HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/02/19-Minutes-City Council CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS
FEBRUARY 19, 2013
Mayor Betsy Price
Mayor Pro tern W.B. "Zim"Zimmerman, District 3
Council Member Salvador Espino, District 2
Council Member Daniel Scarth, District 4
Council Member Frank Moss, District 5
Council Member Jungus Jordan, District 6
Council Member Dennis Shingleton, District 7
Council Member Kelly Allen Gray, District 8
Council Member Joel Burns, District 9
Staff Present:
Tom Higgins, City Manager
Sarah Fullenwider, City Attorney
Mary J. Kayser, City Secretary
With a quorum of the City Council Members present, Mayor Price called the regular session of
the Fort Worth City Council to order at 10:07 a.m., on Tuesday, February 19, 2013, in the City
Council Chamber of the Fort Worth City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas
II. INVOCATION- Dr. Michael Dean,Travis Avenue Baptist Church
The invocation was provided by Dr. Michael Dean, Travis Avenue Baptist Church.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
12, 2013
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino,
that the Minutes of the Regular meeting of February 12, 2013, be approved. The
motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
There were no items to be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda.
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There were no items to be continued or withdrawn by staff.
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem
Zimmerman, that the Consent Agenda be approved. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
A. General- Consent Items
1. M&C G-17809 - Adopt Amended Citizen Participation Plan for the City's
Consolidated Plan, in Accordance with United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development Guidelines (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The City Council approved the •following recommendation: Adopt an amended Citizen
Participation Plan for the City's Consolidated Plan, in accordance with the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidelines.
2. M&C G-17810 - Authorize Submission of a Letter of No Obiection to the U.S.
Foreign-Trade Zones Board to Allow for Foreign-Trade Zone Activation at the
Maruyama U.S., Inc., Facility Located at 4770 Mercantile Drive, Suite 100
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to
submit a Letter of No Objection to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board allowing for Foreign
Trade Zone activation at the Maruyama U.S., Inc., facility located at 4770 Mercantile Drive,
Suite 100.
B. Purchase of Equipment,Materials, and Services - Consent Items
1. M&C P-11492 - Authorize Purchase Agreements with Lawn Patrol Service, Inc.,
Scott Landscape Maintenance, Inc., and Somerset Landscape and Maintenance,
Inc., to Provide Grounds Maintenance and Mowing Services for City
Departments in a Combined Amount Up to $1,320,893.25 for the First Year (ALL
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the purchase agreements
with Lawn Patrol Service, Inc., Scott Landscape Maintenance, Inc., and Somerset Landscape and
Maintenance, Inc., to provide grounds maintenance and mowing services for City Departments
in a combined amount up to $1,320,893.25 for the first year.
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C. Land- Consent Items
1. M&C L-15517 -Authorize Sale of Seventeen Tax-Foreclosed Properties Described
in Exhibit A in the Amount of$77,360.00, in Accordance with Section 272.001 of
the Texas Local Government Code and Section 34.05 of the Texas Property Tax
Code (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2, 5, 6 and 8)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the sale of seventeen tax-
' foreclosed properties in the amount of $77,360.00, in accordance with Section 272.001 of the
Texas Local Government Code and Section 34.05 of the Texas Tax Property Code; and authorize
the execution and recording of the appropriate instruments conveying the properties to complete
the sale.
2. M&C L-15518 - Authorize Acquisition of a Fee Simple Interest in 0.1239 Acres in
an Improved Lot for the Lebow Channel Drainage Improvements Project
Located at 3453 Lebow Street from Tom Wittrock in the Amount of $70,000.00,
Pay Estimated Closing Costs Up to $4,000.00 for a Total Cost of $74,000.00 and
Authorize Payment of Relocation Assistance Estimated in the Amount of
$40,000.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the acquisition of a fee
simple interest in 0.1239 acres in an improved lot located at 3453 Lebow Street, described as Lot
15, Block 17, Dixie Wagon Mfg. Co Addition, Fort Worth, Texas, from Tom Wittrock; find that
the total purchase price in the amount of $70,000.00 is just compensation; authorize the City
Manager, or his designee, to accept the conveyance, pay just compensation, record the
appropriate instruments and pay estimated closing costs in the amount up to $4,000.00; and
! authorize the payment of relocation assistance in the amount of$40,000.00.
