HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 56560-PM1PROJECT MANUAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TAVOLO PARK PHASE 4 IPRC Record No.20-0064 City Project No.102748 FID No.30114-0200431-102748-E07685 File No.W-2715 X File No.26528 Betsy Price David Cooke Mayor City Manager Christopher P. Harder, P.E. Director, Water Department William Johnson Director, Transportation and Public Works Department Prepared for The City of Fort Worth Prepared By PELOTON LAND SOLUTIONS 11000 FRISCO STREET, SUITE 400 FRISCO TEXAS 75033 469-213-1800 FIRM NO. 12207 CSC No. 56560-PM1 00 00 00 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 1 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised March 20, 2020 SECTION 00 00 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS Division 00 - General Conditions Last Revised 00 11 13 Invitation to Bidders 03/20/2020 00 21 13 Instructions to Bidders 03/20/2020 00 41 00 Bid Form 04/02/2014 00 42 43 Proposal Form Unit Price 05/22/2019 00 43 13 Bid Bond 04/02/2014 00 45 11 Bidders Prequalification’s 04/02/2014 00 45 12 Prequalification Statement 09/01/2015 00 45 13 Bidder Prequalification Application 03/09/2020 00 45 26 Contractor Compliance with Workers' Compensation Law 04/02/2014 00 45 40 Minority Business Enterprise Goal 08/21/2018 00 52 43 Agreement 06/16/2016 00 61 25 Certificate of Insurance 07/01/2011 00 62 13 Performance Bond 01/31/2012 00 62 14 Payment Bond 01/31/2012 00 62 19 Maintenance Bond 01/31/2012 00 72 00 General Conditions 11/15/2017 00 73 00 Supplementary Conditions 07/01/2011 00 73 10 Standard City Conditions of the Construction Contract for Developer Awarded Projects 01/10/2013 Division 01 - General Requirements Last Revised 01 11 00 Summary of Work 12/20/2012 01 25 00 Substitution Procedures 08/30/2013 01 31 19 Preconstruction Meeting 08/30/2013 01 31 20 Project Meetings 07/01/2011 01 32 33 Preconstruction Video 08/30/2013 01 33 00 Submittals 08/30/2013 01 35 13 Special Project Procedures 08/30/2013 01 45 23 Testing and Inspection Services 03/20/2020 01 50 00 Temporary Facilities and Controls 07/01/2011 01 55 26 Street Use Permit and Modifications to Traffic Control 07/01/2011 01 57 13 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 07/01/2011 01 60 00 Product Requirements 03/20/2020 01 66 00 Product Storage and Handling Requirements 04/07/2014 01 70 00 Mobilization and Remobilization 04/07/2014 01 71 23 Construction Staking 04/07/2014 01 74 23 Cleaning 04/07/2014 01 77 19 Closeout Requirements 04/07/2014 01 78 23 Operation and Maintenance Data 04/07/2014 01 78 39 Project Record Documents 04/07/2014 00 00 00 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 2 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised March 20, 2020 Technical Specifications which have been modified by the Engineer specifically for this Project; hard copies are included in the Project’s Contract Documents Division 02 - Existing Conditions Date Modified 02 41 13 Selective Site Demolition 02 41 14 Utility Removal/Abandonment 02 41 15 Paving Removal Division 03 - Concrete 03 30 00 Cast-In-Place Concrete 03 34 13 Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) 03 34 16 Concrete Base Material for Trench Repair 03 80 00 Modifications to Existing Concrete Structures Division 26 - Electrical 26 05 00 Common Work Results for Electrical 26 05 10 Demolition for Electrical Systems 26 05 33 Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems 26 05 43 Underground Ducts and Raceways for Electrical Systems Division 31 - Earthwork 31 10 00 Site Clearing 31 23 16 Unclassified Excavation 31 23 23 Borrow 31 24 00 Embankments 31 25 00 Erosion and Sediment Control 31 36 00 Gabions 31 37 00 Riprap Division 32 - Exterior Improvements 32 01 17 Permanent Asphalt Paving Repair 32 01 18 Temporary Asphalt Paving Repair 32 01 29 Concrete Paving Repair 32 11 23 Flexible Base Courses 32 11 29 Lime Treated Base Courses 32 11 33 Cement Treated Base Courses 32 11 37 Liquid Treated Soil Stabilizer 32 12 16 Asphalt Paving 32 12 73 Asphalt Paving Crack Sealants 32 13 13 Concrete Paving 32 13 20 Concrete Sidewalks, Driveways and Barrier Free Ramps 32 13 73 Concrete Paving Joint Sealants 32 14 16 Brick Unit Paving 32 16 13 Concrete Curb and Gutters and Valley Gutters 32 17 23 Pavement Markings NONE 00 00 00 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 3 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised March 20, 2020 32 17 25 Curb Address Painting 32 31 13 Chain Fences and Gates 32 31 26 Wire Fences and Gates 32 31 29 Wood Fences and Gates 32 32 13 Cast-in-Place Concrete Retaining Walls 32 91 19 Topsoil Placement and Finishing of Parkways 32 92 13 Hydro-Mulching, Seeding, and Sodding 32 93 43 Trees and Shrubs Division 33 - Utilities 33 01 30 Sewer and Manhole Testing 33 01 31 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection 33 03 10 Bypass Pumping of Existing Sewer Systems 33 04 10 Joint Bonding and Electrical Isolation 33 04 11 Corrosion Control Test Stations 33 04 12 Magnesium Anode Cathodic Protection System 33 04 30 Temporary Water Services 33 04 40 Cleaning and Acceptance Testing of Water Mains 33 04 50 Cleaning of Sewer Mains 33 05 10 Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment, and Backfill 33 05 12 Water Line Lowering 33 05 13 Frame, Cover and Grade Rings - Cast Iron 33 05 13.10 Frame, Cover and Grade Rings - Composite 33 05 14 Adjusting Manholes, Inlets, Valve Boxes, and Other Structures to Grade 33 05 16 Concrete Water Vaults 33 05 17 Concrete Collars 33 05 20 Auger Boring 33 05 21 Tunnel Liner Plate 33 05 22 Steel Casing Pipe 33 05 23 Hand Tunneling 33 05 24 Installation of Carrier Pipe in Casing or Tunnel Liner Plate 33 05 26 Utility Markers/Locators 33 05 30 Location of Existing Utilities 33 11 05 Bolts, Nuts, and Gaskets 33 11 10 Ductile Iron Pipe 33 11 11 Ductile Iron Fittings 33 11 12 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe 33 11 13 Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar-Wrapped, Steel Cylinder Type 33 11 14 Buried Steel Pipe and Fittings 33 11 15 Pre-Stressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe 33 12 10 Water Services 1-inch to 2-inch 33 12 11 Large Water Meters 33 12 20 Resilient Seated Gate Valve 33 12 21 AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves 33 12 25 Connection to Existing Water Mains 33 12 30 Combination Air Valve Assemblies for Potable Water Systems 33 12 40 Fire Hydrants 33 12 50 Water Sample Stations 00 00 00 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 4 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised March 20, 2020 33 12 60 Standard Blow-off Valve Assembly 33 31 12 Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) 33 31 13 Fiberglass Reinforced Pipe for Gravity Sanitary Sewers 33 31 15 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe for Sanitary Sewer 33 31 20 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sanitary Sewer Pipe 33 31 21 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Closed Profile Gravity Sanitary Sewer Pipe 33 31 22 Sanitary Sewer Slip Lining 33 31 23 Sanitary Sewer Pipe Enlargement 33 31 50 Sanitary Sewer Service Connections and Service Line 33 31 70 Combination Air Valve for Sanitary Sewer Force Mains 33 39 10 Cast-in-Place Concrete Manholes 33 39 20 Precast Concrete Manholes 33 39 30 Fiberglass Manholes 33 39 40 Wastewater Access Chamber (WAC) 33 39 60 Epoxy Liners for Sanitary Sewer Structures 33 41 10 Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe/Culverts 33 41 11 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe for Storm Drain 33 41 12 Reinforced Polyethlene (SRPE) Pipe 33 46 00 Subdrainage 33 46 01 Slotted Storm Drains 33 46 02 Trench Drains 33 49 10 Cast-in-Place Manholes and Junction Boxes 33 49 20 Curb and Drop Inlets 33 49 40 Storm Drainage Headwalls and Wingwalls Division 34 - Transportation 34 41 10 Traffic Signals 34 41 10.01 Attachment A – Controller Cabinet 34 41 10.02 Attachment B – Controller Specification 34 41 10.03 Attachment C – Software Specification 34 41 11 Temporary Traffic Signals 34 41 13 Removing Traffic Signals 34 41 15 Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon 34 41 16 Pedestrian Hybrid Signal 34 41 20 Roadway Illumination Assemblies 34 41 20.01 Arterial LED Roadway Luminaires 34 41 20.02 Freeway LED Roadway Luminaires 34 41 20.03 Residential LED Roadway Luminaires 34 41 30 Aluminum Signs 34 71 13 Traffic Control 00 00 00 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 5 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised March 20, 2020 Technical Specifications listed below are included for this Project by reference and can be viewed/downloaded from the City’s website at: http://fortworthtexas.gov/tpw/contractors/ or https://apps.fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/ Division 02 - Existing Conditions Last Revised 02 41 13 Selective Site Demolition 12/20/2012 02 41 14 Utility Removal/Abandonment 12/20/2012 02 41 15 Paving Removal 02/02/2016 Division 03 - Concrete 03 30 00 Cast-In-Place Concrete 12/20/2012 03 34 13 Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) 12/20/2012 03 34 16 Concrete Base Material for Trench Repair 12/20/2012 03 80 00 Modifications to Existing Concrete Structures 12/20/2012 Division 26 - Electrical 26 05 00 Common Work Results for Electrical 11/22/2013 26 05 10 Demolition for Electrical Systems 12/20/2012 26 05 33 Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems 12/20/2012 26 05 43 Underground Ducts and Raceways for Electrical Systems 07/01/2011 26 05 50 Communications Multi-Duct Conduit 02/26/2016 Division 31 - Earthwork 31 10 00 Site Clearing 12/20/2012 31 23 16 Unclassified Excavation 01/28/2013 31 23 23 Borrow 01/28/2013 31 24 00 Embankments 01/28/2013 31 25 00 Erosion and Sediment Control 12/20/2012 31 36 00 Gabions 12/20/2012 31 37 00 Riprap 12/20/2012 Division 32 - Exterior Improvements 32 01 17 Permanent Asphalt Paving Repair 12/20/2012 32 01 18 Temporary Asphalt Paving Repair 12/20/2012 32 01 29 Concrete Paving Repair 12/20/2012 32 11 23 Flexible Base Courses 12/20/2012 32 11 29 Lime Treated Base Courses 12/20/2012 32 11 33 Cement Treated Base Courses 12/20/2012 32 11 37 Liquid Treated Soil Stabilizer 08/21/2015 32 12 16 Asphalt Paving 12/20/2012 32 12 73 Asphalt Paving Crack Sealants 12/20/2012 32 13 13 Concrete Paving 12/20/2012 32 13 20 Concrete Sidewalks, Driveways and Barrier Free Ramps 06/05/2018 00 00 00 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 6 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised March 20, 2020 32 13 73 Concrete Paving Joint Sealants 12/20/2012 32 14 16 Brick Unit Paving 12/20/2012 32 16 13 Concrete Curb and Gutters and Valley Gutters 10/05/2016 32 17 23 Pavement Markings 11/22/2013 32 17 25 Curb Address Painting 11/04/2013 32 31 13 Chain Fences and Gates 12/20/2012 32 31 26 Wire Fences and Gates 12/20/2012 32 31 29 Wood Fences and Gates 12/20/2012 32 32 13 Cast-in-Place Concrete Retaining Walls 06/05/2018 32 91 19 Topsoil Placement and Finishing of Parkways 12/20/2012 32 92 13 Hydro-Mulching, Seeding, and Sodding 12/20/2012 32 93 43 Trees and Shrubs 12/20/2012 Division 33 - Utilities 33 01 30 Sewer and Manhole Testing 12/20/2012 33 01 31 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection 03/03/2016 33 03 10 Bypass Pumping of Existing Sewer Systems 12/20/2012 33 04 10 Joint Bonding and Electrical Isolation 12/20/2012 33 04 11 Corrosion Control Test Stations 12/20/2012 33 04 12 Magnesium Anode Cathodic Protection System 12/20/2012 33 04 30 Temporary Water Services 07/01/2011 33 04 40 Cleaning and Acceptance Testing of Water Mains 02/06/2013 33 04 50 Cleaning of Sewer Mains 12/20/2012 33 05 10 Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment, and Backfill 12/12/2016 33 05 12 Water Line Lowering 12/20/2012 33 05 13 Frame, Cover and Grade Rings – Cast Iron 01/22/2016 33 05 13.10 Frame, Cover and Grade Rings – Composite 01/22/2016 33 05 14 Adjusting Manholes, Inlets, Valve Boxes, and Other Structures to Grade 12/20/2012 33 05 16 Concrete Water Vaults 12/20/2012 33 05 17 Concrete Collars 12/20/2012 33 05 20 Auger Boring 12/20/2012 33 05 21 Tunnel Liner Plate 12/20/2012 33 05 22 Steel Casing Pipe 12/20/2012 33 05 23 Hand Tunneling 12/20/2012 33 05 24 Installation of Carrier Pipe in Casing or Tunnel Liner Plate 06/19/2013 33 05 26 Utility Markers/Locators 12/20/2012 33 05 30 Location of Existing Utilities 12/20/2012 33 11 05 Bolts, Nuts, and Gaskets 12/20/2012 33 11 10 Ductile Iron Pipe 12/20/2012 33 11 11 Ductile Iron Fittings 12/20/2012 33 11 12 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe 11/16/2018 33 11 13 Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar-Wrapped, Steel Cylinder Type 12/20/2012 33 11 14 Buried Steel Pipe and Fittings 12/20/2012 33 12 10 Water Services 1-inch to 2-inch 02/14/2017 33 12 11 Large Water Meters 12/20/2012 33 12 20 Resilient Seated Gate Valve 12/20/2012 33 12 21 AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves 12/20/2012 33 12 25 Connection to Existing Water Mains 02/06/2013 00 00 00 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 7 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised March 20, 2020 33 12 30 Combination Air Valve Assemblies for Potable Water Systems 12/20/2012 33 12 40 Fire Hydrants 01/03/2014 33 12 50 Water Sample Stations 12/20/2012 33 12 60 Standard Blow-off Valve Assembly 06/19/2013 33 31 12 Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) 12/20/2012 33 31 13 Fiberglass Reinforced Pipe for Gravity Sanitary Sewers 12/20/2012 33 31 15 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe for Sanitary Sewer 12/20/2012 33 31 20 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sanitary Sewer Pipe 06/19/2013 33 31 21 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Closed Profile Gravity Sanitary Sewer Pipe 12/20/2012 33 31 22 Sanitary Sewer Slip Lining 12/20/2012 33 31 23 Sanitary Sewer Pipe Enlargement 12/20/2012 33 31 50 Sanitary Sewer Service Connections and Service Line 04/26/2013 33 31 70 Combination Air Valve for Sanitary Sewer Force Mains 12/20/2012 33 39 10 Cast-in-Place Concrete Manholes 12/20/2012 33 39 20 Precast Concrete Manholes 12/20/2012 33 39 30 Fiberglass Manholes 12/20/2012 33 39 40 Wastewater Access Chamber (WAC) 12/20/2012 33 39 60 Epoxy Liners for Sanitary Sewer Structures 12/20/2012 33 41 10 Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe/Culverts 07/01/2011 33 41 11 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe for Storm Drain 12/20/2012 33 41 12 Reinforced Polyethlene (SRPE) Pipe 11/13/2015 33 46 00 Subdrainage 12/20/2012 33 46 01 Slotted Storm Drains 07/01/2011 33 46 02 Trench Drains 07/01/2011 33 49 10 Cast-in-Place Manholes and Junction Boxes 12/20/2012 33 49 20 Curb and Drop Inlets 12/20/2012 33 49 40 Storm Drainage Headwalls and Wingwalls 07/01/2011 Division 34 - Transportation 34 41 10 Traffic Signals 10/12/2015 34 41 10.01 Attachment A – Controller Cabinet 12/18/2015 34 41 10.02 Attachment B – Controller Specification 02/2012 34 41 10.03 Attachment C – Software Specification 01/2012 34 41 11 Temporary Traffic Signals 11/22/2013 34 41 13 Removing Traffic Signals 12/20/2012 34 41 15 Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon 11/22/2013 34 41 16 Pedestrian Hybrid Signal 11/22/2013 34 41 20 Roadway Illumination Assemblies 12/20/2012 34 41 20.01 Arterial LED Roadway Luminaires 06/15/2015 34 41 20.02 Freeway LED Roadway Luminaires 06/15/2015 34 41 20.03 Residential LED Roadway Luminaires 06/15/2015 34 41 30 Aluminum Signs 11/12/2013 34 41 50 Single-Mode Fiber Optic Cable 02/26/2016 34 71 13 Traffic Control 11/22/2013 00 00 00 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 8 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised March 20, 2020 Appendix GC-4.01 Availability of Lands GC-4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions GC-4.04 Underground Facilities GC-4.06 Hazardous Environmental Condition at Site GC-6.06.D Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Compliance GC-6.07 Wage Rates GC-6.09 Permits and Utilities GC-6.24 Nondiscrimination GR-01 60 00 Product Requirements END OF SECTION 00 42 43 DAP - BID PROPOSAL Page 1 of 6 1 3311.0241 8" Water Pipe 33 11 12 LF 9709 $36.00 $349,524.00 2 3312.2003 1" Water Service 33 12 10 EA 199 $749.62 $149,174.38 3 3312.2203 2" Water Service 33 12 10 EA 2 $1,200.00 $2,400.00 4 3312.3003 8" Gate Valve & Box 33 12 20 EA 43 $1,525.00 $65,575.00 5 3312.0117 Connect to Existing 8" Water Main 33 12 25 EA 5 $2,080.00 $10,400.00 6 3305.0003 8" Waterline Lowering 33 05 12 EA 21 $5,200.00 $109,200.00 7 0241.1118 4"-12" Pressure Plug 02 41 14 EA 4 $250.00 $1,000.00 8 3312.0001 Fire Hydrant 33 12 40 EA 21 $4,779.24 $100,364.04 9 3311.0001 Ductile Iron Fittings 33 11 11 TN 0.5 $25,150.00 $12,575.00 10 3305.0109 Trench Safety 33 05 10 LF 10005 $2.00 $20,010.00 11 3311.0641 24" Water Pipe 33 11 10 LF 1211 $176.48 $213,717.28 12 3311.0001 24" Gate Valve w/ Vault 33 12 40 EA 1 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 13 3312.0108 Connect to Existing 24" Water Main 33 12 25 EA 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 14 0241.1109 24" Pressure Plug 02 41 14 EA 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 15 3311.0001 Ductile Iron Fittings (24" Only) 33 11 11 TN 0.5 $25,150.00 $12,575.00 16 3305.0109 Trench Safety (24" Only) 33 05 10 LF 1211 $2.00 $2,422.00 TAVOLO PARK PHASE 4 CPN 102748 SECTION 00 42 43 Developer Awarded Projects - PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE BID Bidder's Application Specification Section No. Unit of Measure Unit Price Bid Value Bidder's Proposal Description TOTAL UNIT I: WATER IMPROVEMENTS $1,087,936.70 Bid Quantity Bidlist Item No. UNIT I: WATER IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS - DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS Form Version May 22, 2019 00 42 43_Bid Proposal_DAP_Multiple Bidders_08.11.21 00 42 43 DAP - BID PROPOSAL Page 2 of 6 TAVOLO PARK PHASE 4 CPN 102748 SECTION 00 42 43 Developer Awarded Projects - PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE BID Bidder's Application Specification Section No. Unit of Measure Unit Price Bid Value Bidder's Proposal Description Bid Quantity Bidlist Item No. 1 3331.4115 8" Sewer Pipe 33 31 20 LF 6302 $39.00 $245,778.00 2 3331.4119 8" DIP Sewer Pipe 33 11 10 LF 173 $80.00 $13,840.00 3 3331.4116 8" Sewer Pipe, CSS Backfill 33 31 20 LF 320 $30.00 $9,600.00 4 3331.4208 12" Sewer Pipe 33 11 10 LF 1308 $47.00 $61,476.00 5 3339.1001 4' Manhole 33 39 20 LF 25 $3,900.00 $97,500.00 6 3305.0116 Concrete Encasement 33 05 10 LF 228 $40.00 $9,120.00 7 3339.1101 5' Manhole 33 39 10 EA 2 $6,000.00 $12,000.00 8 3339.1102 5' Drop Manhole 33 39 10 VF 3 $7,000.00 $21,000.00 9 3339.0001 Epoxy Manhole Liner 33 39 60 EA 48 $312.50 $15,000.00 10 3305.0113 Trench Water Stops 33 05 15 EA 13 $750.00 $9,750.00 11 3331.3101 4" Sewer Service 33 31 50 EA 199 $760.25 $151,289.75 12 9999.0015 Connect to Ex 36" SSWR 34 31 20 EA 1 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 13 3305.0109 Trench Safety 33 05 10 LF 7610 $0.10 $761.00 14 3301.0002 Post-CCTV Inspection 33 01 31 LF 7610 $2.00 $15,220.00 UNIT II: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL UNIT II: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS $671,334.75 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS - DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS Form Version May 22, 2019 00 42 43_Bid Proposal_DAP_Multiple Bidders_08.11.21 00 42 43 DAP - BID PROPOSAL Page 3 of 6 TAVOLO PARK PHASE 4 CPN 102748 SECTION 00 42 43 Developer Awarded Projects - PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE BID Bidder's Application Specification Section No. Unit of Measure Unit Price Bid Value Bidder's Proposal Description Bid Quantity Bidlist Item No. 1 3341.0103 18" RCP, Class III 33 41 10 LF 272 $60.00 $16,320.00 2 3341.0201 21" RCP, Class III 33 41 10 LF 269 $70.00 $18,830.00 3 3341.0205 24" RCP, Class III 33 41 10 LF 1016 $80.00 $81,280.00 4 3341.0302 30" RCP, Class III 33 41 10 LF 420 $100.00 $42,000.00 5 3341.0309 36" RCP, Class III 33 41 10 LF 850 $120.00 $102,000.00 6 3341.0409 48" RCP, Class III 33 41 10 LF 89 $180.00 $16,020.00 7 3341.1102 4x3 Box Culvert 33 41 10 LF 463 $250.00 $115,750.00 8 3349.5001 10' Curb Inlet 33 49 20 EA 8 $4,600.00 $36,800.00 9 3349.5002 15' Curb Inlet 33 49 20 EA 6 $5,800.00 $34,800.00 10 3349.5003 20' Curb Inlet 33 49 20 EA 6 $7,500.00 $45,000.00 11 3349.0001 4' Storm Junction Box 33 49 10 EA 8 $4,700.00 $37,600.00 12 3349.0002 5' Storm Junction Box 33 49 10 EA 1 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 13 3349.0003 6' Storm Junction Box 33 49 10 EA 3 $7,500.00 $22,500.00 14 3349.3001 18" Headwall 33 49 40 EA 1 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 15 3349.3011 48" Headwall 33 49 40 EA 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 16 9999.0016 4'x3' Headwall 33 49 40 EA 1 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 17 3137.0102 Large Stone Riprap, dry 31 37 00 SY 350 $90.00 $31,500.00 18 3305.0109 Trench Safety 33 05 10 LF 3379 $0.94 $3,176.26 $624,076.26 UNIT III: DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL UNIT III: DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS - DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS Form Version May 22, 2019 00 42 43_Bid Proposal_DAP_Multiple Bidders_08.11.21 00 42 43 DAP - BID PROPOSAL Page 4 of 6 TAVOLO PARK PHASE 4 CPN 102748 SECTION 00 42 43 Developer Awarded Projects - PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE BID Bidder's Application Specification Section No. Unit of Measure Unit Price Bid Value Bidder's Proposal Description Bid Quantity Bidlist Item No. 1 3213.0101 6" Conc Pavement 32 13 13 SY 32,300 $37.50 $1,211,250.00 2 3213.0101 10" Conc Pavement 32 13 13 SY 3,200 $54.20 $173,440.00 3 3213.0301 4" Conc. Sidewalk 32 13 20 SF 14,110 $6.00 $84,660.00 4 9999.0027 10' Wide 4" Conc. Sidewalk 33 13 20 SF 1,180 $6.50 $7,670.00 5 3211.0501 6" Lime Treatment 32 11 29 SY 35,600 $3.70 $131,720.00 6 3211.0502 8" Lime Treatment 33 11 29 SY 3,600 $4.50 $16,200.00 7 3211.0400 Hydrated Lime 32 11 29 TONS 717 $164.00 $117,588.00 8 3213.0501 B/F Ramps, Type R-1 32 13 20 EA 24 $2,000.00 $48,000.00 9 3213.0506 B/F Ramps, Type P-1 32 13 20 EA 18 $2,000.00 $36,000.00 10 9999.0015 Remove End of Road Barricade 00 00 00 EA 1 $300.00 $300.00 11 9999.0014 Connect to Existing Street 00 00 00 LF 323 $15.00 $4,845.00 12 9999.0012 End of Road Barricade 00 00 00 LF 139 $40.00 $5,560.00 13 9999.0024 Concrete Street Header 00.00.00 LF 139 $20.00 $2,780.00 14 3217.0015 4" DOT Pvmt Marking Paint (Y) 32.17.23 LF 1250 $4.00 $5,000.00 UNIT IV: PAVING IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL UNIT IV: PAVING IMPROVEMENTS $1,845,013.00 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS - DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS Form Version May 22, 2019 00 42 43_Bid Proposal_DAP_Multiple Bidders_08.11.21 00 42 43 DAP - BID PROPOSAL Page 5 of 6 TAVOLO PARK PHASE 4 CPN 102748 SECTION 00 42 43 Developer Awarded Projects - PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE BID Bidder's Application Specification Section No. Unit of Measure Unit Price Bid Value Bidder's Proposal Description Bid Quantity Bidlist Item No. 1 2605.3015 2" CONDT PVC SCH 80 (T) 26 05 33 LF 4,535 $16.50 $74,827.50 2 3441.1409 NO 8 Insulated Elec Condr 34 41 10 LF 4,715 $1.80 $8,487.00 3 3441.1410 NO 10 Insulated Elec Condr 34 41 10 LF 10,110 $1.35 $13,648.50 4 3441.1502 Ground Box, Small, w/Lid 33 41 10 EA 4 $500.00 $2,000.00 5 3441.1502 Ground Box, Small, w/Lid Apron 34 41 10 EA 2 $600.00 $1,200.00 6 3441.3301 Rdwy Illum Foundation TY 1,2, and 4 34 41 20 EA 39 $1,350.00 $52,650.00 7 3441.3302 Rdwy Illum Foundation TY 3,5,6, and 8 34 41 20 EA 6 $1,600.00 $9,600.00 8 Furnish/Install 120-240 Volt Single Phase Metered 34 41 20 EA 1 $6,250.00 $6,250.00 9 Furnish/Install Powder Coat Black Type 33A Arm 34 41 20 EA 6 $344.00 $2,064.00 10 Furnish/Install Powder Coat Black Type 33B Arm 34 41 20 EA 39 $344.00 $13,416.00 11 Furnish/Install Powder Coat Black LED Lighting Fixture 34 41 20 EA 39 $550.00 $21,450.00 12 Furnish/Install Powder Coat Black LED Lighting Fixture 34 41 20 EA 6 $575.00 $3,450.00 13 3441.3351 Furnish/Install Rdway Illum TY 11 Pole 34 41 20 EA 39 $1,333.00 $51,987.00 14 3441.3351 Furnish/Install Rdway Illum TY 18 Pole 35 41 20 EA 6 $1,763.00 $10,578.00 $271,608.00TOTAL UNIT V: STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS UNIT V: STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS - DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS Form Version May 22, 2019 00 42 43_Bid Proposal_DAP_Multiple Bidders_08.11.21 UC� q2 A3 DAP - AID PROPOSAL Paec 6 of G SECTfON 00 42 43 Developer Awarded Projects - PROPOSAL FORM L11�I��yif+i�-3L7 Bidder's Applicatian TAVQ�O PARK PHASE 4 �idder's Proposai CPN 1Q2748 Bidlist p�sceiption Specification Unit o� B�d Unit Price Bid Value Item Na. Section No. Measure Quantity TLis Bid is submitte�l by the entity named beioF��: I3iDDF.R FOR L1ti1T5 I, ii. � I1T f�1'ATER, SANITAR]' STs�i'ER, ll1iAiNAGI;1: S1'B COtV5'TRC�C'['ION f0., INC. �l27 COAIPTO�� i1tVING, 'TG:YAS 9SOfi] 1i'orizing Da}•s: l lU 81DDER FQR l�1tiIT IV (PA�'INGI GLBNN T'FII!RIriA�. iNC. P.O. BOX 85ti842 R9ES�i�ITG, TE}:AS 75185 �,�: ���a v� ��'1�l � <l-�� .� ��=--� � � , � TITLE: ✓��-� tm �P �Z'2 � DATE: %.,, '� -�A ��� f t 13Y: TTiLF.: �>,a�rr: Wor)cing Da}s: 45 BIDD�R P�R ONI1' \r (1'REE'P LIGHTSI: C& S IiTILITY COh'TRACTORS, I?tiC. 6705 [i5 HWl' 287 ARLINGTON, T�XhS 7G001 6I`: 1'CFLL: D,ITE: R'orking Days: 45 Cuntractor agrees to cnn�plete �i'ORFC for F(NAL ACCEP'i':�NCL within COivTRACT commenccs to run as provided in the General C�ndiHons. 20Q «rorkiti� days after the date wlicn t6e ENll OF SECTION cirr or ror.r woiiTi� 57'ANU:IRD CONS7"RUCTIpN SPECIFICA'I10\ DOCiJb�IG^7TS - DEVE•LOVHR AR'ARllL•D PR076CTS Fomi �'zrsiun hi.p� 22, 2U! ° 9[7 42 =t3_Bid Proposal, DAp_Mul�pl e IIidders_Ofi. l I 21 00 h2 A3 D.AP - IIID PROPOSAL Yaee 6 of 6 SECiIOfV 00 42 43 Developer Awarded Projects - PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE BID �idder's Application TAaVOLO PARK PHASE 4 �idder's Proposal CPN 502748 Bidlist Specification Uraii o�f Bid Item No. �eseriptimn Secfion iVo. hneasure Quantity Unit Price Bid Value This I3id is sabmitted by the eutity named below: BIDDER Fi�R UNTTS I. Il. & III (i'VATER, SANTI'ARY 5Ea4'ER. DRrYINACE): SYB CD?�IS7CRtICTIOPd CO., INC'. 421 �O�'f.PT'ON IILVL'VG, TI;XA$ 75067 aT�'orking llays: 110 BIDbER Fa�R L7lIT IV (PAi'IlVG) GLENft TiiCJRM.�IN, L\C. P.�. BOA 890842 MESQI7ITE, T�KAS 75185 Vi'orking DaYs: 45 RIDDRR Fn�R i7NiT V(TRF.FT Li(]NTC)� C& S iITILLTY COiVTRACTORS, INC. G705 US AWP 287 ARLINGTON, TEA.AS 7G001 Working Days: 45 Contractor agrees to comp[ete!'VORII� for FINrlL ACCEPTANCE within CONTR�CT wmmences to run as provided ia the Gcncral Conditions. BY: TITI.�: DATE: BI': r", �"` � .% �� ��.i G'� � ��fi' s'� r�"'�y� TITi,E: ���[�T€�F.t`� 4bl�iNP��1� DATE: RY_ TITLE: DATE: 200 working days after the date �vhen the END OF SECTION Cl'iY OF FORT WOATH STAA�DARD CONSl'RUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCLJMENTS - DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJEC7S Form Version May 22, 2019 00 42 43_Bid Proposal_DAP_n3u]tiple Biddcrs_08.112:1 on az as DAP - B1D PROFOSAL Page G oF G SECTtO�! 00 42 43 Developer Awarded Projects - PROPOSAL FORM lJNIT PRICE BID Bidder's Application TAVd�O PARK PHASE 4 Bidder's Proposal CPN 102748 Bidlist Description Specificaiion Unit of B�d �nit Price Bid Value Item No. Section fVo. 14lieasure Quantity This Bid is svbmitted b� the entity� named below: BTDDER FOR CIVITS I, II. & III (W'ATER. J'ANTTARS' SEV1'ER, DRaLnAGLI: SYB CONSTRUCTION CO., INC'. 421 COAIPTON IRV71�G. TE�AS 75061 «'orkin� Dati�s: 110 RiDDER I'OR L'IVIT N (PAViNG) GLL.'v\ "I'Ti1C'.R�T4N, L'�C. P.O. BO?� 850842 �SESQL?ITE, TEXaS 75185 «'orking lla}s: Q5 BIDDER FOR UNIT V(TRE�T L7GHTS1: C& S LTILITY CON'i'RaCTORS, INC. G705 L?S EiR`Y 287 ARLT:AGTON, TEFAS ib001 �i'orking Dars: 45 Contractor a;rees to completc �i'ORK for FINAT, ACCEPT.�:\CE within CONTR.ICT commences ro run fis provided in the Ueneral Conditions. Bl': TITL�: DATE: Ii�': TITL�: DATE: B'k': � �'�ilf'�f��''S� C" � �i4 slC,IS / Or �/f��Y TITLE: D���: ,I�-��Z � 200 �corking dars after the date when the ENll QI' SECTI01 C[TY OF FORT �L'ORTfI STAVDARD COrSTRtiCTtON SVECIFICATLON D6CiIb7ENTS - DEVELOPkR q�4'ARDED PROJECTS Fomi Versinn Mac 22, 201) i�042 4: Bld Propos:il_DAP.. S4ultiple B�ddzrs,_OG 11 21 � � _ � a � �� ����', ����.���`� � ��.", �.� �'��.1�.�. � Sewer Collection System, Development, 12-inches and smaller Water Transmission, Development, 24-inches and smaller SYB Construction Company, Inc.01/31/2022 01/31/2022SYB Construction Company, Inc. 20 004�26- 1 CON�'itACT(7R COMPLIANCG WlTI� WORKER'S CbMPENSATION LAW Page ] 01' I 2 r � 4 5 G 7 8 9 lo �� l2 13 ]4 [5 16 17 ]S i9 20 21 ?2 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 3Z 33 3�} 35 36 a7 3$ 39 40 SECTI�N OD 45 26 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANC�. WITH WORKE�t'S COMPENSATION LAW Pursuan[ to Texas Labor Code Sectio�� 40b.09b(a}, as amended, Cantractor ce�ii�ies that it pro�ides worker's coi��pensation insurai�ce co�erage for all of its employees employed oez City Project No. !ll';'•1�5. Contractor fiirther certifies that, pi�rsuant to Texas Lal�or Cotfe, Sec�ion 40b.�96(b), as ameElded, it will p�•ovide to City its subcontractor's certificates of com�liance with worke�'s com�ensation caverage. CONTRACTOR: SYB Constructian Co., Inc. a Texas corporation By: ogan Bemlett its Vice President SYB ConstrWction Ca., Inc. �21 Co�npton Irving, Texas 75061 TI-[E STATE 4F T�XAS COUNTY OFTARRANT 0 § BEFORE ME, the ui�dersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Logan Ben[eett , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing ii�strtmlent, and acknowledged to me ihat he/she executed [13e same as the act and deed of SYB Construction Co. Inc. #or ti�e purposes and consideration therein expressed a�td in tlle capacity tl�erein stated. GIVEN LINDCR MY I-IAND AND SEAl� OF OFFiC� t�is ��� day of October , 2021. ,,__=�,�:�.-:..�,.:.�._::_�...,_�.-...,a_:�_:.....:�:..... __:� :. Notary Pub�ic m and forti�e State of�Texas ti `laiiiir,�---R__-•—SANUY Fi��D �l; `ntp,AYPVB( �' --. „��iotety Public, State of Texas �? �`.:o��v? Comm €xpires06-16-2Q23 ;�"'�� E OF SECTION 'r '� ,°�,,,�� Notary ID 5881 G1 -9 °� -" ����: =��.>,-�� �� .��.. - .... c�� rr or r-o�tT� worrr►� S'l i1ND�RD ('ONS'1�[2lJCT10N 51'I?C11=1CA F[p?J DOCU[v1EIV'r5 iie�rscd April ?. 20i� 'Tavolp ►'ark E'hasc 4 City Prnject Nn_ I{127a$ 0(1�?a�-I Dc�elnper Ara�arded Pro,jcct A�rccmcnl Pnac 1 oFa ? 3 4 5 6 7 SECTION 00 52 43 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, authorized on October2O,2021 is made �y and betwee�� tl�e Developer, (Pate Ranch Sin�le Family, LP), authorized to do business in Texas {`•Developer'') , a��d SYB Construction Co., Inc. , authorized to da business in Texas, actinb by ai�d tilro��gE1 its duly aut]�orized rep��esea�tative. (`'Conti�actor"). 8 DeveEo�er a»d Co��tractor, ii1 co��sideration of the »Zutual cove€lants hereinatter set foR-tfz, agree as 9 follows: 10 Article 1. WQRK 1] 12 13 ]4 ]5 !6 l7 IS 19 �p ?� Contractor shall co3nplete all Work as specified or i»dicated in the Contract Doc��me��ts for the Project identified herein. Article 2. PROJECT The pro.ject for wE�ich the Work uncier the Contract Doc�nnents n�ay be the whole or only a pai-t is ge3�erally described as follows: Tcrti�ulu Pcr��k l'hcr.��e -! C'ih' Prr,j��r! ,�1''u. 1 f1? --��S Art'rcle 3. CONTRACT TIME 3. l Time is of tl�e essence. All time limits for MilestoE�es, if any. and Final Acceptance as stated in the Contract DoctEn�ents are of tl�e essence to this Contract. 22 3.? Fina] Acce�tance. 2� The Work ���ill be eom�lete for Final Accept�nce ���ithin ; 11U _,' ��rorking days after the date when the Conteact Time 25 commences to run as provided in PaE•agraph 12.04 of the Standard City Conditioils of tlle 26 Construction Contract for Developer A��arded Projects. 27 3.3 Liquidated damages ?g 29 �0 31 ;2 33 34 35 36 ;7 38 Contractor reco���izes that time is of the essence of this Ageeement ancE that Developer �vill sz�ffer tiilancial loss if the Work is not com�leted �vithin t13e times specified in Paragrap}� 3.2 above, plus any extensio�� th�reof alloti��ed i�z accordance wi#l� Article 10 of the Staildard City Co��ditions of tlle Constructio�� Contract for Deve]oper Awarded C'rojects. The Contractor also recognizes the delays, expense a»d difticulties ii�voEved in proving in a[egal proceeding the act�tal loss suffered by the Developer if the Work is not com�let�ed on tiEne. Accordingl��, inst�ead oi'requiring any s��ch }�roof, Contractor agrees that as ]iquidated damages for delay (b��t not as a penalty), Coi�t��actor shall pay DeveloUer One Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($�Qp,�p } for eac17 day tl�at expires after the time specitied in Paragraph 3.2 for Final Acceptance �u�ti[ the City issues t17e Final LetteE• of Acceptance. C["fY OF FORT WORTI-i l�avolo Parl; Pi�asc �4 S'I�ANDi1Ril CONST72UC'CION SPECIF[CAT[ON UOCLJMEN'iS — Di-VI�LpPGR AWARDFp PRO]�CTS Cit� irujecY �b. 1427d� Re��ised lune 16. ?(II6 003243-? Developer A�varded Praject Agrecment Paee ? of 4 39 Article 4. CONTRACT PRIC� 40 Developer agrees to pay Co�itractoE• for perfor��ance of tl�e Work in accordance with the Contract 41 Dacu�lieElts an a�nount in curreE�t fin�ds of Dollars 42 (�5 2,383,347.7X ). Two Million Three Hundred �ighty Three Thousand ThE•ee Hundred Foz•ty Seven and 7I1100 43 Article 5. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 44 5.1 CONTENTS: 45 4G 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 SS 59 GO G1 62 63 64 65 66 G7 G8 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 7G A. Tlie Contract Documents wE�ich comprise the entire agreement bet���een Developer a��d CoE�tractor concerning the Wo�•k consist of the following: 1. Tf�is Agreeme��t. 2. Attachinents ta this Agreen�ent: a. Bid Form {As pro�ided by Developer) [) Pa'oposal Form (DAP Version) 2) Preq��alification StaYement 3) State and Federal docutt�enTs {p1•oject specific) b. lnsu►•ailce AC4RD Fot'�n(s) c. Paymec�t Bond (DAP Version) d. Performance Bond (DAP Versio►�) e. Maintena�lce Bo�zd (DA�' Version} fi: E'o�uer of Attorney for #he $onds g. Worker's Compensatio�� Affidavit E�. M�E aitd/or SBE Com�r�itme��t For�n (IFrequired) 3. Sta��dard City General Conditio��s of tl�e Constructio�� CoE�tract for Develaper A�uarded Pro�ects. 4. Sup�le»lenta�y Conditio�as. �. S�ecifications specifcally made a pa►'t of tl�e Contract Docu�ne��ts by aCtael��ne��t or, if not attached, as i»cor�orated by reference a»d described 'a�� the Talsle of Co��tents of the Project's Contract Documents. 6. Drawi«gs. 7. Addec�da. 8. DocL��nentation sub�nifited by Cont��actor prior to Notice ofAward. 9. The following which �nay be deliveeed or issued after tl�e Effective �ate of ihe Agreett�ent a�td, if issued, E�eco�ne a�� incorporated �art of the Conteact Docu�nents: a. Notice to Proceed. b. Field Orders. c. Change Orders. d. Letter of Final Acce�taE�ce. C[TY O�' �'OR'[' N�Oft'1'H Tavolo Park f�hasc A STANDARD CON5TRUCT[dN SPEC[TICA'1'IpN DOCUM�N'['S — DC-VLLp€'�R 11WARE?�[l E'ROJGC7S Cit�� Projec[ No. 10374$ Revised Jwie I 6, 201 G 40�343-3 i7eveloper Ilwarded I'roject A€reenzent Page 3 af4 ii Article 6. INDEMNIFICATION 7$ 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 8& 89 �a 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 �s 6.1 Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, I�aId harmless and defend, at its o�vn expense, tlte eity, i�s officers, servants and em�Ioyees, from and against any ancl aIl clai►t�s arisi�ng out of, or aIleged to arise out af, the work and services to be �erformed by the tontraetor, its of�cers, agents, employees, subcontraciors, lieenses or invitees under this rontract. This indemni�cation nrovision is sneci�callv intended to onerate and be effective even if i� is aiie ed or roven that all or some of the dama es bein sou ht were causec� in whale or in art b anv act omission or ne Ii ence of the ci . This inclemnity �roWision is intendetl to inClude, without limitation, indemnity for casts, ex�enses anci legal fees incurrec� by filae cify i� defending against sucl� claims and causes oi aetions. 