HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 46475� � CiTY S�.���T�� �- CJ � �i�f���a�� G�9��o I/ FORT WORTH PROJECT MANUAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AFFICOAL RECORD c�ITY �ECFtETA6dY I�'i'. W�DR'PW, V� Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project City Project No. 02316 Betsy Price David Cooke Mayor City Manager Andrew T. Cronberg, P.E. Interim Director, Watet• Department Charly C. Angadicheril, Assistant Director Farida Goderya, PhD, P.E., Facilities Project Manager Prepared for The City of Fort Worth Yi�a/er Depurtntenl �� 2014 .,,�i�i:,r� �. n�.,�cEc . .. �.,.... VJ�.ni:) . �i�� �� By. Neel-Schaffer, Inc. � III NEE�-SCHAFFER _ Solutions you can build upon � Texas Reg. No. F-2697 RECEIVED FEB 2 � �f11� SECTION 00 00 00 TABLE OF CONTENTS Division 00 - General Conditions 00 OS 10 Mayor and Council Communication 00 OS 15 Addenda 00 11 13 Invitation to Bidders 00 21 13 Instructions to Bidders 00 35 13 Conflict of Interest Affidavit 00 41 00 Bid Fot•m 00 42 43 Proposal Form Unit Price 00 43 13 Bid Bond 00 43 37 Vendor Compliance to State Law Nom�esident Biddei• 00 45 I 1 Bidders Prequalifications 00 45 12 Prequalification Statement 00 45 13 Bidder Prequalification Application 00 45 26 Contractor Compliance with Workers' Compensation Law 00 45 40 Minority Business Entei•prise Goal 00 45 41 Small Business Enterprise Goal 00 52 43 Agreement 00 61 13 Performance Bond 00 61 14 Payment Bond 00 61 19 Maintenance Bond 00 61 25 Cei�tifcate of Insurance 00 72 00 General Conditions 00 73 00 Supplementary Conditions Division O1 - General Requirements O1 11 00 Summaiy of Work O1 25 00 Substitution Procedures O1 31 19 Preconstruction Meeting O1 31 20 Project Meetings O1 32 16 Construction Progress Schedule O1 33 00 Submittals 01 45 23 Testing and Inspection Services O1 50 00 Temporary Facilities and Controls Ol 66 00 Product Storage and Handling Requirements O1 74 23 Cleaning O 1 77 19 Closeout Requirements O1 78 39 Project Record Documents Technical Specifications 31 23 16 Unclassiiied Excavation 32 92 13 Hydro-Mulching, Seeding, and Sodding 33 16 13.71 Steel Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation 09 97 13 Steel (Water Tank) Coatings Appendix Construction Drawings Adopted September 2011 Preliminary Design Report Steel Inspectors of Texas Report of General Condition Inspection GC-6.07 Wage Rates END OF SECTION 000000-z TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 of 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised November 22, 2013 �� City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 2/3/2015 — Ordinance No. 21626-02-2015 DATE: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 REFERENCE NO.: **C-27173 LOG NAME: 60STAGE COACH GST REHAB & REPAINT SUB.TECT: Authorize Execution of a Contract with Blastco Texas Inc., in the Amount of $869,780.00 for the Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation and Repaint Project and Provide for Project Management and Contingencies for a Total Project Amount of $919,780.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ADJACENT TO COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: Authorize a transfer in the amount of $919,780.00 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Capital Projects Fund; 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $919,780.00; and 3. Authorize the execution of a contract with Blastco Texas Inc., in the amount of $869,780.00 for the Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation and Repaint Project. DISCUSSION: The Stage Coach 5.5 million gallon (MG) Ground Storage Tank (GST) provides potable water storage for the Westside II Pressure Plane area within the City of Fort Worth. This GST was constructed in 1980 and repainted in 2001. After 15 years of service, the existing coating system is in need of replacement again, as required to protect the structural steel tank from corrosion. On March 6, 2014, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was issued for several Water Department projects including potable GST rehabilitation projects. On Apri19, 2014, a total of six proposals were received from engineering consultants for the tank rehabilitation projects. A Staff selection committee recommended Neel&minus;Shaffer, Inc., for the Stage Coach GST rehabilitation project. On July 22, 2014, (M&C C-26878) the City Council authorized execution of an Engineering Agreement with Neel—Schaffer, Inc., for the design and preparation of contract documents for the recoating and structural repairs of the Stage Coach GST. The project was advertised on November 13, 2014 and November 20, 2014, in the Fort Worth �Star—Telegram. On December 11, 2014, the following bids were received: iastco Texas bac. .G. Paintin�, L.P. ,$869, 780. 00 $876,820.00 Inc. $891,564.00 calendm� illiams Painting & Sandbl Construction Utilities, Inc. 59.850.00 I .Y Tank Pro, Inc. $1,010,763.00 UCL Inc. $1,012,840.00 Landmark Structures I, LP $1,084,000.00 L.C. United Painting Co., Inc. $1,656,100.00 Atlas Painting and Sheeting Corp $1,149,000.00 MK Painting, Inc. $1,215,500.00 Classic Protective Coatings, Inc. $1,371,150.00 TMI Coatings, Inc. $1,469,280.00 In addition to the contract cost, $25,000.00 is required for staff project management and $25,000.00 is provided for project contingencies. M/WBE Office — Blastco Texas, Inc., is in compliance with the City's BDE Ordinance by committing to eight percent MBE participation. The City's MBE goal on this project is eight percent. The project is located within the City limits of White Settlement, adjacent to COUNCII, DISTICT 3, Mapsco 361—B2. FISCAL INFORMATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budgets, as appropriated, of the Water Capital Projects Fund. The Fiscal Year 2015 operating budget includes appropriations of $51,724,257.00 for the purpose of providing pay—as—you—go funding for capital projects. The amount transferred year to date is $25,780,673.00 in the operating budget. FUND CENTERS: TO Fund/Account/Centeis 1&21 P253 476045 6001802316ZZ 21P253 511010 600180231680 21P253 541200 600180231680 FROM Fund/Account/Centers �919.780.00 11 PE45 538040 0609020 $25.000.00 31 P253 541200 600180231680 $894,780.00 CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for Citv Manager's Office b� OriginatingDepartment Head: Additional Information Contact: ATTACHM�NTS Fernando Costa (6122) Andy Cronberg (5020) Farida Godeiya (8214) 1. 60STAGE COACH GST REHAB — REPAINT P253 AO15(Rev 1.15.151.docx 2. Blastco Texas Inc SAM SEARCH.pdf 3. Compliance for Blastco Texas Inc.pdf 4. FAR-00002 CIP#02316 P253.pdf 5. PE45-538040-0609020.docx 6. Staee Coach GST Site.pdf '�• • :1 11 '�:•� :1 11 I� (' 00 os is - ► ADDGNDA Pagc I of I ? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ?3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SECTION 00 0515 ADDENDA ADDENDUM NO. 1— DECEMBER 8, 2014 This Addendum modifies the plans and bid documents dated November 17, 2014, as noted within, and shAll become a part of the contract documents. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on page 3 of the Bid Form (Section 00 41 00). Failure to do so may subject bidder to disqualificarion. l. Agreement shall be modified to allow 120 days for Final Acceptance. 2. The current pre-qualified bidders are (contractors listed in the original contract docume�tts): American Suncraft Co.; J.R. Stelzer Co.; N.G. Painting, L.P.; Blastco; TMI Coatings; A&M Construction and Utilities; Classic Protective Coatings; L.C. United Painting Co. and Tank Pro, Inc. Since then, the following contractors have been prequalified: Landmark; Williams Painting & Sandblasting, Inc.; M.K. Painting, Inc. and Utility Service Group. 3. Since there is a pump station at the site there is a guaranteed availability of minimum power. For example, using tlie power from tl�e site for small 110/120 V power tools, should be ok. For bigger items, e.g. sand blasting equipment, compressors etc., the power may be available; however the contractor would have to bring required cables/splicing equipment etc. If the power is not available at tlle site for bioger equipment and/or larger needs, the contractor would have to bring their own generators, fuel etc. The FWWD wi(t definitely work �vith the cotrtractor for the power availability at tlie site. 4. Cutting a larger access for construction will be at the Contractor's option. All AWWA requirements will liave to be met. X-rays of the repair welds will be required. 32 �ND F SECTION 33 . . . .`.�� _ '� . •• � ,;.,iii;i... • +Jl;; :F�: � .... ,-,-:,�- ��_�J C(TY O� PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECI�ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Stagc Coach Ground Storagc Tank Rchabilitation Project No. 02316 001113-I INVITATION TO BIDDERS Page 1 of 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 SECTION 00 11 13 INVITATION TO BIDDERS REC�IPT OF BIDS Sealed bids for the construction of the Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project will be received by the City of Fort Worth Purchasing Office: City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 until 1:30 PM CST, Thursday, December 11, 2014, and bids will be opened publicly and read aloud at 2:00 PM CST in the Council Chambeis. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK The major work will consist of the (approximate) following: structtual repaiis and removal and recoating of a 5.5 million gallon welded steel gcound storage tank, located at 8608 West Freeway, Foi•t Worth, TX 76108. PREQUALIFICATION The improvements included in this project must be performed by a contractor who has been pre- qualified to bid this project by the City prior to the bid opening. The procedures for qualification and pre-qualification are outlined in the Section 00 21 13 — INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. DOCUMENT EXAMINATION AND PROCUREMENTS The Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined or obtained on-line by visiting the City of Fort Worth's Purchasing Division website at http:Uwww.fortworth og v.org/purchasin�/ and clicking on the Buzzsaw link to the advertised project folders on the City's Buzzsaw site. The Contract Documents may be downloaded, viewed, and printed by interested contractors and/or supplieis. Copies of the Bidding and Contract Documents may be pw•chased fi�om Neel-Schaffer, Inc., located at 512 Main Street, Fort Worth TX 76102, 817-870-2422, attention Mr. Jim Amick. The cost of Bidding and Contract Documents is: Set of Bidding and Contract Documents with half size drawings: $100.00 PREBID CONF�RCNC� A prebid conference may be held as described in Section 00 21 13 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS at the following location, date, and time: DAT�: December 4, 2014 TIME: 10:00 AM PLACC: City Hall, Conference Room 225, 1000 Throckmorton St, Fort Worth TX 76102 CITY'S RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT BIDS City i•eserves the right to waive ii•regularities and to accept or reject bids. INQUIRIES All inquiries relative to this procurement should be addressed to the following: Attn: Farida Godeiya, City of Fort Worth Water Department CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 1 Email: Farida.Goderya@foi�tworthtexas.gov 2 Phone: 817-392-8214 3 AND/OR 4 Attn: Jim Amick 5 Email: Jim.Amick@Neel-Schaffer.com 6 Phone: 817-870-2422 7 8 ADV�RTIS�M�NT DATCS 9 November 13, 2014 10 November 20, 2014 11 12 END OF SECTION � C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS 001113-2 INVITATION TO BIDDERS Page 2 of 2 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 002113-1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 1 oF l0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 S�CTION 00 21 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Defined Terms 1.1. Terms used in these INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, which are defined in Section 00 72 00 - GENERAL CONDITIONS. 1.2. Certain additional terms used in these INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS have the meanings indicated below which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof. 1.2.1. Bidder: Any peison, firm, partnership, company, association, or corporation acting directly thi•ough a duly authoi•ized representative, submitting a bid foi• performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents. 1.2.2. Nonresident Biddet•: Any person, firm, partnership, company, association, or corporation acting directly through a duly authorized representative, submitting a bid foi• performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents whose principal place of business is not in the State of Texas. 1.2.3. Successful Bidder: The lowest responsible and responsive Bidder to whom City (on the basis of City's evaluation as hei•einaftey provided) makes an award. 2. Copies of Bidding Documents 2.1. Neither City nor Engineer shall assume any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the Bidder•s use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.2. City and Engineer in making copies of Bidding Documents available do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids for the Work and do not authorize or confer a license or grant for any other use. 3. Prequalification of Bidders (Prime Contractors and Subcontractors) 3.1. All Bidders and their subcontractois are required to be prequalified foi• the work types requiring prequalification at the time of bidding. Bids i•eceived fi•om contractors who are not prequalified (even if inadvertently opened) shall not be considered. Prequalification requirement woi•k types and documentation are as follows: 3.1.1. Paving — Requirements document located at; https://proj ectpoi nt.buzzsaw.com/fortworthgov/Resources/02%20- %20Construction%20Documents/Contractor%20Prequalification/TP W%20Paving %20Contractor%20Prequalification%20Program/PREQUALIFICATION%20REQ UIREMENTS%20FOR%20PA V ING%2000NTRACTORS.PDF?public 3.1.2. Roadway and Pedestrian Lighting — Requirements document located at; https://projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/fortworth�ov/Resources/02%20- %20Construction%20Documents/Contractor%20Prequalification/TP W %20 Paving %20Contractor%20Prequalification°/a20Pro�ram/PREQUALIFICATION%20REQ UIREMENTS%20FOR%20PAV1NG%2000NTRACTORS.PDF?public CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised November 27, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 0021 13-2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 2 of 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 3.1.3. Water and Sanitary Sewer — Requirements document located at; https://projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/fortworthgov/Resources/02%20- %20Construction%20Documents/Contractor%20Prequalification/W ater%20and%2 0 Sanitary%20 Sewer%20Contractor%20Prequalification%20Pro�ram/ W S S%20pre q_ual%20requirements.doc?publ ic 3.2. Each Bidder unless currently prequalified, must be pi•epared to submit to City within seven (7) calendar days prior to Bid opening, the documentation identified in Section 00 45 11, BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS. 3.2.1. Submission of and/or questions related to prequalification should be addressed to the City contact as provided in Paragraph 6.1. 3.3. The City reserves the right to require any pre-qualified contractor who is the apparent low bidder(s) for a project to submit such additional information as the City, in its sole discretion may require, including but not limited to manpower and equipment records, information about key personnel to be assigned to the project, and construction schedule, to assist the City in evaluating and assessing the ability of the apparent low bidder(s) to deliver a quality product and successfully complete projects for the amount bid within the stipulated time frame. Based upon the City's assessment of the submitted information, a recommendation regarding the award of a contract will be made to the City Council. Failure to submit the additional information, if requested, may be grounds for rejecting the apparent low bidder as non-responsive. Affected contractors will be notified in writing of a recommendation to the City Council. 3.4. In addition to prequalification, additional requirements for qualification may be required within various sections of the Contract Documents. 3.5. Special qualifications required for this project include the following: a company financial evaluation, company historical schedule compliance, evaluation of proposed project manager and project superintendent, and company work histoiy. All contractors must receive a special pre-qualification to bid on storage tank rehabilitation projects. The City will accept previous special prequalification approvals from the last two years from the following firms: American Suncraft Co. J.R. Stelzer Co. N.G. Painting, L.P. B lastco TMI Coatings A&M Construction and Utilities Classic Pi•otective Coatings L.C. United Painting Co. Tank Pro, Inc. All other firms wishing to bid on this project must submit a special pre-qualiiication packet, in accordance with Section 00 45 11 "Bidders Pre-Qualiiications". Pre-qualification packets must be sent to Farida Goderya, 817-392-8214, Farida.Goder�a(c�,fortworthtexas. o�v. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revised November 27. 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 I I� 0021 13-3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 3 of 10 2 4. Examination of Bidding and Contract Documents, Other Related Data, and Site 3 4 4.1. Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder shall: 5 6 4.1.1. Examine and carefully study the Contract Documents and other related data 7 identified in the Bidding Documents (including "technical data" referred to in 8 Paragraph 4.2. below). No information given by City or any representative of the 9 City other than that contained in the Contract Documents and officially 10 promulgated addenda thereto, shall be binding upon the City. 11 12 4.1.2. Visit the site to become familiar with and satisfy Bidder as to the general, local and 13 site conditions that may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the 14 Work. 15 16 4.1.3. Considei• federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, 17 progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 18 19 4.1.4. Study ail: (i) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or 20 contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions relating to existing 21 surface oi• subs�u•face sti•uctures at the Site (except Undeiground Facilities) that 22 have been identified in the Contract Documents as containing reliable "technical 23 data" and (ii) reports and drawings of Hazardous Enviromnental Conditions, if any, 24 at the Site that have been identified in the Contract Documents as containing 25 reliable "technical data." 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 4.1.5. Be advised that the Conh�act Documents on file with the City shall constit�ite all of the information which the City will furnish. All additional information and data which the City will supply after promulgation of the formal Contract Documents shall be issued in the foi•m of written addenda and shall become part of the Contract Documents just as though such addenda were actually written into the original Contract Documents. No information given by the City other than that contained in the Contract Documents and officially promulgated addenda thereto, shall be binding upon the City. 36 4.1.6. Perform independent research, investigations, tests, borings, and such other means 37 as may be necessary to gain a complete knowledge of the conditions which will be 38 encountered during the consh�uction of the project. On request, City may provide 39 each Bidder access to the site to conduct such examinations, investigations, 40 explorations, tests and studies as each Bidder deems necessaiy for submission of a 41 Bid. Bidder must fill all holes and clean up and restore the site to its former 42 conditions upon completion of such explorations, investigations, tests and studies. 43 CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coaclt Ground Storage Tank Rehabi(itation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised November 27, 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 002113-4 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 4 of 10 4.1.7. Determine the difficuities of the Work and all attending circumstances affecting the cost of doing the Work, time required for its completion, and obtain all information required to make a proposal. Bidders shall rely exclusively and solely upon their own estimates, investigation, research, tests, explorations, and other data which are necessaj•y for full and complete information upon which the proposal is to be based. It is understood that the submission of a proposal is prima-facie evidence that the Bidder has made the investigation, examinations and tests herein required. Claims for additional compensation due to variations between conditions actually encountered in construction and as indicated in the Contract Documents wili not be allowed. 4.1.8. Promptly notify City of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies in or between the Contract Documents and such other related documents. The Contractor shall not take advantage of any gross error or omission in the Contract Documents, and the City shall be permitted to make such corrections or interpretations as may be deemed necessary for fulfillment of the intent of the Contract Documents. 4.2. Reference is made to Section 00 73 00 — Supplementaiy Conditions for identification of: 4.2.1. those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site which have been utilized by City in preparation of the Contract Documents. The Iogs of Soil Borings, if any, on the plans are for general information only. Neither the City nor the Engineer guarantee that the data shown is representative of conditions which actually exist. 4.2.2. those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures (except Undetground Facilities) which are at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by City in preparation of the Contract Documents. 4.2.3. copies of such reports and drawings will be made available by City to any Bidder on request. Those reports and drawings may not be part of the Contract Documents, but the "technical data" contained therein upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.02. of the General Conditions has been identified and established in Paragraph SC 4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions. Bidder is responsible for any interpretation or conclusion drawn fi•om any "technical data" or any other data, interpretations, opinions or information. 43. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder (i) that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Paragraph 4, (ii) that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contcact Documents and applying the specific means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of constt•uction (if any) that may be shown or indicated or expressly required by the Contract Documents, (iii) that Bidder has given City written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities and discrepancies in the Contract Documents and the written resolutions thereof by City are acceptable to Bidder, and when said conflicts, etc., have not been t•esolved through the interpretations by City as described in Paragraph 6., and (iv) that the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work. CI7'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised November 27, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 0021 13-5 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 5 of 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 4.4. The provisions of this Paragraph 4, inclusive, do not apply to Asbestos, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material covei•ed by Paragraph 4.06. of the General Conditions, unless specifically identified in the Contract Documents. 5. Availability of Lands for Worlc, Etc. 5. L The lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto and other lands designated for use by Contractor in performing the Work are identified in the Contract Documents. All additional lands and access thereto required for temporaty construction facilities, construction equipment or storage of materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Work are to be obtained and paid for by Contractor. Easements for permanent structul•es or permanent changes in existing facilities are to be obtained and paid for by City unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 5.2. Outstanding right-of-way, easements, and/or permits to be acquired by the City are listed in Paragraph SC 4.01 of the Supplementary Conditions. In the event the necessary right- of-way, easements, and/or permits are not obtained, the City reserves the right to cancel the award of contract at any time before the Bidder begins any construction work on the project. 5.3. The Bidder shall be prepared to commence construction without all executed right-of- way, easements, and/ol• permits, and shall submit a schedule to the City of how construction will proceed in the other• ar•eas of the project that do not requir•e permits and/or easements. 6. Interpretations and Addenda 6.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be directed to City in writing on oi• before 2 p.m., the Monday pt•iot• to the Bid opening. Questions received after this day may not be responded to. Interpi•etations or clarifications considered necessary by City in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda delivered to all parties recorded by City as having received the Bidding Documents. Only questions answered by fo�•tnal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. Address questions to: City of Fort Worth 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Attn: Faf•ida Gode�ya, Water Departnzent Email: Farida.Godeiya@fortworthgov.org Phone: 817-392-8214 6.2. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised November 27, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 6.3. Addenda or clarifications may be posted via Buzzsaw. 0021 13-6 [NSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 6 of 10 6.4. A prebid conference may be held at the time and place indicated in the Advertisement or INVITATION TO BIDDERS. Representatives of City will be present to discuss the Project. Bidders are encouraged to attend and participate in the conference. City will transmit to all prospective Bidders of record such Addenda as City considers necessary in response to questions arising at the conference. Oral statements may not be relied upon and will not be binding or legaily effective. 7. Bid Security 7.1. Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Bond made payable to City in an amount of five (5) percent of Bidder's maximum Bid price on form attached, issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraphs 5.01 of the General Conditions. 7.2. The Bid Bond of all Bidders will be retained until the conditions of the Notice of Award have been satisfied. If the Successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the complete Agreement within 10 days after the Notice of Award, City may consider Bidder to be in default, rescind the Notice of Award, and the Bid Bond of that Bidder will be forfeited. Such forfeiture shall be City's exclusive remedy if Bidder defaults. The Bid Bond of all other Bidders whom City believes to have a reasonable chance of receiving the award will be retained by City until final contract execution. 8. Contract Times The number of days within which, or the dates by which, Milestones are to be achieved in accordance with the General Requirements and the Work is to be completed and ready for Final Acceptance is set forth in the Agreement or incorporated therein by reference to the attached Bid Form. As indicated and defined in the Bid Form, substantial completion shall be achieved on this project within 120 calendar days from the effective date of the notice to proceed. Final Completion shall be achieved within 150 calendar days fi•om the effective date of the notice to proceed. 9. Liquidated Damages Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement and defined in the bid Form. Due to the criticality of the Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank to the Foi�t Worth water system, liquidated damages have been set at $500 per calendar day for both substantial and final completion. 10. Substitute and "Or-Equal" Items The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of materials and equipment described in the Bidding Documents without consideration of possible substitute or "or-equal" items. Whenever it is indicated or specifed in the Bidding Documents that a°substitute" or "or- equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by Conh�actor if acceptable to City, application for such acceptance will not be considered by City until after the Effective Date of the Agreement. The procedw•e foj• submission of any such application by Contt•actor and consideration by City is set forth in Paragraphs 6.OSA., 6.OSB. and 6.OSC. of the General Conditions and is supplemented in Section 01 25 00 of the General Requit•ements. 11. Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT3 Project No. 02316 Revised November 27, 2012 0021 13-7 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 7 of i0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 11. L In accordance with the City's Business Diversity Enterpi•ise Ordinance No. 20020- 12-2011 (as amended), the City has goals for the participation of minority business and/or small business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Oi•dinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretaiy. The Bidder shall submit the MBE and SBE Utilization Form, Subcontractor/Supplier Utilization Form, Prime Contractor Waiver Form and/or Good Faith Effort Form with documentation and/or Joint Venture Form as appropriate. The Forms including documentation must be received by the City no later than 5:00 P.M. CST, five (5) City business days after the bid opening date. The Bidder shall obtain a receipt fi•om the City as evidence the documentation was received. Failure to comply shall render the bid as non- responsive. 11.2. No Contractor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, other peison or organization against whom Contractor has reasonable objection. 12. Bid Form 12.1. The Bid Form is included with the Bidding Documents; additional copies may be obtained from the City. 12.2. Ail blanks on the Bid Form must be completed by printing in ink and the Bid Form signed in inlc. Erasures or alterations shall be initialed in ink by the peison signing the Bid Form. A Bid price shall be indicated for each Bid item, alternative, and unit price item listed therein. In the case of optional alternatives, the words "No Bid," "No Change," or "Not Applicable" may be entered. Bidder shall state the prices, written in ink in both words and numerals, for which the Bidder proposes to do the work contemplated or furnish materials required. All prices shall be written legibly. In case of discrepancy between price in written wot•ds and the price in written nutnerals, the price in written words shall govern. 12.3. Bids by corporations shall be executed in the col•por•ate name by the president or a vice-pt•esident or other coiporate officei• accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The corporate seal shall be affixed. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the signature. 12.4. Bids by partnerships shall be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, whose title must appeac under the signature accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The official address of the partnership shall be shown below the signature. 12.5. Bids by limited liability companies shall be executed in the name of the firm by a member and accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The state of formation of the firm and the offcial address of the firm shall be shown. � 12.7 Bids by individuals shall show the Bidder's name and official address. Bids by joint ventures shall be executed by each joint venturet• in the manner• indicated on the Bid Form. The official address of the joint venture shall be shown. 12.8. All names shall be typed oi• printed in ink below the signature. CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised November 27, 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 0021 13-8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 8 of 10 12.9. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda, the numbers of which shall be iilled in on the Bid Form. 12.10. Postal and e-mail add�•esses and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid shall be shown. 12.11. Evidence of authority to conduct business as a Nonresident Bidder in the state of Texas shall be provided in accordance with Section 00 43 37 — Vendor Compliance to State Law Non Resident Bidder. 13. Submission of Bids Bids shall be submitted on the prescribed Bid Form, provided with the Bidding Documents, at the time and place indicated in the Advertisement or INVITATION TO BIDDERS, addressed to City Manager of the City, and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope, marked with the City Project Number, Project title, the name and address of Bidder, and accompanied by the Bid security and other required documents. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivety system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. 1�. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids 14. l. Bids addressed to the City Manager and filed with the Purchasing Ofiice cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for bid opening. A request for withdrawal must be made in writing by an appropriate document duly executed in the manner that a Bid must be executed and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. After all Bids not requested for withdrawal are opened and publicly read aloud, the Bids for which a withdrawal request has been properly filed may, at the option of the City, be returned unopened. 14.2. Bidders may modify their Bid by electronic communication at any time prior to the time set for the closing of Bid receipt. 15. Opening of Bids Bids will be opened and read aloud publicly at the place where Bids are to be submitted. An abstract of the amounts of the base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made available to Bidders after the opening of Bids. 16. Bids to Remain Subject to Acceptance All Bids will remain subject to acceptance for the time period specified for Notice of Award and execution and delivery of a complete Agreement by Successful Bidder. City may, at City's sole discretion, release any Bid and nullify the Bid security prior to that date. 17. Evaluation of Bids and Award of Contract CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised November 27, 2012 0021 13-9 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 9 of 10 1 17.1. City reseives the right to reject any or all Bids, including without limitation the rights 2 to reject any or all nonconfor•ming, nonresponsive, unbalanced oi• conditional Bids 3 and to reject the Bid of any Bidder if City believes that it would not be in the best 4 intei•est of the Project to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is 5 not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified oi• of doubtful financial ability or fails to 6 meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by City. City also reserves 7 the right to waive informalities not involving p1•ice, contract time or changes in the 8 Work with the Successful Bidder. Discrepancies between the multiplication of units 9 of Work and unit prices will be i•esolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies 10 between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the coi•rect sum thereof will 11 be resolved in favor of the correct sum. Discrepancies between words and itgures 12 will be resolved in favor of the words. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 17.1.1. Any or all bids will be rejected if City has reason to believe that collusion exists among the Bidders, Bidder is an interested party to any litigation against City, City or• Bidder may have a claim against the other or be engaged in litigation, Bidder is in arrears on any existing conti•act or has defaulted on a previous contract, Bidder has performed a prior contract in an unsatisfactory mamler, or Bidder has uncompleted work which in the judgment of the City will prevent or hinder the prompt completion of additional work if awarded. 17.2. City may consider the qualifications and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and othei• petsons and organizations proposed for those poi•tions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractoi•s, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations must be submitted as provided in the Contract Documents or upon the request of the City. City also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted pi•iot• to the Notice of Award. 31 17.3. City may conduct such investigations as City deems necessary to assist in the 32 evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications, and financial 33 ability of Bidders, proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other• peisons and 34 organizations to perform and furnish the Woi•k in accoi•dance with the Contract 35 Documents to City's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 17.4. Contractor shall perform with his own organization, work of a value not less than 35% of the value embraced on the Conti•act, unless otherwise approved by the City. 17.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to lowest i•esponsible and responsive Bidder whose evaluation by City indicates that the award will be in the best interests of the City. 44 17.6. Pursttant to Texas Government Code Chapter 2252.001, the City will not award 45 contract to a Nom�esident Bidder unless the Nom�esident Bidder's bid is lower than 46 the lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas Biddei• by the same amount that a 47 Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a Nonresident Bidder to obtain a 48 cotnparable contract in the state in which the nom•esident's principal place of 49 business is located. 50 C1TY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised November 27. 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 00 21 13 - 10 [NSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 10 of 10 17.7. A contract is not awarded until formal City Council authorization. If the Contract is to be awarded, City will award the Contract within 90 days after the day of the Bid opening unless extended in writing. No other act of City or others will constitute acceptance of a Bid. Upon the contractor award a Notice of Award will be issued by the City. 17.8. Failure or refusal to comply with the requirements may result in rejection of Bid. 18. Signing of Agreement When City issues a Notice of Awat•d to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement. Within 14 days thereafter Contractor shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement to City with the required Bonds, Certificates of Insurance, and all other required documentation. City shall thereafter deliver one fully signed counterpart to Contractor. END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised November 27, 2012 � ;� � 00 35 13 BID FORM Page 1 of 1 SECTION 00 35 13 GON�LI�CT OF INTEREST AFFIDAVIT �ach bidder, ofi�eror, or respondent (hereinafter afso referred #o as "you") to a Cityaf �Fort Worth (also ' r�fierrsd to as "City") procurement are required to �complete Confilict of Inter�st Questionnaire (ths at�a�hed �CIQ �orm) and-! ocal Governm�ent�Offic.,�-�onflic#s Disclosure �#atement•�the attached CIS ' form) below pursuant to state law. ihis afifidavit will r,sr#iFy that #he �idder has on file with #he �City �Sec�ra+�ary #hs r-�quired documen#ation ar�d is eligib4s �o bid on �i#y Wark. The a-�ferenced forms rriay also be�l�wnloaded firom the website links provici�d beiow. http:!/www.eth ics.state.#x. u s/form s/C I Q.pdf htt�:/lwww.ethics.state.tx. us/form s/CIS. pdf i � CIQ Form is on fil� wi#h City Sec�re#ary fl � form is being �rovided to the �ity �ecretary ❑ �IS Form is on �File with �City'Secretary 0 �CIS �orm is being provided to ##�e City �ecre�tary BIDDER: Blastco �exas, Inc. � 5514 East Hampton Dr. � Houston, Texas 77039 By: Jay Soper Signature: ✓ 0 Title: o ice President/General Manager END OF SECTION � CITY OF fORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 20120327 00 41 00_00 43 13_00 42 43_00 43 37_00 45 12_00 35 13_Bid Proposal Workbook 1 I , 1� (- � BE IT RESOLV�D by the Board of Directors of Blastco Texas Inc. in a meeting duly assembled that Jay Soper, General Manager/Vice President of the Corporation, be, and he is he:eby authorized, empowered and directed for and on behalf of the Corporation to negotiate for and sign any and all bid proposals and/or�contracts which this�corporation might enter into for the furnishing of services for the Corporation under such terns, conditions, and stipulates, and for such consideration as he might deem to the best interest of the Corporation. I, Cheryl Soper, Secretary of Blastco Texas Inc., do hereby certify that the above foregoing is a true and correct copy of a�esolution unanimously adopted at a aneeting of the Board of Directors of said Corporation held on the 2�`h day of January 2014, at which meeting all members of the Board of Directors were present and voted thereon and that said Resolution has been spread upon the minute books of the Corporation and same is now in full force and effect. i �_ � WITNESS MY SIGNATURE this 2nd day of May, 2014 at Houston, Texas. � 6� Secretary � 1L � u u 1� � � iY ii (I� � S 0o a, o0 BID FORM Page 1 of 3 SECTION 00 41 00 BID FORM TO: The City Manager c/o: The Purchasing Department 1000 Throckmorton Street City of fort Worth, Texas 76102 �FOR: �City Project No.: 02316 U nits/Sections: 1. Enter Into Agreement Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Agreement with City in the form included in the Bidding Documents to perForm and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. BIDDER Acknowledgements and Certification 2.1. In submitting this Bid, Bidder accepts ali of the terms and conditions of the INVITATION TO BIDDERS and If�tSTRUCTIONS i0 BIDDE#2S, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid 8ond. 2.,2. Bidder is aware of all costs to provide the required insurance, will do so pending contract award, and will provide a valid insurance�certificate meeting all requirements within 14 days of notification of award. 2.3. Bidder certifies that this Bid is genuine and not made in the in#erest of or on behalf of any undisclosed individual or entity and is not submitted in conformity with any collusive agreement or rules of any group, association, organization, or corporation. 2.4. Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid. 2.5. Bidder has not solicited or induced any individual or entity to reffain from bidding. 2.6. Bidder has not engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or�oercive practices in�competing for the Contract. For the purposes of this Paragraph: a. "corrupt practice" means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any thing of value likely to influence the action of a public official in the bidding process. b. "fraudulent practice" means an intentional misrepresentation of facts made (a) to influence the bidding process to the detriment of City (b) to establish Bid prices at a�tificial non-competitive levels, or (c) to deprive City of the benefits of free and open competition. � c. "collusive practice" means a scheme or arrangement between two or more Bidders, with or without the knowledge of City, a purpose of which is to establish Bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 20120327 00 41 00_00 43 13_00 42 43_00 43 37_00 45 12_00 35 13_Bfd Proposal Workbook a. LisF:uvork #ype here or space. b. List'uvork fype here or.space c. °List work type here orspace d. �l;isC work typs here �r space��' .'�: 4.1. The Work will be complete for Final Acceptance within 1•20 days after the date when the the Contract Time commences to run as provided in Paragraph 2.03 of the•Generai Conditions. t� 0o a� o0 BID FORM Page 2 oi 3 d. "coercive practice" means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to influence their participation in the bidding process or affect the execution of the Contract. 3. Prequalification ihe 8idder acknowiedges that the following work types must be performed only 'by prequatified contractors and subcontractors: 4. Time of Completion 4.2. Bidder aocepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure io compiete the Work {and/or achievement of Milestones} within the times specified in the Agreement. 5. Attached to this Bid The following documents are attached to and made a part of this Bid: a. This Bid Form, Section 00 41 00 b. Required Bid Bond, Section 00 43 13 issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraph 5.01 of the General •Conditions. c. Proposal Form, Section 00 42 43 d. Vendor Compliance to State Law Non Resident Bidder, �Section 00 43 37 e. MWBE Forms {optional at time of bid) f. Prequalification Statement, Section 00 45 12 g. Conflict of Interest Affidavit, Section 00 35 13 *If necessary, CIQ or CIS forms are to be provided directly to City�Secretary h. Any additional documents that may be required by Section 12 of the Instructions to Bidders ( 6. Total Bid Amount 6.1. Bidder will �complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents for the following bid amount. In the space provided below, please enter the total bid amount for this project. Only this figure will be read publicly by the City at the bid opening. 6.2. It is understood and agreed by the Bidder in signing this proposai that the total bid amount entered below is CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION OOCUMENTS Form Revfsed 20120327 00 41 00 00 4313_00 42 43 00 43 37_00 45 12_00 35 13 Bid Proposal Workbook i i r t 00 41 00 BID FORM Page 3 of 3 subject to verification and/or modification by multiplying the unit bid prices for each pay item by the respective estimated quantities shown in this proposal and then totaling all of the extended amounts. 7. Bid Submittal This Bid is �submitted on December 11, 2014 by the entity named below. Respectfully submitted, / By: (S' riature) Jav Soper (Printed Name) Title: Vice PresidenUGener, Company: Blastco Texas, Inc. Address: 5514 East Hampton Dr. Houston, Texas 77039 State of Incorporation: Texas Emaii: viriinia.harpCa)tiwarren.com Phone: 281-590-3200 END OF SECTION ( � Receipt is acknowledged of the Initial following Addenda: Addendum No. 1: i! � ' Addendum No. 2: Addendum No. 3: Addendum No. 4: Corporate Seal: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 20120327 00 41 00_00 43 13_00 42 43_00 43 37_00 45 12_00 35 13_Bid Proposal Workbook 00 4. �S Ilm PItOi'bSAL Papclofl �' i SECTION 00 42 43 PROPOSALFORM UNIT PRICE BID Bidder's Application END OF SECTION � � ' 1 \ � t-. C�IY OF fORT \t'00.i11 SiANllARU CONS7RUCT10N SPC-CIfICAT10N UOCUAI[NI'S Fam Rniu.1:0120120 Oid Prtyrs�l \Vakbook 00 43 13 BID BOND Page 1 of 1 SECTION 00 43 13 BID BOND KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, (Bidder Name) Company Name Here hereinafter called the Principal, and (Surety Name) Surety fVame Herc. a corporation or firm duly authorized to transact surety business in the State of Texas, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of Spell Out Numbers Here and No/100 Dollars ($ IVumerals I-I��re .00), the payment of which sum will be well and truly made and the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firm by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a proposal to perform work for the following project of the Obligee, identified as Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project 0 NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall award the Contract for the foregoing project to the Principal, and the Principal shall satisfy all requirements and conditions required for the execution of the Contract and shall enter into the Contract in writing with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such proposal, then this bond shall be null and void. If the Principal fails to execute such Contract in accordance with the terms of such proposal or fails to satisfy all requirements and conditions required for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the proposal or fails to satisfy all requirements and conditions required for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the proposal, this bond shall become the property of the Obligee, without recourse of the Principal and/or Surety, not to exceed the penalty hereof, and shall be used to compensate Obligee for the difference between Principal's Total Bid Amount and the next selected Bidder's Total Bid Amount. SIGNED this day of , 2014. By: Company Name Here (Signature and Title of Principal) *By: Surety Name Here (Signature of Attorney-of-Fact) 'Attach Power of Attorney (Surety) for Attorney-in-Fact Impressed Surety Seal Only END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 20110627 00 41 00_00 43 13_00 42 43_00 43 37_00 45 12_00 35 13_Bid Proposal Workbook.xls 00 43 37 VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW Page 1 of 1 (', SECTION 00 43 37 VENDOR�COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW NON RESIDENT BIDDER Texas Government Code Chapter 2�2 was adopted for the award of contracts to nonresident bidders. This �law provides that, in order to be awarded a con#ract as low bidder, nonresident bidders (auk-of-state contractors whose corporate offices or principal place of business are ou#side the State of T�exas) #�id projects �for construction, improvements, supplies or services in Texas at an amount lower than the lowest Texas resident bidder by the �same amount that a Texas resident bidder wo�ald be required to underbid a nonresident bidder in order to obtain a comparable con#ract in the State which the nonr•esident's principal ptace of businsss is located. The appropria#e'blanks in Section A must be filled out by all nonrssident bidders in order-for your bid to mest specifications. The failure of nonresident bidders to do so will automati:,ally disqualify #ha# bidder. Resident bidders must check the box in Section B. A. Nonresident bidders in the State of , our principal place of business, are required to be percent lower than resident bidders by State �aw. A copy of the statute is attached. Nonresident bidders in the State of , our principal place of �business, are not required to underbid resident bidders. B. The principal place of business of our �company or our parent company or majority owner is in the S#ate of Texas. � BIDD�R: Blastco Texas, Inc. 5514 East Hampton Dr. Houston, Texas 77039 0 By: Jay Sopsr �(Signature) Title: Vi President/�er�eral Manager Date: � 2�' I C� "--" ��--- �i � �' END OF S�CTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 20110627 00 41 00_00 4313 00 42 43_00 43 37_00 45 12_00 35 13_Bid Proposal Workbook _y ooasu-i BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS Page 1 of 2 1 SECTION 00 45 11 2 BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS 4 1. Summary: All contractors are required to be prequalified for this specific project by the City 5 prior to submitting bids. To be eligible to bid the contractor must submit the required 6 prequalification paperwork within the time stipulated, and be approved by the City prior to 7 the bid opening. 8 9 Prequalification information must be submitted to the designated City Project Manager at 10 least seven (7) days prior to the date of the opening of bids. In order to expedite and facilitate 11 the approval of a Bidder's Prequalification Application, the following records must 12 accompany the submission: 13 a. FINANCIAL - A complete set of current audited or reviewed financial statements. 14 (1) Classified Balance Sheet 15 (2) Income Statement 16 (3) Statement of Cash Flows 17 (4) Statement of Retained Earnings 18 (5) Notes to the Financial Statements, if any 19 b. EXPERIENCE — For an experience record to be considered to be acceptable, it must 20 reflect the experience of the firm in performing tank rehabilitation projects. 21 Experience must be on projects that wet•e completed no more than fve years prior to 22 the bid date. A minimum of three references must be included. References must 23 include a contact person, telephone number, project name, total cost, and type of 24 work performed. 25 c. EQUIPMENT — The prospective bidder shall list the equipment that the Contractor 26 has available for the project and list the equipment that the Contractor wiil rent as 27 may be required to complete the project. 28 d. PERSONNEL AND SCHEDULE: The prospective bidder shail submit the names 29 and resumes for the proposed project manager and project superintendent. This 30 infoimation shall include a list of all projects that the proposed project manager and 31 project superintendent completed within the last five years to demonstrate ability to 32 complete complex tank rehabilitation projects in a timely manner. Provide list of 33 contact persons (preferably field inspectors or resident engineers) with names and 34 phone numbers. 35 e. ORGANIZATION: A certified copy of the frm's organizational documents 36 (Corporate Charter, Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Organization, Certificate of 37 Formation, LLC Regulations, Certificate of Limited Partnership Agreement). 38 f. TAX INFORMATION: The firm's Texas Taxpayer ldentification Number as issued 39 by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. To obtain a Texas Taxpayer 40 Identification number visit the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts online aY the 41 following web address www.window.state.tx.us/taxpermit/ and fil out the 42 application to appiy for your Texas tax ID. 43 44 2. Prequali�cation Financial Statement Requirements 45 a. Financial Statements. Financial statement submission must be provided in 46 accordance with the following: 47 (1) The City requires that the original Financial Statement or a certified copy 48 be submitted for consideration. CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July 1, 2011 00 �►s u - z BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS Page 2 of 2 1 (2) To be satisfactory, the financial statements must be audited or reviewed 2 by an independent, certified public accounting firm registered and in 3 good standing in any state. Current Texas statues also require that 4 accounting firms perfarming audits or reviews on business entities within 5 the State of Texas be properly licensed or registered with the Texas State 6 Board of Public Accountancy. 7 (3) The accounting firm should state in the audit repol�t or review whether 8 the contractor is an individual, corporation, or limited liability company. 9 (4) Financial Statements must be presented in U.S, dollars at the current rate 10 of exchange of the Balance Sheet date. 11 (5) The City will not recognize any certified public accountant as 12 independent who is not, in fact, independent. 13 (6) The accountant's opinion on the financial statements of the conti•acting 14 company should state that the audit or review has been conducted in 15 accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United 16 States of America. This must be stated in the accounting firm's opinion. 17 It should: (1) express an unqualified opinion, or (2) express a qualiiied 18 opinion on the statements taken as a whole. 19 (7) The City reseives the right to require a new statement at any time. 20 (8) The financial statement must be prepared as of the last day of any month, 21 not more than one year old and must be on file with the City 16 months 22 thereafter, in accordance with Paragraph 1. 23 (9) The City will determine a contractor's bidding capacity for the purposes 24 of awarding contracts. Bidding capacity is determined by multiplying the 25 positive net working capital (working capital = current assets — curcent 26 liabilities) by a factor of 10. Only those statements reflecting a positive 27 net working capital position will be considered satisfactory for 28 prequalification purposes. 29 (10) In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new financial 30 statement is being prepared, the previous statement shall be updated with 31 proper verification. 32 33 3. �ligibility to Bid 34 a. The City shall be the sole judge as to a contractor's prequalification. 35 b. The City may reject, suspend, or modify any prequalification for failure by the 36 contractor to demonstrate acceptable financial ability or performance. 37 c. The City will isst�e a letter as to the status of the prequaliiication approval. 38 39 40 �ND OF S�CTION CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July I, 201 1 00 45 12 BID FORM Page 1 of 1 SECTION 00 45 12 PREQUALIFICATION STATEMENT Each Bidder for a City procurement is required to complete the information below by identifying the prequalified contractors and/or subcontractors whom they intend to utilize for the major work type(s) listed. Major Work Type Contractor/Subcontractor Company Name Prequalification Expiration Date List work type here or space !�: ��; � �; � „rr�, !-� �, r �� ;_,-: ; ��. •, , �,, �, List work type here or space �����; i���r�i�,����: �' � �,; ,,'� List work type here or space �:�c; � � � , � " �����;r _ , . ,: LISt WOfiC tyj�@ il@f2 Of SpaC@ C;C�ii!j?riil�j j�l il�l�_ '�� '� :,,S.�C;' � , I! .,"� The undersigned hereby certifies that the contractors and/or subcontractors described in the table above are currently prequalified for the work types listed. BIDDER: Company Name Here Address Here Address Here or Space City, State Zip Code Here By: Printed Name Here (Signature) Title: Title Here Date: �� U CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 20120120 END OF SECTION 00 41 00_00 43 13_00 42 43_00 43 37_00 45 12_00 35 13_Bid Proposal Workbook.xls FORTWORTH SECTION 00 45 13 BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION Date of Balance Sheet Name under which you wish to qualify Post Office Box Mark only one: City Individual Limited Partnership General Partnership Corporation Limited Liability Company State Zip Code Street Address (required) City State Zip Code ( ) ( ) Telephone Fax Email Texas Taxpayer ldentification No. Federal Employets Identification No. DUNS No. (if applicable) MAIL THIS QUESTIONAIRE ALONG WITH FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TO: CITY OF FORT WORTH TEXAS 1000 THROCICMORTON STREET FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102-6311 AND MARK THE ENVELOPE: `BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION" 00 45 13 - 2 BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION Page 2 of 8 BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION The following should be completed in order that we may properly classify your firm: (Check the block(s) which are applicable — Block 3 is to be left blank if Block 1 and/or Block 2 is checked) � Has fewer than 100 employees and/or � Has less than $6,000,000.00 in annual gross receipts OR � Does not meet the criteria for being designated a smali business as provided in Section 2006.001 of the Texas Government Code. The classification of your frm as a small or large business is not a factor in determining eligibility to become prequalified. MAJOR WORK CATEGORIES ' Water Department Augur Boring - 24-inch diameter casing and less Augur Boring - Greater than 24-inch diameter casing and greater Tunneling — 36-Inches — 60 —inches, and 350 LF or less Tunneling - 36-Inches — 60 —inches, and greater than 350 LF Tunneling — 66" and greater, 350 LF and greater Tunneling — 66" and greater, 350 LF or Less Cathodic Protection Water Distribution, Development, 8-inch diameter and smaller Water Distribution, Urban and Renewal, 8-inch diameter and smaller Water Distribution, Development, 12-inch diameter and smaller Water Distribution, Urban and Renewal, 12-inch diameter and smaller Water Transmission, Development, 24-inches and smaller ' Water Transmission, Urban/Renewal, 24-inches and smaller Water Transmission, Development, 42-inches and smaller Water Transmission, Urban/Renewal, 42-inches and smaller Water Transmission, Development, Ali Sizes ' Water Transmission, Urban/Renewal, All Sizes Sewer Bypass Pumping, 18-inches and smaller Sewer Bypass Pumping, 18-inches — 36-inches ' Sewei• Bypass Pumping 42-inches and larger CCTV, 8-inches and smaller , CCTV, 12-inches and smaller CCTV, 18-inches and smaller CCTV, 24-inches and smaller ' CCTV, 42-inches and smaller - CCTV, 48-inches and smaller CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coacli Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised December 2Q 2012 004513-3 BIDDER PREQUALIF[CATION APPLICATION Page 3 of 8 MAJOR WORK CATEGORIES, CONTINUED Sewer CIPP, 12-inches and smaller Sewer CIPP, 24-inches and smaller Sewer CIPP, 42-inches and smaller Sewer CIPP, All Sizes Sewer Collection System, Development, 8-inches and smaller Sewer Collection System, Urban/Renewal, 8-inches and smaller Sewer Collection System, Development, 12-inches and smaller ' Sewer Collection System, Urban/Renewal, 12-inches and smaller Sewer Intet�ceptors, Development, 24-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Urban/Renewal, 24-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Development, 42-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Urban/Renewal, 42-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Development, 48-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Urban/Renewal, 48-inches and smaller Sewer Pipe Enlalgement 12-inches and smaller Sewer Pipe Enlargement 24-inches and smaller Sewer Pipe Enlargement, All Sizes Sewer Cleaning , 24-inches and smaller Sewer Cleaning , 42-inches and smaller Sewer Cleaning , All Sizes Sewer Cleaning, 8-inches and smaller Sewer Cleaning, 12-inches and smaller Sewer Siphons 12-inches or less Sewer Siphons 24-inches or less Sewer Siphons 42-inches or less Sewer Siphons All Sizes Transportation Public Works Asphalt Paving Construction/Reconstruction (LESS THAN 15,000 squa►•e ya�•ds) Asphalt Paving Construction/Reconstruction (15,000 square yards and GREATER) Asphalt Paving Heavy Maintenance (UNDER $1,000,000) Asphalt Paving Heavy Maintenance ($1,000,000 and OVER) Concrete Paving Construction/Reconstruction (LESS THAN 15,000 square yards) Concrete Paving Construction/Reconstruction (15,000 square yards and GREATER) Roadway and Pedestrian Lighting CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised December 20, 2012 1. List eauipment vou do not own but which is available bv rentin� 004513-4 BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION Page 4 of 8 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT NAME AND DETAILED ADDRESS OF OWNER 2. How many years has your organization been in business as a general contractor under your present name? List previous business names: 3. How many years of experience in construction work has your organization had: (a) As a General Contractor: (b) As a Sub-Contractor: A *�x71-.�� ,�,«.,,on4� l,n� ...,,,. .,,.T�,,,.>.,t;..., ...,.,-,.,1„+,,,-1 :,-. T,,.,.,.. „«,7 ,.7..,....L.,.,.,.� CLASS LOCATION NAME AND DETAILED CONTRACT OF DATE CITY-COUNTY- ADDRESS OF OFFICIAL TO AMOUNT WORK COMPLETED STATE WHOM YOU REFER *If requalifying only show work performed since last statement. 5. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you?_ If so, where and why? 6. Has any officer or owner of your organization ever been an officer of another organization that failed to complete a contract? If so, state the name of the individual, other organization and reason. 7. Has any officer or owner of your organization ever failed to complete a contract executed in his/her name? If so, state the name of the individual, name of owner and reason. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 004513-5 BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION Page 5 of 8 8. In what other lines of business are you financially interested? 9. Have you ever performed any work for the City?, If so, when and to whom do you refer? 