E. Award of Contract- Consent Items
1. M&C C-26101 - Adopt Resolution Supporting the 2013 Housing Tax Credit
Application for the Reserve at McAlister, a Proposed Senior Multifamily
Development to be Located North of McAlister Road, South of FM 1187 and West
of Interstate Highway 35 South, and Authorize Waiver of Certain Development
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 4182-02-2013
supporting a 2013 Housing Tax Credit application to the Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs for the Reserve at McAlister, a proposed senior multifamily development to
be located north of McAlister Road, south of FM 1187 and west of Interstate Highway 35 South;
authorize the waiver of the following City fees that would otherwise be charged to the
developers: (i) all building permit, plan review, inspection, and re-inspection fees, (ii) all zoning
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fees, (iii) all temporary encroachment fees, (iv) all platting fees, and (v) all fire, sprinkler and
alarm permit fees; and find that the waiver of such fees serves the public purpose of supporting
economic development and benefitting low-to-moderate income elderly citizens by providing
them with quality, affordable, accessible housing.
2. M&C C-26102 - Authorize Payment to the Texas Department of Transportation
in the Amount of $53,841.21 for Utility Relocations in Association with the
Construction of East Rosedale Street from Interstate Highway 35W to United
States Highway 287 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize a payment to the Texas
Department of Transportation in the amount of$53,841.21 for utility relocations in association
with the construction of East Rosedale Street from Interstate Highway 35W to United States
Highway 287.
3. M&C C-26103 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with Durable Specialties, Inc.,
in the Amount of $378,000.00 for the Construction of Streetlight Improvements
for Golden Triangle Boulevard from Interstate Highway 35W to Katy Road and
Provide for Contingencies, City Furnished Materials and Construction Services
for a Proiect Total in the Amount of$579,000.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a contract
with Durable Specialties, Inc., in the amount of$378,000.00 for the construction of streetlight
improvements for Golden Triangle Boulevard from Interstate Highway 35W to Katy Road and
provide for contingencies, City furnished materials and construction services for a project total in
the amount of$579,000.00.
4. M&C C-26104 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with McClendon
Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $725,092.10 for the Construction
of Pennsylvania Avenue from Tenth Street to West Cannon Street and Provide
for Contingencies and Construction Services for a Project Total in the Amount of
$968,911.10 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a contract
with McClendon Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of$725,092.10 for the construction
of Pennsylvania Avenue from Tenth Street to West Cannon Street and provide for contingencies
and construction services for a project total in the amount of$968,911.10.
5. M&C C-26105 - Authorize Execution of a Stormwater Facility Maintenance
Agreement with Northwest Pipe Company for Property Located at Longhorn
Road, A.F. Albright Survey, Abstract No. 1849 at no Expense to the City
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The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a
stormwater facility maintenance agreement with Northwest Pipe Company for property located
at Longhorn Road, A.F. Albright Survey, Abstract No. 1849, at no expense to the City.
6. M&C C-26106 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Design Agreement with
Criado and Associates, Inc., in the Amount Not to Exceed $53,000.00 to Design
Bicycle Lanes on Segments of Park Vista Boulevard, Parkwood Hill Boulevard,
and Redwood Trail and the Addition of Three Pedestrian Crossings Across Park
Vista Boulevard (COUNCIL DISTRICT 4)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of an
engineering design agreement with Criado and Associates, Inc., in the amount not to exceed
$53,000.00 to design bicycle lanes along segments of Park Vista Boulevard, Parkwood Hill
Boulevard, Redwood Trail, and the addition of three pedestrian crossings on Park Vista
7. M&C C-26107 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Services Agreement with
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the Amount of$200,000.00 for the Design of
the Wagley Robertson Drainage Improvements Proiect (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of an
Engineering Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the amount of
$200,000.00 for the design of the Wagley Robertson Drainage Improvements Project.
8. M&C C-26108 - Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with
AECOM Technical Services, Inc., in the Amount of $327,000.00 for a Flood
Warning System Study (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a
professional services agreement with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., in the amount of
$327,000.00 for a Flood Warning System Study.
9. M&C C-26109 - Authorize Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with
the North Texas High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Task Force for
Participation in the Commercial Smuggling Squad, Accept Reimbursement of
Overtime Expenses in the Amount Up to $17,205.25 for Fiscal Year 2013 and
Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a
Memorandum of Understanding with the North Texas High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
Task Force for participation in the Commercial Smuggling Squad; authorize the acceptance of
reimbursement of overtime expenses in the amount up to $17,205.25 for an officer assigned to
the Commercial Smuggling Squad for Fiscal Year 2013; and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
No. 20620-02-2013 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the grants fund, upon
execution of the agreement.
