HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 56515-CO1 CSC No.56515-COI FORT WORTH. City of Fort Worth Change Order Request Project Name Lake Como Park and Oakland Lake Park Dam and Erosion Control Improvements City Sec# I CSC 56515 Client Project#(s)l 101592&101875 Project Description Restoration of two dams:Lake Corn and Oakland Lake Park Contractorl The Fain Group,Inc. Change Order#1 1 Date 4/27/2022 City Project Mgr. Tonda Rice City Inspectorl Byron McDonald Dept. PARD TPW Water Contract Time Totals (CD) Original Contract Amount $1,588,264.00 $1,588,264.00 240 Extras to Date Credits to Dale Pending Change Orders(in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Date $1,588,264.00 $1,588,264.00 240 Amount of Proposed Change Order $369,982.50 $0.00 $0.00 $369,982.50 110 Revised Contract Amount $1,958,246.50 $1,958,246.50 350 Original Funds Available for Change Orders $39,982.50 $39,982.50 Remaining Funds Available for this CO $39,982.50 $39,982.50 Additional Funding(if necessary) $330,000.00 $330,000.00 CHANGE ORDERS to DATE(INCLUDING THIS ONE)AS%OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT 23.29% MAX ALLOWABLE CONTRACT AMOUNT(ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST+2591o) $1,985,330.00 JUSTIFICATION(REASONS)FOR CHANGE ORDER On August 10,2021,City Council authorized the execution of a construction contract with the Fain Group,Inc.,in the amount of$1,588,264.00 for construction of dam improvements at Lake Como Park and Oakland Lake Park(M&C 21-0561).After the award of construction it was determined that the design of the spillway wier and the elevation of the dam embankment had to be modified in order to prevent flooding downstream.The additional scope of work will increase in the contract lime from 240 calendar days to 350 calendar days.Change Orderwas athorized by M&C#22-0326. It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full (both time and money)for all costs arising out of,or incidental to,the above change Order. The Project/Program Manager signing below acknowledges that he/she is the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract,including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Contractors Company Name Contractor(Name) Contract Signature Date The Fain Group, Inc Larry Frazier Apr 28,202 Inspectorllnspection Supeivisor Date Project and Contract Compliance Manager Dale a�.ter a,.ard May 3,2022 %>-4.,�. May 12,2022 Program Manager Date Senior Capital Project Officer Date a. p May 20,2022 L Assistant Director(Dept) Date Director,Contracting Department(Dept) Dale cr May 23,202 May 23,2022 Assistant City Attorney Date Assistant City Manager Date nR MaY ,24 2022 May 25,2022 �k(May 1o,) Y Council Action(if required) M&C Number M&C-22-0326 M&C Date Approved F 4/6/2022 ATTEST: g4�pn CL a S as 00 May 25,2022 p�F FORT �a o°°° ° °°°o a OFFICIAL RECORD Jeannette Goodall, City Secretary P�o° °o0�p� °=° o4d CITY SECRETARY PVo o=d ode* ° *� FT. WORTH, TX FORT WORrrr City of Fort Worth Change Order Additions Project Name Lake Como Park and Oakland Lake Park Dam and Erosion Control Improvements City Sec it CSC 56515 Client Projecllk 101592&101875 Contraclor The Fain Group,Inc. PM Tonda Rice Inspector Byron McDonald Change Order Submittal fk 0 Dale 31812022 ADDITIONS ly Unit Unit Cost I ota Remove evja 16 3123.0103 Borrow by Plan PARD 131.00 CY .DO 20 3137.01 0 Special Riprap PARD 122.00 SY 120.00 21 3213.0302 5'Conc Sidewalk PARD 2,102.00 SF $8.05 2 3292.0100 Block Sod Placement PARD 194.00 SY 8.00 34 9999.2005 Labyrinth Weir,Conc.Spillway,&Appurt. PARD 1.00 LS 398.574.00 53 9999.2101 Prefabricated Bridge Structure&Appurt.(50'Lx8'W) PARD 1.00 LS $112.000.00 61 9999.4100 Parapet Wall integral to Sidewalk PARD 372.00 LF 152.00 PARD $607,982.50 TPW $0.00 Water $0.00 Sub Total Additions $607.982.50 Change Order Additions Page 1 of 1 Po Tic NYo� City of Fort Worth v- Change Order Deletions Project Name I Lake Como Park and Oakland Lake Park Dam and Erosion Control Improvements City Sec tt CSC 56515 Client Project}t I 101592&101875 Gonfractcrj The Fain Greup,Inc. PM Ton da Rice Inspeclor Byron McDonald Change Order Submittal F-1] Dale j 4/2712022 DELETIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION DEPT ry Unit UnitCost Total 3 9999.2005 Conc.Spillway Walls,Weir&Appurt. PARR .00 LS 120,000. 