ffoor Layer Nelper Glazier GEazier Helper Insulator Insulator Helper Laborer Common �aborer Skilled �ather Metal Suilding Assembfer Metal euilding Assembler Nelper Metal Enstaller (Miscellaneousj Metal [nsca!!er Helper (Miscellaneous) Metal Stud Framer Metal 5tud Framer Helper Painter Painter HeEper Pipefiiter P9pefitter Helper Plasterer Pfasterer Helper Plumber Plumber Helper Reinfarcing 5teei 5etter Wage Rate $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 25.24 13.67 �6.83 �Z.�o 19.�5 13.31 10.91 17.75 14.32 17.00 11,00 15.77 11.Ofl 15.27 11.0� 1535 12.54 15.Ofl 11.50 �.9.63 15.64 zo.ao 18.00 10.0� 21.Q3 a 2.81 16.59 11.21 � 0.$9 14.15 12.99 �6.00 12.00 13.0(i 11A0 1b.12 12.54 16.44 9.98 23..22 15.39 16.17 12,$5 21.98 15.55 12.87 Page 1 of 2 Reinforcing Steel Setter Nelper Roofer Roofer Melp�r Sheet Metal Warker 5heet Metal Worker He[per Sprinkler System Inscalier Sprinkier System Installer Helper Steel WorkerStruc€ural 5teel Worker Structural Nelper Wafierproofer Equipment Operators Concrete Pump Crane, Clainsheel, Backhoe, Derrick, [3'�ine Shave! Forklift Foundation Drill C}parator Front End Loader Truck Oriver Welder Weider Helper $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11 A8 16.90 11.15 � 6.35 13.11 19.17 14,15 17.00 13.74 15A0 18.50 19.3�. 16.45 22.50 16.97 16.77 19.96 13.00 The prevailing wage rates shown for Commercial canstruction projects were based on a salary survey conde�cted anct puhlished by the M1lorEh Texas Construction Industry �Fall 2412) lndependently compiled by the Lane Gorman 7rubitt, PLLC Construction Group, 7he descriptions for the classifications iisted are provided an the T�XO's (The Canstruction Rssociation} website. www.texaassoc€ation.org/Chapter/wagerates,asp Page 2 af 2 GC-6.49 PeY-mits and Utili�ies T�IIS PAGE LEF�' INTENT�4NALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT 1VORTH 1�orne St \�'atcr aicd Sauitary Sen•er RehaF�i[itatiou S'E'ANilARi] CDN57'Rl1C'CION 51'�CIFICA7EOAI DOCUMEt�TS CPN I(13123 Kevssed July l, 20t t GC-6.24 Nond��crimination T�IIS PAGE LEFT INTE�TI4NALLY BLANK CI`I'1' OI' �'ORT �VORTH Horne St \Vater and 5anitary 5e�rer Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTAUCTIDhi SPGCIFiCA7'ION DOCLIMEN'fS CPfI 103123 Revised Juty l, 20f 1 Onfine version 1i12005 To Suby Varughese City of Fort Worth 311 W 1 dth Sf Fort worih, 7X 76102 ra� � ��v rr�u. Date 12/2/2021 Application No. FTW20211029154355 District App. No. 220S-WL-US377-21 Highway US 0377 Controi Section fl080�7 Maintenanc� Section South Tarrant County Tarrant TxDOi offers no objectian to the l�cation on th� right-of-way of your proposed utili#y installation, as described by Notic� of Proposed Utility installation No. FTW20211029154355 (�istrict Applicatior� No. 220S-WL-US3T7-21) dat�d 12/2/2021 and accompanying documentation, except as noted below. A COPY OF TWIS F'ERMlT IN ITS ENTIRETY MllSi BE ON SITE AT ALL TIMESI Contractar is required to cantact TxD07 Traffic Operations group at 817-370-3684 prior to beginning and exca�aiion work in the area of existing utilities. The Utility Owner is to send a Conduct Ins�eotion action with the Or�-Site Contractar's contact information through the UIR website 48 hours prior to commencing work. CONTRACTOR is ta contact Inspectar Gavino Talamantez at Cell 817-240-9134 with his 48-hour Nnfice and TCP su�amissian from the most recent edition o# the TCPs Standards * 48 haurs prior to cammencing work. Utilify Owner Shall Nat cut 9nto pa�ement or rip rap without WRITTEN APPROVAL from TxDOT. *L.ink to the most recent TCPs Standards: http:llwww.dot.state.tx.uslinsdtdotlflrgcharticmtilcservelstandardl#oc.htm When installing utilify lines on controlled access highways, your attention is directed to go�erning laws, especially to Texas Transportation Code, iitEe 6, Chapter 203, pertaining to Modemization o# 5tate Highways; Controlled Access Highways. Access for serving this installation shall be limited to access via (a) frontage roac{s where provided, {bj nearby or adjacent public roads or streets, (c) frails along or near the highway right-of-way lines, conr�ecting or�ly to an intersecting raads; from any one or all of which entry may be rnade to the outer portion of the highway right-of-way for normal servic� and maintenance aperations. The installafion Owner's