HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6713 w � DI �E ....... "� ... ... ORDINANCE CLOSING HEARING AND LEVYING ASSESSMENTS FOR PART OF THE COST OF IMPROVING A PORTION OF __, ..._11V�Uia_ ..d .,.._W..�.mm...._.. _ _.. .,�,._._. _..___...� _._ AND PORTIONS OF SUNDRY bYHER STREETS, AVENUES A:iII PUBLIC" PLACES IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, "TEXAS: FIXING CHARGES AND LIENS AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY THEREON, AND AGAINST THE OWNERS THEREOF: PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS AND THE ISSUANCE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFI- CATES IN EVIDENCE THEREOF: RESERVING UNTO THE CITY COUNCIL THE RIGHT TO ALLOW CREDITS REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF TIME RESPECTIVE ASSESSMENT TO THE, EXTENT OF ANY CREDIT GRANTED: DIRE MNG THE CITY SECRETARY TO EN- GROSS AND ENROLL THIS ORDINANCE " Y` COPYING THE CAPTION OF SAME IN THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF FORT WORTH, AND BY FILING THE ORDINANCE IN THE ORDINANCE RECORDS OF SAID CITY: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth.,Texas, has heretofore ordered that each of the hereinafter described portions of streets, avenues and public.places in the City of"Fort Worth, Texas, be improved by raising, grading, or Alling same and by constructing thereon to-wit; UNIT 1 , EVANS AVENUE Froif� 1 '51(0 sout'h of East Jesswrine Stz,eet tr East Bal t_l.n'n'wou t� Avenue, known and ulew-Iga°troufl.ed as Unit, '0 , Project tta:u full �l:ltdtu ,tr: wt, Phase 1;VEcho, widening the wwxislt::t.'nrhw t.IwlnCr�.��'u.an 't: !"n Naa;l"4nhwS F_nw a fl i ty- ta. nr rir-mdw,,a y a°,nnns Lruet nul, a one and one—half f nnch G 1u 1 Burk 1"Ian't:...www'1. . aigpha l.t c a`oro rr e t:.e gnu r S"<wce w;aruurse r,tin the a n,st lr°t" b oanaw rr'r to base. The base is 'Lots r lnnai.re 1 aiml wwwu°Iutn erl nwwitb six and one-halll wway n;p[Al be nomp'l.wte °witl;n seven-inch lwm.tln conci,,, to w;nnrb rrund eilw,IwLeein...trr°ch wrwde con- c,re to gutt.unw% °ouc-• anarrt wwl.wle s unnw° reth. slide- wra.tlr. ul s a.x inch thic,,k con°nc!r a t:wn driveways ww s l I. 1"f,­ w rnn°n"s t rr o.uw t.w rl wl°e n e Specified. IGINI'll' 2: NEW Y"r,tRK AVENUE 1(",.om I,..":'atlu sont. la oL EwnsL Jessamine St-'revert: i:cu VniA, 2, Project, No. W3L-21304-4553, Phase 11, u.,iha, a tvluacirl "rwut.-ondu,t 'i"J'sphaltic cu:rKKw... V 1 4. t o R u Pe'.l c.e c"o u V s on a n't_.° t o&" , t.I t i.ck <4 n C'C�G"k p 4.... wt.l l C.r"wzed gt 'VEn 1. L)ase and by rea:;o n,at:n'wic.t lnng wt n sw t..L n g defective curb a n-n d gutt.E,or with n eu e ll" t.rrnch 'tr,gh r.nnunrr w.eP:-n. curb and nallliant:.w^onus lnnu.kn wide %,"U I be tis .-r.t1,-feiet: Fo ur - fou L %wide � fi.rn.ou n.wntmw walrJcnw,Ta:l.'lk'. a'u'ud a w-.lrcneb rhAck wsnncs,(,� e dHveways wnl1I be constructed where speu.nGJed. The above,together with combined concrete curbs and gratte'r on proper grade and line where same are not already so constructed, together with storm drains and other necessary incidentals and appurtenances; all of said improve- ments are to be so constructed as and where shown on the plans and in strict accordance with the Plans and Specifications therefor: and contract; has been made and entered into with_ US"J.'IN it.Od,U) COk,`iIM,NY . for the making and construction of such improvements on the alcove said portion of streets, avenues and public places. WHEREAS, estimates of the cost of the improvements of each such.portion of streets, avenues and public places were prepared and filed and approved and adopted by the City Council of the City, and a time and place was fixed for a hearing and the proper notice of the time, place and purpose,of said hearing was given and said hearing was had and held at the time and place fixed therefor, to-wit, on the_28th day of_AU.(;US 19_7 9:30 in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and at such hearing the following protests and objections were made, to-wit: protested that _protested that protested that _protested that _ protested that __protested that _protested that _ _protested that _ protested that protested that and said hearing was condnued to the present time in oider to more fully accoml;Aish the purposes thereof, and all desirfrig to be heart were gWen AT and fAr oMwrLmdty to he heard, and the City (.,ouncil of the City having fully considered all proper matter, is of the (Vinjon that the said hearing should be closed and assessments should be made and levied as herein ordered: NOW 'rifEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY ('W'NCIL Of,' '11VE, CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, THAT: i. Said hearing % and the same is herby, clans il and the said protest and objections, and any and all other protests and objections, whether heivin enumvrauA or or not, I)e and the same are hereby, overruled. The City ('ouncil, from the eviderwo thMs that the ass(%sments herein levied should be made and levied against the rvNpxqNe parcels of property abutting upon the said jortions of streets, avenues and public places and against the owners of such property, and that such assessments and charges are right and proper and are substantially in proportion to the henefits to the respective parcels of property by means of the improvements in the unit for which such assessments are levied, and establish suhstantral justice and equality and uniformity between the respective owners of the reqvudvv pivp-ities, and between all parties concerned, considering the benefits received and burdens imposed, and further finds that in each case the abutting property assessed is specially benefited in enhanced value* to the said property, by means of the said improvements in the unit upon which the particular property abuts and fw- which assessment is levied and charge made., in a SUM in excess of the said assessment and charge made against the same Q this ordinance, and further finds that the apportion- ment of Lhe cost of the impmvenients is in acconhince with Hie law in force in this Cio� and the proceedings of the (Ity herebotore had with jvrjqqqWo Lo said impiavernems, and is At all respects valid Lind regular. M. There shall he, and is hereby% levied and asse"ed agairyt the parcels of property herein below mentioned, and ngnhaL the real and Me owners Wervof (whether such owners he corve(Aly named herein or not) the sums of money itemized below opposite the (4scripthon of the respective parcels of prqvi•ty and the several amounts assessed against the same. and the mvneiN thereof, as Q as such owners are known, being as follows: Where more than one person, firm or owrWoutlon ovens an int.miNt in any jmvpeoy above described, each said person, firm or corporation shall be personaLly liabb Wy Jor A, hur ur his pro mta of the total assessment against such property in proportion mn its, his or her rcstacAve Werest Wars to the WWI ownership of such 1mvperty, and its, his or respective irtprest W sup pinoperty nay Im r0msed from the assessnient lien upon pay- nient of such proportionate suni. The several sums above mentKned and gwsesged ag&W the said pr,ircehs of property, and the owners thereof, and interest thereon at the We of Mx per amt (W, ) jwr artimm, Logether -with reasonable attorney's fees and costs of collection, if incurred, are hervIg docklul to 1"e, arld 'Are ninde, a Hen upon the respective parcels of property against which the same are :wwwsNL am! is pemonal liability ,tnd charge against the real and true owners of such property, whether such ownwo 1w NuTMV rmnwd hmain or not, mwf the said Hens shall be and constitute the first enforceable lien and claim agahst the Inoporty on "Wi stv.-,h assessmelits, are levied, and shall be a Mot and paramount Hen theincon, supWor to nH other Hens ,,aid 6rims, c,xcept State, County, School District and City ad valorem tax". The sums so assessed against the abuLLhig pivpvily and the oviners thWVDf Shall! Im and become due and payable as follows, to-wit: in five (5) eqml installmenhn due reqmlivdy on or WN"T Ahly (30) days, one (1), two (Q three (3), and four (4) years frorn the daW of cm,Oetion and arcep ta rice of the improvements in the respective unit, and the assessments against the jwohmy ahadng upon thr reinaining unks shaAl and become due and payable in Such installments after the date of the conqdcthon and acceptance of such roqw&ve units, and shall bear interest from said date at the rate: of six petnym (60 ) per annuri'r, payalOu annually with each install- ment, except as to the first installment, which shall be due and jmyAk !it the maWrhy thereuk so that upon the completion and acceptance of the improvements in as pauhyhr i"At, aar,su„argue nts ag,ainst the property abutting upon such completed and a"opted unit shall he and haumv dw, anal pqAblv in such installments, and with interest from the date of such eomph4ion alvi awceptalwe' Pnwidvd, hw,vovk,r, th,,at any owner shall have the right to pay the entire assessment, or zmy histalknon! Lhemok lwnwv rn;tLu0"Aj- puyment (A principal and accrued interest, and provided further that if dervulL A& W innuh- in the paympuL of pdridpal or interest promptly as the same matures, then the ontKo itruvam ur 1hp anyssmicaL ulmn which sneh default is made shall, at the option of said City of Fort North, or rG, I)o amd lw i)wv iriinwdi Lolt (hre and payabk, and shall be collectable, together with reasonable allmiwis No W rmt 4 cWWW, if incunvd, 14U)VIDED, however, that acting though A duo authorized Arecutr A I'ViNk, MiTs i A f Wy nf F01 Worth ivtains the right to authorize payment of the sums assemed againA WiLiAng pwpoly "jwn such wnqdked and accepted unit in not more than forty-eight ( 18) equal regular monthly ins LAKnerirs of not thuj 10.00 each, the first of such installments to become due and pMw6W nol moro I hnn dart"Q—"40 (Mys af'Lor Lice connplot'ucni and acceptance by the City of the particuirtr unit. PROVIDED FU TIP PY, that Lima, (Ty Atlorney is lir,,rohy eiapowered to authorize payment-, of said sums of lesser insLallinents am!O)y cyar a Imign, podud or time in wous in which the Director of Public "Wks has previously detorrAncri that nri comme Vhian( �al hnrd:-�hip upl n the property owner will otherwise result; and PROVIDED Ft T11AFT, HwL wwh wd"O of p;*nHiax shall he only in instances where the owner or owners of property abutting uqwm such &onipAM nnJ wi olAed unit Sall have executed and delivered to the City of Art Worth a lawful, valid and ldntry nwv ,pA „And niateriall-rian's contract upon forms suplAied by the (Ity granting it medmnh � An upon mal ronwvA ing thp sabi abutting property in trust to secure the payment by saki owner or ovivrers a rnYhy to th, tun4 thowd of the sums assessed against such property, Vi If default shall be made in the payment of an; assp"Puni, cWhY ion Lhoroof WH W"nfomed either by the We of the property IW the Ass"sor and (Wlector o�' T,_a ,­ p �' iid ( it w. a, nww a. jjubr4,i6le in the same man- ner provided for the sale of proppay for tho "OP-PO YAHVIa Of A VAOMi LX v­,, Ok• Nf the ujitiorl of the City of Fort Worth, or its assmns, payment of add wins shRH Q vro%oTod by YnA in Hny murt (A competent jurisdic- tion, or as provided in any meclmnW4 or niavAwlwaWs contra m athmsaid, ;uel aa,iid City shall exercise all of its lawful powers to aid in the enforcement and cu&Ttion of W1 nsyAwsriivnk, !IC' td `4l X.Ptif4rou I pr�c�,k� I I P�l,('r I f UIC qjP,VPIC1s 01�..lreof, is in a"wAsue "Wh the procewHugs or the (it, rohowy in sw it, ynow,,.a i P,,p H)4,reoQ % "'Ind is lewi limn [he projWK of thp vw[ aMwTH W 1wrWed IPA f lc: &A W W, 1Pi thu (1 '. Vill, WKWh the aWnumQued rQUMvM ka", h4yn hXw[ kmvqh W wmn�N,d Irfj P,hv wm�wnts huwnwwve Swork Me MY WHUT does hurrhy Wsurve unto UT' Ow Qht in rudwe till? Kweineii1ioned anemmems by a1h1wing viedus 10 vlvoahl pi,qwT iy "AJI,�,(, the OLY UUMH it Won Inwnyd Ow QQt fo Kula endum 11 AM 10 mquinY h; Uwe (I"OS, alrd Nv6t1 riot, do w), if mme ""dd NiM in any equAy ;wd w `flw prIiw to all anvnw of on? (if Ito "v"qW usm"MUOL 001 jo nwo to he hi,�ued the, City of Fort Wcil'Lh, Wa, as hulPeRaCten, providod'' Iflh.fll (,w Ctxo(f md d,t,tevmiitw'd h", li-In ihe zunq,oint of any assessnlent hembdowe WvQd sw unmont or anvmWx if arq , as rimy linicanur 6, HOW 10, We (10, Suned ;" a credit IN" For l,ho Of �4 d pef,'ike p"Ircoh", o' prop- erty nnd thip owneis thomod, oind %, An, oW k i no Q jwpiww,�ml 1" AR w; 1hu Mmynant and Weedon t1wivof, assipnai& ;Wdlnovs in IN pa r1 nmimn! uf !PP jwqwwWP I(N s I Ila, anwimk, of ony re- spmuve ITM allowvd fhonw, NMI 1w 1VOW Q-1 1", Ca rd Maq !I , 1 1 h, D-` a' nMwn wmqQ0Wn and auept- anCV hY thC (I"' Or the QMACnIAWS HI Wwh W 14 hUPv"Wwn11 d 4 N "M W W1 Und W COMPONd H11d WlqaNn "14h (VANCOVY WT IW cUTMod 1"' LQ m2vni in (hp mm"W W (hy W nfkskd Q Iho My Sk"Mary, wul, Hit vmj"nalp 010 or Um (T" Wn"W"d ww­n, N`(r! x adl '", to tht2 CiIy of F'ovl Worth, or is waW• mol shAhkAmy I he Pak! "HO"UH 1:01 1 r 1H, 01 PM MON, 0C N'Hd dNlle of fhe comp letn(m and rtc rvlO Nw e ( I {h(' J I I,!)l'W "'�I,d°i?l fljjiLkHp' Hj,uJ t Ot For vvkk"h lho cel'Mieate i� w1d sIndr cr�'rdain lho morlw rat, II '' 0" ij,�j j� (pO 100i"party hylotwullilock nurnbf,r, or J'd(PW, f(e"t tfwrd'MI, PPf I dhlli dl, ah,im w ghwHy 11", swinv; and if the of ImspeNny shAH Q ownef Un mi wArr, lhvii w, (W nqh (i P& qw,": o- , cv ;wd sJoT In, WHOW mml noerrorcor ridstokc in do,a,rihitqp,' any 1, !rW or Cn m,q)aw such certific°dj,, ko the wd, Tlw i,heil jer,ithk nd 4 :,H 11,d p�d Iofwipti�- rjp�inl nlahnNy, therl they"Will & ;nSvinhon Oth ''wKWO 111"rn F[ c% 11, ( h, ii: nirvd, rind sh"O"I prolivide si0l)s"twhJtdIv Lh�i�t Hti" onojuO��, l�wll h� J�H ],, ,I,J �,, I �md WhYm, of Wave 4 the (Tyuf Fwt Wuh, Taxis. vsho An imp. 1 i n(nw I,( h(' ,, rk,i "o 60, sw pf pactr awnt on afly den,wrid t'm °h <6nnio, ;Iyid 01"', ,Jid i i f,i 1',',"P� t�dl dl^, �,;uro i rIo by him fm.11- vOth v,iih t1w T)tNjtsnyv1 h! hv OPP dnd 0 K! h, :I tnIjIi, `md ,Own s:1.Sly A;rJlWfit r,,hafl be made in thp My t1w, Asmyns NO (YKAW Q "Nu. ") 'm ?tl 1, r �n lite ilf� lje, t prePs,rkalion to him of Ow l)p thp Imblur thonal end-no ."KA pnpon L Onn-1 it -)p 1 ­ %wnk Op =Wwd then the flower lhCV00f 10f-­,Q1tIAW h) rondw Kim -in 6 4 Wy-u • i W- wnwin, laid Hpai the premmWon tu hirn of suh unIM"Ap so Pndmwi and 1"nHink 1, ' li, i , ii1 . , dil 1w NVPU'va lit for nVANg NMI jinymmo. we 4 jwynwwr I w iho Dpwo,, ) n& jw CT IA 1r,r 10"10v A mkv (W➢ ORe in "no&(rt aml by hunvi"K thelvol' "W, it anw XIIF O y-1 q "I ,d hd,ow 3a sH coks of ndhAhon W nYOWWO =MPYS &W it HHMUPIK JWV -W 1 W In "raid ve f i fi c�h I a, o I I rI,p I f ti I P a,P a," j 1",) I f t t I i,tj I,, i 1�i­ woh iNviviuv Lo ninking the Anpinvenivints We Ow njothtly Marti iP ­nijdi !]; , u,'tthefixinffof the as"Swunt hou ;jakul the joupwy &S, Owd I r 1 Lhereof lurve keien porforn"11, and SM: rvidlak, vindl in, jrum � � -C c-1 11,'! tlted f11 suwh c'ertifie'ates" and no f"Uwr Immr IWO sKH 1w ymplyd 5, w,P , uq, o f Pul q'i �10, Kni Qwio� ip v, haq" Q qwh a, wm C W", Acvpral iWaHment, Said cr­rt�hw'ntt�,, h;c', ( 1 0. s thelva, or nuly haxurr;Wjnnn f"I padl HC I W hi"'t f" r Co For the fiffl I "",I ich P%111 I l(M:' Il I a a I fwi e0,16 1() 1 f", 4 I! ", d 1 u1'' 1 11 I', Tr[,ry N)e ,Jgned with the foc.,draHe v,( t4 I c !