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10. M&C C-26110 - Authorize Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding
Between the City of Fort Worth, the Texas A&M Forest Service, and the Regional
Incident Management Team Members to Delineate Responsibilities and
Procedures for Regional Incident Management Team Activities Under the
Authority of the State of Texas Emergency Management Plan, Authorize
Acceptance of Reimbursement Funds from the Texas A&M Forest Service in the
Amount Up to $51,000.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a
Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Fort Worth, the Texas A&M Forest Service,
and the Regional Incident Management Team members to delineate responsibilities and
procedures for the Regional Incident Management Team activities under the authority of the
State of Texas Emergency Management Plan; authorize the acceptance of reimbursement funds
from the Texas A&M Forest Service in the amount up to $51,000.00; and adopt Appropriation
Ordinance No. 20621-02-2013 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the grants
fund, subject to reimbursement from Texas A&M Forest Service.
11. M&C C-26111 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 8 to City Secretary
Contract No. 40243 with Hahnfeld, Hoffer and Stanford in the Amount of
$85,505.00 Plus Up to $2,365.00 in Reimbursable Expenses for Design Documents
and Construction Administration Services to Renovate and Expand the General
Terminal Building at Meacham International Airport(COUNCIL DISTRICT 2)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of
Amendment No. 8 to City Secretary Contract No. 40243 with Hahnfeld, Hoffer and Stanford in
the amount of $85,505.00 plus up to $2,365.00 in reimbursable expenses from appropriated
funds, for additional design documents and construction administration services to renovate and
expand the General Aviation Terminal Building at Meacham International Airport.
12. M&C C-26112 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 to Federal Aviation
Administration Lease No. DTFACN-II-L-00106 to Reflect the Current Leased
Space and to Revise Equipment Descriptions for the Air Traffic Control Tower at
Fort Worth Spinks Airport(COUNCIL DISTRICT 8)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of
Amendment No. 1 to Federal Aviation Administration Lease No. DTFACN-II-L-00106 to
reflect the current leased space and to revise equipment descriptions for the Air Traffic Control
Tower at Fort Worth Spinks Airport.
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13. M&C C-26113 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement with A.N.A.
Consultants LLC., in the Amount of $144,450.00 for Water and Sanitary Sewer
Replacement Contract No. 2011, WSM-B on Western Avenue, Curzon Avenue
Lovell Avenue, Locke Avenue, and Two Alleyways, Provide for Project
Management, Real Property Acquisition and Utility Coordination for a Project
Total in the Amount of $180,000.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the transfer in the amount
of$180,000.00 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund in the amount of$104,444.00 to the
Water Capital Projects Fund and the amount of$75,556.00 to the Sewer Capital Projects Fund;
Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 20622-02-2013 increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Water Capital Projects Fund, from available funds, for the purpose of Water
and Sanitary Sewer Replacement Contract 2011,WSM-B and Appropriation Ordinance No.
20623-02-2013 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Sewer Capital
Projects Fund, from available funds for the same purpose stated above; and authorize the
execution of an engineering agreement with A.N.A. Consultants, LLC., in the amount of
14. M&C C-26114 - Authorize Provision of Water Service at 1.25 Times the Retail
Rate to the Commercial Property Located at 2201 West Risinger Road in Tarrant
County, Pursuant to City Code Section 35-60B, Uses Outside City (COUNCIL
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the Water Department to
provide water service at 1.25 times the retail rate to commercial property located at 2201 West
Risinger Road in Tarrant County, pursuant to City Code Section 35-60B, Uses Outside City; and
authorize the execution of an agreement for such services.
15. M&C C-26115 - Authorize Amendment of a Community Facilities Agreement,
City Contract No. 44014, with Texas Christian University and Authorize City
Participation in the Amount of $161,895.00 for Construction of a Sixteen-Inch
Water Main on Stadium Drive and Bellaire Drive North (COUNCIL DISTRICT
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of an
amendment to the Community Facilities Agreement with Texas Christian University for the City
to participate in the amount of$161,895.00 for the construction of a sixteen-inch water main on
Stadium Drive and Bellaire Drive North to serve Texas Christian University and the surrounding
Mr. Michael Appleman, 2600 block of Highview Terrace, submitted a comment card in
opposition to Mayor and Council Communication No. C-26115.
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1. OCS - 1878- Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Iniuries
End of Consent Agenda.
