HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020/10/27-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
INVOCATION - Pastor Mavrick Gayden, Pilgrim Valley Church
(State of Texas Pledge: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas,
one state under God, one and indivisible.")
1. 20-0571 Minutes - October 20, 2020 Regular Meeting
Items on the Consent Agenda require little or no deliberation by the City Council.
Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to
implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations.
A. General- Consent Items
1. M&C (ALL) Consent to Appointment of Rebecca Palluth, a Registered
20-0780 Architect, Place 1, and Tyler McCarthy, General Contractor, Place 5
to the City's Construction and Fire Prevention Board of Appeals
Speaker/Comment Card
2. M&C (CD 9) Adopt an Ordinance Amending Chapter 22 Motor Vehicles
20-0791 and Traffic, Article III Operation of Vehicles, Section 22-86
Speeding, Subsection (i) of the Code of the City of Fort Worth,
Texas (2015), as Amended, to Add the Speed Limits of Certain
Speed Zones, Specifically a New Speed Limit of 35 Miles per Hour
Along Hemphill Street from West Vickery Boulevard to West Felix
Speaker/Comment Card
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CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda October 27,2020
3. M&C (ALL) Authorize Execution of the First Renewal and Up to Two
20-0792 Additional Renewals for Traffic Signal Improvements for the
Following Individual Contracts with EAR Telecommunications, LLC
d/b/a EARTC LLC and Siemens Mobility, Inc. each in the Amount
of$750,000.00 (2018 Bond Program)
Speaker/Comment Card
4. M&C (ALL) Authorize Application for, and Acceptance of, if Awarded, Pet
20-0800 Focused Funding from PetSmart Charities Inc. in an Amount Not to
Exceed $500,000.00 to Support the Ongoing Operations of the
PetSmart Pet Adoption Centers and to Support Other Animal
Welfare Programs, Authorize Execution of Related Grant
Agreements and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and
any Corresponding Interest Income
Speaker/Comment Card
5. M&C (ALL) Adopt Resolution Reappointing Mark Weibel as Hearing
20-0802 Officer in and for the Fort Worth Parking Violations Bureau and
Designating the Hearing Officer to Conduct Hearings and Appeals
Pursuant to Chapters 7, 10, 12.5 and 22 of the City Code and to
Perform Other Assigned Duties
Speaker/Comment Card
6. M&C (CD 8) Authorize the Use of Funds in the Amount of $252,575.00
20-0804 for Land Acquisition Costs for the Hanna Ranch M-329 and M-295
Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project and Adopt Appropriation
Speaker/Comment Card
7. M&C (CD 6 and ETJ) Adopt Ordinance to Establish the Sewer per Acre
20-0805 Charge in the Amount of $91.18 per Acre for the Sewer Extension to
Serve the Rock Creek Ranch and Tarleton State University
Developments and Surrounding Areas and to Establish the Basin
Boundaries, Pursuant to Chapter 35, Article III, Division 3, Sections
35-81 through 35-86 of the City Code
Speaker/Comment Card
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8. M&C (CD 3 and ETJ) Adopt an Ordinance to Establish the Sewer Per Acre
20-0806 Charge in the Amount of $522.21 for the Extension to Serve
the Uplift Charter School Chapin Rd Development and Surrounding
Areas and to Establish the Basin Boundaries, Pursuant to Chapter 35,
Article III, Division 3, Sections 35-81 through 35-86 of the City
Speaker/Comment Card
9. M&C (ALL) Authorize the Amount of $4,020,083.00 for Vehicles and
20-0809 Non-Fleet Equipment in the Water and Sewer Capital Projects Fund
for Fiscal Year 2021 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
10. M&C (CD 2 and ETJ) Adopt Ordinance to Establish the Sewer Per Acre
20-0810 Charge in the Amount of $1,844.61 per Acre for the Westside Water
Treatment Plant Sewer Main Extension to Serve 298.38 Acres
Located at 12200 Old Weatherford Rd and to Establish the Basin
Boundaries, Pursuant to Chapter 35, Article III, Division 3, Sections
35-81 through 35-86 of the City Code
Speaker/Comment Card
11. M&C (ADJACENT TO ALL) Adopt Ordinance Amending Wholesale
20-0811 Water and Wastewater Volume Service Rates and Amending Chapter
35 - Water and Sewers, Article III - Charges, Division 1 — Generally,
Section 35-56 (g) RAW WATER SERVICE of the City Code with
an Effective Date of Billing on or after November 1, 2020 for Usage
and Flows from and after October 1, 2020 for Water and
Wastewater Service
Speaker/Comment Card
12. M&C (ALL) Adopt Resolution Authorizing an Increase of $50,000.00 in
20-0815 the Total Amount to be Paid to the Law Firm of Kelly Hart &
Hallman, LLP, as Outside Legal Counsel for Legal Matters Relating
to Lawsuits Challenging the City's Game Room Ordinances for a
Total Amount of$520,000.00
Speaker/Comment Card
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B. Purchase of Equipment,Materials, and Services -Consent Items
1. M&C (ALL) Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Sequel Data Systems in
20-0781 an Annual Amount Up to $225,689.00 for Technology Equipment,
Software, Maintenance, and Professional Services Using State of
Texas Department Information Resources Contract No.
