HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 23778 �x Ii � ,II R o. �.., r J � M w M WI Name- 5111111 Fo „ � w ti- r w s, prt ,w pAA M 4d W L•Se I' M w » . IA A21, r Filled of -1- 00, „ v w r o� w r � d u I A „ my I y .. LLB: w " w��rw.rrlwr� i If ,��s ✓r��°"�r`kjeN1�` �w an� w City Se.c a to r ce a I e 0 r H o,rr 9 s r 9 x t I n ,x wow ,. e. I .,,,. ,�,,; ;u iitl mr .. '." 'rN r e r� ' y�r bM »J"• j`'.,, 1 di„ » ..�.M„ Via. .�W ,, ,%,r u.": l 'I�n•s,er r. w I tl ..� �, �n . .. u, ,°..' �l. .�.N..,.. +, � w�..,.., ,, ., �, °r����'d�if�,�� J�� �r�'ark';,,�'uW"Md� +�4��,w,���mA+W''.vu�a�.�" � ,.. ,' .�+W.,.. ,� .,p,... ✓ '� ,; 5 µ �,,a. u, ,m�t9n a✓x x+V 4F»A&A d!�Watii a t ns n u... THIS,, AGREEMENT i s made and entered by id between the City of Fort' W011h, r ""exas, a fnunicipal corporation situpled in, Tarrant County, T xa,,, hereinafter called the "CIty", acting herein by and, throughits y watborizei.1 Assistant City Mauger, and R.P,GA DESIGN GROUP, TNC. hereinafter call the "Archi ec ". fat for and n c pr, cterat �n of the mutual ion e�an s and a mien s her contained, the pies hereto do hereby c,onvenant and agre.e as follows: 1.1 The City hereby contracts ­m h the Architect as an independerAw , c-)ntractor, and tic Arebitect her b y agrees to perform, w t u,n the p ofess o a standards nortnally, accepted in the State of Texas,professional sery cess n connection w h the following genera scope of work.: Provide programming, site S rvey, :µ s gn preparation of construction, documents and construction phase seiro,,,lices for the parking, lob expansion at Southwest Conununtty Centel""' 6300 Welch v sue* 1,2 ihe ArcWtect's Scope Of Sentices/fee compensation/sched-ule shall be as set forth I'll M m, p„ u C]"J O ' l CHARACTER F THE A 'C ' SERVICES Al; 2.1 The Architect shall consult with the City to clari,fy zuid define City's eau e enis relative to the asstgnment and review available data.Arcfiltect agrees to co m. mi*t the personnel' as necessary la ord,er to complete the . " des manner as per the conditions set forth,in Attaclu, -nem Provide 'es the plans s e lc m i t s (hereinafter called co 4 documents), cost e elan any appificable permitting requirements, and pr v construction ease servi zes as set forth in Attachmen, 2.4 The Architect" s a advise the City as o necessity of City's providing . r o tai .n others services ­-ne- data required in connection with the Asaignrno.,nt at, C 's cost and x e (wh.'*-.,h Se ices and w e cue aot to providie hereunder, but on c Architect may re performing services here wider), and act x City's representative in co-nne,ctlon With any such services of offers i ions to thts k , City." ep of M^"Mn I'" spry JA W r E ON III - SPEC tAL SERVICES OF `1­14E ARCHITECT 3,1 If authorized in writl`ng by City, the Akrchitect shall f h or obta-M from others Spc,cia' Se yes nectssary to complete the, assignmejits. These services, ,ve not includ".ed as part of Basic Services as outlined in SECTION SERVICES OF THE ARCH1TDj1'.--'J.T cuid the , a* b t "'ity as .CHI CT's Scope of Se rvices. "I Imes Special Services ,I be p I d for y he indicated in Section 'V. SECTION IV -, CfTY RE'SPONSIBILITIES 4-1 Provide all cn*teri'a and ail information as to City)s fquirements,a"td designate a person Nvuh I authen'ty to act on City's behalf on all matters coacerning"heC.- Assignment. Is I W i ble daw 4.2 Assist the Architect 1'*.ti i--)btw'111*ng existiug, s uates,,, reports, site plans and other avai la and sem*ces of others peTtinent to the Assigm-nent as necessary. 4.3 Upon reasonable notice arrange for access to and. make all pry .signs for the Architect to enter upon piibli.c euid 'vate grope qF may be required for the Architect to perfonn Pn services hereunder. 4.Ail Designate M' writing qualj"4; ;..