HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44628 (2)�'��` � • s � ��� �� v� ,� , �r �v , N�� �" �� ��- ��� � ��� P�tSmart store �lc�r�er�ver�t �o €��rti�i�ate aa� the Pe�mr�r�FiPefS�a� �har�iies �d��tion Prc�gram The purpose of RetSmart Charities Adopfion Prograrrt is io assist (ocai anirnal we[fare orgar�izations to find homes far homekess pets and to help end euthanasia as a means of pet popalatian controt. Through aur working tagether, we can acf�ie�e these goals by educa�ng the pubiic about responsibie pet ownershi�, providing a superiar adoption experience, and matching tfie right pet with the righf famify. PetSmart Charities has permission to use certain space within PetSma� stores and p(ace certain animaf organizafions, we cati Agency Partners, in ihat space. Being located in a PetSmart stare increases the Agency Partner's visibility providing a great advantag� far the Agency Partr��rs. Alang witi� the benefifs come certain responsibi(ities. Having a presence in � PetSmart store also me�ns that you, your em�(oyees and volunteers as well as the adoptable pets you display may be viev✓ed by the pubiic as representatives of PetSmart even though you are not. In addition, the safety af your organiza#ion's employees and vo{unteers, PetSmart associates and customers and the pets are of the utmost importance. Therefo�e, tt7e Agency Part�er agrees ta adhere to the fotlawing: Pets • Agency Partner shal( be fully responsible for all its anir�a(s and for properCy caring for them at a(I times. • Agency must maintain control ofi its animals in the Adoption Cenfer at all times. Pets that are displayed outside ihe Adop�ion Center must be confined either in a crate or an exercise pen, or on a lead with one handfer to �very dog. • Agency Partner wfll offer only healthy animafs for adoptian in ttte PetSmart Charities Adoptian Center or desfgnated ariaption areas. • Agency Partner wifl iso{ate an animat at the frst sign ofi illness or aggression and remove it from the PetSmart store immediatefy. Pets shovuing signs of aggression rnay not be brought back to the store for future piacement. • R!t enimals must be vaecinated fn accorclance with PetSmart protocal and applicable state and Eocal taws priar to being transported to FetSmart and piaced in it�e Adopiian Genter. Vaccination of a� animals €n ar on P�tSma�E premises is s�rictly pro�ibi�ed. Dispensing rnc�ications ar vete�inary adVice to PetSrnar# custorr�ers ancfitc�r adopiers whiie an PetSmart prec�ses is ��ahib�ed. � F�g�ncy Partner re�ust require i��t alE a�irr��l� b� �p��ed or neut��ed. !€ tit� ar�i�ai is not sp�y� Qr ne€aterea �tior to adQpti�r�, i#�e �ager��,y E�a�tr►er rnt�st haue a progr�r� i� �t�r� i� ensure adr�st�r c�r:�ti�nce. ��;g�nc� F�arirze� rriay nrst acc�pt st���n�i�red pets fr�rn i�e pui�(ic �r ab�r��or�ed pets �fii!e on F�et4ma€t pr�rnis��. 'Che f�e�optic�n P�acess • �ubject to this Agreement, fhe Agency Partner will u� its v�rn sheiter adoption poficies artd {�roceclures �rhen o�fsring arimaEs for adoptian at the PetSrnart Cha�fies �Fdopdon Genter. The Agertcy Pa�tner vcrilt explain the proce�-s tha� �n �d��st�r €r�st Eo�lc� tc� f€�a�i�� an aci€�pti�n. ��g�� �ota5 Pets�rt, inc. c.on�e�t�at R�C�IVEa JUI. �'7 2D1� •�tg�cy Pa€�rt�r wi� �tta�ce ttte f� dec�sic� in the p�acement af a peE. If a� adoption is de�ieci, Ei�e Ager►c�r Partrref' �t� ���irt �rtty �E was cter►ied a� o€�er a[terrtafirres. P�fessior�.