1. Presentation of Proclamation for Cowtown Marathon Weekend
Council Member Shingleton presented the Proclamation for Cowtown Marathon Weekend to
Ms. Heidi Swartz, Executive Director. He stated that The Cowtown, a non-profit organization
promoting community health and wellness to North Texans of all fitness levels, was celebrating
35 years of running and offering an Adults 5K, Cook Children's 5K, 10K, Half Marathon,
Marathon and Ultra Marathon. He further stated that The Cowtown welcomed runners and their
families from around the world with over 48 states and 8 foreign countries being represented by
participants who enjoyed the best aspects of Fort Worth. He pointed out that the staff and
volunteers of The Cowtown worked diligently to encourage and facilitate the participation of
school as well as community center teams from across the Metroplex in one of the country's
largest youth races in the nation with The Cowtown C.A.L.F. program providing assistance to
over 2,100 low income children including help in training, entry fees and running equipment and
in January 2012, The Cowtown received national recognition as the Youth Event of the Year by
Running U.S.A.
Ms. Swartz expressed appreciation to the Mayor and Council for the Proclamation and
encouraged everyone to attend the event. Mayor Price stated this was an incredible event and
encouraged everyone to participate in the event by volunteering or running or walking.
2. Presentation of Checks by the Rotary Club of Fort Worth and Streams and
Valleys, Inc., for a New Trailhead at Trinity Park to be Known as Rotary Plaza
Mr. Tim Plocica, President - Elect, Rotary Club of Fort Worth, provided a brief overview and
history of Rotary Park and presented the check from the Rotary Club of Fort Worth in the
amount of $100,000.00 for a new trailhead at Trinity Park to be known as Rotary Plaza, to
Council Member Burns. He also read the names of the members of the Rotary Club of Fort
Worth. He also expressed appreciation to Ms. Adalaide Leavans, Streams and Valleys, Inc., for
her support of the project.
Ms. Valerie Yoakam Jay, Interim Executive Director, Streams and Valleys, Inc., presented the
check from the Streams and Valleys, Inc., in the amount of $10,000.00 for a new trailhead at
Trinity Park to be known as Rotary Plaza, to Council Member Burns.
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Council Member Burns expressed appreciation for the donations and stated the dedication
ceremony would take place on February 22, 2013, at 11:00 a.m.
1. Upcoming and Recent Events
Council Member Moss announced that on February 24, 2013, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., the
Center for Stop Six Heritage would host a program entitled Black History in the Making, Living
the American Dream in honor of Black History Month. He added that the program would
feature four men from the Stop Six community who overcame many conditions in their lives —
Charles Daniels, Assistant City Manager, Rudy Jackson, Fire Chief, Horatio Porter, Chief
Financial Officer, and William Johnson, Assistant Director, Housing and Economic
Development. He stated the program would be held at the campus of the Dunbar Young Men's
Leadership Academy, 5100 Willie Street.
Council Member Scarth announced that an Economic Development and Strategic Planning
meeting would be held on February 22, 2013, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00, at the UTA Research
Council Member Burns pointed out that the Rotary Plaza was a $220,000.00 project including
the donations from both the Rotary Club of Fort Worth and Streams and Valleys, Inc. He also
announced that the Cowtown Marathon would be held February 23-24, 2013. He also advised
that there would be a Health and Fitness Exposition held February 22-23, 2013, at the Will
Rogers Memorial Complex. He also announced that the Fairmont Neighborhood would host a
pancake breakfast on February 24, 2013, at 7:00 a.m., and the Mistletoe Heights would be
serving breakfast burritos also on February 24, 2013, at 7:00 a.m., both in efforts to cheer on
runners participating in the Cowtown Marathon.
Mayor Price announced that the State of the City Address would be held on March 5, 2013, at
11:30 a.m.
2. Recognition of Citizens
There were no citizens recognized at this time.
3. Approval of Ceremonial Travel
There was no approval necessary of ceremonial travel.
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1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions
Motion: Council Member Scarth made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that
Joey Dixson be appointed to Place 4 on the Board of Adjustment - Residential
effective February 19, 2013, with a term expiring on October 1, 2014, be approved.
The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
There were no presentations and/or communications from boards, commissions and/or City
Council committees.
1. Forty-Ninth Supplemental Concurrent Bond Ordinance Authorizing One or
More Series of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Joint Revenue Bonds, for
Lawful Purposes; Providing the Security Therefore; Providing for the Sale,
Execution and Delivery Thereof Subject to Certain Parameters; and Providing
Other Terms, Provisions and Covenants with Respect Thereto
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss,
that Ordinance No. 20624-02-2013 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9
ayes to 0 nays.