-�.d persons who will act as City's representatives with respect to the Assignment for the PuT.. oses of transmim'ng instructluns, receivil-119 lnfornlatjion% interpreting and defiffl*ng City"s policies and decsions vv*i*th respect to the Architect's S e. I il'-%e S "in dec l,"S i ons 4.5 Review all reports, recommendations and other documents and prov ide witu. wi4 pertaining thei%.to t,hm' a reasonab -inie. and other 4.6 Examine all stuches, reports', sketches, drawiings, specHicatii-ons, pz-opos�ds, documew. presented by the Architect,, obtain c of an attorney, ins Lea nce covaselor and oth-er ..onsuft=ts, as it deemu appropriate for such exa m i-nation and render in writmg decisions pertainiing thereto wit'ffin a reasonable time so w,. not to. &tay the services of the Architect. 4.7 Ad-mia-ilster bid advertis.emeat and bid opening, perform, revi.ew of all bids, make co at for Award ot'Contract and adml'rlTeter execution of constru('U'on Coy tract. he cons tru r ctlon peod. T.8 Provi'de coilstrUction supenriston and inspection senlIces daring t 4.9 Provide such l�ga accounting, ins-tuance, and other coy inseling servites to the City -as May be required for the Assig M- ent A 4.10 Pay appilicable pen-nit and review fees., C,C,P-a-rk-ing L44mNq 4 Pay f r the pfirting ofconir; 14 C, 7. '0 A b klfflp, PUTPOSCS. �iocumcm s re.q turca oil 4.12 Bear all Costs I ncideiatzil to comp,iiance wiL� this Section. SEC.71"ON V - COMPENS ION '"F0 ARCIRTEC T 5.1 Pie total compe-asation for a1l of the ass.*gnmtints to be performtie by the Architer.'A as de c d. in Z,1141e 0003," I - S VIC S OF T ,�k T C d Section 11 - CHARACTER AND EX rNT ()F 'THE, ARCHITECI"'S S- ERVICES hereto s-hall be $',,',,.-,4,00 unless 4 11 1 modified in Wfiting. Ile*mnbursables shall be, invt..ced to t' e 0ty at the ac a. cost paid by the rch-tea arW are tzicluded in the total lump surn fce. 5.2 The Archmtect shall not be paid wore. thati the. 1,7`roflowing amo-Lints baseJ upon the stage of V. demign* 5.2.1 Not-ice to roc /Completion of Pre1i'minary 50%, Design and Cost Es ti,-mat 5.2.2 Cornplettioi i of Final Design cons tr uction '75% docum.eats and subinlited to the,City for reviieW 11W 5.2.3 Cnst c pion 'Phase services[Final a(,%..,-eptanz-e of 10,00/0 tile project ty the City 5.3 The Cay and the, -Architlect shall a e ' s g -riling on the scope and com-pensauon, f : the ,iev performance of Special Servi p,s pn'or to the c.ori-A-.vncern�ent of s-w-.-h Spt.c-I'Z%.1" Sen�,Iices. For Special ServIcles Pe'riormed under Sec ti"on IC I the Architect will be co m Tens e.d al the same ?�n Stich rates mid =.thods as outli �ed 'in tblks on V SEETI-ONi VI - .W­ i,.M40D OF PAYME"N­T 0, - ently 'than ance per month, on the Mg`s of 6.1- The Arehitect. shall be paid not mcre frequ I statements prepared from the ks and records of account f the Archift tic t, such slatements. to be vent"ted as to, acc u-nicy: and comp'a*ance wk-h The tem, s of,thlis Agreement by. an officer of the Architect. Payment according, to statements W-1-11 be subject, o certifization by the Director, P ks an S ty authofized repr-resent. ", ,d Comm unity Sergi Depaft-ment or it du ative that such work has been perfdnned, 6.2 The a-bove chauges ai,l,.%. on ffie basis of prompt Y inem of bi'lis rendered and contimous progress of the wor-K on;, th-le Assignment uptij cow on If 0*ty I-alls to ma,e any aareed,, to Payment due the ATchitect for services and out-of-pocket expenses %Vithin sixty days (60) * ingseven d, atter a p proval ofthe Architect's statement tlhev!�of, .gym A**chict m ay.. 2?"l g-*v# ays written. notice to City. suspend and this Agreement until the Architect hm been 66 paid in �bfl A] amounts jue for Slervices actuauy performed and reimbuesble expenzies actually incurred. PAUE', 3 1.4'Mot d97Q1vi"(1'U' LhWCSt,C C arkitis..141.do 6cp q ;)�-CTION 'Vif - 11R,OC',',.`�-.',1,DUR.ES FOR PROVIDEN6 S,ER`,1/J(2ES 7.1 he City shall no,64-r the Axchffibext to proceed on the Assignment by written com-.*sponden,cc. a Complefion of Fma l Design construction, docum-tints and submi'ttal to the City shall be in accordance to the.Project Schedule prepared by the Architect as des='.'bed in Attacbment A. Sched,ule,tirx,--e shall be assessed from the Notice to Proceed issuance date. 0 7.2 The Arcbitcct shall Visit the site(s) and become .fanu"I'llax with the scope of the assigninent. I iv 1 -3 7.3 The Archite-ct shall, prepare pmsentation rapnics using,plans necessary foT the design ana 9 attend 0 ic meetings fwreceipt of puic npbt , I'- ll rt�g concepub.1 ut ;n prepan*esign offheprID'*rect p ' ablek,to the project contract x 'lot applicable to the PtOJ ect contract). 