& (o Ind ( ,!I,, ""f I r,I"m ,, Said certificates shall further recite that the City of Fort Worth, Texas shall exercise all of its lawful powers, when requested so to do, to aid in the enforeeirient and collection thereof, and may contain recitals sub- stantially in accordance with the above and other additional recitals pertinent or appropriate thereof, and it shall not be necessary that the recitals be in the exact form above set forth, but the substance thereof shall be sufficient. The fact that such improvements may be omitted on any portion of any of said units adjacent to any premises exempt from the lien of such assessments shall not in anywise invalidate, affect or impair the lien of such. assessments upon other premises. X. Full power to make and levy reassessments and to correct mistakes, errors, invalidities or irregularities, either in the assessments or in the certificates issued in evidence thereof,is, in accordance with the law in force in this City, vested in the City. Xi. All assessments levied are a personal liability and charge against the real and true owners of the premises described, notwithstanding such owners may not be named, or may be incorrectly named. X11. The assessments so levied are for the improvements in the particular unit upon which the property described abuts, and the assessments for the improvements in any unit are in nowise affected by the improve- ments or assessments in any other unit, and in making assessments and in holding said hearing, the amounts assessed for improvements in any one unit have been in nowise connected with the improvements or the assess- ments therefor in any other unit. X111. The assessments levied are made and levied under and by virtue of the terms, powers and provisions of an Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of said Session and now shown as Article 1105b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, which Act has been adopted as an amendment to and made a part of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. Xiv. The City Secretary is hereby directed to engross and enroll this ordinance by copying the caption of same in the Minute Book of the City Council of Fort Worth, Texas, and by filing the complete Ordinance in the appro- priate Ordinance Records of said City, XV. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED -day of 41 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 00 City Attorney I1Piif1T 00. 061-21,304-4553 ...PRASE IV Miii.)s,. UNrr I E A S A1JEN13l'" FROM 150'..SOU 11 O TfSI' S � AL to be improved b widening, " w..."" th 1t°«01m�1111a ,.SS1m1� fAS ,1iAi"I'1I+IfpE�A ��W11� .. 1� � existing �°rfotf,.. T s one and one-half' 1.nkch a..1ticr'k ��.���. �°rH�sdws tc� f�:if�t �f0oi x:o�sdws � cr.rr��sl.��m.attl��� hot-mix asphs'1.ti'.o n.oncret.e surface course our the existing concrete base. Thiio base :ium,m to Imam repalred and widened with six and one-half inch think reinforced conc,"rete. The roraafway will be complete with seven-inch tilgh concrete curb and eighteen-inch widle, concrete glitter'. Four,-foot: wide concrete sidewalk and six—i.rwch thick concrete driVreways will be constructed where specified. E1.O01t u.111"NER 110T fCNIN FRONTAGE RATE MOM!' fifn"~"«f SSMEN,r BEGINNING AT A 'LIE 150' SOUTH OF EAST JESSA IT "l1 STREET 1i11ST SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION ITION L. R. 'htur°cer S. 60' 11 60' 'Existing Facilities No Ass�s �«or'rt ll2406 Evan of �.aon�m�, 76104 Lot 300 L. R. Bruner N. 65' it 65' 'Existing Facilities No Aoseasanentr :; 14011 Evans of C"gamin a. 61011 l,.aot 33 EAST jFSSAMINE STREET INTERSECTS 1wcl,ian Leach, S. "10' 17." 70' 'Existing facilities No Assessment 2528 Watts of 151011 Lot 301 yru'11.an Leach 11 r 50' 12 ..... 501 Existing Facilities No fu umr ; rcumirurr°ai;; f28 WAits crf frorcnaa 161,09 f,0t 30,'1. ilirmns 1 10 48' Existing F o:i lities No Assessment, ,?220 E%,&us 00 rm 761()4 Wu i t,10 J. Arthur 2 12 45' Existing Facilities No im^�,a c r rr orti 2356 Evans �. '76104 1. Fi,l ,)E T NO. ..061 w 1304-4 ��w" _ PHASE� � �N ��EVAN FROM 150' . 7,Yr OF �"„A p ..J% SAPa1ITk fs. ° mm 1 �w.AVENUEL AjEp BLOCK LOT ZONING F'ROW TAGM,. WTI"'E ATMOUNT AMY M,W"53,S ME?,,,t , WEST SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARX ADDITION 2w� 30' Existing Facilities No Assessu,"ient 76104 EAST WHO E"t:W., AVENUE INTER E rs Humble 1,25` Existing Facilities o Ai sessmer,t Refining Co. t la. P.O. Box 2180 Houston, 'Texan Bennie Luskey 369 13 , 1,20'° Existing Facilities cilit i No Asseiasmeri,,t 1411 Main St. 7 WW 104 EAST W ,'WW1a. ,Y AVENUE INTERSECT .Rc0)ert L. Flowers, L 14 5 W Existing Facilities i No Assessuif nt, 2270 Evans 761,04 l,)e '°t. tro,. Flowers 2, 14 '75.7' '5 .istiiig Facilities No As%, mi 7''W;1WW A,x ;,r„ Waters S. 2.5° i 25' E W tang Facilities tWs A s sess rem,,tict:. Mrs. John 11. Water E. 98.5' 14 98.5" Existing Fa ilitie Wtliar � ,! m; a r°rt 328 Bellvue of t` can 16114 toot 398 1304-4553 P1, IJIMIT I EVANS AVENUF FROM 150' SOUTH OF Ek.3T JE M I � ' " 8 AMORE EE BLOCK ,()WNE R 110 N IFNG' FRONTAGE P.E.TE AMOUN SS E�N'1, EAST DAVIS AVENUE INTERSECTS WEST SlDE OF ST!MT ITY'DE PARK ADDITION A. N. (wreer 399 15 1201 Existing Facilities No Asase ,rWrvnab:. 201,0 Tr,emont 761,07 Donald E. Brooks 4,25 15.._.m E0' Existing:i Facilities No Assessment 2200 Evans 10111, Private Sanders 428 16 �.,,�. '. ro Existing Facilities. �Rm Euaaaa�.r,s ,�Pra:r°wt c/o jack Ezell w 'E r•nra ' '15201 Ops ,'n,aor^ 'E, Inc. 448 1. a 120' Existing Facilities Era A;rsi,,snararm r� r, A 111exas Corp. P"O, Box 5148 Dan,' "lrnrr T °aa,aran '752 22 EAST BALTIMORE AVENUE INTERSECTS EAST ` IDE OF S 'RIET JJYDE PARK M)Er mwt gy m:" nararv� � �°wry°ff �,`itr°lckli E. 78' 27 ..� 781 Existing Facili tles No E a vnw nA,, 21f)" E varnra o "�,m nrn. 76t04 1,0 t 1 F rtarra ra Herzfeld S. 4E' 21 42" Existing Eraci it e Nan sari mmnft P,,0,, Enna; 2206 of 3 rR'F C iii 061,-21304-4553 PHASE 'IV, UNIT IM � VANS AVENUEµ "' �M 150' SOUTH OF AST LET O EAST BALTIMORE AV NUE' �O �. � BLOCK OWNiEIN LOT 2Oi liiC FRMAGE RA TE" AMOURr ikSSES SMM,"f' EAST SIDE' OR STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Katherine Backus N. 40' 270 40' 'Existing Facilities No Assessment Durbin of �as raa W. Berry 1,ot 30 16110 H. C,, Backvs N. 27' 2 7 22' Existing Facilities 1551 W. Berry of S. �aman 761°10 80' of Lot 30 W. M. Jackson S. 53' 27 53' Existing Facilities No Assessment P.O Box 3058 of Comm. 7620:5 Lot 30 E AST ARLINGTON AVENUE INTERSECTS i,s!td Wilson 1 28 120' Existing Facilities No As tee ra °r%t 2,13 Afton Road Comm. 7'613, �4 John, Li.'llitb Jr. 30 28 1.20' Existing 'Facilities No 056 E. Marion Cama"r. 70104, Ei.",'2" iilMr2'2:2i AVS01YE INTERSECTS E °! . Grace Hansen 1 229 120' Existing, Facilities No Asse&m a.wr"t 441.2 Sumer :rna t Ct. Camm. 61,09 ' 29 20' Exi, tiro g Facilities. No Lrr r rr�ra�erd,.. i� irra Lillie,� alp. N. 70 2 �"�... i. L. Er trey of Comm. 6023 'ii'allerr Ave. Lot 30 7'61,1;3 4 .y E. m m SO�" E� Y w xw,�FROM TO BALTIMORE E, ENU.. C"01 11INUE " BLOC"" Eta "1 SIDE OF STREET E'OE EARK ADDITION ION Calvin ittlojohn S. SO° 29 ,50' Existing F o111 es No A 901 E. h;a zipay of o , 76104 Lot 30 EAST HARVEY AVENUE INTERSECTS the Church of 1 30 120' Existing "Fac i l Iles No A^use"."!snrv, 1501 Evans Avenue 7(51 v,,4 Neal 'Eoop an° 30 30 120' Existing, Facilities Na, 901 E. Powell mo '76104 EAST PO WELL AVENUE INTERSECTS A'Icvin aa11ae1'i Const. 1 31 _.w 120' Ex,ist1oE Facilities Nc1 A .lile� ,,,,":,,m C o u"iE o away 1"oQauxm. 1,613 Grand Dallas,s a, Texas 5215 0,,A'u.a1reRs, Jr. EO 31� 10a Existing Facilities .0. Box 7337 Zc7om u. 6111 EA 511 aLS 1E" 1E"E E1HE"'1" INTERSECTS aaa e Locke Sou1EO 1" 01 1„E0° Existing Facilities t�100 E. Jessamine u . 76104 OAT E 0t':DST TO ES.OEE'IE°TE OWNERS . . . . . . TOTAL COST 10 CITY OF FO T OR x:"'E,. . . . . . 94.4,4, TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION c0"a'r, 'UN'1I 1 � NEW URI( w � '1' J O � 0' �u� UT11 O �. . b., , ,wES's,,A,,„W!11,E.,TV El' �� S�" DAVIS" ���t�°I��, ��o 'CDe improved by on tw��f:ting ,a �. ���u.w inc.,1�u thick rauu . wu. .w flwa 1.,71-71" w�w s , �� ww f'a" c'c-vrse o n an ix� ,incli thick cement. stti abfl fzed gravel haee and by rieconstructfilIg exisftng curb asnd gotter &iii": h hasw'wNJea"a-inch 'high dV.,,oaw w0...1":i0'1w du.wli"jb wide con r wn fi r's p a giu,,tter as r a that m:'he finished r a s aw w.a N, wRw l V.U be w.h i u,,. o g"e a°!a wiw e. Four-foot wide w.wuwaa.'wM`ete sidewa IR,, wYsnxi 1s �,:_iva,ch thick concrete d ri,v ewuwrwys w i l), be, BLOCK, WESI'v SIDE OF STREET WDE PARY" ADDITION u awhaies Stiewart, ter, 15 32 ... 120' Adjueted to 956 E. Jessamine 1OW' Gutter Only 1441 $44.00 761,04 44.00 EA,',,jT JESSAMINE STREET Pf[T.,RSECTS New 'fo rk 100, °;a.ut ex" Onl .44 x;44. rwwhPayl a lr)ew 15 3 120' Adjusted taw 6 7 G;2; a$k.. wa n rug ww .. 1.00' Curbi & Gutter $ '87 $87* 0 J. Wallace 16 3() 1,20' Pidjustied to $ 8700 Wataon 15 10 120' Adjusted to 61,014 100' Clli.,irb 6w, Gutter '87 871,00 6 � r �^ L"-.MW OR AVENUE O 1,50' 7 K G F 1A d..� �e+www RL ><�� � BL1111:11',,. 4bda1NER 111,2A A;1w11'ANd,; F RON"I GE R AMOU114T A E5 S .C. 24a 1"11 AAA.R%1 "EY' AVENUE INTFRSEC 1 S "WE S T SIDE OF S' 1',1 1y 1 IN ME 1"uA111a AM 11 0 Eugene Rice 111 AA 121111 rAd11`„d"�!ted to 95'? E, Harvey e,Cw 1.1111' Sidewalk ro a86 $86.00 76104 100' Curb Mmer .87 117.111:'1 $173.00 0 11sw mn Clark 15 29 133" 1Ad ym w1 10 101,3 x Dav,is 1U m 7.+,y„ut1efl" Only is ,714. 44,00 0111111 100' Sidewalk .86-----86 ri 00 BA "1'1' DI 1 IS A Ey UI1 11A`rE11 S11C,rs 1`1, r'''y 711°1A 112" ^ `1'1Ad11"1 2µ7111e" PARK ADDITION HYDE 1 rw;d wr 12'11 18«r, 1 6 1,w 11 Q Adynted to 181!1,0 E. Davy,;"�, WT 100 Cutter 1w*nMp w „44 $44.R,n 1 X741 A s a d1 mm 1 k .86 86.00 176 Sq. Ft , Drive w`w11, 54. r 56 $184.56 james T. X11. s A.;1.8w AAA 36 1211 d Adpatel to 1005 E. Harvey psi 1100' Cutter nly ax 4& 944.01,'J, 76104 100° Sidewalk .218`1-- 86.00 0 ;x,130.00 w4'81° 1AUE "111E'.14°1'nAB"TS 1u w 1 W a 1 I a c e 1 35 12W 8w d 6mawwGw,ed to 10011 E. Harvey ` j7: 1110' Sidewalk r06 $86.00 76104 $ 86.00 7 F rik,0 t T NO 061 1 PHASE 111 FC140, UN I'll' 2 Nl'W ORF,' w E)A)E FROM 'AD S(YU1, a OF SA&MI . 'S TO EAST DAVIS STREET .CONTINUED Martha Mae Brandon 36 35 120' Fr,cnita,,ge 1544 Hold a 36 F' ,a Drivire. w 31 $11.78 76103 EAST POWELL AVENUE INTERSECTS Ruby Lee Harp 34 120v Adjusted tcw Luther Ford 36 34 120'. Adjusted to 104, 4 00 compa "i¢ H` 100, Gutter ()rk y 44 $44.00 a 6 102 59181 TOTAL (COST 710 PROPERTY (ANNM N E R S $ 1�4 11.4 I1) 'T(,Yl,'Al,, COST TO UTY OF FORT WORTH 29,63730 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONS°"BF UG,!'l ) COS 7 8 �, ... '� 'd,.,.-4553 PHASE IV 'C' YORK AVENUE FROM EAS'll DAVIS AVENTUE fMORX AVENUE,OR to be a a'k � �,��� ���� ��awa �.°��� ,:��s���.a�ar; e. i s Haag n even inch t is i ck lun a! ,mix asph al t ic., y.wUdMcrete Ha0'ux as e and by reconstructing existiva defective i."`We tt"!c" et "aci liR„Aes w tli. ae'vdoh" f,I°D,,jc,,h high a..awawua:as" amr curb ancl two-foot 'aoid %- concrete araa.rx t er, faaaaa';" foot wide concrete svk,de au lk a,°7a°° six-tt'ac a thicP, concriete driveways aas alpesµ,ifir-rd a;aa e io :.'n thirt loa.ma'. roaadwaa° BLOCK All "ITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF NFW YOkK AVENUE AND EAST DAVIS All"E"NUE" 0. 5. Smith .16 28 120"Adjusted to s 6104 18 8 j Ft. D r 1,v e ;kk"1 58.28 1aa4�28 aaaa as rM'a h 15 2 8 135' Existing Falcitities No A s aa, s as rah:. 956 E. Arlingtcm 761,04. Byea•t'ha Pearl Conley 16 27 120' Existing Facilities No Ass s ym-ent 76104 P 0 m r u a Baptist bra 0.(i l 7 04 BAl,rlR,()Ple AVEMYE INTERSECTS SIDE OF STREET WN"ENE PAAK A r D a rc a aN E%nt,ella Brasdf wr.`d 1 38 1.20' �ti,,cl N,f°tr;d to 720 E� c�aaintey a" ,.. 100' sillje,r011lk nab $86 00 7611,04 21,2 Sq. 't a Ida r a�,re .31 61 f m as 9 4"�O Q61,,,2.l � 4- 53 ��4� � ...eat .�`�� YORK e r . .. w °,.. m � �`�. ��.�,:.,m b w, �x EVE � t R EAST r � I w A� rE .7 AVENUE t n n" ,D OWNER llcyr Z 0 N]NG F T,�0 N'TA GE RATE AMOUNT A S S S (91' ,a' SIDE O TRIT l' HYDE P RX AUDITION E. 0. Wood Co,, 3 6 t , . 120' just e � t o 712 N. each, St:. �i � " 90° s,i de"ryaa7lk „86 '77.40 D r y U Le Mayfield 1, 37 135' , ,,djwi st ed to Pulaski �1 0 6 104 188 ` q, Ft. Dri've 131 1 8 28 $144.` t 36 37 12011 Frontage '',)05 Da"Vis 376 Sq. Pt . Utz;.ve 11 .56 761014 $116,,56 TOTAL 4OS° TO PdO, oWlY l� 'Ntl7.J � 134.d 8 ` {TA', COST TO a M Aw' OF F ORT WW91'H 4 9,52 , TOTAL E fAM ED �,a„t PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4553, PHASE IV ECHO, UNIT 4, EAST ARLINGTON AVENUE FROM NEW ORLEANS AVENUE TO EVANS AVENUE, to be improved by constructing a one and one-half inch thi&–H—ot- mix asphaltic concrete surface course on existing concrete base and by reconstructing defective curb and gutter with seven-inch high concrete curb and two-foot wide concrete gutter so that the finished roadway will be twenty-six feet wide. Four-foot wide concrete sidewalk and six-inch thick concrete driveways will be constructed where specified. BLOCK 01�NER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF EAST ARLINGTON AVENUE AND NEW ORLEANS AVENUE NORTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Mrs. J. C. Bailey 434 16 50 ' Frontage 5408 Stephanie Drive 7e s . 39' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 33.54 76117 118 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 36.58 $ 70.12 Leo Patrick Ferris 433 16 50' Frontage 289 University Plaza Res . 39' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 33.54 Bl&, 118 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 36.58 $ 70.12 Sedalia & Oscar Owens 432 16 50' Frontage 819 E. Arlington ems 39' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 33.54 76104 65 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 20.15 $ 53.69 E. 0. Wood Company 431 16 50 ' Frontage 712 N. Beach St. Res . 39' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 33.54 76111 . 54 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 16.74 $ 50.28 Antioch Missionary 430 16 50 ' Existing Facilities No Assessment Baptist Church Res . 