rights of access to ihe through-tra�c roadways and ramps shall be subject to the same rules and reguEations as apply to the genera( public except, howe�er, if an emergency situation accurs and usual means of access far normal service operations will nat permit tf�e immediate action required by the Utility installatian Owner in making emergency repairs as r�quired for the safefy and welfare of the public, the Utiiity Owners shall have a terr�parary right of access to and from the through-traffic raadways and ra�nps as necessary to accomplish the r�quired ernergency repairs, pravided ixbOT is irr�rr�ediately notified by the Utility Installaiion Owner wi�en such repairs are initiated and adequate provision is made by the Utility Installa#ion Owncr for c�nvenience and safety of highway traffic. Ti�e installation shall not damage any part of the highway and adequate provisians rr�ust be made to cause minimum inconveniences to fraffic and adjacent property owners. In the event the Insfailatior� Owner fails to comply with any.or all of the requiremenis as set forth herein, the State may take such action as it deems appropriate to compel compliance. It is expressly understood that fhe TxDOT does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this highway; and it is further understood tt�ak the TxDOT may raquire the InstalEation Owner to relocate this line, subject to provisions of governing laws, by giving thirty (30} days written notice. If canstructior� has not staried within six (6) months of the date af this appro�al, the approval will automatically expire and you wilf be required to submit a new application. You are alsa requested to notify this nffice prior to commencement of any roukine or periodic rr�aintenance which requires pruning of trees within the highway right-of- way, so that we may provide specificat�ons for th� �xt�nt and methods #o go�ern in trimming, topping, tree balance, type of cuts, painting cuts and clean up. These specifications are intended to preserve our considera}�le investrnent in highway planting and beautification, by reducing damage due to trimming. Special Provisinns: FTW_SpecialPravision_46 You are required to notify Tx�OT �48 hours {2 business days) befor� yau start construckion to allow for proper inspection and coordination of work days and traffic control plans. �se khe U!R website for the 48-hour notificafion. DO NOT start construcfion until you have caordinated the constructior� start date and inspeciion with TxD07. You are also required to keep a copy of this Approval, the Nofice of Proposed Installation, and any approved arr�endments at the jab site at all times. Texas Departme�t of Transportatian By Gavino Talamantez Texas �epar�tment Transportation . . - ec� �ca ►v�►� o►� .. �� . ns a a ►ons Fort Worth DistricC (revised March 12, 202.�) Specificafions for utilify �nsta[lations Fort wor�h oistrict TxDOT Directo For Uti�i�ies 3,4 TxDOT's Mission Statement 4 Safet 5 Protection of Hi hwa Facilities 5 Use o� Ex losives 5 Protection of Existin Facilities 5 De�iation From A roved Plans 5 Stakin of Utilit Lines in Advar�ce of Cons�ruc�fon 5 Full�Time Su ervision and Ins ection 5 Notificatior� of Job Star� 5 TxDOT Loca�es 5, 6 Stock iles on TxDOT R4W 6 Coordination o� Work With Hi hwa Con�ractor or State Forces 6 Work Da Restrictions 6 Inclement Weather 6 Pits 6 Bore and Tunnelin O erations 7 Markers 7 Above-Ground A urtenances 7 Back-Fill o#� U�ilit Trenches 8 Site Clean-U 8 Re air and Re lacement of Ri -Ra and Earth Slo es 8 S ecial Precau�ions For Erosion Control 8 Seedin S ecifica�ions 9 Aesthetics 10 Re uired Prunin Practices 10 Prunin S� estions 11 Spccitie.ifiujis li�r Elliiit}� litsl.jllalii3ns L l���i9 1Vnrlii lli�tri�t TXD�T DIRECT�RY F4R UTILIT�ES FURT WORTH DISTR�CT UT�LITY:OFFICE `. Bili McCoy Doug �ain Amaz- Akrann, P.E. Rebecca Booher Ben Trevino Jennifer Showers Fra�icisco {Javier} Fu�ntes Patrick Nuniey �heldon Gatewood Right of Way Project Deli�ery Manager Utility Section Lead Transpc�rtation Engineer Utility Coordinator-P�rmits Utility Coordinator Utiliry Coo�•dinafoz•-Permits Utility Coo��d�nator Utility Coordinator Utility Coordinator UTiL�TY INSPECTUR Gavina ( Ninol Talamantez Ta�-rant Co. {50} JOHNSON COUNTY AREA OFF�CE Janet Crawford, P.E. Peter Ross, P.E. Area Engine�r Assistant