7.4 Ile A, rehite,et shalt,tjtepare the design in s,-Loag-es as follows. in 7-4.1 lioary DegipAnA Prelm at--ion of it e design indic*,,fing proposed park elerneilts writh" the P_ 10 proposed 1-ocirition and cordguration. Asbditional 4esign ciYasweration,s, at tbis, level, s� afi de mate *a.I. se -1.0'x' atefials for construct" Product mcommenktions and '0 I nclu n n1l es,timales* 7.4.2 Final Dcsigp: Preparation and submit W of-construct-ton docu eats-for,flual revlew o nc City. Rev's comments shal.1 be rctum­ed to the Architect for necessary revil"SIMS101 C mtru cttli'-.-,Oo do.cu—ment, elw-nents,,s-lWa 1 ,i tic judeol a. Deno Plan b. Layvaut"Ptan r. Grad'i"I'lig Plan # d. Any additi onatL',pm-n as-­nei�essar, per Attachment A e.. Cos of on d-etat"Is P 9- De tailed cost estimates 7,43 Con,struclion Phase Servicjm,: The Architect,shafl'be requi.fled to attend t-h'C', P re#-Bid- Meetinug, "'de �-fkd withmiht a i i ts,, as i nti re, Construction rnee,,tiing, Fina- 1 Inspce-,tiov, meeting., mnd te v'g* Scope of Service , tint A, The t t ct s1hall also e n- o bid.ders itnquirko� prepare, whatever addonda may be required,,. The Architect �haft assist, the CilEv 'in revitwing any s4bmitted shop, drawings or sub mitW&, I or ing, ,t),serve consftucon p ced e d results and provide plao *nterpteotion f resolv pnsible cOmstruction provteiiis.or desIgn de, icleticiesl_ 7.4.4 The Architect shatl prepare "EH 'natiun,of The Architectural BArriersl. egistration` ffir the le ation, C ky's s P- ature and .,s.0 b tw, t,o the vorexas D I"Pamnent v f 1.,1 cene iin g and R g�sb if in the event that the-e:,;,timated cQnstruction amount excecds, 5,501,000. If def"iciene.,i,es are noted PAGt 4 Nk he -State thc Ai-colte'-t simll - ide, dlel s�, it Y to 11 r o V, ig.n fass,tstance to o-Ac C* T10-0iVe Such del 1-6W I enc es. AV designs shall be 'in C..--l"Ifon-nance �vith -the Ell"Min.-tion of Baniers Act,, Stale ri-aan wi, e-3 ot'Texas, City o'Fort Worth's Buddling Codes and the Ame th Disabiil I , t Ac� All necessary permit, and review fees and mailing shall be admi-nis tered mid ,.paid for by the C"hy parse-ion I V - I0. SECTION VRI -TERMITTATION 8.1 The Clty way- -tenni"nalc 1m."s Agrt.ement zcit any tume for conofenience or for any cause bit notl(.,,e in wriung to the Arch itec-AL Upon e cet t of Suc o ce, the Architect shall unmedi�ately disconfn.u.e ail s,�,%rvkes and work and. the c;' g, '),f all, orders or the entzi-ing Mto Contracts for suppjles, assmmice, t'a' cfl,rAZ'i1es and maten-a-1 fi th .s in f�onnec ion wi , the performance of this Agreement an(i shall proceed. to c-an cel pi-omptly all ex,isting contrmts ipso as they are cNargeabiza,to this Apre�rnc-nt, )h the Clity shR pay 8,2 If the City to ate th's Agreeinent under the tbregoing paragr3T a the Archi,tect for services, perfor med i*n accord ew prior to suet ternu.-aafion., tees siicb A payments havin g been previously made. Such payinent sshall be, basc,l upon the wark completcd up to the date of temu'-nation. of the Agreement 'in acco-d-ance with the method of compens-afi,or,z fbr all termination related expenses such as meeting attendance, d .cu m- ,es reproduction, Iran,sfer of records, etc. 8.3 Upor,early ternuination or conclulsion of tht Agreement, the ikrchitect- sliall prolVide, the 0ty, reproducible c opies of all,completed or part liafl,v completed consl- clion docu.-mr :ents g eparea this Agreement which, shall become the property of the City as may be ase d by the City "in any manneritdesh-es. The Archiftect ha .got be liable for-the use of such mat en. *a-ls for any projeet other than the prOject desrC.,jibedin this Agreener SP,CTION IX - INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE t� le% 9.1 Approval, by, the pity of cantract doe u ments shall not co nstlitute or, be dei�*med to bc arekase '10 of th e responsi"hility and habitny of the Architect-, its offixers, agents, em-ployees and sub consultants for the accumey and competency ot the services pelfor-med under this .