B. General
1. M&C G-17811 - Authorize Acceptance of a Monetary Donation from Comerica
Bank in the Amount of $5,680.00 to Cover the Costs Associated with a Public
Engagement Initiative Including BikeFW, Wa1kFW and JavaFW to Increase
Civic Participation, Increase Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the
Special Trust Fund and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL
It was recommended that the City Council authorize the acceptance of a monetary donation from
Comerica Bank in the amount of $5,680.00 to cover the costs associated with the public
engagement initiative including BikeFW, WalkFW and JavaFW to increase civic participation;
and adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the
Special Trust Fund, subject to receipt of a monetary donation.
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Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-17811 be approved with
appreciation and Appropriation Ordinance No. 20625-02-2013 be adopted. The
motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
2. M&C G-17812 - Adopt Ordinance Correcting Ordinance No. 20615-02-2013, in
Order to Correct the Legal Description and Related Exhibits from Previously
Approved Annexation Case AX-12-007 Involving the Enclave at Parkview
Apartments Located at 7001 Old Decatur Road (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7)
It was recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance correcting Ordinance No. 20615-
02-2013, declaring certain findings; providing for the extension of certain boundary limits of the
City of Fort Worth; providing for the annexation of an approximately 9.2 acre tract of land
situated in Tarrant County in the A. F. Albright Survey, Abstract Number 1849; situated about
7.9 miles north 25 degrees west of the Tarrant County Courthouse, Texas (Case No. AX-12-
007), which said territory lies adjacent to and adjoins the present corporate boundary limits of
Fort Worth, Texas; providing that the territory annexed shall bear its pro rata part of taxes; and
providing that the inhabitants thereof shall have all the privileges of all the citizens of Fort
Worth, Texas; in order to reflect the correct legal description and exhibit attachments for
previously approved annexation case AX-12-007 involving the Enclave at Parkview Apartments
located at 7001 Old Decatur Road (M&C PZ-3014).
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Scarth,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-17812 be approved and Ordinance
No. 20626-02-2013 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
3. M&C G-17813 - Authorize Transfer in the Amount of $1,530,000.00 in Unspent
Bond Proceeds from the Parking Garage Capital Project Fund to the Parking
Building Debt Service Fund to Cover Debt Service for the Houston Street Parking
Garage and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
It was recommended that the City Council authorize transfer of unspent bond proceeds from the
sale of Combination Tax and Parking Revenue Certificate of Obligation, Series 2007, in the
amount of $1,530,000.00 from the Parking Garage Capital Project Fund, P259, to the Parking
Building Debt Service Fund, PE62, for debt service payments; and adopt an appropriation
ordinance increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Parking Building Debt
Service Fund, from available funds, for the purpose of debt service payments.
Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tern Zimmerman,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-17813 be approved and
Appropriation Ordinance No. 20627-02-2013 be adopted. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
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4. M&C G-17814 - Authorize Waiver of Various City Fees in the Approximate
Amount of $30,000.00 Under an Economic Development Program for
Development of a New Headquarters/Manufacturing Facility for Airbase Services
Inc., Located at 4949 Amon Carter Boulevard in CentrePort Business Park
It was recommended that the City Council authorize waiver of the following City fees that
ordinarily would be charged in association with the development of a new
headquarters/manufacturing facility for Airbase Services, Inc., located at 4949 Amon Carter
Boulevard in CentrePort Business Park, through the date of issuance of a final certificate of
occupancy: (i) all building permit, plan review, inspection, and re-inspection fees; (ii) all zoning
fees; (iii) all temporary encroachment fees; (iv) all platting fees; and (v) all fire sprinkler and
alarm permit fees; and find that the waiver of such fees constitutes an economic development
program authorized by Section 380.001, Texas Local Government Code.
