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Ordinance 17107-08-2006
ORDINANCE NO, 17107-OS-20Q6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N®. 16481 TO INCORPORATE TIIE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS INTO THE ORDINANCE FOR ZONING CASE ZC-QS-101; PROVIDING THAT TINS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLA[TSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAi.3SE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND NAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, on June 21, 2005, the City Council unanimously approved Case No. ZC-05-101 to rezone property located between South of West Rosedale Street, West of College Avenue, North of West Magnolia Avenue and East of Ilurley Street, to Planned Develop~ent/Specific Use for all uses in "1VIiJ-1" Low Intensity Mixed Use with specific development standards; WHEREAS, the City Council approved a "PDISU" Planned Development for all uses in "MU-1" Low Intensity Mixed Use, with a waiver of the site plan, but Ordinance No. 10481 incorporating the City Council's zoning decisions from the June 21, 2005; did not incorporate the required standards far the Planned Development; WHEREAS, it is advisable to amend Ordinance No. 16481 with regard to Case No. ZC-05-101, only, in order to reflect the City Council's decision to incorporate the Planned Development language; NOW, T1~IEREFORE, BE IT OIIDAINED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTHe SECTION 1, Ordinance Na. 164$1, an amendment to Ordinance 13896, is amended to correct the decision for Case No. ZG05-101 to incorporate the Planned Development standards as approved by the City Council to read as follows: ZC-05-0~. South of Nest Rosedale Street, West of College Avenge, North of West Magnolia Avenue and East of Hurley Street Zanin~ Chan~e:_ From: "CF" Community Facilities To: "PD/SU" Planned Develapment/Specific FJse, far all uses in "MU 1"Law Intensity Mixed Use; and incorporate the Planned Develapment standards. Site Plan Waived. Descriptian<_ Leval Description Block Lot Address CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK i3 CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 1 MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTI~I BLK 1 MC CLELLAND SUB-11'ORT WORTH BLK 2 MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 2 MC CLELLAND SUB-TORT WORTH BLK 2 MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 3 LOT 1B LOT 2A LOT i3R LOT 9R LOT 5 BLK 2 LOT 5 & 6 LOT 7 LOT 9 BLK 2 LTS 9 & 1U LOT 14 BLK 3 LTS 1415 & 16 1112 S LAKE ST 1124 S LAKE ST 1124 COLLEGE AVE 1125 S IIENDERSON ST 1116 S HENDERSON ST 1116 S HENDERSON ST 11315TH AVE 12Ui 5TH AVE ZC-05-101 South of West Rosedale Street, West of College .(venue, North of West Magnolia Avenge and East of Hurley Street Zanin;~ Change: From: "D" high Density Multi Family To: "PD/SU"Planned Development/Specific Use, for all uses in "Ml'J- I"Law Intensity Mixed Use; and incorporate the Planned Develapment standards. Site Plan Waived. Description: Leval Description Bloclc Lot Address BROOKER, J N SUBDNISION BLK 1 LOT 3 1109 BURLEY AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT 4 1115 HURLEY AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT 5 1117 HURLEY AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT b 1121 HURLEY AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT 7 1123 HURLEY AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT $ 1129 HURLEY AVE BROOKER, J N SUBnrvISION BLK 1 LOT 9 112$ 7TH AVE SROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT 10 1124 7TH AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT 11 1120 7TH AVE SROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT 12 1116 7TH AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT 13 1112 7TH AVE BROOKER, J N SUBnrvISION BLK 1 LOT 14 1110 7TH AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 4 LOT 1 1201 HURLEY AVE BROOKI±,R, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 4 LOT 2 1205 HURLEY AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 4 LOT 3 1209 HURLEY AVE SROOKER, J N SUBDIVISTON BLK 4 LOT 11 1220 7TH AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 4 LOT 12 1216 7TH AVE BROOKER, J N SUSnrvISION BLK 4 LOT 13 1212 7TH AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 4 LOT 14 1208 7TH AVI: BROOKIaR, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 4 LOT 1S I206 7TH AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 4 LOT 16 120Q 7TH AVE BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 4 LOT 4 1213 HURLEY AVE CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 2C 1121 GTH AVE CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 2D 1129 5TH AVE CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 6S 1201 S LAKE ST CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT GC 1205 S LAKE ST CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 6D 1211 S LAKE ST CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT GE 1215 S LAKE ST CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 7C 