6.2 Contractor cavenants and agrees to inclemnify anc� hoid liarmless, at its own expense, the city, its officers, servants and empioyees, from and against any and alI loss, damage or destruction of property of the city, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performec� by tlte contractor, its officers, agents, employces, subcontractors, licensees or invitees under this contract. Tliis indemnification provision is s�ecificalIv infended to onerate ancl be effective even if it is alie�ed or �roven that all �r some of the d�rria�es bein� sau�lrt �vere caused. in �vhole or in nart, bv anv act, omission or ne�li�ence af the eitv. ArticIe 7. MISCELLAN�OUS 99 7.1 Terms. 100 Te�•ms useci iil tE�is AgE•ee�ne��t are defned ii� Article l of the Standard City Conditioits of l01 ihe Constr�tction Contract for Developer Awarded Projects. ] 02 7.2 Assignme��t af Co�1t�•act. ]03 Tl�is Agreement, including ail af the Co»tract Docu�nents may not be assigned by tl�e ] 04 Cont�-actor withoa�t the adva�lced express writte3� coi�se�lt of tE�e Deveio�er. 105 7.3 Successa�•s a«d Assig��s. IOG Developet' attd Co�3tracto�- eacfl binds itself, its }�artners, s�Eccessors, assigns and legal [�7 represerltatives to tite otlaer party hereto, i�� i-espect to a[f covena��ts, agree�3�ents and [08 oE�ligations contai�led in the Co»tract Doci�n�e��ts. 109 7.4 Severability. lla Ai�y provision or pa��t of tl�e Cont�'act Dacuments lte[d ta be �ulco�lstitutioi�al, �oid or 111 inlenforceable by a co���� of co�npetezlt ji�risdcction s1�all be deemed stricken, a��d all 112 �•emaining provisioils shall contintte to be valid aaid bi�idi��g upon DEVELOPER and I 1 � CONTRACTOR. 1[ 4 7.5 Go�erni��g Law and Ve��ue. 1IS This Agreenaent, hlc[uding al9 of the Cailtract Documents is perfor�nable iEt the State of I 16 Texas. Venue shall i�e Tarra��t Co��nty, Texas, or the United States District Cout�t for ti�e [ 17 Northe�•n District of Texas, Fo��t Wortla Division. CITY OI' FdI�T WORT'i I Tavola Park Plaase � 5TANDARD CO�ISTRUCTIQI� SP�C[�IC�'I'ION I30CUMENI'S — DEVGLOPL-R AWARDL-D PROJLCiS Ciiy Project No. 102745 €te��ised June ]6.2016 DO S2 43 - 4 Devcloper A�var�et] Prajecl Agreemenl Page d af�d !18 l i 9 7.6 Authority ta Sign. 12D ]2] i22 [23 124 125 126 127 128 Contractor sl�all attacl� e�idence of autharity to sign Agreeme»t, if otfte�� than duly autl7orized sig«atory of the Contractor. [N WiTNESS WHEREOF, Develc�per and Contractor llave executed tl��s ,�lgreement in multi��le ca�interparts. This Agreement is effecti�e as of t]�e last date sigr�ed �y tkte Parties ("Effective Date") Contractor: SYB Constructian Co., Inc. a Texa,s corpoz'atioa� Devetoper: Pate Ranch Single Ca►n�ily, LP a Texas limited partnership � By: n B r�et ice President SYB Construction Ca., Inc. 421 Con�pton Irving, Texas 75061 Co � s- ao � � Date By: PRA Pate Ranch GP, LLC., a Texas limited liability cornpany its Adtninistrator By: � J lia �aw , , r, its ice P�- sident Pate Ranch Single Family, LP 102I0 N Central Expz•essway, Suite 3Q0 Dallas, Texas 75231 Date ��y-zc-2o2( ci��v or rort-r woR'rrt ����o�a �a��; [�n�s� a 5'rANDARD C(.)NS"fi2l3CT[�N SP6C[PICA'1'�QN DOCUMEN'{'S — IIEVGLOPLR AWAE2DL-'D PltOlEC"fS City Project No_ li)2748 Re��ised June I6_ 2f}16 0 0 Ob G2 13 - 1 PERFQI2�'viA�tCE BOND Page 1 oE3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 THE �TATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT SECT�ON (30 G2 ].3 Bo�a �iog6i�si sYB �osa- PERF'ORMANCE B4ND § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: � g ��a� �,�E3 SYB Construction Co., Inc. , knourn as 9 "Principal" herei�i a�id The Hanaver Insurance Company a corporate 10 s�rety(sureti�s, if �nare �11an one) duly autliorized to do busi�a�ss iz� the Stat� of TeYas, known as 11 "Sur�ty" herein (wizether one ar more), are l�eld and fin�ily bouild unto the Developer, �2 Pate Ranc1� Sia�gIe Tamily, L�utllarized to do b�rsi�iess in Texas ("DeveIoper") a�id the City of Fort 13 Wortl�, a Te�as mu�iicipal cozporation ("City"}, in the pe��aI sum of, Two Milliot� Tliree Hi�ndred Eiglzty '�1 �ree Tl�o�sAnd Do���� �� 2�383,347.'71 } 14 Tltiree H�ndred Forty Seven and 71/10 .... .,.,..,. ._� , 15 Iawfiil n�oney ofthe United States, to be paad i�� Fort Wort�, T�.r�it County, Texas �'or the 16 payment oi whicl� sum r�ell and inlly to be made jointly ui�to the DeveIoper arid t�1e City as dual �7 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 2� ZG 27 oblz�ees, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, adznznistrators, successors aiid assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by #hese pr�sents. T�vo Milliou Tlu•ee FIuY�dr�d �igl;ty Tluee Tlxo�isa�zd Tlu•ee WH�REAS, Develo�er a�id City have ez�tered ia�to azi Agree��ient for the constructioz� o�' con�inu��iiy facilities in the City o� Fort WorCh by and dirough a Conu��uz�.ity Facilrties Agreement, CPA NLtznb�r 21-0095 a��d WHEREAS, the P�zz�cipal has e��ttered into a certain G��ritten contract z�it11 the Deveto�er awarcted t��e ZO day of Oetobe�r , 2021 , wl�ici� Contrac� is liereby referred to and ��ade a �art hereof for ail purposes as if fiYll�r set forth herein, to fumish all mate�a.Is, equipment labor a�id other accessories defined by law, in the �rosecution o£tl�e VSlork, it�cluding any Change Orders, as �ravided for in said Contract desi�nated as Tavolo Par•k Phcr,se -�. NOW, TH�REF4RE, the coa�ditio�� offihis obligation is such that iftlae said Prinoipal 28 shall faithfitlly perform it obligations under tl�e Contract arad shall rn all res�ects d�.�ly and 29 faidifully �er�onn tl�.� Work, includi��g Change Orders, iinder tlle Co��Cract, according to �i�e �la.ias, 30 s�eci�catio��s, aiid comract docii�nents tl�exein re%rred to, and as weIl during at�y ��riod of 31 et�tension of the Contract that may be granfied oii the part of the Developer and/or City, then tl�is 32 obIigation shall be and become null and void, othervvise to remain in futl £orce and effect. CI'f'Y OF FORT W012TI-1 STANDARD CITY COIVI�ITIONS —1��V�LqPEi2 A1§iARD�D PRdJECTS Revised 7a�3upry 3l, 2012 Ta�olo Park Phase 4 City Project No. 1d2748 006213-2 YERFORMANCL. BO\'D P�ge 2 of 3 PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any le�al action be filed on tl�is Bond, venu� shall lie in 2 Tarra��t Caunty, Te�cas or tlae Lli�ited Sta�es Dis�rict Court for the North�nl District of Tetas, Fort 3 Wo�tli Division. �4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 zr �� 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 �6 37 38 39 40 41 =�2 43 =�4 4� �6 47 This bond is made and execiited in coinpliance with the �rovisions of C1lapter 2253 af the Tcxas Govez-tzznent Code, as amcnded, and all liabilitics an tilis bond shall be detcrmined in accordancc with the provisiot�s of said statue. IN WITNES$ WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety t�ave SIGNED and SEALED this iustnunent by dtrly� authorized agents and officers on this the Z/ day of �ctober , 20 21 . PRINCIPAL: SYB Construction Ca., Inc. a Texas corporation By: Lc�gan Bennett i[s Vice President SYB Construetion Ca., Inc. 421 Compton In�ing, Te�as 75061 SURETY: The Hai�over Insurance Coinpan}r BY: � ignature Jack M Cro�vley, Attorney in Fact Nanie and Title Address: S00 N Akard Street, #4300 � ' '� a as, , C Wi ess as ta Surety �' Telephone Number: ���-�SS-9800 *Note: If signed by an o�cer of Ehe �urety Company, there must be on �i1e a certified e�tract f'rom the by-lativs snowing that tllis person l�as authority to sigii such obligation, I� Suret��'s �li_ysical address is different from its inailir►g address, both must be provided. CITY OP FOR'F LVORTH i'avolo P�rk Phase 4 STAND;�RD CITX GUNDITTONS — DEVEI,OFx R AWAftDED PROJEC"1'S City Projcci vo, 142748 Revised lanu�ry 31. 2Q12 ATTEST: {Prirtcipai) ecretar� ao�2is-s r��roR���c� Bor�n Page 3 of 3 T�e date o�tl�.e bond shaIl not be prior ta t��e date the Contract is awarded. CITX QF FflRT WORTH Tavolo Par[c Plaase 4 5T'AlVT1AT21"3 CI'li' CO\�nITIQNS — D�VELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Praject No. 102'i48 Revised danuary 31, 2012 U06214-1 YA�S"11�I�;N"I' BOND T'age 1 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 SECTION 00 62 14 PAYMENT BOND Bond #10861651 SYB 108� 7 8 9 lU 11 THE STATE 4F TEXAS § � KN�W ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY 4F TARRANT § That «�e, SYB Construction Co., Inc. , knawn as �`PrincipaJ" herei��, a�id 'F'he Hanover Insurance Con�pany a cor}�orate surety ( or sureties if more than oite), duly ai�thorized to do business i�� the State of Te1as, knawn as "Sureiy" hereiz� {whether one or more); are held ai�d finllly bound unto tl�e 12 DeveIo�er, Pate_Raneh Sin�le Fa_m[�� LP __, autllarized to do business in Telas 13 "(DevelopEr"), and the City of Fort Worth, a Te�as municipai corporatio�3 {"C�ty"), in the penal Two Million Three Hi�ndrecl �ighty Three Thousand 14 stzm oi Three Hundred Forty Seven and 71/,1,.00_ Dollars 1� ($ 2,383,347.71 ), laE��ful inoney of ihe Ux�ited States, to bc paid in For� Wortli, lb Tarrant County, Te1as, for the �as�mea�t of which suin v�re11 and tnily be inad� joi��tly Linto the 17 Develo�er aud tl�c City as dual obligees, we bind ourselves, our kaeirs, executors, admii�istrators, J 8 successors and assigns, jointly a�id severally, � rtx�ly by these pr�scnts: 19 WHEREAS, Devela�er aa�d City have entered into an Agreem�nt fox tl�e construction of 20 communitv facilities in tlte City of Fort Worth, 6y� ai�d tl�rough a Community Facilities 21 Agreement, CFA Number 21-0095 u�d 22 23 24 25 2fi 27 WHEREAS, Frincipal has enter�d into a certait� written Contract with Developer, at��arded tk�e �day of October , 20 21 , which Contract is hercby referred to a�id made a part hercoi for all purposes as if fiilly set forth herein, to fi�rnish all materials, equipmei�t, labor and ot1�Er accessories as defined by law, in the �rosecution of the Work as pro�idcd for iz� sard Contract and desi�n�ted as 7'crvolr� Pcrrk ]'Irase ,�. NOW, THERE�'ORE, THE C�NDITION OF THIS OBLIGATIQN is such that if 28 Principal sl-�ali pa_y a11 monies o«�ang ta any (and all) paynlent bond beneficiary (as defined in 29 Cha�ter 2253 of tlle Te�as Govern�nern Code; as amendcd} in the prasecution of the Work under 30 tl�e Contract, then this obligation shall be aaad becoine nulI and void; otherwise to re��zain in full 31 force and effect. CITY UF FbRT Vv`ORTH '1`3volo Park Phase 4 STA'�DARll CTTY CONDITIONS -- DEVELpPER AWARDEI7 PRO.IECTS City Yroject \o. 1Q27q8 Ravised 7anuary 31, 2012 ()06214-2 PAYM�NTBOND P1�e 2 of 3 1 2 3 4 This bo��d is inade at�d exec��ted in cot�tplia.uce with thc provisio��s of Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, 1nd aIl Iiabilities on iitis bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisio��s of said statute. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Princi�al and SLirety have each SIGNED and SEALED 5 this instniment by duly autl�orized ager�ts a��d officers on this the 2/ day of 6 October , 20 2l 7 ATTEST: .� (Surety) Secretary '` � � �./ / `�� ,� �� Witness as to S�arety MK C awley 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PRINCIPAL: SYB Construction Co., Inc. a Texas corporatic�n � Bv: enr�etC ii�s Vice Pz-esidcnt SYB Constructian Co., Inc. �21 Compton Irving, Texas 75061 SURETY: The Hanoi�er Insurance Company BY: Sign e Jack M Crowley Nanle and Title Address: 500 N Akarc� Street, #4300 Dallas, TX 75201 Teleplaone Number: _ ��2-3g5-9800 Note: If signed by au ofFicer of the Surety, there nlust be on file a certified extract from the bylaws showi�ig that tllis person has autl�ority to sigi7 sucl� obligation. If S�rety's �hysical address is different frorn its inail��zg address, bo#h Enust be provided. The date of the boi�d s11ai1 not bc p�.o:r ta the datc the Contract is awarded. END OF SECTION CTTY" OP PO�tT 1h70RTH Tavoto Park Phase 4 ST.9NDARD CTTI CC?NDIT[ON5 — bEV�LpPE�t AWARDED PRO.TECTS City Project No. 1027aR Revis�d Saa�uary 31, 2612 ATTEST: I ao �2 ��€ - 3 PAYMENT BOND Page 3 oi 3 C1T'I OF PORT WORTH Tavolo Park Pl�ase 4 STANDAIt.D CITX COR'DI'I'IOlVS -- D�V�LOPER A1�rARDE[) Yitb.T�CTS City Projeci \to. 10247& Revised danuary 31, 20I2 ao�zz9-� MAiNTENAAFCE BONCl Page l of 3 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 SECT�ON 00 62 19 MAINTENANCE BOND BOrit� �`1�g61E3� 8 9 10 11 T� sTATE o� T��s § § KN4W ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY 4F TAT2RANT § ��t �r� SYB Construction Co., Inc. , known as Princzpal la�rein and , p .. .'...y =t » The Hano� Er Insurance Com ar�y , a corporate surety (sureties, if more than o��e) duly autl�oz�zed to da b�isiness in the State of Tetas, ki�ow� as "Surefy" herei�� {wl�eil�er one or more), are held azid fin�iy bo�nd unto ttie Dev�loper, 12 P€►te Ranch Singte Fam�ily, L�autliorized to do busizzess in. Texas ("D�v�lnper") and the Cit�� of Fort 13 Wartl�, a Texas m�.�nicipal corporatioz� ("City"}, in Che sum Two Million Three HmFdred �iglity Tliree ThousAnd I� of Three I�undred rorty Seven s►nc� 71/100 �� Dollars (� 2s���a�47•71 ) � 15 lawfi�l money ofthe United Sfates, to be paid i� �'ort Wortl�, Tarrant County, Te�as, for payrnent 16 of v�rhich sum ��ell and tnily be znade jointly unto the Develaper a��d tlie Czty as d�.�al obligees and 17 their successors, we bznd ourselves, o�.�r heirs, elecutors, ad�nn.znzstrators, s��ccessors and assigns, 18 19 20 21 22 jointly and severally, firmly by these prese�rts. WHEREAS, Develo�er ai7d City laave entered inCa aii Agreement for tlae coz�struction nf community faciIities izz tlae Cit�r of Fort Worti� by aiid tl�rata�la a Commuiiity FaciIities Agree�nent, CFA Nurnbe� 21-0095 ;ai�d 23 WHEREAS, tlie Prii�cipal I�as ez�t�red into a certai�� writ�eu contract witl� tl�e Develaper ' ,, c,�ber . 20 Zl , l�hich Coiitract is 24 a� ar e �e o ay o ,, :t..,._ 25 �ereby re�'erred to a��d a made part hereof for all �ttrposes as if fi�lly set forth herei�z, to fiirnish all 26 materiaIs, eqi�ipment labor and othex accessori�s as defined hy law, in the prosecttiion ofthe 2'7 Work, inch3diiig auy Work resulting from a duIy authorized Chaz�.�e Order (callectively herein, 28 the "Work") as �rovid�d �or in said Cnntract and designated as Tavala Pa�•k Pl�ase �; and 29 30 31 32 33 34 WHEREAS; Principal binds itselfto use sucl� materials and to so constrctctth� VVork in accordance with the plaa�s, specifications a.nd Cantract Docume��.ts t13at the Work is a��d u�ili remain free from defects iii inatez7ials or �rarkina��shi� for and during tlae �eriod oFtwo (2) yea�•s af�er the date of Finai Acceptance of the Waxk by the City ("Maintenance Period"); aald CITY OF FORT WORTI-1 STANDARD CI�'Y C�N737TIOiVS -- DiVELQPiR A1�JARnBI7 P�tp7ECTS Re�ised 7anulry 3i, 2Q12 Tavolo Pnrk Plzlse 4 City Projec€ No. 102748 066219-2 �IAINTENf1.r�C� BOjfD P�t�e 2 of 3 I WHEREAS, �'rincipal binds itse�f to repair or reconsiruci the Wark in whole or in part 2 upon receivzzzg ��otice irorn the Developer a��d/or City af �l-►e need tl�ereof at a��sl time within the 3 Mainte��ance Period. �t 5 NOW THEREI'ORE, the condition o£tl�is obligation is such that if Principal shall 6 remed}= any defective Work, for whzch timei3� notice was �rovided by Developer or Ci�y, to a 7 completion satzsfacton� to tly� Cit}T, then d�is obligation shall become n��ll and void; othenvise to 8 rernain in full force and efFect. � 10 PROVIDED, H�WEVER, if Principal slaali fazI so to repair or r�construct auy timely 11 naticed defective'V�ork, it is agreed tl�at tla� Developer or Ciry may cause any and all suc�a 12 defective Worlc to be re�aired a�idlor reconstructed witi� all associated costs tl�ereof beiii� bome I3 by the Principa� a�id the Surety under this Ma���teila.nc� Ba�.d; a��d L� 15 PR4VIDED TURTHER, ��at if any legal action be �iled o��z t��is Bond, ven�ie sliall lie in 1G Tarrant Co�.inty, Te�as or tlie U�uted States District Court for the Northen� Distrzct o�Texas, Fort 17 Wortl� Division; a�ad 1S 19 PROV�DED FURTHER, tllat tl�is obligatia�� shall be co��tinuous in nat�zre and 20 successiv� recoveries �nay be had hereoii for successzve breacl�es. 21 za 23 CITY OP FORT WOR1"H Tavolo 1'.€rk Phase h STANDARD CITY C�ND[TIOlVS — DEVELOYER AWA,�2D�D PRdJ�CTS City Project I+do. 102748 Ttevised .ilnuary 31, 2p 12 006219-3 MAINTEN.4NC� BOND Page 3 0#' 3 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1� 13 I4 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 2=4 2> 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 �1 =�2 IN WITNESS WHER�OF, the Principal artd t1Ye Surety have eacl� SIGNED az�d SEALED this instrurnent by duly autl�o�zed a�ents and officers on this the __Z / day of . _ _ __ _ October , 2a�. n m�r•r.om. ATTEST: . ,�. �.�� (Suret ) ecretary ����� 1�� Wiuiess as to Suret�� K c�wley PRINCIPAL: SYB Construction Co., Inc. a Texas cnrporation B �. Logan Bennett i�s Vice Preside�it SYB Construction Co., Inc. 421 Compton Irving, Texas 75Q61 SURETY: The Hana�ler Insi�rance Company BY: re .Tack M Crowley, Attorne�r in Fact Nanie and Title Address: 500 N Akard Street, #4300 a as, Tclephane Nun��er: 972-385-9800 *Note: If signed by a.n afficer of the Suretv Company, there must be oza �le a certified extract from the by-lav��s sl�owii�g that this }�erson has authority to sign such obligation, If Surety's physical acldress is differe�zt from its mailing address, both must be providecE. 1�e date of thc bo�d shal� nat be prior to th� date th.e Contract is a�varded. � CITY OF FORT ��'ORTH STANIJARll CITI' CONDITIONS — D���ELOPER AWARDED PROJEC'!'S Ravised J�u�iary 3l, 2012 Tavplo Park Ahasc 4 City Project No, ]U274R TH� HAI�ovEi� fNsiJRANCE caNlPA3�Y MASSACHiJS�TTS BAY INSiJRANCE GONiPA11lY CIi1zEiV5 lNSURANC� COMI'ANY OF A1VI�RICA P�YVER THIS Power of AtEorney limits the acts of fihose namec[ herein, and they t�ave no authoriiy to bind the Campany except in the manner and to the extent herein staEed. KNOVIf ALL P�RSONS BY'�HES� PRESENTS: �'haiTHE HANOVER 1N5UftAI�CE COMPANYand MASSACHUS�TTS BAYINSURANC� COMPANY, i�ofh being corporationsorganizedand existing underfhe lav� of the Staie of New Hampshire, and CITIZENS I NSLtRANCE COMPANY O� AMERICA, a corporation organized and exisiing under the lav� of the State o'f Michigan, {hereinafter individuailyand coliectivelythe "Company'} daes hereby constitute and appoint, Steven iZ. �aster, Jack Nf. Crowley, Laurie Pfle�g, anci �'euta L,uri OP Wllis Towers Watson Insurance S�r�ices West, [nc af �aCias, TX each individuaqy, if there be more ihan one named, as its true and lawful aitorney(s)-in- fact to sign, execute, seal, acknawledge and deliver for, and on its beha[F, and as its aci and deed any place within ihe Un'sted Siates, any and ali surery honds, recognizanoes, underiakings, or ather sureiy obligations, The execuiion oi such surety �onds, recognizances, undertakings or surety obligations, in pursuance of fhese presents, shall be as binding upon the Company as if they had b�en duly signed by ihe president and attesied by the secretary ai fhe Gompany, �n their awn proper persons. Provided however, that this power of attorney Ifmiis the acts of those named herein; and they have no auihoriry to bind the Company except in the manner stated and tv the extent of any limitation stated below: � Ar�y st�ch ab[igations in ihe 4Jnited Sfates, not fo exceed 3Ytirty Five Miiiion al�d No1100 (�^35,060,000) in any single instance That this pvwer is made and executed pursuant io the authority of the €vllowing Resolutions passed by the Board of Birectors oi said Company, arsd said Resolutions remain in 4u11 force and effect: RESQLVED: Thaf ihe Pr�sident or any Vice President, in conjunction sri,th any Vice President, be anci they hereby are autharized and empowared to appoint Attorr�eys-in-faci of the Company, in its name and as it acts, io execute and acknovuiedge for and on its behaif as sureiy,�any and ali bonds, recognizances, contracfs of indemnity, waivers of citation and ail other writings obligatory in the �ature ti�ereaf, with power to atiach thereio the seal of the Company. Any such writings so executed by such Altorneys-in-fact shall be binding upnn the Compar�y as iFihey had been ciuly executad and acknowiedged by the rsgularly elected officers oP the Company in their own proper persons. RESOLVEb: That any and ail Powers o€ Attorney and C�rtified Copies of such Powers of Attomey and certificatior� in respecfthereto, granted and execuied by the Presideni or Uce President in conjunction vuith any Vice President of the Company, shall be binding on the Company #o the same extent as i� all signatures therein were manualiy affixed, even fhough one vr more of any s�ch signatures thereon may be facsimife. (Adopted October 7, 1981 -- The Nanovsr Insuranoe Company; Adopied April 14, 1982 — Massac��satts Bey fnsurance Company; Adopted 5eptemb�r 7, 2DD1 — Citizens insurance Company of America and affirmed by each Company on March 24, 2t11A) - IN V11fTN ESS WH�REO�,TH� HAtJOV�R INSURANCE GONcPANY, MASSACHIiSETTS BAYINSURAt10E CQMPANYand CITIZENS INSURANCE COPVIPANYOF AiUERiCA have caused these pres�nts to i�e seaiad v�th iheir respectiva corporate seals, duly atiested by finro Vice Presidents, this 10�' day of January, 2020, i!-fE 1-ERP�qV�� li��i3 � ��Df�lP�1�`� TH� l�f.1H£�V�R EI��EJP,�$!C� G�it�iPAf�Y lYfASSAG�]US�TTa� Y' 1 SlifL4�f�� �C3P�7F`&i�Y Ct9AS��C�i.lSE'�TS Blai l�€�URA[�GE �C3119P1�3�4Y Gl`il��h`S f�fS31R.�i�GE � fi4#�f�NY f3F A�1�PJClk �!T! ��N5 ii'��ti�C� �Q1�FAi�Y DF kPREf�E�� Vice � � � TH� COMMONWEAL7"H OF �I+IASSACHUSFT3S ) COl1NTY OF WORGESTER ) ss. �'�'���c� x� ��t� ��' o-, =,.�'.i:j� 4`�...� On this 1tl«' day of January, 2Q20 before me came the above named �,:ecutive Uce Presideni and Vice President of The hianover Insz�rance Caritpany, IVfassachusefts Bay [nsurance Companyand Gitizens Insurance Cornpar�y of America, to me personal[y knouvn to be the individaals and officers describad herein, and acknowIedged #hat the seals a�xed ta the preceding insirvment are the corporate sea[s oiThe Hanaver [nsura�tce Company, MassacE�usetts Bay3nsurance Company and Citizens [nsurance Company of America, respeciively, and thaithe said corparete seais and th�ir signaiures as officers were duiy affixed and s�bscribed to said instrUment by the auihority and direction o� said Corooraiions. a�., A.��.��3�1 11. 53I�tQ{�3S �� hfaSary r�ublic ��Ct7h3Pd0Ys1rrr11,TH OF tAAS,4AChUS�TiS �Iy Cnmmsss3on Expirrzs Jur+e t�, �0�3 � ' fifl�@R V. $i�Of15, h]ot��' i1 IC 1Viy Cornmi5sion Expires .3une 1b, 2i123 I, the undersigned V'sce Presidentof The Hano�er Insurance Company, Massachuseris Bay It�surance Company and Ciiizens Ir�surance Company af America, hereby certify that il�e above and for�going is a full, true and correct copy of the Origina€ Power of Attorney issued by said Gompanias, �nd do hereby further cer�ify that the said Pow�rs of A[tor�ey are stili ia iorce ar�d efiFect. GIVEN under my hand and the seafs oP said Companies, at Worcesier, Massachusetts, this day af �ERTS�'TE� ��P'Y Tii� f�ERtyQVER Ii�(StJRAh'C� CQfi'IPAf`1Y n�� ac�€us� 3-rs �A�r s�asuxArtc� coa��Anv IZ NS tTtSU���g��'ANY pFl�T�4ERiCA r� � _. � ��`� � -Carrick A• B€igh,�li sldent �he � 'Ehe Hanover Insurance Campany � qR0 LinrAln Street, Wosoest�r, MA 01653 Insuxazzce Group� Chizens Insurance Gompany of Astterica. � fi45 WesE Grand RiverAvenue, Hawell, MI 48643 ��#� �0i'�"1 fi��li�� ���lC� '� .i, +; �. � �. To o�tain info�-mation ar make a complai��: You may call The Hanover lnsurance Campany/Citizens lr�surance Company of America"s foEl-free ielephone number for informafiian or fo maEce a camplair�t at: � �. ��� � �� � � .� Para. ob�ener in�ormacion o para som��er una quej�: Usted puede Ilamar al numero de telefono gratis de The Ha�over Insurance Company/Ciiizer€s Insurance Company of Am�rica's para infarmacion o para someter una queja al: r . � � ���.� � �� x .� �� � � Yo�a may a[so write �01"h� {�anover Ensurar�c� Company/ Us�ed tamb�en puede esc�i�ir a T�e #��.rcye� €��u�a.n�2 Citizer�s Insurance Company of America at: Compa�y/Ci�iz�ns Insurance Company of America al: 440 Lincoln Stree� Worcester, MA 01�'[5 440 Lincaln S�reet Vl/orcester, N1A 0'[615 Yau may confiact �he Texas Department a� lnsurance to obtain �nformatio� on campanies, caverages, righ�s ar carr�plaints at: �-�na-���-���� You rnay wr�te �he Texas Depar�ment af Insurance: P O. �ox '1491�4 Austin, TX 787�4-9'iQ4 Fax: (�'E2) �75-'1771 Web: http:!/www,tdi.texas,gav E-maiL• Consurr�er�rotec�ian@tdi.state.�c.us P�ENIIUM OR CLA[M DISF'L3TES: 5hould you have a dispu�e conceming your pr�mium or abo�t a claim you shouid canta� the ager�t or the cQrrt- pany first. f� t�e dispufe is not resa{ved, you may contact the Texas Depar�ment of lnsuranee. ATTA�H TH[S NC,)7'��E TO YDUti POLi�: This no�ice is for ir�forma�ion only and daes r�ot become a par� or eon- dition of the attached documen�. Pu�de comut�ica�se con el Departame�ia de Segura� de �'er,as para obtener informaeior� acerca de campanias, cober�uras, derechos o quejas al: ; ��►� : �. � s �; �� Puede escri6ir a� Depar�amenfo d� SEguros de Texas; P. O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9904 Fax: (512) 475-1i71 Web: htip://www,fdi,texas.gav G-maii: Car�sumerProfectifl�@�cii.s�a�e,ix.us DISPUTAS SOBRE PR1MA5 O RECLAMOS: Si tiene ut�a disputa concemiente a 5u prima o a�� rec famo, debe eomunicars� can el agenfie a la compania primero. Si no 5e resuelve la disputa, p€�ede entonces �omunicars� can �i depar�amenta (TDI}. tJ�]A ESiE AV�50 A SU POLf�: �s�� aviso es sol� para �roposito de i�formacion y no se convie�te en Parte o COnCI[CEbp C�GI LIf7CUP1'lEii�O �djLi�l�Q. T8i-1457 {5l1� � 1 : ;�? p � � � € - � '� =;, : �, f � _ I�'` .� � .. Concrete Paving Glenn Thurman, Inc.07/01/2023 20 004�26-1 CO�ITRACTOR COMPL[ANCE W[Tf [ WORKER'S COMPENSAT30N LAW Page I oF I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 l2 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 aa zt az 23 24 25 26 z� 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 SECTIOIY 00 45 26 CONTLZACTOR COMPL[ANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSAT14N LAW Pursuant to Texas Labor Code Section 406.046(a), as amended, Contractor certifies that it provides worker's compensation insurance coverage for all of its employees employeci on City Pro�ect No. 102748. Cantractor further certiFies that, pursuant to "Fexas Labor Code, Section 4Q6.096{b), as amended, it will provide to City its subcontractor's certifcates of compliance with worker's campensatian coverage. CONTRACTOR: Glenn Thurman, Ir�c. a Tea C Glenn Thurman, Inc. P.O. Box 8�0842 Mesquite, Texas 75185 �x� sTaTE o� r�xAs COUNTY OF TARRANT § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, an this day personally appeared Gary Maynor , Ecnown ta me to be the person whose naane is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that helshe executed the same as the act and deed of Glenn Thurman, Inc. for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. G[VEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFF[CE this l� day of October .2021. T��J � � � Notary Public in and for the State of Texas 39 END OF SECTION Traci A. Msek 40 # � Notary Public, 5tate otTexas 1D#10546144 �,�y t��1�llgglp� Ex�ir�s 061Qfi1202b C[TY dF FdRT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDA2D CONST[tUCTfON SPECiF[CATION DOCUMEIVT5 City Project No. 102745 Revised April 2, 2014 00 52 -�3 - I Dcvcloper Ati4�arded Pr�ject A�reement Pu�e I o1'4 ? � 4 5 6 7 SECTTON 00 52 43 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, autl}orized on October 2fl,202I is made by and between the Developer, (Pate Ranch Single Family, LP}, authorized to do business in Texas ("Deve[oper"} , and Glenn Thurman, Inc. , a��thorized to do business i�� Texas. acting by a«d tlieough its duly authorized representative, {•°Contractor"). 8 Developer and Contractor, ii� consideration of t13e m��tual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as 9 fiallo�vs: 10 Article 1. WORK 1] 12 l� ]4 15 !6 l7 I$ 19 ?p 2] Contractor slial] complete all Wark as specified or indicated iE3 the Contract Doc�ur�ents for the Praject ide»titied I�ereiil. Article 2. PROJECT 'Fhe project for «�Ilich the Work i�nder tl�e Contract Documents may be the whale or only a paErt is generally dese�•ibed as folloti��s: 7�rrti���lri !'cr�'k I'hc�.sc� -� ( `il�' I't�uj«�1 ,14i. 1 fl? --J�ti' Article 3. CONTRACT T�M� 3.1 "Time is of the essence. A]] tisne li�nits for Milestones, if any, a��d Final Acceptance as stated in the Contract DocuEnents are of th� essence to this Contract. 22 32 Final Acce}�tance. ?3 The Work will be co��l�lete for Final Acceptance within ,` 45 _,' working days 24 after the date when tlle Contract Ti�z�e 25 com�nences to run as provided in Parageaph ] 2.04 of the Standard City Conditior�s of the 26 Construction Cont��act for Developer Awarded Projects. 27 3.3 i,iquidated dan�abes 28 29 30 31 32 JJ i4 35 �G 37 38 Contractpr recog»izes that tin�e is of tl�e essence of tl�is A�reeme��t and that Developer will suffer finaE�cial loss if tl�e Work is i�ot completed within the times speci#ied in Paeagraph 3.? above_ �l�is aily extension tl�ereof allowed in accordance with Article l0 of tl�e Standard City Condit�iorls of the Constr�i�tian Coi�tract fior �eveloper Awarded Projects. Th� Contractor also recog»izes the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding tlte actual loss si�ffe�•ed by t[te Developer if the Work is flot com�leted on time. Accordingly, instead of requiric�g any such �roof , Contraetor agrees ti�at as lic�uidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty). Contractor sl�all pay Deve�opee One Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($140.aa> for eacl� day tl�at exp'sres aftee the tin�e specitied in Paragraph 3.2 for Final Acce}�taElce until tl�e City issues the Final Letter of Acceptance. CITY 0� PORI� WORTII Ta�-olo Park Phase d STANDARI3 CONS'fRUCT]ON SPLCIF']CA'f]OI�' DOCUMFNTS — DEVGLOPER AW'ARDCD PRdJECTS City Project n'o. IU3748 Revised lune 16_ 2016 00�34a-2 Dcvcloper Ativarded f�roject Agreement Pa�e 2 o f �3 ;9 Article 4. CONTRACT �'R�C� 40 Developer agrees to �ay Contractor foc• perfo�•�t�ance of tl�e War[� in accordance .�rith the Contract 41 DOC4477�17iS a11 a17SQLll1Y E11 Clil'1'E[lt FLi11L�S OFpnc �1i1[ion I;ielct 1lundrrcl i'arty-i'i��c TlFoucand ❑0���1'5 4� (� 1 845 013.�d �. 'i'liirlccn and !I 4� Article 5. C�NTRACT DOCUMENTS 44 SJ CQNTENTS: 45 46 47 48 49 sa 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 G] 62 G3 6� G5 6G 67 68 69 70 7] 72 73 74 75 7G A. TE�e Contract Documezlts wl�icE� comprise t13� entire agreement betwee�� Developer and Contractor concerning the Woa•[c consist of the follawi�tg: l. This Agreeme��t. 2. AttacEtments to this Agreeme��t: a. Bid Form {As provided by Develope�•} �;� l) Proposal Form (DAP VersioE�) 2) Areq��alificatio�z Stateme��t 3} State and Fedeeal doct��nenfs (project specrfrc) b. Ins�i�•ance ACORD Form{s) c. Payment Bond {DAP Veesion} d. Performance Bo��d (DAP Version) e. Mai»tenance Bo��d (DAP Versinn) f. E'ower of Attorney for tl�e Bo�1ds g. Warker's Go�n�eilsation A�'fidavit h. MBE and/or SBE Com�nitment FoE•n1 (If required) 3. Standard Cit�� General Conditions af the C011$tl'LlCY101] Cailiract for DevelopeE� AwaE•ded Projects. 4. Supp[e�r�enta�y Conditioi�s. 5. Specifications s}�ecifically �nade a part of tl�e Contract Docu�ne��ts by attachment or, if i�ot attacE�ed, as incorpo�•ated hy refe�•ence and described in the Table of Co3�tents of t17� Praject's Contract Docume��ts. 6. D�•awirtgs. 7. Addenda. S. Documentation sub�nitted by Co��tractor prio�' to No�ice af Awa�•d. 9. The following which may k�e delivered or issued aft�r t�te �ffectiv� Date of the Agreemeni and, if issued, become an incoE•porated �art of the Co3�tract Dacwnents: a. Notice to Proceed. b. Field Orders. c. Cha3�ge Orders. d. Letter of Final Acceptance. C["['Y OF F02T 1�'OR'I'H Tavolo Pari: 1'hase �1 S'I�ANI7ARI� C01�5'f'RUC'C�CON SPCCIrICATION DOCLIMEN"fS — DEV�LpPER AWARDED i�RQJ�CTS City ]'rojec[ Nn. f�2748 Re��ised June I6, 2016 oas�a3-3 De�eloper Ativarded Project Aereement Pa�e 3 of 4 77 Articte b. INDEMNIFICATION 7S 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 9G 97 98 6.1 Contractar eove�zants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmIess an€1 defencl, �t its o�vn expense, tl�e city, its officers, ser�ants and emplayces, from an€1 against any and �Il claims arising out of, or allege€1 to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the contractor, its officers, agents, em�loyees, subcontractors, licenses or invi#ees under this contr�c#. This in€lemnification nrovision is s�ecificallv in#endec� to_ot�erate and be effective even if it is �Ile�ec� or nroven that aIl or some of the da�na�es bein� sou h� �}ere caused in whole or in art b anv act omission or ne li ence of the ci . This indemnity �rovision is intended to i�iclude, �vithout Iimitatian, inc�emnity for costs, expenses and Ie;al fees incurred by the city in defending against such cl�ims and causes of actions. 6.2 Contractor covenants and ag�•ees to indemnify �nd hold harmless, at i#s o�vn ex�ense, the city, its of�cers, servants and ern�loyees, fronr� and against any and all loss, darnage ar destruction of pro�aerly af the city, arising oat of, or ailegec� to arise aut of, the rvorl� �nc� serv'rces to be performec� by the contractor, its of#icers, agents, e�nplayees, subcontracto�•s, Iicensees ar invitees under tlfis contrac�. This indemni�cation �rovision is_specific�lly intended to operate a�c� be effecEive even if it is alie�ed or �roven that alI or snme of the dama�es bein� sou�lit �vere caused, in �vhole or in part, bv anv act, omission or nealigence of the citv. Article 7. MISCELLANEOUS 99 7.1 Terms. 104 Te�-ms �Esed in tltis Agreement a�-e detined in Article 1 oF tE�e Standard City Conditions of 101 t11� Co»structio» Cor1t�•act far• Developer Award�d P�•ojects. ] 0? 7.'� Assig��me�1t o� Co»tract. 1�3 This Agreement, including all of the Contract Docu►nents may nat be assigned by tE�e 1 Q4 Contractor witl�out tl�e advanced ex}�ress w►�itteil consent of tlle Developer. ]05 7.3 Successors and Assigns. i06 Develo}�er and Coiitractae each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal E 07 representatives to tlye otEler pa�-ty l�ereto, in respect ta all cove«ants, agreements and !O8 ob[i�ations co3�tained i�l the CoE�tract Docu�ne3�ts. I09 7.4 Severabilifiy. 110 Any provisio�l or part of ti�e Cantract Doc�unents held to be unconstitutional, void or 111 u«enforceal�le l�y a court of competent j�u�isdiction shall be dee�ned stricken, and all 112 remaining pravisions shall conti»ue #o be valid a��d binding upon DEVELOFER and 113 CONTRACTOR. I]� 7.5 Governing Law and Ven��e. 115 This Agree�nent, includin� all of tl�e Co��tract Documents is per%r�nable in the State af 1 I6 Texas. Vea���e shall be Tarrant Cou��ty, Texas, or the United States District CouE-� for tl�e 1[ 7 Noi-iEie�•n District of Texas, Fni-t Worth Division. CCCY OF rORT WORTE-I Tavolo Park Plinse 4 STANDARDCONSTRUCTIOT� SPEC[fICA'1'ION DOCUMGN7'S— DEVEi.OPERAWARDLD P€tOJECTS City ProjectNo. 