10. State names and detailed addresses of all pt•oducers from whom you have purchased principal materials during the last three years. NAME OF FIRM OR COMPANY DETAILED ADDRESS 11. Give the names of any affiliates or relatives currently debarred by the City. Indicate yout• relationship to this peison or firm. 12. What is the construction experience of the principai individuals in your organization? PRESENT MAGNITUDE POSITION OR YEARS OF AND TYPE OF IN WHAT NAME OFFICE EXPERIENCE WORIC CAPACITY 13. If any owner, officer, director, or stockholder of your firm is an employee of the City, or shares the same household with a City etnployee, please list the name of the City employee and the relationship. In addition, list any City employee who is the spouse, child, or parent of an owner, officer, stockholdet•, or directoi• who does not live in the same household but who receives care and assistance fi•om that person as a direct result of a documented medical condition. This includes foster children or those related by adoption or marriage. CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabi(itation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised December 20, 2012 00 45 13 - 6 BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION Page 6 of 8 CORPORATION BLOCK PARTNERSHIP BLOCK If a corporation: If a partnership: Date of Incorporation State of Organization Char•ter/File No. Date of organization President Is partnership general, limited, or registered limited liability partnership? Vice Presidents File No. (if Limited Partnership) General Partners/Officers Secretaiy Limited Partneis (if applicable) Treasurer LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BLOCK If a corporation: State of Incorporation Date of organization File No. Individuais authorized to sign for Partnership Officers or Managers (with titles, if any) �xcept ior limiteq partners, the individuals listed in the blocics above are presumed to have full signature authority for your firm unless otherwise advised. Should you wish to grant signature authority for additional individuals, please attach a certified copy of the corporate resolution, corporate minutes, partnership agreement, power of attorney or other legal documentation which grants this authority. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 2Q 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 00 45 13 - 7 BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION Page 7 of 8 14. Equipment TOTAL BALANCESHEET ITEM QUANTITY ITEM DESCRIPTION VALUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Various- TOTAL Similar types of equipment may be lumped together. lt your iirm has more tnan su types or equipment, you may show these 30 types and show the remainder as "vat•ious". The City, by allowing you to show only 30 types of equipment, resei•ves the right to request a complete, detailed list of all your equipment. The equipment list is a representation of equipment under the conti•ol of the firm and which is related to the type of work for which the firm is seeking qualification. In the description include, the manufacturer, model, and general common description of each. C[TY OF F02T WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised December 20, 2012 004513-R �31UDf?R PR�QUALII�ICA"I'ION APPLICA'I'ION Pagc 3 of 8 I3IDDER PREQUALIFICATION AF'rIDAVI'T STATE OF � E' l v COUN'TY OF I� r r)� The undei•signed hereby declares that the foregoing is a true statement of the tinanci�l condition of the entity het•ein tirst named, as of the d�te herein ti►•st given; that this statement is for the express purpose of inducing the pacty to whom it is submitted to award the submittec a contraet; and that the accountant who prepared the balance sheet �ccompanying this report as well as any depository, vendoc or any other agency herein named is hereby authorized to supply each party with any information, while this statement is in focce, necessacy to verif'y said statement. �c:�.. ��,�" <'r"' , being duty sworn, deposes and says that he/she is the � �( ,� i���-.� i�l ��E� (_����.,:�� ..l I�'Ic�,r�;: �� �, of _ ��'��uc,� �c �; (�nc;�.>� 1 r�� �_. , the entity described in and which executeci the foregoing statei ent that he/she is f�miliar with the books of the said entity showing its financi�l condition; that the foi•egoing financial statement taken from the books of the said entity as of the d�te thereof and that the answers to the questions of the foregoing Bidder Prequalitication Application are correct and true as of the date of this affidavit. Firm Name: Signature: c � GS TCU �� r�XCxS, ��rc . � Swocn ko before me thi � ��h ZQ ?"�� ^" JESStCA MEDINA _ day of �' u , �S :�;''' ''`•4fi Nofpry Vubflc, srate or rexoa /� � ���, My Commisalon ExpUes )� ''%'�' '�'' AUqus105, 2017 (�� / �/ ���Y�l J � h/N 1� f � �.►w - — , Notary Public Notaiy Public must not be an officer, director, or stocicholder or �•elative thereof. L� C17'Y OP FOI2'I' WOIt'I'li S�agc Coach Ground Sturagc'fank RcheiUililation S'I'ANDARf) CONS'I'ItUC'I'ION SPECIPICA'I'ION OOCUMIiN"I'S Project No. 0231G IZcviscd f)ccembcr 20, 2012 . � 00 �t> ze - i ('ON'I'RA("I'nK COMPI.IANC'li \VI"I'I I \VORKI?R'S ('O�-IPBNtiA"I'ION LA\V Pagc I ul' I l :, 2 3 4 5 G 7 s 9 SLCI'ION 00 45 26 CONTRAC'1'OR COMPLIANCI: WITH WORKF,R'S COMPF.,NSA`['ION LAW Pursuant to '1'ex�s Labor Code Section 40GA9C(�), ns �n�ended, Co�itracto►• certi(ies th<it it provides worker's compensation instu•ance coverage for all of its employees employed on City Project No. 01953. Contractor furtliei• eei•tilics that, puistilnt to Texas Labor Code, Section 406.09C(b), as an�euded, it will provide to Cily its subcontractor's c;erti(icales ofcompliance with worker's compensation covcragc. l0 11 12 13 14 IS 1G 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 2(> 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 CONTRACTOR: ��1 t��t�:• t•Cl) �E'X(..�J� 1v��' By; .�c'��� �1� ,� �. Compiny (Please rint)' `� `� %y �u�-+ �-I � w��r,- � y-, r �, Signature: � Address _ / , � _���vl�C��,��K:�'►� �i� ��t �������1 Title: �iL�'���(F':;�i�-�P_-Vl���_k'_IIC�►�t.'r� �����;'r1���2✓' City/State/Zip (Please Print) � THE STATE OF'I'EXAS § COUNTY OF �A-R�-f1t�f`i` i'��'✓�.S § BEFOIZE ME, the undersig►ied authority, on this day personally 1ppeared ��i SC�' +� _, laiown to me to be the peison whose name is subscriUe�c{ to the foi•egoi = instil�ment aiid ackuowledged to me tliat he/she executed the same as the act and deed of �G.6i��1 �,�w�, �he , for the purposes �nd consideration thercin expressed and in the capacity therein stated. UND�R MY HAND AND S�AL OF OI�FICE this �� day of r�c� , 20L� JESSICA MEDINA , Notory Publlc, State of iex�s � My Commlasion Expires -- Au9ust OB, 2017 _. � � �/ I - �/L-�l No Public in 1nd for the State of Texas �ND Or SLC`1'ION StagcConch Groimd Storngc'1'nnk Rchnbililation Projcct No.0231G crry o�� roa•r woit�r� i S"I'ANDARD CONS'I'RUC'I'ION SPIiCII�ICA"t10N DOCUMGNI'S Iteviscd July I, 201 I L�J 00 �l5 =}0 - 1 M[NORITY [3USINESS ENTERPRISE GOAL Page I of 1 I S�CTION 00 45 40 2 MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE GOAL 5 APPLICATION OF POLICY 6 If the total dollar value of tlle contract is greater than $50,000, then the MBE subcont�•acting goal 7 may be applicable. If the total dollar value of the contract is $50,000 or less, the MBE 8 subcontracting goal is not applicable. 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 �� 22 23 24 25 26 27 ?g 29 30 31 POLICY STATCMENT It is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to enstire the full and equitable participation by Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) in the procw�ement of all goods and services. All requirements and regulations stated in the City's current Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance apply to this bid. MBE PROJECT GOAL The City's MBE goal on this project is 8% of the total bid Base bid applies to Parks a»d Conm�an�it�� Services). Note: If both MBE and SBE subcontracting goals are established for this project, then an Offeror must submit both a MBE Utilization Form and a SBE Utilization Form to be deemed responsive. COMPLIANCE TO BID SPECIFICATIONS On City contracts greater than $50,000 where a MBE subcontracting goal is applied, bidders are requii•ed to comply with the intent of the City's Business Diversity Ordinance by one of the following: 1. Meet or exceed the above stated MB� goal through MBC subcontracting participation, or 2. Meet or exceed the above stated MBE goal through MBE Joint Venture participation, or 3. Good Faith Effort documentation, or; 4. Waiver documentation. Failure to comply with the City's M/WBE Ordinance, shall result in the Bid being considered non- responsive. Any questions, please contact the M/WBE Ofiice at (817) 392-6104. 32 SUBMITTAL OF R�QUIRED DOCUM�NTATION 33 The applicable documents must be received by the Managing Department, within the following 34 times allocated, in order for the entire bid to be considered responsive to the specifications. The 35 Offeror shall deliver the MBE documentation in person to the appropriate employee of the Managing 36 Department and obtain a date/time receipt. Such receipt shall be evidence that the City received the 37 documentation in the time allocated. A faxed co y will not be accepted. 1. Subcontractor Utilization Form, if goal is met received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days afte►• or exceeded: the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 2. Good Faith Effort and Subcontractor received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after Utilization Form, if participation is less than the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. stated goal: 3. Good Faith Effort and Subcontractoc received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after Utilization Fonn, if no MBE artici ation: the bid o enin date, exclusive of the bid o enin date. 4. Prime Contractor Waiver Form, if firm will received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days aftec perform all subcontracting/supplier work: the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 5. Joint Venture Form, if utilizing a joint venture received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after to meet or exceed goal. the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 38 END OF S�CTION CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation S"CANDARD CONS'I'RUCTION SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Re��ised December 20, 2012 0o as a� - i SMALL BUS[NESS ENTERPRISE GOAL Page I of I 1 SECTION 00 45 41 2 SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE GOAL 5 APPLICATION OF POLICY 6 If the total dollar value of the contract is greater than $50,000, then the SBE subcontracting goal may 7 be applicable. If the total dollar value of the contract is $50,000 or less, the SBE subcontracting goal 8 is not applicable. 9 10 POLICY STAT�MGNT 11 It is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to ensure the full and equitable participation by Small 12 Business Enterprises (SBE) in the proctu�ement of all goods and services. All requirements and 13 regulations stated in the City's current Business Diveisity Enterprise Oi•dinance apply to this bid. 14 l5 SBE PROJGCT GOAL 16 The City's SBE goal on this project is Noi7e of the total bid (Base bid applies to Parks cnad 17 Commamity Se���ices). Note: If both MBE and SBE slibcontcacting goals are establislled for this 18 project, then an Offeror must submit both a MBE Utilization Form and a SBE Utilization Form to be 19 deemed responsive. 20 21 22 23 ?4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 COMPLIANCG TO BID SPCCIFICATIONS On City contracts greater than $50,000 where a SBE subcontracting goal is applied, bidders are i•eqliired to coiilply with the intent of the City's Business Diversity Ordiilance by oue of the following: 1. Meet or eaceed the above stated SBE goal through SBE subcontracting participation, or 2. Meet or exceed the above statecl SB� goal through SB� Joint Venture participation, or 3. Good Faith Gffort documentation, or; 4. Waiver documentation. Failure to comply with the City's Business Divecsity Ordinance, shall result in the Bid being considered non-responsive. Any questions, please contact the M/WBE Office at (817) 392-6104. 32 SUBMITTAL OF R�QUIRED DOCUMGNTATION 33 The applicable documents must be received by the Managing Department, within the following 34 times allocated, in order for the entire bid to be considered responsive to the speciiications. The 35 Offeror shall deliver the SBE documentation in person to the appt•opt•iate employee of the Managing 36 Depai•tmeilt and obtain a date/time receipt. S�ich receipt shall be evidence that the City reeeived the 37 documentation in the time allocated. A faxed co y will not be acce ted. l. Subcontractor Utilization Form, if goal is met received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City b�isiness days after or exceeded: the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 2. Good Faith Effort and Subcontractor received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after Utilization Form, if participation is less than the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. stated eoal: 3. Good Faith Effort and Subcontractor received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after Utilization Form, if no SBE participation: the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 4. Prime Contcactor Waiver Form, if firm will received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after perfocm all subcontracting/supplier wocic the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 5. Joint Venture Form, if utilizing a joint venture received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after to meet or exceed goal. the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 38 CND OF SGCTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONS7'RUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Groimd Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 �() K'X '�C) h'1` H ... �...,._._ City of Fort Worth MBE Subcontractors/Su fiers Utilization Form A7TACMMENT1A Page 1 of 4 MBEs Iisfed toward meeting the praject goal musf be laaated in the six (6) county marketplace at the tfine of bid. Marketplace is the geographic area af Tarrant, Da(Eas, Denton,�Johnson Parker, and Wise caunties ALL MBEs MUST BE CEI2TIFIED B�F'ORE CONTRACT AWARD. Ceriificafion means those firms, located within the Marketpface, that have been datarmined to be a bondafide minority business enterprise by the Nor#h Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA} or other certifying agencies fhat the Ci#y may deem appropriate and accepted by the City of �ort Worfh. Rev. 5/30/12 tden#ify all subcontractors/suppliers you will use on this project f'ORI�WOR7'f{ ATTACHMENT 1A � Page 2 of 4 Primes are required to ideniify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regardless of status; i.e., Minority and non-MBEs. MBE firms are to be listed first, use addilional sheets if necessary. If a subcontractor/supplier is identified as an SBE, please attach a copy of the firm's SBE certification if lhey have not previously registered with the City's M/WBE Office, which may be contacted for verification. Please note that onl certified MBEs will be counted to meet an MBE oal. Attach N NCTRCA Certificate ° SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER T n Detail Detail Company Name t Subcontracting Supplies Dollar Amount Address e M w s M Work Purchased TelephonelFax r B B B e E E E E Walnut Hill Paint Co. Dallas, Texas P:972-484-5800 F: 972-484-5706 ��� � ��;� � r 1 t Email: Ischarlton@msn.com � , Contact Person: Jerry Hibberd �, }� `) �� + � �'- v � • �i�� �)I �;C(' Bluebonnet Waste Control PO Box 223845 Dallas, TX 75222 � ` P: 214-748-5221 ,� � ❑ ��i �<-1 L) �E� Fax:214-748-6886 � Email: �i � I ( (? �``., delia@bluebonneiwaste.com ��� ( � (,Y_>C,' Contact Person: Delia Sewel Ricochet Fuel Distributers 1201 Royal Parkway � Euless, TX �� ` P:817-268-5910 � ❑ ❑ F: 817-282-7497 I I Email: sbrett@ricochetfuel,com �� �� �`� `�c� 1��; ��_,� L��i��O�! Contact Person: Sam Brett ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Rev. 5/30/12 �i� f�oiir���ou•r�� AT7ACHMENT1A Page 3 of 4 Primes are required to identify ALL subconfracforslsuppliers, regardless of status; i.e., Minoriiy and nan-MBEs. �� Please iist MBE firm's firsi, use addifional sheeis if necessary. If a subcontractorlsupplier is identified as an SBE, please attach a copy of the firms S�E certification if they have nof previously registered with the City's tvilWBE Office which may be contacfed for verificafion. Please note fhat onl certified MBEs will be counted to meet an MBE oaf. Attach � NCTRCA Certificate � SUBCONTRACTORlSUPPLIER �- n Detail Detail Company Name i >: Subcontraciing Supplies pollar Amount Address e M w 5 ;IN Work Purchascd 7elephone/Fax r e � g 8 E E E ,�. � � � � � � � � � � 4____.1 � Rev, 5/30/12 ro�i�r wori�rN _„`'�'�_ A7TACHMENTIA Page 4 of 4 Total Dollar Amount of MBE Subcontractors/Suppliers � 71,000 Total Dollar Amount of Non-MBE Subcontractors/Suppliers � 20,000 TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OF ALL SUBCON7RACTORS/SUPPLIERS � 91,000 The Contractor will not make addltions, deletions, or substitutions to this certified list without the prior approval of the Minority and Women Business Enterprise Office through the submittal of a Request for Approval of Change/Addifion form. Any unJustified change or deletion shall be a material breach of contract and may result in debarment in accord with the procedures outlined in the ordinance. The contractor shall submit a detailed explanation of how the requested change/addition or deletion wili affect the committed MBE goal. If the detail explanation is not submitted, it will affect the final compliance determination. j By affixing a signature to this form, the Offeror further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including MBE(s) and any special arrangements with MBEs. The Offeror also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company. The bidder agrees to allow the transmission of interviews with owners, principals, officers, employees and applicable subcontractors/suppliers participating on the contract that will substantiate the actual work perFormed by the MBE(s) on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance creates a material breach of the contract and may result in a determination of an irresponsible Offeror and debarment from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. Authorized Slgnature �� � ( �,,, , ._.'U L,;'' Printed Slgn ture �' II ` i � � `C c' f �-':� f (�C�yl ��-�C�.7E�Y1 � 'Zi I �C�YI �i4�'r ' L" � i'' ) � b t ! � � I /�l'y7, /"v'�� i � f ��,�y li-i�c � � T(tIe Contac� amelTftle (ff dlfferent) '� ` . !� I��l."s�L� � `�i�.G(�l �Vl�' � �)l • � �'(.�) .�C (,r�� � Company Name Telephone andlor Fax ��S �� �Cc��' �f�.���il���'1 IU: � ��; /' � i✓lict. �r� G-� �-(��i�rE'rI�CD�`7 Address E-mall A� r�ss -� F��� c � ; �,�c�� r� �, �k �� �O ti <, 1 � z � CltylState/Zlp ^� Date Rev. 5/30/12 ao sz a3 - � Agreement Page I of 4 SrCTION 00 52 43 2, AGREEMENT 3 THIS AGREEAZENT, authprized pn ��k� �—�'� —1,t�ls�") is made t)y and l�etween the City of Fort 4 Worth, a Te�as home rul municipality, actin ��l � al]Cl T11POU h its duly authorized City Manager, 5 �«City„�� and l�� ,,-,�� ���CC::";, ��"�- > , C> authorized to do business in Texas, acting by and th •ough its duly authorized representative, 7 ("Contractor"). 8 Cit�� and Contractoi•, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as 9 follows: 10 Article 1. WORIC 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2p 21 Contractor shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Project identified herein. Article 2. PROJECT The project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is generally described as follows: ,S'ra r� Coach Gr•otnu�' Stnr•u c 7�a��k Relzabilitativ�z Pr•o'ect 033lfi Article 3. CONTRACT TIMF. 3.1 Time is of the essence. All time limits for Milestones, if any, and Final Acceptance as stated in the Contract �ocuments ai•e of the essence to this Conh�act. 22 3.2 Final Acceptance. 23 The Work will be complete for Final Acceptance within 1�l) days after the date when the 24 Contcact Time cqmmences to run as provided in Parag�•aph 2.03 of the General Conditions. 25 3.3 Liquidated damages 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Contractor recognizes that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that City will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in Paragraph 3.2 above, plus any extension thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. The Contractor also recognizes the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding the actual loss suffered by the City if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof , Contractor agrees that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty), Contractor shall pay City Fivc Hactrc�re�l Dollars ($�f)D.DO) for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 3.2 for Final Acceptance until the City issues the Final Letter of Acceptance. OPPICIAL RECORD CI'�'V SEC6tETaRY [F'�'� �I�f�,'R'EMr '�'1� �! - - _ ° CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised August 17, 2012 005243-2 Agreement Page 2 of 4 , � 35 Article 4. CONTRACT PRICE 36 City agrees to pay Contractor for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract 37 Documents an amount in cuirent funds of Dollars 38 ($ ��,C�� � C � ), 39 Article 5. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 40 5.1 CONTENTS: 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 A. T'he Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between City and Contractor concerning the Worlc consist of the following: 1. This Agreement. 2. Attachments to this Agreement: a. Bid Form 1) Proposal Foirn 2) Vendor Compliance to State Law Non-ltesident Bidder 3) Prequalification Stateinent 4) State and Federal documents (project specific) b. Current Prevailing Wage IZate Table a Insurance ACORD Fonn(s) d. Payment Bond e. Perfonnance Bond f. Maintenance Bond g. Power of Attorney for the Bonds h. Worker's Coinpensation Affidavit i. MBE and/or SBE Commitment �'onn 3. General Conditions. 4. Supplementary Conditions. 5. Specifications specifically made a part of the Conh�act Documents by attachment or, if not attached, as incorporated by reference and descriUed in the Table of Contents of the Project's Contract Documents. 6. Drawings. 7. Addenda. 8. Documentation submitted by Contractor prior to Notice of Award. 9. The following which may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the Agreement and, if issued, become an incoiporated part of the Contract Documents: a. Notice to Proceed. b. Field Orders. a Change Ordeis. d. Letter of Final Acceptance. �FFICIAL RECORD CI1'�' �EGRETARY �1'. ���iTW, '�'X C1T'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCCION SPECIFICAI'ION DOCUMEN"I'S Revised August 17, 2012 Stage Co�ch Ground Storage "1'ank Rel�abililation Project No. 02316 00 52 43 - 3 Agreement Page 3 of 4 74 Article 6. INDEMNIFICATION 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 6.1 Contractor covenants �nd agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, �t its own expense, the city, its officers, servants and employees, fi•om and against any and all claims arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the worlc and services to be performed by tlie contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licenses or invitees under this contract. 'This indemnification qrovision is snecificallv intended to onerate and be effective even if it is alle�ed or proven that all or some of the dama�es bein sought were caused, in whole or in part, bv any act, omission or ne�ligence of the ci�. This indemnity provision is intended to include, witliout limitation, indemnity for costs, expenses and legal fees incurred by the city in defe�iding against sucii claims aiitt causes of actions. 6.2 Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify ancl hold harmless, at its owyi espense, the city, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all loss, damage or destruction of property of the city, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the �vorlc and services to be performed by tlie contractor, its officers, agents, etnployees, subcontractors, licensees or iYivitees under this contract. This indemnification provision is speci4icallv intended to operate aYid be effective even if it is alle�ed or proven that all or some of the darna�es bein� sou�ht were caused in whole or in nart by any act. omission or ne�li�ence of the citv. Article 7. MISCELLANEOUS 96 7.1 Terms. 97 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions will 98 have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 99 7.2 Assigmnent of Contract. 100 This Agreement, including all of the Contract Documents may not be assigned by the 101 Contractor without the advanced express written consent of the City. 102 7.3 Successors and Assigns. 103 City and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal 104 representatives to the other party hereto, in respect to all covenants, agreeinents and 105 obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 106 7.4 Severability. 107 Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be unconstitutional, void or 108 unenforceable by a court of com�etent jurisdiction shall be deemed stricken, and all 109 remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon CITY and 110 CONTRACTOIZ. 111 7.5 Govei�ning Law and Venue. 112 This Agreement, including all of the Contract Documeiits is performable iil the State of 113 Texas. Venue shall be 'Tairant County, Texas, or the United States District Court for the 114 Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division. � � � � � ��'�� a ��.I,,'';�'i CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDAI2D CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised August 17, 2012 Stage Co:acli Cn•oui�d Storage'Cank [te�taUilitation ; ,PXojeci;No.O 316 �' �:i�: ,r.;� !u�� II f1 dd II i c 005243-4 Agreement Page 4 of 4 115 7.6 Other Provisions. 116 The Contractor agrees to pay at least minimum wage per hour for all labor as the saine is 117 classified, promulgated and set out by the City, a copy of which is attached hereto and 118 made a part hereof the same as if it were copied verbatim herein. 119 7.7 Authority to Sign. 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Contractor shall attach evidence of authority to sign Agreeinent, if other than duly authorized signatory of the Contractor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Contractor have executed this Agreement in multiple counterparts. This Agreement is effective as of the last date signed by the Parties (`Bffective Date") Contractor: �( i; ;�C (� ���7CG�=>, .�v'�c` B (�'rgnature) �� :� (.�'� ���'�y���" (Printed Name) Title: City of Fort Worth By:��,� �� Fer�aando Costa Assistant City Manager Date �.,ZG�/S �- �`` ��� � l� City � (Seal) 7f'' `�v r� t 8 — �`�; � �. � � $ �� ; ��::� Address: l — r. , , "°O000�o���" ���f� �c���{�� i��,��, ��.�� ��:.. �'���� �— M&c �. � 2� i � 3 Date: c� �i_ ( � 31 �_ o�� City/State/Zip: '�i0� �}-{; +�, 1�����C.�`j prove to Form and Legality: �- -- i � -- 1. � Date Doug . Blacic Assistant City Attorney 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: �1 � 2t� � � -r_ c:_�r � . h �Y � i' �z. '�,� lc�c '� r.s i7 , � L ��v � i�T�trter Departme�2t CITY OF FOR'f 4VOR'I'H STANDARD CONSTRUCI'!ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS ]tevised August 17, 2012 � , ��i��d�`id�iL ���aV�� ,�,, 'Ir'�(a!i�,���il','1jiP�% �� Sta�e`Coffeh Gr�iiiid��totag� Ta � k Rebabilitatioo P�oject No. 02316 i� � OOG11)-1 PF:RFORMA\CE IIOND Pogc 1 orz t � i � J 4 5 G 7 8 9 t0 � iz 13 Id 15 lG S�CTION 00 61 I3 PCRFORMANCG BOND Bond # 1<09172713 Executed in Triplicate THE STA'CE OF TFXAS _ § . § KNOW ALL BY TNCSE PRESGNTS: COUNTY OF• uArris § TIIAI 14C, Blastco Texas Tnc . , known as "Principal" hcrein and _„]Q(g��Qstar Fira lns►iranr.p [:nm��., a corporatc surety(surettcs, if more than. onc) duly authorized to do business in tlic State of Texas, kno�vn as `•Surcry" hcrcin (whether one or rnorc), are hcld and firmly bound unto thc City oC fott Worth, a mtmicipal corporation crcutcd pursunnt to ihc laws ofTexas, known us''City" hcrcin, in thc pcnal FJght Hundred Sixly N(ne Thousand Seveh Hundred Efghly S 00/10�0{lal'S sum ot; (� 869.780.OQ------------ ), la�vful moncy of tiu Unitcd States, to be paid in Fott Wonli, Tarrant County,'f'exas far t}te pAymenl of �vhich sum wcil and truly to be mndc, �ve bind ourselves. our heirs, cxecutors, administrt►tors, succcssors And assigns, jointly und scvcrally, firmly by tltese prescnts. l7 WHEREAS, the P�cipal hsis entered into � ceRain written contract with tlic City ri t x awarded thc �_ day of "� c.�tC:. 20 (_�. which Contract is hereby refcrred lo nrtd 1� made a part hereof for all purposes as if fuily set forth herein, to fumis{i ull muterials, equipment ?U labor And othcr accessorics defined by law. in thc prosecution oPtl�e Work, including ony Cl�angc 3 � Ordcrs, as provlded for in soid Coi�truct designatcd as .Sru,���� C.'vaclr <;rur�n�l Srnr�,�r 'I ���rk 22 Rch�rhilhuri�nr, Prc�%c'i7 :\'u, U2 a I d. 23 �� zs 2G �� 28 NOW, T13CR�FORE, tltc condilion of tliis obli�t�tiort is such tl�at if tlie snid Principui shalf faithCully perforin it obligntions undcr Ihc Contract and shall ift al! respecu duly and fAithfully perform the Work, lncludin� Chnnge Orders, under dte Contract, nccording to the plans, spccifications, and contr�ct docume�ts tfterein referred to, and tss �vell during uny period of e�cicnsion ottlie Contract thAt mny bc grnmcd on thc purt of thc City, ther� tl�(s obli�ation shall Uo and become null and void, othenvise ta rernnin in full torce And efY'ect. 29 PROVI�Eri FURTHER, thnt if any Iegal oction bc filed on this Bond, venue sha111ie in 3U "I'arrant Cou�ty, Texus or the United States l�Istrict Coutt for tha Norther» District of Te:cns, fort � t �Vonh Division. CITY OF F�R71VOttT11 STANUARD CONSTRUCTfON S1'IiCIFICA'I'ION D(KU�1I:NTS RcvisedJuly 1,2D11 Stngc Coach Grourtd Stoiagc'I'onk R<habiliwtion I�rojeet ro 0:314 �� �,y��'U�i+��� ���i��� �� C�`��' 3ECRETARY ��'. �IIARTH, 'fiX � 00 61 I ) • : I'i'sKl'ARMANCG RONI) 1'oge 2 of 2 I I Tl�is bond is made and cxecutcd in complianc� wilh the provisions of Chaptcr 2253 of ihe 3 Tc�cas Govemment Code, as amcnded, and all liabilitics on this bond shall bc dctennined in � accordancc with thc provisions of sald statue. �1 IN WITNESS WH�R�OF, the Principal ond thc Surety have SIGNED and SEAI..ED 5 this instrument by duly autliori�.�d ugents and ofTiccrs on �liis thc � day of 6 'tc'_ �� r� , 20 �� . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 �� �s 16 17 I8 19 20 :I 22 23 aa as 36 �� 2R �y 1U 31 3? 7� 3 �1 �S 36 37 )s 39 40 ai 4: 43 aa as ATl'liS'I': (Principal) Sec ctur�' Cl-t��.. �i �2Q— i / ; .. , - � � �:� �= 1 itnc ' s t� f'rincipnl ' r 4 J,��—�y��rv�E'��. � � �;� `=�(.��. �Vi�n�ss ns to Surcty Sharon Foulk I'RI�'CIPAL; B1 �t .c� TPxa� TnC. t3Y: Signown: -� �. �� � .�, �� . I`� Numc un Ti�lo nddress; 5514 Easthampton Street J-Ioi�GtQrL.LX 77��A tiUltfiTY: Westchester Fire Insurance Com any liY: � —_' _ T S(gnnture Harold Miller Jr. Attornev-in-Fact Numa ond'I'illc �JansS: 436 Walnut Street P O B�1�(L� Philadel,nhia PA. 19106— Tcl�phonc \umbrr: 215-640-1000 •Note: tf signed by an ofticer of tlie Surety Company, tiiere must be on fiie a certifed extrAct !'rom the by-laws sl�owing tl�at this person hus authority to sign sucli obligatio�. If Surcty's physical address is diffcront from i�s mniling address, botl� musi bc providcd. The date of thc bond shall not bc prior to thc datc thc Contraci is awarded, CfTY OF F4RT WOHTI I ST�I:hARD COYSTRUCTION SP�CIFICA'I'tQN ptK'U�1F.NT5 Kr.�scJ lu►> �,2ot� Stage Co�ch (iround Stornge Tank Rchnbdiuuon Pm)ect Ko 0?71A ���l�8�1L RECORD ��`��( SECR@TQ►RY I ��'� W11�6iT9i,1'X ib r � � , .-. h- U Q � Z � H Q F- z w � 0 w J � O Z Y V a � w � � � State of Illinois County of DuPage I, Karen E. Socha a Notary Public of DuPage County, in the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that Harold Miller Jr. Attorney-in-Fact, of the Westchester Fire Insurance Company who is personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered said instrument, for and on behalf of the Westchester Fire Insurance Company for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal at my office in the City of Itasca in said County, this 3�" day of ����'`�� ���� ��� k/� Notary Public Karen E. Socha My Commission expires: 1/13/2016 � .,,,�� .��. �,;., �. � ,. C�F���AL SEA4 KAREN � SOCHA NUPARY PU�I.IC • STATE OF �.LN�U►S r�v co�+s;Y�� �s�tna�s � �F�1�6AL �BE�ORD ��'��" �ECFtE'g'A6t� � �'01'�I�RTH, TX Power of Attorney i,: i _, W�STCHEST�R FIR� INSURANC� COMPANY Know nll men by thesc presents: That WCSTCH�STGR TIR� INSURANCG COMPANY, a corporation of the Commomveaith of Pennsylvania pursuant to the following Resolution, adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on December 1], 2006, to wit i�) (Z) (3) (4) (5) "RESOLVED, that the following authori�ations relate to the execation, for and on behalf of the Company, of bonds, undertnkin�.s, recognizances, contracis end other written commi�ments of the Compnny entered into the ordinary course of business (each a"\Vritten Commilment"): Gach of �he Chairmen, Ihe President and �he Vice Presidenls of Ihe Company is hereby authorized �o execu�e any Nritten Commi�menl for and on behalf of the Compxny, under ihe seal of ihe Company or othenvise. Each duly appointed attomey-in-fact of the Company is hereby authoriud to executo any Writtzn Commi�ment for and on behnlf of ihe Company, under �he seal of the Compnny or othenvise, to the extent �hat such action is euthorized by th� grant of powers provided for in such persons written nppoinlment as sueh attomoy-in-fact . Each of Ihe Chairmnn, ihe Presidenl and ihe Vice Presidenis of ihe Company is hereby aulhorized, for nnd on behalf of the Company, Io appoint in writing any person the nnomzy-in-fact of the Compnny �nth full power nnd authority to exewtu, for and on behalf of ihe Company, under ihe senl of Ihe Company or olhenvise, such �Vrilten Commitments of the Company as may be specified in soch written appoiniment, which specification may be by general type or clus of Writlen Commi�men4s or by specification of one or more particular Writlen Commilmenls. Each of the Chnirman, the Presidem suid Vice Presidems of Ihe Company in hereby uuthorized, for and on behelf of the Company, to delegate in aaiting any other officer of �he Comp;v�y the authority �o execWe, for and on behnlf of the Company, under �he Company's seul or othenvise, such Wri��en Commi�men�s of �he Company as are specified in sueh writ�en delegxtion, which specification may be by genernl type or cless of \Vritten Commitments or by specification of ona or more particular Wrinen Commitments. The signature of nny ofFicer or o�her person executing nny �Votlen Commitmen� or appoinimen� or delegntion pursuent to �his Resolution, and the seal of �he Company, may be aflixed by facsimile on such Written Commitment or writlen appointmen� or delegation. PURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing Resolution shall not be deemed ro be an exclusive statement of the poaers and authority of o�cers, employees nnd olher persons to acl for und on behalf of the Company, and such Resolution shall nm limit or othenvise nfPec� the exercise of any such power or aulhorily olhenvise validly granled or ves�ed. Does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Arlene M Filipski, Harold Miller 1r., Joan B Ward, Jodie Sellers, Jon A Schroeder, Karen E Socha, Kathleen Weaver, Patrick Gallagher, Sharon A Foulk, Wiiliam T Krumm, all of the City of ITASCA, Illinois, each individually if there be more than one named, its true and lawful attorney-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver on its behalf, and as its act and deed any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts and other writings in the nature thereof in penalties not exceeding Ten million dollars & zero cents ($10,000,000.00) and the execution oFsuch writings in pursuance of these presents shall be as binding upon said Cotnpany, as fully and amply as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its principal office, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Stephen M. Haney, Vice-President, has hereunto subscribed his name and affixed the Corporate seal of the said WESTCHESTGR TIRG INSURANCG COMPANY this 25 day of September 2014. W�STCHCST�R P'IRE INSURANC� COMPANY G�T : 3'� .`,�„'�',t� « _ ,, � 9'�'1 . /� <^-,.-- � • i� ��— . .. ._ _��ll� ����' 1r��� q�� 5kphcn M. Nancy ,�ricc Presidan ' -=`c�4 . COMMONWEALTH pF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA ss. On this 25 day of September, AD. 2014 before me, a Notary Public of the Commomvealth of Pennsylvania in and for the County of Philadelphia came Stephen M. Haney ,Vice-President of the WGS"TCHCSTCR PIR� INSURANC� CONiPANY to roe personally known to be the individual and officer who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged that he executed the same, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said Company; that the said corporate seal and his signature were duly affixed by the authority and direction of the said corporation, and that Resolution, adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is no�v in force. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Philadelphia the day and year first above written. �°`��r."'�� �'� `F'!•" �4 E- ��,� ; > ta:.�.�:�•..� ea►a�oNwr�u.Yno�r�►aasrwnr►u _ q;�� �� Ol 4 iiDiARiAI SFaI j '�.? ^` : 7' i ��i � �i'�iii� �i PII�C !�"'�Cf+r�[L�ii _ � �+�, :-:.• � crra �,w,�.co� r'''• �'� 1 ' CaAxNlilon 2& �� ,:►�k�a 4".h4r �e ;.� t�. •�':Y^�,• w.���Xevnnr "4 P . .�. i I, the undersigned Assistant Secretary of the WESTCHCSTGR P'IR� INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the original POWER OF ATTORNEY, of which the foregoing is a substantially true and correct copy, is in full force and effect. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Assistant Secretary, and affixed the corporate seal of the Corporation, this j��day of ��; ��� 1'���.) , .,��A I �3M������ � �;r�:�. 'F ' � ���G4',� I �,,� � .�. 1ti'j11_am 1. Kel'ry, AsYisixnl nctt4my THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY MAY NOT BE USBD TO EXECUTE ANY BOND WITH AT� [,N���`�{G),�1; LIAT��AF`P;�'I�;�aj ' l , . . .. . . . (� ��I�,��I I a�'u��u4d�r ��4��^\;lft���ll: r [f`d"w 4�'�,��,�'�� �`X . I 'DocuGard #04546 contains a securiry pantograph, blue background, heat sensitive mk, corn-reactive watermark and mrcn �er 25, 2016. S�� SENSITIyE SHe( 0 o � /11ii1/)(JO/1bOfdQ(.� Es�'rHHEnroP��J II �1 00611j•1 P,1Y�I�`7T OOND Pago 1 of 2 1 , J a S G � R 9 10 II 12 13 I �1 15 Ih 17 1R 19 �p ?I ,� SECTiON 00 61 14 PAYMENT IIOND Bond # K09172713 Executed in Triplicate TH E STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW AI.L I3Y TliESE ACtESENTS: COUNTY OF'. Harris § That �ve, Blastco Texas Inc. , known as '�Principal" hcrcin, und Westchester Fire Insurance Comparay , n corporate surety (sureties), duly au�t�oriud to do business in the Statc of Tcxus, known as "Surety" hercin (wheti�er ane or morc), arc hcld and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Wonh, a municipal corporacion crealed pursunnt to the la�vs of the Statc of Texas, known as "CiCy" herein, Eighl Hut�dred Stxly Nfne Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty & OD/70 in the penal sum of ollars �� 869,780.00-------------}-��vf'ul moncy of thc Unitcd S�ates, to bc ps�id in Fort Wortli, Tarrant Cuunty, Texas, for thc payment of wliich sum wcll nnd truly bc rt�adc, wc bind ourselvcs, oun c�irs, cxccutors, administrators, succcssors a�d assigns, jointly And sevcrally, firmly by thcsa prescnts: WHEREAS, Principal tias entcred into a certain written Contract wiih City, a�varded tiic r-� �day of {�L-�� �-�� ��� , 20 �� which Contrnc� is hereby referred lo nnd made a part hereof for all purposes �.s if fully set forth hercin, to furnish all muterials, cquipment, labo� and ollmr accessaries as defined by Intv, in tfie prosecution of tlic Work as provided for in snid Contrnct and desi�nntecf us StAge Coach Ground StorAsc Tunk Rehnbililation, Praject No. 02316. 23 NOW, THCRErORE, T{•IC CONDITION OF TH15 O(3LlaA'1'ION is such that if ?4 Principal shall pay all monics o�vir�� to any (and nll) paytnct�t bond bencticiary (as defined in 35 Chapter 2253 of tlic 1`exas Govemment Codc, As nmcndcd) in the prosecution of tlic 1Vork under ?G tltc Contract, then this obli�atiott shap bc nnd bccomc null and void; otiicnvisc to remAin in full z7 force and effcct. 2x Tltiis bond is mnde nnd executed in compliancc with tlic provisions of Choptcr 2253 of thc 29 Tc��s Govemment Code, as arnended, and all linbilities o�7 this bo�d shall bc dctermined irt 3o aecordancc with thc prov(sions ofsuid s�atutc, 31 CITY OF FORT WORTII S1'nNbnRD CONSTRUL'TION SI�IiCII°ICA'I'IbN DOCUt�1fNTS Rewk�d July 1, l01 I Stogc Coath Ground SlorngC Tank ReNabllitalion Pro�ccl No 0:l l6 I, � �FF��O�� �E����� �9TY SEC6tE'ti'AIR� F'�'. �IIOitT9i, V� i� �� 00 61 I �• 2 PAYMfiNT IIQND Page ? of : I IN WITNESS WHER�OF� thc Principal and Surety havic each SIGNED und SEA�GD : this instrument by duly auiharized uscrns and olTlccrs on Il�is thc ��,= day of 3 - r^i.CC� , 20 '`� . � ATTCS'T': (Principal Sccre►aryG-i�P�-iL Sa.va/L � . // ����- ��L� ' WiinG s as to Principal ►`�� �c fi�,.�, �.,��,- ATT�ST: ` � , . (Surcly)�� Arlen Filipski S 6 7 8 9 10 W I . ', ����%c�,,, ` � �� _ Witness as co Surety Sharon Foulk PRINCIPAL: glastco Texas Inc. 13Y: Signaturc -� �; ��c� r-� (�. G� - i'+� . Name nd Title Address: 5514 Easthampton Drive Houston. TX. 77039 SURETY: Westchester Fire Insurance Company BY: , Signntu yarold Miller Jr. Attorney-in-Fact Name and '1'itic Address: 436 Walnut Street P.O. box 1000 Philadelphia. PA. 19106 Tcicphonc Numbcr: 215-640-1000 Notc; If sisnod by an oClicer of thc 5urc�y, therc must bc on filc a cchificd extract from ihe bylaws sho�ving t1�At tl�is person has autkiority to sign such obligatlon. If Surety's physicAl address is difYcrent from its malling address, both mus� bc providcd. '1'hc date of �he bond shnll not be prior to thc date thc Contrac� is a�varded. FND OF SEGTION i? CITY Ol' FORI' WORTIi S'UNpARDCUNSTRUCTION SPF.CIFICA71nN ��CU�11i�TS RevixW July 1, :UI I Stag¢ Coath Ground Slorage iank Rehibihuuon _ _ _ 1'rP1M No 0:316 c ��{���;Vr�f�: ����C�u�) �dT� �EC�BE'8'AR� ��'. C��RTHi, VI( iY � � U Q � Z � H Q H z w � c� 0 w J � O Z Y v a � w � � � State of Illinois County of DuPage I, Karen E. Socha a Notary Public of DuPage County, in the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that Harold Miller Jr. Attorney-in-Fact, of the Westchester Fire Insurance Company who is personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered said instrument, for and on behalf of the Westchester Fire Insurance Company for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal at my office in the City of Itasca in said County, this ,�� day of �Ql�nu-�'� � ?��S Notary Public � � My Commission expires: Karen E. Socha 1/13/2016 OFFIC9AL �E�ORD �o�� ������rA�v �v. �v��vr�, �x i� I � J�/ J�. �, � ..� y.y. ��� Y -..vr�a,J.� 1 )'� v'`'"CIGiAi� $� ) N�f�CI� F �3N�I IM � NUl"ARY PUpLI� • STAT� QF ��iS ',, MYCOAA���::l�d���k16 � . ,, Power of j '; Attorney WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Know nll men by these presents; That WGSTCHCSTGR rIR� INSURANCG COMPANY, a corporation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pursuant to [he following Resolution, adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on December 1 l, 2006, to wiC 0) (Z) (3) i4) (5) "RESOLVBD, thnt �he following authorirations relnto to the execution, for end on bahalPof Ihe Company, of bonds, undertakinys, recogniiances, contrncts and other written commilments of the Company entered into the ordinary course of business (each a"Written Commitmem"): �ach of Ihe Cheirman, the President and ihe Vice Presidents of the Compeny is hereby eulhorized to exewte any W ritten Commitment for and on behnlf of the Compsny, under the seal of the Company or othenvise. Each duly nppointed mtomey-in-fac� of the Company is hereby authoriud ro executo any Written Commitment for end on behnlf of thz Company, under �he seal of the Company or o�henvise, to the ex�ent �ha� such action is au�horized by the grant of powers provided for in such persons writlen appoimment as such a�tomeyin-fect . Each of ihe Chairman, the Presiden� nnd the Vice Presidents of ihe Company is hereby amhorized, for und on behelf of the Comp;u�y, to appoint in writing any person the attomey-in-fact of the Compxny with full power and au�hority to execute, for and on behalf of ihe Company, under Ihe senl of the Compeny or olhenvise, such W rit�en Commitmen�s of Ihe Company as may be specified in such writlen eppoinimen�, which specifica�ion may be by general type or clazs of Writ�en Commi�ments or by specificalion of aie or more pahicular 1Vritten Commi�meMs. Each of the Chairman, !he President and Vice Presiden�s of ihe Cvmp�ny in hereby awhorized, for and on behelf of the Compnny, to delegate in wri�ing nny other officer of �he Compnny Ihe aulhonty to execute, for und on behalf of ihe Compnny, under �he Company's seai or othenvise, such Written Commitmenis of ihe Company u are specified in such wrinen delegation, which specificntion may bz by general type or class of 1Vrilten Commitmenls or by specification of one or more paniculnr Wri�ten Commi�ments. The si�iature of any officer or olher person execu�ing any Wrilten Commitment or appoinlment or delegalion pursuant �o �his Resolu�ion, and the seal of Ihe Company, mny be effixed by Pncsimile on such WriUen Commitment or writ�en appoinimenl or delegation. FORTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoin� Resolution shall not be deemed ro be ui exclusive s�atement of the po��ers and au�hority of officen, employees and o�her persons to ac� for and on behalf of �he Company, and such Resolution shtll not limit or mhenvise affect ihe exercise of any such power or authority o�henvise validly grnnted or vested. Does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Arlene M Filipski, Harold Miiler Jr., Joan E3 Ward, Jodie Seliers, Jon A Sehroeder, Karen E Socha, Kathleen Weaver, Patrick Gallagher, Sharon A Foulk, William T Krumm, all of the City of ITASCA, Illinois, each individually if there be more than one named, its true and lawful attomey-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver on its behalf, and as its act and deed any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts and other writings in the nature thereof in penalties not exceeding Ten million dollars & zero cents ($10,000,000.00) and the execution of such writings in pursuance of these presents shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply as if they had bean duly executed and acknowledged by the regulariy elected officers of the Company at its principal office, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Stephen M. Haney, Vice-President, has hereunto subscribed his name and affixed the Corporate seal of the said WGSTCHGST�R FIR� INSURANC� COMPANY this 25 day of September 2014. W�STCHGSTER TIR� INSURANCG COMPANY ,,�r ; 3M4 w��� ��',�� :, L. i�`� f ' � +� � �jj _��i---- __ �l— y�',�� `�! Stcphcn A1.. Hancy, Vicc Presidrn� ��� ...• COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA ss. On this 25 day of September, AD. 2014 before me, a Notary Public of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in and for the County of Philadelphia came Stephen M. Haney ,Vice-President of the W�STCHEST�R I'IR� INSUI2r1NCG COMPANY to me personally known to be the individual and officer who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged that he executed the same, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is [he corporate seal of said Company; that the said corporate seal and his signature were duly affixed by the authority and direction of the said corporation, and that Resolution, adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is now in force. IN TESTIMONY W HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Philadelphia the day and year first above written. .v� °�� �. � � ! , �`�v�-,'."••-• `h tt. �r�,_;: ���,y..,.� eax�a+wuu,mo�rEra+srwA►wA ��; A,� �& ` W E, NOTARIAL SEAL ' o r$ o r; 7S : �N 6. 9RAMOT N04�ryt Wlbie ,(-- �� � � : y � �. � �ia���� +—�«G� I, p y 1 j - I �' .i '!�kiA r ,2•� Cp(ry11ililOf1 �6,1V�0 ., � ..' �Y..` � ;V�,:oixF�,Tllc � �, . ',l.1:! �K � I i i i I� ', I, the undersigned Assistant Secretary of the �V�STCHEST�R rIRE INSURANCG COMPANY, do hereby certify that the originai POWER OF ATTORNEY, of � i which the foregoing is a substantially true and correct copy, is in full force and effect. � .''� In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Assistant Secretary, and affixed the corporate seal ofthe Corporation, this,�� day of �-�tf^�� ��` j ,.�� .34� . ��-� # � � . � . ,;.. , � �/.� �_ . 5�Y "'� � J 1Vi11:am L. Kel'ry, Asyistynl xTetary \,���G�,. � , ,, _ _ THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY MAY NOT BE USED TO EXECUTE ANY BOND WITH AN INCEPTION DATE AFTER September 25, 2016. VY `Y� �+�� 9 411f `M^pM �Pt5EN51TIVESN� d ? �� l � S � I. . .. . .. ... .. ... .... .'. .�. . ..... .. .. . � . .. � �� . . DocuGard d`04546 contains a securiry pantograph, blue background; heat-sensitive lnk, coin-reactive watermark, and mrcrotext printing on border. �S�TN HEAT �P4o i� �� 006119•1 T�lA1NTGNANCL ItONp Pase I of 3 I � 3 4 5 6 7 x 9 IA Si:CTION 00 G1 l9 MAINTENANCG BOND Bond # KQ9172713 Executed in Triplicate THE STATE OF TCXAS § § KNOW ALL EiY THESE PR�SF,NTS: COUM'Y OF' Harris § Thnt wc Biastco Texas Inc. , known us ��Principal" hcrein and Westchester Fire Insurance Company , n corporntc surciy (surcties, if more than one) duly authorized to do busincss in thc Swte of Tc.cas, kno�vn ns "Surety" I�erein (whether or7c or mare), nrc i�eld und firmly bound unto Ihc Ciry of fort Worth, a ! l municipnl corporation created pursuant to the laws of the Statc af Texas, known as "City" hcrcin, EEght Hundred Sixty Nlne Thousand Sevon Hundred Etghty 8 00/100 i 2 in thc sum of Dollnrs t� (� 869.780.00--------------�; lAwful money of tf�e United States, to bc puid in rort Worth, 14 Tarrant County, Texas, for pAyment of which sum wcll nnd truly bc madc unto the City ar�d its � 5 successors, �ve bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, udministrutors, successors und assig�s, jointly 16 and severally, tirmly by ihese presents. t7 I8 �'VHEREAS, the Principnl has entered into n ccrtain �vritten contn+ct with the City a�vardcd � � `��' c 19 thc;� day of � �-( '�� , 20 �5 , which Contract is hcreby 30 rcfeRed co und a madc part hcrcof t'or all purposes ns if fuily set forth hcrcin, to fumish all 21 materiuls, equipment labor And other accessories ns dc(incd by law, in et�c prosecution of thc 22 Work, includin� any VVork resuiting from a duly uutf�orized Cl�ange Ordcr (collectivcly hcrcin, 23 tlie "Work") as provided t'or in said contrnct and desigr�ated as Stage Coach Ground Storage 7'ank 2a Rchabilit�tion, Project No. 02316; and 25 z6 WHEREAS, P�ncipal tiinds itsclf to use such muterials und to so construct the \Vork in 37 accordnnce with the pluns, speciRcations And Contract Documents thut the Work is and wiN ?S remain frcc from defects in mutecials or �vorkmanship for and during �lic period of hvo (2) ycArs 29 afier thc dAte of fin�l Acceptance of tl�c Work by �he City ("Nlnintenancc Pcriod"); and 30 31 WHEREAS, Principal binds itself to repair or reconstruce the Work in wholc or in part 32 upon receiving notice from the Ciry of the need therefor at any time wilhin ttie MAintennnce 33 Acriod. 3A C(TY 0� FORT WORI'f1 S7ANDAItO CONSTRUC'i'ION SPGCII�ICATION �OCUhSGN1'S Rc��ised luly I.:01 I Stage Co�ch Groui� StoragcTank ltchabililnlion ProJect No. 02316 , _ °.,- �l , i ;il����f��. �E�iO�� ��lf� �t�CRE�d1�tY ��'. �1114�'PH, '�'� II II t � � : I � 3 � 5 b 7 R 9 4q II I? 13 �a IS IG 17 IH 19 oua� io.2 MAIN7CNANCf: E10\� Pagc : of 3 NOW TEIEItE�'ORE, thc cond(tion of this obligi�tion is such thnt if Principal shall romcdy any dcfcctive Work, far which timc:ly natice was pravided by Cily, to a complct(on satisfactary to thc City, thcn tf�is obligatian shal! bccomc nul! and void; othcrwisc to remoin in Cull force and etfcet. PitOVIDED, HOW�V�R, if Principal shall fail so to repair or reconstruct any timcly noticed defective Work, it is agreed tha� the Cily muy cause any and ail sucli defective 1Vark to be repaired and/or reconstrucled with al) associated costs thereof beins bome by che Principai and tlic Surety undcr tiils Main�enuncc bond; nnd PROVlOED FURTH ER, that if uny legnl action be filed on this Bond, venue shall lic in Tarrant County, Textis or the United States District Court for the Northcrn District of Texas, f�ort Worth Division; nnd PROVIQED FURTHER, �hpt this oblign�ion sl�all bc continuous in nature and successive recoveries mny bc I�ad hereon for successive brcAchcs. CRY OF FaRT WpRTfI STAND1IRA CONSTRUCTION SPIiCIf°ICr1'1'lON U(3CUAttiNTS Rcvised luly i, :011 Stoge Coach GrouM Stor�gc Tane Rchnbi{iunon , _ ,-,— _ _ Cta]ccI No.02316 (��'�'�i+�%�{� ���e��i�ij !i1 9 11 o���f�� Ii6�+i�� ��c �����' �60 � 0061 19•S AIAINTBNA�CR UONn 1'agc 3 af S � I CN W[THESS WHEREOF, thc Principul and thc Surety hnve cacll �IGNGD and SCALED this 2 in�trument by duly nuthorizcd agcnts and of(icecs ort thfs thc � day of _ 3 ������ ,?0�-7. a 5 b 7 R 9 l0 11 1? 13 14 15 1G 17 lR 19 30 21 �� 23 �q �g z� � �� 28 29 JU 31 }Z 13 3a 35 3G 37 3R 39 40 �1 l A'I`I'CST: �� Q.��- (Princinol)SccrctaryCH�y{�,, ��� ) � � /(/, r' ,,,,, - /;-, 7 �, \VitnF us to Principal �'�;-�� �� j�'��,q Y ne:: J A'f' ' S9': � r i (SurCly) �t�'Arlene F' ipski �,: ����,��.�_�_ � W Ilness at 4o Su�Cly Sharon Foulk l'Itl�Cl1'A1,: glastco Texas Inc. DYc Signatu • c-. (f , �% l� /�"i . � i,�.�.j'.�s���;'UE � r �' , ^�Inmc and i!'itlo � � . ..u...� .. .. � . SURE'PY: Westchester Fire lnsura pany 13Y: tiignuturc Harold Miller Jr Att�y-in-Fact �nmc anJ Titic Address; 436 Walnu .O. Box 1000 i adelphia, PA 19106 '1'cl�phan� Numhcr� 215-640-1000 •Note: If signed by un officer of the Surety Company, tlierc must be on tile a ccrtificd extract fram tl�c by-ipws showing t1�nt this person has uuthority to sign sucii obligation, If Surety's physlcat address is diffc�ent from its mailins uddress, both must he provided, The date of tlie bond shall not be priar to the dnte �hc Contrflct is awarded. CR'Y OF FOitT WORTI l 5TANDANn CONSTAUCTION SPliCIFICAI'ION DOCUMCNTti Itcviscd Juty 1.201 I Stagv Coeth Ground Swmge Tank Rchsbfliuuon Pmjccl No. 02116 lil° _ - - -- "i � C�F���l�,L RECORD C!'T� �E�RE'�'A��f ��'o t4d�9�T9i, YX State of Illinois County of DuPage I, Karen E. Socha a Notary Public of DuPage County, in the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that Harold Miller Jr. Attorney-in-Fact, of the Westchester Fire Insurance Company who is personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered said instrument, for and on behalf of the Westchester Fire Insurance Company for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal at my office in the City of Itasca in said County, d_ this 3 day of `{-�b•r��xc.r,� � Zp�"� �� �� Y Notary Public My Commission expires Karen E. Socha 1/13/2016 .� .. . �... . .. .,,,..,,,,,,a.. OFFICiAI, SEAL KAR�N E SOCHA �lIUYARY PUBUC - STATE OF I�,L!{4iilS ' � � E�NlC�O�/1�v16 I�� iJ� �F�I�dAL �ECORD �IT'� ���RET/�EtY ��'� �Yd9�i"P�ly '9'X ,� Power of W�STCH�STER FIR� INSURANCE COMPANY ; ;'� Attorney Know all men by thesc presents: That W�STCH�STCR T[RC INSURANC� COMPANY, a corporation of the Commomvealth of Pennsylvania pursuant to the following Resolution, adopted by lhe Board of Directors of the said Company on December 1 l, 2006, to wit: ��) (2) (3) ta) (S) "RESOLVED, that the folimaing authorizations relate ro the execution, for and on 6ehalf of Ihe Company, of bonds, undehakings, recogniznnces, contracls and o�her written commitmenis oP �he Company entered imo the ordinary course of business (eech a"Wriuen CommitmenP'): Each of ihe Chairmnn, the President and �he Vice PresideNs of �he Company is hereby authorized �o execute my \Vrinen Commilment for nnd on behalf oP�he Compeny, under Ihe seal of �he Company or otherwisz. Each duly appointed nttomey-in-fact of the Company is hereby xmhorized to execute any Wrinen Commitment for xnd on behalf of the Comp;my, under the seal of �he Compmiy or othenvise, to �he extent that such amion is nu�horiud by the grani of powers provided for in such persons wrilten appoin�ment as such anomey-in-fac� . Eech of Ihe Chnirmnn, Ihe PresideN nnd the Vice Presidents of Ihe Company is hereby aulhorized, for und on behalP of �he Company, to nppoinl in wri�ing any person the anomey-imfnc� of �he Company with full power nnd authority to ezecute, for and on behalf of �he Company, under Ihe senl of the Company or olhenvise, such Wri�ten Commilments of the Compnny as mny be specified in such wri��en appoinimenl, which specificetion may be by genernl �ype or clt�ss of Wri��en Commitments or by specifica�ion of one or more pnrticular \Vri�ten Commilmenis. Lach of the Chairman, ihe Presiden� tmd Vice Presiden�s of ihe Company in herzby nu�horized, for and on behalFof the Compnny, lo delegate in �vriting nny other o(ficer of the Company �he authority �o oxecule, for nnd on beh�lf of ihe Company, under �he Company's senl or othe�vise, such Wrillen Commitments of �he Company as ara specified in such writlen dzlegation, which specificntion may be by general rype or class of Written Commitmenis or by specification of one or more particular Wripen Commitmen�s. 71ie signaNre of any o�cer or other person execu�ing any Writ�en Commi�ment or appointmen� or delegation pursusnt to this Resolu�ion, nnd the seal of the Company, may be a�xed by facsimile on such Wri�ten Commilment or wri�ten appoin�ment or delega�ion. FURTHER RESOLVED, �hat �he foregoing Resolution shall not be deemed to be an exclusive s�atement of Ihe powers and nuthority of oflicers, employees and other persons to ac� for and on behalf of Ihe Company, and such Resolution shali no� limit or othenvise affecl the exercise oFany such power or nudiority othenvise validly gra�ned or veted. Does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Arlene M Filipski, Harold Miller Jr., Joan B Ward, Jodie Sellers, Jon A Schroeder, Karen E Socha, Kathleen Weaver, Patrick Gallagher, Sharon A Poulk, William T Krumm, all of the City of ITASCA, lllinois, each individuaily if there be more than one named, its true and la�vful attomey-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver on its behalf, and as its act and deed any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts and other �vritings in the nature thereof in penalties not exceeding Ten million dollars & zero cents ($1 QOOQ000.00) and the execution of such writings in pursuance of these presents shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and ampiy as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its principal office, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Stephen M. Haney, Vice-President, has hereunto subscribed his name and a�xed the Corporate seal of the said �VGSTCHGSTGR I'IR� INSURANCC COMPANY this 25 day of September 2014. WESTCHGST�R FIRG INSURANCE COMPANY c�r `.�y�, «��.� � _ ��(„ �'ti1- ,�� t\�' � p�. Skphcn M. N�ncy , Vice Prrsidpil 'ti:,:.Z�� ' COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA ss. On this 25 day of September, AD. 2014 before me, a Notary Public of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in and for the County of Philadelphia came Stephen M. Haney ,Vice-President of the W�STCH�STGR FIR� INSURANCC COMPANY to me personaliy known to be the individual and officer who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged that he executed the same, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said Company; that the said corporate seal and his signature �vere duly affixed by the authority and direction of the said corporation, and that Resolution, adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is now in force. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ofticial seal at the City of Philadelphia the day and year first above written. � �V ^I:..� �n'11+:111� d'°,E.i^� Z,�t �`��,;' �G:J,b'•��� COi�/M01'JW►.AL1HO�i�EMNiYLVANG ; � j�� °� W E �/�p��� NOyT�A�N�I�A�LS�EWAL��y,�� ���r� 1 �� N��, t1/11K.�� � IXV{f�{/T �� J rV11w� E �lp i-:.`• ` `(�p����or..�ie � s �-��' +.�' ; �qfM�{ibM1 � , � ti �krA ..' ,'�e.:' �krt�i PWllr �� C',i.n,,,�• �.: � i I, the undersigned Assistant Secretary ofthe W�STCH�STGR FIRG INSURANCG COMPANY, do hereby eertify that the original POWER OF ATCORNEY, of - which the foregoing is a substantially true and correct copy, is in full force and effect. In witness �vhereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Assistant Secretary, and affixed the corporate seal of Ihe Corporation, this j�day of ��i� c.CC,�" y� �;�� ; �v�,.�'�',t � :, ,;� :� �J 5 � � �'*G �4•,. \��'� ;' �,�r� '�. N'i]L•am L. Kel'ry, AsxiaWnl ncTNmy THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY MAY NOT BE USED TO EXECUTE ANY BOND WITH � I.. . .. . . . : �, 6 DocuGard #04546 contains a securiry pantograph, blue background, heat-sensitive [N,�j,�PTIOT�( l�ATB AFTEIt S'eplember 25, 2016. � �I�� � � '.�I� �i �1 _ �i�_�,���, b, � ���„ �j lrb� 1i���"6"�q � �,� , coin-reactive watermark, and microtea7 printing on border. ,�� 5�,�5ENSITIVESy�( .. a , _ o�S�TNMEAroP oJ .�.. �. STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT : : D � K�7►Y Y �1►Y 1�. Page Article 1— Definitions and Terminology ..........................................................................................................1 1.01 Defined Terms ............................................................................................................................... l 1.02 Terminology ..................................................................................................................................6 Ai�ticle 2 — Preliminary Matters .......................................................... 2.01 Copies of Documents ..................................................... 2.02 Commencement of Contract Time; Notice to Proceed . 2.03 Starting the Worlc ........................................................... 2.04 Before Starting Construction ......................................... 2.05 Preconstruction Conference ........................................... 2.06 Public Meeting ............................................................... 2.07 Initial Acceptance of Schedules ..................................... ................... ................... � .................. ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ........... 7 ........... 7 ,.......... 7 ........... 8 ........... 8 ........... 8 ........... 8 ........... 8 Article 3— Contract Documents: Intent, Amending, Reuse ............................................................................ 8 3 . O 1 I nte nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.02 Reference Standards ......................................................................................................................9 3.03 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies .......................................................................................9 3.04 Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents .................................................................10 3.05 Reuse of Documents ...................................................................................................................10 3.06 Electronic Data ............................................................................................................................ l l Article 4— Availability of Lands; Subsurface and Physical Conditions; Hazardous Environmental Conditions; Reference Points ........................................................................................................... l l 4.01 Availability of Lands ..................................................................................................................11 4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions ..........................................................................................12 4.03 Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions .............................................................................12 4.04 Underground Facilities ...............................................................................................................13 4.05 Reference Points .........................................................................................................................14 4.06 Hazardous Environmental Condition at Site ..............................................................................14 Article 5— Bonds and Insurance ....................................................................... 5.01 Licensed Sureties and Insurers ..................................................... 