DIR-TSO-4160 for the Water Department and Authorize Renewals
Speaker/Comment Card
2. M&C (ALL) Authorize Execution of Non-Exclusive One Year Agreements
20-0782 with Four One Year Renewal Options for Both CSI Consolidated,
LLC d/b/a AIMS Companies and US Ecology Houston, Inc. for
Hydrovac Excavation Services for the Water Department with a
Combined Annual Amount Up to $200,000.00
Speaker/Comment Card
3. M&C (ALL) Authorize the Purchase of Seven Trucks from Grapevine
20-0783 DCJ, LLC in an Amount Up to $610,423.00 for the Water
Department through the Property Management Department
Speaker/Comment Card
4. M&C (ALL) Authorize the Purchase of Two Sewer, Rodder, Single Axle
20-0784 Trucks, One Flatbed Truck with 33K Crane, and One Flatbed Truck
with 10-Ton Crane from Texas Kenworth Co. d/b/a MHC Kenworth
— Fort Worth in an Amount Up to $1,143,427.35, for the Water
Department through the Property Management Department
Speaker/Comment Card
5. M&C (ALL) Authorize Rejection of All Responses to Invitation to Bid
20-0785 (ITB) 20-0182 for Half Ton Class 1 Service Trucks for the Water
Department through the Property Management Department
Speaker/Comment Card
6. M&C (ALL) Authorize the Purchase of Five Animal Trucks from Caldwell
20-0786 Country Chevrolet, LLC in an Amount Up to $370,275.00, for the
Code Compliance Department Through the Property Management
Speaker/Comment Card
7. M&C (ALL) Authorize the Purchase of Excavating Equipment from RDO
20-0787 Equipment Co. in an Amount Up to $292,962.80 for the Water
Department through the Property Management Department
Speaker/Comment Card
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8. M&C (ALL) Authorize the Purchase of a Closed Circuit Television Van
20-0788 from Rush Truck Centers of Texas, LP in an Amount Up to
$233,586.00 for the Water Department through the Property
Management Department
Speaker/Comment Card
9. M&C (ALL) Authorize Purchase of a Haul Truck from Southwest
20-0789 International Trucks, Inc. in an Amount Up to $171,171.92 for the
Transportation and Public Works Department through the Property
Management Department
Speaker/Comment Card
C. Land- Consent Items
1. M&C (City of Kennedale Near CD 5) Authorize Acquisition of a
20-0795 Permanent Sewer Facility Easement in Approximately 1.218 Acres of
Land and a Temporary Construction Easement in Approximately
2.629 acres Located at 1384 Gilman Road and 5820 Interstate
Highway 20 Situated in Lot 1 and Block 1 of the Rebar Services
Addition of Tarrant County, City of Kennedale, Texas and the David
Strickland Survey Abstract No. 1376, Tarrant County, City of
Kennedale, Texas from Property Owned by Sabre-FWT Ventures,
LLC for the Lake Arlington Force Main and Lift Station Project for a
Total Purchase Price of $300,000.00 and Pay Estimated Closing
Costs in the Amount Up to $5,000.00 for a Total Cost of
Speaker/Comment Card
2. M&C (CD 7) Authorize the Use of the Lake Worth Gas Lease
20-0796 Capital Legacy Funds in the Amount of $352,428.00 to Provide
Funding for the Platting of City-Owned Land Under Residential
Lease within the Lake Worth Leases Subdivision and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
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3. M&C (CD 5) Authorize Acquisition of a Permanent Sewer Facility
20-0797 Easement in Approximately 1.334 Acres of Land and a Temporary
Construction Easement in Approximately 3.120 Acres of Land
Located at 5736 Wilbarger Street in the James W. Daniel Survey,
Abstract No. 395, Tract 6 & 6A, Tarrant County, Fort Worth, Texas
from Property Owned by Charles Lawhon for the Lake Arlington
Lift Station and Force Main Project for a Total Purchase Price of
$125,000.00 and Pay Estimated Closing Costs in an Amount Up to
$4,000.00 for a Total Cost of$129,000.00
Speaker/Comment Card
4. M&C (CD 2, CD 3, CD 5, CD 7, CD 8 and CD 9) Authorize Sale
20-0799 of Eighteen (18) Tax-Foreclosed Properties to Various Purchasers in
the Aggregate Amount of $382,248.98 in Accordance with Section