1027d8 Revised J€�ne 16, ?O16 00 52 43 - 4 �3eveioper Awarded Project Agreement Page � of4 118 I 19 7.6 Authority to Sign. 120 121 122 E23 124 125 126 127 128 Contractor shall attach evidence of authority to sign Agree�nent, if other than duly authorized signatory of the Contractor. IN WITNESS WHERE4F, Developer and Contractor have executed �his Agreement in multiPle counterparts. This Agreement is effecti�e as of the last date signed 6y the Parties ("Effecti�e Date') Contractor: Glenn Thurrr�a�, Inc. a Te � I� G�enn Thurman, Inc. P.Q. Box 850842 Mesquite, Texas 75185 �d �� � DaYe Deve3oper: Pate Ranch Single FaEnily, LP a Texas limited partnership By: PRA Pate Ranch GP, L�,C., a Texas limit�d liability cornpany its Admir�istratar � By: J [ian aw , .ir. ' s Vi ce Pre ident Pate Ranch Single Family, LP ] 0210 N Ceartral Expressway, Suite 300 Dailas, Texas 7�231 Da�e �o-Z��zoz � C[TY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONS'fAUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS �- DE VELOPET� AWARDED Pl20JECT5 Ciry Project No. I 02748 Re�ised lune 16, 20I6 Bond Na. 9388518 Eirs f�� S? - I P(i�t��t)Itt�i�l\L'I: [30ND ;'i<,c I ci!"3 ] � ; -� � G � TI-i� STAT�: OI� T�XAS COU�ITY O�' TA[tCtA�T SCCTIO� (}0 G2 13 i'ERFE)It�'I�NCE E30ND � � K�iO�V ALL BY THCS� I'RES�i�TS: a s 7'h�t �.e. GIenn Ti�ut-rnan Inc. ,�:no�ti��� �s 9 "Princi��al" l�et'e.in at�d Colonial American Casualty and St�rety Coir�pany , a�o����c�r�lle II) s�3r�ty(scn�eiies, iI� more tl�an oi�e) ciul}• ��trthc�E•izeci ii� clo b€�si►iess i�� t[Ze S€ate nf "fex�s, k��o�tiEi ��s I] "Sueety.. ���rc:ir� (�rE1etE�er one or �31are), are l�elc� t�r7d f i�•��ih l�c�u�ic� unto 1lic; De��elc�per. �� P.Zte Ft���icl► Sii�gfe F,ir�iil}°, L��t�tharizecl to dn �usiness €n �I'�x�s {•`E�evelc����r") a�td tl�� City oi� l�ort l� L��aetl�, �"C`eaas mu��icipa( co�•�or�tion {�•Cit�t�.,). i» i��e �e��a1 sti€� o�f; I� [� IG 17 t� �"�li���6t���trFd�•��i F'��•-Fi�e'1'ia���as:����1 Dollaes{� 1.,S��,Oi3.00 j. i��• ecn .�Ttc t�IT I��� fuI mone� of tl�e United Srates. tn ��e ��aid i�� Fort Vl�nrti�. `f'ri€�rant Caunt�•. `i'c:�as ior t(t�: ���yme��t ot u�f�ie{� su�a� ��vel[ at1cE truli- to b� Enaele�ointky unto t�he D��selc��cr �i�d t€�e Ciis� as du�il ot�li`�ees, w� bind o����sel���;s, our heirs, �xecutors. �dmi€zistr��tc��•s, st�ccess��•s ancl �ssi��€is._j�ii�tly ��r�cf se� e�•��i��a, fi��rr�ly lzy tl�es� ��res�itrs. 1�) 1'V1�II;1t�AS. D��elc���er a��r� Citr h��v� enter�ci i€�tc> an tl�ree��rtei7t ior t1�e coi�st�•��ctic�n c�f ?D c�s�1�3�unit�� 9�cilities i�� tile City ni� Fort� 1�V'orth h�� ancl tl�rou�;l� a Com�n€€nits }=acifit€es '_I �1�reeme��t. CF�1 Numl�er 21-009� _��nd ?' WH�IZ�AS. the �'�•it�eip�l il�s e»t�.r�r� i��ta a ce�-tain �v€-itfer� con�ract ���itl� tl�e DevLlope� a+�°arcied 'a �he ,�o d�y r�!' Octc�i7er . 2021 .+�laich Contract is 1�ereb}� rekei-��ed io and na�cfe �i 3� pa��t he�•ec�f Iorall p��r�}oses ��s it'fiEiiy s�� iorrfl her�in, io fu�•nish 11� n�ace��ials, eqi�ip�ile��t labor '�; a:i�l c�til�r �€ccessori�s c�e�iied ��r In��, in t�he p�•osecu€ion nf tlie GL'ark, i€�c[udin�� any Cllnn�e "6 Ord��•s. as pro�=idecl 1��3�• in stiic� C'��€�ta•act desi€��7�teci as Iir:�srlE� 1'trr°�� I'lt�r,«- �, ?7 f'�`()W, TH�It�P�R�, tl�e earrclition o�'ti�is ntafi��itic�i� is s�rcl� tl��t ii't��e sc�id P�•iF�cipaf ?5 sltall fsitht�ull�� �ertorm it abfi��tic�ns ��»cier tEle Ca€Zt��act a��c� sh��ll in ali respects d��l� and �9 faiil�lt3li�° perfo�•Ez� il�e lJ� ork, €i�clucliE��� Chan��.e Orde�•s. u€�cler tl�c C��ttr�ct. �ccnrtli�i� so the �71�3ns. 50 sp�cifications, �u7d conra•act dart�n��:r�ts therein rete�•r�ci to, si�lcl t�s ��ell d�.Eri�z�* �ny period of' ]� ;2 extensinr� of�the Cn�air�ict tilat nanr �Se �r�i7ted oi7 tl�e p:�ri nf�tl�e D�velaper ancVpr Cit�•, tlten tl7is �I�li�Tatia�� sh�ll �e ���d L�ecnnte €���ll a�7d �-oic�. r�il��r�r is� to ren7ai�t i�t 1'ull iorce a�7d �ffect. ('l l'Y Ul 3'C)it'1' \i'C71t'Cli l"a�ala� P:�rl; 1'hasc ; SCAs�2l)AftD Cl'I'Y' ('C7til)I"fiOtiS — DL-Vf?i.(3P1-R ,1LL'AR[)I�f] Pit�)I�:C�T"l CitE� �'rui��t A'n li'�?.#7�4 I2c� iscd Ja2�uun � 3_�i � l'? (��Y {�� 2 ; , � Pl iiit)It11:1�C1 fiE�\I) I'a��r � u1'- 1 1'Et()VIDF:I) FFJRT�-IF.R, il�at it�a»y I�gal aciic�n l�� filed a�i t��i5 Bnnd. �cnt�c �17�i11 iie fn � "farr•ant Cc�um�. �i e�as orth� L�n'stec5 5tateti D'sstrict Cuur-t t'r�rtl�e Noi�l7�rn Dist�-ict oi�i�c�ati, f=c»•l 3 l�or�h Ui��ision. -t "I��tis l�oitcj is made antl z�ect�ted in c�rtlpliance ��ith the pE•ovisions of C']tapter ??�3 of�tlie � � exas Gover:t3�z�nt Cod�. as antended, anc� all li��bilities o�� tl�is bt�nci shaE� he deter�nin�d in G ��ccordzi��ce �� ith th� provisiczns of said sta[t�e. 7 1'V WIT1'C;SS WHEItE(lF, tl�e Prirlc'spal and t#�c Surct} ha�e SIG�[�D an�1 SEA��ED 8 ti�is instrum�nt hy ciu�y ��uthori�i;d a�.;�nts and of#icers oE� this tl�e 2/ iia� oi' 9 October . '0 2l . I� li �, I+ I -4 ]� �� ]7 !8 19 ?i] �� �� �., �� �; �' G �� �g �g :{} +I ;? ;} ;4 ;i 3G 37 i$ .�B �f) �I a� �� -1-� -� � a�, a� 1 I�l [�S"F: __ �— �f'rir�cipal) ,. ecretar� . _ ., � /� :� � '\1 ii��tti; ati t�� f'rinii�,il si%G "� r __. _.—_,._._...� _ __ __ _ i n�ss as to SurEt� Pi21\CIF:1[.: G�enn -.��__....... , a ���e�a C3�': (Eari�T l[s F:?�ic Glenn Tf�urr�i��n, {nc. f'.O. 13c�� 8�{18-�? '��iesc���it�. Te�as 7� 1$z .l l 1\ l.. E I. Colan.i.al American_Casualty and Surety Company ___ _ l3y": �7 ` �� o�-�- �'.�...._ Si��ntttur� Robbi Moral�s, Attorney-iiz-fact __ _ tiai��� ,inci I itle 1d�frc>,,: �005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1500 Dall3s. TX 752�4 ] cie��hc,rie �ucnl�4r: 214/989-OQ00 *Not4: It'si�neci hr an officer of t��e Su�-et� Can�patt}. tl�e��c n�ust be un file a certi#ied e�tract frocn the tn-I�i�tis sl�o�tii��g lh�7t this ��ers��Ei has at�thc�rity to si��n such ol�li�:titio��. It� S�Eret�'s pi�� sizal ac�dress is ciii�erent l�ran� its ���,�ili�t�; �ddress. both musi be �ro� ided. ('I I 5' [)i P[1R 1 �'�!?k Eli farnYo f'nrk Pha,r a ti�;�\f7:\1Z37C'I'I'1'C(}1i}IIl(l�ti-[)1.\�t.[.c�rt:iz:���•.��zur.��rr�curc�r� Cil� I'n>je�tli�.1n�74S Ifc�i,cJ.lanuan i�, Wfij� (1[1 b3 � i - 3 Pi721��O[2\��1\C'1" BO'�f7 P'ICi _i �S i 7'l�e �irtt� o9`i�i� �ond sl�ttll �tal l�e prior to [lie c�ate tEie Ca�ttr�tct is asvardecf. C'11'1' UI I���RI L1'c)R"Ci l I a� ulu [',�rE� i'Ita�c � SI�:�'�Dr1RI?C7"I�1` CC]:'vFl)I"1�1(5'=VS - 171?Vf.:I.F)I'1"It i11��'eVCDFD PRI).li[C'15 C:'itr I'rt�E��� rn I1�?.'�7S [tet �sc�i J.i��u;sn� ? i_'ii I' . Bond Na 9388� 1 S ���i � �,� i � - i r�n�����r_����� r3t��n i��,:.�G i �,i � I � � -� ; fi 7 TH1: S'TAT� OF T�XAS C'UU1�TY O�" TARR��'T S�CTiUN 00 62 1-� PAY\r1CN�[� I�C?ND § 5 � 5 'C(�at �w°e. Glenn TI�u�•tt�an, I�ic. 9 �4 �:iac��a��� as "1'rincipal" fierein< and Colo»ia] Ame3�ica�� Casualty and StE�•ety Cornpany �� c����or•��te su�•Lt}� ( or su��eties if mnre than o�a�;). dul�� ���thoF•icrd io d❑ L�usiF�ess in th� Stat�: �f� I] 'l'e�as, k�ip»Et �s "Sti�•�t�,.. I7treir� (���het�tc,r nne or �iorc). arc: he[d n�td iirmlv bot�i�cl Ei��t�o tl�e 12 Dev�lr�per. �'��� 1�<�nc'l� �i�tg�e Farnil}', I-l' . a��t�torized to c�o l�t�siness �n Teras 1; `•(De��i:laper'j. �►r7cj t1�� Cii�� ot Fort l�port�t. a Texas mu►�ici�3cl� COI'�Ql'7ti011 (��Cil\�..}. i�� tl7e p���af 1� su�zi ot O�e i19�itlic�r� F�ight Hut�€lred Fc�rt�-E*i��e Tl�o�s�tnd pnifrirs z�t• een a�zt �' t� 1 b��.U13.0O }, ia«1�ui ma€��y oi' th� Uni�ed Stal�es, to be paid in F��•t G�taE-th. l6 "1`arf•a€tt� C`ou�it��, "Cer�is, for tC�e ��a����e�nt ot' 4�[iich sum �ti�ell �at�l t€-uli be mac�e .jni��€�L• uri�o thc 17 f7ev�.lo}�eE• �tnd tl�e C'it��� as dual ol�{i�ees. ��-i birid ou€•s�:lves. o�n• fteirs, r;secuta�•s, administra[ars, 1% sEiccessois a�tci ass€gns._jaintl�= sncl sev�r�illy, iir�nl� Ea� €ltese ��res��nts: l9 ti��H��2I;�S, Dei��lo�e�� a��d Cit�� ha��e t��icred into ��� ngre�tncnt far th� co��structio�7 of 2U ccr���mu€�it� f��eilities i:a ih� Cii�� of' }�t�f•t Wortl�. t3v a��c� throu��i� �€ Ct�m��l��nity r�cilities ?i r'lgreen�e��L CFA ti€u�alzer 21-0095 :anci ?? �'HTRI�AS, P�•i�icip�l l�as e��tered i»to �a certai�� ��r€tte�� Contract �ti�ith Dev�lo�ser, ?3 �w�ar�ictl the � o �[ay of Oetpbe�' ."Q2t ,���l�ieE� Cant�•�t�t is he�-ev�� 2� E�eferr�d tq aitd ia��ide a Eaar[ l�eE��a1' 1�f�c all purpose� as ii' i'uP1� set� f€�rtl� herein, ta ���r3zisli zill 'S m��terials. equip€ttent. IaE�or �€nd ntl�er accessc�ries as d�[i��e�J t�y 1����, i�� tlle �3rc�sei;�itiart c}t' the �G 4�vor� as (�roui�lecl f'c��� i�� said Contr�ct� and d�si���alect as 1 tsr��l�� C'�a��/c I'dtct.tit� 1. 27 NO�V, TH�RCrOit�, Tl-1C: CC)NDI'I'60N OE: .l"1-�15 O�I.:fGATEON is such tf���t ii' �� I�1't[1CI}��tl SI1f1I� }}1\� �3II �nonics U���ing to any {and a�lt ��aS�aleut l�o��d ��enefiici�s-�- (as detinecl in 29 Cl�aptcr ??� i o!' ihi "I'e��3� Go�=ernment Cc�d�. �s airie�tdicf) i�� the ��rc�s�ct�#ion of i1�e 1�oek u�uler ;(1 tl�e Cc�ntr�et, the�t tlzis ol�li��tion sltall l�e aszc� t�ece���1e »Gi1] and � oicl: c�tl�er�� ise lo r���iain i�� fu]] ,; I f'nrce anci ef'fect. C'Cfl' [31 f(llt"C �l'i11t l i1 I��ntislc> 1'cul; i'fiii;c •3 ti'f�3NL).�17L7 C"CC1' L't1�lDI'flO�ti -- [�C�`LI.UPl;l2 r1�Fr132I.)[:i) I']t(}JI:C I��� C`it�� Projzc[ V`u Ity^_•F7h f2c+iseii.l�iri€3nn ;t.'_[!1M � IC�`OW AGL I3Y TH�S� PRESLNTS: lIIT h'_ 1.1 _' Nr�11'11f'N'I� [3O'��D f':rL'C' (�#' i I `�_]�is banc[ is ���ade �jncl �xecuteci i€i c�mpliance �t itf� the prnr��isia�ls of Cli�pter'�25a c�f'the ? "Tex�s Gnver��ment Cocle, �is a��lendeci. anc! all lial�ilitie;s e��7 this Uonci s1�a11 b� cfet4�•�ni��ecl i�� 3 accc�rd��lce �� itla the pro��isiasts �fs�icl st�tute. � t� �VITi�GSS'GVH�R�OF, tla� t'ri��cipal ��i3d St�ret,� tiave �;ach S[Gi�!LD a�ac� S�A�.�D � tj�is €nstr��ment t�y du[y �t�i�laori-r_�d a�e��ts �ncl c�i'fi�ers a�t ilti� the �,1 du�' ol' G Octt��et• . ?D2I 7 13��: Ciar�• �I• ��czE- its �:xecu �e Vice P A'I'�1�L;ST: ���;�c�r���.: Glen❑ Tt�u � Tesas et�, , ] �� c. ]t)il 0 (I'rinci����!) Seceetat'�� ��a, � Glettn Thu�-m�j�, I��c. �- /�:- P.fJ. �3�� &SOa�2 4��ii��ess as io �'►•is�c pal ,VCesq�iite, �[�exas 75 [ 85 �1'I"'1�i:S'f: � ��� (Suret� } Secretary �-�� 1' t�� ss as io Su�•�t� � q ] () If 13 la 1 �l Coloni�ti Anteric�n Cast�alty and Surety Co�iapa��y E3Y: ���`.._..�?'t _ Si�n�i�€rc Ro�bi Morales, AttorEiey-in-fact Nan�e ancl '1€t[e Adc�ress: 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1500 D�. allas, TX 75244 "I'elepho�ac.� �u�n%er: 2141989-0000 �rc�lL: Ii'si�isec� �� ar� of'€ice�• of tlie Suret��, the�•e s�1��st l�e on lile � certif-icc� extG��ct from c1zL t��°�ati�=s sClo��°in; th:ti tl�is �ersa�t itas at�thorit�� to si�;n �t��h obligat�io�l. If Sur•ety's ��f1}�sical ac�dr�ss is c�ifter�E�t �f��•�m its mailir�� �3ddE•�;ss, botl� n�ust bc pro��€dec�. '1'he cl�tte af th� l�and shall not be p��ior ta the date the Cont�•��et is �i�r ard�:d. E�D pF �ECTION C'E�C�` OP POR"I� 1�vt)It'1�11 �I'�nnl� P�rl. E'I�a,c -! STA'vS71Ttb CI'I"Y Cf?*iilC4�Sf)�S -- DCiVlii_(if'�R A�i�_11t[3F:1� PTtt.)Jl�it'�i�5 C'ta�� 1'tt+jrzi Atn !<r,d78 Krti i�cd .l�nuan ; I,'_[il'_ #)!1(i? i •{ - 3 I':11'ti1I=:N'1' BO�:D I',�qr 3 al' 3 L't"il�" (U� PO[i`f� 4i'i)�i��Cl[ 7�,stiii(�> I'ark Pii�,i�� _� S"t'-11�RAR�C'1'I'1'i'C3�17[7��t(.);��5—llL�!'E.�:LC31'F.[2:AH°:1RD1�'RPR(.5�lit�f:S Cit}�I�toicei?��� 1�>1a7� kls IsIJ Jai}u;�n� +i. ^t1;? Bond No. 9388518 �:�ti h3 t �a - d \�i:il�i"f1i\11NCi I30\i) Ps��c i ni'? 1 7 .� � ; c} � 8 q � SCCTI�:�' OU C�2 I9 ���i� rGl`r1���. }��t��❑ T��r s�r�T� or T���s § § co��v�� o� TA�rtza��T � That �ve Cle�an Tl���rman, inc. ���r�t ��,� �� �rxrsr ��R��c�Ts: �]iilFt'[1 t15 "1'ri��cipal" ]�erci€a ��nd Colo��ial An�ericai� Casualty,and 5tE€�ety Co»1p�ny , n cn����o�•�te sriret�� {si�r•eties. if'more tJ�r�r� o�i�>) cl�fly autfio�•ized to do busi��ess in die State of'!"�����s. knotvn as [ i "Suret�.. hcrcin (�zhcthe€- oi��: or »�ar�), a�-� E�elc� �ncl fir»�I� ba����d i�nto tl�e Develo��er. �� l��tr �Zarict� Sir��le �";�n�il��, i..P. authn3-i-r.ed tt� r�a biisiness i�� -i'exas ("Deve�c��aei") �nei tl�e City' c�l�i=o€�t ]; 1��'nrtl7. a'['�ras ���unicipal t;or��ora€ioi� (..City..}. in [lte s����l �4 af�OtYe .ir1illio�t �i I�t l-I����drecl FortY-�'ive 17nlla€�s (� �,$��,Ol3A{) ), �n�s�nc �rteen ant l� la�� iu( nta��ey of ille L`►tited Siates, io be paicl in Fort 1��c�rth, '[���rrant County. 'Ceaas, for g�ayment � 6 r�f w�llicl� s�3m ���•�] I t3��d t�r�31y be mrtcie jc�intly unto the Developc,r an�J the Cit,�r ��s dt�al ob[i��es ai�d [7 th�i�• st�cce�so�•s, ive lsind nus�sel�=es, our laci��s, execulors, �sdtt�inist��ators, successors a�id assi��is. I� joi��t�[y a��c� sever�l�i�. i�irn�ly E�}� ihese prz�se��ts. l9 ?(3 b�IIPRCAS, i�e.�elca�3cr anc[ Gii�� I��u�; enter�,cl €nto 3ri A�reemei�t tnr the c�>nstetrctioFi t�i' ?I co��lmuEiits� tacilities ii� t�ae C€tr= at' {=o��t Worila br� and tl�r«t�gh � Com����Enity� f={�cil€�ies ?� f��r�:emL��t�. CF��1 lFir€�ll�er 21-(1O9i ;a��� ?3 WH�'I�EAS, ti�e E'ri€�cipal h�ts ente��ecl i�tio a ce��•tai�� ���ritte�t contrrict �t�iil� €lte De�elo�er 2�1 tnv���cied Ihe� 0 cia� o�f Oct��e�' , 20 2I .��=hiclt Cantr��ct is 2; hcr�bE� �-e['erred to and �� st�ade pari i�creol'lor �tll �LE�•E�ases �s ii'i'ull� se€ f'orth ltere€n, to ftis•nisll all ?G �37n€cri�iis, eq►iip���ent Ea�or �nd oth�r �ce�ssari�s �is dei�inec� E��t la��=. ii� tl�e prosece�t�ion o�f'the ?7 VJn�•f:. incl��din�� a��y' Wor� rLsulting #a�am a cl�il��� �i�tho��ized Cl�a�z�;� O�-cler �colleGti�ely lt�r�in. '8 the "Work") us �ro��[deci for €n said Coniract a��d desibn�tecl t�s %c��f«Ift �'�r;�lc I'lur,+�° -f: and �� ;� �'�'HCREAS. Pri��ciE3ai E�incls itsel('t� �cse sucl� ���ateri:�is ��nd to scs cor�st�'uct tl�e ��'crr�: i�� :� 1 a�c;orcla�3c�: �� iEla iltc plans, s��eciticatians arid Contf•act Doct�ments t[iat tlz� 1�'�fo�•[: is st�d �i iI[ 32 reil���in fi•ee frc�m ciefects i�l €natet'i�fs c�e �vat•.htlianship i'or aitcl �iin�i��g ihe ��e�•iad ni�tivt� (2j �`e��rs ;� after the �at� ai'Fii�al �cce�ta��c� o�l�the 1��c�rk l�y tl�e City �••i�4�intena��cc 1'e€�ia�I"); ane� �� c��� v c?f r•(112�t u�t)1i�3 [1 7'�s�olo �'ark Pl�a�c �# S l'.�;�t7:AItl] CI �Y CE1N[)I��ft1tiS — f)1'�'I::l.t)!'[.ift <A1V;1RL)lii) E'RO11:C�I�J C"Il�' I�rnjcet \o I(3w7dH 12c� �scc1 .I:�nimn � i . ?[S I ."'. . i � .� � ; E� 7 � 9 10 ]i f'? €� t �i I� 1G [7 f8 l9 �� �� �� �; ft(r(�'- ig-, �t�1�7E'?v,1NC'P 13t�ND Pa�,e � ol' ; 1�'H�RFAS, P�•i«ci}�al l�iruis itselit� repair c�r r�constrttct th�: 4�for€: in ��°ha[e o�• i�j ��art cfpvr� t'�ceiv�ine r�at�ice ��inr77 t[ie D�ve:io��er �mc�lor Cit}� of €��e ��eec� ther�:ai`�t any Eime �ti�ithis� th� !��3�tintena��ce I'erind. NOVIF THCR�:1�'ORE, tl�e et�nt€ition oi'tliis abli�,�ation is s��eh t[tal ii�E'ri��ci�a] sh�[( rerneciy a�ly� clet�ctive i��'c�rk, fn�• ilrltich timel� nntice �vas p�•ovicicci lz�� Dcvelo��er or City, to �s co€n�letic��� s�itisiaci�r�� tc� tl�e Cit}. the�3 t€�is ablig�tio�l sl�all �ecc�cn� �z��ll ancl vcaid: o€ilerwise to ren7ai�� i�� fe�ll forc� �ncl ei'I�ect. I'��tOVID��, �-I01�'�CV�R, it�i'riitcipa� s�lafl iai[ so to repair or r�ca€tstE•uct an�� tim�l}° �lvticed def'ective 1�to�-k. ii is a�rc�ed th�t th� i7evelopeE- �r C itl� may cause �n�� and �tl l s��it de�f�ectivc !�'orh to bc �•ep�ti�'ed ancilnr eeconsiri�ctec� �+�ith ai] associ�ted costs tli�r�c�P bei���� borne t�v the f'ri�3ci�7al and thi Su3•et�� undertEiis \�1t�intenartce t3c�nd; ar�cE N�tO0i1ll�:D I�URTI�El2, tiiat if�i��} le���al actiari be t€[ec€ on tEii; [3a��d. venue sh�ll lie ii� "f'a�'�'=�nt Coua�ty, `1'���s or th4. United Siate� District C'ourt� fic��• tl�e �artl��rn f�€strict o�T�.��s. I�nrt l�'ortl� Division: a��d ('ROVIDCIl PLJRTHEii, that titis abli�.�aiion sl�r�ll be con�in��o��s in n�tucc; a��d S�iecessiie r�cc���e�'its rna� bc hacl 17eeean fc�r successi��� breaches. C'll1'i)i• fi}R2 11c)[iTii 5"�:�Ti1.7rV2D L'CCl"{'l3N[.JI"1�1C3\S -� DL�.VG1_OYICR ,ti�l'r1Rl7i]D PltO!1�?C" CS R�•e isc�i .S,�n�3,�n i i. _'ry i'' 'S'atc�lu l'uri: t'It,is� � L'iFr Prn,fcc[ ��i I�i�3�#S i �r i �,� I �l - , 1IAfU"I I �',1\C I R(:111) I''��� 3 0! i , C -� S fi 7 S y 1(1 ll 12 �� f� I� IG 17 �H � �� '' 0 7� -, , -, ; ,� �ti � �7 '} � ig �� 30 ., ] ;� ;� ;-� 3� 3 (, 37 ;g 34 �� �l -�? 11` 1��'1TNFS5 V4'HERF.OF. tl�e 9'rii3cipal anci tl�e Sur�t� I�ave ea�h SIG1�1=:D anc{ S�:���.ED this ir�,tr�imt��t �� ct�i�� authoriz�d a��nts arid ot�Ec�rs nn tliis tl�c Z I �ia� ��I' Oc#olier .'fi 21 . :1_�..�.E.,�_r.: . {f'rintipal) Sec�•eta3• --- _ �2'� .,-�� 11 iui���.ti ati tr, 1'rii�ci���l � :1111ti� . /� � --�^—"'`��._ _�-�-'"""" ( SUYC[\ ) . 'L'Pt(3f'} - `-- ------ .. 11 ' ss � s [�� Sur�t} r�r���c�r����: Glenn Th�irn n, inc. a �1�cxa5 c�� ��tioiz f31: C�tir� ;Vl�i�� �i� - -- its E ��cut �-e V'ict ['t•e:'d �i�t Glenn Thtirm�n, Inc. I',{�). f3��,� 83{}S�? ��lesyuEle. �i'��as 75185 Sl. R.l I 1 : ColoniTl American Casualty and Surety Company i3l : ���� ��� �-z�� �IL'13(1[lii'�' Robbi Marales, Attorney-i�7-Pact \ant.° artc! I ilic -- ,����'e+5: 500� L8J Freeway,.S�iite i�00 Dallas, TX 752�4 l rlc;�ilonc \umh�r: 214/9$9-0000 �`Vui�: II'siin�d b} tttt �fticc�' of t�ic Surcl� CoF��pan�, thcr� ia�u,t bt on tile a ccraili��i �.rti�ac� I�rc,n� th� ��-i�i��s si�o��itit ih��t tl�is persun h��s a��thoriiv tc� si���i suclt ol�li�,atii�n. I1� Sus�ety's pf��sic��] ac€dress is �1it�terea�t li•��in its nzailin� address, bntl� must hc �zro� ided. �1���e datr oft��e h��nd shall ri�1 be �ri�r tti th� date the Cont�-act is a��a�•c1���. ('ill' (11 fc>Itl t�f�11119 SI,1V17Ah17 C'f f!' C'� �\171"I!�)\S- I)t:1'(.L(H'I R:11�;11t1)�.I) I'RU.If.;CT4 Rc�ncc# I;�fivar+ ;l �il€_' l:�c,iln I'ark ]'h:f,c d t�ii� Vro�LCl �n 1�1�74h ZURiCF�I AhIERICAi\' IYSLiRA\'CE CO�tP:INI' COLOI�TI.aL.�M�RICAN CASLT.�LTIr �1.i�D SL�I2E'J'Y CONIPA\'Y FiD�LT'i'1' A�T]3 DEPOSiT COIiPANI' �F \�IARYLA}tD POWER OF r1�TTORNB�C' iCl�iO�hj ALL I�tEN BY THE�E PRESENTS: Tliat the ZURICFI AM�f2iC`AN TNSURANCE COVIFANY, a corporation of the State oFNe�v Yo3']c, tlie CQLONiAL AM�R3CAN CASC3ALTY AND SURETY COMPAI�iY, a corporatiatt ai'the State of illinois, and the PIDELITi' A�TD ]7EPOSTT COMPANY OF MARYLA?+1i7 a cor�oration of tl�e State of I[linois (hereii3 collectivel�� calied d7e "Compnnies"), b}' Rol�ert D. �Iu�•ray, Vice P�•csidcnt, ii� pursuance of authority granted Uy A�•ticle V, Section 8, af t[ie By-La�vs af said Cam��anies, nhich are se[ forth on tl�e E�e�erse side liereoPand are i�e�•�by certified to be ir� fi€11 fo�•ce ar,d effect on tl�e dat� liereoF, dn l�ereby naii'snat�, constitiite, a�id appoint IZ1C511'tI0 .T. R�1�'A, 'I'ina \'10EtV.�!', Don E, CORNELL, Joshua SAITND�RS, Robbi 11t0IL-1LE5, Sopl�inic HUi!"TETi, [Cclly A. ��'I;STBRQAIC, Tonie PT��TR�i�TGI�, ��Iilcacla P�PP�1t5 uf D.tltas, Tcxas, �ACI-�, its true and la�vfiil a�ent and Atca��€�eJf-in- C'act, to make, execute, seal tand deliver, fior, ai�d on its behalf as surety, aiid as its act and deed: any and till b�nds and u3ic�ertiil:ings, a��d tl�c cxrcution of such bonds os' undertaki:igs in pu�•suance of tl�ese presents, sha[1 �e as Uinding upo:i se€d Co�3�pars€es, as �ully asid a�nply, to a!I intents and pi€rposes, as ift��ey ]tad bee3� duly exect�ted ai�d 1c1<nonrledged Uy the re�ulaely elected of�icers of tlie ZURiCH AM�RICAN INSLJRANC� COMPANY at its of�ce i:� Ne��v Yorl:, Ne�v Yorl:., the re�ularly etected officers of the COLONTAL AML'RICAI�I CASUALTY ANb SUIt�TY COMPANY at its office i�� O��ings Miils, Maryla�id., anc€ ti�e regulas•ly elected afficers of tl�e FIL�ELI7'Y A1�D ]7iPOSIT COME'ANY OF MARYLr1NB �t its oi'tice iii Ot��iiigs Mills, Mai}�Iaild., i€i thei:• awn praper persans, Tlte said Vice President does herei�y �e�•tif}� that tlle e�tract set faa�tl� on the reverse side hereot' is a true cop}� oF Article V. Sectioil8, of the By-La�vs of said Companies, �id is no�v in force. l�i R'tTI�I�SS Wi-IEREOF. the said Vice-President lias Itereui�to s�abscrihed his/her i�ames and affi.r•ed d�e Cor��orate Seals oi'tlie said ZL�RICFT ANtERiCA�I INSURA�1'CE CO1�iPA�'�', COLO1��:lL AATERICAi�' CAS[1ALT'1' A�rD SC1R�,T'4' COi1�TPAii''i', .ind F[D�LiTY A�'D DF,POSIT COi�1PAi�'S' OF I�iARYLAI'D, this [ l tl� day of May, A.D. 202 E. **a �tias� „^,�'�;� n .a.� � '� F �'wn� ATT�ST; ZL�RICII r1h'I�RICAN INS[JRr11lCE CON1PANl' COr.4\TAL A1�IERICAN CASi�ALTS' AiVD SL�R�T�' COA7P:1NY CIB�LITY A�1D D�POS[T C01�1i�AIVY OI' MARl'L:�ND ��" - �_—� -�,—�.. dy: Robert D. n?rrt�rcr�� itce Aresfdent �.s, `,t-. �, •�G ; � � r.;,t.: t� }., Qv: 1)awrt �'. Broin�� Secretcrry 5tate of iViar}•land C�unty of Balfimo�•c pn this i ith day of May, A,II. 202i, 6efore the st�bscri6er, n Notar�� Public of the 5tate of i�4aryla;7d, duly consmissioned at�d qualif'ied, R�r6crt D. i1liu•�•i�y, Viec Presidcnt and D�wn E. B��own, 5cc��eCa��y of the Comnanies, iv ine personall�� kna�vn to be the individuals aud oFficers described i�i a�id �vhn chccuted the �receciin� insirunient. and actcno�vledged tlie e,r•ecution of s¢me, and being by me du[y s�vom, deposetl� at�d saith, that Etelshe is the s�id oCficer of the Cosnpan}� afores�id, and tlzat the seals affixed to the preceding instrun�ent are tite Corporate Seais of said Conapat�ies, attd diaC the said Corpora[e Seals and thc si�ttature �s such officer �verc duly �ftixed and subscribed tn tlie said it�strumeF�t by the authority and dircction of if�c said Corporatior�s. [I�i TEST[M03VY WHEREOF, ] l�ave hereunta set my hand a��d affised my Of�cial Seal tha day asid }•ear lirst aho��e �vritcen. Stiti�iSlt,i,�r��l, ...M1:l" � �: ;r.:.. .. � � y't � � `ii'! /" + .a. T•..s : :q; �� f) :3 '. i7:v: `;��;., ; fi:�'�,;�`; Constance A. 17ui�n. No[ary PuBlic %.,�!%>�i,;:i�;����� 4ty Commission Expires: Iuly 9, 2023 1F7f�IItE! Authenticity oi tiiis �ond cat� he can�rmed at hondvalidato�•.zai•iclins�.cam o�• =�10-599-879� � ZURICH Texas Important Notice IMPORTANT NOTICE To obtain information or make a cor�plaint: AVISQ IM�QRTANTE Para obtener informacion o para prese�tar una queja: You may call Zurich North America's toll-free telephone number for information ar to make a complaint at: '1-800-382-2150 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, co�erages, rights, or com�laints at: 1-500-252-3439 You may writ� the T�xas Department of Insurance: P.O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 7871�-9104 Fax: (512) 49fl-1007 Web: www.tdi.texas.go� E-mail; ConsumerProfection@tdi.texas.go� PREMIUM OR CLAIM DiSPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning your premium or about a claim, you should con�act the company first. If the dispute is noi resalved, you may contact the Texas Department of insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTfCE TD YOUR POLICY: This notice is for information anly and does not b�come a part or condition of the attached document. Usted puede Ilamar al numero de telefano gra#uito de Zurich North America's para obtener informaciot� o para ,presentar una queja al: 1-800-382-2150 Usted puede comunicarse con el Departamenta de Se- guros de Texas para obtener informacion sobre com- panias, coberturas, derechos, o quejas ai: 1-800-252-3439 Usted puede escribir al Departamento de Seguros de Texas a: P.�. Rox 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Fax: (512) 490-1 pfl7 Sitio web: www.tdi.texas.go� E-mail: ConsumerProtectior�@tdi.�exas.go� DISPUTAS POR PRIMAS bE SEGUR45 O RECLAMACIONES: Si tiene una disputa relacionada con su prima de seguro o con una reclamacion, usted debe corr�unicarse con la compania primero. Si la disputa no es resuelta, usted puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Seguros de Texas. ADJUNTE ESTE AVISO A SU POLIZA: Este a�iso as solamente para propositos informati�as y no se con- vierte en parte o en condicion del documento adjunto. IJ-GU-296-E (0&115) Page 1 of 1 � ��� ��° �� �`S, � � : �r��� �� ts P445 i2 pAP PRH¢lJAL1F[CA'CSDN STAT6h9ENT Pnge 1 af ] SECTION Oi} 4512 DAP —1�1ZEQUAI..IFICATION STA'FEMENT Each Bidder is required to complete the information below by id�r�tifying the p�•equa[iited contraetors a��d/or subcontractars whom they intend to utilize for the major wor[: type(s) list�d. In the "Ma'or Work Tvpe'_, ' 6ox provide the comple�e rnajor work tXpe a��d actual description as �ro�ided b, t�a#er Deparhnent for water and sewer a��d TPW fai� pavin� Major Work Type Contractar/Subcazlt�•aetor Gompany Name Prequa]i�cation �x iration Date Street Lightin; Cc�S Utility Cantractars, Inc. 03/03/2022 The undersigned hereby ce�i�es that tlae contractors a�-�d/or subco��tractors descri6ed in the table above are cu��rently prequalified for the work types Iisted. BIDD�R C & � �Ttility �ont�ac�ors, Inc. a Texas corpor ion By: I)a�e: Octaber �, 2�21 arles W Saylors its Presiden� C & S �7�ility Con�rActors, Inc. 5705 US Hwy 287 Arlington, Texas 76001 ENI3 OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON5TRUCi'!ON PRfQUALEPICATION STAT�MEN7—aEVE6C3PER AWAR�ED PROIECTSRasourcesP_30 - New �evelapment Resaur[es_Specs and Contract �ocuments_0045 12_PrequalificaFipn 51 Form Version Sepiember i, 2015 00 45 25 - ] CONT[tAGTOR COMPi.IANCE WE'iH WORKER'S CONiPENSATION LAW Page 1 of i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� li 12 13 14 15 i6 L7 I� I9 2(l 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q SECTIOI� ii0 45 26 CON'I'RACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW �'ursuant to '�exas �.a6or Cad� Sectzoi� 406.096{a), as amended, Contractor certifes that it pravides worker's coinpensation insurance covec�age faa• all of its ennployees employed on City Project No. 1027�8. Contractor fi�rther certifes that, pursuant to Texas Labor Code, Section �06A96(b), as amended, i# will pravide to City its subcontractor's certificates of campliance with warker's compensation caverage. Ci�I�TRACT{lR: C� S Lltility Contp�ctors, Znc. a Texa� caiporatiozz By; CharIes W SayIors its President C& S Uti�ity Coniractors, Inc. 6705 US Hwy 287 Arling�on, Texas 76001 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY O� TARRAN'1" � § BEFORE ME, tf�e undersigned authoriiy, on this day personally appeared �h�rles i7V �aylot•� T_, known to me to be the person whose na�-ne is subscribed to the faregoing instrument, and acknowledged �o ine that lae/she ex�cut�d th� same as the act aiid deed ai' C� S LTfility Cpntr�ctot's, ��c. for the purpases and consideration therein expressed and in the cagacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE tE�is �'� day of Ociaber , 2021. Nota�y Publ' in and • tt�e State of Texas EI�� �� SECTI�N 4f�Y AGB 9LAKE M�NAPACE x {� Ffatary ID #i30991578 � ; My Commission Expir�s "'�or� february 2, 2425 CCTY OC PORT WORTH STANDARA CDNSTRUCTIQN SPEC[FICAT7QN DOCUMEI�iTS Revised Aprii 2, 2014 Tavolo Park Phase 4 City Project No, 10274$ (}0 �'_' 43 - I Dct'rii�per �1���ardcd Pr��jrcl A��rcen7ent Pnge I of 4 SECTION 00 52 43 � 3 4 5 6 7 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEM�NT, authorized oi1 OctoberZo,2021 is made by and bet�veen the Develo�er, (Pate Ranch Singie Family, LP), authorized to do business in Texas {"Developer") , and C& S Utiliiy Contractors, lnc. , auti�orized to do b��siness in Texas, actin�; by and thro�igh its duly autl�orized represenEative, ("Contractor"'). 8 De�eloper and Contract�r, ii� conside��at�o€� of the �nutual co�enants hereinafter set forth, a�ree as 9 foilo�vs: 10 Article 1. WORK 11 12 1� ]4 ]5 IG l7 18 19 2fl ?� Contractor shall con�plete all Work as specified or i»dicated in tlle Contract Doc�in�ei�ts for tl�e Project identified herein. ArticIe 2. PRO,TECT The project for which tlle Work �u�der the Contract Documents may be tl�e wl�ole or o�lly a ��ai�t is gene��ally described as fo�lo��°s: 7�u4�r�lr� P�u�k I'hcr�s�� -1 ('ih� 1'��r,jc�rr :'1r'n._l(J?,--l�4 Article 3. CONTRACT TIME 3. I Time is of tl�e essence. A]] time liinits for Milestones, if any, and Final Acc��tance as stated in the Contract Docu�nents are of tf�e essence to this Contract. 22 3.? �'i�1aE Acce�tas�ce. 23 Tl�e Work will be coEnplete for Final Acceptance withi�3 ;'�� ,' working days ?4 afte�� the date �vhen the Co��iract Time 25 convnences to run as provided i» Paragraph 12.04 of the Standarc� City Conditions of tlle 26 Construction Contraci for DeveioUer Awarded Projects. 27 3.3 Liquidated damages 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Contractor recog��izes that time is of the essence of this Agreemee�t and ihat Developer will suffee financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times s�ecifietl in Paragraph 32 above, plus any extensio« thereof allowed i�� accordance �vith Article 10 of the Sta�ldard City Conditions of the Construction Contract for Developer A�varded Projecis. The Conti�actor also recognizes the delays, exUense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding the actual loss su#'fered by the Developer if the Work is not completed oi1 time. Accordir�gly, instead of requiring any such proof , Contractor a�rees that as liq��idated damages for delay (but not as a penalty}, Contractor shall pay D�veloper One Hundred and 001100 Dol�ars ($1Q0.00) for each day tllat expires after the time s�ecified in Paragraph 3.2 for Fina[ AcceptaE�ce until the City issues tkle Final LetCer of Acceptance. C[TY OF FORT WORTI i Tavnlo Park Phase 4 S'] ANDA]tU COVS'1�RUCl�[ON SPECIPICA'f10N DOCUMLNTS — p�Vfi[_OPF R AVJARDLD PROlECl�S Cit� �'ruject No. 1437�43 Rerised lune IG,?O16 00�243-2 Developer Au�arded Project Agreement Pa�e 2 of �4 39 Article 4. CONTRACT �'R�CE 40 Develope�• agrees to �ay Contractar foz• perforcnance of the Wark i�t accardance with the Contract 41 Doc��xnents an amount ia1 cau•re[1t f�►�ads of Two Nundred Sevenfi -One 7housand Dollars 42 ($ 271,U08A0 ), ix un re ig t an 43 Articte 5. C�NTRACT DOCUM�NTS 44 S.1 CONTENTS: 45 A. 'CEae Contract Doct►me»ts wl�ich co�nprise tkte e�3t�re agreement between Developer and 46 Cont�•actor concerning the Waek co»sist of t1a� following: 47 [. Tliis Agreemeilt. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 GO G1 62 63 64 65 G6 G7 6$ G9 70 71 72 73 74 75 7G Z. AttacEt�ne��ts to this Agreement: a. Bid Form (As provided by Developer) [) P�•oposal Farm (�AP Version} 2) Arequaiification State►nent 3} State and Pederal doc�unettts (�roject specrfrc) b. ]nsurance ACO�D Fo�•�tl(s} c. Payment Bo��d (DAP Versio�l) d. Performa��ce Bond (DAP Version) e. Mai��te�aa�3re �oald (DAP Versin��) f. F'ower of Atto�•ney for the Bonds g. Worker's Compensation Affidavit h. MBE and/or SBE Commit�nent I=orm (]f required) 3. Sta��dard City General Conditio�as of the Corlstructio�� CantE•act for Developer Awaeded A�•ojects. 4. Sup�le�nei�ta�-y Conditions. �. Specifeaiions s�ecifically made a part of tE�e Contract Documents hy attacl��nent or, if ��ot attaclled, as incoE•porated by E�efe�•e�1ce a�id descE•ibed in the Table of Co33te3�ts of t[te Project'5 CO[lii'�Ci D4CLl[110[1tS. G. Drawi��gs. '7. Addenda. S. Documentation s��hmitted by Co��iE'aetor �riar to Notice of Award. 9. The following wE�icE� may be delivered or issued aft�G' the Effective Date of the Agreement and, if issued, become an incor�orated �art of the Cont�•act Docume»ts: a. Notice ta Proceed. b. Field Ordees. c. Cl�ange Orders. d. Letter of Final Accepta��ce. Cl'1'Y OI' F027' WORT}[ Tavolo P�rk Phase a 5"I'ANDARC7 CONS�'R€JCT[ON SP�C]CICAT[ON DOCUM�NTS— DEVELpf�ERAWAft€�Ell PRpJGC'f5 Citp I'raject IVo. 1D3748 Revised June I6, 301 G oosza3-3 I7e�=eloper An�arded Project Agree:nerit Paae � of�l 77 Article G. IND�MNIRICATION 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 8'1 88 89 �a 9l 92 93 94 95 9b 47 98 6.1 Contraetor eovennnts and agrees to inclemnify, hold harmless and defenci, at its oFvn expense, the ciiy, its officers, ser�ants and etnployees, from and against any and all claims arising aui of, ar aIleged to �rise out of, the �york and services �o be �erformed I�y �he contr�ctor, its of�cers, agents, einployees, subcontractors, licenses or invitees under this coniract. This indemni�catian nravision is speci�c�Ilv intendeci to operate and be effettive e�e� if if is aile�ecl or proven that aIt or some of the dama�es bein� souQht wer•e caused, in wlzoIe or in nart. bv anv act, omission or ne�li�ence of the citv. This in€lemniiy pravision is intenc�ed to include, �vithout limitation, indemr�ity for costs, expenses anci legal fees incurrecl by the city in defen€ling against such clai�s ancl causes of actions. 6.2 Contractpr co�venants and agrees to i»derr�nify and holt� �iarrr►less, at its orvn ex�ense, the city, its officers, ser�ants and em�loyees, from and against any and all loss, damage or destruction af property of the city, arising out of, or alIeged to arise out of, the work ancl services to be �erformed by the conEractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontraetors, licensees oa• invitees under this contract. This indemnific�tion nrovision is sneci�caliv intended to oner�te anci be effective e�en if it is alle�ed or nroven that all ar some of the clamaaes beina sou�ht �i�ere c:�used, in �vl�ole or in part, b�nv aet omission or ne li ence of the ci . Article 7. MTSCELLANEOUS 99 7.1 Terms. 140 Tenr�s used in tf-�is Agree�ne»t a�•e defined ia� Article 1 of tl�e Sta»dard Gity Co»ditiol�s af 10 ] the Ca��str€�ction Contract for Developer Awarded Projects. I Q2 7.2 Assig��n�ent of Cont�•act. ]03 Tf�is Ageeeinent, incl�Edie�g all of tEle Contract Documents may not be assigned by the 104 Co��tractoe witho��t the advac�ced express written conse��t of tl�e Developer. ]45 73 5uccesso��s a��d Assi���s. 10G Deve[oper and Co��tractor each binds itself, its pa�•t►Zees, successors, assigns and ]egal I07 re�rese��taiives to tl�e other pa�-ty hereto, in respect to ali covenants, agreements and [O8 obligatians cantairled ic� tE�e Co�ltract Docu►ne��ts. 109 7.4 Ser�erability. 110 A«y pE�ovisiac� or pai�t af the Contract Docun�e��ts held tn be uncanstitutional, va�d oi- 1] 1 u»e»focceable by a court of co�n�etent j�i3�isdiction sE�all be deeRn�d st►•icken, aE�d all 112 re�nainii�g pro�isians sha11 coa�ti�aue to be valid and binding upon D�VELOPE� a3�d 113 CONTRACTOR. I 14 7.5 Goveri�ing Law and Ve��ue. 1 IS This Agreement, incl�iding all of the Co��tract Doc��anents is pe�•for�nable in tl�e State of 1 i G Texas. Ve��ue shal! be Tarrant Co�u�ty, Texas, ar ti�e Uilited States District Caurt for the 1 I7 Northern �isti�ict of Texas, Fo►�t Warth Division. CI3'Y OI' �ORT rA'OItTI-[ 'I'avolp Park Phase 4 S7'ANDF�RD C4NSi'lttJCTIpN SPECIFICA'['ION DOCiIMLNTS — DEVL•LOPER AWARDGD PROJGCTS City Project I�o. 102748 Re�ised June IG.201G (i05243-4 Developer Awarded Project Agreement Page 4 of A li8 I l9 7.6 A��thority ta Sign. 120 �21 122 123 124 125 126 127 Contractor shall attacl� evicEence af authority to sig►rt Agreement, if atl�er than duiy authorized signatory of �he Contractor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Developer and Contractor have executed #his Agreeme�t in multiple counterparts. This Agreement is effective as af the last date signed by the Parties ("Ef%ctive Date"). Contractor: C& S Utility Contractors, Inc. a Texas corporatian Deve[aper: Patc Ra�nch Sfangle Family, LP a Texas limited partnership By: PRA Pate Ranch GP, LLC., B�'� a Texas lizx�ited liability compan.y C arles W Saylors its Administrator its President By: � Ju ian awes, r. ' s Vi e Presi ent C& S Uiility Contractors, Inc. b7�5 US Hury 287 Arlingtnn, Texas 76001 /(�— lv—Z Date 128 Pate Ranch 5ingle FamiEy, LP 10210 N Central Expressway, Snite 300 Dallas, Texas 75231 Date 0�2o-2�z C€TY OF FORT WQRTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOC€1NfEN7'S — DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No, 102748 Revised Junc I5, 201G oa�z i3- � PI�R�C}Rn4At�10E BON17 Page 1 of 3 [ 2 3 4 5 6 7 THE STATE OF TEXAS CDUNTY O�' TARRANT SECTION OQ 62 13 Band #4449150 PERFORMANCE BOND § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRES�NTS: § 8 That we, C& S Utility Confractors, Xnc, , known as 9 "Principal" hecei» and SureTec Insuranc� Com SI� , a corporate 10 surety(sureties, if mare than one) d�ily authorized to da business in the State of Texas, knawn as 11 "Surety" herein (whetheE• one or more}, are held and firmly baund unto the Developer, 12I'ate Ranch Single Family, L,R�uthorized to do business in Texas ("Developer") and the City of Foirt 13 Worth, a TExas municipal corporation {"City"), an tl�e penal su�n of, iwo Mundred Se�eniy-One 7housand 14 Six HundrPd Eight and �017I10 Dollars ($ 2��,6{;�.�� �, 15 [awful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant Caunty, Texas for the 16 payment of which sum well and truly to be made jointly unto the Deve[oper and the City as dual 17 obligees, we bind aursel�es, our heirs, executors, adn�inistrators, successors and assigns, jointly I S and se�erally, firmly by these presents. 