HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 500 01"I'MINANIct," 1�k 0. 500. hn 0z,,dinai,ice f:?ha1_08 Regula plods s, lava nudes, anil, Fixtrig Penalties for 1Jaz,a ViOL."'ution Thereof. anc, Repisallne All, OrdInatwafi Ln oonflict Viereiritlill 10, t,ind Especially Sactione 1, to 38c., as tb Same plpapeaars at Pagen 366 to 175 Inclusive or the ReMed Ordinances of V,te City of Fort WoRb adopte,`� Janustry 8,1(5th, A. D. 191, Be It Ordained by the Board of Qmmiesionnr,a of the ClAy of' Fort Worth' see Lion 1. The Watermarks owned acd controlled by the City of For Worth Mhall be knowt as the Fort Worth Galty waterworks. Section. 2. The waterworks as acnisti tut e as separate and Independent department of thIs alty, and al,l a ccotmts or Vaislndoa sm tbereto shall be kept separate from n,jthfar deparWentN and all moneys or, revenue thereof derived from any souren oknall 159 kopt a,40,114rate from ail ouier funds; as per the payment of all, necessary and 1,141"'Yerahive Im"pro'linnez,%kale and opertilting expenses, ttm 'net revenue shall be used st,,vl applied townrd the payment of the tuondeijl ass of the CIR of Fort Worth, owing on accotttit of the waterworks systan for ty, Seeti,,,xn 3. All, water furnisl ned lips Vhe Fort Worth City watervork" to consiminers shall be seasured by meter. Section 4. The elty reservem the right to own and cantrol all motors of two Inches and under. Wileters of over two Inches In size shall be furnIshed by the conawpor and by llaaaa.r Jjtept It) a aapaaa,la , 1Ait s ,hn 11 be under the control of the Fort VoM alty waterworks. Any ateter owned by the consumer, and which does natreglater correctly shall be re- placed by as now motor upon notles from the vit',%terworks, depart"sent, and wn,iy cionsurier ft,,illing to replace any such, twhoJA, t,,e, ref'used 'water =11 such new meter a,tall be i asst a,11ed. See. 5. Maters Hall be read mcnWd,wj, t,,a,nd the loonatt',raler nntlflect in, writin of 0ae amount due, wh1di said z,),otlae akiall state, thtxt anless the game be paid within tan daye from tl,,te date tj,"aereof, trie wa,t.eri w.11.1 be cut off. 0. Except in tlaone csvee not the Gult of the cons,utter, a fee of be clarged for turning water an promises as ore the same have boom out off an sccount Of tion,-pflylnant of 0axartj,,es, Seo,* 7. Except an way be hereinafter specially ),,,priovided the fallowing rates al"lall 1 e charged t o al% eonsua�ers wittiln tbe corporate limits of Vae city of iport Woitlrw, -rnr domestic J,uur-poseal- (a) A Knimum chares of W1.15 per month which shall include rent of motor. (b) All excess to 1,,,e pt-till for at 1,1,ie r;,xte of U) ewnts per one thoasanN'J, gallons. It being understood that the mInImnua amount fixed ,,erein a;hall be three thousand p 11ons jno,ar mont),,,A. sa, (c) All, meters tip to and inclix�,ling, one Anch Ln s1ze, 43,3,00 per, annxim pay M le monthly In as dvance. (d) All u; term one and one-fourth to two Mches, MUMve, In Hz e, 14 n r vlluhTPC p,1,.e,c'1 Aowr arvatun payabl, monthly Gonwmers imqWx mac,g a motor Vv.tt'i Lwo inches 1v Size shall be required to furnish same, of an. PVproved pattern, at tbeir awn, expense, and sho2l likewise keep in r 1 r e ps,11", 4, coneumer ""Oor awning his own motor failing or a"^,n;, to repal r so,,me whv,,"ri 4,%otlf dry,ed so to do, tlie, eater department =11 make necessary repairs, cawrge the east thereof to the awmr, emd said amount shall 1,,e s r,:Jdted the :rnext statment rwndared to snid aontztmmr. see. P. Me water depmrtment am,—require of eonsumwrs 1NI'lose Cana St,aj1jqr'tL,a,n c�f fwater