HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 56261-A1 CSC No.56261-A1 AMENDMENT No. 1 TO CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT No . 56261 WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY.) and Jones & Carter, Inc, n/k/a Quiddity Engineering, Inc. , (ENGINEER) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 56261, (the CONTRACT) which was authorized by M&C 21--0539 on the 3rd day of August, 2021 in the amount of $226,313 ,00; and WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the following project: Water and Sanitary Sewer Contract 2020, WSM-A; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. i to the CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through their duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement, which amends the CONTRACT: 1. Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional engineering services specified in proposal attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to City for the additional design services to be performed by Engineer totals $40,123, 00. 2. Article 11 of the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in the fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all work and services shall be an amount of $266,436. 00. 3. All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect. EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date subscribed by the City' s designated Assistant City Manager. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Prof services Agreement Amandmmil: Tomplato Revision Data; November 23, 2021 (W/SS ConL'racL' 2020, WSM-A) Page 1 of 2 JUN 103361) APPROVED: City of Fort Worth ENGINEER Jones & Carter, Inc. n/k/a ama� ��� Quiddity Engineering, Inc. Dana Dana Bur�26,2�:03 CDT) Dana Burghdoff Mark J. Holli'day, P,E-� Assistant City Manager Vice President DATE: Apr 26,2022 DATE: 4-18-22 — APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: ChAs 4o r Harder Chris Harder, P.E. Director, Water Department Contract Compliance Manager: By signing, I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. --g ('kv- Brenda 6ropeza, B.I,T Project Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: M&C: 22-0288(Funding) Or, Date: 4/15/2022 7W-k(A6,26,202211:59 CDT) Douglas W. Black Form 1295: N/A Senior Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: a�FORT O °° ° 0.0 Tannefife 5.Goodall p�o o� J1111#15.G-dall(Apr26,202214:16 CDT) 0 °O� v° 0 A O Jannette S. Goodall ��� o o� �d City Secretary d� °°°°°°°°°°° a OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Prof Sorvlcan Agreement Amendment Template Revlolon Date: November 23, 2021 (II/SS Contract 2020, F1S1.1-A) Page 2 of 2 (CPN 1033611 Parkway Cenlre II 2005 Dallas Parkway,Suite 600 J ON ES ICA R T E R Plano,Texas 76003 Tel:972.400,3000 Fax:972.408.3082 www.jonescarter,com February 28,2022 Ms. Brenda Oropeza, EIT Project Manager City of Fort Worth Water Department Fort Worth,Texas 76102 Re: Water&Sanitary Sewer Replacements,Contract 2020 WSM-A,CPN 103361 Amendment No.1 Deal'Ms,Oropeza: We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal for the requested additional services to the above- referenced project contract by Jones&Carter,Inc. JC understands that the City of Fort Worth has requested survey and design services for an additional 898 LF of waterline,and 860 LF of sanitary sewer. The services and fees are broken down as follows: Project Management,Design,Bidding Construction $27,160 Survey,ROW Services $ 12,868 5%Subconsultant Management 95 Amendment No.1 Total $40,123 Original Contract $226,313 New Contract Total $266,436(Incl.9.27%mwbe/sbe) We thank you for the opportunity to be of service to the City of Fort Worth. Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Jones and Carter,Inc. Marl(J.Holliday,PE Vice President Texas Bonrd of Professional Enghneors Regislralian No.F•23290 I Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying Registration No.10040100 'n L I, 'v b f g G A R d � Yy V yi_ 3 J u N !i ��5 5 h' -t�Na - ---- 11 _ :u ,u1- -2--- t-2-------2 ---o---- V op [moo �1 o" � 3zyomN e ak u� C2 ---Rit a �i a Ns °uF L_ -__U 6 U U L' 6 U m [p)C y u'N 8 n UL' �klkxU Uk NUUkIII Ikkkt:l N ItklY li CUUf;r1 11NI;U ri t:Y,kk t;Y, xk U 8 it 3. I: i� �J]JJ J,9unl:� 7r,kn li a {1 11 °Bi! �JJ111RIJAIJ J1�11't�F, tinxkxJ �d,;l [[,' I gg 59Yg 3 9 nA 99y9 �y X9q � �9 �j I Ij 6 �y Oil � "C t%U "R{innU° t L'UCAfiU� ��AEi l) MhH�q C' ht(i� k6kxkAk Pt �� (1 g n ij b !t A n k City of Fort Worthy Texas Mayor and CouncH Commuinno a i'on DATE: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 REFERENCE NO.: **M&C 