HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 46462 (2)�o� s�c�t� ��c�2 ������r ��� _ ;, y:� "". c,nr s �� ,�,���. orth Central Tcxas �•� ��i��a�overnments FORT�ORTH CQNTRACTpR�g 8�1��NG C`��, a PROJE FOR ANUAL CONSTRUCTION'S COPlI �'HE CONSTRUCTiON OF CLIENT DEPARTMEN7' SOUTH MAIN STREET (Vickery Blvd. to Magnolia Ave.) Prepared for The City of Fort Worth And for� Wor�h Sou�h, Inc. 2014 � DIJNAWA�► City Project No. #02113 Water Project No. P-265-608140211383 Sewei• Project No. P-275-708130211383 D.O.E. NO. 7158, FIL� NO. K-2294 X-22529 Betsy Price Mayor David Cooke City Manager �lndrew T. Cronberg, P.E. Interiin Director, Water Departinent Douglas W. Wiersig, P.E. Director, Transportation and Public Worlcs Department Richard Zavala Director, Parks and Community Services DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES, L.P. (TX REG. F-1 I 14) 550 Bailey Avenue, Suite 400 Fl. Worth, TX 76107 OfCce: 817-335-1 l21 / Fax: 8 i 7-429-1370 / www.dunaway-as D�maway Job No. B000417.003 � RECE��L � ��� 2 71d15 1� GOUNTJ, , ,`�, � ��.. � ���, -��,�, � �, H ''Si , ,�% ��* < .-- ____�- =-- � �F�I�oAI. iBECORD �9�°� �EC6iETAR1f �'. VY�RT�, TX �v.z��, ► SECTION 00 00 00 TAI3LE OF CONTENTS Division 00 - Genei�a[ Conclitions 00 OS 10 Mayor and Cat�ucil Commuuication 00 OS 15 Addeiida 00 I 1 13 Invitatiov to Bidders 00 21 13 Insfructions to Biddecs 00 3S 13 Conflict of Iuterest Affidavit 00 41 00 Bid Form 00 42 43 Pro�osal Foi•m Uiiit Price 00 43 13 Bid Bond 00 43 37 Vendor ComE3liai�ce to State T a�v Noncesident Bidder 00 45 11 Bidders Pcequaiifications 00 45 12 Prequalification Statement 00 45 I3 Bidder Prequ�lification Application 00 45 26 Co�tt��actor Co�nplia�ice �vitli Woc•kers' Compensatioit Law 00 45 40 Mi�toi•ity Bnsiiiess Enterprise Goal 00 S2 G3 Agreemeut 00 6I 13 Performance Bond 00 6I 14 Payiuent Bo�id 00 G I 19 Maitttenance Bond 00 GI 25 Certificate of Iusuc�attee 00 72 00 General Couditions 00 73 00 Supplementaiy Conditious Divisian O1- General Requirements �l 11 QO SummaiyaiWa•k O1 25 00 Substitt�tion Procedures O1 31 19 Precoiistruction Meetiu� O1 31 20 Pi•oject Meefi��gs O1 32 1& Const�•uction Progress Schedule O1 32 33 Pcecoustruction Video 01 33 00 Sttbmittals 01 35 13 Special Project Pt•ocedures O1 4S 23 Testiiig and Inspection Services O] 50 00 Tempor�►y F'lcilities and Controls Q1 55 2G Street Use Permit and Modifications to T►�ffic Control 01 S7 13 Storm W�ter Polhition Prevention Plati O1 58 13 Tet�lporaiy Project Siguage O1 GO 04 Producf Require���ents O1 6& 00 Product Storlge and Handlin� Requiremei�ts O1 '10 QO Mobilizatiott aud Reiuobilization Ol 74 23 C(aatiii�g O1 77 19 Closeout Requi�•ements OI 78 23 Operation aud R�aiiiteitat�ce Data O1 78 39 Pcaject Recocd Documents Adopted September 201 i 000000-2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Pagc 2 of 5 Division 99 — Special Provisions Pre —Bid Items Additional Specifications Additional modiiications to general & supplementary conditions and modifications to general requirements Technical Specifications which have been modified by the Engineer specifically for this Project; hard copies are included in the Project's Contract Documents O1 71 23 Construction Staking and Survey 02 41 13 Selective Site Demolition 32 13 20 Concrete Sidewalks, Driveways and Barrier Free Ramps 33 12 10 Water Services 1-inch to 2-inch 33 12 20 Resilient Seated Gate Valve 34 41 10 Traffic Signals 34 71 13 Traffic Control Technical Speci�cations listed below are included for this Project by reference and can be viewed/downloaded from the City's Buzzsaw site at: htps://proj ectpoint. buzzsaw. com/client/fortworthgov/Resources/02%20- %20Construction%20Documents/Specifications Division 02 - Existing Conditions 02 41 13 Selective Site Demolition 02 41 14 Utility Removal/Abandonment 02 41 15 Paving Removal Division 03 - Concrete 03 30 00 Cast-In-Place Concrete 03 34 13 Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) 03 34 16 Concrete Base Material for Trench Repair 03 80 00 Modifications to Existing Concrete Structures Division 26 - Electrical 26 OS 00 Common Work Results for Electrical 26 OS 10 Demolition for Electrical Systems 26 05 33 Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems 26 OS 43 Underground Ducts and Raceways for Electrical Systems Division 31 - Earthwork 31 10 00 Site Clearing 31 23 16 Unclassified Excavation 31 23 23 Borrow ��z`Z4 nn �.�.�..,.,v.,,o.,.� 31 25 00 Erosion and Sediment Control � i �� nn �..�.:,,.,� �Z� �� � n,����P CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Rcviscd Novcmbcr 22, 20I3 000000-3 STANDARD CONS'PRUCI'fON SPLCll�iCATtON DOCUMENTS Page 3 of 5 llivisioii 32 - �xteria�• Impi•oveme��ts 32 O1 17 Par�na�ient Aspl�alt Paving Repair 32 O1 18 Teuiporai�y As�lia(t P�viug Re�air 32 O1 29 Co�icrete Paving Rep�ir 32 11 23 Flesible Base Co�u�ses 32 11 29 Liute Treated Base Courses 32 11 33 Cement Treated Base Catnses 32 12 16 Asphalt Paving 32 12 73 Asphalt Paving Crack Seala►►ts 32 13 13 Co��crete Pavi�lg 32 13 20 Concrete Side�valks, Di•iva�vays and Barrier Free Ramps 32 13 73 Concrete Paving Joint Seat�nts 32 14 I6 Brick Unit Faving 32 16 13 Concrete Curb and Gutters and Valley Gutters 32 I� 23 Pavemeut Markings 32 17 25 Cu��b Address Faintiiig 32 31 13 Chain Fences and Gates 32 31 26 Wice rences �nd Gates 32 31 29 Wood Fences �nd Gates 3��� �� �,,..� :, nt,,,,o r�.,.,,...��� n.,�.,:,.;.,n � T�...�;;� 32 91 19 Topsoil Plaeemeut �nd Fiuisliiug of Park�vays 32 92 13 Hydro-Mtrlci�ing, Seeding, aud Soddin� 32 93 43 Tcees and St�rubs Division 33 - Ufilities 33 Ol 30 Se�ver and Mauhole Testing 33 Ol 31 Closed Circuit Television {CCTV) Inspection 33 03 10 Bypass Puuiping of Existing Se`vec• Systems 33 04 10 Joint Bonding and Electrical Isolation 33 04 I 1 Co►•rosioii Contcol Test Stations 33 04 12 Magnesium Anode Cathodic Protection System 33 04 30 Tempocaiy Water Services 33 04 40 Cleaning and Acceptance Testing of Water Mains 33 04 SO Cleaning of Se�ver Mains 33 OS 10 Utility Trenah Excavation, Embechue►�t, and Backfill 33 OS 12 Watei• Line Lo�veeiug 33 05 13 Frame, Cover nnd Gi�ade Riugs 33 OS 14 Adjusting Mlnitoles, I�ilats, V�lve Bo�es, and Uther Strttctures to G►•ade 33 05 16 Concrete W1ter Vaults 33 OS 17 Conereie Collars 33-(�-',.�-9 n,.,��.. n,,.r�,�, ���-� � ��:el--b�ar-�late 33 05 22 Steel Casing Pipe �3 8� �3------�u�.�����._�_�==*:g 33 05 2Q I�lstallatio�i of Carrier Pipe in Casing or Tuuiiel Linei• Plaie 33 OS 26 Utility Mai•kei•s/Locators 33 05 30 Location of Existing Utilities 33 11 OS Bolts, Nuts, a�id Gaskets 33 11 10 Dnetile Irou Pipe 33 11 I 1 Ductile Irou Fittiugs CITY OF PO[2'1' WOR'CH 5'1'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMEtJTS Rcviscd I�o�•cn�bcr 22, 2013 South Main Street City Projccl No. 02113 00 00 00 - a S'1'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEGFICATIQI�2 DOCUMENTS Page 4 of 5 33 11 12 Polyvi��yl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Aipe 33 11 13 Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar-Wra�ped, Steel Cylinder Type 33 11 14 Buried Steel Pipe and Fittiiigs 33 12 10 Water Se►�vices 1-ineh to 2-inch 33 12 11 Large Wate�� Meters 33 12 20 Resilieclt Seated Gate Valve 33 12 21 AWWA Rubber-Seated IIuttecfly Valves 33 12 25 Cot�nectian to Existi�ig Water Maius 33 12 30 Combination Air Valve Assemblies for Pot�ble Waeec Systeu�s 33 12 40 Fire Hydcauts 33 12 50 Water Sample Stations 33 12 64 Standai•d Blo�v-off V�Ive Assembly 33 3I I2 Cured iu Place Pipe (CIPP) 33 3 I 13 Fiberglass Reiufocced Pipe for Gravity Sai�ita►y Se�ve�•s 33 31 I S High Deusity Yolyethyleue (HDPE) Pipe far Satiita►y Se�ver 33 31 20 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC} Gravity Sanita�y Sewer Pipe 33 31 21 Polyvinyl Cliloride (PVC} Closed Profle Gr�vity Sanitaiy Sewer Pipe 33 31 22 Sanitary Se�ver Slip Liuing 33 31 23 Sanitaiy Se�ver Pipe Enlargeme�ii 33 31 50 S�nitary Se�ve�• Service Comiections and Sei•vice Liiie 33 31 70 Combination Air Valve for Sanitat�y Sewec Farce Maiiis 33 39 10 C�st-in-Place Conerete Manholes 33 39 20 Precast Concrete Manlioles 33 39 30 Fiberglass Manholes 33 39 40 Waste�vater Access Cfia►iiber (WAC) 33 39 60 Epoxy Liners for Sanitacy Se�ver Sti•uctures 33 41 10 Rei�tforced Ca�tci•ete Stot•m Se�ve�• Pipe/Cuh�e�rts a� 4� �� TZ-ZT���3--�� ,.,:�., n,.�..,,«i,..i�..., rur�n�t p� .e-#�el�et+t�Btit+t� 33 4G 00 Subdcainage 33 4G O1 Slotteci Stocm D►�aius 33 46 42 Ti•enct� Drait�s 33 �9 10 Cast-in-Ptace Manholes and Jituctioii Boxes 33 �9 20 Curb �nd Drop Inlets ����i��� Divisiou 34 - TY�ai�sportatio�t 3� 41 10 Traffic Sig�lals 34 41 I l Temp�rary Tcaffic Signals 34 41 13 Removing Tf•af�c Sigilals 34 41 1 S Rectangaiar Rapid Flashing Beacoii 34 41 IG Pedest�•ian Hybi•id Signal 34 41 20 Road�vay Illuini�iatioii Assemblies 34 4i 30 Ahu�iinum Signs 34 71 13 Traf�c Contcol GITY OF C'OR'P tiYORTH Souti� A4ain Slreet S'I'ANUARD CONSTRUCTION Sk'LCll'ICATION DOCUMGN"PS Cily Project No. 02113 Revised Novembcr 22, 2013 , • 000000-s STANDARD CONS'I'RUCP[ON SPBCIFICAT[01�! DOCUMENTS Page 5 of 5 Appentiix �r 4,�1�-- �h •� �.•���,. �T a,. -��i�v�,-�.��r,.�--�,��r�� GC-4.02 S�ibstu'face and Pliysical Co�iditions GG4.04 Uuder�round Facilities C�r 4.-w --��r•i �����e�ta4-Ce�}c�f�ie�-a�-�ite GC-bAfi.D Minority and Women O�vned Busitiess Enter�rise ComE�liance GC-6.07 Wage Rates GG6,09 Periiiits and iJtilities GG6,24 Nondisccimination GR-Ol GO 00 Product Reqiiieements �ND OF SECTION CITY OP FOR'1' 11'OEtTH South Main Strect STATVDARD CONSTRUC'f'lON SPGCIfICAT10N ROCUivfF.NTS Ciq� Project No, 021 l3 Revised Not�em�er 22, 2013 000510-1 MAYOR ANb COUNCIt, COMMUN1CATlON (MRC) Page 1 of f I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 14 lS IG 17 18 19 20 21 22 s�cTzort o0 os �o MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMUNICATION (M&C) �ND OF S�CTION, CITY OF FORT �VQR7'H S'CANDARb CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[QP! DOCUMEtJTS Itevised July l, 2011 South ivinin SiRet City Project No. 02l I3 M&C Review � � ;� � Page 1 of 3 Official site of the Ciry of Fort Worth, Texas FORT �'�t�RTE�{ �� COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 2/10/2015 - Ordinance Nos. 21640-02-2015 & 21641-02-2015 REFERENCE 06SOUTH MAIN COMPLETE DATE: 2/10/2015 N� : C-27184 LOG NAME: STREETS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CODE: C TYPE: NON- PUBLIC NO CONSENT HEARING: SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of a Contract with JLB Contracting, LLC, in the Amount of $7,848,346.56 for the Construction of the South Main Urban Village Complete Streets Project from Vickery Boulevard to Magnolia Avenue, Provide for Additional Expenditures for Project Costs and Contingencies for a Project Total of $8,664,458.39, Authorize Renewal of an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County for a Portion of the Construction Costs in the Amount of $740,000.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 8 and 9) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the transfer of $2,773,248.45 from the Water and Sewer Fund in the Amount of $1,556,509.31 to the Water Capital Projects Fund and $1,216,739.14 to the Sewer Capital Projects Fund; 2. Authorize the renewal of the Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County, City Secretary Contract No. 46368 for the South Main Urban Village Sustainable Development Project construction project in the amount of $740,000.00; 3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinances increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $1,556,509.31 and in the Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $1,216,739.14; and 4. Authorize execution of a contract with JLB Contracting, LLC, in the amount of $ 7,848,347.56 for the construction of the South Main Urban Village Complete Streets Project from Vickery Boulevard to Magnolia Avenue. DISCUSSION: On September 15, 2009, (M&C G-16700) the City Council authorized the nomination of the South Main Urban Village Complete Streets Project for award under the 2009/10 North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Sustainable Development Program. The project was subsequently selected by the Regional Transportation Council, a subgroup of NCTCOG, to receive a grant of $3,000,000.00. On November 12, 2013, (M&C C-26562) the City Council authorized the execution of a MOU with NCTCOG, Tarrant County, and TIF No. 4 that detailed funding participation in the amounts $3,000,000.00 (as described above), $740,000.00 (County) and $2,750,000.00 (TIF No. 4). Mayor and Council Communication (M&C C-26562) also authorized the Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County regarding its financial participation. The South Main Urban Village Complete Streets Project will construct streetscape and infrastructure improvements along South Main Street from Vickery Boulevard to Magnolia Avenue which encompasses the South Main Urban Village. Streetscape improvements include wide sidewalks, tree welis, pedestrian lighting, recessed on-street parking with bulb-outs to define pedestrian crossings, and replacement of existing bike lanes. Infrastructure improvements include full roadway reconstruction, water and sewer upgrades (to replace aging facilities and provide additional capacity to accommodate anticipated development), and upgraded storm drainage facilities. http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=1... 2/17/2015 M&C Review The project is funded as follows: Pag e 2 of 3 Fundin Source Amount Water Ca ital Pro�ects Fund $1,497,009.31 Sewer Ca ital Pro'ects Fund $1,170,739.14 Stormwater Ca ital Pro'ects Fund $150,000.00 RTC/NCTCOG RTR Sustainable Develo ment Funds $3,000,000.00 TIF No. 4 Local Match to RTC/NCTCOG Funds $750,000.00 TIF No. 4 Additional Funds $1,250,000.00 Tarrant County 2006 Bond Pro ram 740 000.00 Total $8,664,458.45 Antici ated Ex enditures Amount Construction Contract $7,848,347.56 Construction Services (Inspections and Soil/Material $489,614.62 Testin Contin encies $326,496.21 Total $8,664,458.39 The project was advertised in the Fort Worth Star-Teleqram on October 23, 2014 and October 30, 2014 and the following bids were opened on November 20, 2014: Bidder Name Totai Base Accepted Additive Aiternative Bid otal Acce ted Bid Totals (No. 1 and 3) Bid JLB Contractin , LLC $7,673,622.76 $174,724.80 $7,848,347.56 McClendon Construction �g 590,676.92 $144,749.60 $8,735,426.52 Com an Inc. Jackson Construction, LTD $9,019,729.35 $154,860.00 $9,174,589.35 The Fain Grou , Inc. $8,063,212.25 $128,160.00 $8,191,372.25 M/WBE Office - JLB Contracting, LLC, is in compliance with the City's Business Diversity Ordinance by committing to 15 percent MBE participation on the base bid plus identified alternates. The City's MBE goal on this project is 15 percent. The estimated impact to the Parks and Community Services Department annual operating budget will be $51,500.00 for landscape/irrigation/park maintenance and $5,244.00 for forestry maintenance for a total in the amount of $56,744.00. The contingency for possible change orders is $326,496.21 (available in remaining C291 funds). Funding in the amount of $489,614.62 is included for construction inspection and soil and material testing. This project was previously advertised in May 2014, but all bids were rejected as they exceeded the projecYs budget at the time (M&C C-27091). This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICTS 8 and 9, Mapsco 77E and 77J. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinances, funds will be available in the current capital budgets, as appropriated, of the Water Capital Projects Fund, Sewer Capital Projects Fund, Grants Capital Projects Fund, Stormwater Capital Projects Bond Fund. The Fiscal Year 2015 Water and Sewer operating budget includes appropriations of $51,724,257.00 for the purpose of providing pay-as-you-go funding for capital projects. The amount transferred year to date is $21,794,945.00 in the Water and Sewer operating budget. http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_pacl<et/mc_review.asp?ID=1... 2/17/2015 M&C Review Page 3 of 3 TO Fund/Account/Centers 1 &� P253 476045 6081402113ZZ 1 &3� P258 476045 7081302113ZZ 1 &3� P253 476045 6082302113ZZ 1� P253 476045 6082302113ZZ 3)P253 531200 608140211352 3) P253 531350 608140211352 3)P253 511010 608140211380 3)P253 511010 208230211380 3) P253 541200 608140211383 3)P253 531200 608140211384 3)P253 531350 608140211384 3) P253 531350 208280211385 3)P253 531350 608140211385 3)P253 531350 608140211394 3)P253 531350 608140211392 3)P253 511010 608140211393 3) P258 531200 708130211352 3)P258 531350 708130211352 3) P258 511010 708130211380 3)P258 541200 708130211383 3) P258 531200 708130211384 3)P258 531350 708130211384 3) P258 531350 708130211385 3) P258 531350 708130211392 3)P258 511010 708130211393 3)P258 531350 708130211394 $1 273,722.12 $1,216,739.14 $35,130.54 $247,656.65 FROM Fund/AccountlCenters 1)PE45 538040 0609020 1) PE45 538040 0709020 4)P253 541200 608140211383 4) C291 541200 608140211383 4�P258 541200 708130211383 4) G R74 541200 006302597830 4)P227 541200 208190211383 4)C291 541200 208230211383 $1,556,509.31 $1,216,739.14 $1,214,222.12 $282,787.19 $1,170,739.14 $3,750,000.00 $150,000.00 $1,280,599.11 1 000.00 9 000.00 4 000.00 $35,130.54 $1,214,222.12 2 000.00 9 000.00 $247,656.65 $30,000.00 1 500.00 1 500.00 1 500.00 500.00 7 000.00 3 000.00 $1,170,739.14 1 500.00 7 000.00 $24,000.00 1 000.00 1 000.00 1 000.00 Submitted for City Manager's Office bv: Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: Fernando Costa (6122) Randle Harwood (6101) Doug Rademaker (3731) Arty Wheaton-Rodriguez (7373) ATTACHMENTS 06SOUTH MAIN COMPLETE STREETS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT P253 A015.docx 06SOUTH MAIN COMPLETE STREETS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT P258 A015.docx South Main Construction Contract area map.pdf http://apps.cfiwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=1... 2/17/2015 000sis-i At)DENDA Pngc } of 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S l6 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 SECTION 00 OS 15 ADDENDA �ND OI+' S�CTION CITY OC I�OR'I' 1VORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPF.CIPICATION DOCUMENTS Revised 7uly 1, 2011 South Main Street City Projecl No. 02113 CITY OF FORT WORTH TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM NO. 1 SOUTH MAIN STRE�T WATER, SEWER, PAVING, DRAINAGE, TRAFFIC SIGNAL & LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS (Vickery Blvd to Magnolia Ave.) D.O.E. NO. 7158 CITY PROJECT NO. 02113 ADDENDUM RELEASE DATE: November 11, 2014 BID OPENING DATE: November 20, 2014 INFORMATION TO BIDDERS: The Specifications and Contract Documents for the above referenced project are hereby revised and amended as follows: 1. A pre-bid meeting was held on 11/OS/2014 and the following items were discussed: a. Patrick Buckley with City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works department gave a briefing on the project. b. Atmos is currently working on the second phase of gas utility relocations. Phase I— Magnolia Ave. to Annie St. (Completed July 9, 2014). Phase II — Annie St. to Vickery Blvd. (Expected completion December 15, 2014). c. Fort Worth South, Inc. will help coordinate with citizens and businesses throughout the project corridor, but especially with the businesses located between Vickery Blvd. to Broadway Ave. and the Vandervoorts Dairy entrance at Terrell Ave. d. Trench grates/covers will be provided by the City of Fort Worth for improvements � between Rosedale to Magtiolia. � e. Sign-in sheet from the pre�bid rneeting is included with this addendum. f. An exhibit showing changes to base-bid from Rosedale to Magnolia is included with this addendum and has been posted to Buzzsaw. 2. The following items are RFIs that came up during bidding and the responses given: a. Q: What is the time restriction for tapping the Water Main at Vickery Blvd? A: Refer to sheet 3B of ths plan set for Water line shutdown and sequencing notes. b. Q: VJhat is the traf#ic contt•ol plan for this project? A: Traffic detour plans are provided on sheets 139�145 by the engineer as a general guide. Contractor is to provide necessary traffic control plans per spec 34 71 13. c. Q: Are there existing railroad ri•acks/ties below the surface? A: There are no railroad tracks or ties anticipated to be found within the exca�ation limits of this project. SOUTH MAIN STREET ADDENDUM #1 d. Q: Quantity for 3-inch asphalt milling is larger than anticipated? A: Quantity for 3-inch asphalt milling was reduced to equal the square yards of milled asphalt from Magnolia to Rosedale. e. Q: Is the contractor responsible for salvaging brick pavers after removal? ' A: No, salvaging of the brick pavers is not required. Contractor is responsible for ' hauling off and disposal of the brick pa�ers. f. Q: What is the construction schedule for completion of Victory Hospital at 600 South Main Street? A: Anticipated completion date is August 1, 2015. Contractor is responsible to complete all of the South Main Street improvements except landscape from Leuda St. to Tucker Ave. by August l, 2015. 3. SECTION 00 42 43 Bid Form PAVING Bid Item 9999.0006 Colored, Stamped, and Chenticullv Staifred Concrete Pavrtt� unit and quatttitv is revised frotn 10,696 SF to I,I88 SY. 4. SECTION 00 42 43 Bid Form PAVING Bid Itent 0241.1507 3" Asvlaalt Surface Millin� qr�antitv is revised from 24,928 SYto 3,588 SY. 5. SECTION 00 42 43 Bid Form LANDSCAPING Bid Itent 9999.0004 Site Ficrnisltin;�s is removed from the nroiect. 6. SECTION 00 42 43 Bid Form LANDSCAPING Bid Item 9999.OD04 Bicvcle rack 6 EA is added to the project. 7. SECTION 00 42 43 Bid Form LANDSCAPING Bid Item 9999.0009 Beszches 5 EA is added to tlie nroiect. 8. Replace entire proposal section with the version enclosed herein. (Revised excel spreadsheet has been posted to Buzzsaw) 9. Replace entire special provisions section 99 99 00 with the version enclosed herein. 10. Replace Spec 02 41 13 with the version enclosed herein. Please acknowledge receipt of the Addendum in the following locations: (1) In the space provided below (2) In the amended Proposal (3) Indicate in upper case letters on the outside of the sealed bid envelope: "RECEIVED & ACKNOWLEDGED ADDENDUM NO. 1" Failure to acknowledge the r•eceipt of Addendum No. 1 could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NON-RESPONSIVE", resulting in disqualification. A signed copy of this addendum shall be placed into the proposal at the time of bid submittal. Addendum No. 1 RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: SOUTH MAIN STREET ADDENDUM #1 By: �-- �� .� � Title: � rL . � • �P . Addendum No. 1 CITY OF FORT WORTH TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM NO. 2 SOUTH MAIN STREET WATER, SEWER, PAVING, DRAINAGE, TRAFFIC SIGNAL & LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS (Vickery Blvd to Magnolia Ave.) D.O.E, NO. 7158 CITY PROJECT NO. 02113 ADDENDUM RELEASE DATE: November 17, 2014 BID OPENING DATE: November 20, 2014 INFORMATION TO BIDDERS: The Specifications and Contract Documents for the above referenced project are hereby revised and amended as follows: 1. The following items are RFIs that came up during bidding and the responses given: � a. Q: Clarify quantity for Irrinet controllers and ARAD flow meters? ' A: Two Irrinet Controllers and three ARAD flow meters (one controller at i Pennsylvania and one at Magnolia and one flow meter for each water meter). � b. Q: Clarify Underdrain pipe material? ' - A: Use 4" Pipe Underdrain Type 5 for subdrain system on the project. Use perforated pipe in areas to be dxained and non-perforated pipe between the perforated pipe and the outfall. c. Q: Clarification of Alternates 1�5? A: For Alternate 1�4, refer to Finish Schedule on plan sheets 147�151 and detail sheets 152�156. For Alternate 5, refer to sheet 164. 2. Replace entire proposal section with the version enclosed herein. (Revised excel spreadsheet has been posted to Buzzsaw) 3. SECTION 00 42 43 Bid Foirn PAVING Bid Itenz 3216.DI02 T' Con� Curb mzd Gutter quantitv is reviserlfrom 6D5 LF to i,340 LF. 4. SECTION 00 42 43 Bid Form LANDSCAPE Bid Item 3346.00014" Pipe U►zderdrain, Tvve I is revised to Bid Item 3346.0005 4" Pine Underdr�ain. Tvve 5. 5. Replace all plan sheets referenced below with the revised version enclosed herein. 6. Sheet 153 (STREETSCAPE DETAILS 1) of the construction drawings is hereby revised to show Base Bid Detail and cross section Al . 7. Sheet 154 (STREETSCAPE DETAILS 2) of the construction drawings is hereby revised to show Alternate 3. SOUTH MAIN STREET ADDENDUM #2 Please acknowledge receipt of the Addendum in the following locations: (1) In the space provided below (2) In the amended Proposal (3) Indicate in upper case letters on the outside of the sealed bid envelope: "I2ECEIVED & ACKNOWLEDGED ADDENDUM N0.1" Failure to acknowledge the receipt of Addendum No. 1 could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NON-RESPONSIVE", resulting in disqualification. A signed copy of this addendum shall be placed into the proposal at the time of bid submittaL RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: By: G�-,.-,^' ,� - G Title: � � . �'. P. Addendum No. 2 00 43 37 VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW Page 1 of 1 SECTION 00 43 37 VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW NON RESIDENT BIDDER Texas Government Code Chapter 2252 was adopted for the award of contracts to nonresident bidders. This law provides that, in order to be awarded a contract as low bidder, nonresident bidders (out-of-state contractors whose corporate offices or principal place of business are outside the State of Texas) bid projects for construction, improvements, supplies or services in Texas at an amount lower than the lowest Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder in order to obtain a comparable contract in the State which the nonresident's principal place of business is located. The appropriate blanks in Section A must be filled out by all nonresident bidders in order for your bid to meet specifications. The failure of nonresident bidders to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. Resident bidders must check the box in Section B. A. Nonresident bidders in the State of :�t�te �€er� c�r"�Ca�ik',, our principal place of business, are required to be °lo H�re ` percent lower than resident bidders by State Law. A copy of the statute is attached. Nonresident bidders in the State of ;�iat� W�re ar Bi�i�}: , our principal place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders. _. . B. The principal place of business of our company or our parent company or majority owner is in the State of Texas. [� I �3177�7�1 ��� cor���c�iN�, ��c By: ���� G- �w��t��� Company Address Signature: ��o ./J �i�--S�-?S'- F'.0. BOX 24139 Title: ��- �. i'. City/State/Zip ' Date: / 1 � zv �/ �� END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 20� 10627 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 Revised South Main Re-Bid Add 2 Proposai Workbook 0011 l3-I INVITATION TO BIDDERS Pagc 1 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 SECTION 00 11 13 INVITATION TO BIDDERS RECEIPT OF BIDS Sealed bids for the construction of South Main Street (Vickery Blvd. to Magnolia Ave.), City Project No. 02113 will be received by the City of Fort Worth Purchasing Office: City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Until 1:30 P.M. CST, T{:ursday, November 20, 2014, and bids will be opened publicly and read aloud at 2:00 PM CST in the Council Chambers. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK The major work will consist of the (approximate) following: 110 LF 42" RCP, Class III 1,595 LF 30" RCP, Class III 305 LF 24" RCP, Class III 531 LF 21" RCP, Class III 69 LF 5'x3' RCB 286 LF 5'x2' RCB 2 EA '7' Junction Box 6 EA 4' Junction Box 1 EA 20' Inlets 28 EA 10' Inlets 18,756 SY 8" Conc. Pavement 80,582 SF 4" Conc. Sidewalk 4,521 LF 16" Water Pipe 1,043 LF 12" Water Pipe 19 EA 16" Gate Valve (Direct Bury) 22 EA 12" Gate Valve 900 LF 18" Sanitary Sewer 491 LF 12" Sanitary Sewer 152 LF 10" Sanitary Sewer 4,060 LF 8" Sanitary Sewer 36 EA 4' Manhole 1 LS Landscaping and Irrigation This project was originally advertised on May 8, 2014 and sealed bids were opened on June 19, 2014. All bids were rejected from the original bid opening. The project is being rebid due to changes in scope necessary to meet the goals and objectives of the City of Fort Worth and Fort Worth South, Inc. Several items were removed from the project to establish a base bid which are reflected in the plans and specifications provided with the bid package. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT Revised July 1, 20l 1 South Main Strcet City Project No. 02113 0011 13-2 INVITATION TO BIDDERS Pagc 2 of 3 1 Base Bid — Reduced concrete section for traffic lanes to eight inch and seven inch for parking 2 lanes. Full pavement replacement of South Main Street from Rosedale to Magnolia has been 3 removed (added concrete improvements on east and west side of South Main) and included 4 permanent utility trench repair and surface repair to existing asphalt pavement for this section of 5 the project. Other items that are part of the base bid: reduced the amount of Structural Soil, 6 provided stamped concrete crosswalks, and allow asphalt millings for temporary repairs of utility 7 trenches. 8 9 There are a series of additive alternates included in this bid. A brief description of each is as 10 follows: 11 Additive Alternate # 1— Install one half (1' �") of the brick paver band (Finish B) behind the 12 curb from Vickery Blvd. to Magnolia Ave. 13 Additive Alternate # 2— In Lieu of the stamped concrete crosswalks at the intersections indicated 14 in the plans and replace with brick pavers (Finish C). 15 Additive Alternate # 3— Install the other half (1'-4"; 2'-8" total width) of the brick paver band 16 (Finish B) behind the curb from Vickery Blvd, to Magnolia Ave. 17 Additive Alternate # 4— Install brick pavers (Finish D) in the intersection of South Main Street 18 and E. Dagget Ave., W. Broadway Ave., and Pennsylvania Ave. 19 Additive Alternate # 5—Install a band of brick pavers (Finish D) around the planter beds. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PREQUALIFICATION The improvements included in this project must be performed by a contractor who is pre- qualified by the City at the time of bid opening. The procedures for qualification and pre- qualification are outlined in the Section 00 21 13 — INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. 27 Bidders will also be subject to provide their proposed team members and their proposed 28 subcontractors with a list of past similar landscape and streetscape enhancement projects of all 29 members. See section 00 21 13 — INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS of the contract documents for 30 details. 31 32 DOCUMENT EXAMINATION AND PROCUREMENTS 33 34 The Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined or obtained on-line by visiting the City 35 of Fort Worth's Purchasing Division website at http://www.fortworth o�.org/purchasin�/ and 36 clicking on the Buzzsaw link to the advertised project folders on the City's Buzzsaw site. The 37 Contract Documents may be downloaded, viewed, and printed by interested contractors and/or 38 suppliers. 39 Copies of the Bidding and Contract Documents may be purchased from DiJNAWAY 40 ASSOCIATES, which is located at: 550 Bailey Avenue Suite 400, Fort Worth, Texas 76107. 41 42 The cost of Bidding and Contract Documents is: 43 Set of Bidding and Contract Documents with full size drawings: $320.00 44 Set of Bidding and Contract Documents with half size drawings: $160.00 45 46 PREBID CONFERENCE 47 A prebid conference will be held as described in Section 00 21 13 - INSTRUCTIONS TO 48 BIDDERS at the following location, date, and time: 49 DATE: Wednesday, November S`�', 2014 50 TIME: 10: 00 AM CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICAT[ON DOCUMENT Reviscd July 1, 2011 South Main Strcct City Project No. 02113 U 001113-3 INVITATION TO BIDDERS Pagc 3 of 3 J � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 K�a PLACE: City of Fort Worth — PMO Conference Room (255A) LOCATION: 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 CITY'S RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJ�CT BIDS City reserves the right to waive irregularities and to accept or reject bids. FUNDING Any Contract awarded under this INVITATION TO BIDDERS is expected to be funded from revenues generated from NCTCOG, TIF # 4, the City of Fort Worth, and Tarrant County. INQUIRIES All inquiries relative to this procurement should be addressed to the following: Attn: Patrick Buckley, P.E., Transportation and Public Works Email: Patrick.Buckley�a�fortworthtexas. _o�v Phone: (817) 392-2443 Fax: (817) 392- 2483 AND/OR Attn: Jeff Davis, P.E., Dunaway Associates, L.P. Email: JDavis@dunaway-assoc.com Phone: (817) 335-1121 ADVERTISEMENT DATES Thursday, October 23 2014 Thursday, October 30, 2014 Bidders will also be subject to a streetscape pre-qualifcation submittal to bid on this project. See section 00 21 13 — INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS of the contract documents for details. Bidders shall provide a list of all team members and subcontractors with a list of past similar landscape and streetscape enhancement projects of these team members. END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT Revised July l, 20ll South Main Strect City Project No. 02113 00 21 I3 - 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Pagc 1 of 9 SECTION 00 21 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS l. De�ned Terms 1.1. Terms used in these INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, which are defined in Section 00 72 00 - GENERAL CONDITIONS. 1.2. Certain additional terms used in these INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS have the meanings indicated below which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof. 1.2.1. Bidder: Any person, iirm, partnership, company, association, or corporation acting directly through a duly authorized representative, submitting a bid for performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents. 1.2.2. Nonresident Bidder: Any person, firm, partnership, company, association, or corporation acting directly through a duly authorized representative, submitting a bid for performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents whose principal place of business is not in the State of Texas. 1.2.3. Successful Bidder: The lowest responsible and responsive Bidder to whom City (on the basis of City's evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. 2. Copies of Bidding Documents 2.1. Neither City nor Engineer shall assume any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the Bidders use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.2. City and Engineer in making copies of Bidding Documents available do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids for the Work and do not authorize or confer a license or grant for any other use. 3. Prequalification of Bidders (Prime Contractors and Subcontractors) 3.1. All Bidders and their subcontractors are required to be prequalifed for the work types requiring prequalification at the time of bidding. Bids received from contractors who are not prequalified (even if inadvertently opened) shall not be considered. 3.2. Each Bidder unless currently prequalified, must be prepared to submit to City within seven (7) calendar days prior to Bid opening, the documentation identified in Section 00 45 11, BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS. 3.2.1. Submission of and/or questions related to prequaliiication should be addressed to the City contact as provided in Paragraph 6.1. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Dcccmber 20, 2012 South Main Street City Project No. 021( 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 002113-2 INSTRUCT[ONS TO BIDDERS Page 2 of 9 3.3. The City reserves the right to require any pre-qualified contractor who is the apparent low bidder(s) for a project to submit such additional information as the City, in its sole discretion may require, including but not limited to manpower and equipment records, information about key personnel to be assigned to the project, and construction schedule, to assist the City in evaluating and assessing the ability of the apparent low bidder(s) to deliver a quality product and successfully complete projects for the amount bid within the stipulated time frame. Based upon the City's assessment of the submitted information, a recommendation regarding the award of a contract will be made to the City Council. Failure to submit the additional information, if requested, may be grounds for rejecting the apparent low bidder as non-responsive. Affected contractors will be notified in writing of a recommendation to the City Council. 3.4. In addition to prequalification, additional requirements for qualification may be required within various sections of the Contract Documents. 3.5. Streetscape At the time of bid opening, contractor shall provide a list of all team members and sub- contractors with a list of past similar landscape and streetscape enhancement projects of those team members. City will review all teams and will select a contractor based on a composite score of the bid price (60%) and team (contractor and sub-contractors) project experience (40%). Project experience will be evaluated and ranked accordingly by a committee established by the City. 4. Examination of Bidding and Contract Documents, Other Related Data, and Site 4.1. Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder shall: 4.1.1. Examine and carefully study the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Bidding Documents (including "technical data" referred to in Paragraph 4.2. below). No information given by City or any representative of the City other than that contained in the Contract Documents and officially promulgated addenda thereto, shall be binding upon the City. 4.1.2. Visit the site to become familiar with and satisfy Bidder as to the general, local and site conditions that may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 4.1.3. Consider federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 4.1.4. Be advised, City, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifes all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration of award. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Reviscd December 20, 2012 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 0021 13-3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Pagc 3 of 9 1 4.1.5. Study all: (i) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or 2 contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions relating to existing 3 surface or subsurface structures at the Site (not including Subsurface Underground 4 Engineering) that have been identified in the Contract Documents as containing 5 reliable "technical data" and (ii) reports and drawings of Hazardous Environmental 6 Conditions, if any, at the Site that have been identified in the Contract Documents ' 7 as containing reliable "technical data." 8 ' 9 4.1.6. Be advised that the Contract Documents on iile with the City shall constitute all of ' 10 the information which the City will furnish. All additional infarmation and data 11 which the City will supply after promulgation of the formal Contract Documents 12 shall be issued in the form of written addenda and shall become part of the Contract 13 Documents just as though such addenda were actually written into the original 14 Contract Documents. No information given by the City other than that contained in I S the Contract Documents and officially promulgated addenda thereto, shall be 16 binding upon the City. 17 18 4.1.7. Perform independent research, investigations, tests, borings, and such other means 19 as may be necessary to gain a complete knowledge, of the conditions which will be 20 encountered during the construction of the project. On request, City may provide 21 each Bidder access to the site to conduct such examinations, investigations, 22 explorations, tests and studies as each Bidder deems necessary for submission of a 23 Bid. Bidder must fill all holes and clean up and restore the site to its former 24 conditions upon completion of such explorations, investigations, tests and studies. 25 26 4.1.8. Determine the difficulties of the Work and all attending circumstances affecting the 27 cost of doing the Work, time required for its completion, and obtain all information 28 required to make a proposal. Bidders shall rely exclusively and solely upon their 29 own estimates, investigation, research, tests, explorations, and other data which are 30 necessary for full and complete information upon which the proposal is to be based. 31 It is understood that the submission of a proposal is prima-facie evidence that the 32 Bidder has made the investigation, examinations and tests herein required. Claims 33 for additional compensation due to variations between conditions actually 34 encountered in construction and as indicated in the Contract Documents will not be 35 allowed. 36 37 4.1.9. Promptly notify City of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies in or 38 between the Contract Documents and such other related documents. The Contractor 39 shall not take advantage of any gross error or omission in the Contract Documents, 40 and the City shall be permitted to make such corrections or interpretations as may 41 be deemed necessary for fulfillment of the intent of the Contract Documents. 42 43 4.2. Reference is made to Section 00 73 00 — Supplementary Conditions for identification of: 44 45 4.2.1. those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to 46 the site which have been utilized by City in preparation of the Contract Documents. 47 The logs of Soil Borings, if any, on the plans are for general information only. 48 Neither the City nor the Engineer guarantee that the data shown is representative of 49 conditions which actually exist. 50 CITY OF FORT WORTH Soudt Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Reviscd December 20, 2012 00 21 13 - 4 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 4 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4.2.2. those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures (except Underground Facilities) which are at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by City in preparation of the Contract Documents. 4.2.3. copies of such reports and drawings will be made available by City to any Bidder on request. Those reports and drawings may not be part of the Contract Documents, but the "technical data" contained therein upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.02, of the General Conditions has been identified and established in Paragraph SC 4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions. Bidder is responsible for any interpretation or conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or any other data, interpretations, opinions or information. 43. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder (i) that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Paragraph 4, (ii) that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and applying the specific means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction (if any) that may be shown or indicated or expressly required by the Contract Documents, (iii) that Bidder has given City written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities and discrepancies in the Contract Documents and the written resolutions thereof by City are acceptable to Bidder, and when said conflicts, etc., have not been resolved through the interpretations by City as described in Paragraph 6., and (iv) that the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work. 4.4. The provisions of this Paragraph 4, inclusive, do not apply to Asbestos, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material covered by Paragraph 4.06. of the General Conditions, unless specifically identified in the Contract Documents. 5. Availability of Lands for Work, Etc. 5.1. The lands upon which the Worlc is to be performed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto and other lands designated for use by Contractor in performing the Work are identified in the Contract Documents. All additional lands and access thereto required for temporary construction facilities, construction equipment or storage of materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Work are to be obtained and paid for by Contractar. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities are to be obtained and paid for by City unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 5.2. Outstanding right-of-way, easements, and/or permits to be acquired by the City are listed in Paragraph SC 4.01 of the Supplementary Conditions. In the event the necessary right- of-way, easements, and/or permits are not obtained, the City reserves the right to cancel the award of contract at any time before the Bidder begins any construction work on the proj ect. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised Dccember 20, 2012 South Main Strect City Project No. 02113 00 21 13 - 5 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Pagc S of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 5.3. The Bidder shall be prepared to commence construction without all executed right-of- way, easements, and/or permits, and shall submit a schedule to the City of how construction will proceed in the other areas of the project that do not require permits and/or easements. 6. Interpretations and Addenda 6.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be directed to City in writing on or before 2 p.m., the Monday prior to the Bid opening. Questions received after this day may not be responded to. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by City in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda delivered to all parties recorded by City as having received the Bidding Documents. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. Address questions to: City of Fort Worth 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Attn: Patrick Buckley, P.E., Transportation and Public Works Fax: (817) 372-6543 Email: Patrick.Buckley�a�fortworthtexas.gov Phone: (817) 392-2443 6.2. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by City. 6.3. Addenda or clarifications may be posted via Buzzsaw at https://projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/fortworthgov 6.4. A prebid conference may be held at the time and place indicated in the Advertisement or INVITATION TO BIDDERS. Representatives of City will be present to discuss the Project. Bidders are encouraged to attend and participate in the conference. City will transmit to all prospective Bidders of record such Addenda as City considers necessary in response to questions arising at the conference. Oral statements may not be relied upon and will not be binding or legally effective. 7. Bid Security 7.1. Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Bond made payable to City in an amount of five (5) percent of Bidder's maximum Bid price on form attached, issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraphs 5.01 of the General Conditions. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcviscd Dccembcr 20, 2012 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 002113-6 INSTRUCT[ONS TO BIDDERS Page 6 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 7.2. The Bid Bond of all Bidders will be retained until the conditions of the Notice of Award have been satisfied. If the Successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the complete Agreement within 10 days after the Notice of Award, City may consider Bidder to be in default, rescind the Notice of Award, and the Bid Bond of that Bidder will be forfeited. Such forfeiture shall be City's exclusive remedy if Bidder defaults. The Bid Bond of all other Bidders whom City believes to have a reasonable chance of receiving the award will be retained by City until final contract execution. 8. Contract Times The number of days within which, or the dates by which, Milestones are to be achieved in accordance with the General Requirements and the Work is to be completed and ready for Final Acceptance is set forth in the Agreement or incorporated therein by reference to the attached Bid Form. 9. Liquidated Damages Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement. 10. Substitute and "Or-Equal" Items The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of materials and equipment described in the Bidding Documents without consideration of possible substitute or "or-equal" items. Whenever it is indicated or specified in the Bidding Documents that a"substitute" or "or- equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by Contractor if acceptable to City, application for such acceptance will not be considered by City until after the Effective Date of the Agreement. The procedure for submission of any such application by Contractor and consideration by City is set forth in Paragraphs 6.OSA., 6.OSB. and 6.OSC. of the General Conditions and is supplemented in Section O1 25 00 of the General Requirements. 11. Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others 11.1. In accordance with the City's Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance No. 20020- 12-2011 (as amended), the City has goals for the participation of minority business and/or small business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The Bidder shall submit the MBE and SBE Utilization Form, Subcontractor/Supplier Utilization Form, Prime Contractor Waiver Form and/or Good Faith Effort Form with documentation and/or Joint Venture Form as appropriate. The Forms including documentation must be received by the City no later than 5:00 P.M. CST, five (5) City business days after the bid opening date. The Bidder shall obtain a receipt from the City as evidence the documentation was received. Failure to comply shall render the bid as non- responsrve. 11.2. No Contractor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, other person or organization against whom Contractor has reasonable objection. 12. Bid Form 12.1. The Bid Form is included with the Bidding Documents; additional copies may be obtained from the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Decembcr 20, 2012 South Main Strect City Projcct No. 02113 00 21 13 - 7 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 7 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 12.2. All blanks on the Bid Form must be completed by printing in ink and the Bid Form signed in ink. Erasures or alterations shall be initialed in ink by the person signing the Bid Form. A Bid price shall be indicated for each Bid item, alternative, and unit price item listed therein. In the case of optional alternatives, the words "No Bid," "No Change," or "Not Applicable" may be entered. Bidder shall state the prices, written in ink in both words and numerals, for which the Bidder proposes to do the work contemplated or furnish materials required. All prices shall be written legibly. In case of discrepancy between price in written words and the price in written numerals, the price in written words shall govern. 12.3. Bids by corporations shall be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The corporate seal shall be affixed. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the signature. 12.4. Bids by partnerships shall be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, whose title must appear under the signature accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The official address of the partnership shall be shown below the signature. 12.5. Bids by limited liability companies shall be executed in the name of the firm by a member and accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The state of formation of the firm and the offcial address of the firm shall be shown. 12.6. 12.7. 12.8. 12.9. Bids by individuals shall show the Bidder's name and official address. Bids by joint ventures shall be executed by each joint venturer in the manner indicated on the Bid Form. The official address of the joint venture shall be shown. All names shall be typed or printed in ink below the signature. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda, the numbers of which shall be filled in on the Bid Form. 12.10. Postal and e-mail addresses and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid shall be shown. 12.11. Evidence of authority to conduct business as a Nonresident Bidder in the state of Texas shall be provided in accordance with Section 00 43 37 — Vendor Compliance to State Law Non Resident Bidder. 13. Submission of Bids Bids shall be submitted on the prescribed Bid Form, provided with the Bidding Documents, at the time and place indicated in the Advertisement or INVITATION TO BIDDERS, addressed to City Manager of the City, and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope, marked with the City Project Number, Project title, the name and address of Bidder, and accompanied by the Bid security and other required documents. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised Decembcr 20, 2012 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 002113-8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDGRS Pagc 8 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 14. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids 14.1. Bids addressed to the City Manager and filed with the Purchasing Office cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for bid opening. A request for withdrawal must be made in writing by an appropriate document duly executed in the manner that a Bid must be executed and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. After all Bids not requested for withdrawal are opened and publicly read aloud, the Bids for which a withdrawal request has been properly filed may, at the option of the City, be returned unopened. 14.2. Bidders may modify their Bid by electronic communication at any time prior to the time set for the closing of Bid receipt. 15. Opening of Bids Bids will be opened and read aloud publicly at the place where Bids are to be submitted. An abstract of the amounts of the base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made available to Bidders after the opening of Bids. 16. Bids to Remain Subject to Acceptance All Bids will remain subject to acceptance for the time period specifed for Notice of Award and execution and delivery of a complete Agreement by Successful Bidder. City may, at City's sole discretion, release any Bid and nullify the Bid security prior to that date. 17. Evaluation of Bids and Award of Contract 17.1. City reserves tbe right to reject any or all Bids, including without limitation the rights to reject any or all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids and to reject the Bid of any Bidder if City believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive ar the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by City. City also reserves the right to waive informalities not involving price, contract time or changes in the Work with the Successful Bidder. Discrepancies between the multiplication of units of Work and unit prices will be resolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. Discrepancies between words and figures will be resolved in favor of the words. 17.1.1. Any or ali bids will be rejected if City has reason to believe that collusion exists among the Bidders, Bidder is an interested party to any litigation against City, City or Bidder may have a claim against the other ar be engaged in litigation, Bidder is in arrears on any existing contract or has defaulted on a previous contract, Bidder has performed a prior contract in an unsatisfactory manner, or Bidder has uncompleted work which in the judgment of the City will prevent or hinder the prompt completion of additional work if awarded. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised Dccember 20, 2012 South Main Strcet City Projcct No. 02113 002113-9 INSTRUCT[ONS TO BIDDERS Pagc 9 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 17.2. City may consider the qualifications and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations must be submitted as provided in the Contract Documents or upon the request of the City. City also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 17.3. City may conduct such investigations as City deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications, and fnancial ability of Bidders, proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to perform and furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to City's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 17.4. Contractor shall perform with his own organization, work of a value not less than 35% of the value embraced on the Contract, unless otherwise approved by the City. 17.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to lowest responsible and responsive Bidder whose evaluation by City indicates that the award will be in the best interests of the City. 17.6. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 2252.001, the City will not award contract to a Nonresident Bidder unless the Nonresident Bidder's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas Bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a Nonresident Bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresident's principal place of business is located. 17.7. A contract is not awarded until formal City Council authorization. If the Contract is to be awarded, City will award the Contract within 90 days after the day of the Bid opening unless extended in writing. No other act of City or others will constitute acceptance of a Bid. Upon the contractor award a Notice of Award will be issued by the City. 17.8. Failure or refusal to comply with the requirements may result in rejection of Bid. 18. Signing of Agreement When City issues a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement. Within 14 days thereafter Contractor shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement to City with the required Bonds, Certificates of Insurance, and all other required documentation. City shall thereafter deliver one fully signed counterpart to Contractor. END OF S�CTION CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Decembcr 20, 2012 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 003513 BID FORM Page 1 of 1 SECTION 00 35 13 CONFLICT OF INTEREST AFFIDAVIT Each bidder, offeror, or respondent (hereinafter also referred to as "you") to a City of Fort Worth (also referred to as "City") procurement are required to complete Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (the attached CIQ Form) and Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement (the attached CIS Form) below pursuant to state law. This affidavit will certify that the Bidder has on file with the City Secretary the required documentation and is eligible to bid on City Work. The referenced forms may also be downloaded from the website links provided below. http.//www.ethics. state.tx. us/forms/CIQ. pdf http://wwv�. ethics. state.tx. us/forms/CI S. pdf 0 � 0 � _ �� i CIQ Form is on file with City Secretary CiQ Form is being provided to the City Secretary CIS Form is on File with City Secretary CIS Form is being provided to the City Secretary ,iLB COI�TRACTtN�, �.lC gy: .J �-�, �S �. �1�.� � ��� Company �•ti• �OX24�31 Signature: �.�' � ��— Address RTH, TX 76124 Title: �� _ Y, p. City/State/Zip Date: l/�z����l END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 20120327 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 Revised South Main Re-Bid Add 2 Proposal Workbook 00 41 00 BID FORM Page i of 3 TO: The City Manager clo: The Purchasing Department 1000 Throckmorton Street City of Fort Worth, Texas 76102 FOR: City Project No.: 02113 SOUTH MAIN STREET VICKERY BLVD. TO MAGNOLIA AVE. Units/Sections: UNIT 1- WATER IMPROVEMENTS UNIT 2 - SEWER IMPROVEMENTS UNIT 3- PAVING, DRAINAGE, LIGHTING AND STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 1. Enter Into Agreement The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, io enter into an Agreement with City in the form included in the Bidding Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. BIDDER Acknowledgements and Certification 2.1. In submitting this Bid, Bidder accepts ali of the terms and conditions of the INVITATION TO BIDDERS and INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. 2.2. Bidder is aware of ail costs to provide the required insurance, will do so pending contract award, and will provide a valid insurance certificate meeting all requirements within 14 days of notification of award. 2.3. Bidder certifies that this Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed individuai or ehtity and is not submitted in conformity with any coilusive agreement or rules of any group, association, organization, or corporation. 2.4. Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid. 2.5. Bidder has not solicited or induced any individual or entity to refrain from bidding. 2.6. Bidder has not engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, coliusive, or coercive practices in competing for the Contract. For the purposes of this Paragraph: a. "corrupt practice" means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any thing of value iikely to influence the action of a public o�cial in the bidding process. b. "fraudulent practice" means an intentional misrepresentation of facts made (a) to influence the bidding process to the detriment of City (b) to establish Bid prices at artificiai non-competitive levels, or (c) to deprive City of the benefits of free and open competition. c. "collusive practice" means a scheme or arrangement beiween two or more Bidders, with or without the knowledge of Ciry, a purpose of which is to estabiish Bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels. d. "coercive practice" means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectiy, persons or their property to influence their participation in the bidding process or affect the execution of the Coniract. SECTION 00 41 00 BID FORM CITY OF FORT WORTH SouU Main Streei STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 � Form Revised 20120327 Revised Soufh Main Re-Bltl Add 2 Proposat WorkUooK 00 41 00 BID FORM Page 2 of 3 3. Prequalification The Bidder acknowledges that the foliowing work types must be performed only by prequalified contractors and subcontractors: a. Water Transmission, Urban/Renewal, 30-inches and smalier b. Sewer Interceptors, Urban/Renewal, 18-inches and smaller c. Paving Improvements d. Drainage Improvements e. Lighting Improvements f. Streetscape Improvements 4. Time of Compietion 4.1. The Work wili be complete for Final Accepiance within 540 calendar days after the date when the the Contract Time commences to run as provided in Paragraph 2.03 of the Generai Conditions. 4.2. Bidder accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to compiete the Work fand/or achievemeni of Milestones} within the times specified in the Agreement. 5. Attached to this Bid The foliowing documents are attached to and made a part of this Bid: a. This Bid �orm, Section 00 41 00 b. Required Bid Bond, Section 00 43 13 issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraph 5.01 of the General Conditions. c. Proposai Form, Section 00 42 43 d. Vendor Compliance to State Law Non Resident Bidder, Section 00 43 37 e. MWBE Forms (optional attime of bid) f. Prequalification Statement, Section 00 45 12 g. Conflict of Interest Affidavit, Section 00 35 13 `If necessary, CIQ or CIS forms are to be provided directiy to City Secretary h. Any additlonal documents that may be required by Seciion 12 of the Instructions to Bidders 6. Total Bid Amount 6.1. Bidder wiil complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents for the following bid amount. In the space provided below, please enter the total bid amount for this project. Only this figure will be read publiciy by the City at the bid opening. 6.2. It is understood and agreed by the Bidder in signing this proposal that the total bid amount entered below is subject to verification andlor modification by multipiying the unit bid prices for each pay item by the respective estimated qUantities shown in this proposal and then totaling ali of the extended amounts. 6.3. Evaluation of Alternate Bid items Totai Base Bid $7,673,622.76 Additive Altemate #1 $87,362.40 Additive Aitemate #2 $77,230.00 Additive Altemate #3 $87,362.40 Additive Altemate #4 $102,613.33 Additive Altemate #5 $37,200.00 Totai Bid $8,065,390.89 CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Sireet STANDP,F2D CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02'113 Form Revised 20120327 Revised South Main Re-Bid Add 2 Proposal WorkbooK 00 41 00 BID fORM Page 3 of 3 7. Bid Submittai This Bid is submitted on Thursday, November 20, 2014 by the entity named below. Respectfuliy submitted, Receipt is acknowiedged of the Initial ' / foilowin Addenda: By: �(��v,�✓ -� �—�`�"�� Addendum No. 1: (Signature) Addendum No. 2: Addendum No. 3: James G Humphrev Addendum No. 4: (Printed Name) Title: Sr Vice President Company: JLB Contracting, LLC Address: PO Box 24131 Fort Worth, Texas 76124 State of Incorporation: Texas Email: Phone: 817-261-2991 END OF SEC710N Corporate Seal: ��1111111/�� ���, G� �N G' <<����i ,`� ,,,A �N����h� � �`��' • �' ' < . , � ��� �Q� 'S E ' i cn = =m: L� /` `{� Y.: X= � � �• ��� 7 : �� O. O I � � ��, O� ''� ~���s���N� � `�` ,,,�� ��R iiii�4 ``• CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 20120327 South Main Sireet Cify Project No. 02113 Revised South Main Re-Bitl Add 2 Proposal WorkbooK � \k:l: i'li)IV IIII J2 J3 1'KUIY/JA�. I�UI2AI UNI'I' PItIC4' ISII) ilidder's.\pPlicalion � 1l:1'I'IUIV UU J1 JS YILUI'UJAI, hU1N1 Url'1' PRICk: ItiII Iliddcr's ApVlicalion �' ,t:l �,�,N U� JZ 4� 1'ILVI'U1AI. �-VKA7 UNI'I' PltiCh: RID ��id�ler's Applicntion � secnun uu az as r�cuivsn�. ruitm uNrr ruice, nm iraa�� : nvp���nua�� 'fn"I'AI. UII) c%.IIfi5.3Y11.%Y F.NU OF SF:CI'lON oa�asu-� BIDDF.RS PR�QUAI.IFICATIONS Yage 1 of 3 � s�cTzorr oa as �� 2 �IDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS 3 4 ].. Sun�maty. All contractors are required to be prequaliited by tiie City p�•ior to st�bmitting 5 bids. To Ue eligible to bid tlie contcactoc must submit Section 00 45 12, Prequfllification G Statement foi• tlie �vork type(s) listed rvith tl�eir Bid. Any contr•actor or st�bconh•actor wlia is ' 7 not pa•ec�ualified for the work type(s) listed inust saibmit Seetion 00 4S 13, Bidder 8 Pt•ec�ualificatian Application iii aceordeitce �vitll t{ie requicements Uelo�v. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 The preqaali�catio�i pi•ocess �vill establisli a bid liuiit based on a technica] ev�li�ation aiid financial analysis of tl�e contracto�', The iuformatiou must be st►binitted severi {7) cfays �rior to the date of the opening of bids, For example, a contraetor wishing to submit bids on pcojects to be opened on the 7th of April must file the info�•mafion by the 31st day of March in order to Uid oi� tliese projects. In orde�• to expedife aud facilitate tl�e approval of a Bidder's Pi•equali�cetio�i Application, the follo�vii�g must accompany t(ie submissioii. a. A complete set of aiidited or revie�ved fi�iaticial statetnents. (1) Classified Balance Sl�eet (2) Incotjte Statement (3) Staiement of Cash Flows (4) Statement of Retained Earnings (5} Notes to tlie Financial Statements, if any b. A certified copy of tiie firiT�'s organizatianal doctunents (Coi•parate Chac�ter, Acticles of Ti�cor��oratio», Articles af Orgauizafioii, Cei�tiiicate of Forii�,atio�i, LLC Regulations, Cectificaie of Limited Pactnership Agreement). c. A cai��pleted Bidder Prequalifieation Application. (1) Tlie fir�li's Texas Taxpayer ldeirtificatian Numbe►• as issued by the TeYas Co�npteollee of Put�lic Accounts. To obtaiu a Texas Taxpayer ldentification nutnbct• visit the Te�as Comptroller of Public Accounts online. at the followi►ig web address ww�v.�vindo�v.siate.tx.us/tax��ermit/ and �Il out the application to apply foi• your Texas tax 1D. (2) "I'l�e firm's e-mail addeess ant[ fax nun�ber. (3) T'l�e firm's DUNS number as issued by Dun & Bradstceet This number is used by the City for requir•ed reporting on Pedei�al Aid p�•ojects. The DUNS number may be abtained at �v�vw.dnb.eom. d, Resumes reflecting the canstructioi� eaperience of the priuciples af the firm for firms submitting their iuitial pi•equalification. These resumes shou(d iiiclude tha size a�id scope of the �vork perfoi•�a�ecl. e. Otiier infoi•�n�tion as req�tested by tlie City. 40 2. Prequalificatio�i Ree�uiremeuts 41 a. Fi»anciai Statenreitts. Fivancial statement suE�missiou musf be p►•ovided in q2 accordance �vith tlie follo�vi�ig: 43 (1) The City ►•equires that the ot•igiu�l Fin�ncial Statement or a certified copy 44 be submitted for considecation, Cl"I'Y Ol� FOR'1' RlORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTfON SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Rcviscd Jtily L, 20l I SouHt D4ain Street City Project I�o. 021 l3 0045 (1 -2 13lDbGRS PRLQUALIFICA7'IONS Page 2 of 3 1 (2) To be satisfactoJy, the finaneial stafe�Yie�its ►uust be auclited o►• revie�ved 2 by a�i independent, certiiied public accouuti►tg firm registered and in 3 good stauding in any sfate. Current Tesas statues also renuire that 4 accounting firms performing ludits or revie�vs on busiuess entities within 5 tlie State of Te�+as be propei•ly liceiised or re�is#ered tvitl� the TeYas Stafe G Boacd of Publ'sc Accouniancy. '7 (3) Tl�e accow�ting �i•m should staie in flie audit 1•epoi�t or i•evie�v �vliether 8 the co�itractoa� is an i�ldividual, corporatia�, oc• li�nited liability company. 9 (4} Firiancial Stateu�ents �nust be p�•esented i�i U.S. dollars at tl�e carrent rate 10 of exchange of the Balai�ce Sheet date. 1 l (S} The City will not recognize any cei•ti�ed public acconutant as 12 iudependerrt �vl�o is not, i�� fact, independent. 13 (G) Tl�e accountanYs opinion on tlie fin�ncial statements oi the co��tracting 14 company sl�ould state that tlie audit or cevie�v I��s been conducted in 1 S accordance �vith anditing st�ndacds generally accepted i�l the United 1G Stfltes of America. This vnist be stated i�i the aecounting firm's opi��ioti. I7 It sliould: (1) eapt•ess an u►ic�tialified opiiiion, or {2) expcess a c�i�alified 18 o�sinion on the statements taken as a�vhole. 19 (7) The City reserves the right to require a ne�v statement at any time. 20 (8) The financial stateil�ent ���ust be prepared as of the last day of any month, 21 not more thaii oue year old and must Ue on �le with the City ib mouths 22 thereafter, in accordauee �r�itl� Paragcaph 1. 23 (9) The City �vill deYermine a coiitractor's biddiiig capacity for the pili•poses 24 of a�varding cont�•acts. Bidding capacity is dete�•mitied by n�ultiplying tl�e 25 posifive net �vorking capital (�vorkiug capital = curreut assets — eucreut 26 liabilities) by a factor of 10, Only tl�ose statements reflecting a positive 2'1 net �vorking capital positio�i �vill be considered satisfactoiy for 28 prequalification putposes. 29 (10) In the case that a biciding date falls �viiliin the time a ue�v �nancial 34 statement is being prep�red, tl�e pcevious statement shall be updateci �vith 31 praper veri�cation. 32 b. BicJdei� Pre�It�alifrcation Applicalia�r. A Bidder Prequalification Application must be 33 submitted along rvitli audited o�• i•evie�ved finaiicial stateme�its by firms �visl�ing ta be 34 eligible to bid on all classes of const�•uction aud maiuteuance projeefs. Incomplete 35 Applications �vill be rejected. 3G (1) In tliose schedales �vl�ere there is nothing to repo��t, the nofation of 37 "Noite" or "N/A" should be inserted. 38 (2) A minimtun of five (5) refecences of related tivork must be p�•ovided. 39 (3) Si�bmission of ai� ec�uipment schedule �vf�ich indicates equipment ui�der 40 tl�e control of the Contractar and wllich is related to tf�e fype of wock far 41 �vhich the Contactor is seeking prequ�lifcation. The schedule must 42 include the mant�factucer, modellnd geueral eo�i�u�on desci�iption af �3 each piece of enui�ment. Abbreviations oc n�eans of describing ��4 equipment otbe�• tE�au provided above �vill uot be accepted. 45 4G 3. �ligibilit,y to Bid 47 a. Tlie City sliall be the sole j�tc�ge as to a co�itraciar's prequalification, 48 b, The City may reject, suspeiid, or �uodify any pi•eqlialification for faih�re by tlie 49 contractor fo demonstrate acceptable finattcial ability or perfot•mance. SO c. The City will issue a letter as to the status of the pa•ec�uali�cation approval. CITY OF FOR7' �VORTIi Sotilh Main Slreet S'CANDAItll CONSTRUCTION SPF.CtFICATION DOCUM6NT5 City Project No. 0?.1 l3 Re��ised July I, 2011 0045 il -3 BIDDERS PRGQUALIFICATIONS Page 3 of 3 1 d, If a eovtractoi• lias a valid prequalifcation letter, ttie eontractor �vil[ be eligible to bid 2 tite prec�ualified ��rot�k types utitil tlie expii•atio�i date stated in the lettei•. 3 4 5 6 7 8 �ND OF S�CTION 9 C17'Y OI' 1'OIt7' \'1'ORTH South Mai�i Slrcet STANDARn CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[QN DOCUMCN7'S City Projcct No. 02113 Re��ised July 1, 2Ql I 00 45 12 BID FORM Page 1 of 1 SECTION 00 45 12 PREQUAUFICATION STATEMENT Each Bidder for a City procurement is required to complete the information below by identifying the prequalified contractors and/or subcontractors whom they intend to utilize for the major work type(s) listed. Major Work Type Contractor/Subcontractor Company Name Prequalification Expiration Date Water Transmission, Urban/Renewal, 30-inches and M-Co Construction, Inc Jun-15 smaller Sewer Interceptors, Urban/Renewal, 18-inches and M-Co Construction, inc Jun-15 smaller Paving Improvements JLB Contracting, LLC Jan-15 Drainage Improvements M-Co Construction, Inc N/A Lighting improvements Mel's Electric Jul-15 Streetscape Improvements Green Scaping N/A The undersigned hereby ce�tifies that the contractors and/or subcontractors described in the table above are currently prequalified for the work types listed. �� JLB CONTRACTING, LLC Company Address Ciry/State/Zip Date: �'.C`9. QG�� 24�3� FQ�i I��RiH, TX 76 i 2� Bv: J � � G l-��,.►���, � Signature: ��' .� ��{-� Title: �2 , �i� P. END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 20120120 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 Revised South Main Re-Bid Add 2 Proposal Workbook 004526-1 CONTRACTOR COMPL[ANCE \VITH �VURKGR'S COMPENSA'I'lON LA\V Page 1 of I 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 l7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 S�CTION 00 45 2G CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATI�N LAW Pucsuant to Texas I,abot• Code Section 406.09G(a), as ameuded, Contractor certiiies tliat it provides �vo►�ker's compe�isation insucance covecage foi• all of its employees employed on City Project No. 02113. Coaitractor fu�•thei• certiiies that, pursuant to Texas Labor Code, Section 406.096(b), �s amended, it �vi I1 provide to City its su6contractor's cei�tificates of cou�pliance with �vorker's compensatiou coverage. CONTRACTOR; JLB CONTRACTIN Company Address LLC By; .J�s �• f�vmt�/�dLG y (Please Priut) Signature: � �'s���� � ��-�''`�_.. ?.C. ��Y i4 i � � �0� I WOR�'h;, TX 7G i 2�� City/State/Zip THE STATE 4F TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § Title; J�Q l�J� (Please Print) BEFO ME, tlie un ersigiied authority, on this day personally appeared /arnG 5�. �v�iPia��' , kno�vn to me to be tE�e pe►•son wliose name is subsccibed to the foregoiug iustr iment, and ackno�vledged to me that I�e/she e�ecuted the same as the act a��d deed of fo�• tl�e purposes and eonsidei•ation tlierein expi•essec ic i i � �iii stnted. GIVEN�JNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE tl�is /3,rf� day of _t/p� , zol� ��L� �G�'v!`�' Notay Public iii atid for the State of Texas �ND OF SECTION 111111I P�----TJ � ,; �1�PYP��`pi LINDA OLIPHANi =?� '�"�= Notary Pubtic, State of Texas Ns• 'y; M�,� C�mmission Expires �'%%;°;;;��' iYlarch 10, 2017 CITY OF FORT �VORTH $TANDARD CONSTRUC'fION SPLCIP[CATION DOCUMF.NTS Revised July I, 2011 Soutl� Main Strcet City Projcct No. 02113 00 45 40 - 1 MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE GOAL Pagc I of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 SECTION 00 45 40 MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE GOAL APPLICATION OF POLICY If the total dollar value of the contract is greater than $50,000, then the MBE subcontracting goal may be applicable. If the total dollar value of the contract is $50,000 or less, the MBE subcontracting goal is not applicable. POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to ensure the full and equitable participation by Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) in the procurement of all goods and services. All requirements and regulations stated in the City's current Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance apply to this bid. MBE PROJECT GOAL The City's MBE goal on this project is 15% of the total bid. Note: If both MBE and SBE subcontracting goals are established for this project, then an Offeror must submit both a MBE Utilization Form and a SBE Utilization Form to be deemed responsive. COMPLIANCE TO BID SPECIFICATIONS On City contracts greater than $50,000 where a MBE subcontracting goal is applied, bidders are required to comply with the intent of the City's Business Diversity Ordinance by one of the following: 1. Meet or exceed the above stated MBE goal through MBE subcontracting participation, or 2. Meet or exceed the above stated MBE goal through MBE Joint Venture participation, or 3. Good Faith Effort documentation, or; 4. Waiver documentation. Failure to comply with the City's M/WBE Ordinance shall result in the Bid being considered non- responsive. Any questions, please contact the M/WBE Office at (817) 392-6104. SUBMITTAL OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION The applicable documents must be received by the Managing Department, within the times allocated, in order for the entire bid to be considered responsive to the specificat 1. Subcontractor Utilization Form, if goal is met orexceeded: 2. Good Faith Effort and Subcontractor Utilization Form, if participation is less than stated goaL• 3. Good Faith Effort and Subcontractor Utilization Form, if no MBE participation: 4. Prime Contractor Waiver Form, if firm will perform ali subcontracting/supplier work: 5. Joint Venture Form, if utilizing a joint venture to meet or exceed eoal. 35 END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Reviscd December 20, 2012 received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. South Main Strcct City Project No. 02l 13 005243-1 Agreement Page 1 of 4 SECTION 00 52 43 2 AGREEMENT 3 THIS AGREEMENT, authorized on February 16�' of 2015 is made by and between the City of 4 Fort Worth, a Texas home rule municipality, acting by and through its duly authorized City 5 Manager, ("City"), and JLB Contracting, LLC, authorized to do business in Texas, acting by and 6 through its duly authorized representative, ("Contractor"). 7 City and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as 8 follows: 9 Article 1. WORK 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Contractor shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Project identified herein. Article 2. PROJECT The project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is generally described as follows: South Main Street (Vickery Blvd. to MaQnolia Ave.) Ci Pro'ect No. 02113 Article 3. CONTRACT TIME 3.1 Time is of the essence. All time limits for Milestones, if any, and Final Acceptance as stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence to this Contract. 21 3:2 Final Acceptance. 22 The Work will be complete for Final Acceptance within 540 days after the date when the 23 Contract Time commences to run as provided in Paragraph 2.03 of the General Conditions. 24 3.3 Liquidated damages 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Contractor recognizes that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that City will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in Paragraph 3.2 above, plus any extension thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. The Contractor also recognizes the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding the actual loss suffered by the City if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, Contractor agrees that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty), Contractor shall pay City Sixty hundred fifty Dollars per day for normal inspection, $1,250.00 per day for full- time inspection for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 3.2 for Final Acceptance until the City issues the Final Letter of Acceptance. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 1 Article 4. CONTRACT PRICE 00 52 43 - 2 Agreement Page 2 of 4 2 City agrees to pay Contractor for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract 3 Documents an amount in current funds of Seven Million, Eight hundred Forty-Ei�ht Thousand 4 Three hundred Fortv-Seven Dollars & Fifty-Six Cents ($7,848,347.56). 5 Article 5. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 6 5.1 CONTENTS: A. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between City and Contractor concerning the Work consist of the following: 1. This Agreement. 2. Attachments to this Agreement: a. Bid Form 1) Proposal Form 2) Vendor Compliance to State Law Non-Resident Bidder 3) Prequalification Statement 4) State and Federal documents (project specific) b. Current Prevailing Wage Rate Table c. Insurance ACORD Form(s) d. Payment Bond e. Performance Bond £ Maintenance Bond g. Power of Attorney for the Bonds h. Worker's Compensation Affidavit i. MWBE Commitment Form 3. General Conditions. 4. Supplementary Conditions. 5. Specifications specifically made a part of the Contract Documents by attachment or, if not attached, as incorporated by reference and described in the Table of Contents of the ProjecYs Contract Documents. 6. Drawings. 7. Addenda. 8. Documentation submitted by Contractor prior to Notice of Award. 9. The following which may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the Agreement and, if issued, become an incorporated part of the Contract Documents: a. Notice to Proceed. b. Field Orders. c. Change Orders. d. Letter of Final Acceptance. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 00 S2 43 - 3 Agreement Page 3 of A Article 6. INDEMNIFICATION 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 id 17 18 19 20 2i 22 1.2 Contractor covenauts and agrees fo i��demnify, l�old t�ac�a�aless and defeud, at its own ex��e�ise, tT►e ciiy, iis officers, sei�vauts aud emE�loyees, from aud against any and all claims .irising otrt of, ot� atlegecl to arise out of, tlie �voric arid sea^v�ces to be performeti by fl�e cantractox�, ifs office��s, agents, emplo,yees, slibco��t�•actox�s, licenses oj• iuvitees under tl�is contract. TI►is iaiden�nificatio�i provision is suecifcally i�ate�idecl to operate and be effective eve�i if it is altegecl or prove�i that all or• some of ti�e dama�es bei�i� soughf �vei�e caused, i►x �vl�ole oz• in pari, by auv aet, o►nissio�t o�• xae�li�ence of flie cit��. Tl�is indenu�ity ��rovisio�i is intenelecl to iuelude, �vithout limitation, inclea��►aity foi• costs, expenses a�ici legal fees ixicurrecl by tl�e cify iu clefendiug against suclx ctai►t�s a►ici causes of actions. 6.2 Co��ti•actoi• covenants ancl ag�•ees to i�i<lenu�ify aud hold haruiless, at its o����� expeaise, tlte city, its ofCice�s, sei�v�uts and empioyees, fi•onx ancl agaiust auy ancl all loss, damage oi• clestri�cNo�i of property of the city, arisi►�g o«t of, ot• alleged to ai•ise ot�t of, the �vo��lt aud seiwices to be pe�•%i•inetl b,y fhe contractoi•, its o�'ficers, agents, employees, subcontractors, liceusees or invitees wider fliis co��t�•act. Tl�is inclenniiiication �•ovision is s��ecificaltv 'rnteiaded to operate and be effective even if it is afle�ecl ot� t���oveu that �11 or some o� t[�e clau�ag,es being sought were causecl, in �vl�ole o�• in nart, �iy anv �ci, omission or ne�li�ence of the city. Article 7. MISCELLANEOUS 23 7.1 Te�'ms. 2�3 Terms used in this Agreernent �vhich are de�ned in At�ticle 1 ofthe General Conditioi�s will 25 have the i�ieanings indicated in tlae General Conditions. 2G 7.2 Assignme�it of Coiitract, 27 This Agreement, including al1 of the Confract Documeuts may not be assigned by the 28 Coi�tracior �vithout tlie advancecl e:cp�•ess �vritten consent of the City. 29 7.3 Stxccessors aud Assigns. 30 CiYy and Contcaetor each binds itself, its pai�tnecs, successoi•s, assigiis and legal 31 represenfatives to the othec pa��ty hereto; in z•espect eo al( covenauts, ag�•eemeiits and 32 obligations cantained iu the Coutract Docutxlents. 33 7.�1 SevecaUility. 34 Any p►•ovisio�� or pai�t of the Coaitract Doci�ments held to be ulieonstitutioiinl, vaid aa• 35 �uienfoa•ceable by a coui�t of competent jucisdiction shall be deemed stcioken, and all 36 rEtllclltllllg pravisious sliall continue to be valid and binding upon CITY and 37 CONTRACTOR. 38 7.5 Goveening La�v ai�d Vevue. 39 This Agreemeut, including �I1 of the Contract Docwnents is ��erfocmable in the State of 40 TeYas. Venue shall be Tarrani County, 'I'exas, o►� the United States Dist�•ict Coiu•t fo�• the � t Nocthern District of Te:cas, rort Wocth Division. CITY OF FORT 1VORTH South Maiu Street STANDARb CONSTRUCTION SPECIrtCA'1'ION DOCUtitENTS City Project AIo. 02113 Revised December 20, 2012 00 52 43 - 4 Agreement Pagc 4 of 4 7.6 Othei• Provisians. 2 The Contractor agrees to pay at least ininimum �vage per hoiu• foc all labor as the same is 3 classified, promulgated and sef out by tl�e City, a copy af �vhich is attached hereto and �4 c»ade a p�►•t hereof tlie sa►ne as if it were copied verbatim }�ereiii. 5 7,7 Authority to Sigu. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Date 2/2df// �mCs �. N rh �y/1r (Printed Nam ,� ` � �7 �� Title: J�/Z l�P Address; ,� � � Kayser, ��. �=,�o� i��i3 i Date: �o - / S' �l)� �� rl+�{1f?"f'�-I, T`C 76i^�: City/State/Zip: prov as to Form end Leg�lity: Date Douglas W. Black Assistaut City Atto►��iey 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 22 Coutraetor shall attach evidence of authority to sign Agreement, if other than duly authoi•ized siguatoi�}� of the Contracto�•. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Contcactor have executed this Agceement in nuiltiple counterpai-ts. This Agceement is effective as of the last ciate signed by the Parties (`Bffective Date"}, Coiitcactor: City of Fort Woi�tl� JLB CONTRACTINGT��r By: ,j — ,�—_ ,/� �'ernando Costa By: �--�?>>-�-✓ �) �! �--�� ?S�� Assistant City Mauager �� (Sigi�at�u•e) � � -- -- __ _- � aFFIC1A4� ���O�l�,� �� C14Y �EC6tIE�'A6�5� �'� �n i���+xi�'wp x�, � �; _ _ APRROVAL RECOMMENDED: � � c 1�--� , l� Douglas W. iersig, P.E. DIRECTOR; Transportation and Public Works Department CITY OT' I�ORT 1VOR'1'II South Mnin Street S7'ANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON 3PECIFICATION DOCUhfEN1'S City Projecl No. 07113 Rc��iscd Dcccmbcr 20, 2012 00 61 13 - I PERFORMANCE BOND Page 1 of 2 Bond No. 3184315 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SECTION 00 61 13 PERFORMANCE BOND THE STAT� OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THES� PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARItANT § That we, JLB Contractin�, LLC , known as "Principal" herein and Westfield Insurance Company , a corporate surety(sureties, if more than one) duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, known as "Surety" herein (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of Texas, known as "City" herein, in the penal sum of, Seven Million, Ei�ht Hundred Forty-Ei�ht Thousand Three Hundred Forty-Seven Dollars & Fifty-Six Cents �$7,848,347.56� lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves; our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. 16 WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the City 17 awarded the day of FEB 1 O 2015 , 20_, which Contract is hereby referred to 18 and made a part hereof for all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all materials, 19 equipment labor and other accessories defined by law, in the prosecution of the Work, including 20 any Change Orders, as provided for in said Contract designated as South Main Street �Vickery 21 Blvd. to Ma�nolia Ave.), City Project No. 02113. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the said Principal shall faithfully perform it obligations under the Contract and shall in all respects duly and faithfully perform the Work, including Change Orders, under the Contract, according to the plans, specifications, and contract documents therein referred to, and as well during any period of extension of the Contract that may be granted on the part of the City, then this obligation shall be and become null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVID�D FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond, venue shall lie in Tarrant County, Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort 30 Worth Division. CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Revised July t, 2011 00 61 13 - 2 PERFORMANCE BOND Page 2 of 2 Bond No. 3184315 1 This bond is made and executed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the 2 Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in 3 accordance with the provisions of said statue. 4 IN WITNES5 WH�ItEOF, the Principal and the Surety have SIGNED and SEALED 5 this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the 6 � 20 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 i� _ �u_��' � 6l __—��. Witness a's�to Surety Elizabeth Gray �' •. • ; i i PRINCIPAL: JLB CONTRACTING. LLC BY:`-- _�, � ���,� �> f J.—�-�� '—Signature � � s � ����2� �,e l/� Name and Title Address: P.O. Box 24131 Fort Worth. Texas 76124 _ SURETY: WESTFIELD I�iTSURAN E COMPANY , > BY: nature = Kvle W Sweenev Attorney-in-Fact ^ Name and Title Address: 555 Republic Drive Suite 450 Plano Texas 75074 _ Telephone Number: 972-516-2600 *Note: If signed by an offcer of the Surety Coinpany, there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical address is different from its mailing address, both must be provided. The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 ATTES : � . � (Princi al) Secretaiy 00 6l 14 - 1 PAYMENT BOND Page 1 of 2 Bond No. 3184315 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 THE STAT� OF T�XAS COUNTY OF TAItRANT SECTION 00 61 14 PAYMENT BOND § § KNOW ALL BY THES� P12�SENTS: § That we, JLB Contractin� LLC , irnown as "Principal" herein, and Westfield Insurance Company , a corporate surety (sureties), duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, known as "Surety" hereiu (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas, known as "City" herein, in the penal sum of Seven Million Eight Hundred Forty-Ei�ht Thousand Three Hundred Fortv-Seven Dollars & Fifty-Six Cents ($7,848,347.56_), lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and sevei•ally, firmly by these presents: 17 WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a certain written Contract with City, awarded 18 the day of �rn , n�n�� , 20 , which Contract is hereby referred to and made 19 a part hereof for all purposes as if fully set foi�th herein, to furnish all materials, equipment, labor 20 and other accessories as defined by law, in the prosecution of the Work as provided for in said 21 Contract and designated as South Main Street �Vickery Blvd. to Ma�nolia Ave.) City Project No. 22 02113. 23 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that if 24 Principal shall pay all monies owing to any (and all) payment bond beneficiary (as defined in 25 Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended) in the prosecution of the Work under 26 the Contract, then this obligation shall be and become null and void; otherwise to remain in full 27 force and effect. 28 This bond is made and executed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the 29 Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in 30 accordance with the provisions of said statute. 31 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 201 I South Main Street City Project No. 02113 00 61 14 - 2 PAYMENT BOND Page 2 of 2 Bond No. 3184315 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IN WITN�SS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have each SIGNED and SEALED this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the day of _ _ 20 ATTEST: ATTEST: (Surety) Secretary �z���'�.� Witness as to Surety Elizabet Gray FEB 10 2015 PRINCIPAL: JLB CONTRACTING, LLC BY: `�- � s-�-�-' ✓� �~�—���- Sign'a re �m�S �, h'v� h',�G S��/y� Name and Title Address: P.O. Box 24131 Fort Worth,.Texas 76124 SURETY: WESTFIELD 1NSURANCE COMPANY BY: � Si re Kyle W. Sweeney, Attorney-in-Fact Name and Title Address: 555 Republic Drive, Suite 450 Plano, Texas 75074 Telephone Number: 972-516-2600 Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety, there must be on file a certified extract from the bylaws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical address is different from its mailing address, both must be provided. The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. �ND OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 201 I South Main Street City Project No. 02l 13 00 61 19 - I MAINTENANCE BOND Page I of 3 Bond No. 3184315 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 SECTION 00 61 19 MAINTENANCE BOND THE STATE OF T�XAS COUNTY OF TARRANT § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRES�NTS: § That we JLB Contracting, LLC , known as "Principal" her�ein and Westfield Insurance Company , a corporate surety (sureties, if more than one) duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, known as "Surety" herein (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas, known as "City" herein, in the sum of Seven Million, Eight Hundred Fortv-Eight Thousand Three Hundred Forty-Seven Dollars & Fifty-Six Cents �$7,848,347.56) lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, for payment of which sum well and truly be made unto the City and its successors, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, frmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the City awarded the day of �� IQ_�_, 20 , which Contract is hereby referi•ed to and a made pai�t hereof for all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all materials, equipment labor and other accessories as defined by law, in the prosecution of the Work, including any Work resulting fi•om a duly authorized Change Order (collectively herein, the "Work") as provided for in said contract and designated as South Main Sh•eet (Vickeiy Blvd. to Magnolia Ave.� Citv Project No. 02113;and WHEREAS, Principal binds itself to use such materials and to so construct the Work in accordance with the plans, specifications and Contract Documents that the Work is and will remain free from defects in materials or workmanship for and during the period of nvo (2) years after the date of Final Acceptance of the Work by the City ("Maintenance Period"); and WHEREAS, Principal binds itself to repair or reconstr•uct the Work in whole or in part upon receiving notice from the City of the need thereof at any time within the Maintenance Period. CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 20(1 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 00 61 19 - 2 MAINTENANCE BOND Page 2 of 3 Bond No. 3184315 NOW TH�REFOFZ�, the condition of this obligation is such that if Principal shall remedy any defective Work, for which timely notice was provided by City, to a completion satisfactory to the City, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOW�VER, if Principal shall fail so to repair or reconstruct any timely noticed defective Work, it is agreed that the City may cause any and all such defective Work to be repaired and/or reconstructed with all associated costs thereof being borne by the Principal and the Surety under this Maintenance bond; and PROVID�D FURTH�R, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond, venue shall lie in Tarrant County, Texas or the United States District Court fot• the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that this obligation shall be continuous in nature and successive recoveries may be had hereon for successive breaches. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 201 I South Main Street City Project No. 02113 00 61 19 - 3 MAINTENANCE BOND Page 3 of 3 Bond No. 3184315 1 IN WITN�SS WH�R�OF, the Principal and the Surety have each SIGNED and SEALED this 2 instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the day of 3 , 20 FEB 10 2015 5 PRINCIPAL: 6 JLB CONTRACTING, LLC 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 AT"I'EST: (Surety) Secretary , Witnes s to Surety Elizabeth Gray BYE � ��-;�, v�,� /� � � --� _��--�� ;� ignature ��-r�&s - ��in �f�'C� �� vr' ame and Title Address: P.O. Box 24131 Fort Worth, Texas 76124 SURETY: WESTFIELD U �GE COMPANY �/ BY: � natur� { . Kyle W. Sweeney Attornev-in-Fact ^ Name and Title Address: 555 Republic Drive, Suite 450 Plano Texas 75074 Telephone Number: 972-516-2600 36 37 *Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety Company, there must be on file a certi�ed extract 38 from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If 39 Surety's physical address is differerit from its mailing address, both must be provided. 40 The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. 41 CITY OE FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Soutli Main Street City Project No. 02113 ATTEST: . � . ✓ ( rinc' al) Secretary IMPORTANT NOTICE To obtain information or make a complaint: You may call Westfield Insurance Company's ' and/or Ohio Farmers Insurance Company's toll-free telephone number for information or to make a complaint at: 1-800-368-3597 You may also write to Westfield Insurance Company and/or Ohio Farmers Insurance Company at: 555 Repubiic Drive, Suite 450 Plano, Texas 75074-8848 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights or complaints at: 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance: P. O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Fax: (512) 475-1771 Web: hftp://www.tdi.state.tx.us E-mail: ConsumerProtection(a�tdi.state.tx.us PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning your premium or about a claim you should contact the agent or Wesffield Insurance Company and/or Ohio Farmers Insurance Comapny first. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLIGY: This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condition of the attached document. AVISO IMPORTANTE Para obtener informacion o para someter una queja: Usted puede Ilamar al numero de telefono gratis de Westfield Insurance Company's / Ohio Farmers Insurance Company's para informacion o para someter una queja al: 1-800-368-3597 Usted tambien puede escribir a Westfield Insurance Company / Ohio Farmers Insurance Company: 555 Republic Drive, Suite 450 Plano, Texas 75074-8848 Puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Seguros de Texas para abtener informacion acerca de companias, coberturas, derechos o quejas al: 1-800-252-3439 Puede escribir al Departamento de Seguros de Texas: P. O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Fax: (512) 475-1771 Web: http://www.tdi.state.tx.us E-maiL ConsumerProtection(a�tdi.state.tx.us DISPUTAS SOBRE PRIMAS O RECLAMOS: Si tiene una disputa concerniente a su prima o a un reclamo, debe comunicarse con el agente o Westfield Insurance Company / Ohio Farmers Insurance Company primero. Si no se resuelve la disputa, puede entonces comunicarse con el departamento (TDI). UNA ESTE AVISO A SU POLIZA: Este aviso es solo para proposito de informacion y no se convierte en parte o condicion del documento adjunto. THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY SUPERCEDES ANY PREVIOUS POWER BFARING THIS SAME oOWER # AND ISSUED PRIOR TO 04/20/11, FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS NAMED BELOV+/. POWER NO. 422U052 06 '�enera� Westfield Insurance Go. Power >f Attorney Westfteld National Insurance Co. Ohio Farmers Insurance Co. CERTIFIED COPY Westfield Center, Ohio '' Know All Men by These Presents, That WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO I=ARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY, corporations, hereinafter referred to individuaily as a"Company" and collectively as "Companies," duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, and having its principal office in Westfield Center, Medina County, Ohio, do by these -:resents make, constitute and appoint ', ''HARLES D. SWEENEY, MICHAEL A. SWEENEY, KYLE W. SWEENEY, ELIZABETH GRAY, JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY ''( FORT WORTH and State of TX its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, i',ace and stead, to execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, recognizances, undertakings, or other instruments or contracts of suretyship- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • � IMITATION: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY CANNOT BE USED TO EXECUTE NOTE GUARANTEE, MORTGAGE DEFICIENCY, MORTGAGE 'UARANTEE, OR BANK DEPOSITORY BONDS. �d to bind any of the Companies.thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President, sealed with the corporate '�aal of the applicabie Company and duly attested by its Secretary, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in the premises. Said appointment is made under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of each of the WESTFIEID INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY: "Be It Resolved, that the President, any Senior Executive, any Secretary or any Fidelity & Surety Operations Executive or other Executive shall ;'e and is hereby vested with full power and authority to appoint any one or more suitable persons as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company subject to the foilowing provisions: The Attorney-In-Fact. may be given full power and authority for and in the name of and on behalf of the Company, to execute, acknowledge and ,�+Pliver, any and ail bonds, recognizances, contracts, agreements of indemnity and other conditional or obligatory undertakings and any and all ''�tices and documents canceling or terminating the Company's liability thereunder, and any such instruments so executed by any such 'ttorney-in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Corporate Secretary." ' "Be it Further Resolved, that the signature of any such designated person and the seal of the Company heretofore or hereafter affixed to any power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any power of attorney or certificate bearing facsimile signatures or facsimile �Pal shall be vaiid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached "(Each adopted at a meeting �Id on February 8, 2000). � In Witness Whereof, WESTFIEID INSURANCE COWIPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE '�.OMPANY have caused these presents to be signed by their Senior Executive and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed this 20th day of APRIL A.D., 2011 : . Corporate ��•� Uy ""N � Seais �Q\�s %:��C�p �Lt Affixed �`v� .��. tpa? � N' �7'�'s,l�'Y.� � �ro a w4 ,, . 'Ji;�''�-e,�'^�°'' � 1r$J . � ��. ; ��H�`� 5tate of Ohio �`"" ounty of Medina ss : ,,..,..�.,,,,, �,�`P.��QNAL ��;'�. =�0 � '`�,G�p s Nw;. �.71i�. ��m. �•. •:o; ��'%,. ��k � ..•`' � �:, 1B4B ; ; * � ._'_P _. � 4 WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY WESTFIELD NATIONA� INSURANCE COMPANY OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY �� ` � ' BY. , Richard L. Kinnaicd, Jr., National Surety Leader and Seniar Executive On this 20th day of APRI� A.D., 2011 , before me personally came Richard L. Kinnaird, Jr. to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides"In. Medina, Ohio; that he is Senior Executive of WESTFIEID INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OE110 FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY, the companies described in and which executed the above ,"strument; that he knows the seais of said Companies; that the seals affixed to said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed / order of the Boards of Directors of said Companies; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notarial . ��N•a«��N�w„4� � • Seal ,r �\ R1 L t<, ' A�xed ,�P,•������� 'SF : O, \:....��:9z .. 2.: --'A' ---� r' • , �^� .. William J. Kahelin, A rney at Law, Noiary Public State of Ohio : N +�. ��o My Commission Does Not Expire (Sec. 147.03 Ohio Revised Code) �uniy of Medina ss.: q �os�, , �����" �„d,F .`'a�• 1, FI'ank A.. Cat'1'ino, Secretary of WESTFIELD I,NSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONA� INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS '�SURANCE COMPANY, do hereby. certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney, executed by said i�mpanies, which is stili in full force and effect; and furthermore, the resoiutions of the Boards of Directors, set out i� the Power of Attor�ey are in fuii force and effect. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand a�d affixed the seais of said Compariies at Westfieic! Center, Ohio, this day of �v,Q' �as� kCst p 'i . �� ��� �ro� `�e, �'' �'�jr � .�y� ��.�� M..�. ,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,, ``O P��(�NA( �tisG� ' ` ��: . ;�; SEAL ��Z^: ;�: :'o; •...* ..• ,,. -�".«,�"_ '•���.���,,,�,�• _'POAC2 (combined) (06-Q2) � st, 1848 :; «' .�. '. FEB 10 2015 /i�``� 1 ��r ► sernnar,, Frank A. �drrina, Se;,retary� " � � STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CITY OF FORT WOR7'H STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: Decanber21,2012 STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ; Article 1— Definitions and Terminology .......................................................................................................... l 1.01 Defined Terms ............................................................................................................................... l 1.02 Terminology ..................................................................................................................................6 Article2— Preliminary Matters ......................................................................................................................... 7 2.01 Copies of Documents ....................................................................................................................7 2.02 Commencement of Contract Time; Notice to Proceed ................................................................7 2.03 Starting the Work .