to greater then would be cove red by the ailz,daw%wl rMe, as deposit of aim ammmt mfflalent In the jujdf!mer,+, of the water depLotrt- m,ent " insure the same aGwMat loan on'secount of non-payment an charges. SOD. 3,C). It Sht,111 be the duty of tbq wr,terviorks Jepazvtment to riz a Module of has tesW R11 sections of the city 0a), tjj,ajt cl,, th monthly payment for each commmer W11 be Wed, und so that as neaz an any be practicable the time of yZment be uuilform, , nd of tile sai,,Iounl due t,I:) each coratimer EA',ifAAL be rrialled 1f rcmptiy, arvi a7,,�a Jd �,aonsurrjer rffor.,41,ed ttte herej.n provided Da to ream am j, t SOO. 11. The following rates nhall �,q,,'l P o all con r,%tc mtere wit taut the oorporate 11MItS Of the Cltp/ Of 'Wort,11, to-M1,,A: (0) Unleem requiring a larger motor than one inch the,,re stffiv.3,1 b" chnrh,yad, to aut1h non-resident consuzaer ,,,2.il,215 !)wll laonth Ira ad- vance, and the mAlmum In'tiount 10, thlo ra't,,e shall lrpe tJ,,Ltee t,1q0u&,,,taA gallons# (b) All water In e':�,cesa of' nnid M,�,ree V.­wiwsand g;allons shall be paid fc�r rA t,Iae rat8 Of 0,110 Cellts poll ci to tl"i)uumrs,�rtd �,alloiqs. (c) TI1J.s 'rate of 12.05 shall include the rent of meters up to and in-, cluding one inch. Conmwwrm requiring thart one ine,h and meat exceeding two Inches Oall be chi r,f ed 42_3(); lxn, rc,(:,rA1h, �.,,wnid, It, is wxndie,:rr,,tccd that thir�, rate of 0.30 Per taonth inc,,liicies t,oth rent 1,"�f motor and the first 3,000 gallons of wcvtez,. Col"is farm" ma a motor larger tkon two inches furnlah one at Mir own ORPMse, of an approved patter, and shn1l keep the same in repair and shall be charged for water at the rate of 60 cer,,Its jpel, 01r.a'?, g"),allon'P, but In any event shall not lay less thstn $1.80 ,pez,, A,,.onth. . Re nits t an Conn umern outside of the city HOW alu,"XI 1")IM due In, point of timel„ the same as provided for emnmwere t,11e city 1,irfjts. Bee. 12. NothIng In the preceding section or any other sec,tior of t,hls ordinance =21 be conatrued to ocial,jel the city to furn1sh. ,W 0,ter to consumern beyond 11,1ae city If in Un,e Jtidg rake nt, of the Hama ter t,"lle- partment the same is deemed impracticable,, F,),,aid service mi,,qy be discon- tinued at wny t",meo Son. 13. If—at any Wme any of the me term used for meter in the city Wall become impsrad so that the V,,,.,tme not corretttlor register, it shall be the duty of the water clfop4atrtment to fur oe pt,iy have same examined, tested, repatped; and It ahall be thane duty of all aot.,hstmers to Immedlately report to %he we ter department any apparent Inaccursey in said motor. If it shoCIA raide 'to reitoonattly, to Vte water commissioner that any metez, re,h,,Ifiteired exc"58 voltme of water, and It becomes nscessr,ary adjust with such con- mamer, the mtturt so 5noorrectly beci;.vuae ol' a defectivim, meter► then In that case said cotfwilssioner s1vT,,2,1 era,,fer Lin 'tliie rec(;?­,',Jf3 of his department and taking a series of frlczvtdr,ns COVItn.lrlg, the same period and striking an avexvtge nettle, on t1iis barris, rmcvJd,,e1,J, ttlat mck rebates XhP11 bo allowed to nny conww ar because of n1leged defective motor, except upan h»he recommendation of Vhe wa.,iter eor,,,missianer, anti, after an examination of mach z,,acrter rnhrna..h nor shown its 44ric',tacursicy, and then adjustment shall 1,:e made only an !.s "mre1n AM,,)Ove ezpeclt,lly provided; It being understood Mwt R11 Wholl pay for exc,,,er,5,P water whUh may res'alt frotit, e,,.hear ective f,, ,acap gi n fg on theIr own premiVes, and adjustment Al awed Pa