HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 800 Mme' R D I K A, N C E
An Ordinance amending Sections 2,7, 9,10,11, 12, & 13 of
Chapter 1, Title 2, of the Qvised Ordinances of the
City of Fort Worth, the same being an Ordinance describing
the Wards of the City of Fort Worth, by metes and bounds.
Section 1,
That Section 2. Ohapter 1, Title 2, of the Revised
Or ,in&aces of the City of Fort Worth, the same being a section
of an Ordinance describing by metes and bounds, the Pecond and
in aaid City, be and the same is hereby amended, and after being
so amended to read as follows; "SECTION 2. " SECOND WARD. -" Begin-
ning at a point where the center line of West Seventh Street
intersects the center line of Main Street; thence in a Nor the rly
direction along the center line of Main streat to where the said
center line, if produce4, wauld interseot the center line of
Blu ff Street ; Thence continuing in a Northerly direotion along
the center line of North Main Street to the intersection with the
West righVof-way line of the St. Louis S. ".& T. RY; thence in 8,
SouthwastAdirection along the said West right-of-way line to the
North an of the West Fork of the Trinity River; thence in a,
Southerly direction along the North Bank of the West For of the
Trinity. River, to where the said North Bank intersects the South
line of J. Baugh Survey; thence in an Easterly direction to the
Southeast corner of said aurvey and the Northwest corner of the
A Goubenant survey: the `roe south along the west line of the
Gouhenant Survey and °the ast line of the R. Croeley Survey,
and the east line of t1ie Til.liam Bussel Survey, to the lest
Bank of the Clear Fork of the Trinity, River and, following the
meanderings of said River, to wliare the center line of West
Seventh Street intersects the West Bank of the Clear Fork of the
said River; thence in an easterly direction along the center line
of West Seventh street to the place of beginn.ing.
Section 2,--
That Section 7. Chapter 1, Title Z., of the Revised
Ordinances of the City, of IW'ort viorth, tie same being a section of an
Ordia"ce describing by ri tes and bounds, the Seventh Ward in said
City, be and the same is hereby a fiend d, and after being so amended,
to read as follows, IIS,,.,,'CTION VISEXI.,NTH WATID. 11 - Beginning at a
point w1aere the center line of Terrell Avenue interseots the center
line of Jannings Avenue; thex-ioe in as Southerly direction along the
center line of Jennings Avenu.P- TO ,*,here said center line intersects
the center line of Jessamine street; thence in an easterly direction
along center line of Jess=in,:, street, to a point in the East right-of-
way line of the M.K.&.T.,PY: thence in a southwesterly direction
along said East right-of-ray line of the M.K.&.T. RY, to center line
of Ramsey street; thence in an easterly direction along the center
line of Ramsey street,, to an intersection of center line of Luoiss.ta
avenue South ; Thence in a south,erly direction with the center line of
Louisana Avenue, to intersection of oenter line of Bowie street;
thence in a Northeasterly dirt otion to 'the Northwest corner of the
George Hartzog Survey, and the Southwest coxn r of the A.Stenson
Survey; Thence east along the North boundary line of the said
Hertzog Survey to a point in tie boundary line due south of an
extensdon of the West boundary line of the B.F.Walier and the J.
Sanderson survey;
Thence North with the said line to the intersection with the
South Boundary line of the A Stenson Survey; Thence in a westerly
direction along Button Street to the West right-of-way line of
the I!& .G.X.RY: Thence in a Northeasterly difection, northerly
and northwesterly direction, respectively, along said west right-
of-way line to where it intersucts with Terrell Ave; Thence in
a westerly direction along the center line of Terrell AveLue
to the place of beginning.
