HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 57602Ado bn c� ro hat Sign SYareactio n Nu m6er CBJ CHBCMBMIcwFSuLzwWFlii _�ywOyr24�s7N[p 7GxPA ��� ����� ��� �� ��� �����:�s ��i� s�c���y [� �'Ati&1i71C�1QII � ���T ��RT�� ��t���� �5� N o. 57��� ��N'1'�ACT �°Qlt THE C:�]l�[STRU�TIUN OF 2022 GTJAkDR,_�S AI�D E�t13 C i cy 1'ro� ect Iv o. I 03 �59 l��attie Parker David Cnake Ma�+��r City� Mana�er ��4riIliam Jnhnsan Uircctnr, 'I'ran�p�rlatian arid Yublic l�c�i�ks Departmeri� Prepared for The �ity of ]{'oz-t V4�ort� TRANSP{]RTAT�i3N AND PiJBL�C WL3Ri�� zo�z � ��r����. ������� _�AT1I �EC��TARY ��: il��RiH, i� A�nha:�rrniiil Sigli T�a�is�rYinn V.n�hef:C6.If�iBC11R61U1cVF5UCLIW1WpcRyw�yY2�1n�T,y[pT.GtpA � RT � RTH � � � � it � f F� rt �11T� rth Y �tan�ard Canstruction Specificat�on D�cuments Aclopt�d September 2411 RdaheAcrodalSlgnTrai�sac[am Number.cdJCHst.AA9AAIcvFSuCzwwl+pcJynr4yrZ9nsTHW�[,kPA ���� STIINIIARD C�A197'!t[1CTI�N �P�CkF1CATfON DOCUMEN'IS Page i af2 SECTI�N 00 00 00 TA,�L� ��' CQNT�NTS Divisinn �0 - General Canditious Last Re��sed flD OS l{3 Ma or and Coun�il Commlmication 07I41I2�1 I 00 U5 15 Addenda D71�]1��1 I 0� 1] 13 lnyitatiat� t� F3iddcrs {l71 i 9l2U21 QD �1 !3 If15tPuctians to Hiddcrs 11142I2021 40 35 13 Canf�iat of In�erest Stat�ment 02I24124�0 40 41 00 Sid Form 0913012021 DD 42 4� Pra �sal Form Unit Price 0 I1241�0 S 2 Dq �3 13 i3id Band �911ZI20I7 UQ 43 37 Vendar Com liance to 5tate I..aw NUs�resident 13idder �bIZ712p11 Da 45 12 Pre uali#icafion Staiement 4913�12.021 DQ 45 26 Cantra�tnr Cnir� .�liance wifh 1Narkers' C�nrn engation Ilaw 07��112U 1 1 0� 45 �0 Business L; uit Go�l 1�1�712�21 UO 52 �3 A re�srn eni l 1I2:312021 ba 61 13 Perf�rnfa,�se Bond 0710112a1 l �4 61 14 Pa m�nt Bond D7IOI12pl 1 fl0 61 19 Maintsnance$nnc� . 47IU�12Ql1 00 G125 (=ertificate af�lits��rancc 07I�112(ll 1 UO 72 QQ Ganerai �andi�iar� Q81231202I 00 73 �D Su lemen# Canditi�ns 03l041�020 Division Ol - General Re uiremeats Last Revise� a� i 1 ao 5urnma af Work - 1212U12U12 Q1 25 QQ SuhstitutianPrvicedw-es p71011��11 �] 1 3] I�1 Pi�econstruction Meetin 0$11712012 �13120 Pro'ectMeetin s 071411241I Q1 32 15 Constructi�n 5�l�edula a811312�2I O1 32 33 1'recanstr��:tion Videa 0710I1��11 �1 33 a0 Subinittals 1�J2012012 t�l 35 �3 S ccial Pro'c;ct Procedures � iZl2DI2U12 �1 45 23 'I'estin ��Lnd Ins ec#iori SerWices �3JU912a2Q (31 50 DO Te�n ar�t Facilities and C:antrols 071U112�11 6l SS 2�i Stxecti Use �'crrnit a��d 11�odifications tr�'�raffi� (�ontrol 03122120� 1 (}1 5? 13 Starrn 1Vater Pn�luti�n Pr�ventiQtt Plan U7l�lf2a11 O1 58 13 1'em oi•ar Prn'ect 5i � �710112Q11 Q1 6p 00 I'rnduct l�e uirements 031091�Q�fl O1 70 d� iv[abiliratiun and Remabilizatian 1112�I�UTG O1 71 23 Constructian Staki,n and 5urwe U21141��I� U1 74 23 Cle ' 471D11�{]] 1 O1 77 19 Closeout R uirements �31�2i2Q�1 O 1 78 23 � eratian and Maintenan�e Da�a 1212fl12d 12 O1 78 39 Pr4'ect Rer.ord n��uments a710112011 crry or rUr�r �v oR r� i 2022 Gusrdrails and ERB STANDAItI] C;aN51 Rl1C'1'lON SYBCIPICA"f1UN I�OC;UA9fiIVT'S City Project No. 103�59 Revised Deeem6er 9, 2fl21 Ado�he Acrobat Sig� Traqsacti mn Hurnher: C6l� H 9CAA9MIcvF5ufnvVNp rJlyw6�rr24�sR;d� �:7�.a p�k Q4 00 OQ STrL\IDARD CQI+ISTRUCTI��! SPE�]F ICATIDN DOCiiME3� T5 pe�e 2 oi2 TeGlinical �pecificati4ns ►�hiclt haye 6een modified hy the Engineer specifically for this Frnjeci; h�rd cnpics are included �n ihe Pro.ject's +C'nntraet I?ncuments T]ivisinn 34 - 7'rans ortatinn 3� 7 ] l3 "l�r�£fic C'o��trol TxDOT Sland�rc3 Specifi�:atrons for Construcfion �nrl �Iaiu�enxnce of I3i�h��Ry�., Stt�ect�, and 13ridge� 2014 xdc�pte�l hy the Texxs DeparEment of Transp�e•isstic�n �re included #irr fhi8 Xroject k�y re�k'ea�cucc ��.d c�u be �i�c.<iildov�nAo�ded frozn '�'�1D"�''s ►��e�s�t� �ddress kreia�r: https:llt�p.dflt.sfate,tx,usl�ubltxdc�t-infolc_r��dlcscrvels�ccsd24 t 4lstandardls}�cc�nok-ZQ 14.pdf lt�n1 4Ul Fln�ahle Ba.��'ill ltcm 5�2 Barricades, 5igns, and Traffic Handling Ttem 54� Nlefal F3eam C�ua7•d �'ence ltem 542 I�emaving Melal I3eam Uuarci l�ence Item 5�� Guardrail Fiid �'reat�nents Iteix� 770 Crua��d k'e��ue ktepai.r Item 77� Attenuator Rerair Appeudi� GC-5.06.I] 147inoi•ity a�d �'orr�en Clwned i3usincs� F�:�t�r�rise CamplianGe GC�f .D7 V►�age R�tes C;N-l.0 Gcncs�l Nates ]3-U 1 Location List SU-I.0 Standa�dConstauc:tian3Jetails EN➢ UF` �F CTIDN {'1TY {]f' F{}[2T Lb'(]li 1'ii 2!i22 Ciunr[;r�i[Is �ud likl3 S'1'A�UAItll C�NS'1'[tiJC"110N Sl'ECIF'lCA'I"1(3N C]QCCIMENIS City i'rqjcct No. 1C3454 Itevised Uccernl�er 4, ?021 .{1�.�.-h„�,��is�y.p3���i�.�il�-,r��iu.i�.,�c[�fiil!�,x.1��.�.i•., ,Y .•���r�•, .•.�i.,�'rl:.ii���.tr. �.� City �f �ort Wnrth, Texas 111iayar and �ounci! �om��u�ic�tion E]A�iE: �W12fiJ;t� M8C FiL� NUME3ER: AR�,�; 2�-03fU �OG hIAME� 2U2Q?� GL}+0.f��RAfLS Afti1d ERB CQNTRACT ����� (ALL} Autivari�e Ex�c�►ta�an a� � Ganlrac# with UannlElfl Inc., in li�e Arnaunl af �142,350.[]0 far �apair a�d Mai�le�anc� ai Guardralls ai�d End e! Raadway Ssrrir,ad�s aA'flDl+l: II is recotnmend�d thaE ihe Cl�y Couno�l suiharize e�5ecution ot a �ontr�Ct witfti Vrar�nlElli lnc„ In f he �mounl af $�W2,35�.Op far 202� GUARDRAiLS AN� EHf3 (Clty #'�oje� �la, 1 U3458j. C�15CUSSIaN. �F�e F+sca1 Y�ar 2Q�2 F'a�y•L#s•Yo3�•{;a �onlra�[ Slree! Maintenance Proe�rart� graups uanaus typ�s nf strp�t n�aint�nanc� intn s�]�ciFic conlrsct pacAcagrss. T't�e �[��� Gl1ARE}RAtLS I�{Vp �R#� prpj�ct �rouic��s tvr lh� re�a[r and replr�eer��er�l uf damacJed gu�ardralls, and �rrtati�r�nls, and end ot raactway ba►rlcades aT mul#iple localians lhroughr►�t ihe CiRy af F��t V'�Mrlh. 'fhe full list af iocaEmns CpVer'ed l�yr tl�l� Cosi�ract is �ttkched to this May�r and Launci] Communkcatfnn. Canaltti�l�un !vr tt�is project is expecled lo s�an in ��r�ng 2Q22 bnd ta tie c�mplefi�q by Fa112�22, Thare is no snEicipaled intpac[ ar� tkie Genera! �und aAeraRing 6iidgei upan c.arn�l�t�a� at ihls coniraci. TI�[s pra}ect wss �dUertismd inr bld on JAr�c�ary �a. 20�� and Fehrua�y D3, 2���, in Hte Fan Vs�ur��� Sf�r-T�►lu�ram. C3n M:�rch 3, 20�2, IY�a ir�Gawin� �ids wgre reC$lv��: Blciders Am�unl I VannJ�lll, In� �dd2,35�7.0[} Talbran Enterprlses, E�.� � $AA9,$OO.C�CI A�8 Garssiructidrt, LLC $�i?,�50,C}CI �ay-as-yau-�o iundir�g is qudgeted In t�t� 7PW Fiighway � Streets Qepartmant's General Capital F'ro�ecls Fund 1ar Iha purpose otfunding tt�e ZU2i Gl�ARai�AILS AND ERB pra�ect , as �ppi�prl�ted. MIV�lB� �F�10E-Vann�lii, I�iG. JS sfl Cpin�Il�nGB Wllh Ih� Cf�'s ��siness Equity �Ydl�tar�ca by corr+mitiing to �4.Op°Ia 8usiness Eq�Ely p�rt�clp�tivn an tl7is proje�:t I-ha City's �usiness Equfty gnal nn Url:s prajad is 19°fo. Tr�is pr�j�el is ��a6srJ It+ ALL G�UNGlL DISTi��C'I'S. F1S�,��IN�4Em$TLQN J GERTIFICA'iI�N; 1'hv E�inecto► vf Firt2n�e �ei#ifi�s lhaf funds �rz �vail,�ble in !he cuRant r3�sital 5u�get, �s previausiy sp�rapryated, m the General L'apit�f �r��Qets Fund fnr ��22 GUAF21]F2p�lLS AN�1 �ft� {�iaJect ta ��pport Ihe aAprovr�l �f ti�� abpvs n:cAmme�d�t+vn and execulion nf tFre cnrjlracl. Priar to arry �xpen�lltura b�i�� Incurreci, Iri� Transporlailar� and Pulslic Works neparinzent has tht� �rsponsibildy ta vapdat� �he ��a�a�slifly vf f�ras!$: Sulxnikted f�r Cily M�nagn�s Q��3t= C3ana Burghd�ll 8fl18 ilnit Head: Wllli�m ,fol�nsan : �Q'j �Add�tinnal �niormat[on Co,��}�� Monry Hap 8s62 �dal�en�rovas s�n rran,aa9ontreu�nher: w�cFiecaASAalcvFsu[x��N+��rtywoyr�5ns.-deiuc�vn � � ADDL�NDUM i�TO. 1 2I12� G[]AT��]�tAILS A]�ID �I�B CC�NTRAL"T CI'I"Y PR0�7�CT N Q.: 103 �5$ Addendum Na. ]]ss�ieci; Feb�•�i�ry 21, 2022 Pa't3speot9�e Bidde�^s are 'her�by ttotified vf tha faliorving z'evisions, Sectiu�i @U 52 �13 — A�re�ment� Re�iewal clause 'tnserted in A��i�le A; paragi•aph 4,3l�enew:�Is in the a#tached sectian D� 5� �43 — �'Lgrsemen# shall be in�ii�ded in �iddin� da�um�nt. P�ease acknawledga seceipt of this �dclendtim 1�y si �nin� and inserting into yvur pr�posal at the titne of biddir�g. �atltu�e ta return a sigi�ed a ca��y oftli'ss addendu�n �nay be �raunds for rendcring tl�e bid as i7ont�espon sive. Ftec�ipt AcknQwl�dges; ) -- _ � j' l gy; j � � ��_ �� , � _ .� ! � � �� By: � IRETCJ MIWA OTUYELU, PRDlECT MANAGER Adah! �vvL+,rt 5 iKr Tr:� n �a�.l iun N uin�er. L� JCH6CAABhNcvFS uLxwWV�+� AyvxOy r29� �Ti`1 [pT.CHPA anv�cn�nr�� rr�. � Z022 GUARDRAILS AND �RS C�NTRACT CITY FRO.IECT 1►i0.: 103459 A�de�idum No. 1 lss��ed; Feb�•uary 2S, 2a�.2 F�ospecti�e Bidders �tre here�y nati�ed afthe faliowing ssovisions: Section �0 �113 — In i�tion ta Bid�ler : Because of the weat[�e�• inclemant an Thursday, Febru�uy Z4, 242�; Hid vpenu��; date has been moved ta '�'hursday, l►9arch 3, �0�2. Plcase acknawledg4 reaeipt of this add�ndum by signing and ins�rting ini� yau�• prnposal at the #i._r�e of bidding. Failure ta x'�tt�rn a si��i�d a copy ofthis addandum may be �•aunds f�r rendering ti�e bid as nanl�sponsive, Receipt Acknowledges; • � ir � � `�'` _ t � � ' �, p: y ' I: . � ' - - By' IRETDMIWA 0'1'UYELU, pR�]�CT MANAGER hd:1Lc Au oLdl 5 i�n 1Ya nsudi vn ii um hci : C f1J GH 6LP.:1E:1�41� :'Shu Ca�dJ�h�p�=A•� •.rGr r]!3CaT � 1p2G1�A �U 11 13 IY+fVI'1'A'1'lUN 'I'O HIDUF;RS Pa�c I r�F2 .SEC'T�QN f�D 11 13 11'•IVIT�TI(7N T(7 F�JIJDL:R� Rk'.���il'T UF �3illS Sea3ed bids ior the cansfructi�sn c�i'2[]22 Cii1rIRDRATT,S ANi7 F;RF3, C:ity Prc,jeut Nn. ] D3459 v4�ill i�� rccci�ed i�y flic {�ity [sf Frn�t Wortl� 1'u�-�h�si�xg Uf'tice uiitil 1:3U f'.M. L`5'i�, Thtu•sday, Fehruary 24, 202Z as further desGribed b.elaw: Cily oi' Fot�, Wortl� i'u�-chasi«g 1)i�isio7� 2U0 'Tc�s 5trect �'ort V4rc�r�h, Texas 7�� C�2 Bic�s will he accepted by: �]S Mail, Courier, ]'edEx ar hand delivery at tli� address ahnve; I3ids will be capene� publicly and reaci aloud at 2:04 Pi�I CST in the Gaty Coun�il Clzainbers. [��NERAL D�SCRIPTIi]N UF WiIRK Tl�c majnr �vc�rk vaili consist nfthc (appr�rxiinatc� follnwii��: {1'ravide a brief �encral descripiinn af�work here. LisL quantities and descriptions of thc �najor iioms af work I'ar llte project, e.g. �28 ].}� �8" 1�Iatej• T,i ne by C}pen C.tzt} 235{] L.P. �1flelal Beam C�uard Fence �5a� l..h'. }�:ntl of Road Harric�de DOCUl�'II+,NT E�Ah+fIi�TATI01►I A1wTD PROCiJRFMN:dYTS '1'h� 1.3idding aaid C;onira�.t !]�cumenis inay be examined ar abtained an-line by visiLin� the City of }�'a�-t Wo�-th'S Yl]A'GI72151I1� Lj1V151011 �IEt]Sit� �it �1�7:I1w��w.fnrtworihtexa�.�ovlp��rch�sln� �'�nd c�i�king on thc lir�lt �o ihc advcrkised p�'c�jeel folders on the Cily'S electronic doc�unent 1Tt�na�ement and �;oIlah�yrati��n tiy5tei�� Sii�. Ti�e Cnntract 1)oc�Iments may t�e downlaaded, vie��ed, a7nd pr;nied 6y i.rf[c��est�d Go�,cc���c�or� an�llor supplicrs. Copies of the L�iddin� aticf [:nntract Docu��lcrtts m�.�� lac �aurchasod f'r�aiY� Nifcki Mc1.C.1'Q]�} $17- 392-8363. City �f l��rt Vdarlh, TPW, 200 Tex�.s St., �'�rt'�+'vrth, TX 7G1Q2. Thc cost of' I3idding and �vntrdcl Documents is; $30,40 EXYRE��1[3�I []F 1NTER�E�T To ensure �otenti�.l bidders are Itept up to date nf any ncw infnrmatinn E�cr�.ii�cnt tn this pr�jcct, a11 intcrest�d p�rtiCs a�•c r�questccl L� ciz��i] Nxpressions s�tInteresl in this proGur�rncilt tQ tli� C;it� Prc�ject Managet• �nd the Design P,i�gineer. The �mail should include the cot�zpany's r�ame, contact �er:son and that individual's �mail ar�dress and pl�one number. All Add�ncla u�ill 6e disLributed �lir�Clly io lh[sse �v}ic� ha��� exprestied an interest lil fhe p�UCUTemOnt dYld W[11 8.I5o be postcd in thc City nf N'arY 1,��nr�tl�'s p�n•chasi�� w�b.site at }ittp:flfQrtw�rt�texas.gavlpurchasingl . PR��3ID C{]�II'�R.�N['E — Weh Conference A pr�k�id �on[�rcncc wi11 be heid as discussed in SectiaYi UU 21 13 - IIVSTRUCTIONS TQ T3IDDrRS at tf�e fc�llEiwiti� date, at�d ti��ie r-ia a�vcb canf'eroneing applicAtion: �IATE: N�ednesday, Februaly (]�, �U�2 TI�YIE: 10_qq 11.M. C:['1'1' C31 1'(]It'I' LYt71Z'I'll 2022 Gu3rdrai]sanr. �R13 S'IAi11)A{�IJ{:t71�`�"1�RUC:1'iU['!S]'I:C:IE�ICATIaND[)C:[1M.IiNT CityProjecti�Io [{13454 l�cviscd 7r ] 912J21 Iida6r Acrobat Sign 7ransacFlon Nufn4er. CBJ�il�ifl�ARAA1ruF5uC2NMNq-Ayw0yr39UgTNtp2G%PA 6d 1 ] 13 1NWITATIpN Tp Bi17DER5 Pag�2 Qf2 Invitations with lixak� to the web canferen�ing application will be d�strib.uted dir�ctly ta tl�r�se who hawe suhmitted an Expr�ssian of Interest. If a prebid conference is t��1d, th� presentatia�i and ae�y questions and answers prnvid�d at the prehid cnnferenGe will �e issued as an Add�ndurn to tive cal.l fvr bids. If a prebid ccrnfereizce is nat being held, prospective bidders cari e-snail questions �r comment� in accardance with 5ectian 6 of the In�tru�ctions ta Bidders referenced aba�e tv the proicet manager�s) at the �mail addresse�s listed below. Emailed questions will suffice as "questions in writing." If ne��ssary, Addenda wi]I be iss�ed pursuant to the Instruc�iQns to Sidders. �ITY'S RIGHT TO ACCEPT Ol� R�JECT BIDS C'sty reserves fhe right to waive irregula��itics xnd to ac��pt Or reject any vr all hid5. ,AW a►un City will award a conf.raGt to #h� Eid�ee pres�ntirtg tlae lawest pric�, qualifiaations and competenci�s cansidered. F�[I1VX]ING Any �antract �warded un�der this Il� VITATI�N T[} BIT3I?�RS is expected ta �e funded frnm revenr.tes g�nerat�d fror� bonds, grants, etc. and reser�ed by the City for tl�e Pirojeet, 1NQL,T.rRir+,� All in�uiries relative ta this gmcurem�nt shauld be addressed fo the fallowing: Attn: Iretomiwa �tuyelu, City af Fart VlTarth - Email: iretorr�iwaotuye�u�fartworthtexas.go� Phone: 817-392-5747 AUVERTISEMENT DATES January 27, 2�22 February D3, 2�22 END OF �ECTIUN ciTY �r �o��•rwar�Tx 2422 Guatvdrails and EltB 3TANI]ARI7 C(3I+15TRUCTION 5P�G7rTCATIpN I70CLIh4GNT Ciry Prflject N�. 103454 Rcvised 7114f242i Ado6e Rcro6a [ Si� iransacC�on N um ber: CSJCH HCMAMIcvFSuG.wWV� rAyw6yr]9 �sT Nt�,26xPA p42t 13 IMSTRUCTfqiYS TD BIDDEAS r'age l oF8 SECTI�1rT fl� 2113 INSTRll[r'I'I�]NS T� BlI]DERS 1. Defined Terms I.I. Capitalized terrns us�ed in t�ese fNSTRUCTIDNS TD BIDDERS a��e defined in Sectinn O[� 72 DU - �'rENERAL C�I�I�ITTONS. 1.2. Certain ad�iitional terrns used in tl�ese IN�TRLJCTiONS TQ BIDI]ER5 have the �neanings indicat�d helow which are applica�le to both th� �ing�far and plural th.ereof. 1.�.1. Bidder; Any persoi�, Crm, partnership, comp�ny, associatian, or carparatinn actin� direc�ly thxau�� a dul5+ authorized representative, submitting a bid far perfarming the work conteinplated ut�dez' tlie Conir�:t Docurnents. 1.�.2. Nonresident I3idder: Any person, firm, part�n��tsh�p, �ompany, associaiiQn, oi• corparation acting directly thraug� a du�y auChorized repre�errEati�e, suhmittin� a hid for perfor�ning tl�e worSc conteznplated uncler the Confract Dacu�nents whase principal place v#'business is nat in the State qf Texas. 1,2.3. Successfu� Hidder: The lowest responsible and res�ansive Hidder t� whom City (an the basis of City's evalLtation as i�ereinaRer pror+ided} makes an award. 2. Copies af Bid�l�n� Dacuments z.l. Neith�r City nor En�ineer shall assLune �r�y tesponsihility for ermrs or misinterprefations resulting fram the Bidders use af incomplete sets of` Bidding Dacuments. �.2. City and Engineer in making capies a� Bidding Documents availahle do �o onlp far the purposc �f� obta[ning Bids fnr the Wark and da n�ot authorize nr annfer a]icens� ar gt'ant fur any other use. 3. Prequalitication of Bfdders (Prime CaBtractors a�d 5ubcnntr�ctors) OMITTEO 4. Eaaminatian af Bidding and Contract �acuments, ather Related Data, and 5ite 4.I. B��or� suhniitting a Bid, each �idder: 4,1.1. 51aa11 cxair�ine and �arefully study the Confi•a.ct Dactiun�nts and other related dat�. identified in the Bidding Dacumerrts (including "technical data° re#erred to in �ara�raph 4,2. below). l�lo informativn gi�en hy City or any representative of the City otlaer than kh�.t cantained in the Cantract Documents an.d officialfy �r�.mulgated add�rida thereto, shall he binding upon the Cily. 4.1.2. Shau�d visit the site to becarne famiIiar witn and satisfy B.idder as to tl�e general, lacal and site conditions that may affect cost, pnagr�ss, performan�e ar furnishing of the 1�iork. CiTY �F FOAT W❑ltTH 2O2� Guardrails and RRF� sTnx�n�n ca�rs�uc�cr�N s��c�rTcnn�rr �ocu�rrr cz� ��� xo. io3as� Revised![Ipdated Na�ember 2, 2021 ddn6a P�roha! Sign Tra�isarRion Numher. CL33CHBCAABM1cvFSuCzwVlVpcllptiUy129DsTNlp�GxPA 002] i3 I1+157'[ZilCT14iV5 TO [ili5D6R5 Pag� 2 of S 4.I .3. Shall cnnsider fedexal, s#ate and loca! Laws and Regulatirn�s that may affe�t cast, pragi�ess, perforulance or furnishing ofthe W�rk. 4.1.�. ON11T7"ED l.S. Shall study all: {i] reparts of explorations and tests of subsurface car�ditians at or conl'�guous to the 5ite and �ll drawings ofphys'sc�l conditi�ns r�latingta existin� surfa�e or subsurface struct�ares at the Site (except �.lnderground Facilifies} th�t have been identi�ed in the Contract �ucurnents as containing i�eiiable "techni�] data" and (iij reports and drawings o�Hazardous ��vxron�ental Conditions, i�any, �t the Site that ha�e been identi�ied in the Conlract Documents as �antaining reliable "technical data," �.1.6. Is ad�is�d d�at the G�ntract Dacuments Qn fiIe with the City shall constitut� all vi tf�e inf.ormadan which t1�e City wiIl Furnish. All additionai informatian a��d data which th� Ciry wiIl supply after pramt�lgation of the f armal Cantract Dacumc�ts s�a1l be issued �n t�►e fnrm af wr�tt�n addenda and shaLl her�me pari of th� Contract Dacuments just as though sueh asidenda were actual�y written into the original Corrira�t Documents. Nn 3nforrnatian given by the City ather tha� that �antai.ned in tl�e Contract Documents and of�icially prnm��lga�ed a�ddenda theretv, shal] be binding upoza �ae City. 4.I.7. 5hauld perForm independer�t researah, in�estigatians,tes#s, horings, and such c�ther means as may be necessary to gain a cvmpleioe l�owledge ofth� candi#ioi3s which will be encautxterad during the canstruction af the project. For prajects �vith resExicke� access, upon request, City may pro�+ide �a�ch Bidder acce�s ta the site to canduct such examir�ations, investigatiQns, explortttions, tests and studie� a,s each Bidder deems nec�ssar�r far submissian vf� a Bid. Bidder m�st Till ali hales and clean up artd restare the site tn it� farmer conditians upan �om��l�tic�n of such ax�lorations, inv�estigativns, tests and studics. 4.1.$. Shal] determine the difficulties of the'4�arl€ and all attending circumstar�es affecting the cnst of daing t��� Wnrk, time requir�d f�x its ��mgletian, and obtain ail infarmation required #a make a propnsal. Bidders shall rely exClusively and saleIy upon their awn �stimates, investiga�ian, resear�h, test5, explarations, and other c�ata witich �re necessary fnr full �nd c�tnpl��c inFot'rtrLation upan which the prapa�al is ta he based. It is understnod �ha� ti�e suhmission of a praposal or b�d is prirna-fa�ie evidence that fhe Bidder has rnade the in�vestigations, e�c�miz�ations and tests herein re�uired, �.7.9. �'ha31 prornptly natify City of all ec.��,flicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepar�cies in ar b�tween the Cc�nls�s:# Dacuments and su�h a�h�r related documents. '1'he Contxactor shall �at talce advantage v�any grass errc�r �r �ni'rssion in the Cantract Documerrts, and the City skall be permit#ed to make su�h corr�ctions or interpretafians as rnay be deemad necessary far fulfillmer�t vfthe irttent af the Contrac# I�ocuanents. 4.2. Referenee is made ta Section 00 ']3 4� — Supplementary Canditions for identification of C1TY QF FQRT WORTH 3A22 Guardmils snd ER43 STAN�ARD CQN�T[ZLlCfION SPECLFICAT[flN UOCUMENT City prejectNo, 1Q3459 RevisedlUpdated Novernber 2, 2921 hdobe Acrobat Si�� �franeac�lon Nurn 6xr. C 9JCH F3CAA�MI[vFSUGavfNVp:Aywpyfl� PsThi[�IGM PA ao�� �� Ii48'iRL1CTIONS Tq SIDDBRS Pagn 3 nf 8 �4.2.1. thase repnrts of exploratinns and t�sts ofsuhsui�face ct�nditior�s at or contiguous tn the sife which f�$ve heen utifi�ed by City [n prep�ration of the Cvntract Da�ucnents. The la� of Soil Borin�s, if any, an d7e plans ar� fnr general information anly_ IVeith�r the City nor the Engineer guarantee t�t tlie daEa shnwn is eepr�sentative of canditians which a�ctually exist. 4.2.2. those drawings of physic.a� con[liisor�s in car re�ating to extsting surface and suhsui�ace stru�tures (ex�ept [Indcr���und �'�.GiIiti�s} which a�re at Qr Gonti�uous to the site that �Y� been utiliaed by �ify i.n preparation vf the Coritrac# Dgcur�enls. 4.2,3, cvpies of such rep�rt� and drawings wil] be xnade available by City ta any Bidder on request. Ttsose reports and drawings may not be part ofth� Contract ❑aauments, but the "L�C:ill1iG81 {���5�� cantaine�i t�ei�in upon which Bidder i� entitled ta rely as pxavided in P�ragraph 4,Q2, �f the Gener�.l Conditions has been identifed and established in Paragrmph SC �,02 ofthe 5upplementary Conditions. �iddar is respansible for any interpretatian or canclusian dra�+n fram any "technical data" ar any other data, inf�rpret�ti.nns, npinions �r infuimation. 4.2.�.Standard insuran�e requirements, crnrerages and limits. 4.3. The subinission af a Bid will cQnsiitute an incont�•overtib�e representation by Bidd�r: (i) that F3iddcr has connplied with e�cry requir�rnent of this Paragrapn 4, (ii) that withc�ut exception the Bid is premised up�n perfnrming and furnishing the Wark required E�y t�e Contract Doaument� and applying the specific means, snethods, techniques, sequences or proced►ares of c��n5trt�ction (if any) that may be sho�7� or indicated or �xpj-essly required hy the Cantract L7acuments, (iiij that k3idder h�s given City written n�tice of �II c�nfliets, errors, amhiguities and discrep�.ncie� in the Contxact Docum�nts and t�ie writGen resalutions thar�of by City are acceptahle to Eitider, and when said cor�i�ic[s, etc., have nvt been resol�red through the �nterpr�tatians by City as described �n Paragraph G,, and (i�) that the Contract Documenis ate generally sufCcienC ta indica�e and c�n.vey understanding af al] terms and condit�ons for perfaraning and Furnishing the Vdorlc. 4.�1. The pro�isions oithis Faragraph 4, inclusive, do nat apply to Asbestos, Palychlorinated bip�r�nyls {PCBs}, Petrn�eurn, Hazaxd4us Waste or Radioa�tive N[ataz�ia] cnvered hy Para�raph 4.D6. af the Creneral Conditions, unless sp�ecifically id�ntified in the �ontract l JOCLl117�T1t5. S. AvaiIahilit,y �f Land� %sr Warl�, Ttc. 5.1, The lanc�s upan whic�, the Vi�ork is ta be perfnrmed, rights-nf-rv�y� �nd easernents fnr access thereto and othcr lands dasigt�ted for use by CvntraCtor in performing the Wark are identi�ied in the Cantract Dacuments. All additiar,al lands artd access tI�ereta xequired for temporary construction faciiities, constructivn equipment ar s�orage of materials and equipment ta be ir�corpor�t�d in the Work are to he ebtained and paic� for b� Cflnlractar. Easements for pexrnanent sf.�'uctures or permanen# �hanges in �xisting faciiifies ar� ta he a�tained and paid for by City unless a�erwisa prvvided in the Cantract DaGurnerrts. CITY OF F�AT W01tTH 7C22 Guardr�ils and EI�E STAAIDARD CpNSTI2[JC'CIpN SP8{:1F[CAY'ipN I7pCL1M�N'1` City projecf No� ]D�45F Rer+i�edNpdated Nnvember 2, 2021 1V.dv6e A�rvS�aE SignTransacNun Numher, G6Jc`.3[AABAAIcuFSdCcwWhlpchyvR]yr49As7Ntp�GsPA nn�i t3 IItiISTRUC:'1'I[7�15'I'C} k3I11131-:l15 Page 4 ot�8 5.2. {�utstantling right-of-way; ea5ement�, andlQr pertnits tn be acc�i�i��ec1 tay the �it� are listed in k'ar�.�raph 5[; 4.[?1 ofthe SuppIci�entary C'nnditinn5. Tnthe event ihe neccssary right- of-way, easemei�tti, an�ll❑i• per�r�its arc nof ohtained, tne C:ity rescrves the rightto cancel ihc award af contsact at any time befare tl�c Bic�der he�ins any constructic}n wark o.n ih� proj ect. �,3. `1'he Ridder s1zal] ba prepar�d lo commence construction witklouf all ex�cirted right-c�f- w��y, easemeriGs, �T�dlor permit5, al�d sh�ll su6mit a schedule tc� il�e City af how csm4i.ructic�n w°ill pro�eed in the c�t�er �t�'e�s o��thc prpje�t that t�o rtat rcquirc permits andlor caseine�lts. 6, interpretatit�ns and Adrienda 6.1. All questiorts abAut the m�ai7i ng or inie�if of the �3irlding DocL�inents are to be directed ta C.ity in writin� cm «r h�fare 2 p.m., thc Mon�iay prior tt� the �iid opcni ng, (�uestinns r:.cci�+cd after this day may not bc res�rnnded to. Tnterpretation� ar clarilicaiions considered nec�essdi� hy City in rosponse t� such qu��iioa�s wiil hc issued by ILdde��da deliw�red tiv all pai-�ies 3�ecorded uy C�ty as having re�eiaed the 13idding Dac�incnts. [7n1}' questinns at�s��►��r�d by formal ��ritten �dcierada ��vill he hin�in�. Ural aiid nther rntexp�'ela.tians ar cl�rificatinns will hc without legal efFect. Address questions ta: Cily a f E�'art V►Fnrth 2[]4 Texas Street Y�'ort VU'ort��, TX 7�i1U2 A�ttrs: Iretomi��r�d dtuyelu, Transportation and Public �Norks �mail: ir�t�miwa.otuyelu{a�fortworthtaxas.gav Phc���c: 517-3�2-G747 6.�. Adden�l� may alsc� �e issued ia modify the Bidding I}ocuments as deern�ed ad3risable hy City. G.3. A�idenda c}r clari[i�ations rtlay he postcd viathe Ci�j+'s electmnic dacument mana�ement and collabQzation sy�tem at https:ll�la�s_b360.a�todesk.t'.omL�haresill i9t'�fd-�ed9- d2749�'3'# -bbifD4ca3a05 6.4.11 prebz[i can�eren�e may }�e held atthe time and placc ir�dicated in the Advct�tisCmcnt nr I�IVI'I'ATIC]� 'I'C} SIL]1]}?R5. I�epresen#�ti�es t�fCify wil� he presc�ttt ic� discuss Lhe Prnj ect, �3idder5 are encouraged fo afte�d and participatc ir� t�7e conf�rence. City �,vill tr�r±stnit ti� all pro5pGcl:i�e �3idders of re�ord such hdc]endf� as City �onsiders 1ic;�c5sary in respc��ise to yuestians arising �l lhe con�crc�zce. C)i�ai statemeyzts may 3�ot hc relied upai� and will noi be biiuling ar legzlly effe�ti>>e. 7. l3id S�curfty 7.].Each Rid mu:st l� accompanied by ai3id T3ond made payahle is� City in an amau�to£�ive t5� percent �7f'i3iddcr's maxim�m Hid pricc, an the form atiached ar equiv�.lent, issued by a surety tnecti t�g tho requirements of Para�r'�ph 5,41 of thc Genera� C:c�t�ditions. CTTY pl Fq�l 1�VORTI3 2[12� (ivardraiIs �uid EILB STANI}ARD COAI5TRL7CTIDAI SPECIFIC,�.TIQiV dDC[]1MiN'1' Csty projecl `Ia. 143459 Re�isedl[1�dated Naveml�er 2, 2D21 Ada6e hcre4eE5ign Tfansaat'wn FlumLer: C8JCH6CAABAA1crR5uCcwWUp�Ay�y0yr29dsTNtp2Gzkh b'12l 13 CNS'fR[JC"E'[0�15 TC} lill]U1�1Z5 J'age i nf 8 '1.2.The Bid I3onds pro�ide[f by a L3idder ���ill be retained unfiI the conditi�ris o[� the RT��fic;e of Arr���rci have baen saiis[i�d. Tl�th� 5uc�essful i3id�er- fails to execate a�id reLizrn tl7c [:nnt��aet r3ncuments �vitl�iq 14 da;fs �er tl�e NqCice Rl�.44vard cc�nweying sar�ie, City rr►ay consider I3iddez ta he in deiaul f, resci�d the Nnti�e nf flw�trt� �[Sd �ct on the l�id I�oi7d. Such �ction 51���11 hc C'it;�'s ex�:lt�sive remcdy in thc cvent I3idder is deeined to 1�ar�c dc�auIted. �. Cun�f�ra�# ximes The nurr�ber c�fday5 u,�iihin tivl�ich, s�r the dates Uy wilich, Mileston�s a�•C tt� be a.chieved in a�coi�danc� �i ith the Cieii�r�1 Rcc�uirements and lhc Worlf is to b� completed and ready fot Finat Ac�:eptanGe is set farth 1» the �lgreement nr tncorporated there,in hy r.eferencc lo the aitached L�id Fnrm. 9. L,iquidatcd J]arnages I'ro�isians far liquid��tcd rl�mages are set farth in the �.greemerit. 1p, 5ub�tFfufc and "Ur-�qual" Items 7'he C�ntract, if aw2r�ed, will he nn th� b�sis o#'materials an� ec�uipment d�stribcd in the Sidding 1)ncumcnts witht�ul r.c�nsid�iation of passible substiiut� c�r °c�r-equal" items. Whene�er it is indicated or s�ecified in tho Riddin� i]nGp7netzts that �"substitutc" or "vx�- cqual" itcm pf mat�erial Qr equipment ma}� b� ii�rnislacd or used by Contractar ii'a���ptable tr� L:ity, �pplicati�n far s�i�h a�cepta��ce �vill nr�t he cflnsidered l�y City �t�til aficr fhc� �;ffecii�� Date ofthe Agreeme�lf. '1'l�e p�-o�edur�e for subiiiission of'�tiy sucti applicatiari t�y Caritraclor and cflnsicieration by Ciiy is s�t far�h in Paragr�ph5 �_pSA., �,Ci5�3, and G.USC. nf ihe Ciencr•al C:o�ldrtioiis �nd is supnlemcnted ir� Section O1 2� 00 c�f the Cielieral I�c[�uir�ments. il. �ube:�r�tractors, Sup��icrs and Others 1].I. In accordance witYi the Ci�;r'S i3usinesti Tquify Ordinance Nn.251 F�5-] (}-202] ilie City has �nals io�• tlle partiGipation of�ninariiy l�usiness andlar women busiiiess enlerprises in Ciiy c�nttacts � l QO,OqO or greater. See �ection UU �5 4U for tl�c �If`NB� Prnjcct [Tnals aild a�i�fitio�xal ret�uirein�nts. Failura to c�rnply shaIi render thc Bidd�:r as non-responsive. Bl�siness �.yuity Clydinan�c No.25155-] 0-�[]21, as amenc�ed (t•eplAcing Drdit�ance No. 2�534-1 I-2a2�}, cadifie�l at: https�lJcotfelihr�ry,amleg,al.camlcadeslftwarti�lldtestlftw�orth tx10-0-0-225)3 11.2. hlo C:nntractar shall be i•cquit�ed ltr cmpioy any 5ubcontraciar, 5upplier, c�ther �aersran ❑r c�r�ctnizati«n against wham C`antrt�ctor or Czty has reasanablc objectioii. 12. I3id 1�'arm 12.1. The $id F�ri7� is incl��de� ti�ill� t}ie F�idding I?c�cu�r�ents; additional cc�pics may be cahtained fram tJle C:ity, CITY 4r PORT �rG'OATH 2D�2 C�iinrdrrails nnrl F'RR STANDIL�D CO\TSTRL:CT'Id� SP�'sC�l'ICATIQ�I DOGUMEAIT C:ity pi(]jeCl [`'Q. ][]3459 RevisedlUpdated NnverrUer 2, 2021 P�nhrRcrobat SignT�einaction Numher. C9JCk{l3tAABMicvFSuCervVrVpcAya6y�9�sTNtp2 aikPA D[i 21 13 INSTRUC'I'IQi�I3 TQ BIDDEEiS pdge 6 of 8 12,2. All i��anks on the Bid Form must be complet�d and the Sid Farm signed in ink. Erasu�'es or alferativns shall be initi�led in ink b� tk►e person si�t�ing ti�e Bid Form. tL I3id price shall be indicatad for each Bzd itern, altema4ive, and �mit price item lisfed therein_ �r� th� case o�aptional alternativ�s, the words "No Bid," "No Cl�nge,,' o�. "Noi A�ap]icable" may be entereci, Bidder shall state the prices for which the Bidder propases ta do the work contemplate� or furnish materials required. All errtries s1�a1J be legi�le. 1�,3. Bids b� corporations sha.11 be executed in the corporate n.a�me by the pre�ident vr a vic�presi�lent ar nther c4rparaie affieer acaompanied �y evidence vf authority. ta sign. Th� cQrporate seal shaIl be affixed. 'Che aatporai�e address and state of incQrporatian sha116e s�own �elow the sigiis.ture. 12.4. Rids by pac�,nerships shall be executed in tt�e parmership narne and signed by a partner, whos� title must appear under the signature accompanied by e�idenr,e of authoriiy to sign. The official a�dress of t.�te parinership shall he shawn below the signaiure. I2.5, Bids by lin�ited lial�ility companies shatl be exe�uted in the na�ne afthe firm by a memb�r and accompanied 6y ��idence af autharity to sign. The state af farrnatinn of the firm and the o�Gia.l address of the �rm sha]] be shown. I2.fi. Bids by i�dividuais shall shvw �e Bidder's nazn� and official addr�ss. 12.7. Bids by joint �entures shall be executed by each j oint venture in t1�e mann�r indieated on the Bid Fflxm. The official address af the joint venture shall l� shown. 12.$. All names shall be fyped ar printed in ink belnw the si��ature. 12.9. The Bid snall cot�tain �n acknawl�dgement af receipt o€ all Addenda, the nurnb�rs af which shail }�e �lled in �n the Bid Form. 1�,1[3, l'nstal and e-maii addresses and telephone number for cam�nunicativns rega�rding the Bid shall be ahawn. I2.11. E�icience of authority #o canduct business as a Nanrasident Bidder in the st�e of Texas shrill be provided in accardance witk� Section 4Q 43 37 --- Vendor Cornpliance to �tate L�w Nan Resideni k3iddex. I3. 5ubrnission af �ids BYcis sha11 I�c sutm�itted on the pres4ri6�d Hid Form, p�ravided with the Bidding Dacuments, at th� tiinc and place indicated in the Advcrtisemerrt ar .II�7VITA'I'ION T� $IDOERS, addre�scd ta Put�chasing Manag�r o#`the City, and shaIl be enclosed in an opayue sealed envelope, marked with thc City Praj ect Number, Project titl�, the x�ame and addz�ss af Sidtier, and a�companied by the Rid security and otherrequired documents. lfthe $id is senf tt�rQu� the mail or other delivery system, the sealed enr+elape shall ba enclosed in a separate �nvelop� with the natatirm. "'BID �NGLOSED" on th� face a� it. 14. Withdrswa� af Hids C1TY DP FORT WORTH 2b22 Guan3rnils and ERB STANDART7 CONSTR[1C"['IQN SPECIFICA1TaN i]DCUM�NT City prnject Na 103459 Reviscc3l�fp�acEd Novernbe� 2, 2D21 Ada6e AambatSigilTreiwaxliva� Humher: C6ICHHCM1A9ANevf-SnCv.�rhWpc�SyWoyr79Rs7Htp2GnPA ITfl 2l 13 IPdSTELUCTI0I+f5 Td Bli7l]ERS Page 3 of 8 14.1. Bids addr�ssed #a th� Purchasing Manag�r and filed with the Puichasyng �ffice rnay be withdrawn pri�r fo the tizne set for bid opening, � rec�u�st for witkdxawal must be made in writing and deliVex�d to the Pnrchasir�g 4f�ice to recei�e a tiine stamp priar to the ap�ning of Bids. A timely withdrawn bic3 will be i�eturned ta the Bidder ar, if' the requesi is within one hour of bid apening, wi.11 nQt be read aloud and wI11 thereafter be retucned unopen,ed. 14,2, Itt ih� event any $id �or whicf� a withdrawal requast has i�een timely F�ed has been inad�erterrtly apened, said E3id an�] any �•ecord thereofwill suk�sequently he marked "V�ithdi�.wn" and wi1� be given no fiu�ther cansideratio�n fnr t12e award af cantract. 15. 4pening o� X3ids Bids wiil bc apened �.nd read aiflud publicly. An abstract of the amaunts of the base gids and maj or altarnakes �if arzy) will b� made available to Bidders after the apEning of Bid�. 16. Bida to Remai� �hjc�t tv Acceptaace All Rids �vil l remait� subject to acceptanGe for a ittiniinum �f 9a days vr tk�� Eime period specified f'oz' Natice af �4ward and execuiion and delir7�ry �f a comple�:e A�reement by Succefssful �iidder. C;.ity may, at City's sole discration, release any Sid and nullify the �id security prior to that datc. 17. E�aluation of Bi�s and Award ni Contraet 17.1. City reserves ihe right ta reject any or all Bia.i.�, incIuding witliaut limitation Ehe rights ta raject any ar all nancc�nforming, n�nrespansiwa, unhalanced or �onditiona] Bi.ds and ta reject th� Bid af any Bidder if City believes that it wauld not be in the best interest af the Fraject ta make an award to that Bidder, Ciiy reserves the right to waive infvrmalities nof in�ol�ing pric�, cantract ti�ne ar changes in the Wark and award a contractta suc� ��dder. Discrepancies between the in��ltiplication of �mil5 af V+�ark and unit prices will be resoi�ed in favar of tkte unit prices. F]is�repancies between the indicatied sum af any� column of fgures and the cnrrect sum thereaf wilI 1�e ��esa lved ir� far�or di the correct sum, Discrepancies between wards snd figures will be a•esalved in favar of the words. 17.1,1, Any ar all bids will be rejecfed if City has reasan ta balie�re tfrat callusibn exists among the T3idders, Sidder is an interested party to any litigatinn against City, {'.ity or Biddcr may ha�+e � claim against the �rft�er ar be engaged it� litigation, Bidder is in arre�rs an any existing contract ar �as defauIted Qn a previous cottta'a�t, Bidder has per£ormed a priar ooptrac;t in an unsatisfacfory manne�-, c�r Bidder has uncompleted v�vork which in the judgment of the City wi.11 prevent or �index the proz�npt cornpletion of additiona] work if �r�rarcied. ] 7.2. In a.ddition ta Bidder's relevanl prequalific�fion xequ�rements, City may c�nsid�r the quali(icaxions anc3 experience of Su6Gvntractvrs, Supplier�, and nther p�rsans and ar�an i��tions gropQsed f4r those pvrtiQns r�f'the i�ti��k where the identity af su�h '�ubcancrac#ars, Supp�Iers, and ather persons and ai�anization� n�ust be suhr�ittsd as provided in the �antract Dacuments or upon the request nf fhe C;ity, City alsv may considar the operating casts, maintenancc rc��iircinents, perform�nce dataand guar�tees of inajar items of inaterials and eq�ipment proposed for ineor�ar$tion in the W�rk when su�h data is r�quir�d to he submitted prior tc� the Notice of Award. CII'Y dF FOR'C WORTH 2O22 Guardrails and ERB S'1'AI'lT7AFZD C�l+13TRUCI'IDN SPECIFiC:A"170N 1JOCUMENT City prujectNa. 1034,;i9 8evisedlUpdated Novemtrer 2, 2Q2] Ado6e Acrd�at SignTrai�sactiaa� HumlreY: C6JC:i0CM3 V�Icvf'�uCzwWVprAyw�vfZ90aTNt�SZGxPA oaxi t3 li+{S'ET�UCTI�NS TD SII7D�R5 Pu�;c 8 of $ 17.3. C:ity may conduct suc17 invcstigations �s City deez�ns necessary tc� assist in the evaluatir�n of any- 13ia �nd to estabjish thc res�r.nnsibility, qualifcations; and financia] ahility of Ridders, prn��ased �uhcanfra�tors, Suppliers �nd �5ther �rei•st�ns and or�;aniLations fu p�rlorm and l�urnish ihc Work in accardance with il�c L'ontract Qaciun�nts tn C�ity-`s satisfa�tian witl�in #he p��escrihed time. 17.4. Cantractni� sha11 perfonn jvith his nw�, crrgani�atic�n, work oTa �aiue nat less than 35°l� �f'llze value cinbraccd on th� (��ntract, unles5 OihG7'W1S� Af��]r�vcd t�y° the City. 17.5, ]I' ihc Car�tract is to bc a�vardcd, lt l�'lIl I]� �1L'r�ar�ied to lowest responsil�lc znd r�sponsive �3idder whnse evaluatinn hy City indiGates that tlia ar��ard will be in the best intcrc5#s of th� L;ity. 17.6. Piusu�t�t to Texas Ciavemment Co�ie Chapter 2�S2.U01' , th�c City wi 1l riot a�rard cont�•act to a N�nilresident Iiidder uniess the Nnnresident F3idc3c;r's bid is lawcr than the Lowest bid �u�mitic:ti k�y a respnr�sihlc Tcxas I�idder hy the samc ait�rnrnt that a Texas resident bidder ��-ould be requireci t� underhid a I�Ic�nresiden� IIidelcr to ubtaut a �:omparubl� can.traci in thc staC� in ��•hich the nonresi�ient's principal pla�e nf business is Iocated. i7.�. A ac�ntractis not aw•drd�e3 u�itil 1i7rE�aI C7ty Coun�i] authari�tiaiz. ffthc Cantraci is ta be aw�'ded, �:ity wi11 aw�lrri tl�� [;anlr��ct ��i�t�in 9{} days after the day of the i�i�€ opening unless extended in writing. N❑ atller act af Cit� c�r oth�:rs v��il] corislitute �ccepta.nce of a f3id. lJpoil tF�c cnntr�ct award, a�lnti�e of Ilward «�i[I ��e issued hy t��e ��ity_ I7.7.1.Thc c❑ntractar is rcquired tu f�ll out and sign the Certificate of luter�sted Yarlies I+orm 1295 and the farni ntust be subnaitted t� the Pro�ect NIan�gex hefnre the cnnfract will he presented fn the t;ity C:onncil. '1'he farm c�n l�e obtained at httas:llww�.ethics.state.tx.usldatalfc�rmai1�.9511�95.Qdf 17.8. Failure vr refusal to c4mply wit,�i the requirem�nts ma� result in rejection nf Bid. �8. Signing af A�reement 1$,1. V1�h€n C:�ty issues a I�IoticG of Aw�ard to tlie 5u�cessfu] 13idder, it �vil] be ac�nml�anied by the requireci nuinhnr aFunsigned caunt�rpdtts of lhe I'roje�j M�t�ual, Withi�i 14 �i�iys ihere�tfl�r, C",nntractnr shall sign and deiiver the required numher nf ��3ur�terparts of the Praject Manual to City with the requircd Sonds, Ceiti%cate� of liisur�ance, a�zd al] ather rcy uired dacumci�tatian. 1$.2. City sh�.f i tl�ereafter deliv�r nnG fully sigticd countet'part ta Cor�.lI'�Ct�t'. ENb OF SECTIflN ClT�' qF F'Old'1' L�'Ql{TH 2Q22 C.ivardrails �::d fiRF3 5T��t�RD C4I�5TR[;CT'!ON SF�CLFICAT[pN DdC[]MS'VT City prc�je�t NU. 1fl3459 Aevi�edlUpdatcd N�vemL•er �., 20'21 Adoh � A�: � o�.� t Sipi � Tr � macllo n lJum ber� CBJ CH6CMBAAIcV�SuCriNNpcAyva0yr7B�7�Nm�ixRA 40 3G'i3 COi�Fl.1CT OF 1NTEREST STAT�MENT Pags 1 af 1 SEC�IOH �� 35 '13 G�NFLICT DF IMTER�S�i' STAT�MENT � Each hidder, afferor ar respandent t� a C'sty �f �ort Wor#h pro�ur�m�nt is required tv c�mpi�te a ConfliGt of Inferest Questionnaire or cettify kha# one is �urrent and on file with tY�� City Secre#ary's ��fice pursuant to state 4aw. If a member of the Fort Warth Gity Cou�cil, any ane ar more af ihe �ify N1an�ger Qr Asslstarrt City Managers, o�' an agent of the Cify who exercis� discretian in the planning, r�carrtmending, s�lectin� ar cantra�ting with a bidder, afferar ar respondent is affiliated wit� your campany, then a Local Gav�rnment Dff�cer C�nfficts [7isclo�ure Statem�nt [G1Sj may be required, Yo�a are urgec! #a cvnsult wfth counsel regardirrg tha applicalail�ty at #�tese forrns and Local Go��rnm�nt Code Chapter 17� to yaur company. The referenced farms may be dawnloaded frpt�t the iin[�s pravided belaw. 1 �anfiict �F in 'ann ire state.tx.us hEt�s:ilvuwvu.ethics. state.tx.usld�t�fi�armslcor�4ct/Gl�,pdf ❑ CI� Farrn daes not apply ❑ CIQ �'orm is an file with City Secretary ❑ CIQ �arm is being provi�led �a the City Secretary ❑ �IS Form daes nat ap�ly � CIS Fortn is on Fiie with City Secrefary (� G15 F�rm is being �ravided ta the Cify 5ecre#ary BI []O�R: VannrEili 1n�. gY: l��r�ie C]�r►�s - _. . r� - '� 5ignatur�' + �� F'� ?�'l ;. t. �r � � Title: president EN� aF 5ECTIOid CtTY QF FQRT WQRTH 57AM��R� Gt7NSTRUGTION SPECIFICATIQN (7�CUME�l7�u 21322 Guardralfs and ERES Revised Febr�rary 24, ��2Q {;ily PraJeet hlo. 103d59 ndoLe s,cro6al sign rransac[ivn Nuimber. cti.l[FE6CAA6AwcvFSuCm+Y4VpcAy�voylt]i1iTNTpPGxPA 4049 fl¢ 81D FQRM pega h of 3 SECTI�N Qfl A4 00 BID F�RM TQ: The Purchasing Manager c,ra: The Purchasing Dlvlsion 200 7exaa Street City af Fart Worth, Texas 781 �� FOR; 24�2 �UARDF�AILS ph4D ER8 Ciiy Praject No.: 9�3469 Uni#sl�eetions: 1. �nt�r lnto Agreement 7hs undersigned 8idcfar praposes and agrees, �f this Bld Is a�cepted, to enter intn an A�r��ment with City in the fflrm included in the Bidding Dvouments to p�rform and furnish all Wark as specifle� or lndicated in the Contra�ct ❑ocurrr�nts for the Sad Prica snd within fhe Gantract Time Indlcatad ln t�is Bid arid in accardance wlth the other ierms arod ❑onditions of the Can'trdct Dacuments, 2. 6lg��RAeknowladg�ments and Certiflcatinn z.1. In submliting this Bld, Bidder ac��pte a[l of the t�rms ahtl conditions of the iNVI'�ATIaN T� a1DD�R5 and INSTFZUCTI4NS Ta BfI]q�RS, including without limitatian #hflae d�aling with the dlspasitinn of 8id Sand. 2.�, Hidder is aware af ail casts to P�►+��e the required insuranc�, will do so panding con#ract awarsi, and vulll provide a valid insurancvi cerfificate me�tir�g all rrequiremerrts within 14 days of notiflc2ttton af award. �,3. �i�der certifiea #hat fhis 6id Is genuine and not mads in ihe interr�st of or on beh�lf of any undiscaflsed indivf�ual ar sntlty and is not submit6ad ir� canfarmity with any cnllusiwe agreemenk ar rules ofi any graup, assaciatior�, organizati�n, ar corparation. 2.q.. Biddar has nat directly or indireatly induced or soliaitad at�y othe� Bidd�r to suhmik a false ar sham Bid. 2.5. 6idder has not salirated or induced any �ndfvidual or entity t� refrain fram loldding. 2.6. 6idde�' has not engaged i� �arru�+t, fraudul�nt, cnhusive, or ca�rcive practices in carnpeting �or t�e Cnntract. Far the purpQsss of this Para�raph: a, "carrupt practice" means !h� offering, giving, rer.eivin�, or soliaiiing af any thing of value li�Cely tv tnfluenoe the actlan af a public offic�al In the 4�Idding proaess. b. "fraudu€ent practi�e" means an inbentinnal misrepresentatlan Qf �acfs made (a) fo influence the biddfng proc�ss kv the detrlment of City �b) tn es#ahlis�s Bid prices at artific3al non-competitive 1�vels, or {cj ta depri�e Ckty of tne ber�efita of fraa and open competitlan. c. "collusiW� praciice" means e scheme or arrang�m�nt beiw�en twn ar more Sidders, with Qr without the knawlarfge af Gity, a pUrpas� af which Is to estabiish BitE prices at artificial, nan- cornpetitive levels. CITY DF FQRT N1DR?H SiANpARO C4NSTRUCiI�N 3PECfFICATIOiV ODCUMENTS 2u22 Guarclraps and �R6 Revlse�3 9f34l24E7 �iiy Prajecl Na. 103459 Adobe Axral�eLSign 7raixaetioY+l9uin6er: CBJCHBLAqBqqlcyF�uC7.WWYptAywUyr194sTff[pDUxFR 00 ¢9 �0 81 D F ORM Page 2 pf 3 d, "ao�rcive pracli�e" means harming ar threatening tv harm, dlr�ctly or indirectiy, persons ar their pra}�erty� to inrfluence t�eir participa#ia� in the hidding prar,ass ar affecl the execution af the Cantract. � 3. Prequalificatian iha �idder acknowledges that the fallowing work types musi be perfarrr+ed only qy prequalified coritractars and subcontraciors; �. - h. - G. - Si, - @. - f. - g, _ h. - �4. i'irrre cf Completion �1.1. The Work wiil t�e oamplete far Finai Accepfance within 1 B� days afEer the daEe when the the Cdnti'act Tir'ne eommer�aas to run a5 pravlded in Paragraph 2.fl3 of the G�neral Canditions. 4,2, �idder accepts tha pravisions of the Agreernent as to liquidated damages in the e�rent af failure to compiets #he Work {andJop achiev�ment of Miiestanes} within !he fimea s}�ecified in the Agreemen#, 5, Attached t�o ihi� Bid TMe €ollowing documents are attached fa and made a part vf t�is Bid, a. 7his Bid Form, Section UO 41 00 b. R�quired �id �cnd, Sectivn 4Q 43 93 issued by a sUr�€y meeting the requirernents v� Raragra�h 5.01 af the G�ner�l Cvndit�vns. c. Pmpvsal �orrn, Sectinn 00 4� A3 d. Vendar Campfian�e to 5fat� Law h�on Resident Bldder, 5e�tion 00 43 3i e, MW�E �o�rns (optional at time of bid) i � f, ptequali�aation 5tatement, Sectian UO 45 12 g. ConilicE af Inierest Affidavit, 5ectian DO 36 93 "If necessary, CIQ ar CIS forms are fo he praWld�d dire�ily tia City 5eeretary p, Any �ddi#ivn�l doaume�ts ihat may 6e required by Seatian 12 vf th� Instructians to 6idders cirr aF Fo�rwoRr� STAMdAR� CONSTRIJCil01�[ 5A'�CIFICAiIGN �pCUMEN75 Revlsad 9I30i�d21 ao22 Guerdr�lls and ERa Cliy proja�t a0. 7o�4ss hdobe RcrobaP 5 gn Transactitln Nuin6ev:CBJCH6CAA9hWcvFSutY�uWJp�Ayw�yr79P47Ntp2GxPA on ai aa 61� FQRM �agc 3 of 8 s, Tvta1 �id Amaunt �.1. Bidder wi14 complete the Warit in a�cordance wlth the Contract Documents fflr t�e fallawing bid amount. In the space provided heiow, please �nter the tatal bid amo�nk far this ps'oject. Oniy tltis figure will be re�d publicly hy tt�e City at #he bid apening. 8,2. It is understaad �nd agreed by ti-tie Bidder in signing ihis prc�posal th�at the total �id amount entered kselow ia subjact to verifiGa�ion andlvr madification hy muliiplying Ihe unik bid pr��as for ea�ch pay item 6y the r�speative estimated c{uan#ities shawn in this propasal and then totaiing ali of the extended amaunts. 6.3. Tatal 6id 7. Bid Submittal '�his Bid is submitted on 02l2�f��22 RespactF 11�suhmltted, -__ sy; '� Y � �� _ - �.�C..a- (Signaturej 8onnie �avls �Prinied Name) Tit�e: President Campany: Vannl�Ili, Inc. I � Address: P 0 Box 9�60 Joshua,Texas 76U5$ Sfate nf lncarp�rafion: THxas �rr�ail: i�onr�iedauis@vann-elli.cam Phone: 8� 7-558-4052 �rwo oF sECT[oN $��2,350.D0 k�y the entity narri�d he1�1A1. Corporate Seal: � C�FY �F FQRT WORTH STANdAft� C�NS1'R[JCT10N SP�CVFICA7�4N b�GUh9GNTS 20P2 Guardrails and LRI3 RevisetE 9l30l2421 Cily ProJocl EJo, 103459 pdabe Ac ml�al Slgn TYafaactiv n N�m her� cH: CH8�RA8ANcvFS uCnNAN��cA ;;vCyr7�3i]s7 V[p�%PA s�Tiow a o aa as PRQP051�i_ FdFtM UNIT PRIGE BI❑ Bidder`s Ap�[�cation Arqial 11em InTernis�imi $:ddurs P�n,.n:9� 4Jllil 1 • Birl��s�iien� ❑�srripl;dt 'ikf1UTS4tC ������r 1lidpuandty llnilP�i�n IfiJ��alur �d• i�ICiLYllttS I �£M6OIE.E'Ld7i�N F.n l.un �5ou.00 � SSna. 2 MISC'k:�.L,AhLUUs UTIilTY ApJI]ST�1EidT'S i.5 l.DD �B,�n,p� �e,�oa. :i Si'fli ['LFAlii14{; SY 1,9��.G0 $i.�6 $7003. •3 TacerzrunvAl. G'�-1�" EA �A� �2,540A6 � a. 3 ll{L:� RZ4[OVALtf�"'-IS"j F:M1 :l.11U $A,�D6.09 312J�tl7. G FLUIWASLEF3,lt'KY"]!,L 4dl CY 10,�0 5300.40 $3,C07. 7 AFtADU� Ahl[] IZFYI.11Cf:'E"3�/iF3H1[ F'DSl' S4215A4 FA 35U.Op 550.0� $17,507. __S ftEMfll"� AN� RFP1.hCF� Si��l. p�SF SA'11590 Fh SQ.Op F�5,f1� $3,75fk 9 Id�4lCSY� h4LfAL 11' IILAM Gll,ACtI]TGNC'E 542 Lf' 2,3SIO.OU �a_p6 $9,2�D. � � 1N8TALL i�iBTAL W BEk4i (;VARi] �BNCE SdU LF 2.35a.nf1 $at3.aD Sts°,a0n i I REhrfdV� UOW3�'S7 €iEAl+6 ANC136R TERMIFlAL 342 �1 '�•�'} �QD,p4 $840 l2 lyST1�l,LDOWFlSTRSAMAiVCH4RTSTtMIiVAL 544 fA 6,Q0 ���Oa �g,eqo l3 R6MpVBC3UARDRAILEPlDTSiEATiYIEA]T 544 �A 1U�44 $300,40 ��� l+1 lPdST�4LL GUARS]RA1L END TRE111'MENT 5�44 f:A 1 �.00 lW,200.00 �2 �p 1 S ItEMQV� TERNE]WAL AAICHDA SFd'TfON Sd4 EA 10•40 ��� pQ �a,voo 16 INS"fALL'1'�"RMIHIILAhICHDftSF)CTIQh� S�fU CA 1a_d0 S1.P�iLOa $i2;Od0 ft1;4�I01+8 nNt� RE�I,AC� �1E7'ALB�AA4 GUARA -— �a f'EhCE'!'IZA�ISIT[�N {Tp�Rll? f3�Aiu1) $'� �� 54.00 ��� Da S7 �0 �� ��o�'C AND RFPI.ACS� {7i3A7 END H�4[t[tICRT]F Sn? LF a,500,�b ri,nr�tivl: �aa.on ��Bo,000 Ig RH4IC31'� hNF] �tfiPi.hCB i�fiAD F.NI7 RAR[ti['rlf7F. 5U2 L:A S{}A� 9i�0UNlliv]UUi�TEaSUPPt]RT �S00.o0 Sa„�nn 20 GUARIIFE�lCCRE1'�AIR 77Q 1..F Lo0_ffu S�.a� $2,�no Zl RFF,41ltCRASiICUSi�E[7NATfEPlUA70R 77A LS IAO $aB.opp,p0 �5.000 a II4a [] F SE4'1'[DN el1,11.�3 qII]YRkN'Q%hl. oe�, i.on 1 l 1 L'fl!' OP LY1Rl'Nl1k'111 4fANllf.1lI1LYINS1N11C7%791 NPlll'IF�A17tiNbllNAilElfll i��;� unwr�ui ��ez�wa�„�aa�,a�i rnynyai ro. ut�» a�dvhr Acroh at 5i� Transactioa� Ffu mber: CD1CH �[AA�AAIn�FS�Cav+VJV�- �7��yr29osTF3t N2r,x�A ❑043 i3 RIC� �aNa Pege1 042 SECTlaN fl0 A3 13 81D �UHp KNOW ALL BY 7HES� pRL�S�4�TS; Thatwe, Vannl�lli, Inc. , ltnown as "pfdder" herein and Travelers Casualty and Surety Compar�y �f Am��f�a a carpora#� sur�ky duly auihorized tv do busl�ess in khe 5tate o#Texas, knawn as "Suret�' hereln, are held and firmly �ound unto tha Gity ❑f Fort Worth, a munl�ipat corpgrat�an created pu�suant to the laws of Tflxas, known as "'City" harein, in tha per�al aum of (ive perc�nt {5°!a� of Bidder's maxlmum hld prlce, ln iawful maney af tha Uni#ed 5tates, to be pai� ln Fort 1Narth, Tarranf Counfy, Texas far �he paymant nF whlch sum well and truly to �e rrt�de, w8 hind oursel�ea, au� heifs, ex,ecutors, adminisirafars, suc�essars and asslgns, �vintly and saverallY, fitm ly by #hese presents. WH�1��AS, the Princ{pal has su�mlftsd a bi� ar pr�pnsal to periorm �fVork for the fallowing project deslgnated as 2D�2 �Lf,4RbRA1tS Ahl� ERB IVOW, 7HEREF4RE, the r�ndition aF this obligatlon �s such ihat if tha Gity shall award the Conkrack Far the Fvragaing pra]ect to t�e F'rincipal, and the Principal shali salisfy all requirements and condittons r�quirad for t�e ex�cuti❑n of the Cantract and shall enter into the �ontract in writlng with the City ln ac�ordance wi#h the terms �f suah same, then thls abllgaiian shall be and h�came null arld v�ld. If, hawever, the prin�ipai falls ta execute such Gontraat !n accordanca with iha terms of same ar fails to satis�y ali requiremenfs and condEtions rEquired ivr ths axeeutlon of the �onkracf, thls band shall �scome fh� praperty of the Cify, wfthou.t recvurse oP the Principal andl❑r Surety, nat ta ��e�d th� penalty nereaF, and s�all he used to compensate City far #he d'i#fe�enae befwsen PrinClpal`s totai bid amount and th� naxt satected bidder's totai �id amount. pRaVID�� FURiHER, that iF any legal acfion ba fi[ad ari ihis �ond, venua shall lie In Tarrant Courrty, Texas or the llnited States Disirict Gourt far the Nflrthern C]istrlct vf Texas, Fvrk Warth Division. ' IN WI7N�SS WF{ER��F, ihe Prir�cipal and the Sureiy h�V�e 51CI�1E0 &Rd S�ALEd ihf5 f�strurnent hy duly authorized agents and officaes an thls th� �5ih day af February ��, 202�. RYT�S�': � ��. Wltness as tv Prinoipa ciry ar• �oRT wonz�� S7A�1OARp C4NSTRlJ CT 10 N 51'EC �FICd4TIaN E]OCi1hI�NT6 ReaA ead �136T2iA27 PRIN�1PAl.; UaI�nlElli, lnc. BY: y1.• gnature }jL Tl � �. �/ l � Natne and Titla ao di n� 81d Rrapoasl Workhoo�C.�ex Adobe Mro6a[ Sign Trar�saotton HamheC� CB,ICFI[iGAhBRR1NPSUCn�MN¢: Ay�un}v�97cTNlpPG�A CO 4313 E31a E3�N❑ I'age 2 n! P Addr�ss; 1411 5, Broadway Strset Joshua. T�4 78058 SUR�7Y� Travel�rs Casualty snd Surety Company ❑f Am�rica #t !�..�._. . J._■ . 5o hinie Hunter, Attor�tie -ln-Fact Name.and Titla Address: ana Tower 5quare, 81o2A Hartfard. CT �6983 � -� ��t�wcw�.- W{tnass as ta 5urefy "ielephone Number: �1�I-989-00�0 Attac�t Pawer of Attorney �Sureiy] far Aftarney-in-�act *Nof,e: lf s3gned �y an officer vf the 5urety Company, there must be on Flle a certlfied e�tr�ct from the by laws siiowing thatthis person I}as �authorlty to sign such abligation. If SureEy's physical address Is dfffer�ni Fram its r�ailing address, Y�ath m�sf �e pravided, The data of tnQ band shall naf lo� priar to tna date tha Contra�t is awarded. FNF} nP SF.,CTIC7N cisr aF r•aRr waRrH SiANQARI] CONSTRUC710H 6PECiFlGATIQN R6CUM�NT6 Revlsed 913�12021 O� 410U eid Pmpua�l4Vwkbook,�dsx Adabe 1Vcrol�a! $1g�� rra nsactlan A!u mher. t9J �N6tAABAA1�vF5�[� wl'PJ.�u1}�.•�O�r79 GsT s1tpZGxPA 00 4s 37 1IEN[]OR G4VIPlIA�IC£ 7Q STAT� I.AW Page 4 of 1 s��rioN an a� ar U�NCi�R COMPLIAMCE 3D STATC lAW {V�N RESIpENT 81DQ�R 7exas G.overnmen# Cad� CFsapter 2252 was adopted for the award of oantraafs to nanresid�nt bidders. 7his law provides that, ir� order f❑ be awarded a c�n#ract as law bidd�r, nonresidant bidders (aut-af-sfate contractars w�tase corporate of€iees vr principal place of busines5 are autside the S#ate af Texasj bid pr❑jects 'fvr construction, improvements, supplies or services in ��xas at an amaunl lower than th� lawest Taxas r�sid�nt Faidder by the same amnunt that a Texas resldent bidder would be requfred to underbid a rionresIdeni hiddar ln prder to obtain a campara�le cflntract �n the 5tate which th� nonresiden#'s principal place of business is , lacated. The appropriate blanEcs ln Section A must be filled out by all nonresident bidders in arder for your bid to meet specificakions. The fallure of nvnresident bfdders to da so Will auton1afioaiiy disqu�liFy that bidder, ResEdent hldc�ers must check the �ox in Sactian B. R. Nanresidenf bidders in tha State af , aur prina4pal pla�e of �usiness, are required to be percen# lower than resident t�idd�rs by 5tate LaW. A�apy vf the statute is a�tached. Nonresident hidders in the State of , aur principal plac� of business, ar� not required to underhid resident bidders. B. The principal place vf business ai aur c4mpany or our parent csampany or majority awner is In the Skate of Te�cas. � BIL]�ER; V�nn1Elli Inc. By: Bonnie Davis i �� tit�, k,� , � x •4 ,. , �Signature) Tifle: Presi�Brrt Data; 212312422� �r[n ot� s���rto�v cfr�r �� �a rzr woRri { STANQARD C,4NSTR61C7tON SpECIFICAT1dFI DOCUM�NTS Revlsbd 9I30I2029 6041 fl�_81d proposal Work�oek Ado4�e Acro6a! 5'g � Tr� �action Y �� n her. Cf3JC k 113CAA@MI NFSUCxrMfVpcAy5v0yrP9Ds1� v r p.:c; �?q s�cT�a� oa a� �a PE�EQUALIFIGAiION STATEMENi 0D 4G 12 PRERLIALIFIGATION STA7�MCNT page i oi 1 �ach 8idder for a�ity proaurem�nt is requirad ta complete tf�e infa�mafian below hy ideniifying the prequalified �antractars andlnr subcontrac#�rs whom they intand ta utiliae for th� mejor work type(sj Ifsted. n�a�vr Work'Typ� Contrac#orlSu�contraatar Compan}� f�ar�se Prequaiiflcatian Expiratian bate � ��, � , �' � , ,��` The under�igned herehy ce�tifies Htat the contractars andlor suhcvntract�rs deserihed ln the tahle above are �urrently prc�qualifEed for the work types Ifsted. BIpDER: VannlElli, Inc. By: q�ie Davis � � �� „ P d�4x' '���� i' � I � L. Joshua, Texas 75a58 (5igr�aturej a Tit�e: President ❑ate: � ! ) �x� l � ` EN� QF S�C'f�UN CITY4F FDRT WOR7H STAN{SAftLl CtliJSTRl7CTi�N SP�GIFICAI'IpiJ L]OGI]MEiV7S Revfsed 09130/�(�21 O6+{1 00_ekf proposal Warkbook Ad❑be Acrobat 5ign Transaciion f� u m b er: CBJC HBCAAB RAIcvFSuC�wWVpcAyw�yr29o�TNtpZGxPA [lo �}i ?r. - 1 ('{]�YfkACTC7k CC}A11'LiATtiCli IL'ITH IYSIiilCE:Itti {'!#tiiPFN3a1T�C11ti l �114' P�tY � u1' I � ��CTli3h' qt} �L5 3G 2 [:OY�TRACTQR C'[)h1�LIA�f['E WE'1'E I WUI�Kf�lt'S i'DMf'�NSA'i'IOhf �.AL�' 3 PurSuant ta T�xas I.a�bpr {'cr�i� Sr�linn d[Yfr.i}{]6R;�j, i�s nsticn�l�d, C'�}ntr�rtcir c�rti��s tliat ii 4 pTOVIdeS W�'l��r'S C�}1�e�e��sr�tivn Intiw�i�atiCc �t�t�rr;s�a tt�r ali 0f itti t�ltrlvyc�,� cr�t��c����d an City� 5 Pr�j�k No. iO3�5t) Contractor fe�rth��r ccriiFics thal, pursLiant tn'Fexas Labnr C.rxic. Srctinii b 4U5.{k95�b}, c�s an��i�cf�d, it �vi11 prflti idc tc� C'ity its sui�ci�n��•n�tor's ccrtificatcs uC �a�zipliai�ce w�iii� 7 wnrker's can���enss�tinn cs3vrrisKe. CdNTRAC'I'�]R; EO �j � f 1 � �r�l� � � � . �r h` C. [iy' Ji]Q�+n►�.,i3�� J �-� ta Cc�i�1}��n}' � � {Pl��sc !'ru i3 {} l4 T� ��7�. � ��� �i�,m�tu ` L�..[.� �� l5 Acldre�s i� �� l8 19 2U 21 22 2� 24 a� 25 27 28 29 L�DS�� l�i. �[� C7 5� �'ii�e: �[ �`e.3�+ a� t City;:5tin�e�fi�� tPlrnse Prin#1 TF�� 5�'AT� Oi� �'E?iAs �(�UNTY QF TARI�}1NT AI_F REi M�., ri►c �����ersib�ned authurity, un Il�iti ciay �3�r9on,ilfy [i�]�fc:A��c� t'r1 ► �]�_�� , k��,�wn tt> »k tu kf� the �ersnrti w1�us� n��ree is stibsrri6�d !u lhe Car�gr� �o ir��lruane�R, r�ncl atknt�wlt.�l�cd ro �ne tliz� ���lshe �xrGuttd th� �arne �� fhe ac� and dtc�� nf ��� , � �j�[''.n-�` tisr th� ��ur�w:;e� a�td fi0t1Si�lCr�kli��� t���tLii1 r��resstd:3i�ci it� t�ic ca}3:i�it� IEi��rii�� sta�zci, 30 3] GIVE�; �Jh[D�:1� MY l�iA�If] AND S��1I. [�F El�i�'iCE thi� L�� �ny of 32 ��C�� • ?��� 33 - 34 � � �, 1S : � �G ZVS]ifli'Y PIEL]I]C I.� td 14+r tft t�itc �tfTcx�F i7 3K Ei�D OF SECTIO�� ��,x�'' .. " ��{R�S � : �'� f,ly lk�ry �D � 35iB�OBa 39 Expins 1Rard'i i8, 2�'13 tirY crr• Ft�KT �aor�'t�l 2a2� [k►�rdrr�l d�,d F.Rr� sr,�ni�n u.t� t�n� rrR��eris�M s�EriF �c'n Tu�� [�rx uni EriTs cir� rrq�t �n., # rF►atv k�:��+�iat�iti k.��PI! AdvUe Ac.o6zl S�gr Tr,,:��;�c;iv:+ vurik:ci�: C6JCH6CAABAA1r�F5�.iC.rrvlR4l�cAyw0yr29asTN�SGzPA 00 45 4t] - I Husincss Equity Gaa] E'i�� 1 nf 2 s�cTr�n� no as �o Businvss �quity �oal 4 5 6 7 ]U 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1S 19 zo 21 22 23 24 25 ?t �7 2R Z9 30 3I 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 4� 41 42 �}3 94 45 4� h7 48 49 APPLICATIOl� C]F �'�7:1CY [f th� lata:i dollar �alu� of thc caniracl is $1�D,004 or mare, then a F3usiiiess F�.qtiity �oal is ap�lical�lc, A�iiisincss Equiiy Firm refers fvi certified I4iin�rit��-, an[]J��r Womr�n--, owned I3usiness Enterprises (N1IW k3�:s). P[]LICY STATEM�iVT It is tl�e policy nf Cltc C:ity of�art 1�Vorth io cl��ur� tt�e �i�ll and equitable pariicipation ��Fi3.utii�iess T:qi.iity l�irins ���lieii applicable, in tli� �rc�u.urem�nt of ail gac�tis atid serv[ees, All rCquil'Cment� and T'[:gul�fioI�s stated in the C:ity's F3usi�less F?quity Ui•dlnance No.�SI GS-1 a-�Q21, �replacing Ordinance No. 24�34-1 ]- �U�D (cadiiied at: �ps:llcad�].ibrary.amle�al.c_c�m_Jcodeslftworthllatestlftwarth_tx10-�-0-22593} apply to ittis hicl. I3US1N�S5 CQi:ITY YR�,]'1+;C:�1� CrCl�1L 'I'hc C.ity's F3usiizess �:c�u�ty� goal an this project is .19°fo Qf tlle tatal bid �a1ue of tl�e contract (Nase �ic� �app2ics ta 1'arkt' UYIC� C,f]TYIP1Zd�]�iIi� :S�L'�'UIf'.P.S�. iH�'TH[)I)5 TCl C'CIMPT.Y WITH TH� (�OAL Ozz Cily cantracts where a T3usiii�ss �yuiCy Crnal is ��pplred, offet�nrs arc r���.�ircd ta cnmply with thc City's F3usrness N;quity �i�dinanec hy� mectin� or ex�eecling thc aboc�c st�ttecl gaal or athe��ise carnply vaith t�te ardinance t�v�c�u�h one of �ho �oll�win� meChods: 1. Commercially useful scr�ric�s perf'nraned k�y a Busine�� Equity prime �r�ntractvr, 2. Rusiness 71q�ily subcootractin� par#icipatian, 3. Cnmhinxti�n oF Bu�ittess k�:quity primc ser�vices and Bu�sines� Er�uity� suhcantract�ng participatinn, 4. Ri�s'tncs� F.qe�ity �oint VenturelMentnr-Prntege partieipation, 5. Cood :H'�ifk► k;fii�r# dacnrnenLatian, or 6. Prime cnntractar Wa'r�er docurncntation. ��]�31Y1I'T'1'AI., C]F RC�Q[1i12r1] C)OCI�iMk�1�fTATI(]N Ap�licable doct�tti�rits [lis.t�d helcfEv� mu�t he received by �e Put�cl��sii�p i]ivlsio��, �R th� ofI'crar shall E�IATL the I3usii�ess Tquity dactin�ent�tinn t4 thc �S51�Cl�:c� C:lly ❑f Foat ��Vorth Proj�ct lVJanage�� or I]ep�rtfncni l}esi�ne.e. llacuments a�•e lo be re�ei�ed nn latcr thart 2:{1Q �.m,, on #he third City bu�ines+� dszy s�fter fhc bid opcning date, excIusive ol'tkxe uid opening date, Thc C][�cror it�i�.5t suhmit nne or �more ofthe fallov��in� dacuments: 1. LJtilia,Atiou Form snd Leller(-�) o!' Irxteiit, if the goaL is mei Ur exc�ede��; 2. CYaod Faith �ife►rt Tirrm and CJtil�Tation Fnrm, ir�Gludin�; su�porting d[��um�:rllatiorl, i[� j771"E1C1�7r7tID1"I 15 IC55 t}lan statcd �o�.l� pC Ilfl L3L]$1I1C55 EC�L1�1,�+ �,?�j'�1G1[JdLIVTl 15 cICGU[I1�7ILStled; 3, J'ri�ne C:ontrac#or VVai►�er Furm, IIICIL1C�771�? SL1�7�7n1$Ii�� [�pCUIYleflf7t1011� ii` t}ic C7f�f'cr�ir �vi1l perfoxm all suhcrmtractin��suppliet� n��pnrtunitics; or 4. Jaiut Venl��xell�Iel�tor-Protege �'vrm, if gaal i4 rnet or exceeded with a]oini V�r�Eurc nr Nicntor- Prol��e parf i ci �aC1oT1. Tbese torm5 cun he fc�und at: B�isiri�ss F.quity LJtilir�ifian k�brm and Lettcr a1�Iritent htE s;lla s.fortworthtexas. ��IFro'ectR�snurcesJ�esources�f64°�a2U- %20MWB�:lN�W°�o20Busin s °1a24" ui °/a24�rdinancei usins:ss°�o2d� I °�o24[ItiLi2at't4n�lu24FDrm_ � Letter c�f Inte�t C.ITV Clr• rnTtT Vr'aRT[•[ 2(12z c�nardraals �:id r•.ItB 5Tr11D�lItI7 C(7t�'S'1'RL1CT[C}y SPI:CIP1ChIIOhT DOCL�h�N1� C:ity Project Nn. 1 p'#459 IZcti�iScd (}ctnl�cr 7.7, 7,�?. i ACto6e licrahal 31gn 7ran5a ctior N �:ii he r: C 3J[fI�CM9M1cvF5uC:nANVp: AyvAy/i96�Htp2i?apA 3 4 6 7 Gf145 h[l-2 8usins:ss �:c�ui�y C'raal Page 2 of2 �#tps:llapps.fartworthtexa�.go�IFroiectResaux�eslResourcesPfbO - M1�S�INE�V Business �it� C)rdina.ncelLetter of jntent-�021.pdf Busine�s Equily Good Faith Effort �arm h s:L1 .fortwnrt�texas. v o' ctResourcesJR�saurcesP °�D- °io2DMV1�EINEW°�20Business°�o�OEquit, �lo24�rdinancefBu�siness��p��Eq�ty°�o24G�od°���4Faithal82.D�f f.orf°Iv24F�r�n•ndf 9 Business Equity Prime Cvntractor Waiver Farm 1.� https:Jlap�ss.fortwortht�xas.g�vl�rajec#ResourcesJResnurcesP160%2Q- i1 ��O���VIWB�%!"�liWp%1�D$LlS1I1�r35�02OE 1 °fo2� inancelBusiness°�c20 ui °�o2�Prirn�3'o20Gcmtrsctar 12 �Jn2�Wafver.��f 13 14 15 ld 17 18 19 20 21 2.2 23 2� 25 26 27 �8 29 3ti 3l 32 Business Equity Joint �lentur� Fnrm htt�s:lJa�ps.fartw9rthtexas.gvvlPr�Lot�t.esaarceslRe�ouxces�l�(?°/a20- °�o20MW BFlNE1�V°�a20�Bus��ess°�o20Equity°fv2�OrdinanceJS�ssiness°�42�Equit�°�v2U�vint°lQ20Venture pdf FAILC7RT.'I'� 1�C;FITH;VE TNE [:U.A.f.. UIi (l1'HL;IZWrS� C[]l�'IPLY I A'T1�1�; URDI1tirLi�IG�'VL'IL,T.J RFSIf l:l 1N '1'1-CE ]3Ii]DE� HJ���'EHOR l3�IYCr UECLARED 1V�l�i-RTS1'(}1V5iVE A�II} Tl-1 F: l31 U l�f+�JE[:'f lil}. i+`AIi,[]k�� TO SUgyiIT TIYC' RT', UTRP•.D 1#i1SI1�IE�5 F L�TY l](}C'IJNiL�1V7'AT[Uh` UR U'I'II�;R'4'V�SF ['Ql�� PI,Y L'1'1'l'k{ '1'HF DRi)iI�AN('�'4VrLi, R�SLrLT I\ TIIE 13ID �3F111 G nFCLARFI] NUIV- RESP[]nSIV� '1'11� BID REJ�CTED AN17 Mt��' SIlS,iT.('T THE F3iT]IIM:RIill�l� U,RC}it TU SAPlC'1'1L3IYS A5 i]ESCR113F.1? lh Sh:i'. 2�1-373 O� THE ORDII�'ANCL;. Tnr [�ucstions, Pleu�,e ���nt�ct The Busine� k:quity 1)ir�ision of the llepartmcn# nf l]i�ersity and Tnclusion at �81'T} 392-2674, E�f ll O� SEC:TION i:f1 Y [7P I'(]f�'i' VrC7kTii S1'ANii�aidl) ['.t31VS'IRIIL'l7t)N SI'ECIFIC.IT'IDN DOCLIh7r�iT5 Rcv ised CScta��;r 27, �021 2U�z Cruerdrails und ERS Cily I'r�jcc[ Na. 1 D3459 Ado 6e hcro6a t Sign Tra nsad ion Nu in6er: CHJCFIpfM@kA1cvFSuCznNSVp�A�rNpyf29DsTN [pP WrPA SECTIOIV aU SZ +�3 AGREEMENT 4R5243-1 Agreement r� � or � TAIS AGREEMENT, authorized on 4126120� , is rnade by a,nd }aetween the City vf Fort Warth, a Taxas hame rule municipality, a�cting by �d th�augh its duly authvri�ed City Matiager, {"City��, �nd Wann Elli lnc., authnx•ixed to do business ln Texas, acting by and tlirough its duly authoxized representative, �"Cantractc�r"}. City and Contractorrnay jvintly he referred to as Pariies. City. and Cantra�t�r, in cQnsidera�ian of the mufual co�enants hereinafter s�t fo��th, agrae as follows: Artiefe �, yV�l� Cnntr��tor shall complete a11 �ark as specified or indioated in tl�e Corrtxact Docum�nts for thc Project identi�ed h�r�in. Article �. PRDJECT The proj�ct �ar which the'Wark under th� �ontr�ct Docwnent� may �e the whole or only a part is generally d�scribed a� follows: ��22 GUARDR�4f�,S AM7 ERB CI'I'1'PIt�JECT�L11V1�3r,K 103459 Article 3, C�NTRA�T PRICE Gity agrees to pay Cvntr�ctor for perfnrmance nfthe Wnr�c in accarda�cc �i�it1� the Contract Documents an arnount, ir3 currenf fi�nds, of� PDiTR I�C TNDRED FORTY TW U TH�LISAN�, THREE Hi7NDRED FY�'TY pollars OQII00 ($442,350.00). Cantra�t price �a� be adjusted by change ord�rs duly authorized f�y the Parties. Article �. CONTRACT TIIVIE 4,1 Final Acceptan�e, 7'he l�ork sh�,1t be complete fc�z� Final Acceptance within 180 days after �he date w15en the Contract 7'irne cnrnmen�es ta r�n, as .pro�ided in Palragraph 2.4� of f.he General Conditivns, plus anp extansion tf�ereflf a�iow�ti in a�cordance with Ar�ic[a 12 of the Genexal Canditians. 4.2 Lic�uidated Damag�s Contracbor r�cognizes that time ts of the essertce fnr completion vf Milestanas, if any, ai�d ta a�hieve Final Acc�ptance af the Work arid City and the public vvill sufF�r from lass af us� if'tlYe �Vork is nflt complatecl witMin the time(s) specified in P�ragraph �.1 above. The Contractor alsn recognizes the delays, expense and diffic��ities inval�ed in prti�i�g in a legal proceeding, the actual loss suffered by the �ity if the iNork is not campleted on tixrze, Accordingly, inst�ad of requirir� any such proaf, Contractor agr�es t[�at as liquidated damages for delay (but nat as a p�nalty), Contractar shall pay Ci�y Six Nundred Fifty ballars 0011 QQ ($550,[}Q� fnr each d�y that expires after the time spect�ed in Paragraph 4,1 fnr Final Acceptance until the City issues the Final I.eYter o� ACaegtance. 4.3 Ranew�ls This C�ntract may be renev�+e[i up to 2(two) additianal terms at the earlier ot' the expiratian of eontract furads or contract time �nder th� sam� terms, conditions, and unit price. CITY QF FORT WOR'1 f I 20Z2 Gunrdruils ai�d LIiB S'I't�Ml]ARI] COI�F5TRl1C1'1QN SPSCIFIC.ATIUN I}UCUIvI��I"I'3 City ProjcctNa. 1�3�}59 Revisecl I1123fZ02I paphe AapSna [ SiR r Tm nsadinn k u m hPr. f.F3 JCH8CAh4An IcvFSu C?�uVuVpCP.yw�r] �Os I Nlp��:3�A Article 5. L'4�1'1'kACT DOCUMENTS 5. i G�1�TT�NTS: aosza3-x Agreeme�t Page 2 of fi A. Th� Cflntract I]ocument� which �omprise the entire agreement between City and CazYtracfvr cancerning fhe Work consist ofthe fcrllawing: � . Tt�is Agreement� 2. Attachments ta fhis A�eement: a. Bid Form 1) PropQsal Form �) 'Vendor C�mpliance to State Law �on-l�esident Bi�der 3} Pr�qu�lifcaxion 5tat�merrt �) State and Federal documents �pr�jec� s,�ecaf��j b, Gurrent Prev�ilin� Wage R�te 7'a�ie c. Insurance ACt7RI3 Fc3rm�s} d. Payment B�and e. Perforrnance Sond f ll�aintenance �nnd g. Fawer of Attorne�+ for the Bvnds h, W�rker's CQmper�,s�tior� Affidavit i. MB� andlor SBE C]tiliza#ion Form 3. General CondiCians. 4. 5upplementary Conditiaz�s. 5. Speci�i�ations speci�cally made a p�rt of the Cantract Daeutnents by auachment or, if nc�t attached, as incarporated hy reference and descrihed in the Tah�e pf Contents af the Fr4ject's Cantract D4cuments. 6, Drawings. 7. Addenda. $, lJo�umernation submitted l�y Cc�r�tractox pxiar to Nntice of Award. 9. Th� faLlowing which may be deli�er�d ar issued �.fter the Effsciiv+e Qate of the Agreem�nt and, if issu�d, became sn incarparated part of t�Ze Contra�ct Ilo�uments: a. �Ioticc t� Pr�ceed. h. Field Qrders. c. Change Qrdecs. d, L�tter �FFinai Acceptan�ce. Ar#icle 6. IlVDEIVLNIP`ICATIUI� G.1 �antractor co�enant� and agrees to indewnify, hajd harmless and defe�d, at its orwn �xpense., fhe city, it� of�icers, servants and empioyces, from and against any ttnd t►lI c�aims arising aut oi, ar alleged ta arise aut of, the wark and services to he per£ormed �y the �on#ractor, its afficers, agents, �rnpla�°ees, �subcvmtractvrs, licenses ❑r in.�ite� under this cnntr�et. Thig ixidemniTca#inu rs��i�iUm is s cif'icall iantended tc� ❑ erate and #�e eF%�ti�c cven if i# is slle�e� or oiroven that a[l or �ome nt ihc damu�es bein� sou ht rr'ere ��used in w�ole ar in art � an � act vrnissian or r�e li ence vf the ei . This indem�ily pro�ision es intended fv include, withnnt lfmifation, inde�nity Tar costss expenses and leg�� %es incurred by the city [n defending �gainst suc.h clairns �nd eauses vf ac#ion�. CTCY �F F{]RT W4RTH �t122 Guardrnils and SRB 5TA3+1DARI} (:aNSTRUCTIDN SP�CI�'[CATION DOL'U1+9�N�� City Projeet Na. ] 03d59 Rcviscd 1112312t�21 ado6c a�ro6s� s �gn rrans ac�rou, m, mher carcriue�nunnicurwczwwvpcnywoyr�osrNep�r,�eaa vo��a�-3 Agr�eme��i Fuge 3 of 6 6.� Contractor cnven�nts and agrees to indemnify and hold harrnless, at it�s owu exp�nse, the city, its afficers, servants and emplayees, irom and agaiu�t any and aIl las.s, damage or destru�ti�n nf praperiy of the city, arising vut of, ur al]eged to arise aut of, the wor�C and qerv'tces ta he peit�i'ormed b� the conirac#or, ifa officers, �gents, emglayees, ti�b«zntractnrs, licensees ar invi#ees uncier fhis c�ntraet, This inderxtnifi�ation p�t'ovision i� sA�cificallv intended �n operate and be e�9Pe�tive even if it is :�]l���d qr pra�en tb�t aII or ��o�nc of the dama�es_6efn� soug�t,w�re caused, i� vYhole ar �n parf, hy an� a_c..t.. omissio� or �t.e�ligence oi �he �i�tY. �lrtiGle 7. MLSCELLANE4iIS 7.1 Tertns. Terms used in this A�eement which are defined in Article 1 ofthe General Conditi�ns will �awe fhe me�nings indi�ated in the General �onditions. 7.�. Assignntent af Contract. This Agr�emenf, including ail of' th� Coniract Dacuments tnay not be assigned hy t�e C�ontractnr without #he adUanced express writ�en consent of the City. 7.3 5uccessors a�d �ssigns. City and CQntrac:tar �ach binds itself, its pattners, suc�essors, assigns and Iegal rep.resentatives ta the ath�r party heretv, in respect to all co�enants, agreemanis and ahligatians cont.ain�d in the Cantract Dacuments. 7.A 5e�erahilitylNon-Waiyer ofClaims. Any provision or part of the Contract Daeumen#s held to he unconstitutianal, void or izr�enfoi�ea6le b�+ a caurt of cnmpet�nt jurisdictivn sh�l] be deemea stricken, and �11 remaining pmvisions shall cnntinue tn he �aiid and hindin� upon City and Contractor. 77ie failure vf City or Contractor to insist upc�n the performatice of any term or prvvisivn af tl�is Agreement or ta exercise any right granted hereir� shall not eonstit� a wai�er afCi#y's or Conbractcyr's respective rigltt tv insist upo� app�'apriate performance nr to assert any s��c;h rigllt on any future nccasian. 7.S Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement, including all �f the Contract Document� is perE'ormable in tI�e Stafe of Texas. �lenue shall k�e `�'arrant County, Texas, ar th� LJnited Sta�tes Distz•ict Caurt for the Northern Dist�'ict af Texas, Fort Wnrth I3i�isipn, 7.6 Authority to �ign. Contract�lr shall attach e�idence of autharity to sign Agreement if signed by som�one ather than the dul3� authvxi:�ed si�nator}+ ot�the Contractor. 7.7 Nan-appropxiatlon of Funds. In the ev�nt nQ funds or insuf#icient funds are appropri�tsd by City in any fis�al periqd �oz• any payrz�ents due hereunder, City wi11 notify Vendor a� such occui�'enc� and this Agreemerrt shall te�minate an the Iast da� of the fiscal period for urhiah appropriatians were received �+ithput penalty or exper�se to City af any kind whatsae�+er, except as ta #he pvrtions o�rhe paymants herein a�reed upon far which fundshave been a�pro�riated. CITY pF 1� DRT WDRTH 2p22 Guardrsil� and ERB �TANI?ARU C�NSTRUCTIUi�1 SPECEFICAT3C}N D�CUMEiV'T5 City Pr4jec[Na 103�159 Revised I ll23I2D21 qdol�e qcra6at sign Tve�lsaction 7Jti m 6er. CTi.ltkl R[AAeAAk�+F?uCx�wW prAya�yrl9 �SSNipZGxPA 7.$ �'r�hibiti�t� Qn Contracts �]Vith Companies Soycotting Isra�l. D05243-4 Agreameiit P�ge 4 af 6 Cvntractor, unless a sole prnpi•ietor, acknowledges that ir� acco-rddnce ��itt� Chapter 227� of th� Texas Goriemment Code, if Cantraatar has lU ar more full tim�-emplayees and the cantract walue is $1UO,ODD or mare, the City is prahiblted frorn entering intQ a contract with a corEzpany for gaads ar services unless ths �on�act contains a written werification from the company that it: �1) does nat bayc�rtt Israel; and (2) wi�I nat haycott Israel dur�ng the �erm a£ the �ontract. The tern�s "boycatt Israel" and "�ampany" shall have the rn�e�ni���s �scrihed tn thnse terrns in S�etian 8DS.dd1 ofthe �exas Gavernment Coda. B� signing khis cvntract, Cvntractor certifie� th�t Confxactvr'a signalure �r�vides written �erific�iian #o the C�ty that if Chapter 227i, Texas Gvver�ment C�de appLies, Contracfvr: {I) dae� not bvyeott Tsrael; and (�) will not boycntt �srael during the term of the c4nfr��t. 7.9 PrahiY�ition on Boycotting En�rgy Companies. Contractvr acknawledges that in accvrd�nce with Chapter 2274 af the Texas Go�ern�raent Code-[as added hy Acts 2021, $7th Leg., R.S., S.S. 13, § 2), the City i� prahibited fram enteriz�.g into a contrac# fnr goads ar sezvices that has � �a1u� of $1 DU,fl�Q ar mare, which wi11 be paid whaliy ❑r partly frorn public fUnds of the �ity, wiftx a Gompany (with i0 or more liill-time employeesj unless the cantraet cnnt�ins a written verifica#�on from the campany that it: (1 j does n�t baycott energy �ampanias; and (Z} will not boycott ersergy companics during the term af ttte car►iract. The tarms "hoycaft ener�y company" and "campany" ha�� the meaning asGribed Co #has� terms hy Chapter 2274 of the T�xas G�V��Rf C�$ �`r1,S $Cj(�CC� by' ACtB ZO2�, $�I�1 Lf',�., R.�., �.B. 13, §��. TO �1@ P.'��CII� #hat Chapter 2274 af the Government Code is applicable ta this A�reemeat, b� signing this �greennent, Contractar certifies ��at Coniractnr's si�nature provides written verificatian t�n the City ths�t Contractor: [lj does not boycott energy cat�nparnKe�; �nr� (2) wiil not hnycatt energy comp�nfes during the ter�► ni this Agreement. 