Area (Sl) WISE & JACK COUNTY AREA OFFICES Edrean Che�ig, P.E. Oscar Chavez, P.E. Area Engineer Asst, Area Engineer `(52) NORTH TAItRANT COUNTY AR_EA OFFICE',(N. �F IH34) ';` Minh T:ran, P.E. Area Engineer Jain�s B�11, P.E. Assistant Area Engineer (54) SOUTH TARRANT COUNTY AREA OFFICE (S. OF IH30} David Neeley, P.E, Area Engineer Russ�ll Paer, P.E. Assistant Area Engineer (56) ERATH, HOOD &`SOMERVELL COUNTY AREA OFFIC�S David Fowler, P.E. Area Engineer Sarah Horner, P.E. Assistant Area Engineer, (57} PARKER & PALO PINTO COUNTX AREA OFFICES ` Klir�ton Kuntz, P,E. Gary Beck, P.E. Area Engineer Assistant Area Engin�er. 817-370-b950 8 I 7--370-b542 817-37�-6681 682�760-1839 817-370-6523 512-516-3692 S 12-348-i 148 469-719-0895 512-621�8072 E:�I�►�[IE���t�! 817-202�2900 817-202-2939 940-b2b-3400 940-b2G-34�0 817-399-4302 S 17-399-4302 817-370�fi640 8I 7-370-6640 254-965-3511 254�9�S-3S 11 682-229-2800 682-229-2800 Spcciliealiuus fn�• l]Eilill' i��st�llnlinns 3 t<nE-I 1Vm�11� Uisi�•ici DRIVEWAYS/STORM DRAINS/TEMPORARY ACCESS/OV�RSIZE , ` IOVERW��GHT P�RMITS . : Mait Evans, P,E. - District Maintenance Director Jennifer Giavando - Office Mgr. Christine Jones- AAH, Damage Claims, & OSIOW Margaret ,lasso - AccesslDriveways & Storm Drains FORT WO�t.TH DISTRICT MAINTENANCE OFFICES John Nolt B�ya� Ande�'son Joshua Powers Maintenance Supei-viso�• Utility PermitsInspectar Utility Permitslnspecto�- ��.�.,� .� .�..r :.�+� i�'� � ,�✓� - .��r ; � x��`�� .. ,,.-s.�..�.. _.,....,.,��... , �»� " ��.'�_..'.�.�. _._. Colt Wr•ight Maintenance Supeivisa�• Kei�h Pcochnaw Utziity Pez-mits Inspector {WISE} Jana Robinson Utility P�rmits In�pector (JACK) Wesley Harr�son Ut�lity�Pe�7n�t Inspector e , .�- ,�� �:���-,�� :-.� �-.�.��,� �r ,�. � �� ��lt��'������ _ , . ; � �� , . _.b ��:��.� Mike Sepeda� Maintenance Sup�rvisor Gavino {Nino) Talamantez Utitity Permits Inspector �Qu�����..,������ �� �s ��;. � ������� Tom Brown Maintenance Supervisor Ga�ino {Nina} Talamantez Utility Permits �nspector Jason Medders Maintenance Supervisor Michael Millsap Utility Per�nits Ins�ector ���: � ,� . � ,� � -���._ �-� �- ��;:.� � ;� _ � w ���.�' � '� � ��� � \�.. `� ' � TBA � � Main�enance Supe�rvisar James Scoggin U�ility Per�nits 817-370-6521 817-370-6524 S 17-370-3636 817-370-6527 817-202-2900 CELL 817-291�-0794 CELL 817-240-2149 940-62b-3400 817�29b-1956 940-S67-b611 817-709-6664 817-399-4350 CELL 817-240-9134 817-370-6903 CELL 817-240-9134 254-965�351 l 254-965-35�1 CELL 254-413-5058 682-229-2804 682-229-280G CELL 817-694�1245 TXDOT'S MISSION STATEMENT The mission of th� Texas Department of Transporkation is to provide safe, �f�ective and efficient movement of peopEe and goods. S�iecificutiu��s for i]1i1i1�� ins�ull�itir»�s � I�nrl 1Vurlli Uislrict SAFETY Please refer to the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Gontral Devices (TMUTCD) for r{ues#ions concerning traffic coniro! plans. htt :Ilft .dat.state.tx.iisl ubltxdot-infaltrflim�icdl2419-re�-216. df WH��.E WORKING ON THE TXDOT RIGHT O�' WAY: HARp HATS, CLASS 3 SAF�TY V�ST AN� STEEL TOED BOOTS ARE REQl11RED AT A�.L TIMES. A COPY OF THE UTIL4TY OWNER'S PERMIT Ml1ST B� ON SIT� A7 ALL 71MES. PROTECTION OF HIGHWAY FACILITIES All canstruction op�rations relative to insfallatian of khe Utility shall be condueted in such manner as to protect highway facilities from damage at all iirr�es. En addition, all work must be done in strict accordance with all applicable regulakions af fhe occupational Safety and Health Administration (QSHA) af the US Department of La�ar, USE OF EXPLOSIVES I�o explosi�es shall be used within iimi#s of highway right-of-way wiEhouE writfen permission. PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITiES Prior to beginning actual construction operations the Utility shall notify all okher Utility Companies wi�o rnay have facifities in the ar�a so they can det�rmine if the proposed construcfion will conflict with or otherwise damage iheir faciliiies. REMEMBER: 1-840-DIGTESS DEVIAT�ON FROM APPROVED PLANS No changes shall be made to ti�e approved [ocation af utilities without prior aulhorizatian of TxDOT. The Ufiiity shall make necessary arrangemants with other Utility Owners for mo�ing faciliiies andlar suppor�ing same during irenc�ing operations. Any poles, anchors, etc. relocated to clear fhe