5.02 Perfoe►nance, Payment, and Maintenance Bonds ......................... 5.03 Cei�tificates of Insurance ............................................................... 5.04 Contractor's Insurance .................................................................. 5.05 Acceptance of Bonds and Insurance; Option to Replace ............. .............................................16 .............................................16 .............................................16 .............................................16 .............................................18 .............................................19 Article 6 — Contractor's Responsibilities ........................................................................................................19 6.01 Supervision and Superintendence ...............................................................................................19 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 Labor; Working Hours ................................................................................................................20 Services, Materials, and Equipment ........................................................................................... 20 ProjectSchedule ..................................................................................:.......................................21 Substitutesand "Or-Equals" ....................................................................................................... 21 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers, and Others ....................................................................24 WageRates ..................................................................................................................................25 PatentFees and Royalties ...........................................................................................................26 Permitsand Utilities ....................................................................................................................27 Lawsand Regulations ................................................................................................................. 27 Taxes...........................................................................................................................................28 Useof Site and Other Areas .......................................................................................................28 RecordDocuments ......................................................................................................................29 Safetyand Protection .................................................................................................................. 29 SafetyRepresentative .................................................................................................................. 30 Hazard Communication Programs .............................................................................................30 Emergencies and/or Rectification ............................................................................................... 30 Submittals.................................................................................................................................... 31 Continuingthe Work ................................................................................................................... 32 Contractor's General Warranty and Guarantee ..........................................................................32 Indemnification.........................................................................................................................33 Delegation of Professional Design Services .............................................................................. 34 Rightto Audit .............................................................................................................................. 34 Nondiscrimination....................................................................................................................... 35 Article7- Other Work at the Site ...................................................................................................................35 7.01 Related Work at Site ...................................................................................................................35 7.02 Coordination ................................................................................................................................36 Article 8 - City's Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................36 8.01 Communications to Contractor ................................................................................................... 36 8.02 Furnish Data ................................................................................................................................36 8.03 Pay When Due ............................................................................................................................36 8.04 Lands and Easements; Reports and Tests ...................................................................................36 8.05 Change Orders ............................................................................................................................. 36 8.06 Inspections, Tests, and Approvals .............................................................................................. 36 8.07 Limitations on City's Responsibilities .......................................................................................37 8.08 Undisclosed Hazardous Environmental Condition .................................................................... 37 8.09 Compliance with Safety Program ...............................................................................................37 Article 9- City's Observation Status During Construction ........................................................................... 37 9.01 City's Project Representative .....................................................................................................37 9.02 Visits to Site ................................................................................................................................ 37 9.03 Authorized Variations in Work ..................................................................................................38 9.04 Rejecting Defective Worlc ..........................................................................................................38 9.05 Determinations foi• Work Performed ..........................................................................................38 9.06 Decisions on Requirements of Contract Documents and Acceptability of Worlc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 38 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 Ac�ticle 10 - Changes in the Work; Claims; Extra Wor•k ................................................................................ 38 10.01 Authorized Changes in the Worlc ............................................................................................... 38 10.02 Unauthorized Changes in the Worlc ...........................................................................................39 10.03 Execution of Change Orders ....................................................................................................... 39 10.04 Extra Work ..................................................................................................................................39 10.05 Notification to Surety ..................................................................................................................39 10.06 Contract Claims Process .............................................................................................................40 Article 11 - Cost of the Worlc; Allowances; Unit Price Work; Plans Quantity Measurement ......................41 11.01 Cost of the Work .........................................................................................................................41 11.02 Allowances ..................................................................................................................................43 11.03 Unit Price Worlc .......................................................................................................................... 44 11.04 Plans Quantity Measurement ......................................................................................................45 Article 12 - Change of Contract Price; Change of Contract Time .................................................................46 12.01 Change of Contract Price ............................................................................................................46 12.02 Change of Contract Time ............................................................................................................47 12.03 Delays ..........................................................................................................................................47 Article 13 - Tests and Inspections; Correction, Removal or Acceptance of Defective Work ......................48 13.01 Notice of Defects ........................................................................................................................48 13.02 Access to Worlc ........................................................................................................................... 48 13.03 Tests and Inspections ..................................................................................................................48 13.04 Uncovering Worlc ........................................................................................................................49 13.05 City May Stop the Work .............................................................................................................49 13.06 Correction or Removal of Defective Work ................................................................................ 50 13.07 Cori•ection Period ........................................................................................................................ 50 13.08 Acceptance of Defective Work ................................................................................................... 51 13.09 City May Cori•ect Defective Wot•k ............................................................................................. 51 Article 14 - Payments to Contractor and Completion .................................................................................... 52 14.01 Schedule of Values ......................................................................................................................52 14.02 Progress Payments ......................................................................................................................52 14.03 Cont��actor's Warranty of Title ................................................................................................... 54 14.04 Pa►-tial Utilization ........................................................................................................................ 55 14.05 Final Inspection ...........................................................................................................................55 14.06 Final Acceptance .........................................................................................................................55 14.07 Final Payment ..............................................................................................................................56 14.08 Final Completion Delayed and Partial Retainage Release ........................................................56 14.09 Waiver of Claims ........................................................................................................................ 57 At�ticle 15 - Suspension of Work and Termination ........................................................................................ 57 15.01 City May Suspend Work .............................................................................................................57 15.02 City May Terminate for Cause ................................................................................................... 58 15.03 City May Terminate For Convenience .......................................................................................60 At�ticle 16 - Dispute Resolution ...................................................................................................................... 61 16.01 Methods and Procedures .............................................................................................................61 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 Article17 — Miscellaneous .............................................................................................................................. 62 17.01 Giving Notice ..............................................................................................................................62 17.02 Computation of Times ................................................................................................................ 62 17.03 Cumulative Remedies .................................................................................................................62 ' 17.04 Survival of Obligations ...............................................................................................................63 17.05 Headings ......................................................................................................................................63 CI'I'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 20t2 00 �a oo - t General Conditions Page 1 of 63 ARTICLE 1— DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY 1.01 Defined Te�°ms A. Wherever used in these General Conditions or in other Contract Documents, the terms listed below have the tneanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof, and words denoting gender shall include the masculine, feminine and neuter. Said terms are generally capitalized or written in italics, but not always. When used in a context consistent with the definition of a listed-defined term, the term shall have a meaning as defined below whether capitalized or italicized or otherwise. In addition to terms specifically defined, terms with initial capital letteis in the Contract Documents include references to identified al�ticles and par•agt�aphs, and the titles of other documents or forms. 1. Addenda—Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clarify, correct, ot• change the Bidding Requit•ements or the pr•oposed Contract Documents. 2. Agi°eemer�t—The written instrument which is evidence of the agreement between City and Contractor covering the Work. 3. Application foi� Payment—The form acceptable to City which is to be used by Contractor during the course of the Work in requesting progress or final payments and which is to be accompanied by such suppoi�ting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 4. Asbestos—Any material that contains more than one percent asbestos and is friable or is releasing asbestos fibeis into the air above current action levels established by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 5. Ativard — Authorization by the City Council for the City to enter into an Ag��eement. 6. Bid—The offer or proposal of a Bidder submitted on the pt•escribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed. 7. Bidder—The individual or entity who submits a Bid directly to City. 8. Biddirtg Doca�n�ents—The Bidding Requirements and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda). 9. Bidding Reqirirenaents—The advertiseinent or Invitation to Bid, Instructions io Biddei•s, Bid security of acceptable form, if any, and the Bid Form with any supplements. 10. Bzrsiness Day — A business day is defined as a day that the City conducts nor•mal business, generally Monday through Friday, except for federal or state holidays obseived by the City. 11. Ba�zzsa��� — City's on-line, electronic document management and collaboration system. 12. Cale�da�° Day — A day consisting of 24 hours measured fi•om midnight to the next midnight. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 oonoo-i General Conditions Page 2 of 63 13. Change Order—A document, which is prepared and approved by the City, which is signed by Contractor and City and authorizes an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. 14. City— The City of Fort Worth, Texas, a home-rule municipal corporation, authorized and chartered under the Texas State Statutes, acting by its governing body through its City Manager, his designee, or agents authorized under his behalf, each of which is required by Charter to perform specific duties with responsibility for final enforcement of the contracts involving the City of Fort Worth is by Charter vested in the City Manager and is the entity with whom Contractor has entered into the Agreement and for whom the Work is to be performed. 15. Ciry Attorney — The officially appointed City Attorney of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative. 16. City Cozrncil - The duly elected and qualified governing body of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. 17. City Manager — The officially appointed and authorized City Manager of the City of Foi�t Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative. 18. Contract Clain�—A demand or assertion by City or Contractor seelcing an adjustment of Contract Price or Contract Time, or both, or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract. A demand for money or services by a thit•d party is not a Contract Claim. 19. Contract—The entire and integi•ated written document between the City and Contractor concerning the Work. The Contract contains the Agreement and all Contract Documents and supersedes prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, whether written or oral. 20. Contract Doczrments—Those items so designated in the Agreement. All items listed in the Agreement are Conh•act Documents. Approved Submittals, other Contractor submittals, and the reports and drawings of subsurface and physical conditions are not Contract Documents. 21. Contract Price—The moneys payable by City to Contractor for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement (subject to the provisions of Paragraph 11.03 in the case of Unit Price Worlc). 22. Contract Time—The number of days or the dates stated in the Agreement to: (i) achieve Milestones, if any and (ii) complete the Work so that it is ready for Final Acceptance. 23. Contractor—The individual or entity with whom City has entered into the Agreement. 24. Cost of the Work—See Paragraph 11.01 of these General Conditions for definition. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 oonoo-� General Conditions Page 3 of 63 25. Damage Claims — A demand for money or services arising fi•om the Project or Site fi�om a third paity, City or Contractor exclusive of a Contract Claim. 26. Day or day — A day, unless otherwise defined, shall mean a Calendar Day. 27. Directo�� of Aviatio� — The officially appointed Director of the Aviation Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 28. Director of Parks and Commzrnity Services — The officially appointed Director of the Parlcs and Community Services Depat�ttnent of the City of Foi�t Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 29. Director of Planning and Developme�t — The officially appointed Director of the Planning and Development Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 30. Di�°ectos� of Transportation Public Works — The officially appointed Dit•ector of the Transpoi�tation Public Works Department of the City of Foi�t Woi�th, Texas, or his duly appointed repr•esentative, assistant, or agents. 31. Director of Water Depa�°tmerrt — The officially appointed Director of the Water Department of the City of Foi�t Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 32. Draivings—That part of the Contract Documents prepared or approved by Engineet• which graphically shows the scope, extent, and character of the Worlc to be performed by Contractor. Submittals are not Drawings as so defined. 33. Effective Date of the Agi�eement—The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated, it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the two parties to sign and deliver. 34. Engineer—The licensed professional engineer or engineering fit•m registered in the State of Texas performing professional services for the City. 35. Ext��a Wo��k — Additional work made necessary by changes or alterations of the Contract Documents or of quantities or for other reasons for which no prices are provided in the Contract Documents. Extra work shall be part of the Work. 36. Field O�°der — A written order issued by City which requires changes in the Work but which does not involve a change in the Conh�act Price, Contract Time, or the intent of the Engineer. Field Ordeis are paid fi•om Field Order Allowances incorporated into the Contract by funded work type at the time of award. 37. Final Accepta�ce — The written notice given by the City to the Conh�actor that the Worlc specified in the Contract Documents has been completed to the satisfaction of the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �2 00 - � General Conditions Page 4 of 63 38. Fi�al Irrspection — Inspection carried out by the City to verify that the Contractor has completed the Worlc, and each and every pat�t or appurtenance thereof, fully, entirely, and in conformance with the Contract Documents. 39. General Requireme�ts—Sections of Division 1 of the Contract Documents. 40. Hazardous Environmental Conditiorr—The presence at the Site of Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste, Radioactive Material, or other materials in such quantities or circumstances that may present a substantial danger to persons or property exposed thereto. 41. Hazardoars Waste—Hazardous waste is defined as any solid waste listed as hazardous or possesses one or more hazardous characteristics as defned in the federal waste regulations, as amended fi•om time to time. 42. Laws and Regulations—Any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes, and orders of any and all governmental bodies, agencies, authorities, and courts having jurisdiction. 43. Liens—Charges, security interests, or encumbrances upon Project funds, real property, or personal property. 44. Major Item — An Item of work included in the Contract Documents that has a total cost equal to or greater than 5% of the original Contract Price or $25,000 whichever is less. 45. Milestone—A principal event specified in the Contract Documents relating to an intermediate Contract Time prior to Fina1 Acceptance of the Work. 46. Notice of Award—The written notice by City to the Successful Bidder stating that upon timely compliance by the Successful Bidder with the conditions precedent listed therein, City will sign and deliver the Agreement. 47. Notice to Proceed—A written notice given by City to Contractor fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which Contractor shall start to perform the Work specified in Contract Documents. 48. PCBs—Polychlorinated biphenyls. 49. Petrolezrm—Petroleum, including ciude oil or any fraction thereof which is liquid at standard conditions of temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit and 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute), such as oil, petroleum, fuel oil, oil sludge, oil refuse, gasoline, kerosene, and oil mixed with other non-Hazardous Waste and crude oils. 50. Plarrs — See definition of Drawings. CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �a oo - i General Conditio��s Page 5 of 63 51. P�roject Schedule—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Contractor, in accordance with the General Requirements, describing the sequence and duration of the activities comprising the Contractor's plan to accomplish the Worlc within the Contract Time. 52. Project—The Work to be performed under the Contract Documents. 53. Project Repi°esentative—The authorized representative of the City who will be assigned to the S ite. 54. Pzrblic Meeting — An announced meeting conducted by the City to facilitate public participation and to assist the public in gaining an infortned view of the Project. 55. Radioactive Material.—Source, special nuclear, or byproduct matet•ial as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 USC Section 2011 et seq.) as amended fi�om time to time. 56. Regzrlar Woi°king Hou�°s — Hours beginning at 7:00 a.m. and ending at 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (excluding legal holidays). 57. Samples—Physical examples of materials, equipment, or workmanship that are r•epresentative of some portion of the Wot•lc and which establish the standards by which such portion of the Work will be judged. 58. Schedz�le of Saibmittals—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Conh�actor, of required submittals and the time requirements to suppoi�t scheduled performance of related construction activities. 59. Schedaile of Values—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Conh�actor, allocating portions of the Contract Price to various portions of the Work and used as the basis for reviewing Contractor's Applications for Payment. 60. Site—Lands or areas indicated in the Contract Documents as being fiu•nished by City upon which the Work is to be performed, including rights-of-way, permits, and easements for access thereto, and such other lands furnished by City which are designated for the use of Contractor. 61. Specifications—That part of the Contract Documents consisting of written requirements for materials, equipment, systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Worlc, and cer�tain administrative requirements and procedin�al matteis applicable thereto. Specifications may be specifically made a pai�t of the Contract Documents by attachment or, if not attached, may be incorporated by reference as indicated in the Table of Contents (Division 00 00 00) of each Project. 62. Sarbcorrh�actof=An individual or entity having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Worlc at the Site. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l. 2012 00 �2 00 - i General Conditions Page 6 of 63 63. Submittals—All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, and other data or information which are specifically prepared or assembled by or for Contractor and submitted by Contractor to illustrate some poi�tion of the Work. 64. Successful Bidder—The Bidder submitting the lowest and most responsive Bid to whom City malces an Award. 65. Superintende�t — The representative of the Contractor who is available at all times and able to receive instructions fi•om the City and to act for the Contractor. 66. Supplementary Conditions—That part of the Contract Documents which amends or supplements these General Conditions. 67. Supplier—A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, materialman, or vendor having a direct contract with Contractor or with any Subcontractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by Contractor or Subcontractor. 68. Undergrourrd Facilities—All undeiground pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manholes, vaults, tanlcs, tunnels, or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasements containing such facilities, including but not limited to, those that convey electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, water, wastewater, storm water, other liquids or chemicals, OI' tl•affic or other control systems. 69. Unit Price Work—See Paragraph 11.03 of these General Conditions for definition. 70. Weekend Working Hours — Hours beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m., Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, as approved in advance by the City. 7L Work—The entire construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be provided under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is the result of performing or providing all labor, services, and documentation necessary to produce such construction including any Change Order or Field Order, and furnishing, installing, and incorporating all materials and equipment into such construction, all as required by the Contract Documents. 72. Working Day — A worlcing day is defined as a day, not including Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays authorized by the City for contract purposes, in which weather or other conditions not under the control of the Contractor will permit the performance of the principal unit of work underway for a continuous period of not less than 7 hours between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. 1.02 Termi�ology A. The words and terms discussed in Paragraph 1.02.B through E are not defined but, when used in the Bidding Requirements or Contract Documents, have the indicated meaning. B. Inte�t of Certain Terms or Adjectives: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 007200-i General Conditions Page 7 of 63 The Contract Documents include the terms "as allowed," "as approved," "as order•ed," "as directed" or terms of lilce effect or import to authorize an exercise of judgment by City. In addition, the adjectives "t•easonable," "suitable," "acceptable," "proper," "satisfactory," or adjectives of like effect or import are used to describe an action or determination of City as to the Worlc. It is intended that such exercise of professional judgment, action, or determination will be solely to evaluate, in general, the Worlc for compliance with the information in the Contract Documents and with the design concept of the Pr•oject as a fiinctioning whole as shown or indicated in the Contract Documents (unless there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). C. Defective: 1. The word "defective," when modifying the word "Worlc," refers to Worlc that is unsatisfactot•y, faulty, or deficient in that it: a. does not conform to the Contract Documents; or b. does not meet the requirements of any applicable inspection, �•eference standard, test, or approval referred to in the Contract Documents; ot• c, has been damaged prior to City's written acceptance. D. Fza�nish, Install, Perform, Provide: 1. The word "Furnish" or the word "Install" or the word "Perform" or the word "Provide" or the word "Supply," or any combination or similar directive or usage thec•eof, shall mean furnishing and incorporating in the Worlc including all necessary labor, materials, equipment, and everything necessary to perform the Work indicated, unless specifically limited in the contextused. E. Unless stated otherwise in the Contract Documents, words or phrases that have a well-lcnown technical ot• construction industty or trade meaning are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meaning. ARTICLE 2 — PRELIMINARY MATTERS 2.01 Copies of DocZrments City shall furnish to Contractor one (1) original executed copy and one (1) electconic copy of the Contract Documents, and four (4) additional copies of the Drawings. Additional copies will be furnished upon request at the cost of reproduction. 2.02 Con�n�encement of Co�tract Time; Notice to Proceed The Contract Time will commence to t•un on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given at any time within 14 days after the Effective Date of the Ag��eement. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �2 00 - � General Conditions Page 8 of 63 2.03 Starting the Work Contractor shall start to perform the Work on the date when the Conh�act Time commences to run. No Work shall be done at the Site prior to the date on which the Contract Time commences to run. 2.04 Before Starting Construction Baseline Schedarles: Submit in accordance with the Contract Documents, and prior to starting the Worlc. 2.05 Preconst�°uction Conference Before any Work at the Site is started, the Contractor shall attend a Preconstruction Conference as specified in the Contract Documents. 2.06 Public Meeting Contractor may not mobilize any equipment, materials or resources to the Site prior to Contractor attending the Public Meeting as scheduled by the City. 2.07 Initial Acceptance of Schedzrles No progress payment shall be made to Contractor until acceptable schedules are submitted to City in accordance with the Schedule Specification as provided in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3— CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE 3.01 Intent A. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is required by one is as binding as if required by all. B. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete project (or part thereo� to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any labor, documentation, services, materials, or equipment that reasonably may be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or trade usage as being required to produce the indicated result will be provided whether or not specifically called for, at no additional cost to City. C. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by City. D. The Specifications may vary in form, format and style. Some Specification sections may be written in varying degrees of streamlined oi• declarative style and some sections may be relatively narrative by comparison. Omission of such words and phrases as "the Contractor shall," "in conformity with," "as shown," or "as specified" are intentional in streamlined sections. Omitted words and pht•ases shall be supplied by inference. Similat• types of provisions may appear in various parts of a section or articles within a patrt depending on the format of the CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 007200-1 General Conditions Page 9 of 63 section. The Contractor shall not talce advantage of any variation of form, format or style in malcing Contract Claims. E. The cross referencing of specification sections under the subparagraph heading "Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:" and elsewhere within each Specification section is provided as an aid and convenience to the Contractor. The Contractor shall not rely on the cross referencing provided and shall be responsible to coordinate the entire Worlc under the Contract Documents and provide a complete Project whether or not the cross referencing is provided in each section ot• whether or not the cross referencing is complete. 3.02 Refes�ence Standards A. Standards, Specifications, Codes, Laws, and Regulations 1. Reference to standards, specifications, manuals, or codes of any technical society, organization, or association, or to Laws or Regulations, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the standard, specification, manual, code, or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Bids (or on the Effective Date of the Agreement if there were no Bids), except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents. 2. No provision of any such standard, specification, manual, or code, or any instruction of a Supplier, shall be effective to change the duties or responsibilities of City, Contractor, or any of theit• subcontractors, consultants, agents, or employees, fi•om those set forth in the Contract Documents. No such provision or instruction shall be effective to assign to City, or any of its officers, directors, members, pai�tners, employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractois, any duty or authority to supervise or dit•ect the performance of the Worlc or any duty or authority to undertalce responsibility inconsistent with the provisions of the Contract Documents. 3.03 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies A. Reporti�g Discrepancies: 1. Cont�°actoi�'s Review of Co�tract Doczrn�e�ts 13efore Startirrg Wo��k: Before undertaking each part of the Work, Contractot• shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and checic and verify pertinent figures therein against all applicable field meastn�ements and conditions. Contractor shall promptly report in writing to City any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy which Contractor discoveis, or has actual lcnowledge of, and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification fi•om City before proceeding with any Work affected thereby. 2. Co�tr°actor's Revietiv of Contract Doczrn�ents Dirring Pe�foi�mance of Work: If, during the performance of the Worlc, Contractor discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy within the Contract Documents, or between the Contract Documents and (a) any appiicable Law or Regulation ,(b) any standard, specification, manual, or code, or (c) any instruction of any Supplier, then Contractor shall promptly repoi�t it to City in w�•iting. Contractor shall not proceed with the Work affected thereby (except in an emergency as required by Pat•agraph CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 72 00 - 1 General Conditions Page I 0 of 63 6.17.A) until an amendment or supplement to the Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods indicated in Paragraph 3.04. 3. Contractor shall not be liable to City for failure to report any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy in the Contract Documents unless Contractor had actual knowledge thereof. B. Resolving Discrepancies: Except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents, the provisions of the Contract Documents shall take precedence in resolving any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documents and the provisions of any standard, specification, manual, or the instruction of any Supplier (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents). 2. In case of discrepancies, figured dimensions shall govern over scaled dimensions, Plans shall govern over Specifications, Supplementary Conditions shall govern over Genera] Conditions and Specifications, and quantities shown on the Plans shall govern over those shown in the proposal. 3.04 Amending and Supplementing Contract Docarments A. The Contract Documents may be amended to provide for additions, deletions, and revisions in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof by a Change Order. B. The requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in the Woric not involving a change in Contract Price or Contract Time, may be authorized, by one or more of the following ways: 1. A Field Order; 2. City's review of a Submittal (subject to the provisions of Paragraph 6.18.C); or 3. City's written interpretation or clarification. 3.05 Reuse of Doczrments A. Contractor and any Subcontractor or Supplier shall not: 1. have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications, or other documents (or copies of any thereo� prepared by or bearing the seal of Engineer, including electronic media editions; or 2. reuse any such Drawings, Specifications, other documents, or copies thereof on extensions of the Project or any other project without written consent of City and specific written verification or adaptation by Engineer. CITY OF FORT WORTH ` STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 72 00 - 1 General Conditions Page 1 l of 63 B. The prohibitions of this Paragraph 3.05 will survive final payment, or termination of the Contract. Nothing her•ein shall preclude Contractor fi�om retaining copies of the Contract Documents for record purposes. 3.06 Elect�•onic Data A. Unless otherwise stated in the Supplementary Conditions, the data furnished by City or Engineer to Contractot•, or by Contractor to City or Engineer, that may be relied upon are limited to the printed copies included in the Contract Documents (also lcnown as hard copies) and other Specifications referenced and located on the City's Buzzsaw site. Files in electronic media format of text, data, graphics, or other types are furnished only fot• the convenience of the receiving pai�ty. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at the user's sole risk. If there is a discrepancy between the electronic files and the hard copies, the hard copies govern. B. When transferring documents in elect��onic media format, the transfet•ring pai�ty makes no representations as to long tet•m compatibility, usability, or readability of documents resulting fi�om the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing fi�om those used by the data's creator. ARTICLE 4— AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS; REFEItENCE POINTS 4.01 Availabrliry of La�ds A. City shall fiirnish the Site. City shall notify Contractor of any encumbc•ances or restrictions not of general application but specifically related to use of the Site with which Contt•actoi• must comply in perfoiming the Worlc. City will obtain in a timely mannet• and pay for easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities. 1. The City has obtained or anticipates acquisition of and/or access to right-of-way, and/or easements. Any outstanding right-of-way and/or easements are anticipated to be acquired in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Supplementaiy Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contcact Documents must consider any outstanding right-of-way, and/or easements. 2. The City has or anticipates removing and/or relocating utilities, and obstructions to the Site. Any oiitstanding removal or relocation of utilities or obstructions is anticipated in accordance with the schedule set foi�th in the Supplementaiy Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Cont��actor in accordance with the Contract Documents must consider any outstanding utilities ot• obstructions to be removed, adjusted, and/or relocated by others. B. Upon reasonable written request, City shall fiirnish Contractor with a current statement of record legal title and legal description of the lands upon which the Work is to be performed. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 oo�zoo-1 Genera( Conditions Page 12 of 63 ' C. Contractor shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions A. Reports and Dra��ings: The Supplementary Conditions identify: 1. those reports lcnown to City of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site; and 2. those drawings known to City of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at the Site (except Underground Facilities). B. Limited Reliance by Contractor on Techrrical Data AZrthorized: Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings, but such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents. Such "technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Contractor may not make any Contract Claim against City, or any of their officers, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors with respect to: 1. the completeness of such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes, including, but not limited to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto; or 2. other data, interpretations, opinions, and information contained in such reports or shown or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Contractor interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or any such other data, interpretations, opinions, or information. 4.03 Differing Subsui face or Physical Conditions A. Notice: If Contractor believes that any subsurface or physical condition that is uncovered or revealed either: 1. is of such a nature as to establish that any "technical data" on which Contractor is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.02 is materially inaccurate; or 2. is of such a nature as to require a change in the Contract Documents; or 3. differs materially from that shown or indicated in the Contract Documents; or 4. is of an unusual nature, and differs materially fi•om conditions ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract Documents; CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �z oo - i General Conditions Page 13 of 63 then Contractor shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before filrther disturbing the subsui•face or physical conditions or performing any Worlc in connection therewith (except in an emergency as required by Paragt•aph 6.17.A), notify City in writing about such condition. B. Possible Price and Time Adjustments Contc�actor shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Time if: 1. Contractor lcnew of the existence of such conditions at the time Contractor made a final commitment to City with t•espect to Contract Price and Contract Time by the submission of a Bid or becoming bound under a negotiated contract; or 2. the existence of such condition could reasonably have been discovered or revealed as a result of the examination of the Contract Documents or the Site; or 3. Contractor failed to give the written notice as required by Paragraph 4.03.A. 4.04 U�dergrozirrd Facilities A. Sho�vn o�° Inclicated: The infoimation and data shown or indicated in the Contc•act Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the Site is based on information and data furnished to City or Engineer by the owners of such Underground Facilities, including City, or by others. Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: 1. City and Engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such infoimation or data provided by others; and 2. the cost of all of the following will be included in the Contract Price, and Contractor shall have fiill responsibility for: a. reviewing and checking all such information and data; b. locating all Undet•gcound Facilities shown or indicated in the Conti•act Documents; c. coordination and adjustment of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities, including City, during consti•uction; and d. the safety and protection of all such Undergeound Facilities and repairing any damage thereto resulting fi�om the Work. B. Not Sho�a�n or I�dicated: 1. If an Undeigcound Facility which conflicts with the Work is uncovet•ed or revealed at or contiguous to the Site which was not shown or indicated, or not shown or indicated with reasonable accuracy in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before fui�ther disturbing conditions affected thereby oc performing any CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2(, 2012 00 �2 00 -1 General Conditions Page 14 of 63 Worlc in connection therewith (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A), identify the owner of such Underground Facility and give notice to that owner and to City. ' City will review the discovered Underground Facility and determine the extent, if any, to which a change may be required in the Contract Documents to reflect and document the consequences of the existence or location of the Undergl•ound Facility. Contractor shall be ' responsible for• the safety and protection of such discovered Underground Facility. 2. If City concludes that a change in the Contract Documents is required, a Change Order may be issued to reflect and document such consequences. 3. Verification of existing utilities, structures, and service lines shall include notification of all utility companies a minimum of 48 hours in advance of construction including exploratory excavation if necessary. 4.05 Reference Points A. City shall provide engineering surveys to establish reference points for construction, which in City's judgment are necessary to enable Contractor to proceed with the Work. City will provide construction stakes or other customary method of marking to establish line and grades for roadway and utility construction, centerlines and benchmarlcs for bridgeworlc. Contractor shall protect and preserve the established reference points and property monuments, and shall make no changes or relocations. Contractor shall report to City whenever any reference point or property monument is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessaiy changes in grades or locations. The City shall be responsible for the replacement or relocation of reference points or property monuments not carelessly or willfully destroyed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall notify City in advance and with sufficient time to avoid delays. B. Whenever, in the opinion of the City, any reference point or monument has been carelessly or willfully destroyed, disturbed, or removed by the Contractor or any of his employees, the full cost for replacing such points plus 25% will be charged against the Contractor, and the full amount will be deducted from payment due the Contractor. 4.06 Hazardous Environmental Condition at Site A. Reports arrd Df•awings: The Supplementaty Conditions identify those reports and drawings known to City relating to Hazardous Environmental Conditions that have been identified at the Site. B. Limited Reliance by Contractor on Technical Data Azrthorized: Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings, but such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents. Such "technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Contractor may not make any Contract Claim against City, or any of their officeis, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors with respect to: 1. the completeness of such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes, including, but not limited to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of ' CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS ' Revision: December2l, 2012 oo�zoo-� General Conditions Page 15 of 63 construction to be employed by Contractor and safety precautions and programs incident thereto; or 2. other data, interpretations, opinions and information contained in such reports or shown or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Contractor interpretation of or conclusion drawn fi•om any "technical data" or any such other data, intet•pretations, opinions or information. C. Contractor shall not be t•esponsible for any Hazardous Environmental Condition uncovered or revealed at the Site which was not shown or indicated in Drawings or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for a Hazardous Environmental Condition created with any materials brought to the Site by Contractor, Subcontractois, Supplieis, ot• anyone else foi• whom Contractor is responsible. D. If Contractor encounters a Hazardous Environmental Condition or if Contt•actor or anyone for whom Contractor is r•esponsible creates a Hazardous Environmental Condition, Contractor shall immediately: (i) secure or otherwise isolate such condition; (ii) stop all Worlc in connection with such condition and in any area affected thereby (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A); and (iii) notify City (and promptly thereafter confirm such notice in writing). City may consider the necessity to retain a qualified expert to evaluate such condition or talce corrective action, if any. E. Contractor• shall not be requic�ed to resume Wot�k in connection with such condition or in any affected area until after City has obtained any required permits related thereto and delivered written notice to Contractor: (i) specifying that such condition and any affected area is or has been rendeced suitable for the resumption of Work; or (ii) specifying any special conditions undet• which such Work may be i•esumed. F. If after receipt of such written notice Contractor does not agree to resume such Work based on a reasonable belief it is unsafe, or does not agree to resume such Work under such special conditions, then City may order the por•tion of the Work that is in the area affected by such condition to be deleted from the Work. City may have such deleted pottion of the Work performed by City's own forces or otheis. G. To the fitllest exter�t pe�°mitted by La���s and Regzrlations, Co�tracto�° shall i»den�n� and hold harmless City, fi�om and agairtst all claims, costs, losses, and danaages (inclaiding bzrt not limited to all fees a�d chaf�ges of engir�eers, architects, attoi°neys, and othe�• pj�ofessio»als crnd all cozirt or arbitration o�° othef� disparte resolutiorr costs) arisii�g out of or relafirrg to a Hazardoz�s E�vironme�tal Condition c�°eated by Co�t�°actor or° by anyone fof° �a�hon� Contj�actor is responsible. Nothing in this ParagYaph 4.06.G shall obligate Corrtractor to inden�n� as�y individual o�° e�tily fi�on� and agaihst the co�seqarences of that individzral's or enti.ry's otia�n negligence. H. The provisions of Paragraphs 4.02, 4.03, and 4.04 do not apply to a Hazardous Environmental Condition uncovered oi• revealed at the Site. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �a oo - � General Conditions Page 16 of 63 ARTICLE 5— BONDS AND INSURANCE 5.01 Licensed Sureties a�d Instn°ers All bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents to be purchased and maintained by Contractor shall be obtained from surety or insurance companies that are duly licensed or authorized in the State of Texas to issue bonds or insurance policies for the limits and coverages so required. Such surety and insurance companies shall also meet such additional requirements and qualifications as may be provided in the Supplementaiy Conditions. 5.02 Performance, Payment, arrd Maintenance Bonds A. Contractor shall furnish performance and payment bonds, in accordance with Texas Government Code Chapter 2253 or successor statute, each in an amount equal to the Contract Price as security for the faithful performance and payment of all of Contractor's obligations under the Contract Documents. B. Contractor shall furnish maintenance bonds in an amount equal to the Contract Price as security to protect the City against any defects in any portion of the Work described in the Contract Documents. Maintenance bonds shall remain in effect for two (2) years after the date of Final Acceptance by the City. C. All bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Documents except as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulations, and shall be executed by such sureties as are named in the list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Financial Management Service, Surety Bond Branch, U.S. Department of the Treasury. All bonds signed by an agent or attorney-in-fact must be accompanied by a sealed and dated power of attorney which shall show that it is effective on the date the agent or attorney-in-fact signed each bond. D. If the surety on any bond furnished by Contractor is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in the State of Texas or it ceases to meet the requirements of Paragraph 5.02.C, Contractor shall promptly notify City and shall, within 30 days after the event giving rise to such notification, provide another bond and surety, both of which shall comply with the requirements of Paragraphs 5.01 and 5.02.C. 5.03 Certifrcates of Inszrrance Contractor shall deliver to City, with copies to each additional insured and loss payee identified in the Supplementaiy Conditions, cer�tificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance requested by City or any other additional insured) which Contractor is required to purchase and maintain. 1. The cei�tificate of insurance shall document the City, and all identified entities named in the Supplementary Conditions as "Additional Insured" on all liability policies. CITY OF FORT WORTH S1'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 007200- 1 General Conditions Page 17 of 63 2. The Contractor's general liability insurance shall include a, "per projecY' or "per location", endorsement, which shall be identified in the certificate of insurance provided to the City. 3. The cei�tificate shall be signed by an agent authorized to bind coverage on behalf of the insured, be complete in its entirety, and show complete insurance carrier names as listed in the curcent A.M. Best Property & Casualty Guide 4. The insurers for all policies must be licensed and/or approved to do business in the State of Texas. Except for worlcers' compensation, all insurers must have a minimum rating of A-: VII in the current A. M. Best Key Rating Guide or have reasonably equivalent financial strength and solvency to the satisfaction of Rislc Management. If the rating is below that required, written approval of City is required. 5. All applicable policies shall include a Waiver of Subrogation (Rights of Recovery) in favot• of the City. In addition, the Contractor agrees to waive all t•ights of subrogation against the Engineer (if applicable), and each additional insured identified in the Supplementat•y Conditions 6. Failui•e of the City to demand such cei�tificates or other evidence of full compliance with the insurance requic•ements or failure of the City to identify a deficiency fi•om evidence that is provided shall not be construed as a waiver of Contractor's obligation to maintain such lines of insurance coverage. 7. If insurance policies are not written for specifed coverage limits, an Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance for any differences is required. Excess Liability shall follow form of the primary coverage. 8. Unless otherwise stated, all required insurance shall be written on the "occurrence basis". If coverage is underwritten on a claims-made basis, the retroactive date shall be coincident with or prior to the date of the effective date of the agreement and the certificate of insurance shall state that the coverage is claims-made and the retroactive date. The insurance coverage shall be maintained for the duration of the Contract and for three (3) years following Final Acceptance provided under the Contract Documents or for the warranty period, whichever is longer. An annual certificate of insurance submitted to the City shall evidence such instu�ance coverage. 9. Policies shall have no exclusions by endorsements, which, neither nullify or amend, the required lines of coverage, nor decrease the limits of said coverage unless such endorsements ace approved in writing by the City. In the event a Contract has been bid or executed and the exclusions are determined to be unacceptable or the City desii•es additional insurance covecage, and the City desires the contractor/engineer to obtain such coverage, the contract pi•ice shall be adjusted by the cost of the premiutn fot• such additional coverage plus 10%. 10. Any self-insured retention (SIR), in excess of $25,000.00, affecting t•equired insurance coverage shall be approved by the City in regards to asset value and stockholdets' equity. In CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 007200- I General Conditions Page 18 of 63 ' lieu of traditional insurance, alternative coverage maintained through insurance pools or rislc retention groups, must also be approved by City. 1 l. Any deductible in excess of $5,000.00, for any policy that does not provide coverage on a first-dollar basis, must be acceptable to and approved by the City. 12. City, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to review the insurance requirements and to make reasonable adjustments to insurance coverage's and their limits when deemed necessary and prudent by the City based upon changes in statutory law, court decision or the claims history of the industry as well as of the contracting party to the City. The City shall be required to provide prior notice of 90 days, and the insurance adjustments shall be incorporated into the Worlc by Change Order. 13. City shall be entitled, upon written request and without expense, to receive copies of policies and endorsements thereto and may make any reasonable requests for deletion or revision or modifications of particular policy terms, conditions, limitations, or exclusions necessary to conform the policy and endorsements to the requirements of the Contract. Deletions, revisions, or modifications shall not be required where policy provisions are established by law or regulations binding upon either party or the underwriter on any such policies. 14. City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium costs for Contractor's insurance. 5.04 Contractor's Insurance A. Workers Compensatio� and Enapdoyers' Liabiliry. Contractor shall purchase and maintain such insurance coverage with limits consistent with statutory benefits outlined in the Texas Worlcers' Compensation Act (Texas Labor Code, Ch. 406, as amended), and minimum limits for Employers' Liability as is appropriate for the Work being performed and as will provide protection fi�om claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from Contractor's performance of the Worlc and Contractor's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed by Contractor, any Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or• indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: 1. claims under workers' compensation, disability benefits, and other similar employee benefit acts; 2. claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of Contractor's employees. B. Commercial General Liability. Coverage shall include but not be limited to covering liability (bodily injuiy or property damage) arising fi•om: premises/operations, independent contractors, products/completed operations, personal injury, and liability under an insured contract. Insurance shall be provided on an occurrence basis, and as comprehensive as the curt•ent Insurance Services Office (ISO) policy. This insurance shall apply as primai•y insurance with respect to any other CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �z oo - � Generaf Conditions Page I 9 of 63 insurance or• self-insurance pr•ograms afforded to the City. The Commercial General Liability policy, shall have no exclusions by endorsements that would alter of nullify premises/operations, products/completed operations, contractual, personal injury, or advertising injury, which are normally contained with the policy, unless the City approves such exclusions in writing. For construction projects that present a substantial completed operation exposure, the City may require the contt�actor to maintain completed operations coverage for a minimum of no less than three (3) years following the completion of the project (if identified in the Supplementary Conditions). C. Automobile Liabidiry. A commercial business auto policy shall pt•ovide coverage on "any auto", defined as autos owned, hired and non-owned and provide indemnity for claims for damages because bodily injury or death of any peison and or propet�ty damage arising out of the work, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle by the Contractor, any Subcontractor ot• Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. D. Raihroad Protective Liabili.ry. If any of the worlc ot• any warranty work is within the limits of railroad right-of-way, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements identified in the Supplementary Conditions. E. Notifrcation of Podicy Cancellatio�: Contractor shall immediately notify City upon cancellation or other loss of insurance coverage. Contractor shall stop worlc until replacement insurance has been procured. There shall be no time credit for days not worked pursuant to this section. 5.05 Accepta�ce of Borrds a�d I�surance; Optio� to Replace If City has any objection to the coverage affor•ded by or other provisions of the bonds or insurance requir•ed to be ptu�chased and maintained by the Contractor in accordance with Article 5 on the basis of non-conformance with the Contract Documents, the City shall so notify the Contt•actor in writing within 10 Business Days after receipt of the certificates (or other evidence requested). Contractor shall provide to the City such additionai information in respect of insurance provided as the City tnay reasonably request. If Contractor does not purchase or maintain all of the bonds and insurance requii•ed by the Contt•act Documents, the City shall notify the Contractor in writing of such failut•e prior to the stai�t of the Worlc, or of such failure to maintain prior to any change in the required coverage. ARTICLE 6 — CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.01 SarpeJ°visiorr and Sarperintende�ce A. Contractor shall supervise, inspect, and direct the Worlc competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such slcills and expei�tise as may be necessary to pei•form the Woric in accordance with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and pr•ocedures of construction. CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 72 00 - 1 General Conditions Page 20 of 63 B. At all times during the progress of the Work, Contractor shall assign a competent, English- speaking, Superintendent who shall not be replaced without written notice to City. The Superintendent will be Contractor's representative at the Site and shall have authoi•ity to act on behalf of Contractor. All communication given to or received from the Superintendent shall be binding on Contractor. C. Contractor shall notify the City 24 hours prior to moving areas during the sequence of construction. 