7.1.a Prahibitian on Discrirninatinn Against Firearm and Amrnunition Industries, Contractor acknowledges that except as ❑therwise provided by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code [as added by Acts 2021, 87th Lc�., L�.S., S.B. 19, § 1}, the City is prohaUi#ed from entering into a cbt7tract far goo�is or services that has a�alue of $1d0,040 Qr more which wiil be �raid wha[ly or partly frotn public funds of the City, with a company �witl� 1� ar more full-tiilie emplayces) unisss the contract contains � wriiten t�erific�tiori fram tl�e Gom�aany iEia.i it: (1) does n.ot have a practice, pvlicy, guidance, or dire�ti�+e that discrilninstes a�inst a frear�n entity or firearm trade assaciatian; and (2} will not discrirninate during th� term af tli� cantract aga.inst a firearm entity or £'irea�m trade �S30C1a�I�II. �rl� T�TII15 "�15GTirilIriatB," `c�IP�IIll @Iltl�°' All� "�rearm trade associatic�n" have the meaning asGri�ed to those terrns by Chapter 227� of the Texas Goyernment �:ode (as added by Acts �0�1, �7th Leg., H.S,, S,B. 19, § l). To the exf.ent that C`hapter ��74 o� the Government Cade is appli�abie in thi� Agreement, lay signing this Agreenaeut, Contxa�for certi�ies that Cantraetor's signature �ro�idea written veeff'ication ta the �ity that ContractQr: �1} does nut have a pra�tic�, gvlicy, gaidance, vr dirrecti�c th�t diserisninatea ugainst � fit�earm entity �r �'ire�rnn tr�[�e assaciation; and �2) vYill not distrimiivate agalnst a fir�artn entity t�r ��rearnu trade a��aciation during the terrn at this Agreement. crrY oF ��xr woxrri xozx cua�raiia ami �s STANpARA CONSTRLICTION SPL�IFICATTON DOCllMEN'I� City f*rpjecE Nu. E 03459 Aevised 1112.3J2421 RdobeAcrobat3igli iral�sat[ivnhium6ev:4F1JCN0CRABAwc�FSaCxwUNpcAywOyYlS�sTNtp2GxG0. _. t' r: -- ..f . 7.11 Immigratian Nationality Act. 04 52 �3 - 5 Agroement Page 5 n�'�i Contra�tar shall �erify the ide�tity and employmerrt eligi�ility nf its ern,ployees who pertarm wnrk undcr this Agreement, includi.ng camp]�ting the Einplo3nn�nt Eligihility VerifiCation Parin (1-9j. l]pon request l�y City, Cot�tr�ctor shall pm.�ide City with capies of all [-9 forms and suppQrting eligibil�ty dacurr���taCion for each etnployee who perforrns wflrk und�r this Agreement. Conh�actor shaiI ad�ere ta alI Federal and S.tafe laws as we�l as est�blish appropri$te proc�dures a.nd cc�nttols so that no servi�es will be perfarmed by any Cantt'actor employe� ��hcy is nat leg�lly eligible tn pei�'arm such services, CONTRACTDR �I3ALL INDEMNik�X [;lTY AND H(3LD C�TY k�ARNII,L'SS FROM ANY PENALTIES, LIABiLITIF�, [l R l,C)S5E5 DUE TO �QLAT��Ii�[S QF T13I$ PARAGkAk'H BY C[3NTRACTOR, CQN'I'RA�TOR'S EM�'LDYEES, .��USCONTRA�T4RS, AGEN`�S, QR I,iC�N���:�. City, upan writtcn notica ta `�ntractor, shall have the right tv xmmediai�ly terminat4 this A�eexnent %r violatians pf � � this.prv�visi4n by Cvntractor. 7.Y� No Third-Pariy Bene�iciaries. : This Agreement gi�es no righfs or ben��ts to anyane other th� tkle G1ty and t�ne Cot�traGtvr `. a��ci there are no third-par�+ beneficiari�s, 7.1� No Ca�e ofAction Against Engineer. Cantractor, ifs subcvntracfors and equipment and rnaterials suppiiers on th� PR�JEG"I' or ftFeir sureCies, shail maintain no direc� a�tian agpinst the Engineer, i#5 4�1CBI5, amgloyees, and suhcanh•actors, fax' any claim arising out Q£ in Gannoctian ��iih. car Cesutting frotn thc engineering services perfarrnerl. �nly tt�e City will bc the k�cil�kiceary r�f any undertalcing by 1:he Engineer. The presence ar duties of the �ngineer's personnel at a �an5tructian site, whether as or�-site reg�resentati�es or otherwise, d❑ not inalce the Engine�r ar its persannel in any way responsibl� fvr those duties that belong ta the City andlor t�ke Gity's c�nstxuctian contractors ar other enfities, artd do not relie�+e the construction contractors or any other eniity af their ohligations, dutF�s, and respansibilities, including, hut not litnited tp, �1] oanstructian m�thads, means, techniques, sequ�er�ces, and procedures necessary for coordinating and completing all pac�i�ns of the construction worlc in aacardanc.a witk� ttye Contract Dncuments and any health pr sat�ty preeautions required by such r,onsh•uction w�rk, The Et�gineel' and its persnnnel ltave no a�fl�ority to exet�cise auay cvntrol over any canstruction contra�tor or other eniity or their employees in connection with their wark or any health or safety pre�autions. C]TY OF FQRT WaitTH STAMDAk1] CpAfS'{'fiL}CTIDN SPECIFICAITON �QCUMEN'fS R.c.wisrd 11123120�1 2�2 Civardrails and ERH City Proj ect i+1o. 1U3�4S9 lVdohe Acro6ai 5 ignTransactivn Number. CElJCHBCAA6RAIcvFSuCaveLVVpcAywQy129UsTFitp2[�cPA D 6 32 �43 - G A�rcen3eii[ Pagc G of 6 IN W['i'i�ki55 WHLltl:f)F, C'ity �nc� Cnttt+'atctor �ave 0ach exectsted t�is Agt•eemct�t ta 6e effective as of the date slihsai�ibed �y the City's designated Assis�ani City Mat�figer {"EffcctiVe D�ta"}. CDTitC7C#Ol': B�: S� n�- Signat�ire Bonnie Da�is (P1'i+lted 3tiIa37le)� Presider�fi 'I'i tf e P� Bax 1Q6� Adclress Jashua, Tx 760�8 CitylStt�tclZip Qate �1� 4� �bfl'�IrOiil �]�: ���• ft� •• ,L_ '� 17:39LDT, ��]I3tl �llC�,tl{�0�� Assistant Ci#y Manager May 23, �DZ� T� ate �.ttest: ��e�-s �� Jannette �ofldall, City Secrctary (Seal] � �� �� F�'' ��� � '� ' :'��1 `•,� �� � �c ` ,s' � =.; ..]�� M&C: 22-fl3 3 � Date: b41�612a22 �nrm 1295 Na.: 2�22-859234 Cantract Cnmpliance Manager: By signing, I acknowled�e that I amthe peYSDn respansihle for the monito��in}; and admitaistratin[� of ff�is c�ntraat, i��cl�idir�g ensurin� al} pez'formance and reparting rcquire�nenls. � Ii�etomiwa �Luyelu P]'�ject Martagel• Apprnved as ta k'o3•m and I.egaiity: � Douglas W. F31ack Sr. Assistant City Attarney �PAR�VAL, RECpMME1�TIlBD: � T Wiiliam ]olinsan, �irecto�• 'I��anSpartafion & Puhlic Warl�s TJep�rtment i �0�+. tua�ic+raiks'�tlrvT� . Ca1�.Pmiect Aln. 143 �759 C:l'�'Y DI' ]�Qli'1' WUItI'H STA T+Tf] A�iI] C(1N S'l'[2 U C_1 I C}N 5 P I ii: I E� 1CA"1'I ON f] OC LJ 1v1� iy'fS itevixed � 3123120�1 May 17, ���� �. Y1�LJ[� � �egp d� � RdobcAcrt��at 5ign l'ransaciion Nurnt�er: C[3JCIIQCAAE3AAir.«I :tiu{:..wNNpcAy4v4yr29a.sTNtFa2GxAA Band # I QT�143536 fd! f, l 13 - I NC RFdR}.1 rtiN Cr RC7h1D i'a�e I vf 2 i z 3 d S G 7 8 n ! 1+ �l li 13 i •� IS 1G $�.t��rfc�n� Qo s� i� YERi'C3RMA�1{:� F3t)l�I] TFiC 5'1'A'I'L: UP'I'��.1� § � 1tNUW Al�l. li'1� 7`kiFSE Y�ti?��1VT5; C(itl]V'I'1' OF'['ARIthH[7' � 'rl,,�� �►�. Vaitii�r[Ili, f�t�. , k�intivn as '•Prirwipal" I�rrei�ti AnJ �'�►�r;�� Ct�sual#y and Surcty Coinp�rty c}f Anzerica, ���y��ora[e sureRy{s�ireties, iCmvre il7:in cr�ie] di}iy Rt�tisar:2es! tn d� hi�sincati in the Statc ofTexas, kna�vn �s ''Sur�[►�" l�cr�in (wt�aTFr�r nr�e t�r �sscsr�}, i�re hri�l iu�a! ��m�iy lx►wid un;o she C.ity r�f Furt L'Jo�th, fl f[IlIi1iL'��l'r1E L"�7[�7pr�31EL711 Cf�hCC[I }1lFi,Ti1l�III Iiti tllC Il1�Y'4 i7C�I-L•liHy, Iti41S�i1'll &S "City" I�ereii� in �f�ie penal 51iH1 Of, fUur f{undrrJ Fnay 1 st'u 3'hcrrrand Fhrcr Hu+id�sd Fllt► w�d�r�'�{KF I)ii���ti5 �g_4d�,35(1.4U y,1a�v1'vi ancHuy «! ilii Unitec! titmEw, s�, be paid i� l'a�t Warlh, Tnsrant f:os3nty, 7'exat fnr NrG Priy�nen! nf'►vhich sum +ti�rlE and �i i�1� tn b� irt�de. we hind nurtickvt�, nt�r lbcirs, exceidsirx, tldnT�nESRafu1`R. Si1[C'C95ars Lm[i hsxl��ns, jnintip ancf severafly, �irml}' k�y Eli�s�: �re�nts. 17 1�V1i1:1�F.AS, llxc ?'nrnipul h� crr�cred ii��c} a cert�iiia ►Vritl+:�i �u�ltrttGt with th�: City l8 i�wE►►'�led lllc 2GIh d�1Y ��i' _ As�ril .?�1 ?? , ti�l�i�li iAt�i�lr;ycl is hrrcl�y' Irfrtr:riS 115 �ln.i �� n�a�c n p:�rt hcrcof I"nr :tkl �cfr�vses as if fuliy oei for4l� h���in, tu furniKh,iE1 m�steria�ls, cyufpnyent 24 lahni and nllirr A�r�ssories dc�i�ud by l��r, in Iha ��rt►sc�tirtiu�ti �,f }lte 1�'ark. incl�t�ling uny Ch�i��e .1 Urdcrs, n� pravtd�cl iix in �aid Cun�ract desigizascd as ?07� Ul1ARl}kAfLti AN�7 I�.RE3. City 2� Prajcc� No. �OJ�54 23 fY[)M'V,'i'IlFREFDRL� tl�r rundiiinu �st �1iiw irUlf�iiiuii Is �:4f�:lF Ihu� i�'tati� �itl t'rineipa] �a shnl! fnilit�'u�l}� �ierf�x�u il nhkiga�iorFs rn�drt �Irr Ct�rar���t unsl �i,riN ��r u!I rectse�t� dul}� aikd 2i taitl7f'ully pertarn� thc 1V����;, ii�cl��dii� CFenngc �k�lcrs, u�itlr: th� C'�i7tiacl. accurdi�i� �u Ihc pla�is, 3G s�t��cil�G-atia�u. end cu�t{ract �l�ew�unts lhc�r'sn IYf`er��cf �n, asul «.s u•r11 durin�; ���}' ��:rjod of 27 c�test:�i���� of li�ie Ccintrac� Ihat ttitn}� he �;riia�sc�! n�� tftc �n al�l3� {: i�}�, �hr�i tlsis ahligatian shall be 2E nn�E l�etrnnc ni�ll an�l ti•��id, nSltier�vi� In ►rnt�iiq in f�ii!! Inree �1n�i effe�E. 24 t'HdVi1iF11 F[i}tTlif:ft, lf��a� iCnny I��;u1 srcir.,n l�� iiled on diis !3<titd, veni�e siial� lic in 34 Tarr�ti�1 C�ut�1+'. Teti;ts nr 1is� l�+�itrd SE�ir� Liis�ricl Cnurt isu E[�e {+Ivr!lirrn Dtistrict af T'exas, Fnrl 3i Wnrth E7ivi�in�s- C'f7'1't'FI�+R! t4ffRIH !0?1Cn+arrlraiisandTilta S I'+1 yi? A it i I['i i?Yti 17i l!1' 1 H.7N ti 1'I't :I I 1�'.t I kIh lk�' l�!� IL ti E� C' iiy Pruj eal �'n. i!?3A 59 ilewlyrd IFi:� 1 2��11 AdabeAcro.bat Sign T�'ansaction i�umber. G&JCFiBCAA6AAI�c�F�uCzwWVpcAywOyr2917s7hltp�GxPA 006� 11-2 PF.RFq�RMA�JCF. BGNp 1'a�o M uf z 7 R 9 10 Il E: 13 I �{ �i ia �� ]e 19 �� �3 �� ?3 �� ?S �� z� zs �q 3U 1i 32 3.; 3•I �5 3�i 37 3� 39 d8 dl 4� d3 �14 d5 t Tk�is hond is madsand axcetit�ci ii� ss*iupiias,cc ►ritRti �he prctivisiar�s nf Cht�pter 225� af shc 2 'Cex�.4 Gn�c+rnme�st Code, as nmended, arui nll lkabil'siirs an Il�is hand �h�ll be detzr�isynrd i,s 3 nccordnize� ►aiti� �Irc praviBi�ns nf said ��atu�. q ZN �'1TNC:�S /V[iF..l�'t�'Q}�, tlie Pri�i�ipa] x��l I�r 5ur�tr libvc S1CiNED ��t�l St��Lf:U s it�is instrun:e��l hy du�y nutharirsd agar�Es arid ofFiscrs n�ti tfeis chs �Ith de�� of � , Nlay�_. a��� Pfi Iht� PAt�: v������i_�i�. ��,�. 1�T CL53-: f� � � 1 ,�•{_, �— '•� I � �.i _�i=—' -- -- [7���1x�� StlCf�CIbT� � � Y • � �l �.��.�j 5V�n��u �y `� � s ! �1��� s `�r���1� V �.�� ��r,: ]l�.�r_ �i f�ans�anE Ti�le ' ��,C } L • � `�LJ � '�r «21�1�Pr5i OS l4 �1 i P� , � �� . Il�itncss n3 !a 5ure�y +1dd�r;s P.C}. B6x I [1�iQ Ja51iUn,'f }t 7�i�5$ 5�� v: Tra�e ers C'asua�i�• ar�� 5urety Co�r,pany nCAm�ricn �� - RY� _'� '� T �•'� �5i iulun: SaphE�iae fi[�nter, AttomeyIn•Fnct hn�:c and't'i�Ee e�ddress- a;=t To��e�• 5�iare. S I Q�A HnitF��tl C�' l��lcphar�c �Itiml�er: � ��I-{}89-{]D�0 , `lv8tc: If si�r,�lcd hy mti officcr nf �hs 5urcl}• Ca»ti�any, there must be (sn [ilc � ccrtlfiud rx�rac-t `mi�� t3�r 1���-l��vs slin►ting t#�at th[s pers�n itias au�h�,ri�y lo sibn suela at+li�u�inn. �f 4urely�ti �t,y�i,�� �t��z;� ���r�Y=�L�,� r�m Us u+ailiai� :idtfrerts, hr�tli rni�s� h4 �rnvid�tl. liu dnte af Ihe �ncf shAll riut be hrior tv Ihc daic Ihe �onzrbcl is awardcd. cm nF r•iarc'r wr�srrr� STtikn�s�� ['n�5 l k i �CfION �I'kX IFfChil� �K il� k:L1AI�N' El kr��.��t luk} I, !u� l �1� Sil�ili�lil�5 /11ii �ii crly �ta�eri Ns �u���S�v Ada�eRcrobat 5ign irans�ction Numb�r:GBJCHBCAAE3AREcvFSuC�w1+4'V�acAy4v{)yr2!31)sT�ftpiGxPA Bnnd #ia7493536 aoa� i3 - i I'Al•h1i=�T 8 UKiI i.,ge I vP3 1 � 3 d 3 G 'I'�1�: �I'A'1'F: UFTF71A5 ��tJh"I'1' dC TAttRAl�Cf' SEC`f1aN Ilu nl la PRY[�[EI�T 13�7�1�] � � KlYOi1' ALI. [31' ill �:5� NiirtiF;NTst � 7 -E f�at ti��e. �'nrnu�lli, Inr. , kn�u�n �ss n "Nrincipnl" I���•ei>>, nriJ 1"t'r�velers Cnsuu(t�• and Sure�y Cas�rpan� c�C Amer•ica�, � � LIJI�SLII3CC 4iir�[}� [surrtitwj, duly IkL1II3UfiLt'Ly ts� da busirxss in t>>C 5tatr n� T4xns. icnown as 1�� ';5tiirr�ti" I�rein [w�t+ether an� rtir rnorie}, arn c�.ld nnsl Eir��lly I+auitid �ir��� tlr� Cicy s+f' Fort Vd�h, a I I uiu�t��irs�l cur�ufr:�lintti craE�ted pu��u�nl to lhc luti�� u! ific Stat� uf']cxos. krsoxn as "�iSy" here'rr�, k: IS� lltie ����al sLln� o� I��u� I{imsirrd i'urq� T++v 1hnu�nn�1'I'lirrr I luii�rcd Fillr•:iE��I ��t]!10'J QpjlatS t3 ;5_'�'�2,34U.U�} ). i�tivl�ik runncy of �i:c Uni�ed �uucs, u� bc pr►id iit Part Warth, 1.4 'f�rr;�n� C'n�itny, 1'��ns, for tl�i �nvmcitl o! ���hirl� st�nt tirril nntl 1r�ily fx fnade, ►4c bind DurSclves, 15 our heirs, exrcutu�. [ulini3sislrutnr�, succcs�ars nnd ass��as,�alntlV arid sevarlll►�, ft'i�t1y l�y thesc iG prr.�rn�s: 17 Wlli•;RCAS, Prir�ci�wl hns en�crr�i ii110 il tiES7�ll1 11'iiItC11 C4117[I'1CI titi•�lli City, a.wurded tkte IS ?AIh daV t+1 Al��tl __ ,��3�7.... titi']iirn Cvnlri�� 15 �}el'�1iy I'BfC#'1'P.r� fU ai�1d I'► +n�dc s�>n� r I�rrcuf far nll ptupc�ser 7s if f��ily 5�� fz�ral� l�crr�n, t+} tirinisJ� all itiialerials, eqt�ip3a�eizt, ?[� la1�n�• nnd r�shcr a�Gcss�ri�� ns de�neS �y lo�►', in tlu pr�s+er��linv� ��I' the Woik 5s nrnvided fvr in 21 s�Eicl Cvntriicl u:id �lcsigtiu[rd as �0?2 GLFAR[7RA fL5 Ai�f!? �;lil3. �Ity I'rnjecf Nn. IU3R59 : .'. �] 2d 2� 7h Ri )1V, 'I'hi I:I� I�:l�'[) 4t F:, 'I'i I fC C'{ }i�`[31 Y"l[.71u �7F Tt Il� [7E3i _liiATiC)N ls suc.l� �h�7t if' k'fsrteip:�! sl��iil �.�y nll inu:llr.ti ��sVl���+ 1n i+i�y {nrid n!I] payrncni l��tnd I�em�1'K:iui�� {�� alt�iil3�d ii� �"I�afrtrr 125i srtl[tr I'eKx� (iiivrr7ki�����t1 {:eitl�. i�ti �irtiGi���rr.lj ir+ ils�: �iri�ticr��ti�Frt i}i il�d I��stirk ki��d�r 1i�c {.'ii�rlrut:i, Ilicn Zhit; {Fhli�!»liam �h:ill tx nnt� hs:{•�flns� ntili tu{e! v�+iil; ��Rt�rwk�r ui r��►�,31n in riill liire� and ille�i. ?7 This b�o��a is �►tntlr a�tii� rxecEiird iu ca�»pfi�ncr ►viElt !hc nro��isi�►ns ot"�ha�s�cr �253 aftl�e 28 Tc�ias Govrnen�rnt C'aJc, ns a�r�cssdccl, �ci al� liahili;i�*� nn tk�is hai7d s�is�11 ix• cicte�7nincd i�i .9 �C�ur►iun« �►�f�h ihc prati�°isions oCs�is! st�tutc. ]0 ['17'Yi1F FilRt►L�iIRT}I � 1'Ah'tt A k0 �*t1k5'fk I li'Tlf IN 5 P�G� F' i[: A"f IQI: 17C}Ctttl �NIS R r' � yea J ud�- I. IV I I 3iYzx tivardr�ilsvi� ER$ C��y P+dje,:l Nu. 1i13�59 f�doheAcrobatSi�n-�ransaction [1tiurr�ber:Ct3JCHB�MSAAICvF5uCzw4vVp[Ryvd�yr29bsTNtpZGxPA t�r�Ft ia•= rnr� � i: h r n�1�m na�,r s �r � � 3 5 � 7 8 4 lA IN 1�1Ti�I�:tiS 1VHF.Rr�7F� �ltr I'rinci�ui rrul Sure�}� hh��L r,��'li til[i+�F,fi �3nd SE;Al,lil7 tliis iifstrt�n�eitt (s}� didy at�tl,nri�ci :+ges►�s n�s�j �,ili��,r, a»i il�i� Il�r ,_ dth tluy c�f Ma� , 2U �2 4 A'f C�i'; _ � 3 i :�•�- � ��_� pai) 5ecra:li►ry� � + ����� � •t -�.� itncss �s t �nripal ATTC�T: r. •}►r- �� 1 Ltih[.4-� [Sur�i}) �et«t,�ry 'i \ � � _ � -ti l�liu�u �s �t� ��sre�}� PR II�L I i'�1i.: VarsnF�lii, irir. {� Y : �,.9L � "� _ SfEtnnt� • i l� �.\ ����,��� ��1t ��f�3; 4r.r ��YI11L' A1'SS� � 11i4 Ad�r�: P.D. i3�x IQ6a Jas�tiu, 'i'X 7G458_ _ SLJR CiY: �'�vrlers C�suaity and 5uret}• Company o!' AmLrica 1311: __�� �Lt.�z ��� - S i�;r►��u rc 5o hinie I��unt�r, Ariorney-tn-FacR h��rnc un�i Tille Asid��rs+: 4nc. To+F•er �quarc, S i 4�A._ �ar� Ford. C'�1�Ub 18 3 - —^ iC�C�}�14RC �1Utl1�CT- �, ��-i$i-���_ �1a�{q; If;ibn��l k�y u�� nfli�rl ��a'tl�: �ust�y, ilrefe niu1t hr �i�i Ii�� :� ccrliEie�l �xlrnt:l licnn ilir �yEaw�� sho►�•i�rg il�gt th�s ��Psan has �iitlwtity tc� si�i �uc•li ol�Eigati��i, If St�rety's pl�ysicnl addres€ iadiffeie�tit ir�ni its �nailin� t���r��s, Lxallti musl l�c psovi�lwd� 'j�y� �t�te a(!hr l�an�3 xh�l[ uol i�c �irtc�P i�'i ihe datc 1 h� Cantra�t i5 �t���sded, I 1 �I�D �il� tiF�[: I'It?N ix e�ti� «r• G{}RT 1ti�r�itr� i �7A?if7ARll L.'Uh'S? RV tL TI{7fC S3'L-�C'[FIC�t'IIU�v C11Ji:1i�1l�til'li fturf_mSfu1Y 1.'S�ll � tF, ± r.���.�ru, h:riJ FR B C���, Prolscs No iDb159 Ado�e Acrnk�at Sign Transactiari f�urriher, C8JCH6CAr1BAAfc�F5uCxwV1�'Vpc�lyu��Cyr29bsTNtpZGxPA �3and #1d7�1�353G �obt ;v- 4 �n]tats;�F.r;c� oo�vD i:�r I oP] � y 1 � S fi � B �r 1{1 It I3 13 14 �5 1G THf: tiTATF {}� `rF:?iA5 SLC=TI[3t� UU Ul L9 141A[NTENA�'IC� i3[�T�!❑ � § f{N� W ALL �Y 'CHESE PRLS�NTS� C4U1�'l'Y UF'3',ARRAlti'I' § Tlrsi w� Vnnit?f;lli. Enr. _ ____., knau°fl as "Pi�tui�i" l�ereiati F«i�1 �ro►'����'� ��sUplty and �urety Coit��y uf Arncri�a, A�orparatc sEirc[}' (snrcaies, if mnre �I►nn an�] duly �u�h�+rind suda hus9��ess ;f� tl�e 5tatc af'Tcaag, knnwti as "Sairc«" hureirti {sti•he�hrr crnt nr �n��r�}, arti lxl�! antl �irmly 1]4t�nd unta ti�c City of'�'Drt WnrtEti, a inuiuripnl cur�r�rAt�nn cnntcd p�iYSunnl �u tl�c 1ati3�s o!'�lic Stata vfTexas, knvwi� as "City" herein, lil [}IC SIIIYI �E �� fh�n�k�rl Forr} 7xn 'fAmi�rid T1voe Fiu�fie+d Filkti �iul ud.'IQII []pj]grg (S d9�,35U.Df} },1s►►�1L1 �nnncy rf the U�tit�d 5tnte3, tn ix p�id in I� aiY Warth, 7'n�'ratt! Cnuitty, icxas. Fc�r �ra}'irtrit� nf ►ti•hiclti xuiu titi�rll �nsl tn�lr � m�►dc tmto tlu Ci1y and its sur�;�ssaxs, �v� hind oulsClve�, aur heirs, exrespnra, adp�inislydl[Ns, sttrcas�nrs �nd a�signs,joit�t{y Ntd 3�vCrnll}�. fin�il.• t�r Il�rse pr�u�us. 1'I I� �4'i11:R[:AS. �ne Princi}�,�I l�a,s c�lterecl iritn a cesiai�� «r'snr�� r���r���;��� �v�r1i �I�c c'ity �r�varded r�� Ilir '+_(,tl� d;i}� af A rif ,�0 Z� , whiclt Cuniract tis hW'gby '_t� rcFrrrcd to and n rnnde �x�� I I�e�rv�'!'aE nEl �xirpases as �i' fully s�i I'orql l�ercirti, lc+ furnislti a!! '� � �n+��r�•iuly. ec�uipinc��i l.thc�r acZ� nlhei at�essnries as s�r�nc�! Iry la►►�, in i1�e �,r��stt�►ti��n aFthc 7� Wat^k, incluJin�; any �t'prk resvE�ii�g lrons a cic�ly a��il�r�rir_�d L'har��;r CJr�ir� (cul�srtive�y Itei�ein, 2� the "Work"� �ii ��i'ovidCc! Fus in snid conlr�l b�tJ [icsi�n�ltd its ��U2� (�UAltUK11ZL5 AND ERi3, �`I �.1�3' �i"itij�C1 i':t�. � {��'���: A{4L� IS 26 WNCRL'AS, Princ:i�t binds its�lf In uacau�l� mat�rinls �u��i 1� sv cn�s�lEticl the Work in "_7 �ctii'd��M:c v.��ilz tftic pluizs, s�r��ci lir�lic�its x��d �(1tiEC7lL:i ��17Cl31}7L'f115 II3Ri II1C I`'�,�k is atld will 23 rrmniii lie� 1'r�srn �!t f�ti�ti in r����lrr{.jk� t,� �vt�rkni�iishi� li�r ssnd duriisg ii►r ���rii,�l ��f {ivr� (�) ya�rs ?4 ;Elir� I!« duie uf I'lia;fl ri�tml:u��c ul'll�t: 1�+c�ri. !�y ll�r {'ily {"M:ainl�rz�i�zsr Neri�wJ"]; and 30 ]1 1VHF;EiR�iS, Nrinc�i��il hi�tidwiiarl['lurrp�iri}rr�es:unslrtecl lfi� Wirrl;il+►vhal��j' ii� par[ ]� i��on recci�in{; notice frtrt� �ize f'ity iif tl►e n�ed �here!'nr n� �irs}• #iinc wil�;� Ii�t AAai�tEtnuncc 31 i'��irxl. 1� CI I Y Uf 1�CJK [ V4'L'Jlii]F 3�7:= Guardsuiis s�d ERB sr+Hn�t�nccxvs7���i��r�+� xrr-cti��r�r�n�v rxanrarrxn r�t, P�t-� n� ��»s�� R�w•ised fuly 1, �ri!! AdobEAcra6at5ignTransactinn Number:C�.�CH6CAA�RAIcvFSuCzwNNpcP,yw0yr29�sTNtp2GxPA � � 3 4 5 6 7 8 � 14 �� ix 13 14 !S ! �, l7 l8 19 ixifi� 44•y Mn1n�Nnt�c'F R�rhl� ��:r�� � e�r i NOW TH���URL'., the eosi�kition uFthis nt}�i�sik►s� ls sucli ilz�� if !'rincipsl Shall reniedy any def¢etive VifuCk, f4r tvhich Ifn�ely n�+ticc waa proaidcd by City, ln 7 4nmp�cl l4Hti satisfactory cv titc CIt�•. tl�en Iksis abli��lan st�lt k�rvanr null and v�+i�: at�i�ru�i�c �a r�rttiniiti #is fuN forcc and ei��tt. I��tflVll)El�, t1�WE1f�.K, i!' F'rie�eip�i slfall R'a!l �U la rspnir or rc��nstruci anv 11nrtelr noll�zcl defe�tiv� Wrn'k, ii 1Y+ h�rC�fl t�ei�l 1IiC C�if}' R38]' CriU_1t �n3� end alt such cicl'ec�i ti^e W��+-k �n be rCp�i t•od artd�ar recv�islructed �v�#13 �I� �ss�uiafecl casts 1 E��r�u#` tfein�t k�arnc 6y Ihc Printipei and fhe 5uxctX under �his M�1�Nenn��cr �ni�d; aud j�n������ �'r���fi�'.�, #�11fi ��di}V �C�'�!� i1C�ii111 �?L' �I�C4� �1l1 kfliti �[1f4�, 4tfIi1L' Fil;f�� �k� �fl T�rrant [:e�inty, TCKAS Ot ti�e �Jlii�ed 5l�lzti Uiskric� L'ewF't inr Ihe hlc�rii3rrn l7ititriel ol 1'ex:�s, F��rt �O]"�i3 �IY�5104i; iifl� F•iit14'I uF,f3 Ftlit�'H�.k, �liu� ��is �k�li�;�tinn sltinll be cnrnYnuniis l�i nniurc nnd �ucie�ti���r rre�,vari« inny br I�:�d Iseretx� ior suoi,�essi�e Urencl4es. CRY i1� f•Y11�T 11{iH.Tll ar�r•�n:�i;n ca+�srRu� nttiV SAf r�F�chziaa� nr�c'u��r,�-r� Rpvta�^�i luly I. _'01 k ]�,i iArmke�k wf�4 CFt [i cuY r�uin;i Nu :{:]J'i'! r',dol�e Acrobat 5ign Transactian Mumber: G9.1Cf iF3C11A811AIcvF5uCxwU�1Vp�Ay���rayr29DsTNtpZGxPA I,�G1 l�-3 �e�In1E�N�,,:� �Et3[)4U f'.,�;c 1 or 3 s a 7 8 4 1 f! 41 �� l .i li t Iti 1 i� ,� ,a 14 7�} 7` 79 z_i ,,� zs 7�j ;7 28 �q a� 31 3: 33 �a 14 �� 37 :x .;�a �}E� � � 1N WITl�l��51►i�f CIt1�Ur, lhe Princip;til anct �I:c Stinty i�n��c a1�lti SIC��lf:l� ��ici ��AE.C:I'� ti�is � inslr��nun! hy �[uly uulharizcd abrn�s and of'lic�rs nr, 11iis lhc '�Ih dav nf' ; M�� r� ZZ . � , % —� A f �4r: � ` ����� jT r►cipa I 4rrre��ry .� ' .. ����. 4� ���.� L1�{Iness nc I� Fri '�S:�I- �-- ATiY:S'f; �! 4*.P — r- ii.��+.�i t'�� {Su[ety I �e�1'r!a � � r Wliness ns rn 4urrty PRl�('ii�.�t,; Va��uE:lli, Inc. BY� � 4y' ~ tii4� furc ,, � L r �+t • i�.+�i�. � � 1� � � � I � � �� � . I , , � Mu�c ai�dTiilu Addrest: P.{). Sn� I �fiA 1��u�. ��� ��a$$ __ 411RI�.IY- Trn+relrr� CaSualtt�_ und Suret; C'nm�an7� af America ��. _ ���.�L►� �-���_ _ tiJi6 illUfC �n�rhinie Ht+nler, Altamcy-In-Farl Nnrrw� n�si 1"ii}c Aadre,.�: C)ne T��3vrr 5yuisrc, 5 fU2A ! larlfnrd, Cl" 061.83 __ Trlr�hime �l�unHcr; _21ri-98;�-U�{JO `No�e: ff �l�it�•d h} �n o€ticer oftlu 5ur��y Compauy, II1�IC f11U�� �C C111 fli� U CCE�tiiicd cr;trucl fr��t�ti Ihe h1' In�vr 51in�4�iii� Ihn� ll�++ �.rt�oit f;ns mdt�oril}' �a si�n ss�eh t�4�ti�atirnt. If tii�rel}•'s ��li}•Sfcal :��idrrss i� diRerar►I �mni i�s ��ti�:i}iii�, ni4clrrss. ksnih musa hr ��r5+.�sdcri. ']'ht� sl,rl� ��1' t�c 1�{�t1ci sli,�ll r�trt lrc pricir fn �}ie datr Ilsi i'��14�fslC{ �s;t+u�ort���l, ;'I I'1' Crl 1'(lH I R'i1R711 3! Akf?:�li Ei Ci]]+'�TR L,�L'i'IC�k SP�C IFOL`nTK Ih 17� 1c'[ I uE Kts Rcris��J 1i.15 �. ?i311 31l2] (nrnrdr�ih aiul FRIi {-Ci Fti�yn-I ti� Illld�9 „dobeAcrol�at Sign Tra�7saction Number: CBJCHB�Af�C3AAIc+1FSuCzwWVpcAyw�yr�9DsTP1tp7.Gxf'�, ��Q������ '•+ � �. Travelers Casualty and Sur�ty Cvmpany nf Amerfca Yravelers ��sualty and Surety Cam�arry St. l�aul Fire �nd Marine Insuranc� C�rnpany PUWER f?F ATi�RN�Y K�1�W A�L AAEPI 8Y THESE PR�SEI+IT3: Trral Tr�vel�rs Casually and 5urety Company of Am�Rr.a, Travelers Gasualty and Surety Company, and $t. Paul F1re and Marine Insuranae Campany are corporations duly organia�d undsr ihe lavrs of the $tale of Cvnnacticut {herein collectively caEled l�e "Companies"S, and that lhe Campanies dv Eiereby make, constit�te a�d appolnt 5ophlnls Hunt�r nf DALLAS , Texas , Ifst�kr ;rue �nd la�•r�uf !1!#Crney{s;-in•FAN, 40 s�rs. exeGut�. seal arid aelcnowledge any and all 4onds, ret�ugnlzances, conditlanal un�ertakkngs and other vrriiirigs o0#ga0ory �n tha na��ue lf�e�evl �n pehell W lhe Compa�i0s in fheir husinass af guaranteeing the flde�lty �f veKsnr�s, puaranteeirtp !he pe�tarrnarsce ad ��r+=racts and executing ar guaranseeEr�g bnnds end undenakings requlred pr perm�tted In any ae�iorrs a� proo�ed�nas akrowed by raw. IH WlTN�58 WH�RE�F, ihe Campan�es hav� cauaed thls instrumgnt Eo t�e al�ned, ar�d It►eir cnrpprR[e sa81s tu de hcreln aiTxcd, litis 31st 8gy nl AprR, 2024, �+�e,�� st „ 1,d �x�� : .i . ,�E' f F� �� � wu�recwn : Ik t�n � � �� � � •1 + ��' �rt � � f}� Sl�te of �on�if��t � , . �, r ey: Clty of Hartfard �s. Roben L FZsn a,+ nlur Yice Presidenl On this ihe p1at day oF Aptlt, �021_ belac ros pers�naily agpearcd Ra�on L. Fianoy, wi�v ar,knowleclga� hf.ra�ei! Io t� ihe 5enior Uir,� Pr�sid�nt of each of the Ct�mpars;es and thal ha, es such, bctir�g aulhprreed ao tn do, emr.��ted 1he fa�regoing Instrumenl lor lhe pu�pos081hetein cnnl2ined hy signin� on qeha4! of sald Carrapan�S hy hirrsseff as e du[y autharized afl'rr�. ;': � }A �� I�1 WI7NESS WHEREOF, i nereunto s�i my nsnd �rrd ott�a�i seat �+`• uo1+r+ � PJIy Commissl4n explres lhe 3�th day of June. 2C�6 • �µ ,•"�`.,�: �nna P. Nawik, hfot�ry Pu�lw ti 7his Pawer of Atinrney {s granled ur.der arrd by tlre aut�uaniy n# !he followlrxs reudutlo� adapl�il t9y 111� BnBvds M Dsreclws nf e�CA uf the Companies, whlch resoiuNar�s are new In lukl farCe and el#¢�I, rreadmg as �ol�cws: RESOLVEQ, Ihaf fhe Cha�rm�n, U� Presid�nt, any Vicc �hp�rman, 3sty ExeCufi� V�r,e Pre�idcr►!, any Senlor L�+ice Presides�t, ary VkCe F'►e3ic�en�. any Sec�xxi V�r.� Pr�aklanl. fhe Traasur�r. uriy Asskslant Tr�yurQr, the Corpprata 5ecre4Nry or �r�r Assist�n! Secrctary rruy �ppol�l Atturfleys-In-Fa�t and 11g�rit� !n ect rr�r on�! an behelf a! !he Comparry �rsd may glvc luch eppolrrtee s��h auahori�y as his ar har cerlifica#e of suf�o�iiy m�y prts�sihc t� al0n wf�h Ihe Comparsy�� narne and seal w,th tt�a Gampany's seal bands, recagnit�nces, cantraas of fndernn,ly, snd otner wnfirsgs ohli�alary in the nalusa af a bund, recngnlxance, or eondVlional urzdertakl►+�, and e�p aT aaid o�hrers oi [hs Boerd of �Irecfors al arry time m.ay r�mave an7r suah �ppvirt�ae arxl r�vakv the ppwpr plve�� h�rn pr her; and I� is FLIRTHER RES�L4'ED. Ihtt1 [h� �hnirm�an, 1he #'resl�enl. any VkaC Cha:rrr�r�. arey ExecutV�+e Vica Ples#denl, nrsy Sen�r Vir_e Pres+d�l ar any Vice Pres�lenl may delnQste aN ar �rsy p�n of Ine lorsgvir� authQ+lty Io ar�a ar merc aif�ccrs ar emptoyees ot this Corrspany. p�+�+�dad thal eacn $us�r, �e2ey�nnn Fn in writing and a copy niwefli fe med in !he afY,ce oi tne Secre�ary. nnd i! is FURTHER RESotYEt}, �h� dny hosid, fCG6gr�IZ9nCa. GCrlilBCi of Indcrnnity, c+ ►vrfUng ob}igatp�}+ In fh2 r�atura ol e 4and, rrcwgnlxar��r, or tonditf�na� undena�cir,g si�aEi he vs�e ar� �sding u,p4n !ha Comp�ny wt�en {e� slgr�ed by Rhe i'residarn. ar�y V1ce Chairman, any ExecE�tlNr Vi[�2 i7residPni, �ny 5onloi V� Pres�denl or �ny Vioe Presl�enl, �ny Secnnd 1£ice �resldeM, II'rc TMexsurer. �ny Asalsta�t Traesurer. 1he Corporate Secretary or any Ass+stanl 5e!r.ralary and duly attrased and aea3ed v:s[h �i�c �pmpany'n seal i��r a 5ecrelary or As9lstanl Sec�etary. or {b) duty executed (urrder saal. i! r�nuFredj by ond a+ more AElameya•In•Fac! and Agonta pursuanl Iv Ihe pvw� prres�f�bed in his ar har carti�lcate or their certincais� of autharity ar Gy ari� or inore Company ui��trs pt�ue►n Io a w�il�n defegatl;�n ot Rutnvrrty; and rt �s �i7R7HER FtESaLVEp, lhat lhs �+gnature v� esch oT 1re ioll�vinJ at6cers� F�sldenl, arry Executive Wiee President. ar�7r Senkor Vir.#� Aresi¢en�. any Vice Pres�dent, any Asslstanl Vice Preafdent, a�y Scrxslary. �rVyr Aasislarl! Setretllry. �nd lhe sEai o� t11e Cbmpgny mJly be 81fiSMtl lSy f8�3h5yla! l8 any Power ot Ariotney or 1n eny eer115cate relatfng rher�to appakntfrsg Resident �ce Prnsi�ents, Resid�nt Assis3arit Serrefarr�s or /�t;ameys-u� Fact for purpqses only of exacuting ar•d atte�c+ng bands arxi unde�lak+ngs and at�er vrril+ngb netlgatnry m fY�e nature lhesea!_ �nd sny+ s��ch f'pwer ol Altorney ar ceeEircate hearing such faca�mde s�natur� pr facs,m+le �aai anasl b� aa�k� and b�r�dmg upon rhe Cornp�ny a�� �ny such pnt•.�r sa ekecuted and eErtltked by such facsimila signaturn a�a Iacslmda seai sl�a!! he valid anU tiirrding on tns Comparn/ in !ha tuture w�sY� r�s�eet �o eny bond or underslanding to whlch it Is attached. I, kCevin E, liughes, lhe underslgned, hssiatur:t SecrelRry Qi esCh vf lr�e Campanles, da her�by cert�ty �het ihes s�outs and far�gaVng Is e tr�e and camect �npy of ihe Power a! Attomey execuiad by said Gompanias, wfiich r�maFr+s M�uli loree and eMecs. 08l2d lh1S 4th Clsy af May , 2U42 ' ,�r� + �"'"'r «. ry�'i �' �Y �k�wnya� '`K+Rr►ao � �' [wyu� �� Q cca+ r uu � . � �•� ,�`� �i! � y� G�-Y � � iCewin �. }4ughas, Assi lant 5ecresary Tv ve►ilytlre eudre�t:rlry ofihJsFo++rerpf�ftlgr►��Y� Pleasr c�ll r►s at1-BCid,4?1-38BGt Please et�lfer [a t►e� abeur��arn� �tto►�rsyraj�In-�ad and [he data�fs vf the 6an� tv whird t►Hs Powefaf.�i[ttrrr�ey ]s attarhed. ,1c�abeAcrobat 5ign l'ran�action Wum�er: C[3JCH�sCAAhAAfcv�.5uCr_wW�J��cAyw0yr29C}sTNtpZGxPA �� �RdVEt�RSJ IMP��TA�T ��T��E T4 �313'i'1�,1t�' ZN�'4?R11'iAT1Q�l D!Z �7A[�E A��f�MPGA�NT: Y«�i may c�ntz�cc 1'rn,elers C'�su:�t�}� anc�_5urery Cmm�any pf Ameriea , far in�oi�nation ar LO T11A�:C (l CC}il]��TliRi �fi: Tr�vel�rs Bond Attn: C[�i�r�s Oiie �'awer Ss{uar�, 5 f �2A I la�tf�rd. CT CJ�� I 83 f -Bt}U-3Z8•? Ili4 ti'c�u ine��� cc�i3l.�ct lht "1'rr�s ❑��arentis:ril �f Intiuru�ce tn abtain the inFarmation nn co�nganies. cc�ti�4rtX��s, ri�li[s ur corx�plair►�s �C: �i'exas []��rai�tistent nflnsu��an�e P.O. [3csx 14�3104 Ausiii�, 'rx 7�714-9104 (�Oq) ��F-3�3�J ATTIIC�-I 'I'E-!1� NU']'1CF: TC� YC]lJf� [3[�l�lb. T�is notice is ia:� inforrn�tirn� only and dna� nat 6ecaiz�� a pnrt 4�r � ���iz�liti«n ol't�e atta�hCd do�um��t and is gir+en to cornply wit>> 5ccli�n i?53-f1? S, C�uver>>�ncril Cuc�c, �iid Se�linn i3.202. Pr{�rCrty C'��cl�, effective Septcmber I, �O[� I , Adobe Acro6at 3ign 7raixackbn M�m6e�: CBSCFIBCdA�MIcvFSuCswUNpCRywpyf29psTNtpZGxVA STANDARD GENERAL C�NDTT�UNS UF TH� C�N�TRUCTIi�I� CUNTRACT crrY a� roitT wUr��i STAiVDARDCONSTRi]CTIQN SPECiFI�ATIbN DQCUMEI�I7S Revisian: �] r5dv.he Asrv�t Sbgl� T�IK��n N urnber. C�JCHRC.?ABAAI�vFSuCaw W1lpcAywOyr�9ilsi N[p ZGxPF STAN�]AR� GENTRAL C�1k1 DI�'I�l� S OF TH� ��NSTRUGTZ�N CQNT�tACT TABLE UF �dNTENTS P�ge 1Lrti�le I—De�nilions andTerm�nalagy ..................,............................................................................,...,......1 L.O1 Defined Term� ...............................................................................................................................1 [.02 Termino�agy ........... . ........ . ....................................................................................................6 �.x-C��e �—Prel4min�.ry Matters ..............................,...,.............................,..........................,......,.................,...,7 2.01 Copies of I]acurnents ................�---................................................................,...,...,....,...,.......,......7 2.02 Co�nrnenc:em�nt nf CaniraciTime; N�ticeto Proceed ................................................................7 2.03 Starting the WQrk ........................................................................................................................_ B , 2.04 Before Starting �onstructivn ................................................... . .................................................. S 2.�5 PreGans#r�acfian Canference.. ........................................................,..................................,.,,..,,..... 8 �.06 Yublic iVleetmg .............................................................................................................................$ �.4'7 In�ial Ac�eptance afSchedul�s ....................................................................................................$ Article �— Cvnixact D�cuments: Int�nt, Amending, Reuse ............................................................................$ 3.01 Inierrt ... .. . ................................................................................................ ............... ......................... $ 3.02 Re�rerence 5�anciards ......................................................................................................................9 3.Q3 Repartittg and Resalving Discrepancie�...............,...........,... .................................,....,............,....9 3.U4 Art�tending and 5uppl��eztting Carrtxact Do�uments .................................................................10 3.05 Reuse of Documents .. ..................................................................,...,...,.........,...........,..,... ........1D 3.06 Electt'onic Data ...............................................................•--.................................,........................ lI Artic.le 4—Availability af Lands; �surfaee and Physical Conditians; Hazard�us Envimnmer�tal Con��zans; Re��renc� k'oitYCs,......,. .............................................................,.....................,.,......,.....1I 4.�1 1lvailability t�f Lat�ds ..................................................................................................................11 �.iY2 Subs�rface and Physical Conciitsons ........................................,...,..........,.....,............,...............12 4.a3 D�'ferir� Subsurface ar Fhysicai �anditions ............ .................................................,...,...........12 4.04 Undergraund Facil'rtie s ... .......... .... ...... .................. ...... ............. ......................................... .......... ] 3 4.05 Reference Points .........................................................................................................................14 4.Qb Ha�rdaus Envirorutterrt�l Canditi�n at Site .. .. ...... ............ . ............... .............. ............. ........ ... „ 14 Artia l� 5 — Bonds and lnsurar�e ........................... ........... .. ............. ...... ..... .............................. .... ........... ........ l �i S.dl Licensed 5ureties and Insurers ...................................................................................................16 5.�i2 Performan�e,Payment,�nd Maintenanc� Satuis .......................................................................16 5.d3 Certif"�cates of dr�urance ......., .....................................................................................................1� 5.(k{ Comiractor's Insur�nce ................................................................................................................18 5.45 Acceptance af Bonds and Insurarsce; �ption ta Replaae ................•--...........................,............19 Article b— Cantractor's Responsibilrties ._......,.. ..................................................................�--•---....................19 b.dl Superr�isian and Superintendance ..............,...........................,.,.,.,...,..,.....,,,.,.............................19 CITY f}I' Tt)RT WflRTH $TAIVI7ARDCOhPS'fRUC1'T4fY SPECIFiCAT[OM i7{lC[]14IGI'1T'S Revssian: �'231�[IQl RdubeAcrab�l ]i�i �I ransaction Humher. CBJ[HBCMs�NLcvF9�Cx:•ioWpcAyy�0yr29os'}'rytpzGMpA Sl.� 6.�3 5.�4 6.45 6.tlG 6.07 6.0� G.�� 6.14 �.11 6.12 6.13 G.14 6.15 6.l C 5.17 6.18 G.19 6.20 6.� l 6.2� 5.23 6.24 Labor; lh�orking H�urs .............................................................. . .. . . ........ ............. ..... . ...20 Services, MaEerials, an�l Ec�uipmerrt ...........................................................................................20 Praject�chedule.. ....... . ............, ... , ..................,......................................................................, .....2 L St�bstitrakes and "flr-�quat�" •---.........................................,.............. ............................,...,....,.....�1 Concerning Siihcor�tr�ctars, Suppliers, ax�d Others ............................................ .................... 24 �age Rates .............................................. .. . . ...........................................................................25 PatentF�es and Royalties ...........................................................................................................26 Perm�ts and Ut�iti�s ....................................................................,..............................,............,...27 LawsandI�egulations ......,. ................................._...,................................,..................................27 T'axes..... .......................,........................................ . ,.... ...............................,....,.......,....,.....,.,..2$ Us� of 5ite and �t}aer Areas .., .......................,.......,...,............,....,....,.........................................28 Reca�rd I7ocurn.erns ......................................................................................... .............................29 �a.fety and Pra�ection .... , ................... .,... ,. ........... ............. ..., ............. ............. ,............ ................ 29 Sa�ety Representaiiv� . ... ...................................... ........................................................................ 3� Ha�ardCwixymwniaat�on Prcagranns ...............................,............,...,........,................,...,...............30 Emergencies�ndlor Rectif�ation ...............................................................................................3� �ubrriittals . .. ........ ........ .. ........................ ...... ............. ............. .............. ......................................... 31 C�nt3nuin� the 17��rk ...................................................................................................................3Z Cant�•actor's General Warrantyand �arantee ..........................................................................32 lndemnif'�cation ...............................................�-...,.....................,..............................................33 ❑elegation of Pr�fes�ianal Design �ervices ..............................................................................34 Itightto Audit ..............................................................................................................................3� Nondiscriminatian........................................................................... . .......................................3�5 Artic Ie 7- ather V�ork at the 5ite ................ ........................... .......... ................. .............................................3� 7.01 Related �]►rork at Site ...................................................................................................................35 7.02 CQardination ................................................................................................................................36 Arti�le 8�City's l�espansil�i�ities ...................................................................................................................35 B.OI �ommunications ta Cantractar ...................................................................�..............................3� 8.0� Fearnish Data ................................................................................................................................3G S.d3 PayWhenDue .................................................. .............................................,.......,....................3b 8.04 �.�ands aizd Easemenis; Repc�rts and Tests ...................................................................................36 B.�S Chan�e Orders ...................................................................................................................... ... .3� .. . 8.Ob Inspections, Tests,andA�ar�ovals ..............................................................................................36 $.�7 Liu�itatians an City's Responsbilities ,............. ..........................................:..............................3? 8.0$ Undi�closed Haz.�rdous Cn�+iranmenta.l Cartdiiian ....................................................................37 8.09 CompIiance with Safety Frogram ...............................................................................................37 Arti�le 9-City's �bserv'atu�n Stafa�s Durin� Cans#ruction ...........................................................................37 9,OI Gity's Pr�,yeGt M,aiiager ............................................................................................................37 9.{l� Visits ta Site ................................................................................................................................37 9.�3 Authari�ed Variatians �n �ork ..................................................................................................35 9.�4- Rejecting Defective Wark ............................................................................................ . . . .38 9.05 ]]et�rmin�tions fo� Worl� Pcrformed ..........................................................................................38 9.4b Deci�ians on Requir�tnents of Contract Documents and Accepta6ility af Wark .....................38 CLTY ON PC}IZT W4ATH STAi3I3ARDCONSTRUCTIQN SPECiF[CRTION T]OC[Th�€Et+l'PS Revisipn: Fl�2p�l Ado�elKm�tslgn rr:��+��non rv�mhP�, «rcFtucnnenni��=s11�wrvPcary.+ovra9os7wspzsxpn Artic 1� 1 q- Changes in the 'L�Voric; Clauns; Extra W ork ... .... .. .. ............. ...................... ...... ............. ....... ...... .. 3 S 10.D1 Autihari�ed �hang�s irz tl�e Work ....................,.......... ......................,.........................,,..............38 IQ.p2 LTn�utharized �hanges in the �Vorlc .....................................................................,......................39 i0�.03 Executi�n of Change �rders .......................................................................................................39 ]4.0� Extra Wark... ................................................................................................................................39 10.�5 Nof�'tcation io Surety ..................................................................................................................39 l0.{15 Contract Cla itx� Process ............. ..... . ..... ... . . . ..................... ........ ..... .. ............. ...................... 40 Article 1 I- Cast nf ilae Work; Allovvanaes; L�n� Pri�e Wark; Plans �uatrtity M�asuxement .....................�1 11.01 Cast of the VVorlc.. ..........................,...,....................................,......................................,..........,.41 11.U2 A1lowances ..................................................................................................................................�3 1Z.03 Unit Price Work.,. .,,........,..... .. . ................................................................. ............................44 11.04 Pla�s �uaxttity Measuremetrt ......................................................................................................�5 Article 12 - Change of Contract Price; Change of Cositr'ac� �'ime ................................................................. 4fi I2.01 Chang� of Corma�tPri�e ............................................................................................................4b 12.Q2 Chang� of Caiitr�ct Tutne ............................................................................................................47 1�.03 De�ys ..........................................................................................................................................47 Article 13 TTest� and Inspections; Gorre�ti�n,l7emarvalorAc�eptance ofDefects�e Wark ......................48 13.U1 Nati�e of Defe�ts ....,.....--�-�--...., ..................................................................................................48 13.U2 AccesstaV+Tork......�....................., ..............................................................................................45 13.U3 Tests and Inspectians ................................. .. ... . .....................................................................48 13.44 [Jncav�ering Wark ........................................................................................................................49 i3. os c�ry n�.y st� cr,� ���1� .... ........ ........ .... .. .................. .... ............. .. ... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........ .... ..... �4 l3.Ob Correction or l�ernoval of Defective �csrk... .............................................................................5� 13.�7 CflrreGtion Period ...... . ...................... .....................................................................................50 1�.0$ Acceptanc�ofDefec��+elNork ...................................................................................................51 13.09 Cit3+ lUlay CarrectDefective VVork .............................................................................................51 Article 14 - Paym�nts t� Contractor and Campletion .......................................... ..........................................52 I4.01 Schedule o�f Values ......................................................................................................................5a 14.�2 Progress Pay�nents , .........................,...................,.......,............,.. ....................................,.........52 14.�3 Contracter's jJVarra.niy of Trtl� .......................,.......,...,...............................................................54 1�.D4 Partial llt�ti�on .............,....,........................,..............................._..................................,.........55 14.45 F�nalInspectiar�.....,...,.. ...................................................,........................,...................................55 I4.(}6 Final A�ceptanc.e .........................................................................................................................55 14.U7 �'inal Payment .................................:::::........................................................................................SG 1�.Q8 F�.l C;ompl�t�vn Delay�dandPart�lReiamage Release ........................................................5G l�.i}9 �arver a� Clanns ........................................................................................................................57 Arti��e 15 - S�tspensian �£ Vi�ark and T�rminat�on ....................... .. ........................................................�7 ts. o r c� n��� susp��a w�k ........ ..................................................................................................... s� 15.0� �ity May Termin�te fnr Cause ...................................................................................................58 IS.D3 City May Terminate For Canvenience .......................................................................................64 Article 16 -Dispute Resolutian ......................................................................................................................�.1 1�.O1 Methads and Praced�res .............................................................................................................61 C'.1TY OF I�ORT WUR'Fl f STANDAIiI7C.03�51'RiI[;TIUN SPBCIFICATItlN DpCL1MIIYT5 Rcvisian: $�l /Wo4e7ic�v6at51gn iransxtion HumGcr::.6JCHgCAABAhItVFS�CxwlVVpcAyAWyr196sT�[yiG7¢R Arti�fe 17 -Miscellaneaus ......................................_._._._.....,...................................... . . , .. .. ,,., ......--- .,.52 1?.al Giving Nsatice . ................................ . . ..................................................................................... 62 17.02 Cann�uta#ion of Ti�nes ,.................. ...........................................................................,.................62 l7. a3 Cumu�ative R�medies .... .. ........................................................... ................................................ 62 l7. �4 S ux-vivaI of �bl�tians .. .. ........................................................................ .... ....................... . . . G3 17.�5 H�adings ...............__,........................................ . . ,.,......,,..........,............,......,...............,..........63 CITYOF Fa1LT 1VOiRTH STANT}ARDCON3TRllC'T1QN SPECIC[CATIaN �QCUMBid'TS Revisia�181Z�(�1 r1:jn h�c Ac i u F]� t s��;i rra•vz � �t��� r� ti n�t+�� G3J Gf 13�:�,ABMJ cvf5 �:xYhA'4�pssyVl�yr29 �sT h�p2ux�R ARTICLE l. —DEFIN�T�aNS AND T�RNIINOL�G� 1.01 De�n,ed �errr�s D072qQ-1 GENERAL OQNfl171aN 5 Page 1 oFG3 A. V4�Fi�re�erused in thes� Gen�ral Cand�ti�ns �r in ather Cor�tra�t Doaunnents, t�ie t�rrns �t�� be�aw ha�e ihe rneanin�s ir►dicated vvhich are appliGable ta both the sin�►]ar �nd pluraI thereaf, and wards denating gendet sha11 inch.sde the masouline, feminine and neuter. Said terms are g�nerally capitali2ed or wri�ten i� i�alics, but nat always. When used in a context �onsister►t wrt� the de�nifson of a Jisted-defined terni, tYie term shaII have a rneaning as defined below whether �apita�i�ed or italicized ar otherwise. In addi�ion t� terms speciti�alfy d��"ined, ter�s with initial capital lett�rs in the Contr�at Dacumerrts iinclude references to ulentiCzed articl�s and paragraphs, and the titles af oiher dacumerrts or �orms. 1. �dc�er�da - Vdr�,ten or graplua itx�trum�nts i�sued prior ta the opening af Sids rt�hich �larify, cnrreGt, ar change the Bidd'u1g Requirernents or the pro�posed Contract Documerits. 2. Agreeme�at The �rriften msirumerYt whick� is e�iden�e af the agreerne�xt betwean City and Cor►trac�or eavering the V4�ork. 3. �4pplication for �ayrne�tt The form acceptable bo City which is to be used by Cantra�t�r during th� caurse of the Vlf��k in x'equesting progre�s or fin�l payinents and w�ich. is t.� he accnmpanied by such supporting d�ocurnentaCmn as is r�quired by the Confract �ocuments. 4. As�iestos Any mater�al that contains more than ane pereerit asbestos and is friable or is releasing a�bestos ft�iers into the air above current action levels es�ablished by ttze United States �ccupa#ianal5afety and ��alth Ac�CnmisCration. 5. Award -- Authnrization by the Git�+ �ouricil f�r t�e Crty to �nter into an Agreement. 6. Bid— The affer ar proposal af a Biclder su�mitted an the prescribed farm setting forth the prices for the Wark to he perforrned. 7. .�fdde�T�e individual ar entiiy who sufarrk�#s a Bid dire�tly t� Cilj+. $. Biddirrg �ocumertts The I3idding Re�uirerner►ts anc� the pt'��7b50d CDriLxiLCt DOCUTI]l�t1tS [includu3g ail Adde�da.), 9. Bidding�eqaeirerraent.� The advert�emer�t ar Invrtation to Bid, Instruetians to Hndd�rs, Bid security of acceptah�e faurm, � any, and the B id Farm with any supplemeni:s. � Q. ��,si�ess Day — A}�usiness day i� defined as a tiay that the L'ity condvcts normal business, gen�rally Monday through Frida��, excapt for feder�l or state l�ulidays o�serve�l by the C�y. 11. Calendar��ay — A day cansi�ting af �4 haurs rneasured from rnidnight to the n��t mndnigtrt, CI'�Y OF' FDRT WORTI•1 STAIVDARDCONSTRllCTI�ON BPECIFICATION DOCUNIB[VTS lievisian: 81l3�21 P.d c h e� keco6at s3gi i T ra i iyae: i in n:: ��i•� L e r: � pJCF16fF.AF51uLir JF.Su.^.z�r:'�MlpcA j+:0yr29naYN �a�GxPA oor�oa-i �EN����No ir�oH s P� a a� �3 l2. �'ha�ge �rdc� A dc}cument, vdhich is preparetE and appro�ed b� the C�ty, whi�h is signed by CantraGtor and C�y and. authoriz.es an additiE�n, de]etian, ar revision in t1�e �ork or an adjustmerrt in the Cantract Price or the Cantra�t Tirr��, issued on ax after the Effective Dat� of the Agreement. l3. Ci�y `i'he (;ity a� Fort Wo�th, Texas, a hame-rule municipal carparation, authoz�d and �hartered urtder the Texas State Statut�.s, act�ng by its governing l�ody t�u�oUgh its C�ty Manager, his designee, or agerits authori�ed �and�r his he�a�t; each nf which is requir�d by Charter to perfr�rm specif'�c duties with responsibiiit�r far fuia� e�rf'orGement of the coz�tracts invr}lving th� City of Fort �orth is by Charl:er v�sted in ihe City Man�geY and is the enti#� with whoin Corxtractor has �ntered inta the Agr�ement and for whom the V�vrk i� tv be perf�rx�aed, ] 4. C'ity Attar�mey — The nF�'�cially appainted City Attorney af �he City af Fart �hT�rth, Texas, Qr his dul� author�ed representative. 15. City �'our�cil � The dul� elected and qualified governing bady of the City af Foi�t V�arth, T�xas. 15. City �Irrnager — The officially ap��rrted ancf autnorized Ciky Manager o�' ihe City of F�rt V►{arlh, 'I'exas, ar hi� duly autharir�ed representative. 17. Cn�airac[ Clairn--A demand or assertian by City or Contra�taor seeking an adjustmer� of Coritra�t Price or Conl;ract Tirne, vr both, or nther relief wif.h �r�espe�t to tl�e �ms af the Ccrntr�ct. � demand for mnne}+ or s�r�rices 6y a tk�ird parky is not a Conira�t Claim. 18. C�ntraci The etr�it� and integrated writben documenf beiw�en #he �ity and C�ntractor concernitlg th� Work, Th� Contract cantains the �►�neemer►� an� alI Corttraet Documents and supersedes priar negvtiations, representations, or agreern�nts, �heEher written or aras. 19, Coratract �Jocur�tera��---Thase items so d�signated in the Agreement A�1 itiems l�sted in tha Agr�ement ar� Contract Doctunents. Appro�red Su�mittals, other �ontraa�r submittals, and the r�ports and drawings of suhsui-�ac� and physical canditions are n�t Gantxact Documents. ��. Cn�a�act Price T�e money� payahle by City to C,'crntractax far comptetion of tha 1�Vork in accardance w'sth the CantractDacuinents as state� � ihe Agre�meitt �subject tc� the pravisions of Paragraph 11.03 iu� the case of �Jnit Price Work). 21. Contract Time—'I'1� ntnnber of day� or the dates stated iin the Agreerineirt to; (i} achieye Milestones, if any and (u} compl�te the Wark sa that it is reacly fvr Final Acceptance. 22. C."��fracta�—The individual or er�tity �vith �rharn Gity has entered'v�ta the Agre�merit, 23. Cost af the Wa�1��eeParagraph 11.� t oithese C'reneral Conditions 1or deiinitian. c�r�o� roxr woiax�; sT�nrnAnocoiasrRUcl��a�a s�c�r•�cnT�Q�r nocur��ra�rs x��s�.o,L .a�a�� Ade6e Atmbat 5{g�1 Trdlls0 �CiMI Nu inher: CEL CH 6CAA8AhleVFSU[twWlfpck�nu0yrr�9asTA1[p2G>T0. Oa7�DD-I GEN�RAL GUN�I710N 5 Pag�e 3 af &3 24. Dar�tage Clarrras �- A demand £or money ar services arising fram the Projeci. ar Site from a t�vrd p�rty, City or Cantractor exclus�+e of a Contra�et CIai�n. 25. D�ay vx c�y — A day, unless nthec wise defined, shall xnean a Calendar Day. 26. �i�ectar� of Aviatiar� -- The officially appainte�i Directc�r af #'he �►viatian Iaep�z't�ment af the City af Fart �arth, Texas, or his duly appoir►ted represet�t.ative,assi�tant, or agents. 27. Darector vf Parks ar��l Go�r�raity �S��vi�es — The ofF�ciaily appainted I]irector af the Parlcs and Commraniky S�ruices I]epartment af the Cit�r af ForC "Vl�arth, 'fexati, ar his duly appomte d representati►�e, assi5tant, or a�ents, �$. Director af Pdcarcna�g and Devedoprraeni— T�e offie:ially app�inted D�e�tor of the Plaau�ing and Der�eloprnent Departrnent of the City of Fart Worth, T�xas, or his du� appointed representati�e, a�ssistarrt, or agerrts. Z9. Dir^ector of Tr�nsportation P�hlic �o�^ks -- The of�icially app�inbed T�irecCor of the Transpar4tion Public Works De�artment nf 1:he City of Fart �7Varth, '�'exas, or his duly appointed repa�esentati�e, assistant, or agents. 3d. .7Jirc�cto� af Waier Depa�iment — The a�ficia.11y appointed Directar af the Wat�r Department nf the C.tity of Fort VVarth, Texas, or his duly appoi�nted represeni�tiu�, assi�tant, ar agents, 31. Dr�awrng,s—That �art of the Cantract Documents p�epared ar approved by Engineer which gr�phically shakvs the scope, extent, and �haractsr of the '�+Tork t�.� 6� performed by Contract�r, Su}�miCtals are not Drawir�gs as so de£'med. 32. E, ffectiv� Da�e o,f �he Ag�eemer�! T'k�e date ind�cated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such dat,a is �ciicated, it txieans the d�te on which the Agreernent is signed and deliver�d by the last of the two par#ies to s.ign and deliver. 3�. Eragi�aeers---The licensed professianal engineer or engineering firm regist�red in the 5tate Qf Texas perf'arming prafessional ser��ces for the C�y. 3�4. 1�.'xtra YYo�k - Additianal v+lark made necessary b�+ chang�es c�t alterations of the Coniract Dacumetrts or of quantiCies or for other reasans for which no pric�s are ptovided i� ii�e Corrtract Dacuments. Extxa wc�rk shall he part c�f the i�ork 35. Fiefd Dr�der—� wr�tten order issued by City which requires changes in the Wflrk laut which does not utvolVe a change in the Coniract Price, Gontr-a�ct Tiune, or the �tent of the Er�gine.er. Field �rders are paid f'ram FieIci arder Allowances in,corporated into the Contract by funded wark type at th� tirr�e of award. 36, �'�rrl Acce�tance —'I'Ite written notice given hy the �ity to th� Gontractar that the Vltork specif'ied in the L'ontra.ct Docwncnfs has t�een camplet�d ta the satisfactia� �f the City. CITYOF �'QRT pVORTH STANl3AItDCDN3TRUCTI4N SFGCIFICATIdN AOCUMEN'i`9 Revision: 81�1ZI Ada6ehcrahatSEgn7ransarlionHum6ee:C�JG11@CMaAAIWFSuCawriVpcAywOy29Os7iJr�x pA 0072�4-] GENEFtAL CANti ITIO N 5 Page 4 nf 53 37. Final Inspectio� — Inspection cs��ri�d o� by kk� City ta �+erif'y that the Car�tractor h�s coinpleted fh� Work, and each and every part or appurtenan�e trcereof, f�aUy, entirely, at�d in confQr�-zance v�rith the Car�tract B�cuinents. 38. General Req�aiirer�ze�zt.s---Sections of Di�ision 1 4f the Cantract Documents. 39. Hazar�datds Envir�r��arner�.tal �or�diti�xs—The presenee at the Site of Asbe�tos, FCSs, Petraleum, Hazardous Was#e, Radioaciive MateriaY, or vtl�er materials in such quatrtities nr ci�cum�tances that may present a substani�a.l danger tv persons or pz�operty exposed tY�ereto. �ii. Hc�zar�doas,s �Y�ste—I��zardous waste i� c�efined as any salid waste �.isted as har�.rdous or passesses arie nr mare ha:��rcloe�s characteristics as t�e�ed in th� feaeral wa.s�e regulaiians, as arn�nded from t�x�� l�� lime. �1. Laws arad Reg�alations Aray and al] applicab�e la�at+s, rules, regulatians, ordinanee�, codes, and arders of an� and al! governme�xtal bodies, a�encies, autho�'ities, and coui-ts having jurisdictinn. �2. �ierts—�harg�s, security interesCs, or encumbrances upan Praject funds, real praperEy, vr persai�a.l property. 43. �fajor Iterr�— An Item af wark included in the Con#raGt Da�urnents that IZas a to�ta] �ast et�ual � dY �C���BY �I1�f1 ���o af the origina� Contract Price or $25,OQQ whichever is less. 44. Ma�estone—A prin�ipal e�+ent speci�ied in the Contract Dacuments re�ating ta axi intermediate C�ntractTime �riar to Final Acceptance ofthe Work. �5. .Il�otrce af'AZa7ar�d—Ths wrikten natice by Cii� to the SuccessfuI Biddec stating that upon tim�ly camp]i�ance by the Successful Bidder with the conciitians pr�eedentlist�d t�xereir�, City will sign �nd del'rver the AgreemerYC. 4�, Nolice �o Pra�e�d—A wr�tten natice g�rren hy Gity to Contractar ["�cing the date ar� �►hich the Cantract Time wi�l camrnence to run and on which Cantractor shall start ta p�rform t�e Worlc specified in �antract Docvments. 47. PC1�s Palychbrinated hiphenyls. �48. Petr�nl�urr�Pet�nleum, mcluding crude oiI or atty frac�ian ther�of whi�h is l�quid a� standard conditions of temperatUre and pres�ure (�0 degrees �'ahrenheit and 14.7 pounds �er square inch abs�lube�, su�h as oil, petraleum, fu�l oil, o�l sludge, oil refuse, gasalin�, kerosane, and qii mixed with oiher nvn-Hazardo�s �asie and c�ude ails. 49. P1uns — See d�fi�ition af I]rawin�s. CTT Y C}F i� C]]tT VdORTH 5TA]+�DAI�I)CQT$TI�UCTit]N 5PEC1FIChT[ON d4CiJMENTS Revisian, &4_��'�Rl Rcl 0 6c n� m f�a� 4ie� � ifa+�+a�:�ior� N ufrs6ar; C6JG�IULAA6kNu/FSurxwYlVRGyw OyY39D9TMtpIGkPr1 DOT2GL}-t GENERALCflN�ITION S Page 5 of C�3 S0. Project S`chec�acle—� schedule, prepared and maintained by Cantractor, in accacdance with tih� General Requireme►xFs, describing tl�e sequence and durati�n oF the activiCies comprising i:h� Contractar's pIan ta a�cQmplish the Vt�ork with� the C.orrtxact Time. S1. PPOj ECf The Wvrk tn be performed under the C�antract Dacurnents. 52. �rojec.tMa�agcr�Th� auYh��ri�ed regresentat�e af the CiCy who will �e a.ssi�med to the S�e. 53. Pu�lic Meetang — An annvunced meeting cQnducted by the City ta fa��litate public pat-�ic.i�atinn and to assist the puhlic in gaining an informed �iew of t�ie Project. S4. R�rdioactive llriaterial Souroe, special nuclear, �r l�ypraduct nnaterial as defined hy the �ltornic �nergy Act af 195�4 {�42 USG Section 2dI 1�t seq.} as arnended fr�m time to t-ime. S5. �ega�lar i�drking.l�ours — Hours begiruim�g at 7:�Q a.m. and ending aC G:D[] p.m., Monday thru Friday {�xcluding, legal halidays). �f. Samples—Physical exarnples of rnaterials, equi�ameni, or v�+orkmanship that axe representative of some p��r�inn of the Work and which establish tive stsndartls by which suc� partion a� the �Norlc will I�e judg�d. �7. Sehedule af �'�c�»aiCiul3�—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Cor►iractar, af requued sulamitfais and the tifr�e requircments ta suppart scheduled perfor,mance af related construction aativities. SS, Seh�dalle v, f'Yaiue,�A schedule, prepared and ma�►tained by Cantractar, allncaixng port�ans of the CQ1]fY�Ct Pl'1C� �D V&1'LDUS par�ans af the �VDilC �F1CI Ll$�C� a5 �16 tJa5L5 far r�vi�wing �onrCractar's Applications far 1'ayment. S9. Sit�=Lands ar areas indicated m thc Cont��act a�cum�ents as �eing furnished l�y City upnn �hich the �Varlc is ta he perFarme�, including rights-af-way, permits, �d easements for accegs thereto, and such other lands furnish�d t�y �ity �rhich are designated for the use af Carrtra�tar. b0. Spect�ca�in�.�That part af the Can�ra�t Dacurr�nts consisting of written requirements for materiaLs, eq�ii�nent, systems, standards and wnrlcmanshi�r as applied to the Work, and certain admu�istrat�ve requir�ments and procedural matters applicable �ereto, Spec�catians may ka� speoif"�call� rnadc a part af the Contract Docurnen� by atlachment ar, if not attached, may be i�carparated by r�ference as �ndicated in the Tabl� of Coat�nts (Division 4� IXy QO} of e�ch Pxaject. 51. ,Subcorzlractar An individual ar ent.ity ha�ing a direct cot�r'aot with �QntxaGtQr or w�fix atty ather Subcnr►tractor fax tha perf�rmance �f a part af the V�ork a.t the S�e. C]TYOF FQRT WORTFI STANDAAC� D�P�Tif U�T [0 N SFECIF ICA TIO N I74CL[M&NPS Revisiun: 8�Z! Ixla6e hcrobat 5igr T�a"sa6tivn Numl�[•i•: fBJ�I•16CO.A21VLIcvF.5�.�.'.rv,+,{N��nyv;oy�z��vrniepzoxPA 0071f1q-I GENERAL.DONQ171C!4 5 Pege fi o.f G3 6�. S�br�rrttals All c�eawings, diagrarris, il�ustratians, schedules, and o#1�t�r data or infornnafi�n �r�hi�H are specif�cally prepaz�d or assembled by or for Cvnt�actor and submitted by Cantractor tu i3l�strate some portion ofthe '44�ark. ��. ,5a��istarrfiaa' Gorssp�'etio� -'T�e stage � the prvgress of the Proj�ct when the �Vork is suff"�cientl�+ cornplete in accardance with the Gvntract Docurnents 1�c�r Final Inspectian. 64. Succe�sfard Bidde� The Siddersu�mitting the kawest and mo�t respan,sive Sid to whom City makes an Award. 65. Superi�tendent - T'he r�presentative of the Contra.ctor wha is availab�e at alI t�imes and able io rece�ve instructions frr�m tt�e City and to act for the Cantraatvr. 66. Supp�e�nerztcrry Co�ifu3ns—'1'hat paz�t af the �ontract I3vcuments �h�h am�end� or suppl�rnents ihese Gen�ral Conditions, 67. S'�applier�A manufacturer, fa�riGacor, supplier, distx�utor, m�Ceri�Iman, or vendar ha�+ing, a direci canta-act �vith Contractar a�• w'vth atr,� Subcantractar tu fi.rrnish materials ar e�quiprn�nt t� be incvrporated ir� the �nrk by Contractor or Subcaritractar. 68. �Inde�gr�ourtd Fucii�ties—Ail �anderground pipe��s, condui�s, du�ts, cables, wires, rnanho�es, �+a�akts, tanks, iurn�els, or ather such facilities nr attachmerats, and any encasemer�s ca�tain'v�g �uch faciI�ies, inaIuc�mg but not lu�ited to, those that convey eiectricity, gases, steam, liquid petrol�um products, telephone or ather co�-nnunicatians, cable ieIevi�ion, water, wastewater, storm water, ather IicYuids ar ch�micals, or traff�c or at�er cot�trai sys#e�xis. �� IJ�tit �'rice YT�or�k�ee Paragraph 1�.43 of these C,eneral Candi�ions for defirvLian, 70. �'eek��d �axki�g Hot�s -�Iaurs heginning at 9;()0 a,rzx, and ending at 5:40 p.m., Saturd�y, Suriday or legal holiday, as approved in advanae bp the City. 71. ��r�—'The entire canstruction or the wari�Us separately ident�iable part� thereaf reqvired ta he proviried under the Corrtract Dacumetrts. Wark ir�cludes and i� the resul� a�perfarming or pro�iding all lal�or, ser�ices, and docum�ntaEion necessa.�y ta produce auch constrtaction inc�a.ding any Ch�n�e �rder �r Fiel� drder, arit! I'urni�hin�, installing, and is�corpaxating a11 materia�s and equipmenrt into such �onstruction, a�l as rec�uir�d by ihe CatYiE'act �ocuments. 72. �'arka�gDay -A warking day is def�ned as a d�y, not including Satu�days, Sundays, ar ]e�l hol�days autharized by the City for contract purposes, � whieH weather ar ather canditians nat under the cantrc�l af the Contractor will permit #he perfarir�ance o#'the �arineipal unit af wark underw��+ for a cnntinuous period of not less than 7 hnurs between 7 a.m. and d p,m. 1.�� Terminology A. The wnrds anr� terrt� discussed "m Para�raph 1.Q2.8 t.�rou�h � are nat defined but, when used in C� Bidd� Requirem�nts or Contract Dacuments, have the indicated mearvng. B. ��tter�tof �er�rnTesrr�sorl4d�j�ectiu�s: crrY aF raxT wor��j:H STAND�CLbC�TRUCTT�N 5PECIFICATft]N DQCIIMENTS Ravision, �;l1[�E.1 hd a he�hrrr. k�nk S i�;i � Tra n sae[ iu n N �i•r6e r: [ H.lCNFsCn.9F_1nle: F5� �.ew'n^Jp:ay.��ny�29FlsiN [p2GxPA d472Q0•1 G�h1ERAL(�ON�ITION 5 Pagc 7 of 63 �. T�'1L Contra�t Documet�ts include �l� �'iI'II15 °`a3 1�QWe�9:e cc�^a A�}�]I'(}VL'��9e `<s�s ordered,a� sca5 directed" nr terms of liice effect or import ta authari�e an exer�ise of judgment by City. In &��It14Yla �1� ii{,��eGtIV�rS 6C!'Ea.5017��J�C'i�s� c��[11�21�3�:' ccs`1CC�.]?�`d�7�'� �c„'•�7P..l•�a� "satiisfactary�r' OY N` adje�tnres af hlce e#�ect ar miport are used ta descril�e an acti4n ar determinatiQn of City as tq the �Nork. It is intended t}7aL such exei�cis� uf professiorta! jucigrr►enC, action, or determination vvill �e sole�y t� ewaluate, in gen�ral, the �ark fcx cvmpliance wikh the infarmation in the Cantrac�C Do�urner►ts and with t�ie desi�n concept of tk�e �'roject as a functioning wh�ale as shown or indicatad in the Cantract Da�uments (un�e�s there is a specific state��ni indicating oth�rwise). C. Defectave: 1, '�'he word °°def�cti�+e," vvhem m�difymg ths word "qV�rk," t-efers to �JVork that is u�lsatisfa�to�yy fauhy, or deficient in t�at nt: a. d�e� uat canform ta th� Cor��t Documerns; or b. does not meet the requimements of any applicable �spectian, reference standard, test, ar appro�al refert�ed t� in tl�e Cotrtract Documerrts; ar c. has l�een damaged prior to City's written acceptance. D. Furnish, .��sladl. P�rforrr� Provade: 1. 'xhe word L`Furnish" or the word "Install" ar the vvor� "�erfvrm" or the wa�d LLI'ravide" or the word "Su��ly," or ar►�+ �ombiriatian or sinular dire�tive or usage thereof, shall mear� furnishing and incarporating iri the Work ir�cluding all necessary labor, materials, a�uipmenti, and et+ery�hing necessary ta perfo�rn �Fl�e Work i�dicate€�., unless spec�'ical�y limii�ed in the context used. E. l�nless stated otherwise m the �onixact Documents, wor�is or phras�� that 4aave � well kn�wn technical �r constructian irtdustry or trade mean�ng are used in the �antract Dacu�xaents ir� a�cvrdance with such recogt�Led mea�zain.g. ARTICL� 2 — PRELIMINARYIVIATTERS 2.01 2.42 Copres of Dvcurraer�ts City shall furnish ta C�nCractar one [�.} original exeeuted c�sy and one (1� eleetronic capy af the Contract Dacuiments, and four (4j add�iian�I copi�s of the Drawirigs. Additi�nal copies �vill be fiarnished upon request �.t the c�t of reprocluct�on. �arntrtenceme�atof Gontract �irne; Nn�face to P�ocae�d The Cantraet'Tirae w�l cammence to run an the day mdicated m the Natice ta Proceed. A No�ice ta Proceed may be given na �arlier than 14 days ai�r the Effective Date oFthe Agreemen�, unless ageed ta by both parties in vvriting. C1TY OF F�RT WOitTH STAND,4RD0�'STRUCTION 3PE�C1F'ICATION D4CU14IElVTS Revlsion: �l ArjaheAcmba4 S1gF� 7Cansa[Cian Number. GS.ICHHCAA&AAJcvFSuCavrVNprR*�w0yr290s7NtpYGMPf1 2.03 S`taPdal:g t�ie �ONk D[i 7� OG - I G�NERAL(�Hp ITI�h! S Page 8 of �3 C�ntractar shall st�rt ta perform the Work on the date when the �arrtract Time camm�nces to run, No �vrlc shail be done at the Site prior to the date on which the Contract Time camrr�ences to rian. �. Q4 Befor�e Stariing Cora.�tP-uctian Bcrsedir�e ,5'chec�ules: 5ubmit in �ccoordance w�th the Coniract l]acumerrts, and prix�r ta sta.rting iha Work. 2.OS P�eco�,st�cfro� Con, ference Bef��e any Vliark at the Site is started, the C`nntra�tor sFcall atkend a Precorxstruct�on Conf�rence as spec�"�ed u� the �ontraot I3���unents. 2.OG P�aSdicl4��:cling CantraGtvr may not mahil�e any equipmern, materials or resources to th� Site prior to Gomrtractor attending the Pu�Iic lvieeting as scheduled by the City. 2.d7 Initial�tcce�tance af'���ae�l�rles N� prngress payrnent shall be made to Gontra.ctaruntil ac�e�tabI� schedules ar� sul�mitted to �ity iri a.cc�rdance with th� Sched� Specifica�io� a5 provrded in the �orrtract Documerrts. ART'ICLE 3-- C�NTRACT DOCIIMENTS: IIVTENT, AMENDING, REU�� 3.�1 �irtera[ A. The Contract D�cument� are cornplementar�+; w�tat is requir�d by ane is as binding as � required by all. B. it c� the �itrter�t af the Contr��# ]aqCllments tD d�5ceihe a func#ionally crnnplete praject (or part thereafj �o be �an�icted in accard��ce wirt�the Contract Dovuments. Any l�bar, doc;ume.ntatinn, services, rr�ferials, or equi�metrt that reasonably may be inferred fram the Cantra�t Dacurnerrts or from prc��ail'n�g ct�.storn ar trade usage as heirtg requu�ed ta produce the indicated result �,�ill be pt�a�ided wh�ther or nat spec�ically called £ar, at n� additianal �ost ta Ci�y. C. C[ar�'icatiQns and interpretations aFthe Contract i7oc�arnerrts shaIl be issued by Cdty. D. The Specificatians may vary in f�rm, farmat and sty�e. Som� Sp�cification sectians may be written ff► ►+ar}�ing degrees �f streamlined ar declarati�e style and some sections inay be relat�ly nar�atiue by eornparison. arni�sion �E such words and phrases as "the Cor�tra�tor shaI�" "in confc7rmi�y with," `�as shoWn," �r "as specif"�ed" are inter�tional in streaixilined �ections. Dmiit�d wards an� phxases shall be supplied by infere�ce. Similar types o�prov�icx�s may appear ir� vari�us pa� of a s��tion ar articles widvn a pa�t depending vn the forr�at af the C1TY LlF �i}AT WOATI-1 STANDAILDC�TiLUCTfON 5PLC1FICAT[�]N DpCUMENTS Revisian: &�l pri a b c prrn!�t SEp n TIa �sa ciiu ri h umLcr: C � 1CI �6['/�ABM[r�•F.S�:C-� �vW'•l�r:�y�.•�oyri� nsY N tp��xPa 3.DZ 3.a3 0472p4-1 C,�NERAL CA�I�ITI�N 5 P�e 9 af 63 se�tiot� The C�Ztractor shall not take advarztage af arry vari�tion of fornn, format or style in making Contraot cl�ims. E. 7'he Erass refer�r�cin.g af �pec�"�cat�ivxz s�c#ivns under the subpa��agraph heading `�telated Sectians in�lucGe hut ai�e not necessarily Iimited to:°' anrd el�ewhere v�rithin each SpeGi�cation �ection is provided as an aid and can��nience ta the Cantractor. The Cnntr�cto�• shall not rely an the cross referencing pr�vided ar�d s�all h� resp��nsil�le t�o cQ�rdinate the entire �Vork ur�der the Cotrtract Documents and prov'sde a coxtap�ebe Pro�ect whether ar rtot the cras�s referencing i� pravided im eac�i seci�n or whether or n.at the cr�,�.� r�ferencing is camplete. 12e,�'eremae ,Sicmdards A. Siandards, Spearfic�tions, Codes, La�+s, and l�egulatiozas l, Refe�ence to standards, specifications, rna�cuals, rn c�des vfany technical saciety, organization, or associatison, ar to Laws ar Reguiations, whef,her such referenc� lae spec�e orl� im�licatiot�, shall mear� the standard, specificatian, manual, cade, or Laws or Regtiiatians in eff�ct at the fime vf openmg �f Bids (or on the �:ffective T]ate of the Agreement •ii there vvere no �3Ydsj, except as tnay be otherwise specif'x:ally �tated in the Cantract Documents. �.. �I� pravision �f a»y such s��ndar�d, spec�catian, marrual, ar code, or any instructioal af a Supplier, �tzall }ae efFective to change the duties Qr respansibilities af City, Cor►tr�ctor, or any af�eir subcozitract�rs, �ansultants, a�ents, or emplayees, �rom thase s�tfQz-th in the Cantract Docurnents. No suah provisiqn ar instruetion shall �e effecf.ive to assign to City, or any� of �s o£f"�cexs, dir�ctars, m�rnhers, par�ners, emplayees, agents, consultants, ar subeontractars, any duty ar author�y to supervis� ar direct the perforr�lance of the W4r�C �r arry c�l►.ity or authrni�y to undertake responsiEailit�+ inccxzsi�t�r�t w� the pro�+isioa�s of the Contract Doctunetrts, .�e�arti�ag rand Re,s�alvixrgDiscreparacies A. �epot'�ingDise����a�a�i�;s: l. C'onh^�'ct��'sReviewof Co�alract,�3acr�nae�usBe�'areStr�rttr�g i�o�k: Sefore und�r�ku�g each part of t�e Work, �ontractox sh�.11 �arefully s#udy and �orrr��are the Contra�t �acuttyents and check ar�ci ver�y pertinent �igures therein against al! appli�ahl� Fiel�i measurerrr�nts and canditions. ContracEor shall promprtly report in writing ta� Cit}}+ any corsi�ic:t, error, arnbiguity, �r c�isGrepancy whickt Gontractor d�cavers, or has actual Irnowledge of, and s�Il al�tair� a writl:en inierpretaiian or Glarifi�atian fmm �bl;y 1�eF¢i�e proceeding wi�li ariy Wc�rk affecb�d �ra1�y. 2. Contr�ctor's R�viex+ af Contraet Dvc�merrts Dr��ir�g Perfo�m�rrce of �ark: If, during the perFarrnance of the 1Nark, Canfractor d����ers any oo��fliet, error, ambiguity, ar discr�pancy within the Corrtra�t Documents, or betweer� the C�ntract Documents and €a} any appllcable Law ar �te�u�tio�n ,�b} any standard, specifieatian, maztual, or cade, ar �c) any instruction a� any Supplie�•, thc� C�ntractor shall prarnptly repart �t to City in writing. Cnntractor sha� not proceed with fhc 1]Vork affected thcreby (except m an eznergency as required by Patagraph Crf'Y(3i� I�CIIt'i' 1�'(]I�'�i� STA�IllARU0DN5TRllCT[ON 3PECIFICAT[ON T?pCUA+fENT� Rsvisivn: 82�7 AcfvhE A.