proposed underground utility line shall be moved towarcf the highway right-of-way line and location shall b� subject to 7xDOT appro�al. Ail utility lines i�correctly installed shall be removed and laid in proper location at fhe entire expense of the Utiiity. STAKING OF UTILITY LINES IN ADVANCE OF CONSTRUCTION Utility lines shall be staked well in advance of consiruction so that TxDOT can inspect staking to verify that the alignment conforms to requirements set out E�erein and that th�re is no conflict with highway faciliiies. FULL TIME SUPERVISION AND INSPECTI�N �'he Utiiity shall provide competent full-fime supervisors or inspectors for all utility instalfatians. � � � 48 Hour notification is required for utility installatians. *CALL INSPECTOR ON PERMlT'` Pleas� have the foltowing information ready wher� you cail or submit: • APPROVED PERMIT NO. � STATE WIGHWAY NQ. • U7ILITY COMPANY • lJTIiITY SUPERVISOR OR INSPECT�R'S NAME and UTII.iTY MOS[k.� NQ. � GENERAL CONTRAC70R'S NAM� • NAME dF FOREi+AAN and MOBlLE PHDNE NO. • START DATE rxoo-r �ocArEs 48 Mour notification is required for TXDOT locates. BE AWAREt! TXDOT has a considerable investment in traffic signals, lighting, and traffic managemen# system. These systems include underground electric and fiber optic lines. If any of the above faci[ities are within the limi#s of the utility project, the utility is r�q�aired to call the phone number lisfed: Signals and lighfing: (897j 370-3569 Sp��cifr.tiiuns fnr iltilify I��sl:3ll��lions J I�n3�l IVnrEh Dislricl AERIAL CROSSINGS Notification is required for aerial crassings. Notify Utility �ffice witl� TCP, Date of planr�ed closure, permit n�arr►ber, and point of coniact information. When approve then MESSAG� BOARDS MUST BE PLACED 7 DAYS PRIOR 70 W�RK. Crossings on controlled access highways andlor high volume roadways can only be performed on Sunday- Thursday, befween the hours of 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. wilh poiice assistance and appraved traffic coniroL Crossings on non-control[ed access roadways andlor low volume roadways can be performed anytime cturing ihe weelc, Monday thru �riday, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. with proper approved traffic control. �ANE C�OSIJRES Notification is required for lane closures prlor ta the a[teration af traffic flow. Nofi{y Uiility Qffice with TCP, Dafe of pEanned clasure, perrnit number, and poini of contact information. When approve then M�SSAGE BOARDS MUST BE PLAC�D 7 DAYS PRIOR TO WORK. lf a lane clasure is required due to an unforese�n sikuatior� and after a utility per�it has been appro�ed, it will be necessary to call the TxDOT Utility Permit �ffice at 817-240-9134. A#raffic cantrof plan must be submitted and approved by TxDOT prior to lane closures. Note: An Engineer's seal may be required for lane closures on contralled access highways and high vo[ume roadways. STOCKPILES 4N TXD4T ROW Stackpiling will be allowed with permission from TxDOT. Once, permission has been granted, stockpiling can start forfy-eight haurs prior to construction. The stockpile shall be placed on the r[ght of way line nr as close as possible wifhout obstructing the curb, pavement, or line of s9te. All materEals must be remo�ed from TxDOT right of way compfe#ion of the uti(ity project. COORDINATION C]F WORK WITH HIGHWAY CONTRACTOR OR STATE FORCES All +rvork related to the installation of uiilities shall be conduct�d in such rrianner as not to interfere in ar�y way with highway construction or TxDOT maintenance a�erations. W�RK DAY RESTRICTIONS Except, in cases of emergency, NO WORK WILL BE ALLOWED �N 5A7URDAYS, SUNDAYS, FEDRAL or STA TE HOLIDAYS OR A7' NIGHT. �XC�PTIONS MAY SE GRANTED BY TXD07 IF the Utility shows that 'bff da�' work is n�cessary to avoid service interruptions to the public and the Utili#y agrees to the following conditions: Obtain Tx�OT approval at least 48 hours in advance. ihe Contractor is required to have sufficient personnel and equipm�r�t on the job to efficienily exeeute the work. The utiEiky will have a supervisor or inspecior present on the job at all times while the work is in progress. INC�EMENT WEATHEIZ To ensure the safety of ihe iraveling public, as well as the contractor and his crew and TxDOT agents, NO WORK SHALL SE ALLOWED DURING lNCLEMENT