-Agreement, Mcluding, but not timited, Wr SLffVeYS,, local,lon of subaurface invcsfigatio�ls, designs.., Working dmwings,and spec iticanons and aver Archftect al 0.-1 cuments. le 1 11- 1 '1 Such approval shall not bi deemed to be an assumptlion (if such respons*b`,fity and' flabifity 1,I)y the C*fty for any neg-1"gent act, terror or omission ,in, the conduct or preparation of the ? A f, - subsurface, invesfigattons� surve*vs designs, -N-01-Klflg drawj'ngs and specifications and any IL i*Vf" other documents prepared by the Architec� its 01licers'l, agents,, 1.Mployees and subcensultants, it being the 1hitent of the parties, that rowd by the City signifies the O ty'"'s approva f'on e Ceneral design concept of the 'improvements to be cans tmeted, md c s a 01 9.3 In this co"tection " the Atrhtet hall indemnI&Y, nd hold the 04y �, all its officeT i"lgen� servants andempl arc os luvmless from any loss, damagc, I i'abili"ty or expenses, on account of PAGE 5 C'.C.Pukiaa L,)Ldvckn al fing dcuat'll, to all pe'r-c"'O'ns, includijig but ra,)t e d v jania.f:re to prop;:,X:rt�y �--ulld ifijurles, mclu( �1 other pers,.;,ns, �)ft, icers, agents, or einployeel ('.,f die Arctn'teat or S14,)C-Onsultants, and al po.rformi'ng an,y pwt oi* the work and u* npro-vtments, which may an's,,C.. out of any negligent, t Ar,-%h'teci's professorial serv' act., error or om.. ssi�on .n. the performance of ffi ices or in the raf W_ - 'as,, surve', esigns., working dra conduct, Or preparatioln of subsurface invcs %,o. ,n9S ys d W1 em 3peclfli�ations and other Afehitectural documents 'incorporated Into wiy =L apro v entS constructed in accord"ce therewith.- the Arv.IL'tect shall defend at hs o"%vn cxptns,e any scats 1 41 110 r oth,er procedhigs brought against the Cad, Its officers, ats, servants and emptoy any of them on account thereof-, and shall pay a-1k!,xPc.,,,;se& a n. d satisf,: all 'udgments which, mnay. be 'mca rred by or rendered ag Mist them or an,y of to in iin coraits tion tnertwith; provlkd v�.n.d except, n owevesr, that thisi p.r.ovision shall not be, construed as reviinng the. ktchatect to iondt:ranify or hold she City or a.Ay of ft!z officem, agents, servants or arnployees h - n ess from any I ess, a liability or expense, on acs otmt of d , age Ign ente,n.'a and to property., or i"njiurics to person caused by defie- as or deficienci,es in des' M f'I MI ity, or any I in con OlMatilDn fia "Shed the, Architect by G dev'ation Struction from the sp -her Are ite�;tura ing�, tons or ot A r-irtecf s des* ;urkm' ,g draw' cc,ificafi h' I documentg. 9A Without 1i m its the,-above 1'ndernnity the, Pm- ,luitect, shall mar tat".n, a polizy, of comprcifiensi-ve gncra1 liability i,murarice coveragm ��kh ca m`ers: accep:abte to City covenng all nsks reladng to the services to. be performed. under, this hgreem,-,.enL by the Am'hitiect, Suboonsultants and Consulwts, such surance to be in at 1 m- t the is Bod-ily 11 *eery Li,,abi1-i`tv Person $ Fach.Occurrence .Propc rty bamkge L ,flity _h ab ,Occurrence I., 1 $3-00,000 Fac Tn* 'ry Contiractual .13-od'iilyl. TUT 00 Eacli,Person Liaby, $500,000„ f-,:ach,�,O!ccttrrer-ce enc,e C ontractual Property Elamage $1001000&.1ch occ urr Prefesgional Liabflity lnsuranc,?b Pot*-,­y L (Errors and emissions) mit 9.5. "rhe. Architiect shall ftirnt'sh City a,, Cert-11",,!*-att- f `,rAsurarnce in, at; leasAibe above.amout1vs, 1. cerlifil.,cate shall contain a provi'si"on that such insurmice cannot 'ne canml(M, Wit hout :f1iir-Ity le _j (30) days priot Writt-tti n0t!' C W 'I”.tY. SECTION X CWT TO AUDIT 10.1 The Arehl*tect agre-es tha-t the GtY shall, unfit the expikatbn of (3) years,, after r,00111., payment w-id er -thips. Agreement, have acces5 to and the "light to e--r.t%nine an Y_ dir i perfinent bcyo�% �ocuments, apes and records of the Amhitcct *Mvk,)lv1ng trmsactionq hitwt agreeg that the City *,all have access du' nng relat to this ing Agreement. The ArQ n .al worK"ag. hours to all necessaq Axchitectu ral. facilities, fzwd Shah be provided-�&quate r Visions of' and ap P P i ate, ork space n o rder to conduct audi`ts� i"n com phance wim the pro!. ror The CI*ty shall give,the Architect reasonable advance notice oflhitcndiad audl',t& PAGE 6 -,VOL t.11)7�flwtv i C",Soii t�wcat C C, Parking Lotdoc`tp t 0.2 The Atc.