1063 E. Rosedale 76104 11 i4J w NO. 061-21304-4553 1110,'r 2. I. E .1�� �� I�� :u EAST ARLINGTON VEY112 FROM� ... AVENUE CONTINIIED OWNER4ar�. ���'�,m-�'w' �"���^ ��+^,¢�a^k�,�#p^,p ^��+ q�..fh¢ II W4m tt m I �ry O W v 11�� k�uO Z C$N Gs �tl��"K^�..%,&"Pom�ta��',P."�.GE RATE dG�"�a �'"�01'"I�.011 C."#'f �N�,��L:'s�r S Paq''�A��l' No 'n sim OF STREET' HYDE PARK ADD7,r,10N ()a4°wa'rth, Inc. 429 16 501 Existing Facilities No hesest,,ALment A Texas Corp, Ind. 2d0<, Box 2 .4 Dallas, Texas 75222. r' °a a Sanders a 4 2$9 16 '191' E i as t;�..n g Facilities. o 2 ass e! a s r re,ri!t Chfc' 4 Go-Go 4279 a Clo ;;hack Ezell & 426 11 N. 'E v ' ,fl,laas, Texas 75201 DaAn, l.4 A. Brooks 425 1.5 5x.5' Existing Facilities I ibis No � aasa ��n —mm 2200 Evarm Z-0 7'4 , 4 °iaAam;~a. J. & 423 & 15 200' Frontage onaaaI4 A,, Brooks 424 em 5 Sq, Ft. rivew y` .31 '1.o i-.2 2200 Evans $ 10181�' 76104 Mrs. J4 H,, Waters 422. 12 0' 2'a° at ;aa as -28 Baa l l vue a o 1,2 S , Ft. Drive .31 $ 3,32 76134 3.72 Mrs , J H. Waters 421 15 50" Frontage 724 Be l .vu Raaa'7 35 Sq . Drive $ 4 2'1, $I M5 7 61 34 $ 2025 12 p � a.. NI " S ARLINGTON EEENUE FROM NEW' ORLEANS TO EVANS AVENUE CON'TTNUED l,,Ot"1 CANER, LOT ZONING FRMAGE E.E'S°'E M40FUNT E ESSMEX`°r SOUr1°; SIDE 05? STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION a ly&,, Roberson 420 15 50° Existing Efma ilities No Assessment. 828 E. Arlington 76104 Bertb,a Wilson, 419 15 50' "Existing E' ; .. it'ie o 5, sesainert 824. E. Arl,ington '761,04 ,04 :",. D. Browser 418 15 50' Existing ciliti s b,) ssessment 820 E. Arlington 5S104" lf- 11,, Hollins 417 15 W E Facilities No AsseNsmeint 816 E. Arlington 761 Geraldime Rupe 0'A Existing Fay;ilAties Eaaeasme°i�t 615 E. Wonsley, Apt. 1.:58 E . . Tex w 78753 "T ° E 00,S,'TF TO PROPERTY OW14ERS . . . . $ 269.63 T(YrAL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH . . ,w . 16 s43 1 TOTAL ESTIMAMD CONSTRUCTION, COST 3,o4 13 W. 061­,21304,­4553 PHA'�� ECHO UNI'll 5 �, I �' RLIN���ON AVEWL � FROM, fIkN AVE IU Q � a. . .. .. m . N, `�r�v AV 'Y � t,c be improved e°.rewwutrr� ctin a two-inch thick hot-mix aG����r�ve,�ltic con tvetw aa,.e catirse., on a six-inch thick is cement mtribilized wavel. buss°�p amd by v°rronstr',o .rAng t �rr+ wr' read gutter with seve a,-Ie�c high concrete �r°ur°" and eighterw,w-inch �wide I�.w:wwrcxet.e �rv��t°te,-1, ao zhat e`'he 'finish d roadway wlI'N. be wen aix, feet uwide. Four­forA wide concrete sidk� %ur:aAk rub six­inch thick concrete driveways will be � nistructed where sped- ed. BIJOCK TEGMIMS, AT THE NORTMAST CORNER OF EAST ARLINGTON AVENUE AND VANS AVEIME NOR"MH SIDE OF' STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION t1 ' A'c,get Hughea 29 27 50' Gutter Only $ ,44 $22,00 y 1109 Gslire3ron T"MM. 34 Sq. Ft. Drive 1 3 10.54 M, 'fin Oakes, Z8 27' >Cw Gutter Only .44 $22. 0 *r v , Nurv-I ton,, 8 ims 27' 27 50' Gutter Only X22,,00 '4 r0�r `:4 a J. ��ia N.�ame 26 27 0' ��16w;tter only $ .44 2 ruQ� J4 o k PROJECT O. 061-21304-4553 L FV 'ECHO UNIT ..�__ "��T ARI INGTON, AVENUE F ROM VANS AVENUF „o 0':100100' 2 01 CQNT, 2 00ED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING 1"`0tOWAGE 00'A"0""E AMOUNT ASSESSMENT 0010000TH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION TO ,2, Burgess 25 27m 50' Gutter Only 044 $22,00 92:3 'Ra Arlington S. 20 Sq. Ft. Drive 31 0:0,,.17 761.04 :10.37 0", M. Sshadowens 24 27' 50' Gutter Only a44 $224,00 904 Rn Rou 0.e Res, 14 S . Sit. Drive 1 4.34 000 100 26.34 _ ° 2 844 $22x00 5�� �0.�u E. Reed 23 27 50'"� OuYtt1�'� O�x�1� 927 E. Arlington t1u 0 04 S o Ft. Drive .31 4,34, Samuel B. Jones 22 22 50' Clutt'�:r Only ,44 x$22. 0;44;0 92,9 E. Arlington 0t wo, 200 SS. Ft. Drivew .31 2„200 76104 28,20 'lack C. Carter 21 27 50° Gutter Only 44 $22,00 937 R. Arlington Sera 20 S , Ft:, Drive x31, 6.20 15104 $28,2D Rufus Clyde 'Williams 20 27 .. . 50' Gutter Only % x44 $22.010 4520. 011 Rancho 0ae o 27 Sq Ft,, 'Drime 031 M7 050'10 $ 3M7 15 O.�, m �..ww __. .... � .,� ' �,� � "VENUE o 0 455° S� .mmlr "� 117N 11N1 1k'. 5A E�11 '�rE �" �^� 1111 .��V1� s �^ ^�°� rN1�111`N�".S1�1N ,�N"71«1�Y ,�Y N� �li1Nx ���„�. P-O7E 11111 1 0111 "i NUE. CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER 'LOT 8O1N"1.1NG 1llllTAG R". TE AMOMIT ASSESS rf+uNT NORTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION G.-. G. Williams 19 77._, .. 50' Gutter Only, .44 722.00 1201 E. Colvin Res 20 Sq. Ft. Drive Al 8.111 76104 $ 28.20 Walte r H. Clark 18 27 50' Gutter, Onl y .44 $22.00 a: hde:'1 Chadwick E . 74 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 15.74 1007 Penn St. 44.94, 76102 7 0' flutter., On,ly� $ �44 1,2.110 Lewis L. Bloc ;ea` 17 � 5 o� 953 E. Arlington Re7r. 22,,00 761,04 Berths 'Pearl Conley 16 27 5W Gutter Only a44 $22,00 857 E 11 1 ington Re . i 22.00 76'104 NEW' YORK AVENUE INTERSECTS SOUTH SIDE OFF' STY= HYDE PARK DD11:°:l:D1N Ji vwe,s Cash 1.5 58 50' Ctitte,r only 44 $12.1'lll 555 E, Arlington 11 0 22�00 76104 Donald T. Lyon 14 28n .mm 50' Gutter Only .4,4 $22.00 Nft � 15, Box 551-C 8e a 85 Sq,, Ft. Drive M. 26.35 76119 $ 48,,35 1.6 Lb11 t O t` � .:.,.N .����w 61—213 L. ..,.,I...gym. �I ..:,,.,.:... ..�T , ...,..._ , .,.,..,,.....� ..�:._,.e....,..� V .....m,... '0 � �'�� Offal 21841 1,553 PHASE �" '�"��� u1u�" �� ���.� ��� "�� AVENUE i 15821," SD��� r��A BLOCK, O'WNE'R LOT DO1ING FRONTAGE RATE 2„X1:102"'1" AS12" X2255'1: SOUTH SID'S 01' STREET '11tDD 'PARK ADDITION Thelma 1— Johnson 13 28 50' Gtitt r t,1n1.'R $ o44 $22..,00 948 E. Arlington Res. 22,00 ; 81.120 Frank E. Johnson 12 28�m 50' Gutter, Only $ �0 4 $22.00 1114 K. Arlington Rata'. 39 Sq. Rt. Drive 31 :12 05 76104 $ 24.011 A. D, Newton, ,Jr. 11 28 50" Gcitt er, Only $ e44 22.00 c o R. Pa Estes ies,w 55 Sq. Ft. Drive 031 12µ05 1105 Burk '.Btim tt Bldg. :11"�()9 18152 8 50' 0' t°.t r Only .44 $2291'10 Hr?�tµ 1a��t1. �1 Brown LO 2 .� c/o R„ P. Estes R 9 511 Sq. Ft. Drive 11 1 .09 1107 Burk Burnett Bldg. $ 34.09 "76102 0 8 28� 50,"' Gutter Only � 9�`4 22.00 Dorothy D �r� r1"1. 1 4 .� , 9'12 E. Arlington R a 47 Sq. Ft. Drive ,31 14.51 18104 2 36,,,57 Car"1 Barbee 8 28 500 Gutter Only 044 $22...00 828 E. Arlington ington R . o 25 Sq. Ft. Drive .33 7,13, 76104 $ 29. 13 17 PRO 1 NO () 21304-4553 ERMSE I' ECHO 1h 1i 12 5 EAST ARLINGTON �E.. .O 3 AVENISE (.m, NUTe, CONTINUED BLOCK O'WNER LOT ZON':1:11G iullk;kNTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOLTrH SIDE OF STREET 1iYDE PARS' ADDITION 2„ I— Phillips 7 28 50' Gutter, nlym $ .4 2 2.00 924 E. Arlington Eu o 85 Sq. Ft. Drive �31 2, 5 '76104 $ 48,35 Clarence 'Walker 6 26 5�0' Existing Facilities No Rssesi remu�nt, 92:2 E iirigton 61.04 Sam & 0. B. Estes 5 28 50' Frontage 11117 S,,mrk Burnett Bldg. tT 40' Gutter Only, ; . ism x;'1!.6 'rk 29,69 X12 '� Arlington Rn: .o., $ 22X0 1R01 Ytomnst 11i°11 Cis. Te"na $ 224cF;.°H fi,r k.old Sche i inn 2 26 0" Gutter Om7i'1.`1"" $ a4 $22,,1111 3504 Cordon 7� i1 2m1 Ft. Drive 4'31. 11.51 76133 $ 3161 "!l�2 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4553 PETASE IV ECHO, UNIT 51 EAST ARLINGTON AVENUE FROM EVANS AVENUE TAW YORK AVENIIE, CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSES34ENT SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Paul Wilson 1 28 12' Gutter Only $ .44 $ 5.28 213 Afton Road Comm. $ 5.28 76134 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS . . . . . . . . $ 850.00 TOTAL, COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH . . . . . . 19,071.32 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST, UNIT 5 $192921.32 19 J i`R1t,11„n i . _.— ..tl 4553 PHASE..'IV' ::..11� ����� �� �` �� �'��� A' �1 1llt37tnt1 �°rt"1'NU FROM -INT �'O K A V ,4,11 .. _. .. tr.Nw ...... .. 1° ST , W.Pv�j AVE't '1"E, t r °1. rn°-Ppe n:.onnrt;:r"nnn0..t 11 a t: l ch thick hot: ¢rt.�rn� �trspliialti � 111 11,"t� � t11"": „»��, r:r°ete snnnm:face cour'se on a 1: -inr°.h Lhick r°:emen� stabilized gravel, base artd N.�ry: rrn.uann°kt nuns � 1.nr,�: existing curb and gutter with truvtnn,.,:finich high concrete curb, and 11rht:een—.iirmlu, ;.°1de concrete p.ntter so that. the finished roadway will be twenty-six feet wide. ln'c:unnr mm loot wide si,dt.°urn l:1r and ir :_1rch thick cara ��t rr ta �na tn 'Ll be ost nr:ted where trrc,riled, BLOCK' OWNER LU'r ZONING y WrA" ry-q E l d'O l' AS SE,k nl i K X kb ltEl"t.1.11111:11t,, AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF EAST Rr]11'!.I1ON AVENUE rlbrro HW YORK AVE NUE C1;, Cl:. Wood Co. 36 38 ' Curb lt: Gutter n87 $43,,50 71 N. Beach St. S. :19" Sidewalk ,.1111 33n54 ,76M, 1:111 1'1 n1 °t Drive �:':11. 39.99 Grady Brown 35 . 50' Curb Gutter, e1 117' $43, 50 clo Ben Rubin Res. 85 Siq� Ft . Drive '31 26.35 11114 Autumn Drive 1 4.u9.85 76109 Ed arld 1.,ee Battles 23 411" Curl!) " ; Gutter $ 0111 tm.��50 1.1111'1 i Arlington r::...::°.,. ,86 11M:1d � � � Res. .l'1� Sidewalk: 1111.11.1 129 Sq. F t, Drive .31 39, 11:1 Willie Lorene Eagle 3 3 38 511' Gutter er Onnly $ °r44 $22.00 1117 Karla 11rtvnn 31, drl, Ft. Drivie 1:1:. "t,61 Nunnr'nnt`:;, Texas `1 3 4 61 760 53 ,�N�ma Albert Huey 32 38 50' Gunter, Onty $ m44 $22 ,00, ,3,01 Paraidise Res. 23 tq, Int. Drive o 31 71 3 76111 1:",'n 10 �a 1 l� HQ UNIT 6 ST 1 iw;, �.� VE'NU" FROK NEW ��aRK AkNEI IE 111- OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RA,TE AMOUIRT ASSESSMEI'Pr' NORTH SIDE O,F STREET HYDE PARK A11111:1;"1'11N E. V. Reid 31 311 500 Putter (')r0. P 44 $22w10 3032 Loci fta 23 Sq. Ft. Drive u 3'1 1. 13 76119 "1 2 9,1, f Marietta art tux 30 38�.�...v 511' Gutter Only .4 $22.00 NI1t4 2 1 31 "Sq. Ft. Drive 31 91,61 1 Brookfield, mo. $, 31 .61 I,eo 11,, Nash 29 38 50' Gutter Only e6 X44 $22,,00 76104 31.A 1 °1o'1atatalaMa,; 1°1a 'Ifunte % 28 38 5W Gut;t t Onl,y $ r 4 $22.00 1027' E. Arlington 1i 16 Sq,, Ft. DrI .611. 4.96 76104 $ 26.96 Bennie Jones 27 36 501 fSarettr, Only 1137 1» Arlington 1e-, . 16 1,341, Ft... Drive x31 4.96 Arnold chest: a , 26 38 50' Gutter ()nl $ ,nr°.4 $22.00 �r°,! f1'R0,XECT NO, 061-21304 45 OWN' `R LOS" WKIIlNC FRONTAGE RA T'' ,MOUNI" A' SES mKlr".'T'r NORTH SIDE OF STREET EE HYDE PARK M.RD°R R""R'6µ1N 1101. E. ,�R i gin, t Onn Ri, n un . Rn,R . ^"R' . Drive a31 12.09 76104 $ 34.09 Sammy Bnss 24 Arlington ���..w ED' Gutter Only . R "22, au� � a ,u � Drive 5 R . 9,.61 610 $ 31a61 c/o Conner & Rusaell 39' Sidewalk .86 33,,54 6431 G l nn rt'i n ox Drive 129 Sri i, 'R t. Drive a 31 3M9 Dell-as, Texas $117 0 75214 1,1107 Burk. Burnett Bldg. 7';r 0 o Marvtn F. fanner & Co,, RRes. 16 Sq. Ft., Drive $ ,3 $ nu.'9 14,1.r° M a I n"rA 1 1 1 1 Adolpdiyas Tower `R; ,a,wu q va,'NO2 22 PROJECT NO. AVENUE FROM NEWYOU' ANENUE OWNER Lar Z ON ING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUN'T' A S S 1K S S"911 NT E OE`7'`H SIDE OF STREET HF"t.1'F PARK, ADDITION Easer, Rovinsky & 20 38 50", Gutter Only 44 $22M Arvie Cooper 16 Sq Ft , Drive 31 4.96 4150 Sarita $ 26,96 7E7, 9 Clarence Bell 19 38 50' Gutter Only $ .44 �`�22,00 320 E. L3th Street 76102 MISSISSIPPI, AVENUE INTERSECTS SOV,Y17H SIDE OF' E" F.EE"r HYDE PARK ADDITION 76104 Leon Williams 17 37 50' Cutter, Only $ 44, $2LOO 11,20 E. Arlington i S.._. 7 61,04 $ 29.13 7 ,1. .is McGrew, Jr. 16 3 7 50' 7uxl) & Cutter $ 87 $4).50 11,16 E. Arlington 85 Sq a Ft , E r i ^e 1 26-35 Eddie B. Green. 15 3"7 50' Gutter Only $ a44 $22a00 11,E E., t' .nEt E aE" 8 S . Ft. Drive 1 2,48 2::7 ar^ �, w��w .m 1i iN 7i1i2 F' "RAN Y�J� b�i1, w1 g41 21,1Q1 5 - ii1 1 . . � ..� .W..,. � ����� 111x" 1 � 7u ""~u i211NiW .:�:� w. ��...�,...-�.�.���.,.. �- �..,. d ��, �,.. 1,.111" i1 1 µ41 1..4iu„;;.K 17'i7'.10 LOT ZONIilu.;,' R NITAGIE RA,rE AMOUN"17 ASSE 7 ME ,r 1 MY1`H ” u41`' ", g u1 HYDE PARK ADDITION DaauMel Las Simmons 14 37„w...... 50, Cutter Only 44 $2�i.00 11,08 '�^« Arlington iL u , 23 Sq. . Drive, �31 7 1.3 76104 $ 29. 13 J. A. R1gney 142 7 21i a iiuui e My A4 $22.00 00 P.V Box 214 Res, 23 Sq. Ft. 7iriv TM'i1. 7J3 Keller, Texas $ 29.13 WIllie Lee Allen 12 3'7 10a Gutter i1u"ul 1 A4 $22x»00 11.1111 g,, Arlington 77 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 7.1.3 76104 S 29.13 1 '7 111' Gutter Only $ a44 �i'�;�'7:.00 Elijah Collins �:�1 1 1040 E. Arlington 111 1,11 1'i.. i"aw°ri.v a:11 4 ,96 0104 26.96 Juu:snettu„u '1homas, 10 37 50' Gutter Only $ ,,44 $'22,,,00 6516 Rolling Hills 7i a 1.1 A. 34 24. Ft, Drive 4°2I. 12.09 76119 $ ':4 09 William F. Bowman 9 27 50' Gutter Diva12, $ A.4 $22.00 1D32 E. Arlington i 1 S q. Ft. Drive �"11. 9�111 76104 $ 31.61. '24 PROJECT' HOld 4,9 @, p061-21304,-4553 ,.PHASE o on,NO„"•61N� UNIT 1 P. .�d n J h YU A�.o� o-._ BLOCK OWM R LOT ZONING t cO'NTA,(z E RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT S01,7'H S I"E Of' ST'RE'S`T HYDE PARK ADDIT]'O Elizabeth Cl,ay 8 tea Cutter Only $ .44 $22.00 76104 L. '. Robin5on 7 37 501 Cutter Only $ . $22.00 .0fit 1,107 Burk Burnett Bldg. $ M13 Napoleon Freeman 6 37 500 Gutter Only $ A4 $22.00 ,5715 "'t'tuu ma Drive "7 fit . Ft. Drive 3 1. 14 57 76112 $ 36.57 tau,,vid & Ethel Freeman 5 �37.,.._.F 50' Gutter m .tuts $7'.1.00 101,8 E. Arlimgton m 76104 29.13 You Albert 'Huey 4 37, 50' Gutter Only $ Q44 $22,00 01, Parutdtttu t t . 31, tq w "t:. Drive q 3,L 1 76111 3 1 61 a,,!t Warner 3 3 7 50' Cutter Only .44 $22.00 1803 Hill Valley Dr. 10 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 4.96 MM` 26�VL PROJECT NO,,,, 061-21304-4553 PHASE IV ECHO UNIT 6 EAST A14LINGTON w 'VE FROM NMW t" AVENUE .�..a.... PPP mm AVENUE CORD ME' B1,OC'K SOUTH 5 IDE OF STREET H'YDE PARK ADDITION Arnold Schectman 2 37 50' Curb & Gutter $ 87 $4 1.50 3504 Cordone i ,.�„. 1613°3 69.85 1128 Puu,'i o i i, °...W 76104 TOTAL COST TO CITY OF" FORT WORI'll 2, V72 2 9, TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSITUCTION t(ST",,,, UNIT Ui I PROT,Flr'T No,µ.* , , b - 4 �. E W .. fW..: w.. .".. . . DAVIS. A ,No � FROw M. m ,.,...ORL A TS Am Em,Nm,.I".I'E L .. Oi Xvi EP to be imp ting us one azuf u"umusu,-half inch t:i°vick hot,,mix asphaltic surface course on existing concrete avid by aecon. it ucting defective curb ,rend gutter with asss,us- .ssch high concrete cub and p Coot wide concrete gutter, so that the finished sousdw;(u,iy ss5l.'l be twenty-six feet aide. "ciot w1de concrete sidewalk and six,—ismoh thick concrete driveways a5'l.'l b e constructed a8« ?,,:c apec .lend„ BLOCK OWNER LO, ' ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMEIRT, BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF EAST DAVIS AVEMIE AND NEW ORLEANS AVENUE NORTH SIDE OF' STREET 0'E PARK ADDIT ION No N. Reynolds 408 15 ..w" 58' Frontage 155,5 Gamb el Res. 8 Sq. 51t. Drive o;3 a 8.99 56155 8�N5 1ott.le Cowart 407 15 Drive 50' Existing Facilities No A s rwt � _ d 519 5sv � 1s e s a 761'18 Edd Westbrook 406 15 50" Existing Facilities No Asses ot. 805 E. 0 ° i4 . .Vw, 76104, Dewey Buck 405 15..,_�... 