WEATHER such as, but not limited to rain, fog, snow and sleet effects visibility andlor tractian. PITS All piks shall be exca�aked anc[ clos�d wikhin 4$ hours. lf the utility wishes to leave pits open o�ernight, ref[ective barricades must be employe�. Spcciliraliuns i'or [Ili�il�' Ii�stakL•tliuns 6 l<`ort 1i'oetl� [)islricl [=���:��_1�I��i���I�I��I�L�I;��-�:7_��C+7��� GENERAL R�QUIREM�NTS Utilities crossing under su�faced roads within the limits of highway righf-of-way shall be placed by auger bore or tunnel method, unless otherwise specificaliy autharized by TxDQT. Bares or tunn�ls shall be placed at depths below the roadway structure which are sufficier�t far superirnposed live and dead loads and also prevent collapse af supporfing sail betwe�n hole and roadway. Boring and tunneling operaiions shalf extend outside of the fronf slope and clear zone of the highway. Bores Where material �eneath pa�errier�t is sandy flr unstable and will be subject to caving, the hale for the casing shali be bored and cased simultaneously and �ored rnaterial remov�d through casing. Cutting face af auger nr drill shall not project more than six {6} inches ahead of casing and no water sha�l be used in connection with drilling. Wi�ere rnaterial beneath pa�ement is stable and not sul�ject to caving, and allawed by TxDOT, the hole far #he casing may be �ored first and casing inserted in the hole irrt�nediately af#er completiart of boring. if allowed by Tx�OT, water may be used in conjunction with baring. Bore Pit Location Pits exca�ated for boring or tunneling operaiions shalE be located so ihat any passible sloughing of sides of pit will not endanger shoulders or pavements and so tf�at barricades can be placed as specified in #he TMUTC�. Bore piis should be located ak least thirty feet from ihe edge of ihe nearest ti�rough iraffic lane and no# less fhar� twenty feek from the edge of pa�ement on ramps. On low #raffic roadways and frontage roads, bore pits should r�ot be less than ten feet fram the edge of pavernent or five feet fram face of curb. Tunneling While hole is being tunneled, casing shall normally be jacked into place as operations pragress. Warking face af exca�ation shafl not precede advanc�ng end of casing by more than two and one half {2�12) feet unless otherwise a[lowed by TxDOT. Grouting All voids around casing shall be pressure grouted. The grout shall be consis#ing of Portland Cemenf and washed sand and caniaining nat less than twa (2) sacks or PoKland Cement per cubic yard of grout. Additional cemeni shall be added if workabiEity andlar stabiliiy cannot be obtained. An air-entraining agent may alsa �e added ta the grout mixiure to facili#ate flow if necessary. Grouting shall b� done immediately after casing has been installed in hole in ord�r to avaid any shearing of soil and setilement of over burden above casing. Means shall be provided for proving that voids are filled around 24" diameier and larger casings in the event fhere is same daubk by TxDOT. TxDOT may require the Utility to install removable p�ugs at intervals inside the casing. No holes shall be drifled in pavement or shoulders far grouting operations. MARKERS The Utility sha!! place a readily identifiable and suitable marker af each rigi�t-of-way lir�e for highway crossings. Utilities that parallel the right of way shall place a marker every 1500 feet, at in#ersecting streets, and highway drainage culv�rks. Spceilicatiu��s fu�- iflilil�• In�laliatiu�is 7 i�u��t \i'urtlE 13istrirt ABOVE-GROUND APPURTENANCES Above-ground appurter�ances, such as pedestals, fire hydrants, mefers, etc., shall be located at the right-af-way line. BACKFILL OF UTILfTY TRENCHES �ESCRIPTION This specifcation shail govern backfill of trenches, which ha�e been opened for ti�e removal, adjustment, or ins#allation of utility lines within the lirnits of highway right-of-way. �xcept when permissian is granted, compacted backfill will be used for uiility installations. 