HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 52751-R2C5C Na. 52751-R2 CITY QF FQRT WDRTH SEC�ND AN❑ F'1NAL RENEVJAL DF AGREEM�NT WHE1tEAS, the City of For# Wa�-�h, ("City"}, and William .i. Schulf�, ln�. dlbla [;ircle G Ccanstrt�ction Con�pany atrtfiarized ta do busi�iess in Texas ["Cantractor"J, e�ilered inta that certain Ok�GINAi., AGREF.MFNT (City Secs'etary #52751, M&C 19-�0�7} far tEie �'F��JLCT general ly clescribed as: Sa�iitary Sewe�• Emergency Respo�is� Cantract 2�] 9; and WHCREAS, the QRIG1NhI, AGRFF.MFNT may be renewed up tc� two times as provided !�y M&C: 19-0047; and W�iLRLAS, tk�e CiLy and Cont��acto�• agrced ta the fiz'st renewal of the ORIGTNAL 11GRFf;M�:hi`T' f'or an additional tern� in the amowzt �f $1,250,OD�].00, said FIftST REh1�WAL was avail�ble iti tEie 2�20 operatiEig bud�et af ti�e Water and Sewe�' Capital Projects Fund, as appropi•iated in �rdinance #23$35-Q9-2D19; at�d W���REAS, The City and Cot�tracto�' aE51i�e ta renew the ORfCII�IAL A.G�.��MENT fQr tl�e seconc� teraz� at the amount of $1,250,OQ0.00, said fi»Zding for the SECONI] AND P1I�lAL ItENEWAL is available in the 2022 operating budg�t of thc tiVater and 5ewer Capital Projects f�und, as �ppE•a�riatcd by M&C 22-D286 (A�rii 12, 2U22} adoptii�g �rdittiance #25073-D9-2Q21. NUW, '1'H�,I��;N'[?1��;, it is agrood by tl�c C;ity and t;ontractar �s fallaws; A rficle I The Scope of'Ser•vices as sef fo�•th in tkie (]1�1Ci1NAL AGREEMENT has r�ot cf�a�lgec�. Article I� The C'ontr��ct�r's cnr��pensatiai� s�all be in the amount up tn $f,250,000.��. The Term of' tl�is renewal ags�ee�nent shall be for one year, effective as af the effcctive clate Q�• fhe expenditure of the Funding, whic�ever occurs ��'st. Article III Thez-e are n❑ other changes to any oif�er terms or co��ditions of the dRIGTNAL AGRrrMF.NT. �'�ECllTEI7 hy each {�ar�y's duly aL�tl�arized re��resei�tativc aF�d �.1� E; �C:TIVE �s oi�lhc �i�st� 5e�ond and Pina! Re3�e�ti:�i oi AgreeiFient Willi�ml. Sehult ; fns. c1R�la Circie C Cansin�cSinn Cnmpany 5:uii[ary 5ei��er T:mergency Rcs�oi�sc L'on[r��l 2Dl9 �FFICIAL RECaRD CITY SECRETARY ,����, o�� FT. V1fCaRTH, TX sul�s�;rif��cl hy ihe C'ity's desi�n�aleci C:ily M��«a�er, City af F�t•t Wart� br�,�r� �cc��du7a�'F Pana6tirehdoff•: y23,2. _':35C]�; U�na f�ur�hdat�' Assistant City Ma�iager May 23, 2022 DATE: Al'P[ZC)VAI, RECOMM�NU�;D: r'���. ,�i/�. �-•��b�ne�H3�= �V3.b,:cu:•�vic�r� Chris � Iarder, p.E. T)irectar, Water Dcpartment Williarn J. 5ci�ultz, lnc. dlbla �ircle C Constructian C�mpany � � c��� Teresa S. Slcelly P�•esident llATE: `� Z� - 2 2 Af'E'1�QVED �1S Tt� F[7RM AND LEGALITY; 8BP�5 � Dauglas W. I3lack Sr. Assistant City Attorney M&�; 19-4��7 (aut11�; 22U2&G (Fu�idi�1� ❑ate: Aug. 2Q, 20l�; A�ril 12, 2022 Cantr�et Cc�m�li�nce Mana�ea- By si�r�in� i acknowledgc #hat I am thc persan responsible for the monitoring and a�lministratian aFihis contract, i«cluding e�}suring all perforrnance and reportin� requirernents, .1. C i•is Llnd�rwoad ������ Project Manage�� ,�.� ��Rr a� ATTEST: rar .ianriette S. Goodall Ciky Seerctary p of oa000000�y��� 4 ��� 4��� D ��a ��� O p O � Q �j� �` Q Ca � �� � r��1, �a000000 �o' ,��� ��� �� �.a �FFIGIAL RECaRD CITY �ECRETARY FT. W�RTH, TX Sceond and 1'inal 12enewak of Agr�c�ncnt f�age 2 of 2 Willian� J. 5ciml[ ; Inc. dlhla ['ircle C Lanstr��ctinoti ('urn�xny 5anilary 5e;�rer limer�cncy 13cspanse Lnn�ract 2d19 Cify of Fort Wori�h, Texas Mayor and Counc�l Communication DAT�: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 LOG NAM�: 6018SSEMERCONR2-CIRCLEC REF�RENCE NO.: **M&C 22-0286 SUBJECT: (AL.L.) Adopt Afkac�ed Appropriation �rdinance in the Amount of $1,5a0,000.00 to Fund the Second ar�d �inal Ren�wal of a Contract wifh William J. Schulfz, Inc. dba Circle C Construction Company for Sanitary Sewer Emergency Response Conkract 2018 and to Effect a Portion of Water's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capitaf Impro�ement Program RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adop# the attac�ed appropriatian ordinance increasing estimatecE receipts and appropriations in the Water and Sewer Capital Prajects �und in t�e amount of $1,�ao,004.Q0, transferred from available funds in the Water & Sewer �und, for tf�e purpose of funding of khe Sanitary Sewer Emergency Response Contract 2018 project (City Project No. 102082) and #o effect a portion of Water's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Impro�ement Program. �[SCUSSEON: On August 20, 2019, Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) 19-0047 the City Council authorized the execution of a contract in the amou�f of $1,250,00�.00, with William J. Schultz, Inc. dba Circle C Construc#ion Corr�pany, for th� Sanitary Sew�r �mergency Respons� Contrack 20'18 {City Secr�kary Contract No. 52751) anc� pro�ided for tf�e option of two renewals. On June 2, 2020, M&C 20-0376 the City Council authorized change order no. 1 in the amaunt of $�70,420.Q0 which provided for additional err�ergency repairs and th� first r�newal in the amount of $1,250,000.00 to the 5anitary Sewer Emergency Res�onse Contract 20'f 8 with William J. Schultz, Inc. dba Circle C Construction Campa�y. The City and the Contractor desire to exerc3se the second and final renewal of the contract it� the amount of $1,250,000.00 and with the same terms anc� conditions due to t�e exhaustion of funds. 7he work to be p�r�ormed und�r #�is contract consists of replacing andlar relocating sewer mains, serrric�s, and other p�rtinent construction required in response to err►er�ency sanitary sewer main break incidents. In additian to the contract renewal amount, $250,000.00 is requfred for project management, real property acquisitions, material testing and inspection. It is the practice of the Water Department to appropriate its CIP plan throughout the fiscal year as projects commence, aciditional funding ne�ds are identified, and to comply with �ond covenanis. The actions in the M&C will appropriake funds in suppart of ihe Water's portion of ti�e City of Fork Worth's Fiscal Years 2�22-2026 Capital impro�ement Pragram, as foll�ws: 6a18SSEMERCONR2-CIRCLEC Capital Fund Name Project Name FY2022 CIP Appropriations Budget Re�ised uthority Change FY2022 �Increasel B��g�� Decrease) 56002 - 102082 - $ - This M&C $1,500,000.00 $1,5D0,000,00 W&S 201 S SS Ca�ital Emergency Pr�ojects Response Fund Cor�tract Funding is budgeted in the Transfer to WaterlSewer accounf of the Water operating budget for kt�e purpose of funding the W&S Capital Projects for 201 F3-SS Emergency Response project within the Water & Sewer Capital Pro�ects Fund. This project will have no impact on ti�e Waker Department's operating budgef when completed. Appropriations for 20'[8 SS Emergency Response projeck are as depicted below: Fund � Existing W Additional project Toial* Appropriations Appropriations W&S Capital Projects - Fund $3,170,420.00 $1,500,000.00 $4,67D,420.00 5�QQ2 Project Ta#al $3,170,�2Q.00 $1,500,000.00 $4,670,420.00 �`Numbers rou�ded for preser�tation purposes. Business Equity: William J. 5hchultz, Inc. dt�a Ciricle C Constrution Company agrees to maintain ifs initial MIWBE commi#ment of four percent tnat made it or� the original contract and extend and maintain that sa�n� MIWBE commitment of #our percent to all prior change orders up to and inclusive of this Cf�ange Order No. 2. Therefore William J. Schultz, Inc dba Circle C Canstrt�ction Cornpany remains in compliance with the City's MIWBE Qrdinace and attests to its commitmer�t by i#s signafur� on ihe Accepfance of Previous MIWBE Commitment form executed by an authorized respresenfative of its company. This projeet is located in AI.L. COUNCIL DISTRIC7S. FISCAL INFORMATI�N 1 CERTIFlCA710N: The Director of Finance certifies that funcfs are currently avai[able in fhe Wafe�� & Sewer Fund and �pon approval of the abo�e recommendation and adaption of the attachec� appropriation orciinance, fur�ds will be a�ailable in the in t�e W&S Capital Pra}ects Fund for 20�8-5S Emergency Response praject. Prior ta any expenciiture �eing incurred, the Water Department has the responsi�ility to validate the a�ailability of funds, FUND ID�NTI�IERS {FIDs},: TO Fund Department ccount Project ProgramActi�ity Budget Reference # mount ID ID Y�ar (Ch�rtfield 2) FROM Fund Department ccount Projeci ProgramActivity Budget Reference # mount ID ID Year (Chartfield 2) CERTiFICATIONS: Submitted far City Manager's �ffice by_ 4riginating Departrr�ent Head: Dana Burghdoff {8018} Chris Harder (5�20) Additional Information Contact: Chris Underwood (2629) ATTACHMENTS 1. 601$SSEMERCONR2-CIRCLEC (WCF 02.18.22).xlsx (CFW Internai) 2. 6�18SSEMERCONR2-CIRCLEC 1295.pdf (CFW Internal) 3. $018SSEMERC�NR2-CIRCLEC MWBE.pdf (C�W fnternal) 4. 6018SS�MERC�NR2-CIRCL�C PBS CPN 1D2082.pd� (Public) 5. 6018SSEMERCONR2-CIRCL�C SAM.pdf (CFW Internal) 6.601$SSEMERC4NR2-ClRCLEC 56002 A022.dacx (Public) 7. 60SSERRRCON2019R2-CIRCLEC.docx (CFW lnternal} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ef! 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TXCb1556R S�CTION 00 61 13 P�ItFORMANCE BO�D § § KNOW ALL BY THES� PRCSENTS: § 9 That �ve, Williasn .�. Scl}ultz �nc. dlbla Circle C Coi�stt•�iction Cont an , kno«rE� as 10 "Principal" herein and Me3�chants Bondi�ig Company (Mutual), a corporate surety(st�i•eties, if I 1 more tl�an one} duly authorized to do business i� the State of TeYas, know�z as "Surety" herein 12 (whether one or Enore}, are hekd and firmEy bound unto th� City of Fart Worth, a municipa! 13 corporation created p��rsiiant to the I�ws of TeYas, k�town as "City" lierein, in tiie penal sum of, V4 O�Ee Million Two Hundred Fift Thousan� & 001100 Doilars ($ 1,250,0a0.00), larvful �noney 15 of the �inited States, to be paid in Fort Worti�, Tarra�ft Coimty, Texas fo�• the payment of w�ich I6 l7 � l8 sum well and truly to be macie, ���e bind ourselves, our l�eirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jaintly anc� seve�'ally, firmly by these presents. WH�R�AS, the Princi}�al has e»tered into a certain written coi�tract �vith tlie City 19 awarded tl�e l2tli clay of _ April , 2422 , which Contract is hereby �•efer�•ed to 20 and made a pa��t hereof fo�� all purposes as if fully sek fo2•th herein, to fuEnish all �naterials, 21 equipment labar and other accessories defined by law, in the prosecukion of the Work, including 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 , 31 32 any Cha��ge O��ders, as providcd for in said Contract designated as Sanita�� Sewea• �mee� enc Res t�nse Ca�itract 20I9• Cit Pro'ect No. 142082 Second �n� Final Aene�val NOVV, THTR�FORE, the condition of this obligation is sucli that if dre said Princ�pal sha�l faithfully �erform it obligations under the Contract and shal] in all respects duly and faithfully perform the Work, incl��di�ig Cl�ange Orde��s, under tiie Contract, accordin� to the plans, speci�cations, and cont�'act documerits the��ein refe��red to, and as welf dut'ing any period of extension of the Contract t}lat may be gra�ited on tl�e pa�•t of tfle City, then this obligation shal! be a��d become null and void, othcrwise to rernai�� in full force and effect. PROVID�ll FURTHER, tl�at if any legal actEon be filed an tf�is Boc�d, venue shall lie in �'arrant County, Texas or dse ll�iitecf States Districl Cou�•t for the Northern District of'�exas, �`ort WOl"��l ❑1VLS10fl. CiTY OF PORT WORTI [ SANITARY 5EWl�R EMGRGF.NCY 5"1'ANDARD CONS"IRUCTION SYECIf'ICnTION U�CUMi:I+!"E�5 RE51'ONSI: CONTRAt;�I 2fl19, SLCOt�IJ & i'INAL RE:NEWAL RCVfSCd .ItII)= 1, 20l l City 1'roject No. {�20R2 OD 61 13 - 2 PE1t1'OAMANC� ]30ND Pagc 2 of 2 I This bond is made and executed in compiiance with the provisions of ChapteR� 2253 of the 2 Texas Go�e�'nment Code, as amended, anc{ ali liabilities an this bond sl�all be cietermined itt 3 accordance with the p�•ovis�ons af said statue. 4 IN WITNCSS WH�R�OF, the Principal and the Surety have SIGNED and SEALED 5 ti�is instr�unen# by duly authorized agcnts and officers on tkiis thel2tfiday of A�r�, 2D22 . 6 7 8 9 f0 ![ 12 13 l4 15 16 �7 I$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 3� 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 A1'TEST: m� � {Frincipal) Secrefary MiChele Lan c o►'d Witc�ess as to Princi��af _ --".� `. f' : �� �� �;J X "�.���� ,� � `.�`� '.. .�:� _ Witness as to Siirety John A. �ei' PRINCfPAL: Willia�n !. 5cVzuftz lnc. dba Circte C Constru�fion Com�pany BY: �...�LaA s r Signature Teresa S. Skell , �resident Name at�d 'i'itle Address: P, O. Box 4032$ 50� W. i'rain�nell Fori WoE�h TX 76�40 SU RETY: Mercl�ants o in Cam an Mutual BY: Signature Shervl A. Klutts At4orne -in-Fact _ Name and Tikle Acldress: 6700 Westown Farkwa�` West Des Moi�3es �A 50266-7754 Telepfione Number: 840 678-8171 _ 40 *Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety CoEnpany, t��ere must be on file a ce�-tif ed eYtract q1 fi-om tkie by-lativs s�o���ii�g tl�at tliis person I�as authority to sign st�ch abligation. If �2 Surety's physical address is different fi•om its ma�ling address, botlj must be provided. 43 The date of tlie bond shal l nat be pa'ior to tl}e date the Co��tract is awarded. 44 45 CITY OE� FORT WOK"l'H SAN[TARY SFW�R EMERGENCY STANDARD CONSTItUCT[ON SI'�CiFICA'f[ON ll(}CUMENTS RESPONSi CON'CILACC 2019, SECOND & I�iNAf. RGNEWA[. Reviscd Julp 1, 201 I City Project No. I�2f182 MEI�CHA.NT�� B�NDING COMPANY�„ POWER �F ATTORNEY Krtot��All Persons By These Presei�ls, thal MERCHANTS BONDWG COMPANY {MUTIfAL) and MERGHANTS NA7IQNA� gONDING, INC., bnti� being corparations of lhe Slale of lo��ra (herein colleciively calleci ihe "Companies") do hereby make, consiitute and appaint, individually, John A Miller; John R Siackton; Sheryi A Klutfs their true and lativFul Atiorney(s)-in-Fact, to sign its name as surety(ies) and to execufe, sea! a��d acknowledge any and all bonds, unc�erlakings, contracls and alher vlrilten instrumenls in the nature thereof, on behaif of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing Ihe fidelily oi persons, guarar�teeing tlie periormance of conlracts and execut'sng or guaranleeing bonds and underlakings required or permilted in any aclio�3s or proceedings allovred �y law. This Potiver-of-Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by aulhorily of ihe follotving By-Lavrs adopted by liie Board of Directnrs of Merckiants Bonding Company (Mutual) on April 23, 2011 and amended Augusi 14, 2015 and adopted by lhe Board of Direcrors of NterchanisNakionai Bonding, Inc., on October 16, 2D15. "The President, Secretary, Treasurer, or any Assislant Treasurer or any Assistant 5ecreiary or any Uice Presidenl shall have povler and auihoriEy to appoint Aliorneys-in-Fact, and lo authorize them ta execute on behal€ of lhe Campany, and atlach ihe seaf of the Company lhereto, bnnds and undertakings, recognizances, contracis af indemi�ity and olher writings obligatory in lhe nature tliereof." '�The signature of any au4horized officer and ihe seal of ihe Co�npany may be affixed by iacsimile or eleclronic transmission to any Po�ver oi Aliarney or Certificalion ihereof aulhorizing 1he execuEion and delivery of any 6ond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship oblsgations of ihe Cor�ipany, and such signature and seal w13en so used shall have ihe santie fnrce and effect as ihough manually �xed." In connectian w'sth o6ligalions in fa�or of ihe Florida Departmeni of 7ransportat'son only, ii is agreed lhai the power and aul hnrity hereby gi�en to Ehe Alkomey-in-Faci includes any and all conser3ts for the release of retained percentages andlor final estimates on engineering and construction conlracts reyuired hy ihe Skate of Florida Departmer�4 of Transporlalion. It is fully understood tha[ conseM'sng to the Slate of Florida �eparlmea�t of Transportalion ra�aking paymeni of the final estimaie to tYse Comrackor andlar ils assignee, shall not relieve this surely company of any of its obfigalions under its bond. In connection vriSh obligations in fa�or of !he Kentucky department of High+rays o�tly, it is agreed thal the power and atathorily hereby given io ihe Altomey-in-Faci cannot be raiodified or ravoked unless prior wristen personal notice oi such intent has been given lo the Commissioner- oepartment af Highways oi ihe Cnmmonvreailh of Kentucky at feast ii�irEy (30) days prior to the madificalion or revacation. Sn Wilness Wi�ereaF, the Compar�ies have causetl ihis instrumeni to be signed and sealed this 111h day of FeUruary , 2020 . .���„ �,+''�"ON ��' . . ���G C �' . � � �A�''"�'q•� r�� � � ` MERCHANTS BON�ING COMPANY {MUTIJAI.j p�N. . . a�l `,��,.G0�40R'9j�' y; ; Cs�v4�P�'�q�92�; MERCHANTS NATIONALBONDING, INC, :Z:2 -o- a�:� :r"-:� -o- "`' : ', v��. 2003 ,:�s'zi; �Q�'` i933 p��c: By � +: : � y�" ''c�' � :d�i'• , ''��,• •�d�i' ... 'd . � , ,� � �y• • �' \1 . Presrdent ��./,•''�'r• ��� ��` tic� .�• �j/ STAT� OF IOWA ���nn�N���' • �•r s• COUNTY OF DALLAS ss. On this 11110 day o3 February 2020 , 6efore n3e appeared Larry Taylor, to me parsonally knovm, who being by rne duSy stvorn did say ihaf he is PresideN of MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (ivIUTLlAL) and MERCHAINTS NATtONAL BONDII�iG, INC.; and ihai Ehe seals affixed to ihe faregoing inslrument are ihe Corporate Seals of the Companies; and that the said instrunient was signed and sealed in behalf of 1he Canpar�ies by aulharity oi 11�eir respectiva 8oards of Direckors. �Q.¢�A� S POLLY MASOlV • � o 0 o b� Commission Number 750576 ��A-�o�'�-' . My Gommission �xpires + ,ow�. ,�anuary 07, 2023 Notary Public {Expiration oi notary's commission does not invalidaie Ihis instrumenl) I, William Warner, Jr., Secretary a{ MERCHANTS BON�ING COMPA�fY (MUTUAL) and MERCHANTS NATIONAL BOND{NG, INC., do hereby cerlify lhat !he above and foregoing is a irue and cnrtec[ copy of the FOWER-OF-AT70RNEY execuled by said Companies, mhich is still in full force and effect and has nal6een amended or revaked. In Witness Wiiereof POA 0018 (1l20) I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Coinpanies on ihis 12fh day oi ����.� .• •--�. .•'��1UNq�'�., .•' �NG Cp'•.� � '��' '�"o' ' •.�': •'o�o �po' M'09'. !/ ;�:•pR Rq .o ' : �,. 9� • , . : � � c, � •. 2 � �� '��; .?,�, . ;Zr= -o_ n•;v= :r�"-:? �o "'� : C'S`• ' z' � a�' 1933 �'c' Secretary '�•., 2a03 ::.�7. :ti�. • �: 'd�;•. ,.•�.;� •. b�;� .. ,.`;�.�c. • o �' ' . •' '�.,�ji""�"'�'J�, .� fr���. �''+�.��..�..•+`' • •,. Apri1, 2022. " " ^ ��/ aa �� ia - � PAYM�.NT i30ND Pagc i oi'2 0 2 3 4 5 G 7 S 9 ]0 11 12 !3 14 i5 16 17 18 TH� STATE UI` T�XAS COUNTY Or TARRANT BOND NO. TXC615568 SECTION 00 G1 14 PAYMENT BOND � § KNOW ALL BY THCSC PR�S�NTS: § ihat we, William J. Sthultz Inc. cllbla Circle C Consh�uction Com an , Ic�7own as "Principal" herein, and Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual), a cor�orate surety (sureties), duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, known as "Surety" l�ere�n (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the City af Fort Wo��tl�, a municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of the State of Sexas, known as "City" her�i�, in the penal s►�m of One Million Trvo Hundred Fift Tl�ausand & Da1100 Dollars {$125�.00), lawful money of the Lfnited States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarra3rt County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly be made, we binci ow'selves, oui• heirs, executors, adminiskrafors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: WH�R�AS, Principal has entered into a certain w��itten Contract with City, awarded the 19 12t1� day of A ril , 2022 ,��vhicl� Conh'act is he�'eby referred to and �nade a 20 part hereof for ail purposes as if fi�lly set forth heE•ein, to fui�nish all materials, equipment, lahor 21 and other accessoeies as c�efined by law, in the prosecution of the Work as pravided for in saic� 22 23 2�1 Cantract and designated as Sa�iitar Sewes� En�er enc Res onse Contract 2019• Cit P�•o'ect Na. 1020$2 Second �nd Final Rene�val NOW, TH�REI+ORE, THE COND1iiON OF THiS OBLIGATION is such tl�at if 25 Principai shall pay all monies awing to any (and all) payinent band beneficiary (as defined in 26 Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended) in the �rosecution of the Work undee 27 the Gontract, then this obligation shall be and becoEne null and void; otherwise to remain in ful� 28 force and eff�ct. 29 30 31 32 This bond is macfe and executed in com�liance with the provisions of Chapfer 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this k�ond shall be determined in accordance witk� tlie provisians of said stattrte. CITY OF fOR'T WORTF[ SANITARY SEWER Eiv1F:RGENCY STANDARD CONS"TRUCT[ON S�'EC[fICAT10N DOCL3MENTS RESPONSF CQN'f[tAC7� 2019, SECOND & k�INAL ItI:NGWAL Rcviscd .luly l, 201 I City Frojecf No. 102082 ao6i ia-2 PAYM�.NT [30AfD Page 2 of 2 IN WITN�SS WH�R�OI', the Principal and Stu'ety ha�e each SIGNED and SEALED this inst��ument by duly autho�•ized agents and officers on this the 12t11 day of April __, 2022 . ATTEST: PRINCIPAL: Willia��� J. Schultz �nc. dll�la Ciscle C Co�istri�ctiau Com ar� '.. ,�--"' � BY: Signature (Yi � `Q�,i1, Teresa S. Ske�lv, 1'►'esident (Principal) Secretary Michele . Lank�ord Name and Title Adda�ess: P. O. Box 40328 500 W. Trammell FoR-t Worth. TX 76140 Witness as to Principal SURETY: Merck�ants din Com an Mutuaf � ATTEST: BY: Signature (Surety) Secre���.r� ��� � �� X � �� Witness as ta Surety .1ohn A. Miller Sher 1 A. Klutts, Attorne -in-Fact Name and Titla Address: 6740 Westown Parkwa West Des Moines IA 502b6-7754 Telephone Number: (800} b78-8171 5 Note: I#� signed by an officer• of the Sii�'ety, there must be an i►ie a certified extracf from the 6 bylaws sl�owing that this person has a�ithority to sign such obligation. lf 5u��ety's physical 7 adc�ress is diffe�•ent from its mailing address, Uoth must be provided. 8 9 Tl�e date of the bond si�all not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. �p �ND OF SECTION W CI"I'Y Of PORT WORTH SANITARY SEWF;ft tiv1ERGEl�CY S"i'ANDAIt[) CONS'CRUC'i�l(?N SPECIEICA'FION DOCUMENTS RESI'ONSE CON"C2ACT 2019, SECOND & FINAL RLNI:WAL Rerfsed July I, 2011 City i'roject No. 102082 �1/�ERCHANT� S�� QONDING COMPANY=,� POWER OF ATTORNEY Know All Persons By Thesa Presenis, that t�iERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) and MERCHAi�7S NATl0�4AL BONDING, WC., both being corporatio��s of the State of lowa (herein collectively cailed the "Companies°} do iiereby make, constitute and appoint, individually, Johi� A Miller; Joh�� R Stackton; Sheryl A Klulls their true and la�vfui At[orney{s)-in-Faci, to sign ils nanie as surely(ies) and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and atl bonds, underlakings, contracis and othar +mrillen inslrumenls iro ihe nature thareof, on behalf of the Companies in iheir busiiiess of guaranteeing 1he fidelily of persons, guaranteeing lhe performance ot contracts and execuking or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or pennitted in any aclions or proceedings allowed by lat�l. This Povler-of-Altorney is granted and is signetl and sealed by facsimile under and by authoriiy oi the iollowing By-Laws adopted by the Board of Dlrectors of Merchanls Sanding Gompany (Mutualj on Apri! 23, 201i and amended August 14, 2015 and adapted by khe Board af �Ereclors of MerchairisNationai Bonding, Inc., on Oclnbar 16, 2015. "The President, 5ecretary, Treasurer, or any Assistani 7reasurer or any Assistant Secretary or any Vice Presidenl shall have power and authority to appoint Attomeys-in-Fact, and to auEhorize them io execute on behaif ot ihe Company, and attacM the seal of the Company Ihereio, bonds and w�dertakings, recognizaiices, contracis of indemnity and alher wrilings obiigatory in the nature thereaf." "The signaiure af any authorizad officer ar�d the seaE of !he Company may be a�ixed by facsimiie ar eiectronic iransmission to any Potiver of Atromey or Cerltfication thereni aushorizing ihe execz�tion and deli�ery ot any hotid, undertaking, recognizance, ot niher suretyship obligations oi She Company, and such signature and seaf when so used sha11 have the same force and effect as lhougn manually fixed." 