50' Existing 5oss11.t,iesc No Asscs,sts,nt 829 E w Da is 16'1,0 Nsthun Clark, 404 1'5 50' 5ranxt seas 1.01.1, E. Davis Esu, a 08 Sq m Ft. Drive $ .31 8.99 76104 8.99 Milburn & Jennie 408 15 50' Frontage Wt°,bps &fin 8 28 N8. Ft. Drive �, �`. 1 1j 8,811 9050 S. Emerald 8.99 Chicago, 111� 05 � a PROJECT NO 061­,21304-4553 PHASE ." ECHO UNIT,..7.�a.EAST DAVIS AVENUE FROM NEW ORIZANS N AVE E N 4I ��� .e. BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FROtrl"AGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT NORTH S rDE Of' STREET HYDE PARK ADDIT1,0N Du.a ne Jsahnsasn 405 95 50' xisstirig Facllitles No As;sammr+sKiteYit 4100 Clayton Road W 7 116 Levr:ster 'E. Morgan 401 15 ExAsting Y,'acilitles No Assesaywie at 7 6104 Savarnah Edwards 400 15 507 Existing Facilities No Assessment 849 45 b Davis 761,0 A. 15, Greet 000 15 67.5' Existing Facill.ties No Assss.slsmeat, 2010 'Trsswanrsant aan �s„ 76107 SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK. ADDITION Mrs,,., a5 n H. Writers . 98.5' 1.,4..__ 82' L s i s i n Facilities No 5r a a�s m re nt 355 Belhyena of u"0ressm '16134 Lot 398 'erne Lee Beaver "7 1.4 .50' Frontage 846 E. iavla i(76,µ 50 S0, Ft , Drive .31. 5.95 'S Asusos 396 L4 50' Faaromzaaag 76105, $ 8.99 0 d , C� U' 0 BLOCK S,,,0UTH'_,2 DE OF STREET HYME PARK ADDITION J. L. Kirchner 395 �. 50' Existing g aaaailiti ,,s No A,,, ass sruuem', Rt 1, Box 207-K Azle, Texas 6020 Mary 14 50w Existing acilities No A a!aea1.waaaaant & Willie Simmons Us& 33 E. Davis 16104 Chanie Sledge 393 14,.w 30' Existing `�auw~i�.�:i�ies o ��seas�saaAent 832 E. Davis 76104 Lola Bell Young 392 14.., ,, 50' Frontage 28 E. Davis e, . 29 Sae Ft. Drive $ ,31 r 8, 14"#' 76104 0.99 0, Sao Co, 50' F �anaaa:a ge . 9I � a Beach St. ear ,. as'�.�'�. a a 7 �,,ondell Wsllace .1390 14 651 Frontage wu � fide) 6 E. aaa"ning i e Dr. �~t.e a� 29 Sq. Ft. Drove 8 .31 8.99 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS . . . . . . 71.9Z TOTAL COST TO CIT? OF FORT WORTH .21221112 TOTAL EST10TED CONS TRUCTI()N COST, 'UNrr 7 1�2A- 29 PROJI M111"S9 LEE"w " m y constructing ,a one and one bf, 1 n this u � ��. Improved ' . seep ak k:`c concrete surface course on existing concrete tee louse and by reconstructing defective, ir e, c°t.as;kaa arid gutter with seven-inch high concrete to cu and two-foot two-foot wide concrete utter, so thw� re. t1aea finished roadway will be thirty feet wide.. Four-foot wide concrete t sidewalk and ;e ku x.irr 0a thick uw^uuncre to rivewa,y, will be u:oneat.aa.ne~ ed where e as eere"ified. BLOCK BEGINNING AT THE NURTHEAST CORNER OF EAST DAVIS AVENUE AND EVANS AVENUE Jo hn Lillie, �" 100' ua�ka��:in "'asn.ub �vies� No a'�,usseeussmeeu°,dr 956 y H Marion,, ewes 76104 Arnold Schectman 28 28 50' Frwange 3504 Cordone i_e aT 39' Sidewalk $ 86 $33.54 76133 55 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 17.05 50.59 Sgt. Joseph Hines 27 28 50® Existing Facilities No Assesar,+rirwan 913 E. Davis 761: Rudolph Wilson 26 28 504 Exiwting Facilities No k s seear, eu4°wt 917 & Davis 76104 Burleson Dairy o 8 g Sales, Inc. „ s i e S k d ewa S a $ ak $43.00 yt� 2, Box 396 W 43.00 Burleson, Texas 76028 Emma Sue Ruckabee 24 28 501 Frontage 3008 Sandage TV& 39' Sidewalk $ .06 $33.54 Y) P Fl RQMC'T_Y� PHASE IV' 9(1140 UN'IT B,, EAST DAV rS AVENM` 'FROM, EVAM3 AVENUE TO RT . ................................. .................w.-.«»... ............................................. ........................... i73 3iPF11 A'VENUE 100MUNUi HLOCK QWNFR LOT ZONING FRONI'AC"Z RATE A,MOUN"r ASSESSMENT SOUTH STDE OF STREET fjYDE PARK ADDPf ION E. 1- O'Grady 23 28 5l0' Frontage Trust No. 1964 34 Sq. Elt. Drive 3 $10.54, c/o Fort Worth Nat'l. Bank 10"54 P,,O,, Box 2050 16 101 Roosevelt Jones 22 28 50' Frontage $ c/o Arthurlyn Williams 27 Sql, Ft. Drive 3 $ 8,,3 7 933 E, Davis $ 8,,37 76104 Easer Rovinsky & 21 28 50' Frontage Arvie Cooper 0 39' Sidewalk $33,54 4150 Sarita 118 Sq. Ft. Dril,le 3 1. 36.58 '76109 $ 70.1,,2 p,etty Xuth Taylor 20 28 50' Frontage 3428 E. Rosedale —e 39 Sidewalk 76105 77 Sq. Ft . Dri,�P,e 31 23.87 $ 5% 1 jlamt,s R. Freeman 19 28 50' Existing facilites No Aseeosvi*nt c/o Joe M. 'Wilhams Ti,le--9 Rt. 3, 'Box 31. ?6134 Joe M, Williams 18 & 28 75' Frontage Rt. 3, Box 31 W. We a' 6141 Sidewalk $ .86 $55.04, 76134 of 118 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 36�58 Lot 17 $ 91,62 PROJECT NO 061-21304-4,5532 x`11 li, 7 a 77i,�a U1 T 77 E 7 DAMS AVENUE 7E VANS EN11 7("a _ _ ,....... _.�. .. �...,� w.. .. w ' 11 ,1'; . iv 'U'"' C­-0­—N'-,r' �� µ 7E BLOCK. OWNER 11 ° ZONING P RQNTA,GE RATE a7'EOUNT 7WSSES S IIEK7" SOUTH SIDE OF STREET RYDE PARK ADDITION 75' Frontage 957 E,, De via E. Evv a 75' Sidewalk r '86 $64.50 76104 of $ 7;M4.,513 Lot 17 NEW Y()RK AVENUE m u cr W, S. Brent 36 3,7 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment 1,005 E. Davis 76104 Ears. Eunice Waters rs 35 37 50' Frontage a!o E. G Parker Eavv., 75' Sidiewal,k $ 86 $:w0. 1,0 7°7 r,vs Nkat"°I,x Bank 30.10 76101 Clark Nathan a 50' 7ront E1 E. Davis D e, 9' Sidewalk $ .86 '3 7„54. 7 a'10 4 96 Sq. FE Drive 9 7 6 !�wi '7.'7."317.p Nathan Clark, 3 37' Ft,v tE al ,„EE $33.54 10131 7ea 76704 32 Eq« Ft. Drive '3 1, 9,9'2 Nathan .., rob a 7 7E P7 E Davie .s, s 7vv v 7 7 .86 $ 7 1�8 76104 °77 ,7 a 3 2 " ( pwa . 61 .' 0 - 553 T ,e i .�. ,. � Ow ��AS,,� Y IS A.�� I � w..�FROM �16 AVENUE �.O R1 ISSIPPI AVELNUE_,CONTINUED BLOCK OWNIER LOT ZO t7'NG FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSES9'M'I°7d'T SOUTE SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK A.DD7 :°ION Nathan Clark 31 37 50' Frontage 7.01" E. Davis Avk ,, Res.. 41' ',I idew lA 6 $35,;,,26 76104 $ 35.26 Leona M. Adema 30 3 7 500 Frontage 2340 Linda Dane Res. 99' ;S l de ma $ .a 315 $33.54 79179 32 Sq. Ft. Drive M 9,k9'I 43.46 Dellie Evans 79 37 9 E. Davis ey , Frontage 1.00 �,,.. :ffi 9�9� 17ar, $ .36 $: 3.9 791.04 33.54 m Rrne 28 37 1033 E. Davis ..D. 47' Sidewalk $ .99 $36.98 0104 $ 36,98 Arlene Jackson 27 3,7 501 Existing FaciLfties NO Amsemnen't 10"7'''7 Ei, 'Davis R e 79104 7 m eh W, Latty 26 37 v.,. 00' Existing Facilities No A, ; ermmmmmen 1041 E. DavisR . ';r 7)'7,04 33 PROJECT' NO. 061-21304-4553, PHASE IV ECHO, UNIT 8: EAST DAVIS AVENUE FROM EVANS AVENUE TO MISSlSSIPPI AVENUE, 0ONTIMED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Connie M. Lyons Powell 25 37 50 ' Frontage 1101 E. Davis Res . 351 Sidewalk $ .86 $ 30.10 76104 43 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 13.33 $ 43.43 Coriel Wilson 24 37 501 Frontage 1104 E. Davis Res . 39 ' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 33.54 76104 $ 33.54 Grover C. Houston 23 37 501 Frontage 1109 E. Davis Res . 391 Sidewalk .86 $ 33.54 76104 $ 33.54 Bertha Pamilton 22 37 501 Frontage 2625 Rodeo mss 391 Sidewalk $ .86 $ 33.54 76119 23 Sq. Ft. Driveway .31 7.13 $ 40.67 Robert Henderson 21 37 501 Frontage 2765 Glen Garden Dr. Res . 391 Sidewalk $ .86 $ 33.54 76119 118 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 36.58 $ 70.12 34 � . . a .�, � � AS DAVIS 5VENI1L FROM EVANS AVENUE TO ° C .ri'' �. „21304w4553 PI. E '15111�55'1 'S°� "REIICYE CONTINUED ���.� ,� � ..�,. . BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSES" NT S0U1111 SIDE OF STREET RY'DF 'PARK ADDITION Otis Love 20 37 „ 50' Existing Facilities No Asseasm rr°t 1220 Ea Marion Res. 710 - Robert Charles Henderson 19 37. .. 50' Ewi,nowt:i.oR. Facilities Sw,aaessnic,'it, 1125 E. Oav1s Ind. 16'104 11"1SSI,SS'1P'PI AVENUE INTERSECTS Roosevelt Haynes 16 30 ... 50' Frontage 1124 Ea Davis Rae., 0' Sidewalk ,11E $39.56 76104 $ 39,56 tll,iaaa D. Baloos 17 30 50' Frontage 1120 E. 'Davis Res. 39a sidewalk , ,SS $33.54 16104 115 S . Ft. llw°:"ive .51 36, 58 . 7o„12 0 50' f,"ront:age � l�e'1'��.1e E�a Cooper 15 3,6 50' 11,16 E� 'Davis e,—e., 39rr SIwoewawl'S, $ .86 $33A54 6104 11.6 Sq., 'St.. 11x1°ae .31 36.58 Lawaid 1 . Brown 15 36 50' Frontage 11'121 Ea Davis Res. 50' Sidewalk .111 $33.5 761.04 1.15 Sql Ft.. Driveway 31 35.58 $ 70.12 35 PROJECT NO. 061-21.304-4553, PRASE TV ECHO, UNIT 8: EAST DAVIS AVENUE FROM EVANS AVENUE TO MISSISSIPPI AVENUE, CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Charles J. Moore 14 36 50' Frontage 1108 E. Davis Res. 35' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 30.10 76104 43 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 13.33 $ 43.43 Howard Brown 13 36 50' Frontage 1104 E. Davis Res. 35' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 30.10 76104 32 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 9.92 $ 40.02 William A. Jones, Jr. 12 36 50' Frontage 1100 E. Davis Res. 39' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 33.54 76104 43 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 13.33 $ 46.87 Agnes Brown 11 36 50' Frontage 1040 E. Davis Res. 39' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 33.54 76104 43 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 13.33 $ 46.87 B. Annie M. Green 10 36 50' Frontage 1036 E. Davis Res. 40' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 34.40 76104 $ 34.40 36 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4553, PHASE IV ECHO, UNIT 8: EAST DAVIS AVENUE FROM EVANS AVENUE TO MISSISSIPPI , COTTMETT BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Madam Rosa L. Allen 9 36 50 ' Frontage 1032 E. Davis Res . 40 ' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 34.40 76104 $ 34.40 Bertha L. Harrison 8 36 50 ' Frontage 1028 E. Davis Res . 39' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 33.54 76104 $ 43.46 W. M. Peavy 7 36 50 ' Frontage 2208 Hudson Res . 39' Sidewalk $ .86 $ 33.54 76103 118 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 36.58 $ 70 .12 B. M. Green 6 36 50' Frontage 1020 E. Davis Res . 27 Sq. R. Drive $ .31 $ 8.37 76104 $ 8.37 Henry T. Wise, Jr. 5 36 50' Frontage 1016 E. Davis Res. 34 Sq. Ft. Drive $ .31 $ 10.54 76104 $ 10.54 Nathan Clark 4 36 50' Frontage 1013 E. Davis Res. 20 Sq. Ft. Drive $ .31 $ 6.20 76104 $ 6.20 37 w PROJECT � _._°... ., P , 061-21304-4553, 0�;t511 _PI 5' ._1 EAST DAVIS NNRN�. �����'��� ��?OY50�d 1 �Vl ' N1511 ° " ' AVENUE g CONTINUED BLOCK K () '°I"M'R LOT ZONIING FR0Nm,',,E R A""E AMOUNT ASSESS)G1N"[' SO' T11, SIIXE 01' STREET HYDE 'SARK ADDITION Denver Russell 3 35 _.. 50' Frontage 100E En Davis Res. 15' Sidewalk >SR 1330. 10 111,04 "7 Sq. Nt. Driv 3'1 33.81 l ": Cp Rossie Lee Floyd 2 30._.. 50' 'Frontage 1004 E. Davi s 35' Sidewalk $ „311 $33.54, 081,04 10 Sq. Ft. Drive a31 6.20 �33„'S gym. Fi,ances Miller 1 30 50' Frontage 1000 'E� Davis Res. 6' Sidewalk .86 $"'9..56 511100 $39.56 NEW YORK AVENUE INTERSECTS Nathan Clark 15 29 50' Exi t1.nR Facilities No Assessment '1013 E. Davis 511'104 E. Wood, Jr. & 14 _29 50' Frontage M, W' W vast., d R 44' Sidewalk $ .80 $37.84 1.3 N. Beach 05 Sq. F't. D lve .31 20.15 16111, $57.99 Em 0. Wood, Jr, 13 I'_ 50' Frontage 111 N. Beach Rio 4,4' Sidewalk S .86 $3,7,84 `101"1,1. 65 11'3 'Ft. Drive �31. I0n15 $5'1 �1t3 18 ` w m PROJECT 00 06l 1 04 4553 11 018818 �111n1 WEIEIE,d COM'`INUED BLOCK OWWWR LOT 701 "` F8OYI'A E RATE SSE SSMT N'l,' la0l!`-H Q11;.DE OF STREET &1"1"'O'ln 1nWTIT Rad Le W. Shannon 12 29 50' 11misting Facilities No Assessment 944 E. Davis Re 761..04 Theo la Holland 11 E9 80' Froma8 1001 E. Bowie WT-." 1.4 S . Ft, Drive $ 31 „ 4,34 04 78104 $ 4.34 W. M. Eanry 10 20�..�. 501 Existing Facilities No Asse eme nt 2108 Hudson 76103 o Onn 10 9 In 80' ow E C/o W. Haas E 0. 14 Sq. Pt. Drive At $ 4.34 2,841 E" 81'0 1 � ,°w�n� Okla. 74105 Adrian Davis 8 29 .... 50' 0rvo10 848 0 7nry Lan e 14 Sq, Ft. Drive ,,31 4,34 no ie Sewell 7 n �� E^nnm nEe 924 E lr ;o . 1 Sidewalk .86 q 104 1'° ,1ua 11'1. ll,oyd Ea Solomon 6 29 50'N E i"ing Facilities No Agse a nuwrn 820 E, Davi it"M „ 6104 39 P TEC O. 061-21304,4553, PHASE I ECHO T 8 "ST DAD[� VEN11 FROM EVANS AVENUE O N1`tS'1SSIERI A�JENUE. CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRON"1'AGE RATE AMOUNT ASSES S'tENT SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDaTION Henrye Marie Taylor 5 29 50' 'Exist ng Faci'l .ties No A B fii e.vsme nt 916 E. Davie Res. 7'61.04 Annie Kate Jackson 4 29 501 Existing Faci itss No Assessment 912 E. Davis Res. 5x.0 , r x°,aout�hside Christian 3 29 50° Existing R`ac 1iftes No A�risess ms^nt, Trust Res. 910 E. Davis 9104 Mrs. Grace Hansen 1 & 29 100' 1Frontage 4412 Summercrest 2 Comm. 75' Sidewalk .86 $64.50 16109 1.03 -5 . Ft,, Drive 3L 33.55 $9,7,98 TOTAL Con TO PRO'SERTY ('WERS . . . . . . . 2,,O33,85 TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH . . . . . . 4,7 X702"7 3, TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . $419�7.36, 61 40 PROJECT NO. 06141304-4553, PHASE IV ECHO UNIT 9- EAST HARVEY AVENUE FROM NEW ORLEANS AVENUE EVANS AVENUE, to be improved by_�_Onstructing inch—thick hot-ilix aSPITW177 ETF'73-5FF—etestrf ace course on existing concrete base and by reconstructing defective curb and gutter with seven-inch high concrete curb and two-foot wide concrete gutter, so that the fin-, ished roadway will be twenty-six feet wide. Four food wide concrete sidewalk and six-inch thick concrete driveways where specified. BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING rRONTAf,'vE RATE AMOK NT AS�ISESSMEFT BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF EAST HARVEY AVENUE AND NEW ORLEANS AVEqUE NORTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Morris Williams 378 14 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment c/o Allene Callaway 3420 Denton Highway 76117 ?Jinor Brown 377 141 50° Frontage 831 Ea8t Harvey Rrsm 26 Sq. Ft. Drive $ 31 8.06 76104 $ 8006 Myrtle Cogb1an 376 14 502 Existing Fsciliti&g No Assessment c/o losephine Register Res,. 2314 Columbus 76106 John H. Sparks, 111 375 14 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment 2400 Ludelle Res, 761,05 Ramon Cabrera 374 14 5O' 'Frontage 841 E. Harvey 35 Sq. Ft. Driveway $ 031 $10085 $I0,85 76104 F_ H. Huckabee, Yr. 373 14 50' Frontage 5512 Winifred Dr. ie.....s`­.' 35 Sq. Ft. Drive $ .31 $10.85 $10.85 76133 41 PRO,JE0°1' DO, 061-21304-455,4.L ,.�lkr �I, a �,�w�9 AST ''.�_�F......�� ORLEANS NUE BLOCK 4SS 1'3k��� � ' `�"°DO IYS�2° 3o D� �'� AFt ;6S A��ly �°�Olt y"� O "S�DAIS w. OWNER LOT 2053 ;, F S.0 NTA,m'Z RATE AMOUNT AS1D3;1u332,11,,1 NOXTH SIDE OF STREET ITY'DE 'PARK ADDITION Jerry Van Johnson 372 14 50' Frontage $49 E. Harr ��.� �y � 7° Slmlra'1 $ a$6 6002 '761.04 44 Sq. Ft:. Drive .31 13.64 $19,611 22.70 Evans Averme 1 �„,... _,.. a 50° S1,.2a1k $ a$6 ' 43400 26104 288 Sq. Ft. Drive �31 89.28 $132.28 EVANS AVENUE INTERSECTS SOUTH S'I'DE OF STREET ltamnnl.e l mm9ry 369 1.3 58' Existing Fracilities No As8esamezxt 1.41.1 Main s t r � t "361.02 lug B. Beasley 366 .3 50 Frontage 547 S. Riverside Dr. .