�inl�=� Si�n irAuSzrG�,n N�im4r•: CQJ�W6[,�AB�.M1�11rrF5uf-r�'N;psa.y.uoy2��si h•epzcxfrl oo�oo-i GEtJERALCONtiITIC1NS Pa�e 1Qof63 6, I7.E1} until an arr�endmet�t or supplement to th� Can�ract Documer►ts l�s l�en issued by ane c�f ti�e methods intiicated in Par�graph 3,04. 3. Contractar sha�l not bc ]iable f� City for failure t� report any c�nf'lict� error, amb�iguity, ar disc�epancy in the Contract Documer►ts unless Contractor had actual knowledge thereof. E. Resolving Df,scre��acies: 7. L'sxcept as rr�ay b� atherwi�e sp�ci�ically stated in the C4tri��act DacurnentsA the �ravisians of the �arrtract .Docurrre�ts shall #alc� �rece�ence in resalr+irzg a� Gonf7icl, errar, ambiguity, ar discrepancy iaeiween the provi�ior� nf �e Cont�act Documents and tlte provisians af any standard, specification, rnaz»I, or the insfructitm of arry Supp�r �whetheror nai specif'��lly incorporated hy reFerence in the Cantract Dbcuments�. 2. 1n case of discrepancies, figured dimensions Shall gcy�exn over sca[ed dir�ne�risivns, Plans shall gavern aver Specifications, Supplementary Cond'ztians shall g�vez'n over General Canditions and Specif"�cations, and quant�t�e� shown an t�e Plans �hall goUern r�ver those shawn � the prp�osal. 3.[3� 14mendi�ag ar�d Su�plerr�erating Coratract Daca�ae�ats A. The Cont�•act Dacurnents rnay be amended t� provid� far a�lditinns, deletio�ns, and revisians in the 'Wark vr tn modify the terms and cpnditions tl3ereof lry a Ckz�tnge Qrder. S, The r�quirements of the Cantract Doeuments �n�y be suppl�rn�nted, and minor �ariatians and de�riatians in th� 1zVork not in�ofving a change in Cant�•act P�ice or Coratract Time, may he �uthorized, by one or mare of the following ways: ] . A Field Drcier; 2. City's review nf a Suhmitfal (subject to th� prc3�isians of P�ragraph 6, I 8.C); ar 3. City's wxit�en urterpretation or clarif'��tian. 3.45 �2�a�se nf Dac�rrrr�r�ts �. Car�tra.ctor anr] any Subcani�actor or Suppi�er shall not: 1. have ar acquire an�+ title ta or ownership t�ights in any of the Drawings, Speciftcations, or other dacurnents (nr copies of any thereaf} preparcd by or bearmg the seal af ��-�gineer, mcluding �lectxrniic med� edi�ivns; or �, reuse any such I]rav�irigs, Spe��'icatian�, �ther do�uments, or copies thereof on extensions af the P%pect ar a.ny �ther �mject without wrilten conserrt af'City and spe�ific written verif�catian or adaptat�an by Engineer. CITY 4F F�T W�RT[-i STANbAI�DbONST&llC'f[4N �&ClF1CATIaid DOCUM�lTS Aevision: �I R�o be Asra6a: 51g�� x�"a1's a ctia.l � u mUcr: f r�.l CH F3C.R.M1BAA1c.r"5� � Lew'hNN � d?ns:]yr?9'ls7tai �: ZGx PA U[� 72 00 -1 GEfVERpL OQNE] I T I fl R! 5. P�e l 1 of b3 B. The prahib�inns of this Faragraph 3.�5 �vi11 su�'vn�e imal paytnent, or #erminatian ❑f i;he Contraat. AI�thing here� shall pr�clude Cantractar from retaining c�pies n�` the Contraat Dacurnents far rec[�rd p�arpases. 3.OG Ed�ctrar�ic 1]ata A. LTnless otherwise statedin the Suppl�meniary Condit4ons, the data �furnish�d hy City or F�ngineer fo CaMxactor, ar l�y Coritractor to City or Engi�eer, that rraay b� relied upan are lunited tc� the prirrted copies in,c�uded in the Contract Doci,unents [alsa lflnown as hard eapie�} r�nd nther Speci��catior� reference�i and lacated on the City's on-jin� �ieGtronic documen# managecr�ent �nd coUaharation system s�te. Files ir� electroruc m�dia £vrr�at of text, data, g�'aphics, ar oih�r ty�pes are fUz�hed anly for the canv�niene� �f the receivmg �arty. Any caxtclusian ar inf�x•matian a�ined ar deriv�d �irom such electr�nic files w�l l�e at �c uscr' � sole tisk. If there is a dis�repancy between the electrar�i� files ar�d the hard �opi�s, t�e hard capies gov�m. B. When transfer�•irzg d�cum�nts in electraniG media format, tlae transferring part� makes na representations as ta Iong terrn compatibilrty, us�hilit�, or readabiiiiy of �ocumenEs resultin� frarr► the use of software �ppZication packages, operatirtg syst�ms, c3r �t3mputer hardware tiif�cring irom those used by the data's or�atar. ARTICI.E 4— AVAILABILITY UF LAI�IDS; SLTBSURFACC AND P1�'Y�ICAL �:�1�TDITI�IYS; �I��,4R�pi.l� E1�VTRUNMENTAL CONDITI�N5; REFERENCE PDIlV�TS - 4.d1 �tv�ilahiiity of L�n�s A. City shall furnish the Site. City s�iall notify� Cantraetarof anp encurnbrances or restxictions nat oi� general appiication but spec�"�c�lly related tt� use oF the Site with wvh�ch Co�rtractor znust comply in p�rforn�ing the Work. City will abtain in � tim�ly rr�aruzer and pay fvr easements f�rpermanent structure� �r pern7anerrt changes in existing fttcaliti�s. l. T1v� City has ohtaine3 or anticipate� acquisrtion �f andlor access ta ri�ht-af-way, andlor easement,s. �rry outstand'zng right-of-wa�+ and�or eas�ments are anticipated to be acquired in a.�cardance with the Sche�ule �etfarth in the Supplementary Conditio�. Th� Project Schet�ule submitied �y the C:ontractor in accardan�e wifh t4ze Carrtra.ct Dacuttter►ts must cansider an� outstanding right-af way, andl�r easements. 2. �lfie City ha.s nr atrti�ipates r�mov�g andlor relocating utilities, and obstrUctians ta the Site. Any ou�tstand�ra� r�maval or reio�afian of u�tsl'ities or abstru�tions is arrticipat�d in. aceordanoe with the schedu�e set �arth in the Su}�p�ementa.ry Conditians. The Project Schedule submitted Uy the C�ntract�r in ac��rdance with the Garrtract Dacurner►is rnust consider any outstar�ding uti�ties vr o6struGiians io be rerno�ed, adjiasted, andlor rebcated by of.hers. B, llpan reasana$le �+ritten requ�st, �ity shall furni�h C�notr•aetor with a currerYt s#abemenk €�f recard 1ega1 trtle and legal description of the �nds upan which the Work is ta be performed, CI'I'Y CSF FDRT Wi71Z'[�3 STAI+iDAIii]CQ7J5TRUCTIUH SPEC[I'ICA1'lON iX1Ci1MF.•I�Y!'S Revisiori 82�2(�l AdoheAcrabat Sign fransauiur. �Jurihei- CQJCHf1[:G1AE:1M1IrvF5�. C'cv^.WF::Ay��:1� r}�9�7Nr�Y�xpA 0����0-� ��n����co�uo ir�oN s Page i 2 af b3 C. Cont�a�tar shall pravide %r all addit�anal ]ands and access thereto that may be required for c�nstru�ti�n facilrtias ar s�oi�ge of m�t��'ials and equipment. 4.�� Sa�bs�srfaee a,�dPhysiea2 Car�drtio�as A. �e�aras arrc�Drrrwa�2�s; The Sup�p�ernentary Can€irtions iden�ify: 1. �hnse reparts knawn t,o t:ity of explorations an.d tests of subsurface cflnditions at c�r caniiguous ta tha Site; and 2. thosa drawirtgs known ta G�ty �f ph�rsical conditions reIating tu existing surface Qr subsurface strucf�ir�s at fhe 5�::� {except [Jnderground �acilities}, B, Lar�zited Relaan�e by Contr�cd�r an 7'eck��arcal Data �uthorized: Carrtractor may rely upon tI�e accuracy of the `iechnica] data" con�i.ined in such reports and drawings, but such reports and drat�vin�s are nvt Gantraat Docurr�ents. Such "l:ech�i�al data" is identified in th� S�ppletnentary Canditions, Gonfr�ctor may not rriake any Crnrtract Claim against C�ty, ar any vf their oft�cers, direcf�ors, mernbers, p$rtners, emptoyees, agertts, can�sultants, rnr subcantractars with respect tn: I, th� camp�teness of such reports and drawYng� far Contraclnr'� purpos�s, including, 6ut n4t Ttmited ta, any aspects af the mear�s, metllpds, t�chniques, seyuences, and pra�edut�es af �onstructian to be err�Ioyec� by Contractar, and safety p.rccautions and programs inEidenf tHere�a; or 2. ather da#a, irii�rporetations, opinions, and infortnativn cotrta.ined iri suah repnrts or shown or mdicated in such drawings; ar 3. any Contractor irrtetpz�tation af or �onclusion drav�n from any "technical daia" ar any such other data, interpretations, npinia�rt�, �r inforrnatian. 4.03 � fferir�g,,�ub.�6rfac�e or �Frysicrxd Co�itiar�s A. �Vatace: If �ontractor �elieves that any subsurface ar phys�al canditi�n tha� is uncover.ed ar ce�eal�d eiEher: 1. is af such a nature as w estahlish that any "Cechnieal data" an which Contractar is entitled ta relp as pro�ided in Paragrapka 4.42 is tnaterialky inacc►arate; ar 2. is of suah a nature as to rec�uire a cha�e �in the Contrttc# DpGu�nents; or 3. d�ers rrtaterially irarn that shawn or irvd�ated 'ui the CQntract Dacumen�s; ar 4. is of an unusual naturc, and diifers materially �i•arn conditions ardinarily enaountered and genez�ally recognized a� inher�rrt in work of the ch�racter prrn+id�d for in the C.antract Dacuments; CITY �F FqRT WpRTii STANI�AfZ13�TRIICTIOP� 3PkCIFIC!4TI�N DQC[fMENTS Revision �+23T�p�1 ,1d o6e A�roL+at 5ign Tr, nsa rtiar N�: �n he f� L 3JCIi E3 C.AABhRI cvF=i �C:wt4L�pcA�•.aC]}�r19�s F M�lp LGxPA aonao-� GENERALCON�1T101�S Page 13oF63 then Contraotar shall, promptl}+ aft�r b�cvming aware thereof and befare further disturbmg t4�.e Subsurface pr phySu;�� C4�7[�itioi]S or perfot�mtt�g any Work in c�nnectian therewith (except iri an emergency as required l�y t'aragraph 6.17.A], not.ify City+ in v��tin� abaut such conditian. B. �ossib�e �'ri�e a�d �'i�neAdjusi�r�er��s Cantractor shali not be entitIed ta any adjustrnent in 't['ie Cantract Price or Car�tract Ti�ne if: 1. Contr�ctdr knew of the �xistenc� af such canditions at the tun� Conb�actox made a f"maj camimi�rient to C�,j+ with respect to �on.tract Price and Canira�t Time hy the subrnission �f a Sid ar beGornirtg I�ound u�der a negotiated Gontract; or �. tt►e ex�stex�ce af su�h canditiun �ould re:asanabky have be�n discn�ered or revealed as a resuki af the examit�tian of the Cantract �flcumer� ar f.he Site; or 3. Cc�ntractar failed to give th� wr�ten notice as z'equired by Paragraph 4.i13.A. �.U4 �Inder�grourrd�'r�c7lities A, �'hox�ri or� ��rdacatec�� The info�nation and dafa sh�wn or indi�ated in fhe Contraet Dvcumenis wit�i respecttv existing Llndet^�aund Fa�ikties at or cantiguous to the .�nt� is tmsed on inf�rmaiion and data fu�nished ta City �r Engineer l�y the awners of suoh Underground Fac�ities, includir� Ciry, �r hy atl�ers. Llnless it is otherwise expre.ssly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: I, City and Engineer shai[ not he re�a�nsbl� fnr kh� a��uracy ar carnpleteness o� any such infQrmatian or data provuied by atherti; and 2, the �ast af all of the foIlawing will be inciuded in the Carrh'act Friee, and Cantractrnr sha11 hav� fuq �sponsibili�:y far: a, reviewing and checking all such inf�rt�aativn and data; b. loGatir� all'[Inciergraund Facilities shawn ar itYd�cated in the ContractDocuments; c. coordination azzd adjustrnent of th� W�rk wrth th� owners af such Un�ergraund Fac�ities, iinclu�ing Ciry, dur�g cons#ru�tion; ar�d d. the safety and protectian of alI suGh Undergrc�und Facilit�s at�d r�pairir� any damage thereta resulluig from tha W ark, B, NotSho�vra orindicated• i. If an Undergroustd Faci�ity whi�� ctmfficts wifli the Wvrl� is uncovered ar revealeci at or Gontiguaus to the Srte which rvas not shown �r indi�aie�, ar not shawn or indicated with reasona,b�e accUrac� in the Cot�#�act Doc�amen#,s, Contxaetor shall, promptly after hecorning aware t�ereaf and before fi.uther dasturhing canditians affcct�d thereby or perfarnvng any CITY �T TdRT Vd[]}�TH SThAI1]ARDCONS'fHllCTI�N SPk�f:]FIGRT1dN I]QCUh4ENT5 lt,ev i sirnr. 8!�'�f�R i 1da be �� ra 6at Sig�� �: ran:a�tiu n N � i nL er: Ce J•=H [-u;MiiNuc��FS ���.cr;LNl��rA�x wGyr7!it]s7pJ�p7C xF: � oo�aa�-i G�NE�AL OONo 171 oN s Page 140£63 'VVark in cor�nectinn therew�t�t �except itx ar� ernergency as rcquired by Paragraph &.17.A), identi�f�+ th� owner of su�h ilnderground Facility and give notic� t� tl�t �vvner and to City. C;ity vvill review ti�►e discovered ilndergrounc� Facility and det�ermine the e�tent, i� any, to which a�hange inay be r�quired in the Cantr�act I)ocumerrts ta refleGt and c�ncurnent the cansequences of the existen�e or loeati�r� af thc Urtdetgrounci Fae�ltity. C.untr�ctcfr sh�ll he responsib�e for the �afety an�i prote�ti�n of such discbwered Llndergr�iind Facility, 2. If City conc}udes that a change in the Contract Da�vments is tequired, a Change []rder may be issuec� to ref]e�t and document s�ch consequ�nc�s. 3. Verification oF e�isting ut�ii�ies, structnres, and service Iines shal� irzclu,de nat�f'�cati�n of all uFilii:y �ampa�nies a rnin�murn af 48 haurs in advance af constructian inciuding explaratar�y excavatlon � necessa�+. 4.�5 Referet�ce Pair�ts A, Cit;y shall provid� enginearing surveys tv estal�lish re�erence pvints far constructian, �r,ihich in City's judgment are necessaryto enahla Cantractor t� prnc�ed wrth fhe V►�ark. City will provide construction stakes or ather customary method af rnar�Cir�g ta esta�lish line and grades fQr roadway and utiIiry construction, cenf�riin�s and benckvnarks f4r h�-id�����ork. Car�tractor shaIl pratect and preserve the �stablished r�£�renee points and praperty rnonumerrts, and shall make no �hanges or reYocatians. Cotrtract�r sha�l reprn�t ta Cit,y vvhene�+er ar�y re�erence poitat or prvperty monument is Iost or deshayed or requucs relacatian i3e�ause of necessary changes in graEdes or lncations. The City shall he respansil��e £ar the replacetn�rrt ar relacation a£ reference �oun[[� or propert� rnqnuiiaents nat careIessly Qr willfi,�liy �estroyec� by the Contractor. Th� Contractar sha]I natify C�ity in advance and with sufftcient t�ne to a�vaid delays. B. Whenever, in the opinion aF the CiLy, any rcT�erenc� �x�int ar m,onument has been �arelessly nr willfully destroyed, �Iisturbed, or rerr��ed by the Canlx�acwr or asry af his emplayees, the iull casf for replacing such points plus 25% will be charged against f.he GQntractor, arid the fuIl amoant will be d,edu�ted fraxn paym�nt due the Contra�tar, 4.06 �azardn�as,�nvir�rameratal Co�iti�natSite A. lieportsa�aca�ru�+tngs: The Supplemetrtary Conalitions identify those reports ar�d drawings imawn to C�ty relating to Hazardous F.n�irnninental Con�i�ia�ns t�t have been identificd at the Sit�. I3. Lirr�ided Reliaxce 6y C'or�t�actor� an �'�chnfca! Dai�a �4ut�orized.- Cantract�r may rely upan the accuracy �f the "teciuii�al data" contained in such reporG� and drawings, bu# such r�ports and drawings are nat Gontra�t Dacumer�ts. Sueh "techrci,cal daca" is identif"�d in the Supplemer�tary C�nd�ions. Contra�tor rnay nqt malce any Gontract Glairn against �ity, or any of �lZeir afficers, �iireatcrrs, inemt�ers, parmers, employ�esx agents, cansuitants, or suhc�ntt~actors with r�spect ta: the complel,�ness o� sueh reparts and c�rawings fbr Cotx�xactvr's purposes, i�clading, but npt iimited to, any aspects of t�►e means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures oF crry oH �r�r�r ����,� STAAII]ARI]CDN3TRU�TIQN SPECIk�lCATI4N I}dCIINf�N'1'S Reviseon; 8r13L�CiQ� �1doUc A� ra hat �ip,n T'srr.� n ir..ry N u i nh�v: GGJ [HB[.rirL6AAl�.ti� Fs.i C�i•lJJu7�c.nyv: �y�79 us 3 N[F1�r.P�. ao7zoo-i ���a�Rn� car�oi�for� s rage 1sof63 canstruction to be employed hy Cantracto� and safety precautians a�nd prograrns inciden� thereta; or 2, ather data, interpretations, opinic�ns and information contained in such repflrts or shnwn nr indi�atad in such drawin�s; ar any Catrtractor interpretation flf ar cor�l�sian drawn from any "teehnical data" a�' any such atl�er data, irterpretations, opinions ar infarmat�on. C. Gontrac�r shali not }�e responsible far any Hazardous En�virnnrnental CondiCion uncovered or revealed at the Site which was not shown ar uid�cat�d in Drawit7gs or Specif'�ations or id�ntifie d in th� Ca�itxact I3U�:uments to 6e within t�e scope of the Wark. Cor►t�'actor shall be respons�le fa�' �[�a�ardous Enr�irnnrnental �ondition created ►�riih any rnateriaL� �raught to the Site by C�ntractor, Subcantractors, Supgliers, c7r anyone else far whaxn Co�n�ractor is respansible. D. if Contractor encounters a H�z,�.rd��us Enairanrnenta,i C'.ondition or � Cantractot �r anyone far �rharn CorYqact�r is re�ponsible ci�eates a Hazardous En�icvnmer�tal Condition, Contra�tar shall unmed�.tely: (i) s�cure or oFtherwise isolate su�h cc�ndition, [ii} stop all 'VVork in corinection �ri�h such conditian a�d in any area affectedthereby �except iri an emergency as required b� Paragraph �.17.A}; an� (iii} �oti�y City �and promptly ih�re�f�er cnnfirm such taoti�e in writing}. �ii}1 tnay consider the necessity to retain a qual�'�ed �x�ert to evaluate sueh cQndition or tal�e coxrec�ive activn, 'rF ar►3'- E. �c�nfra�tc�r shall not �e required to resume l�ark in coruaectian with such conditian ar i�a any a�Fe�t�darea►antil �fter City has ohtained arry ivequired permits related there�to and delivered written notice ta Gontractor: (� S�C1�iTl� �t SLk��1 CDIIC�M]il and arry aff�cted are� is ar has be�en rendered suitable f� tlae resumptian of W�rk; or (u� speeifying arry specia� conditions un�ier whieh suct� Wark may be resu►xxed. F. I� after x�ec�ipt of such writCen notice Cflntractar does no� a�ree ta resume suc� Work based on a xea�ox�a6l� belief it is unsate, ox daes r�t agree to resume such Wark utvder such speCial caFnditi�ns, then Ciry may order the parti�rn oF t�e Wark tl�t is in ihe area a�fea�ed by s�a�h condrtion ta he �eleted fram i.he �nrlc, City ma}r �ave such de�ted portmn aF thc Wark performed by City's own forces ar others. G, To ��e,f �a�l�est exi�ntpermi#ted l�y �uws ar�d Regzaratrons, Co�ztr�actar sFaal2 ir�de�� and lsnld hat'�ess Czty,,�i'a� and against ad� cda�xs, costs, Iasses, anr� t�am�ges �ar�cla�'ing �i�rt nat Ifr�itea' fo adT_f'�es and chc�rges of engineers, architecis, attorrteys, and o��erFrrxf�:ssivrtads and aIl cQurt vr� ar�bitra�ao�t a� otlzer dispuie s�sodudion eostsj ari�ing o�t of or re�atr.'ng ta a�azcardous L�'�vi�onmeento�d Condifaon c�eated hy� Co�tractr��ar 8y rxr�yone forwhom Co�atr�actor as res�aar�s�hle. �athing tn t�as Paragra�Fz A.136.G shall ol�ligata C�ntrac�r�r tc� in.der$a�z� an�r individuad or entrty .fra�n a�td agalt�stt�ae caras�que�ces of that individ�cri'� o� en�ity's own negli,g�ra�ce. I--I. The prnv�i� of Paragraphs 4.02, 4.b3, and 4,(1� do nQt apply �a a Hazarda�as Enr+irorunental Conc�itian uncovered or revealed at the Szt�. crr� c�r �nRT w�xTx STAHiUAR[}CONSTRUCTl4N SFEC[F1CATf�N I]OCUMTN�'S Ile�isirn�: 3�23l�1 RdnheMra6at5ignTransac[inn Humher. CD,ICFIDCAABAAIcwF5u[.7uvMNprAywt7yi296sTiJtp2Gx�A A1�TI�LE S— I3(}1�1D5 A11iD 1N�[7RAATCE 5.�1 �ice�sedGS'ur�#iesandl�sa�re�s ����� G�N�RALCDN6ITIONS Page ]6 of d3 All bands a�d irisurance required by the Contra�t Doctiunent� to be purc�aased and �riaintair►ed by �ontractar shall be abtained frarrz suret� or insurance companies that are du1� lic�nsed or authori�,ed in the State a-F Texas ta iss�e bonds c�r insura�ce poficies f�rr the Iimits and caverages sa r+equired. Su�h s��rety and insurance campanies sha11 alsa meet such addiiiana.l requirements an� c�uali�cations as may be pro�ided in the Supplementary Condit.ions. 5.02 P��formance, P�y�rse�t, andMaint�nanc� Bar�r A. Contractar sha�l furnish perf.armance and payment i�onds, in accordance with T'exa� Gr�vernmeni Code Chapter 2253 ar successor sCatut�, each in an �mount equal io the �onCract PriEe as security far the f�ithful perf�rn�ance and �yment �f all �f C�ntract�r's obligatians u�der the Cantr�.ct Dac�trnents. S. Con�ractor shall £urni�h maintenance bands in an amaun# equa] to the Contra�t Price as security to proteei the Cnty aga�st arry defects in arry partion of the 'Work de�cribed in the Coatra�t Dacumer�ts. h+Iaintenance bonds s1�all r�main i€� effect far two �2.) years a�ier thc date af Final Acceptance by fhe �it�. C. AII 6�nds shall be iri the farm prescribed hy the CantractI]ocurxaerits exceptas provi�ied Qtherv�ise by Laws or Regulatinns, and shaIl he cxecuted by such sureties as are named irt the list oi "Cornpanies Halding Certificates of Authornt3+ as Accep�ta.ble Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsu�ing Companies" as publisl�ed in Circular �'i0 �arnended� hy the Fit�an�ial Managernent Setvi�e, Su��ety B�nd Branch, CJ.S. Depariment af ihe '1'reasury, A,ll laonds signed by an agent or atfia�-ney�irz-fact must 6e accompanied by a seale�i and clated pawer of attarney v�hich slaall shaw that it is effective on the date t�re agent ar attarne�+-in�fact signed each bor�d. D. Ifthe suraty on any bond furnished by Carrtractor is deciar�d bankrupt ar �er,ames insvlvent �r its ri�Yrt ta da business is terrninated irr the State af Texas or it cea5es to meet the rec�uirements of Faragraph S.[Y�.C, Cnntractar shall pmmp�l� notify City and shall, witll�n 3Q da3fs after the event giving ri�e ta such nntiFicatYoia, prov�e anatherbond and surety, both of which shaIl camply with the rec�uire�neirts of Paragrap� 5.01 and 5.02.C. S.D3 Certr�eates of Ins�ranqe C:ontraator shall d�Iiver to City, rx+iCh copies to eac}� additional insured and lass payee identif'�er3 � the Su�pletner�ry Canditi�ns, certi�cat�s af insurance {athex• evidence af insurance requested by City or �rty Qther additivnal insured� in at [�ast the minimum asnount �s sp�cif'�ed in the Supplementary C�snditinns whi�h Contra�tor is requit�d to purchasc and r�rain�aln. 1. �I'he certificate of insu�'ance shall documen� the Ci�y, an� all �denti#"ted entities nasned in th� Supplen�entary Con�litions as "Additional Insured" on alI lia�ility poli�ies. CITY OF PC7[LT VJOk'1'H STAN[1AIi17COH3TRUCTI6N SH&CIFICATI6N DOCUMENTS Revrsion: 8�'13137�1 HrJ �t�e�Arrc 6at 57gn Tra iy:a�Tiq n N. i m�rr tE3JGkl [i[ INE3A7�IrvF 5 i�C �vVJaVy e�yLV�}+r296s7Nip2�xPA 007300-1 GEN�RFlL (70iVQ 1T I t7N S Page 17 af 53 2. The Coniractor°s general Iiabiiity insuranc� shall incWde a, "p�r projeet" ar `�er locatrot�°', endarsement, w�ich shaI1 be identif"�ed in �he certifieate of insurance p�ra�ided to tl�e Ci�ty. 3, The certif'�ate shall be signed by an agex� aut�or'rzed to bind c�ovezage an I�ehajf of th� insured, be compleie in �ts enti.rety, and show comp[ete insua-�nce carrier narn�s as listed in the curren� A.M. Best Property & Casualty C,uide $. The instarers for a]I policies rnust be fic�n�ed andlar apprar�ed to cta bus'sness in fihe State of '�'e��s. Exce�t for w4rfcers' compensatiot�, all ussurers must ha�e a minimvm rating �f A-: VII irt the current A. M. Best Key Rating C�uide ar have reasanahly egt�ivalent fmanciai stren�th and soh�ncy to the satisfactian af Risk Managern�r�t If the rating is �elow that requir�d, vvri�ten �ppro�aZ of CiLy i� requu�ed, 5. All applicabl� polici�s shaIl incl►ade a Waiv�er af Subragatian (Riglit� af Recovery} 'rn tavQr of the City. In addition, the Contractar agrees �a waive all rights af subrngatian against the Engineer (if appli�ab�e}, a�d each additianal insured ident'�i�d it� the Supplementary Condiiion� 6. Failure of the Cnty ta d�mand s�ch certificates ar othe�r �vitl�n�e of full compliat�ce with the insurance requirexnents or failure of the City ta idenfify a deficiency from e�iden�e tha� is provided shall nat be �anstrueci as a waiver of Coriiractor's obl�gation to rnaintain su�h �itaes af insurance coverage. 7. If �su�ance policies are nat writ-f�n far sp�cified coverage limits, �n Umbrella oar �xcess Liabil�ty insurance �aur any di�f�rericas is raquaed. Excess Liab�'�ty shall fo�law f�rm of the primary coverage. 8, linless r�thervs�is� stated, all required insurance shall be writ�en on the "occurre�ice basis". If caverage is underwr�ten an a claims-made basis, the reimaetive dahe shal] bc caincndent with ot prior ta the date of the effecti�e date of the agreetr�rrt an�ci the ce�.if'�cate r�f insurance shall state that the Gayer�ge i� ��aimns-rr�ade �and Lhe retroactive date. The itttsuxance co�erage shall he mainta�ed fnr the duration af the C�n#ract and for tku�e (�} �ears following Fina 1 Acceptance pro�vided under the Gontract I]ocumenfi� or for the warranty peri�d, whichever i� langer. An annual certificate of in�urance submrtted ta th� Cit�+ shall evidence such insurance cov�rage, �. Palicies shall h�ve na e�ch.�sions lry endarsements, which, neiit}aez' nullify ar arn�end, the required lines af co�erage, nor decr�ase the lir�rts of said ��verage unless su�h endarsamerits are appraved u� writing lay the City. In the event a Cantr�ct has �ieen k�id or executed and the exGha,sions aredetermined #a be unacGepta.}�le arthe City desires add�tional insurance ca�erage, and the City desires the �ontraetorlengmeer to obtain such covexage, t�e adntr�ct�rice shall b� adjusted by the cvst of fhe preinium far such additionaI caverage plus 10°l0, 1U. Any self insur�d retetrtian �SII�], m ex�ess af $25,4�O.OD, a�£ecting requ�ed insuran�e �v�erage shaLl b� approved by t4�e City in regards ta asset �alue and st�cl�halders' equity. Zn CITY E1P F4RT W'[]iL'[�-I STAN UARD C4N57' R�1 CT[4l� SPECiF �G A TT(J N�CUMEI�i�S ftevision: R�l Rda6c Rcruha! Sigi� 7ransacHon 1�um6e�CEJLlif3C�.M.L+n;.Ic.�F1uCx�n�:N�lnrnyv:nyr74']vTNy�2GxPA 0��2��-� ��NE��cor�niriarrs Page E S-uf £3 ]i�u of txaditional insurance, aIt.ernative coverage rraaintair�ed through in.surance puols ar ri�k reter►tion graups, rnust a�a be appro�ed hy ��ty. 11. Any deductible in ex�ess of $S,Oa�.QO, for aay policy that d�es nat provide ��verage �n a first-�dol�ar basis, anust he a�ceptabl� to an�i approved hp the Ci�. 1�. Crty, at iks sole disoretion, reser�es the right tv review the insurance requu•�ments and to maice ireasana.hie adjusi�nerrts to insurance caverage's and their limits when deerned necessat�° and pruclent l�y Yhe City based u�on changes in statutary law, coux�t d�ci�ion vz' th� ehitns k�istory of the industry as well as c�[- t11e contracting parCy to the City. The G�ty shalI h� required to pre��ide prior natice vf 9Q days, and the ins�ran,�e adj�astments shaj� be incorporated inta the iNork by Change ❑rder. 13. City shall be errtitled, upvn written requ�estand without expense, to receive copi�s afpalicies and endorsemer�ts thereto and may maire ar�y reasnnahle rec�uests far deletion or revisian ar rnadiiicatians of particular po�icy te�rn�, candi�ions, lirnitations, vr eacclusions necessary to conforrn the policy and endarsements to th� r�q�iretnents �fthe Contract.I]eletians, re�risians, or modif"�cations shall not b� r�quired where policy pmvisions are established by Iaw ar regulations bincling upon either party or fhe underwriter on ariy such policies, 14. City shall not l�e respas�sibl� far the direct payment af insurance premium �osts for �antractor's insurance. 5.04 Co�atracto�'s I�asac�ance A. Workers Cortpensation arar� E�rrp�oyers' Lirrbflrty. Cantractor shall purchase and rnaintai� such insurance caverage tivith Iirnits consistent wit1� si�ttuf:�ry 6er�efits outlined in the Texas Worlcers' Coinpensatian Act (Te�sas Labor Cade, Ch. 40G, as amended}, and mnzimum limits for �rnp�vyers' Liabifity as is ��pr�a.te far the W4rlc �eing performed and as will pravic�e prote�ti�tt fram �laims sat forth f�eb�v ��•h�h naa.y arise out of or result frain Contsa�tvr's performance a�the �ork an� Contractor'� nther c�bli�atians under the Ct�txEract Dacuments, whether it is t� be performed by Contractar, an}� Suhcotat�actor or Supplier, o�r by anyane d'a�ect�y or imdirectly emptayed by any af thern to per#'flrm any af ttie Work, ar by anyane fot' whase acts ar��+ of them rnay he 1'rahle: l. claims under w�r�Cers' cot�pei�sation, disabiltity benefits, and other sunilar �rnpIo�ree �enefrt acts; 2. cla�ns for damages because af bodily injury, 4ccu�tianal sickrxess ar disease, or death of Cvntractor's employees. B, C�rr�r�er�cial G��2eral Lic��iiddt,�. Coverag� shall inGlude bvt nat be lirYaited tD Cfl4'CPii1g IISE]llIt�+ [badily injury ar prvperty d�.mage) arising from: pr�misesloperatians, mdepend�nt contract�rs, producfslcornpleted operati�ns, personal i�zjury, and liaUility� un�cier an insured cantract. Lnsurance sha� l�c pra�ided on an occurrence basis, and as comprehensive as the �urreni Insurance Services Of�'�ce (ISO} po�icy, This insuran�e shall aPplY as p�'nnar�� insuranc� with respect to arry a�her ciTY o� FOR r woxTx STANDARDCOA157R11CTTb�I �ECiFICATI�N [}OCUIVlCNTS r��s�oR: arz�ra�1 AdoGe A�roLm l 51gn Tra�}uncliu n Hu m6er: CBJCIIBG4A�M1cVF5u CxNMNp d#ywayr246s7 Aicp iGxPA ao �a o�i - � �Er�E�,a� ca�v� i r �a� s Pag�e 19dF63 insuran�e ar seif-insurance prngrams aff«rded tv the City. The Camm�tcial Genera� Liability policy, shail h�tv� no excW�ians by end�z'sements that wauld alt�r �f nullify premis�sloperatinns, praductsl�ampleted operations, contxactual, pers�nal injury, or adverti.sing injury, which at� nartnally co�tained vwith the palicy, unless the City appraves such exclusions in writing. �'or �anstt�ctian prt�jects that pr�sent a substantial c�mp�eted aperation expasvre, the �ily may r.er�uire the cvt�tractor ta rnaintain cqmpleted o�rations coverage for a minnn�am �Fn� less than tihre� �3) years fallowing the compl�tion of %he pr�ject (�' identif'�d in the Suppletnentary Condi�i�ns}. C. �ia�Fatnolaide �iabilaty. A cammercial busir►ess auta poliGy shall pror�ide co�erage on "any auta", defined as autos owned, hired and nan-awned and provide indernnity for claims f�r damages beG�use bodily injuxy o�' �eath of �ny person and or �ropetfy damage arisittg out of the wark, main�enana� a�• use af any motor �ehicle hy the Carrixactor, any Subcantract�r or �upplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly empinyed by a� of them to perfarm any aF the Work, nr by anyone f�r whas� acts atay of thern rnay he liable. I]. Rard�aud Pt�oasct�ve Laabi�ity. IF any of the work or any warraraty work is vsrithiri th� 1,imiYs of railr'oad right-of way, the Contractor sbaIl camply with the requir�ments identi�ed in th� Sup�alea�xienta.�'y Condrti�res. �. .Natificatiar� of Podicy Ca�aeedlatior�: C��rtractar shaIl immedia�ely n�tify Cii�� t�pon cancella�ian or ath�r iass of insurance ca�+erage. Contractor shaIl stop w�rk urttil replac.e�ent insurance ha.s been procured. Thexe shall be no tir�xe credit for days not warked pursuani to th� sectian. S.QS Acceptance ofFox�d,sar�d��asa�rcmee; dptiat� ia Re�lace If City has any obje�tion ta the coverage af�orde.ci by or other pro�isions of the bands vr insurance required ta b� purchased �t�d mainfained by the Coittractar in acc�rdance vvith Article 5 on ihe ioasis t�f natl-Cpi1�Or[nar]ce W�'► tt7� Cpntract Bocurrl�tltS, the Crty sha�l sa nat�r the Contractar in writin� within 1 D Business Days af�erreceipt of the cc�cates (or a#ler evidenc:� r�quested}. Contr�tor sball provic�e to the City such addiCional in£Qrma.tion in respe�t of insuran,ce provided as the �ity m�y reasanabYy request. If Can�actor does not �urcha�e ar maintan� all Qf the bands and insurance reqt�ired 6y the CozYh'a�t I]vcuments, the City s�all nnttfy the Contractar in wi�iting of such faiiure prIIor to khe start of �he Work, c�r of su�h fail�x['e t� t�inta� prior ta a►txy change in th�e raquired Gav�r�ge. ARTICX.E 6-� ��NTRACTOR'� RESPONSIBILIT�ES 6.O1 S'upervisiora arxd Sr�peraratsrtderace A. Contrac�ar shall supervise, irLspect, and direct the �ork competently and eff"t�iently, cie�+ating such attenkian there ta and appl�ing such skil� and experti�e as rt�ay h� ne c es sary to perfarm the Work in accardasi�e with th� (:antract Documents. Cantractor shall be sol�ly respc�nsib�e fnr the rneans, rnethods, t�chrriques, sequences, and procedure� of constructian. errY oF roR� wa��rx STANDAkE]L'S]t�1'fRLfCTEQN SPECIFICATI4N AC7CLFMEN7'� I�e°visipn; Si�32�1 pdalx�lq+phat Sfgn T1�1sac[i6n Number: CBJCIjpCM6AWeyFSJLzwWYpcRywO.yY19Os'fNtp26xPA �72�—� GEN�RAL 06ND I1`I � I� S Pa�;e 7.D of fi3 B. At ull times during the pragress a� the� Work, Conixactor shaIl assign a c�mpeterrt, English- spea�Cin�;, �up�:l-iritende�t who shall not be replaced wi(�iatr� written nati�e to City. The 5uperinlender�t ti�ilI Ise Cox�tractor's repx�esentati�e at tk�e Si�� and shai� ha�e auihority to act an behalf of CQntractor. All cc�mmuni�atian given f.a or received fram the 5uperu�tendent shaI] tae b�d�g an Conira�tar. C. Contractor shall noti#jr the City 2� hours prio,r to moving are2�sdur�ing the sequence af construction, 5.�2 ��bar; &�orkingHa2�s A. C�r�k•actar shall provide carnpetent, suitably qualifi�d pei�sann�l to perform Gonstructi.cm as a'equia�ed lay the CQntz'act Da�urn�nts. Cantractar shal� at alI t�mes maintain good discipl"�ne and arder at the Srte. S. Except as other�+ise r�quir��i for the safety or pratectian ❑f persans ar the '17Vork ar praperty at the Site or adjacent thereto, and e�cept as �therwise stated in the Contract Docurnent�s, all Wark a# #he �ite shali be performed during Re�ular Workit�,g Hours, �on�tractor will not p�rmit the perforn�nce af �lVarl� beyand R�guIar it►torkir�� Hour� or for Wee�Cend V�Torfcirag Hours withaut City's v��r��ten consent (which will not be unreasQnahly� withheId}. �ritben r�qu�st �by letter or el�otrc�nio communiaatz�rn} to perfarm lh�ork: l. for 6eyand Regula�� Working Hr�urs re�q�est n�st be made by noon at �east two �2} BUsiness Ilays prior 2. fr� Weekend Warking Haurs request must be made by naon af the preceding `�°hvrsday 3. for legal holidays request inus# be made hy nonn two Business Da�s prior ta fh� Iegal holYday. 6.�3 5'ervi��s, M�ate�ia% ar�d �qa�aprr�eraf A. Unless otherwise spe�ified � the Cantract Docuinents, �ontt•actvr shall pro�isi� and assume fiil] respansibitity far aIl services, rn�ferial�, equipmerri, labor, firatvsportatian, constructi�sn equipment and machiriery, tools, applian�es, fuel, powcr, ltgttt, heat, tel�phone, water, sanitary faciiities, temporary facilities, and al� ather fa�ilit.��s and inciderrt�l3 neeessaty far ?�e peri't�rrt�n�e, Cax►tr�ctar r�quired testing, start-up, ar�d completian ofthe WQrk B. A�1 m�terial� and equipm�r� incorparated inko the Wark s�ll be as specif'�d or, if nat spec�'�ed, shall �ae of gaal qua[ity and new, �xcept as otherwise pro�ided i� the Contract Doc�rr�err[�. All speci�l warran#ies aru� guarantees r�quired by the Speci�'�cations shall �xpressly run ta the henefit o� Ci�ty. Tf ��quired �y Ciry, Cnnt�•act�r shall furnash satisfactory evidence �includ�g r�parts of T'�qII1C�{� t£5t5} 8,5 t[l t�10 SaUr[;�, ki�t�, and c�ualrty af materia�s an� equipxnet�t. CITYdF F�ItT WaRTH STANDARbCflIWSTRUCTION SAECIP[CAT][]� DC1CiIiwTF�1'I'S Revisian: 823f�1 AdoUe Ac m ha1 Sign Tra irmction N �m6er. C6JCJH8CARBMIcvFSu CYw1AN�[AywcYyf29 �sl'bF�2finP14 �.�4 6.�}S aa�ao-� C,EAk�F3AL CONp IT I�N S Psgc 2 I of G3 C. AIl rnaterials and equip�r�ent to be incorparafed 'urto the Work shall be stared, appl�ed, instaIled, connected, er�ecied, �rotccted, use�i, cleaned, and conc3itianed iri aacordance �,+ith �nstruct�ons of tk�e applica}al� �upplier, except as ot�erwise inay be prawided in the Contract Do�urrierrts, D. ��1 items af standard equipment to be irr_corporat�d inta the Work shall b� the latest madel at th� time cafbid, unless atherwi�e speo�'�ed. Pro, j ectS'chec�e A. Cnntractor shall adh�r� to the PrQject Schedule established in accordance with Faragraph 2.a7 and the Gerreral Re�uitemerrfs as z� may he adjusted frorn time ta tirne as prat+ided below. 1, Contractpr sl�ll �ubmit to City far acc�ptarrce (toth� extent inc�at�:d im Paragraph2.07 and th� General l�equitements) pr�posed adjusirnents in the Pmject Schedule that will not resuit i� changing t�e Contract T�nne. �uch adjustnner►t� will comply �it� arry pro�isions Qf tlle General Rea�uirexnents app�ncai�le thereta. 2. Can�ra�tor shall subm�t to C� a m�nthly Praject 5chedule with a mon#h�y pragr�ss payrr�ent for tha duratia�t ofthe Contract in �c�r�rdance with the schedule spec�"�aticm U1 32 16. 3. Propased adJustme�ts in the 1'roj�ct Sched�le that will svbinitted `ut accardance with the requirements c�f Articl ma�+ anly be tnade hy a Change Order. Substit�tes arrd "t�r-Eqarals„ change the Carrtract Time st�all be � ]2. Adjustmertts iri Car�tra�t Time A. �Vhenev�er an item of material ar equipment is specified or described 'm the Corii�r�ct I3ocum�n#s by usixtg the name of a praprie�ary item �r the name af a parti�u�r Supplier, the specif'ieat'ran �r description is intended ta estahli�h the type, f�vn�ctio�n,. appearance, and qua�ity required. Unless the spec�ication or descripti�on contains ar is fc�llovved iYy words readrtjg that no �ke, equ�t+alent, �or "or-equaP' item ar na substitutivn is permitted, 4t�er items of maberia! or �qt�iprn�nt vf ot;her Suppliers rs�ay be submitt�d ta Crty for reviev�+ under the cirGurnstances descrihe� helow. l. "Or-Equal"It�ms: If in City's sale discreti�n an i�em afmaterial or equiptnent prapos�d by �ontractor is funotionaily equal to that named and suff"�c�entiy similar sa that nc� �hange in xel�ted Wark will be required, zt nnay be oonsidered by City as an `br-equaP' i�em, in which case re�riew and agprrn°al of the proposed iCem may, m Ciry's sole discretion, 13e accamplished withaut corr►�liance with some ar all o� the re�ui��rr�nts .far appro�al of prapQsed suh�tikube items. F�r t13e purpases nf this Paragraph 6.DS.A.1, aprop�sed item of rnaberial or �quipment will be cansidered functivnally equal to an item sn nam�d if: a. the Cnty determines ihat: !) it is at least equal in ma�erials af constr�cti�n, quality, durability, acppearance, strengtt�, and design oharacteristics; crrY r�i� roRT vao��rH �TANDAR1�t;[]1+15'3'xuCT[E]N SPECIF[CATIO�1 D�CUMENTS Rewisian: $r1�''i0�1 hdabelkro6eF5[gnT�ai�action N�mher.C&1CFIBCRABpAkuFS�CZWWUpcAyrvOyr290s7k[�r2Uxp,d na 7x ao. i GEIVEI�L D�R3olrlohl5 Pagc 22 of 43 2) it will reliably perFarm at least equailyr we11 the funcCinn and aahie�e the resul#s imposed b�+ th� design concept nfth� cotnpleted Projeot as a functionin� whole; and 3} �C has a prvUen recard of perfox�nance and a�aiia6ility af responsive serv�c�; and b, Cvnt�ractar certif'�es that, if apptaved a.nd incarporat�d inis� the Work; 1� th�ere w� be rta inarease in cost #o the Ci�y ar increase in Contra�t'I'ime; and 2} it will conform sul�tantialty ta the defailed requiremems af the itenn named in the Can�ract I7acumenls. �. .�ubsti�tute It�rr�s: a. ]:f in City's sole discretion an item of material or equipmer� pt�oposed by Gc�trtractar does not qua�ify as ar� "or-equal" item under parag�raph 6.Q5.A.1, it ma}+ be subrn�ted as a proposed subs#itute item. �. Contraetor shal! submit sufi'�cierrt in�'armatian as pravided }�e�ow to allow �ity to deterrnine if the item af maberial flr equipment prop�serl is essent�lly equivalen� t4 fihat namad and an acceptable substitute iherefor, Requests far review of pt-oposed substitu� rtams of material or equipmerrt will n�t be accepted by Crty froin anyoz�e other than Contractor. c. Cantracfvr shall make written application tp City for review ofa proposed substitute item of mat�ri�l or equipment that Caritractor s�elc� ta furnish or use. Th�e application shaIl cor��ply wi�th Seciion �1 ?_5 00 and: I} shall certify that the pra}�ased substitaate item will: a} perform adequately the functinns and achie�e the xesults cal�ed far by the genera� �esign, b} be su�u�r in �u�astance ta �hatspecifzed; c} I�e �uited ta tHe sarne use as tha#specifi�d; and 2} will state: a) the e�ttent, if any, ta which t�e use of the propased substitute �tem will prejudice Cantractar's achie�ement �f fmal carnpletion on tirne; b] �t+hether use af th� prflposed subs#at�ate item ir� the Wor�€ will require a chang� in �ny of the �ontxact Dacume.rrts �nr n� the provi�ians af any ather direct cantract wiih CiCy for othe� work �n the Praject) to adapt the design to the proposed substitute item; CITYdP FOItT WQA7H STAiVDARDC�lSTRUCTIdid SPi?C[FICATI(3N DOCLfMEh{']'5 Revision: BfLi(1(121 AdeheAcrohal5ign Trai�sacdon Num6er.C9Jf�IBCAABMIw�SuCnvVMpcAyw6yr79'Os f Htp1GxPA 4Q��-� G�NERAL�OM�ITiDNS Fage 23 of 63 c} whet�er incorparation or use of the prapased substrtute item in connection with the Worl� is subject tu payment oE any li�anse fe� or royalty; and 3) will identit'y: a) all r+ariat�ans of the prapdsed substitute it�m £rom that specif`�d; b) available �n�in.ee��it�g, sales, maintenance, repair, and replace�nent ser�ices; and �) sl�all contain an �erni�ed estnnate af all costs o� credits that will result �lirectly ar �direCtly from us� of such suhstrtu�e item, includmg costs af redesig� and Dama� Clairns of other cant�a.�tars affeated b� ariy resulting change. B.S'�bstii�t�GnnstrasctiaraNletlaodsarPracedtares; Ifaspec�ictx�eans,inetl�ad,tec.hnique,se�uen�e, ar pracedure of caiLstructi�n is expressly� t�eyuired by the C�ntraat Dacument�, Call�'�G�OX i�l�� furnish or ut�l� a substitute means, nnethad, tec�tnique, sequence, ar procedure of constructnan approved hy City. Contractor shall 5ubmii Suf(ici�nt informatian #o albw Crty, in City's sole discretion, to determi��a that th� subs�itut� �rapased is equin+alenR 6o that expr�ssly called �ar by the Cantract I)ocumen�s. �ontractar shal� rnal�e written application iGa City for review in the sarne manr�er as thos� pro��ed m Paiagrapk� �.�S.A.2. C. City's Evaluatiora: City ►�vill be allowed a reasonable time with�n which ta evah�ate each prapasal or subt��ittai made pursuarn to P a.r��raphs 6.a5.�, a.nd �.05.5. City inay require Cas�ractar tn f�xnish addiiional data alaout the prapns�d substitut�. City urill be the sale judge of acceptability. No "or-equal" or substitute wiIl ha ardere�i, installed Qr utilized until City's review is com}�lete, wluch w�l Y�e evidenced by a Change �rder m the case of a su�bst'[t�te an�d an accepted Su}��nitta] for an "or-equal." Crt� will advise Contractar in r�riting af its determinatian. D. �5`peeiad �uar�artie�.' C.ity rnay r�quire Conf�ractor ta furnish at Contractar's expense a spe�ial perfvrmance guarar�te.e, warrant�, ar other sur�ty with respect to a:�y sub6titEat�. Corrtracxar� sha�i andemn�y ar�d hold har�dess City and an�+or�e dfrec��y ar indirect�y employed hy themf�om ar�d aga�st aMyandail claims, ��aages, Insses arrdexper�ses (incl�dingattarrreys.fe�sj arisirago�ctaf the �se of .ruhs�itaef�d r�crterials or �quip�e�at. E. Czay's CostRei�r►h�srs�rrAerzt: C�ty wilI i�ecord City's c�sts in e�valuating a substitute praposed ar submitted bJ+ Contractor pwrsuarn to Par�graphs b.d5.A.2 and 6.�S.B, VVhether or not City appror+es a substilut� so prQposed ar s�abxnitted by Cor�t�ract�r, Contractar may �be required to reim�urse City �'�r evaluatmg ea�h svch prc�pased suhstitute. Contz�actar may als� be required to reim�urse �ity far the charges for making changes in th� Cantract Documents (or � the pravisions nf ariy other d�rect cantract with C�y) resulting fr�m the ac�cept�nc� af each prapa�ed substitute, F. Corzt�actor's Exper�se: Cantractar s1aall provide all data in support af any propc�sed su.bstitute nr "or-equaP' at Cant�actor's expense. CITYOP F�KT W�RTf3 STANI7Altf] CON3T f�UCT [ON 3PECIFfCATi� N AOCLIMEhTT3 Re�ision: SC�'i20P1 Adabe Au'vbat Sigq Tranaackiun NumbEr CBJCW LitA1VpM[cyF�uCxvA�Wpc,aapwdyr29�sTW Cp2GxPA QQ �i aQ- � GENERAL C�Np IT 10 N 5 P�e24afd3 G. City 5'arbstitr�le �2eirtz��arsemen�Costs [savings or charges} attributable ta ac��ptance of a substitute shall 6� incorporated to the Con�aci by Change [�rder. H. Tirr�� Ext�nsions:No add�:i�na] tiixie w� be grarrt�d Far substi�tutions. 6.Q€ C�r�cer�ingSubcar�tracta�s, Sz�,ppl�e�s. aridDther.s A. Gonira�tor shall perFarm �vith i�i� rn�rn arganizati�n, wark oF a value not less than 35°/n �f the valua eml�raced cm the C'ontract, �nless o#herw�se approved by Yh� Cnty. B. Contracior �haIl not emplo� any Subcantractar, Supplier, or other mdivic3u�1 ar ent�Ly, whethei initially or as a rep�.�ement, �ga�t whom City may �►a�e reasonab�e �hjectian. Contractor sk�aLl n�# be required to �mploy any Subcantractor, Supplier, or o1�er indi�idua� nr entity fa furni�l� or perforna �np af the �Vark again�t wham ��ntr•actc�r has reasonahle a6jectian �excl�ding thase acceptable tv Ci�y as indicated in Paragraph �,Q6.C}. C. �i'he C:ity msy frvm time ta tJme require the use of certain 5ubcontractars, Sup�l�rs, or other individuals � er�i�i�s on the project, an�{ w�1 provide such requu9einents in the Supplementary Gand�ior�s. D. lt�rJzaraty .�ustness Er�ter�ri.se Gornpliance: It i� �ity poliey ta ens�re the full and equitable participatio� hy Minorrty L'usiness Bnterprise� (M8E) irn the pro�urement af.ga❑ds and sen+ices nn a caritractual basis. If the Contxact Dacuments pro�ide for a MSE gaa1, Coriiract�r is required to catnply with tlxe n�tent afthe City's MB� �Ordinance �as arnended} by th� following: I. C�ntractoz• sk�ll, upan request i�r City, provide Gamplete and accurate infarmatian regarding actuat work perFormed by a MBE an the Contract and payment theref�r. 2. Cantractar will not rnak� additions, deletions, Qr substitutions of accepied MBE without writien con�ent c�� the City. Any un�sti�f�ed change or deIetion shall be a rnaterial br�ach of Coniract an�3 may result in deba�'rn�nt in a�coirda�e vvith the prQcedur�s a�atlined in the �rdinance. Contractor shall, upon request hy City, aIbw an audit �ncVor examination af any baaks, z-ec�ards, ar f�es in the pnssession pi't�-�e Contractar thaC will substantiate i;he actual �rark perform��i by an MBE. Material misrepresentation of any na�re will be grounds far termination of the CQntract in accor+dance wiih Paragraph 15,02.A. Any such rnisrept�sentation may be grounds fflr disqual�"zcaCion af Contrac.tar to bid an future cantract� with the Gzty for a period af nat less than three years. E. Cvn#t,actar sh.�Il be fully respansibl� to City for a��l acts and amissions af the Subcotrtractars, Suppliers, and ath.er indirriduaLs ar e�tities performing ar furnishing any o-� the V4�o�k just as Contractox is respansible far Contractor's own acts and amissians. Nothin� in the Carrtract Dncument5; crry a� r• o�T w�aR�i sTarr�aRncorusrxUcriarr SPECIFICAT[0[V no�vnn�avrs R��;�: ar�r�tzi Ada6e Acro�t sig�y 1 ra nsac�on N umher. [�JCMHCAA6�uI�rF5u CnuWVp ek�wOyY19 �sTHtpZ6ytPl1 �.07 aa�oo�k K',Eh1�f�AL �OIdD IT I Dh! S P�e 35 af G3 1, shall create for �ie benefit of a�1y suGh 5ubc�ntractar, Su�p�ier, ar otner i.t�ividual or en�ity any cnntractua] i�elationship hetween City and �rry such Subcont�a�tar, S�ali�r or a#her indivic�u� 1 or entity; nor 2. shall create €�ny oblig�ttinn an the pasi af City to p�y� or to see to the payxnelrt of a�y mas�eys due any such Subcantractor, Supplier, ar oiher individual ar entity except as rnay atherwise be reqx:ired by Laws and Regula�ians. F. �anfrackor shall be solely res�sihle For �ch�duling and coord'mati�ig f.he '9Vork of Subcorrtr�c#ors, 5u�p�iers, and nther yndividuals or erztities performing ar furnishir� any of the Work under a direct az' i�idiccct cantract with C�ntractor. �. Al1 Subcontraators, Supptier�, anci such ather individua�s ar entities performing pr furrsishing any of the Wark skiall comrnunicate w�th City tlnoUgh Can�ra�tar. H. A11 V4lork perfarmeci for Cantractor by a SubcQntractor or SuppGer will be put�uant to an appropxiate agreemer�t betw�en Cantraciar and the �u6contractsor vr Suppli�r whi�h speei�a�ly hznds the Subcor►tracf�or �r �upplier ta the applicshle terrns and condi�i�ns o� thc Cantraat ❑ocun�nts �`or the ben�frt of Cit}+. �age Rcrtes A. Duty t� �a�ry �reuaid��sg Wage Rales. The �antractar shaIl camply wi�h all requ�emer►ts ax' ehapier �S$, Te�as �overnme�t Code (as ames�ded}, including the payment �f not less than tlie rates detern�ined by tha Ci�y Cauncil af the City af Fart �Varth to be ihe prev�.iluig wage ra�es in acc.ardance with Ghapt�r 225�. Su�h prevai�ing wage rate� are ir�cluded in tY�ese Camract I)ocunnents. B_ P�r�alty fpr� �iolca[�torz � Cotxtractor �r a�y Suhc�ntractar who da�s r�at pay the ptevailing wag�e shall, upon demaxud made b� th� City, p�y to ttte City $�0 fpr each warker errjployed far ea�#t calendar day �r part af the day that the warl�er i� paid �ess than the prevaikng wage rate�s stipulated in these con�ract dacuir��s. This penaily shafl he r�ta.ined by the Ciry tQ affset its adminis#ratir�e casts, pursuant ta Texas Ga�rer►Yment Cade �25E.023. C. Compdai��s af' �ir�latiorts and City Ueter�iraataon af Gaad Caus�. On rec�ipt af mf'orma.tinn, ineluding a cornpl��l by a worker, caricerning an alleged t�fiolation of 22S8.D23, Te�as Go��rnmer►t Cod�, by a Contractor or SubcaF►iraator, the City s�al! make an mitial detern�in�tion, before the 3Ist day afterthe date the Cnty re�eives the infarrnation; as to uvh�ther gn❑d cause exists ta believe that the �vnolation occu�red. The City shall natify i� writing the Contra�tar or Suhcontractor and ar►y affected warker of its initial �etenminaticxn. Upon the Ciiy's det�rrr��ation that there is goQd caUse t�a believ� tt� Contractor nr 5ubc�ontractor has �inlate d Ghapter 2258, the Crty shall ret�m the fu� amounts claimed by the cla�mant or clai�r�ants as the d�f'erenee l�etweanwa ges paid �nd wages due un�der the prevailing wage rates, �uch amaunts be in� subtract�d f�am suc�essive pr�gress paymetats pending a�'irial datarminatian af the violation, C!7'�COFFf7RT WORTfi STA1dDARfiCO�TAUCTION SPLCIPICATi�H DOCUh1ENT5 Reuisian: 823�21 Ado6eAcrahalSVgilTra,rsa�tfen Num6ewLG�€L41f3GAASdA1caF5uC�.ur�UVpulywpyr796sTktp�iGxPA n�}ia oa- i GEN�RALCONDITIaNS Page �G af 63 D. ,4rbitr�atron R,eq�aired if Yialatian 11IatRes�nlued An �sue z�lating ta an aIleged vialation ai Sectioiz 225$.023, Texas Ga�+ernment Cade, including a penalty owed to the City or an afFccled vvorker, sha� be submitted tio bint�ing arbitration in accn�Yi�n�e •h�ith the Texas Gen�ral.Arbi�.ration Act �Ar�tt:�e 22�4 et seq., Revised Statutes� iF tne Contractor or Sub�antractar and any affect�d workea• daes not res�lve the issue by agreementbefare the l�th dayaiterthe d�te the Cii� makes it� initial d�termination pursuant ta Paragracph C ahov�. If the persons required to arbitrate under this se�tion dn not agre� on an ar�itrator before the 1�fh day af�erthe date tl�aC arbitration is required, a dt�trict cour� shall appoint an arbi�rabat on the petition oi any af #he pers�ris. The Crty is nat a party in the arbitra�inn. Th� deci�ion and award �f the arhitratar is final and hin�ing on all parties ar�d ma� be et�t'areed ita arry court of cam�aetetit jurisdictian. E. Reca�ds [a be 1l�laintcrin�d, The Cantractar and each 5ubeoniraetor shall, far a periad of tl�ree �3} years fo�lawing t�re dai�e nf a��eptance of tlie work, mau�Gain record� that show () Yhe naz�xe and occu�ati��n af each work�er emplo�yed by the Contractor in the cc�nstruction a1' tl�e Work pr�vida d for in this Contract; and (u'} the actual per d�em wages paid t� eac� wark�r. '�he recards shall be open at ali rea�on�ble haurs for in.spection by thc Ciry. The provi�i.ons af Paragr�ph 6.23, Right to Audit, shall pertain m this inspc�tion. F. Pragr�ess Przymextts. Wifh eae1� progress payir�nt ar payroll period, whiche�er i� less, ti�e Contractar shall subrnit anaff�davi� stating th�atthe Contractor has coznplied with the requirements af Chapter 2258, Te�cas Cc��ernn�ent Code. G. �osting of F[�trge Rates. The Contractor shall pcYsi prewailing wage rates in a canspicuous �la.c� at all times. H. Subcantrcrctor C'or��alianc�, The Contractor shall incl�atle in rts sut�contracts andfar shall c�therwise require all of its Subcontractnrs to camply with Paragraphs A thraugh G ab�ve. 6.0$ PatentF'ees rxrad I�oyaliies A. Contractar shall pay all l�ense fees and rayahies and assurne all costs i�cident t� the use iri the perfarrnan�e af the V4�oxk ar the incorporation in the �ork a#' any ir►vention, design, �Z'(7C�55, praduct, or de�rice ►uhich is the subj�ct af pa�ent rights or co.pyrights held t�y ot,�ers. Ifa particular �ventiun, design, pr�ccss, produet, «r device is sp�cified in the Cantraet Dacumen�s for use in the performan�e a�'the 'Wark and �, to th� actttal know�edge af Ci�y, its use ia su�ject ta patent rights nr cap�rigftts G.allin.g far the payinent of any license fe� ar royalty to athers, the existence af such rights sh�ll be dis�lose�i by City in the Cotrtract Dc��umen�.s. FaiIure of tk�e C�ty �o disclase suGh �r£armation does not reli��+e th� �ntractar from i�s �bli�atians to pay �'or th� ase af said fees nr ro�alties tn others. B. �'o t�e,fudlest extentper�r�itted hy Luws crnd Regx��utiori.s, Cantr�actor s�rald iridemn� arrr�l�ld daar�ess City, ft�arn ata� agai�stc�ll cictiPtas, �asts, losses a�d drxrxages {incfudr�ag b� no� dtmited to al2 fees arrd cl�crrg�,s a�e�gineers, arc�aitecis, c�it�r�ys, and othe� p�o, fe.s�aa�za�,s ar�d all cos�� ar ar�iitr�aiiQn or �C�ae� daspzrte resal�rtion costs) arising out of or relati�ag fo atay ata�'ringem�trt o, f �aterat rights o� c�pyright,s inciderrt to the r�s� in t�e �aerfarmarace of tlse yYor�k or� resultingfrr�m C9'I'Y �F FORT GVQRTH STANDARDCOhiSTRUCTI4N SPECfI�iCAT[dN DDCiIi1+IENTS Revision: 8�23fdC�1 Adu k,e Ac ro hat S€gn ha nsaction N umher. CgJGiBCAA6M1cvF5u Cz WLWF cAyw�yr1941s1 H�ZGxPA �Q��-� GENERALCONUITIOMS Page 27 of 53 the tt�carporaiion ir� �he �6'a�k of �r�a,y tnver�tio�z, desagn, �rocess, prodaact, or device nat.s�ec�ed in the Cor�t�aci I�acut�rent�. 6.49 Pe�mi�s ra�zd tl�ilities �. Canfrc�ctr�N ol�iai�aed permiis and di�e�ses. Canta•actar sh�17 nhtain a.nd pay for all constructian pernuts and licenses �xcegt those prvvid�d far in th� Suppletnan#ary Conditions or C�ntract I]ocumetrts. City shall assist Cantractor, when necessary, in obtaining such pesmits and Gcenses, Contractor s�all pay all go�+ernme�tal charges an� inspection fees necessary far the prosecut�on of the �7Lrark w�laich az�e applicalale at f.he time af opening af Bids, or, � tl�ere are no Bids, on the ��fea�ive Date of the �.greemen#, excepi for �ermit� prov�ded lyy the Cit�r as specif"i�l in b.�9.B. City sk��l pay all �harges of uti�ity aw�ters for connec#i�or►s for providing perma.nent s�rvice to the Wark. S. Cit}� oh�arnec��a�p�t.sa�d la�e�s. City will ohtain and pay for all permits and licenses as prnv�le d far in th� Supplemen#ary Cond�ons ar Cor�ract Dncuments. It will ba the C�ntxaciar'� res�ns�ility ta carry out th� prayssions af the �ermif, If the Contr�.�;tor initiates �hanges to the Cantc�act a�cl the City appr�ues the changes, the �onfractar is respansble for oE3taining clearar�ce� and cvordinating wiih th.�e apprapriat� regulatvey agency. The .City will nvt reimburse the Cot7Yrao�or far auYy cast associated with these requirements �f any City ac�uired per�nrt. The falbwing are perrnits the �ity will obtauy �requ�e�: 1. Texas �epa.rtmer� ofTran�partation Permits 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P�t7mifs 3. Texas Carnmissi�n an Enviranrnental �uality Perm�s �4. Ra�raad Company Perrnits C. Oui��an�ii�tg perrrrit,s ar�.d �ice�ses. Tix� Ciky �r�t'lci�.tes acquisition of �ndlor access t� permi�s and li�enses. Any autstanding pezmit� and licenses are anti�ipated fo be acgu�ed in aecordanr.� with fhe schedule set forth in the Supplemerrtaxy Canditi�n�. The P%pect �chedule submitted 13y tlle Cantra�tar in accordance with the Car�ract Daaumerrts must cnnsider any outst�nd'mg p�m�i�s and Jicenses. 6. I O Latvs �rzd Regulataoras A. Contra�tar shall give all r�c�tices reyuired �ay and shall comply with aIl Laws anrl �egula�ions applicahle ta the per�or�nance af the 1JL�ork. Excep+� where otherwise eapt'essly required b� applicahle L��,rs and Regulations, the Ci�ty shall nat be responsible far man�oz�ing C�z��-actar's camgliance with any Laws or Regulatians. B. I�-'Cotnra�tor perfarms any Work knowing ar having reason tn know tl��t it is cantrary ta Lavvs ar Regulatians, Contractar shall �rear al! Clai��s, CC75t5� �ass�s, and damages �in�Iz.iding i�ut not lirnited to all fees and �harges af engineers, architects, attorneys, arid other pinfess�onals and al� �rrro�� r•oizz• woic•rH STAhi]ARi]C�NSTRIiCTI�N 3l'ECIFICATIq.N DOCUMCNTS H.�risinn� S�1 Adobe Asrobat Sign iraqs��t'�n HuinLer. C6JCFa4ChhllM)cvFSuCzw4�Npcl4ywdy�94s'INtp2GxPA aa�zaQ-i G�NEFiALCO�l�ITI�N S Page 23 oPG3 uc�urt �r arbiEraLi�n �r ❑Lher di�5pute resnlution costs] ari5in� aut o� oz' relatin� ta suc�� VyTorlc. Hoti�+ewer, iC shall n�t be Coniractor's respansibility ics mak� Gertain tf�al the 5pecificaticros and I3ratir�ing� arc irY acco�'dancc with J.�awS �.nd fLe�ulali��n5, huk this shali not relieve Cont�-act�r of Cc�ntrac��r's obliga[it�ns untier F'at•agrapii 3.�2. C. ChKng�s iri LawS vr R�:�i�latir�ns ngt knc���+n at thc tirne of apening �af E3icis hat�in� �.n �ff-ecton the cn�t �r tirne c�I� ��erformanCe af fhe Work �na�+ bc the suhject of �.1� adjustrnent in Ctmtra�t Price or Contraet'J�ime. G.11 Taxes A, Qn a cot�ts•act av�raz'dc�I b�� tine C.iiy, an organi�ation which qualif"�es far excmption pursuant to `1'cx��s'I'�xC;odc, SubchapLcr H, Scciiolls 151.3{71-335 (as amendecl).,thc [�t�ntractnr may pur�hase, rent or le�se alI i�atcrYals, supplics and cquiprr�cnC uset� az• uonsutned in the pe:rformdncc af lhis c.oflrraci by issuirt� ta his st�pplicr an �xemplian c�rtiCcatG in licu of thc tax, said C}:CI11�'1f1{)Yl cerCificatcio cotnply ��iih Statc C�mptrol[cr's I�u�ing .Ut]7. 11ny �uch exemptinr� �ertifi�ate i5suec� ta tl�e Contrsnctot' u1 lieu af thc tax shall be subjcct to and shall ccxnply wilh the pr���ision oi' 4tat� C:ornptraller's l�uliti� .011, anci any oU�cr applicahl� r�ilings pertainin� tc7 the �I`exas �'ax. �:nde, S�beha�ter H. 6. Texas Taxperrrz�s and informati�n may be o�tained fmrn: 1. C:cxmptmller c�f Public Accounts S�aIes TaxDi��ision Capiu�l Statinn Ausiin, T� 78'3l 1; or 2. httUffwww.window.sta#.�_Ex_usltaxinfoltaxfc3rms193-forms.ht�n] �. i� �Ise af Sad� and OtherArea.S h. T.i�triiaitt�n ran �.?re.rtf��it�ar�d ��tlze��rerx�r: ], C�ni:r��tor sh� ll conCittc coi�struc;tir�tt �yuiprnent, f�e stnra�e nf� mate�•i�ls and aquiprneni, and the ��peratic�ns �r� ��Urkers in the �iCe and ntl�er areas �aet•rnitted by T,aw:s and R�gu]aLicans, .3nci s��ll no� unreasoi�alaly encurnbcr th� Si�c and oth�r are�s��ith �nnstructirm ec�uiprne.nt c�r nther materials ar cqt�ipmcnt. �:anteac[or �hall as�ume Fu]1 res�nnsihility fnr any darna�e tio any such lai�d ar are�, vr t� the awi�er or occupant thereof, ar of any adj���nt larnd or arcas r�:sultin� froin th� pci�formance o� th� S�rc�rk. 2, At �ny tu�ic v,�hcn, ir1 th� jtidgmenl of'the �ity, the C;c}ntra�tcar ha5 cahstru�ted �ar clsased c3r i� caz•rying an aperatians u� a p�rtion of a str�ct; righ�-or way, c�r �ase:�nent �re�ter than is nec�ssary Far pr��aer executian af thc� Worls, the Ciiy rnay requirc thc Cc�ntra�t�r t� 1mi�h the sec.tian �n tiyt7i�h �per�tions �re ii� pt�o�ress before work i� carnfncnccd on ariy additional area of tk�e Sit�;. C:i'I''! C?f I(]I2 1' WL}RTf f STANI5�1RLlCf7A'5TRiICTI{]N SPECIFICAT[ON DOCLIMF.NTS Reaision: &73�r"Y]�I Ado6eAcroEsxf 9ig�� 1'Cansaction Numker:4PJCH&CpAkiANwFSUGxwWVp[Ayw(7yr29Da7H=piGxPA r►a7aflo-i C;ENEE�FIL CaN➢1TI�N S Page 29 af 53 3. ShQuld any Damage Claim be made hy ariy �uch a�vn�r car ac�upant because af'the perforcnance flf the Vlinrk, Cozxtractar shal� �rc�mptly attempt ta resoh+e the Damage Glairn. 4. Pursu�ant to Far�gra�Oh b.�1, Co�air�act�r shall indetx�nify and hold hrxrnales� Caty, ,f'rorri ar�d agcrir�st aIl claams, casts, Iosses, �zred d�rmctg�s c�r'fsi�xg o�t �f ar relating to a� ed�xi�ts o� a'�tio� legai ar �qs�ituble, broaag�rt by et�y s�sch o�r�er at� nc�a�pant agaa�st City. S. Rernoval of Debris Duri�ag Perfarmance of �he �ork; During fhe pragress of the Vd�rk Contractar shall keep the �ite and other areas free fi�m accumulatiarrs af wast� rnaCerials} ruhl�ish, and other debris. Removal and di�posa� af stach waste tnaterials, rubhish, and otller de6ris shall conform to applicahle Law� and Regulat�ns. C. �S'ite M�ri�te�aance Clearaang: 2�} hc}urs after written natice �s �iven to the Contractor that the clean-up an the job site i� praceec�ing in a manner unsati�facta�ry ta the C�y, if the Contra�tar fai�s ta correct the unsatisfactary procedure, the City may take such direct action as the C�,y deems appro�riate ta cvrreet the clean-up de�ciencies �ited to tl�e Contractor in the writ�en nOt.ie� (by letter or electmnic caar�nluni�at�or►�, and the costs a� such d�ct actian, pIus 25 %o o�' such costs, shall he d�du�ted from the mnnies due or to 6ecom� due ta the Contractor. D. �'inal Site Cdea�ing: Pric�rto F�al Acceptance of #h� Vltork Cantxactar shaIl cle�n the Site and tl�e Wor� and malce it re�r�y fc�r util'�ation �y C'rty c�r adjacentproperty awner. Attk�e comphetion of �e Vl�ork Cnntrac�' s�al] remave from the 5ite al� tQols, applianc�s, constr�actiot� equi�nnent and machinery,. and sutplus materials and shall restare to original �ondition or better all property disk�xrbed lay the �Nork. E, LoadingStra�ctrrpes: Contractar shali nQt load nar per�ni� any part af any structure to he loaded un any rnatxuer that will endanger the structure, nar shall C�ntraCt�C SUbj�Ct atly part Of th0 WQrk dT' A(�,]RC�t7.L j�Pflj]�1'�y �0 5�1�5585 OT �}1"�53L1['�5 #.�1at WlU �I7d�11�$I' l�, �.13 �B�pl'G��OC�fY1EPd�4 A, Cantractar shall rr�irrtain in a safe plaee atthe �ite ❑r in a place de�ignated by th� Contract�r and appr�ved b}+ the C�ty, ane (1� recar�i cc�pu of all Drawings, 5peo�'�cati�ns, Addenda, Chang� Qrc�ers, Field �r�ers, �z�d written interpretations anc� clarificatinns in gaod order and at�notated to show changes made dL�ring co��stru�tion, °1'�e�e record cioGum�;nts together with �ll appravad Sampi�s and a cvur�terpart af all acc�pted SubmittaLs will he dua��able ta Crt�+ fnr r�fer�z�ce. Upan cornpletian af �he l�arlc, t�ese record docurnents, any operation and raainte�anc� manua�s, and 5ubmiltals will be delivered to Crty prior ta Final Inspe�tion. Carr�ra�tx�r s��il irr.clude accuratie lacations For buried and iinbedded items. 6.t4 �afety a�d Pr�otection A. Gontra�tor s�all he sa�ely respansihle for irutiating, maintaining arid superv�ing aU safety preeautions and pragra�n.s in carmect�n vtriCh the Vdork. 5uch responsibiliEy dn�s not relieve Subcontractors �f the�' reslaonst�il�ty for the s�fety vf �aersons �r praperty in the pet�fortnance nf their wvrk,. nor for compliance with applicable safety Laws and I��gulatiar�5_ GaMx�ctor shall C.ZTY OF F�RT WORTH STAA7I3�If�1�Cf�TL�L'C7[�H SPEECIFICATf4N I]DCiiME�+ITS RenEsion: &'13�f7L1 � Ado6e Acraba t 31git 7 �a�ieact ian Nurttber: �6l.CH 9CMBhAkvF5�tixwWilpcqywcry( 9 ps7i+lp;GGxPM1 00 �rz aa - i G�N�RRL 4S]Nti I710N 5 Pnge 34 ai 63 take all necessary preeautions �or the safety �f, and s�all pravide the ne�cessary protection to prewent da�nage, injury or lass ta: 1. all persons on the Site or who may be aft'ec�d by the Woxl�; 2. all #he Work and makeri�l� and equipment ta be mcorporaCed thei�ein, wheih�r in storage can or vff th�e S�te; and 3. vther prop��� at the 5ite ❑r adjacent thereta, includinb trees, shrubs, Iawns, wa�ks, pavements, roadvvays, s�ructures, utilities, and Under�taund Fa�ilii:�s not desi�tate[! for rernayal, reba�atinn, or repla�:ement in t}�c co��rs� c�f c�snstruction. B. Contra�tor shall comp�y wit� a�l applicab�e Laws and I�egula�ic�ns ��elating to the sa%ty of persons or property, ar ta the pratectian af p�rsc�ns ar praperty tirom ciair�age, injury, or lnss; and shall �rect and maintain a11 necess�ry safegua�'ds for such safety and pr��tectic�n. Contractar sha�l natify aw�ners af adJacen# property and afllnderground Facitit�s and c7�er utility owners wl��n prosecutian af the V4jork may aff�Et tlzem, an�l slxal� cooperate with �hem in the pz�otectian, rerriaval, reiocatian, and replacemer►t of their pra�erty. C. Cormactor shalI cQmply wirh the applicable requi�ements af City's safety prograans, if any. D. Cantractor shall infarm Ciry of the spec� requirerrients of Conixactor's safety program, if' any, with which City's employees azid representatives must comply while at tY�e 5ita, E. All damage, injury, c�r loss tv any praperty referxedto in Para�raph d. l�.A.2 or G,1�.A.3 caused, dire�tly ar inc�irectly, in whole ar ir� p�rt, l�' Cant�ractor, any 5u�acontractar, S�apglier, ar any oth�r individual or �ntity directly ar ir�directl�r emplc�3�ed hy any of thern to perfvrm any of tlxe �or�, �r anyone for whose acts any of tnern may be li�ble, shall be reme�ied tYy Cantra�f�r. F. Cantractox's duties and respansi6ilities for safety ant� for protectian of the Work sha,ll continue until such tune as all the i�L�ar1c is compI�ted and L� ha.s acce�d the Wark. 6. l � Safety� Representative Contractor shall infoxm Ci[y in writ�g gf Con�iactor's desiignated safety representative at the �ite. �.16 Haaa�d Co�munrcationP�ograms Contractor sl�all be respvn.sible for eoordinatin� any exchange of maieriai safety data sheets ar ather hazard communicatian in�'armation requned to be made available ta or exchange� between ar among employers in accordance with L�vws pr Regu�tions. 6.17 Frrrer�ge��r.'es arrdfnr Rect�catdan A. In emergencies af�ecting the safety ar p�•otectian af persrnns or the V�lork ar praperty at the Srte or adjacerxt ther�ta, Cantractar is abligated fa aci ta preven� threatened datnage, u�.jury, ar �s. Gontractar shall give City pt�arnpt written notice �' C��tractar balieves that any signific.ant crrY oF FORT wo��ti STANDARI7CONS7RUCTI�M 9!'ECIFiCdT10N DQCLIMENTS Ra�isian: �1 �ldobe Acmbat Sigrl7Ya imcKv6 N umber. e8J cfiBCAA6A.i1evF5uCxwVNpcAyw[iyrr29Dc7N 1p2GaPA ���•� G�NEF�AL Cx]NUITION 5 Pege 31 of b3 �h�ges in the 'Work or variatians from the Cantr�ct Docum.cnts ha�e been caused therehy ar ar� requued as a result thereof If City determines that a char�e in tl�e Cnntract Doc�men.ts is required because ofthe action taken by Cantractor in �esponse to su�h an emerg�ency, a Ghange 4rder may be issued. B, Should the Canixactar �aii t�� respond t4 a rec�uest from the City ta rectify any d�crepanci�s, �zni�sions, or correation neeessar�+to confrnm with the requirements of the ��ntract Dacumezrts, th� C�ty sha�l gi�e the Contractar written notice t�at such vwork ar changes are tt� be performed. The wri�ten notice shal� direct attentian ta the discrepanC cond'ttion and rec�uest th� {;ontt�ctar ta take r��nedi�l a�tian ta correct the con�ik.i�n. In the event i�e Car�it'aetor does ta�t take positive step� fo futf'ill this writt�n requcst, or does not shovv just cause iax r�nt talcing the pr�per act�an, wntl�in 7� hours, the City may take sj.ich remcdial a�tiun v�ixh City farces or by cantract. The City sfYall deduct an arnouxa� equal to the entire �o��s far such rem�dial aetion, plus 25%, frnzn any fuads duc; �r bec�me due th� Contractor on the Project. b.18 Submitiai.s A. Corrtrac�nr shail �ubmit required Submik�als to �iry far re�iew and a,cceptanoe in ac�at�clat�e with the accepted Schedule af Subrnitt.�ls (a� i�equirec� by i'aragraph 2.�7). Each submittal will be identi�ied as City rnay require. I. Submit numl�r of cQpies specifred in the General Requir�ments. 2. Datashawn �n tk�e Submiftal� v��l l�e cornplete witki respect�to c;uantiti�s, dimensior�, specifred perforrr�nce arid design crit�ri�, materiai�, an� siinilar data to shovv Crty the s�r�ices; materi�Is, and eq�ripment Contxaetnr proposes to pmo�+�de and ta enahle C�ty tn rer�iew the mformatian for the ]ir�it�d purposes required by Paragraph 5.18.C. 3. Subzni�t�ls suh�r�ittetl as herein provided [ay Crmts'actar �nd rer+iewed by Cify For canforman�� wi#h the design c�r�cept shall be e�xecuted in conformity with the Cantra�i. Dacuments ur�ss �therw�e required by Cit�y. 4. When Submibtals are submit�ed for the purpase ai shawing the msl�Il�tion in greatsr detail, their revi�ew strall not excuse Con�acfar fror� requirernents show� on the Dr�wimgs and Specificati�ns. S. Far-Infortnatian-Only subm�ttals upo�n wl�h the Ciry � not expected tu canduct review t�r mke responsive �ction x�nay be sa iderrtif'ted in the Contract Documerits. 6. Submit requu�ed nuxnber vf Sarnples spe�if'�ed in the Specificat�ans. 7. Clearly identify �ach Sample as tQ material, Supplier, pertinent tlata such as eatalog numbers, the use for which ir�{ended aa�d nther dat� as City may require ta enable CiLj� ta review the subrnittal for the limrted purposes required by P�.rag�ph 6.1$.C. C1TYiiF Y'URT WQR7T3 STANDARDCO�+lSTRII�TI4N 5PLCIFICATIQN DdC[JhlEldfS Revision: $�1 Ade6e�Mroha! 3ign�T+a;rsad iot� Fh, In hp1: CRJCH BCAA6MIcvFSuCzwWVp rAyty0yf�9�s7NtpZGxPA 00 �i Qo - i GE�fERRL Q0�lti 1TI CSN & Page 32 of 53 B. Where a Su}�mirtal is r����ired b3f the Coniract Dacuments or the Sch�du�e of SuT�mi[tals, any relabed '�Vark �erfarmed prior t� City's revre�w and acceptance of the pertinent sul�r�itt�.l wtll be at the sale expense and responsi�ility of Cvrrtxactor. C. City's i2�v�eiu: 1. City rwill provide timel� re�iew of i��uired SubmnLtals � accorda.nce with the SGhedule of Submi�als accep�able to Cily. City's z�eview and acceptance wiIl be only to determine if ihe it�r�s �ov�red by the submittals will, af�er �nstall�ti�n ar incor�ration in the Work, cQriform to the informatic�M given in the ContractD�c�nents and be ccy�npatihla with the d�sign ct�a�cep# af the campleted Prv�ect �s a functianing whoIe a� mdicated b�+ the Contract Documeni:5, 2. City's re�vv and acceptance wilI r�at exter� t� means, metlwds, techrriques, sequence�, or procedui�es of const��uc�iar� (excapt where a pa�rticuIar means, metha[�, technique, sequence, ar procedvre of construction is sp�cifical�y and expressl�+ c�Iled far by the Cantraet Documents) flr ta safety precautian$ o�• programs incident theret�. The re�riew and a�ceptance of a separate item as such will ns�t iridicate ap�rovaI of the asse�nbly in w�ich the item funct4ons. 3. City's ��e�iew and acceptance shall nat r�lieve Contractar fram responsibiliLy for any �ar'�atian from th� reyuirernerrts of the �omt�act DacUrx►ents unless C�ni��cts�r has cvmplied with t�se r�quir�rnerrfs af Se�tion D1 33 00 and C�ty has giv�n written accepFtance o� each s�ach variatian by specif`�c wri.�ten I74t�tti�fl thereof in�cxporated ira ar accampanying thc SubmittaI. City's re�i�w and acccptance shall not relieve C❑ntractor from responsibiliiy for complyirig with the i�yuirements nf the �:ontract Doeuments. G. ] 9 Carttirsu#ng rh,e Y�ark Exc�pt as otlxerwise pravided, Contraciar sha�l carry cm the Work and adhere to the Pr�ject Schedule during all disputes ar disagreements v�+ith City, No Work shall be delay�d flr pascponed pending resolution af any dispufes ar disagreements, except as City and Cor�trac�or may aiYaeru+ise agree in w�riting. 6.20 Co�t�actn�',� G�rse�al i�a�Ncrrrt� and Ga�arar�t�e A. Contractor warrants and guarantees ia Cit� that alI Wark wiU b� in a�c�rdance with th� Contract Dc��umer�ts and will not i� defectiva, C�.y �z�r� its afF'�cers, direGtocs, mem.l�ers, partners, elrip.layees, agents, con�ultants, and subcoxttractors shall be entitled tn r�ly an repres�entation of Cantractor's warc�anty and guarantee. B. Contractor's �rarr�nty and guarantee hereux►der excludes defects nr dam�ge caused �y: l. abus�, mad�'�catian, or improp�r maintenance ar operation hy person� other #han Gorriractor, Subcontractars, ��pp�iers, Qr any 4ther i�d�vidu�.I or entity for whorn CarYtrac�or is responsihle; pr CITYbFF�RT WQR'1'F] S7'AIV�ARDCONSTALICTIUN SPECIFICRTIQH BQGU1vIENTS Revisipn: �l Adoix Avobat Sig,�s Trai �s acti on lVu�n6er. C�ac.HBCMOAAIwFSuCawNNpa7yu±n'y r�ytlsTMql2GxPA UD72Q0-I G�NERAL GONd ITI�N S Page 33 aP f 3 2. normal wear and tear under normal usage. C. Cnntractor's obligatian ta perfarm and comp�ete th� '4�Vork in ac�a�dance with the Contract I]ocutnent�s shal] be absc�l�te. Non� af th� f�llawing will cQnstitube an a�c�ptance o�'�Nark that �s not ir� ac�ordance w''t#h the Cotttract D�cumerrts or a relea�e of Contractt�r's abligation ta pet�orm t4�e W�rk in aG�Qrdance with the �antraCi Dacurn�xits: 1, �hservati�ns by City; 2. recommendation ar pa}rment by City vf any pro�'ess ar fival p�yment; the issuance of a certificate of T'in�l A��eptance i�y City ar any pa�ner►� related ther�:tn by City; 4, tase ox n�cupancy of the Work or any part thereof by City;. 5. �ny rer+iew and accepta�ce of a Su�mit�xl by City; �, any inspection, test, ar approval by o#hers; or 7. any �orrectian of defective �ark by City. D. Th�e Gant�actor shaIl remedy any d�fects ar darnagas in the Work and pay far airy damag� to other v�+Qrk ar property result�►g therefxorra whieh shall appe�r uv�hin a period a£ twa (2} years frorrz the date of Pina1 Acceptance of the Wark unless a long�r perioc� a� spccifi�d and shall. fu�r�nis h a gt�od and sufficierrt maurte�nan�e bond,. Cainplymg with the requ�'etnen�ts af A�le 5.