6.02 Labor; Working Hours A. Contractor shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to perform constiuction as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the Site. B. Except as otherwise required for the safety or protection of persons or the Work or propei�ty at the Site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, all Worlc at the Site shall be performed during Regular Worlcing Hours. Contractor will not permit the performance of Work beyond Regular Working Hours or for Weekend Working Hours without City's written consent (which will not be unreasonably withheld). Written request (by letter or electronic communication) to perform Work: 1. for beyond Regular Working Hours request must be made by noon at least two (2) Business Days prior 2. for Weekend Working Hours request must be made by noon of the preceding Thursday 3. for legal holidays request must be made by noon two Business Days prior to the legal holiday. 6.03 Services, Materials, a�d Equipnaent A. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall provide and assume full responsibility for all services, materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities, and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the performance, Contractor required testing, start-up, and completion of the Worlc. B. All materials and equipment incorporated into the Worlc shall be as specified or, if not specified, shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. All special warranties and guarantees required by the Specifications shall expressly run to the benefit of City. If required by City, Contractor shali furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the source, lcind, and quality of materials and equipment. CITY OF FORT WORTH ' STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMEN'I'S Revision: December2l, 2012 oonoo-� General Conditions Page 2l of 63 C. All materials and equipment to be incorporated into the Worlc shall be stored, applied, installed, connected, erected, protected, used, cleaned, and conditioned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier, except as otherwise may be provided in the Contract Documents. D. All items of standard equipment to be incorporated into the Worlc shall be the latest model at the time of bid, unless otherwise specified. 6.04 Project Schedule A. Contractor shall adhere to the Project Schedule established in accordance with Paragraph 2.07 and the Genet•al Requirements as it may be adjusted fi�om time to time as provided below. 1. Contractor shall submit to City for acceptance (to the extent indicated in Paragraph 2.07 and the General Requirements) proposed adjustments in the Project Schedule that will not result in changing the Contract Time. Such adjustments will comply with any provisions of the General Requirements applicable thereto. 2. Contractor shall submit to City a monthly Project Schedule with a monthly progress payment for the dui•ation of the Contract in accordance with the schedule specification O1 32 16. Proposed adjustments in the Project Schedule that will change the Contract Time shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Article 12. Adjustments in Contcact Time may only be made by a Change Order. 6.05 Saibstitutes arrd "Or-Equals" A. Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or desct•ibed in the Conti•act Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a pai�ticular Supplier, the specification or desct•iption is intended to establish the type, function, appearance, and quality required. Unless the specification or description contains or is followed by words r•eading that no like, equivalent, or "or-equal" item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material or equipment of other Supplieis may be submitted to City for 1•eview under the circumstances described below, 1. "Oi�-Equal" Items: If in City's sole discretion an item of material oi• equipment proposed by Contractor is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently similar so that no change in related Work will be required, it may be considei�ed by City as an "or-equal" item, in which case review and approval of the proposed item may, in City's sole discretion, be accomplished without compliance with some or all of the requi�•ements for approval of proposed substitute items. For the purposes of this Paragraph 6.OS.A.1, a proposed item of material or equipment will be considered functionally equal to an item so named i£ a. the City determines that: 1) it is at least equal in materials of construction, quality, dut�ability, appearance, strength, and design characteristics; CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l. 2012 00 �z oo - � General Conditions Page 22 of 63 2) it will reliably perform at least equally well the function and achieve the results imposed by the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole; and 3) it has a proven record of performance and availability of responsive service; and b. Contractor certifies that, if approved and incorporated into the Work: 1) there will be no increase in cost to the City or increase in Contract Time; and 2) it will confoim substantially to the detailed requirements of the item named in the Conh�act Documents. 2. Szrbstitute Items: a. If in City's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by Contractor does not qualify as an "or-equal" item under Paragraph 6.OS.A.1, it may be submitted as a proposed substitute item. b. Contractor shall submit sufficient information as provided below to allow City to determine if the item of material or equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and an acceptable substitute therefor. Requests for review of proposed substitute items of material or equipment will not be accepted by City fi•om anyone other than Contractor. c. Contractor sha11 make written application to City for review of a proposed substitute item of material or equipment that Contractor seeks to furnish or use. The application shall comply with Section O1 25 00 and: 1) shall certify that the proposed substitute item will: a) perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general design; b) be similar in substance to that specified; c) be suited to the same use as that specified; and 2) will state: a) the extent, if any, to which the use of the proposed substitute item will prejudice Contractor's achievement of final completion on time; b) whether use of the proposed substitute item in the Work will require a change in ' any of the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract - with City for other worlc on the Project) to adapt the design to the proposed substitute item; CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 oonoo-� General Conditions Page 23 of 63 c) whether incorporation or use of the proposed substitute item in connection with the Wor•k is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty; and 3) will identify: a) all variations of the proposed substitute item from that specified; b) available engineering, sales, maintenance, repair, and replacement services; and 4) shall contain an itemized estimate of all costs or credits that will result directly or indirectly fi•om use of such substitute item, including costs of redesign and Damage Claims of other contractors affected by any resulting change. B. Substitarte Consti•trction Methods or Pi°ocedures: If a specific means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction is expressly requic•ed by the Contract Documents, Contractor may furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction approved by City. Contractor shall submit sufficient information to allow City, in City's sole discretion, to deteimine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that expressly called for by the Contcact Documents. Contractor shall make written application to City for review in the same manner as those provided in Paragraph 6.OS.A.2. C. City's Evaluation: City will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or submittal made pursuant to Pat•agraphs 6.OS.A and 6.OS.B. City may require Contractor to fut•nish additional data about the proposed substitute. City will be the sole judge of acceptability. No "or-equal" or substitute will be ordered, installed or utilized until City's review is complete, which will be evidenced by a Change Order in the case of a substitute and an accepted Submittal for an "or-equal." City will advise Contractor in writing of its determination. D. Special Ga�arantee: City may require Contractor to fi�rnish at Contractor's expense a special performance guarantee, warranty, or other surety with respect to any substitute. Contractor shall inden�n�� and hold ha�°mless City and anyone directly o�° indii°ectly employed by then� fi�om and against a�y and all claims, danaages, losses and expe�ses (inclz�ding attorneys fees) a�°isirrg oart of the zise of substitZ�ted mate�°ials or eqz�ipn�ent. E. Ci.ry's Cost Reimburseme�t: City will record City's costs in evaluating a substitute pt•oposed or submitted by Contractor pursuant to Paragi•aphs 6.OS.A.2 and 6.OS.B. Whether or not City appt•oves a substitute so proposed or submitted by Conti•actor, Contractor may be required to reimburse City for evaluating each such proposed substitute. Contractor may also be requit•ed to reimbuise City for the charges for making changes in the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with City) resulting fi•om the acceptance of each proposed substitute. F. Contractoi°'s Expense: Contractor shall provide all data in suppoi�t of any proposed substitute or "or-equal" at Contractor's expense. CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 72 00 - i General Conditions Page 24 of 63 G. Ciry Substitute Reimbzrrsement: Costs (savings or charges) attr•ibutable to acceptance of a substitute shall be incorporated to the Contract by Change Order. H. Time Extensions: No additional time will be granted for substitutions. 6.06 Co�ce��ning Subcontractors, SZrppliers, a�d Othe��s A. Contractor shall perform with his own organization, work of a value not less than 35°/o of the value embraced on the Contract, unless otherwise approved by the City. B. Conh�actor shall not employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity, whether initially or as a replacement, against whom City may have reasonable objection. Contractor shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity to furnish or perform any of the Worlc against whom Contractor has reasonable objection (excluding those acceptable to City as indicated in Paragraph 6.06.C). C. The City may from time to time require the use of certain Subcontractors, Suppliers, or other individuals or entities on the project, and will provide such requirements in the Supplementary Conditions. D. Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance Compliance: It is City policy to ensure the full and equitable participation by Minority and Small Business Enterprises (MBE)(SBE) in the procurement of goods and services on a contractual basis. If the Contract Documents provide for a MBE and/or SBE goal, Contractor is required to comply with the intent of the City's Business Diversity Ordinance (as amended) by the foilowing: 1. Contractor shall, upon request by the City, provide complete and accurate information z•egarding actual worlc performed by a MBE and/or SBE on the Contract and payment therefor. 2. Contractor will not malce additions, deletions, or substitutions of accepted MBE without written consent of the City. Any unjustified change or deletion shall be a material breach of Contract and may result in debarment in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Ordinance. 3. Contractor shall, upon request by City, a11ow an audit and/or examination of any boolcs, records, or files in the possession of the Contractor that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or SBE. Material misrepresentation of any nature may be grounds for termination of the Contract in accordance with Paragraph 15.02.A. Any such misrepresentation may be grounds for disqualification of Contractor to bid on future contracts with the City for a period of not less than three years. E. Contr•actor shall be fully responsible to City for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Worlc just as Contractor is responsible for Contractor's own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �z oo - i General Conditions Page 25 of 63 1. shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor, Supplier•, or other individual or entity any contractual relationship between City and any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other individual or entity; nor 2. shall create any obligation on the pai�t of City to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier, or othet• individual or entity except as may otherwise be required by Laws and Regulations. F. Contractor shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordinating the Work of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Worlc under a direct ot• indirect contract with Contractot•. G. All Subcontractors, Suppliers, and such other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Work shall communicate with City through Contt•actor. H. All Wot�lc performed for Conti•actor by a Subcontractor or Supplier will be pursuant to an appropriate agreement between Contractot• and the Subcontractot• or Supplier which specifically binds the Subcontractor or Supplier to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of City. 6.07 Wage Rates A. Duty to pay Prevailing Wage Rates. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code (as amended), including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258. Such pr•evailing wage rates are included in these Contract Documents. B. Pe�alry for Violation. A Contractor or any Subcontractor who does not pay the prevailing wage shall, upon demand made by the City, pay to the City $60 for each worlcer employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the pt•evailing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents. This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its administrative costs, pu�suant to Texas Government Code 2258.023. C. Complaints of Violations a�d City Determi�ation of Good Cause. On receipt of information, including a complaint by a worker, concerning an alleged violation of 2258.023, Texas Government Code, by a Contractor ot• Subcontractor, the City shall make an initial determination, before the 31st day after the date the City receives the information, as to whethe�� good cause exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall notify in writing the Contractor or Subcontractor and any affected wo►�ker of its initial determination. Upon the City's determination that there is good cause to believe the Contractot• or Subcontractor has violated Chapter 2258, the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and wages due under the prevailing wage rates, such amounts being subtracted fi•om successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUC'I'ION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 20i2 00 �a oo - � General Conditions Page 26 of 63 D. Arbitration Required if Violation Not Resolved. An issue relating to an alleged violation of Section 2258.023, Texas Government Code, including a penalty owed to the City or an affected worker, shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act (Article 224 et seq., Revised Statutes) if the Contractor or Subcontractor and any affected worlcer does not resolve the issue by agreement before the 15th day after the date the ' City makes its initial determination pursuant to Paragraph C above. If the peisons required to ��� �� arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the 11th day after the date that arbitration is required, a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The City is not a party in the arbitration. The decision and award of the arbitrator is final and binding on ali parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction. E. Records to be Mairrtained. The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worlcer employed by the Contractor in the construction of the Worlc provided for in this Contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of Paragraph 6.23, Right to Audit, shall pertain to this inspection. F. Progress Payme�ts. With each progress payment or payroll period, whichever is less, the Contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the Contractoi- has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. G. Posting of Wage Rates. The Contractor shall post prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at all times. H. Subcontractor Compliance. The Contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its Subcontractors to comply with Paragraphs A through G above. 6.08 Patent Fees and Royalties A. Contractor shall pay a11 license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the Work or the incorpot•ation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product, or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. If a particular invention, design, process, product, or device is specified in the Contract Documents for use in the performance of the Worlc and if, to the actual lcnowledge of City, its use is subject to patent rights or copyrights calling for the payment of any license fee or royalty to others, the existence of such rights shall be disclosed by City in the Contract Documents. Failure of the City to disclose such information does not relieve the Contractor fi•om its obligations to pay for the use of said fees or royalties to others. B. To the fi�llest extent permitted by Lativs and Regulatio�s, Contracto�° shall indemn�� and hold ha��mless City, from and agai�st all claims, costs, losses, arrd damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, a�d other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute Nesolattion costs) arising oZrt of or relati�g to any infi�ingen�ent of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the performance of the Work or resulting fi�om CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDA2D CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 oonoo-� General Conditions Page 27 of 63 the incorporatiorr in the Work of a�y invenlion, design, process, product, or device not specified i� the Contract Docume�is. 6.09 Pej°mits and Utilities A. Co�tractor obtained permits a�d licenses. Contractor shall obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses except those provided for in the Supplementaiy Conditions or Contract Documents. City shall assist Contractor, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all governmental charges and inspection fees necessaiy for the prosecution of the Worlc which are applicable at the time of opening of Bids, or, if there are no Bids, on the Effective Date of the Agreement, except for permits provided by the City as specified in 6.09.B. City shall pay all charges of uti.lity owners for connections for• providing permanent service to the Work. B. City obtai�ed pe�°mits a�d licenses. City will obtain and pay for all permits and licenses as provided for in the Supplementaiy Conditions or Contract Documents. It will be the Contractot's responsibility to carry out the provisions of the permit. If the Contractor initiates changes to the Contract and the City approves the changes, the Conh�actor is responsible for obtaining clearances and coordinating with the appropriate regulatory agency. The City will not reimburse the Contractor for any cost associated with these requirements of any City acquired permit. The following are permits the City will obtain if required: 1. Texas Depat�tment of Transpoi�tation Permits 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineeis Peimits 3. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Permits 4. Railroad Company Permits C. Oartsta�ding permits ancl licenses. The City anticipates acquisition of and/or access to permits and licenses. Any outstanding permits and licenses are anticipated to be acquired in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Supplementaiy Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contcact Documents must consider any outstanding permits and licenses. 6.10 La1��s and Regulations A. Contractor shall give all notices t•equired by and shall comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to the perfortnance of the Work. Except where otherwise expressly i•equired by applicable Laws and Regulations, the City shall not be responsible for monitot•ing Contractor's compliance with any Laws o►• Regulations. B. If Contractor performs any Work lcnowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or Regulations, Contt•actor shall bear all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 I� 00 �a oo - i General Conditions Page 28 of 63 court or ai•bitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such Worlc. However, it shall not be Contractor's responsibility to make cei�tain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with Laws and Regulations, but this shall not relieve Contractor of Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 3.02. C. Changes in Laws or Regulations not known at the time of opening of Bids having an effect on the cost or time of performance of the Work may be the subject of an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time. 6.11 Taxes A. On a contract awarded by the City, an organization which qualifies for exemption puisuant to Texas Tax Code, Subchapter H, Sections 151.301-335 (as amended), the Contractor may purchase, rent or lease all materials, supplies and equipment used or consumed in the performance of this contract by issuing to his supplier an exemption certificate in lieu of the tax, said exemption certificate to comply with State Comptroller's Ruling .007. Any such exemption certificate issued to the Contractor in lieu of the tax shall be subject to and shall comply with the provision of State Comptroller's Ruling .011, and any other applicable rulings pertaining to the Texas Tax Code, Subchapter H. B. Texas Tax permits and information may be obtained from: 1. Comptroller of Public Accounts Sales Tax Division Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711; or 2. http://www.window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/taxforms/93-forms.html 6.12 Use of Site and Other Areas A. Limitation on Use of Site and Other Areas: Contractor shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment, and the operations of worlcers to the Site and other areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, and shall not um�easonably encumber the Site and other areas with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or at•ea, or to the owner or occupant thereof, or of any adjacent land or areas resulting fi•om the performance of the Work. 2. At any time when, in the judgment of the City, the Contractor has obstructed or closed or is carrying on operations in a portion of a street, right-of-way, or easement greater than is necessary for proper execution of the Work, the City may requii•e the Contractor to finish the section on which operations are in pt•ogress before work is commenced on any additional area of the Site. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �a oo - � General Conditions Page 29 of63 3. Should any Damage Claim be made by any such owner or occupant because of the performance of the Work, Contractor shall promptly attempt to resolve the Damage Claim. 4. Pa�rszra�t to Paragraph 6.21, Contractor shall indemnify arrd hold harmless City, fi•ona and against all claims, costs, losses, and damages arising out of o�° relating to any claim or action, legal or^ eqaiitable, brought by any such otivner or occupant agai�st City. B. Removal of Deb�•is During Perf'ormance of the Work: During the progress of the Work Contractor shall keep the Site and other areas free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish, and other debc•is. Removal and disposal of such waste materials, rubbish, and other debris shall conform to applicable Laws and Regulations. C. Site Maintenance Cleaning: 24 houts after written notice is given to the Contractor that the clean-up on the job site is proceeding in a manner unsatisfactory to the City, if the Conh�actor fails to correct the unsatisfactoiy procedure, the City may talce such direct action as the City deems appropriate to correct the clean-up deficiencies cited to the Contractor in the written notice (by letter or electronic communication), and the costs of such direct action, plus 25 % of such costs, shall be deducted fi�om the monies due or to become due to the Contractor. D. Firral Site Clea�i�g: Pt•ior to Final Acceptance of the Worlc Contractor shall clean the Site and the Work and malce it ready fot• utilization by City or adjacent propei�ty owner. At the completion of the Worlc Contractor shall remove fi•om the Site all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery, and surplus materials and shall restore to original condition or better all propei�ty disturbed by the Work. E. Loading Structz�res: Contractor shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the st��ucture, nor shall Contractor subject any part of the Work or adjacent propet�ty to stresses or pressures that wili endanger it. 6.13 Record Docume�ts A. Contractor shall maintain in a safe place at the Site or in a place designated by the Contractor and approved by the City, one (1) recot�d copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, Change Oc•ders, Field Orders, and written interpretations and clarifications in good order and annotated to show changes made during consteuction. These record documents together with all approved Samples and a countei•part of all accepted Submittals will be available to City for reference. Upon completion of the Work, these reco►•d documents, any opei•ation and maintenance manuals, and Submittals will be delivered to City prior to Final Inspection. Contractor shall inciude accurate locations for buried and imbedded items. 6.14 Safery a�d Protection A. Contractor shall be solely t•esponsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Such responsibility does not relieve Subcontractors of their responsibility fot• the safety of persons or propei�ty in the performance of their work, nor for compliance with applicable safety Laws and Regulations. Contractor shall CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 72 00 - 1 General Conditions Page 30 of 63 take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 1. all persons on the Site or who may be affected by the Work; 2. all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated ther•ein, whether in storage on or off the Site; and ' 3. other propei�ty at the Site oi• adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, wallcs, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities, and Underground Facilities not designated for removal, relocation, or replacement in the course of construction. B. Contractor shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations relating to the safety of persons or property, or to the protection of persons or property from damage, injury, or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. Contractor shall notify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and other utility owners when prosecution of the Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation, and replacement of their property. C. Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of City's safety programs, if any. D. Contractor shall inform City of the specific requirements of Contractor's safety program, if any, with which City's employees and representatives must comply while at the Site. E. All damage, injury, or loss to any property referred to in Paragraph 6.14.A.2 or 6.14.A.3 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by Contractor, any Subcontractor, Supplier, or any other individual or entity directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by Contractor. F. Contractor's duties and responsibilities for safety and for protection of the Worlc shall continue until such time as all the Worlc is completed and City has accepted the Worlc. 6.15 Safety Representative Contractor shall inform City in writing of Contractor's designated safety representative at the Site. 6.16 Hazard Communication Progran�s Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating any exchange of material safety data sheets or other hazard communication information required to be made available to or exchanged between or among employers in accordance with Laws or Regulations. 6.17 Emerge�cies and/or Rectification A. In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Worlc ol• property at the Site or adjacent thereto, Contractor is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage, injury, or loss. Contractor shall give City prompt wcitten notice if Contractor believes that any significant CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �z oo - � General Conditions Page 31 of 63 changes in the Work or variations fi•om the Contract Documents have been caused thereby or are required as a result thereof. If City determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action talcen by Conh�actor in response to such an emergency, a Change Ocder may be issued. B. Should the Contractor fail to respond to a request from the City to rectify any discrepancies, omissions, or correction necessaly to confor•m with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the City shall give the Contractor written notice that such work or changes are to be performed. The written notice shall direct attention to the discrepant condition and request the Contractor to take remedial action to correct the condition. In the event the Contractor does not take positive steps to fulfill this wc•itten request, ot• does not show just cause for not taking the proper action, within 24 hours, the City may take such remedial action with City forces or by contract. The City shall deduct an amount equal to the entire costs fot• such remedial action, plus 25%, fi•om any funds due or become due the Contractor on the Project. 6.18 Szrbn�ittals A. Contractor shall submit required Submittals to City for review and acceptance in accordance with the accepted Schedule of Submittals (as required by Paragraph 2.07). Each submittal will be identified as City may require. 1. Submit number of copies specified in the General Requirements. 2. Data shown on the Submittals will be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specified performance and design criteria, materials, and similar data to show City the services, materials, and equipment Contractor proposes to provide and to enable City to review the information for the limited purposes required by Paragraph 6.18.C. 3. Submittals submitted as herein provided by Contractor and reviewed by City for conformance with the design concept shall be executed in conformity with the Contract Documents unless otherwise required by City. 4. When Submittals are submitted for the purpose of showing the installation in gceater detail, theit• review shall not excuse Contractor fi•om requirements shown on the Drawings and Specifications. 5. For-Information-Only submittals upon which the City is not expected to conduct review ot• talce responsive action may be so identified in the Contcact Documents. 6. Submit required number of Samples specified in the Specifications. 7. Clearly identify each Sample as to material, Supplier, pertinent data such as catalog nutnbers, the use for which intended and other data as City may require to enable City to review the submittal for the limited purposes required by Parag�•aph 6.18.C. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �z oo - � General Conditions Page 32 of 63 B. Where a Submittal is required by the Contract Documents or the Schedule of Submittals, any related Work performed prior to City's review and acceptance of the pertinent submittal will be at the sole expense and responsibility of Contractor. C. City's Revie�v: 1. City will pi�ovide timely review of required Submittals in accordance with the Schedule of Submittals acceptable to City. City's review and acceptance will be only to determine if the items covered by the submittals will, after installation or incorporation in the Worlc, conform to the information given in the Contract Documents and be compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. 2. City's review and acceptance will not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction (except where a particular means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction is specifically and expressly called for by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review and acceptance of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. 3. City's review and acceptance shall not relieve Contractor fi•om responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless Contractor has complied with the requirements of Section O1 33 00 and City has given written acceptance of each such variation by specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Submittal. City's review and acceptance shall not relieve Contractor fi•om responsibility for complying with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 6.19 Continuing the Work Except as otherwise provided, Contractor shall carry on the Work and adhere to the Project Schedule during all disputes or disagreements with City. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as City and Contractor may otherwise agree in writing. 6.20 Contractor's General Warrarrty and Guarantee A. Contractor warrants and guarantees to City that all Worlc will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. City and its officers, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors shali be entitled to rely on representation of Contractor's warranty and guarantee. B. Contractor's warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by: 1. abuse, modification, or improper maintenance or operation by persons other than Contractor, Subcontractors, Suppliers, or any other individual or entity for whom Contractor is responsible; or CITY OF FORT WORTH ' STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �a oo - i General Conditions Page 33 of 63 2. normal wear and tear under normal usage. C. Contractor's obligation to perfoim and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the following will constitute an acceptance of Work that is not in accordance with the Contt•act Documents or a release of Contractor's obligation to perfortn the Worlc in accordance with the Contract Documents: 1. observations by City; 2. recommendation or payment by City of any progress or final payment; the issuance of a cei�tificate of Final Acceptance by City or any payment r•elated thereto by City; 4. use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by City; 5. any review and acceptance of a Submittal by City; 6. any inspection, test, or approval by others; or 7. any correction of defective Work by City. D. The Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the Work and pay for any damage to other worlc or propei�ty resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of two (2) years fi•om the date of Final Acceptance of the Work unless a longer period is specified and shall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond, complying with the requirements of Article 5.02.B. The City will give notice of observed defects with reasonable pr•omptness. 6.21 Indemnification A. Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the City, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the worlc and services to be performed by the Contractor, its of�cers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licenses or invitees under this Contract. THIS INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION IS SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO OPERATE AND B� EFFECTIVE EVEN IF IT IS ALLEGED OR PROVEN THAT ALL OR SOME OF THE DAMAGES BEING SOUGHT WERE CAUSED. IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY ANY ACT. OMISSION OR NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY. This indemnity provision is intended to include, without limitation, indemnity for costs, expenses and legal fees incurred by the City in defending against such claims and causes of actions. B. Contractor cove►iants and agrees to indemnify and hotd harmless, at its own expense, the City, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all loss, damage or destruction of property of the City, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees under this Contract. THIS INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION IS CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 oo�aoo-� General Conditions Page 34 of 63 SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO OPERATE AND BE EFFECTIVE EVEN IF IT IS ALLEGED OR PROVEN THAT ALL OR SOME OF THE DAMAGES BEING SOUGHT ' WERE CAUSED. IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY ANY ACT, OMISSION OR NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY. 6.22 Delegation of Professional Design Services A. Contractor will not be required to provide professional design services unless such services are specifically required by the Contract Documents for a portion of the Work or unless such services are required to carry out Contractor's responsibilities for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures. B. If professional design services or certifications by a design professional related to systems, materiais or equipment are specifcally required of Contractor by the Contract Documents, City will specify all performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. Contractor shall cause such services or cei�tifications to be provided by a properly licensed professional, whose signature and seal shall appear on all drawings, calculations, specifications, certifications, and Submittals prepared by such professional. Submittals related to the Work designed or certified by such professional, if prepared by others, shall bear such professional's written approval when submitted to City. C. City shall be entitled to rely upon the adequacy, accuracy and completeness of the services, certifications or approvals performed by such design professionals, provided City has specified to Contractor performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. D. Pursuant to this Paragraph 6.22, City's review and acceptance of design calculations and design drawings will be only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with performance and design criteria given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. City's review and acceptance of Submittals (except design calculations and design drawings) will be only for the purpose stated in Paragraph 6.18.C. 6.23 Right to Audit A. The Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this Contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this Contract. Contractor agrees that the City sha11 have access during Regular Working Hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate worlc space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this Paragraph. The City shall give Contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. B. Contractor fui�ther agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this Contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent boolcs, documents, papeis, and records of such Subcontractor, involving transactions to the subcontract, and further, that City shall have access during Regular Working Hours to all CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �z oo - � Generai Conditions Page 35 of 63 Subcontractor facilities, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate worlc space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this Pat�agraph. The City shall give Subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. C. Contractor and Subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City. The City agrees to reimburse Contt•actor for the cost of the copies as follows at the rate published in the Texas Administrative Code in effect as of the time copying is performed. 6.24 No�discrin�ination A. The City is responsible for operating Public Transportation Programs and implementing transit- related projects, which are funded in part with Federal financial assistance awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), without discriminating against any person in the United States on the basis of race, color, or national origin. B. Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended: Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Act and the Regulations as fiirther defined in the Supplementary Conditions for any project receiving Feder•a1 assistance. ARTICLE 7— OTHER WORK AT THE SITE 7.01 Relcrted Work at Site A. City may perform other worlc related to the Pt•oject at the Site with City's employees, or other City contractots, or through other direct contracts therefor, or have other work performed by utility owners. If such other work is not noted in the Contract Documents, then written notice thereof will be given to Contractor prior to starting any such other wot•lc; and B. Contractor shall afford each other contractor who is a party to such a direct contract, each utility owner, and City, if City is performing other worlc with City's employees or other City contractors, proper and safe access to the Site, provide a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such other work, and properly coordinate the Work with theirs. Contracto�� shall do all cutting, fitting, and patching of the Work that may be required to properly connect or otherwise make its several parts come together and properly integrate with such other work. Contractor shall not endanger any worlc of others by cutting, excavating, or otherwise altering such work; provided, however, that Contractor may cut or alter others' work with the written consent of City and the otheis whose work will be affected. C. If the proper execution or results of any part of Contractot•'s Work depends upon work perfoimed by otheis under this Ai�ticle 7, Contractor shall inspect such other worlc and promptly report to City in wt•iting atiy delays, defects, or deficiencies in such other work that t�ender it unavailable or unsuitable for the proper execution and results of Conti•actor•'s Work. Contractor's failure to so repoi�t will constitute an acceptance of such other wor�k as fit and proper for integration with Contcactor's Work except for latent defects in the work provided by others. CITY OF ['ORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 %.�2 COOYL�IYipil07? oonoo-� General Conditions Page 36 of 63 A. If City intends to contract with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the Site, the following will be set forth in Supplementary Conditions: ' 1. the individual or entity who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various contractors will be identified; 2. the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized; and 3. the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be p1•ovided. B. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, City shall have authority for such coordination. ARTICLE 8 — CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.01 Commz�nications to Co�rtractoN Except as otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, City shall issue all communications to Contractor. 8.02 Furnish Data City shall timely furnish the data required under the Contract Documents. 8.03 Pay When Due City shall make payments to Contractor in accordance with Article 14. 8.04 Lands arrd Easements; Reports and Tests City's duties with respect to providing lands and easements and providing engineering surveys to establish reference points are set forth in Paragraphs 4.01 and 4.05. Paragraph 4.02 refers to City's identifying and making available to Contractor copies of reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site that have been utilized by City in preparing the Contract Documents. 8.05 Change Orders City shall execute Change Orders in accordance with Paragraph 10.03. 8.06 Inspections, Tests, and Approvals City's responsibility with respect to certain inspections, tests, and approvals is set forth in Paragraph 13.03. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 i 00 �a oo - i Genera( Conditions Page 37 of 63 8.07 Limitations on City's Responsibilities A. The City shall not supervise, direct, or have control or authority over, nor be responsible for, Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thec•eto, or for any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the performance of the Worlc. City will not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform the Worlc in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. City will notify the Contractor of applicable safety plans pursuant to Paragraph 6.14. 8.08 Undisclosed Hazardous E�vironme�tal Co�dition City's responsibility with respect to an undisclosed Hazardous Environmental Condition is set fot�th in Paragraph 4.06. 8.09 Compliance ti��ith Safety Program While at the Site, City's employees and representatives shall comply with the specific applicable r•equirements of Contractor's safety programs of which City has been informed pursuant to Pai•agraph 6.14. ARTICLE 9— CITY'S OBSERVATION STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.01 City's Project Representative City wiil provide one or more Project Representative(s) during the construction period. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of City's representative during construction are set foi�th in the Contract Documents. The Project Representative(s) will be as provided in the Supplementary Conditions. 9.02 Visits to Site A. City's Project Representative will malce visits to the Site at intei�vals appropriate to the various stages of construction as City deems necessa►•y in order to observe the progress that has been made and the quality of the various aspects of Contractor's executed Wot•k. Based on information obtained during such visits and observations, City's Project Representative will determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. City's Project Representative will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous inspections on the Site to check the quality or quantity of the Work. City's Project Representative's effoi�ts will be directed toward providing City a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform generally to the Conh�act Documents. B. City's Project Representative's visits and observations are subject to all the limitations on authority and responsibility in the Contract Documents including those set foc-th in Paragraph 8.07. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 007200-1 General Conditions Page 38 of63 9.03 Authorized i�ariations in Work City's Project Representative may authorize minor variations in the Work fi•om the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and are compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as ' indicated by the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding on City and also on Contractor, who shall perform the Work involved promptly. 9.04 Rejecting Defective Work City will have authority to reject Worlc which City's Project Representative believes to be defective, or will not produce a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or that will pt•ejudice the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. City will have authority to conduct special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in Ai�ticle 13, whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed, or completed. 9.05 Determinations for Work Performed Contractor wi11 determine the actual quantities and classifications of Worlc performed. City's Project Representative wili review with Contractor the preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a written recommendation. City's written decision will be final (except as modified to reflect changed factual conditions or more accurate data). 9.06 Decisions on Requirements of Contract Documents and Acceptability of Work A. City will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. B. City will render a written decision on any issue referred. C. City's written decision on the issue referred will be final and binding on the Contractor, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 10.06. ARTICLE 10 — CHANGES IN THE WORK; CLAIMS; EXTRA WORK 10.01 Aatthorized Changes irr the Work A. Without invalidating the Contract and without notice to any surety, City may, at any time or fi�om time to time, order Extra Work. Upon notice of such Extra Worlc, Contractor shall promptly proceed with the Work involved which will be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents (except as otherwise specifically provided). Extra Work shall be memorialized by a Change Order which may or may not precede an order of Extra work. B. For minor changes of Work not requiring changes to Contract Time or Contract Price, a Field Order may be issued by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �a oo - i Genera( Conditions Page 39 of 63 10.02 Unaartho�°ized Changes in the Work Contractor shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time with respect to any work performed that is not required by the Contract Documents as amended, modified, or supplemented as provided in Paragraph 3.04, except in the case of an emet•gency as provided in Paragraph 6.17. 10.03 Execzition of Change Orde�°s A. City and Contractor shall execute appropriate Change Orders covering: changes in the Worlc which at•e: (i) ordered by City pursuant to Paragraph 10.O1.A, (ii) required because of acceptance of defective Woc•k under Paragraph 13.08 or City's correction of defective Work under Paragraph 13.09, or (iii) agreed to by the parties; 2. changes in the Contract Pt•ice or Contt•act Time which are agreed to by the parties, including any undisputed sum or amount of time for Worlc actually performed. 10.04 Extra Work A. Should a difference arise as to what does or does not constitute Extra Worlc, or as to the payment thereof, and the City insists upon its performance, the Contractor shall proceed with the work after making written request for written orders and shall keep accurate account of the actual reasonable cost thereof. Contract Claims regarding Extra Work shall be made pursuant to Paragraph 10.06. B. The Contractor shall furnish the City such installation records of all deviations fi•om the original Contract Documents as may be necessary to enable the City to prepare for permanent record a corrected set of plans showing the actual installation. C. The compensation agreed upon for Extra Worlc whether or not initiated by a Change Ordec• shall be a full, complete and final payment for all costs Contractor incurs as a t•esult ot• relating to the change or Extra Wot�k, whether said costs are known, unknown, fot•eseen or unforeseen at that time, including without limitation, any costs for delay, extended overhead, ripple or impact cost, or any other effect on changed ot• unchanged work as a result of the change or Extra Work. 10.05 Notification to Szrrety If the provisions of any bond require notice to be given to a surety of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contcact Price or Contract Time), the giving of any such notice will be Contractor's responsibility. The amount of each applicable bond will be adjusted by the Contractor to t•eflect the effect of any such change. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 72 00 - l General Conditions Page 40 of 63 10.06 Contract Claims Process A. City's Decision Reqzrired: All Contract Claims, except those waived pursuant to Paragraph 14.09, shall be referred to the City for decision. A decision by City shall be required as a condition precedent to any exercise by Contractor of any rights or remedies he may otherwise ' have under the Contract Documents or by Laws and Regulations in respect of such Contract ' Claims. B. Notice: 1. Written notice stating the general nature of each Contract Claim shall be delivered by the Contractor to City no later than 15 days after the start of the event giving rise thereto. The responsibility to substantiate a Contract Claim shall rest with the party making the Contract Claim. 2. Notice of the amount or extent of the Contract Claim, with supporting data shall be delivered to the City on or before 45 days from the start of the event giving rise thereto (unless the City allows additional time for Contractor to submit additional or more accurate data in support of such Contract Claim). 3. A Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Price shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 12.01. 4. A Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Time shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 12.02. 5. Each Contract Claim shall be accompanied by Contractor's written statement that the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the Contractor believes it is entitled as a result of said event. 6. The City shall submit any response to the Contractor within 30 days after receipt of the claimant's last submittal (unless Contract allows additional time). C. City's Action: City will review each Contract Claim and, within 30 days after receipt of the last submittal of the Contractor, if any, take one of the following actions in writing: 1. deny the Contract Claim in whole or in part; 2. approve the Contract Claim; or 3. notify the Contractor that the City is unable to resolve the Contract Claim if, in the City's sole discretion, it would be inappropriate for the City to do so. For purposes of further resolution of the Contract Claim, such notice shall be deemed a denial. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS , Revision: December2l, 2012 oo�zoo-� General Conditions Page 41 of 63 D. City's wt•itten action under Paragraph 10.06.0 will be final and binding, unless City or Conti•actor invoke the dispute resolution procedure set foi�th in Article 16 within 30 days of such action or denial. E. No Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this Paragraph 10.06. ARTICLE 11— COST OF THE WORK; ALLOWANCES; UNIT PRICE WORK; PLANS QUANTITY MEASUREMENT 11.01 Cost of the Wo�•k A. Costs I�clzrded: The ter•m Cost of the Worlc means the sum of all costs, except those excluded in Pai•ageaph 11.O1.B, necessarily incurred and paid by Contractor in the proper performance of the Work. When the value of any Work covered by a Change Order, the costs to be reimbut•sed to Conh�actor will be only those additional or incremental costs required because of the change in the Work. Such costs shall not include any of the costs itemized in Paragraph 11.O1.B, and shall include but not be limited to the following items: 1. Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ of Contt•actor in the performance of the Work under schedules of job classifications agreed upon by City and Contractor. Such employees shall include, without limitation, superintendents, foremen, and other peisonnel employed full time on the Worlc. Payroll costs for employees not employed fiill time on the Worlc shall be apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Work. Payroll costs shall include; a. salaries with a 55% markup, or b. salaries and wages plus the cost of fi�inge benefits, which shall include social security contributions, unemployment, excise, and payroll taxes, woi•lcers' compensation, health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sicic leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thet•eto. The expenses of perfoiming Worlc outside of Regular Worlcing Hours, Weekend Woi•king Houi•s, or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by City. 2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation and storage thereof, and Suppliers' field services required in connection therewith. Rentals of all construction equipment and machineiy, and the pai�ts thereof whethei• rented fi�om Contractot• or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by City, and the costs of transpoi�tation, loading, unloading, assembly, dismantling, and removal thereof. All such costs shall be in accordance with the tertns of said rental agceements. The rental of any such equipment, machinery, or pai�ts shall cease when the use thereof is no longer necessaiy fo�� the Work. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 oo�zoo-i General Conditions Page 42 of 63 4. Payments made by Contractor to Subcontractors for Work performed by Subcontractors. If required by City, Contractor shall obtain competitive bids from subcontractors acceptable to , City and Contractor and shall deliver such bids to City, who will then determine, which bids, if any, will be acceptable. If any subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee, the Subcontractor's Cost of the Work and fee shall ' be determined in the same manner as Contractor's Cost of the Work and fee as provided in this Paragraph 11.01. 5. Costs of special consultants (including but not limited to engineers, architects, testing laboratories, suiveyors, attorneys, and accountants) employed for services specifically related to the Work. 6. Supplemental costs including the following: a. The proportion of necessary transportation, travel, and subsistence expenses of Contractor's employees incurred in discharge of duties connected with the Work. b. Cost, including transpoi�tation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, appliances, office, and temporary facilities at the Site, and hand tools not owned by the workers, which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cost, less marlcet value, of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of Contractor. c. Sales, consumer, use, and other similar taxes related to the Work, and for which ' Contractor is liable not covered under Paragraph 6.11, as imposed by Laws and � Regulations. d. Deposits lost for causes other than negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, and royalty payments and fees for permits and licenses. e. Losses and damages (and related expenses) caused by damage to the Worlc, not compensated by insurance or otherwise, sustained by Contractor in connection with the performance of the Work, provided such losses and damages have resulted from causes other than the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of City. No such losses, damages, and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining Conh•actor's fee. f. The cost of utilities, fuel, and sanitary facilities at the Site. g. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone and E communication services at the Site, express and courier services, and similar petty cash � items in connection with the Worlc. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l. 2012 007200-1 Generai Conditions Page 43 of 63 h. The costs of premiums for all bonds and insurance Contractor is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain. B. Costs Excla�ded: The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of the following items: Payroll costs and other compensation of Contractor's officers, executives, principals (of pai�tneiships and sole pt�oprietorships), general managers, safety managers, engineers, architects, estimators, attorneys, auditors, accountants, purchasing and contracting agents, expediters, timelceepers, clerlcs, and other personnel employed by Contractor, whether at the Site or in Contractot•'s principal or branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of job classifications referred to in Paragraph 11.O1.A.1 or specifically covered by Par•agraph 11.O1.A.4, all of which are to be considet•ed administrative costs covered by the Contractor's fee. 2. Expenses of Contractot•'s principal and branch offices other than Contractor's office at the Site. 3. Any pat�t of Conh�actor's capital expenses, including interest on Contractor's capital employed for the Work and chaiges against Contractor for de(inquent payments. 4. Costs due to the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or• anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, including but not limited to, the correction of defective Work, disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied, and malcing good any damage to property. 5. Other overhead or general expense costs of any lcind. C. Contractor's Fee: When all the Wot•k is performed on the basis of cost-plus, Contractor's fee shall be determined as set forth in the Agreement. When the value of any Work covered by a Change Order fot• an adjustment in Conh�act Price is determined on the basis of Cost of the Work, Contractor's fee shall be determined as set forth in Paragraph 12.O1.C. D. Docz�mentatio�: Whenever the Cost of the Work for any purpose is to be determined pursuant to Paragcaphs 11.O1.A and 11.O1.B, Contractor will establish and maintain records thereof in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and submit in a form acceptable to City an itemized cost brealcdown together with suppoi�ting data. 11.02 Allowas�ces A. Specified Allotiva�ce: It is understood that Contractot• has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contcact Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be performed for such sums and by such persons or entities as may be acceptable to City. B. Pre-bid Allo�varrces: 1. Contractor agrees that: CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00�200-� General Conditions Page 44 of 63 a. the pre-bid allowances include the cost to Contractor of materials and equipment required by the allowances to be delivered at the Site, and all applicable taxes; and b. Contractor's costs for unloading and handling on the Site, labor, installation, overhead, profit, and other expenses contemplated for the pre-bid allowances have been included in the allowances, and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the foregoing will be valid. C. Contingerrcy Alloivance: Contractor agrees that a contingency allowance, if any, is for the sole use of City. D. Prior to final payment, an appropriate Change Order will be issued to reflect actual amounts due Contractor on account of Work covered by allowances, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly adjusted. 11.03 Unit Price Work A. Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to the sum of the unit price for each separately identified item of Unit Price Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. B. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Worlc are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Worlc performed by Contractor wi11 be made by City subject to the provisions of Paragraph 9.05. C. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by Contractor to be adequate to cover Contractor's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. Work described in the Contract Documents, or reasonably inferred as required for a functionally complete installation, but not identified in the listing of unit price items shall be considered incidental to unit price work listed and the cost of incidental worlc included as part of the unit price. D. City may make an adjustment in the Contract Price in accordance with Paragraph 12.01 i£ 1. the quantity of any item of Unit Price Worlc performed by Contractor differs materially and significantly from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement; and 2. there is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Worlc. E. Irrcreased or Decreased Quantities: The City reserves the right to order Extra Work in accordance with Paragraph 10.01. 1. If the changes in quantities or the alter•ations do not significantly change the character of worlc under the Contract Documents, the altered work will be paid for at the Contract unit price. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �z oo - t General Conditions Page 45 of 63 2. If the changes in quantities or alterations significantly change the character of work, the Contract will be amended by a Change Order. If no unit prices exist, this will be considered Extra Worlc and the Contract will be amended by a Change Order in accordance with Article 12. 4. A significant change in the character of worlc occuis when: a. the character of worlc for any Item as altered diffeis materially in lcind or nature from that in the Contr•act or b. a Major Item of work varies by more than 25% from the original Contract quantity. 5. When the quantity of woric to be done under any Major Item of the Contract is more than 125% of the original quantity stated in the Contract, then either party to the Contract may request an adjustment to the unit price on the poi�tion of the woi•k that is above 125°/o. 6. When the quantity of work to be done under any Major Item of the Contract is less than 75% of the original quantity stated in the Contract, then eithei� party to the Contract may request an adjustment to the unit price. 