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.04 Before Starting Construction ........................................................................................................ 8 2.05 Preconstruction Conference .......................................................................................................... 8 2.06 Public Meeting .............................................................................................................................. 8 2.07 Initial Acceptance of Schedules .................................................................................................... 8 Article 3— Contract Documents: Intent, Amending, Reuse ............................................................................ 8 3 .O 1 Intent .............................................................................................................................................. 8 3.02 Reference Standards ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.03 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies ....................................................................................... 9 3.04 Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents .................................................................10 3.05 Reuse of Documents ...................................................................................................................10 3.06 Electronic Data ............................................................................................................................ l 1 Article 4— Availability of Lands; Subsurface and Physical Conditions; Hazardous Environmental Conditions; Reference Points ........................................................................................................... l l 4.01 Availability of Lands ..................................................................................................................11 4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions ..........................................................................................12 4.03 Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions .............................................................................12 4.04 Underground Facilities ...............................................................................................................13 4.05 Reference Points .........................................................................................................................14 4.06 Hazardous Environmental Condition at Site ..............................................................................14 Article 5— Bonds and Insurance .....................................................................................................................16 5.01 Licensed Sureties and Insurers ...................................................................................................16 5.02 Performance, Payment, and Maintenance Bonds .......................................................................16 5.03 Certificates of Insurance .............................................................................................................16 5.04 Contractor's Insurance ................................................................................................................18 5.05 Acceptance of Bonds and Insurance; Option to Replace ...........................................................19 Article 6 — Contractor's Responsibilities ..................... 6.01 Supervision and Superintendence............ ..................................................................................19 ..................................................................................19 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 6.02 Labor; Working Hours ................................................................................................................20 6.03 Services, Materials, and Equipment ........................................................................................... 20 6.04 Project Schedule ..........................................................................................................................21 6.05 Substitutes and "Or-Equals" ....................................................................................................... 21 6.06 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers, and Others ....................................................................24 6.07 Wage Rates ..................................................................................................................................25 6.08 Patent Fees and Royalties ........................................................................................................... 26 6.09 Permits and Utilities ....................................................................................................................27 6.10 Laws and Regulations ................................................................................................................. 27 6.11 Taxes ...........................................................................................................................................28 6.12 Use of Site and Other Areas .......................................................................................................28 6.13 Record Documents ...................................................................................................................... 29 6.14 Safety and Protection .................................................................................................................. 29 6.15 Safety Representative .................................................................................................................. 30 6.16 Hazard Communication Programs ............................................................................................. 30 6.17 Emergencies and/or Rectification ............................................................................................... 30 6.18 Submittals ....................................................................................................................................31 6.19 Continuing the Work ................................................................................................................... 32 6.20 Contractor's General Warranty and Guarantee .......................................................................... 32 6.21 Indemnification ......................................................................................................................... 33 6.22 Delegation of Professional Design Services ..............................................................................34 6.23 Right to Audit .............................................................................................................................. 34 6.24 Nondiscrimination .......................................................................................................................35 Article 7- Other Work at the Site ................................................................................. 7.01 Related Work at Site ................................................................................. 7.02 Coordination .............................................................................................. .................................. 35 .................................. 35 .................................. 36 Article 8 - City's Responsibilities ......................................................................................................... 8.01 Communications to Contractor ......................................................................................... 8.02 Furnish Data ...................................................................................................................... 8.03 Pay When Due .................................................................................................................. 8.04 Lands and Easements; Reports and Tests ......................................................................... 8.05 Change Orders ................................................................................................................... 8.06 Inspections, Tests, and Approvals .................................................................................... 8.07 Limitations on City's Responsibilities ............................................................................. 8.08 Undisclosed Hazardous Environmental Condition .......................................................... 8.09 Compliance with Safety Program ..................................................................................... ........ 36 ........ 36 ........ 36 ........ 36 ........ 36 ........ 36 ........ 36 ........ 37 ........ 37 ........ 37 Article 9- City's Observation Status During Construction ........................................................................... 37 9.01 City's Project Representative ..................................................................................................... 37 9.02 Visits to Site ................................................................................................................................ 37 9.03 Authorized Variations in Work .................................................................................................. 38 9.04 Rejecting Defective Work ..........................................................................................................38 9.05 Detei�rninations for Work Performed ..........................................................................................38 9.06 Decisions on Requirements of Contract Documents and Acceptability of Work ..................... 38 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacember21,2012 Article 10 - Changes in the Work; Claims; Extra Work ................................................................................ 38 10.01 Authorized Changes in the Work ............................................................................................... 38 10.02 Unauthorized Changes in the Work ...........................................................................................39 10.03 Execution of Change Orders ....................................................................................................... 39 10.04 Extra Work .................................................................................................................................. 39 10.05 Notification to Surety .................................................................................................................. 39 10.06 Contract Claims Process .............................................................................................................40 Article 11 - Cost of the Work; Allowances; Unit Price Work; Plans Quantity Measurement ...................... 41 11.01 Cost of the Work ......................................................................................................................... 41 11.02 Allowances ..................................................................................................................................43 11.03 Unit Price Work .......................................................................................................................... 44 11.04 Plans Quantity Measurement ......................................................................................................45 Article 12 - Change of Contract Price; Change of Contract Time .................................................................46 12.01 Change of Contract Price ............................................................................................................46 12.02 Change of Contract Time ............................................................................................................47 12.03 Delays .......................................................................................................................................... 47 Article 13 - Tests and Inspections; Correction, Removal or Acceptance of Defective Work ...................... 48 13.01 Notice of Defects ........................................................................................................................ 48 13.02 Access to Work ........................................................................................................................... 48 13.03 Tests and Inspections ..................................................................................................................48 13.04 Uncovering Work ........................................................................................................................49 13.05 City May Stop the Work .............................................................................................................49 13.06 Con•ection or Removal of Defective Work ................................................................................ 50 13.07 Correction Period ........................................................................................................................ 50 13.08 Acceptance of Defective Work ................................................................................................... 51 13.09 City May Correct Defective Work ............................................................................................. 51 Article 14 - Payments to Contractor and Completion .................................................................................... 52 14.01 Schedule of Values ...................................................................................................................... 52 14.02 Progress Payments ...................................................................................................................... 52 14.03 Contractor's Warranty of Title ................................................................................................... 54 14.04 Partia( Utilization ........................................................................................................................ 55 14.05 FinalInspection ...........................................................................................................................55 14.06 Final Acceptance ......................................................................................................................... 55 14.07 Final Payment ..............................................................................................................................56 14.08 Final Completion Delayed and Partial Retainage Release ........................................................ 56 14.09 Waiver of Claims ........................................................................................................................ 57 Article 15 - Suspension of Work and Termination .......................................................... 15.01 City May Suspend Work ............................................................................... 15.02 City May Terminate for Cause ..................................................................... 15.03 City May Terminate For Convenience ......................................................... Article 16 - Dispute Resolution ......... 16.01 Methods and Procedures ........................... 57 ........................... 57 ........................... 58 ........................... 60 ........................... 61 ........................... 61 CITY OF FORT WORTH S'I'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 Article 17 — Miscellaneous ..................... 17.01 Giving Notice ..................... 17.02 Computation of Times ....... 17.03 Cumulative Remedies ........ 17.04 Survival of Obligations ...... 17.05 Headings ............................. ........................................................................................................ 62 ........................................................................................................ 62 ........................................................................................................ 62 ........................................................................................................ 62 ........................................................................................................ 63 ........................................................................................................ 63 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCT[ON SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page t of 63 ARTICLE 1— DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY 1.01 Defzned Terms A. Wherever used in these General Conditions or in other Contract Documents, the terms listed below have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof, and words denoting gender shall include the masculine, feminine and neuter. Said terms are generally capitalized or written in italics, but not always. When used in a context consistent with the definition of a listed-defined term, the term shall have a meaning as defined below whether capitalized or italicized or otherwise. In addition to terms specifically defined, terms with initial capital letters in the Contract Documents include references to identified articles and paragraphs, and the titles of other documents or forms. 1. Addenda—Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clarify, correct, or change the Bidding Requirements or the proposed Contract Documents. 2. Agreement—The written instrument which is evidence of the agreement between City and Contractor covering the Work. 3. Application for Payment—The form acceptable to City which is to be used by Contractor during the course of the Work in requesting progress or final payments and which is to be accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 4. Asbestos—Any material that contains more than one percent asbestos and is friable or is releasing asbestos fibers into the air above current action levels established by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 5. Award — Authorization by the City Council for the City to enter into an Agreement. 6. Bid—The offer or proposal of a Bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed. 7. Bidder—The individual or entity who submits a Bid directly to City. 8. Bidding Documents—The Bidding Requirements and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda). 9. Bidding Requirements—The advertisement or Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Bid security of acceptable form, if any, and the Bid Form with any supplements. 10. Business Day — A business day is defined as a day that the City conducts normal business, generally Monday through Friday, except for federal or state holidays observed by the City. 11. Buzzsaw — City's on-line, electronic document management and collaboration system. 12. Calendar Day — A day consisting of 24 hours measured from midnight to the next midnight. CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 �a oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 2 of 63 13. Change Order—A document, which is prepared and approved by the City, which is signed by Contractor and City and authorizes an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. 14. City— The City of Fort Worth, Texas, a home-rule municipal corporation, authorized and chartered under the Texas State Statutes, acting by its governing body through its City Manager, his designee, or agents authorized under his behalf, each of which is required by Charter to perform specific duties with responsibility for final enforcement of the contracts involving the City of Fort Worth is by Charter vested in the City Manager and is the entity with whom Contractor has entered into the Agreement and for whom the Work is to be performed. 15. City Attorney — The officially appointed City Attorney of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative. 16. City Council - The duly elected and qualified governing body of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. 17. City Manager — The officially appointed and authorized City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative. 18. Contract Claim—A demand or assertion by City or Contractor seeking an adjustment of Contract Price or Contract Time, or both, or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract. A demand for money or services by a third party is not a Contract Claim. 19. Contract—The entire and integrated written document between the City and Contractor ' concerning the Work. The Contract contains the Agreement and all Contract Documents and supersedes prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, whether written or oral. 20. Contract Documents—Those items so designated in the Agreement. All items listed in the Agreement are Contract Documents. Approved Submittals, other Contractor submittals, and the reports and drawings of subsurface and physical conditions are not Contract Documents. 21. Contract Price—The moneys payable by City to Contractar for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement (subject to the provisions of Paragraph 11.03 in the case of Unit Price Work). 22. Contract Time—The number of days or the dates stated in the Agreement to: (i) achieve Milestones, if any and (ii) complete the Work so that it is ready for Final Acceptance. 23. Contractor—The individual or entity with whom City has entered into the Agreement. 24. Cost of the Work—See Paragraph 11.01 of these General Conditions for definition. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTKUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENI'S 2evision: Dacanber21,2012 00 �z oo - � GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 3 of 63 25. Damage Claims — A demand for money or services arising from the Project or Site from a third party, City or Contractor exclusive of a Contract Claim. 26. Day or day — A day, unless otherwise defined, shall mean a Calendar Day. 27. Director of Aviation — The officially appointed Directar of the Aviation Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 28. Director of Parks and Community Services — The officially appointed Director of the Parks and Community Services Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 29. Director of Planning a�d Developn�ent — The officially appointed Director of the Planning and Development Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 30. Director of Transportatiorr Public Works — The officially appointed Director of the Transportation Public Works Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 31. Director of Water Departmerrt — The officially appointed Director of the Water Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 32. Drawings—That part of the Contract Documents prepared or approved by Engineer which graphically shows the scope, extent, and character of the Work to be performed by Contractor. Submittals are not Drawings as so defined. 33. Effective Date of the Agreement—The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated, it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the two parties to sign and deliver. 34. Engineer—The licensed professional engineer or engineering firm registered in the State of Texas perfortning professional services for the City. 35. Extra Work — Additional work made necessaiy by changes or alterations of the Contract Documents or of quantities or for other reasons for which no prices are provided in the Contract Documents. Extra work shall be part of the Work. 36. Field Order — A written order issued by City which requires changes in the Work but which does not involve a change in the Contract Price, Contract Time, or the intent of the Engineer. Field Orders are paid from Field Order Allowances incorporated into the Contract by funded work type at the time of award. 37. Final Acceptance — The written notice given by the City to the Contractor that the Work specified in the Contract Documents has been completed to the satisfaction of the City. CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS 2evision: Dacetnt��21,2012 00�2oo-t GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 4 of 63 38. Final Inspection — Inspection carried out by the City to verify that the Contractor has completed the Work, and each and every part or appurtenance thereof, fully, entirely, and in conformance with the Contract Documents. 39. General Requirements—Sections of Division 1 of the Contract Documents. 40. Hazardous Environmental Condition—The presence at the Site of Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste, Radioactive Material, or other materials in such quantities or ; circumstances that may present a substantial danger to persons or property exposed thereto. 41. Hazardous Waste—Hazardous waste is defined as any solid waste listed as hazardous or possesses one or more hazardous characteristics as defined in the federal waste regulations, as amended from time to time. ' 42. Laws and Regulations—Any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes, and orders of any and ail governmental bodies, agencies, authorities, and courts having jurisdiction. 43. Liens—Charges, security interests, or encumbrances upon Project funds, real property, or personal property. 44. Major Item — An Item of work included in the Contract Documents that has a total cost equal to or greater than 5% of the original Contract Price or $25,000 whichever is less. 45. Milestone—A principal event specified in the Contract Documents relating to an intermediate Contract Time prior to Final Acceptance of the Work. 46. Notice of Award—The written notice by City to the Successful Bidder stating that upon timely compliance by the Successful Bidder with the conditions precedent listed therein, City will sign and deliver the Agreement. 47. Notice to Proceed—A written notice given by City to Contractor fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which Contractor shall start to perform the Work specified in Contract Documents. 48. PCBs—Polychlorinated biphenyls. 49. Petroleum—Petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is liquid at standard conditions of temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit and 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute), such as oil, petroleum, fuel oil, oil sludge, oil refuse, gasoline, kerosene, and oil mixed with other non-Hazardous Waste and crude oils. 50. Plans — See definition of Drawings. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 5 of 63 51. Project Schedule—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Contractor, in accordance with the General Requirements, describing the sequence and duration of the activities comprising the Contractor's plan to accomplish the Work within the Contract Time. 52. Project—The Work to be performed under the Contract Documents. 53. Project Representative—The authorized representative of the City who will be assigned to the Site. 54. Public Meeting — An announced meeting conducted by the City to facilitate public participation and to assist the public in gaining an informed view of the Project. 55. Radioactive Material—Source, special nuclear, or byproduct material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 USC Section 2011 et seq.) as amended from time to time. 56. Regular Working Hours — Hours beginning at 7:00 a.m. and ending at 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (excluding legal holidays). 57. Samples—Physical examples of matei•ials, equipment, or workmanship that are representative of some portion of the Work and which establish the standards by which such portion of the Work will be judged. 58. Schedule of Submittals—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Contractor, of required submittals and the time requirements to support scheduled performance of related construction activities. 59. Schedule of Values—A schedule, prepat•ed and maintained by Contractor, allocating portions of the Contract Price to various po��tions of the Work and used as the basis for reviewing Contractor's Applications for Payment. 60. Site—Lands or areas indicated in the Contract Documents as being furnished by City upon which the Work is to be performed, including rights-of-way, permits, and easements for access thereto, and such other lands furnished by City which are designated for the use of Contractor. 61. Specificatio�s—That part of the Contract Documents consisting of written requirements for materials, equipment, systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work, and certain administrative requirements and procedural matters applicable thereto. Specifications may be specifically made a part of the Contract Documents by attachment or, if not attached, may be incorporated by reference as indicated in the Table of Contents (Division 00 00 00) of each Project. 62. SubcontractoY—An individual or entity having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work at the Site. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTItUCT[ON SPECIFfCAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacanber21,2012 00 �a oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 6 of 63 63. Submittals—All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, and other data or information which are specifically prepared or assembled by or for Contractor and submitted by ' Contractor to illustrate some portion of the Work. 64. Successful Bidder—The Bidder submitting the lowest and most responsive Bid to whom City makes an Award. 65. Superintendent — The representative of the Contractor who is available at all times and able to receive instructions from the City and to act for the Contractor. 66. Supplementary Co�ditions—That part of the Contract Documents which amends or supplements these General Conditions. 67. Supplier—A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, materialman, or vendar having a direct contract with Contractor or with any Subcontractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by Contractor ar Subcontractar. 68. Underground Facilities—All underground pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels, or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasements containing such facilities, including but not limited to, those that convey electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, water, wastewater, storm water, other liquids or chemicals, or traffic or other control systems. 69. Unit Price Work—See Paragraph 11.03 of these General Conditions for definition. 70. Weekend Working Hours — Hours beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m., Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, as approved in advance by the City. 71. Work—The entire construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be provided under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is the result of performing or providing all labor, services, and documentation necessary to produce such construction including any Change Order or Field Order, and furnishing, installing, and incorporating all materials and equipment into such construction, all as required by the Contract Documents. 72. Working Day — A working day is defined as a day, not including Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays authorized by the City for contract purposes, in which weather or other conditions not under the control of the Contractor will permit the performance of the principal unit of work underway for a continuous period of not less than 7 hours between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. 1.02 Terminology A. The words and terms discussed in Paragraph 1.02.B through E are not defined but, when used in the Bidding Requirements or Contract Documents, have the indicated meaning. B. Intent of Certain Terms or Adjectives: CITY OF P'ORT WOR'CH STANDARD CONSTRUCI'lON SPEC[F[CATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 oo�aoo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 7 of 63 1. The Contract Documents include the terms "as allowed," "as approved," "as ordered," "as directed" or terms of like effect or import to authorize an exercise of judgment by City. In addition, the adjectives "reasonable," "suitable," "acceptable," "proper," "satisfactory," or adjectives of like effect or import are used to describe an action or determination of City as to the Work. It is intended that such exercise of professional judgment, action, or determination will be solely to evaluate, in general, the Wark for compliance with the information in the Contract Documents and with the design concept of the Project as a functioning whole as shown or indicated in the Contract Documents (unless there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). C. Defective: 1. The word "defective," when modifying the word "Work," refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty, or deficient in that it: a. does not conform to the Contract Documents; or b. does not meet the requirements of any applicable inspection, reference standard, test, or approval referred to in the Contract Documents; or c. has been damaged prior to City's written acceptance. D. Furnish, Install, Perform, Provide: 1. The word "Furnish" or the ward "Install" or the word "Perform" or the word "Provide" or the word "Supply," or any combination or similar directive or usage thereof, shall mean furnishing and incorporating in the Work including all necessary labor, materials, equipment, and everything necessary to perfoi�tn the Work indicated, unless specifically limited in the context used. E. Unless stated otherwise in the Contract Documents, words or phrases that have a well-known technical or construction industry or trade meaning are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meaning. ARTICLE 2 — PRELIMINARY MATTERS 2.01 Copies of Documents City shall furnish to Contractor one (1) original executed copy and one (1) electronic copy of the Contract Documents, and four (4) additional copies of the Drawings. Additional copies will be furnished upon request at the cost of reproduction. 2.02 Commencement of Contract Time; Notice to Proceed The Contract Time will commence to run on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given at any time within 14 days after the Effective Date of the Agreement. CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPtCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 8 of 63 2.03 Sta�ting the Work Contractor shall start to perform the Work on the date when the Contract Time commences to run. No Work shail be done at the Site prior to the date on which the Contract Time commences to run. 2.04 Before Starting Construction Baseline Schedules: Submit in accordance with the Contract Documents, and prior to starting the Work. 2.05 Preconstruction Conference Befare any Work at the Site is started, the Contractor shall attend a Preconstruction Conference as specified in the Contract Documents. 2.06 Public Meeting Contractor may not mobilize any equipment, materials or resources to the Site prior to Contractor attending the Public Meeting as scheduled by the City. 2.07 Initial Acceptance of Schedules No progress payment shall be made to Contractor until acceptable schedules are submitted to City in accordance with the Schedule Specification as provided in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3— CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE 3.01 Intent A. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is required by one is as binding as if required by all. B. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete project (or part thereo� to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any labor, documentation, services, materials, or equipment that reasonably may be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or trade usage as being required to produce the indicated result will be provided whether or not specifically called for, at no additional cost to City. C. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by City. D. The Specifications may vary in form, format and style. Some Specification sections may be written in varying degrees of streamlined or declarative style and some sections may be relatively narrative by comparison. Omission of such words and phrases as "the Contractor shall," "in conformity with," "as shown," or "as specified" are intentional in streamlined sections. Omitted words and phrases shall be supplied by inference. Similar types of provisions may appear in various parts of a section or articles within a part depending on the format of the CITY OF FOR7' WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 9 of 63 section. The Contractor shall not take advantage of any variation of form, format or style in making Contract Claims. E. The cross referencing of specification sections under the subparagraph heading "Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:" and elsewhere within each Specification section is provided as an aid and convenience to the Contractor. The Contractor shall not rely on the cross referencing provided and shall be responsible to coordinate the entire Work under the Contract Documents and provide a complete Project whether or not the cross referencing is provided in each section or whether or not the cross referencing is complete. 3.02 Reference Standards A. Standards, Specifications, Codes, Laws, and Regulations Reference to standards, specifications, manuals, or codes of any technical society, organization, or association, or to Laws or Regulations, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the standard, specification, manual, code, or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Bids (or on the Effective Date of the Agreement if there were no Bids), except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents. 2. No provision of any such standard, specification, manual, or code, or any instruction of a Supplier, shall be effective to change the duties or responsibilities of City, Contractor, or any of their subcontractors, consultants, agents, or employees, from those set forth in the Contract Documents. No such provision or instruction shall be effective to assign to City, or any of its officers, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors, any duty or authority to supervise or direct the performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility inconsistent with the provisions of the Contract Documents. 3.03 Reporting and Resolving Discreparrcies A. Reporting Discrepancies: l. Co�iractor's Review of Contract Documents Before Starting Work: Befare undertaking each part of the Work, Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures therein against all applicable field measurements and conditions. Contractor shall promptly report in writing to City any conflict, e�ror, ambiguity, or discrepancy which Contractor discovers, or has actual knowledge of, and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from City before proceeding with any Work affected thereby. 2. Contractor's Revietiv of Contract Documents During Performance of Work: If, during the performance of the Work, Contractor discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy within the Contract Documents, or between the Contract Documents and (a) any applicable Law or Regulation ,(b) any standard, specification, manual, or code, or (c) any instruction of any Supplier, then Contractor shall promptly report it to City in writing. Contractor shall not proceed with the Work affected thereby (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,20I2 oonoo-t GENERAL CONDITIONS Page l0 of 63 6.17.A) until an amendment or supplement to the Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods indicated in Paragraph 3.04. 3. Contractor shall not be liable to City for failure to report any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy in the Contract Documents unless Contractar had actual knowledge thereof. B. Resolving Discrepancies: l. Except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents, the provisions of the Contract Documents shall take precedence in resolving any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documents and the provisions of any standard, specification, manual, or the instruction of any Supplier (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents). 2. In case of discrepancies, figured dimensions shall govern over scaled dimensions, Plans shall govern over Specifications, Supplementary Conditions shall govern over General Conditions and Specifications, and quantities shown on the Plans shall govern over those shown in the proposal. 3.04 Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents A. The Contract Documents may be amended to provide for additions, deletions, and revisions in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof by a Change Order. B. The requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in the Work not involving a change in Contract Price or Contract Time, may be authorized, by one or more of the following ways: 1. A Field Order; 2. City's review of a Submittal (subject to the provisions of Paragraph 6.18.C); or 3. City's written interpretation or clarification. 3.05 Reuse of Documents A. Contractor and any Subcontractor or Supplier shall not: l. have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications, or other documents (or copies of any thereo� prepared by or bearing the seal of Engineer, ' including electronic media editions; or 2. reuse any such Drawings, Specifications, other documents, or copies thereof on extensions of the Project or any other project without written consent of City and specific written verification or adaptation by Engineer. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page l ( of 63 B. The prohibitions of this Paragraph 3.05 will survive final payment, or termination of the Contract. Nothing herein shall preclude Contractor from retaining copies of the Contract Documents for record purposes. 3.06 Electronic Data A. Unless otherwise stated in the Supplementary Conditions, the data furnished by City or Engineer to Contractor, or by Contractor to City or Engineer, that may be relied upon are limited to the printed copies included in the Contract Documents (also known as hard copies) and other Specifications referenced and located on the City's Buzzsaw site. Files in electronic media format of text, data, graphics, or other types are furnished only for the convenience of the receiving party. Any conclusion or infortnation obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at the user's sole risk. If there is a discrepancy between the electronic files and the hard copies, the hard copies govern. B. When transferring documents in electronic media format, the transferring party makes no representations as to long term compatibility, usability, or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by the data's creator. ARTICLE 4— AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.01 Availability of Lands A. City shall furnish the Site. City shall notify Contractor of any encumbrances or restrictions not of general application but specifically related to use of the Site with which Contractor must comply in performing the Work. City will obtain in a timely manner and pay for easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities. 1. The City has obtained or anticipates acquisition of and/or access to right-of-way, and/or easements. Any outstanding right-of-way and/or easements are anticipated to be acquired in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Supplementary Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents must consider any outstanding right-of-way, and/or easements. 2. The City has or anticipates removing and/or relocating utilities, and obstructions to the Site. Any outstanding removal or relocation of utilities or obstructions is anticipated in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Supplementary Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents must consider any outstanding utilities or obstructions to be removed, adjusted, and/or relocated by others. B. Upon reasonable written request, City shall furnish Contractor with a current statement of record legal title and legal description of the lands upon which the Work is to be performed. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Docanber21,2012 oonoo-� GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 12 of 63 C. Contractor shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions A. Reports and Drawings: The Supplementary Conditions identify: l. those reports known to City of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site; and 2. those drawings known to City of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at the Site (except Underground Facilities). B. Limited Reliarrce by Contractor on Technical Data Authorized.• Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings, but such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents. Such "technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Contractor may not make any Contract Claim against City, or any of their officers, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors with respect to: 1. the completeness of such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes, including, but not limited to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto; or 2. other data, interpretations, opinions, and information contained in such reports or shown or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Contractor interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or any such other data, interpretations, opinions, or information. 4.03 Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions A. Notice: If Contractor believes that any subsurface or physical condition that is uncovered or revealed either: l. is of such a nature as to establish that any "technical data" on which Contractor is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.02 is materially inaccurate; or 2. is of such a nature as to require a change in the Contract Documents; or 3. differs materially from that shown or indicated in the Contract Documents; or 4. is of an unusual nature, and differs materially from conditions ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract Documents; C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA7'ION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacanber21,2012 ao �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page I 3 of 63 then Contractor shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing the subsui•face or physical conditions or performing any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A), notify City in writing about such condition. B. Possible Price and Time Adjustments Contractor shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Time if: 1. Contractor knew of the existence of such conditions at the time Contractor made a final commitment to City with respect to Contract Price and Contract Time by the submission of a Bid or becoming bound under a negotiated contract; or 2. the existence of such condition could reasonably have been discovered or revealed as a result of the examination of the Contract Documents or the Site; or 3. Contractor failed to give the written notice as required by Paragraph 4.03.A. 4.04 Underground Facilities A. Shown or Indicated: The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the Site is based on information and data furnished to City or Engineer by the owners of such Underground Facilities, including City, or by others. Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplementaiy Conditions: 1. City and Engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data provided by others; and 2. the cost of all of the following will be included in the Contract Price, and Contractor shall have full responsibility for: a. reviewing and checking all such information and data; b. locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents; c. coordination and adjustment of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities, including City, during construction; and d. the safety and protection of all such Underground Facilities and repairing any damage thereto resulting fi•om the Work. B. Not Showrr or Indicated: l. If an Underground Facility which conflicts with the Work is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the Site which was not shown or indicated, or not shown or indicated with reasonable accuracy in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or performing any CITY OF FOI2T WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Decembei21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 14 of 63 Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A), identify the owner of such Underground Facility and give notice to that owner and to City. City will review the discovered Underground Facility and determine the extent, if any, to which a change may be required in the Contract Documents to reflect and document the consequences of the existence or location of the Underground Facility. Contractor shall be ' responsible for the safety and protection of such discovered Underground Facility. 2. If City concludes that a change in the Contract Documents is required, a Change Order may be issued to reflect and document such consequences. 3. Verification of existing utilities, structures, and service lines shall include notification of all utility companies a minimum of 48 hours in advance of construction including exploratory excavation if necessary. 4.05 Reference Points A. City shall provide engineering surveys to establish reference points for construction, which in City's judgment are necessary to enable Contractar to proceed with the Work. City will provide construction stakes or other customary method of marking to establish line and grades for roadway and utility construction, centerlines and benchmarks for bridgework. Contractor shall protect and preserve the established reference points and property monuments, and shall make no changes or relocations. Contractor shall report to City whenever any reference point or property monument is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations. The City shall be responsible for the replacement or relocation of reference points or property monuments not carelessly or willfizlly destroyed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall notify City in advance and with sufficient time to avoid delays. B. Whenever, in the opinion of the City, any reference point or monument has been carelessly or willfully destroyed, disturbed, or removed by the Contractor or any of his employees, the full cost for replacing such points plus 25% will be charged against the Contractor, and the full amount will be deducted from payment due the Contractor. 4.06 Hazardous Environmental Condition at Site A. Reports and Drawings: The Supplementary Conditions identify those reports and drawings known to City relating to Hazardous Environmental Conditions that have been identified at the Site. B. Limited Reliance by Contractor on Technical Data Authorized: Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings, but such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents. Such "technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Contractor may not make any Contract Claim against City, or any of their officers, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors with respect to: the completeness of such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes, including, but not limited to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICA'I'ION DOCUMENTS Revision: Daoanber21,2012 00 �a oo - t GENERAL CONDITIONS Page I S of 63 construction to be employed by Contractor and safety precautions and programs incident thereto; or 2. other data, interpretations, opinions and information contained in such reports or shown or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Contractor interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or any such other data, interpretations, opinions or infoi•mation. C. Contractor shall not be responsible for any Hazardous Environmental Condition uncovered or revealed at the Site which was not shown or indicated in Drawings or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for a Hazardous Environmental Condition created with any materials brought to the Site by Contractor, Subcontractors, Suppliers, or anyone else for whom Contractor is responsible. D. If Contractor encounters a Hazardous Environmental Condition or if Contractor or anyone for whom Contractor is responsible creates a Hazardous Environmental Condition, Contractor shall immediately: (i) secure or otherwise isolate such condition; (ii) stop all Work in connection with such condition and in any area affected thereby (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A); and (iii) notify City (and promptly thereafter confirm such notice in writing). City may consider the necessity to retain a qualified expert to evaluate such condition or take corrective action, if any. E. Contractor shall not be required to resume Work in connection with such condition or in any affected area until after City has obtained any required permits related thereto and delivered written notice to Contractor: (i) specifying that such condition and any affected area is or has been rendered suitable for the resumption of Work; or (ii) specifying any special conditions under which such Work may be resumed. F. If after receipt of such written notice Contractor does not agree to resume such Work based on a reasonable belief it is unsafe, or does not agree to resume such Work under such special conditions, then City may order the portion of the Work that is in the area affected by such condition to be deleted 8•om the Work. City may have such deleted poi�tion of the Work performed by City's own forces or others. G. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, Contractor shall indemn� and hold harmless City, fi�om and against all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of errgineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to a Hazardous Enviro�tme�tal Condition created by Corrtractor or by anyone for whom ContractoN is responsible. Nothing in this Paragraph 4.06.G shall obligate Conlractor to indemn� any individual or entity from and against the consequences of that individual's or entity's own negligence. H. The provisions of Paragraphs 4.02, 4.03, and 4.04 do not apply to a Hazardous Environmental Condition uncovered or revealed at the Site. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �2 00 - t GENERAL CONDITIONS Page l6 of 63 ARTICLE 5— BONDS AND INSURANCE 5.01 Licensed Sureties and Insurers All bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents to be purchased and maintained by Contractor shall be obtained from surety or insurance companies that are duly licensed or authorized in the State of Texas to issue bonds or insurance policies for the limits and coverages so required. Such surety and insurance companies shail also meet such additional requirements and qualifications as may be provided in the Supplementary Conditions. 5.02 Performance, Payment, and Maintenance Bonds ' A. Contractor shall furnish performance and payment bonds, in accordance with Texas Government Code Chapter 2253 or successor statute, each in an amount equal to the Contract Price as security for the faithful performance and payrnent of all of Contractor's obligations under the Contract Documents. B. Contractor shall furnish maintenance bonds in an amount equal to the Contract Price as security to protect the City against any defects in any portion of the Work described in the Contract Documents. Maintenance bonds shall remain in effect for two (2) years after the date of Final Acceptance by the City. C. All bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Documents except as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulations, and shall be executed by such sureties as are named in the list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Financial Management Service, Surety Bond Branch, U.S. Department of the Treasury. All bonds signed by an agent or attorney-in-fact must be accompanied by a sealed and dated power of attorney which shall show that it is effective on the date the agent or attorney-in-fact signed each bond. D. If the surety on any bond furnished by Contractor is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in the State of Texas or it ceases to meet the requirements of Paragraph 5.02.C, Contractor shall promptly notify City and shall, within 30 days after the event giving rise to such notification, provide another bond and surety, both of which shall comply with the requirements of Paragraphs 5.01 and 5.02.C. 5.03 Certificates of Insurance Contractor shall deliver to City, with copies to each additional insured and loss payee identified in the Supplementary Conditions, certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance requested by City or any other additional insured) which Contractor is required to purchase and maintain. 1. The certificate of insurance shall document the City, and all identified entities named in the Supplementary Conditions as "Additional Insured" on all liability policies. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacanb�21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERA� CONDITIONS Page 17 of 63 2. The Contractar's general liability insurance shall include a, "per project" or "per location", endorsement, which shall be identified in the certificate of insurance provided to the City. 3. The certificate shall be signed by an agent authorized to bind coverage on behalf of the insured, be complete in its entirety, and show complete insurance carrier names as listed in the current A.M. Best Property & Casualty Guide 4. The insurers for all policies must be licensed and/or approved to do business in the State of Texas. Except for workers' compensation, all insurers must have a minimum rating of A-; VII in the current A. M. Best Key Rating Guide or have reasonably equivalent financial strength and solvency to the satisfaction of Risk Management. If the rating is below that required, written approval of City is required. 5. All applicable policies shall include a Waiver of Subrogation (Rights of Recovery) in favor of the City. In addition, the Contractor agrees to waive all rights of subrogation against the Engineer (if applicable), and each additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions 6. Failure of the City to demand such certificates or other evidence of full compliance with the insurance requirements or failure of the City to identify a deficiency from evidence that is provided shall not be construed as a waiver of Contractor's obligation to maintain such lines of insurance coverage. 7. If insurance policies are not written for specified coverage limits, an Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance for any differences is required. Excess Liability shall follow form of the primary coverage. 8. Unless otherwise stated, all required insurance shall be written on the "occurrence basis". If coverage is underwritten on a claims-made basis, the retroactive date shall be coincident with or prior to the date of the effective date of the agreement and the certificate of insurance shall state that the coverage is claims-made and the retroactive date. The insurance coverage shall be maintained for the duration of the Contract and for three (3) years following Final Acceptance provided under the Contract Documents or for the warranty period, whichever is longer. An annual certificate of insurance submitted to the City shall evidence such insurance coverage. 9. Policies shall have no exclusions by endorsements, which, neither nullify or amend, the required lines of coverage, nor decrease the limits of said coverage unless such endorsements are approved in writing by the City. In the event a Contract has been bid or executed and the exclusions are determined to be unacceptable or the City desires additional insurance coverage, and the City desires the contractor/engineer to obtain such coverage, the contract price shall be adjusted by the cost of the premium for such additional coverage plus 10%. 10. Any self-insured retention (SIR), in excess of $25,000.00, affecting required insurance coverage shall be approved by the City in regards to asset value and stockholders' equity. In C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUC"CION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 18 of 63 lieu of traditional insurance, alternative coverage maintained through insurance pools or risk retention groups, must also be approved by City. 11. Any deductible in excess of $5,000.00, for any policy that does not provide coverage on a first-dollar basis, must be acceptable to and approved by the City. 12. City, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to review the insurance requirements and to make reasonable adjustments to insurance coverage's and their limits when deemed necessary and prudent by the City based upon changes in statutory law, court decision or the claims history of the industry as well as of the contracting party to the City. The City shall be required to provide prior notice of 90 days, and the insurance adjustments shall be incorporated into the Work by Change Order. 13. City shall be entitled, upon written request and without expense, to receive copies of policies ' and endorsements thereto and may make any reasonable requests for deletion or revision or modifications of particular policy terms, conditions, limitations, or exclusions necessary to conform the policy and endorsements to the requirements of the Contract. Deletions, revisions, or modifications shall not be required where policy provisions are established by law or regulations binding upon either party or the underwriter on any such policies. 14. City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium costs for Contractar's insurance. 5.04 Contractor's Insurance A. Workers Compensation and Employers' Liability. Contractor shall purchase and maintain such insurance coverage with limits consistent with statutory benefits outlined in the Texas Workers' Compensation Act (Texas Labor Code, Ch. 406, as amended), and minimum limits for Employers' Liability as is appropriate for the Work being performed and as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from Contractor's performance of the Work and Contractor's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed by Contractor, any Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: 1. claims under workers' compensation, disability benefits, and other similar employee benefit acts; 2. claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of Contractor's employees. B. Comnzercial General Liability. Coverage shall include but not be limited to covering liability (bodily injury or property damage) arising from: premises/operations, independent contractors, products/completed operations, personal injury, and liability under an insured contract. Insurance shall be provided on an occurrence basis, and as comprehensive as the current Insurance Services Office (ISO) policy. This insurance shall apply as primary insurance with respect to any other CITY O[' FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Decanber21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERA� CONDITIONS Page l9 of 63 insurance or self-insurance programs afforded to the City. The Commercial General Liability policy, shall have no exclusions by endorsements that would alter of nullify premises/operations, products/completed operations, contractual, personal injury, or advertising injury, which are normally contained with the policy, unless the City approves such exclusions in writing. For conshuction projects that present a substantial completed operation exposure, the City may require the contractor to maintain completed operations coverage for a minimum of no less than three (3) years following the completion of the project (if identified in the Supplementary Conditions). C. Automobile Liability. A commercial business auto policy shall provide coverage on "any auto", defined as autos owned, hired and non-owned and provide indemnity for claims for damages because bodily injury or death of any person and or property damage arising out of the woi•k, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle by the Contractor, any Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. D. Railroad Protective Liabiliry. If any of the work or any warranty work is within the limits of railroad right-of-way, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements identified in the Supplementary Conditions. E. Notifrcation of Policy Cancellation: Contractor shall immediately notify City upon cancellation or other loss of insurance coverage. Contractor shall stop work until replacement insurance has been procured. There shall be no time credit for days not worked pursuant to this section. 5.05 Acceptance of Bonds and Irrsurance; Option to Replace If City has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the bonds or insurance required to be purchased and maintained by the Contractor in accordance with Article 5 on the basis of non-conformance with the Contract Documents, the City shall so notify the Contractor in writing within 10 Business Days after receipt of the certificates (ar other evidence requested). Contractor shall provide to the City such additional information in respect of insurance provided as the City may reasonably request. If Contractor does not purchase or maintain all of the bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents, the City shall notify the Contractor in writing of such failure prior to the start of the Work, or of such failure to maintain prior to any change in the required coverage. ARTICLE 6 — CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.01 Supervision and Superintendence A. Contractor shall supervise, inspect, and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 20 of 63 B. At all times during the progress of the Work, Contractor shall assign a competent, English- speaking, Superintendent who shall not be replaced without written notice to City. The Superintendent will be Contractor's representative at the Site and shall have authority to act on behalf of Contractor. All communication given to or received from the Superintendent shall be binding on Contractor. C. Contractor shall notify the City 24 hours prior to moving areas during the sequence of construction. 6.02 Labor; Working Hours A. Contractor shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to perform construction as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the Site. B. Except as otherwise required for the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the Site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, all Work at the Site shall be performed during Regular Working Hours. Contractor will not permit the performance of Work beyond Regular Working Hours or for Weekend Working Hours without City's written consent (which will not be unreasonably withheld). Written request (by letter ar electronic communication) to perform Work: 1. for beyond Regular Working Hours request must be made by noon at least two (2) Business Days prior 2. for Weekend Working Hours request must be made by noon of the preceding Thursday 3. for legal holidays request must be made by noon two Business Days prior to the legal holiday. 6.03 Services, Materials, and Equipment A. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall provide and assume full responsibility for all services, materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities, and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the performance, Contractor required testing, start-up, and completion of the Work. B. All materials and equipment incorporated into the Wark shall be as speciiied or, if not specified, shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. All special warranties and guarantees required by the Specifications shall expressly run to the bene�t of City. If required by City, Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the source, kind, and quality of materials and equipment. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacanber21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 21 of 63 C. All materials and equipment to be incorporated into the Work shall be stored, applied, installed, connected, erected, protected, used, cleaned, and conditioned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier, except as otherwise may be provided in the Contract Documents. D. All items of standard equipment to be incorporated into the Work shall be the latest model at the time of bid, unless otherwise specified. 6.04 Project Schedule A. Contractor shall adhere to the Project Schedule established in accordance with Paragraph 2.07 and the General Requirements as it may be adjusted from time to time as provided below. 1. Contractor shall submit to City for acceptance (to the extent indicated in Paragraph 2.07 and the General Requirements) proposed adjustments in the Project Schedule that will not result in changing the Contract Time. Such adjustments will comply with any provisions of the General Requirements applicable thereto. 2. Contractor shall submit to City a monthly Project Schedule with a monthly progress payment for the duration of the Contract in accordance with the schedule specification O1 32 16. 3. Proposed adjustments in the Project Schedule that will change the Contract Time shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Article 12. Adjustments in Contract Time may only be made by a Change Order. 6.05 Substitutes and "Or-Equals " A. Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type, function, appearance, and quality required. Unless the specification or description contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent, or "or-equal" item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material ar equipment of other Suppliers may be submitted to City for review undei� the circumstances described below. 1. "Or-Equal " Items: If in City's sole discretion an item of material ot� equipment proposed by Contractor is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently similar so that no change in related Work will be required, it may be considered by City as an "or-equal" item, in which case review and approval of the proposed item may, in City's sole discretion, be accomplished without compliance with some or all of the requirements for approval of proposed substitute items. For the purposes of this Paragraph 6.OS.A.1, a proposed item of material or equipment will be considered functionally equal to an item so named if: a. the City determines that: 1) it is at least equal in materials of construction, quality, durability, appearance, strength, and design characteristics; CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CAT[ON DOCUMGNTS Revisian: December21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 22 of 63 2) it will reliably perform at least equally well the function and achieve the results imposed by the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole; and 3) it has a proven record of performance and availability of responsive service; and b. Contractor certifies that, if approved and incorporated into the Work: 1) there will be no increase in cost to the City or increase in Contract Time; and 2) it will conform substantially to the detailed requirements of the item named in the Contract Documents. 2. Substitute Items: a. If in City's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by Contractor does not qualify as an"or-equal" item under Paragraph 6.OS.A.1, it may be submitted as a proposed substitute item. b. Contractor shall submit sufficient information as provided below to allow City to determine if the item of material or equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and an acceptable substitute therefor. Requests for review of proposed substitute items of material or equipment will not be accepted by City from anyone other than Contractor. c. Contractor shall make written application to City for review of a proposed substitute item of material or equipment that Contractor seeks to fumish or use. The application shall comply with Section Ol 25 00 and: 1) shall certify that the proposed substitute item will: a) perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general design; b) be similar in substance to that specified; c) be suited to the same use as that specified; and 2) will state: a) the extent, if any, to which the use of the proposed substitute item will prejudice Contractor's achievement of final completion on time; b) whether use of the proposed substitute item in the Work will require a change in any of the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with City for other work on the Project) to adapt the design to the proposed substitute item; CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Daeanber2l, 2012 007200- l GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 23 of 63 c) whether incorporation or use of the proposed substitute item in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty; and 3) will identify: a) all variations of the proposed substitute item from that specified; b) available engineering, sales, maintenance, repair, and replacement services; and 4) shall contain an itemized estimate of all costs or credits that will result directly or indirectly from use of such substitute item, including costs of redesign and Damage Claims of other contractors affected by any resulting change. B. Substitute Constructiorr Methods or Procedures: If a specific means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction is expressly required by the Contract Documents, Contractor may furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction approved by City. Contractor shall submit sufficient information to allow City, in City's sole discretion, to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that expressly called for by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall make written application to City for review in the same manner as those provided in Paragraph 6.OS.A.2. C. Ciry's Evaluation: City will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or submittal made pursuant to Paragraphs 6.OS.A and 6.OS.B. City may require Contractor to furnish additional data about the proposed substitute. City will be the sole judge of acceptability. No "or-equal" or substitute will be ordered, installed ar utilized until City's review is complete, which will be evidenced by a Change Order in the case of a substitute and an accepted Submittal for an "or-equal." City will advise Contractor in wi•iting of its determination. D. Special Guarantee: City may require Contractor to furnish at Contractor's expense a special performance guarantee, warranty, or other surety with respect to any substitute. Contractor shall inc�emn� and hold harmless City and anyone directly or indiYectly employed by them from and agairrst any crnd all claims, darnages, losses and expenses (including attorneys fees) arising out of the arse of substit�ted nzaterials or eqzcipment. E. City's Cost Reimbursen�ent: City will record City's costs in evaluating a substitute proposed or submitted by Contractor pursuant to Paragraphs 6.OS.A.2 and 6.OS.B. Whether or not City approves a substitute so proposed or submitted by Contractor, Contractor may be required to reimburse City for evaluating each such proposed substitute. Contractor may also be required to reimburse City for the charges for making changes in the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with City) resulting fi•om the acceptance of each proposed substitute. F. Contractor's Expense: Contractor shall provide all data in support of any proposed substitute or "or-equal" at Contractor's expense. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCT[ON SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 20I2 aonoo-i GENERA� CONDITIONS Page 24 of 63 G. Ciry Substitute Reimbursement: Costs (savings or charges) attributable to acceptance of a substitute shall be incorporated to the Contract by Change Order. H. Time Extensions: No additional time will be granted for substitutions. 6.06 Co»cerning Subcontractors, Suppliers, and Others A. Contractor shall perform with his own organization, work of a value not less than 35% of the value embraced on the Contract, unless otherwise approved by the City. B. Contractor shall not employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity, whether initially or as a replacement, against whom City may have reasonable objection. Contractor shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity to furnish or perform any of the Work against whom Contractor has reasonable objection (excluding those acceptable to City as indicated in Paragraph 6.06.C). C. The City may from time to time require the use of certain Subcontractors, Suppliers, or other individuals or entities on the project, and will provide such requirements in the Supplementary Conditions. D. Minority Business Enterprise Compliance: It is City policy to ensure the full and equitable participation by Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) in the procurement of goods and services on a contractual basis. If the Contract Documents provide for a MBE goal, Contractor is required to comply with the intent of the City's MBE Ordinance (as amended) by the following: 1. Contractor shall, upon request by City, provide complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a MBE on the Contract and payment therefor. 2. Contractor will not make additions, deletions, or substitutions of accepted MBE without written consent of the City. Any unjustified change or deletion shall be a material breach of Contract and may result in debarment in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Ordinance. 3. Contractor shall, upon request by City, allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records, or files in the possession of the Contractor that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE. Material misrepresentation of any nature will be grounds for termination of the Contract in accordance with Paragraph 15.02.A. Any such misrepresentation may be grounds for disqualification of Contractor to bid on future contracts with the City for a period of not less than three years. E. Contractor shall be fully responsible to City for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Work just as Contractor is responsible for Contractor's own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Daeember21,2012 00 �a oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 25 of 63 1. shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity any contractual relationship between City and any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other individual or entity; nor 2. shall create any obligation on the part of City to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity except as may otherwise be required by Laws and Regulations. F. Contractor shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordinating the Work of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with Contractor. G. All Subcontractors, Suppliers, and such other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Work shall communicate with City through Contractor. H. All Work performed for Contractor by a Subcontractor or Supplier will be pursuant to an appropriate agreement between Contractor and the Subcontractar or Supplier which specifically binds the Subcontractor or Supplier to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of City. 6.07 Wage Rates A. Dury to pay Prevailirrg Wage Rates. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code (as amended), including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these Contract Documents. B. Penalty for Violation. A Contractor or any Subcontractor who does not pay the prevailing wage shall, upon demand made by the City, pay to the City $60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the prevailing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents. This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its administrative costs, pursuant to Texas Government Code 2258.023. C. Complaints of Vio7atiorrs and Ciry Determination of Good Cause. On receipt of information, including a complaint by a worker, concerning an alleged violation of 2258.023, Texas Government Code, by a Contractor or Subcontractor, the City shall make an initial determination, before the 31 st day after the date the City receives the information, as to whether good cause exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall notify in writing the Contractor or Subcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determination. Upon the City's determination that there is good cause to believe the Contractor or Subcontractor has violated Chapter 2258, the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and wages due under the prevailing wage rates, such amounts being subtracted from successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPEC[FICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: Decc�nber21,2012 00 �a oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 26 of 63 D. Arbitration Required if Violatron Not Resolved. An issue relating to an aileged violation of Section 2258.023, Texas Government Code, including a penalty owed to the City or an affected worker, shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act (Article 224 et seg., Revised Statutes) if the Contractor or Subcontractor and any affected worker does not resolve the issue by agreement before the 15th day after the date the City makes its initial determination pursuant to Paragraph C above. If the persons required to arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the l lth day after the date that arbitration is required, a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The City is not a party in the arbitration. The decision and award of the arbitrator is final and binding on all parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction. E. Records to be Maintained. The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the Contractor in the construction of the Work provided for in this Contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of Paragraph 6.23, Right to Audit, shall pertain to this inspection. F. Progress Payments. With each progress payment or payroll period, whichever is less, the Contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the Contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. G. Posting of Wage Rates. The Contractor shall post prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at all times. H. Subcontractor Compliance. The Contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its Subcontractors to comply with Paragraphs A through G above. 6.08 Patent Fees and Royalties A. Contractor shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the Work or the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product, or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. If a particular invention, design, process, product, or device is specified in the Contract Documents for use in the perfortnance of the Work and if, to the actual knowledge of City, its use is subject to patent rights or copyrights calling for the payment of any license fee or royalty to others, the existence of such rights shall be disclosed by City in the Contract Documents. Failure of the City to disclose such information does not relieve the Contractor from its obligations to pay for the use of said fees or royalties to others. B. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless City, from and agairrst all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration oN other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relatirrg to any inf�ingement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the pe�fo�mance of the Work or resulting from CITY OF POftT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Decanber2l, 2012 oonoo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 27 of 63 the incorporation in the Work of any irrvention, design, process, product, or device rrot specified in the Contract Documents. 6.09 Permits and Utilities A. Corrtractor obtained permits and licenses. Contractor shall obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses except those provided for in the Supplementary Conditions or Contract Documents. City shall assist Contractor, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all governmental charges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work which are applicable at the time of opening of Bids, or, if there are no Bids, on the Effective Date of the Agreement, except for permits provided by the City as specified in 6.09.B. City shall pay all charges of utility owners for connections for providing permanent service to the Work. B. City obtained permits and licenses. City will obtain and pay for all permits and licenses as provided for in the Supplementary Conditions or Contract Documents. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to carry out the provisions of the permit. If the Contractor initiates changes to the Contract and the City approves the changes, the Contractor is responsible for obtaining clearances and coordinating with the appropriate regulatory agency. The City will not reimburse the Contractor for any cost associated with these requirements of any City acquired permit. The following are permits the City will obtain if required: 1. Texas Department of Transportation Permits 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permits 3. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Permits 4. Railroad Company Permits C. Outstanding permits and lzcenses. The City anticipates acquisition of and/or access to permits and licenses. Any outstanding permits and licenses are anticipated to be acquired in accordance with the schedule set foi�th in the Supplementaty Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents must consider any outstanding permits and licenses. 6.10 La►vs and Regulations A. Contractor shall give all notices required by and shall comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work. Except where otheitivise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations, the City shall not be responsible for monitoring Contractor's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. B. If Contractor performs any Work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or Regulations, Contractor shall bear all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONS'fRUCT[ON SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: Decanber21,2012 00 �z oa - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 28 of 63 court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such Work. However, it shall not be Contractor's responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with Laws and Regulations, but this shall not relieve Contractor of Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 3.02. C. Changes in Laws or Regulations not known at the time of opening of Bids having an effect on the cost or time of performance of the Work may be the subject of an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time. 6.11 Taxes A. On a contract awarded by the City, an organization which qualifies for exemption pursuant to Texas Tax Code, Subchapter H, Sections 151.301-335 (as amended), the Contractor may purchase, rent or lease all materials, supplies and equipment used or consumed in the performance of this contract by issuing to his supplier an exemption certificate in lieu of the tax, said exemption certificate to comply with State Comptroller's Ruling .007. Any such exemption certificate issued to the Contractor in lieu of the tax shall be subject to and shall comply with the provision of State Comptroller's Ruling .011, and any other applicable rulings pertaining to the Texas Tax Code, Subchapter H. B. Texas Tax permits and information may be obtained from: 1. Comptroller of Public Accounts Sales Tax Division Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711; or 2. http://www.window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/taxforms/93-forms.html 6.12 Use of Site and Other Areas A. Limitation ort Use of Site and Other Areas: Contractor shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment, and the operations of workers to the Site and other areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, and shall not unreasonably encumber the Site and other areas with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof, or of any adjacent land or areas resulting from the performance of the Work. 2. At any time when, in the judgment of the City, the Contractor has obstructed or closed or is carrying on operations in a portion of a street, right-of-way, or easement greater than is necessary for proper execution of the Work, the City may require the Contractor to finish the section on which operations are in progress before work is commenced on any additional area of the Site. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: Decanber21,2012 � 00 �2 00 - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 29 of 63 3. Should any Damage Claim be made by any such owner or occupant because of the performance of the Work, Contractor shall promptly attempt to resolve the Damage Claim. 4. Pursuant to Paragraph 6.21, Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless City, from and against all claims, costs, losses, a�d damages arising out of or relating to any claim or action, legal or equrtable, brought by any sZrch oivner or occupant against City. B. Removal of Debris During Performance of the Work: During the progress of the Work Contractor shall keep the Site and other areas free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish, and other debris. Removal and disposal of such waste materials, rubbish, and other debris shall conform to applicable Laws and Regulations. C. Site Maintenance Cleaning: 24 hours after written notice is given to the Contractor that the clean-up on the job site is proceeding in a manner unsatisfactory to the City, if the Contractor fails to correct the unsatisfactory procedure, the City may take such direct action as the City deems appropriate to correct the clean-up deficiencies cited to the Contractor in the written notice (by letter or electronic communication), and the costs of such direct action, plus 25 % of such costs, shall be deducted from the monies due or to become due to the Contractor. D. Final Site Cleaning: Prior to Final Acceptance of the Work Contractor shall clean the Site and the Work and make it ready for utilization by City or adjacent property owner. At the completion of the Work Contractor shall remove from the Site all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery, and surplus materials and shall restore to original condition or better all property disturbed by the Work. E. Loading Structures: Contractor shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall Contractor subject any part of the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. 6.13 Record Documents A. Contractor shall maintain in a safe place at the Site or in a place designated by the Contractor and approved by the City, one (1) record copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, Change Orders, Field Orders, and written interpretations and clarifications in good order and annotated to show changes made during construction. These record documents together with all approved Samples and a counterpart of all accepted Submittals will be available to City for reference. Upon completion of the Work, these record documents, any operation and maintenance manuals, and Submittals will be delivered to City prior to Final Inspection. Contractor shall include accurate locations for buried and imbedded items. 6.14 Safery artd Protection A. Contractor shall be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Such responsibility does not relieve Subcontractors of their responsibility for the safety of persons or property in the performance of their work, nor for compliance with applicable safety Laws and Regulations. Contractor shall CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTtON SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 72 00 - I GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 30 of 63 take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 1. all persons on the Site or who may be affected by the Work; 2. all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the Site; and 3. other property at the Site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities, and Underground Facilities not designated for removal, relocation, or replacement in the course of construction. B. Contractor shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations relating to the safety of persons or property, or to the protection of persons or property from damage, injury, or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. Contractor shall notify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and other utility owners when prosecution of the Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation, and replacement of their property. C. Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of City's safety programs, if any. D. Contractor shall inform City of the specific requirements of Contractor's safety program, if any, with which City's employees and representatives must comply while at the Site. E. All damage, injury, ar loss to any property referred to in Paragraph 6.14.A.2 or 6.14.A.3 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by Contractor, any Subcontractor, Supplier, or any other individual or entity directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shail be remedied by Contractor. F. Contractor's duties and responsibilities for safety and for protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and City has accepted the Work. 6.15 Safery Representative Contractor shall inform City in writing of Contractor's designated safety representative at the Site. 6.16 Hazard Communication Programs Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating any exchange of material safety data sheets or other hazard communication information required to be made available to or exchanged between or among employers in accordance with Laws or Regulations. 6.17 Emergencies and/or Rectifrcation A. In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the Site ar adjacent thereto, Contractor is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage, injury, or loss. Contractor shall give City prompt written notice if Contractor believes that any significant CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Decanber21,2012 00 �z oo - � GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 31 of 63 changes in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby or are required as a i•esult thereof. If City determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by Contractor in response to such an emergency, a Change Order may be issued. B. Should the Contractor fail to respond to a request from the City to rectify any discrepancies, omissions, or correction necessary to conform with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the City shall give the Contractor written notice that such work or changes are to be performed. The written notice shall direct attention to the discrepant condition and request the Contractor to take remedial action to correct the condition. In the event the Contractor does not take positive steps to fulfill this written request, or does not show just cause for not taking the proper action, within 24 hours, the City may take such remedial action with City forces or by contract. The City shall deduct an amount equal to the entire costs for such remedial action, plus 25%, from any funds due or become due the Contractor on the Project. 6.18 Submittals A. Contractor shall submit required Submittals to City for review and acceptance in accordance with the accepted Schedule of Submittals (as required by Paragraph 2.07). Each submittal will be identified as City may require. 1. Submit number of copies specified in the General Requirements. 2. Data shown on the Submittals will be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specified performance and design criteria, materials, and similar data to show City the services, materials, and equipment Contractor proposes to provide and to enable City to review the information for the limited purposes required by Paragraph 6.18.C. 3. Submittals submitted as herein provided by Contractor and reviewed by City for conformance with the design concept shall be executed in conformity with the Contract Documents unless otherwise required by City. 4. When Submittals are submitted for the purpose of showing the installation in greater detail, their review shall not excuse Contractor from requirements shown on the Drawings and Specifications. 5. For-Information-Only submittals upon which the City is not expected to conduct review or take responsive action may be so identified in the Contract Documents. 6. Submit required number of Samples specified in the Specifications. 7. Clearly identify each Sample as to material, Supplier, pertinent data such as catalog numbers, the use for which intended and other data as City may require to enable City to review the submittal for the limited purposes required by Paragraph 6.18.C. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDA2D CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICATION DOCUMGNTS Revision: December21,2012 oonoo-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 32 of 63 B. Where a Submittal is required by the Contract Documents or the Schedule of Submittals, any related Work performed prior to City's review and acceptance of the pertinent submittal will be at the sole expense and responsibility of Contractor. C. City's Review: City will provide timely review of required Submittals in accordance with the Schedule of Submittals acceptable to City. City's review and acceptance will be only to determine if the items covered by the submittals will, after installation or incorporation in the Work, conform to the information given in the Contract Documents and be compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. 2. City's review and acceptance will not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction (except where a particular means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction is specifically and expressly called for by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review and acceptance of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. 3. City's review and acceptance shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless Contractor has complied with the requirements of Section Ol 33 00 and City has given written acceptance of each such variation by specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Submittal. City's review and acceptance shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for complying with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 6.19 Continuing the Work Except as otherwise provided, Contractor shall carry on the Work and adhere to the Project Schedule during all disputes or disagreements with City. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as City and Contractor may otherwise agree in writing. 6.20 Contractor's General Warranty and Guarantee A. Contractor warrants and guarantees to City that all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. City and its officers, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors shall be entitled to rely on representation of ', Contractor's warranty and guarantee. B. Contractor's warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by: abuse, modification, or improper maintenance or operation by persons other than Contractor, Subcontractors, Suppliers, or any other individual or entity for whom Contractor is responsible; or CITY OF FOR7' WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[PICATION DOCUMEN'I'S Revision: Decanber21,2012 oonoo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 33 of 63 2. normal wear and tear under normal usage. C. Contractor's obligation to perform and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the following will constitute an acceptance of Work that is not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of Contractor's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: 1. observations by City; 2. recommendation or payment by City of any progress or final paytnent; the issuance of a certificate of Final Acceptance by City or any payment related thereto by City; 4. use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by City; 5. any review and acceptance of a Submittal by City; 6. any inspection, test, or approval by others; or 7. any correction of defective Work by City. D. The Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the Work and pay for any damage to other work or property resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of two (2) years from the date of Final Acceptance of the Work unless a longer period is specified and shall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond, complying with the requirements of Article 5.02.B. The City will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. 6.21 Indemnification A. Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the City, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licenses or invitees under this Contract. THIS INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION IS SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO OPERATE A.ND BE EFFECTIVE EVEN IF IT IS ALLEGED OR PROVEN THAT ALL OR_.SOME OF THE DAMAGE5 BEING SOUGHT WERE CAUSED. IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY ANY ACT. OMISSION OR NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY. This indemnily provision is intended to include, without limitation, indemnity for costs, expenses and legal fees incurred by the City in defending against such claims and causes of actions. B. Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, at its own expense, the City, its of�icers, servants and employees, from and against any and all loss, damage or destruction of property of the City, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees under this Contract. THIS INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION IS CITY OF FORT WORTH S'I'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dec;anber21,2012 oonoo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 34 of 63 SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO OPERATE AND BE EFFECTIVE EVEN IF IT IS ALLEGED OR PROVEN TI-IAT ALL OR SOME OF THE DAMAGES BEING SOUGHT WERE CAUSED. IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY ANY ACT. OMI ION OR NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY. 6.22 Delegation of Professional Design Services A. Contractor will not be required to provide professional design services unless such services are specifically required by the Contract Documents for a portion of the Work or unless such services are required to carry out Contractor's responsibilities for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures. B. If professional design services or certifications by a design professional related to systems, materials or equipment are specifically required of Contractar by the Contract Documents, City will specify all performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. Contractor shall cause such services or certifications to be provided by a properly licensed professional, whose signature and seal shall appear on all drawings, calculations, specifications, certifications, and Submittals prepared by such professional. Submittals related to the Work designed or certified by such professional, if prepared by others, shall bear such professional's written approval when submitted to City. C. City shall be entitled to rely upon the adequacy, accuracy and completeness of the services, certifications or approvals performed by such design professionals, provided City has specified to Contractor performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. D. Pursuant to this Paragraph 6.22, City's review and acceptance of design calculations and design ' drawings will be only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with performance and design criteria given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. City's review and acceptance of Submittals (except design calculations and design drawings) will be only for the purpose stated in Paragraph 6.18.C. 6.23 Right to Audit A. The Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this Contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this Contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during Regular Working Hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this Paragraph. The City shall give Contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. B. Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this Contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of such Subcontractor, involving transactions to the subcontract, and further, that City shall have access during Regular Working Hours to all CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: Decanber21,2012 00 72 00 - 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 35 of 63 Subcontractor facilities, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this Paragraph. The City shall give Subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. C. Contractor and Subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City. The City agrees to reimburse Contractor for the cost of the copies as follows at the rate published in the Texas Administrative Code in effect as of the time copying is performed. 6.24 Nondiscrimination A. The City is responsible for operating Public Transportation Programs and implementing transit- related projects, which are funded in part with Federal financial assistance awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), without discriminating against any person in the United States on the basis of race, color, or national origin. B. Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended: Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Act and the Regulations as further defined in the Supplementary Conditions for any project receiving Federal assistance. ARTICLE 7— OTHER WORK AT THE SITE 7.01 Related Work at Site A. City may perform other work related to the Project at the Site with City's employees, or other City contractars, or through other direct contracts therefor, or have other work performed by utility owners. If such other work is not noted in the Contract Documents, then written notice thereof will be given to Contractor prior to starting any such other work; and B. Contractor shall afford each other contractor who is a pa��ty to such a direct contract, each utility owner, and City, if City is performing other work with City's employees or other City contractors, proper and safe access to the Site, provide a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such other work, and properly coordinate the Work with theirs. Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting, and patching of the Work that may be requir•ed to properly connect or otherwise make its several parts come together and properly integrate with such other work. Contractor shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating, or otherwise altering such work; provided, however, that Contractor may cut or alter others' work with the written consent of City and the others whose work will be affected. C. If the proper execution or results of any part of Contractor's Work depends upon work performed by others under this Article 7, Contractor shall inspect such other woi•k and promptly report to City in writing any delays, defects, or deficiencies in such other work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for the proper execution and results of Contractor's Work. Contractor's failure to so report will constitute an acceptance of such other work as fit and proper for integration with Contractor's Work except for latent defects in the work provided by others. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 72 00 - 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 36 of 63 7.02 Coordination A. If City intends to contract with others for the perfortnance of other work on the Project at the Site, the following will be set forth in Supplementary Conditions: l. the individual or entity who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various contractors will be identiiied; 2. the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized; and 3. the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided. B. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, City shall have authority for such coordination. ARTICLE 8 — CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.01 Communications to Contractor Except as otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, City shall issue all communications to Contractor. 8.02 FuNnish Data City shall timely furnish the data required under the Contract Documents. 8.03 Pay When Due City shall make payments to Contractor in accordance with Article 14. 8.04 Lands and Easements; Reports arrd Tests City's duties with respect to providing lands and easements and providing engineering surveys to establish reference points are set forth in Paragraphs 4.01 and 4.05. Paragraph 4.02 refers to City's identifying and making available to Contractor copies of reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site that have been utilized by City in preparing the Contract Documents. 8.05 Change Orders City shall execute Change Orders in accordance with Paragraph 10.03. 8.06 Inspections, Tests, and Approvals City's responsibility with respect to certain inspections, tests, and approvals is set forth in Paragraph 13.03. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 �z oo - � GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 37 of 63 8.07 Limitations on City's Responsibilities A. The City shall not supervise, direct, or have control or authority over, nor be responsible for, Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work. City will not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. City will notify the Contractor of applicable safety plans pursuant to Paragraph 6.14. 8.08 Undisclosed Hazardous Environme�tal Condition City's responsibility with respect to an undisclosed Hazardous Environmental Condition is set forth in Paragraph 4.06. 8.09 Compliance with Safety Program While at the Site, City's employees and representatives shall comply with the specific applicable requirements of Contractor's safety programs of which City has been informed pursuant to Paragraph 6.14. ARTICLE 9— CITY'S OBSERVATION STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9A1 City's Project Representative City will provide one or more Project Representative(s) during the construction period. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of City's representative during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents. The Project Representative(s) will be as provided in the Supplementary Conditions. 9.02 Visits to Site A. City's Project Representative will make visits to the Site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction as City deems necessary in order to observe the progress that has been made and the quality of the various aspects of Contractor's executed Work. Based on information obtained during such visits and observations, City's Project Representative will determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. City's Project Representative will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous inspections on the Site to check the quality or quantity of the Wark. City's Project Representative's efforts will be directed toward providing City a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform generally to the Contract Documents. B. City's Project Representative's visits and observations are subject to all the limitations on authority and responsibility in the Contract Documents including those set forth in Paragraph 8.07. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERA� CONDITIONS Page 38 of 63 9.03 Authorized i�ariatiorts in Work City's Project Representative may authorize minor variations in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and are compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding on City and also on Contractor, who shall perform the Work involved promptly. 9.04 Rejecting Defective Work City will have authority to reject Work which City's Project Representative believes to be defective, or will not produce a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or that will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. City will have authority to conduct special inspection ar testing of the Work as provided in Article 13, whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed, or completed. 9.05 Determinations for Work Performed Contractor will determine the actual quantities and classifications of Work performed. City's Project Representative will review with Contractor the preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a written recommendation. City's written decision will be final (except as modified to reflect changed factual conditions or more accurate data). 9.06 Decisions on Requirements of Contract DocunZents and Acceptabiliry of Work A. City will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. B. City will render a written decision on any issue referred. C. City's written decision on the issue referred will be final and binding on the Contractor, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 10.06. ARTICLE 10 — CHANGES iN THE WORK; CLAIMS; EXTRA WORK 10.01 Authorized Changes in the Work A. Without invalidating the Contract and without notice to any surety, City may, at any time or from time to time, order Extra Work. Upon notice of such Extra Work, Contractor shall promptly proceed with the Work involved which will be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents (except as otherwise specifically provided). Extra Work shall be memorialized by a Change Order which may or may not precede an order of Extra work. B. For minor changes of Work not requiring changes to Contract Time or Contract Price, a Field Order may be issued by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Decanber21,2012 00 �z oo -1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 39 of 63 10.02 Unauthorized Changes in the Work Contractor shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time with respect to any work performed that is not required by the Contract Documents as amended, modified, or supplemented as provided in Paragraph 3.04, except in the case of an emergency as provided in Paragraph 6.17. 10.03 Execution of Change Orders A. City and Contractor shall execute appropriate Change Orders covering: 1. changes in the Work which are: (i) ordered by City pursuant to Paragraph 10.O1.A, (ii) required because of acceptance of defective Work under Paragraph 13.08 or City's correction of defective Work under Paragraph 13.09, or (iii) agreed to by the parties; 2. changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which are agreed to by the parties, including any undisputed sum or amount of time for Work actually performed. 10.04 Extra Work A. Should a difference arise as to what does or does not constitute Extra Work, or as to the payment thereof, and the City insists upon its performance, the Contractor shall proceed with the work after making written request for written orders and shall keep accurate account of the actual reasonable cost thereof. Contract Claims regarding Extra Work shall be made pursuant to Paragraph 10.06. B. The Contractor shall furnish the City such installation records of all deviations from the original Contract Documents as may be necessary to enable the City to prepare for permanent record a corrected set of plans showing the actual installation. C. The compensation agreed upon for Extra Work whether or not initiated by a Change Order shall be a full, complete and final payment for all costs Contractor incurs as a result or relating to the change or Extra Work, whether said costs are known, unknown, foreseen or unforeseen at that time, including without limitation, any costs for delay, extended overhead, ripple or impact cost, or any other effect on changed or unchanged work as a result of the change or Extra Work. 10.05 Notification to Surety If the provisions of any bond require notice to be given to a surety of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Time), the giving of any such notice will be Contractor's responsibility. The amount of each applicable bond will be adjusted by the Contractor to reflect the effect of any such change. C1TY OF FOR'I' WOI2TH STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIP[CATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �z oo - � GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 40 of 63 10.06 Contract Claims Process A. City's Decision Required: All Contract Claims, except those waived pursuant to Paragraph 14.09, shall be referred to the City for decision. A decision by City shall be required as a condition precedent to any exercise by Contractor of any rights or remedies he may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws and Regulations in respect of such Contract Claims. B. Notice: 1. Written notice stating the general nature of each Contract Claim shall be delivered by the Contractor to City no later than 15 days after the start of the event giving rise thereto. The responsibility to substantiate a Contract Claim shall rest with the party making the Contract Claim. 2. Notice of the amount or extent of the Contract Claim, with supporting data shall be delivered to the City on or before 45 days from the start of the event giving rise thereto (unless the City allows additional time for Contractor to submit additional or more accurate data in support of such Contract Claim). 3. A Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Price shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 12.01. 4. A Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Time shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 12.02. 5. Each Contract Claim shall be accompanied by Contractor's written statement that the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the Contractor believes it is entitled as a result of said event. 6. The City shall submit any response to the Contractor within 30 days after receipt of the claimant's last submittal (unless Contract allows additional time). C. City's Action: City will review each Contract Claim and, within 30 days after receipt of the last submittal of the Contractor, if any, take one of the following actions in writing: 1. deny the Contract Claim in whole or in part; 2. approve the Contract Claim; or 3. notify the Contractor that the City is unable to resolve the Contract Claim if, in the City's sole discretion, it would be inappropriate for the City to do so. For purposes of further resolution of the Contract Claim, such notice shall be deemed a denial. CI'I'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPGCIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dac:anber21,2012 ao �2 00 - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 41 of 63 D. City's written action under Paragraph 10.06.0 will be final and binding, unless City or Contractar invoke the dispute resolution procedure set forth in Article 16 within 30 days of such action or denial. E. No Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this Paragraph 10.06. ARTICLE 11— COST OF THE WORK; ALLOWANCES; UNIT PRICE WORK; PLANS QUANTITY MEASUREMENT 11.01 Cost of the Work A. Costs Included: The term Cost of the Work means the sum of all costs, except those excluded in Paragraph 11.O1.B, necessarily incurred and paid by Contractor in the proper performance of the Work. When the value of any Work covered by a Change Order, the costs to be reimbursed to Contractor will be only those additional or incremental costs required because of the change in the Work. Such costs shall not include any of the costs itemized in Paragraph 11.01.B, and shall include but not be limited to the following items: Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ of Contractor in the performance of the Work under schedules of job classifications agreed upon by City and Contractor. Such employees shall include, without limitation, superintendents, foremen, and other personnel employed full time on the Work. Payroll costs for employees not employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Work. Payroll costs shall include; a. salaries with a 55% markup, or b. salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits, which shall include social security contributions, unemployment, excise, and payroll taxes, workers' compensation, health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto. The expenses of performing Work outside of Regular Working Hours, Weekend Working Hours, or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by City. 2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation and storage thereof, and Suppliers' field services required in connection therewith. 3. Rentals of all construction equipment and machinery, and the parts thereof whether rented from Contractor or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by City, and the costs of transportation, loading, unloading, assembly, dismantling, and removal thereof. All such costs shall be in accordance with the terms of said rental agreements. The rental of any such equipment, machineiy, or parts shall cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary for the Work. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 72 00 - 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 42 of 63 4. Payments made by Contractor to Subcontractors for Work performed by Subcontractors. If required by City, Contractor shall obtain competitive bids from subcontractors acceptable to City and Contractor and shall deliver such bids to City, who will then determine, which bids, if any, will be acceptable. If any subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee, the Subcontractor's Cost of the Work and fee shall be determined in the same manner as Contractor's Cost of the Wark and fee as provided in this Paragraph 11.01. 5. Costs of special consultants (including but not limited to engineers, architects, testing laboratories, surveyors, attorneys, and accountants) employed for services specificaily related to the Work. 6. Supplemental costs including the following: a. The proportion of necessary transportation, travel, and subsistence expenses of Contractor's employees incurred in discharge of duties connected with the Work. b. Cost, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, appliances, office, and temporary facilities at the Site, and hand tools not owned by the workers, which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cost, ' less market value, of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of Contractor. c. Sales, consumer, use, and other similar taxes related to the Work, and for which Contractor is liable not covered under Paragraph 6.11, as imposed by Laws and Regulations. d. Deposits lost for causes other than negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, and royalty payments and fees for permits and licenses. e. Losses and damages (and related expenses) caused by damage to the Work, not compensated by insurance or otherwise, sustained by Contractor in connection with the performance of the Work, provided such losses and damages have resulted from causes other than the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of City. No such losses, damages, and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining Contractor's fee. f. The cost of utilities, fuel, and sanitary facilities at the Site. g. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone and communication services at the Site, express and courier services, and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPGC[FICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Daeanber21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 43 of 63 h. The costs of premiums for all bonds and insurance Contractor is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain. B. Costs Excluded: The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of the following items: 1. Payroll costs and other compensation of Contractor's officers, executives, principals (of partnerships and sole proprietorships), general managers, safety managers, engineers, architects, estimators, attorneys, auditors, accountants, purchasing and contracting agents, expediters, timekeepers, clerks, and other personnel employed by Contractor, whether at the Site or in Contractor's principal or branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of job classifications referred to in Paragraph 11.O1.A.1 or specifically covered by Paragraph 11.O1.A.4, all of which are to be considered administrative costs covered by the Contractor's fee. 2. Expenses of Contractor's principal and branch offices other than Contractor's office at the Site. Any part of Contractor's capital expenses, including interest on Contractor's capital employed for the Work and charges against Contractor for delinquent payments. 4. Costs due to the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, including but not limited to, the correction of defective Work, disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied, and making good any damage to property. 5. Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind. C. Contractor's Fee: When all the Work is performed on the basis of cost-plus, Contractor's fee shall be determined as set forth in the Agreement. When the value of any Work covered by a Change Order for an adjustment in Contract Price is determined on the basis of Cost of the Work, Contractor's fee shall be determined as set forth in Paragraph 12.O1.C. D. Documentation: Whenever the Cost of the Work for any purpose is to be determined pursuant to Paragraphs 11.O1.A and 11.O1.B, Contractor will establish and maintain records thereof in accardance with generally accepted accounting practices and submit in a form acceptable to City an itemized cost breakdown together with supporting data. 11.02 Allowances A. Specified Allowance: It is understood that Contractor has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be performed for such sums and by such persons or entities as may be acceptable to City. B. Pre-bid Allowances: 1. Contractor agrees that: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPEC[FICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Decenbe�21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 44 of 63 a. the pre-bid allowances include the cost to Contractor of materials and equipment required by the allowances to be delivered at the Site, and all applicable taxes; and b. Contractor's costs for unloading and handling on the Site, labor, installation, overhead, profit, and other expenses contemplated for the pre-bid allowances have been included in , the allowances, and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the foregoing will be valid. C. Contingency Allowance: Contractor agrees that a contingency allowance, if any, is for the sole use of City. ' D. Prior to final payment, an appropriate Change Order will be issued to reflect actual amounts due Contractor on account of Work covered by allowances, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly adjusted. 11.03 Unit Price Work A. Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to the sum of the unit price for each separately identified item of Unit Price Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. B. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor will be made by City subject to the provisions of Paragraph 9.05. C. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by Contractor to be adequate to cover Contractor's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. Work described in the Contract Documents, or reasonably inferred as required for a functionally complete installation, but not identified in the listing of unit price items shall be considered incidental to unit price work listed and the cost of incidental work included as part of the unit price. D. City may make an adjustment in the Contract Price in accordance with Paragraph 12.01 if: 1. the quantity of any item of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor differs materially and significantly from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement; and 2. there is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work. E. Increased or Decreased Quantities: The City reserves the right to order Extra Work in accordance with Paragraph 10.01. l. If the changes in quantities or the alterations do not significantly change the character of work under the Contract Documents, the altered work wili be paid for at the Contract unit price. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIPtCAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacanber21,2012 00�2oo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 45 of 63 2. If the changes in quantities or alterations significantly change the character of work, the Contract will be amended by a Change Order. If no unit prices exist, this will be considered Extra Work and the Contract will be amended by a Change Order in accordance with Article 12. 4. A significant change in the character of work occurs when: a. the character of work for any Item as altered differs materially in kind or nature from that in the Contract or b. a Major Item of work varies by more than 25% from the original Contract quantity. 5. When the quantity of work to be done under any Major Item of the Contract is more than 125% of the original quantity stated in the Contract, then either party to the Contract may request an adjustment to the unit price on the portion of the work that is above 125°/o. 6. When the quantity of work to be done under any Major Item of the Contract is less than 75% of the original quantity stated in the Contract, then either party to the Contract may request an adjustment to the unit price. 11.04 Plans Quantity Measurement A. Plans quantities may or may not represent the exact quantity of work performed or material moved, handled, or placed during the execution of the Contract. The estimated bid quantities are designated as final payment quantities, unless revised by the governing Section or this Article. B. If the quantity measured as outlined under "Price and Payment Procedures" varies by more than 25% (or as stipulated under "Price and Payment Procedures" for specific Items) $•om the total estimated quantity for an individual Item originally shown in the Contract Documents, an adjustment may be made to the quantity of authorized work done for payment purposes. The party to the Contract requesting the adjustment will provide field measurements and calculations showing the final quantity for which payment will be made. Payment for revised quantity will be made at the unit price bid for that Item, except as provided for in Article 10. C. When quantities are revised by a change in design approved by the City, by Change Order, or to correct an error, or to correct an error on the plans, the plans quantity will be increased or decreased by the amount involved in the change, and the 25°/o variance will apply to the new plans quantity. D. If the total Contract quantity multiplied by the unit price bid for an individual Item is less than $250 and the Item is not originally a plans quantity Item, then the Item may be paid as a plans quantity Item if the City and Contractor agree in writing to fix the final quantity as a plans quantity. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[F[CAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 72 00 - 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 46 of 63 E. For callout work or non-site specific Contracts, the plans quantity measurement requirements are not applicable. ARTICLE 12 — CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE; CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIME 12.01 Change of Contract Price A. The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change Order. B. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order will be determined as follows: 1. where the Wark involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (subject to the provisions of Paragraph 11.03); or 2. where the Work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by a mutually agreed lump sum or unit price (which may include an allowance for overhead and proft not necessarily in accordance with Paragraph 12.O1.C.2), and shall include the cost of any secondary impacts that are foreseeable at the time of pricing the cost of Extra Work; or 3. where the Work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement to a lump sum or unit price is not reached under Paragraph 12.O1.B.2, on the basis of the Cost of the Work (determined as provided in Paragraph 11.01) plus a Contractor's fee for overhead and profit (determined as provided in Paragraph 12.O1.C). C. Contractor's Fee: The Contractor's additional fee for overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: 1. a mutually acceptable fixed fee; or 2. if a fixed fee is not agreed upon, then a fee based on the following percentages of the various portions of the Cost of the Work: a. for costs incurred under Paragraphs 11.Ol.A.I, 11.O1.A.2. and 11.O1.A.3, the Contractor's additional fee shall be 15 percent except for: 1) rental fees for Contractor's own equipment using standard rental rates; 2) bonds and insurance; b. for costs incurred under Paragraph 11.01.A.4 and 11.O1.A.5, the Contractor's fee shall be five percent (5%); 1) where one or more tiers of subcontracts are on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee and no fixed fee is agreed upon, the intent of Paragraphs 12.O1.C.2.a and 12.O1.C.2.b is that the Subcontractor who actually performs the Work, at whatever C1TY OF FORT WOR7'H STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �a oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 47 of 63 tier, will be paid a fee of 15 percent of the costs incurred by such Subcontractor under Paragraphs 11.Ol.A.I and 11.O1.A.2 and that any higher tier Subcontractor and Contractor will each be paid a fee of five percent (5%) of the amount paid to the next lower tier Subcontractor, however in no case shall the cumulative total of fees paid be in excess of 25%; c. no fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under Paragraphs 11.O1.A.6, and 11.O1.B; d. the amount of credit to be allowed by Contractor to City for any change which results in a net decrease in cost will be the amount of the actual net decrease in cost plus a deduction in Contractor's fee by an amount equal to five pei•cent (5%) of such net decrease. 12.02 Change of Contract Time A. The Contract Time may only be changed by a Change Order. B. No extension of the Contract Time will be allowed for Extra Work or for claimed delay unless the Extra Work contemplated or claimed delay is shown to be on the critical path of the Project Schedule or Contractor can show by Critical Path Method analysis how the Extra Work or claimed delay adversely affects the critical path. 12.03 Delays A. Where Contractor is reasonably delayed in the performance or completion of any part of the Work within the Contract Time due to delay beyond the control of Contractor, the Contract Time may be extended in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay if a Contract Claim is made therefor. Delays beyond the control of Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, acts or neglect by City, acts or neglect of utility owners or other contractors performing other work as contemplated by Article 7, fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, or acts of God. Such an adjustment shall be Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy for the delays described in this Paragraph. B. If Contractor is delayed, City shall not be liable to Contractor for any claims, costs, losses, or damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) sustained by Contractor on or in connection with any other project or anticipated project. C. Contractor shall not be entitled to an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time for delays within the control of Contractor. Delays attributable to and within the control of a Subcontractor or Supplier shall be deemed to be delays within the control of Contractor. D. The Contractor shall receive no compensation for delays or hindrances to the Work, except when direct and unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the City to provide information or material, if any, which is to be furnished by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 �2 00 - t GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 48 of 63 ARTICLE 13 — TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK 13.01 Notice of Defects Notice of all defective Work of which City has actual knowledge will be given to Contractor. Defective Work may be rejected, corrected, or accepted as provided in this Article 13. 13.02 Access to Work City, independent testing laboratories, and governmental agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the Site and the Work at reasonable times for their observation, inspection, and testing. Contractor shall provide them proper and safe conditions for such access and advise them of Contractor's safety procedures and programs so that they may comply therewith as applicable. 13.03 Tests and Inspections A. Contractor shall give City timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests, or approvals and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests. B. If Contract Documents, Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any of the Work (or part thereo� to be inspected, tested, or approved, Contractor shall assume full responsibility for arranging and obtaining such independent inspections, tests, retests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith, and furnish City the required certificates of inspection or approval; excepting, however, those fees specifically identified in the Supplementary Conditions or any Texas Department of Licensure and Regulation (TDLR) inspections, which shall be paid as described in the Supplementary Conditions. C. Contractor shall be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspections, tests, re-tests, or approvals required for City's acceptance of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work; or acceptance of materials, mix designs, or equipment submitted for approval prior to Contractor's purchase thereof for incorporation in the Work. Such inspections, tests, re-tests, or approvals shall be performed by organizations acceptable to City. D. City may arrange for the services of an independent testing labaratory ("Testing Lab") to perform any inspections or tests ("Testing") for any part of the Work, as determined solely by City. 1. City will coordinate such Testing to the extent possible, with Contractor; 2. Should any Testing under this Section 13.03 D result in a"fail", "did not pass" or other similar negative result, the Contractor shall be responsible for paying for any and all retests. Contractor's cancellation without cause of City initiated Testing shall be deemed a negative result and require a retest. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPEC[F[CATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacember21,2012 ao �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 49 of 63 Any amounts owed for any retest under this Section 13.03 D shall be paid directly to the Testing Lab by Contractar. City will forward all invoices for retests to Contractor. 4. If Contractor fails to pay the Testing Lab, City will not issue Final Payment until the Testing Lab is paid. E. If any Work (or the work of others) that is to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered by Contractor without written concurrence of City, Contractor shall, if requested by City, uncover such Work for observation. F. Uncovering Work as provided in Paragraph 13.03.E shall be at Contractor's expense. G. Contractor shall have the right to make a Contract Claim regarding any retest or invoice issued under Section 13.03 D. 13.04 Uncovering Work A. If any Work is covered contrary to the Contract Documents or specific instructions by the City, it must, if requested by City, be uncovered for City's observation and replaced at Contractor's expense. B. If City considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by City or inspected or tested by others, Contractor, at City's request, shall uncover, expose, or otherwise make available for observation, inspection, or testing as City may require, that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material, and equipment. If it is found that the uncovered Work is defective, Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, and testing, and of satisfactory replacement or reconstruction (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others); or City shall be entitled to accept defective Work in accordance with Paragraph 13.08 in which case Contractor shall still be responsible for all costs associated with exposing, observing, and testing the defective Work. 2. If the uncovered Work is not found to be defective, Contractor shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, or both, directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing, replacement, and reconstruction. 13.05 City May Stop the Work If the Work is defective, or Contractor fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to perform the Work in such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, City may order Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however, this right of City to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of City to exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor, any CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacemba21,2012 00 �z oo - � GENERA� CONDITIONS Page 50 of 63 Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other individual or entity, or any surety for, or employee or agent of any of them. 13.06 Correction or Removal of Defective Work A. Promptly after receipt of written notice, Contractor shall correct all defective Work pursuant to an acceptable schedule, whether or not fabricated, installed, or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by City, remove it from the Project and replace it with Work that is not defective. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, additional testing, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such correction or removal (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others). Failure to require the removal of any defective Work shall not constitute acceptance of such Work. B. When correcting defective Work under the terms of this Paragraph 13.06 or Paragraph 13.07, Contractor shall take no action that would void or otherwise impair City's special warranty and guarantee, if any, on said Work. 13.07 Correction PeNiod A. If within two (2) years after the date of Final Acceptance (or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents), any Work is found to be defective, or if the repair of any damages to the land or areas made available far Contractor's use by City or permitted by Laws and Regulations as contemplated in Paragraph 6.10.A is found to be defective, Contractor shall promptly, without cost to City and in accordance with City's written instructions: 1. repair such defective land or areas; or 2. correct such defective Work; or 3. if the defective Work has been rejected by City, remove it from the Project and replace it with Work that is not defective, and 4. satisfactorily correct or repair or remove and replace any damage to other Work, to the work of others or other land or areas resulting therefrom. B. If Contractor does not promptly comply with the terms of City's written instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, City may have the defective Work corrected or repaired or may have the rejected Work removed and replaced. All claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such correction or repair or such removal and replacement (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others) will be paid by Contractor. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacember21,2012 00 �2 ao - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 51 of 63 C. In special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before Final Acceptance of all the Work, the correction period for that item may start to run from an earlier date if so provided in the Contract Documents. D. Where defective Work (and damage to other Work resulting therefrom) has been corrected or removed and replaced under this Paragraph 13.07, the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work may be required to be extended for an additional period of one year after the end of the initial correction period. City shall provide 30 days written notice to Contractor should such additional warranty coverage be required. Contractor may dispute this requirement by filing a Contract Claim, pursuant to Paragraph 10.06. E. Contractor's obligations under this Paragraph 13.07 are in addition to any other obligation or warranty. The provisions of this Paragraph 13.07 shall not be construed as a substitute for, or a waiver of, the provisions of any applicable statute of limitation or repose. 13.08 Acceptance of Defective Work If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Work, City prefers to accept it, City may do so. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs) attributable to City's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work and for the diminished value of the Work to the extent not otherwise paid by Contractor. If any such acceptance occurs prior to Final Acceptance, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work, and City shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, reflecting the diminished value of Work so accepted. 13.09 City May Correct Defective Work A. If Contractor fails within a reasonable time after written notice from City to correct defective Work, or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by City in accordance with Paragraph 13.06.A, or if Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if Contractor fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, City may, after seven (7) days written notice to Contractor, correct, or remedy any such deficiency. B. In exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09, City shall proceed expeditiously. In connection with such corrective or remedial action, City may exclude Contractor from all or pai�t of the Site, take possession of all or part of the Work and suspend Contractor's services related thereto, and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment incorporated in the Work, stored at the Site or for which City has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow City, City's representatives, agents, consultants, employees, and City's other contractors, access to the Site to enable City to exercise the rights and remedies under this Paragraph. C. All claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIP[CATtON DOCUMENTS Revision: Daceanber21,2012 oonoo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 52 of 63 costs) incurred or sustained by City in exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09 will be charged against Contractor, and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and City shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price. D. Contractor shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Time because of any delay in the performance of the Work attributable to the exercise of City's rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09. ARTICLE 14 — PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION 14.01 Schedule of I�alues The Schedule of Values for lump sum contracts established as provided in Paragraph 2.07 will serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated into a form of Application for Payment acceptable to City. Progress payments on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the number of units completed. 14.02 Progress Payments A. Applications for Payments: 1. Contractor is responsible for providing all information as required to become a vendar of the City. 2. At least 20 days before the date established in the General Requirements for each progress payment, Contractor shall submit to City for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by Contractor covering the Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 3. If payrnent is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the Site or at another location agreed to in writing, the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice, ar other documentation warranting that City has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all Liens and evidence that the materials and equipment are covered by appropriate insurance or other arrangements to protect City's interest therein, all of which must be satisfactory to City. 4. Beginning with the second Application for Payment, each Application shall include an affidavit of Contractor stating that previous progress payments received on account of the Work have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations associated with prior Applications for Payment. 5. The amount of retainage with respect to progress payments will be as stipulated in the Contract Documents. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRllCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacember21,2012 00 �a oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 53 of 63 B. Review ofApplications: 1. City will, after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in writing a recommendation of payment or return the Application to Contractor indicating reasons for refusing payment. In the latter case, Contractor may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. 2. City's processing of any payment requested in an Application for Payment will be based on City's observations of the executed Work, and on City's review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules, that to the best of City's knowledge: a. the Work has progressed to the point indicated; b. the quality of the Work is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Final Acceptance, the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, a final determination of quantities and classifications for Work performed under Paragraph 9.05, and any other qualifications stated in the recommendation). 3. Processing any such payment will not thereby be deemed to have represented that: a. inspections made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work as it has been performed have been exhaustive, extended to every aspect of the Work in progress, or involved detailed inspections of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to City in the Contract Documents; or b. there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle Contractor to be paid additionally by City or entitle City to withhold payrnent to Contractor, or c. Contractor has complied with Laws and Regulations applicable to Contractor's performance of the Work. 4. City may refuse to process the whole or any part of any payment because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, and revise or revoke any such payment previously made, to such extent as may be necessary to protect City from loss because: a. the Work is defective, or the completed Work has been damaged by the Contractor or his subcontractors, requiring correction or replacement; b. discrepancies in quantities contained in previous applications for payment; c. the Contract Price has been reduced by Change Orders; d. City has been required to correct defective Work or complete Work in accordance with Paragraph 13.09; or CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPEC[F[CATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 54 of 63 e. City has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in Paragraph 15.02.A. C. Retainage: 1. For contracts less than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be ten percent (10%). 2. For contracts greater than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be five percent (5%). D. Liquidated Damages. For each calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted after the time specified in the Contract Documents, the sum per day specified in the Agreement, will be deducted from the monies due the Contractor, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages suffered by the City. E. Payment: Contractor will be paid pursuant to the requirements of this Article 14 and payment will become due in accordance with the Contract Documents. F. Reduction in Payment: 1. City may refuse to make payment of the amount requested because: a. Liens have been filed in connection with the Work, except where Contractor has delivered a specific bond satisfactory to City to secure the satisfaction and discharge of such Liens; b. there are other items entitling City to a set-off against the amount recommended; or c. City has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in Paragraphs 14.02.B.4.a through 14.02.B.4.e or Paragraph 15.02.A. 2. If City refuses to make payment of the amount requested, City will give Contractor written notice stating the reasons for such action and pay Contractor any amount remaining after deduction of the amount so withheld. City shall pay Contractor the amount so withheld, or any adjustment thereto agreed to by City and Contractor, when Contractor remedies the reasons for such action. 14.03 Contractor's Warranry of Title Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials, and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorparated in the Project or not, will pass to City no later than the time of payment free and clear of all Liens. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMEN'TS Revision: December21,2012 oonoo-t GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 55 of 63 14.04 Partial Utilization A. Prior to Final Acceptance of all the Work, City may use or occupy any substantially completed part of the Work which has specifically been identified in the Contract Documents, or which City, determines constitutes a separately functioning and usable part of the Work that can be used by City for its intended purpose without significant interference with Contractor's performance of the remainder of the Work. City at any time may notify Contractor in writing to permit City to use or occupy any such part of the Work which City determines to be ready for its intended use, subject to the following conditions: l. Contractor at any time may notify City in writing that Contractar considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use. Within a reasonable time after notification as enumerated in Paragraph 14.OS.A.1, City and Contractor shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status of completion. If City does not consider that part of the Work to be substantially complete, City will notify Contractor in writing giving the reasons therefor. 3. Partial Utilization will not constitute Final Acceptance by City. 14.05 Finallnspection A. Upon written notice from Contractor that the entire Work is complete in accordance with the Contract Documents: 1. within 10 days, City will schedule a Final Inspection with Contractor. 2. City will notify Contractor in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. Contractor shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such Work or remedy such deficiencies. B. No time charge will be made against the Contractor between said date of notification of the City and the date of Final Inspection. Should the City determine that the Work is not ready for Final Inspection, City will notify the Contractor in writing of the reasons and Contract Time will resume. 14.06 Final Acceptance Upon completion by Contractor to City's satisfaction, of any additional Work identified in the Final Inspection, City will issue to Contractor a letter of Final Acceptance. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacember2l, 2012 oonoo-i GENERA� CONDITIONS Page 56 of 63 14.07 Final Payment A. Application for Payment: 1. Upon Final Acceptance, and in the opinion of City, Contractor may make an application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied (except as previously delivered) by: a. all documentation called for in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required by Paragraph 5.03; b. consent of the surety, if any, to final payment; c. a list of all pending or released Damage Claims against City that Contractor believes are unsettled; and d. affidavits of payments and complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to City) of all Lien rights arising out of or Liens filed in connection with the Work. B. Payment Becomes Due: 1. After City's acceptance of the Application for Payment and accompanying documentation, requested by Contractor, less previous payments made and any sum City is entitled, including but not limited to liquidated damages, will become due and payable. 2. After all Damage Claims have been resolved: a. directly by the Contractor or; b. Contractor provides evidence that the Damage Claim has been reported to Contractor's insurance provider for resolution. 3. The making of the final payment by the City shall not relieve the Contractor of any guarantees or other requirements of the Contract Documents which specifically continue thereafter. 14.08 Final Completion Delayed and Partial Retainage Release A. If final completion of the Work is significantly delayed, and if City so confirms, City may, upon receipt of Contractor's final Application for Payment, and without terminating the Contract, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by City for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in Paragraph 14.02.C, and if bonds have been furnished as required in Paragraph 5.02, the written consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacanber21,2012 00 �z oo - � GENERAI. CONDITIONS Page 57 of 63 portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to City with the Application for such payment. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of Contract Claims. B. Partial Retainage Release. For a Contract that provides for a separate vegetative establishment and maintenance, and test and performance periods following the completion of all other construction in the Contract Documents for all Work locations, the City may release a portion of the amount retained provided that all other work is completed as determined by the City. Before the release, all submittals and final quantities must be completed and accepted for all other work. An amount sufficient to ensure Contract compliance will be retained. 14.09 Waiver of Claims The acceptance of final payment will constitute a release of the City from all claims or liabilities under the Contract for anything done or furnished or relating to the work under the Contract Documents or any act or neglect of City related to or connected with the Contract. ARTICLE 15 — SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 15.01 Ciry May Suspend Work A. At any time and without cause, City may suspend the Work or any portion thereof by written notice to Contractor and which may fix the date on which Work will be resumed. Contractor shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. During temporary suspension of the Work covered by these Contract Documents, for any reason, the City will make no extra payment for stand-by time of construction equipment and/or construction crews. B. Should the Contractor not be able to complete a portion of the Project due to causes beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, and should it be determined by mutual consent of the Contractor and City that a solution to allow construction to proceed is not available within a reasonable period of time, Contractor may request an extension in Contract Time, directly attributable to any such suspension. C. If it should become necessary to suspend the Work for an indefinite period, the Contractor shall store all materials in such a manner that they will not obstruct or impede the public unnecessarily nor become damaged in any way, and he shall take every precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work performed; he shall provide suitable drainage about the work, and erect temporary structures where necessary. D. Contractor may be reimbursed for the cost of moving his equipment off the job and returning the necessary equipment to the job when it is determined by the City that construction may be resumed. Such reimbursement shall be based on actual cost to the Contractor of moving the equipment and no profit will be allowed. Reimbursement may not be allowed if the equipment is moved to another construction project for the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Decembei21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 58 of 63 15.02 City May Terminate for Cause A. The occurrence of any one or more of the following events by way of example, but not of limitation, may justify termination for cause: l. Contractor's persistent failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, failure to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, failure to adhere to the Project Schedule established under Paragraph 2.07 as adjusted from time to time pursuant to Paragraph 6.04, or failure to adhere to the City's Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance #20020-12-2011established under Paragraph 6.06.D); 2. Contractor's disregard of Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; 3. Contractor's repeated disregard of the authority of City; or 4. Contractor's violation in any substantial way of any provisions of the Contract Documents; or 5. Contractor's failure to promptly make good any defect in materials or workmanship, or defects of any nature, the correction of which has been directed in writing by the City; or 6. Substantial indication that the Contractor has made an unauthorized assignment of the Contract or any funds due therefrom for the benefit of any creditor or for any other purpose; or 7. Substantial evidence that the Contractor has become insolvent or bankrupt, or otherwise financially unable to carry on the Work satisfactorily; or 8. Contractor commences legal action in a court of competent jurisdiction against the City. B. If one or more of the events identified in Paragraph 15.02A. occur, City will provide written notice to Contractor and Surety to arrange a conference with Contractor and Surety to address Contractor's failure to perform the Work. Conference shall be held not later than 15 days, after receipt of notice. l. If the City, the Contractor, and the Surety do not agree to allow the Contractor to proceed to perform the construction Contract, the City may, to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, declare a Contractor default and formally terminate the Contractor's right to complete the Contract. Contractor default shall not be declared earlier than 20 days after the Contractor and Surety have received notice of conference to address Contractor's failure to perform the Work. 2. If Contractor's services are terminated, Surety shall be obligated to take over and perform the Work. If Surety does not commence performance thereof within 15 consecutive calendar days after date of an additional written notice demanding Surety's performance of its CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacanber21,2012 oonoo-i GENERA� CONDITIONS Page 59 of 63 obligations, then City, without process or action at law, may take over any portion of the Work and complete it as described below. a. If City completes the Work, City may exclude Contractor and Surety from the site and take possession of the Work, and all materials and equipment incorporated into the Work stored at the Site or for which City has paid Contractor or Surety but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as City may deem expedient. 3. Whether City or Surety completes the Work, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims, costs, losses and damages sustained by City arising out of or resulting from completing the Work, such excess will be paid to Contractor. If such claims, costs, losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, Contractor shall pay the difference to City. Such claims, costs, losses and damages incurred by City will be incorporated in a Change Order, provided that when exercising any rights or remedies under this Paragraph, City shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. 4. Neither City, nor any of its respective consultants, agents, officers, directors or employees shall be in any way liable or accountable to Contractor or Surety for the method by which the completion of the said Work, or any portion thereof, may be accomplished or for the price paid therefor. 5. City, notwithstanding the method used in completing the Contract, shall not forfeit the right to recover damages from Contractor or Surety for Contractor's failure to timely complete the entire Contract. Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim on account of the method used by City in completing the Contract. 6. Maintenance of the Work shall continue to be Contractor's and Surety's responsibilities as provided for in the bond requirements of the Contt•act Documents or any special guarantees provided for under the Contract Documents or any other obligations otherwise prescribed by law. C. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 15.02.B, Contractor's services will not be terminated if Contractor begins within seven days of receipt of notice of intent to terminate to coi�rect its failure to perform and proceeds diligently to cure such failure within no more than 30 days of receipt of said notice. D. Where Contractor's services have been so terminated by City, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of City against Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys due Contractor by City will not release Contractor from liability. E. If and to the extent that Contractor has provided a performance bond under the provisions of Paragraph 5.02, the termination procedures of that bond shall not supersede the provisions of this Article. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPEC[FICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December21,2012 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 60 of 63 15.03 Ciry May Terminate For Convenience A. City may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of City, terminate the Contract. Any termination shall be effected by mailing a notice of the termination to the Contractor specifying the extent to which performance of Work under the contract is terminated, and the date upon which such tertnination becomes effective. Receipt of the notice shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established when the letter is placed in the United States Postal Service Mail by the City. Further, it shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established that such termination is made with just cause as therein stated; and no proof in any claim, demand or suit shall be required of the City regarding such discretionary action. B. After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the City, the Contractor shall: 1. Stop work under the Contract on the date and to the extent specified in the notice of termination; 2. place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services or facilities except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the Work under the Contract as is not tertninated; 3. terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of the Work terminated by notice of termination; 4. transfer title to the City and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the City: a. the fabricated or unfabricated parts, Work in progress, completed Wark, supplies and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in connection with the performance of, the Work terminated by the notice of the termination; and b. the completed, or partially completed plans, drawings, information and other property which, if the Contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to the City. 5. complete performance of such Work as shall not have been terminated by the notice of termination; and 6. take such action as may be necessary, or as the City may direct, for the protection and preservation of the property related to its contract which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the owner has or may acquire the rest. C. At a time not later than 30 days after the termination date specified in the notice of termination, the Contractor may submit to the City a list, certified as to quantity and quality, of any or all items of termination inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been directed or authorized by City. C1TY OP' PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacember21,2012 oonoo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 61 of 63 D. Not later than 15 days thereafter, the City shall accept title to such items provided, that the list submitted shall be subject to verification by the City upon removal of the items or, if the items are stored, within 45 days from the date of submission of the list, and any necessary adjustments to correct the list as submitted, shall be made prior to final settlement. E. Not later than 60 days after the notice of termination, the Contractor shall submit his termination claim to the City in the form and with the certification prescribed by the City. Unless an extension is made in writing within such 60 day period by the Contractor, and granted by the City, any and all such claims shall be conclusively deemed waived. F. In such case, Contractor shall be paid for (without duplication of any items): 1. completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such Work; 2. expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing services and furnishing labar, materials, or equipment as required by the Contract Documents in connection with uncompleted Work, plus fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such expenses; and 3. reasonable expenses directly attributable to termination. G. In the event of the failure of the Contractor and City to agree upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of the Work, the City shall determine, on the basis of information available to it, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor by reason of the termination and shall pay to the Contractor the amounts determined. Contractor shall not be paid on account of loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss arising out of or resulting from such termination. ARTICLE 16 — DISPUTE RESOLUTION 16.01 Methods and Procedures A. Either City or Contractor may request mediation of any Contract Claim submitted for a decision under Paragraph 10.06 before such decision becomes final and binding. The request for mediation shall be submitted to the other party to the Contract. Timely submission of the request shall stay the effect of Paragraph 10.06.E. B. City and Contractor shall participate in the mediation process in good faith. The process shall be commenced within 60 days of filing of the request. C. If the Contract Claim is not resolved by mediation, City's action under Paragraph 10.06.0 or a denial pursuant to Paragraphs 10.06.C.3 or 10.06.D shall become final and binding 30 days after termination of the mediation unless, within that time period, City or Contractor: CITY OF ['ORT W02TH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIP[CATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 oonoo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 62 of 63 1. elects in writing to invoke any other dispute resolution process provided for in the Supplementary Conditions; or 2. agrees with the other party to submit the Contract Claim to another dispute resolution process; or 3. gives written notice to the other party of the intent to submit the Contract Claim to a court of competent jurisdiction. ARTICLE 17 — MISCELLANEOUS 17.01 Giving Notice A. Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice, it will be deemed to have been validly given if: l. delivered in person to the individual ar to a member of the frm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended; or 2. delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. B. Business address changes must be promptly made in writing to the other party. C. Whenever the Contract Documents specifies giving notice by electronic means such electronic notice shall be deemed sufficient upon confirmation of receipt by the receiving party. 17.02 Computation of Times When any period of time is referred to in the Contract Documents by days, it will be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such period falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday the next Working Day shall become the last day of the period. 17.03 Cumulative Remedies The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto are in addition to, and are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by Laws or Regulations, by special warranty or guarantee, or by other provisions of the Contract Documents. The provisions of this Paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right, and remedy to which they apply. CITY OF FOItT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: Dacember21,2012 00 �z oo - t GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 63 of 63 17.04 Survival of Obligations All representations, indemnifications, warranties, and guarantees made in, required by, or given in accordance with the Contract Documents, as well as all continuing obligations indicated in the Contract Documents, will survive final payment, completion, and acceptance of the Work or termination or completion of the Contract or termination of the services of Contractor. 17.05 Headings Article and paragraph headings are inserted for convenience only and do not constitute parts of these General Conditions. CITY Or FOR'I' WORTH STANDARD CONSTI2UCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Decanber21,2012 00 73 00 - l SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 1 of 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 S�CTION 00 73 00 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS Supplementary Conditions These Supplementary Conditions modify and supplement Section 00 72 00 - General Conditions, and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. All provisions of the General Conditions that are modified or supplemented remain in full force and effect as so modified or supplemented. All provisions of the General Conditions which are not so modified or supplemented remain in full force and effect. Defined Terms The terms used in these Supplementary Conditions which are defined in the General Conditions have the meaning assigned to them in the General Conditions, unless specifically noted herein. Modifications and Supplements The following are instructions that modify or supplement specific paragraphs in the General Conditions and other Contract Documents. SC-3.03B.2, "Resolving Discrepancies" Plans govern over Specifications. SC-4.OlA Easement limits shown on the Drawing are approximate and were provided to establish a basis for bidding. Upon receiving the final easements descriptions, Contractor shall compare them to the lines shown on the Contract Drawings. SC-4.OlA.l., "Availability of Lands" The following is a list of known outstanding right-of-way, and/or easements to be acquired, if any as of Outstanding Right-Of-Way, and/or Easements to Be Acquired PARCEL OWNER TARGET DATE NUMBER OF POSSESSION None The Contractor understands and agrees that the dates listed above are estimates only, are not guaranteed, and do not bind the City. If Contractor considers the final easements provided to differ materially from the representations on the Contract Drawings, Contractor shall within five (5) Business Days and before proceeding with the Work, notify Ciry in writing associated with the differing easement line locations. CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised April 1, 2013 South Main Street Project No. 02113 007300-2 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 2 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 SC-4.O1A.2, "Availability of Lands" Utilities or obstructions to be removed, adjusted, and/or relocated The following is list of utilities and/or obstructions that have not been removed, adjusted, and/or relocated as of EXPECTED UTILITY AND LOCATION OWNER TARGET DATE OI� ADJUSTMENT Atmos Energy Gas - South Main Street Atmos Energy Gas - South Main Sh•eet Atmos Energy Gas - South Main Street Phase 1, July 2014 Phase 2, July 2014 Phase 3, Oct. 2014 The Contractor undei•stands and agrees that the dates listed above are estimates only, are not guaranteed, and do not bind the City. SC-4.02A., "Subsurface and Physical Conditions" The following are reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site of the Work: A Geolechnical Engineer•ing Repa•t, Pavement Design Report No. G 131008-4, dated November 18, 2013, and addendum letters to Geotechnical Reports, prepared by Alpha Testing, a sub-consultant of Da�nmvay Associates, L.P., providing additional information on the geotechnical investigalion of pavement design for� Soa�th Main Street (Vichery Blvd. to Magnolia Ave.) The following are drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures (except Underground Facilities) which are at or contiguous to the site of the Work: None SG4.06A., "Hazardous Environmentat Conditions at Site" The following are reports and drawings of existing hazardous environmental conditions known to the City: None SC-5.03A., "Certificates of Insurance" The entities listed below are "additional insureds as their interest may appear" including their respective officers, directors, agents and employees. (1) City of Fort Worth (2) Consultant: Dtma�vay Associales, L. P. (3) Other: Fort Worth South, Inc. (4) Tarrant County & NCTCOG SC-5.04A., "Contractor's Insurance" The limits of liability for the insurance required by Paragraph GC-5.04 shall provide the following coverages for not less than the following amounts or greater where required by laws and regulations: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS Revised April l, 2013 South Main Strect Project No. 02113 007300-3 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 3 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 5.04A. Workers' Compensation, under Paragraph GG5.04A. Stata�tory limits Employer's liability $100,000 each accideni/occurf•ence $100, 000 Disease - each employee $500, 000 Disease - policy limit SG5.04B., "Contractor's Insurance" 5.04B. Commercial General Liability, under Paragraph GG5.04B. Contractor's Liability Insurance under Paragraph GC-5.04B., which shall be on a per project basis covering the Contractor with minimum limits of: $1,000,000 each occufrence $2, 000, 000 aggregate limit The policy must have an endorsement (Amendment — Aggregate Limits of Insurance) making the General Aggregate Limits apply separately to each job site. The Commercial General Liability Insurance policies shall provide "X", "C", and "U" coverage's. Verification of such coverage must be shown in the Remarks Article of the Certificate of Insurance. SC 5.04C., "Contractor's Insurance" 5.04C. Automobile Liability, under Paragraph GG5.04C. Contractor's Liability Insurance under Paragraph GC-5.04C., which shall be in an amount not less than the following amounts: (1) Automobile Liability - a commercial business policy shall provide coverage on "Any Auto", defined as autos owned, hired and non-owned. �1,000,000 each accident on a combined single limit basis. Split limits are acceptable if limits are at least: $250, 000 Bodily Injury per per�son / $500, 000 Bodily Injury per� accident / $100, 000 Properry Damage SC-5.04D., `�Contractor's Insurance" The Contractor's construction activities will require its employees, agents, subcontractors, equipment, and material deliveries to cross railroad properties and tracks No►te The Contractor shall conduct its operations on railroad properties in such a manner as not to interfere with, hinder, or obstruct the railroad company in any manner whatsoever in the use or operation of its/their trains or other property. Such operations on railroad properties may require that Contractor to execute a"Right of Entry AgreemenY' with the particular railroad company or companies involved, and to this end the Contractor should satisfy itself as to the requirements of each railroad company and be prepared to execute the right-of-entry (if any) required by a railroad company. The requirements specified herein likewise relate to the Contractor's use of private and/or construction access roads crossing said railroad company's properties. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcviscd April 1, 2013 South Main Street Project No. 02113 00 73 00 - 4 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDIT[ONS Pagc 4 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 The Contractual Liability coverage required by Paragraph 5.04D of the General Conditions shall provide coverage for not less than the following amounts, issued by companies satisfactory to the City and to the Railroad Company for a term that continues for so long as the Contractor's operations and work cross, occupy, or touch railroad property: (1) General Aggregate: (2) Each Occurrence: _ Rega�ired for• this Contr•act $Confir'm Limits with Railroad $Confs'm Limits with Raih�oad X Not ��equired for this Contract With respect to the above outlined insurance requirements, the following shall govern: 1. Where a single railroad company is involved, the Contractor shall provide one insurance policy in the name of the railroad company. However, if more than one grade separation or at-grade crossing is affected by the Project at entirely separate locations on the line or lines of the same railroad company, separate coverage may be required, each in the amount stated above. 2. Where more than one railroad company is operating on the same right-of-way or where several railroad companies are involved and operated on their own separate rights-of-way, the Contractor may be required to provide separate insurance policies in the name of each railroad company. 3. If, in addition to a grade separation or an at-grade crossing, other work or activity is proposed on a railroad company's right-of-way at a location entirely separate from the grade separation or at- grade crossing, insurance coverage for this work must be included in the policy covering the grade separation. 4. If no grade separation is involved but other work is proposed on a railroad company's right-of- way, all such other work may be covered in a single policy for that railroad, even though the work may be at two or more separate locations. No work or activities on a railroad company's property to be performed by the Contractor shall be commenced until the Contractor has furnished the City with an original policy or policies of the insurance for each railroad company named, as required above. All such insurance must be approved by the City and each affected Railroad Company prior to the Contractor's beginning work. The insurance specified above must be carried until all Work to be performed on the railroad right-of-way has been completed and the grade crossing, if any, is no longer used by the Contractor. In addition, insurance must be carried during all maintenance and/or repair work performed in the railroad right-of-way. Such insurance must name the railroad company as the insured, together with any tenant or lessee of the railroad company operating over tracks involved in the Project. SC-6.04., "Project Schedule" Project schedule shall be tier 3 for the project. SC-6.07., "Wage Rates" The following is the prevailing wage rate table(s) applicable to this project and is provided in the Appendixes: <Btrzzsmv location, Resources/02-Const��uction Documents/Specifications/Div 00-General Conditions/ CFW Hor•izonta/ Wage Rale Table.pdf> CITY OP �ORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised April l, 2013 South Main Strect Projcct No. 02113 007300-5 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Pagc 5 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 SC-6.09., "Permits and Utilities" SC-6.09A., "Contractor obtained permits and licenses" The following are known permits and/or licenses required by the Contract to be acquired by the Contractor: Street Pern:it — See Section Ol SS 26 SC-6.09B. ��City obtained permits and licenses" The following are known permits and/or licenses required by the Contract to be acquired by the City: None SC-6.09C. "Outstanding permits and licenses" The following is a list of known outstanding permits and/or licenses to be acquired, if any as of Outstanding Permits and/or Licenses to Be Acquired OWNER PERMIT OR LICENSE AND LOCATION None SC-6.24B., "Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended" TARGET DATE OF POSSESSION During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor, for itself, its assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor") agrees as follows: 1. Compliance with Regulations: The Contractor shall comply with the Regulation relative to nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation (hereinafter, "DOT") Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time, (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorparated by reference and made a part of this contract. 2. Nondiscrimination: The Contractor, with regard to the work performed by it during the contract, shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The Contractor shall not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by 49 CFR, section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. 3. Solicitations for Subcontractors, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontactor or supplier shall be notified by the Contractor of the Contractor's obligations under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin. 4. Information and Reports: The Contractor shall provide all information and reports required by the Regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information and its facilities as may be determined by City or the Texas Department of Transportation to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information the contractor shall so certify to the City, or the CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised April l, 2013 South Main Street Project No. 02113 007300-6 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Pagc 6 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Texas Department of Transportation, as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. 5. Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this Contract, City shall impose such contract sanctions as it or the Texas Department of Transportation may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: a. withholding of payments to the Contractor under the Contract until the Contractor complies, and/or b, cancellation, termination or suspension of the Contract, in whole or in part. 6. Incorporation of Provisions: The Contractor shall include the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (6) in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto. The Contractor shall take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as City or the Texas Department of Transportation may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for non-compliance: Provided, however, that, in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is ttu•eatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the contractor may request City to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of City, and, in addition, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. Additional Title VI requirements can be found in the Appendix. SC-7.02., "Coordination" The individuals or entities listed below have contracts with the City for the performance of other work at the Site: Vendor 5co e of Work Coordination Authori Atmos Ener Utili relocation Ci of Fort Worth Oncor Elech•ic Mono ole su ort relocation Ci of Fort Worth 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 SC-8.01, "Communications to Contractor" City of Fort Worth SC-9.01., �°City's Project Representative" The following firm is a consultant to the City responsible for construction management of this Project: None SG13.03C., "Tests and Inspections" None SC-16.O1C.1, "Methods and Procedures" None 48 END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Reviscd April l, 2013 Soudt Main Strcet Project No. 021 l3 oi i�oo-i SUMMARY OF 1YORK Pngc 1 of 3 1 2 SECTION Ol 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK 3 PART 1- G�NERA.L 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A, Section Includes: G 1. SuuSm�cy of Wock io be performed in accordance �vith the Conti•ac# Dacnments ' 7 B, Deviatious fi•o�ti this City of Foi�t Woi�tlt Steiidard S�eci�cation 8 1. None, 9 C, Related Specification Seciions i�ich�de, but are izoi necessarily tiiiiited to: 10 I. Division 0- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract I 1 2. Division 1- General Requicemeiits 12 1..2 PRYC� AND PAXM�NT PROC�DYIRES 13 A. Measui•ement and Payment 14 1. Work associated �vith this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 1 S No sepacate payment �vill be t�llowed for this Item. 1G 1.3 RErERENCES [NOT USED) 1'J 1,4 ADMINISTRATIV� REQUIREM�NTS 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 2'7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A. Wock Coveced by Cont�•act Dacuments 1. Wock is to include fi�rnishing all labor, materials, aud equipmeut, and performiu� aIl Wark necessaiy for tliis coitstcuction �roject as detailed iu the Dra�viiags aud Speci�cations. B. Subsidialy Wo��k l. Auy aud al l Wo��k specifically governec{ by documenta►y �-equiremeuts for the projeet, such as conclitions imposed by the Dra�vings or Co►itract Docu►nents in �vliich 1io s�eci�c item for bid lias been provideci far iii tl�e Pcoposal and the item is not a typical nnit Uid itean included on tl�e standard bid item list, th�n the iie►n shaIl be coiisidered as a subsidiary item of Work, the cost of �vhich shalt be included iu the price bid iu the �'roposal far various bid iten�s. C. Use of Pre►nises 1. Coordinate uses of pceiiiises u►�der directian of the City. 2. Asstnne fult responsibility fot� protectian and safekeepin� of mate�•ials and equiptl�ent sto►•ed o�i the Site, 3. Use aud occupy ott(y portions of the pttblic stt•eets and alleys, or other public places or otlier rights-of-�vay as provided for in the ordinances of die City, as sho�vi� in the Cout�•act Documents, ar as may be specifically authorized in �vciting by tlie City. a. A reasanable �mouut of tools, materials, and ec�ui�ment for construction purposes may Ue stored ijt such space, but no i��ore than is necessaiy to avoid delay in the coi�stcuction opecations, C1TY OF FORT 1VORTl� STANDARD CONS'1'KUCTION SPECIF[CATION llOCUMGNTS Re��ised December 20, 2012 South �vfain Street Project No. 02i [3 oi ��00-2 SUMIvfARY UI� WORK P�ge 2 of 3 b. EYcavated and �vaste mlterials shall be stored i�t such a�vay as �iot to iuterfere with tlle use of spaces thlt m1y be designated to be left fi•ee and triiobst�•ucted aud so �s not to iuconvenience occupatits of adjacent property. 4 D, Work �vithin Easements S 1. Do iiot eiitei• upon private pcoperty foc any purpose rvithoat having �reviously G obtai�ied pern�issiot� feom t(ie o�viiei' Of SIICj] �Jl�operty. 7 2. Do ►iot stoi•e equipmeiit or matecia( on E�riv�te property imless a�td iuitil ttae S specified 1pp►�oval of tlie proE�eity o�vner has been secured in �v��iting by Nie 9 Coiiteactoc a►td a copy furuished to tl�e City. 10 3. Uiiless s��ecific�lly p�•ovided otlie►•�vise, cle�r �11 riglits-of �vay oc ease�neuts of 11 obsti'IICf(O11S \VIIICII I11USf �B 1•emoved to make �ossib[e prapei• pi•osecutiou of tlie 12 Work as a pai't O�rll� �C0�2Ct COi1Sh�uctiou operatio��s. 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2�} 25 26 27 28 4 S. Preserve aud use every p�'ecautiou to preveilt datnage to, �II trees, shrabUeiy, plants, la�vns, fences, culvei�ts, cucbiiig, and all otl�er types af structuces oi• improvements, to all �vater, se�ver, aiid gas lines, to all conduits, overl�ead ��ole li�ies, oi• appucteiiances tliereof, ii�cluding tl�e coustruction of tempora��y fences,and to a(I othe�' })ULI�IC Or priv�te property ndj�cent ta the Work, Notify tlte proper rep�•ese►�t�tives of tl�e o�vners oc occupants of the public or private lands of iritei•est in I�aads which might be affected by the Wark, a. Such notice sliell be made at le�st 48 hou►s i�i advance of tl�e beginni�ig of the Work, b. Notices sh111 be applicnble to both publio aud priv�te tttility comp�nies and any cor�oration, comp�uy, iudividual, or othec, eitlier as owners or occupants, whose l�nd or interest in land might be affected by the Work. c. Be res��onsiUle for all damage or i�ijury to propecty of �iry cliacactei• resultiiig Fcom any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the manner or metliod or execution of the Work, or at �ny time due to defective �vork, nlaterial, oc equipment. 29 C. rence � 30 a, Restore al l fences ei�coiintered and removed d��i�ing col�stcuctiou of the Project 31 to tlie origin��l oi• a better tl��ii origi►��I coilciition, 32 b, Erect temporary fencing in place of the fencing �•emoved �vhenever ihe VVork is 33 iiot in �rogress and �vlieit tlie site is vacated overnight, �ndlor at 1l1 tiiiies to 34 pcovide site security, 35 c. The eost for all fence �vo��lc �vitl�in e�semeuts, includii�g removaf, temporaiy 36 closui•es aud ceplacen�ent, shall be subsidia►y to the various items bici in the 37 project peoposal, w�less a bid item is speci�c�(ly pcovided iu the proposal, Cl7'Y OP FORT \VORTH Soulh Main Strcct STANDARD CONSTRUC'I'ION SPECIFICATION DOCiJMENTS Yroject No. 02113 Rcvised Uecember 20, 2012 1 1.5 SUI3IY�TTALS [NOT US�D] 2 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USEll] 3 1..7 CLOS�l�UT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.8 MAINTENANC� MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�DJ 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANC� [NOT US�D] G 1.10 D�LIV�RY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT US�D] 7 1.11 FIELD (SITC] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 8 1.12 WARRANTY (NOT US�D] 9 PART 2- PRODUCTS [N4T US�D] 10 PART 3- TXECUTI�N [NOT USED] 11 END OT S�CTION 01 I100-3 SUMMARY OF \VORK Pagc 3 of 3 12 13 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITY O� FORT \YORTH South Main Street STANDARD CQNSTRUCI'lON SPEC[F[CAT[ON DOCUMENTS Project No. 02113 [tevised December 20, 2012 oiasoo-i SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES P�ge 1 oFQ � 2 3 PART 1- G�NEI2AL � l.l SUMMARY s�cT�orr oz zs o0 SUBSTITUTION pROCEDURES 5 A. Sectioji I��clt�des: G l. Tlte procedure foi• rec�uestiug tl�e approval of substitutio�i of a product tliat is �iot 7 eg��ivalent to a product �vl�icfi is speci�ed by descriptive ar pei•foi•mauce criteria ar B defued by ceference to 1 or more of the follo�ving; 9 a. Naiite of manufactucer 10 b, Name of vendoc 11 c. Tra<la name 12 d. Catalog number 13 2. Substitutions are not "or-equals". 14 B. Deviations fi•om this City of Fort Woa�th Standacd Specification t S 1. Noiia. id C. Related Speci�cation Sectioi�s inelude, but are not necessarily limited to: 17 1, Division 0-- Bidding Rec�uirements, Contcact Forms and Conditions of the Contcact 18 2. Division 1— Genera[ Reqaireme��is 19 1.2 PRICE ANll PAYMENT YROCElliTI2ES 20 A. Measurement and Payment 21 l. Work associated �vitli this Itel�i is considered subsidiary to the vario�►s itenis bici. 22 No separate paynteut �vill be allo�ved for this Item. 23 1,3 R�rCR�NC�S [NOT US�D] 2q l.a ADMINISTRATN� R�QUIR�M�NTS 2S 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A, Request for Substitutioi� - General _. 1. Witliin 30 d�ys after a�vard of Coutract (unless iioted other�vise), tlte City �vill considei• fociiial requests fi�om Coiitractor for siibstitutiori of pi•ociiicts in place of tliose s�eci�ed. 2. Certani types of eqaipment aud kinds of material are described in Speciiic�tions Uy means of references to names of minufneturers flnd vendors, tr�de names, or catalog numbers. a. When this methacf of s��ecifying is i�sed, it is not iutended to e�clude from consideration other praducts be�ring other minufactuce��'s oc vendoc's names, tcade nanies, or catalog �itunbe��s, provided saicl products are "or-eqt�als," as determined by City. 3. Other types of equipi�ient and kiuds of m�terial may be acceptab(e sabstitutions utidec tlie follo�vilig conditio�is: a, Or-equa(s are unavailable due ta strilce, discoarti�uied proctuciion of products meeting s��ecified rec�uicen�ents, or other factors beyond conti•ol of Contractor; oc, CITY 0[� PORT 1V012'17I Soulh Mnin Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPF.CIFICAT[ON DOCUIviENTS Project No, 02113 lievised Jufy 1, 201 f 012500-2 SUBSTITUTIpN PROCEDIJRtiS I'age 2 of 4 b. Contractor pcoposes a cost and/or time reduction incentive to the City. 2 1.5 SUBMITTALS 3 4 S G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �0 41 42 43 44 45 46 A. See Request foi• Substitution Form (aftached) B. Procedu�•e for Requestit�g Substitution 1. Substitution shall be consiciered only; a. Aftei• a�vard of Coiitr�ct b. Under fhe conditions stated he�•ein 2. Sub�uit 3 copies of each wcitteii request foc substitution, i�icluding: �. Doc��meiitatioli 1) Complete data substantiatin� compliauce of p�•o��osed substitution �vith Contraci Daciunents 2) Daia relaii�ig ro cltfl�iges iii coustcuction schedule, wheii a t�ednctioii is pcoposed 3) Data relating to cl�anges in cost b. For products 1) Product identification a) Mauufactueer's name b) Telepiione ntatibe�� and z•ep�•ese�itative coiitact ��ame c) Specification Sectioii or Dra�ving �•e%reiice of ariginally speeified praduct, incic�ding disci•ete tiatiie or tag nun�bec• assigned to ori�i�ial prod��ct in the Contraet Documents 2) Manufactui•er's literature cLeat�ly inarked to sho�v compliance of prapased product �vith Contract Doci�ments 3) Itemized com��rison of arigival and proposed pcoduct adciressing prodtict cl�aracteristics inclt�ding, bt�t uot necessarily limited to: a) Size b} Compositioii or materials of construction c) Weight d) Elecirical or mechanical i•equi�•emeiits 4) product experience a) Locafion of past projects t�tiiizing product b} Name and telephone �iumbe�• of �ersons associated �vith referenced projects k�lowledgeable concerni�ig proposed prodl�ct e) Available field data �nd reports associ�ted �vith pro��osed product 5} S�mples - a) Provide at i•equest of City. b) Samples becoine the property of the City, C. FOl' COIlSti'l1Ci1011 11]eY�lOCI5: 1) Det�iled desci�iption of �caposed method 2) Iilustcation dca�vings C. App►•oval o�• Rejection ' L Writte�i approval oc rejeetioli of sttbstitution given by tl�e City 2. City reserves tt�e riglit to cequire proposed prodttct to comply ��vitli color aud paftern of specified product if necessa�y to secure design intent. 3. In the event the substitution is approved, the resultiug cost aud/or time ceciuction �vi[l be documented by Change Order in accordance �vitit the Genera[ Conditions. CtTY OF FORT �VORTIi Soidh Mnin Strcct STANDARb CONS1RlJCTION SPECIFICATI�N UOCUMBN'TS Project No. 021 l3 Revised Juf}� i, 2011 012500-3 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURBS Pagc 3 of 4 1 4. No additio��al contract time will be given for siibstitution, 2 5. Substitution �vi(I Ue rejected if: 3 a, Sttbmittal is not through the Coutractor ivitl� his sta�np of approval ', a b. Request is jiot made in accordance tvith this S�ecification Sectioti ' S c. Iu tl�e Ciiy's opii�ioa�, acceptance �vi11 a�equire substantial revision ofthe original G design 7 d. In the City's opinion, substitution �vill not perfor�n adequately the fiinction 8 consistent with the design intent 9 �..6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INTORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] I 10 1.7 CLOS�OUT SUI3MITTALS [NOT USED] 1 i 1.8 MAINTENANCE MAT�RIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] I 12 1.9 QUALITY ASSITRANCE 13 A, I►i makiug i•ec�tiest for substitutioii or in usi►ig an approved product, the Contractor I 14 represents that the Contractoa�: , I5 1. Has investigated proposed pcoduct, and has deter���ined that it is adenuate or 16 superior in all respects to that specified, and that it �vill pe��fo��m function for �vhich I 17 it is inte�ided 18 2. Will provide same gu�cantee foc substiiute item as for product speci�ed 19 3. Wi(1 coordinate instaflatio�� of accepted substitution iuto Work, to include building 20 modificatioi�s if uecess�iy, i»aking sucli c}ienges as may be requit•ed foi• Work ta be I 21 complete iu a(1 respects 22 4, Waives a[I cl�ims for additional costs related to substiti�tion which s�fbsequently 23 arise ( 24 1.10 D�LIV�RY, STORAG�, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 25 l.11 FIELD [SITE] CONllITIONS [NOT US�ll] I 2G 1,12 WA1tItANTY [NOT US�D] 27 �ART 2 - �RODUCTS [NOT USED] 28 PART 3� EX�CUTION [NOT US�D] 29 Ii] END OF S�CTION Revisioti Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF' CI�IANGE 31 C(TY OF FORT 1VORTFi South Maiu Street S'tANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF(CATION DOCUMGN'fS Project No. 02113 Revised Jidy 1, 201 I I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 14 I5 t6 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 3G 37 38 39 40 41 �t2 43 4� 45 4b 47 48 49 dI2500-4 SUBS'1'iTU'I'ION PROCHDURF.S Pagc 4 of 4 EXHIBIT A REQUEST FOR SUBSTITUTI�N I+OR1Vr: TO; PROJEC`I': DAT�: Wa hereby submit for yot�r considecatiori the followiiig pcocluct instead of tlie speci�ecl ite�n for the above �n•oject: SECTION PARAGRAPH SPECIFTED ITEM Prapased Substitution: � Reason foi• Slibstitutio�i: Inclade complete information on changes to Dra�vings and/or Specificltions �vhich proposed substitution �vill require for its �roper inst�llation. - Fill in Blanks Belo�v: A. VVill tlie undersigned coiitractor pay for changes to flie building design, 1IlCIU(�Iilg 8I1gll10El'filg aud detailing costs caused by the requested substifution? B. What effect does s�ibstitution have on other trades? C. Diffei•eiices bet�veec� pi•oposed stlbstitution a�id speci�ed item? D. Differeiices in p�•oduct eost or pi�ocii�ct delivecy ti�1�e? E. Mamifacturer's guacantees of the proposed and specified items �tre: Ec�tial Better (e�plain oii attael�me��t) The undecsigned states tliflt the fi�nction, appeacanee and qt�aliry are enuivaleiit or superior to tlie specified ite�n. Submitted By: Por Use by City Signatu�•e as noted Firm Address Date Telepho�ie Far Use by City: Approved City Recouimended � Recomme�ided � Not cecommended �Received late �y Date Rauiai�ks Date ciTv or r•o�i�i' \VOR'I'H STAiVDARD CONSTRUCI'(ON SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMEN"fS Revised Julp 1, 20l I Rejected South Main Strcet Project No, 02113 01 3l 19 - 1 PRECONSTRUCCION MCC'1'It�IG Pnge ( of 3 1 2 3 PART1- G�N�RAL 4 11 SUMMARY 5 G 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 1.2 S�CTION O1 3I 19 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING A. Sectiaii lucludes; l. Pi�ovisiaus foc the preconstcuction meetiug to be lield prioa• to the siact of Work to clncify consh�uction contract administi•�tion proced�u•es B. Deviations fi•om this City ofFort Wocth Standard Specification I. None, C. Related Speci�cation Sections include, but are not uecessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— F3idding t�equirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Cantr�ct 2. Divisio�i 1 —Gei�ei•al Re,quirett�ents PRIC� AND PAYM�NT PItOC�DUR�S 14 A, Measurement and Payment 15 1. Work associated �vith this Itetn is considered subsidiaiy to the various items bid, ' I6 No sep�rate paymeut �vil( be allowed for tliis Iteti�. 17 1,3 R�FCItENCES [NOT US�D] 18 1.4 ADMINISTItATIVE RLQU�RLM�NTS l9 20 21 22 23 24 zs 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A. Coorc[ination 1. Attend pi•ecoiistrirctioii meeti��g. 2. ReE�resent�tives of Coutraetoe, subcontractoi•s and su�pliecs attending meetings slaall Ue qualified and nutltoi•ized to act on behalf of the entity each represei�ts, 3. Meeting adutinisteced by City may be tape recorded. �. If i•ecorded, tapes �vill be osed ta pcep�i•e ininutes and i•etained by City for futare i•efeceiice. B. Preconstruction Meetitlg 1. A preconstcuctioit meeting �vi11 be helci within 14 days �fter tlie esecution of tlte Agreement aud before Work is started. a. The nieeting will be scliedu(ed and administerec[ by tiie City, 2. Tl�e Project Representative �vill presicle at the ineeting, prepai�e tl�e notes af Ylae meeting a�id dish•ibute co�ies of same to a(t pai�tici�7nts rvho so request by fally co�upletiiig the attendance form to be circul�ted at the Ueginniug of the meetit�g. 3. Attendance shall incltuie: " . a, Project Represeittntive b, Couti•actar's piroject inanager c. Cantractor's superintendent d, Any suUcontractor or supplier representatives �vhom the Conti•actor m�y desice to invite or the City may request CITY OC FORT 1VORTH ST�NDARD CONSTRUCI'ION SYEC1FfCATIOM DOCUMENTS ftevised August 17, 2012 Sotrt[� Mnin Street Pro}ect r'o. 02I 13 Ol3t t9-2 PRCCONS'1'l2i1C'1'lON MEG7'ING Page 2 of 3 1 2 3 a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 14 IS I6 i7 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3� 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 �32 a3 44 45 e. Other City represeutatives f. Others as appcopriate 4. Construction Schedale a. Prepai•e baseline construction schedule in accoi•daiice �vitli Sectioii O1 32 16 ��id provide at Preconstcuetion Meeting. b. City �vill iiotify Contractor of any schectule changes npon Notice of Precons#t•uction Meeting. 5. Prelimivaiy Ageuda may include; �. Tllfl'O[�ACtt0l1 Qf Pl'OJBCt P�fS02111EI b. Genecat Description of Project c. Status of right-of-tivay, utility clearances, easements ot� othec perti��ent permits d. Contractor's �vork plan and schedule e. Contract Time f. Notice to Proceed g. Consti•uction Staking h. Pcogress Payments i. Extca Wo�•k and Giauge Order Proceduces j. Field Orde�•s k. bisposal Site Letter for Waste Material 1. Insurance Renesvals m. Pay►•oll Cectificatio�l n. Material Cei�tiitcations and Quality Contco! Testiug o. Public Safety and Convenience p. Documentatio�i of Pre-Co��struction Couditions q. Weekend Work Notificatiou a•. Legal Holidays s. T►•eneli Safety Plans t. Confineci Space E�itty Standards u. Goordination �vifh the City's rep�•eseiitative foc operations of eaisting �vater systems v, Storm Water Pollt�tion Pcevention Plau �v, Coordination with ofher Contractors x. Early Waining System y. Contractor Evahiatioii z, Special Coiiclitions applicable to tlie project aa, Damages CIai�ns bb. S�ibmittal Procedin•es ca Substitution Arocedtu�es dd. Correspo�idence Roufi�ig ee, Reco�•d Dra�vit�gs f£ Temporaty construction facilities gg. M/WBE or MB8/SBE procedures hl�. Final Acceptauce ii. Fi�iat Paymeiit _�j. Questions or Comma�its CITY OF FURT \VQRTFI S'I'ANDARU CONS'I'RUC'CION SPF.CIPICATIOT�I DpCUMEN7'S Revised August 17, 2012 South Main Street Project No_ 02113 i 01 31 19 - 3 PR6COtJSTRUCTION MEETING F'flge 3 of 3 1 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 2 1,6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USLD] 3 �,7 CLOS�C}UT SUBMITTALS [NOT USEll] 4 1,8 MAINT�NANC� MAT�RIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSUItANCE (NOT US�D] . G 1,10 D�LiV�RY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT US�D] � I.l l FI�LD [S�T�� CONDITIONS [NOT US�ll] 8 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 9 PART 2- PRODUCTS [N�T USED] l0 PART 3- EX�CUTION [NOT US�D] ti � �ND OF SECTION Revisioii 1.og DAT� NAMB SUMMARY C)F CHANGE 13 C1TY OF FORT 1VORTH STANDARD CONS'l'RUC7'ION SPECIFtCAT10N DOCUMENTS Revised August f 7, 2012 Soulli M�ia SUcct Projcct Np, 02113 013120-t PROJECI' MEETINGS Page I of 3 1 2 3 PARTl- G�N�RAL 4 1,1 SUMMARY S�CTION O1 3120 I'ROJECT MEETINGS 5 A. Sectiou Includes: G I, Provisioiis for projeci meetings throughout tlie coiistructiai pe►•iod to enable orderly '7 review of the pi•ogcess of the Work and to provide foc systematic discussion of 8 �otential pi•oUle�ns 9 B, Deviations tliis City of Foct Wortli Stailda►�d Specificatio�� 10 l. No�ie. 11 12 13 l� 1.2 C. Related Specificatio�i Sectioi3s i�iclude, but �re not necessar�ily lirniteci to: 1. Division 0— Biddiiig Requirements, Contract Forms aud Conditions of the Cotitract 2. Division 1— General Requirements �'RIC� AND PAYMENT pROCEDURES 15 A. Measurement and Payment iG 1, Work �ssociated �viti� this Item is conside�•ed subsidia�y to the various items bid. t 7 No separate payment �vil1 be atlo�ved foi• tliis Item. 18 1,3 REI+F,RENCES [NOT US�Dj 19 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE R�QUIIZCMCNTS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 A. Coordinatio►t l. Schedule, atte»d anci ad�ninister as specified, periodic progress iiieetiugs, a«d specially called meetings tl�rot�g(iout progress af the Work. 2. Representatives of Contractor, subcontractors and sul�pliers attending l��eetings shall be qualified aud authorized to act an behalf of the entity each re��resents. 3, Meetings admiaiistei•ed by City may be tape recorded, a. If cecoi�ded, tapes �vill be used to prepare minutes and retained b5� Cify for future reference. 4. Meetings, iu additioii to those speci�ed in this Section, may be heltl when requested by fhe City� Ellgti1882' 02' COIlYi'aCi01•. B. Pre-Constcuction Neigl�borhood Meeting 1. After the execE�tion of the Agreement, but before constcuction is allo�ved to begiu, attelid 1 Public Meeting �vitl� affected ��esidaitts to: a. Present pi•ojected sc(iedule, iucluditig cotistcuctio�i sta��t date b. Ans�ver any cousiruction related questions 2. Meeting Locatio�i a, Location of tt�eeting to be determiuecl by the City, 3. Atteiidees fl. COI1fFi1Ct01' C1TY QF' �'OR7' \VOR'1'I1 S'1'ANDAIZD CONSTRUCTION SPE.CIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Revised Itdy 1, 201 l Soutlt M�iii Strcct Project No. 02113 013120-2 PROJBCT MCC'1'INGS P�ge 2 of 3 I 2 3 a 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 b, Praject Representative c. Otlier City represei�tatives 4. Meeting Schedale a. lii general, tl�e ►aeighborhood meetiitg �vill occuc �vitl�in the 2 weeks follo�vin�; the pee-co��struction co�tference. b. In no case �vi[I construction be allo�ved to begin uutil this meetiug is held. C. Progress Meetings . l, For►i�al p►•oject coorciinatio�i it�eetings will be held periodically. Meeiings tivill Ue sclied�iled aiid adininistered by Pi•oject Repraseiltative. 2, Adc(itional progress meetings to discuss speci�c topics ti��ill be eoildueted oii an �s- needed basis. Sltcli additiot»I meetings sh�ll include, but not be limited to: a. Coordivating shutdo�vns b, Install�tion of piping and enuipmeait c. Coordination behveen otl�er constcuctioii p�•ojects ci. Resolutiou af coustcuction issues e. Equipment approval 3 4 5. The Project Representative �vilf pceside at progress meetiu�s, �re��ere the uotes af the meeting and distribute co�ies of the saine Yo all partieipauts �vho so �•equest by fu[ly comp(etin� tlte atteudance focm to be ciccalated at t(�e beginuing of eacl► meeting, Attendance shatl inchide; a, Co�itcactor's pcoject m�ilager b, Contcactoi's sty�e�•inteudeut e, Airy subcontracto�• or sup�liei• repi•esentatives wlioiii ttie Conti•actor iTiay desii•e to invite or tfie City may request d, Engi�ieer's i•ep►•eseirtatives e. City's repi•esei�tatives £ Othecs, as rec�uesteci by tlie Pi•oject Represent�tive Preliit�inary Age��de �nay include: a, Review of �'Vorlc progress since previous meeting b. I'ield obsei•vatiot�s, pi�oUlems, coilflicts c. Items �vhicl� impecle co►�struction scliedule d, Revie�v of off-site f�bi•icatioii, delivei�y schedules e. Revie�v of coiisti•uctioi� interfaciug and sec�uenci�ig ►•equire�nents �vith otl�ei• CO�1Sf1'lICt1011 C011tl'RCt5 f. Corrective uieasures and pcocedures to regain ��rojected schedule g. Revisions to construction schedule h. Progress, schedule, tlucing sacceeding Work pei�iod i, Coordinntion of schedoles j, Review subn�ittal schedules k. Maintenauce of quality standarcls I. Pendiug changes and substitutions m. Revie�v pt•oposed el�auges for: 1) Effect on constructioi� schedute and on coiup(etion date 2) Effect on other contracts of die Arojecf n. Revie�v Record Docu�i�eiits o. Revie�v montlily pay request p. Revie�v status of Requests foi• I►ifoi•matio�i CITY Ql� COI2'1' 11'ORTH S'PANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPL•;CIFICATION DOCUMF.NTS Rcvised duly l, 201 f Soulli M�iu Street t'roject iVo. 02113 013120-3 P220JECT MEETINGS Pnge 3 of 3 1 6, Meetiiig Schedule 2 a. Progcess rneetings �vill be held periodically as determined by the Project 3 Repcesentative. 