Aerein provIde(1, only in tlttoscl cf?'SMS where Uns defecst is J r,,t tht,* uuaanh f rr, c,r 1,he alty's acnain. Bee. 14. A ctanunmr Wmnglng Us bnfore tbe expiration, of the rzionth, for atcty, by, prasantlng a recelpt &&JI'd, a k6aj,AF, transfer, hsvi��w_ gipg,),,� nad T"'OrtICA of his , a reqgqst for n, �ent credited to ,,iis i�,iew or r,.,,d,ace F,�,i Boo. 15. Vo consumer shall supply water to p(,,,a,9onii or is t,,,Aher fnziliep, or nermit others to Hko wotov ext�,el,,;rt tize cla, the Pwamines. Bee. 16. The water depnrttt,a erit for Pufficient, reason, r,,retzrlit mors than ons house to be rupplied tJ,,ir4n;rh Va ie nf,,tme jrt:eter, ba t icrn use;h surti catenate tl,tare onell he made s 0,v,,trfr",e for e,­",Cy-a ax"IcUtionDI, 1,nouse Cif 90 rerltfl 7)(1r, BRA11.11ar Boo, IT. Every person takinr waler froia Fort Worth city water- wor%n shall at all t-em9lonalA,e tiffies thca snkj.,terintendent. In- spect,or or other nuth or. izad jarmen frac, 'LA,'m delpartment to enter h1s or hop than or building t.,o ex"T"'u"airle vl,e and Rktures, and tho alanannaatar,r in, whiOi the wrrter Is 'ustad. sea. Is. Ho perf,,�On snrl,'�,AA �!th Of the FT tor depaAment whose duty it ie to examine promisee nnd the manner 1n Clilch,, in 1"kereorij. Sea. 10. NO MOM Mmll In any manner Interfere with on emoxja of the city waterwrks whorn duty is to rettd ttie Vieters in the clty ()r Fort o5th. see. 20. ho pernon Mar thnn an ewplcye of ttle watat,,�fforj,n epart- ment shall interfere In vany xnii.nner with any rzieter timed for% the measure- ment of w,,,,Ler fur.nia1md p� ie city. see. 21. TM commissioner of waterworks, with the opproval of the board of' acmimisslonerft, iffittll 1"oyave Um to gnrttvt tc� sMMged M street sprinkllnZ► the rQU to arect at, pol,k,kts f,cd ff,,,,�e as rtnann p Sara ia4t,ed Vy LI�oa r�uparinLendant of mt,,,torvorkv, fo"r the a apply of said sprinklLng wagons, p,,,)rbovldedf, s�,,,,Ad st��,,, dptpea or nay, drants alwill. constructed undw, Lhi,,i of ti♦e deportment; 1,.�a,ovlded further, that such contractor or contractors shall, keqx the sold hydrants in good repair# a­,,,�n,iA the snmfe P a,,,Jj, 11,jot Licerj 'by, �,3,ny other pat-son for, rny ot!ter garpose. Be" 22. No jmrson , atri�,nnt spi.,inkling, mo,'iLl drav water ed in from t)."ze main,n dui,. J,n,g Une of a t"ire. Be" 23. Ng person other then as w=M of He fire or water depart- am:nt sht,,0_1 open, or p,tae wvte!r fri4n", P Mrs hydrant or tuke off the caps Moreon, or In any umnn,er Or ir-lerfere Vtierewlt"",­l* see. 24. No person shall is; Munmull del,kcfe, with 01" In,- ,jure any of the property of t e "art Worth city waterworks department, Including the houses, wmIlm, maahinery or fixtures with or, pertt,. nizi,g t),ioreto. Sao. 25. Do 1mrson ball batha in any of the water accumulated behind any, of the dame of than Fort WoM city wfv­wter-viorks eves Varow <n* rj,,'ej,>0ff1t any Make, mud, r0blah, filth ar ahwr MwUmcem therein. saw 20. The water department s old l)w"tke v,11 taps or eoanr'�,,ct tons tc'� the street malno and extend service pipes to ° no foot inside e,arib, and V)ere place a stop cock and atop box, M"tett be under the exclusive ocatral of the water deparLemnt, a?a"a11 ao aAd ta9p an,,,J service Shall be laid for by Us pluf.mbe,'r ordering the wc)frk done bgf'0240) the wcvilt is conl- menced, according to the schedule of pric,,,ms ad(,,pptrtml lq tl,�e wsterworks department from Me to time, on Me Ln t),ie office, coples of hlab, sholl be furrilsp,ved all licensed pluinbers rwny 011"I""'I'llges are made. sea. 07. All nervice pipes Mu,,,11 T,:e w,,),f