8ackfill shall consist of campacted material abtained from suitable sail excavated from ih� trench, or frnm sources autside the higi�way right-of-way. Material shall be free of rock, [�mps, or ciods that wilf not break down under compaction. Backfill material shall be placed in the trench in layers nai io exce�d 6" in depfh and compacted. Water sha11 be added as required to facilitate compackior�. Com actian shall be done with roilers or mechanical tam s. Use of rollers will be allowed only when such use is not believed detrirrtenta! to any highway facility. The t e of roller used must be acce table to Tx�OT. When rollers are us�d, mechartical tamps shall be used along #he sides af trenc� to compact any bac[cfill ihai cannot be reached with rollers. Compactinq shali be continu�d until a backfli d�nsity is equal io that of fhe adiac�nt� undisturbed material. Where trenches lie withfn the limits of drainage ditch�s and channels, which ar� in solid rock, TxD�T mav reguire 1' of concrete backfill, struck off flush with the top of rack. SITE CLEAN lJP The Utility is responsible far s�te clean up at the end of each woricday. Roadways adjacent to the utility construction site shall i�e kepf free from debris, consfruction materials, and mud. At ihe end of each day, cor�struction equipment and materials shall be moved as far from the roadway as feasible within the safeiy rules. Ef mudding of the roadway occurs at any time, the roadway shall be cleaned immediately. When the utility installation is complete, the right-of-way shall loe reshaped ta its original condition and the area reseeded or re-sodded to reduce erasion. Shauld seftlement or erosion occur within one {1) year of ihe utility installation, Tx�OT may specify �rompt replacement at the utility's expense for bringing the consfruction site to a satisfactory condifion. TxDOT wiil restore sites thai are left ai an unsatisfactory condition aft�r notification has been sent to ihe utility. These sites will be restored to original condition. The uiili#y shall fuily reimbursa all cos#s incurr�d by �"xDOT for a11 repairs made by 7xD4T. 7hese cosks include, but are not limited to matters of traffic safeky, right of way contour, restoration and repairs to all highway structures: including, but not limited to roads, driveways, terrain, landscaping, fences, efc. REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF RIPRAP AND EARTH SLOPES Any exisking riprap cut by trenching oparations shall be replaeed and surface of new riprap finished to match fhat af existing riprap. Car�creta riprap shall confain not less than three (3) sacks af cement per cubic yard af concrete. Reinforcing steel shall conform to tF�at of existing riprap. SPECIAL PRECAUTI4NS F�R EROSION C4NTR4L Special preca�tions should be taken during uiiliiy installations to avoid disturbing existing drainage courses. In addition, soif erasion should be held ta a minimum and sedimenf from the construction site should be kept away from the roadway and drain inlets. During construction the roadbed and ditches shall be mainfained in such candition ta insure proper drainage at a11 times. ❑itc�es and chann�ls shall be maintain�d to a�oid damage to th� roadway. 7o avoid soil erosian, it is advised and encauraged that ihe llt�lity Contrackor use all applicable means (i.e. silt fences, hay bails, rock filter dams, etc.} to detour soil (rom eroding into roadway, ditches, and adjacent praperty. Spccilir:tliuns li3r i)IiGtY �tltiiii��i1fI11i1S " �'tll'f ��rOP��1 �)IStI'lf� Daies Feb � TO May 1 Dates Feb 1 To May 1 SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS RURAL AREA WARM-5EA5QN 5EEDING RATE In ounds, Pure Live Seed PLS. Mixture for Clay or Tight Soils Mixture for Sandy Soiis Eastern Section Western Section All Sectians Green Spranglelap 0.6 Green Sprangfetop D.8 Green Sprangleton 0.7 Sideoats Grama (EI Reno) 1.8 Sideoats Grama (Haskell or EI Rena) 7.8 Sideaats Geama (Haslcell) 2.2 Bermudagrass 0.8 l.ittle Biuestem 1.1 Bermudagrass 0.3 Little Sluestem 1.1 Ind�angrass (Lomela or Ch�yenn�) 1.5 Little Bluestem 1.4 {C-R BI€�esiem 0.7 K-R Slueslem fl.7 Sand �ropseed 0.2 Switchgrass 1.2 5witchgrass (Alamo or BiackweEl) 1.2 Tofal 62 Tofal 6.9 Total 5.4 URBAN AREA WARM-SEASON SEEDING RATE In Pounds, Pure Li�e Seed P1.S Mixture for Clay or Tight Soils Mixture #or Sanc�y Soils Eastern Section Western Section All Seetions Green Sprangletap D.9 Green 5prangiefop 1.1 Green Sprangletop 1.1 Bermudagrass 1.2 K-R BluesEem 1.3 K-R Bluestem 1.