4 1) Additioual tneetings �nay be held at the cequest of the: 5 a) Ciry 6 b) Engi»eer 7 c) Contractor 8 7. Meeting Location 9 a. The City �vitl establish a meeting location. 10 1) To the extent practicable, tneetings �vill be held 1t tfie Site. i I 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USEDJ 12 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INI+'OIZMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 13 l.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 14 1.8 MAINT�NANC� MATERIAL SIIBMITTALS [NOT USED] 15 I.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1G 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 17 1.11 FIELD [SITEj CONDITIONS [NOT US�D) 18 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 19 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 20 PART 3- EXCCUTION [N(?T US�D] 21 END Or S�CTI�N 22 � 23 Revision I.og DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE C1TY Ol� PORT 1V�RTH S"CANDARD CONS'I'IZUCTI01� SPECII�ICATION DOCUM[iN1'S Reviscd Jtdy 1, 2011 Soutli M1in Sireet Project No. 02113 013216-I CONSTRUCT(pN PROG►tESS SCfIGDULG Pnge I of S � 3 PA12T 1- G�NERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY S�CTIC�N 01 32 l6 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE 5 A. Section Tncludes: 6 1. Gei�e�•al �•equicements for the prepacation, submittal, i�pd�ting, statns reporting �i�d 7 mauagemerit of the Constcuction Progress Schedule 8 2. Specific requiremei�ts are �rese�ated in the City of Foi�t ViToi-th Scl�edule Guidance 9 Documeut 10 B. Deviatious fi•oiii ttiis City of Fort Wortll St��idacd Speciiicatioii I 1 I . None. 12 13 14 15 1.2 16 17 18 19 l,3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3� 35 36 37 38 39 40 C. Related Specification Sectious iuclude, Uut �re not uecessarily limited to: I. Division 0— Bidding Rec�uiretneuts, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Coiitc�ct 2. Division 1— Geiler�) Requirements PRIC� AND PAYMENT PROC�DUR�S A. Me�sur�ment at�d Payme�it 1. Wark associated �vitl� this Iteia� is consiclered subsidin�y to the vacious items bid. No sep�r�te payiuent rvill be allo�ved foc this Item. RI;I�'�TtENCES A. Definitians 1, Schedttle Tiers a. Tier 1- No scl�edule submittal requirad by conh•act. Small, brief duration projects b. Tier 2- Na schedule submittal required by contraci, but �viO a•equire some milestone dates. Small, brief dueation pi•ojects c. Tier 3- Schedule subinittal rec�uired Uy co�rtract �s described in the Specification �uci liei•ein. Majarity of City projects, iucludi►ig all boiid prograil� prajects d. Tier �i - Scl�edu(e submittal cequired by contract ��s described iu the Specification 1ud herein. Large and/oc co►nplex projects �vith long durations 1) Elauiples: large �vater ptu»p stetion p►•aject a�id �ssociated pipeliiie �vitli inteecounectiou to anothet• govecnmentll entity e. Tie�� S- Sche<i��le submittal cequi►�ed by contract as described in the S�ecificatian aud hei•eiii. Lacge �nd/or very con�plex projects �vith loiig ducatioi�s, high puUlic visibility 1) Examples might include a water or �vaste�vater h•eatment plant 2, Baseliue Scheciule - Ii�itial schedule stibmitted before �vork begins tli�t �vill serve as fhe b�setiue for measuring progcess and deparh�res fi�am tlie schedu(e. 3. Prog�•ess Scl�eclule - Moiitlily sub�nittal of a progress sciiechi(e documeiitiiig progress oi� the project �nd ai�y chan�es anticipated. Cl7'Y 01� I�ORT �VORTH S'I'ANDARD CONSTRUC7'ION SPECIPICAT(ON nOCUMEN7'S Rcviscd July l, 2011 Soutl� M�in Sireet Project t�o. 02113 0132I6-?, CQNSTRUC'1'ION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Pagc 2 of 5 1 4. Sehedule Narrative - Concise naccative of tlte schedule i�icluding schedule 2 ' changes, e.cpected delays, key schedule issues, critical path iteros, etc 3 B. Refereiice Siandards ; 4 1. City of Fort Woi�h Sehedule Guidance Document 5 1.4 ADMIN�STRATIV� R�QUIREMENTS 6 7 8 9 10 Ll I2 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 A. Baseliue Scl�edule 1. General � a. Prepar$ a cost-loaded baseline Schedule usiug approvecl softtvare anci the Critical Path Metliod (CPM) as reqait•ed iii tl�e City of Fort Wo�•tt� Schedule Gttidance Dacwiieiit. b. Revie�v tlie draft cost-loaded baseline Scl�edule �vith tl�e City to demonstcate understauding of the �vork to be perFormed and kuo�vn issues and eoustraints related to the schedule. c. Desigi�ate an auttiorized represe�itative (P►•oject Schedi�ler) resportsible for developing and upciating the sched��le and preparing reports. B. Progi•ess Schedule 1. Upclate the progress Schedule mo�ithly as requi►•ed in the City of Fort Wortfi Schedule Guidance Document. . 2. Prepare tl�e Scliedule Nacrative to accompany the monihly progress Scliec{uIe. 20 3, Cilange Orders 2I a. Incorpoc•ate approved cliailge orders, resultiaig in a chaiige of contract time, in 22 fhe baselit�e Schedule in accordaiice «�itli City of Foi�t Wortli Scliedtile 23 Guidance Doc�unent 24 C. Responsibility for Scheciule Compliance 25 1, Whenever it becornes appa►•ent from the cur��ent pcogress Schedule and CPM Status 26 Repoi�t that delays to the critical patli have resulted anct tl�e Contract completion 27 date �vili not be met, or �vhei� so directed hy the City, make some or all of the 28 follo�ving actiotts at no additioual cost to tlie City 29 a. Subinit a Recavery Plan ta the City for a4�proval revised Uaseline Schedule 30 outliiii►ig: 3 I l) A�vritten statement of ihe steps inte«ded to t�ke to remove or aci•est the - 32 delay to the eritical patli iti ttie approved sehedi�le 33 2) Ii�crease construction manpo�ver i►i sucli qt�aritities asid ecafts as �vi(1 34 substantially elimivate the backlog of work aud rett�rn curreiit Schedule to 35 meet projected b�seliue completion dates 36 3) Tncrease the iuuiibar of �vorking liours pei� shift, shifts pec day, working 37 days per �veek, tlie auiouiit of constructioil ec�uipme�it, or any conibiitatio» 38 of the foregoiug, suf�icientty to substantially eliminate the backlog of �vork 39 4) Rescliedule activities to achieve tnaximum practical coucnrrency of 40 �ccomplishment of activities, and comply with the revised scliecti�le 41 2. If �io �vritte�i stateme�it of tlie steps iiitended to take is subnaitted �vl�e►i so �•ec�i►ested 42 by the City, tlle City anay direct the Contcactor to iucrease ti�e tevel of effoi�t in �13 ma�ipower (tcades), equipme�it and �vork scl}edule (ovei•time, �veekend end holiday �14 �vork, etc.} to be employed by the Contractor in order to remove oi• acrest the delay 4S to the ci•itical path in the app►•oved schedule. 46 a. No addiiiona( cost for such �vock tivill be considered. CITY OC I�ORT R�ORTH South Main Street S'PANdARD CONSTRUC7'lON SPGCI�ICATION D�CUMENT$ Project tJo. 02113 Reviscd Ju[p i, 20l I 013216-3 CONSTRUCTIONPROGR�SSSCHGDULE Page 3 of 5 1 2 b 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 1S 16 I'7 I$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4G D. The Contr�ct completian time �vill be acijusted only for causes speeified in this Conf ract. a. Rec�uests foi• an exteiisioii of a�iy Co�itract con�pletion date must be su�pleii�e►ited with tlie follo�ving: 1} F�ir�iish justific�tion �nd suppoi�ting evide��ce as the City may deem necessacy to detecmine whether tlie reqitested e�.tension of time is eutitled under tlae p�•ovisians of this Co�rtcact. a) The City �vill, after receipt of sue1� justi�cation and supNoi•tin� evidence, make findings of fflet and �vill advise the Cantractor, iu �vriting thereof. 2) If the City finds that the requested extensia» ofti►t�e is eirtit(ed, tl�e City's determin�ttion as to the tot�l ntunbei• of days ailowed fo�• the eateusions shall be b�sed ttpon the �pproved total baseline schedule and o►i all data releti�ant to tlie extension. a) Sucl� dnta sl�all be included in tl�e neYt updatiug of the Progcess schedule. b) Actual deiays in aetivities �vl�icli, according to the Baseliae scliedule, do ilot affect any Contraet coiiipletion da�e sho�vn by the critical patlt iii the nehvoi�k ���ill iiot be tl�e basis foc a cltange tl�ereiii. 2. Submit eacli i•equest foc change ii� Co►itract completioii date to the City witliin 30 days aftei� the begiuniug of the de[ay foa• �vhich a time eYtensiou is requested but before tlie date of fiii�l paynteut unclet' tlilS COIItCiiCi, a. No tiiY�e exfension will be gr�nted foc requests �vliich ace not submitted �vithin tlie foregoing time limit, b. Fcom time to iime, it may be necessacy for the Coiitract scliedule or completio�i time to ba adjusted by the City ta reflect tkte effects of job conditions, �ve�tther, tecliiiical difficulties, sh•ikes, unavoidable delays on the pat•t of the Gity or its re�ceseutatives, and ottier tti�Foreseeable conditions �vl�icli may iudicate scheclule �djustmeuts or comE�letion time extensions. I) Under s��ch conditions, tf�e City will direct tlie Coiitr�ctor to rescltedule tlte �vo►•k ot• Coutcact completioli ti�iie to reflect tlie cha�tged co��ditions and tlie Contractor shall revise his scl�edule according(y. a) No additional compensation tivill be �t�ade to the Co��tracto►� for snch schedule changes eace�t for unavoidable over�ll caniract time exteiisions beyond the actu�l completion of unaffected �vork, in �vhich c�se tlie Conh�actor sl�all tzke all possible actiou to minimize sny time ettei�sion and any additional cost to the City, b) Availabte float time in tlie Baseli�ie schediile inay be used by tfle City as well as by N�e Contractor. 3. Float or slacic tinte is defined as the aitiount of time behveen the earliest start d�ite and the (atest stact date oc betweeu tl�e eacliest finish date and the latest �nish date of a chain of activities on the Baseline Scliedule. a. �'(oat or slack tinie is not fo�• the exclusive use ar beneiit of either the Contractoi• or tlie City. b. Proceed �vith �vork �ccording to early st�ct dates, aud tlie City shall h�ve the right to reserve aucl aE�partion float time accordiug to tlie ueeds of the project, CITY C�f' FpR'1' \VOI21'H STANDARll CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA7'lON DOCUMEtJTS Revised July l, 2011 South Mnin Street Project No. 02113 01321G-4 CONS'1'Rt7CTiON PROGaESS SC[iEDULE Pnge A of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 I1 12 13 14 t5 16 i7 c. Ack�io�vledge and agree iliat �ctiial delays, affecting patlis of activities coiitairiiiig float time, �vi(1 �iot have any effect upon cont�•act completion tiities, providing that the actual delay does not eaceed tlie float time associated �vitli fliose activities. E. Coocdinating Schedule �vith Other Contract Schedules I, Where �vork is to be �e��formed under this Contract concui'fCilily �VIlII OI' COL1tit1�El1Y upo�i work pe��foymed on tlie same facilities or ai•ea u�ider otlieY C011fi'ACtS� the Baseline Schedule sliall be eoordinated �vith the schedu[es of the ofher contcacts. a. (abeain the scliedttles of tlie atltei� appropr•iate contt��cts fi•o�yi the City fo�• tl�e pi•eparation and upciating of Baseliiie sched�ile aud make the required chau�es in his schedule �vhen indicated by changes in co►•ces�onding schedules. 2. In case of ii�terference bet�veen the opet��tions of different con#ractors, tf�e City �vili deeermine the �vork priority of each contcactor aud the seque�ice of work necessa�y to eapedite the completion of tIie entire Pa•oject. a. In s��cl� cases, the decisiou of the City sha11 be aceepted as final. b. The tempocary delay of any �vork dtie to such ci�•ci�mstances si�all not be considered as justification for claims for adtiitional compansation. 18 1.5 SUBMITTALS 19 A. Baseliiie Schedi�le 20 l, Submit Schedule iu uative file format aud pdf focmat �s required in the City of Fort 21 Woi�th Schedule Guidauce Document, 22 a. Native file fo�•mat inctudes: 23 1) Primaveca (P6 or Primavera Contractor) 24 2. Submit draft baseiine Scl�edule to City prior to the pre-cottsh•uctian zueeting and 25 briug iil hard copy to tlie meeting foe revie�v and discussion. 26 B. Progress Schedule 27 l. Subniit progress Schedule iii native file format attd �df format as requireti tn tl�e 28 City of i'ort Wartl� Schedule Guidance DocumeEit. 29 2. SuUmit pt�ogress Scl�edule montlily no later than tl�e last day of tl�e moirth. 30 C. Scl�edu(e Narrative 31 1. Submit the scl�edule nacrative in pdf format as rec�uired in the City of Fort Worth 32 Schedule Gnidauce Documeiit. 33 2. Submit schedule narrative monthly na later than tl�e last day of t(�e month. 34 35 3G 3� 38 39 D. S11�1111tifll PPacess 1. Tlie City adiili�iistels and manages schedules th�•ough Bt�zzsa�v. 2. Contcactor shall submit documents as requireci iu tlie City of Port Warth Schedale Gi►idance Document. 3. Once the project has been completed and Fin�l Acceptance has been issued by tt�e City, no fttrther pro�ress schedttles 1i'e ��equii�ed. CtTY OF I'ORT �VOR'PH STANDARD CONSTRUC'l'IOt1 SPF.CiFICATIQN DOCUMF.NTS Revisc<I Juty 1, 201 l Soudi Main Street Project No. OZ l l3 013216-5 CONS'I'KUCTION PROGRESS SCHGDULE P�ge 5 of 5 1 2 3 4 S G 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INI'ORMATIUNAL SUBMITTAL,S (NOT USCD] 1,'1 CLOS�DUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAIN'I'LNANC� MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Tlie persoli pa•eparing a�id ►�evisi�ig tlie constructioii Pi•ogress Sclledule shall be experienced in t(ie preparatioii of schedules of similac coinplexity. B. Sel�ednle and sttppoi�ting documents �ddressed in tl�is Specification sliall ba prepared, updated a►id i•evisecl to acau�ately �•eflect tlle pecfor►nence of tlia constructio�i. C. Contcacto�� is responsibie fo�• the quality of all submitials in this sectian meeting the standa►•d of clre for the co�ish�action i�idtist�y foi• similar projects. 1..10 D�LIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USGD] 1.11 rI�LD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WA1titANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 - �'RODUCTS (i�tOT US�D] PART 3 - �X�CUTION [NOT US�D] �ND OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1$ CITY OP FORT �VORTH STAt�IDARD CONSTRUCTIOAI SPECIFICA7'ION DOCUMF.NTS RcviscA July I, 201 l Soulh Mnin Street Yroject No. 02113 1 2 3 PART l. - G�NERA.L � 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS I6 17 ]8 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 3I 32 33 a S�CTION 0132 33 PRECONSTRUCTION VIDEO 013233-i Plt�CONSTRUCT10N V1D�0 Page 1 of 2 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Inclttdes: l. Administrative aiid procedural regui►•eme�its foi�: a. Preconsteuctiou Videos B. Deviaiions from tl�is City of Fort Wortl� Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specificltian Seetions it�clude, bnt ace not necessarily limited to; l. Division 0— Bidding Rec�uireinents, Contract Forins and Conditions of the Contcact 2. Divisian 1— General Reqekirements 1,2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROC�DURES A. Measucemeiit and Payment 1. Work associated �vith this ltem is considered subsidiaty to the various items bid. No separate payment �vill Ue allo�ved for this �tem. 1.3 REFER�NCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE R�QUIR�MENTS A. Preconstruction Video 1. P3•oduce a preconstruction video of the site/�liguuieni, including Rll areas in the vicinity of aud to be affected by eonstcuctian. a. Provide digitai copy of video upon c•equest by tlle City. 2. Retaiu � copy of the preconstruction video until the end of tl�e mniutenance sm•ety peeiod. 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] _ I.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [Nt�T US�D] l .7 CLOS�OUT SUSMITTALS �NOT USED] 1.8 MAIN'I'�NANCE MAT�RTAL SUBMITTALS (NOT US�D] 19 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1,10 DELIV�RY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.I1 FIELD [SIT�j CONDITIONS [NOT US�D] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED� PART 2 � PRODUCTS (NOT US�D� CI�CY OF PORT NOR'fH S'fAN�ARD CONS'fRUCTION SPECII�ICATION DOCUMEN'1'S Revised July 1, 2011 South Maiu Sfreet Project No. 02113 01 32 33 - 2 PRF.CONSTRUCTION VIDEO Page 2 of 2 PART 3 - CX�CUTION [NOT USED] END OF S�CTION • Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE C1TY OF I�Oft'1' \VORTH South Main Slrect STANDARD CONSTRUCT{ON SPECI[�1CA'CLON DOCUMENTS Projcct tJo. 02113 Reviscd Ju1y t, 2011 01 33 00 - ( SU13MI1"I'ALS Page 1 of 8 I 2 3 PARTl- G�NERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 g 9 10 il I2 13 14 1$ 16 17 1.2 18 19 20 21 1.3 22 1,4 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3� 38 39 �0 SECTION 0133 00 SUBMITTALS A. Section Iucluc[es: 1, General methods and �•equiremeuts of submissions applicable to the follawing Work-related submittats: fl. SIlOp Di'1\Vti1�S b. Product Data (inchiding Standard Peoduct List submittals) c. Samples d. Mock Ups B. Deviations fi•om this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. Noiie. C. Related Specific�tion Seetions inc(ude, but are not necess�rily limited to: l. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Foi`I]1S �IICI COrialttPllS O�fIlB C011fl•act 2. Division 1— Geiieral Requii•ements PRICE ANll PAYM�NT I'ROCEDUR�S A. Measurement and Payment 1. Work associated �vit13 this item is considered subsic[iazy to tlie various ite�ns bid. No sepacate �ayment tivill ba allo�ve<i foi• this Item. REF�R�NCES [NOT US�ll] ADMINISTRATIVE REQUII2EMENTS A. Coordination l. Natify the City in �vritiu�, at tlte titne of submittal, of aiiy deviations in tiie submittals feoin the s�et�uireinents of the Contract Documents. 2, Coordination of Submitt�l Times a, Prepare, prioritize and transmit eacli s��bmittai sufficiently in advauce of performing t(ie related Woi•k o�• otlier applicable activities, or �vithin tlie ti►ne specified in the iudividual Work Sectious, of the Specificaiions. U, Conh•acfor is eespo�ssibie such that the iustatlation �vi[I »ot be delayed by processit�g times iucl�fdi�ig, but tiot limited to: a) Disa}�peoval and resubmittal (if requiced) b) Coordi�iation �vitli otfier sub���iitals c) Testing d) Pucchasing e) F�bricatian fl Delivery � g) Similac seqtienced lctivities c, No extensiou oftime �vill be autltorized because of the Coiitcactor's faiIw�e to transmit snbmittals sufficienNy in advance of tlie Work. C1TY OI� PORT �VORTtI Soirtli Mr�in Street S'PANDARD CONS'i'RUCTION SPECIFICA'1'ION DOCUMENTS Project T�'o. 02l i3 Revised Uecember 20, 2412 4'• 01 33 00 - 2 SUBMITTALS P�gc 2 of 8 t 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 IQ IS 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 2S 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 :i 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 ao a� az �13 �34 45 46 d. Make submittals promptly in accordance �vit(� approved schedule, and in such sequence as to catise i�o delay in the Wark or in the work of any otl�ec cantractor. B. Submittal Numbering I. When sttbmitting sliop drawings or sem�les, ntilize a 9-cl�aractei• submittal cross- refere�tce identi�cation �iam6erit�g systet7� in tl�e following manne�•: a. Use the first 6 digits of tl�e ap�ilicable Specification Section Nwiiber. b. For the �ieat 2 digits �iu�nber use »umbei•s 01-99 to sequeittially nuiTiber each initial separate item oi• dra�viti� subniitted unclei• eacl� speeific Sectio�i i�umber. c. Last use a letter, A-Z, indicating the resubmission of the same dra�ving (i.e. A-2nd submission, B=3rd snbmissioi�, C=4th submission, etc.). A typical submittal ��umber would be as follo�vs: 03 30 00-0$-B 1) 03 30 00 is t(ie Specification Section for Conccete 2) �8 is the eighth i�iitial sub►uittal undea• tliis Specific�►tion Section 3) B is the third suUmission (second i•esubmission) of that particular shap dca�ving C. COlitl'�CiOC Cel'tlfiCflf1011 I. Review sliop dca�viugs, prociuct data and sauiples, including those by st�bco�itractors, pcior to submissio�l to determiite aiid verify tlie follo�viiig: a. Field measuremeiits b. I'ield constcuctioii ci•iteria c. Cat�log numbeis and similar data d, Conformance �vith the Contract Doctunents 2. Pc�ovide eacl� sliop di�awii�g, sample and product data submitted by t(le Conteactoi• with a Certi�cation Stateuient affixed i�lclading; a. The Contcactor's Company name b. Siguature of sti6mittal revie�ver c. Cartification Stateinent 1) "By tliis si�Umittal, I l�ei•eby i•epi•esent tl�at I I»ve detei•inilied aud verified �eld measw�ements, field constructiott eciteria, mafe�•ials, dimensions, eatalog ntunbers and similar data and 1 have checked ancf coorclinated eacli ifem �vitli other applicable approved sliop dra�viilgs," D. Submittll Format l, Fol<I shop dr��wiugs largec than 8'/z inches x I 1 inclies to 8%2 incl�es x 11 inches. 2. Bind shop dra�vings and product dlta sheets togethea�. 3, Ot•der a, Covec Sheet 1) Desci•iption of Packet 2) Couteaetor Cecti�c�tio�i b. I,ist of items / Tnble of Contents c. Prodi�ct Data /Shop Dra�viiigs/Samp(es /Calculatio��s �. Submittal Conte»t l. Tlie d�te of submission and the dates of �tty previous submissioi�s CITY OF POR7' 1VORTH STAtJDA1tD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECICICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Sou1h Main Slrcet Projc:ct No, 02113 4 � 01 33 00 - 3 SUBMITTALS Yage 3 of 8 1 2 3 4 S G 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 l4 15 1G 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 aa 41 a2 43 �a 45 46 2. The Project title and numbec 3. Confcacto�• identification 4, The �iat�ies of a. Contractor b. Supplier c. Mauufacturer S. Identification of the product, �vith the Specification Section m�mbec•, page and pat•agraph(s) 6. I'ield diinetisions, cleacly identified as sucli 7. Relatioii to adjacent or eritic�l featuces af the Work o►• materials 8. Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specifieation nuiubers 9. Tde�rtification by higl�Iiglttii�g of deviatio�is fi•om Conti•act Documents 10. Ide�iti�cation by highlighiivg of i•evisions on resubtnittals 11, An 8-inch x 3-inch blauk space fo�• ConU•actor and City stamps F. Shop Drawings 1. As speci�ed in individual Work Seetions includes, but is not neeess3rily limited to; a. Ciistom-prepared data suclt as fTbrication and erection/installation {�vorking) drativiEigs b. Scheduled infoematiou c. Setting diagrauis d. Actnal sl�op�vork manufachi��ing instructions e. Custom te�nplates £ Special �viring ciiagrams g. Coordination drativings h. Individt�al system oi• equipment inspection and test i•eports i�icluding: 1) Performailce curves and certifica#io�is i. As applicaUle to the Work 2. Details a. Relatioii ofthe various pa��ts to the main �nembers and lines of tlie structure b. Where coc�rect fabrication of the Work depends npon field meastu•ements 1) Provide such measurements aud note on the drawings ��rior to stabmitting far approval, G. Prodltcf Data 1. For submittals of ��roduct data for pi•oducts inciuded on the City's Standard Pcoduct List, clear•ly identify each item selected for use on the Project. 2, Foi• submittals of p�•oduct data for products not includecl on the City's Stand�rd Product List, subrnittal data may ine(ude, but is i�ot necessarily limited to: a. Standard prepared data for m�i�ufachu�ecl products (sometimas referred ta as cat�log daia) 1) Sttch as the manufacturec•'s product specification and installation iust��uctious 2) Availability of colors and patte��iis 3) Manufacturer's printed statemettts of compliances and applicability 4) Roughing-in diagrams a�id templates 5) Catalog cufs 6) Product photographs CITY Qr I�OI2T tiVORTH S'1'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIEICATION DOCUMEI�tTS Revised December 20, 2012 South Main Street Project No. 02! 13 OI 33 00 - 4 SU13ivfITTAI.S P�gc 4 ot' 8 l 7) Standard �viring diagcaius 2 $) Priiited performance curves a►�d operatioual-r�nge diagrams 3 9) Productioa� ai• nuality control inspection and test repoi�ts aiid cectifications 4 1p) Mill repo��ts 5 11) Pi•oduct ope�•ating and tnaintenance i�ist��uctions a«cl t•ecommeiided G spa��e-pa��ts listit�g and pt�inted pi•oduct �varrluties 7 12) As applicable to tl�e Work 8 H. S�mples 9 I, As speci�ed iu iudividual Sections, iiiclude, but a►•e �iot uecessac•ily liniited to; 10 � a. Pl�ysical exam��les of tlie Wock such as: 1 I 1) Sections of manufactuced or fabric�tecl Work 12 2) Srnal( cuts oi• co�atainers of materi�ls 13 3) Couiplete uiiits of i•epetitively used pa•oducts coloi/te�ture/patte►•ii swatc(ies 1� �itd a'auge sets l5 4) Specimens for coordination of visual effect 1G S) Graphic syanUols aud wiits of Work to be usecl by the City for independent 17 iiispectio�� and testiiig, as applicaUle to tlie Worlc 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'i 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 �12 43 44 A5 ab 47 I. Do not st�rt Work ce�uicing a shop drawin�, s�mple or product d3ta nor any material to be fabricated or installec( prior to tlie appcov�l or qualified approval of such iteui. 1. Pabrication �erformeci, mlterials piu•chaseci or on-site construction aceom�>lisl�ed �vl�ich does not couform to approved sho�� dra�vings and data is at the Contractoc's risk, 2, The City wi(I not be liable for any� expense or delay ciue to corcections or �•emedies required to aeeoinplish conforniity. 3. Coiuplete project Work, materia(s, fabcicatiot�, and installations in conFocmince with appcoved shop dra�viugs, ap�licable samptes, and product data. J. Si�bmittal Dish�ibtition l. Blectro�lic Distcibutio�i a. Confiri�i development of Pcoject directo�y for eleetrot�ic submittals to be uplo�ded to City's Buzzsa�v site, or another exteenal FTP site �pproved by the City, b. Shop Drawiugs 1) Upload submittal to desig�iatecl p►•oject directory aud notify appropri�te City represeiit�tives via email of subtnittal posting. 2) Hacd Copies �) 3 capies foc aII submittals b) 1f Contractor requices more tl�at� 1 l�ard copy oF Shop Dra�vin�s returned, Contractoa• shall submit more tl��n the �iumbei• of copies listed above. c. Product Data 1) Uplo�d subn�ittal to designated project directory aud notify �ppcopriate City represeutatives via email of suUmittal postiiig. 2) Hard Copies a) 3 copies foc all snbmittals d. Sam�les 1) Dish•ibuted to the Pcoject Representative 2. Hai•d Copy Distcibution (if rec�uiced iii lieu of electi•onic distribution) C1TY OF PqR'f 1VORTH South Main $Ircet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPF.CI�[CA7'lON DOCU�v1�NTS Projcct No. 02i 13 licvised Dccember 20, 2012 1 2 3 4 S G 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 1 �i i5 16 1'7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 44 �S 1 42 �13 aa 45 4b 47 48 013300-5 SUBMITTALS Page 5 of 8 a. Shop Drativings 1) Distributed to the City 2) Copies a} 8 copies foc mecha�3ica1 sabmittals U) 7 copias foc �ll other submittals c} If Contracto�• ►�equires more than 3 copies of Shop Dra�vings ►�eturned, Contractor shall submit more than the numUer of copies listed above. b. P�•oduct Data I) Distributed to tl�e City 2) Copies a) 4 copies c. San�E�les I) Distributed to the Project Represe��t�tive 2) Copies a) Submit the number stated iu the respective Specification Sectioiis. 3. Dist�•ibute ra;n•oductions of approved shoE� dra�vir�gs and copies of a��proved product data and samples, �vhere �•ec�uired, to the job site �le and elsewhece �s directed by the City. a. Provide number of copies as dit•ectecl by the City but not exceeding tlie nuinber previously speci�ed. K. Submittel Revie�v l. Tlie revie�v of shop dra�vings, data aEid sainples �vil( be for general confoa•mance witl� the design eonee��t aad Contract Docu►nents. This is not to be construed as: a. Permitting any depertuc•e from ttie Coutract requis•ements b. Relieving tlie Coirtcacto�• of �•espansibility for any eci•ors, i�icludi�ig details, dime�isioiis, a�id materials c. App�•ovi►�g cieparfut•es fi•om details furnisl�ed by the City, except as other�vise provided het•ein 2. The revie�v a►id approva) of sliop di�a�vings, sa�t�ples oi• pt�odi�et d�ta by the City does uot relieve tlie Conti•actot� from Itis/her resE�onsibility �viih regard to tlie fitl�lltneait of the terms of the Contract. a, All risks of erroi• 1nd oti�ission are assumed by tfie Cont�•acto�•, and tlie City will liave no responsibility theeefore. 3. Tl�e Colitractor re�uains responsible far details and accucacy, for coordi�latir�g the Work with atl otl�er associated �vork aud trades, for selectn�g fabricatian processes, for techniques of assembly ancl for perfo�ini�ig Work in a safe maui�er, 4. [f the shop dra�vings, data oi• samples as sub�nitted desej�ibe vaciations and show a departure fi�om the Contract requiremecrts �vhich City finds to be in the interest of the City and to be so minor as not to involve a chaiige iu Contract Pi�ice oi• time for pecForniauca, tlie City inay i•eturn the reviewed dra�vings �vithout noting an eace�fion, 5. Submittals will be returi�ed to flie Contractor uuclec 1 of the follo�ving codes: a. Code ] 1) "NO EXC�PTIONS 'I'AKEN" is assigiied �vhen tliere ace no not�tioi�s or comments on tl�e submittal. a) Wlie�i retui'118tI Utic�Ef'tllis COt�e tfts COtttfactoc may release tlie equi��ment aiid/or ulate��ia1 for inanufacft�re. b. Cade 2 CITY OF FORT 1YORTH STANDAl2D CONSTRUCTION SY�CI[�ICATION AOCUIvtEN'PS TZevised Deccmber 20, 2012 Soutii Main Strecl Projcct No. 02113 01 33 00 - 6 SUBMITTALS P�ge 6 of 8 1 1) "EXCEPTIONS NOTED". Tl�is code is assigned �vhe�� a confirmation of 2 tlie uatations a�id commeiits IS NOT ��equired by tlie Contractor. 3 a) The Contractor may release the equipiiient or material for u�anufactuce; 4 ho�vevec, all notations aud coinments must be incocporated into the 5 final product. 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 t'1 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 �k3 �;�� 4S c. Code 3 l) "EXCEPTIONS NOTED/RESUBMIT". This combination of codes is assig�ied �vhei� uotations aiid comments ace extensive enough to j•eni�ire a resubuiittal of tl�e package. a) The Contcactor may cele�se the equipment or u�aterial for manufactnce; ho�vever, all tiotations aud comments must be it�cocporated iuto the final product. b) Tliis resubmitta( is to �ddress all com�ne►its, OlT11SSIOIIS flI1C{ noi�-coiiforming ifems that wece noted. c) Resubmittfi( is to be receivecl by the City �vithin 1 S Calendac Days of the date of tlie City's tcansmitta( renui►•i�ig tlie resubinittal. cL Code 4 l) "NOT APPROVED" is assigned �vhen the subiuittal does not meet the intent of the Contract Docun�ettts. a) The Contr�ctor must resubmit fhe entii•e package revised to bring the sttbmittal into confo�•�nauce. b) If may be necess�cy to resubmit using a diffece►�t manufacti�cer/veudoc to tneet tEie Coiitr�et Documents. 6. Resu6mittals a, Handled in t(�e same manner as first submitta(s 1) Corrections othe�• than N�equested by the City 2) Macked with revision triaugle oc other sin�ilar met(�od a) At Coutractar's risk if not tnarkec[ b, Submittals for eacli iteiii �vill be ��evie�ved �io ulore tl»n twice at the Ciry's eYpense. l) A(l subsenuent revie�vs �vill be pecformed at times conveuient to fhe City 1nd �t the Coutcactoi•'s expei�se, based on tl�e City's or City Repceseiitntive's then �i•evai(iug rates. 2) Provide Coiitcactoa� reimbursement to tl�e Ciiy ivithin 30 Caleiular Days fa• all such fees invoiced by the City. c, The need fo►• more ttinu 1 cesuUmission or �ny other delay in obtzining City's �•evie�v of submittals, rvill not eiltitle fhe Co�ltr�ctor to an extension of Couti�let Tiiue. 7. Aa��ti�l Si�bmitt�ls �. City reserves the right to not review submittals deemed p�i�tinl, �t the City's disci'etion, b. Subinittals deemed by fhe City to be not com4�lete will Ue returned to the Co��h•actor, and �vill be considei•ed "Not A�proved" until resi��initted. e, Tl�e City �nay at its optio�i �i•ovide a list or mark the submittal directiug tlte Coufeactor to the nce�s tl�af are incomplete. 4G $. [f the Coirtcacta• considers auy co1•rection indicated an the shop dra�vings to 47 constifute a change to the Co►itcact Docunients, then �vritten notice must be 48 provided thereof to the City at least 7 Calenciar Days pcior to �•elease foc 49 mauafactuce, C1TY OC PORT �VORTH South Maiu Slreet S'1'ANDARD CONSTRUC7'ION SPBCIFICA7'1qN llOCUMENTS Project No. 02113 Revise<I Dccem6er 2Q 2012 013300-7 SUI3MITTAt,S Pnge 7 of 8 1 9. When the sl�op dra�viii�;s have Ueen completed to the satisfaction of tlie City, tlie 2 Contractor may carry out the coustruction in aeeordance therewith and uo fu��thee 3 changes therein except upon w�•itten instt•uctions fi•om the City. 4 10. Each submiftal, appropriately coded, �vill be �•eturned �vitliin 30 Calendar Days 5 follo�vin�; receipt of submittal by ttie City. 6 L. Mock ups 7 1, Mock UE� units as specified in individual Sections, include, but are not necessarily 8 limited to, complete units of the standard of acceptance for tl�at type of Work to be 9 usad on the Project. Re�nove at tlie cantpletio�l of the Work or �vl�en di�•ected. 1p M. Quali�cations I 1 1, If speci�cally cequired i�i otlier Sec#ions af these Specificatiotis, submit a P.E. 12 Ce��tification foy eacli item eequired. 13 N, Reqiiest foc Tnfarmafioii (RFI) 14 3. Cantractor Request for additioual informafio�i 15 a. Clariiieation or interpa�etation of the eontraet docinnents 16 U. Whe�i fhe Confcactoc believes tltere is a eonflict between Contract Docuinents 17 a Wlten tlie Colltractor believes there is a conflict behveen the Drawings and 18 Specifications 19 1) Identify tlie co�lflict �nd cequest clarification 20 2. Use tlie Request foi• J�iformatiou (RFI) fo�•m provided by ilse City. 21 3. Nt�mbering of RFI ' 22 a. Prefia �vith "RFI" follotived by series �ia►nber, "-xxx", beginning �vith "O1" and 23 iuereasing sequentially with each adctitional iransmittal. 24 4, Si�fiicieut information sha(1 be attacfied to pecmit a Svriften response �vitl�out fut�tl�er 25 i;�fa�matioit. 26 5. T'he City �vill log each rec�uest aiid rvill revie�v the reqiiest. 27 a. If revie�v of t(ie project i�iforivation a�eqttest indicates that a cliar�ge to tlle 28 Confract Documeuts is required, tfie City �vill issue a Field Ocder ot� Cliaiige 29 Ocder, as appropriate. 30 1.5 SUBMITTAI.S [NOT US�D] 31 1.G ACTI�N SUBMITTALS/IN�O�tMAT10NAL SUBMITTALS jNOT USEll] 32 1,7 CLOS�OUT SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 33 1.$ MAINTENANC� MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3� 1.9 QUALI'I'Y ASSURANC� [NfJT US�Dj 35 1,10 DELIVERY, STOI2AGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 36 L11 FIELD [SI�'�] CONDITIONS [NOT US�D] 37 1,12 WARRANTY �NOT USED] CITY OF I�OR7' �VORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENT'S Project No. 021 t3 Revised Deccmber 2q 2012 OI3300-8 SUBMtTTALS Page 8 of 8 i PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT US�D] 2 PART 3 - �X�CUTION [NOT US�Dj 3 �ND OF SECTION 4 Revision �.og bATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 I�. Johnson 1.4.K.8. Working Days modified to Calcudar D�ys 5 CITY OF FORT NORTH STANDARD CONS'fI2UCt'ION SPECIFICA"CtON DpCUMGN'fS Itevised December 20, 2012 Sadh M�in Strect !'roject No. 02113 013513-I SPECIALPROJGCTPROCEDURES Page 1 of 8 � 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 SECTION O1 35 13 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES A. Section Includes: L The procedures for special project circumstances that includes, but is not limited to: a. Coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation b. Work near High Voltage Lines c. Confined Space Entry Program d. Air Pollution Watch Days e. Use of Explosives, Drop Weight, Etc. f. Water Department Notification g. Public Notification Prior to Beginning Construction h. Coordination with United States Army Corps of Engineers i. Coordination within Railroad permits areas j. Dust Control k. Employee Parking B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification l. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 33 12 25 — Connection to Existing Water Mains 24 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Coordination within Railroad permit areas a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be by lump sum. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be paid for at the lump sum price bid for Railroad Coordination. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Mobilization 2) Inspection 3) Safety training 4) AdditionalInsurance 5) Insurance Certificates 6) Other requirements associated with general coordination with Railroad, including additional employees required to protect the right-of-way and property of the Railroad from damage arising out of and/or from the construction of the Project. 2. Railroad Flagmen CITY OP PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised Decembcr 20, 2012 South Main Street Project No. 02113 O1 35 13 -2 SPECIALPROJECTPROCEDURES Page 2 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per working day. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be paid for each working day that Railroad Flagmen are present at the Site. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Coordination for scheduling flagmen 2) Flagmen 3) Other requirements associated with Railroad 3. All other items a. Work associated with these Items is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 14 1.3 REFERENCES 15 A. Reference Standards 16 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 17 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 18 Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 19 2. Health and Safety Code, Title 9. Safety, Subtitle A. Public Safety, Chapter 752. 20 High Voltage Overhead Lines. 21 3. North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) — Clean Construction 22 Specification 23 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 A. Coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation 1. When work in the right-of-way which is under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT): a. Notify the Texas Department of Transportation prior to commencing any work therein in accordance with the provisions of the permit b. All work performed in the TxDOT right-of-way shall be performed in compliance with and subject to approval from the Texas Department of Transportation B. Work near High Voltage Lines Q 3 � Regulatory Requirements a. All Worlc near High Voltage Lines (more than 600 volts measured between conductors or between a conductor and the ground) shall be in accordance with Health and Safety Code, Title 9, Subtitle A, Chapter 752. Warning sign a. Provide sign of sufficient size meeting all OSHA requirements. Equipment operating within 10 feet of high voltage lines will require the following safety features a. Insulating cage-type of guard about the boom or arm b. Insulator links on the lift hook connections for back hoes or dippers c. Equipment must meet the safety requirements as set forth by OSHA and the safety requirements of the owner of the high voltage lines Work within 6 feet of high voltage electric lines CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02113 Revised December 20, 2012 013513-3 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 3 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 a. Notification shall be given to: 1) The power company (example: ONCOR) a) Maintain an accurate log of all such calls to power company and record action taken in each case. b. Coordination with power company 1) After notification coordinate with the power company to: a) Erect temporary mechanical barriers, de-energize the lines, or raise or lower the lines c. No personnel may work within 6 feet of a high voltage line before the above requirements have been met. C. Confined Space Entry Program 1. Provide and follow approved Confined Space Entry Program in accordance with OSHA requirements. 2. Confined Spaces include: a. Manholes b. All other confined spaces in accordance with OSHA's Permit Required for Confined Spaces D. Air Pollution Watch Days 1. General a. Observe the following guidelines relating to working on City construction sites on days designated as "AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS". b. Typical Ozone Season 1) May 1 through October 31. c. Critical Emission Time 1) 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 2. Watch Days a. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), in coordination with the National Weather Service, will issue the Air Pollution Watch by 3:00 p.m. on the afternoon prior to the WATCH day. b. Requirements 1) Begin work after 10:00 a.m. whenever construction phasing requires the use of motorized equipment for periods in excess of 1 hour. 2) However, the Contractor may begin work prior to 10:00 a.m. if: a) Use of motorized equipment is less than 1 hour, or b) If equipment is new and certified by EPA as "Low Emitting", or equipment burns Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), diesel emulsions, or alternative fuels such as CNG. E. TCEQ Air Permit 1. Obtain TCEQ Air Permit for construction activities per requirements of TCEQ. F. Use of Explosives, Drop Weight, Etc. 1. When Contract Documents permit on the project the following will apply: a. Public Notification 1) Submit notice to City and proof of adequate insurance coverage, 24 hours prior to commencing. 2) Minimum 24 hour public notification in accordance with Section O1 31 13 46 G. Water Department Coordination CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised Deccmbcr 20, 2012 South Main Strcet Project No. 02113 013513-4 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Pagc 4 of 8 1 1. During the construction of this project, it will be necessary to deactivate, for a 2 period of time, existing lines. The Contractor shall be required to coordinate with 3 the Water Department to determine the best times for deactivating and activating 4 those lines. 5 2. Coordinate any event that will require connecting to or the operation of an existing 6 City water line system with the City's representative. � a. Coordination shall be in accordance with Section 33 12 25. 8 b. If needed, obtain a hydrant water meter from the Water Department for use 9 during the life of named project. 10 c. In the event that a water valve on an existing live system be turned off and on 11 to accommodate the construction of the project is required, coordinate this 12 activiry through the appropriate City representative. 13 1) Do not operate water line valves of existing water system. 14 a) Failure to comply will render the Contractor in violation of Texas Penal 15 Code Title 7, Chapter 28.03 (Criminal Mischie fl and the Contractor 16 will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 17 b) In addition, the Contractor will assume all liabilities and 18 responsibilities as a result of these actions. 19 H. Public Notification Prior to Beginning Construction 20 1. Prior to beginning construction on any block in the project, on a block by block 21 basis, prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending construction to the front 22 door of each residence or business that will be impacted by construction. The notice 23 shall be prepared as follows: 24 a. Post notice or flyer 7 days prior to beginning any construction activity on each 25 block in the project area. 26 1) Prepare flyer on the Contractor's letterhead and include the following 27 information: 28 a) Name of Project 29 b) City Project No (CPN) 30 c) Scope of Project (i.e. type of construction activity) 3 l d) Actual construction duration within the block 32 e) Name of the contractor's foreman and phone number 33 � Name of the City's inspector and phone number 34 g) City's after-hours phone number 35 2) A sample of the `pre-construction notification' flyer is attached as Exhibit 36 A. 37 3) Submit schedule showing the construction start and finish time for each 38 block of the project to the inspector. 39 4) Deliver flyer to the City Inspector for review prior to distribution. 40 b. No construction will be allowed to begin on any block until the flyer is 41 delivered to all residents of the block. 42 L Public Notification of Tempora�y Water Service Interruption during Construction 43 1. In the event it becomes necessary to temporarily shut down water service to 44 residents or businesses during construction, prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of 45 the pending interruption to the front door of each affected resident. 46 2. Prepared notice as follows: 47 a. The notification or flyer shall be posted 24 hours prior to the temporary 48 interruption. CITY OF �ORT WORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATiON DOCUMENTS Projcct No. 02I 13 Rcvised Deccmber 20, 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 01 35 13 - S SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Pagc 5 of 8 b. Prepare flyer on the contractor's letterhead and include the following information: 1) Name of the project 2) City Project Number 3) Date of the interruption of service 4) Period the interruption will take place 5) Name of the contractor's foreman and phone number 6) Name of the City's inspector and phone number c. A sample of the temporary water service interruption notification is attached as Exhibit B. d. Deliver a copy of the temporary interruption notification to the City inspector for review prior to being distributed. e. No interruption of water service can occur until the flyer has been delivered to all affected residents and businesses. f. Electronic versions of the sample flyers can be obtained from the Project Construction Inspector. J. Coordination with United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 1. At locations in the Project where construction activities occur in areas where USACE permits are required, meet all requirements set forth in each designated permit. K. Coordination within Railroad Permit Areas 1. At locations in the project where construction activities occur in areas where railroad permits are required, meet all requirements set forth in each designated railroad permit. This includes, but is not limited to, provisions for: a. Flagmen b. Inspectors c. Safety training d. Additional insurance e. Insurance certi�cates f. Other employees required to protect the right-of-way and property of the Railroad Company from damage arising out of and/or from the construction of the project. Proper utility clearance procedures shall be used in accordance with the permit guidelines. 2. Obtain any supplemental information needed to comply with the railroad's requirements. 3. Railroad Flagmen a. Submit receipts to City for verification of working days that railroad flagmen were present on Site. L. Dust Control 1. Use acceptable measures to control dust at the Site. a. If water is used to control dust, capture and properly dispose of waste water. b. If wet saw cutting is performed, capture and properly dispose of slurry. M. Employee Parking 1. Provide parking for employees at locations approved by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Decembcr 20, 2012 South Main Strect Projcct No. 02113 O13513-6 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 6 of 8 1 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 6 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 7 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 8 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 9 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 10 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] ffl 12 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1.4.B — Added requirement of compliance with Health and Safety Code, Title 9. 8/31/2012 D. Johnson Safety, Subtitle A. Public Safety, Chapter 752. High Voltage Overhead Lines. 1.4.E — Added Contractor responsibility for obtaining a TCEQ Air Permit 13 CITY Oi' FORT WORTH South Main Strcct STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02113 Revised Dcccmbcr 20, 2012 O1 35 13 - 7 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Pagc 7 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 Date: 7 8 CPN No.: 9 Project Name: 10 Mapsco Location: 11 Limits of Construction: 12 13 EXHIBIT A (To be printed on Contractor's Letterhead) 14 15 16 17 THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF FORT 18 WORTH, OUR COMPANY WIL� WORK ON UTILITY LINES ON OR AROUND YOUR 19 PROPERTY. 20 21 CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY SEVEN DAYS FROM THE DATE 22 OF THIS NOTICE. 23 24 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SECURITY, SAFETY OR ANY OTHER 25 ISSUE, PLEASE CALL: 26 27 28 Mr. <CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENT> AT <TELEPHONE NO.> 29 30 OR 31 32 Mr. <CITY INSPECTOR> AT < TELEPHONE NO.> 33 34 AFTER 4:30 PM OR ON WEEKENDS, PLEASE CAL� (817) 392 8306 35 36 PLEASE KEEP THIS FLYER HANDY WHEN YOU CALL 37 CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02113 Revised Dccembcr 20, 2012 01 35 l3 - 8 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Pagc 8 of 8 � 2 EXHIBIT B FORT WO�TH �' Date: �oE no. xxxx �� r��o: NOTICE OF TEMPORARY WATER SLRVICE INTERRLiPTIOI�I DUG TO UTILITY IMPROVEMGNTS IN YOUR N�IGHBORHOOD, YOUR WATER SERV[CE WILL BE INT�RRUPT�D ON BETW�F,N TH� HOURS OF AND Ir YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS SHUT-OUT, PLEASE CALL: MR. AT (CONTRAC'CORS SUPERINTENDENT) (TELEPHON� NUMB�I2) OR MR. AT (CITY INSPECTOR) (TELEPHON� NUMBER) THIS INCONVGNiENCE WILL I3I: AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU, CONTRACTOR 3 __ ------ _ _ 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcct STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Projcct No. 02113 Revised Dcccmber 20, 2012 O1 45 23 - I THS1'1NG AND INSPECT[01�! SElZV1CH5 Page 1 of 2 1 2 3 PART 1 - GENERAI. SECTION O1 4S 23 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 l. Testing anc{ inspectio�l sei•vices procedt�res ttud coordivation 7 B. Deviations fi�oin tl�is City of Fot�t Woi�tli Standa�•d S�ecificatio�i 8 1, No�ie. 9 10 11 C. Related Speciiication Sections inelude, bat are a�ot �iecessarily litiiited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Coniract Forms and Conciitians of t{ie Conteact 2. Divisio�i 1— General Requicemeiits PRICE AND PAYM�NT PROCEDURES 12 l.2 A. Measiu•ement atid Payment 1. Wark associated �vith this Item is considered subsidiaiy ta the various Items bid. No separate payment �vill be allo�ved for ihis Item. a. Contractor is respousible for pei�forming, coordinating, aud payment of a(1 QUality' COiliI'OI ieSCtilg. b. City is respousible for ��ecforming and payment for first set of Quatity Assuranca testing. 1) If the first Quality Asstii�ance test perfoi�ined by tlie City fails, the Contracior is responsibte for payine�it of subsequent Quality Ass�u•ance testing unfil a passing test occurs. a) Final acceptance �vill not be issued by City uutil all requiced payments for tasting by Conti•aetor ha��e been paid in fi�ll, R�FEI2�NC�S [NOT USED] 13 14 IS I6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I.3 26 1,4 ADMINISTRATIV� REQUII2�M�NTS A. Testing 1. Complete testiug in accordauce �vitli ilie Cont�•act Documents, 2. Caordinatio�� �. Wiieit testing is rec�aired to be performed by the City, notify City, sufficiently in advance, �vhen testing is neecied. b. Wheit testing is required ta be coiTipleted by the Coirtractor, �iotify City, sufficiently itt acivaitce, that testing �vilt Ue performed. 3, DistriUution of Tasting Reports a. E[ectronic Distribution 1) Confirm developinent of Project directory for electronic submittals to be t�ploaded to City's Buzzsa�v site, or another e�ternal FTP site approved b}� tlte City, 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 3G 37 38 CITY Of' F�OR'1' \VORTH Soidli Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUGI'lON SPF.CIFICATION DOCUMENTS Yroject No. 02113 Re��ised July i, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 lA IS 16 17 18 f�. 20 2t 01�523-2 T�STING AND INSPECTION SERVICL:S k�nge 2 of 2 2) Upload test i•eports to designated project directoiy aiicl notify app►•o�riate City represe�itatives via email of submittal posting. 3} Hard Copies a) I copy for al( subinitta(s subiuitted to the Project Represe»tative b. Hard Copy Disti•ibution (if renuired in lieu of elect►•onic ciistcib��tia��) 1) Tests pei•forined by City a) Disti•ibute 1 liard copy to tlie Contractor 2) Tests perforuied by the Co�itractor a) Distcibute 3 hard capies to City's P��oject Represei�tative 4. Provide City's P►•oject Reprasentative �vith tcip tickets for each delivered loact of Co�icrete or Lime material ii�cluding tlie follo�viug inforn�atia��: a. Name of pit b, Date of deliveey c. M�teria( delivea•ed B. Iuspection 1. Inspection or laek of inspection does iiot relieve the Cont�•actor froin oblig�tion to pecfot•m �vork in accoi•dauce witli the Contract Documents. 1.5 SUBMiTTALS [NOT iJSED] 1.G ACTION SUI3MITTALS/INI'ORMATI�NAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D) 1.7 CLOS�OUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USCD] 1.8 MA�NTENANC� MATERIAL SUBM�TTALS [NOT USED) 22 1,9 QUALITY ASSITRANCE [NOT USED] 23 1.10 DELIV�RY, STORAG�, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 24 1.11 FIELD jSIT�] CONDITIONS [NOT US�D] 25 1,X2 WARRANTY [NOT US�D] 26 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT US�D] 27 PART 3 � �XLCUTION [NO'I US�DJ f►�:3 29 END OT' S�CTION Revision Log bATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANG� 30 I CITY OF FOR'f iVORTH South tvfnin Street STANDARU CONSTRUCTIQN SPGCI�ICAT[ON DpCUMGNTS Project No. 02113 Revised July l, 201 l o i so 00 - i TF.�vtPORA2Y FACILITIES ANb COiVT20LS Pege [ of A 1 2 S�CTION 0� 50 04 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 3 PART1- GEN�RAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Tnchides; 6 1. Fcovide temporaiy facilities and cant►•ols needed fo�• the bVork including, but iiot 7 neeessari(y limited to; 8 a. Tem�orary utilities 9 b. Sanitary facilities 10 c, Storage Sheds and Buildings 1 � d, DLiSt C011ii'OI 12 e. Te�ii��oi•acy fencing of the canstruction site I3 B. Deviations fi•orn this City of Foi�t Worth Standard Specificatiou 14 l. None, t5 I6 17 �g z.z C. Related Specificatio�i Sections include, but are not uecess�rily liniited to: 1, Division 0— Bic{ding Rec�tiirements, Confract Forms a�id Cotidifions of tlie Co�iEract 2, Division 1— Getie�•al Reqairemenfs PRIC� ANll PAYMENT PROCEDURCS I9 A. Measuceme�it aiid Paymeiit 20 1. Work associated �vith this Ite�n is considered subsidi�►y to tlie variotts Items bid. 2t Na sepac•ate payment �vill be allo�ved far t}iis Item, 22 1.3 REF�R�NC�S [NOT USED] 23 1.� ADMINISTRA`�'IV� R�QUIItEM�NTS 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 ao A. Temporacy Utilities I. Obtai�iing Temporary Service a, Make arrangements with utility ser4�ice co�npanies for tempora�y seivices. b. Abide by i�ules and re�ulatiolSs of uti[ity se��vice companies or authorities having jarisdiction. c. Be responsible for »tility se�•vice costs �urtil Wock is approved for Fina! Acceptance. 1) Iiicluded are f��el, po�vei•, ligi�t, heat and other utility sea•vices necessai•y for execution, completion, testing and initial operation of Wock. 2. Water a. Contractor to provide �vatec rec�uiced for and in connection �vitl� Work to be pecfoi'med �ttid for speci�ed tests of �ipi�ig, ec�uipme�it, devices or otlier use as requiced fol• the completion of the Work. b. Provide and mait�tain adeqliate supply of potable �vater for domestic COilStlil1�110i1 �y COtifl�actoi• pecso�a►ael and City's Project Represe�itatives, c. Coordination 1) Contact City 1�veek Uefoi•e �vate►• for co�isteuctioit is desired Ct7'Y OP PORT �VORTH South Mnin Streel STANDARD CONSTRUCt10N SPGC[P[CATION DOCiJMEi�lTS Project T'o. 02113 }teviscd July 1, 20l I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ]G 1 `7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3� 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 a2 �3 4�1 ois000-2 TEMPORAILY �ACILITIES AND CONTROI.S PflgC 2 OT�i Kj 4 5. d. Contractoc Pay�nerit for Cot�sti•uction Water 1) Obtain constcuction �vater ineter from City for pay►��ent as billed by City's estnblisl�ed rates. E[ectcicity and Lighting a. I'rovide and p�y for electric po�vered service �s required for Work, includiug testing of Wock. 1) Provide potiver foc ligliting, oper�tion of ec�uiE�ment, or othei• use. b. �lectcic po�ver secvice includes tentporaiy power service or geiierator to maintain operations dlicing scheduled slwtdo�vii. Tele;phone a. Provide emergency teiephone service �t Site for ttse by Co►�tcactor pe�sonnel and others perfo►•miiig �voa�k oa• furnishi�ig se�vices at Site. Tempora�y Heat and Veiitilatioii �t. Provide tampora�y lieat as iiecessaiy for protection oi• cotnpletio�i of Work. b. Provide tempor�iy heat and ventilatioii to assi�re safe �vorking couditions. B. Sauitary Facilities 1. Pa•ovide anci maintain sanita�y flcilifies for pecsons on Site. a. Co�n�ly �vith regulatious of State ��id local departments of hellth, 2. Enfoi•ce use of sanitary facil'sties by constructioai personnel at job site. a. E�iclose aud �►iclio�• sauita��}� fncilities. b. No discf�arge �vill be at(o�ved from these facilities. c. Callect and stoce se�vage and �vaste so as not to cause nuisauce oc health probleni, c[. Haut se�vage and tivaste off site at i�o less tl�an �veekly iuteivals aud properly dispose in accordance with applicable i•eglilation, 3. Locate faeilities near Work Site atid keep cleau and maintained througfiout Project. �. Remove facilities at com�letion of Project C. Stora�e Sheds and Buildiugs l. Provicie adequately ventilateci, �vatertight, �ve�tl�erproof stoeage facilities tivitli floor above gro�u�ci level fo�� a»ateriats and e�uipment s»sceptiUle to �veathei• damage. 2. Stocage of matecials not susceptible to �veathee c[amage may be on blocks off grotutd, 3, Store �naterials in a neat and orderly manner. a. Place mate��ials and equipment to permit easy access for identi�e�tion, inspection and invenfoiy. �. Eqnip buildin� �vitli lock�ble doors aiid lighiing, aild pro��ide electrical secvice for equipitie��t spaee lieaters aucl l�eating or ventilatioii as neeess�ry to provicie starage euvironments �cceptable to specifieci ivanufacturecs. 5, Fill and grade site for temporary structtu•es to provide drainage a�vay fi�om temporaiy and existing buildiugs. 6. Reu�ove buildi►ig fcom site prior to Fin�l Accept�nce. D. Temparaiy �'encing 1, Arovicie aiid maii�tain foi� the dtu�atio►� or constructioi� �vlien i•equit•ed in co�itract documeuts 45 E. Dust Control Cl'PY OF I�ORT �VORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCl'ION SPECIFICA"I'ION llOCUMEN'i'S Rcviscd Jtdy 1, 2011 SouUi Main Street Praject i�o. 021 13 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 ir� 015000-3 TEMPO(2AI2Y FACILITIES AND CONTROI S Page 3 of 4 1. Confractor is responsiUie for maintaining dust control through the ducation of the E�roj ect. a. Contractoi• i•emaius on-call at all times b. Must respond in a timely �uanner F. Tempo�•ary Protection of Const��uetion 1. Co�itractor oi• st�bco�itractars are responsible for protecting Woi•k fi•om da�nage dt�e to �veati�er. 1.5 SUBMITTALS {NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUI3MITTALS/INFOl2MATIONAL SUBMITTAL,S [I�IOT USCD] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 1.8 MAINTENANC� MATERIAL SUIiMITTALS [NOT US�D] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT US�D] 1.10 D�LIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NQT USTD] 1.11 FIELD [SIT�] CONDYTIONS [NOT ITS�D] 1.12 WARRANTY (NOT USEll] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 17 PART 3 - �X�CUTI�N [NOT USED] 18 3.1 II�TSTALLERS [NOT USED] 19 3.2 �XAMiNATION [NOT USED] 20 3.3 PRrPAI2ATION (NOT USED] 21 3.4 INSTALLATION 22 A. `I'ei�i��orary Facilities 23 1. Maintaiu all tempo��ary faci(ifies for duration of constructiou activities as needeci. 24 3.5 [REPAIRj / [7tESTORATION] 25 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION 26 3,7 FIELD �oa] SIT� QUALITY CONTROL [IVOT USED] 27 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 28 3.9 ADJUSTIN�G [NOT US�D] 29 3.10 CL�ANING [NOT USEDJ 30 3.l l Cr.OSEOUT ACTIVITI�S 31 A. Temporary �'acilities Cl'1'Y OF FORT �l'ORTH STANDARU CONSTRUCT[OAI SPF.CIFICATION llOCUMF,NTS Revised July 1, 2011 South tvinin Street Yroject No. 021 t 3 i a�soao_� TEMPORARY FAC1LfCIES AtdD CONTROLS P�ge 4 of A 1 1, Remove all tempora�y f�cilities and restoi�e acea after completion of the Work, to a 2 eonclitian enual to or better than pcior to stai�t of Woek. 3 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USGD] 4 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT US�D] 5 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT US�D] 6 7 ENA OI{ S�CTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANG� 8 C1TY OF FORT 1VQRTtI Soutli Main Street STAt�lDARD CONSTRUCTION SPHClI�1CA'1'ION DOCUMEN'I'S Project No. 02l 13 Rcvised Jtd}' I, 201 t OlSS26-1 STRE�T USE PEIZMI'I' AND MODI�[CAT[ONS TO TRA('('IC CaNTRpL � Pnge 1 of 3 i 2 s�cTloN al ss 26 STREET USE PERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMAR'Y 5 6 7 8 9 10 ]l 12 13 1 �t 15 IG 1.2 A. Section Includes: 1. Ad�t�inistcative p�•ocedai•es for: a. Street Use Pecmit b. Modification of ap�roved traffic control c. Removal of Street Signs B. Deviatio��s fi'om this Cify of Fort Worih Stanc�ard Specification 1, None, C. Related S}�ecification Sections include, but are not necassarily limited ta: 1. Divisioii 0— Bidding Requirements, CO[lii'ftCt POI'iT1S c311C� COItC�itt0115 Of ili8 COtlft'TCY 2. Divisio�i 1— General Reniti►•ements 3. Sectioii 34 71 I 3— Ti�affic Coa�trol PRIC� AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 17 A. Measui•ement end Payment 18 1. Work associated �vitli this Ite�u is considered subsidia�y to the various Items bid. 19 No separ�te payment �vill be a[lo�ved for tt�is Itexn, ' 20 1.3 ItGI+'EItENCES 21 22 23 24 25 26 1.4 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3A 35 36 37 38 A. Refe�•eiice Sia�idai•ds l. Reference standards cited in this specificatioi� refec to the current reference st�ndard published et the time of the latest cevisian date logged at the end of this specificatioii, unless a date is specifically cited. 2, Texas Mflntial oit Unifortn Traffic Co»t�•ol Devices (TMUTCD). ADMINISTRA.TIV� R�QUIR�MENTS A. Tr•affic Contcol 1. General a. 1��hen fraffic control plai�s a�•a ii�clucied i►i t}ie Dra�vings, provide Traffic Control in accardauce �vitli Dra�vings and Section 3� 7l 13. b. When traffic control plaus a�•e uot i�icittded irrthe Da•a�vings, prepa�•e traffic eontrol �lans in accordance �vith Section 34 71 13 and submit to City for revie�v. 1) fllloiv minimum 10 tivorking days for revie�v of proposed Tcaffic Coi�troI. B. Street Use Permit 1, Prior to insiallation of Traffic Control, a City Street Use Pecmii is rec�uiced. a. To obt�in Street Use Permii, submii T�•a�c Control Plaus to City Transpoi�tation and Public Works Departntent. CITY OF I�OR'f 1VORTH South tvfain Street S'CANllARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICA'CION DQCUMF.N7:S Projcct No. 02113 Revised July i, 20L 1 015526-2 STREET USEi Y�RM1T AND MODTFICATIONS TO TRAFPIC CONTROI, Page 2 oF 3 1 2 3 1) Allo�v a minimuin of 5�vorkiug days for pecmit revie�v. 2) Cotitcacto�•'s responsibility to coordinate review of Tcaffic Coi�tcol plans for Street Use Per►nit, sucli tliat coi�stcuction is not delayed, 4 C. Modi�cation to Approved Traffic Cotitcol S 1. Prior to instal(ation traf�c coutrol: d a. Submit �•evised traff'ic control plans to City Depa�tmeut Trauspoi�tatioi� and 7 � Public Works De�artment. 8 1) Revise Tcaffic Control plans iti accordance �vitli Sectio�i 34 71 13. 9 2) Allo�v mini�ntun S«�orking days for a•eview of revised Traffic Cantrol. 10 3) It is ttie Contracto��'s respousibility ta coordinate ��evie�v of Traffic Contcol 11 plans for Street Use Permit, suc(i tl�at consh�uction is uat de(ayed. 12 D. Remov�l af Sh�eet Sign 13 1. If it is determined that a sireet si�n nnist Ue �•emoved for constructiou, tiien eontact 14 City Transpoctatioti and PuUlic Woi•ks Depai�tuie�it, Signs aiicl Markiugs Divisioit to I S reu�ove tlie sign. 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 �. Tempora�y Signege 1, In fl�e case of regulatoty sigus, ceplace permanent sigu �vith temporary sign meeting req►�irements of the latest editian of the Texas Manufll on Unifoi'Ill Ti'AP�IC COt1fFOI Devices (MUTCD). 2. Inst�ll teniporary sign before tl�e removal of permanent sign, 3. Wl�e�i coustcnction is cai�plete, to the exteiit that t(ie permanent sign can be reinstalled, contact die City Tr�nspo�•tatiou aud Public Works Department, Signs flnd M�rkings Divisiaii, to reinst�ll the pecmai�ent sigu. F. Traffic Contral Standards l. Traffic Ca��trol St�ndards ca�i be found on the City's Buzzsa�v �vebsite. 2G 1.5 SUBMITTAT�S [NOT USED] 27 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INTORMATrONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 28 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 29 1,8 MAINT�NANC� MATERIAL SUI3MITTALS [NOT USED] 30 1.9 QUALITY ASSUItANC� [NOT US�DJ 31 1.10 D�LIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 32 33 1,11 FILLD [SIT�] CUNDiTIONS [NOT US�D] 1,12 WAItItANTY [NOT USEll] 34 PART 2 - 1'RODUCTS [NOT �CJSED] 35 PART 3- EXCCUTYON [NOT US�D) 36 END O� S�CTION CITY OF �ORT �VOR'1'1[ Soutli tvinin Slreei STANDARD CONS'TRUCTION SPECIF[CATIQN DOCUMENTS Projecl No. 02113 Revised July l, 2011 d15526-3 STR�ET USH PERMIT AND MODICICA'fIONS 1'O TRAFPIC CONTROI. Pagc 3 of 3 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 2 CITY OF FORT 1VOf27'kl STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC1rICAT10N DQCUMEN'CS Revised July 1, 2011 Soutl� Main Streee Project t�To. 02113 i OI S7 13 - 1 S7'ORr41VATER POLLUT[ON PRL'VENTION Page I of 3 � S�CTION Ol S7 13 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION 3 PART �. - G�NERAL a 1.1 SUMMARY S 6 7 8 9 (0 il 12 13 (4 1,2 15 I6 17 18 19 20 21 1,3 A. Sectiou Incl��des: 1. Proced�u•es foi• Stoi•m Watei• Pollution Pi•eventio�i Plaiis B. Devi�tions fi•om tliis City of Foi�t Wortlti Staiidac•d Specificatiott l. None. C. Related SE�ecification Sectioi�s ineiude, but are uot neeessarily limited to: 1. Divisiou 0-- I3idding Reqaicemeuts, Contc�ct Foa�ms 1nd Co�iditior�s oFtlie Ca�itract 2. Division l— Gei�e►�al Requi�•e►iie�its 3. Section 31 2S 00 — Erosioii and Sediment Control PRICE AND PAYIVIENT PROC�DUIZES A. Measncement aild Paymeut ], Construction Activities resulting in less than 1 acre af disturba►ice a, Work associatec) with diis Ttein is coiisidered subsidiacy ta the vacious Items bicl. No sepa�•ate payment �vill be allo�ved for this Item. 2, Coiistcuction Activities resti(ting in greater tli�u 1 acre of disturbance a. Measin•emei�t and P�yment sl�a(1 be in accardance �vith Section 3l 25 00. ItEFER�NC�S 22 A. Abbreviations and Aci�onyuis 23 1, Notice of Liteilt: NOI 24 2, Notice of Termivatiou: NOT 2S 3. Storiii Water Pollution Preveiitio►i Plaii: SWPPP 2G 4. Te�as Commissioii on �nvironme�it�l Quality: TCEQ 27 5, Notice af Ch�nge: NOC 28 A. Refecence Stzndards 29 l, Referei�ce st�ndacds cited in this Speci�catian refer to the current �•eference 30 stanciard published 1t tlie time of tlie Iatest i•evision date logged at the enci of t(�is 31 Speeification, un(ess a �iate is speci�cally cited. 32 2. Integrated Storm Man�gement (iSWM) Teeht�icTl M�uual for Coustcuction 33 Controls - 34 1..4 ADMINISTRATiV� I2�QUIR�M�N I'S 3S A. Genei•al 3G 1, Contr�ctor is responsible for resolutioii and payment of �ny fnes issued associated 37 with compliance to Stormwater Polhrtion Prevention Plan, f CITY OF FORT 1VORTH Soutli Mnin Street STANDAltll CONSTRllCTtOu SYL'CI[�ICAT[ON DbCUMEN'1'S Project No, 02113 Revised July l, 2011 OI5713-2 S'fORM \YA7'ER POI.T.UTION PREV6NT[ON Pagc 2 of 3 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 la 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 3?. 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 B. Constructio�t Activities resulting in: 1, Less tliaii 1 acre of distu►�baiice a. Provide erosion aiid sediment control in accorda�tce �vith Section 31 2S 00 a��d Dra�vings. 2, 1 to less than S acres of disturbauce a. Texas Pollutauf Discf�arge Elimiaation System (TPDES) Geueral Constri�ction Aermit is required b. Caai�plete SWPl'P iu lccorda�ice wifh TCEQ a•equice�ixe�its 1) TCEQ Small Coiistructioit Site Notice Requi�•ed lu�cle►• general pet•mit TXR154000 a) Sign and post at job site b) Prior ta Pcecanstruction Meeting, send 1 copy to City Depai�tmeut of Tratlspai�tatio» aud Public Works, Ettvironmental Division, (817} 392- �ag$. 2) Provide erosion and sediment coflt�•ol i�t aecordaiice �vitli: a) Sectio�i 31 2S 40 b) The Di�a�vings c) TXR150000 Gene►•al Permit d) SWPPP e) TCEQ rec�uirements 3. S acres or more of Dishu•bance a. Te�as Pollutant Discharge Elimi�iation System (TPDES) General Construetion Permit is required b. Complete SWPPP in accordance tivith 'TCEQ requirements 1) Prepare a TCEQ NOI forin and submit to TCEQ along �vith requi�•ed fee a) Si�n and post at job sife b) Sand eopy to City Depaehne�it of Transportation aud Public Works, Environtneittal Division, (817) 392-6088. 2) TCEQ Notice of Change required if m�king changes oa� upc�ates to NOI 3) P�•ovide e►•osion aud sedi�nent coiitcol in accoecta�ice with: a) Section 31 25 00 b) TE�e Dra�viy�gs c) TXR150000 Ge�leral Permit d) SWPPP e) TCEQ requicements 4) Oiice fhe project has been completed �nd all the closeout requiremeirts of TCEQ have beei� mei a TCEQ Natice of Terminatioii c�n be siib�liitted, a) Send copy to City Deparhnent of Transportaiion and Public Works, Envirotimeiital Division, (817) 392-6088. �#0 1.5 SUBMITTALS 41 A. SWPPP q2 1. Submit in accordauee �vith Seefion Ol 33 00, exce�t as stated herein, �3 a. Pcior to tlte Preconstcuction Meeting, submit a dr�ft copy of SWPPP to tl�e City �la as foltows: 45 1) 1 copy to the City Project Manager• 46 1) City Pi•oject Mauager �vill for�vacci to tl}e City Department of 4'7 Transpoi�tation and Public Wof•ks, E►�viron►nental Division for revie�v CITY OF FORT �VOR7'f f Soulh Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CATION bOCUML'N'1'S Projcct No. 02113 Revised July 1, 20t 1 i O15713-3 STORM NATF.R PO4L,UT[ON PR�VL;N1'ION Page 3 of 3 t B. Modified SWPPP 2 1. If tlie SWPPP is revised diu•ing construction, resubinit modi�ed SWPPP to Nie City 3 in accordance �vith Sectioti 01 33 00. 4 1.G ACTION SUBMiTTALS/INI+ORMATIONAL 5UBMITTALS [NOT USEDJ 5 1.7 CLOS�OUT SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 6 1.$ MAINTENANCF, MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 7 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANC� [NOT US�D] 8 1,10 D�LIV�RY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 9 1,11 FI�LD [SITE] CONDITIONS jNOT US�D] 10 1.,12 WARRANTY (NOT USED] I 1 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USEll] 12 PART 3- EX�CUTION [NOT US�D] 13 END OF S�CTION 14 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE IS � CITY OF FOR1' WOK'fl I S'I'ANllAf2U CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICA'CION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 20l I SouU� Mniu Strcct Project No. 02113 � 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1b i'7 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 3l SECTIDN Ol 58 13 TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNAGE 015813-i 'CEt�fPO1tARY PROIBCT SIGT�fAGE Pngc 1 of 3 1.1 SUMMARY A, Sectian I»cludes; l. Tempora�y Project Siguage Requiremei�ts B. Deviatio�ls fi•om this City of Foi�t Wort(i Staiidard Speciiicatioii 1, None. C. Related Speci�cation Sections include, bt�t are not necessarily litttited to: I. Divisiou 0— Bidding Renuirements, Coutcact Forms and Conditions of the Co�rtcact 2. Division 1-- Genei�al Requirements 1.2 PItICE AND PAYM�NT PROCEDURES A. Measuretnent arid Pay►neni 1. Wock associated witl� tl�is Item is consic3ered snbsidiaiy to fhe varions Items bid. No separate plyme��t �vili be allo�ved foi� this Item. 1,3 R�1+�R�NCES [NOT USCD] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUiR�M�NTS (NOT USEll] l.S SUBNTITTALS [NOT USED] 1.0 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INI+'ORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 1.'1 CLOS��UT SUBMYTTALS [NOT USEDJ 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATEItIAL SUI3MITTALS [NOT IJSED) 1,9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1.X0 D�LTVERY, STORAG�, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] l.l 1 TI�Lll [SITE] CONDITY�NS [NOT USED] 1..12 WARi2r1NTY [NOT US�D] PART2- PRODUCTS . 2,1 OWN�R-FURNISH�D (on) OWNER-SUPPLIEllPRODUCTS [NOT USEDJ 2.2 EQUII'M�NT, PRODUCT TYPI:S, AND MATERTALS A. Desi�n Criteria 1. Provide free standing Pcoject Desig�iation Sign in accordance with City's Standarc! Details for project signs. c[TY oF FOR•r �voti�rE► STANDARU CONSTRUCTION SYECIP[CATION DOCUMENTS Revised July i, 2011 Soutii Main Strcet City Projcct No. 021 l3 i 0t5813-2 'TL?tv1PO12ARY PROJECT S[CiNAGE Pnge 2 of 3 1 2 3 � 5 B, Materials l. Sigu �. Consteucted of'/a-inch fir ply�vood, grade A-C (eatecior) or better 2.3 ACCESSORI�S (NOT USED] 2.4 SOUR.C� QUALITY CONTROL [NUT US�D] G PART 3 - EXECUT�ON 7 8 9 l0 11 12 l3 t4 1S 1G 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 2S 2G 27 28 29 30 3l 3.l INSTALLERS [NOT US�D] 3.2 �XAMINATION [NOT USCll] 3,3 PR�PARATION [N�T US�D] 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Geiieral 1, Provide vertical install�tiou at e�teuts of project. 2. Relacate sign as needed, upon request of tl�e City. • B. Mounting optioiis a. Skids b. Fosts c. B�rric�tde 3.5 It�PAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 R�-�NSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FI�LD (oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL (NOT USEDJ 3.8 SYSTEM S'i'ARTUP [NOT US�D] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT US�D] 3,10 CL�ANING CNOT USED) 3.l 1 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.12 PROT�CT�ON [NOT US�D] 3.13 MAINTENANCr A. General 1. Maintenence �vi(1 iitelude painting ancl repaics as needed or dicected by the City. 3.14 ATTACHMEN`�'S [NOT USED] �1�ID OT' SECTION crry or• E�o�zz� wo�t•rx STAlVDARD CONSTRUCT[dtY SPECI[�1CA'CION D�CUMENT$ Revised July I, 201( Soulh Mnin Strecl Cit}� Yroject No. 02l 13 OI5813-3 TF.tvfPORARY PRO7FCT StGNAGE P�gc 3 of 3 1 ia Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CE-IANGE CITY OF FOR'f �VORTH Soutl� Main Strcct 3"I'ANDA}tll CONS'1'RUCI'ION Sf'L'CII�ICA'1'lON UOCUM[:N7S City Project No. 02113 Rcviscd Ady 1, 2011 d16000-1 PRODUCT REQU1R1ii�fENTS Page I of 2 � 3 PART1- G�NERAL 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2Q 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 S�CTION Ol GO 00 PRODUCT REQUIREMBNTS 1.1 SUMMARY , A. Section Inchides: 1, Refeeences for Product Requireinents and City St�ndard Products List B. Deviations froni tl�is City of Fot•t Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C, Retaieci Speci�cation Seetions include, but are not vecessa►•ily lunited to: t. Divisio» 0— H idding Requicements, Coirtract Forms and Conditious of the Confc�et 2. Division 1— Genecal Requiremeiits 1,2 PRIC� AND �'AYM�NT PROCEDU�t�S [NOT USED] 1,3 IZEFERENC�S [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIV� REQUI1tEMENTS A. A list of City approved products foi• t►se is (ocated on BuzzsZ�v as follo�vs; l. Resources\�2 - Co�istruetion Documents\Staudacd Produets List B, Oilly prociucts specificalty i��eluded o�i City's Staudard Product List i�i tliese Co»traet Docu►nents sltall be allo�ved for use on the Project. 1, Auy subsequently appi•oved pcoducts �vil[ oiily be allo�ved foi• i�se upon specific appraval by ihe City. C. Auy specifc product cequiremepts in tt�e Contract Docum�nts s��E�ersede similar products incltided on tl�e City's Standacci Product List. 1. The Ciry reserves tlie right to not allow products to Ge t�sed for cert�in projects even tlaough the product is listed on the City's Staudard Pi•oduct List. D, A(thotigli a specific pa'oduct is ii�cluded on City's St�nd�cd Pi•oduct List, itot all products from tliat n�anufacfurec �re approved for use, including but not limited to, that manuf�cturer's staudacd pcoduct, . B. See Section O1 33 �0 for subiiiittal requiremei�ts ofProduct Data iiicluded on City's Standa�•d Product List. l.S SUBMITTALS [NOT USFD] l.G ACTION SUBMITTALS/INrORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7' CLOS�OUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USEll] 1.8 MA�NT�NANC� MATERIAL SUI3MITTALS [NOT US�Dj 1.9 QUALITY ASSiJItANC� (NOT USEll] CITY OI� FORT 1VORTH South Mnin Strcet 51'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPBCIFICATtON DpCUMGNTS Project No. 02t 13 Revised Dccem6er 2Q, 201?. 1 � oi�aoo-a PR011UC7' REQUIREMENTS P�ge 2 of 2 1 1,1U DELTV�RY, STORAG�, AND HANDX.ING [NOT US�DJ 2 l.l 1 rIELD [SYT�] CONDITIONS [NC7T US�D] 3 � , l2 WARI2ANTY [NOT USED] 4 PART 2- PRODUCTS (NOT USED] S PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT US�Dj G �ND OI' S�CTION 7 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE l0/12112 D, Johnsou Modified l.ocniian of City's Stand�rd Product List 8 CITY OF FOR'1' �VORTH So�ali Main Street STANDAItD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA7'fON DOCUMF,NTS Project No. 02113 Revised Dcccutbcr 20, 2012 i 0 t 66 00 - 1 PRODUCT S1'OItAGE AND HANDLING RF.QUIREMGN7'S Pnge 1 of a � 2 s�cT�orr oi �6 00 PRODUCT STORAG� AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS 3 PARTl- G�N�RAL 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 1S lG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1.1 SUMMARY A, Section liictudes: l. Scheduling ofpi�aduct delivery 2, Packagi�ig of p�•oducts for delivery 3, Pcotection of products against damflge fi•am: a. Hanclling b, Exposure to elen�ents or hacsl� envi�•amnents B. Deviations fi�om this City of Foi�t Worth Staiidard Specificatio�i 1, None, C. Rel�ted Speci�cation Sections inclt�de, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Reqniremeiits, Conh•act Focros and Conditions af the Contr3ct 2. Division 1— Gener7l Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYM�NT PROC�DUR�S A. Me�suremerit e�ict Payinetit 1. Work associ�ted �vith tl�is Item is coiisidei•ed subsiciiary to t(te various Ite���s bid. No sepacate payment �vill be aUo�ved for this Ite►t�. 1,3 R�I'LI2�NC�S (NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE I2EQU�R�M�NTS [NOT USED] 1.5 SUBMITTALS �NOT USF,D] 1.6 ACTIOiV SUI3M�'TALS/1NTORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�Dj 1,7 CL(7S�OUT SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 1.8 MAINT�NANC� MA'I'�RIAL Si)BMITTALS [NOT US�D] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1.Ia DrLIVCRY AND HANDLING A. Delive�y Requicements l. Scl�edule delivery of product"s or equiptnent as �•equii•ed to allo�v timely installltioii �nd to avaid prolonged stocage. 2. provide a�p�•opciate perso►mel and ec�ui}�ment to a�eceive delivei•ies. 3, Delivei•y trucks �vill iiot be permitted ta �vait extei�ded pea�iods of time oii tlle Site for personuel oe equipment to receive the deliveiy, CITY OI� FORT 1VOR'I'l l S'1'ANDARD CONS'i'RUCTION SP�CIPICATION DOCUMENTS Iicviscd July l, 201 I SouUti M�in Street Yraject No. 02 t 13 I 016600-2 PRODUC7' S'COI2AUE AND FIANDLING RIsQU1REM�N'1'S Puge 2 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 4, Deliver pi•oducts or equipment iii ma�tufacturei•'s original unbroken cai�to�is or otber contaiiiers designed a►id cotistructed to pi•otect tlie contents fi�om pltysical or environine�itai dainage. S, Clearly and fiilly mark aiid icie�itify as to minufacta►•er, itei�i and installatio�� location, 6, Provide manufacturer's instructions foi• stoi•age and handling. 7 B, Handling Requi�•ements 8 1, Handte products o�• equiE�ment in accordance �vitl� these Cantract Documents and 9 inant�facturel's i•ecommei�datioa�s and i►lsteuctioiis. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 zs 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 C. Storage Requicemei�ts I. Store materi�ls in accordance with maoufacture�•'s recommendations and reqiurements of these Specifications. 2. Make necessaiy provisions for safe stoi•age of materials and equiptnant. a. Place loose soil materials aud materials to be incoiporated into Work to prevent damage to any part of Work or existing facilities and to maintain fi�ee access at all times to �ll pacts of Worlc �nd to utilify service company u�sialiations iii vicinity of Work. 3. Keep materials aiid equipment neatly and compactly stored in locations that �vill cause minimum inconvenience to othe�• cont�•actors, public tf•avel, adjoining o�vneis, tenants and occupa��ts. a. Acrange sto►�sge to pz•ovide easy access fai• inspection. �. Restrict storage to aceas available on construction site for storage of inaterial and equipment as slio�vn on Dralvings, or approvecl hy City's Praject Representative. S. Arovide off-site storage and protection wheu an-siee storage is not adequate. a. Provide addi•esses of and access to off site starage locatio�is for inspectioii by City's Pt•oject Representative. 6 7 8 �i Do not use la�vns, grass plots ar ot[�er privata property for storage purposes without �vritten E�ermissioil of o�vner or othe�� persoii i�i possession o�� cotifrol of premises. Store iu maiiufacturers' unopa�ted catitairiers. Neatly, safely aud compactly stack m�►tei•ials delivered aud stored aloiig line of Wo►•k to avoid inconvenience and damage to property o�vners and general public and maintain at least 3 feet fcom �re hydrant, Keep public and private drive�vays aud street crossings opeii. Repair oc replace damaged lalv�is, sidewalks, st►•eets or otfier impi•ovements to satisfaction af City's Project Represe�itative. a. Total lengtli t��hicl� materia(s may be distciUaied �lo�ig route of co►ish�tEction at oiie ti�ne is 1,000 linear• feet, �uiless otliecwise appi•oved iu �vriting by Ciiy's Project Repi•esentative. CITY OF FQRT 1VQRTH STANbARll CONSPRUC'I'ION 5PL•CIF(CA1'lON DOCU�9GNTS Revised July 1, 2011 Soulh Main Strect Project No. 02 t 13 i 01 G600-3 PRODUCT STO}2AGE AND HANDLiAlC REQUlRGMENTS PTge 3 of 4 1 1.11 FI�LD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT �CJS�D] 2 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PAItT 2- PRODUCTS [NOT US�DJ 4 PART 3 - �XECUTION S G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 � 3.1 INSTALL�RS [NOT US�D] 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT US�D] 3,3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 ER�C'�'ION [NOT US�D] 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 It�-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 F1ELD [onj SIT� QUALITY CONTROL A. Tests and Inspections l. Ins�ect atl products or equipmea�t delivered to the site prior to unloadiiig. B, Nott-Confocming Woi•k l, Reject afl products or equipiuei�t that �re dam�ged, tisec[ or in any othe►• �vay unsatisfacioi�y foa� use on tlie pcoject. 3,$ SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJ[TSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CL�ANING [NOT USED] 3.t 1 CLOS�OUT ACTIVITi�S [NOT US�Dj 3.�2 PROTECTION A. Pi•otect all products or ecµ�ipment in accoi•da�ice �vith ui�uuf�cturei''s �v►•itten directio��s. B. Stare products or equipment in location to avoid physical damage to items while in storage. C. Protect equi��ment from exposuce to elemei�ts and keep thoi•oughly dry iF rec�uired by tlie man��factttre►•. 3.13 MA�NT�NANCE [NOT US�D] 3.14 ATTACHMGNTS [NOT US�D) �ND OI' SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH South Mnin Streei STANDARD CONSTRUCT(ON SPHCIPICATION DOCUMEN7'S Project T�o. 021 t3 Revised Ju(y 1, 2011 oi6�oo-a PRODUCI' STOl2AGE AND HANDLING ftL'QUIREi�4F,NTS P�gc 4 of 4 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 0 CITY OF FORT 1VOR'I'H STANDARU CONSTRUCTION SPLiCI�ICAT[ON DOCUMEN"I'S Revised July I, 2011 Soidl� Main Street Project No. 02l l3 oi �o 00 - i MOHIT,1zAT(ON AND REMOBILIZATION 1'nge L of'4 2 3 PART �. - .GEN�RAL S�CTION 0� 70 00 MOBILIZATIDN AND REMOBILIZATION 4 1.1 SUMMARY S A, Sectioii Iiiclucles; 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 1G t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3�l 35 3G 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ��3 �! 5 1, Mabilization and Demobilization a. Mobilization 1) Transpot�t�tion of Contraetor's personnel, equipnient, �nd opersting supplies to the Site 2) Establishment of necessa�y generzl faci(ities for tl�e Coiitr�etor's operation at the Site 3) P►•emiunis paici for performance aiid paymeitt boiids 4) Transportation of Contractoc's personnel, equipi�ient, �ud opec�tiug supplies to anotlier location �vithin the desig�t�tecl Site S) Relacation of necessa�y general facilities for the Contractor's oper�tion from l[ocatioii to anothe�� locatio�i on the Site, b, Demobiliz�tion 1) Transpoi�tation ofContractor's peesonnel, ec�i�ip�neni, and operating supplies a�vay fi�oin tlie Site i�icluding disassembly 2) Site Clean-up 3) Reuloval of zll buildings aiid/oc oNier faoilities asse�nbled at tlie Site foc tl�is Cont�•act c. Mobilizatioii and DemoUi(izatio�i do iiof iiiclude activities for specific items of �vork that are for �vhicii payiuent is provicled elsewhere iu the coutract. 2. Remobiliz2tion a. Remobiliz�tion foc Suspei�sion of Work specii►c�lly �•equired in the Contract Documeiits or as required by City iiicludes: 1) Demobilizatioii a) T►•ausporiatiou of Contcnctor's person�iel, eqiiip�uei�t, and apei•�ti�ig sapplies from tlie Site iucludiug dis�ssembly or tempocarily securing ec�aip�nent, supplies, aud otlter facilities as design�ted by tlie Contract Documents necessa►y to saspend the Work, b) Site Cle�n-up as designated iu Hie Contraet Documents 2) Reu�obilizatio�i a) Tcanspoi�tation of Contractor's pecsonnel, equipment, and operTting supplies to the Site uecessa�y to resame the Wat�k, b) Est�blishment of necessa�y genecal facilities for the Conh•actor's oper�tion at tfie Site necessa�y to �•esu�ne the Work. 3) No Paynients �vill be made for: a) Mabilizafion and De�nobiliz�tion from one location to auotl�er on the Site iii the �iormal progress o('pea•Formiiig the Work, b) Stand-by or idle time c) Lost profits 3. Mobilizatio�is and Demobilization foi• Miscel(aneous Projects a, Mobilization �nd DemoUilization CITY OF FORT 1VOR'ff I Soulli Mnin $trcet STANDARb CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMCN'1'S Y%{ect No. 02113 Revised necembcr 20, 2012 oi7000-z M0131L1ZA'1'ION AND REMOBILiZAT[ON Pagc 2 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 l8 1) Mobilizatioii sIiall cotisist of the activities and cost oti � Work Ordei• basis necessaiy for, a} T�•anspor�tation of Contcactoc's �ersonnel, ec�uipment, and operating supplies to t[te Site for the issoed Work Ocder. b) Est�blisl�ment of uecessaiy general facilities for tl�e Contcactoc's operatiou at tfie Site for the issued Work Order 2) Demobilization shall consist of tl�e activities aud cost necessacy for: a) Tr�nsportation of Coi3tractoi's persoimel, equipment, and operating supplies fi�om tiie Site iucludi►�g disasse�nbly for each issued Work 4rcie�• b) Site Cleau-up foi• eaclt issued Wot'k Oi•der c) Removal of all buildings or otliec facilities assenibled at il�e Site foi• each Work Odec b. Mobilizatio�i and DemoUilizatio►i do not incliide activities for specific itetus of �vo►'k foc �vllicli plyme�it is provided else�vliere in the contcact. 4. Emergeucy Mobilizations and De�nobilization foi� Miscellaueous Pcojects a. A Mobilization for Miscellaueous Pcojects �vhen directed by the City and the mobilizatioii occurs witliin 24 hours of the issuance of ihe Wo►•k O��cfe�•. 19 B. Deviations fi�om this City of Fort Wortla Stanciacd Speci�cation 20 1. None. 21 C. Rel�ted Specification Sections iuclude, bt�t are not necessacily li�nited to: 22 1. Divisioti 0--- Bidding Reqt�iremettts, Co►�tract Forius and Conditiolis of tlie Conteact 23 2, Division 1— Ge�ieral Require�nents 24 �.2 �R�CC AND PAYMCNT PROCEllURES 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 3C 37 38 39 40 �1 42 43 44 4S 46 A. Measure�netit and Peyinent 1. Mobiliz�tio�i and Demobiliz�tion a. Measm•e 1} This Iiem is cansidered subsidiacy to the various Items bid. b. Payment I) The �vork pei'fOrmed �nd materials furnished in accordance with this Item are subsidiaiy ta t11e variotis Items bid aud no ottiei• compensatioit will be allo�ved. 2. RemoUilization for sus��ensiou of Work as specifieally reqiti�•ed in the Contract Documents a. Measuf•emeiit 1) Measucement for this Item sliall be per eacti remobilizatiou pe�•formed. �. Paymeut � 1) Tlie work perf'ormed anzi n�aterials fiu�nislied ili accordance �vith tl�is Item and measiired �s pi�ovided uuder "Measuresnent" �vill be paid for at tlie unit pi•ice pe►• eac}i "Specified Remobilizatio�l" iu accordance �vitli Confract Documents. c. The E�rice shall inchule: 1) DemoUilization as described in Section 1.I,A.2.a.1) 2) Reit�obiiizatiaa �s described in Section I.I,A,2,a.2} d. No payments �vill be made for standby, idle time, or lost profits assaciated fllis Itetn. CITY OF FORT R'ORTH Soiith Maiu Strect STr1NDARD CONSTRUCTION SPLCIPICATION DOCUMEN'CS Projec! No. 021 l3 Iievised December 20, 2012 0t 7000-3 MOB1L(7.,ATION AND REMO}3ILIZAT[ON Pege 3 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 13 14 15 16 1� 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3. Reuiobilization for suspension of Work as t•equiced by City a. Measuremeut anct Paymeut 1} Tliis shall be submitted as a Contract Claim in accocdauce �vith Article 10 of Section 00 72 00. 2) No payments will be m�de foi� standby, idle time, or lost pro�ts associated �vith this Item. 4. Mobilizatious flnd Deinobilizatians for Miscellaueotis Projects a. Measuceme�it 1) Measiu•enient far this Item shall be for eacl� Mobilizatiou end Demobilizatioii eEquired by the Contcact Documents b, Paymeiit 1) Tlie Work pecfoi•med and �iiatei•ials furiiistied i�i �ecordaiice �vitli tl�is Itein aud measured as provided undec "Measurement" �vill be paid for at t(ie inlit �7rice per e�eli "Work Orde�� Mobilization" in �ccordance �vith Contract Docuutents. Demobilization shall be considered subsidiaiy to i�iobilization �nd sltall not be pnid for separ�tely, c. Tl�e price shall i�ich�de: 1) Mobilization �s described in Sectio�i l.l,A.3.a.1} 2) Demabilization as described in Section 1,I,A.3.a.2} d. No payii�ents will be ma<(e foc standby, icile time, or lost profits associated tliis Item. S. Emergency Mobiliz�ttions aud Demobilizations for Miscellaneous Projects �, Measu►•ement 1) Measurement for this Item shall Ue %c each MoUilization and DemoUilization cequired by the Contcact Documents b. Payinent 1) The Work E�e�•%��iT�ed and �n�terials fiit�nished iil accord�nce �vith tliis Ite�u a��d measat�ed as �►�ovided under "Measu�•emeni" will be p�id for ��t the unit price pei� each "Wock Order Enteegeiicy Mobilization" in nccot�dnnce �vifh Contract Documents. Demobilization sl�all be considered subsidiaiy to mobilizetion ai�d shall i�ot be paid for sapacately. c, The price sli�il iuclude 1) Mobilization �s desci•ibed in Section 1, I,A.4.1) 2) Demobilization as ctescribed iu Section 1.1,A,3.a,2) d. No payments �vill be made for standby, idle time, o�• last pco�ts associated this Item. 3'7 l.3 R���RTNC�S [NOT USEA] 38 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVF, REQUIREM�NTS [NOT USED] 39 l.5 SUI3MITTALS [NOT US�D] QO 1.6 �NTORMAT�aNAL SUBMI'�TALS [NOT USEDJ 4] l.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USEDj 42 1,$ MA�NTENANC� MATER�AL SUBM�TTALS [NOT US�D] 43 L9 QUALITY ASSURANC� [NOT USCD� 44 1.10 D�LIVERY, STORAGE, AND IIANDLING [NOT USED] CtTY OF FORT NORTH Soulh M�iu Street S'CANDARD CONS'1'RUC'1'lON SYCsCIPICATION DOCUMENTS Projecl No. 02l 13 Revised neceinber 20, 20t2 Ot 7000-4 MOB1L1'LATION AND RI:tvfOI3ILi'LA'i'ION Page 4 of A 1 J..l.l rI�LD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT US�D] 2 1,12 WARRANTY [NOT US�ll] 3 PAR`I' 2- YRODUCTS [NOT US�D] 4 PART 3- EX�CUTION [NOT USED] 5 �ND OF SECTION 6 Revision Lag DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 7 CfTY OP' FORT 1VORTH South �4ain Street S'PANDAl2D CONSTRUCTI�A! SI'CCIfICA'I'ION DOCUMENTS Projcct No. 02f 13 Revised December 2Q 2012 Ol'1423-1 CLEANiNG Page I of4 1 2 3 PART�- G�N�RAL a S G 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 �a IS 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2Q 2S 2C 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 S�CTION O1 74 23 C�.EANING I,1 SUMMARY A. Sectioi� Includes: 1. Tntermediate and final cleaning for Work not ineluding special cleauivg of closed systems specified else�vhere B. Deviations fi•oiu tl�is City of Port Wortli Stand�rd Specificatian 1. Nane. C. Related Specifie�tion Sections inchide, buY are not necessacily limited to: 1. Diviscon 0— Biddiiig Require►nents, Cantr�ct For�i�s �nd Coiiditions of the Contract 2, Division ] — Geaieca( Requiremeirts 3, Section 32 92 13 — Hych•o-Mulching, Seeding and Sodding 1.2 PRICE AND PAYM�NT PROCEDUR�S A, Measuc•emeiit aud P�yment 1. Work associ�ted �vith this Item is consideced subsidiary to the v�rious Items bid. No separate paymeut �vill be allo�ved for this Item, 1.3 R�I'�RENCES [NOT US�D] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE R�QUITt�M�NTS A. Sclteduliiig l. Scliedu(e cleaning operatio►is so tlist dust and ot(�er cant�minlnts disturbed by clea»ing process �vill not fall on ne�vly painted sucfaces, 2. Schedule �n11 cle�ning upon completion af Work and itnmediately ���•ior to fin�f inspectio��. 1,5 SUBIVIITTALS [NOT US�Dj 1.6 ACTION SUSMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS (NOT USEllj 1.7 CLOS�OIJT SUBMITTALS �NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTEIVANCE MAT�RIAL SUBMI'I'I'ALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSiJRANC� [NOT US�D� 1.10 STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage aud H�ndlittg Requii•emeiits l, Store c(eanirig products aiid cleailing �vastes in cont�iiiers speeific�lly <(esigned for tliose materials. CITY OP FOR7' �VORTH South �inin Strect STANDARU CONSTRUCTION SPEC1riCA'1'ION DOCU�iF,NTS Projcct No. 02113 Revised Jidy I, 2011 OI7423-2 CLF,ANING Pngc 2 of �t 1 1.11 I+I�LD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT I7SEDj 2 1.12 WA1212ANTY [NOT US�D] 3 PART2- PRODUCTS 4 2.1 OWNER-�'URNiSH�D [o�eJ OWNER-SUPPLI�DPRODUCTS [NOT US�D] S 2,2 MAT�RIALS 6 A, Cle�niiig Ageiits 7 1. Compatible ivith s�irface being cleaned 8 2. Ne�v and u��coiitami�iated 9 3. �oc inatiufactu��ed surPaces lo a. Material reconuneuded by mani�facturer I 1 2.3 ACCESSORILS [NOT US�Dj 12 2.4 SOURCE QUAI,ITY CONTROL [NOT US�D] 13 PART 3 - �XECUTI�N 14 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] l S 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 16 3,3 PI2EPARATION [NOT iJSED] 17 3.4 API'LICATION [NC?T USED] 18 3.5 R�PAIR / It�STORATION [NOT USED] 19 3.G RE-INSTALLATION [NUT US�D] 20 3.7 FI�LD �onj SLTE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT US�D] 21 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT TJS�ll] 22 3.9 AllJUSTING [NOT USL+'D] 23 3,10 CLEANING 24 A. Ge�ieral 25 1. Prevent accumulation of �vastes that c�•eate hazacdous conditions, 25 2, Go�iduct cleanilig and dis�osll operations to contply `vifli la�vs and safety oi•dei�s of 27 gove��niug authorities. 28 3. Do �iat dispose of volati(e ���stes st�cl� as mineeal spirits, oiI or pairit thin�ier i�l 29 stor►n or sanitaty drai�is oi• se�veis. 30 4. Dispose of degcadable debris at an appcoved solid waste disposal site. 31 5, Dispose of nondegcadable debris at an approved solid w�ste disposal site ar in an 32 alteriiate manner ap�roved by City �nd regtilatory agencies. CiTY OF I�ORT \VORTH South 1�4ain Street STANDARD CONSTRUC'f10N SPECtFICATION DOCUMGNI'S Projecl No, 02l (3 Revised July i, 2011 01 74 23 - 3 CLEATJiNG Pnge 3 of 4 1 6. Handfe tnaterials it� a controlled manner �vith �s fe�v ha►idlings as possible. 2 7, Thorou�lily clean, swee��, wash ai�d polisl� all Work and eqaipment associated �vith 3 tl�is project. 4 $. Re�nove all signs of tempora►y construction aud activities incide�ital to constcactian 5 of reqtii►•ed permauent Work. 6 9. If project is not cleaned to the s�iisfaction of tl�e City, tlie City reserves the right to 7 have the c(eaning cotnpleteci at the expense of tlie Contractor, S 10. Do iiot burii oii-site. 9 B. Inte►�mediate Cleaning ducing Constructiou IO 1. Keep Work areas elean so as not to hinde►• health, safety or coi�venience of I 1 personnel in e�istiug faeiliry operatians. 12 2. At maximum �veel<ly� intecvals, dispase of �vaste uiaterials, debris �nd ri�bbish. 13 3, Confiiie construction debris daily in strategicelly located container(s): I4 a. Covei• to prevent Ulowing by �vii�d 15 b. Store debi•is ��vay fi•oiu eotistciiction o►• o��erational activities 16 c. H�ul fi�om site at a mii►imtu�i of once per �veek 17 4, Vacuu�u clean interior areas when ready to receive fi�tisli paititi�ig. 18 a. Continue vaai�iii�i cleaning o�i aii as-iieeded b�sis, until Final Accept�►ice. 19 S. Prior to storm events, t(iocoughly cleau site of all loose or tu�seciired items, �vhich 20 may become airUo►•ne or frauspoi�ted by flo�viug �vatec cluring ti�e storm. 2l 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3 �i 3S 36 37 38 39 40 �t 1 42 C. Interior Finai Cle�►ning l. Reniove gcease, mastic, adhesives, dust, dirt, stains, fin�erpriuts, labels and other foreig►� materials fi•om siglit-eaposed surfaces. 2. Wipe all li�litiug fixtuce reflectors, lenses, lainps and tcims cleau, 3. Waslt and shii�e glazing and mir►•ors. 4, Polish glossy surfaces to a clear shine. 5, Ventilating systems a. Clean ��ermanent filters and replace disposable filters if uuits �vece operated duriitg consti•uction. b, Cleau ducts, blowe►•s and coils if units rvere operated �vithout filters ducing Cb11StPUCil01l. 6. Re�lace �Il burued out lam��s, 7. Broom cleau ��cacess a��ea floors. 8. Mop of�ce �nd control t�ooni floors. D. Eateriar (Site or Right of Way) Finai Cleaning 1. Remove tcash aiicl debi•is contai�iers fi•om site. a. Re-seed zi•eas distucbed by location oft�•asl� and debris containers in accord��ice �vitl� Sectiau 32 92 13. 2. Sweep coad�vay to �•emove 1ll rocks, �ieces of aspl�alt, coiterete or a�iy othei� object th�t may liiiider oc disrupt flie flo�v of traffic a[oiig the ro�d�vay, 3. Clean auy interioi• areas including, but not limited to, vaults, mauholes, stcuctnres, junction boxes �nd inlets. C11'Y OP I�ORT R'ORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCI'ION SPEClF1CA7'fON DOCUMENTS Ravised July l, 2011 South Main Street Projecl No, 02113 oi �a z3 - a CLEANiNG Page 4 of 4 1 4. 1f �lo longer cequi�•ed for maifitenance of erosion facilities, and upon approval by 2 City, remove erosio�i co�itrol fi•oin site. 3 5. Clean signs, lights, signals, ete. 4 3,11 CLOSE4UT ACTIV�'IES [NOT US�DJ 5 3.12 PROT�CTION [NOT USED] 6 3,13 MAINT�NANC� [N(?T USEDj 7 314 ATTACHM�NTS [NOT USED] 8 �ND OF SECTION 9 ]0 Re'visio�i Log AATE NAME SUMMAkY OF CHANGE C1TY OF FOR'1' �VORTH STANDARD COtdSTRUC'1'IO�I 3PF.CIFICATION DOCUMF,NTS Revised Jt4y 1, 2011 South Mnin Street Project No. 02113 O1 7T 19 - i CLOSGOUT RF.QDIREMEN7'S Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 PART1� GENERAL 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 I1 t2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2?, 23 24 25 2G S�CTION Ol 77 19 CLOSEOUT RFQUIR�MENTS 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. The procedu►•e for closing out a contract B. Deviatians fi�om this City of F'oi�t Worth Staudard Speci�cation 1, None, C, Rel�ted Specification Secfions i»clucle, but ai�e not necessarity limited to: 1, Divisio�i 0— Bidding Requiceme��ts, Contract I�ori�is and Conclitioits of tlie Contcact 2. Division 1— Gei�ei•a[ Rec�uicements 1,2 PRIC� AND PAYIVIENT PROC�DUR�S A. Measurei»ent and Payment 1. Wock associated �vith this Item is considered suUsidia�y to tl�e various Items bid, No sep�i�ate p�yinent �vitl be allo�ved for this Itetn. 1,3 ItEF�RENC�S (NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRAT�V� RI;QiJIR�M�NTS A. Guarantees, Boi�ds and Affidavits l. No applicatiou for final payment �vi(1 be accepted u«til all �uarlutees, bonds, certificates, liceiises aud afiidavits ��equired for Work o►• equipment as speeified are s�tisfactorily �led �vith the City. B, Release of Liens o�� Claims 1, No application for final paynient will he accepted uutil satisfactory evidence of eelease of liens l�as been snbmitted ta tl�e City. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A, Subniit �ll requi�•ed doctuneutation to City's I'roject Represeniative. C1TY OF FORT 1VOR'1'Fl Sonth Mnin Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC1ftCA'1'ION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02113 Revised Jufy I, 20l I 01 77 t9 - 2 CLOSEOUT R6QUIftGMLN"CS Yage 2 of 3 I 1.6 INI�ORMA'I'IONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 2 1.7 CLOS�C}UT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 YART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT US�D] 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ia 15 16 17 18 19 20 zl 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT US�D] 3.2 �XAMINATION [NOT US�D] 3,3 PREPARATION [NOT US�DJ 3.4 CLOS�OUT PROCEDUR� A. Peior to reqnestiitg Final Lispectioil, submit: l, Project Record Doci�ments in accordaiice �vith Section 01 78 39 2. Opecation aud Maiutenance Data, if rec�uired, iu accordance with Sectiou O1 78 23 B. Prioc to rec�uesting Fina1 Inspectio��, perform final cleaning in accordance �vitl� Section 01 74 23. C. Fina] Iiispeciion 1, Afler fiiial cleaniug, provide notice ta tlte City Project Repi•eseiitative t13at the Work is co�t�pleted. a. The City �vill maka an iiiitial Fina[ I�ispectio�i «�ith t(ie Contractoi• present. b. Upon co���pletion af this inspection, the City will notify the Contractor, in weiting �vithin l 0 business c(ays, of any particulars in �vltich this inspection reveals tl�at tlte Work is defective or incomplete. 2, Upon t�eceiving writteit notice fi�a►a� the Ciry; immediately unc(ertake the Work requirecl to remecfy de�iciencies �ud complete the Work to tlie satisfaction of the City. 3. Upon coinpletiou of Wo��k associated �vith the ite�us 1 isted i�i the Ciry's �v;�itteii notice, infa•m tlie City, that ttie requii�ed Work lias bee►i completed. Upon receipt . of this notice, the City, in the �n'esence of tlie Contcactor, �vill make a subsec�uent Fin11 Inspection of the project. 4. Provide alt special accessaries rec�uiced to place eacli item of eqt�ipme►it if� fiill o�ei•atio�i. Tliese s��ecia] accessoiy iten�s include, but flre slot limited to: a. Specified spare p�rts . b. Adequate oil a►ld g�•ease as reqiiired for the fii•st lubrication of tlie equipii�e�it ' c. Initial fill up of all cheroical tanks and fi�el tanks d. Light bulbs e. Fiises f. Vault keys g. Hand�vheels h. Other eapendable iteins as required for initial stai�t-up and operatiau of all equi��»eitt D. Notice of Praject Completioii C[TY OP I�OIt'P �VORTH STANllARD COTQSTRUCTION SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Revised July i, 201 I South Main Street Project No, 02)13 i ( 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 t0 11 I2 13 la IS I6 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 z� 28 017719-3 CLOStiOUT RF.QUIREMGN'i'S Page 3 oP 3 1, Once the City Project Representative finds the Work subsequeiit to Final lnspection to be satisfactoiy, t(�e City will issue a Notice of Pi•oject Completio�i (Greeii Slieet). E. Sttpportit�g Documentation l. Coordinate �vitli the City Aroject Represeutative to complete the followiiig additional forms; a, Finai Payment Request b, Statement of Contract Time c. Af�davit of Payment and Release of Liens d. Conseait of Surety to I'inal Payment e. Pipe Repai�t {if required) £ Co�it�•acto�•'s Evahiation of City g. Perfo�•m�nce Evaluatioii of Coiitractai� F. Letter of �inal Acceptance 1, Upon review and �►cceptauce ofNotice oFProject Con�pletioia and Suppoi�ting Doc�unent�tion, iu accordauce �vitl� Gener�il Conditions, City �vill issue Lettec of Final Accept�nce and release the Final Payment Request for payment. 3,5 ItEPAIR / RESTQRATION (NOT US�D] 3.6 R�-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 TI�LD [o�t] SITC QUALITY CONTROL �NOT US�D] 3.8 SYST�M STAR'.i'UP [NOT USEDJ 3.9 ADNSTIIVG [NOT US�DJ 3.10 CLLANiNG [NOT USLllj 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT US�D] 3,12 I'ROTECTION (NOT USEDJ 3.13 MAINT�IVANC� [NOT US�D] 3,14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT US]CD] �ND OF S�CTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANG� 29 CITY OP I�ORT R'ORTH STANDARD CONSTRUC'I'ION SPF.CIF[CA7'ION DOCUMBNTS Revised July I, 2011 SouUi Main Slreet Yrojeot No. 02113 01 78 23 - 1 OP�EZATION AND ?�4AltJTLiNANCE DATA Pege 1 of 5 � 3 PART1- GENGRAL sECT1oN az �s 23 OPERATION AND MAINTENANC� DATA 4 LI SUMMARY 5 A. Sectio�t Inelt►des: 6 1. Product data atid �•elated informatioii appro�riate for City's maintenauce and 7 o��ecation of products fucnished under Contcact 8 2. Such products may include, but af•e iiot limited to: 9 a. Traffic Cantra(lers 10 b. Irrigation Controllers (to be operated by tlie City) 11 c. Butterfly Valves 12 ' B. Deviations fi�om this City of Fort Worth Staudard Speci�ication I3 I. None. i� C. Related Specification Seetions include, but are not necessarily limited to: I S 1. Division 0— Bidcling Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of tt�e Cotrtract 16 2. Division 1— General Requirements 17 1.2 PRIC� AND PAYM�NT PROCEDUItES 18 19 20 21 22 -23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3Q 3S 36 37 A. Measui•e�1�e�rt a�;d Payment 1. Work assoeiated �vith this Item is cot�sidered subsidia�y to tlie va�•ious Items bid. No separate paymeut will be allowed foc this Itein. 1.3 1ZCFERENC�S [NOT USED] i.4 ADMINISTRATIV� REQUIREM�NTS A. Scl�edule 1. Submit ulaiivals in �nal forui io tlie City «�iti�in 30 cale�idar days af prod��ct sliipment to the project site. � 1,5 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals sl�all be in accordance �vitti Section O1 33 00 . All stibinittals sliall be approved by the Ciiy p�•ioe to cieliveiy, 1.G INTORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Sttbtnittal Foi•m I, Prepace data in fori» of an inst�•uctional manual for nse by City persoiinel. � 2. Forinat a. Size: 8'/2 inches x I 1 inches U, Paper 1) 40 pound minimutn, �vhite, for typed pages 2) Holes reinforced �vith plastic, cioth o�• metal c. 'Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or iteatly type�vcitten CITY OI� PORT \VORTFI S'1'ANUARD CONS'I'ltUCTiON SPECIFICA'CION DOCUMENTS Reviscd becember 20, 2012 � South �dnin Strect Projecl No. 02113 OI7823-2 ONL'I2ATION AND MARdTHNANCE DATA Pege 2 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 I1 12 13 14 15 16 t7 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 3A 35 3G 37 38 39 40 41 Q2 �3 44 4S 46 47 48 � 4. C{. DI'�11V1[igS 1) Provide reinforce<I punched bindei� tab, biiid in �vith text 2} Reduce lacger clra�vings and fold to size of text pages, e. Provide fly-leaf foe eacla sepa►•ate product, or eac(i piece of oper�ting equipment. 