11.04 Pla�s Quantity Measurement A. Plans quantities may or may not represent the exact quantity of work perfot•med or material moved, handled, or placed during the execution of the Contr•act. The estimated bid quantities are designated as final payment quantities, unless revised by the governing Section or this Article. B. If the quantity measured as outlined under "Price and Payment Procedures" varies by more than 25% (or as stipulated under "Price and Payment Procedures" for specific Items) fi�om the total estimated quantity fot• an individual Item originally shown in the Contract Documents, an adjustment may be made to the quantity of authorized worlc done for payment purposes. The pai�ty to the Contract requesting the adjustment will provide field measurements and calciilations showing the final quantity for which payment will be made. Payment for revised quantity will be made at the unit price bid for that Item, except as provided for in Article 10. C. When quantities are revised by a change in design appt•oved by the City, by Change Order, or to correct an error, or to correct an error on the plans, the plans quantity will be increased or decreased by the amount involved in the change, and the 25% variance will apply to the new plans quantity. D. If the total Contract quantity multiplied by the unit price bid for an individual Item is less than $250 and the Item is not o�•iginally a plans auantity Item, then the Itein may be paid as a plans quantity Item if the City and Contractor agree in writing to fix the final quantity as a plans quantity. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �2 00 - � General Conditions Page 46 of 63 E. For callout work or non-site specific Contracts, the plans quantity measurement requirements are not applicable. ARTICLE 12 — CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE; CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIME 12.01 Change of Contract Price A. The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change Order. B. The value of any Work covered by a Change OI•der will be determined as follows: 1. where the Worlc involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (subject to the provisions of Paragraph 11.03); or 2. where the Work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Conh�act Documents, by a mutually agreed lump sum or unit price (which may include an allowance for overhead and profit not necessarily in accordance with Paragraph 12.O1.C.2), and shall include the cost of any secondary impacts that are foreseeable at the time of pricing the cost of Extra Work; or 3. where the Worlc involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement to a lump sum or unit price is not reached under Paragraph 12.O1.B.2, on the basis of the Cost of the Work (determined as provided in Paragraph 11.01) plus a Contractor's fee for overhead and profit (determined as provided in Paragraph 12.O1.C). C. Contractor's Fee: The Contractor's additional fee for overhead and proiit shall be determined as follows: 1. a mutually acceptable fixed fee; or 2. if a fixed fee is not agreed upon, then a fee based on the foliowing percentages of the various portions of the Cost of the Work: a. for costs incurred under Paragraphs 11.O1.A.1, 11.O1.A.2. and 11.O1.A3, the Contractor's additional fee shall be 15 percent except for: 1) rental fees for Contractor's own equipment using standard rental rates; 2) bonds and insurance; b. for costs incurred under Paragraph 11.O1.A.4 and 11.O1.A.5, the Contractor's fee shall be five percent (5%); 1) where one or more tiers of subcontracts are on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee and no fixed fee is agreed upon, the intent of Paragraphs 12.O1.C.2.a and 12.O1.C.2.b is that the Subcontractor who actually performs the Worlc, at whatever CITY OF FORT WORTH ` STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 72 00 - 1 General Conditions Page 47 of 63 tier, will be paid a fee of 15 percent of the costs incurred by such Subcontractor under Paragraphs 11.O1.A.1 and 11.O1.A.2 and that any higher tier Subcontractor and Contractor will each be paid a fee of five percent (5%) of the amount paid to the next lower tier Subcontractor, however in no case shall the cumulative total of fees paid be in excess of 25%; c. no fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under Paragraphs 11.O1.A.6, and 11.O1.B; d. the amount of credit to be allowed by Contractor to City for any change which results in a net decrease in cost will be the amount of the actual net decrease in cost plus a deduction in Conh�actor's fee by an amount equal to five percent (5%) of such net decrease. 12.02 Change of Co�tract Tin�e A. The Contract Time may only be changed by a Change Order. B. No extension of the Contract Time will be allowed for Extra Work or for ciaimed delay unless the Extra Work contemplated or claimed delay is shown to be on the critical path of the Project Schedule or Contractor can show by Critical Path Method analysis how the Extra Worlc or claimed delay adversely affects the critical path. 12.03 Delays A. Where Contractor is reasonably delayed in the performance or completion of any part of the Worlc within the Contract Time due to delay beyond the control of Contractor, the Contract Time may be extended in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay if a Contract Claim is made therefor. Delays beyond the control of Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, acts or neglect by City, acts or neglect of utility owners or other contractors performing other work as contemplated by Article 7, fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, or acts of God. Such an adjustment shall be Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy for the delays described in this Paragraph. B. If Contractor is delayed, City shall not be liable to Contractor for any claims, costs, losses, or damages (including but not limited to all fees and chat•ges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) sustained by Conh�actor on or in connection with any other project or anticipated project. C. Contractor shall not be entitled to an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time for delays within the control of Contractor. Delays attributable to and within the control of a Subcontractor or Supplier shall be deemed to be delays within the control of Contractor. D. The Contractor shall receive no compensation for delays or hindrances to the Work, except when direct and unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the City to provide information or material, if any, which is to be fi►rnished by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 oonoo-t General Conditions Page 48 of 63 ARTICLE 13 — TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK 13.01 Notice of Defects Notice of all defective Work of which City has actual lcnowledge will be given to Contractor. Defective Worlc may be rejected, corrected, or accepted as provided in this Article 13. 13.02 Access to Work City, independent testing laboratories, and governmental agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the Site and the Work at reasonable times for their obseivation, inspection, and testing. Contractor shall provide them proper and safe conditions for such access and advise them of Contractor's safety procedures and programs so that they may comply therewith as applicable. 13.03 Tests and Inspections A. Contractor shall give City timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests, or approvals and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests. B. If Contract Documents, Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any of the Work (or part thereo� to be inspected, tested, or approved, Contractor shall assume full responsibility for arranging and obtaining such independent inspections, tests, retests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith, and furnish City the required certificates of inspection or approval; excepting, however, those fees specifically identified in the Supplementary Conditions or any Texas Department of Licensure and Regulation (TDLR) inspections, which shall be paid as described in the Supplementary Conditions. C. Contractor shall be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspections, tests, re-tests, or approvals required for City's acceptance of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Worlc; or acceptance of materials, mix designs, or equipment submitted for approval prior to Contractor's purchase thereof for incorporation in the Worlc. Such inspections, tests, re-tests, or approvals shall be performed by organizations acceptable to City. , D. City may arrange for the services of an independent testing laboratory ("Testing Lab") to � perform any inspections or tests ("Testing") for any part of the Worlc, as determined solely by i City. 1. City will coordinate such Testing to the extent possible, with Contractor; 2. Should any Testing under this Section 13.03 D result in a"fail", "did not pass" or other similar negative result, the Contractor shall be responsible for paying for any and all retests. Contractor•'s cancellation without cause of City initiated Testing shall be deemed a negative result and require a retest. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �a oo - � General Conditions Page 49 of 63 3. Any amounts owed for any retest under this Section 13.03 D shall be paid directly to the Testing Lab by Contractor. City will forwat•d all invoices for retests to Contractor. 4. If Contt•actor fails to pay the Testing Lab, City wi11 not issue Final Payment until the Testing Lab is paid. E. If any Worlc (ot• the worlc of otheis) that is to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered by Contractor without written concurc•ence of City, Contt•actor shall, if requested by City, uncover such Work for observation. F. Uncovering Worlc as pr•ovided in Paragraph 13.03.E shall be at Contractor's expense. G. Conh�actor shall have the right to make a Contract Claim regarding any retest or invoice issued undet� Section 13.03 D. 13.04 U�covef�ing Work A. If any Worlc is covered contt•ary to the Contract Documents or specific instructions by the City, it must, if requested by City, be uncovered for City's observation and replaced at Contractor's expense. B. If City considers it necessary or advisable that covered Worlc be observed by City or inspected or tested by otheis, Contractor, at City's request, shall uncover, expose, or otherwise make available for observation, inspection, or testing as City may require, that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material, and equipment. If it is found that the uncovet•ed Work is defective, Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all coui�t or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such uncover•ing, exposure, observation, inspection, and testing, and of satisfactory replacement or reconstruction (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of worlc of others); or City shall be entitled to accept defective Worlc in accordance with Paragraph 13.08 in which case Contractor shall still be responsible for all costs associated with exposing, observing, and testing the defective Work. 2. If the uncovered Work is not found to be defective, Contractor shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contc•act Time, or both, directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing, replacement, and reconstruction. 13.05 City May Stop the Work If the Work is defective, or Contractor fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or• fails to perform the Work in such a way that the completed Worlc will conform to the Contract Documents, City may order Contractor to stop the Work, or any poi�tion thereof, until the cause for such ot•der has been eliminated; however, this right of City to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of City to exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor, any CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCAT[ON DOCUMEN'PS Revision: December2l, 2012 oo�zoo-� General Conditions Page 50 of 63 ' Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other individual or entity, or any surety for, or employee or agent of any of them. 13.06 Correction oN Removal of Defective Work A. Promptly after receipt of written notice, Contractor shall correct all defective Worlc pursuant to an acceptable schedule, whether or not fabricated, instalied, or completed, or, if the Work has been r�ejected by City, remove it from the Project and replace it with Work that is not defective. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, additional testing, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such correction or removal (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others). Failure to require the removal of any defective Work shall not constitute acceptance of such Worlc. B. When correcting defective Worlc under the terms of this Paragraph 13.06 or Paragraph 13.07, Contractor shall talce no action that would void or otherwise impair City's special warranty and guarantee, if any, on said Work. 13.07 Correction Period A. If within two (2) years after the date of Final Acceptance (or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents), any Work is found to be defective, or if the repair of any damages to the land or areas made available for Contractor's use by City or permitted by Laws and Regulations as contemplated in Paragraph 6.10.A is found to be defective, Contractor shall promptly, without cost to City and in accordance with City's written instructions: 1. repair such defective land or areas; or 2. correct such defective Worlc; or 3. if the defective Work has been rejected by City, remove it fi•om the Project and replace it with Worlc that is not defective, and 4. satisfactorily correct or repair or remove and replace any damage to other Work, to the worlc of others or other land or areas resulting therefrom. B. If Contractor does not promptly comply with the teims of City's written instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious rislc of loss or damage, City may have the defective Worlc corrected or repaired or may have the rejected Worlc removed and replaced. All claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or t•elating to such correction or repair or such removal and replacement (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others) will be paid by Contractor. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �z oo - i General Conditio��s Page 51 of 63 C. In special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before Final Acceptance of all the Worlc, the correction period for that item may start to run from an earlier date if so provided in the Contract Documents. D. Where defective Woric (and damage to other Worlc resulting therefi•om) has been corrected or removed and replaced under this Parag►•aph 13.07, the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work may be required to be extended for an additional period of one year after the end of the initial correction period. City shall provide 30 days written notice to Contractor should such additional war•ranty coverage be required. Contractor may dispute this requirement by filing a Contract Claim, pursuant to Paragraph 10.06. E. Contractor's obligations under this Paragraph 13.07 are in addition to any other obligation or warranty. The provisions of this Paragraph 13.07 shall not be consh�ued as a substitute for, or a waiver of, the provisions of any applicable statute of limitation or i•epose. 13.08 Acceptance of Defective Work If, instead of requiring correction or t�emoval and replacement of defective Work, City prefeis to accept it, City may do so. Contc•actor shall pay all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all coui�t or other dispute resolution costs) attt•ibutable to City's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work and for the diminished value of the Work to the extent not otherwise paid by Contractor. If any such acceptance occurs prior to Final Acceptance, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessaiy revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Worlc, and City shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, reflecting the diminished value of Worlc so accepted. 13.09 City May Correct Defective Woi°k A. If Contractor fails within a reasonable time after written notice fi•om City to correct defective Worlc, or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by City in accordance with Pat�agraph 13.06.A, or if Contractor fails to perform the Worlc in accordance with the Contract Documents, o►• if Contractor fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, City may, after seven (7) days written notice to Contractor, correct, or remedy any such deficiency. B. In exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09, City shall proceed expeditiously. In connection with such corrective oc• remedial action, City may exclude Contractor fi•om all or pat�t of the Site, take possession of all or part of the Work and suspend Contractor's services related thereto, and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment incorpol�ated in the Worlc, stored at the Site ot• for which City has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow City, City's representatives, agents, consultants, employees, and City's other contractors, access to the Site to enable City to exercise the rights and remedies under this Paragcaph. C. All claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all cout�t or other dispute resolution CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: i)ecember2l, 2012 00 �2 00 - i General Co��ditions Page 52 of 63 costs) incurred or sustained by City in exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09 will be charged against Contractor, and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and City shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price. D. Contractor shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Time because of any delay in the performance of the Worlc attributable to the exercise of City's rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09. ARTICLE 14 — PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION 14.01 Schedule of Values The Schedule of Values for lump sum contracts established as provided in Paragraph 2.07 will serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated into a form of Application for Payment acceptable to City. Progress payments on account of Unit Price Worlc wi11 be based on the number of units completed. 14.02 Progress Payments A. Applications for Payments: 1. Contractor is responsible for providing all information as required to become a vendor of the City. 2. At least 20 days before the date established in the General Requirements for each progress payment, Contractor shall submit to City for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by Contractor covering the Worlc completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 3. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the Site or at another location agreed to in writing, the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice, or other documentation warranting that City has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all Liens and evidence that the materials and equipment are covered by appropriate insurance or other arrangements to protect City's interest therein, all of which must be satisfactory to City. 4. Beginning with the second Application for Payment, each Application shall include an affidavit of Contractor stating that previous progress payments received on account of the Work have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations associated with prior Applications for Payment. 5. The amount of retainage with respect to progress payments will be as stipulated in the Contract Documents. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 72 00 - 1 General Conditions Page 53 of 63 B. Revietiv ofAppdications: l. City will, after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in writing a recommendation of payment or rettu•n the Application to Contractor indicating reasons for refusing payment. In the latter case, Contractor may make the necessaiy corrections and resubmit the Application. 2. City's processing of any payment requested in an Application for Payment will be based on City's observations of the executed Wor•lc, and on City's review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules, that to the best of City's knowledge: a. the Worlc has progressed to the point indicated; b. the quality of the Worlc is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Worlc as a functioning whole prior to or upon Final Acceptance, the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, a final determination of quantities and classifications for Work performed under Paragraph 9.05, and any other qualifications stated in the recommendation). 3. Processing any such payment will not thereby be deemed to have represented that: a. inspections made to checic the quality or the quantity of the Work as it has been performed have been exhaustive, extended to eveiy aspect of the Work in progress, ot• involved detailed inspections of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to City in the Contract Documents; oi• b. there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle Contractor to be paid additionally by City or entitle City to withhold payment to Contractor, or c. Contractot• has complied with Laws and Regulations applicable to Contractor's performance of the Work. 4. City may refuse to process the whole or any patt of any payment because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, and revise or revoke any such payment previously made, to such extent as may be necessaiy to pt•otect City fi•om loss because: a, the Work is defective, or the completed Work has been damaged by the Contractor or his subcont�•actors, requiring correction or replacement; b. discrepancies in quantities contained in previous applications for payment; c. the Contract Price has been reduced by Change Orders; d. City has been i•equired to correct defective Worlc or complete Worlc in accordance with Paragraph 13.09; or CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �a oo - � General Conditions Page 54 of 63 e. City has actual lcnowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in Paragraph 15.02.A. C. Retainage: 1. For contracts less than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be ten percent (10%). 2. For contracts greater than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be five percent (5%). D. Liquidated Damages. For each calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted after the time specified in the Contract Documents, the sum per day specified in the Agreement, will be deducted from the monies due the Contractor, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages suffered by the City. E. Paynzent: Contractor will be paid pursuant to the requirements of this Article 14 and payment will become due in accordance with the Contract Documents. F. Reduction in Payment: 1. City may refuse to malce payment of the amount requested because: a. Liens have been fled in connection with the Worlc, except where Contractor has delivered a specific bond satisfactory to City to secure the satisfaction and discharge of such Liens; b. there are other items entitling City to a set-off against the amount recommended; or a City has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in Paragraphs 14.02.B.4.a through 14.02.B.4.e or Paragraph 15.02.A. 2. If City refuses to make payment of the amount requested, City will give Contractor written notice stating the reasons for such action and pay Contractor any amount remaining after deduction of the amount so withheld. City shall pay Contractor the amount so withheld, or any adjustment thereto agreed to by City and Contractor, when Contractor remedies the reasons for such action. 14.03 Contractor's Warranty of Title Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials, and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will pass to City no later than the time of payment fi�ee and clear of all Liens. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �2 00 - � General Conditions Page 55 of 63 14.04 Pai°tial Utilization A. Prior to Final Acceptance of all the Worlc, City may use or occupy any substantially completed pai�t of the Wor•k which has specifically been identified in the Contract Documents, or which City, determines constitutes a separately functioning and usable pai�t of the Worlc that can be used by City for its intended purpose without significant interference with Contractor's performance of the remainder of the Worlc. City at any time may notify Contractor in writing to peimit City to use or occupy any such part of the Worlc which City determines to be ready for its intended use, subject to the following conditions: 1. Contractor at any time may notify City in writing that Contractor considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use. 2. Within a reasonable time after notification as enumerated in Paragraph 14.OS.A.1, City and Contractor shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status of completion. If City does not consider that part of the Work to be substantially complete, City will notify Conti•actor in writing giving the reasons therefor. 3. Partial Utilization will not constitute Final Acceptance by City. 14.05 Finallnspectio� A. Upon wt•itten notice fi�om Contractor that the entire Work is complete in accordance with the Contract Documents: 1. within 10 days, City will schedule a Final Inspection with Contractor. 2. City will notify Contractor in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Worlc is incomplete or defective. Contractor shall immediately take such measures as are necessat�y to complete sttch Work or remedy such deficiencies. B. No time charge will be made against the Contractor between said date of notification of the City and the date of Final Inspection. Should the City determine that the Worlc is not ready for Final Inspection, City will notify the Contractor in writing of the reasons and Contract Time will resume. 14.06 Final Acceptance Upon completion by Contractor to City's satisfaction, of any additional Work identified in the Final Inspection, City will issue to Contractor a letter of Final Acceptance. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 007200-1 General Conditions Page 56 of 63 �� � 14.07 Final Payment A. Applicatio� for Payment: 1. Upon Final Acceptance, and in the opinion of City, Contractor may malce an application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments in accordance with the ' Contract Documents. 2. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied (except as previously delivered) by: a. all documentation called for in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required by Paragraph 5.03; b. consent of the surety, if any, to final payment; c. a list of all pending or released Damage Claims against City that Contractor believes are unsettled; and d. affdavits of payments and complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to City) of all Lien rights arising out of or Liens filed in connection with the Work. B. Payment Becomes Due: 1. After City's acceptance of the Application for Payment and accompanying documentation, requested by Contractor, less previous payments made and any sum City is entitled, including but not limited to liquidated damages, will become due and payable. 2. After all Damage Claims have been resolved: a. directly by the Contractor or; b. Contractor provides evidence that the Damage Claim has been reported to Contractor's insurance provider for resolution. 3. The making of the final payment by the City shall not relieve the Contractor of any guarantees or other requirements of the Contract Documents which specifically continue thereafter. 14.08 Final Completion Delayed and Partial Retainage Release A. If final completion of the Worlc is significantly delayed, and if City so confirms, City may, upon receipt of Contractor's final Application for Payment, and without terminating the Contract, make payment of the balance due for that poi�tion of the Worlc fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by City for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in Paragraph 14.02.C, and if bonds have been furnished as required in Paragraph 5.02, the written consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00�200-� General Conditions Page 57 of63 portion of the Worlc fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to City with the Application for such payment. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waivet• of Contract Claims. B. Partial Retai�age Release. For a Contract that provides for a separate vegetative establishment and maintenance, and test and performance periods following the completion of all other constcuction in the Contract Documents fot• all Worlc locations, the City may release a portion of the amount retained provided that all other work is completed as determined by the City. Before the release, all submittals and final quantities must be completed and accepted for all other worlc. An amount sufficient to ensure Contract compliance will be retained. 14.09 Waivei° of Clain�s The acceptance of final payment will constitute a release of the City from all claims ot• liabilities under the Contract for anything done or furnished or relating to the worlc undei• the Contract Documents or any act or• neglect of City related to or connected with the Contract. ARTICLE 15 — SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 15.01 City May Sarspe�d Woi�k A. At any time and without cause, City may suspend the Worlc or any portion thereof by written notice to Contractor and which may fix the date on which Worlc will be c•esumed. Contractor shall ►�esume the Wor•lc on the date so fixed. During temporary suspension of the Worlc covered by these Contract Documents, for any reason, the City will malce no extra payment for stand-by time of construction equipment and/or construction crews. B. Should the Contractot• not be able to complete a portion of the Project due to causes beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, and should it be determined by mutual consent of the Contractor and City that a solution to allow construction to proceed is not available within a reasonable period of time, Contractor may request an extension in Contract Time, directly attributable to any such suspension. C. If it should become necessaiy to suspend the Work for an indefinite period, the Contractor shall store all materials in such a manner that they will not obstruct or impede the public unnecessarily nor become damaged in any way, and he shall take eveiy precaution to prevent datnage or deterioration of the work performed; he shall provide suitable drainage about the work, and erect temporary structures where necessaiy. D. Contractoi• may be reimbursed fot• the cost of moving his equipment off the job and i•eturning the necessary equipment to the job when it is determined by the City that construction may be t•esumed. Such reimbursement shall be based on actual cost to the Contractor of moving the equipment and no profit will be allowed. Reimbursement may not be allowed if the equipment is moved to another construction project for the City. CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 �2 00 - � General Conditions Page 58 of 63 15.02 City May Terminate for Cazrse A. The occurrence of any one or more of the following events by way of example, but not of limitation, may justify termination for cause: 1. Contractor's persistent failure to perform the Worlc in accordance with the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, failure to supply sufficient slcilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, failure to adhere to the Project Schedule established under Paragraph 2.07 as adjusted fi•om time to time pursuant to Paragraph 6.04, or failure to adhere to the City's Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance #20020-1 2-20 1 1established under Paragraph 6.06.D); 2. Contractor's disregard of Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; 3. Contractor's repeated disregard of the authority of City; or 4. Contractor's violation in any substantial way of any provisions of the Contract Documents; or 5. Contractor's failure to promptly malce good any defect in materials or workmanship, or defects of any nature, the correction of which has been directed in writing by the City; or 6. Substantial indication that the Contractor has made an unauthorized assignment of the Contract or any funds due therefrom for the beneft of any creditor or for any other purpose; OP 7. Substantial evidence that the Contractor has become insolvent or bankrupt, or otherwise financially unable to carry on the Work satisfactorily; ol• 8. Contractor commences legal action in a court of competent jurisdiction against the City. B. If one or more of the events identified in Paragraph 15.02A. occur, City will provide written notice to Contractor and Surety to arrange a conference with Contractor and Surety to address Contractor's failure to perform the Work. Conference shall be held not later than 15 days, after receipt of notice. 1. If the City, the Contractor, and the Surety do not agree to allow the Contractor to proceed to perform the construction Contract, the City may, to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, declare a Contractor default and formally terminate the Contractor's right to complete the Contract. Conh�actor default shall not be deciared earlier than 20 days aftel• the Conh•actor and Surety have received notice of conference to address Contractor's failure to perform the Work. 2. If Contractor's se�•vices are terminated, Surety shall be obligated to talce over and perfor•m the Work. If Surety does not commence performance thereof within 15 consecutive calendar days after date of an additional written notice demanding Surety's performance of its CITY OF FORT WOR1'H STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS , Revision: December2l, 2012 00 72 00 - 1 Genera( Conditions Page 59 of 63 obligations, then City, without process or action at law, may talce over any portion of the Work and complete it as described below. a. If City completes the Work, City may exclude Contractor and Surety fi�om the site and take possession of the Worlc, and all materials and equipment incorporated into the Worlc stored at the Site or for which City has paid Contractor or Surety but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as City may deem expedient. Whether City or Surety completes the Worlc, Contractot• shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims, costs, losses and damages sustained by City arising out of or resulting fi�om completing the Worlc, such excess will be paid to Contractot•. If such claims, costs, losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, Contractor shall pay the difference to City. Such claims, costs, losses and damages incurred by City will be incorporated in a Change Order, provided that when exercising any rights or remedies under this Paragraph, City shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for the Worlc performed. 4. Neither City, nor any of its respective consultants, agents, officers, directois or employees shall be in any way liable or accountable to Contractor or Surety for the method by which the completion of the said Work, or any pot�tion thereof, may be accomplished or for the price paid therefor. 5. City, notwithstanding the method used in completing the Contract, shall not forfeit the right to recover damages from Contractor or Surety for Contractor's failure to timely complete the entire Contract. Contractot• shall not be entitled to any claim on account of the method used by City in completing the Contract. 6. Maintenance of the Work shall continue to be Contractor's and Surety's responsibilities as provided for in the bond requirements of the Contract Documents oi• any special guarantees provided for under the Contract Documents or any other obligations otherwise prescribed by law. C. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 15.02.B, Contractor's seivices will not be tet•minated if Contractor begins within seven days of receipt of notice of intent to tei•minate to correct its failure to perform and proceeds diligently to cure such faihu�e within no more than 30 days of receipt of said notice. D. Where Contractor's services have been so terminated by City, the teimination will not affect any rights or remedies of City against Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention oi� payment of moneys due Contractor by City will not release Contractor fi•om liability. E. If and to the extent that Contractor has provided a performance bond undet• the provisions of Paragi•aph 5.02, the termination procedures of that bond shall not supersede the provisions of this Article. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 72 00 - 1 General Conditions Page 60 of 63 15.03 City May Ternainate For Convenience A. City may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of City, terminate the Contract. Any termination shall be effected by mailing a notice of the termination to the Contractor specifying the extent to which performance of Worlc under the contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. Receipt of the notice shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established when the letter is placed in the United States Postal Service Mail by the City. Further, it shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established that such termination is made with just cause as therein stated; and no proof in any claim, demand or suit shall be required of the City regarding such discretionaiy action. B. After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the City, the Contractor shall: 1. Stop work under the Contract on the date and to the extent specified in the notice of termination; 2. place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services or facilities except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the Work under the Contract as is not terminated; 3. terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of the Work terminated by notice of termination; 4. transfer title to the City and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the City: a. the fabricated or unfabricated parts, Work in progress, completed Worlc, supplies and other material produced as a pai�t of, or acquired in connection with the performance of, the Work terminated by the notice of the termination; and ` b. the completed, or partially completed plans, drawings, information and other property � ; which, if the Contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to the City. 5. complete performance of such Work as shall not have been terminated by the notice of termination; and 6. take such action as may be necessary, or as the City may direct, for the protection and preseivation of the property related to its contract which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the owner has or may acquire the rest. C. At a time not later than 30 days after the termination date specified in the notice of termination, the Contractor may submit to the City a list, certified as to quantity and quality, of any or all items of termination inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been directed or authorized by City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS , Revision: D�cember2l, 2012 007200-1 General Conditions Page 61 of 63 D. Not later than 15 days thereafter, the City shall accept title to such items provided, that the list submitted shall be subject to verification by the City upon removal of the items or, if the items are stored, within 45 days fi�om the date of submission of the list, and any necessary adjustments to correct the list as submitted, shall be made prior to final settlement. E. Not later than 60 days after the notice of termination, the Contractor shall submit his termination claim to the City in the form and with the certification prescribed by the City. Unless an extension is made in writing within such 60 day period by the Contractor, and granted by the City, any and all such claims shall be conclusively deemed waived. F. In such case, Contr•actor shall be paid for (without duplication of any items): 1. completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and reasonable sutns for overhead and profit on such Worlc; 2. expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing services and furnishing labor, materials, or equipment as required by the Contract Documents in connection with uncompleted Wot•lc, plus fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such expenses; and 3. reasonable expenses directly attributable to termination. G. In the event of the failure of the Contractor and City to agree upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of the Work, the City shall determine, on the basis of infot•mation available to it, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor by t•eason of the termination and shall pay to the Conteactor the amounts deteimined. Contractor shall not be paid on account of loss of anticipated pi•ofits or revenue or other economic loss arising out of or resulting fi�om such termination. ARTICLE 16 — DISPUTE RESOLUTION 16.01 Methoc�s and Procedztres A. Either City or Contractor may request mediation of any Contract Claim submitted for a decision under Paragraph 10.06 before such decision becomes fnal and binding. The request for mediation shall be submitted to the other pat�ty to the Contract. Timely submission of the request shall stay the effect of Paragraph 10.06.E. B. City and Contractor shall participate in the mediation process in good faith. The pt•ocess shall be commenced within 60 days of filing of the request. C. If the Contract Claim is not resolved by mediation, City's action under Paragraph 10.06.0 or a denial pursuant to Paragraphs 10.06.C.3 or 10.06.D shall become final and binding 30 days after termination of the mediation unless, within that time period, City or Contractor: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 oo�aoo-t Ge��eral Conditions Page 62 of 63 1. elects in writing to involce any other dispute resolution process provided fot• in the Supplementary Conditions; or 2. agrees with the other party to submit the Contract Claim to another dispute resolution process; or 3. gives written notice to the other pal�ty of the intent to submit the Contract Claim to a court of competent jurisdiction. ARTICLE 17 — MISCELLANEOUS 17.01 Giving Notice A. Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice, it will be deemed to have been validly given if: 1. delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended; or 2. delivered at or sent by registered or cei�tified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. B. Business address changes must be promptly made in writing to the other party. C. Whenever the Contract Documents specifies giving notice by electronic means such electronic notice shall be deemed sufficient upon confirmation of receipt by the receiving party. 17.02 Computation of Times When any period of time is referred to in the Contract Documents by days, it will be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such period falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday the next Worlcing Day shall become the last day of the period. 17.03 Cumulative Remedies The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto are in addition to, and are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by Laws or Regulations, by special warranty or guarantee, ot• by other provisions of the Contract Documents. The provisions of this Paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right, and remedy to which they apply. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 oo�zoo-� General Conditions Page 63 of 63 17.04 Survivad of Obligutions All representations, indemnifications, warranties, and guarantees made in, required by, or given in accordance with the Contract Documents, as well as all continuing obligations indicated in the Contract Documents, will survive final payment, completion, and acceptance of the Worlc or termination or completion of the Contract or termination of the setvices of Contt•actor. 17.05 Headings Article and paragraph headings are insei�ted for convenience only and do not constitute pai�ts of these General Conditions. CITY OF FORT WORTH S'I'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: December2l, 2012 00 73 00 - 1 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 1 of 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 SECTION 00 73 00 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS Supplementa�y Conditions These Supplementary Conditions modify and supplement Section 00 72 00 - General Conditions, and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. All provisions of the General Conditions that are modified or supplemented remain in full force and effect as so modified or supplemented. All provisions of the General Conditions which are not so modified or supplemented remain in full force and effect. De�ned Terms The terms used in these Supplementary Conditions which are defined in the General Conditions have the meaning assigned to them in the General Conditions, unless specifically noted herein. Modi�cations and Supplements The following are instructions that modify or supplement specific paragraphs in the General Conditions and other Contract Documents. SC-3.03B.2, G°Resolving Discrepancies" Plans govern over Specifications. SC-4.OlA Easement limits shown on the Drawing are approximate and were provided to establish a basis for bidding. Upon receiving the iinal easements descriptions, Contractor shall compare them to the lines shown on the Contract Drawings. SC-4.O1A.1., "Availability of Lands" The following is a list of known outstanding right-of-way, and/or easements to be acquired, if any as of October 2014: Outstanding Right-Of-Way, and/or Easements to Be Acquired PARCEL OWNER NUMBER TARGET DATE OF POSSESSION None 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 The Conh•actor understands and agrees that the dates listed above are estimates only, are not guaranteed, and do not bind the City. If Contractor considers the final easements provided to differ materially fi•om the representations on the Contract Drawings, Contractor shall within five (5) Business Days and before proceeding with the Work, notify City in writing associated with the differing easement line locations. SC-4.O1A.2, "Availability of Lands" CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised April l, 2013 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 007300-2 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 2 of 4 Utilities or obstructions to be ��emoved, adjusted, and/or relocated The following is list of utilities and/or obstructions that have not been removed, adjusted, and/or relocated as of October 2014 EXPECTED OWNER UTILITY AND LOCATION TARGET DATE OF ADJUSTMENT None 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 The Contracto►• undei•stands and agrees that the dates listed above are estimates only, are not guaranteed, and do not bind the City. SC-4.02A., "Subsurface and Physical Conditions" The following are ceports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site of the Worlc A None The following are drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures (except Underground Facilities) which are at or contiguous to the site of the Worlc None SC-4.06A., "Hazardous Environmental Conditions at Site" The following are reports and drawings of existing hazardous environmental conditions known to the City: None SG5.03A., "Certi�cates of Insw•ance" The entities listed below are "additional insureds as their interest may appear" including their respective officers, directors, agents and employees. (1) City (2) Consultant: Neel-Schaffer, Inc. (3) Other: None SG5.04A., "Contracto�'s Insw•ance" The limits of liability for the insurance required by Paragraph GG5.04 shall provide the following coverages for not less than the following amounts oc greater wliere required by laws and regulations: 5.04A. Worlcers' Compensation, under Paragt•aph GG5.04A. Slululay /imi/s Entployer's liability $100,000 each accident/occurrence $100,000 Disease - each employee ��00,000 Disease - policy lrmil SG5.04B., "Contracto�'s Insurance" CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revised April l, 2013 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 007300-3 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 3 of4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 5.04B. Commercial General Liability, under Paragraph GG5.04B. Contractor's Liability Insurance under Paragraph GG5.04B., which shall be on a per project basis covering the Contractor with minimum limits oi $1, 000, 000 each occru�rence $2, 000, 000 aggregate limil The policy must have an endorsement (Amendment — Aggregate Limits of Insurance) making the General Aggregate Limits apply separately to each job site. The Commercial General Liability Insurance policies shall provide "X", "C", and "U" coverage's. Verification of such coverage must be shown in the Remarks Article of the Certificate of Insurance. SC 5.04C., °°Contractor's Insw•ance" 5.04C. Automobile Liability, under Paragraph GG5.04C. Contractor's Liability Insurance under Paragraph GG5.04C., which shall be in an amount not less than the following amounts: (1) Automobile Liability - a commercial business policy shall provide coverage on "Any Auto", defined as autos owned, hired and non-owned. $1,OOq 000 each accident on a combined single limit basis. Split limits are acceptable if limits are at least: $250, 000 Bodily Injrrry per person / $500, 000 Bodily lnj:ny pe�� accident / $100,000 Property Damage SG5.04D., ��Contractor's Insurance" The Contractor's construction activities will reyuire its employees, agents, subcontractors, equipment, and material deliveries to cross railroad properties and tracks None. SC-6.04., ��Project Schedule" Project schedule shall be tier 3 for the project. SC-6.07., "Wage Rates" The prevailing wage rate tables applicable to this project are provided in the Appendix. SC-6.09., "Permits and Utilities" SC-6.09A., °�Contractor obtained permits and licenses" The following are known permits and/or licenses required by the Contract to be acquired by the Contractor: �Vone. SG6.09B. ��City obtained permits and licenses" The following are known permits and/or licenses required by the Contract to be acquired by the City: None. SC-6.09C. "Outstanding permits and licenses" The following is a list of known outstanding permits and/or licenses to be acquired, if any as of October 2014: Outstanding Permits and/or Licenses to Be Acquired CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised April 1, 2013 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 �� O WNER None SC-7.02., "Coordination" 007300-4 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDI'I'IONS Page 4 of 4 PERMIT OR LICENSE AND LOCATION TARGET DATE OF POSSESSION The individuals or entities listed below have contracts with the City for the performance of other work at the Site: Vendor Sco e of Worlc Coordination Autliorit None 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 SC-9.01., "City's Project Representative" The following firm is a consultant to the City cesponsible for construction management of this Project: Neel-Schnffer, b7c. SC-13.03C., "Tests and Inspections" None SC-16.O1C.1, "Methods and Procedures" None 22 END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS Revised April I, 2013 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 011100-i SUMMARY OF WORK Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.2 SECTION O1 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK A. Section Includes: l. Summary of Work to be performed in accordance with the Contract Documents B. Deviations from this City of Foi�t Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1- General Requirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Measurement and Payment 14 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiaiy to the various items bid. 15 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 16 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 17 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 18 A. Work Covered by Contract Documents 19 1. Work is to include furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment, and performing 20 all Work necessary for this construction project as detailed in the Drawings and 21 Specifcations. 22 B. Subsidiary Work 23 1. Any and all Work specifcally governed by documentary requirements for the 24 project, such as conditions imposed by the Drawings or Contract Documents in 25 which no specific item for bid has been provided for in the Proposal and the item is 26 not a typical unit bid item included on the standard bid item list, then the item shall 27 be considered as a subsidiary item of Work, the cost of which shall be included in 28 the price bid in the Proposal for various bid items. 29 C. Use of Premises 30 1. Coordinate uses of premises under direction of the City. 31 2. Assume full responsibility for protection and safekeeping of materials and 32 equipment stored on the Site. 33 3. Use and occupy oniy portions of the public streets and alleys, or other public places 34 or other rights-of-way as provided for in the ordinances of the City, as shown in the 35 Contract Documents, or as may be specifically authorized in writing by the City. 36 a. A reasonable amount of tools, materials, and equipment for construction 37 purposes may be stored in such space, but no more than is necessary to avoid 38 delay in the construction operations. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Growid Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 O1 I100-2 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 2 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 0 c. Excavated and waste materials shall be stored in such a way as not to interfere with the use of spaces that may be designated to be left free and unobstructed and so as not to inconvenience occupants of adjacent property. If the street is occupied by railroad tracks, the Work shall be carried on in such manner as not to interfei•e with the operation of the railroad. 1) All Wot•k shall be in accordance with railroad requirements set forth in Division 0 as well as the railroad permit. D. Work within Easements 1. Do not enter upon private property for any purpose without having previously obtained permission fi•om the owner of such property. 2. Do not store equipment or material on private property unless and until the specified approval of the propei�ty ownet• has been secured in wi•iting by the Contractor and a copy furnished to the City. 3. Unless specifically provided othet•wise, clear all rights-of-way or easements of obstructions which mtilst be removed to make possible proper prosecution of the Work as a part of the project construction operations. 4. Preserve and use evet•y precaution to prevent damage to, all trees, shrubbery, plants, lawns, fences, culver•ts, cui•bing, and all othei• types of structures or improvements, to all water, sewer, and gas lines, to all conduits, overhead pole lines, oi• appurtenances thereof, including the construction of teinporat•y fences and to all other public or private propecty adjacent to the Work. 5. Notify the proper representatives of the owneis or occupants of the public or private lands of interest in lands which might be affected by the Work. a. Such notice shall be made at least 48 hours in advance of the beginning of the W ork. b. Notices shall be applicable to both public and private utility companies and any corporation, company, individual, or other, either as owners or occupants, whose land or interest in land might be affected by the Work. c. Be responsible for all damage or injuiy to propei�ty of any character resulting from any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the manner or method or execution of the Woi•k, or at any time due to defective work, material, oi• equipment. 6. Fence a. Restore all fences encountered and removed during construction of the Project to the original or a better than original condition. b. Erect temporary fencing in place of the fencing removed whenever the Work is not in progress and when the site is vacated overnight, and/or at all times to provide site security. c. The cost for all fence work within easements, including removal, temporaiy clos�u•es and replacement, shall be subsidiaiy to the various items bid in the project proposal, unless a bid item is specifically provided in the proposal. CITY OF FORT WORTH 3TANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 2Q 2012 Stage Coach Groimd Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 � ; Ol 1100-3 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 3 of 3 1 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 6 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 7 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 8 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 9 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 10 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] i l END OF SECTION 12 13 Revision Log DATE NAME SUIvIMARY OF CHANGE CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 o � 2s oo - � SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 1 of4 1 2 SECTION O1 25 00 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. The procedure for requesting the approval of substitution of a product that is not 7 equivalent to a pi•oduct which is specified by descriptive or• performance cl•iteria or 8 defined by reference to 1 or more of the following: 9 a. Name of manufacturer 10 b. Name of vendor 11 c. Trade name 12 d. Catalog number 13 2. Substitutions are not "or-equals". 14 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 15 1. None. 16 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 17 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 18 2. Division 1— General Requirements 19 3. Technical Specifications 20 1.2 PRIC� AND PAYMLNT PROCEDURE5 21 A. Meas�n�ement and Payment 22 l. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiaiy to the various items bid. 23 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 24 1.3 RCFGR�NCES [NOT US�D] 25 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVC REQUIREMENTS 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A. Request for Substitution - General I. Within 30 days after award of Contract (unless noted otherwise), the City will consider formal requests fi•om Conh�actor for substitution of products in place of those specified. 2. Certain types of equipment and kinds of material are described in Specifications by means of refei•ences to names of manufactureis and vendots, trade names, or catalog numbers. a. When this method of specifying is used, it is not intended to exclude frotn consideration other products bearing other manufacturer's or vendor's names, trade names, or catalog numbers, provided said products are "or-equals," as determined by City. 3. Other types of equipment and kinds of material may be acceptable substitutions under the following conditions: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 201 l Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 O12500-2 SUBST[TUTION PROCEDURES Page 2 of 4 1 a. Or-equals are unavailable due to strike, discontinued production of products 2 meeting speciiied requirements, or other factors beyond control of Contractor; 3 or, 4 b. Contractor proposes a cost and/or time reduction incentive to the City. 5 1.5 SUBMITTALS 6 A. See Request for Substitution Form (attached) 7 B. Procedure for Requesting Substitution 8 1. Substitution shall be considered only: 9 a. After award of Contract 10 b. Under the conditions stated herein 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2. Submit 3 copies of each written request for substitution, including: a. Documentation 1) Complete data substantiating compiiance of proposed substitution with Contract Documents 2) Data relating to changes in construction schedule, when a reduction is proposed 3) Data relating to changes in cost b. For products 1) Product identification a) Manufacturer's name b) Telephone number and representative contact name c) Specification Section or Drawing reference of ariginally specified product, including discrete name or tag number assigned to original product in the Contract Documents 2) Manufacturer's literature clearly marked to show compliance of proposed product with Contract Documents 3) Itemized comparison of original and proposed product addressing product characteristics including, but not necessarily limited to: a) Size b) Composition or materials of construction c) Weight d) Electrical or mechanical requirements 4) Product experience a) Location of past projects utilizing product b) Name and telephone number of persons associated with referenced projects knowledgeable concerning proposed product c) Available field data and reports associated with proposed product 5) Samples a) Provide at request of City. b) Samples become the property of the City. c. For construction methods: 1) Detailed description of proposed method 2) Iliustration drawings C. Approval or Rejection 45 1. Written approval or rejection of substitution given by the City 46 2. City reserves the right to require proposed product to comply with color and pattern 47 of specified product if necessaiy to secure design intent. CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation -- STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July l, 201 l 012500-3 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 3 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. In the event the substitution is approved, the resulting cost and/or time reduction will be documented by Change Order in accordance with the General Conditions. 4. No additional conti•act time will be given for substitution. 5. Substitution will be rejected if: a. Submittal is not through the Contractor with his stamp of approval b. Request is not made in accordance with this Specification Section c. In the City's opinion, acceptance will require substantial revision of the original design d. In the City's opinion, substitution will not perform adequately the function consistent with the design intent 11 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 12 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 13 1.8 MAINT�NANC� MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 14 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A. In making request for substitution or in using an approved product, the Contractor represents that the Contractor: 1. Has investigated proposed product, and has determined that it is adequate or superior in all respects to that specified, and that it will pet•form function for which it is intended 2. Will provide same guarantee for substitute item as for product specified 3. Will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into Work, to include building modifications if necessary, making such changes as may be required for Work to be complete in all respects 4. Waives all claims for additional costs related to substitution which subsequently arise L10 DCLIV�RY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT US�D] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 29 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT US�D] 30 PART 3- EX�CUTION [NOT USED] 31 32 33 END OF S�CTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ls 19 20 21 22 23 24 2s 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so 01 25 00 - 4 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT A REQUEST FOR SUBSTITUTION FORM: TO: PROJECT: DATE: We hereby submit for your consideration the following product inste�ad of the specified item for the above project: SECTI ON PARAGRAPH SPECI FI ED ITEM Proposed Substitution: R�son for Substitution: Include complete information on changes to Drawings and/or �ecifications which proposed substitution will requirefor its proper installation. Fill in BlanksBelow: A. Will the undersigned contractor pay for changes to the building design, including engineering and detailing costs caused by the requested substitution? B. What effect does substitution have on other trades? C. Differences between proposed substitution and specified item? D. Differences in product cost or product delivery time? E. Manufacturer's guarantees of the proposed and specified items are: Equal Better (explain on attachment) The undersigned states that the function, appearance and quality are equivalent or superior to the specified item. Submitted By: For Use by City Slgnature _ Recommended _ Recommended as noted Firm Not recommended Received late Address By Date Date Remarks Tel ephone For Use by City: A pproved City Rej ected Date CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 201 l Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 01 31 19 - i PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY SECTION O1 31 19 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Provisions for the preconstruction meeting to be held prior to the stai�t of Work to 7 clarify constt•uction contract administration procedures 8 B. Deviations fi•om this City of Fort Woi•th Standard Specification 9 1. None. l0 11 12 13 1.2 C. Related Specification Sections include, but at•e not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requireinents, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 14 A. Measurement and Payment 15 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 16 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 17 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 18 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE R�QUIREMENTS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A. Coordination l. Attend preconstruction meeting. 