µ 45° Sidewalk a$6 $38.10 261.04 "3$a0 Beasley 367 13 50' fr.ontage 547 S. Riverside Dr. 391 Si36rwmal,S. $ a$6 $13.54 3 61,.04 112 Smlo Ft. "Drive o'31 22.32 $55$6 Patricia Hobson 366 13 50' Prontage 1150 E. Harvey '39° lmi.dewalk $ b$6 $33.54 761.04 !'2 Sq. Ft. Drive q31 22,32 2 55.$6 42 PROJECT W. A,.._._..,, ._. _.IT� ,.,W. .EAST.�..H HARVEY o. �AVENUE FROM NEW ORLEANS, AVENUE �°RO,SEO� NO, 06�. ��.­ � n �'`� DoE k W' L�: UNIT R��."� A`VE `SO E 'AN8 AVENUE OONTINUUED �,..� . . B"LOCK OWNER LOT ZON'IN'G FRO IAGE f l"TE AMOUNT ASSESSWWT SOUTH S 31JE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Bryan Sellers 365 �:. �..._ 50' Fro�rtege 800 Minden keg , 35° Sidewalk $ 086 30. 7'6 1,10 7'2 Sq Ft. Drive o31 22.32 X52,4'2 Case Bingham 364 13 w.. 50' ku,.r„ontage P.O. Box 741 Reao 22 Sao Rt„ Dr1ve $ ,31 6082 Cle urne, Texas $ 6083 Merdict4 Mearlon 363 13 50' Frontage 838 E. Harvey 41' Sidvwalk $ ,86 $35.26 76104 72 ':SqA 'i"t Drive , 1 SS 32, $57.58 Homer McKinnon :363 1...3.. ..,, 50' i`rorktage Rt o 2, Box '75 Re:a, 39' Sidewalk .86 $ "3' 54 Kaufman, Texas 64 S , Vt. 'DrAve .31 198 84 $53.38 A. J. Autrey 360 & k3 87' 1`z„ontage 2532 O"k.encreet 36 1 Reee 75' 1,-lidewaS4: 086 $64.50 76119 $64n50 TOTAL c 05'J.'" "ro,FROP RS OWNERS o o o a a a $ 566,82 TOTAL COST 'T O G;T`k''k OF FORT WOR"k"1 o u a o o �13�2-62�9 k TOTAL ESTIMATED COI STR'U "5'iO6 COST, kkNIT 9 a o i�829aW75 4 PROJECT NO. 061--21304-4553 P11_A,3'E IV ECH0,_gL11 EAST HARVEY AVENUE FROM EVAN S AVENUE TO YORK AVENUE, to be improved by constructing a one and one-half inch thick hot-mix asphaltic concrete surface course on existing concrete base and by reconstructing defective curb and gutter with seven-inch high concrete curb atrid two-�foot 'wide concrete gutter, so that the fin- ished roadway will be twenty-six feet wide. Four-foot wide concrete sidewalk and six-Inch thick concrete driveways swill be constructed where specified, BLOCK OWNER LOT' ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT EGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF EAST HAR'VEY AND EVANS AVENUE NORTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Calvin Littlejohn S. 50' 29 100' Frontage 901 E. Harvey Av°e. of :Lots &�'M­fl­l 66 Sq, Ft. Drive $ 431 $20.46 76104 29 & 30 $20x46 John Lillie, Jr. 28 29 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment c/o 0. L. Autrey 6017 Wailera 76133 John Lillie, Jr. 27 29 50® Existing Facilities No Asoessinent c/o, 0. L. Autrey Res. 6017 Wallen 7 6133 John Lillie, Jr. 26 19W. 50' Ex.iisting Facilities No Asa essawnt c/o 0. L. Autrey 6017 Wallen 76'l.33 Alex Rawls 25 29 50' Frontage 6163 Meandering Road lies, 16 Sq. Ft. Drive $ .31 4.96 7'6°114 $ 4,96 11,ee Watrous 24 29 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment 925 E. Harvey 76104 44 PROJECT_. 06 1-2 3g - 5�L *'� *a °iY V-,rHD,D 0 "iI tD. EAST HARVEY AVENUE FEGYPT EVANS AVENUE TO T'�EW-YORK AVENUE _ 0 "i 1MED BLOCK OWNER LOT D id ERONTAOE RATE TRATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT NORTH 3 ODE OF STREET '.DE PARK ADDITION ,Yssss ie ,Miles- 23 29 50' Frontage c/o Louise F. Williams Re�4,o 39 Sq. P't. Drive ;°„ .31 $12.09 2712 Frazier $1209 761'10 Rosh.. Smith 22 29 50° Erow,itag=: 316 F Sycamore 39 5a Ft. Drive ff,, r12..0 Gr,aand P,"orks AFE, N.D, ri,2.09 58201 Bobby L. Barrow 21 29 50' Fron�tage 331 Devine Dr. Res. 39 5 0 'Ft. 'Driv 31. $12.09 76118 $12. :9 H. S. Douglass 20 i'.9 50° Frontage Clayton Road W. Res„Q.. E5 5 d data Drive '031 26o35 J6i "ro 26.35 Rufus Lee Henderson 19 29.. 50° Existing sing 'Facllit ss No Assessment 2713 S. Jones Re�u 76,104 Earn L. Hayes 18 2.. .�,., 500 E i t.issR f4cilities No Asis sso ri 949 E. 1°1, rya' R'ar 76104 45 PROJECT NO. 061- EAST HAKVE'Y AVENUE FROM EVANS AVENUE TO OW'NE LC'11° ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESS "E " WORTH d1`105 OF STREET 11100 PARK ADDITION Earlie Lehosla Owens 17 29 50' Frontage 993 E. harvey 14 Sq 'Ft. Drive . 1. $22.91 161,04 $22.94 Uugene Rice 16 29 50' Frontage $ 95'1 Harvey i 14 9;qa lata Drive 11 $22.94 16104 $22.94 NEW YORK AVENUE INTERSECTS 900"lH 01'°05 OF STREET 5 3 500 Existing "9a�a ilit1. ;a o Assessment George Watson �..� �_. 956 E. Ifaar°vey "161.04 Gladys M a Williams 1.4 30 50' Frontage 952 E. Harvey ic-111-, 399 Sidewalk .86 $33.54 76104 44 Sq. Ft. Drive 1 10064 $47a18 R. V. Cannon 13 30 50' Frontage 1901 ("Palvez S 39 0V Ft. Drive $ .31 $IM9 761,11. $12.09 Rannie Austin, ,Jr. 12 30 50' Frontage 944 E. Harvey 6.a s4 39 Sq. Ft. Drive $ .31. $12.09 76104 $12.09 46 ......... PROJECT NO, 061-21304-4553 ,,IT '10: EAST,' HARVEY AVEMYE FROM EVANS AVENUE ,ro Rid-R-iY-.'-lV—ENuE conimun OWNER LOT ZONING FROUrAGE RATE AMOUNT Assmsmgmr SOUTH SIDE OF' STREET HYDF, PAEK ADDITION John Nelson 11 30 50' Fz"ontage 940 E. Harvey 16 Sq. Ft. Drive 'S 31 $ 4.96 76104 4,,96 Clarence Jackson 10 30 50 'Frontage $ c/o Grady William; Re rq 23 Sq. Ft. Drive $ 7.13 2,712 Frazier 7.0 76110 E, 00 Wood Co. 9 30 50' Frontage 712 N. Beach Re s. 23 Sq. Ft,, Driv�,,, .31 7.13 76111 $ 7,,13 L. R. Bruner 8 30 50' Fr a ontge 5754 Blueridge Dr. it-T." 23 Said Ft. DTive °31 7.13 76112 $ 7.13 Louise F. Williams 30 50' Frontage 2712 Frazier 1.6 Sq. Ft. Drive °31, $ 4.96 76110 4,.96 Clara Johnson 6 30 50' �ron,.tage 920 E. Harvey 16 Sq. Ft. Dtive $ a 3,1 $ 4096 76104 4.96 47 ?R0,,JECT NO. 061-21304-4553, §,F f�HO N�X, 10- EASr 101MY AVIMUF FROM FVANS AVENNUI TO YORK AVENUE, C"ONTINUED b LOC K OWNER LOT ZONING FROUrAGE RATE AMOlUl NT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE OF SMEET INDE PARK ADDITION Jimmie Lou ThomAs 5 30 50' Frontage 1101 Woodland —9 16 Salo Ft. Drive 3,�. 4.96 76110 4.96 Church of the 3 K 100' Frontage IlL,iV tng God 4 76' Sidewa'dk �86 $65a36 4.301 Evans Ave. 276 Sq. into lbxi,ve .31 85.56 7b 104 $150 92 Church of the I & 30 100' f I rontsge Living God 2 '16° S i d ewa I k 086 $65.36 2301 Evans Ave. 222 Sqa Ft. Dri,+je- 111 68x82 76104 $134.18 TOTAL 'COST TO PIROPER'rl OWNERS . . . . 531.61 TOTA-`,', COST M C111 UP' FORT WORTH, 24 5'S80 79 TOTAL ESTIM.41"ED CONS TR I UCT1,0N COST' a o a a Lll-,,�22)z2aA2 48 PRO,JECT NO. 061-21304-4553, PHASE IV ECHO U'NIT 11: EAST HARVEY AVENUE FROM NEW YORK AVEPTUE MISSISSIPPI AVENUER to be improved by cons truc t iziwg a one and one-half inch thick hot-mix sPhel.tic concrete surface course on existing concrete base and by reconstructing defective curb and gutter with seven-inch high concrete curb and two-foot wide concrete gu.tter, so that the finished roadway will be twenty-six feet wide. Four-foot wide concrete sidewalk and six- inch thick concrete driveways will be constructed where specified, BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONINC FRON",'"AGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF EAST HARVEY AVENUE AND NEW YORK AVENUE NORTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION James T. Gaskin 36 36 50' Sidewalk $ 086 $43 00 1005 E. Harvey $43000 76104 lames 1. Gaskin 35 36 50' Frontage ­ 1005 E. Ha i rvey eS. 39' Sidewalk $ .86 $33,54 76104 $33054 Marion M. Shaw 34 36 50' Frontage 1009 E. Harvey Res. 39' Sidewalk $ .86 $33054 76104 111 Sad, Ft. Drive .31 34.41 $67095 Fo L. Trammel 33 36 50' Frontage c/a Costan Motel Res, 41 ' Sidewalk $ 086 $35.26 Malvern, Ark. '72 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 22.'w'2 $57.58 Villie J. Graham 32 36 50° Frontage 1,017 E. Harvey 41' Sidewal a86 $35.26 '76104 72 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 22..32 $57.58 49 _o E0" NOg 061-21304-45531._f ,j!LSE I r EAST HARVEY AVENITE FROM NEW YORK AVENUE �6 MISST.SSIPPI AVENUE CONTINUED OWNER LOT' ZONING FRONTAGE RA'IT" AMOUNT ASSES3SMENT NORTH SIDE OF S° 2.EET HYDE PARK ADDITION Elizabeth Rogers 31 36 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment 3522 View ies. 761,03 Monroe E. Webb 30 36 50' Frontage 1,025 E. Harvey 39' Sidewalk $ 086 $33.54, '76104 lil Sq. Ft. Dr°ive .31 34.41 $67.95 James Pringle 29 361, 50' Frontage 11029 E. Harvey 36' Sidewalk $ .86 $30.,96 76104 $30096 Bryan Sellers 28 36 50' Exieting FacllitLes No Assessment 800 Minden Res. 76104 Bryan Sellers 27 36 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment 800 Minden Reap 76104 Bryan Sel.Ler,3 26 36 509 Extating Facilitie& No Assessment 800 Minden fe—.R—. 76104 Louis Weaver 25 36 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment 1101 E. Harvey 76104 50 PROJECT W 061-21304-45534_jF,!°,!ASE 1!� 10 UNIT 11- EAST HARVEY AVENIrE FROM NEW YORK AVENUE 0 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE, CONTINUED BLOCIPA: 'DWNE R LOT ZONIN; FRONTAGE RA1111111 AMOUNT ASSESSMEK NORTH SIDE OF STREET WDE PARK ADDIrION R. L. Jackson, Jr. et al 24 36 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment 1.702 Royalty Odessa, Texas Br,yan Sellers 23 3 6 50' Frontage 800 Minden Fee. '3' Sldewa15, $ o86 $33.54 76110 $33054 Gua Taylor 22 36 50' FrorgLage 1 11 3 E. Harvey 39' Si.dewal�,', $ .86 $33e54 76104 $33.54 W. B. Abram 21 36 Frontage 1,117 E. Harvey e-':8 39' Side'walk $ e86 $,33.54 761,04 23 Sq. Ft. Dy.'iiie .31 7413 $40.67, Br iic,ie E. Carey 20 36 50' frontage 12tl.6 Marion Res. 21 Sq. Ft. Drive $ .31 $ 7 .n 761.04 $ 7. 13 Estella Miller 19 36 50' Sidewalk $ 86 $43.00 ?20 E. cantey $43.00, 76104 51 PROJEGL N�L._ 06 Y. 2 130 -455 3,__:` SE EASI' HARVEY AVENUE FROM NEW 'YORK AVENUE FFT AVENUE, CONTINUED B!,OCK OWNER LOT ZONING FROINTAGE RATE 5M0tJN1' ASSESSMENT 0 OUTH SIDE OF STREET ITYT)E PARK ADDI`110N MISSISSTPPI AVENUE INTERSECTS Scott L. Daly 18 31.5 50' Fzorixage 1218 N. Main ie-a,e 39' Sidewalk .86 $33.54 76106 33.54 Scott L. Daly 17 35 50' Froro,,, ,ge 1,21.8 N., Main E-eZ 39' Sidewalk "k .86 $33.54 76106 $33.54 Willie R. Flangin 16 3 5 504 Exist irks F'aicilltles No Asseasmtnt 1116 E. fiarvey Res. 161014 Evelyn Loreta Hankins 15 35 50' Frontage 1.11.2 E. Harvey io,r!-a-7 39'' Sidewalk S a86 $33.54 $34 761.04 3.5 Dol lie Dimple Hunter 14 35 t ag.ew 50' Front 1108 E. Harvey 35' Sidewalk 86, $30.10 '76104 79 9,,,,qn 'FL.. Drive a31 2449 54 59 T. Ca 'Thomas 13 35 -501' isxisting Facilities No Asaessme�nt 4529 S. Edge wood 'rerrace 76119 52 e PROJECT NO. 063. :1."304-45'5 ...... _ °CHO�n. �,6'C! I.�I�W.,. FAST 'HARVEY AVENUE O 4� `O �. �ll'��M .��,,..r..9..m ..w...u�.+.�n+w.,....... .... �" w..W �..m,..., w.w..�..a.. ��� .....w�.. ......�.,.u u...a++.,�.,,..,.w.�„„.�...,�,...;r.w. 73 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE CONTINUED '3 LOCK OWIMR LOT ZONING FRONTArA`, RATE AMOUNI, ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE OF ffYDE PARK ADDITION "Ir. G. Thomas 12 35 50' Frontage 4579 S. dgewood Terrace P ;a o 533' Sidewalk,, 086 `; 43.00 761,19 $43.00 Freeman Rog r 11 35.._.... 50 m Fi,orftage 3.04 a. Harvey ic. 50° tia ewak.3u„ a 86 $43.00 76304 $4 M0 Freeman, Rogers 10 35 50' FIxisting Facilities No Assessment 1043. Po Harvey R,�w 761,04, M?(,,s. Alvin in a th Cumby 9 35 50' Frontage „,e 1,031 E. Harvey P. �u.o. 39 Sq, 1'"i'L. Drive $ o91 $12.09 76 304 $12009 Beatrice Jones 8 35 50' Existing facilities No Assessment 3959 'Pam:cher 7' k 3 7.9 Lee Ea Battles 7 33 502 7.; 3.s ing Facilities No Assessment 1024 E. 'F'3a r,,v y 76104 r o R. Dobbs 6 3 _. 50' Frontage 3504 W. Biddiaon 7^Iies. 45' '7s id P w s3.k 86 $38.70 76109 $38.70 5'3 PR0,1MCT NO. 061-21304-4553 PM SE 111 ECHO UKIT II, EAST HARVEY AV'EMUE FROM NEW YORK AVENUE T6 S�S' P1 AVENUE COOT IM,QED BLGCY, (YWNFR, LOT ZONING F'R(,NTA(;E RATE AMOUNT ASSES SMENI" SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDI",[TON Ca B. Beasley 5 35 50' Frontage 547 S. Riverside Dr. 39' Sidt,,,,w;,a1k a86 '�'33 54 76104 $33.54 Tom Er van Allison 4 '35 50' Existing Facilities No Assessmomnt 1012 R. Harvey 76104 ,,Yames Jackson 3 :�5 50" Existing FacilitJes No Assessment 1008 E. Harvey ters 76104 Jasper Lee Brown 2 35 501 Existins Facilities No Asaessment 1004 E. Harvey e" 76104 Gerths L. Wallace I 3S 50' Existitig Facilities No Assessment i�-- 1000 E. ilarvey js 761,04 TOTAL COST 'TO PROPERIFY OWNER a a a a $ 841e98 TOTA,1. COST TO CM OF FORT' WORTH e . . . . L9168,02 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUC,710N COST, 'UNIT 11 PROJECT tiii.061-211 30 WPItut a _..rWV ECHO� UNIT 12: S OWE L AVENUE w"FRO MW_ ORLEANS AVENUE,.. 5 constnu tin two-inch thick hot-mix asphaltic concrete surface course on a six-inch Lhick cement stabilized gravel base, and by reconstructing eunierr:.., r.nit cuurb and gutter with ee,renu-inch high concrete curb and eighteen-Inch w1de con.crete ,,utte'r so that the finished roadway will be twenty-six i,uu,.et wide. Four-foot wide concrete sidewalro,, and six-inch inch thick concrete driveways vi,ii.,iue constructed where specii"tedo BLOCK OWNER Q,0"'' ZONING FRON°iut0°rti RATE iutsiti°ONr )rkSS 8'';rr!rii 1,q BEGINNING AT THE NOTtTMAu.i T CORNER OF LE-AST 'PO pit. AND NEW Oiu°tXiiN'0 A i$iuil"'ii SAO "I.I'll SIDE OF STREET Ott DE t A lRK itD T D i�,'r'w C dm Beasley 5� a 1. � . �, 23' No Assessment 547 S. Riverside Dr. Ties. 76'iO4 p .. ism t�'urb tN, Gutter � nd? �:u�.. 0 Fo H. 0nwu�ius�iusn� Jr.dr 0i�5 13 3008 damnda8e $'Sd o 80 761.09 iw om Sro�wo 344 13 50' m un' & CUtter e87 $4.t—50 ,. 532 Topper Dr. ;wus x,40 0uio Teat,. Drive a31 tn3`40 761,18 $86.90 lielen Finak 343 'r.:" 50' dsietfrn H Facilities No Assessment 841. E. Powell 76104 Billie Pippins 1 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $22000 ins �4�.5 i.,i..�° °3 na F. Powe'i'i, ite,uo id Sq. Ft:. Dri e o51 5058 10104 $27�58 J. Boardman :idt 13 507 r.�uutk en Onui.iu `,, .touts $22. :0 ,id00 S. Pecan d.as 18 riho I't , Drive o,i"i 5.58 76104, $27 ,58 5.5 PROJECT NO. �Lr 21- vl�-NUE FROM MW 0RUEANS AVEME MWELL A, CONTIRTED �jF j7v j- i" UNU N, AE BLOCK (AMER LOT ZON1 NG FRONTAGE RATE AM&JWT AS SES S MMr NORTH S IDE OF STREEl" HYDE PARK ADDI"t'ION 0paL 'Lee Roland 340 13 50' G%jitter Only $ 044 $22,00 417 S. Judk.ins Res 44 5,'q0 F't. Vrive 1 1 5 a 64 76111 $35.64 'R. Z� McManus 3139 1-3 40' �,",',utter Only $ .44 $22.00 853 E. PowelL 44 Sq Ft. Drive .31, 13.64 76104 $3,5.64 Humbie 011 338 1'� 50' (,,utter only $ .44 $22.00 Refi!ti'Ain'g ca. T�-"7a' $22.00 P.O. Box 2L8O Hot.mton' Texae Humble Oil 337 30' Gantt ,r Only $ 044 $13.20 Refining Co. t)m I n $13.20 P.O. Box 2180 Ifouston, Texas EVANS AVEN'UE INTERSECTS SOUTE SIDE OF' STREET KYDE PARK ADMI'10N WG V,, Sephas 3 12' 80.5' Cutter Only, S, .44 $35,42 23�50 Evans Avenue c)mm $35 42 '76104 Edward Kelley 334 V. 50' Gut; or Onldy $ .44 $22.x'0 856 E. Powell E e .00 76104 56 PROJEC� 0,.,__!2t1-,21304-45 VVENUE FROM NEW ORLEANS AVENUE _�L 53,,_j#� E E�, 1, UNIT 12! EAST POWELL A 3'T 73N -AVENE TIRFED B LOC K OWNER LOT ZONING FROWrAGE, RA,11,�' AMOUNT ASSESSMENT' SOUTH SIDE op snaET HVDE PARK ADDITION ..........