1123 S LAKE ST CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 7D 1129 S LAKE ST CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 7G 1126 STH AVE CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 7H 1130 5TH AVE K1iTIGHT, L T SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 1 12016TH AVE KNIGHT, L T SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 2 1205 6TH AVE KNIGHT, L T SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 3 12116TH AVE KNIGHT, L T SUBDrvISION BLK 13 LOT 4 1215 GTH AVE KNIGHT, L T SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 13 1214 S LAKE ST KNIGHT, L T SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 14 1208 S LAKE ST KNIGHT, L T SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 15 1204 S LAKE ST KNIGHT, L T SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 16 1200 S LAKE ST MC ANULTY & NESSITT SUB BLK 1 LOT 6 1109 WASHINGTON AVE MG ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK i LOT 7 BLK 1 LT 7 & S PT LT 5 1112 COLLEGE AVE MC ANULTY & NESSITT SUB BLK 1 LOT 9 1116 COLLEGE AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 1 LOT 10 III7 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUS BLK 1 LOT ll 1120 COLLEGE AVE MC ANC~LTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 1 LDT 12 1121 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NE5BITT 5UB BLK 1 LOT 14 1125 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB SLK 1 LOT 16 ll29 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 1 NPT LOT 8 1115 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT S 1108 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 6 1109 S ADAMS ST MG ANULTY & NESBITT SUS BLK 2 LOT 7 1112 WASHINGTON AVE 3 MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT $ 1113 S ADAMS ST MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 9 1116 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 10 1117 S ADAMS ST MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 11 1120 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 12 11215 ADAMS ST MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 13 11.2!3 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 14 1125 S ADAMS ST MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 15 1130 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 16 1131 S ADAMS ST MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 3 LOT 1 12110 COLLEGE AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 3 LOT 2 1201 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 3 LOT 4 12QS WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTX & NESBITT SUB BLK 3 LOT 6 1211 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 3 LOT 8 N 37112'8 BLK 3 1215 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 3 LOT 8 S 12112' 8 N11210 BLK 3 1219 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NE5BITT SUB BLK 3 LOT 9 1216 COLLEGE AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 4 LOT 1 120E1 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT 5UB BLK 4 LOT 3 1204 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 4 LOT 5 1212 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 4 LOT 7 7-N 20'9 BLK 4 1218 WASHINGTON AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 3 LTS SB & 7 1210 COLLEGE AVE MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 1 LOT 4 1112 5 ADAMS ST MC CLELLAND SUB»FORT WORTH BLK 1 LOT 5 1116 S ADAMS ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 1 LOT 6 1120 S ADAMS ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 1 LOT 7 1126 S ADAMS ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 1 LOT 8 1130 S ADAMS ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 1 LOT 13 1115 S HENDERSON S'T MC CLELLAND SU$-FORT WORTH BLK 1 LOT 14 1111 S HENDERSON ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 2 LOT 8 1130 S HENDERSON ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 2 LOT 11 11215TH AVE MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 3 LOT 1 120t} S IiENDERSON ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 3 LOT 2 1204 S HENDERSON ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 3 LOT 3 1212 S HENDERSON ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 3 LOT 13 1215 5TH AVE MC CLELLAND 5UB-FORT WORTH BLK 4 LOT 13 1215 S HENDERSON ST MC CLELLAND SUB»FORT WORTII BLK 4 LOT 14 1211 S HENDERSON ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK ~# LOT 15 1205 S HENDERSON ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 4 LOT 16 1241 S HENDERSON ST SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 1 LOT 6 11217TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 1 LOT 7 1125 7TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F SURD BLK 1 LOT 8 1127 7TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 1 LOT 12 1116 FAIRMOUNT AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 1 LOT 13R 1110 FAIRMOUNT AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 2 LOT 1 1219 7TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 2 LOT 2 1223 7TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 2 LOT 9A 1214 FAIRMOUNT AVE SEIDELLS, E F SURD BLK 2 LOT 9B 1208 FAIRMOUNT AVE 4 SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 2 LOT 9E 1203 7TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 2 LDT 9F 1207 7TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 2 LDT 9G 12117TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 2 LDT 9H 1215 7TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 3 LOT 4 1211 FAIRMOUNT AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 4 LOT 9 1130 6TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 1 LOTS 1R1 & 4R 11017TH AVE MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 3 S'/x LOT 10 I223 WASHINGTON AVE ZC-05-1.01 Sauth of West Rosedale Street, Vest of College Avenue, North of West Magnolia Avenue and East of ~Iurley Street Zonin Chan e: F'rarn: "E-R"Neighborhood Commercial Restricted To: "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use, for all uses in "11IU- 1"Low Intensity ll~lixed Us; and incorporate the Planned Development standards. Site Plan Waived. Description: Leal Descri~tinn Black MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 3 Lot Address LOTS 3 & 5A 1204 COLLEGE AVE ZC-05-101 South of West Rosedale Street, West of College Avenue, loTarth of West Magnolia Avenue and East of ~iurley Street Zoning Change: Frarn: "F-R" General Commercial Restricted To: "PD/SU" Planned Developrraent/Speci,~c Use, for all uses in "1VIU- 1"Low Intensity Mixed Use; and incorporate the Planned Development standards. Site Plan Waived. Description: 5 Legal Description Bloek Lot Address CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 6AR 1204 5TH AVE CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 6F 1214 5TH AVE SEIDELLS, E I! SUBD BLK 3 LOT 1R 1201 FAIRMOUNT AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUED BLK 3 LOTS 12B & 13 1212 6TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F` SUBD BLK 3 LOTS 14 & 15A 12106TH AVE SEIDELLS, E F SUED BLK 3 LOTS 15B & 16 1200 6TH AVE ZCp®5-1®1 South of West Rosedale Street, West a£ College Avenue, North ©f West Magnolia Avenue and 1/ast of Hurley Street Zoning Change: Froms "G"Intensive Commercial Toc "P.il/SU" Planned Devetopfnent/Specif is Use, for all uses in "MU- T"Low Intensity Mixed Use; and incorporate the Planned Development standards. Site Plan Waived. T)escrir~tion: Leal Descript©n Bfock Lot BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT 1 ROW BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT 2 BROOKIR, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT 1S BROOKER, J N SUBDIVISION BLK 1 LOT ld ROW CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 1A CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 7A BLK 13 LOTS 7A & 8B CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 7B CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT 7F CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOT $C CHASE, E E SUBDIVISION BLK 13 LOTS 7E & SA MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 1A MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 2A MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 3 MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB BLK 2 LOT 4 Mc Anulty & Nesbitt Sub Bik 1 Lot 2B1 Mc Anulty & Nesbitt Sub Blk 1 Lot 4B 1 Me Anulty & Nesbitt Sub 131k 1 Lots 2A1 & 4A MC ANULTY & NIESBITT SUB BLK 1 LTS 13 & N48' S Address 1101 H17RLEY AVE 1107 HURLEY AVE 1104 7TH AVE 1100 7TH AVE 1100 S LAKE ST 1119 S LAKE ST 1121 S LAKE ST 1120 5TH AVE 1263 W ROSEDALE ST 1114 5TH AVE 1100 W ROSEDALE ST 1101 S ADAMS ST 1104 WASHINGTON AVE 1105 S ADAMS ST W Rosedale St 1105 Washington Ave W Rosedale St 1001 W ROSEDALE ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 1 MC GLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 2 MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 2 MC CLELLAND SUB»FORT WORTH BLK 2 MC CLELLAND SUS-FORT WORTH BLK 1 SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 1 SEIDELLS, E F SUED BLK 1 SEIDELLS, E F SUED BLK 1 SEIDELLS, E F SUBD BLK 4 SEIDELLS, E F SUED BLK 4 LOT 15 LOT 1 LOT 14 BLK 2 LOT 14 & 15 LOT lb LTS1A,2,3&1bA LOT 15 LOT lb LOT 1R2 ROW LOT lb ROW LOTS 1 & 2 1107 S HENDERSON ST 1201 W ROSEDALE ST 11115TH AVE 11015TH AVE 1101 W ROSEDALE ST 1106 FAIRMOUNT AVE 1100 FAIRMOUNT AvE 6000 W ROSEDALE ST 1100 W ROSEDALE ST 1101 FAIRMOUNT AVE ZC-05-101 South of West Rosedale Street, West of College Avenue, North of West Magnolia Avenue and East of Hurley Street Zoning Change: From: "PD-S38" Planned Development for "R-2" Townhouse/Cluster Residential with a density of I7.4IS units per acre. Site Plun Required. Ta: "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Usep for all uses in "MU- I"Low Intensity Mixed Use; and incorporate the Planned Development standards. Site Plan Waived, Description: Leal Descrigti©n Bloch L©t Address Seidells Subdivision Blk 1 Lot 10 12(14 Fairmount Ave Seidells Subdivision Blk 1 Lot ll 1202 Fairmount Ave Seidells Subdivision SIk 1 Lot 9 1206 Fairmo~rnt Ave Seidells Subdivision Slk 2 Lot 9C 1204 Fairmount Ave Seidells Subdivision Blk 2 Lot 9D 1200 Fairmount Ave ZC-05-101 South of Nest Rosedale Street, West of College Avenue, North of West 1Vlagnolia Avenue and East of Hurley Street Zonintr Chance: Froln: "PD-643" Planned Development for "R-2" Townhouse/Cluster Residential. Site Plan Required. 