19 WHEREAS, Developer and City have entered inta an Agreement for the constivction of 20 cain�nunity facifities in the City of Fort Worth by and through a Community �'acilities 21 Agreement, CFA N«mber 21-0095 ;and 22 23 24 25 2G 27 WH�REAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Deve[oper awarded the 20 day of October , 20 21, which Contract is hereby referred ta and made a part hereof for all purpases as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all ��Zaterials, equipment iabor and other accessories de�ined by law, in ihe prosecution of tlie Wark, including a��y Ci�ange Orders, as provided for in said Contract desig�3ated as 1�rvulo 1'cr�•If Phcr,�•c� �! NOW, THER��'OR�, the condition of this abligation is such that if the said Principal 28 sl�all faithfully perform it obligations under the Contract and shall in all respects duly and 29 faithfu[ly perfornl the Work, including Change Qrders, u�zder the Contract, according to the plans, 30 specifcatio�ls, atld coi�t�•act docunier�ts the�•ein refe�•�•ed to, a��d as well during any period of 31 extension of the Contract that may be granted on the part of the De�eloper andlar City, then this 32 obligation sl�all he and became nul[ and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. CITY OI' PORT WORTff Ta�olo Park E�hasc �i S'CANDARD CITY CONDITIONS �- DEVELOPER AWARD�D PROJECTS Ciry Project No 1Q2748 Revised fanuaEy 31, 2012 006213-2 PERFORMANCEf3dNll Page 2 oi� 3 1 PROVIDED FLJR7'HER, that if any legal action be #iled on this Bond, venue shall lie in 2 Tarrant Caunty, Texas or the United States District Court tor the Northern District of Texas, Fort 3 Worth Division. 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l 12 13 l4 15 �� 17 18 19 ZQ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 �3 44 45 4b 47 This bond is made and ex�cuted in compliance with the provisions ofChapte�� 2253 of t13e Texas Government Code, as amended, and all ]iabilities on this bond shall be determined in accorda��ce ��ith the provisions of said statue. IN W1TNE55 WHEREOF, the Principal a��d the Surety have SIGN�D and SEALED this instrument by duly authorized agents and ofticers on this the 21 day af October , 20 2l . ATTEST: (Principal) Secretary Witn s as to �'ncipal `i�� .. �l 11 �►Ilr . - � PEZINCIPAL: C& S Utility Contractors, Inc. a Texas corporation By: �arles W Saylors its President C& S Utility Contractors, Inc. b705 LTS Hwy 2$7 Arlii�gtoii, Texas 76001 SURETY: SureTec Insu ance Company SY: Si nature Rebecca Rockett, Attorney-In-FacS Nanie and Title Address: 1537D Watson Drive Kemp, TX 75143 Telephone Number: 2�4-382-0761 *Note: lf signed by ai� officer of the Surery Compa�3y, there must be on file a certified extract fi�ou� the by-laws sho��,�ing that this person has au#hority to sign sucil obligatio�l. If Surety's physical address is different from its n�aifing address, both nnist be pro�ided. CITY OP FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phasc 4 S']'AN€]ARU C17'Y CONDI'f10NS— DEVELOYER AWARUED PROJEC7'S City Project No 102748 Re��ised January 31, 2012 D062 13-3 P�RrpRMANCEi3QND Page 3 of 3 The date ofthe band sha11 nat be priar to the date the Coniract is awarded. CITY OP FOAT WORTH Tavolo Park F'hase 9 STA1�I]ARD CITY COND]T10N5 — DEV�E.OPER AWATtI7ED PROJ�CTS City Project No 1�27�48 Revised ]anuary 3l, 2012 o0 6a ia - i nnvMErrr sorrn Page I of 3 ] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT SECTION 00 62 lQ Bond #4449150 PAYM�NT BOND § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: § That we, C& S Utility Contractors, Inc. ,[�nawn as "Principal" herein, and SureTec Insurance Company a corporate surety ( or sureties if more thartt one), du[y autho�'ized to do busii�ess in the State of t 1 Texas, known as "Surety" herein (whether one or more}, are held and fr�nly bound unto the 12 Developer, Pate Ranch Single Family, L�' , authorized to do business in Texas 13 "{De�etoper"), and the City of Fort Worth, a Texas municipal carporation ("City"), in the penal 14 St1111 ofTwo Hundred Severtty-One Thottsand5ix Hundreci Eight and 0011U0 D01111'S 15 ($ 27'�,s�g•�d ), lawful money of tl�e United 5tates, to be paid in Fort Worth, 1 G Tarrant Cot�nty, Texas, for the pay»�ent of which sum well and truly be made jointty unto ti�e 17 Developer and tl�e City as dual obligees, we bind ourselves, aur heirs, executars, administrators, ]8 successors and assigns, jointly arad severally, frmly by these presents: ]9 WHEREAS, Developer and City have entered into an Agreeinenf for the constructio�i of 20 community �acilities in the City of Fart Worth, by and �E�rough a Community Facilities 21 Agreement, CFA Number 21-0095 ;and 22 WH�R�AS, Principal l�as entered into a certain written Contract witl� Developer, 23 awarded the 20 day oi� October , 2021 , which Co��tract is hereby 24 referred to and inade a pact hereof for ail purposes as if fully set farth herein, to furnish a[1 2S materials, equipment, labor and other accessaries as defined by law, in kE�e p►•osecutian of the 2G Work as pravided for irt said Contraet and designated as Icri°ulc� Pcrr•Ir Phccsc� -i. 27 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS 4BLIGATION is such that if 28 Principa] shall pay aE[ monies owing to any (and all} payme��t bond beneficia�y {as defined in 29 Chapter 2253 of the Texas Governmen# Code, as aEnended) in the prosec��tion of the Work under 3a #he Contract, then this obligation shall be and become null and void; atflerwise to re�nain in fe►11 31 force and effect. CITY OF rORT WORTf-i Tavolo Park Phase 4 S7'ANIJARD CIiY CONDITIQNB — D�V��,QPER AWAR]JED PROJEC7'S Gity Project No- 102748 Revised January 31, 2012 ooh2 ia-z PAYMENT I30N[? Page 2 of' 3 1 This bond is made and executed in con�pliance with the provisions af Chapter 2253 of the 2 Texas Government Code, as amended, and all iiabilities on this bond shall be determined in 3 accordance wit]} the provisions of said statute. 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principa] and Surety 17ave each SiGNED and SEALED 5 this instrument by cluly authorized agents and affcers on this the 21 day of 6 October , 20 2] . 7 ATTEST: (Prii�cipal) Secretary Witness o Pr� ipal ATTE57�': (�urety} Secretary ��� 1 �1 � , l i� l - - r i 8 9 10 ]I ]Z 13 14 PRINCIPAL: C& S Utility Contractors, Inc. a Texas corporatiozi By: Charles W Saylors its President C& S Utility Cantractors, Inc. 6705 US Hwy 287 Arlington, Texas 7b001 SURETY: SureTec Insuranc Company BY: Signatu e � Rebecca Rockeii, Aiiorney-In-Fact Name and Title Aadl'ESS: �5370 Watson Drive Kemp, TX 75143 Telephone Number: 214-3s2-o7s� Note: If signed by an afficer of the Surety, there must be on file a certiiied extract from the bylaws showing that this person has autE�►ority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical address is d�fferent from its mailing addE-ess, both must be provided. i'he date of the bond shai] not be prior to Ehe date the Contract is awarded. END OF SECTION CI7'Y OF FORT WORTH Cavolo Park Phase 4 STANUARD C[TY CONDI"fIONS — DFVTiLOPrl2 AWARDGD PROJIsCTS City Project No 102748 Rcvised ,�anuary 31, 2012 00G214-3 PAYMET�T BONf} Pa�e 3 of 3 C1TY OF POR'C WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CITY CONDITIONS -- DEVELOPER AWARDED PEZOIECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised January 3i, 2012 0062 ]9- I MAiNTENANCE BOI�fD Pa€e [ of 3 I 2 3 4 5 G 7 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT SECTION 00 62 19 Bond #4449150 MAINTENANC� BOND § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRCSENTS: § 8 That we C& S Utility Cantxactors, Inc. known as 9 "Pri��cipal" t�erein and SureTec Insurance Company , a corporate surety IO (sureties, if more than o��e} duly authorized ta do business in the State of Texas, known as 1] "Surety" I�erein {whether one or n�ore), are held a�1d firmly bound unto the Developer, z2Paie Ranch Single Family, L�at►thorized to do business in Texas ("Developer") and the City of Fort 13 Wo��th, a Texas municipa[ carporatian ("City"), in the su�n iwo Hundred 5evenfy-One ihausand 14 of Six H�ndred Eighf anc[ 40110Q ^,^ Uollars ($ 27�,60$.�� }, I S lawf�] money of the Ur�ited States, to be paid i» Fort Warttl, Tarrailt Cou»ty, Texas, for payment 16 ot'which su�r� well and truty be �nade jointly unto the Developer and the City as dual ob[igees and 17 their successors, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, adminis#rators, successors and assigns, 18 jointly and severally, fir�nly by these presents. 19 20 WH�REAS, Developer and City have entered into an Agreement for the constr�ction of 21 con�inunity facilities in the City of Fort Wartis by and tEzrough a Co�nmunity Facilities 22 Agreement, CFA Nui��►Uer 21-0095 ;and 23 WHEREAS, the Principal has entered in#o a certain written contract wi#h the Deve[apee 24 awarded the 20 day of 4ctober , 2p21 , which Co��t�•act is 25 hereby refera•ed to and a made part laereof for aII purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish al] 26 materials, equipment labor and otlfer accessories as defined by [aw, in tlfe prosecution of the 27 WorEc, including any Work resulting from a duly authorized Change Order (collectively herein, 28 tl�e "Work") as grovided for in said Contract and designated as `I'cr��<tln 1'crrk 1'hcr,se� -I; and 29 �a 31 32 33 34 WH�REAS, Principal binds itself to use such n�aterials and to so construct the Work in accordance with the pfans, speci�catians and Contract Documents tk�at tlxe Work is and will remain free from defects in materials or workmanship for and during the period of two {2} years after the date of Final Acceptance of the Work by the City {"Maintenance Period"); and C1TY OP I'ORT WORTFI Tavolo Park Phase 9 STANDAR]] GITY CQNDIT1pNS — D�V�LOP&R AWARI�LR PROJHCTS City Praject l�0 102748 Revised January 31, 2012 40b219-2 MAINTEAiAIVC� BONE3 Page 2 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 ]1 12 13 14 IS 16 I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 WHER�AS, Principa[ binds itself to repair or �•econsri•uct the Wo�•[c in w1�aEe or in part upon receiving raotice from the Developer and/or Ci#y of the need thereof at any time within the Maintenance Peeiod. NOW THEREFORE, the condition of tl�►is obligation is such that if Principal shall remedy any defective Work, for wl�ich tin�ely notice was provided by Developer or City, to a completion satisfactory to the City, then tl�is obligation s1�a11 became null and vaid; otherwise to remain in ful] force and ef%ct. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, if Prii�cipa] sl�al] fail so to re�air or reconstruct any ti�nely noticed defective Work, it is a�reed that the Developer or City may cause any and ali sucEl defective Work ta be repaired andlor recor�structed with all associated costs thereof being borne by the Principal and the S�rety under this Maintenance Bond; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any lega[ actian be filed on this Boi�rd, venue shall lie in Tarrant County, Texas or the United States District Court for tE�e Northern District af Texas, Fort Warth Division; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that this obligation sliall be continuous in nature and successive �•ecoveries n�ay be had hereon for si►ccessive breaches. crrY or FORm woxr�3 STANDARD CITY CpNDITIa3VS — RGVGI.OP�R AWARR6D PROJ�CTS Revised.tanuary 31, 2012 Tavolo Park Phase 4 Ciry Projcct N❑ ] 02748 006219-3 MAINTF,IVANCG BOND Page 3 of' 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 �a i� 12 13 l4 15 lb 17 �g 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 40 41 42 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have each SIGNED and SEAIaED this instr�unent by duly authorized agents a3�d officers o�� this the 21 day of October , 20 21 . PRINCIPAL: ATTEST: {Princi�ai} Secretary Witnes as to Prin ipal ATTHST: { t�r ty) Secreta Witness as to S rety C& S Utility Contractars, Inc. a Texas corporation By: �� Charles W Saylars its President C& S U�ility Contractors, Inc. 6745 US Hwy ,287 Arlington, Texas 760Q1 SURETY: SureTec Insuran e Company /1 � BY: Sign ure Rebecca Rockett, Attomey-In-Fact Name and Title Address: 15370 Watson Drive Kemp, TX 75143 Telephone Number: 214-382-0761 *Note: If signed by a�7 officer of the Surery Company, there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical address is different from its mailing address, both must be provided. The date of the bond shall not be prior ta the date the Contract is awarded. C11'Y UF FOR'C' WOR7'H STANDARD CfTY COND1T10N5 — DEVELOPER AWARDED PR(?JEC�TS Rcvised January 31, 2012 Tavolo Park Phase 4 City Prqject No 102748 SureTec Insurance Company IMPORTANT N4TICE Statu�ory Complaini NoticelFilEng of Claims Ta obtain information ar make a comp[ainf: Yau may cal[ ii�e Surety's toll free telephone number for information or to make a complaint or fiile a cfaim at: 1-868-732-0099. You may also wrife to the Surety at: SureTec Insurance Company 9737 Great Hifls Trail, Suite 320 Austin, TX 78i59 You may contact the Texas I7epartment af Insurance to obtain informaiion on eompanies, coverage, rights or complaints at 1-800-252- 3439. You may write the T�xas Department of Insurance ai: PO Box 9 49104 Austin, 7X 78714-91D4 Fax#: 512-490-1007 Web: http:llwww.tdi.t�xas.qov Email: Consurr�erPratection@tdi.texas.gov PR�MIUM OR CLAIMS DISi'U�'ES: Shauld you have a dispufe concerning your prerr�ium or about a claim, yau should contact ihe Surety first. If the dispute is noi resol�ed, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance. Texas Rider �120 ] 9 pp,� #: 4221716 SureTec Insurance Company LIMITED POWER 4F ATTORNEY K�row All Merr hy Tlrese Presents, That SlJRETEC INSURANCE CQMPANY (the "Cvmpany"), a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State af Texas, and having its principa� affice in Houston, Harris County, Texas, does by these presents make, constitute and appoint Christian Merritt, Rebecca Rockett its true and lawful Attorney-in-fact, with fuli power and authori#y hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, acknowEedge and deliver ar�y and al] bonds, recognizances, undertakings or ather instruments ar contracts of suretyship to include wai�ers to the conditions of contracts and conser�ts of surety for, providing the bond penalty does not exceed pne Million and 001100 dollars ($1,000,000.00) and to bEnd the Cvmpany thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bond were signed by the President, sealed with the corporate sea� of the Company and du[y attested by its Secretary, hereby ratifying and confirming al[ that t>>e said Atiorney-in-Fact may do in the premises. Said ap�ointment is macEe under and by authority of the foliowing resolutions oi the Board of Directors of the SureTec Insurance Campany: $e ii Resnlved, that the Presicient, any Vice-President, any Assistant Vice-President, any Secretary or any Assiskant Secretary shall be and is hereby vested �vith full power and authority to appoint any one or more suitahle persons as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to rep��esent and act for and on behalf of the Campany subject to ille foflowing provisions: Rttorney-in-F'acr may be given full power and autharity for and in the name of and of 6ehalf of the Correpany, to execute, acknowledge and cleliver, arsy and all hands, recogai7aiices, contracts, agreements or inderonity and other conditional or obligatory undertakings and any and all notices anc! documents canceling or terminatireg ihe Company's liability thereunder, and any such instruments so executed by any such Attorney-in-Fact shall be binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sealed and effected by Fhe Corporate Secretary. Be rr Resolved, that the signature of any authoriaed officer and seal oC the Company heretofore or hereafter x�xed to any power of atiomey or any certifcate refating thereto by facsimiie, and any power of attorney or cenifcate 6earing facsimile signature or facsimiie sea� shal] be valid and binding �pon tE�e Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. (Adopted at a meeting held o+a 20'�' af �tpril, 1999.) 1'rr Wit�ress Whereof, SURETEC iNSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Presid�nt, and its corporate sea[ to be hereto affixed this srn day of Seprombar A.D. zozo . 5tate of Texas ss: County of Harris ��������, SURETEC iIYSURANCE COMPA�Y ,W� ti]Sr�'4p� �'j�}�� `tyv ,.......,, r r' 4 i� x '� $•� $y� ' "� � , �� �� � 4 f i� Michael C. Keimig, Preside►�t��'; ��,°., � .� Y� -"�w�w�ew �""Ela'�rt . On this stn day of s�p�om� A.D. 2020 6e£ore me personally came Mici�aei C. Keimig, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, tliat he resides i� Houston, Texas, that he is 3'resident of SURETEC INSURANCE COMPANY, the company described in and which executed the above iastrument that he knows the seal of said Company; that the seal affixed to said ins[rument is snch cor�orale sea1; that it was so affixed 6y order of the Board of Directors of said Co�npany; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. ���Y:��,-,,�TANY� A �ED •�� ='-j�` ;� r�o� r�,t►�c, s� �r �ir�+ ;� ', „ j Camm. E:pirss 43,'�0-2QQ3 ''ry,� cr ��, Nole�ry 1D 12fI571731 � `^ .. _ {'`... -.� � Tanys Sneed, Nota Public My commission exp es March 30, 2023 [, M. Brent Beaty, Assistant Secretary of SURETEC INSURANCE CDMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy oFa Power of Attarney, executed by said Company, which is still in full force and effect; and furthermore, the resolutions of the Board of Directors, set oat in the Power of Attorney are in full force and effect. I, (•�C Given under my hand and the seal of said Company at Ho�stoa, Texas this� day of , �� , A.D. r�`� 1"" � i' ,, - � —' j , ��� M. Brent Beaty, Assistan e i etary Any instrument issued in excess oi the penalEy stated above is tatally vold and without a�y validlty. Far verification of the authority of thls power you may call (713j 612-0800 any business day between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm CST. 01 11 00 - 1 DAP SUMMARY OF WORK Page 1 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – Developer Awarded Projects City Project No. 102748 Revised December 20, 2012 SECTION 01 11 001 SUMMARY OF WORK2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Summary of Work to be performed in accordance with the Contract Documents6 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification7 1. None.8 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:9 1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract10 2. Division 1 - General Requirements11 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES12 A. Measurement and Payment13 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 14 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.15 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]16 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS17 A. Work Covered by Contract Documents18 1. Work is to include furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment, and performing 19 all Work necessary for this construction project as detailed in the Drawings and 20 Specifications.21 B. Subsidiary Work22 1. Any and all Work specifically governed by documentary requirements for the 23 project, such as conditions imposed by the Drawings or Contract Documents in 24 which no specific item for bid has been provided for in the Proposal and the item is 25 not a typical unit bid item included on the standard bid item list, then the item shall 26 be considered as a subsidiary item of Work, the cost of which shall be included in 27 the price bid in the Proposal for various bid items. 28 C. Use of Premises29 1. Coordinate uses of premises under direction of the City.30 2. Assume full responsibility for protection and safekeeping of materials and 31 equipment stored on the Site.32 3. Use and occupy only portions of the public streets and alleys, or other public places 33 or other rights-of-way as provided for in the ordinances of the City, as shown in the 34 Contract Documents, or as may be specifically authorized in writing by the City.35 a. A reasonable amount of tools, materials, and equipment for construction 36 purposes may be stored in such space, but no more than is necessary to avoid 37 delay in the construction operations. 38 01 11 00 - 2 DAP SUMMARY OF WORK Page 2 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – Developer Awarded Projects City Project No. 102748 Revised December 20, 2012 b. Excavated and waste materials shall be stored in such a way as not to interfere 1 with the use of spaces that may be designated to be left free and unobstructed 2 and so as not to inconvenience occupants of adjacent property.3 c. If the street is occupied by railroad tracks, the Work shall be carried on in such 4 manner as not to interfere with the operation of the railroad.5 1) All Work shall be in accordance with railroad requirements set forth in 6 Division 0 as well as the railroad permit.7 D. Work within Easements8 1. Do not enter upon private property for any purpose without having previously 9 obtained permission from the owner of such property. 10 2. Do not store equipment or material on private property unless and until the 11 specified approval of the property owner has been secured in writing by the 12 Contractor and a copy furnished to the City.13 3. Unless specifically provided otherwise, clear all rights-of-way or easements of 14 obstructions which must be removed to make possible proper prosecution of the 15 Work as a part of the project construction operations. 16 4. Preserve and use every precaution to prevent damage to, all trees, shrubbery, plants, 17 lawns, fences, culverts, curbing, and all other types of structures or improvements, 18 to all water, sewer, and gas lines, to all conduits, overhead pole lines, or 19 appurtenances thereof, including the construction of temporary fences and to all 20 other public or private property adjacent to the Work.21 5. Notify the proper representatives of the owners or occupants of the public or private 22 lands of interest in lands which might be affected by the Work.23 a. Such notice shall be made at least 48 hours in advance of the beginning of the 24 Work.25 b. Notices shall be applicable to both public and private utility companies and any 26 corporation, company, individual, or other, either as owners or occupants, 27 whose land or interest in land might be affected by the Work.28 c. Be responsible for all damage or injury to property of any character resulting 29 from any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the manner or method or 30 execution of the Work, or at any time due to defective work, material, or 31 equipment.32 6. Fence33 a. Restore all fences encountered and removed during construction of the Project 34 to the original or a better than original condition.35 b. Erect temporary fencing in place of the fencing removed whenever the Work is 36 not in progress and when the site is vacated overnight, and/or at all times to 37 provide site security.38 c. The cost for all fence work within easements, including removal, temporary 39 closures and replacement, shall be subsidiary to the various items bid in the 40 project proposal, unless a bid item is specifically provided in the proposal.41 01 11 00 - 3 DAP SUMMARY OF WORK Page 3 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – Developer Awarded Projects City Project No. 102748 Revised December 20, 2012 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]1 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]2 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]3 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]4 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]5 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]6 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]7 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]8 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]9 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED]10 END OF SECTION11 12 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 13 01 25 00 - 1 DAP SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 1 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 SECTION 01 25 001 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. The procedure for requesting the approval of substitution of a product that is not 6 equivalent to a product which is specified by descriptive or performance criteria or 7 defined by reference to 1 or more of the following:8 a. Name of manufacturer9 b. Name of vendor10 c. Trade name11 d. Catalog number12 2. Substitutions are not "or-equals".13 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification14 1. None.15 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:16 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract17 2. Division 1 –General Requirements18 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES19 A. Measurement and Payment20 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. No 21 separate payment will be allowed for this Item.22 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]23 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS24 A. Request for Substitution - General25 1. Within 30 days after award of Contract (unless noted otherwise), the City will 26 consider formal requests from Contractor for substitution of products in place of 27 those specified.28 2. Certain types of equipment and kinds of material are described in Specifications by 29 means of references to names of manufacturers and vendors, trade names, or catalog 30 numbers.31 a. When this method of specifying is used, it is not intended to exclude from 32 consideration other products bearing other manufacturer's or vendor's names, 33 trade names, or catalog numbers, provided said products are "or-equals," as 34 determined by City.35 3. Other types of equipment and kinds of material may be acceptable substitutions 36 under the following conditions:37 a. Or-equals are unavailable due to strike, discontinued production of products 38 meeting specified requirements, or other factors beyond control of Contractor; 39 or,40 01 25 00 - 2 DAP SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 2 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 b. Contractor proposes a cost and/or time reduction incentive to the City.1 1.5 SUBMITTALS2 A. See Request for Substitution Form (attached)3 B. Procedure for Requesting Substitution4 1. Substitution shall be considered only:5 a. After award of Contract6 b. Under the conditions stated herein7 2. Submit 3 copies of each written request for substitution, including:8 a. Documentation9 1) Complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with 10 Contract Documents11 2) Data relating to changes in construction schedule, when a reduction is 12 proposed13 3) Data relating to changes in cost14 b. For products15 1) Product identification16 a) Manufacturer's name17 b) Telephone number and representative contact name18 c) Specification Section or Drawing reference of originally specified 19 product, including discrete name or tag number assigned to original 20 product in the Contract Documents21 2) Manufacturer's literature clearly marked to show compliance of proposed 22 product with Contract Documents23 3) Itemized comparison of original and proposed product addressing product 24 characteristics including, but not necessarily limited to:25 a) Size26 b) Composition or materials of construction27 c) Weight28 d) Electrical or mechanical requirements29 4) Product experience30 a) Location of past projects utilizing product31 b) Name and telephone number of persons associated with referenced 32 projects knowledgeable concerning proposed product33 c) Available field data and reports associated with proposed product34 5) Samples35 a) Provide at request of City.36 b) Samples become the property of the City.37 c. For construction methods:38 1) Detailed description of proposed method39 2) Illustration drawings40 C. Approval or Rejection41 1. Written approval or rejection of substitution given by the City42 2. City reserves the right to require proposed product to comply with color and pattern 43 of specified product if necessary to secure design intent.44 3. In the event the substitution is approved, if a reduction in cost or time results, it will 45 be documented by Change Order.46 01 25 00 - 3 DAP SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 3 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 4. Substitution will be rejected if:1 a. Submittal is not through the Contractor with his stamp of approval2 b. Request is not made in accordance with this Specification Section3 c. In the Developer’s opinion, acceptance will require substantial revision of the 4 original design5 d. In the City’s or Developer’s opinion, substitution will not perform adequately 6 the function consistent with the design intent7 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]8 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]9 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]10 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE11 A. In making request for substitution or in using an approved product, the Contractor 12 represents that the Contractor:13 1. Has investigated proposed product, and has determined that it is adequate or 14 superior in all respects to that specified, and that it will perform function for which it 15 is intended16 2. Will provide same guarantee for substitute item as for product specified17 3. Will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into Work, to include building 18 modifications if necessary, making such changes as may be required for Work to be 19 complete in all respects20 4. Waives all claims for additional costs related to substitution which subsequently 21 arise22 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]23 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]24 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]25 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]26 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED]27 END OF SECTION28 29 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 30 01 25 00 - 4 DAP SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 4 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 EXHIBIT A1 REQUEST FOR SUBSTITUTION FORM:2 3 TO:4 PROJECT: DATE:5 We hereby submit for your consideration the following product instead of the specified item for 6 the above project:7 SECTION PARAGRAPH SPECIFIED ITEM8 9 10 Proposed Substitution: 11 Reason for Substitution: 12 Include complete information on changes to Drawings and/or Specifications which proposed 13 substitution will require for its proper installation.14 15 Fill in Blanks Below:16 A. Will the undersigned contractor pay for changes to the building design, including engineering 17 and detailing costs caused by the requested substitution?18 19 20 B. What effect does substitution have on other trades?21 22 23 C. Differences between proposed substitution and specified item?24 25 26 D. Differences in product cost or product delivery time?27 28 29 E. Manufacturer's guarantees of the proposed and specified items are:30 31 Equal Better (explain on attachment)32 The undersigned states that the function, appearance and quality are equivalent or superior to the 33 specified item.34 Submitted By: For Use by City35 36 Signature Recommended Recommended 37 as noted38 39 Firm Not recommended Received late40 Address By 41 Date 42 Date Remarks 43 Telephone 44 45 For Use by City:46 47 Approved Rejected48 City Date 49 01 31 19 - 1 DAP PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Page 1 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 SECTION 01 31 191 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Provisions for the preconstruction meeting to be held prior to the start of Work to 6 clarify construction contract administration procedures7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification8 1. No construction schedule required unless requested by the City.9 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:10 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract11 2. Division 1 –General Requirements12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES13 A. Measurement and Payment14 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid.15 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.16 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]17 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS18 A. Coordination19 1. Attend preconstruction meeting.20 2. Representatives of Contractor, subcontractors and suppliers attending meetings 21 shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents.22 3. Meeting administered by City may be tape recorded. 23 a. If recorded, tapes will be used to prepare minutes and retained by City for 24 future reference.25 B. Preconstruction Meeting26 1. A preconstruction meeting will be held within 14 days after the delivery of the 27 distribution package to the City.28 a. The meeting will be scheduled and administered by the City.29 2. The Project Representative will preside at the meeting, prepare the notes of the 30 meeting and distribute copies of same to all participants who so request by fully 31 completing the attendance form to be circulated at the beginning of the meeting.32 3. Attendance shall include:33 a. Developer and Consultant34 b. Contractor's project manager35 c. Contractor's superintendent36 d. Any subcontractor or supplier representatives whom the Contractor may desire 37 to invite or the City may request38 01 31 19 - 2 DAP PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Page 2 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 e. Other City representatives1 f. Others as appropriate2 4. Preliminary Agenda may include:3 a. Introduction of Project Personnel4 b. General Description of Project5 c. Status of right-of-way, utility clearances, easements or other pertinent permits6 d.Contractor’s work plan and schedule7 e. Contract Time8 f. Notice to Proceed9 g. Construction Staking10 h. Progress Payments11 i. Extra Work and Change Order Procedures12 j. Field Orders13 k. Disposal Site Letter for Waste Material14 l. Insurance Renewals15 m. Payroll Certification16 n. Material Certifications and Quality Control Testing17 o. Public Safety and Convenience18 p. Documentation of Pre-Construction Conditions19 q. Weekend Work Notification20 r. Legal Holidays21 s. Trench Safety Plans22 t. Confined Space Entry Standards23 u.Coordination with the City’s representative for operations of existing water 24 systems25 v. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan26 w. Coordination with other Contractors27 x. Early Warning System28 y. Contractor Evaluation29 z. Special Conditions applicable to the project30 aa. Damages Claims31 bb. Submittal Procedures32 cc. Substitution Procedures33 dd. Correspondence Routing34 ee. Record Drawings35 ff. Temporary construction facilities36 gg. MBE/SBE procedures37 hh. Final Acceptance38 ii. Final Payment39 jj. Questions or Comments40 01 31 19 - 3 DAP PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Page 3 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]1 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]2 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]3 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]4 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]5 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]6 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]7 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]8 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]9 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED]10 END OF SECTION11 12 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 13 01 32 33 - 1 DAP PRECONSTRUCTION VIDEO Page 1 of 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 SECTION 01 32 331 PRECONSTRUCTION VIDEO2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Administrative and procedural requirements for:6 a. Preconstruction Videos7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification8 1. Though not mandatory, it is highly recommended on infill developer projects.9 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:10 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract11 2. Division 1 –General Requirements12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES13 A. Measurement and Payment14 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 15 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.16 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]17 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS18 A. Preconstruction Video19 1. Produce a preconstruction video of the site/alignment, including all areas in the 20 vicinity of and to be affected by construction. 