1) Provide type<l description of product, and it�ajo�• coinponent pacts af ec�uipiuecit. 2} Provide i�idexed tabs. f. Cover 1) Ideittify e�cti vo[ume �vitli typed or pri�ited title "CJPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTiONS". 2) List; a) Title of Project b) Identity of separate struchi�•e as applic�tble c) Identity of geiieral subject matter covered in the manual Bivders a. Convuerci�l quality 3-ring bindecs �vith durable and cle�nab(e plastic covers b, Wlien multiple binders ace used, correlate the data i►ito related cotisisterit groupings. If nvailaUle, pi•ovide an electronic form of the O&M Manual. I3. Manaal Content l, Neatly typewritten t�Ule of conteitts foc eaclt volun�e, arranged in systetnatic ordei• a. Cai�tractor, name of i�esponsible pt•incipal, add�•ess and telephone m�mber b. A list of each pcoduct i•eqiiirecl to be included, i�tdexed to ca�tent of the volume c. List, �vith each pi�oduct: 1) The name, address aiid te[ephoale number of tlte subcolitractor or installe�• 2} A list of each pf•oduct required to be iiaclacfed, iudeYcd to conteiit of tlie volu�r�e 3} Ide►itify area of responsibility of each �) Local source of supply for p�cts and renlacemeut d, Ideiitify each p►•oduct by pt�oduct name atid other idetitif'ying syiubols as sef forth ili Coiih�act Documents. 2. Pi•oduct Dat� a. Inch�de only tliose sl�eets �vl�ich are pertinent to the specific product. b. Annot�te each sheet to: 1) Clearly identify specifie produet or pact installed 2) Clearly identify data applic�ble to it�sfnllation 3) Delete ref'ecences to ina�plicable information 3. Dra�viiigs a. Suppleu�ent product dat� with di•a�vings as necessaiy to clearly illustr�te: 1) Ftelations of eoiuponent E��rts of ec�uipment and systems 2) Contcol and flo�v diagca�us b. Coo►•dinate dra�vings �vitl� information in Pk�oject Record Documeiits to assu►•e correct illustretion of completed i��sfallatiou. e. Do not use Project Record Drawings as mainfenance dra�vings. 4. Written te�t, �s req��ired to supplement product data for the ��articular install�tion: a. Orgauize in consistent format ut�der separate l�eadiiigs for diffe�•ent procedtn•es. b. Provide logieal sequence of insteuctions of eaeli procedure. CITY OP FOR'1' \VOR"PH STANDARD CONSTRUCTfOT�i SPEC1rlCA'1'lON UOCUMENTS Revised Decembcr 20, 2012 Soutl� Mnin Street Pwjecl t�o. 02113 01'1823-3 OPL'ktA'fION AND MA[NTENANCE DATA Page 3 of S 1 5. Copy of each �vai�•anty, bond and seivice contract issued 2 a. Frovide infarmAtioti slieet for City persoiuiel giving: 3 1) Proper procedures in event of failure 4 2) Instances which might lffect validity of �varr�uties oc bonds 5 C, Ma►�ual faa• Materials and Finishes 6 1. St�bmit S copies of complete mauual it� �nal foi•m, 7 2. Co��tent, for accliitectural �rodi�cts, applied m�te►•ials.and finishes: 8 a. Manufachu•er's data, giving fi�ll infocmatio►i on p�•oducts 9 I) Catalog �iumber, sixe, composition 10 2) Colar and textuee designations 11 3} Information required foa• reordering special manufactured products 12 b. Instructions for cace a►�d maiutenance i 3 1} Mam�fact�ire�•'s recomme�id�tion for types of cleaiiing agetits and metliods I4 2} Cautions aglinst cleatii�ig agents and metliods �vhici� are deteimei�tal to IS product 16 3) Recomme�uieci sclieduie for clea�ii��g and ulaii�tenatice t7 3. Conteni, far i2ioisture p�•otection and rveatf�er ex{�osuce products: I8 a. Ma�utfacttu�er's data, giving fi�ll iuformatiou on products I9 1} Applicable sta�idards 20 2) Chemioal composition 21 3) Det�tils of installation 22 U. Iustrtictio�is far inspection, mai�iten��ice a�id r•epair 23 2� 2S 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4G �t7 48 D. Manual for Equipinent atid Systems l. Submit 5 eopies of co�l�plete manuai in �nal form. 2. Content, for each unit of equipment and system, as appropciate: a. Desci•iptior� of iuiit aud componeiit pai�ts 1) Tunctiou, normal operating charactet�istics aud limiting couditians 2) Perfor�na�3ee curves, euginee��i�ig data aud tests 3) Complete nonaenclature aiid co►nmercial number of ceplaceable pacts b. Operatiitg proeedures 1) Start-up, bceak-it�, rautiiie ��id normal o��eratirig insiructio�is 2) Regulafioii, control, stopping, shut-do�vn a�ici emergeticy instructioiis 3) Summec and winter operating iustruotions 4) S��ecial operatin� insti•nctions c, Maintenauce procedures 1) Routiue oE�erations 2) Guide to "troable sltooti»g" 3) Disassembly, repaii• and reassembly 4) Aligument, adjusting znd el�ecking . d. Servicing �nd (ubrication scl�edule 1) List of lubricants cequiced e. Manufactucer's printecl operating and maintenauce instructions f. Descciptiou of sequer�ce of operatioit by control rnanufacturer l) Predicted life of parts subjeet to �vear 2) Items i•ecomme�ided to be stocked as spare pacts g. As installed coiitrol diagi•ams by coiitrols manufacturer h. Each contrt�ctor's coord'snation dra�vings 1) As instalted color coded piping ciilgrams C1TY OF FORT NQK'Cf l South Main Street STANDARD CONS7'RUCTION SPECIt'lCA'T[ON DOCUMENTS Projecl No. 02(13 Kevised DecentUer20,2012 Of 7823 -4 OP[ik2A'I'ION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page A of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 �8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3. 4. i. Charts of valve tag numbers, �vith location aitd fi�nction of each valve j, List of ociginal mauufacturer's spare parts, ma��ufactucer's ctn•rent prices, and recommended ni�antitiss to be maintained in stocage k, Otlier d�ta es ��equired uudei• pectine�it Sectians of Specifcatio�is Co�itent, for eacl� electcic aud electi•oiiic systein, as appropriate: �. Description of syste�u and component parts 1) Functioii, normal oper�iing cliaracteristics, and limiting conditioias 2) Pecform�nce curves, eugineering data and tests 3) Complete notnenelatnre a�id commereia[ number of eepl�ce�ble parts b. Cii•cuif direetories ofpaiielboards 1) Electricalservice 2) Contcols 3) Coui�nunications c. As installed calor coded �viri«g diagrams d, �i�e�•ating proceduces 1) Routine and nornial operatiug instcuctions 2) Seni�ences required 3) Special opei'flilflg Ii1SfCUCYiOti5 e. Mainten�nce �rocedures 1) Routine oper�tions 2) Gttide to °trouble shooting" 3) Disassembly, repair at�d reassembly 4) Adjustment and checking f. Manttfactut�er's pcinted operati�tg aiid maintenanee insh�uctions g, List of arigival manufachirer's s�are �arts, mauufacturec's c�n�rent prices, aud reeotmiiendeci c�u�r�tities to be maiufained in storage l�. Otl�er data as requirecf under pertinent Sections of Specifications Pi•epace anci include �dditional data ivhen tl�e ueed foc such data becomes apparent d�u�itig instcuction ofCity's peisonnel. 30 1,7 CLOS�OUT SUBMITTALS [NO'T USED] 31 1,8 MAINTENANCE MATER�AL Si1BM1TTALS [NOT IJS�D] 32 1,9 QUALITY ASSUIZANCE 33 A, Provide operatio�i �ud i�iniutenance data by perso�Yi�el rviih the follotivi�ig cciteria: 34 1. Trained nud e�perienced in maintenauce and operation of described ��roducts 35 2. Skilled as teclinieal writec to tl�e e�tent required to cominunic�te essevtial data 36 3. Skilled as draftsman coulpetent to pre�ai•e rec�uired drawi�igs C[TY OF FOR'1' WORTH SouUt Mnin Slrccl STANDARU CONSTRUCTIpN SYCCI[�ICATION nOCU��tENTS Pro}cct No. 02113 Revised Decc�nbcr 2Q 20(2 01']$23-5 OPERATION AND MARJTENANCE DA'CA Yage 5 of 5 f 1.10 DELIVERY, STtJRAGE, AND HANDLTNG [NOT USEDj 2 I.l.l �'I�LD [SITEj CONDITIONS [NOT USEDj 3 1,12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 4 PART 2- PR011UCTS [NOT USED] S PART 3- EX�CUTION [NOT US�D� 6 �ND OF S�CTION 7 " Revision Log DATB NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 8/31i2012 D. Johnson I.S.A. I— titte of section removed 8 CITY QI� FORT \VORTEC Soulh kSain Street STANDARD CONSTRUC'1'ION SP6C1F(CATION llOCU1�4ENTS Project No. 02113 Reviscd Dccember 20, 7.012 O17839-1 VItOJECl' RECORD DOCUMGNTS Page I of �t 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO Il 12 13 1 �1 1S 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G S�CTION Ol 78 39 PROJECT RECORD DOCUIvIENTS 1.1 SUMMARY A, Section Includes: l, Work associated �vith the documentiu� the project and a•ecording changes to project documeuts, includiug: a, Record Dra�vings b. Watec Meter Sei�vice Repo��ts c, Sanitaty Sewei• Se►•vice Reports d, Large Water Meter Repocts ' B. Deviatioi�s fr�m this City of Poi•t Woi•tli Staiidard Specification 1, None, C. Rel�ted S}�eci�ieation Seetions include, but are not uecessari[y liit�ited to: I, Division 0-- Biddiug Requieements, Coa�iract Foc•ms and Coiiditions of tl�e Gontract 2. Division 1— Gene►•al Requii•ements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYM�NT PROC�DUR�S A, Measurement and Payment 1, Work associated �vith this Item is considered subsidiary to tl�e various Ite�ns bid, No se��rate payilieiit tivitl be al(a�ved for t(iis Item. 1.3 IZEFERENC�S [NOT US�D] 1.�1 ADMINISTRATIVE It�QUIREMENTS [NOT US�D] l.S SUBMITTALS A, Prior to submittii�g a cequest foc F'inal Inspectiou, deliver Project Recoa�d Documents to City's Pi•oject Rapreseiitative. 1.6 ACTION SUBMITT'ALSLCNTORMATIONAL SUBMIT'T'ALS [NOT US�D] 1.7 CLOS�OUT SUBMITTALS [1'JOT USEDj 1,8 1VIAINT�NANC� MATERIAL SUI3MITTALS [NOT USED] " 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCC � A. Accuracy of Records 1. Thorougtily eoordivate cl�anges �vithin thc Recard Documents, mal<ing adec�uate aitd �roper entcies oit eaeh �>age of Speci�cations aud eacl� slieet of Dra�vings a�ici othec Documents �vhere such entcy is required to sho�v the chaitge ��ropei•ly. 2, Accucaey of records sh�ll Ue such tltat futuce seaccl� foa• items shown i�i t(�e Contract Documet�ts may a•ely reasonably o�i infocmation abtaiT�ed fi�om fhe approved Project Record Documents. CI"PY OF I�ORT �VORTH South Main Slrect S'1'ANDARD CONSTRUC'1'IOI�! SPGC[PICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02 t 13 Revised Juty l, 20t I t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 01 78 39 - 2 • PROJLiCI' lLCCORD DOCUMENTS PTgc 2 of 4 3, To facilitate aecuracy of recoeds, make euh•ies witliiu 2�4 hoc�rs �ftec receipt of information that flie cha►ige has accurred. 4. P�•ovide factua( inforiitatiou regardicig aq aspecis of tl�e Work, both co�icea[ed aiid visible, to eiiable f��t�u•e modifcatio�i of tlie Work to �raceed �vitt�out lengtliy a�id expensive site measnremeut, investigatio» and e�:aminatiou, 1,10 STORAG� AND HANDLING .f1. Stocage aud Ha►idling Requiremea�fs 1. Mainfain the jab set of Reco�•d Docaments coropletely protected from deterio�•ation �nd fi�om [oss and damage uutil completion of the Wor)c a��d transfe�• af all recorded datfl to the final Project Record Documents. 2. In the event of ioss of cecorded data, ilse means i�ecessfli�y to again secuce the data to the City's a�proval. a. Li such case, provide replacements to the stai�dards origin�lly ceqtticed Uy tlte Contract Docui�ieiits. 1.11 FIELD [SIT�j CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 17 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 18 2.1 OWNER-�+URNISH�D (oiz] OWNER-SUPPLICD PRODUCTS [NOT US�D] 19 2.2 RECORD DOCUMENTS 20 2I 22 23 24 zs 26 27 A, Job set 1. Aromptly foilo�viug receipt of the Notice to Proceed, secu►-e fi•om the City, at no el�arge to the Contcactor, 1 eomplete set of aU Documents coinprising the Contract, B. I'inal Record Documeiits 1. At a time neacing the completian of tlie Work aud prior to Fina! Tnspection, provide the City 1 eomp4ete set of all Final Record Di•a�vings in tl�e Cot�h�act, 2.3 ACC�SSORIES [NOT US�DJ 2.�3 SOiJRCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT US�D] 28 PART 3 - EXECUTION 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3.1. INSTALL�RS jNOT US�D] 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT US�Dj 3,3 PREPARATION [NOT US�D] 3.4 MAINT�NAl�iCE DOCUMENTS A. Maii�tenance of Job Set 1. Immediately upon ceceipt ofthe job set, idelitify eaeli oftiie Doeuuients �vitl� the title, "RECORD DOCUMENTS - JOB SET". CITY OF FORT 1VORTIi STANDARU CONS'1'RUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMBNTS Revised July l, 201 t Soutli Main Street Projcct No. 02113 01 78 39 - 3 PROJF.CT R�CORp AOCUMENTS Page 3 of 4 1 2. Preseivation 2 a, Considering the Cojitcact complefion time, the probable ntunber ofoccasions 3 � upan �vhicll the job set must be taken out foa• ne�v entcies aud for ex�►minatiou, 4 and tlie condifions under �vl�ich these activities �vill be pe�•fo�•�ned, devise a 5 suitaUle u�ethod for protecting the job set. 6 b. Do iiot use tiie job set for airy purpose except entry of �le�v data a►id for revie�v 7 by tl�e City, until start of transfer of data to fina[ P��oject Record Docunients. 8 c. Maititaiii the job set at the site of �vork. 9 3. Coordination with Consfructiou Su�•vey 10 a, Ai il Il1ltllii111Ii1, iu accordauce witl� tlie iiitei•vals set focHi in Sectioii O1 71 23, 1 1 clearly mark any deviations fi•om Contract Documeuts associated �vith 12 iustallation of the infi•astructure. 13 4. Makiilg eiitcies on D►•awi�lgs 14 a. Reco�•d auy deviations fi•om Contraet Documents. 15 b. Use an erasable colored pencil (�tot ii�k oc indelif�le pei�ciO, clearly desc►•ibe the IG change by grapliic line and note as required. 17 c, D1te all eutries. 18 d, Call attention to tl�e entiy by a"cloud" dra�vn acound t[ie acea or areas affected. 19 e. In the event of averlapping cliauges, use different colors for the overlapping 20 chl�iges. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ql 42 5, Conversioii of schetuatic layouts a. In some cases oi� the Dra�vings, arrangemerits of conduits, circuits, piping, ducts, aud simil�c items, are sho�vn schematically ai�d ace not intended to �ortray preeise ph}ysie�l layout, 1) Final physical �rrnu�e�nent is determined by the Contrnetor, subject to tlie City's �pproval. 2) Ho�vever, design of future mocti�cations of the facility may rec�uire accucate it�foi�mation as to the final physical Iayout oti items �vhich ace slio�vi� only schematieally on the Dra�vings, b. Show on the job set of Record Drativings, by cfimension acctn•ate to �vithin 1 inch, the centerliue of ench run of items. 1) Final physicll ai•raiigemeiit is deteriiii�ied by tlte Coiitcactor, subject to tlie City's approval, 2) Show, by symbol ac note, tlie vertical location of the Item (°undec slab", "in ceiliu� pleuum", "e�posed", aiid HIe like), 3) Make all ictentificafiot� suf�"icientty descciptive that it m�y be related reliaUly to the Speci�catio��s. c. Tlie City may waive the requicements for conversio» oF schen�atic layauts �vhece, iu the City's judgment, conve�•sioi� serves »o useful piirpose. Ho�veve►•, do not i�ely upon �vaivees Ueing issued e�cept �s speci�cally issueci in �vriting by tlte City, B. Pinal P�•oject Recoed Documetrts 43 1. Trausfer of data to Dra�viu�s ���� 1, Carefu(ly trausfer change data shown on the job set ofRecord Dra�viugs to the 45 COI'feS�O11CIlllg �t1�I CIOCU111CI1t5, coordiu�fitig the chauges as requiced, 46 b. Cle�cly indiclte at eacli �tffected detail lttd otlier Dr��vi�ig a fiill desci•iptioii of 47 cl�anges made during coustructio», �nd tlie achial location of items, Cl7'Y OF PORT �VORTH South Main Strcct STANDARD CONSTRUC'1'ION SYCCIFICA'1'IO�I bOCUMGN7'S Project No. 02l 13 Re��ised July [, 20] 1 01 78 39 - 4 PROJECT RECORD DOCUM&NTS Pagc 4 of d 1 2 3 4� S 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 � 25 26 c, Call attentiou to each entiy by dca�ving a°cloud" arouud the area oa� areas affected. d. Make clianges ueatly, cousistently and �vit[� the pi•oper media to assure longevity and clear reprodiiction. 2. Ti•ansfer of data to other poc�nnenis a. If itie Doctitnents, otlier than Dra�vings, l�ave beeii kept cleau dui•ing pi�o�i•ess of the Work, and if enti•ies tlxereon have been orderly to the approval oftlie City, the job set of those Documei�ts, other thau Drawings, �vil( be accepted as fina[ Reeord Documents. b. If any such Document is ��ot so approved by the City, secu�•e a iie�v copy of tliat Document fi�om ttie City at ttie City's usttal charge %r reproductio�i aiid l�andling, and cacefully ti�ansfer tlze cl�ange data to the new copy to the �pproval of the City. 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 �2.E-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3,7 FIELD (ox] SITE QUALITY C4NTROL [NOT CJS�Dj 3.8 SYSTEM STARTLJP [NOT US�Dj 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CL�ANYNG [NOT USEDJ 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USEDJ 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINT�NANC� [NOT USED} 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT US�Dj END OF SECTION Revision Log DAT� NAME SUMMARY Or CHANGG C1TY OF FORT 1YORTH STANDARD CONS7'RUCI'ION SPECiFICATIQN DOCUMF.NTS ReviseJ Jidy l, 201 I Soulh �l�fain Street Project No. 021 l3 99 99 00 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS 9999.0094 WATER CONSTRUCTION ALL.OWANCE items bid as Construction Allowances shall consist of miscellaneous utility adjustments and other non-subsidiary items requested for construction by the City of Fort Worth and at the direction of the Project Engineer. The payment to the Contractor for utility adjustments shall be the actual cost of the adjustments plus ten percent (10%) to cover the cost of bond and overhead incurred by the Contractor in handling the work. Contractor should refer to general conditions, article 11.02 9999.0095 SEWER CONSTRUCTION ALLOWANCE Items bid as Construction Allowances shall consist of miscellaneous utility adjustments and other non-subsidiary items requested for construction by the City of Fort Worth and at the direction of the Project Engineer. The payment to the Contractor for utility adjustments shall be the actual cost of the adjustments plus ten percent (10%) to cover the cost of bond and overhead incurred by the Contractor in handling the work. Contractor should refer to general conditions, article 11.02 9999.0096 PAVING CONSTRUCTION ALLOWANCE Items bid as Construction Ailowances shall consist of miscellaneous construction adjustments and other non-subsidiary items requested for construction by the City of Fort Worth and at the direction of the Project Engineer. The payment to the Contractor for construction adjustments shall be the actual cost of the adjustments plus ten percent (10°/a) to cover the cost of bond and overhead incurred by the Contractor in handling the utility adjustments. Contractor should refer to general conditions, article 11.02 9999.0003 IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL Drawings, Standard General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions and Division- 1 specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.1 DESCRIPTION Landscape irrigation system components and installation procedures. 1.2 LICENSED IRRIGATOR Installation of the irrigation system shall be under the "direct" supervision of a licensed irrigator of the State of Texas. 1.3 STANDARDS ASTM D1785 (ANSI B72.7): Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120. ASTM D2241 (ANSI B72.2): Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR). 1�Page 99 99 00 - SPEGIAL PROVISIONS ASTM D2466: Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40. ASTM D2564 (ANSI 872.16): Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings. ASTM D2855 (ANSI K65.55): Standard Recommended Practice for Making Solvent- Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings. 1.4 EQUAL MATERIALS A. It is not the intent of these specifications to limit materials to the product of any particular manufacturer. Where definite materials, equipment and/or fixtures have been specified, it has been done to set a definite standard and a reference for comparison as to ' quality, application, physical conformity, and other characteristics. It is not the intention of the Owner or the Consultant to discriminate against or prevent any dealer, jobber or manufacturer from furnishing materials, equipment, and/or fixtures, which meet or exceed the ' characteristics of the specified items. Substitution of materials shall not be made without prior written approval from the Owner and the Consultant. B. Design criteria and water pressure must be carefully considered when selecting equipment. Only equipment that performs as specified will be considered. 1.5 �OCATION OF AND DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES The Contractor is responsible for locating underground obstacles. Exercise caution to prevent damage to existing facilities during the progress of the work, taking care to locate same, where possible, in advance of the actual work. The Owner's representative will render all assistance possible to the Contractor in determining the location of existing utilities by making available such maps, records and other information as may be accessible to him, when requested to do so, but the accuracy of such information will not be guaranteed. The Contractor shall be responsible for repairs resulting from damage to existing utilities resulting from his operations. Should the Contractor, in the layout of work, encounter any pipe, underground utility, or structure, the location of which has not been furnished to him by the Owner, he shall bring such conditions to the attention of the Owner's representative for his determination of the method to be used to remove or bypass such obstructions. 1.6 WATER SUPPLY Make connections to the existing water line at the location shown on the plans. 1.7 WORKMANSHIP Install equipment in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and the best standard practice for this type of work. Care must be taken to keep the inside of the pipes clean and free of dirt, rock, cutting, etc. Flush all systems clean prior to installing sprinkler heads. 1.8 CODES AND PERMITS 2�Page 99 99 OQ - SPEGIAL PROVISIONS Install all work according to applicable codes and ordinances of the City and the National Electrical Code. Obtain and pay for all required permits. 1.9 WEATHER PROTECTION Protect and maintain all work, materials and fixtures from weather damage. All new work likely to be damaged shall be covered or otherwise protected. 1.10 SITE CONDITIONS Before ordering materials or beginning work, verify dimensions of existing and new work. Any differences found shall be submitted to the Owner's representative for consideration before proceeding with work. No extra compensation will be allowed because of differences between actual dimensions and measurements indicated on the plans. Plans are diagrammatic and approximate. 1.11 PROTECTION AND SAFETY A. Send proper notices, make all necessary arrangements and perform other services required for the care, protection and maintenance of public utilities, and services, inciuding fire plugs, telephone and telegraph poles and wires, and all other items of this nature on or about the site, assuming all responsibility and paying all costs for which the Owner may be liable. B. Construct and maintain necessary temporary drainage and provide pumping, as required, to keep excavations free of water. C. Provide all shoring, bracing and sheeting as required by OSHA Regulations and for the proper execution of the work. All shoring, bracing and sheeting shall be removed from the site when the work is completed. D. Fires are not permitted. E. All work shall be performed in accordance with the national "Occupational Safety and Health Standards" (OSHA). 1.12 SUBMITTALS Using hard cover 3 ring notebooks, provide not less than three (3) copies of complete brochures describing equipment and materials, inciuding names of manufacturer's catalog numbers, trade names, instructions for setting, connecting and operation, technical data and any special information requested. Unless resubmission is required, two will be retained and one returned after being reviewed. If resubmission is required, one corrected copy and one original copy will be returned after being reviewed. if resubmission is required, one corrected copy and one original copy will be returned and one will be retained. One approved copy shall be in the file of the Contractor's representative at the project site. � :__ •:� ': ► A. Provide and keep a complete up-to-date a Record Set of blue-line prints which shall be corrected daily and show every change from the original plans and specifications and the 3�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS exact locations, sizes and kinds of equipment. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the Owner's representative at cost. This set of drawings shall be kept on the site and shall be used only as a record set. B. These drawings shall also serve as work progress sheets and shall be the basis for measurement and payment for work completed. Make neat and legible annotations thereon daily as the work proceeds, showing the work as actually instailed. These plans shall be available at all times for inspection and shall be kept in a location designated by the Consultant. C. Before the date of the final inspection, transfer all information from the record prints to an ozalid sepia, provided by the Consultant. All work shall be neat, in ink, and subject to the approval of the Consultant. D. Dimension from two (2) permanent points of reference, building corners, sidewalks, or road intersections, etc., the location of the following items: 1. Connection to existing water lines. 2. Connection to existing electrical power. 3. Gate valves. 4. Routing of irrigation pressure lines (dimension maximum 100' along routing). 5. Remote control valves. 6. Routing of control tubing. 7. Quick coupling valves. 8. Manual drain valves. 9. Routing of irrigation lateral lines (with a change of two (2) feet each way). 10. Other related equipment as directed by the Owner's representative. E. Prior to the date of the final inspection, the contractor shall deliver the corrected and completed sepias to the Consultant for approvai. Delivery of the sepias will not relieve the responsibility of furnishing required information that may be omitted from the prints. 1.14 CONTROLLER CHARTS A. The Consultant shall approve the record prints before the controller charts are prepared. B. Provide one controller chart for each automatic controller. C. The chart shall show the area controlled by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum size, which the controller door will allow. D. The chart is to be a reduced plan of the actuai approved in-place system. E. The chart shall be a photo-static copy of blue-line ozalid print and a different color shall be used to indicate the area of coverage for each station. F. When completed and approved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum of 20 mils. 4�Page 99 99 UO - SPEGIAL PROVISIONS G. These charts shall be completed and approved by the Consultant prior to final inspection of the irrigation system. 1.15 IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY A. Prior to submittal of the bid, the Contractor shall acquaint himself with all matters and conditions concerning the site and existing conditions. B. Coordinate work with the other trades so that all phases of the work may be properly coordinated without delays or damage to any parts of the work. C. The Contractor shaii be responsible for all sleeves (schedule 40 PVC) and chases under paving, through walls, etc., unless otherwise noted on plans. The sleeves are to be considered subsidiary to installation of the irrigation system. Irrigation Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating installation of the sleeves with the General, Paving, Utility, and Street Light Contractors. 1.16 CHANGES IN THE WORK A. The Owner may, without invalidating the contract, order additional work or alterations to the contract. B. Any changes shall be requested in writing and the contract sum shall be adjusted according to the unit cost bid submitted by the Contractor. Any extension of time due to additions in work shall be adjusted at the time of the change order. C. Minor changes, such as head locations and controller locations, which do not involve extra cost and are consistent with the purpose of the work may be ordered by the Owner's representative and no claim for an addition to the contract sum or time schedule will be considered. 1.17 FINAL INSPECTION A qualified person duly authorized in writing to represent the irrigation Contractor shall be present at the final inspection to demonstrate the systems and prove the performance of the equipment. Prior to this inspection, all work under this division shall have been completed, tested, balanced and adjusted and in final operating condition. 1.18 GUARANTEE A. Guarantee the satisfactory operation of the entire system, to the extent possible under the scope of the work included in this contract. The entire system shall be guaranteed to be complete and work properly for a period of one year from date of final acceptance. Repair any defects or replace any defective parts found or occurring within that year, free of expense to the Owner. B. Include a copy of the guarantee form in the Operation and Maintenance Manual. 1.19 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES OF IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR S�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS A. Train at least two (2) of the Owner's employees in the operation and maintenance of the system. This shall include the operation of the controllers and valves, how to most effectively use the system, and maintenance on all equipment including the removal and replacement of valve and controller components. B. Provide two (2) quick coupling valve keys and two (2) sets of automatic controller keys for each controller. This equipment shall be turned over to the Owner upon final acceptance of the work by the Owner. C. Provide a watering program to the Owner showing the scheduling or sequencing of the valves, including which valves may be run simultaneousiy, and a desirable timing program for each controller. The controllers shall be scheduled to prevent an excessive amount of head loss in the system. The program shall include suggested operating time for new planting and established growth. D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals - Prepare and deliver to the Consultant, within ten calendar days prior to completion of construction, two hard cover, three ring binders containing the followina information: 1. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone number, list of equipment with name and addresses of local manufacturer's representative. 2. Catalog and parts sheets on each product and equipment type installed under this contract. 3. Guarantee statement. 4. Complete operating and maintenance instruction on all major equipment. 1.20 SITE OR FIELD VISITS BY THE CONSULTANT A. The Consultant will visit the site once to examine materials for type, size and character specified. The Consultant will also visit the site once to examine the installation and operation of the system. B. Should additional trips be required due to rejection of materials or improper or inadequate completion of the work, the costs of additional trips will be paid for by the Contractor. Such costs will include the Consultant's time, travei and other miscellaneous related expenses. PART 2 - MATERIALS ► _:__ All materials and accessories shall be of new and unused material. Any section of pipe found to be defective before or after installation shall be repiaced with new pipe. All new irrigation equipment shall be essentially the standard product of the manufacturer. All new equipment furnished shall have in-service perFormance records sufficient to verify published capabilities. 2.2 PIPE AND FITTINGS 6�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIA� PRQVISIONS A. PVC Pressure Main Line and Fittings: 1. Pressure main line piping shall be Schedule 40 PVC. Main line piping less than three (3) inches in diameter shall have solvent weided joints. Main line piping greater than three (3) inches in diameter shall be JM Ring-Tite gasketed bell joint pipe, or approved equal. 2. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type I, Grade I PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification D1785. All pipes must meet the requirements of Federal Specification S-21-70. 3. PVC solvent-weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, 1-2; II-1 NSF approved, conforming the ASTM test procedure D2466. 4. Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent-weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and installation methods prescribed by the manufacturer. 5. All PVC pipe must bear the following markings: a. Manufacturer's name. b. Nominal pipe size. c. Schedule or class. d. Pressure rating in PSI. e. NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) approval. f. Date of extrusion. 6. All fittings shali bear the manufacturer's name of trademark, material designation, size applicable IPS schedule and NSF seai of approval. B. PVC Non-Pressure Lateral Line Piping: 1. Non-Pressure buried lateral line piping 3/4" in diameter and above shall be SDR 21 (200 PSI) PVC with solvent-weld joints. Laterals 1/2" in diameter shall be SDR 13.5 Class 315 PVC with solvent-weld joints. 2. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved, Type I, Grade II PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification D1785. All pipes must meet the requirements of Federal Specification PS-21-70 with an appropriate standard dimension ratio. 3. Except as noted in paragraphs above, pipe and fittings for PVC non-pressure lateral line piping will be the same as for solvent-weld pressure main line pipe and fittings as set forth in "PVC Pressure Main Line Pipe and Fittings" above. 2.3 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER A. Automatic controller shall be of type and size shown on the plans. B. The Owner's Representative shali approve the finai location of automatic controiler prior to instaliation. C. The 120 volt electrical power for the automatic controller shall be provided by Fort Worth South Inc. 7�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS D. Controller shall be housed in a metal locking weatherproof cabinet. 2.4 ISOLATION BALL VALVES Ali ball valves shall be thermoplastic manufactured to ASTM F 1970 and constructed from PVC Type I, ASTM D 1784 Cell Classification 12454 or CPVC Type IV, ASTM D 1784 Cell Classification 23447. All O-rings shall be EPDM or genuine VitonO. All valves shall have Safe-T-ShearO stem with O-ring stem seal. All handles shall be polypropylene. All union nuts shall have Buttress threads. All seal carriers shall be Safe-T-Blocked0. All valves shall be certified by NSF International for use with potable water. All 1/2" - 2" valves shall be pressure rated to 235 psi for water @ 73° F. All 2'/2' — 4" and all flanged valves shall be rated to 150 psi for water @ 73° F. 2.5 ISOLATION GATE VALVES Gate valves shall have bell or spigot ends, flanges or screw joints as required for the piping in which they are installed. Ali gate valves shall be manufactured of brass conforming to the AWWA Standard C-500, or to Federal Specification WW-V-58, Class B. Gate Valves shall be designed for a minimum water working pressure of 150 psi. Gate vaives shall have a clear waterway equal to the full nominal diameter of the valve and shall be opened by turning counterclockwise. 2.6 REMOTE CONTROL VALVES The remote control valves shall be of the type shown on the drawings, and shali be electrically operated, normally closed diaphragm type valves. Valves shall be siow opening and closing. Valves shall have a manual flow control and manual bleed plug. 2.7 QUICK COUPLING VALVES The quick coupling valves shall be of the type and size shown on the drawings. 2.8 REMOTE CONTROL WIRE A. Connections between the automatic controllers and the remote control valves shall be made with direct burial copper wire AWG-U.F. 600 volt. Pilot wires shall be different color wire for each automatic controller. Common wires shall be white with a different color stripe ' for each controller. Install in accordance with automatic controller manufacturer's '- specifications and wire chart. In no case shall wire size be less than, AWG #14 U.F. B. All wire shall be installed according to local electrical codes and must bear UL approved (Type UF) for direct underground burial. 2.9 CONTRO� WIRE SPLICES Control wire splices shall be made with 3M-DBY wire connectors and sealant, or an approved equal. Connectors shall be of the proper size to match the wire. Only make wire splices in valve boxes orjunction boxes approved by the Owner's representative. 8�Page 99 99 QO - SPECIAL PROVISIGINS 2.10 VALVE BOXES Valve boxes for remote control valves and isolation valves shall be of type and size as shown in details. 2.11 ROTARY POP-UP HEADS Rotary pop-up heads shall be the type as shown on plans. Rotary pop-up heads shall be installed in a cyclolac case. Heads shall pop-up until the nozzle is a minimum of 3" above ground level. All internal parts shall be removable from above ground. See the Irrigation Legend on the plans for the performance data. PART 3 - INSTALLATION 3.1 GENERAL A. Provide a complete and properly functioning automatic irrigation system as indicated herein and on the Drawings. B. Unless otherwise specified or shown on the plans, the construction of irrigation lines shall include excavation and backfill, the furnishing, installing and testing or irrigation pipe and fittings, and electrical conductors and all other work in accordance with the plans and specifications. The irrigation system installation shall be coordinated with other construction activities. C. All valves and other irrigation equipment shall be located in planting areas, uniess otherwise noted on the Drawings. 3.2 PIPE AND FITTINGS A. PVC pipe, couplings and fittings shall be handled and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Each pipe length shall be properly spaced in jointing to allow for expansion and contraction. Piping will be snaked in trench as shown in the trenching details. If necessary, stakes are to be used to make pipe snake in trench. All stakes are to be removed, as the trench is backfilled. B. All laterals shall be installed with 12" minimum coverage over pipes at finish grade and ail main lines with at least 18" minimum coverage. All lines shall have a minimum clearance of 6" from each other and from lines of other trades. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. C. Install concrete thrust blocks as indicated on the details in the drawings. Blocking shall be a minimum of 1.5 C.F. each. Set concrete blocking against undisturbed earth. D. The interior of the pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matter before being lowered into the trench, and shall be kept clean during laying operations by means of lugs or other approved methods. The pipe shall not be laid in water, or when trench or weather conditions are unsuitable for the work. Water shall be kept out of the trench until the joints are completed. When work is not in progress, open ends of pipe and fittings shall be securely closed so that no trench water, earth or other substance will enter the pipes or fittings. Any pipe that has the grade or joint disturbed after being installed shall be taken up 9�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIAL PROYISIONS and relayed. Fittings at bends in the pipe, and at the end of lines shali be firmly wedged against the vertical face of the trench by means of concrete thrust blocks. E. Joints in all screwed fittings shall be made by applying teflon tape on male threads. Use of pipe joint compound or similar substance is prohibited. F. After installation, the lines wili be fiushed until they are free of rocks, dirt, debris, etc., before the heads are installed. G. Pipes and/or sleeves placed underground and not immediately connected to other pipes shall be capped or piugged to prevent water and dirt from entering the pipe. Sleeves for wires shall be capped or sealed with mastic tape after wires have been installed. 3.3 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER A. Controller shail be instailed as per the manufactures specifications. B. Ali electrical wiring and connections shall be installed according to the local City and National Electrical Code. 3.4 ISOLATION BALL, GATE AND REMOTE CONTROL VALVES A. Instail all new valves as indicated on the plans or as may be required for the proper control of the piping systems in which they are incorporated. Valves shail be set vertically. Valves shall be set as shown on the drawings and as approved by the Owner's representative. B. Control valves shail be adjusted to give the correct pressure at the spray head. C. Teflon tape is to be used on all male threads when instailing valves. D. All vaive boxes are to be left in a clean condition, providing ready access to valves. 3.5 QUICK COUPLING VALVES Quick coupling valves shall be installed in a vertical position as shown in the details and at locations shown on the plans. 3.6 REMOTE CONTROL WIRE A. Connections between the automatic controllers and the remote control valves shail be made with direct burial copper wire AWG-U.F. 600 volt. Pilot wires shall be different color wire for each automatic controller. Common wires shall be white with a different color stripe for each controller. Install in accordance with valve manufacturer's specifications and wire chart. In no case shall wire size be less than, AWG #14 U.F. B. All wire shall be installed according to local electrical codes and must be insulated with PVC and bear UL approved (Type UF) for direct underground burial. 3.7 CONTROL WIRE SPLICES lO�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIA� PROVISIONS Only make wire splices in valve boxes or junction boxes approved by the Owner's representative. 3.8 VALVE BOXES Valve boxes shall be installed in an accessible place as shown on plans. All valve box covers, valve boxes, etc. shall be placed so the edges are parallel or perpendicular to adjacent hard edges. Top of all boxes shall be 1" above finished grade. Top surface of boxes shall be installed so that a smooth surface is created in relation to existing grade. 3.9 IRRIGATION HEADS Irrigation heads shall be installed in plumb position at intervais not to exceed those shown and in the approximate location and configuration shown on the plans. Head swing joints, risers and flexible connectors shall be as shown on the details. All nipples shall be the minimum length required to allow irrigation head adjustment motion without including load on the supply pipe. Irrigation heads shall be instailed as detailed on the plans. 3.10 TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. The Contractor shail perform all excavation to the depth indicated in these specifications and plans. All excavated material not required for fill or backfill shall be removed from the site. The banks of trenches shail be kept as nearly vertical as practicable. Trenches shall be wide enough to permit proper placing of pipe. Where rock excavation is required, or where stones are encountered in the bottom of the trench, the rock or stones shall be removed to a depth of four (4) inches minimum below the trench depth indicated. The over-depth rock excavation and ali excess trench excavation shall be backfilled with loose, moist earth or sand, thoroughly compacted. Whenever soil, which is wet or otherwise incapable of supporting the pipe is encountered in the trench bottom, such soil shall be removed to a depth and length required and the trench backfilled to trench bottom grade as hereinafter specified, with coarse sand, fine gravel or other suitable material. B. Bottom of trench grade shall be continued past ground surface deviations to avoid air pockets and low collection points in line. The minimum cover specifications shall govern regardless of variations in ground surface profile and occasionai deeper excavation required at banks and other field conditions. Excavation shall be such that a uniform trench grade variation will occur in all cases where variations are necessary. In no case shall the angle of deflection from one pipe length to another exceed 5 degrees. C. Trench excavation shall consist of the satisfactory removal and disposition of all materials, and shall include all shoring and sheeting required by state and local regulations to protect the excavation and to safeguard employees. D. During excavation, materials suitable for backfilling shall be stockpiled in an orderly manner a sufficient distance back from edge of trenches to avoid overloading and prevent slides or cave-ins. No excavated materials shall be placed within or permitted to fall upon roadways. E. The trenches shall be carefully backfilled with the excavated materials approved for backfilling, consisting or earth, loam, sandy clay, sand, or other approved materials, free from large clods of earth or stone. Rock, broken concrete or pavements and large boulders shall 11�Page 99 99 00 - SPEGIAL. PRQVISIONS not be used as backfill material. The backfill shall be thoroughly compacted and evened off with the adjacent soil level. Any materials not suitabie for backfill shall be removed from the site and disposed of. F. Select fili dirt or sand shall be used if soil conditions are rocky. In rocky areas the trenching depth shall be four inches below normal trench depths to allow for this bedding. The fill or dirt or sand shall be used in filling four inches above the pipe or wires. The remainder of the backfill shall contain no lumps or rocks larger than one inch. The top six inches of backfill shall be free of rocks, subsoil or trash. G. Backfill shall be placed in layers; the thickness of the layers shall depend on the nature of the material and the method of compaction used. Compaction shail be accomplished in such a manner as to assure that there will be no future subsidence. H. Any trenches improperly backfilled, or where settlement occurs, shall be reopened to the depth required for compaction, then filled and compacted with the surface restored to the required grade and left in a completed surface condition as described above. i. All excavation and backfill shall be unclassified and covered in the base bid. No additional charges will be allowed for rock encountered. 3.11 �EAK TEST A. When the main line or sections of the main line, laterals, swing joints and valves have been installed, the system (or section) will be thoroughly flushed. The system (or section) will then be pressurized for 8 hours at the operating pressure. B. All joints and connections shall be pressure tested and checked for leaks prior to backfilling. C. All lateral lines, from the control vaive to the spray head, shall be tested, for an operating period of 8 hours by capping the pipe at the sprinkler head and pressurizing the pipe. D. Any leakage found will be repaired and retested for another 8-hour period prior to backfilling. 3.12 CLEANING AND FLUSHING SYSTEM After pipe, fittings, and valves have been installed and connections made to the water source, flush pipes several times until free of all rocks, dirt, trash, pipe shavings or debris before instaliing heads. After the pipe has been thoroughly flushed, start installing the heads with the water running, beginning with the one nearest the valve and working toward the ends of the laterals forcing the water and any debris left in the pipe out the last head connection. After the heads have been installed the system is to be operated several times before final inspection. The heads shall also be cleaned or replaced if necessary before final inspection. 3.13 PLANT MATERIALS 12�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIAL PRQVISIONS Where it is necessary to excavate adjacent to plant materiais, the Contractor shall use all possible care to avoid injury to plants and plant roots. Excavation in areas where two (2) inch and larger roots occur shall be done by hand. All roots two (2) inches and larger in diameter, except directly in the path of pipe or conduit, shall be tunneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with burlap to prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a trencher is run close to plants having roots smaller than two (2) inches in diameter, the wall of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be hand trimmed, making clean cuts through. Roots one (1) inch and larger in diameter shall be painted with two coats of Tree Seal, or equal. Trenches adjacent to plant should be closed within twenty-four (24) hours; and where this is not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the plant shall be kept shaded with burlap or canvas. No trenching shall occur within 8' of existing trees if heads occur closer than 8' to an existing tree, the lateral trench shall be cut radial to the trunk. 3.14 TEMPORARY REPAIRS The Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the irrigation system equipment in operating condition. The exercise of this right by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the terms of the guarantee as herein specified. 3.15 CLEANUP A. Make final cleanup of all parts of the work before finai acceptance. This cleanup shall include removal of all construction materials and equipment, and in general leaving the site in an orderly and finished appearance. B. The Contractor shall also remove from the site any rock or extra soil resulting from this contract and he shall restore the site to its original condition or better. 9999.0004 SITE'FURNISHINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION Furnish and supply all labor, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary to assemble, instali and otherwise construct site furnishings as listed under products. 1.2 QUA�ITY ASSURANCE A. All equipment shall be free of sharp edges and corners, or extremely rough surfaces. B. All materials shall be new and conform to all standards per specified product or approved equal. C. The bidder shall be responsible for defects in equipment due to faulty materials or manufacturing, damage or loss. D. Metal shall be straight or at design radii or bends, without kinks, and shall be true to shape. E. Codes and Standards: All "accessible" site furnishings shall comply with the current Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) of the Architectural Barriers Act, Article 9102, Texas Civil Statutes (512) 453-3211. 13�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1.3 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HAND�ING A. Protect from inclement weather: wet, damp, extreme heat or coid. B. Store in a manner to prevent warpage and or/or bowing. 1.4 JOB CONDITIONS The contractor shall be responsible for protection of unfinished work and shall be responsible for the safety of users utilitizing unfinished equipment. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Equipment as specified on the plans or approved equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION Fasteners: All nuts and bolts shall be upset and tack welded to prevent disassembly. I Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: The Contractor shall follow the manufacturer's installation instructions, unless otherwise stated. Set benches to be level. 9999.0005 STRUCTURAL SOI� PART 1- DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 1.1 GENERAL A. The work of this section consists of all Structural Soil work and related items as indicated on the drawings or as specified herein and includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. CU-Structural Soil is a proprietary material patented by Cornell University (US Patent #5,849,069) and marketed under the registered trademark, CU-Structural Soil�. For a list of licensed Structural Soil producers, call AMEREQ, INC. at 800-832-8788. 2. Or equai soil mix meeting the following specifications. 1.2 REFERENCES AND STANDARDS A. The following references are used herein and shall mean: ASTM: American Society of Testing Materials USDA: United States Department of Agriculture AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Standard Specifications: Regional or Municipal Standard Specifications Documentation for the location of proposed usage AOAC: Association of Official Agricuitural Chemists 1.3 SAMPLES AND SUBMITTALS A. At least 30 days prior to ordering materials, the installing contractor shall submit to the engineer representative samples, certificates, manufacturer's literature and test results for materials specified below. No materials shall be ordered until the required samples, 14�Page 99 99 QO - SPEGIAL PROVISIQNS certificates, manufacturer's literature, producer's current license and test results have been reviewed and approved by the landscape architect and/or engineer. The engineer reserves the right to reject any material that does not meet Structural Soil specifications. Delivered materials shall closely match the approved samples. B. Submit soil test analysis reports for sample of clay loam from an independent soil-testing laboratory. The testing laboratory for particle size and chemical analysis may include a public agricultural extension service agency. 1. Submit a mechanical analysis of the clay loam sample and particle size analysis including the following gradient of mineral content: USDA Designation Size in mm. Gravel +2 mm Sand 0.05 — 2 mm Silt 0.002-0.05 mm Clay minus 0.002 mm Sieve analysis shall be performed and compared to USDA Soil Classification System. Sieve analysis shall be done by a combined hydrometer and wet sieving using sodium hexametaphosphate as a dispersant in compliance with ASTM D422 after destruction of organic matter by hydrogen peroxide. 2. Submit a chemical analysis, performed in accordance with current AOAC Standards, including the following: a. pH and buffer pH. b. Percent organic matter as determined by the loss of ignition of oven dried samples. Test samples shall be oven dried to a constant weight at a temperature of 230 degrees F, plus or minus 9 degrees. c. Analysis for nutrient levels by parts per million. d. Soluble salt by electrical conductivity of a 1:2 soil/water sample measured in Millimho per cm. e. Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). f. Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio. C. Submit analysis of crushed stone which will be used in production of Structural Soil . 1. Provide particle size analysis: USDA Designation Size in mm. 3" +76 mm 2�/2" 63-76 mm 15�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIA� PROVISIQNS 2" 50-63 mm 1 �/z" 37-50 mm 1" 25-37 mm 3/4" 19-25 mm Fine gravel 2-19 mm 2. Provide the manufacturers analysis of the loose and rodded unit weight 3. Losses from �A Abrasion tests- not to exceed 40% 4. Minimum 90% with 2 or more fractured faces 5. Percent pore space analysis E. The approved Structural Soil sample shall be the standard. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Delivered Structural Soil shall be at or near optimum compaction moisture content as determined by AASHTO T 99 (ASTM D 698) and should not be placed in frozen, wet or muddy sites. B. Protect Structural Soil from exposure to excess water and from erosion at all times. Do not store Structural Soil unprotected. Do not aliow excess water to enter site prior to compaction. If water is introduced into the Structural Soil after grading, allow water to drain to optimum compaction moisture content. 1.5 EXAMINATION OF CONDITIONS A. All areas to receive Structural Soil shall be inspected by the installing contractor before starting work and all defects such as incorrect grading, compaction, and inadequate drainage shall be reported to the engineer prior to beginning this work. PART 2 - MATERIA�S 2.1 CLAY LOAM A. Soil shall be a"loam" with a minimum clay content of 20% or a"clay loam" based on the "USDA classification system" as determined by mechanical analysis (ASTM D-422) and it shall be of uniform composition, without admixture of subsoil. It shall be free of stones, lumps, plants and their roots, debris and other extraneous matter. It shall not contain toxic substances harmful to plant growth. Clay loam shall contain not less than 2% or more than 5% organic matter as determined by the loss on ignition of oven-dried samples. Test samples shall be oven-dried to a constant weight at a temperature of 230 degrees F., plus or minus 9 degrees. B. Mechanical analysis for the loam or clay loam shall be as foliows: Textural Class % of Total Weight Gravel less than 5% 16�Page 99 99 00 - SPEGIAL PROVISIONS Sand 20-45% Silt 20-50% Clay 20-40% C. Chemical analysis: Meet, or be amended to meet the following criteria: 1. pH between 5.5 to 6.5 2. Percent organic matter 2% - 5% by dry weight 3. Adequate nutrient levels 4. Soluble salt less than 1.0 mmho/cm 5. Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) greater than 10 6. Carbon/Nitrogen ratio less than 33:1 D. Loam or clay loam shall not come from USDA - classified prime farmland. 2.5 CRUSHED STONE A. The size of the crushed stone shall be 0.75 inches to 1.5 inches allowing for up to 10% being greater than 1.5 inches, and up to 10% less than 0.75 inches. B. Acceptable aggregate dimensions will not exceed 2.5:1.0 for any two dimensions. C. Minimum 90% with two or more fractured faces. D. Resuits of Aggregate Soundness Loss test shall not exceed 18%. E. �osses from LA Abrasion tests shall not exceed 40%. 2.6 HYDROGEL A. Hydrogel shall be a coated potassium propenoate-propenamide copolymer (GelscapeHydrogel Tackifier) as manufactured by Amereq, Inc. 800-832-8788., or equal. 2.7 WATER A. The installing contractor shall be responsible to furnish his own supply of water (if needed) free of irnpurities, to the site. 2.8 STRUCTURAL SOI� A. A uniformiy blended urban tree mixture of crushed stone, clay loam and GelscapeHydrogel Tackifier, as produced by an Amereq-licensed company, or equai mixed in the following proportion: Material Unit of Weight specified crushed Stone 100 units dry weight specified clay loam 20 — 25 units (to achieve minimum CBR of 50) 17�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIA� PROVISIONS GelscapeHydrogel Tackifier 0.035 units dry weight moisture ASTM D698/AASHTO T-99 optimum moisture PART 3- PRODUCTION AND INSTALLATION GUIDELINES 3.1 STRUCTURAL SOIL MIXING AND QUALITY CONTROL TESTING A. All Structural Soil mixing shall be perFormed at the producer's yard using appropriate soil measuring, mixing and shredding equipment of sufficient capacity and capability to assure proper quality control and consistent mix ratios. No mixing of Structural Soil at the project site shall be permitted. Maintain adequate moisture content during the mixing process. Soils and mix components shall easily shred and break down without clumping. Soil clods shall easily break down into a fine crumbly texture. Soils shall not be overly wet or dry. The producer shall measure and monitor the amount of soil moisture at the mixing site periodically during the mixing process. B. Raw materials shall be mixed off-site, only at the producer's facility, on a flat asphalt or concrete paved surface to avoid soil contamination. C. Should the independent laboratory test results of the clay loam reveal a need to amend it, to meet specifications, the amending materials should be added to the clay loam following the rates and recommendations. 3.3 SITE PREPARATION A. Do not proceed with the installation of the Structural Soil material until all walls, curb footings and utility work in the area have been installed. For site elements dependent on Structural Soil for foundation support, postpone installation of such elements until immediately after the installation of Structural Soil. B. Install subsurface drain lines as shown on the plan drawings prior to installation of Structural Soil materiai. C. Excavate and compact the proposed subgrade to depths, slopes and widths as shown on the drawings. Maintain all required angles of repose of the adjacent materials as shown on ' the drawings. Do not over excavate compacted subgrades of adjacent pavement or structures. D. Confirm that the subgrade is at the proper elevation and compacted as required. Subgrade elevations shall slope parallel to the finished grade and/or toward the subsurface drain lines as shown on the drawings. E. Clear the excavation of all construction debris, trash, rubble and any foreign material. In the event that fuels, oils, concrete washout silts or other material harmful to plants have been spilled into the subgrade material, excavate the soil sufficiently to remove the harmful material. Fill any over excavation with approved fill and compact to the required subgrade compaction. F. Do not proceed with the installation of Structural Soil until ail utility work in the area has been installed. Ali subsurface drainage systems shall be operational prior to installation of Structural Soil. 18�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Install Structural Soil in 6 inch lifts and compact each lift. B. Compact all materials to at least 95% Proctor Density from a standard compaction curve AASHTO T 99 (ASTM D 698). No compaction shall occur when moisture content exceeds maximum as listed herein. Delay compaction if moisture content exceeds maximum allowable and protect Structural Soil during delays in compaction with plastic or plywood as directed by the engineer. C. Bring Structural Soil to finished grades as shown on the drawings. Immediately protect the Structural Soil from contamination by toxic materials, trash, debris, water containing cement, clay, silt or materiais that will alter the particle size distribution of the mix with plastic or plywood as directed by the engineer. D. Structural Soil should not be stockpiled long-term. Any Structurai Soil not installed immediately should be protected by a tarp or other waterproof covering. 3.5 ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS A. The engineer will inspect the work upon the request of the installing contractor. Request for inspection shall be received by the engineer at least 10 days before the anticipated date of inspection. 3.6 CLEAN-UP A. Upon completion of the Structural Soil installation operations, ciean areas within the contract limits. Remove all excess filis, soils and mix stockpiles and legally dispose of all waste materials, trash and debris. Remove all tools and equipment and provide a clean, ciear site. Sweep, do not wash, all paving and other exposed surfaces of dirt and mud until the paving has been installed over the Structural Soil material. Do no washing until finished materials covering Structural Soil material are in place. 9999.0006 COLORED: STAMPED, AND CHEMICALLY STAINED CONCRETE PAVING PART 1 — GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Inciudes: 1. Chemically stained concrete finish. 2. Integral colored concrete. 3. Sealers and coatings. 4. Concrete stamp finishes. 1.2 SUBMITTA�S A. Contractor shall submit specified manufacturer's complete technical data sheets for ali products to be used, including installation instructions. B. Contractor to submit color chart for selection and approval of colors to be used for mockups. C. Contractor shall submit sample of concrete stamp for approval to be used for mockups. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 19�Page 99 99 OA - SPECIAL PROVISIONS A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer of specified stain, stamp, integral color, and sealer shall have a minimum 10 years' experience in the production of the specified products. B. Contractor Qualifications: Contractor must have a minimum 3 years' experience in integral colored concrete, stamping, and staining applications; and, must have successfully completed not less than 6 projects comparable in scale and complexity. 1. Statement of Contractor Qualifications a. Submit list of at least 6 completed projects including project name, project address and owner contact information. C. Regulatory Requirements 1. Products shall comply with the United States Clean Air Act for maximum Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content as specified in PART 2 of this section. D. Mockups and Field Samples: Prepare field sample at project site for Owner's review and approval. Contractor to provide a minimum of three (3) color mockups per paving type on drawings. 1. Color samples shall be constructed on site and shall be 4'x4' minimum. Sample application of concrete stamp pattern application shall be 10'x12' minimum. 2. Construct sample using processes, finishes, and techniques intended for use on permanent work, including curing procedures. Include samples of control, construction, and expansion joints in sample panels. 3. Sample shall be poured, stamped, stained, and sealed by the individual workers who will actually be performing the work for the project. 4. Obtain written approval of the sampie from project Landscape Architect before start of work. 5. Retain approved samples through completion of the work for use as a quality standard for finished work. 1.4 Delivery, Storage and Handling A. Deliver the specified products in original, unopened containers with legible manufacturer's identification and information. B. Store specified products in conditions recommended by the manufacturer. 1.5 JOB SITE CONDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions: Maintain an ambient temperature of between 50° F and 90° F during application and at least 48 hours after application. 20�Page 99 99 QO - SPECIA� PROVISIONS B. Protection: Precautions shall be taken to avoid damage or contamination of any surfaces near the work zone. Protect completed stain work from moisture or contamination. 1.6 PRE-JOB CONFERENCE A. One week prior to the piacement of colored concrete, stamping or chemical stain, a meeting will be held to discuss the project and application of materials. B. The Landscape Architect, General Contractor, Sub-Contractor and a Manufacturer's Representative wiil be present to review mockups. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Concrete Stain: Chemical Stain shall be a reactive acid-based solution of inetallic salts which react with the calcium hydroxide in the cured concrete substrate to produce permanent, variegated or translucent color effects. LITHOCHROMEO ChemstainT"' as manufactured by the L.M. SCOFIELD COMPANY, Los Angeles, California, is considered to conform to the requirements of this specification. B. Colored Concrete: 1. Bomanite Integral Color — The concrete shall be an integral color with the integral color to be approved by Owner. 2. Or approved equal. C. Penetrating Sealer/Coating shall be a penetrating, reactive, invisible, environmentally compatible treatment for the protection of new and old, interior or exterior, horizontal or vertical, porous concrete. Product shall be specifically designed for use on architectural concrete. REPELLOO, durable, environmentally compatible, invisible treatment designed for protecting concrete as manufactured by the L.M. SCOFIELD COMPANY, Los Angeles, California, is considered to conform to the requirements of this specification. L.M. Scofield Contact: Jim Orella at 800/800-9900 The Owner will approve the colors based on the constructed mockup. D. Concrete Stamp: The concrete stamp manufacturer shall be in accordance with the drawings. 2. Or approved equal. 21�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIA� PROVISIONS E. Substitutions: The use of any products other than those specified will be considered providing that the contractor requests its use in writing within seven (7) days prior to bid date. This request shall be accompanied by: 1. A certificate of compliance from the material manufacturer stating that the proposed products meet or exceed the requirements for this specification. 2. Documented proof that the proposed material has a ten (10) year proven record of performance for staining concrete substrates, confirmed by at least five (5) local projects that the �andscape Architect could examine. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Contractor shail examine areas and conditions under which work will be perFormed and identify conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION FOR STAINING A. New Concrete Newly placed concrete should be sufficiently cured to allow the concrete to become reactive, a minimum 14 days. 2. Liquid curing materials shall not be used. Concrete flatwork should be cured with new and unwrinkled, non-staining, high quality curing paper. 3. All surfaces should be cured by the same method and different sections (pours) chemically stained when the concrete is the same age. ' 4. Immediately prior to chemically staining, the concrete must be thoroughly cleaned. The surFace shouid be swept, then pressure washed or scrubbed using a rotary floor machine. Use of suitable, high quality commercial detergents wili facilitate cleaning. The surface must be rinsed after cleaning until the rinse water is completely clean. Allow concrete to dry completely prior to application of concrete stain. B. Existing Concrete 1. The concrete surface shall be cleaned so that the surface is completely penetrable before receiving the initial application of chemical stain. An indication of whether the concrete is penetrable can be obtained by spotting the surface with water. The water should immediately darken the substrate and be readily absorbed. If the water beads and does not penetrate or only penetrates in some areas, additional surface preparation and testing must be perFormed. On denser areas, a light sanding maybe needed to open up the surface. 22�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS 2. The cieaning method to be used depends on the condition of the concrete surface. To remove dirt and other contaminates, detergents and other commercial grade cleaners should be considered and tested. 3. Rinse the concrete substrate until the rinse water is compietely clean. 3.3 APPLICATION OF CHEMICAL STAIN A. All concrete surfaces must be dry and properly prepared as described above. Surrounding areas must be protected from over-spray, run-off and tracking. The surface should be divided into small work sections using wall, joint lines, or other stationary breaks as natural stopping points. B. Chemicai Stains should be applied full strength (undiluted) at the coverage rate recommended by the manufacturer and using application equipment described in the manufacturers printed technical literature. The color of the liquid chemicai stain will have no resemblance to the final color produced on the concrete substrate. C. Chemical stains normally fizz when reacting with the concrete. If fizzing does not occur, the substrate has not been adequately prepared or the concrete has too low of a pH level. If this should happen, contact the local representative for further recommendations. D. The chemical stain should be transferred to the substrate by brush or spray and immediately scrubbed into the surFace. E. The reaction time depends on wind conditions, temperatures, and humidity leveis. F. When multiple coats of one or more colors are required, washing and drying between colors is desirable to evaluate the color prior to the next coat. G. After the final coat of chemical stain has remained on the surface for a minimum of four (4) hours, all residue must be removed by wet scrubbing with a commerciai grade detergent. The surface must be rinsed after scrubbing until the rinse water is completely clean. Run off may stain the adjacent areas or harm plants. it should be collected by wet vacuuming or absorbed with an inert material. H. Allow to dry completely before applying clear sealer. I. All striping and painting of stained concrete to be done before applying clear sealer. 3.4 COLORED CONCRETE PAVING A. The area to receive Bomanite colored concrete shall have the sub-grade prepared as required as for any concrete slab or grade. B. The formwork shall be installed in accordance with the drawings. The slab thickness shall be consistent with that of ordinary slabs under the same conditions and as shown on drawings. C. Provide reinforcement as specified. 23�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS D. Control joints and/or expansion joints shali be provided in accordance with the drawings and the guidelines established by the American Concrete Institute. As with any concrete slab, Bomanite colored concrete usually contains construction joints, control joints and expansion joints. The Contractor shall advise and work with the Landscape Architect to determine the best location for these joints to minimize the visibility of the joints and to minimize unsightly cracking. E. The expansion joint filler color to be approved by Landscape Architect. F. The concrete shall be placed and screeded to the finished grade, and floated to a uniform surface, using standard finishing techniques. G. Concrete stamp pattern shall be applied in accordance with drawings and field direction by the Landscape Architect. H. After the initial curing period, the surface of the siab shall be sealed. 3.5 APPLICATION OF PENETRATING, REACTIVE, SEALER/COATING A. Surface should be prepared in accordance with manufacturer's directions and allow the concrete substrate to completely dry. B. The surface shall be protected by a product produced by the manufacturer of the chemical stain C. Apply at the following rates: Per manufacturer's directions. 1. Hand-pump Sprayer: Between 100-200 square feet per gallon 2. Lambswool Roller, Max. 3/8" nap, 100-200 square feet per gallon D. Maintain a wet edge at all times. E. Only one coat is generally required for untreated or stripped concrete F. If a second coat is to be applied, allow sealer to completely dry before applying additional coats. 3.6 PROTECTION A. Protect surface treated with penetrating, reactive sealer/coating until dry. B. Remove no forms for at least 8 hours after initial set. Protect work from pedestrian and automotive traffic for a period of 3 days after pouring. 9999.0007'PLANTING BED PREPARATION PART 1 — GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY C. Section Includes: 1. Pre-Plant Weed Control. 2. Soil Amendments for Ground Cover Beds. 24�Page 99 99 OQ - SPECIAL PRQVISIONS 3. Soil Amendments for Shrub Beds. 4. Prepared Backfill for Trees and Large Shrubs. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Contractor shall submit specified manufacturer's complete technical data sheets for ail products to be used, including installation instructions. B. Contractor to submit 1 Gal bag of topsoil, soil amendments, and mulch. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements 1. Products shall comply with the United States Clean Air Act for maximum Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content as specified in PART 2 of this section. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Imported Topsoil for Prepared Soil Mixtures A. Sandy loam from a source approved by the Owner. 100% passing through a 1" screen. Sand (2,000 mm to 0.50 mm) 40%-50% Silt (0.050 mm to 0.005 mm) 30°/a-40% Ciay (0.005 mm and smaller) 10°/o-30% B. Free of subsoil, brush, stumps, roots, organic litter, objectionable weeds, ciods, shale, stones 1" minimum dimension or larger, or other material harmful to grading, planting, plant growth, or maintenance operations. C. Presence of vegetative parts of Bermuda grass, Johnson grass, nut grass (Cyperus rotundus), and other hard to eradicate weeds or grass wiil be cause for rejection of topsoil. Contractor must provide written verification as to the absence of such weeds. 2.2 Commercial Fertilizer A. Uniform composition. B. Pelletized. C. Containing following minimum percentage of plant food by weight. Available nitrogen: 10% or 12°/o Available phosphoric acid: 10% or 12% Available potash: 10% or 12% D. Organic Soil Conditioner: Compost as manufactured by Living Earth Technology (214) 869-4332, or approved equal. E. Sharp Sand: Clean, washed sand, fine to coarse sizes, free of clay lumps or other objectionable materials. 25�Page 99 99 00 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Soil Preparation for Shrub, Perennial and Ground Cover Beds A. Pre-Plant Weed Control If live perennial weeds exist on-site at the beginning of work, spray with a non- selective systemic contact herbicide, as recommended and applied by an approved licensed landscape pest control advisor and applicator. Leave sprayed plants intact for at least 15 days to allow systemic kill. Apply herbicide in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 2. Clear and remove these existing weeds by scraping or grubbing off all plant parts at least 1/4 inch below the surface of the soil over the entire area to be planted. B. Soil Amendment for Ground Cover Beds 1. Prior to soil amending, the subgrades shall be 12" below finish grade to allow for the following amendments and fertilizer. The layer of soil amendments shall be 10" deep, leaving a finish grade 2" below the adjacent paved areas. Excavation and/or fill may be required to achieve these grades. Application Rates Organic Soil Conditioner — 5" Deep Layer Topsoil — 5" Deep Layer Fertilizer — 10 Ibs. per 1,000 sq. ft. of bed area 2. Amendments shall be uniformly spread and thoroughly cultivated, to a light and friable consistency, by means of a mechanical rototiller into the top 2" of subgrade which will make a bed of approximately 6" total depth of amended soil. 3.2 Soil Amendment for Shrub Beds Prior to soil amending, the subgrades shall be 12" below finish grade to allow for the following amendments and fertilizer. The layer of soil amendments shall be 10" deep, leaving a finish grade 2" below the adjacent paved areas. Excavation and/or fill may be required to achieve these grades. Application Rates Organic Soil Conditioner — 5" Deep Layer Topsoil — 5" Deep Layer Fertilizer — 10 Ibs. per 1,000 sq. ft. of bed area 2. Amendments shall be uniformly spread and thoroughly cultivated, to a light and friable consistency, by means of a mechanical rototiller into the top 2" of subgrade which will make a bed of approximately 6" total depth of amended soil. 3. At time of planting, the top 2" of all areas to be planted shall be free of stones, stumps, or other deleterious matter 1" in diameter or larger and shall be free 26�Page 99 99 OQ - SPEGIAL PRQVISIONS from all wire, plaster or similar objects that would be a hindrance to planting or maintenance. 4. Pre-Emergence Herbicide: Prior to planting, apply to shrub, perennial and ground cover beds at rates recommended by manufacturer. Incorporate into top 1/2" of soil by handraking. 3.3 Soil Amendment for Trees and Large Shrubs Planting mixture for trees and shrubs (5 gallons and larger) shall consist of the foilowing materials. Topsoil — 2 parts Peat Moss — 1 part Sharp Sand — 1 part B. Controlled Release Fertilizer: Provide controlled release fertilizer tablets in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions at the following rates: Shrubs - less than 5 gallons: none Shrubs - 5 gallon or larger: 2 each Trees - 1 tablet per 1/2" of trunk caliper, measured 1 ft. above the top of root ball. 9999.0008`TXDOT`BID ITEMS Follow TXDOT specifications for Piant material and Mulch per bid items below: 0192 2008 Plant material (65 - GAL) 0192 2007 Plant material (45 - GAL) 0192 2006 Plant material (30 - GAL) 0192 2002 Plant material (1 - GAL) 0192 2013 Mulch Additional modifications' to qeneral & supplementary conditions and modifications to cteneral reauirements 1.1 Temporary construction easements are not provided. If contractor would like additional space, contractor shall work directly with landowners to secure easement. No additional pay, subsidiary to contract. 1.2 Contractor to coordinate construction and traffic controi with Atmos Energy, Oncor Electric, AT&T, and Fiber Light 1.3 Submit construction sequencing plans for construction at S. Main and Leuda to City of Fort Worth for review and approval three weeks before construction. 1.4 Construction starting and sequencing: contractor shall start at the locations and sequence construction as mutually agreed upon at the pre-construction meeting with the City of Fort Worth and Fort Worth South Inc. Contractor shall begin utility construction continuously or per each closed segment of the roadway per traffic control and traffic detour plans as mutually agreed upon at the pre- 27�Page 99 99 QO - SPECIAL PROVISIONS construction meeting. Contractor to coordinate utility construction at Vickery Blvd with water department filed ops. 1.5 Construction survey shall be provided by the contractor as described in Division 99, section 01 71 23 in these contract documents. Contractor survey shall be considered subsidiary to the contract and no additional pay will be given for this task. All information shall be provided to the city in electronic format. 1.6 Contractor to coordinate all traffic control with existing businesses and keep pedestrian and vehicular access to businesses that oniy have vehicular access via South Main Street. Contractor shall contact all business owners before construction to coordinate timing, deliveries, and working hours, etc. END OF SECTION 28�Page 024113-1 SELECTIVE S[TE DEMOLITION Page t of 5 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 SECTION 02 41 13 SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION A. Section Includes: 1. Removing sidewalks and steps 2. Removing ADA ramps and landings 3. Removing driveways 4. Removing fences 5. Removing guardrail 6. Removing retaining walls (less than 4 feet tall) 7. Removing mailboxes 8. Removing rip rap 9. Removing miscellaneous concrete structures including porches and foundations 10. Disposal of removed materials B. Deviations this from City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. All Street name and address tiles are to be salvaged �t�ithin project limits and r•euse as shown in the plans. 2. Existing bz�ilding roof drains that protr•ude down into sidewalks shall be cut 6" above frnished grade, sanded, and beveled to r•emove shatp metal edges. Rernoval of r•oof drafrts in the sidewalk and cutting the r•oof df�airts 6" above f nished grade at b�ilding faces af•e sarbsidiary to sidewalk renaoval bid item and no extra pay will be given for this task. 3. Any nziscellaneous items szrch as railroad ties, metal r�ail, pole foundations, sign fozrndations, etc. found dur�ing existing pavenzent & sidewalk r•emoval, must be removed and demolished. This ��ork shall be subsidiary to the pavement and sidewalk re»zoval bid iterns and no extra pay will be given. 4. Final adjarstnaents of any arrd all utiliry vaailts that ar�e not Ciry of Fort Worth vaults are to be coor•dinated with the r•espective fr•anchise utiliry conapany. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 31 23 23 — Borrow 35 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDUR�S 36 A. Measurement and Payment 37 1. Measurement 38 a. Remove Sidewalk: Measure by square foot. 39 b. Remove Steps: measure by the square foot as seen in the plan view only. 40 c. Remove ADA Ramp: measure by each. CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONST2UCTION SPECIPICAT[ON DOCUMENTS City Projcct No. 02113 Rcviscd December 20, 2012 0241 13-2 SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION Pagc 2 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 d. e. f. g• h. i. Remove Driveway: measure by the square foot by type. Remove Fence: measure by the linear foot. Remove Guardrail: measure by the linear foot along the face of the rail in place including metal beam guard fence transitions and single guard rail terminal sections from the center of end posts. Remove Retaining Wall (less than 4 feet tall): measure by the linear foot Remove Mailbox: measure by each. Remove Rip Rap: measure by the square foot. �. Remove Miscellaneous Concrete Structure: measure by the lump sum. 2. Payment a. Remove Sidewalk: full compensation for saw cutting, removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to execute work. Sidewalk adjacent to or attached to retaining wali (including sidewalk that acts as a wall footing) shall be paid as sidewalk removal. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. b. Remove Steps: full compensation far saw cutting, removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to execute work. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. c. Remove ADA Ramp and landing: full compensation for saw cutting, removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to execute work. Work includes ramp landing removal. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. d. Remove Driveway: full compensation for saw cutting, removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to remove improved driveway by type. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. e. Remove Fence: full compensation for removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to remove fence. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. f. Remove Guardrail: full compensation for removing materials, loading, hauling, unloading, and storing or disposal; furnishing backfill material; backfilling the postholes; and equipment, labor, tools, and incidentals. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. g. Remove Retaining Wall (less than 4 feet tall): full compensation for saw cutting, removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to execute work. Sidewalk adjacent to or attached to retaining wall (including sidewalk that acts as a wall footing) shall be paid as sidewalk removal. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. h. Remove Mailbox: full compensation for removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to execute work. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be ailowed. CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Reviscd December 20, 2012 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 02 41 13 - 3 SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION Pagc 3 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 i. Remove Rip Rap: full compensation for saw cutting, removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to execute work. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. j. Remove Miscellaneous Concrete Structure: full compensation for saw cutting, removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to execute work. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. 1.3 REFERENCES A. Definitions 1. Improved Driveway: Driveway constructed of concrete, asphalt paving or brick unit pavers. 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLO5EOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QIJALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [5ITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USCD] 22 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 23 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT US�Dj 24 2.2 MATERIALS 25 A. Fill Material: See Section 31 23 23. 26 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 27 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT US�D] 28 PART 3 - EXECUTION 29 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 30 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 31 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 32 3.4 REMOVAL 33 A. Remove Sidewalk 34 1. Remove sidewalk to nearest existing dummy, expansion or construction joint. 35 2. Sawcut when removing to nearest joint is not practical. See 3.4.K. 36 B. Remove Steps CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Rcvised Deccmbcr 20, 2012 02 41 13 - 4 SELECTNE SITE DEMOLITION Pagc 4 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1. Remove step to nearest existing dummy, expansion or construction joint. 2. Sawcut when removing to nearest joint is not practical. See 3.4.K. C. Remove ADA Ramp 1. Sawcut existing curb and gutter and pavement prior to wheel chair ramp removal. See 3.4.K. 2. Remove ramp to nearest existing dummy, expansion or construction joint on existing sidewalk. D. Remove Driveway 1. Sawcut existing drive, curb and gutter and pavement prior to drive removal. See 3.4.K. 2. Remove drive to nearest existing dummy, expansion or construction joint. 3. Sawcut when removing to nearest joint is not practical. See 3.4.K. 4. Remove adjacent sidewalk to nearest existing dummy, expansion or construction joint on existing sidewalk. E. Remove Fence l. Remove all fence components above and below ground and backfill with acceptable fill material. 2. Use caution in removing and salvaging fence materials. 3. Salvaged materials may be used to reconstruct fence as approved by City or as shown on Drawings. 4. Contractor responsible for keeping animals (livestock, pets, etc.) within the fenced areas during construction operation and while removing fences. F. Remove Guardrail 1. Remove rail elements in original lengths. 2. Remove fittings from the posts and the metal rail and then pull the posts. 3. Do not mar or damage salvageable materials during removal. 4. Completely remove posts and any concrete surrounding the posts. 5. Furnish backfill material and backfill the hole with material equal in composition and density to the surrounding soil unless otherwise directed. 6. Cut off or bend down eyebolts anchored to the dead man to an elevation at least 1- foot below the new subgrade elevation and leave in place along with the dead man. 32 G. Remove Retaining Wall (less than 4 feet tall) 33 l. Remove wall to nearest existing joint. 34 2. Sawcut when removing to nearest joint is not practical. See 3.4.K. 35 3. Removal includes all components of the retaining wall including footings. 36 4. Sidewalk adjacent to or attached to retaining wall: See 3.4.A 37 38 39 40 41 H. Remove Mailbox 1. Salvage existing materials for reuse. Mailbox materials may need to be used for reconstruction. I. Remove Rip Rap 1. Remove rip rap to nearest existing dummy, expansion or construction joint. CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Revised December 20, 2012 0241 13 -5 SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLIT[ON Pagc 5 of 5 1 2. Sawcut when removing to nearest joint is not practical. See 3.4.K. 2 J. Remove Miscellaneous Concrete Structure 3 1. Remove portions of miscellaneous concrete structures including foundations and 4 slabs that do not interfere with proposed construction to 2 feet below the finished 5 ground line. 6 2. Cut reinforcement close to the portion of the concrete to remain in place. 7 3. Brealc or perfarate the bottom of structures to remain to prevent the entrapment of 8 water. 9 K. Sawcut 10 l. Sawing Equipment 11 a. Power-driven 12 b. Manufactured for the purpose of sawing pavement 13 c. In good operating condition 14 d. Shall not spall or fracture the pavement to the removal area 15 2. Sawcut perpendicular to the surface completely through existing pavement. 16 3.5 REPAIR [NOT US�D] 17 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 18 3.7 SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 19 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 20 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 21 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USCD] 22 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITI�S [NOT USED] 23 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USEDJ 24 3.13 MAINTENANC� [NOT USED] 25 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT U5ED] � 27 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 D. Johnson 1.2.A.2. Modified Payment -[tems will be subsidiary to trench on utility projects 28 CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Reviscd Decembcr 20, 2012 02 41 14 - I UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Pagc 1 of 16 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 l.l SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 OSECTION 02 41 14 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT A. Section Includes: 1. Direction for the removal, abandonment or salvaging of the following utilities: a. Cathodic Protection Test Stations b. Water Lines c. Gate Valves d. Water Valves e. Fire Hydrants £ Water Meters and Meter Box g. Water Sampling Station h. Concrete Water Vaults i. Sanitary Sewer Lines j. Sanitary Sewer Manholes k. Sanitary Sewer Junction Boxes 1. Storm Sewer Lines m. Storm Sewer Manhole Risers n. Storm Sewer Junction Boxes o. Storm Sewer Inlets p. Box Culverts q. Headwalls a nd Safety End Treatments r. Trench Drains 25 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 26 1. All 4"-12 " Water� valves shall include salvage to Ciry of Fort Wor•th. 27 2. 1 out of the 18 (12') pressure plugs is for the 36 "x12 " r•ing connection at the 28 intersection of South Main and Leuda St. 29 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 30 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 31 2. Division 1— General Requirements 32 3. Section 03 34 13 — Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) 33 4. Section 33 OS 10 — Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment and Backfill 34 5. Section 33 OS 24 — Installation of Carrier Pipe in Casing or Tunnel Liner Plate 35 6. Section 33 11 11 — Ductile Iron Fittings 36 7. Section 33 ll 13 — Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar-wrapped, Steel Cylinder Type 37 8. Section 33 11 14 — Buried Steel Pipe and Fittings 38 9. Section 33 12 25 — Connection to Existing Water Mains 39 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 40 A. Utility Lines 41 1. Abandonment of Utility Line by Grouting CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Dccembcr 20, 2012 South Main Strcet City Project No. 02113 0241 f4-2 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Pagc 2 of 16 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 a [� c Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per cubic yard of existing utility line to be grouted. Measure by tickets showing cubic yards of grout applied. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price per cubic yard of "Line Grouting" for: a) Various types of utility line The price bid shall include: 1) Low density cellular grout or CLSM 2) Water 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 2. Utility Line Removal, Separate Trench a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per linear foot of existing utility line to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "MeasuremenY' shall be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of "Remove Line" for: a) Various types of existing utility line b) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of existing utility pipe 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) Disposal of excess materials 6) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfll 7) Clean-up 3. Utility Line Removal, Same Trench a. Measurement 1) This Item is considered subsidiary the proposed utility line being installed. b. Payment 1) The worlc performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item are subsidiary to the installation of proposed utility pipe and shall be subsidiary to the unit price bid per linear foot of pipe complete in place, and no other compensation will be allowed. 4. Manhole Abandonment a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each manhole to be abandoned. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Abandon Manhole" for: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revised Dcccmbcr 20, 2012 South Main Strect City Project No. 02113 024114-3 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Page 3 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5 a) Various diameters b) Various types c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of manhole cone 2) Removal, salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City, if applicable 3) Cutting and plugging of existing sewer lines 4) Concrete 5) Acceptable material for backfilling manhole void 6) Pavement removal 7) Excavation 8) Hauling 9) Disposal of excess materials 10) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 11) Surface restoration 12) Clean-up Cathodic Test Station Abandonment a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each cathodic test station to be abandoned. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Abandon Cathodic Test Station". c. The price bid shall include: 1) Abandon cathodic test station 2) CLSM 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up B. Water Lines and Appurtenances 1. Installation of a Water Line Pressure Plug a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each pressure plug to be installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid for each "Pressure Plug" installed for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing pressure plug 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) Disposal of excess material 6) Gaskets 7) Bolts and Nuts 8) Furnishing, placement and compaction of embedment CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Decembcr 20, 2012 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 0241 14-4 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Pagc 4 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 9) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 10) Disinfection 11) Testing 12) Clean-up 2. Abandonment of Water Line by Cut and installation of Abandonment Plug a. Measurernent 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each cut and abandonment plug installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "MeasuremenY' shall be paid for at the unit price bid for each "Water Abandonment Plug" installed for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing abandonment plug 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) CLSM 6) Disposal of excess material 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of bacicfill 8) Clean-up 3. Water Valve Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each water valve to be removed. b. Payment 1) The worlc performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Water Valve" for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of valve 2) CLSM 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 4. Water Valve Removal and Salvage a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each water valve to be removed and salvaged. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "MeasuremenY' shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Salvage Water Valve" for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and Salvage ofvalve CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised Deccmbcr 20, 2012 South Main Strect City Projcct No. 02113 02 41 14 - 5 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Pagc 5 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5 � 2) CLSM 3) Delivery to City 4) Pavement removal 5) Excavation 6) Hauling 7) Disposal of excess materials 8) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 9) Clean-up Water Valve Abandonment a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each water valve to be abandoned. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Abandon Water Valve" for: a) Various Sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Abandonment of valve 2) CLSM 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up Fire Hydrant Removal and Salvage a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each fire hydrant to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Salvage Fire HydranY'. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and salvage of fre hydrant 2) Delivery to City 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 7. Water Meter Removal and Salvage a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item wiil be per each water meter to be removed and salvaged. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Salvage Water Meter" for: a) Various sizes CITY OF FORT WORTFI STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised December 20, 2012 South Main Street City Projcct Na. 02l 13 024114-6 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Pagc 6 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 8. � 2) If a"Water Meter Service Relocate" is performed in accordance with Section 33 12 10, removal and salvage or disposal of the existing (2-inch or smaller) water meter shall be subsidiary to the cost of the "Water Meter Service Relocate", no other compensation will be allowed. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and salvage of water meter 2) Delivery to City 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up Water Sampling Station Removal and Salvage a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each water sampling station to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Salvage Water Sampling Station". c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and salvage of water sampling station 2) Delivery to City 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up Concrete Water Vault Removal a. Measurement I) Measurement for this Item will be per each concrete water vault to be removed. b. Payment 1) The woric performed and materials furnished in accardance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Concrete Water Vault". c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of concrete water vault 2) Removal, salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City, if applicable 3) Removal, salvage and delivery of any valves to City, if applicable 4) Removal, salvage and delivery of any water meters to City, if applicable 5) Pavement removal 6) Excavation 7) Hauling 8) Disposal of excess materials 9) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 10) Clean-up 50 C. Sanitary Sewer Lines and Appurtenances CITY OP P'ORT WORTH SouB� Main Strect STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 021 13 Revised December 2Q 2012 0241 14-7 UTtLITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Page 7 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4� 48 49 50 � 3 Abandonment of Sanitary Sewer Line by Cut and installation of Abandonment Plug a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each cut and abandonment plug installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid for each "Sewer Abandonment Plug" for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing abandonment plug 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) CLSM 6) Disposal of excess material 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up Sanitary Sewer Manhole Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each sanitary sewer manhole to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Sewer Manhole" for: a) Various diameters c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of manhole 2) Removal, salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City, if applicable 3) Cutting and plugging of existing sewer lines 4) Pavement removal 5) Excavation 6) Hauling 7) Disposal of excess materials 8) Furnishing, piacement and compaction of backfill 9) Clean-up Sanitary Sewer Junction Structure Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each sanitary sewer junction structure being removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the lump sum bid per each "Remove Sewer Junction Box" location. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of junction box 2) Removal, salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City. 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 South Main Strect City Projcct No. 02113 024114-8 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMGNT P1gc 8 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up D. Storm Sewer Lines and Appurtenances 2 3 Abandonment of Storm Sewer Line by Cut and installation of Abandonment Plug a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each cut and abandonment plug to be installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accardance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid for each "Storm Abandonment Plug" installed for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing abandonment plug 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) CLSM 6) Disposal of excess material 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of bacicfill 8) Clean-up Storm Sewer Manhole Removal a. Measurement 1) Measut•ement for this Item will be per each storm sewer manhole to be removed. b. Payment 1) The worlc performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Manhole Riser" for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of manhole 2) Removal, salvage and deliveiy of frame and cover to City, if applicable 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up Storm Sewer Junction Box Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each storm sewer junction structure to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Storm Junction Box" for: CITY OF F02T WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised Decembcr 20, 2012 South Main Strcet City Project No. 02113 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 0241 14-9 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Pagc 9 of 16 a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of junction box 2) Removal, salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City, if applicable 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfll 8) Clean-up 4. Storm Sewer Junction Structure Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each storm sewer junction structure being removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the lump sum bid per each "Remove Storm Junction Structure" location. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of junction structure 2) Removal, salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City, if applicable 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 5. Storm Sewer Inlet Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each storm sewer inlet to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Storm Inlet" for: a) Various types b) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of inlet 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) Disposal of excess materials 6) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 7) Clean-up 6. Storm Sewer Junction Box Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per linear foot of existing storm sewer box to be removed. b. Payment CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Decembcr 20, 2012 South Main Strect City Projcct No. 02113 02 4l 14 - l0 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Pagc l0 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 7 E 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of "Remove Storm Junction Box" for all sizes. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of Storm Sewer Box 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) Disposal of excess rnaterials 6) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 7) Clean-up Headwall/SET Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each headwall or safety end treatment (SET) to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accardance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Headwall/SET". c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of Headwall/SET 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) Disposal of excess materials 6) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 7) Clean-up Trench Drain Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per linear foot of storm sewer trench drain to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of "Remove Trench Drain" for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of storm sewer line 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) Disposal of excess materials 6) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 7) Clean-up 45 1.3 REF�RENCES [NOT USED] 46 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREM�NTS 47 A. Coordination CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 021 13 Revised Dcccmbcr 20, 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 02 41 14 - 1 1 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Page ll of16 1. Contact Inspector and the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard for coordination of salvage material return. 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage and Handling Requirements 1. Protect and salvage all materials such that no damage occurs during delivery to the City. 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART2- PRODUCTS 15 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 16 2.2 MATERIALS 17 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 18 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 19 PART 3 - EXECUTION 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 REMOVAL, SALVAGE, AND ABANDONMENT A. General 1. Manhole Abandonment a. All manholes that are to be taken out of service are to be removed unless specifically requested and/or approved by City. b. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. c. Remove and salvage manhole frame and cover as coordinated with City. d. Deliver salvaged material to the City. e. Cut and plug sewer lines to be abandoned. f. Backfill manhole void in accordance with City Standard Details. B. Water Lines and Appurtenances CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strect STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Rcvised December 20, 2012 02 41 l4 - 12 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Page 12 of I6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 2. 3 4. 5 Water Line Pressure Plugs a. Ductile Iron Water Lines 1) Excavate, embed, and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. 2) Plug with an MJ Plug with mechanical restraint and blocking in accordance with Section 33 11 11. 3) Perform Cut and Plug in accordance with Section 33 12 25. b. PVC C900 and C905 Water Lines 1) Excavate, embed, and bacicfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. 2) Plug with an MJ Plug with mechanical restraint and blocking in accordance with Section 33 11 11. 3) Perform Cut and Plug in accordance with Section 33 12 25. a Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar Wrapped, Steel Cylinder Type Water Lines 1) Excavate, embed, and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10 2) Plug using: a) A fabricated plug restrained by welding or by a Snap Ring in accordance with Section 33 11 13; or b) A blind flange in accordance with Section 33 11 13 3) Perform Cut and Plug in accordance with Section 33 12 25. d. Buried Steel Water Lines 1) Excavate, embed, and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. 2) Plug using: a) A fabricated plug restrained by welding in accordance with Section 33 11 14; or b) A blind flange in accordance with Section 33 11 14 3) Perform Cut and Plug in accordance with Section 33 12 25. Water Line Abandonment Plug a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Plug with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. Water Line Abandonment by Grouting a. Excavate and backfll in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Dewater from existing line to be grouted. c. Fill line with Low Density Cellular Grout in accordance with Section 33 05 24 or CLSM in accordance with 03 34 13. d. Dispose of any excess material. Water Line Removal a. Excavate and bacicfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Cut existing line from the utility system prior to removal. c. Cut any services prior to removal. d. Remove existing pipe line and properly dispose as approved by City. Water Valve Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remove and dispose of valve bonnet, wedge and stem. c. Fill valve body with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 6. Water Valve Removal and Salvage a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remove valve bonnet, wedge and stem. c. Deliver salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard. d. Protect salvaged materials from damage. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPGCIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Deccmbcr 20, 2012 South Main Strect City Project No. 021 13 02 41 14 - 13 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Pagc 13 of 16 e. Fill valve body with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 7. Water Valve Abandonment a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remove the top 2 feet of the valve stack and any valve extensions. c. Fill the remaining valve stack with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 8. Fire Hydrant Removal and Salvage a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remove Fire Hydrant. c. Place abandonment plug on fire hydrant lead line. d. Deliver salvaged �re hydrant to the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard. e. Protect salvaged materials from damage. 9. Water Meter Removal and Salvage a. Remove and salvage water meter. b. Return salvaged meter to Project Representative. c. City will provide replacement meter for installation. d. Meter Box and Lid 1) Remove and salvage cast iron meter box lid. 2) Remove and dispose of any non-cast iron meter box lid. 3) Return salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard. 4) Remove and dispose of ineter box. 23 10. Water Sample Station Removal and Salvage 24 a. Remove and salvage existing water sample station. 25 b. Deliver salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage 26 Yard. 27 11. Concrete Water Vault Removal 28 a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. 29 b. Remove and salvage vault lid. 30 c. Remove and salvage valves. 31 d. Remove and salvage meters. 32 e. Deliver salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage 33 Yard. 34 f. Remove and dispose of any piping or other appurtenances. 35 g. Demolish and remove entire concrete vault. 36 h. Dispose of all excess materials. 37 12. Cathodic Test Station Abandonment 38 a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10 39 b. Remove the top 2 feet of the cathodic test station stack and contents. 40 c. Fill any remaining voids with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 41 C. Sanitary Sewer Lines and Appurtenances 42 1. Sanitary Sewer Line Abandonment Plug 43 a. Excavate and backfll in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. 44 b. Remove and dispose of any sewage. 45 c. Plug with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 46 2. Sanitary Sewer Line Abandonment by Grouting 47 a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. 48 b. Dewater and dispose of any sewage from the existing line to be grouted. CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Revised December 20, 2012 02 41 14 - 14 UTILITY REMOVAUABANDONMENT Page 14 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 3 n � � c. Fill line with Low Density Cellular Grout in accordance with Section 33 OS 24 or CLSM in accordance with 03 34 13. d. Dispose of any excess material. Sanitary Sewer Line Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Cut existing line from the utility system prior to removal. c. Cut any services prior to removal. d. Remove existing pipe line and properly dispose as approved by City. Sanitary Sewer Manholes Removal a. All sanitary sewer manholes that are to be taken out of service are to be removed unless specifically requested and/or approved by City. b. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. c. Remove and salvage manhole frame and cover. d. Deliver salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage. e. Demolish and remove entire concrete manhole. £ Cut and plug sewer lines to be abandoned. Sanitary Sewer Junction Structure Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remove and salvage manhole frame and cover. c. Deliver salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage. d. Demolish and remove entire concrete manhole. e. Cut and plug sewer lines to be abandoned. D. Storm Sewer Lines and Appurtenances 2 3 4. Storm Sewer Abandonment Plug a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Dewater line. c. Plug with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. Storm Sewer Line Abandonment by Grouting a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Dewater the existing line to be grouted. c. Fill line with Low Density Cellular Grout in accordance with Section 33 OS 24 or CLSM in accordance with 03 34 13. d. Dispose of any excess material. Storm Sewer Line Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remove existing pipe line and properly dispose as approved by City. Storm Sewer Manhole Removal a. All storm sewer manholes that are to be talcen out of service are to be removed unless specifcally requested and/or approved by City. b. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. c. Demolish and remove entire concrete manhole. d. Cut and plug storm sewer lines to be abandoned. 5. Storm Sewer Junction Box and/or Junction Structure Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Demolish and remove entire concrete structure. c. Cut and plug storm sewer lines to be abandoned. 6. Storm Sewer Inlet Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. CITY O[' FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMGNTS Revised Decembcr 20, 2012 South Main Strect City Projcct No. 02113 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 02 41 14 - IS UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Page l5 of 16 b. Demolish and remove entire concrete inlet. c. Cut and plug storm sewer lines to be abandoned. 7. Storm Sewer Box Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Cut existing line from the utility system prior to removal. a Cut any services priar to removal. d. Remove existing pipe line and properly dispose as approved by City. 8. Headwall/SET Removal a. Excavate and backfll in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Demolish and remove entire concrete inlet. c. Cut and plug storm sewer lines to be abandoned. 9. Storm Sewer Trench Drain Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remove existing pipe line and dispose as approved by City. 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD (oa] SITE QUALITY CONTROL 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised Dcccmbcr 20, 2012 South Main Strect City Project No. 02113 02 4l 14 - 16 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT �ND OF SECTION Pagc l6 of 16 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1.2.C3.a — Include Frame and Cover in Payment description 12/20/12 D. Johnson Throughout — added abandonment of storm and sewer manholes when requested and/or approved by City C[TY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTiON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Projcct No. 02113 Reviscd Deccmbcr 20, 2012 017123-1 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page i of 4 1 SECTION O1 71 23 2 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY 3 PARTl- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Requirements for construction staking and construction survey 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. Contractor is responsible for construction survey 9 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract I 1 2. Division 1— General Requirements 12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Measurement and Payment 14 L Construction Staking 15 a. Measurement 16 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 17 b. Payment 18 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this 19 Item are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensation will 20 be allowed. 21 2. Construction Survey 22 a. Measurement 23 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 24 b. Payment 25 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this 26 Item are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensation will 27 be allowed. 28 1.3 REFCRENCES [NOT USED] 29 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 30 1.5 SUBMITTALS 31 A. Submittals, if required, shall be in accordance with Section Ol 33 00. 32 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery. 33 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 34 A. Certificates 35 1. Provide certifcate certifying that elevations and locations of improvements are in 36 conformance or non-conformance with requirements of the Contract Documents. 37 a. Certificate must be sealed by a registered professional land surveyor in the 38 State of Texas. CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02113 Revised Deccmber 20, 2012 017123-2 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Pagc 2 of 4 B. Field Quality Control Submittals 2 1. Documentation verifying accuracy of field engineering work. 3 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 6 A. Construction Staking 7 1. Construction staking will be performed by the Engineer. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2. Coordination a. Contact City's Project Representative at least 2 days in advance for scheduling of Construction Staking. b. It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate staking such that construction activities are not delayed or negatively impacted. 3. General a. Contractor is responsible for preserving and maintaining stakes furnished by City. b. If in the opinion of the City, a sufficient number of stakes or markings have been lost, destroyed or disturbed, by Contractor's neglect, such that the contracted Work cannot take place, then the Contractor will be required to pay the City for new staking with a 25 percent markup. The cost for staking will be deducted from the payment due to the Contractor for the Project. B. Construction Survey Construction Survey will be performed by the Contractor. 2. Coordination a. Contractor to verify that control data established in the design survey remains intact. b. Coordinate with the City prior to field investigation to determine which horizontal and vertical control data will be required for construction survey. c. It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate Construction Survey such that construction activities are not delayed or negatively impacted. d. Notify City if any control data needs to be restored or replaced due to damage caused during construction operations. 1) City shall perform replacements and/or restorations. 3. General a. Construction suivey will be performed in order to maintain complete and accurate logs of control and survey work as it progresses for Project Records. b. The Contractor will need to ensure coordination is maintained with the City to perform construction survey to obtain construction features, including but not limited to the following: 1) All Utility Lines a) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinates for each manhole or junction structure 2) Water Lines a) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates for waterlines at the following locations: (1) Every 250 linear feet CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02113 Rcviscd Decanbcr 20, 2012 01 71 23 - 3 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 3 of 4 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 c. d. (2) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc. (All Fittings) (3) Cathodic protection test stations (4) Sampling stations (5) Meter boxes/vaults (All sizes) (6) Fire lines (7) Fire hydrants (8) Gate valves (9) Plugs, stubouts, dead-end lines (10) Air Release valves (Manhole rim and vent pipe) (11) Blow off valves (Manhole rim and valve lid) (12) Pressure plane valves (13) Cleaning wyes (14) Casing pipe (each end) b) Storm Sewer (1) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates at the following locations: (a) Every 2501inear feet (b) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc. c) Sanitary Sewer (1) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates for sanitary sewer lines at the following locations: (a) Every 2501inear feet (b) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc. (c) Cleanouts Construction survey will be performed in order to maintain complete and accurate logs of control and survey work associated with meeting or exceeding the line and grade required by these Specifications. The Contractor will need to ensure coordination is maintained with the City to perform construction survey and to verify control data, including but not limited to the following: 1) Established benchmarks and control points provided for the Contractor's use are accurate 2) Benchmarks were used to furnish and maintain all reference lines and grades for tunneling 3) Lines and grades were used to establish the location of the pipe 4) Submit to the City copies of field notes used to establish all lines and grades and allow the City to check guidance system setup prior to beginning each tunneling drive. 5) Provide access for the City to verify the guidance system and the line and grade of the carrier pipe on a daily basis. 6) The Contractor remains fully responsible for the accuracy of the work and the correction of it, as required. 7) Monitor line and grade continuously during construction. 8) Record deviation with respect to design line and grade once at each pipe joint and submit daily records to City. 9) If the installation does not meet the specified tolerances, immediately notify the City and correct the installation in accordance with the Contract Documents. 49 110 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMGNTS Rcviscd Deccmbcr 20, 2012 South Main Street Project No. 02113 01 71 23 - 4 CONSTRUCTION STAKtNG AND SURVEY Page 4 of 4 1 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 2 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 APPLICATION 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD [oa] SIT� QUALITY CONTROL A. It is the Contractor's responsibility to maintain all stakes and control data placed by the City in accordance with this Specification. B. Do not change or relocate stakes or control data without approval from the City. 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITI�5 [NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT U5ED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 314 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 8/31/2012 D.Johnson 24 CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Projcct No. 02113 Reviscd December 20, 2012 024113-1 SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION Pagc I of 5 1 2 3 PARTl- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 SECTION 02 41 13 SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION A. Section Includes: 1. Removing sidewalks and steps 2. Removing ADA ramps and landings 3. Removing driveways 4. Removing fences 5. Removing guardrail 6. Removing retaining walis (less than 4 feet tall) 7. Removing mailboxes 8. Removing rip rap 9. Removing miscellaneous concrete structures including porches and foundations 10. Disposal of removed materials B. Deviations this from City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. All Street name and address tiles are to be salvaged within project limits and reuse as shown in the plans. 2. Contr•actor to salvage I50% of the total quantity of Thurber bricks required for the project, including all additive alternates. All other bricks can be demolished and hauled offsite. Bricks that are salvaged and not used shall be palletized and delivered to the Ciry's storage faciliry of choice. 3. Existing building roof drains that protrude down into sidewalks shall be cut 6" above frnished grade, sanded, and beveled to remove sharp metal edges. Removal of roof drains in the sidewalk and cutting the roof drains 6" above finished grade at building faces are subsidiary to sidewalk removal bid item and no extra pay will be given for this task. 4. Any miscellaneous items such as railroad ties, metal rail, pole foundations, sign foundatiorrs, etc. found during existing pavement & sidewalk removal, must be removed and demolished. This work shall be subsidiary to the pavement and sidewalk removal bid items and no extra pay will be given. S. Final adjustments of any and all utiliry vaults that are not City of Fort Wo��th vaadts are to be coor•dinated with the respective franchise utiliry company. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 31 23 23 — Borrow 39 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 40 A. Measurement and Payment CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Reviscd December 20, 2012 South Main Strect City Projcct No. 02113 02 41 13 - 2 SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION Pagc 2 of 5 1 1. Measurement 2 a. Remove Sidewaik: Measure by square foot. 3 b. Remove Steps: measure by the square foot as seen in the plan view only. 4 c. Remove ADA Ramp: measure by each. 5 d. Remove Driveway: measure by the square foot by type. 6 e. Remove Fence: measure by the linear foot. 7 f. Remove Guardrail: measure by the linear foot along the face of the rail in place 8 including metal beam guard fence transitions and single guard rail terminal 9 sections from the center of end posts. 10 g. Remove Retaining Wall (less than 4 feet tall): measure by the linear foot 11 h. Remove Mailbox: measure by each. 12 i. Remove Rip Rap: measure by the square foot. 13 j. Remove Miscellaneous Concrete Structure: measure by the lump sum. 14 2. Payment 15 a. Remove Sidewallc, full compensation for saw cutting, removal, hauling, 16 disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to execute work. 17 Sidewalk adjacent to or attached to retaining wall (including sidewalk that acts 18 as a wall footing) shall be paid as sidewalk removal. For utility projects, this 19 Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation 20 will be allowed. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 b. Remove Steps: full compensation for saw cutting, removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to execute work. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. c. Remove ADA Ramp and landing: full compensation for saw cutting, removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to execute work. Work includes ramp landing removal. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. d. Remove Driveway: full compensation for saw cutting, removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to remove improved driveway by type. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiaiy to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. e. Remove Fence: full compensation for removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to remove fence. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. £ Remove Guardrail: full compensation for removing materials, loading, hauling, unloading, and storing or disposal; furnishing backfill material; backfilling the postholes; and equipment, labor, tools, and incidentals. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. g. Remove Retaining Wall (less than 4 feet tall): full compensation for saw cutting, removal, hauling, disposal, tools, equipment, labor and incidentals needed to execute work. Sidewalk adjacent to or attached to retaining wall (including sidewalk that acts as a wall footing) shall be paid as sidewallc removal. For utility projects, this Item shall be considered subsidiary to the trench and no other compensation will be allowed. CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Shect STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Rcvised Dccembcr 20, 2012 024113-3 SELGCI'IVL' Sl'1'G DF,AQOI,I'1'ION Pngc 3 of 5 1 i. Remove Rip Rap: full compensation fo�• sa�v cut#ing, removal, hauling, 2 disposal, tools, equipme��t, labor aiid incidentals ►�eeded to execufe �vork, Fo►• 3 utility projects, this Item shall be canside�•ed subsidiary to i(�e trench aud uo 4 ather compeiisation will be allo�ved. S ,j. Remove Miscellaneous Concrete Structuce: fu(1 compensation for sa�v eutting, G cemoval, hauling, disposal, tools, equipinei�t, laboc a►id incids�ltals ueeded to 7 eaecute �vork. For utility �rojects, tliis Item shall Ue cousidered subsidiaiy to 8 tlie treuch and aio other compensation �vill be �llo�ved. 9 1.,3 R�FEIt�NC�S t0 A. Definitio�is 11 I. Improved Da•iveway, Drive�vay constructed of conerete, flSj){1fllt �aV111g OI' Vrick utiit 12 pavers. 13 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE R�QUIREM�NTS (NOT USED] 14 l,5 SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] IS 1,6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/1NTORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] IG I.7 CL{aS�OUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USCD] 17 1.8 MAINTENANCE 1VYAT�RIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 18 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT US�DJ I9 1.10 D�LIV�RY, STORAG�, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 20 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 21 1,12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 22 PAR'T 2 - PRODUCTS 23 2.1 OWN�R-FURNISHCD PRODUCTS [NOT US�D] 24 2.2 MATERIALS 2S A, Fill Material: See Sectioai 31 23 23. 26 2.3 ACC�SSORIES [NOT USED) 27 2.4 SOURC� QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 28 PART 3 - �X�CUTION 29 31 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 30 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT US�D] 31 3,3 PR�PARA'T�ON [NOT USED] 32 3.� REMOVAL 33 A. Re�nove Sidewalk 3�l 1. Remove sidew�lk to nearest existing duttlmy, ex�ansion or construction joint. 35 2. Sawcat wheit retnoving to nearest jaint is not practicaL See 3,4.K. 3G B, Remove Steps Cl7'Y OF FORT R'OR'1'il SouW Main Slreet STANDr�RD CONS"fRUCTiON SF'ECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Citp Project No. 02113 Revised necember 20, 2012 oza� ts-a SELECTIVF, SiTE DEf�fOLITION Y�ge 4 of 5 1 1. Retnove step to neacest e�istitig duuin�y, exE�ansion or constructioit joii�t. 2 2, Sawcut �vlten a•emoving to nearest joint is ►�ot practical. See 3.4.K. 3 C. Re�nove ADA Raiup 4 l. Sa�vcut existing curb �nd gutter aitd paveme��t prior to «�lieel cliair ramp reuioval. 5 See 3.4,TC. G 2. Remove ratnp to nearest eaisting dummy, e�pansion or constc�wtion jaint ov 7 eYisting side�valk. 8 D. Remove Driveway 9 I. Sa�vcut e�isting di•ive, curb and gtttter and paveliient prior to drive i•eiiioval. See t o 3.4.K. 11 Z, Remove drive to neacest existing dummy, expansion oa• coa�stcuction joint, 12 3. Si1�VCUt \\'hen removing to nearest joint is nat practieal. See 3.4.K. 13 �. Reiuove adjacent side�valk to nearest existing dununy, e���usion or coustruction i�t joint on eaistitig side�v�lk. 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 2�1 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 E. Remove Fence l, Remove �Il fence compone��ts above and below ground �nd backfill �vith acceptable . �II material, 2. Use c�ution ii� removing anc( salvagiug feuce inateriafs. 3, Salvaged n��teri�(s �nay be i�sed to i•econstruct feilce 1s approvecl by City or as sl�o�vn on Drawings. 4, Conh•actor res�ousible foi• keeping animals (livestock, pets, etc.) �vitl�iu the fenced aceas during construction opecation and �vhile renioving fences, F. Remove Guardrail 1, Remove rai( elements in original lengths. 2, Re�nove �ttings fram the posts aud the nieta( rail and dien pull the posts. �. DO ilOt 111fl1� or datuage safvageable matecials duriug removal. 4. Completely cemove posts aud �ny concrete surrounding tlie posts. 5. Furnist� back�ll n��teria( auci b�ckfill tlie liole �viih ii�aterial enual i» campositioii �uci density to the surcouudiug soil w�less other�vise directed, 6. Cut off or bend do�vn eyebolts anclia•ed to the dead mau to an elevation at least 1- foot belo�v tlZe new subgrade e(evation �ud leave iu ��lace along �vith the dead m�u. 32 G. Ramove Retaining W�II (less tl��n �4 feet tall) 33 1. Remove �vall to �iearest existing joint, 34 2. Sawciit �vlien �•emoving to nearesi joint is iiot practicaL See 3,4.K. 3S 3. Removal inchides all components of the retainh�g �vall including footiugs. 3G 4. Sidewalk �cljacent ta or �ttacl�ed to cetaining wa1L See 3.4,A 37 38 39 �40 �4 I II. Remave Mailbo� 1, Salvage eaisti��g materials foc reuse. Mailbo� m�teri�ls m1y iieed to be tised for reconst�•uction. I, Remove Rip Rap 1. Remave rip rap to nearest existing dummy, expansion or constructio» joint, CITY 01� I�OIZ'f WORTH Soulh Main Street S'1'ANDAI2D CONSTRUCTIUN SPGCII'iCA'1'ION DOCUMEN'fS City Project h'o. 02f 13 Rcvised December 20, 2012 l 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 1'1 IS 19 20 21 22 23 2� 25 26 27 28 024113-5 SF.[,F.CTIVE SITE Dfi1v10LITlON Pagc 5 of 5 2. Sawcut wl�eit reutoving to »eaeest joint is uot ��ractical. See 3,4,K, 1. Remove Miscellaneous Concrete St►�uctnre 1. Remove portions of n�iscella�ieous concrete structuces nicluding fouud�tio�►s �nd slabs that do not interfer•e �vith pi•oposeci constri�ction to 2 feet belo�v the fi�iislied ground line. 2. Cut reinforce�neut close to tlte po��tion of the concretc to remain in place. 3, Break or perforate the bottom of stcuctures to remain to prevent the entrapment of �VRtEi'. �. SR\VClli 1. Sa�ving Equi��ment a. Po�ver-drivei� b. Manufactured for tlie puepose of sa�ving pavement c. In �ood opei'1f111g C011CIlfl011 d. Sllatl not spall o�• fl•actu�•e tl�e paveirieiit to #he retnoval are� 2. Sawcut parpendicular to fhe sw�f�ce coinplete(y through existi�ig �aveme3it. 3.S REPATR [NOT US�D] 3.G itE-INSTALLATION [NOT US�ll] 3.7 SIT� QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3.8 SYSTCM STARTUP �NOT US�Dj 3,9 ADJUSTiNG [NOT US�D] 3.14 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3,11 CLOS�OUT ACTIVITI�S [NOT USED] 3.12 PROT�CTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHM�NTS [NOT USED] END O� SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMA4ARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 D. Johnso» 1,2.A.2. tvtodiCied Pa��cuent - Iteins �vill be subsidiary to trench on utilily projeets CITY OP FORT \VOR'1'H S'CANDARD CONS"CRUCTION SPEC[FICATION DOCUMGNTS Rcviscd Dccembcr 20, 2012 South M�in Street City Project l�o, 021 l3 32 O1 l8 - 1 TEMPORARY ASPHALT PAVING REPAIR Pagc t of 3 1 2 3 PARTl- GENERAL 4 l.l SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 1.2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 SECTION 32 O1 18 TEMPORARY ASPHALT PAVING REPAIR A. Section Includes: 1. Utility cuts (water, sanitary sewer, drainage, etc.) along streets programmed for total reconstruction under a Capital Improvement Program or resurfacing under a Street Maintenance Program. 2. Repairs of damage caused by Contractor 3. Any other temporary pavement repair needed during the course of construction. B. Deviations fi•om this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. Asphalt millings af•e allowed for use urrder detail sheets 32 and 53 trench r•epaif•s, and sheet 174 parking lot paving. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1- General Requirements 3. Section 32 11 23 - Flexible Base Courses 4. Section 32 12 16 - Asphalt Paving 5. Section 33 OS 10 - Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment and Backfill PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCCDUR�S A. Measurement and Payment 1. Measurement a. Measurement for this Item shall be by the linear foot of Temporary Asphalt Paving Repair. 2. Payment a. The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of Temporary Asphalt Paving Repair. No additional payment will be provided for repairs of damage to adjacent pavement caused by the Contractor. 3. The price bid shall include: a. Preparing final surfaces b. Furnishing, loading, unloading, storing, hauling and handling all materials including freight and royalty c. Traffic control for all testing d. Asphalt, aggregate, and additive e. Materials and work needed for corrective action £ Trial batches g. Tack coat h. Removal and/or sweeping excess material CITY OF FORT WORTFi Soutl� Main Strcct STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS City Project No. 021 13 Revised Dcccmbcr 20, 2012 32 01 18 - 2 TEMPORARY ASPHALT PAVING REPAIR Page 2 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1.3 REFERENCES A. Definitions 1. H.M.A.C. — Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Permitting 1. Obtain Street Use Permit to make utility cuts in the street from the Transportation and Public Works Department in conformance with current ordinances. 2. The Transportation and Public Works Department will inspect the paving repair after construction. 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Asphalt Pavement Mix Design: submit for approval. Section 32 12 16. 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Weather Conditions: Place mixture when the roadway surface temperature is 40 degrees F or higher and rising unless otherwise approved. 112 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART2- PRODUCTS 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [NOT USEDj 2.2 MATERIALS A. Backfill: see Section 33 OS 10. B. Base Material 1. Flexible Base: Use existing base and add new flexible base as required in accordance with Section 32 11 23. C. Asphalt Concrete: See Section 32 12 16. 1. H.M.A.C. paving: Type D. 2.3 ACCES50RIES [NOT USED] 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 32 PART 3 - EXECUTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised Decembcr 20, 2012 South Main Street City Projcct No. 02113 32 01 18 - 3 TEMPORARY ASPHALT PAVING REPAIR Pagc 3 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 � 26 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.2 �XAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Removal 1. Use an approved method that produces a neat edge. 2. Use care to prevent fracturing existing pavement structure adjacent to the repair area. B. Base 1. Install flexible base material per detail. 2. See Section 32 11 23. C. Apshalt Paving 1. H.M.A.C. placement: in accordance with Section 32 12 16. 2. Type D surface mix. 3.5 REPAIR/RE5TORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIE5 [NOT USED] 3.12 PROT�CTION (NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED) END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 D. Johnson t.2.A — Modified Items to be included in price bid 27 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised Dccembcr 20, 2012 South Main Strect City Project No. 021 l3 321320-1 CONCRETG SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS AND BARRIER FREE RAMPS Page I of 6 1 2 SECTION 32 13 20 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS AND BARRIER FREE RAMPS 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Concrete sidewalks 7 2. Driveways 8 3. Barrier free ramps 9 B. Deviations from this City of Fart Worth Standard Specification 10 1. Installation of Street Tiles of new and salvaged and the materials furnished and 11 installed in accordance with this Item ar•e considered subsidiary to the installation 12 of the sidewalk. No other compensation will be allowed. 13 2. Contractor shall submit shop drawings and spec. for installation of new and 14 salvaged street name and number tiles to be reviewed and appr•oved by the ciry. 15 3. Use joint sealant section 3213 07between existing buildings, steps, etc 16 4. Any modifications to existing buildings, existing ADA ramps, existing handrails, 17 existing steps, etc. within project limits are considered subsidiary to the installation 18 of sidewalk and marst be ADA compliant. 19 S. All proposed step and cur•b installation (complete in place) within the parkway is 20 subsidiar•y to sidewalk constf•uction bid items and no additional pay shall be given 21 for these items. 22 23 24 25 26 27 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1- General Requirements 3. Section 02 41 13 - Selective Site Demolition 4. Section 32 13 13 - Concrete Paving 5. Section 32 13 73 - Concrete Paving Joint Sealants 28 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 A. Measurement and Payment l. Concrete Sidewalk a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the square foot of completed and accepted Concrete Sidewalk in its final position for various: a) Thicknesses b) Types b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per square foot of Concrete Sidewalk. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Excavating and preparing the subgrade CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 021 13 Revised April 30, 2013 321320-2 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, DRNEWAYS AND BARRIGR FREE RAMPS Pagc 2 of 6 2) Furnishing and placing all materials 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 2. Concrete Driveway a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the square foot of completed and accepted Concrete Driveway in its final position for various: a) Thicicnesses b) Types 2) Dimensions will be talcen from the back of the projected curb, including the area of the curb radii and will extend to the limits specified in the Drawings. 3) Sidewalk portion of drive will be included in driveway measurement. 4) Curb on drive will be included in the driveway measurement. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per square foot of Concrete Driveway. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Excavating and preparing the subgrade 2) Furnishing and placing all materials 3. Barrier Free Ramps a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each Barrier Free Ramp completed and accepted for various: a) Types b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Barrier Free Ramp" installed. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Excavating and preparing the subgrade 2) Furnishing and placing all materials 3) Curb Ramp 4) Landing and detectable warning surface as shown on the Drawings 5) Adjacent flares or side curb 35 1.3 REF�RENCES 36 A. Abbreviations and Acronyms 37 I. TAS — Texas Accessibility Standards 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 2. TDLR — Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation B. Reference Standards l. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) a. D545, Test Methods for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Construction (Non-extruding and Resilient Types) b. D698, Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3) CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strect STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS City Project No. 021 13 Reviscd April 30, 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 321320-3 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS AND BARRIER PREE RAMPS Pagc 3 of 6 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Mix Design: submit for approval. Section 32 13 13. B. Product Data: submit product data and sample for pre-cast detectable warning for barrier free ramp. 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Weather Conditions: Placement of concrete shall be as specified in Section 32 13 13. 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART2- PRODUCTS 21 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2.2 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS A. Forms: wood or metal straight, free from warp and of a depth equal to the thickness of the finished work. B. Concrete: see Section 32 13 13. 1. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or detailed specifications, the standard class for concrete sidewalks, driveways and barrier free ramps is shown in the following table: Standard Classes of Pavement Concrete Class of Minimum 28 Day Min. Maximum Course Concrete� Cementitious, Compressive Water/ Aggregate Lb./CY Strength2 Cementitious Maximum psi Ratio Size, inch A 470 3600 0.58 1-1/2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 C. Reinforcement: see Section 32 13 13. 1. Sidewalk, driveway and barrier free ramp reinforcing steel shall be #3 deformed bars at 18 inches on-center-both-ways at the center plane of all slabs, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or detailed specifications. D. Joint Filler 1. Wood Filler: see Section 32 13 13. 2. Pre-Molded Asphalt Board Filler a. Use only in areas where not practical for wood boards. b. Pre-molded asphalt board filler: ASTM D545. c. Install the required size and uniform thickness and as specified in Drawings. CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised April 30, 2013 South Main Strcet City Project No. 02l 13 32 13 20 - �{ COt�CRG'fG SII�EIVALE:S, DRIVF.\VAYS AND BARRIER FREE RAMPS Pnge a of 6 1 2 3 �1 2.3 5 2.4 d, Liclude 2linecs of 0.016 asphalt iuipregnated kr�ft p�rtper filled �vith a tnastic uii�tut�e of asphalt and vegetable fibec and/or miueral filler. E. E�p�nsion Joint Se�laut; see Section 32 13 73 �vhere sho�vu oi} the Dra�vings. ACC�SSORIES [NOT US�D] SOURC� QUA�IT'i' CONTROL (NOT USCD] G PART 3 - CXrCUTrON 7 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USCD] 8 3.2 �XAMINATION [NOT USED] 9 3,3 PRCPARATION 10 A. Surface Preparation 1 I 1, EYc�vation; Excavation rec�uired for the consteuction of side�v�lks, drive�vays and 12 b�ri�ier fi�ee ramps shall be to the lines and grades as sl�own o►� the Dra�vings or as 13 est�blished by the City. 14 2. Fi��e Grading 15 a. The Contractor sltalf do all necess�ry filling, leveliug aud fine grading renuired l6 to bring tli� subgrade Yo the eYact grades speciiied �nd compacte�i to �t least 90 l7 perceut of maYimum density as deter►nined by ASTM D698, 18 b, Moisture conteut sh�ll be within minus 2 to plus 4 of optinium. 19 c. Ai�y over-eYcavation sl�all be repaired to the satisfaction of tha City. 20 B. Demolition / Re���oval 21 1. Side�valk, Driveway aud/ oc Bari�ier P�•ee Ramp Reniov�l: see Section 02 41 13. 22 3.4 INSTALLATION 23 24 25 2C> 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A. General 1. Conerete side�v�lks si�all li�ve a miuimiiui thiekness oti 4 inches. 2. Sidewalks consU•ucted in driveway approach sections sha(! have a minimum diickness ec�ual to tl�at of cli�ive�vay app►•oach or as c�lled for by Di•awi�tgs aiid specilicntions tiviil�iu dte limits of the ciciveway appro�ch. 3. D�•ive�vays shall have a rninimum tliiekness of 6 inches. Stand�rd cross-slopes for �valks shatl be 2 percent max in accordance �viNi ctn�rent TAS/TDLR guideli�ies, The canstcuction of the d��ive�vay approacl� sl�all include the v�riable heigl�t radius cw•b in accocdance �vitli tlte Dr��viugs. 4. All pedestriaii facilities sliall eomply �Yltll (�I'OVISIOIIS OFTAS IIICIIlC�lll� �OCflf1011� slope, �vidth, shapes, texture and coloriilg. Pedestcian facilities installed Uy the Coutr�ctor and not meetiug TAS must be ren�oved and ►•eplaceci ta meet TAS (no separate pay). B. rorms: Fol•ms sl�all be seeurely stakecl to line �nd gt•zde �nc( inai�itaiued in � true position during die c1e��ositing of cancrete. C. Reinforcemei�t: see Section 32 13 13. D. Coiicrete Placement; see Sectioii 32 13 13. E, Pll115lllllg CITY OF C�Oft'1' 1VORTH South Mnin Street S'CANDARD CONSTRIJCTION SPLCIFICA'fION DOCUMF,NTS City Project No. 02f 13 Rcviscd April 30, 2013 321320-5 CdNCItL"f8 SID£1VA[,KS, DRIVE\VAYS ANll I3ARItIGR I'RF.I? RAMPS Pagc 5 of G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 1. Co►�crete side�valks, driveways and bari�iel• fi•ee ramps sl�all be finished to a true, even sucface. 2. Tro�vel and tiien brush transversely to obtain a sinootll uniforia� br��sh finish, 3. Pj•ovide exposed aggregate �uish if speci�ed. 4. Edge joiiits anci sides sl��(l �vifli suitable tools. F', fOlilfS I. Espausion joints for side�valks, driveways and barrier fi•ee ramps shall be formed using red�vood. 2. Exp�nsion joints shall be placed at 40 foot iutervals for 4 foot �vide side�valk and SO foot i�rtervals far 5 foot �vide aud greater side�valk. 3. E:�pansion joinis sl�all also be piaced at all intersections, side�valks �vith concrete drive�v�ys, curbs, formatioils, otliee sidetvalks and at{ie�• adjaceiit old co►icrete �vo4�k. Simita�• mlterial shall be placed arouud all obstc�ietioiis protrudi»g into or through side����iks or drive�v�ys. 4. All e�pansian joints shall be 1/2 incI� in thickness. 5. Edges of afl coiistruction aiid e�pa�ision jouits and otiter ed�es of all side�valks sliatl be finisheci to approlimately a 1/2 ii�ch radius with a suitahle finishing tool. 6. Side�valks sl�all be mai�ke<I at intervals ec�ual to the �vidth of the �valk witli a mat�ki�ig tool. 7. Wf�en side�valk is agaiiist the curb, expansion joiuts shall match those in the curb. G. B�crier Free Ramp 1. Furnisli �nd ii�stall brick red colo�• pre-cast detectable �var�iing Dan�e-Tile, �uanufactured by Stroi�gGo Industcies ac appi•oved equal by tl�e City, 2, Deteet�ble �varning sarfaee shall be a minimnm of 24-iucl� in depth in the directiou of pedest��ian icavel, aud eYtend to a minimum of 48-inch along the cucb ram� or landing �vhere the pedestrian aecess route enters the street. 3. Locate detectable �varning surface so tllat the edge nearest tlie cw�b line is a minimtim of 6-it�cli at�d masimt�m of 8-iuch fi•om tlie exte�ision of tlie face of the ctirU. �. Detectabie �varniug Dome-Tile sucf�ce may be curved along the corner radius. 5. Iustall detectable �vacning surfece aecording to man��factkirer's instructions. CITY OF FORT �YOR'I'I i S"T'ANDAIZD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICAI'IO�I DOCUMENTS Resised A�xil 30, 2013 So�Ut� Mniu Street Citp Project No. 02113 i 321320-G CONCRF,TF. SIDB\l'ALKS, DRIVL1VAl'S AND [3ARRiP,R PRGE RA[v1PS P�ge 6 oP6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 � 3,5 REPAI-!2/I2ESTORATION [NOT US�D] 3,6 1tE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED) 3.7 I'I�LD QUALITY CONTROL [NOT US�D] 3.8 SYST�M STARTUP [NOT USED] 3,9 ADdCTSTING [NOT US�D] 3.10 CL�ANING [NOT US�D] 3,11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITI�S [NOT US�D) 3.12 PROT�CTION [NOT US�Dj 3.13 MAINTE1VAl�iCE [NOT USED) 3,14 ATTACHM�NTS [NOT US�D] �ND O�+ SECTION Revision Log DATG NAME SUMMARY O� CHANGE 12/20/2012 D. Johnson �'2'A'3 "' t�Te�sw•ement and Pnyment for Bnrrier Pree Ramps modified to m�tch updntcd Citp Dct�ils �1130l2013 P. Grifiin Corrected Parl 1, 1.2, A, 3, b, i to reac{; from ... squarc foot of Coucrele Sidetivnik. to , , .eacli "13�rrier I'rce Ramp" ii�st�lled, 12 Cl"Cl' OI' FORT �VORTH STA�1llARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPF.CTF1Cr1TION DOCUM�N'1'S Itc��ised Apri130, 2013 Soulh Mni�� S1recl City Project i�'o, 02113 330131-1 CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) [NSPECTION Pagc 1 of 5 1 2 SECTION 33 O1 31 CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) INSPECTION 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Requirements and procedures for Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection of 7 sanitary sewer or storm sewer mains 8 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 9 1. Pre-CCTV Inspection has been completed by the city of Fort Worth. 10 Contractor to access Pre-CCTV posted on Buzzsaw or link below: 11 https://proj ectpoint.buzzsaw.com/client/fortworthgov/Infrastructure%20Proj ects/02 12 113%20- 13 South%20Main%20Street%20Vickerv%20to%20Ma�nolialProject%20Drawin� 14 ewer%20TV 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1.2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 C. Related Specifcation Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 33 03 10 — Bypass Pumping of Existing Sewer Systems 4. Section 33 04 50 — Cleaning of Sewer Mains PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Pre-CCTV Inspection 1. Measurement a. Measurement for this Item will be by the linear foot of line televised for CCTV Inspection performed prior to any line modifcation or replacement determined from the distance recorded on the video tape log. 2. Payment a. The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "MeasuremenY' will be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot for "Pre-CCTV Inspection". 1) Contractor will not be paid for unaccepted video. 3. The price bid shall include: a. Mobilization b. Cleaning c. Digital file B. Post-CCTV Inspection 1. Measurement a. Measurement for this Item will be by the linear foot of line televised for CCTV Inspection performed following repair or installation determined from the distance recorded on the video tape log. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcviscd Dccembcr 20, 2012 South Main Shcet City Projcct No. 02113 �� 33 O1 31 - 2 CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) INSPECTION Page 2 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.3 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2. Payment a. The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot for "Post-CCTV Inspection". 1) Contractor will not be paid for unaccepted video. 3. The price bid shall include: a. Mobilization b. Cleaning c. Digital iile REFERENCES A. Reference Standards 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. City of Fort Worth Water Department a. City of Fort Worth Water Department CCTV Inspection and Defect Coding Program (CCTV Manual). Contact Field Operations to obtain a copy of the CCTV Manual. 19 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A. Coordination 1. Sanitary Sewer Lines a. Meet with City of Fart Worth Water Department staff to confirm that the appropriate equipment, software, standard templates, defect codes and defect rankings are being used, if required. 2. Storm Sewer Lines a. Meet with City of Fort Worth Transportation/Public Works Department staff to confirm that the appropriate equipment, software, standard templates, defect codes and defect rankings are being used, if required. 29 1.5 SUBMITTALS 30 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section Ol 33 00. 31 B. All submittals shall be approved by the Engineer or the City prior to delivery. 32 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTAL5 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1.7 Cf I A. Pre-CCTV submittals for sanitary sewer lines 24 inches and larger, if required 1. Project schedule 2. Listing of cleaning equipment and procedures 3. Listing of flow diversion procedures 4. Listing of CCTV equipment 5. Listing of bacicup and standby equipment 6. Listing of safety precautions and traffic control measures CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Post-CCTV submittals CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Reviscd Dccembcr 20, 2012 33 01 31 - 3 CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) INSPECTION Pagc 3 of 5 1 l. 2 copies of CCTV video results on DVD 2 2. 2 hard copies of Inspection Report 3 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 4 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 5 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USED] 6 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 7 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 8 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 9 PART 3 - EXECUTION 10 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 11 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3.3 PREPARATION A. Sanitary Sewer Lines 1. CCTV Equipment a. Use equipment specifically designed and constructed for such inspection. b. Use equipment designed to operate in 100 percent humidity conditions. c. Use equipment with a pan (f270 degrees), tilt, and rotates (360 degrees). d. Use camera with an accurate footage counter that displays on the monitor the distance of the camera (to the nearest 1/10 foot) from the centerline of the starting manhole. e. Use camera with height adjustment so camera lens is always centered at 1/2 the inside diameter, or higher, in the televised pipe. f. Provide sufficient lighting to illuminate the entire periphery of the pipe. g. Provide color video. h. Use the Fort Worth Water Department standardized inspection and coding program by I.T. software with pre-configured template. 1) See CCTV Manual. 2. Temporary Bypass Pumping — Conform to Section 33 03 10. 3. Cleaning — Conform to Section 33 04 50. B. Storm Sewer Lines 1. Coordinate with City of Fort Worth Transportation/Public Works Department for CCTV equipment and cleaning requirements. 3.4 INSPECTION (CCTV) A. General 1. Begin inspection immediately after cleaning of the main. 2. Move camera through the line in either direction at a moderate rate, stopping when necessary to permit proper documentation of the main's condition. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcviscd December 20, 2012 South Main Shect City Project Na. 021 t 3 33 Ol 31 -4 CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) [NSPECTION Pagc 4 of 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3. Do not move camera at a speed greater than 30 feet per minute. 4. Use manual winches, power winches, TV cable, and power rewinds that do not obstruct the camera view, allowing for proper evaluation. 5. During investigation stop camera at each defect along the main. a. Record the nature, location and orientation of the defect or infiltration location as speciiied in the CCTV Manual. 6. Pan and tilt the camera to provide additional detail at: a. Manholes b. Service connections c. Joints d. Visible pipe defects such as cracks, brolcen or deformed pipe, holes, offset joints, obstructions or debris e. Infiltration/Inflow locations f. Pipe material transitions g. Other locations that do not appear to be typical for normal pipe conditions 7. Provide accurate distance measurement. a. The meter device is to be accurate to the nearest 1/10 foot. 8. CCTV inspections are to be continuous. a. Do not provide a single segment of main on more than 1 DVD. B. Pre-Installation Inspection for Sewer Mains to be rehabilitated 1. Perform Pre-CCTV inspection immediately after cleaning of the main and before rehabilitation work. 2. If, during inspection, the CCTV will not pass through the entire section of main due to blockage or pipe defect, set up so the inspection can be performed from the opposite manhole. 3. Provisions for repairing or replacing the impassable location are addressed in Section 33 31 20, Section 33 31 21 and Section 33 31 22. C. Post-Installation Inspection 1. Complete manhole installation before inspection begins. 2. Prior to inserting the camera, flush and clean the main in accordance to Section 33 04 50. D. Documentation of CCTV Inspection 1. Sanitary Sewer Lines a. Follow the CCTV Manual for the inspection video, data logging and reporting. 2. Storm Sewer Lines a. Provided documentation for video, data logging, and reporting in accordance with City of Fort Worth Transportation/Public Works Department requit•ements. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CAT[ON DOCUMENTS Rcvised Decembcr 20, 2012 South Main Strcet City Project No. 021 13 33O1 31 -5 CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) iNSPECTION Pagc 5 of 5 1 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 2 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3 3.7 FI�LD [ox] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 4 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 5 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 6 3.10 CLEANING 7 A. See Section 33 04 50. 8 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 9 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 10 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 11 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 12 END OF SECTION 13 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 D. Johnson Various— Added requirements for coordination with T/PW for Storm Sewer CCTV 14 CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strect STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Revised Dcccmber 20, 2012 33 12 10 - I WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-INCH Pagc 1 of 17 0 3 PART1- G�NCRAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 S�CTION 33 12 10 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-1NCH Lead-free 1-inch to 2-inch water service lines from the water main to the right-of- way, fittings and water meter boxes complete in place, as shown on the Drawings, directed by the Engineer, and specifed herein for: a. New Water Service b. New Water Service (Bored) c. Water Meter Service Relocate d. Private Water Service 13 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 14 1. All water services that cr•oss South Main Sh•eet, are to be above all othe�� proposed 15 i�tilities. Install with requir•ed separ•atiorr and treatment as reqirired by the Ciry a»d 16 TCEQ guidelines. Follow details as pr•ovided in plan set. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 C. Products Installed but not Furnished Under this Section 1. Water meters for various sizes D. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 33 04 40 — Cleaning and Acceptance Testing of Water Mains 4. Section 33 OS 10 — Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment and Backfill 5. Section 33 12 25 — Connection to Existing Water Mains 25 1.2 PRICE AND PAYM�NT PROC�DURES 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A. Measurement and Payment 1. New Water Service a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each new "Water Service" complete in place from the tap of the main to the installation of the meter box and associated appurtenances where the service line is installed by open cut construction. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Water Service" installed for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing New Service Line as specified by the Drawings 2) Submitting product data CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 021 13 Rcvised April 26, 2013 33 12 10 - 2 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-INCH Page 2 of 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2. 3 3) Tapping saddle 4) Corporation stop 5) Curb stop 6) Fittings 7) Service line installed by open cut 8) Connection to meter 9) Meter Box and Lid 10) Pavement removal 11) Excavation 12) Hauling 13) Disposal of excess material 14) Surface Restoration associated with Meter Box installation and connection, excluding grass (seeding, sodding or hydro-mulch paid separately) 15) 16) Clean-up 17) Disinfection 18) Testing New Bored Water Service a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each new Water Service complete in place from the tap of the main to the installation of the meter box and associated appurtenances where the service line is installed by trenchless method. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Bored Water Service" installed for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Submitting product data 2) Tapping saddle 3) Corporation stop 4) Curb stop 5) Fittings 6) Service line installed by trenchless method '7) Connection to meter 8) Meter Box and Lid 9) Pavement removal 10) Excavation 11) Hauling 12) Disposal of excess materiai 13) Surface restoration associated with Meter Box installation and connection, excluding grass (seeding, sodding or hydro-mulch paid separately) 14) Clean-up 15) Disinfection 16) Testing Water Meter Service Reconnect a. Measurement CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcviscd April 26, 2013 South Main Street City Praject No. 02113 33 12 (0-3 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-INCH Page 3 of 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 n 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each Water Meter Service Reconnect complete in place from public service line connection to private seivice line connection. b. Payment 1) The work performed in conjunction with relocation of the meter, associated private service line, fittings and meter box 5 feet or less in any direction from centerline of existing meter location and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Water Meter Service, Reconnection" installed for: a) Various size of services c. The price bid shall include: 1) Private service line 2) Fittings 3) Private connection to water meter 4) Connection to existing private service line 5) Cut and crimp of existing service 6) Removal and Disposal or Salvage of existing 2-inch or smaller water meter, as directed by City 7) Pavement rernoval 8) Excavation 9) Hauling 10) Disposal of excess material 11) Surface restoration for area disturbed for installation of ineter box, excluding grass (seeding, sodding or hydro-mulch paid separately) 12) Clean-up 13) Cleaning 14) Disinfection 15) Testing Private Water Service Relocation a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per linear foot of Private Service relocation complete in place from the meter box to a connection to the existing service line on private property. b. Payment 1) The work performed in conjunction with Private Service Line installation where the meter and meter boxes are moved more than 5 feet in any direction from centerline of existing meter location and materials furnished in accordance with the Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of "Private Water Service" performed for: a) Various service sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Obtaining appropriate permit 2) Obtaining Right of Entry 3) Submitting product data 4) Private service line 5) Fittings 6) Connection to existing private service line 7) Pavement removal and replacement CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcviscd April 26, 2013 South Main Strcct City Projcct No. 02113 33 (210-4 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-INCH Page 4 of 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8) Excavation 9) Hauling 10) Disposal of excess material 11) Surface restoration, excluding grass (seeding, sodding or hydro-mulch paid separately) 12) Clean-up 13) Cleaning 14) Disinfection 15) Testing 10 1.3 REFERENCES 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 A. Definitions 1. New Service a. Installation of new 1-inch to 2-inch Water Service Line by open cut construction from the water main to the right-of-way, including corporation stop, curb stop, fittings and water meter boxes complete in place, as shown on the Drawings. 2. New Service (Bored) a. Installation of new 1-inch to 2-inch Water Service Line by trenchless construction method from the water main to the right-of-way, including corporation stop, curb stop, fittings and water meter boxes complete in place, as shown on the Drawings. 3. Meter Service Reconnection a. Relocation and reconnection of the private service line from an existing meter to be abandoned and a new meter installed that lies within 5 feet of the existing meter. 4. Private Service Relocation a. Relocation and reconnection of private service line behind the water meter where the existing meter to be abandoned and the new meter installed is greater than 5 feet of the existing meter. A licensed plumber is required to relocate the private service. 5. Lead-free a. Lead-free pipes and plumbing fittings and fixtures shall contain less than 0.25 percent lead in accordance with the reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act (P.L. 111-380). B. Reference Standards 1. Reference standards cited in this Speciiication refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A48, Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings. b. A536, Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings. c. B88, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube. d. B98, Standard Speci�cation for Copper-Silicon Alloy Rod, Bar and Shapes. e. C131, Standard Specification for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine. £ C 150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement. CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS City Projcct No. 02113 Revised Apri( 26, 2013 33 12 10 - 5 WATER SERVICES (-INCH TO 2-iNCH Page 5 of 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 g. C330, Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete. h. D883, Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics. American Water Works Association (AWWA): a. C700, Cold-Water Meters - Displacement Type, Bronze Main Case. b. C800, Underground Service Line Valves and Fittings. NSF International (NSF): a. 61, Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects. Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act a. Public Law 111-380 (P.L. 111-380) 11 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 12 A. Scheduling 13 1. Provide advance notice for service interruptions and meet requirements of Division 14 0 and Division 1. 15 1.5 SUBMITTALS 16 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section Ol 33 00. 17 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery. 18 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 19 A. Product Data, if applicable: 20 1. Tapping Saddle 21 2. Corporation stop 22 3. Curb Stop 23 4. Service Line 24 5. Meter Box 25 6. Meter Box Lid 26 B. Certificates and Test Reports 27 1. Prior to shipment of any Water Service components, the manufacturer shall submit 28 the following: 29 a. A Certificate of Adequacy of Design stating that the components to be 30 furnished comply with all regulatory requirements identi�ed in this Section 31 including: 32 1) The Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act (P.L. 111-380) 33 2) AWWA C800 34 3) NSF 61 35 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 36 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 37 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 38 A. Qualifications 39 1. Manufacturers CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strect STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Projcct No. 021 13 Rcvised April 26, 2013 33 12 10 - 6 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-INCH Page 6 of 17 1 a. Water Services shall meet ar exceed the latest revisions of AWWA C800, NSF 2 61, the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act and shall meet or exceed the 3 requirements of this Specification. 4 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ff.� � A. Storage and Handling Requirements 1. Protect all parts such that no damage or deterioration will occur during a prolonged delay from the time of shipment until installation is completed and the units and equipment are ready for operation. 2. Protect all equipment and parts against any damage during a prolonged period at the site. 3. Prevent plastic and similar brittle items from being directly exposed to sunlight or extremes in temperature. 4. Secure and maintain a location to store the material in accordance with Section O1 66 00. 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 17 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 18 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS 19 A. Water meters for various sizes 20 2.2 EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPES, AND MATERIALS 21 A. Manufacturers 22 1. Only the manufacturers as listed on the City's Standard Products List will be 23 considered as shown in Section O1 60 00. 24 a. The manufacturer must comply with this Speci�cation and related Sections. 25 2. Any product that is not listed on the Standard Products List is considered a 26 substitution and shall be submitted in accordance with Section O1 25 00. 27 3. The Water Services and appurtenances shall be new and the product of a 28 manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacturing of Water Services and 29 appurtenances having similar service and size. 30 B. Description 31 1. Regulatory Requirements 32 a. All materials shall conform to the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water 33 Act (P.L. 111-380). This Act defines "Lead-free" for pipes and other 34 appurtenances to be less than 0.25 percent lead. 35 b. Water Services shall meet or exceed the latest revisions of AW WA C800 and 36 shall meet or exceed the requirements of this Specification. 37 c. All Water Services components in contact with potable water shall conform to 38 the requirements of NSF 61. 39 C. Materials/Design Criteria 40 1. Service Lines CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strect STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Projcct No. 02113 Revised April 26, 2013 33 l2 10 - 7 WATER SERVICES I-INCH TO 2-INCH Page 7 of 17 1 a. Provide Type K Copper Tubing per ASTM B88. 2 b. Furnish in the annealed conditions, unless otherwise specified in the Contract 3 Documents. 4 2. Service Couplings 5 a. Fitting Ends 6 1) Flared Copper Tubing with thread dimensions per AWWA C800 7 2) Provide coupling nuts with a machined bearing skirt of a length equal to the 8 tubing outer diameter (O.D.). 9 b. Provide with hexagonal wrench grip compatible with the coupling size. 10 c. Provide lead-free service couplings in accordance with the Reduction of Lead 11 in Drinking Water Act. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3. Corporation stops a. Provide brass castings per AWWA C800 for: 1) Bodies 2) Plugs 3) D washers 4) Bottom nuts b. Machining and Finishing of Surfaces 1) Provide 1 3/4 inch per foot or 0.1458 inch per inch f 0.007 inch per inch taper of the seating surfaces for the key and body. 2) Reduce large end of the tapered surface of the key in diameter by chamfer or turning for a distance that will bring the largest end of the seating surface of the key into the largest diameter of the seating surface of the body. 3) Relieve taper seat in the body on the small end. 4) Extend small end of the key there-through to prevent the wearing of a shoulder and facilitate proper seating of key. 5) Design key, key nut and washer such that if the key nut is tightened to failure point, the stem end of the key shall not fracture. 6) Design nut and stem to withstand a turning force on the nut of at least 3 times the necessary effort to properly seat the key without failure in any 31 manner. 32 7) Port through corporation stop shall be full size to eliminate turbulence in 33 the flow way. 34 8) Design stop for rotation about the axis of the flow passageway inside the 35 following minimum circles in order to properly clear the tapping machine: 36 a) Two 7/8-inch for 1-inch corporation stops 37 b) Four 15/16-inch for 1'/z -inch and 2-inch corporation stops 38 c. Provide lead-free corporation stops in accordance with the Reduction of Lead in 39 Drinking Water Act. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4. Curb Stops a. Provide brass castings per AWWA C800. b. Valve plugs shall be: 1) Cylinder type 2) Plug type, or 3) Ball type c. Incorporate full flow porting. d. Provide for fu11360 degree plug rotation clockwise or counter-clockwise. e. Overall Length 1) 3-5/16 inch + 1/8 inch for 1-inch diameter CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONST2UCTION SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 021 13 Rcviscd Apri126, 20 ( 3 33 12 10 - 8 WATER SERVICES I-INCH TO 2-INCH Pagc 8 of 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 E � f. L h. 2) 4-1/32 inch + 9.32 for 1-inch diameter Cylindrical Plug Type 1) Provide O-ring seal at top and bottom. a) O-ring at top only is acceptable if bottom of curb stop body is closed. 2) Seals shall be Buna N. 3) 1 O-ring seal shall surround the outlet port of the curb stop and act to effectively seal in the closed position. 4) The port in the plug shall provide a straight through, full size flow way, so shaped as to eliminate turbulence. 5) All waterways shall be smooth and free of burrs or rough areas. 6) Design the curb stop to provide ease and accuracy of operation and positive shut-off of water. Tapered Plug Type 1) Provide O-ring seal at top and bottom. 2) The tapered plug and cylindrical recess in the valve body shall be machined to match within approved manufacturing tolerances. 3) Inlet and outlet ports shall be sealed by O-rings or combination Teflon U- shaped seal rings backed with O-rings. 4) The port in the plug shall provide a straight through, full size flow way, so shaped as to eliminate turbulence. 5) All waterways shall be smooth and free of burrs or rough areas. 6) Design the curb stop to provide ease and accuracy of operation and positive shut-off of water. Ball Plug Type 1) Provide double O-ring seals on the stem. 2) The ball shall seal against rubber rings mounted in the valve body at the inlet and outlet ports. 3) The ball shall be bronze with a smooth Teflon coating. 4) The port in the plug shall provide a straight through, full size flow way, so shaped as to eliminate turbulence. 5) All waterways shall be smooth and free of burrs or rough areas. Provide lead-free curb stops in accordance with the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act. Straight Adapters a. Brass castings and threads per AWWA C800 b. Provide lead-free straight adapters in accordance with the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act. Three Part Copper Unions a. Brass castings and threads per AWWA C800 b. Provide lead-free Three Part Copper Unions in accordance with the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act. 7. Straight Meter Couplings a. Brass castings per AWWA C800 b. Threads per AWWA C700 c. Tailpiece with outside iron pipe thread d. Chamfer corners on threaded end of ineter nut. e. Machine inside and outside of tailpiece. f. Provide lead-free Straight Meter Couplings in accordance with the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act. CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcct STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Revised April 26, 2013 33 l2 10 - 9 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-INCH Pagc 9 of 17 1 8. Branch Connections 2 a. Brass castings per AWWA C800 3 b. Inlet and outlet connections per AWWA C800 4 c. Provide lead-free branch connections in accordance with the Reduction of Lead 5 in Drinking Water Act. 6 9. Service Saddles 7 a. Castings 8 1) Brass or Nylon coated ductile iron castings per AWWA C800 9 2) Free of porosity with sharp edges removed 10 3) Fit contour of pipe as follows: 11 Minimum Outside Maximum Outside Nominal Pipe Size Diameter of Pipe Diameter of Pipe inches inches inches 1.50 1.900 2.000 2.00 2.375 2.500 2.25 2.875 3.000 4.00 4.900 5.000 6.00 6.900 7.100 8.00 9.050 9.300 10.00 11.100 11.400 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 4) Saddle a) Form to fit firmly against side of maximum diameter of water main with approximately 180 degrees wrap around. 5) Outlet a) Design outlet boss for no thread distortion by bending moments. b) Tapped for taper threaded corporation stop conforming to AWWA C800. b. Straps 1) Conform to ASTM B98. 2) Form flat to fit uniformly against the wall of the water main. 3) Rod diameter not less than 5/8 inch flattened to 1 inch on one side. 4) Straps shall be threaded 5/8 inch (11-NG2A) for a distance such that'/2 inch remains after clamp is fully tightened on the pipe. 5) Chamfer strap ends to protect the starting threads. 6) The threads shall be full and free from shear. 7) 4-inch and larger pipe shall be in accordance with Section 33 12 25. 8) Single straps are allowed for Saddles for pipe 2-inches in diameter and smaller. c. Nuts 1) Bronze material a) Same material as straps 2) Dimensions equal to or larger than heavy hexagon nuts 3) Tapped 5/8 inch (11-NC-2B) d. Gaskets 1) Neoprene rubber material 2) Cemented to saddle and positioned to facilitate installation CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strect STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 021 13 Rcviscd April 26, 2013 33 12 10 - 10 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-INCH Page 10 of 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 10. Brass Flanged Angle Valve a. For 1'/2-inch and 2-inch services b. Brass castings per AWWA C800 c. Valve Body with integral outlet flange and inlet wrenching flat d. Fit together key and body by turning key and reaming body 1) Key with O-ring seal seat at the upper end 2) Lap key and body seat are to conform to corporation stop requirements of this Specification. 3) The outlet flange shall contain an O-ring seat or a uniform flat drop-in flange gasket surface. 4) Drop-in flange gasket surface shall contain gasket retaining grooves milled circular about the axis of the flange. 5) The size of the outlet flange and the diameter and spacing of the bolt holes shall conform to AWWA C700. 6) The flange on 2-inch angle valves shall be double drilled to permit connection to 1 '/2 -inch meters. 7) The inlet port of the valve shall be tapered to conform to AWWA C800 taper pipe thread. 8) The key cap shall include a wrenching tee marked with a raised or recessed arrow to show whether the valve is open or closed. 9) Valve Assembly (main body, key, key cap) a) Brass material per AWWA C800 b) 0.ring seal on the top of the key between the key and body seat c) Key cap shall complete the assembly by attaching to the key by means of a strong bronze pin with phosphor bronze spring washer(s) depressed between the key cap and the top of the valve main body. d) Provide with padlock wings for locking the valve in the closed position. e) There shall be a uniform application of cold water valve grease between the body and the key. � The valve shall be capable of being easily opened and stopping lugs. g) The waterway through the valve shall be smooth and rounded for minimum pressure loss, and shall be free of burrs or fins. h) The valve shall be strong, well designed, neat in appearance, water- tight and entirely adequate for the intended purpose. i) Provide with either a high quality rubber drop-in gasket or an O-ring seal depending on the manufacturer's flange seal surface design choice. e. Provide lead-free brass flanged angle valves in accordance with the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act. 11. Meter Boxes shall: a. Be constructed of: 1) Linear Medium Density Polyethylene (LMDPE) as defined in ASTM D883. a) Minimum wall thickness of 3/8-inch throughout with no blowing agents or foaming plastics b) Polymer body shall be black throughout and shall have a molded recycled emblem with a minimum of 35 percent Post Industrial/ Pre Consumer Recycled Content- verified with a Leed Product Documentation. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICATION DOCUMENTS Revised April 26, 2013 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 33 12 l0 - 11 WATER SERVICES 1-[NCH TO 2-INCH Pagc 11 of 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 b. c. d. e. f. c) Smooth edges and corners and be free from sharp edges so the unit can be handled safely without gloves. d) Exterior free from seams or parting lines e) Not to be installed in roadway — designed to withstand loading in non- deliberate and incidental traffic only. 2) Concrete a) Frame of No. 6 gauge wire welded closed b) Type I or Type II Portland cement, in accordance with ASTM C150, portioned with lightweight aggregate, in accordance with ASTM C330 (1) Percentage of wear not to exceed 40 per ASTM C131 (2) Minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,000 psi Be able to withstand a minimum 15,000 pounds vertical load Withstand a minimum 400 pounds sidewall load. 1-inch Standard Meter Box 1) For use with services utilizing 5/8-inch x'/a-inch, 3/a-inch or 1-inch meter Single or Dual service meter: DFW38C1PS-14-BODY or approved equal. 2) Polymer a) Size: 21-1/2-inch x 20-1/2-inch Box, 14 inches high b) Minimum inside working room: 19-1/2-inch x 16-1/2-inch c) Pipe slots (1) One pipe slot molded on the inlet end of the body that measures 2- 1/4-inch x 3-1/4-inch and one pipe slot on the outlet end of the body that measures for 7-1/2-inch center "U" Branch. d) Polymer body shall have a 1-inch bottom flange to resist settling of box after installation. 3) Concrete a) Size: 11-inch x 18-inch Box, 12 inches high 2-inch Standard Meter Box 1) For use with services utilizing 1-1/2-inch or 2-inch Single service meter: DFW1730C-12-BODY or approved equal. 2) Polymer a) Size: 34-1/8-inch x 21-1/4-inch Box, 12 inches high b) Minimum inside working room: 31-3/4-inch x 16-5/16-inch c) Pipe Slots (1) One pipe slot molded on each end of body that measures 3-inch x 4-inch with optional molded 4-inch x 9-inch cut out. d) Polymer body shall have a molded '/Z-inch bow centered on sidewall to resist bacicfilling per Drawings. e) Polymer body shall have a 2-1/2-inch bottom flange to resist settling of box after installation. 3) Concrete a) Size: 15-1/4-inch x 26-7/8-inch Box, 12 inches high Bullhead Standard Meter Box 1) For use with services utilizing two 5/8-inch x 3/a-inch or 3/a-inch or 1-inch Single service meter: DFW37C-12-BODY or approved equal 2) Polymer a) Size: 21-inch x 14-3/4-inch, 12 inches high b) Minimum inside working room: 19-1/8-inch x 10-7/16-inch c) Pipe Slots CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Reviscd April 26, 2013 South Main Strect City Project No. 02113 33 12 10 - 12 WATER SERVICES I-INCH TO 2-INCH Page 12 of 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 (1) One pipe slot molded on each end of body that measures 2-1/4-inch x 3-1/4-inch. d) Polymer body shall have a 1-inch bottom flange to resist settling of box after installation. 3) Concrete a) Size: 15-5/8-inch x 15-5/8-inch Box, 12 inches high 12. Meter Box Lid a. Cast Iron or Ductile Iron 1) Per ASTM A48, Class 30B or ductile iron per ASTM A536 2) Shall withstand a minimum vertical load of 15,000 pounds 3) Coat castings with a bituminous emulsified asphalt unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, ground smooth, and cleaned with shot blasting, to get a uniform quality free from strength defects and distortions. 4) Dimensions shall be within industry standards of �U16 inch per foot. 5) All castings will bear the Manufacturer's IS (name or logo) and Country of Origin. 6) Casting weights may vary f5 percent from drawing weight per industry standards. b. Plastic 1) The lid shall be: a) Constructed of Engineered Plastic as defined in ASTM D883 (1) Polymer Lid shall be black throughout and shall have a molded recycled emblem with a minimum of 50 percent Post Consumer Recycled and 50 percent Post Industrial/ Pre Consumer Recycled Content- verified with a Leed Product Documentation. (2) Polymer Lid shall be black throughout with no blowing agents or foaming plastics (3) Smooth edges and corners and be free from sharp edges so the unit can be handled safely without gloves. (4) Exterior free from seams or parting lines. (5) Polymer lid shall have a molded tread-pattern- tread dimensions shall be .188-inch x.938-inch x.150-inch deep. (6) Polymer Lid shall have "City of Fort Worth" molded into the lid. (7) Polymer lid shall have "Water Meter" molded into the lid- Font shall be std Fadal CNC font with 1-inch characters x.150-inch deep. (8) Polymer Lid shall have a molded pick hole pocket- dimensions shall be 3-inch x 9/16-inch x Thru Hole with 3/16-inch 304 stainless steel rod. (9) Polymer lid shall have 2 pieces of'/2-inch rebar located in lid pockets for locatability as shown in Drawings. b) Domestic Manufacture Only-Made in USA molded on Lid. c) Not to be installed in roadway-designed to withstand loading in non- deliberate and incidental traffic only. d) Able to withstand a minimum 15,000 pounds vertical load e) Engineered Plastic with ultraviolet protection. 2) 1-inch Standard Plastic Meter Box Lid CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised April 26, 2013 South Main Strcct City Projcct No. 02113 33 12 10 - 13 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-INCH Pagc 13 of l7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 a) For use with services utilizing 5/8-inch x 3/a-inch, 3/4-inch or 1-inch meter Single or Dual service meter: DFW38GlEPA FTW-LID or approved equal. b) Size: 18-inch x 17-inch, 2 inches high c) For use with Class A Standard Meter Box DFW38C1PS-14-BODY or approved equal. d) Polymer lid shall seat evenly inside meter box and shall not overlap the top edge of the meter box. 3) 2-inch Standard Plastic Meter Box Lid a) For use with services utilizing 1-1/2-inch or 2-inch Single service meter: DFW 1730G 1 EPA FTW-LID or approved equal. b) Size: 34-1/8-inch x 21-1/4-inch, 12 inches high c) For use with Class B Standard Meter Box DFW1730C-12-BODY or approved. d) Polymer lid shall seat evenly inside meter box and shall not overlap the top edge of the meter box. ' 4) Bullhead Standard Plastic Meter Box Lid a) For use with services utilizing two 5/8-inch x 3/a-inch or 3/4-inch or 1- inch Single service meter: DFW37C-IEPA FTW-LID or approved equal. b) Size: 17-3/4-inch x 11-inch, 1-3/4 inches high c) For use with Class C Standard Meter Box DFW37C-12-BODY or approved equal. d) Polymer lid shall seat evenly inside meter box and shall not overlap the top edge of the meter box. 13. Horizontal Check Valve a. Equip 1'/2-inch and 2-inch Water Services with a horizontal check valve, with pipe plug, only if specified in the Drawings. b. If an existing backflow preventer is present, the Contractor is to leave it, and is not required to provide an additional horizontal check valve. c. Provide lead-free horizontal check valves in accordance with the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act. 14. Service Marker a. 3 inch wide, 5 mil blue vinyl tape 35 2.3 ACCESSORI�S [NOT U5�D] 36 2.4 SOURC� QUALITY CONTROL 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 A. Tests and Inspections 1. At the City's option, the manufacturer shall be required to provide certification records showing conformance of materials, design and testing to these Specifications. 2. The test procedures shall conform to AWWA C800. a. In the event that a chosen valve fails the City's hydrostatic test, the cost of the test shall be at the expense of the supplier. b. Proof testing of the remainder of the valves shall be at the cost and responsibility of the supplier. c. These tests will be the basis of acceptance or rejection of the remainder of the shipment by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH Soudi Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Rcviscd April 2(, 2013 33 12 10 - 14 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-INCFI Pagc 14 of 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3. The City reserves the right to select products at random for testing. The failure of materials to conform to the applicable Specification may result in the rejection of the entire shipment. B. Marking 1. Service saddle castings shall be clearly marked by letters and numerals cast thereon showing: a. Manufacturer's name b. Type c. Size of Pipe 10 PART 3 - EXECUTION 11 31 INSTALLERS 12 A. A licensed plumber is required for installations on the outlet side of the service meter. 13 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 INSTALLATION A. General l. Install Water Services and appurtenances in accordance with AWWA C800. 2. Install Water Service Lines 5 feet north or east of center of lot frontage on lots 75 feet or wider, or where shown on Drawings. 3. Install Water Service Lines on lot center line on lots less than 75 feet wide, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. 4. Instail services at a minimum depth of 36 inches below final grade/proposed top of curb, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. 5. Perform leak tests in accordance with Section 33 04 40. 6. Replace existing'/4-inch Service Lines with 1-inch new Service Line, tap, and corporation. 7. Install replaced or relocated services with the service main tap and service line being in line with the service meter, unless otherwise directed by the City. 8. Excavate, embed and backfill trenches in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. B. Handling 1. Haul and distribute Service Lines fittings at the project site and handle with care to avoid damage. a. Inspect each segment of Service Line and reject or repair any damaged pipe prior to lowering into the trench. b. Do not handle the pipe in such a way that will damage the pipe. 2. At the close of each operating day: a. Keep the pipe clean and free of debris, dirt, animals and trash — during and after the laying operation. b. Effectively seal the open end of the pipe using a gasketed night cap. C. Service Line Installation CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Projcct No. 02l l3 Rcvised Apri126, 2013 33 12 10-15 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-[NCH Page IS of l7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1. Service Taps a. Only ductile iron pipe may be directly tapped. b. Install service taps and/or tap assemblies of the specified size as indicated on the Drawings, or as specified by the Engineer. c. Perform taps on a water system that is either uncharged or under pressure. d. Taps consist oi 1) For Concrete Pressure Pipe or Steel Pipe a) Standard internal pipe threaded holes in the pipe walls (1) Made during pipe fabrication (2) Provide tapered threaded outlet with nylon sleeved inserts for up to 2-inch. (3) Provide flange outlet with flange to thread insulator adaptor kits for 4-inch and larger taps. 2) Other pipe materials a) Bronze service clamp with a sealed, threaded port through which the pipe wall is drilled to complete a service port e. Tap Assemblies 1) Consist of corporation stop with iron to copper connection attached to: a) Copper tubing terminating as shown on the City's Standard Detail b) May be required adjacent to gate valves c) Install as shown on the Drawings, or as directed by the Engineer. d) When required, shall be included in the unit price bid for installing gate valve. 2) Chlorination and testing purposes a) No separate payment will be made for taps required for testing and chlorination. 27 2. Installation of Water Services 28 a. Install tap and Service Line in accordance with City Details. 29 b. Install meter box in accordance with City Details. 30 1) Adjustment of the Service Line to proper meter placement height shall be 31 considered as part of the Meter Box installation. 32 3. Trenching 33 a. Provide a trench width sufficiently wide to allow for 2 inches of granular 34 embedment on either side of the Service Line. 35 4. Bored Services 36 a. Services shall be bored utilizing a pilot hole having a diameter %2 inch to'/a 37 incheslargerthan the Service Line. 38 5. Arrangement 39 a. Arrange corporation stops, branches, curb stops, meter spuds, meter boxes and 40 other associate appurtenances as shown in the City Detail, and to the approval 41 of the Engineer. 42 6. Service Marker 43 a. When Meter Box is not installed immediately subsequent to service installation: 44 1) Marlc Curb Stop with a strip of blue vinyl tape fastened to the end of the 45 service and extending through the backfill approximately 6 inches above 46 ground at the Meter Box location. 47 b. Installation of service taps only: CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Revised Apri126, 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 m 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 33 12 10 - 16 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-INCH Pagc 16 of 17 1) Attach service marker tape to the corporation stop or plug and extend upward and normal to the main through the backfill at the adjacent trench edge to at least 6 inches above ground to flag the tap location. 7. Corporation stops a. Fully open corporation stop prior to backfiil. D. Removal of Existing Water Meters 1. Remove, tag and collect existing Water Service meter for pickup by the City for reconditioning or replacement. 2. After installation of the Water Service in the proposed location and receipt of a meter from the City inspector, install the meter. 3. Reset the meter box as necessary to be flush with existing ground or as otherwise directed by the City. 4. All such work on the outlet side of the service meter shall be performed by a licensed plumber. 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD [ox] SITE QUALITY CONTROL A. Field Tests and Inspections 1. Check each Water Service installation for leaks and full flow through the curb stop at the time the main is tested in accordance with Section 33 04 40. 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 314 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcvised April 26, 2013 South Main Strcet City Project No. 021 13 33 12 10 - 17 WATER SERVICES 1-INCH TO 2-INCH Pagc 17 of 17 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE Added Blue Text for clarification 1.2 A. — Revision to items included in price bid Specification modified to be in accordance with the Reduction of Lead in Drinking 12/20/2012 D. Johnso❑ Water Act — All materials shall be lead free in accordance with this Act. ' 1.2.A.3 — Water Meter Service Relocate was renamed Water Meter Service Reconnect 1.6.B. — added certification submittals for compliance with regulatory requirements Added the phrase `, including grass' to lines; Part 1, 1.2.A.1.c.14, Partl, 1.2.A.2.c.13, Part 1, 1.2.A.2.c.13, Part 1,1.2.A.3.c.1 l, 2/13/2013 F. Griffin Partl, 1.2.A.4.c.11 Added the phrase `and replacemenY to line Part 1,1.2.A.4.c.7 Revised lines with `including grass' replacing with `excluding grass (seeding, 4/26/2013 F. Griffin sodding or hydromulching paid separately)' Included in Part l, 1.2, A, 1, c, 14; Part 1, 1.2, A, 2, c, 13; Part 1, 1.2, A, 3, c, ll; Part l, 1.2, A, 4, 2, 1 I CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strcet STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02l 13 Reviscd April 26, 2013 33 l2 20 - 1 RESILIENT SEATED (WEDGE) GATE VALVE Page 1 of 9 1 2 SECTION 33 12 20 RESILIENT SEATED (WEDGE) GATE VALVE 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 1 12 13 , 14 15 16 17 18 1.2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A. Section Includes: 1. Resilient Seated (Wedge) Gate Valves 4-inch through 30-inch for use with potable water mains a. 30-inch and larger valves will be equipped with an integral bypass B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. 16" gate valves are to be constr�ucted by direct bury with no vault as indicated on the plans. Refer to 12 " gate valve detail 33 12 20-D126 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 33 11 OS — Bolts, Nuts, and Gaskets 4. Section 33 11 10 — Ductile Iron Pipe PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Gate Valve a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each. b. Payment 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Gate Valve" installed for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing Gate Valves with connections as specified in the Drawings 2) Valve box 3) Extension 4) Extensions for valves in vaults 6) Petrolatum tape for connections to steel flanges 7) 2-inch risers (for 16-inch and larger gate valves) 8) Isolation kits when installed with flanged connections 9) Polyethylene encasement 10) Pavement removal 11) Excavation CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rcviscd Deccmber 20, 2012 South Main Strcet City Projcct No. 02113 33 1220-2 RESIUEN'I' SGA'1'Lb (1VBDOB) CiATE VALVG Page 2 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l] 12 13 �a 15 IG 1� 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 40 � 12) I-Iauli�tg 13) Disposal of eYcess material 14) Fiu�uishiug, placement and compaction of embedment 15) Furnishiug, placementi ��xl comp�ctioii of backfill 16) Clea�i-i�p 17) Cle�ttiittg 18) Disittfectioi� 19) Testiitg Cut-in Gate Valve a. Measuremeiit 1) Measureiiieut foi• this Item sh�ll be per eaclt. b. Pzyment 1) The �vork perfor►ned and tl�e ulaterials fiu�nished in accordance �vitlt tliis Item shall be paid for at the imit price bid per each "Cut-iu G�te Valve" iustalled for: a) Various siz.es c. Tlie price bid shal) incit�cle: 1) l�uruishing and it�stalling Gnte Vah�es with connectians �s specified in the Drawin�s 2) System de�vatering 3} Conuectioi�s to e�+isting pipe mate►•i�ls 4) Valve boy 5) Exteiisioii b) EYteiisions fot• valves in vaults 7) Valve va�ilt a►id appui�te�ianees (for 16-iiieh �ncl lai�gec gate vllves) 8) Petrolatuu� t�pe for connections to steel flar�ges 9) 2-i�tch risers (fo�' 16-inc)t and I�rge�' gate vllves) 10) Isotation kits �vhen instelled n�itl� flanged connections 11) Vatve vault and appui•teuances (foc 16-inch and lacget� gate vaives} 12) Polyethylene enc�sement 13) P�vement removal 14) Excavatio�i I S) 1-�aiiliiig LG) Dis�osal of excess �i�aterial 17} Furuisliiug, placenie��t and coanpaction of embedinent 18) Fiirnishi�ig, plaeetuent end compactio�i of backfill 19) Clean-up 20) Cleaui�ig 21) Disinfectiou 22) Testiug 41 1.3 R�F�It�NC�S 42 A. Abbreviltions and Acronyms 43 L NRS --Nan Rising Stem 44 2. OS&Y -- Outside Scre�v end Yoke 4S B. Reference Standards CITY 0[' I�ORT 1VORTH South Mnin Strcct STANDARD CONSTRUCT[pN SPL:CIFICA'CION DOCUMENTS Citp Project No. 02 t 13 Revised Bcccmber 20, 2012 33 12 20 - 3 RL•'S1LiF.NTSEATED (\VLDGE) CiATB VALVF, Page 3 of 9 l 2 3 4 S G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1G 1S I6 l'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 3Q 31 1. Reference staudarcts cited in this Speci%catiou ��efer to the current refereiice sta►idard publist�ed �t the time of the latest revisian date (og�ecl at the eiid of tl�is Specification, ui�less a date is specifically cited. 2, Ame��ican Association of State Nigh�vay anci Transportation Ofticials (AASHTO). 3, American Society of Mechanical Bngineers (ASME): a. I31 G.1, Gray Iron Pipe Flauges aiid Flanged Fittings (Classes 25, 125, a�id 250), 4. American Iron 1nd Steet Institute (AISI). S. ASTM Inteciiatianal (ASTM): a. A48, Standncd Speciiicetioi� foi• G►•ay Ii•o�i Castings. U. A2�2, Standard Specification for High-Strengtl� Lo�v-Ailoy SYructural Steel. c. A307, Staudard S��ecification for Carban Steel I3oits and Studs, G0,000 psi Tensile Stre��gtl�. d. A536, Standard Speci�cation for Ductile Ii•on Castings. , e. B 117, Standard Pcactice for O�erating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus. f, B633, Sf�udard Specificatioiz for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Icon and Steei. 6. American Water Works Assaciation (AW WA); a. C509, Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service. 6. C515, Reduced-Wall, Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service. c. C554, P►•otective Tilteriot• Coatiiigs for Vatves ntid Hydra�its. d. C900, Polyviuyl Cllloride (PVC) Pressure PiC�e and Fabricated Fittiiigs, 4 IN tln�ougli 121N, for Water Transmission and Distribution. 7. American Water Works Associatiot�/Autecican National Stanciards Institute (A�VWA/ANSI): � a, C105/A21.5, Polyethylene Encasement foc Ductile-Iron Pipe Systems. b. Cl 11/A21.11, Rubber-Gasket Joiuts for Duatile-Iron Pressut•e Pipe and Fitti�igs. c, C115/A21.15, Flau�ed Ductile-Iron Pi��e �vith Ductile-Iron or Gj�ay-Icon Thraaded Flanges. 8. NSF Interuational (NSF), a, 61, Drinking Watec System Componenfs - Heatth Effects. 32 I.4 ADMINISTRATN� R�QUIRCMENTS [NOT USED] 33 1.5 SUBMITTALS 34 A, Submittals shall be in accordauce tivith Section 41 33 00. 35 3G 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 B. All submitt�ls shall be approved hy ihe City prior ta delivety. 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Product Data 1. Resiliei�t Seated (Wedge) Gate Vah�e aioting the pressure rating and coating system supplied, inch►ding: a, Dititensians, weights, material list, and detailed drawings b, Joint ty�e c, Maainxun torque reco�nmended by tlie ma►iufacturer foe tlie valve size 2. Polyethyleue encase►nent and tape CCTY OF FOR'f \VORTH STANDARb CONSTRUCTION SPF.CIFICA'1'IOiV DOCU�4ENTS Revised December 20, 2012 SotiQ� A4ain Street City Projcct No. 02113 331220-4 RGSILIENT SEAT�D (15'�DGE) GATE VALVF Page Q o('9 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 l0 11 12 I3 iq a. Whether the filui is linear lotiv density or high densit}� c��oss linlcec( polyethyleue b. The fhiekuess of fl�e filnt pi�ovided 3. Tl�rust Restraint, if i•equired by contr�ct Docu�uei�ts a. Retainer gla�tds b. Thri�st haritesses c. Any other means 4. Insfructians for �eld reE�aic of fusion bonded epo�y coating 5. G�skets �. Cea�tificates l. Ftu•nish an aftid�vit certifyin� thnt �ll Resiliant Seatect (Wedge} Gate Valves meet the provisions of tl�is Section, each valve meets Specificatious, all inspections have been made and tli�t all tests have been pecformed iia accord�uce �vith AWWA C509 or AWWA C515. 2. Fiu�uish 1 cei�tific�►te statiitg th�t bui•ied bolts a�id nirts conform to ASTM B 117. 1 S 1.'1 CLOS�OUT SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] i G 1.8 MAINT�NANC� MATEItIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 17 19 QUALITY ASSURANC� 18 A. Qtialifications 19 1. Manufachirars 20 a. Valves I6-iueh and largar shall be the product of 1 manufacturer for each 21 project, 22 I) Chhuge ocdei•s, specials aiid field ch�uges may be p�•ovided by a ctiffereiit 23 inam�facturer upon City approval, 24 b, For v�lves less than 16-iuch, valves of eacli size sl��ll be the prodi�ct of I 2S mflnufactucer, unless approved by tlie City. 2G 1) Change orders, specials �ud field changes niay be provided by a different 27 mluufactucer t�pon City approv�tl. 28 a Valves slialt n�eet or eaceed AWWA C509 or AWWA CS15, 29 d. Pa• v�lves equippecl �vith a Uypass, the by�ass valve mitst be of tlie s�itie 30 i�ianufacturer es the iii�iu va(ve. 3 l e, Resilieitt Seated G�te Valves s(inll be ile�v �nd tlie E�i•oduct of a n�anufactucer 32 regul�rly engaged in tlie maslufacturiiig of Resilie�it Se�fed Gate Velves havirl� 33 siinilar service and size, 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 1.1Q DELIV�RY, STORAG�, AND HANDLING A, Stoi�age aud Handling Require►nents 1. Frotect al) E�arts so that ��o d�mage or deteriarntion �vill occur clui�ing � pcolon�ed delay fi�oin the time of shipmeut ui�til i►�st�llatiou is co�npleted aud the u��its aud enuipinent ace ready for o�er�tion. 2. Protect all equipnient �nd ��arfs agaiust any damage ducing a prolonged period at the site. 3. Protect the finished surflces of al( exposed flauges by �vooclen blank flanges, sh•on�ly built and sectu�ely bolted thereto. Cl"CY OF FORT WORTH South Main Strect S7'AtJDARD CONS'f2UCT1UN SPF.CtFICATION UOCUMEN'1'S City f'roject No. 02113 Revised December 20, 2012 33 12 20 - 5 RF;SILIENT SlA'fED (�VEDGE) UATE Vi\LVE P�gc 5 of 9 1 4. Protect finislieci iro�i o►• steel sui•faces not painted to pi•evenf �'USt 3li(I COl'i'OSt011. 2 S, Prevent pl�stic aiid similac bi•ittle items fi•om bei�ig dii•ectly eaposed to suiilight oi• 3 e�tremes in temperature. 4 6. Secure and maintain a location to stoce the material i» accordaiice �vit(i Section O1 5 66 00, G 1.11 F1�LD �SITE] CONDITIONS jNOT USEDJ 7 1.12 WARRANTY 8 A. Manufactnrer Warranty 9 l. M�»ufact�arer's Wa��ra�tty shail be itt accordance �vitlt Division 1. ] 0 1'ART 2 - PRODUCTS i� 12 2.I OWN�R-FURNISH�D [oit) OWN�lt-SUPPLI�D PRODUCTS [NfJT US�D] 2.2 EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYP�S AND MAT�RIALS I3 A. Manufactu�•ecs 14 l. Only the mauufactiu�ers as listed on the City's Standard P��oducts List �vill be t5 consideced as sho«�n in Section O1 60 00. 16 a. The manufacturer must camply �vith this Specifieation and related Sections. I7 2, Aiiy peoduct tliat is iiot listed on the St��idacd Pi•oducts List is co�isidered a 18 substittltion aiid slaall be submitted iii accocdance �vitlt Sectioti 01 25 40. 19 B. Descri�tioli 2� 1, Regulato►y Requirenients 21 �. Valves shall be ne�v and meet or e.cceed AW WA C509 0�• AVVWA CS 15 and 22 sliall meet or exceed the requiremeiits of tliis Specificatio3i. 23 b. All valve compo�ients iii contzct �vith potaUie �vatec• shall coilforl�� to the 24 require�iieirts of NSF G1. 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 4Q C. Materials 1. Valve Body a. Valve body: ductile iro» per ASTM AS36 U. Flangecl ends; Ftirnish in accordance �vith AW WAIANSI C I 15/A2 I,1 S, c. Mechanical Joints: Fu►•nish �vith outlets wllicli coiiform to AWWA/ANSI Clll/A21.11. d, V�lve iiiierios• and exterioi• surfaces: fusio�i bonded epo�y coated, minituum 5 mils, meeting A�VWA CSSO rec�uiremeuts e. Btn•ie<t vaIti�es: Provide �vitli polyetliylene e�icasement i« accordance �vith AWWA/ANSI C105/A21.5. l) Polyeti�yleue ei�easement: Furnish in �ccocd�nce witli Seetion 33 11 10. 2, Wed�e (Gate) a. Resilient wedge: �•lted at 250 psig cold �vater �vorking pressure b. The �vedge (gate) fa►• all valve sizes shall be I piece, fiilly encapsulated �vith a permanently bonded EPllM rubber. 3, Bypass Cl7'Y OF FOR'I' �VORTH S1'ANDARD CONS7'RUCTIOtJ SPC;CIFfC�1T10N DOCU�tEN'PS Rcvised llecember 20, 2012 South Main Street City Project I�o. 021 t3 33 12 20 - G RF.SILIENT SEA'1'LD (1VGDGE) GATE VALVL' Page ( of 9 1 2 3 4 S G � 8 9 10 lI 12 13 14 (5 16 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 2� 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4. 5. 6, 7. a, 30-incl� gate valves require an integcally c�st bypass oii the body of the valve. 1) Orieut the by�ass on tl�e same side of ihe �ate valve as the spur gear to allo�v ope►�atiorl of Uotli v�ivas fi•om tlie uianitole opeiiing. Gate Valve Bolts �ud Nuts a. Bo�u�et, Stuffi�►g Box and Ge�c Bos - He� l�ead bolt, n�id Lie:c iiut: Steel ASTM A307 Gr. B, Zinc Plafe pecAS'I'M 8633, SC3 for nou-burieci secvice (4-i�icl� throu�li 12-inch vTlves) or as s��eci�ed in 2,2,C.�.b, b. Hex head bolt and laex iiut: AISI 304 stainless steel for• buried secvice (a(I sizes) and for valves 1 b-incl� tlu•ough 36-inch (i�on-bui�ied service) Bolts �nd Nuts a, Mech�nical Joi��ts � 1) Yrovide bolts a�id nuts in accordance �vitli Seetion 33 11 05. b. Flanged Buds 1) Meet requiren�ents afAWWA C115 oc AWWA C207 depending on pipe matei�i�l. 2) Provide bolts attd nttts in �ccordance with Sectiou 33 11 O5. 3) Flanged isolation kits shall be provided wheii connecting to burieci steel or eoncrete pressuee pipe. I<its sl►a(I coni'orm to Section 33 04 10, Joints a. Va(ves: flaiiged, oc mec(iat�ical joint oi• any coi»bi�latioii of ttiese �s specifiecl oii the Di•a�vings or iu the project Specificatio�is 1) Flanged jaints: AWWA/ANS1 Cl 15/A21. I 5, ASME B 16.1, Class 125 a} Flange bolt cireles and bo(t (ioles shall ivatch tliose of ASME B 16.1, Class I25. b) Fie(d fabricated flanges are peohibited. 2) Steel o�• concrete pressuce pipe a) Use flange joiiits w�less otliec�vise specified in the Contract Doctaments. 