7 Tv: "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use, for all uses in "MU- I"Law Intensity Mixed Use; and incorporate the Planned Development standards. Site Plan Waived. Descriutian; I,ecal Deserintion Block t.ot Address MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB MC ANULTY & NESBITT SUB MC ANUI.TY & NESBITT SUB BLK ~ LOT 2 1201 S ADAMS ST BLK 4 LOT 2 1201 S ADAMS ST BLK 4 LOT 4 1207 S ADAMS ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 4 LOT 1 1200 S ADAMS ST MC CLELLAIVD SUB-FORT WORTH BLK 4 LOT 3 1212 S ADAMS ST MC CLELLAND SUB-FORT WORTH BLK Q LOT 4 1214 S ADAMS ST Trinity Oalzs Hospital Blk 1 Lot lAR2 1066 W Magnolia Ave I'Ianlled I~erveloplnent standards to be incorpaarated int® ZC-05-].OI 1Pnrp©se and Intent A. It is the purpose and intent of the Oleander Walk Neighborhood PD District to provide development standards that colrlplement the proposed enhancements to West Oleander Street (to be renamed Oleander Walk}. These standards are intended to create a special district along Oleander Walk from Hurley Avenue to College Avenue in which a variety of housing types can exist among neighborhood-serving commercial and institutional uses. The enhancement of West Oleander Street and redesignation as Oleander Walk is a joint project of Fort Worth South, Inc., and the Fort Worth Housing Department. The Development Committee of Fort Worth South, Inc., is available for review and input regarding developments within the district. Any development project with the Oleander Walk Neighborhood PD District is encouraged to be reviewed by this Development Committee to facilitate approval by the City. 13. Uses In the Oleander Walk Neighborhood PD District, no building or land shall. be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, reconstructed, altered or enlarged, nor shall a Certificate of Occupancy be issued, except in accordance with the use provisions of the PD District. In tkze Oleander Walk Neighborhood PD District, residential, commercial and institutional uses may occupy the sazx~e building and- lot. Single-use buildings of commercial ar retail character are prohibited: 8 1) within 200 feet south of the Oleander Walk right-of way; and, 2) within 1S0 feet north of the Oleander Walk ri ht-ofrwa with Portions of buildings within these setbacks of Oleander Walk must include residential uses. C. Property Development Standards In the Oleander Walk Neighborhood PD District, the dimension of yards, the maximum height of buildings, the maximum residential density, and the required open space shall be as follows: 1. General yard development standards: Development sha11 be exempt from Chapter b, Article 1, Sections 6.101B, 6.110C, 6.101E, and 6.101F. 2. Front yard on ®leander Wall: 10 feet maximum, S feet minimum setback. 3. Front yard on other streets: 10 feet maximum setback. a. Campus developments: Interior buildings constructed as part of a campus development may be set back from the property line mare than 20 feet if at least SO percent of the public street frontage on each block face within the development contains. buildings within the maximum setback of 20 feet. Interior buildings set back farther than 20 feet may not be constructed unless and until this SO percent requirement has been satisfied. b. Buildings may exceed the maximum 20 foot setback if angled, perpendicular, ar parallel parking on private property meets the conditions of Section 4.902.D.1.f of the Zoning Ordinance. In these situations, the front yard setback shall be measuz-ed fxo~ the front of the parking space instead of the property line; and the setback shall be no greater than 20 feet. 4. Rear yard: S feet minimum setback. ~. Side yard: Setbacks are required when an abutting property with an existing building has windows facing to the side. Then, any new development or addition shah provide at least 10 feet of separation between the existing and new building. Side yard along Oleander Walk: 10 feet maximum, 5 feet minimum setback. 9 6. Maximum weight a. 35 feet, or 2 stories, whichever is less, for single-use buildings; or b. 45 feet, or 3 stories, whichever is less, for mixed-use buildings if: i. Residential uses constitute 20 percent or more of a building's gross floor area, and ii. Office, eating and entertainment, and/or retail sales and service use constitute 10 gercent or more of the building's gross flaor area. Note: Development is exempt from Section 5.100 of the Zoning Ordinance. Building height for all uses shall be measured from the top of the finished slab at grade level to the tap of the highest wall tap plate. An unroofed and unencIosed rooftop terrace, and the enclosed stairwell or elevator providing access to the terrace, shall not be included in the measurement of total building height, as described in Section 6.100.5. 