HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44368C1T� S�C���A��� L C�?NTRACT N�� .- -- ��I CQ� �. . Texas A&M U�aive��si#y Trans�Texas Videocorifel•ence Neh��ork Iixiex►�et Data Af�liatian Agreement Texas A&M Unive��sity ("TAMU"), a member af the Texas A&M University System ("TAMUS"), an agency of the State of Texas, on behatf of its Educational Broadcast Services, agrees ta provide network services to City of Fort Woi•th, a Texas home-rule municipal corpo��afion ("Af�liate"), fi�om TAMUS' Trans-Texas Videoconference Networlc ("TTVN"), subject to tliese conditions: 1} Tl�e te�m of this Ii�ternet Data Affiliation Agreement ("Agreement") wzll co�i�lnence on 11/1/2012 , or when se�•vice commences, and will continue t�u•ough _11/1/2013 (tlie "�nitial Term") at which time tl�is Agreement ma� be renewed annually for suUsequer�t one-year terms, (each a"Re�iewal Term"), upon writlen consent of ihe parties, not to exceed five years., 2} The function of T`I'�1'N is to seive the members of TAMUS. Connections to other organizatians a�•e provided «�ithin existing capab�lities after TAMUS rec�uirements are satisfied, After the Initial Term, tliis Agi•eement may be terminated by either party afte►• giving a ninety (90) day written notice. 3) TTVN will pravide a sin�le network coiuiection on a TAMUS rouier at an appropriate access poixrt on the TTVN netwa��k, �) Af�liate miast p�•ovide the telecommunications data circuit to coruiect to TTVN, ihe CSCJ/DSU(s), associated cabling, and a data router thai meet the minin�um z•eqi2irements as set fortli by the TTVN staff, TAMU makes no warranties for puz•c�.ased equipment. S) Af�liate wi11 be assessed a one-tin�e installation fee to defi•ay the actual cost of providiug tl�e connection, This fee is $ p and shall be invoiced by TAMU ta Af�liate and Affiliate agrees to pay accordizlg to the ierms of this Ag�•eez�iei�t within ttiirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice. 6} Affiliate will be assessed an aimual sex•vice access %e of $_5,909.00� ���o��afed to 11I1/2013 for i0 Mbps. Tl�e amount of this fee wil( be evaluated annually. Payment in full will be due witliii� 30 days that invoice is recezved. An account vdhich is iinpaid for ���az•e than sixty (60) days nlay result in termination of #l�is Agreement. 7) If a Frame Relay circuit is used, Afiiliate will pay a prorated poi�tion of the cost, which shall be invoiced 6�� TAMU ta Affiliate, of the TAIVIUS Frame Relay Ac.c�.�s_�.in,e fz•onl fhe clorid to TTVN. For example, if ttte line costs Four Thousa►�d Dal�ars ($a,000) per yeaz• and eight {8} entities share tlie line, the cost ��rould be Five Hundred Dollars ($500) per year per entity. If TA.MU costs iucrease, Af�'iliate will be notiiied of co�•►�esponding increase, O�C Approved St�uidard Fomi I /4/06 RECEIVFD �p�� � 6 Z�i� 6�FFiCIAB. RECO�� �ITIr SECRE�'A�� �`6'�'�III��'�'�g °0')( 8) Affiliate ��vill not sell or ott�erwise provide Internet sezvices to 1ny other ox�ganization or person as a part of tfie T'�'VN conneciian without the express wi�itten canse�.t of TAMUS. 9) Operational suppoxt af Affiiiate's data com►nunicatiosis equipment will be performed by il�e TTVN support sta��'. �ul1 access will be granted to TTVN su�port staff �t all times. Af£'iliate shall retain the rig�it to �ull access and may n�ake modifications as reqt�ited to suppoi�t the needs of Affiliate. �-Iowever, should modiiications by Affiliate cause problems to tl�e TTVN nettivork, T"I'VN si�pport staff shall have the ��ight ta remo��e such equipment fi�om tl�e data network until the abnormalities i�ave been corrected, Repeated instances causit�g disiurbances to the data x�etwork niay be cause for te�•mination of this Agreement. 