Motion: Council Member Moss made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-17814 be approved. The motion
carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
5. M&C G-17815 - Rescind Mayor and Council Communications C-24945 and C-
25372 and Authorize Execution of an Economic Development Program
Agreement with GE Transportation or Any Affiliate for the Completion of a
Locomotive Manufacturing Facility Located at 16201 Three Wide Drive_and a
Mining Equipment Manufacturing Facility Located at 16202 Three Wide_Drive
It was recommended that the City Council rescind Mayor and Council Communication No. C-
24945, which authorized execution of a Tax Abatement Agreement with GE Transportation for a
locomotive manufacturing facility located at 12850 Three Wide Drive, now known as 16201
Three Wide Drive; rescind Mayor and Council Communication No. C-25372, which authorized
execution of a Tax Abatement Agreement with GE Transportation or any affiliate for a mining
equipment manufacturing facility located at 16202 Three Wide Drive; and authorize the
execution of a ten-year economic development program agreement with GE Transportation or
any affiliate for completion of a locomotive manufacturing facility located at 16201 Three Wide
Drive and a mining equipment manufacturing facility located at 16202 Three Wide Drive.
Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss, that
Mayor and Council Communication No. G-17815 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
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6. M&C G-17816 - Authorize Execution of Contracts in the Amount of$800,000.00
Each with G.A. Miller Enterprise, Inc. d/b/a Glenn's Air Conditioning and
Heating, InteuityTexas Construction, LTD and GTO Construction in Order to
Implement the Lead-Safe Program Grant(ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
It was recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager or his designee to
authorize the execution of one (1) year contracts with G. A. Miller Enterprise, Inc., d/b/a Glenn's
Air Conditioning and Heating, IntegrityTexas Construction, LTD, and GTO Construction for an
amount up to $800,000.00 each in order to implement the Lead-Safe Program under the Lead
Hazard Control Grant; authorize the City Manager or his designee to extend or renew the
contracts until the end of the grant term, if necessary, for the completion of grant activities; and
authorize the City Manager or his designee to amend the contracts, if necessary, to achieve
program goals provided that the amendment is within the scope of the grant and program and it
is in compliance with City policies and applicable laws and regulations governing the use of
federal grant funds.
Motion: Council Member Moss made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that
Mayor and Council Communication No. G-17816 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
7. M&C G-17817 - Approve Parks and Community Services Department's Fiscal
Year 2013 Gas Related Revenue Project Expenditure Plan in the Amount of
$1,696,048.35 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (ALL COUNCIL
It was recommended that the City Council approve the Parks and Community Services
Department's Fiscal Year 2013 Gas Related Revenue Project Expenditure Plan; adopt an
appropriation ordinance increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Park Gas
Lease Project Fund in the amount of$1,696,048.35, from gas related revenue, for the purpose of
funding the Fiscal Year 2013 Gas Related Revenue Project Expenditure Plan including
$124,794.00 being transferred to the General Fund to offset costs for project oversight and
Motion: Mayor Pro tem Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Shingleton, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-17817 be approved and
Appropriation Ordinance No. 20628-02-2013 be adopted. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
8. M&C G17818 - Authorize Acceptance of a Donation from the Friends of the Fort
Worth Nature Center & Refuge, Inc., for Improvements to the Nature Center &
Refuge's Interpretive Signage Program Valued at $25,000.00, Via a Grant from
the Meta Alice Keith Bratten Foundation in Honor of William W. Meadows
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It was recommended that the City Council authorize the acceptance of a donation from the
Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge, Inc., for improvements to the Nature Center
& Refuge's Interpretive Signage Program valued at $25,000.00, via a grant from the Meta Alice
Keith Bratten Foundation in honor of William H. Meadows.
Ms. Adelaide Leavens, Meta Alice Keith Bratten Foundation, appeared before Council and
provided a brief overview of the foundation.
Mr. Richard Shepard, President, Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center, 3216 Preston Hollow
Road, appeared before Council in support of Mayor and Council Communication No. G-17818.
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Scarth,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-17818 be approved with
appreciation. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
9. M&C G-17819 - Authorize Application for and Acceptance of, if Awarded, a
Grant from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in the Amount Up
to $75,000.00 for the Library Department's Year Round Reading Program,
Authorize Execution of a Grant Agreement and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
It was recommended that the City Council authorize the application for and acceptance of, if
awarded, a grant from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for the Library
Department's Year Round Reading Program, year September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2014,
in the amount up to $75,000.00; authorize the execution of a Grant Agreement with the Texas
State Library and Archives Commission relating to the grant; and adopt an appropriation
ordinance increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund, subject to
receipt of a grant.
Motion: Council Member Moss made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-17819 be approved and
Appropriation Ordinance No. 20629-02-2013 be adopted. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
F. Award of Contract
1. M&C C-26116 - Authorize a Third Two-Year Extension to the Interlocal
Agreement Between the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board and the
City of Fort Worth to Provide Gas Well Inspector Service at .Dallas/Fort Worth
International Airport(ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
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It was recommended that the City Council authorize a third two-year extension to the Interlocal
Agreement between the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board and the City of Fort
Worth to provide gas well inspector service at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.