53 9999.2 00 Prefabricated Bridge Structure&Appud. PARR 1.06 LS 118,000.00 PARD $238.000.00 TPW $0.00 Water $0.00 Suh Total Deletions 238,00.00 Change Order Deletions Pagel of 1 MISBE for this Change Order MISBE Sub Type of Service Amount for this CO Cowtown Concrete Supplier $13,000.00 Total $13,000.00 Previous Change Orders Co# DATE AMOUNT Total $0.00 M&C Review Official CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FORTw Il Create New From This M&C DATE: 4/26/2022 REFERENCE**M&C 22- LOG 80LAKE COMO/OAKLAND PARK DAM NO.: 0326 NAME: CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER 1 CODE: C TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC NO HEARING: SUBJECT: (CD 3 and CD 8) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1, in the Amount of $369,982.50, with The Fain Group, Inc., for the Lake Como and Oakland Lake Dam Improvements Project, Increasing the Contract Amount to $1,958,246.50 to Provide for Additional Scope of Work, Adopt the Attached Appropriation Ordinance, and Amend the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement (2018 Bond Program) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $369,982.50, to City Secretary Contract No. 56515, a Construction Contract with The Fain Group, Inc., increasing the construction contract amount to $1,958,246.50 and adding 90 days to the contract time; 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations from the Park Dedication Fees Fund in the amount of $330,000.00, from available funds, for the purpose of funding the Oakland Lake Park Dam project (City Project No. 101875); and 3. Amend the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) is to authorize the execution of Change Order No. 1, in the amount of$369,982.50 to City Secretary Contract No. 56515, a Construction Contract with The Fain Group, Inc., increasing the contract amount to $1,958,246.50, and to appropriate $330,000.00 in Park Dedication Fees. Funding for the difference of$39,982.50 between the change order amount and the appropriation amount is available in the base project budget. On August 10, 2021, City Council authorized the execution of a construction contract with the Fain Group, Inc., in the amount of$1,588,264.00 for construction of dam improvements at Lake Como Park and Oakland Lake Park (M&C 21-0561). After the award of construction it was determined that the design of the spillway wier and the elevation of the Oakland Lake dam embankment had to be modified in order to prevent flooding downstream. Construction of the Como/Oakland Lake Park Dam improvements began in December 2021 and is scheduled to be completed in August 2022. The additional scope of work will increase in the contract time from 240 calendar days to 350 calendar days. Funding for this project was not included in the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) due to new charges being incurred after the CIP was adopted. The action in this M&C will amend the FY2022-2026 CIP as approved in connection with Ordinance 25073-09-2021. This project is included in the 2018 Bond Program. Available resources within the General Fund will be used to provide interim financing until debt is issued. Once debt associated with the project is sold, bond proceeds will reimburse the General Fund in accordance with the statement expressing official Intent to Reimburse that was adopted as part of the ordinance canvassing the bond election littp:Happs.cAvnet.org/council_packet/iiic i-evieNv.asp?ID=29879&couiicildate=4/26/2022[4/27/2022 7:44:12 PM] M&C Review (Ordinance No. 23209-05-2018) and subsequent actions taken by the Mayor and Council. The Fain Group, Inc. agrees to maintain its initial M/WBE commitment of 15\% that it made on the original contract and extend and maintain that same M/WBE commitment of 15\% to this first change order. Therefore The Fain Group, Inc. remains in compliance with the City"s Business Equity Ordinance and attests to its commitment by its signature on the Acceptance of Previous M/WBE Commitment form executed by an authorized representative of its company. Lake Como Park is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 3. Oakland Lake Park is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 8. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are currently available in the Unspecified projects within the PARD Dedication Fees Fund and upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the PARD Dedication Fees Fund for the Oakland Lake Park Dam project to support the approval of the above recommendations and execution of the change order. Prior to an expenditure being incurred, the Park & Recreation Department has the responsibility of verifying the availability of funds. TO Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount ID ID Year (Chartfield 2) FROM Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount ID ID Year (Chartfield 2) Submitted for City Manger's Office by: Valerie Washington (6192) Originating Department Head: Richard Zavala (5704) Additional Information Contact: David Creek (5744) ATTACHMENTS 101592 & 101875 Lake Como and Oakland Lake Park APCF 033122 NW.pdf (CFW Internal) 101592- Lake Como- MC- Location Map.pdf (Public) 101875- Oakland Lake- MC- Design- Location Map.pdf (Public) 80LAKE COMO OAKLAND PARK DAM CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER 1 funds availability_pdf (CFW Internal) 80LAKE COMO OAKLAND PARK DAM CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER 1 Update FID Table.xlsx (CFW Internal) 80LAKE_COMO-OAKLAND_PARK_DAM CONSTRUCTION CHANGE—ORDER 1 30110 A022(r2) (1)r.docx (Public) Form 1295 Certificate.pdf (CFW Internal) http://apps.cfNvnet.org/council_packet/me review.asp?ID=29879&cotmcildate=4/26/2022[4/27/2022 7:44:12 PM]