�2.B. The City will give notice afahser�ed de�'ects with reasonable prarnptness, 6,21 Indernnification A. �a�xtraetor covenants and agre�s #o indemni�y, kold harmle�s and de�encl, at its awn e�pense, the Ciiy, its ��ce�s, s�rvants ��d em�ployees, irom and �g�inst any and ali claim� �rising out of, o�' all�ged t� arise out �£, the v�ork and ser�vic:es ta b� performed by th�e �ontractvr, iEs officars, �gents, �mplQye�s, s�bcantrsctnrs, li��nses or invitees �nd�r thi� � ra ntl'aCt. , CIPF.RATT'. ANfI RF F.Fi'Fi+:('_TiVi+. FVEN TF TT IS �Ii,LEi�Lll_�RP THAT ALL ' , Tltiti inciemnity pr4��� is icyn is intende d to include, without limitatinii, i�dennnity f�r cost�, ex�erts�s and l�ga1 %es incurr�d xry the �ity �� def�nding �gai�st sach claims and causes afactians. B. Contractorcovenants and agrse es ta indemnify and haXd haroiles�, at iic own expense, the City, a�ts o�cers, serv�nts and emgloye�es, �m and ag�inst any and alllQss, damage or c�esfruction of praperty af �he City, arising aut a�, nr alleged to arise autvf fhc work and servic�es to l�e perfarm�r3 by the Gontract�r, it�s o�cers, �gents, employe�, suhcontractars, licensees or invitees under this Contract. THY� �NDTMIIIIFI�ATI[]N F1�QYI5IClN r5 �rrYONroH-� woxz-r� 5'I'�,NIJARI]�STRUCTI�M SPECI�[CAT[��f DOG[JM�N'1'3 Ravisian: �1 AeleE�eAeref7at�grj [rarsac.NonNum6e�:CBJCNBCMBMIcvF5uCzwWUprAyw0yi29ds7Nly2feepA ����—� GENERALCQN� ITIdN 5 Page 34 of b3 ' 'JI 1► i! I /�' C. :►1 i � 1� � : i /: `:1 .� /�. !k► 1 , �► ► i !! 1 al ► 1 ► 1■1 1� ►'�t � a► Il ►. !: 1 1 i 6.22 �7�legaiiora of Pr�afessannal ��sagn Services A. Corrtractar �ri11 nat be required to pro�+ide prQfessi�anal d�sign servic�s unless such sezv�es are spe��ically requir�d by t�e ConiractDocu�nEnts fQr a portion af the Wark ar un�ess such ser�ees are r�quired to carry aut Contcactor's respons�ilities for canstruction means, rnethpds, t�chniques, seque�ces and prac�dur�s. �, If prQfessiorial de�ign s�r�ices or certifications by a design profe�sirnral related tQ syste�r►s, maiierials ar equipmei�t are sp�cificalI}+ required of �ontractor by the Contract Dacurx��nts, Ci�y will specify all perfarman�� and design �criteria �hat suoh services �nust safisfy, ContraGtar shall cause such ser�iees ar cert�ications to be provided by a properly fi�ensed professiar�al, �v�ose sig�a�ure and seal shall app�ar on a11 drawings, caIculatiarfs, 5�]�CI�1{:a�IdI7S3 certifications, and SuhrrtiCtals prepar�d by suen professianal. Suhmiftals relat�ed to th.e �vrk designed or certified by such pmfes�ianal, if prepared b+y others, shaIl b�ar such professional's writt�n appro�al wh�n submit�ed ta City. C. Ci�y shall be er�tit�ed ta r�ly upor� the �dequacy, accuracy and coznpleteness af the 5�I'Y1G�5, cei�tifica�ions or approvals perforrned �y such design prafe�sional�, pi�p��ied City has spe�cfi'�e�l ta Contractar perFatmance and desigr► criteri� 1�iat suclx sen�ices must satisfy. D. Pursuarrt to this Parag-raph 6.22, Ciky's review and aec��ance of design cal�u�atinns and design dxawings will be only far the Iimited pvrpas� of �hecking for canfarmance with perforxrzaxice �nd design cri�eria giv�n and the d�sign cancept expressed in the ContractDocumerrts. {',ity's re�iew and acceptanc� of �rabmittals {except design caleulatians and design dra�vings) wi]I be only far the purpose stated. in Paragxaph 6. I S.C. �.23 Rig�t ta �Ia�dit A. The Contractar agrees t�at the Gity s.hail, until the e�piration of three (3} �ears after final �yrne[�k under t�.is Cot�i,rac#, have access ta and the right t� examine and photocopy �.ny directly peztirrent books, do�uments, papers, and reac�rds of th� Cantractor in�nh�ing �rax�s�.ctions relating to tk�is Contract. Contract�• agrees th�.t the City shall have access during ReguIar Vl�arking Hours tn all necessazy Cantractor facilities and shall be pro�ided adequate and appropriate w�r� sp�ce in axder to conduct au.dits in compliance with the prat+i�ions �f t�is Paragraph, `r1�� �;�y shai] give Cantraetor reasonable advance notice af imtendad audits. B. Cantractor further agrees ta include in all �s subcontracts herepnder a pro�isian to the �ffectthat the subcantractar �grees fhat ihe Cnt�+ sha�, unt� the e�cpiratiax► �f thr�ee (3} years a�ter frnaI pa�rnent under this Contract, have access t,� and the right to examir►e and phato�ppy an}� directly pertinerrt bao�Cs, documents, papers, and records o�such Suhcontractvr, in�olving transacCians to the suUcontr�ct, and further, that City shall have acoess during Regular WarLdng I�ours ta all crrr aF ra�z�r woRTx STAAIDf1.[tU.[�TAI�GTI�N 5PECIFICATIflN 170CL1M�i�lTS Revision: �+Z�l p�laheel�raE�aiSigrl Tran,�dion HwriheY: CBJCH6CM6AAknF5uG2w1hAfprAywC1y�79dsTNtp�GvPA an7zoa-i GEMf ERAL. OOH6lT I� M 5 P age 3S nf 63 S�a}xonrtractar fa�ilities, a.nd shall be provided adequate and a�aprvpxia� w�rk space in arder ta conduct audits in comp�iance with the pro�+isians Qf i�is Paragrap�. The City sh€ill giv� Subc�sniractor reasonable advanee r�aiice of intended audits. C. Gantractnr and 5ubcontractior agreeta pktofocap�+ �uch docutnerrts as �y be request�d Uy the Gity. The City age�s #o reimhurse Contractor for the cost of'the oopies as fo�laws at the rate pu�a]ished in the Texas Adrninistr�tive Car3e in effect as af the time copyir�g is p�rformed. 6.�.4 No�diserirra�nataon A. The Cnty is respoxisi�le far operating Public Transportaiion Programs and implei�cn�i�g transit- related projects, which are funded in part with Feder�aj ftnanci�l assistanee aw�rded l�y tltie U.S. I]e}�rtmerr� nf Trar�spaz�ts.twn and the Federal Transrt Adnainistratian t�'TA}, without discriininating against any p�r��n m ti�e Llnited 5tate� on tl�e basis of race,cQlar, nr nati�nal origin. B. �'itde T�1; Civil �ight�s�eto,f'19b4 as am�nded,• �or�trac.�or shaIl camply witti the requ�rer��r►ts o£ the Act and the Aegulatio�ns as iurth�r defi�ed in t3�e Supplementary GanditIlans �ar any praject receiving �'ederal assiskance. ARTICLE 7— OTHER VVUR� AT THE SITE 7.41 I�elated Y�'ark al Site A, �pty rr�xy perform otlaer work related to the Project at the Srte with City's empiayees, or ather Gity aox�tractors, or thraugh ather direct cantracts thereEar, or have aiher warkp�rFormed by utility own�rs, lf' such vther work is not natec� in the Co�itract Docurr�ents, tl�er� written notice tl�ereo� w�l be gi►ren ta Contract�r pr�r ta starting �ny such �ther wor�t; and B. CoMr�actiar shall afford each otiver contra�tor wha is a party to s�ch a direct contract, �aoh utility owr�r, and City, ��"ity is perfortning c�tl�er work with Gity's empl�yee� or other City contractars, praper and safe accesstothe Site, �ovide �treasanak�le opportunrty forthe rt�troduction and starag� of materials and equiprnent and �he executian of su�h other work, and praperLy coard�ate t�e Work with theirs. �ontaract�r shall da a�l auttsrzg, f�ting, and pa�ch�r�g c�f th� Wark that tnay be required to properly conn�ct ar otherwi�e make rts sevet�al pr�rts com� togeti�er and praper�y+ integrate with su�h at�'ier wark. Contractor shall nnt endanger any wrark af others by cuttin�, ex�a�ating, or otherwise alkeriz�g such work; pro�+ided, hawever, that Contractor may cut �3r aEl�r �hers' wvrkwith t� wxiiten conserit of Ci%+ and the athers whose work w�I be affected. �. lfthe proper executi�n or results of any p�rt nf Cantractur's W�rl� depends upon w❑rk performed by others under this At��cle 7, Contra�tar �all mspect such other vvarlc �nd pramptly report t� City in wr[titng any delays, defects, or defi�i�ncies in such vther work that render it un��ai12�h1� or �ansuitable far the praper e�cut�on and results af Cnntractor's VV�rk. Contractor's fa�lw•e fa so report will consiitute an ac�ceptance vf such other wark as fit and proper for irr�egratii�n wrth Contractor's W�rk except for [atent defects in the work provided 6y others. C3TYUF FQRT Wt}It'1'FI 9TAND11RDCbNSTRI]L'7'10�d SP&GiTICATIUN DOCLIMEMfS Revision: 81�'i(�fl�l h1.oUe Acroiut Sign Transaetion N�uri Bef� C9JCJiBChARM IcvFSUCnvVrJpcAri�+01!�tis7N q�ZGx f'A 7.02 Caar�drnaaia�z aQ��oo- i GENERAL CON01T EO N 5 P�e 3fiafb3 A. If Crt3+ iniends t� �oMract with others fpr the pet�`vrtnar�ce of other work nn th� Project ai the Siie, the falio�ing will he �;t forYh in Sup�lementary Canditions: I, the ind�ival or errtity vvh�a w�l have au�hority and responsi�ilit�+ f�r cnordination af tlze activities among the various cQntracfors wi� be identified; 2, the sp�cific m�tters to be covered by su�:h autharity and respansb�ity will be itemized; and 3. the extent of such authority and respansibilities will la� prov�ded. S. Llnl�ss ntherwi�e pro�►ided �n the Supp�emen.tary Gonditions, Gity sha�l hav� auth«rity for such caordinaiion. ART`ICL� $ — CITX'� RESPD�i�I}3ILITIES B.OI Cvrrrr�niGatia�as t4 G'ont�actor E�ccept as vtherwise provided 'm tfta Supplernentary Conditions, City sha� issua all coizununicatian� ta Co�ttr'actor. 8.�2 �'ur�nrsh Data City �hall tnmely furnish the data rec�uired under th� C:or�t�act I]nc�atnents. 8.a3 �ay IfYhen �7��e Crty shall ma�ce paymerr�s to ContraGtor in actardanc� with Articl� 14. O�o`F Zcr�ads and Ease.trrerat�i IL�pQi��� (`�8�1Q�' City's duties with reapect ta pra�itiing ]ar�ds and easements and providing engine�ring sur�eys to cstahli,sh reference pa�nts are set forth in Paragraph� 4.�I and 4.D5. Paragraph 4.02 refers ta �ity's icientifying a.rtd rnaking a�ailable ta C.ontractnr cop�es of repo�ts of expl�rations and tests of su�surFa�e C�ndtt10�5 �i� drawings af pF��+SiG�] �on��ians re�ting to cxisting Surface or subsurFace struet�res at or corrtiguous ta the 5�e that have been utili�ed by City ui preparing the Cantraci Documents. $.05 Charage arc�ers Ciiy shall e�ecute Change �rders in accardance with Paragraph 1�,03. &.�6 Ir�spectiorrs, Tests, a�d�Ipprovrxls City's respv�s�hiliky with respect ta cert�in mspectioris, tes�.s, and apprc�vals is set forth vi P�r�graph 13.03. CITY OF FDRT WORTH STAI+f17RtCpC{]?�ETRUCTi4N SPECIF[CATiOV pl7CUht1;NT5 Reviaion: 82V' '�1 Adv6eAcrobat S�g� iransaction Humber, cgJCH6CA1k6AAJcvF5uCz��MfVpcAywGyr790s7Ntp16yipA 8.�7 Li�itatians on Ci�y's Responsil�ilities 097200-1 GENERAL GONp ITI�H 5 Page 37 of G3 A. 'I'k�e City shall nat supervis�, direct, ar have oontrol ar au#kaority over, nor he �-esponsible for, Corrtractor's means, xn�thads, techniques, sequences, or praGedures of canstructi�n, or the safety precautians and pr�grarns i�nc�de�rt therefa, or for an� failure viCoritractar ta comply with Lavvs and Regulations appli�a6le ta the perform�nce of the V�orl�. City will not lae respansl'�Ie far ContraGtor's failure tfl perfarm the Work in accardance wifh fhe Contract Dncuments, 8. City will notify the �oTitractnr of appGcable safety plans pursuant to Para.graph 6.14. S.QB �Tradisci�sed�Iaaardoar,s �r�uir�or�mentczl �`oradilian C�ty's respansi6il'nty with r�spectto an und�s�losed Ha�ardaus Lr�vironrr►ental Candi�i�n i� set far� in Paragraph 4.06. S.D9 C:r��dian�c withiafe�yProgr4xm VL�h�e at the Site, Ciiy's etx�pbyees and represent�tives shall compl�r with tk� spec�c a�licable requir�ments af Contra.ctor's safety pragram� o� vvhich City l�as been �f'orrxred pursuant t� Paragraph 6.14. ARTIC�,,E 9— C�T'Y'S D�SERVATI�l� STt�TU� DL]�tING C[]NSTRXTCTI�I►� 4.OZ City'sP�ajcciManage� C7ty will pro�ide nne ar more Pro,j��t M�anager(s} dur�g the canstructior� periad. T�te dratzes and t�sponsi�ili�ies and the limit�tians of auLhnrity af Ci�y's Project Managerdauring canstructian are set forth in the Caritract Documents. The City'S Praject Manager �o�r this Contract is iderrt�ied itt the Suppfem�n#ary Conditi�ns. 9.02 �rsi�r ta 3ite A. ��.y's Project 1Vlanager will make �isitis to the Site at u�terrrals apprapriabe to the various stages of canstruction as City deems n�cessaty in order ta abserve the progress that has been made and the quality af th� UaY'ious a�pects of Ca�tractar's executed V+tark. Based �n information obtained during �uch �isiis and ohser�at'rons, Cbty's ProjectManagexwi� det�rnnine, in general, if the �ark is praceed�g � aGc�rtlance wiLh the Cvntract I7Qcumenf�. Ci�y's Prqject M�,nagerwill nat be requir�d to make exhausti�+e or coniiriu�us insp�ctivns on t�►e Site ta checl� the quality Qr quantit�+ o#'the �ark. City's Froyeat Manager'$ efforts vv�l be direct�d taward providing City a greater degree 4f canfidence Ehat the completed I�ark w�i eonform generally to t11e Cant��ct Docum.ents. B. Cit}+'s �roject Manager's visits and of�servativns are subjeat to all thc }unif�tions on authnrily �nd r�spansihility iri the Cor�tract Doc�unents incl�ding thvse set forth iri Paragrap�Ii S.fl7. CTTY OF FORT WORTH STAN�ARI]C{1N3TRIICTIpR SPEC[FICATIqN DdCLIMENTS Revisian: ti2'1fX121 AUn6e.Arrobai Slgn Transactiun H�m6er.L8JLFiF�CM@hA1cvF5uCsWNldprAyr.Oyr]9[3sikip7GYaR 9.03 .��ih�ri�ed I�a�iatiorts rra �Yo�k OD 72 pQ -1 GENERAL CDNDITIaId S Pege 38 of 63 City's Project Manager may authori� rninor varial:�ons in the 1�lrnrk from the requir��nents �f the Contract Da�uments which do r�ot inv�lve an ac�jusfinent in the Cantraot 1'ri�e or the Go�fit'a�t Tirne and are cornpat�a�e r�ritn the design conc�pt o£ the corr�pleted Prflject as a functa�ning w•hc}le � indicated hy the Contract Dncuments. These may be a�c�mplished �r a Field Order and wilZ be hinding an City� and alsn on Contractar, who sh�ll per�arm the 1�vrk inval�ed pivmptl�. 9.�4 RejectiragDefective �York City will ha�� authari�y ta re.yeet Work rxrhick� Ciiy's Pro,�ect ivlanager beliet+es t� be defective, or will nat produce a cninplet�� Pr4je�t that can�'orms to the ConCract Qacuments or that will prejudice the integity of the d�sign concept of �he cornpl�ter� praject as a functianing whole as indicated by the Contract Do�uments. Crtty will ha�ve aud'inriity ta candu�t special i�spectinn ar #es�irag of the Work as pra��cled in A�ticle l3, whether ar not th� Work is �Fabri�ated, instalIed, or ct�mplet�d. 9.Q5 Detepmanafion.� fop Yi�o�k Fe�fa�rned CvntxaGtor wilI deter•mine the actual quaniiti�s and classif�cations of iNork perfornied. �ity's Project Managet will re��ew with Contractar the pi�el'unnlary determinatians an such rnatters b��are rendering a�ritten recaznrr�endation. City's writt�n decision will be f'�nal (except as mod�ied to ref[ect changed factuaI cond'ztians or m�re �.cc�rat� data). 9.D5 Deca�Sior�sanRequir�ePr�er�tsa,.fCo�tt�actDocuPnentsrxr��[ecepl�crhf�ityaf�l'Ypr�C �, Ciky will be the ini�ial interpreter af the requitemerrts of the �ontract Daoument� an�i judge of the acceptabili�y af t�►e Work thereunder. B. Gity will render � written deei�ion on arry issue referred. C. City's writtten de�i�ion on the isst�e referredv�ill be firLai and �indirig an the Cantractor, subj�ct tc� t�� provisinns of P ara�rapIa 1 U.06. �u���Y�L� i� --- cxA�r�Ls ��v TxE wc�xx; c�Arn�; �x�r� w�u� 1 Q,UT Aa��horr'zccl C�ia�ges in the �'ork A. �ithhout invaiidating the �antractand withaut notice ta any surety, City �nay, atarry time or finrn tim� to time, arder Extra Vyiork. jJpnn nntice of such �xtra Warl� Car�tracior shal� promptly proc�ed wi�� the �c7rk in�crlved u�hich w�ll i�e pe�formed under the applicable canditions a� the Cot�tract Documents (exc�ept as otherwise speciCcally pmyided}, Extra 1Nark sh�a11 be memarial�ed by a Change 4rder which may or may nat precede an order of Extxa work. B. Fa� miriar ct�nges of Work not requiring �hanges Cc� Cantra�t Time or Contract Price, a Pield Order may be issued by t�ie City, CITY OF F�RT 5fit�RTH STAhiAAHAC�5TRUCTI�N 51�EC[FICATION I]QC[JMFdd1'S Ree+ision &2i�1 AdnbeAa�o�ak5}g�1 IransacEinp Nuinhes: CBJCH9CM9AJ�[evFSUCrtuVJUpcAywr�yf75osiNlp7GxPA 14.02 Ur�aa�fl�orazed Chapages fM fh� yY�rk oa��.c�o-i GENERALC�NpITIUNS P age 39 of 63 Cantract�r sha11 not l�e etttitl�d to an mcrease in the CantraGt Price or an extension af the Cnntract Tii�ne w[tt� z�s�ct to any work perfonri.ed that is nof xeqttired by the Coni�act Docurnents �s arr�ended, inodified, or supp�ernented as pravided 'm Paragr�ph 3.�4, excep� in the case af an �mergency as pruvided in Paragraph �.17, 10.43 �xec�t�an nf Ch�r�age �r�ders A. CiLy and Cant�'actar shall exec►�te apprqpriate Change Orders cfl�e�ing: 1, changes m the �lVork whicY� axe: (i� ordcr�ci b� C�ty pursuant to Parap�aph 1�.�1.A, {ii} requtred because of acceptance of defecti� �ork under Paragraph 13.OS ar City's carre�tion af defective 1�ork unc�er P�z'agr�ph 1�.Q9, c�r �iii� agreed to by the parties; 2. chang�s iri the �ontarac# Prnce ar Car�k�a�t Time which axe agreed to by the pari.�s, lllG�Ll�lllg any undisputed sum ar amo� of time for Wark actually performed. 10.04 Extra �'ork A. �hould a di�fer�nce arise as to what daes ar d�es nat consf.ibuf� F.xtra Work, ar as tu the payment thereo£, ar►d the City insists upon i�s perf'armanoe, the Gontract�r sk�ll pz'[aceed wit1� the work after making �r�.ten r�gu��t far wri[ten or�dars and sha1� keep accurate account �fthe actual reasonabi� cost thereaf. Lontract Claims regard�g Extra Wvrk shall be made pursuant to F aragraph 1�.Od. B. The Cnntractor shall furnish the City such irLstallation recards af a�l det�irati�ns fram #he original Ccmtrac� I]ocurnent5 �s may be neeessaryta enable the Crty to prepare fc�r permar�etrt recard a carrected set of pla.ns showirig the actual installat�rn. C. The compensation agreed upon for Extra Work vrrheth�r ar not initiated b}� a C�n�e 4rder skxall be a fu�, comgl�te and final paymeni for alI costs CarYtractor incurs as a result or relating to the c�ange or �xtra 'LlVork, whether said casts are 1mQwn, unl�awn, foreseen ar unforeseen at that time, including. witl�ut ii�tit�tion, any �asts for dehy, e�tended overhead, xi}7p�e ox impact cost, or any aifier �££ect an c�anged ar un�H�nged wQrk as a result of the change or Extra W�rk. 10.D5 �oti}'rcatio� ta Sur�ei� Tfthe �rovis�ns of any 6nnd �t�equire notice w he giv�n to a surety ofany change affe�tingthe general sca� vf the 1�Ircrr� or thc provisicros of ihe C�r►iract Documents (ineluciing, l�ut not lirn'rted ta, �antract Price or Cc�n�ract Titrie), the giving of any such n�iic� will he Can#ractor's respansibility. The amovnt af each ap�Iicable band wi11 be a�justed by the Cantract�r to reflect the af'fect of an�r �uch change. CITYOF FORT WOfRTH STANDt�R17CON3TR[]CTI�N SPBCIEICATICIN DOCUMF.NTS Rerisiun, �I�Fd3�l d.eio5e llcraUa t Sigir T�2nst�ctfon Hurn6en [SJCi�BCAA9ANcv FSuC,a�viAAlpolywc3yi'J9peTHipYG7�A 10.(16 Corri�aci CdairtRs �*roces,s ou�zao-i GENERAL�NQITIDM 5 Page d[l of b3 A. Ciiy's Decasit�r� �tequared; All Cozrtra�t Claims, except tho�e waived puisuant to Paragraph 1�.�, shall be referred ta fhe Cit� far decision. A decisian by City shall be required as a canr��tion precec�ent to any exercise t� Contractor of any rights or rerned�es he may �l��r��ise hav�e under the Contract I�acsamerrts ar l�y L�ws and Regulations in respect of such Contract Claims. B. Norice: I. V�ritten notice stating �e general nature of each CaMraet Clairn shali be delivered hy the �antra�tor t� City no �ter than 15 days aiierfh.e start of ths event gir�ing ris� thereto. The responsihili�+ tr� substantiate a Corrbract Clairn shall rest with th�e party in�kirig th� Co�tra�t �laim, 2. NoCice of t�e amount or ext�nt of the Contract Claim, with suppoi�ting data shall be deG�rered to the City on or hefore 45 days from the star� of the e�entgi�ving rise thereto (unless the City aIlaws add'rtionaI tirrie for Contractrn• ta subrni� add�ianal nr mare accwr�.te data in support of such Gont�rac# Claim), 3. A Contract C�im fnr an adjustm�nt in Cnntraet Pri�e sha11 be pr�pared in accordance with the provisions vf Paa•agraph I�.aI . 4. A C4nira�t Claim for an adjustment in [;ontra�t Tirr�e shall be prepared in accordance with the pro�vis iot�s af P aragrap� 12.0�. �. Each Contract Claun sha11 be �ccorr�panied by �on#�•actor's writ�en sta:terneni that tl�,e adjustrnen� cla�med is tlte entire acfjustmerrt to �v�ich the �ontractQr belie�res it is �nti#7ed as a cesuh o�said everrt. 6. The GiLy shall subrnit a�y r�sponse ta t�ze C�rrtracior within 3� days af�er receipi of the c]aimant'� fast suhmiCtal �ur�less Contract aliows add�ipnal time). C. City :sAetran: City will review each Contract Cl�im and, widthin 3U ciays after�ceipt of the last subrnittal of the Contractar, � any, take ane afthe foIlowing �c#ians in wrrting: l. d�ny the Cotrtract Ck�im i� whale or in part; 2. approve the Contra�t Lla,im; ar 3. notify the C'ont�a.cior that the City is tanable to resfllve fhe Confract Claim if, in ti�e City's soIe dvficretion, i� would �e inappropriate far the City t� do sa. For purpases vf fra�-ther resoluiian of tY►� Contract Clairn, �uch natice shall l�e dsemec! a deniaL crr� ar• r• o�T woa-rx STANDARI?COH4TRUCTIDN SPEC1FiCrlTlO�' DOCiJMENTS Aeuisi� 8rL'Jl02.] Ado6e Acro6at si gn Tra��sacti on Nu i nF er: � ic HBCIu[iANevFSu��wlFNpe+1y.�0 yr�2]OsTTd tp2GrPA DD720D-1 G�N�F3ALC4N6fTI0N 5 P age 4] of b3 D. CityyS writ�en actian under 1'aragraph 1a,46.0 wil! be fnal and bu�ding, unless City ar Coniractor rnvake the dispute res�oIution procedure setfarth in A�rticle 16 �,+ithin 30 days of such a�tion ar denial. E. No Conhact ��irn for an adjustmerrt rn C�ntract 1'ric� ar CAntract Tune will be valid if nat suhmitted 'ua accordance with�is Paragraph 14.�5. ARTICLE 11— C�ST �F THE WORI�; ALL(lWANCE�; U1yIT PRICE WUR.K; �'T.�iN� QUANTI'I`Y MEASIIREMENT 11.[}1 Cc�st of t�Ze YT�ork t1.. Cosis Iracla�ded.� T'h� term Cast of the VlTnx�k means the sum �f all cns#s, excep�t tho�e �xcluded ici Paz'a�'ap�i 11.�1.B, r�e�essarily iri�urr�d and pa�od. by Cvntrac�ar in the pxoper performance af fJte 1Norlc. V►�h�� the value of any 1�arl� aovered by a�hange arder, the casts ta be reimh�arsed t� Car►tra�tor yvill he c�nly �hase additianal ar inerernentai costs required because af the change m the War�. Sucl� costs sl�all not �clude any a£ f.he casts �:ernr�ed in �'aragraph i 1.OI.B, and shall include Uut noi be lirrrited ta the follovving rtems: 1. I'ayroll casts For emp�aye�s in the direct etnploy of Caritractar in d1e �rformance �of the �ork under y�heduI�s of �ob class�'�cations agreed upan lry City �nd Con�r�ctar. Such erngloyees shall inulude, w�hout limitation, superi►rtter�d�nts, fvremen, and o�ther personnel em]�layed full t7me cm the Work. Payr�ll costs for etnployees no�t employed full time on the ViFork s�aall be apportioned on the basis af their time sger�t an the Work. Pa�t�oll cnsts shall itYclude; a, salaries with a S5°/n rnarklip, or b. salaries and wag�s plus the cost of fringe bene��s, vvhich sllall �c}ude sacial securiLy contribut�on�, z�r�enaplayment, excise, and paynoll taxes, warlc�rs° cnrnpensation, hea�h and retireznerrt benefits, bonus�s, sicic ieave, �acatian and haliday pay aJ�plicable theret�. The expenses af perform�ng Worlc outs� of Regular '�Varlcing Haurs, Weekend VLrark�ng Hours, or legal holidays, shall be ittcluded in the �hove to th� extern authorized by Ciry. 2, Cost of alI rttaterials an� e�uipixtent furnished and incarparated in the 1Yoxk, including c�sts af transpartati�n and storage thereaf, a�d Su�pliers' field services requ�red in cont�ectinn therewith. 3. Rentais a�F �ll c�nstructio� equiptta�rrt at�d machinery, and the parts the�eev� whiether rented from Contractor Qr others in accourdan�e wi�h rental a�eements appr�ed hy City, and the costs af tra�spart�tion, laadin�, unlaading, assemhly, disrnantling, and remnval thereof All such casfs shali be in a�cordance with fhe term� af said rental agreements. The renta� of any sueh equipmerrt, maclvn�ry, or parts shall �ease when ihe �ase there�f is na lan��r neGessary for the ��rk. crrrar roR�r wax� 5"! ANpAfLDCaNSTRUCT[6N SPECIFICA'C1bH aacu��rrrs Rcvision: $�1 Pufehe Aeruhai Sig�l Trar�eadion Nwnher: ES3JCHaCAJIBAAkuF3uC�wVJUprA7l�v[ayY194sTNtp2GxP0. aa�oa-� GENEF2AL CANp I714 N 5 Pe�e 42 of �3 �. Pa}Fments made by Cantra�tor to Subvarrtractors for iAlork perforined �ay Su�contracfoes, 1f rec�uir�d hy City, Contract�r shal� obtain cnm�aetitiv� bids froin �ubGonGracte,rs accep�table ta City� and Caizfxa�ior anc� shall deIi�er such bids tQ City, who will then determi�a�, �hic� bids, zf any, will 6e acceptable. If any sut�catxtract pravides t.�at ttte �ubcontractar is to he paid on the k�sis of Ca�t of the Wnrk plus a fee, the Subcon.tractor's Cast �i the W�rk and fee shs�i be determined in the sar� manner as �onfractar's Cast oF tlze 1�Vark and fee as pr�vided iri tt�i� Paragraph 11.O1. 5. Costs af speaial consultar�ts �including but nat litnited ta ]aboratories, surveyars, a#torneys, and accauntants) empIoyed to tk►e �ork. 6. S�ppleinen�al c�rsts includin� the following: en�ineers, architects, testu�g for services specif'�cally rclated a. Th� prc�pnrtir�n of nece�sar� iranspt�rtation, travel, and subszstence expenses of Cantractc�r�s en�ployees in�urred i� di�charge af dut�es comiected with th�e Viiork. b. Cost, inc[uding transportatian and mairttenance, nf all rnaterials, supplies, equipment, ma�hinery, appIiances, offt�e, and temporary facilrtses at the Szt�, and ha13d tvol� not owned by t�te wark�rs, which are �oi�sumed in the perfarmance af the Worl� atad aost, less market valu�e, p� SLlCI7 it�ms used bu�t nat co�sumed which remain the property of Contractor. c. Sales, consumer, use, and other si�nilar taxes relat�d to the VLTork, ar�d for whick� Cot�iraator is liabTe not cavered und�r Paragraph b.11, as imposed by Laws ar�d Regulations. d. Depasits lost far causes atlYer t1�an neglige�ace vf CQntractor, any SuExontractar, or anyone directiy �r itad'nectly emplo�ed by arry of #hem ar for whose a�ts an�+ of them may be liahle, a.r�d rt�yaliy paysrqents and fees for perm�s �nd Iicenses. e. L055�q �Y1CY d8ril�.g�5 (and related expenses] caused by damage to the Wark, npi �ampensafed by insurance ar otherwise, sustained hy Contractor in connectiion v+�ith the performance of the i14�ark? pro�ided such losses and datnages have resulted from causes oti�er than the negligenoe of C�rrtrsctoz', any�ubcantraGtor, or anyone dir�ctIy c�r in�i�-ectly emplayed by any of them or for whose acts any oftt�ern may be liable. SuG� losses shall i�clu�e se�,tlements znade with the wrikten c�nsent and �pproval of Ci�y. Na such losses, damages, and expenses shall be included in the C'.ost of the VVork for the purpose of determining Contraetpr's fee. f, '1'l�e cost of uti�tie�, f+�el, and sanitary facilit�es at the Site. g. Mmar expens�s SlIG}i as teIegrams, lnng distance teiephone calls, t�lephvn� arxi communication servic�s at the Site, expr�ss and �ourier servi�es, and sirnilar petly cash itea�ns iun conneation w �th the �oris. crr�or ro�r r wour�i 5TA1�IO�hR[JCONSTRUCTI4N 3PECLEICATIdI� DOCUMEhiTS R,avisian: RI�i�I pde6e Acrobai Si gn Tr^ansae[i e11 I¢wnhe{: LBJCH BCAA6AWcVFSuCtVIYNpcAyWayfa 4A�[NIp�Gr,pA ooazoa,� �E���a� oallo �r�ar� s Page 43 af 63 h. The casts of prerni�ztns for �ll bonds and insurance Contractar is reqaired by the Cantra�t Dacuments to purchase and mairitau�. B. Gosis F�ccl�ded: The �erm Cost of the INark shall not incl�z�ie atry of the fallr3wing iLems: l. P�yrnll casts and other campensatian af Cantractar's nfEicars, exe�uti►+�s, principals �af partn.erships and sola proprietorships�, gener�l ca�anagers, safety m�anagers, et�neers, archi�ects, esiimat,�rs, attorneys, au��ars, a�cauntarnts, purchasing and contracting ager►ts, expedibers, tirnek�epers, clerks, and other personnel enlployed hy Contractor, whether at the Slte 01' ][l �(�ntt�.CtOT''s principal Qr brar�ch off'�ce for general admincstration of the Work arid nQi specif'r�ally included in the a�reed upon schedule af �ob classi�ications refer��d to in Para�wa.pi� tl.O1.A,1 or sgecifi�aI�y cnvered �ry Paragraph 11.41.A.4, alI af whi�h axe to be cottsidered adininistrative Gosts covered by �lie Contra�wr's fee. 2. Expen�es �f Contra�tar's �nci�l and branch off'iCes otiver ihan Contractor'a aff'�ce at the 5rte. 3. Any part of Contxactor's cap�taI expenses, includ'uig mteres� rni Contracbar's capital emplayed far ihe Work and cnarges against Contractar fax delinguent p�yments, 4. [:a�is d�e to ihe negligenoe of Cantractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone d'u•ectly or indirectly emplayed hy any af them or far whose a�ts anp of tIaem may be liab�e, includ'u�g but not limited ta, the corr��tian of defecf�ve Work, di�pasal of materials ar equipment wr€mgly suppl�ed, and makn�g ga❑d any damage to property. S. O�ttier auerhead or general expense costs of any lrind. C. Cantracit�r�'s �'ee: �hen all th� Wartc is perf'otmed on Yhe basi� o� c�st-plus, Ct�ntractor's fee shall b� deternvned as set farth in the Agreernent. 1�hen t�e value af any �Varl� covered by a Ch,�� Qxder inr an adjustmerrt in Cantract Pric� is determin�d an the basis of Co�t of the VVork, Cantractar's fee shall be determ�ed as set farth in Paragraph 12.�1.C. D. Daca�mentatiatt: 'Whene�er the Cost oithe WQrk for a.rry purpase is to be determined pursUa�t t� Paragraphs i 1.a1.A and l 1.O1.B, Conir�ctor w�l astablish and mairitain r�cords therenf in �tccart�ance with generally accepted accourrting pract�es and subm� in a form acceptable ta Ciiy an itcm�zed cost hreaktiawn t�gether with supporCing data. 11, D2 Addawatac� s A. Speeifie�d�lllat�vartce: It is understaod tl�t Contractar l�as included in the Cantraet Price all aliawanc�s sa narned in the Cantr��t Doc�mertts and shall aause the W�rk sn cavered to �e perFoz-med for such sums and by such pers�n� or en�ities as may be acceptable to City. B. �'re-kid 14llowances: 1. Camtractar agrees that: CITYOT FQRT V�ORTF] STflN0ARI3C0�l3TRUCTIpN $PECLFICATIUN DOC[IMENTS Revision; 8+Z�9e1 A[1 o6e Acro6at Slgn Tra nsadion !�m her: CBICH�CIN6MicvF5uCxwiMrpcAywOyr196sTN[�Grpd ao 7a c�U - i GENERAL �id� f� I� N 5 Pa�e ti4 nt fi3 a. the pre-hid aliovvances include the costto Contractar of rr�terials and equiptx�ent rec�u�d by the allowances to be delNered at the Sike, BII� fl�I 'd�7�1G3�� tAX.E^�a and b. Contractor's c.osts far unb�ding a�d handling on the 5rte, laiaar, �stallation, overhead, profi�, and othet �expenses c�ntemplated fo�• the pr�-bid alln��ances h��e been inoltzded in the allawances, and na demand for additianal payment vn a�ca�nt af an�r of the foregaing will h� valid. C, �'oniir�gerRcy.�ddowa�ae : Cantractor agrees ihat a cor�tingen�y aIlawariee, if any, is far the sale use af City. D. Prior ta finaI paytx�nt, ar► �ppropriaie Change Order will be issued to reflect ac;tua.l arnoutrts due Cont�aotar on accaEmt af VVork cavered hy allowances, and the Cantract Price sha� b� canespandin$ly adjustad. � 1.03 t]�zit Pric� bYark A, �h�re the Contract Qocuments pravide that all or part af the VL�orlc is to be Unrt Price VyTork, initially tl�e Contract Price will be deerrzed to mclude for aU ilnit Price Wark an amount equal io the sum of th� unik price far eacl� separateIy ideniifed item af� [ Jnit pr��e Wnrk times the esiirnsied quantity of each� �bem as indicated in the Agreemeni. S, 'ihe estirraated quantities of items vf Urul Pricc 1�Vark a�'e nat guaranteed and �re salel� for the purp�e dF oarr►parisan .af Bids and determining an inihial Cantract 1'rice. Betermir�aiions of the act��l quantiti�s and classi£'icatians of Unit Priae Vitark perFormeti by �o�txacfor v~+ill be made by Cit�+ subjeat to the pravisions of Par�graph 9, 4S. C. Each unit price will be dee�°ned ta iitcIude a�x amc��arrt ca�sidered 6y Can�rac#nr i�n i�e aciequate to cover C�arrtracLar's o�arhead and prof�t far eaeh s�p�raie.ly ideriti�'�ed item. Wark desc�ibed in the �antraet Qocuments, or reasonably inferr�d �s rec�uired far a functionally complete instal�atian, but nat i�ent,�ft�d in ihe Iisting af unit price ibenns shali be considered in�ider�tal tn �anit pri�e work �sted and the cost of in�idental �,rork inciuded as part of t.he uni� price. D. City may make ar� adjustrne�C in th� Contra�t Price in �ccordance �vith Paragraph 22.01 if: 1. tfte quanti�y of arry item �f ilnit Price Work performed hy Cont�•actor differs materisily and significantl� fr�m the estimated quantity �f such itern indicated in the Agreernent; and 2. �ere i� no carresporrding �djustme�n� witl�t respec� to any other il;em of Wark. E. �rtcreased o� Decrecr,�ed �luaratiai�.�.s: The City reserv�s the right tn arder ExCra V[��rk in accordance vwithParagrapY� 1�.61. I. If the changes in quanti�ies or t�e a�eratians d�o nof signif"�cantI� change the character of wark under the Contract Dacurnerrts, the altered wnrl� will be paid f�r at the Gontract unit px•ice. CITY dP FORT WORTH STPtiNDA[�DOOQVSTRII�TI�N 3PEC[FTCATIUN �OClI]frIENTS Revision: &23(�Q21 Ado be Ac ra �at Sign 1 ra�naeiiuf� N Umher, C 6JG11 BCPd�hAAl[v FSu[ativNNprAywOyrz9Vs7Htpzrrl[vr} 09720iS-1 GEhlERAL OOhfD1T14N S �age 95 �f 63 2. If th� changes in quantRies or altetatinn5 sig�"�can�ly change the char�eter of t�vork, the C�n�ra4� ��ill b� an�e.nded hy a Chan�e ()rder, 3. If n�a unit pric�s exist, this �vill be cansidered Extra Vltark an€1 the Cor►tr�ct wiU. �oe amended by a Chang� �rd�r in ac�ondan�e w�th Aitic�e 12. �. A significant change in the charac#er of work accurs when: a. the charac;Ler of w�rk for any Itern as attered differs materia.11y in kmd or nature £ram ti�at in the Contract or b. a Major Item of wcu�k �aries hy mare than 25�/o Frorn the arig�nal Cvntract quan�ity. 5. �Vhen the quantity of w�rl� to b� done under ariy Major Ifern of #he �or►tract i� riwre than 125°�0 of the original quantity stated in the ContraG�; the� eitt�er �arty to ihe Contract rnay request an adjustment to the uni� price on lh�. porlion af the t�ork that is above X2S%, �. When the quantity af work to b� �iane under any IVI�,yor Itern of t�e Gani�act is less than 75°�0 of the ori�inal quantity stated in the Gorztract, then either party to the Conh-a�t may requ�st an adjustment to th� unit pri�e. 11.�4 �'las�s Q�aarzifiyll�ea+�srerra�r�t A. Plans quantiCi�s rnay or may na� r�presantthe exact quar�tity of work per��rmed or material mbved, handl�d, flr placed durir�g the execut�n of th� Contract. The estimat�d bid quantities are desi�nated as fmal payrner�t quantiti�s, unless revised b�+ the governing Section ar this At�icle. S. If the quarrt�.y m�asured as otrtlined under "Price and Fa�ment Fracedures" �aries by more than 25°f� (ar as stipulated under "�'rice and Payrr��rn Prncectur�s" for speci�c Iterns) Crcrm tt�e total estimated quantity far at� irldivi��aal Item ori�rn�all�r sh�wn in th� �oritract L7oc�arn�n#s, an adjustmetrt ma�+ be made t� the quantity of authoriaed wark done far paytnent purpases. The party to the Contract requesting the �djustrnen� vuill provide fielcl tneasuramenis and calcrrlatians slxovviatg the f�nai quantrty for whic� paymerrt wibl 15e rnade. Payr�n�trt for revised yuantity ��ill be made at the un�t price bid for that Item, except as provided far in Arti�le 10. C. When quatrtikies are re�ised by a change in design appr�ved lry the City, �r �hange �rder, ar ta cvrractan �rror, or ta correctanerrar nn the p}�a.ns, th� p�ans quantTty will be �Greased or decreased by the amownt in�rolwed in the change, a�d the �5°�� varia.nce will apply to the new plans quarnity. D. If f.h� total Got�t.'act �uantity inultiplied by t1�e unit pric� bzd for an individual Item is �ess than $250 and the Item is nat ariginally a plans quaratit}+ Item, then #he Item ir�ay he paid as a pl�ns c�uant�ity Iteita if#he City an+d ContraCtar agre� in writi�tg to �� the fit�al quantity asa plans quatrtnty. C l71' DF F�fRT WORTH STAf+11)AiZI]LY]NSTRIICTT[}N 5P6CIF'[CAT[ON I70CUMENTS Revision_ 8Q3�'Zf]Q.1 Adahe Rrrnhal5f�{n Tra rv.¢.ertian fJ� i m he.r. [61CH 6LpABit4#r.U��i i Cr.+MhlprAy�y0y1��105iF1tpTGxpA aa�� oa- � GEN�FL4LCDN�ITIONS Page �b nf 63 E, Fvr c�llout �vork Qr nan-si6e specific Confr�cts, the pla.ns �uantit}+ ineasurein�rrt requirernents axe no# ap]alicabte. ARTICL� 12 —�HANiYG i)F C(INTRA�CTPRTCE; CHAlVCF OF CCINTRACT' TIIVIE 12.01 Ch�x�age of C�ntract Pra�e A. THe Cantract P rice may only be �I�anged lay a Char�ge Qrder. B. The vahze of any ��rk cavered by a Change Qrder will b� det�ermined as fallows: i. vvhere the �lVorlc invalvad is ca�+ered by unit prices c�rrtained in the Cantr�.ct Dacuments, by appli�ation af sneh unit prices to the qu�rrti�i�s af the items irrvolved �subject ta the prav�sia�ns �f Paragraph I1.�3}; ar 2. whei�e the Work invalved is ttot co�ered by unrt prices contained in the Cor�tract Documexrts, by a ttautually ag�'eed lump surn �r �ar►it pri�e �which may inolude an alIowance far overh�a�i and profit not neces�arily in �ccordanc� with Farag�•aph 1�.�1.C.��, and sha.11 in�lude the cost of ar�y �econdary impaGts that are �oreseeable �t ihe iirrte of pricing the cost af E�tra �ork; Qr 3. where the �ark irivolved is not ca�ei�ed by uniti priees corrtain�d in #h� Cantract I]acuments and agi�eement ta a lump sum or unik price is not reach��l under Pa,ragra�h 12.�1.5.2, on the bas� a�'the CQst aFth� �ork �determine� as provided in Paragrap� 11_Olj plus a Cont�actor's fee far overhead and grafit (determined as pro�icled in Paragrapt� 12.flI,�). C, Contr�aetar's Fee: The Cvritra�tor's .additional fee for av�rhead and pro�"rt sl�all be determined as follnws: i, a mutuall� ac�eptab�e £'ixed ��e; �r 2. � a f�€�d fee is noC agreed upan, then a fee based on the follawi�g percentages ofthe various partions of the Cast of the V�orl�: a. for costs in�urred undar Paragraphs 11.O1.A.1, 11,O1.A.2. �.n� ll.[�I,A3, the ConCractiar's additional f�e shall 6e IS percent except far: l} rental fees for Co�►tra�tor's own eq�aipment using standard r�ntel rates; 2} bonds and 'msurance; b. for casts in�u�•ted under Par�grap� l l.f}i. A.�- and � 1.d1.A.S, tt�� c�,tr��r°S r�e sr��1 �� f"ive percant (SnIO); 1� wh�re ane or more tiers of su6cantracts are on the basis of C�si af the Wark pIus a �ee and no fix�t� fe� is �greed up�n, the intet�t of Paragraphs 12.�].C.Z.a and l�.�i.G.2.b is t�tat the Subcontrac#or who actually perfQrms the �ork, at whatever CITY OF F[7ILT Vl�RTH STANi7ARC7C[3N5'fRUCT[�N 3PGC]FICAT[UN DOCi111QENT5 Revisinn: 82Y�1 Adat.eACs�l�at Sign h'e�lsacticn Number, G0.ICHLKRABAI4kvF5�Cz�VWVpcAyW:1yf399SlHtp�iGYPA ooiao�-i GEI�ERAL CDIdD1710 �I 3 P �e 47 oF 53 t'rer, will be pai� a fee af I5 percer►t of fh� costs ineurred hy such Subc�rrtraetnr under Paa�agraphs II.�I.1�s..1 and 11.D1.A.2 and that a�� �her tier Subcontractor and Contractor wili each be pa� a Fee af irve percent (5%� of tlle amount paid ta the next lawer tier Sub�antractar, how�ver in no ease shall the cumulati�e tatal of fees paid be in cxcess af �5%; c_ no £�e Shall be payable on tk�e basis vf o�sts i�temi�ed undex 1'acagraphs 11.�1.A.6, ar�d 11,�1.B; d. the amaun� of credrt tn be aUawed by Cvntractor to Gity for any change vwhich results m a net decrease in cost wifl be the arnount af the actaal net decrease in cast p]us a deduction in Cor�tr�ctor's £ee by an amaunt equal fx7 five p�rcent (5°�0) of such net decrease. 12.02 Change of Cc�nt�ctc[ ?'i�e A. The Contract Time may vnly hc changed by a Change Order. B, No e�ension af the Contract Time �ill be allawed far Exkra VLloxk ar far c�imed de�.y unless the Extra Work contemplatcd or clain�ed delay i� shown to be an ihe critical path of tkxe 1'xoject �chedule ar Cor►tra�tar c��n s�ow hy Crikical PathMethad analysis haw tl�a Extra Vltarkor cI�imed delay ad�+ersely affe�ts the crrtical path. 1�.a3 �elays �1. Wh�re �ontraotar is reasana�ly delayed in the perforFnance or completion of any part af f.he �+Varit v�ithin the Cani�.•actTim� c3ue ta d�lay beyand the con�al of Cantracf�r, the Cantrr�atTime rna� bs� �xt�nded itz ar� amount eqaal to the time lvst c�ue ta such deIay if a Contract Clain� is xnade th�r�far, De]ays h�yozxi the c�ntral nf C�n�ract�ar shall in��ucie, but not be Iunited ta, ac�s or neglect by Cit�c, acts c�r neglect of util�ty owners or other eonixactors performing other w+ork as cantemp�ted by Articl� 7, �u�es, tloods, �pidcm�cs, ab�tarnsal weather condi#ior�s, ar acLg af God. Such an �d�ustment s�,ll i�e Contr�ct�r's soIe and exclusiv� t�medy for the delays described in this 1' aragra�h. B. If C�ni�actar �s dela�ed, City shaIl nat be liable to Co�tractor far any elaims, c�sts, bsses, or da�nages (including but nat Wnited ta aU %es and charges of engin�ers, ar�hi�ects, �ttorneys, and other professiana� and all court ar arbiCratian ar other dis�aute resQIutian costs) sustained by Contractflr on or in c�nn�ction wi�h a�y �ther praject or anti�ipated pr��ect. C. C�ntractor sha�l not be entitl�d to an adj�stmerrt in Contract Price a� �antract'1`irne for de�ays within the cantrc�l oF Cn�tractor. Del�ys attrbutable tQ and within th� contral of a Subcantractax ar Suppker shall be deemed to be del�ys withm the control af Contractor. D. The CQntractar shall rece�v� na compensation for delays or hindrances tu the 'Wark, except wHen direct and un�vaidable extra cost to the Con�actor �s caused by the failure af the City to pr�yid� informatian �r material, �` any, which is to be tuurnisk�ed hy the �iry. �'1TY �P FOR'1' WDRTI-T � STANDA�tD00�TRi]CTI�N 5l'ECIFICATfOM DOCi.I�iFdV'T5 Rev ision: 8�1 NJoheRcroha[8i�ryiTransarliac IJumher.C¢.14iHCAARMkuFSutxwwVpcayuatryr79fls7NtprGkpA oo�ian-i GENERALCt7NaITIDN 5 Page d8af 63 ARTICLE �.3 — TESTS AN� INS�'�CTI�1�T�; C�RRECT�QPT, RF�I�IOYAL UR t�CC�PTAIYCE OF DEFECTI�'E VL'�RK 13.01 �otrce of'Defeets Naiice vf aIl de%ctive Wark af which City ha� actual kn�wledge will be grven to Contractar. llefective WUrk rnay be rejected, eorre�ted, or accepted as providec� irt #hzs Article i 3, 13.Q2 �4Gcess fo T�t'ark City, inde�aenderrt te:5�in� labaratories, and govarnmenta] agencies with jurisdictional irrterests will havc ac�ess tU the Site and the L�'�'orl� at reasor�a.h� times for their observatian, inspection, and testing. �ontractor shall pravici� them proper and safe canditians for su�h aecess an� advise them of Conixactor's safety �rocedures ar�d progf•ams sa that they may camply th�rewith as ap�licab�e. I3A3 �'�s#s a'ncl ��spectzorrs A, Con�raotor s�aIl gi►re Gity titr�.� no#.ice of readiness of the �7ork far all required inspeGfiar�s, tests, ar �ppra�als and s�aIl coopera.te with inspectian and testing personnel to faci�itate r�quir�d inspections ar tests. B. If Contr�aot Dacuments, Laws ar Aegulations of any pubIic body ha►fing jurisdiction require any af fhe Vl�vrk (ar pa�zt th�z�eof} to b� inspeci�ed, t�sted, oz" ap�n�aved, Contractor shall assume full responsi�ility f.ar arranging and obtaining such independent it�spectiot�s, tests, retests or appra�als, pay alI casts in co�ulectiar� therewith, and furnish C.rty the requir�d certif"�ca�s of inspe�tian ar ap�raval; exceptin�, hawever, those fees spec�'�cally iden�ified in the Suppl�rner�tary Cond.itians ar any T�xas Depar�mer�t of Licensure and l�egulatio�x (TDLR� inspeGtions, whioh shall lx paid a� desGriheci in the Suppiementary Condrtions, C. Contractar shalI �e respatlsik�le fox arrangittg and nb#ainin�; and sh�Il p�y �ll cvsts in c�nne�tian with �,ny inspeainons, t�sts, ce-tests, or appror�al� required fvr City's ac�ceptance of ma�r:rials or equiprt�ent ta be incorporated in fhe Wark; ar aaceptance vf maberia.ls, m� designs, ar ecJuipment submitted for approval prior to Cmn#ractox's purchase thereaf for ieicvrp�tatiori in the Work. Such ir�spectiana, t�sts, re-tests, ar approva�s sh�ll be perfQrmed by oi-ganizatians acceptab�e to Cit}+. �. Cily may arran�e for the sen+ices af ar� inde�ndent testing �abaratory ("T�sting Lab"} to perf'orm any ir�spe�tions ar tests ("Testii�g"} %r any part af ihe W�rk, �s d��errr�med solely by C;ity. I. Ciiy vvill coordinate su�� Testing ta the extent possihle, wiCh Contractor; 2. Shauld any Testing ur�der fhis SecCion 13.03 D result in a"faiP', "C�it� Il4t �&S5" or other sunilar nagative resu�, the Contractor shall bc cespansibl� for payin� far any and aIl retests. C�ntractor's cancellation �,+ithout cause af City init�ted Testir� sh�.lI be deemet3 a negative result and require a retest, CITY �F FQRT WpRTH $TANAARDCON5THUCTI4N SI�CIP]EAT10A1 17�CEl��N'1'8 R�.wisi4n: Sf131�021 hdobe 0.crobat Sign Trnua ction Numher: CP 1C�lBCMBAA[wFSuCtwWVpcAywq yr�90sTN tp[GxPA ao �x fla - � ��rr�w��calloinaMs Page 49 af 63 3. Any arnc�unts owed far at�� retest under this Sectian 13.03 D slaall be paid directly to the Testit�� i,ab hy Cantractor. CiCy v�•ill fc�r�rard all iriwoices far retests to Contractor. 4. lf Coritra�tor fails ta pay the Testing Lab, CiLy wiiI not issue Final Paymerrt unf� t,�te Testing L�b is paid. E. If any ldl�ork (or the wotk oF ather�) that is ta be inspected, tested, or a}��roved �s GQvered by Contractar withaut written concurrence of Cit�, Ccmtractflr shall, i� requested by Gnty, uncover s�ch Work for crbser�+ation. F. Llz��avering 91�ork a� pro�ided in Faragrapt► I3.03.E shall he at �ontra�t❑r's expense. G. Contrac�r shall haue the ri�Ftt ta rnake a�flratract Claim regar�ding any retest nr inr�nice issued tmder Sectian 13,a3 U. 13.[x4 �1ncQveraTg 3'York A. If ariy Work is ca�ered contrary to the CQntract D�umeirts or speG��c instructians lry th� Ci[y�, it must, if requested hy City, b� uneflv�red far City's observation and replaced at Cantractor's expen�e. B, If �i[y eonsiders �t necessaryor adt+is�ble �t co�e�ed VVark be obser�+ed by C�y or inspected or tested lay oth�rsx Contractar, at Cit�'S request, shall �ncover, expase, or otherwise make available for observation, inspection, ox testing as CiCy may require, that 1aartion of the �rnk � questian, fiu�nishing aII necessary labor, material, and equipme�rt. 1, If � i� found t�at the �noovered Work is defec�i�e, Gontractar shall pay all claims, casts, losses, and damages (includir�g but not limited to �ll fees and�harges uf enginecrs, architects, a#torneys, �nd ather prafessianals and all ��urt or ather dispute resal�tian costs� �rising out of ar relatirig ta such uncoverin� expasur�, observ�tion, inspection, and testin� a�d af satisfa�tor5r replacement or reet��sk€�eti�n (ir�cluciing btrt not Iimired tc� all eost� af repair or replacement af wark aF others); or Ci�y shali 1a� �nt�led to acceptdefective Wark in accordanae with Paragraph 13.48 in w�tich �as� C�ntractor shall still be responsible far all costs associated with e�posinga ot�serving, and testing the defect�ve �V�ark. 2. I� ��e un�coyer�d Work is nat foUad ta �e defective, Cat�tractor shall be allowed an increase m tl�e Cnr�traat Price ur an extGnsian �fth�e ContractTime, or baih, direct�y at�arbut.able ta such uncovering, expasure, obsetvatinn, inspectian, te�ting, rep�.cement, and reconstruction. 13.45 C.'tty �Yfay ,�tap th� d�oNk Lf th� �ark is d��ectiv�, ar C�ntractar Fail� to s�pply sufFicierrt s�7led v,+arkers or suitable materi�als or equipmen�, nr faiLs to p�rf�rrn th�e Wark in such a�vay that tl�e �ampleted �hTrnrk will �onform to �he Gorrtxact Iaacumen#s, G� may order Cvr�fx�cbor to siop tlxe Wark, vr any par�i4n thexeof, until �he cause far such order has l�een eWr�u�ated; hawever, this right of City to stop the 1�Vark shall nat gi�e rise to any duty on the part of �ity ta exercise this right for the ber�e�'� af Contrsctar, any CITY OP FOR7 WpR7H �TflrlI7AR13(:p�Sl'RI:CTLON SPECIFICATION 1]OCC1i1+1-L�+]TS Revisian' $�1 Atiabelk�a6at5i�� i�ensacioon hum6er.t9JtHSCAA8AA4cvh.5u[xwWVpeAy�y6yr2$psTAtlpZGxpp oa �z ao- 3 G�NERAI. C�NDIT{pEd 5 Pa�e 5� vf 53 Subcontractor, any Supp�ter, an�+ oCher individual or errtity, or any surety far, or einplayc� ar agent nf �ny vf thexn�. 13.�� Cor��ectir�n or�l�err�oval ofDefec�ive Work A. Promptly af%r receipt af writl4n notice, Co�°�tractor shall correct aIl de�ective Wark puXs�ant tp an acceptable schedule, whether ar not fabricabed, installed, ax cc�rnplet�d, �r, if the Work hasb�en rejacted hy City, rernave it from the Project and replace it with Wark that is nni d�fec�i�e. Cantrackor shall pay aIl claims, costs, additional t�stir�, lasses, and darnages �including buC nat limitad ta all fees a�nd charges of engine�rs, archibeei�, attorneys, �nd c�ther protessianals and all court or �rl��ration or oth�r dispute t�esalutiol� costs} arising aut af or reIating ta such carr�ction or remc�val (including hut nvt limit�d tv an aosts af re��� or replac�ment af work ai �thers}. Failura to r�quire the removal afany dcfective Wark shall xzot constitute acceptancet�fsuch�ark, B, V4�hen correcting defeeti�e Wark �ander the terms vf tl2is Fara�raph 13.46 ar Para�•ap� 13.U7, Contractrn shaIl take na activn fhat 'vvt��tld v�id ar othett��e �ngair Ciry's special warranty and guaz�ar�tee, if any, on saui Wa�k. �3.�'7 Carrecaiara Perzad A. If within t�a (2) years afl:er the date of Fina! Aaceptance (or such k�n�;cr peri�ad af time as may be prescril�ed by the terms of any applicahl� apec�a] guarantee requiretl by t�e Cantract Document�), any V►�ork is found to be defe�tive, Qr if t1�e repair qf any dama.�es to �1ie land �r areas xnadc a�ai7able for �on�•aetar's use by City or permitted by Lav�s and I�egul�tions as cor�emplated in Paragxaph G.lO.A is faunci ta be defecti�e, Contractor shall prUmptly, v[rithaut eostto City and in accardarrce with �ity's written instrue�ians: 1. repai� such defectiv� land or areas; ar 2. Cotr�ct such defectrve Work; ar 3, iF the defecti�+e Wvrk has been re,�ected �y City, r�mave ii from th� Pro�ect and rep�ca it with �Varlc that is nat defectir�e, and �. satisfactori[y correci ar repair ar remove and i�eplace any dama�e ta other VJark, tp th� work o� otI�►ers ar ather land or areas result�ng therefrom. B. If Contractor does n�t promptly camply with the terms af City's written instructians, ar in an emerg�ncy where del�y wnul� oause serivus risk af lass or damage, �ily may have the def�ctin�e Work corrected or repaired or may ha�re fhe re�ected Wark remaved and replaced. AlI claims, costs, losses, and dar�-iag�s (inEludin� but nat limited ta a!1 fe�s and �l�arges of en�azeers, architects, attorneys, �nd c�ther professianals and all caur� or otI�er dispirte r�solution costs) arising out of �r rela�irig ta such eorr�ction or rep�.�r oz' such re�rrtip�al and repl��emerrt (includi�g but not l�nited to alI casts af repa.ir or r�placemetrt of work of athers) will be paid by Cant�actor. C1T5f pF FQRT WQI�TH STAN➢ARDCONSTRUCTIO.N Sl'HCIFICATIOTI �OCU�triCNTS Rer�ision: $2�21 Ada6e Acrabet Slgn f ror�saction N �mb�r: C�.ICH�tAA9AAIr.VFSu CxNrWUpoAywdyr79A 7idtp�GxpA oar�oa-i CikNEF�AL CCaNQIT 1 Q N S Page 51 oFb3 �. In special �ircurnstances whcre a particulax 'rtem of equipin�nt �s placed in continuous servioe befare �ina[ Acceptance ofall the Wor&, fhe carrectian �e.riod for that item may sta�rtto ��un fiorn an earlier date � sa �ravided in the Cantract Da�uments. D. �here defecti�e Wark ��nd damage ta �ther �ork resulting i.h�refmm} has be�n co�'rected or rernaved an�d replaced under this Paragraph 13,47, the correction period hereunder with respe�t to su�h Wark may �e rcquired tu 1ae extended �or an add�tiana] period af nne year after the end �rf t�e ini�i�l Gorrect�an periad. Cnty sha31 provide 34 days written nati�e to Coritractor shauld such add�t�nnal warranty coverag� be required. Contra�mr rx�ay dispute tivs requirement hy fiIing a C�ntract Claim, pursuant m Paragraph l0.()G. E. Contractar's ab�igations under thi� F'aragraph 13.�7 are in addi�ion to any ather ob}igation ar warrarity. The provisians of this Paragra�h 13.07 shall nat l�e canstrued as a subs�itute for, or a waiver af, t1�e provisian.s of an�+ applicable statute of lir�aitatian a� repose, 13.0$ Ac�epra�cce ��De}�ecri�e �ork If, inst�ad u#' requiring �arrection or remaval and replacsmerit of defscti� V�caxlc, City prefers to SCC@�7t It:, City may �a sa. Cantractor shall pay all ilaims, cosfs, losses, and dar�ges (including but nat limit�d to all fee� and charges of enginaers, architect4, attorneys, and other prnfes�ionals and all court nr ath�r dispute resolution c�sts) attributahIe to City's evalt�ti�n a�'and determinatioz� ta accept such �ie�cctive 1T►�ork asid f�r the t�irninished value af the Worlc to tl� extent n�t ntherwise paid by Contr�ctor. If any such accep#an�e ac�urs pri�r to �'inal Acceptance, a Ch�nge Qrdsz will be issued incorparating t.�e necessaryrevisiot� i�n th� Cantr�etDncum�ni� wit� rea�ectto the �ork, and City shall he enti�led to an approgriate deorease in the Cantract Priee, reflecting the dirninished �alue crf' Work so accepted. 13.�� City �ay Carrect D�fectiue Work A. If Contra�tar fails within a reasonable tirr� a#ter u+ritten notice fram Czky fo Correct defective �ork, ar to remave and replace xe,jected Work as requi�ed by Cit� in aca�rdance with Paragra�h 13.�6.A, �r if C�nRractior fails to perform the Work �► accordance with the Cantract Do�uments, or � Contract.�r faiLs to cQ�r�pl�r �+ith any other provisian of the Car►tract DaGumer�, Cit� msy, a�ter seven (7j days written notic:e to Cantractor, correct, c�r r��►eay any such de�ciency. B. In �xercising tize rights and remedies under this Faragraph 13.D9, Ciry shall proceed �xpeditiously. In car�t�.ection �iidi such c�rrective ar remedial �ctian, �City traay e�cluda ContraGtor fr�m all or �rt nf the Site, take p�ssession af dIl or part af the Work and suspend Cant�actor's services related thereta, and incatpor�te in th� Wark all materi�ls and equipment i�car�oY'ated in the �Vark, stored at ttne Site or for which Cityy has paid Contractar but which are stored els�wh�re. Confiractar shall all�w �ity, C�+'s representatives, agants, consultants, einplayees, and City's ather contractors, accessto t}xe Site ta enable CiLj+ �a exercise the righ�s �nd rem�di�s under this P aragraph. �. Ail clauns, c�osts, losses, ant# d�rr�ages (incIuding b�rt not �ni�ed tt� all #'ees and charges af engineers, archrtects, attorneys, and other prafessianals and all co�trt ox' �ther dispute resolution cirY Q� rn�tT wa�� �TANDAR[3COh5TRl:CTf�iV 5PGCIFICATION DOC[IMSN'['S Revision �232UZ1 hil�be Ac�al�af 58gi1 Transaction Num her. C uJCH gG1nBnAlwFSu�xwlMlpcAyw(yy r79t]sT NmZGx�P. DO 72 00 - I GEN�RAI. CONaIT 10 N 5 Page 52 vf fi3 casts) ineurred or sustained by City in e�ercising the right� and remedies uxirier this Para�raph 13.09 wiIl b� charge� against Cant�•aGtor, and a Chan�e �rder wiIl b� issued incarporating the necessaryrewisions in the Cantract Docwnents with respect tQ Vhe Vdark; anc� City shall be entztled to a� appropriate decrease in the Cantract Pri�e. I]. Caritra�tor shall nat be allv�+ed an ext�nsion of the Contract "I'ime hecxuse af any delay in the performance of tha VVork attributable to ihe exercise of C.xty's rights and remedies under thia Paragr�pEh 13,09. ARTICLE 14 — P�YIV�ENTS TCI C�NTRACT�R AND COMPLETYUI►1 14.DI S�hedz�leof �ad�es Th� Schedule of �l�lues for lump sum contract� e�tablished �s provid�d 'm Paragraph �.�7 will sei� as the b�sis for progress payment� and wili be inaor�orated into a farm of Appii�ati�n far Paymer� acc�ept�hle tv C�ty. Pxogress �ymernts an ac�aurrC af Un�t Pric� Work w�ill be basec� c�n the number af uni�s cam�leted. I �4, 02 Pr�agress .Payrrrn nts A, �ppli�crtiansforPayr�ents; iar�•actor is responsibl� for prorriding all u�f'ormatiori as required ta hecome a vendor of the Ciry. 2. At least 2[� days befare tIle date �stahlished in the General R�quiremerrts far each progress payrnent, C:ontractar sh�ll s►abrriit t� City for review an �ppl�cation fo�' �'aymetYt filled �ut and si�ed by Cantractvr coverin� the ilVQrlc coinpleted as af the da� of the Applicatian and accnmpanied fry such suppartii�� docum�ntxtion as is required by the Contract D�cuments. 3. If payrnent is requested an the l�asi� of rr�aterial� and equipment ncrt itxcarporated in the V{Tork but deli►+ered and suitably stared at the Site or at a�other lacat7an agreed to in vvriting, the AppIication for Payment shall also be accomp�ni�d by a bilI of sale, invoice, or �ter da�urr�entation war�•anting that City has recei�+edthe materials and eqt�ipmerzt Free anticlearof all [�ien5 and e�idence t1�at the rnaterials and equiptnent are coEvered hy agpropr�ate insuranGe or ather atxangement� t� prntect C:ity's irttet�st thcrein, all nf whi�h rnust he satisfact�ry to Coty. �. Be�inning wi�h th� second Appi�cation for Payment, each Applicatian s�al� inc lud� an afftdavit of C.�ntraei:or stating that previaus pro.�ess paymerrts r�ceived on aecourrE of the Vllnrk k�a�e been applied o�� acGowrt to d��har�e Contractor's t�gii�rnate obligatians associated with p�•ior �pplieations fur Fayment. 5. The amount �f retainage w�th respect to pro,gess payments will be a� de�crY�ed in subsection C. unless atherwise stip►alated it� the C�ntraat Docwnents. crrY oF Fax�r ►,v�a���x STA1dDARDf7Q7+�THllCTIflN SPGCIFICAT[UN DQCLIINEN'1"S Rcwision' $�3�]21 AdoExiaarodoatSkgATfaiisadioll Ni�rrl6eY: CSJCHgCAAg,AA1cuF5uGt�+r1AiV�M.Ay�uO]}u290sTHtp2fiaPA �. R�view of �ppli�atio�s: ao7xaa-i GENEF�4L C�NDITION 5 P age 53 pf 63 1. Giry will, after receipt pf eac�t Applicaiion for Payment, either indiGate in writing a recnrnmendatian af payrnent or return the �lpplication ia Corrtractor indicating reas�ons Far refusing ��rment. In t� latter case, Gantractor may mal� i'he necessary �orrections �nti resubmit the Applicatson. 2. Ciiy's pracessing af any payment req�aest�ed in an Applicatian far Payment will b� b�sed on Cnty's observations of the �xecuted VL�ark, and an City's r��iew c�f th� Appli�ation for Pa}finent and fhe accvmpanying data and schedul�s, tiha.t to t�►e laest af Ci�y's knowledge: a. the �Vark has pr�gressed to ti,e pai�t indicated; b. the quality af the Wark is generall� in accardance vS+i�h the Cantracl Documents (subje�t to an e�aluatian of the �Vark as a funati�ning trvho�e prior ta ar upon l�inal Accept�nc�, the results of any subsequerrt fests called for in the Contract Do�uments, � final dete�ni�ation of c�uantities and class�cations for Vdaxk perf�rmed under I'�ragraph 9.05, and any other quaiifi�ations stated inthe recammenelatian). 3. Proces��g. any suah paymer�t will nnt thereby be deem�d ta have represe�d that: a. inspections made ta check the qual� ar the quantiEy af the �Vark as i� has heen perform�d have been �xhausti�e, exbended to er+ery aspect oF the Wark � pmgress, or i�vol�e d detailed ttxspec�aons af tt�e Wark beyand t�e respansb��ies speeif�cally assigned t� City in the Ca�raet Documents; ar �. there m�y not be ofher matters or is�ues betweentlse part�es that might entitle Contractor ta iae paid �d�ditian�lly by Gity or entitle C$y ta withhald paymerrt ta Cor�tr'actor; or c. Contractar has comp�ied with Laws aiid Regulations applicab�e to �arttractar's perfornriance of thc 1�►�o�'k. �. City rnay refuse ta pro�ess the whole �r any part of any payment b�cause �f subsequently discavered cvidence or fhe resuIts of' subsequetrt inspectians or tests, and r�vise ar rev�l�e an�+ suGh payment previously made, ta su�h exterrt as may be nec�ssary ta protect C�y fram lass because: a. the �ork is defective or completed Work has been damaged by #i�e Contr�otar ar aub�ontra�tors requirmg oQrrecti�n �r replacement; b, di�crepancies in quantities conta�ed in �eviaus applicatians for payment; e. the Contract I�rice has been reduced hy Change �rders; d. City has been re�uired to earrect defective 'L�ork ar camplete Wark i� accordance with Farag�apiz 13.09, ar CITYOFI�CIE�'I WORTfl STAND1�kI}C�TRlICT10N SPSCIFFCATIqN I]OCUMENTS Aevisicm: $��1 AdabeAcrahstsignl'r��uact�nn IJurn6er:e0.1CHBCNI$MkvF�uCxwYrVp�Ayr�Kiyr396sTNtpYcxPR oo�zoa-� � Ew�R,a� ca�vo i ri o r� s Page 54 nf S3 e. Ciry �as actua] knaw�edge af the o�currence af any of the e►+ents enumerated in Faragraph 15.Q2.A. L:. IZetafn�rge: 1. Fa►- corrtracts less than $400,OD� at th� time af executian, retainage shal] be ten pereent (10°/a}. �. For cont�acts greater t�an $�04,Q�0 at tl'te time af exx:cuti�n, retainage shal� be five p�rcenf (5°�0). D. Liq�ardated Dar�txges. �or each calend�r day that any work shaIl remain uncompl�t�d after tha time specifi�d in the Cantract Documents, tlie sum p�r day specif'�ed i� the Agreement wi11 �e assessed a�ainst tla� monies due the Cor�tractar, not as a penalty, btat as damages s�affered by the City. �. .�u,�rnent: Contractar will be paic� pursuani to the requirements oF this Article 14 and payinent will becorne due m accor�lance w�h t�e Cont�rra.ct Uocumerrts, F. Redr�ctian rn Pa�rrre�at.� 1. C�iy may refuse to mak� paymerrt �F the amdurrt requested becaus�: a. Liens have been fiIed 'm connectian vr+�ith the i�ark, exGeptvwher� Contractor has d�livered a specif�c bonci �atisfactory i;� Caty to se�ur� the sata�faction and discharg�e of s�ch L,i�ns; b. ther� are otIxer rtems antitiing Ciiy tn a set-aff againsC the amoun# reoommended; or G. C�ty has actual i�novale�lge of the occu�r�nce af ar�y of the cvents enumerat�d .in Paragraphs 14.�2.B.4.a through I4.{Yl.B.4.e ax Par�graph 15.02.A. 2. If C"rty refuses to make payment af the auaaunt requeSt�d, Ci�y v�il! give Contractor wriiten notice stati�ng flie reasons For such actian and pay �ontractar any amaunE remaining after deducrian of the amount sa witlzheld. C�Cy sha[1 pay Contraator t�e amourrt so vs+rt�he�d, or an}� �djustrnent tli�r�to agreed ta by City and Cant��actor, r�hen Gc�ntractar remedie:� the reasar►s for such action. 14.03 C`on�actar's Warra�tiy of �'itde Cantractor �rarrants ar�d guarantees that titl� to aI� Vifork, rnaterial�, and equi�mern cvvered by any Application far Paymcn�, whettler incorparated ir► the Project pr no�f, w��I }�ass to Ci[� no Iater than the time of payment free and clear af a11 �,zens. crrsr or For�T won��H STAIYDARDCO]+�TRUCT[ON SPECIF[CATC��i i�DCT]I1+IEI�TS Rewisiorr 8+i�.] Ado6eAcro6a15ign fra�7saaionNumber: C8J[H9CAk9ANc�FSUCzv+�NJpcAyv�QyfiE90s7Ntp$Gkr�A 1�F.a4 Pa�tial U[ilizaEion oo�zon-i (]ENtf�rL OplUQ IT IRN 5 Page 55nf G3 A. Privr to Fin�l Acceptance af al] the WQr�, Cit�+ may use or ❑c�cupy any pai-� af t�e �vrk whi�h has specif'�caay iaeen identif�ed in t�►e Co�rtract Documents, ar which Ctityr determiries canst�utes a sepa.rately functioning and usable p�rt of the �+Vork that can be used far �s intendet3 purpose without sigrrif'�catrt inter��rence with Contractor's perfaxttaance Qfthe r�maind�r of the Wark. City at ar� �une rnay natify CUni�•actor in writiing ta pe��nit CiLy ta use ar accupy any su�h part of the V►tork Whi�h Ci�y determuics to he read� for its it�nded use, subjeei to the folbw�in� aanditions: Contractc�r at any tnne may natitfy Ci�� in writing that Cantractar consid�rs any such part af the Wark ready far its intended use, 2. W�hin a reasonab� time �fter natific�tion as enu�r►erated in Paragraph 1�.OS.A,1, City and CQY1tCdCtAT s�all malte an ittspeCt.�vn of that part of tI� Wark t� determme IC5 Si�tU5 of cornpletion. If �ity daes not cflnsider that parf uf t�ie 1�ark to be substant�ally co�rnplet�, C�.y wi� r-��tify ContractQr in writing g�ing th� r�asons th�exef��. 3. Part�ial Ut�li�ation will not canstit«te Final Acceptance bry Crty. 14.�5 Frnal �'raspecttan A. [Jpon writ�n notice Trom Cantractar that th� entu� Virarlc �s Suhstantia�ly Camp�ete in a�cardance with the �ontr�a�� ])c��uments: l. ii�l�ivn lU days, C�.y �vill schedul� a Ffr►al Ir�pectia�n vvith Car►tractar. 2. C�ty w� notify Cantractor in writing af al[ particu�ars in which fhis inspeciion revea�s that the '�Vczrk is incamplet� or defecti�e {"Punch List Items°'). ConYractor shall irrurvediately t�ke such measures as are necessary to camplete su�h V►�ork vr remet�y su�ch defici�nc�es. B. No titne charge will be made against the Gantractor hetween said date of natif"�cation to the C�ty of Substantial Completiun and the date af Pin�� Inspection. 1. Should the City deternvne that tl°ie Wark is not ready f�sr Final Inspection, City will natify th� Con#r�ctnr in wr�u-ig of the reasons and Cantract Time will resume. 2, Shau�d the City �oncur t�at �ubstantid] Campletian has been achi�yed rvith� th� exception af any Punch List Iterns, Cax�tract Time will resum� fo� the duration it ta�ces for Cantraotor ta achieve Finsl Ac�eptanee. 14.06 Final Accepta�ce Upc�n cvrnpl�tion by Ga�ttractor t� City's sat�faetion, of any addi�ionai Work ident�"�ed in the Final Inspectior�, City wiill issue to C�ntractor a �etter Qf Final �cceptance. CITYOF F�RT WORTI-I STANDAR]7C0{'lSTRIICTIflN SPECIFICATION DbCTJMENTS Revisirnc SfZ31LtR1 Adnhe/�crohat Sign 7rainsuian ry�m6er,cn.yCilLiCplhBMkvFSuCiwWVpcq}+�rpyr29UsTNtpZGxPA 1�.07 Fi�a�xl �ay��at A. �4pplicataon far Pc�y►r�ent.• an 7a oo - � GEMERALCi7NbITIUP38 Page 5G af {3 1. Upan Final ,�,Gceptance,and in the opinian af City, Contract�r tn�y rnake an applicatian for fmal payment follovving the procedure t'or progress paymer�fs in a�cordance v�ith the Contr�.�t IJocuments. 2. The final App��catian for Pa�ment shall be accorrapanied (except as previous� delivered} by: a. all documet�tation called for in fhe Cotrtract Dncuments, irich,eda�g but not limited to the evidence af ins�arance required by Paragraph �.03; �. canser�f of the surety, if any, tc� f�nal payrn�zt�; c, a list of �ll pend'uig or release�I Damage Glauns against C.ity that Gantractor believes are ilnRettied; and d. affidavits af pa�ments and carfiplete and Iegally ef�ective releases or waiwers Ssatis£actocy ba City} of all Lien rights ar�sir�g aut of or Liens �r�ed in c�rntectian wfth tl7e �Vork. 8. �a,yment Beco�es Due; 1. Aft�r City's acceptance of t�e Applicatiari far Payrner►t and accarnpanying do�umenYation, reqic�sied by Cantractar, less previous payments rnade and any surn City �s e�d, includi�g but nat lirnited to liquidated damages, tivill l�ecvm� due and payable. 2. Af�er all Damage �Iair►ys hav� be� resoh+ed: a. direct�y by tka� Cantractar ar; b. Cantractor pmvNdes e�iden�e �hat the Darnage Cla.im has 6een reported to Carttract�r's �nsutance pr�vider far resoluti�n, 3. The makuzg vf the final payrnent by the �iry shall nat �-�fieve the C.ontr�.�tc��- of any guarantees ar ather requirements af the Cotitract Dac�zments whi�h specif'�ca�Iy c�ntinue thereafter. 14.0$ Final Gv�dedio� De�ay+ed arrd Partial Relaixaage Release A, Tf final eampl�ii�n of the Worl� is signif"�antly delayed, and �` City so canf �rms, Cily may, upon receipt of Gor►�ractar's final Applicatian far Payrnent, and without termiriatu�g the Contract, make payrnent of the l�alan�e due far that partion of the Work Fully cot�npleted and accepted if the i�ema'rning $alan�� ro $e �.�ld by City far WQrk r��t fuUy completed ar �QireGted i� tess tIian th� ret�3nage stipulatied in Paragraph i4,02,�, and if honds ha�e 6�er� 1'urni�hed as required in Paragraph 5.�2, the written �ansent af the surety to the payment v� the balar�ce due for that CIT`��FF�RT W4R'ill 3TANDA[��OON3TRUCTI0�1 3PECiFICATI�IN LJOCL[MEI+f1'S Revision' $���1 Fs!ohe Acrol�at Sig�� Tra�� sadlori Nurriher: C6JC HBCMSAAIc�FSuCtwWVprAyw6y79�sTNtp�(SS+PA 0972Qp-1 G�NERAL CAN� lTIOM S Page 57 nf 63 portian af the Worl� fully completed and accepted shall be subrnitted by Canhactor to C�iy with the Appiicatian far such payrneirt. Six�h payment shalI be made under #he term�s and c�r►ditians gav�rnmg final paymen�, exc�ept that �t shall nc�t constitut� a waiver of Gantract Claims. B, Partaal Retarnc�ge Release. For a Contract tihat pro�ides for a sep�rate vegeta.ti►Fe establish�nent and mamtenar►ce, and test and p�rfvrmance periotls following the completiQn af all ofher cnnstructian in the Contract Docurnerrts fcn- an �Vor1c bcatinns, the City may re�ease a partion of the amour�t ret.�ined prn�ided that a11 othec wnrk is. �ompls:t�d as determ�ed by the City. Be£ore the release, all sul�rniktals and im�I �uantities rnust be cnmpleted and accept�dfar all vther wnrk. An am�unt suffci�nt to ensure �4ntract complianee will be retairied. 1�.D9 Waiver af C�air�as The acc�ptan�e af fmal pa�+nz�trt v�ill constitute a re�eas� �f the City Fram all cl�ims or ]iabiliti�s under th� Cotmracf f� anythm� dflne ar furnished or relating to the wor$� under the Contract �acucnents ar ar�y act or neglect nf City related tn ar cannected wiCh the Conta�act. ARTICT�F 1 S— SU�PENSI�N UF WaRK AND TEItM�NATIDN I5.�1 City 1�'IayS'us�errd Wa�k �. At any time and wsthout cause, C'rty ma� suspend tfle V1�ork or any portian thereaf by written notice tn Canixact�r and whieh may fix the date on wnicly VL��k will be resumed. Gontractvr shall resurne the Warl� on the ciate so� F�d. i)urmg temparary suspensian af the Wark ca�ered by these Cvnfract Dvc�ments, for ar►� raason, the C.ity will malce na extra paymerit fvr s�and by tiFne of cunstruction equiprnent and�ar constr�ctian crews. B. Should the Cor�ractax nat be al�le ta comp�efe a partian of the Project due to Gauscs beyond the cont�raI o� and �ith�ut the fauh or negligence of the Contractor, and shaukl �t be determ�ned by mutual cansent of ila� Corrhactor and City that a sahrti�n t� allaw co�str�,�ction to proceed is not avaiIab�e ��ithin a re�sanable period o�' time, ContY'actor may request an extension m Goni�-act Time,. directly atiributable ta any such suspension. C. If i� s.ht�uld became ne�essary ta suspend the W�rk fo�� azi indefin�e period, the Contractor shall store all mat�rial� in such a manner �t th�y r�trill nat abstruct ar impe�de � public unnecessarily nor become damaged m�ny way, and ha sh�ll t� e�+ery prec:autian ko prevent clamage nr dete�i�ration 4fthe wvrk �rfortned; he �haIl prauide sui�b�e drainage abr�ui the wark, azxl erect ternparary structures where necessary. D. ��ntractor txxay be reim}aursed for fhe cast of rnavutg his equip�nt oi� the ,jc�b and nettarnin,� the necessary equipm�nt to the �ah wh�n rt is detez�xirzed by � City tl�at canstruction may be resumed. Such reimbursernent shali be based �n actual cast ta the Contractor nf rnoving the equi�tnent and no prafi� will b� allawed, Reimhursetn�rrt may nat be allawed �'the equiprrnerYt i� mov�d to aawtHer canstruction project for the Crty. C1TY Q� FORT WflR1'H STANI]ARBGOABTRi]L'TION SPECIF�CATEDl4 DpC41MENTS TZevision' Sf��3i�L1 k.dol�� Acm4�at�Sirn Transaetion N�m Eur� CBJCH@CAA9RAI GVFSu 4w1LYprPywdyrZ9dm7Ntp�GxRA 15.02 Caty �lay Terminate f o� Ca use 007�40-1 GENERALCflNDl7lDNS Paga 58nF63 A. The occurrenc� oFany one or fnore afthe fol�awing ever►1s by way of exarrzple, hut not of limitatian , rrtay just��+ termir�f�on for eause: l. Cotrtractoras persistent failure to perform the Work irt a.ccorda��Ge with the Cantract Docurx��n.t� �inch�d' � buf n�t limrted ta, f�ilure tv supply s�fficient ski[leci w�rker� or suitahl� materia.ls ar equipmet�, failure to adhere to the Project Schedule eSt�hIished u��der Paragrap� 2,07 as adjusted froFn tirrie fa tirne �rsu�nt ta I'aragraph 5.04, or faiiure Lo adhere tr� ti�� CiLy's Busines� Di�vez�sity Ent�rpri�e 4rdinance #2DD2d-I2-201 Z esta}�hshed under P a��agraph �,06,I7}; 2. Coritractor's disregard af La.r�vs or Regulatior� aF any pubfio bady having jurisdi�iian; 3. Cantr�ctt�r's repeaied d�regard of the autharity of City; or �. Contractor's vialatian in any substantial w�y af any pirv�isions af the C:ontxact Documents; ar 5. Contractor's failure w prampt�y n�xlce gaad �ny defect in r�aat�rials or wQrkix�z�shiia, ar defects of any natui�e, the enrrectian af which k�as been directed in writing by t}xe City; or 6. Subsi�ntia] indication that the �ontra�ctar lias made an un�uthorirsed assignmerrt af the Contxact t�r arry funds due ther�from far the bene� of any creditor or fvr any vtiier pur�e; ar 7. Subsfiantia� evidence that the Contractar has }�ecarn� insalvent ar ba�lcrupt, or �erwise financiaIly unable ta carry �z� the Warksatisfactarily; ar 8. Cantractor caminences legal a�tinn in a�ouri of cnmp�tent jurisdiction against the �ity. B. If one or rnore �f tl�e e►+ents identif'red in Pa��agraph I5.