Section 3. -
That Section 9, Chapter 1, Title 2, of the Revised
ordinances of the City of Fort Worth, the same being a section
of an Ordinance describing by metes and bounds, the Ninth lard
in said City, bt and the same is hereby amended, and after bein67
so amended, to read as follows; ""SECTION 9, " NINTH WARD.-
Beginning at a point where the center line of Main street inter-
seots Qe center line of Uatherford streat ;thence in an easterly
direotion along the center line ofjeatherford street to where t1r
center line interseots the',)% line of Live Oak street; thence in a
Southerly direction along the oenter line of Live Oak Street to
where the said conter line intersects the center line of East First
Street; thence in an easterly direction along the oenter line of
East First Ptreet to where the center line if produced, would
intersect the City Limits; thence in a westerly direotion along
the North line of the B. F.Crowley Survey and the R. Briggs Survey
( same being City Limits) to a point one 4uarter of a mile east
of the Northwest corner of the R.Briggs Survey; thenae North
1200 feet; thence west to the west line of the Fort Worth and
Denton public road; thence North along the west line of said
road to a point North 78 degrees east, from the north corner
of the H.C.Ralloway lands ; thence south 78 degrees "West ,
Z011OWilig the South line of the said Halloway lands to the East
Bank of the Trinity River; thence dowti said River, following, its
Reanderings to its intersection with the center line of North
Ninth Street, produc�-.d,- thence southweaterly along the counter
line of 1forth Ninth Street, to the center line of North Main
street; th:-,,,nce in a southeasterly direction alongz the c,riter
line of N,,,)rth Main Street to where the said, ct,�nter line, if
produced, would interseot the center line of W,,"�a,therford street,
the point of beginning,
Seotion 4.---
That Section 10,, Chapter 1,, Title 2., of the Revised
ordinances of the City of Fort forth, the same being,, a section
of an Ordinance desoribing 'by su Wes ai��id "bounds, the Tenth Ward
in said City, be and the sarxie is hereby am,,�„nded, and after being
so amended t read as follows; " SLX,TION 1011 TENTH WARD.-"
Beginning at a point where the West line of the J.N.Ellis Survey
intersects the North BouadLry- line of the W .B.Tucker Survey;
thence westerly direction with th.e said line of the 'W.B.
Tuoker Survey to the 11orthwest corner of the said Survey; thence
Ina Southerly direction along the last lin6 of the W.B.Tuokar
Survey to a point in the East right-of-way line, of the Fort Worth
Rio Gzande Ry- tbenoe southirvesterly alan�';,; the rast rig -of
? �Lt
way of said Fort worth & Rio Grande Ry, to its intersection rith
the w,c.,,at line of yivingstoj.., Avenu,,,µ ; thence southerly along west
line of Livingston Avennue to its interseotion with the CS'QutJ2 line,,
of Barry street; thence e�`I.aterly zLloiig sou,th line of Barry street
to its 1atersection with the i?,rest Line of the W.B.Tucker Survey
and the P.,I.Truitt Survey; thence in a southerly direction along;
said West boundary line of P., .j,ruitt S'urvey to the Southwest
corner of the P.I.Triaitt Siarvey- thence East along the South
Bouridar,y line of the P.! .Truitt Survey and o lolie Lydia J. jmTarwick
Survey; to the Southeast corner of said Warwick Survey; thence
Northerly with the ci%st line of the sadd Survey to the Northwest
Oorner Of' the George Hertzog 'Survey and the Southwest corner of
the A.Stenson Survey- thence iri aN**, "k*tjX direotion to the
intersection of Bowie street and Louisana Avennue ; thence in
a Northerly direction along the center line of LoiuBaza Avenue
to the intersection of Ramsey street; thence iii a westerly
direction along the center line of RLYasey street to a point in the
East Plg ht-of-way,j of the M.K.&.T .RY- thenoe izD. a laztbtav,t"erly
direction along the said rigb,'t-of-way line to a point, which 'M,ould
be the intersection of the center line of Jessamine, street,
produced, and the East right-of-way line of -the M.K.&.T. RY:
thence in a direction alone', the center line of Jessamine
street to �,Nhere the said cl,11�nter line would in-tex-sect the West
boundary line of the J.N .Ellis Survey; thence with the said
bound,,;Lry line to the plac�e of begii,aning.
,.-,ection 5. --
THAT 9 SE(;T I ON 11, " Ch",,pter 1, Title 2, of the Revised Ordinances
of the City of Fort Worth, the same being a section of an Ordinance
describing 'by metes and, bounds the Eleventh Ward in Said Cityp
be and the same is hereby ameyided, and ca,ft .I.r being So artended, 'to
read as follows; "SECTION 11, ELEVENTH WA . 11 .,,. Beginning ELt a
point whare the center line of North Ninth Street, produced,
would intersect the East Bank of the Trinity River; therice down
the Trinity River with its iteandersings to a point where the
center line of Twenty-First Patreet, if produoud, would intersect
tilLe east Bank of the rrinity- River; Thtnoe in, a Westerly direction
along the center line of Twen",,y-First Street to time inti,-reeotion
with the center line of Gould Avenue;
Thence In a southexly direction along with 'the c�nter line of
Gould. Avenue to the intersection with the omter line of Twentieth
Street ; Thence in a westerly direction along "the center line
of T'Wentieth Street, -to the City limits, which is the Northwest
corner of the R-Q-I-`,I Survey; Th -mce in a southerly, direction
along the West line of the Reeves Survey 'to the North Bank of the
Trinity River; Thence follorrin�,,r the itieandering,Sof the said River
to the West Right-of-way line of the Fit. Louis, S.F.& T. fff;thence
It a,46amftoWr Yii-reotion along said West right-of-way line to
the interseotion with the center line of Rortb Main Street; Th,,"11noe
in a Southeasterly diradtion alang, the o(wImter line of North Main
Street to the interseotion Nith t canter line of
Street; thtzmue in a northeasterly d.1rccti(,m aloi,16, the center line
of North Ninth Street to the irill-jersection with the East Bank of
the 7,rinity River.