�` 1 Mtect ftu-thlt�,,- a-1.1 its a L�e r ;1-es t' at the Cwty s� , ti 1. tllife expiration �w` Jd-L (3) -iwoars effiect all that the subconsultant agre after final payment tay.1c.- the su'bconti-aa. have acckjs to and the rl'ght to dxawine any directly pertlinent. books, dr)cumr.nt,-,,, rtapers and records of the subs onsultant involvl,ng transact,1-011 to the stbcontract, a.,id furthcT that City shall have access d working '-iours to all subcotisultart facili",'ies an,d, shall provlide adequate and appropriate Nor k space 'in order to conduct audits ta com i$tance, with the provi si-oi-is of th" P is section., 1"he Cily sha-11 Sive sir Lxonsi,ittant reasonable a:d an,ce notice of intended audi ts. 1 4 10.3 The ArcUeet and subconsu,]Lrnts agree to photocopy sucn nocunitnts as may be requested 0 by the C"ity. "rhe City agees to reim-burse the Archi'tect and S ubconsidtant for the cost of 91 V* It .1 0 copw,.s at i f ie rate pu I vii-slied in the Texas A- dministrat-i've Code. -u, ccasultarit, in e�,--ess of 511)% C, 4,h 104 If the xadit- d iselbst,:, overcharges of my Habra by t] 1 4 tota.) -ontrnt value, -&,e cost of ht City's Audit shall be paid by the Architect. SECTION X1 - S UC SS01R.S ANMD ASSIGNS 11.1 The Cj*.ty and the Arc- ect each biilz t "dieniselves, their successors and ass-igns to Z-he other party 1-�� Vall"S Agr e t.and to, the successors md assi.gns,or I each other pa v, , in respect to al.1 C10 co.,,atnts of t Agreement. S,Ecn,0N X11 - ASSIGNMEN T ig 12.1 Nei*ther party hereto sha-11 ass' n$ SU blet or ttem- sfer fts 'nterest herein "th,out pn`or '"wrAten consent of the other pa,ty, and any attempted ass.,gimept, su.bleasre, off" transfer of all OTany part .hereof without such pfior wr-ftten consent shy be volo. SECTION Xrol - WDEPr-4,NDENT CONSUL7t AIJU 13.1 The Archl'tect shall perfori� all work and servi.ciz*c hereunder as an 'Independent consultant., I" and not as �ui officer., agent, :�er/ant or employee of tbe. City. The Architect shall, have exclusi've c.,.ontwl of, and the exclusive right to, con of of the dttails of the work performed 0 hereu-nder, eand all persGns perfot,maing sarne, and shal'I beswlely responsible for the acts and , . 4 4it csfrieers agcnts-, employees, and subconsultants. Nothing here'n shatl be or.wssions oi,- I as creating, a partnership or jo,,-,int venture oetwQen, the City -and the Are hit ea,, its ages % ewplod,ees and suconsuftts, and cke of responde sLipi or has- no application ai bet, ieen the C;ty and the Architect. s-CTIONXIV - MfrWBE GOALS ( X,-- TCABLE) TO TRIS L _.,..APPL1CABLE/ NOT A PPL-1 CONTRAC"T. 14.1 The ackniDwledges his commas en filo meet the City of Foil Worth ryoals for Mu n r t- and Womer)s. Busj'ness Enterprtse (WiWBE) partl'u'padon in City C011trIaCts. "nic goal for this copll!'3ct is Aw", Mt,A,4yo- !vVWBL- part)"IC-1pation was part of �he approva-1 en'te6a ustd ,,t'n �he PACE q luthwest C, C forking Lotdo6cp I AV "t this Agroement- 'lur--,% to coin nay res,ult 'n Tilie NIA bei'nL( ,:ia'q'S i fil turf;, lal ply rT eno 'ns We -NI A, and beino !-)arced from C" P-1., for r-i M�CSPO 1, 1 Ity WO od of not fes'- than, s" ;patjon "luch ac- --anclejed months. 'f ie N�'A, agrees tofwrnish docuraeritatt'lon of M/WBE vartj,lk-4 III-# ONO, chccks, etc., or such evidence as may be deemed limper by the City o f Fort Wortli., SECT107'l XV - AGE, 15.1 In accordance with th� policy ("PO1*cY"') o"t7ie Executive Branch, of the govemment, I the ekrch�Aect coveriants tllat neither it r1lor any of 'ts off-teers, menibers, agents, employees, r f, ti-,* ,-)rogra-in plafticipants or subconsultants, while engaged in performnig AiAs u tr c shall, in c,)r1nect1*-on with the cmployment, advancement or discharge-, of employee.