��A. occur, �it}� will �r��it[e written ncfti�e ta C�rtiractor �nd Surety to a.rraCl�e a oanference with Canir�.ctar �nd Surety ta addt�ess Gorrtractor's failure tn perFore�rr� the Wark. Canfere�xce shall be h�Id nvt lai�r than 15 days, ai�er rsceipt of notice, 1. I� the Ciiy, the Cantraotor, and t�ie Surety do nQt agree to aIlovtir the Cantractor to praceed to perform the oanstructirn� Carrtract, the City rnay, to ttte exbeut permitted hy I,aws and Regulatinns, declare a Cnntra.ctor de%.ult and fo�•rnally terminate the C:ontract�r's eigk�t to cornplete the Contract. Cor►�ractor default shall not b� declared earliex tha� 2� days af�ert�e C.antractar and Sur�ty have rece�ved notioe af canference to address Contra�tar's failure ta perfarm the �Vork. 2. If COi1'Ll'aCtAI'�5 5�CV1C�5 � t81'Il7ltl$�C�, Surety shall be v�l�gabed to take over and per�Qrrn the Work. I� Surety daes not commence perfarmance thereof within 15 consecutive cal�ndar days after ���te of an addiiionaI wri�ten notice detnanc�ing 5urefy's perf�riz�ance af its CITY �P' FQRT WORTH 5TAM7ARU Cf3N5TSU CTI� N 5I'EC]F iCA TIfl N DQCLIMENTS R.erision: S2�Z021 Ado6e�AwobatSigrlTranssction NUrri6eY: Ce�CHeCAAHAAlt�FSit xv'J�hlpcAyv�6yr296sTN[piG�AA �t� �2 aa- i �E���� aor�ai r ta ra s P age 59 of d3 obli�ations, then City, withaut pracess �r acti�n at �aw, may take over any porGian of tl�e �h7orlc and completae it as �iescrihed below. �. If Crty completes the 'L�nrk, C�Cy rnay exclude Cantractor and Surety from the site an�l take p4ssess�an of the i}Vark, and all mat�erials and equipment incorpo�ated into the V�ork stored at the Sit� �r for which City has pa.id �ontr�ctor ar �urety hut whiG� ar� s�r��1 elsewhcxe, and fuush t� VNork as City may deem expedient, 3. VlThether Crt� or Surety cnxnp�etes #he �Nark, e�ntractar shall nat b� entitled tc7 re�ezve any furth�er paym�ent untii the Work is finisf►ed. Xf �he unpaid ba.lance of the Contrac;t Price exceeds all clanns, cnsis, lasses arid darnages s�stain�d 6y C�ky arisaig out of or r�sulting fr�m comple�in.g the 'Work, such exce.ss wvill be pa.id ta. C�nta�ctar. If such claims, costs, lasses and damages exceed such ur��aid balance, Carrtractar shall pay the difference ta Ciiy. Suc� cl�ims, aasts, losses and damages incu�x�ed by Ciry will be incarparat�d in aChange �rder, pravidet� that w�en exercising auy rights ar remedies Fander tivs Paragraph, City shal! not be tequiured tv abtain the lavrest price far the V►tnrl� perf�t-rr�ec�. 4. Neith�r City, nor any of its respective consultants, agerrts, of�'icers, directors or ernployees shall be u� any way Iia�ie or accour►tahle to C�r�txactar ar Surety for ihe ineihad by whi�h the campl�tion of the said Vl�ork, ar any partian fhereof, rn�y be acco�n�rli�hed ar for the price paid therefor. Cit�+, notwithstanding the �'nethod used in aQrnpleting ihe Cvz�ract, sh�.11 nat farfeit th� right to rec�ver damages from Corrtractor or Surety Far Contract��'s failur� to timely complete th� entire Contract. Cnntractar shau not be erititled to arry claim on acc�unt of the rnethod u�ed by �rty in Gornpl�l,ir�g the Contrac#. G. INaintenance af the Work sl�all cantinue ta be Contractor's and Suz�ty's res�aonsibilities as pravided for �n t�te �and requiremen#s af th� Contract Daeument� ar any special guarantees provid�d for under t�►e L'onbract Dacumerrts or ar�y other o�ligations athervvise prescrl�d by lav�. G. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 15.�2,g, Can#ractar's services will nQt be �ernvnated if CorrtraGtor begins within se��cn days of receipt of notice a£ interrt tv terrnsna�e ta correct its fa�ure �a perfarm and prac�eds diligently ta otare suoh failure within no more than 3fl days of re�eipt nf said notice. I]. iNhere Cantr�actcr�'s services ha�e been so ferminated by City, the terin�atian will nat affectar�+ rig�its or remedies af �rty ag�inst Contractar then existing ar which may thereafter ac❑rue. Any retentian c�r paymer�t af morieys due Contractor �y Cily will not release Contrac#ar fratn liability. E. If and to the ��r�t that Contracto�r has px�vided a performance band under the p�visions af Paragra�h 5.�2, t�e ter�niriation procediu�s of ttyat ban�d shall not supersede the provisions af this Artie�e. CTTY[)rrU[tf W4RTH 3TAAI1]rIRDC4h�TRUCTIbH 9PL>CIFICATION DOCiJMENTS Revisian: 8�1 %3ohe Ac�oFut S�g�l Tronsactian N4mher: CEAJCH�CFdIHANcvFSuCtWylNpeAywpyr29psTNtp2GxPA 15.43 Cit�lllay �'e�minate F'or Coraverrierzce 4D72�fl-] G�RlERALO�NOITION S Pege 6p af fi3 A, City may, without ca,use and r�+itha�t prejudice to any c�#her r�ght or rein�dy �f City, terminaf,e the Cnntract. Any termination shall b� � fCected by mail�g a�atice af the term�tion to the Corrbraetoc specifying the extent to which perfor�nance of'WQrIc Under the contract i� ternnir►ated, and ihe date upan whi�h s�a�h terminatian b�comes �ffectiye. Re�eipt of tlae notiee shall be deemed co�clusi�ely presumed and established wh�n t]Ze iefter is plac�d in th.e Unrted States Fostal Sei�vice Mail �ry the City. Further, it shall be deemcd conciusively presumed and established that such termin�tio�n i5 made w�th just cause as therein stated; and no praaf itt ��y claitn, demand ar s�it sha� be required of the �ity regarding such discretionary actiQn. B. �1.ftet• rcc.eipt Qf � nptiee vf tertninaf.ion, and excep�t as o#herwi�e directed b�y the City, the �ontractar shail: I. Stop worl�under the Cantracton the date and ta the extent specif�ed 'm the notice af terminati�n; 2. place nc� further �rders oz• subcontracts for materials, serv�ces ar facilities �x�ept as may be necessary for compl�tian af such portion of th,e i�Vork ►mder the Cvr�tract as is nQt ter►ninated; 3. terminate aIl arders and sr�hcantracts ta th� extent that thcy r�l�te ta the perfarrnance pf the V�r�ark terminated lay n�tice of t�rmir�a.ti�n; 4. transter t�le t� the Cit}� and deliver in the manner, at the tirnes, and to the extent, iF any, directed by the Ciiy: a_ t�e Fabri�at�d ar un�abxicated parts, �ork in progress, completed �V�rk, supplics and other material praduced as a part of, or a�quirer� m canr�ction with the perforn��n�e af; the V�ork terminated by the notic� afth� t�rmination; and b. the camplet�ed, ar parti�Ily cornpleted plans, drawiangs, irifrn�matian a�d o�er praperi.y which, if tha Caniract had been catnpleted, wauld ha�+e been required to !� ft�r�nisl�,ed to the City. 5. camplete perfvrrriance af su�h Work as shafl not ha�e been terminated b3+ the notic� of termmation; aiid G. take such action a� rri�y 6e rbe�essary, or as the City may direct, for the pratection and preservatian af the propert}+ reiated to its contract vvhich is in f.�e posaessian of the Coniractor and in which the nwner has ar rnay acquire the rest. C. At a tim� not later than 30 days a�terthe terminadan date �pe�i�ed in t�e not.�ce nf terminatian, �he Car�traotor ma}� s�brt� ta the �ity a list, ce�rtifred ag to q�aantity and quality, c�f any ar all items nf t�rmination in�entory uoti previously dispo�ed af, e.xclusirfe of items the disposit�on of which has heen directed ar authorized by City, ciTY oF �oRT woR�-i STA3+fL}ARDCOA�TkI]ET[DN SPECIFICATf�N DpCIII1+I&NTS Rm+isiory 823�1 Ad oh� Aao�at 5 ign Tra i7secl iqn N wn 6er. C9lCIiBL'dM1u41cVK5uCaVJMNpcAyua8yY146sFNtpZGxPR oa�oa-i G�{d�RAL �ON� IT IC} N 5 Pege 61 a£63 Q. Not ]ater than 15 days tl�raaf'ter, the City shall accept titI� to such iterr�s provided, t%at the l�st submitted shaIl he su6ject ta �erification by the City upon retno�+al of the �ems ar, if' the items are stored, within 45 c�ays from th� date ai sulamission af the li�t, and any necessazy ad�ustmerrL� to carreet the list as submit�d, shall lae made prior tv f�al settl����t, E. Nat ]atar than 60 days ai�er tha nvtaGe of termination, the Conk�aotor sl�all su6mit his teern��i�n claim t.� the City in f.he forrn and wrth the cerrtiff'�cation prescrihed by the City. Unless an ex.tensian is macle in t�vriti�►g with� such �1 day periad l�y the �antraGtor, and granbed by the City, any and all such c�airns shall k�e conclusively d�emed waived. F, In such o��e, Contractor shall be paid frn• �withaut dupli�a�ivn af arry �t�ms}: 1. complete�l an�d �cceptabie Wark executed in accardance with the �antract Dacumetrts prcor to the �effective date of ter�nir�tian, p�cluding fa�r and reasanable surns foz a�+erh�ad and pro£'it a� such V�orl{; 2, expenses sustained griQr to the effectiv� daie of terrriination iri pez�'�rmirig seivie�s aMd furnishing �abor, materials, or equFprr�et�t as required by the Cant�aGt Doc►amez�ts in ca�snection �with unc[arnplete� 'Wark, plus f�ur and reasonah�e sums for averhead and profit an suchexpenses; and 3. reasana�le expenses daectly attri�utable to termination, C'r. In the evez� of � failure of fhe Conixactor and Ci�y to agree upan t,�e whole amount to be paid ta the Cantracf�vr by reas�nof th� termination ofthe Work, the City shaIl deterrnin�, on the basis of mforrnatian a�+ai�a.ble to it, tlie amount, if any, due ta the Contractar by reas�nof the ter�tion and �hall pay ta the Contxactor tIae arnounts determ#tted. Cantra�tar s�►all not l�e �aaid on ac�our�t of loss �f antiGipated prafits ox revenu� �' flther ecanermic loss arismg. ou# of nr resulting fram such terminati�n. AR'1'ICLE 16 — DISP�7TE RE�ULUTI�N 1 G.41 �fefhacls and Proced���s A. E�her Crty ar Cont[�actar rnay requ�st �ediaiior� �f any Corrtract C�tim submitted for a de�ision under Paragraph l i�.Q6 be For� such deci�ion becomes f�al and bindi�g. The request for mediation sha.11 be submitted ta the otl�er party to the C.antraGt. `�'unely submi�sion o£ the request shall stay th� ePf�ctofFaxagraph IQ.06.E. S. City and Comtractar shall participat� in th� mediation process in good fai�h. The pracess shall be aorrunenced v�+i�hin 60 days �f fillirxg af the request. C. IFthe Ca►2tract C1aim 's nat resolt+ed by me�di�tion, City's action under Paragraph 1Q.06.0 or a denial pur�uant to Paragraghs 10.4�.C.3 ar 10.�6.D sha� becarne final and binding 3Q days after terminaticm af tha madiatian unless, within that time per�ad, City ar Cotrtractor: C1TY dC FORT Wi3RTH sTA1+II]AR�4Y�AI9T&I]CTIDN SAEC]F[CdT[ON T]OCUMENTS Revision: &�3D21 Ado6e Atra4�a[ Sign Trarr.uutio n Numbe r, C9J CI� BCa1A9MIcvFSuCxw'v1Hae+Ay w0y�I40s7NtpZGxPA �Qi �' � ��r�ERa� caNairiar�s Page G? of G3 1. elect� in writir� to inv�ke any ather dispute resolulion pracess provided for in the SUpplerrientary Conditions, or 2. a�rees with the ather part�r ta submit the Contract C�im to an�#her di�pute resolution pracess; or 3. gives �vritt�n notice to the other party af the itrter� to sui�rni� the Coritract Claim to a caurt of campeten[ jur�isc�ictinn. ARTICLE 17 — M�4CFLLANE�US ] 7.D1 GivaragNotace A. VL7hene�er any pra�ision of tk�e Can�rac� DoaratnerYts requires the grving of wriften natice, i� will be d�erned to ha�e been �validly given �: 1, deliuered in p�rson to the it�di�idual nr ta a nnerr�er of the firm or t� az� officcr of the carporation for wvham it is ir�nded; or 2. dali�ered at oc se�tt �ty regastered rn� certified rnai� postage prepaid, in the iast business acidress ltno�Tn ta t.he giveY o�th� riotaae. I;. Rusiness address chariges musi be prornptly made irt wr�ting t� th� other party, �. Whenever the Gontra�t [7c�curnents specif"�s givitig natice by elecixnnic means �uch eiectranic nQ�ice shall 6�; de�med suffi�ient upon �onf'mnation of r�ceiptby the re�ei�i�g parLy. 17.D2 Compuiation o_f'Tfines VVhen any geriod flf tim� is re�erred to in the Cantract Documcnts 6y �ays, it will be computed � exclude the first and incIude the ?�st day af 5uch period. If the Iast day of any such periad falls on a 5aturday oR' Sunday or an a day ma.de a legai holiday the next Warl�ing Day shall becoxne the last day of rhe p�riad. 17.03 Currtudative Rem�dies The duties and ohIi�g�tions imposed hy these C�eneraI Condition� at�d the rights and remedies availahle h�reund�r to the par�ies iaereta are in additinn tr�, �.nd are nnt ta be canstru�d in any wa�+as a limitation af, ar�y rights and remedies availabl� to any «r �11 of thern whic� are oiherwi�e irt�p�sed or ava�able hy La�rs a� Regula#ions, by spe�ial warrar►fy nr guaia.ntee, ar hy other prot�isians of the Cantract Documents. 'T'�ie prvyisivns of this Parag-raph rvill he as efF�etive �s if repeated specif"tcally in the Cantract Docurnerrts in cannection with e�ch particular d�ty, a6ligation, right, an�i remedy to which they apply. CITY OF FQ�T WORTH STANDARDC9N5TRl1CTI0N SAFsCIF1CAT14N a0C1Ji�+IEAITS Revisiar� �1 Aclahe Aaa�ak Sign Tranaa�ctian Num4e.v:G6ltN�CAA9MI�vF5uCn5MNp�Aywnyr7Jns7Ntp7.Gx�A oa�aoa-i GENERAL CONOIilON & Page 53 vf fi3 1?, 0� Survival a��h�igrrtiarrs All rept�e�entatian�, indemni�caf.ions, warranties, a�� g�arantees mad� in, x•equired 'Exy, ar giver� in ac�ordance v�ith the Contract Docunt�rrts, as well as �ill corrti�uing ob�igations indicated in the Car�tract Do�umez�s, �ill survn+a fina! payment, eom�leti�n, and acceptance af the Wnrk or termu�ati�on ar completion af the Cantract ar termmation of the sersrices of C;Ur►tractar, 17.0� Headings �1,rticle and paragra�h head'mgs ar� ins�tt�d for cnnr+enier�ce on�y and da not constitute paz�s o�these General Conditians. c�rYaH FaR� waxTTi ST�]iVllARI}COT�TRlIC7'ip� 3PEC[FICA7I0� 1]OCLTMEI�}TS Revisicrr�_ 8r13110'll Aa vbe Ilcrobat Sigr; iransaaeon Hum 6er: c:lsMkl9CMBMkvFSuCxwV�Vpd�y�vOyr39l7sT NipPGK PA oa �� ao Si1PPLBMENTAItY CpNUI•r�axs Page 1 af � SECTI�N QQ 73 Oq SL]PPLEMENTAI�Y CON171TIDN5 TO GENER�,L CflNDITIDNS Supplementary Candiiions 'these Supplementxry Cnnditians modify and suppl�m[:nt Ses;tian fl41 7Z 00 - Ganeral Candifions, and other pmvisions of the ��ntract �]acumants ag indicaied helaw. All prnvisions of the Genera] Conditions that are modi�ed vr supplemented remain in full for�� and efFect as so rnpdi�ied or supplen7cnled. Afl pmvisinns ❑f the G�neral Gonditions whioh are nai so modifted or supplemented remain in full fai�ce and effect. De#'ined Terms '1'he tc,•�ns used in these $uppiemerrtary Conditions which are de�aed in the Ganeral �anditivns har+e the meauing assigned tn them in the �eneral Condiiians; unless specitically noted hcrcin. 1Nadi�G�tiorr� arid Suppiements The fallawing ar� instructivns Ehat mvdify nr suppl�ment specific pa��agraphs in the General Canditians and other Cantract DDcum�nts, SC-3.038.�, "l�esol�ing Discrepancies" Plans gav�rn o�er 5pecifiaations. SG4.01A Easement liinits shov�+n an the Drawing are approximate and were prv�ided to estab�ish a basis far hidding. Upon reeeiying the �nal easemer�ts descriptions, Contr�ctnr shall compare thern ta the lines shorvn on the Cvntract Drawings, SC-�4.U1 A.1., "Awailability of Lands" The f�ll�wing is a list nf'knnwn outstanditxg right-of-way, andlar easements to he acquired, ifany as pf January 21, Z022: Uut�tanding Right-Qf-Way, andlor L� asements to Be Acquired FAR4.�L O WNFR NU11iBER l�lC]NL TARGET I}ATE �F P�5$ESSION �'he Cat�tractar understands ansi agrees that the dai�es listad abn�e are estimates anly, are not guarantced, and do not bind the City. If Contractc�r cansiders the final easements �rovided �a differ materially f'rnm Yhe representatioas an the CQntract Drawings, Concractor s�lt witi�in fi�+e (5} Susiness Days and before proceeding wit}� the Wor[c, notify City in writing assaciated with the d�ffering easernent ]ine locations_ SC-4.UlA.Z, "A�ail�bilitp of Larlds" Uti[ities nr ahs#ructions to he rema�ed, adjusted, andlor relocated C1TY L]F FORT W'C3RTH STAIVDARD Ct3iY5TTtUCTZDN SYEi�ihlCATiflN DU[:iJ141L'1�fT5 Revised Marcki 9, 2f}2b �U�2 C3uardrails and ELtB City Projeet Nm. 103�59 Aeioh e Acrobat SI�� T�ai�sackion Num6er. C6JCH8ChRI3MI�rFSuCzWUNpchywOyr29D�Ntp7GxPA oa �3 00 suY�i.rn3ENrn�Y carmrriarrs Page 2 nf fi The following is list of utilities endJor ohsiructions that ha�c no.t been removed, adjusted, andlor ralocated as af.T�nuary �.1, 2022 S3fiPECTED UTILI`I'Y ANT] L�CATIDN TARG�T DATF nF �iNNER AD3USTND=.N'I' NOAIE 'I`he Cantraoto� understands and agrees that the dates listed abova ara estimates only, are not guaranteed, aird do not bind the City, f�(�-Q.Q2A.,;'Suhsurface a►td Physical Conditzons" The following �re reparts o�explora#ions and tests af subsurface onndifions at the site of t�� Wvrk: pl. "�Di1P." �UCt �t}. _� �atCd s �I�j}Rf� �?}+ c��OI]C"� $ SU�i`COIlSllIt1TC�. O�"�OriC"� 8 consultarit af the City, pms�iding additiona! informat�an on "l�ione" The fallowing are drawings of physic�l canditians in ar relatin� td e�is�ing sur�ace and suhsurFace str�ctures (except Undarground Facilities) whi�h �re at ar cantiguvus to the site flf the �IVnrk: "None" SC:-�.�6A., "HazardQus Envimnmental Cunditions at Site" The fv]]owing are rep❑rts a�el drawings of�xisting ha7ardous enviran►nenFai conditiflns knowri to the City: "Nanc" SG5.83A., "CerNficate� of �nsurance" T'he endties lisied below �re "additi nnal insureds as their interest may appear" including Ehezr respective ofFcers, dir�tors, agents ant! employees. (1) City (2} Consultant; "None» (3} Oth�': "Nnne'. SC-S.04A., "Contractor's Insurance" The limiis af li�bility for the insurance required by Paragraph GC-5.44 shall prnvide the fnl3owing c�verages fvr not lcss than the fallvwing amnurns nr greater where required by laws and regulations: 5.i14A.1Norkcrs' Cvmpensatinn, under Para�raph GC-5.4�A. Statutury limits EmpIOyer's liability $ ] (]�,UDQ cach aceidendnceurrenca $10(1,OQa Di�ease - each employe� �50Q,��� Dis�ase - poIicy limit SC-5.D4$,, "Con�r�stv�-'s Insuranee" C]TY QF FpRT WaRTH 2O22 Guardrails and F.L2B STATIDAIt� C�N5TRUC'TiON 5PECIFICATION D{]Cl]MENT3 City Projeet �Io. 14345J T2evssed Nlarch 9, 202[i Ad ohe�Arral�al 5ign TransaeNen Num F,e � CBJCHBLAA6MkvF5�EawW�7pr,lyw0yr19�aTHtp2GxPA 00 73 00 SiJPPLE117�iVTARY CONDITLdNS Pagc 3 of $ 5.04$. C:vmmeecial General Li��ility, under Paragraph GC-5.U4B. Contractar"s J.iahility Insurance under Paragraph GC-S.U4S., which shaI] be on a per proj eot basis eo�aring the Contractor with minirnum lim'rts a� $1,6�0,60fl each oceurrence $2,aU0,U�� aggr�gate Iimit The policy must ha�e an �ndarsement (Amendrnem— Aggregate Limits nfInsurance} maki�g the Creneral Ag�e�te Limits agply separately tv each Job site. The Commercial Genersl Liability Instirance policies shall provide "�", "C°', and "iJ" enverage's. Verificetion vf such cp�era�e must he shawn in the R,entarks ArticJe af the Certi fic�te nf Insurance. SC 5.04C., "Cuntractor's Insuranee'P 5.[l4t�. flutomnl�ile i.iability, und�erParagigph GC-S,Q4C, Cvntractor's I.iabi�ityInsura.nce under Paragra�h GG5,44C., �vhiGh shall be in an aznnUrit not Icss than the follpwing amaunts: ( I) Autoxnok�ile �i�bilii;y - a comrnercial business policy sh�il �m�ide coverage on "Any AutQ", defined as autns awned, hired apd no�-bwned. $1,p00,aD0 each accidcnt on a combined single [imit basis, Split limits are acveptable iflimits are at Ieasi: S25(],000 I3odily Injury per perspn 1 �50�,OQQ Sadily Injury per aacid�nt 1 $I �O,�QD Property Damage SC-S.Q4D., "Cantracinr's Insurance" 7'he Cantraatar's construction acti�ities wiil require its crnployees, agents, subcvntractvrs, equipinent, and maberial de�i�eries ta cross raiiroad ptopert;es and tracks "Nane". Tkte Contractor shall canduct its operati�ns an razlroad prope��ties in such a rnanner as not tn interFere with, hinder, or o6struci thc raih�oad campany in any manner whatsvevea• in the use or operation af itsltheu trains or other property, Such operations nn raiIraad praperties may require tE�at �onft�ctz�r to exevute a"Right of Errtry Agreemeni" with tha parti❑ular railroad compskny pr companies inwvlved, and to this end the Contr,actor should s�4isfy its�lf as ta the requireizi �nts of �ach railraad cpmpany and l�e prepai�ed tp execute the right-nf-entry (ifany} i�equired hy a railroad compstty. The re�ui['et��et►ts spec[fied herein likewise relafe to the Contractoi's use of privaGe andlor canstruction access roads arossing said raili�oad oornpaay's proper�ies. The Contractual Liability coverage required by Paragraph S.U4d af t1��: Gcneral Conditians sha1) pravidc eo�r�rage for not less tlian the foIlpwing ainvun�,s; issued by companics satiSfactary ta t11� (;ity attd to the Hailraad Company for a term �t can�inues far so lattg as fhe Conttactor's ❑p�ratians and work cross, occupy, ar t�uch railraad property: (1) General Aggregabe; (2) Ea�h Occurren�e: ____ Required for this Contract NIA �rn X Not required fqr this Contr�t With respect to the aho�ve autlined insuranoe requirements, the foilowing �hai1 go�ern: CITY OF FOAT WORTH w7ANI]rIRD C�NSTRUCTIOi+ISPECPFICRTIOId DOC[]ME�{S� Reyised March 9, ?U20 2U22 Gutirdrails and �RS CitY �"o]ect Nn. 143�59 Adabt Atf� ust Sfgn Trartsactian fJ �Yrihef: [�:ICH �CAA9Ai11tuF5uG.wWUpcAyvAyr]9L1siN k p26xPA 0o x� o0 S[IPPI.EMENTARY CQAli]ITIONS Paga 4 of S I. W�tere a single railroac� Gu�pa�iy is inuolved, the Contractor shall pmvide one insurancs poiicy in the n�ne af the railrnad company, Hawe�er, if more than one grade separatian or at-grade crossing is �ffected by the Praject at entirel� sepsrate iacafitans op the line �r lines of tk�e s��r�e r�ilroacl �c�mpany, separate ca�:rage rnay be required, each in tt�e amaunt stated abo�e. 2. �JVhere mara than ane railroad company is aperating on the sam� right-af-�ray or ��here several railrnad companies are inr�ol�+ed and vperated on flieir own sEparate xights-of-way, t1�e C:nnt[�s�far rna�+ he requ�red ta pra�+ide separate insurance policies in tl�c �tame oC'each rai3road campany_ 3. If, in ad dilion to a grade separatian ar an at-grade Grossing, ather wc�rk Qr acti�ity is progosed an a Cailrvad cantpan�+'s right-�f-way at a lacatiQn enfirely separ$te fram the �rade sep�ra�ian dz' at- grade erossing, insuzan�e c��verage for this wark must be included in the palicy cavering the grade separation, 4. If no �ade aeparation is involved but ather work is ptopctsed on a railroad c�mpany's right-of- wa�, all s►�ch ott�ar wnrk may be oovered in a single poiicy for that railroad, even thaugh the wozic may he at two or mare separate la�atians. No rvork or �ctivities on a railroad campany's prop�rty #� he p�rformed by the Cantraetar shaLL be cammenced unti] the Contractor has furnished t�e City with an original payiey ar polieies of thc insurance far eaeh railraad campanp named, as required ahovc. All such insurance must be apprnved by the City ancf each affected IZailroad Company priur !« the Contracior's be�,innii��, ��rork. 7'he insurancae speei�ied above must be carried until all Work ta be perFormed on ti�c rzilroad right-nf�vvay 1t�S been completed and the grade crassing, if any, is no longtr used b� th� Coritr&�ctoz'. In addifii�n, insuran❑e must �e carried during all masntena��e andlor repair work performed in the railroad right-0f-way. Such insuranee must name the railmad carnpany as the insured, tagether with any tenant or l� of ti�e rai[rvad company operadi�g aver tracks in�ol�ed in the Pro,ject. SC-5.44„ "�roje�t ��hedule" Project sch�dule shail be tier 3 for th�project. SC-6.07., "Wage R�tes" 'The following is the preuailing wage rate ta61e(sJ applicable ta �his pmjeut and is provided in the Appenc�ixes GC 6.07; �DS 3 Pre�r�iling Wage Rates tFIeavy and Highway CQnstxuction Projer,Y} SC-6.D9., "Pernuts �nd Tltilities" SC-d.Q9A., "Contractor vbt^�ined permlts and fiCemses" � ThG fallouring are kno�vn pennits andfor l'e��ns�s required hy the Contract ta }�e acquiz�d �ay the Contracfor: "lwivne" SC-6.U9B. "Gity oh�►ined pertnit� and Ii�enses�' The fallowing are known permits anrlfvr iicenses required by the ConGract to he acquired by t.he City: "I�one" �C-6.49C. `°Outstanding permits and licenses" The follawir� is a list ❑f known nutstanding perrnits andlar iicenses ta be acquired, if any as oFJanuary 2i, 2(l2 Z. Dutst�nding Perinits gndlnr Licenses ta Be Aequixed CITY OF F�ItT wC3ItTl i 2�22 Gu�rdrails end ERB STAldL3ARF] C'bN5'1TtUCTION SPEC��ICATIQN D[7CL�ivLEAf I'S �ity PCQSeCt l'Iat, 1Q34S9 l�ised March 4, 2d20 Ado6e Mraha! 9ign Tra n:a�tlon M, m her. CBJC4? 9cIhRHMkvFSUCxwWVpcAyvrOyi'�SOs i'M �paGxPn 00 73 04 5L]PPLCMEIUTARY CpNDI`fTpi+[S Page 5 nf 6 OW�IER PERMIT OR LICEN�F AND L�CA'1't{)N TARGET DATF dF POSSESSIQN Npne SC-6.2�18., "Ti�ie Vi, Civil Righfs Act nf 19d4 �s amendetl" During the perfar�nan�e a£this C❑ntract, the Contractor, for itsel£, its assignees and suevessnrs in intea�st (hereinafterreferred ta as the "Cantractor") agrees a$ follows: 1. Cvmgliance with Regulafiv�s: The Contractvr shali oomply witl� the Regulation relafawe to naiidiscriminaii�n in �'�derally,assisbed pr�gratns ofthe �epartment oFTransportafion �hereinafter, "DQT„j Title 4'�, Cade af Federal Regu�at�ons, Part 21, as they may be arnended froin time to time, (hei�eina}�er referred to �s the ReguIatians}, whiaf� are herein incarpvrated b�+ reference and mad� a�art ❑fth.#s contr�.ct. 2, lYandiscriminatiarc: The Contra�Eor, with regard ta the work perf'nrined by it dti ring the cc�ntraci, sha11 not discrimirrate on the �rounds afrac�e, cvlor, ar nalional origin, in the selectinn and i�elentian of subcantractors, including procurements af mate��ials and leases af cquigment. The Cantracfnr shall nof partici�,ate either directly nr indireckly in the discriniination prohibited by $4 CFR, section 2I.S tafthe Regufaiie�ns, ineluding employment praatices when the conEract cv�ers a program set forth in A�tpcndix S afthe Regu[ai'sons. 3. SoIieitations fnr Subeonkrwctors, Indudfng Prvcurement� af MAterials a�d Cquiprr�ent: In al� solicitativps either by oor�petitsve bidding or negvtiation ma�� hy the cantrac#or f0r work to be perForoacd under a su6cantract, inciuding pmcurements of materials nr leascs of aquipment, �ach potentiaE subcontac#pr or supp] ier she�ll be natified �y th� Confractar of L�ze Conh-aeta�s obligatians under this cbntrac# atxd the Regu�a�ians reIative to nandiscrirain�tina� n� t�e gravnds of race, �olor, ar nalic�nal �rigin_ 4. InforrnAtian and lte�orts: The Cont�•acior shall prm+ide �l] inforsnation and reports required hy the Regu�ativns c�r �inecti�e5 �ssued pursu�nt thereto, and sha11 persr�it access ta its bopks, re�ot�ds, accounts, other saurces ofinfqrination and its f�cilities as may 6e determined by City orthe'C'�xas Department af'f`ranaportation to he �rerti�xent to ascertain C�mplianoe with such Regulatians, orders and instructir�ns. Where any infvrmatian required afa cnntractor is in the exclusive possession o� another who fails vr ref�ses to furnish this information the cantractflr shall s+7 certify t� the City, or the Texas De.partmem af Transportatian, as appropriate, and shal] sct forth what effarts it has made ta o6tain the inforrnadon. 5. Sanctians for Nanet�mpIiance: I� #he event afthe Cantracfo�'� nnnr.ampliance with the nondisnrimination prr��is[ons �f this Cnntraat, Chy shall imp�sse su�I� eonfra�t sarictians �s it or th� Texas �epartment af Transportatian may determine ta he appropriate, including, but not limited to: a, vrithhvlding of payments to the Cont�•acior under th� Contract untiI the Comra�tor complies, andlar h. cernceflaa;idn, terinznation or suspansian oftha �vntract, in whal� ar in part. Ineorporation of Pro►�isions: Th� Con't�otbr sba[I include the pr+o�isians af paragraphs [1 } through [6� in eaery subcnntra�t, Enclu�ing pr«:urements of materials and lea�es af equiprncnt, unless exempt hy tha Reguiatians, or directive, issued pursuant ih�eefo. The Cnntract�r shall take sucIi actian with respect ta any suboantract or pro�ure�r�ent as City car the Texas 17epartment rrf Transport�tion may dire�t as a mcans af enforcing sucl� provisinns inaluding sanotians for non-camp�iance: Providerl, however, that, in thc event a contrac;tor becames invol�ed in, �r is threatened with, litigatton with a s�abcantea�tor ar supplier as a result nf'such direction, the c�niractor may rac�uesf City to enter inta CITY' �F FORT WdRTH 2U22 Guardrails and ERB STANDARD CONSTRIiCTION SP�CINi�Ai'iQAI D�CUMENTS City Praject Dlo. 1p34S4 Re►�ised March 9, 2fl2t] IKlalx AcrobaE Si pf irensacti on Nurnher C9JCHgCMHAAJcvFS utnuUJVpcAywAyf�4UsiN tp2G.PA 06 ?3 00 3TJPP1.�f�ITARY CONQITlahIS Page 6 of 6 such lifigatyvn ta protect the interests oFCity, and, in addition, the con�•aetor may reyuest the United Stales to enter irrta sueh litigation to prvtecf the interests af the United 5tates. Additianal Title Vl re�{uirements can be found in the Appendix. $G7.0�., �Coardination14 The individ�ls or entities listeri belo�v hava enntracts with the City fvr the per#'arrnance of vfher wark at the 5it�: Ve�dnr 5eo e nf'1�Vork Can�•dinatipn None Nnne Jvane �C-S.U1, "C�mtnumicadans to Conti�ctnr" "None" SC-9.41.� "City'x Prnje� Mana�er" The City's 1'rojcui Manager frar this Contract is Iretflmiwa Otuyclfa, or hislher suceess�r pursuant ta writ�en notifc�tian frarn the Direcfor af "J'ranspartatian and P�ubiic Works. 5C-13.U3C., °°Te�ts and Inspectians" "None" SC-16.�1C.�, "Methads and Protedures" "Nanc" L1YD UF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTi-I 2�� ���� �d � 5TAN�AAD Cdi+13T1tZJC'ITQN SP$CIFICATI�N I]QEUM&i+I'1'S City P�njec4 Na. t �3459 Reyiged 14Iarch q, 2U2D A.dohC A_rebat Slgn 7ra�5sa ckin�l N� rlh6er: C9 7GH9GSkB;4WevF5 uGxSvuW fxAyw0yr290aTNtp2[;xPA �� ����-� svn��rtart� a� wflxx Page 1 af3 s�cTi�rr n� � i o0 �LIMMACtY �P 1h�'�RK PART i - GENL+'RAL 1.1 SirMMARY A. Section Ineludes: 1. Sumina�y af Work tv be performed in accordance with the Coniract Uocuments B. ❑e�viateons from this Cify af Fc�rE Vi�orth 5tandarc� Specificatian Nl{]131L��A"1'1UN AND �EIVifl$ILI�ATiO3�1 SNALL BE �L1BS��]IARS� T� THIS PR�.IECT PAY ITLMS, NCl �P.PARAT�E PAY.1V� PA,'Yl1��NT WILL BE MAD� FdR IVIC3BLLI7�A'1�1QN ANU I3LMQBILI�ILTIDN PRClII� �lN�, L{]L',ATION T❑ ANOTIIER IN N�RMAL PROt�RE45 ClF PEI�H'Ok�1Vlll�l(; TF3E WORI�. REMOHILI'L.�.TIO]+1 PA,Y ITCI�i SHALL H� PAID P�R SUSP�NSIQN OF WORK �PECIFICl�LI,4T I�EQUII�ED IN THE CONTR�ICT DQCiIMENTS �R AS REQC]IREI3 SY TH� CITY, C. Reiated speeification 5ectzans in�cl�de, but are not neces�arily limited to: 1. D'r�isian 0- Bidding R�quirernerrts, Gontract Forms, and Condiiions vf the Contract �. L)ivisiqn 1 - General Requirements l .2 PR[L' � AND PAxMEN'�` ��Q�DURES A. 1VIeasuremeni and Payt�n�nt 1. Wnrk associated with tlzis Item is considered subsi�iary t� tha various items bid, 3�o separafe pay�nent will be a11o��ec! for ihis ltem, 1.3 RERPREWCES �N�T USED] 1.4 AdMINiSTRAT�E REQX]tRENfENTS A. �Vark L'oWer�d by Cont��act Docutnen#s �. Wark is to inclt�d� furnishing all laboc, rriaterials, and equipmeni, and performing all Wark necessaiy for this eonstruetian prQject as detailed in th� Dra.wings and Spe�ifcations. H. Subsidiary Work 1. Ans� attd al l V�ark specifically go�erned hy dacuinentfu'y requir�rnents �or the prbjeet, such as cortditions impased by the Draw�ngs or Contract Dpcumeizts in which no specifi� item far hid has heen pro�ided for in ths Prapv�al and the itern is no�t a tp�icai taiii� E�id item includ�d on tkte standard hid ite�n 1ist. ther� fhe item st�a}! he consider�d as a subsidiary it�m of Wark, ihe cvst ofwhich shall be included in the price bid in the �ropvs�I fvr v�rious hid itexx�s. C. [Jse of Premises 1. Coordinat� uses af premi5es under directa�rr Qf t7�e f�ity, 2. Assurne fu11 responsibility for protectioiz and safekeeping of mater'rals and equipm�ent s#ored on th.e 5ite, 3. Llse and occ.upy only portions of tile puhlic sireet�s and a]ley�, dr nti�er puhlic p��cts cxr� ar FoxT war�rx z o2z cus,��i5 �,d � ST.'�N37ARI] CDNS7RiICT[DTI SPECIFICA7'IpN DpC UML"i+!'i'S City �rnject i�[Q. 103459 Reviscd f7ccem6er20,24]2 Aclok�e Acro6at SI gn iran7aetion Num6er: CD36NliCAA6Ad1ra�F5 uCawWUpeAyw'Dy�]9 WsTN tp16xPA �1���-2 svr�n�;v oF wolrx Paga 2 aF3 ar other riglits-of-way as provided for in the nrdTnanc�s of the City, as s�own in the Cont��act Do�utnents, nr as may be specificall}• alrthorized in wi�iting by the City. a. A rea�anable ar�auiif of taols, materidls, and eyuipment for consixuction purposes may �e skq�d in such space, but no mare than is i�ecessary to avaid delay inthe constructirnr op�ratinns. U. Excavated and waste materials �hall be stuied in such a way as not tn interfere with the use af spa�es that, may be designab�d to be left iree and unabstructed and so as not to incvn���uence ocGupar�ts nf adlacent }�mperty, c, lfthe street is occupied by railrflad tracks, the 1�Qrk shall be oarried on in su,ch manner as not to ir�t�i-fere �vith the ap�ratinn di t��c ra.ilrnad. 1) A11 'Vltork shall be in accordance with railroad requirements set farth in DiUision D as well as fhe railmaci perrnit, D, VLroric within Easements 1. Do not er►�e�r upan pri�ate praperEy far any purpose withauf having previously ohtained peiYnission froix� th� vwr�er nf such praperty. Z. T7a not stare �quipment vr mate�•ial ar� private property unless and untii the specified �pprnval of the prop�r�.y �wner has been secured in writing }�y the Contractor and a eopy furnished to the ��ty. 3. Unless specifically provided atherwise, eLe�r all rights-of-way or caseme�rts af o�structions whiGh rnust be x�mo�ed to make passible proper prosecution of the Warl� as a part nf the project �anstruction operations. 4. Preserve a�r�d use e�ery precautian Co prevent damag� tn, a11 trees, shrubbery, plants, law�s, fences, culverts, curbing, and all at�er types of structures ar impravements, to al] water, sewer, aaad gas lines, ta ail �vnduits, overh�ead pol� ]ines, or appu��:enances thereaf, including tlie cons�ructian af temporary fences and t� a1Z okher pu�li� or pri�at� praperty adjacent ta the Work. 5. Notify the praper representatives o�'the owners or occupants vf the p.ublic ar priv�ie lands of interest in Iands �rhich might be affected hy the Work. a. Su�h n c}tice sh all be made ati least 48 hours in ac�vanc� af the beginning o.f the 'Vylcark. h. Notices shai� be applicahle to both pubiic and private utility �nmpanies and any eorpora�ian, company, indivi�ual, ar �ather, eifher as awners or accupants, whose iand ar int�r�st in land inight be affected �y the Wark. c. Be respansihle far all damage or injury to property of any character resultir�g frorn any act, amission, negle�t, ox misconduci in the �dnn�r vr method ar exeeutaan of the Wark, ar at any time due ta defecti��e � oxk, material, or cqui pm�nt. 6. Fence �. Restore all f�nces encaunterecl and remaved during �anstructian vt the Project #o the Qrigina[ oc• a taetter than original con�ition. h, �rect t�porary fencing in place of'the %n�ing remove�i when�ver ti�e V�orl� is nnt ir� pragress and wher► the sife is vacated ave�ight, andlor at aI] tirne�s to pravide site seourity. c. Tlae cqst for all fence wark rvithin easements, ineluding remova[, tampc�rary Glosures and replacement, skiall he suhsi�diary to the r�ariQus items laid in the pmject propasal, unles� a bid item is speaifically pxovidea in the prapo�at, C[TY OF FC}RT W�R7'I3 2U22 Guardralls �nd LRB STAtdDAR��E�N37TiUCT[ON SPECFFICATI�N �1Ci1MENTS �ity Praject No_ 1�3454 Ra�ised Decemhcr 2g, 2012 AxJeheArrahat Slg3i 7f ��rs�etion 1Jui�e r. CRJCH 9LAAB'RAI cWFSv t��luVJpra4yw(}yRg�7sTNfµ%G xPA a� iiQa-a sun�r�r �� �x �axx Pagc 3 �F 3 1.5 SUBT4'�ITTALS [�TQT G'fiEl]] 1.6 ACTION .�',i7AlNTTTAL.S�iN�'QRMATIUNAL SiT[i1VrYTTAL.� [1�QT iISEX]] 1.7 �LOSEU[IT SUBMITTALS [N�T U�ED] 1.8 MAINTEIVANCE MATERL4L SiTSMITTAL� [NOT LTSEI?] �.9 QUALITY AS�URAN'�E [NDT �'S�na 1.10 DEL�ERY, STQRAG�, AN1a HANDL�FG [N�T LTSE�] 1. � i FIELD [STrE] �ONnXT�QNs �NUT USED] 1.Z2 WARR�IVTY [NUT [T'SEAj PART 2 � PRQDUCTS [NOT USED] FART 3 - �XECCJTIdN [NOT iiSED� END QI' S�CTIDN Revisian I�dg U:�'i'L; 1i����: ST,TMM�Y OF' C:i�ANC'7F C:ITY �F FORT W�R I7 f 2.i;2� C�:,ardra ils and ERB STANDAROCDi+ISTRE:CTI�iv SI'GClI IC'1'i'fON a[7CLM1ii�l'TS City 1'rojectI@o. 1p3454 [tevised �ec�mLex 2{7, 2Q12 Ado6eAcrvbal slgn TransacHon Num4ectaJCH�CAA9hM1IcvF5uCz�r/uWpNyvr0yr29iJsTNlp2trRPA Ql 25Q6- 1 SLiSS'i'[TL] TIDN PROCTs�URES Page ] of d sEc�r�orr ox a5 �o S[JBSTITl1TIO1V PRDCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL i.l SUMMARY A. 5ec,�ion Includes: l. `T'he pracadure for reques�ing ttxe approval ot substitufioil af a pxodu�t that is not �quiv�lent to a prraduct which is specified by descriptiv� or perf'onnan�e crit�ria ar defined by reference ta 1 or rnare af the fc�IlQwing: a. Name of manufacturer b. Name of �endor c. Trade r�am� d_ Catalog nurnber 2. Suhst�tutians are nat "or-equals". S. I3erriatians irom this City of i�'ort V►�orth 5tandard Specifiaation 1. None, C. Related Sp�ci�catian 5ecti�ns include, but are not necessarily limited to: �, Diyision U—Biddin� �equiretnents, Cantraci Forms �nd Conditions afthe Contract 2, Division � — Ganera] Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PR�CE�'[�RES A. Measurement and Paymer�t 1. W�r�4 �55DC1a�Ed Wl#�'1 f�115 If�TTI 1S CbriSl[I�T�Ci 5L1�53.�I9I'j+ �fl ��1� VaC1DL1S 1��i775 b](�, 1�lo separaae paymeti# will be aIldwed for this Tlcm. 1.3 REFE�1wiCES �OT USED] 1.4 ADMINYSTRATN� REQUIREI4��NT� A_ Requ.estfor Substitution - General 1. Within 34 days after award �f {'antracC (uttless nobed othervvis�), thc City wil] corisider farrnal requests from Gontractar for �uhstitution o� pr�du�ts in glace of thase specified. 2. Certain types of equipment and kinds af rna#erial ar� described in Specifcatioi�s by means af referances ta names of manu["a.�t�rers ar�d v�r�dors, trade na�nes,. or catalog numbers. 9. VVIlECI i�115 I'riEthO� �-FSpQCI�jliIlg 15 llSP.�, it is nat intanded ta exclude fram ��nsideration o#her pr�clucts t�earing nther manufacture�`s or �endor's names, trade nam�s, or �atalag num�ers, provided said pr•aducts are "ar-equals," as deterrnined by City. 3. Dti�er types of eyuipment an�d kinds af material may be acceptable substitutions under ths following con�iitians: a. Qr-equals a�� una�taitahle due tv strike, discontinued productinn of prod�cts meeting specified requi��ements, or ath�r factors beyand cor�trol of Contra,ct�r; ar, GITY Ol�' F'DRT WORTH 2A22 C3wattlrails attd ERB STANDAHD CONSTRL3CTION SPECIFICA'F74N bC]CLfl1+IEi+1T5 City Pro�ect i'io. 1Q3454 Hevisadluly 1,24] 1 P.da1�e.4Cca6aC5;gn Trar sact�on Nu inLex: CB JCH�EAASAAIcvF3uCxvNNpo4ywoyn9oyrN�ZpxpA ni a�04-2 SUB5TITUTIdiV PR[7Cfs77URES Page 2 af A b. Contractor proposes a cost andlor time reduction incei�tive ta the Citr. 1.5 SUB]17ITTAL� A. See Request for Suhstitutinr� Form �attached) B. P�ncedure for E�equesting 5ukrstitution 1. 5uhstitutian shall be considei�ed only: a. Affier award of Contract b. Under ihe conditions stated herein 2. 5ubl�it 3 copies of each �tritten req�eest far substitutinn, incltidin�; a. Documerrta�tion 1] Complete data subs�antiafing complianGe af propos�ed substitution wiYh Contra�Gt IaaculnentS 2} pata relating to. �hanges i tt evnstru�tion schedule, wh�tt a 7-ec3uction is gropased 3} pa#a relating Eo �hanges in cost b. l�or pmducts 1 } Product identii"�catian a} 11�Ianu�'acEurer's narne 6) Telephone nurnber and nepresentative conta.ct name c) SpecificatiQn Seatian or Drawing reference af originally specified product, �n�luding discrete name or t�g n�mbez• assigned to nxiginal praduct ii� the Cvntract DncLvnent� 2} Manufactur�r's Eilert�.ture clearly tnarked ta �haw compliance of pro�posed product v�xi�.h Cc�ntra�t Docurnents 3} Tt�mizk:d comparison of uri�inal and prapQ�ed product addressing product characterrstics including, but not i�ec�ssarily limited ta: a) Sixe b} �omp�siti�n ar ma#erials af cnnstructiori c] Weight d) ElecCrical or nnechanical requiremenfs �) Frr�duct experience a) Lncation ofpast proje�ts utili�ing prnduct b] Name ar►d t�lephone nuinber of persons �ssvciated with referenc�d pCOJ�Gt5 1Ci1dWIB��Ea�716 CAl10EI'[Illlg PI'E7pQ5.�d F1'QC�UCt �) A�ai�ahle field dfltz and reports associated with propased product 5} Sarnples a) Provide at request o�City. b) Samples become the property af the City. c, For cvnstr�action methods: 1) De�ailed descriptian ofprop�sed m�thod �.) Illusfr�a�an drawi ngs C. Appraval vr Rejectian 1. VVrit�en approvaI or rej�ction of substitutian given by the City 2. City reserve5 i$e ri�ht to require proposed prvduct ta cornply with color a�d pattern of speci�ed produck if nece�sary t� seoure desi�rs ir�tent. 3, In th� �vent the suhstitutiuix is approved, the resulting c4st an�lnr ume reduction will be dacumented by Ghange Qrder in ac�ordance with t1�e General Condifians. CITY OP FQRT WORTH �022 Gu�udrals and ERB STANI]ARD Cf�NSTItUCTIDN SPEC[ RICA'fIOH A�C[JMENTS CiLq Project Mo. 1 Q3459 Reviscd ]uly 1, 2011 AqM�e Aem6aisi� Transaction Nw�her. C6JC31llCpAfsA41cuF5u[nvWVprAywbyr796sTN[p�Cs�PA Q12500-3 $E]SSTITUT[ON 1'ROCEDURES Page 3 aF4 4. Nn additi�nal contrac�, �ir�e will ba given for suL�s�itution. 5. Substiiution will be rejected if: a, Submitta.l is not througt� the Cvn#ractor with his stamp af apprnval b. Reques# is nnt made in accordance witla this Specificatiar� 5ection c, in ttie �ity's apinian, �GC,�p#�ilGe will requu� Suhs$anfi�l X�ViSi�n ��th� OP1git1Sl deSlgi] d. In the C.ity's opinion, substitutivn ��i11 i�ot perfarm adequately the futtction cansistent with the des�gn intent L6 ACTIQIV Sti73MITTALSlII�FF`(?RMATI�NAL S[TBMITT�L� [�TQ'� U�Ell� �.,7 CL��EUUT SYJBMI'I'TALS [NDT USED] �.s ��rr�r���rcE n��:Rr�, suBmrr�cALs �vo�r vs�n� I.4 QUI�LIT1' AS�URAPICE A. In making requcst for substitution ar in using an appror�ed product, the Cantractnr represents th at tha Confa'actor: 1, Has investigated pmposed prvduct, and 17as de�errnined that it is adequate or superiar in all respecis t,a that specifi�ed, and that it will perForrr� funcfaon £or which it is intended �,. Will prvvide sarne guarautee iar suhstitute item �s for producf specified 3. Wil� c:nvrdinate ir�stallation of accept�d sul�stit�.ticm into VL�ork., to include building modificatians if necessar�r, rnaking su�h changes �s rnay be required far Work to be comgletc in all r�speets 4. i�aives atl claims far addi�iona] cvst�s rela�ed to substitution �vhich �uhsequently ari se �.10 DELIYERY, ST�RAGE, ANl] HANDLING [NDi' USED] ],1I FIELD [S7TE] �C]N1lITION� �1�T�T U�ED] X.12 'V4�ARRANTY' �1►IaT USED] PART � - rlta�UCT� [�vo7' usEn� PART 3 - TKE�[l1`IQN [PiUT rJ'S�D] END OF S�CTIUN Revision �-ag T]ATr I NA11�1� I �UMMARY C]F C.'HANi�� CI7'Y OF FORT WQItTH 2f122 Guardrails and ERB STANDARD CCiIVS'f'�11CT10N SPECIFICII'I70N DOCCJi+'ff �7`I'S City Project Na. i 03d59 R�vised July �, 2f31 1 AiloLrAcrbluil sjgn T�aluaction Nwnber.L6JCH8CA140MIcvFSuCsniWVptqyvAyn9ilsTNip2GxPA pI2:5Qp•4 SLlH5'i'[TUTICt1+1 P'AflCEDURE5 Page 4 af 4 EXHiIiI'�'.�1, R�Q(rE�T FQR SUHSTITi�T�U1Vi FQRM: PRUJECT: w DA'I'B� We her�hy submit i�r yaur e�nsideration the follawing presduct instea�i of the specifed item for ihe �bo�e proj�ct: SECTION PARAGRAI'H SPECIFIED ITENI Praposed SubsCitution: Re�son for Substitutian: Inolude carnplete in%rmation on changes tv ❑rati�•i„gs andlor SpiC1'FiC�IOiIS WYL�C�1 �.]1�4�jO3CC� substifu�ian will requir� .For �ts proper installatian. FiII in Blanks He1ow: A, �ii� the undersigned contractnr pay for �hat�ges ta the buildirtg design, including engineeriri� and detailin�; costs caused by the requested substitutic�n? B. VVhat effe�# daes substitui:ion ha�e or� other trades'? C'. Differences hatween proposed substxtutinn arld s}�ecified item� D. Differen�es in praduct cost nr product delivery time? E. Manufacturei's guarant��w af the proposed and specified items are: Equal Better (explain on attacl�ment} The undersigned sfat� tliat the funotion, appearance and quality are equivalent or superiot td the �pecified item. SuE�mitted By: Far ilsa hy City 5ignature �5 a�t�a Iz�commended Recommended Firrn Ad�iretis Date Telephor�e Mot recommended Receive[i lat� �y — Remark5 Far Use hy City: Appro�ed Rejected Datc CI1'Y t]F FORT WpT�TH STAN�AI�D CON5TRLICTIOAd SiyEC:l�'ICATIOP+IDOGUMENTS Reyised lulv l, 2{711 �� 22 Guardrails ancl GIL6 Ci[y Yraject �1a. li�3dS9 rldp6e ActybaE Sign T1an sact3m Humh er. CSICHBC W�9AAl�+�F'SuCru4NpUywL7yr29�sTN [p2GxPA Ol 31 14 - l PREC�I�f$TRLICTI�N M�i�l'[Ni� Page l of 3 sE�Trvrr ai �1 zs I'RECa1�I�TR[ICTIDN MEETING PAI.t'�' 1- GEN'ERAL 1.1 SUIVIMAI�Y A. 5ection Includes: 1. P�o�isions �'nr th� precnnstruction m�eting tn be held prior ta the start af Vylork to clarit�+ construc#ion carjtra�t admini�tration procedures F3. De�iations Frnrr� ihis Ciky of �`nrt Wnrth Standard Sp�cific�atinn 7. Alone, C, Related Specificatian Sectians include, but are nott�ecessarijy [imited to: ], 1]ivisian Q— �idding Requiremer�ts, Cantract Forms �und Conditions o�'the Contract 2, Divisian 1— G�neral Requir�aner�ts 1.� P1tICE A1�ID PAYMENT PR�CE�3URES A. Me�surement and Payment I. V��rk associated with this Xtetn is considered subsidiary to the various iterns hid. Na separate.pa�rment will �e ailowed iar this Item. 1.3 RFF�RENCES [NO'I' USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIYE REQ�iTIREMENT� A. Coardinatinn Attend pi�eaonstruction meeting. Rc;presentati�es af Can#xactor, sub�o�ttraetors an.d sugplir�rs attending meetir�gs shal l he yualified a��d authorized to act on hehal�`a�the entify ea�h represents. Meeting ad�n�nistereci hy City may be tape recorded, a. lf recorded, tap�s wiil he used t�a prepare r�inutes and retained by City for future xeference. B. PreLonstrucfiQn Meeting 1. A preconstructinn meeting will be held withfn 14 days aftar the exe�ution of the Agre�ment aud beI'�r� 1Nork is started. a. The meefing will I�e scheduled and ad�ninistered by the Cit�. 2, The Project Representative will preside at the meaeting, prepa�re the nates af the cneeting and distribute copies af same ta a�l participants who sa rec�ucst by ful ly completir�g the atter�dan�e farm ta be circulated at the beginning Qfthe meeiing. 3, Attendance shall include: a, Froj ect Repres�n�ative b. L'antir�ctar's project manager c. Cantxactar"s superintendent d, Any subc�ntractar ar supplier representativ�s whvin f.he Contr�actar may desire to invite or the City may request C1TY OF FORTVY+ORTH 2�122 Guardrails �n ERS 5'I'AhIDA1�D �ONSTRUC[`10�f SPSCITICt-1TI�IV DQCllh4&idTS City Projoet No. ] 03459 [Zevised August 17,�D12 dda u� nera imt Sign Transaction kuin6 cr. CBJ.CII�CAASAldevFSuCiurWJpeqywpy�paTN[pZGsPp a� �� as-a PRECQi+�5 T'R[]CTIb�T MEETIiVCs Fage 2 of 3 e. Dther City representatives f. Qthei�s as appropriate 4. Construction 5chedule a. Prepare baseline construction schedule in ac�ardance with Sectivn Dl 32 76 and pr��ide at Preconstruation M'eetin�, b, Gity vvill no�ify Cor�txactor af any sche�ufe �hanges upon Natice of Precanst�•uctian Meetirrg, S. Preliminary Agenda may u�elude: a. It�trz�ductin» of Project Fersonnel b. General L)es�rip#inn af Project c. Status af right of-way, utility clear�r�►ces, easemants ar othea pertinent pertn irs d. Cnntract4r's wo�°k plan and schedule B. �D4iT�Ct T11M� f Notice ta Praceed �. Construelion Stalcing h. Pragress P�yments i. �xtra L�Iarl� and Change �rder Pracedures j. Field Orders k. ❑isposal Si�te Lcttcr far Waste Materia] L Inseua�lce Renewals m. Payroll Cer�ification r�. lVlater�al Certifications and �uality Contrnl Tssiing o. Publie S�fety and Canvenienee p, Dacuinenta�ion of' Pt�-Cnnstructivn Cpnditiolls q. Week�nd Vitork Notification r. Legal Hniidays s. "l'renGh Safety P�ans t. Conftned 5pace �ntry S#�ndards L1. �oordinaY�an wiih the CiCy's representatiye fbr aperations of existing water systerns v, Storm VJater PollutiQn Praventivn Plan w. Cavrdi�ataon wit� other Contractors x, Eariy VVaining System y, �ontractor Evaluation z. Special Conditians applicable to the project aa, Daina�cs Claims hb. Stila7nttt�l T'rocedures cc, Substitution Px•ocedures dd. Carrespanden�e Routing ee. Recard i]rawings ff. Temparary eonstruction ia.�ilities gg- MIV1tBF. or MBEISBE procedures hh. Fina! �Lc�,eptan�e ii. Fina1 Payancnt jj. C3uasYions ar Comments CITI" dF �ORT WORTFI 20� G��3 ��p 5TAi+IDARDC(7N5'1'FtUCTION SP�CfFICATIDNDQCLfMHN'IS City Projeet e+Io. 103d59 [�e�ised Augusi i 7, �C}1� qddbe Acra'oat S�gn TYa iy�qon N umncr- C6JCHI3C �A9dW cvFSaCzwVrVpcAyv+UyiJ9�aTN t p2GXPA O131 19-3 PRFsC;U1V57'Itl1CTIQN iviG6"fI1dG Ps�c3nf3 ]..S SUEPVIITTALS [NflT [JSED] ].,6 ACTI�N SiJBM�I"�ALSICI►i�'�RM�TY�NAL 5[TRMITTALS [1VC1T i7�ED] 1.'7 CLO�E�UT SUBNiT'I'TAL,S [NOTUSL�D] 1.8 MAINTEN�►NCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [N4T USED] 1.9 QiIALI7'Y ASSURANCE [1VUT USEll] l.lq DEL�VEIZ�, STORAGi+:, A1�TD HA1�iDI.11NG [N�T iI�ED] ]..l l FIEL� [SITE] CflTVD1TI[7�IS [N[]T �'S�D] 1.12 WARRANTY [N�T [TSED� PART B- PR�DYICTS jNUT USED� PART 3 - EXECVI'iUN [NOT US�D] E1�D UF SECTlaI1T l��wision Lvg I]AT� i�AN1E' St,rMC�tL�Y {]F CI-If1N{?�'. Ci7'Y 4� FQIt'L' WORTH 2O22 Gu�rdrails an ERS 5TANDARA C�3�iSTRiTL`TION SP6CIFICATION ❑D�UMEN"i5 Ciiy PrajBctl�lv. 103454 Rerised August t7, zp 12 AenkuF.crobct Sfgn ira�isacpian hwm6er.eEWCEi9rnAtiMlsvFSutawwVpcaywayaser,7ktpicaPA d� �22�' ( PROJECT iV1EEi'II+FGS �age 1 of 3 SECTId1V 4l 3120 PRO.fECT 11��.�TINGS PART I - GENERA7, 1.l ST.TMMARY �. SeGtion InGludes; l. Pro�isiarts f�r project meetings throughnut the cvnstructian period ta eneble orderly reUievw flf tI�e �srogress of the �]Vork ttnd tc� provide far systerr►ati� di�cussinn o£ pnter�tial problerns B. Daviations this City flf Fort Worth St�.ndard Specifcation 1, ]�Ione. G. �.elated Specifi�ation Sections i�nclude, but are not necessarily 1i�ited t�: 1. Divisian 0— Bidding Requirements, Contr�tct Forms and Conditic�ns of the Cantract 2, i7ivisian 1— CTcncral Requirements I.2 PRCCE A1Vi] YAYh�I�NT PRaCEDURES A. Measu��ement and P�yrne�.�t I. Work a�ssociate�i with this Itern is aonsidered suhsidiary to thc varinus it�ns bi�i. �lo separ�.te paytnent will be allovved for this Item. 1.3 REFEH��NC�S rN(?T i1�ED� 1.4 ADMIN[STRATNE REQUIREMENTS A. CoQrtlit�tivn 1. 5chedule, atten�d and administer as spe�i�ed, perindic progress meetings, and specially called meetings throughout pro,�ress of the iNark. 2. Representatives of Contra�or, subcantractors and suppliers attendin,� rneetings sha11 be qualified and authorizecl ib �c# on bet�alf ofthe entity each repres�nts. 3. Meet9ngs admini�ed by Git�+ may+ he tape recprded. a. I� recorded, tapes will he used ta prepare minutes and r�tained �y City for �uture reference. 4, Meetings, in additiaA� to those speci#ied in this Section, rnay I�e �eld when requested by the C:ity, �ngin�er �r Contractor, B. Pre-�onstru�tiQn Neighbai�hnod Nteeting I. After the executi�n ofthe Agreement, hut before �4nstnactiion is allowed tn begin, attend l Puhlic 11+Ieeiing with af%ated residerrts to; a. Present projected schedule, inclu�ing constructinn sYart date b. Answer any canstructic�n related quesii�ns 2. Meeting Laaaticm a. Lflcadnn of ineeiin� ta be �leterrnined 6y the City. 3, Attendees C1TI� QF FOHI" V�7C]RTH 2O22 Gu�tdrails and ERB 5TAiVDARD COiA�S'l'KUCTIQN SPECiFICATIOi@ i10CUMGNTS City ProjectNo, i03459 Revised haly l, 20 � i Aduhe Aclohat Sgn Trapsectinn Numh er- G&JCH8CkA9A1VcyF3uCxwiM1NpcAyw6yr29f]sTNtp2GxRA 81317A-Z PR07ECT MF�'{ 1NGS Page � wf 3 a. Contractar b. Pi�aj�et Itepresentativ� c. Qther City representatives 4, IVieeting Schedule a, Cn gene�al, the nei�hborhond meeting will accur witltin the 2 weeks foilowing the pre�-construction conference, b_ Yn no case wili c:vnstrueti�n be allowed to begin e�ntal this meeting is held, C. Pra�'ess 1Vleetings 1. Formal project eaardinafion meetings will he held �eriadi�ally. Meetings r�i11 he s�heduled and administeredby Project Representafive. 2. Additiar�al pi�ogress �nee�ings ta discuss speGi�iG t�pics will be conducte�d an an as- needed hatiis. 5�ch additi�nal meetings sha�i include, but not ba limited to: a. Coordinating shutdowns h. Install ation of pipir�g and �quipment �_ �vordinarian between other cnnstruc;tion projects d. Re���l ulion afcens�uction issues a, Equipment appraval 3, The Praject Representati�re wiii �preside at pragress meetings, pr�p�re the nates af the meeting and �listribu.te c�pies af the same ta all parficipant5 �,�ho so request hy fully campleting the attendance form ta be circu�ated at the beginnin� af e�ch m�e#in�. 4. Atfen�dance sha11 include: a. Contractor's project inaoager b. Contractor's superintendeni c. Any subca�tractar or supplier represer�tatives whorn the Cantxactor may desire t0 i1]�9t2 �11 tf10 Cil� Til�}+ iEqLleSi d. Engineer's represetrtative� e. City's representat��es f. �hers, as requested hy the Project R�presentati�+e S. Preliminary Agenda may include; a. Re�iew of VJork pEmgress since previous meeting b. Field observations, problerns, conflicts ❑. Itesns which iFnpede ovnstructian scheduie d. Revier�u of off�site fabrication, delivery schedul�s a. �e�iew af �onstruction interfa�ing and seyuencing requirements with other c�nstruction contracts f, Carre�tiv� rneasu�res and procedures tn regain prajected schedule g. Ra�isians to consfixuction sehedule h. Pr�gress, s.Ghedule, dtu-ing succeeding Vi�axk pEriod i. Cnordinati�n af schedu3es j. I�eview submittal s�hedules k. M ai ntenanc� oi qua�ity standards , 1_ Pending changes and su�stitutians m. l�e►+iew propased claanges for: �} Effect on canstruetion scheciule and on completion date 2) Effect an other contra.cts vf the Projeet n. Revievv Record Documents o. l�eview m«nthly pay raquest C1TY 4F FORT W�I{TH 2O22 Guardrai Is and i�RB STANDAHp CONS7'itU�TI4N $PC�IF[CA'�ION D�CLIi�fEN7'S City ProjcctNo. ]03d59 Etevised l«ly 1, 2a11 Adv6.e Arlmh�! Sgn TralisacHun Nvinher. CB1C H�.LMF3AAIevFSuCxw WVpcAywoy�gpsTNryi6xPh I.S 1.6 U1312p-3 PI�]E�'F NfEETING5 Page 3 oi :3 p. k�er�iew status of Requests for Inforination 6, Meeting Schedule a. Progress meetin.gs �vill be he]d periadically as det�rmined by fhe Project Represantativ�, 1} Additinnal meetin�s may be held at the request af the: a} City b] Engineer C] Cpntractor 7. Mae#ing I,acation a. Tk�e Ciry wi]i establish a meeting loca.tion. ]} Ta tha extez�t practicable, meetings will be held at the Site. SUHMCTTALS [IYOT IJSEO] ACTI�N ST.]$NIIT`X'At,SIINPpRMATIONAL SUBM17"fAL� [NOT T1SED] i.7 CLOSEEiUT �USMITTALS [N�T USCD] L8 1ViAINT�NAN�L� MATER�AL Si7�MITTALS �NQ�` USEDj 1.9 Qi]Ai,ITY A��uRANCE [NOT [T5ED] l.X� AELIVERY, S�DRAGE, AND HAI�iL�NG [N4T USEn] 1.11 �'IELD [SITF] CQNDITIONS [NUTiTSED] 1.1� 'VVAI�RA1�iTI' [NQT USk:A] PART 2- PRQDLTCT� jN�T USED] PART 3 - E��G[JTIOI�T �UT Y3SE�� END (]F SEG"I'IUN t�evision Log �A'J't: NAT111� SiIM1�lA1tY QF CHr1h�[iE �r� Y c��� r+�JRT WC71�7�; 5'f'wh i� dK E) C[ ]N5'I' IZUC'TIQi+I SFECIFICA�ZQI�! b4CUA+fENTS Eier�ised July I, 2{)� i 2422 Guardrails anc{ ER6 Cixy PrQjeet No. 1b3459 Pxfo6e Acro6at 9lgn Transaction kumh er. [RJ[N aCM1A9AAlcvFS uCxvrlW �r.Ayw6yr19� sTH tp2GxpA o� sa i� - i CONSTAUCTidN PRUC,RE55 SCHEflUi.l: Pape 1 aF ID � s�eTroN oX �� z� cor�sTR�cTrar� ����:nv�.� 3 PART 1- GIN�L 4 1.1 5L]ll'Il1�Al�Y 5 A. Secti�nIncludes: 6 1. General requiremc�lts far th8]�i'eparation, submittal, updatin�, s�atus �•cporting and 7 management ofthe Construction Pragress SGhedule S �. Specific requiremerrts are presenterl in th� Ctty of Fart V�Qrth Schedule Guidance 9 Documen.t 10 H, J7eviativns from fhis City aiFvrt 1�Varth Standard Specifi�atinn 11 I. None. I� C. Re3ated 5peci�ication Sections include, but arenat necessarilyiimited ta: 13 I. Di�+isian 4— Sidtiing Requ irements, Cantract Forms and Conditians of t�e Cantract 14 2. Di�+i�ion 1— General Requirements 15 16 17 1$ I9 20 21 22 z� 2� 2� 2G 27 28 29 �a D. PurpQse The City of Fort Worth {Crty} is cammitted t,o c�elivering quality, cost-e�f'ecti�+e infrastru�ture t� its c iti��s u� a timely manner. A key toal to acfnieve tl�is purpos e is a prc�perly siructured schedule v�ith accurate updates. Tlus supports effecti�+e manitpring of pra�ess and is input ta critical decis ion making by the praject manager throughout the lif� of the project. Data fiorn the updated praject sclaedule is utilized in statvs repr�rting to �arious le�e�s af t11e City organizatian and the cii�enry. This Dvcument cornplements the City's Standard Ag�eement tv guide the constructian �ott#ractflr {C�nfractar) in preparin� and sui�mitting acceptable schedules for use by the City in praject delNery. The expectation is the perforrr�ance af the ��a�rk foUows tha a�cept�d s chedule and adhur�to the contractual timeline. T�e Gontractor will desi�nate a qua�ified representati�e �Project Sc%eduler) res ��ansil�� for devalaping and updatin� the schedul� an d preparing stakus reparting as required by the City. 3] 1.� P�CEAND PAYMEL�IT P`RUCI�]iIRL'� 32 A_ Mea�urement and Pa�rnen# 33 1. Worl� assoeiat,ed �rith this ltem is e�nsider�d subsidiary ta the variou� items bid. 3� �io separate paymen# rvill be allr�wed for this Item. 35 2. Non-c omplian�e w ith tivs specification is grounds for Ciiy to withhald payment af 36 tE�e C�ntractor's in�oices until Con#ractar achieves said complisnce, 37 1.3 R + ���[CI+� 3$ A, Projeot S�hedul�s CiTY OP FQItT W ORTH STANI)AKl] CdNSTR[ICTIDN SPEClF1CATId1V DOCl3MEN'i3 Revieed Augu�t 13, d0�1 za2z ouardrai�5 $nd ERg Citp PrajeetNo. 1GJ454 ..4do6eAcraUai Sign Transackian Number C8JCH9CAABMIrvKSuCswVuVp�qywoyr/9paTNtp2GrpA 0] 321b-2 CqMSTRLFCT1aN PRC](�RE35 5CH£sT]L1LE Page i of lU Fa�h proje�t is represented �y City's inaster praject s�hedule that enc�mpasses the entire so ope �f acti�ities envisi�ned hy the City to properly deliwer the work. V�hen the City contracts with a Contraetor to perFo��n c�nstrucfian af the Work, the Cantra.ctar will develop and maintain a sGhec3ule for their scope af wark in afignment ��ifh the City's standaxd s �heduie require�nents a� dc�ned here�. The d�Ea ans3 information of each such snhedul:; w[ll be leverag�ci and become integral in the ma�ster projec t schedule as deerr�ed apprapriate hy the Cit�'s ProJect �or�trol Sp�ciaiist �i�d approved by the �ity's Prc�ject Mana�er. 9 10 lt 1� i� 14 i5 16 17 i$ 19 �0 21 22 23 2� i5 2fi 27 28 29 �a 31 32 33 34 3S �� 37 38 39 4D 41 �2 43 �4 �l5 46 �7 48 49 I. MasterProject 5chedule The master project schedule is a holistic representation vf the schadu%d activities and mi�estanes for the total project and be G`c•itical PaLh Methad [CPM} based, The City's Proj�ct Manager is accnuntable for ��+ersig}�t t7fthe deve�nPment arsd maintaining a master praject s�heduIe for each pro,Fcct. When ihe City contr�:ts for the dcsign andlor c�nstrue#ion af the proj�ct, t1�� master project schedule Lv ifl incvrporate elements af the De�ign and Canstruotiarl schedufes as deemed appropria�e l�y the City's Project Controt Speciaii��. The assigned City Project Cantrnl Specialist creates and naaintains the m�aster project scheduie in P& (�rry's sched«li� �� saf�ware}. �. Cor��lructiorr, Schedule The Contractor is res por�si°ble for deueioping and �n�int�ining a scheciule far ihe seape of the �ontractor's contr�Gtual requir�munts. The �:ontraGtor will issue ar� initial schedule far re��iew aud acGeptan�e by the Gity's Project Cantrai 5peci�list and the City's Pr4ject Ma.nag�r as a baseline sck�edule far Car�Yxactor's scope of work. Contractorwill issue current, accurate updates of ti�eir schedule (Fro�s Sct�edule} to th� City at the end Qf �a�h manth thrnugho�t the li[� of their work. B. Sch�dule Tiers ThC Ci�y has a�ortfolin af proje�fs that vary widely in size, ca.mple�it}� and content requ�ring different schedUling to effectiv�ly deliver ea�1� �a•aject. The City �as es a "tierad" appraaeh to aii�n the prvper schedul� wit� the crite�ria fnr each project. The City's Pro�ect Manager deterrnines the a}�prapriate s�laedul� tier for each projecf, and includes tha� design�tian and ths; associ�tedr�yuu-ements in the Contractor's scape of wa.rk, The fallovring is a s�ammary ofthe "tier�". 1. 7"i�r l: 5ma115i�e and Short Duratian Prafect (design not reqraired) 'i'he C,it�� de��laps and maintains a Master Praject Schedule for the project� No schedule submittat is required fram Contractor. C�ty'� Prajc�t Cvntral Spe�ialist acquires any r►ecessary �chedule status data or infarmativn ll2raugh d�scussians with t��e respectiveparty on a� as-neede� basis. 2. Tier 2: Small �ize ax�d 5hart ta Medium Dura�on Proja�t The C�ty develaps and maanCains a Master Prajeaf 5�hedule fr�r the proje�t. The Canfractar identi�'ies "starY' aud "finish" mil�stane dat�s on key element� vf th�ir work as agreed with the Gity's Praject Manager at the kickaff of their wark effork. The Contractar issues to #he City, updates to the "sfart" and "finish" dates for s tach milestotses at the end af each month thrau�hnut the lif� oftheir work nn the praject. 3. Tiex 3: Mediurn and Large Size an�ellor Carr�plex l'rnjects Regardless ofl3urafion cirY oF roxr wo�rx STAIVI3ARf] Ca�lST'RLICTIOpd SP�CIFICAT[ON DOC[11vI�i+�7'S Revised Au�st 13, 242) �022 �ua���� �d Er� City Prvjeot No. 143dS9 Ad ol� e lurobat S lgn Tranya�t ipn Nu u�ber. CB3CH eCnA9hAInrFSuG.wWVpcAy�YOyr29�7HtpZCaPA o� 3x i�-3 CQNSTRUCTIdMPit�('iRFSS SCHEDUI,E Faga 3 0£ 1 D 1 The C:ity develops a�7d maintairas a�I�Iaster Prajec:t 5chedu�e for thc prn.ject. The 2 Cantractvr develvps a Base�ine Sahedule ala�i maintains the schedule Uf� tl�.eir 3 respectiae scope of work on the praject at a lcvel af detail (�nerally F�ve1 3) and in 4 ali�ment with the WBS siructure in Sectian i.4.Has agreed by the Projcct 5 M�nager. The Cnntractar issues to the ��ty, updates oftheir xespective schedule 6 (Progress 5chedule} at t11e ex�d of. eack� inontl� throu�l�o��t the life of their worl� on the 7 �raject. 8 G ScheduleTypes 9 Projeci delivery far the �ity utilizes two types af sche�iules as noted below . The Ci�ty lU de�e�ops �nd rn�fntains a Mast�r Project Schedule as a"baseiin�" s�hedulc and issue i I manthly updates to the City Praject lvjan�er (end of each manth) as a"progress" 12 sch�dule. The �nrrixacfa� prepaces �rid submits each schedule type to fulfill their 13 Gonfractual r�quiremerits. 14 1S �. Ba.qe3ine Schedule I6 'I'he Contracf.�r de�efops and submi�s ta the City, an initiel schedule for their scQpe 17 nf work in akg�unent �vi�h tlris specif"vcation. Once re�►iewed and aecepted by the 18 L'ity�, it hecom�s the "Saseline" schedule and is the basis against which a1� pragress 19 is measured, The baselin� schedule u+ill he updat�d when there is a change ar 20 addition tn the scope vfw nrk impa�ting the duratian of the work, and only ai�r 21 re�eipt of a duly authori�:d ci�ange arder issued by t.he City. In #h� ev+ent �rngresg n 2� si�nificantly behind schedu�e, t��e City's Project M�ger may authori�e �n updake 23 ta the baseline schedule to facilitate a more pra��.icai evaluatian af pr�gress. An 24 exampl� af a B�selme Schedul� is pravided in Specification aI 32 i6. ] 25 Canstruction Project Schedule �ase3ine Example. 26 27 2. Progress Scl�dule 28 The Contractor updai�es their schedule at the end o� each Enanth to �-epresent �l�e 29 prngress achie��d in the w ork which in��udes any impac# fram authorized changes 3U in th� work. The updated sr,heduIe must accur�tely reflect th� current stat� of the 3l uror� at that pourt in tune and is x�efeired to as the "Progress Schedul�". T�e City's 3� Praject Manager a�nd Pra,ject Contra] SpeG ialist reviews and acvepts each pragress 33 scH�du2e. In �he ev�nt a progress schedule �5 deemed nat accegtable, the 3� unaceepta}�le issues �re identifiad by the Gity within 5 wnri�ing days and the 35 Cnrrtraotar must provide an accepta.ble prvgress schedule wiiiiin S workin� days 3d after receipt of nan-acceptance notificatian. An example af a Progress Schedule is 37 providad izz Sp�+ci�ication O1 3216.2 Cr�nstruction Froject 5rheduie Pragress 38 Ex��ple, 3� D. City Statx�lard Schedule requirernents 4� T�e follawing is an av�rview of the methodalogy far der+eloping and maintairvng a 41 schedule �'�r deliv�ry af a project CITY OP PORT 1�4R�'fl 2Q22 Guardrails and FRi3 STRNI]ARU CQAi�TRUC1'103+] SFECICI�ATIQN I]O�UMSN'I� City Project 1�Fo, 103459 [tevised Augusi l3,?A2L AdolaeAcrebst5gn Tr�nse�[inn k�in6er. C6]CI;BtM4RNcvI�yuCi.tivlM�pcp��w0y179175TNipZGxPA pl 321&-4 C�NSTILLJCTIONPR�Q,f'rlZE35 S�HEDULE Page 4 a£ }0 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 4 lU 11 12 �3 14 ]5 IG i7 18 1g 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3� 33 3� 35 36 37 38 39 � 41 42 4� 44 45 4fi 47 1. 5cheduie Frfunewark - The s�hadule will be based an tha defned seope Qf work and fallo�,v the (Crit'vca[ Path Methadolvgy) CP�VI m�thod. The Contractor's schedule will align with the raquiremer�ts af this specificati�n and w ill �e evsat lurarledta reftect thEir plan fQr cxecution. Co�npl'rance with cnst laading can 6e �vided vqith tr�ditianal cast lvading nf line it+�mv OR a projeeted cost per manth fox#1�e projeetwhen the in'r�ral sch�dule is ��bmii�ecl, u�atedan a qnarferly l�sis is significant cLange is ar�ficipated. O�e�ai1 scheciule duration w ii� alig�� with the contractual requiremcnts for th� respectiwe scope af v�+arkand b� reilected in City's Master Froject 5chedule, Thc Praject NUmb�ea� and Nam� of the FraJect is required on e�ch schedule and must mat�h the City's prvject data. �, Sc�edulek'ile lklame All schedules :� ubmitted ta the C�ty for a prajec t w ill have a file name tha�t begins w ith the City's pm, ject �umb�r folZowed by t��e nant� ofthe projecx folla�vetl by hazs�li�e (if a baseGne schcdule) or che,��enr nva�l rxo�th [if a pcogress s�hedule}, as shvwn be[ow, ■ Baseline ScheduleFile Name Format: City PrajectNumber Proje�t Narnc_L3aseline Fxample; IOI37� Narth Montgornery 5treet �I1VI�,C B�sefine • Pragress Sck�edule �'ileNarne Farrntt�: City Pr��ect N�m6er Project Name YYVY MM Example: 1�137� North Mnntgomery Street HfuiAC �pl S_Q� � Pmjeci 5chedule Progress NarratiWe T'ile Name Format: City Project Nurnber_Proje�t hfiarne PI� YYYY-Mfvi Exarr�ple: 101376_Narth Montgvtnery Sfreet HMAC_PN_2D 18�0 I F. 5chcdul� Templates The Can#s-actar wi11 utilize the rel��+ant sectior�s from the City's template� provide�i in rhe City's da�ument managetnent systezn as the hasi� far ereating tI�eir respective proj�ct �c�edule. Sp�eifieally, ihe Cor�tractnr'� schedule wiIl align �+ith the layaut af the Cnnstructiarz secfi�n. The templ�tes are ide.ntified by type oFprojcct as nated be�Ow . • Arterials • Aviatian • 1�Teighborhoad Streets � Sidewallts (later) + Quiei �ones (later] • Street I�ights (laxer} • Intersectian Irnpravements �Iater) ■ Parks ■ 5t�2•m water • Street l�laintenano� ■ Traffr� • W�ter 48 G_ 5chedule Calendar Cl'i'Y pF �ORT Vti'DRTH STAA�]]A1i17 ('UhIgT'i2LTC'1'IDN SPECIFICATIOi+f L]�C[JI�+IENT5 Revised August 13, �Q21 2A22 Guardrails nnd �'nR City Praject I+Ia lU3459 Add6e An'&Ir�t s�n Tranaactio rt Humbe r. [BJ eFf6CAA9AAI �uFS�f.xwYlJpcAyw�yYl�sT}�2dxPA a� 3z16-s C�OT+I�'T(tLiCT1aMPBi7G1eL�5`5 5C]-IGDULE P�e�aF10 1 The City's standard �alendar %r schedule de�elopment purpases is based c�n a 5-day 2 warkw eek and accvurrts f�r the City's �ight standard hojidays {Neu� 1�ears, M�'tin 3 Luther Kir�g, Memori�l, Independence, La�ar, Thanksgiving, da}� a�ter Thanksgiving, 4 Cl�ristrnas), The ContraEtarwill estab3i�h a schedul.e calendar as part �f the schedule S development pracess and prQyide ta the Project Cantro] Speeiali�t as part of the basis 6 for their scl�edule. Vari�tians between the City's cal�ndar arld ti�e Cantractor's 7 caleridar must be resolved prior to the �ity's acceptance flf their &ase3ine projec;t 8 schedule. 1� H. 1�TBS �c Milcstane Standards fr�r 5checlule I3evclopment li The scopa of work to be ac�amp3ished by the Contxa�tc�r is represeni�d in the schedule 12 in the fc}rrn af a Work Ereakdovu n Stxucture (VdBS). The WBS �s the ba�i� for tlie 13 development ofthe se��dule a�tivities and shall be irnbedded and depicteci in the 14 s�chedttle. IS 1G 1� ig 19 20 2I 22 �3 24 25 �6 �7 28 �9 34 The f�l�ovc+ing i� a summary ofthe standards ta �e f�llawed in pr�paring and maintaining a schedule for project deiivery. C:antx�ctar is reqvxred io utiIize tli� �ity's V►F&S stru�ture and respecti�e prUjecl Lype template for "Canstruction" �s shawnin Section 1.4.Hbelaw_ Ac�dik�onal acii�ities may 6e added ta Levels I- 4 ta accor�mndate the needs vf the argani�aiion executing the wc�rlc. 5pecif'�caIly the Corcfractar will add activities under WBS KX3�XX.8U, 83 "C;onstruction Executiar�" that delineatcs the a�tivitie� associated with the various cornponents ofthe wark, 2. Contractor is required to adhere t4 t�ie City's Star►dard Milestones as showr� irr SecCion 1.�.I below. �n�ractorwillincludeaddifiant�l milestones representing intermediate delrverables as required to accurateiy reflect their sca.pe of urork. 31 I. Schedule Acti�ities 32 A�ti�ities are the discrete elements of work that make up �he schedule. They will be 33 organi�d under the umbreI� ofthe WBS. Activity deseriptians shcauld ade�uai�ly 3� describe the acti�ity, and in some �ases ih� extent of th3e a�tivity. A�l acti�viiies are 35 I�agically "tied with a pcedec�ssar and a successar. The nnly exceptian m th� rule is for 36 "p1pjECt SY�P�" and "praject fm�s�" milestones. 37 3S 39 4[1 4] 4� 43 The activxty duration is based on the physical amaunt vf �vork ta he p�-farmed forthe stated acti�ity, wrth a maximuni d.uration of2D working days �R a ean#'rnunus activit� in one l�cati4n. If th� work for �ny �ne aGtiyity �xceeds 20 days, brreak ttzat activity down incrementaily to achieve tllis duration constra�tt. �ny ea��ept�on ta this xequires reviQw and acceptance by ti�e City's Froject Cantrol �peciaList. 44 J. Chang� Order� 45 Wher� a Cha.nge Order is issued by the �ity, the iu�r►pact is incarporated into the 4b previously accepted bas�lirfe sc�edule as an update, to clearly shaw impa�t to the 47 pruje�t tizneFine. The Contractc�r submits t�is updated baseline schesdule to the City fnr CiTY OF FORT W OR I' � I 2022 G�mrdrails artd EL{S 5'I'ANUARI] COIsTS�AUCTIDI+I SPEC�ICATiON bQCLfhiENT i Cily Pmjec! IY4, 1fl3459 ILevised August 13, 2d21 Auo4eAcrohatSi�iTraisssttivn Numh.er.C6dGHBCAIyqMIcvF.SuCzWJuVpcAywflyr29fisTHepiGxen Ol 331b-6 CON5TRLICTIOI+1 P120GRE5S SCHEI]L1LE Page 6 oF l 0 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1� i3 l� I5 ]�, 17 ]S ]4 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 3� 31 3� 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4(] �1 42 �3 44 �5 �5 47 revieur and acceptance as desGribed in Section 1. ��elaw, []pdated baseline schedules adhere ta the follow ing; 1. Time extensions assaciated rvith appraved c�ntract mndi�cations are Iimitcd ta fhe actual am�unt af t�me the projecf actsyiti�s are anti�ip�ted to be delayed5 unless ❑tlierwise apprnved �y the Pcvgram Manager, 2. The re-bas elined schedule is submitte�d by tt�e Contractcxr witial� ten �ayoorkrl�,ys af�er the date of receipt of fh�e apprav�ci Change �rder. 3. The changes in l�gi� or durations appro�+ed by the City ate use� to anaiyze th� impact ofthe c�ange and is in�tuded i» tl�e C�iange prder. The coding for n new activiiy(s) added ta the sch�adule far the Change Q,rder incIudes thc Change flrder number ir� fhe Acti�ity ID. Use as many acti�+ities as needed to accurateIy shaw t�ie wo� of tlie Cha�ge �rder. Re�isions to the I�ase�in� s chedufe are nat effecti�r� unt�7 accepted by the City. I� City's 'S1Vork Bre�kdown Strucfure 'i�R� C'udc WB� Name �XXXX 1'roject Name �K.30 ❑esign XXXXXX.30. ZQ Design Ccnrtractor Agreement xx�sxxx.3a.ao Canceptuai Design (3q°%� �KX3CX.34.30 PreLimmary I]esign �50°%4} X���.3�,40 Fin�l Design XXX�XX.34,5� �nvironme�tital XX���.34.6Q Perrnits X3�X�X. 30.64. ] 4 Permit� - Identificatian X3C�.Y�X.3�_64.�U P�rmits - Re�iewlAppro�+e xxxxx�,d{l ROW & �asements XX����.4U.1� ROi� Negotiations X��CX3�K.40.20 �ondemnation xXx3�3��.70 Utility Relocatian �X�XXY.7q.1 a Chility� Reloc�tian Co-ordinatior� ��XX�.80 Construction X.��, 80.81 Sid a�d Award �X�XXX.$�.$3 Constructian �acecution X�KX��. $0.$5 Inspectian X�X��.8�.85 L.artd�caping xxxx�.90 Clvseout �CXh"X3�X.9i1.1 � Lans lruction Cortract �Close-out ��XX.9Q.�0 Design Contract Cl�sure L. Cit�'s Standard Milestones Thefollo�� ir3g rr�i���lnn� a�tivities �i.e., iznportant e�ents on aproject that mark critical patn�s in time} a��e �31`partic�lar iriteresi ta the City and must b� reflected in tl�e project s�hedule far all phases of w�rk. C1TY DF FORT W4RTii STAIVLIARD CpNSTRUCTIUi�1 SPECICiCATIaA1 ppC[FMENT3 Rcuised dugust13,2D21 2622 Csuardrails a�tid FRF3 City Pmject No. ! 03459 nduhe 7Acra4a[ Sign 7rai�saccian Num6er: C6 JcH9G1A9A�M1IcvFS utnulF7VpcAyw0y�4osTNtp�uPA 01321�-7 C�AlSTRUC'I'II7N PROGRFSS SCHEdl ]7 F Pa�e7of ]0 I 2 3 � 5 5 7 S 9 7.0 li 12 1� 14 15 lb 17 18 19 24 21 2Z � 24 25 2� 27 28 29 � 31 32 33 34 3S 3C 37 3g 39 �.4 4U 41 42 43 4� 45 46 Activity ID Acti�ity Name Design 3�2a Awar� Design Ag�reemer►t 3{}40 issu�N�ti�e ta Proceed - Design Enp,�neer 31�� D�ign itick-aff Meeting 3120 Submit Cancepfual Plans t� Utitities, ROW, Traffc, Parks, Sto�m Water, Vl�at�r' � Sewer 315� Peer R�view Me�tmglDesign Review meeting (technieal) 31 GD Conduct Des.i�m Public Meeting #1 (requi�ed} 317� GancepjualBesign�ampl�te 322�i Su�mit Freliminary P�ans and Spec'd�catians ta iJtilities, R4W, 7'raff'�c, Parks, Storm Water, V+Iater �c Sewer 3ZS� Canciuct Design Public Mc�ting #2 trequu�ed) 3�5� Preliminz�'y I3�si�� Complete 331Q Su�mitFina� Design to Utilities, RQW, TrafFic, Parks, S%orm Water, Water � �ewer 333d Candu�i Desi�m Public Meeting #3 (if requiredj 336a �`inaI I3esi�m Camplete ROV1� & Fasements 4D4� Rigi�t af Way 5tarf �4�3{] Rigtzf �f Way Garn.plete Ulility Reloc,atian �aao �t�iri�s starr 7124 LTta�'�ies ClesredlCornplete Con�traetion �id and �lward 81 � 0 S�art Ad�+ertisetn�nt 8150 C�mdu�ti Bid �pening 8240 Award Construction C�ntr�ct Coustruction �ccutian 83 3� Conduct Canstru�tian Public Meet�g #� Pre-Construction 835� Construction Start 537� 5ubstantial Campletion 8540 Constru�tian Completion 913� Natic�afC;ampletionlGreer� Shect 91 Sfl Constructi�n Contract �losed 94Z0 ❑esign Cantract Clased SLT�N1rTTALS A. SGhedule �ubmitta3 & R�view Th� City's Praject M�r�ager is respo.nsik�l� for re�iews and �cceptance oF the Contractar°s s�hedule. The Crty's Project Control Speeialist is resp4x►sihle far ensurirkg �lignme�t of the Contractor's base�e at�d pragress schedules r�r�th the Mastcr Project 5chedule as s�ppart to ti�e Cit��'s Pr��ject lV�anager. The City reviews and a�cepts flrre,�ec#s t�� schedule wRthi� te�; wurkdreys of �:ontr�otor's submitt�l. CrfY DF F�It'T WORTI� STRNi}ARD CONSTRIICTI[�TI SPECIFICATIUI� AOCUMENTS Revised August 13, 2021 ?.i}22 Guardr�tils snd ER� City PrajectNo. ] 43�59 Wubellcrobat5ign Transaction Nq�lt6ef:CBJCH6CAA0Mkv�'uCzw4Ylhxplyvr6y�l94s76Jtp26kPA Ol32Id-$ CC�I�{STR[I�TL[}1�P1�QGI�1-:55 SCf;CDULE 4 5 6 7 9 10 Page S of 10 1. 