22-0288 LOG NAME: 6020WSMAA1JONES&CARTERFUNDING SUBJECT: (CD 7) Adopt Attached Appropriation Ordinance in the Amount of$40,123.00 for Increased Project Costs for Water and Sanitary Sewer Contract 2020, WSM-A Located in the Westside Alliance Area, and to Effect a Portion of Water's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached appropriation ordinance Increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water and Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $40,123,00, transferred from available funds within the Water and Sewer Fund, for the purpose of funding the Water and Sanitary Sewer Contract 2020, WSM-A project(City Project No. 103361) and to effect a portion of Water's contribution to the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program. DISCUSSION: On August 3, 2021, Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) 21-0539, the City Council authorized an engineering agreement in the amount of$226,313.00 with Jones & Carter, Inc, (City Secretary Contract No. 56261) n/k/a Quiddity Engineering, Inc. and an additional $136,685.00 for related project expenses for a project total of$362,998.00 for the Water and Sanitary Sewer Contract 2020 WSM-A, project located in the Westside Alliance Area. The additional appropriations in this M&C will provide for Increased funding costs associated with proposed Amendment No. 1 to the engineering agreement In the amount of$40,123,00 for additional survey and design for the replacement of deteriorated water and sanitary sewer mains on Crestwood Drive (White Settlement Drive to Crestwood Terrace) located in the Immediate vicinity of the original project. It is the practice of the Water Department to appropriate its CIP plan throughout the fiscal year, instead of within the annual budget ordinance, as projects commence, additional funding needs are identified, and to comply with bond covenants. The actions in the M&C will appropriate funds in support of the Water's portion of the City of Fort Worth's Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program, as follows: Capital Fund Project FY2022 CIP Budget Change Revised Name Name Appropriations Authority (Increase/Decrease) FY2022 Budget 103361 56002 -W&S - W&S Capital Projects Contract $ - This M&C $40,123.00 $40,123.00 2020 Fund WSM - A Funding is budgeted in the Transfer to Water/Sewer account of the Water and Sewer operating budget for the purpose of funding the Water& Sanitary Sewer Contract 2020, WSM-A project within the Water& Sewer Capital Projects Fund. Appropriations for Water and Sanitary Sewer Contract 2020, WSM-A project are as depicted below: FFFund Existing Additional Project - ____--IlAppropriationsllApproprlationsll Total* l W&S Capital Projects $362,998.00 $40,123.00 $403,121.00 Fund 66002 Project Total $362,998.00 $40,123.00 $403,121.00 This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 7. FISCAL INFORMATION I CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are currently available In the Water& Sewer Fund and upon approval of the above recommendation and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available In the current capital budget, as appropriated, in the W&S Capital Projects Fund for the W&S Contract 2020 WSM-A project. Prior to any expenditure being Incurred, the Water Department has the responsibility to valldate the availability of funds. FUND IDENTIFIERS (FIDs).: TO _ Fund Department ccount Project ProgramActivity Budget Reference # Amount ID Year (Chartfield 2) FROM r-Vnd Department Account Project ProgramActivity Budget Reference ft Amount ID _ IQ _ Year _ (Chartfield 2 CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City Manager's Office by. Dana Burghdoff (8018) Originating Department Head: Chris Harder (5020) Additional Information Contact: Brenda Oropeza (8271) ATTACHMENTS 1. 6020 WSMAA1 JONES & CARTER FUNDING.docx (CFW Internal) 2. 602OWSAAI JONES&CARTERFUND ING PBS CPN 103361 pdf (Public) 3. 6020WSAA'1JONES&CARTERFUNDING (WCF 03.14.22).xlsx (CFW Internal) 4. 602OWSMAAI JONES&CARTERFUND ING 56002 A022(r1).docx (Public) 5. 6020WSMAAlJONES&CARTERFUNDING MAP.pdf (Public) 6.602OWSMAAIJONES&CARTERFUNDING SAM.pdf (CFW Internal) n { 2 � CL CL / \ \ _ D ƒ / - - / & /\ m \ \ @ m c. . . . m k m { [ { [ , \ x 9 ] m Tiq \ v� q D 0 / c' � � ) m § Q § / , 0 r » k > > 2 k' 2 2 ` § \ a 2 n n a q . . a � � 0 ƒ 0 �% G � � ! � MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MAP 60WSSC20WSMAAl -JONES&CARTER CD sr 1. LJ k.) •, r Ir •�VI f f .'<'�'� �' ;� ^•,}Afie a `S'�* � Y Al JL ice, � �� y,. 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