7. 1VVla~iaaum residential units per acre: a. 40; or b. 50 if the project includes office, eating and entertainment, andlnr retail sales and service uses that constitute at least 10 percent of gross floor area. ~. ®pen space: Open space shall constitute at least: a. 20 percent of net land area for single-use residential developments and mixed-use prajects in which residential uses constitute greater than 90 percent of gross floor area; or b. 10 percent of net land area for commercial and institutional uses, and for mixed-use projects which include office, eating and entertainment, and/or retail sales and service uses that constitute 10 percent or more of gross floor area. 9. Firefighting criteria for site planning: Oleander Walk is not anticipated to be used by firefighting vehicles due to its width, according to the Fort Worth Fire Department. Therefore, site planning for new development prajects should take iota account that required hose lays cannot be measured from alley intersections with Oleander Walk. 10 D. Other Development Standards. Development in the Oleander Walk Neighborhood PD District shall be subject to the following provisions. 1~_. Off-Street Parking and Loading a. Townhouses require a minimum of one off-street parking space per dwelling unit, with a maximum of two off-street parking spaces per unit. b. Far mixed-use buildings and projects, the total parking requirement shall be the sum of the individual requirements for all uses. A joint use parking agreement, if executed according to the standards set forth in section e below, would allow a reduction in the total requirement for amixed-use building or project. e. The required off-street parking for any use may be located off-site, on property within 500 feet of the subject site. d. Adjacent on-street parking may be applied toward the minimum parking requirements, but shall not reduce the pertinent maximum parking limitations. e. Joint use parking facilities are encouraged. Uses may provide more than the maximum number of parking spaces if the additional spaces are provided as part of a joint use parking facility. However, if the joint use parking facility is a surface parking lot; the total number of spaces in the surface lot shall not exceed the sum of the maximum spaces allowed for all individual uses sharing the facility. This limit shall not apply to a multi-level parking garage that is used as a joint use facility. Joint use of required parking spaces may occur where two or more uses on the same site nr on separate sites are able to share the same parking spaces because their parking demands occur at different times. Joint use of required parking spaces is allowed if the following documentation is submitted in writing to the Development Department as part of a building permit application or site plan review: i. The names and addresses of the uses and of the owners or tenants that are sharing the parking; ii. The location and number of parking spaces that are being shared; 11 iii. An analysis showing that the peak parking demands for the different uses occur at different tunes, and that the parking area will supply at least the miniznuzx~ number of required spaces for each use during its respective peak parking times; and, iv. A legal instrument such as an easement or deed restriction that guarantees access to the joint parking far all uses. f. Surface parking shall not be permitted between a building front and the street, except that angled, perpendicular, or parallel parking that is partially or completely located on private property shall be permitted if it meets the following two conditions: 1) The City's Traffic Engineer determines that the parking does not adversely affect public safety or circulation and satisfies the conditions described in Section 22-1754 of the City Cnde, and 2} The parking is located adjacent to and is directly accessible from a public street ROW or a publicly accessible private street. Tn these situations, the front yard setback shall be measured from the front of the parking space instead of the property line and the setback shall be na greater than 20 feet. g. These requirements supersede the parking requirements of Sectinn b.201B of the Toning Ordinance. All ether requirements of Chapter 6, Article 2 apply. 2. Fences and Gates. Tn order to promote pedestrian-oriented developments, exterior security fences and gates that are located along public streets, along private streets or walkways that are publicly accessible through a public use easement, or along publicly accessible open space shall not extend beyond building facades; i.e., these fences shall not be located in the area between building facades and the property line. Fences not exceeding 4 feet in height, however, may extend beyond the building facade of attached ar detached one- and two-family residential dwellings in mixed-use zoning districts (see Section 5.305.B.2. for fence development standards}. 