-i or in connec-alon fo 0 It 0 mons, or priviieges, ir emp ers,o-P.,; witInA the terms, cond`* of ",he'" loyment, d scr rr,�.nate agw,i,st po 'ficat' of faC' beca ir a-gc except on the basis of,rct bona fide occupattun quali ion. retffeMenl Pimi or statidory requilreML-011L 15 Tb:P. Architect fWber covenants that fteitiner it nor its officers, member agents, employees,, subconsultants, ir i, ants or person acting on their behalf, shall spec], ill, program partvc-p Solucti,anons of ad'.erti&�ments for e0krnployiees to work on this contract, a max tmwx n age liml, for such employment unless the specified maximum age 1.1mit is based upon a bona ode. occupational qua l fflicat.i0, retffemezz.pion or statutory equipmem. q - '11 defend� 'ndein n'fy �an d 15.3 The Axchftect werr%ats it will fully comply with 11-ile Po and wt hold Cite bannless against any claims or allegations asserted by third Partties or Bros s agoinst City aTisi*ng coot off. he Ar-cluitect's and/01' Its sL)bC,,r-),nsuRant3` alleged'J'" 4 a 4 0 failtue to comp.y with the above ric--aerenc,,,,-.%,d Pohicy conct:ming- age d iscrinunation lLi #ffic- is ag oerformance of th." ,reemenl. SBCTION XVI - DISABILIT-',[ 16.1 In accordance. Nvith the provIsio-n's of the Am.C."Heans Wl*tlj Disabil"iti"es Act of1990 (" X' V, the Architect warran that "t and wig and all of "ts subconsultants voril!"I not ts I un-law-fwily oil i scn .Mate on,the bas is of di'sability lin, the provrision of"services to the general pubtle, tiol, in the availability, tem, is and, or conditi"ons of empioyment for appli-cant-S for employment with, or employees, oifthe Architect or any of"Its, subconsuluaits. Contractor warrant's I*t w0l 0 0 fully corriply with, ADA's provistons and any other app li";-.1able federal, state and local laws c ai,ms concMllng disability and will de,fend, 'Inds rwify. and hold, City ha;mless againszt any J i I "r ale tic asserted by flil"rd. partie's or Sub�consudtanls , n City arisi*ng out of 014, Conttactoil's midlor its S ubconsultartfs alleged failare to comply with the above-ret.'erenced 1: t laws concerning disability d,iscrimination ia the perfo ante of this agreeni4lnit. SEC ON VI - VENUE 171 Venue of any suit or cause of action it .xr this, /,.geement shrtll lie 4*n Tarrant County, "r,exas. RAGE 8 c-,,\,wotd97NDav'ld,\Soothwt�i,C.C.Parking Otdo0cp it to be,� .'sigm;:d in 'TITIER r FOF, the ('11,iry ol'" Fort Woth has cut,Cied 'tlijs Instrunlen N 17 tnul Cate in, nanie an4 on tts behaif. 'Its City Manger and attZsied by, 11,s Ciury Se��relar�. Nvilh I ri te operiv e,,xecuted th*ls Instiounlent the ,1 to Seal afl-ixed; 11-lie Architect hils, also pi., cope.. each of which is deemed, an onginal. )JO EX",C 1( D Ml THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TJ 11S DAY OF /t/X -'U' PROV ED B Y B: • ''bb W ats ,on AssiSlan't City Manger ,APPROVED RECOMMENDED: ,14 1111 OFF BY. ry BY rly Sccre'tary 1, tvl,rd Zavaia, virecto�r k s and Community Services Department 0 /t,PPIZOVED AS,TO FORM, AND LEGALITN'# BY* Wa4e A "ns C�1,14,y Attomey r/ 41�on,tract tion PACIE 9 �mAWc,,Sj, C Pvcking UgAmkp T C-IINJ EN Nlavrch 2114f), I 9c)-Iss Nlike. F"'icke4 L, A. Architecl. Pairks., and ."unitnta-lity set Al?" Ces ' "I",the City offtyt, Wmth 0.0 South F r te 2200 F,qn Wrth. 1"cxas 76 11 135-1,491) P-arking, U)t h'xpaxu� kit Sou thwcst C 'Iy C tvl Dear ,,r. Fi Ii I-SI, �vith (urca� ;,hal Rp, A Desi'vi 1.1m. prfclsont lfict mrices-- ;,uld Fee Ing 1.7,0r.the Park Ing L wit We zire ao, pleased- that your bzxIget has allowed tbr-th"s,vw)rlsy,wh h in tbh,�:end, will pmw"Ide OIC S01111INVC-St, COMMgyp"IlIty wAi,the necessary parkft' 1k) coin-ptirlwn t the IkI,O%mtpI Ot"the ai-W- renovabr-mi o,f thebu 11di-ne au� --t W`c taiderstand om ,com lxvmtOus al -scfiemw6c dcsii ; 0 consimActi.on mana �c-mtcnft. Tht I xleta'itti-A, ur Your kitbrmatiurt comial"ned befeip, vvifl providle- vol.,I vvim ices widp ra"-W fc4jes f J 'We projvsw GvTy stin'tv,ng t Ons Nutes rte„oicrx Inc, Ov C a m, --u.1ta..ts ail"d G,Ia&i Remia., I ti.c. Lan dscaN. A tv h it,,-c is on `ss pw ct tp* Ilk VIS aS PtIO order sthat we w:,, tt rvu, b a cle lerstand -Icasc 4ACCA sl-v in,Fort OT jUll 'jj.OGsVs A=, In,*tectimil Scr%r es t" , the. Parkillig. I Ot F, '11 'at Stl-uthwlestCo M-nalut"I'ANO Wfiveh,'Tex as. Wc submi't the fiallo Ctl ItIcs rcV, a I Kind 1,114 ItC RPGA %411 supcn- r se , coard", o. suttan-%, a v d,wulnum,IS WAI I (lie City Offorl Wcwth. NtAnzAl wt'ii dtictAmicnt all dc o F' 'TI w(-:),rtLh., It 91" ill provde (.hv h, tuic Upon, p f No t ce Pmc( RPGA r*Nr t v, f Fort V-,rdi Alit sc e- u c "T'"'tre-finc, to indicate the anti. liptute"d p. t,,iotf from ante m M. , t Of wor ki. to wm-pletion of' Survey aRt'r-,$':-'aw 't Opa wAl PO A N.v",fli provtdc 3, S n xy Land *I ximing S-4c''Plan", 013-1 and document exls� cctlj 114"O' 'as to Mclude- wpogmph.icul vsi 3fCa RTI( A o"J"re, Ot i I '!