4n connection wilh ohiigalions in favor af the Flarida Departmenl of Transportatios� only, it is agreed Ihat Ihe power and aut hority herek�y giveai to lhe Atrorney-in-Fact includes any ane ali consenis for the release of retained percenlages andlor final estimates on engineering and construci"son coniracts required by the Slate oi Florida Deparl+nenE of Transportalion. Il is fully understood thaf consenting fo lhe Siaie ofFlorida Departrnenl of Transportation ntakiiig payment oi lhe final estiniaie to the Caniractor andlor ils assignee, shall not relieve this surety company of any of its obligations under its band. In connection with obligations in favor of the Keniucky Departmeiri of Highvrays only, it is agreed liiat ihe power and auEhority hereby given so Iha Attorney-in-Fact cannot be modified or re�oked unless prinr written personal notice of such inient has heen given to 1he Conun'sssioner- Depanment oi Highways af the Commorn�reallh of Kenlucky at least lhirty (30) days prior io the modification or re�ocation. In �tness Whereoi, the Companies Mave caused this instrumeni to 42 signed and sealed ihis 11th dey of February , 202D . ��,y.�,..,.,,� � � .. ... :������Q�O�<r��., '��a�NG" 9MA'• MERCHAN7SBONDINGCOMPANY(AM1UTUALj :��,:�0� Rq�:•; 2:� �' ��VO��� q�9�� � MEI2CHANTS NA710NA1. B4NDING, INC. :Q:= -a- G'.�� •F-�-;� -o- o; s : v�'• 2003 ��7; �d'� 1933 r c: gy �� . d�. •�`,:` .y`�d., ..�ac~: � �L � •; ��, . .��• • .. • �'L1 . Presrdent .�!/ •.'� • •. 7`t • STATEOFIOWA e•••f�"n.�.�+�+��' '+..��•'� GOUN�Y OF DALLAS ss. On this 111h day af February 202� , before me appeared Larry Taylor, to me personally known, vrho being 6y rne duly sworn did say ihak he is Presidenl of MEI�CHANTS BONDING GOMPANY (MUTUAL) and i�r1ERCHAN7S NATEONRL 6DNQIi�G, INC.; and lhal the seals affixed to ihe foregoing instrumant are the Corporate 5eals of the Companies; antl that lhe said inslrument was signed ar�d sealed ii� beha4F of li�e Gompan'�es by aulhorily of their respective Boards of �ireclors. �Pa�AL s pOLLY MASON � � 0 6 a o� CoinmEssion Number 75057fi /ya,��„ �1. A-.�''�' My Gomr7iiss�oii Expires " " �- i,QwP � January Q7, 2023 Notary Public {Expiratioi} of nntary's commissio�� does nol invaiidata this insirume�it) I, William Warner, Jr., Secretary of MERCHANTS BON�ING COMPANY (MUTIJAL) and ArtERGHAN�S �fATIONAL BONDWG, WG, do hereby cerli(y ilial the above and foregoing is a true and cnrrect capy of 1he POWER-OF-ATTORNEY execuied by said Companies, which is stili in fu11 farce and efiect anc� I�as nat been amended or revaked. In Wiiness IM�ereof, I ha�e hereunio set my ha:id anr3 af(ixed the sea! of the Gompanies on this 121h day af Apri1, 2022. ���.,����.,..,� .•'�G C �'• ..•P.��ONA� '�. •�O�N •• Q�lj,o. ., � � :�y �o�Qo;qq.�y f+ . �,o�o�PoA9�qy�: . /%, ,��._ -o- a:�. :�:'z o a.�� 1r��/� y�J 'x� 20U3 .;,�,� �6�Y j933 ��: Secretary � '�'••. . • .s'•. �',� ;� a . d�� ..•��; '. y'.. .:.��`,• : ,..� � .�.y��v• • i,4, •''\1�. ,,,�����!„Ilf/yf*i'' � � f � � • Poa aa�s (�i2o� 00 6l 19 - I MAiNTENAAiCE E3QN17 E'agc 1 of 3 l 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 V5 16 17 18 19 20 21 THC STATr 4I+ T�XAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BOND NO. TXC615568 SECTION 00 61 19 MAINTCNANCE BOND § § KNOW ALL BY TH�S� PR�S�NTS: § 'T'hat We, William J. Sehultz Ine. dlbla Cirele C Construction Cor�t an , lcnown as "Principal" herein and Merchants Bandin Com�anv (Mutual , a corporate sureky (sureties, if ���ore than one) duly auEhorized to do business in the State of Texas, known as "Sureky" 1�erein (whether one or more), are held and fir►nly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation creaked pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas, lcnown �s "City" herein, in the sum of One Miilion Two Hundred Fift Thousand & 001100 Dollars ($1 25� 0 000.00), lawful money of the United States, to be paid in �ort Wo��th, Tarrank County, Texas, foe paymenk of which sum well and truly be made unto tl�e City and its successors, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, admiajistrators, successo��s and assigns, jointly and severaily, firmly by these presents. WH�REAS, tlte Principal i�as entered into a certain written contract witil the City awarded the 12th day of April _, 20 22 , wl�icl� Contract is hereby referred ta and a made part k�ereof for all purposes as if fully set forth ]�erein, to furnisii all �naterials, equipment labor and 22 qthee accessories as defined by law, in the prosecution of the Work, includin� any Work resulting 23 1`ros�l a dt�ly authorized Ckz�nge Ordes• (collectivefy herein, tf�c "1�Vork"} as provided for in saic! 24 co��tE•act and ciesig��ated as Sanitar Se�ver �mcr esic Res onse Contract 2019• Cit Pro'ect 25 26 27 28 29 30 3! 32 33 34 No. 102082 Second and �inal Renc�val; and WH�REAS, Principal bi�ds itself to use suc1� materials and to so construct tl�e Work in accordance with the �lans, specifications and Contract Documents that the WaE•l� is and will ren�ain fi�ee fi'om defects in mate�•ials or wo�'kmanship for and during the periad af trvo (2) years atter tlie date oi' k� ina! Acceptance of tl�e �1�ork b�� the City ("Mainlenance Periocl"); and WHER�AS, Principal bi«ds itself to repair or �'econstruct U�e Wo��k in wiiole or in part upot� receivi��g notice fi•onl the City of th� need therefor at any time within the Maintenance Periocf. CITY Of FOKT WOR`CH SANITARY SEWER EMERGE�ICY STANDARD CONS'I�RUC770N SPCCIC'lCATION DOCUMGNTS [Z�SPONSE CONTRACI' 2019, SECONU S; I�lNAi, IZENEWAL Rcv�scdJuly 3,2Q1! CilyProjccti�o. f62f182 ao6> >9-2 MAMT%NANCG IIOND Page 2 oi' 3 i 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 ia >> l2 13 14 l5 36 17 18 l9 20 NOW THER�FOR�, tl�e condition of this obiigation is such that if Principal shall re�nedy any defective Wark, for which timely notice was p��ovided by City, to a completion satisfacto�y to the City, t11en kl�is obligat�on shall become null and vaid; otherwise to remain in fu11 force and effect. PROVIDED, HOW�VER, if Principa! shall fail so to repair or reconstruct any ti�nely noticed defective Work, it is agreed khat tl�e City �nay cause any anci a!I suclj ciefecti�e Woa�k to be repaired and/o�� reconstructed with all assoc�ated costs tliereof being borne by the Principal anc! the Surety under this Maintenance bond; and PR4VIDED FURTH�R, that if any legal action be filed on t�is Bond, venue shall lie in Tari�ant County, Texas or the United 5tates District Court for the Narthern District of Texas, Fa•t Workh Division; and PROVID�ll FURTHER, that this obligation shall be continuous in �ature and successive recoveries �tlay be had hereon for successive breaches. CITY OF fOR'i WORTH SANITACtY SGWER EMERGENCY 53'lINDAFtl7 CONSTRiJC7�iOtd SPECIP[CATION DOCUM�NTS RESPONSE CONTRAC'C 2019, 5GCOIVD &�'[NAL RGNEWAL Rcvised July l, 201 l City Project No. 102082 0061 19-3 MAiNTEtdANCE [3dNb Page 3 of 3 IN WITN�SS WH�RCO�', the Principal and the Surety have each SIGNED and SEALED this instruinent by duly authorized agents and officers on this the 12th day of April , 2p 22 . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 i3 14 15 16 17 l8 14 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 �2 33 34 ATTEST: cY�l ���..s�5 ��l��r�, (Principal) 5ecretary Micl1ele � Lankford Witness as to Principal ATTEST: :,�- " .-.:_.-.� (S ety} Secreta�y ��� �� ��� , Witness as to Surety Joltn A. iller PR]NCIPAL: William J. Schultz Inc. dlb/a Ci��cl� C Cor�struction Com a�� BY: a c� c��� Signature Teresa S. Skell President Nanae and �'itle Address: P. O. Box 40328 500 7'rammell Fort Worth TX 76L40 SURETY: Merchan ndin Com an Mutual BY: Signature Sher 1 A. Klutts Attorne -in-Fact Nan,e and Title Address: 6700 Westown Parkwa West Des Moines�IA 502b6-7754 Telep}�one Number: (800� 678-817 35 36 *Note: [f signed by an officer of t1�e Surety Company, tltare must be on file a certified extract 37 from the 6y-laws showing that this person has autlfority to sign such obligation. [f 38 Surety's pl�ysical address is diffe��ent ft�on� its m�iiling ac{dress, both �ntist be providec�. 39 'I'he date of the bond shall not be prior to khe clate the Contract is awarded. �10 Cl'fY OF FORT WOR'I'H SANI'TARY SEW�2 EIv1ERGGNCY S'1'ANDARD CONS7 EtUCi[ON SPEGF[CA'PION DQCUMENTS RF..SPONSE CON7'ItACT 2019, S�CdND & f�[NAL Rl:NEWAL Itevised July l, 201 I City Project No. 102082 �ERCHANTS � I30NDING C�MPANYF,� POWER 4F ATTORNEY Knov� All Parsons By These Prese�its, that MERCHANTS BONDING Coi�hPANY (MUTUAL) and MERCHANTS NATIDNAL BONDlNG, II�C., both being corporalions of 1Eie 5tate of lotiva (hereiiz collecti�ely caped the "Conzpanies"� do herehy n�ake, consiitule and appoini, individually, John A Miller; John R S1ocklon; 5heryl A KlultS thefr true anr� lawful Ailomey(s)-in-Faci, to sign iis naine as surely(ies) and to exacute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, underlakings, conlracis and other �vrillen iitstruments in ihe nature Ihereof, on behalf of the Cornpanies in iheir business o€ guaranteeing lhe fidelily of persons, guaranlesing the perfonnance of contracls and execuling or guarai3teaing bnnds and undertakings required or permitted 'u� any ackions ar proceedings allowed by lav�. This Power-of-Aktamey is granted and is signed and sealed by facsin�ile under and by aulhoriiy of lhe tollnwing By-Lavrs adopied 6y 1he Board of Directars of Merchanls Bonditig Gompany (Mutual) nn April 23, 2071 and amended Augusl 14, 2U15 and adopled by the Board af Direclors of MerchanisNaiianal Bonding, 1nc., on Oclober 16, 2015. "The �resident, Secretary, Treasurer, or any Assisiant 7reasurer or a�y Assistant Secreiary or any Vice Presidenl shall have power and auEhortly to appainl Altorneys-ln-Facl, and to authorize lhem to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the seal of Ihe Company thereta, hnnds and underlakings, recognizances, contracls of indemnily and ather writings obligatory in Ihe natu:e thereof." "Tl�e signakure of any aulhorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixad by facsirT�ile or e�ectronic lransmissian to any Potiver of Aitornay or Cerlification thereof authorizii�g ihe execufion and delivery of any bond, underlaking, recognizance, or other sureiyship obligalion5 of the Company, and such signalure and sea{ when so used shall have the same farce and effect as ihough manually fixed." In connection with obligaiions in favor of the Florida Department of Transporiatios� only, ii is agreed thal the power and aul harily hereby given to lhe Al[orney-in-Fact includes any and all consents far lhe release of relained percenlages andlor final eslimates on engsneering and construclion contracts requirad by the 51a1e of Florida Departrr3ent of Fransporiation. It ss fu11y unders400d that consenting to 1he 5tate ofFlarida Deparlment of Transporlaiion making payment of iine final esiimale ta !he Contractor and�or ils assic�nee, shalf not relieve this surety campany oi any o6 i[s ohligations under its bond. In connection witi� obligalions in favor of ihe Kenlucky �eparsment af Hiqhti��ays only, it is agreed Ihat the power and aulhorily heraby given lo the Attorney-in-Fac[ canj�ot be modifed or revaked un[ess �rior written personal rsotice of suc4i inlent has beeiti gi�en to lhe Commissinner- Deparlment of Highways of the Commonvrealth of Kentucky af least thirly (30) ciays grior to Ihe modification or revocation. In Witness Wliereo(, lhe Companies ha�e ceused tiiis insirumeni to be signed and sealed this 111h day of February , 2020 . .���.. �,•• ,.� � •• _ • •. .•`�t��'���'Nq'1 rB�% ����,N� ��'�MA'• MERCHANTS BON�ING COiNPANY(MUTUAL) ;,��,:�o���Rq�;•; �:� " �av4Rp �Rq�,9y� � MERCHANTS NATIONAL BONDING, INC. _Z:Z -a- d�:�' ��:y -o- `"' : :_' Z003 �„�;` :d�� 1933 �•�c; ey �� :�'�• .� .ti�. •��. �� �.,d'••. •' � : . . .,�J��••... ...•;���. •.d.��v••��=�•''\1�: Presrdent �7 •` . •' STATE nF IOWA �''�•,..��,...� ••.... COUNTY OF DALLAS ss. On this 111h day nf February 2020 , before me appeared Larry �aylor, to me personally known, vrho being by me duiy s�vom did say thal he is President o{ MERCHANTS BONDING COMPRNY (MUTLfAL) and MERCHANTS �fA710NAL eOiJDING, INC.; and that the seals affixed to the foregoii�g instrument are ihe Corporate Seals of the Co�t�panies; and lhat ihe said insirurt�ent tivas signed acid sealed in behalf of tlze Coai�panies by authpriky of lhair respeclive Boards of Direciors. �P.REAL �, POLLY MASON � � a o a o� Commission Number 75057� ��`�-a-�' . My Commission Expires �,aW�. January 07, 2023 Notary Pu61ic (Expiration of nolary's cammissian does not in�alidate this insirumenl) 1, William Warner, Jr., 5ecretary of MERCHANTS 80N[IING COMPANY (MUTUAL) and MERCNANTS NATIONAL BONDIi�G, INC., do hereby eertify that lhe above and foregoing is a lrue and correct copy of liie POWER-OF-ATTORNEY executed by said Companies, which is slill in full force and effec€ and has no1 been amended or revoked. In Wikness Whereof, 1 have hereunta sat i7iy hand and affixed the seal of tiie Coinpanies on this 12th day ot �,..��.�... .•' � � •. � �. . . ����arvq '.., .�o�,... o,�A. :''t, ••�p'pR••.,��;� ;�o..��Poq...;�y; ���►-r/ .;�h : GO qj; , 2 . c, '9�, •. ,� . ��:�Z _�^ ��;CY• :�"2 -4- Q; i : x' 20�3 `Lz; • �'� 1933 ,•' �' Secretary a • �Y: : • �1��•• r • :.V1:��%', . .'��\y' ..V�`v..1,s `�'�+. r� .,.r,, ...� • •'.s�� � � • � r � • � • POA 00�8 1i120} �"""` April, 2022. ����� �ERCHANTS � BONDING C4MPANY,M. h11:R(,HANTS li(7Nl�I�iG C:(�MI'ANl' iA4U-I-l)Al.l • Mk'RCF�AN CS NATIL��IAL RONI�ING. IfJC. I'.U. L�OX 14�iz)8 • T7FS Mi�l�IES, 1C}INA 5030G-3�i93 •(800) 678-8371 •(5151 2�k3-385�k FAX Please senc� all nofices of claim on tliis bond to: Merchants E3ot�ding Con}���tny {Mut�Eal) / Mercha��ks National [3onding, Ii�c. P.O. Bo� l �4498 Des Moines, Io���a 5030b-3�98 {515) 2�13-8171 ��oo� ��g-s i � i Physical Address: 6700 Westo�vn Parkti�vay, GVest Des Moines, lowa 50266 SUP 0073 TX (2115) Underwood, (Chris) J. Frorn: Gatewoad, Sophia P. Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2022 12:58 PM To: Underwood, {Chris) 1. Cc Saucecia, Norma; Willian7s, 7ressa 5ubject: RE: Certificate of Insurance_Circle C_Sanitary Sewer �mergency response Contract 2Q19 2nd Renewal Attachments: 102082_Circie C Cert of Ins_21 �22.p8f Appro�ed. �� Sophia Gaie�vooc�, CPCU, ARM-I', AIC, AINS, FCL� I'ropei•ty & Casualty Ma�;ager I IR/ Ris[c Ma«ageenent '� {817) 392-7784 � � (817) 392-587� Cit�� nf Fnr7 Wortlt — Worki�tg togetlte� to brrild cl sl►•nirg co�ft�rtrtrtit3�. FURT �VORTH Tollo�v Fort Worth ������ Fram: Underwood, {Chris) J. <John.Underwaod@fortworthtexas.gov> 5ent; Monday, May 2, 2Q22 8:43 AM To: Gatewood, Sophia D. <Sophia.Gatewood@fortworthtexas.go�> Cc: Sauceda, Norma <Norma.Sauceda@fortworthtexas.go�>; Williams, iressa <Tressa.Williams@fortworthtexas.gov> Subject: Certifica�e of Insuranee Circle C_Sanitary Sewer Emergency response Contract 2019 2nd Renewaf Sophia, Please find attached the Certificate of Insurance Acord for your review and ap�roval. Thanks, FORT VVORTH � ��. .I. Chris Uiiderr��ood Seti ra• Errgi��eeri�rg Tecl r Fort Wor�l� L1'aler !'hoiEe, S17-392-2G29 Gm:�il .tuhri.Under��aod,rr Forl4VarihTexas.�or ��z� �r,�, ��,� s,«z� �'Ofl ��rlMf��F, T� 7O��� tvtvt� . For111'ort h"C'esas.go��h��ater Clem� tiraler dorre �•iglr! eve�y linre. ���� Policy #CPP10�051064 COMMERCIAL GENCGL 084 {10 13) THIS ENDORSEMENT CWANGES 7H� POLICY. PL�ASE R�AD IT CAREFULLY. ADDITI�NAL INSURED �- OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - AUTOMATIC STATUS WHEN REQUIRED IN CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITH YOU - ONGOfNG OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATfONS 7his endorsement modifies insuranc� provided under the following: COMM�RCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM SCH�DULE OP710NAL Name of Additional Insured Persons or Organizations (As required by written contract or agreement per Paragraph A. below.) Locations of Covered Operations (As per the written contract or agreement, pro�ided ti�e location is within the "cov�rage territory".} (Informatior� required to complete this Schedule, if nat shown abo�e, will be sfi�own in the Declaratians.) A. 5eciion II — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured: 1. Any person or organizatian for whom you are performing operations when yau and such person or organization ha�e agreed in writing in a contract or agreement in effecl during the term of khis palicy thal such person or organization be added as an additional insured on your policy; and 2. Any other person or organizaiion you are required to add as an additianal insured under the contrac# or agreement described in Paragraph 1. abave; and 3. The particular person or organization, if any, scheduled above. Such �erson(s) or organization(s) is an additional insured or�1y with respect ka liability for "bodily injury", "praperty darnage" or "personal and advertising injury" occurring after lhe execution of fhe contract or agreement dascribed in Paragraph 1, above and caused, in whole or in part, k�y: 1. Yaur acis or omissions; or 2, The acts or omissions of t�ase acting on your behalf in the perforrr�ance o� your ongoing operations for the additional insured; or 3. Your work° performed for the additional insured and included ir� the "products-completed operations hazard" i# such co�erage is specifically required in the written contract or agreerr�ent. CGL 084 (10 13) Includes copyrighled material of ihe Insurance Services Ofiices, Inc. wiih ils permission. Page 1 of 3 Copyrigttt 2013 FCCI Insurance Group. COMMERCIAL GEiVERAL LIABILITY CGL a84 (10 13) However, the insurance afforded to such additional insured(s) described abo�e: 1. Only applies to th� extent permitted by law; 2, Will not be broader than that which yau are required by lhe contracE or agreement to provide for such additional insured; 3. Will not be broader than that which is afforded ta you under this policy; and 4. Nothing herein shall extend ihe term of this policy. B. The insurance provided fo the additional insured does not apply ko "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering of, ar the failure to render, any professional architectura4, engineering or surveying services, including: 1, The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, suNeys, field orders, change arders or drawings and specifications; or 2. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activilies. C. 7his insurance is excess over any oiher valid and cofiectible insurance available to khe additional insured whelher on a primary, excess, contingant or any other basis; unless t�e written contract or agreement requires t�at this insurance be primary and non-contributory, in which case this insurance will be primary and non-contributory relati�e ta insuranc�; on which the additional insured is a Named Insured. D. With respect to the insurance afforded ko these additional insureds, the following is added to Sectian III — l.imits o4 Insurance: The most we will pay on behaif of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: 1. Requir�c� by the coniract ar agreement described in Paragraph A,1.; or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whic�e�er is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits af Insurance shown in the Declaratians. E. Section IV -- Commercial General Liability Conditions is amended as follows: 7he Duties In The E�ent af Occurrence, Offense, Claim or 5uit condition is ame�ded ta add the follawing ac#ditional conditions applicable to the additional ins�red: An additional insured under this endorsement must as soon as praclicable: 9. Gi�e us wriften notice of an "accurrence" or an offense which may result in a claim or "suit° under ihis insurance, and of any claim or "suiY' thai does result; 2. Send us copies oF all legal papers recei�eti in connection witl� the claim or "suit", caoperate with us in the investigatian or settlement of the ckaim ar defense against the "suit", and otherwise comply with all policy conditions; and 3. Tender the defense and indemnily of any claim or "suit" to any pro�ider of other insurance which would co�er the addifional insured for a loss we co�er under this endorsement and agree to make available all such other insurance. However, ihis condition cioes noi affect ParagrapY� C. aba�e. CGL 084 (10 13) Includes copyrighted material of Ihe Insurance Services Offices, Inc. will7 its permission. Page 2 af 3 Copyrighl 2013 FCCI Insurance Group. CQMMERCIAL G�NERAL LIABILITY CGf� 084 (10 13) We have nfl duty to defend or indemniiy an additional insured under this endorsement untii we receive from the additional insured written notice of a claim or "suiY'. F. This endorsement does not apply tn any additional insured or praject that is speci#ically identified in any a#her aclditional insured endorsement attached ta the Commercial General Liability Coverage Form. CGL 084 (10 13) Includes copyrighted malerial of the Insurance Services Offices, Inc. wiih iis permission. Page 3 of 3 Copyright 2013 FCCI Insurance Group. Policy #CPP1 Q0051064 FIRST CH�ICE CONTRACTORS LIAB�LITY ENDORSEMENT TABL� OF COiVTENTS �]ESCRIPTION PAGE AdditianalInsured Coverags ...................................................................................................................................... 9 BaiiBonds ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 BlankefWai�er of 5ubrogation ................................................................................................................................. 14 Bodily Injury and Property Damage ........................................................................................................................... 1 Care, Custady or Control ............................................................................................................................................ 3 ContrackorsErrors and Omissions ............................................................................................................................. 6 Contractual Liability {Personai & Advertising {njury) .................................................................................................. 2 ElectronicData Lial�ility .............................................................................................................................................. 1 GeneralLiability Canditions ...................................................................................................................................... 13 IncidenfalMalpractice ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Insured........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Limited Product Withdrawal �xpense ........................................................................................................................ 3 Limifsof Insurance ................................................................................................................................................... 11 Lossof Earnings ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 LostKey Coverage ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Newly Formed or Acquired Organizations ............................................................................................................... 11 Nan-�wned Watercraft ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Property Dar►�age tiability — Borrowed Equipment .................................................................................................... 1 7enant's Properky and Premises Rsnted To You ...................................................................................................... 8 VoiuntaryProperty damage ....................................................................................................................................... 