3. Facade Desigan Standards for New Constructic~r~ Statement of Tntent -The following design standards are intended to encourage new buildings that complement neighborhood character, add visual interest, and support a pedestrian~ariented environment. The 12 standards are not intended to encourage architectural uniformity or the imitation of older buildings. Required Drawings - To illustrate compliance with -the following standards, developers shall submit to the Development Department elevation drawings for those building facades that are oriented to: ® public streets, ~ private streets and walkways that are publicly accessible through a public use easement, or 4 publicly accessible open space. a. Facade Variation f. Each new building facade oriented to a publicly accessible street or open space shall at a minimum incorporate 3 or more of the following 4 scaling elements for building facades greater than 50 feet in width, and at least 2 of the following elements for building facades less than 50 feet in width: a) Expression of building structural elements such as: ~ Floors (banding, belt courses, etc. not less than 1" deep and 4" wide), • Columns {pilasters, piers, quoins, etc. not less than 4" deep and 6" wide), or Foundation (water tables, rustication); b) Variation in wall plane {not less than 4 inches) through the use of projecting and recessed elez~ents, Such elements could include patterns of cloor and window openings (and the use of sills, rr~ullians and other scale providing window elements), and/or more pronounced architectural features, such as porches, alcoves and roof dormers; c) Changes in material or material- pattern. Each change of material shall involve a minimum 1 inch variation in wall plane; and d) Changes in color. ii. New commercial and mixed-use building facades oriented to a publicly accessible street or open space shall include differentiation between the first or second level and the 13 upper levels with a cornice, canopy, balcony, arcade, or other architectural feature. iii. Each sequential block of new construction shall contain a unique building facade so as to encourage architectural variety within large projects, using the required architectural elements listed in Section a. i. above and/or other architectural features. iv. New multifamily residential building facades oriented to a publicly accessible street or open space shall include at least 2 variations in wall plane per IQ4 linear feet of street frontage. Variations shall be not less than 3 feet in depth or projection and not less than 2 stories in height for multi- story buildings. Commercial floors and frontage .within mixed-use buildings shall nat be required to .meet this standard. b. Fenestration. New commercial building facades fronting on publicly accessible streets ar open space shall be not less than 40 percent or more than 90 percent clear glazing. c. Building Materials. Not less than 7Q percent of all new building facades (not including door and window. areas) facing publicly accessible streets or open space shall be constructed of the following znasonry materials: stone, brick, terra cotta, .patterned pre-cast concrete, cement board siding, east stone or prefabricated brick panels. d. Building Entries. i. Building entrances shall incorporate arcades, .::roofs, porches, alcoves or awnings that protect pedestrians from the sun and rain. ii. Each retail use with exterior, street-oriented exposure shall have an individual public entry from the street. iii. Primary entrances shall be provided for every 125 linear feet of street-oriented residential building frontage. iv. Townhouses and other similar street level dwelling units within multi-unit structures shall have individual street- oriented entries for each unit. l4 4. Streetscape, Landscaping ar~d Buffers for Blew Constaruction. The requirements of Chapter 6, Article 3 of the zoning code apply, with the following provisions: a. Streetscape Standards. New development within the PD shall conform to the following Streetscape Standards for the district for elements along both sides of street frontage. i. Street trees along Oleander Walk {if not already placed}: Cedar Elms, 4" caliper, 1.00 gallon specimens. Trees shall be placed symmetrically on both sides of the street, starting 7' inward from the projected Right-of-Way lines on nnrth- south streets, then spaced every 20' and centered between the paved edge of Oleander Walk and the Right-of-Way line. ii. Street trees along north-south streets: Live Oaks, Red Oaks, Lace Bark Elms, a114" caliper, 100 gallon specimens. Trees shall be placed symmetrically on both sides of the street at 30' spacing. iii. Sidewalks: There shall be no sidewalks along Oleander Walk. On north-south streets, there shall be a continuous concrete sidewalk, minimum 4' wide. iv. Streetlights along Oleander Walk (if not already placed): Street lights shall be placed symmetrically on both sides of the street at approximately 60' spacing {between trees after every third tree) and shall match the style, manufacturer and model, size, color, etc., of planned pedestrian-scale streetlights at intersections