10) Responsibility foa� any LAN iustallations, ope�•ations, �nd stlppa�'t shali rest solely with Af#"iliate, 11) Affiliate will pro�vide Dotnain Nan�e Service. TTVN will ��•ovide secondary L)omain Natne Se�•vice if ret�ucsted, Requests for e�.ce�iions to this ine�st be p�•ovided in writing. 12) Af%liate sl�a(1 be z•es��onsible for maintenance cost for the Affiliate data couimunications equipmei7t and any relateci telecammunications equipi�lent. Affiliate may elect to secure a i3lai�itez�ance eontt�act or time�and-z�natez'�als suppart froin the ve��:dor, 13) Affiliate sl�all provide assistance to `�"I'VN suppoct staff in isaiating eonnectivity pzoblems within ilie aUility of tlxe organization, 14) If the Affiliate is unable to it�.p�ex��.ent the connections within ninety (9U) days from notificatioi� of approval, this Agi•�ement sl�ati be null and void. A�fzliate may request extensions of ihe ninety (90) da�� periad. TAIvZU ►•esez�ves the right to modify or �iot extend this Ag�•eement at the time of each extension request. 15) Perfo�•m�iice by �AIv�U ttnder tlus Ag�•ee�exlt may be depende�at u�on the app�•opz�iation and allotznent of funds t�y the Texas State Legislature (t1�e "Legislattu�e"). If the I.egislature fails to appropriate or allot tlie necessa�y fi�nds, TAMU WII� ISSII� WTi�.t011 t�otic� to Afiiliate and TAMU ana� terminate this Agreeznent �lithotit fiuther duty or obligation he�•eunder. Affiliate aclaiowledges that appropriation of fiinds is beyond the control of TAML7. Noiwithstat�din�; the foregoing, it� the event no firnds or insti�£�"zcient �itnds are appropriated by Affiliate in �t�y fiscal peziod far any payments due hereunder, during tl�e Initial Te�•�n or during any Renewal Term, Affiliate will c�otify TAMU of such occurrence and ihis Agreement shall te�•�ninate on the last day af the fiscal year pariod for tivhich appropzzat�oias were t•eceived witl�out penalty or expense to Affiliate of any kind whatsoever, except as to the partions of the payments herein ag��eed u�on for which fiinds llave bee�� appropriated. 1 b} The pa��ties shall coznply with all fedef�al, state, a��d locai laws and regulations ap�licable to fheii� performance as described in this Agreefnez�t. OGC Approved Sl�idard Form Page 2 1l9106 17} It is understood ttlat Affiliate shall i�ot be liable �'or any ct�ims �gainst TAMtJ, its employees, or third p�rsons, athar tl�an Affiliate's employees, fox• daa�age resulting fc0111 or arising ottt of the activities af T�MU persomlel under this r�,g►•eement and TAMIJ agrees, to the extent allo�n�eci by the Coristitutioii and laws o� the State of Texas, to hotd Affiliate hax•mless fi•om any and a11 such claims, It is also understood that TI�MU shall not be tiable for any claims against Affiliate, its employees oz� third persons other than TAMtJ employees for damages z�estalti�ag f��o�zi or arising out of the activities of Affiliate persoruiel under tlus �lgreeme��t a��d, to the extent allowed by the Constitution at� laws of the State of Texas, A�filiate agrees to hold TAMU harnlless fi•om aa�y and all st�cii claims. l 8) The validity of this Agreement and alI matiers pertaining to this Ag�•eement, including but not litnited to, nlatters of perfoi•mance, non-perfoxnlance, br�ach, remedies, proeedures, rights, duties, and intet•pretation o�� consttuction, sl�alt be governed