3) Diictile Iron or PVC pressuce pipe a} Use mechanical joints �vith mecl�aitically cestr�ined retaiuer glancls unless otlier�vise speci�ed in tlie Contract Doct�ments. Operati�ig Ntits a, Supply foc buriecf seivice valves b. 1-I5/16�incli sqtiare at tlie top, 2-incl� at tlie base, anci 1-3/4-i,�cli liigt� a Cast �u arrow sltowing the direction of openiu� �vith the �vord "OP�N" o» the aperatiiig �iut base. d. To ope►t, tlie operati�ig nl►t sl�all be turned to tlie RIGHT (CLOCitWISE) direction. e. Conuect the operating nut to the shaft tivith � shea►• pin th�t preveuts the nut fi•om trairsfert•ing torqae to thaE shaft or the �e�r bo:c th�t exceeds the manufacture��'s cecommeuded toz•que, f. Furnisl� lt��id�vi�eel operators foi� ��on-Uucied service, or �vhen sho�vii in tlte Draiviugs. $. Gearing a. Gate valves that �re 24 inct� and larger: Equip �vith a spur gear. b. Bevel gears for horizontally mounteci valves are not aflo�ve<l. CITY OF rOR`C 1VORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SYECfFICATIOt�! DOCUr4L;NTS itevised Decanbcr 20, 2012 So�Uh Ntt�iu Strcet City Project No. 021 ! 3 331220-7 RESTLIENT SGA'1'GU (1Vf DGE) GATE VALVL' Y�ge 7 of 9 1 c, Tl�e sjn�r gear shall be desigi�ed and sapplied by the mai�ufacturer of tlie valve 2 as an integcai part of the gata valve. 3 9. Gaskets 4 a. Provide gaskets i�i accordaiice �vitii Sectioii 33 11 O5. 5 2,3 ACC�SSORI�S 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 IS 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A. Al( gate valves sl�all liave tfie following accessories provided as pai�t of tlie gate vatve installation: 1. A keyed soiid eatension stem of suf�cient length to bring the ope�•atiug nut up to �vitliiil 1 faot af tlie surface of the grot►nd, wltett the operating titit on tl�e g�te valve is 3 feet or more beneatli the surface af the grounct. Ettension Stems ace: a, Not required oii City stock orders b, Not to be bolted or attached to fhe valve-operatiug nut c. To be of cold rolled steel with a cross-sectional area of 1 square iuch, �ttiug loosely e�ioug(i to allo�v c{eflection 2. Ftuuisl� joint eflmponents such as gaskets, glands, lubricant, botts, and nuts iu sufiicient qu�ntity for assembly of eacl� joi�it. 3. Cast Iron V�lva BoYes: provide far buried service gate ��alves, cast i��on valve bo�es and covei•s a. Each valve boa foc 4-iucli tllroagh 12-i�ich valves sha[1 be 2-piece, S'/�-inclt shafts, screw type, consisting of a top section and a bottom section. b. Valve boYes shall be as listed iu the City of Fort Wortl� Siandard Products List in attached in Seetion O1 60 Q0, c, Valve bo� covei�s shal( be so designed tl�at thay can be easily removed to provide access to valve oper�tiiig ��i�t. d. Vafve Uox co��ers must be desigued to stay ir� position and resist c{amage under AASHTO HS 20 traf�c laads. e. �ach caver sllall be casted �vitti the �vord "WATER" or "RECLAIMED" in raised le�ters on the upper sw•face. f, Cast iron valve boxes and covers shall co»form to ASTM A48, Class 35B. t) Valve box cove�•s shall be rauud for potable �vater applications and square for reclaimed �vater applic�tioi�s. 32 g. Bax extension u�aterial sh�ll be AWWA C900 PVC oi• ductile ico�i. 33 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONT120L [NOT US�D] 34 PART 3 - �XECUTION 35 3.1 INSTALL�ItS [NOT US�D] 36 3.2 �XAMINATION [NOT US�D] 37 3,3 PREPARATI�N [NOT USED] 38 3,4 �NSTALLATION 39 A. Geueral CITY O� FORT 1VOR7'11 S'1'ANDARD CONS7RUC'1'ION SPF.CIF[CATIQN DOCUI�7F,NTS Revised Uecember 20, 2012 South Mai�t Streef City Projcct No. 021I3 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 8 9 t0 ll 12 13 ia 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 33 12 20 - 8 RF,SILIF,NT SIiA'i'F,D (�VF,DGF.) GATI: VAI.VF. Pngc 8 of 9 1, All v�lves sl�all be installed in vertical positian �vhen utilized in narmal pi�etiue install�tion. 2. Valves sliall be placed at liile �nd gcade as iiidicated o�� tl�e D�•a�vi»gs. 3. Polyefliylene encasement iustallatia» slf�ll be in accordance with Section 33 I 1 I 0. 3.5 REPAII2/ItESTORATION (NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 TII�I.D (aa] SIT� QUALITY CONTROL � A. I'ield Tns4�ections 1. Before acceptance of t(ie inst�lled valve, tlie City Field O��eratioi�s Staff shall l�av� tlie oppoi�tunity to operate tlie valve. 2. T'he City shall be given the oppot�tuuity to inspect all buried flanges before they are covei�ect. 3. Tl�e O�ecatoc �vill be �ssessi�ig the ease of access to the opec�ting nut �vithin the valve bo� and ease of operating tl�e valve fcam a futly closed to fully opene<I position, 4. If access aiid operation of the valve i�ieet tfie City's criteria, then the valve �vill be accepted asinstalled, B, Non-Conforming Work 1. If access ancl ape��ation of tf�e valve or its app�n•ter�ances daes not ii�eet the City's cz•iteria, the Coutractor will rei�iedy tlie siluatiou until it meets tfie City's criteria, at tlie Conh•actoi's e���eilse. 3.8 SYSTI:M STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTII�IG [NOT USEll] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT US�D] 3,l I CLOS�OUT ACTIVITI�S [NOT USED] 3.12 PROT�CTION [NO'�' USED] 3.13 MAINT�NANC� [NOT US�Dj 3.14 ATTACHM�NTS [NO'I' US�D] CITY OF ['012'f \1'OR'1'l l STAtdDARU CONS'fRUC7'lON SPL:CIFICA7'lON 170CUML;N7'S Revised Deceinber 20, 2012 South Main S(rcet City Project No. 02113 i i � 3312.20-9 RESILIFNT SFATED (11'LDGli) GA'fL VALVE PTge 9 of 9 � 3 �ND OF SECTION i�i►RslTi�a. l2/20/2012 I D,Johnson Revision Lo� SUMMARY OP CHANGE 1.1.A — Iviodificd lcceptable size range and nclded requirement for bypass i►t 30-inch gate va(ves, I31ue text addcd for escepiions 1,2 Mensurement enc{ I'flytttent—Added Cut-Iii Gate V�Ive 1.2,A. Lc and L2,A.2.c -- �dded additioi�al items to be inchided iii price bid 1.G.A — rcmo��ed requirement for produci d�ta for bolts nnd nuts becausc it is to be included uuder Sectian 33 l 1 O5. 1.9.A.1 — Added requirement for bypass v�ive menufacluring 2,2.C. — Ad<(ed requirement for 30-inch gatc valves t� have a bpp�ss and E�ypnss Il1ilfCllill CCC]UICCSl1Cf1TS� Added rePereiice ro Section 33 I 1 OS and removcd material specification for bolts, nuts and gaskets; Added requirement for (langed isolation kits; Added restrlinl requirements for ntech�nical joini connections wilh ductile iron or PVC pressure pipe. 2.3.3 — Modified accept�hle cast iron Prom Cl,�ss 40 to Cl�ss 35f3; Added requirements for recl�imed �s�ter 1pplications ciT�� or roirr woxrE� STANUAIZU CONS't[tUCTION SPECif [CATION DOCUMFNTS Reviscd Deccmbcr 20, 2U12 South Main Street City Project No. 021 t 3 3441 IO-1 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Pagc 1 of 51 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 S�CTION 34 41 10 TRAFFIC SIGNALS A. Section Includes: 1. Traffic Signal Head Assemblies 2. LED Countdown Pedestrian Signal Head Assemblies 3. Pedestrian Push Button Assemblies 4. Accessible Pedestrian Signals 5. Radar Detection System 6. Video Imaging Vehicle Detection System (VIVDS) 7. Emergency Vehicle Preemption System 8. Batteiy Back-up System for Signal Cabinets 9. Detector Cable 10. Multi-conductor Cable 11. Power Lead-in Cable 12. Grounding Conductors 13. Ground Boxes 14. Traffic Signal Structures a. Pedestal Pole Assemblies b. Signal Poles c. Mast Arms 15. Signal Foundations 16. Hardware Paint 17. Controller and Cabinet Assembly 18. Advanced Warning Flasher Assembly 19. Temporary Traffic Signals B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. Removal and replacement of loop detectors at intersection of South Main St. with Magnolia Ave. and Rosedale St. are subsidiary to traffic signal installations. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 03 30 00 — Cast-in-Place Concrete 4. Section 26 OS 00 — Common Worlc Results for Electrical 5. Section 26 OS 33 — Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems 6. Section 31 23 16 — Unclassified Excavation 7. Section 31 24 00 — Embankments CITY OF FORT WORTH [Inscrt Projcct Namc) STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Projcct Numbcr] Reviscd Decembcr 20, 2012 3441 10-2 TRAFF[C SIGNALS Page 2 of 51 1 8. Section 33 OS 10 — Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment and Backfill 2 9. Section 33 OS 30 — Location of Existing Utilities 3 1.2 PRIC� AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 A. Measurement and Payment 1. LED Traffic Signal Head Assemblies a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item shali be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Signal Head Assmbly" installed for: a) Various numbers of sections c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing LED Traffc Signal Head Assembly and appurtenances including hinge pins, lens clips, locking devices, and gaskets 2) Housing and doors 3) Detachable visors 4) LED lamp unit 5) Louvers 6) Cable inside the pole 7) Mounting hardware 8) Terminal block 2. LED Countdown Pedestrian Signal Head Assemblies a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each pedestrian signal installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Ped Signal Head Station" installed. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing, assembling, and installing the pedestrian signal sections 2) Housing units 3) LED countdown pedestrian units 4) Mounting attachments and completing wiring connections 3. Pedestrian Push Button Assemblies a. Measurement 1) Measurement for pedestrian push button assemblies shall be per each installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Ped Push Btn Assmbly" installed for: a) Various mounting methods c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing Pedestrian Push Button Assemblies 2) Button housing 3) Button cap 4) LED indication CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 3441 10-5 TRAFF[C SIGNALS Page 5 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1) Installing and testing Emergency Vehicle Preemption System 2) Emergency Preemption Detector 3) Emergency Preemption Phase Selector 4) Emergency Preemption Detector cable 5) Card Rack 6) Intei•nal cabinet wiring 7) Mounting hardware 10. Furnishing and Installing Battery Back-Up (BBU) System for Signal Cabinets a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each BBU System component furnished and installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and mater•ials furnished in accordance to this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Furnish/Install BBU System" for: a) Various components b) Various types a The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing, installing and testing the BBU system 2) Purchasing equipment from City if called out in the Drawings 3) Inverter/charger 4) Manual bypass switch 5) Power transfer switch or automatic bypass switch 6) Batteries 7) Self contained external mounted cabinet 8) Wiring, and all necessary hardware and software 11. Install Battery Back-Up (BBU) System for Signal Cabinets a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each BBU System component furnished and installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Install BBU System" for: a) Various components b) Various types a The price bid shall include: 1) Installing and testing the BBU system 2) Wiring, and all necessaty hardware and software 12. Sawcut for Loop Detector Cable a. Measurement 1) Measurement for detector cable shall be per linear foot of Sawcut. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of "Loop Detector Cable Sawcut". c. The price bid shall include: 1) Sawcutting pavement 2) Pavement removal 3) Disposal of excess material CITY OF FORT WORTF-I STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 3441 10-6 T'F2AFFIC S►GNALS Page 6 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3'7 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4) Pavement repair 5) Clean-up 13. Multi-conductor Cable a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per linear foot. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of "Multi-conductor Cable" installed for: a) Various types b) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing Multi-conductor Cable 2) Cables inside poles 14. Power Lead-in Cable a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per linear foot. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of "Insulated Elec Condr" installed for: a) Various types b) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing Power Lead-in Cable 15. Grounding Conductor•s a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per linear foot. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of "Bare Elec Condr" installed for: a) Various types b) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing Grounding Conductors 16. Ground Boxes a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Ground Box" installed for: 2) Various sizes 3) Various appurtenances c. The price bid shall include: 1) Installing Ground Box 2) Enclosures 3) Covers 4) Concrete apron CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 3441 10-7 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 7 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 17. Furnishing and Installing Pedestal Pole Assemblies a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each assembly furnished and installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid pe1• each "Furnish/Install Ped Pole Assmbly" fut•nished and installed for: a) Vat•ious types b) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing each Pedestal Pole Assembly 2) Purchasing pedestal pole assemblies from City if called out in the Drawings 3) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 4) Clean-up 18. Installing Pedestal Pole Assemblies a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each assembly installed. b. Payment 1) The work perfoimed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Install Ped Pole Assmbly" furnished and installed for: a) Various types b) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Excavation 2) Installing each Pedestal Pole Assembly 3) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 4) Clean-up 19. Furnishing and Installing Signal Poles a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each signal pole furnished and installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Furnish/Install Signal Pole" installed for: a) Vat•ious types c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing each Signal Pole Assembly 2) Put•chasing signal poles fi•om City if called out in the Drawings 3) Erecting assembly on concrete foundation 4) Furnishing and placing anchor bolts, nuts, washers, and templates 20. Installing Signal Poles a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each signal pole installed. b. Payment CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 34 4l 10 - S 'I'RAFF[C SIGNALS Page 8 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Install Signal Pole" installed for: a) Various types c. The price bid shall include: 1) Installing each Signal Pole Assembly 2) Erecting assembly on concrete foundation 3) Furnishing and placing anchor bolts, nuts, washers, and templates 21. Furnishing and Installing Mast Arms a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each Mast Arm furnished and installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Mast Arm" furnished and installed for: a) Various length intervals c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing, assembling and installing Mast Arm 2) Purchasing mast arms from City if called out in the Drawings 3) Mounting equipment 4) Vibration dampers 5) Clean-up 22. Installing Mast Arms a. Measurement ]) Measurement for this Item shall be per each Mast Arm installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials fui•nished in accordance to this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Mast Arm" installed for: a) Various length intervals c. The price bid shall include: 1) Assembling and installing Mast Arm 2) Mounting equipment 3) Vibration dampers 4) Clean-up 23. Foundations a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Foundation" installed for: a) Various types c. The price bid shall include: 1) Installing Foundation 2) Concrete 3) Forms 4) Reinforcing steel 5) Exploratory excavation (as needed) 6) Grounding rods CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 3441 10-9 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 9 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 7) Coordination and notification 8) Excavation 9) Hauling 10) Disposal of excess material 11) Protection of the excavation 12) Clean-up 13) Testing 24. Hardware Paint a. Measurement 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the various Traffic Signal Structures being installed and painted. b. Payment 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item al•e subsidiary to various Traffic Signal Structures being installed and painted and shall be subsidiary to the unit price bid per various Traffic Signal Structures being installed and painted, and no other compensation will be allowed. 25. Furnishing and Installing Controller and Cabinet Assembly a. Measut•ement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each assembly furnished and installed. b. Payment 1) The work pet•formed and materials furnished in accardance to this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Controller & Cabinet" furnished and installed for: a) Various mounting methods 2) The price bid shall include: a) Furnishing and installing the Controller and Cabinet Assembly b) Put•chasing equipment fi•om City if called out in the Drawings c) Conduit d) Grounding rod e) Concrete foundation pad � Wi�•ing g) Cable h) Testing i) Troubleshooting j) Terminating 26. Installing Controller and Cabinet Assembly a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each assembly installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Controller & Cabinet" installed for: a) Various mounting methods 2) The pi•ice bid shall include: a) Installing the Conti•oller and Cabinet Assembly b) Conduit c) Grounding rod CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CON3TRUCTION SPECIFICA'C[ON DOCUMENTS 2evised December 20, 20t2 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 34 41 10 - 10 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page l0 of 51 1 d) Concrete foundation pad 2 e) Wiring 3 � Cable 4 g) Testing 5 h) Terminating 6 i) Troubleshooting 7 j) Picking up City furnished materials 8 27. Advanced Warning Flasher Assemblies 9 a. Measurement 10 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each assembly installed. 11 b. Payment 12 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item 13 shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each assembly installed for: 14 a) Various types of assemblies 15 b) Various applications including signal ahead, school zone, stop ahead, 16 etc. 17 c. The price bid shall include: 18 1) Furnishing and installing Advanced Warning Flashers 19 2) Testing 20 3) Foundations 21 4) Furnishing and placing anchor bolts, nuts, washers, and templates 22 5) Controller 23 6) Clean-up 24 28. Temporary Traffic Signals 25 a. Measurement 26 1) Measurement for"this Item shall be by lump sum per intersection requiring 27 Temporary Traffic Signals. 28 b. Payment 29 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 30 and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the 31 lump sum price bid for "Temp Traffic Signal" per each intersection. 32 c. The price bid shall include: 33 1) Picking up and returning materials supplied by the City 34 2) Installation of Temporaiy Traffic Signal Devices 35 3) Operation of controls 36 4) Maintenance 37 5) Reconfiguration 38 6) Removal of Temporary Traffic Signal Devices post-Construction 39 7) Foundations 40 8) Electrical services 41 9) Detection equipment 42 1.3 REFERENCES 43 A. Abbreviations and Acronyms 44 1. VIVDS: Video imaging vehicle detection system 45 2. BBU: Battery back-up system 46 3. LED: light emitting diode 47 B. Definitions CITY OP FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 11 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 1 I of 51 1 1. Battery Back-Up (BBU) System 2 a. Automatic Bypass Relay 3 1) A unit connected between the inverter/charger, and the load, which can 4 automatically switch power to the controller cabinet service panel from 5 inverter output power to utility line power, in the event of an inverter 6 failure. 7 b. Battery Back-Up System (BBU System) 8 1) The battery back-up system includes but is not limited to a manual bypass 9 switch, automatic bypass switch or power transfer switch, inverter/charger, 10 batteries, wiring, external cabinet and all necessary hardware for system i l operation. 12 c. Batteiy Back-Up System Software (BBU System software) 13 1) All software associated with operation, programming and functional 14 requirements of the BBU system. 15 d. Battery Monitoring Device 16 1) The device which monitors battery temperatures and chai•ge rate of the 17 battei•ies used in the BBU system. Shall be an ambient sensor intet•nal to the I 8 inverter/charger. 19 e. Batteries 20 1) System Batteries shall be 24vdc wired in a fully parallel configuration to 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 g• h. k. m allow complete hot swapping of all batteries during an outage. Boost 1) When enabled, the BBU inverter/charger shall automatically switch into this mode to 1•aise the utility line voltage when it drops below a preset limit. The limit may be user defined or use manufacturer default settings (typically 100V AC). Buck 1) When enabled, the unit shall automatically switch into this mode to reduce the utility line voltage when it rises above a preset limit. The limit may be user defined or use manufacturer default settings (typically 135V AC). External Cabinet I) The structure which houses the complete system components foi• the BBU System. Inverter/Charger 1) The unit which convei•ts the DC voltage input into 120 VAC output for the traffc signal cabinet to operate. As a minimum the inverter/charger shall be rated for 1400 VA, 1000 watts. Inverter Line Voltage 1) The power supplied from the BBU system to the traffic signal cabinet fi•om the BBU System inverter. Manual Bypass 1) Manual switch that allows user to bypass BBU power to service system equipment. Manual bypass switch switches utility line power directly to cabinet. Signal Operation Mode 1) A signalized intersection generating a 700W load when running in normal operation. Signal Flash Mode 1) A signalized intersection generating a 300W load when running in the flash mode of operation. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project NameJ STANDARD CONSTI2UCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10- 12 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page I 2 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 n. Utility Line Voltage 1) The 120V AC power supplied to the BBU system C. Reference Standards 7 8. 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. American Standard Testing Materials (ASTM) a. ASTM B85-57T —"Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Die Castings" b. ASTM B26-57T —"Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sand Castings" c. ASTM B-209-57T —"Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum- Alloy Sheet and Plate" d. ASTM D-1535 —"Standard Practice for Specifying Color by the Munsell System" e. ASTM B-033 —"Standard Specification for Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes" f. ASTM B-8 —"Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft" g. ASTM A3250-N —"High Strength Galvanized Steel Bolts" h. ASTM A490-N —"High Strength Galvanized Steel Bolts" i. ASTM A 123 —"Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products" j. ASTM A 153 —"Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware" 3. Texas Manual on Uniform Control Devices (TMUTCD) a. Part IV — Traffic Signals 4. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2009 Edition a. Digits 5. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) a. FAA L-802-B 6. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE): a. Vehicle Traffic Control Signal Head — Light Emitting Diode (LED) Circular Signal Supplemental (VTCSH), adopted June 2005. b. Vehicle Ti�affic Control Signal Head Part 3: Light Emitting Diode (LED) Arrow Traffic Signal Modules. c. Equipment and Mate�•ials Standar�ds, Vehicle Traffic Contr•ol Signal Heads (VTCSH) Part 2: LED Vehicle Signal Modzrles. d. PTCSI LED Signal Modules Draft Version of February 2009 1) Luminous intensity, uniformity and viewing angles 2) Chromaticity Underwriter's Laboratory Incorporate (UL) a. Standard UL-651 —"Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit and Fittings" b. Standard UL-514B —"Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings American Standards Institute (ANSI)/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) a. Section 6.1.2 ANSI/IEEE C62.41.2 — 2002, 3KV, 2 S2 b. Section 6.1.1 ANSUIEEE C62.41.2 — 2002, 6KV, 30SZ CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT'S Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 34 41 10 - 13 TRAFFIC S[GNALS Page 13 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1.4 c. Transient suppression 9. MIL-STD-883 a. Test Method 2007 b. Mechanical vibration 10. MIL-STD-810F a. Procedure 1, Rain & Blowing Rain b. Moisture resistance 11. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) a. Section 2.1.6 NEMA TS 2-2003 b. Section 2.1.8 NEMA TS 2-2003 c. Transient voltage protection d. Controller compatibility 12. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) a. Title 47 Sec 15 Sub. B b. Electronic noise 13. International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) a. IMSA 5-1 b. IMSA 7-1 c. IMSA 20-1 14. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) / National Electric Code (NEC) a. NFPA 70 b. Wiring 15. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) a. Section 8.2 IEC 1000-4-5 b. Section 8.0 IEC 1000-4-12 c. Transient suppression ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 28 A. Coordination 29 1. City must approve any deviation from Specification. 30 B. Preinstallation Meetings 31 1. 48 hours Notice of Intention to establish final location of any foundations, bases, 32 conduit, and detectors. 33 2. 48 hours notice to D[G TESS, City of Fort Wor•th Water and Sewer (817-871- 34 8275), and City of Fort Worth Traffic Signals, Street Lights, and Storm Drains 35 (817-392-8100). 36 C. Scheduling 37 1. 48 hours advanced approval for existing tcaffic signal turn off of flash operation. 38 2. 48 hours advanced notice of placing traffic signal into operation. 39 3. 3 Working Days notice for City pi•ovided equipment pick-up. 40 1.5 SUBMITTALS 41 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section Ol 33 00. 42 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery and/or fabrication foi• 43 specials. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] S7'ANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICA"I'[ON DOCUMENTS [[nsert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 14 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 14 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 � 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Product Data Sheets are required for: l. Traffc signal housing, back plates, visors, louvers, LED lamps, and mounting hardware 2. Pedestrian signal housing, LED lamps, and mounting hardware 3. Pedestrian push button assemblies 4. Conduit 5. Battery back-up systems 6. Multi-conductor cable 7. Power lead-in cable 8. Ground boxes 9. Grounding conductor 10. Grounding rod 11. Concrete a. Refer to Section 03 30 00. 12. Vibration dampers 13. Miscellaneous items supplied 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 20 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 21 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 22 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 23 1. Parts shall be properly protected so that no damage or deterioration occurs during a 24 prolonged delay from the time of shipment until installation. 25 2. Exposed anchor bolts shall be protected until pole shaft is installed. 26 3. Finished iron or steel surfaces not painted shall be properly protected to prevent rust 27 and corrosion. 28 4. Pt•event plastic and similar brittle items from being exposed to direct sunlight and 29 extremes in temperature. 30 5. The Contractor shall secure and maintain a location to store the material in 31 accordance with Section O1 50 00. 32 B. Delivery and Acceptance 33 1. Contractor shall pick up all City furnished materiais and deliver them to the Site. 34 l.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 35 1.12 WARRANTY 36 A. Manufacturer Warranty 3'7 1. Manufacturer's warranty shall be in accordance with Division 1. 38 2. A 2 year warrantv shall be required on all equipment furnished by the Contractor. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUC7'ION SPEC[FICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 2Q 2012 34 41 10 - 15 TRAPFIC SIGNALS Page 15 of 51 1 2 3 B. Extended Correction Period 1. Contractor responsible for correcting any substandard workmanship and/or materials for 24 months from the date the signal is accepted by the City. 4 PART2- PRODUCT5 5 2.1 PRODUCTS TO BE PURCHAS�D FROM THE CITY 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2.2 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A. Refer to Drawings and Contract Documents to determine if any Items are to be purchased from the City and installed by the Contractor. B. Items eligible for purchase fi�om the City include: 1. Radar Detection Systems 2. VIVDS 3. Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems 4. Pedestal Pole Assemblies 5. Signal poles 6. Mast arms 7. Controller and Cabinet Assemblies 8. Battery back up systems ASSEMBLIES, EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPES, AND MATERIALS A. Manufacturers 1. Only the manufacturers as listed in the City's Standard Products List will be considered as shown in Section O1 60 00. a. The manufacturer must comply with this Specification and related Sections. 2. Any product that is not listed on the Standard Products List is considered a substitution and shall be submitted in accordance with Section O 1 25 00. 3. If more than 1 unit of a given bid item is required, then the Contractor shall ensut•e that all units are the product of 1 manufacturer, unless otherwise directed by the Traffc Services Manager or designee. B. Description 1. Regulator•y Requirements a. Traffic signal shall meet o�• exceed standards set forth by the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD), National Electric Code (NEC), Institute of Transportation Engineet•s (ITE), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), American Standards Institute (ANSI), and National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA). C. Traffic Signal Materials 1. It is the Contractor's responsibility to furnish all materials necessary to complete each traffic signal installation, whether the item is specifically mentioned or not. All unspecified materials (i.e., electrical tape, bolts, and nuts, etc.) shall meet the requirements of the National Electrical Code. 2. All materials supplied by the Contractor shall be of new, un-depreciated stock. 3. Traffic signal head assemblies CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONS"iRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 2Q 2012 34 41 10 - 16 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 16 of 51 i a. Traffic signal heads 2 1) The housing and doors of the signal head shall be made of die cast 3 aluminum alloy in accordance with ASTM Specification B85-57T. 4 2) Sandcast aluminum alloy shall be used for other parts of the signal head if 5 in accordance with ASTM Specification B26-57T. 6 3) The visors shall be fabricated from aluminum sheet conforming to the 7 ASTM Specification B-209-57T. 8 4) All miscellaneous parts such as hinge pins, lens clips, locking devices, etc. 9 shall be made of a non-corrosive material. ] 0 5) The housing of the signal heads shall be constructed of interchangeable 11 sections. 12 6) All exterior mating surfaces shall be flat to assure waterproof and dust- 13 proof assembly of sections. 14 7) The top and bottom of the sections will have an opening approximately 2 15 inches in diameter to permit the entrance of 1'h inch pipe nipples. 16 8) Each section shall have serrated openings or equivalent, for providing a 17 positive and locked positioning of signal sections when used with serrated 18 mast arm or span wire mounting brackets. 19 9) The door and lens housing shall be equipped with a watertight and dust- 20 tight molded neoprene gasket. 21 a) The door of each signal section shall be attached to the housing in a 22 watertight and dust-proof manner. 23 b) Non-corrosive hinge pins and 2 wing screws will be furnished on each 24 door for opening and closing without the use of special tools. 25 (1) These hinges and screws shall be of such design as to allow even 26 gasket pressure. 27 10) Each signal head section shall be furnished with a detachable tunnel type 28 visor unless otherwise specified. 29 11) Visors shall be a minimum of 10 inches in length (depth) for 12 inch 30 signals, or a minimum of 7 inches in length (depth) for 8 inch signal heads 31 where specifically called for in the Drawings. 32 a) Visors shall be attached to the door assemblies in a manner that 33 facilitates field removal and installation. 34 b) Visors shali be fabricated from aluminum and shall not form a 35 complete circle and shall have the bottom open, unless louvers are 36 required. 37 12) Traffc signal housing shall be furnished with LED inserts that comply with 38 this Specification and shall be in the standard red, amber and green 39 configuration as specified by the most current version of the TMUTCD. 40 13) A screw down type terminal block shall be provided with each signal head 41 for facilitating field wiring. 42 14) The pigtail leads from the lamp receptacles shall be connected to a common 43 terminal block within the head assembly. 44 15) Each terminal block will be at least a 6 position, 12 terminal strip securely 45 fastened at both ends to the signal housing. 46 16) All traffic signal heads shall conform to the requirements of the most 47 current version of the TMUTCD in color and arrangement. 48 17) The housing and outside surface of the visors shall be traffic yellow (RAL 49 1023) in color. 50 a) The inside surface of visors shall be a"Dull" or "Flat-black" color. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 l0 - 17 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 17 of 51 1 b) The outside surface shall have a minimum of 2 coats of baked chrome 2 yellow enamel (TT-C-595E 1310), Munsell notation O.YP 47/ I S/3, per 3 FAA Specification L-802-B and ASTM D 1535. 4 b. LED traffic signal lamp unit 5 1) This Specification describes the minimum acceptable design and 6 performance requirements for a 12 inch (300mm) or 8 inch (200 mm) light 7 emitting diode (LED) traffic signal lamp unit. 8 2) The equipment shall conform to the applicable requirements of: the 9 Underwriter's Laboratoty Incorporate (UL), the American Society for 10 Testing and Materials (ASTM), the American Standards Institute (ANSI), 11 the National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA), and other 12 applicable standards and specifications. 13 3) The LED traffic signal lamp unit shall comply at a minimum with the 14 Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) specification for Vehicle Tr•affrc 15 Control Signal Head — Light Emitting Diode (LED) Circular Signal 16 Supplement (VTCSH); adopted June 2005, for circular indications and 17 Vehicle Traffic Control Signal Head Part 3: Light Ernitting Diode (LED) 18 Ar•r•ow Tr•affic Signal Modules for arrow indications. 19 4) The LED shall have an "incandescenY' look, using the minimum number of 20 LED's that comply with the ITE specification. 21 5) If proper orientation of the LED unit is required for• optimum performance, 22 a clear, durable and unmistakable marking shall be provided on each lens as 23 to its proper orientation (top or bottom). 24 6) The manufacturer's name, serial number and other necessary identification 25 shall be permanently marked on the backside of the LED traffic signal lamp 26 unit. A label shall be placed on the unit certifying compliance to ITE 27 standards. 28 7) Documentation Requirements 29 a) Each LED traffic signal lamp unit shall be provided with the following 30 documentation: 31 (1) Complete and accurate installation wiring guide 32 (2) Contact name, address, and telephone number for the 33 rept•esentative, manufactui•er, ot• distributor for warranty repair. 34 (3) A copy of a test report certified by an independent laboratory that 35 the LED traffic signal lamp model submitted meets all the 36 requit•ements of these Specifications in accordance with ITE 37 VTSCH Part 2. 38 (4) Schematic diagram for each unit, along with any necessary 39 installation instructions 40 (5) For each unit submitted, the manufactut•et• name, brand and model 41 number of LEDs used shall be provided, along with the LED 42 manufacturer's recommended drive current and degradation cuives. 43 (6) Wat�rant information from manufacturer 44 (7) Quality assurance testing documentation 45 c. Signal head louvers 46 1) Louvers shall be provided for those signal sections indicated in the 47 Drawings. 48 2) All louvers shall be of such design as to provide visibility of the lens for the 49 intended lane of traffic as indicated by the Drawings and block visibility to 50 all other lanes. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 18 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 18 of 51 1 d. Mounting hardware 2 1) Mast Arm Mount Signal Bracket, 1-Way Cable Mount 3 a) The product bid shall be the mast arm mount signal bracket, 1-way 4 cable mount, for 3 to 5 section head with 84 inches cable and 74 inches 5 long gusseted tube manufactured by Pelco, part no. AB-0125, or 6 approved, equal. 7 2) Mast Arm Mount Signal Bracket, 1-Way Cable Mount, Clamp Assembly 8 a) The product bid shall be the mast arm clamp assembly with 84 inches 9 cable manufactured by Pelco, part no. AB-3009, or approved equal. 10 3) Mast Arm Mount Signal Bracket, 2-Way Cable Mount I 1 a) The product bid shall be the mast arm mount signal bracket, cluster 12 cable mount, for 5 section signal head with 84 inches cable 13 manufactured by Pelco, part no. AB-0138, or approved equal. General 14 Specifications are below. IS 4) General Specifications for Traffic Signal Head Mounting Hardware 16 a) The bracket shall be completely adjustable such that it is capable of 17 rotational adjustment about the bracket axis, vertical adjustment, 18 rotational adjustment about the mast arm and rotational adjustment 19 right & left from the vertical plane. 20 b) The bracket shall be provided with aircraft type stranded cable for 21 fastening the bracket to the supporting arm or structure. The bracket 22 shall be easily adjustable to fit all sizes of round, octagonal, elliptical or 23 other shaped structure without special tools or equipment. 24 c) The bracket shall attach to the signal in a clamping manner holding the 25 signal both top and bottom in order to assure maximum rigidity. For 26 the 1-way cable mount, a standard bracket shall accommodate all major 27 signal manufacturers' signals from a 3 section 1-way 8 inches and 12 28 inches signal through a 5 section 1-way 12 inches signal and any 29 combination thereof including 3M and ICC configurations. For the 2- 30 way cable mount, a standard bracket shall accommodate all major 31 signal manufacturers' signals from a 3 section 2-way 8 inches signal 32 through a three (3) section 2-way 12 inches signal and any combination 33 thereof including 3M and ICC configurations. 34 d) Upper & Lower Arms 35 (1) Shall be cast from 319 aluminum or equivalent 36 (2) The lower bracket arm shall be internally threaded to accommodate 37 the threaded vei�tical support tube. 38 (3) The lower arm shall be furnished with ABS plastic covers, which 39 will slide and snap into position without the use of fasteners or 40 tools. 41 (4) All upper and lower arms shall have 72 tooth serrations cast into 42 the arm to assure a positive lock with signal housing and shall be 43 secured about their rotational axis with setscrews. 44 (5) Both upper and lower arms shall have a tri-bolt arrangement for 45 attachment to the signal housing. 46 (6) Opening in the lower arms shall accommodate a minimum of 3, 12 47 conductor 14 gauge cables. 48 e) Vertical Support Tube 49 (1) Shall be a double gusseted tube extruded from 6063-T6 aluminum 50 alloy or equivalent and have a cross section. CITY OF FORT WORTH [[nsert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPGCIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 19 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 19 of 51 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 � g) h) i) (2) Each tube shall be complete with a vinyl closure strip and be threaded on 1 end to accommodate the lower arm assembly. Mast Arm Clamp Assembly (1) Both male and female halves shall be cast from 713 aluminum alloy or equivalent. (2) The male clamp half shall be secured within the female half, utilizing a spring steel retainer ring. (3) Such assembly shall provide an unobst�ucted center of 2 3/8 inches minimum diameter, allowing for 360 degree rotation of the clamp assembly. (4) There shall be no internal cross bracing assembly obstructing the center opening. Airci•aft Type Stranded Cable (1) Shall be fabricated in 1 piece with a minimum diameter of 3/16 inches either galvanized or stainless steel (2) The cable shall be complete with 7/16 inch stainless steel clamp screw permanently attached to each end. Each clamp screw shall be fitted with a stainless steel hex nut, SAE flatwasher and an aluminum-bearing washer. (3) The clamp sct•ew shall be flattened on 2 opposite sides for wrench accommodation. The stranded cable shall be of sufficient length to fasten the clamp assembly to a minimum pole diameter of 8.6 inches. Each bracket shall be complete with all necessary bolts, washers, gaskets, etc. to allow assembly of the signal to the bt•acket and the bracket to the mast arm. All aluminum parts shall have an Alodine (or equivalent) finish. All steel parts shall have a traffic yellow (RAL 1023) zinc di-chromate finish. 4. LED Countdown Pedestrian Signal Head Assemblies a. Housing unit 1) Housing units shall be new and unweathered. 2) The housing shall be fitted with an LED module that has an incandescent look. 3) The housing shall be a 1-piece corrosion resistant aluminum alloy die- casting with integrally cast top, bottom and sides that are weather proof and dust-tight. 4) The housing shall be right and left drilled for clamshell attachment and shall have top and bottom ports that are opened and capped and will accommodate standard 1 YZ inches pipe. 5) The approximate size of housing (including body, door, and ears) shall be 16.0 inches H x 18.75 inches W x 8 inches D. 6) The door frame shall be a 1-piece corrosion resistant aluminum die-casting. 7) The housing shall be traffic yellow (RAL 1023). 8) The housing shall have a standard 3-position terminal block, pre-wired to receptacles to pet•mit easy field installation of a power supply. 9) All necessary hardwai•e shall be provided with housing. Rivets shall be aluminum and bolts, lock washet•s, screws, eyebolt assembly and pins shall be stainless steel. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICA'P[ON DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 34 41 10-20 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 20 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 0 c. LED countdown pedestrian unit 1) LED countdown pedestrian signal units shall be new and unweathered. 2) The manufacturer's name, serial number and other necessary identification shall be permanently marked on the backside of the LED pedestrian signal unit. 3) The LED pedestrian signal lamp unit shall fully conform to Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) PTCSI Dr•aft Version of February 2009. 4) The LED pedestrian signal lamp unit shall fully conform to Chapter 4E, Pedestrian Control Features, of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), 2009 version. 5) Each LED pedestrian signal unit shall be provided with the following documentation: a) Complete and accurate instailation guide. b) Contact name, address, and telephone number for the representative manufacturer, or distributor for warrant repair. 6) A copy of a test report certified by an independent laboratory that the LED traffic signal lamp model submitted meets all the requirements of these specifications in accordance with ITE PTCSI Draft Version of February 2009. Mounting hardware 1) Mounting hardware shall be the clamshell mount type equivalent to or better than the clamshell #4805 manufactured by McCain. 2) Mounting hardware shall be a 2-piece, cast aluminum alloy assembly. The 2 separate castings shall be joined in the final assembly by the use of stainless steel spring pins. 3) The pole half of the assembly shall be designed to adapt to a wide range of pole configurations (4 inch minimum diameter). 4) Unit construction shall allow band-it type mounting. Band-it type mounting shall be permitted by 2 recessed slots near the top and bottom of the pole half of the assembly. 5) The pedestrian assembly shall be capable of being mounted on the pole by lining up the mounting pins of the pole half with the mounting ears of the pedestrian assembly and lowering it into position. 6) 3 sets of screw terminal pairs shall be located on a terminal block in the upper third of the head half of the clamshell assembly. 7) A closed cell neoprene sponge gasket shall be provided on the mating surfaces of the 2 halves of the assembly to compete the rain-tight construction. 5. Pedestrian Push Button Assemblies a. The product bid shall be the Bulldog pushbutton BDLM2-Y with Bulldog Pole Mount BDPM-X manufactured by Polara, or approved equal, and shall meet the following specifications: 1) Button must be highly vandal resistant and pressure activated with essentially no moving parts. 2) Button must be able to withstand an impact from a baseball bat or hammer. 3) Button housing must be cast aluminum powder coated traffic yellow (RAL 1023). 4) Button cap must be made of 316 stainless steel. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 34 41 10 - 21 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 21 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 5) Switch must be solid state electronic Piezo switch rated for 100 million cycles with no moving plunger or moving electrical contacts. 6) Button must have LED to give indication of button being pushed. 7) Button must give a 2 toned beep indication of button being pushed (1 tone for push, 1 tone for release). 8) Button must have built in surge protection. 9) Button must be able to hold the call for a minimum of 5 seconds. 10) Button must operate immediately after being completely immersed in water for 5 minutes. 11) Button must not be able to allow ice to form such that it would impede function of button or button cap. 12) All switch electronics must be sealed within the cast aluminum housing. 13) Button must have raised ridges to protect the button from side impacts. 14) The button shall come complete with an aluminum round housing to be mounted to the signal pole. The housing shall be cast aluminum powder coated traffic yellow (RAL 1023). 15) R10-3e push button signs 16) All necessary pole mounting hardware shall be supplied. 6. Luminaires a. A separate fusetron link shall be provided in the signal pole access compartment. The conductors from the pole base to the luminaire shall be #8 XHHW wire. Luminaires shall have multi-tap (120 / 240 volt) ballast. b. The luminaire head shall be a`cobra' type with drop lens. Each unit shall come with a photo cell switch mounted on the top. Each luminaire shall contain a 200 watt high pressure sodium bulb. 7. Radar Detection System a. General 1) All equipment required to interface with a traffic signal controller will be subsidiary to this pay item. 2) The unit shall detect the continuous presence of every type of vehicle. 3) The horizontal range for detection shall be from a minimum of 1 foot (300 mm) to a maximum of 80 feet (24,400 mm) at a mounting height of 20 feet. 4) The sensor shall be able to hold the detection until the zone is cleared. The sensor shall be able to tune-out stationary targets that remain within the detection zone for a minimum programmable time with 1 minute resolution from 1 to 30 minutes. 5) The sensor shall self-tune to its detection zone with no external adjustments other than physical alignment after the initial set-up. There will be no tuning controls of any kind which will require an operator once the unit has been properly installed with the set-up software. 6) The detector output must be directly compatible with the controller cabinet detector input. 7) The detector shall be capable of continuous operation over a temperature range of— 35 degrees Fahrenheit to + 165 degrees Fahrenheit (-31 degrees Celsius to 78 degrees Celsius). b. Functional Requirements CITY OF FORT WORTH S'I'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 34 41 10-22 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 22 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 c. Q e 1) The microwave unit must have Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certification. The FCGID number must be displayed on an external label. The detector will operate at a frequency, as allowed under the FCC Rules, Part 15. 2) Cabinet power utilized by a detector power supply will range from 90 to 135 VAC. The detector will be self-contained. The power supply shall be an integral part of the unit. External power supplies shall not be allowed. 3) The unit will have an electro-mechanical SPDT relay to send a signal to the controller. 4) No component shall be of such design, fabrication, nomenclature or other identification as to preclude the purchase of said component from any wholesale electronic distributor. 5) The unit must employ a circuit for power failure to put the relay to a fail- safe position (recall) during a power failure. 6) The detector must have a monitoring circuit for the transceiver that will change the output relay to the fail-safe position in the event of a component failure. 7) The detector shall work either as a side of the pole mounted detector or as an overhead mounted detector at a height range of 12 feet to 24 feet (3650 mm to 7300 mm). 8) All set-up and diagnostic software shall be provided to run on a Windows based operating system. Mechanical Requirements 1) Each sensor shall be enclosed in a finished fabricated plastic and aluminum chassis with a minimum 4 inches (100 mm) wide by 5 inches (130 mm) high front plastic panel. The front plastic panel shall be constructed of a high impact plastic that covers the opening in fi•ont of the antenna. 2) Each detector chassis will be water resistant without the use of silicone gels or any other material that will deteriorate under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. 3) The printed circuit board shall be coated with a solder mask material that resists moisture and fungus. The solder mask shall have a silk screen to provide a label for each component on the printed circuit board. 4) The sensor shall be furnished with a bracket designed to mount directly to a pole or overhead mast-arm structure. 5) The sensor shall interface with the set-up software via a RS-232 port with a baud rate of 1200. 6) The maximum size of the detector shall be: a) Height: 8.00 inches (200 mm) w/ mounting bracket b) Width : 4.25 inches (108 mm) c) Depth : 10.50 inches (270 mm) Functional Tests 1) The manufacturer will test all microwave units to insure compliance to all FCC and department specifications. Software 1) The set-up software shall be menu driven and shall utilize a Windows type format for operating the software. 2) An on-line help shall be provided as an integral part of the system software. 3) The operator shall be able to perform the following functions through the set-up software: CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 23 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 23 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 4) 5) a) View a detection output from the unit. b) View a low microwave signal from the unit. c) Program the average intersection cycle time in the set-up software. d) Program the presence time-out in 1 minute intervals from 1 to 30 minutes. e) Program a delay time from 0 to 25 seconds in 1 second intervals. (1) 0 = off. fl Program a delay inhibit time from 0 to 25 seconds in 1 second intervals. (1) 0 = off. g) Provide a quick re-tune feature for re-tuning in an expedited fashion under ideal background conditions. The operator shall be able to perform the following advanced program functions through the set-up software: a) Select and program a new sensor I.D. for each sensor. b) Program a response time for the sensor. c) Program a hysteresis value from a selection of: (1) Low (2) Medium (3) High d) Program a profile value for each sensor. e) The operator shall be able to view the signature of the microwave and the deviation parameters of the microwave for each sensor through the set-up software. Documents a) The Manufacturer shall supply a hardware installation guide and a software set up and user manual. 8. Video Imaging Vehicle Detection System (VIVDS) a. The VNDS shall detect the presence of vehicles on all approaches of the intersection and be operationally compatible with controllers and conflict monitors currently used by the City of Fort Worth. b. The video detection component of this system is generally composed of 4 camera/processor combination units and associated hardware. c. The VIVDS shall be Autoscope Solo Pro or equivalent and capable of performing the following functions: 1) The Video Processor System (VPS) shall be capable of providing up to 16 detector outputs to a Type 170 traffic controller from up to 8 camera/video processor units (GVPU). 2) Each C/VPU field of view shall provide a minimum of 32 virtual detection zones for vehicle detection. 3) The specific number of GVPUs to be provided is shown on the Drawings. 4) A Video Processor Unit (VPU) shall reside in each camera housing. 5) The video output from the CNPU shall be in color with active detection zones overlaid on full motion video. 6) Connection fi•om the controller cabinet to the camera/processor must be twisted wire pairs only. a) No coaxial cable shall be used from the controller cabinet to the cameras. CITY OF FORT WOR1'H STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEN7'S Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 34 41 10 - 24 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 24 of 51 1 7) The C/VPU shall be able to simultaneously perform vehicle presence 2 detection while computing and storing traffic data parameters for user 3 selected intervals of 10, 20, or 30 seconds or l, 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes. 4 a) These parameters must include vehicle counts, flow rate, classification, 5 occupancy,and speeds. 6 b) The C/VPU shall be capable of operating in an IP-addressable multi- 7 drop communications network that allows the traffic data parameters to 8 be polled down to 10 second intervals. 9 c) It shall be possible to verify and download the stored data at any time 10 without disturbing the data currently stored in memory. 11 d) The C/VPU shall be provided with occlusion compensation software on 12 a per detection zone per lane basis in order to minimize over counting 13 due to large vehicles. 14 8) Phase Red and Green load switch outputs from up to sixteen (16) phases of 15 a Type 170 traffic controller shall be provided as inputs to the C/VPU for 16 inhibiting detector Extend/Delay timing functions. 17 9) The C/VPU software shall provide Boolean logic gates (AND, OR, NAND, 18 and N of M) that allow the detector outputs to be daisy chained/linked 19 together for customized operation. 20 10) In addition, the C/VPU shall be able to condition the detector outputs based 21 on the state of the associated phase number and color. 22 11) The following detector types shall be available: 23 Detector Output Type Function Phase 5tate � Send a call for every vehicle Not applicable presence detected 1 Extend a call Green Delay a call Not Green 2 Delay a call Green Extend a call Not Green 3 Lock a call Not Green 4 Extend and/or lock a call Not Green Extend and/or lock a call 5 (with an automatic reset Not Green � timer) 6 Lock a call Red CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 25 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 25 of 51 Reserved for future output 7 type (Defaults to Type 0 output) Calculate dilemma zone and automatically extend a call Green g Send a call for every vehicle resence detected Not Green Delay and/or lock a call Red 9 Send a call for moving Not Red vehicles only i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 12) The serial communication port on the VPS shall be a DB-9 RS-232 connector. a) The Vendor shall supply a software package that will operate with W indows. (1) In the direct connect mode, the software resident in the VPS and in the personal computer shal l be capable of transmitting and receiving all information needed for detection zone set-up, monitoring vehicle detection by viewing flashing detection zone overlays, and uploading/downloading and interrogating all stored data within the VPS. (2) Future remote communications with the VPS shall be possible with the addition of external communication devices (modem, codec, etc.) using the RS-232 and video output ports on the VPS. 13) The VPS shall be provided with front panel switches and LED indicators that allow an operator to manually select and verify the VPS operating mode, monitor camera Sync and Data operation, and monitor a minimum of 16 outputs and 8 inputs of the VPS without the use of an external device such as a personal computer. 14) The C/VPU shall be capable of detecting vehicles for a minimum of 8lanes plus 2 shoulders on a per camera basis. a) The C/VPU shall also be able to simultaneously detect both approaching and departing vehicles for each camera field of view. 15) The C/VPU operational software shall be stored internally in Flash Memory and be capable of being updated without the removal and replacement of inemoiy devices. 16) The C/VPU shall be provided with count, presence, directional presence, speed, stopped vehicles, and queue types of detection zones. a) An adjustable cycle timer shall be available for dealing with stopped vehicles. b) The Windows software shall be able to display the traffic parameters on the screen of an SVGA monitor on a per vehicle basis for each detection station by lane. c) It shall also be possible to view and sort the stored data for selected time intervals. 17) A Clock/Calendar shall be resident in the C/VPU softwat•e for turning on/off certain parameters used to enhance detection performance, and shall include Daylight Savings compensation. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 3441 (0-26 TRAFF(C SIGNALS Page 26 of 51 1 18) The Contractor shall provide a 0.125 inches thick aluminum Camera 2 Interface Panel mounted to the wall of the traffic controller cabinet for 3 protecting the C/VPU video, data, and power. 4 a) The panel shall contain as a minimum; 1 Edco CX06 coax protector per 5 camera (if video is output on coaxial cable), an Edco ACP-340 for 6 protecting the CNPU power, a 10 amp circuit breaker, and a terminal 7 strip with a minimum of 6 8-32 binder head screws for input/output 8 power. 9 19) The VPS shall be IS09002 registered prior to bid opening. The VPS shall 10 also be a UL recognized component that complies with the requirements of 11 EN6095D. 12 20) The VPS at each intersection shall be able to be networked using a 2-TWP 13 interconnect back to the Master Cabinet for future communication to the 14 Traffic Management Center. 15 a) This communication must be full-duplex RS-485 and be capable of 16 being daisy-chained at each VPS location. 17 d. Video Detection System Components 18 1) Description 19 a) Camet•a/Processor Combination 20 b) 5%2 Pair 18-Gauge Cable 21 c) Communications Interface Panel (4-Camera) 22 d) Mini-Hub Detector Card 23 e) Camera Mounting Bracket, Pelco Model AB-0166-5-84, or approved 24 equal 25 fl Interface Cable Assemblies 26 g) Users Guide 27 h) Field Setup Monitor 28 i) Installation Assistance and / or User Training (Days) 29 e. If any lcomponent fails, it should be easily identifiable by visual inspection and 30 replaced or repaired per the warranty. 31 f. Each component shall be provided with the following documentation: 32 1) Complete and accurate installation, set-up and users guide. 33 2) Contact name, address, and telephone number for the representative, 34 manufacturer, and/or distributor for warranty repair. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 9. Emergency Vehicle Preemption System a. Must be compatible with existing City owned emergency vehicle preemption systems. b. Provide new, corrosion resistant materials. c. Emergency Preemption Phase Selector 1) Shall be a plug-in two channel, dual priority, encoded signal device. 2) Shall have the capability to be installed directly into the input file of Type 170 traffic controllers equipped with priority phase selection software. 3) Shall recognize and discriminate among three distint emitter frequency rates via Emeigency Preemption Detectors: Command Priority, Advantage Priority and probe vehicles. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] S'TANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[F[CATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 27 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 27 of 51 1 4) When Emergency Preemption Detector signals are recognized as a valid 2 call, the Emergency Preemption Phase Selector shall cause the signal 3 controller to advance to and/or hold the desired traffic signal display. This 4 is accomplished by utilizing Emergency Preemption Phase Selector 5 circuitry in conjunction with normal internal controller functions. 6 5) The Emergency Preemption Phase Selector shall be capable of assigning 7 priority traffic movement to one of two channels on a first come, first serve 8 basis. Each channel shall be connected to select a particular traffic 9 movement from those normally available within the controller. 10 6) Once a call is recognized, "commit to green" circuitry in the Emergency 11 Preemption Phase Selector shall function so that the desired green 12 indication will be obtained even if optical communication is lost. After 13 serving a priority traffic demand, the Emergency Preemption Phase 14 Selector shall release the controller to follow normal sequence operation. 15 7) The phase selector shall not change the timing of the following intervals for 16 any normal controller phase: minimum green, walk, pedestrian clearance, 17 yellow change, or red clearance. 18 8) Emergency Preemption Phase Selector shall also have the following 19 features: two auxiliary detectors per channel, compatible with encoded 20 signal and non-encoded emitters, computer-based interface (RS232 21 communications front port, and rear backplane, customizable ID code 22 validation), crystal controlled circuitry, optically isolated outputs, front 23 panel switches and diagnostic indicators for testing, and multi-function test 24 switch. 25 9) Phase selector shall be powered from AC mains and shall provide 24-volt 26 DC output for its associated detectors. 27 10) Emergency Preemption Phase Selector shall utilize solid state and relay 28 circuitry to interface between the Emergency Preemption Detector and the 29 traffc signal controller. 30 11) Emergency Preemption Phase Selector shall supply power to and receive 31 electrical signals from the Emergency Preemption Detector. 32 12) Emergency Preemption Phase Selector shall be tested to NEMA electrical 33 test specifications. 34 13) Emergency Preemption Phase Selector shall operate at a voltage range of 35 89 to 135 VAC +10% and 60Hz + 3Hz. 36 14) Provide equipment that is not affected by the transient voltages, surges and 37 sags normally experienced on commercial power lines. It is the Contractor's 38 responsibility to check the local power service to determine if any special 39 design is needed for the equipment. Any extra cost, if required, is 40 subsidiary to this Item. 41 15) Install appropriate surge protectors in the cabinet for the Emergency 42 Preemption Phase Selector and Emergency Preemption Detector. 43 16) Provide equipment that meets the requirements of Sec. 2.1.6, "Transients, 44 Power Service" of the NEMA Standard TS2-1992, and/or the latest 45 revision. 46 17) Provide all wiring to the requirements of the NEC. Cut all wires to proper 47 length. Provide cable slacks to facilitate removal and replacement of 48 assemblies, panels, and modules. Do not double back any wires to take up 49 slack. Neatly lace wires into cable with nylon lacing or plastic straps. 50 Secure cables with clamps. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 28 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 28 of 51 1 18) Provide diodes or other protective devices across the coils of all DC relays, 2 solenoids, and holding coils for transient suppression. 3 19) Furnish equipment with readily accessible, manually re-settable or 4 replaceable circuit protection devices (such as circuit breakers or fuses) for 5 equipment and power source protection. 6 20) Design the equipment such that the failures of the equipment shall not 7 cause the failure of any other unit of equipment. 8 21) Equipment furnished shall be modular in design to allow major portions to 9 be readily replaced in the field. 10 22) Emergency Preemption Phase Selector shall have mechanically key 11 modules of unlike functions to prevent insertion into the wrong socket or 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Q connector. 23) Clearly identify all modules and assemblies with name, model number, serial number, and any other pertinent information required to facilitate equipment maintenance. 24) A card rack shall be supplied with every Emergency Preemption Phase Selector. a) Shall be a metallic enclosure with a dedicated card slot for one phase selector with either two or four channel units. b) The front panel of the card rack shall include a terminal strip for connecting the detectors, as well as a 9-pin circular connector and harness to connect the phase selector's inputs and outputs. c) The card rack shall be subsidiary to the Emergency Preemption Phase Selector. Emergency Preemption Detector 1) Furnish Emergency Pc•eemption Detector that shall seamlessly operate with the vehicle emittei•s used in the project area. 2) Detector shall transform the optical energy detected from an approaching, vehicle mounted emitter to an electrical signal. The electrical signal shall be transmitted along an Emergency Preemption Detector Cable to the Emergency Preemption Phase Selector for pc•ocessing. 3) Detectors shall permit a direct, unobstructed line-of-sight to vehicle approaches. 4) Detector shall have a cone of detection of not more than 13 degrees. The Emergency Preemption Detectol• and/or Eme�gency Preemption Phase Selector shall not sense a pre-emption signal from an emitter outside this cone. 5) Detector shall have solid state circuitry and advanced electrical transient immunity. 6) Detectors shall have a range of 200 feet and is adjustable up to 2,500 feet. 7) Detector shall operate at an electrical voltage of 24 to 28 VDC, 50 MA minimum. 8) Shall operate at a temperature range of -30 degrees F to 165 degrees F. 9) Detector shall include mounting hardware, as specified, for mast arm mounting, span wire mounting, pole-side mounting, mounting on top of a signal head, or mounting on top of a pipe or pedestal. 10) Detector shall have an adjustable turret configuration to accommodate skewed approaches. 11) Detector housing shall be of light weight, durable, high-impact polycarbonate mater•ial having stainless steel and brass fttings. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 saa> >o-z9 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 29 of 51 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 12) Detector shall operate at a humidity of 5% to 95% relative. e. Emergency Preemption Detector Cable 1) Shall be compatible with all other equipment used in this specification. 2) Cable shall be individually tinned copper strand three-conductor cable with yellow, orange, and blue conductor wires. It shall also have a bare shield drain wire. 3) Cable shall be AWG #20 (7x28), stranded with conductor insulation of 600 volt, 75°C (167°F). 4) Cable shall have a DC resistance not to exceed 11.0 ohms per 1000 ft. 5) The capacitance from one conductor to other 2 conductors and shield shall not exceed 48 pfJft. 6) Cable jacket shall be rated for 600 volts, 80 degrees C(176 degrees F), and minimum average wall thickness of 0.045 in. 7) Finished O.D. of 0.3 in. maximum. 10. Battery back-up system a. The BBU system shall operate using 1 or more of the following methods: 1) Buck and Boost Method a) When the buck and boost functions are enabled they shall set the upper and lower control limit allowable for the utility line voltage. b) If the utility line voltage fluctuates above or below the buck and boost values, the BBll system shall raise or lower the voltage by approximately 10-15 percent of the utility line voltage in an attempt to bring the voltage back into the upper and lower control limits. c) Buck and boost shall have preset manufacturer defaults. If the utility line voltage falls above or below the functional capabilities of buck and boost, then the BBU system will transfer power from the utility Iine voltage to the inverter line voltage. 2) Stand-by Method a) The stand-by method shall set upper and lower control limits for the utility line power. b) If the utility line voltage falls above or below the upper or lower control limits, then the BBU system will transfer power from the utility line voltage to the inverter line voltage. b. System capabilities 1) The BBU system shall be capable of providing 1400VA, 1000W peak load, with a minimum of 80 percent inverter efficiency, for at least 10 seconds. 2) The BBU system shall be capable of providing an "LED only" 700W signal operation load for a minimum of 4 hours, and then switching to and providing 300W signal flash load for an additional2 hours minimum under ambient temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius, when batteries are fully charged. 3) When the BBU system is running on battery power, the inverter/charger shall be capable of allowing the transition from normal operating mode, to flash mode, via relay contacts and connection points, based on "timed output", "on battery" or "low battery" condition. 4) The transfer time allowed, from disruption of normal utility line voltage to stabilized inverter line voltage from batteries, shall be from 5-20 milliseconds. The same allowable transfer time shall also apply when switching from inverter line voltage to utility line voltage. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project NameJ [Insert Project Number] 3441 ]0-30 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 30 of 51 1 5) The BBU system shall bypass utility line voltage whenever the utility line 2 voltage is outside of the manufacturer's default, or a user-programmed 3 voltage range, f2VAC. 4 6) When the utility line power has been restored to a normal operating voltage 5 for more than a user defined setting (default 30 seconds), the BBU system 6 shall transfer from inverter line voltage to utility line voltage. The BBU 7 system shall be equipped to prevent a malfunction feedback to the cabinet 8 or from feeding back to the utility service. 9 7) The BBU system shall be compatible with TS1, TS2 and Model 170/2070 10 controllers and cabinet components for full run-time operation. 11 8) The BBU system shall be fully self contained in an externally mounted 12 cabinet, compatible with Model 170/2070 332 cabinets. Relay contact 13 wiring for each set of NO/NC relay contact closure terminals shall be no 14 less than 6 feet long and #18 AWG wire. Use manufacturer 15 recommendations for size of wire for any cables lengths gr•eater than 10 16 feet. 17 9) The BBU system shall have lightning surge protection compliant with 18 IEEE/ANSI C.62.41 latest edition and meeting all current UL1449 19 standards. Lightning surge protection shall be provided to the utility line 20 voltage coming into the inverter/charger. 21 10) The BBU system, including batteries and hardware, shall be easily 22 replaceable and shall not requit•e any special tools for installation. 23 11) The BBU system shall operate in automatic "fail-safe" mode. Should the 24 inverter/charger fail, the system will automatically operate fi�om utility line 25 power and bypass the BBU system. 26 12) As stated above, in addition to the inverter/charger, the BBU shall be 27 provided with both an external manual bypass switch and either an external 28 automatic transfer switch or external automatic bypass switch. 29 13) The BBU system with communications software shall be capable of 30 logging a minimum of 100 events. Events shall be date- and time-stamp 31 faults with utility line voltage and battery voltages. At the minimum, the 32 BBU system shall log an event when: 33 a) The utility line voltage falls above or below the uppe►• or lower control 34 limits, 35 b) The BBU system automatically switches to battery power, and 36 c) When self-monitoring BBU system components fail 37 14) All components of the BBU system shall be rated to operate under 38 temperature extremes of -34 degrees Celsius to +74 degrees Celsius. 39 c. Displays, Controls, Diagnostics and Maintenance 40 1) The BBU system shall include a front panel display. 41 2) The BBU system software shall be programmable via RS232, or 10/100 42 LAN connection, by means of a laptop direct connection, or via Ethernet/IP 43 addressable interface. 44 3) A 10/100 Ethernet port shall be provided. 45 4) A RS232 port shall be provided on the invet�ter/charger. 46 5) The BBU system software shall be provided for the operational needs of the 47 BBU system. The user/operator shall be able to access all system software 48 via the Ethernet and RS232 ports. The user shall be able to read logged 49 events and change programmable parameters via laptop or local area 50 network via the Ethernet port. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project NameJ STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 31 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 31 of S i 1 6) System software shall be upgradeable via the RS232 port, or local area 2 network via the Ethernet port. 3 d. Inverter/Charger 4 1) The inverter/charger is the unit that provides the voltage regulation; power 5 conditioning of utility line power; convert the DC voltage input into 120 6 VAC output for the traffic signal cabinet to operate; provides emergency 7 backup power upon loss of utility power and provides for temperature 8 compensated battery charging. 9 2) As a minimum the inverter/charger shall be rated for 1400 VA / 1000 watts. ] 0 Provide a minimum of 3 sets of normally open (NO) and normally closed 11 (NC) single-pole double-throw dry contact relay closures on the front face 12 of the inverter/charger and labeled so as to identify each contact. 13 3) The relay closures shall consist a set of NOMC contact closures that shall 14 be energized whenever the unit switches to battery power (contact shall be 15 labeled or marked as "On Battery" or equivalent) and a second set of 16 NO/NC contact closures shail be energized whenever the battery 17 approaches approximately 40 percent remaining capacity (contact shall be 18 labeled or marked as "Low battery" or equivalent"), which will determine 19 when the unit will switch from normal operation to flash. 20 4) A third set of NO/NC contact closures shall be energized after a user 21 settable time after the unit switches to battery power. The contact may be 22 labeled "Timer. The remaining relays shall be user definable. 23 5) Operating temperature range for both the inverter/charger and power 24 transfer relay shall be -34 degrees Celsius to +'74 degrees Celsius. 25 6) When battery power is used, the BBU system output voltage shall be 26 between 110VAC and 125VAC, pure sine wave output, < 3 percent THD, 2� 60Hz � 3Hz 28 e. Manual Bypass Switch 29 1) The manual bypass switch shall be provided as a separate unit external to 30 the inverter/charger unit. 31 2) The manual bypass switch shall consist of housing, 2 position switch, all 32 components shall be rated at a minimum of 240VAC / 30 amp. 33 3) The manual bypass switch shall be 2 positions and allow the user to switch 34 utility line power directly to the cabinet service panel. 35 4) The switch positions will provide the following functions. 36 5) In the "Bypass" position the inverter is bypassed, utility power is removed 37 from the BBU and passed directly to the signal power panel. 38 6) In the "UPS" position the inverter / switch is powered and the signal 39 circuits are supplied by the output of the inverter. 40 '7) When the manual bypass switch is in the "Bypass" position the user may 41 replace the automatic bypass switch (or transfer switch) and the 42 inverter/charger without interrupting power to the intersection. 43 8) Provide the manual bypass switch with over current protection (20 Amp 44 circuit breaker). 45 £ Automatic Bypass Switch / Relay 46 1) These requirements are for BBU systems provided with an automatic 47 bypass switch. CITY OF FORT WORTH [►nsert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 32 TRAFF[C SIGNALS Page 32 of 51 1 2) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 The automatic bypass relay will operate such that the invertet•/charger input is supplied with power from the utility line and the cabinet power panel is supplied with power from the output of the inverter/charger. In the event of inverter/charger failure, battery failure, complete battery dischat•ge, or other loss of power from the output of the inverter/charger, the automatic bypass relay shall revert to the NC (de-energized) state, where utility line power is connected to the cabinet service panel. g. Batteries 1) Provide batteries from the same manufacturer/vendor of the BBU system. 2) Individual batteries shall be 24VDC type, and shall be easily replaceable and commonly available for purchase. 3) Batteries shall be sized and rated to operate a 700W load for 4 hours (normal operation) followed by a 300W load foi• 2 hours (flash operation) for a total of 6 hours. 4) Battery configuration shall consist of a quantity of 6 24V batteries arranged in a parallel configuration. Individual batteries shall not weigh more than 26 pounds. 5) Batteries shall be deep-discharge, sealed prismatic lead-calcium based, valve-regulated lead-acid AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat). 6) Batteries shall operate over a temperature range of -34 degrees Celsius to +74 degrees Celsius. 7) Battei•ies shall indicate maximum recharge data and t•echarging cycles, and manufacturer defaults on the inve��ter/charger shall not allow the recharging process to exceed the batteries maximum values. 8) Battely interconnect wiring shall connect to the inverter unit via modular harness with red and black cabling that terminates into heavy duty SOA rated "keyed" finger safe "Andetson" type connectors. a) Harness shall allow batteries to be quickly and easily connected in any ot•der and shall be keyed to ensure proper polarity and circuit configuration. b) A fuse, sized accordingly with system requirements and to protect against currents exceeding each battery current rating shall be provided within 3 inches of the negative and positive leads of each battety. 9) Insulated covers shall be provided at the connection points (post) as to prevent accidental shot�ting. 10) Batteries shall sit upright inside of the cabinet. h. Battery Monitoring System 1) The BBU system shall use a temperature-compensated battery charging system. 2) The intet•nal temperature sensor shall be used to monitor the temperature and regulate the charge rate of the batteries. 3) Should the temperature sensor fail, the inverter/charger shall not allow the BBU system to overcharge the batteries. The BBU system shall provide an alarm should the temperature sensor fail. 4) Recharge time for the batteries to obtain 80 pei•cent or more of full battery charge capacity shall not exceed 20 hours at 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit). 5) Batteries shall not be charged when battery temperature exceeds 50 degrees Celsius �3 degrees. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS [[nsert Project Number] Revised December 2Q 2012 34 41 10 - 33 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 33 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6) The BBU system shall monitor the batteries within the system and set a fault indicator if battery voltage falls below normal operating voltage. i. System Housing 1) Stand-alone BBU/Battery Cabinet. When required for installation by the Drawings a stand-alone cabinet in accordance with the following shall be provided. The stand-alone cabinet shall be designed to attach to a concrete pad. 2) The external cabinet shall be NEMA type 3R all-aluminum with stainless- steel hardware, or approved equivalent. The batteries, inverter, transfer switches, manual bypass and all associated hardware shall be housed in the external cabinet. 3) The external cabinet shall be equipped with proper ventilation, electric fan, and air filter in accordance with TS2 standards. 4) External cabinets will be equipped with a door opening to the entire cabinet. The door shall be provided with the same lock mechanism as required for standard traffic signal cabinet. In addition, a padlock clasp will be provided. Cabinet dimensions shall not exceed 46 inches H x 20 inches W x 10 inches D. j. LED Indicator 1) A blue LED indicator shall be installed either on top of the battery backup cabinet or in a location easily visible from the street to indicate if the battery backup system is running off of battery power. 11. Detector cable a. Detector Loop Wire 1) All detector loop wire shall be #14 AWG, or better if required on the traffic signal layout sheet, stranded, type XHHW 1 conductor cable. b. Detector Lead-In Cable 1) Loop detector lead-in cable shall be a single 4 conductor No. 18 AWGS shielded cable. 2) 1 cable shall service each loop where practicai. 31 12. Multi-conductor cable 32 a. All cable shall be multi-conductor capable of operating at 600 volts maximum, 33 and suitable for use at conductor temperatures not exceeding 75 degrees C(167 34 degrees F). 35 b. Multi-conductor cable shall be either stranded IMSA 20-1, #14 AWG, stranded 36 copper wire. 37 a The copper wire (before insulating) shall meet the requirements of the latest 38 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards for uncoated wire. 39 13. Power lead-in cable 40 a: Power lead-in cable shall be stranded RHW copper wire and suitable for A/C 41 electric service. 42 b. The cable shall be capable of operating at 600 volts maximum and suitable for use 43 at conductor temperatures not exceeding 167 degrees Fahrenheit (75 degrees 44 Celsius). . 45 c. Material and construction shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements 46 of IMSA and NEC standards. 47 d. Conductors shall be stranded, anneal coated copper. 48 e. Copper wire before insulating or stranding, shall meet the requirements of the 49 latest edition of ASTM B-033 (for coated wire). CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 34 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 34 of 51 1 f. 2 g 3 Stranding shall be class B, in accordance with the latest edition of ASTM B-8. Insulation shall consist of cross-linked thermosetting polyethylene, meeting the requirements of IMSA and listed by UL as type USE RHW-75C. 4 14. Grounding conductor 5 a. The grounding conductor shall be a#8 AWG solid copper wire. The conductor 6 shall be bonded to all ground rods. 7 15 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Ground rod a. Ground rod electrodes shall be copper-bonded steel being at least 5/8 inch (16 mm) in diameter. All gr•ound rods shall be a minimum of 8 feet (2.4 M). Ground Boxes a. The top surface of the ground box cover shall have a minimum co-efficient of friction of 0.5. b. Boxes shall be stackable for extra height. c. Boxes shall be manufactured from Reinforced Polymer Concrete (RPM) composed of borosilicate glass fiber, a catalyzed polyester resin and an aggregate. Side walls may be reinforced polymer. d. Enclosures and covers shall be rated for a minimum of 5000 pounds strength over a 10 inches (250 mm) x 10 inches (250 mm) area. All components shall be designed and tested to withstand temperatures as low as -20 degcees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius). e. The size and dimensions of the required ground boxes shall be shown in the Drawings. Traffic Signal Structures a. Unless specifcally required in the Drawings, all h•affic signal mast arm poles shall be purchased fi•om the City. b. If the Drawings call for traffic signal structui•es to be supplied by the Contractor, then the strict compliance with the designs, dimension, strength, and material quality specified in the City's Standard Details and the Drawings shall be exet•cised to assure structural consistency of all components. c. All pole shafts and mast arms for this Project shall be marked with the identification numbers from the Drawings to facilitate assembly of these items in the field. For Projects with multiple intersections, the pole shafts and mast arms shall be identified by intersection. d. All steel mast arms ranging above 36 feet (1 1.0 M) to 60 feet (17.8 M) in length shall be provided with aluminum vibration dampers. e. The traffic signal poles and mast arms shall be galvanized in accordance to ASTM A 123. Each component must be completely coated in a single dip. No double dipping will be allowed. All miscellaneous hardware shall be galvanized per ASTM A 153. £ Powder Coating Option 1) After galvanizing, the steel and aluminum products shall be blasted to an SSPC-SP7 commercial blast. 2) All galvanized parts shall be pre-baked to ensure all gasses are released from the coating surface prior to powder coating. 3) Finish with 1 coat of UMC super TGIC thermosetting powder coating 3-5 mils (D.F.T.) and baked in accordance with powder manufacturer's recommendations. 4) Top coating is electrostatically applied and oven baked at 400 degrees Fahrenheit and cured for a minimum of 10 minutes. � 17 CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 35 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 35 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 g� h. J k. m. 5) Top coat color shall be black unless otherwise selected by the City. High strength galvanized steel bolts 1) The allowable working stresses for A325 bolts shall be given in the AASHTO Streetscape Structure Specifications for Structural Joints using ASTM A3250-N or A490-N bolts. Mast arm pole shaft 1) Each traffic signal mast arm pole shall be fabricated from a 1 piece high strength steel sheet, and shall have no more than 2 longitudinal full length high frequency resistance welded joints and no horizontal welded joints except at the base of the pole. 2) Welds shall have a srnooth and consistent external surface appearance. 3) All welds shall be performed by an American certified structural steel welder. 4) Traffic signal poles shall have a uniform taper. 5) Poles shall have a minimum of 50,000 PSI yield strength. 6) Cold working the steel to attain the 50,000 PSI required yield strength is not acceptable. 7) The certifications from the vendor on the steel must indicate a minimum of 50,000 PSI yield strength after fabrication. Mast arm 1) Each traffic signal mast arm shall be constructed from a 1 piece high strength, steel sheet with guaranteed minimum yield strength of 50,000 PSI. 2) Arms over 40 feet (12.2 M) may be 2 piece but shall arrive at the Site and City yard as welded 1 piece. 3) The certifications from the vendor on the steel must indicate a minimum of 50,000 PSI yield strength after fabrication. 4) Cold working the steel to attain the 50,000 PSI required yield strength is not acceptable. 5) Mast arms shall have no more than 2longitudinal full length high frequency resistance welded joints. 6) Welds shall have a smooth and consistent external surface appearance. 7) All mast arms shall have a uniform taper. Luminaire Arm 1) Luminaire arms shall be fabricated in accordance with the Drawings. Pedestal Structures 1) Pedestal structures for mounting pedestrian signals or median-mount traffc signals shall be furnished with a transformer base, pole cap, and all necessary hardware for proper installation. Height of pole shall be set in the Drawings, but shall not exceed 15 feet (4.6 M). All other hardware necessary for complete installation of traffic signal structures, i.e., simplex plates, pole caps, transformer bases, anchor bolts, etc. shall be hot dipped galvanized and conform to the design, dimension, and strength requirements of said items as indicated on the Drawings. All hardware shall be packed on a per pole basis. 18. Foundations a. All foundations shall be built in accordance with Section 03 30 00 and the requirements stated in the Drawings. 19. Hardware paint CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 34 41 10 - 36 TRAFF[C SIGNALS Page 36 of 51 1 a. Primer coating shall be Kwal Paint #5810 G-Prime Premium Acrylic Universal 2 Primer or approved equal. This is a 100 percent aciylic primer for all types of 3 surfaces, including galvanized finishes. 4 b. Finish coating 5 1) The flat finish coat shall be Kwal paint #6300 Accupro 100 percent Acrylic 6 Exterior Flat Finish or appt•oved equal. This is a 100 percent acrylic finish 7 that is durable and chalk resistant. 8 2) The semi-gloss finish coat shall be Kwal paint #3910 Accupro 100 percent 9 Acrylic Exterior Semi-Gloss Finish or equal. This is a 100 percent acrylic 10 finish that is durable and chalk resistant. 11 c. Finish coat colors that are permissible within the City include: 12 1) Semi-gloss black 13 2) Flat black 14 3) Pure aluminum 15 4) Peve green 16 5) Rizgah yellow 17 6) Duronic dark bronze 18 7) Brick red 19 8) Bridge green 20 9) Arch brown 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2.3 20. Advanced Warning Flasher Assemblies a. Provide flasher control assembly in accordance with DMS 11160, "Flasher Control Assembly." b. Provide pedestal pole bases in accordance with DMS-11140, "Pedestal Pole Base." c. When shown on Drawings, pi•ovide solar powered flasher controller assemblies in accordance with DMS 11150, "Solar Power Flasher Controller Assembly." ACCES50RIES [NOT USED] 29 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 30 A. Battery back-up system 31 1. The City reserves the right to do testing on BBU systems to ensure Quality 32 Assui•ance on unit before installation and random sampling of units being provided 33 to the City. BBU systems that fail will be taken off the City's Qualified Products 34 List. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 2. The City testing procedures will check compliance with all the criteria of this Specification Section including the following: a. Event logging for fault/alarm conditions b. Demonstrated use of 1 or more of the operating methods described in this Specification. c. Testing of ability to power a 700W load for 4 hours, transfer to flash mode and power a 300W load for 2 additional hours, at an ambient temperature of+25 degrees Celsius. d. Testing of all components in environmental chamber (temperature ranges from -30 degrees Celsius to +74 degrees Celsius) following NEMA TS2 2003 standards, section 2 and Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC) Standard, Version 5.2b, Section 9. CITY OF FORT WORTH [[nsert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUC'I'ION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 37 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 37 of 51 PART 3 - EXECUTION 2 3.1 EXAMINATION 3 A. Verification of Conditions 4 1. The Contractor shall verify by exploratory excavation, if needed, that existing 5 underground utilities are not in conflict with proposed foundations and conduit 6 bores. 7 a. All exploratory excavations shall be in accordance with Section 33 OS 30. 8 3.2 PREPARATION 9 A. Protection of In-Place Conditions 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the preservation of existing landscaping (sod, shrubbery, trees, and etc.), sprinkler systems, and/or other private property at the Site during the installation of the traffic signal. Damaged landscaping, sprinkler systems, and/or other private property shall be replaced within a reasonable time, by the Contractor at his own expense, to the satisfaction of the Inspector. 2. No trees or shrubbery shall be cut except upon the specific authority of the Inspector. 3. Removal of mail boxes in the way of construction requires 48 hours advance notice to the post office. 19 3.3 INSTALLATION 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 A. Special Techniques 1. Electrical Service a. Shall be in accordance to Section 26 OS 00. 2. Cable a. Cables shall be installed in conduit unless indicated as an 'bverhead" cable run. 1) All conduit must be in accordance with Section 26 OS 33. 2) Conduit must be continuous, reasonably dry, completely free of debris, and without sharp projections, edges, or short bends. b. If required by the Inspector, the Contractor shall demonstrate that the conduit is dry and free of debris by pulling a swab and/or mandrel through the conduit. The conductors shall be instailed in a manner so as to ensure against harmful stretching of the conductors or damage to the insulation. c. Installation methods shall conform to the recommendations of the cable manufacturer. d. The Contractor shall furnish, at the request of the Traffic Services Manager or designee a copy of the manufacturer's recommendations, which shall include methods of attaching pull cable, pulling tension per conductor size and per radius of conduit bend, and the type of lubricant to be used. e. All cables in a given conduit run shall be pulied at the same time and the conductors shall be assembled to form 1 loop in such a manner that the pulling tension is equally distributed to all the cables. f. Long, hard pulls will necessitate the use of pulling eyes. g. For short runs, the cables may be gripped directly by the conductors by forming them into a loop to which the pull wire or rope can be attached. h. The insulation on each conductor shall be removed before the loop is formed. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 38 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 38 of 51 1 i. The method used will depend on the anticipated maximum pulling tension in 2 each case. 3 j. In existing conduit where new cables are to replace existing cables, the exit 4 cables may be used to pull in the new cables. 5 k. At locations where new cables are to be added to existing cable runs, the 6 existing cables shall first be pulled out, the new cables are to be added to the 7 existing cables to form 1 cable pull. 8 1. Installation and removal shall be done in such a way as to prevent damage to 9 the existing and/or new cables. 10 m. In the event of damage, the Contractor shall bear the responsibility of providing 11 the material and labor for replacement of defective cables at no extra cost to the 12 City. 13 n. All conduit runs shall be measured accurately and precisely for determining 14 cable lengths to be installed. I S o. A conduit run measurements shall take place in the presence of the Inspector. 16 p. The Inspector shall record all cable measurements and include the distances on 17 an as-built drawing. 18 q. In locations where new cables are to replace existing cables, the Contractor may 19 use the removed cables as a measuring device to determine the lengths of the 20 new cables to be installed. 21 r. However, this does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to record 22 accurate measut•ements of all cable lengths. 23 s. The manufacturer's recommended maximum pulling tensions shall not be 24 exceeded under any circumstances. 25 t. If so required by the Inspector, the Contractor shall insert a dynamometer in the 26 pull wire as the cables are being pulled into the conduit to demonstrate that the 27 maximum tensions are not being exceeded. 28 u. The cable shall be fed freely off the reel into the conduit without making a 29 reverse curve. 30 v. At the pulling end, the pull wire and cables shall be drawn fi�om the conduit in 31 direct line with the conduit. 32 w. Sheaves or other suitable devices shall be used as required to reduce any 33 hazards to the cable during installation. 34 x. The cables shall be adequately lubt•icated to reduce friction and further 35 minimize possible damage. 36 1) Such lubricants shall not be the grease or oil type used on lead sheathed 37 cables, but shall be 1 of several commercially available wire pulling 38 compounds that are suitable for PVC sheathed cables. 39 2) They shall consist of soap, talc, mica, or similar materials and shall be 40 designed to have no deleterious effect on the cables being used. 41 y. Cables shall be neatly trained to their destinations. 42 z. The Contractor shall adhere to the cable manufacturer's recommended values 43 for the minimum bending radii to which cables may be bent for permanent 44 training during installation. 45 1) These limits do not apply to conduit bends, sheaves, or other curved 46 surfaces around which these cables may be pulled under tension while 4'7 being installed. 48 2) Larger radius bends are required for such conditions. 49 aa. Wire and Cable CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPGCIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number) Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 39 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 39 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3'7 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 1) All wire and cable shall conform to the requirements shown in the Drawings, except wire and cable specifically covered by other Items of this Contract. bb. Controller Cabinet Wiring 1) Wiring for the controller cabinet shall consist of connecting (1) signal wires, (2) loop detector wires, (3) power wires, (4) ground wires, and (5) pedestrian push button wires to their respective terminals in the cabinet. 2) ln the controller cabinet, stranded signal conductors from the field shall be stripped back and a solderless terminal connector (spade lug) shall be attached by means of a crimping tool. 3) These terminal Connectors shall be inserted under the binder head screw and tightened securely. 4) Other wiring for the controller shall be completed as shown on the wiring diagrams and in the instructions furnished with the controller by the manufacturer. 5) All field wiring in cabinets shall be neatly installed. Incoming cables shall be trained to their destination and neatly laced together. a) All spare wires shall be trimmed and neatly coiled with the ends taped. b) Detector lead-in cables shall have their insulation jackets removed from their terminal strip connection to the bottom of the cabinet. 6) Pedestrian push buttons shall have a ground wire that is completely isolated and independent from all other ground wires. a) This wire shall be connected to the designated terminal in the controller cabinet. b) A pedestrian isolation board shall be in place. cc. Signal Head Wiring 1) Conductors shall run as follows: a) An unbroken 20-conductor cable and 1 bare #8 shall run from the controller cabinet to each pole pier. b) An unbroken 7 conductor, #16 AWG (or larger) cable shall run from the signal pole base to each 5-section, 4-section signal head, or the 3- section head located at the end of mast arm; and an unbroken 5 conductor, #16 AWG cable to each other 3-section or pedestrian signal head. 2 signal conductors, #16 AWG (or larger) shall run to each pedestrian push button. c) Each cable shall be identified as referenced on the pole wiring detail sheet provided in the Drawings with permanent marking labels (panduit type PLM standard single marker tie, Thomas and Betts type 548M or equivalent) at each ground box, pole base and controller. dd. Luminaire Wiring 1) 2#8 cables shall run from service disconnect in parallel around the intersection as on the Drawings. 2) Luminaire wiring connection may be made in the nearest ground box to the traffic signal pole; such connection shall be placed in a water tight seal. a) If more than 3 wires are splice together in the traffic signal cabinet then a Kearney connector (or approved equal) shall be used as required. 3) Run 2# 12 cables from terminal panel in signal pole to luminaire. ee. Terminals CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name) [Insert Project Number] 34 41 10 - 40 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 40 of 51 1 1� 2 3 The ends of all stranded wires from the controller cabinet and from the signal heads shall be twisted at least 3 turns and wire nut applied in the base of the signal structure. 4 ff. Splices 5 1) Splices are strictly prohibited inside conduit runs. 6 a) Detector cables shall not be spliced at any point except where 7 transitioning from #14 XHHW loop detector cable to lead-in cable. 8 b) Signal cables are to be spliced only at locations that are specified in the 9 Drawings. 10 c) Splicing signal cable in pull boxes shall not be permitted. 11 2) Splicing methods shall be in accordance with good electrical practice and 12 the cable manufacturer's recommendations. 13 a) All mates•ials used shall be of high quality and specifically intended for 14 this purpose. 15 3) Cables shall be trained to their final position and cut to proper lengths. 16 4) The cable's jacket and insulation shall be removed as r•equired. 17 5) Use proper care to insure against nicking the conductors. 18 6) The connection shall be installed tightly and all burrs, rough edges, etc. 19 shall be removed. 20 7) If wire nuts are used to secure the connection, then only "Scotchlock" brand 21 connectors shall be utilized. 22 8) No more than 4 wires shall be spliced together using "Scotchlock" 23 connectors and the wire shall be twisted. 24 a) If more than 4 wires are connected, then a Kearney connector or 25 mechanical clamp shall be used. 26 b) All splices imolvin�grounding conductors shall be made by twisting 27 the cables together, a�plying solder then wrapping the connection with 28 green electrical tape. 29 9) Heatin� the connection with a direct flame will not be permitted for cable 30 �auge less than # 14. 31 10) Care shall be used to protect the insulation when soldering. 32 a) The entire surface shall be cleaned taking special care in cleaning the 33 outside jacket in order to remove the wax finish. 34 b) Then approved thermo-setting materials shall be used to provide a 35 water tight seal. 36 11) The Inspector shall select at random at least 5 splices to be thoroughly 37 inspected. 38 a) The Contractot• shall, in the presence of the Inspector, sectionalize each 39 selected splice to expose the various layers of materials and the 40 connector. 41 b) These splices shall be thoroughly checked for compliance to these 42 special provisions. 43 c) Each splice shall then be remade by the Contractor. This Work shall 44 not require extra payment, but is considered subsidiary to other items in 45 the Contract. 46 d) All of the splices selected for this inspection shall conform to the 47 requirements of these special provisions. 48 e) If any splices fail to meet these requirements, then 10 more splices shall 49 be selected at random by the Inspector for examination. 50 gg. Identification of Signal Wires and Cables CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 41 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 41 of 51 1 1) IMSA color coded signal cable shall be used for all signal systems. 2 a) Colors shall be continuous from the point of origin to the point of 3 termination. 4 2) Each signal cable, detector lead-in cable and communication cable shall be 5 designated with permanent marking labels or (panduit type PLM, Thomas 6 and Betta type 548M standard single marker type or equivalent) and color 7 coded tape at each pull box and in the controller cabinet. 8 3. Grounding 9 a. Properly install and connect a ground rod for each controller cabinet, power 10 drop and signal pole pier to reduce any extraneous voltage to a safe level. 11 b. The ground rod shall be located so as to minimize the length of the grounding- 12 conductor run. 13 c. For pole mounted cabinets a grounding rod and grounding conductor shall be 14 installed at the nearest foundation or ground box. 15 d. All grounding circuits shall be substantial and permanent and shall be 16 electrically continuous with an ohms-to-ground resistance not to exceed 10 17 ohms when tested by volt-ohm-meter. 18 e. UFER grounding shall be used for illumination poles. 19 f. Grounding Connectors and Electrodes 20 1) When the location precludes driving a single ground rod to a depth of 8 feet 21 (2.4 m), or when a multiple ground rod matrix is used to obtain the required 22 resistance to ground, ground rods shall be spaced at least 6 feet apart and 23 bonded by a minimum No. 6 AWG copper wire. 24 2) Connection of grounding circuits to grounding electrodes shall be by devices 25 which will ensure a positive, fail-safe grip between the conductor and the 26 electrode (such as lugs or pressure connectors). 27 a) No splice joint will be permitted in the grounding conductor. 28 3) Each grounding rod shall be driven into the ground to a depth sufficient to 29 provide the required resistance (10 ohms) between electrodes and ground. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4'7 48 4. Vehicle detector loop a. Detector lead-in cables shall be identified as shown on the Drawings (phase 1, etc.) with permanent marking labels (panduit type PLM, Thomas and Betts type 548M standard single marker tie or equivalent) at each ground box, pole base, and controller. b. Complete all Work related to the installation of a particular detector loop, with the exception of the layout task, in the same Work Day. Install loops during off-peak traffic hours. Loop installation shall not be made during any type of precipitation. c. Installation of detector loops shall be in accordance with the Drawings. Lead-in saw cuts from the street to the pull box shall maintain a maximum separation from other loops of 12 inches (500 mm) and a minimum separation of 6 inches (150 mm) from other lead-in saw cuts. The saw cut depth, as specified in the Drawings shall be consistent, including the entry point into the curb. The maximum number of wires placed in a single saw slot shall be 4 wires. Each lead-in shall enter the curb through a separate hole. d. 3M Loop sealant or approved equal shall be used to seal all loop wire within the roadway. e. Detector lead-in cables shall be run continuously without splices from the curbside ground box to the controller. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 4l 10 - 42 TRAFF[C SIGNALS Page 42 of 51 1 f. If splices must be made, they shall be solder connected and the splice connection 2 shall be insulated and waterproofed with 3M DBR-6 Direct Bury Splice Kits or 3 approved equal. 4 g. Splices at the curbside pull boxes shall be made in the same manner (see Part 5 33.6). 6 h. Splices in detector cables must be pre-approved by the Inspector in writing. 7 i. In all cases where detector loop lead-ins pass from pavement through a curb to an 8 existing ground box for a splice point, conduit shall be installed from the curb 9 entry point up into the ground box. 10 j. A minimum 1 inch diameter conduit shall be provided fi•om the curb entry point to 11 the ground box for each loop. 12 k. All loop wire from the loop in the sh•eet to the ground box shall be tightly twisted 13 a minimum of 5 times per foot (16 times per meter) as it is placed in the lead-in 14 saw cut. I S 5. Concrete foundations for traffic signal structures 16 a. All foundations shall be staked by the Contractor and approved by the Inspector 17 prior to excavation. 18 1) While staking the pole locations, the Contractor, along with the Inspector, 19 shall be cognizant of pedestrian needs by verifying the location of the push 20 buttons and the pedestrian heads. 21 b. Concrete foundations for signal structures shall be located so that the closest 22 face is a minimum of 3 feet (900 mm) fi•om the face of the nearest vertical curb. 23 1) Before excavating foundations probe to determine the location of utilities 24 and structures. 25 2) Foundations shall be paid for once, regardless of extra work caused by 26 obstructions. 27 3) Furnish all supplementary items necessary for proper foundation 28 installation. 29 c. Excavation for all foundations shall be done in accordance with lines and 30 depths indicated on the Drawings. 31 1) All loose material shall be removed from the excavation before concrete is 32 placed. 33 2) Any water shall be removed by pumping or bailing. 34 3) The use of explosives will not be permitted. 35 d. Foundations shall be constructed to the dimensions shown on the Drawings. 36 1) The Contt•actor is required to make certain that the top of the ftnished 37 foundation is level and formed. 38 2) Anchor bolts and conduits shall be held rigidly in place by a template until 39 the concrete is set. 40 e. A mechanical vibrator shall be used for compacting and working the concrete. 41 After the concrete has been placed and the top struck off, it shall be covered 42 with wet cotton or burlap mats or other appropriate form of curing, fo�• not less 43 than 96 hours. 44 £ All bracing and templates for anchor bolts shall remain in place for 96 hours 45 after the concrete is poured. 46 1) During that time, the anchor bolts and conduit shall not be subjected to any 47 applied strain. 48 g. Backfill shall be tamped with mechanical tamps in 6 inches (150 mm) layers to 49 the density of the surrounding ground. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUC't[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 43 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 43 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 1) Where excavation is made in the roadway shoulder, the shouider shall be replaced with material equal to the original composition. h. All excavated material, not required for backfiil, shall be promptly removed and disposed of by the Contractor, outside the limits of the Project. 1) The Work Site shall be kept clean and neat at all times. i. No concrete shall be placed when the atmospheric temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.4 degrees Celsius) (temperature reading taken in the shade away from artificial heat) unless permission to do so is given by the Inspector. 1) Refer to Section 03 30 00. j. The City shall supply to the Contractor the controller cabinet anchor bolts and specific cabinet templates. 1) The cabinet door shall generally open away from the intersection. k. Pole anchor bolts shall be aligned to be parallel to the tangent of the street curb that the pole is intended to serve. 1. Tubing used to form pole foundations shall not be visible and all exposed concrete shall be finished with vinyl concrete patch mix to provide a smooth quality finish with all voids filled and no aggregate exposed. m. The cost of the Work shall be included in the unit bid price for this item. 6. Traffic signal structures a. The Contractor shall install all traffic signal structures in accordance with the Drawings. 1) Deviation from the Drawings because of physical obstructions, such as overhead utilities or in appropriate mast arm length to fit a relocated foundation, shall be worked out with the Inspector and approved prior to installation. b. Poles shall have nuts on top and bottom of the pole base plate. 1) Anchor bolts for mast arm signal poles shall be set so that 2 are in tension and 2 are in compression. c. The traffic signal pole heights and mast arm lengths shown on the Drawings and in the material summary are to be used for bidding purposes only. d. Prior to fabrication, the Contractor, in cooperation with the Inspector, shall make field measurements to determine the actual pole height necessary to ensure a vertical clearance of 17 feet (5.2M) minimum, and 19 feet (5.8M) maximum from the roadway surface to the bottom of the lowest point on the signal head assembly or mast arm and to determine the mast arm lengths i•equired to mount the traffic signal heads over the traffic lanes. 1) The masts arms shall be straight and level in the area where the signal heads are attached. 2) These fieid measurements and evaluations shall be determined from the actual field location of the pole foundations, considering all above and below ground utilities and the existing roadway elevations and lane widths. e. Transformer bases for pedestal poles shall be leveled and tightly secured to the foundation before the structure is placed on the base. 1) If shims are required for leveling, total shim height shall not exceed 1/2 inches (127 mm). 2) Foundation anchor bolts shall extend a minimum of 1 inch (25.4 mm) through each nut in the base. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Namej [Insert Project Number] 34 41 10 - 44 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 44 of 51 1 f. Except as modified herein, erection of traffic signal structures shall be in 2 accordance with the applicable Specifications and standards of the AISC 3 Manual of Steel Construction. 4 1) Erecting equipment shall be suitable for the Work and shall be in proper 5 working condition. 6 2) Where parts cannot be assembled or fitted propet•ly as a result of errors in 7 fabrication or deformation due to handling or transportation shall be 8 reported immediately to the Inspector. 9 3) Straightening of plates and angles or other shapes shall be done by approval 10 of the manufacturer. 11 4) No corrections will be allowed that will void the manufacturer's warranty. 12 5) A letter from the manufacturer approving the corrections shall be required 13 or the material may be rejected by the Inspector. 14 g. The steel structure frame shall be lifted as shown in the manufacturer's 15 specifications and all match marking shall be followed. I6 1) Temporary bracing shall be used wherever necessaty to support all loads to 17 which the structure may be subjected, including equipment, operation, and 18 material loading. 19 2) Such bracing shall be left in place as long as may be required for safety. 20 3) The various members, after being assembled, shall be aligned and adjusted 21 accurately before being fastened. 22 4) Fastening of splices on compression members shall be done after the 23 abutting surfaces have been brought completely into contact. 24 5) No welding or bolting shall be done until the structures have been properly 25 aligned. 26 h. Bearing surfaces and surfaces which will be in permanent contact with each 27 other shall be cleaned before the members are assembled. 28 1) Bearing plates shall be set in exact position and shall have a full and even 29 bearing upon the concrete. 30 2) As erection progresses, the Work shall be bolted to take care of all dead 31 load, wind and erection stresses. 32 3) All erection bolts used in welded construction may be tightened securely 33 and left in place. 34 4) If removed, the holes shall be filled with plug welds. 35 i. Field bolting shall be in accordance with the requirements specified for shop 36 fabrication. 37 1) Untrue holes shall be corrected by reaming. 38 2) Where the surface of a bolted part has a slope of more than 1:20, a beveled 39 washer shall be used to compensate for the lack of parallelism. 40 3) Bolt heads and nuts shall be drawn tight against the Work with a suitable 41 wrench not less than 15 inches long. 42 4) Bolt heads shall be tapped with a hammer while the nut is being tightened. 43 j. Field Painting of Structures . 44 1) Surfaces where the shop coat of paint has been damaged shall be retouched 45 after installation. 46 a) The cleaning, pretreatment, and priming of welds and the areas 47 adjacent thereto shall be done promptly after the acceptance of the 48 weld. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number) Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 45 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 45 of 51 1 b) Care shall be taken to properly mask signals heads, signs, pedestrian 2 pushbuttons and their mounting hardware to keep paint from splashing 3 onto these components. 4 c) Masking shall be removed after completion of the painting process. 5 d) A sufficient number of paint coatings shall be applied to each structure 6 to result in a uniform finish once completed. 7 e) All structures shall be air blasted using high pressure air to remove 8 peeled paint and dust prior to application of new paint. 9 k. Bolted parts shall fit solidly together when assembled and shall not be separated 10 by gaskets or any other interposed compressible material. 11 1) When assembled, all joint surfaces, including those adjacent to the bolt 12 heads, nuts, or washers, shall be free of scale, except tight mill scale, and 13 shall also be free of burrs, dirt, and other foreign material that would 14 prevent solid seating of the parts. 15 2) Each fastener shall be tightened to at least the minimum bolt tension as 16 recommended by the pole manufacturer using ASTM A325 or A490 bolts 17 for the size of fastener used. 18 3) Threaded bolts shall be tightened with properly calibrated wrenches or by 19 the "turn-of-nut" method. 20 4) Bolts may be installed without hardened washers when tightening takes 21 place by the "turn-of-bolt" method. Any bolt tightened by the calibrated 22 wrench method (or by torque control) shall have a hardened washer under 23 the element (nut or bolt head) turned in to a point not closer than 7/8 of the 24 bolt diameter from the center of the washer. 25 1. Grouting 26 1) The Contractor shall perform all Work required to complete the grout work 27 associated with installing the signal structure and furnish all supplementary 28 items necessary for its proper installation. 29 m. Where signal poles and/or mast arms exist on raised foundations that are to be 30 removed and installed on new foundations, the Contractor shall store these 31 poles, mast arms, street lights, and wiring until they can be installed on their 32 new foundations. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 7. Signal heads, countdown pedestrian heads and pedestrian push buttons a. Assemble all signal head units as specified in the Drawings or as directed by the L� c. Q Inspector. 1) Signal and pedestrian heads shall be securely tightened immediately after signal head assembly has been installed. 2) If any signal head assembly is found to be loose or asymmetrical in any manner, the Contractor shall be required to remove and rebuild the signal head assembly to the satisfaction of the Inspector. The Contractor shall mount signal heads level and plumb. 1) The Contractor shall position and secure the signal heads so they are visible as stipulated, in Section 4E.05 of the 2009 MUTCD. The Contractor shall connect the wiring from the pole base up the terminal block in the mounting hardware and likewise connect the appropriate wire fi�om the signal head to the terminal block. 1) All connection screws shall be tight and snug. All signal heads or parts of heads not in operation shall be covered with burlap or fabric material until placed into operation. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 46 TRAFF[C SIGNALS Page 46 of 51 1 1) When the signal heads become operational, all existing heads no longer 2 required shall be removed immediately. 3 e. Pedestrian head assemblies installed such that the wiring to each head shall pass 4 from the mast arm through the signal head bracing or attachment hardware to the 5 signal head. 6 1) No exposed cable or wiring will be permitted. 7 8. Controller cabinet preparation 8 a. Each controller cabinet shall be modified for use at a specific intersection in 9 accordance with the instructions included in the Drawings. 10 1) Each cabinet shall be prepared and tested for on-the-street use by the ll Traffic Services Division of Transpo��tation and Public Works Department 12 prior to field installation of the cabinet. 13 b. Connect all field wiring to the controller-cabinet assembly. 14 1) The City will assist in determining how the detector loop lead-in cables are 15 to be connected in the cabinet. 16 2) The City will program the controller, the conflict monitor, detector units, 17 and other equipment in the controller cabinet and turn on the traffic signals. 18 c. All wiring modifications made in conjunction with preparing the cabinet for use 19 at a specific intersection shall be documented on the cabinet prints for that 20 intersection. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0 � Radar detection system a. Radar detector units shall be installed as shown on the Drawings. b. The Contractor shall provide a technician to assist with adjusting and aiming the detector unit at the time of traffic signal turn-on, in order to comply with Engineer's desired detection areas as shown on the Drawings. Video imaging vehicle detection system (VIVDS) a. Install the video cameras in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations in order to achieve the detection areas as shown on the Drawings. b. The camera mounts shall be neat and plumb. c. The detector unit outputs shall be programmed by a manufacturer representative at the time of signal turn-on in accordance with the detector table shown on the Drawings. d. Video detection camera cables shall be installed in the conduit system at the same time as the other signal cables. 11. Emergency vehicle preemption system a. Emergency vehicle preemption system equipment required in the Drawings will be supplied by the City. b. Where practical, emei•gency vehicle preemption receiver units shall be mounted to a rigid metal arm supplied by the City and banded to the mast arm pole upright on the intersection corner designated on the Drawings. c. The Inspector shall determine if the roadway sight line permits this type of emergency vehicle preemption installation. d. The emergency vehicle preemption receiver units shall be mounted on the mast arms for the inteisection approaches as designated on the Drawings. e. Use stainless steel for all external screws, nuts, and locking washers; do not use any self-tapping screws unless approved by the Engineer or City. f. All equipment shall be installed and wired in a neat and orderly manner in conformance with the manufacturers' instructions. CITY OF FORT WORTH [[nsert Project Name] S7'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 47 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 47 of 51 1 g. Emergency Preemption Detector Cables shall be installed continuous with no 2 splices between the Emergency Preemption Detector and the cabinet. 3 h. All connections from the Emergency Preemption Phase Selector to the cabinet 4 wiring shall be made at the termination panel. The termination panel shall have 5 AC+ Lights, AC-, and a switched logic ground. The switched logic ground 6 feeds all the pre-empt inputs to the Emergency Preemption Phase Selector. 7 When switched off by the pre-emption disconnect switch, the traffic controller 8 shall not be affected by pre-empt calls from the optical pre-emption system. A 9 minimum of two test buttons shall be provided. If there are more than two pre- 10 empt runs, a button for each shall be installed. A chart or print out, indicating 11 the program steps and settings shall be provided along with the revised cabinet 12 wiring diagrams. 13 i. 14 12. Mast arm and pole mounted signs 15 a. The Contractor shall furnish, install and relocate existing signs as shown in the 16 Drawings. 17 b. Mast-arm signs shall be mounted with astro-sign brac or signfix aluminum 18 channel or equal as approved by the Engineer. 19 c. Metro street name signs shall be mounted level with the ground as shown on 20 the City's Standard Details. 21 13. Vibration dampers 22 a. Dampers shall be installed using Astro Sign Brac or Signfix Aluminum 23 Channel or equal. 24 14. Hardware Paint 25 a. Requirements for poles and railings 26 1) Cleaning 27 a) The entire surface shall be cleaned free of dirt, grime and oils before 28 applying the primer coat. 29 b) Use vinegar wash applied with a sponge or cloth over the entire 30 surface. 31 2) Sanding 32 a) Spot sanding may be required in order to remove flaking paint and to 33 provide a smooth surface. 34 3) Priming 35 a) Primer coat shall be applied with a brush or roller. 36 b) The entire surface shall be covered, even over existing painted or 37 galvanized surfaces. 38 c) Spraying is not permissible. 39 4) Finish coat 40 a) Finish coat shall be applied with a brush or roller. 41 b) The entire surface shall be covered, even over existing painted or 42 galvanized surfaces. 43 c) Spraying is not permissible. 44 5) Parking meter housings, luminaire heads, signal heads, photo control eyes, 45 pedestrian push buttons and sign faces shall be protected for paint splash. 46 6) Controller cabinets and circuit boxes mounted to poles shall be painted to 47 match the color of the pole. 48 7) The ambient temperature shall be 40 degrees Fahrenheit and rising and diy 49 conditions. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 48 TRAFFIC S[GNALS Page 48 of 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 b. Requirements for traffic signal heads 1) Traffic signal heads shall be brush painted. 2) Traffic signal heads should be cleaned by wiping it with a damp sponge or rag to remove all the dust and dirt. 3) Lens and back plate should be masked off. 4) The outside of the traffic signal head should be painted traffic yellow (RAL 1023) and the inside of the lens visors should be painted flat black. 5) The outside of pedestrian signal head should be painted traffic yellow (RAL 1023). 6) The ambient temperature shall be 40 degrees Fahrenheit and rising and dry conditions. 12 15. Advanced Warning Flasher Assemblies 13 a. Install in locations as shown in Drawings. 14 b. Stake the pole location for approval by City or Engineer. 15 c. Install pole, breakaway base, connectors, wiring, signal beacons, sign and 16 foundation as shown on the Drawings or as directed. 17 d. Install the flasher control assembly on the electrical service pole. 18 e. Install watertight breakaway electrical fuse holders in all line and neutral 19 conductors at breakaway base. 20 f. Use established industiy and utility safety practices to erect assemblies near 21 overhead or undet•ground utilities. 22 g. Consult with the appropriate utility company prior to beginning such work. 23 16. Temporary Traffic Signals 24 a. Maintain and operate the temporary traffic signals for the duration of the 25 contract, 26 b. Set signal timing as shown on the Drawings or as directed. 27 c. Designate in writing a sufficiently skilled individual responsible for 28 maintenance and operation of the temporary traffic signals who is available 29 within a reasonable time, 24 hr. each day, unless otherwise shown in the 30 Drawings. 31 d. Provide back up power, when shown on the Drawings, for each location at all 32 times. 33 3.4 FI�LD QUALITY CONTROL 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 A. Field Tests and Inspections 1. Initial testing of all matei•ials, construction items, or products incorporated in the Work will be performed at the direction of the City. a. Embankment construction shall conform to 31 24 00. b. All backfill of structures shall confot•m to 33 OS 10. c. Excavation shall conform to 31 23 16. 2. The failure to require tests of materials by the Inspector shall in no way relieves the Contractor of his responsibility of furnishing materials conforming to these Specifications. 3. Tests, unless otherwise specified, shall be made in accordance with the latest methods of the ASTM or other approved test methods. a. The Contractor shall provide such facilities, as the Inspector may require, for the collecting and forwarding of samples and shall not use the matet•ials represented by the samples until tests have been made. C[TY OF FORT WORTH (InseR Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 49 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 49 of 51 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3'7 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 G � b. The Contractor shall furnish adequate samples without charge. 4. Vehicle detector loops a. Prior to termination of the loop lead-in in the controller cabinet an installation test shall be made by applying not less than 500 volts DC to the completed detector loop. 1) A minimum resistance of 1 megohm shall be obtained by use of a meter. b. After the above tests are completed and the lead-in cable has been terminated in the cabinet, the Contractor shall assist the Inspector in determining the loop inductance of each loop detector. 1) A detector loop analyzer shall be used to determine the total inductance of the loop in the pavement and its associated lead-in cable as well as to determine the percentage shift in loop inductance for various size vehicles that actuate the detector. Signal cables a. The Traffic Services Manager or designee may require that all cables shall be checked for insulation resistance upon installation and prior to termination. The tests shall be made with a test set operating at a minimum of 500 volts DC applied to the conductors. b. Each conductor in the multi-conductor signal cables shall be tested for insulation resistance relative to each other and to the outer covering of the cable. The minimum acceptance value for insulation resistance shall be 1 megohm. Controller cabinets a. If the controller cabinet is to be supplied by the Contractor for this Project, the cabinet shall be tested at a facility located within the Dallas/Fort Worth area. b. The Contractor shall notify the Inspector or his representative a minimum of 3 Working Days prior to beginning the test period of his intent to test a cabinet or group of cabinets. c. At this point, the City may schedule an inspection team and notify the Contractor of the earliest date and time the team can visit. d. Each cabinet shall be tested with a controller unit for a minimum of 24 continuous hours. 1) The cabinet test will include conflict monitor functions, detector unit function and load switch operation for conformance with cabinet hardware specifications, etc. 2) The cabinet must successfully pass all items otherwise the test is restarted for another 24 hour period. B. Non-Conforming Work 1. In the event that a material, construction item, product incorporated in the Work, embankment, backfill, excavation or any other item tested, fails to satisfy the minimum requir•ements of the initial test described above, appropriate prove-out tests shall be made as directed by the Inspector to determine the extent of the failure and to verify that corrective measures have brought the Item up to Specification requirements. a. The cost of all testing necessary to determine the extent of the failure and the adequacy of the corrective measures shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 [Insert Project Name] [Insert Project Number] 34 41 10 - 50 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 50 of 51 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.5 5YSTCM STARTUP A. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Inspector to have a qualified technician on the Site when the traffic signal is placed into operation. B. During the 30 day test period, the City shall be the first respond to any trouble calls. If the City determines that the repairs are the result of poor workmanship, the Contractor shall complete the repairs. C. The Contractor shall provide a local telephone number (not subject to frequent changes) where trouble calls are to be received on a 24-hour basis. D. The Contractor's response time to reported calls shall be within a reasonable travel time, but not more than 2 hours maximum. 11 E. Appropriate repairs shall be made within 24 hours. 12 1. If, after further diagnosing the problem, the qualified technician determines the 13 problem is in the equipment supplied by others, the Contractor shall notify the 14 Inspector. 15 F. No extra compensation will be allowed for fulfilling the requirements stated above. 16 3.6 ADJUSTING (NOT USED] 17 3.7 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A. Prior to final acceptance by the City, the Contractor is responsible for removal, replacement and reinstallation of any damaged material at the Contractor's expense. B. Whenever the Work provided for and contemplated under the Contract has been found by the Inspector to be completed to his / her satisfaction on any individual signalized intersection, or interconnected system of signalized intet•sections, as shown in the Drawings, final cleaning up of said signalized intersection has been performed and the traffic signal equipment supplied by the or has operated continuously for a minimum of 30 days in a satisfactoiy manner, the Contractor will be released from further maintenance on that particular intersection. 1. Such partial acceptance will be made in writing and shall in no way void or alter any teims of the Contract. 2. If equipment fails, a new 30-day test period will stat�t when the equipment has been repaired or replaced. 31 3.8 PROTECTION 32 33 34 35 36 A. Prevent any property damage to property owner's poles, fences, landscaping, mailboxes, etc., and repair any damages. B. Provide access to all driveways during construction. C. Protect all underground and oveifiead utilities, including sprinkler systems, and repair any damages. CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 41 10 - 51 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Page 51 of 51 3.9 MAINTENANCE 2 A. While performing Work under this Contract, the Contractor bears the sole risk of loss 3 for damages to or destruction of any traffic signal equipment or appurtenances, on 4 equipment that was not to be replaced or installed under this Contract, but which was 5 damaged or destroyed through the fault or negligent acts of the Contractor. 6 B. The Contractor shall replace such damaged or destroyed equipment, etc., at no cost to 7 the City, regardless of whether or not the damaged or destroyed equipment, etc., was a 8 part of this Contract or any warranties under this Contract. 9 C. The Contractor's responsibility shall cease under this paragraph upon written acceptance 10 of an intersection by the City. 11 D. The Contractor's responsibility for full operation and maintenance of all traffic signal 12 equipment shall begin when he starts any type of Work which effects active intersection 13 control at the first intersection and shall extend through the period of final Project 14 acceptance of each intersection. 15 E. This maintenance responsibility includes existing controllers/masters, existing interconnect 16 and cabling systems, existing signal indications, existing vehicle detectors, new 17 controllers/masters, new signal hardware, new cabling systems, and other hardware 18 elements which are considered part of either the existing or the new traffic signal system. 19 F. It is recognized that the City may continue to make a first response to any trouble call. 20 Action on such response will, however, be limited to placing the intersection on flash, 21 replacing load switches or detector amplifiers, erecting temporary control devices, 22 requesting immediate traffic control by uniformed police officer, or other such action 23 deemed necessary to provide a safe operation. 24 I. Such action will in no way relieve the Contractor of his operation and maintenance 25 responsibility. 26 G. The Contractor shall be required to notify the Inspector or Traffic Services Division at least 27 24 hours in advance of any planned controlled change-outs or any other operational 28 procedures. 29 30 31 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 32 CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name) STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECI['ICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised December 20, 2012 34 71 13 - t TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 1 of 5 � 3 PARTl- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: ;� 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SECTION 34 71 13 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. Installation of Traffic Control Devices and preparation of Traffic Control Plans B. Deviations fi•om this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. Contractor� shall coordinate with fr�anchise utility construction and generally follow the traffic detoz�r plans as provided in plan set, sheets 139-145. Contractor is to follow Ciry of Fort Worth ordinance for construction hours. Detailed traffic control plans and str•eet closur•es shall be provided by the Contractor� and approved by TPW at the pr•e-constr•uction meeting »�ith the City ofFort Worth and Fort Wor•th South Inc. 14 2. Contr�actor to provide pedestrian access to all businesses that front South Main 15 Str•eet, and provide temporary signage for existing bais stops when access is blocked 16 during each phase of construction. Contractor shall provide temporat y way finding 17 signs to barsinesses whose access is blocked dur�ing each phase of construction on 18 South Main Str•eet. 19 3. Contractor• shall coor•dinate vehicular and pedestrian access with all existing 20 businesses within and adjacent to pr•oject limits. 21 4. Items 1-3 listed above shall be subsidiary to the tr•a�c control bid item for every 22 section/phase of the entire project and no additional pay will be given. 23 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 24 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 25 2. Division 1— General Requirements 26 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 A. Measurement and Payment Installation of Traffic Control Devices a. Measurement 1) Measurement for Traffic Control Devices shall be per month for the Project duration. a) A month is defined as 30 calendar days. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid for "Trafftc Control". c. The price bid shall include: 1) Traffic Control implementation 2) Installation 3) Maintenance 4) Adjustments CITY OF FORT WOR"I'H South Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 021 13 Revised July l, 2011 3471 13-2 TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 2 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 5) Replacements 6) Removal 2. Portable Message Signs a. Measurement 1) Measurement far this Item shall be per week for the duration of use. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance to this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per week for "Portable Message Sign" rental. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Delivery of Portable Message Sign to Site 2) Message updating 3) Sign movement throughout construction 4) Return of the Portable Message Sign post-construction 3. Preparation of Traffic Control Plan Details a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item be per each Traffic Control Detail prepared. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Traffic Control Detail" prepared. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Preparing the Traffic Control Plan Details 2) Adherence to City and Texas Manual on llniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) 3) Obtaining the signature and seal of a licensed Texas Professional Engineer 4) Incorporation of CiTy comments 28 1.3 REFERENCES 29 A. Reference Standards 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1. Reference standards cited in this Speciftcation refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). 3. Item 502, Barricades, Signs, and Traffic Handling of the Texas Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges. 37 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 38 39 40 A. Coordination 1. Contact Traffic Services Division (817-392-7738) a minimum of 48 hours prior to implementing Traffic Control within 500 feet of a traffic signal. 41 B. Sequencing 42 1. Any deviations to the Traffic Control Plan included in the Drawings must be first 43 approved by the City and design Engineer before implementation. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 South Main Street City Project No. 02ll 3 347113-3 TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 3 of 5 1 1.5 SUBMITTALS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A. Provide the City with a current list of qualified flaggers before beginning flagging activities. Use only flaggers on the qualified list. B. Obtain a Street Use Permit from the Street Management Section of the Traffic Engineering Division, 311 W. 10`h Street. The Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for the Project shall be as detailed on the Traffic Control Plan Detail sheets of the Drawing set. A copy of this Traffic Control Plan shall be submitted with the Street Use Permit. C. Traffic Control Plans shall be signed and sealed by a licensed Texas Professional Engineer. D. Contractor shall prepare Traffic Control Plans if required by the Drawings or Specifications. The Contractor will be responsible for having a licensed Texas Professional Engineer sign and seal the Traffic Control Plan sheets. E. Contractor responsible for having a licensed Texas Professional Engineer sign and seal changes to the Traffic Control Plan(s) developed by the Design Engineer. F. Design Engineer will furnish standard details for Traffic Control. 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS (NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 19 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 20 1.10 DELNERY, STORAG�, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 21 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 22 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 PART2- PRODUCTS 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [ox) OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2.2 ASSEMBLIES AND MATERIALS A. Description 1. Regulatory Requirements a. Provide Traffic Control Devices that conform to details shown on the Drawings, the TMUTCD, and TxDOT's Compliant Work Zone Traffic Control Device List (CWZTCDL). 2. Materials a. Traffic Control Devices must meet all reflectivity requirements included in the TMUTCD and TxDOT Specifications — Item 502 at all times during construction. b. Electronic message boards shall be provided in accordance with the TMUTCD. 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED) CI1'Y OF FORT WORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Revised July I, 2011 34 71 13 - 4 TRAFFIC CON'IROL Page 4 of 5 1 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 2 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3 3.1 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 4 3.2 PREPARATION 5 A. Protection of In-Place Conditions 6 1. Protect existing traffic signal equipment. 7 3.3 INSTALLATION 8 A. Follow the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) and install Traffic Control Devices as shown on 9 the Drawings and as directed. 10 B. Install Traffic Control Devices straight and plumb. 11 C. Do not make changes to the location of any device or implement any other changes to 12 the Traffic Control Plan without the approval of the Engineer. 13 1. Minor adjustments to meet field constructability and visibility are allowed. 14 D. Maintain Traffic Control Devices by taking corrective action as soon as possible. 15 I. Corrective action includes but is not limited to cleaning, replacing, straightening, 16 covering, or removing Devices. 17 2. Maintain the Devices such that they are properly positioned, spaced, and legible, 18 and that retroreflective characteristics meet requirements during darkness and rain. 19 E. If the Inspector discovers that the Contractor has failed to comply with applicable federal 20 and state laws (by failing to furnish the necessary flagmen, warning devices, barricades, 21 lights, signs, or other precautionary measures for the protection of persons or property), the 22 Inspector may order such additional precautionary measures be taken to protect persons 23 and property. 24 F. Subject to the approval of the Inspector, portions of this Project, which are not affected by 25 or in conflict with the proposed method of handling traffic or utility adjustments, can be 26 constructed during any phase. 27 G. Barricades and signs shall be placed in such a manner as to not interfere with the sight 28 distance of drivers entering the highway from driveways or side streets. 29 H. To facilitate shifting, barricades and signs used in lane closures or traffic staging may 30 be erected and mounted on portable supports. 31 1. The support design is subject to the approval of the Engineer. 32 I. Lane closures shall be in accordance with the approved Traffic Control Plans. 33 J. If at any time the existing traffic signals become inoperable as a result of construction 34 operations, the Contractor shall provide portable stop signs with 2 orange flags, as 35 approved by the Engineer, to be used for Traffic Control. 36 K. Flaggers CITY OF FORT WORTH South Main Street STANDARD CONS7'RUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 02113 Revised July 1, 2011 347113-5 TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 5 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1. Provide a Contractor representative who has been certified as a flagging instructor through courses offered by the Texas Engineering Extension Service, the American Traffic Safety Services Association, the National Safety Council, or other approved organizations. a. Provide the certificate indicating course completion when requested. b. This representative is responsible for training and assuring that all flaggers are qualified to perform flagging duties. 2. A qualified flagger must be independently certified by 1 of the organizations listed above or trained by the Contractor's certifed flagging instructor. 3. Flaggers must be courteous and able to effectively communicate with the public. 4. When directing traffic, flaggers must use standard attire, flags, signs, and signals and follow the flagging procedures set forth in the TMUTCD. 5. Provide and maintain flaggers at such points and for such periods of time as may be required to provide for the safety and convenience of public travel and Contractor's personnel, and as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. a. These flaggers shall be located at each end of the lane closure. L. Removal 1. Upon completion of Work, remove from the Site all barricades, signs, cones, lights and other Traffic Control Devices used for work-zone traffic handling in a timely manner, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. 3.4 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.5 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.6 FIELD [oRJ SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3.7 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.8 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.9 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED) 3.11 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.12 MAINT�NANCE [NOT USED] 3.13 ATTACHMENTS (NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 32 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 South Main Street City Project No. 02113 AP�ENDIX rn���� � �.���i�y-e€-���� GG4.02 Subsurf�ce and Physical Canditions GC-4.04 Undergroui�cl �acilities f E-4:9 ��e GG6.O6.D Minoi•ity and Women Owneci Business Enterprise Compliance GC-6.07 Wage Rates GC-6.09 Permits and Utilities GC-6.24 Nondiscritnination GR-01 GO 00 Product Requirements Cl7'Y OF PORT 1VORTH South Main Slreet STANDARn CONS'CI�UCTION SPECIFiCA'f10N ppCUMENTS Yroject No. 02113 Rcvised 7ttly 1, 201 I GC-4.02 Subsurface �nd Physical Conditions ; . .. ,' _: � ; � ► � � = ._ 'i:�,/=�►�':� Cl"I'Y OF FORT �VOlt7'H South Mnin Slrect STANDARD CONSTRUC 170N SPECIFICATION llOCUMF.NTS }'roject No. 02113 Re��ised Iuly i, 2011 ALPHA Report No. G 131008 '' � Recommendations provided in this report were developed from information obtained in test borings depicting subsurface conditions only at the specifc boring locations and at the particular time designated on the logs. Subsurface conditions at other locations may differ from those observed at the boring locations, and subsurface conditions at boring locations may vary at different times of the year. The scope of work may not fully define the variability of subsurface materials and conditions that are present on the site. The nature and extent of variations between borings may not become evident until construction. If significant variations then appear evident, our office should be contacted to re-evaluate our recommendations after performing on-site observations and possibly other tests. FIELD EXPLORATION Subsurface conditions on the site were explored by drilling a total of nine (9) test borings to a depth of about 10 ft each in general accordance with ASTM D 420 using standard rotary drilling equipment. The approximate location of each test boring is shown on the Boring Location Plan, Figure 1. Details of drilling and sampling operations are briefly summarized in Methods of Field Exploration, Section A-1 of the Appendix. Subsurface types encountered during the field exploration are presented on the Log of Boring sheets included in the Appendix of this report. The boring logs contain our Field Technician's and Engineer's interpretation of conditions believed to exist between actual samples retrieved. Therefore, the boring logs contain both factual and interpretive information. Lines delineating subsurface strata on the boring logs are approximate and the actual transition between strata may be gradual. LABORATORY TESTS Selected samples of the subsurface materials were tested in the laboratory to evaluate their engineering properties as a basis in providing recommendations for pavement sections design and earthwork construction. The following laboratory tests were performed to facilitate pavement section recommendations: • Moisture Content (ASTM D 2216) • Atterberg-Limits (ASTM D 4318) • Sulfate Content (TX-145-E Part II) Individual test results are presented on the attached Logs of Boring or enclosed summary sheets. GENERAL SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The upper approximately 1%Z ft of materials encountered in the borings generally consisted of a pavement section with about 3 inches of asphalt underlain by about 12 inches of brick underlain by about 6 inches of concrete. Subgrade soils present below the existing pavement section in Borings 5 and 7 generally consisted of clayey gravel to a depth of about 6 ft underlain by clay soils to the 10 ft termination depth of the borings. Subgrade soils present below the existing l� ALPHA Report No. G 131008 '' � pavement section in the remaining borings generally consisted of clay and/or gravely clay extending to the 10 ft termination depth of the borings.. More detailed stratigraphic information is presented on the attached Log of Boring sheets. The clayey gravel encountered in Borings 5 and 7 is considered relatively permeable and is anticipated having a rapid response to water movement. However, the clay soils encountered in the borings are considered relatively impermeable and are anticipated to have a slow response to water movement. Therefore, several days of observation would be required to evaluate actual groundwater levels within the depths explored. Also, the groundwater level at the site is anticipated to fluctuate seasonally depending on the amount of rainfall, prevailing weather conditions and subsurface drainage characteristics. Groundwater was encountered on drilling tools during drilling at a depth of about 4 ft below the ground surface in Boring 1 and at a depth of about 9 ft in the open borehole immediately upon completion of drilling. No free groundwater was encountered in the remaining borings. However, it is common to encounter seasonal groundwater in fill material and granular materials (clayey gravel) and from natural fractures in the clayey matrix, particularly during or after periods of precipitation. If more detailed groundwater information is required, monitoring wells or piezometers can be installed. Further details concerning subsurface materials and conditions encountered can be obtained from the boring logs provided in the Appendix of this report. ENGINEERING ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Calculations used to determine the required pavement thickness are based only on the physical and engineering properties of the materials and conventional thickness determination procedures. Related civil design factors such as subgrade drainage, shoulder support, cross- sectional configurations, surface elevations, joint design and environmental factors will significantly affect the service life and must be included in preparation of the construction drawings and specifications, but were not included in the scope of this study. Normal periodic maintenance will be required for all pavement to achieve the design life of the pavement system. Pavement Subgrade Preparation We understand the bricks present below the asphalt in the existing pavement section will be salvaged for repurposing. In addition, due to current and anticipated development in the area over the next 5 years, we understand a temporary asphalt pavement section will be constructed to enable easier access to utilities situated below the pavement. Therefore, we recommend the entire existing pavement section be completely removed including the asphalt, brick and underlying concrete. Grading information was not provided for this study. For the purpose of our analysis, we have assumed the new pavement surface elevation will be similar to that of the existing pavement section. After removal of the entire existing pavement section, it is likely imported fill material will be required to raise the pavement subgrade elevation. 3 l� ALPHA Report No. G 131008 '' � In general, lime stabilization of clay subgrades is required per the Fort Worth Pavement Design Manual (July 2012 draft). However, it is not practical to import clay soils to raise the pavement subgrade elevation and then stabilize those soils with lime. Also, lime stabilization could be complicated due to spatial constraints at the project site. Therefore, we recommend the pavement subgrade consist of a minimum 8 inches of flexible base material. Any fill required to raise the grade should also consist of flexible base material. Flexible base should consist of material meeting the requirements of TxDOT Standard Specifications Item 247, Type A, Grade 1 or 2. The flexible base should be compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) and within the range of 2 percentage points below to 2 percentage points above the material's optimum moisture content. Prior to placement of flexible base material, the exposed subgrade should be scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches and compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) and within the range of 0 to 4 percentage points above the material's optimum moisture content. The flexible base layer will not prevent normal seasonal movement of the underlying untreated materials. Pavement and other flat work constructed within 2 ft of existing grade could experience soil-related potential seasonal movements of about 1 to 4 inches. The actual potential seasonal movements are a function of soil properties to a depth of up to about 15 ft. Deeper borings would be required to further evaluate potential seasonal movements at this site. A California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test was not performed for this specific project. However, based on our experience with similar conditions, we estimate the CBR value of subgrade soils with a minimum 8 inches of flexible base material will be at least 20. Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Pavement Section Using the 1993 AASHTO pavement design procedures (WinPAS computer program distributed by American Concrete Pavement Association), the following design parameters were used in analyses of the PCC pavement section. Compressive strength of concrete Modulus of Elasticity Modulus of Rupture Modulus of Subgrade Reaction* Load Transfer Co-efficient Drainage Coefficient Initial PSI Terminal PSI Standard Deviation Reliability 3,600 psi at 28 days 4,000,000 psi 620 psi 230 pci 3.0 1.0 4.5 2.25 0.39 90 percent *Subgrade prepared with flexible base material discussed above. � i�i ALPHA Report No. G131008 '' � Using the Street Classification of "Collector" as described in the referenced Fort Worth Pavement Design Guide it is estimated annual traffic volume will be about 100,000 Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALs) in one direction over a 25 year design life with 1.5 percent annual traffic growth. Based on this, we estimate the cumulative ESALs over the design life of the pavement to be about 3,000,000. If the actual expected traffic volume is different than used for our analysis herein, our office should be provided with the actual expected traffic volume so that we can re-evaluate our recommendations. Based on the subgrade preparations recommended above, the projected traffic volume and classification of the proposed road, a minimum 8 inch section of Portland cement concrete (PCC) is required for this project. PCC should have a minimum 3,600 psi compressive strength at 28 days. The concrete section should be placed over a properly prepared subgrade as discussed above. Concrete should be designed with 5+ 1 percent entrained air. Reinforcing steel for concrete pavement should be in accordance with Table 4.1 of the referenced Pavement Design Manual. Joints and saw-cutting in concrete should be in accordance with Section Four of the referenced Pavement Design Manual. Asphalt Pavement Section As discussed, we understand the subject street section may be reconstructed with asphalt for a temporary five (5) year period. The asphalt pavement sections presented in this report were calculated using the 1993 AASHTO pavement design procedures (WinPAS computer program distributed by American Concrete Pavement Association). Based on the referenced City of Fort Worth Pavement Design Manual, the following design parameters were used in analyses of the asphalt concrete pavement section. Reliability 85 percent Standard Deviation 0.45 Soil Resilient Modulus 15,100 (psi), CBR=20 Initial PSI 4.2 Terminal PSI 2.25 Using the Street Classification of "Collector" as described in the referenced Fort Worth Pavement Design Guide it is estimated annual traffic volume will be about 100,000 Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALs) in one direction over a 5 year design life with 1.5 percent annual traffic growth. Based on this, we estimate the cumulative ESALs over the design life of the pavement to be about 515,000. If the actual expected traffic volume is different than used for our analysis herein, our office should be provided with the actual expected traffic volume so that we can re-evaluate our recommendations. Based on the above design criteria for the subject street segment, the required structural number (SN) for the flexible pavement section is 2.26 for a temporary 5-year design period. According to the referenced pavement design manual, a structural coefficient of 0.44 can be used for 5 lJ� ALPHA Report No. G131008 '' � Type D asphalt surface course asphalt (TxDOT Standard Specification Item 340) and 0.41 for Type B asphalt base course (TxDOT Standard Specification Item 340). Table A below contains the recommended flexible pavement section for the temporary 5-year design period. Table A: Minimum Pavement Section for Temporary 5-Year Design Period Constructed above Pro erl Pre ared Sub rade as Discussed Herein Layer Material Minimum Layer Structural Layer Structural Thickness (in) Coefficient Number Type D Asphalt 2 0.44 0.88 Surface Course Type B Asphalt 3.5 0.41 1.44 Base Course Flexible Base g N/A N/A (TxDOT Item 247) Cumulative Structural Number 2.31 Minimum Required Structural Number 2.26 Draina�e and Maintenance Routine maintenance, including sealing of cracks and joints should be performed over the life of the pavement. Adequate drainage should be provided to reduce seasonal variations in the moisture content of subgrade soils. Maintaining positive surface drainage throughout the life of the pavement is essential. Soluble Sulfates A total of three (3) samples obtained from the borings were tested for soluble sulfate concentrations. Results of the laboratory testing (TxDOT Test Method TEX-145-E Part II) are tabulated below. Table B: Soluble Sulfates Soluble Boring No. Depth, ft Material Type Sulfate, mg/Kg m 2 2-4 Grayish Brown CLAY 1,030 7 6-8 Brown CLAY 134 9 2-4 Dark Brown CLAY 1,956 Based on the results of laboratory testing, the soluble sulfate content measured in the samples tested is considered relatively low (<2,000 ppm). It should be noted that concentrations of soluble sulfates in soil are typically very localized and concentrations in other areas of the site could vary significantly. Hence, it is recommended sulfate sampling/testing be performed during construction in accordance with the City of Fort Worth Pavement Design Manual. During construction experienced geotechnical personnel should make close observations for possible sulfate reactions. i�ti ALPHA Report No. G 131008 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES AND RECOMMENDATIONS '' � Variations in subsurface conditions could be encountered during construction. To permit correlation between test boring data and actual subsurface conditions encountered during construction, it is recommended a registered Professional Engineering firm be retained to observe construction procedures and materials. Some construction problems, particularly degree or magnitude, cannot be reasonably anticipated until the course of construction. The recommendations offered in the following paragraphs are intended not to limit or preclude other conceivable solutions, but rather to provide our observations based on our experience and understanding of the project characteristics and subsurface conditions encountered in the borings. Site Preparation and Gradin� All areas supporting the pavement and areas to receive new fill should be properly prepared. After completion of the necessary stripping, clearing, and excavating and prior to placing any required fill, the exposed soil subgrade should be carefully evaluated by probing and testing. Any undesirable material (organic material, wet, soft, or loose soil) still in place should be removed. The exposed soil subgrade should be further evaluated by proof-rolling with a heavy pneumatic tired roller, loaded dump truck or similar equipment weighing approximately 20 tons to check for pockets of soft or loose material hidden beneath a thin crust of possibly better soil. Proof- rolling procedures should be observed routinely by a Professional Engineer or his designated representative. Any undesirable material (organic material, wet, soft, or loose soil) exposed during the proof-roll should be removed and replaced with well-compacted material as outlined in the fill compaction section below. Prior to placement of any fill, the exposed soil subgrade should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches and re-compacted as outlined in Section 7.3. If fill is to be placed on existing slopes (natural or constructed) steeper than six horizontal to one vertical (6:1), the fill materials should be benched into the existing slopes in such a manner as to provide a minimum bench width of five (5) feet. This should provide a good contact between the existing soils and new fill materials, reduce potential sliding planes and allow relatively horizontal lift placements. Slope stability analysis of embankments (natural or constructed) and global stability analysis for retaining walls was not within the scope of this study. The contractor is responsible for designing any ex�avation slopes, tPmporary shPPting or shoring. Design of these structures should include any imposed surface surcharges. Construction site safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor, who shall also be solely responsible for the means, methods and sequencing of construction operations. The contractor should also be aware that slope height, slope inclination or excavation depths (including utility trench excavations) should in no case exceed those specified in local, state and/or federal safety regulations, such as OSHA Health and Safety Standard for Excavations, 29 CFR Part 1926, or , successor regulations. Stockpiles should be placed well away from the edge of the excavation ALPHA Report No. G131008 '' � and their heights should be controlled so they do not surcharge the sides of the excavation. Surface drainage should be carefully controlled to prevent flow of water over the slopes and/or into the excavations. Construction slopes should be closely observed for signs of mass movement, including tension cracks near the crest or bulging at the toe. If potential stability problems are observed, a geotechnical engineer should be contacted immediately. Shoring, bracing or underpinning required for the project (if any) should be designed by a professional engineer registered in the State of Texas. � Due to the nature of the clay soils found near the surface at the borings, traffic of heavy equipment (including heavy compaction equipment) may create pumping and general deterioration of shallow soils. Therefore, some construction difficulties should be anticipated during periods when these soils are saturated. Fill Compaction The following compaction recommendations pertain to general filling and site grading. The pavement subgrade should be prepared as discussed above in the "Pavement Subgrade Preparation" section of this report. Clay materials with a plasticity index equal to or greater than 25 should be compacted to a dry density between 95 and 100 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). The compacted moisture content of the clays during placement should be within the range of 1 to 5 percentage points above optimum. Clay, gravelly clay and clayey gravel materials with a plasticity index below 25 should be compacted to a dry density of at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) and within a moisture content range of 1 percentage point below to 3 percentage points above the material's optimum moisture content. Clayey materials used as fill should be processed such that the largest particle or clod is less than 6 inches prior to compaction. Flexible base material should consist of material meeting the requirements of TxDOT Standard Specifications Item 247, Type A, Grade 1 or 2. The flexible base should be compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) and within the range of 2 percentage points below to 2 percentage points above the material's optimum moisture content. In cases where either mass fills or utility lines are more than 10 ft deep, the fill/backfill below 10 ft should be compacted to at least 100 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-698) and within 2 percentage points of the material's optimum moisture content. The portion of the fill/backfill shallower than 10 ft should be compacted as outlined above. � ALPHA Report No. G 131008 '' � Compaction should be accomplished by placing fll in about 8-inch thick loose lifts and compacting each lift to at least the specified minimum dry density. Field density and moisture content tests should be performed on each lift. As a guide, one test per 5,000 sq ft per lift is recommended in the pavement areas. Utility trench backfill should be tested at a rate of one test per lift per each 300 lineal feet of trench. Groundwater Groundwater seepage was encountered at a depth of about 4 ft below the ground surface in Boring 1. Groundwater seepage was not encountered in the remaining borings. However, from our experience with similar soils and conditions, groundwater seepage could be encountered in shallow excavations for pavement, utility conduits and other general excavations. The risk of seepage increases with depth of excavation and during or after periods of precipitation. Standard sump pits and pumping may be adequate to control seepage on a local basis. In any areas where cuts are made to establish final grades, attention should be given to possible seasonal water seepage that could occur through natural cracks and fissures in the newly exposed stratigraphy. In these areas, subsurface drains may be required to intercept seasonal groundwater seepage. The need for these or other de-watering devices should be carefully addressed during construction. Our office could be contacted to visually observe the final grades to evaluate the need for such drains. LIMITATIONS Professional services provided in this geotechnical exploration were performed, findings obtained, and recommendations prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. The scope of services provided herein does not include an environmental assessment of the site or investigation for the presence or absence of hazardous materials in the soil, surface water or groundwater. ALPHA, upon written request, can be retained to provide same. ALPHA TESTING, INC. is not responsible for conclusions, opinions or recommendations made by others based on this data. Information contained in this report is intended for the exclusive use of the Client (and their designated design representatives), and is related solely to design of the specific structures outlined in Section 2.0. No party other than the Client (and their designated design representatives) shall use or rely upon this report in any manner whatsoever unless such party shall have obtained ALPHA's written acceptance of such intended use. Any such third party using this report after obtaining ALPHA's written acceptance shall be bound by the limitations and limitations of liability contained herein, including ALPHA's liability being limited to the fee paid to it for this report. Recommendations presented in this report should not be used for design of any other structures except those specifically described in this report. In all areas of this report in which ALPHA may provide additional services if requested to do so in writing, it is presumed that such requests have not been made if not evidenced by a written document accepted by ALPHA. Further, subsurface conditions can change with passage of time. Recommendations contained herein are not considered applicable for an extended period of time after the completion date of this report. It is recommended our office be contacted for a review of the contents of this report for construction commencing more E .J� ALPHA Report I�to. G131008 � � , than one (1) year after completion of this report, Non-compliance with any of these requirements by the Client or anyone elsc shall releasc ALPHA from any liability resulting from thc use of, ot• reliance upon, this report. Recommendations provided in this repoi�t are based on our understanding of information �rovided by the Client about characteristics of the project. If the Client notes any deviation from the facts aborit project characte�7stics, our officc should be contacted immediately since this may materially alter ille recommendations. Further, ALPHA TESTTNG, INC. is not responsible for damages resulting from workmanship of designers or conh•actors and it is rccommendcd tlie Owner rctain qualified personnel, such as a Gcotechnical Engineering firm, to �erify constructian is performed in accordance with plans and specifications. ALPHA TESTING, INC. appreciates the opportunity tc� be of scrvice on this project. If we can be of further assistance, please contact oui• office. Sincerely, .T.�P�� � r�:r9 ��t __ � �g,�''•'••• .`�' �� �* t � � **,�l ..............•�cKAY �! j MARK L ...........� .........Si067 � � � . . � til��k� �i���ySEQ'���,,' (���� �``.+� ���'� BJH/MLM/bjh ALPHA TESTING, INC. . Brian oyt, E.I.T. Project Manager .� Mark L. McKay , Scnior Geotechni Attaclunents: Boring Location Plan - Figure 1 Logs of Boring (Borings 1 through 9) Key to Soil Symbols and Classifications Copies: (1) Client l0 1_� �„-�---.���-��-�- z�. .�_r:�,� i , ���--,- � , �, :� , � �,�,�-,' - --. _. �� , , � � � � l�+r . - . '� -+ .r..n�.��� f ;.."r �� �..., � -.. , . i � 81, ',,,�" — ' ' �= ' ' `�,1 � � � ,��lfi� i , " . � , },` I` �� � .� - ; �. ? ���r, . � ..: ` � �_ ..�1�.: _�._ '! � � "� � ��� e � �-�� � � - � �� � ,;� +B_1 �: ,�E VICKERYBLVD ��i , �-, � a � r ""''�'� (M _ l� � � . ' - - : I I S� 1 . �'t � i'� � f...� _�1 . --^� {-, Lp � � i �i i�,r—`. 1 �. t' 1 � t-� � � ��:' . r _ �r �. t-i � '� I'� � •�!� ����� f�,r °� I i,� i��1 � � � ��� �. ��'" —. � ��.� i��, '1 ,w .'� � , ' � �' r " � '�I `� B-2 , � #,�` r i ,�' � 'y � � L� � �r � � � .', � , e � ' , + �`,'��* , , —��1' � II� ��JI�1 � � � � t , i k 4 � ,.�. � B-3 � ; ���; � � � � I� -� "�'s-� � � ,�r, � � ;�,� '~� 6 F �- � ' � .��S�Y����, • � t 1 � . ._ - . h +_ � ! r . 9 • ' , { ' { � � �+ . ��..�1�� I M _ �� ' i i. '..i � � ��1 . w i'��, .i �. ' � i : � ��`a �� B-4 .i: " _ , : : - r.� .� r' r.t r.s � 7.�' � � t. � ����� +' ��` � �j I �,� �� ' ; � � . . ., � . . � _ ��' � ._ � �I �'�. r [ -� - T � , 6.� � ��^.� ��� N .. . ' t _ ;I . , . M �'I 1 i�. � � - ,� — ; 71 y�' � �' �,�' � � r +.'!F ,�'!; B-5 � � � : � �'r, ' � � � � � ..� i , ;rv� � ,�� - ..� . + '�? ��.. � rl ��� � � ' ' "I ' �' : 7� � ... f . r � � � � y i � � r� �. �: �� � ' � ' I , �' }�.�� �I . � ��s 4� • ..: � B-6 . � i `� ''` _ _i'� * � �' ' � � � " �� � ' ��j i I • t' � � '' .._ �� a r�1� �'• � ' ti � 1� � r � � �"' � !� '�'*"� � ; � � _ + � � � � � ;, - - � a � , L ._ �, �; + � ' '1, �rj,i �' " i'j Ar,,+-� —,' � t�' 1 f �4 r y �/ � � . �._t, B-7 � _.e . . ! - � �+... �./� °�� .� � `I �a • .�. ..�'. t —� ry �.'c+A. � � . � �._, .. _I � � ��"`.� � .! 4 � '. `�� i ;^•�' � j � --.�,, �,." , , ��,�. � �i� "��i r i ��yy , L,1 -�Y �.yy �1 f � � - �� , L- . � Ir ���I I �-�1� + 1 1 �� � ' ��T�' B-O�Ir � � ' ' I � ' t��'T � � �,.�-. ��� � _ �' � � � � ' � � � ' I �'r1 ��' 4'i� �-� ��"' - -m - � ,I F � �� � - ,� � �T�', � ' ,�` � �, �y ' 1� � i'.- �;? - t�- �`B-9� '�'~Y � k� �.,; �, � . � �T ` � � �' f� -1, J� . � :� ,,' �;�, .�j , r=- � , _ ,� , t I t- , �. � r`.�� 'ti" r �,J ; ,' f� �, � � �� �, , , � - �. - � . MAGNOLIA AV , �`' � ,- , �-r, ; p 1 , � I� - t �'� - i � { �� ;�a�5 _�:v�l � � , �: �y,_ �'—� ���� �� ►. �="'�.-. � � Approximate Boring Locations Geotechnical Exploration Pavement Reconstruction S. Main St. between Vickery Blvd. and W. Magnolia Ave. Fort Worth, Texas Alpha Project No. G131008 N A L P H A/� T E S T I N G I Boring Location Plan WHERE IT ALL BEGINS Figure 1 1� A L P H A/� T E S T I H G 2209 6Visconsin Sh•eet su;te roo LOG OF BORING NO.: 1 � Dullus, Te.rus Sheet 1 oi 1 75229 W H E R E I T A L L B E G I N S Pha�e: 972-620-891/ PROJECT NO.: G131008 Far: 972-620-1302 i vivw. nlphate,sting. con� Client: DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES Location: FORT WORTH, TEXAS Project: PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION SurFace Elevation: Start Date: 6/11/2013 End Date: 6/11/2013 West: Drilling Method: CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER North: Hammer Drop (Ibs / in): GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS � a � � � y E d r � x m � Q �n Rods (ft): 4 T e u� � � U � o'.°>-' .� « �E � c � r " 1 After Drilling (ft): 9 � > C�1 � o c"i � � m @ o � � o � � �' L . a �. d O a' C� p � C G a O � O- (� �� !q V a 1° � After Hours (ft): � a U `� °" �, o °.' a `� � v „ � � .� c9 � � �a a?� Z j � � a a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 3 inches ASPHALT over red BRICK 1.0 ' °' b�' CONCRETE q.: •., ro. e :a'!.A ; 1.5 Brown CLAY with gravel - FILL 3.0 Brown CLAY with sand 1.5 0.9 99 22 47 18 29 Q 5 2.0 31 3.25 30 Z 4.0 26 10 10.0 TEST BORING TERMINATED AT 10 FT � 2209 YVisconsin Sh•eet A L P H A/�, T E S T I N G St«t�,°° LOG OF BORING NO.: 2 Dullus, Texus Sheet 1 of 1 75229 W H E R E I T A L L B E G I N S f'hone: 971-620-8911 P R O J E C T N O.: G 1 3 1 0 0 8 Far. 972-620-1302 ivtivw. nlphatesti�ig. coni Client: DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES Location: FORT WORTH, TEXAS Project: PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION SurFace Elevation: Start Date: 6/11/2013 End Date: 6/11/2013 West: Drilling Method: CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER North: Hammer Drop (Ibs / in): GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS � � a.c m � � t � x � U � �n Rods (ft): NONE � � 0 3 Y� �= N'� a� Y E J c r t 1 After Drilling (ft): DRY °' >� � o u E c m � o Z, a o � o �' n a n c°� � o� d� w � a �t p'_' CJ 'S in � 0 1° � After Hours (ft): � � �' � �0 U� - (/J � � N G U (n � Z C � J � � a a ? � � a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 3 inches ASPHALT over red BRICK 1.0 �' °'•°' CONCRETE . q.:�:..n. y': a 'c': : '�a'. 1.5 Grayish Brown CLAY 3.75 18 5 3.0 28 6.0 Tan CLAY with calcareous deposits 4.0 21 38 15 23 3.5 25 10 10.0 TEST BORING TERMINATED AT 10 FT �� A L P H A/� T E S T I N G 2209 6Yisconsrn Sh�eet s�,;re ioo LOG OF BORING NO.: 3 � Dullus, Texus Sheet 1 of 1 75229 W H E R E I T A L L 8 E G 1 N S P��one: 972-620-89/1 PROJECT NO.: G131008 Far: 972-620-1302 �v�vw. nlphatesting. com Client: DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES Location: FORT WORTH, TEXAS Project: PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION Surface Elevation: Start Date: 6/11/2013 End Date: 6/11/2013 West: Drilling Method: CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER North: Hammer Drop (Ibs / in): GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS �' a � -o c � � � ,L � x o `�- o� > rn - r a� � ° � �n Rods (ft): NONE T `� N �, � � �' °J 'a� � �E � D V I--' Z`� O N.-. �td (/J ��,` C J J a Q 1 After Drilling (ft): DRY Q a� c—�° o o c m � o Z` a �j ° " 'c�i o � � After Hours (ft): �� ��" a � �� a N � v � a �N � � C � O �' a O � J (0 Hd a � Z � � Q. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 3 inches ASPHALT over red BRICK 1.0 �`�4'-d�' CONCRETE t9p4:p . 1.5 Reddish Brown CLAY 3.75 1.4 105 17 41 16 25 5 4.5+ 26 4.5+ 24 4.5+ 22 10 10.0 TEST BORING TERMINATED AT 10 FT �� A L P H A/� T E S T I H G 2209 Gi'isconsin Sh�eet s�„re ioo LOG OF BORING NO.: 4 � Du(lus, TL'XUS Sheet 1 of 1 75229 W H E R E I T A L L B E G I N S Phone: 972-610-8911 PROJECT NO.: G131008 Far: 972-620-1302 tivtvw. nlphatestii�g. coni Client: DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES Location: FORT WORTH, TEXAS Project: PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION Surtace Elevation: Start Date: 6/11/2013 End Date: 6/11/2013 West: Drilling Method: CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER North: Hammer Drop (Ibs / in): GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS � a � � � � E m t � x � � Q On Rods (ft): NONE � Z, o y �� U�' �'� � m E J c U � r 1 After Drilling (ft): DRY a a d � o o E � m � oo Z, n o a � �' a a V� p � a o w G a N p� U V o � � After Hours (ft): � � � � �' � ° 'N U - m � � � � o•.. � o � m � p, m � a a j� z� � a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 3 inches ASPHALT over red BRICK 1.0 �`4'-d� CONCRETE 9.�. a. b:�6,�.•n': 1.5 Brown GRAVELLY CLAY - FILL 4.5+ 23 4.0 Tan CLAY with calcareous deposits 5 4.5+ 23 48 1 S 30 4.5+ 22 4.5+ 14 10 10.0 TEST BORING TERMINATED AT 10 FT .L 2209 6Visconsin Sh•eet A L P N A� T E S T I N G S«ire �°° LOG OF BORING NO.: 5 Dullus, T�,�us Sheet 1 of 1 75229 W H E R E I T A L L B E G I N S pj�one: 972-620-89!/ PROJECT NO.: G131008 Fa�: 972-620-1302 wtivw, nlphatesting. com Client: DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES Location: FORT WORTH, TEXAS Project: PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION Surface Elevation: Start Date: 6/11/2013 End Date: 6/11/2013 West: Drilling Method: CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER North: Hammer Drop (Ibs / in): GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS � a -o c � � � ,� � x � � � �n Rods (ft): NONE a � � N � U" �'.°�-' '� m E � � („) ~ � ❑ � 3 y N "O .0 N � � � C J J r 1 Aftef Dfllling (ft): DRY °' > c7 � o � E ��, m g Z. a a -o � �' r p `� � After HoUfs (ft): E �� �� a° �°�' a N p� U •a '� � � _ m � � � � o.. o o • :: � 4, m � a a ?� z � � a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 3 inches ASPHALT over red BRICK 1.0 '`4 �� CONCRETE ti9.p'!'.p;. 1.5 Tan CLAYEY GRAVEL - FILL 5 6.0 Brown CLAY 3.5 26 59 24 35 8.0 TanCLAY 2.5 16 10 10.0 TEST BORING TERMINATED AT 10 FT � 2209 6Visco�isin Si�•eet A L P H A/� T E S T I N G s«ite roo LOG OF BORING NO.: 6 Dullus, Te,ras Sheet 1 of 1 75229 W H E R E I T A L L B E G 1 N S P>>a�te: 972-620-89/1 P R O J E C T N O.: G 1 3 1 0 0 8 Fax: 972-620-1302 tiv�vw. nlpHate,sti�lg. com Client: DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES Location: FORT WORTH, TEXAS Project: PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION Surface Elevation: Start Date: 6/11/2013 End Date: 6/11/2013 West: Drilling Method: CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER North: Hammer Drop (Ibs I in): GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS � a � B � � E m L � x rn o ' -- o c� � o� - a� � � � �n Rods (ft): NONE � Z, o N � � U � °'� '� � �E � c a n 1 Aftef Dfllling (ft): DRY Q o C7 � o o E � m o g �. Q � o � �' U R O a a a �- � a- fy �" (� f? o `0 � After Hours (ft): � � � �, o �' e ,- �, � � �N c� � � �a a j� Z? � J a a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 3 inches ASPHALT over red BRICK 1.0 "� 4 °� CONCRETE 9..;�: %. ti;..p.:p�; �: ' e': 1.5 Brown CLAY 2.5 1.8 103 13 56 22 34 4.0 Tan CLAY with calcareous deposits 5 2.75 20 3.75 19 4.0 16 10 10.0 TEST BORING TERMINATED AT 10 FT A L P H A/� T E S T 1 N G 2209 Wisconsin Sh•eet s�,;re ioo LOG OF BORING NO.: 7 � Dullus, Te,rus Sheet 1 of 1 75229 W H E R E I T A L L B E G I N S f'hone: 972-620-8911 PROJECT NO.: G131008 Fax: 972-620-1302 ivivw. nlp{ratesting. cam Client: DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES Location: FORT WORTH, TEXAS Project: PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION Surtace Elevation: Start Date: 6/11/2013 End Date: 6/11/2013 West: Drilling Method: CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER North: Hammer Drop (Ibs / in): � GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS � � � Y E � L o x c d � � � On Rods (ft): NONE T � � N � U° �. c.°�-� "a�i � �� � � n Q 1 After Drilling (ft): DRY Q o CT � o a� � m @ oo Z, Q o � � �` 2� 1] O C a U 'J (/) V o `0 � After Hours (ft): E � �" a � _�, N o� Q � �N � � � � a c c�i (%] ' Z 'c � J a, m a ? � � d MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 3 inches ASPHALT over red BRICK 1.0 Rqi°i<� CONCRETE tija'; p : 1.5 Tan CLAYEY GRAVEL with asphalt fragments - FILL 5 6.0 Brown to Tan CLAY 3.5 24 49 20 29 2.5 17 10 10.0 TEST BORING TERMINATED AT 10 FT A L P H A/� T E S T I N G 2209 GVisconsin Sh•eet s�,tr� ioo LOG OF BORING NO.: 8 � Dullus, Te.cus Sheet 1 of 1 75229 W H E R E I T A L L B E G I N S %'��are: 972-620-8911 PROJECT NO.: G131008 Fax: 972-620-1302 ivtvw. nlphatesting. cont Client: DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES Location: FORT WORTH, TEXAS Project: PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION SurFace Elevation: Start Date: 6/11/2013 End Date: 6/11/2013 West: Drilling Method: CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER North: Hammer Drop (Ibs / in): GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS c a � �° .� v E a� t ' x � ° Q �n Rods (ft): NONE T� �� u� c°� " c.°�-� 'a�i � 'E E c H Z `o '� a� •- � � 1 After Drilling (ft): DRY °� >� � o cYi E a�i m� o � c�i o � u Z` a � n �� a� o o ,S� c aN Z'a U •� '� � o � � After Hours (ft): �� �� a � o�' o o � v �, � a �� a a �� Z � � a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 3 inches ASPHALT over red BRICK 1.0 °=�4'¢' CONCRETE 9... :, a. ti;:p:�.:p:. ;. :: a`: 1.5 Dark Brown to Brown CLAY 2.0 1.5 88 32 59 24 35 5 2.0 24 6.0 Light Brown to Tan CLAY 3.0 28 2.25 16 10 10.0 TEST BORING TERMINATED AT 10 FT A L P H A�� T E S T I H G 2209 6Visconsin Sh•eet su;re ioo LOG OF BORING NO.: 9 � Dullus, Texas Sheet 1 of 1 75229 W H E R E I T A L L B E G I N S Phone: 97z-62o-89i1 PROJECT NO.: G131008 Far: 972-620-1302 tivtivw. nlphatesting. con� Client: DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES Location: FORT WORTH, TEXAS Project: PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION Surtace Elevation: Start Date: 6/11/2013 End Date: 6/11/2013 West: Drilling Method: CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER North: Hammer Drop (Ibs I in): GROUND WATER OBSERVATIONS � a �o c � E a� t � x � ,°� Q �n Rods (ft): NONE T � �� d U N O1 °�' .a�i � � E � H Z' O N N� � (� � r.�-` C J J C r � 1 Aftef DfIIGng (ft): DRY °' > C7 � o c"i � �� @ o � o -o o �` L a U� o� a o c � �o Z`o. U � � a a p `0 � After Hours (ft): � � U � o� o N �� � Q � N � � � �a a ?� Z ? � � a a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 3 inches ASPHALT over red BRICK 1.0 ' 4 °�` CONCRETE q :�. ro. ti .A..p . 'a: 1.5 Dark Brown CLAY 1.5 28 4.0 Tan CLAY with calcareous deposits 5 1.5 29 51 20 31 1.0 18 1.0 22 10 10.0 TEST BORING TERMINATED AT 10 FT I� ALPHA/� � TESTING KEY TO SOIL SYMBOLS AND CLASSIFICATIONS WHERE IT ALL BEGINS SOIL & ROCK SYMBOLS � (CH), High Plasticity CLAY � (CL), Low Plasticity CLAY � (SC), CLAYEY SAND � (SP), Poorly Graded SAND �.',��.�',�. (SW), Well Graded SAND C�_ra � (SM), SILTY SAND � (ML), SILT � (MH), Elastic SILT � LIMESTONE � SHALE / MARL � SANDSTONE o Q (GP), Poorly Graded GRAVEL �' (GW), Well Graded GRAVEL � (GC), CLAYEY GRAVEL � (GM), SILTY GRAVEL � (OL), ORGANIC SILT � (OH), ORGANIC CLAY � FILL SAMPLING SYMBOLS ■SHELBY TUBE (3" OD except where noted otherwise) �SPLIT SPOON (2" OD except where noted otherwise) � AUGER SAMPLE � TEXAS CONE PENETRATION �ROCK CORE (2" ID except where noted otherwise) RELATIVE DENSITY OF COHESIONLESS SOILS (blows/ft) VERY LOOSE 0 TO 4 LOOSE 5 TO 10 MEDIUM 11 TO 30 DENSE 31 TO 50 VERY DENSE OVER 50 SHEAR STRENGTH OF COHESIVE SOILS (tsfl VERY SOFT SOFT FIRM STIFF VERY STIFF HARD LESS THAN 0.25 0.25 TO 0.50 0.50 TO 1.00 1.00 TO 2.00 2.00 TO 4.00 OVER 4.00 RELATIVE DEGREE OF PLASTICITY (PI) LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERY HIGH 4 TO 15 16 TO 25 26 TO 35 OVER 35 RELATIVE PROPORTIONS (%) TRACE LITfLE SOME AND 1 TO 10 11 TO 20 21 TO 35 36 TO 50 PARTICLE SIZE IDENTIFICATION (DIAMETER) BOULDERS COBBLES COARSE GRAVEL FINE GRAVEL COURSE SAND MEDIUM SAND FINE SAND SILT CLAY S.0" OR LARGER 3.0" TO S.0" 0.75" TO 3.0" 5.0 mm TO 3.0" 2.0 mm TO 5.0 mm 0.4mmT05.Omm 0.07 mm TO 0.4 mm 0.002 mm TO 0.07 mm LESS THAN 0.002 mm i� ALPNA�TESTING � WHEFIE IT ALL BEGINS li�•uli�chniru( Cuu,�•lrrrcliu�i Afulerialc Gnviruninen�al 1 BPE Firm ,Vo. 813 5053l3n�sh C'reek/load For1 1f'ord�, Texas 76/l9 July l0, 2013 Dunaway Associates, L.P. 550 Bailey A�•enue, Suite 400 Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Attention: Mr. Jeffrey Davis, P.E. Tel: 817-496-5600 Fux: 817-496-5606 iviv�v. alphatesting.conr Re: Addendum to Geotechnical Report "Arterial" Street Classification Pavement Reconstruction S. Main St. between Vickery Blvd and W. Magnolia Ave Fort Worth, Texas ALPHA Report No. G131008-] This letter is an addendum to ALPHA Report No. G131008 dated June 21, 2U13. In the referenced geotechnical report, we provided Portland cement pat•ement (PCC) recommendarions for the subject street segment classified as a"Collector" street as described in the City of Fort Worth Paveraent Manual Guide (Dtaft Document July 2012). We understand the subject street se�nent will now be classified as a minor artc�7a1 which would conespond with the "Arterial" street classification as described in the Pavement Design Manual (Draft Document July 2012). Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Paveme�it Section for "Az�terial" Strect Classification Using the 1993 AASHTO pavement design procedures (WinPAS computer program dish•ibuted by American Concrete Pavement Association), the following design parameters were used in analyses of the PCC pavement section. Compressive strength of concrete Modulus of Elasticity Modulus of Rupture Modulus of Subgrade Reaction* Load Transfer Co-efficient DY•ainage Coefficient [nitial PSI Tenninal PSI Standard Deviation Rcliability 3,600 psi at 28 days 4,000,000 psi 62U psi 230 pci 3.0 1.0 4.5 2.25 0.39 90 percent *Subgrade prepared with flexible base material discussed above. Using the Street Classification of "Arterial" as described in the referenced Fort Worth Pavement Design Guide it is estimated annual traff'ic vo]ume will be about 300,000 Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALs) in one direction over a 30 year design life with 2.5 perecnt amival traftic growth, i: ALPHA Report No. G131008-1 �1 �t . Based on this, we estimate the cumulative ESALs o�-er the design life of the pavement to be about 13,171,000. If the actual expected traffic volume is different than used for our analysis herein, our of�ce should be provided with the actual expected traffic volume so that we can re-evaluate our recommendations. Based on the subgrade preparations recommended above, the projected traffic �•olurae and classification of the proposed road, a minimum 10 inch section of Portland cement concrete (PCC) is required for this project. PCC should have a minimum 3,600 psi cornpressive strength at 28 days. The concrete section should be placed over a properly prepared subgrade as discussed above. Concrete should be designed with 5+ 1 percent entrained air. Reinforcing steel for concrete pavement should be in accordance with Table 4.1 of the referenced Pavement Design Manual. Joints and saw-cutting in concrete should be in accordance with Section Four of the referenced Pa��ement Design Manual. All comments and recommendations contained in the referenced report remain unchanged except for those specifically modified herein. ALPHA appreciates the opportunity to be of service on this projeet. If we can be of furtlier assistance, please contact our office. ��-"�oF r�: � �Pt.�,......,., yy� . y .•' � �•• �t i� ' t� :� : �It I �;;e .......................�r TNE000a� �� �aw�s� � •���Y�������� � ������' ,.e.,.,..0�2418 ; ; �� ��,\�I�(�� F �� °•� �,..••' � "�� AL �.<< p,1�`J q0.ew�.�.a� "� 1 BJH/TAJ/bjh Copies: (1) Client Sincerely, ESTING, C. . r� Brian J. H .I.T. Project Manager , Principal �� A.(Tony) .E. ALPNA�� � _ yF WHERE IT ALL BEGINS (irnir�rlinirn( ( i���.�h�uc'lioil J/ul����irrL� l:'�� ��i�'��lul�r�nrrl! 7'BP/� Fi�vn Nu. 3!3 5115h' Bru.ch C7•rc•k Xuuc( hnrr li'ur!l7. Trrn.� 7(!l4 July 1 l, 2013 Dw1,��v��,y Associltes, L.P. S50 13ailcy Avenue, Suite 400 I�ort Wort11, Texas 76107 Altentic�n: Mr. Jeffi-ey Da� is, P.E. Tel: 817-�9(-SG00 (ir_� �4/7-d9(-5(06 u��� ��r. rrlphalcsliirg. cnn� Re: Addendum to Geotechnical [teport "Arterial" Street Cl��ssi�ication Aspl�alt Pavement Scctic�n Pavement Reconstruction S. Main St. bet�veen Vickeiy Bl��d and �V. Magnolia Ave Foi�t Woi�th, Te�as ALPHA Report No. G I 31008-2 This letter is �n addendum to ALPHA Report No. G131008 dated .fune 21, 2013. In the rctierencecl geotechnical report, wc ��rovided Portland cement concretc pavcment (PCC) recou��mendations for the subject street scgment classified as a`'Collector" street as described in the City of Fort Wortli Pavement Manual Guide (Draft Document July 2012). We unclerstand t}ie subject street se�nnent will no�v be classificd as a minor arterial which would correspond with the "Arterial" street classiflcation as describecl in the Pavement Design Manual ([�rai�t Document July 2012). An addendum letter (ALPf-lA Report No. G131008-1 dated July 10, 2013) was issued ���ith recominendations for PCC' pa��cment recommendations for the "�lrterial" street cl�lssification. The putpose of this addendum letter is to �rovide pavemeut section recoii�mendations for aspl�alt pavement for "Arterial" street classitication. Aspl�alt Pavement Section 'l'he asphalt pavement section presented in this report were calculated using the 1993 AASHTO pavemcnt design pi•ocedures (WinPAS computer pi•ograni distributed by Amct•ican Conct•ete Pavcinent Association). Based o» thc refe�•enced City of Fort Woi-tl� Pavement Design Manual, the t��llo�ving design parameters were used in analyses of the asphalt concrete pavement section. Reliability 90 percent Standard Deviation 0.45 Soil Resilient Mod��lus 9,400 (psi), CBR=10 1�Iitial PS1 4.2 "rerminal PSI 2.s Using tlie Street Classification of� "Arlcrial" �s described in tlle referenced �c�rt Worth Pavement Dc;sigi� Guide it is estimated annual trat'fiic volu�lie will be about 300,000 Fc�iiiv�llent Single Axle Loads (CSnLs) in one direction over a 30 ye��r �lesign life with 2.5 perce�ll ai�nual trattic gi�owtl�. Based on this, we estin�ate the cumul�itive ESALs over the design life of' the paveinent to be ALPHA Report No. G 131008-2 � ' � about 13,171,000. lf the actu�il expected traffic volume is diffe�•ent than 11S2(i fOT OUf flll�llyS1S herein, our ottice should be provided with the actual eYpected traF(ic volume so that wc can re- evaluate ow� recommendations. Basecl on the abuve design criteria t��r the subject street segment, the required structural nutnber (SN) for thc flexible jJc�V�IllCllt section is 4.78. According to thc reierenced pavement design manual, a Stl'llCiLlCill coefticient of 0.44 can bc; uticd for Type D asphalt surface co�n•se asphalt (TxDOT Standard Specification 11em 340) and Q.41 for Type B as��h��lt base coursc: ("I'xDOT Standard S��ecitication Item 340). "I'able A below contains the recommended flexible ��avement section for the temporaty 5-year design period. T�ble A: Minimum Pave�nent Section for 30-Year Design Peri��d Consti�ucted above erly Preparecl Sub�rade �is Described in ALP1 [A Report No. G I 31008 Dated July I 0, 2013 Layer IVlateri�l NYinin�wn L�,yer• 'I'hic{uiess (in) Type D Asphalt 4.5 Surtace Course Type Q Asphalt � Bas� C:ow�se Flexiblc i3ase � (TxDOT ltem 247) Cumulative Stnictural Number Minimum Rectuired Strtactural Number Struct�u•�l Coefficient 0.44 0.4 l N/A 4.7� 4.�5 Ln,yer Structw•al Numbcr 1.9� 2.87 N/A All comments and recommendations contained lierein ai�e considered addition�il aild recommendations in tlle refereilced report and subsequent addend�ul� letter i•emain unch<inged. ALPHA ap��reciates the opp�n�t�uiity to be of service on this project. If we can be of fiu-ther assistancc, E�lcase contact our of�iice. Sincei�ely, yL����" . �,.. �l�U �l''��', ' ���},,°� ,,,oao.,'� . . , ,� ,• � �,o ,� �, �r �`• • - ,,,{,�;v°�( �����au.�.:.,e•,.... °o ' 9 '�EppO�F ; . �,a�l1��i , 9 ... �; aoesos������2�i E3 .. a9 ; � s �4 ����OC� � ° �, e r. r �1` �0�r���•`° ,� ��° �'� �`\�3 �t�,w.n-...,z :^`' � 1� ALPHA TESTING, INC. ` �i�s�`�`' ,��� `— — "/ / • [3r�an J. H��t, _�..I.'I'. Project �nager �%�'�� _--�, Theodore A. (Tony�,,Lai�i�h, P.E. Principal BJH/TAJ/b_j}� Copies: ( I ) Clicnt ,, - � ALPHA /� � TESTIHG WHERE IT ALL BEGINS Grulr��'h�rirul (�un>irn�'liu�� dlnr�'i�rrrl.+ F'N Pi��nluN Pl1lU! 7'BP/i !'irm No. 8! � 511i,A' /{�'i�.�l� Cr�'cA llnuil 1'�w'l 11'n��lll. Tc'.ru� 7l1 /'/ No��ember 5, 2013 Dun.�wa,y Associates, L.P. 550 Bailey Avcnue, Suite 40O Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Attelltion: Mr. Jei�fi•ey Da��is, P.E. T��l ��1' l 7-d 9h- i6lll) Fu.t� �Y17-�1)b-S60h u ii �r.ul/�liule,slin�.cnin Re; Addendum to Geotechnical Report "Acterial" Sireet Classilication Pavement Recoiish•iiction S. Maii� St. between Vickery Blvd and �V. Magnolia Ave [�ort Woi-tll, `1'exas ALPHA Repori No. G I 3 I 008-3 This lettei� is an addevdum to ALP[-IA Repot�t No. G131008 dated June 21, 2013. I�a tlie retercnced geotcchnica] report, we providccl Portland cement pavement (PCC) recotnmendations ior the subject street segment classificd as a"Collector" street as described in the Cit�� of l�ort Worth Pavement Manual Guide (Dratt Docuineilt Jtily 2012). We now understand the subject street se�,���ent ���ill be utilirecl in a capacity whicl� would corresp�i�d ��vith a street classit�ieation bet���een "Collector" street and "Arteri�l" sh�eet as cicscribed in the Pavement Desi�� ��lanual (Dratt Doc�tmcnt July 2012). Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Pavement Section for "Arterial" Street Classi�cation tlsing the 1993 AASHTO pavement design proce�ures (WinP/�S computer prog�•am distributed by Aiue1-ican Concrete Pavement Associ��tion), thc following design parameters were used in ��nalyses of�tile PCC pavement section. COill��l'L'SS1Ve Stl'ell�t}1 Of COI1Cl'eiC Modulus of Elasticity Modulus of Ruphn�e Modulus of Subgrade Reaction''� Load Tr<�nsfer Co-efficient Draina�;c Coefficient Initial PSI Tenniilal PSI Standard De��iation Reliability 3,600 psi at 28 days 4,0OO,OQO psi 620 psi 230 pci 3.0 1.0 4.5 2.25 0.39 90 percc;nt �Subgracle preparecl �vith flexiblc base material discussed in our original report. AI.PI-IA Report No. G 131008-3 ' � � Qased on inti�rmation pro�icied by thc C'lient, �ve iu�derstancl the subject strcet segment will have a t�tal traffic volume of about 6,?3�,000 equivalent 18 kip single axle loads (I;SAL.$) over a 25 year clesi�n period. If the actual �xpectcd traftic volume is different than usccl for our analysis herein, ow� office should be provi�lecl with the actual expected traffc vc>lumc so that ���e can re- e��aluate c>�u• recominendations. Based on tlie subgi•acle p►�e�aratioi�s rccominended in otu• oi-iginal i�eport, the p��ojected traffic v��lume ��id classification of the pro��osed road, a miuimwn 9 iiich section of' Portland cement cc�ncrete (PCC) is required for this ��roject. PC'C SIlOLIIC� Y11VE a 11�1I11111U111 3,600 psi compressi��e strength at 2t� days. The eonerete sectic�n should be placed over a properly ��reparccl sub�rade as discussed in tlle original i-eport. Concrete shotild be designed with 5-F I��ercent cntrained air. Rcinf-o�•cing steel for co�lcrete pavement shoulci be in accordance ��ith Table 4.1 of the rcfcrenced Pavement Design Manual. Joints and sa�v-cutting in conerete shoulcl be in accol�clailce �vith Section Four of the referenced Pavemei�t Design Manual. All comments and recommendatio»s contained in the referenced repo�'t remain unchanged except fi�r those specifically �liodified herein. ALPI lA appceciates the opportunity to he of service on this project. II� ���e can be of f�n-ther assist��nce, E�lease coiltact our oftice. Sincerely, ALPHA TCSTI , T1�C. ��= ��� �� � Brian J. Hoyt, E. .T. Project Manager�� �>>������ / r ��P.�� OF TF�� O,1 �" �� � * * PI �� • � ' I , i�• .....................* 0 Ma��k L. McC , P.E. %�� MARK L, McKAY ,� Seniot� Geotechnical Cngincer � .............. ,.....¢ i �j+�'•, �91067� .��c� �� I3.11-1/MLM/bjh �1� �`F ���ENs�����= C'opies: ( I ) Client 1��0\ ��a� �� ' /�/� ALPNA/� � TESTING WHERE IT ALL BEGINS Geotechnicvd Coitsiruction Ntnlerirrls E�i viroiuneilird TBPE Firm No. 813 5058 Bi�ush Ci�eek Road Fa�t Worth, Texas 76119 November 18, 2013 Dunaway Associates, L.P. 550 Bailey Avenue, Suite 400 Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Attention: Mr. Jeffrey Davis, P.E. Te(: 817-496-5600 Fax: 817-496-5606 lvivw. alphatesting. can Re: Addendum to Geotechnical Report Subgrade Preparation Alternatives Pavement Reconstruction S. Main St. between Vickery Blvd and W. Magnolia Ave Fort Worth, Texas ALPHA Report No. G 131008-4 This letter is an addendum to ALPHA Report No. G131008 dated June 21, 2013. Provided herein are alternatives to the previous recommendations for subgrade preparation. Lime stabilization is discussed as one option. Increasing the concrete thickness in lieu of subgrade modification is discussed as a second option. Also provided herein are recommendations to verify the constructed pavement subgrade strength conforms to the recommendations and assumptions of the design pavement subgrade strength used in our analyses. Lime Stabilization As an alternative to constructing a pavement subgrade consisting of 8 inches of flexible base material, an equivalent pavement subgrade could consist of 8 inches of lime stabilized onsite clay soils. Where clay soils are encountered at the final pavement subgrade elevation, the exposed clayey subgrade soils should be scarified to a depth of 8 inches and mixed with a minimum of 7 percent hydrated lime (by dry soil weight) in conformance with TxDOT Standard Specifications Item 260. Using an in-place dry unit weight of 100 pcf for the pavement subgrade soils, this percentage of lime equates to about 42 lbs of lime per sq yard of treated area. Since the initial pavement section tivas designed using flexible base material for the pavement subgrade, a mechanical lime series test was not performed on a bulk sample of material collected during the field exploration. Therefore, routine Atterberg-limit tests of the lime stabilized pavement subgrade soils should be performed during construction to ver� the resulting plasticity index of the soil-lime mixture is at/or below 15. It is possible that routine Atterber�-limit tests performed durin� construction could reveal the required percentage of lime is higher than recommended above. ALPHA Report No. G131008-4 '' � We recommend lime stabilization procedures extend at least 1 ft beyond the edge of the pavement to reduce effects of seasonal shrinking and swelling upon the extreme edges of pavement. Lime stabilization of the pavement subgrade soil will not prevent normal seasonal movement of the underlying untreated materials. Therefore, good perimeter surface drainage with a minimum slope of 2 percent away from the pavement is recommended. The use of sand as a leveling course below pavement supported on expansive clays should be avoided. Normal maintenance of pavement should be expected over the life of the structures. Increasin� Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Thickness — Alternative to Flexible Base or Lime Stabilized Sub�rade ALPHA Report No. G131008-3 dated November 5, 2013 (Addendum to ALPHA Report No. G131008 dated June 21, 2013) recommends a minimum 9 inches of PCC pavement supported on a pavement subgrade consisting of a minimum 8 inches of flexible base material. As an alternative, the recommended 9 inches of PCC pavement could be supported on a pavement subgrade consisting of a minimum 8 inches of lime stabilized on-site clay soils as discussed above. As a further alternative, rather than constructing the recommended 9 inch PCC pavement section on a flexible base or lime stabilized subgrade, the PCC pavement section could be increased to 10 inches and constructed over a recompacted, untreated clay subgrade. Prior to construction of pavement on untreated clay subgrade soil, the exposed subgrade should be scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches and compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) and within the range of 0 to 4 percentage points above the material's optimum moisture content. Verification of Pavement Sub�rade Strength The recommended pavement sections for this project are predicated on adequate pavement subgrade strength. The strength of the flexible base pavement subgrade or the lime stabilized pavement subgrade should correlate to a California bearing ratio (CBR) value of at least 10 to be considered adequate for support of the recommended 9 inch pavement section. The strength of the untreated, recompacted clay subgrade should correlate to a California bearing ration (CBR) value of at least three (3) to be considered adequate for support of the recommended 10 inch pavement section. In order to verify the appropriate pavement subgrade strength has been achieved, prior to pouring the PCC pavement section, we recommend the pavement subgrade be tested with a hand operated dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP). Allowing for some minor differences in equipment (i.e. ALI'HA Report No. G I:i 1 UOY-4 � ' � hami»er d��op distance, hammcr weight, cone angle, etc.), DCI' lcsting shoulcl be �erfonned in general accordance with AS�('M Special Technical Publication Nci. 399. A re�istered Professional Engineer shauld be retained to perform, verify and re��iew results oi� DCP testing. DC[' testing is not a substitute for cv<�luating and proof-rolling the pavement subgrade as clisctissed in the referencecl �eotectinical repoi-t (ALPHl1 Report No. G1310�8 dated Juiu 21, 2013). DCP testing should be pei-fo�7ned aftei• pi•oof�rolliiig. All comments and rea�mmendatioiis coiitained in the refei•enced report attd subsec�uetit addendum reports remain unchanged except for those s��ccifically modified her�in. ALPHA appi•eciates the op�x�rtunity to be of service on tliis project. I1� �ve can be �f ftirtlle►• assistance, plcase contact o�n� office. Sincerely, B.IE-I/MLM/bjh Co��ies: (1) Client m ;�� o F rF,��rt�o � �,�P . �s * o�ae � * �... .... �`� � � ���� MARK L. McKAY .m e. .. ...91067 r fu s �I��.o� ��CENS`��'�\�e +��seoe�� o;�? ���s i7 l ALPHA TI�STING �, _ ��2 <--___ I3rian J. 1-layt, C.I. . Pr��ject Manager — � -, ,; �� I r� ,, Marlc L. McKa�, P . Senioi• Geotecfinical E►�gineer 3 1 ALPNA /������'����; i {MHERE IT ALL BEGINS �,��.,�,�,.,;;,;-, C �uusn �ir�i:,,��:lrnr�-i i�rl�� Llirh�nirm��i�l�d TBPF. Fir��� Na Sl3 SOSb' Bru.eh C7�erlt Roud Furl hYorllt, Te.ra.s 7( / l J October C, 2014 Dunawa,y Associates, L.P. 550 Bailey Avenue, Suite 400 Fort Woi-th, Texas 76107 Attention: N[r. Jeffi�ey Da�°is, P.E. T��l: �1'17-9I6-5600 Fn.r: �i l 7-496-5608 u iru.ulphnles(r�1�.con� Re: Addendum to Geotech�lical Report Reclaimed Asphalt Compaction and South Extension Overlay Pavement Reconstruction S. Main St. between Vickery Blvd and W. Magnolia A��e Fort Wo��tli, Texas ALPHA Re��o�-t No. G 131008-5 This letter is an addendum to ALPHA Report No. G 131008 dated June 2 I, 2013. Provided herein are recommendations for con�paction of reclaimed asphalt used for � temporai}� parking area surface located at tlie northeast cot-nei- of Galveston Avenue and West Daggett A��enue. Also provided are ovei•lay i•ecommendations foi- d�e southerninost pol-tion of the South Main Streei extension between West Rosedale Sh�eet and East Oleander Street, Recl�imed Asnhllt Compaction for Temnorary Parlcing Surface We undei•stand tlie existing as�halt pavement demolished fi-om the Soutli Main Street reconstruction will be reclaimed to construct a temporary parking su�-face at the vacant lot located on tlie noi-tlieast corner of Galveston Avenue and West Daggett Avenue. The existing subgrade soils at the vacant lot should be processed to provide uniform support for compacted reclaimed asphalt. In general, prior to placement of compacted reclaimed asphalt, the exposed sub��ade should be scarified to a deptl� of at least 6 inches and co�npacted to at least 95 pei•cent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) and within the range of 0 to 4 percentage poiiits above the material's o��timum inoisture content. ALPHA did not obtain sub�-ade soil samples from the proposed parking area. Therefore, if these general compaction recoinmendations are not sufficient for the material encountei-ed at the subgrade sui-face, oui• office should be contacted for further evaluation. The reclainied asphalt should be processed to a maximuni nominal pal�ticle diameter of 1 inch and compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density. The compacted moistLn-e content of the processed reclaimed asphalt is not considered crucial to proper ��erfoi7nance. Howevei-, if the iliatei-ial's tnoisture content dw•ing placemeiit is within 3 percentage points of optimum, t}ie compactive effort required to acliieve the minin�um compaction c��itei•ia inay be minimized. The processed i•eclaimed asphalt should inco�porate sufficient fines to prevent the presence of voids around larger diameter rock ��ieces. A gradation of at least 40 per•cent passirig a standard No. 4 sieve is recommended. ALPHA Report No. G 13100�-5 � � � f=-v : � Consideration could be given to sealing the surface with a surface treatn�ent in accordance with TxDOT Standard Specificatioi� Item 316 or 318. These recom�neiidations sei-ve as a reasonable appi•oaeh to constructin�; a tempora�y weatlier- resistant surface for light automobile parking. No estimated or expected design life is implied v��ith these recommendations. Routine and re�ular n�aintenance associated with potholing, rutting and general deterioration of tempora�y pavement surfaces should be expected. Asph�It Overlav of Soutl�ern Po►�tion of Soutl� n�ain Street Reconstruction We understand it is proposed to mill the asphalt down to the existing br-ick layer and place a 3 inch asphalt overlay at the South Main Sti•eet reconstr-uction located befi��een West Rosedale and East Oleander Street. After �nilling the existing stu�face, the exposed bricic surface should be thoroughly cleaned and a pi•oof-roll should be performed. Any loose bi�icks and/or rolli►ig subgrade exposed fro�u tiiilling, cleaning or proof-rolling should be repaired. After the bricl< surf'ace has been cleaned and p��epared, a bihuninous underseal should be applied in accordance with TxDOT Standard Specification Itei�� 310. Asphalt placed for the 3 inch o��erlay should confoi7il to TxDOT Standarcl Specification Item 340, Type D Surface Course. These recommendations se�ve as a reasonable approach to constructing the proposed 3 inch asphalt overlay. No esti�nated or expected design life is implied with these ��ecommendations. Routinc and t•egular maintenance associated with the proposed asplialt overlay should be expected to occur at ea�•]ier and more fr�equent intelvals than those associated with a full deptl� design section. All cominents and recommcndations contairied in the i•efel•enced report and subsequent addendum reports remain unchanged except for those specifically modified her•ein. ALPHA appi-eciates t11e opportunity to be of se�vice on this project. If we can be of furthei- assistance, please contact oui• office. Sincei•ely, ALPHA TESTING, INC. ��,----1 �� ..r�..�..�.._ _ _ _ Brian J. Hayt, P.E. Geotechnical Dep�rhne�it M BJH/TAJ/bjli Copies: (1-PDF) Client � �P��' OF rF-��0 %5 . � ' •. qs,9*ei *� 1 �• � ..........................................::..... THEODORE A. JANISH ............................... �e �o ��� 82418 .� � � ��� @�o�.c�'•. � �CE N 5��. •''��� , a, °4� °a�� 1 co � �`� t /� � �-�-�'� _ �_, - Theodore A. (Tony) Ja 'sh,, .E. Principal --- �---- �C-6.06.I) l�/Ixnority and �Vome� Ovvned �u�iness � Enierprise Compli�nce T�IS PAGE L�F`I' INTENTI�IO�ALL� BLAI�I� CfPY OP PORT \�'ORTH Soulh bfaiu Street STANDAItD CONSTRUCTION SPEC1FfCAT10N DOCUMF.NTS Projecl T�o. 02113 Revised July I, 201 l GC-6.07 VVa�e lZates ' , � , ;� , � CITY OP FOR'i' 1VORTH South Mnin Strect S'i'ANDARD COVSTRUCTI0�1 SPF,CIFICAI'ION llOCUMENTS ['roject No. 02! 13 Re��ised July l, 20 t 1 2013 PREVAILING WAGE RATES (Heavy and Highway Cans#ruction Projects) CLASSlFICATION DESCRlPT10N Asphalt Distributor Operator Asphait Paving Machine Operator Asphalt Raker E3room or Sweeper Operator Concrete Finlsher, Paving and Structures Concrete Pavetnent Finfshing Machine Operator Concrete Saw Operator Crane OperaYor, Hydrau(fc 80 tons or less Crane Operator, Lettice Room 80 Tons or Less Crane Operator, Lattice Boom Over 80 Tons Crawler Tractor Operator Electrician Excavator Operator, 50,000 pounds or less Excavator Operator, Over 50,000 pounds Flagger Form Bu(Ider/Setter, Structures Form Setter, Paving & Curb Foundation Drill Operator, Crawler Mounted foundation Drill Operator, Truck Mounted Front End Loader Operator, 3 CY or Less Front [nd Loader Operator, Over 3 CY Laborer, Common Laborer, Utility Loader/6ackhoe Operator Mechanic Milling Machine Operator Motor Grader Qperator, Fine Grade Motor Grader Operator, Rough Off Road Hauler Pavement Marking Machine Operator Pipelayer Reclaimer/Pulverizer Operator Reinforcing Steel Worker Roiler Operator, Asphalt Roller Operator, Other Scraper Operator Servicer Smail Slipform Machine Operator Spreader Box Operator Truck Driver Lowboy-Float Truck Driver Transit-Mix 'I'ruck Driver, Single Axle Truck briver, Single or Tandem Axle bump Truck Truck briver, Tandem Axle Tractor with Semi Trailer Welder Work zone Barrlcade Servicer Wage Rate $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15.32 13.99 12.69 11.74 14.12 16.05 14.48 1$.12 17.27 20.52 14.07 19.80 17.19 16.99 10.06 13.8G 13.16 17.99 2�.,Q7 13,69 14.72 10.72 12,32 15.18 17.68 14.32 17.19 16.Q2 12.25 13.63 13.24 1�.0� 16.18 13.08 11.51 12.96 14.58 15.96 14.73 16, 24 14,14 12.31 12.62 12.86 14.$4 11.68 The Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage rates shawn for Heavy and Highway construction projects were determined by the United 5tates Department of t.abor and current as of September 2013, The titles and descrfptions for the classificatlons flsted are detailed in the A6C of Texas' Standard !ob Classi(ications and Descriptions ior Higttway, Heavy, Utilities, and Industrial Construction in Texes. Page 1 of 1 GCm6.09 Permi�s and I.Ttz�itiies '�`I3IS P.��� I.,E�+'I` I�'I`�NTIC�NAI,I�Y �I1.�1�1I� CtTY OI� PORT 1VORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTfON SF'L'CIPICAT[ON DOCUirfENTS Rcviscd July 1, 2011 South t�4ain Street Projccl No. 02113 GC-6.24 I�"ondiscrilnin ation 'I'�IIS 1'AGE I�E�"I' INTEI�'I'IC��t.A_�LY I�I,AI\iK Gl1'Y OF PORT 1VORTH STAIQDARD CONSTRUCTION SYLCIFICA'1'ION llOCU�1LN'1'S Rcviscd July I, 2011 Soutlt htain Street Yroject No. 02113 GIZ-01 6O 00 l�roduct l�equirements 'I`IFIIS Pt��E I.�F'I' II�TTEI�TIOl�A.I.,I�Y Bi,.A,NI� CITY Ol� rORT \VORTH Souli� Mnin Street S'CANDARD CO�ISTRUC'PlON SPECIFICATfOM DOCU�4LhlTS Project No. 02113 Revised Juty l, 20t 1