21 a. Provide digital copy of video upon request by the City.22 2. Retain a copy of the preconstruction video until the end of the maintenance surety 23 period.24 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]25 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]26 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]27 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]28 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]29 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]30 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]31 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]32 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]33 01 32 33 - 2 DAP PRECONSTRUCTION VIDEO Page 2 of 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED]1 END OF SECTION2 3 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 4 01 33 00 - 1 DAP SUBMITTALS Page 1 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 SECTION 01 33 001 DAP SUBMITTALS2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. General methods and requirements of submissions applicable to the following 6 Work-related submittals:7 a. Shop Drawings8 b. Product Data (including Standard Product List submittals)9 c. Samples10 d. Mock Ups11 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification12 1. None.13 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:14 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract15 2. Division 1 –General Requirements16 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES17 A. Measurement and Payment18 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 19 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.20 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]21 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS22 A. Coordination23 1. Notify the City in writing, at the time of submittal, of any deviations in the 24 submittals from the requirements of the Contract Documents.25 2. Coordination of Submittal Times26 a. Prepare, prioritize and transmit each submittal sufficiently in advance of 27 performing the related Work or other applicable activities, or within the time 28 specified in the individual Work Sections, of the Specifications.29 b. Contractor is responsible such that the installation will not be delayed by 30 processing times including, but not limited to:31 a) Disapproval and resubmittal (if required)32 b) Coordination with other submittals33 c) Testing34 d) Purchasing35 e) Fabrication36 f) Delivery 37 g) Similar sequenced activities38 c. No extension of time will be authorized because of the Contractor's failure to 39 transmit submittals sufficiently in advance of the Work.40 01 33 00 - 2 DAP SUBMITTALS Page 2 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 d. Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule, and in such 1 sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of any other 2 contractor.3 B. Submittal Numbering4 1. When submitting shop drawings or samples, utilize a 9-character submittal cross-5 reference identification numbering system in the following manner:6 a. Use the first 6 digits of the applicable Specification Section Number.7 b. For the next 2 digits number use numbers 01-99 to sequentially number each 8 initial separate item or drawing submitted under each specific Section number.9 c. Last use a letter, A-Z, indicating the resubmission of the same drawing (i.e. 10 A=2nd submission, B=3rd submission, C=4th submission, etc.). A typical 11 submittal number would be as follows:12 13 03 30 00-08-B14 15 1) 03 30 00 is the Specification Section for Concrete16 2) 08 is the eighth initial submittal under this Specification Section17 3) B is the third submission (second resubmission) of that particular shop 18 drawing19 C. Contractor Certification20 1. Review shop drawings, product data and samples, including those by 21 subcontractors, prior to submission to determine and verify the following:22 a. Field measurements23 b. Field construction criteria24 c. Catalog numbers and similar data25 d. Conformance with the Contract Documents26 2. Provide each shop drawing, sample and product data submitted by the Contractor 27 with a Certification Statement affixed including:28 a. The Contractor's Company name 29 b. Signature of submittal reviewer30 c. Certification Statement31 1)“By this submittal, I hereby represent that I have determined and verified 32 field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, dimensions, 33 catalog numbers and similar data and I have checked and coordinated each34 item with other applicable approved shop drawings." 35 D. Submittal Format36 1. Fold shop drawings larger than 8 ½ inches x 11 inches to 8 ½ inches x 11inches.37 2. Bind shop drawings and product data sheets together.38 3. Order39 a. Cover Sheet40 1) Description of Packet41 2) Contractor Certification42 b. List of items / Table of Contents43 c. Product Data /Shop Drawings/Samples /Calculations44 E. Submittal Content45 1. The date of submission and the dates of any previous submissions46 01 33 00 - 3 DAP SUBMITTALS Page 3 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 2. The Project title and number1 3. Contractor identification2 4. The names of:3 a. Contractor4 b. Supplier5 c. Manufacturer6 5. Identification of the product, with the Specification Section number, page and 7 paragraph(s)8 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such9 7. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the Work or materials10 8. Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specification numbers11 9. Identification by highlighting of deviations from Contract Documents12 10. Identification by highlighting of revisions on resubmittals13 11. An 8-inch x 3-inch blank space for Contractor and City stamps14 F. Shop Drawings15 1. As specified in individual Work Sections includes, but is not necessarily limited to:16 a. Custom-prepared data such as fabrication and erection/installation (working) 17 drawings18 b. Scheduled information 19 c. Setting diagrams 20 d. Actual shopwork manufacturing instructions21 e. Custom templates22 f. Special wiring diagrams23 g. Coordination drawings 24 h. Individual system or equipment inspection and test reports including:25 1) Performance curves and certifications26 i. As applicable to the Work27 2. Details 28 a. Relation of the various parts to the main members and lines of the structure29 b. Where correct fabrication of the Work depends upon field measurements30 1) Provide such measurements and note on the drawings prior to submitting 31 for approval.32 G. Product Data33 1. For submittals of product data for products included on the City’s Standard Product 34 List, clearly identify each item selected for use on the Project.35 2. For submittals of product data for products not included on the City’s Standard 36 Product List, submittal data may include, but is not necessarily limited to:37 a. Standard prepared data for manufactured products (sometimes referred to as 38 catalog data) 39 1) Such as the manufacturer's product specification and installation 40 instructions41 2) Availability of colors and patterns42 3) Manufacturer's printed statements of compliances and applicability43 4) Roughing-in diagrams and templates44 5) Catalog cuts45 6) Product photographs46 01 33 00 - 4 DAP SUBMITTALS Page 4 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 7) Standard wiring diagrams1 8) Printed performance curves and operational-range diagrams 2 9) Production or quality control inspection and test reports and certifications3 10) Mill reports4 11) Product operating and maintenance instructions and recommended 5 spare-parts listing and printed product warranties6 12) As applicable to the Work7 H. Samples8 1. As specified in individual Sections, include, but are not necessarily limited to:9 a. Physical examples of the Work such as:10 1) Sections of manufactured or fabricated Work11 2) Small cuts or containers of materials12 3) Complete units of repetitively used products color/texture/pattern swatches 13 and range sets14 4) Specimens for coordination of visual effect15 5) Graphic symbols and units of Work to be used by the City for independent 16 inspection and testing, as applicable to the Work17 I. Do not start Work requiring a shop drawing, sample or product data nor any material to18 be fabricated or installed prior to the approval or qualified approval of such item. 19 1. Fabrication performed, materials purchased or on-site construction accomplished 20 which does not conform to approved shop drawings and data is at the Contractor's 21 risk. 22 2. The City will not be liable for any expense or delay due to corrections or remedies 23 required to accomplish conformity.24 3. Complete project Work, materials, fabrication, and installations in conformance25 with approved shop drawings, applicable samples, and product data.26 J. Submittal Distribution27 1. Electronic Distribution28 a. Confirm development of Project directory for electronic submittals to be 29 uploaded to City’s Buzzsaw site, or another external FTP site approved by the 30 City.31 b. Shop Drawings32 1) Upload submittal to designated project directory and notify appropriate 33 City representatives via email of submittal posting.34 2) Hard Copies35 a) 3 copies for all submittals36 b) If Contractor requires more than 1 hard copy of Shop Drawings 37 returned, Contractor shall submit more than the number of copies listed 38 above.39 c. Product Data 40 1) Upload submittal to designated project directory and notify appropriate 41 City representatives via email of submittal posting.42 2) Hard Copies43 a) 3 copies for all submittals44 d. Samples45 1) Distributed to the Project Representative46 2. Hard Copy Distribution (if required in lieu of electronic distribution)47 01 33 00 - 5 DAP SUBMITTALS Page 5 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 a. Shop Drawings1 1) Distributed to the City2 2) Copies3 a) 8 copies for mechanical submittals4 b) 7 copies for all other submittals5 c) If Contractor requires more than 3 copies of Shop Drawings returned, 6 Contractor shall submit more than the number of copies listed above.7 b. Product Data 8 1) Distributed to the City9 2) Copies10 a) 4 copies11 c. Samples12 1) Distributed to the Project Representative13 2) Copies14 a) Submit the number stated in the respective Specification Sections.15 3. Distribute reproductions of approved shop drawings and copies of approved 16 product data and samples, where required, to the job site file and elsewhere as 17 directed by the City.18 a. Provide number of copies as directed by the City but not exceeding the number 19 previously specified.20 K. Submittal Review21 1. The review of shop drawings, data and samples will be for general conformance 22 with the design concept and Contract Documents. This is not to be construed as:23 a. Permitting any departure from the Contract requirements24 b. Relieving the Contractor of responsibility for any errors, including details, 25 dimensions, and materials26 c. Approving departures from details furnished by the City, except as otherwise 27 provided herein28 2. The review and approval of shop drawings, samples or product data by the City29 does not relieve the Contractor from his/her responsibility with regard to the 30 fulfillment of the terms of the Contract. 31 a. All risks of error and omission are assumed by the Contractor, and the City will 32 have no responsibility therefore.33 3. The Contractor remains responsible for details and accuracy, for coordinating the 34 Work with all other associated work and trades, for selecting fabrication processes, 35 for techniques of assembly and for performing Work in a safe manner.36 4. If the shop drawings, data or samples as submitted describe variations and show a 37 departure from the Contract requirements which City finds to be in the interest of 38 the City and to be so minor as not to involve a change in Contract Price or time for 39 performance, the City may return the reviewed drawings without noting an 40 exception.41 5. Submittals will be returned to the Contractor under 1 of the following codes:42 a. Code 143 1) "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" is assigned when there are no notations or 44 comments on the submittal. 45 a) When returned under this code the Contractor may release the 46 equipment and/or material for manufacture.47 b. Code 248 01 33 00 - 6 DAP SUBMITTALS Page 6 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 1) "EXCEPTIONS NOTED". This code is assigned when a confirmation of 1 the notations and comments IS NOT required by the Contractor. 2 a) The Contractor may release the equipment or material for manufacture; 3 however, all notations and comments must be incorporated into the 4 final product. 5 c. Code 36 1) "EXCEPTIONS NOTED/RESUBMIT". This combination of codes is 7 assigned when notations and comments are extensive enough to require a 8 resubmittal of the package. 9 a) The Contractor may release the equipment or material for manufacture; 10 however, all notations and comments must be incorporated into the 11 final product. 12 b) This resubmittal is to address all comments, omissions and 13 non-conforming items that were noted. 14 c) Resubmittal is to be received by the City within 15 Calendar Days of 15 the date of the City's transmittal requiring the resubmittal.16 d. Code 417 1) "NOT APPROVED" is assigned when the submittal does not meet the 18 intent of the Contract Documents. 19 a) The Contractor must resubmit the entire package revised to bring the 20 submittal into conformance. 21 b) It may be necessary to resubmit using a different manufacturer/vendor 22 to meet the Contract Documents.23 6. Resubmittals 24 a. Handled in the same manner as first submittals25 1) Corrections other than requested by the City26 2) Marked with revision triangle or other similar method27 a)At Contractor’s risk if not marked 28 b. Submittals for each item will be reviewed no more than twice at the City’s29 expense. 30 1) All subsequent reviews will be performed at times convenient to the City31 and at the Contractor's expense, based on the City's or City 32 Representative’s then prevailing rates. 33 2) Provide Contractor reimbursement to the City within 30 Calendar Days for 34 all such fees invoiced by the City.35 c. The need for more than 1 resubmission or any other delay in obtaining City's 36 review of submittals, will not entitle the Contractor to an extension of Contract 37 Time.38 7. Partial Submittals 39 a. City reserves the right to not review submittals deemed partial, at the City’s 40 discretion.41 b. Submittals deemed by the City to be not complete will be returned to the 42 Contractor, and will be considered "Not Approved" until resubmitted. 43 c. The City may at its option provide a list or mark the submittal directing the 44 Contractor to the areas that are incomplete.45 8. If the Contractor considers any correction indicated on the shop drawings to 46 constitute a change to the Contract Documents, then written notice must be 47 provided thereof to the Developer at least 7 Calendar Days prior to release for 48 manufacture.49 01 33 00 - 7 DAP SUBMITTALS Page 7 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 9. When the shop drawings have been completed to the satisfaction of the City, the 1 Contractor may carry out the construction in accordance therewith and no further 2 changes therein except upon written instructions from the City.3 10. Each submittal, appropriately coded, will be returned within 30 Calendar Days 4 following receipt of submittal by the City.5 L. Mock ups6 1. Mock Up units as specified in individual Sections, include, but are not necessarily 7 limited to, complete units of the standard of acceptance for that type of Work to be 8 used on the Project. Remove at the completion of the Work or when directed.9 M. Qualifications10 1. If specifically required in other Sections of these Specifications, submit a P.E. 11 Certification for each item required.12 N. Request for Information (RFI)13 1. Contractor Request for additional information14 a. Clarification or interpretation of the contract documents 15 b. When the Contractor believes there is a conflict between Contract Documents16 c. When the Contractor believes there is a conflict between the Drawings and 17 Specifications18 1) Identify the conflict and request clarification19 2. Sufficient information shall be attached to permit a written response without further20 information.21 22 23 24 25 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]26 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]27 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]28 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]29 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]30 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]31 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]32 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]33 01 33 00 - 8 DAP SUBMITTALS Page 8 of 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August 30, 2013 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]1 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED]2 END OF SECTION3 4 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 D. Johnson 1.4.K.8. Working Days modified to Calendar Days 5 01 35 13 - 1 DAP SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 1 of 7 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No, 102748 Revised August, 30, 2013 SECTION 01 35 131 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. The procedures for special project circumstances that includes, but is not limited to:6 a. Coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation7 b. Work near High Voltage Lines8 c. Confined Space Entry Program9 d. Air Pollution Watch Days10 e. Use of Explosives, Drop Weight, Etc.11 f. Water Department Notification12 g. Public Notification Prior to Beginning Construction13 h. Coordination with United States Army Corps of Engineers14 i. Coordination within Railroad permits areas15 j. Dust Control16 k. Employee Parking17 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification18 1. None.19 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:20 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract21 2. Division 1 –General Requirements22 3. Section 33 12 25 –Connection to Existing Water Mains23 24 1.2 REFERENCES25 A. Reference Standards26 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 27 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this28 Specification, unless a date is specifically cited.29 2. Health and Safety Code, Title 9. Safety, Subtitle A. Public Safety, Chapter 752. 30 High Voltage Overhead Lines.31 3. North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) –Clean Construction 32 Specification33 1.3 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS34 A. Coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation35 1. When work in the right-of-way which is under the jurisdiction of the Texas 36 Department of Transportation (TxDOT):37 a. Notify the Texas Department of Transportation prior to commencing any work 38 therein in accordance with the provisions of the permit39 01 35 13 - 2 DAP SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 2 of 7 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No, 102748 Revised August, 30, 2013 b. All work performed in the TxDOT right-of-way shall be performed in 1 compliance with and subject to approval from the Texas Department of 2 Transportation3 B. Work near High Voltage Lines4 1. Regulatory Requirements5 a. All Work near High Voltage Lines (more than 600 volts measured between 6 conductors or between a conductor and the ground) shall be in accordance with 7 Health and Safety Code, Title 9, Subtitle A, Chapter 752.8 2. Warning sign 9 a. Provide sign of sufficient size meeting all OSHA requirements.10 3. Equipment operating within 10 feet of high voltage lines will require the following 11 safety features 12 a. Insulating cage-type of guard about the boom or arm13 b. Insulator links on the lift hook connections for back hoes or dippers 14 c. Equipment must meet the safety requirements as set forth by OSHA and the 15 safety requirements of the owner of the high voltage lines16 4. Work within 6 feet of high voltage electric lines17 a. Notification shall be given to:18 1) The power company (example: ONCOR)19 a) Maintain an accurate log of all such calls to power company and record 20 action taken in each case.21 b. Coordination with power company22 1) After notification coordinate with the power company to:23 a) Erect temporary mechanical barriers, de-energize the lines, or raise or 24 lower the lines25 c. No personnel may work within 6 feet of a high voltage line before the above 26 requirements have been met.27 C. Confined Space Entry Program28 1. Provide and follow approved Confined Space Entry Program in accordance with 29 OSHA requirements.30 2. Confined Spaces include:31 a. Manholes32 b.All other confined spaces in accordance with OSHA’s Permit Required for 33 Confined Spaces34 D. Use of Explosives, Drop Weight, Etc.35 1. When Contract Documents permit on the project the following will apply:36 a. Public Notification37 1) Submit notice to City and proof of adequate insurance coverage, 24 hours 38 prior to commencing. 39 2) Minimum 24 hour public notification in accordance with Section 01 31 1340 E. Water Department Coordination41 1. During the construction of this project, it will be necessary to deactivate, for a 42 period of time, existing lines. The Contractor shall be required to coordinate with 43 the Water Department to determine the best times for deactivating and activating 44 those lines.45 01 35 13 - 3 DAP SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 3 of 7 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No, 102748 Revised August, 30, 2013 2. Coordinate any event that will require connecting to or the operation of an existing 1 City water line system with the City’s representative. 2 a. Coordination shall be in accordance with Section 33 12 25.3 b. If needed, obtain a hydrant water meter from the Water Department for use 4 during the life of named project. 5 c. In the event that a water valve on an existing live system be turned off and on 6 to accommodate the construction of the project is required, coordinate this 7 activity through the appropriate City representative. 8 1) Do not operate water line valves of existing water system. 9 a) Failure to comply will render the Contractor in violation of Texas Penal 10 Code Title 7, Chapter 28.03 (Criminal Mischief) and the Contractor 11 will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 12 b) In addition, the Contractor will assume all liabilities and 13 responsibilities as a result of these actions.14 F. Public Notification Prior to Beginning Construction15 1. Prior to beginning construction on any block in the project, on a block by block 16 basis, prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending construction to the front 17 door of each residence or business that will be impacted by construction. The notice 18 shall be prepared as follows:19 a. Post notice or flyer 7 days prior to beginning any construction activity on each 20 block in the project area. 21 1) Prepare flyer on the Contractor’s letterhead and include the following 22 information: 23 a) Name of Project24 b) City Project No (CPN)25 c) Scope of Project (i.e. type of construction activity)26 d) Actual construction duration within the block27 e) Name of the contractor’s foreman and phone number28 f) Name of the City’s inspector and phone number 29 g) City’s after-hours phone number30 2)A sample of the ‘pre-construction notification’ flyer is attached as Exhibit 31 A.32 3) Submit schedule showing the construction start and finish time for each 33 block of the project to the inspector. 34 4) Deliver flyer to the City Inspector for review prior to distribution.35 b. No construction will be allowed to begin on any block until the flyer is 36 delivered to all residents of the block. 37 G. Public Notification of Temporary Water Service Interruption during Construction38 1. In the event it becomes necessary to temporarily shut down water service to 39 residents or businesses during construction, prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of 40 the pending interruption to the front door of each affected resident. 41 2. Prepared notice as follows:42 a. The notification or flyer shall be posted 24 hours prior to the temporary 43 interruption.44 b. Prepare flyer on the contractor’s letterhead and include the following 45 information: 46 1) Name of the project47 2) City Project Number48 01 35 13 - 4 DAP SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 4 of 7 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No, 102748 Revised August, 30, 2013 3) Date of the interruption of service1 4) Period the interruption will take place2 5) Name of the contractor’s foreman and phone number 3 6) Name of the City’s inspector and phone number4 c. A sample of the temporary water service interruption notification is attached as 5 Exhibit B.6 d. Deliver a copy of the temporary interruption notification to the City inspector 7 for review prior to being distributed.8 e. No interruption of water service can occur until the flyer has been delivered to 9 all affected residents and businesses.10 f. Electronic versions of the sample flyers can be obtained from the Project 11 Construction Inspector.12 H. Coordination with United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)13 1. At locations in the Project where construction activities occur in areas where 14 USACE permits are required, meet all requirements set forth in each designated 15 permit.16 I. Coordination within Railroad Permit Areas17 1. At locations in the project where construction activities occur in areas where 18 railroad permits are required, meet all requirements set forth in each designated 19 railroad permit. This includes, but is not limited to, provisions for:20 a. Flagmen21 b. Inspectors22 c. Safety training23 d. Additional insurance24 e. Insurance certificates25 f. Other employees required to protect the right-of-way and property of the 26 Railroad Company from damage arising out of and/or from the construction of 27 the project. Proper utility clearance procedures shall be used in accordance 28 with the permit guidelines.29 2. Obtain any supplemental information needed to comply with the railroad’s 30 requirements.31 J. Dust Control32 1. Use acceptable measures to control dust at the Site. 33 a. If water is used to control dust, capture and properly dispose of waste water.34 b. If wet saw cutting is performed, capture and properly dispose of slurry.35 K. Employee Parking36 1. Provide parking for employees at locations approved by the City.37 01 35 13 - 5 DAP SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 5 of 7 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No, 102748 Revised August, 30, 2013 1.4 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]1 1.5 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]2 1.6 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]3 1.7 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]4 1.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]5 1.9 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]6 1.10 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]7 1.11 WARRANTY [NOT USED]8 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]9 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED]10 END OF SECTION11 12 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 8/31/2012 D. Johnson 1.3.B –Added requirement of compliance with Health and Safety Code, Title 9. Safety, Subtitle A. Public Safety, Chapter 752. High Voltage Overhead Lines. 13 01 35 13 - 6 DAP SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 6 of 7 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August, 30, 2013 EXHIBIT A1 (To be printed on Contractor’s Letterhead)2 3 4 5 Date:6 7 CPN No.:8 Project Name:9 Mapsco Location:10 Limits of Construction: 11 12 13 14 15 16 THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF FORT 17 WORTH, OUR COMPANY WILL WORK ON UTILITY LINES ON OR AROUND YOUR 18 PROPERTY.19 20 CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY SEVEN DAYS FROM THE DATE 21 OF THIS NOTICE.22 23 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SECURITY, SAFETY OR ANY OTHER 24 ISSUE, PLEASE CALL:25 26 27 Mr. <CONTRACTOR’S SUPERINTENDENT> AT <TELEPHONE NO.>28 29 OR 30 31 Mr. <CITY INSPECTOR> AT < TELEPHONE NO.>32 33 AFTER 4:30 PM OR ON WEEKENDS, PLEASE CALL (817) 392 830634 35 PLEASE KEEP THIS FLYER HANDY WHEN YOU CALL36 37 01 35 13 - 7 DAP SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 7 of 7 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised August, 30, 2013 EXHIBIT B1 2 3 4 01 45 23 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES Page 1 of 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised March 9, 2020 SECTION 01 45 23 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Testing and inspection services procedures and coordination B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0 – Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1 – General Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. a. Contractor is responsible for performing, coordinating, and payment of all Quality Control testing. b. City is responsible for performing and payment for first set of Quality Assurance testing. 1) If the first Quality Assurance test performed by the City fails, the Contractor is responsible for payment of subsequent Quality Assurance testing until a passing test occurs. a) Final acceptance will not be issued by City until all required payments for testing by Contractor have been paid in full. 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Testing 1. Complete testing in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. Coordination a. When testing is required to be performed by the City, notify City, sufficiently in advance, when testing is needed. b. When testing is required to be completed by the Contractor, notify City, sufficiently in advance, that testing will be performed. 3. Distribution of Testing Reports a. Electronic Distribution 1) Confirm development of Project directory for electronic submittals to be uploaded to the City’s document management system, or another external FTP site approved by the City. [I[I[I[I[I[I[I[I[I[I[I[I[I[IIIIIIIInsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnssnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnererererererererererererererererrerererrt tttttttttttttttttttt PrPrPrPrPrrrPrPrPrPrrrrrPrrrrProjojojojojojojojojojojojoojojojojoojojoececeeeeceecececeeeeeceececeeet NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNNaNamemememememememememememememememememememme] [I[I[I[IIIII[I[I[I[I[IIII[IIInsnsnsnsnsnsnsnssnssnsnsnsnsnnsnsnsnsnseereereeererereeeereererereeeert tttttttttttttt PrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPPrPrPrPrProjojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojjeceececeececececececececececececececeet ttttttttttttttt NuNuNuNuNuNuNNNuNNNuNuNuNuNNNNuNuNumbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmberererererererereerererererererererrere]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 01 45 23 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES Page 2 of 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised March 9, 2020 2) Upload test reports to designated project directory and notify appropriate City representatives via email of submittal posting. 3) Hard Copies a) 1 copy for all submittals submitted to the Project Representative b. Hard Copy Distribution (if required in lieu of electronic distribution) 1) Tests performed by City a) Distribute 1 hard copy to the Contractor 2) Tests performed by the Contractor a) Distribute 3 hard copies to City’s Project Representative 4. Provide City’s Project Representative with trip tickets for each delivered load of Concrete or Lime material including the following information: a. Name of pit b. Date of delivery c. Material delivered B. Inspection 1. Inspection or lack of inspection does not relieve the Contractor from obligation to perform work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 3/9/2020 D.V. Magaña Removed reference to Buzzsaw and noted that electronic submittals be uploaded through the City’s document management system. [I[I[I[I[I[I[I[I[I[I[I[IIIIII[IIIInsnsnsnsnnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnnsnsnsnsnsnsererererererererererererererererererererert ttttttttttttttttttt PrPrPrrPrPrrrPrrPrPrrrrPrPrPrrrojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojeececeeecececeeececececeeeceececet NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNammememememememmemememememememememememem] [III[IIII[II[I[I[III[I[I[I[IIIInsnsnsnsnsnnsnsnsnsnsnssnsnsnsnnsnsseeeeereeeerereeerereereeereert ttttttttttttt PrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPPrProjojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojeceecececeececeecececececececcecccet ttttttttttttttttt NuNuNuNuNuNNuNNuNuNuNuNuNNNuNNNuNuNumbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbererererererrererererrererererererr]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 01 50 00 - 1 DAP TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Page 1 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised JULY 1, 2011 SECTION 01 50 001 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Provide temporary facilities and controls needed for the Work including, but not 6 necessarily limited to:7 a. Temporary utilities8 b. Sanitary facilities9 c. Storage Sheds and Buildings10 d. Dust control11 e. Temporary fencing of the construction site12 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification13 1. None.14 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:15 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract16 2. Division 1 –General Requirements17 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES18 A. Measurement and Payment19 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 20 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.21 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]22 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS23 A. Temporary Utilities24 1. Obtaining Temporary Service25 a. Make arrangements with utility service companies for temporary services.26 b. Abide by rules and regulations of utility service companies or authorities 27 having jurisdiction.28 c. Be responsible for utility service costs until Work is approved for Final 29 Acceptance. 