5chedule �'armat The �antractor will submit each s�hedule in twa elactrani� farrns, one iri natrve �le fQrznat {.xe►�, .xrxr�, .m,�c) and th� second tt� apd_f'forma#, iri the City's c�a�ument ma�agement system in the Iocation dedi��fed fQr this purpose and identified by the Projecf Manager. In the �vent the Contractar daes not use Prur�ar�era P� or MS Projecf for scheduIing purpos�,s, the schedul� inf�rrnation �nust b� subnaitted in .xls ar . xlcx farmat in compliance with the sample la�out (See Specifi�a�ion O 1 32 I 6. ] C:onstructian Prvject Sc�dule Base4ine Example), including activity predecessors, s�cc es sars and tatal fi�at. 11 2. Initial & Easelins 5chedule 12 Tho Cnntra�tar will develop th�ir schedule for tliei� scope of wark �id submit their 13 initial s �h�dule in clectran[� form �in the fiie fortnats rroted abo�e), in the City's l�t dacurr►ent management systern in the lacation dedieated f�r this purpnse r�t lerr.st S 15 �aork��tg tlt�ys privr ta Px� Cvn�r'a�ct�an .�I��eti}ig. I6 ]7 18 19 ZO zl 22 23 24 25 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 � 35 3d 37 38 39 �q 41 4� �3 'The �ity's Froject Manager and Fraject Cos�troI Specialist reviey�v this initial schedut� ta d�termine �,ment with #he City's Master Froject S�hedulc, incl�du�g f�z•ma# cYc �VBS structure. Fnllowing the Gity's r��i�w, feedb�ck i� provided to the Contractvr for their use in frnal�u�g fheir iniEia] schedule ar�d issuing (wif&ixa fve wvr�krtrr,ys} tl�eir ]�seline Schedule for fmaI re�iew and acceptance l�y tI�e Ci#y, 3. Progress Schedule The Cantractor wilI updatt� and issue their project sch�dul� {Pra��ss Schedule} hy �he lrrst rlay o, f�acir nmr�th th�•aughout the iif� of th�ir w�rk on the projecf. The �rogress 5chedule is submitte� in el�ctrnnic form �s no�ted aboYe, in the City's dacument rnar,�g�ment systexr� in the kacation dedi�ated for thi� purpose. The City's Pr�ject Contral team reviews each Pragr�ss Schedule for data and infarin�tion that s upport the as ses s ment of the update to the s chedul�, I n the event data or in�'vr[nation is missing or inGrnnplete, the Pra�ect Contra�s Specialist communi�ates directly with ti�e Contra�ct�or's scheduler for prowiding same. The �:antraet4r re-submits tkie cori�cted k'rog�ss Schedule wrthlia S warkd�.ys, followin� t�e subsniital process notec� abave. Th� �ity's ProjectMariager ar�d Projeet Contc`ol Specialist review tt�e Cantractor's progress schedule for act�ptance ar�d ta moniior performance and pragress, The fc�llbwing list af iten�s are required to ensure praper status infarrnati�n is c�ntained in the Progress Sehedule. • BaseLine Start d�te � Baseline Fi�ish Date • % �UII1�31��e • Float 4d � Activity LvgiG {dependencies) 45 � Critseal Pa#h 46 � Activit�es added ar de%ted �47 • Expect�d �as�line Fini�h date 48 � �ariance t� the Baseline �inisl� Date 49 CTTY flF PDRT WORTH 2822 Guardxails and EiRl3 S T ANiDARI) C�N3T1tUCTl�i+i SPECIF ICATION DQC[1M�IT5 C.ity Proje�tNo. 1 D3459 Revised Au�usL 13, 21721 Mo6e�hcro6eY Sign iransactinn Hurn6eC.CF�JCHBCAA6NUrvFSuCzwyJVpr.AywOyt7Bds7HYp��A Ql 32 16 -4 COhl37'RL1CT[ON PR�GRESS SCNEE]]L1LE Page 9 af 14 1 z 3 �l 5 6 7 $ 9 1Q 11 1� I3 1�4 15 8. Marithl� Construction 5tatvs Repa�-t The �a�rtractor submits a written st�tus r�pE�rt �relerred tn as a progress narrative) �t the mantlily pr�gress meeting (i�rnanthly meetings are held) r�r atihe end ofeach month to accampany th� Progress Schedul� submittal, us4ng the staildard farrnaf pr��ided ir� �pecif�catian O1 3216.3 Construc tion Project Sched�le Pragress Narrarive. The cantent afthe Crn�struction Prajeet 5chedule ProgressNarrativeshould he coneiseand camplet;e t� include only changes, delays, and an�cipated prob�ems. C. Suhmiltal Pxacess * Schedul�s and Monthly Constructinn 5tatus Repnrts �re submitted in in the City's docum�ent rnanagement systerr� in -the l�catian dedicated fnr this p urpose. ■ Once the praject has been completed and Fir�al Ac�eptance h�s been �ssued by tt�e �ity, no furtl►er pragress schedules or �flnstruction status reporis axe required from the Cantractar. 1, 15 1.5 ACTXDN SUBMITTALSIINFURM�TYONAL SUBM[TTALS [l�IUT U�EOj 17 1.6 �LOSI�7DUT S UBNIl'�TAJ� [AT�T USE[i] 18 1.7 CE M�1.TElt�AL SUBMiTTALS [NDT USII]] 19 1.8 �i]Ai�r'Ci' ASSL]RANCE 20 �1 �2 23 24 � A, The persan preparing and revising the �onstruction 1'ragress 5chedule s.hal! be experienced iri the preparation vf schedules ofsimilar �amplexity, S. S�}�edufe snd supporting documents addr�ssed in t4�is Specification shall �� prepared, updated and re�+ised tn accurately ret�ect the perfa�.nance of the construction. C. Cantraatar is respvnsible fvr #he quality of all suhmittals in this section rrteeting the standard of care fnr thc canstnactinn industry far similar pr�jects. 2b 1.9 DELIV�ItY, ST�RAGF, ANi] HANDLING [NOT T_T�IDj Z7 28 29 3� 31 32 33 �.�� 1�'iELD [SITEJ CDIVI�ITY.O�iS [NOT USF[l] 1.11 V[�ARRAN'IY [NQT iJSID] 1.1� ATTAC�N'I'� Spec O1 321fi,1 ConstructionPra,j�ctSch�dwieBaseJine E�caniple Spec �1 32 l 6.2 Gansfruction Proje�t SeheduleFrogress Example Spec Ol 32 � 5.3 Constructian Project Sche�ule �ragress Narrati�e C1'CZ` �F P'4it7' WaRTH STANDARD CONS'FftLfCTI07+1 SFECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised AugusF l3, 20x 1 2[122 Gua►�rails and ERB City Projeotl�o. l03459 Ad❑beAcrobas sign rransadion rduin6er; C9JC1�ISCM9/u1lcvFsuCzwwvpcnywoyr�aorsrnup2[v�Pa Ql 32 ld -10 CC3i�[3TR UCTIdIV PR QGRCS 5 SCFdEDT,1L.E Pf�c ]fl uf 1.0 4 FART2 - PRDDiTC'I5 [NOT USI�] PART3 - EK�CVITON [NDT LIS�� INIl UF ,��CT10N 5 R�: vis i�n Log DAT�: N��L1hE SLIMM�-lI�Y�� �HANCi� �!l3I2021 hti�hael [)�ac�� ��"ised lo upr�aiespcGifi��tioi� zequirem�:n�; ��nd �liminato dupiic�te schectui� specificaL inns. C1TY Or FORT W�Rf H STANDt�RD CC7NSTRi7C'f'I�1+T 5PEC1RfCATION aOCi]MEIVTS Revi�ad Aug��sl I.;, �021 2722 �uardra�Js and L'RI3 City Frojoc[7da. 143�59 .Adube AcrobaL slgn iran saction H�mher: L6SC FigCM9AA1cuF5�CYw WVpcAy�yr19A s7N tpSGxAA ai �z ib. i CONSTR[TCTIDNPRdGR�53SCk��LTLE BA5EL1N�E7C�4IVfPL�i P�e 1 ofS � 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 lU 11 12 1� i� f5 16 17 1$ 19 20 �1 22 2.3 24 2S 2� 27 28 � 3[] 3f 32 33 34 35 3d 37 38 39 4� �1 42 43 44 4S 46 SECTIf�N Ol 3� 16.1 co�rs��RucT�aN sc�Dv1.E - a�s�,z� ��L� PART 1 - G�L The f�Ila��ing is an exam��le of a�ontractflr°s proje�t sch�iule ihat illustrates t�►e data and expectation �nr s �h�dule ccantc;nt �iepi�ting the baseline fvr �.ie project. This versiqn of the scheciule �s refcrrcd ts� as �"haselinc" sc�icd��le. Th�s e�ampla is intendsd ta prowide guidance far the Cnntractar when develaping and submittiatg a bas�line seHedule. See CFW Specifi�atior� �1 32 16 Constructian �checiule for datails arid requiremen�ts rcga�'ding the Cnntr�ctor's projectsch�ci�le. CIT4' �P FQI2T W4RTH STAI+iDARD COIVSTRIlC'TIDN 3PECIC'[CATIUfV llUC:UhitiNTS Rs.wiscd dugust 13,2dZ1 2R22 Guacdrails and ERB City Project T4o. 1d3+459 Adehe 11cr64at Sigis Transa ction Hu iel6er: C6JGH9GM9M{cf�FSUCavrLW pcAyw0yr29�a7N tpZGxPA ni 32 ir,_� CQI+lST R4; C: I" I�IV PI'iOGRE55 5 C'. f I} i I7 U Ll: l i AS L I.rl � l i J i?C,+i1l P�,B I'a�c 2 uf 5 �� �� �� � � � � � Q � � � � � � a � � � � � � � � 1 � � � � j I -�---�----- - -,-----.rt- --�- -�_._...._y.. E I� � i i . � � �.-- -- --- --- ---- ---- �-- ---•_-••--•-_••--�—• }--- �------ �- ; � , � � � . � � _._._.. _4_ __....�..._. .a.. _.... .¢, ._.... .�... . . . _ .__..... . . . I � � � .......... - --�._. .�- -�- —„- ---- -,----.. .�._ •--••-•-S.._._•-•_�-•-- -- -�.--- -_. i ._-- -� . .�. _ -----_�. ..._.. - -:�:��:: �--��----.-fi�-�--- ..��.. ---- -- - • ------ - --- -- ------ -- --- - -----::_-�- �— .�� -- - -- -- --- --- -- -- - . . _ .._._ . . _. ---�---�-- -- --. ._-� _ � ----.--- ------ -.._. _ � -�- � . --- -- - - - -�---- -� �-------�- ---- ------ - - - ---,-- -, � ...,...--- - �-- . .. � ---_.... ...�. --�-.--_.._ ....._.-: .--...-.-i_: •_-• i_.__._. ,._.� I i I i p� �r rl � OI�;CI�� IA � a� � �'I.G�OI9 �� �� pli �q R 7�.f � il q e] o ca o�Y1 h W� F M1 1+ �� �� I � � � p�� � I � � �� � p�y �'� tlp.4. o�� .� � u {ri y6�¢1,7 dy� "!.ga I��'I a�in' w r n�Ti� {¢�J,� �(y in A !1 Nf +1 Fl�� �I �'1 � Pl V� A��1 �1 �7 M A Mi %1 1�1 /� fr A� A Y g,, u[! nAItyy7� 4 q U.c. u �I -f Wd1 ��QpIl. q1f�y. n b tl nfvs w vpi 1�[� �la�.!p o . � �1 Y] EE fi A �l +i .R �'1 � Fl p•n •n 1� �I r4 w. ..y � i r. � � n� W,. �..., ,.�,.. ��..�,�.,,,.m`.�r��:_,���p,m ,��.� :. � .r� 1 � ,�) m� �i M �� �, [� l� :^ N 4 I' �: �� i Yn N n � y� C N N nl M L� 9�,� G'f1 �� ~ � � �'�7�� ,'�,�:; w� ������h�ti� �� O�J ���� ,-��� ����' �. r, ,_ u a Q .� iv iu r. .� .. epb .� o w w �• e Wp �� H .. m .� 4i U n . � [J � i.i �� �� r'� - n n R t i ry 4 ri J� SY R(ry i+ �• TM N ry il �I �•l � n � _ ���� ��'� ��������� S�� �' �,� ������ ��� d r: � �� �'. �..� � 7 r j � � � � w .� � . .`J ., o r ' � � n`• �i � � � v u q n n ��'� �i cj fv s: ti iv q � L,� �.. r I fj ��! H S7 ^�►� Y M.rl M� P n' A �7 iA W M ul ��� v� Li /�l�N ¢� � i . � � �a ., .. . i�, " ti r� � - � +�,n� w � m w �,, � �2 .� G' ,',� !�'N m n' N, �1 '�I` w, es `.'a'� ?. d o � � t1 � a � �� U �`' r�^w�l Yf Y g� � � � �m ar '� � � � � � � � � � "� �! � a r � � �°" � m � �� '� � I m �� � � � � � � i , ; �� � �� & �. I � M � � i a ��� i ♦ • � ,p � i a � � � d � � � � �;���� . � � } v��ii � � �+ O1 '� �� � � ja'y� � �: � �, F i � " � L �; .� ,� �! t" 1� {r� p P C$ ! � � R Q � 8 P b { 'S h � � ? � a �r '.� } � � �p I � �,° � a ii � � u �' .� aC '� � � ^ ° �� � r �'�• � '� _ � ��~� ' k;�i. a, � � � � � 4' � Sv � i � �i $ a 7 • 'v �j %j C � i w �i � � !! fi � �" ".J � .'i � P i � � i� � � � ... � �„ x� '�� f�a 6 � r� a v a�• �� n u� O n�,„ � tl� o o�u p� ry� � � � � i ������#��� . � � �� � .���� j r� 14 #' ry�q �1 �° I r 1��1 14 '1 n�, n o � `'� N�.: W L!�.�. p . N I M N � � � I C["1 Y ClP F(7k'C �'v t]RT f 1 2p7.2 C�itard ra i Is and ERB STAAil7ART3 CC71ti5TRUCTIONSPEC]FICATIONI]OCLIMI3NT�u City Prnjecc Mo. IO?4S9 ReviscG Augiist 13, 2{Y21 AdoheAcrabatSign rl'anxactinnNwn6ar.C6JC119CMdAIVc�F:uCxwlNVprAN�+[�yrl9b.dfM1ltpz�xPA � 1 3216. i CQNS'1 1ZUL'i' f(7N lyl� C 1{;R I SS S(' ] IL:L�LIL�; -�A5 EL]N� EX�l;,if�T E l'a�c ? i�i'S o� � M � � � � � � � � � � 4 � .g � � � � � AY � � � � ��� � � F� 1 2 ---•+•-• "----r---- �.._._ I i . 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C1TY �F F�RT L4dRTI1 2022 �'Tuarc�t�ils aiidEE�E3 5'I'AhfL7Aktl� C{7VSl'17L,'GTION 3PECIf{CATIDNDOCLIM�I�E'T� City PtajeclAio. 103459 Re�ised r�ngust 13, 2t;2] AdaheA[rols�i sig6 Trahs�ctian Number+CBJC119CAA9RA[cUFSuC�.wWJpcAywDyr29dsTN�p2GxpA al 32 iG.1 [:U[�S l K�IC: � 1[)N PRIX�Rli55 SCFIEDL�LE—SA51�fJNl :F�:}�AMiPC.I": Pa�4ofS CI'1'Y UP ]'(]12'f V4'Ol2'1'�� 2022 Gusrdrei�s ��d fil�l3 STA�177ART] CONSIRUC3'I�N Si'E�$'€CATlUN llU[;L7�rIi:N7'S Ci4y Projcc,No. l03�159 Rctiised Aug�t ] 3, �021 Adq be Acrabat SigA; Trons�c[hn N�nsLer� CB.ICii6CAABAkk�F5uCzvrLW yorAywayr79 osY N[p'LGxPk Ql 32 16.i Cph15TRLICTIO'hiPROGRE5S SC1i�I]L1LT's—BASk?l.lriil;fi3C�MP1,� Page 5 af 5 1 END flF SI+]CTIv1V �Zetiisi�n I.cf� DATF, I�AMI� S�NARY �F CNANG� July' 2Q, 2018 M. 3arrell �T1lil'r1I I55L[L May 7, �0� 1 N[ C)s4en Reviscii nr�ir« du� tn rcvising th� achede�le speci[ication CITS' QF FO[i[' WORTH 2O22 Guardrails and ETiS 3TANAAILD C�AfSTRUCTl�N 5PECIFICATION DOCLI1vfEMTS Ciiy Prajard Na 1�3459 Revised August l3, �42] AdvEkAvaf�al S��i 7�ailsactivn Nont6er: C9 JCH6CRAgAAIcvFS��Cx+.iWvpcqywPyrZ9DKfN�ZGxP/, oi 3x i6,a CQNSTRUCTION PRQG�tC55 5CHE17UI.C--PROGftE�S �XA]1+IPLE Page 1 oC4 I s�[o�v oi �a �s.z Z CDNSTRU[:T[UN SCHF.T]�1��, —PRQG�.'S.S EX.AMPf,E 3 PA13.T f - ��AL 4 The fallow ing is an exatr�ple of a C:ontract��•'s project scl3edule tllat illustrates the data and 5 expectation for schedule Gontent depicting the prOgre�s far the prajecti. "1'lzis �ersion ofthe 5 scliedul� is referred to �.� a"pragress" sched�le. Th� e�ample is intended #o pra�ide 7 guidan�e Par the Contractor when de�elapirrg and submitting a prq�ress sctiedule. 5e� 8 CF� Specifi�ation �1 32 16 Canstruction Sc�edule for detaiLS and i�quirem�nts reg�rding 9 #he Cantracior's project schedule. ta i] ia 13 1� 15 L6 l7 18 ]9 2.i] 21 22 23 2� 25 26 27 CITY Og PQRT W�RTH 2fl22 Guardrai�s and ERB 3TATFD1UtD CONS77LUCTIDN SPEC�ICFLTIdN DOCiIMENi'S Cic}r I'rajeCtl�ia. lq3d59 x���a ��g�t i�, aozi lulol�e Acrv6at Sf�+l 7�ar sa �Han Num 6er. [BJ CI ISiCAAB.1AleuFSuCzvAW F�cAyvrOp�r7ADs7Hlp2dxPh {a � 32 � E3.2 CONSTRUCTF�ii PRf]GRESS SCI3Fil7i:l.l:—i'KC]CJ1cT'SS 1?Xdi4tE'LL-: Page 7, of 4 m r G �y � � � � � [� � A � 4 � � �' d e+^ � � U � � Oy � al � �. � � �� ni � 4� a �r i � �� - -- --.�.--• --•-_�_.._...� m ofo e.elm�r� n u...� n�r. rY �.'.v�n�rv�.vrt•� .. ri �� «.-.�n�ev n.. .v �. n n n.v n n.. .. d � :� �: � � � i �r {�. 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Civardrails an�1 i?1213 5'I'ANLl.4�1�T3 C:C3N5'CIZUCTIONSPLCIFICEITION �UClJhrt6NT5 �ityFrajectNa 1C3�359 kLcviSs��i August l s, 2[12i JVdv6eAcrol�at Sign Transac;i�rn Number, C8JCH8CAA9MIcvK� i.".�n+h'Jyc ap�yDy�29ps7Htp�GxPA 6 ] 32 16.2 CCiNS']'Rl;{;TI.4�1 PROCrRE58 SCH�.bUL�- PR{]C32i?55 };}iAh7PL� Yage � of 4 m � cy � � -� r•, m � � � � e� Q. � a..�l � �� F.. � �� �� �� �� �� � � � � "i � � � ��v 17 C_n N iV W H H 11 I��N fv N r�'r� H N n rajq�av' a j � 1 � � �� �e�.;i6 �`o �'a�'n�� darnwcor.�q c'+c"�sa�r.0 �' n u �n 'a p m� w M�+ in o1 �' w� ��i . m m m �'iii .ii � �1IVr fS�Q 'a�" }; RFi1�:�:ilFi N ���������� �s ����, �����a ��e ��� �� ,��:, �� 11 i� ^��.0 w YI w rry ^ yp �l� S� y� '+L iF ^�^I w r �� a �:�� ���' r,� ��•� �.��� ��_�d� � � :� -' L' �i • 6 �' :' ;� � k; '� � ��,' � � �I � I � 1 �U 111 LG �y Sr.i i�� r�1.�• IO Y7 f��� fh 4�rj� i�� �('� JI Ifi d7 r� Ii fi � iT1 IY f} �`: ',� g v F� �1 N �i f� � a� � t f � � .�i �.r. �� �����s� :� ���,�:. ������� r ti � � .� n- i1 ,„ � ����'"L'�L�"r_.� ---E—� .. . --.�___._ c�:mersm n.-n wn sx n m' CI u.. 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I': I � - � � � � ��� F ����� � � ���°� I [S �' � � � � �� � ���� �� s�� �, ��� ������ � :��,���'���J e� „� r � d b � � � � �= U �' � � III! � "C a Q � � � � Q � � � � i � H 4 �� �� �� �� �� # 4 # .�. � � ,� � �� ��� Q GC L.7 I � I Cl l'Y C}i+ Pi]RI' 4U(]RTi�i 2d22 C;uarnrals and l;[if3 S'1'AN 11_A1tU G{7N5'1'R t]CT[ON 5Y L-;(:u� 1C:A'1'lU?+i Ix]�:Ulr;i;1�TS City Proj c�l Nu. 103454 Revi,.d A��,ust]3,202] Ado�eAcrohal Sign'Crar�ssclion Number.C61C#1&CpABAAlc�FS�Czw1Wp�0.ywDyY29CsTytpEGxPA 81 32 16_2 L`�NSTRUCTIU[Y Pft{]GRE55 3C8�DULE—PROGR�SS E5CA1ufPLIi Page d af 4 1 �U �F ��.��� Rcvis i vn ]�g �}�'r� �A� SUMMARY UFL.�3A1�GF ,inly 20, 201$ hri. ]arrcll Ini�i�nl fssue �f�iy 7, 2fl2i +l� O�n Revised t�an►edue tor��isingtl�eschedule specificatinn C]'fY OF FOL�T WORTH 2O7.2 Guflrdrails and �R.B 5'I'AiVI]FLl2I] CO�iS'C[�llCT{ON SPECIFICATfON �CICI]7viEHIS City FrojeatNo. 1�3459 Revised August I 3, 2021 d�loJse dva6at Segn ire'�sackion Num4er. C6Jti i[sCl.A[sHk1c�FSuCrveWVFx,qyvlRy�2gflsTNtpiGxFh ai 3a xe.a �rxaGr�ss rrA�.xArn� Page 1 of 1 SE�TI�N 4I 3� 1b.3 CONSTRUCTI�N PR{]JF.CT SCHEDUL�.I'I�C3GRE�S NAf�RATIVE RepartingperQad: �atefssued: Project Narne: ContractvrCarr�}�anyName: City PrvjectNn: Contra�tar5�h�duleContact: City Prnject {Vlar�ager: A. List of aCtivities char� ed in the reptarting period. 1. �insert text htere) 2. �insert text her�� 3. �insert text here} 4. �ins�rttexthere} 5. (insert texi here� 6. (insert text here} B. I.ist any pa#errtial delays and proaid� mitigaiian actions 1. (insert text �erej 2. (insert tiext herea 3. [insert text herel C. List an� actual d�lays and pro�ide ra�avery actians �. �insert text herej Z. {insert text I��re� 3. [inse rt text here5 ffily oF For� Worth, Texas Cwns#ructipd� p�ject SrhedUle Nam�liv� Report far CFNJ Prpf@� rae„�edaysust��, zvzi Page 1 of 1 Adohe Acmhal5i�n Transaction Numher.CB3CH0Cr1ABAAkvFSUCxrANVprAywGyr2s6s7!ltp2GolPA Q1 32 15.1 CflNSTRUCTIOIV PROfi1ZE58 SCHEAUI.�—BA3ELINEEXAl1e�PLli Page l oF5 � ��{;'I�dN U132 16.1 CONSTRUCTI�N SCHEDULE - B.4SELINE E�AMPLE 3 PART 1 - �F1VI�tAL 4 5 6 7 S 9 1p 11 I� 13 14 IS lb 17 1$ 19 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3� 31 3� 33 34 3$ 36 37 38 39 Q� 41 4� 43 44 4S 46 The faIlaw ing is an exarnple af a t�a�itra�tar's praje� t s�i� edule tY�at illus trates the data and expectatian for sc�edulc c.nntent depictingthe h��selin� f�}r the pro1ect. This versian a�the s�her�ule �s referred tA r�.s a"baseline" schedul�. '1'his er�arnpl� i� uttended to prvvide guidance for the Contractor when der�eioging and suY�mitting a baseline schedule. See CF W Specification � 1 32 16 Cor�sfrucf.iran Schadule for details and requiremenis regarding ihe Cantractar's prajectschedule. CITY �F FbRT RrOit'CH STt�i+IDAR� CDI+[STItLTCTlO1+I SPECFICATIDN DOCiIMEN'fS Ytevised August 13, 2D21 2q22 Guardrails and EIZB City YrajeetNo. 103459 AdelscAtro6atSige Trartsarhlan Number,c[sJ41BCMBMlt�f5uCrnitiP/p�AywOyrR�➢a7h�p�CSxPA dl 32 [t�.l C:[7N5'] IdUGTIC» f'1:UC;t�IiSS S[;tTF;DL�L,E—I3ASEL.INE�?iM•11'LF' Page 2 af 5 � � � � � � � m � M d � v d � .� � � � �Q F Q c � �U � � � � 0 � ���:...� ; •-- ,...._•-•-• --- _ -••-•,•-•-•-•••• .. . ---� -----i-------- -- ---- ---•• - i •-•-- - - --i.-- .-. _..._..}_... .-- -; ---._._ _ ......- �; •-...•- �i- ^ � P� i7 O O i.. n=[� �� ❑" �� tlE�' ^,�' •' 'I, 1�1 0 4 4 n �t �r � W M1 F I+ � 1• I � � , � i � � � ^ � fl � � � fl � I'++ Mp a u� �f IpJ/ $�}��-j{ PJ �' �7 �J Y� �yl+ 16a S1:) x[!y1 W.Ij n! 7iYi il� ^ K� �.O�ory � 1� +� IY /! Y4 Y� +7 1'� M 17 rV �1 +I �4 �1 . 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Yf� � ii� ,I � i N G I � � , I� � , f �� � , �� �I � � �� � � , �p $ ��� � „ .� , � I fl � � � � � � L nyyx, j j 4l � l l a 'N i I '�j a � � ♦ ♦ * � �� �� � � g , � �I� � � E � :� i � � � W �I� � ,q � � • � � : � � .�' b a i � l �' � � ,, � �' �- a � ���' � � y��C '� � ��� � � � '� '� Y X }}}',,,I,,, �jY. v `n }y A w � � F � O Y� � �4 9 y • n Gi � n n � � � Y � � Y W � Fa � r ; r� � � � Ya��cr � �. � ,^ u :7 r.t u u 1i Li � L" '1 �" .r! .*1 � I� ti ii C� crt C . � � `r} s ci � r� y � � � � � /� � � ra v � C� �� �� n� � n � u n C�1 G1 a o n 4� r� o aa! � y v �� i�+' �.j� �� q7 �.„��'��L1... 1 `��n � �.^�..�"�n"'ti"�' ":,,� �.1:d ` �+ � � i� � � � �.^a � � � • � :y `c� w m u � 1� ��� il� � � c:r��Y �3t� rc�iri� woie�rr i ama crz:a�d��is ���� i:rts S[ ANllARU CC7?�lSTIiLTC3I� SPFCIFICATIDIV DOCUMENTS City Praject ha_ 104459 R�1•is�d A�i��:ct 13,�021 Adpbepereba! Sign Tranra�tian kumhcr: �JC�fHCAABMIcvKS�txwlWpcAyw6yd9As7Ntp2GxPA pi 321(.I C0:[5TRUCT]C1I�PI{�C31LI:SSSC:EII.,IiI.+L;li i?ASEL,[I�E1;7C17144PLE 1'cy;e4nP� t'ITY C}F F�R7 �'�'dEfTIi 2Gi2 Guardrt.ils attd E�B STANl]AI�[3 C:C3Ntii'RLiC'I'ION SPECIfICATI��T ppCL7v1Eh'T5 City Pr�je.e:Idra, 1Q3�S9 ReviGcd .�t�gtrst 13, 202i Adnl� Aernbat 5 gn iransaeti on Hui�er CSJC HBCMBMlcvFS uCxwWVpcl�ywayr74psTN tp2G�A oi 3a ��. i CONS'I'R[JCTIQN PROGRESS SCHCDULF — f3A5 ELINE HXAMi'I_� PageSofS � nva aF ��c�a�v IZevisian Lag UATti �ANIT: 5UM11FWRY DF' CH!1NG� ,Tialy ?.0, 2�18 Tv1. .larrcl] Initial Issue May 7, �4'L 1 1� Owen R�ursed nam� ctue in rcvisitig.tlsc s��icdulc speciYicntibn C1TY QF FQRT l&'�RT[3 2�23 Guardrails and ERS STAHfpARD CG3AISTRLlCi'iOAi SFECIF[CA'TI�f�i 170CC7M�IVT3 City Pcaject No. Ip3459 Ravi sed A ug�t ] 3, 2�21 Ada6e Acra6atSigre Transaet7nn Numkaer CBJc H9eMB1�AIcvFS�CnV4WprAywOyr29asTNtpICa�PJ� a� a� z�_2 CONSTRUCTION PRS9(iT{�,55 5CHTDULE-- PR�C'rR1355 EXAMPLE Page 1 of 4 l SF�TI�N OZ 32 16.2 2 GONSTRUCTIQN SCH�DULC — FRC]GRESS E�AL�IPLE 3 pAR�' � - GFI�i, 4 `�'he t'allo�,�ing is an exarnpie r,f a Cantractor's project schedu]ethat illustrates the data and S �xpectativn for schedule crn�t�nt depictii��; the progress for the prajecf, Th� versi�n ni'th�; 6 s��edule is rcferred ta ��s �"prngres�" schedule, This exampJe is intended to �ra��i�c 7 guidance for the Cantractor when develaping and submittil�g a progress s�hedule. Ser� - 8 C�`Vt� Speci�cation Q1 3� 1 d�:onstruction Sahedule for de��ils and reQuirements rcg�ding 4 the Contract�''s groject schedu�e. 1D i] 12 I3 14 l5 15 ]7 t8 19 20 2I �� 23 24 �5 26 27 CI'['Y" DE' C�RT W4RTH 2U22 Gvardrails and ERB 51'A:�l}R1�T] C'UiVS'IRLICI'I�i�I 5PEC1F[CATIDN bQCLl1�l�:?]TS City ProjectNt�. 1�3d39 R�iscd Au�+ust l3,?A2l Adol�e Acru6at Sign Tran sac[inn f, u �,6er. CBJCH6Gu,ura! cvFsoCxwVNpc0.ywoy 294c7Mtp�GkPA Ol 32 1 C.2 CONS'f'Rlli:'1'lC3P+1 P12C]GRE55 SCITCBL11,Ti PRdC�RLSS Fi}C,'�,411�1.1: l'�gc 2 vf 4 � N � � � r � �' � � � � x r � d .� � d � � a � I �� � ❑� d � � � � 1 •-•. -•��W._.. .!_ ._.. _�.__ _.•-••-• --� ---• •-•_ � ---- •-•--�---••••— �- �_�-�-f - -- •-....�.,..��_.T�...� ••._•--•--f•—_-••-'-.._.._.�� ��. 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Gcrtrdiails und ERB ['it}• Projc�t i�'a. lG3 �59 qc1o��A�rp�at S�i� �franaactian HUMber.C9J W6CAABNfIcvFSuC.�M1VpcAywOy13�]6�TNtp�GxPA 4 i 32 16_2 CpN`� l'RLFCTIt3N PRdGRFS 8 5C13Fi1]LiLE - PROGRCS S EltAMPLE Page 4 of. 4 I II�D UF SEC'TIQN R�+ision Lo� D�TE NAMC SUNIlVIARY vi+ [:HA�i[:F ��,i� �a, 2�1R �,s. a$ri4i� LIIILIATj5Y1]L' ,l�Iay 7, 2021 R'I f7suu 17e�i�ed name d� tn rc�ising tl�e schedule specificatian CITY �F FORT WDR 3'i I 2[I22 Czuardrails and ERB STANIIARD CQPFSTRUCTfClN SPECIl�ICATIQAd D(?[;[]41+I1i�T5 City Praject No. 1F}3459 Revised Au�usl 13, 3� 1 A.da Ls 1[qrol,iBt Sign Ti'ans a�[iar+ alu in6er. c13�JCHHC_ AA$MIc+fS�Czw4W poAywOyr1�97N tplcxf A 0137. ifi.3 -- PROGRr55 NARItA'f 1 VC Pag�lcsfi ,S�C'1tUN ul 32 16.3 CdNSTRUCTlO�! PRC)]FC;"1' SC:H��Ii]L� PR{7C'tRP,SS NRRRATIVI�. Reparting P�riod; Qate Iss�ed: Praje�tName; Cnntrac#orCampanyNam�: Gty Rraject �fa: C�ntractar5chedule Can#a�t: City Praject Manager; A. List af actir►it�*s changed in th� re 1. rinsert text here} 2. �insert text hrere} 3. jin5ert text herej A�. {insert text here} 5. (insert text here] 5. (insert texthereJ B. List any potefltiaf delays and provide mitEgation actions 1. (knser# text here} 2. (insert text herey 3, (insert t�xt here} C. List any actual delays and pravide reco►�ery aGtians 1. (insert text he re} 2, {insert text here} 3. [inser# text here] CiLy of f ort 1�1+arth, �exas Constr►iciivn Project Sehedule NarrdtFve Report forCPW pro]ects R�vfsed Augus[ 1�, 202f Page 1 of i Adobe Acroba! Sign 'f ra i�sackion� Nu mber. CHJEH B�MHAAlcvFSuCs�AM�pehyw6yr�9p5YNtpicxp0. 41 3a 33 - 1 PRECQN3TRIJC"I'lpi�! 4IDE� P�gc f nf 2 sEcTYo� ai �z 3� PREC�NSTRUCTION VID�O PART 1- GElY�RA�. 1.1 �iTMMARY A. Sectian Inclnd.es: 1. Administrative a�id proceduraf reguirez�eriis £�r; a. Precnnstructian Videas g. Deviations from this C�ty of Foit �Vorth �tar2dard 5pecification 1. 1�lan�, C. Relabed SpeGification Se�tions include, but are nat necessarily limited to; 1. Division �— Iliddin� Requireinent�, �nntract Fnrms and Canditians o'f the Cvntract 2. Division I— Ciencral Requiremen� 1.2 PRICE AND PAYME�►T`I' PRQCEDURES A. Measurement and Pa�ment ]. Wark asso�iated with this Item is cansidered sub5idiar�+ to the vaxious items bid. No separate payment will be allawed for this Item, 1,3 1�EFERENCES [M4T iJSED] 1.4 AI3MIIVISTRATI'4�E REQUII�EMENT$ A, Preconstruction Videa 1. Produce a preconsiruc'tion videa of the sitelaligr�ment, incfuding all areas in the �icinity af and to be �ffecYed b� cQnsh�uction. a. Pravide digital eopy af video upon raquest hy the City. �. Reta9n a copy of fhe preconstru�tiQn video unti � tk�e end of the rnainten�nce surety pe3•iod. 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NUT [ISED] 1.6 ACTIDN SUBMITTAI.�SIiNF[]RIVIATIONAL SI]BNT[TTALS [NUT USED� 1.7 CLUSE�UT SUS1_VIITTAI�.4 [1�TaT LTSED] 1.$ MAINTEI�IAI�7CE 11�ATERIAL SUBMITTALS 11�T�T U6E�] 1.9 QiIALITY AS�URANCF [NQT U�FD] 1.1� IIELNER�, ST�RAGE, A1+CD 1'�A1�IDLING [NUT Y.I�SED] 1.11 FIELll [aIT�] C�NDITI4N� [NUT USED] 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT ijSED] PA1tT 2 - PRODY7CTS [NUT USED] CI'I'1' dF FORT WORTH 2{1�2 Guardraila suxi GAB STANDARD CaNSTRUCTIdN SPEC��'1CA7'IORi D[]C[IMENTS Gity Pra�ect No, 10345� Revised July 1, 2611 �V.Ip}sellcYohat Sig�1 Fraissadion Nunlber: C6JCHBCRABAAkvF5uCxWV�AlpeAyw(iy�9psTN4pZGxPA c� � �7 �3 — x PRRCQN5TR[ICTIOh1 U1DECa Page 7 pi'7 PEiRT 3- E�E�LJTIaN [1V OT i��ED] E1YD U�' SE�TI[]N Ruvision E�ng DAT� I �.��1:� I SUMMA�Y DF CHr4N�li cz��r o� rt�x�' woxTH 2072 �u����iis u�� LE�� ST�,NQ,�RT3 CQN511tL1CTi�N SI7F:C:iE'T{.ATIi7N 1�C]LUMFi2�'1:5 Gity Projectl�ia. 103�k55 Revised 7u�y I, �0.1 l Adohe AvaLiaiSign i'raM1sackion hum6er. CBJCHFICFABlJ+IwFS�ixvPJNpcAy140y�4F141'Altp7.GxPA sEc�cia�u oi 33 00 SUI3MITTALS PART 1- GENERAT, 1,1 5iJ11'IMARY A, Sectinn Includes: 41 33 04 - ] 5LlBMTTiALS Paga 1 of $ C'ren�ral m�thads an�i requirements of submissions appli�akale to th�e fo3lowing VlTorl�-relafed subrnittais; a. 5hop I]ra�ufngs �. 1'roduct Dai:a (including Standa�l Pi'UduCt Lis# submitCals.) c. Sarnpi�s d_ lvin�.k []ps B. Deviati�ons frarn this City afFort Worth Standard Speci�cation i . None. C. Related 5pecifi�ation Sections include, bu# a�e n�at necess�arily lin�it8d to: 1. Divisinn a— Biddi�rg Requirements, Cantract �'arms and Canditions af the �ontract 2. Di�ision l— Gener�l Requirements 1.2 PRICE AI�iD PAYMEN7: �ROGEDLIR�'� A. Measuremeni and Payinen# 1. Work assaciated with this Item is cnnsidared sEihsidiary to the �ariaus iterns bid. No separate payrnent wil� be �illowe�i for this Item. 1.3 REFERENCE6 [N�'I' USEII] ]..4 ADMINISTR�TiirE REQDIRE1VIElY'I'S A. Ceordireatinn 1. Notify the City in writin�, at tf��e time of submitial, af any deviations in the suhmittals fmm the requirerrt�nts of the Corrt�ract l7acuments, 2, Caordinadan o�'Su}smittal Times a Prepare, prinritize and transrnit e�ch sabrnitta.l sufficientiy in ad�ance at' perfnrming the related W�rk or other applicable activities, ar within the time sp�ci#ied int�e indi�vidual V�ork �ections, nf the Speci�catians. b. Gontract�r is responsible such that the insta[l�on r�+ill n�pt be del�yed by processing times including, but not limited �o: a} �isappi�aual and resul�mittal (ifrequire�] b} CQo�dinatian with �ther submittals c} Testing d) Purchasing e} Fabrication f} I7elivery g) 5imilar sequenced ac#ivikies c. Na extension flfi�i me wi1Z he authoriaecf beGause of tke �antra�ctar's �ailure to transrnit submitf�is Suffi�ienily in advance ofthe Work. CITY DF FaRT'IVI 11�'�'] 1 Z022 Guardrails �nd ERS STANDAR� Cflh15TRUCTIQN 3P�CCLFICATIC�N DC]CU]tifEN"fu City Project Nn. 103459 Revised December 20� 29 i2 Mol�e Acmdzat Sign liaiusrGen Numhe r. t9JtH 9CAA9AJ11 cuFSu LxwWVpc0.yn�6yr39�sTNtp2GxPk n i �s�3 na - � SUBLl1T"I'AL5 Page 2 of 8 d. IVlake submittals prarnptly in accordance with apprv�ed sclledule, and in su�h seque�ace as to cause no delay in fhe Work or in ti�e work of any ather �onfract�r. B. Submittaf Numbering When subm'rtting shop dr�wings or sa�nples, u�ili�e a 9-�haracter submitt.�l cross- reference identificatzon rrumbering system in the follawing mannex: a. Use the fi.rst G digits a�Fthe appliaa�le Specification Section Number. b. Frn� thc nea�t 2 digits num6x,r use nurnbers a 1-99 to sequentiaily namber eaah iaaitia.l separate itern or drawing subrnitted ur►�der ea�h specific Section nuruber. c. Last use a letter, A-7, indi�ating the resuhmission of the s�ne drawing [i,e. A�rid submissian, S=3rd submissian, C-4t1z s�zbrnissiQn, �.}. A typ4ral submittal number would be as fvllows: �3 30 d�-08-S lj 03 34 0� is the Speoification 5ectian f�r Canct�te 2) 4$ is the eighth initial submitial under t11is Specification Section �} B is the thir�l submissinn [second resubmissian} af that partieular shop drawfng C:. C:antraetor C�rtificati�sn Review shop dr�wings, prflduot data and sasnples, including those b� subcontractors, priar tn subrnission to deter�nine and verify �tie foflnwiilg: a. F'ield measureiner�ts b. Field construction crit�ria c. Catalog numbers and similar data d. Confarmance with the Cantract Do�um�nts 2. Prvvide ea�h shop drawing, sample ancf ptoduct data subrnitted by the Cantraetar with a Certificatian Statement affixed incl�ding; a. The Cantractar's Company n�me b. Signature ofsu�mitlal re�ierver c. C���ificatian StaEetr�ent 1} "By this submitfal, I hex�by represent that I�a�e deiermined and verified fie�d zneasurements, field constructi�n criteria, materials, dimensions, cata�og r�umi7ers and similar data and I ha�e �lzecked and cflordin�ted each item with ot�er appliGable a�proved shop drawings." D. SUhmittal Farmat 1. �'old shop drawings larger than S �a inch�s x I 1 inches to 8 J� inches x 11 inohes. 2. Bind shap drawings a�1d pr�duct data sheets together, 3. Order a. Co�er Sheet l} Desci�ptian af Pa�ket 2) Cantractor Certificatian b. List of iterns 1 T��le of Contents c. Prryduct Data ISh�p aray�ingsl5amples ICalculatinns E. Sul�mitt�l Cont�nt 1. Th�e da1:e pf submissiQn and the dates of any previous submissians C11'Y OF FORT WDRTH 2O22 Guardrails and FRA STANI?A1�D CqNSTRLTCTIQN S�C1FiCATlC]hI �DCIlMENTS City ProjeGt Nv, 103�59 Ravised December 20, a012 Ado6e Acm6ak $ign Transatkinn Ht�rnhcv': C&JCH6CM1�A6AAkvFSuCxtivblVpcAywOyi7.9Ds7Ntp2GxPA Z. The ProjeGt C�tle and num�cr 3. Contractor identifcatian. 4. The names of: a. Contra�ior b. 5upplier c. Manuf'acturer nt�3ao-3 Sc ��,arr�is E'a�c 3 a£8 5, Identifiaation af the prpdu�t, with the Specificatlon Sec#ion nui�her, p2�c and paraga�gh{sj 6. Fie�d dimensi�ns, clearly identiiied �s such ?. R01�� On �U adjaGent o1' CTitIC� FeatUTes Rf tlle Wor�C or ma�erial� 8. A�p�icabie standards, such as ASTl�I ar Feder�] Specifi�ation num�ers �, I{��ntI�1G�E14Y1 �?y }]l�llig�ltiilg �f deViatlOriS frpin Cai�tract I3oCumeilt5 l D. ld�entificatian hy higl�lighting of re�isiQns on resubmittals l 1. An 8-Inch x 3-inch hlank space fUr Contractor arid City stamps F, �hop �ra�vings 1. As sp.ecified in indit�idual �iVork S�ctians includes, but is nat necessarily Iimited to: a. Ct�sfnm-prepared data such as fahrication and ere�tionl�nstallation {working� dt�wings b. Schedul0d informatinn c_ Seiting diagrams d. Actual sh�pkrrcrrk manufactur.ing it�st��actions e. Custo� templates f. Specia] vuiring diagrams g. Cof3r�Lination drawings h. Indi�idual s3rshem rn eguipment inspectian and test repnrts inciuding: 1) Performance �uives and certi�ications i. As appliGahlc to tkre Work 2. Details a. Relati�n vf the various parts to the main mem�er� and lines of the structure b. VVhere correct fahrication of tl�e VVork depends upan f eld measurements ]) Provide such measur�ments and note on the drawings prior to �ubmitting fnr a�praval. G. Product Data I. �ar submittals af praduct d�fa for products include�d nn the City's Sta�dard Product Li�t, clearly identify each itern seleEted f4r use oza the Ptojec#. 2. For subrnittals of pxaduct data fc�r products nat included �n the City's Standard Pmduct l,ist, submittal data may include, hut is n�t necessarily Iimited to: a. Standard prepared daCa for manufaa:tured products {sometimes referred ta as catal�g daYs) 1} 5uch as the manufs.cturer's pruduct spscificatian and installatian i nstFuctions �) A�aiiabiliky nf cQlors and patterns 3y Manufa�turer's printed statements af cvmpliances and appli�ahility 4} Aaug��ing-in diagrarns and templ�tes 5} CstalQg Guts G} Product ph�otc��raphs crr� a� �oRT �vo��x 2oxa c�a��s �a � STANDARD C�NSTRiiC7'IflN 5P8CIFICATI01�! I]OCUh7ENT5 City Fraject No. 143459 I2Gvi sed Qecember 20, 2i3 i2 Adahe Acrohat 51g�r Transa eN�n Nu iri6er. C6]CH9CM�AalcvFSuCnviANpW yw0yrZ4DsTNtp Z6xvA �133.�D-4 SUBM]T CAL.S Page 4 of 8 7) Star�dard wirii�g diagrams 8} Frinted �erfarmance cur�es a�d nperatianal-ranga diagr�tns 9} Praductivn ar quaIity contr�l inspectian and tesf reports and certificatipns 10) Ivlill reparts 11) Fraduot aperating and maintenanr.� ii�struction� and recammended Spare-parts listiing and printed produ�t warranties I2) As appli�able to the Wprk H. Samples 1. A� specifietl in i ndividual Sections, includ�, but are not nec�s�rily limited to: a, Physia�l examples a�'the Wflrk such as.: I} Sections af manuiactured �r fabricated'Work 2) 5ma11 cuts ar containers ofmaterials 3} Catnplete unifs of repetitively used praducts calflr!#exhtrelpattern swatches and rartge sats 4] Specimens for caQrdination of visual effe�t 5) Graphic synnbnls and units of Work to he �tsed by tJi� City for independent inspection an� c�sti�g, as a�plicahle to the �Vnrk I. Do no1: start Wflrk requiring a shag drawing, saznple or product d�ta nor any material tu be fabri�ated �r installed prior to the approwal or qualiiied appror+al of suc11 item. l. Fabrication performed, materials purchased ar on-si#e canstruction accornplished whieh does i�ot confarin ta appraved shap d�•awirags and data is at tha Cont�actor's risk. 2. The City wi1l not be liable f�x any expense or delay due to corrections ar reinedies required to accvmplish conformity. 3. Camplcte p�•oject V1�ork, inate3'ials, fabricafion, and installafians in �anfor�rnance wifh a�aproved shop d,�awings, �.ppli�a}�1� saznples, and product data. �. �u���t��1 n�sr��nuttQ� l. Llectronic Distribution a. Conf"um deveIopment of Projaot dir�ctory for electroni� suhmittals to be uplaaded ta City'$ �i1ZZ$AVP 3L{P, vr anathea• external FTP site apprQvec� hy the Cli�. b. Shap Drawinga 1) Upfoad submittal to designated praject directary and notif�+ appropriate City represeiYtatives via email of subinittaI p�sting. �] [�fard Cnpies a] 3 copi�s for all submittais h) if C4ntractar req�ires more E}fan 1 hard capy of Shop Drawings returned, Cantractor shali sulnnit mai�c than the nusnber nf copies listed abave. c. Pmduct �aia I) U�Ioad subrnittal tn designated prrsject directary and natify approgriate City representatives via �mail af subrnittai pa5ting. 2} Hard Copyes a} 3 Capies far all suhmittals d. Samples I) Distributed ta the Project Representative �. �lard Capy I]istributian (ifrequired in lieu ofelectrnnic dis�ributiQn3 CITY p� xORT WORTH ?A22 Gudreirails and ERB STANDARD CONS'IRLTCTIdM SPECIFICATl�N DpCUMENTS City ProjeotNo. 103dS9 Revised Daccmhcr 2U, 2(ll2 Adnhe AcroGat Sigl1 Transaetion N umher: CBJCN BCMt3�LAIrvFS uGzw1W pcAyw6yr29UsiN [p2G�PA o� 3�an-s su�n�rrrnLs Pag�e 5 nf 8 a. Shop Drativings X} Dist��ibuted to fhe City 2) Cnpies a} 8 capies for mecli�nica� subrriiita�s h) 7 capies far a13 other sut�mittals cj If Cantractar requires more than 3�apies �f Shop Drawings returned, Contractor shall suhmit more than the numher of copies listed abo�e. b. Pxaduct Data 1� Dist�i6uted to the City �} Copies a) � capies c_ Sarnples 1) Disiributed ta ths Praject Representati�e �} �o�ies a) Suh�nil ihe numb�r stated in the respecti�e Sp�ciftcation Sections. 3. Distrihute reproductians of approved shop dravaings and capies af appro�ed product data anci sam�les, r�here required, ta the jab siroe file an� elsewhere as directed 6y th� City. a. Fravide number ofcopies as directed by the City but nat exceeding the numb�r greulausly specified. K _ Submittal Re�ier�v 3. 4. 5. '�he review of s�Qg drawix�gs, data and sarriples wili be far �;eneral canformanee Vf�ith t�1� d�Slgii CO17G�.p� atld CD]�h'�Gf L7oCumetlts. T]lis is nat to �7� COnstrued �S: a, Pexmitting at�y dep�rtuxe from the Cvntract requircmcnts b. RBlieviltg tl�e C�nh�actor o�'responsibility for any errors, including detail5, dirnensians, and materials c. Apprc���ing departures from details furnish�d by the �ity, e�xcept as otherrwise providcd ���ein The revie�� and appzaval of shap drawings, samples or product data by the Gity dvas not ralieve the Cantractor from his�er �respansibility with regard ta the fulfillrnent af the terms nf fhe Contract. a. All risks of error and amissian are assumed by the Coritraetar, and the City will ha�e no respansibility t�texefnre. The Contractor remains respansihje for details �zxd acauracy, fvr coQrciinating the Wark wlkh z�il atl,er assuciated v�rark ai�d tra�es, for selecting fabricatior� processes, for techniques af �ssembly and fnr perfflrming 1�Jark in a safa manner. If the shop drawings, data or SarnglEs as submii�ed describe variatians and sha�w a departur� frvm th� Cvntract require�xaents which �'ity %nds #o be in the ir►ter�st nf the City and to �e so minar as noi to involve a chan�e in Contract Priee 4r time for perf�rmari.ce, the City may teturn t�e raWiewed d� awings without noti ng an exceptic�n. 5uhmittals will be returned ta the Cnntxactor under 1 of the fQilowing code.s: a, Code l 1) "1�0 EXCEPTIOAi� TAKEN" is assigned when there are na natations or comments on the subznittal. aj Whvn xeturne� under this �ode the Cantractar may release the equipment andlor inaterial for manufacture. b. Cada 2 crrr ar• r•o�Twox� aa�a a�a�a�a��s �a r�za STANDARD CO2VS'[7tLTCTI�N SP£sC1RICATIO3+l DOCUMFi�VTS CLfjl PfOJCC� I'�[3, 103d54 Teiev ised Decamber 2Q, 2� I� Adohelicralra[SIgI17raY1snctronNlir.nher, COJCHRCAA6AAJcvF'S�cxwWVpcAyw6yrl90isTNtpPGrRA ai a��}n,r� 5UBMITTAi.S Pagc h af S l) "E�CCEPTIDNS N(]TEd", This eode is assigned when a con�rmatian of th� natatians and �ornrnents IS NDT required by the �anr��ctor. a} Tl�e C�ntractor may release the eguipir�ea7t or rnateria] for manuf�chire; however, a11 nntatians and commeni� must he incaiporat,eci it�ta the �nal product. c. Code � 1� "E�CEPT'I�NS NO'1'NDIRESUHMIT". This cambinatian �icodes is assigned when nof�ti�ns and catnrnairts are extensiwe enough Yo t�equire a resubmittal oftlie packa�e. a) The Lnntractor tnay release the equiptnertt or maberial fnr manu£acture; howe��r, all natations an� connments must be incarporated into the fina[ praduct. b} This resubmittal i5 ta at�dress a.li camments, omissions and nan-c�nforming 'i�erns thai v�tere noted. c) �esuhmitt�l is tv be recsi�ed by the City witk�in 15 Calendar Days of the date of the City's transmittaI requiring the rasubmiftal. d. Code 4 ]) „PV�7' APPRQVED" i� assigned when the suhmittal daes nat �eet the int.�nt af the Contract Documen#s. a] Tl�e �ontractor must re�ubmit the entire package revised to hxing the submittaI into cpz��ormance, b} (t may he ne�essary ta resubmit using a differen# rnanufa�turerlvendar to meet th� Contract I}ocu�nents. ResubrnittaLs a. Handle� in Che same manner as first suhmittals 1) Carrectians oth�x than i�equ�sted hy the City 2] Marked with revision fri�ngle or ot�aer simil�r method a} At Confractvr's risk i�not �arked h. Submittals for each item will be re�iewad n� mare than twir:� at the �ity's expense. 1) All subsequent re�'rews �vi116e performe� af times cnnvenient to the City and a# the Corrtractar's expense, based vn the City's or City Repee�antativ�'s than pre�ailing ra�es. 2� Pro�ide Con�rackor reimhuisement to the City w;thin 30 Calendar oays fvr all such fees invuiced by tha City. c. The need for inore than I resuhmissinn �r any ofher delay itt obtaining City's re�riew of submittals, wili nat eiititIe the Confractor to an extens�on af CotYtra�t Tirr�e. '�� Pa.rtial Suhmittals a, City reser�+es the right to not revievu submittals decmed partial, at the City's disrxetion. f�. suhrnittals deemed by the �ity tn Ysc nvt cnmplete will be returned to the Cf�ntra�or, �nd will be consider�d "Nat Appro�ed" until resuhmitted, c. '!'he L'ity tnay at its op�i�n pruvide a list �r mark the submittal d�rectitlg the C�ntra,�tor to the areas that ar� incamplete, 8. Ifthe Cnntracfar aonsiders any correctian indicated on the shop drawings to constitute a change tp the �qr�trr�ct T7ocument�, ihen written natice must be proWided the�•eaf tv the �ity at least 7 Calendar Days prior in release for rn�nuf�cture, CI?Y t3P FOItT WQRTfi 2022 Gciardrsils apd CRB STANO�D dDTwi3TRUCT[dl+f SPE�iFICAT[ON DOCUM�N'I'S City Projcstl�io. 103+{59 Revisad I�ecemher 2Q, 2pL2 Adoh e ArfnAai Slgn Tra risaact ian Nu mhert C8JCT1 �CMgAl+IcYE�Su CxNAhfvpcAyway[39�s7N�p2GYPR p133tl0-7 $[3SMITTAI.S Page 7 af 8 9. V�hen the shop drawings h�ve treen completed to the satisfaction af thG C9ty, the Cantractar may oarry aut the constru�tinn in accol�iance kherervith and ��o further ehangss the�ein exaept upo�t writien instructians fi�om the City. 10. �ach submittal, appmp�iately coded, will be retunzed v�ithin 3� Calendar Days foll�wing receipt af subrnittal by the City. L. Mae� ups 1. M�►ck Up ugiit� as specified in i�3clividual Sections, inclutle, hW: are not ne��ssarily limited to, complete units af the standard of a�cep#anoe fnr t�at type nf V►iork to be ��scd on the Prn�}ecf. Remove at the completion af the �ark ar when direct�d. M. �ualific:ations 1. Ifspeci�caIly required i� other Seciions ofthese Specifcatinns, submit a P.E, Certifcali��n foreach itemrec�u�recl. N. Reyue�t for In�ormativn (RI�I} 1. Contra�t�t Request far additianaI information $_ Clarification or inf�rpretafiQn crfthe cnntra.�t dacurnents b. 1�hen the Crnrtractor belie�es there is a conflict batw�en Contract I]ocuments c. When the C�orrtra�tox belie�es there is a canfJ'sct hetween tHe Dravvings aatd Specificatians 1) Idenfi�y tk�� contlict and request clarif�ation 2. Us� the Request for Tnfarmation (RFI) form pravided by the City. 3, Nu�bering of RFI � Prefix wit� "RFI" foilawed by series number, "-xxx", beginning with "O 1" and inGreasing sequentially with each additional transmittal. A. 5ufficient inf�rm�#ian shall b� attached to permit a written response withaut further infarmation. 5, The City wi�llog each requesf and wiil review thc rcquest. a, I�review of the project information request indicates that a charrge to the Contract bacuments is reqinred, the City will issue a r'ield Order or Change Order, as appi�apriate. f,5 SUBMYTTALS [NiIT i.TSEI)] 1.6 ACTI�N SiTgMXTTAL5IINFU�'iATI(]NAL SLTSMITTALS [1V�T USED] I.7 CLOSEOUT SiJ�MITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 1!'IAINTEIYANCE MATERi�L �UI3MITTALS [N4T USED] 1.9 QU�AY.ITY ASSURAIITCE [NDT C]SEI�] 1.1� DELIVERY, ST�RAGE, AND HAlVDL1NG �NQT [FSED] 1.11 FIELI] �SITE] GQNDIT'IQN� [I�TU'T CJSED] 1.1� WARRAi�iTY jNOT USED] CITY �F F{]RT tiVORTl� 2022 Guardiails r�nd ERB STAN�ARD C�P3STRiJCTfOI+T 5PECIFICATlS3N DpCLTMEIVTS City Prnject Na. l �3459 Reviscd DecemUer 2U, 20 t2 A.daheA�rnbat $}gp Tfa�s�chlon rywr�6er: GBICHgCqApn�lltvFSUCawWVpu4yw[iyr290xTNtpTGxPA PART 2 - PROD[1CTS [N(]T i75ED] PART 3 - EJ�ECU'�IUN �1V(1T U�ED] END QF �ECTION Revisi�m T,Dg ❑ATE �f�l1�fE 1212012d12 7]. ]nlmson SI114'fI�FARY �F C�lANGE 1.�1.K.$. Vv arkiat I7uys modiiied to C�luzidar i�ys CITY OF FORT WORTH 3TATfI]AAD C�IVSTRiI�T14N �PECiFTCATIQN DOCUM�NTS Revisacl December 20, 2t112 ❑ 1 33 �34 - 8 5[! I 3 ivTiTi'A L5 Pagc S oF$ 2422 Guard[ails and ERH City !'rofact No. 1 D3454 Adalae AuuL at Sgn T ransa �tinn M um6er: C9: CHSCM9ANcvFS utiztuWVpcAywGYri9D�Ntpi :xPA 01 35 l3 - I 5 PECIAL P1�QJECT PROCEDLIRES Page 1 of 8 2 �ECTI�N 013513 SPECIAL Pi�O]ECT PRn[ :Ei]CJI�ES 3 P�RT 1, GEl►TERAL 4 1.1 SUIVIMARY 5 6 7 8 4 1[i li 12 I3 1�. 15 id 17 18 19 A. S�ciian 1naludes: 1. Tt�e procedLrl'e5 far speclal �rajeGt circ�tmstan�es that includes, but is not limited to; a. Cflord'm�tion with the Texas Uepa�trnent ��Transpo.rt�tion h. Wnrk ��ar �Iigh Voltage Lines c. Continod Space Entry Pmgrarn d. 1�ir Pallutian i�Iat�l� I)ays e. Use QfE�cplosi�es, 17rap �Veight, Ebc. f. V�ater L]epartment Notifieativn g. Public Notifieation Prior �a �eginning Construction h. Coordina�ian with Uni�ed Staf.es Army Corps of E�gineers i. Cvordinatian within Ra.i3road permits areas j. Dust Cantrol k. Employee Parl.ir�g B. Deviations fram this City of Fart Warth 5tanderd Specifieatian 1. Nane, 24 C, Re[ate�i Speeifi�atlon Seetians includ�, �ul are not necessarily limited to: 21 1. Division 0--- Bidding Require�rien�s, Cc��fract Forms and Condition� nf the Contract 22 �. DiVision 1— Genaral Requireme��ts Z3 2� 25 �6 27 �8 29 3U �1 32 33 �4 35 36 37 38 39 4� �41 42 3. Section 33 1� �S — Connection to Existing �JVater Mains 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMF,NT PRUCEIIURES A, Measurement and Paymeni 1. C�aor�iinatiat� within Railrnad p�rmit areas a. Measurexnent 1} Measurement f�r this Item wi]] be i�y lump sum. b. Payment 1} The wark performed and materia�s furnished in acr.ordauee �vitt� this Itern will he paid far at the lump sunz price bid far Railraad Caordination. c. Thc price bid sh�]L include: 1 } M�rhilizatian 2} inspectiort 3) 5af�ty traitung 4} Additiana! Insur�nce 5} Insurance CErti�icat�s G) Dther requirements associaked with general coordination with Railraad, in�I�ding additional employees re�uired to profsc# the ri�it-af=w�y and prop�rty o�t{�.e Railroad iFzorn damage arising out nf �ndlor �Fram the construction of the Prvject, 2. R�ilrnad Flagme�i C]T'Y OF xQItT WdRTH 9TAMQARD ��NSTRUC1701+f 3PECiF[CATIOd�i D❑C[]MEMTS i@evised Deoemher 20, 2fl 12 2022 Guardraifs and ERB City Froject Nn. I63+�59 AdoheAcnolsatiign 7ra��sani�n Number.CUJCHBC:�AfdAAi�vrSucYwUNpr,wywoy.a9uszhtp�GnPA 413St3-2 5 P�CIAL PILOlEC'1' YR4CFiDLAZE3 Psge Z qf $ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lD 11 12 13 a Measurerr�ent ]) Measureme��t for this Item wiIl be per warking day. b. Paytnent I} The �vork pci�'�rmed and materials furnished in aecardance with this Item 4vi11 be paid for eacli working day that Raili�aad Flagmen are pr��ent at the 4 iic�. r.. The price bid shal] inalude: I) Ct�ordination for scheduling fla�rnen 2) Flagme:n 3} Dther reqtii��ei��etlts assaciated with Railraad 3. All other items a, 1�Qrk associatad with these Items is consideeed subsidiary to thc various Items bid. Nv separate paytnent will be allouzed for this Itetn. 14 i.3 ��k1F� RENCES IS I6 [ �7 l8 iQ 2U �] 22. A. Reference 5tarrdards ]. Referenr,e standards cite� in this Spaeificatian refer to the �urrent referenee standard publislaed at the tin�e of the fatest re�isian date lagged at the end Qftl�is Specification, unless a date is specifically citca. �. Health and Saf�ty Code, Title 4. Safety. , Su�title A. Public Safety, Lhapter 752. High Voliage Overhead I.,ines. 3. N�rth Central'Texa� CounciI af Governme�xis {1vCTCOGj � Clean �onstruction Specific�ation �3 l.4 r�b1VIINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 24 �5 26 27 �S 29 3U 31 37. 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 4Q A1 �a 43 4� 45 .A. �nordln�tion �+itli #he Tcxas �epartrr►en2 nfTransportatian i. Whan wQrk in the right-of-way �+h�ch is under the jurisdi�tion of the Texas I]eparYmant of Transpartation �'I�cI]C)'�k'): a, Nptif3+ ihe Tex�as I]epartment of `1"ransportation priar tv camrr�encin� any wnrk therein in a.ecartlan�e wit.h the provisions of the permit b. .Al[ wark p�rf❑rme�3 in the TxDOT right�af-wTay shaEl he perFarrneci in compliance with ar►d sub)cct to appror�ai frain the Texas Departm�nt of Transparta#ion B. Worknear High �oitage Lines 1, Re�ulatary Requiremenis a. A11 Work near High Volta�e Lines (mare th$n 6aQ �olts rneasured betvve�n conduct�rs or �etween a cvnductor and f.he graund} shall be in accordance w�th Health and 5�f'ety Cvde, Title 9, Subtitla A, Chapt�r i52, �. Warning sign a. Pro�ide sign �f sufficieni Sixe meetin� all C}S�IA requirements. 3. Equipment operating wztktin lU feef af high v�lt�e lines will require tha followiz� safety features �. Insulating cage-type af �u�r� about the hoqxrx or arm b. Insulatar li��ks on the lii� hao�C �onnectians fnr 6ack hoes ar dippers c. Equipment must �neet the saf�ty requieements as set Forth by �SHA and the sxfety requirements of fk�e awner of tlz� hi�h voltage lines 4. Wark within 5 feet af hi�h �raltage elactric lines CiTY dF FQIiT WORTH STANDARI] CaNSTAUCTI�i+I SPECIFICATIdN DOCC1�viF'sN'PS Revisesi ➢acernUer 20, 2012 2022 Guardrails snd �RB City Proj�c; No, 103459 Ad v6e Rotobat S ign Y ra nsac[ion 4um 6eY: C&JCNBGAMAA.icvrS�C.awW'JpckywOyt29[DiTHipxGkp0. �13513-3 SPECiAL Plt4]�CT PROCEDiIRES Pa� 3 of 8 ] 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 lU 11 1� I3 14 15 15 17 t8 19 20 21 �2 23 � 2S �G 2� 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 3S 3b 37 38 39 d0 4l 42 43 4� 45 a. Noti ficatian shall he given to: 1] The power company (example� �NC�R} a) Ma.intain an accurate lo� of al] such calls to power �ampany and record aetion taken in eaGh c��_ �. G�vrdinatian with povuer rom�any 1] After nati.ficaxian caordinata with th� paw�r cvmpany to: a) Ereet t�in�arary mechaniaal barriers, de-energize the lines, nr raise or lawer the lines c. Na pez�svnn�l may wnrk within 6 feet of a high �oltage line hefare the a�o�e requirements have 6een tnet. C. Canfined Space Entry Program 1_ I'rovide and foll�w appxor�ed Confined Sgace Entry Prngram in accordance with QSHA requiremen�s. 2. Confir�ed Spaces includ�: a. Manhales b. All �ther cani'ined spaces 'sn accardance ►�+ith 05HA's Permit Re�uired for Con�ned Spaees D. Air Pnllution Watch Days ] . General a. Obser�� th� fallokr+in�; guidelines relating ta working on City aonstructian sites on days design�ted as "AJR PClLLiJTT41�i �iATCH DAYS". b. Typital O�one Seasnn 1} May 1 thraugh October 3I. �. Critical Emission Time 1) 6.,D0 a.t�tt. to 1�:Of] a.m. �, V�atch Days a. The Texas Commissian on Environmental Qualit�r (I'CEQ�, in coordination with th� Natianal Lueather 5ervice, wTill issue the Air Follution Watch by 3:Op p,m. on ihe afternaon pr�ar to tl�e 'S�+ATCH day. b. Requirements ] j Reg�n work after 10:00 a.m. wh�never construction phasing reciuires the use of rnotarized equipment for pexiads in excess af 1 hour. 2j �Iowe�cr, the �ontractor may begin warlc prior to 1a;40 a,m. if: a) Use al�anatorized equipment is less tks�n 1 hauz, �r b) If equipment is new and ceriificd by �PA as "Low Emi�ting", os equiprncnl burns Ultra Lnw Sulfur Diesel �JL51�}, dies�el �mulsions, ar aiternative fuels su�h as CN�_ E. 'FCEQ Air Permit 1. �btain TCEQ Air Permit f�r consfruction activities per re�uirements aiTC�Q. F_ Use of Explosives, Drnp Welght, Etc. l, Vdh�n Cantract Docuinents permit an the pmjact the followiug wili apply_ a. Public Nat�fica�ion 1} �'ut�mit notice to CitJF and praofof ac€equate insuran�e correrage, 24 haurs priarto �ammeucing. 2} Minirnum �4 hour puhlic notifi.cation in accordanee with 5ectian �1 31 13 4b G. Water I]epariment Caorciination C1TY dF FdlLT W�I�T7I 3TANI]ARD CONS'FRiICTfON SPEC[FICATIQlY DOCUMEiVTS Revised Decernber 2[l, 2012 2022 Guatdrails and ERS City Prujeet Na. 1 U34 S9 Adel�eAcfWsdt SfgM TraiSsrckion Wwnner,i6JLH8CAYABMIcvFSua.x�u5lJpeAywoy�9asTH�pGxPr1 pl 3513-4 51'ECI�L PRQIECT PRaCEDL]F.ES Page �t nf 8 1 1. During ihe coristru�nor� of ti�is �raje�t, it will be ne�essary to deactiva#e, fQr a � periad of time, existing lines. Th�: Contractor shall be requit�ed ta cor�-dinate with 3 the VNatex I]epa�rtinent to determina #h� l�est tiFnes far deacti�ating and activating 4 those lines. S �. Coordinate any e�errt that will require cvnnectin� to or the operaiion of an e�cisting 6 Cxty water line system wilh the Gity's representative, 7 a. Caordinxtion sha] I be in ar.�4rdance with Sectinn �3 12 25, 8 h, If needed, qbtain a hydrant water in�ter from the Water DeQarcment fnr use � dur�ng the iif� ofnarned pxajeci. 1� �, ] n the event tliat a�ater valve on an existing live system be turned nfF and an 11 to accpmrnodate the cons��e#ion Qfthe project is required, conrdinatc this 1� activity thro�h the appmpriate City representative. 13 l) 1]o not operate waber Iin� valves ofexisting water sys�tem. 1� a) Failure ta campiy vrilI render the Cantractor in wiolation af Texas P�nal I 5 C:ode Title 7, Chapter 28.f�3 (Criminal Mischief� and the Contracto.z' l� will be pmsecuted ta tlte fnll extent afthe law. 17 1�) lt� additivn, the Cantraeiar will assume aIl liabilities and l8 respansibiIities a� a result of tl�ese actions. 19 2I] 21 22 23 2�1 25 2G �7 28 �.9 34 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �U ql 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 H. Public Noti�c�tion PriQr tc} Bc�inning Cnn�truction 1. Priar to beginning canstructian vn �ny bin�I� in th� praj�ct, on a block by black basis, prepare and deIiver a nntice or fiy�r af the pending construction to the front door of each residence ar ht�sir��ss ti��t will be irnpa�bed hy cvnsh-uction, The notice shall he ptepared as follows: a. Past natice �r flyer 7 d�ys priar to beginning any �onstructian ac#iv�ty Qn each block in the prdject �rea. I� Prapare flyer on ihe Coniractor's lettt�eerhead and include the follawing informatian; a} NameofProject b) Ci�y Pro,�ect No {GPNj c) Scope of �raject {i,e. t�p� 4F GRI15tt'l�.G�14T] aG�1Y1�� d) Actual consiruction d�rativn within the block e} Name oi'the �ontr�ctvr's for�man and phone nurnber fj Name oftPi� City's inspector and phane number g} City's afier-haurs phorae nuinber 2j A sample of the `pre-canstruction notificataar�' flyer i� att�ched as �xhibi# A. 3) Submit schedule sha�ving the constructian staxt and finish time far each black of the project ta the inspectar. 4} Daliver flyer i�Q the L'ity lnspectvr for review prior to d.istributian_ b. Na constructian will be allawed to begin on any bl�.ck until the flyer is deliv�red t� all residents of the blook. Pu�Iic Natificatian af Tempr�rary Water 8erwice Interruptian during Cnnstrucfian 1, In the a�ent it bacames rr�cessary to tem�awarily shut d�wn wafer service ta residerrts ar 6usinesses during constructir�n, prepaz�e and deli�er a notice ar flyer �f the pending interruptiori ta the frant door of eaeh affected resident. 2. Pi�epared natice as follows: a, The imtification or flyer shall be posted 2A� hours prior Yo the temparary interru�fion. cn�r ti� r•nxT waRTEi 3TANLiARI) CONSTIZUCTIOIV SPECIF[CATIdI�k D�Ci!}viEN't'S Reviseci I]scemher 20, �Q12 2022 �nrtirails and I•:Ri3 Ci[y Project �Io, 103�59 Ada6eAcrabat5ign 4rainactiunNum6er:E8JGlBGAA6MIc�5uCzwVWpcAyJ+6y1:l4us71ikp2.`�xPA 013513-5 SP�L`iAL PA�I�CT PRpCEDUR�S I's$�e 5 nf S 1 z 3 4 5 b 7 8 4 1� li 12 13 14 15 lb �. c. d. e. f: Pre�are flyer on thc cantr�ctar's letterhead and includ� t�e fpllowing ir�formation_ 1} Name of the �roject 2} City PrajectN�rnber 3} Date ai'the interruption of setvice 4} Period the interruptianwill take plac� S) Ndrne af the cantractar's faremar� and pnone number 6} Name of the City's inspecbor and phone number A sa�nple af the temporary water ser�ice interrupiivn flotification is attac�hed as Ext�ibit B, ❑eliver a cap�+ af d�e temporary inierruptiQn naq#'ica�on to the City inspactor fnr re�iew priar t� being disfrihubed. No interruption �f water service can occur uaatiI the fiyer has kseen deli�ered to all afF�cted residents and businesses. Electronic ►+ersians oithe sat�7ple flyers can be ol�tained fram the Froject Construc#ion Inspector. 17 d. Coordination witli United States Ariny Corps nfEngineers (USACE} 18 1. At la�ations in the Praject where constructian activities oc�ur in areas �rhere Ig CISACE permits are ret�uirad, me�t all requirements set forth in eac� desi�nated 2� pernaii. a1 22 23 24 2� 26 27 28 29 3Q 3Z 32 33 34 3S 3b 37 38 I�. Caardinaiivn within Raiirnad Permit Ar�as 1, 2, 3 At lacations in the projec# w�ere canstruction acti�ities oecur in areas wi�ere railroad g�crmits are required, meet aIl reqairem�nts s�t fnrth in each designated. railrpad permit. This incluc��s, but is nQt Iimited to, provisinns fdr: a, Flagmen fa, Inspeetors c, Safety training d, Additional insurance e. Insurance ccrtiiicates f. Other emplr�yees required. ta protect the right-of-wa�+ and pl�per�y of the Rai�roa� Company fr�m damgge arising aut of �d1or f�om the canstructiQn a� the project. Proper utility clearance �rocedures shall be used in ac�ordar�ce with the permit guidel ines. Dhtain any supplementa] infor�natian needed ta comply with fJ�e railroad's req��;rements. RailrQad Flagznen a. Submii receipts ta City fvr ver'i�"ication ofwarking days that rai�raad flagrn�n were pres�nt an 5ite. 39 L. ]3ust Control 44 1. i]se ac�eptabla measures to control dust at the Sita. 4l a. Xf water is used to oontrol dust, �c�.pture an�i praperly dispose af was#e �vater, 42 b, If w�t saw e�tYing is performed, captura �n�l properly dispose af slurry. 43 M. Ein�[oyee Parking 4� !. Prov�ide parking for employees at locatians appm�ed by the City. crr5r nF FORr wo�xx aaxx c,,,a.ra��s �a �as STAIVDAltD CONSTRLfC'I'[QN SPECIFICATI�N DDeiTMENTS Ci[y Prqject No. i�3459 Reviscd D ecemher 2d, 2D 12 Ade6e Ac+nl�ai Slgn Iransaex6�n Number. C6JCH9CAAFIMf�fFSuCzwUNpplynuCsyf29�TNkp�GxPA ❑1�3i3-6 SPECL�L PIiQJECT PROC�[IRES !'agz 6 nf 8 l � 3 � 5 b 7 8 9 1.5 S[7STVnTTAI�S [NQT U�ED] �.G ACTrO�v SUBMrTTAL�Il1v�oRMATiDNAL �iJBMTrTA�.S [NOT USED] 1,7 CL�SE4UT SUBMITTALS [NQT U��D] 1.8 MAIlrITENANCE MATERIAL S[THMt'TTALS [NQT iISED] 1.9 �C]ALITY A�SUIZANCE [NUT USED] 1.1� DELIVERY, S'I`DRAGL, AND HAIVDLII�TG [1�iOT USED� 1,11 F`IELI� [S�TE7 CUN�r'I'IU1YS �Tf3T iiSED] 1.I2 'L�VARRANTY [NOT USED� PART 2 - PR011UC°�'� [N4T USED] 1 [1 PART 3 - �XLC[TTI�N (NOT iISED] ]1 12 llAT�: \�AM� $i 3112012 I3. 74hnson 13 �ND QF SECTIi]N Re�risivn Log SllM(VIARY OF CHANGE 1.4.B Add�d requircmenY ai�ompliance vvilli TTcaltii ��nsi SdFety Cada, 'f'itla 9. 5afcty, �uhtill� A_ Pu6lic Safety, Chapter 752. Ffi�i Vvltaga ��erhead Lincs. 1.9.'E — Ad�Ie�l Contractnr responsibilil} £ar ahtainin.g aT'C�Q ILir Pen2iil crrr oF rn� •r woR�r STANT3Ai2f1 C.'.C}45ZRiTC7T�i�[ SPfiCI�'ICATlOhi DOCUivIENT3 Revised Ueccmher 20. 2012 �022 Guar.dLails sr�d B�B City Project No. 143459 rl�lalieAcrahat Sigi� Txansacqon Numher:CB�CH&CAA6AAIcuF5ut'�.wVJvpcAyw0yf79!7sTldip�GxPA o� 3s t3-7 Sp�CIAL PRdIEL"l' PRQCEDLII�E3 Page 7 of8 2 3 �1 S G 7 $ 9 �� 11 l2 13 1� 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 �! 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 3� 33 3�4 35 3d 37 ���IT A (To be printed on Cantractor's Letterhead} �ate: CPN Na.. Praject Name= Mapsco l.�cafian: Limi#s af Gonstru�tion: � THIS IS TD INFQRM YQU THAT UND�R A C�Ni'RACT WITH l�H� CITY �F FOR7 WORTM, fll1R CQ�IIPANY WILL W�RK flN UTILITY LlNES DN OR AR0IJND YOl1R PRQP�R7'Y. C�N5TRUGiIQN WILL 6EGIN APPROXIMATELY SEVEP� DAYS FR�Mi THE BATE O!� THIS M�TEC�. I� YDU HAVE QU�STIDNS A��IJi �GCESS, SEGLJF�ITY, SAF�TY OR ANY OTHER IS3UE, �LEASE CAL�. ��'. CCpIVTRACT�R'S 5UPERINTEHUEh1T� AT �TEL�PHQNE H�.� QR Mr. �CITY {IV$PECT�R� AT � iEL�PH�NE MD.y AFTER �:3� pM QR ON WEEK�NDS, PL�ASE CALL {847} 392 83�� PLF�4SE ICFEP THJS FLYER HAN�Y WNEN YOU CALL CITY OF FORT W�XZTI-I STANE7AIti] �OI+ISTRUCTIDI+i 5PECIFICATIflN 17CC]CLIMFIdTS Rcvised Deceanber �t3, 20 ] 2 2C122 Guardrails and ERB City Projecl l�o. 143M159 hlel�e Ap�Eist Sign iisn:actian iJ4mS�': C6JGFiLiCAABANcvFSUCawWVpcAyw�]yr��GsTH kp7CixPA t11 35 13 - 8 SPECfAL PR�JECT PRpC�DL[f�E5 Page 8 of 8 1 EXHIBTT 8 2 FoRT'�Ya�T �ee: no� nia. acac�cs Pra�ct 1C�.rna: r�oTi�� o� �rE��o�aY vr�►r�R s�t���� ir���Rc�r�vrr �►�E �v �zLrr�r natr�ov����tTs �x Yo��z �vi�:Yr:Fian��[von, xvvx WATF,R BiR'VYt`.E'WiLL BE �iT�:RTtiTPTED OL�I �i�"M'VV��N THE H�I3lCS �� AND 1FYUIJ I3AYE Qi7�;$TIOIYS A134U'T T'F3I8 SIiU�'-4UT, PI.�E;�S� CALi.: A�IR, A.�' (CONTRAC'I'dR8 S[7��R[NT�7YD1tN'Y J ('1'�i.EPi1UHT� N'[IM'BEIt} Ol� 11�XIt. �I,�' {GITY F1Y$p�C'1'�R} (T'F:LEPfI[lNF IYI71Y�Si'.R} TI3I� IT�CaNV�.NIENCE WILL B� AS $IiOR'X' �S POSSIBI�E. 'i'FIANK YOU, CUN'�'RAC'E Uit � ..._ ---- -- --�-�� _� 4 GiTY OF FDIZ'T WDRTfL 2�a2 G�ierdtails and ER6 3TANI]AIti3 CQNS77tClCTI�N SPECIFICA'i70N QDCi7AAENT'S Ciiy Pruje�tNa, ]03459 Reyiseci pccomber 2�, 2[312 AtfoYfeAcrobai S;gn TYarysadian Num6eCC9JL71BCAA9MIcWFsuCxwllJVpcAy�yOy/19bsTXkp2Cu�ePA o� �5 a� TESTING ANI3 liV3PECI'fON 9BRVICES Page ] af 2 sECTror� n1 �� � TESTTNG �TL71N5P�CTIQN SERVICES PART1- GENERAL I.1 SUIVIMAItY A. Section Inc�udes: 1. Testing and inspection services pm�edures and cc�nrdination B. l�eviatinns from this Ciiy of F�rt W4rfh 5tandard 5peci�ication 1. None. C, R�latad 5pecification Sectians include, but are not r�ec�ssarily limited tv: 1, Divisian 0— Siddin� Requirements, Contract Fozms and Conditians of the ContraGt 2. Divisian 1— G�neral R�quirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYME.NT PRDCEDLTRES �1, lt+ieasuremem and Payinent 1. Work ass4ciated witi� this Item is c�nsidered subsidiary ta the �arious iterns bid. No separate payr�eF�t will be allaw�d for tt�is Item. a. Contractar is responsihle fnr periarmin�, coardinating, and payment of a�l Quality Control testing. b. City is respa�sih[e for performing and payment for first s�t of Quality Assurance testing. 1� If t�►e iirsl C�uality Assuranee testi performed by the City �ails, the CQritractor is respc�nsible far payment of subsaquent �aiity Assurance testing until a p�ssing test occurs. a) Firra� acceptance will not be issued by Ciry ur�til all required payments far testing hy Contractnr h�ve been }�aid in fu11. 1.3 RE�ER�N�E� [l�d�'[' i3'�ED] �.4 AI3MINYSTRATIYC REQUIREMENTS A. Tesfiing 1. Carnplete testing in accordan�e with the Co�tract I?ocuments, 2. Cc�ordinafion a, Whe„ testing is required tu be perfarmed 1�y the City, r�otify City, suf�ciently in advance, when #esting is needed. b. V1�hentesting is required to be �ompleted by the Cantra.�tor, s�ntify Ci#�+, suffiGierrtly in advance, that testing wi11 �� perfvrrr�ed. 3. Distrihutian of Tesiing IZept�rts a. Eleetronic aistribuCion 1j E�canfirm development of'Project directnry far electranic submittals to be uploaded tn the City's docurnent management syrstem, or another extemaJ FTP site appror�ed by the C.ity. CITY DF FdRT WORTH xa�2 Guardrails and ERB STANQAAD CONSTRUC'�'i�N SPECIFICA'1'1U1�! DOGLliVIENTS City Prnject No_ l03459 Revised Iliarch 4, 2a2U RdabP Ac!ebat Slg il TransacFion 1J�rR6e r CHJ CFi RCAA6AAIcvFS yCauWVptAyw�yr�4p3fA1� ZGxPq O] d523 TCSTIhiG AN1711+13PECTTQN SERVIGE5 Pagc 2 of 2 2) Up�aaci test reports to designaicd prc3ject direct�ry and noEify appr�priate City representati �es via email pf subrnittal posting. 3} Hasd Copies a} 1 copy far a11 submittals submitt�d to #he Frojecf Repr�sentative h. Hard Copy Distrilaution (if required in li�u af electronic distribution) 1} T�Sts per£ormed by Ciiy a] Distribute 1 hard copy ta the Contractor �) Tesfis perlormed by the Cvn#xactor aj Distribute 3 hard capies to City's Pi�aject Repi�esentati�e 4. Pro�de City's Projeci Repr�sentative withtrip tickets for eacli delivered load Qi� Concr�te rrr Lime rnaterial includiug the follo�vin� in#'ormatian: a. Nam� of pil 6. Date of d�ti�ery �, Maberiai deliwered �, Inspection 1. Inspectz�n or laak of inspe�tinn dnes not relieve the Contractor from obligatinn to perfnrin wark in accvrd�nce u=flh the Cantract Docwnents. 1.5 �[]BMITTALS [N�T II�ED] l,G A.�"��()N S[]BM[T�'ALSIINFdR1V�ATI�NAr. S[]S1VIlTTALS �NQT USED] l.'7 CL��E�UT SUBMITTALS [NUT USED] I.8 MAilWTENdNCL�' MATERIAL �USMTI'r�'AIa� [NDT LFSED] �.9 [_IUALITY ASSURANC� [NOT USED] 1.ID DELNERY, STURAGE, AND HANDLIlM1G [NUT US�D] 1..11 FIELD iSTTE] ['ONDITIONS [1�IOT LTS�D] 1.]2 WARRAN'TY [NQT LTSED] PART 2 - Pl�DDCTCTS [iV�T i7S��l] PART 3 - E�C[7TIQN [NUT USED] END OF �ECTI4N Re�•isian I�og DATE � �A�7F. J SUMFtiLr1EtY []�' CI�ANUE :i1912a2U D,V, Magana ��m��v`"`l reFer::izec tn Burfs:�u• and nated thatelecironic submittals be uplva�lyc� if�raugh the City's dacumc��t rryanagement systcrn. Cl'1'Y {}t� HL?HT W'URT�1 202� Guardrails azid F.RA 3TANDA[LD COI�ISTRUCTI�N �PT'CIFICA'17O�i DOCUiV1ENTS City Prpject No, i�3d59 Revisaci March 9, 2p2R AdvheAcrn'vr+t�gn Transactivn Hwn6er:CflJCHbCMUA�+MIcaFSUCawVNP�AywQyr]9bis�YkxpiGxPA �1 J`� �Lk _ 1 'fEMPC]]R,4EtY FAC]F.TI'I&9 AAil7 L'ONTROLS Yage f wf d sEcria�v o� so va TI�MPgRAI�Y F'ACILITIES AND CO�ITROLS PART1- GEN.�RAL LI SUN[MARI� A. Sectit�n Includes: Prnvide temparary fac'rliti�s and controls needed fax the VVark including, but no# necessarily limited t�: a. Temparary utilities b, 5tuzitary facilities c. St�rage Sheds an[i Bnildings d. nu�� �o��i e. Tempnrary fencing of the construction site B, L7eviations from this City of Fart U+Iorth Standard Specificativn 1. Nan�e. C. Related Speeificativn 5ecfions �n�lude, but ar� not necessaril� lirnited to: 1. Dit+tsian U— Sidding Requi�ements, C�n�ract Farrns ax�d Canditions ofthe Contract 2. Di�isian 1 — (�eneral Requirements 1.2 ��10E AND PAYMENT Y1�UGEDURES A. Measurement and P�yment 1. Wark assneiated with fitis It�m is cansidered su�sidiaiy ta the various Iterns bid. No separate payment will be �llawed f�r this Item. 1.3 REFERENC�S [�UT llSEI]] 1.� ADMi1HISTRATNE RI;QI7ILtE]I�ENTS A. 'l'cm]aarary U�ilities 1. Obtaining Tu�aporary Service a, Make arrax�gements rvith utility se�vice companies for temporary servir�es. b. A�ide by rules and re�ulatians of utiliiy ser�ice c�mpanies or autharities �18V117� �ill'I5d1G�70[I. c, Be resgonsihl� for utility service costs until Wvrk is appra�ved for Pinai Acceptance. 1) Included are fuel, gvwer, light, heat &zid ather utility serviaes necessary far executi4n, �nmpleticzn, testing and anitial opsratian of Work. 2, Water a, Gontxactor ta provide wa#er required for and in connection with Work to 6e perfvrmed and f�r specified tests af piping, equipment, devices or ofher use as required for the campletian of tl�e V+�rnrk. b. Provide and maintain adequake supply of pat$hle watar for domestic cansumption hy Cantractor persannel and �ity's PrQjeGt Representatir�es. c. �ooxdination 1} Canta�t City 1 week befflre �ater for construction is desired CI'FY 4fi �altT WQRTH 2d22 Guardrails and HRD STANr)ARD Cdl+[STRCICTIDN SPECIFICATION QUCUIWErilTS City Project Na. 103454 RevisedJuly 1,2t311 Ado6 e Acra4a: SigS Transactian �umkrer. CBJ C H6CM6ANcvFSuCewlWp�AywOyrP91fa7kt pY[ncpA ��$���'2 'l'LMPORARI'FACILITIPS A3YD COI+lTRpLS Page 2 af4 d. Corrti�ct�r Payment far �pnstruction WaCe�� 1) Obt�in construct�an water ineter from City far payrr�ent as bi�led by City's estat�lished rates. 3. �lectricity and Lighting a, Pravide �nd pay far electric powered service as required far Worl�, inciuding testirtg af Wnr�c, 1) Provide power fvr lighting, �peration ofequiprrterrt, ar other use. b. Electrio power service includes temparary power s�rvi�e ar generator to maintain oper�tions dvrin�g scheduled shutdown. 4, Tel�phone a. l�t�o�ide errrergency telephone service at 5ite far use by Contractar persannel and others perfi�rmin� work ar furnishing services a# Site. 5. Temporary Heat and V�rrtiIatian a. Provide temparary hea.t as n�cessary for pratecti�n or �ompletion vf VVork. h. Pravide ternpc�rary heat and �+entiiativn ta assura safe working c�nditi�ns. B. SanitaryPacilities 1. Provide anc3 maintain sanitaxy f�icili�es for persons an Site. a. Comply with re�latians af State and in�al departmenfs of health. 2. Enfarce use of sanitary facilities b}� canstruction personnel at jab site. a. Enclose anr� anchar sanitary facilities. b. Na dis�ha�ge will be all�wed fi-or� thesa fa�ilities. e. Collect and store sewage and waste so as nat t�o cause nuisa�nce or health prot�lem. d. Hatil sewage and waste off�site at na less than weekly intervais and prr�p�rly dispose in accvrdance �ith applieable reguiatinn. 3. Loc�te facilities near Work Si�e and [�eep ciean az�d maintained thrvughout Pt'oject. �. Rernove faciliti�s at campletion af Praj�ct C. Storag� Sheds anc! Buildings 1. Pro�ide �dequatel� wentilated, v,�aiertight, weathez�pro4f stoxage facilities with flnni• �bnve ground le�+a] far mat�rials �nd equiprner�t suseepti6le to weather damage, 2_ Stnrage af materials �oi sLisccIxtible to weather dama�;� may be on bla�ks aff ground. 3. �tore materials in a neat and arderly rxianner. a. Place materials and equipment ta permit easy access for iderrti�tcatian, inspec#ion and inweniqry. 4. Equip bzutding with lockahl�e dQors and li�;htir��;, and pra�ide ei�ctrical sarvice for equipnient spa�e heaters and heating or WentiIdti{in as necessary ta �m�ide s#�rage en�iromnents a�ceptal�le ta speci�ied manufacit�rers. S. Fill and grade sit� for temp�rary struotures to pre��ide drainage away fram teinparau•y and existing bui�dings, 6. Rezziove building £rom sit� prior Co Final Acce�tanc.e. D. Temporary F'en�ing Provide and mairrtain far the dura#aon ar consfxuGtion �vhen required in canrxact �locurnents �. Dusf Contro� C1TY dF i'ORT WOIt'PH 2O7Z GuarQrails and ERB STANQAEiD ['(7*�STRiJCT10n sPP.t�[�j[�A�r[r]N bpCviMI�NTs City Proje�i No, 103459 Revised luly f, 2{� i I Adoi�e Acra6ai Sigi� 4 Yansa�pon Numhe rt CBJCl19 CAR�AAAI cvF5L �1uV�Vp�AyviQy r296sTWla2["tsPA O 1 SQ UD - 3 TEMPDitAI�Y FACILTTIES �1ND C�NTR�I,� ' Page 3 of 4 1. Cantractor is responsible for maintaining dust cantrol tluougl� �he duration vf the project. a. Cvntractor re►nains an-call at all times b. Must respvnd in a timely inanner F. T�mporary Prntectian of Cvnstruction 1_ Contr�ctor or �u�contraetars are i�espons3hl.s for pratecting Warl� from damage due f4 Weather. 1,5 �LTBIVIITTAL� [iVUT US�U� 1.G ACTI�N SUBMITTALSII1vF4RNZATFONAL Si7EMT�'TtlL� [I1�UT LTSED] l,T �LOSEULJ�' ,�UBNIITTAL�" �1�OT U'SED] 1.8 MAINT�N�NCE MATERiAL SiIBMITTALS [N�T US.FDl 1.9 QUALITI� ASSiTRA1YCE [NOT TJSED] l.til DELT�ERY, STpRAGE, A1�ID I3AlYDLING [N�T U�E]]] 1.11 �'IELD �SITE] CONDITiUN� [L1TQT USED] �..�.� WARItAh`T'4' �1�T�T iiSEI]] PART 2 - PRQD�TCT� [NUT USED] PART 3 - E�iEC�]TIUN [NOT iTS�D] 3.1 INST�LLERS [1VOT USED] 3.� E�'AMII�iATIQN [IY�T iTSED] 3.3 PREPARATIQN [N�T iTSED] 3.4 IMSTALLATION �_ Temporary Facilities 1. i�iaintain a11 ternporary facilities for durafion of canstructian activities as needed. 3.5 [REPAIR] J [RESTUR�iTION] 3.6 R.��i6TALLATIDN 3,7 FIELD [o��] SI� L� �UdI.ITY �aNTRUL [NUT USED] 3.S �YSTEM STARTUP [NOT USEDj 3.9 Al].�C]STI1V� [l�l4T U�EI]] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT [TSED] 3.11 CX,QSEDT3T AC:TIVITIE� A. 'Temparary Facilities C1T5' 4P FaRT WORTH 2O2F Guardrails and SRIi STANDARD CQl+[8T[tUCTION SYEGFICATI0I+I DDCUMEI+C15 City PrrojcctNo. 103459 Revised 3uly l, 2d11 Ada6eA�mlfatSigi�T7ansactien Nurt�6el:Cg1CHBCM6hAIcvFSaCxwWVprAywpyr�i9Ds►Ntp26xPA 01$d�Q-� TEMPQAARY FACLLT'17E$ ANp CdNTI�dLS Page� oP4 1. Remove aIl temporary facilities and restore are� after campletivn of tt�e Work, to a cnnditinn equa! io or bet�er than priar ta start of i�ark. 3.J.2 PRDT�CTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINT�N.A,NG� j1�TUT i]SED] 3.14 ATTACAMENT�a ��fUT iJSED] EN� OF SECTI�N RevisiUn Log L7AT� � NAME � 5L]�vIARY OF C�Zf1NG� CITY dF FUEt1' WURTH �l122 Gussrdraiis and �$ S?ANbAR� G�DNSTRi1CTIpN SPECI6ICA7i�N I]QCUM�NTS City Projectido, 1Q3�359 Revised July 1, 201 l RdoheAcrahe! Sig�� iransactian Hurnber; E$JCH@C0.A6AAIcvES:lCxw4WpcAynv�yT296sTNtpiiaPA a.i �s ag - t STREET uS�Ph1ZM1T ANi? MUDIFICA'I'IQN 5 T O TRAFPiC CON'TItOL P�e 1 of 3 i 2 �3x7C;T'I�N 0�. 55 �6 5TR :�.T ifS� PERMIT ANI] M(�I]1k�ICAI'1aNS TU T'RAFRIC C�NTROL 3 PART 1- �AL a 1. � sulv�►�rt� 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 id 15 A. SectiDn Includes: 1. Administrative procedures fQr; a Stre�t Use Pe�'mi4 b, Modi r��catian af approved traffic cnnixal c. lte�naval af Street Sign� B. Der�iations from this City af F�'ort Worth 5t�tdard Specification 1. None. C. Related 5p�cificatian �ectinns include, but are nat necessarily limited ta: I. Di�ian 0—�dding Requirernerrts, Cantract Forms and Canditians af ti�e CQntrac[ 2. Di�+i�ian I— General Requirements 3, Section 3� 71 13 — Traffi� ��ntral lb 1.2 PRICE A1YI] PAYNICNT PRUCEDiTR�S 17 A. 1vIeasurement and Paymeni 18 1. V+1ork �ssociated with this Item is consid�red subsidiary to the various Items 6id, 19 No separate payment w�ll be allowed forth�s Item, 20 1.3 RLF`F�.ZF1�iC +I� �] A Reference Standards 2� l. Refercnce standards cited in this specification refer ta ti�e currentrefer�nce standa�xi 23 puhlished at the tirne of the latest re�isian dat� logged at the end af �his 24 speeification, uriless adateis speCifically �ited. �5 2. Te�s Manual onLTnifarm T`raffic CantralDe�ric�s (TML]TCD}. 