2 PoliCy #CPP100051464 COMMERCIAL G�NERAL LIABILITY CGL 088 (01 15} TH15 ENDORS�MEN7 CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. FiRST CHOICE CONTRACTORS LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance pro�ided under the following: COMM�RCIAL GEN�RAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM NOTE: The following are additions, replacements and amendments to the Commercial Generai Liability Coverage Form, and will apply unless excluded by separate endorsement{s) to the Commercial General tiability Co�erage Form. The GOMMERCIAL GENERAL LIA81LI7Y COVERAGE FORM is amended as follows: SEGTION I- COVERAG�S, COVERAGE A. BOQILY INJURY ANb PRO�ERTY DAMAGE is amended as follows: 1, �xtended "Properfy Damage" Exclusion 2.a., Expected or Intended Injury, is replacad with the following: a. "Badily injury" or "property damage" expected ar inte�ded from khe stand�oint of the insured. This exclusion does not apply to "bodily injury" or "properly damage" resulting irom the use of reasonabie force to �rotec# persons ar property. 2, Non-owned Watercraft Exciusion 2.g. (2) (a) is replaceci with the following: {a) l,ess than 51 feet lang; ar�d 3, Pro�erty Damage Liability — Borrowed Equipment The following is added to Exclusion 2.j. (4}: Paragraph {4) of this exclusion does not apply to "properly darr�age" to borrawed equipment wnile at a jobsite and not being used to perform operalions. The most we will pay far "properly darr�age" ko any one borrowed equipment ifem under this ca�erage is $25,000 per "occurrence". The insurance afforded under this provision is excess over any other valid and collectible praperty insurance (including deductible) a�ailable to fhe insured, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis, 4. Limited Electronic Data Liability Exclusion 2.p. is replaced wikh ihe following; p. Electronic Data Damages arising out of the loss of, loss of use of, damage fo, corruption of, inability to access, or inabiiity to manipulate "electronic dala" lhat does not resuit from physical injury ta tangible property. The most w�; will pay under Co�erage A for "property damage" because of all loss of "electronic data" arising out of any on� "occurrence" is $10,000. We have na duty to in�estigate or defend claims or "suils" covered by this Limited Electronic Data Liability caverage. The following definition is added to SECTION V— D�FINITIONS of khe Coverage Forin: "Electronic data" means information, facts or programs stored as or on, created or used on, or transmitted to or from computer sofkwar� (including systems and applications software), hard or floppy disks, CD- ROMS, tapes, drives, ceEls, data processing devices or any other media which are used with electronically controlled equipmen#. CGL fl88 (01 15) Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 1 of 14 Copyrighl 2015 FCCI Insurance Group COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CGL Q8$ (01 15) For purpose5 of �his Lirr►ited Electronic Data Liahility coverage, the definition of "Property Damage" in S�C710N V— dEFINITIONS of ihe Co�erage Form is replaced by the following: 17. "Property damage" means: a. Physical injury to tangible properiy, including a!I resulting loss af use af khat property. All such loss of use sha11 be deemed to occur at ihe kime of lhe physical injury that caused it; b. Loss of us� of kangible property that is not physically injured. All such loss of use shall be deemed to occur ai #he time of the "occurrence" that caused it; c. Loss of, loss of use of, damage to, corruption of, inability to access, or inabil�ty ko properly manipulate "electronic data", resulting from physical injury to tangible property, All such loss of "electranic data" shall be deemed ta occur ak the iime of the "occurrence" ihat caused it. Fflr purpos�s of this i�surance, "electronic data" is not tangible praperty. SECTION I— COV�RAGES, COVERAGE B. PERSONAL. AND ADV�R71S1NG INJURY LIABILITY is amended as follows: Paragraph 2.e. ExcEusions — the Contractual Liability Exclusion is deleted. SECTION I— COVERAG�S, the following coverages are added: COV�RAGE D. VOLUNTARY PROPERTY DAMAGE Insuring Agreement We will pay, at your request, for "property damage" caused by an 'bccurrence", to property of ati�ers caused by you, ar whi[e in yaur passession, arising out of your business operations. The amounl we will pay for damages is described in SECTION III LIMITS OF WSURANCE. 2. Exclusions 7his insurance does not apply to: "Property Damage" to� a. Properly at prernises owned, rented, leased or occupied by you; b. Properly while in transit; c. Praperky owned by, rented fo, leased to, loaned to, barrowed by, or used by you; d, Premises yau se41, give away, or abandan, if the "properfy damage" arises out of any part of those premises; e. Property caused by or arising out of lhe "products-completed operations hazard"; f. Motor vehicles; g. "Your product" arising out of it or any part af it; or h. "Your work" arising out of it or any parf of it. 3. Deductible We will not pay for loss in ar�y one "occurrence" until the amounk of loss exceeds $250. We will then pay the amounk of loss in excess of $250 u� to the applicable limit of insurance. 4. Cost Factor In the even# of a co�ered loss, you shall, if re�uested by us, replace the damaged property or furnish the labor and makerials necessary for repairs thereto at your actual cost, excluding profit or overhead charges. CGL fl88 (01 15) Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance 5er�ices Office, Inc., wilh its �ermission. Page 2 of 14 Copyrighl 2015 FCCI Insurance Group CdMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABiLITY CGL 088 (01 15) The insurance afforded under COVERAGE Q is excess o�er any fllher valid and callectible property ar inland marine insurance (including the deductible applicable to lhe property or inland marine co�erage) available fo you whether primary, excess, contingent or any ather basis, Coverage D covers unintenlional darnage or destruction, buk does not cover disappearance, theff, or lass of use. The insurance under COVERAGE D does not apply if a loss is paid under COVERAGE E. COVERAGE �. CARE, CUSTODY OR CON7ROL 1, Insuring Agreement We will pay thase sums lhat khe insured becomes legally obligated Eo pay as damages because of "properky damage" caused by an `bccurrence", to pro�erty of oihers while in yaur care, custocfy, or coRtrol or property a( others as to wi�ich you are exercising physical control if the "property damage" arises out of your business aperations. The amount we will pay for damages is described in SECTION III LIMITS �F INSURANCE. 2, Exclusions This insuranee daes not a�ply to: "Property Damage" to: a. Property at prem'tses owned, rented, leased or occupied by you; b, Properly whife it� transit; c. Premises you sell, gi�e away, or abandon, 'tf the "properly damage" arises aut of any part of those premises; d. Property caused by or arising out of the "products-completed operations hazard"; e. Motor vehicles; f. "Your product" arising out of it or any part of it; ar g. "Your work" arising out of it or any part of it. 3. Deductible We will not pay for loss in any one "accurrence" until lhe amount of loss exceeds $250. We will then pay the amount of loss in excess of $250 up to the applicable limil of insurance. 4. Cost Factor In the event of a covered loss, you shail, if requesfed by us, replace the damaged property or furnish the labor and materials necessary for repairs thereto at your actual cost, excluding profit or o�erhead char�es. 7he insurance afforded under COVERAGE E is excess o�er any other valid and calleclible properly or inland marine insurance (including the deductible applicable ta the property or inland marine coverage} available ta you whether primary, excess, contingent or any other basis. The insurance under COVERAGE E does not apply if a loss is paid under COV�RAGE D. COVERAG� F, LIMIT�� PRODUCT WITHDRAWAL �XPENSE 1. Insuring Agreement a. If you are a"seller", we will reimburse you for "produc# withdrawal expenses" associated with "your product" incurred because of a"product withdrawaP' to which this insurance applies. The amount of such reimbursement is limited as described in S�CTION III - LIMITS OF INSURANCE. No other obligation or liability to pay sums or perform acts or seraices is cavered. CGL Q88 (01 15) Includes copyrighted maierial of the insurance Services Office, Inc., with iis permission. Page 3 of 1a Copyright 20'f5 FCCI Insurance Graup COMMERClAL GENERAL LIABILITY CGL 088 {01 15} a. This insurance applies to a"product withdrawal" only if the "produck withdrawal" is initiated in lhe "coverag� lerrifory" during tha policy period because: (1) You determine that the "produck withdrawal" is necessary; or (2) An authorized government entity has ordered you to conduct a"praduct withdrawai". c. We wiil reimburse only thase "praduct withdrawal expens�s" which are incurred and reported ko us within one year of the date the "product withdrawal" was initiated. d. The initiation of a"praduct withdrawal" will be deemed ko have been made only at the earlies# of tne following times: (1) When you ha�e announced, in any manner, lo the general pubiic, your vendors or to your employees (other than khose employees direclly involved in making the delermination) your decision to conduct a"product withdrawal" This applies regardless of whether the defermination ko conduct a"producf withdrawal" is made by you or is requested by a third party; (2) When you received, either orally or in writing, notification of an order from an authorized gavernment entity to conduct a"�roduct withdrawal; or (3) When a third party has initiated a"product wilhdrawal° a�d you communicate agreement with the "product withdrawal", or you announce fo the general public, your vendors or to your empEoyees (other than those employees directly involved in making the determination) your decision #o participafe in the "product withdrawal", whiche�er comes first. e, "Praduct withdrawal expenses" incurred to withdraw "your praducts" which conkain: (1 } The same "defect" will be deemed to have arisen out of t�e same "product wikhdrawal"; or (2) A differeni "defect" will be deerrzed ta i�ave arisen out af a separate "product wikhdrawal" if newfy determined or ordered in accordance with paragraph 1.b of this coverage, 2. Exclusians This insurance does not apply to "product withdrawal" expenses" arising out af: a. Any "product wikhdrawal" initiated due to: (1) The failure of "your producks" to accomplish their intended purpose, including any breach of warranty of fitness, whether wrikfen or implied, This exclusion does not apply if such failure has caused or is reasonabiy expectecf to caus� "bodily injury" or physical damage ta tangible properEy. {2) Copyright, patent, trade secret or trademark infringements; (3) Transformatian of a chemical nature, deterioration or decomposition of "your product", except if it is caused by: (a) An error in manufacturing, design, processing or transportation of "your product"; or (b) "Praduct #ampering". (4) Ex�iratian of the designated shelf life of "your praducf". b. A"product withdrawal", initiated because of a°defect" in "your product" known to exist by lhe Named Insured or the Named Insured's "executive officers", �rior to lhe inceptian date of this Coverage Part or prior fo the lime "your product" leaves yaur control or possession. c. Recall of any specific producls for which "bodily injury" or "properly damage" is excluded under Coverage A- Bodily Injury Arzd Property Damage Liability by endorsernent, d. Recall of "your products" whicY� have been banned from the market by an authorized government entity priar ko lhe po{icy period. e. The defense of a claim or "suik" against you for °product w+thdrawal expenses". CGL Q88 (01 15) Includes copyrighled material of ii�e Insuranca Services Qifice, lnc., with its permission, Page 4 of 14 Copyright 2015 FCCI �nsurance Group CbMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILI7Y CGL Q88 (01 15) 3. For the purposes of the insurance afforded under COVERAGE F, khe follawing is added to 2. Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit Condition under SECTION IV — C�MM�RCIAL GENERAL LIABILiTY CONDITIONS: e. Duties In The Event Of A"Defect" Or A"Product Withdrawal" (1) You must see to it that we are notified as soon as practicable of any actual, suspecked or khr�atened "defect" in "yaur products", or any govern�nental investigatiorl, lhat may result in a "product withdrawal". To the extent passible, nofice should include: {a} How, when and where the "defect" was disco�ered; (b} The names and addresses of any injured persons and witnesses; and (c) The nalure, location and circumstances of any injury or damage arising out of use or consumption of "your producl". (2} It a"product withdrawal" is inikiated, you must: (a) ImmediaieEy record the specifics of the "�roducf withdrawa!" and the date it was initiated; {b) Send us written notice of the "product withdrawai" as soon as practicable; and {c) Not release, consign, ship or distribute by any other method, any product, or like �r similar producls, with an actual, suspected or threatened defect. (3) You snd any other in�olved insured must: (a} Immediately send us copies of pertinent correspandence received in conneclion wifh khe "product withdrawal'; (b) Authorize us to obfain records and other information; and (c) Caoperate with us in our in�estigation of khe "product withdrawal". 4. For the purposes of this Coverage F, the following definitions are added to lhe Definitions Section: a. "Defect" means a defect, deficiency or inadequacy thak creates a dangerous condition. b. "Product tampering" is an acl of intentional alteration of "your producY' which may cause or has caused "bodily injury" or physical injury to tangible property. When "product tampering" is known, suspected or threatened, a"product withdrawal" will nok be limited to lhose bakches of "your product" which are known ar suspected to have been tampered with. c. "Product wilhdrawal" means the recall or withdrawal of "your products", or producls which conlain "your products", irom lhe market or from use, by any other person ar arganization, because of a known or suspected "defect" in "your product", or a known or suspected "product tampering", which has caused or is reasonably expecled ko ceuse "badily injury" or physical injury to tan�ible property. d. "Product withdrawal expenses" means those reasonable and necessary extra expenses, listed below paid and directly r�lated to a"product withdrawai": {1 } Costs of nolification, {2) Costs of slakianery, en�elopes, produciion of announcements and postage ar facsimiles; {3) Costs of o�ertime paicE to your regular non-safaried employees and costs incurred by your employees, including costs of iransportation and accommodalions; (4) Costs of compuier time; (5) Costs oF hiring independent cantrac#ors and other femparary em�loyees; (6) Cosis of transportation, shipping or packaging; (7) Casts of warehouse or storage space; or CGL 088 (01 15) lncludes copyrighted materiaf of Ihe Insurance Services bffice, Inc., with its permission. Page 5 of 14 Copyright 20'i 5 FCCI Insurance Group COMMERCIAL GENERAL LfABILITY CGL 088 (01 15) (8) Costs of proper dis�osai of "yaur products", or products lhat conEain "your products", that cannaf be reused, not exceeding your purchase pnce or your cost to produce lhe products; buf °product wilhdrawal expenses" does not include cosfs of ihe replacement, repair or redesign of "your product", or the cnsks af regaining your market share, goodwill, revenue or �rofit. e. "5eller° means a person or organizakion that manufactures, sells or dislribukes goods or �roducts. "Seller" does not include a"contractor" as defined elsewhere in this endorsement, The insurance under C4VERAG� F does not apply if a loss is �aid under COVERAGE G. COVERAGE G. CONTRACTORS ERRORS AND OM15510N5 9. Insuring Agreement If yau ar� a"contractor", we will pay lhose sums lhat you become legally obligated to pay as damages because of "property damage" to "your product", "your work" or "impaired property", due to faulty workmanship, material or design, or producis including consequential loss, ta which this insurance applies. The damages must have resulted from your negligent act, error or omission wnile acting in your business capacity as a conkractar or subcontractor or from a defect in material or a producE sold ar installed by you while acting in this capacity. The amount we will pay for damag�s is described in SECTiON III LIMITS OF INSURANCE. We i�ave no duty to investigate or defend claims or "suits" covered by this Coniractors �rrors or Omissions coverage. This coverage applies only if the "properiy damage" occurs in the "coverage terrilor}i' during the poficy period. This coverage does not apply to additional insureds, if any. Supplementary Payrr�ents — Coverage A and B do not apply to Coverage G. Conlractors Errors and Omissions. 2. Exclusions This insurance does not apply to: a. "BocEily injury" or "personal and advertising injury". b. Liability or penalties arising from a delay or failure lo complete a contract or project, or to camplete a contract or projeck on time. c. Liabilily 5ecause of an errar or omission: (1) In lhe preparation of estimates ar job costs; (2) Where cost estimates are exceeded; (3) In the preparation af estimates of prafit or rekurn on capital; (�4) In advising or failure to advise on financing of the work or project; or {5) In acivising or failing to ad�ise on any legal work, ti#!e checks, form of insurance or suretyship. d. Any liabilily wl�ich arises out of any actual or alleged infringement of copyright or trademark or trade dress or patent, unfair campetilion or piracy, or theft or wrangful kaking of cancepts or inteklectual praperfy. e. Any liability for damages: {1 } From the intentional dishonest, fraudulent, rr�alicious or criminal acts of the Named Insured, or by any par#ner, member of a limited liability cornpany, or executive officer, or at the direction of any of them; or {2} Which is in iact expected or int�nded by the ir�sured, ev�:n if the injury or damage is of a different degree or type than actually expected or intended. CGL 088 (01 15) Includes co�yrighted matertal of 1he Insurance Services Ofiice, Inc„ with its permission. Page 6 of 14 Copyright 2015 FCCI Insurance Group COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CGL 088 (0'f 15) f. Any liability arising out of manufacturer's warranties or guarantees whelher express or implied. g. Any liability arising from "properly damage" ta property owned by, rent�d ar leased to khe insured. h. Any liability incurred or "property damage" which occurs, in whole or in part, before you ha�e completed "your work." "Your work" will be deemed completed at the earliest of the following times: (1) W�en all of t�e work called for in your contract or work order has been completed, (2) When ali !he work to be done at the job s9te has been completed iF your conlract calls for work at more than one job s9te; or (3) When that part of ti�e woric done at a job site has been put to its intended use by any person ar organization ather than anothe� cantractor or subcontractor warking on the same projecf. Work that may need service or mainkenance, earrection, repair ar replacement, but which is otherwise complete, will be trea#ed as campleie. i, Any liabifily arising from "property damage" to praducts that are still in your physical possession. j. Any liabiiily arising aut of the rendering of or failure to render any professional services by you or an your behaif, but only wiih respect to either ar both of the follawing operations; {1) Providing engineering, architectural or sur�eying ser�ices to others; and (2j Pra�iding ar hiring independent professionais to provide engineering, architectura! or surveying services in connection wit� constructian work you perform. Professional services incfude t�e preparing, approving or failing to prepare ar approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, sur�eys, field arders, change orders, or tirawings and specifications. Professional services aiso include supervisory or inspection activities performed as part of any rela#ed architectural or engineering activities. But, professional services do not include services within construc#ion means, melhods, techniques, sequences and procedures employed by you i� connection with construcfion work you perform. k. Your foss of profit or expected profit a�d any liability arising therefrom. I. "Property damage" ko property ather than "your product," "your work" ar "impaired property." m. Any liability arising from claims or "suits" where the righl of action against the insured has been relinquishec� or waived. n. Any liability for "praperfy damage" to "your wark" if the damaged wark or the work out of which the dart�age arises was performed on your behal# by a subcontrackor. a Any liability arising from the substitution of a materiai or product for ane specified on blueprinfs, wark orders, coniracts ar engineering specifications unfess there has been wriften authorization, or unfess ti�e blueprinls, work orders, contracts or engineering specifications were written by you, and you have authorized the changes. p, Liability of others assumed by the insured under any cantract or agreetnent, whether oral or in writing. This exc�usion does not apply lo liability for damages that the insured would have in the absence of the conlract or agreement, 3. For the purposes of Cqverage G, the following clefinition is added to the Definitions section: a. "Contractor" means a person or organizat'ton engaged in activities of building, clearing, {iling, excavating or impravement in the size, use or appearance of any structure or land. "Confractor" does not incaude a"s�lfer" as defined elsawhere in this endorsement. 4. Deductible We will nat pay for foss in any one "occurrence" until the amount of loss exceeds $250. The limits of insurance wifl not be reduced by the application of the deductible amount. CGL 088 (01 15) Includes copyrighked malerial of Ihe Insurance Services O[fice, Inc., with its permission. Page 7 of 14 Copyright 2015 FCCI Insurance Group GQMMERCIAL CENERAL LIABILITY CGL 088 (01 15) We may pay any part or all of the deduclible amount to effect setllemenk of any claim or "suit", and upon notification of the action kaken, you shail promptly reimburse us for such part of the deductible amount as has been paid by us. 5. Cast Factor In the e�ent of a co�ered loss, you shall, if reguesfed by us, replace the damaged property or furnish lhe labor and makerials necessary for repairs thereta at your actual cost, excluding profik or overhead charges. The insurance under COV�RAGE G does not apply if a loss is paid under COVERAG� F. COVERAGE H. LOST KEY COV�RAGE 1. Insuring Agreement We will pay thosa sums, subject lo the limits of liability described in SECTION IEI LIMITS OF INSURANCE in this endarsement and the deducii�le shown below, that you �ecome legally obligafed to pay as da�nages caused by an "occurrence" and due to the loss or mysterious disappearance of keys entrusted to or in the care, custody or control of you or your "employees" or anyane acting on your behalf. The damages cavered by fhis endarsement are limiied to the: a. Acfual cost of the keys; b. Cost to adjust Eocks to accept new keys; or c, Cost of new locks, if required, including fhe cost of installation. 2. Exclusions 7his insurance does nat apply to: a. Keys owned by any insured, empl4yees of any insured, or anyone acting on behalf of any insured; b, Any resulting loss of us�; or c. Any of the following acts by any insurad, �mployees of any insured, or anyone acting or� b�half of any insured: 1) Misappropriation; 2) Concealment; 3) Conversion; 4) Fraud; or 5) bishonesty. 