extra st,,,r,*anp,� lead, 'j,:dpe, shall be 101d not leSs tltan, under Vie P ;rot,tad, and n%, stop w;,,,,tat,e sMAI a Ina be plooed an sald service p1pe Innide Vhio,,,t ;,aroperly 11ne so as to properly dr-ain all pipes above the f,,,,round. see. M. c),vners o![` sttaf,,e siml office UdAdIngs sholl p reapulred to provide a sespar,,,�,,,te connection with, tjla,e ximln for ef,wch V,5, fiest frawnt of the grou.ad floor where alty water In used, emd one cor nore additional floor, as"aaauaa ', tip,; to U�,,%e n,axiber and of fixtures oin the said the superintendent of Merworkm to be� the jiw1ge of t?te 0"' cort- moctions naossssry, but Ln no case shall, Vfaere be less tha,,n, one reparlrtfe See. 219. In cases, where tlr9,iere is tamk tlie roof iand wster frore, there distributed V,rt,ur�,,h the buildIng, ane con, eaticni o ' sufficleacs, Ms maybe made to the mains and conmeated dJ,1,,�(,,1cV1y witls 1p".'he 'but rjio other connection shall be made on V,wj, said lArtip to the tsnk, aaa menr the entrance of the bulldinC an ponathlia. In c.ajxe at'i, additional shall be desired, a separete shw'a,11 I)e wit),,J, tl,,,te amf.,'z,l i'to In 'the precedIng rules e,,,*on,,,�, ct1c)ns t(,,1 f,,itore atA of'fice bwild Ings, but in no came w,15111 a connection larger Vmmn, two lnc1hios be tw"�.de WI.Vrl U""fe 0"Ity "V'vc�i or, rLrtcre Ta,jouveq front"'T"Ig a e,'a eet, Or etreets w ,er mre Is no water main may be ruppIled with one Mervice connected with the main, eald service to be of sufficient size to inmWe an sxq, e siipply of water, but in such cases ef c ,i, of ar,,Id hounes shal"I have a selarate service pipe f. 'om the 01dowalk Md seParete MP coCk and stop box one foot In au?lde the curb. Churches, opera houpa, theaters, schools, flats, apartment houses and faa,a;to,rles may be led one canneepion 'with t 1 s mtreet n,,,aln. Sec. 30. All iron service pipes shall be relaid with extra strong lead pipe prior to the paving of the street on which said pipe or pipes are located, and any owner or agent of said services failing or refusing to relay said services when notified to do so by said waterworks department, prior to such paving, then the waterworks department shall relay said service pipe or pipes, and water shall not be used through said service pipe or pipes so relaid by the water- works department until such time L: s the said pipe or pipes shall have been paid for according to the schedule of rates for said work on file in the office of the waterworks department. Sec. 31. 4a all services requiring more than one meter, a separate price will be made for same. Sec. 32. No plumber, shall be armitted to do any work or repairs in and about Fort Worth city waterworks system unless he shall hold a permit under and shall have complied witha 11 of the ordinances, rules, and regulations governing and controlling the business of plumbing and gas fitting in the city of Fort Worth. Sec. 33. The waterworks department shall have the right at any time to shut off the water from the mains for the purpose of making nec- essary repairs, connection and extensions of same, for the purpose of cleaning and flushing the pipes and for the purpose of repairing their machinery, reservoir, or any part of the waterworks system where, in ordar to make such repairs, extensions or improvments it is necessary in the judgment of the water department, to shut off the water. Sec. 34. The city of Fort Worth shall not be liable for any damage onaccount of leaks or breakage of pipes in or on private premises. Sec. 35. Failure to, make prompt repairs by the owner of premises