---- ----- Ralph Hall 333 12 50' Gutter Only .44 $22,,00 854 E. Powell 53 3q. Ft. Drive, �31 16.4 3 76104 $38.43 Wil,lie Curtis Williams 332 12 50' Gutter Only 44 $22.00 852 E. Powell ie- 26 Sq. Ft. Drive, .31 8.06 76104 $30.06 Frank L Wyatt 331 12 50' Cutter Only .44 $22.00 Puilding Corp. 18 Sq. Ft. Drive 31 5�58 1704 Ems Road West $27.58 76116 Aibezta Stanfield, 330 12 500 (,'utter Only .44 $22.00 jult,a Hill & Mary Lewis 18 Sq. Ft. Drive 5.58 S 844 E. Powell 2758 76 1,04 Wiley D. Floyd 329 '12 50' Gutter Only .44 $22a00 7344 Monterrey IS Sq. ft,, !Drive .31, 5.58 58 761,i2 $27. Ladelle E. Ross 328 1,2 50' Gutter Only, .44, $22.00 832 E. Powell. 2 2,00 16104 57 FR0,111CT NO. ._ ... .EAST POWELL m. Bw':4w swrrg si'Drs OF STREET RYDE PARK ADDITION C. X40a Cutter Only P .4,4 $17 6904 Standering 26 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 806 76116 $25.66 TOTAL COST TO PROFERIT OWNERS a o 0 o a o 0 0 5390 65 TOTAL ES"I'MATED CONSTRUC'FION COST, VNIT 12 14.1? "12.92 58 PROJECT 06'L-_ .r._ .., EAST � � ` � �� �� i�� � i 1i� ii AMASEP to he improved by constructing c two irich thick imam°mi mmm.ux asphaltic concrete urfAce course on a six-inch thick cemmmr':rat stabilized gravel base and "b ° reco;u°uatructin exrrmi: im°mi„ curb and gutter with seven iruc'h hi. d cog,'icrete c,warb and eighteen-inch wide concrete p:airr„r, so that the finished roadway will be went--l fee m fide. our.-�o'—.mt urr ,de cmamµmcrete sidewalk dmmud six-imrc.'k°u thick concrete driveways will be constructed where speciftedo BLOCK OW°ik'laii'.. I'M i'.0ariNG : OW[ikiGM, RATE AMOIPIT S'mII iS:SMikR'NT iii":mii"ikkii;tkii AT TFE, NORTHEA,3T CORNER ibi' EAST POW.1 imiu"i„Nfl(J l AND �^IMNS AVENUIE NORTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK Ai)udi'"i""'kk” Neal. Harper 30 30 „ kk m r,ua.t e r kkc"fir , "war oar; 22.00 901 E. Powell 35 Sq. ft. ikr:�"(e a i i. i 01.8, itkmm;l B. iiai.ormr° 29 0 ikiir Guntter, Only $ .,4 222 00 3637 Harle y -'ommm1n 18 S � Ft. Drive o"ski, do_"id 76)07 $27.58 ki'rn, Boardman, ,Jr. 28 ''�ia_ „... iris' Gutter i')nl $ o44- � �"Gi 00 mkam 9 E. 'Powell iie8; 6 Sq. Ft. Drive o'ii. 8.06 76'1014 $30.06 ierer Rovinaky & 27 30 ak ' itter Only $ .44 $22.100 ii ...�, r.viru ;"`oo er r'imm,rro dpi' Sq. Pt. Drive o31 i.i"m.4 i 4150 Sarita $38.43, id'p,09 Hiram L. Walker 26 "iii . ii Gutter Only $ o44 2 2,0 0 917 E. Powell ie "ma $22.00 76104 59 PROJECT NQ 061-21304-4- Q1 '�� '��' �� ��d .�. ��.�� ,. ° _% S K' OWE L v c',I` �.FRO�,EVANS; VENTI", m O A4 duo ' `n ue-, ter 25 30 50' & .IaLt r .81 $4:.50 921 E. Powell Res. 41' Si.dewalk 86 35.26 76104 1 214 Sq� I,"i. Drive .31 38.44 76116 $ 321 85' Lenora McGee 23 R'� 50' GLItter only' .44 $22,,00 76104 933 E. Pawrell 39' Sidewalk .86 �33.54 76,104 151 Sq. pt Drive M 46.81 $12J"".85 Frederick Gardener, 21 .3 0 939 ',a o �, .. .. 6 fir' r, Xrc :.a rLve, o X� 29.7 6 104 $ 71,,2 943 o Powell ruW X Sq. Ft. Dria a o31 5a 5 49,08 60 'FROJEC1 NO, 061 21304--4 5 RASE S 1 ' 50.0 0 l AVENUE 55 , 51 INS 1 11 O B,,L'. OCS0;NEIR 1;.011" ZONING 1"R0:r10°C'00:.",E 0IA 009"R) A S S 5.i KEN X10;001111 S"DE 015 STREET t"°1`5'015„ O'Alll.K L) I TI'LON " a X, $ .4 00: 1 1�.; 0"a�an ls0osar 1. 0,,,1 001 1,iu.�t �' 0ba�,,� 945 E. Pmwell 101 S a :",t 4 D R ve! o`",�. 5.58 761014 $ 2%58 tiWa g aae ,loy ve 3 Is 30 50' only $ c44 $22.00 9"4,9 E. 'cywel l 5a.;aai 111 Sq. 5`0.:0 D r iv e o .y5 5058 76104 $ 27.58 Frank J. Wallace 17 '30 `'6" '' Curb S (,utter o87 M; 0 Powell 957 E. . �.. 76 104 151 115 IFt. 0050.°ve .31 46 8-,'L b 0. :1015 rran1+„ J. Wallace 56 00 50' Cbrb A C(uit:tea � 010 �;,4.,a501 E, o 1057 '0°°�avie 0 0,. ��.�,��, 10 a as i d�e�a,:a 1 i o86 o 4 76104 151 5qe Ft,. )ri,,re 1 4 6 u1,1.. $123,85 NFW 0008:10". AVENUE INTERSECTS SOLYM SIDE OF S'TREET Ethel Cloer 15 31 509 Gutter Only .144 $22.00 6712 Azle, Avenue Ora $ 22.00 0'000:05 8,1310 E. Powell Res , ,0q. .31, 16.43 061.005 .000.4"3p 61 T . 061-21304-4553.L.. .. �' k � r te" AVENUE M, � ` ' "�" BLOCK 1 10 SIDE OF STREET IiYDE PARK ADDITION Ev,a Wall Singleton 13 31 0' Gutter, Only o $22 00 1201 Odessa rya $ 22.00 76"1,0 alp 0r`b� re "". " 1 500 Gutter Onl ate $22.00 W. Kennard .' aW 0 attan Onl $ o 44 00 c"'o Donald C, Bubar .')5 ak a Ft. Ot .ve .31 10.85 302 Mutual Savings Bldg. $ 3285 7010,Z. 4;1nmbarx 7r:µ° 'lopmµrnt Res, 4A �"q. "Pt. Dr .ve .31 1.3.64 Washington, D. Oa $ 35a64 tl: Oa McCarthy rat al, 9 31 50' Gutter 1rg1."y .4 $22.(,Y) 1710 Washington Terrace t: 5 Sri. "Ft. Drive .31 .x.0.0,15 07 $ 32.85 Norris A. BuAe 8 01 0' J utter Q:nLy x, 01,44 2120000 °28 E, Powell .35 Sq. '0s t Drive n31 '10,85 62 PROJECT NO,,w 061-21304-45,13 CHO EAST POWELL AVEW1 FROM EVANS AVENUE rc iFg 'ORK AVENUE 9 COMI'lNUED OWNER, LOT ZONING FRONTAGE mn AMU= ASSESSMENT SOUM SIDE OF STREET 11"Y'DE FAR Y, ADDITION W. F. Lester 7 31 50' (Y"utter Only $ .44 $22.00 924 E. Powell ReR. 26 S q. Ft D r iv e .31 8.06 76104 30.06 C'. S. Lackey 6 3 1 50' Gutter Or Iy $ .44 $2 2.oo 920 E. Plowe'l I Re s a 26 Sq. Ft. DrIve 8a0 D 30.06 76 L04 Eetella Reese 5 31 50' Gutter Only $ �44 21215 Briardale Road f-j—. 35 Sq. 'Ft. Drive 10.85 $ 32,85 7671 9 fjj,st: Fidelfty Savings 4 500 Gutter OnI,,,y- $ .44 Associg,ition o 53 Sq. Ft. Drive a51 1,3am L. Carter 700 W. 7th 76102 Y,)ormld 1homas 3 31 50'" Curb & Gutter $ x87 $43.50 $ 1412 E. Baltimore .Res. 43,>50 76104 Alvin, Zidell 2 31 501 Existing FNcilltiea No Ase,eesuient Cons truc tion Co. 1613 Crand Da],Aas, Texas 75215 63 mkomcr );o. 061-21304-45,53 PHA,SE iv aw uNrr 13: EAST POWELL AVENLI FROM EVANS A'VFMLTF TO BLOCK OWNE R LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSME'ffl' soun SIDE OF STREET TUDE PARK ADDITION Alvin Zidell 1 31 50' Existing Facilities No As&a e s s vne r(,t Construction Co. 1613 Grand Dallas, 7'exals 752L5 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS . . . . . . . 1,288.33 rarkl,, COST' TO CIT'Y OF FORT WORTH. . . . . . 21'll�� 76 T(YrAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION "O"N UNI"V 12� $213 44. 09 64 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE, � i � 9 to be imrow+ d by constructing a tc,ih tka16, hot-mix 't 'I1'a :l.tit concrete sur,face course on�a six-inch thick -cement stabilized gravel base , and by n connstranct'ing �:s,,,, _, inng numb nnna�d gutter with °verw­inc'1t 1niw la aMuntula~rete curb namnd eighteer,n-i ch wide concrete gutter, so that the finished roadway will. be twenty-six feet wide. dour-foot wi,de concrete sidewalk anvil six-inch thick concrete driveways will be constructed where a1aeLi.i"ie,d. di: VIt: 0 'HR LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RA TE At"tO'1iNT A 1 1Sddti BEGINNING A,r THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ' ,,ST POWELL AVENUE .A;NID N,EW YORK AVENUE 11Oit111 SIDE OF STREET 1i111t PARK udiDD '".l.'1 N Hartha Mae Brandon 36 5 50' Gutter Only $ .4 4 22.1111 1544 Holt eS. 22.00 761.11: Wallace 111nac1t1nniord 311 i .�... 50' -'utt r O ply 44 2LOO 705-A Hnin S u 53 da1.ry Ft. Drive .31. 1d.4 76111" qi d d� 3 Sam 1 nnn t ax n 1t1 35 111(11 o Po e 11. 11 e;;t, 113 11 o Ft. Drive .31 1 tiµa1 76104 $ 3843 1arlinntn Britton d:1' 1.:1 dd a Gunt:t:tnn u,nn°Nl a4c4 $22,00 1.111 5 q Powell �nn,> 1.13 d q, i"t. D r"s.' 'n. 11. 5.58 761.04 $ 27458 Charles Johnson 32 35 500 Curb +``,,x Gutter .8"1 4,3 a 5 0 39' Cide,1walk 86 33.54 11.1 Ee:14 Powell 1tn 761 04 td Ft. Dri~ane o 1'1 43.40 1.211�44 a1 Y fi MISSISSIPPI AVENUE CON'TINNYED L OCK', OWNER UT Z0! NiX 3 F RONTh 4µ PAT Mw„&T kSE"S !tiW NORTH SIDE OF STREET K70E PARK A DD"1,,T1 ” lmon Flowers 31. 50' Gutter Onay a^^ 44 $22o00 1021 E. Powell K" 7_ 7610 8 32.85 Albert Ray Brooks 30 3,� 50' Gutter Only 44 -,'>22.00 °la..02 8 ' 4 Powell, �a 4, t �u a „^t a �� �,��,, .31 8.06 ,16104 $ 3006 ottwella M. Burks 35 50' curl! & Ga:it to ,87 °'u4 : Drive 1 28 E. Powell, .u° .�. 86 ,uqa "ta " 2 o76 76104 a 73,,26 Lonnie McDade 28 35 1,0 uu8 rj,°u.utter .81 r 8,30 1033 E. cywe l . Re" uu;,r 400 0,ja tter Only .44 17 80 ": 1.88 1037 E. Powell 35 Sq. Ft. Drive 31 10.85 76104 32.85 v;i.u"°ae'll 0 1.i on, 26 35 50' Cutu"uuw. Only $ ,44 22J) 76104 $ 32.85 I��J PROJECT X70,,. 061.... ;x,304-u~u. a3,�._.. EC UNIT 1 0 PO WELL 7 FROM NEW YORK VVV1'JE IT1115-i-fSTiSSIPPI AVENUE BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING F'Romr,AGE RA IT, AMOC'NT' 'ASSESSW�l NORTH SIDE 0P TREET HYDE F'ARI, x D"d'1,11'10 Roy P. Paley 25 35 _ 500 'G a tet Only a44 $22.00 7.101. E. Powell e(4, 26 Sqd 'Ft. Drive 31 800 76104 30A6 C7;hi.a'W.uau rs W. Hutchison 24 00 00�' Guut,,r:e: Only S .44 .722.00 801 Neil P. Anderso n Bldg. 26 Sq� 7'`t. 0,t,ive 31 8.06 61,0 $ 3M6 G. Johnson 2 3 50 Gutter 0r'l'° $ .44 $221 000 V.7°C'9 E. Powell P v $ 22,00 76104, Guust,ava Hancock 21? 35 0' Gutter ;7 x7. a $ 2 ,00 1113 'm ell 26 Sq. 11u't tl.ba°ilcve „3 1 8e06 7 .0 30 06 88k°e A. Agers 07 5. .tr 50' Gutter, Only $ .44 $22.00 1117 E. Pore 70704 $ 27 a 58 7;`7uer. r Morgan, Jr, 00 315 1505 Cloverdale Drive 9 S0� F :. Drive o30 0�70 761.:74 $ 24.70 67 PRO,=T 'NO. 061-21304-4553g . ." 7 AVENUE CONTINUED BLOCK OWNE"R LICT ZONING FRONTAGE RA IT,' (G'IUNT AEG sEssmEN'7 NORTH SIDE Of' STREET HYDE PARP,. ADD1110N John Lillie, Jr. 19 50' Curb & Gutter .87 $43.50 956 E. Marion Res 39' Sidewalk .86 33.54 $770.4 SOUT'll SIDE OF STREET' GJo Gregary, ,:bra 17 `_;G „., 50' Curb & � ut. .er $ �87 $43.50 3263 Bilglade Road Resu 96 Sqa Ft. Drive a31 29.7 7613117 73 26 Benjamin C McPherson ' Via 34 ° GG,a.0 ter Onl $ o %0 1.1.'16 o Pnwel. e" . 35 S a Ft. Drivin p7'1 10.85 761,04 32.85 Equity Lnv stmen GM. Corp. 15 3 .a..., w�:�" Gutter, ()nl y 4 $22a.00 1116 'Verbena '7,nr"'ju o 9 S e Ft. 'Drive .31 2 a7 9 76104 24a7 68 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-455 i 'IL CHO 'UNIT 14- W YO A VENUE EAST POWFLI, AVEWE F'R,(YM NE RX TO MISSISSIPPI AVE CONTIN[W BLOCK OVIqF,R LOT ZONIW RONTAGE RA k' AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH S IDE OF STREET HYDE PARK AIDDIT1,0N jiffunie Boyd 1361 '34 50' Gutter Only 4 4 $22.00 1104 E. Powell 2200 76104 Prank roniey 12 34 50' Gutter Only .44 $22.00 1100 LZ. Powell e a 35 Sq. Ft. Driv,e .31 10.85 76104 $ 32085 Ladell. Hill 11 34, 50' Gutt er Only $ .44 $22a. oo 1,040 E. Poell Tie''Z- w 44 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 1 e.,,4 76104 35Ji4 Ladell, Hill 10 34 50' On ly $ .44 $22.00 1040 E. Powell Sq. Ft. Drive .31, 10.85 76104 2 85 J&%e R. Means 9 34 50 Curb & Gw.mter 1fD32 E. Powell 24' Sjdewal'k. .86 20x64 76104 140 Sq. cwt Drive p 31, 43.40, $10?.54 m. M. McCarthy et al 8 34 50' Gut wee v Only $ X44 $22.00 1. w16 Washington Terrace e s" -'2�5 Sqa Ft. Drive 031 10.85 76107 $ Q485 68 r p n PRO 7ECT ' .L 06.1.= 1 45 li'A�wS.�.E»...,....a.1n.Vummm .�w._E s,r P0 '.".�,.,..xr�.A,,.�w U Fa0.�., ��µ.p�,..Y. 'YORK.mmrmmwPw,�+w V,EV�4.1.,�1 S�;�u�lPY7 . � ��lEi��l1E OI�I�70�..��W� OWNER LOT ZONING INN FRO TA U 1 kll OU191" ASS ES SMl'I SOUTH 15';'70"" OF, STREET WDE PAM" 7^7b"1)ITI1O Ellsha Steen 7 34 50' ( utter Only $ .44 $22.00 c/o Martha 5truuem �l.er 26 500 Ft. Or1v <S'7 8a06 761.10 Nola S. Harris 6 34 50' Gjtter Onl y $22.00 1010 Po Poll r ,n 53 Sq. Ft. 0ri ve 031 16.4°:',1 761.04 6e. " CA,I.fford lea Harrington 5 4 . 50' Cutter r Only .44 $22.00 1016 ' . Puwell Res 50 SqU Ft. 0'x°7'uu .3-1 1694: 38s u 76104 .x 0. D. Engblad 4 34_._ 50' (;titter Only a44 t22 00 1.014 o Powell lies. 18 64� Ft Dr1.°ti"rt ,31 5.58 7 7 5 6104 '6 C. ("a Wilson . 5708 N Hills Drive Re s 18 Sq. Ft. Drive 31 5.58 $ 27.58 Ruby ":per Peru 2 11V 50' Gut.Lel 0Wu"V.Y .44 $271.00 720 E. Lowden lie o $ 7:'7 >00 76104 70 RO..S�ES.�T.,. NO a 061 m 21.304-45 1�. "__S__ � ..�:.4.� . E.. T w PGWELL _AVENUE._.w�.S�R.,,OM._. O..R VER E ._�._._mm._. .... 0 MISSISSIPPI .s CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE PLATE AfigO'O" ," ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIVE OF STREET HYDE PARY ADDITION Ruby Lee Harp 1 34 50 Gutter Or l n .4,4 $22.00 '720 E. Lowden R � $ 22,00 x'6104 TOTAL COST TO 1?1RO PERV OWNERS . a a o 0 0 0 1,445.47 TOTAL COST TO CITY O"a'P' FORT FORTH m o 0 0 0 2 21, !2 3 L TOTAL ESTDIA IED C'ONSI� RUUT ION COST, 'UNIT Y O i�i ➢ 0 Qt � 4° 55 i It 31 " 15 ST J � STREET iSf NEW OSiB ,SS 8 5 O E S AVENUE, , to true; improved b constt°uuctf°u°g o two-inch-inch thick hot-mix mix uamf°halt is concrete surface course on a ix—inch thick cement stabilized gravel. base, and by rwacon trust ° f,,ag existing curb at d gutter with eve4%-°;i�°s;Ch 'hig1k concrete cu r-b nd ight°oen inicl'� wide cor,,tcr t gutter, to that the finished uouuiu,apay °uwriii be twenty-,aix fle t wide. iou .r foot wide u:ouu:r:.rot , sidewalk and six-inch thick concrete driveways will be coast°ruuoted where specified. BLOCK QW]QR i,Y1' ZO,NING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUR],' ASSESS TNT BEGINNING INNIN T `iM NOR'17FAST CORNER OF EAST JESSAMM ST' EEI' ,A, "0 NEW OS',LRAr,M5 AVENUE FORTH SIDE OF STREET Hi'DE PARR AOOi i"DON W. Bo Edwards Estate 309 Y2 48a5° F mn.ta8, Trust # 195f. ... 25a Gutter Onl...y .44 $11.00 Fort Worth 'at°10 Bank 96 "'.auk. Ft. Dri t.- a !:'� 29.76 P,,0, Box 2050 40<7 f 61,0 f,. tz, rBer Hughes fOB 12 509 usub S Gutter 8.7 443.50 f' 58 Sqo iut4 Drive o31. SSo 6 76104 $ M26 f;,rmu"k Flores 307 '12 509 Curb & Gutt:er. $ 08'7 `43.50 845 E. Jessamine Bu's a Stu Sq a Ft. Drive o31 29,76 76104 $ 7L26 Swarn LAcy 306 i 2 50' Fr o,iK,itage 849 E. Jessamine rµ, ..�° 26 Sq o FL. B r ive µ .31 . 8 u 06 76104 S 8.4 08 Gertrm.de iuuney 305 12 _ 50° Curb 5 (-,—tkAer " a8"7 $480.5 855 E. Jessamine S-e S' 39' Sidewalk o86 3" 54 781.04 1.40 Sq. 'Ft. Drive o3'1: 43 40 $'120.44 72 A,N ,NFTF TO iV7A S AVENUE fl NIIE';D BLOCK NORTH SIDE OF STRFET W(OF' PARK ADDITION zz—d.`d.lsm ru:a Barton 304 2 50v Curb N Gutter .87 $43.50 857 E. Jessamine Tk'e'—h 39' Sidewalk .86 3 3.54 $120.44 Rarland r "rod Bergstrom 303 2 0° c'ur°b N Gutter .87 43.50 634 College .r�� 39' 066 33-54 Grand Prairie, Texas 140 Sq,, 'Ft. Drive o01 4 x,40 Julian ;0r h S. 70' 150' Curb F , ratter 87 $1'.10.50 2528 Waits of $ . o.50 76109 Got 302 & : 0 a _.w 62.7° Curb & Guuttet 067 `54 5 k�'a�06 F�Rruroo�r^ N. �,0 �� ., . a 16104. .Evans of 'Lot �aa�r�, 0 qqo l�'ta rev q. 29.76 w 0O $ 84.31 Nrte Adele Rall 299 0"a Gutter Ora"l.„ . 