272.001 of the Texas Local Government Code and Section 34.05 of
the Texas Tax Code
Speaker/Comment Card
5. M&C (CD 8) Authorize Direct Sale of a Tax-Foreclosed Property Located
20-0813 at 1611 New York Avenue, for a Total Cost of $3,240.00, to Fort
Worth Area Habitat for Humanity, Inc., d/b/a Trinity Habitat for
Humanity, in Accordance with Section 34.05 of the Texas Property
Tax Code and City Ordinance Number 13533
Speaker/Comment Card
6. M&C (CD 5) Authorize Direct Sale of a Tax-Foreclosed Property Located
20-0814 at 1919 Vincennes Street, for a Total Cost of $14,374.44, to the Fort
Worth Independent School District in Accordance with Section 34.05
of the Texas Property Tax Code
Speaker/Comment Card
D. Planning &Zoning- Consent Items -NONE
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E. Award of Contract-Consent Items
1. M&C (CD 9) Authorize Execution of Amendment No.I to City Secretary
20-0790 Contract Number 53913, a Tax Increment Financing Development
Agreement with the Board of Directors of Tax Increment
Reinvestment Zone Number Four, City of Fort Worth, Texas
(Southside TIF), in an Amount up to $800,000.00 for 8th Avenue
Safety and Circulation Improvements, Authorize Acceptance of
Funds from Southside TIF, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and
Amend the Fiscal Years 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Plan
Speaker/Comment Card
2. M&C (CD 7) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 2 to the
20-0793 Construction Contract with McMahon Contracting, LP, in the
Amount of $134,725.30 for a Revised Contract Amount of
$1,895,694.30 for Keller Haslet Road Drainage Improvements
Project, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Update the FY
2021-2025 Capital Improvement Plan
Speaker/Comment Card
3. M&C (ALL) Authorize the First Renewal of a Professional Services
20-0794 Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for Stormwater Hazardous
Roadway Overtopping Mitigation Prioritization, Feasibility
Assessment and Project Development and Authorize the First
Amendment to the Agreement to Add Additional Funds in the
Amount of $1,800,000.00 for a Revised Contract Amount of
Speaker/Comment Card
4. M&C (ALL) Authorize Execution of an Agreement with the United States
20-0801 Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration for
Reimbursement of Overtime Costs in an Amount Up to $19,180.00
for Participation in the Drug Enforcement Administration Tactical
Diversion Group Fort Worth Task Force for Fiscal Year 2021,
Authorize Execution of Asset Forfeiture Sharing Agreement and
Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
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5. M&C (CD 9) Authorize Execution of a Contract with Gra-Tex Utilities,
20-0803 Inc., in the Amount of $4,933,473.30, for the 2019 Water Line and
Sanitary Sewer Replacement, Water and Sewer Maintenance-B
Project in Southwest Fort Worth, Adopt Appropriation Ordinances,
and Amend the FY2021-2025 Capital Improvement Program
Speaker/Comment Card
6. M&C (CD 5) Authorize Execution of a Reimbursement Agreement with
20-0808 Atmos Energy Corporation in the Amount of $932,270.00 to Design
and Install a Gas Service Extension to the Village Creek Water
Reclamation Facility Biosolids Management and Beneficial Reuse
Project and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
7. M&C (CD 7) Authorize Execution of a Cooperative Agreement with the
20-0812 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for Habitat Enhancement Activities of
Post Oak Savannah and Native Grassland Habitats at the Fort Worth
Nature Center and Refuge in an Amount Not to Exceed $10,000.00
and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
1. 20-0441 Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries
1. Presentation of Proclamation for Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine's 50th
2. Presentation of Proclamation for Municipal Court Week
3. Presentation of Proclamation for Chiropractic Health Month