3. Deductible We will not pay for loss in any one "occurrence" until the amount of foss exceeds $1,00�. The limits o# insurance will nvt be reduced by the application of the deductible amount. We may pay any park or all of the deductible amount ko effect settlement of any claim ar "suit" and, upon notification of lhe action taken, you shall promplly reimburse us for such part of fhe deductible amount as has bean paid by us, EXPANDED COVERAGE FOR TENANT'S PROPERTY AND PR�MIS�S R�NTED TO YOU The firsk paragraph after subparagraph (6) in Exclusian j„ Damage to Praperty is amended to read as follows: Paragraphs (9 j, (3j and (�4) of this exclusion do not apply to "praperty damage" (other than damage by fire) to premises, incl�ding the contents af such premises, rented to you. A separate iimik of insurance applies to Damage To Premises Rented To You as described in Section III — Limits Of Insurance. CGL 088 (01 15) Includes copyrighfed material of Ihe Insurance Senrices �ffice, Inc., with its permission. Page 8 of 'f4 Copyright 2Q15 FCCI Insurance Group COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CGL 088 (01 15j SECTION I» COVERAGES, SUPPLEMEiVTARY PAYM�NTS — COVERAG� A and B is amended as follows: All reFerences to SUPP�EMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVERAGES A and B are amended ko SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVERAGES A, B, a, E, G, and H. 1. Cost of Bail Bonds Paragraph 1.b. is replaced with the following: b. Up to $2,500 for cost of bail bands required because of accidents or frafiic law violations arising out of the use of any venicle to which fhe Bodily Injury Liability Coverage applies. We do not have to furnish these bonds. 2. Loss of Earnings Paragraph 1.d, is replaced with the folfawing: d. A!I reasonable expenses incurred by the insured at our requesf to assist us ir� fhe investigation or defense of the claim or "suit", including actual loss af earnings up to $500 a day because of time off from work. SECTION II — WFEO IS AN INSURED is amended as foilows: 1. Incidental Malprackice Paragrap� 2.a.(1)(d) is replaced with lhe following: (d) Arising out of his or her providing or Failing to provide professiona! health care services. However, this exclusion does not apply to a nurse, emergency medical technician or paramedic employed by you to provide medical senrices, unless: (i) You are engaged in the occupation or business of provicEing or offering medical, surgical, denfal, x-ray or nursing services, treatment, advice or instruction; or (ii) The "employee" has another insurance that would afso co�er claims arising under this provFsion, wh�t�er the afher insurance is primary, excess, contingent or on any ather basis. 2. Broadened Who Is An Insured The fallowing are added to Paragraph 2.: Subsidiaries e. Your subsidiaries if: (1) They are I�gally incorporated entities; and (2) Yau own more than 50% of the voting skock in such subsidiaries as of the effecfive date of lhis policy. If such subsidiaries are not shown in the Declarations, you must report them to us within 180 days of the inception of your original policy. Additional Insureds f. Any person or organization described in paragraphs g. through k. below whom yau are required ko add as an additional insured on this policy under a written contract or agreement in effect during the Eerm of khis policy, provided lhe wrilten contract or agreement was executed prior to the "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" far which lhe additior�al insurec� seeks coverage, However, the insurance afforded to such acEditional insured(s): {1) Only applies ta the exten# perrnitted by law; (2) Wil! nat be broader than that which you are required by the conlract or agreement to provide for such additional insured; (3) Will not be braader than i�at which is aiforded to you under fi�is policy; (4) Is subject to the conditions described in pa�'agraphs g, through k. below; and (5) Nothing herein shall extend lhe term of lhis policy. CGL Q88 (01 15) Indudes eopyrighied material of the Insurance Services Office, Inc., wiih iis permission. Page 9 of 14 Copyright 2015 FCCI Insurance Group C�MMERCIAL GEEVERAL LIABILI7Y CGL 088 (01 15) g. Owner, Lessor or Manager of Premises If the additional insured is an owner, lessor or manager of premises, such person or organization shall be covered only with respect lo liabilify arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of that part of any premises leased to you and subject to t�e #ollowing additional exclusions: (1) Any `bccurrence" t�ak takes place afker you cease ko occt�py those premises; or (2) Structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of such person or organization. h. Skate or Governmental Agency ar Subdivision or Palikical Subdi�ision — PermiEs or Authorizations If the addiEional insured is the state or any political subdivision, the state or political subdivision shall be coverecf only with respecl ta operations performed by you or on your behalf for which #he state or polikical subcEi�ision has issued a permit ar authorization. 7his insurance does not apply to: (1 }"Bodily injury", "property damage", ar "personal and advertising injury" arising aut of operations performed for the federal government, state ar municipality; or (2) "Bodiiy injury" ar "property damage° included within the "products-completed operations hazard". Lessor of L.eased �quipment If ihe additional insured is a lessor of leased equipment, such lessor shall be covered only with respect to liability for "bfldily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertisir�g injury" caused, in whale or in part, by your maintenance, operation or use of equipmenk leased ta you by such person(s) or organization{s). Witi� respect to the insurance a#forcfed to these additional insureris, this insurance does not apply ta any `bccurrence" which takes place affer the equipmenf lease expires. Mortgagee, Assignee, or Recei�er If lhe additionaf Insured is a rnortgagee, assignee, or receiver of premisas, suc� rriortgagee, assignee or receiver af premises is an additionai insured only with res�ect to their liability as mortgagee, assignee, or receiver and arising out of ihe ownership, maintenance, or use of the premises by you. This insurance does not apply to structural alterations, new construction and demolition operations }�erformed by ar for fhat person or organization. k. Vendar If the additional insured is a �endor, such vendar is an addilional insured only wiEh respect to "bodily injury" or "properly damage" caused by "your products" which are distributed or sold in the regular course of the ve�dor's business, subject to fhe fallowing additional exclusions: (1) The insurance afforded lo the vendar does not apply to: (a) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" far which the vendor is obligated to pay damages by reason of t�e assumption of liabiiity in a contracf or agreement. This exclusion does not apply to liability for damages that the �endor would i�a�e in absence af the conkrac# or agreement, (b) Any express warranty unauthorized by you; (c} Any physical ar chemical change in "your product" made intentionally by the �endor; (d) Repackaging, unless un�acked solely for the purpose of inspeclion, cfemonstration, testing, or the substituiion of parts under instructions from the ir�anufacturer, and lhen repackaged in the original container; (e) Any failure to make such inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make or normaliy undertakes to make in the usual course of business, in connection wifh the dislribution or sale of the products; (f) Demonstration, installation, servicing or repair operations, except such operakions }�erFormed at the �endor's prem9ses in connection wikh #he sale of the product; CGI. 088 (0'i 'f5) Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Services �ffice, Inc., with its permission. Page i0 of 14 Copyright 2015 FCCI Insurance Graup CQMM�RCIAL G�NERAL LIABILlTY CGL 086 (01 15) (g) Products which, a#ter distributian or sale by you, ha�e been labeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or ingredient af any other thing or substance by or for khe �endor; or (h) "�odily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the sole negligence of the vendor for its own acts or omissions or those of its own acts or omissions or those of its emptoyees or anyone else acting on iks behalf. Howe�er, khis exclusion does not apply to: The exceptions contained in Subparagraphs d. ar f.; or ii. Such inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make or rzormaliy underkakes ta make in the usual course of business, in connection witfi� the distribution or sale of th� praducts. (2) This insurance does not apply lo any insured persan or organization, from whom you ha�e acquired such �roducts, or any ingredient, part or cantainer, entering into, accompanying or conkaining such prad�cts, 3. Newly Formed or Acquired Organizations Paragraph 3. is amended as follows: a. Co�erage under this pro�ision is afforded until the end of the policy period. d. Coverage A does not a�ply to product recall expense arising out of any withdrawal or recall that occurred before you acquired or formed the organ'tzakion. SECTION III — LiMITS OF IIVSURANCE is amended as follows: 1, Paragraph 2. is replaced wilh the following: 2. The General Aggregate Limit is [he most we wili pay for the sum of: a. Medical expenses under Coverage C; b. Damages under Coverage A, exce�t damages because of "bodily injury" or "praperty damage" included in the "praducts-completed operations hazard"; c. Damages under Coverage B; d. Voluntary "property damaga" payments under Coverage D; e. Care, Custody ar Control damages under Coverage E.; and f. Lost Key Caverage under Coverage H. 2, Paragraph 5. is re�laced with the following: 5. Subject lo Paragrapl� 2. or 3. above, whiche�er applies, ihe Each Occurrence Limil is the most we will pay for the sum of: a. Qamages under Coverage A; b. Medical expenses under Coverage C; c. Voluntary "property damage" paymenfs under Co�erage D; d. Care, Custody or Confro! damages under Coverage E; e. Limiked Product Wilhdrawal Expense under Coverage F; f. Conkractors Errors and Omissions under Coverage G.; ar�d, g. Losk Key Coverage under Co�erage H. because of all "bodily injury" and "proper#y damage° arising out of any one "occurrence". 3. Paragraph 6. is replaced with the following: 6. Subject to Paragraph 5. a�ove the Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the most we will pay under Caverage A for damages because of "property damage" to any one premisas, while rented to you, CGL O88 (01 15) Includes copyrighted rr�aterial o( tl�e Insurance Services OHice, Enc., with its �errnission, Page 11 of 14 Capyright 2015 FCCI Insurance Group COMMERCIAL GEN�RAL LlABILI7'Y CGL 088 (01 15} or in the case of damage by Fire or explasion, while rented ta you or te�r�porarily occupied by you with permission of the owner. The Damage to Premises Rented to You Limit is lhe higher of lhe Each Occurrence Lirnik shown in lhe beclaratians or the amount shown in the Declarations as bamage 7o Premises Rented To You Limit. 4. Paragraph 7. is replaced with the following: 7. Subject to Paragrapi� 5, above, t�e higher of $10,4�0 or khe Medical �xpense Limit shown in the Declarations is the most we will pay under Coverage C for all medical expenses because of "bodily injur�' sustained by any one persan. 5, Paragraph $. is added as follows: 8. Su6j�ct to Paragraph 5. above, the most we will pay under Coverage D. Volunlary Properly Damage for loss arising out of any one "occurrence" is $1,50Q. The most we will pay in any one-policy period, re�ardless af the number of claims made or suits brought, is $3,0�0. 6. Paragraph 9. is added as fallows: 9. Subjeck to Paragraph 5. above, khe most we will pay under Coverage E, Care, Custody or Control for "property damage" arising out of any one "occurrence" is $1,000. The mosE we will pay in any one-policy period, regardless of the number of claims made or suits brought, is $5,000. 7. Paragraph 10. is added as follows: 1 p. 5ubject to Paragraph 5. above, the most we will pay under Coverage �. Limited Product Withdrawal Expense for "product withdrawal ex�enses" in any one-policy period, regardless of the number af insurecls, "prodUct withdrawals" initiated or number of "your products" withcirawn is $10,000. 8. Paragraph 11. is added as follows: 11. Subject to Paragraph 5. abave, the most we will pay under Coverage G, Contracfors Errors and Omissions for damage in any one-policy period, regardless of the number of insureds, claims or "suits" brought, ar persons or organizaiions rr�aking claim or bringing "suits" is $10,000. For errors in cflntract or job specifications or in recommendations of products or malerials to be us�d, this policy will not pay for additional costs of products and materials ta be used that would not have been incurred had the correct recommendations or specificatior�s been made. 9. Paragraph 12. is adcled as fol�ows: 12. Subject lo Paragrapt� 5. above, the most we will pay under Coverage H., Lost Key Coverage for damages arising out of any one occurrance is $50,000. 10. Paragraph 13. is added as follows: 13. The General Aggregate Limit applies separafely to: a. Each of your projects away from premises owned by or rented to you; or b. Each "iocation" owned t�y or rented to you. "Location" as used in this paragraph means premises involving the same or connecting lots, or premises whose connection is interrupted only by a street, roadway, waterway or right-of-way of a railroad, 11, Paragraph 14. is acfded as follows: 14. Wilh respect ta the insurance affarded ko any additionai insured pravided co�erage under this endorsemenL if caverage pravided to the additional insured is required �y a contract or agresment, the most we will pay on �ehalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: a. Required by ti�e contrac# or agreement; or CGL Q88 (01 15) Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Servicas OHice, Ine„ with its }�ermission. Page 12 of 14 Copyright 2015 FCCI Insurance Group COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILiTY CGL 088 (01 15) b. Available under the applicable Limils of Insuranc� shown in the Declaratians; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase fhe appiicable Limits oF Insurance shown in the Declarations. SECTION lV -- COMMERCIAL GEN�RAL LIABILITY CONDITIO{�S is amended as follows: 1, Subparagraph 2.a, af buties In The E�ent Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim, or Suit is repkaced with the following: a. Yau must see to it thet we are notified as soon as practicable of an "occurrence" or an offense which may result in a claim. This requiremeni applies ortly when the "occurrance" or affense is known to lhe foElowing: ('i) An individual who is the sole owner; (2) A partner, if you are a partnership or jaint venture; (3) An "executive officer" or insurance manager, if you are a corporation; (4) A manager, if you are a limited liability company; (5) A person or organization having praper temporary custody of your property if you die; {6} The legal representative of yo� if you die; or (7} A person (other than an "employee°) or an organization while acting as your real estate manager, 7o the extent possib�e, nofice should include: (1) Fiow, when and where the "occurrence" or offense taok place; (2) The names and addresses of any injured persons and witnesses; and (3) The nature and lacation of any injury or damage arising aut of t�e "occurrence" or offense. 2. The fnllow3ng is ac#ded to Subparagraph 2.b. of Duties In ihe E�ent Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim, or Suit: The requirement in 2.b.applies only when the "occurrence" or offense is known to the following: (9) An individual who is the sole owner; (2) A partner or insurance manager, if you are a partnership or joint Wenture; {3) An "executive officer" or insurance rnanager, if you are a carporation; (4) A manager or insurance manager, i# you are a limite� liability company; (5) Your officials, trustees, board members or insurance manager, if you are a not-for-profit organizakion; (6) A person ar organization having proper temporary custady of your property if you die; (7) The legal represenlative of you if you die; or (8) A person (ather than an "emplayee") ar an organization while acting as your real estate manager. 3. The following is adcled to paragrapf� 2. of Duties in the Event o# Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suit: e, If you report an "occurrence" to your workers compensation carrier that develops into a lia�ility claim for which coverage is pro�ided by t�e Coverage Form, failure to report such an "occurrence" lo us at the time af the "occurrence" shall not be deemed a violation of paragra�hs a., b., and c. abo�e. Hawever, you shall give written nfltice of this "accurrence" ta us as soon as you become aware that this "accurrer�ce" may be a liabilily claim rather than a waricers compensation claim. 4. Paragraph 6. is replacec# with the foilowing: 6. Representations CGL 088 (01 15) Includes copyrighied material of ihe Insurance Services Office, Inc., wiih its permission, Page 13 oi 14 Copyright 20'f5 FCCf Insurance Group COMM�FtCIAL GEN�RAL LIABILITY CGL 088 (Oi i 5) By accepti�g lhis policy, you agree: a. The statements in the Declarations are accurate and complete; b. Those statements are based upon represenfaiions you rnade to us; and c. We ha�e issued this policy in reliance upon your rcpresenfations. Any error or omission in the description of, or failure to completely describe ar disclose any premises, operations or praducts intended to be covered by the Co�erage Farm will not invalidaie or affect coverage for those premises, operations ar products, provided such error or omiss9on or failure ta compleiely describe or disclose prett�ises, operations or products was not intentional. You must report such error or amission ta us as soon as practicable aiter its disco�ery. Fiowe�er, this provision does not affect our right to collect additiona{ premium charges or exercise our righ# of cancellation or nonr�newal. 5. The following is added to paragraph 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Reco�ery Against Others To Us: However, we waive any right of recovery we may have because of payments w� make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operafions or "your work" included in the "products-campleted operations hazard" under the following conditions: a) Only when you have agreed in wriiing to waive such rights of recovery in a contract ar agra�ment; b} On�y as to the personlentity as io whom you are required by the contract to waive rights of recovery; and c) Oniy if lhe contract or agreement is in e€fect during lhe term of lhis policy, and was executed by you priar to the loss. 6. Paragraph 90. is added as follows: 10. Liberalization If we revise this Co�erage Farm to pro�ide mar� coverage wilhout additional premium charge, your policy wifl automatically provide the additional coverage as of the c�ay the revision is effective in the applicable state(s). CGL 088 (01 15) Includes copyrighled maierial of the Insurance Services Office, Inc., with iis permission. Page 14 of 14 Copyright 2D15 FCCI Insurance Group Policy #CAA100051065 CQMMERCIAL AUTO cAu o�s �05 � s� THIS ENDORSEMENT Cf-IANG�S THE POI.ICY. PLEASE READ I7 CAR�F�ULLY. AUTO FIRST CH010E COVERAGE ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance pro�ided under lhe following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE F�RM NOTE: The foliowing are addilions, replacements and amendments fo tite Business Auto Co�erage �orm, and will apply unless excluded by se�arate endarsemenl(s) to tlie Business Auto Coverage Form. Wit� respect to coverages provided by ihis endorsernent, ihe provisions of lhe Business Auto Coverage Form apply unless modified by this endorsement. The Business AuEa Coverage Form i5 amended as folkows: SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS L.IABI�ITY COVERAGE is amended as fallows: A. Paragraph 1. Who Is An Insured in section A. Coverage is amer�ded by the addition of the following: d. Any legally incorporated subsidiary of yaurs in which you own n�ore than 50% of the voting stock an khe effecti�e date of lhis coverage form. However, "insured" does nof include any subsidiary thai is an "insured" under any ofher liability policy or wo«fd be an "insured° under such a policy but far its termination or ihe exhauslion of ils limits of insurance. !n order for such subsidiaries to be considerecf insurecf unde� this policy, you m�ksf notify us of such subsidiaries within 60 days of �olicy effeclive ciate, e. Any organizalion you newly acquire or form during the policy period, other ihan a partnership or joinl venlure, and a�er which you maintain sol� ownership or a majarity interest. However, co�erage under this pro�ision: (1] Does not apply if the organizafian yau acquire or form is an "insured" under anoiher liability policy or wouid be an "insured" under such a policy but for its termination or the exhaustion of its limits of insurance; (2) Qoes no! apply io "bocEily injury" or "property damage" ihat occurrec3 befor� you acquired or formed the organization; and (3) Is afforded only for the first 90 cEays after you acquire or form tne organization or until the end of the policy period, whichever comes first. f. Any person ar organization who is required �mcler a wrilten conkracf or agreement between you and lhat person or organization, that is signed and executed by you before the "bodiiy injury" or "proper#y c4amage" occurs and that is in effect during the policy period, io be named as an additional insured is an "insured" for Liability Cov�rage, but on�y for damages to which this insurance applies and only lo the exlent ihat person ar organization quaiifies as an "insured" under the Who Is An Insured provision contained in Section II. g. Any "employee" of yo��rs using: (1 j a covered "aulo" you do not own, hire or borrow, or a cavered "auto" not owned k�y an "employee" or a member of his or her household, while perfonning duties related to the conduc! af your business or your personal affairs; or (2j an "auto° hir�d or rented under a contraci or agre�meni in that "ernplayee's° name, with your permission, while perfor�r�ing dulies relaled ta lf�e conduct of your business. Hawe�er, your "empioy�e" does not qualify as an insured under this paragrap�i (2) while using a covered "aulo" rented from you or from any member of the "emp�oyee's" hous�hold CAU 05II (05 19) Includes capyrighted rnaierial of ihe Insurance Services Office, Inc., wiit� iis permissioa�. Page 1 of Q Copyright 201Fi FCCI Insurance Group. CdMMERCIAL AUTO CAU Q5F3 (05 19) h. Your members, if you are a limited liabilily company, while using a covered "aufo" you do not own, hire or borrow, while performing duties related fo the conduct oi your business or yaur personal affairs. B. Paragraphs (2) and (4) under section 2. Co�erage Exiensions, a. Suppleinentary Payments are deleted and replaced by ihe follawing: (2j Up to $3,000 for cost of bail bonds (includir�g bonds for related traffic vialations) required because ot an "accideni" we cover. We do not ha�e lo furnish lhese bonds. (4j All reasonable expenses incurred by the "insured" solely at our request, including actual loss of earnings up to $540 a day because of time off from work. C. Paragraph 5. under seciion B. Exclusions is deleted and replaced by the following: 5. Fellow Employee "Bodily injury" ta: a. Any fellow "employee" of taie "insured" arising oui ot and in the course of a fellow "employee's" employmeni or while performing duties related to ihe conduct of yaur business. However, this exclusion does not apply to your "employees" that are officers or managers if the "bodily injury" results from ihe use of a covered "auto" you own, hire or borrow. Coverage is excess over any other collectible insurance; or b. The spouse, chiEd, pareni, brother or sister of that fellow "employee" as a consequence of Paragraph a. above. S�CTIDN III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAG� is amencEed as follows: A. Paragraph a. Co�erage Extensions under section A. Co�erage is deleted and replaced by the follawing: 4. Co�erage Extensions a. Transportakion �xpenses We wili pay up to $50 per day to a lotal maximum of �1,5Q0 for temporary iransportation expense incurred by you t�ue to covereci fass to any covered auto. We will pay oniy for tfi�ose co�ered "autos" far which you carry either Comprehensive or Specifed Causes OF Lass Coverage. We will pay far temporary transportation expe��ses incurred during the period beginning 24 hours after a loss and ending, regardless of the policy's expiration, when lhe covered "auto" is returned to use or we �ay for iis "loss". b. Lass of Use Expenses For Hired Auto Physicai Damage, we will pay expenses for which an "insured" becam�s IegalEy responsible to pay for ioss of use of a vehicle ren[ed or hired without a driver under a writien renlal conkracl ar agreement. We will pay for loss of use expenses if caused by: (1) �Iher than collision oniy if ihe Declaralions indicate that Compreh�nsive Co�erage is provided far hired "autos"; (2) 5pecified Causes of Loss only if the Deciarations indicate ti�ai 5pecified Causes of Loss Coverage is provided for hired "autos"; or (3) Collision only if the beclarations inciicake that Collision Coverage is provided for hired "autos". However, the rnost we will pay for any expenses for loss of use to any one �eliicle is �a75 per day, lo a total maximum of $1,500. B. The following is added to paragraph 4. Coverage Extensions under section A. Co�erage: c. Fire Department 5ervice Charge When a fire depariment is called to save or protect a cavered "aulo", its equipinent, its conients, ar occupants irom a covered cause o# loss, we will pay u� to �1,000 far your liabFlity for fire departmet�t service charges ass�rmed by contractor ar agree�nent prior fa loss. No deduciible applies to this additional co�erage. CAU 058 (05 19) Includes copyrighled material of the E«surance Ser�ices Office, Inc., witf� ils perinission. Page 2 0( 4 Copyright 2018 FCCI Insurance Group. COMMERCIAL AUTO CAU 058 (D5 19) d. Auta LoanlLease Gap Co�erage The follawing provisions apply: (1) If a long term leased "auto", under an ariginal lease agreement, is a covered "auto" under this coverage form and the lessor o# the covered "auto" is named as an additional insured under this policy, in ihe event of a total loss to the leased covered "aulo", we will pay any unpaid amount due on the lease, less the amaunt paid under fhe Physical Damage Coverage Section of the policy; and less any: (a) O�erdue lease or loan paymenls including penalties, interest, ar other charges resulting from overdue payme�ts at the iime of the "ioss"; (b) Financial penallies imposed under a lease for excessive us�, abnormal wear and lear or high mileage; (cj Securiiy deposits not reFunded by the lessor; (d) Casts far exlended warraniies, Credit Li#e Insurance, Health Accident or Disabilily Insurance purchased wiih the loan or lease; and �e] Carry-o�er balances �rom previous loans or ieases. (2} I! an owned "auto" is a ca�ered "auto" under khis coverage form and the [oss payee of ihe co�ered "auto" is named a loss payee under this policy, in the e�enl of a total loss io the covered "auto", we will pay any unpaid amount due on ihe loan, less the amount paid under the Physical Damage Co�erage Seciian af the policy; and less any; (a) Overdue loan payments al th� fime of the "loss"; (b) Costs for extended warrantiss, Credil Life Insurance, Heaith Accident or Disability Insurance purchased with fhe loan; and (c) Carry-aver balances from previous loans. C. Paragraph 3. under section B. Exclusians is deleled and replaced by fhe following: 3. We will not pay for "loss" due and confined to: a. Wear and tear, freezing, mechanicaj or elec#rical breakdown b. 8lowouts, punctures or other road damage to lires This exclusion does not apply io such "loss" resulting from the total thefi of a covered "aufa". However, this exclusion does not include tk�e discharge of an airbag in a co�ered "auto" you own lhat inffates due to a cause ofher lhan a cause of "loss" set forih in Paragra}�hs A.1.b and A.1.c.�ut only: a. If that "auto" is a covered "auto" for Comprehensive Coverage under this policy; b. The airbags are not co�ered under any warranty; and c. The airbags were not inlentionally inflated We wi41 �ay up to a maximum of $1,�00 far any one "lass", p. Section D. Deductihle is deleted and repfaced by tl�e following: D. Deductible For each co�ered "auto", our obligation to pay for, repair, return or replace damaged or stolen properly will be reduced by the applicabie deductible shown in the Declaraiions subjecl #o the following: Any Comprehensi�e Coverage deductible shown in ihe Qeclaraiions does not apply to: (1) "Loss" caused by fire or lightning; and (2) "�oss" arising out of theft of your vehicle if your vehicle is equippecE wiih an active GPS tracking system. GAU 05a (05 19) Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Services Qifice, Inc., wifh ils permission. Page 3 of 4 Copyright 2018 FCCI Insurance Group. COlNMERCIAL AUTO CAU 058 (05 19) (3) Glass damage if repaireci rather than replaced. SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIDNS is amended as fallows: A. 7he following is added to paragraph a. under sectian A. Loss Condikions, 2. Duties in the �.vent of Accident, Claim, Suit or Loss; This duly applies when ti�e "accidenC', claim, "suil" or "loss" is (irst known fo: {a) Yo�, if you are an individual; �b) A partner, if you are a partnership; (c) An executive officsr or insurance manager, if you are a corporation; or (d) A member or manager, if yau are a limited liabilily company. B. Condition 5. Transfer of Rights of Recovery against Others to Us under seclion A. Lass Conditions is deleted and replaced by fhe following: 5. Transfer of Rights o# Recovery against Others to Us If a person ar organization Eo or for whom we make payment under this coverage farm has rights lo reco�er damag�s from anather, lhose rights are transferred to us. That persan or organization must do everything necessary ko secure our rights and mus[ do nothing after "accident" or "loss" to impair ihem. Hawever, if ihe insured has waived ri�hts tQ recover thraugh a written coniract, ar if your work was cammenced under a letier of inlent ar work order, subject to a subsequ�ni reduction in writing of suci� a waiver with cusfamers whose customary contracEs require a wai�er, we wai�e any righi of recovery we may have under this coverage form. C. The following is added lo Condition 2. Concealment, Misrepresentation or Fraud under section B. General Conditions: However, if you unin#entionally fail to disclase any hazards at the inception of your policy, we will not deny coverage under ihis coverage fonn because af such failure. This pro�ision does not affect our right to collect addilional premium or exercise our right of cancellation or non-renewal. D. Paragraph 6. of Condition 5. Other Insurance under section S. General Conditians is delefed and replaced by the following: b. For Hired Auto Pl�ysical Damage Co�erage, llie following are deemed to be co�ered "autos" you own; ('f) Any covered "auto" you lease, hire, rent or borrow; and (2) Any co�ered "auio" hired or rented by your "employee" under a contract in lhat individual "employee's" naine, with your permission, while performing duties related to the conducl of your t�usiness. However, any "auto" that is leased, hired, rented or borrowed witlt a dri�er is not a cavered "a�to", nor is any "auto" you hire from any of your "employees", partners (if yo« are a parinership}, members (if yau are a limited liability company), or members of their households. CAU 05II (05 19} Includes copyrighted malerial of ihe Insurance Services Offlce, Inc., wiih iis pennission. Page 4 of 4 Copyright 20i8 FCCI Insurance Group. Polic #CAA1flOb51D65 C�MM�RCIAL AUTOMbB1LE Y CAU 082 (01 �5) THES ENDORSEMENT CHANG�S THE PaI.ICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFUL�.Y. AUTOMATIC INSURED - BUSINESS AlJTO P4LICY PRIMARYINON�C�NTRIBUTiNG WHEN REQUIRED BY CONTRACT This endors�men[ modifies insurance provided under khe following: BU51NES5 AUTO COVERAGE FaRM This �ndorsement is subject to the terms, conditions, exclusians and any okher pro�isions of the BU5IN�SS AU70 COVERAGE F�RM or any endorsement attac�ed thereto unless changes or additions are indicated below. For fhe purpose of this endorsement, Section II.A,1. Who 1s An Insured is amended by adding khe following: 'f. Any person ar organixation when you and such person have agreed in writing in a contract signed and executed by you priar ta the loss for which coverage is sought, that such person or organizatian be added as an "insured" on your auto palicy. Such person or organization shal! be an "insured" to the extent your negligent actians or omissians irnpose liability on such "insured" without faulk an its part. 2. 7his insurance is primary and non-contributory to o1he� liability coverages of ihe person or organization being acfded io this policy as an "insured" wtten so required in a written contract or agreement that is executed prior to the loss for which coverage is sought. CAU 082 (01 15j Includes copyrighted maierial of the Insurance Services Qffice, Inc„ with iis permission. Page 1 of 1 Copyright 2015 FCCI Insurance Group, � X utua WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANC� WORK�RS' COMPENSATION AND WC 42 03 04 B �MPLOY�RS LIA8ILITY POLICY Insured copy TEXAS WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT This endorsement applies only to the insurance pro�ided by the policy because Texas is shown in item 3.A, af ihe Information Page. We have the right to recover a�r payments from anyone liable for an injury co�ered by this policy. We will not enforce aur right against khe person or organixatian named in the Schedule, but this wai�er applies oniy with respect to bodily injury arising out of fhe aperations described in the schedule where you are required by a written contract to obtain this waiver fram us. This endorsement shall not operate directiy or indirectly to benefit anyone not named in the Schedule. The premium for this endarsement is shown in the Schedule. Schedule 1. { ) Specific Waiver Name of person ar organization (X) Blanket Waiver Any person or organization for whom the Named Insured has agreed by wrilten contract to furnish this wai�er. 2. Operations: All Texas operations 3. Premium: The premium charge for this endorsement shall be 2.Q0 percent of the premium developad on payroll in cannection with work performed far the above person(s) ar organization(s) arising aui of the operations described. 4. Advance Premium: Included, see Information Page This endorsemenl changes the policy to which it is attached effect+ve on Ihe inception date of ihe policy unless a different da[e is indicaEed below. (The foElawing "attaching clause" need 6e completed only when ia�is endorsement is issued sui�sequenl lo preparation o( the policy.) This endorsement, effecti�e on 8112I21 at 12:09 a.m. standard time, forms a part of: Policy no. 0002051085 of Texas Mutual Insurance Campany eftective on 8I12121 Issued to: WILLIAM J SCHULTZ INC DBA: CIRCLE C CONS7RUCTION COMPANY This is noi a bill NCCI Carrier Code: 29939 �r �/ �"� Authorized representative a�� or2 i PO Box 9205$, Ausiin, 1'X 78711-2058 1 of 1 texasmutual.com �(Sfl0) 859-5995 � Fax (8fl0) 359-0650 WC 42 03 Q4 B �. . . U {J Policy #ZUP41M114282QNF EXCESS FOLLOW--FORM AND UMBRELLA LIABILITY INSURANCE UMBRELLA THIS POLICY, IN PART, PROVIDES FOLLOW-FORM LIABILITY COVERAGE. COVERAGE WILL APPLY ON A CLAIMS-MADE BASIS WHEN g FOL.L�WING CLAIMS-MADE UNDERLYING INSURANCE. � COVERAGE WILL APPLY 4N A DEFENSE-WITHIN-LIMITS BASlS $ WHEN FOLLOWING UNDERLYING INSURANCE UNDER WHICH �EFENSE EXPENSES ARE PAYABLE WITHIIV, AND NOT IN ADDITION � TO, THE LIMITS {OF INSURANCE. WHEN FOLLOWING SUCH Q UNDERLYING INSURANCE PAYMENT OF DEFENSE EXPENSES UNDER . THlS P4LICY WILL REDIICE, AND MAY EXHAUST, THE LIMITS OF � IIVSURANCE OF THIS POLICY. � � m � N v Y � a N 0 0 U m * = _:a � � T � � � � � � � � � � � � � PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE POLICY CAREFULLY. Various provisions in this policy restrict coverage. Read the entire policy carefully ta determine rights, duties and what is and is not covered. Throughout this policy, the words "you" and "your" refer to the Named insured shown in the Declarations and any other person or organization qualifying as a Named Insur�d under this poiicy. The words "we", "us" and "our" refer to the company providing this insurance. The ward "insured" means any person or organization qualifying as such under SECTION II — WHU IS AN INSl1RED. Other wor�s and phrases that appear in quntatian marks have special meaning. Refer tq SECTION VI -- DEFINITIONS. S�CTi�N ! - C[1VERAGES A. CUVERAGE A - EXCESS FOiLOW-FORM LIABILITY 1. We will pay on behalf of khe irtsured those sums, in excess of the "applicable underlying limit", that the insured becomes legally abligated to pay as damages to which Coverage A of this insurance appfies, provided that the "underlying insurance" would apply to such darnages but for the exhaustion of its applicable limits of insurance. If a sublimit is specified in any "underlying insurance", Coverage A of this insurance appfies ta darnages that are in excess of that sublimit only if such sublimit is shawn for that "underlying insurance" in tt�e Schedule Of Underlying Insurance. 2. Coverage A of this insurance is subject to the same terms, conditions, agreements, exclusions and definitians as the "underlying insurance", except with respect to any provisions to the contrary contained in this insurance. 3, The arr►ount we will pay far damages is limited as descrihed in SEC7t�N III - I.IMITS OF INSURANC�. 4. For the purposes of Paragraph 1. above: a. The appaicable limit of Insurance skated for the policies af "underlying i�surance" in the Sc�edule Of Underiying Insurance will he considered to be reduced ar exhausEed only by the following payments: (1) Payments of judgments or setklements for damages that are co�ered by that "underlying insurance". However, if such "underlying insurance" has a policy period which differs from the policy period of this �xcess Follow-Form And Umbrella Liability Insurance, any such payments for damages that would not be co�ered by this Excess Follow- Form And Umbrella Liability Insurance because of its differer�t policy period wiEl not reduce ar exhaust the epplicable �imit of insurance stated for such "underlying insurance"; (21 Payrr�en#s of "medical exp- enses" that are cavered by that "underlying insurance" and are Incurred for "bodily injury" caused by �n accident that takes place during the pnlicy period of khis Excess Follaw- Form And Umbrella Liability Insuranee; or ��1 00 01 07 16 � 2Q 1 6 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. P8�8 1 of 23 UMBRELLA (3} Paym�nts of de#ense expenses that are covered by that "ut�derlying insurance", only if such "underlying Insurance" includes such paymerrts wit�in the limits nf insurance. HAWBVBF, if such "underlying insurance" has a palicy period which differs from khe policy period of this �xcess Follow- Form And Umbrella Liability Insurance, any such payments for defense expenses that would nat be covered by this Excess Follow-Form And Umbrella Liability Insurance because of its different policy period will not reduce or exhaust the applicable limit of insurance stated far such "underlying insurance". It the applicable limit of insurance stated for the policies of "underlying insurance" in the 5chedule Of Uncferlying Insurance is actually reduced nr exhausted by other payments, Goverage A of this insurance is not invalidated. However, in the event af a loss, we will pay only to the extent that we woufd have paid had such limit not been actually r�duced or exhaust�d by such other payments, b. If any "underlying insurance" has a limit of insurance greater khan the amount shown far that insuranee in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance, this insurance will apply in exc�ss of that greater amount. If any "undet'lying insurance" has a lirnit of insurance, prior to any reduc#ion or exhaustion 6y payment of damages, "medical expenses" or defense expenses described in Paragraph a above, that is less than the amount shown for that insurance in the Schedule Of Underlying Insurance, this insurance will apply in excess o# the amnunt shown for such insurance in the Schedule Of Underlying Insurance. 5. When the "uncEerlying insurance" applies on a claims-made basis and inc�udes a retroactive date provision, the retroactive date for Coverage p of this insurance is the same as the retroactive clate of that "underlying insurance". "property damage", "personal injury" or "advertising injury" ta which Co�erage B of this insurance applies. 2. Coverage B nf this insurance ap�lies to "bodily injury„ or "property damage" only if: a. The "bodily injury" or "property darnage" is caused by an "occurrence" that takes place ahywhere in the world; 6. The "badily injury" or "property damage" occurs during the policy period; and C. Prior to the policy period, no insured llsted under ParagrapM 1. in Paragraph B., COVERAGE B-- UMBRE�LA LIABILITY, of SECTI�N Il — WNO 15 AN IIVSUREQ and no "employee" authorized by you to give or receive nntice of an "ocGurrence" or claim, knew that the "badily injttry" ar "property cEamage" had occurred, in whole or in part. If such a listed insured or authorized "employee" knew, prior to the palicy perind, that the "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurred, in whole or in part, then any continuation, change or resumption of such "bodily injury" or "property damage" during or after the policy period will pe deemed to have been known prior to the policy period. 3. Coverage B of thls insurance applies to "personal injury" or "advertising injury" caused by an offense arising out of your business, but only if the offense was committed during the policy periad anywhere in the world. �4. The amount we will pay for damages is limited as described in SECTION III — �innirs aF iNsu�aNcE. 5. "Bodiiy injury" or "property damage": a. Which occurs during the policy period; and 6, Which was not priar to, but was during, the policy period known to have occlirred by any insured listed under Paragrapi� 1. in Paragraph 9., COVERAGE B — IIMBRELLA LIABlLITY af S�CTlON II — WHO IS AN INSl1REQ, or any "employee" authorized by yau ta give notice of an "occurrence" or claim; B. COVERAGE B— UMBR�LLA I.IABILITY incfudes any continuation, change or 1. We will a on behalf of the insured resumption of the "bodily injury" or P Y 'property damage" after the end of thase sums in excess of khe "self- the policy period. insured retentian" that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as 6. "8odily injury" ar "property damage" damages because of "bodily injury", will be deemed to have been known PBgE 2 Of 2� � 2� 16 The Travelers Indemrnty Company, A[I rights reserved, E1.1 00 01 Oi 1G N � , o 0 0 0 ' U U : �: fJMBR�LLA to have occurred at the earliest time when any insured listed under Paragraph 1. in Paragraph B., COVERAG� B- 11MHHELLA LIABILITY, of SECTIDN II - WHO IS AN INSURED or any "employee" authorized by you to give or receive notice of an "occurrence" or claim: 1. Reports all, or any part, of the "bodily in}ury" ar "property damage" to us or any other insurer, �� kt. Receives a writt�n or verbal �, demand or clairn for damages � because of the "bodily injury" or � "property damag�"; or * C, �ecomes aware by any other means that the "bodily injury" or r "property damage" has occurred m or has begun to occur. � 7. Damages because of "bodily injury" � include damages claimed by any person or organization for care, loss � of services or death resulting et any � time from the "bodily injury". o B. Coverage B of this insurance does o not apply to damages covered by any m "underlying insurance" or that would . have been covered by any "underlying insurance" but for the exhaustion of its applicable limit of insurance. C, COVERAGE C - GRfSIS MANAGEMENY SERVIC� EXPEN5ES � � � � � � � a� � � � � � � � � � � � � 1. We will reirr�burse th� insurecf, or pay on the insured's behalf, "crisis mar�agement ser�ice expenses" to which Coverage C appfies. 2. Coverage C of this insurance applies to "crisis manag�ment servica expenses" that: a. Arise out of a"crisis management event" thak first commences during the policy periad; b, Are incurrad by the insured, after a "crisis managemen# event" first cornrnences and before such event ends; and c. Are submitted to us within 180 days after the "crisis management advisor" advises yau that the "crisis management event" no longer exists. 3. A"crisis management event" will be deemed to: 6. Enc# when we decide that ti�e crisis no longer exists or when the Cris�s Managerne�t Service Expenses Limit has been exhausted, whichever occurs first. 4, Tha amount wa will pay for "crisis management ser�ice expenses" is limited as described in SECTIDN ill — LIMITS UF IhISI1RANC�. $. A "self-insured retentian" does not apply to "crisis rrtanagement ser�ice expenses". 6. Any payment of "crisis management service expenses" that we make wil! not be determinakive of our obligations under this insurance with respect to any claim or "suit" or create any c#uty to defend or incfemnify any insured for any clairn or "suit". D. �EFfNSE AND SIIPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS 9. We will have the right and duty to defend the insured: �, Uncfer Coverage A, against a"suit" seeicing damages to which such coverage applies, if: (1j �he "applica6le underlying limit" is the applicable limit of ins�rance stated for a policy of "underfying insurance" in the Schedule Of Underlying Insurance and such limit has been exhausted solely due to payments as permitted in Paragraphs 4,a.[1), (21 and {gj of COVERAGE A -- ExCESS FOtLDW- FOHM LIABILiTY of S�C�IOH i- CO'VEHAGES; or (2j The "applicabke underlying limit" is the applicable limit of any "other insurance" and such limit has been exhausted by payments of judgments, settle- ments or medical expenses, or related costs or expenses (if such costs or expenses reduce such limitsl. Fnr any "suit" for which we ha�e the right and duty ta defend the insured under Coverage A, defense expenses will be within t�ta limits af insurance af this policy when such expenses are within the limits of insurance of the applicable "underlying insurance"; or a. First commence at the kime when b. Under Goverage B, against a"suit" any "executive officer" first Seeking damages to which such becomes aware of an "event" or coverage applies. "occurrence that leads to that "crisis rr�anage�nent evsnt"; and 2, We have no duty ta defend any insured agains# any "suit": �l� 00 Ol Oi 16 � 2p i 6 7he Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. P8ge 3 of 2� UMBRELLA �. 5eeking damages to which this insurance does not apply; ar b. If any other insurer has a riuty to def end. 3, When we have the duty to defend, we may, at our discretion, investigate and settle any claim or "suit". In all ather cases, we rnay, at our discretion, partieipate in the investigation, defense and settlement of any claim or "suit" for damages to which this insurance may apply. !f we exercise such right to participate, all expenses we incur in daing so will not reduce the applicable limits of insurance. 4. Our duty to defend ends when wa have used up the applicable limit nf insurance in the payment af jucEgments or settlements, or defanse expenses if such ex�enses are within the limits of insurance of this pnlicy. 