30 1) Included are fuel, power, light, heat and other utility services necessary for31 execution, completion, testing and initial operation of Work.32 2. Water33 a. Contractor to provide water required for and in connection with Work to be 34 performed and for specified tests of piping, equipment, devices or other use as 35 required for the completion of the Work.36 b. Provide and maintain adequate supply of potable water for domestic 37 consumption by Contractor personnel and City’s Project Representatives.38 c. Coordination39 1) Contact City 1 week before water for construction is desired40 01 50 00 - 2 DAP TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Page 2 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised JULY 1, 2011 d. Contractor Payment for Construction Water 1 1) Obtain construction water meter from City for payment as billed by City’s2 established rates.3 3. Electricity and Lighting4 a. Provide and pay for electric powered service as required for Work, including 5 testing of Work. 6 1) Provide power for lighting, operation of equipment, or other use.7 b. Electric power service includes temporary power service or generator to 8 maintain operations during scheduled shutdown.9 4. Telephone10 a. Provide emergency telephone service at Site for use by Contractor personnel11 and others performing work or furnishing services at Site.12 5. Temporary Heat and Ventilation13 a. Provide temporary heat as necessary for protection or completion of Work.14 b. Provide temporary heat and ventilation to assure safe working conditions.15 B. Sanitary Facilities16 1. Provide and maintain sanitary facilities for persons on Site. 17 a. Comply with regulations of State and local departments of health.18 2. Enforce use of sanitary facilities by construction personnel at job site. 19 a. Enclose and anchor sanitary facilities. 20 b. No discharge will be allowed from these facilities. 21 c. Collect and store sewage and waste so as not to cause nuisance or health 22 problem. 23 d. Haul sewage and waste off-site at no less than weekly intervals and properly 24 dispose in accordance with applicable regulation.25 3. Locate facilities near Work Site and keep clean and maintained throughout Project.26 4. Remove facilities at completion of Project27 C. Storage Sheds and Buildings 28 1. Provide adequately ventilated, watertight, weatherproof storage facilities with floor 29 above ground level for materials and equipment susceptible to weather damage.30 2. Storage of materials not susceptible to weather damage may be on blocks off 31 ground.32 3. Store materials in a neat and orderly manner. 33 a. Place materials and equipment to permit easy access for identification, 34 inspection and inventory.35 4. Equip building with lockable doors and lighting, and provide electrical service for 36 equipment space heaters and heating or ventilation as necessary to provide storage 37 environments acceptable to specified manufacturers.38 5. Fill and grade site for temporary structures to provide drainage away from 39 temporary and existing buildings.40 6. Remove building from site prior to Final Acceptance.41 D. Temporary Fencing42 1. Provide and maintain for the duration or construction when required in contract 43 documents44 E. Dust Control45 01 50 00 - 3 DAP TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Page 3 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised JULY 1, 2011 1. Contractor is responsible for maintaining dust control through the duration of the 1 project.2 a. Contractor remains on-call at all times3 b. Must respond in a timely manner4 F. Temporary Protection of Construction5 1. Contractor or subcontractors are responsible for protecting Work from damage due 6 to weather.7 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]8 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]9 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]10 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]11 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]12 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]13 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]14 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]15 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]16 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED]17 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED]18 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED]19 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED]20 3.4 INSTALLATION 21 A. Temporary Facilities22 1. Maintain all temporary facilities for duration of construction activities as needed.23 3.5 [REPAIR] / [RESTORATION]24 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION25 3.7 FIELD [OR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED]26 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED]27 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED]28 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 29 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES30 A. Temporary Facilities31 01 50 00 - 4 DAP TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Page 4 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised JULY 1, 2011 1. Remove all temporary facilities and restore area after completion of the Work, to a 1 condition equal to or better than prior to start of Work.2 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED]3 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED]4 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED]5 END OF SECTION6 7 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 8 01 55 26 - 1 DAP STREET USE PERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 1 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised July 1, 2011 SECTION 01 55 261 STREET USE PERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Administrative procedures for:6 a. Street Use Permit7 b. Modification of approved traffic control8 c. Removal of Street Signs9 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification10 1. None.11 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:12 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract13 2. Division 1 –General Requirements14 3. Section 34 71 13 –Traffic Control15 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES16 A. Measurement and Payment17 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 18 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.19 1.3 REFERENCES20 A. Reference Standards21 1. Reference standards cited in this specification refer to the current reference standard 22 published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 23 specification, unless a date is specifically cited.24 2. Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD).25 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS26 A. Traffic Control27 1. General28 a. When traffic control plans are included in the Drawings, provide Traffic 29 Control in accordance with Drawings and Section 34 71 13.30 b. When traffic control plans are not included in the Drawings, prepare traffic 31 control plans in accordance with Section 34 71 13 and submit to City for 32 review. 33 1) Allow minimum 10 working days for review of proposed Traffic Control.34 B. Street Use Permit35 1. Prior to installation of Traffic Control, a City Street Use Permit is required.36 a. To obtain Street Use Permit, submit Traffic Control Plans to City 37 Transportation and Public Works Department.38 01 55 26 - 2 DAP STREET USE PERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 2 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised July 1, 2011 1) Allow a minimum of 5 working days for permit review.1 2)Contractor’s responsibility to coordinate review of Traffic Control plans for 2 Street Use Permit, such that construction is not delayed.3 C. Modification to Approved Traffic Control4 1. Prior to installation traffic control:5 a. Submit revised traffic control plans to City Department Transportation and 6 Public Works Department.7 1) Revise Traffic Control plans in accordance with Section 34 71 13.8 2) Allow minimum 5 working days for review of revised Traffic Control.9 3) It is the Contractor’s responsibility to coordinate review of Traffic Control 10 plans for Street Use Permit, such that construction is not delayed.11 D. Removal of Street Sign12 1. If it is determined that a street sign must be removed for construction, then contact 13 City Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs and Markings Division to 14 remove the sign.15 E. Temporary Signage16 1. In the case of regulatory signs, replace permanent sign with temporary sign meeting 17 requirements of the latest edition of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control 18 Devices (MUTCD).19 2. Install temporary sign before the removal of permanent sign.20 3. When construction is complete, to the extent that the permanent sign can be 21 reinstalled, contact the City Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs 22 and Markings Division, to reinstall the permanent sign.23 F. Traffic Control Standards24 1. Traffic Control Standards can be found on the City’s Buzzsaw website.25 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]26 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]27 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]28 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]29 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]30 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]31 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]32 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]33 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]34 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED]35 END OF SECTION36 01 55 26 - 3 DAP STREET USE PERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 3 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised July 1, 2011 1 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 2 01 57 13 - 1 DAP STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION Page 1 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised July 1, 2011 SECTION 01 57 131 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Procedures for Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans6 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification7 1. None.8 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:9 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the 10 Contract11 2. Division 1 –General Requirements12 3. Section 31 25 00 –Erosion and Sediment Control13 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES14 A. Measurement and Payment15 1. Construction Activities resulting in less than 1 acre of disturbance16 a. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items 17 bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.18 2. Construction Activities resulting in greater than 1 acre of disturbance19 a. Measurement and Payment shall be in accordance with Section 31 25 00.20 1.3 REFERENCES21 A. Abbreviations and Acronyms22 1. Notice of Intent: NOI23 2. Notice of Termination: NOT24 3. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan: SWPPP25 4. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality: TCEQ26 5. Notice of Change: NOC27 A. Reference Standards28 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 29 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 30 Specification, unless a date is specifically cited.31 2. Integrated Storm Management (iSWM) Technical Manual for Construction32 Controls33 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS34 A. General35 1. Contractor is responsible for resolution and payment of any fines issued associated 36 with compliance to Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. 37 01 57 13 - 2 DAP STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION Page 2 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised July 1, 2011 B. Construction Activities resulting in:1 1. Less than 1 acre of disturbance2 a. Provide erosion and sediment control in accordance with Section 31 25 00 and3 Drawings.4 2. 1 to less than 5 acres of disturbance5 a. Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Construction 6 Permit is required7 b. Complete SWPPP in accordance with TCEQ requirements8 1) TCEQ Small Construction Site Notice Required under general permit 9 TXR15000010 a) Sign and post at job site11 b) Prior to Preconstruction Meeting, send 1 copy to City Department of 12 Transportation and Public Works, Environmental Division, (817) 392-13 6088.14 2) Provide erosion and sediment control in accordance with:15 a) Section 31 25 0016 b) The Drawings17 c) TXR150000 General Permit18 d) SWPPP19 e) TCEQ requirements20 3. 5 acres or more of Disturbance21 a. Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Construction 22 Permit is required23 b. Complete SWPPP in accordance with TCEQ requirements24 1) Prepare a TCEQ NOI form and submit to TCEQ along with required fee25 a) Sign and post at job site26 b) Send copy to City Department of Transportation and Public Works, 27 Environmental Division, (817) 392-6088.28 2) TCEQ Notice of Change required if making changes or updates to NOI29 3) Provide erosion and sediment control in accordance with:30 a) Section 31 25 0031 b) The Drawings32 c) TXR150000 General Permit33 d) SWPPP34 e) TCEQ requirements35 4) Once the project has been completed and all the closeout requirements of 36 TCEQ have been met a TCEQ Notice of Termination can be submitted.37 a) Send copy to City Department of Transportation and Public Works, 38 Environmental Division, (817) 392-6088.39 1.5 SUBMITTALS40 A. SWPPP 41 1. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 00, except as stated herein.42 a. Prior to the Preconstruction Meeting, submit a draft copy of SWPPP to the City 43 as follows:44 1) 1 copy to the City Project Manager45 a) City Project Manager will forward to the City Department of 46 Transportation and Public Works, Environmental Division for review47 01 57 13 - 3 DAP STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION Page 3 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised July 1, 2011 B. Modified SWPPP1 1. If the SWPPP is revised during construction, resubmit modified SWPPP to the City 2 in accordance with Section 01 33 00.3 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]4 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]5 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]6 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]7 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]8 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]9 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]10 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]11 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED]12 END OF SECTION13 14 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 15 01 58 13 - 1 DAP TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNAGE Page 1 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 SECTION 01 58 131 TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNAGE2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Temporary Project Signage Requirements6 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification7 1. None.8 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:9 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract10 2. Division 1 –General Requirements11 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES12 A. Measurement and Payment13 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 14 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.15 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]16 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED]17 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]18 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]19 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]20 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]21 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]22 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]23 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]24 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]25 PART 2 - PRODUCTS26 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [OR] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED]27 2.2 EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPES, AND MATERIALS28 A. Design Criteria29 1. Provide free standing Project Designation Sign in accordance with City’s Standard 30 Details for project signs.31 01 58 13 - 2 DAP TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNAGE Page 2 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 B. Materials1 1. Sign2 a. Constructed of ¾-inch fir plywood, grade A-C (exterior) or better3 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED]4 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED]5 PART 3 - EXECUTION6 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED]7 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED]8 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED]9 3.4 INSTALLATION 10 A. General11 1. Provide vertical installation at extents of project.12 2. Relocate sign as needed, upon request of the City.13 B. Mounting options14 a. Skids15 b. Posts16 c. Barricade17 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED]18 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED]19 3.7 FIELD [OR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED]20 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED]21 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED]22 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED]23 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED]24 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED]25 3.13 MAINTENANCE26 A. General27 1. Maintenance will include painting and repairs as needed or directed by the City.28 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED]29 END OF SECTION30 31 01 58 13 - 3 DAP TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNAGE Page 3 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 1 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 4/7/2014 M. Domenech Revised for DAP application 2 3 01 60 00 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 1 of 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised March 9, 2020 SECTION 01 60 00 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. References for Product Requirements and City Standard Products List B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0 – Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1 – General Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES [NOT USED] 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. A list of City approved products for use is available through the City’s website at: https://apps.fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/and following the directory path; 02 - Construction Documents/Standard Products List B. Only products specifically included on City’s Standard Product List in these Contract Documents shall be allowed for use on the Project. 1. Any subsequently approved products will only be allowed for use upon specific approval by the City. C. Any specific product requirements in the Contract Documents supersede similar products included on the City’s Standard Product List. 1. The City reserves the right to not allow products to be used for certain projects even though the product is listed on the City’s Standard Product List. D. Although a specific product is included on City’s Standard Product List, not all products from that manufacturer are approved for use, including but not limited to, that manufacturer’s standard product. E. See Section 01 33 00 for submittal requirements of Product Data included on City’s Standard Product List. 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] [I[I[[[I[I[I[I[I[I[[[[nsereeeeeeeeeeeet PrPrPrPrrrPrrPrPrPrrProjojojojjjjjjjjjjjjjjeceeeeeeeeeeeeet NaNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNme] [IIIII[III[IIII[I[I[nsnnnsnnsnsnnsnnsnnnsnsnnnnerrrttttt t tttt ttttttt PrPPPPrPPrPPPPrPPrPrPPPrPPPojojjojojojojojojojojjojojooooojjecccect ttttt tt tttt tttt NuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNNNNmbmbmbbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbererereeerererereereererereee]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 01 60 00 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 2 of 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH [Insert Project Name] STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS [Insert Project Number] Revised March 9, 2020 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 10/12/12 D. Johnson Modified Location of City’s Standard Product List 3/9/2020 D.V. Magaña Removed reference to Buzzsaw and noted that the City approved products list is accessible through the City’s website. [I[I[I[I[I[I[I[I[IIII[IInsnsnsnsnnsnsnnsnnsnssssererrererrerererrererereeeeet ttt tt tt tt ttttt Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojecececeecececeeeeceeecececccct NaNaNaNaNNaNNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNNamemememmememmememememeeeeee]]]]]]]] [IIIIIIIIIInsnsnsnsnnsnnnnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsererererereeeererererereereererert t PrPPrPPPrPPrPrPPrPPrPPrPrPrPrPrrojojojojojojojojojojoojojoojojojjojjececececececccececeececececeecececet ttttt NNuNuNuNuNuNuNNuNNNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNNuNumbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbbmbmbmbmbbbbbbereerereererererereererererererererere]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 01 66 00 - 1 DAP PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS Page 1 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 SECTION 01 66 001 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Scheduling of product delivery6 2. Packaging of products for delivery7 3. Protection of products against damage from:8 a. Handling9 b. Exposure to elements or harsh environments10 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification11 1. None.12 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:13 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract14 2. Division 1 –General Requirements15 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES16 A. Measurement and Payment17 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid.18 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.19 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]20 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED]21 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]22 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]23 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]24 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]25 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]26 1.10 DELIVERY AND HANDLING27 A. Delivery Requirements28 1. Schedule delivery of products or equipment as required to allow timely installation 29 and to avoid prolonged storage.30 2. Provide appropriate personnel and equipment to receive deliveries.31 3. Delivery trucks will not be permitted to wait extended periods of time on the Site 32 for personnel or equipment to receive the delivery.33 01 66 00 - 2 DAP PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS Page 2 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 4. Deliver products or equipment in manufacturer's original unbroken cartons or other 1 containers designed and constructed to protect the contents from physical or 2 environmental damage.3 5. Clearly and fully mark and identify as to manufacturer, item and installation 4 location.5 6. Provide manufacturer's instructions for storage and handling.6 B. Handling Requirements7 1. Handle products or equipment in accordance with these Contract Documents and 8 manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions.9 C. Storage Requirements10 1.Store materials in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and 11 requirements of these Specifications.12 2. Make necessary provisions for safe storage of materials and equipment. 13 a. Place loose soil materials and materials to be incorporated into Work to prevent 14 damage to any part of Work or existing facilities and to maintain free access at 15 all times to all parts of Work and to utility service company installations in 16 vicinity of Work. 17 3. Keep materials and equipment neatly and compactly stored in locations that will 18 cause minimum inconvenience to other contractors, public travel, adjoining owners, 19 tenants and occupants. 20 a. Arrange storage to provide easy access for inspection.21 4. Restrict storage to areas available on construction site for storage of material and 22 equipment as shown on Drawings, or approved by City’s Project Representative.23 5. Provide off-site storage and protection when on-site storage is not adequate. 24 a. Provide addresses of and access to off-site storage locations for inspection by 25 City’s Project Representative.26 6. Do not use lawns, grass plots or other private property for storage purposes without 27 written permission of owner or other person in possession or control of premises.28 7.Store in manufacturers’ unopened containers.29 8. Neatly, safely and compactly stack materials delivered and stored along line of 30 Work to avoid inconvenience and damage to property owners and general public31 and maintain at least 3 feet from fire hydrant. 32 9. Keep public and private driveways and street crossings open.33 10. Repair or replace damaged lawns, sidewalks, streets or other improvements to 34 satisfaction of City’s Project Representative.35 a. Total length which materials may be distributed along route of construction at 36 one time is 1,000 linear feet, unless otherwise approved in writing by City’s 37 Project Representative.38 01 66 00 - 3 DAP PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS Page 3 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]1 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]3 PART 3 - EXECUTION4 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED]5 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED]6 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED]7 3.4 ERECTION [NOT USED]8 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED]9 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED]10 3.7 FIELD [OR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL11 A. Tests and Inspections12 1. Inspect all products or equipment delivered to the site prior to unloading.13 B. Non-Conforming Work14 1. Reject all products or equipment that are damaged, used or in any other way 15 unsatisfactory for use on the project.16 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED]17 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED]18 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED]19 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED]20 3.12 PROTECTION21 A. Protect all products or equipment in accordance with manufacturer's written directions.22 B. Store products or equipment in location to avoid physical damage to items while in 23 storage.24 C. Protect equipment from exposure to elements and keep thoroughly dry if required by 25 the manufacturer.26 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED]27 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED]28 END OF SECTION29 30 01 66 00 - 4 DAP PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS Page 4 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 4/7/2014 M.Domenech Revised for DAP application 1 01 70 00 - 1 DAP MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION Page 1 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 SECTION 01 70 001 MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Mobilization and Demobilization6 a. Mobilization7 1) Transportation of Contractor’s personnel, equipment, and operating supplies 8 to the Site9 2)Establishment of necessary general facilities for the Contractor’s operation 10 at the Site11 3) Premiums paid for performance and payment bonds 12 4)Transportation of Contractor’s personnel, equipment, and operating supplies 13 to another location within the designated Site14 5) Relocation of necessary general facilities for the Contractor’s operation 15 from 1 location to another location on the Site.16 b. Demobilization17 1)Transportation of Contractor’s personnel, equipment, and operating supplies 18 away from the Site including disassembly19 2) Site Clean-up20 3) Removal of all buildings and/or other facilities assembled at the Site for this 21 Contract 22 c. Mobilization and Demobilization do not include activities for specific items of23 work that are for which payment is provided elsewhere in the contract.24 2. Remobilization25 a. Remobilization for Suspension of Work specifically required in the Contract 26 Documents or as required by City includes:27 1) Demobilization28 a)Transportation of Contractor’s personnel, equipment, and operating 29 supplies from the Site including disassembly or temporarily securing 30 equipment, supplies, and other facilities as designated by the Contract 31 Documents necessary to suspend the Work.32 b) Site Clean-up as designated in the Contract Documents33 2) Remobilization34 a)Transportation of Contractor’s personnel, equipment, and operating 35 supplies to the Site necessary to resume the Work.36 b) Establishment of necessary general facilities for the Contractor’s 37 operation at the Site necessary to resume the Work.38 3) No Payments will be made for:39 a) Mobilization and Demobilization from one location to another on the 40 Site in the normal progress of performing the Work.41 b) Stand-by or idle time42 c) Lost profits43 3. Mobilizations and Demobilization for Miscellaneous Projects44 a. Mobilization and Demobilization45 01 70 00 - 2 DAP MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION Page 2 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 1) Mobilization shall consist of the activities and cost on a Work Order basis 1 necessary for:2 a)Transportation of Contractor’s personnel, equipment, and operating 3 supplies to the Site for the issued Work Order.4 b) Establishment of necessary general facilities for the Contractor’s 5 operation at the Site for the issued Work Order6 2) Demobilization shall consist of the activities and cost necessary for:7 a)Transportation of Contractor’s personnel, equipment, and operating 8 supplies from the Site including disassembly for each issued Work 9 Order10 b) Site Clean-up for each issued Work Order11 c) Removal of all buildings or other facilities assembled at the Site for 12 each Work Oder13 b. Mobilization and Demobilization do not include activities for specific items of 14 work for which payment is provided elsewhere in the contract.15 4. Emergency Mobilizations and Demobilization for Miscellaneous Projects16 a. A Mobilization for Miscellaneous Projects when directed by the City and the 17 mobilization occurs within 24 hours of the issuance of the Work Order.18 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification19 1. None.20 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:21 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract22 2. Division 1 –General Requirements23 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES24 A. Measurement and Payment25 1. Mobilization and Demobilization26 a. Measure27 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid.28 b. Payment29 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 30 are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensation will be 31 allowed.32 2. Remobilization for suspension of Work as specifically required in the Contract 33 Documents34 a. Measurement35 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each remobilization performed.36 b. Payment37 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 38 and measured as provided under “Measurement” will be paid for at the unit 39 price per each “Specified Remobilization” in accordance with Contract 40 Documents.41 c. The price shall include:42 1) Demobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.2.a.1)43 2) Remobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.2.a.2)44 d. No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost profits associated this 45 Item.46 01 70 00 - 3 DAP MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION Page 3 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 3. Remobilization for suspension of Work as required by City1 a. Measurement and Payment2 1) This shall be submitted as a Contract Claim in accordance with Article 10 3 of Section 00 72 00.4 2) No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost profits associated 5 with this Item.6 4. Mobilizations and Demobilizations for Miscellaneous Projects7 a. Measurement8 1) Measurement for this Item shall be for each Mobilization and 9 Demobilization required by the Contract Documents10 b. Payment11 1) The Work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 12 and measured as provided under “Measurement” will be paid for at the unit 13 price per each “Work Order Mobilization” in accordance with Contract 14 Documents. Demobilization shall be considered subsidiary to mobilization 15 and shall not be paid for separately.16 c. The price shall include:17 1) Mobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.3.a.1)18 2) Demobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.3.a.2)19 d. No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost profits associated this 20 Item.21 5. Emergency Mobilizations and Demobilizations for Miscellaneous Projects22 a. Measurement23 1) Measurement for this Item shall be for each Mobilization and 24 Demobilization required by the Contract Documents25 b. Payment26 1) The Work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 27 and measured as provided under “Measurement” will be paid for at the unit 28 price per each “Work Order Emergency Mobilization” in accordance with 29 Contract Documents. Demobilization shall be considered subsidiary to 30 mobilization and shall not be paid for separately.31 c. The price shall include32 1) Mobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.4.a)33 2) Demobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.3.a.2)34 d. No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost profits associated this 35 Item.36 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]37 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED]38 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]39 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]40 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]41 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]42 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]43 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]44 01 70 00 - 4 DAP MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION Page 4 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]1 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]3 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED]4 END OF SECTION5 6 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 4/7/2014 M.Domenech Revised for DAP application 7 01 71 23 - 1 DAP CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 1 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 SECTION 01 71 231 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Requirements for construction staking and construction survey6 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification7 1. None.8 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:9 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract10 2. Division 1 –General Requirements11 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES12 A. Measurement and Payment13 1. Construction Staking14 a. Measurement15 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid.16 b. Payment17 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this 18 Item are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensation will 19 be allowed.20 2. Construction Survey21 a. Measurement22 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid.23 b. Payment24 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this 25 Item are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensation will 26 be allowed.27 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]28 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED]29 1.5 SUBMITTALS30 A. Submittals, if required, shall be in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 31 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery.32 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS33 A. Certificates34 1. Provide certificate certifying that elevations and locations of improvements are in 35 conformance or non-conformance with requirements of the Contract Documents.36 a. Certificate must be sealed by a registered professional land surveyor in the 37 State of Texas.38 01 71 23 - 2 DAP CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 2 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 B. Field Quality Control Submittals1 1. Documentation verifying accuracy of field engineering work.2 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]3 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]4 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE5 A. Construction Staking6 1. Construction staking will be performed by the City.7 2. Coordination8 a.Contact City’s Project Representative at least 2 weeks in advance for 9 scheduling of Construction Staking.10 b.It is the Contractor’s responsibility to coordinate staking such that construction 11 activities are not delayed or negatively impacted.12 3. General13 a. Contractor is responsible for preserving and maintaining stakes furnished by 14 City. 15 b. If in the opinion of the City, a sufficient number of stakes or markings have 16 been lost, destroyed or disturbed, by Contractor’s neglect, such that the 17 contracted Work cannot take place, then the Contractor will be required to pay 18 the City for new staking with a 25 percent markup. The cost for staking will be 19 deducted from the payment due to the Contractor for the Project.20 B. Construction Survey21 1. Construction Survey will be performed by the City.22 2. Coordination23 a. Contractor to verify that control data established in the design survey remains24 intact.25 b. Coordinate with the City prior to field investigation to determine which 26 horizontal and vertical control data will be required for construction survey. 