Sect.ion . -
That Section 12,, Chapter 1, Title 2, of the Revised
Ordinances of the City, of Fort Worth,, the same being a section
of an Ordinance describing the metes and bounds, of the Twelfth
Ward of said City, be and the same is hereby Euriended, aftt,,r
being so amended to read as follows; "Section 1211 TWELFTH WARD" ;
Beginning at a, point v.,,here the cep ter line of Twenty-First Str(.:et
if prcduced,, would intersect the East Bank of thea Trinity, River;
thence down the East Bank of the Trinity Riv'er to a point ,,imd
opposite to 'the North Baiik of Maria e Creek where it eapt1eeinto
said rniver; thence Northw,,�,sterly alonp
j � tkde 1forth Bank of 14c.,Lrine
Creek to the r4,,Mst line of North MCLin street where it crosses
between Twenty-fifth and Twenty--sixth streets; thence North along
the east line of Nortb Main str, et to Ak;he South line, of the M.C.
Jobe Survey; thence west alont.,,� the South line of' the 1A.C.Jdbe
Survey and Cohn Survey to the East line of the A.T.Oard Survey;
thence North to the northeast corner of said Card Survey; thence
west along said line of the A.T.Card Survey to apoint 1800 feet east
of the northwest corner of the said Survey, also being the southeast
corner of the Thos. Hicks Survey, across Loving Avenue; thence North,
with the east side of Loving Avenue, 1180 feet parallel with Thirty-
First street as per original map of North Fort Worth; thence west
1830 feet to the center of Hannah Avenue, also known a&z; Midway Avenue;
thence southerly along the center line of Hannah Avenue to an inter-
section with the center line of 30th street ; thence northwesterly
50117 6 '10=/W/7/&!Kn5eOOn/WX7 W1h the ce,-71e,417a
along the center line ojA9 thenoe southwesterly along
the center line of Broadway Avenue to &n intersection with the center
line of 26th street; thence southeasterly along the center line of
26th street to an intersection with the center line of Ephriham Avenue;
thence southwesterly along the center line of Ephriham Avenue to an
intersection with the center line of 23rd street ; thence southeasterly
along center line of 23rd street to an interseotion with the center
line of Dodge Avenue; thence southwest .rly along the center line of
Dodge Avenue, to an intersection with the center line of 21st street;
thence southeasterly ng the center line of 21st street, to aa inter-
section with the center line of Adam street; thence northeast erly—along
the center line of Adam Street) to an intersection with the center line
of Hannah Avenue, (also known as Midway Aveaaq ) thence in a southerly
direction along the center line of Hannah Avenue, to a point which would
be the intersection of 20th street and the center line of Hannah
Avenue, if produced; thence in an easterly direction along the center linen
of 20th street, to an intaranotion with the center line of Gould Avenue;
thence northerly along the center line of Gould Avenue, to an inter-,
section with the center line of Zlst street; thence in an easterly
direction along the center line of 21st street to the place of
Section 7,
That Section 13, Chapter 1, Title 2. of the Revised
Ordinances of the Otty of Fort Worth, the same being a section
of an Ordinance, describing the metes and "bounds of the
Thirteenth Ward, in said City, be and the same is hereby amended
and after being so amended, to read as follows; "SECTION 13; n
"THIRTEENTH WARD"— Beginning at a point where the east boundary
line of the present oorporate limits intersects the center line
of the Trinity River; theLce in an easterly direction with the
meandaringB Of said River to the mouth of the Sycamore Greek;
thence U a southerly direction, following the meanderings of
said creek, to where the center line of said creek crosses the
south boundary line of the E.S.Terrell Survey; Theone in a
westerly directicn with the south boundary line of the E. S.Terrell
Survey and the A. Stenson Survey to a point in the West right-of-
way line of the I0.G.N.RY: Thence in a northeeaferly, northerly
and northwesterly directi pe
on, resctive along ly, alo said West right-
of-way line here it intersects Terrell Avenue Massa; Thenoe
in a northerly direction along the West boundary line of the
Manderson Survey, to the plaoe of beginning.
sectioL 8;-.
This Ordinance shall be held and construed as an amend-
ment to said above Ordinanoe, and all other Ordinances, passed
by the Board of Cam missiohers of the City of Fort Worth, now in
force, which may in confliot with the terms of this Ordinance,
which Ordinance shall rimain in full force and effect, except
as herein amended, and all other Ordinanoes, or part a of
Ordinances, in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed.
This Ordinance chili be in full force and effact
from and after its passage.---