4. Presentation of Proclamation for 75 Year Career of Louis Gilbert Ayala's Barber Shop
1. Upcoming and Recent Events; Recognition of Citizens;Approval of Ceremonial Travel
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CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda October 27,2020
1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions
20-1022 Board Appointment - Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
20-1029 Board Appointments - District 2
20-1030 Board Appointments - District 6
1. Park& Recreation Advisory Board Annual Report
1. 20-1012 A Resolution Authorizing Exercise of Optional Redemption Rights for
Special Assessment Revenue Bonds Associated with Fort Worth Public
Improvement District No. 17 (Rock Creek Ranch)
Speaker/Comment Card
A. Benefit Hearing-NONE
B. General
1. M&C (ALL) Authorize Acceptance of a Donation of $1,000.00 from
20-0807 Carollo Engineers, Inc. for Use by the Utility Bill Assistance Program
and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
C. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services -NONE
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CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda October 27,2020
D. Land
1. M&C (CD 5 and CD 8) Adopt Resolution Authorizing Condemnation by
20-0798 Eminent Domain to Acquire 0.092 Acres for a Permanent Sewer
Easement and 0.367 Acres for a Temporary Construction
Easement from Improved Property Owned by the Estate of Barbara
J. Archer, Located South of the Intersection of South Loop 820 and
Kennedale Parkway in a Portion of Lot 39, Block 1 of Oak Crest
Addition, Tarrant County, Texas, for the Lake Arlington Force Main
and Lift Station Project
Speaker/Comment Card
E. Planning & Zoning-NONE
F. Award of Contract
1. M&C (CD 3) Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Tax Abatement
20-0697 Agreement with Taylor Hurd Taylor Jr. and Shavina Desha
Taylor for the Construction of a Single-Family Dwelling of
Approximately 1,929 Square Feet and Having a Cost of at Least
$342,772.00 on Property Located at 5112 Bonnell Avenue, in the
Como Neighborhood and Within Neighborhood Empowerment Zone
and Reinvestment Zone Area Three (Continued from a Previous
Speaker/Comment Card
The City Council may not discuss or deliberate about a topic not specifically listed on the
Agenda, including those presented during the Public Comments section of the Agenda (Tex.
Gov't Code § 551.042)
1. 20-0608 Public Presentations
Speaker/Comment Card
1. 20-0503 Executive Session B
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CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda October 27,2020
Members of the City Council may be participating remotely in compliance with the Texas Open
Meetings Act, Council Rules of Procedure, or under the provisions provided by the Governor of
Texas in conjunction with the Declaration of Disaster enacted March 13, 2020.
According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be
limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to six minutes. At the Mayor's
discretion,time limits may be reasonably extended.
Fort Worth Council Chamber, is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who
plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services
such as interpreters, readers, or large print are requested to contact the City's ADA
Coordinator at (817) 392-8552 or e-mail ADA@FortWorthTexas.gov at least 48 hours
prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not
receive notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable
attempt to provide the necessary accommodations.
I, the undersigned authority do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City of Fort
Worth official website and said Notice was posted on the following date and time Friday, October 23,
2020 at 6:30 PM and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of
said meeting.
/sb/Mary J. Kayser, City Secretary for the City of Fort Worth, Texas
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