27 c.It is the Contractor’s responsibility to coordinate Construction Survey such that 28 construction activities are not delayed or negatively impacted.29 d. Notify City if any control data needs to be restored or replaced due to damage 30 caused during construction operations. 31 1) City shall perform replacements and/or restorations. 32 3. General33 a. Construction survey will be performed in order to maintain complete and 34 accurate logs of control and survey work as it progresses for Project Records. 35 b. The Contractor will need to ensure coordination is maintained with the City to 36 perform construction survey to obtain construction features, including but not 37 limited to the following:38 1) All Utility Lines39 a) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinates for each manhole or 40 junction structure41 2) Water Lines42 a) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates for waterlines at the following 43 locations:44 (1) Every 250 linear feet45 01 71 23 - 3 DAP CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 3 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 (2) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc. (All 1 Fittings)2 (3) Cathodic protection test stations3 (4) Sampling stations4 (5) Meter boxes/vaults (All sizes)5 (6) Fire lines6 (7) Fire hydrants7 (8) Gate valves8 (9) Plugs, stubouts, dead-end lines9 (10) Air Release valves (Manhole rim and vent pipe)10 (11) Blow off valves (Manhole rim and valve lid)11 (12) Pressure plane valves12 (13) Cleaning wyes13 (14) Casing pipe (each end)14 b) Storm Sewer15 (1) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates at the following locations:16 (a) Every 250 linear feet17 (b) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc.18 c) Sanitary Sewer19 (1) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates for sanitary sewer lines at 20 the following locations:21 (a) Every 250 linear feet22 (b) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc.23 (c) Cleanouts24 c. Construction survey will be performed in order to maintain complete and 25 accurate logs of control and survey work associated with meeting or exceeding 26 the line and grade required by these Specifications.27 d. The Contractor will need to ensure coordination is maintained with the City to 28 perform construction survey and to verify control data, including but not 29 limited to the following:30 1) Established benchmarks and control points provided for the Contractor’s 31 use are accurate32 2) Benchmarks were used to furnish and maintain all reference lines and 33 grades for tunneling34 3) Lines and grades were used to establish the location of the pipe35 4) Submit to the City copies of field notes used to establish all lines and 36 grades and allow the City to check guidance system setup prior to 37 beginning each tunneling drive. 38 5) Provide access for the City to verify the guidance system and the line and39 grade of the carrier pipe on a daily basis.40 6) The Contractor remains fully responsible for the accuracy of the work and 41 the correction of it, as required.42 7) Monitor line and grade continuously during construction.43 8) Record deviation with respect to design line and grade once at each pipe 44 joint and submit daily records to City.45 9) If the installation does not meet the specified tolerances, immediately notify 46 the City and correct the installation in accordance with the Contract 47 Documents.48 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]49 01 71 23 - 4 DAP CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 4 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]1 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]3 PART 3 - EXECUTION4 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED]5 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED]6 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED]7 3.4 APPLICATION8 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED]9 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED]10 3.7 FIELD [OR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL11 A.It is the Contractor’s responsibility to maintain all stakes and control data placed by the 12 City in accordance with this Specification.13 B. Do not change or relocate stakes or control data without approval from the City.14 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED]15 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED]16 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED]17 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED]18 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED]19 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED]20 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED]21 END OF SECTION22 23 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 4/7/2014 M.Domenech Revised for DAP application 24 01 74 23 - 1 DAP CLEANING Page 1 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 SECTION 01 74 231 CLEANING2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Intermediate and final cleaning for Work not including special cleaning of closed 6 systems specified elsewhere7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification8 1. None.9 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:10 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract11 2. Division 1 –General Requirements12 3. Section 32 92 13 –Hydro-Mulching, Seeding and Sodding13 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES14 A. Measurement and Payment15 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 16 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.17 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]18 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS19 A. Scheduling20 1. Schedule cleaning operations so that dust and other contaminants disturbed by 21 cleaning process will not fall on newly painted surfaces.22 2. Schedule final cleaning upon completion of Work and immediately prior to final 23 inspection.24 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]25 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]26 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]27 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]28 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED]29 1.10 STORAGE, AND HANDLING30 A. Storage and Handling Requirements31 1. Store cleaning products and cleaning wastes in containers specifically designed for 32 those materials.33 01 74 23 - 2 DAP CLEANING Page 2 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]1 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS3 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [OR] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED]4 2.2 MATERIALS5 A. Cleaning Agents6 1. Compatible with surface being cleaned7 2. New and uncontaminated8 3. For manufactured surfaces9 a. Material recommended by manufacturer10 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED]11 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED]12 PART 3 - EXECUTION13 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED]14 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED]15 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED]16 3.4 APPLICATION [NOT USED]17 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED]18 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED]19 3.7 FIELD [OR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED]20 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED]21 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED]22 3.10 CLEANING23 A. General24 1. Prevent accumulation of wastes that create hazardous conditions.25 2. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations to comply with laws and safety orders of 26 governing authorities.27 3. Do not dispose of volatile wastes such as mineral spirits, oil or paint thinner in 28 storm or sanitary drains or sewers.29 4. Dispose of degradable debris at an approved solid waste disposal site.30 5. Dispose of nondegradable debris at an approved solid waste disposal site or in an 31 alternate manner approved by City and regulatory agencies.32 01 74 23 - 3 DAP CLEANING Page 3 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 6. Handle materials in a controlled manner with as few handlings as possible.1 7. Thoroughly clean, sweep, wash and polish all Work and equipment associated with 2 this project.3 8. Remove all signs of temporary construction and activities incidental to construction 4 of required permanent Work.5 9. If project is not cleaned to the satisfaction of the City, the City reserves the right to 6 have the cleaning completed at the expense of the Contractor.7 10. Do not burn on-site.8 B. Intermediate Cleaning during Construction9 1. Keep Work areas clean so as not to hinder health, safety or convenience of 10 personnel in existing facility operations.11 2. At maximum weekly intervals, dispose of waste materials, debris and rubbish.12 3. Confine construction debris daily in strategically located container(s):13 a. Cover to prevent blowing by wind14 b. Store debris away from construction or operational activities15 c. Haul from site at a minimum of once per week16 4. Vacuum clean interior areas when ready to receive finish painting.17 a. Continue vacuum cleaning on an as-needed basis, until Final Acceptance.18 5. Prior to storm events, thoroughly clean site of all loose or unsecured items, which 19 may become airborne or transported by flowing water during the storm.20 C. Exterior (Site or Right of Way) Final Cleaning21 1. Remove trash and debris containers from site.22 a. Re-seed areas disturbed by location of trash and debris containers in accordance 23 with Section 32 92 13.24 2. Sweep roadway to remove all rocks, pieces of asphalt, concrete or any other object 25 that may hinder or disrupt the flow of traffic along the roadway.26 3. Clean any interior areas including, but not limited to, vaults, manholes, structures, 27 junction boxes and inlets.28 4. If no longer required for maintenance of erosion facilities, and upon approval by 29 City, remove erosion control from site.30 5. Clean signs, lights, signals, etc.31 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED]32 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED]33 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED]34 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED]35 36 37 38 39 40 01 74 23 - 4 DAP CLEANING Page 4 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 END OF SECTION1 2 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 4/7/2014 M.Domenech Revised for DAP application 3 01 77 19 - 1 DAP CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 1 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 SECTION 01 77 191 CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. The procedure for closing out a contract6 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification7 1. None.8 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:9 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract10 2. Division 1 –General Requirements11 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES12 A. Measurement and Payment13 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 14 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.15 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]16 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS17 A. Guarantees, Bonds and Affidavits18 1. No application for final payment will be accepted until all guarantees, bonds, 19 certificates, licenses and affidavits required for Work or equipment as specified are 20 satisfactorily filed with the City.21 B. Release of Liens or Claims22 1. No application for final payment will be accepted until satisfactory evidence of 23 release of liens has been submitted to the City.24 1.5 SUBMITTALS25 A.Submit all required documentation to City’s Project Representative.26 01 77 19 - 2 DAP CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 2 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]1 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]3 PART 3 - EXECUTION4 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED]5 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED]6 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED]7 3.4 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURE8 A. Prior to requesting Final Inspection, submit:9 1. Project Record Documents in accordance with Section 01 78 3910 2. Operation and Maintenance Data, if required, in accordance with Section 01 78 2311 B. Prior to requesting Final Inspection, perform final cleaning in accordance with Section 12 01 74 23.13 C. Final Inspection14 1. After final cleaning, provide notice to the City Project Representative that the Work15 is completed. 16 a. The City will make an initial Final Inspection with the Contractor present. 17 b. Upon completion of this inspection, the City will notify the Contractor, in 18 writing within 10 business days, of any particulars in which this inspection 19 reveals that the Work is defective or incomplete.20 2. Upon receiving written notice from the City, immediately undertake the Work21 required to remedy deficiencies and complete the Work to the satisfaction of the 22 City.23 3. Upon completion of Work associated with the items listed in the City's written 24 notice, inform the City, that the required Work has been completed. Upon receipt 25 of this notice, the City, in the presence of the Contractor, will make a subsequent 26 Final Inspection of the project.27 4. Provide all special accessories required to place each item of equipment in full 28 operation. These special accessory items include, but are not limited to:29 a. Specified spare parts30 b. Adequate oil and grease as required for the first lubrication of the equipment31 c. Initial fill up of all chemical tanks and fuel tanks32 d. Light bulbs33 e. Fuses34 f. Vault keys35 g. Handwheels36 h. Other expendable items as required for initial start-up and operation of all 37 equipment38 D. Notice of Project Completion39 01 77 19 - 3 DAP CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 3 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 1. Once the City Project Representative finds the Work subsequent to Final Inspection 1 to be satisfactory, the City will issue a Notice of Project Completion (Green Sheet).2 E. Supporting Documentation 3 1. Coordinate with the City Project Representative to complete the following 4 additional forms:5 a. Final Payment Request6 b. Statement of Contract Time7 c. Affidavit of Payment and Release of Liens8 d. Consent of Surety to Final Payment9 e. Pipe Report (if required)10 f.Contractor’s Evaluation of City11 g. Performance Evaluation of Contractor12 F. Letter of Final Acceptance13 1. Upon review and acceptance of Notice of Project Completion and Supporting 14 Documentation, in accordance with General Conditions, City will issue Letter of 15 Final Acceptance and release the Final Payment Request for payment.16 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED]17 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED]18 3.7 FIELD [OR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED]19 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED]20 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED]21 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED]22 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED]23 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED]24 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED]25 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED]26 END OF SECTION27 28 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 4/7/2014 M.Domenech Revised for DAP application 29 01 78 23 - 1 DAP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 1 of 5 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 SECTION 01 78 231 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Product data and related information appropriate for City's maintenance and6 operation of products furnished under Contract7 2. Such products may include, but are not limited to:8 a. Traffic Controllers9 b. Irrigation Controllers (to be operated by the City)10 c. Butterfly Valves11 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification12 1. None.13 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:14 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract15 2. Division 1 –General Requirements16 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES17 A. Measurement and Payment18 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 19 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.20 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]21 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS22 A. Schedule23 1. Submit manuals in final form to the City within 30 calendar days of product 24 shipment to the project site.25 1.5 SUBMITTALS26 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 01 33 00. All submittals shall be 27 approved by the City prior to delivery.28 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS29 A. Submittal Form30 1. Prepare data in form of an instructional manual for use by City personnel.31 2. Format32 a. Size: 8 ½ inches x 11 inches33 b. Paper34 1) 40 pound minimum, white, for typed pages35 2) Holes reinforced with plastic, cloth or metal36 c.Text: Manufacturer’s printed data, or neatly typewritten37 01 78 23 - 2 DAP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 2 of 5 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 d. Drawings1 1) Provide reinforced punched binder tab, bind in with text2 2) Reduce larger drawings and fold to size of text pages.3 e. Provide fly-leaf for each separate product, or each piece of operating 4 equipment.5 1) Provide typed description of product, and major component parts of 6 equipment.7 2) Provide indexed tabs.8 f. Cover9 1) Identify each volume with typed or printed title "OPERATING AND 10 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS". 11 2) List:12 a) Title of Project13 b) Identity of separate structure as applicable14 c) Identity of general subject matter covered in the manual15 3. Binders16 a. Commercial quality 3-ring binders with durable and cleanable plastic covers17 b. When multiple binders are used, correlate the data into related consistent 18 groupings.19 4. If available, provide an electronic form of the O&M Manual.20 B. Manual Content21 1. Neatly typewritten table of contents for each volume, arranged in systematic order22 a. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number23 b. A list of each product required to be included, indexed to content of the volume24 c. List, with each product:25 1) The name, address and telephone number of the subcontractor or installer26 2) A list of each product required to be included, indexed to content of the 27 volume28 3) Identify area of responsibility of each29 4) Local source of supply for parts and replacement30 d. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set 31 forth in Contract Documents.32 2. Product Data33 a. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to the specific product.34 b. Annotate each sheet to:35 1) Clearly identify specific product or part installed36 2) Clearly identify data applicable to installation37 3) Delete references to inapplicable information38 3. Drawings39 a. Supplement product data with drawings as necessary to clearly illustrate:40 1) Relations of component parts of equipment and systems41 2) Control and flow diagrams42 b. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Record Documents to assure 43 correct illustration of completed installation.44 c. Do not use Project Record Drawings as maintenance drawings.45 4. Written text, as required to supplement product data for the particular installation:46 a. Organize in consistent format under separate headings for different procedures.47 b. Provide logical sequence of instructions of each procedure.48 01 78 23 - 3 DAP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 3 of 5 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 5. Copy of each warranty, bond and service contract issued1 a. Provide information sheet for City personnel giving:2 1) Proper procedures in event of failure3 2) Instances which might affect validity of warranties or bonds4 C. Manual for Materials and Finishes5 1. Submit 5 copies of complete manual in final form.6 2. Content, for architectural products, applied materials and finishes:7 a. Manufacturer's data, giving full information on products8 1) Catalog number, size, composition9 2) Color and texture designations10 3) Information required for reordering special manufactured products11 b. Instructions for care and maintenance12 1) Manufacturer's recommendation for types of cleaning agents and methods13 2) Cautions against cleaning agents and methods which are detrimental to 14 product15 3) Recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance16 3. Content, for moisture protection and weather exposure products:17 a. Manufacturer's data, giving full information on products18 1) Applicable standards19 2) Chemical composition20 3) Details of installation21 b. Instructions for inspection, maintenance and repair22 D. Manual for Equipment and Systems23 1. Submit 5 copies of complete manual in final form.24 2. Content, for each unit of equipment and system, as appropriate:25 a. Description of unit and component parts26 1) Function, normal operating characteristics and limiting conditions27 2) Performance curves, engineering data and tests28 3) Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts29 b. Operating procedures30 1) Start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instructions31 2) Regulation, control, stopping, shut-down and emergency instructions32 3) Summer and winter operating instructions33 4) Special operating instructions34 c. Maintenance procedures35 1) Routine operations36 2) Guide to "trouble shooting"37 3) Disassembly, repair and reassembly38 4) Alignment, adjusting and checking39 d. Servicing and lubrication schedule40 1) List of lubricants required41 e. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions42 f. Description of sequence of operation by control manufacturer43 1) Predicted life of parts subject to wear44 2) Items recommended to be stocked as spare parts45 g. As installed control diagrams by controls manufacturer46 h. Each contractor's coordination drawings47 1) As installed color coded piping diagrams48 01 78 23 - 4 DAP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 4 of 5 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 i. Charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve1 j. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and 2 recommended quantities to be maintained in storage3 k. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications4 3. Content, for each electric and electronic system, as appropriate:5 a. Description of system and component parts6 1) Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions7 2) Performance curves, engineering data and tests8 3) Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts9 b. Circuit directories of panelboards10 1) Electrical service11 2) Controls12 3) Communications13 c. As installed color coded wiring diagrams14 d. Operating procedures15 1) Routine and normal operating instructions16 2) Sequences required17 3) Special operating instructions18 e. Maintenance procedures19 1) Routine operations20 2) Guide to "trouble shooting"21 3) Disassembly, repair and reassembly22 4) Adjustment and checking23 f. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions24 g. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and 25 recommended quantities to be maintained in storage26 h. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications27 4. Prepare and include additional data when the need for such data becomes apparent 28 during instruction of City's personnel.29 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]30 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]31 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE32 A. Provide operation and maintenance data by personnel with the following criteria:33 1. Trained and experienced in maintenance and operation of described products34 2. Skilled as technical writer to the extent required to communicate essential data35 3. Skilled as draftsman competent to prepare required drawings36 01 78 23 - 5 DAP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 5 of 5 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED]1 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]2 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED]4 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED]5 END OF SECTION6 7 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 8/31/2012 D. Johnson 1.5.A.1 –title of section removed 4/7/2014 M.Domenech Revised for DAP Application 8 01 78 39 - 1 DAP PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 1 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 SECTION 01 78 391 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS2 PART 1 - GENERAL3 1.1 SUMMARY4 A. Section Includes:5 1. Work associated with the documenting the project and recording changes to project 6 documents, including:7 a. Record Drawings8 b. Water Meter Service Reports9 c. Sanitary Sewer Service Reports10 d. Large Water Meter Reports11 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification12 1. None.13 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to:14 1. Division 0 –Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract15 2. Division 1 –General Requirements16 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES17 A. Measurement and Payment18 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid.19 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.20 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED]21 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED]22 1.5 SUBMITTALS23 A. Prior to submitting a request for Final Inspection, deliver Project Record Documents to 24 City’s Project Representative.25 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]26 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]27 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED]28 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE29 A. Accuracy of Records30 1. Thoroughly coordinate changes within the Record Documents, making adequate 31 and proper entries on each page of Specifications and each sheet of Drawings and 32 other Documents where such entry is required to show the change properly.33 2. Accuracy of records shall be such that future search for items shown in the Contract 34 Documents may rely reasonably on information obtained from the approved Project 35 Record Documents.36 01 78 39 - 2 DAP PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 2 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 3. To facilitate accuracy of records, make entries within 24 hours after receipt of 1 information that the change has occurred.2 4. Provide factual information regarding all aspects of the Work, both concealed and3 visible, to enable future modification of the Work to proceed without lengthy and 4 expensive site measurement, investigation and examination.5 1.10 STORAGE AND HANDLING6 A. Storage and Handling Requirements7 1. Maintain the job set of Record Documents completely protected from deterioration 8 and from loss and damage until completion of the Work and transfer of all recorded 9 data to the final Project Record Documents.10 2. In the event of loss of recorded data, use means necessary to again secure the data 11 to the City's approval.12 a. In such case, provide replacements to the standards originally required by the 13 Contract Documents.14 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED]15 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED]16 PART 2 - PRODUCTS17 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [OR] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED]18 2.2 RECORD DOCUMENTS19 A. Job set20 1. Promptly following receipt of the Notice to Proceed, secure from the City, at no 21 charge to the Contractor, 1 complete set of all Documents comprising the Contract.22 B. Final Record Documents23 1. At a time nearing the completion of the Work and prior to Final Inspection, provide 24 the City 1 complete set of all Final Record Drawings in the Contract.25 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED]26 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED]27 PART 3 - EXECUTION28 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED]29 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED]30 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED]31 3.4 MAINTENANCE DOCUMENTS32 A. Maintenance of Job Set33 1. Immediately upon receipt of the job set, identify each of the Documents with the 34 title, "RECORD DOCUMENTS - JOB SET".35 01 78 39 - 3 DAP PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 3 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 2. Preservation1 a. Considering the Contract completion time, the probable number of occasions 2 upon which the job set must be taken out for new entries and for examination, 3 and the conditions under which these activities will be performed, devise a 4 suitable method for protecting the job set.5 b. Do not use the job set for any purpose except entry of new data and for review 6 by the City, until start of transfer of data to final Project Record Documents.7 c. Maintain the job set at the site of work.8 3. Coordination with Construction Survey9 a. At a minimum clearly mark any deviations from Contract Documents 10 associated with installation of the infrastructure. 11 4. Making entries on Drawings12 a. Record any deviations from Contract Documents.13 b. Use an erasable colored pencil (not ink or indelible pencil), clearly describe the 14 change by graphic line and note as required.15 c. Date all entries.16 d. Call attention to the entry by a "cloud" drawn around the area or areas affected.17 e. In the event of overlapping changes, use different colors for the overlapping 18 changes.19 5. Conversion of schematic layouts20 a. In some cases on the Drawings, arrangements of conduits, circuits, piping, 21 ducts, and similar items, are shown schematically and are not intended to 22 portray precise physical layout.23 1) Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject to the 24 City's approval.25 2) However, design of future modifications of the facility may require 26 accurate information as to the final physical layout of items which are 27 shown only schematically on the Drawings.28 b. Show on the job set of Record Drawings, by dimension accurate to within 129 inch, the centerline of each run of items.30 1) Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject to the 31 City's approval.32 2) Show, by symbol or note, the vertical location of the Item ("under slab", "in 33 ceiling plenum", "exposed", and the like).34 3) Make all identification sufficiently descriptive that it may be related 35 reliably to the Specifications.36 c. The City may waive the requirements for conversion of schematic layouts 37 where, in the City's judgment, conversion serves no useful purpose. However, 38 do not rely upon waivers being issued except as specifically issued in writing 39 by the City.40 B. Final Project Record Documents41 1. Transfer of data to Drawings42 a. Carefully transfer change data shown on the job set of Record Drawings to the 43 corresponding final documents, coordinating the changes as required.44 b. Clearly indicate at each affected detail and other Drawing a full description of 45 changes made during construction, and the actual location of items.46 c. Call attention to each entry by drawing a "cloud" around the area or areas 47 affected.48 01 78 39 - 4 DAP PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 4 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Tavolo Park Phase 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS – DEVELOPER AWARDED PROJECTS City Project No. 102748 Revised April 7, 2014 d. Make changes neatly, consistently and with the proper media to assure 1 longevity and clear reproduction.2 2. Transfer of data to other Documents3 a. If the Documents, other than Drawings, have been kept clean during progress of 4 the Work, and if entries thereon have been orderly to the approval of the City,5 the job set of those Documents, other than Drawings, will be accepted as final 6 Record Documents.7 b. If any such Document is not so approved by the City, secure a new copy of that 8 Document from the City at the City's usual charge for reproduction and 9 handling, and carefully transfer the change data to the new copy to the approval 10 of the City.11 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED]12 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED]13 3.7 FIELD [OR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED]14 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED]15 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED]16 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED]17 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED]18 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED]19 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED]20 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED]21 END OF SECTION22 23 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 4/7/2014 M.Domenech Revised for DAP Application 24 &,7<2))257:257+ :$7(5'(3$570(17 67$1'$5'352'8&7/,67 8SGDWHG$SULO 7KH)RUW:RUWK:DWHU'HSDUWPHQW¶V6WDQGDUG3URGXFWV/LVWKDVEHHQGHYHORSHGWR PLQLPL]HWKHVXEPLWWDOUHYLHZRISURGXFWVZKLFKPHHWWKH)RUW:RUWK:DWHU 'HSDUWPHQW¶V6WDQGDUG6SHFLILFDWLRQVGXULQJXWLOLW\FRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWV:KHQ 7HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQVIRUVSHFLILFSURGXFWVDUHLQFOXGHGDVSDUWRIWKH &RQVWUXFWLRQ&RQWUDFW'RFXPHQWVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKH7HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQ ZLOORYHUULGHWKH)RUW:RUWK:DWHU'HSDUWPHQW¶V6WDQGDUG6SHFLILFDWLRQVDQGWKH )RUW:RUWK:DWHU'HSDUWPHQW¶V6WDQGDUG3URGXFWV/LVWDQGDSSURYDORIWKH VSHFLILFSURGXFWVZLOOEHEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKH7HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQ ZKHWKHURUQRWWKHVSHFLILFSURGXFWPHHWVWKH)RUW:RUWK:DWHU'HSDUWPHQW¶V 6WDQGDUG6SHFLILFDWLRQVRULVRQWKH)RUW:RUWK:DWHU'HSDUWPHQW¶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pproval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeWater & Sewer - Manholes & Bases/Components 33-39-10 (Rev 2/3/16)07/23/97 33 05 13 Urethane Hydrophilic Waterstop Asahi Kogyo K.K. Adeka Ultra-Seal P-201 ASTM D2240/D412/D79204/26/00 33 05 13 Offset Joint for 4' Diam. MH Hanson Concrete Products Drawing No. 35-0048-00104/26/00 33 05 13 Profile Gasket for 4' Diam. MH. Press-Seal Gasket Corp. 250-4G Gasket ASTM C-443/C-361 SS MH1/26/99 33 05 13 HDPE Manhole Adjustment Rings Ladtech, Inc HDPE Adjustment Ring Non-traffic area5/13/05 33 05 13 Manhole External Wrap Canusa - CPS WrapidSeal Manhole Encapsulation SystemCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent1Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water & Sewer - Manholes & Bases/Fiberglass 33-39-13 (1/8/13)1/26/99 33 39 13 Fiberglass Manhole Fluid Containment, Inc. Flowtite ASTM 3753 Non-traffic area08/30/06 33 39 13 Fiberglass Manhole L.F. ManufacturingNon-traffic area*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent2Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water & Sewer - Manholes & Bases/Frames & Covers/Rectangular 33-05-13 (Rev 2/3/16)* 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Western Iron Works, Bass & Hays Foundry 1001 24"x40" WD*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent3Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water & Sewer - Manholes & Bases/Frames & Covers/Standard (Round) 33-05-13 (Rev 2/3/16)* 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Western Iron Works, Bass & Hays Foundry 30024 24" Dia.