� p1,fy���^. � �. ot--untis tiss;e I n thic ex ,Vvorks , gut COP 14111" �LQ A f1A �j r ut- "S F P nid �N)tfi the Qv s 4�7%t reme,nts, RPG',,,.k voi., prcpue a site ptan orcl,00�,Sed pai�L--rg iaN it. RPGA vvifl -c i ,repat a '41 kagic� -ccessible —arkE`ng si)-taces �,-�Ilid Coln -ng R; ft)te ConS,tr h, 'Jetjor U) 4,ddificla. R.PGA tvill a,-tsc use tficsc d(-)cul,,,,�ients tf-�) sti Al CoSt. MW 54 S ti i t,c�r,i e rd PC tro "t� "-4 -ctflh 1-HI'deystamLs Mat R j-,,A has, iio c-cn:ry I Al pmv1dir, a SS tatenalcm of Proh"4401 �hotk 0'Iv IL�,[, C f he Convacte.-or'S method of pneing, uid t-tial �v,;"ef p ricv thc Statlanent, 0'Upre"babk--, Cos't W T.11aili-e El-la t.lvw lb�,ISJS Ot RPGA's q1,111'alificatioas wid 11". Tlih�tl, "iss to the nctur-acy of Such estimate-as -o.,,amnancv, . P1, comrpar,,.�.,-d to hid ar a, Co B-� 1,on tile ap umcmas and m,y, furt-hei- algEtic� 4& # PTovecl Schematic Desi, i"SW n Doe ba d-get amlltnon7cd,by the Citv of' d, as L,rz-mrtts in the Siz C.V,c or qivalitvyv� of lbc, Proivrcl 01'"M t"11LIC COfl�S-I'rtl-,C-01111 Fort Wonh,�., RP6.A. -,-,,ha4 prepare, t%crt,vproyval by dix Duciums ts c o ns i st ng v f N "C'Wmas, Vv"Ig I T'ol'- rel",Jml RX thc,CLInsmiction(-4 th jtc DI-aNving's ard '.11 the C*1011slvictic4n, "civi late c f Tex R'PGA 15,1911.1 1 Stamp xuri-3evnts 1,"ow tise in ulte S, ill be pert' ng Nt* js i�a�jcct vv MI-Ilett by dic P": The I nig -Ix --'otA-i N I CUY in t c (70 of R)v wf,�-Ivlh� If req U,c;s;Ted by, 'Firke Otv�of W-011h,(ul 14 RIPGA i*i*' ass st th Ve :4 , ffi.ddfinv�r, *,ulud N-t�2A 'zis vi'l toliv, �a h tht�pr*gr%-s s a d qual`ty o,-f t 0 I.Ai ta'r�N,�1 vllmt flv�tc become, 'In,,' Uccn:aiwlc�--t i "th d-le cutlr A in "A shall ucot be ecqvim i to n c jc-�ctareoas, (a nx�iriznmla f"A stv":* otsosl- t4arsvvt-,,-��r. R?G "i's. R11C Owner a, i i i guaid,the '.a0m, "I"ast d6ccts- a-ix] the co�nstmxctTikimri�an,,.,d S-ha)l attend all necessar��con"NST mw,Uon h, ) RP(54A m--)t havve, col:tta- A oi,chlarjr�lpc O'f and-sha-0 ntoc I bc i-tusl* isirb- le- far '5 or pmgrr am S in 0,.ids,if"chalqu cns�, scqut,-,P-zC7,c:-,qs or Pt or fi>r 4. Prccauxi'mv lu, ot,the xcuantva-ctor, -qb-coo,tracto,"s or,aavo, witb tbulo A,. 1",or the act's%*'if 01 'Ssioa. IN fiffe ofam of tl*,�,=to carry auA the wark Atster rn"r-ons jwxumn-1,1124, my o,�f Ov, �'%Vmw it ox. for the fal� �,n wvrlh the,cont�nycf fAm"urviAtis, ;-A 7L) I Is M3 PrcPOTz"10"Or Progm 1 MA �.�l tj-) th tr 'Cfi-�r I Z vo I fll� I 4 ba' 'Sed t�)n 1JV 011A, -.6- .,*, d) The i -in 11 tcss* the. C'�* v .c alf ,1,1� 'Aw 'i.V(p) �t,I r Pawne-fir IT reque-St.wr, h- �, RPGA Nvi, Ist ..,1V R I'l(L'I'A "t) trcit:�o, vv(,*A-,, whfc�- dalk�s not cm,"Ex mi" t,o t'ho'cont-cm,t a v 1 61 IV,p dr,"Miqgs,po&x. sub sti, brut I. r can,lbrman*�.C, I esqT1, concer nd with. 0 c ain,on , vven in, thcco�,vltracl -�*Nv ed by dw �Iectilmw,,titcxi I)y ,Oi"Al ot rc,aW "'Ch"im"Ige �>rat,')prov,,al arid xvcv,ut n 'Lit:cc-rll W1 41-S. IT f INAte I-`d 6Y 1h,c C"I tY 011 Awl, I F: JmH amduci inspecti-cons to deti:�-i-ti,-,ine *he. dates of substinti .1 p a t reque. y me k OA s alfid rCX,,ICIA,, r la c r 1.1 fil C at e 0 t Pa C ri I -4e extent Oftheldlltje,,S' Witt 4,11VIlt'am .1-S Ot aut4orl.ty OfRp*'S'FA, � the Ownei',,s IT n i _.'i t -",,ithout -.v„fi,tnen cons.%mt lVe.111-SCrita-Ilive Idu 'ng, c,'­all ti(�)t be modified ot, extended ot, th't Owner )Md PIS.. k. .9 t r W-11 slalio mo Base,d:ju our kmdersti�,�!,iding of�,Ji;e r.,cor),e of,.