5. We will pay, with res{�ect to a claim we investigate or settle, or "suit" against an insured we defend: a. All expenses we incur. b. The cost nf: C. d. e. (1a Bail bonds required because of accidents or traffic law vialations arising out of the use of any �ehicle to which this insurance applies; or I21 Appeal bonds and bonds to re�ease attachments; but anly for bonci arr�aunts within the applicable limit of insurance. We do not ha�e to #urnish these bonds. A41 reasonable expenses incurred by the insurec! at our request to assist us in the investigation or defense of such claim or "suit", including actual loss af earnings up to $1,000 a day because af time off frorrt work. All court costs taxed against the insured in the "suit". However, these paymants do not inalude attorneys' fees ar attorneys` expenses taxed against the insured. Prejudgment interest awarded against the insured on that part of the judgr-nent we pay. ff we rnaks an offer ko pay the ap�licable limit of insurance, we will not pay ar�y prejudgmenk interest based on that period of time after the offer. All interest that accrues on the full amount of any judgment after entry of the judgment and before we have paid, offered to pay or depositeci in court the part of the judgme�t khat is within the applicable limit af insurance. If we do not pay part of the judgment for any reason other than it is more than t�e applicable limit of insurance, we will not {�ay any interest that accrues on that portion of the judgment. With respect to a claim we investigate or settle, or "suit" against an insured we defend under COVL�RAGE A — �XGESS FOLLOW—F�RM LIABiLITY, these payments wifl not reduce the applicable limits of insurance, but only if khe applicable "underlying insurance" pro�ides for such payments it� addition to its limits of insurance. With respect ta a claim we investigate or settle, or "suit" against an insured we defend under CflVERAGE B — UMBR�LLA LIABILITY, these payments will not rec#uce the appiicable limits of insurance. SECTION [I — WHO IS AN INSURED A. C�VERpGE A � EXG�SS FOLLOW�FQRM LIABILITY With respect to Coverage A, the following persons and organizations qualify as insureds: 1. The Named Insured shown in the �eclarations; and 2. Any other person or organization quaEifying as an insured in the "underlying insurance". If you have agreed to {�rovide insurance for tMat person or organization in a written contract or agreement: a. The limits of insurance afforded to such person or organization will be: (1� The amouni by which the minEmum limits of insurance you agreed to provide such person or organization in that written contract vr agreei'rtent exceed the total fimits of insurance of al! applicable "underlying insurance"; or i2� �he limits of insurance of this policy; whichever is less; and b. Coverage under this policy daes not ap}aly to sucF� p�rson or organization if the rninimum limits of insurance yau agreed to provide sueh person or organization in that written contract or agreement are wholly within the total limits nf insurance of all available applical�le "underfying insurance". Page 4 of 23 � 2016 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. EU 00 01 07 1$ N � . o 0 � B. COVERAGE B— UMBRELLA L1AB11.17Y ' � With respect to Coverage B: U 1. The Named Insured shown in the Declaratinns is an insured. 2. If you are: �. � 0 °o H � a � * w � m � N v � v N 0 O U M � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � a, An intiividuaf, your s�ouse is also an insured, but only with respect to the conduct of a business of which you are the sole awner. 6. A partnership ar joint venture, your mernbers, your partners and their spouses are also insureds, but only with respect ta the conciuct of your business. C. A limited liabiiity campany, your members are also insureds, but only with r�spect to the conduct of yaur �U5111855. Yaur managers are also insureds, hut only wit� respect to their duties as your managers. d. An organization other than a partnership, joint venture or (Imited liabi{ity company, yaur "officers" and directors are also insureds, but only with respect to their duties as your "officers" or directors, Yo�r stockhoiders are also insureds, but only with respect to their liability as stockholders. e, A trust, your trustees are also insureds, but nnly with respect to their duties as trustees. 3. Each of the following is also an insured: a. Yaur "voiunteer workers" only while performing duties related to the conduct of your business, or your "employees", other than either your "officers" tif you are an arganization other than a partr�ership, joint venture or limited liability companyl or your managers (if you are a limited liability companyy, but only for acts within the sco�e of their employment by you or while performing duties relaked to the conduct of your k3U51f18S5. However, none of these "ernployees" or "volunteer workers" are insureds for: (1J "Bodily injury" or "personal injury'. [a1 To you, to your partners or members (if you are a partnership or joint ve�turey, to your rnembers tif you are a limited liability compar�yl, to a co- "empioyee" while in the UMBRELLA course of his or her employment or performing duties related to the conduct of your business, or to your oth�r "volunteer workers" while performing duties relat�d to the conduct of your business; (6j To the spousa, child, parent, brother or sister of that co-"sm�loyee" or "volunteer worker" as a consequence of Paragraph [1)(s1 abo�e; �C� For which there is any ot�ligation to share damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages because of the in'ury described in Paragraph �11(a1 or (#�) abo�e; or {d) Arising out of his or her providing or failing co provide prafessional health care services. Unless you are in the business or occupation of providing professional health care services, Paragraphs {11[�1, {61, Ic] and {dj above do not apply to "bodily injury" arising out of providing or failing to provide first aid or "Good Samaritan services" by any of your "employees" or "volunteer workers" othar than an emplayed or �olunteer doctor. Any such "empioyees" or "volunteer workers" providing or failing to provide firsk aid or "Good 5amaritan services" during their work hours for you will t�e deemed to be acting within the scope of their employment by you or performing duties related to the canduct of your business. (2� "Property damage" to praperty: (a1 Owned, occupied or used by; or (b] Rented to, in the care, custody or control of, or aver wt�ich physical concrol is being exercised for any �urpose by; you, any of your "employees" or "volunteer workers", any of your partners or members {if you are a partnership or joint �ettturey, or any of your members (if you ar� a limited liability company}. EU 0� �i 07 16 � 2D1S The Travelers Indemnily Company. AI! rights reserved. P8�8 5 of 23 UMBR�I.LA h. Any persan �other than your "employee" or "valunteer worker"y, or any organization, while acting a5 your real estate manager. C. Any person ar arganization having proper temporary custody of your property if you c�ie, but only: (1} With respect to liability arising out af t�e ma9ntenance or use of that properiy; and I21 Until your legal representati�e has been appointed. d, Your legal representative if yau die, but only with respect to duties as such. That representati�e wi11 ha�e all your rights and duties under this insurance. No person or organization is an insured or will qualify as a Named insured with respect to the conduct of any current or past partnership, joink venture or limited kiability company that is not shown as a Named Insured in the Deelarations. This paragraph does not apply to any such partnership, joint venture or limited liability company that otherwise qualifies as an insur�d under Paragraph B. of SECTI�N II — WHD IS AN INSIIRE�. C. CDVERAGE C — CRISIS MANAGEMENT SERVIC� �XPENSES With respect to Coverage C, the following persons and organizations are insureds and wi�l qualify as Narr►ed lnsureds: i. The Named Insured shnwn in the Declarations. 4. Any arganization, other than a partnership, joint venture or �imited iiability company, of which yau are the sole owner, or in which you m aintain an ownership interest of more than 509�a, on the f irst ciay of the palicy period is an ir�sured and will qualify as a Nam�d Ir�sured. No such organization is an insured or will qualify as a Named Insured for "bodily injury" or "property damage" that occurred, or "personal injury" or "advertising injury" caused by an offense committed after the date, if any, during the policy period, that you na longer rnaintain an ownership interest of more than 50% in such arganization. 5. Any organization you newly acqulre or farm, other than a partnership, joint venture or iimited liability company, and of whict� ynu are the sole owner, or in which you maintain an ownership interest of more than 50°�, is an insured and will qualify as a Narned Insured if there is no other similar insurance available to that organization. However: 8. Co�erage under this provision is affarded only until tl�e i80th day after you acquire or form t�e nrganization or the end of the policy p�riod, whichever is earlier; and b. Coverage far such organization does not apply to: (1) "Bod91y injury" ar "property damage" that occurred; or (2) "Persanal injury" or "advertising injury" arising out of an offense committed; be#ore you acquired or formed the organizatior�, 2. Any arganization, other t�an a partnersi�ip, joint ven#ure or limited liabifity company, qf which you are the sole owner, or in uvhich you maintain an ownership interest of more than 50%, on the first day of the policy period. No such organization is an insured ar will qualify as a Named Insured for "crisis management service ex�enses" arising out of a"crisis rnanagement event" that first comrnences after the data, if any, during the palicy period, that you no longer maintaln an ownership interest of mare than 50°k in such organization. 3. Any organization you newly acquire or form, other than a partnership, joint venture o� limited liability company, and of which you are the svke owner, or in which you maintain an ownership interest o# mars than 50%, if there is no other similar insurance available to that organization. However: a. Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the 180t� day after yqu acquire ar form the organization or the end of the policy period, whichever is earlier; ancf b. Coverage for such arganization c#oes not apply to "crisis management service expenses" arlsing out of a"crisis manage- ment e�ent" that occurred before you acquired or farmed the organizatian, even if an "executive nfficer" only first becomes aware of an "event" or "occurrence" that leads to such "crisis management event" after the date you acquired or formed the organization. Page 6 of 23 � 2016 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. EU DO 01 07 16 N uy ' n g 0 U V $ � 0 0 0 H � 0 E * N � m � N V � a �v 0 0 U m . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � UMBRELLA No person or organization is an insured or will qualify as a Named Insured with respeck to the conduct of any current or past partnership, joint venture or iimited liability corr7pany that is nnt shown as a Nameci Insured in the Qeclarations. SECTi�N III — LIMITS 0� INSi1RANCE A. The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declaratians and the rules below fix the rriost we will pay for the amounts cfescribed below ta which this insurance applies regardless of the number of: 1. I nsureds; 2, Cla�rns made or "suits" brought; 3. Number of �ehicles invalved; 4. Persons or organizations making claims or bringing "suits"; or 5, Coverages provided under this lflSllf8rlGB. As indicated in Paragraph D.1. af SEGTIDN 1— CQVE�iAGES, for any "suit" for which we have the rlght and duty to defend the insured under Cnverage A, defense expenses will be within the lirniks of insurance of this policy when such expenses are within the limits of insurance of the applicable "underfying insurance". B. 7he General Aggregate �imit is the rr�ost we will pay for the sum of all: 1. Damages; and 2, befense expenses if such expenses are within the limits of insurance of this policy; except: 1, Damages and defense expenses because of "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in the "auto hazard"; 2. � Damages and defense expenses because of "bodily injury" ar "praperty damage" included in the "products�campleted operations hazard"; or Damages and defense expenses for whic� insurance is provided under any Aircraft Liability coverage included as "underlying insurance" to which na aggregate fimit applies. G, 7he Products-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit is the rriost we wi�l pay for the sum of all: 1. Damages; and 2. Defense expenses if such expenses are within the limits of insurance of this policy; o. because of "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in the "products- completed operations hazard". Subject to Paragraph B. nr C. above, whichever ap�lies, the Occurrence Limit is the most we will pay for the sum of all: 1. Damages, and dafense expenses if such expenses are within the limits of insuranee of this policy, under Coverage A arising aut of any one "event" to w�ich the "underlying insurance" applies a limit of insurance that is separate #rom any aggregate limit of insurance; and 2. �amages under Caverag� B because of all "bodily injury", "property damage", "personal injury" or "advertising injury" arising out of any nne "occurrence". E. F. SEC For the purposes of determining the applicable Occurrenca Limit, all relaked acts or omissions committed in the providing or failing to provide first aid or "Good 5amaritan services" to any one person will be considered one "oceurrence", The Crisis Managerr�ent Service Expenses Limit is the most we will pay for the sum af all "crisis management ser�ice expenses" arising out of all "crisis management events". Payment of such "crisis management service expens�s" is in additian to, and will nat rec#uce, any other limit of insurance of this policy, The limits of insurance of this palicy apply separately to each consecutive annual period and to any remaining period of less than 12 months, starting with the beginning of the policy period shown in the Declarations. If the policy period is extended after issuance for an additional period of less than 12 months, the additiohal period will be deemed �art of the last praceding period for purposes nf determining the limits of insurance. 710N IV — EXCLl1SI0NS This insurance does not apply to: A. Witn respect to Coverage A and Coverage B: 1. Asbestos a. Damages arising out of the actual or alleged presence or actual, alleged or threatened dispersal of asbestos, asbestos #ibers or products containing asbestos, provided that the damages are caused or contributed ko by tha hazardous properties of asbestos. b. Damages arising out of the actual ar ailsged presence or actual, alleged or threatened dispersal of EU 00 Oi d7 1F � 2016 7he Tra�elers Indemnity Company. Al! rights reserved. Pa�B 7 of 23 UMB�tELLA any solid, liquid, gaseous or khermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapors, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemieals and waste, and that are part of any claim or "suit" which afso alleges any ciamages described in Paragraph a, abo�e. c. Any loss, cost or expense arising out ofi any: {i) Request, demand, order or statutory or regulatory requirement that any insured or others test for, monitor, elear� up, remo�e, contain, treat, detoxify or neutrafize, or in any way respond to, or assess the effects o#, asbestos, asbestos fibers or products containing asbestos; or (2j Claim or "suit" by or on behalf af any governmental authorlty or any nther person or organization because of testing for, monitoring, clean- ing up, removir�g, containing, treating, dekaxi#ying or neutral- izing, or in any way rasponding to, or assessing the e�fects of, asbestos, asbestas fibers or products containing asbestos. Z. Emplpyment—Aelated Practices Damages because of injury to: a, A person arising out of any: (7) Refusal to emplay that person; (Z) 7ermination of that person's employment; or (3) Employment-related practice. policy, act or omission, such as coercian, demotian, evaluat- ion, reassignment, discipline, fai lure to promote or advance, harassmertt, humiliakion, dis- criminatior�, libel, slander, violation of t�e person`s right af privacy, malicious prosecution or false arrest, detention or imprison-ment, applied to or directad at that person, regardless of whether such practice, policy, act or amission occurs, is applied or is committed before, during ar after the time of that person's employment; or 6. The spovse, chi Id, pa�enk, brother or sister of that person as a cansequence of injury to that person as described in Paragraphs a.(11, (71 or (31 above. a. Whether the insured may be liable as an employer or in any ather capacity; and b. Ta any obligation #o share damages wit#� or rePay sorneone else who must pay damages because af the ir�jury. 3. ERISA, COB�A And Similar I.aws Any obligation of the insured under: a. 7he Employees Retirement Income Security Act Of 1974 {ERISA) or any of its amendments; b. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 19$5 {COBRAf or any of its amendments; or c. Any similar common or statutory 1aw of any jurisdiction. 4. Medical Expenses �r Payments Any obligation of the insured under any "medical expenses" or medical payments coverage, 5. Nuclear Meterisl Damages arising out of: a. The actual, alieged or threatened expasure of any person or properEy to; or b. The "hazardous propertles" af; any "nuclear material". As used in this exclusian: 8. b. "Hazardous prop�rties" includes radioactive, toxic or explosive properkies; "fVuclear makerial" means "source material", "special nuclear material" or "by-product material"; and C. "Source materiai", "special nuclear rnaterial" and "by-procfuct mater- ial" have the meanings given them in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 ar any of its amendments. 6. Uninsured or llnderinsured Mota�isks, No— Fault And Similar Laws Any liability imposed on the insured, or the insured's insurer, under any of the following laws: a. Uninsured motorists; b. Underinsured motorists; C. Auto no-fault nr other first-party personal injury protection (PIP}; d. 5upplementary uninsuredlunderinsured motorists (New York]; or This exclusion applies: e. Medical expense benefits and income loss henefiks (Virginia}. Paga $ Of 23 � 2016 7he Travelers Indamnity Company. All rights reserved, EU 40 a1 07 16 N N . o � 0 � U � 7. War Damages arising out of: a. War, including undeclared or civil war; or b. Warlike action by a military force, including action in hindering or g defer�ding against an actual or expected attack, by any govern-- � ment, sovereign or other authnrity � using military personnel ar other agents; or .� c. Insurrection, rebellion, re�olution, �, usurped power or action taken by a go�ernmental authority in hindering or defehding against any � of these, � � N � � � N v � � N Q 0 U M � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � S. Workers Compensatian And Similar Laws Any obligation of the insured under a workers compensation, disability benefits or unemployment compensation law or any similar law. B. With respect to Coverage B: �. Expected Qr Inlended Bodily Injury �r Property Da�nage "Bodily inj�ry" or "property damage" exgected or intended from khe stand�oint of the insured. This exclusion does not apply to "badily injury" or "property damage" resulting from the use of reasonable force to protect persons or property. 2. Conlractual Liahility "Bodily injury", "property damage", "personal injury" or "advertising injury" for which the insured is obligated to pay damages Fiy reason of the assumption of liability in a contrack or agreement. This exclusion does nat apply to liability for damages that the insured would have in the absence of ti�e contract or agreement. 3. tiquor Liability "Bodily injury" or "proper#y damage" for which any insur�d may be liable by reason of: S. Causing or contributing to the intoxication of ar�y person, including causing or contributing to the intoxication of any person beeause alcoholic beverages were permitted to be k�rought on your premises for consumption on your preFnises; b. The furni5hing of alcoholic beverages to a person under the legal drinking age or under t�e influence of alcohol; or c. Any statute, ordinance or regulation relating to the sale, UMBRELLA gift, distribution or use of alcoholic beverages. �4. Employers Liability "Bodily injury" ta: a. An "employee" of the insured arising out of and in the coursa o f: (1} Employrnenc by tY�e insured; or [21 Performing duties related to the canduct of the insured's business; or h. The spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of that "employee" as a cor�sequence of "bodily injury" described in Paragraph a, above. This exclusion applies: a. Whather the insured as an emplayer or capacity; and may be liable in any other q, To any obligatipn to share damages with or repay sameone else who must pay damages because of the "bodily ir�jury". 5. Pollution a "Bodily injury", "praperty da[r�age", "personal injury" or "advertising injury" arising out of the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migratian, release or escape o# "pollutants". h. Any loss, cos� ar expense arising out of any: (1) Request, demand, order or statutory or regulatory require- ment that any insured or any ot�er person or organization test for, monitar, clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, or in any way respond to, or assess the effects of, "�oiftatants"; or (Z) Claim or "suiE" by or ort behalf of any go�ernmental authorlty or any other person or organization because of testing far, monitoring, cleaning up, removing, contain- ing, treating, detoxifying or neutralizing, or in any way responding to, or assessing the effects of, "pollutants". 6. Aircraft "Bodily injury" or "pro�erty damage" arising aut of the ow�ership, maintenance, use or entrustrnent to others of any aircraft owned or oparated by or rented or loaned to any insured. Use includes operation and "Ioading or unloading". EU 0� D1 07 1B @ 2016 The 7ravelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. PSge 9 Of 23 UMBFi�L.LA This exclusion applies even if t�e claims against any insured alEege negligence or other wrongdoing in the super�ision, hiring, employment, training ar monitoring vf athers by that insured, if the "occurrenca" which caused the "bodily injury" or "property damage" involved the ownership, rnaintanance, use or entrustment to others nf any aircraft that is owned or operated by or rented or loaned to any insured. 7. Auta "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the ownership, maintena�ce, use or entrustment to others of any "auto". Use includes operation and "loading or unloading". This exclusion applies even if the ciaims againsi any insured allege negli�ence or other wrongdoing in the su{�er�ision, hiring, emplayment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the "occurrence" which caused the "bodily ir�j�ry" or "prop�rty damage" involved the ownership, meintenance, use or entrustment to others af any "auto". This exclusion does not apply to "bodify injury" or "property damage" caused by an "occurrence" that takes place outside of the United States of America fincluding its territories and possessions}, Puerto Rico and Canada. 8. Watercraft "Bodily injury" or "property darnage" arising out of the awnership, maintenance, use or et�trustment to others of any watercraft owned or operated by or rented or loaned io any insured. Use includes operation and "loading or unlaading". This exclusion applies e�en if the claims against any insured allege negligence or other wrnngdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or manitoring of athers by that insured, if the "occurrence" which caused the "bodily injury" or "{�roperty damage" in�ol�ed the ownership, maintenance, use or er�trustment to others of any waEercraft that is owned or o�erated by or rented or laaned to any insured. 7his excluslan does not apply to a watercraft: a. While ashore on premises owned by or rented to any insured; or b. That is 54-feet long or less and that: i1 j You own; or (Z] You do not own and is not being used to carry any person or property for a charge. 9. �lectranic Rata Damages claimed for the loss of, loss of use of, damage to, corruption of, inabili#y to access, or inability to manipulate "electronic data". 