of all imperfect plumbing shall authorize the water department in its discretion to make sujoh necessary repairs and charge the coat thereof to the owner of the 'building or the consumer.. ,said sum to be :added to the necessary ensuing water bill. Sea. 36 Failure on the part of any person t aiU ng water from the city of Fort Worth to do and perform in good faith the things pro- vided and stipulated ins+hf � dinanca, and failiAre on the part of any such gnsumor to ref ,in,'ff dam doing the things herein provided shall be sufficient to aUthor„i the waterworks department to cut off the water to such consdime ,and the some shall remain cut off person until such shall have } strict compliance with all of the provisions ofthisprpnpalce,'­ of such other ordinances, rules and r egulatlons as me, be ;from A me to time legally or gined and enacted. Sec. 37. 411 of the provisions of, section 1 to 38, inclusive, as the same appears at pages 366,, 367��,, #O and 369., 370? 371, 372, 373, 374 and 375 of the revised' grdinance� f the city of Fort-Worth, adopted on the 26th day of 4T uary , 1915, be and the same are hereby rep lod r S 38. Any person, firm, c?rporAtion or association violating any of the things herein required shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, (__4pd upon conviction shall be. fined in any SUM not lc, than 1o,oo no pro than $100,99. JiEA m .w u• _m m, Sec. 39. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after I is as a e and five 44y,#' ub]�ipation as required by law. 1 hereby certify the the above and foregoing ordinance was duly presented and unanimously passed and adopted by the board of com- misgioners of the oity of Fort Worth t ' regular sosalon of said board held Tuesday, Feb. 15, A.P. 1916. Set. 36. Failure on the part of any person taking water from the city, of Fort Worth to do and perform in good faith the things pro- vided and stipulated in,this grdinance, and failure on the part of any such onsumer to r "#' m, doing the things herein provided shall be sufficient to auth6e.06 the waterworks department to cut off the water to such consumer,(,and the same shall remain cut off until such person shall have {Ad strict compliance with all of the provisions of this ordinancie, `ah4 of such other ordinances, rules and regulations as may be ;from �t, 6. to time legally ordained and enacted. Sec. 37. All of the provi�eions � section l to 38, inclusive, as the same appears at pager 366, 36 ,(,A6 and 369., 370, 371, 572, 373, 374 and 375 of the r°e'vised' drdinanc68 f the city of Port Worth, adopted on the 26th day of January " y 1915, be and the same are hereby repealed. _ � SB. y r , i l p br tt6h or a dsodlation violating any of the things hereinre ui"6d shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, .-and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not loss than $10.00 i6rr--mare than.$100.00. his o divan e shah be lift force and effect from and after its passage and five days' publication as required by law. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was duly presented and unanimously passed and adopted by the board of com- missioners of the city of Fort Worth t a regular session of said board held Tuesday, Feb. 15, A.L. 1916. City'Secretary. Approved as to form and validity. T. A. ALTMAN, Corporation Counsel. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordt- nanca was .duly presented and unanimously passed and adopted by the Board 6f Commissioners of the City of Fort Worth at a ses- sion of said Board held Tuesday February 15th, A. D. 1916. City Secretary.