�t,:-I­vices to be p'ef ot-l"t th�� f'ee­.4� al as Sw te(l belaw. I fdW f fl ect. t h e f t"e J.evelqpmcnl (if,me pIx.)"I 7--t Nh­-,.rn,�Yes, are in,;idc (o tfic s-cop )Ctj f nod o Imetv the ulate ol ivvi5ion_ F�.os as(-uoed C 9 611,4. roil g Bas�ic Services A?) tudts the Y.'.'kTVICe.%Orthe SUTV-evinv. C, AS 1�,nelltiorietl 1�,n:N I�0,U, S11V III AVII 111 teU 4 IV -,-NJ O.n a tUTIC basvps ix ith a Tiof PO��,,N­ 11A.-l!"(1 wpropu-scd fee's b" s�_,% vt em%.�Ncd ma�-.Irntun 'A Md-cat.. '�u, A to tmcl��,C?j S 1,00-0 Ida addiktiot4 the "BaSiC Service's 31cludes r,:�:,,s m, 'Ce. NV1 Z xpe-nded, ' y RPG�, and %v "aclude, but iuit b,, e fi'ni,ted th°; R,e-irnbursahle bc hllw Ost,C D 8 b 11,ro wi,n, Q, 'e,:k-pen.se of II rc,,prodmti�,,mi& kid bta nol: 11%­nited tcx, ptots,per"'nts, , ptioto n -if`*F*naI" Desip Iv -e M.aA pfreparatio, c m-vlars pboto negatives, tic.., as., mmy requuu, 1,11 t Devolopmew Docamaits mid 49F'in al Docun.ne.nts as,gr-cparedfor pm. hmim-ry Al A Wddia,v"PwpOS1Cs&. nssess subm'tted to RPGA b-v the sub- 1 0 ti.aies th,e m..nm-ivu.tit exPeiided.,by the cop.-ts,oft-aiais s-Aut-11 bv, blfled'1,,-)the CI il"Ort Wortil S'AA All ri,lecesssalry COST'. I� zil' 1,,ve the rcsixmsibility,011' the o 1,Fort V*,70,rth I`() EXCEED, S I 2400.10,0 (J A L I'EF FOR B ASK" S FR, 1114o,jOv Rates tbr,Umthedmled (,).r umslvd 1 1,3 n' SS pn-o,r to Mnl SIMUN.110 No,charee-, tvi 11"m incurred mvisio"D S j'( the, laws,du "n, htetk,,sign,pr.me NZ "Ise Compmsaijou for miojor vam:wi�to�,, to tlie 4*� pon p1wis and spetificatioi! ifirr Involved Vn additionlill :_scz-vices.but yt.Initial,site visit.s. i" (Yn az hourly basis as, tblfm. .V ),;^11 A.W1 itevets- 5.0) 0 I .I.'S 10 k �M S C 4"t I al-I L ae, (111"ateti by the C, V*'jill not''C'C'. ��et C, tty UY the finie,11"hr,:i vib-cn Schedillv.�, w, m I I I'l i�, a��S i,4 A* #1' 1 UTICTI ISII 7t, Jrl� L 10 14 i L i J 4i Sl "k y V I L s,t trom date payr,z,- ei,-la i,:�i due at. a 41 I Ox ,,,I I "n lvh,cl c as I atc o per n-toilth, ur,I e:F,s c W�z I c T. TJIai-t r`_ IL IC: IpOil ts -4.,flk'Ir p p- I 1�rlt' awll;�nts e rc'n 6­1 IN' ililhail be, clmf u-,ed nn,,d 4:� I w U)( A X Ff ZI warfl) sh"all -TO-VAC i", 11 4a:k-di-1'Ii0o hls4ler for the JIIITO 1111(l but nt,�)t !"'n-tacd to., ��- PGA- shall he cntidej to' rz,�Ay upoll III"'.c aandf A I vits, lo-,rwox aphv,, pl,­tl"t­mgr anc, A?11 v 311 sute int'00-natloAr', AIT!", caserne 4 gr it's- 44 zsSent.lai 1111,06y""Aww4l to`7,c s-u-pplicid hv C0111"SMA4', *1 7­1, -6,111 G V tile, Fro�fcct at the()Nvne_r S,'requesl h a ngess f ii j n ai,or 11 utl 6',c 11, the 'iT."Ortne t t�r de Aftp,Tor comsunctic4rat dtxwl licn,#,s arc umlcnA.­,;,iv or finxisilicki, *lth;��Cos!ol, nla�lt;ill,�z c1lung NvIll be, billed at thi: I �cq t�j, en.1�,e-f I ts abcl,c hourly vates. -Mlis ta!'-w' )�applilclll;, tO 3M 10.1 htamgcs, i,Ctl,k-mrp,­-d fl-A' Zor bu."Idit t 1 4 z code vilstigatw O-Act tile, Pwlo Isk" tat"tptior. Owntrsbipuf Docup,ltnts** Al and dralxinoi w,ill �V, ,Z�rnei d ltnv RP,(--,*A i�,)llw Ci*v I* I W, ai _4 x All shu;�levs as: lr� rm"'llictxi &T%hi 13 *.v CIO RPGA *lnaflwr SP '101ts "'V" IRIS-1 115 1.il "I a 'PT m I)r3wit"i" On 15, ISIN"C311 C S,� T C. Yf the prc�iw, fbr tll;�sy are mr,''aile Is or nol th d hall bc,,&�ome-the 1"eg-al prcwix--ql��v,,of"I'll,-c �l Th, Citv w""J*vC3 1% i m In rt I'S _4 NVijj,� I T CA 11C TIS, A 1 -0 ex"I-��rl nT Mi INITIC"ll I's pt IL hv pev, Icat'lolu, for am otlx�r 'K )f 11 *ts ottlabili A. cen-,ient cric:zitc,d tc�, allow. 'of&�:-I:gn, xul ttv.��Czxs, empl(I.N 41 lsl� 4;, ml ;;hall t IN;*hield'hahle t4rntTr,)oursiblc,fckr acl.-s-, 014, ROGA, fls off Yees, W Consul Im, s" . �:,rrors of" 4 ibe conlractcor,clT suiv �lw canlrwzwr�'ijzjl,�ct actoms..agy,,�,on er ea- 7( *i,r-arzv other p�rs.Ons PcTf(mn' litl�y i4n""fkljn;v4,.ti-m of t',bec �v--Or" The, )vv,u $hW g ol"',pir'I'VU , , i� Ol RPG.A sho-uld" ltgal 2,,�Aloll resull �Mlnl any jc�r C�Mwssians of tbe,Olivner, mur'..'woor,'alv. Ofthm; or Othvc Ulg, a"M, Terminadon"', '�J'l 4inc t�vellt,With r plull'.,p4V te-TT41,03 "te" c �fuxs i,ix TIC$, n�s, fr,;, 11" me I d- t 44 AA, used d"'., It�c t i C-A Ir 44 14 d VO4 k 4, pen ­*4-li' 41,h j i%,� 'y�ot 1 4"z a"n J,;kr t"t "A'"'I"®r t ON, i A- jo Awl, or ;low? .......... ........... 3 r ,�I I A s,"a C