0. $22.00 3 66 F- .7r ssatnin � o r.p 26 Sq� Ft. Dri've w31 0006 $ 30.0b Y610 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4553, PHASE IV ECHO, UNIT 15: EAST JESSAMINE STREET FROM NEW ORLEANS AVENUE 0 EVANS AVENUE, CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION S. J. Whiteside 298 11 50' Curb $ Gutter $ .87 $ 43.50 864 E. Jessamine Res. $ 43.50 76104 John Lillie, Jr. 297 11 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $ 22.00 956 E. Marion elf s. 26 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 8.06 76104 $ 30.06 Willis Jerry Vernon 296 11 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $ 22.00 858 E. Jessamine Res. 26 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 8.06 76104 $ 30.06 J. M. Parks 295 11 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $ 22.00 Rt. 2, Box 16-A Res. 35 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 10.85 Duncan, Oklahoma $ 32.85 73533 Mrs. Jesse Waits 294 11 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $ 22.00 3524 Cutter Res. 18 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 5.58 76119 $ 27.58 Raymuido Gomez 293 11 50' Curb $ Gutter $ .87 $ 43.50 844 E. Jessamine Res. 96 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 29.76 76104 $ 73.26 74 PROJECT NO, 061-21304-4553, PHASE IV ECHO,, UNIT 15- EAST JESSAMINE STREET FROM NEW ORLEANS AVENUE TO EVANS AVENUE, CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONrAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION James W. Parmes 292 11 50' Curb & Gutter S 087 44350 840 E. Jessamine Res 18 Sq. Ft. Drive 031 5.58 76104 $ 49.08 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS . . . . . . . $ 1,087.92 TOTAL cos,r To CITY OF FORT WORTH 11 371 36 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCT10N COST, UNIT 15 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-45538 Pj!an`?! IV ECH0j_IJ�!LI'_'L!L:' EAST JESSAMINE STREET FROM EVANS AVEWM"' TO NEW. YORK AVENUE, to be improved by constnicting a one and one-,half inch thick hot-pix e.asphaltic concrete surface course on existing concrete base and by reconstructing defective curb and gutter with seven-inch high concrete curb and two-foot wide concrete gutter so that the finished roadway will be twenty-six feet wide. Four-foot wide concrete Sidewalk and aix" inch thick concrete driveways will be constructed where specified, BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING' FROWAGE RATE AMOUMr ASSESS MEW BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF EAST jn,,mmibm sTRE'E'r AND EVARS MINVE NORM SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION W R. Childress, Jr. 30 31 50® Frontage P.O. Box 7337 —0 39 Sq. Ft. Drive $ "I209 76101 $ 12a09 T. M. Shadowens 29 31 50' Frontage 904 E. Rosedale Eomio 23 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 $ 7a13 763.04 7.13 Eddie B. Griggs 28 "1 50° Frontage 720 E. Cantey Re s,. 8 Sala Ft. Drive $ .31 $ 2.48 76104 2.48 W. C. Victor 27 31 50' Frontage 2721 Lapeyrouse St. i;_8 7, 23 Sq. Ft. Drive $ a 31 $ 7413 New Orleans, La. $ Mrs. Ardie Mae Clark 26 31 50' Frontage 3407 Banton Road ie—a 23 5(j. Ft. Drive $ _31 $ 7.13 Austin, Texas 7M 76 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-455 PHASE IV ECHO UNrr 16- EAST JESSAMINE STREET FROM EVANS AVEMJE TO NEW YORK AVENUE, CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER LQr ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT AS 8 E S S M 1 NORTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Mn. C. Tandy 25 501 Frontage 915 E, Jessamine ales. 39 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 $12.09 761,04 $ IL09 " I Curtis Knox 24 509 Frontage 917 E, Jessamine 39 Sq. Ft. Drive $ n31 -$12,()q 76104 $ 12.09 Vjoj,a j. iflompson 23 3'L 500 Frontage 31 7 13 921,) E. Jessamine 23 Sq� P't. Drive � $ 7�0, 76104 E. E. McJenkins 22 31 50' Existi"19 FAcilities No Assessment 935 E. Jessamine Res. 76104 Frank L. Wyatt 21 3 50' 'Existing Facilities No Assessme-'rat 1704 Ems Road W. Res. 76116 Willie Blair 20 31— 501 Frontage 941 E. Jessamine Tes. 21'1'3 Siq� Vt. Drive $ .31, $ 7j3 $ 7.13 76104 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4553, PHASE TV ECHO, UNIT 16. EAST JESSAMINE STREXT FROM EVANS AVENVE NEW YORK AVENUE, CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT NORTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Mrs. Gladys Jones 19 31 50' Frontage 1709 N. Edgewood Terrace Rena. 39 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 $12.09 761.03 $ 12.09 Charles Edwin McDade 17 & 31, 100' Frontage 949 E. Jessamine 18 39 Sq. Ft. Drive $ .31 $12.09 761,04 t� 12.09 G'Iadys M. Neal 16 31 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment 2,364 New York Rea. 76104 NEW YORK AVENUE INTERSECTS SOUTH SIDE OF STREET JameR Stewart, Sr. 15 32 50' Existing Facilities No Asyessment. 956 E. Jessamine 76104 Willie Frank Smith 14 32 500 Existing Facilities No Assessment 952 E. Jessamine ie—s. 76104 Elmpt, Brown 13 '312 501 Existing Facilities No Assesament. 948 E. Jessamine 76104,'r 78 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4553, J!HASE _jy ECHO, UN 16- EAST JESSAMINE STREET FROM EVANS AVENUE NEW YORK AVENUE, CONTINUED BLOCK 0WHER LOT ZONING FRORrAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOU11 SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Amos Neely 12 32-- 50' Frontage 944 E. Jessamine Rs 8. 23 Sq. Ft. Drive a a31 7.13 761,04 7.13 Mrs. Nettie Weathington 11 32 50° Frontage 940 E. Jessamine 23 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 7.13 76104 7.13 Cleo Davis 10 32 50' Frontage j�79— ?013 957 E� Allen 23 Sq. Ft. Drive �31 76104 $ 7.13 Rubie W. White 9 32 50' Prontage, 932 E', Jessamine Te_; 31 Sq. Ft. Drive .31. 9061 76104, $ 9.61 Ra W. Webster 8 32 50' 1^rontage 928 E, Jessamine 31 Sq. Ft. Drive .11 9d61 76104 $ 9.61 C. '.A. Reibenstein 7 '32 50' Frontage Rt, 1, Box 1.49-D5 Res 16 Sq. Ft. Drive $ 031 $ 4.96 Karwsf teld, Texas 4,,9b 76063 7 9 PROJECT NO, 061-21304-45539 1,HASE IV ECHO, UNIT 16* EAST JESSAMINE STREET FROM EVANS AVENUE TO NEW YORK AVENUE, CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Sam H. Weisblatt 6 32 50' Frontage 1.900 E. Rosedale Res. 31 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 9.61 76104 9.61 Julia Hoskins 5 32 50' Frontage 91,6 E. Jessamine Res. 39 Sq. Ft. Drive $ Al $12.09 76104 $ 12,09 Lugenia Deckard 4 32 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment 912 E. Jessamine Res, 7'61..04 Daniel A. Hill 3 32 50' Frontage 908 E. Jessamine Yes, 31 Sq. Ft. Drive $ ,31 $ 9.61 76104 $ 9.61 Mary Delson 2 32...._... 50' Frontage .3115 Livingson Comm. 16 Sq. Ft. Drive $ .31 $ 4.96 76110 $ 4,96 80 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4553, PHASE Its ECHO, UNIT 16- EAST JESSAMINE STREET FROM EVANS AVEN12 TO NEW YORK AVENUE, CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK, ADDITION Trace Locke Smith 1 32 50' Existing Facilities No Assessment 900 E. Jessamine O-M-M-. 76104 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS . . . . . . 4 $ 180,42 TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH . . . . . 21 - .18 TOTAL ESTIMA."I"ED CONSTRUCTION COST, UNIT 16 a a $21 210 60 81. PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4553L PHASE 11V ECHO UNIT 17: EAST JESSAMINE STREET FROM NEW YORK AVENUI ,ro MISSISSIPPI AVENUE, to be improved by constructing a two-inch thick hot-mix asphaltic con- crete surface course on a six-inch thick cement stabilized gravel. base and by reconstructing existing curb and gutter with seven-inch high concrete curb and eighteerw,­inch wide concrete gutter, so that the finished roadway will be twenty-six feet wide. Four-foot wide concrete sidewalk and six-inch thick concrete driveways will be constructed where specified. BLOCK OWNER LOT ZO�NING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMM BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF EAST JESSAMINE SMET AND NEW YORK AVENUE NORTH SIDE OF STREET ITY.'DE PARK ADDITION Luther Ford 36 3450' Gutter Only $ .44 $22000 1001 E. Jessamine keT' 44 gq. Ft. Drive .31 13.64 76104 35.64 Walter & Cora E. 35 34 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $22.00 Shipman 26 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 8.06 Ennis, Texas 30.06 15119 Eugene R. Robertson 34 34 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $22.00 4808 El Rancho Road Res, 35 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 10.85 76119 $ 32.85 Frank Jones 33 34 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $22.00 1.013 E. Jessamine Res. 26 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 8.06 76104 $ 30.06 Virtie Mae Tillmon 32 34 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $22.00 1017 E. Jessamine ieT 53 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 16.43 76104 $ 38.43 82 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4553, 1�a_ EAST JESSAMTNE STREET FROM NEW YORK AVENUE f-0 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE, CONTINUED BLOCK O LOT ZONING FRONTACM RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT NORTH SIDE OF STREET IFYDE PARK, ADDITION Plez M. Williams 31 34, 500 G'Atter Only $ .44 $22.00 1,019 E. Jessamine 11 s a 26 Sqa Ft. Dtive .31 8.06 76104 $ 30.06 Roberts & Clarke 30 34 50° Curb & i'�3vAter $ .87 $43.50 P.O. Box 1198 'ie's. 39' Side-w&'�.k a86 33.54 76101 140 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 4L40 4120.44 Roberts & Clarke 29 34 50' Curb & Gutter $ 087 $43.50 P.Oo Box 1.198 '�e 9"". 39' Sidewalk 086 33.54 76'101 140 Sqo Ft. Drive 031 43040 $120.44 Freddie L. Williams 28 34 50' Gutter Only $ 044 $22.00 4840 Dunlap Drive ie- 7 26 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 8006 76119 $ 3M6 Lonnie Trigg 27 34 50' Only $ .44 $22.00 1035 E. Jessamine 35 Sq. Ft. DrIve .31 10085 763,04 $ 32.85 Odessa W. McMullan 26 34 507 Guttf.,,„r Only $ .44 $22.00 1.037 E. Jessamine Ee" 26 Sq� Ft. Drive .31 8�06 76104 $ 30.06 8 3 PROJECT NO 061-21304-4553 PHASE IV ECHO UNIT 17: EAST JESSAMINE STREET FROM NEW YORK AVENUE TO MISSISSIPPI AVENUE, CONTINUFD BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSES SMENr NORTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Sadie Bracken 25 34 509 Only $ 044 422.00 1101 E. Jessamine i-e—�R 53 5q Ft. Drive .31 16.43 '76104 38.43 Jack E. Daley 24 A 50' Cutter Only $ .44 $22.00 c/o Scott Daley Res. 35 Sq. Ft. Drive 1 10,85 P.O. Box 4409 S 3285 76106 Willie Robinson 23 34 50' Curb and Gutter $ .87 $43.50 ' -- 19,01 Avenue Re ea S. 39' Sidewalk 086 33.54 76104 1,40 PO Ft. Drive .31 43.40 ,,1120.44 C. C. Harper 22 34 50° Curb & Gutter 487 $43.50 1235 E. Terrell Re 4 39' Sidewalk .86 33.54 7111.04 140 Sq. Ft. Drive .31, 41,40 $120.44 Coin Missionary 21 34 50' Curb & Gutter .8 7 $43.50 Baptist Church 50' Sidewalk, A6 4;100 1,125 E. Jessamine 86.50 76104 PROJECT NO, 061-21304-4553L PHASE IV ECHO UNIT 17: EAST JESSAMINE S11REET FROM NEW YORK ANTNUE li—o' MISSISSUPI AVENUE. CONTINUED BLOCK OWn, R LOT ZONING FRON,rAG'E RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENI' NORTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Community Missionary 20 34 501 Curb & Gutter .87 $43.50 Baptist Church 301 Sidewalk .86 25.80 1,125 E. Jessamine Street 255 Sq. Ft. Drive ,31 79.05 x6 04 M.35 col,olnunity Missionary 19 501 Gutter Oidy $ .44 $22.00 ,Baptist Church Res. $ 22.00 1125 E. Jessamine 76104 )IISSISSIPPI AVENUE INTERSECTS SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK AD'DrrION Elizabeth Clay 18 33 50' Cujrb Sc Gutter $ e87 $43.50 1021,, E. Arlington e 501 Sid ewaLk a86 43.00 86.50 76104 Katherine Armintor 17 33 501 C-Lirb & Gutter 087 $43.50 3144 Merida 39' Sidewalk A6 33.54 76109 129 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 ?9499 $117003 Shi�rman Jackson, Sr. 16 33 50' Gutter, Only $ 44 $22.00 1116 E. Jessamine 31 Sq. Ft. Drive .3�L 9061 3L.61 76104 85 PROJECT NO, 061-21304-45539 PHASE IV ECHO, UNIT 17. EAST JESSAMINE STREET FROM NEW YORK AVENUE TO MISSISSIPPI AVENUE CONTINUED BLOCK OW,NES. LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ,SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION Minnie Mae Brooks 15 33 50' Gutter only $ .44 $22000 1112 E. Jessamine Res, 16 Sq, Ft. Drive .31 4096 76104 $ 26.96 C, C. Harper 14 33 501 Gutter Only $ .44 $22,00 1235 E. Terrell Re o 16 Sq, Ft. Drive .31 4096 76104 $ 26.96 Doris A. Null 13 33 50' Gutter Only $ 044 $22000 434,1 Clayton Road West Res, 16 Sqo Ft. Drive ,31 4,96 76116 $ 26.96 Sam W. Leach 12 33 501 Gutter Only $ 044 $22000 1100 E. Jessamine 23 Sq, Ft. Drive .31 7.13 76104 $ 29013 Adolph Hawkins 11 33 50' Gutter only $ .44 $22M 1040 E. Jessamine e—s' 23 Sq, Ft. Drive .31. 7.13 76104 $ 29.13 E. H. Huckabee, Jr. 10 3,31 50° Curb & Gutter $ 087 $43.50 3008 Sandage Rya­ . 39' Sidewalk .86 33.54 76109 129 Sq, Ft. Drive .31 39.99 $117,03 86 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4553,, PHASE IV ECHO, UNL U7.- EAST jE,S5',AMAE STREET FROM NEW YORK AVENUE _0 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE, CONTINUED BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAQF RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMEbTr SOUTH SIDE OF STREET HYDE FARK ADDITION Lola Mae Haywood 3 33 50' Curb & Gutter $ .87 $43.50 1,032 E. Jessamine Res. 85 Sq. Ft. Drive o31 26.35 76104 $ 69.85 Erna, Mae Jackson 8 33 501 Gutter Only $ .44 $22.00 1.028 E. Jessamine 23 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 7.13 16104 29.13 Obelia Mitchell. & 7 33 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $22X0 — M. Faye Hill i LIS. 16 Sq. Ft. Drive 31 4.96 1,024 E. Jessamine 26.96 76104 J. V. Hampton 6 33.__.._. 50' Otter only $ .44 $22.00 1..020 E. Jessamine Res. 85 Sq. Ft. Drive it 26.35 76104 $ 48035 Howard A. Barnes 5 33 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $22.00 1018 E. Jessamine ijT.' 31 Sq. Ft. Drive 31, 9.61 76104 31.61 Lonnell E. Cooper 4 33 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $22.00 oa 7.13 1014 E. Jessamine a. 23 Sq. Ft. Drive .31 76104 $ 29.1 87 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4552, Pfl,ASE IV' ECHO UNIT 17- EAST JESSAMINE STREET FROM NEW YORK AVENUE 0 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE, CONTINUi—Dlt� B L,0(,K OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT S"OUTH SIDE OF STREET ITYDE PARK ADDITION Mrs. H. W. Warden 3 3.3--, 50' Gutter Only $ 44 $22.00 213 Revere Drive Res. 23 S Ft. Drive o31 7.13 76134 $ 29.13 Mis. Irene West 2 33 50' Gutter Only $ .44 $22.00 1006 E, Jessamine Res, 11 Sq Ft. Dri've .31 9.61 76104 $ 31061 Estes Real 1 3'3 50° Cutter, Only $ .44 $22.00 Estate Company 22.00 1107 Burk Burnett Bldg. 76102 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OW14�RS o $ 1,909.04 TOTAL COST TO C Frf OF FORT WORTH . . . . . . 23.3W80 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST, UN41T 17 o a $2 IL2 3„.84 88 PRt701 aT NO, 061-21304-4553 nPHASE LV� mm � _ 4NI " 1$ VA1 A R0 _100 SOUTH Of" EAST ;MSEY AVENUE TO 165° NORTH C1E EA�RT` eRA SEY A'VBN E� to be improved by wilie�ni���ag the existing thirty_:faot roadway to fifty €:oot eemam wa.l mmby constructing a one and one-half inch thick hot-mi.x asphaltic concrete: surface course on existing con re;te basiea The base is to be repaired and widened with six and one-half inch this'; reinforced concrete. The rotdway will be complete with seven-inch high concrete curb and eighteen-inch wide; concrete gutter. Four-foot wide concrete sidewalk and six-inch thick concrete driveways will be constructed where specified OWNER. LOT Z 101"NG YRONTAi G"E 'HATE AHOU A11 E^m S1i N'T EEO11N"111T AT A POINT 100' SOUTH OF EAST RAtLSE i A91°1i"i1E EST. SIDE OF STREET RYAN 111uTfIRATT, A D I i l0 William Sodd 14 1 _ 100' Existing Facilities No Assessment 6908 $ovencamp Oommmuo 161..1E EAST RA1M"mi1E"1' AVENUE INTERSECTS IWDE PARK�.,., t)r'TTO . In En 'Hilliard & 262 11 120° Sidewall $ a86 $103.20 H. M. Johnson m�° $103.20 141.E Evans Avenue 761.04 EA-ST SIDE OF STREET Marilyn Galloway Estate 30 ._ 120" Existing Facilities No Aeaeeaemmment 3624 South Drive �"cmrmmmo 761.09 EAST RAMSEY AVENUE INTERSECTS RYAN Sal, 'EwA T ADDITION Marion do Brooks 1 i , 1001 Existing Facilities No Assessment 904 1` Ramsey 1ee.... TOTAL COST TO :PR111'E1'T 1')" SRS 103.20 TOTAL COST '1:'1'1 O'1:TY OF FORT W0111,1 a a a A . _16�49E "'1T TOTAL ESTl 1Ix 1 G0 Rw l'E1�1"l�� COST, 11l i 1E �- ., .