2� 1.4 ADNi�N1��RA'�VE REQUIRIIVIE�CTS 27 28 29 3U 31 32 33 34 35 36 A. '.I'r�.ffic Cant�rol 1. General a, Carrtractor shall rr�inimize lar�e closures and iuvpact to �ehicularlp�destrian traf'fic. b. �en iraffic coutral plans are inc�uded �n the Ura�vings, provide Traffic Contrvl in accordanaewifh Drawirigs and S�ctian 34 71 13. c, When traf�'tc cantr�lpla�ys are nat included in fhe Drawings, �arepar� traffic control plans in a�cordance v�ith �ectivn 34 71 13 and submit to Caty for review. 1} Allow minimustl 14 w�rking,da�s forre�ieW ofproposedTraffic ContraL CCi'Y �F FORT VV�ItTI-I STANI3ARi} CdNSTEtUCTION 3PECIFICA'fIQN I?OCI�M�ST+1T5 Revised Mardi 22, 2Q21 2022 Givardrails and ERB City PrajectNo. 143459 AtlebrAunbat5igi� Transattion kuln6eC: Cfl1CH6CAA6AAI�VF$uLxwlXUpcAyw0y�140s'iltltpZGxPA ❑ t �$ �b - 7 57'RiiET i1SE PERMIT AIVC3MQUIFICATIONS TOTRd4FFIC COnIT[tOL Page 2 af 3 1 2) A trai% c�nt�•al "Typical" published hy Gity af Port Vd�rt�, the Texas 2 h,�anual Un�ed Traffi� Canfral Deuices {TMUTGD) or Texas I3epart�nent 3 of Transpoz�ation (TxIIOT} can he us ed as an aIternative tn preparing 4 prajectlsite sp�c ifi� traffic confral plan if the typical is app�icable ta fhe 5 spec�c projecllsite. B. Street LJse Pertnit i0 ]1 12 ]3 1�4 l5 1G 17 1a 19 20 Zl 22 23 2� 1. Frior to instsllation of Traff"� C�ntrol, a City Sireet TJse Permit i� required, �, To ohtain Street Use Permit, submit Traffic �antra] Plans to Cit�+ Transpvrtatiara and Public Works Department. 1} A11o►v a rninimum o�S work�ng days for perm�t review. 2) It is fhe Contractor's respansi6i�ty ta c�ard�nate revie�v of Traffic Gontrot plans for 5traet LTse Permit, such that cnnstru.ction is Mot delayed. C, Mvdificatian to Appro�red Traf'fic Control I. Priar ta installatian traffic contrai: a. Submit revise�l trafft� c ontr4l plans ta City Department Transportation and Fubli� ViTarks Department. 1} Re�i�e TrafFi� Can�ro[ plans in ac��rdarzce with Sectian 3471 I3. 2) A[low �ninimum 5 warking days far re�iew af reyiaed Trafftc Control. 3} It is the Cantractar's res pnnsibility tv coardinate re�ieu� �f Traific Lontrol plans for Street [7se P�rmit, s�ch tha# constn.�ctivn is not delayed. D. RemRvaI af �tlreet Sign l. If i� is determineel that a street sign rrEust be rem o�ed for construction, then car�tact City+ Transp�x�ation and Public Works �7epartm�nt, Signs and Mar�it�s Divisir�n to i�emQve the sigrt. 25 �, Temporary 5ignage 26 1. I n t�10 C85� of P��UTAt4� 31gri5, Y�p�.7C8 p�t'ril9ilent 5�i] W 1th tOYnpprary Sigt] ln�etin� 27 requir�'nents af the latest edition o�fh� Texas Manual an i7niform Traf�ic Cantrol 28 13e�ices �Mi_]TC�}. 29 3� 3] 3� 33 3� 2. Install ternp�rrary si�,m beforc the remo�al df perinanent si�xi. 3. VVh�n canstruction is complete, fo the extent th�t the permar,ent si�n can be reiu�stalled, contact tri� City Tz•�nsportati.an and Puhlic VJorks Departmetrt, 5igns �nd Markings Division, ta reinstall the permanenf sign. F. Traffic CantrolStandards i. "I'raffic Controi 5t.�rzdard� can 6e fo�and nn �he �;ity's website. 35 1.5 �[]S1YI[TTATS [1�TQT LTSID] 36 A. Submit ail required documentation to C�ty's Project Represerrtativ�. C[T�' QF FORT W OR7'li 20�2 GuaCdCail� arui ERB 3TAIVT]ARD C�NSTRLT�I'IC]N SP�CIFICATION DOCL}MEN`I'S City Project Na. 143459 Revised March 22, 2021 Adu6eA�ra�al sign Trar�eaeGan NumF�er. C�.1CH9CAA9dAIcvF5u�iLWpekyvrC1yr79pSTNtp7RCPA 4l SS2fi-5 STREET IISr Pr.ftMlT AND h1�I}IFICATL�IvS TOTRAFTfC C�DIVTROL P�e3of3 1 1.6 ACTiDN �C�3iV'QTTAISIIlVF[3RMATiQNAI.� SUBNIITTALS �1►�UT �[]�IDj 2 1.7 CLD�EDV[' Si]RMITTALS [IV[lT iTSF�] � l.$ MAI�1TFd�TANCE �VIATIIZIAL SU6M[TTAL� [1�T4T USII?] � 1.9 QUALITY AS�URAI�ICE [NOT iT�EDj 5 1.10 ��LiYERY, S�O�tAGL, A.ND HAI+mLING [�I�T �iSID] 6 1.11 FI�O [�I'iL+`J CDNll��TU� [NOT C]SIIl] 7 1.12 �VAR�4N'�'�' [N�T �TSIII] 8 PART � - PRDDUCTS [NDT iISIII] 9 PA,RT 3- EXF�:L'TIUN �"NUT' 1[7SED] 1� i1 12 Il� QF S�'�TI�N Re�ision Lag �1�T� �IA Ni F. S UMZUTARY dF' CI-�ANGE 1.9 A. Addcdia��guage to em�h8size minimizingof lnne clns�u•cs and impaeL t❑ traffic. 1.4A. l. c. Addcd l�nguage tn allowfQruse ofpUhlIshed 2ra�ficcs�ntrn] "Typicals" � 3r'22,'2i121 TvT C74�en Flppiicable to speci�Ic projectlsite, 1.4 F. 1) Removed reFerenee ta B.uzzsaw 1.5 t�ldded tangua�e re: sub�nitf�I of pormtt CITY OF FORT WQRTH STANDARD CQN3TR[1GF[[]N SPEG]['ICATf{}N UL?CLRviENTS Revised Mar�h �, 2D21 2di2 Guarcirails and F.RB CityProje�tNa_ i03459 ado6� Ac�ohat 57gn T[a nssctton Nu m hpr. G 6JCI�16CAA$A4kvFSuCzw4WpcAyx�3yr196sT bdtp2e�pA ai5�►3-i STQHhi Uh�ATER PQLL[.3TIQh1 PREVEN'IIOIV Page 1 vf 3 sEcTTo�v o� s� �� S`I'ORIVI WATI-:1� P�LLL]TIaN PREVENTIOhT �.�1,RT 1- GEI�lERAL 1.1 5iItV�INI�RY A. 5ecfiorr Includes: ]. Procedures far 5torm Water Pollu#ion Prevention Plans B. I]��iatians �rnm this �ity of For� Worth Standard �pecification 1. I�fane. C. Iteiated 5pecificativn Sectians include, hut are not rrecessarily limited to: ]. Divisian [l — Bidding Requir�inents, Contract Forms aaid �onditioiis of the Cantra�t 2, Division 1— Lieneral Requirem�nis 3. 5�ction 'i 1 25 00 -- F.rogion and Sedimen# Cantrol 1.2 PIi�CE AND PAYM,EN'�' pRUCEDURE� A_ Measurement ar�d Payment I. Constr�rction Actiyi:ties resuIting in le5s th�n f acre Qf di5turbanC� a. Work associated with khis Item is cvnsidered subsidiary to the vari�us Items bid. No separate payznen�; wiIl be allowed fqr this Item. �. Construct�on Activities resulting in greater khan 1 acre af disturbavice a, 1Vleasurement and Payrnent shall he in accordance witl� Section 31 25 00, 1.3 REk'EREPV[:ES A. Ahbreviati�ns and Acrony�ns I. T�latice of Intent:l�iOI 2. Notice of Tenninatian: N�T' 3. 5torm Water PoIiuCion Prev�rrtian Plan; SWPPP 4. Texas Gommission on Environmetr�al Qualify: TCEQ 5. Notice af Cltange: NOC A. Ref�renee Standards I. ltefer�nce standaa�ds cited ir� this 5pecifieation refer to th� Gurr�nt r.efei'Ence standard published at the time of the latest re�ision date �ogged at the er►d af this Speci�i�ation, unless a dai� is s�e�i�ca]Iy �ited. 2. Inte�rated Storc� Management (i��+Vlvl} Te�chnicai ManuaI fnr Constr�iction t'antrols 1.� ADMINISTRATNE REQUTREMENTS A. Uezteral i. Canrractor is res�ansi.ble for resoluti�m atld paym�nt oiany f.3nes issued �ssc��:iat�ed �vith compliance to St�rrn�a�ter Pnfiutian F��euentian Plan. ClTY dF'Fplt'1' W(3tZTiI �022 Guardrails and RRA STANDARIJ COi�FS-['RUCTIQN SPFCIFICA'i'EOiJ DOCiIMPsNTS Cily Pmject Nu. [03459 [�evis�d 7uly 1, 2011 Rdo6e per'ol��t Sign i �a n s ackfon Hu+n6 er. C6lCH BCf�AgAhECVF3uCswlNVpcAyw0yYZ90sTtdtp2GMFA @15713-2 ST�RM 17JATCR P�LLUTIQN PREVT'.N"il�l Psge 2 nf'3 B, Construction Acti�ities resuItir�g in: 1. Less t1�an I acre af disturl�ar�ce a. Pr�vide er�sion and sediment corrtrol in ac�ordance rvith Sectian 31 2� OD and ❑rawings. 2. 1 tn less than 5 acres af disturbance a. Texas Poilatant Dis�harge Elimination Systam (TPD�S) C�eneral C�n,structivn Permit is required b. Camplete S�+IPPP in ac�ardance with TCgQ requirements 1) TCE� Srnall Canstruction Site Notice Reqriired under gen�ral permit �xRlsn�aa a� s��, �a �Q�t at�fla �t� b) Prior fo Preconsixuction Meeting, send 1 c;apy ta City Dep�rtment of Transportatinn and Public �Narks, Environ�nerrt�l Division, (817] 392- 6a88. 2) Fravide erosion and sed'lment contral in accor�da�ce with: a} Seation 31 25 D0 b� The Drawings c} TXRI5Q000 General Permit d� 5 WPPP e} TCEQ requirements 3. S acres or morc vf Disturbance a_ Texas Pa[Iutant I3isGharge Elimination System {TPI]ES) General C�nstruction 1'ermit is requir�d b. Compl�t� SVdPP}' i�� aGcordance wiih TCE� requirement� 1� Pr�pare a T{:EQ N[]I farm �nd sui�rnit ta TGEQ along with required �ee a) Sign and past at job site b) , Send copy ta C�ty Department of Transportatior� and Public �Iarks, Envir�nmenta] Di�ision,. (81'T) 392-5�88. 2) T�EQ Notice uf C:hange requsred if maicing ohang�s or upciates tfl NUI 3� Provide erosion and sedim�nt cflntrol in acc�sdar�ce w+ifJa: a] Seeti�n 31 �5 00 6) The Drawings c) TXRISODUU General Per�nit d) SW�FP e� TCF� r�quirernents �4) Once the praj�ct has been c�mpleted and a.Il the clnseaut requirements of TCEQ ha�ve been met a T�EQ Notice of Terminatian can �e submii#ed. a} Send copy to City I]epartment o� Transpartation and Public Warks, EnvironmentaJ Divisian, (817) 392-508�. 1.S �CISMITTAL� A. S�]L�PPP Suhmit in accordance with 5ec1��7 al 33 OD, except a� 5tated herein. a. Prior Ec� the Pre�onstr«ctaon 1Vleeting, subinif � dr�t �opy af SWFPP t� the C1ty as follows; ]} 1 cvpy to the Gity Proj �ct �Wlanager a) City Project Ms�nager will �arward to th� City �epartment of 'I'ransporta#ion a�Y�1 Public �Norks, En�ironmental Division for rewiew C1TY OF FORT WdRT}I 2022 Guard[ails and ERB STAhlDARD �ONSTRUCT1pN SPECIF3CATTf7N I7UClfiHSN"I'S City PrajectNa. LQ3�159 Iievised 7uiy 1, 20l 1 Ado�e Aaobat SEgn Trensa ciivn N� r��her C61cH6cMBAAlcvtS utzwWVpsA�w�yrX415s7Ntp2Gap�l a1S713•3 STQRM W►1TElt YpLL11T7p1+I PF.EVENTfQ]Y Page 3 uf 3 B. M�dified SWPPP 1. If the S�PPP is revisad during cnnstz�uction, resuhmit modi�ed S�7VPPP ta the City in �ccc�xd�nee �.vi#.h Sectiv�3 � 1 33 �D. ]..G ACTI�IIT SUBNIITTALSJINFDRMATIOIVAL gUBMI�TA,LS [NUT llSEl3] 1.7 CL(7�E[)T]T Si7R11�TTALS [N{]T iJ6ED] 1.8 MAIlV'TENANCE MATERiAL SUSIVIITTALS JNQT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSiTRANCE [1�iQT L'SE�] 1.14 DELIVER3�, STORAGE, A.ND HANDLING [NOT USL+'D] 1.] 1 FIELiI [SITE] CD�[DYTYONS [N�T iTSEY]] 1.12 '4�ARRANTY [NOT U�ED] P�.T � - PR4DCICT� [NQT USED] PART 3 - E��UTI�N �NOT USED] �ND O�' �ECTLON Revision Lag ]7ATT 1�rAMC I SL�MM�RY QF C.H,�11�IGE � CTTY OF PDRT WpftTl[ 2022 t;oardrails atid ERB �^'1'ANi]ARII CONSTRCIC7'fON SPECIFICATIaR' DOCUl�iHN`CS City Pmjectlda. 1Q�459 Itcvis�d duly l, 2D1 { Pdahe Acrobat Sign Tra»sackiwi Itlum6er fBJcH6CAA6hAIn1F5u�uvV:JprAyw0y�29DsiHIp2GxPA OI5813-i TEMPpRARY PR�.i�C'P SIGNAGE Page 1 of 3 SEC`E'Y�N 01 5813 TEMPORAItY PR�JECT SIGNAGE PAxt'Y' 1- GENERAL �.� su�vrn�R�r A, Seciion lncludes: 1, Temgorary Project Signage Requir�merrts H. Deviations from #his Gify ofFort V�orth 5tar�dard Specifcation 1. None. C. Related Specifi�ation Sections include, bu# are nat neaessarily lirnited ta: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirem�n#s, �antracf Forms and Conditiar�s afthe Gontract 2. Divi�ion 1— General Requirements 1.2 PRYCE AN� PAYMENT PROCEDUR�S A. Measurement and Paymer�t ]. Wark assaciated �vith this Item i� cansiriered suhs'sdiary to the variaus Items hid. �Ia sepa�'at� pa�ment will b� allawed far this Item. 1.3 REF�REIVCFS jNOT USED] 1.4 �1D1l�IINISTRATIVE R,EQTJIREIVIENTS [NU'T USEDX 1.5 Si]BNIITTALS [NaT USED� i,6 ACTTf)lw1 SiTBMITTALSIINFORIV�,��`XQNAL �USIVII'I'TALS [NOT USEd] 1.7 CLO�EDUT SU�NiiTTAL�S [NUT i]SED] 1.$ MAI1�TEl►TA1tiECE MATERIAL SUEMTI'TALS [NOT USED] l.9 �UALYTY AS�URA,NCE [NOT iI�ED] 1,IU IiF,LIVERY, STORA��, AND HANDLING [NUT lJ��]]j �.i1 �i�Ln [srr�j cQr�nYTrvr�s {�voT u��n� 1,12 WARRANTY �NUT []SED] PART 2 - PRClD�CTCTS 2.1 �WNER-�'CTRIYISHED [nx] D�1VER-S[7PpLIEI)PRQDUCTS [NCIT [7SF.D] 2.2 EQUIPt1+IENT, PRODUCT TYP�S, �1Y0 NIA.TEItIALS A. Qesign Griteria l. Fm�ide free standing Projec# I7esignation Sign in accnrdance witn City's Standaixi �etails for �Oraject signs. CTfY UF F�1tT WD1ZT[3 1023 Guardrails and �RB STANAART] COIV3TRUCTI{3�{ SPECIFICA7'IOIV Di)CllNi&IVTS �ity PrqjectNa. 1�3459 Revised duly 1, 2Q1.1 Rdqbe IlcreE�et �8 n Transa �tivn koml�er. C8 J CN6fAA6AAItvFSu�zk•LNpcRywayr28GsilUtp7.GxPA �IS&13•2 'i EMPC]RARY P[�OITsCT SIGAlA4B Pa�e 2 oi 3 B. Materials 1. �ign �, Constructed of �a-inch f 2� ply�w��d, �rade 11-C (exterinr) nr bp[!ex 2.3 ACCESSURIES j1�iOT llS�D] �.4 SQLTRCE QUALITY CONTR�L �NOT i15ED� PART 3 - EXE�iJTIQN 3.I INSTALLERS [1VDT USE�] 3.Z �.�LAMI1tiTATIUIY [N�T US�D] 3,3 PREPARATI{JN [NQT iT�EDj 3.4 INSTALLA'�'�p11T A, t�cner�l 1. Aravide �ertical instailation at extenEs af preject. 2. Relocate sign as needed, upvn request of the City. 8. Maunting options a. 5kids b. Posts G. BSt7'1C8dB 3.5 REPAIR J RESTOR�TI�N [N�T USEI?� 3.6 RE-INSTALLATIQN [NUT US�D] 3.7 FIELU [a�.i SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NUT U5ED] 3.$ SYSTEM STARTU'P [NaT []SEI}] 3.9 ADJU�T'I1�IG [N[7T i]S�D] 3.10 CL�ANIN'G [NDT USED] �.1� CLOS��UT ACTINITIES [NDT [I�ED] 3.12 PRO'TEL"TIU1V [A1QT [ISEI]f 3.13 MAIAITEIYANC� A. General 1. M�inter�ance will inGlude painting and repairs as needed ar direEted I�y the City. 3.14 ATTACAiVI�1�iTS [NQT USEII] E1VD UF SECTIQIIT C;i'1'Y UI' }(7RT 4WURTII 20Z2 Guardrails and CR& STANDA ItU t:{ ]�f 5'f'R I]C'7'[fli+15P�CIPICliT[�1�1 DpCf,Jll+i� i+ITS City+ Prnject Nn. 143d59 Revised .iuly i, 2J1 f Ado6eA�m�at Sign i7�nsaction Nunber.C9JCkBCMB7VAkuF5uCxwW�pcAywpyr]94a7HtpIGxPA Q] 58 13 - 3 7'ETNFQRAIiY PRd]ECT SIGNAGE Page 3 of 3 f�evision T og DATF_. 4 NAN1E I SUN�I.ARY C]F CHANGF CITY DF FORT W�RTH 2f122 Guardrsils and FRR STANDARI} CQN5TRi7C"Il�iY SYF;CIFICATPQN DOCUMENTS Cily Project i+Ia IQ34S9 ReviscdJuly 1, 2D1 ! AddLe Arrohal Si� TYx�ss�f6on Humber.CBJGH$CAABAAkvFSuCzNA9NpeAywG)yY149s7Htp�GxPr1 a� r�aa �xonucT ru�u�r�Ts Page l af2 �ECTiarr ox �o ao PRaDUCT REQL]IREIVIENTS PART 1- GENER.A� 1.1 S 11M1V�,�,R7� A. Section Includes: 1_ References for Praduct ktequirements and City �tandard Fraducts List B. Deviatians fmm this City oFFoxt Warth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification SEctions incla�de, but are naE neccAssarily limited #a; ]. Oiwisian D— Bidding Requirements, Cant��act Forms and �onditions af the Contract �. i)i�•isian I --G�zieralRequia•emems t.� PRICL A1�I] �AYMEI►TT PROCED�IR�'� LNOT U$L�D] 1.3 ItEFEREI�CES [NflT USEll] l.d ADMIIVISTRATIVE REQ[]IREMENTS A. A list of {iity a�7�rnvcd prndur:t� for use is a�ailahle thraugh the City's wehsite at: https:llapps.forhvorthtegas.go�IPrbjectltesnureesl and following the dimctary pa#h; 0� - Construction Qocumentsl5tandard Producfs Li�E $. Only pt�oducts speoifically ii�cluded nn Cit�'s Standard Product List in these Contract Documents shall be alIowed fnr use on the Proj�ct. 1. Any subsequently approved produats Lvill o�ly b� allowed fax usa upon specific approval by the �ity. C. Any s�eci�c produ�t requi.reinents in the Cotiiract Documents s�pers�de si milar prnzl�cts included on tlae City's Standard Product List, I. The City reser�es the right to not a�low products to be used fpr cert�in projects �ven thQu�l� the product is list,ed an the City's StandaY�d Pr�duct List. ❑. Althougl� a sp�cifc praduct is ii�cluded on C�ty's Stand�rci Prpduct List, not aIl products frorn that manuiacturer are apprvved for use, in�ludi»g but not limited to, that manufacturer's standat'd product. E. See Section �1 33 Qq f�r subnlittal requi��ernents of Pi•oduct Data included on Cit,y's Starid�rd Praduct List. l.5 SUBMITTALS [1VOT U�EI.)] I.G ACTIUN Si�`BMITTAi.S1INF�RMATI�NAL SU$1VI[�TALS [IY�T USEI]] 1.7 CIASEUiIT SUHM�TTALS [lYUT USEll] 1.8 MA�NTENANCE MATERIAL Si]BNIITTAI.,S [NOT USE])] 1.9 (�UALPTY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] CI'1'Y {]F k4E{'1' WURTH �0�2x [ivardrails and EixB STANDARD CC3N517ZUC7'ID1+15PECIFICATI�N bOCiINfI:NTS City Prvject i�Ia. 1�3459 Revised March 9, 2U20 lWohe Atrpbat Sign hansactian Numher. CBJCHBCAAU1UVIcvFSuCzwri�V�CAytvDy12941sTNtp2GYPA 41 60 04 PRqL7UC'f' RG{1lIQiT�ivlEi�YrS Pagc 7. of2 1,10 DELIVERY, STQRAGE, A1�D �[AiYDLI1�TG �lyTf�T �TSE]]) 1.11 FT.F.LD [�iTE] CCINDITY(ll�1S [Nf7T II�ED] i.�2 �'VA�RA�TTY [AI�T US�D� PART � - PitUDiICTS jNOT LTSED] PART 3 � EXEC[TTI41�I [NOT ❑SED] ENU �F S�CTIDN Ke��isio�3 E�pg i3ATE N��MF. 3DI12112 D, Jotmson 3r'912{}2� U.�. Nie�gaisa SUNfMAAY' �i� CHANGB Modif ed L�catipn pf City's Standar[] Pr��tuet T.icL Rempved reference io Buxasaw and n�ted that Che C:ily �ppr� � ��l prc�ducts l ist is at.cessible througlw dle City's website. L7TY �F FORT WDR7if 2022 Gustrdrails and ERB STANDARD C�N3TItU[:71C}N SPECIT[CATIQN DUCU�I�75 Cit}r Project Na. 1(13459 Rerised �vlarclt 4, 2020 AdoheAcrotrat Sign iransaetion Nwn6er�CBJCN�CA1VeMIcvFSU[zw4.NpckywUyr296a7Nt{�lWcPA Ol 7D D4 • l MQBILIZFITIDN AI+iD REMOBTL[Zr17I0IV P�e 1 of 4 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 13 ]4 15 i$ l7 f8 i9 20 21 22 23 2� 25 2G 27 ZS 29 30 31 32 33 3�# 33 36 37 38 39 40 �4 ] 42 43 � 45 t s��rYarr o� �n aa z MOSI[.IZATION AND REM�BILIZATJdN 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 ]..1 SUMIYIARY S A. Sectian IncIudes: Mobilixatio� and Demobili�atiQn a, ll+fobi I i r,atian Ij 'Iransportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operaring supp�ies to the Site 2} Esta�aishment of neeessary general facilities forthe Cantractor's oper$tion at the Site 3] �'rerniums paid fnr per�arman�e and payment bands �] Transportation ofContractar'� personn�l, equipm�nt, �nd aperating supplies to anathe�• ]acafinn within the d�signated Sit� 5) Relocatifln of necessary general fdcilities for the Cant�•actor's operation from 1 location to another ]Qcati nF� an the Sit�. b. I?emohili7atian 1) Transpartatien of Contraetor's personnel, �quipment, and operating supglies away frerrn the Site including disassembiy 2] Sit� Clew�t�p 3) Reinoval oF all buildings andlot atiter facilit'tes assemhl�d at the Sita for this Contract G. 1vIobili�ation ar�d Demabili�atian do not include acti�ities far spccific Item� Qf wnrk th�t are for which paytr��nt is provided elsewh�re in th� c��ntract, Remobilir.ation �. ltemabili�atinn fvr 5uspension af V�1ork specifica�ly required ir► t;he Cant�•act 17acuments ar d� recruired by City includes; 1 } Demo�ilJ"x�tzon a} Transportation of Contra�tor's personneI, equig�nent, and operating suppl ics fr�m the Site inc�udir�g disassemb�y or ter�pararily securing equ�pment, supplies, and pther facilitaes as d�signated by tkte Contract Do�umen#s r�ecessary ta suspend tlae Warlc. b} Site Clean-wp as designated in i�� Cat7ira�t I]oc�ments �} Remabilization a} Transportatinn of Contr�cior's pe�tsonnel, equiprne�t, and operating supplies to the Site necessary to resurne d�e 1�Vork. b} Estabfishrnent of naaessa�y general faciIities fc�r the Cantractar's operatian at the Site necessary ta resume the Wark. 3) Na Paymenfs wil] 6e made for; a) Mobilizxtion arad D�ma�ilizatian from one loration #o anvther an the 5ite in the normaJ pro�ress ofperFarinittg the VNork. 6} Stand-by nr idl� Yirne c) Last prafils 6 1 3. Mobili�atiiqns and l�emabili�ation for Miscellaneous Prajects a. Mnhilization and �emohi[ization crry oF �ar�T w�rr�-x 5'IANDIIRD CONS'FRi,ICTiQN SP�CIFICATIdi4 DpCifMEDlTS Rcwised �lovcrnher 22, 2A 1G �ax� G��,�d�� �a ��s City 1�mject Na. 1 b3454 AcIvLeAcralraS Sign 'i rapsacepn humher: W.3CH&CW�€7M1cvF5uCawVJVprAyw0y�190.�fi'NmZGkPA Qf 7��d�2 1�p�LLIZATI{]N Ah1D R�MQBILI�ATIQN Eage2 nt'� 9 io l] 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 za Z1 2� �3 1} Mobilization shal� �ansist af the activi�ies and cost on a Work Order basis necessary for: a} Transportation af Contractox's persannel, equipment, and ape.ratirig supplies ta the Site for the is5ued W�rk �rder. b} Establishment Qf n�cessary genera] iacilities far the Cantra�tor's aperatian at the Site for th� issued Work Qrder 2) Demobiiizatian shall consist nf the acti�rities and aost necessaxy fox: a) �rarisportatian af Cantractor's personnel, e�ui}�ment, a�d operatir�g supplies from the Sit� including disassambly fvr ea�l� isaued 1�aric arder b} Site Ciean-up far �ach issued'Wark 4rder c} Relnoval of sill huildings or other Facilities assembled gt the Sife far eaclt l�lork ader b. Mnhilizatian and Deinobilixatian d� no# inciude a�cti�ities far specific items af wark for which payment is pravided elsewhere in the cantra�t. �l. �mergeney Mohilixations an�i DemabilizatiQra for Mi�cellaneous Prajects �. A Mahilizatio� far Miscellaneous Pr�3ects when directed hy the City and the mabili�atinn oc�urs within 24 hours of the issu�ance of the i7Vark Order. B. D��iations from this City of Fort Wnrth Standard Specifi�atian 1. Nane. C. Related 5pecification Sectians include, �ut are nnt necessarif y limited tn, Division 0— Bi�iding Requiretx�enfs, Contraet ForEtis and Conditions af`the Contract 2. Di�isian 1— General I�equir�ments 24 1.� ��.tI�E AND PAYMENT PROCEDi1RE� �� A. Measuxemcnt an�i Paymerrt �Cansult G`ity D��arlrnent,l�ivisian for direction on if 2G Moh'ilization pay item io he includ�d or the itenn sho�ld 6e subsidiary. Include the 27 apprvpriatc �cction 1.� A. l.j 2� 29 3a �1 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 42 �F3 � 45 46 .d, Mphiliza.tion and demobili�ation a, M�asure 1) T1us Ttem i� cansidered subsidiary to the various Items �id. b, Payment 1) The work performed and materials fu�rnished in accordance vtrith this Item are subsi�iiary to the various Items bid and na oth�r carnpensativn wil! be all c�wed, 2) The wari� performed and ma�erial� furnished for demobilization in a.ccordance with this Item are subsidi�u•y to the r�arivus Items bid and no other cnmpensatian wili be alIawed. 2. Rernobili�tion for suspensinn o� Work as spe�iiically required in the Contract Qa�uments a, Measure�'nent 1) Measurem�nt far tt�is Item shali be per e�ch remabili2ation perforrned. b, Payment 1} The w�rk performed and materials furnished in ac:cordance wi#h this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid fnr at the unit pri� pe�r ea�h "Speci�'ied Remabiliza4ion" is� accardance with CoMrac# Doctunents. CITY OF FaRT WORTH 5'Z'AND�IRD CONSTR[JCT�O7V SPECiFICA77diV [70CUlti+lENTS Itevised Nnvemher Z2, 2015 2oa2 Guardratls and H1tB City Praject Na, ] 03459 h[loLedcro6at�51gn iransaztten Numh�c+�C6:ICHBCM9Mk4F5UCaWV,M11prA+�tidyr�gpalNtpBGkPA d� ���d-� r�aBirazpTiorr �vvn �o��Lrza�tatv Page 3 af 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l �2 i3 i4 l5 l6 17 18 19 2d 2] i2 23 2� 25 2G 27 28 24 3� 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 � 41 c. '1'he pri�e s}ial� iii�lude: I) Demobilixation as des�ribed in S�ctian I.1.A.2,a,]) 2} Remobilizatian as descri}�ed in Sectian I.1.A.2.a.2} d. Na payr�nents will be rnade �or standhy, idle time, ar l�st profits associated this Item, Rern�biliaation for suspension at' 1�ivz•k a� reyuired by City a. Mcasurein�n# and Paj�rne��t 1} This shall 6e suhmitfed �.� a C:ontract Glaim in accardance with Article 10 wf Section t�d 72 QQ. 2} No �a�m�nts wi I I h� made for standlry, i�ile time, ar l�st prc3fils assQciated with this Itern. Mabilizaiions and 1)ernobilizatians far Misceilaneous P��oj�cts a. Nieasurement 1) Measurement far this Itenr sh�ll F�e for each Mobiliza#ian and ❑emahifi•r..atian required }ry the Gontract Documents b, Paym�nt 1) 7'he �1Vark parfnrmad and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "M�asurernenP' wiIl l�e paid far at ll�v unit pri�e per each "Work Qrder MobilizatiQri" in accordanc� with ContraGt I7ocur��nts. Demobz[i�tion sh�ll be considered subsidiary to mobili�atiQn and shall nat be paid for separately. c. The price sh�ll include: ]} M4}�IZ1Zati01] 85 d05CY'il�ed in 5ection 1,],A.3.�.1� 2} �emobili�ativn as d�,scri�cd in S�ctivn 1,1.A,3,a,2) d. No payments will be macie fnr standby, idle tirr►e, or lost pro�ts as�oeiated this Itern. S. �mergency Mabiii2atic�ns and I]emobili�ations far Miscellaneous Prajects a. Measureinent 1) Measurement far this It�m shall be far �ach MahiIizatipn anti L]emobiIizatian required hy the Cont�•act Doctunents b. Paymciaz lj "C`he Wark perfanned and rnaterials furnished in accnrdance wit� this Item and measured as provided under "1Vleasurement" wiil be paid far at the unit price per each "Work �rder rmerge�tcy Mo�iliEation" in accordance wiih Contract Documents. �emabilization st�all he cons4dered suhsidiary to mvbil9zation �td shall not be paid For separately. �. The price shall ina[ud� 1) Mobilizatian as des�ribed in Section 1.1.A.4.a} 2} Demobiti�atian as described in 5actian 1.1.A.3.a.�) d. i+10 payt�icnts will be made for standhy, idle t�me, �r lost prafits associated Yhis Iterrt. 4� 1.3 REFERE1�i�ES [NUT USE�] 43 1.4 ADNIIN��TRATiVE �E�UIR���I11'TS [NOT USWI] 44 1.5 SUBMITTAL� [NOT USEU] �5 I.6 INFORMATIQNAL 5UBI1'IITTALS [N�T C1SED] 46 1.7 CLaSEOUT SUBMITTAL� [11i4T USED] 3 4. C1TY DF' CORT WDRTH 2Q22 Guardrails a�ld �RB 3TAI�lDARD C�NSTRLICT'fON �PEC�ICATIQN i]pCL1IvLCN'FS City Projeot i�Ia. 143459 Rerised Tlovemhcr 2Z, 2U16 Aulofx Flcho6at Segn Trsnsa c�on lJum�er_ CB �CHSCMBANcaFSuCt�uLWpGy�vL7yf19as7NtpZ^uxPA O1'7�[]0-4 MU131L[2ATI�M AND REMQBiLI2ATION Pagc d nf 4 I X.$ MAINTENANCT MATERIAL SUBIVIITTAi1� �lYDT i]SED] 2 1.9 �UALTI'Y ASSURANCE [N�T USED] 3 1.10 DELNERY, STORAG�, ti►.ND �[ANbL�'fG �Iw1[}T i7SEll] 4 1.11 FIELD [SiTE] C�NTIi'FIQN� [1�TOT U�EI"]] 5 �,12 WARR4NTY [NOT USE�] 6 PART 2- PRUDiI�T� [N�T LTSED] 8 � io 7 PART 3- EXECi7TIUN [NUT USEDj �l�D ��' SECTX�AE Revisifln l,og �ATE hTAMF, SUMMAI�'Y OF CHANGE ] 1122JI6 IVliciittel Owen �'� �'11PB a"d Payment Pmcedures - Rev�ised specificalian, 1llCIll(.�lll� }]IIIC �EXt,1:� make specificatian flexible far either su��sidiaEy Eir paid bid ibem fo1' hMbilizatioii, CITi' QF FdRT WQRTI f STANDr4RD C�IV$T1tLICTIC3P+i SPECIFICAT��N XH]L:UA9II3Al l'5 Revised Novemher 22, 2� 16 zaza �,���;� �a �xs City Project Na, I U3�S9 Adabp Ac�ahat Sigis i ransactlon Numher. £8JC H 9CAABA,iEcvFSu�VMNpcAyw�'31]sTNt�Ga�FA 01 7123 - 1 CQNSTRUCTION STAlC1N'G AN1] SURVEY Page 1 of 8 SECTI�N D17133 COTiSTRllCT3C]IV STAKING AND SiJ�tVEY PART' 1- C=ENERAL 1.1 SiTMMARY A. 5ectio� �ncludes; Requirernents for cnnst�•uclian stalcing and corLstructian surwey S. D�viatians from this City nf Fart Worth 5tandard Specificaiian I, None. C:. R�lated Spe�ci�catiQn Sections inc]ud�, btLt are not ne�essarily lirnited to: 1. Di�Esion 0-- Bidding RequixetnenYs, Cont�act Forms and Canditions oithe Cantract 2. Divisian 1— General Reyuireineilts �,2 k�C�. AND 1'AYNIE1wCT' FROCEDLTRES A. Measurement and Paymeni 1. Canst�u�c#ipn Staking �. Measurement �} Measurement for this Itetn shall be by Iu+t�p suin, h. Payrnent l� The wr�rk performed and the materia.ls fur�'rshed in accordance with this It.�nn shall be paid for at the lump surrt prEce bid fnr "Constructi��n 5taicing". 2j Pa}rment far "C�nstru�tian Staking" shaIl he made in pa�•tial payn�ents pmrated �y work oompleted com�ared to tatal wnrk included in the lump sum item. c, The price bid shall include, hu# not be limited to the fallowing: i) Veri��atioi� �f contral data grnvided by City. 2) Placement, maintenanc� and replacement �f required stal�es and markings in the � e1d, 3) Preparatipn and suhmi�tal pf cvnstructian stafting documenfa�on in the form of"cut sheets" using the City's standard ternpla�te. 2. C�nstruction Surwey a. Measurerrter►t t) This Item is cattsideted subsidiary to the various Iteins �id. b. FayiTr�r�t 1} T`L�e wark� perE'arm�d and the nnaterials fi�rnished in accordance with this Item are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no qther cqlnpensadon wlll be �ilnwed_ 3. 1�s-Built Sur�+�y a. Measurement 1} 11RIeas�arement far this Ite7n shall be hy lump sum. b. Payment 1) The work perf'armecl xnd the mat�rials furni�he� in accordance with this Item shall be paid for at the lump sum pi�ice bid fvr "As-Built �urve}+". L:I'i'Y UF PC1RT WC7RTH 2a22 Guardrails and ERB STAM�ARi] [:CJ�tiS'fi2UCT[qN SPECIFICAT[�N I3pCUMFsN"E'S City PrajcctNo, f�3459 ReYlsed ['ehruary T4� 2[!18 F�obe Acral�! Slgrl Tran saef3on Numher: LB�J.CNSCAA$AN�vFSuCawlhNpcAyw[}yq90sTNt}f7AkPA 01 71 23 - 2 C�dN57'RUCT[DN STAK[NG ANI7 3URVT:Y Pege2 al'& 2) Payment far "Constructzon �takir�" shall he rnade in partial payments prorated by wark completed cornpared w t�tal war�€ included in the lurnp aum item. c. The price hid sl�all in�lutie, but not be limited to the fallawing:: ]} Field measure�nents and sLuvey shots ta identify lacati�n af co�pleted facilities, 2} T]o�umentation and stibmittal of �s-bui �t survey da�a ont�o cantractar red3ine pIans and digiial survey i�les. 1.3 REFERENCES A. �efinitians 1. ConstructiQtl s�irvcv - The survey measurements made prior to or �vhile c�nstru�tion i� in pro�ss to cantral ele�ativn,. hor��ontal pasi�inn, ditnensions and conrig��rativn af structu.i�esliu�pravements i�cluded in the l�aject Drawings. 2. As-built 5urvev The measurements made af�r th� Ganstructivn of the impraYetnent features are complete fn pra�fdc pasitipn coordinat�s for the feat[�re� of a project. 3, Canstructit�n 5takin — The placemer[t af stak�s and marking� tq provide Offse�ts and elevatior�s ta cut and f11 i� nrder to locate s�n th� �?round the designed structureslimpra�ements includ�d in the 1'roject llrawin�, Constructian staking shal] include staking easements andlor right of way if indicated an the plans, 4. Sur�e "Fie1d Cheeks" — Measurements made after Ganstruction siaking is cor�ipleted and 6efnre cnnstxuction wark hegins to ensure that sTxucEures marked an the �round ara accurately lacaeed per Projeet Drawings. B. TecY�nica; References 1. City af Fort Warth -- Constr-uction St�lcing 5tandards �a�aila�l� on City's Suz�saw wehsite� � O I 71 23.i 6.01_ Attachment A_Survey Stakir�g �tandards 2. Caty af Fort Worth � Standarci S�r�ey Data Colleefar Library (fxl} iiI�s [aU�ilable on C:ity's Btxxxsaw website�. 3. Texas Department of Transpnrf�tion ('I�D�'I'j Survey Manual, latest re�ision 4, Texas Sc��iety �f Professivna[ Land 5ur►reyors [TSPS}, Manua� of Practice for Land Surveying in the State vf Texas, Categary 5 1.4 ADMIItiTX�TRATNE �QUIREMENTS A. T�� Cnntrsr�tor's selection of a sut�v+eyar must co��ly vv�it� Texas Goverument Gvde ��54 [qualificatinus based selection) for this projec�. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Subrraittals, if reyuired, shall he in aec�rdance with Sectian Ol 33 OD. B. Al] submittals s�all �e received and rve�iewed by the City priartv deli�ery ofw�rk. 1.G fi�TIQN 3[��'I'�'ALSIINP+ORMATION.AL SCIRMi'I'TALS ,�. }�ield Quality Gotttc'ei Submitt�Is C1TY DF P4RT WORTH 2422 Guardrails and ERB STAHDtLRD CQNSTRUCTIUI4 SYN7CLFICATIO[V UOCUMEI+IT3 City Projecl Na_ 103d59 Reviaed P�brusiy l4, 2018 RdabeArrol�cat�5lgq TlanSacNon Num6er: CEJCN6CAA6AAIwFSUCxwUIVpcAywoyt29osCNtp2GxM O17123-3 Cf}N5"fAUCTiON STA[CfPiG AND SLTRYEY 1'agss3 oF8 1. C]ocumentation ��rif�+ing �ccur��y of fe�d engineering work, in�luding conrdinate cvnversia��s i['plans da not indicate grid or ground caordinaies. 2. Subrnit "Cuc-Sheets" conforn�.ng to the staridard templat�e prt�vided fay the City (rr:fer to a1 7I 23_ I6.U1 -- Atta�hment A— Suivey 5t�rking 5t$ndards]. 1.7 CLO�EUi3T SLTBNIITTAL� B. As-built Redline Di�avving 5ubmittal 1. 5uk�mii As-�iuilt Survcy Redline Qrawings documer�tingtlte ]ocatiansleie�ations �f constraeted impro�ernents signed ar►d sealed by Registered Professional Land Sur�eyor (RFLS] responsihle far the wark (refer ta 01 7I 23.16.�1 � Attachmetrt A � Survey Stalcing Standards} . 2. Cantra�tor sh�Jl submit the propvsed as-huilt and completed redline drawing submittal one (1 } week prior to schedul iilg the E�ro�cGt fin�] it�spe�tion fur City review and c�mment. �evisions, �f nec�ssary, shall b� znade to ihe a�-built redline dra�ings and resubmitted to the �:ity �or to sclleduling the constructian final inspeetion. 1.8 MAI1V'I'EIVANC� 1NA�'���AL SUBMITTALS [N�T U��D] 1.I QUALITY AS�UR�iI�iC� A. Canstruction .Staking l. Can�truction st�king�l� be perfarmed by the Contractor. 2. Coordination a. Contact Cify's Project Represeniative at l�ast one week 1n ad�an�e noiifying the Ciiy of when Constructian 5taku�g is schedul�d. b. It is the Crts�tra�tor's respansihi lity to �oordinate staking such f,hat cpnstc�tictian act��ities are npt d�l�yed or negat�vely imp�ted. 3. General a. Cantrac#nr is responsible far preserving and maintain�ng stakes. If City surveyars are required to r�-stake for any reason, the Cc�ntractor wi]I l�e respnnsible far cvsts to perf4rm staking. If in the a.pinion af the City, a sufficient nur�ber of stakes or markirigs ha�e been lost, destrayed disturhed or �mitt�d t�at the contracted Wark aannot take place then the Cantractor wiii be reyuired io stake or re-stake the defici�nt axeas. B. Canstructian S�rvey 1, C,onstructian 5urvey will ba performed by the Cor�t��€ctar. 2. Cvardinatian a, Cantrac�ar to verify that horizonial and vertical conlxol d.ata esCablish�d in the design sur�+ey and required for cQn�trucYian survey is a�ailahle and in place. 3. �'ieneral a, CanstxuctiQn survey� will be perfarmed in c�r�Gr� ta construct t�e worksI�oti►rn on the Constructinn I7rawings and �pecified in rh� C�ntraat Dacurnents. b, For constru�tion metltiads other than opcn cut, the Contractor sha11 perfvrm construction survey artd verify control data inaluding, but not li�nited to, the following: 1) L�ecification that established benchmarks and cvntrol are accurate. C17'v €�� rt�rtT �t�€�� 347.� Gu�rdrails anii&RH STAAfDr112ll C:[ ]N�"1'Rt1(:T'lON SPEC'iFdCATIdN DpCLTM&NTS City Praject Na, 1U3d59 R�viscd FebruAry 14, 2U48 Aflol�e Acrobat Slgi� E rausa �tion N wn� er: CBJCH BCMBARFnrFs uCxsuUNpW yw6yr790sTN [p2Gs�PA �1 71 23 -4 COAiS"IRUC'FIdN 3TAKI1+lG ANI] 3[]RV�Y Page 4 ef 8 2} Us� of Senchmarks ta furnish and maitatain all reference lines and �cades for t���melir��. 3} Use of line and grades to estaI�lish the location Qf the pipe. 4} �ubmzt to #he City copies of field notesused ta estahiisll all lines and grades, if requ�sted, and a]jow the City to eheck guidance s�+stecn setup priar to be�innix�g each t�Gnneling drive. 5) Prnvide access for the Cit�, af requested, t� verify #he guidance system and tlae lirve and gracje of ik�c carrier pipe. 6) The Cox�tractor a-emains fi.11ly r�sponsible #Qr the �ccuxacy of the wark and carre�tion of it, as reyuired, 7� ?I+Ianitor line and grad� continuously during canstruction, 8} Recnrd deviatian with respect to design line and grade onc� at each pipe jaint and subinit daily re�ords to th� �ity. 9} If the installatian does not meet the specified tolera�ces (as outlined in 5ections 33 OS 23 a�d1��r 33 Q5 24), irnrnediately notify the �ity and correct the installaYio� in �ccordance with the Contract Documents. C. As-Buiit Su�vey 1, Reyuired As-gu�1t �urvey will b� perFarmed hy the Cantractor. �. Caordinatinn a. Contractax rs to coos'dinate with City ta Eonfrm w°hich features require as- built surveying. b. It is the Cantra�tar's responsibility to coordinate the as-built survey and requirad rneasurements far items tttat are to t�e buried such thEtt �n�truction activities are not delayed or negativaly impacte�. �. For sewer mains and water mains L2" and under in diameter, it is a�ce}�tahle #n physicaIly mea�ura depth and mark �he ioGation d"�.� the pr�gress af Constructi�n and take �s-buili surx�ey after ihe facility has been huried. The Contractnr is respnnsib�e i'ar the quality control t�eed�d to ensure accuracy. 3. G�eral a, The Catxtractnr shall provide as-built sur�ey including the elevatian and locatiDn [an�l provide written dacumentali�n tn the City) af �onsfruction featur�s during the progress of the canstructinn including the fvilowing: 1) i�Vater Lines a] Top Qf pipe ele�afions and r,aordinates fvr waterlines at the following locations: (l} Minimum ewery 2�[l linear feet, includin� {2} Horizantal and vertic$1 points af irs#lection, cu�-vature, etc. (3) Fire Tine tc:c (4} Plugs, stub-auts, clead-end lines (5} Casing pipe �aach end) artd all buried fittings 2) Sanitary 5�wer a) Top of pipe ele�ations and ea�rdinates far force mains and siphott sauitary seu+er ]ines (non-gravity facili#i�s} at the fallowin� ]c���tians: [1) Mir�imurn every 2501inearfeet and any hurled fittings (�) Norizantal and vertical pQints af infiectian, cur�ature; ete. 3) Stnrmwater — Nat Applicable cl�r oF F�r�T woz�•i �i � 2az2 a u��;i9 �a r�zs STANDAAD CONS�'RU�TI�N 5PECITICATIL]N I]UL:I]A+fBN1'S City Project Na. 103459 Reviseil Rebrunry 14, 2418 Ado6 e Acrohat Sl gn Traitisa�l, on Nu�p6ew [Js1tHBt,qpSMIwFSuCxwLNlpcayw4y�rZ90s1Ntp2Go�A O17123-5 CQNSTRiICTIQAI S'1'AiC[1VG AND 5[3RVEY Page S of8 b. Tk�e Contractor shall pmvide a�-built survey including the elavatian and l�ca#ian (and pmvide written documentation tn the City) of �anstruction features R�t3Eer tb�e cunsfru¢tion is cotnpleted '1t�cluding the following: 1) A+iax�holes a) l�im �nd flowline �levativns and caardinates �ar each manhvl� �j Wa#er Lines a) Cath��dic pr�ts�ti�n t�est statians b} Sampling staEions cj M�f.er b�xeslvaults {Al] siaes} d} Fire hydrants ej iralves (gate, 6utterEly, etc.} f) Air Release valr�es (Manhole rim and vent pipe} gj Blow aff valves (Manhoie rim arid valae Iid) h) l�r�ssure pl�na valves i} L�ndcr�round Vaults (1) Itirr� and flowIiue eleyations an�i r.Qordinates far each LZnder�round Vault. 3) Sanitaiy Sev,�er a} Cleanouts (1} Rim and fiowline elevatians and aoordinates for each b] Manht�3es and ]unction Structures (1} Rirn and flowline �Ie�atians and r.oni�linates fnr each manhale and junctivn s�t-u�ture, 4} Stormwater--NatApplicabI� ].l0 DELIVERY, ST�RAGE, A1tiiD HANDLING �NUT US�D] 1.11 R�ELD [SIT�] C�NDITxU1�IS [1Vi3T ti 5F1)] L1� 'WA1�.RRANTY PART2- PRDDUCTS 1k. A cansiructian suive�+ will praduae, but �rill nc�t he limited ta: 1. Recovery� of relevant cants�ol paints, points flf curvature and points �f intarseatinn. 2. Establ zsh temporaryr horizontal ar�.d �erticaI conirn] elevations (henchtnarks} suffici�ntl�+ permartent and I4cated in a rnanner to be used tl�raug�aut cnnstructinn. 3. The ic�cat�on �f planned faGilities, easemerrts and ir�prove�ents. a. �stablishingfinal line and grade stakes Far pie►�s, flonrs, grade beams, parking are�s, utilities, streets,llighways, Cunneis, and ather cnnstruct��n, b, A r��ord of rev-�sions ar corrections nated in an ordexly .manner fvr reference. c. A drawing, when required by tt�e client, indicating the �t�rizotrtal and �erti�al lacation offacilities, easements and impror+ements, as bu'rit. 4. Cut sheets sha1I he pmvided ta tl�e City inspectQr and Surv�� Superi.ntendent for alI cvnstr.uction staking prc�jects. These cut shee#s sIaal l be an the standard city teinpiate which can he ahtait��ed frotn the Surwey 5uperintendent (8 I7-392-79�5). 5. Di�ital survey files in the fnlIowing farmats shall be a�ceptablc: a. AutoCAD (.dwgj b. �SRI 5napefile (.shp} Cl'I"Y aF FQR7' WOR'F'fi 2022 Guardrails and FUR 5'1'AAID.4RD CDT+iSTRLICTI�N 3PEC1FICAT'ld1V D[)CE7�l+iENTS City Pmject i+Io. 1�3459 Revised Fehruury 1�, 2fl18 AdelseAuvahal Sign irai�sxtion Hurnber. [�JCI�lOCP.MFilLalcvF}y�CiwWyp�plyyyOyYZgf]sTF1�2GS�A o�7i�3-� CONSTRL'�C71ptiI 5'1'AKi�iG Ahil] SiIRVrY 1'agc 6 of 8 c. CSV file (.csv), formakted with X and �' caordinates in separate colurnns (use stan�iard tem�late4. if availahl�) G. Si.n��ey files Shal] includ� �+ortical �nd hari�c�nt�] d�t� t�ed to nriginal projecf ��ntrol and henchmarks, attd shall itzclude feature descc•iptions FART 3 - E?CECUTIDN 3.1 IN�T�L,L�RS A. �l�oferances: 1, Thz staked location of any imprc�a��nerlt nr f�cility shoufd be as �ccurate � pr�ciical and n�cess�ry. The de��'ee nf �re�isi�r� requir�d is dependen# on many fa�tnrs all ��f"whiGh r�iusL �•cstiaiii.ju�i�iental, '1'he faler��aices li�#cd hcreafier are bascd �n gef�eralities a�id, undcr certain cir�umstances, shali yield to sgc�ilic requirements. TY�c s�rvcyar shall ass�ss :.�ny situaCiQ�� by r�vicw ofthe overall plans and tfjrou�h cnn.sult�tian w•ith respansibl� parties as tn the need Iar specific �.U� CTelil C� S. a. l�;arth�'ork: C�r��ies for earth��ork or �-.c�u�h cut sh��uld not cxcccd 0_1 ft. ve1'li��tl toleran�e. Eiori�onfal aligntnc.ni ior carthwark and rau�lt �ut should no# excced ] .� ft, inlerance. b. I�ori��ntal ali�t�.n�cnt on � structure sftall be within .�1. 3� tnYeran�e. c. Paving or concz�ete for street�, curh5, gutt�rs, parkin� areas, drives, alleys ax�d ti�,alkways shall bc locat�cf withiii lhe can[incs �ftl�e sitc ba��ndaF�ies and; nccasio��ally, alc�ng a houndary or any ather restrictive line. Away li•vm any restrictivc li�ie, these t�tcilitics sl�nuld he staked with an aGcuracy pr�aducin� na 7�inre tlian 0_i15ft. tolera�n�.e fi�am their speciLied loeations. d. Under�rounci and ovcnc�ad utii ities, such fls sewersr �as, v4�ater, tel�plicme �.nd eie�teic lines, shal] l�e located hari�ontally �vifhin their presci�ibed are�3s oz' casem�;nts. Within assi�ncd areas, ihese utilities shauld ue staked with an accur�cy producin� nc� mt�r� th�u�s Q.] fl iolcrance it�om a sp.e�ified locatinil. e. The accuracy rcquired for the vertica] lncatinn nf utilities varses �videly. Many undergrt�und utiliti�s requirc onl;� a minitnum caver �ind a tolcrancc nf D.1 ft. sho�ald bc inaintained. �lndcrground and averhead utilities crn planned preslile, buf nat dep�rtdin� �n gxavity flow fc�r pei�fotmance, should noi c�cced (1.1 ft. tolcrance. B. 5�u•wcyiug instrr�ments shall be kept �r� close ad;ustment accord�ng tn manufa��urer's 3j]0C1f1C3f�{�n5 r�r in c[�mPliailGe to 5#ari[�diY�S. �1'he: Ciiy reservcs th� riglzt to request � calibration report t�t �tl�y ��TnC arid recr�mrtlends z'eg��lar niai�ltenance tici�edEil� b� perfoz�med hy a certi�ed technici�ui ev�ry � months. 1. Fieid measurements af an�;les a�id distances sh�ll he done in such fashion a� tn satisfy the clntiur�s an� tolerances expressed 3n Part 3.1.A. 2, �erti�al loCations shall be csiablis}icd fram a pre-establ[s��cd bGt�chmaxk and chccked hy clnsing to a differ�nt hench mark on ihe sarne datiun. 3. C.nristru�tinn surve}� field work shall �orresp�nd ta lh� client's plans. Irre�ula��ities or canllict� Ct�.iind Sh�II hc repnrted pro�npt3y ta #!�e C:ity. 4. Rcvisinns, carre�tians and nther pertiilen# data shail be lU��esi fur futurt; relerGnGe, {,1 l Y Ur I C]R 1 Vr'[7R1�11 ZOZ2 C;Lterdrails a��d I:lLt3 5'1 t1Nu�lH1] s.:Gh41 RUC:Z i�}N 5PECIFICATIOIV I]QGUMEN'Y'S C.'ity I'roject Vn. ]{73d54 t�evised 1+'ebriiary� i4,2i118 Ad v6e Arro6at SEgn Tra i�aclion Nu mher. C BJC416CAABMIc4F5a�^_tw44�VprRy154yr79psTNtp2GkPA a��rz3-� GQNSTAIICI7Qi4 STAKI3�lG ANll SLFRVE'�' Pa�nn 7 nf 8 3.2 EXAMYNATXUN [NUT USED] 3.3 YREPARATION �NOT iTSEDj 3.� APPIdCATI0IV 3.5 1tG�'AYR 1 REST�DRATION A. if the Cantractot's wat•k ciamages or d�stroys ane or ir�or� of the contral manumentsfpoints set by the City, tlxe manurnents shall be adequately referenced far expadienf restoration. 1, Natify City if any cantrol data needs to be restvrad or rep�aced due Co damage caused during constructfan op�ratians. a. Coniraot�rshall perfQrm replacc��lertls andlnrrestorations. b. 1'he: City may require at any t�me a sur�ey "Fie.ld Check" af any monument or henc�unarks that are set be �erified by t�ie City sur��yQrs befvr� further a�saciated wvrk can move farward. 3.� RL�Il�iSTALLATI�N [N�T U�ED] �.7 �ELD [cru] �YTE QUALITY CUN'l'RC]L A, Tt is #he Contractor's responsihility to rnaintai� �Il stal�es and contrnl data placed by thc City in acaord�nce with this Specification, This includes ease�nen� and r�ght afway, if nated on the plans. S. da not change or reloaate stakes �r control data without ap�ro�aI fram the City. 3.S SYSTEM STARTUP A. 5ur�ey Checks 1. "Che City reserves the rig�rt ta perfvrrn a Survey �hec� at any Cime deemed necessary_ 2. Ch�cics hy City personnel or 3� paity contracted surveyor are not intend�d tb relieve the cant��actor of hisfher responsibility far accuracy, �.9 ADJU�TYNG [NDT i�SED� 3,iQ �LEANIIYG [NOT CJ'�ED] 3.11 CLO�E�UT ACTL�ITIES �NOT llSED] 3.12 PRfl'FECTION [PVOT [ISEI�] 3.13 MAINTFNAN[;E [l1iQT T]SED] 3.14 ,��"�'ACHMElYTS [N4T TJaED] END QF SEL'TI�N Revistian Lag CLT�' QI' PUId' I" µl( lR� f i 7A22 Crua['draits and T�S STANDARi] CC}NS'1'l�l�CTI�i+I SPHCIF'ICATIC]�I DOCLIMENTS City Pr�jeclNo. 1i13459 Iievisod FeLruary 14,2Q18 Pdabe Feroba[ S1Qn TransacNon Numher.CP.ir.HBCRP.BMIcvFSuCiwYNprAywoyr196sTn[p�&xPl4 O17{23-$ CONSTRUCCIf]N STt1KINCr AND 3lIRV6Y Pa�;c 8 nf 8 Ii7:��►►tR�l�l 8f311?Al2 �f3I12d17 �i JM1vIARY �F C�IA f�[=rN, D..Jahnson Added instructio�l anci mad9i'ied rneasuzement 8� payuaent under l.z; added ��w�� de�niiions and referanc�s z►nder 1.3; modified 1,&; a�ded 1.T clo�eaut suhmittal reqnirernents; mo�iified ].9 Qualiry Assuranoe; added PART 2-1'RDDUCTS ; Added 3.1 lnskallers; addcd 3_5 �epairlRestarNtion; and added 3.8 System Startup. emoved "i�lUe texY'.; rcvised �neasurement and payment se�tians fnr Coostructfan StHk�ng end As-Ruilt �urvey; a�dded reference ta selection c�mpliance with �'L;C' z/1�I2p1S IN f�w•�r, �54; revised ao�ion anci �Ibse�out submitfal requirements; added aec�pta6Ie dcpth neasm�emenY criteria; reviscd ]ist nf items rcquirin�; ns-huifl survey "dui�ing" arsd "aftel'" c4nsUuetiai�; and re�•ised a�c��rtaf�le di�,ital .;urvcy ki�e farrnat Ci'TY pF FORT WdI€TFI 2022 Ouar+drails and FRR STANDARD CONS"�RLICi'IQDl SPECIFICAT]flN A�CUiVfEA1�S City ArojecY No. 1 b3�154 Revised Febrwuy 14, 3418 n�uh�• 1r.�p�a[51gnTr�ls&ttionNumxr.C6JCHHCrUBAfJrvF5v[zlyWV4xAyvKSyr290s77Etp2G7�A t.i� Sectian Q17� 23,�1- Attachment A Sur��y Stakir�g Standards Februar� 2�37 0:�5pecs-Stds Ga�ernanGe Protess�Temporary 5pee Files��a{�ital DeliverylCap �elivery Div 01��171 Z3.16.01_RttachmentA 5�nrey5takingStandards.docx Page 1 af �z ,ar�:�� a.�����t s e, rr�nSarNo� wurnn�r; GBSGM6cMRAiUcUFSuLewWVP�A1'wOY�'13➢�fNtpZGxPA These procedures ar� int�nded ta pravide a stanr�ard method for ronstru�tian staking services assaciated with the City af Fart Worth prvje�ts. These ar� not to be �onsidered all in�lusive, but only as a general guideline. For prajec#s on TX��T rJght-of wpy arthraugh jnint TXDOT par#rcipntron, adherence ta the TX1]OT SurWe� Manual shaf! be fof�owed arid if d discrepar+cy nrises, the iXD�T maraua! shcrll �arevpil. {http:�f qnlir��manuals.tx_dvt,�oV�txdOtll'�anUalsjessjesS.pdf� If yau have a ur�ique circumstance, please consult with the projec# rrsanager, insp�ct4r, or survey department at 817-392-T92S, Tabl� af CQntents I, �aty of Fart Wort� Cantact Inforrnativn II. Construction Colars III. Standard Staking 5uppfies IV. 5urvey �quipment, Cantrol, and Qatum 5tandards V. Vlrate�-5taking VI. Sanitary 5ewer 5taking VII. 5tnrrn 5taking V111. Cur6 and Gutter 5taking Ix. Cut Sheets X. As-builfi 5urvey O,j5pecs••SYds Gavernance Pra�esslTcmparary 5pec FileslGapital �el iveryjCap Reliver� �iv 01��0� 71 �3,16,41_Attachment A_5urvey $takin� Standards.docx Page � of �2 Adabe ilsrvlla LSlgn l�ra� • aac[n.�n N u m �er: Cti J LI•16C.dd.6dRIcvFS i iL r.N�� :'�nl�� r.; r,r; 9ppl-[i h�7Ca,�PA !'1 5urv�y D�qartment Contact InfQrmatian Physical and mailing ad�res.s: 8851 Camp 6owie WeSt 8auiev�rd 5uit� 30� Fo rt W ort f�, Texas 75116 �ffi�e: t817) 3�2-7925 5uruey Superintendent, direct li ne: [817} �92-8971 � Construction Calors The fallawirrg c�alors shall be u�ed for staking or identifyingfeatures in the field.7h�s in�ludesflagging, paint of lathsfstakes, paint af hubs, and any i�cntifiicatian such as pin flags if n�cessary. ut�i�ty PRQPO�Ea EXCAVATION ALL �L�CTRIC ANo C�N�U1T5 P�TAFSLF WATER cafor WI•f I7E � :_ ��� :�� YE L L[71�U QRANGi' PINK � GA5 OR QIL It�m Lath�Stafce Wooden Flub {2"x2" rnin, square preferred) Pin Flags ��,5" x 3.5" preferred� Guard 5takes PK or Mag nails Iron Rods [1/2" or greater diameterJ 5urvey Marking Paint Flagging Marking Whiskers �feathers} Tacks (for marking hubs} T�LEPHONE/�IBER DPTI� SURVEY CONTR�L P�fN75, BENCHMARKS, PROPERTY CQFiNERS, RIGHT-OF-WAYS, AN❑ ALL PAVING INGLIJ�IhlG CURe, SIDEWALIC, BUILDING CORNERS SAfVITARY 5E1NER 1RRIGR�I�N �4fUD RECLAIMED WATER t[I. 5tandard Stakin 5u lies Minimurrr size 36" tatl 6" tall �1" Ion� Nat required 1" lang 18" long Water-6ased 1" wide 6" long 3j4" lan� 0:�5peC5-St�dS Governance ProcessjTemparary 5pec Files�Capita I aeli�reryjCap Deli�ery Qiv 01�Di 71 2�.16.�1_Attachment A_5uniey 5takinn� 5t�ndards.docx Page 3 �f 22 AGlobe�Acr96et Slgn TralleaCti on N� i m hdr; Ca�cHgcnnmAAtc, �s ucxw�hHpc,�ywo yr�ads7n kp7r,. rA IV. Surv�v Ec�uipment, Control, and aatum 5tandards A. City Benchmarks AN city benchma.rks can �� found here: : forttinrflrti�texas. ov i lutinns Lookfor'�aning Maps'. Und�r`Layers' , expand `Basemap Layers'� and check vn 'Benchmarks'. B. Cnnvent�anal or Rahatic Tntal 5tatian Equi}�merrt I. A minimum of a 10 �rc-second ins�rumer�t is required. 1[. R capy of the latest �alibratian report may be requested by the City at any time. It is recommended that an insirument he cali�rated byce�tified t�ehnician at least 1 occurrence every 6 rnonths. C. Networkf V.R.S. and stat�c GPS �quipment 1. ft is �ritica� that the surveyor r►erify the corr�ct harizantal a.nd verti�af daturn priar comrnen�ing wark. A site calibratian may be required and 5hall consist Qf at least 4 contral points s�sa�ed evenly apart and in varying quadranis. Additional field checks af the hori�vntal and �ertical accuracies shali be �o►npleted and the City rnay aslc for a copy of the cal ihration report at any time. Ii. Ivetwork GP5 such as the Western �ata Syst�ms ar 5martNet systems rnay be used forstaking af property�R.O.W, far�ed-main water lines, and r+augh-grade anly. �1a GP5 stakin far canerete sanita sewer storm drain fina[ rade or an thin that needs �ertical radin with a talerance vf �.25' or less is a�lvwed. D. �antral Points 5et I. All cnntrol points set shall be accompanied h}� a lath with the appropriate iVorthing, Easting, and Ele�ation (if applicablej of the pflint set. Control paints can k�e set rehar, 'l{' in cancrete, or ar�y ather apprQpriate iterrr with a staiale hase and of a semi-permanent nature. A rehar cap is o�tional, but �r���rred if the cap is marlced `contr�l point' ar similar wordin�. II. ❑atasheets are required far all control points set, Datasheet shauld inc�ude: A. Horizantal and V�rtical Datum used, Example: N.l�,d,83, IVort� Central ��ne 420Z, NAVD �$ El�vatians B. Grid or graun� distanCe. — If ground, provide s�ale factor used and hase point coordinate, Example: C.S.F.=0.9991�5, Base point=Narth: 0, East=-0 C. Geaid madel usedt Example: �E4lp��A O;jSpecs-5tds Gavernance ProeessjTemporary 5pec Files�Capital �el�very�Cap Oelivery DEv U1�0171 23,16,07._ Atta�hment 1�_Survey Sta�ng 5#andards.docx Page 4 of 2� ndabe�,��s s�n rre��rmn wurneer.c�a�cnacnnannicy�s�crw�xup�►ywoyrzsoS,ruE�z�xan E. Preferred GrEd ❑atum Although many plan sets �an hg in surface coordinates, t#�e City`s pref�r�r-ed grid clatum is listed b�low. Careful consideration must 6e taken fo verify what datum eac� projeet is in �rior tQ beginning work. It is essential the surveyor 6� familiar with coardinaCe transformations and haw a gridlsurfa�ef assumed c�ordinate system affeet a praj�ct. Pro�ect�d Covrdinate 5ystem: iVA�_1983_5tatePlane Texas�,North_Central_FIP5�42�2_Feet projection: Lam�ert_Conformal_Conic False��asting: 19fi8500.DOQ000dfl False_Narth i ng: 65�1665.6666�567 Central Meridian: -98,50QOCJU�a Standard �araElal 1: 32.13333333 Standard Aarallef 2: 33.96666657 E.atitude_�f �ri�in: 31.656�fifi67 Linear Unit: Fafl� LJS Geograpnic Caardinate S�+stem: GCS_North_Arneri�an_1983 Qaturn; D I�arth American �.3$3 Prirr3e M�ridian: Greenwich Angular Unit: pegree IVote: Regardiess a# what datum ea�h particular project i5 �n, deliverable3 tv the City must he conv��ted�translated into this preferred grid datum. l capy of the deliverable should be in the proj�ct datum (wh�tever it may be} �nd 1 c�.py shauld �e in the IV�A[]83, T�i North Cen#tdf 4�UZ z�ne. 5ee Preferred Fife 111pm1ng Cvn�entPvn bejaw F. Preferred I��llverable Forma�t .kxt .csv .dwg .joh G. Preferred aata Farmat P, N,E,Z, D, N Point hlumber� Narthing, Easting, E�evation, ❑escriptian, Notes �if applicablej H. Preferred File Naming Conrrentiae� This isthe preferred format: City I�raject Num�er Qeseription_Qatum.cs� Exam fe for a ro'eet that has su�face coordinates which must I�e trahslated: File 1: C1234 A5-built af Wateron Main 5treet Grid iVADS3 7�C5P 4202.rsr� a:jSpces 5tds Gavernance Pracessj7errsparary5pec Files�Capital l]eli�eryjCap �elivery �iv�1'j0171 23.16.�1_Attachment A_5urvey Stafcing 5tandards,dv�x Page 5 af 22 A�o6ellcYobat5lgn r�alls9ctioal kC:rihel;.CgJCH9CpABA111CvF5utxtiVLWpCAyWay�]9Oy'CNtp.TfxF�rL File �: C1�34_As-built of Water an IVlain 5treet_Pro�ert Specific Datum.csv �xamqle Cantrol 5takes a:j5pecs-5tds Guvernance Process�Temparary Spe� Files�Capital �eliverylCap �elivery �iv 41�fl�. 71 23.16.Q].�AttachmentR_5urvey 5taking Standards.docx Fage 6 af 22 Rdahe RCfal7at Sigi1 Transa ction N� •nher: CB 3CHSCRpBA/uaF$ J CesYNHjrcAyw0yr2�7 osTN tpiGxPA � � � � � � � � � �r W CC1 � � � � � a � 1 aT � � r ;� { :� ��__. fr_ � ts oc w — m � � � � _ � � � (!] W J � � � � � � � � � W J W EL. � 1 Dt�, �f�' ,` ', � � �C � _ , � Q I.�L `v' � � � Z �i i.i I � � --J i � Q Ua Q W � � � � � Q �} � � CP �� �=�oao.a� �� zw �� O � � � t.7 � 2 � � � � T 2 � L�5 � � Z � � � � W �C - $ � E� � � � � i!7 W H � � � Ct G �.' � - y �^�oo�.oa � _�" V. Wat�r Stakin� Standards 0:�5pe�s-5tds Governance Proeess�Tempor��y 5pec F11esjCapital I]el ivery�Cap �elivery div Q1'�01 71 23.15,U1_Att�chment A 5urvey Stakin$ Standar-ds.docx Page 7 of �2 AduUeqcroL+at Sigi� Trarlsa cthrl Huiriher: CBJCH aCMBAiHevFS uCtwVNpdypt0y f19DsTNtp3fixPA A. Cent�rline 5taking — 5traight l.ine 7angents I. OfFset Iathjstakes every Z4�' an even statians [I. Painted blue lathjstake only� na hub 1s required III. Grad� is ta tap af pipe �TjP} far 1Z"' diameter pipes or srnaller IV. Grar�e to flow line (FjL} far 15" and larger diarneter pipes V. Grad� shauld he 3.50" below the prapased top of cu rb line far 10" and sma Il�r diameter pipes VL Grade should be �4.��' beiow the propase� tap of curb 19ne for 12" and lar�er diarneter pipes VII. CutSheets ar� r�quired on all staking and a capy can be received from the st�rvey $u perintende nt pptinnc�I: Actua! stakes shalf car�sist af a� 60a na!! ar h�b sef wrth a whfsker B. Centerline 5taking - Curves �. If arc length is greater than 100', PaC (P�int af Gurvature) ofFset stakes shauld be sei at a 25' interval Il. 5ame grading guidelines as above lll. 5taking of radius pnints of greater tha n id❑' may be omitted C. Vliater l�leter Boxes I. 7.0' perpendicular ofFset is preferred tn the center of the �ox 11. Center nf the meter shauld b� 3.�` behind the prapvsed face of curb 111. Meter should be staked a minlmurn of 4.5' awayfrdrn the edge of a driveway IV. Gr�de is to tvp of box and should be +p,Ofi' higher than the proposed top af curb unless �hown otherwise an the plans �. Fire Ffydrants l, Canter of Hydrant 5�ould be 3.0' behind propased f�ce af c�rb II. Survey offset stake shauld he 7.�' fram thecenterand perpendiculart� the curb line or water main III. Grade of hydrants sheuld be *Q,3� higher than the adjacent tap of curb E Water Valu�s & Vaults f. OffSets shauld be perpendi�ularto the pro�aosed water rnain II. RIM grades shauld only be pravided if on plans Example Wat�r 5takes �:�5pecs-5tdx Go�ernance PracesslTemp�rary 5pec FilesjCap€tal �e4iverylCap belivery div 01�0171 23.16.UT Attachment A_5urvey 5taking 5t�ndards.dotx Page 8 of �2 Rda�e AcroL..t Sgn Tran e a�tian Num he�n cBJCHgC�4ABAA[cvFS�Cn�1MIpcAyWGyr2lElsTls tp�GaPA G�-� � � � � � � �` �!5 � w�- �--L W LL a fi] � � �� �� �U � � � L� w � � .� r ■ � � I � •. � J rn i a z � �$ � <,, �� r��� ���� ���� 7' o/s � u��. G r � � �� � � to17 EI.— 7p1.}6' � m � y W � a � � � � � � � � � � � W � � � VI. 5anitar� Sew�r 5takin i� N � �� yi,s �� o� � � � �a.s2 �.� r � �� 1 � 57Ar1+7�.81 �C 3.89 � � � �4 � ❑ � � w x �� �� � � i � � � � � � � F � � I �� �+ G � � q �� �� �� ° ' U m LL � � � � � � ia � N� �� �Y � L] m F �� 0.� �i x� � � �S �� �� W � w ���� ����W � S�� O:jSpecs-Stds Gaa�rnanGe prpGess�Tempprary Spec FiI�S�Capital �eliveryjCap Delivery D.iV 01�Q�. 71 23.iG.01_Iltta�hmenk A _Survey Sta;cing 5tandards.�ocx Page 9 of 22 Adehe Acrobat 5ign Tfrxackia n 1Juin6qr..[:BJCHiiCAABMIcvFSu �wNfJp�0.y�N�y�79ds7NIpEGxPR A. Centerline 5taking-5tralght Line Tanger�ts I. Inverts shall be field verified and com pared against the plans befvre staking I I. Painted green lathjstake WITFI hub and tack or marker dat� no flagging required III. 1 affs�t stake h�tween manhales if manhales are 4470' pr less apart IV. afFset stakes shauld pe iocated at even distances arad perpendicular #a the centerline V, Grades will be per pian and the date af the plans used $hauld be noted VI. If multipfe lines are at or�e manhale, each line shall have a c�t�fiN and direction nnted VII, Stakes at every grade brea�C Vlll. Cut 5heets are required an all staking Optlanal: Actuar stake5 shal! con5ist af a fi�I3 nar� or h�ab set with a whisker B. C�nt�rline 5taking —Curves I. If arc length is great�r than l0U', POC [Point of Curvaturej ofFSet stakes should be set at a 25' int�rval II. Staking af radius points of greaterthan 1U0' may b� ornitted C. 5anitary Sewer Manhol�s I, � vfFset stakes per manhole for the purpase of providing al3gnmen# to the cv ntractfl r II. Flawline grade should he an the l�th/stake for each flowline and directlan noted lil. RI1u1 grade shauid only be on the stake w�en pr4vided in the �lans ❑:j5pecs-Stds Governar��€ ProoesslTempvr�ry Spec Files�Capital ReliverylCap Deliv�ry piu �1�01 �1 23.1fi.�1_Atta eh ment A_5u rvey 5ta ki ng 5ta ndar�ds.docx Page 1Q of 22 iWo60A�robat Slgn Transaction Num6e r. C8J CH BChABMI evFSL C�NFNpe,4yn.yHyt25 oe[f ktp7GxPA �xample Sanitary Sewer Stakes � �— � � �� �� � � � �� � L � �� �� � � � w � � �.. � � ��� (� � 7' �j9 � S��Tis=I+H�� ��� �* � F h� W! � � k' � � ��� Q� � � � �k �S� � sro.�a.��v°° �m c—�� � c—a� � �� � � �� o ����� ��� �� � ��� � � ��� ������ 1�' o Js � ss�� � sr.�-3+a�� �w c-� �� c-a� � t�-a� � S��' �� a � � ��� �� �� � � �-���� �I r' � � � �; ..� �� � d � v �� � � � �-�� � � ����� � � � �� �� �� � V � n C � � � � � � � � E� �� �� �� �� a � � �� i� �� � �� �� �� �r- ���`� �� � ��M� �� � J ��. � 1 L � �� � � � ��� � �a � ��� � �� � �� � �� $ O�i �? ❑ s ss ' T�j �r,a�nv� � c—s� ���:� �a�-II = c—o� � L '� � ���'x�--�` �'� II � � °- � w. �n �� �� ��� � an � F w Y � � �� �� � � � � �� a� �� Q_�5pec5-5tds �overnance �r¢�essjTemparary5pec Fifes��apital ❑eliveryjCap Relivery Qiv D110I 71�hment A_Survey Staking 5tandards.dotx Page 17. af 2� � � =1 � .����� ����� � .-�� �� ��� Ado6e Acrv�at Sig�� 7ransacoion Numk�er: CBJCHeCRA[uWaESut�wVlYycAywoyrx9ns7Ntpx4xfiA VII. Stnrm Sew�r & Inle# 5takir�� A. Centerline Staking -- 5traight l�ine Tangents 1. �. offset �take every �Oa' nn even statiflns II. Grades ar� to flawline �f pip� unl�5s.rnherw[se shown on plans III. Stakes at euery grade hr$ak 1V. Cut sh�ets are required on all staking ❑ptionaL• Acteraf stakes sh�rtl consist of u G�0 nai� vr hu6 set wr�h a whFsker B. Cent�riine Sta�cing— Curves �. lf arc length is greater than 1D0', pDC (Pair�t af Curvature} ofFset stake$ Shau Id be Set at a�5' interval II. Staking of radius points af greater than 1(Hl` may be omitted C. 5torm Drain Inlets I. 5taking distances should be rneasured from end nfwing II. 5tandard 10' Inlet =16.00'tata! length IlI. Recessed 10' In1et = 2U.��' total length iV. 5iandard dauble 1a' inlet = 26.fi7' total iength V. Recessed double 10' inlet -3�.67'tvtal length []. Stnrm �rain Manholes I. 2 vi�set stakes per manhole for the purpose af providing alignrr�ent t� the contractar 41. Flawline grade 5hould be on the IathJstake fnr �ach flowline and directivn noted fll. RIM grade should only be an the s�take when p�nr+ided in the plans ❑:j5pecs-Stds Gvvernan�e ProcessjTemporary5pec �Ies�Capital ❑elfv�ry�Cap Delivery Div 41jUi 71 23,1G.Q1_Attachm ent A�Survey Sta ki ng 5tandards,docx page 12 of 22 AdobeAcrof�et:5ign haruaetian Numfxr.[6�[HeCRABl�AkvF5uCxnlWUprAyw6yrl9flsTNq�2Gf�PA B��i� {50E FAGHC p.CL'M.j ptlElff ► i His B.LYAYIC?! � � i E�cam ]e Storm In[et Stakes FR��) T ��laE FACING �� I 4 ,��� �� b n m � z � �t � � �� IQ�NTIFlES rik-AVGFi �� E]'1p aF TiIE I�IN6 l � � 9EWg 5T'W{EU �� � IHLfi' L�CATIOM � (�F HQF£a ON pL1H4] � ���� e��� Tr � :,� T�q CF Cl'P� �7 � Q �'f�r�i�r�.� _ywat rd �LtiWLIkJE b I � � L.i Y1�F L �uE F.aonc n.av,�7 w�MFET � �� il Hi18 aA+A'S�H �� W FR�NT �sia� F�:���� �) iQ � � � �� frl `�i � r � � .� �fiEh371FlE5 yAilCd EH� OF THE VNNC 9E11+�� 9TAftE[7 �z � � T/G ''7 " f � � �I � -- _ �� DE5TANOE5 FER INLETS ~ � —� STAtlbAR4 "[�' � 16' RE�55E� 10' — 2d' STAN��a140 POUIX.E 10� � 25.6Y Nllg Vrt1H Tr,GK , f�ece5�o ooV61� 1� �3Q��T _^ �^ --�—. � � 9AClf OF 1htl.Ei �i �+p �.. _ _ • �. ,�e tsl •s 1�kR1HHs7lE 4� ... I .�u� e�r�� cr r�a� — -- — -- —_ = •. •.' W1NG FL�V1L�(E mG� GR pAV�.1ENE �Jy.T:•'4. •..`. FAC� i?F INLE� m� o� ravr�,�eT ., ._.. .._ �. � �I � a� �f ol I I 1 � � ; EtJ��CY, 4F �llft5 •:• _. . -^ i. : a+ . . �.4AI�G, ?';,: — — , T _... _..._ — — — FA�E LF'IFlLET • -- fLf]W►ITlE �Eoc� or vpve�[t�r 0:�5pees-Stds Ga�ernan�e Process1Tempvrary 5pe� Fi1���Capital �eli�ery�Cap �elivery Diu a1'�D171 23,16.01_Attaehment A_5urvey 5takinp 5tandards.docx Pa�;e 13 af 22 AdaheAcrchat5fg�iTYansactfon Hum6er:[BJr.N6GpAR�AIr,vPSuCzvNA+p[Ryw0yf�90sTNtpZS'ixPA VIIl. Guri� and Cautter Stakin� A. Centerline Staking-5traig�t LineTangents V. 1 olfs�t s#ake e�ery 50' on even stations Vl. Grades are to tap of curb unless otherwise sP�own on pians VII. Stakes at e►iery grade hreak Vlll. Cut she�ts ate required on �II 5taking Optlanah Actual stakes �hal1 can.sist of a 6ofl nor� or hub set with a whisker B. Centerlin� Staking —Curves lll. If arc length i5 greater than 10d', P�C {Paint af Curvaturej offset stalces should be s�t at a 25' int�rval IV. Staking of radius points afgreaterthan 100' may be �mitted O:jSpeCs-5tds Governance Pracessj7empdrary 5pe� Files�Capital DeliveryjCap 17elivery Qiv 01�0171 23.16,01_Attachment A 5urvey Staking Sta ndards.docx Page14of22 Ade6eAcroba� slgn iransactlon Huin6er: CeJCHBCAAdRPJe�F5uexwWUprAyuuDyr79ui rN[i�zGzPA Ex�mpl� �urb & Gutter Stakes FR�NT (51QE FACIPIG �) (SIQE FACIN� �) r R Q� "�� _' Ifl�!{IPlEE 61 �EF E9 :h �$IbE F,4C3hlG R.0.�N.� � , �� � �`�a � r !�. PCR FA� QF CI11i9 FR�N T R � -0EIIIiFE577An� P� r�a7 or a�Fv�,rv=r �, ! � i F�, FRDNT ��GE FACIUG �j W D I F�Ohl7 roaamr�fldo {sn& Farsi�xl � +'a!+�� � 0 � r I'B�C�i m � �� � r f�i: � PCikT �I � Hue �v,�� s BACIC �,acE a� cuR� � __---1- "�������� F'[_nl�l.! NE �b�E C}F PAi�MEIVT I ❑ }� � � I f l i III I �i � I � �II I �� III I � � �� ---i-� a I 11 I ra[+ C�rr�e oM — - — � { 1 � � �aro�s -� - _ . I 1l55}1 r ' L �.l f..,_. ' ( t .I': Llr'.�.. l�l�.....��l���l.`:.._I_I.51h.ILl� L.'.Irl _�'� f I I 1 d �p �}f f + I 1______ � ! f� � r � �_ �'— �� f f� _ � �� f ff E � � �� � '�f �� f, � Jr� � f �� Jf ff �+C' ��' � 't f f T�P OF CURS �r.-�� �r.-�`" y �����'fi �� �7��� ���r�F ��+rl ��'�'�,`�'�l � �f �� � ��r x� ��� �.��rf nl F�yR,�-� �F GJFt� �• '^— _,�_— -�•'� Pr.r .��� ir� �r�'� � rJ l`'�—�`� �"� � ��� } � -� --r ��� � �� � -r �,.� ,� �xample_Cur� & Gutter Stakes at Int�rsectian Q:�Spe�s-5tds Governance Processjiemparary 5pec F!lesjCap�tal QeliverylCap QeEi�ery biv d1��171 23.1G.01, Atta�hment A_5urvr_y $taking Standards.do�x P�ge 15 �f �� Ad4 k1p Acral�et 51@r! TI9 ilsxtinn N u111beY: CSJC} I&Cl�+1f4+1n I n� FSu cnvvv •JF: i��lyv,oyr] 3i] i I N[NLcxPA � � �i�� ~ � ���� �i�� _ ���. � ,Q� �r� : �r,�zt�� � F+o+� I— � w -_ � � �d� � �� _ �� l � ��,--- �s� � � Y ut -�: --- - �. � � � � � a: �-- � � € 3 � �-- _, � � � t � � N � '�' a � C ��F' y — _ �� ��4 ��;, n�k �� ,�� o��.. ��- ,v � � � � a }j N } �: � �� —� n � FQ I � o��� 1� f c �F u� � v�'3+c �f .[� �t' � �`' � � J ��n a � r` �� �L f °� ��_�, �.� � � _ � �. �` 37HrAsw 7Eaq ,� I4 1 � ��� , � �� a ���� � ���� � � ti � �. eano �o ��ve p I "a^wv1��^ yy� ot I CZ r ����i i � ���� ~� � t 1 � s�f � o� �� ���� ��'�`� �� e � � �' � .b � � � � � — �. � � �r� � ��� s � � � � 3 Z � qC F .�.. .�p'• � m .4� ���z �� O:�Specs-5tds GovernanGe Process�7emparary 5p�� �iles`Capital �elivery�Cap Deliverp Div�1�41 71 23.16_bl_Attaehment A_5urvey 5taking Standards,dvcx Page 1fi af �2 Jldahe A�nbat s18n iranzac[inn Afum6er: CBJCH9CAA9A41euF5uCzwWJpeAywey�9nsTNtpZGxPA Ix. Cut Sheets A. �ate of field w❑rk B. 5talcing Method �GPS, tatal statianj C. Proj�ct Name D. City Project (Vumber (Example: CU1234j E. Laeatian �nddress, Cf055 StYE�tSi GP5 caordinate} F, 5urvey cvmpa�y name G. Crew thief name H. A bfank template can be o�ta€ned frarn the surucysuperintenden# [see iterr� i abovej S#andard City Cut Sh�et aate: Staking Method; ❑ GPS LC}CAT�aN : CON 5 U LTANTI C� NT RAG7 QR S�lRV�Y CREW INITIALS ❑ T�TAL 57A71�N City prajeGt Nurnber: Project Narne: ❑ Q�1"HER AL� GRADES ARE T❑ FL�WGINE �R TDA OF CUR� IJN��SS QTHERWISE NOTL�b. pT # STFITIaN �����T QESCRIPTt�N PR�P. STAIfED �U�.- +�ILL -L.TI+�R�' GF3AdE EL�V. I d:�5peGs-5tds Gavernance Pro�essj7emporary Spec Files�Capital beii�ery�Cap �elivery Div 01�a171 23.1G.01_htta�hment A,.Survey 5ta ki ng 5tandards.daex Page 17 of �2 RdoheA�robat SEgi1 rransscKan Nimlbes: [8]tHBGAA[3AAIcvF5uCzri�'VprJlywCyr�9Gs7HipYGxPA �[, As-built Surv�y A. �efinition and Purpose The �urpose of an as-6uilt survey is ta verify the asset was Installed in th�e proper location and grade. Furth�rmore, the information gatF�ered rr�ill be �ased ta supplement the City's GIS da�a and must be in the properf�rmat when submitted. See secrionlV. As-built survey sh�uld include th� follawing �additionaf items may be ret�uestedY; i1riC�fi�lqiBS rop of pipe ele�atiar+s every 25� feet Norrzontcr! and vertrcaF points of rnfJectivn, curvature, ete. {A!i Fr'ttin�sJ Cafhadicprotection teststations 5amplir�g sfaflans Meter baxes/uvults (�iJf siaesJ Flre lines Flre hydrantx Gafe valv�s {rim and top of nutj Plugsr stub-oucs, dead-end Irries Arr �ielease valves (Manhale rlm anc! vent prpe) 81aw aff va�ves [Manhnle rFm o�nd valve lldJ Pressure plane valves Clean�r�g wyes C1ean au[s Casing pipe {each endJ Irruerts af prpes %►rba Meters fl,�Spets-5tds Governance ProtesslTempprary 5pee FilesjCapftal DeliveryjGap oellvery alv 01ja171 2�.16,01_,4tra�hmentA SurveyStakingStandards.docx Page 1$ af 22 A�r.7b2 f�c � n au l 5 i�tu Tr ansz c h n i i Nr: rdr� �: CB JCH$CAA9AAlCVF5 tlCtx�MlpGywOyf29 �Nip2GxPA B. Example Deli►►erable A hand written red lir�e hy the field surueyor is accepta�le in most cases. This shvuld be a copy of the plans with the point n�mber nated by each asset. If the asset is rnissing, then the surveyor should write "NOi FDE1Nti" to notify the City. �:�5pec5-Std5 Governancfl Proce55�TempQrary 5pe� FileslCapital �elivery�Cap �elivery div 01�Q171 23.16.C31_Attachment� 5urvey5taking5tandards,doex Fage 7�9 af �2 AdubeAsroUaS 3igii 7ra:uactwn Num4er.calch�BGMF�MI�vFs4C�yWVp�Ayw0y��7Ntp��PA � �•x . aar --_ � � _�C;� y�q � �� �. ']� '�` � 7 il�. ���� i ���l. � ti �i,� � ' ; '`'`•` ' i �;� � M , � �; �._i � �_ . � e � ��F�� ���,� � e�'r � $ � � °� }� �; � � � � �,4�� � � �� � �_ � , � � �, �„��� �� � \ �;�Y ��� A$l:��^�6'� I �► �i� � ,.�. � ��.����� ��,+��: � � 1 ; ;��„ � �� r�h,� �*�S �' °K � ;,���I�ii�i��� ' + �, �. � ;.� �� ��_ _��:;- f �;� �;; �;I ; : � �Ij'�{�;�� ��;, � , � r.����1 i rk�ts!!;i � � ;�`: �F:;f� �� -=�— �—__� � � —�-' ��"��. --i }f.71Yi[__. ��' :-, � :.UG�Y1Sr3h'1�-h�1?�V �_ Ri—: .. 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This is just an exampi� an� all this informatlon should be noted when delivered ta the City so it is clear to what caordinate sys#em the data is in. POINTN4. NORTHING EASTING ELFV. 1 6946257.159 729603Q_165 2 59462fiU.893 229�G6G].idi 3 59�16307.39`� �196438.3bG q 6946220.582 229b031.�25 5 69R6195.7,3 Z296p15,�115 6 fi�J46190.52$ 229nQ77.7?.7� 7 69461jfi.�]7, �z959yZ.115 8 fi946�0�.267 2295919.133 9 6946f70�,d5G �Z95933.q18 ].0 6945984.677 d295880.5Z 3,I 6945485.473 2Z95869.$92 12 6945895.�777 21�35860.9G2 13 6945$96.591 2295862.188 14 6445934.Z86 ��95841.9Z5 1S G9459363Z7 2I95830,4�I ifi b9A5R35.fi78 2295799.7�7 17 6945&17,AB8 x295827�011 ]S G945759.776 22957i$,6d3 19 G94.57b8.�63 z295778.424 �Q 69457�i3.318 2295788.392 21 6945723.217 2295754.39h ax G94�68d.2Y z�ss�4a.zz 23 fi9A5621,9D2 2295b69.971 24 63kS643,4�7 229573G.93 25 6945571.059 2�95655.195 16 69RS539.498 i�956fi7.803 27 69h5514.934 22956i.9.49 7,8 6945q17.879 Z2y55it0.27 29 fi9454$6.557 2295643,145 3D G90.5387,356 Z295597.1p1 31 6945370,68ti 2'L9560b.79� 32 G9459$3.53 2295670.SSJ 33 G945321.228 i295551.1R.5 3d 5945319.3GS 2295539.728 35 594524Z.284 �245570.725 3G G945233.624 22455R4.626 37 G9d520fi.483 2245�293D5 3$ 6445Iha��i.S 2295557.6Gfi 3Q 6945113.445 2x95520.335 �4 6945049,62 229552F.345 R1 69d5441.UL4 229555�,{7S 42 6945038.878 229155�.i47 d3 64d5noG.997 a295518.135 dh 694494A.782 2�955ZO.G35 AS 69449�13.d32 2295556.479 46 E94-085U.416 2295534.397 �EscKi�riaN 72fi.09 SSh11H RlM 725.fi68 GW RIM 72E.85 GV RIM 723.358 55MH RIM 712.123 G4 RIM 727.325 fH 719.d48 WM RIM �i3.ssi wn� �ir� 713.G52 CO RiM 711.£�6Z SSMHRIM 7itr.046 WM AIM 7DF.72 WM RIM 708.305 WM RfM 7d9.457 WM RIM 71U,vF54 C�7 R;M 707.774 SSMHRFM 708.392 SSMPIRlM 712.i18 SSMNRiM 71U.U$ti GV RIM 71d.631 GV RIM 712.8d9 GVRIM 7i6.sas wnn Hi�n 723.76 WM111 RIWI 719,737 C4 RIN� 727.:�A SSMH RIlVI 729.123 Wh1 RIM 732.589 1UM R1M 79�}.521 WM R[M 73fi.451 LU RIM 74U.756 GV 1ilM �nosis cv Ri� 74�.408 FH 746,34 1'�I�1 RIM 74G.777 C� RIM 748_454 1+�M Rlhrt 749.55 55M1H RIM �ss.osa wn� �tim 750.f3S3 W3v1 REhA 751.871 WM RIM 752.257 SSh1 H RI Iv1 751.7� �VM EtIM 751,88 Vti�M RIhJE 752.G15 LUM RINS 792.8fl1 WM RIM 752.156 WM RIM 752.986 SSMH R3M i+ �--br� fr7 � + r� i . ^L�.i�- . ��i : � � . C�s- -� . . n�� � � . ��T t , -:1 t , r � � 11 . , � t '� �'Q � �� . . ' l S�{�,� ! I� rt+� t� C {�h . � - s .. - ' �* ,� , _ �l J� , F 7i . .� �}►-��15�Fd E� akq�i# r `� � � �+ fl:l5pecs-5tds Goaernance Process�Temporary 5pe� Files`Capital ❑eliveryjCap Qefivery oiv 01�4171 2�.1F�A1_Att�ch mant A_5urvey 5#aking 5tandards.do�x Page 2�1 of 24 Rdolreperel�alSign Transa�tion k�m6er: C93CHSCAA6AAIcu�SuCz�WJJpcAyw0yr29psTNtp2GxPA C. �ther p�:'Ferred as-built delivera6le Some ver�dars haue indicated that it is easier t� deliver this informatian in a difFerent format. 6el�r�v �5 an exampl� spreadsheet ti�at is alsQ ac�eptable and can be abtained by request from the survey superintendent. �:�Specs-Stds Gavernanae PracesslTempararySpecFil�sjCapital �efiveryjCap �elivery Di�01�0171 23.16.01_Attachrn�ntA 5urvey5�aking5tandards.docx Page 25 of 25 Rdc: h� .iu ukx3t Sfgil TYansacLiqn fJumSeC CBJ Cii&.CAABAAI �vFSuCcwYI4p�AyYuPy�394,T N1p2GxPR -,: : � . - � � f � g�� . �, - � � �r n € � . ,. i � � - - - I �� �� � � � � � � � I � � � � � Q � � � � i � � � � � � W � W � W � � � � ' � � x � � G � I �} 1� � �l _ � � � � M � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � F � i ^ � I � � � � � � - -- -- — -- . ... . �.. .....- - � � �� � F g r� � 9g � � ��� I� � a � � � � � �a � � � i � a� � � � ! � z � 9 � � � i� ���� �, � � $ �WI � � ;y • iry � . � 1} � � ~ , I � � ' � � g � � —�- ----�- .. .. . ... . ......... ..... �� � a � ��I .. � � � � � ` ■ � . � � a• 4 � � ^� - � � � � I �� I � � � � _ & r. � � � � � nl � - - — ' : �t � �: r ` � � � � � � � � � � � � ' a � � � � � � � � ; � � � i = � � � � � � ' x ���;� � � � � � � � � � � � i i .. .. ., � ,. . ,. . . � � � � � � x� � � � � � � ��� � � $ �� �;j5�ecs-Stds Gavernan�e ProcessjTemporarySpec Files�Capital [3eliveryjCap DeliveryDiva1��17� 23,�.6,41�Atta�hmcnt A_Surv�y 5taking 5tandards,doGx Page2�of�.6 Adc�e Acruhat Sdgn 7ra�uactlon Num6er.Ca.IrxRrAqPAp,IcVFSuGxwWVpcAYw6y!29as7mpZC+xAA SECTION D174 �3 CLEAN ING PART 1 � GENL+'RAL 1,l Si]MMAR�' al 74i3- 1 CY.�ANthTCr Par,e I of'4 A. �ection Includes: 1. Interrnediate and fnai cieanin�-Fc�r Wark n4t including special cleaning af elosed syste�x►s specified elsew�he�e B. De�ia#ions frorn this Ci�j+ nf Fnrt Worth Standard Specification 1. I�Ione. C. Related Specifir.�tian 5ectians include, but are u4t ne�essariiy limiter]. to: 1. 1]i�vision Q— Bidding Requiretnerrts, Cor�traet Fbrms and Gonditions of the Cvntract 2. Dir+ision 1— General Requiremen#s 3. Sectia[7 32 92 13 —Hydra-Mulckaing, Seeding artd �odding 1.� PRICE ANU PAYMENT PRDCEDURES A. Measurernent and Payment 1, W�rk assaciated with this I#e�n is considered subsidiary tn ihe vatious lterns bid. Na separate paytnent wiil be allawed fvr ihis Ilern. 1.3 RFF�RENCES [NQT USEIl] 1.4 ADMINISTRATI''V'� ��II�RE1V'�ENTS A. Saheduling 1. Schedule cleaning operaiipns so that dust and other �vntaminants disturbea bp cleaning proc�ss will not fall an newly pairrted surfaces. Z. 5chedule .�nal clea�nir� apan completion of 1�ork and �rr�mediately prior to fin�l ir�spectian. 1.5 �UBNIITT�LS [NUT YlSEi]] 1.G ACTI4N �UBMI'Y`TAT�SlINFURIVIATIDNAL SUBIVIIT`l'ALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CL�SEOUT SUBMITTAL� [NQ'r LTSLI]] 1.8 �HIAINTENANCE MATERiAL SUBMITTALS [N�T II��D] 1.9 �UALITY ASSURANC� [N�T US��] i.lU STO�GE, AND HAI�ULING A. 5tvrage at�d I lzu-idlin� Requirements I, 5tore c�eanin� prod�a�ts and cleaniug wastes in con#ainers specifically designed for thase materials. CITY OP FORT WD1�TH 2q22 Gua�ciruils ard �:RiJ STAI+I�ARD CQI�E5TRUCTIdN SPECIF'ICATf01V D()t'.UMHiVTS City Pra�crtNa. 