and daternlined by tf�e Constitutian and the laws of the State of Texas, P�trsuant to Section 85.18, �'exr�s �'da�cation Code, vei�ue �'az• a►iy suit filed against TAMU shall be i» Iirazos County, Te,cas. 19} Neither party is required to perfortn a�iy terxn, condition, or covenant of this Agi•eetnent, if performance is prevented or deia��ed by a nahu�al occurrei�ce, a�re, an act o�' God, a�a act of terrorism, az• othe�• sitnilar occurrence, the cause of which is not ��easonably witliin the control of si�ch party aud wl�ich by due diligence it is uii�ble ta �revent or overcome. 2Q} The dispute resol�.�tion process pravided in Chapter 2260, Texas Gover�mnent Code, and the ��elated rules adopted b� the Texas Attox•ixe}� General pursuant to Chapte�� 22bQ, sk�all be used by TAMU and Affitiate to attenlpt to resalve �tny elaim foz� breach of contract made by Affiliate thai catlnot be z�esolved in the ordiiiary course of buszuess. At�iliate shall submit writtezl notice of a claizn of bz�each o�' contract ui�der this Chapter to tlie Unive�'sity Cont�•acts Officer of TAMU w(Zo shall examine Af%liate's cl�in� and any counterclaim and z�egotiate with Affiliate in an effoi� to resalve tl�e c�ainn. 21) General Pravisions: TAMU agre�s th�t �f'iili�te shall, until the expiraiion of fhree (3) yeaz�s after �nal payment unde�• this Agreement, or tlie tinal conclusian of any audit cominenced during the said ttu•ee years, have �ccess ta and tlie rigt�t to examin�, ai z•easox�able times, ariy directly �ertii�ent books, docutnents, papers and t�ecords of TAMU involving transactions �•elating to fhis Agreement at zlo additional cost ta Affiliate. A.f�'iliate shall give T1�MU reasonable advance notice of intended audits, tt is i�nderstooc� and agreed tha# by execution of tl�is Agreement, Affiliate does not waive or surrendet• any of its govertuiiental powers ot� izi�munities. If an� provision of this Ageeemenf is held to be iz�va(id, iltegal or unenforceable, the validity, legatity aald enforceab�lity of tlie ren�aining prov3sions sk�ali not in any rvay be �ffected or impaix�ed. No arnendment af this Agreei7lent sl�all be bindi��g upoai a party hereto unless such atnendment is in writing, at�d execiited by an �uthorized t•ept�esentative of each paciy. The failure of eithel� p�rty to iz�sist upon the parformance of any term ot� pz•ovision of tllis Agreen�e��t or to exercise any ��igl�f gt•a3Zted herein shall not canstitute a waive�� of the party's respeetive ��igla# to insist upon appro�.�riate performanee or t� assei�i an}T such right ozl a��y future occasion, This Agx•eemeni may be e:�ecuted in one o�� moz�e counterpai�ts OGC Approved St�idnrd Porm Page 3 t/4/06 and each caunterpa��t shall, for a(i pu�•poses, be deemed an original, but all such coux�iez�pa►•ts sha�l together constitute ox�e and the same itisttutiient. �n �vit�iess tl�ereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreemetii: Affiliate The person signing Uelow ccni�es ihat he/sho has the authority to bind ARiliatc ,S L�::>ii�;,� i'� LFl ,f�` � S Na ne ,r�.`>S� SiP-1,,l,' ;_ � i i i l, ����v'4 C��-r� 'T'itl �T Sigi tur Date � ' 3 Texas A&M U�iivea•sity Deau K Endler Name Executive Director Contract ndministration ,,�.�'�"'�G Z•�'/.�` Signature Date APPROVED �1S TO FOl2�i �D �,EGA]:�:C'�X : �C ` � Assist t Ci�y 1�ttoxne�r � � .�,....LL �� Attested byo �� �. OGC Approved Sl�atdnrd l�orm I /�S/06 yy y ��°� /° 1� � y ��°...._ I 1 _n p� 0 '� �, �a� < �i� �On..- -^no � Pngc �t ��F'�r1��L ���i��� �ITY SECIiETARY �". PIVORVB�� '�'X