� K-R Blueslem 1.0 Buffalograss 10.7 ButfaRograss 1.F Bufialograss 8.0 Tofal 11.1 Total 13.1 7ota1 3.9 TEMPORARY COOL-SEASON SEEDING RATE ln pounds, Pure Li�e Seed (PLS1 Dates A[I Sections Feb 1 Tal[ Feseue �'p Western Wheatgrass May 1 W�eat (Red, Winter} 'fotal Dates Aug 15 to Nov 3Q 4.0 5.0 30.0 TEMPORARY COOL-SEASON LEGUME SEEDING RATE In qounds. Pure Lirre Seed (PLS) A!I Sections Crimson Clo�er Tatal TEMPORARY WARM-SEAS�N SEEDING RATE In pounds. Pure Live Seed (PLSI Dates All Sections May 1 Foxtaii Miilet to �lov 30 7aial �loie: Names in parenthes (} represent "improved" varieties af the species shawn. 39.0 7.0 30.0 SpccilicsitiuiEs for Utilih' I�isi:iEl;Niuns 9 I�orl R'urlli UislricE AESTHETICS To preserve and protect trees, shrubbery, and other aesfhetic features on the highway right-of-way, TxDOT �nay specify the extent and methods of tree removal, tree trimming, or their replacement. Tx�OT may also specify the instaiEation metttods of the underground or averhead utility in arder to praiect and preserve trees and ofher aesthetic features. REQUIRED PRUNING PRACTICES PRIOR TO CUTTING • Locate utility lines with the least passibie interEerence with trees. • Amount af clearance should be determined by the rate of tree growth. • Remo�e minimt�m number of branches fo provide adequaie clearance, • Maintain adequate clearance for lines, NOT EXCESSIVE CLEARAIVCE. + ALL pruning shall conform to recagnized free surg�ry practice. • Preserve natural character of tree. WHERE 'i0 CUT In removing a limb, th� cut should be made at a fork where the re�aining brar�ch wilk be at least one third the diameter of the one rernoved. LIMB R�MOVAL 1. In remaving branch�s khe cut should �e made at a fork with ihe remaining branch at least one-third the diameter of the one removed. 2. Undercut 113 of fhe way through the limb, 8 to 12 inches from the main stem. 3. Remove limb 4 to 6 inches out fram the first cut. 4. Remove stub with an e�en cut so t�at a trace {called a"calla�") s#ill protrudes {abaut'/z inch). 5. All cuts two (2) inches or over shall be painted with an appro�ed tree dressing or paint. * See pg 1'I. DlSPOSAL �F CUTTINGS AIE pruned waod and brust� must be removed from the right of way and disposed of in accardance with the laws and regulations of the cammuniiy, couniy, and state. Disease branches {especially those ir�fected with oak wilt) must be properly disposed of to prevent the furiher spread of the discas�. Spcci�cxlions lor LSlilil}' IEistall.itiu�as �� I�orf \i'cn�Eh 1)isfrirt pRUNlNG SUGGESTIONS �'� �` , `� � �J ., , 4 .�,— �.� , r.:-T. %� ,. C "'� � ¢ `; } 1F`/ � ��'��y a � �',- t. ,,� _ ��e S y �'�-% „��. � �' Yf ;C`,".,� � �I� < ���s��� � -.. fi ;� ;�� � � s- �� t IiT'i f z :'�tf � , ., dtSlltAE31: (; 7REE h40UIFICATIONS pR�SF'RVING SYMMETFiY. UE:SiRfspl�E �''��} ,�� F , �1u1,. }d i -� �"v � -P�� �'' � ��: � 1� � �t�' � �,:�.�� �� �k�y� 4� _ r. ;3. � i f� � , �� �! �: yr, , � y , � +, �� �: . � � ,.� I �`� � ` _ :e. �A�6 is.�: .. r%•' ' i 'rii" r f �,,%, � q % �i A � �`° �� `"pr i .; �' � � �"� ���iFfi4� is j Li � � ti � 7 f� -ut ' �k �y ir•�r� . , Q`'.�',1.�, .• YTa.` i �;��! .�� `''`` y, =f7��_�. ' r_-3 v�,,�. .;l'.. � .., S � , ilN0E5tRA0LE TREE Such Iree•line rnlafionships os moinlenance cosls and r�ghl.oE-wa pESIRAEIL� UNpESIFiARI.E �i.�;l � >.r, � y .I � �:j � �. lsr. .°: . ., 1 �}�"� E � �', �i �. �� { '. �. �: , ' y. :`.�.=e svan�.^+�nl fo farm Ip2� ' y�, f_�� a��. y[4 �y .. �y , > F � � .�_ F' : t'�;-�, .,- �i���`'�i Ir � �#4 �� I�t �r c,� td.:� �i, r;s , MOOifIGATIDNS illusleoted perpetuafes h+gh y unnlghlline55. UNbES.�RABI.E DESfRAeL� (� Aemnve limb � •6' lram ��� kst a�t. k --_.� �� _. �"• ��{) Undercut � t 1/3 wor IhfouQ� ���, lim6 8 -12' from �1E, fnpin SICm. 13) Remove slub {41 ikn�shed tus r w�Eh an even, �'�-. with rto trpce , � f1U6h LUI. �� � OT Sldb, ', • � r ,A, �<./ r� k k�. 4- i'ROPER Ltiv19 fiF1�IQVf�I_ (2' dia_ pr mo�e) Spccific.iflllllti Tt1Y UIII411' Iqti1�tI�8�3O1Eti �� Fu��l li'orllE 1)ist�'irl �E�SiF�AEiLE pC31itAE�i.E liNpESIRAi3l.E e...,s.,.,�,u�,���v.�,r::����o-.�„w.,..,�:.w..:�,.ux �� � �� r '� �' a.t� m y � �. _ ,__.._ ,,. �� � ~ m__ 1 f .� _ —�,.,_..__. / �$ aa'�%h' �. I . � K��' //�i �" �' ; 3�___.._� � �< �-•,� T� �i ' ' 5131[.413Px. �I_._� � F-.-..�•r � J�__,�k-�F� xl, 1��= - � � � a� � � € �� � OP � � �� �� � � i i I t ,, a� � y „'s � � j � . I..1� �I ! 1. � [ ��y�l ...�....�j : CY5 6 k � �A " �, � �' C [ARIO�' I na r � � k ' �., ��. . ..i.. ! : f -' � � _. 