Motion: Mayor Pro tern Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Scarth,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-26116 be approved. The motion
carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
2. M&C C-26117 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with The Fain Group, Inc., in
the Amount of $1,227,222.50 for the Construction of Pedestrian and Streetscape
Improvements in the Magnolia Urban Village on Hemphill Street Between
Oleander Street and Allen Street, Authorize Acceptance of $175,000.00 from the
Southside Tax Increment Financing District No. 4 and Adopt Appropriation
It was recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of a contract with The Fain
Group, Inc., in the amount of $1,227,222.50 for construction of pedestrian and streetscape
improvements in the Magnolia Urban Village on Hemphill Street between Oleander Street and
Allen Street; authorize the acceptance of a $175,000.00 contribution from the Southside Tax
Increment Financing District No. 4, Southside TIF, for construction-related expenses; and adopt
an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Specially
Funded Capital Project Fund, from available funds, for the purpose of funding construction
related expenses.
Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tern Zimmerman,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-26117 be approved and
Appropriation Ordinance No. 20630-02-2013 be adopted. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
3. M&C C-26118 - Authorize Submission of a Letter of No Obiection to the U.S.
Foreign-Trade Zones Board to Allow for Foreign-Trade Zone Activation at the
Lasko Products, Inc., Facilities Located at 1700 Meacham Boulevard, 4925 Pylon
Street, and 4600 Blue Mound Road, and Authorize Execution of an Economic
Development Incentive Agreement, Payment in Lieu of Taxes, with Lasko
Products, Inc. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2)
It was recommended that the City Council authorize the submission of a Letter of No Objection
to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board allowing for Foreign-Trade Zone tax-exemption at three
(3) facilities located at 1700 Meacham Boulevard, 4925 Pylon Street, and 4600 Blue Mound
Road; and authorize the execution of a payment in lieu of taxes agreement with Lasko Products,
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Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss, that
Mayor and Council Communication No. C-26118 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
4. M&C C-26119 - Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Funding
Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation in the Amount of
$4,204,471.00 for Construction of the Riverside Bridge Over Fossil Creek and
Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 4)
It was recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the execution of a
Local Project Advance Funding Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation
(TxDOT) in the amount of$4,204,471.00 for construction of a four-lane Riverside Drive Bridge
over Fossil Creek; authorize acceptance of State Regional Toll Revenue Grant Funds in the
amount of$3,363,577.00 via the TxDOT to be applied towards the project; authorize the transfer
in the amount of $840,894.00 from the Street Improvements 2008 Fund to the Grant Capital
Projects Fund to be applied towards the City's match; and adopt an appropriation ordinance
increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grant Capital Projects Fund in the
amount of$4,204,471.00, subject to receipt of funds for the project.
Motion: Council Member Scarth made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-26119 be approved and Resolution
No. 4183-02-2013 and Appropriation Ordinance No. 20631-02-2013 be adopted.
The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
5. M&C C-26120 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with Conatser Construction
TX, LP in the Amount of $1,505,525.00 for Water and Sanitary Sewer Main
Relocations on West Vickery Boulevard, South Jennings Avenue, Lipscomb Street
and West Daggett Avenue, Provide for Project Costs and Contingencies for a
Project Total of $1,591,691.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL
It was recommended that the City Council authorize the transfer in the amount of$1,654,691.00
from the Water and Sewer Fund in the amounts of $556,309.00 to the Water Capital Projects
Fund and $1,098,382.00 to the Sewer Capital Projects Fund; adopt an appropriation ordinance
increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water Capital Projects Fund, from
available funds for the purpose of water and sanitary sewer main relocations on Vickery
Boulevard, Jennings Avenue, Lipscomb Street and West Daggett Avenue and adopt an
appropriation ordinance increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Sewer Capital
Projects Fund, from available funds for the same purpose as stated above; and authorize the
execution of a contract with Conatser Construction TX, LP, in the amount of$1,505,525.00.