� i��rrdfii� of rt€�-rnatc�r or cfeni�d a�o{�tic�s is expeefetf at af� ti�es. ���rsc:y �t�'ter �s€i� �e�ire a � � Pe#�m,art �-� R�[��se form r,� ev�ty �ptio�, • �c� res��€ts ��� Fie e€�rnunicatecf t� �e f�etS€�ra,�t st�e c�ire�t�_ •�� Pa��r ur� �e t� �� Cer�re sCE��ctt�� as a� `�� F��t'�Y ���� P�a� �ta�ac,�e�tt at feast 24 hu€srs ir� � �� R�� �! Pe�Str�aef Cttstarrte� S�Sr�cce • Agenc�r ��rt�- vsri� �vo�i discri�i�afc�yy p��te�s, cx Et�e p�cyr� a� �fistx�t�rratic�, by u�if�z�g sfarrcfar'c�zecf ����� ��� ��9 ��PP���tY ar�d fai� frea�€t� fa aff po€enti� adt�te� a�€f b�r reot discrir�t�tg �� ge�tder, e�cas, e�'r�ity, ��ia�ai �€t, r��r. ctis��Ey � s�x�at or�rstati�. •�y Pa�er avi� �ebQse at[ krFc�+,�r iss€�es � an �t€� tc� an adt�tt�r. • �� P��' � Ctxtte�E�ic�e � Pa�� �rs a�� €� iFs �eqt�re€r�e�tts � t�tay �e co�d'€fKnta� tc� a�t �- • S�rb�ec.� tc� th� a�reernestE, tF� ,h�tcy F�a�trte� u�i# �se ifs a� stt�� � p�� ���es �e€r a�f�i€�g a�irn€a�s €or ��. �€,�c1r P�ner �f ex�ai� �s p€€�t;ess �irai at�t � €r�ust t�r€fc�w tcs �tat�zre � �n• • t�gene�l Pa��ner ��ake the �t cieeisi� bn Ef� pf�e€r€e�� c� a pe� t� art a�t � c�iect, #he �ige� Pa€trt�r w�� ��t sa€�y it a�as �tie€� a�cf c�er att�r��v�s. Pr�f�s�E ha�tcft�tg � E►r�t-an�d� csr c�tied a�tic�€'� is e�ctee# � adf �es. � �gericY P�rt�ers �[ u€c�{c ia reso�e a�ty �opti�-re�ai� iss�e� f€�at �a� a�e �itt� Pe�Srrca� c�sfom�-s, ��g tnrc�� e� �e Si�e h�a�er- ` Agec� f�a�ers v�f keep at� ir���i€u► pro�ri� c� a� adopf� �E��a� as pri�te and �eat��. PetSr�t�E �cay rec�u�e a�cess � fFte eve€tt � a ct�s�otner €ss�e ��er��g t[� pet. �cy Par� vcrt�feers �ar en��r� ` R€�r�r Pa�trse� ar� i�E�y �espa�€si� fas a� a�� ar� turtissio� r� �r �p(o�rees a�c� ��feers at � ti�€€�_ ` ��Y k��' v€�.t�t�e� �t�rst €� �' �t t4 years €�ei; t�c�e+ers t�€tder �e � o� �i3 �� be ac€�€€t�€� �q,r �isecf ��t �i� � a� t�t[es. e�� re�ueserrtat€�res �� r�ai� a c�ea�t, n� a€�d ��or� �� � at� tir��s, a�ci €�d�� t���s �t a�€�fess� � c�€trt� �a��r. a ��`'�/ R'��'tE� F�'�'F ��'�t��5` f�3i�i� i$'E�TT�it� �'t€�€Y �t'�'t�� ��5 tii�4t F'EC3� � �E:S�t � � �'t���E .�'.£'€;�� Cf�.!*�� �e �€E�r#�� �e�'�'i�� C�'�, z��'S �Ss�_ * � ��€�. �?� � �� �� �t� b� �r� t� � �E€':��€` ��c� ���. - - :, � ;_ -�N�� - _ -_ i - ��:,. -_ ,�.. s�€��ers �r�ay �€st s� ps€�fue#s, c�rrt��ive ser�es �fcx e�p�. ��'��, (�t tr�€i�g ��� ��- cu�r€Etu� fun€ir�i�s.�t� a�€4�;s �{�e �� pe€Sm2�€E stc�_ ���rt�r5 s� r� �€�r����;;s��� i�er€ere �-r c� i€��e � r�d€� c�€ i�.�s� ���€��i Cha�� vr at��r i�t or �,r�� ��e [�.�t � �y €�e. �6:�e,-�r P�t�€ m�jr r� �� �� �� �s �e#��sa.�t �t€�;�s ��€� 4��r � �e�t � � �'t� �fc�_ ��-� ��s � �<�E€��e � � c���s � €� p€i�4� �:� #� �y P� � _ ..`�---- -. . _._... __—.. ------_.._ �._. 