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When Technical Speci#ications �'or s�ecific produets, ax�e included as pa�•t of the Constructian Cont�•act Documents, the requix•ements o�the Technical Specification will override the Fort Wartl� Wate�' Depa�-trne�ii's Standard Speci%caiions and the Fo�� Worth Water Depat•tmeni's Standard Products List and a�p�•oval o�'the specific praducts will be based on �lle requireme�ats of the Technical Specification whether nr not tlie specific product meets the Fo�•i Wnrth Water Department's Standard Specifcations or is or� the Fort Worth i�ate�• Department's Standard Produets List. Tab�e of Con�ent {Clicic o�f ites��s to go directty to tl�e pnge) Itents Page A. Watei• & Se��er 1. Manholes & Bases/Components ........................................................... 1 2. Manha(es & Bases/Fibe�•glass ............................................................... 2 3. Maiiholes & Bases/Frames & Cavers/ReckanguIa�� ............................... 3 4. Manholes & Bases/F�•ames & Cove��s/Rou��d ............................>...,,,.... 4 5, Manl�oles & Bases/Frames & Cove�'slWater Tight & Pressttre Tight .. 5 G. Manholes & Bases/Precast Conc�•ete .................................................... 6 7. Ma��holes & Bases/Rel�al� Syste���s/Cementitious ................................ 7 8, Mai3holes & BaseslReltab Systea�as/No�iCemetititious ......................... 8 9. Mai�finle I��sert (Field Operations Use On1y} ........................................ 9 10. Pi�e Casing Spaee�• ............................................................................... IO L 1. Pi�esfDuctile Iron ................................................................................. I 1 l2. Utility Line Ma�•ker ............................................................................... 12 B. Server 13. Coati»�slEpoxy ....................... 14. Coatings/Polyuretliane ............ 15. Coi��binatian Ai�• Vaives ......... 16. Pipes/Concj'ete ........................ .................................................... i 3 .................................................... 14 .................................................... 15 .................................................... 16 17. Pipe ��ilarge�»ent System (Metl�od) ..................................................... I7 18. Pipes/Fib�rgiass Reif�forced Pipe ......................................................... 1 S i9. �'ipes/HDPE .......................................................................................... 19 20. Pi�es/PVC (Pressure Sewe�'} ................................................................. 20 21. Pipes/FVC� ......................................................... .................................. 21 22. Pipes/Rehab/CiPP ................................................................................. 22 23. Fi�es/Reha6/Fold & Form .................................................................... 23 2�. Pipes/Open Pt•ofiie La�•ge Diameter ...................................................... 2� C. Water 25. A}�pui•te��ances ....................................................................................... 25 26. Boits, Nuts, and Gaskets ....................................................................... 2C 27. Co���binatioz� Ai3• Release Valve ........................................................... 27 28. Dry Barrel Fit'e Hydrants ...................................................................... 28 29. Metet•s ................................................................................................... 29 30. Pipes/PVC (Pressu�•e Water) ................................................................. 30 31. PipeslVal�es & Fitti�igs/Ductite iro�� Fitti���s ....................................... 31 32. PipesNal�es & Fittings/Resilient Seated Gate Valve .......................... 32 33. Pi�es/Valves & Fitfin�s/Ru%ver Seated Butierfly Valve ...................... 33 3�1. Polyethylene Encasez��enf ..................................................................... 34 35. Sampling Statians ................................................................................. 35 36. Auto��aatic rlush�r ................................................................................. 36