* 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers McKinley Iron Works Inc. A 24 AM 24" Dia.08/24/18 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Neenah Foundry R-1272 ASTM A48 & AASHTO M306 24" Dia.08/24/18 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Neenah Foundry R- 165-LM (Hinged) ASTM A48 & AASHTO M306 24" Dia.08/24/18 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Neenah Foundry NF 1274 ASTM A48 & AASHTO M306 30" Dia.08/24/18 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Neenah Foundry R-1743-LM (Hinged) ASTM A48 & AASHTO M306 30" dia.33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Sigma Corporation MH-144N33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Sigma Corporation MH-143N33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Pont-A-Mousson GTS-STD 24" dia.33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Neenah Casting24" dia.10/31/06 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers (Hinged) Powerseal Hinged Ductile Iron Manhole ASTM A536 24" Dia.7/25/03 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Saint-Gobain Pipelines (Pamrex/rexus) RE32-R8FS 30" Dia.01/31/06 33 05 13 30" Dia. MH Ring and Cover East Jordan Iron Works V1432-2 and V1483 Designs AASHTO M306-04 30" Dia.11/02/10 33 05 13 30" Dia. MH Ring and Cover Sigma Corporation MH1651FWN & MH16502 30" Dia07/19/11 33 05 13 30" Dia. MH Ring and Cover Star Pipe Products MH32FTWSS-DC 30" Dia08/10/11 33 05 13 30" Dia. MH Ring and Cover Accucast 220700 Heavy Duty with Gasket Ring 30" Dia10/14/13 33 05 13 30" Dia. MH Ring and Cover (Hinged & Lockable) East Jordan Iron Works 30" ERGO XL Assembly with Cam Lock/MPIC/T-Gasket ASSHTO M105 & ASTM A536 30" Dia06/01/17 34 05 13 30" Dia. MH Ring and Cover (Hinged & Lockable) CI SIP Industries 2280 (32") ASTM A 48 30" Dia.09/16/19 33 05 13.10 30" Dia. MH Ring and Cover Composite Access Products, L.P.CAP-ONE-30-FTW, Composite, w/ Lock w/o Hing 30" Dia.*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent4Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water & Sewer - Manholes & Bases/Frames & Covers/Water Tight & Pressure Tight 33-05-13 (Rev 2/3/16)* 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Pont-A-Mousson Pamtight 24" Dia.* 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Neenah Casting24" Dia.* 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Western Iron Works,Bass & Hays Foundry 300-24P 24" Dia.* 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers McKinley Iron Works Inc. WPA24AM 24" Dia.03/08/00 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Accucast RC-2100 ASTM A 48 24" Dia.04/20/01 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers (SIP)Serampore Industries Private Ltd. 300-24-23.75 Ring and Cover ASTM A 48 24" Dia.*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent5Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water & Sewer - Manholes & Bases/Precast Concrete (Rev 1/8/13)* 33 39 10 Manhole, Precast Concrete Hydro Conduit Corp SPL Item #49 ASTM C 478 48"* 33 39 10 Manhole, Precast Concrete Wall Concrete Pipe Co. Inc. ASTM C-443 48"09/23/96 33 39 10 Manhole, Precast Concrete Concrete Product Inc. 48" I.D. Manhole w/ 32" Cone ASTM C 478 48" w/32" cone05/08/18 33 39 10 Manhole, Precast Concrete The Turner Company 48", 60" I.D. Manhole w/ 32" Cone ASTM C 478 48", 60"10/27/06 33 39 10 Manhole, Precast Concrete Oldcastle Precast Inc. 48" I.D. Manhole w/ 24" Cone ASTM C 478 48" Diam w 24" Ring06/09/10 33 39 10 Manhole, Precast (Reinforce Polymer)Concrete US Composite Pipe Reinforced Polymer Concrete ASTM C-76 48" to 72"09/06/19 33 39 20 Manhole, Precast Concrete Forterra Pipe and Precast 60" & 72" I.D. Manhole w/32" Cone ASTM C-76 60" & 72"*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent6Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water & Sewer - Manholes & Bases/Rehab Systems/Cementitious* E1-14 Manhole Rehab Systems Quadex04/23/01 E1-14 Manhole Rehab Systems Standard Cement Materials, Inc. Reliner MSPE1-14 Manhole Rehab Systems AP/M Permaform4/20/01 E1-14 Manhole Rehab System Strong Company Strong Seal MS2A Rehab System5/12/03 E1-14 Manhole Rehab System (Liner) Poly-triplex Technologies MH repair product to stop infiltration ASTM D581308/30/06 General Concrete Repair FlexKrete Technologies Vinyl Polyester Repair Product Misc. Use*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent7Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water & Sewer - Manholes & Bases/Rehab Systems/NonCementitious05/20/96 E1-14 Manhole Rehab Systems Sprayroq, Spray Wall Polyurethane Coating ASTM D639/D790* E1-14 Manhole Rehab Systems Sun Coast12/14/01 Coating for Corrosion protection(Exterior) ERTECH Series 20230 and 2100 (Asphatic Emulsion)For Exterior Coating of Concrete Structures Only01/31/06 Coatings for Corrosion Protection Chesterton Arc 791, S1HB, S1, S2 Acid Resistance Test Sewer Applications8/28/2006 Coatings for Corrosion Protection Warren Environmental S-301 and M-301 Sewer Applications08/30/06 Coatings for Corrosion Protection Citadel SLS-30 Solids Epoxy Sewer Applications03/19/1833 05 16, 33 39 10, 33 39 20 Coating for Corrosion protection(Exterior) Sherwin WilliamsRR&C Dampproofing Non-Fibered Spray Grade (Asphatic Emulsion)For Exterior Coating of Concrete Structures Only*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent8Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water & Sewer - Manhole Inserts - Field Operations Use Only (Rev 2/3/16)* 33 05 13 Manhole Insert Knutson Enterprises Made to Order - Plastic ASTM D 1248 For 24" dia.* 33 05 13 Manhole Insert South Western Packaging Made to Order - Plastic ASTM D 1248 For 24" dia.* 33 05 13 Manhole Insert Noflow-Inflow Made to Order - Plastic ASTM D 1248 For 24" dia.09/23/96 33 05 13 Manhole Insert Southwestern Packing & Seals, Inc. LifeSaver - Stainless Steel For 24" dia.09/23/96 33 05 13 Manhole Insert Southwestern Packing & Seals, Inc. TetherLok - Stainless Steel For 24" dia*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent9Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water & Sewer - Pipe Casing Spacers 33-05-24 (07/01/13)11/04/02 Steel Band Casing Spacers Advanced Products and Systems, Inc. Carbon Steel Spacers, Model SI02/02/93 Stainless Steel Casing Spacer Advanced Products and Systems, Inc. Stainless Steel Spacer, Model SSI04/22/87 Casing Spacers Cascade Waterworks Manufacturing Casing Spacers09/14/10 Stainless Steel Casing Spacer Pipeline Seal and Insulator Stainless Steel Casing Spacer Up to 48"09/14/10 Coated Steel Casin Spacers Pipeline Seal and Insulator Coated Steel Casin Spacers Up to 48" 05/10/11 Stainless Steel Casing Spacer Powerseal 4810 Powerchock Up to 48"03/19/18 Casing Spacers BWM SS-12 Casing Spacer(Stainless Steel)03/19/18 Casing Spacers BWMFB-12 Casing Spacer (Coated Carbon Steel) for Non_pressure Pipe and Grouted Casing*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent10Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water & Sewer - Pipes/Ductile Iron 33-11-10(1/8/13)* 33 11 10 Ductile Iron Pipe Griffin Pipe Products, Co. Super Bell-Tite Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe, AWWA C150, C1513" thru 24"08/24/18 33 11 10 Ductile Iron Pipe American Ductile Iron Pipe Co. American Fastite Pipe (Bell Spigot) AWWA C150, C151 4" thru 30"08/24/18 33 11 10 Ductile Iron Pipe American Ductile Iron Pipe Co. American Flex Ring (Restrained Joint) AWWA C150, C151 4" thru 30"* 33 11 10 Ductile Iron Pipe U.S. Pipe and Foundry Co. AWWA C150, C151* 33 11 10 Ductile Iron Pipe McWane Cast Iron Pipe Co. AWWA C150, C151*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent11Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water & Sewer - Utility Line Marker (08/24/2018)*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent12Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Coatings/Epoxy 33-39-60 (01/08/13)02/25/02 Epoxy Lining System Sauereisen, Inc SewerGard 210RS LA County #210-1.3312/14/01 Epoxy Lining System Ertech Technical Coatings Ertech 2030 and 2100 Series04/14/05 Interior Ductile Iron Pipe Coating Induron Protecto 401 ASTM B-117 Ductile Iron Pipe Only01/31/06 Coatings for Corrosion Protection Chesterton Arc 791, S1HB, S1, S2 Acid Resistance Test Sewer Applications8/28/2006 Coatings for Corrosion Protection Warren Environmental S-301 and M-301 Sewer Applications*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent13Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Coatings/Polyurethane*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent14Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Combination Air Valves 05/25/18 33-31-70 Air Release Valve A.R.I. USA, Inc. D025LTP02(Composite Body) 2"*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent15Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Pipes/Concrete* E1-04 Conc. Pipe, Reinforced Wall Concrete Pipe Co. Inc. ASTM C 76* E1-04 Conc. Pipe, Reinforced Hydro Conduit Corporation Class III T&G, SPL Item #77 ASTM C 76* E1-04 Conc. Pipe, Reinforced Hanson Concrete Products SPL Item #95-Manhole, #98- PipeASTM C 76* E1-04 Conc. Pipe, Reinforced Concrete Pipe & Products Co. Inc. ASTM C 76*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent16Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Pipe Enlargment System (Method)33-31-23 (01/18/13)PIM System PIM Corporation Polyethylene PIM Corp., Piscata Way, N.J. Approved PreviouslyMcConnell Systems McLat Construction Polyethylene Houston, Texas Approved PreviouslyTRS Systems Trenchless Replacement System Polyethylene Calgary, Canada Approved Previously*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent17Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Pipe/Fiberglass Reinforced Pipe 33-31-13(1/8/13)7/21/97 33 31 13 Cent. Cast Fiberglass (FRP) Hobas Pipe USA, Inc. Hobas Pipe (Non-Pressure) ASTM D3262/D375403/22/10 33 31 13 Fiberglass Pipe (FRP) Ameron Bondstrand RPMP Pipe ASTM D3262/D375404/09/21 Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polymer Pipe (FRP) Thompson Pipe Group Thompson Pipe (Flowtite) ASTM D3262/D37544/14/05 Polymer Modified Concrete Pipe Amitech USA Meyer Polycrete Pipe ASTM C33, A276, F477 8" to 102", Class V06/09/10 E1-9 Reinforced Polymer Concrete Pipe US Composite Pipe Reinforced Polymer Concrete Pipe ASTM C-76*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent18Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Pipes/HDPE 33-31-23(1/8/13)* High-density polyethylene pipe Phillips Driscopipe, Inc. Opticore Ductile Polyethylene Pipe ASTM D 1248 8"* High-density polyethylene pipe Plexco Inc. ASTM D 1248 8"* High-density polyethylene pipe Polly Pipe, Inc. ASTM D 1248 8"High-density polyethylene pipe CSR Hydro Conduit/Pipeline Systems McConnell Pipe Enlargement ASTM D 1248*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent19Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Pipes/PVC (Pressure Sewer) 33-11-12 (4/1/13)12/02/11 33-11-12 DR-14 PVC Pressure Pipe Pipelife Jetstream PVC Pressure Pipe AWWA C900 4" thru 12"10/22/14 33-11-12 DR-14 PVC Pressure Pipe Royal Building Products Royal Seal PVC Pressure Pipe AWWA C900 4" thru 12"*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent20Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Pipes/PVC* 33-31-20 (7/1/13)* 33-31-20 PVC Sewer Pipe J-M Manufacturing Co., Inc. (JM Eagle) SDR-26 ASTM D 3034 4" - 15"12/23/97* 33-31-20 PVC Sewer Pipe Diamond Plastics Corporation SDR-26ASTM D 30344" thru 15"* 33-31-20 PVC Sewer Pipe Lamson Vylon Pipe ASTM F 789 4" thru 15"01/18/18 33-31-20 PVC Sewer Pipe Vinyltech PVC Pipe Gravity Sewer ASTM D3034 4" thru 15"11/11/98 33-31-20 PVC Sewer Pipe Diamond Plastics Corporation "S" Gravity Sewer Pipe ASTM F 679 18" to 27"* 33-31-20 PVC Sewer Pipe J-M Manufacturing Co, Inc. (JM Eagle) SDR 26/35 PS 115/46 ASTM F 679 18" - 2"09/11/12 33-31-20 PVC Sewer Pipe Pipelife Jet Stream SDR-26 and SDR-35 ASTM F-679 18"05/06/0533-31-20PVC Solid Wall Pipe Diamond Plastics CorporationSDR 26/35 PS 115/46 ASTM F-679 18" to 48"04/27/0633-31-20PVC Sewer Fittings HarcoSDR-26 and SDR-35 Gasket Fittings ASTM D-3034, D-1784, etc 4" - 15"*33-31-20PVC Sewer Fittings Plastic Trends, In.cGasketed PVC Sewer Main Fittings ASTM D 30343/19/2018 33 31 20 PVC Sewer Pipe Pipelife Jet Stream SDR 35 ASTM F679 18"- 24"3/19/2018 33 31 20 PVC Sewer Pipe Pipelife Jet Stream SDR 26 ASTM D3034 4"- 15"3/29/2019 33 31 20Gasketed Fittings (PVC)GPK Products, Inc. SDR 26 ASTM D3034/F-679 4"- 15"10/21/2020 33 31 20 PVC Sewer Pipe NAPCO SDR 26 ASTM D3034 4" - 15"10/22/2020 33 31 20 PVC Sewer Pipe Sanderson Pipe Corp. SDR 26 ASTM D3034 4"- 15"10/21/2020 33 31 20 PVC Sewer Pipe NAPCO SDR 26/35 PS 115/46 ASTM F-679 18"- 36"*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent21Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Pipes/Rehab/CIPP 33-31-12 (01/18/13)* Cured in Place Pipe Insituform Texark, Inc ASTM F 121605/03/99 Cured in Place Pipe National Envirotech Group National Liner, (SPL) Item #27 ASTM F-1216/D-581305/29/96 Cured in Place Pipe Reynolds Inc/Inliner Technolgy (Inliner USA) Inliner Technology ASTM F 1216*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent22Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Pipes/Rehab/Fold & Form* Fold and Form Pipe Cullum Pipe Systems, Inc.11/03/98 Fold and Form Pipe Insituform Technologies, Inc. Insituform "NuPIpe" ASTM F-1504Fold and Form Pipe American Pipe & Plastics, Inc.Demo. Purpose Only12/04/00 Fold and Form Pipe Ultraliner Ultraliner PVC Alloy Pipeliner ASTM F-1504, 1871, 186706/09/03 Fold and Form Pipe Miller Pipeline Corp. EX Method ASTM F-1504, F-1947 Up to 18" diameter*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent23Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Sewer - Pipes/Open Profile Large Diameter09/26/91 E100-2 PVC Sewer Pipe, Ribbed Lamson Vylon Pipe Carlon Vylon H.C. Closed Profile Pipe, ASTM F 679 18" to 48"09/26/91 E100-2 PVC Sewer Pipe, Ribbed Extrusion Technologies, Inc. Ultra-Rib Open Profile Sewer Pipe ASTM F 679 18" to 48"E100-2 PVC Sewer Pipe, Ribbed Uponor ETI Company11/10/10 (E100-2) Polypropylene (PP) Sewer Pipe, Double Wall Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS) SaniTite HP Double Wall (Corrugated) ASTM F 2736 24"-30"11/10/10 (E100-2) Polypropylene (PP) Sewer Pipe, Triple Wall Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS) SaniTite HP Triple Wall Pipe ASTM F 2764 30" to 60"05/16/11 Steel Reinforced Polyethylene Pipe ConTech Construction Products Durmaxx ASTM F 2562 24" to 72"*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent24Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Appurtenances 33-12-10 (07/01/13)01/18/18 33-12-10 Double Strap Saddle Romac 202NS Nylon Coated AWWA C800 1"-2" SVC, up to 24" Pipe08/28/02 Double Strap Saddle Smith Blair #317 Nylon Coated Double Strap Saddle07/23/12 33-12-10 Double Strap Service Saddle Mueller Company DR2S Double (SS) Strap DI Saddle AWWA C800 1"-2" SVC, up to 24" Pipe10/27/87 Curb Stops-Ball Meter Valves McDonald 6100M,6100MT & 610MT 3/4" and 1"10/27/87 Curb Stops-Ball Meter Valves McDonald 4603B, 4604B, 6100M, 6100TM and 6101M 1½" and 2"5/25/2018 33-12-10 Curb Stops-Ball Meter Valves Ford Meter Box Co., Inc.FB600-7NL, FB1600-7-NL, FV23-777-W-NL, L22-77NL AWWA C800 2"5/25/2018 33-12-10 Curb Stops-Ball Meter Valves Ford Meter Box Co., Inc.FB600-6-NL, FB1600-6-NL, FV23-666-W-NL, L22-66NL AWWA C800 1-1/2"5/25/2018 33-12-10 Curb Stops-Ball Meter Valves Ford Meter Box Co., Inc.FB600-4-NL, FB1600-4-NL, B11-444-WR-NL, B22444-WR-NL, L28-44NL AWWA C800 1"5/25/2018 33-12-10 Curb Stops-Ball Meter Valves Mueller Co., Ltd.B-25000N, B-24277N-3, B-20200N-3, H-15000N, , H-1552N, H142276NAWWA C800, ANSF 61, ANSI/NSF 372 2"5/25/2018 33-12-10 Curb Stops-Ball Meter Valves Mueller Co., Ltd.B-25000N, B-20200N-3, B-24277N-3,H-15000N, H-14276N, H-15525NAWWA C800, ANSF 61, ANSI/NSF 372 1-1/2"5/25/2018 33-12-10 Curb Stops-Ball Meter Valves Mueller Co., Ltd.B-25000N, B-20200N-3,H-15000N, H-15530NAWWA C800, ANSF 61, ANSI/NSF 372 1"01/26/00 Coated Tapping Saddle with Double SS Straps JCM Industries, Inc. #406 Double Band SS Saddle 1"-2" Taps on up to 12" 0/5/21/12 33-12-25 Tapping Sleeve (Coated Steel) JCM Industries, Inc. 412 Tapping Sleeve ESS AWWA C-223 Up to 30" w/12" Out05/10/11 Tapping Sleeve (Stainless Steel) Powerseal 3490AS (Flange) & 3490MJ 4"-8" and 16"02/29/12 33-12-25 Tapping Sleeve (Coated Steel) Romac FTS 420 AWWA C-223 U p to 42" w/24" Out02/29/12 33-12-25 Tapping Sleeve (Stainless Steel) Romac SST Stainless Steel AWWA C-223 Up to 24" w/12" Out02/29/12 33-12-25 Tapping Sleeve (Stainless Steel) Romac SST III Stainless Steel AWWA C-223 Up to 30" w/12" Out05/10/11 Joint Repair Clamp Powerseal 3232 Bell Joint Repair Clamp 4" to 30"Plastic Meter Box w/Composite Lid DFW Plastics Inc. DFW37C-12-1EPAF FTWPlastic Meter Box w/Composite Lid DFW Plastics Inc. DFW39C-12-1EPAF FTW08/30/06 Plastic Meter Box w/Composite Lid DFW Plastics Inc. DFW65C-14-1EPAF FTW Class "A"Concrete Meter Box Bass & Hays CMB37-B12 1118 LID-9Concrete Meter Box Bass & Hays CMB-18-Dual 1416 LID-9Concrete Meter Box Bass & Hays CMB65-B65 1527 LID-9*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent25Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Bolts, Nuts, and Gaskets 33-11-05 (01/08/13)*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent26Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Combination Air Release 33-31-70 (01/08/13)* E1-11 Combination Air Release Valve GA Industries, Inc. Empire Air and Vacuum Valve, Model 935 ASTM A 126 Class B, ASTM A 240 - float, ASTM A 307 - Cover Bolts1" & 2"* E1-11 Combination Air Release Valve Multiplex Manufacturing Co.Crispin Air and Vacuum Valves, Model No. 1/2", 1" & 2"* E1-11 Combination Air Release Valve Valve and Primer Corp. APCO #143C, #145C and #147C 1", 2" & 3"*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent27Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Dry Barrel Fire Hydrants 33-12-40 (01/15/14)10/01/87 E-1-12 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant American-Darling Valve Drawing Nos. 90-18608, 94-18560 AWWA C-50203/31/88 E-1-12 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant American Darling Valve Shop Drawing No. 94-18791 AWWA C-50209/30/87 E-1-12 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant Clow Corporation Shop Drawing No. D-19895 AWWA C-50201/12/93 E-1-12 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant American AVK Company Model 2700 AWWA C-50208/24/88 E-1-12 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant Clow Corporation Drawings D20435, D20436, B20506 AWWA C-502E-1-12 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant ITT Kennedy Valve Shop Drawing No. D-80783FW AWWA C-50209/24/87 E-1-12 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant M&H Valve Company Shop Drawing No. 13476 AWWA C-50210/14/87 E-1-12 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant Mueller CompanyShop Drawings No. 6461 A-423 Centurion AWWA C-50201/15/88 E1-12 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant Mueller CompanyShop Drawing FH-12A-423 Super Centurion 200 AWWA C-50210/09/87 E-1-12 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant U.S. Pipe & Foundry Shop Drawing No. 960250 AWWA C-50209/16/87 E-1-12 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant Waterous Company Shop Drawing No. SK740803 AWWA C-50208/12/16 33-12-40 Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant EJ (East Jordan Iron Works) WaterMaster 5CD250*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent28Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Meters02/05/93 E101-5 Detector Check Meter Ames Company Model 1000 Detector Check Valve AWWA C550 4" - 10"08/05/04 Magnetic Drive Vertical Turbine Hersey Magnetic Drive Vertical AWWA C701, Class 1 3/4" - 6"*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent29Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Pipes/PVC (Pressure Water) 33-31-70 (01/08/13)01/18/18 33-11-12 PVC Pressure Pipe Vinyltech PVC Pipe DR14AWWA C900, AWWA C605, ASTM D1784 4"-12"3/19/2018 33 11 12 PVC Pressure Pipe Pipelife Jet Stream DR14 AWWA C900 4"-12"3/19/2018 33 11 12 PVC Pressure Pipe Pipelife Jet Stream DR18 AWWA C900 16"-24"5/25/2018 33 11 12 PVC Pressure Pipe Diamond Plastics Corporation DR 14 AWWA C900 4"-12"5/25/2018 33 11 12 PVC Pressure Pipe Diamond Plastics Corporation DR 18 AWWA C900 16"-24"12/6/2018 33 11 12 PVC Pressure Pipe J-M ManXIacturing Co., Inc d/b/a JM Eagle DR 14AWWA C900-16UL 1285ANSI/NSF 61FM 16124"-28"12/6/2018 33 11 12 PVC Pressure Pipe J-M ManXIacturing Co., Inc d/b/a JM Eagle DR 18AWWA C900-16UL 1285ANSI/NSF 61FM 161216"-24"9/6/2019 33 11 12 PVC Pressure Pipe Underground Solutions Inc. DR14 Fusible PVC AWWA C900 4" - 8"9/6/2019 33 11 12 PVC Pressure Pipe NAPCO DR18 AWWA C900 16" - 24"9/6/2019 33 11 12 PVC Pressure Pipe NAPCO DR14 AWWA C900 4"- 12"9/6/2019 33 11 12 PVC Pressure Pipe Sanderson Pipe Corp. DR14 AWWA C900 4"- 12"*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent30Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Pipes/Valves & Fittings/Ductile Iron Fittings 33-11-11 (01/08/13)07/23/92 E1-07 Ductile Iron Fittings Star Pipe Products, Inc. Mechanical Joint Fittings AWWA C153 & C110* E1-07 Ductile Iron Fittings Griffin Pipe Products, Co. Mechanical Joint Fittings AWWA C 110* E1-07 Ductile Iron Fittings McWane/Tyler Pipe/ Union Utilities DivisionMechanical Joint Fittings, SSB Class 350AWWA C 153, C 110, C 11108/11/98 E1-07 Ductile Iron Fittings Sigma, Co.Mechanical Joint Fittings, SSB Class 351AWWA C 153, C 110, C 11202/26/14 E1-07 MJ Fittings AccucastClass 350 C-153 MJ FittingsAWWA C153 4"-12"05/14/98 E1-07 Ductile Iron Joint Restraints Ford Meter Box Co./Uni-FlangeUni-Flange Series 1400 AWWA C111/C153 4" to 36"05/14/98 E1-24 PVC Joint Restraints Ford Meter Box Co./Uni-FlangeUni-Flange Series 1500 Circle-LockAWWA C111/C153 4" to 24" 11/09/04 E1-07 Ductile Iron Joint Restraints One Bolt, Inc.One Bolt Restrained Joint FittingAWWA C111/C116/C153 4" to 12"02/29/12 33-11-11 Ductile Iron Pipe Mechanical Joint Restraint EBAA Iron, Inc.Megalug Series 1100 (for DI Pipe)AWWA C111/C116/C153 4" to 42"02/29/12 33-11-11 PVC Pipe Mechanical Joint Restraint EBAA Iron, Inc.Megalug Series 2000 (for PVC Pipe)AWWA C111/C116/C153 4" to 24"08/05/04 E1-07 Mechanical Joint Retainer Glands(PVC) Sigma, Co.Sigma One-Lok SLC4 - SLC10AWWA C111/C153 4" to 10"03/06/19 33-11-11 Mechanical Joint Retainer Glands(PVC) Sigma, Co.Sigma One-Lok SLCS4 - SLCS12AWWA C111/C153 4" to 12"08/05/04 E1-07 Mechanical Joint Retainer Glands(PVC) Sigma, Co.Sigma One-Lok SLCEAWWA C111/C153 12" to 24"08/10/98 E1-07 MJ Fittings(DIP) Sigma, Co.Sigma One-Lok SLDEAWWA C153 4" - 24"10/12/10 E1-24 Interior Restrained Joint System S & B Techncial ProductsBulldog System ( Diamond Lok 21 & JM Eagle ASTM F-1624 4" to 12"08/16/06 E1-07 Mechanical Joint Fittings SIP Industries(Serampore)Mechanical Joint FittingsAWWA C153 4" to 24"11/07/16 33-11-11 Mechanical Joint Retainer Glands Star Pipe Products, Inc.PVC Stargrip Series 4000ASTM A536 AWWA C11111/07/16 33-11-11 Mechanical Joint Retainer Glands Star Pipe Products, Inc.DIP Stargrip Series 3000ASTM A536 AWWA C11103/19/18 33-11-11 Mechanical Joint Retainer Glands SIP Industries(Serampore)EZ Grip Joint Restraint (EZD) Black For DIPASTM A536 AWWA C111 3"-48"03/19/18 33-11-11 Mechanical Joint Retainer Glands SIP Industries(Serampore)EZ Grip Joint Restraint (EZD) Red for C900 DR14 PVC PipeASTM A536 AWWA C111 4"-12"03/19/18 33-11-11 Mechanical Joint Retainer Glands SIP Industries(Serampore)EZ Grip Joint Restraint (EZD) Red for C900 DR18 PVC PipeASTM A536 AWWA C111 16"-24"*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent31Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Pipes/Valves & Fittings/Resilient Seated Gate Valve* 33-12-20 (05/13/15)Resilient Wedged Gate Valve w/no Gears American Flow Control Series 2500 Drawing # 94-20247 16"12/13/02 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve American Flow Control Series 2530 and Series 2536 AWWA C515 30" and 36"08/31/99 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve American Flow Control Series 2520 & 2524 (SD 94-20255) AWWA C515 20" and 24"05/18/99 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve American Flow Control Series 2516 (SD 94-20247) AWWA C515 16"10/24/00 E1-26 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve American Flow Control Series 2500 (Ductile Iron) AWWA C515 4" to 12"08/05/04 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve American Flow Control 42" and 48" AFC 2500 AWWA C515 42" and 48"05/23/91 E1-26 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve American AVK Company American AVK Resilient Seaded GV AWWA C509 4" to 12"01/24/02 E1-26 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve American AVK Company20" and smaller* E1-26 Resilient Seated Gate Valve Kennedy4" - 12"* E1-26 Resilient Seated Gate Valve M&H4" - 12"* E1-26 Resilient Seated Gate Valve Mueller Co.4" - 12"11/08/99 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Mueller Co. Series A2361 (SD 6647) AWWA C515 16"01/23/03 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Mueller Co. Series A2360 for 18"-24" (SD 6709) AWWA C515 24" and smaller05/13/05 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Mueller Co. Mueller 30" & 36", C-515 AWWA C515 30" and 36"01/31/06 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Mueller Co. Mueller 42" & 48", C-515 AWWA C515 42" and 48"01/28/88 E1-26 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Clow Valve Co. AWWA C509 4" - 12"10/04/94 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Clow Valve Co. 16" RS GV (SD D-20995) AWWA C515 16"11/08/99 E1-26 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Clow Valve Co. Clow RW Valve (SD D-21652) AWWA C515 24" and smaller11/29/04 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Clow Valve Co. Clow 30" & 36" C-515 AWWA C515 30" and 36" (Note 3)11/30/12 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Clow Valve Co. Clow Valve Model 2638 AWWA C515 24" to 48" (Note 3)05/08/91 E1-26 Resilient Seated Gate Valve Stockham Valves & Fittings AWWA C 509, ANSI 420 - stem, ASTM A 276 Type 304 - Bolts & nuts4" - 12"* E1-26 Resilient Seated Gate Valve U.S. Pipe and Foundry Co.Metroseal 250, requirements SPL #743" to 16"10/26/16 33-12-20 Resilient Seated Gate Valve EJ (East Jordan Iron Works)EJ FlowMaster Gate Valve & Boxes08/24/18Matco Gate Valve Matco-Norca225 MRAWWA/ANSI C115/An21.15 4" to 16"*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent32Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Pipes/Valves & Fittings/Rubber Seated Butterfly Valve 33-12-21 (07/10/14)* E1-30 Rubber Seated Butterfly Valve Henry Pratt Co. AWWA C-504 24"* E1-30 Rubber Seated Butterfly Valve Mueller Co. AWWA C-504 24"and smaller1/11/99 E1-30 Rubber Seated Butterfly Valve Dezurik Valves Co. AWWA C-504 24" and larger06/12/03 E1-30 Valmatic American Butterfly Valve Valmatic Valve and Manufacturing Corp. Valmatic American Butterfly Valve. AWWA C-504 Up to 84" diameter04/06/07 E1-30 Rubber Seated Butterfly Valve M&H Valve M&H Style 4500 & 1450 AWWA C-504 24" to 48"03/19/18 33 12 21 Rubber Seated Butterfly Valve G. A. Industries (Golden Anderson) AWWA C504 Butterfly Valve AWWA C-504 30"-54"*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent33Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Polyethylene Encasement 33-11-10 (01/08/13)05/12/05 E1-13 Polyethylene Encasment Flexsol Packaging Fulton Enterprises AWWA C105 8 mil LLD05/12/05 E1-13 Polyethylene Encasment Mountain States Plastics (MSP) and AEP Ind. Standard Hardware AWWA C105 8 mil LLD05/12/05 E1-13 Polyethylene Encasment AEP Industries Bullstrong by Cowtown Bolt & Gasket AWWA C105 8 mil LLD09/06/19 33-11-11 Polyethylene Encasment Northtown Products Inc. PE Encasement fRU DIP AWWA C105 8 mil LLD*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent34Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Sampling Station3/12/96 Water Sampling Station Water Plus B20 Water Sampling Station*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent35Updated:04/09/2021 Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeCITY OF FORT WORTHWATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISTNote: All water or sewer pipe larger than 15 inch diameter shall be approved for use by the Water Department on a project specific basis. Special bedding may be required for some pipes.Water - Automatic Flusher10/21/20 Automated Flushing System Mueller HydroguardHG6-A-IN-2-BRN-LPRR(Portable) HG2-A-IN--2-PVC-018-LPLG(Permanent)04/09/21 Automated Flushing System Kupferle Foundry Company Eclipse #9800wc04/09/21 Automated Flushing System Kupferle Foundry CompanyEclipse #9700 (Portable)*FromOriginalStandardProductsListClicktoReturntotheTableofContent36Updated:04/09/2021 ApprovalSpec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeStorm Sewer - Manholes & Bases/Frames & Covers/Standard (Round) 33-05-13 (Rev 03/19/2021)9/28/2018 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers AccuCast (Govind Steel Company, LTD) MHRC #220605 ASTM A48 AASHTO M306 **24" Dia9/28/2018 33 05 13 Manhole Cover Neenah Foundry NF-1274-T91 ASTM A48 AASHTO M306 32" Dia9/28/2018 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Neenah Foundry NF-1743-LM (Hinged) ASTM A48 AASHTO M306 32" Dia9/28/2018 33 05 13 Manhole Frame Neenah Foundry NF-1930-30 ASTM A48 AASHTO M306 32.25" Dia9/28/2018 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers Neenah Foundry R-1743-HV ASTM A48 AASHTO M306 32" Dia4/3/2019 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers SIP Industries ++ 2279ST ASTM A48 AASHTO M306 **24" Dia4/3/2019 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers SIP Industries ++ 2280ST ASTM A48 AASHTO M306 32" Dia10/8/2020 33 05 13 Manhole Frames and Covers EJ ( Formally East Jordan Iron Works) EJ1033 Z2/A ASTM A536 AASHTO M306 32.25" DiaCITY OF FORT WORTHTRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION STANDARD PRODUCT LIST**Note: All new development and new installation mahnole lids shall meet the minimum 30-inch opening requirement as specified in City Specification 33 05 13. Any smaller opening sizes will only be allowed for existing manholes that require replacement frames and covers. Updated: 03/19/2021* From Original Standard Products List ApprovalSpec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeStorm Sewer - Inlet & Structures 33-05-13 (Rev 03/19/2021)10/08/20 33 49 20 Curb Inlets Forterrra FRT-10x3-405-PRECAST ASTM C913 10' X 3'10/08/20 33 49 20 Curb Inlets Forterrra FRT-10x3-406-PRECAST ASTM C913 10' X 3'10/08/20 33 49 20 Curb Inlets Forterrra FRT-10x4.5-407-PRECAST ASTM C913 10' X 4.5'10/08/20 33 49 20 Curb Inlets Forterrra FRT-10x4.5-420-PRECAST ASTM C913 10' X 4.5'10/08/20 33 39 20 Manhole Forterrra FRT-4X4-409-PRECAST-TOP ASTM C913 4' X 4'10/08/20 33 39 20 Manhole Forterrra FRT-4X4-409-PRECAST-BASE ASTM C913 4' X 4'10/08/20 33 39 20 Manhole Forterrra FRT-5X5-410-PRECAST-TOP ASTM C913 5' X 5'10/08/20 33 39 20 Manhole Forterrra FRT-5X5-410-PRECAST-BASE ASTM C913 5' X 5'10/08/20 33 39 20 Manhole Forterrra FRT-6X6-411-PRECAST-TOP ASTM C913 6' X 6'10/08/20 33 39 20 Manhole Forterrra FRT-6X6-411-PRECAST-BASE ASTM C913 6' X 6'3/19/2021 33 49 20 Curb Inlets Thompson Pipe Group TPG-10X3-405-PRECAST INLET ASTM 615 10' X 3'3/19/2021 33 49 20 Curb Inlets Thompson Pipe Group TPG-15X3-405-PRECAST INLET ASTM 615 15' x 3'3/19/2021 33 49 20 Curb Inlets Thompson Pipe Group TPG-20X3-405-PRECAST INLET ASTM 615 20' x 3'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-4X4-409-PRECAST TOP ASTM 615 4' X 4'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-4X4-409-PRECAST BASE ASTM 615 4' X 4'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-4X4-412-PRECAST 4-FT RISER ASTM 615 4' X 4'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-5X5-410-PRECAST TOP ASTM 615 5' X 5'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-5X5-410-PRECAST BASE ASTM 615 5' X 5'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-5X5-412-PRECAST 5-FT RISER ASTM 615 5' X 5'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-6X6-411-PRECAST TOP ASTM 615 6' X 6'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-6X6-411-PRECAST BASE ASTM 615 6' X 6'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-6X6-412-PRECAST 6-FT RISER ASTM 615 6' X 6'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-7X7-411-PRECAST TOP ASTM 615 7' X 7'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-7X7-411-PRECAST BASE ASTM 615 7' X 7'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-7X7-412-PRECAST 4-FT RISER ASTM 615 7' X 7'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-8X8-411-PRECAST TOP ASTM 615 8' X 8'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-8X8-411-PRECAST BASE ASTM 615 8' X 8'3/19/2021 33 39 20 Manhole Thompson Pipe Group TPG-8X8-412-PRECAST 5-FT RISER ASTM 615 8' X 8'3/19/2021 33 49 20 Drop Inlet Thompson Pipe Group TPG-4X4-408-PRECAST INLET ASTM 615 4' X 4'3/19/2021 33 49 20 Drop Inlet Thompson Pipe Group TPG-5X5-408-PRECAST INLET ASTM 615 5' X 5'3/19/2021 33 49 20 Drop Inlet Thompson Pipe Group TPG-6X6-408-PRECAST INLET ASTM 615 6' X 6'CITY OF FORT WORTHTRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION STANDARD PRODUCT LISTUpdated: 03/19/21* From Original Standard Products List Approval Spec No. Classsification Manufacturer Model No. National Spec SizeStorm Sewer - Pipes 33-05-13 (Rev 03/19/21)4/9/2021 33 41 13 Storm Drain Pipes Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. (ADS) ADS HP Storm Polypropylene (PP) Pipe ASTM F2881 & AASHTO M33012" - 60" CITY OF FORT WORTHTRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION STANDARD PRODUCT LISTUpdated: 04/14/21