2. Representatives of Contractor, subcontractors and suppliers attending meetings shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. 3. Meeting administered by City may be tape r•ecorded. a. If recorded, tapes will be used to prepai•e minutes and retained by City for future reference. B. Preconstruction Meeting l. A preconsh•uction meeting will be held within 14 days after the execution of the Agreement and before Work is started. a. The meeting will be scheduled and administer•ed by the City. 2. The Project Representative will preside at the meeting, prepare the notes of the meeting and dish�ibute copies of same to all pal�ticipants who so request by fully completing the attendance form to be circulated at the beginning of the meeting. 3. Attendance shall include: a. Project Representative b. Contractor's project manager c. Contractor's superintendent d. Any subconh�actor or supplier representatives whom the Contracto�• may desire to invite or the City may request CITY OP FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised August 17, 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 01 31 19 - 2 PRECONST2UCTION MEETING Page 2 of 3 e. Other City representatives f. Otheis as appropriate 4. Construction Schedule a. Prepare baseline construction schedule in accordance with Section O1 32 16 and pj•ovide at Preconstruction Meeting. b. City will noYify Conh•actor of any schedule changes upon Notice of Preconstruction Meeting. 5. Preliminary Agenda may include: a. Introduction of Project Personnel b. General Description of Project c. Status of right-of-way, utility clearances, easements or other pertinent permits d. Contractar's work plan and schedule e. Contract Time f. Notice to Proceed g. Construction Staking h. Progress Payments i. Extra Work and Change Order Procedures j. Field Orders k. Disposal Site Letter for Waste Material l. Insurance Renewals m. Payroll Certification n. Material Certifications and Quality Control Testing o. Public Safety and Convenience p. Documentation of Pre-Construction Conditions q. Weekend Work Notification r. Legal Holidays s. Trench Safety Plans t. Confined Space Entry Standards u. Coordination with the City's representative for operations of existing water systems v. Storm Water PolluYion Prevention Plan w. Coordination with other Contractors x. Early Warning System y. Contractor Evaluation z. Special Conditions applicable to the project aa. Damages Claims bb. Submittal Procedures cc. Substitution Procedures dd. Correspondence Routing ee. Record Drawings f£ Temporary construction facilities gg. M/WBE or MBE/SBE procedures hh. Final Acceptance ii. Final Payment jj. Questions or Comments C1TY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised August 17, 2012 Ol 31 19 - 3 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Page 3 of 3 1 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 6 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 7 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 8 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 9 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 10 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 11 12 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 13 CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised August 17, 2012 01 31 20 - ] PROJECT MEETINGS Page 1 of 3 � 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.2 16 17 18 19 1.3 SECTION O1 31 20 PROJECT MEETINGS A. Section Inciudes: 1. Provisions for project meetings throughout the construction period to enable orderly review of the progress of the Work and to provide for systematic discussion of potential problems B. Deviations this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification l. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Technical Specifcations PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Worlc associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 20 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 21 A. Coordination 22 1. Schedule, attend and administer as specified, periodic progress meetings, and 23 specially called meetings throughout progress of the Work. 24 2. Representatives of Contractor, subcontractors and suppliers attending meetings 25 shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. 26 3. Meetings administered by City may be tape recorded. 27 a. If recorded, tapes will be used to prepare minutes and retained by City for 28 future reference. 29 4. Meetings, in addition to those specified in this Section, may be held when requested 30 by the City, Engineer or Contractor. 31 B. Pre-Construction Neighborhood Meeting 32 1. After the execution of the Agreement, but before construction is allowed to begin, 33 attend 1 Public Meeting with affected residents to: 34 a. Present projected schedule, including construction start date 35 b. Answer any construction related questions 36 2. Meeting Location 37 a. Location of ineeting to be determined by the City. 38 3. Attendees CITY OF FOR't WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 013120-2 PROJECT MEETINGS Page 2 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2. COIliI'aCt01' b. Project Representative c. Other City representatives 4. Meeting Schedule a. In general, the neighborhood meeting will occur within the 2 weeks following the pre-construction conference. b. In no case will construction be allowed to begin until this meeting is held. 8 C. Progress Meetings 9 1. Formal project coordination meetings will be held periodically. Meetings will be 10 scheduled and administered by Project Representative. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 � 3. 4. 5. Additional progress meetings to discuss specific topics will be conducted on an as- needed basis. Such additional meetings shall include, but not be limited to: a. Coordinating shutdowns b. Installation of piping and equipment a Coordination between other construction projects d. Resolution of consh•uction isstiles e. Equipment approval The Project Representative will preside at progress meetings, prepare the notes of the meeting and disti•ibute copies of the same to all participants who so request by fully completing the attendance foi•m to be circulated at the beginning of each meeting. Attendance shall include: a. Contractor's project manager b. Contractor's superintendent c. Any subcontractot• or supplier representatives whom the Conh•actor may desire to invite or the City may request d. Engineer's representatives e. City's repr•esentatives £ Otheis, as requested by the Project Representative Preliminary Agenda may include: a. Review of Work progress since previous meeting b. Field observations, problems, conflicts a Items which impede construction schedule d. Review of off-site fabrication, deliveiy schedules e. Review of construction interfacing and sequencing requirements with other construction contracts f. Corrective measures and procedures to regain pi•ojected schedule g. Revisions to construction schedule h. Progress, schedule, during succeeding Work period i. Coordination of schedules j. Review submittal schedules k. Maintenance of quality standards 1. Pending changes and substitutions m. Review proposed changes for: 1) Effect on consh•uction schedule and on completion date 2) Effect on other contracts of the Project n. Review Recot•d Documents o. Review monthly pay request CITY OF FORT WORTH S[age Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July l, 2011 O13120-3 PROJECT MEETINGS Page 3 of 3 1 p. Review status of Requests for Information 2 6. Meeting Schedule 3 a. Progress meetings will be held periodically as determined by the Project 4 Representative. 5 1) Additionai meetings may be heid at the request of the: 6 a) City 7 b) Engineer 8 c) Contractor 9 7. Meeting Location 10 a. The City will establish a meeting location. I 1 1) To the extent practicable, meetings will be held at the Site. 12 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 13 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 14 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 15 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 16 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 17 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USCD] 18 1.11 FIELD [SIT�] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 19 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT US�D] 20 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 21 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 22 END OF SECTION 23 24 CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July 1, 2011 013216-I CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page I of 5 1 2 S�CTION O1 32 16 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. General requirements for the preparation, submittal, updating, status reporting and 7 management of the Constrttction Progress Schedule 8 2. Specific requirements are presented in the City of Fort Worth Schedule Guidance 9 Document 10 B. Deviations fi•om this City of Foi�t Worth Standard Specifcation 11 I . None. 12 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 13 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 14 2. Division 1— General Requirements 15 3. Technical Specifications 16 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 17 A. Measurement and Payment 18 1. Work associated with this Itein is considered stilbsidiaiy to the various items bid. 19 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 20 1.3 REFER�NCES 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Definitions 1. Schedule Tiers a. Tier 1- No schedule submittal required by contract. Small, brief duration projects b. Tier 2- No schedule submittal required by contract, but will require some milestone dates. Small, brief duration projects c. Tier 3- Schedule sttbmittal required by contract as described in the Specification and herein. Majority of City projects, including ail bond program projects d. Tier 4- Schedttle submittal required by contract as described in the Specification and herein. Laige and/or complex projects with long durations 1) Bxamples: large water pump station project and associated pipeline with interconnection to another governmental entity e. Tier 5- Schedule submittal required by contract as described in the Specification and herein. Large and/or vety complex projects with long durations, high public visibility 1) Examples might include a water or wastewater ti•eatment plant 2. Baseline Schedule - Initial schedule sttbmitted before work begins that will serve as the baseline for measw•ing progress and departures fi•om the schedule. CITY OE FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Juiy 1, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 O13216-2 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 2 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 3. Progress Schedule - Monthly submittal of a progress schedule documenting progress on the project and any changes anticipated. 4. Schedule Narrative - Concise narrative of the schedule including schedule changes, expected delays, key schedule issues, critical path items, etc B. Reference Standards 6 1. City of Fort Worth Schedule Guidance Document 7 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 8 A. Baseline Schedule 9 1. General 10 a. Prepare a cost-loaded baseline Schedule using approved software and the 11 Critical Path Method (CPM) as required in the City of Fort Worth Schedule 12 Guidance Document. 13 b. Review the draft cost-loaded baseline Schedule with the City to demonstrate 14 undeistanding of the work to be performed and known issues and constraints 15 related to the scheduie. 16 c. Designate an authorized representative (Project Scheduler) responsible for 17 developing and updating the schedule and preparing reports. 18 B. Progress Schedule 19 1. Update the progress Schedule monthly as required in the City of Foi�t Worth 20 Schedule Guidance Document. 21 2. Prepare the Schedule Narrative to accompany the monthly progress Schedule. 22 3. Change Orders 23 a. Incorporate approved change orders, resulting in a change of contract time, in 24 the baseline Schedule in accordance with City of Fort Worth Schedule 25 Guidance Document. 26 C. Responsibility for Schedule Compliance 27 1. Whenever it becomes apparent from the current progress Schedule and CPM Status 28 Report that delays to the critical path have resulted and the Contract completion 29 date will not be met, or when so directed by the City, make some or all of the 30 following actions at no additional cost to the City 31 a. Submit a Recovery Plan to the City for approval revised baseline Schedule 32 outlining: 33 1) A written statement of the steps intended to take to remove or arrest the 34 delay to the critical path in the approved schedule 35 2) Increase construction manpower in such quantities and crafts as will 36 substantially eliminate the backlog of work and return current Schedule to 37 meet projected baseline completion dates 38 3) Increase the number of working hours per shift, shifts per day, working 39 days per week, the amount of construction equipment, or any combination 40 of the foregoing, sufficiently to substantially eliminate the backlog of work 41 4) Reschedule activities to achieve maximum practical concurrency of 42 accomplishment of activities, and compiy with the revised schedule CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 20l 1 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 013216-3 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 3 of 5 1 2. If no written statement of the steps intended to take is submitted when so requested 2 by the City, the City may direct the Contcactor to increase the level of effort in 3 manpower (trades), equipment and work schedule (overtime, weekend and holiday 4 work, etc.) to be employed by the Contractor in oi•der to remove or arrest the delay 5 to the critical path in the approved schedule. 6 a. No additional cost for such work will be considered. 7 D. The Contract completion time will be adjusted only for causes specified in this 8 Contract. 9 a. Requests for an extension of any Contract completion date must be 10 supplemented with the following: 11 1) Fut•nish justifcation and supporting evidence as the City may deem 12 necessary to determine whether the requested extension of time is entitled 13 under the provisions of this Contract. 14 a) The City will, after receipt of such justiftcation and supporting 15 evidence, make findings of fact and will advise the Contractor, in 16 writing thereof. 17 2) If the City finds that the requested extension of tiine is entitled, the City's 18 deterinination as to the total number of days allowed for the extensions 19 shall be based upon the approved total baseline schedule and on all data 20 relevant to the extension. 21 a) Such data shall be included in the next updating of the Progress 22 schedule. 23 b) Actual delays in activities which, according to the Baseline schedule, 24 do not affect any Contract completion date shown by the critical path in 25 the network will not be the basis for a change therein. 26 2. Submit each request for change in Contract completion date to the City within 30 27 days after the beginning of the delay for which a time extension is requested but 28 before the date of final payment under this Contract. 29 a. No time extension will be granted for requests which are not submitted within 30 the foregoing tiine limit. 31 b. From time to iime, it may be necessaiy for the Contract schedule or completion 32 time to be adjusted by the City to reflect the effects of job conditions, weather, 33 technical difficulties, strikes, unavoidable delays on the pai•t of the City or its 34 representatives, and other unforeseeable conditions which may indicate 35 schedule adjustments or completion time extensions. 36 1) Under such conditions, the City will direct the Contractor to reschedule the 37 work or Conti•act completion time to reflect the changed conditions and the 38 Contractor shall revise his schedule accordingly. 39 a) No additional compensation will be made to the Contractor for such 40 schedule changes except for unavoidable overall conh�act time 41 extensions beyond the actual completion of unaffected work, in which 42 case the Contt•actor shall take all possible action to minimize any time 43 extension and any additional cost to the City. 44 b) Available float time in the Baseline schedule may be used by the City 45 as weil as by the Contractor. 46 3. Float or slack tiine is defined as the amount of time between the eai•liest start date 47 and the latest stai�t date or between the earliest finish date and the latest iinish date 48 of a chain of activities on the Baseline Schedule. CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July l, 20ll 01 32 16 - 4 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 4 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 a. Float or slack time is not for the exclusive use or benefit of either the Contractor or the City. b. Proceed with work according to early start dates, and the City shall have the right to reserve and apportion float time according to the needs of the project. c. Acknowledge and agree that actual delays, affecting paths of activities containing float time, will not have any effect upon contract completion times, pt•oviding that the actual delay does not exceed the float time associated with those activities. E. Coordinating Schedule with Other Contract Schedules 1. Where work is to be performed under this Contract concurrently with or contingent upon work performed on the same facilities or area under other contracts, the Baseline Schedule shall be coordinated with the schedules of the other contracts. a. Obtain the schedules of the other appropriate contracts from the City for the preparation and updating of Baseline schedule and make the required changes in his schedule when indicated by changes in corresponding scheduies. 2. In case of interference between the operations of different contractors, the City will determine the work priority of each contractor and the sequence of work necessary to expedite the completion of the entire Project. a. In such cases, the decision of the City shall be accepted as final. b. The temporary delay of any work due to such circumstances shall not be considered as justification for claims for additional compensation. 22 1.5 SUBMITTALS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 A. Baseline Schedule 1. Submit Schedule in native file format and pdf format as required in the City of Fort Woi�th Schedule Guidance Document. a. Native file format includes: 1) Primavera (P6 or Primavera Contractor) 2. Submit draft baseline Schedule to City prior to the pre-construction meeting and bring in hard copy to the meeting for review and discussion. 30 B. Progress Schedule 31 1. Submit progress Schedule in native file format and pdf format as required in the 32 City of Fort Worth Schedule Guidance Document. 33 2. Submit progress Schedule monthly no later than the last day of the month. 34 C. Schedule Narrative 35 1. Submit the schedule narrative in pdf format as required in the City of Fort Worth 36 Schedule Guidance Document. 37 2. Submit schedule narrative monthly no later than the last day of the month. 38 39 40 41 42 43 D. Submittal Process 1. The City administeis and manages schedules through Buzzsaw. 2. Contractor shall submit documents as required in the City of Fort Worth Schedule Guidance Document. 3. Once the project has been completed and Final Acceptance has been issued by the City, no further progress schedules are required. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 013216-5 CONSTRUCTIONPROGRESSSCHEDULE Page 5 of 5 1 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 5 A. The person preparing and revising the construction Progress Schedule shall be 6 experienced in the preparation of schedules of similar complexity. 7 B. Schedule and supporting documents addt•essed in this Speciiication shall be pt•epared, 8 updated and revised to accurately reflect the performance of the constr•uction. 9 C. Contractor is responsible for the quality of all submittals in this section meeting the 10 standard of care for the construction industiy for similar projects. 11 1.10 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 12 l.11 FIELD [SIT�] CONDITIONS [NOT U5ED] 13 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT US�D] 14 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT US�D] 15 PART 3- EX�CUTION [NOT US�D] 16 17 18 END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 20l 1 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 1 2 3 PART1- GENCRAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.2 O13300-1 SUBMITTALS Page 1 of 8 SECTION O1 33 00 SUBMITTALS A. Section Includes: 1. Generai methods and requirements of submissions appiicable to the following Work-related submittals: a. Shop Drawings b. Product Data (including Standard Product List submittals) c. Samples d. Mock Ups B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification l. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements PRICE AND PAYM�NT PROCEDURES � , 18 A. Measurement and Payment i 19 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. � 20 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. I 21 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A. Coordination 1. Notify the City in writing, at the time of submittal, of any deviations in the submittals fi�om the requirements of the Contract Documents. 2. Coordination of Submittal Times a. Prepare, prioritize and transmit each submittal sufficiently in advance of performing the related Work or other applicable activities, or within the time specified in the individual Work Sections, of the Specifications. b. Contractor is responsible such that the installation will not be delayed by processing times including, but not limited to: a) Disapproval and resubmittal (if required) b) Coordination with other submittals c) Testing ' d) Purchasing e) Fabrication � Delivery g) Similar sequenced activities c. No extension of time will be authorized because of the Contractor's failure to transmit submittals sufficiently in advance of the Work. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 013300-2 SUBMITTALS Page 2 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 d. Make submittals promptly in accordance with appr•oved schedule, and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of any other contractor. B. Submittal Numbering When submitting shop drawings or samples, utilize a 9-character submittal cross- reference identification numbering system in the following manner: a. Use the fiist 6 digits of the applicable Specification Section Number. b. Foi• the next 2 digits number use numbeis 01-99 to sequentially number each initial separate item or drawing submitted under each specific Section number. c. Last use a letter, A-Z, indicating the resubmission of the same drawing (i.e. A=2nd submission, B=3rd submission, C=4th submission, etc.). A typical submittal numbet• would be as follows: 03 30 00-08-B 1) 03 30 00 is the Specification Section fol• Concrete 2) 08 is the eighth initial submittal under this Specification Section 3) B is the third submission (second resubmission) of that particular shop drawing C. Contractor Certification 1. Review shop drawings, product data and samples, including those by subcontractors, prior to submission to determine and verify the following: a. Field measurements b. Field construction criteria c. Catalog nutnbers and similar data d. Conformance with the Contract Documents 2. Provide each shop drawing, sample and product data submitted by the Contractor with a Certification Statement affixed inclLiding: a. The Contractor's Company name b. Signature of submittal reviewer c. Certification Statement 1) "By this submittal, I hereby represent that I have determined and verified field meastirements, field consh�uction criteria, materials, dimensions, catalog numbers and similar data and I have checked and coordinated each item with other applicable approved shop drawings." D. Submittal Format 1. Fold shop drawings larger than 8'/2 inches x 11 inches to 8'/2 inches x 11 inches. 2. Bind shop drawings and product data sheets together. 3. Order a. Cover Sheet 1) Description of Packet 2) Contractor Certification b. List of items / Table of Contents c. Product Data /Shop Drawings/Samples /Calculations E. Submittal Content l. The date of submission and the dates of any previous submissions CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 013300-3 SUBMITTALS Page 3 of 8 2. The Project title and number 3. Contractor identification 4. The names of: a. Contracto�• b. Supplier c. Manufacturer 5. Identification of the product, with the Specification Section number, page and paragraph(s) 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such 7. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the Work or materials 8. Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specification numbers 9. Identification by highlighting of deviations fi•om Contract Documents 10. Identification by highlighting of revisions on resubmittals 11. An 8-inch x 3-inch blank space for Contractor and City stamps F. Shop Drawings 1. As specified in individual Work Sections includes, but is not necessarily limited to: a. Custom-prepared data such as fabrication and erection/installation (working) drawings b. Scheduled information c. Setting diagrams d. Actual shopwork manufacturing instructions e. Custom templates f. Special wiring diagrams g. Coordination drawings h. Individual system or equipment inspection and test reports including: 1) Performance curves and certifications i. As applicable to the Work 2. Details a. Relation of the various parts to the main members and lines of the structure b. Where correct fabrication of the Work depends upon field measurements 1) Provide such measurements and note on the drawings prior to submitting for approval. G. Product Data 1. For submittals of product data for products included on the City's Standard Product List, clearly identify each item selected for use on the Project. 2. For submittals of product data for products not included on the City's Standard Product List, submittal data may include, but is not necessarily limited to: a. Standard prepared data for manufactured products (sometimes referred to as catalog data) 1) Such as the manufachirer's product specification and installation instructions 2) Availability of colors and patterns 3) Manufacturer's printed statements of compliances and applicability 4) Roughing-in diagrams and templates 5) Catalog cuts 6) Productphotographs CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tanh Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 oi ssoo-a SUBMITTALS Page 4 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 7) Standard wiring diagrams 8) Printed performance curves and operational-range diagrams 9) Production or quality control inspection and test reports and certifications 10) Mill reports 11) Product operating and maintenance instructions and recommended spare-parts listing and printed product war•ranties 12) As applicable to the Work H. Samples l. As specified in individual Sections, include, but are not necessarily limited to: a. Physical examples of the Work such as: 1) Sections of manufactured or fabricated Woi•k 2) Small cuts or containers of materials 3) Complete units of repetitively used pt•oducts color/texture/pattern swatches and range sets 4) Specimens for coordination of visual effect 5) Graphic symbols and units of Work to be used by the City for independent inspection and testing, as applicable to the Work 18 I. Do not start Work requiring a shop drawing, sample or product data nor any material to 19 be fabricated or installed prior to the approval or qualified approval of such item. 20 1. Fabrication performed, tnaterials purchased or on-site consh�uction accotnplished 21 which does not confoi•m to approved shop drawings and data is at the Contcactor's 22 risk. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 2. The City will not be liable for any expense or delay due to corrections or remedies required to accomplish conformity. 3. Complete project Work, materials, fabrication, and installations in conformance with approved shop drawings, applicable samples, and product data. J. Submittal Distribution I. Electronic Distribution a. Confirm development of Pt•oject directory for electronic submittals to be uploaded to City's Buzzsaw site, or another external FTP site approved by the City. b. Shop Drawings 1) Upload submittal to designated project directory and notify appropriate City representatives via email of submittal posting. 2) Hard Copies a) 3 copies for all submittals b) If Contractor requires more than 1 hard copy of Shop Drawings returned, Contractoi• shall sttbmit more than the number of copies listed above. c. Product Data 1) Upload submittal to designated project directory and notify appropi•iate City representatives via email of submittal posting. 2) Hard Copies a) 3 copies for all submittals d. Samples 1) Distributed to the Project Representative 2. Hard Copy Distribution (if required in lieu of electronic distribution) CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 01 33 00 - 5 SUBM[TTALS Page 5 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a. Shop Drawings 1) Distributed to the City 2) Copies a) 8 copies for mechanical submittals b) 7 copies for all other submittals c) If Contractor requires more than 3 copies of Shop Drawings returned, Contractor shall submit more than the number of copies listed above. b. Product Data 1) Distributed to the City 2) Copies a) 4 copies c. Samples 1) Distributed to the Project Representative 2) Copies a) Submit the number stated in the respective Specification Sections. 3. Distribute reproductions of approved shop drawings and copies of approved product data and samples, whej•e required, to the job site file and elsewhere as directed by the City. a. Provide number of copies as directed by the City but not exceeding the number previously specified. IC. Submittal Review The review of shop drawings, data and samples will be for general conformance with the design concept and Contract Documents. This is not to be construed as: a. Permitting any departure from the Contract requirements b. Relieving the Contractor of responsibility for any errors, including details, dimensions, and materials c. Approving departures from details furnished by the City, except as otherwise provided herein The review and approval of shop drawings, samples or product data by the City does not relieve the Contractor from his/her responsibility with regard to the fulfillment of the terms of the Contract. a. All risks of error and omission are assumed by the Contractor, and the City will have no responsibility therefore. The Contractor remains responsible for details and accuracy, for coordinating the Work with all other associated work and trades, for selecting fabrication processes, for techniques of assembly and for performing Work in a safe manner. If the shop drawings, data or samples as submitted describe variations and show a depat�ture fi•om the Contract requirements which City finds to be in the interest of the City and to be so minor as not to involve a change in Contract Price or time for performance, the City may return the reviewed drawings without noting an exception. Submittais will be returned to the Contractor under 1 of the following codes: a. Code 1 1) "NO EXCEPTIONS TAICEN" is assigned when there are no notations or comments on the submittal. a) When returned under this code the Contractor may release the equipment and/or material for manufacture. b. Code 2 29 2 30 31 32 33 34 3 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 4. 5 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 013300-6 SUBMITTALS Page 6 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 c. �� 1) 'BXCEPTIONS NOTED". This code is assigned when a confrmation of the notations and comments IS NOT required by the Contractor. a) The Contractor may release the equipment or material for manufactut•e; however, all notations and comments must be incorporated into the final product. Code 3 1) "EXCEPTIONS NOTED/RESUBMIT". This combination of codes is assigned when notations and comments are extensive enough to t•equire a resubmittal of the package. a) The Contractor may release the equipment ot• material for manufacture; however, all notations and comments must be incorporated into the final product. b) This resubmittal is to address all comments, omissions and non-conforming items that were noted. c) Resubmittal is to be received by the City within 15 Calendar Days of the date of the City's transmittal requiring the resubmittal. Code 4 1) "NOT APPROVED" is assigned when the submittal does not meet the intent of the Contract Documents. a) The Contractor must resubmit the entire package revised to bring the submittal into conformance. b) It may be necessary to resubmit using a different manufacturer/vendor to meet the Contract Documents. 6. Resubmittals a. Handled in the same manner as first submittals 1) Corrections othet• than requested by the City 2) Marked with revision triangle or other similar method a) At Conh•actor's risk if not marked b. Submittals for each item will be reviewed no more than twice at the City's expense. 1) All subsequent reviews will be performed at times convenient to the City and at the Contt•actor's expense, based on the City's or City Representative's then prevailing rates. 2) Provide Contractor reimb�u•sement to the City within 30 Calendar Days for all such fees invoiced by the City. c. The need for tnore than 1 t•esubmission or any other deiay in obtaining City's review of submittals, will not entitle the Contcactor to an extension of Contract Time. 7. Partial Submittals a. City reserves the right to not i•eview submittals deemed partial, at the City's discretion. b. Submittals deemed by the City to be not complete will be returned to the Contractor, and will be considei•ed °Not Approved" until resubmitted. c. The City may at its option provide a list or mark the submittal directing the Contractor to the areas that are incomplete. 8. If the Contractor considers any correction indicated on the shop drawings to constitute a change to the Contract Documents, then written notice must be pi•ovided thereof to the City at least 7 Calendar Days prior to release foi• manufacture. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabi(itation Project No. 02316 O13300-7 SUBMITTALS Page 7 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1.5 9. When the shop drawings have been completed to the satisfaction of the City, the Contractor may cariy out the construction in accordance therewith and no further changes therein except upon written instructions from the City. 10. Each submittal, appropriately coded, wiil be returned within 30 Calendar Days following receipt of submittal by the City. L. Mock ups L Mock Up units as specified in individual Sections, include, but are not necessarily limited to, complete units of the standard of acceptance for that type of Work to be used on the Project. Remove at the completion of the Work or when directed. M. Qualifications 1. If specifically required in other Sections of these Specifications, submit a P.E. Certification for each item required. N. Request for Information (RFI) 1. Contractor Request for additional information a. Clarification or interpretation of the contract documents b. When the Contractor believes there is a conflict between Contract Documents c. When the Contractor believes there is a conflict between the Drawings and Specifications 1) Identify the conflict and request clarification 2. Use the Request for Information (RFI) form provided by the City. 3. Numbering of RFI a. Prefix with "RFI" followed by series number, "-xxx", beginning with "O1" and increasing sequentially with each additional transmittal. 4. Sufficient information shall be attached to permit a written response without further information. 5. The City will log each request and will review the request. a. If review of the project information request indicates that a change to the Contract Documents is required, the City will issue a Field Order or Change Order, as appropriate. SUBMITTALS [NOT IJSED] 31 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 32 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 33 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USEDJ 34 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 35 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGC, AND HANDLING [NOT US�D] 36 37 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT US�D] CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 013300-8 SUBMITTALS Page 8 of 8 1 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2 PART 3 - �X�CUTION [NOT USED] 3 END OF S�CTION 4 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 D. Johnson 1.4.K.8. Working Days modified to Calendar Days CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised December 20, 2012 014523-1 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES Page 1 of 2 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1.3 SECTION O1 45 23 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES A. Section Includes: 1. Testing and inspection services procedures and coordination B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Technical Specifications PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. a. Contractor is responsible for performing, coordinating, and payment of all Quality Control testing. b. City is responsible for performing and payment for first set of Quality Assurance testing. 1) If the first Quality Assurance test performed by the City fails, the Contractor is responsible for payment of subsequent Quality Assurance testing until a passing test occurs. a) Final acceptance wiil not be issued by City until all required payments for testing by Conh•actor have been paid in full. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 27 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Testing 1. Complete testing in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. Coordination a. When testing is required to be performed by the City, notify City, sufficiently in advance, when testing is needed. b. When testing is required to be completed by the Contractor, notify City, sufficiently in advance, that testing will be performed. 3. Distribution of Testing Reports a. Electronic Dish�ibution 1) Confirm development of Project directary for electronic submittals to be uploaded to City's Buzzsaw site, or another exte�nal FTP site approved by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 2011 Stage Coacli Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 014523-2 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES Page 2 of 2 2) Upload test reports to designated project directory and notify appropriate City representatives via email of submittal posting. 3) Hard Copies a) 1 copy for all submittals submitted to the Project Representative b. Hard Copy Distribution (if required in lieu of electronic distribution) 1) Tests performed by City a) Distribute 1 hard copy to the Contractor 2) Tests performed by the Contractor a) Distribute 3 hard copies to City's Project Representative 4. Provide City's Project Representative with trip tickets for each delivered load of Concrete or Lime material including the following information: a. Name of pit b. Date of delivery c. Material delivered B. Inspection 1. Inspection or lack of inspection does not relieve the Contractor from obligation to perform work in accordance with the Conh�act Documents. 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USCD] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 1.7 CLOSGOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 22 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 23 1.10 DELNERY, STORAG�, AND HANDLING [NOT USGD� 24 1.11 FI�LD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 25 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT US�D] 26 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 27 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 28 29 30 END OF 5ECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Ju(y 1, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 o � so 00 - i TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Page i of 4 1 2 SECTION O1 50 00 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A. Section Includes: 1. Provide temporary facilities and conh•ols needed for the Work including, but not necessarily limited to: a. Temporary utilities b. Sanitary facilities c. Storage Sheds and Buildings d. Dust control e. Temporary fencing of the construction site B. Deviations fi•om this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Technical Specifications 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 20 A. Measurement and Payment 21 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 22 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 23 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 24 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREM�NTS 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 A. Temporary Utilities 1. Obtaining Temporary Service a. Make arrangements with utility service companies for temporary services. b. Abide by rules and regulations of utility service companies or authorities having jurisdiction. c. Be responsible for utility service costs until Work is approved for Final Acceptance. 1) Included are fuel, power, light, heat and other utility services necessary for execution, completion, testing and initial operation of Work. 2. Water a. Contractor to coordinate with City regarding water needs. City to provide Contractor with water for construction at no cost to the Contractor. 3. Electricity and Lighting CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July 1, 2011 ot s000-2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Page 2 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 a. City can provide Contractor with a 100 Amp, 480 Volt three phase circuit, as well as 120/208 Volt three phase circuits fi�om the existing panels. Contractor shall be responsible for providing for additional power needs. 4. Telephone a. Provide emeigency telephone service at Site for use by Contractor personnel and others performing work or furnishing services at Site. 5. Temporary Heat and Ventilation a. Provide temporary heat as necessary for protection or completion of Work. b. Provide temporaiy heat and ventilation to assure safe working conditions. B. Sanitary Facilities 1. Provide and maintain sanitaiy facilities for persons on Site. a. Comply with t•egulations of State and local depat•tments of health. 2. Enforce use of sanitary facilities by construction personnel at job site. a. Enclose and anchor sanitary facilities. b. No discharge will be allowed fi�om these facilities. c. Collect and store sewage and waste so as not to cause nuisance or health problem. d. Haul sewage and waste off-site at no less than weekly intervals and properly dispose in accot•dance with applicable regulation. 3. Locate facilities near Work Site and keep clean and maintained thl•oughout Project. 4. Remove facilities at completion of Project C. Storage Sheds and Buildings 1. Provide adequately ventilated, watertight, weatherproof storage facilities with floor above ground level foi• materials and equipment susceptible to weather damage. 2. Storage of materials not susceptible to weather damage may be on blocks off ground. 3. Store materials in a neat and orderly manner. a. Place materials and equipment to permit easy access for identification, inspection and inventory. 4. Equip building with lockable doors and lighting, and provide electrical service for equipment space heaters and heating or ventilation as necessary to provide storage environments acceptable to specified manufacturers. 5. Fill and grade site for temporary sti•uctures to provide drainage away fi�otn temporary and existing buildings. 6. Remove building fi•om site prior to Final Acceptance. D. Temporaiy Fencing I. Provide and maintain foi• the duration oi• construction when required in contract documents E. Dust Control 1. Contractor is responsible for maintaining dust conti•ol through the duration of the pt•oject. a. Coniractor r•emains on-call at all times b. Must respond in a timely manner 44 F. Temporary Protection of Construction CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 � � 11 Ol 5000-3 TEMPORARY FAC[L[TIES AND CONTROLS Page 3 of 4 1. Contractor or subcontractors are responsible foi• protecting Work from damage due to weather. 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINT�NANCE MATCRIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1.10 DELIV�RY, STORAGC, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 12 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 13 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 14 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 15 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 16 3.4 INSTALLATION 17 A. Temporary Facilities 18 1. Maintain all temporaiy facilities for duration of construction activities as needed. 19 3.5 [REPAIR] / [RESTORATION] 20 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION 21 3.7 FIELD [ou] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 22 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 23 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 24 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 25 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITI�5 26 A. Temporary Facilities 27 1. Remove all temporary facilities and restore area after completion of the Work, to a 28 condition equal to or better than prior to start of Work. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 Stage Coacli Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 o� s000-�+ TEMPORARY PAC[LITIES AND CONTROLS Page 4 of 4 1 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 2 3.13 MAINT�NANCE [NOT USED] 3 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 4 �ND OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabiiitation STANDARD CONSTRUC'I'ION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July l, 201 I O 1 66 00 - I PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS Page 1 of 3 1 2 S�CTION O1 66 00 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS 3 PART1- G�N�RAL 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Scheduling of product delivery 2. Packaging of products for deliveiy 3. Protection of products against damage from: a. Handling b. Exposure to elements or harsh environments , B. Deviations fi•om this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification l. None. C. Related Specifcation Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Technical Specifications 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USCD] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT US�D] 1.10 DELIVERY AND HANDLING A. Delivery Requirements 1. Schedule deliveiy of products or equipment as required to allow timely installation and to avoid prolonged storage. 2. Provide appropriate personnel and equipment to receive deliveries. 3. Delivery trucks will not be permitted to wait extended periods of time on the Site for personnel or equipment to receive the deliveiy. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 016600-2 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS Page 2 of 3 1 4. Deliver products or equipment in manufacturer's original unbrolcen cartons or other 2 containers designed and constructed to protect the contents fi•om physical or 3 environmental damage. 4 5. Clearly and fully mark and identify as to manufactui•er, item and installation 5 location. 6 6. Provide manufacturer's instructions for storage and handling. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3. 19 20 21 22 4. 23 24 5. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 B. Handling Requirements 1. Handle products or equipment in accordance with these Contract Documents and manufacturer's recommendations and instructions. C. Storage Requirements 1. Store materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and requirements of these Specifications. 2. Make necessary provisions foi• safe storage of materials and equipment. a. Place loose soil materials and materials to be incorporated into Work to prevent damage to any part of Work or• existing facilities and to maintain fi�ee access at all tiines to all parts of Work and to utility service company installations in vicinity of Work. Keep materials and equipment neatly and compactly stored in locations that will cause minimutn inconvenience to other contractors, public travel, adjoining owners, tenants and occupants. a. Arrange storage to provide easy access for inspection. Restrict storage to areas available on construction site for storage of material and equipment as shown on Drawings, or approved by City's Pi•oject Representative. Provide off-site storage and protection when on-site storage is not adequate. a. Provide addresses of and access to off-site storage locations for inspection by City's Project Representative. 6. Do not use lawns, grass plots or other private property for storage purposes without written permission of owner ot• other person in possession or control of premises. Store in manufacturers' unopened containers. Neatly, safely and compactly stack materials delivered and stored along line of Work to avoid inconvenience and damage to property owneis and general public and maintain at least 3 feet fi�om fre hydrant. I<eep public and private driveways and street crossings open. Repair or replace damaged lawns, sidewalks, streets or other improvetnents to satisfaction of City's Project Representative. a. Total length which materials may be distributed along r•oute of construction at one time is 1,000 linear feet, unless otherwise approved in writing by City's Pi•oject Representative. 7. 8. �1 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 201 I Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 023 ( 6 016600-3 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING 2EQUIREMENTS Page 3 of 3 1 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT US�D] 2 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USEDJ 3 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 INSTALLCRS [NOT USED] 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 ERECTION [NOT USED] 3.5 REPAIR / R�STORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USCD] 3.7 FIELD [oR] SIT� QUALITY CONTROL A. Tests and Inspections 1. Inspect all products or equipment delivered to the site prior to unloading. B. Non-Conforming Work 1. Reject all products or equipment that are damaged, used or in any other way unsatisfactory for use on the project. 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT US�D] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECTION A. Protect all products or equipment in accordance with manufacturer's written directions. B. Store products or equipment in location to avoid physical damage to items while in storage. C. Protect equipment from exposure to elements and keep thoroughly dry if required by the manufacturer. 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTII STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 2011 Stage Coacli Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 017423-I CLEANING Page I of 4 1 2 3 PART1- GEN�RAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SECTION O1 74 23 CLEANING A. Section Includes: 1. Intermediate and final cleaning for Work not including special cleaning of closed systems specified elsewhere B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification l. None. C. Related Speciiication Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Foims and Conditions of the Conti•act 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Technical Specifications 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 15 A. Measurement and Payment 16 l. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiar•y to the various Items bid. 17 No separate payment will be ailowed for this Item. 18 1.3 2�FERENCCS [NOT US�D] 19 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 20 A. Scheduling 21 1. Schedule cleaning operations so that dust and othet• contaminants disturbed by 22 cleaning process will not fall on newly painted surfaces. 23 2. Schedule final cleaning upon completion of Work and immediately prioi• to final 24 inspection. 25 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 26 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 27 1.7 CLOSCOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED� 28 1.8 MAINTENANC� MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 29 30 31 32 33 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1.10 STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage and Handling Requirements 1. Store cleaning products and cleaning wastes in containers specifically designed for those materials. C[TY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July I, 2011 01 74 23 - 2 CLEANING Page 2 of 4 1 l.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 2 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 4 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 2.2 MATERIALS 6 A. Cleaning Agents 7 1. Compatible with surface being cleaned 8 2. New and uncontaminated 9 3. For manufactured surfaces 10 a. Material recommended by manufacturer ll 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 12 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 APPLICATION [NOT USED] 3S REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD [ox] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING A. General 1. Prevent accumulation of wastes that create hazardous conditions. 2. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations to comply with laws and safety orders of governing authorities. 3. Do not dispose of volatile wastes such as mineral spirits, oii or paint thinner in storm or sanitary drains or seweis. 4. Dispose of degradable debris at an approved solid waste disposal site. 5. Dispose of nondegradable debris at an approved solid waste disposal site or in an alternate manner approved by City and regulatoiy agencies. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 O17423-3 CLEANING Page 3 of 4 1 6. Handle materials in a controlled manner with as few handlings as possible. 2 7. Thoroughly clean, sweep, wash and polish all Work and equipment associated with 3 this pt•oject. 4 8. Remove ali signs of temporaty construction and activities incidental to construction 5 of required pertnanent Work. 6 9. If project is not cleaned to the satisfaction of the City, the City i•eserves the right to 7 have the cleaning completed at the expense of the Contractor. 8 10. Do not burn on-site. 9 B. Intermediate Cleaning during Consh•uction 10 l. I<eep Work areas clean so as not to hinder health, safety or convenience of 11 personnel in existing facility operations. 12 2. At maximum weekly inteivals, dispose of waste materials, debris and rubbish. 13 3. Confine construction debris daily in strategically located container(s): 14 a. Cover to prevent blowing by wind 15 b. Store debris away from construction or operational activities 16 c. Haul from site at a minimttm of once per week 17 4. Vacuum clean interior areas when ready to receive finish painting. 18 a. Continue vacuum cleaning on an as-needed basis, until Final Acceptance. 19 5. Priol• to storm events, thoroughly clean site of all loose or unsecured items, which 20 may become aii•borne or transported by flowing water during the stortn. 21 C. Interior Final Cleaning 22 1. Remove grease, mastic, adhesives, dust, dirt, stains, fingerprints, labels and other 23 foreign matecials fi�om sight-exposed surfaces. 24 2. Wipe all lighting fixture reflectors, lenses, lamps and trims clean. 25 3. Wash and shine glazing and mirrors. 26 4. Polish glossy surfaces to a clear shine. 27 5. Ventilating systems 28 a. Clean permanent filters and replace disposable filters if units were operated 29 during construction. 30 b. Clean ducts, blowers and coils if units wei•e operated without filteis dui•ing 31 construction. 32 6. Replace all burned out lamps. 33 7. Broom clean process area floois. 34 8. Mop office and control room floois. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 D. Exterior (Site or Right of Way) Final Cleaning 1. Remove trash and debris containers fi•om site. a. Re-seed areas disturbed by location of trash and debris containers in accordance with Section 32 92 13. 2. Sweep roadway to remove all rocks, pieces of asphalt, concrete or any other object that may hinder or disrupt the flow of traffic along the roadway. 3. Clean any interior areas including, but not limited to, vaults, manholes, structures, junction boxes and inlets. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 01 74 23 - 4 CLEANING Page 4 of 4 1 4. If no longer required for maintenance of erosion facilities, and upon approval by 2 City, remove erosion control from site. 3 5. Clean signs, lights, signals, etc. 4 3.11 CLOS�OUT ACTNITIES (NOT US�D] 5 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT US�D] 6 3.13 MAINT�NANCE [NOT USED] 7 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT US�D] 8 END OF SECTION G] 10 CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July l, 2011 01 77 19 - I CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS Page i of 3 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY SECTION O1 77 19 CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS 5 A. Section Includes: 6 L The procedure fot• closing out a contract 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Woi�th Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 11 2. Division 1— Genet•al Requirements 12 3. Technical Specifications 13 1.2 PRICE AND PAYM�NT PROCEDURES 14 A. Measurement and Payment 15 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiaiy to the various Items bid. 16 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 17 1.3 RCFCRENCCS [NOT USCD] 18 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 19 A. Guarantees, Bonds and Affidavits 20 1. No application for final payment will be accepted until all guarantees, bonds, 21 certificates, licenses and affidavits requii•ed for Work or equipment as specified are 22 satisfactorily filed with the City. 23 B. Release of Liens or Claims 24 1. No application for final payment will be accepted until satisfactoiy evidence of 25 release of liens has been submitted to the City. 26 1.5 SUBMITTALS 27 A. Submit all required documentation to City's Project Representative. CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIPICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July l, 20l I 1 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 2 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 4 PART 3 - �XECUTION 5 3.1 INSTALL�RS [NOT USED] 6 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT US�D] 7 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 8 3.4 CLOSEOUT PROCEDUR� 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 01 77 19 - 2 CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 2 of 3 A. Prior to requesting Final Inspection, submit: l. Project Record Documents in accordance with Section O1 78 39 2. Operation and Maintenance Data, if required, in accordance with Section O 1 78 23 B. Prior to requesting Final Inspection, perform final cleaning in accordance with Section O1 74 23. C. FinalInspection 1. After final cleaning, provide notice to the City Project Representative that the Work is completed. a. The City will make an initial Final Inspection with the Contractor present. b. Upon completion of this inspection, the City wiil notify the Conhactor, in writing within 10 business days, of any particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is defective or incomplete. 2. Upon receiving written notice from the CiYy, immediately undertake the Work required to remedy deficiencies and complete the Work to the satisfaction of the City. 3. Upon completion of Work associated with the items listed in the City's written notice, inform the City, that the required Work has been completed. Upon receipt of this notice, the City, in the presence of the Contractor, will make a subsequent Final Inspection of the project. 4. Provide all special accessories required to place each item of equipment in full operation. These special accessory items include, but are not limited to: a. Specified spare parts b. Adequate oil and grease as required for the first lubrication of the equipment c. Initial fill up of all chemical tanks and fuel tanks d. Light bulbs e. Fuses f. Vault keys g. Handwheels h. Other expendable items as required for initial start-up and operation of all equipment D. Notice of Project Completion CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 017'719-3 CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 3 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m 1. Once the City Project Representative finds the Work subsequent to Final Inspection to be satisfactory, the City will issue a Notice of Project Completion (Green Sheet). E. Supporting Docutnentation 1. Coordinate with the City Project Representative to complete the following additional forms: a. Final Payment Request b. Statement of Contract Time c. Affidavit of Payment and Release of Liens d. Consent of Surety to Final Payment e. Pipe Repoi�t (if required) f. Contractor's Evaluation of City g. Performance Evaluation of Contractor F. Letter of Final Acceptance 1. Upon review and acceptance of Notice of Project Completion and Supporting Documentation, in accordance with General Conditions, City will issue Letter of Final Acceptance and release the Final Payment Request foi• payment. 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT US�D] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USGD] 3.� Fi�Ln �oR� siT� QuALiTY coNTxoL �NOT usE�� 3.8 SYST�M STARTUP [NOT US�D] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT US�D] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT US�D] 3.12 PROT�CTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANC� [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USCD] END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT W02TH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 1 2 3 PART1- G�NERAL 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 SECTION O1 78 39 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Ol 78 39 - 1 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 1 of 4 l.l SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Work associated with the documenting the project and recording changes to project documents, including: a. Record Drawings b. Water Meter Service Reports c. Sanitary Sewer Service Reports d. Large Water Meter Reports B. Deviations fi�om this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Technical Specifications 1.2 PRIC� AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to submitting a request for Final Inspection, deliver Project Record Documents to City's Project Representative. 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Accuracy of Records 1. Thoroughly coordinate changes within the Record Documents, making adequate and proper entries on each page of Specifications and each sheet of Drawings and other pocuments where such entry is required to show the change properly. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 2011 Stage Coach Grotmd Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 O1 78 39 - 2 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 2 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 � 2. Accuracy of records shall be such that future search foi• items shown in the Contract Documents may rely reasonably on information obtained fi�om the approved Project Record Documents. 3. To facilitate accuracy of records, make entries within 24 hours after receipt of infot•mation that the change has occurred. 4. Provide factual infot•mation regarding all aspects of the Work, both concealed and visible, to enable future modification of the Work to proceed without lengthy and expensive site measurement, investigation and examination. 1.10 STORAG� AND HANDLING A. Stot•age and Handling Requirements 1. Maintain the job set of Record Documents completely protected from detef•ioration and fi•om loss and damage until completion of the Work and transfer of all recorded data to the final Project Record Documents. 2. In the event of loss of recorded data, use means necessary to again secure the data to the City's approval. a. In such case, provide replacements to the standards originally requii•ed by the Contract Documents. 1.11 FIELD [SIT�] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] L12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 20 PART 2 - PRODUCTS � 22 2.1 OWNER-FURNISH�D [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USCD] 2.2 RECORD DOCUMENTS 23 A. Job set 24 l. Promptly following receipt of the Notice to Proceed, secure fi�om the City, at no 25 chai•ge to the Conh•actor, 1 complete set of all Documents coinprising the Contract. 26 B. Final Record Documents 27 1. At a time neat•ing the completion of the Work and prior to Final Inspection, provide 28 the City 1 complete set of all Final Record Drawings in the Conh�act. C[TY OP FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July I, 201 I 0 2 2.3 ACCESSORI�S [NOT USED] 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL (NOT USED] 3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 4 3.1 INSTALL�RS [NOT USED] 5 6''. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 MAINTENANCE DOCUMENTS 017839-3 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMEN"PS Page 3 of 4 A. Maintenance of Job Set 1. Immediately upon receipt of the job set, identify each of the Documents with the title, "RECORD DOCUMENTS - JOB SET". 2. Preservation a. Considering the Contract completion time, the probable number of occasions upon which the job set must be taken out for new entries and for examination, and the conditions under which these activities will be performed, devise a suitable method for protecting the job set. b. Do not use the job set for any purpose except entry of new data and for review by the City, until start of transfer of data to final Project Record Documents. c. Maintain the job set at the site of work. 3. Coordination with Construction Survey a. At a minimum, in accordance with the intervals set forth in Section O1 71 23, clearly mark any deviations from Contract Documents associated with installation of the infrastructure. 4. Making entries on Drawings a. Record any deviations from Contract Documents. b. Use an erasable colored pencil (not ink or indelible pencil), clearly describe the change by graphic line and note as required. c. Date all entries. d. Call attention to the entry by a"cloud" drawn around the area or areas affected. e. In the event of overlapping changes, use different colors for the overlapping changes. 5. Conversion of schematic layouts a. In soine cases on the Drawings, arrangements of conduits, circuits, piping, ducts, and similar items, are shown schematically and are not intended to portray precise physical layout. 1) Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject to the City's approval. 2) However, design of future modifications of the facility may require accurate information as to the finai physical layout of items which are shown only schematically on the Drawings. b. Show on the job set of Record Drawings, by dimension accurate to within 1 inch, the centerline of each run of items. 1) Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject to the City's approval. CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation S1'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July l, 2011 01 78 39 - 4 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 4 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2) Show, by symbol or note, the vertical location of the Item ("under slab", "in ceiling plenum", "exposed", and the like). 3) Make all identification sufficiently descriptive that it may be related reliably to the Specifications. c. The City may waive the requirements for conversion of schematic layouts where, in the City's judgment, conversion serves no useful purpose. However, do not rely upon waivers being issued except as specifically issued in writing by the City. B. Final Project Record Documents 1. Transfer of data to Drawings a. Carefully ti•ansfer change data shown on the job set of Record Drawings to the corresponding final documents, coordinating the changes as required. b. Clearly indicate at each affected detail and other Drawing a full description of changes made during construction, and the actual location of items. c. Call attention to each entry by drawing a"cloud" around the area or areas affected. d. Make changes neatly, consistently and with the proper media to assure longevity and clear reproduction. 2. Transfer of data to other pocuments a. If the Documents, other than Drawings, have been kept clean during progress of the Work, and if entries thereon have been orderly to the appi•oval of the City, the job set of those Documents, other than Drawings, will be accepted as final Record Documents. b. If any such Document is not so approved by the City, secure a new copy of that Document fi�om the City at the City's usual charge for reproduction and handling, and carefully transfer the change data to the new copy to the approval of the City. 3.5 R�PAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD [oR] SIT� QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT U5�D] 3.10 CL�ANING [NOT US�D] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT US�D] 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANC� [NOT US�D] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT US�D] CND OF SGCTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 312316-1 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION Page 1 of 4 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY S�CTION 31 23 16 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Excavate areas as shown on the Drawings or as directed. Removal of materials 7 encountered to the lines, grades, and typical sections shown on the Drawings and 8 removal from site. Excavations may include construction of 9 a. Roadways 10 b. Drainage Channels 11 c. Site Excavation 12 d. Excavation for Structures 13 e. Or any other operation involving the excavation of on-site materials 14 B. Deviations fi�om this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 15 l. None. 16 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 17 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 18 2. Division 1— General Requirements 19 3. Section 31 24 00 — Embankments 20 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 A. Measurement - Measurement for this Item shall be by the lump sum. Limits of measurement is shown on the Drawings. B. Payment - The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per lump sum of "Unclassified Excavation by Plan". No additional compensation will be allowed for rock or shrinkage/swell factors, as these are the Contractor's responsibility. C. The price bid shall include: 1. Excavation 2. Excavation Safety 3. Drying 4. Dust Control 5. Reworking or replacing the over e�cavated material in rock cuts 6. Hauling 7. Disposal of excess material not used eisewhere onsite 8. Scarification 9. Clean-up CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Groimd Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised January 28, 2013 3I 23 l6 - 2 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION Page 2 of 4 1.3 REFERENCCS [NOT USCD] 2 3 4 5 6 7 A. Definitions 1. Unclassified Excavation — Without regard to materials, all excavations shall be considered unclassified and shall include all materials excavated. Any reference to Rock or other materials on the Drawings or in the specifications is solely for the City and the Contractor's information and is not to be taken as a classification of the excavation. 8 1.4 ADMINSTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 9 A. The Contractor will provide the CiYy with a Disposal Letter in accordance to Division 10 O1. 11 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 12 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 13 1.7 CLOS�OUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 14 1.8 MAINT�NANC� MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 15 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCC 16 A. Excavation Safety 17 1. The Contractor shall be solely i•esponsible for making all excavations in a safe 18 manner. 19 2. All excavation and related sheeting and bracing shall comply with the requirements 20 of OSHA excavation safety standards 29 CFR part 1926 and state requirements. 21 1.10 D�LIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Storage l. Within Existing Rights-of-Way (ROW) a. Soil may be stoi•ed within existing ROW, easements or temporary construction easements, unless specifically disallowed in the Contract Documents. b. Do not block drainage ways, inlets or driveways. c. Provide erosion control in accordance with Section 31 25 00. d. When the Work is performed in active traffic areas, store materials only in areas barricaded as pi•ovided in the traffic conti•ol plans. e. In ilon-paved areas, do not store material on the root zone of any tt•ees or in landscaped areas. 2. Designated Storage Areas a. If tl�e Conti•act Documents do not allow the storage of spoils within the ROW, easement ot• tempot•ary construction easement, then secure and maintain an adequate storage location. b. Provide an affidavit that rights have been secured to store the materials on private property. c. Provide erosion control in accordance with Section 31 25 00. d. Do not block drainage ways. CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECII'ICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised January 28, 2013 1 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 312316-3 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION Page 3 of 4 A. Existing Conditions 1. Any data which has been or may be provided on subsurface conditions is not intended as a representation or warranty of accuracy or continuity between soils. It is expressly understood that neither the City nor the Engineer will be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn there fi•om by the Contractor. 2. Data is made available for the convenience of the Contractor. 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT US�D] 9 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 10 2.1 OWNER-FURNISH�D [NOT USED] 11 2.2 PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERIALS 12 A. Materials 13 1. Unacceptabie Fili Material 14 a. In-situ soils classified as ML, MH, PT, OL or OH in accordance with ASTM 15 D2487 16 PART 3 - EX�CUTION 17 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 18 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 19 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 20 3.4 CONSTRUCTION 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A. Accept ownership of unsuitable or excess material and dispose of material off-site accordance with local, state, and federal regulations at locations. B. Excavations shall be performed in the dry, and kept free fi•om water, snow and ice during construction with eh exception of water that is applied for dust control. C. Separate Unacceptable Fill Material fi•om other materials, remove from the Site and properly dispose according to disposal plan. D. Maintain drainage in the excavated area to avoid damage to the roadway sections and proposed or existing structures. E. Correct any damage to the subgrade caused by weather, at no additional cost to the City. F. Shape slopes to avoid loosening material below or outside the proposed grades. Remove and dispose of slides as directed. G. Rock Cuts 1. Excavate to finish grades. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPGCIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised January 28, 2013 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 3� as i6-a UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION Page 4 of 4 2. In the event of over excavation due to conh�actor error below the lines and grades established in the Drawings, use approved embankment material compacted in accordance with Section 31 24 00 to replace the over excavated at no additional cost to City. H. Earth Cuts 1. Excavate to finish subgrade 2. In the event of over excavation due to contractor error below the lines and grades established in the Drawings, use approved embankment material compacted in accordance with Section 31 24 00 to replace the over excavated at no additional cost to City. 3. Manipulate and compact subgrade in accordance with Section 31 24 00. 3.5 R�PAIR [NOT US�D] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL I S A. Subgrade Tolerances 16 1. Excavate to within 0.1 foot in all directions. 17 2. In areas of over excavation, Contractor provides fill material approved by the City 18 at no expense to the City. 19 3.8 SYSTCM STARTUP [NOT USED] 20 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT US�D] 21 3.10 CL�ANING [NOT USED] 22 3.11 CLOS�OUT ACTIVITI�S [NOT US�D] 23 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 24 3.13 MAINTCNANCE [NOT US�D] 25 3.14 ATTACHM�NTS [NOT US�D] 26 END OF S�CTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 D. Johnso❑ 1.2 - Measurement and Payment Section modified; Blue Text added for clarification 1/28/13 D. Johnson 1.2 — Modified Bid Item names in payment section to differentiate between Payment Methods on bid list. L►•III CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised January 28, 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 329213-I HYDROMULCHING, SEEDING AND SODD[NG Page 1 of 8 SECTION 32 92 13 HYDROMULCHING, SEEDING AND SODDING PART1- GEN�RAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Furnishing and installing grass sod and permanent seeding as shown on Drawings, or as dir•ected. B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1- General Requirements 3. Section 32 91 19 — Topsoil Placement and Finishing of Parkways 1.2 PRIC� AND PAYM�NT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Block Sod Placement a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the square yard of Block Sod placed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per square yard of Block Sod placed. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and placing all sod 2) Rolling and tamping 3) Watering (until established) 4) Disposal of surplus materials 2. Seeding a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the lump sum of Seed spread. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per lump sum of Seed placed fot• various installation methods. c. The price bid shall include: I) Furnishing and placing all Seed 2) Furnishing and applying water for seed fertilizer 3) Slurry and hydraulic mulching 4) Fertilizer 5) Watering and mowing (until established) 6) Disposal of surplus materials 3. Mowing a. Measurement CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 329213-2 HYDROMULCHING, SE�DING AND SODDING Page 2 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1) Measurement for this Item shall per each. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as pt•ovided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per each. 1.3 REFER�NC�S [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIR�MENTS [NOT USED] 1.5 ACTION SUBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Seed 1. Vendors' cei�tification that seeds meet Texas State seed law including: a. Testing and labeling for pure live seed (PLS) b. Name and type of seed 2. All seed shall be tested in a laboratory with certified results presented to the City in writing, prioi• to planting. 3. All seed to be of the pi•evious season's crop and the date on the container shall be within 12 months of the seeding date. 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINT�NANC� MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT US�D� 1.10 DELIV�RY, STORAG�, AND HANDLING A. Block Sod 1. Protect from exposure to wind, sun and fi�eezing. 2. Keep stacked sod moist. B. Seed l. If using native grass or wildflower seed, seed must have been harvested within 100 miles of the construction site. 2. Each species of seed shall be supplied in a separate, labeled container for acceptance by the City. C. Fertilizer 1. Provide fertilizer labeled with the analysis. 2. Conform to Texas fertilizet• law. 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT US�D] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2.2 MATERIALS AND �QUIPMENT A. Materials CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20. 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 329213-3 HYDROMULCHING, SEEDING AND SODDING Page 3 of 8 1. Block Sod a. Sod Varieties (match existing if applicable) 1) "Stenotaphrum secundatum" (St. Augustine grass) 2) "Cynodon dactylon" (Common Bermudagrass) 3) "Buchloe dactyloides" (Buffalograss) 4) an approved hybrid of Common Bermudagrass 5) or an approved Zoysiagrass b. Sod must contain stolons, leaf blades, rhizomes and roots. c. Sod shall be alive, healthy and free of insects, disease, stones, undesirabie foreign materials and weeds and grasses deleterious to its growth or which might affect its subsistence or hat•diness when transplanted. d. Minimum sod thickness: 3/4 inch e. Maximum grass height: 2 inches £ Acceptable growing beds 1) St. Augustine grass sod: clay or clay loam topsoil 2) Bermuda grasses and zoysia grasses: sand or sandy loam soils g. Dimensions 1) Machine cut to uniform soil thickness. 2) Sod shall be of equal width and of a size that permits the sod to be lifted, handled and rolled without breaking. h. Broken or torn sod or sod with uneven ends shaii be rejected. 2. Seed a. General 1) Plant all seed at rates based on pure live seed (PLS) a) Pure Live Seed (PLS) determined using the formula: (1) Percent Pure Live Seed = Percent Purity x[(Percent Germination + Percent Firm or Hard Seed) + 100] 2) Availability of Seed a) Substitution of individual seed types due to lack of availability may be permitted by the City at the time of planting. b) Notify the City prior to bidding of difficulties locating certain species. 3) Weed seed a) Not exceed ten percent by weight of the total of pure live seed (PLS) and other material in the mixture b) Seed not allowed: (1) Johnsongrass (2) Nutgrass seed 4) Harvest seed within 1-year prior to planting b. Non-native Grass Seed 1) Plant between April 15 and September 10 Lbs. Common Name Botanical Name Purity Germination PLS/Acre (percenY) (percent) 25 Bermuda (unhulled) cynodon c�actylon 85 90 75 Bermuda (hulled) cyf�odon dactylon 95 90 42 43 44 2) Plant between September 10 and April 15 Lbs. Common Name Botanical Name Purity Germination PLS/Acre (percent) (percent) CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[F[CATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised December 2Q 2012 3z9z is-a HYDROMULCHING, SEEDING AND SODDING Page 4 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 220 Rye Grass loliarn� mulfiiflo�^amz 75 Bermuda (unhulled) cynodon dactylon 85 90 95 90 c. Native Grass Seed 1) Plant between February 1 and October 1. Lbs. PLS/Acre 1.6 5.5 3.7 17.0 1.8 0.5 6.0 8.0 1.2 1.8 10.0 Common Name Green Sprangletop Sideoats Grama* Little Bluestem* Buffalograss Indian Grass* Sand Lovegrass* Big Bluestem Eastern Grama Blue Grama Switchgrass Prairie Wildrye* Botanical Name Leptochloa dubia Bot�telozia ctn�tipendtrla Schizachyriurn scoparrufn Ba�chloe dactyloides So�ghastrum nutans Eragrostis U•ichodes And�•opogon gerardii Ti•ipscacurn dactyloides Boa�teloua gracilis Panicum virgataas� Elymus cm�adensis d. Wildflower Seed 1) Plant between the following: a) March 5 and May 31 b) Septembet• 1 and December 1 Lbs. PLS/Acre Common Name Botarrical Nar��e 3.0 Bush Sunflower Sinsia calva 5.0 Butterfly Weed Asclepias iubei•osa 2.0 Clasping Coneflower* Rardbecicia antple�:icaadis 3.0 Golden - Wave Co�•eopsis basalis 13.4 Illinois Bundleflower Desn�anthus illinoensis 13.6 Partridge Pea CQSSIG fQSCICl/IGIQ 2.0 Prairie Verbena l�ef•bena bipinnatifida 8.0 Texas Yellow Star Li��dheirneri texana 8.0 Winecup Callii�hoe im�olci�nla 2.0 Black-eyed Susan Rudbecicia hirta 18.0 Cutleaf Daisy E»gelrnannia pinnatifida 2.0 Obedient Plant Physostegia interi»edia 3.0 Pitcher Sage Salvia azcn�ea 2.0 Plains Coreopsis Coi•eopsis tinctoria 8.0 Scarlet Sage Salvia coccinea *not to be planted within ten feet of a road or parking lot ot• within three feet of a wa(Icway e. Temporaiy Erosion Control Seed 1) Consist of the sowing of cool season plant seeds. 3. Mulch a. For use with conventional mechanical or hydraulic planting of seed. b. Wood cellulose fiber produced fi•om virgin wood or recycled paper-by-products (waste products from paper mills or recycled newspaper). c. No growth or germination inhibiting factoi•s. d. No moi•e than ten percent moisture, air diy weight basis. e. Additives: binder in powder form. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Grow�d Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 329213-5 HYDROMULCHING, SEEDING AND SODDING Page 5 of 8 f. Form a strong moisture retaining mat. 4. Fertilizer a. Acceptable condition for distribution b. Applied uniformly over the pianted area c. Analysis 1) 16-20-0 2) 16-8-8 d. Fertilizer rate: 1) Not required for wildflower seeding 2) Newly established seeding areas - 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre 3) Established seeding areas - I50 pounds of nitrogen per acre 5. Topsoil: See Section 32 91 19. 6. Water: clean and free of industrial wastes or other substances harmful to the germination of the seed or to the growth of the vegetation. 7. Soil Retention Blanket a. "Cu�•lex I" from American Excelsior, 900 Ave. H East, Post Office Box 5624, Arlington, Texas 76001, 1-800-777-SOIL or approved equal. 2.3 ACCESSORI�S [NOT U5�D] 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USCD] PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION A. Surface Preparation: clear surface of ail materiai including: 1. Stumps, stones, and other objects larger than one inch. 2. Roots, brush, wire, stakes, etc. 3. Any objects that may interfere with seeding or maintenance. B. Tilling 1. Compacted areas: till 1 inch deep 2. Areas sloped greater than 3:1: run a tractor parallel to slope to provide less seed/water run-off 3. Areas near trees: Do not till deeper than 1/2 inch inside "drip line" of trees. 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Block Sodding 1. General a. Place sod between c�n•b and walk and on terraces that is the same type grass as adjacent grass or existing lawn. b. Plant between tl�e average last fi�eeze date in the spring and 6 weeks prior to the average first freeze in the fall. 2. Installation CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 , Revised December 20, 2012 3292I3-6 HYDROMULCHING, SEEDING AND SODDING Page 6 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 a. Plant sod specified after the area has been completed to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings with 6 inches of topsoil. b. Use care to retain native soil on the roots of the sod during the process of excavating, hauling and planting. c. Keep sod material moist fi�om the time it is dug until planted. d. Place sod so that the entire area designated for sodding is covet•ed. e. Fill voids left in the solid sodding with additional sod and tamp. f. Roll and tamp sod so that sod is in complete contact with topsoil at a unifot•m slope. g. Peg sod with wooden pegs (or wire staple) di•iven through the sod block to the firm earth in areas that may slide due to the height or slope of the surface or nature of the soil. 3. Watering and Finishing a. Furnish water as an ancillaiy cost to Contractor by means of temporaiy metering / irrigation, water truck or by any other method necessary to achieve an acceptable stand of turf as defined in 3.13.B. b. Thoroughly water sod immediately after planted. c. Watei• until established. d. Generally, an amount of water that is equal to the average amount of rainfall plus 1/2 inch per week should be applied until accepted. If applicable, plant large areas by irrigation zones to ensure areas are watered as soon as they are planted. B. Seeding 24 1. General 25 a. Seed only those areas indicated on the Drawings and areas disturbed by 26 construction. 27 b. Mark each area to be seeded in the field prior to seeding for City approval. 28 2. BroadcastSeeding 29 a. Broadcast seed in 2 directions at right angles to each other. 30 b. Hai•i•ow or rake lightly to cover seed. 31 c. Never covei• seed with more soil than twice its diameter. 32 d. Fot• wildflower plantings: 33 1) Scalp existing grasses to 1 inch 34 2) Remove grass clippings, so seed can make contact with the soil. 35 3. Mechanically Seeding (Drilling): 36 a. Uniformly distribute seed over the areas shown on the Drawings or as directed. 37 b. All varieiies of seed and fertilizer may be distributed at the same time provided 38 that each component is unifortnly applied at the specified rate. 39 c. Drill seed at a depth of 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch utilizing a pasture or rangeland type 40 drill. 41 d. Drill on the conto�u� of slopes 42 e. After planting roll with a roller integral to the seed drill, or a corrugated roller 43 of the "Cultipacker" type. 44 £ Roll slope areas on the contoui•. 45 4. Hydromulching 46 a. Mixing: Seed, mulch, fei•tilizer and water inay be mixed provided that: 47 1) Mixture is uniformly suspended to form a homogenous slurry. CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised December 20, 20t2 329213-7 HYDROMULCHING, SEEDING AND SODDING Page 7 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3.5 19 3.6 2) Mixture forms a blotter-like ground cover impregnated uniformly with grass seed. 3) Mixture is applied within 30 minutes after placed in the equipment. b. Placing 1) Uniformly distribute in the quantity specified over the areas shown on the Drawings or as directed. 5. Fertilizing: uniformly apply fertilizer over seeded area. 6. Watering a. Furnish water by means of temporaiy metering / irrigation, water truck or by any other method necessary to achieve an acceptable stand of turf as defined in 3.13.B. b. Water soil to a minimum depth of 4 inches within 48 hours of seeding. c. Water as direct by the City at least twice daily for 14 days after seeding in such a manner as to prevent washing of the slopes or dislodgement of the seed. d. Water until final acceptance. e. Generally, an amount of water that is equal to the average amount of rainfall plus 1/2 inch per week should be applied until accepted. REPAIR/RESTORATION [NOT US�D] RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 20 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 21 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 22 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 23 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 24 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES 25 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 26 3.13 MAINTENANCE 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A. Block Sodding 1. Water and mow sod until completion and final acceptance of the Project or as directed by the City. 2. Sod shall not be considered finally accepted until the sod has started to peg down (roots growing into the soil) and is free fi•om dead blocks of sod. B. Seeding l. Water and mow sod until completion and final acceptance of the Project or as directed by the City. 2. Maintain the seeded area until each of the following is achieved: a. Vegetation is evenly distributed b. Vegetation is fi�ee from bare areas 3. Turf will be accepted once fully established. a. Seeded area must have 100 percent growth to a height of 3 inches with 1 mow cycle performed by the Contractor prior to consideration of acceptance by the City. C. Rejection CITY OF FOR'C WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 329213-8 HYDROMULCHING, SEEDING AND SODDING Page 8 of 8 1 1. City may reject block sod or seeded area on the basis of weed populations. 2 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 3 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage'I'ank Reliabi(itation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised December 20, 2012 33 16 13.71 - 1 STEEL GROUND STORAGE TANK REHABILITATION Page I of 7 SECTION 33 16 13. 71 STEEL GROUND STORAGE TANK REHABILITATION PART 1 - GEiVGRAL 1.01 SC'OP� The types of miscellaneous metal fabrications Work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: A Metal Repair B. Remove and Replace Top 10' of Ladder with Ladder Safety Device C Add Shell and Roof Man-Ways D. Add Additional Platform Railing E. Repair Vents F. Replace ALL Bolts (Excluding Connections Being Welded) � Replace Roof Beam or Roof Rafter H Add Concrete Step for Stairs I . Foundation Repairs J. Furnish and Install Labels — Confined Space Entry IC Weld All Existing Column, Beam and/or Rafter Connections That Are Currently Bolted and Remove Bolts L. Anti-Vortex Device Repairs M Swing Arm Repairs N. Removal of Cathodic Protection Box and Two Brackets 1. 02 REFERENC� SPECi FI CATI Oi\'S AND STANDARD6 A. Comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following, except as otherwise shown or speciiied: 1. AWWA D100, Standard for Welded Steel Tanks for Water Storage 2. AWWA C652, Standard for Disinfection of Water Storage Facilities 3. NSF 61, Materials in contact with Potable Water 4. ASTM A 36, Structural Steel 1. 0 3 FI ELD 1VEAS UI2ElVENT Neel-Schnffer, Inc. O: `./o6s1)ZZq/ -Singe Canclt��Design�S[�eciJicnliorts�Rapair Specifcations 33 /6 l3.7Ldac Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 33 16 13.71 - 2 STEEL GROUND STORAGE TANK REHABILITATION Page 2 of 7 Take field measurements where required prior to preparation of Shop Drawings and fabrication to ensure proper fitting of the Work. 1. 04 SHOP ASSENBLY Preassemble items in the shop to the greatest extent possible, so as to minimize field splicing and assembly of units at the project site. Disassemble units only to the extent necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coo►•dinated installation. 1. 0 5 S HOP DRAW NG5 A Submit copies of manufacturer's specifications, load tables, dimension diagrams, anchor details, and installation instructions for products to be used in miscellaneous metal fabrications work. B. Indicate profiles, sizes, connection attachments, reinforcing, anchorage, size and type of fasteners, and accessories. Verify field measurements prior to submission of shop drawings to ENGINEER. PART 2 - M�T�RI ALS 2.01 GGNGRAL Materials and material tests for the steel tank and all tank components shall comply with the latest edition of AW WA D 100 except as modified herein. A. Steel Sections: ASTM A36. B. Stainless Steel Sheet and Plate: ASTM A 240. C Bolts, Nuts and Washers: ASTM A307, or ASTM A 325. D. Steel pipe and pipe fttings shalf confoim to ASTM A-120. E. Welding electrodes shafl conform to ASTM 233 E60 or E70. I+. Welding: 1. All shop and field welding shall confocm to AWS atld AWWA D100, Section 10. 2. Before any welding is pecformed, Contractor shall make certain that the welders or welding operators have their credentials for acceptance. 3. All defective welds shall be removed and repaired in accordance with Section 11 of AWWA D100, latest revision. G. Fabrication: AWWA D100, Section 9 Shop Fabcication. H Testing: 1. Testing for both shop and field welds shall be in accordance with AWWA D100, Section 11, Inspection and Testing. 2. Afl testing shall be performed prioc to interiot• and exterior feld painting. The Testing shall be perfortned by an independent testing agency with all costs included in the Contractor's bid and paid by the Contcactor. 2. 02 TANK RENDVE/ REPAI R! REPLACEIV�NT I TG1VB AND SI T� I NPROVGNENTS Neel-Schnffer, Inc. Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation O:'�Jo6sV220/ -Slage Cone•1�IDesign:S�eei)icalians!Repnir SpeciTcnlians 33 /h 13.7Ldac PCOJCCt i�0. �i31 f) 33 16 13.71 - 3 STEEL GROUND STORAGE TANK REHABILITATION Page 3 of 7 All accessories including ladders, man-ways, railings and vents shall be fabricated in accordance with AWWA D100, Section 7. A. Remove and Replace Top 10' of Interior Ladder (with Ladder Safety Device) 1. A painted or galvanized steel ladder for access to the tank interior fi•om the roof shall be provided. This ladder shall be equipped with a ladder safety rail or cable. 2. Remove all ladder supports and brackets from tank. Grind all attachment points smooth. Dispose of ladder and all associated items. 3. Replace the ladder and permanently secure it by welding it to the support braces and the braces to the tank shell. Provide all welding, brackets, and connective apparatuses to permanently af�x the ladder. 4. Provide a Ladder Safety Device for the ladder. The Ladder Safety Device shall be a SAF-T-CLIMB Ladder Fall Prevention System by North Safety Products. The system shall be supplied complete with locking mechanisms and accessories for one person. 5. This shall be paid by the linear foot of ladder. B. Add Shell Man-Way 1. Remove and dispose of the existing 24" northwest man-way. 2. Increase the size of the man-way to 36". 3. All wall penetrations will require a steel stiffener plate on the exterior and neck reinforcement around the hole. Weld the stiffener plate to the outside tank wall and cut a hole in tank wall for the proposed 36" man-way and the neck stiffener plate. Weld the perimeter of the stiffener plate and neck plate to the sheil (and each other) both internally and externally. 4. Grind all repair points smooth. 5. Add hinges. 6. Add flange to neck. 7. Install blind flange with handle and gasket. 8. Supply all bolt assemblies (bolt, washer and nut) and other miscellaneous items to complete the man-way. 9. This shall be paid by the each. C Add Roof Man-Way L Install the proposed roof man-way opposite the existing one. 2. Avoid roof rafters and/or roof beams, or adjust them as needed. 3. Cut the hole for the roof man-way. 4. Weld the pe►•imeter of the neck plates to the roof (and each other) both internally and externally. 5. Grind all repair points smooth. 6. Add hinges and lock plates. 7. Add hatch plate. 8. Install handle and gasket. 9. Supply all othec miscellaneous items to complete the man-way. 10. This shall be paid by the each. D. Add Additional Platform Railing 1. Existing Railing Extension. The existing roof railing shall be extended by 8' on both sides. 2. Proposed Railing at Proposed Roof Man-Way. The proposed roof man-way shall have 32' of railing centered on it. 3. This shall be paid by the linear foot of railing. E. Repair Vents , � � i Neel-Schnffer, Inc. O:'JobsV 2201 - S(age Coach IDesign �Speci�cn(ions �Repnir SpeciJicatians 33 / 6 139Ldoc Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 33 I6 13.71 - 4 STEEL GROUND STORAGE TANK REHABILITATION Page 4 of 7 The existing vents have gaps along their bases. These shall be cleaned and welded continuously to seal all gaps. This shall be paid by the each. P'. Replace All Bolts (Excluding Connections Being Welded) The tank may have bolt assemblies, including bolts with washers and nuts. The Contractor shall replace all bolts, nuts and washers with galvanized; except for those connections being welded. The size shall be matched to existing. This item will be paid by the pound. G, Replace Roof Beam or Roof Rafter The tank may have roof beams and/or roof rafters that need to be ceplaced. The sections shall be matched to existing. This item, if needed, will be paid by the pound. H. Add Concrete Step for Stairs 1. Add a concrete step to the existing conccete pad. 2. Dowel the step in the pad. 3. Use appropriate City specifications foc concrete and steel. 4. This shall be paid by the each. I . Foundation Repairs 1. Prepare the existing foundation by cleaning, scraping or chipping away loose concrete. 2. Clean surfaces to be repaired of any loose material and or dust. 3. Apply grout as needed to complete repair. 4. Use appropriate City specifications for repairs and grout. 5. This shall be paid by the lump sum. J. Attach "Confined Space Enhy" signs After painting of exterior surfaces has been completed, install new sign stating "DANGER — Confined Space — Authorized Personnel Only" in a location clearly visible near entry to the tank. This shall be paid by the each. K Weld All Existing Column, Beam and/oc Rafter Connections That Are Cucrently Bolted and Remove Bolts All bolted connections between columns, beams and/or rafters shall be modified to welded connections. The existing bolts shall be removed. Al( connections shall be completely welded. All surfaces shall be ground smooth, blasted and coated. This shall be paid by the lump sum. L. Anti-Vortex Device Repairs The Anti-Vortex Device (at the outlet) shall be modified by opening up (cutting/grinding as needed) the top approximately 30" opening. It is currently partiafly covered with a plate. A 36" x'/a" plate shall be bolted over the 30" opening. All surfaces shall be ground smooth, blasted and coated. This shall be paid by the each. M Swing Arm Repairs Nee(-Schnffer, Inc. Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation D.�Vobs11220/ - Slose ConchiDesigrt�Speci�calione�iRepnlr Speci/icnlia�s 33 !G /3.71.<(oc PI'OJeCI i`�O. 023 � 6 33 16 13.71 - 5 STEEL GROUND STORAGE TANK REHABILITATION Page 5 of 7 The existing southeast shell 24" man-way needs repairs. The blind flange is not connected to the swing arm. The swing arm is stuck and doesn't move. The contractor shall make modifications as needed for this to be a functional item. This shall be paid by the lump sum. N. Removal of Cathodic Protection Box and Two Brackets The existing Cathodic Protection box on the wall of the tank shall be removed along with the two brackets on the wall above the box. All surfaces shall be ground smooth, blasted and coated. This shall be paid by the lump sum. Q Unclassified Excavation 1. Per plan grades, construct drainage ditches from the western portion of the ground storage tank around both the north and south portions and daylight as shown to the northeast and southeast. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of all unclassifed excavation. 3. This shall be paid by the lump sum. P. Hydromulch Once final grading and major conshuction activities have been completed, hydromulch seeding shall be installed and in•igated twice a week until grass has been established. This item shall be paid for as a lump sum item. 2. 0 3 M S CELLANEOUS TANI{ REPAI RS A Immediately after blast cleaning the tank interior surfaces, an inspection shall be made by the Owner or '' Representative in the presence of the Contractor to determine if any additional repair items will be authorized by the Owner as additional work to be paid for at the Unit Bid prices for tank repair. This includes pit welding or seam welding. B. All repairs shall be made in a manner to effect a permanent repair. All weiding shall be done by c�ualified personnel. Care should be taken to avoid damage to seams, plates and pipe connections, which could result in leakage. The Contractor shall guarantee the water tank to be fi•ee from leakage upon completion of his work. C Any welding on the tank shall be in conformance with the requirements of AW WA Standard for welded steel tanks for water storage (AWWA D100). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A Obtain ENGINEER approval prior to site cutting or making adjustments not scheduled. B. All repair and/or replacement items specified here in shall be conducted prior to beginning any surface coatings. C All welding procedures, welders and welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with ASME Section IX for the processes and positions utilized. D. Surfaces to be welded may have a protective coating applied to them which need not be removed before they are welded unless specifically prohibited by the welding procedures. Neel-Schaffer, /nc. 2�Vabsll2201 - S�age Conch�Deslgn�Speci/tca�ionsiRepafr SpeciTca�ions 33 l6 l3JLdoc Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 33 l6 13.71 - 6 STE�L GROUND STORAGE TANK REHABILITATION Page 6 of 7 E. Welding may be done by the shielded metal arc welding process, the gas metaf arc welding pc•ocess, the flux core arc welding process and the submerged arc welding process. F. Surfaces to be welded shall be free fi�om loose scale, slag, rust, oil, grease, paint and other foreign material. G, The Contractor shall remove weld of slag, spatter, burrs and other sharp or rough projections. The surface of the weld shall be suitable for subsequent cleaning and painting operations. All welds shall be ground smooth and blended to a NACE-D pcofile. H. Clean and strip site primed steel items to bare metal where site welding is scheduled. I. Make provisions for erection loads with temporary bracing. Keep work in alignment. J. Supply items required to be cased into concrete or embedded in masonry with setting templates to appropriate sections. K Surface preparation and painting is required for all ferrous metals, equipment and accessories. Stainless steel shall not be painted. L,. Galvanizing: All galvanizing of fabricated steel items to comply with the requirements of ASTM A 123. 3. 0 2 I+ ABRI CATI ON A. Verify dimensions on site prior to shop fabrication. B. Fabricate items with joints tightly fitted and secured. C. Fit and shop assemble in largest p►•actical sections for delive�y to site. D. Gcind exposed welds flush and smooth with adjacent finished surface. Ease exposed edges to small uniform radius. E. Exposed Mechanical Fastenings: Flush countersunk screws or bolts; unobtrusively located; consistent with design of structure, except where specifically noted otherwise. I+. Make exposed joints butt tight, flush and hairline. G, Supply components cequired for ancliorage of inetal fabrications. Fabricate anchot•age and related components of same materials and finish as metal fabrication, except where specifically noted otherwise. 3. 0 3 I NS TALLATI ON A. Install items plumb and level, accurately iitted, fi•ee from distortion o�• defects. B. Perform field welding in accordance with AWS D1.1. C After installation, touch up iield welds, scratched or damaged sucfaces with pcimer. 3. 04 FI NI SH A. All repaired oc new items shall be surface prepared and coated in accordance with the Coating Neel-Schaffer, /na Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation O: �./nbs112201 - Singe Caach�Design�SpeciQcalinnsi2epnir Speci�calimis 33 /G 13JLdoc PCOJCCt i�0. �i3 � 6 33 16 13.71 - 7 STEEL GROUND STORAGE TANK REHABILITATION Page 7 of 7 Specifications. B. All tank repairs, replacement items and new installations shall be conducted prior to beginning any coating. C Do not prime surfaces in direct contact bond with concrete or where field welding is required. D. Prime paint all metal fabrications. E. Field paint all metal fabrications. END OF SECTION I ' Neel-Schaffer, Lic. � O:'Jabs172201 -SIn e ConchlDesi n�5 e i� nlians'Ra nlr S cci unlions 33 16 /3.7Ldoc t 8 S P�'.1��' �� Y Y' . �. Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 i ! 099713-I STEEL (WATER TANK) COATINGS Page l of l0 SECTION 09 97 13 STEEL (WATER TANIC) COATINGS PART1-GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The tank shall be painted in accordance with AWWA Standard D102, applicable sections. B. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals as shown, specified and required to furnish and install all painting work including the logo. Minor silting of the bottom of the tank has likely occurred. Removing silt shall be subsidiary to this item. C. The term "paint" as used herein means all coating systems materials, which includes pretreatments, primers, emulsions, enamels, stain, sealers and fillers, and other applied materials whether used as prime, intermediate, or finish coats. D. The Contractor shall prepare all interior and exterior surfaces and components of the tank, and paint all interior and exterior surfaces of the tank except where noted otherwise. This incfudes but is not limited to: 1. Tank interior and exterior 2. Tank main structural members and supports 3. All piping and valves except stainless steel pipe 4. All miscellaneous items attaclied to the tank, such as ladders, hatches, vents, landings, and their suppocts, unless noted otherwise. E. All stainless steel safety climb devices, stainless steel handrails, and grating shall not be painted, and they shall be protected fi•om over spray spills, and splatters at all times during paint application. F. Galvanized surfaces shall not require painting. G. Any item that should not be painted by the contractor, that is painted by the Contractor, or become stained by over spray, spills or splatters, shall be cleaned by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the engineer, or replaced at the contractoi's expense. This includes items that are not part of the tank and any items on adjacent and surrounding properties. H. The Contractor may use a mechanical vacuum cemoval device like Wheel-A-Brator or approved equal. If not, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing a full or partial containment shroud system. If the Contractor's mechanicaf vacuum removal device does not function adequately (determined at the City's sole discretion), the City may cequire the Contractor to use a shroud. If the Contractor elects or is required to use a shroud system, it must be designed and sealed by a licensed pcofessional engineer in the State of Texas. These items will be subsidiaty to the cost of coating (no separate pay). L The Contractor may use dehumidifcation at his option. 1.02 REF�RENC� SP�CII+ICATIONS AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the general aspects of other requirements of these specifications, all surface preparation, coating and painting of interior and exterior surfaces and inspection sha(l conform to the applicable requirements of the Steel Structures Painting Council, NACE International, ASTM (Amecican Society for Testing and Materials), ANSI (American National Standacds Institute), AW WA and the manufacturer's printed instructions. Nee/-Sclrnffer, /na Stage Coacli Growid Storage "I'ank Rehabilitation O: VobsV 210/ - Singe ConchlDesign �Speci�c'n(iaislConlb�g Speci/icnlimrs 09 97 / 3.dncu Projeet No. 02316 099713-2 STEEL (WATER'I'ANK) COATINGS Page 2 of ] 0 B. The Owner's decision shall be final as the interpretation and/or conflict between any of the referenced speciiications and standards contained herein. 1.03 CONTRACTOR A. The Contractor shall have three years practical experience and successful history in the application of specified product to surfaces of steel water tanks. On request, he shall substantiate this requirement by furnishing a list of references and job completions. B. The Contractor shall submit with his bid a written statement by the coatings manufacturer stating that the Contractor is familiar with the materials specified and has workers capable of performing the work specified herein. C. The personnel performing the work shall be knowledgeable and have the required experience and skill to adequately perform the work for this project, in accordance with SSPGPAI, "Shop, Fieid and Maintenance Painting". 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General: Quality assurance procedures and practices shall be utilized to monitor all phases of surface preparation, application and inspection throughout the duration of the project. Procedures or practices not speciiically defined herein may be utilized provided they meet recognized and accepted professional standards and are approved by the Engineer. B. Surface Preparation: Surface preparation will be based upon comparison with: "Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards for Painting Steel Surfaces: SSPGVIS 1-89", ASTM Designation D2200-95, "Standard Methods of Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Surfaces", ASTM D 4417-91, Method A and/or Method C or NACE Standard RP0287-87. In all cases the written standard shall take precedence over the visual standard. In addition, NACE Standard RP0178-91, aiong with the Visual Comparator, shall be used to verify the surface preparation of welds. C. Application: No coating or paint shall be applied when: 1) the surrounding air temperature or the temperature of the surface to be coated or painted is below the minimum surface temperature for the products specified herein, 2) rain, snow, fog or mist is present, 3) the surface temperature is less than 5°F above the dew point, 4) the air temperature is expected to drop below the minimum temperature for the products specified within six hours after application of coating. Dewpoint shall be measured by use of an instrument such as a Sling Psychrometer in conjunction with U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau Psychometric Tables. If any of the above conditions are prevalent, coating or painting shall be delayed or postponed until conditions are favorable. The day's coating or painting shall be completed in time to permit the film sufficient drying time prior to damage by atmospheric conditions. D. Thicicness and Holiday Chec(cin�: Thickness of coatings and paint shall be checked with a non- destructive, magnetio-type thickness gauge, as per SSPC-PA 2"Measurement of Dry Film Thickness with Magnetic Gages". References in PA 2 which allow 80% of the minimum thickness specified are not acceptable. Use an instrument such as a Tooke Gauge if a destructive test is deemed necessary by the Engineer. The integrity of interior coated surfaces shall be checked with a low voltage holiday detector in accordance with NACE Standard RP0188. Non-destructive holiday detector shall not exceed 67.5 volts, nor shall destructive holiday detector exceed the voltage recommended by the manufacturer of the coating system. A solution of 1 ounce uon-sudsing type wetting agent, such as Kodak Photo-Flo, and 1 gallon of tap water shall be used to perform the holiday testing. All pinholes and/or holidays shall be marked and repaired in accordance with the manufacturer's printed recommendations and retested. No pinholes or other irregularities will be permitted in the final coating. Nee(-Schaffer, /na Stage Coach Groimd Storage Tank Rehabilitation O:VobsV2201 -S/nge CoachiDesig�NSpecfJicnllanslCanling Speci�cnllays 09 97 13.dnac Project No. 02316 099713-3 STEEL (WATER TANK) COATINGS Page 3 of 10 1.05 Diy film thickness readings of steel surfaces shall be taken prior to the application of successive coats with a nondesh•uctive magnetic type gauge in accordance with SSPC-PA-2. �. Inspection Devices: The Contractor shall furnish, until final acceptance of coating and painting is accepted, inspection devices in good working condition for detection of holidays and measurement of d�y film thickness of coating and paint. The Contractor shall also furnish U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards certified thickness calibration plates and/or plastic shims, depending upon the thickness gauge used, to test the accuracy of dry film thickness gauges and certified instrumentation to test the accuracy of holiday detectors. Dry film gauges and holiday detectors shail be made available for the Engineer's use at all times until final acceptance of application. Holiday detection devices shall be operated in the presence of the Engineer. F. Insnection: Inspection for this project shall consist of `hold point' inspections. The Engineer or his rep►•esentative shall inspect the surface prior to abrasive blasting, after abrasive blasting but prior to application of coating materials, and between subsequent coats of material. Final inspection shall take place after all coatings are applied, but prior to placing the tank in se►•vice. Contractor will insure that sufficient rigging is in place so that the Engineer or his representative shall be able to conduct the required inspections. G. Warrantv Inspection: Warranty inspection shall be conducted during the twenty-thif•d month following acceptance of all coating and painting work. Owne�• will be responsible for draining the tank p►•ior to the inspection. Owner will be responsible for system operation and pressure maintenance during the inspection and repair, if any. Inspection shall be attended by Owner, Engineer, Applicator, and Coating Manufacturer's cepresentative. All defective work shall be repaired in accordance with this specifcation, according to Coating Manufactucer's instructions, to tlie satisfaction of the Engineer and/or Owner. PRODUCT D�LIVERY, STORAGE & HANDLING A. All materials shall be brought to the jobsite in original sealed containers. They shall not be used until the Engineer has inspected the contents and obtained data from information on containers or label. Materials exceeding storage life recommended by the manufactucer shall be rejected. B. All coatings and paints shall be stored in enclosed structures to protect them fi•om weather and excessive heat oi• cold. Flammable coatings and paints must be stored to conform to City, County, State and Federal safety codes for flammable coating or paint materials. At all times coatings and paints shall be protected fcom freezing. lA6 SUBMITTALS The following materials shall be submitted and approved by the Engineer, before application may begin. A. Shrouding system including full structural design by a Professional Engineer licensed in Texas. B. Primers. C. Coatings. D. Sealers. E. Thinners, Solvents, & Cleaners. r. Mate►•ial Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all paint components and thinners. G. Manufactucer's current color chact for final color to be selected by the Owner. Neel-Schnffer, Inc. Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank 2ehabilitation O.' Uobs11220/ -Slage Conch�Design�Specf/icallanslConling Spaci�rnlians 09 97 13.dacx P(0)CCi i`I0. �23 � fi 099713-4 STEEL (WATER TANK) COATINGS Page 4 of 10 H. Miscellaneous appurtenances such as caulking, vents, ladders and safety climbs, etc. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS 2.02 A. Materials specified are those that have been evaluated for the speciiic service. Products of the Tnemec Company, Inc. are listed to establish a standard of quality. Equivalent materials of other manufacturers may be submitted on written approval of the Engineer. As part of the proof of equality, the Engineer will require at the cost of the Contractor, certified test reports from a nationally known, reputable and independent testing laborato►y conducting comparative tests as directed by the Engineer between the product specified and the requested substitution. Comparative tests for the interior system shall include abrasion, adhesion, cathodic disbondment, galvanic protection, moisture vapor transmission (MVT), immersion, prohesion, salt spray and humidity. Comparative tests for the exterior system shall include abrasion, adhesion, exterior exposure, flexibility, graffiti resistance, hardness QUV exposure, humidity, impact, QUV exposure and salt spray (Fog). B. Requests for substitution shall include manufacturer's literature for each product giving name, product number, generic type, descriptive infarmation, solids by volume, recommended diy film thickness and certified lab test reports showing resuits to equal the performance criteria of the products specified herein. In addition, a list of iive projects shall be submitted in which each product has been used and rendered satisfactary service. C. All requests for product substitution shall be made at least 10 days prior to the bid date. D. Any material savings shall be passed to the Owner in the form of a contract dollar reduction. E. Manufacturer's color charts shall be submitted to the Engineer at least 30 days prior to coating and/or paint application. Contractor shall coordinate work so as to allow sufficient time (normally seven to ten days) for paint to be delivered to the job site. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. All materials shall be lead-free as defined by the Consumer Product Safety Act, Part 1303. B. All zinc dust pigment contained in any zino-rich material shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 520 Type III as regards zinc content and purity. C. All materials for the interior wetted portion of the tank shall meet the requirements of ANSIMSF Standard 61 for potable water contact. D. All catalyzed Fluoropolymer urethanes must meet the requirements of AW WA OCS-4, in accordance with AAMA 2604. �. All high gloss clear coat products shall incorporate the use of a fugitive dye to aid in the proper application and coverage of such coats. F. All catalyzed polyurethane products shall meet the minimum requirements of SSPC Paint Specification Number 36, Level 3 Performance Level. G. Obtain all materials fi•om the same manufacturer unless otherwise approved. Obtain materials only fi•om manufacturers who wi1L• iirst, provide the services of a qualified manufacturer's representative at Neel-Sc{raffer, Ina Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation O:'Jabs112201 -S(age ConchlUesign'Specf/1calionslCoatittg Speciflcalfnns 09 97 1 idoar PfO�ECY NO. �23 � 6 099713-5 STEEL (WATER TANK) COATINGS Page 5 of 10 the project site at the cotnmencement of work to advise on materials, installation, and finishing techniques; and second, certify long term compatibility of all coatings with all subsh•ates, both new and existing. 2.03 MAT�RIAL PREPARATION A. Do not use materials beyond manufacturer's recommended shelf life. B. Mix and thin materials according to manufacturer's latest printed instrttctions. C. Do not use mixed materials beyond manufacturer's recommended pot life. 2.04 TANI{ INTERIOR COATING SYSTEM A. Surface Prenaration Prior to Abrasive Blast Cleaning: Weld flux and spatter shall be removed by power tool cleaning. Sharp projections shall be ground to a smooth contour. All welds shall be ground to a smooth contour as per NACE Standa►•d RP0178 and he►•ein. B. Surface Preparation: SSPGSPIO Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning. Anchor profile shall be 2.0 to 2.5 mils as per ASTM D 4417, Method C or NACE Standard RP0287. C. Coatin� Svstem: lst Coat: Tnemec Series 94-H2O Hydco-Zinc applied at 2.5 to 3.5 d►y mils, Sherwin Williams Corothane 1 Galvapac 2K Zinc Primer applied at 3.0 to 4.0 dry mils or Carboline Carboguard 61 Gray applied at 5.0 to 6.0 d►y mils. Thin Tnemec paint only with approved thinner, Tnemec 41-3 or 41-49 Thinner. Stripe Coat: Tnemec Series FC20-1255 Beige Pota-Pox applied at 2.0 to 3.0 dry mils, Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 PW Mill White applied at 3.0 to 4.0 dry mils or Carboline Carboguard 61 White applied at 2.0 to 3.0 diy mils. In addition to weld seams, all edges, corners, bolts, rivets, pits shall receive a stripe coat. Thin Tnemec paint only with approved thinner, Tnemec 41-4 Thinner. 2nd Coat: Tnemec Series 141-WH03 Off-White Epoxoline applied at 12.0 to 14.0 dry mils, Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 PW Light Blue applied at 5.0 to 6.0 dry mils with a top coat of Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 PW Mill White applied at 5.0 to 6.0 diy mils or Carboline Carboguard 61 Blue applied at 5.0 to 6.0 dry mils with a top coat of Carboline Carboguard 61 White applied at 5.0 to 6.0 dry mils. Thin Tnemec paint only with appcoved thinner, Tnemec 41-4 Thinner. Total dty iilm thickness shall be a minimum of 16.5 mils for Tnemec (15.0 mils for Sherwin Williams) per SSPC-PA 2 diy film inspection standards, with exception as noted in this speciiication. Total dcy fihn thickness shall be 16.5 mils to 20.0 mils far Carboline. For cold weather applications, Series 44-710 Urethane Accelerator may be added to Series 94-H2O at the rate specified on the Series 44-710 product data sheet. 2.05 TANK �XTERIOR COATING SYSTEM A. Surface Prepa►•ation Prioi• to Abrasive Blast Cleanin�: Weld flux and spatter shall be removed by power tool cleaning. Sharp projections shall be ground to a smooth contouc. All welds shall be gcound to a smooth contour as per NACE Standard RP0178 and hecein. B. Surface Preuaration: SSPGSP6 Commercial Blast Cleaning. Anchor profile shall be 1.5 to 2.0 mils as per ASTM D 4417, Method C or NACE Standard RP0287. Nee!-Schnffer, /nc. Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation O: Vobs112201 -Singe Coacltlpesign�SpecificnllonslConling Speci�enlions 09 97 /3.docx Pl0�0Cf iQO. �23 � � 099713-6 STEEL (WATER TANK) COATINGS Page 6 of 10 C. Coatin� Svstem: lst Coat: Tnemec Series 94-H2O Hydro-Zinc applied at 2.5 to 3.5 dry mils, Sherwin Williams Corothane 1 Galvapac 2K Zinc Primer applied at 3.0 to 4.0 dry mils or Carboline Carbozinc 859 applied at 3.0 to 4.0 dry mils. Thin Tnemec paint only with approved thinner, Tnemec 41-3 or 41-49 Thinner. 2nd Coat: Tnemec Series 1075-Color Endura-Shield II applied at 3.0 to 4.0 dly mils, Sherwin , Williams Acrolon 218 HS Polyurethane applied at 4.0 to 6.0 diy mils or Carboline Carbothane 133 HB applied at 3.0 to 5.0 dry mils. Thin Tnemec paint only with approved thinner, Tnemec 41-42 or 41-48 Thinner for spray, 41-39 or 41-63 for brush or roller (two coats may be required if applied by roller). 3rd Coat: Tnemec Series 700 HydroFlon applied at 2.0 to 3.0 dry mils, Sherwin Williams FluoroKem Fluoropolymer Urethane applied at 2.0 to 3.0 dry mils or Carboline Carboxane 950 applied at 2.0 to 3.0 dry mils. Thin Tnemec paint only with approved thinner, Tnemec 41-63 Thinner. Total diy film thickness shall be a minimum of 9.5 mils for Tnemec (I 1.5 mils for Sherwin Williams or 10.0 mils for Carboiine) per SSPC-PA 2 dry film inspection standards, with exception as noted in this specification. For cold weather applications, Series 44-710 Urethane Accelerator may be added to Series 94-H2O, 1075 and 700 at the rate specified on the Series 44-710 product data sheet. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL (' A. All surface preparation, coating and painting shall conform to applicable standards of the Steel Structures Painting Council, NACE International and the manufacturer's printed instructions. Materials applied to the surface prior to the approval of the Engineer shall be removed and re-applied to the , satisfaction of the Engineer at the expense of the Contractor. B. All work shall be performed by skilled craftsmen qualified to perform the required work in a manner comparable with the best standards of practice. Continuity of personnel shall be coordinated with the Engineer. C. The Contractor shail provide a supervisor at the work site during cleaning and application operations. The supervisor shall have the authority to sign and change orders, coordinate work and make decisions pertaining to the fulfiliment of the conri•act. D. Dust, dirt, oil, grease or any foreign matter that will affect the adhesion or durability of the coating or paint must be removed by washing with clean rags dipped in an approved cleaning solvent and wiped dry with clean rags. E. Coating and painting systems include surface preparation, prime coating and finish coatings. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, prime coating shall be feld applied. Where prime coatings are shop applied, the Contractor shall instruct supplieis to provide the prime coat in conformance with this specification. Any off-site work which does not conform to this speciiication is subjected to damage during transportation, construction or installation shall be thoroughly cleaned and touched-up in the field as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall use repair procedures which insure the complete protection of all adjacent primer. The speciiied repair method and equipment may include wire brushing, hand or power tool cleaning, or dry air blast cleaning. In order to prevent injury to surrounding painted surfaces, blast cleaning may require use of lowe►• air pressure, smaller nozzle Neel-Schaffer, b�a Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation O.'1/o6si1220/ -.S(age CoachlDesigniSpecf�cnllortslContlng Spaci%iculia�s 09 9713docs }�(0�8Ci N0. �2316 099713-7 STEEL (WATER TANK) COATINGS Page 7 of 10 and/or abrasive blast particles, or shorter blast nozzle distances fi•om surface shielding and masking. If damage is too extensive or uneconomical to touch-up, the enti�•e item shall be blasted and then coated or painted as directed by the Engineer. F. The Contractor's coating and painting equipment shall be designed for application of materials specified and shall be maintained in fist class working condition. Compressors shall have suitable traps and iilters to ►•emove water and oils from the air. Contractor's equipment shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. G. Application of the iirst coat shall follow immediately after surface preparation and cleaning and stripe coat, if applicable, before rust bloom occurs or the same day, whichever is less. Any cleaned areas not receiving first coat within this period shall be re-cleaned prior to application of first coat. Use of dehumidification equipment shall be first reviewed by the Engineer and coatings manufacturer prioc to deviating fi•om this provision. H. Prior to assembly, all surfaces made inaccessible after assembly (such as the spaces between roof plates and rafters) shall be prepared as specified herein and shall receive the coating or paint system specified. 