1�3d59 ltevised 7uly I, 20] ] Rdotre peru6a[ SigR 7f8nsa ction N um�er: L6 d GNBCpA6M1[vF5uCN1WVpcAywGyr7.9QsT Ii�PGxPA 1.1� FIELD [SITT:] CI7NUITIi71VS [NOTTISED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT T]SED� PA,�T 2 - PRODUCTS 2,1 D�VIVER-F[�RNISHED [nxj OWIYER-SUPPLIED�RUDUCTS [NUT lJ��I�] 2.2 MATEItiALS A. Cleaning Agcnts 1. Cnm�atihle with surface being cleaned 2. Naw ar�d uncnnt�minat�d 3. For maxiufactured surfaces a. Matcrial recamrnended by manufacCurer �,3 ACCESSaRIE� [1VOT [�SEDJ Z�.4 SDURCE {�U�LITY C�NTR�L [1�IOT USEO] PART 3 - EX�CUTIUIY 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT UBED] 3.2 EXAIVIINATIUIV �N�'T EI�EDj 3.3 PREPARATION [NnT USEDj 3.4 APPLYCATI�N [NCIT USED] 3.5 REPAIR f ItESTDRATTUI�T [1V'OT il�ED] 3.� RE-IN�TALLATI�N [i�I�T USED] 3.7 FTELD [oa] SITE QUALITY CONTRDL [Ni]T USED] 3.8 �YS'T�M STARTIIP [NUT USED] 3.9 AllNSTING [N4T iTSED] 3.1D CLEANYNG p�7aa3-2 CLEANING Page 2.nf 4 A. General �. Frevent accumulation of wastes that create haaardous cnnditions. 2, �dnduct clean►ng and disposal operatians t4 comply wit11 larvs and s�fefy orders of governit�g auihorities. 3. Do nat dispos�e of volati le wastes such as minera! spirits, ail or pa�nt thinner in storm or sanitaiy drains or sewers. 4. Dispase of degrada�le debxis at an approv�d �lid waste dispasaI site. 5. Dispase af nandegradable debris at an �pproved salid waste disposal sit� ar in an altemats manner appm�eti by Cit�y and regulatary agencies. C1TY DF F�RT WdRTH 2p22 Guacdrails and EI� SS.�NI7ARt7 CONSTRi7CTI�N SPECIFICA"[`iQtd D(]C[J14fENT5 City Pmject I�o. 103454 R�«aru�y i,zoi� AdoheAcrot�al Sign Trar�saetion Numher.Ce.IrH¢+calAepqlcuF5uCnulNVprAywoyr�9ps7MtpzGxPa 41 74 23 - 3 CL&AN1lQ�`i Psge 3 of 4 �. Handle maferfals in a cantrolled manner with as few handlings as p+ossihle. 7, Thnroughly clean, sweep, wash a.nd polish aIl W�rk and �quipment associated with this praject. 8. Remnve all signs Qfteznparary constructiQn and aGtivities incid�rrtal tv construcfion of required permanent 'VV�r�, 9. If prnje�t is no# eleaned to ihe satisfaction af the City, th� City reser�+es the rigdzt to have the cl�aning completed at the expense of the �antractor, 10, ❑o nnt hurn on-site. B, �ntersnediate Cleat�ing during Construction 1. I�eep Work areas clean so as not ta hinder health, �afety ar convenience of persannel 'rn exis#ing faciliiy op�ra#ions. 2. At maximum weekly interva�s, dispose of waste matcrials, debris and ru6bish. 3. Confine construction d�hris daily in strabegic�lly located cnnt�iner(s): a. Cover to �re�ent blow.ing �y wind b. Stare debris away fram canstruetion ar ape�ratio�al activities c. Haul from site � a rninimum �f once per week �1. Vac�um clean interior areas r�vhen rcady to receive finisla painlin�. ra. Continue vacuum c]eaning an an as-needed basis, until F'inal 11�ceptance. 5. Prior to stoxm e�ents, tlxor�ughly clea� site o�all loose or un5ectu•ed items, whlcit rnay become airbort�e or ta-an�ported by flo�ving water during the storin, C_ In.teriar Final C.leaning l. Remove graas�, mastic, adhesi�es, dust, dirf, stains, fiugerprints, la�els and ather fareign materials froxn sight-expa�ed surfaees. 2. Wipe �11 Iightiflg fixiure reflectors, lenses, lainps and trirns clean, 3. Wash and shine glaxing and mirrors. 4.. Pc�lish glossy Sutfa�es ta a clear shine. 5. Ventilating systems a, �l�a�t permanent filters and replace disposabla fi�ters if units rvexe operated durir�g con�tructifln. b. Clean ducis, bin�vers and coils if units were operated �vilhout filters during construction. S. Replace all burned out larsips. 7. Broom �lean process area flnors. 8, ivlop aflti�:� and cantrol roorn floars. D. Exterior (Site or Right of Way) Pinai Cleaning 1. l�emo�e trash and dehris cantainars frvm site. a. Re-seed areas disturbed by location of trash and de3�ris carrtainers in a�cordance with Sectinn 32 9� 13. 2. Sweep roadway io reinn�e ali rocirs, pieces of �sphalt, cgncrete or any other object that may hind�r or disrupt the flow of trafFG along the coadway. 3, Clean an3� int�rior areas including, but not limited to, vaults, manholes, structures, junctivn hnxes and inlets. C1TY CSF i'ORT WE )R"1'H 2O22 Civardraiks aild i=RR 5TANDAItD CC]iNS l'RifCTIaN SPECIF'iCATIbN OOC[Jiv1$N'I5 Clty PmjeCt i+la. I{1:+4{9 Revised ]uly I , 2n 31 AdDbe.AC1011a[Sgil l�ransadioll N�mhal: CBJCHBCAABIWGyFSuGayrWlfpcAywOyra96sT14tpZG3[PA {3t 74 23 - 4 C1.kANIN�- Pa�c 4 af4 $. I�i]0 lnriger reC�Lill'�C� �4T maintenanr� Of �rpSivn facilifi�s, and upon approval by City, r�move erosiqn cqritroi frOm Site. 5. Clean sigr�s, lig,hts, si�nals, �tc. 3.11 CL�SFULIT ACTiVITI�S �N(1T U5CD] 3.1.� �R�TECTI4N [1�CUT [JSED] 3.13 MAXI+TTTNAIVCE [N�T USED] 3,14 ATTAC,`HMENTS �NOT USED] E1�TD �F SECTIUN R�vision Lag UATE I NAA+IE I �UN�VIARY �F CH�.NG�' CITY �F FORT VVdRTFI 2422 �ivard►aila a�id E[LB �'TANDARA CONS'C`RT.j�CTf�i�i SPECIF[CAT[ON DOC[]MBNTS City Projeai�lo. 103459 ReWised ]v!y l, 2�11 l Rdai�e Atm�as s3gn rransactfan Hu�nher: Ca 1CFIa[IkavA,UtVFSI�CxwVW pcAywoyr79osiN tp �GxPA 01 77I�J-] CIAS��UT IiiTs[QUII�EMEIr]T3 Page 1 af 3 l � 3 �AUT i - ��AL 4 1.1 SUl1+IlVlARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll l� 1.2 SI3JCTIO�Y 4177 !9 c�.os�o�r xr�u�xc��vx� A. S�ction Includes: 1_ The procedure far c losing aut a contract & De�iatians from this City of Forf QVnrth �tand�.rd Spec�catinn 1. None. C. ReI�zted Specil ication Sectrons inalude, butare not necessarily limited to: ]. Dnrisian �— Bidding RequiremenF.�, Contract Farms and Conditions of th� Carrtt�act 2. Division 1-- General Requirc�x�cnts PRIC� AND YAYMGfV`I` PR�CIDURCS 13 A. Me�surement and Pa.ymcnt 1� 1. Wnrk assQciated with th�s Item is cons idered suhsidiary t� the vaxiaus Ite�ns hid, l5 No separate payment wi11 be ��awed foi-thi� Iterr�. 16 t.3 �tF.F�I+.R�F.�TC F� [1r1�T i7SEti] 17 1.�1 AI]MIMSTRATIVE REQiTCRT;IVI�ITS 18 A. Gua►•antee:i, $onds t�1d fiffidavits l9 I. lYv applicatian for final payment will be acce�t�i until alI guarantees, bands, 20 certificates, Ii�e�ses and affida�its required f�r ITVork ar equipment as s pecified ar� 2I sati�factority �il�d �rith the City. �2 B. ReIease ofLiens ar �laims 23 1. No applic�tion for final payment will be acce�ted until satisfactQry evidence flf 24 releas� of liens has be�n subrnit�ed to the City. 25 1.5 STT�i►ICT'Y'A�rS 26 27 �8 29 A. SuE�rr�it all requireci d�curnentafian ta City's Arnjecf Re�resentati�e. l.6 INF{IRMATC[IrTAX. �UBMiTTALS [NC3T t7�E1]] 30 1.7 CL[7�CU[]T SUBNIITTAIS [11i4T T.T�ED] 3� 32 PART 2 , PROIIUC`1� [IYUT IJ',SID] CT['Y dT F�I�T Vr'DATH ST.4AIT],�RD L'[7N5�F'RCi['T1nN SPEC1�fC�1TI[]N ]70C[JlbihNT5 ��;g� i,�, 2z, ausl 2pZ2 Guardrails a�d ERB C:ity Prajcct No. 103�59 Adohe Acrnhal Slp�i iransaetion Humlrer C6JGhIBLAA61u41�vF5uC.�.wNNpcAywoyr290 sTN [p7.G�A o� rr is-a CIASFAUT REQLf1RfiMENTS Page 2 of 3 PART 3 - F.X�CLR'[�N 2 3,1. �N�TALLE�i,S [NQT iT�ID] 3 3.2 EXAMINATI�N [N�T USIII] 4 �.3 ���01� in��r vsm� s �.4 cLos�o�rr rRoemrmF G A. Frior to requesting I'a�a1 Ins�aection, subrnit: 7 1. Projeet Rec�rd D�cuments ir� acccs�dance witli �ectinn � 178 39 S 2. Operatian and MaintenanceData, if required, in accordan�e wiih Sectinn Ql 7� Z3 9 xa ii 12 � i4 1S i6 1� 1$ 19 2D �1 � 23 24 2.5 2fi 27 28 �9 3U 3t 32 33 34 35 36 37 B, i'rivr to requesting Final Inspecti�n, pertorm fina] cleaning in accardance r�ith 5e�tion �1 74 23, C, Finallnspeetion 1. Atter fuial c�eaning; pro�ide nvtic e ta �he City Prbje�t Repres�ntative that tine Ydork is completed. a. The City will make an in'r[.ial l�inal Inspection with the Contrac:torpresent b. Upon campletion of this inspection, the City will notify the Cantractor, in writing wi�hit� 10 bu:sin�ss days, fl�any �articulars in whichthis inspectian reveals that the V+lark is defecti�we or mcamplefe. 2. Upon re��iving written notice fram the City, immediately undertake the V►�ork required to re�nedy d�f'iciencies and camplete the Wark to th� satisfactian of the City. 3. The Right-of-way sh�ll be cleared of all constructian materials, barricades, and temparary 5ignage. �. Upon campletion af 1�orl€ associated with t�e iterri.s listed in t�e City's v�rritten notice, inf`orm the City t�at the roq�ired'Work has beer� complete�. iFpan raEeipt af this no#ice, th� City,. in the presenc� Qf the Contractar, uriil make a su�sequent Final Inspection Qfthepr�j�at. S. Provide all special accessories required ta place each item of �uipment in full ❑perati�on. The�e special accessory items include, hut are nat limited to: �. Specified spare parts b, A�cieqUat�e ail and grease as requined for the fir�t lubricatian of tI�e equipment c. Inifia] f"ill up of a11 chemical tanks and fu�Y tanks d. l.ight bu�bs e, Fuses f. Vault keys g. Handw�eels h. Other expendable iterns as required far initial start-up and operation of a�l e�uiprnent 38 3]. Notioe ofPraject Carnpletion 39 1. Qncethe �ity Project Representative finds the Work subsequea�t tn�'inal Ir�spection 4U to �e sa�isfa.�tary, the City wfil issue allotic� of Project Completian (Green Sheet}. 41 �. Supporting Dacurnent�tian CITY 4F FORT WORTH $TAIVi]AItD CC31�f51'RUCTfUTti1 SY�C�ICATIdN I]�CLIMFNTS ReviSed NI�ela 22, 2�2 L �022 Guardrails and FRR Ciiy Pmject No. 103459 A[I nhe Ac�ohat Sign TYa i�a�tloi� �lumlxr. C 9JC116[AqBAAi�vF5u CRWWUp rAyrVO�q�9pxiNtpXGxpq 01 77 19 -3 CLflSE()i1T REQLi[RF'�,iF'NT5 A�e3af3 1 1, Coordinaie wrth ihe C'rty Praject Representatiye to complete the fQllvwing 2 additianal farms: 3 a. Final Pa�ment Request � b. Statcment af �ontract Time 5 c. Affidavit of Payment and Release of Liens b d. Cons�errt af Surety to Final Payrx�ent 7 e. i�ipe R�pott (if'required) 8 f. C.crntractor's �Yaluation of City 9 g, Perf'ormanoe �v�Iu�tioii of �Qntractar 1(1 F. L,�tter of Final A�ceptan� e 11 1. Upon rewiew a�d a�ceptancs vf IVotice nf Fraject Completion and Supparting ]2 Documentation, in accardanee witI� General Cfsnditions, City will issu� i.etter of ] 3 Fina1 Accepta��ce ai�d telease the Final Paynaent Requcs� for paymatrt. ] 4 3,5 REPAIR ! RE5'l�RATION [NOT U�ED] ]5 3.6 R.�INSTALLATI�rii jl�'OTC]SID] ]5 3.7 FIT[,D [nR] SIT� QLTALITY C�1V'1�tC}L [NdT U�ID] 17 3.8 Si�'S'C�M ST�TC]P [1�bTT��}] ] R 3.9 ADJL;5TII�IG [NOT iTSFA] �4 3.10 CLEAil1�NG [NQTLISID] ?A 3.1], CL05FALPI.' AC'�VITIES [1�I�T USID] �.i 3.12 PR�'I'�SCTIDN [NOT IJSIII] �.2 3.13 MA[�YA�lL'. L[1wIUT l]�Ell J 23 3.1.4 ATTAC�III+IEAI'I5 [NOT U�ID] 24 25 �� II1i1] OF SECTI�M �tevision La� DATE NAIViL 5[�NiM�RYiJFC:HANC�E. 31121'�f�21 ht LJ��nn 3.�} C:_ 1�rldcd Iangi�age in cl�rifa' unrlem[�hxsirc re[��iir�m�nt tn "C:icarin�; }'2Q14", CTFY OF FQl�I' "�r' Olti'H 57 AIdDARD CUN� Cl2[�L:1'IOd+I SPECIFICATI�N �OCi1MS�lTS nevised March 22, ?A2] �122 Civardrails arui EI2B City PmjecL Na 103d59 nduc��n�rauar s:�n 7rarua�c;�n Numbe , caJc►Id[RAen►�I�vFsuczwWVP�+�n'ayr�sosTpq�acxwl �1 78 23 • 1 OPERATIO�V AND MALNTENANCE IIATA P�ge 1 of 5 SI�CTiOIV 017$ 23 �p�RATX�IV Ai�ID MAZNT�IVA�1C� DATA PART � � GEIYERAL 1,1 �UMMARY A. Se�fian In�ludes; 1. Prod�ict data and relatcd in�nrmatian appropriate fc�r City's maintenance and operatifln of prod�.tets furnished un�ler Contcact 2. Such produc�.s may include, but are nvt limited to: a. Traffic Controllers b. Irrigatian Cantrollers (tn �e operated �ay the City) c. But�e�-fly Valves B. Der+iations frQm this Gity af Fort 'VYorth Standard Sp�cification f . None. C. Rela�ed Specificatir�n Sectians include, hut are nat nee�ssarily lixnited to: 1. I}ivisian D— Bidding Requiraments, C�ntract Farms and Conditians �f the Cor�tract Z. Qivisian 1— General kequirements 1.2 PRICE AND FAYMLN'T PROGEVURES t�, Measurement and Payment 1, i�orl� assnciated with thts It�r� is cnnsidered s�xhsidiaty to thB V2�.Tia�l5 It�YrlS bid, No separaie payment tivil.l �e allowed for tl�is ltezn. 1.,3 REFERENCES [NaT USED] 1.4 ADlI�[NISTBATIVE REQiTT1iEMENT� A. Scl�edule 1. �ut�m4t mantaals in final form ta the Cit}+ within 3Q Ca[endar d�ys of product sh i p,nent to the praj ect site. I,5 SUBMITTAIS A. Submittals shall �e in acenrdance with Sectian �1 33 UU . Al] su�mitta.[s sha]I be appro�ed hy the City prinr tn deli�ery. 1.6 llVFQRMATIONAL SU�MYTTAT.S �. Submitta.l Form I. Prepare d�t� in form af an instnieeti�nal manual for use by City persflzznel. 2. Format a. Size: S'/a inches x 11 inc�es h. Paper 1} 40 pound rnfr�im�cm, r�vhite, for typed pages 2� Holes reinforaed with plastic, cl oth or met�l �. Text: ir+ianuiactu� er's printed data, or neatly fypewritten CI'I'Y DF F4HT V4'ORTI-T 2622 Civa[drdils and FkR STANDARD C��5TRi1C1'IQA7 SPECiFICA"t'[Q3�f DdCl]MFN"PS City PrajectNa. 1a3459 R.ew�sad Deeember Z4, 2412 Adabc,Acrobs� slg�i rransactinn Humher C#JCN9GAA�ANcVF5uGswYWprAyvr6y�9�sTNtp2'G[PR O17823-2 fJP�[ZA'I'I4iU ANb MAINTENANCII DATA Page 2 of 5 d, Drawin�,s I) Pro�ide reinfvrced punched I�in�er tab, bi�[1 in with text 2} Reduee larger drawings. and fvld to size o.f fext �ages. e, Provide fly-leaf f�r each sepRrat� product, or ea�h piece af operating equipment. 1} Proyide typed descriptiazi of product, and major conipanent pai�ts of equipmenf, 2} Provi�e indexed tahs. f, Cover I) �d�entify each volurne with ryped or printed title "Ql'EKP►TIl�G AND MAIIV'Y'ENAN�E IT�S'TRL]CTI�NS". 2} List: a) Tit1e of Project b) Identity �f separate structure as applicahle o) Identity of general subject matter cpvered in the man�a� Binders a. Gntnmercial quality 3-ring lainders with durable �t�d cleanable plas�ic coFver� b, When rz�ulfipl� �inders are used, cvrrelate the data iniv relat�d consist�nt grUupin�s. 4. lf availaU[�, �rwide an electronic form vfthe Q&�+11VIanua]. B. 1VlanuaL CQntent 1. Neatly typewritten ta}�le nf cantciits for each x+olume, are�n�ed in systetnatic Qrder a. Cantsactor, name ofresponsible principal, address and tel�plzc�ne number b. A l�st af ea.ch p�'OdL1Ct 1'Bt�lllf'e[� tb Y7e 1tiC�u�ed, indexed la conteni af tJ�e volume c. List, with each priaduct: 1) `�he n�me, address and telep.hane mt�nh�r of the sul��antractar or inst�.Ller 2) A Ii;i of each praduc# xequired to �e inc�uded, indexed #p c�ontent pf �e volume 3) Tdentify area of responsi6ility nf each Aj Looal source of supply for parfs and replaGernent d. Identify ea.ch product by product name and ather identifying symisols as set farth in Contract DQcurnents. 2. Praduct Data a. Inclu�le Qniy those sheets whicl� ar� pertinent to ihe specifc product. b. Annotate each sheet to: l) Clearly identify specifac product or Rart installed 2) Clearly iderrfify data applicahle to installatian 3) I3elete re�erences to inapplicahle infnrmatian 3. Drawings a, Supple�rsent produet dat� with drawings as necessar'y to cleaxly iIlustrate: 1] Relations ofcompanent p�xts. af equiptnent and systems �] Control and f�nw diagrams b. Coordin�ce drawin�s with information in 1'roject Recard Documents ta assure correct illustrati�n of completed insta.Iiation. c. Do nnt use Project R�cord Drawings as main#enan�e drawings. 4. Wri�ten text, as reqttired ba supplement product d�ta fnr the parti�cular installatiori: a. qrgani�e in cansistent forrnat under separate headin�s for differeni procedures. h. Provi�le lagical sequ�nce af instructians of �ach pmcedure. CETY �F AQRT WOATH 2t122 Gutudraily and LfeB STANDARI7CEYN5't'[�ClCT[�i�! 31'E]CIF[CATI�i+11]OC[]MElYTS City Yrajec[No. IU3459 Revised �c�eernber 2U, 2412 Adabe Acrobat Slgn ?ra ns ae[ion T3Gmbcr. f 6 JCf IBCM9ARIcvFSuCayv�Tti �rAywOy�r790YiNq�IGHPA 017823-7 OP&I�ATID[+i ANB 14IAIl�fTEl�7Ah#C�i I}ATA Paga 3 of5 5. Copy of each warranty, band and serrrice ccsntract issued a. Pravide inforrnatian sheet fnr City personnel gi�ving: 1} Praper procedures in event af �'ai iure 2} Instances which mi��t af%ct valiciity �f wa�r�nties nr bonds C. Manual fnr Mat�als and Finishes 1, 5uhrnit 5 �apies of eorriplete mar�ual in final f�rm. �, Content, �ar architect��ral praduets, app�ie�l rnateria�s and iinishes: a. Man�fac�-urer's data, giving �ull iz�E�rmatian on praducts 1} Catalog numUec, si�e, �nmpasition 2} Colar and tiextuxe desigriations 3} Infvrrnatran required i�or reardering specia] ma�nuf�c�ured praduats b. Jnstruc#ic�ns for caxe and maintenance ]} Manufacturer`s recommendation far types pf clesning agenis and methods 2} Cau#ions agairist cleanirig agents and methQds wlai�h are detrim�n,tal to product 3) R�oxnrnended schedule far oleaning and maintenance 3. �ontent, for moisture pratectian and weather e�cposure products: �. IvIanufacturer's �ata, �iving full information c�n pr�ducts 1) Appliea�la standards �] Chemicai �arnpositi� 3) Details of installatiora h. Instructiar�s far inspection, tnaintenano�e and repair D. N[anuaT fnr Equi}�ment and Systems 1. 5uh�t�it 5 �apias af cnmpieie manual in final fnrm. Z. Content, f�r each unit nf equi�sment and s.ystem, as appropriate: a. llescriptian af unit and compnnent parts I} Fun�tion, normal Qperating char�eteris#ics mnd limi�ir�g conditiot�s 2} 1'erformance curves, engineeririg data and bests 3) Complete nomencl�ature and commercial nusnber [�f replaceahle parts b. Operatin� pz•acedure� 1) Start-up, break-iz�, rouf�ne aund z��rcnaJ aperatin.g instructians 2j Regulation, Gvntrol, sfvppin�, shut-down and ernergen�y instruciions 3) 5ummer and winter oparating in5tructi�ns 4j Sp�cial o�aerating instructions c. Maintenance proc�iures l) �c�utine operadons 2� Guide ta "trouhle sh4o�ing" 3} Disassembly, repair and reassembly �y Ali�nrneni, adjustingand �heckittg d. 5�rvicin� anc� l�hrica#ion sch�dule 1} List vf lubri��rts required e. Manufacturer's printed ap�rat�ng and maintenance instructions f L)escription of sequ�nce af operatian hy contraL rnanufa�turer 1} Predic#ed life of parts subject tv wear 2) Iterns recommended ia he stocked as spare parts g. As installed control di��rarns hy cantrols manufacturer h. Ea�h cantra�tor's eaordination drawings I} As insialled �olox coded piping diagr�m� C:1'1'Y OF r'ORT W4RTH 2422 Guardrails and �RE 5TA1kIDARD CpN�1RUCTIdN SPF�CIFICAT1�iV DOCLIIVIENIB City Project No. ] D3459 Rer+ised Des.emher 29, 29�2 hclaiz: Acrobat Sign Tran.;�cEiun Nurnt�rr; C6JC�VBC'AABAPJwf5uCxWyJupcpyvrl]yr7917sTNkpEpsPR ot�8z�-a OPERATIDN AN3� MAiAITENANC� DATA Pa�e 4 af 5 i. Charts ofvalve tag nu�nbers, wifh location and fun�fis�n af eaGh valve j. Lisi Qf original manufa�tut�er's spai�e parts, mattuiacturer's curre�t pi7ces, and recoinm�nded quantrties ta �e xnaintained in starage k. Oth�r data as i�equired und�r pertinent Se�ticatts of Specif �ation5 3. �:antent, for eacli electri� and electmnic systern, as apprvp�'iate: a, Des�ripii��n ��f s�stem and companent parts 1] Functian, nnrmal apera�ing ch�ra�teristics, and lirniting conditinns �} Perforrnance curves, er�ginaering data and tests 3] Camplete namenGlature and commereial n�trnber of replace�hle parts b. Circuit di7�ectaries of panclboards 1 j Fle�t�•i�ca1 service 2} Ccsntrnls 3) Cvmrnunications c. As insfalled color aoded wiring diagrams d. aperating pracedure� 1} Rautine and norinal aperating insYrucfions 2} Sequances required 3} 5pecial apera.ting instruations e. Maintenane� procedur�s 1) Rautine aperations 2} Gt.tide ta "lrouble �f�aof.ing" 3) T3isas5emhly; repair eltld 1'e�ssembly 4) �r�justinent and checking f. il�tar�ufac[ur�r's printed operating and maintenan�a instructipns �. List �f origit�al manuiacfurer's spare p�-fs, manu�acture�'s curren� prices, artd reoommended quantities to be mainfained in stor� h. Dtt��r da#a as tequired L�nder �ertinent 5e�tians of 5pepifi��tions 4. Prepare and include additional data when lhe n��ci fnr �uch data becames apparent during instnicticm �f C:'ity's persannel, 1.7 CLOSEUUT SLFSMTI`TALS j11iUT iISED] 1.8 MAIN"TEPIA1kICE MAT�RIAL SU��VlI7"�'A�.�S [NUT US�AJ 1.9 QUALIT� ASSi]RAN�E A. Prot+ide operation ar�d txr�intenan�e data hy personnel w�ith the f�llowin� ct•iteria: I. Tra�r�ed aiid experier+�et! in mai�tenance �.nd op�ratian of descxiiaed pradu�is 2. Skilled as tachnical writer t� the extent required to crnnmuni�at� esserrtial data 3. Skilled as dra#�sman competent #a prepare required dxawings CI'C5f OP F'�RT WORTT-I 2022 Guardraiis and ERB STAAIUARI7 CdN5TRl1CI'fDN 9PFiC 1FICATIOIH DOCi]MEPTPS City P�ojeCt 2+Iv. I Q34S9 Revised I}eccanber 20, 2f}12 AdOheAc[abat Slg+l TCansar io� Huenher:CBJCHSCpABANcyFSuCxyNNpGy�wOyr290sTMtpZGxPA O17$�3-5 ❑PERATICiN ANU 141A1hiT�NAlYCE ]]P�TA Page 5 of 5 �.�u n�L�u�, sTvx�,.c�,, �Na xk�n�v� [�vaT u��n� 1.11 FIEL� [�ITE] C�NDiTI�NS [N�T U�ED] 1.1Z WARR�NTY [N4T US�D] PART 2 - PROI�[7CTS [t�FOT USED] YAI�T 3 - EXECUTIUIIT [NaT [7��D] EN� OF SECTIDN �ITY �F PORT S�RTH 2d32 Civartlrails and ER$ STANDARD CONS CRUCTIqN SPECIFICATION DOCLIMENTS City Prfl�cct'Nn, 103a59 Revssed Decem6er 20, 20I a A�kohe f44rehal Sign'fransuc�io� N�inhcr: ce�CH8Ch4�1Aln•F.;ijCxw4Wpd7y�v6y�4G�'fH{µLGxPA Ql 78 39 - 1 Pi2QJ5CT A�C�RI] DOCUTr[ENT3 Page 1 ofA SECT��N Ol. 78 39 PRn.TECT RFCORI] DC]CIJ���'ATTS PART'1- GENE�AL Z.1 5i]�ARY A. Sectipp j�Cludes: l. Work asso�iated with the documenting the project �nd re�oz�ditig ai�anges to praja�t dncuments, including: a. F�ecord Drawings b. �7Vater Meter ServiCe Repaz'ts c. 5anitary Sewer Ser�+i�ce Reparts d. Large Water Meter Reporfs B. 17e►+iations frn�n fhis City of Fort VVorth 5tandard Specificatinn. 1, None. C. Relat�d SpaGi�icatian Sectiozzs include, but are �nz neces5arily lirniteci tn: rt. Divisian �— Siddir� Requirements, Cont��aet Farnns arid Canditians af the Cantxaet 2. Division 1— General Itequiremarits 1.2 PRIC� AI�fD AAYNTENT pR�CEDiJRCS �1. 1Vleasurement ar�d Payment �, Woric associat�d with this ltem is cansidered subsidiary ta the various 1tEms bid. No se�arate payment will be sllawed for this Ifem, 1.3 REFERENC�$ �N4T [JSED] l.a ADIVIINISTRATIVE REQI.JIRE1'4�ENTS [NOT USED] 1.5 �C7BMITTAL� A. Prior to suhmitting a request far Final Inspection, deli�er Project Recc�rd Dnc:uments to Cily's Praject Repres�r�tative. 1.6 �CTIDN SUBMITTALSf�Ni'ORINATI�IVTAL SLTBNIITTALS [NaT �[ISE�] 1.7 CLOSEDUT SUBMITTALS [1VQT iTSED] 1.8 MALNTEN.�I.NCE A�lATERIAL�UHMI'1'�AL� [N�T USEI]� 1.9 QUALITY AS�URAIYCL� A. Acaura�y ai Itecords 1. Thoroughly caardinate changes within the Recard Docurnents, rn.&lting &dequate and proper entries an eaoh page pf Speciticatians and each sheet af I]rawittgs and ather Dacumerits whare such e�try is required to sh�w the change praperiy�. 2. Aacuracy of r�cords shall be such that f.uture search for item� shown in the C�rrtract Documenis may rely reasonably an informatian oi.�tained from the approved Prajeat Re�ord Doauments. C1TiP' QE' I'QRT WQRTFI 2�22 Guardrails andEIt$ ST,�LNDAI�.D CONSTRLIC'fIQN SPECiF]CATfON l7DCUMEI@'['S City Project No. 103459 Rerisedsuly 1,2Q11 Rdate Ac rc Lrrt S3gn 7Ys nsacPi nn N ulreber C 6.ICFi�CIVq9MicuF5�: GwN.YpcAywOyr29�sTN [pYGxPA ai�a�9-z PRD.�EGT RECDIiD DOCUI+IENTS Page 2 aF� 3. Tn facilitate accurac� of records, make entries within 24 houxs afier receipt af infortnation that thc chan�*,c has vccurred, 4. Pro�ide factual i�formation reg�rding all aspacts afthe 1Wark, botl� conceaied and visihle, to enabie future modifi�axian af the Wor[c ta proceed with�o�it lengthy and expcns[ve site measurement, in�estigation and exaix�ination. 1.1Q STDRAGE �ND HANDLIlITG A. Storage and Nandling Re�uirements l. Ivl�inttin ihe jnb set of Record �ocuments carr►pletely prote�#ed fi'arn deterinratic�n and fram lass �nd damage until c�ampletian af th� �ork and transfer of all recflrded d�ta ta the fsnal Project Recard Docnments. 2. In the event of loss of recorded dac�, use me�ns neces�ary ta again secure the data to th� Cif�'s approv�l. a. In such case, pe�rvide repiacernents to the standar�s originally required by the Contract Doeutnents. 1.11 Fi�X,D [�7T�] CQNDXTIDI�S [lYQT 1]SED] 1.I2 WAIt1iANTY [N�'[` U�ED] PART Z - PRODiIC'�`S �.1 UWNER-FURiV�SHEl3 jc�u] U�NNER 3UPPL1E1] PAUDiTCTS [11FOT USE�I] 2.2 RECORD DOCLIMENTS A. dob set I. Pmmptly fallowing xeCeipt vf the Nati�e to Pr�c�ed, se�ure from tha City, at no charge to the Garrtract�r, 1 coritplete set of al.l Dacument� comprising the Contraet. B_ Fina1 Recnrd Documetrts 1. At a tirne nearing the caanpletian ofthe �Vark and prior to Final Inspectian, pro�+ide the C�3t�+ 1 compl�te set ofal] Final Recard Drawings m the Cnntra�t. 2.3 ACCESSDRIES [IYOT iISEll] �.4 50URCE �UALITY G�NTRaL [N�T �CI��EIIj PAAT 3 - E�EC[TTIUN 3.1 TN�TALLERS [N�T USED] 3.� EXANTIIVATION jN�T iiS�:Y]] 3.3 PREPARA'TIDN [NOT [TS�D] �.4 MAINTEIYANC:� ��Ci]�iV�ENT3 f1. Maintenance of J a b 5 e t 1. Irnmediately tipon receipt af the �ob sat, identify ea�ch of the Dv.curnents wifh f17e title, "RECQR� DDCLIMENTS - J�B 5ET". CITY QF FU[CI' 1T�C?I�fH 2{Yl2 Gua�drails �nd ERS STANI3ARIi CDN�7I�UCT1dN BP�CITlCA71piV I]OCUMENT$ City Project Nn. I ti3d59 Revised ]uly 1, 2411 Aflobe ��e roh�i Sig� T�.: �riaet i�n Nwn ber; C BJEEi �CMBh4 isvF�uG=� �Yl e�; eAyw0yf19�s7 N� ��4�rVA Q 1 78 39 - 3 PRp]ECT R&CORB DCJ�UNf EhI'CS Pagc 3 �f 4 �. Pt'e501'V�,ti1D11 a. Consideringthe Cantracti cotnpiciion time, the prvbahle numb�r of vc�asions upan whiUli il�e�ob set tnu5t E�e taken oUt fbr n�w entrles and for exarninafion, snd the canda.tions under which these a�tivities wil! be performed, de�+ise a suitable method for prateatir�g the jab sei. b. Do not use the job set far any purpqse ex�ept enFi•y of new da� and for review by thc City, urrtil start of �ransfer o�'data ta final Project Record Docurnertts. c. Maintain the job set at the site pf work, 3. Coardination with C�nstructian �urvey a. At a minimum, in accordan�e with Yhe intervals set forth in SectiQn O1 '71 23, cicarly mark any deviations fi�om Contract Documents assoeiated wit}i insf�liaCion ofthe infras�vctu��e. 4. 1V�alcing entries an Drawing� a. Recard any deviations fram C:onfract L?ocuments. b. Use an erasa�le colored pencil (naC ink or fndelible pencil], cleariy describe the ci�ange by gr�phic line and note a� i�uired. c. D�te all er�tries, d. Call attention to the entry by a"cloud" dr�wn around the ax�a nr areas affected. e, In #he svent of ar+erlappfng changes, use different cvlors for ihe overlapping changes. S. C�nversian �f sahem$tic la�routs a. In some cases an the Drawings, arrangements nf canduits, circuitsr piping, ducts, and similar items, are shou� s.chematically and are not intended to poitray precise physical l�yout. 1] F[nal physrcal arrangement is dete��mined b�+ the Cvntractar, subject to the �ity's appraval. 2] Hawever, design of future rnod i�icafions af the �acility rnay requi re �ccura#e information as tv.the firaal physical Ia�+out oF iiems whieh are shovvn only schema#iea�iy an the Drawings. h. Show on the job set of I�card �rawings, by dimension accur�te to within 1 inch, the centerlin� of each run af items. 1) Final physiCal arrangement is detea•minecl by the Contxactar, subjeGt tQ #h� City's approval. �] 5hqw, by symbvl or rtote, the vertical locativn ofthe Item �"under slab", "in ceiIin2 plenum", '��xposed", and the like). 3} Make ail identification sufli.clently descripti�ve that it may be related i�eliably to the Speci�ca#ivns, c. The �ity may wai�re the rec�uirernents for conversion of s�heniatic iayauts where, in the i:iry's judgment,. conve�rsion scrv�s no useful p�upose, However, do not rel� upon waavars being issued ex�ept as speci�ical ly issued in writing hy the City. B. Fina.1 Praject l�acord Documents 1, Transfex �f data ta Drau+ings a. Carefully transfer change data shown on the jab set af F�ec�rd Drawings t❑ tha Garrespanding �nal d�cumen#s, �oor�iinating tk�e changes �s required. b. C1early indicate at �ach afFected det�ii and c�ther �rawing a f�lE description of ehanges made during cans#xuctian, and the actual lacation af items. C1T5' OF FORT WORTH 2O22 Groardrails snd ERB 5-fAN]7ARD COiVSTfLIICTION SPECIF'[CATIOI+! DpCUN1ENT5 City Project Nu. 103434 R�vi�ed Iuly 1, 2U] 1 Ado6e Mro6at S�iTrarisaction Huin6Pr� CR3�HSCAA6MIcyFSuCcwLYVpcAywOyrL40siA1[p2GxPA � 1 78 39 - 4 I'RO�ECT IiECORD DaCUMENTS Paga 4 of 4 c, Ca11 attention ta each entry by dr�wing a"cla�zd" around the a��ea or areas af�ected. d. Make �hariges neatly, consistently and with the proper media to assure longe�+iiy and clear i�epraduction. 2. Transfer of data ta other Dvcuments a. If the Documents, other than Drawings, haUe been kept olean during progress of the �ork, and if entries thereon h�ve been nrderly ta the appro�ra] of ihe City, the jv� set of tlzos� llocument�, ather than i)rdwings, wi]I lae accepte�ci as final Record Documents. a_ If any sue� Document is na�t so approved by the City, secure a new cRpy ofthat Docurn�nt from the City af fhe City's usual charge for reproducfion and handling, and carefully� transfer ths change data tv th� new capy ta the apprQ4ral nf fh� L:it}�. 3.S REPAIR ! RESTDRATIilN [NDT USE�] 3,b R��irTST�T.rLA�'XDZY �P�T4T USED] 3.7 FIELD [naj SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NQT USED} 3.$ STi'�TEM STARTi7P [NOT USED] 3.9 ADNSTING [NDT USED] 3.10 i:LEANING [1WQT LI�EI]� 3.13. CLClSEUUT ACTA�i'TIES �NUT US�DJ 3.12 PR�TECTT�N [NUT 11SED] 3.13 MAINTEI�tANCE �1w�T US�D] 3.1�1 ATTACHMENTS [NDT I.FSED] EN7� fl F SECTIOI►i ]te�ision I,n� 17.ATF N,°�ivlE SLNL4LARY OF CHANGE CITY OF FORT WORTH 3422 Guardr�ils ans� ]:RS ST,ANDARD C�NS TRUCT[ON SFECIFICATI�TF DOCf_TMENT'S City Prpjecf i+Ia. 1 U3459 Rec�iS�d Juiy l, �pl l Axlahe As ralaa[ SigR Transactia n N�m6e r. CBJ Gfl@G4f48M1 �vF5u CaxvYYVpcilyw6yr29 �iT N�PG� Ph 34 7I l3 -1 "fRAFFI� COhETiLQL ra�� ioes 1 2 5EC'TTQN 3� 71 13 TRAF�IL' COltITROL 3 PART 1 - GEl►IERAL 4 1. I SUII'IlI'IARY 5 6 7 8 A. Sectionln�ludes: 1. In�#alla#ion of Traiii� Contro] De�+ices and preparatiott af Traffic Contral Plans � De�iatians from this Gity of Fort Worth 5tand�rd Specificatian 1. Non�, 9 C.. Re�ate[I Sp�cifiGaf�on 5e�fipns inCll�ti�, �aut are n4t ��eo�ssarily limited to: i a l. I�ir�ision 0—Sidd��g Requi�ernenfs, Contract Forms and Canditiians af the C�ntract i l 2. Di�isivn 1— General R�q��rements �� 1.� PRT cr nND PAYNffi�I' PROCTDiI�tF� ]3 1�4 13 lfi 17 18 �9 2b 2] 2Z 23 24 25 25 �� �8 2� 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 4(1 4] 4� A. MeasEarerr�ent and Payrnent i, Installativn ofTrafii� Controli]evices a. Nieasuremertf I) Measuremenf for Tr�f�c Contral T]�vices shalI he per mpnth for i:he FrojeGt duration. a) A month is defined gs 30 calendar days. b, Paytnent 1} The wark p�rformed and materials furnished in acc�rdance with this Item and measured as provided under °`Meas urem�:n�" s}iall be paid for at the unit pric� bid F�r "Traffic Cvntrol" c. The price hid s LialI include; I) Traif'�c C�ntrol impl�mexrtatian 2} Installafion 3} Maintenance �� e�jLiStIIieI1�5 S) ReplaGernents 5) Removal 7) Pn1iGe assFstance during pe�k haurs 2. Partable Mes sage Signs a_ Measuremenf 1) 1vleasurement f4r this Item �h�li be per week far the d.uratian af �ase. l�. PaymenY 1} The work perfarmed and materia.ls furnished in accardance tv this �tem and measured as pra�ided under "M�asurement" s�l] �,e paid for at t1�e unit price bid per rvesk far "Partable Message Sign" rental. c. T�e price bi,d s h�ll in �[vde: 1} Delivery afPortabie Message 5ign ta Sike 2} M�ssag�updating 3) Si�;ri mOVemerit thravghout �anstru�f[an 4} R�urn vF the Portable Messa�e 5i�n p�st-c anstruction CITY OF F�RT WO$TEi STA1+iDARD CON5TRi1GTION SPECIF[C�T[ON AOCUIYIENiS hierised lVla�'ch 22, 2D21 34i2 Guardraifs and �RB City Prnject �Ia 103458 Adobelk�p6at sign Transaclion rcu�nber. C.9.1cHdGi.UBb�AAcuFSucxwWHpWyvrO}': �St7sTNq�iG�A �4�3 �3`i TRAFf TC C�AI'I'R�L Page 2 nF G I 2 3 � 5 G 7 S 9 ld II 12 13 14 15 1.3 1� 1� 18 14 �0 �1 22 23 3. Pr�p�ra�ion of Traffic Cantrot I'lan Details �. Measurement 1) Measur�nent %r this ltem be p�r eaeh Traf�c Control Detai] prepared. h. Fayrnent 1} The r�rork perfurmed an� materi�ls furnished in accarc�ce with this Item shall be paid for at the unit price }�id per eaeh "Traffie Cantrol D�tai]" preparad_ c. Tl�e pri�e bid sh�al] include: 1� Preparing the Traf�'ic Corrtrol Pl�n Details fnr clnsures of 24 hours or langer �) Adl�erence to Ci��+ and Texas Manua] on Un�orm Traffic Gontral Devices fiT1+�I[JI'CD} 3j flbt�inmg the signature and seal4f a licensed Texas Frofessianal Engrneer 4) Incarporati�nofG`itycamme�fs A. Re%renee Standards 1. l�eference standards ci��d in thi� 5pecif"�a#ion refer fv the �urret'i# refet�nce stancia.rd publishcd at the #irxtc ofYhe latest re'wision datG lag�ed at the end a�this Specificatian, un.less ad.ateis specifi�ally cited. �. Texas M�nua] on ilni�orm Traff'ic Control Devi�es �TML�I'CD}. 3, Item SQ�, BarriGades, Signs, and'�'raff�c I�andling afthe Texas Department of Trar�,spartation, Standard Spe�i#"xcations far Construc6on and Mauitenau�e of 1Cighways, Siraets, and �3ridg�s. 2d ]�.4 ADNII.I�[ISTI2.AT[VE R�7¢CJI + +NTS 25 A. fYeneral 2b 1. Ccmtractor s�all minim�e lane closures and irnpact to ��ehiGularlp�d�st��ian iraffic. 27 B. �ovrd'mation 28 1. Can#act Traffic �er�ices I]ivision (81?-39�-7738} a rninimu►n vf �8 hvurs priar to 29 impfementing Traff"Fe Control w ithin 50i] feet af atrafftc sigtial. 30 C. Sequencing 31 l, �-1ny deviatians to the TrafFic Control Plan included in th� Draw ings must be first 32 appro�ed b}� theCity and design Engineer bef'ore implem�ntati�n. 33 1.5 SL1�11+IITTALS 34 A. Provide the Crty wit� a cusrent }ist af qual��ed flaggers before beginning flagg�g 35 ac ta� ities. LTse anly f7aggers on the qualif'�d lisf. 36 B. ❑btain a Stra�t llse Parmit frorn the TPOV Departmetrt's Transportation Qivision. The 37 Traflic CUntrol Plan (T{:F} far the Projeat skzall be a� detailed vn fhe Traffic C�ntrol 38 Pl�i1 I]etail sheets of'the I]ra�ving s�t. � �apy of this �'raffic Control Plan sha11 be 39 submitted with the Street iTse Permit. �U C. Traffic ControlPlans shall �.e signed and sealad by a licensed Texas Prafessional �41 Engir►�r. GITY OF FORT lh'ORTH 2O2� Guardrails and L1t� sTANI3ARi] CONSFiZLTCT1f7N SPECFICA7'ION DOCl1MEIVT5 City Pmject3�lo. 1U3A59 ReVised March 7�, 2(S21 hclnhc AcFD6at sfgn Trals�aciion Hwn69Y: CSJCH&CAiABM�cvF5uC;uANliprpyw6y�24�s7jJtpz(3;cpA 34�� 13-3 'f'RAFFIC CDhI'CRf]L Page 3 af 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 � 9 1� ❑. Canfr�.ctar sl�all �repare Tra�ic �ontro] Plaris �requireti by the Dr�.wie�gs ar Specif�a�inns, Ti�e C;ontraetar �il] bc respa�sihle far �aving alicensed Texas Professional raigineer sign and seai the Traffic Control Pian sheets.A Yraf�ic c�ntrol `�ypical" published by City of �ort V+lt�rth, tlze Texas ManuaI Uc�ified Traffic Control DeviGes (TIvIC.TfCD} or T�xas bepartrnent of Transportafi�n (TxDflT} can b� used as an alterr►atir�e tfl pr�paring proj�ctJsit� s�ecifiic t�^a�ic �ontrol pla� if the typioal is app�ica}��e trr the spe�if"�c projectlsi��, �. Lane clasures �4 frours or lnnge�r shaU r�quire a sit�speci�� iraffic contrvl plarl, F. G�ntr�c�or respons�ble for having a licensed Texas Professionaf Faigineer sign and seal ch�nges to the Traffic Gvntrol Plan(s} developed by the I3esign Er�gineer. 11 1.6 ACTI�N SUBNIITI'ALSlIIWP'DRMATIOIVAL Si1gMCTTALS [NCIT iT�Ef�] 12 1.7 �L��EOUT SLFI3NIITTALS [NUT USID] 1� 1.8 MAINTIIVAI�IC E MATT+�ZAL SUBM[TTALS jNUT iTSFA] ] 4 l.g QCIALT'I"� A��CrR.AI�CE [NfOT US�] 15 1.�0 DELIVCI�Y, STORAGE, AND HANOLIIVG jNDT USF�] 1(i ]7 �.i i ��Ln �sr� conm��Qr�� ��oT u�En� 1.1z v4��ANTi� ��TUT usm� f 8 1'A1�.T � - PRi]DUC"I;� i4 2U 2l 22 23 �4 �S 26 27 2$ �9 30 �.1 (}Wl►i�-FCnZNISHm �aa] �WNE� SLIPPLIF]7 PROD[TC'TS (NQT i.]SI�]] Z.2 A55IIVIBGIIS AND� MATERIALS A. T�scri�tion 1. Regulatory Requuements a. PrQvide Traf�ic Catrtral Devi�es that c��if�rm t� d�tails shvwn on t� Ih•awings, thc TMUTC�, and TxDaT's Cor�pliant Work �or�eTraffic Cantrol ➢eWi�eList {CW�TCDL). Z. Materials a. Trai�fic Cantral 1]�vi�es must meet all reflectiv'sty requiremerrts included in the TM�lICD and TxDDT Specifications -- Item 502 at all tirnes during canstrucfian. b. �l�ctr�nic rnessage baards shall be provided in accardt�ce with the TMU�'TCD, CL'i'Y QF FORT W ORTI1 STANI]ARL] CQiVSTRUC3'LON SPECIEICliTION DOC[]MEhET$ Rerised h+IerCh 22, 2621 ?A22 Guardrails artd C:1�B City ProjectNo. 103dS9 Adohe Aaabat Sign Tran paetim Hum6 er. LBJCHBCMBAAI c�SuCruyNVpdyw4y r29FisThltp7.GxPA 34 71 l3 -4 TRAFPIC CQ1�iTAQL Page 4 vf 4 2.� Ace�sso�Fs �nroT USEna � �.� souRcE �u�.r� carrrROL ��voT vsEo� 3 PART 3 - EXGCUITUN A 3.1 �ANQIYATI�N [NaT USED� 5 3.2 PR�PARA'I�ON � A F'roteation ofln-P�e Canditians 7 1. Prptect exisf.ing traffic signal ec�uagment.. 8 3.3 IIVSTALLATIU�T 9 A. 1�alIaw the Tr�ffic Cvntrol Plan ('1'(11'} and install Traffi� �antrolDevices as shown vn la �he Ih•awing� and as dir�eted. 11 H. Install Traffic Cantrol Dewi�es strsa.ight and plumb. 12 C. Do nat make changes ta the l�cation of any dev�ce or ttnp[cment any otl�er changes to �3 the Traffic Contral Plan withaut the appr�val of the F,ngineer. J4 1. Mmor adjustrnents tn tneet faeld constructabilit�r and visi�iliiy �re allawed. T5 D. Nlaintain Traffic CantrolDevices by taking corrective act�on as soon as possible. I6 S. Correctave actian includes Esut is not l�ited ta cleaning, replacmg, straightening, 17 cavering, or rema�ing Devices. 1S 2. ll�aintain tk�e ]�cvices such that the}� ar� pr�per[y pasi�ioned, spaced, and legihle, 19 and t}�# retroreflecti�e char�teristics me�t requirements during darkness �nd rain_ �p E. �f the Inspect�r disco�+ets that the Ca�br�ctnrhas fail�d to compIy with applicabie federal 21 and s#ate laws [by fsiling tv fumish the neces.gary flagmen, wffi'ning devices, barric���s, �2 ligf��:s, sign�, or o�zer precautiona.ry me�,sures forthe pmteoti�an ofpersozzs or property}, d-�e 23 lnspectormayord�ersu��additionalprecautionary rneasvresbetaicerit�pratectpersvrs 24 and PTQA�Y- �S F. Su6ject ta the appro�ral of t�re Inspectar, portions of tI-ris Projevt, whi�h are n�t affec�d by 2g nr in contlict with the ptsopc�sed me#hod oFhandling trafFic ar uti�ity adjustmez#s, can he 27 canskucted during any phase. z8 G. Barricades a�ad signs shall be pla� ed in �uch a manner as to r�vt intez�ere w�h the sight 2� di�tance af dnv�rs entering tk� highway frcxn dri�eways ar sid� s#z�is. 34 H To facilitate shifting, 5arricades and signs used in lane closures nr traffic �taging rnay 31 be erected and mQunted nn portable supparts. 32 1. TYxe support design is suhject ta the approwal af #he Engineer, 33 I. L,ane clasures shall be in acrardance with the ap�o�+ed Tra�ic Control Plans. 34 J. If at any timc the existing tra�'�c signals become in�pera�le as a res�lt of canstructinr� 35 aperatio�s, tl� Coirtracbar sha[1 pravide portable st�p signs with 2 oranga flag�, as 36 approved �y the En�ineer, ta be used forTt�affic Contro]_ C1TY OF FORT �aRTH 2A22 Guardrai�a an�i ERS STANDARD �fi]NSTRUCTIDRI SPEC]FICATtdN D�CII1v1Ei+ITS CityPrajectNo_ 143�59 Ltevised i�+tarch 2a, 2U2 i nrloheRcmhat sign Traosac3ien Aiumbcr: �C3Jct;oCPu7[f0.51cv'SuczwlWoo4ywoyv79ds7ntpZWCPp 34 71 13 -5 T1tAPFFC C�NTRQL Page5af6 1 2 3 4 S G 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 ]4 15 1� 17 ]S ]9 20 21 � 23 �4 K. C�ntra�tor shall make arran�znenis fnr poli�e assis't�i�ce ta d�rect tr�ffic if t�affi� signal turn-ons, strec:i light pale ir�tallation, ar ather co�srxuctinn �ill he dnne d�ring peak ttaf�rc t�n�s {ATvi: 7 am — 9 am, PIVI:4 �am - b pm�. L. Flag,��rs 1. Prnvide a Gantractvr representative �vh� has been aertiiied as a flagging instruc.tcar thi�ough caui�se� offered by the Te��s Engineering Extensian Service, the American '1`raf�o 5afety Ser�ices Association; theNatinnal Safety Council, or other appro�ed org�nizatior�s. a. Provide the certificate indicati��� cour�e campletion uvhen requested. b, Thi� representati�e is respQnsiblc.lnr crair�ing a�id assuring that a11 flaggers are qualified to perfarm �Jaggin� duties. 2. A qualifi�d flagg�r must be independently� certified by 1 af th� arganizations listed ab��e ar trained by the Cont�•a�tor°s certifi�d flagging instructor. 3. Flaggers must t�e caurtaaus and ahle t� effecti�ely crzmmuni�ate with the public. 4. Wltien direc�ing traff'�c, fla.�gers mustus�sta.�dard atiire, flags, signs, �nd sign�Ls and fbllow the f��ag�ng procedures set f�rth in the TMUTCD, S. Prnvide and maintam flaggers at su�h points and for such period s of time as may be raquiredta pra�ide for the safety and convenience of pu�lic tra�el and Corltractor's pe�•sonnel, and as sho��� n on tl�e Drau� ings or as direciecl by the En�ineer, a. These flaggers s�all l�e locatad at ea�h end af th� �ane elasure. M. Rernnval 1. Llpan avrnp[e�ion of Vi�arlc, remowe �rom the Site a�l barri�ades, signs, cones, lights and atl�er Traffic Car�trol DeUices used far work-zone fr�f'fic haiidling as sann as praetical in a LuneLy maiu�er, unless otherwi�e shown antite l7r.av��in�s, 2S 3.� REI.',AIR IR�S'IY7RATTQN [11TQT 1�ID] 2.Ci 3.5 RE-TNST�I,LA'RON [NDT U�Ell] 27 3_� F�� �oKj SYTE QiiAi.ITY G�1ITIRUL [1tiIUT iISID] 28 3.7 SYSTEIl+� STAR'I�.iP [NOTUSED] 2a �.s �n�rrx��nn�c Cn�o�r vsEo� 3U 3.9 GLEAT�lYG [N�T U5m] 31 3.10 CL(]S�(1�UT ACTIVITTF� (NC)T L1�ID] �a 3.ii �o�cTTorr IrraT vs�� 33 3.12 MALN.[�iANCE jNUT U�ED] 34 3.13 ATTACRMENTS �N�T U�ID] 3 s +�iVD ��' SF.CT'i �N 3G 37 CITY QP r�RT WORTH STAMDARD C OAfSTR,UI;T10N S l'1':C: �I� ]C:A'f l{7N �OCUMf.iN E S Revised ivlarch 22, 2Q21 2022 Gu�drails and PRi� CityP�jectnlu, l�3qS9 Adv 6e Aua6a! Sit[n Tra �sn{ti �n N urt�her. C g.ICH 9CAA8AAIcvF5uCmMNprAyw0yr296sTH�iGxPA 34 71 l3 - 5 TRAFFIC CDh1TRQL P�cbof6 Revisiaz� L,og DAT� NAIvI� 5L]MMARYOF CHANGE 111�2J13 S, Arnnld A�t police assistance, requirernent fQr wh�n a sxLe specific TCP is required 1,4 A_ Adde�llanguage tn enipl�asizc n�inimizinga�;aneclpsures andimpact to traf#ia 3122,"�{]21 M dw�n 1.5 Clarif3cd sut�rnitlal rcqui�cments 3,;� 3�i, CI�1ri�'ie[I r4mpvi�l rcc�uiremenl4 CTI'Y OF' FOAT WaRTH 2p22 Cnuu'drails and ERB STAN�ARD CDN5TRUCI'ION 5FEL`]FICATIDl�i D�ClTME1+1T5 City FrfljectNa. 1�3�59 Reuised March 22, 2Q21 AdabeAcrchzt �iRn irar.sa=[ian Numbcr. C6JCf iIICi.PI3Pr1c��5uCxairWprA•yv:C fr29f]s7A]:pZGxPA �C-G.a�.D 11�inarity and Wo�nen �wned Bu�xn��� Enterpris� Cnmpliance 'I`HI� PAGE LEFT TNTE�TT�N�IILY BLANfK 20�2 Guardrails and �RR City Prvject No. 1 [}3�5� p.dpheAuaEret5lgri Tfansaelien Numb�r; CBJ.GHBGAA6MItyF5pGYWWVpeAyriayf29psTNip2(thPA 1�_� �'J�►1_J_#�1. 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Cerfiiyting agen�ies �ccepiable by Ehe Gity: Nanh Ceniral Texas I�eglonal Cerkaficatian Agency 4NCTRCAy, �allaslFart �Va�li Minnrity Suppller Qevelopment Caur��il, 1ne. ��FW MS6Cj, Warnen's 6us{ness Council - 5authwest (WBCS), or ihe 7exas Department oi Transpariaiion (I�(DOT], Nate: Far F�derally-�'und�d prqjects the firm roust ba �erlified as a�isadvantaged Biaslness Enterprise (aBEj by 1he NGTRCA andlor TXD�T only�] All Fl�lds are Ftequ{rsd - 1]v natleave blank. 9, Name of Prnjec�: C�'�1 �1�3459 2. Namaoi�ffarc�rlPrima Contr�lor: ��nnlElli I�1G. 3. I�ameflfiBus�ness Equitysu�-Ca�trackor��ansulf,ant� ��Y�rS B�iiICBd�s, I�IC. Address; ���n1�llf Inc. Firm Contac# �IarneJPhone: ����,Guardrai[ and �RB 4, `fhe undersigned is prepared #a per[arm the falla�vir�g descriE�ed wark �nd�ar supply the materiai listed in conne�tinn �4ith th� above proJect twhere applica�le specify "suppfy° or "install" ar bflfh): install �nd vf ftoad Sarricade t�AiC5 Code(s]:��3�1-�40 ��td �6199� Intheamaunko#$ ������'�-�� C�le Benton 7y pa a r�'rin! Narne (�wnerl Au�horized �qent oi CartlRed gueinasa Equ1 ty Fi rmj �� ��� �igrtature (Ov��prlAuinc�izadAgent of Gsrtlfied �slnaas �qu�y+Flrrnj cale�,mbuyersharric�des.com �Ern�l1 Adtlras�j �. �1�8V�� Of fJ�9f4��1i[9 guyers Barricades, lnc. (hlame of Gartifled Buslnass �quliy Suh-CanaultenllCvneultant] o�la412�22 [pste) 817�535�3939 (Phone iVurnberj I HEREBY [3CCLRR� AN� RFFIRM th� ����nie Davis am the duly authvrized representative vf (�wnarlAu�hQrEzad Ager� Vazln�i �nc, a�nd tha# I have persanally reviewed ihe rnaierial and facts �Name of offdrorlPrlme} se# farth [n this Le4ler of Intent, 7a tite best of my knat�taedge, in�aTmation and helief, ti�e facts in fhls farm aretru�, and nn material facts have been amilted � Pursuant t� ihe Cfty oi For� War#h's Buslness Equlfy Qrdinance, any personlentity that makes a fatse ar iraudulertt statemBnt In eonnection with parti�l�alion oi a�erlifed firrn In any Cify �f F'ort Warth conkracl may be r�ferrved (ar de6armen! prtscedur�s under iha Gity of Far� Warth's �usiness Equiiy Ordinance, I da sofamnly swear or affirm that ihe signafures cantained herein and ihe informatlon provided by the �rarlPrim� are true and aorrecf, and that I am a�l�arized on behal€ of the L]ffer�rlPrEme ta maka tha a�idavit. A o n n! e Drn'Is PO IIQx 1950, ]as h ua,'L7i 75059 (dwner Aulharlxed ganl Type or F'rint Mams {OfEerodPrimsA ress} �Pyg�-� ���, o3�n��xna2 (Sisnatura of �wnsrlAuiharlred kg�lj {�ataj H o n niedav IsC Natin-e ll i.ton 4 (Email Addres s} 817-558-4052 (Phone Num6er} Ua�rinicilt Of DhlCrsi�y and Iriciu&io11 B usincss Equily DiNisioii Iil1'eosive 0110 k1Z(3� l Smnil:DY1N I�F..4Rice(r.jPnrhvt�:thfex�,$�v Ph:817-392-2574 Re�ised UG128f2U3� l;l � li�• �lc i o lu�.: 53y n Fr a nzz r liu n N�i inl� �r r f. R: f.l I CSCAAnAqIr�F.x,� C:xl'fJarA)�.� ()y�r29 CsT� :p ZG za�1 3l�i2�, 3:49 PM B2Gnow CI7Y �F F�RT W�RTF� ��n�T�►cr cannP���n�cE �nEn���n�a�nn THIS FORM MUST BE ATTACHED Ta THE RDUTINC '"M & C" �EFaRE LAVII bEPARTMENT AND �ITY �lIAPVAGER �PRROV�4L To: D�partment Proj�ct Manager �rolm; affice vf Busine�s �quity Date: Mar�h 7, �a�� In th� Amvunt af: $442,350.0� 1�33459 Ct7�IP+'r,�eCt N4, Pr��ectlB�d; �022 Guard�ai�s and �Rg Cantrac� �. C�mp[i�nce with the City's �3�siness Equity 4rdinance has been a�F�ieWed la� the follawing metF�od: 11annIE[li, Inr, is in campliance with the City'� 6usiness Equity �rdinan�e by committing �o �4�,flOq/o Business �quity participation an this pr-o�e�t. The �ity's Business Equity gaal ❑n t�is project is 19�. htipsJffortworEh.diversltycomplianca.ca mJFrorrtPagelRiuersityMain.asp?x11�31 B5 1 M A lul�e hcra ha t s�p �, r�an �-<<i� �� r+u ��,f���: ce�cFl a� nn8nnl �rF9uc�.v ��.YVpcAyw6yr29dsTHtpIG■PA �C�6.U7 W�ge l�at�s THIS F�GE LEFT IldTTEI11TIgl�CALLY BLAl�I� 2Q22 Guardrails and ERB City ProjectNa. 1�3459 Adabe Acroha[ S'gn 'I7arsa ction ry um6er- C.�JLH6CAA9h41i[cvFS uCzwlfVVpcAyu 6yr79bsi P! [ pLGxF:: �D�3 PREVAILING WAGE RAT�S {Heavy and Hi�hway ConsEruction Prc�jects) CLAS5IFIGATION QES�R�PTION Asphalt Distributor Operat�r J0.sphait Pa�ing Machine �perator Asphalt �aker 8room ar 5weeper Qperator Cuntrete Finishar, Paving and 5tructures Cnncrete Pa�Ement Finishing Machine Qperatvr Concrete Saw Operator Crane Qperatvr, Hpdraulic 8Q tons pr less Crane Dper�tor, Latti�e Boom 80Tans ar Less Crane Qperatar, Latti�e Baorn Over8D7ans Crawler 7ractor dperatar Efectrician Exca�ator apera#or, Sa,ODO pounds vr less �xcavatQr Operator, Over SU,oUO pounds Flagger Farm �uilderjSetter, 5tructures Farm 5etter, Paving & Curb Faundation arill t7perator� Cr�wler Mdunted FoundaYi�n Drill aperator, Truck Moun#ed Front End Loader Qperatar, 3 CY nr Less Front End Laader Qperator, 4ver 3 CY Laborer, Comrnvn Laharer, lltiliry Lo�der�Backhbe dperator Mec3�anic Niilling Machine Operator Moior Grader �perator, Fine Grade Mbtor Grader Operator, Raugh Off Road Hauier Pavem�rrt Marking Machine �}7erator Pfpelayer ReclaimerJPulverizer �perator Reinforcing 5teei Worker Ro�ler Operatar, Asphalt Roller Operatar, Other 5�raper Qperatnr 5ervicer 5mall5li�rfarm Machine operatar 5preader 6ox Operatnr Truck Drl�er Low�oy-Flaat Truck ari�er Transit-Mix T'ruck Dri�er� SingleAxle iruck DTiuer, Single orTandem Axle Durrrp Truck 7ruc� DriWer, 7andem Axle Tractvr wit� 5emi Trailer Welder Wark�ane sarricade 5ervicer Ulag� fiate $ $ $ S $ $ $ � $ $ � � $ $ $ $ $ $ � $ $ � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ � 15.32 13.99 �z.ss 1�.74 sa. a.z �.5A5 14.�8 1$.12 17.27 20.5�, ��. a� 19.8D 17.19 15.99 1�.d6 13.84 13.16 ].7.99 ��.07 13.69 14.72 1d.7'2 12.32 IS.18 i7.68 14.32 17.19 16.02 12.25 1�.63 13.2q� il.C1i 16,18 13.08 11.51 1�.9G 1q.58 15.96 14.73 16.24 1�1.14 17.31 12.62 ].2.56 14.84 11.68 The �awis-Bacon Aet pre�ailing wage rates shown far Heayy and H ighway constructivri pmJects were deYefrrijned by tt�e Llnited SYates Qepartment af La6or and curr�nt as of 5ep#em6er �fl13. The tiNes and descriptions far the cEassi�ications fisted are detailed in d�e AGC o�f Texas' Standardlob Classifica�ivns and �escripiions for Highway, Heavy, lJtilities, and Industrial Construction in Texas. Page 1 af 2 Adahe Acrpbat Sign Tranaactbn Num6er.CBJC}16C.1A&AAIcvF5uCm4VVpcAyw6yrl9UsTNtpZGkf'� GN�I .� �eneral N�tes THIS PAGE LEFT ZNTENTIQIwTALLi� BLANI� 2Q22 Guardr2�ils and ERS City PmjectNo. 143454 Adohe F�crobat �1�n nansmctkn Num6er.C6Jc13�CAR6MIa�FSvCxwUNpdywoyr29ns7Ntp2GxPn GellexaL NDtCS D�vision Oi — General Requi.rements General: 1. The Conrxactar shall be responsible for iocating all utiliti�s, whe#hcr public or pr�vate, priarta excavation. The in�armation and data shawn with t'espect io existing und�rgraund facijities at �r Gantiguous to th� site is approximat� and based �n inform�tian furnisbed by the avvners afsu�h undexground facilities or on physical appurtenan��:� observed in the �eid, The �ity a�d Engineer shail not b� responsible for the accuracy or campleteness af an�+ such information ar data. 'I7�e Contractar sha11 h�.ve fu11 respansibilita+ for revie�ing and checking aI� s�.ch informatifln ar data, for locating all �indergrv�nd iacilit9es, for caoi�dination af the wvrk with ihe awn�rs af such under�aund fa�ilities during consfructiari and for the saf�t}� auad pr�tectian thereof hnd repai�ing an�y damage thereto resulting from the Wark. '1'his Work shall be cansidered as a subsidiary itern of W'ark, the cost of which shall be in�luded in tha price hid in the Proposal far �ariaus bid it�ms. The Contra�tar shall nvtify any aff�ated owncrs (utility companies) or agencies "rn writing at least 48 ho�rs prior to construetian. a. I�Totify TEYAS 811 �1-8�QQ-�IG-TES,� ar� �vww.fexas811.arg) to locate existing utilities pri�r to canstru�tion. h. Caufion! �uri��3 electric linea �nay exist alang this prnje.�t. Cantact electrical providers A�8 haurs priort� �xcavatian : � 01VC�R Wi111rasgl�r� 8l7-215-S�D7 • Tr� Coaer�t,� I�evon ll�aor�ey� 817-752-81 b� �. Gaution! Buried gas lines may exisf �lorag this project. Contact Atm�s Eneegy 4$ hour5 priar to excavation, and within twa ��} hours ofen�auntering a gas line {�Iohrr Crane: �I7-20� 2$45} d. Cattfi�z�! Buri�d commu�ication cables may exist al nn� lhis pr[ajeot. Cantact �ammunicaiivn cgmpani�s 48 hours prior tv excavatibn: • S�aectristnrCharte� Camm�i�atiar� Sh�rra Trahan 817 �?�-5108 • �T'�cT Gar]� �la►'v 8.17-3�8-620� � 3_ • Qne Snt�ce Co�nr�unicataons Jeremy�Yewaad 517-��5-��43 e. C'aution! GVhen r3oing work v�rithin 20� feet c�f any sig�tali�ed inte��ection, the Cantractor s1��.11 n�tify Traffc 1Vlanagemet�t Di�ision af City af I'ort Wortl� �f'IPW, 72 hours prior ta ex�a�:�i�on [Kirssam Etklrala[: 817-392$74�. '1'he ContractQr shal l�mtect exi�ting signal hardw���, �;.,.�,si� �;,;� ��+���fln ]opp�, an�3 undergraund conduit at si�naliacd :.��.o•r��S:L10175. At�j+ CiRI11RgCS 81 �i�i�1llztu �;�c��q�GLinns s11A�� �7P. T'e�]IBCef� Rt��l� OXp�I15� Q� th� CnntractQr. The Cantractoz• sha11 �antact the City at S1'1-.5�2-8i0� tu perfonn ennduit Iine locat�s at signalized irrteraections 72 ha�ts prior tv commencing wvrk at the interse�:tio�i. f. The Contractor shal� notify the City nf Fort Vdarth Project INana�er 48 haurs prior ta the sx� vfany excavation (Iretomiwa dtuyelu• 81T-39�-674?j. �a�y��c;tnx's personate� shall have idet�tifyin� clathing, 3�ats ar badges �t all times urhich identify #�'j� C:UIELT�C�OT'S 118111�.� ]ngv ar cvmpany. �cotect concre€e ourb and guiter, driveways, and s'rdewalks thar are nat designated for rernaval. Rerneval and repla�ernent nf these items shall be as designated in the drawings. CITY 4F FQk 1 4l'{}RTH STAP�IDAI2I] Cpi43'FRLi^Ti�N QEi�IERAI.NC�TE3 Versian Rel�se Dccwnhci t k. �� � 7 Adnhe Apnbat Sigi! Tral'�sactivn N�m6er. C8.1Cf1@CAA[iM1tVF5uCxtVWUprAyWOyr�9 C�RJtpZdPR l]i�vision 32 , Exteriar Impro�+etnenta Gener�l: 1. ,At ]ocatians where the curb and gutter �re to be replaced, the Cantraafor shall assurne alI responsihili#y fvr the re-estabtisl�rn�nt �� [' �xisiir�g stree# and gutter grades. Establishment of grades shall he consider�d as a�ubsidiary ilcm of �ork, the c�st afwhi�b sliall b� included in the price bid 'tn #he Prnposal tbr r+arious l�id it�erns. 2. AI] driveways, which are open cut, shall have at least a temparary driving surface at the and of each day. The tempar�ry surface shall be cans�d�'ed as a�ubsidiary iterr� af Wflrk. The cost af which shall l� included in tI�e priee bid in the Proposal far �ariaus bi� items. $ilce Lanes and Shared Pa�e�nent Markings: 1. 1'roposed bike lanes should maintain a rninitnum effective width af 4 feet tmeasured frarn ed�e of gutter tn center of stripe). 2. Si�ycle pav�ment m�rking� should he laeai�d 2D feet finrn the c�u�b returnt stop �ar, ar cross waik (u+hic�ever is a}�pl�cable� unless den�a#ed ath�t wise in the drawings. 3. Cor�ibirta� �vidth of bike Tane and on-stree�t parking should not be l�s ihan 13 feet. �4, If tra�vel lane is greater than 14 feet wide, shared pavezrt�nt m�ticittgs s�all be pIaced � feet fram face of curh Qr edg� af on-str�et parking (whichever is appZicable}. 5. Tf trave] lane is Iess tI�an pr equsl fa l�} feet wide, shared pavemeni inarkings shall be p�aced in the ani[ldle ofthetra�el lane. 3, Bike l�ine syrttb�I, arrow, and sh&�red pavement rnarkings should be repeaied at the beginning af eaeh int�rseafian. 4. C3n u�interr�pt�d secYions af ��adway, hike fane symf�ol and arrntv should ��nt be spaced moi� tihan 33� feet apart ana �harvd pavement marking� shvuld n4t be 5pace�i r��re tl��n 25� feef aparf. S. Bik� lane symbal, arrow, and shared pavement markin.gs sliould not �ae p1a�d at pz•ivate driveways ar publi� ir►tersectivns. 6. Bike lane.st�•iping sh�uld be 4 inches solid whiCe, hot�applied tharmapIastic unless specified ot�ierwise in tl�e drawings. Al l. other bike Iane pa�errcent rnarkings shall also tre white, hat apglied thermop2�stic unless oth�rwise specified in the drawings. 7. AIl dirn�nsians are from face af curb �nd sre to center of fhe pa�err�ant marking. 8. �hared pawexnenf inarkings shauld nat be us�d an facilitzes wsth a pasted sp�ed gr�ater than 35 mph, 5idewalks arui Curb Ramp�; ]. The curb'ram�a_stand�rd details are intended to shov� �l,�r�� 1�7Vk4� r�r ti�� coaastruatian of the �:.t.a�..i.�3�ix�r� ".•• ,' CUCV iaLIL�JS. TAl�r �Tl�[l�•m••+'..--.,l,..+rall UXI �r1P �"Y.RiI� :�TMd �l�tai]s tneetthe requiT0lYlBRt3 S�kDWri IIl f.E10 -�U i� 1'exas AcGessiniiity Standards" {TA�j and the "20l 0 ADA Stat�da��is for Accessible �esign" hy the Departm�nt of Justice. 2. CiEy af Fort Worth S#andard Iaetails are anIy zmended to in�ficxte pay limits for ea�h type af rarnp, the En�;ir�eer ts re�por�sibl� Far the de�+elopment and design ofthe sidewalk �nd curb ramp layout, including actual d'unensions and sl€�pe percentages. 3. The Contractar may nat rnake changes to the sidewalk and eurb ramp layaut ��rYhout approval af the City. The Corr�ractor may propnse chat�es to the s�dewalk and curh rarnp layo�r due tq �el d conditians, but any proposed changes must be appro�ad by the �ity. 4. Curb ramp running slope� sha]I not be steeper t1�en $.3°� (12:1}. Adjust curb �mp length or grade �f appraach siderv�i�Cs �s direebed b�+ the City. S, Curb ramp flare slapes sha11 nvt 6e st�e�er th.an 1�°/n �10:1} as measured alang back of curb. 5. 1Vfaximurn �Ilow�ble cross slope an sidewalk and curb t�amp surfaces is 2%. 7. The minimum width �f sidewa�t� and curb ramps shall be � feet. crrY a� Fo�zT vva�rx STAhFDARD CONSTRUCTlDAI GE[V�RfwL I��TBS Versian ReleasE Ileocmher 1S, 2Q17 AdoUe AcroUaf Stgrl 1'ransac:ion N.�»•.h�• r- cs� c��lticnnunr.ln�r� � c«•;•r1��p�nyry4y�9 osTNtp2GxPA B. l..�nrlin�s sl�ali b� �rnvidcd at the top of �url� ramp�, The l�di��� clear length shatl he 5 feet minimum fr��m lhU end crf'rzmp_ The �anding clearwicit�i shall be al �easl as t�idc as the curb ramp, excluding flares. 'I hc landin� shalf havc a maximuni siapc of 2°�� in any� direction. 4. fn alterations �vher� ttfcre 7s nt� landing at the�top of tl�e curb ramp, curb ramp ila�•cs sh�,11 be ptavided an� s1za11 siflt be stec}3er than 8.3°�0 �12:1 }. 1 Cl, �Vher� tcErning is required, maneu�ering spac:e at the t�p and b�llc�m of cuxh rantps sl�all he 5 feet l�y 5 f'eet minimum. `l'11c spacc �t thc bnttam �hall he wholly �antained wiil�in the crc�yswalk markin�s dnd sha11 not prc�jecL inta �ehicular traf�ic lan.cs. ] 7. Curh r�txrips with returnec] curbs rnay be used only where pedest�-ians wc�uld nan�lally walkaeross tl�e ramp, either because the adjaceni surfa�e is p�antin� ar �th�r nt�u-walking surfa�e or laccatise tho side ap��roael� is suhstantially nbstiu�ted. 12. �,'dhere curb ramps are provided, crossu�alk markings shall he required and ramps shall lae a1i�ilcd with tl�e erosswalk. l�r. CULli1C�T 514�JC.S C]l�clC�jal111I1� �TLIILCI�s and raad surfaces imrneciiaf.ely ad.jacc�nt to ihc curb z'�mp shall nnt be steepertfza�i� 5% (20:1} i7� ar�y directinn, ciTr or rc�r�r wa�Tx 5'I'r1NUAI�ll C'{�f�5'1f�llC'1'i�N GENERAZ NOTFS Version Rcicaue Becc,�bcr 13,.2fl17 Ad46e�1urahat �igrl Trensa[tfon NVislher, GRJCNBGM9M1AIC4FSUGxWriNpeAywL1yr390sTM11�2flxPA 1]i�ision 33 - L]iilitics G ey ��ra� : 1, For utilit� work within utility easem�n�, once pipe ax appur#enan�es have been instalIed or r�habilitated, i�nmediately camrnence temparar}f surface restoration. Complete surface restpration � i:n the owner's aatisfacfion wifhin seven (7] days of wark finishing on-site. Failure ia maintain surface restoratian, as noked abave, may resuit in suspensian of work until resto�afian is campl�. 2, Exfsting ��c[ical defle�tiozis and pipe slopes shawn an the drawings �xxe approximaie and have nat been iield verified, uniess otherwi�e noted. Aim eleyatians, f�aw lines, and harizant�l l�catians of existir� manholes were determined fram ��ld survey. If field conditians vary from thQse �howz� �n drawir� Gantractar shall natify City. 3, lviairrtain all existing water �nd sewer connections ta custo�n�rs in working ot�er at all times, except fc�r brief interruptions in service far rvater and sewer �ervices ta he reinstated. ln na ease shal] serviees he allowed to remain aut ofservice overnight. �. Establish and rxiaintain a. french safety system in accordance with the excavation sa.fety plan and rederal, �tate dr Iocal s�fety requirem�r►ts. 5. Provide and folla�u approwed CQnfined Spa�ce Entry �ragram in accorc�ance wifh OSHA requir�rnents. Conf�ned Spac�s sha11 incl�dc manholes and all other canfined spaces in accarr��nce wiCh OS�IA's Permit required for Gonfined Spac�s. d. Qnly City �1-equalified Contractars, by appraprigte 1�ater Ueparhment work category, shall be allawed to ad.just ��l�e baxes, mar�hales, ring & eovers, �tc. W ater: 1. Prvvide thrust restraint by mearis of restraining jc�inls at �ittin$s and can�1'et� blo�king, When specifically indi�ated an the Dra�vings, pravi.dc thrusi �'eslxain# at dasign�ted joints beyond the fktings. Each method sh�ll k�� capable of thrust resiraint ix�dependent Qf the otl�er system. The C�ntractor shall re%r to City Standard Detai�s for area r�yuired ta install �onerete blocking, 2. AIl ductile iron rnechanicai joirrt fit�tings shall be restr�ined to pipe using.retainer glands. 3, Prvposed water mains si�all have a minimum cover of48-inches �o�er ahove the bop of pipe, unless shown atherwisc an the drawings or details. 4, �11 water services shall �e installad ab��e st�rrn s�wers, e��ept �►+here shown otherwise in the drawings. S, Elevafivn a�ijustment atcnnnectians may ba made with bends, affsei�, ar jaint deflecti�ns, ,loint deflec#ions shalt nat e�ceed tif�y percent (50°/0} t�f manufactur�r's rec�m�nendations. 5. Temporary pressure plugs required for sequencing of �ons�uction and tastang ofpraposed water lines shall be �onsider�d subsidiary ta the wark and �l�all he included in the price �id in the Propnsal for vario►.�s bid items, Sanitary Sewer: I. Verify that al] �onnectio�s tv the sanifary sewer sysCern are for sar�itary sewer only. Nntif�+ City o�' any disca�ered illioit cnnnections. 2, Tne Contractvr shall be liable for all damages to properties, homes, and basem�nts fram hao2tup, tvhich may result during ihe installa�ion of new pipe andlor �b�.ndonment af existing pipe. The �ont�•a�tor �iill he alIav�ed to open clean outs �vhere availal�le. The Cantractar will he r�sponsible for aIl clean up associated wi#h openin� clean auts. 3. For a11 sani#ary seu+er service c.Qnneckions at manholes, provida a hydraulic sIid� in accardance with the details. C1TY OF 1'4RT WORTH �TANDARD CONSTRLJ�'7TO1V C�E�J€RAL hdaTES Version Retease Liecember i�, 2p1 T AdaheAcraha[Sign Tran:•��Gnn H�mLer C$JC��MPlJ11cVF�+cew'NYprqyyv6yr79➢sTNtp�.GxPA Storm Drain: i. 31rlaintain tha existing storm drainage sy�tein vntil the prvposed syste�n is in service. In no case shnu[d �I�c C;�artra�tQr lea�e the existing stann drain ouC of service wh�rehy runaff w�uld cause darnage to adjacent pxopesty_ 2. Construct al] drainage irnpra�ements fi�am tl�e downstr�am end to the upstream end to allow cantinued storm drain service. If ihe Gontractar prnpases to cQnstruct the system oth�rw�se, the Gantractor s�ail submit a segu�n�ing plan t4 the City for approval. 3. Ta1ce appropriate tneasures iv preserr�e w�ildlife in acco�`dance with applicable federal, stat� and loca.l guidelines. e�� o� Ft�uT wortTx sTar�n�ru3 carrs�uc-n�sr� G�Nfi�. rro�s v�s[�axe�a� p��b� 1s,a.a�� qd0 be A�..n ��� t siy,i � Tr::ns� �uon F; u: n4r �, CB J C I�IG C AAGRa.I r.vF5i �[ rr+1YJ,�cAyWPyYJ9ASTN:p 7Gxf'A 17i�isivn 34 - Trxnspurtalion General: I. Pric�i, Co activaf.ii�g t�°affi� signa.ls wit� new or rev�scd sig��al ti�aiins, the contractor s�i���ld e-mai] A�iz Ita}i�l�arx, Sr. k'��t�.tessianal Ln�ineer, at Aai�_Rahman�fortw�rtht�xas.gnv (and �apy 1Cassem Clk���lii, Prc�fes5ional l�.ngineer, at l�assern.�l�halil(c�fartwarthtexas.guv} at least ttrr�;c (3} we�ks i n a.d�a�ice to schedule tL1at. 2. If new ca�inets and coritrnllers are bein�, inst��il�d ancl the cantrallcrs a�e�d tQ b� pro�r-ammed and t�s�td by City Forces; the coniractar shnuId �f�li ver them tn the [:ity of �ort �ot'th, �;igrial Shop at 5041 �aines Ava., at leasi three (3) wecks it� advattcc to scheclule that. 3, Unle�� there is a co�npelling reasnn, a new t���c sigr�al u�ill he put on flash an Thursdays artid warkin� coJors thc following Tucsday. A�. 5witching fram oid traCf'ic signetl to a new one, this should h� donc� iyi� Tuesdays nnly. 5. Notify Txaffic N'f�nageir�ent Di�isian. (817-3�?2-773�} 1'roject Represcr�talive �t least 24-hc�urs in ad�ance oI'all ec�rycret� p�}urs. in5�aeetor must E�e �resent wl�en �ancretc is �laecd or� thC projeci site. �. If _�T�plicable, cquipmcnf supphed by lhe �ity will he avaifaE�le fnr pick up frnni thc Transpni�tatiaiilP�3hlic Wnrks �"I;�I'l�'} Warehouse at �d01 Jamcs Awcnu� andlor the Viilage Creek Pol� Yard (SUUf] 11rTLK Freeway). The Projeci Repr�s��ztati�e inust aufE�ori�e aI] equipmei�t pickups. 7. Desi�n constiltant shall suh�riit �lectr�lnic f�1e in CAI� format as well as PI]F (11" � 17"} �f final sigi�ccl and scalcd pl�z�s to fhe City. 8. [,nntractor shall pra�idc � 5-ycaf� manlrfzc�ur�.r �varr<znly on APS syslci��s, Ttz� war�'anly dacum�nfakion sha11 incl�Gde the start date ��vhen rnaterial is delivered to jc��r site} nnd the end date nf th� wan-anty and ihe serial number [s�'the equipmGnt. Tr�fti� ,�ignals; 1. The �'i.ty wi[1 rint �rnvide traffic signal cabinet nr tt��f%ie signa�l �ontroller to tt�e C:�niractac�. The c[�st far chese itcros �nust E�� in�luded in th� Cily rc5' ect bud et or far �ll ivatel femdcd ra'ec#s ``" P1 � � �'� Y pa � the east ix�ust �ae included in the hid �acka�e For �Surcf��sc frain the �eiidnt•. �, Th� �nntractcar 5hall prnvide al) materials needed tn canstruct a fu]Iys operatianal �raffic signal as callcd a�at f�x in the ��lans and specificatinns, 3. A�[ existing si�n�l equiptnent shall remain in place and vp�rating until neW �quipment is in place �nd ready ta op�rate. 4. The Contractc�r is responsible for h�tuling and properly t�ispasing oCsal��aged material frorn the job sile tn a dispnsal site nf #Izeir choosing. I'he C:oiitractor wiIl nt�t be �llowed to di•op otf sal�va�;ed m�.fcrials at tlie C'.ity yards. Founciatiqns; C1TY ai� r•c)x�r wcaR'r ii ST�u�IL3AIiI) C'C1N5'P[tU{." I'[{7N ti 1:N1:13AL N()' f ii5 Versin:l C�e.lc�se l7e�ember ] 8, 201T ArJobe ilcro6a[.Sigu 7fapsac[6on Nul�lher:tBJt}IIiCAA9R�41cvF5uCrMNprAyv�yr]5�siwtp�GxPA 1. I)itnensions show� on �lans for Ic��ati�3r�s af signal Fe�tmdatic�nti, cc�nduit, and other items m�y vaty in order tn rneet local ca.nditia��s. A11 locations of found�tiot�s, c�nduit, and graund baxes shall b� approv�d by the Traf�ic Signal Inspecto�- ar fhe Ci�+ �ngineer. 2. Cantractar shall cnntact ihe City �raffic si�r►al insp�ctor priax tv pauring �abinet foundation to be surethat ternp�aie and holt patterns arc correcf for type ofcabinet �eing supplied. Faundation shall be installed per �ity Spe�ifcat�an ar�d City l7etail, 3, Pier Foundatians shali be poure�i together in one piece. 4. No signal poles sha�ll be piaced on foundatians privr to five (5) caiendar days following paurin� of can�rete. 5. Contr�ctor sha�l clean up �nd rem�r+�e a1I loas� maferia] resulting fmm cnnstructiar► operatians ea�h day prior ta the work is baing su�pen�.ed. 6. Controller cabinei concr�le apron shall he subsidiary to the bid item for the cor�#roller cabinet foundafion. Cabinet foundatian and apran sha116e pouted tngethex in one piece. Contraller an� Cabinet: 1, Gant�•actar shal] install cvntmller cabinet and connect all assoaia#ed �ield wiring. 2. Gity will instdil signal timing and pro�,ram Gvntraller, Canduit; 1. A cai�t� nuous grour�ded s�r�fem sliall be pro�ided i� PVC cnnd.u4t by running 1-#$ �are �apper wire in �nndtiit between fQundations and groundin� at each lounc�atiun g��oursd rod. 2. All conduits shall be Schedule 8U PVC. 3. Electric�l serwice sl-iall be installed per City 9pecifi�ations and City Detail in sepsxate �" conduit frotx� thc tneter ta the signai cabinet. Signal I3eads: 1. All signal h�ads shall b� McCainTM, Econalife�, or appr�ved equi�alent s%le and dime�tsians. 2. All signal hcads shall be ca�ered with hurlap or other �ppraved rnaterial frorn the time af installatian unti] the sigrial is placed in operation, 3. All signal �ea� att�hn�ents shall be designed su�h that the wiring ta each si�nal head s�all pass fram t�c mast arm through � rain tight connectar to the signa! hcad hracing or a��hnlent hlrc�ware to the signal head. A small amaunt of expas�d sign�l c�hte sha�l f���m a c�rip Iaop. 4. Ai� LED signal indications shail be General Ele�ctric [GE� Geloar�'"'� or equi�alent and shall meet the latest ITE stand�rds. S. Signai l�eads [all displa�s� a�d pedest�ian 'Walk and Dpz�'t Walk ]�eads with countdawn displays shafl ha�e LED inserts. 6. Clarn-Shel[ mounting assemblies shall be used far pedestrien indinatians. crr� o� ra�-r won�x-r s�'aavn�xn car�s�rxue�or� t�vExr�� n�aTBs Version Relrase Deoem6er 1 S, 2017 Adohe Atrmbat Sign 7ransa rtlnn Number [P.I rH NrAAv.AqlrvFs nCzmNNp�hyur0yr7 4ns7N [ptG�oPA 7. A.II LET] si�nals shall be of tha incand�s�ent appearance. 8. AI� sigrtal heads shall have hlaek aluminum, lo�ir�ered, singte pi�e�e hack plates compatib3� wiih McCainT�, Econalite'�, or appro�ed equivale�t signai h�e�d housin�s. Trafiic Signs and Pa�ement Markings: �. Ail traf[ic signs and mounting har�iware shown on the plans will 6e furni shed and inslalLed by the contra�tpr in�luding the rnetro street name signs. The corrira�tor shall pro�+ide a detail sheet for the metro stt�et name signs with block nurnbers #o the City for appraval priar t❑ fa�ricatian and inst.a.11ation. �. Existing stop signs and p�sts wil] �e remaved by the confractar upan, ar hefare, the signal t�zrn-on. Deieclion S�stem: 1. The Cantx�ctcar shall fiu�ish and in�ial] the IterisT'" Var�tage Veeknr I�ybrid Detee.�tion System and cahle. 2. The Car►tractor shall install, aim and prograni all detectors as per City Standard 5pecifi�ations and City I]etaiIs. 3. The Canfract�r sliall refex to ar�d City Standard Details and proje�t pfans for detectian �ones p [acemant. Emergency Yehicle Preemption Equipment (E�P): 1. T�te C:ontractor shall �iirnish and install the OpticamTM EVF (detectors, cable, and discritninatar uniis). The Cantractor sh�ll install tha E11P detectox�s an thc magt arm as shown on the plar�s and apprapriate City Detail, and run one corrtinuous EVP �:able from the detectar to the cabinet, Installation af the EVP systern vvill b� paid f�r per hid itern_ Accessibl€ Pedestrian Sig��l (APSj: 1. APS units with audF�l� messa�e shal] be instailed an al l TxD�T locatians �r at the directian of Che Cify Engineer. 2. AP5 units shall comply wiYlt fhc latiest versinn of fhe T�xas Manual nn ilniform Traffic Contro] Devi�ces (TMUTCD). 3. APS units s3�al] b� installed per Ciky �tanda��d SpeciFicatinn and City Detail. Ba�tery Backup: 1, If called out for in the plans, hattery b�.ckup units supplied shal I compiy with the City Standard Specifications, Installation shall tae complebed per Ciky Standarc� Spccificatians and City Detail. Tr��f'ic C'antra�I: 1. The Cantractor shall suhmit a V+�axk S�hedule, TrafF'i� Cantral Pian, and acqiure a D��e]optn�nt Permit fr�m �3er�eloprnant Department, at �4i1 Te�sas Streat. C�ntact Chvck 11�fcLure {817-392- 7214). CTfY DF FqRT WOELTi-[ STANDARD CONSTR[7CTION GENERALNbTES 'Versien ltelease I)ecamber L8, �p 17 IWobe qcrof�sl SiRn iran xaGnvn N umhef: [ 6JCFISCAN3MICvFSULas�AAfVpcAyuAyY290ETHtpZGxPA �, The Contractor shall be respons�ble for the safety af ped�strians a�nd matarists in the area of the traffi� signal constru�ti4n site. 3. Roads and streets shall be kept open to traffc at a�l times. Contraetor sha11 an�ange constructian sa as to clflse anly �one lane of a z•vadw$y at a tinlc. 4_ AIl canstructian oper�tions shall be canductedto pro�id� minim�l interfexerace to tra#�rc. All traffic signal ec��iprnent inst�llation� shall be arrangecl so as to permit continuvus mavement Qf t�•affic in aIl directidns at afl titnes. 5. Cantracior sha�l be re�pansible far any signage necessary during constructian. 6. i.lnless o#�arwise nnted, it is the cantraatar's responsibility to ensure that signal in�icaraons ar�d timing are adjusted and maintained to ensure safet,y in wrsrk zone at all ti►nes. '], Any traffc signal modificatiar�s dUring constructior� are subsidiary to traff'ic cantrol plan �T'CPj pay item. 8. Any trat�'ic signal modifcations should be in �ompliarsce witJ� tlte latest �+ersi�n nf the T�xas Manual an Unifarrn Txa#�xa Contral Dewioes (TNiUTCD) and the �ity nf FQrt Va�rth S#andards. 9. The con�actQr shall submit any praposed fraff � slgnal mvdi£catians to the Traffic Sip,nal Sectivn fpr their approval ten (10) days priar ta any changes. Electric Serviee: 1. Inskall th� required el���ric s�rvices and abtain an eleetriaal servicc perinit in eaoh instan�, cost of which rvill b� paid by the C4�itra�tor. 2. The electrical servi�e shali be l �a amps with I201240 voltage bran�h oin;uit and shall comply with City Standard Specifica#ivns and Gity D�tails as applicable pez� plans. Luminaire�: I. The �it� will nat furnish l�.unin�ira material to the canCractar. The Cantractor shall furnish and instaill,ED luinina.ires for traf�io signals in accnrtlan�e with the lates# City Standa�d Speci��ativn�, City Details, and plans. 2. AIl new streetlight pa1�e types sh�11 ma�ch thase of th� surrounding are�. af Fort W�rth far v�rhich they at�e being installed in. Co�tact the City Traffic 1Vlanagernent, Street Light 5ectinn at (817} 39�- 7738 far direction an lig�t pale types allowed areas. The sam� pales shall be cansi�tentl� used thraughout subdivisions. �rr� or ro�T waxrx STANC]�1Ri3 CDNSTRiJE:] iqA{ GENERAL IVQTES Vexsinn l�elease i�cemhcr l8_ 2617 .JI � z C � �w r J � � W 0 � V � � � � J d � a � a � c� +-+ +--� +-' i.+ �. i� .i-� �+ � C C C+' u F C � G C C N N+' d] C = O! 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