�... E9 PROJECT NO. 061-21304-4553 PHASE IV ECHO, UNIT 19: NEW YORK AVENUE FROM EAST RAMSEY AVENUE TO SC OF FAST JESSAMINE STREET, to be imp-roved by constructing atwo­-Inch thick at- nux asphaltic concrete surface course on a six-inch thick ccmont stabilized gravel base and by reconstructing existing curb and gutter with seven-inch high concrete curb and eighteen- inch wide concrete gutter so that the finished -roadway will be thirty-feet wide. Four-foot wide concrete sidewalk and six-inch thick concrete driveways will be constructed where speci- fied. BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF NEW YORK AVENUE AND EAST RAMSEY AVENIJE WEST SIDE OF STREET HYDE PARK ADDITION E. H. Huckabee, Jr. 16 32 1201 Adjusted to 3008 Sandage Res . 1001 Curb & Gutter $ .87 $ 87.00 76109 1001 Sidewalk .86 86.00 $173.00 EAST SIDE OF STREET Joe Frazier 36 33 1201 Adjusted to 3210 Denton Highway Res . 1001 Gutter Only $ .44 $ 44.00 76117 $ 44.00 TOTAL (DST TO PROPERTY OWNERS . . . . . . . . $ 217.00 TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH. . . . . . . 3,712.70 TO'T'AL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST, UNIT 19 . - $3,929.70 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS (ALL UNITS) . . . . . . $ 15,532.21 TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH (ALL UNITS) . . . . . 469,077.. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST (ALL UNITS) . . . . $484$609 .79 90 ........... UiNIT 3 Nf',,W ",MRK AVYN(IFF, Vrom East Flavis Avetnue d,,rqsc irnmwn and is Prniect Nn. 061-21304-4553, Mume IV Echo, fXisth'q", Sc"ven-iin'c"11 tJhl"Cir, mix asphal Liu concrete suHacc,, and reron- st rue H ng exi&ing de mt I ve cnonyte fa c... 11 Ole a W sle�"�en­ irw'[I, corlerct'e w�wrb' ancl qHcle ccmcretae four- fc'mt wide concrf.,'Le sidevwalk and t'h i c k c o n c r e t e (I r 1 v e wa y s �s �9 p e c. r f 1,r,,�d ()n, ex.,sta.np; 07rirty loot roadl�,u�iy, UNTT C4 EASF A1(T,J1,1G'roN Flmo New Orleans Avenue to Evans Avenue, known and desfinated ,is 13niE, 4, Prw:rjecL No, 061-21304-4553, Phase YV Kim, a one am! umeQ-11" Jncb thick hoL-mix asphaltic concrete surface cnurse "n exist Lng con- w"'ricLe 1'ase anp"[' t y exi'stTng defect Ke curb and WMter with sevm�incli h[gh cnncrete cuib and t.avc,­fnor w1cle con- crete gutter so Lhat 0"; FhAshed roadway w i. e t w e� V'y .s 1,x f e e t: w i d e. F cti r-f'_" t si-dewalk and si.-Wds thick enncrete c J:vc"ways wil ] be c'onstructed where sppcified. [,.,,A,�37' ARLTNG'T l'rl AVE� 'MF� From Y,,vans Avenue Lo Rew York Avenue, knowni and designated as Unit 5, Project No. 061- 21304-0553, 1'hase JV Ecl­u,r, * thicl"; W-mix aSphaltiC concrete surEace Course cM rs S L i n c h t In i(",14, C,c me i n L s t b L I i z e d g r n 1 ba?ue and by 'rec..onv.ructing existing, curf,i and gut tet, witlx seven-inch hlgh r'�oncreLe ir,orrh and wide cmnc,'rete gutter s that Se H nn ishecl rnadvmy Nwfl 1, he Liwenty., six Feet wide, Tnur­1'c,,ot", whcie cnmic'tet:e sid'e- waR and six-.inch t,hick concretc? dri,.,eeways W11 We c min tructed where specMed. UM 6: EM ARMWON AVKHE Moto New YnAk Mtienue tc, Avenue, known ;wnd designated as Unit be Project No., 061 -21304-4553, 11hase 1,V "'I tAPU-inc­'h thlc­k hnt­nvi,x t�asj'ahaltic corwrete )"DUcse In a (-,hl!ck cement, stabilizen,J gr"el We and by YvcmWruc%Qg existing defpctive curb nnd ,purter with sc.:v(,,m- inch high conecrnete curt) and efooecnAncli Wde vnncrotc gt'0 So tA­I'at, Lhe rcnldwayr v"11 be Mcnty-aEx feet WW� Foulr-foot Wde comcme sidewalk and Six-Wh LIAck comoete drivewayR 011 he, cons� ruk,:Ved. where specified. U-1,1 V" 7., EAST DA%)'I�,.3 Muni New neleans Avemn 0, Mmis Avonc, and fie si p"n"n ted ,,is Unit 1" "'u' 04 061 -21304-4553, Mase IV EM, a one and tmeA& F Lach t,hick laoi: irix asphaltwc concrete surnme mwreC rM CWQjQg In"pm crete base and by existing defective curb and Mtter with sevm"Mcl'i high @vvl two-foor, r�,ulde con— t rete gw.Lr-r suy Finnshed will )e V',wenty-six feet., wide. PY,u 1" t: wide c-ncrete skle,,,nnlk� and iroch Llhiclk c"ncrate dr-Lvi,'n,4 tys c,)nSLructecl where sppuMpd, U 1' IT' 8� WNSI" DAVIS Mil,',NY[lE From Evans lvvenue Lo Mississiply! Avenue, knnwri 71"Gd eta,"signaf" CmJ as" Ullrri't llY"-ojr,"cL W. D61 -21304-4993, Hinse 11 Wn, a nne and nedmlf inch concrete sucface course (rn crwe hase and hy uvcmmtr"rfng defwqW, cu anfl gut L e r T"""' t ncJh I i f gh C"I I P, crup curb nnd two Font wide concrete gutcer feet wide. F,U r ,F(�(j e I16;' j Wl a I", Ic c onc re'te d r, vr (w"'-'o 3 I,e. c t,'ru c, e d ,h e),,-e s,jp e(,,,'7 e d UJ'Uf lr EAS'l' AVE',Ut P am New (I J eayns Avenc Te fcc,', Evans Avenue known and demllynted ns Unit 9, Ooject No. 061-21304-1,053, Phfasc,', 1V a nnd ono-OU Wil; thkl &W -03c aspluiltic roncleLe SUMM VOU"e W1 P&SLing Cnn- rrpre hase and hy rpcooistrip?Mng, vxistin1,' (WEPUM curb ;mid pphLor Mh seven-Inch concrt:t.(,," 41nd coll-, urpto gm Oial: Chi, 7�nom a'Jwa"% -S i X W i d C. 'Fi U K- "F,161 a: �,nndl six- Lnclb' drJ �-"i'i'ly S 11. L e C n-,L r e re s p v c I a d From Evans Avcrw�o Y ,rlk /',,vvr1u'cP d des as U'll"'rc 1,C), 10. 061-21 >4 -053, Rase IV Echn, a nwe mn"d "n'c-1ral F Linch, thick hot"no""', Isr"tltalt :c cnncrpro surfnce c�mrsenn POsting hase and by recon a Lruc t i nrp"' c!""i st f i g fa. f c'c t i V e curb and guttec w! G seven- fnvh hQ cnncren, ru r,L, n n F,i o t aay. r, a;"fl Y re t pt vft,tt,t! 6 C' W I he C M shed roadway, w!11 lie untemy 'L x Y' ('t'. "o,i d e, F I-,u 1,- C o o t: 7,7 1 f I e c o rl c r,et e s i d e wa I k tea y R to 111 toe c t in S�, r C t c­�,c3 Tih P r e spec if fed U N I f 'U.:[ EAST TLAA,',1VEY AVENU"' F r o w t"N";i Y "r,k A')Cnue L Z'11i'Ssis'sij'ppi f'crmwn snd (Nmsl' 'i "as I'h M1 -21304 403, Phase IV Echn a me and toe- h,O 7' inch thic1"c !"ml ic, rnn,�r.'.r(an-, rl T'l C 0 C c, a s r 9Ind' I')y t_r r "'To'ld laarLtor Wi t h a7aru as fc°eh I a igh a onc't"o L ca rh wldl"'r conc'teVe scy LhM thr finished rnadway WIT he timnty-Ox fee(. ",7 J d e otrt, Wide f­of"Uq' O[dcnoaltr an'd hick did"!,oeways will be, Lnnst. ruO,.etl wh,ere spec,. fH led. LK I"I"! 't2 EA',37' Fi')(,4ETA,, AVEtIUE to New Orlearks Avenue tc> Evans Avenue, noci de,,stgnatcyi as Unit 12, Project No. 061-21304-1.553, Rese W Echa, a mi- Orh thick hot-ndic ssldoalt Ic roncrem SUO_ f'ace q)cl 'a 31x­ L�,ccli On[clk c'evie,,rt stmbil Ord gravel hasn and by unimstrmcting, existing dc,fcctive C,`Alrb ElEld W tnr witi-I savpn-inch high com"ste cudi W efWoeen ivrr ch wide concrete g tit'_tea sci 9 hat: f ini-shed coadwa rod` will be twenty-six feet wide. Four- f'not wide e sidewsl k anct, s _x,-inch th,f,cic concrete Wi I I Lde wNpre specified. .................................. ......................................... Jf,4:1'F 13: EAS'1' POWELT, /,%VE! 0,, From Av(,,ncie� tic) New knnwn snd designated as UnA n, Pr rte joct No. 061 Phase TV La r�, a 1t11r'h IHCI�" hof' -mlx cnncr0:e Fac-o cour-se .,)n a six- Ench OAK cement-. staRlized gravel ciiui 1,w%/ Tc,c,-,nSt'("'uct - ing existing d'Je'Eecti�'re an(,i gutte,,,r, with seven- l"ch bijoi evmcrete cu& W Pighteen. inch 1"'ide concrete Sutte),,: sn Oiat uhe fin- shed roadway will, be twetity-Isix feer,. ,qjde,_ Wide concrete c;Jdiewalk and slx- inch thick cc n ,rete Ar,[vewnys v,fll I--"e ccan- sLtructed where spec [fipd. UNI"F 14 EAS'.r POWETJ., AVEMJ'[,' Wyww"ew York Avernie to Mississippi Nvenue, known and designated as Unit 1.4, M)ject Q. 061 -213n4-4553, Phase ITF Echo, a twoo-inwh thl.ck licit mix asphaltic (,,,nracref.e Surface cour,s,e on a six-inch thick ceimeni SL'al' !'Hzed graveL base and by reconstrinArag extstln�,,z, defective curb at-if-.1 p.,,,,utLer urich M.„AFN r comrete antl eJgfiteeri-inicl'i, wide ';uttet S,"r tl"at t'he finisned roaf,'! , tjn�'; w�ll he Vwenty-six f'eet vi[de, Four- f""ont wide concrete sidq::walk and six inch lhlclk conc-rece dr-Lvewa:sos will be where specified. U N IT7 5 EAS'r JESSAMINH�,' ST'REI�'r Frow (Iew Or Averiue, Li.,) 1,,`v,,ans Avenue!, known nnd desigmated as Unit 1.9, Project No. 061-21304-4553, Phase IV Echo, a two rnch thick hot'-wlx "IsphnI Nei c Fatce icoui:-se on a six-inch thick stabilized gravel base and 'h�,r reccinsLroc,.0- 7 n exiRtlng defecrivf.d (nlr'L, Wrnd gutte'r With seven, lnc.,h hLgh cnncI .'�[e curl", an(l Jnch wi.d'e ci.'dncrete gt�tter sc) thi,at Hie finisl,�- e'd rnadw,"'Iy wi'11 [:re twerrry si''r( feet", wk3h�a. lecrr1 Z', ff'm:d- wklc. and "�ic'-i cc' h thick concT,-ete dril/cwa:,)'S wltl he where speci fied. ei U N I T 16, LAS'F JESSA'cdL!JT ST"[,�,EE'11 Fnmi Tvarm Av(,najt r o York ,o)el'nue' known and cWWWmtW as %it 16, jhoj,w�:j, No. 061-211W4553, Rose !V Echo, a one and nnedm1f incln Lhick hnt.-mix tic, concrete sur0ce course -n existing con- crete Wc, �ane,,T by reconstructing exia�, defective curb and p,urter wit1h high ComnWe curb" and, Wkde t:n.c!Le �,�,ULLer 81-Y !LhaL Vhir"' 171_nl"""hed roadwa��t INT111 be fect Four- wide cnn,rnete sidewakk and StK, inc'l") Lhi_ck concroLe drivtnway,,; vrill. bc-, ci.w.stn:uctcoi where specified. U TN T' 1 7 EA,`;T' JESSAyQNE,�', STREET Frnm New Urk Avenue tn Mississippi Avenue, Won and designated as UWL 17, Project No. Oal -21304-4553, Phase TV Echn, a twn"&O� thick ho -rp,(x aspluiltfc enncr�,te surface M1 * si_"[­b,,ncl-r cenient gravel base and IT rmumstmmt !N; exAKi%,,, defect ive curb and Witter W LT seven-lncl-t hiWi c non ncmtc pus n°k:a and eip,,hLeiert irw,,f n' wide rnncretp k9 er so '� hat. One fi!nfshed road w a y w! I I b e 0,,�e n t s i x f e e t. vn i ei e. P u r-fo wide rone tat e Wew=c And six-incli thicln: concreLe driveways, uiill where specified. UNTT 1 8,: E%/ANS AgF�NJI,,' Frmn 1 0 0' mouth o r, f asL itamsey Avenue ro 165' nurOi & )Ast jAmsey Ave"u, Yo nod n and designated ap Wt 1AW IToject Un. 061-21304-4553, Phase IV Echo, wideniq,,, the existing thirty- foot madway to n fifty- t"mm: •oadwraY hy "-j one ,'�nd (me-ba"j inch thf(A": h'ot ad"X asphaltic, SIIY [ace Cclu''y'• -In 0'te frq; c0rn(_ ret(? to se, The base 'i,s t o repaired and widened with six and one-half inch thick reinforcod concrete. 1% roadway wilf he cnmplete with svvenAmli idgh concrete., cut) and Fdghteen-jnch wide concrotej sim r r'ruh, ! hj"Clc c'""olcrci-e drivi"nwa""Ys 'hv constructed iel'iere UDIET 19: T,,71MW "Y"(JRK. AVEI,,'hJE: FAsL R,,,.urua f-y A,,;,lew w 1 750, scluth fl,i ;€- Jo,,,.,�oiamhnc� Icnown and ,"IS Unit 699 'ProJec"t No" . M51 ThaS(-" TV Vi t'WO-iAIC hut'-mix zisphalLlc coricrere surf'Hce course rmi r a gix--inch diick cement stabil -174'?d p,rav(,,'l. lrja.,afc, and by delf-ectil"ve" ,,arid with sevc,n-Jnd high concreLe curb anlY,J, eiglh(,eon- 1nch. gut:vopr srY that, P-ho -Fln- kS)ed roacliway Will he tllirty feet "'llde. Four ,,Foot w�de cnw,::re sidewalk. arul sbc- ln.cli PIjAcl, r,.,,oncrc`aLe ciri,vewal VS will i:,on t:cm- stz-victe',cl wliere m ClIty of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor .d Cowncil omn-t .nicat on - REF CE SUBJECT:..Benefit. Hearing - Assessme�� GATE ri g — n t PAGE Paving in Neighborhood Improvement 2 a°8J28J72 G-2050 Program Echo Area - Phase IV) iof On July 31, 1972, a contract was awarded for the Assessment Paving in Neighbor- hood Improvement Program (Echo Area - Phase IV) and August 28, 1972, was set as the date for the benefit hearing (M&C C-2290) . Project Description Road Width R.O.W. T7� e of Unit Street Limits Feet Feet Improvements 1. Evans Avenue 150' So. of Jessamine 50 78 Resurface to Baltimore 2. New York Avenue 150' So. of .Jessamine 30 80 Reconstruct to Davis 3. New York Avenue Davis to Baltimore 30 80 Existing 4. E. Arlington Ave,, 1-35 to Evans 26 60 Resurface 5. E. Arlington Ave. Evans to New York 26 60 Reconstruct 6. E. Arlington Ave, New York to Mississippi 26 60 Reconstruct 7. E. Davis Ave. 1-35 to Evans 26 60 Resurface 8. E. Davis Ave. Evans to Mississippi 30 60 Resurface 9. E. Harvey Ave. 1-35 to Evans 26 60 Resurface 10. E. Harvey Ave. Evans to New York 26 60 Resurface 11. E. Harvey Ave. New York to Mississippi 26 60 Resurface 12. E. Powell Ave. I-35 to Evans 26 60 Reconstruct 13. E. Powell Ave. Evans to New York 26 60 Reconstruct 14. E. Powell Ave. New York to Mississippi 26 60 Reconstruct 15. E. Jessamine St. I-35 to Evans 26 60 Reconstruct 16. E. Jessamine St. Fi,vans to New York 26 60 Resurface 17. E. Jessamine St. New York to Mississippi 26 60 Reconstruct 18. Evans Ave. 100' So, of Ramsey to 50 78 Resurface alley North 19. New York Ave. Ramsey to Alley North 30 80 Reconstruct ~ ~ " � DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: Benefit Hearing - Assessment PAGE 8/28/72 NUMBER G-2050 Paving in Neighborhood Improvement 2 1— Of 2 Program (Echo Area - Phase IV) Improvements This project is a part of the Neighborhood Improvement Program "Echo". Streets to be reconstructed will be improved with a two-inch thick hot-mix asphaltic concrete surface course on a six-inch thick cement/lime stabilized gravel base, with seven-inch high concrete curb and eighteen-inch wide concrete gutter. Streets to be resurfaced will be improved with a one and one-half inch hot-mix asphaltic concrete surface course on the existing concrete base with seven-inch high concrete curb and two-foot wide concrete gutter. All units will be com- plete with four-foot wide concrete sidewalk and six-inch thick concrete drive- ways where specified. Assessments The proposed assessments are for one-third of the cost of curb, gutter and sidewalks, where none presently exist. Enhancement of Abutting Property It is the opinion of the Public Works Department that each parcel of abutting property is benefitted in an amount equal to or in excess of the amount recommended for assessment. Recommendation It is recommended that an ordinance be adopted closing the Benefit Hearing and levying the assessments as proposed. "B" - Percentage Sheets "C" - Location Maps and Engineers' Preliminary Rolls SUBMI77ED BY: DISPOSITION By-COUNCIL: PROCESSED BY 0,019ROVED, El OTHER (DESCRIBE) 4' DATE CITY MANAGER -