3A2 SURFACE PREPARATION A. The latest revision of the following surface preparation speciiications of the Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) shall focm a part of tliis specification. The summaries listed below are for informational purposes; consult the actual SSPC specification for full detail. 1. Solvent Cleanin� (SSPC-SPl): Removal of oil, grease, soil and other contaminants by use of solvents, emulsions, cleaning compounds, steam cleaning or similar materials and methods which involve a solvent or cleaning action. 2. Hand Tool Cleanin� (SSPC-SP2): Removal of loose rust, loose mil scale and other detrimental foreign matter to a degree specified by hand chipping, scraping, sanding and wire brushing. 3. Power Tool CleaninE (SSPC-SP3): Removal of loose rust, loose mil scale and other detrimentaf foreign matter by power wire brushing, powei• impact tools or power sanders. 4. White Metal Blast Cleanin� (SSPC-SP5/NACE No. 1): Aic blast cleaning to a gray-white unifoim metallic color until each element of surface area is fi•ee of all visible residues. 5. Commercial Blast Cleanin� (SSPC-SP6 NAC� No. 3): Air blast cleaning until at least two- thirds of each element of surface area is free of all visible cesidues. 6. Brt►sh-Off Blast Cleaning (SSPC-SP7 NAC� No. 4): Air blast cleaning to remove loose rust, loose mil scale and other detrimental foreign matter to a degree specified. 7. Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning (SSPC-SP10 NAC� No. 2): Air blast cleaning until at least 95°/a of each element of surface area is free of all visible residues. 8. Power Tool Cleanin� to Bare Metal (SSPC-SP11): Differs fcom SSPC-SP3 in that it cequires more tharough cleaning and a surface profile not less than 1 mil. B. Slag, weld metal accumulation and spatters not removed by the Fabricator, Erector or Instafler shall be removed by chipping and/or grinding. All sharp edges shall be penned, ground or otherwise blunted as required by the Engineer. Alf grinding and finishing of welds, edges, etc. shall be performed prior to solvent cleaning and abrasive blasting. Welds shall be prepared as per NACE Standard RP0178 for all interior and extecior surfaces: 1. Butt Welds: Shall be ground smooth and fi•ee of all defects, designation "D". 2. Lap Welds: Shall be ground smooth and blended, designation "D". 3. rillet Welded Tee Joint: Shall be ground smooth and blended, designation "D". C. Field blast cleaning for all surfaces shall be by dry method unless otherwise directed. Blast nozzles shall be venturi-type nozzles with a minimum pressure at the nozzle of 90 psi. Neel-Schnffer•, Inc. Stage Coach Growid Storage Tank Rehabilitation O: Vabs'J2201 -Singe Conch�Dasign�Spaci/Irnl�aislConling Specifcal(oiu 09 97 /3.doc.r PCO)0Ct i�0. �Z3 � 6 099713-8 STEEL (WATER TANK) COATINGS Page 8 of 10 3.03 D. Particle size of abrasives used in blast cleaning shall be that which will produce a 2.0 - 2.5 mil surface profile or in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer of the specified coating or paint system to be applied. If the proiile of the blasted steel exceeds the proiile speciiied above, the Contractor shall be required to do one or both of the following: 1. Re-blast the surface using a finer aggregate in order to produce the required proiile. 2. Apply a thicker prime coat, if possible given the limitations of the products being applied, in order to adequately cover the blast profile. E. Abrasive used in blast cleaning operations shall be new, washed, graded and free of contaminants that would interfere with adhesion of coating or paint and shall not be reused unless specifically approved in writing by the Engineer. F. During blast cleaning operations, caution shall be exercised to insure that existing coatings or paint are not exposed to abrasion from blast cleaning. G. The Contractor shall keep the area of his work and the surrounding environment in a clean condition. He shall not permit blasting materials to accumulate as to constitute a nuisance or hazard to the accomplishment of the work, the operation of the existing facilities or to the surrounding environment. H. Blast cleaned surfaces shall be cleaned prior to application of specifed coatings or paint. All surfaces shall be free of dust, dirt, and other residue resulting from the abrasive blasting operation. No coatings or paint shall be applied over damp or moist surfaces. I. All welds shall be neutralized with a suitable chemical compatible with the specified coating or paint. J. Tnemec Surfacing Epoxy Series 215, or approved equal, shall be used to seal minor voids and pitted areas (nonstructural) on the tank interior and exterior. Major voids or pitted areas (structural) shall be iilled by welding. Epoxy filler shall be feathered smooth and applied after the prime and stripe coats, and prior to the application of the intermediate and finish coats. No protcusions or spatter will be allowed. Pits deeper than 1/8" shall be filled by welding. K. All joints/gaps/seams shall be sealed after coating with Sikaflex-la Sealant, or approved equal. This includes the roof plate/rafter interface and the concrete foundation/steel tank wall/floor interface. Interior caulk must have ANSI/NSF Std. 61 approval for direct contact with potable water. L. The steel/concrete interface at the foundation shall also be sealed with Sikaflex-la Sealant, or approved equal. The existing seaiant shall be removed in its entirety. A backer rod may be used for the exterior joint if the gap is too large to fill with sealant alone. M. Speci�c Surface Preparation: Surface preparation for the specific system shall be as noted. N. DjSposal of Used BlastinE Abrasives, �xistinE Tanlc Coatin�s and Related Debi•is: The Contractor is responsible for the disposal of all material generated by his operations. Test reports on existing paint scrapings are contained in the Appendix. This shall not be paid separately, but be absorbed in the two pay items for coatings. APPLICATION, GENERAL A. Coating and paint application shall conform to the ►•equirements of the Steel Structure Painting Council Paint Application Specification SSPC-PA1, latest revision, for "Shop, Field and Maintenance Painting". Neel-Schaffer, lnc. Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation O: Vobsl[2201 - Singe CoacltlDesfgn4Speci�caliaisiConriag,SpeciPcnlions 09 97 l3.docs plOJOC[ i10. �2316 099713-9 STEEL (WATER TANK) COATINGS Page 9 of 10 B. Thinning shall be pecmitted only as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer, and utilizing the thinnei•s stated. C. Each application of coating or paint sliall be applied evenly, free of brush marks, sags, runs, with no evidence of poor workmanship. Care shall be exercised to avoid lapping on glass or hardware. Coatings and paints shall be sharply cut to lines. Finished surfaces shall be free from defects or blemishes. D. Protective coverings or drop cloths shall be used to protect floors, fixtures and equipment. Care shall be exercised to prevent coatings or paints fcom being spattered onto sw•faces which are not to be coated or painted. Report to the Engineer surfaces from wl�icli materials cannot be satisfactorily removed. �. When two coats of coating or paint are specified, where possible, the first coat shall contain sufficient approved color additive to act as an indicator of coverage or the two coats must be of contrasting color. F. Film thickness per coat as speciiied are the minimum required. If coller application is deemed necessary, the Contractor shall apply additional coats as to achieve the specified thicfrness. G. All material shall be as specified. 3.04 COATING SYSTEMS APPLICATION A. After completion of surface preparation as specified for the specific system, materials shall be applied as noted. B. Care shall be talcen so as to eliminate overspray and dry spray on the tank interior. Where such conditions are encountered, the surface shall be cleaned of all over spray and dry spray prior to the application of the succeeding coat. 3.05 DISINr�CTION The tank structure shall be disinfected at the time of testing in accocdance with AWWA Standard C652 "Disinfection of Water Storage Facilities" using chlorination method numbe►• two. Disinfection shall be performed by a competent water treatment Contractor. A. Disinfection of interior surfaces shall be pecfoimed in the presence of the Engineer in accordance with all the requirements of applicable AWWA Standards (including C652) and regulatory agencies. B. Disinfection shall be performed after protective coatings have been applied to the interior surfaces and allowed to thoroughly cure. At least seven days are required for curing. C. Prioc to disinfecting, the complete interior shall be washed down with clea►i water and thoroughly flushed out. D. All interior surfaces shall be thoroughly washed with a solution having a minimum chlorine content of 200 PPM. Chlorine solution accumulated on the bottom shall be drained to waste. Rinsing with clean water is not required. 3.06 SOLVGNT VAPOR REMOVAL A. All solvent vapors shall be completely removed by suction-type exhaust fans and blowers before placing tank in operating selvice. Neel-Schnffer, Inc. Stage Coach Growid Storage Tank Rehabilitatimi O: Vabsll2201 - SYage CoachiDesign�Specl�ca�ioiu�Coa�ing Speci�ca�ians 09 97 l3.<locz Project No. 02316 09 97 13 - 10 STEEL (WATER TANK) COATINGS Page 10 of 10 B. All solvent vapors will be exhausted both during and after coating application as per AWWA D102 subject to a minimum rate of one air change eveiy four hours to allow the proper curing of the coating material. High rates of production may require an increase in ventilation. C. Ventilation shall be continued until such time as the coating has reached "full cure" as specified by the coating manufacturer. 3.07 CL�AN UP A. Upon completion of the work, all staging, scaffolding and containers shall be removed from the site or destroyed in a manner approved by the Engineer. Coating or paint spots or oil stains upon adjacent surfaces shall be removed and the jobsite cleaned. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to protect all adjacent structures (private and public) from any damages. All damage to surfaces resulting from the work of this section shall be cleaned, repaired or refinished to the satisfaction of the Engineer and property owner (if applicable) at no cost to the Owner. B. Final Tank Ciean-up: Prior to the finai walk through, the Contractor shall thoroughly clean the entire tank both interior and exterior. This includes but is not limited to the removal of all dirt, exhaust fiims, dust, oil, stains, air pollution, foreign films, smut, graffiti or other foreign matter. C. Final walk through of the interior and exterior of the tank may or may not occur at different times. However, the final tank clean-up for both the exterior and the interior should be performed as close to the final walk through date as possible. D. If the exterior or interior of the tank are cleaned and become re-soiled in any manner by pollutants prior to the final walk through, the tank shall be cleaned by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner or the Owner's Representatives. 3.08 COLOR SCHEME The Owner shall select colors for the project for the exterior of the tank and exterior parts. The color for the interior of the tank shall be off-white or beige. The Contractor shall submit a current chart of the manufacturer's available colors to the Engineer thirty days prior to the start of coating. END OF SPECIFICATION Nee(-Schaffer, Inc. O:Vobs112201 -.Stnge Cwch�Uesign�SpaclR�nllans�Caati�tg Spaci/icaliarr 09 97 13docx Stage Coach Growid Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 APPENDIX Construction Drawings Preliminary Design Report Steel Inspectors of Texas Report of General Condition Inspection GC-6.07 Wage Rates CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised Jidy I, 20l 1 Construction Drawings CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation ' STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July 1, 201 I � z � a o� u€ g9�� ;r; � _�,, ��. ��Fa w000 �oaa THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT STAG E C OAC H G RO U N D STO RAG E TAN K REHABILITATION PROJECT CITY PROJECT NO. 02316 BETSY PRICE MAYOR DAVID COOKE CITY MANAGER FERNANDO COSTA ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER s ,:_r � �� 0 �� ; r�?.s W I onp R2� 5 ,,�.,, , �1e,!��:� n� < ,,. - _ �r� ,��:�,� n� ,,, . '�;,:,;,,, '''� „�ri.�.. c; � n, ,: 'r. � """�� �� , PROJECT LOCATION � c � � Prnnk krui tlynnd;u W;dllc riou;r .. Wesi Fv: y � � .t>'�7t�"vY Seivir.� {{d.S C;irJbo��.ire ATM (inoiJc thr-i Ilcvrr :�347R5) � � d� Ruchin;in Hapiist Church eruoc.l�v:��u:l ii:ul G ,r,. ��p�,n�'i.d�� ;� . '<f. ���� � � � ,. �°: dni,� 1) KTJ 3 a �vL a �� �:� 5' ��i tn, , �: 0 s z ��t1c�ri.��� 'i. e t�AntiV Kia Pon Vloilnl �:�t`Il1(7111 (a`!F' C v, c m ,n � v. U VICINITY MAP III� NEEI—SCHAFFER _ soruflons you can bulla upon _ F-2697 512 Main Street, Suite 415 Fori WoNi, Texas 76f02 (817) 870.2422 NO VEMB�R 2014 FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT Mdrew T. Cronberg, P.E., Interim Director, Woter Department Date I Chorly Mgodicheri�, Pssistont Director, Waler Departmeni Date I Farido Goderya, PhD, P.E., Facitilies Project Alanoger, \4ater Department Dote II . l `> � '� �� . . . . �.� i l . _ . � � � w F- _ � � 0 � � � 0 � 0 N N � m 0 � � F- z w � w O _� �a � � �> — > � F.. W � ~ � � LL � �� �W �Q U � I I�', { i . � I � z° ��� � ���; o�;� i � j i ry�l� �m..� im Z�FF j000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. n. ta. 19. 20. 2 i. ��. GENERAL NOTES THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS IS TAKEN FROF1 PUBLIC RECOROS. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBIIITY TO 1•tAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE OWNERS OF SUCH U�JDFR GROUND FRCILITIES PRIOR TO WORKING ]N THE ARER TO CDNF1R11 THEIR EXACT LOCATIOIJ AND TO DETER- MiNE WHETHER ANY ADDITIONAL FACILITIES OiHER THAN THOSE SHOWIJ ON TI1E PLANS 1•1AY BE PRESENT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUI4� FACILITIES. IF EXISTING UNOFRGROUND UTILITIES ARE DAt•fAGED� TFIE CONTkACTOR WILL 8E RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF REPAIRIIJG THE UTILITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 11•1MEDIATEL'f NO71FY THE ENGIMEER A7 OIJCE OF ANY COIJFLICTS IN GRADES AND ALIGNMENT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE LATEST PUBLICATION OF THE TCEO EROSIOIJ CONTROL BES7 h1ANAGE11E1JT PRACTICES (Bt1P'S) AND PROVIDE EROSION COIJTROLS IN ACCOR�ANCE M'ITH THESE Bf4P'S FOR THE DURFlTION ON THE PROJECT. ADEOUATE FIEASURES SHALL BE T�KEN TO PREVENT EROSION. ]N THE EVENT THAT SIGNIFICANT EROS101J OCCURS AS A RESULT OF COtJSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE THE EROOED AREA TO ORIGINAL CONDITION. THESE RESTORED AREAS SfiALL BE CONSIOEfiED SUBSIDIARY TO Tfi[ BASG BID lN0 SEPARATE PAYI. TfiE COIJTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL AREAS DISTURBED 8Y CONSTRUCTION TO ORIGIIJAL CONDITIOtJ OR [3ETTER. RESTUHEO AREAS INCLUDE� BUT ARE NOT LIF11TE0 TO TRENCH BACKFI�L� SIDE SLOPES� FENCES� CULVERT PIPES� ORAINAGE DITCHES� DRIVEWAYS. PRIVATE YAROS AND ROADWAYS. RESTORATION WILL IN- CLUDE HYDROIAULCHING ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITH LIK[ GRASS. ALL RFPAiRS AND APPERTENANCFS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OY W[L�ING. THE 1FlNK LADDER SHALI BE FABRICATEO OF STEEL AN� SECURED TO THE TAIJK SIOE BY WELDED S7EEL BRACY.[TS, THE LADDER WHEN INSTALLED, SHALL C�IP INTO HANGER BRACKETS. THEN BE WELDED TO THE BRRCKETS. THE LAD�ER AND BRACKETS SHALL BE COATEO AS PER THE COATING SPECIfICAT]ONS. ALL PENETRATIONS PASSING THROUGH THE TANK SHALL BE WELDED W1TH A STEEL STIFFENER PLATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHAL� REPAIR ALL IRRIGATION SYSTEl,1S THAT ARE DISTUROED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP RECORDS FOR AS-BUILT DRAWINGS AND SHALL SUBMIT �dARKUPS TO THE CITY INSPECTOR FOLLO\VING CONSTRUCTION. PARKING AND STAGING AREAS FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S USE HAVE BEEN SfiOWN ON THE SITE PLAN. REPAIR EXISTING ROOF A4ANWAY HIIJGES BOLTS \YRONC SIZE>. CLEAIJ AND RESEAL EXISTING FIBERBOARD AND CONCRETE FOUNDATION AS NEEDED AROUNO BASE OF TANK WITH CONCRETE SEALER. TEXAS STATE LAW, ARTICLE 1436C, MAKES UNLA\4FUL THE OPERATION Of EQUIPMENT OR �1ACHINES WITHIN 10 FEET OF ANY OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL LWE, UNLESS DANGER AGNNST COPITACi \YITH HIGH VOLTAGE LINES HAS BEEIJ EFFECTIVELY PROVIDED, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIDNS OF THE ARTICLE. IYHEN CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS REQUiRE WORKING NEAR AN OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL �INE, THE COt•lTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE OWNER/OPERATOR OF THE OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL LINE TO A1AKE ADEQUATE ARRANGEMENTS AND TO TNCE NECE55�1RY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS TO ENSURE THAT ALL lA\YS, ELEC7RICAL LIIJE OWIJER/OPERATOR REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD IIJDUSTRY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ARE MET. THE CITY H�S THE FOLLO�VING ELECTRONIC FILES \YHICH ARE AVNLnBLE UPON REQUEST - THE ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTIOIJ DRASYIDlGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. - THE DRA1'JINGS OF THE RFHAF3ILITATON PROJECT DONE AFTER TNE INITIAL COtJSTRUCTION. PHOTOGRMHS A1JD PERIODIC INSPECTION REPORTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AIJD PROTECT ALL EXISTING FACILITIES AT THE SITE. AIJY DAIAAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION WILL BE REPPJRED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO A CONDITION BETTER THA7J, OR EQUAL T0, THAT WHICH EXISTED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AT IJO ADDITIONAL COST. THE CONTRF�CTOR SHALI REFERENCE THE REPNR SPECIFICATIONS 33 16 13.71 lJJD THE COATING SPECIFICATIONS 09 97 13 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIR�d THC CURRENT OSIiA CRITERIA FOR LADDERS AND PLATFORM RNLINGS AT THE TIldE OF CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE THAT THESE ITEMS ARE IN COI.�PLIANCE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THE EXISTING CATHODIC PROTFCTION BOX ON THE WALL OF THE TANK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO REAIOVE THE TWO BRACKETS ON THE WALI ABOVE TfiE DOX. Al.L SURFACES SHALL 8E GROUND SAIOOTH, BLASTED AIJD COATED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE PLL SILT ON THE TANK FLOOR TANK. THE CITY PERIODICALLY CLEANS THE TANK, BUT � MINOR AMOUNTS OF SILT HAVE ACCUMULATED. THIS ITEM SHALL BE SUBSIDIARY TO THE COATING, MD IJOT A SEPARATE PAY ITElA. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL A70DIFY THE A1JTI-VORTEX DEVICE AT THE OUTLET BY OPENING UP (CUTTIIJG/GRIDING AS NEEDED) THE TOP APPROXIti1ATELY .30" OPE�ING. IT IS CURRENTLY PARTIALLY COVERED WITH A PLATE. A 36" X�/t" PLATE SHALL BE BOLTED OVER THE 30" OPENING.ALL SURFACES SHALL BE GROUND SAIOOTH,BLASTED AND COATED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COAIPLETELY \YELD ALL CONNECTIONS: AND RE1.10VE ALl BOITS: BET54EEN RP,FTERS, BEM7S AIJD/OR COLUlANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL �1AKE METAL REPPJRS AS NEEDED THROUGHOUT THE TANK.VISIBLE AREAS THAT NEED REPAIR INCLUDE THE TOP PORTION OF THE OVERFLOW (ESPECIAL�Y THE WALL SIDE OF THE FUNPJEL>, THE ROOF MM114AY AND iHE FLOOR. ALL SURFACES SHFtiLL BE GROUND SAIOOTH, BLASTED AND COATED. FXISTIIJG 24" �AANWAY TO BE - ENLARGED TO 36" [XISTING VEN PROPOSED 32' ROOF RNLING- PROPOSED 3' X 3' MANVVAY OPPOSITE EXISTING EXISTIIJG 171' DIA. lANK PROPOSEU 8' ROOF RAILIIJG— O O EXISTING ROOF � RAILING PROPOSED 8' ROOF RAILING- O O SHEET INDEX COVER 1. GENERAL NOTES 2. SITE PLAN 3� GRADING PLFlIJ 4. LADDER AND LOGO DETAILS 5. ROOF AND SHELL 14ANWAY OETAILS 6. VENT REPAIR� CONCRETE STEP AND ROOF RAILiNG DETAILS EXISTING 36" lAAN4YAY TO REIdAIN EXISTING 3' x 3' IAANIVAY TO REMAIN EXISTING 24" MANSYAY TO REMAIN. REQUIRES REFURBISHED SV41NG ARM. (IT IS STUCK AND NOT COIJIJECTED> � TANK PLAN � N.T.S. � � �j� � � C i' ; � GLN�RAL NO'P�S 8688 West Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 761�8 LOT 1, BLOCK l STAGE COACH PUMP STATION ADDITION AN A�DITION TO THE CITY OF \'lHITE SETTLEMEIJT TARRANT COUNTY TEXAS,RECORDED IN CLERY.'S FILE N0. D201072032 PLA7 RECORDS,TW2RMlT COUNTY,TEXAS CITY OF FORT 410RTH, TEXAS WATER DEPARTh7ENT STAGE COACH GROUND STORAGE TANK REHABILITATION PROJECT CITY PROJECT Noe �2316 ���� NEEI—SCHAFFER512ldain5Vee1.5ui1e415 Fort Worth, TX 76102 = Soludons yov can build �pon (B17) 8762422 TEXAS REG. No. F-2697 DESICNE�: JP� SCALE �ATE NSIPROJECTNo. SHEET DRAYlN: RT NOV. N5.72201.000 1 CHECKED: JPA tJTS �n�a � s s A� g��i s�;�l �ail i u mW- �eFt �00( �i��b a i� o��� io�� ii s'ii �ii ttll ^ m '9 �wFm woo` 0 �aaa tAATCH EXISTING GROUND � ,T��, 'USE 3H:iV IJEAR WATER VAULT AT NORiH SIDE OF GROUND STORAGE TANK -z,• T PERVATiON PLANS 'USE 3H:iV NEAR WATER VAUL7 AT NORTH SIDE OF CROUND STORAGE TANK 3' REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS 3123 t6 / � � � i �.- � � �� ROL. PDIrVTi' � i / / / 60d N� � LECT � / / j .,-� � PAA� � / � ��25 j s2a.2o � � � �j � g / / � ,� _` V � � �� � .� k � a l� / / / oo / s s2� I h / I / / �• � � n IFA. � X2 / o r r � 3, � � s�4.4q I e . 2� � � 3� I ( � . ' t� ~ I -t .6 � I I� � . , t 3.6 1 � � � �� GRATE lIdLET w/ HEADWALL r �� 82 \ � IMITS 01� GRADING �A P \'\ / \ II 1 � h ! � 8241, , / I '� ' B .69 I ' � � �� ' I I I I I � I I I I � I I CO T ROL 1N7� I 2 5i 60� NAIL / I � o r�' � / ~ 5� 9 ' / / is � � / � / I i M� 1 � 3 A ER � I TELE� ---1 , L S B0�1 REVISIONS �cscnirnar+ SCALE 1"=15' 0 75 30 45 60 DRTE Verticol0alum� City of Forl Vlorth Benchmark "FW 6554" sei vertica�ly in E. side of S. center column of overposs on IH-30 over los Veqas Trail • 2.6' above median. N= 6953003.2300 E= 2286147.6460 e�.= ooz,s�so HorizontalDatum� Texos Coordinate System o( 1983, North CentralZone. !�� �� UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION AND 32 sz ,� \ I \ � FLOOR ELEVAT/DN = 8/9.76 �� N � EL CTRIC ' i �, ���� HYDROMULCHING, SEEDING AND SODDING� \ \ FL 18�� RCP = 8/9.T6 /� / AND PAY ITEMS 3123.0101 AND 3292.00.00 \ o� � � M ER ET Tt ` Jv \ \ \ i � 25 41 / � \ \ .4 I I ET \ B( T � � � � � � I 3-EL C Rl � r-- \ ��.� • o �i'FO�M�R s�/ GRADING PLAN \ �, �'� `-__ 5 _ __- _.-- / � � 83�.��\ � E7 \ \ � �\ � - � z.�2 / � �P�,A` �IRE� TOP r 8608 West Freeo-�ay � \ j 8 4 / N /-�YQ �j�/ Fort Worth, Texas 76108 1 �\� ---_ , 822.57 � / �j � � � w� LOT 1, BLOCK 1 �� \ 8 2'82 -'' -0.5% SLO E� eT � 2_� STAGE COACH PUMP STATION ADDITION \ \ �. � I \ "F' _�_._ . "�- O J AfJ l�7DITlON TO THE CITY OF WHITE SETTLEMENT, \ , � °E�TRIC PANE�.L._. �� 822 �' �--� V A TAftRANT COVNTY 7EXA5, RECORDED IN WIRE \ \� \ \ •�� \\ '- � � '! ~- `� ""' -JL + 1 �\ I PLAT RECORDSFITARRPNT2COUNTOY3 TEXAS \ y �W. -�ER �4U�T `�- . M - � � M o � ��-- - "�- -� a ORTWORT CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS \ \\ --a \ � \ � ` m= �3/ 1 P �I\ ", nn µ �`-,,� WATER DEPARTMENT � \ CON7Y�OL PO(NT�Od NAIL „ STAGE COACN GROUND STORAGE NORTH DRAINAGE FLOWLINE HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT TABLE TANK REHABILITATION PROJECT Number SmrtS�alion GndStation Radiac Leng�h Delm ChurdLength ChordDirectian StanPoint EndPoim CITY PROJECT NO. 82136 L4 0+00.00 0+53.53 53.53' N: 6953495.27 E: 2285533.07 N: 6953476.74 E: 2285482.83 S.Oi iTH DRAINAGE F7 �WLINE H�RIZ�N•i,AL ALI�J-,NMEN,I, ,I, � DT �, U 1 L !1U 1� U 0+53.53 1+06.06 52.52' N: 6953476.74 E: 2285482.83 N: 6953474.29 E: 2285430.36 tl' NEEI.-SCHAFFER 572 Mmn Street. SmCe 4l5 L2 7+06.06 7+17.53 �7,47' N: 6953474,29 E: 2285430.36 N: 6953473.90 E: 2285418.90 Vumhr Slan Slation End Station Radius Length Dcha Chord Lenglh Chord Dir•ction Stan Poim L'nd Point .� Fort Worth, TX 76162 _ SoluNons you can buitd upon (8li) 870-24z2 l3 1+17.53 7+62.15 44.62' N: 6953473.90 E: 22135418.90 N: 6953470.90 E: 2285374.37 LS 0+00.00 1+13.88 173.88� N: 6953270.72 E: 2285539.94 IJ: 6953270.54 E: 2285426.06 TEXAS REG. N0. F-269i C7 7+62.15 2+34.31 70�.80' 72.75' JB' 42' 30.11" 70J9' S41' 4fl' 25.44"YI N: 6953470.90 E: 2265374.17 N: 6953�418J4 E: 2285327.16 C2 1+13.88 3+23.67 iD6.fS0' 209.79' 112' 32' 40.01' 177.66' N33' 49' 09.62`VI N: 6953270.54 E: 2285426.06 N: 6953418.14 E 2285327.18 DESICNED: JPA SCALE DA7E NS�PROJECTNo. SHEE7 DRAWN: RT NOV. __ _._ _. . CHECKED: JPA 7" = 15' 20t4 NS.72201.000 3 --- _ - -- � - -82 26" COTTO�l�Vd00D / � ��'``� , � o / / ��}� Ri,s � i W � 0 0 � cA \�✓ al ' a W �" " �° W AT ER - 23. � � VAULT / � iC V � 3.34 � �o 1+OD- � � � $ / F- --- .. � / / � � / � "' �, �� / •�r fl 5.5 MIL�ION GALLON (MG) GROUND STORAGE TANK (GST) ! i I ° JI�J TANK LOGO � N.T.S. � � TANK LOGO NOTES 1, LOCO 70 BE PLACED IN ONE LOCATION.ORIENTATION AND EXACi LOCATION OF LOGO TO BE PPPROVED BY CITY. 2. COLORS WLL BE� PMS 2B8 BLVE fOR LETTERING, OR MPROVED EQUAL PMS 735 BROWN FOR GRAPHIC,OR APPROVED EQUPL 3. REFERENCE SPECIFIC�TION p9 97 13 �' �/� �,,:.�� � ;, ,�, � , .. . . . r r .., . Q.�_, . I II 1 b i€�i o�,� `v1� I<i� V�I �i «y ZQF� y000 caan LADDER DETAIL N.T.S. LADDER NOTES 1. REIAOVE AND REPL�CE MPROXIMATELY TOP 10' OF EXISTING IADDER, SUPPORTS M'D BRACKETS. 2. 6RIN� ALl EXISTING CONNECTIONS FLUSH WITH iPNK SHELL PER COA7ING SPECIFICATIONS. 3. PROPOSED LPDDER SHALL COGPLY WITH ALL O.S.H.A REQUiRENENTS. IAIN�MUM RUNG AND SIDE RA1L SIZES ARE SHOWN. CONTRACTOR SHPLL IAATCH EXISTING IF LARGER. CONTRACTOR SHALL MATCH EXISTING SUPPORTS M1D BRACKETS. 4. LADDER M'D BRACINC SHALL 8E COATED AS PER COATING SPECIFICATIONS. 5. LADOER SAFETY DEVICE SHALL BE A"SPF-T-CLIIAB" LPDDER FALL PREVENTION SYSTEA7 BY NORTH SAFETY PRODUCTS. LADDER AND LOGO DETAILS i 8608 West Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 761�8 LOT 1, BLOCK 1 � STAGE COACH PUMP STATION ADDITION AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF 1YHITE SETTLEIAENT, TMRANT COUNTY TEXAS, RECORDED IN CLERK'S fILE N0. D201D72032 PLAT RECORDS,TMRPNT COUNTY,TERAS � ORT�ORT CITY OF FORT 1JORTH, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT STAGE COACH GROUND STORAG� TANK REHABILITATION PROJECT CITY PROJECT No.82316 II�� NEEI�-SCHAFFER S,z'.,""5°"'.S"`°"5 Fonv.t:nn. 7x �e�oz _ SofuNons yoi� can bul/d upon (017)870-2422 � TEXAS REG. No. F•2697 DESIGNED: JPA SC«E DATE NSiPROlECiNo SHEEi DRAWN: RT NOV. NS.12201.000 4 CHEGKED: JPA NTS 2014 ��4' PL NECY 9" WIDE x 9' 5��e' LONG ROLLED TO 3' ID HINGE PL "�" TANK SHELL � ��"`�--��-`��-_��, --W-s� �-�� � HINGE PIN ASSY --.� (SEE BELOWI � HINGE PL "A"-� HINGE PIIJ ASSEMBLY 3�q" DIA. ROD x 9 3/4" W/ OH 8 C�TTER PIN � 1 EIJD ALSO 4U PL ���' x 2" DIA. SHOP YIELDED � OPP END GALV. WASHER REO'D C� EA FND 4 �, i 4 ��i � �2 , TANK BTM � ( 42 ) ��g" OH ON 3' 3��Z' 6C FOR ( 42 ! 3�q' x 2" d307 Nfih1B STRADDLE VERT CL ��q" PL REPAD 3' S�8' ID x 4' 5" OD 3' ID SHELL MANWAY (WELD AS NEEDED N.T.S. 3�g" PL R7ATIIJG FLG 3' S�8' ID r, 3' 8" OD W/ IA2) OH (SEE BE�01Y1 3" � ��g' RUBBER CkSY.ET � 3' ��e' 1 D x 3' 7 3�q' OD �� 5��_ � Y!/ (421 OH (SEE BELOVY) HANDLE 3�q� DIA. ROD x 12" ����e' PL BLIPID FLG x 3' 8° OD YI/ 42 OH I.. �� 2 �'z� Z i�2, � —`iz �, 1° � R 9 3/4" RAO. �( i-/—) ROUND � � „ p PL W/ 7/8" OH HINGE PL "A" � , �� i � � � �� a,, a�� t,� �,, ¢ � I z�Fa 000 �naa 7 ' 2 ��z' � 3" o I � ^Y� �� � ROUtJD I � c3 PLACES) i, „ p i,Z� p PL W/ - 5„ 7/8" OH HINGE PL "B" SHELL MANWAY HINGE DETAILS N.T.S- HINGE PIN ASSEAIBLY 3'a� DIA. ROD x 1'3 1/2" W/ HOLE @ 7 END FOR COTTER PIIJ w/1'lASHER - FIELD WELD WASHER AFTER INSTALL ALSO W/ 1/fl" PL x 1 1/2" DIA SHOP YlELDED � OPP END (V'7ASHERS TO BE CAIV.) 6 6 1' 3/8" (4) NECK PLs REO'D ��q" x 9„ x 3� ��� 4"(MIN> HINGE PL "C" SFE BELOW PL ��4' x 2" x 4��p" � l7/ 3�8 ` OH . i � �I � ROUND 3 CORNERS 1 LOCK PL "A" N ��q' PL LID W/ 4 CORNERS NOTCHED 2" 50. V4/ SIDES BEIJT DOWN 90° FOR 2" LIP USE PL ��q' x 3' S 1/2" r. 3' S 1/2" '��' TYP. —�, A ~ N 7 O � �; o� � N � M p o II Y fn � w II ' z — �r, .—_� 3��' TYP -LOCK PL "A" SEE BEL041 -ROOF NOTE: THE OPENIIJG ABOYE THE TANK TOP HIIL BE EOUIPPE� WITH A 2'X �5' FLM STEEL LOCK BRR RND LOCY.. TfIE UIJDER SIDE OF THE OPENING LIO SIiNI.L HFaVF. A 2'NEOPRENE STRIP TO INSURE RN AIR TIGHT SEAL. HINGE PL "D"J I 3' x 3' CLEAR I �LOCK P� "B" SEE BEL014 E —'^ SEE BELOW 3' 0"x 3' 0" CLEAR ROOF MANVJAY (WELD AS NEEDED) N.T.S. PL ��q" x 2" x 2 3•�' 3" : N \7/ 3�g' OH 1 " �' I 1' � ROUND -� v � i i f ROUND� I13 16 P OH�+/ LOCK PL "B" HINGE PL "C" ROUND 3 3�q" SPL 1 T NEOPREIJE TUBE 2� 3�e� ID x 1/8" YIALL x 12' 2" �_��� � FIT ALL-AROUNO TO � fORM HAIRLINE JOINT I �:' V N '1 7 ROUND J/ NECK L �,q- P� wi 13�i6 � OH HINGE PL "D" M. V/. GASKET ROOF MANWAY LOCK, HINGE AND GASKET DETAILS N.T.S. � z� HANDLE — 3�4' DIA. ROD X 1' 0" I . .Ui;'� S P. ��.: ;� :i: � J /�� � ROOF AND SH�LL MAN{VAY D�TAILS i 86P8 West Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 761a8 LOT 1, BLOCK 1 j STAGE COACH PUMP STATION ADDITION i AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WHITE SETTLEMENT, � TlJ2RANT COUNTY TEXAS, RECORDED W i CLERK'S FI�E N0.0201072032 PLAT RECORDS,TPRRANT COUPJTY,TEXAS � I ORTWORT CITY OF FORT 4JORTH, TEXAS i WATER �EPARTMENT STAGE COACH GROUND STORAGE i TANK REHABILITATION PROJECT � CITY PROJECT No.82316 i � ���� NEEI—SCHAFFER 5'Z '�°'^ SL-eeq Smte 4�5 , Fort North, TX 76102 = Solutions you c�n build upon (BI%) 87�"242z I TEXAS REG. No. F-2697 � �ESICNED: JPA SCALE DATE NSIPRO)ECTNo. SHEET � ORAYIh: RT NOV. CHECKEO: JPA NTS ZQ�y N5.12201.000 5 � � � � s >� � o� �o;' � �,� �,� _�,� <��= w oss Gnaa Preliminary Design Report CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 STAGE COACH GROUND STORAGE TANK REHABILITATION PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT FaRT�V�RTH WATER PRELIMINARY- FOR REVIEW ONLY These documents are for Design Review and not intended for Construction, Bidding, or Permit Purposes. They were prepared by, or under supervision of: James P. Amick, P.E. 65295 9/25/2014 Name PE# Date III� NEE�-SCHAFFER _ So/utions you can build upon � Texas Reg. No. F-2697 � � ! i� i ___.� s-- , ��� NEEL—SCHAFFER ■F �1��1Cheatham &� Associates � September 25, 2014 Ms. Farida S. Goderya, PH.D, P.E. Senior Professional Engineer City of Fort Worth, Water Department Fiscal Services/CIP 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102-6311 Reference: Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project Dear Farida: The enclosed Preliminary Design Report documents the existing tank condition, a laboratory analysis of exterior paint, and provides recommendations for repairs and rehabilitation. The photographs contained in the report show typical areas that are in need of repairs. The report also contains an opinion of probable construction cost. The exhibit of the survey will be forwarded as soon as it is completed. If you would like us to confirm the vent size, please provide the maximum inflow and outflow rates. Before completing the construction documents, we would like to request that the tank be drained so that an internal inspection can be conducted. As we move into the next phase, we request that you provide us with electronic copies of any � specific documents (i.e., the front end documents) that the City would like to use for bidding E and constructing this project. We also request that you provide the City's preferences (if any) as to the chosen coating system and color. If you have any questions or we may be of further service, please call me at 817/909-2807. Sincerely, NEEL-SCHAFFER, INC. , ;, � �% �'�!r�'' � � �. � lames P. Amick, P.E. Engineer Manager Enclosures O:\Jobs\12201- Stage Coach\Design\Report\Stage Coach Draft PDR Letter.docx :,�:u� �c� i o�,� � p,,��. �.� � f=OR'f �nr�1�'i i��;,o��si o� � en�ineers � plannei�s ° s�n've;�ors � environmenial scieniisis � ernergenc� m�nagemen� 512 Main Street, Suife 415 > Forl 1n�orth, TX 76 (02 ° phone 31'l-t;70-247.2 > fax �117-£370-24�39 � w�r�v✓.neel-schaffer.com EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Existing structural condition — It is generally in good condition with a few areas (interior roof, rafters and foundation) in need of repairs. • Existing coating system condition — It is generally in good condition on the exterior with a few areas of corrosion (though it is at the end of its useful life). The interior has multiple areas of corrosion based on visual inspection from roof since tank was not drained. These are primarily on the roof and rafters. • Laboratory analysis of exterior and roof man-way paint scrapings — Indicates approximately 3.0 ppm Lead, 9.0 ppm Cadmium, 1.4 ppm Chromium and 782 ppm Barium. • Existing condition of tank appurtenances including roof and shell man-ways, ladders, platforms and piping — They are generally in good condition on the exterior. The interior ladder should be replaced, and one additional roof may-way is desired. In addition extending the railing adjacent to the platform is desired. Finally, increasing the size of the two 24" shell man-ways to 36" is also desired. • Compliance with OSHA safety requirements — Several OSHA Standards were reviewed. The tank appears to have several areas of strict noncompliance on the exterior stairs. Modifications to the stairs are recommended if the City desires to strictly comply with the OSHA Standards. • Compliance with TCEQ requirements — The tank appears to generally be in accordance with requirements. There are minor repairs necessary to the vents. • Other recommendations for the project — Blast and recoat the entire tank both inside and out. Grade around the tank to cut a swale for drainage. This should eliminate the ponding areas. Repair interior roof and rafters (and any other areas discovered deficient later). • Preliminary opinion of probable construction cost — Is approximately $1,310,000 and a detailed breakdown is included in this report. • Boundary and Topographic Survey of the site — Will be supplied when complete. • Key Design Decisions — Include recommending inclusion of project components that will speed construction like requiring dehumidification on interior work and offering the contractor a bonus for early completion. Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Stage Coach Preliminary Report 9/25/2014 O:\Jobs\12201- Stage Coach\Design\Report\DRAFT Stage Coach Preliminary Report.docx Page 1 of 6 a r� PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT I The 5.5 Million Gallon Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank is located at 8608 West Freeway. This is in west Fort Worth, west of Las Vegas Trail and on the north side of I-30. The steel tank is approximately 32' tall � and 171' in diameter. It was constructed in 1979 based on drawings provided. The tank was repaired and repainted in 2000 based on other drawings provided. The last inspection was March 11, 2011 based on the report provided. The visible interior roof and rafters from the roof man-way are in need of repairs and recoating. The tank was not drained during the site visit on September 3, 2014. The photographs below show typical problem areas. We recommend these areas be repaired during the project. This is typically done by spot welding to add metal or covering with a welded plate. The interior ladder needs to be replaced. It has failed as documented in the second photograph. We recommend the ladder be removed and replaced in accordance with OSHA Standard Number 1910.27 during the project. Based on the length of the ladder, a ladder safety device will be required. � ,I I /—"`� ,f a � . . _, �'�-' _ �- - ij ' �_ . _ �.. -�_ � I�_ . - _ � —_ ' � i - i . `�: � I J _ ``� _,� , �'- I�, � �. . � .. � w: r , I-' " ` `/� I, "I . � ' �' � . � ��. � , _ 4 i / , - y� _{�.. - �- � ' � � � i ., _.,,�.�': ' �,��, _� -� r � A photo of the roof man-way near the stairs is shown below. An additional roof man-way is desired by the City. Both roof man-ways should have a Confined Space Entry labels as required by OSHA Standard Number 1910.146. �111t � � � ���� , � � :F ^ ���: ■ Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Stage Coach Preliminary Report 9/25/2014 O:\lobs\12201 - Stage Coach\Design\Report\DRAFT Stage Coach Preliminary Report.docx Page 2 of 6 I� See photos of the vents below. The vents have screens. Minor repairs are necessary as there are gaps. We recommend that this be addressed in the project. Additionally the vent skirt does not completely protect or cover the screen as is more typical on our designs. If the City is interested in extending the slcirt, this would in essence require replacing the entire vent cover. — �- ..—�-� �� '� . . ► \_ :. i .. _ �' � � We recommend blasting and recoating the entire tank both inside and outside in accordance with AWWA Standard D102-11. The laboratory analysis by Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, Inc. of the exterior paint scrapings taken during our site visit indicated approximately 3.0 ppm Lead, 9.0 ppm Cadmium, 1.4 ppm Chromium and 782 ppm Barium. We recommend that when the tank is drained for the interior inspection that a laboratory analysis of interior paint scrapings be made for heavy metals (not just Lead). The tank should be cleaned after draining to estimate the areas for repair. Other recommendations may follow the interior inspection. The exterior stairs seem to have several areas of potential noncompliance with OSHA Standards. Starting at the bottom, the height of the first step from the concrete pad to the first step is about 17". OSHA Standard Number 1910.24(f) "Stair Treads" states that Rise height and tread width shall be uniform throughout any flight of stairs including any foundation structure used as one or more treads of the stairs. The typical stair height is about 8". A concrete step about 8.5" high should be added to the concrete pad. We recommend that this be done in this project. Next, the railing has several potential issues. OSHA Standard Number 1910.23(e)(1) states that A standard railing shall consist of top rail, intermediate rail, and posts, and shall have a vertical height of 42 inches nominal from upper surface of top rail to floor, platform, runway, or ramp level. The top rail shall be smooth-surfaced throughout the length of the railing. The intermediate rail shall be approximately halfway between the top rail and the floor, platform, runway, or ramp. The ends of the rails shall not overhang the terminal posts except where such overhang does not constitute a projection hazard. OSHA Standard Number 1910.23(e)(2) states that A stair railing shall be of construction similar to a standard railing but the vertical height shall be not more than 34 inches nor less than 30 inches from upper surface of top rail to surface of tread in line with face of riser at forward edge of tread. OSHA Standard Number 1910.23(e)(3) states that For structural steel railings, posts and top and intermediate rails shall be of 2-inch by 2-inch by 3/8-inch angles or other metal shapes of equivalent bending strength with posts spaced not more than 8 feet on centers. OSHA Standard Number 1910.23(e)(3)(v) states that Other types, sizes, and arrangements of railing construction are acceptable provided they meet the following conditions: A smooth-surfaced top rail at a height above floor, platform, runway, or ramp level of 42 inches nominal; A strength to withstand at least the minimum requirement of 200 pounds top rail pressure; Protection between top rail and floor, platform, runway, ramp, or stair treads, equivalent at least to that afforded by a standard intermediate rail. OSHA Standard Number 1910.23(e)(5)(i) states that A handrail shall consist of a lengthwise member mounted directly on a wall or partition by means of brackets attached to the lower side of the handrail so as to offer no obstruction to a smooth surface along the top and both sides of the Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Stage Coach Preliminary Report 9/25/2014 O:\Jobs\12201 - Stage Coach\Design\Report\DRAFT Stage Coach Preliminary Report.docx Page 3 of 6 1� Ii handrail. The handrail shall be of rounded or other section that will furnish an adequate handhold for ' anyone grasping it to avoid falling. The ends of the handrail should be t-urned in to the supporting wall or otherwise arranged so as not to constitute a projection hazard. The existing hand railing (about 32.5" above the stairs) does not have a smooth surface along the top and both sides. There are brackets about every 3' that support an additional guard rail above the top rail. The handrail is 2.5" x 2.5" x%". The guard rail above the handrail should be mounted from the bottom of the handrail with an offset support so that handrail has no obstructions on the top or sides. The railing does not have an intermediate rail. The handrail at first glance appears to be of insufficient thickness. The posts are approximately %:' x%2' 'i and spaced at about 8". Based on all of this information the structural consultant on the team believes that the railing meets structural requirements (the handrail does need work though to remove the 9 obstructions on the top and sides). These concerns are illustrated in the photos below. We recommend that the supports for the additional guard rail be modified in this project. 9 � � \ r r� � ' . }.�' _.1,� �fi'¢'SLt�.r.i� .a�uau=t.� �..' /� W r 1i f �. �r1YY�li• . �,� �. � ,. \ � '���V�� . ,, � I ' . . �I f� *;� r I ___ � � R � � ., . .. �' _'+ _��L I ���r�.__.. - . .. . There is a locking gate on the stairs about midway up. OSHA Standard Number 1910.23(a)(10) states that Where doors or gates open directly on a stairway, a platform shall be provided, and the swing of the door shall not reduce the effective width to less than 20 inches. Strictly speaking, one interpretation of that standard would require either adding a platform at the gate, or relocating the gate to either the top or bottom of the stairs. If the City desires to change this, we would recommend relocating the gate to the bottom of the stairs. See the photo below. �� �•, ��'�, i�_ �� �.J: I, � � �,�,,,,,,� ; w�, < � �-r-- � !' II 'i / � �� The City also desires to add one additional rail panel to each side of the platform at the top of the stairs. See the photographs that follow. We recommend that this item be addressed in the project. ',f Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Stage Coach Preliminary Report 9/25/2014 O:\Jobs\12201 - Stage Coach\Design\Report\DRAFT Stage Coach Pre�iminary Report.docx Page 4 of 6 � ,.. ,� � ji� �i , , � ! .� � _ � ��:� Based on the observation of the exterior of the tank, it appears that the tank overflow and drain discharge into an inlet structure and then an underground storm drain system. There is a flap valve and an air gap for the overflow. See photos below. ..� �� 1 �� . � � , ���� ^ � �► .__ _. _ . z . � -� � 1, � -._:._ - . � � --. - , � =- % =-_==- 1 -- __--�_= =_- '� � � We suggest grading around the tank to cut a swale for drainage. The site generally drains from west to east (and south). Ponding is the worst on the north side of the tank. Photographs appear below. We recommend that this be addressed in the project. C. _ � �� � ;� � �,,,_�� ; � .,I;: _ " ` , �:ti'� " � . , ' , �'� _*.� �: , , _ , •� �y � f , � v�„�•y : . :�;y � , .i �'�;� . . � -- � �j wi'�.a�^ � � � � '- v�l � . `�. �i I y -,}�.� .��.� _, ir � � I��.►a. . . •��,T �,.� , � ',r. .'`� t � . • '� � K � - ��;�*.�j� � a ., ' � •.* ' , �.�:� IR1 s,K�'��' � ���i��fc. ,�� - i. � t � -, '` :.i• . '����-' � . r ' I~ � `�. .,,���t'« � � . t,��,r.;. i'' -'�: "�=.�r'�,_`��'°.�: } ` •• ':�s'. i�� � a ��: •� � �_� � � -�9' �tta�a� - ,y c .�. S. , x_ ..,.n� .ti'�� �� � ai � The tank has three shell man-ways. One is 36" in diameter (northeast) and the other two are 24" in diameter (northwest and southeast). The southeast man-way does not have the swing arm attached. All three are shown in photos that follow and should have Confined Space Entry labels. The City desires to replace the two 24" man-ways with 36" man-ways. Both should have swing arms. We recommend that this be done in this project. Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Stage Coach Preliminary Report 9/25/2014 O:\Jobs\12201- Stage Coach\Design\Report\DRAFT Stage Coach Preliminary Report.docx Page 5 of 6 � �I I � ��,. ,��_� '•, 1" � � ? '�1. �'r. _�_. � ��� ,, • v ' °.� . . v • � • � • • • ` ' • • • � � s � e r The tank also has a few foundation issues that should be repaired during the project. The photos below illustrate the problems of cracking and spalling. In addition, the joint between the tank and the foundation should be cleaned and sealed. We recommend that this be done in this project. �-��._'��.' =:.t. _ _ »u ��-;�_� �:.:�, �-wx .� �� �.�,.: i -- --._ �`'� `���� . x • � �� ,� :. .-` � �� '- � ° �� �� w�;- , � p- � a�� � ;: Y G F� ` 1i � } �sb r.� .�*r ', x hh�ai ��; �� -, A� #.,�.,: � r� � r�� j+t+ _� s. , .� F T � � `' s- � 4 ' � t:. \��* •.•a '�'f' . y } i y : L4 :. � � �° .~_._... ..._ __ .._'_' ' R:L.�� ��:.� ..�I Key design decisions — We recommend allowing dehumidification on the interior work to speed construction. This would be a subsidiary item and at the contractor's option. Based on the size of this project it would be beneficial in order to meet the scheduled completion of May 15, 2015. We also recommend pre-bidding an early completion bonus (by the day) at a rate of $1,000; subject to a maximum of 25 days. Our opinion of probable construction cost is approximately $1,310,000. The detailed opinion is attached to this report. A boundary and topographic survey is in progress for the site. A copy of the survey will be forwarded as soon as it is completed. 1�Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Stage Coach Preliminary Report 9/25/2014 O:\Jobs\12201 - Stage Coach\Design\Report\DRAFT Stage Coach Preliminary Report.docx Page 6 of 6 i� 0 N .. � � N m � � � � � � O � 0 .�' U � V � .O �, � c 0 � C�3 � .,..� .—� � C� � � � � 0 U b O � t� � i� � � iy � U � � � E O �a 0 0 � 'C A � 0 r�h V r� V C�3 O � C�S � � ❑ 0 .r., � .� 0 � �Lr � � C� .� � W � � � � a Cd � � a � � � 0 V O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O vl Vl ^� O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O [� l� ,�,� O O O O O O O O�n O O O O O O O O O O O v� M o0 0 0 0 0 0 o v� O O hl O o 0 0 0 o O o v'i o o N � cn �+ O vi vi O N O O�--� �/'i �O �Y O N O vl O t� vl v� �t O'ct ,Q � 59 N � � 69 O�-+ 69 69 59 N�n 69 � 69 N 69 cf� N m l� O .� 69 69 69 69 �!1 'd' 69 EA 64 69 69 .--� M � 69 69 � C� b9 69 � O � � O O O O O O O O� O� O O O �.�i �Vj � O � � � O O O � O O O O O � O� O O O � O O � p O O� O O tn O O O Vl O � O � vl O O � U � �n bq ,_^"„ � N O ,-� � vi �O �D N N � vi � .-� V'j � 69 � 69 69 69 V'� �t 64 69 Ei9 69 69 � 69 � 69 69 69 69 69 � v� v� w v� v� v� va v� � �n v� c"�i c"�i o c'�i c'�i c"�i � v� � � aa � .� aaaa W a aww w w w w w'� Q :� '� �+ •-� �--� � �--� �--� �--� .-� .--� v, .� .-. d' � �--� �--� (`i �n ""' N � � N � � � � � � � � � � � �O �n l� h h l� cn cn l� l� l� l� l� l� t� t� h l� t� [� U O "" ^" c� m c� cn ^"' r" c� c� cn c� cn m c� c� M M M M C� '��, M N �--� .-r .-. .-� � � .-� .-+ r-+ �--� �--� .--� .-. .-� .-� .-� ,-� .-� a,� N� � � .o���� � �.�.������.�� � a� r, �.� .� .� .-+ .-+ � � ,� .� .� .-� ,-, '-, r, r, � �n �n M f7 M f'1 0 � M M M M C�1 f�l M M M C'1 M f�l c� �n cn cn c� cn c� c� c� c� cn c� c� M M m � W o � � � � � ,� � � � � b •� � � � � '� -� � � a � � � � a�i a 3 � � � � � o a� �—�i ° y �' ca � n�i U N � a 4�y � -CJ V] �i �.�,, � ' � • N N p v� � � ttf +� � O ��n "U� a% � � V1 N 4. 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O� O� O� O� O� O� O\ O� O� O� � O O p c� c� rn Ri rn�i rn rn rn rn rn rn o rn rn rn o� G� o� o� rn rn rn V� U U .� � � � � --� N c� �r �r, �O t� oo rn � � � .`-^� � � �° t� oo rn o ~ rO' V O O O O M b9 � � � 0 � @ w � d O U i C O U Steel Inspectors of Texas Report of General Condition Inspection CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 201 I Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project No. 02316 `��r��L I.����c�ro�� o� T�x�, I�vc. f'.O. 8px 150987 •�ort WartYr, TX 76108 • 817-�46-809G •�ax 817-246-5889 R�PORT OF GENERAL CONDXTXON XNSI'ECTION Praject: Fo��t Wo�•th Stagc; Coach Cround Report No: 40570-4 Storage Tanlc Client: Neel SchlFfet• 512 Main St�•ect, Suite 41 S Attention: Jim Amick Date of Se►•vice: 9/3/2414 �'ort Worth, TX 76102 Page 1 of 4 REPORT OF INSPECTION Drawi��gs utiNized: Locations/itera inspectedc Discre�ancies/commenfs: N/A Above Noted Tank A gc��eral condiCio►� inspeetion was perforn�ed on the above �loted tank today. The tank still has watec in il so interior inspection w1s pecfor►ned f'rom the roqf manway opening. Paint chip samples w�re taken from thc tank exterior and tank intcz•io�• (interior was oif G�oof ►nanway only). Rcsults are attached. The tank cxte�•ior coating is chalky and dirty but mostly intaeC with only srnall a►•eas of rust o�• coi•cosion. Rust and cori•osiaii mainiy at �nanway bolts and welds on over ftow pipe acid on roof vents. Thei•e rtre three nnanways on slaell and on� on roof. The shell manways are 36" diam�ter on northeast side and 24" diam�ter on norChwest and southeast sides. The southeast manway covei• has sample tap and cover an iC. Also the southe7st manway cove�� is not attached to it's han�;er arnn. �'holos attached show this. 'I"he �•oof ma�lway is 36"x36" on east side oF �•oof. The slair stril�ger is attached to shefl wall and reachcs �•oof at manway. There ar� five vents on top of roof with one in Chc center over eenter pole and four others away from cenCcr and spaced equal distance (ap����oximately) apart. The vents are approxinnately 34" to 32" diametet• wiCh musfu�ooni type covers that do not cover the vent screen wix•� o�enings. Th� flat plate at roof ven� outside the screw wire was tack welded and caulked. This area is i�usted and caulkiz�g is cotni�lg ofP leaving open air gaps (see �hotos). The►•e are no othe�• openings on roaf, Tl�ere are 10"x 10" patch plates around the lank that w�re probably used for containment rigging dux•ing pR•evious reh�bilitation project. There is a] 2" dcain pipe and a 18" ove�• flow pipe lhat empty into a concrete vaul� on southeast side of the tanlc, Over flow fi7ap appears in good condition. The caulking at base of tank �o concc•ete pedestal is coming off iz�so�ne a�•eas, Tt was also noticed that conerete pedestal had some g��out �atches tkiat we�•e bz•eaking aut on wcst side af tank. Steel Ins�ectors of Texus, l'�zc. Project: Fort Worth Stage Coach Gtound Repori No: 40570-4 Stocage Tank Client: Neel Schaffer Page 2 0� 4 Disct•epancies/comments: The tank interio�• coating �as inspected only frOm the 1•oof mar�way. The a�•ea below tt�e watez� Iine appeazs to be in good condieioii bui tank would need to be d�•ained in ordez• lo accu�•ately dete�•mine this. There is rusting and corrosion pz•esent on ceiling rafters at top of top flange, top side of boCtonl flan�e and on diagonal braces (top side) that extend fram rafte►� to shcll wall. The raftea� bea�•ing to centei• plate vvas only seen from the �•oof vent. It appeai�s that some raFtcrs have a lat of cort•osion and metal loss on top of center plate {photo). The ladder inside the tanic is co�•��oded and will prabably need to be replaced. The raof n�ar►way flanges and cover a��e also corroded and could possibly need repaic•. The �•esults of paint chip analysis are aitach�d, Ther•e are s�ig;htly high �•eadings of barium, cadmium and chromium but when mixed with b1asC media ehey n�igk�t be lowei� (sampl�s tesled we�•e paint chips only). NACE 6296 % � , ,� Cindy Hol�nes, CWI #Q0020211 (,..,�.,�� ;� � �,,�/` - , T�cl�ziician `� Steel spectox•s af Te as, Inc. 'Chis rcnort is fm� tlie cxclusive use oP our clicnt and shall not bc modificd or reproduced witltout written approval froni said clicnt To: Paye 2 of 3 2014-09-04 29;34:09 (GMT) 1G823230793 From: Sauthern Spectrograhic Laboratory SDUTHERN SPECTROGRAPHIC 712 N WAT90N ROAO, 9UITE N 204 LABORATORY� INC. ARLINGTON,TEXAS76011 PHONE: 682•323•4180 FAX:6B2•323-0793 LAE30RATURY TESI" CER7"IFIC;ATC EMAIL:salea�sslabtx.com Septe�iibcr 4, 2014 Stecl inspcctor� of Tcxns, [nc. Attn; Cindy Holmes Y,U. I3ox 150�87 N'ort Woa�tla, 'I'exas 7b1(18 Iteport#: 0904-U3-U 17 Fax: 817-2�1G-5889 Snmplc: F.W. Stagccorch Intcrior (Lnbcicd as Rcccivcd) TOtSiIS' Arsenic l3arium Cadmium Chromium Leud Mcrcury Selenium Silvcr < 1.0 ���m 7R2 9.0 i.a 3,0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < �.q �_i.�:�� 1 � �� �.�. (";1�,�,, i� � � ,�, �� � � � ,�,��!.I I,� SOiJTTXT;RN SPrC;TltO(.�.17A1'HxC LAi3(}RATn�2Y 5in�; I�Io Lab Mttnt�gcr Sumplc> urc disc;udcJ �U dups alirr ropuris �irc mail¢d unlc�s priur nrruieemen�s �uc mxde. Uur Ieuers �md ropunti a�i�>Ip �o ihe snmplc ic+icJ �mdfnr mspr.clod nnd nra nnl ��ec�,tnrily inJicmivc nl thc i�ualiiit; ot appnrontly idcniical or simil�r producis. i � �� �, ��� �n->; ,,;. � � �� ��'' �, < <, � �� � f � ,: �`� `' ,,, ��� �� � G �il � � �� \� ���� r �,�)i V � ',� �<a' ��� ����� i � � � � � ��-�_�� � . . �.'r.... � . r # �t�� I F � � Y ��;{'.'.. � . F. y; � �t� y?, . � .. . . ._':;r •+" - . . . � . 3 .;» r '�' : . , ,:'� � , -e.;e. , . . � � � r�,� � ��� � � ';' _ a;4t�:; - , �'� r . . . . : �4 . Q-� . • � . �.k _ :,J'� . . . . l �'.�' r T . N�r�`� NK ;j' • � 1. . .. , , - ' . . i. . 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Box 150987 • Fort VUorth, TX 7G108 • 8�i-246-8Q96 • F�x 817-246-�889 REPORT UF Project: ' `Ciient: I'ort Worth Stage Coach GST Nee( Schaffer 5! 2 Main Sta•cet, SuiCe 41 S ro►•c w����l,, �rx 76 � 02 llrawiytgs utilized: I,ocations/item inspected: GENERAL CONDI'TI'ON 1"NSPECTION N/A IZEPORT OT INSP�CTXON Ta�ilc lntecior 12epc�rt No: 41504-4 Attentio�t: Jim Amicic Date of Sc�•vice: 1 1/ 12/2014 of 3 , D'zscrepanc'res/com►nents: The intcrio�• of tanl< was inspectcd today. The water was drained except fo�• 6" to 10" ot' wate�� reinaining. Ite�ns notcd include the tollowin�;: 1.) k�loor suc•faces have a thin layer nf saitd oi• dirt debris coveri�a� iC in plaees. Some r��st nodules wet�c �loCed. A few of thcse were rernoved and pitting coct�osiot� is pi•obable at tl�ese a►•eas. (Note; It appears lhat flc�or is alrcady pitted fi•om p�•evious ►•cllabilitation as showii oi� p1�oCo oCiYoor by inlet pipc. `i'I�cse piCted areas still hav� coating inlact witl� on[y a dirt latee 111 1:I10111.) Thece will passib[y be so���e spots that wilf need plug weldin�; o�• patclies. 2.) Irllct and outleC pipes in iloor have anti vat•lex sta��ds we[ded ovec the�n. The inlet pipe pla�e has center with bolted covei• in place. OutleC pipe has plate i�1 p[acc but ce��Cer opening has becn ficfd modi�ed wrth no cove;r over center hole. 3.) Column bases ace thcec pie;cc C-Chaf�nels. Columns are two C-Channels stitcll wclded together with cap p[at� at top with foue bolts at beams to eap platc. Could passibiy be welded also. Some aceas of rust and corcosion presenC at stitcll welds of'calu�nns and ai sevet�a! bea�n undeesid� f[ailges. 4.} Ce;i[ing i•afters aee C�Ch�nnels that sie on WT pieces at beams and appeai• to b� in acceptable condiCic�n. 'I'he oilly caftet�s that Ilave heavy rust and corrosion ace at center column plate wllere two {apprnximalc;ly) eaftees appeac to be siiglltly twisted. [t ap�cars rafters a� ccntcr plate are ��vclded with I<nife platc to ce�lie:r plate. "I`hece arc thrcc �•ings of raflers witl� centcc rinb with seven i•afCers per beam (five bcams). Middle t•ing has foucCeen r�ftecs pec bea�n with ten bcams. Outec rin�; I�as nine eaCtecs pe�• beam. At raftc;r to she[[ f<nuckle cafters a��e weldcd to plates. A brace exte�tds fcotn boiCom of rafter to she;ll walL Some of �Ilcse beaces have heavy cocrosion and could possibly nc;ed �•eplacin�;. StL'L'I I/1S�ILC�O/:S n� TB,I"(!S� I�tc. t'roject: I�ort Woctl� St�ge Coach Tank Repo�•t No: �i � so�-� Client: Neel SchaCCer Pagc 2 of Uiscrep.lncies/coinments: 5,� OVOCE�IOW �IkJO lS I11 RCCCpf1hIC COI1CIlt1011 WIiIl tI10 011�y CllSl �111CI COCCOSl011 tlt W1�� �S�1t;�1� SlCiO Ol' weic box (top cone). n few of tlle sta�ld offs (braces) back Co wlll h�ve rusl corcOS1011 1i �race ��ICIC t0 (�1(�1;. 6.) Interior ladder below waterline is in good condition. The top ten Peet (approximately) is cocroded a�id needs ceplacing. No safety climb device in pl�ce. %.� DL'y C(I111 1I11CI<112SS 1'(;�C{III�S OL�t0�1� SySiCil1 011 bOf1011l SL1CI� W�II 1'lil� al1CI CO�LlittllS C111�0 F1'011l S.l LO l6 mils with aveclb0 0�9.�41 mils. Noclh side shell wall has lowesl CG�lCIlt1�S Wllll 501110 �)I11�O111L cusling starting. Co�tinb appeais to be epoxy maleciat. �.� �Tllt;l'C IS Ol1C I:IlC0U�11 IlOIC lll C01I1t1� 011 SOLItIl SIC�C OIILCI' Clll� 11�1C I(I1llCI<IC. r��118 C�il�10C�(C pcotection holes have previously beeii plaled over. Cindy I-Iolnles, CWI #00020211 / N�1CL �E�6296 %'�; ;���1, �; i� � ,�(. � �.�_, � , � Tecl�nician Steel I specto��s of Tex.is, [nc. '1'his rcporl is fa• thc exclusivc usc uf ow• clicnt ��nd shall no� bc modificd or rcproduccd wiU�oiU n�rittcn :�p��rnvsil froin said clicnt Readings - B2 il/12/2014 3:21:25 PM Reading 'Pime & Dat.e Coat 1 --- ( m.i. l ) 1 1:59:13 PM 11/12/?019 12.7_ 2 1:59:16 PM 11/12/2019 11.5 3 1:59:21 1'M 11/12/?O1� 12.3 4 2:01:35 PM 11/12/2019 11.6 5 2:02:08 PM 11/12/2019 ].1.1. 6 2:02:10 PM 11/12./?..01�1 6.5 7 ?:02:13 PM 11/12/2019 II.6 8 2:13:96 PM 1.1/12/2019 II.£3 9 2;13:4II PM 11/1?_/2019 6.2 10 2:13:50 PM 11/12/?_019 10.9 11 2:13:52 PM 11/L2/?_014 16.0 12 2:13:5�1 PM 11/1?_/2019 7.3 13 2.:7..2:2.II PM 1l./1?/2019 13.5 19 2.:?2:30 PM 11/12/2019 ].1.5 15 2:22:38 PM 1l./12/201�1 9.5 16 2:23:02 PM 11/1?_/2019 11.3 17 ?_:23:05 PM 11/12/2014 6.6 18 2:23:07 PM 11/12/2019 5.3 19 2:23:09 PM 11/12/2014 6.6 ?_0 2:23:14 PM 11/12./2019 7.3 21 2;32:00 PM 11/12/2014 11.9 2?_ 2:3?_:0?_ PM 11/12/?_019 II.2 23 2:32:04 PM 11/1?/?_019 11.0 24 2:37_:0'1 PM 11/12/2014 9.7 25 2:90:55 PM 11/12/201n 11.1 26 2;53:40 PM 11/12/201�1 £3.9 27 2.:53:94 PM 1.1/12/2019 %.5 28 2:53:53 PM 11/12/2014 5,£3 29 2:53:56 PM 1l./12/2014 5.1 30 2:5�1:0� PM 17./12/2019 6.3 31 2:57:05 PM 1l./1?_/2019 13.3 32. 2:57:07 PM 11/12/2019 7.6 33 2:57:11 PM 11/12/207.4 10.0 Summary - B2 Rcad.ing Max Min Mean StdDev. Annotations - B2 Gage Mode].: 6000F3 Gage S/N: 626229 Probe Model: [' Probe S/N: 12E369II User: Par.L: SubsLrate: 11/12/2014 3:21:25 PM Time & DaLe Coat 1 (mil) 16.00 5.10 9.91 7_.73 11/12/2014 3:21:25 PM 4�s<�c.�/ i�-►� �`' � � ,:, :,. � �j J C � -I"," � iir-%I�- ��� F=L/�. � c1�il. �,2� ���n -O � _ � D-� S�/"> i `z''� � �:�; < <J �^ ,J S '� ._�?�c�-� � � � � � �,� �, ( � `� `� Tj�''�� ."- � . • I ^ �. 7 � �. ` I : •• � 1 1 � . • -���;.$ - `., �" f � } 2� ; ^ - � r .:.�t � , • Y _ � '.eA � � -�Y t� 'S - . . L�y� � �. � ..�'�'�.., y. - *.'.�-' r� ; ,ti"�; r:[� � '� �! • . ' �:��i �� j�ilr��} � ,[ y V }� .� f - Z'�K l , a�ti�Q .�.; . 3 a � � y }�P. L • ' � � r `a . � � '~�� �4i:r � � 6 � . a4. l; . _ R "'s " ^hr��: y ' :S � , . ��'y,y y. f, � ... ��i{�. - . ` <*�+� ,� ,� fi ,�x }sa � ; � y �:. 2 r� r ,t t t ' ,# F ,�..: * � _ � _H c'�, 9 •` .. ra . .. �' r . . r <. � �r t �.. L , , y<f,: N ° _ ` - , .y� • � t+i+�Yi `r.}�.t�j � - _. r. I.�s t �� ` r.. 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J � � I i ! : _ � � _ ,I.� lV �� � c> �, � "_D � � r, _h C � * �J �:� �7 G �, \i � �v��� <� C �� � c; S t_. l) �Y` `` � J �i,-l'�"l d ..,) � ' /)'� GC-6.07 Wage Rates CITY OF FORT WORTH Stage Coach Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 02316 Revised July l, 2011 2013 PREVAILING WAGE RATES (Heavy and Highway Construction Projects) CIASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION Asphalt Distributor Operator Asphalt Paving Machine Operator Asphalt Raker Broom or Sweeper Operator Concrete Finisher, Paving and Structures Concrete Pavement Finishing Machine Operator Concrete Saw Operator Crane Operator, Hydraulic 80 tons or less Crane Operator, Lattice Boom 80 Tons or Less Crane Operator, Lattice Boom Over 80 Tons Crawler Tractor Operator Electrician Excavator Operator, 50,000 pounds or less Excavator Operator, Over 50,000 pounds Flagger Form Builder/Setter, Structures Form Setter, Paving & Curb Foundation Drill Operator, Crawler Mounted Foundation Drill Operator, Truck Mounted Front End Loader Operator, 3 CY or Less Front End Loader Operator, Over 3 CY laborer, Common Laborer, Utility Loader/Backhoe Operator Mechanic Milling Machine Operator Motor Grader Operator, Fine Grade Motor Grader Operator, Rough Off Road Hauler Pavement Marking Machine Operator Pipelayer Reclaimer/Pulverizer Operator Reinforcing Steel Worker Roller Operator, Asphalt Roller Operator, Other Scraper Operator Servicer Small Slipform Machine Operator Spreader Box Operator Truck Driver Lowboy-Float Truck Driver Transit-Mix Truck Driver, Single Axle Truck Driver, Single or Tandem Axle Dump Truck Truck Driver, Tandem Axle Tractor with Semi Trailer Welder Work Zone Barricade Servicer Wage Rate $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15.32 13.99 12.69 11.74 14.12 16.05 14.48 18.12 17.27 20.52 14.07 19.80 17.19 16.99 10.06 13.84 13.16 17.99 21.07 13.69 14.72 10.72 12.32 15.18 17.68 14.32 17.19 16.02 12.25 13.63 13.24 11.01 16.18 13.08 11.51 12.96 14.58 15.96 14.73 16.24 14.14 12 , 31 12.62 12.86 14.84 11.68 The Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage rates shown for Heavy and Highway construction projects were determined by the United States Department of Labor and current as of September 2013. The titles and descriptions for the classifications listed are detailed in the AGC of Texas' Standard Job Classifications and Descriptions for Highway, Heavy, Utilities, and Industrial Construction in Texas. Page 1 of 1 2013 PREVAILING WAGE RATES (Commercial Construction Projects) CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AC Mechanic AC Mechanic Helper Acoustical Ceiling Installer Acoustical Ceiling Installer Helper Bricklayer/Stone Mason Bricklayer/Stone Mason Trainee Bricklayer/Stone Mason Helper Carpenter Carpenter Helper Concrete Cutter/Sawer Concrete Cutter/Sawer Helper Concrete Finisher Concrete Finisher Helper Concrete Form Builder Concrete Form Builder Helper Drywall Mechanic Drywall Helper Drywall Taper Drywall Taper Helper Electrician (Journeyman) Electrician Apprentice (Helper) Electronic Technician Floor Layer Floor Layer Helper Glazier Glazier Helper Insulator Insulator Helper Laborer Common Laborer Skilled Lather Metal Building Assembler Metal Building Assembler Helper Metal Installer (Miscellaneous) Metal Installer Helper (Miscellaneous) Metal Stud Framer Metal Stud Framer Helper Painter Painter Helper Pipefitter Pipefitter Helper Plasterer Plasterer Helper Plumber Plumber Helper Reinforcing Steel Setter Page 1 of 2 Wage Rate $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 25.24 13.67 16.83 12.70 19.45 13.31 10.91 17.75 14.32 17.00 11.00 15.77 11.00 15.27 11.00 15.36 12.54 15.00 11.50 19.63 15.64 20.00 18.00 10.00 21.03 12.81 16.59 11.21 10.89 14.15 12.99 16.00 12.00 13.00 11.00 16.12 12.54 16.44 9.98 21.22 15.39 16.17 12.85 21.98 15.85 12.87 Reinforcing Steel Setter Helper Roofer Roofer Helper Sheet Metal Worker Sheet Metal Worker Helper Sprinkler System Installer Sprinkler System Installer Helper Stee) Worker Structural Steel Worker Structura) Helper Waterproofer Equipment Operators Concrete Pump Crane, Clamsheel, Backhoe, Derrick, D'Line Shovel Forklift Foundation Drill Operator Front End Loader Truck Driver Welder Welder Helper S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11.08 16.90 11.15 16.35 13.11 19.17 14.15 17.00 13.74 15.00 18.50 19.31 16.45 22.50 16.97 16J7 19.96 13.00 The prevailing wage rates shown for Commercial construction projects were based on a salary survey conducted and published by the North Texas Construction Industry (Fall 2012) Independently compiled by the Lane Gorman Trubitt, PLIC Construction Group. The descriptions for the classifications listed are provided on the TEXO's (The Construction Association) website, www.texoassociation.org/Chapter/wagerates.asp Page 2 of 2