with north-south streets. v. Streetlights along north-south streets (if not already placed): Street lights shall be placed symmetrically on both sides of the street at approximately b0' spacing (between trees after every second tree) and shall match the style, manufacturer and model, size, color, etc., of planned pedestrian-scale streetlights at intersections with Oleander Walk. vi. The pattern and spacing of street trees and streetlights shall begin at the intersections of Oleander Walk with north- south streets and run outward from there. vii. The pattern and spacing of street trees and streetlights may vary from these standards in order to accommodate mature 15 existing trees that might otherwise interfere with these standards. b. Bufferyard and Supplemental Building Setback. i, For the purposes of this section, the Oleander Walk Neighborhood PD District shall be considered a nonresidential district. ii. A bufferyard and supplemental building setback are not required between the boundary for none- or two-family development within the Oleander Walk Neighborhood PD District and an adjacent one- or two-family district. c. Landscaping. i, Submittal of Landscape Plan. The location and description of decorative paving, sidewalk furniture or other decorative elements, if any, shall be indicated an the landscape -plan. ii. Landscape Area Required. When there is a front yard setback of at least five feet, front yard landscaping is required for areas outside of ground level encroachments. This front yard landscaping must adhere to the tree and shrub planting requirements of Section 6.3Q1H of the Zoning Drdinance as well as other applicable .landscaping requirements described or ..:referenced within the = PD regulations. Street trees planted in the parkway abutting the property may be credited towards the tree planting requirements described in Section 6.301H if the property owner assumes responsibility far their maintenance through formal agreement with the Parks and Community Services Department. This credit is applicable to properties with ar without required front yard landscaping. Multifamily and mixed-use developments shall conform to the requirements of commercial and institutional uses in Section 6.301H. iii, Irrigation. An irrigation system shall not be required if the landscape plan demonstrates that use of drought resistant plants does not require irrigation. Trees shall require an irrigation system, regardless of species, and the irrigation system may be provided entirely within the property boundary. iv. Miscellaneous Requirements. Sections 6.3017.3 and 6.3017.4 of the Zoning Ordinance shall not apply. In 16 addition to required trees and shrubs, all of the required landscape area must be covered with grass, organic mulch, live groundcaver, decorative paving, sidewalk furniture or other decorative elements. v. Exemptions from Landscape Requirements. Section 6.301G.3 of the Zaning Ordinance shall not apply. Construction and expansion of multifamily and mixed-use developments within the PD District are not subject to the Unified Residential Development provisions set forth in Section 6.50b of the Zoning Ordinance, except for Section 6.506H, but az~e subject to the landscape requirements described and/or referenced within the PD iregulations, which include provisions of the landscape ordinance. d. Landscaping in Parking and Driveway Areas. i. Landscape islands shall be required in parking lots with 12 or more parking spaces. The total area of landscape islands shall equal at a minimum 5 square feet per parking space. ii. Parking lots shall be screened from the public right-of way with landscaping, berms, fences or walls 36 to 42 inches in height. iii. Driveways that are located adjacent and parallel to a public street shall be screened .from the public right-af-way with landscaping, berms, fences or walls- 36 to 42 inches in height. S. Signs. Sign requirements included in Chapter 6, Article 4 of the Zoning Ordinance for the Neighborhood Commercial {"E") District shall apply to the Oleander Walk Neighborhood PD District with the following exceptions: a. Pole signs are not allowed. b. The maximum aggregate are Section b.404E of the Zaning per facade; and a for attached signs as described in Ordinance shall be 200 square feet c. Permitted detached signs shall be monument style and shall be limited to eight feet in height. 17 t;. Residential Design Standards, a. For townhouses and other one- and two-family residential development, the PD property development standards of Section C shall apply, with the exception. of maximum residential units per acre. For townhouses and other one- and two-fancily development, the maximum residential units shall be 24. b. Multifamily development and mixed-use projects are exempt from the requirements of Section 6.56 Unified Residential Development in the Zoning Ordinance except 6.SObH, which lists spacing requirements for projects consisting of multiple buildings. Section 6.SOGH shall apply to all multifamily development and to mixed-use projects in which the residential uses constitute greater than 9~ percent of gross floor area. e. The following requirements are applicable to open space in multi- family development and mixed-use projects in which the residential uses constitute greater than 90 percent of gross floor area: i. Rooftop terraces and other common spaces may be included as part of the required open space. ii, No space or area less than 6 feet in any dimension shall be counted as open space. 