10. Damage To Proper[y, Products Or Work "Property damage" to: a. Property you own, rent or nccupy, including any costs or expenses incurreci by you, or any other person or organization, for repair, replacement, enhancement, restoration or maintenance of such property for any reason, inc�uding pre�ention of injury to a person or damage to another's property; b. Premises you sell, gi�e away or abandon if the "property damage" arises out of any part af thosa premises; G. Property loaned to you; d. Personal property in the care, custody or control of the insured; B. That particular part of real {�roperty on which you or any contractars or subcontra�tors work9ng directfy or indirectly ort your behaff are perfarming operations if the "property damage" arises out of those operations; f. That particular part of any property that must be rastored, repaired nr replaced because "your worlc" was incorrectly performed on it; g. "Your product" arising out of "your praduct" or any part of it; or h. "Your work" arising out of "your work" or any part of it and included in the "products- completed operations hazard". 11. �amage To lmpaired Property �r Property Not Physically injured "Property damage" to "impaired property", or property that has nat besn physically injured, arising out of: a. A defect, deficisncy, inadequacy or dangerous condition in "your product" or "your work"; or h. A delay or failure by you, ar anyone acting on your behaff, to fulfill the terms of a contract ar agreement. Page �� Of 2� c9 2016 TMe Travelers Indemnity Company. Ali nghts reser�ed. �U 00 01 07 18 N � . O a O O 0 � V g r � � 0 � � � � � m m � v f a N 0 0 U m � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � UMBRELLA This exclusion does not apply to the loss of use of other property arising out of sudden and accidental physical injury to "your product" or "your work" after it has been put to its intend�ci use. 12. Recall Of Products, Work �r Impaired Properiy Damages claimed for any loss, cost or expense incurred by you or others for the loss af use, withdrawal, recall, inspection, repair, replacemer�k, adjustment, removal or disposal of: a "Your product"; fl. "Your work"; or C. "Impaireci praperty"; if such product, work or property is withdrawn or recalled from the market or from use by any person ar organization because of a known or suspected defect, deficiency, inadequacy or dangerous condition in it. 13. Vtolation Of Consumer Finaacial Pratec�ion LeWS "Bodily injury", "property damage", "persanal injury" or "advertising in�ury" arising out o# any actual or alleged violation of a "consumer financial protection law", or ar�y other "bodily injury", "{�roperty damage", "personal injury" or "advertising injury" alleged in any claim or "suit" that also afleges any such violation. 1+4.11nsolicited Communisation "Bodily injury", "property damage", "personal injury" or "advertising injury" arising out nf any actual or alleged violation of any law that restricts or prohibits the sending, transmitking or distributing of "unsolicited corr�munication". � 5. Acsess Or Disclosure Of ConfidentEal Or Personel Information "Bodily injury". "proparty damage", "persor�a) injury" ar "advertising injury" arising out of any access to or disclosure of any person's or organization's confidential or personal infarmation. 16.1{nowing Violation Qf Rights Of Another "Aersonal injury" ar "adverkising injury" caused by nr at the direction of the insured with tne knowledge that the act would violate the rights of another and would inflict "personal injury" or "advertising injury". 17. Material Pu6lished With Hnowi�dge Of Falsily "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" arising aut of oral or written publication, including publication by electronic means, of material, if done by or at the direction of the insured with knowlsdge of its falsity. 18. Material Published Or Used Prior To Rnlicy Period a "Persona! injury" or "advertising injury" arising out af oral or written pubfication, including publication by electronic rneans, of mat�rial whose first publication tnnk place before the beginning of the policy �eriod; or b. "Advertising injury" arising aut of infringement of copyright, "title" or "slogan" in your "advertise- rrient" whose first infringemenk in yoUr "advertlsement" waS cammitted before the beginning of tf�e policy period. 19. Criminal Acts "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" arising out of a criminal act cornmitted by or at the direction of the insured. 20.6rea�h pf Contract "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" arising out of a breach of contract. 21. Quality Qr Performance Of Goads � Failure To Conform To Statements "Advertising injury" arising out of the failure of goods, products or services to conform with any statemertt of quality or performance made in your "advertisement". 22. Wrong Clescription Of Prices "Ativertising injury" arising aui of khe wrong cfescriptian af the price of goads, products or services stated in your "adverkisement". 23.Intellectual Property "Persanal injury" or "advertising injury" arisi�g out of any actual or alleged infringement or vivlation of any af the following rights or laws, or any other "personal injury" or "advertisir�g injury" alleged in any claim or "suit" that alsa alleges any such infringernent or violation: �. Copyright; 6. Patent; C, Trade dress; d. 7rade name; �U 00 01 07 i6 � 2016 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights �ese���d. Paga 1 1 Of 23 UMBRELLA e. Trademark; f, 7rade secret; or g. Other intellectual praperty rights or laws. This exclus9on does not apply to: a, "Advertising injury" arising out of any actual or alleged infringement or violation of another's copyright, "title" or "slogan" in your "advertisement"; or q. Any other "personal injury" or "advertising injury" alleged in any caaim or "suit" that also alleges any such infringement or violation of another's cnpyright, "title" or "slagan" in your "advertisement". 24.Insureds In Med�a And Intcrnet Type 6u51neSS "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" arising aut of an offense committed by an insured whose business is: e. Advertising, "broadcasting" or publishing; b. Designing or determining aontent of web-sites for others; or C. An lnternet search, access, content or service provider, This exclusion does not apply to Paragraphs a('i1, 12} and (9} of the definition of "persnnal injury". For the purposes of this exclusion: a Creating and producing correspond�nce written in the conduct o# your business, bulletins, financial or annual reports. or newsletters about your goods, products or services will not be cansidered the business of publis#�ing; and h. The placing of #rames, borders or links, ar advertising, for ynu or others anywhere on tMe internet will not, t�y itself, be cansidered the business of advertising, "broadcasting" or publishing. 25. Electronic Chatrooms Or Bulletin Boards "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" arising out of an electronic chatroom or bulletin board ths insured hosts, awns or o�er which the insured exercises control. 26.11nautharized Use Of Anather's Name Or Praduct to mislead another's potential cuskomers. C. With respect ta Caverage C: Newly Acquired, Controlled Or �armed Entities "Crisis management service expenses" arising out of a "crisis mar�agement e�ent" that in�olves any organizatlon you newly acquire or form and that occurred prior io the date you acquired or forrned that organization, even if an "executive officer" anly first becomes aware af an "event" or "occurrence" that leads ;o such "crisis management event" after the date you acquired or formed such organization. SECTION V — CON�ITi0N5 A. A�PEALS 1. If the insured or the insured's "underlying insurer" elects nat to appeal a judgment which exceeds the "applicable underlying limit" or "self- insured retention", we may do so. Z. If we appeal such a judgment, we will pay all costs of the appeal. These payrnents will not reduce the applicable limits of insurance. In no event will our liability exceed the applicable limit of insurance. B. BANICHUPTCY 1. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the insured or of the insured's estate will not rel9eve us of our obligations under this insurance. 2. In the event of bankruptcy or insalvency of any "underlying insurer", this insurance will not replace such bankrupt or insolver�t "underlying insurer's" policy, and this insurance will apply as if such "underlying insurer" had not become bankrupt or insolvent. C. CANCELLATION 1. The first Named Insured shown in tY�e Declarations may cancel this insurance by mailing or delivering to us advance written notice of cancellation, 2. We may cancel this insurance by mailing or delivering to such first Nattted Insured written natice of cancellation at least: a. 10 days before the effective date of cancellation if we cancel for nonpayment of premium; or "Personal injury" or "advertising 6, 60 days before the effective date injury" arising out of the unauthorized nf cancallation if we cancel for use of another's name or product in any other reason, your e-maii address, domain name or metatag, or any other si�'nilar tactics Page 12 of 23 � 2016 Tha 7ravelers Indemnity Company. Ali rights reser�ed. EU 00 fll d7 18 � � , � 0 0 O U U 0 0 � � H u, 0 � � r N � m �o N � � a N 0 0 U m � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � UMBREL.L.A 3. We wiEl mail or deliver our notice to such first Named Insured's last mailing address knawn ta us. 4, Notice of canceliation will state the effective dats of cancellation. The policy perioci will end on that date. 5. If this insurance is cancelled, we will send such first fVamed Insured any premium refund d�e. If we cancel, the refund will be pro rata. If such first fVamed Insured cancels, the refund rnay be fess than pro rata. 7'he cancellation wil� �e effeCtive even if we have not made or offered a refund. 6. If notice is mailed, propf of �nailing will be sufficient proof of notice. U. CHANGES E. F This policy contains all the agreements between you and us concerning the insurance afforcled. No change can be made in the terms of this insurance exce�t with our cansent. The terms of this insurance can be amended ar waived only by endorsement issued by us and made a part of this poiicy. CURRENCY Payments for damages or expenses described in Paragraph 5. of Paragraph �., �6FENS� AND Sl1PPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS, of SECTION I- COVEHAGES will be in the currency of the United States of America. At our sole option, we may make these payments in a different currency. Any necessary currency conversiar� for such �ayments will be calcuiated based on the rate of exchange published in the Wall 5treet Journai immediately preceeding the date th� paymant is pracessed. DUTIES REGAHI�ING AN EVENT, OC�URRENCE, c�ainn a� suiT 1, You must see to It khat we are natified as soon as practicable of an "event" or "occurrenc�" which may result in a claim unc�er this insurance. To the extent possible, notice should inciucie: 8, How, whe� and where the "event" or "occurrence" took place; b. The names ant! addresses of any persons or organizations sustaining inj�rry, damage or loss, and ths names and addresses of any witnesses; and c. The nature and location of any injury or damage arising out of the "event" or "occurrence". 2, If a claim is made or "suit" is brought against any insured which may result in a claim under this insurance, you must see to it that we receive written notice of the claim or "suit" as soon as practicable. 3. WiEh respect to Co�erage A, the insured must: a Cooperate with us in the investigatian, settlement or defense of any claim or "suit"; b. Comply with the terms of the "underlying insurance"; and 4. � c. Pursue all rights of contribution or indemnity against any person or organization who may k�e liable to the insured because of the injury, damage or loss for which insurance is provided under this policy or any policy of "underlying insurance". With respect ta Coverage B, the insured must: a Immediately send us copies of any demands, notices, s�mmonses or legal papers received in connection with the claim or "suit", b. Authorize us to obtain necessary recorcis and other information; C. Gooperate with us in the investigation, settlement or defense of any claim or "suit"; and d. Assist us, upon our request, in the enforcernent of any right against any parson or organizakion which may be liable to the insured because of injury or damage to which Coverage B may apply. No insured wEll, except at that insured's own expense, voluntarily make a payment, assume any obligation, make any admission or incur any axpense, other than for first aid for "bociily injury" covered by this insurance, without our consent. 6. Knowledge af an "e��nt", "accurrence", claim or "suit" by your agent, servant or "employse" will not conskitute knowledge by you, unless your insurance or risk manager, or anyone working in the ca}�acity as your insurance or risk manager, or anyone you designate with ihe responsibility of reparting an "event", "oecurrence", clairn or "suit": a. Na5 received notice of such "event", "occurrenee", claim ar "suit" from such agent, servant or "empfoyee"; or h. Ot�erwise has knowiedge of such "event", "occurrence", claim or „suit". EU 00 Ol �7 16 � 2016 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights resgr��d. Page � 3 Qf 2� UMBRELLA G. �UTIES REGARDING A CRISl5 MAAfAGEMENT EVENT You must: 1. Notify us within 30 days af a"crisis management event" that may result in "crisis mar�agement sarvice expsnses". 2. Provide written notice of the "crisis rnanagement ever�t" as soon as practicable. To the extent possibls, notice should include: a How, when and where that "crisis management event" took place; 6. The names and addresses of any persons or organizat�ons sustaining injury, damage or loss, and the named and addresses of any witnesses; C, The nature and location of any injury or damage arising out of that "crisis management event"; and d. The reason that "crisis management e�ent" is likely to involve darnages covered by this insurance in excess of khe "applicable underly4ng limit" or "self-insured retention" and involve regional or national media coverage. H. EXAMINATIOhI OF YOl1R BOOi(S AN� R�COROS We may examine and audit your books and records as they relate ta this insurar�ce: J. 1. At any time during the palicy period; 2. Up to three years after the end af the policy period; and 3. Within one year after final settiement of all cfaims under this insurance. I. EXT�NOED REPORTING PERIOD �PTfON 1. When the "underlying insurance" applies on a claims-made basis, any automatic or basic "extended reporting period" in such "underlying insurance" will apply to this insurance. 2. When #he "underlying insurance" applies on a ciaims-made basis and you el�ct to purchase an optional or supplemental "extended reporting period" in such "underlying insurance," that "extended reporting period" will apply to this insurance OR�Y ff: �. A written reque5t to purchase ar� �xtended Reporting Period endorsement �or this insurance is rnade by you and received by us within 90 days after th� end of the policy period; q, You have paid afl premiums due for this policy at the time you rnake such request; C. Yau prompkly pay the additional premium we char�e for the Extended Reporting Period endorsement for this insurance when due. We will determine that additional premium after we have received your request for the Extended Reporking Period endorsement for this insurance. That additional premium is not subject to any limitation stated in the "underiying insurance" on the amount or percentage of additional premium that may be charged for the "extended reporting period" in such "underlying insurance"; and d. That Extencied Reporting Period endorsement is issued by us and made a part of this policy. 3. Any Extendec! Reporting Periocf endorsement for this insurance will not reinstate or increase the Limits of Insurance or extend ti�e policy period. 4. Except with respec# to any provisions to the contrary contained in Paragraphs 'i„ 2. nr 3. above, all pravisions of any opt�on to purchase an "extended reporting period" granted to you in the "unclerlying insurance" apply to this insurance. INSP�C'fIONS AND Sl1RVEYS 1. We have t#te right but are nat obligaked ta: a Maka inspections and surveys at any time; h. Give you reports on the eonditions we find; and C. Recammend changes. 2. Any inspections, surveys, reports or recom►nendatlons relate only to insurability and the premiums to �e charged. We do nak mak� safety inspections. We do not undertake to perform the duty of any person or organization to provide for the health or safety of workers or the public. We do not warrant that conditions: �. Are safe or healthful; or b. Comply with laws, regulations, cocfes or standards, K. LEGAL ACTION AGAINST ll5 '{, fVo person nr organizatlon has a right under this insurance: a. To join us as a party or otherwise bring us into a"suit" asking for damages from an insured; or Page 14 of 23 0 2o i e rn� Travelers Indemnity Company. Ali nghYs reserved. EU �0 Ol 07 1S N �, 0 0 0 g U u $ � � N � 0 � * � a � m m N a � � N 0 0 V � . �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �— �� UMBRELLA b. 74 sue us ot� this insurance unless all of its kerms have been fully complied with. �. A person nr organizatiot� rriay sue us to recover on an agreed settlement or on a final judgment against an insured. We will not be liabie for damages that: �. Are not payable under the terms of this insurance; or b. Are in excess of the applicable limit of insurance. An agreed settlement means a settlement and release of liability signed by us, the insured and the claimant or the claimant's legal representative. L. MAINTEtVANCE OF UND@�iLYING If�SUHANC� 1. The insurance affarded by eac}� policy of "underiying insurance" wil! be maintained for the full policy period of this Excess follow-Forrr� And Umbrella Liability Insurance, This pro�ision does not apply to the reduction or exhaustion of the aggregate �imik or limits of such "underlying insurance" salely by payments as permitted in Paragraphs 4.a.{11, (21 and (3} of CQVERAGE A— EXCESS FOLLOW—FOAM tIA6lLITY of SECTION 1— COVERAGES. As such policies expire, you will ren�w ti�em at limits and with coverage at least equal to the expiring limits af insura�ce. If you fail to comply with the above requiremenis, Coverage A s no inva i a e, owever, in e event of a loss, we wi I I pay only to the extent that we would have paid had you compfied with the abova requirements, 2. The first Named Insured shown in the Declaratians must gi�e us written natice of eny change in th� "underlying insurance" as respects: a, Co�erage; b. L.imits of insurance; C, Termination of any coverage; or d. Exhaustion of aggregate limits. 3. I f you are unable to recover from any "underlying insurer" because you fail to comply with any term ar condi#ion of the "underlying insurance", Coverage A is not invalidated, Howe�er, we will pay for any loss anly to tl�e extent that we would have paid had you complied with that term or condition in that "underlying insurance". M, OTHER INSURANCE This insurance is excess over any valid and collectible "other insurance" whether such "other insurance" is stated to �ae primary, contributing, excess, contingent or otherwise. This provision does not apply to a policy bought specifically to apply as excess of this insurance. However, if you specifically agre� in a written contract or agreement that th� insurance provided to any person or organization that qualifies as an insured under this insurance must apply on a primary hasis, or a primary and non- contrit�utory basis, then insurance provided under Coverage A is subject to the fallawing provisions: 1. This insurance will apply before any "other insurance" that is avai�able to such additional insured which covers that persan or organlzation as a named i�sured, and we will not share with that "other insurance", provir�ed that the injury or damage for which coverage is sought is caused by an "event" that takes place or is committed subsequent to the signing of that contract or agreement by you. 2. This insurance is still excess over any valid and coll�:ctib4e "other insuranca", whekher primary, excess, contingent or otherwise, wi�ich co�ers that persan or organization as an aciditional insured or as any other insured that does nok qualify as a named insured. N. P�EM�l1M 1. The first Named Insured shown in the Declaratians is responsible for the payment of all premiums and will be the payes for any ret�rn premiums. 2. If ti�e premium is a flat charge, it is not subject to adjustment except as provided in Paragraph 4. below. 3. If the premium is other than a flat cl�arge, it is an advance premium only. The earned premium will be computed at the end of the poficy period, or at the end of each year of the policy period if the policy period is two years or longer, at the rate shown in the Declarations, subject to the Minimum Premium. 4. Additional premium may become payabie when coverage is pravided for additional insureds under the provtsio�s of SECTf�N II - WHD IS AN INSURE�. U. P�EM�RJM Al1DIT The premium for this palicy is the amount stated in Item 5. of the Declarations. The premium is a flat EU 00 01 47 16 � 2016 The Traveiers Indemnity Company. AA rights reser�ed. PB�B 15 of 23 UM6RELLA charge unless it is specified in the Declarations as adjustable. P. PHOHIBIT@U COVERAGE - IIHLICENSED INSIiRANCE 1. With respect to loss sustained by any insured in a country or jurisdiction in which we are not licensed to provide this insurance, this insurance does not apply to the ext�nt that insuring such loss would vinlate khe laws or regulations of such country or jurisdiction. 2. We do not assume responsibility for: a. The payment of any fine, fee, penalty or other charge t�at may be imposed on any person or organizatian in any country or jurisdictio� }�ecause we are not licensed to provide insurance in such country or jurisdiction; or h. The furnishing of certificates or other evidence of insurance in any country or jurisdiction in which we are not licensed to provide insurance. Q. PR03�IBITE� CDVERAGE - TRAD@ OR EC�NQMIC SANCTIONS We will provide coveraga for any loss, or ot�erwise will provide any benefit, only to th� �xtent that pra�iding such caverage or benefit does not expose us or any of our affiliated or parent companies to: 1. Any trade or economic sanction under any law ar regulation of the United States of America; or 2. Any other applicable trade or economic sanction, pro�ibition or restriction. R. REPHES�NTAYIONS By accepting this insuranca, you agree: 1. The sta#ements in t�e Declarations and eny subsequent notice refating to "underlying insurance" are acc�rate and camplete; 2. Those statements are based upon representations you made to us; and 3. We have issued this insurance in reliance upon your repressntations. S. SEPARATIQN OF INSURE�S Except with respect to the Limits of Insurance, and any righks or duties specifically assigned in this policy to the first Named Insured shown in the Declarations, this insurance applies: 1. As If eacf7 Named insured were the anfy Named Insured; and 2, Separately tn each insured against whom claim is made or "suit" is broug�t. T. WAIVER aR 'CRANSF�R Q� RIGHTS 0� RECDVERY AGAINSY aTHERS TO 11S 1. If the insured has rights to recaver al! or part of ar�y payment we have made under this insurance, those righks are transferred to us and the insured must do nothing after loss to impair them. At our request, th� insured will bring suit ar transfer those rights to us and help us, and with respect to Coverage A, the "underlying insurer", enforce them. If ihe insured has agreed in a contract or agreement to waive that insured`s right of recovery against any person or organization, we waive our right of recovery against that person or organizatio�, but onfy for payments we make because of an "event" that takes place or is committed suk�sequent to ths execution of tMat cantract or agreement by such insured. Z. Reimbursement of any amount recovered will be rt�ade in che fo;lowing order: a. First, to any person or organization (including us ar the insured) who f�as paid any amaunt in excess of the applicabfe limit of insurance; b. Next, to us; and C. Then, ko any persan or organizatlon finclUding the insured and with respec# to Coverage A, the "underlying insurer"} that is entitled to claim the remaind�r, if any. 3. Expenses incurred in the procass of recovery will be di�ided arnong all persons or organizations receiving amounts recovered according to the ratio of their respective recoveries. U. TRANS��#� OF YOUR RIGHiS AND DUT{ES UN�E�i 7HIS INS�IRANGE 1. Your rights and duties under this insurance may not be transferred without our Written consant except in the case of death of an individual Named Insured. 