'a`'ag�s� �l�5 t�F�#�T', � ��iaf ��� ��� af � A€fc�p�i�t �e�tre �f ihey prc�vide €i� 4wtt c�izsc�ioe� car�ster iftat is Evc:ater! � acio�irts a�e �r� perfc�rrrr�i. �cy ParEn��r repres���res sFr�ik rr�t c�s��arag� PetS€r€art, PetSrrEart C�ariiies ar ar�y PeiS�nar� �rocfc�s, servic�sr B�tffe�i the Pet F�€ta�, �ss�iafes or th� ac�€ies oc r��s � ar4y c,�t� �[�t�s �`#�� i� the �#�or� P�. Fe�Srrrart Prav�s s€�tlies ft►r fhe � Gen�r� (cfc� f�d, caf fc�ad, ��fe�', ete). Ha�e�er, ncs ��e c�r volu�s€eer is perrrtif�i tg �ave arEy prc�duet, s�p�� �. �9�cY �`a�r Eh� Cea�tre a� a�?y �r reas�. �'�te �cy Part��r, �� e� ��"`e� trc� tf�s sat� �r €Q� €ese i� ��� fo� rep#enisltrr►e€►t ot s��s or �enf. P�aY�s �' �o[t�te�ts, rr�e�s.E ctmlac� a P��rra� �Ite Arfoptictc� Cerrtr� rr�us� 6e �a�tai�sd i� a ete� anci arcf� fashi€� � P��u�orts iaker� to d�seaur�� � spr� af cx.�trr►�tica�fie cfiseases_ ihe �cy ��'t�ter is ��ie �t� �^�r� t�tat tf'te c�ar� pric�r fc► �e. � ��P�� Cer�tre is �ter A;c�tts �f Un��'� �� r�€t� tEt�s Agreet�nt sha�t be c�s�t�ed fo create a regaE �€s�i�. i�nt �rture. ta€�€r�t�atrt cu ��e- ��i� �i�s�� be�sreen Pe�B�arE � art a�n � � �r€�eers. i� ,�� p�r � � �et�� ��' respanstbEe €c� �, �s e.r��E�yees> rco�urtte�rs, s�bcon�cior5. represer�tat'�ve, ag�tis ant� acti�rta� ai aEt t�nes. Age€�cy Partr�er v+riU �re a�f �z►a�f� att �rt�s, certi�i�s an�f� licer�ses Fet�'tre� E�y E�w to �n€�c�c€ � ac.fivities �' � �ee.���t ��'aefner �rci€�dir�g 'rEs �p�ees, age�ts, rePa'eserrt�tives. ass�s, sctacesscxrs as�f s�bee��teadars si� cte�en€i, ��jr ��� h�tEes� fc�r, � a�cf ag�tsi �he k��Stn�'t ar�d P�Sc�� ����, t�e�r r �I��s. ��is. rep�ese�tati�res, assig�rs. sFrecesscus art€i s�t�eon�ct�s €�, �rt � � ���� fr�ssses. Eiab��t ����> p�aii� i�tt�try c� ciea�, �fe�ec�! �ope€�y ���e�t (i€tcit�dit�tg reas€��ite fees c� �`" �� � af �e c�iss�s�; f�`� vioFa�i� a€ �Y Pa�tr�er's_ (i� br� o# �� �ee�e€t� (�} ��g� s or a�frx v�[€er c�t ���� E a�; �n€F!€� Fiv� er�p�€ni'ees. �bco�ors cyr age€�ts �g o� an ec� �� F��i�n cfaiae�. p�c�'nertf �e�y Pa�t�er u�i� n€rt �e artgr �rade�a�fCs or ��€tes, servEce �arks, Fac�o� cu af�te� ex�€ne� o� c�# F'eES�a�t or PeESrna� C�i�s u�ithau€ Pe#St�a�t's e o P��eE c�es��rc�s ��y c�r c�ta[ce r�e� t� PetB€rEa€E � a� a� �� �� c�se€�t. En par�e�Car, ,�ge�r pa�€n�r st�EE �� €� �e� �sen� fre�t L�Srna� � � � �� �°�'o€t� �€todaff� re�are��s c�€ its fo€� a�� ��'ar€F�er u€�d�arufs tha� atE�i€r� €� rrr�aE gcs-af �€��ng �es fa� htt�e�ss pets rnay �� � f�e rr€� E�e rsto�e t�art c�te A9e€� P�� �'�� �� satrte FetS�aft Stare. A�c� Par€�e� ��Fstacccfs �� Ager�c� Par€rt� �ay t�€€tinate i�s p�e�t� � th� €�etSr�ta€t Ch�rifi�ss � � for at�y reasor� a.� a►t�t tirc�e. PetS�a� a�sa �res ti�te rigt�t i€s ter€r�i�a€e � �i F �'�'ogr� fci€ �y reaso€� at �y �e. gertcy Par�cser � tite �d� ��startcts tha� th� � st� i� tt�� ,�dvp� P�'� �'� ��s a�f �f, c�x€���ec� t�y a€€�em�r � t�e�Srnart s�€ire �a�age��t �tQ,`Y s��er or fc�e� �sme � ��cy P�r��� �t� � � � t� � €�a�r� i� r�a�. ��s�s. �� �s � ��#��������ii�t������t��gl�������€�� ���€����Y����������_ S�-��e: _ � _��: �iS�-ar�� Ci� t� m ar��� .. E�e f��'}� — '� 1 f S��Y� i�l S �'� ��� i�� E�t�• � / p' — - �-�—,�— A: O�.aoo���". �, ., r,.� . . � ;w,r�ry t,t;GnLr['Y: ') � t.'$ �� + � b�% - — � - �� $�I _ _ �,� ��. � �� �q�'�' -- ---- �I'tl�''-��RETARX ���r, ��: c : o0000 ,c *,� -�C a _ ._ ivl �. �8V 1 � tAl'V �_ r.. � .•. _.Cvp �. ��RT�� T