7. ®utdaar Storage nr Display. Outdoor storage or display requirements for the Neighborhood Commercial ("E"} District shall apply to the Oleander Walk Neighborhood PD District. $. Entrances. Principal buildings within the PD district shall be oriented toward public streets in order to create apedestrian-oriented environment. A principal building must have its main entrance from a public sidewalk or plaza, or from a private sidewalk or plaza that is publicly accessible through a public use easement. The main entrance shall not be from a parking lot. Secondary entrances from parking lots are permitted. Interior buildings constructed as part of a campus development are exempt from these requirements. SECTION 2. This ordinance corrects Ordinance No. 16481 with regard to Case No. ZC-OS-101 only. 1$ SECTION 3. The zoning regulations and districts, as herein established, have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. They have been designed to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic, flood and other dangers; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, parks and other public requirements. They have been made after fall and complete public hearing with reasonable consideration, among other things, of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of a building and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTIOI®14. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Fort Worth affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances, except in those instances where provisions of such ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTIOI®15. All rights or remedies of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, are expressly saved as to any and all violations of Ordinance No. 1389b or of any amendments thereto that have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and as to such accrued violations, and all pending litigation, both civil or criminal, carne shall not be affected by this ordinance but maybe prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. 14 SECTI®liT G. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared void, ineffective or unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such voidness, ineffectiveness or unconstitutionality shall nat affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation herein of any such void, ineffective or unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTI®I®I 7. Any person, firm. or corporation who violates, disobeys, arnits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2000A0} for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTI®N 8. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publication as required by law. APPR®VEA AS T® F®RM AND LEGALITY: ~~ ~~ Assistant City Att irney Adopted: Au ust 22 2006 EffectzVe: E:'~ ~.aQ~ J~J, ~ 0 ~~ ~iy ®f F®-~f~ W®~th, Texas Mayor and Council Communication GOUNGIL AGTION: Approved on 812212006 -Ordinance No, 17107-0&2006 DATE: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 LOG NAME: 06CORRECTION 16 REFERENGE NO,: G-15353 SUBJECT: Adopt Ordinance Correcting Ordinance Na. 16481 Concerning Zoning Case ZC-05-101 for Property Located between South of West Rosedale Street, West of College Avenue, North of West Magnolia Avenue and East of Hurley Street to Incorporate the Adopted Development Standards RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance correcting Ordinance No. 16481 with regards to Zoning Case ZC-05-101 to incorporate the specific Planned Development Standards. DISCUSSION: On June 21, 2005, the City Council voted to approve a request to rezone property located between South of West Rosedale Street, West of College Avenue, North of West Magnolia Avenue and East of Hurley Street to Planned DevelopmentlSpecific Use far all uses in "MU-1" Law Intensity Mixed Use and adapted specifiic development standards for the Planned Development. However, Ordinance No. 1 &481 did not reflect the City Council's decision to incorporate the specific development standards for the Planned Development. Adoption of the attached ordinance will correct Ordinance 18481 to incorporate the development standards for ZC-05-101. This property is located in in COUNCIL DISTRICT 9. FISCAL INFORMATIONIGERTIFiCATIOId: The Finance Director certifies that the adoption of this ordinance will have no material effect on City Funds. T® FundlAccountlGenters FROM FundlAccountlCenters Su6mit#ed for Git Mann er's Office b Dale Fisseler {6266} Originatiing Del~artmertt Head: Bole Riley (8901) Additional Information Contact: Bob Riley (8901 } Lagnarne: 06CORRECTION 16 Page 1 of 1