2. If you die, your rights and dukies will be transferred to your legal representative but only while acting within the scape of duties as yaur legal representati�e. Until your legal representative is appointed, anyone having proper temporary custody of your property will have your rights and duties but oniy with respect to tha# property. Page 16 of 23 � 2016 Th� Travalers Indemnily Company. All r4ghts reserved. EU 00 01 D7 16 N N . a 0 0 g U U : �: UMBRELLA V. UNINTENYIONAL OMlSSIQN OR EFiROR 7he uRintentional omission of, or u�intentianal errnr in, any information provided by you which we relied upon in issuing this policy will not prejudice your rights under this insurance. Howe�er, this pro�ision does nat affect our right to collect additional premium or to exercise our rights of cancellation or nonrenewal in accordance with applicable insurance laws or regulations. W. WHEN LOSS IS PAYABLE ,:.; If we are liable under this insurance, we o will pay for injury, damage or loss after: i. The insured's liability is established � by: m � m m � v � a N 0 0 U r, # � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � a. A caurt decision; or 6. A written agreement between the claimant, th� insured, any "underlying insurer" and us; and 2. i'he amount of the "applicable underlying limit" or "self-insured retention" is paid by or on behalf of the insured. SECFIOH VI — DE�INITIQNS A. With respect to all caverages of this insurance: 1. "Applicable uncferlying limit" means the sum nf: a, The appficable limit of insurance stated for the policies of "underlying insurance" in the SchecEule Of Underlying Insurance subject to the pravisions in Paragraphs 4.a.(9), (2� and (3} of C�V@RAGE A - �KC�SS fOLLOW- FORM LIABILITY of SfCTiQN I- CaVERAGES; and 6. The applicable limit of insurance of any "other insurance" that applies. The limits of insurance in any policy o# "underlying insurance" will apply even if: �, The "underlying insurer" claims the insured failed to comply with any kerm or condition of the policy; or b. The "underlying insurer" becomes bankrupt or insolvent. 2. "Auto hazard" means all "bodily injury" and "property damage" to whictr IiabiEity insurance afforded under an auto policy of "underlying insurance" would apply but for the exhaustion of its applicable limits of insurance. 3. "Electronic data" means information, facts or programs stored as or on, created or used on, or transmitted to or frnm computer software {including systems and applications softwarey, hard or floppy disks, CD-ROMs. tapes, drives, cells, data processing devEces or any other m�dia which are used with electronically controlled equipment. 4, "Event" means an "occurrence", offense, acci[fent, act, error, amission, wrongful act or loss. 5, "�xtended reporting period" means any period of time, starting with the end of the policy period of your claims-rr�ade insuranc�, during which claims or "suits" may he first made, brought or reporied for that insurance. 6. "Medical �xpenses" means expenses to whic� any Medical Payments section of any policy of Comm�rcial General Liability "underiying insurance" applies. 7. "Other insurance" means insurance, or t�e funding of losses, that is provided by, through or on behalf of: a Another insurance company; b. Us or any of our affiliated insurance companies; C. Any risk retenkion group; d. Any self-insurance m�thod or prngram, in which case the insured will be deerried to be the pro�ider of such insurance; or �, Any similar risk transfer or risk management method. "Other insurance" does not include: a Any "underlying insurance"; or h. Any poiicy of insurance specifically purchased to be excess of the limits of insurance of this policy shown in t�e Declarations. $, "f'roducts-completed operations hazard": a, lncludes all "bodily injury" and "praperty damage" occurring away from premises you own or rent and arising out of "your product" or "your work" except: �'i1 Products that are stiil in your pt�ysical possession; ar (2) Work that has not yst been completed or aband4ned. Fiowever, "your work" will be deemeci completed at the earliest of the following times: EU 00 01 07 1$ i�J 2Q i 6 Tt�e Travelers fndemnity Company. All rights reserved. PagA 1 7 of 23 UMBRELLA (a} When all the wark caller! for in your contract has been completed; (b1 When all the work to be done at the job site has been completed if your contract calls for work at more than one job s9te; or (C) When that part of the work done at a job site has been put to its intended use by any person ar organization other than another con- tractor or subcontractor working on the same project. Work that may nsed service, rnaintenance, correction, repair or replacement, but which is otherwise complete, wi II be treated as cornpleted. h. Does not include "bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of: (1) The transportation of property, unless the injury or damage arises out of a condition in or on a vehicle not ownad or operated by you, and that condition was created by the "loading or unloading" o# that vehicle by any insured; t2� The existence of tools, uninstalled equipment or abandoned or unused materials; or {3) Products or operations for which the classification lis#ed in a policy of Commercial General Liability "undarlying insurance" states that products- completed operations are subject to the General Aggregate Limit. 9. "Suit" means a civil proceeding which alleges damages, "Suit" includes: a. An arbitration proceeding in which damages are claimed and to which the insured must submit ar does submit with our consent; or 1�, Any other alternative dispute resolution proceeding to which the insured submits with our consent, B. LiabilEty Insurance. C. Does not include any part of the policy period of any of the policies described in Paragraphs a. or b, abo�e that beyan before, or that cor�tinues after, the policy period of this Ex�ess Follow-Form And Utnbrefla Liability Insurance. 11. "Underlying insurer" means any insurer which provides a policy of insurance listed in the Schedule Of LJnderiying Insurance. With respect to Coverage B and, to the extent that the following t�rms are not defined in the "underlying insurance", to Co�erage A: 1. "Advertisement" means a notice that is broadcast or published kv khe general public or specific market segments about your goods, products or services �or the purpose of attracting customers or supporters. Far the purposes of this definitior�: a. Notices that are published includa material placed on the Internet or on similar electronic means of communication; and 6. Regarding web sites, only that part of a web site that is ahout your goods, products or services for the purposes of attracting custamers or supporters is considered an ad�ertisement. Z. "Advertising injury": a, Means injury, ott�er than "personal injury", caused by ane nr mare of the following offenses: (11 Oral or written publication, inciuding pub�ication by electranic means, of materlal in your "advertisernent" that slanders or libels a person or organization or disparages a person's or organization's goods, products or ser�ices, provided that the claim is made or the "suit" is brought by a person or organizatian that claims to have been slandered or libeled, or that claims to have had its goods, products or services disparaged; 10, "Underlying insurance"• (21 Oral or written publication, � including publication by a. Means the policy or policies of electronic means, of material insura�ce listed in the Schedule in your "advertisement" that: Of Underlying Insurance, (2r1 Appropriates a person's q. Includes any renewal or replace- name, voice, phntngraph or rnent of such pofici�s If such likeness; or renew�l or replacerr�ent is during the palicy periocf of this Excess id1 Unreasonably places a Follow-Form And Umbrella person in a false light; or Page 18 of 23 � 2016 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rig�ts reservad, �U O� 01 07 16 N � • o 0 0 O 0 U U : � 0 0 a UMBRELLA (3) Infringement of copyright, "title" or "slogan" in your "advertisement", provided that the claim is made or the "suit" is brought by a person or organization that claims owner- ship of such copyright, "title" or "slogan". b. Includes "bodily injury" caused by one or more of the offenses described in Paragraph �. above. 3. "Auto" means: of any credit, debit, taanlc or other financial account; 6. Infarmation bearing on a person's credit worthiness, credit standing or credit capacity; C. 5ocial seeurity number; d. Drlver's license number; or e. B9rth date. 7. "Consumer financial prateckion law" means: 2�, 7he �air Credit Reporting Act SFCRA) and any of its amendments, including �he Fair and Accurate Credit Trar�sactions Ack {FACTAS; N a. A land motor vehicle, trailer or o semitrailer designed for travel on public roads, including any � attached machEnery or equipment; { or m r� � m � N V � � N D D U m . � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � -_�_-- _, �-,-' �- - � �; �_ _. � -_ � � � � 6. Any other land vehicle that is subject to a compulsory ar finar�cial responsibility law or other motor vehicle insurance law where it is licensed or principally garaged, However, "auto" does not include "mobile equi�ment". 4. "Bodify injury" means: a. Physical harm, including sickness or disease, susteined by a person; or b. Mental anguish, injury or illness, or emotional distress, resulting at any time frorr� sucit physical harm, sickness or disease. 5, 'Broadcasting" means transmitting any audio or �isual material for any purpose: a. By radio or television; or b. In, by or with any other electronic means of communication, such as the Internet, if that material is part o#: (7) Radio or television programming being transmitted; [2} Other entertainmsni, educat- ional, instructional, music or news programming being trans- mitted; or (3) Ad�erkising transmitted with any such programming. B. "Consurner financial identity information" means any of khe following information for a person that is used or co�lected for the purpose af serving as a factor in establishing such person's eligibility for personal credit, insurance or employment or for the pu�pose of conducting a husiness tra�sactian: a. Part or afl af the account number, tl�e expiration clate nr the balance b. California's Song-Beverly Credit Card Act and any of its amendments; or t. Any other law or regulatian that restricts or prohibits the coflection, dissernination, trans- mission, distributian or use of "consumer financial identiky information". 8. "Employee" includes a "leased worker". "Err�ployee" does not include a "temporary worker". 9. "Good Samarikan services" means any emergency medical services for which no compensation is demanded or received, 10. "Impaired property" means tangible property, ather than "your product" or "your work", that cannot be used or is less useful because: �. It incorparates "your product" or "your work" that is known or thought to be defective, deficient, inadequate vr dangerous; or h. Yau have failed to fulfili the terms of a contract or agreement; if such property can bs restored to use by the repair, replacement, adjustment or removal of "your product" ar "your wnrk" or your f�lfilling the terms of tne contract or agreement. 11. "Leased worker" means a person leased to you by a la�or Isasing firm under an agreemant between you and the labor leasing firm, to perform duties related ta the conduct of your business. "Leased worker" do�s not include a "temporary worker". '!2. "Loading or unloading" means the handling of property: e, After it is moved from the place where it is accepted for movement into or onto an aircrafE, EU 0� 01 07 1B �3 2016 The Travelers Indsmnity Company. All rights reserved. Pag9 19 Of 2� uMBRE��a watercraft or "auto"; 6. While it is in or on an aircraft, watercraft or "auta"; or C. While it is being mo�ed from an aircraft, watercraft or "auto" to the place where it is finally deli�erecf; but "loading or unioading" does not include the mo�ement of property by means of a mechanical device, other than a hand truck, that is not attached to the aircraft, watercraft or "auta". 13. "Mobile �quipment" means any of the following types of land vehicles, including any attachecf machinery or equipment: a Bulldozers, farm rnachinery, forklifks and other vehicies designed for use princ�pally off public roads. 6. Vehicles maintained for use solely on or next to premises you own or rent, (1) Equipmsnt designed primarily fior: [a1 Snow removal; (q} Road maintenance, but not construction or res�rfacing; or (C} Street clear�ing; (2] Gherry pickers and similar devices mounted on automobile or iruck chassis and used to raise or lower workers; and I31 Air compressors, pumps and generators, including spraying, welding, building cleaning, geo�hysicat axploration, lighting and well servicing equipment. However, "mobile equipment" does not include any land vehicle that is subject to a compulsory or financial responsibility law, or oiher motor vehicle insurance law, w�tere it is iicensed or principally garaged, Such land vehicles are considerecf "autos". 14. "Oceurrence" means: C. Vehicles that travel an crawle� treads, d. Vehicles, whether self-propelled or nnt, maintained primarily to pravide mobility to permanentEy mounted: (11 Power cranes, shovels, loaders, diggers or drills; or (2] �ioad construction or resurfacing equipment such as graders, scrapers or rollers. �, Vehicles not described in Paragraph a, b., c. or d adove that are not self-propelled and are maintained primarily to provide mobility to permanantly attached aquipment of the fallnwing types: (1} Air compressors, pumps and generators, including spraying, welding, building cleaning, geop�ysical exploratian, fighting and well ssrvicing equipment; or {2) Cherry �ickers and similar devices used to raise or lower workers. F. Vehicles not described in Paragraph a, 6., c. or d above maintained primarily for purposes other than the transportation of persons nr cargo. Howe�er, self-propelled vehicles with the following kypes of permanently attached equipment are not "mobile equipment" but wili be considered "autos": a. Wit� respect to "bodily injury" or "property damage": {1) An accident, including contin- uous or repeated expasure to substantially the same general harmful conditions, which results in "bodily injury" or "property damage". All "badily injury" or "property damage" caused by such expasure to subskantialEy the same general harmful conditions wifl be deemed to be eaused by one "occurrence"; or (21 An act or nmission committed in providing nr failing to provide first aid or "Good Samaritan services" to a person by any af your "employees" ar "volunteer workers" o#her than an employed or volunteer doctar, unless you are in the k�usiness or occupation of providing professional health care ser�ices; b. Wiih respect ta "personal injury", an offense arising out of your business that results in "personal injury". All "personal injury" caused by the same or related injurious material, act or o�fense wElf be deerned to be caused by one "occurrence", regardless of the frequer�cy or repetition thereof, the number and kind of media used or the number of persons or organizations making claims or bringing "suits"; and Page 2� Of �� � 2016 The Travelers 6ndemnity Gompany. All rights reserved. EU fl0 41 07 1$ N � • o a 0 0 0 U U : � .• ,. UMBRELLA t. With respect ta "advsrtising injury", an offense cnrnmikted in the course of advertising your goods, praducts and services that results in "ad�ertising injury". Afl "ad�ertising injury" caused by the same or related injurious material, act or offense will be deemed to be caused by one "occurrence", regardless of the frequency or repetition thereof, the number and kind af inedla used nr the number of persons or arganizations making cla9ms ar bringing "suits". 0 15. "Officer" means a person holding any of the officer positions created by � your charter, constitution, bylaws or * any other similar governing document. � m � M � � v � v N 0 0 U m . ■� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 1�. "Personal injury": a. Means injury, other than "ad�ertising injury", caused by one or more of the following offenses: (1} False arresi, detention or imprisonment; C2I Malieious prosecution; [3} The wrongful e�ickion from, wrangful entry into, or invasion of t�� right of private occupancy of a room, dwelling or premises that a person accupies, provided that the wrongful eviction, wrongful entry or in�asion vf the right of private occupancy is committ�d by ar an behalf of the owner, landlord or lessor of that room, dwelling or premises; (4j Oral or writter� pubkication, includ'+t�g publication by electronic means, of material that slanders or libels a person or organization or disparages a persan's or organization's goods, products or services, provided that the claim is made or the "suit" is brought by a person or organization that claims to have �een slandered or fibaled, or that claims [o have had its goods. products or services disparaged; or (51 Oral or written publication, includirig pubfication i�y electronic means, of material thak: (ai Appropriates a person's name, voice, photograph or likeness; or b. Includes "bodily injury" caused by one or more af the offenses described in Paragraph �. above. 17. "f'ollutants" mean any solid, liquid, gaseous or khermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapar, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemitais and waste. Waste includes materials to be recycled, reconditianed or reclairned. 18. "f'roperty damage" means: a. Physical injury to tangible property, including all resulting loss of use of that property. All such loss of use will be deemed to occur at the time of the physicai injury khat caused it; or b. Loss af use of tangible property tha4 is not physically injured. All such loss nf use wiil be deemed to occur at the time of the "occurrence" that caus�d it. �or the purposes of this insurance, "electronic �ata" is nat kangible property. 19. "5elf-insured retention" is the greater of: �, 7he amount shown in the Declarations which the insured must firsk pay under Coverage B for damages because of all "bodily injury", "property darnage", "personal injury" or "ad�ertising injury" arising out of any one "accurr�nce"; or b. Th� applicable limik of insurance of any "other insurance" that appiies. 20. "Slogan": a Means a for the attentiqn phrase that others use �urpose of attracting in their' advertising. 6. Does not include a pnrase used as, or in, the name of: {1] Any person or organization other than you; or (2) Any busir�ess, or any of the premises, goods, products, services or work, of any person or organization ather than you. Z1, "7emporary worker" rneans a person who is furnishec! ta yau to substitute for a permanent "employee" an leave or to meet seasanaf or short-term workload conditions. 22. "Titie" means the name of a literary or arkistic work. (b) Unreasonably places a person in a false light. EU 00 01 07 1G m 201 S The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Page 2 1 of 23 UMBRELLA 23. "Unsolicited communication" means C. any communication, in any #orm, that the recipient of such communication did not specifical�y request to recei�e. 24. "Volunteer worker" means a person who is not your "employee", and who donates his or her work and acts at the directian of and within the scope of duties determined by you, and is not paid a fee, salary or other compensation by you nr anyone efse for their work performed by you. 25. "Your product": a. Means: ('iJ Any goods or products, other than real property, manufactured, sold, handled, distributed or disposed nf by: la) You; (bj Qthers trading under your name; or (c1 A person or organization whose business or assets you have acquired; and �2� Con#ainers {other than vehicfesj, materials, parts or equiprnent furnished in connection with such goods or products. b. Includes: {1) Warranties or representations rr�ade at any tlme with respect to the fitness, quality, dura� bility, performance or use of "your product"; and IZ1 7he provlding of or failure to pro�ide warnings ar instructiAns. C. Does not include vending ma�hines or other property rented to or focated for the use of others but nat sold. z6. "Your work": a. Means: {1� Work or operations performed by you or on your be#�alf; and {2) Materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work or aperations. b. In�l�des: li) Warranties or representatlons made at any time with respsct io the fitness, quality. durability, performance or use of "your work"; and (2j The providing of ar failure to provide warnings or instructions, With respect to Coverage C: 1. "Crisis management advisor" means any public relations firm or crjsis management firm approved by us that Is hired by you to perforrr� "crisis management services" in connection with a "crisis management event". Z. "Crisis management e�ent" means an "event" or "occurrence" khat your "executive officer" reasonably determines has resulted, or may result, in: a. Damages cov�:red by this Coverage A or Coverage B that are in excess of the total applicable fimits of the "under- lying insurance" ar "self-insured ratention"; and b. Significant adverse regional or national m�dia coverage, 3. "Crisis management ser�ice expenses" msans amounts incurred kay you. after a "crisis management e�ent" first commences and before such e�ent ends: a. For the reasonable and necessary: (1) Fees and expenses of a"crisis managemenk advisar" in the performance for you of "crisis management services" solely for a "crisis management event"; and (2) Costs for printing, advertising, mailing of materials or travel by your directqrs, officers, employees or agents or a "crisis martagement advisor" solely for a "crisis rnanage- ment event"; and q, For the following expenses resulting from such "crisis management �vent", pro�ided that such expenses have been approved hy us: (1) Medical expenses; (2) Funeral sxpenses; {�} psychologicaf counseling; (4� Travel expenses; (5) Temporary living axpenses; (61 Expenses to secure the scene of a "crisis management OVB�It��; OF (7) Any other expenses pre- approved by us. Page 22 of 23 � 2D 16 The Travelers Indemnity Company. A!I r�ghts reserved. EU 00 01 47 1B N � ' O 0 0 0 0 U U 8 � � � � 0 � * n M � m � N a � v N O O U m . r—. � � � � � � � � � � — � � � � � 4. "Crisis managerr�ent services" means those services performed by a"crisis management acivisor" in advising you or m�nimizing potential harm to you from a"crisis management event" by maintaining or restoring publie confidence in you. 5. "Executive officer" means your: a. Chief Executive Officer; b, Chief Operating Officar; c. Chief Financial Officer; EU 00 01 07 16 UMBRELLA d. President; e. General Counsel; f. General partner (if you are a partnersi�ipy; or g. Sole proprietor �if you are a safe proprieiorship}; ar any person acting in the same capacity as any indi�idual �isted above, � 2016 The Travelers Indamnity Company. A!I rights reserved. pa�� 23 Of 23