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Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss, that
Mayor and Council Communication No. C-26120 be approved and Appropriation
Ordinance Nos. 20632-02-2013 and 20633-02-2013 be adopted. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
6. M&C C-26121 - Authorize Execution of Contract with Conatser Construction
TX, LP in the Amount of $1,000,000.00 for Water Main Replacements Contract
No. 2013B at Various Locations Throughout the City of Fort Worth, Provide for
Proiect Costs and Contingencies for a Proiect Total in the Amount of
$1,149,300.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL
It was recommended that the City Council authorize the transfer in the amount of$1,149,300.00
from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Capital Projects Fund; adopt an
appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water Capital
Projects Fund, from available funds, for the purpose of Water Main Replacement Contract
201313; and authorize the execution of a contract with Conatser Construction TX, LP, in the
amount of$1,000,000.00 for the project.
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-26121 be approved and
Appropriation Ordinance No. 20634-02-2013 be adopted. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
7. M&C C-26122 - Authorize Application for and Acceptance of, if Awarded, a
Grant from the Texas Department of Agriculture in the Amount Up to
$800,500.00 for the 2013 Summer Food Service Program, Apply Indirect Costs at
Approved Percentage Rate and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL
It was recommended that the City Council authorize the application for and acceptance of, if
awarded, a grant from the Texas Department of Agriculture in the amount up to $800,500.00 for
the 2013 Summer Food Service Program; apply an indirect cost rate of 19.18 percent, which is
the most recently approved rate for the Department, and apply the newly approved indirect rate
when available; and adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Grants Fund, subject to receipt of a grant.
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-26122 be approved and
Appropriation Ordinance No. 20635-02-2013 be adopted. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
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Mayor Price opened the public hearing.
The Notice of Special Hearing set today as the date for the hearing in connection with
recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 13896 and that notice of the
hearing had been given by publication in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the official newspaper
of the City of Fort Worth, on January 30, 2013.
1. ZC-13-015 - (CD 5) - International House of Prayer/James Howard, 4104 Martin
Street, from: "A-5" One-Family to: "E" Neighborhood Commercial
(Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)
Motion: Council Member Moss made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Zimmerman,
that Zoning Docket No. ZC-13-015 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
9 ayes to 0 nays.
2. SP-13-001 - (CD 6) - Wal Mart Real Estate Business Trust, 7451 McCart Avenue;
from: "PD-341" for Planned Development/Specific Use for all uses in "E"
Neighborhood Commercial plus auto repair and outside storage/display including
landscaping per submitted landscape plan; monument signs not to exceed 10 ft.
_high on McCart Avenue and 25 ft. high on Sycamore School Road; hours of
delivery 6 am to 12 midnight, 10 inch curb height along rear delivery area and
outside storage to be no higher than 12 ft. within the parking lot storage area as
designated on the site plan, site plan required. to: Amend "PD-341" site plan to
add structure (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)
Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Zoning Docket No. SP-13-001 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9
ayes to 0 nays.
3. ZC-13-032 - (CD 6) - Railhead TX LP, 7701 Crowley Road; from: 11PD-723"
Planned Development/Specific Use for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial
plus mini-warehouses and excluding the following uses: tattoo and massage
parlors, retail liquor stores, bar or lounge, hours of operation 8 am to 7 pm,
electronically secured gate 7 am to 11 pm; site plan required to: "E"
Neighborhood Commercial (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning
Mr. Coy Quine, 301 South Sherman, Suite 100, Richardson, Texas 75081, appeared before
Council in support of Mayor and Council Communication No. ZC-13-032. (displayed
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Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Zoning Docket No. ZC-13-032 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
9 ayes to 0 nays.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the recommended
changes and amendments pertaining to Zoning Ordinance No. 13896 for the above listed cases,
Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that the
hearing be closed and that Ordinance No. 20636-02-2013 be adopted. The motion carried 9 ayes
to 0 nays.
1. Public Hearing at the Request of Lena Ellis per Chapter V, Section 3 of the City
Mayor Price stated: "Let the record reflect that the chair has acknowledged Ms. Ellis who is not
present. However, we have received a written reply to the written statement by the City Manager
of the reason for her removal. This reply was submitted in lieu of the public hearing. Per the City
Charter, the statement of the City Manager and the reply of Ms. Ellis would be filed as a public
record in the Office of the City Secretary."
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem
Zimmerman, that the public hearing be closed. The motion carried unanimously 9
ayes to 0 nays.
There were no Citizen Presentations.
There being no further business, Mayor Price adjourned the regular meeting at 10:43 a.m.
These minutes approved by the Fort Worth City Council on the 5th day of March, 2013.
Attest: Approv
ary J. K etsy Price
City Secret Mayor